i repairing toolsnyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7vt43hzc5z/data/0141.pdf · j i the central record w mltk...

J I THE CENTRAL RECORD w MltK JIKMUION UNTAItmiMI DKMOCIUCy ANlJ GOOD JOVBIlNlIEN1 w ttlNKTKHNTH trrur LAN SJ R + RRre HVMBKM 43 c3Jtt41tOOJa nac3Jat1J t1Ja I HORSE SHOEING v Wo huvo employed n good porno shoor null 1 nro prepared to give you good shooing m PLOW SHARPENING J Wo lion grind your ol < l plow poinLnnc1 it will glvo you ns much service ns n nCw oHo You 1 will bo surprised u Cutting Harrows Sharpened J I i We hnvc n machine to sharpen cutting harrows This reduces the draft on your team and improves the amount 1 of work for you are losing time and money by using n dull tool t I Repairing Of FIrm Tools j j J t Dont throw away your Plows Cutting Harrows lookI over We can save you money by repairing the- mFriend tthen 1 i We Are The Farmers 1If I you have a break down or any trouble with your J implements you can save time and money by consulting IUI ns there arc so many things that we can repair and you dont have to wait to order front factory 1 4 j CONN BROTHERS rJII Local Items 1r1l101EI Mm Frances llcnuclmmp will lecture hero some time Hill nuintli The ex- act j date will bo announced later Wo are Kind to learn tint Mr lniti Todd who hall been conllncd for sumo weeks is doing wnll since the opera Lion was performed Tho homo of Mr and Mrs 110 Simpson was tirade happier Tuesday mornliiK when Kllzaboth LOKIII nil nouuccd her arrival President It IL JroHhlleld of Jrnn i nylvanla UnlvciMlV of Lexington will preach at ChrlHtlun church next Sun day murnlnit at the usual hour Tho Lancaster Steam Laundry has employed an expert laundry man from LexltiKtoD who has had many years ex perleiicc and they Kuuranlco satisiac lion They will appreciate your pal ronaRC I Bank Cloned On Friday February 12th Ccnlcn nlnl Anniversary of the birth of Abra- ham Lincoln nil of the banks In this city will bo closed They will also bo I closed on Monday February 22J which U tbo anniversary of Washing tons birthday Hard Luck Tho editor of I his paper had hard luck last week when without any up parent cause Ida bin rill hUll that ho was depending on for about half his next years living died but If delin ¬ quent subscribers will treat us well p Rslbly we can buy another Russ LMo4 Enterprise Dont this touch I your sympathy If so III ease remit In Now York J n Walker of Richmond proprl ctor of the largest Ladles Heady to Wear Store In Kentucky wjjh Miss Hattlo Doty of Lancaster as an ad visor along the lines of purchasing Is hisIndvcrtlKcment In the Record Gooch Kllsha Qooch the son of Lllbnrno Gooch of Goshen neighborhood died Saturday Feb Oth In his fathers home lie had suffered from a pro- tracted IllntSH covering many month Ho was twenty three years of ago and ono of the noblest Christian charac ¬ ters In his community having been a member or I Ito church slllco ten years of age Ills funeral took place at the Goshen church Sunday afternoon be- ing ¬ conducted by Elders J U Livings ¬ ton and F M Tinder Ho was a neph ¬ ew of Wm pouch of this county t 1 lWWWU I I J i T I See our New Line of S 7 M t I- I S JacIiesIL I Y Viot I j c tprIng itJIll 1 A- I 4 Oxfords i t OVERCOATS and SUITS i AT COST s It J i i H T LOGAN r eC ft g 4 r I It w i i a I I i k vwr Vlll MwriWT West broad nod NY Ai Arnold OIJSwllleI the lust Item III Olios issue Viltiablo Infurmutlun for you Tho Hllvor Iea given nt the Pro bytcrlan church was pronounced n grand HIICCCM 1ho free will offering MIL wits wits beyond expectation af- ter tlio weather pr so disagree- able Smith Tlio sad news of the death of Mrs Calllo Smith which occurred Tuesday nt hurt Worth Texas was received by Mr lack Adani wtdncidar The icceased was the widow of John Smll who lived near Point Lick for ninny Years Site was n Mslcr of Mrs Sill blare of IJr1nlltsvllie und or Mr Jack Adams of tills city School Exorcise Every Monday nuking the opening exercises of the graded schools consist of speeches anti poetic declarations made by half dozen or more of the pu- pils each teacher taking It In turn to furnish the