ibm tivoli system automation for z/os v3.4 offers auto-discovery

IBM United States Software Announcement 212-111, dated April 24, 2012 IBM United States Software Announcement 212-111 IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation 1 IBM Tivoli System Automation for z/OS V3.4 offers auto-discovery and other migration capabilities to enable comprehensive policy based automation for System z and zEnterprise environments Table of contents 1 Overview 7 Technical information 2 Key prerequisites 12 Ordering information 2 Planned availability date 15 Terms and conditions 3 Description 20 Prices 6 Program number 20 Order now 7 Publications At a glance IBM® Tivoli® System Automation for z/OS® V3.4 provides enhancements to policy- based automation. IBM Tivoli System Automation for z/OS V3.4 helps: Eliminate the need for manual setup steps during policy customization by auto- discovering parameters needed to set your policies. Detect problems simply and quickly through the new IBM Tivoli Enterprise Portal (TEP) topology view Enable you to include new applications in SA based automation via the support of joblog messages Manage zEnterprise TM landscape availability including BladeCenters, virtual hosts, and virtual servers In addition, it provides several new command enhancements to enable you to more effectively manage day-to-day operations and administration. For ordering, contact Your IBM representative or an IBM Business Partner. For more information contact the Americas Call Centers at 800-IBM-CALL (426-2255). Reference: LE001 Overview IBM Tivoli System Automation for z/OS V3.4 offers a single point of control for a broad range of systems management functions. With Tivoli System Automation for z/OS, you get the visibility, control, and automation of a large range of system elements spanning both the hardware and software resources of enterprises in a sysplex. This mature, solid approach to automating system and application start up, shut down, recovery, response to problems, and disaster recovery is a key component in helping improve availability and costs on z/OS. IBM Tivoli System Automation for z/OS V3.4 provides enhancements in system automation focused on helping users’ efforts reduce the costs of IT operation, lower risk, and improve system and application availability.

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IBM United States Software Announcement212-111, dated April 24, 2012

IBM United States Software Announcement 212-111 IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation 1

IBM Tivoli System Automation for z/OS V3.4 offersauto-discovery and other migration capabilities toenable comprehensive policy based automation forSystem z and zEnterprise environmentsTable of contents

1 Overview 7 Technical information 2 Key prerequisites 12 Ordering information 2 Planned availability date 15 Terms and conditions 3 Description 20 Prices 6 Program number 20 Order now 7 Publications

At a glance

IBM® Tivoli® System Automation for z/OS® V3.4 provides enhancements to policy-based automation.

IBM Tivoli System Automation for z/OS V3.4 helps:

• Eliminate the need for manual setup steps during policy customization by auto-discovering parameters needed to set your policies.

• Detect problems simply and quickly through the new IBM Tivoli Enterprise Portal(TEP) topology view

• Enable you to include new applications in SA based automation via the support ofjoblog messages

• Manage zEnterpriseTM landscape availability including BladeCenters, virtual hosts,and virtual servers

In addition, it provides several new command enhancements to enable you to moreeffectively manage day-to-day operations and administration.

For ordering, contact Your IBM representative or an IBM Business Partner.For more information contact the Americas Call Centers at800-IBM-CALL (426-2255). Reference: LE001


IBM Tivoli System Automation for z/OS V3.4 offers a single point of control for abroad range of systems management functions. With Tivoli System Automationfor z/OS, you get the visibility, control, and automation of a large range of systemelements spanning both the hardware and software resources of enterprises in asysplex. This mature, solid approach to automating system and application startup, shut down, recovery, response to problems, and disaster recovery is a keycomponent in helping improve availability and costs on z/OS.

IBM Tivoli System Automation for z/OS V3.4 provides enhancements in systemautomation focused on helping users’ efforts reduce the costs of IT operation, lowerrisk, and improve system and application availability.

IBM United States Software Announcement 212-111 IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation 2

IBM Tivoli System Automation for z/OS V3.4 enhancements:

• The amount of time required to set up Tivoli System Automation can be reducedthrough a new auto discovery tool.

• System IPLs can be divided into stages, simplifying "partial" IPLs formaintenance or disaster recovery.

• Automation flexibility is improved with access to Joblogs and spooled output fromjobs.

• Versatile interfaces improve access to information, including topology views ofrelated resources.

• The same sets of user interfaces are provided to support an integrated solutionfor zEnterprise. This allows the activation and deactivation of blade machinesusing the same external interface currently available for IBM System z®, whichgives Tivoli System Automation for z/OS a single point of control capability tomanage the entire data center. You can manipulate zEnterprise BladeCenter®Extension (zBX) objects, such as blade servers, BladeCenters, and virtual servers(including automation scripts for activation and deactivation) that may lead toquicker implementation and improved productivity.

IBM Tivoli System Automation for z/OS V3.4 provides a policy-based automation toolthat manages systems and applications on z/OS:

• Cluster-wide automation policies that help to reduce complexity, implementationtime, coding, and support efforts

• Comprehensive Parallel Sysplex® management and automation functionsincluding single system image, single point of control, and unique Parallel Sysplexapplication automation

• Comprehensive zEnterprise automation from a single point of control

• Policy-based automation that can start, stop, monitor, and recover traditional z/OS as well as UNIXTM applications and resources

• Integration with Tivoli software enterprise solutions including IBM TivoliMonitoring, IBM Tivoli Workload Scheduler (TWS), and network management

• Alarm capabilities by means of integrating with Tivoli System Automation forIntegrated Operations Management

• Easy-to-use graphical user interface (GUI)

• Comprehensive automation for IBM IMSTM, CICS®, TWS, DB2®, SAP,OMEGAMON®, Geographically Dispersed Parallel SysplexTM (GDPS®), andWebSphere®

IBM System Automation for z/OS consists of the following components:

• System operations (SysOps) to manage system and application resources on z/OS

• Processor operations (ProcOps) to manage hardware changes through HardwareManagement Console (HMC) and Service Element (SE)

• I/O operations (I/O Ops) to manage I/O switch configuration and changes

Key prerequisites

Refer to the Technical information section.

Planned availability date

April 27, 2012

IBM United States Software Announcement 212-111 IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation 3


IBM Tivoli Enterprise Portal (TEP) topology view

The new TEP topology view that combines the dependency graph with the resourcestatus and other important run-time data about the resource managed andautomated by IBM Tivoli System Automation for z/OS allows operators to noticeodd system behavior. The view can also be used by the automation administrator tospot misconfiguration but also to verify the correct relationship definitions previouslymade in the System Automation customization dialog.

JobLog Monitoring

Messages produced by an application and written to the Joblog or a spooleddataset but not write-to-operator initiated to the syslog can be made available forautomation. A new attribute for the APL policy object is added that defines whetherjoblog monitoring should be done and the filter criteria for such a message. Onlymessages matching the filter criteria are caught by System Automation and theactions as defined in the policy are taken. It also helps to reduce the need for theinstallation to modify the application so that messages relevant for automation arewritten to the system console by WTO messages.

Garbage collector

The INGCLEAN command removes policy objects that become obsolete from theruntime data model. The command can be used by the installation when required,usually after refreshing the configuration. It helps reduce the effort and potentialhuman errors when deleting obsolete parts manually, for example, obsolete GDPSscripts.

Sample policy enhancements

Several new sample policies focus on replication software and the componentsnecessary to run a active/active environment to help users set up their data centerssuch that they can run active/active workloads efficiently.

Relational Data Services

A new command INGRDS provides a simple relational data management facility forautomation scripts running within a System Automation z/OS configured Netview.The INGRDS command provides basic access methods for relational data tables. Itis close to the concept of relation data framework but without the full SQL languageparser.

Concurrent batch command receiver

The batch command receiver has been enhanced to enable concurrent usage of thecommand receiver. This allows parallel processing of the commands submitted frombatch jobs. This can improve the job throughput since a job submitting a commandno longer needs to wait till a previously started job has completed the processing ofits submitted commands.

Extended status command enhancements

New policy controls take action when the resource reaches the "up" state basedon the state (up or down) of another resource. This is useful for resources that aredependent on each other.

Customization dialog enhancements

• The visualization of the minor resource automation flag and thresholds arechanged to show whether the settings are inherited from the class definitions.

• Any automation table override specified or modified is checked for the correctautomation table syntax. This helps improve the quality of the generated

IBM United States Software Announcement 212-111 IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation 4

automation table significantly since typographical errors and other errors aredetected at data entry time rather than automation table load time.

• The flat file update function creates and updates the system, MVSTM component,and group objects. Furthermore, objects can now be linked to other objects bymeans of the where-used attribute.

SDF user interface enhancements

The dynamic panel generation function composes a panel showing different aspectsof the system, for example, subsystem data, exceptional message, and write tooperator with replies (WTORs). This is done by supporting multiple body sectionsin a panel. It simplifies and helps reduce the manual effort for generating theinstallation tailored SDF panels as well as navigating through these panels.

• A new exit AOFEXX05 command allows the installation to replace user variablesdefined in the SDF tree and panel definitions based on the system for which thetree and panels are generated.

• Processor Operations (ProcOps) managed resources such as processors, logicalpartitions (LPAR), and ensembles are stored in SDF.

Runmode support

The concept of runmodes enables a staged IPL or system shutdown where only asubset of the resources are started or stopped. The concept can also be used toswitch from one environment to another, for example, from a normal mode into adisaster recovery mode or switching from a weekday configuration to a weekendconfiguration. It eliminates the need to have multiple policy databases, for example,production environment vs. disaster recovery. Maintaining just one policy can helpreduce the labor effort and help reduce input errors.

zEnterprise BladeCenter Extension (zBX) support

A new command called ISQECMD allows the operator or an automation script tomanipulate zBX objects such as BladeCenters, blade servers, virtual hosts, virtualservers, and so on. The command acts as an API and can be used to activate anddeactivate blades servers and virtual servers or to query the settings of the variousobjects. Taking direct influence on zBX objects such as blades or virtual serversby user written automation scripts can lead to reduced time-to-value (TTV) andimprove productivity.

Rolling recycle

A new parameter called CHUNK for the INGGROUP RECYCLE command enables theoperator to recycle more than one member of a server group in parallel. It helpsimprove the performance since it now takes a lot less time to recycle all activemembers of a server group.

Support for screen sizes

• 24*80, 32*80, 42*80, 27*132, 62*160

All Tivoli System Automation for z/OS commands (SysOps) are modified to exploitthe entire space of the physical screen for the command output. It can reduce theneed for the operator to do extensive scrolling since more of the data is showninitially.

Additional command enhancements

• AOFCPMSG enables the deletion of one or more messages that became obsoletewhile capturing a new message.

• The DISPGW command shows additional information for the remote systemssuch as primary and backup focal point, sysplex name, system name, SMFid, andso on.

• The INGAMS command shows additional information about the automationmanager.

IBM United States Software Announcement 212-111 IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation 5

• The INGCFG command allows the deletion of the history data associated with aresource.

• The INGDATA command supports additional filter criteria similar to the filterparameters of the INGLIST command.

• The INGEXEC command supports the resource description as filter criteria as wellas enhanced wildcarding for the SUBTYPE parameter.