program by represent lives from her grades Tho patrons and public generally are given a cur dial Invitation to hC present at these exorcises Shearer Move Wo and the community at large deeply regret the departure of M D t E M Shearer to Montlcollo their native home after living In our com- munity for about three years They made many friends here by fair deal lug and mural upright and affable conduct They believe In und prac lice a high grade of citizenship and such nice arc needed In every country Mrs Louisa Ilollzclaw who was so painfully burned at her homo In Ircacliersvllle died last Friday her Buttering were intense until death re- lieved her The Interment followed Saturday In the Lancaster cemetery She Is survived by many relatives and friends besides her Immediate fatnll which Is as follows Four daughters Mesdames Pebbles Sebastian lIne und Lawrence and four sons William John Robert and Mason Holtzclaw Lincoln Primary At the primary election held In Lit coin county Saturday a largo voto was polled and everything passed quietly Ibo successful ones arc as follows W S Uurch for County Attorney J D Swupe fir Circuit Clerk W L Mc Carty fur sheriff JohU 0 Poppies fur assessor Dink farmer fur Jailer Qco P Bright for ruroner Judge J P Ualley forCountyJRdgcQ UCoop er for County Clerk Garland Singleton for School Superintendent W II Shanks for Representative James Mc Kechlne for magistrate and I M Bruce for constable were nominated by the committee some weeks ago liav ng no opposition The closest race was between M S Haughman and W Li McCarty for sheriff latter winning by only 20 votes Reduced Rates The coliseum at Loulsvihletias been selected for the place to hold the Anti Saloon League State Convention on February 10 17 und 18th Railroad rates will ha ono and onehalf faro all the cerUIIcato plan A great conven Jon Is expected and many speakers of ircat notoriety will bo there among them are Guy II U Olcenn of North Carolina Asst Attorney General rlckett or Kansas City Kansas He- W 0 Taylor D n of Petersburg vu Rev Brooks of Alabama Judge Ed 0 ORear of Frankfort lion 0 E Woods Mayor of Richmond Dr U II Crosslleld Prcs Transylvania University and many others as good The W 0 T U will furnlsli meals tit the Coliseum at SScente This being the first convention or the kind hold In Kentucky a cordial Invitation Is extended to all that it nay bo a grand success City Connell The City Counill mot In a called ses lon Monday night with all the coun oilmen present and Mayor Logan pre- siding The object of this meeting was to hear from tho citizens of the town In regard to soiling time Telephone lfranchise and overy seat In the court- room was tilled After tho reading of the old con- tract between the city and the liastln olephono Company which Is tho said ompanyH permit to operate a tele huiio business In this city In which the said company agrees to furnish telephones to all persons in tho city and In Garrard county the maximum price being ono dollar per month for rdlnary phones Mayor Logan asked fur any expression trout any citizen who favored or opposed the granting or this now franchise In respouco to u call from tho crowd County Attor hey J K Robinson Cupt Wm hunt don lull W I Williams und J W Sweeney argued their objections It- was plainly shown that a majority of lioso present objected to grants tug this now franchise and were sat h itlert toIILet good enough atone Cuuiicllmeu Hanks Hudson qnd H O Hamilton asked that a voto bo to- ken on tho question but on account of some amendments It could nut be put to n vote Monday night but was post oiiod to next regular mooting Had the new fran hlsu been granted It would have raised tub rates of bus luocs phones ono dollar and residence hones titty cents per mouth Shearer Sale A largo crowd attended time Shear- er sale Tuesday although the day was a disagreeable one Everything sold well ai shown In tho following Items milk sows from 170 to 181 stickling calves 120 Verses from ICO to 1148 and mules train 116060 to 1200 Capt Am bourne was on tho block Mr Roosevelt has been offered 10 000 a week to head a wild west show