• The TERMMSG and CORRWAIT parameters better control the commandsubmission.

• The INGIMS command displays the IMS dependent regions of the control regionas well as the time-controlled operations information associated with the controlregion.

• The INGLIST command supports additional filter criteria such as jobname,runtoken, description, and so on.

• The INGMSGS command enables the deletion of previously captured messagesbased on several criteria such as message ID or age.

• The INGSET command introduces the EXPIRED option that allows the cancellationof start/stop requests when exceeding a certain age.

• The INGTHRES command allows the deletion of the threshold definitions inlinemode.

• The MDFYSHUT can be called from the IBM Tivoli NetView® automation table toshorten and enlarge the shutdown interval or to abort the shutdown process.

• A new monitoring routine INGROMON focuses on better managing the z/OS UNIX(OMVS).

• The INGDATA command now returns more information the resource such asjobname.

Accessibility by people with disabilities

A U.S. Section 508 Voluntary Product Accessibility Template (VPAT) containingdetails on accessibility compliance can be requested at

Value Unit-based pricing

Value Unit pricing for eligible IBM System z IBM International Program LicenseAgreement (IPLA) programs enables a lower cost of incremental growth andenterprise aggregation. Each System z IPLA product with Value Unit pricing has asingle price per Value Unit and a conversion matrix, called Value Unit Exhibit, forconverting from some designated measurement to Value Units. Most commonly,Millions of Service Units (MSUs) is the measurement designated by IBM to beconverted to Value Units. Some other measurements are engines or messages.Since MSUs are the most common measurement, that measurement will be used forthe remainder of this description.

Value Unit pricing offers price benefits for you. For each System z IPLA program withValue Unit pricing, the quantity of that program needed to satisfy applicable IBMterms and conditions is referred to as the required license capacity. Each of thevarious Value Unit Exhibits stipulate that the larger your required license capacity,the fewer Value Units per MSU you will need. Value Unit Exhibits are uniquelyidentified by a three digit code and referred to using the nomenclature VUExxx,where xxx is the three digit code.

Subsequent acquisitions of Value Unit priced programs offer additional price benefits.The quantity of each System z IPLA program that you have acquired is referred to asentitled license capacity. If you wish to grow your entitled license capacity for aSystem z IPLA program, the calculation to determine additional needed Value Unitsis based upon the number of Value Units already acquired.

For each System z IPLA program with Value Unit pricing, you should:

• Determine the required license capacity, in MSUs

• Aggregate the MSUs across the enterprise

IBM United States Software Announcement 212-111 IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation 6

• Convert the total MSUs to Value Units, using the applicable Value Unit Exhibit

• Multiply the price per Value Unit by the total number of Value Units to determinethe total cost

To simplify conversion from the designated measurement to Value Units or vice-versa, use the Value Unit Converter Tool. For additional information or to obtain acopy of the Value Unit Converter Tool, visit the Value Unit Converter Tool website

Note that Value Units of a given product cannot be exchanged, interchanged, oraggregated with Value Units of another product.

To determine the required license capacity for the System z IPLA program youselected, refer to the Terms and conditions section.

Business Partner information

If you are a Direct Reseller - System Reseller acquiring products from IBM,you may link directly to Business Partner information for this announcement. APartnerWorld® ID and password are required (use IBM ID).

Program number

Program Programnumber VRM name 5698-SA3 V3.4 IBM Tivoli System Automation for z/OS

Product identification number

Subscription andProgram PID number Support PID number 5698-SA3 5698-S48

Education support

Comprehensive education for IBM Tivoli products is offered through WorldwideTivoli Education Delivery Services. A wide range of training options are available,including classes led by instructors, learning on demand, on-site training, andblended learning solutions.

For additional information, visit

Offering Information

Product information is available via the Offering Information website

IBM United States Software Announcement 212-111 IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation 7


One copy of each of the following publications is supplied in soft copy with the basicmachine-readable material on DVD (SK3T-4271) for IBM Tivoli System Automationfor z/OS V3.4 (5698-SA3):

FormTitle number Product Automation Programmer's Ref andOperator's Guide SC34-2643Customizing & Programming SC34-2644Planning and Installation SC34-2645Defining Automation Policy SC34-2646User's Guide SC34-2647Messages and Codes SC34-2648Operator's Commands SC34-2649Programmer's Reference SC34-2650TWS Automation Programmer's Reference SC34-2651End-to-End Automation Adapter SC34-2652Monitoring Agent Configuration and User's SC34-2653Guide

A license information document and a program directory, in hard copy form aresupplied automatically with the basic machine-readable material.

FormTitle number License Information GI11-9705Program Directory GI11-2718

A license information document and a program directory, in hard copy form aresupplied automatically with the basic machine-readable material.

The IBM Publications Center

The Publications Center is a worldwide central repository for IBM productpublications and marketing material with a catalog of 70,000 items. Extensivesearch facilities are provided. Payment options for orders are via credit card (inthe U.S.) or customer number for 20 countries. A large number of publicationsare available online in various file formats, and they can all be downloaded by allcountries, free of charge.

Technical information

Specified operating environment

Hardware requirements

IBM Tivoli System Automation for z/OS V3.4 runs in a virtual storage environmenton any IBM or non-IBM system configuration with sufficient storage to support the z/OS operating system.

Software requirements

IBM Tivoli System Automation for z/OS is executed as an application on the z/OSoperating system.

Programming requirements for all functions:

• IBM z/OS V1.11, or later

• IBM Tivoli NetView for z/OS (5697-ENV) V5.3, or later

IBM United States Software Announcement 212-111 IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation 8

• Other optional functional programming requirements

For additional information, refer to the Program Directory (or Planning andInstallation manual).