says a dispatch Teddy Is a whole show himself and It would be a useless expense to carry cowboys buffalos broncho busters and tho like If his services could bcfiecurcd Ihnn ford speaks for an exhibition In the ovont tho president onlxcs his auto graph to a contract Interior Journ Whit It L White a highly reputable clt hen ago 78 years died near Rubble Lincoln county last week The re mamma wore burled In Buffalo cemetery lie Is survived by his wife who was a daughter of time late Grcenbery Bright and a sister of Mrs 0 A Swlnebroai of this city Ho was a member of the Cumberland Presbyterian church an exceedingly worthy citizen and had a host of friends Sine Frenzied Finance The most vital article that Every bodys Magazine lias published since the Frenzied Finance days Is The Poison of the Street by Frederick S Dickson In tho February number It strikes a blow and a telling one at margin gambling In Wall street and echoes the cry of time many who have tried their luck dad been lured on- to destruction The article Is straight from tho shoulder and authorattve Gould Information has been received hero or tho death of Mt Homer F Gould ut his home Indianapolis Ind The deceased was born In Indiana Octo- ber 28 1835 and was of Scotch parent- age his ancestors the Burnsldef coming to this country in 1740 and set thing In South Carolina Mr Gould served four years as a naval cadet at Annapolis Md and served through the civil war as a pri vate to General A E Burnside his uncle At the close of the war ho was married to Mary E Haselden of this city To this union were born Six children of whom there are now Inv Inc Mrs A IL Lelt of Michigan City Indiana Everett Gould of Indianap- olis and Thomas 0 Gould of New York Mrs Gould died In 1881 In 1888 Mr Gould was again married to Addle F Fulmer who now survives him Kavanaugh Slavln One of the prettiest weddings of the season was that of Miss Jennie Kava atigh aud Mr Thomas R Slavln which was solemnized at the Old Paint Lick Presbyterian church on Wednes- day morning at 10 oclock rite church was beautifully decorat- ed Tho pulpit was banked with terns and smilax and studded with Easter lilies As Miss Grace Klnnalrd start- ed time beautiful strains of Lohengrlns wedding march the bride came down the left Isle on the arm of her matron- or honor Mrs Geo D Robinson The groom was In tho opposite tale with his brother Dr Slavln as best man Messrs Alex Doty Horace and Ed Walker and Will Denny acted IUI ushers Tho brldo carried a shower boquet of brldo roses and was beautl fully attired In a handsome tailored suit of blue broadcloth and a becom Iug fur toque which enhanced the fair- ness of her complexion and the beauty or her dark eyes and hair Mrs Rob- Inson was very handsome In a black suit and hat and carried white carna LIons Immediately after the marrl age tho happy pair lift for the home or tho grooms sister Mrs NannU Jones at Danville where an elabor- ate bridal luncheon was served Tin best wishes of their many friends and 1111 CKSTUAL RECOUD follow them In their journey through life Cant Bo Sanitary Dr Eliot of Harvard In a recent address declares that good health should bo tho first consideration for those who are now In our schools No- one with shattered health can bring the comfort and joy to tho home which might bo brought by one with glowing vigorous active physical powers This assertloQ needs no proof All admit Its truth Yet wo dare force our cbll- drell to run the risk of Impairing their health oy crowding them Into a schoo room whore there are twice as many pupils as healthful conditions will II110wTho best authorities say that there should bo at least 250 cubic feot of space for each child In the room Forty pupils will require 10000 cubic feet In our school wo have more than 40 pupils In some rooms which have less than 0000 cubic feet Then each pupil requires about 9000 cubIt feet of fresh air per hour It we furnish this fresh air without which not only are bodies Injured but minds are dulled We must have with our small rooms a complete change of air every four minutes Our only means of ventilation is by win- dows all