The program's specifications and specified operating environment information maybe found in documentation accompanying the program, if available, such as areadme file, or other information published by IBM, such as an announcement letter.Documentation and other program content may be supplied only in the Englishlanguage.

Planning information

Direct customer support

Direct customer support is provided by IBM Operational Support Services -SoftwareXcel. This fee service enhances your productivity by providing voice andelectronic access into the IBM support organization. IBM Operational SupportServices - SoftwareXcel helps answer questions pertaining to usage and suspectedsoftware defects for eligible products.

Installation and technical support is provided by Global Services. For moreinformation call 800-IBM-4YOU (426-4968).

For technical support or assistance, contact your IBM representative or visit


IBM Tivoli System Automation for z/OS V3.4 is distributed with:

• International Program License Agreement (Z125-3301)

• License Information

• 3590 tape cartridge

• Publications (refer to the Publications section)

This program, when downloaded from a website, contains the applicable IBMlicense agreement and License Information, if appropriate, and will be presentedfor acceptance at the time of installation of the program. For future reference, thelicense and License Information will be stored in a directory such as LICENSE.TXT.

Security, auditability, and control

IBM Tivoli System Automation for z/OS V3.4 uses the security and auditabilityfeatures of the operating system software. The customer is responsible forevaluation, selection, and implementation of security features, administrativeprocedures, and appropriate controls in application systems and communicationfacilities.

Software Services

IBM Software Services has the breadth, depth, and reach to manage your servicesneeds. You can leverage the deep technical skills of our lab-based, software servicesteam and the business consulting, project management, and infrastructure expertiseof our IBM Global Services team. Also, we extend our IBM Software Services reachthrough IBM Business Partners to provide an extensive portfolio of capabilities.Together, we provide the global reach, intellectual capital, industry insight, andtechnology leadership to support a wide range of critical business needs.

To learn more about IBM Software Services or to contact a Software Services salesspecialist, visit

IBM United States Software Announcement 212-111 IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation 9

IBM Tivoli software products are priced using IBM Tivoli's Enhanced Value-BasedPricing. The Enhanced Value-Based Pricing system is based upon the IBM TivoliEnvironment- Managed Licensing Model, which uses a managed-environmentapproach -- whereby price is determined by what is managed rather than thenumber and type of product components installed.

For example, all servers monitored with IBM Tivoli's monitoring product (IBM TivoliMonitoring) require entitlements sufficient for those servers. Other Tivoli productsmay manage clients, client devices, agents, network nodes, users, or other items,and are licensed and priced accordingly.

Unlike typical systems management licensing models that require entitlementsof specific software components to specific systems, the IBM Tivoli Environment-Managed Licensing Model provides the customer flexibility to deploy its IBM Tivolisoftware products within its environment in a manner that can address and respondto the customer's evolving architecture. That is, as the architecture of a customer'senvironment changes, the customer's implementation of IBM Tivoli software can bealtered, as needed, without affecting the customer's license requirements (as longas the customer does not exceed its entitlements to the software).

Under Enhanced Value-Based Pricing, licensing and pricing of server-orientedapplications are determined based upon the server's use in the customer'senvironment. Typically, such applications are licensed and priced in a manner thatcorresponds to each installed and activated processor of the server managed by theIBM Tivoli application to help correlate price to value while offering a simple solution.

Where a server is physically partitioned, this approach is modified. This partitioningtechnique is the approach used with systems that have either multiple cards ormultiple frames, each of which can be configured independently. For servers capableof physical partitioning (for example, IBM System p® Scalable POWERparallelSystems® servers, Sun Ultra servers, and HP Superdome servers), an entitlementis required for each processor in the physical partition being managed by theTivoli application. For example, assume that a server has 24 processors installedin aggregate. If this server is not partitioned, entitlements are required for all24 processors. If, however, it is physically partitioned into three partitions, eachcontaining eight processors, and Tivoli products were managing only one of thethree partitions, then entitlements would be required for the eight processors on thephysical partition managed by the IBM Tivoli application.

For servers with virtual or logical partitions, entitlements are required for all installedand activated processors on the server. For each IBM Tivoli application managinga clustered environment, licensing is based on the cumulative number of installedand activated processors on each server in the cluster. Where the cluster includesphysically partitioned servers, the considerations described above concerningphysically partitioned servers apply as well.

Enhanced Value-Based Pricing recognizes the convergence of RISC and UNIX, andMicrosoftTM WindowsTM and IntelTM technologies, in order to simplify your licensingrequirements, and to provide a smoother, more scalable model. Pricing and licensingdoes not differentiate between non-System z server platforms or operating systems.For some products, this platform neutrality extends to System z and other hostservers as well.

IBM Tivoli Enhanced Value-Based Pricing terminology definitions


An engine is also referred to as a central processor (CP) or processor. Engines fortraditional workloads are called General Purpose CPs. Engines for LinuxTM workloadsare called Integrated Facility for Linux (IFL) engines or Linux-only engines. Enginesfor Coupling Facility workloads are called Integrated Coupling Facility (ICF) engines.

IBM United States Software Announcement 212-111 IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation 10

IBM Integrated Facility for Linux (IFL)

This optional facility enables additional processing capacity exclusively for Linuxworkload, with no effect on the model designation of a System z or OS/390® server.Consequently, executing Linux workload on the IFL will not, in most cases, result inany increased IBM software charges for z/OS, OS/390, VM, VSE, or TPF operatingsystems and applications. There is, as indicated, a charge associated with the IFL,and there may also be a charge for applications which run on the IFL.