placed on one tide of the room Consequently the pupils roust rtuthe robrcathe then breath again time air which In the course of the day 11157 have becomo laden heavily with jadly disease germs No wonder that the scientists ol both Europe and America who sro r OOiJJImi tJII > SADDLES AND HARNESS Vulcan Plows Plow Points AND E J J A I E S We arc the people for your Plow Gear and Wagon Harness See the Haselden Back Band HASELDEN BROS Wholesale and Retail Hardware II fl Jl = Oy I II Behind a Good Team should be hitched a good CARRIAGEYou tention to the horses without a single worry about the vehicle you sit in Our carriages are just that kind If you buy one and your horses are as good as the carriage youll certainly have a dandy turnout W J ROMANS r I = striving to conquer Tuberculosis are looking closely Into the sanitary con ditions of our public buildings and es peclally our school buildings Many practitioners say that thIs frightful disease can be well nigh pre- vented by careful precautions every where and especially In buildings fre quented by the public Our children spend six hours a day through eight to twelve years In the school room Some may escape Infec tlon But are we willing to expose them through all these years Very sincerely D W Bridges Principal Lancaster Graded School Bradley Special The Bradley special will leave Louis vlllti at 000 a m March 2d Every person who desires to make the trip should Immediately write to M II Thatcher Chairman Committee on arrangements 600 Kentucky Title Building Louisville Ky glvlngname address size of hat desired and whole he will meet the Bradley Special also giving similar Information as to friends from his section who desire to make the trip Descriptive booklet and full Information will be mailed to all who may apply therefor It Is necessary that we be advised at tllo earliest possible date as to names and location ot persona who Intend tc make time trip and hats desired BC that no may arrange therefor Those win first Indicate their purpose to gc with us will receive a preference In the matter sleepingcar accpmoda lions Those who may not desire or expect to sleep on the cars In Wash Ington will effect their own arrange manta tor lodging there Wi II Thatcher Chairman Tht CemfortibU Nome A comfortable home U like A well managed campaign on the battlefield No ono does what he wants but what he ought = I Drink Only Native Win In Persia there are no distilleries breweries or saloons and native wine Is the only Intoxicating beverage used Lincoln The Inspired By Col Henry Wtttenon Where shall we find an example so Impressive as Abraham Lincoln whose career might be chanted by a Greek chorus as at once the prelude and the epilogue of the most Imperial theme of modern times Born as lowly as the Son of God In a hovel reared In penury squalor with no gleam of light or fair sur ¬ rounding without graces actual or acquired without name or fame or oftlclal training It was reserved for a j this strange being late In life to be snatched from obscurity raised to su ¬ promo command at a supreme mo ¬ wont and Intrusted with the destiny of a nation The great leaders of hit party the most experienced and accomplished public mon of the day were made to stand aside were sent to the rear whilst this fantastic figure was led by unseen hands to the trout and given the joins of power It U Immaterial whether we were for him or against him wholly Immaterial That u the world never witnessed before he tilled tho vast space allotted him In the eyes and actions of mankind Is to say that ho was Inspired ot God for nowhere else could we have acquired the wls dom and the virtue Where did Shakespeare get his ge ¬ nius Where did Moijrt get lila mug sic Whoso hand smote the lyre ot the Scottish plowman and stayed tho life of the Qerman prleat Uod God and God alone and as surely as those wore raised by God Inspired by God wee Abraham Lincoln and a thousand years hence po drama no tra g sdi DO l eplq poem will be tilled with greater J wonder or bu followed by mankind with deeper fueling than that whlot ttfyMn story or AM lift wAdHtli o- i J iV

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Page 1: I Repairing Toolsnyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7vt43hzc5z/data/0141.pdf · J I THE CENTRAL RECORD w MltK JIKMUION UNTAItmiMI DKMOCIUCy ANlJ GOOD JOVBIlNlIEN1 w ttlNKTKHNTH trrur LAN SJ R+ RRre





c3Jtt41tOOJa nac3Jat1J t1JaI


Wo huvo employed n good porno shoor null 1

nro prepared to give you good shooingm


Wo lion grind your ol < l plow poinLnnc1 it

will glvo you ns much service ns n nCw oHo You 1

will bo surprisedu

Cutting HarrowsSharpened J

I iWe hnvc n machine to sharpen cutting harrows This

reduces the draft on your team and improves the amount 1

of work for you are losing time and money by using n

dull toolt


Repairing Of FIrm Tools j

j J

t Dont throw away your Plows Cutting HarrowslookIover We can save you money by repairing the-

mFriendtthen 1

i We Are The Farmers


you have a break down or any trouble with your J

implements you can save time and money by consultingIUI ns there arc so many things that we can repair and

you dont have to wait to order front factory 1




Local Items

1r1l101EIMm Frances llcnuclmmp will lecture

hero some time Hill nuintli The ex-


date will bo announced later

Wo are Kind to learn tint Mr lnitiTodd who hall been conllncd for sumoweeks is doing wnll since the operaLion was performed

Tho homo of Mr and Mrs 110Simpson was tirade happier TuesdaymornliiK when Kllzaboth LOKIII nilnouuccd her arrival

President It IL JroHhlleld of Jrnni nylvanla UnlvciMlV of Lexington will

preach at ChrlHtlun church next Sunday murnlnit at the usual hour

Tho Lancaster Steam Laundry hasemployed an expert laundry man fromLexltiKtoD who has had many years experleiicc and they Kuuranlco satisiaclion They will appreciate your palronaRC

I Bank ClonedOn Friday February 12th Ccnlcn

nlnl Anniversary of the birth of Abra-

ham Lincoln nil of the banks In thiscity will bo closed They will also bo


closed on Monday February 22Jwhich U tbo anniversary of Washingtons birthday

Hard Luck

Tho editor of I his paper had hardluck last week when without any upparent cause Ida bin rill hUll that howas depending on for about half hisnext years living died but If delin ¬

quent subscribers will treat us wellp Rslbly we can buy another RussLMo4 Enterprise Dont this touch

I your sympathy If so III ease remitIn Now York

J n Walker of Richmond proprlctor of the largest Ladles Heady toWear Store In Kentucky wjjh MissHattlo Doty of Lancaster as an advisor along the lines of purchasing Is

hisIndvcrtlKcmentIn the Record

GoochKllsha Qooch the son of Lllbnrno

Gooch of Goshen neighborhood diedSaturday Feb Oth In his fathershome lie had suffered from a pro-tracted IllntSH covering many monthHo was twenty three years of ago andono of the noblest Christian charac ¬

ters In his community having been amember or I Ito church slllco ten yearsof age Ills funeral took place at theGoshen church Sunday afternoon be-


conducted by Elders J U Livings ¬

ton and F M Tinder Ho was a neph ¬

ew of Wm pouch of this county




ISee our New Line of






JacIiesIL I Y

ViotI j

ctprIng itJIll1



4 Oxfordsi






ftg 4 r

IIt wi

ia I





Vlll MwriWT Westbroad nod NY Ai Arnold OIJSwllleIthe lust Item III Oliosissue Viltiablo Infurmutlun for you

Tho Hllvor Iea given nt the Probytcrlan church was pronounced n

grand HIICCCM 1ho free will offeringMIL wits wits beyond expectation af-

ter tlio weather pr so disagree-


SmithTlio sad news of the death of Mrs

Calllo Smith which occurred Tuesdaynt hurt Worth Texas was receivedby Mr lack Adani wtdncidar Theicceased was the widow of John Smllwho lived near Point Lick for ninnyYears Site was n Mslcr of Mrs Sillblare of IJr1nlltsvllie und or Mr JackAdams of tills city