The IFL may be dedicated to a single Linux-mode logical partition or it may beshared by multiple Linux-mode logical partitions. Installations should note thatthe Linux workspace enabled by this facility will not support any of the traditionalS/390® operating systems (OS/390, TPF, VSE, or VM). Only Linux applicationsor Linux operating in conjunction with the Virtual Image Facility, an environmentthat operates within a logical partition or in native S/390 mode and provides thecapability to create multiple Linux images, are supported by IBM S/390 IFL.

Millions of Service Units (MSUs)

MSU is defined as millions of CPU service units per hour, which is the measure ofcapacity used to describe the computing power of the hardware processors on whichS/390 or System z software runs. Processor MSU values are determined by thehardware vendor, IBM, or Software Compatible Vendors (SCVs).

For more detailed information about System z software pricing, go to


A server's resources (CPU, memory, I/O, interconnects, and buses) may be dividedaccording to the needs of the applications running on the server. This partitioningcan be implemented with physical boundaries (Physical Partitions) or logicalboundaries (Logical Partitions).

Physical Partitions are defined by a collection of processors dedicated to a workloadand can be used with systems that have either multiple cards or multiple frames,each of which can be configured independently. In this method, the partitions aredivided along hardware boundaries and processors, and the I/O boards, memory,and interconnects are not shared.

Logical Partitions are defined by software rather than hardware and allocate apool of processing resources to a collection of workloads. These partitions, whileseparated by software boundaries, share hardware components and run in one ormore physical partitions.

Standby or backup systems

For programs running or resident on backup machines, IBM defines three types ofsituations: cold, warm, and hot. In cold and warm situations, a separate entitlementfor the copy on the backup machine is normally not required and typically noadditional charge applies. In a hot backup situation, the customer needs to acquireother license or entitlements sufficient for that server. All programs running inbackup mode must be solely under the customer's control, even if running atanother enterprise's location.

As a practice, the following are definitions and allowable actions concerning the copyof the program used for backup purposes.

Cold: A copy of the program may reside, for backup purposes, on a machine as longas the program is not started. There is no additional charge for this copy.

Warm: A copy of the program may reside for backup purposes on a machine and isstarted, but is idling, and is not doing any work of any kind. There is no additionalcharge for this copy.

IBM United States Software Announcement 212-111 IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation 11

Hot: A copy of the program may reside for backup purposes on a machine, isstarted, and is doing work. The customer must acquire a license or entitlements forthis copy and there will generally be an additional charge.

Doing work includes, for example, production, development, program maintenance,and testing. It also could include other activities such as mirroring of transactions,updating of files, synchronization of programs, data or other resources (for example,active linking with another machine, program, database or other resource, and soon), or any activity or configurations that would allow an active hot switch or othersynchronized switch over between programs, databases, or other resources to occur.

In the case of a program or system configuration that is designed to support ahigh availability environment by using various techniques (for example, duplexing,mirroring of files, or transactions, maintaining a heartbeat, active linking withanother machine, program, database, or other resource), the program is consideredto be doing work in the hot situation and a license or entitlement must bepurchased.

Value Units

A Value Unit is a metric used to compute license quantities, is program specific, andis typically only used on products managing System z systems.

Product website

A complete list of products and licensing documents is available at

Pricing examples

IBM Tivoli System Automation for z/OS

The customer desires to implement Parallel Sysplex application automation andpolicy-based self-healing on its 1,500 MSU System z server. Because licensing is perValue Unit (calculated based on the number of MSUs) on the IBM System z serversmonitored, the customer must obtain the following entitlements:

MSUs Value Units/MSU Value Units Base 3 1.00 3.00 Tier A 42 .15 6.30 Tier B 130 .08 10.40 Tier C 140 .04 5.60 Tier D 1,185 .03 35.55 Total 1,500 60.85

Value Units for non MSU-based S/390 processors: System Value Units/System MP3000 H30 3 MP3000 H50 4 MP3000 H70 6 ESL models 1

Value Units for IBM 9672 processors are based upon the full capacity of thesesystems. This is applicable to all System z systems measured on MSU capacity.Information on MSU capacities can be found in the 'IBM System/370, System/390®and zSeries® Machine Exhibit, Z125-3901.

IBM United States Software Announcement 212-111 IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation 12


• Tivoli NetView for z/OS (a separate IBM MLC offering) is a prerequisite for TivoliSystem Automation for z/OS V3.4.

• Value Unit calculations are per system/sysplex, using the PSLC aggregation rules.

Ordering information

The program in this announcement all have Value Unit-Based pricing.

Programnumber Program name Value Unit exhibit 5698-SA3 IBM Tivoli System VUE020 Automation for z/OS V3.4

For each System z IPLA program with Value Unit pricing, the quantity of thatprogram needed to satisfy applicable IBM terms and conditions is referred to asthe required license capacity. Your required license capacity is based upon thefollowing factors:

• The System z IPLA program you select

• The applicable Value Unit Exhibit

• The applicable terms

• Whether your current mainframes are full-capacity or sub-capacity

Value Unit exhibit VUE020 ValueLevel Minimum Maximum Units/MSU Base 1 3 1Tier A 4 45 0.15Tier B 46 175 0.08Tier C 176 315 0.04Tier D 316 + 0.03 Value Units for mainframes without MSU ratings: ValueHW Units/machine MP3000 H30 3MP3000 H50 4MP3000 H70 6ESL models 1

Value Unit exhibit VUE020

ValueLevel Minimum Maximum Units/MSU Base 1 3 1Tier A 4 45 0.15Tier B 46 175 0.08Tier C 176 315 0.04Tier D 316 + 0.03