School ExorciseEvery Monday nuking the opening

exercises of the graded schools consistof speeches anti poetic declarationsmade by half dozen or more of the pu-

pils each teacher taking It In turn tofurnish the program by representlives from her grades Tho patronsand public generally are given a curdial Invitation to hC present at theseexorcises

Shearer Move

Wo and the community at largedeeply regret the departure of M D

t E M Shearer to Montlcollo theirnative home after living In our com-

munity for about three years Theymade many friends here by fair deallug and mural upright and affableconduct They believe In und praclice a high grade of citizenship andsuch nice arc needed In every country

Mrs Louisa Ilollzclaw who was sopainfully burned at her homo InIrcacliersvllle died last Friday herButtering were intense until death re-

lieved her The Interment followedSaturday In the Lancaster cemeteryShe Is survived by many relatives andfriends besides her Immediate fatnllwhich Is as follows Four daughtersMesdames Pebbles Sebastian lIneund Lawrence and four sons WilliamJohn Robert and Mason Holtzclaw

Lincoln PrimaryAt the primary election held In Lit

coin county Saturday a largo voto waspolled and everything passed quietlyIbo successful ones arc as follows WS Uurch for County Attorney J DSwupe fir Circuit Clerk W L McCarty fur sheriff JohU 0 Poppiesfur assessor Dink farmer fur JailerQco P Bright for ruroner Judge JP Ualley forCountyJRdgcQ UCooper for County Clerk Garland Singletonfor School Superintendent W IIShanks for Representative James McKechlne for magistrate and I M

Bruce for constable were nominated bythe committee some weeks ago liavng no opposition The closest race

was between M S Haughman and WLi McCarty for sheriff latter winningby only 20 votes

Reduced RatesThe coliseum at Loulsvihletias been

selected for the place to hold the AntiSaloon League State Convention on

February 10 17 und 18th Railroadrates will ha ono and onehalf faro allthe cerUIIcato plan A great convenJon Is expected and many speakers ofircat notoriety will bo there amongthem are Guy II U Olcenn of NorthCarolina Asst Attorney Generalrlckett or Kansas City Kansas He-

W 0 Taylor D n of Petersburgvu Rev Brooks of Alabama JudgeEd 0 ORear of Frankfort lion 0E Woods Mayor of Richmond DrU II Crosslleld Prcs TransylvaniaUniversity and many others as goodThe W 0 T U will furnlsli meals titthe Coliseum at SScente

This being the first convention or

the kind hold In Kentucky a cordialInvitation Is extended to all that itnay bo a grand success

City ConnellThe City Counill mot In a called ses

lon Monday night with all the counoilmen present and Mayor Logan pre-

sidingThe object of this meeting was to

hear from tho citizens of the townIn regard to soiling time Telephonelfranchise and overy seat In the court-room was tilled

After tho reading of the old con-tract between the city and the liastlnolephono Company which Is tho saidompanyH permit to operate a tele

huiio business In this city In whichthe said company agrees to furnishtelephones to all persons in tho cityand In Garrard county the maximumprice being ono dollar per month forrdlnary phones Mayor Logan askedfur any expression trout any citizenwho favored or opposed the grantingor this now franchise In respouco tou call from tho crowd County Attorhey J K Robinson Cupt Wm huntdon lull W I Williams und J W

Sweeney argued their objections It-

was plainly shown that a majority oflioso present objected to grants

tug this now franchise and were sath itlert toIILet good enough atone

Cuuiicllmeu Hanks Hudson qnd HO Hamilton asked that a voto bo to-

ken on tho question but on account ofsome amendments It could nut be putto n vote Monday night but was post

oiiod to next regular mootingHad the new fran hlsu been granted

It would have raised tub rates of busluocs phones ono dollar and residencehones titty cents per mouth

Shearer SaleA largo crowd attended time Shear-

er sale Tuesday although the daywas a disagreeable one Everythingsold well ai shown In tho followingItems milk sows from 170 to 181stickling calves 120 Verses from ICO to1148 and mules train 116060 to 1200Capt Am bourne was on tho block