Value Units for mainframes without MSU ratings:

ValueHW Units/machine MP3000 H30 3MP3000 H50 4

IBM United States Software Announcement 212-111 IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation 13

MP3000 H70 6ESL models 1

Ordering z/OS through the Internet

ShopzSeries provides an easy way to plan and order your z/OS ServerPac or CBPDO.It will analyze your current installation, determine the correct product migration,and present your new configuration based on z/OS. Additional products can alsobe added to your order (including determination of whether all product requisitesare satisfied). ShopzSeries is available in the US and several countries in Europe. Incountries where ShopzSeries is not available yet, contact your IBM representative(or IBM Business Partner) to handle your order via the traditional IBM orderingprocess. For more details and availability, visit the ShopzSeries website at

Single version charging

To elect single version charging, you must notify and identify to IBM the priorprogram and replacement program, and the machine the programs are operatingon.

Current licensees

Current licensees, with support in effect, will receive instructions on how to orderthis update.

New licensees

Orders for new licenses will be accepted now.

Shipment will begin on the planned availability date.

Basic license

Ordering information for 5698-SA3 MSU-based System z offerings

To order, specify the program product number and the appropriate license or chargeoption. Also, specify the desired distribution medium. To suppress shipment ofmedia, select the license-only option in CFSW.

Program name: IBM Tivoli System Automation for z/OSProgram PID: 5698-SA3 Entitlement License option/identifier Description Pricing metric S011WKH IBM Tivoli System Automation Basic OTC, per Value Unit for z/OS V3.4 Orderable supply ID: Language Distribution medium S0161SG English 3590 tape cartridgeS0161SH Japanese 3590 tape cartridge

Subscription and Support PID: 5698-S48 Entitlement License option/identifier Description Pricing Metric S010BVV IBM Tivoli System Basic ASC, per Value Automation for z/OS Unit SW S&S no charge, S&S decline SW S&S per MSU SW S&S registration Orderable Language Distribution mediumsupply ID

IBM United States Software Announcement 212-111 IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation 14

S010C0H English Hardcopy pubS010C0J Japanese Hardcopy pub

Ordering information for On/Off Capacity on Demand (On/Off CoD)

IBM Tivoli System Automation for z/OS is eligible for On/Off CoD with a TemporaryUse Charge calculated based on MSUs-per-day usage.

Program name: IBM Tivoli System Automation for z/OSProgram PID: 5698-SA3 Entitlement License option/identifier Description Pricing metric S011WKH IBM Tivoli System Basic OTC, Per MSU-day Automation for z/OS TUC

Subscription and Support

To receive voice technical support via telephone during normal business hours andfuture releases and versions at no additional charge, Subscription and Support mustbe ordered. The capacity of Subscription and Support (for example, Value Units ornumber of processors) must be the same as the capacity ordered for the productlicenses.

To order, specify the Subscription and Support program product number and theappropriate license or charge option.

IBM is also providing Subscription and Support for these products via a separatelypurchased offering under the terms of the IBM International Agreement forAcquisition of Support (IAAS). This offering:

• Includes and extends the support services provided in the base support toinclude technical support via telephone during normal business hours.

• Entitles customers to future releases and versions at no additional charge. Notethat the customer is not entitled to new products.

When Subscription and Support is ordered, the charges will renew automaticallyannually unless cancelled by the customer.

Customized Offerings

Product deliverables are shipped only via CBPDO, ServerPac, SystemPac®.

CBPDO and ServerPac are offered for Internet delivery in countries whereShopzSeries product ordering is available. Internet delivery reduces softwaredelivery time and allows you to install software without the need to handle tapes.For more details on Internet delivery, refer to the ShopzSeries help information at

You choose the delivery method when you order the software. IBM recommendsInternet delivery. In addition to Internet and DVD, the supported tape deliveryoptions for CBPDO, ServerPac, and SystemPac, include:

• 3590

• 3592

Most products can be ordered in ServerPac and SystemPac the month followingtheir availability on CBPDO. z/OS can be ordered via all three offerings at generalavailability. Production of software product orders will begin on the planned generalavailability date.

• CBPDO shipments will begin one week after general availability.

IBM United States Software Announcement 212-111 IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation 15

• ServerPac shipments will begin two weeks after general availability

• SystemPac shipments will begin four weeks after general availability due toadditional customization, and data input verification.

Terms and conditions

The information provided in this announcement letter is for reference andconvenience purposes only. The terms and conditions that govern any transactionwith IBM are contained in the applicable contract documents such as the IBMInternational Program License Agreement, IBM International Passport Advantage®Agreement, and the IBM Agreement for Acquisition of Software Maintenance.


IBM International Program License Agreement including the License Informationdocument and Proof of Entitlement (PoE) govern your use of the program. PoEs arerequired for all authorized use.

Agreement for Acquisition of Software Maintenance

The following agreement applies for Software Subscription and Support (SoftwareMaintenance) and does not require customer signatures:

• IBM Agreement for Acquisition of Software Maintenance (Z125-6011)

This program is licensed under the IBM Program License Agreement (IPLA) and theassociated Agreement for Acquisition of Software Maintenance, which provide forsupport with ongoing access to releases and versions of the program. This programhas a one-time license charge for use of the program and an annual renewablecharge for the enhanced support that includes telephone assistance (voice supportfor defects during normal business hours), as well as access to updates, releases,and versions of the program as long as support is in effect.

IBM System z Operational Support Services - SoftwareXcel is an option if you desireadded services.

License Information form number


The program's License Information will be available for review on the IBM SoftwareLicense Agreement website

Limited warranty applies


Limited warranty

IBM warrants that when the program is used in the specified operating environment,it will conform to its specifications. The warranty applies only to the unmodifiedportion of the program. IBM does not warrant uninterrupted or error-free operationof the program or that IBM will correct all program defects. You are responsible forthe results obtained from the use of the program.

IBM provides you with access to IBM databases containing information on knownprogram defects, defect corrections, restrictions, and bypasses at no additionalcharge. For further information, consult the IBM Software Support Handbook foundat

IBM United States Software Announcement 212-111 IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation 16

IBM will maintain this information for at least one year after the original licenseeacquires the program (warranty period).

Program support

Enhanced support, called Subscription and Support, includes telephone assistance,as well as access to updates, releases, and versions of the program as long assupport is in effect. You will be notified of discontinuance of support with 12 months'notice.

Money-back guarantee

If for any reason you are dissatisfied with the program and you are the originallicensee, you may obtain a refund of the amount you paid for it, if within 30 days ofyour invoice date you return the program and its PoE to the party from whom it wasobtained. If you downloaded the program, you may contact the party from whomyou acquired it for instructions on how to obtain the refund.

For clarification, note that for programs acquired under any of IBM's On/Off Capacityon Demand (On/Off CoD) software offerings, this term does not apply since theseofferings apply to programs already acquired and in use by you.

Other terms

Volume orders (IVO)


IBM International Passport Advantage Agreement

Passport Advantage applies


Usage restriction

Yes. Usage is limited to the quantity of Value Units licensed.

For additional information, refer to the License Information document that isavailable on the IBM Software License Agreement website

Software Subscription and Support applies

No. For operating system software, the revised IBM Operational Support Services- SoftwareXcel offering will provide support for those operating systems andassociated products that are not available with the Software Subscription andSupport (Software Maintenance) offering.

This will ensure total support coverage for your enterprise needs, including IBM andselected non-IBM products. For complete lists of products supported under both thecurrent and revised offering, visit

IBM Operational Support Services - SoftwareXcel


System i Software Maintenance applies


IBM United States Software Announcement 212-111 IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation 17

Variable charges apply


Educational allowance available

Yes. A 15% education allowance applies to qualified education institution customers.

Sub-capacity terms and conditions

For each System z IPLA program with Value Unit pricing, the quantity of thatprogram needed to satisfy applicable IBM terms and conditions is referred to as therequired license capacity. Your required license capacity is based upon the followingfactors:

• The System z IPLA program you select

• The applicable Value Unit Exhibit

• The applicable terms

• Whether your current mainframes are full capacity or sub-capacity

For more information on the Value Unit Exhibit for the System z IPLA program youselected, refer to the Ordering information section.

Program Parent,number Program name Terms if applicable

5698-SA3 IBM Tivoli System Execution-based Automation for z/OS V3.4

Full-capacity mainframes

In cases where full capacity is applicable, the following terms apply.

Execution based, z/OS based, full machine based: The required capacity of a Systemz IPLA program with these terms equals the MSU-rated capacity of the machineswhere the System z IPLA program executes.

For more information on mainframe MSU-rated capacities, visit

Reference based: The required license capacity of a System z IPLA program withthese terms equals the license capacity of the applicable monthly license charge(MLC) program. This MLC program is called the parent program.

Sub-capacity mainframes

In cases where sub-capacity is applicable, the following terms apply.

Execution based: The required capacity of a System z IPLA sub-capacity programwith these terms equals the capacity of the LPARs where the System z IPLA programexecutes.

z/OS based: The required license capacity of a System z IPLA program with theseterms equals the license capacity of z/OS on the machines where the System z IPLAprogram executes.

Reference based: The required license capacity of a System z IPLA program withthese terms equals the license capacity of the applicable monthly license charge(MLC) program. This MLC program is called the parent program.

Full machine based: The required license capacity of a System z IPLA program withfull machine based terms equals the MSU-rated capacity of the machines where theSystem z IPLA program executes.

IBM United States Software Announcement 212-111 IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation 18

For more information on mainframe MSU-rated capacities, refer to The IBM Systemz Machines Exhibit, Z125-3901, or visit the Mainframes section of the System zExhibits website

For more information on sub-capacity System z IPLA terms and conditions, refer toSoftware Announcement 204-184, dated August 10, 2004.

For additional information for products with reference-based terms, System zIPLA sub-capacity programs with reference-based terms adds value to the parentprogram across the environment, regardless of where in the environment theSystem z IPLA program executes.

An environment is defined as either a single or stand-alone machine or a qualifiedParallel Sysplex. You may have one or more different environments across theenterprise. To determine the required license capacity for each System z IPLAprogram with referenced-based terms, each environment should be assessedseparately.

When a System z IPLA sub-capacity program with reference-based terms is used ina qualified Parallel Sysplex environment, the required license capacity of the Systemz IPLA program must equal with the license capacity of the parent program acrossthe Parallel Sysplex. Qualified Parallel Sysplex refers to one:

• That meets the criteria defined in Hardware Announcement 198-001, datedJanuary 13, 1998

• Where MLC pricing is aggregated across the sysplex

Sub-capacity eligibility

To be eligible for sub-capacity charging on select System z IPLA programs, youmust first implement and comply with all terms of either sub-capacity WorkloadLicense Charges (WLC) or sub-capacity Entry Workload License Charges (EWLC). Toimplement sub-capacity WLC or EWLC, a machine must be System z (or equivalent).On that machine:

• All instances of the OS/390 operating system must be migrated to the z/OSoperating systems

• Any licenses for the OS/390 operating system must be discontinued

• All instances of the z/OS operating systems must be running in z/Architecture®(64-bit) mode

For that machine, you must create and submit a Sub-Capacity Report to IBM eachmonth. Sub-Capacity Reports must be generated using the Sub-Capacity ReportingTool (SCRT). For additional information or to obtain a copy of SCRT, visit the Systemz Software Pricing website

You must comply with all of the terms of the WLC or EWLC offering, whichever isapplicable:

• The complete terms and conditions of sub-capacity WLC are defined in the IBMCustomer Agreement - Attachment for System z Workload License Charges(Z125-6516).