Mr Roosevelt has been offered 10000 a week to head a wild west showsays a dispatch Teddy Is a wholeshow himself and It would be auseless expense to carry cowboysbuffalos broncho busters and tho likeIf his services could bcfiecurcd Ihnnford speaks for an exhibition In theovont tho president onlxcs his autograph to a contract Interior Journ

WhitIt L White a highly reputable clt

hen ago 78 years died near RubbleLincoln county last week The remamma wore burled In Buffalo cemeterylie Is survived by his wife who was adaughter of time late Grcenbery Brightand a sister of Mrs 0 A Swlnebroaiof this city Ho was a member of theCumberland Presbyterian church anexceedingly worthy citizen and had ahost of friends

Sine Frenzied FinanceThe most vital article that Every

bodys Magazine lias published sincethe Frenzied Finance days Is ThePoison of the Street by Frederick SDickson In tho February number Itstrikes a blow and a telling one atmargin gambling In Wall street andechoes the cry of time many who have

tried their luck dad been lured on-

to destruction The article Is straightfrom tho shoulder and authorattve

GouldInformation has been received hero

or tho death of Mt Homer F Gouldut his home Indianapolis Ind Thedeceased was born In Indiana Octo-ber 28 1835 and was of Scotch parent-age his ancestors the Burnsldefcoming to this country in 1740 and setthing In South Carolina

Mr Gould served four years as anaval cadet at Annapolis Md andserved through the civil war as a private to General A E Burnside hisuncle At the close of the war ho wasmarried to Mary E Haselden of thiscity To this union were born Sixchildren of whom there are now Inv

Inc Mrs A IL Lelt of Michigan CityIndiana Everett Gould of Indianap-olis and Thomas 0 Gould of NewYork Mrs Gould died In 1881

In 1888 Mr Gould was again marriedto Addle F Fulmer who now surviveshim

Kavanaugh SlavlnOne of the prettiest weddings of the

season was that of Miss Jennie Kavaatigh aud Mr Thomas R Slavln

which was solemnized at the Old PaintLick Presbyterian church on Wednes-day morning at 10 oclock

rite church was beautifully decorat-ed Tho pulpit was banked with ternsand smilax and studded with Easterlilies As Miss Grace Klnnalrd start-ed time beautiful strains of Lohengrlnswedding march the bride came downthe left Isle on the arm of her matron-or honor Mrs Geo D Robinson

The groom was In tho opposite talewith his brother Dr Slavln as bestman Messrs Alex Doty Horace andEd Walker and Will Denny acted IUI

ushers Tho brldo carried a showerboquet of brldo roses and was beautlfully attired In a handsome tailoredsuit of blue broadcloth and a becomIug fur toque which enhanced the fair-ness of her complexion and the beautyor her dark eyes and hair Mrs Rob-

Inson was very handsome In a blacksuit and hat and carried white carnaLIons Immediately after the marrlage tho happy pair lift for the homeor tho grooms sister Mrs NannUJones at Danville where an elabor-ate bridal luncheon was served Tinbest wishes of their many friends and1111 CKSTUAL RECOUD follow themIn their journey through life

Cant Bo Sanitary

Dr Eliot of Harvard In a recentaddress declares that good healthshould bo tho first consideration forthose who are now In our schools No-

one with shattered health can bringthe comfort and joy to tho home whichmight bo brought by one with glowingvigorous active physical powers ThisassertloQ needs no proof All admitIts truth Yet wo dare force our cbll-

drell to run the risk of Impairing theirhealth oy crowding them Into a schooroom whore there are twice as manypupils as healthful conditions will

II110wThobest authorities say that there

should bo at least 250 cubic feot ofspace for each child In the roomForty pupils will require 10000 cubicfeet I n our school wo have more than40 pupils In some rooms which haveless than 0000 cubic feet