• The complete terms and conditions for sub-capacity EWLC are defined in theIBM Customer Agreement - Attachment for IBM System z 890 and 800 LicenseCharges (Z125-6587).

Additionally, you must sign and comply with the terms and conditions specified inthe amendment to the IPLA contract - Amendment for IBM System z9® and Systemz Programs Sub-Capacity Pricing (Z125-6929). Once the amendment is signed, theterms in the amendment replace any and all previous System z IPLA sub-capacityterms and conditions.

IBM United States Software Announcement 212-111 IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation 19

Sub-capacity utilization determination

Sub-capacity utilization is determined based on the utilization of an eligibleoperating system and machine (for example, z/OS running in z/Architecture (64 bit)mode on a System z ((or equivalent) server).

On/Off Capacity on Demand (CoD)

To be eligible for On/Off CoD pricing, you must be enabled for temporary capacity onthe corresponding hardware, and the required contract, Attachment for IBM Systemz On/Off Capacity on Demand (Z125-7883) must be signed prior to use.

Statement of good security practices

IT system security involves protecting systems and information through prevention,detection, and response to improper access from within and outside yourenterprise. Improper access can result in information being altered destroyed ormisappropriated or can result in misuse of your systems to attack others. Without acomprehensive approach to security, no IT system or product should be consideredcompletely secure and no single product or security measure can be completelyeffective in preventing improper access. IBM systems and products are designedto be part of a comprehensive security approach, which will necessarily involveadditional operational procedures, and may require other systems, products, orservices to be most effective. IBM does not warrant that systems and products areimmune from the malicious or illegal conduct of any party.

IBM Electronic Services

IBM has transformed its delivery of hardware and software support services tohelp you achieve higher system availability. Electronic Services is a web-enabledsolution that offers an exclusive, no-additional-charge enhancement to the serviceand support available for IBM servers. These services are designed to providethe opportunity for greater system availability with faster problem resolutionand preemptive monitoring. Electronic Services comprises two separate, butcomplementary, elements: Electronic Services news page and Electronic ServicesAgent.

The Electronic Services news page is a single Internet entry point that replaces themultiple entry points traditionally used to access IBM Internet services and support.The news page enables you to gain easier access to IBM resources for assistance inresolving technical problems.

The Electronic Service AgentTM is no-additional-charge software that resides onyour server. It monitors events and transmits system inventory information to IBMon a periodic, client-defined timetable. The Electronic Service Agent automaticallyreports hardware problems to IBM. Early knowledge about potential problemsenables IBM to deliver proactive service that may result in higher system availabilityand performance. In addition, information collected through the Service Agent ismade available to IBM service support representatives when they help answer yourquestions or diagnose problems. Installation and use of IBM Electronic Service Agentfor problem reporting enables IBM to provide better support and service for yourIBM server.

To learn how Electronic Services can work for you, visit

IBM United States Software Announcement 212-111 IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation 20


Information on charges is available at website

In the Electronic tools category, select the option for Purchase/upgrade tools.

Passport Advantage

For Passport Advantage and charges, contact your IBM representative or yourauthorized IBM Business Partner. Additional information is also available at

Order now

To order, contact your local IBM representative or your IBM Business Partner.

To identify your local IBM Business Partner or IBM representative, call 800-IBM-4YOU (426-4968). For more information, contact the Americas Call Centers.

Phone: 800-IBM-CALL (426-2255)Fax: 800-2IBM-FAX (242-6329)For IBM representative: [email protected]

For IBM Business Partner: [email protected] Mail: IBM Teleweb Customer Support® Sales Execution Center, Americas North 3500 Steeles Ave. East, Tower 3/4 Markham, Ontario Canada L3R 2Z1 Reference: LE001

The Americas Call Centers, our national direct marketing organization, can add yourname to the mailing list for catalogs of IBM products.

Note: Shipments will begin after the planned availability date.


zEnterprise, IMS, Geographically Dispersed Parallel Sysplex, MVS and ElectronicService Agent are trademarks of IBM Corporation in the United States, othercountries, or both.

IBM, Tivoli, z/OS, System z, BladeCenter, Parallel Sysplex, CICS, DB2, OMEGAMON,GDPS, WebSphere, NetView, PartnerWorld, System p, Scalable POWERparallelSystems, OS/390, S/390, System/390, zSeries, SystemPac, Passport Advantage, z/Architecture, System z9 and are registered trademarks of IBM Corporationin the United States, other countries, or both.

UNIX is a registered trademark of The Open Group in the United States and othercountries.

Microsoft and Windows are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States,other countries, or both.

Intel is a trademark of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries in the United States andother countries.

Linux is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds in the United States, othercountries, or both.

IBM United States Software Announcement 212-111 IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation 21

Other company, product, and service names may be trademarks or service marks ofothers.

Terms of use

IBM products and services which are announced and available in your countrycan be ordered under the applicable standard agreements, terms, conditions,and prices in effect at the time. IBM reserves the right to modify or withdraw thisannouncement at any time without notice. This announcement is provided for yourinformation only. Additional terms of use are located at

For the most current information regarding IBM products, consult your IBMrepresentative or reseller, or visit the IBM worldwide contacts page