Then each pupil requires about9000 cubIt feet of fresh air per hourIt we furnish this fresh air withoutwhich not only are bodies Injured butminds are dulled We must havewith our small rooms a completechange of air every four minutes Ouronly means of ventilation is by win-

dows all placed on one tide of theroom Consequently the pupils roust

rtuthe robrcathe then breath againtime air which In the course of the day

11157 have becomo laden heavily withjadly disease germsNo wonder that the scientists ol

both Europe and America who sro



Vulcan Plows Plow PointsAND

E J J A I E SWe arc the people for your

Plow Gear and Wagon HarnessSee the Haselden Back Band

HASELDEN BROSWholesale and Retail Hardware


fl Jl = Oy I

II Behind a Good Team

should be hitched a good

CARRIAGEYoutention to the horses without a single worry about the

vehicle you sit in Our carriages are just that kind Ifyou buy one and your horses are as good as the carriage

youll certainly have a dandy turnout



=striving to conquer Tuberculosis arelooking closely Into the sanitary con

ditions of our public buildings and especlally our school buildings

Many practitioners say that thIsfrightful disease can be well nigh pre-

vented by careful precautions everywhere and especially In buildings frequented by the public

Our children spend six hours a daythrough eight to twelve years In theschool room Some may escape Infectlon But are we willing to exposethem through all these years

Very sincerelyD W Bridges

Principal Lancaster Graded School

Bradley Special

The Bradley special will leave Louisvlllti at 000 a m March 2d Everyperson who desires to make the tripshould Immediately write to M IIThatcher Chairman Committee onarrangements 600 Kentucky TitleBuilding Louisville Ky glvlngnameaddress size of hat desired and wholehe will meet the Bradley Specialalso giving similar Information as to

friends from his section who desire tomake the trip Descriptive bookletand full Information will be mailed toall who may apply therefor It Is

necessary that we be advised at tlloearliest possible date as to names and

location ot persona who Intend tcmake time trip and hats desired BC

that no may arrange therefor Thosewin first Indicate their purpose to gc

with us will receive a preference In

the matter sleepingcar accpmodalions Those who may not desire orexpect to sleep on the cars In WashIngton will effect their own arrangemanta tor lodging there

Wi II Thatcher Chairman

Tht CemfortibU NomeA comfortable home U like A well

managed campaign on the battlefieldNo ono does what he wants but whathe ought


Drink Only Native WinIn Persia there are no distilleries

breweries or saloons and native wineIs the only Intoxicating beverage used

Lincoln The InspiredBy Col Henry Wtttenon

Where shall we find an example soImpressive as Abraham Lincoln whosecareer might be chanted by a Greekchorus as at once the prelude and theepilogue of the most Imperial themeof modern times

Born as lowly as the Son of God Ina hovel reared In penury squalorwith no gleam of light or fair sur ¬

rounding without graces actual oracquired without name or fame oroftlclal training It was reserved for a

j this strange being late In life to besnatched from obscurity raised to su¬

promo command at a supreme mo ¬

wont and Intrusted with the destinyof a nation

The great leaders of hit party themost experienced and accomplishedpublic mon of the day were made tostand aside were sent to the rearwhilst this fantastic figure was led byunseen hands to the trout and giventhe joins of power It U Immaterialwhether we were for him or againsthim wholly Immaterial That u theworld never witnessed before he tilledtho vast space allotted him In the eyesand actions of mankind Is to say thatho was Inspired ot God for nowhereelse could we have acquired the wls

dom and the virtueWhere did Shakespeare get his ge ¬

nius Where did Moijrt get lila mug

sic Whoso hand smote the lyre otthe Scottish plowman and stayed tholife of the Qerman prleat Uod God

and God alone and as surely as thosewore raised by God Inspired by Godwee Abraham Lincoln and a thousandyears hence po drama no tragsdi DO leplq poem will be tilled with greater


wonder or bu followed by mankindwith deeper fueling than that whlotttfyMn story or AM lift wAdHtli o-
