i lcevx the a vents ii- i mostufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/uf/00/07/59/11/00386/0721.pdf · the...

THE PENSACOLA JOURNAL THURSDAY Y MORNING DECEMBER 23 1909 5 Phone 38 and Phone 38 PbS1 From a vents From 2to6pm 73Oto1Op- mm By BONNIE BURNHAM I eeoa tooo t o 0 0l60D4 J O 100000 tllilO9- B tv- i 9 THE WEEKS EVENTS 9- d w II I lrc + THURSDAY DEC 23 4 Jieettng of the Thursday club hostess Mrs M D Merritt on 0- t on Romana street Dance at the Classical School gymnasium 8 p m- fr 0 SATURDAY d- O Christmas ban of the Bachelors at the K of C hall 8 p m O 6 0 MRS SIMPSON GAVE L OVELY DEBUTANTE TEA FOR MISS SIMPSON The lowly home of Dr and Mrs Horace L Simpson on West Belmont n street with its gracious hostess and the beautiful debutante daughter of the household presented one of those lasting pictures yesterday which paint themsolves upon the memories- of those who feel the witching at- mosphere ¬ of lovely affairs for ex- ceedingly ¬ lovely girlswIth a magic potent indeed Mrs Simpson asked in her friends yesterday to meet her debutante daughter Miss Cora Louise Simpson J the affair having been in the nature- of of an afternoon tea fitting indeed for the fine womanly young woman who is to queen it this season among tho various affairs of the near fu ¬ tureMrs Simpson who wore a blue chif- fon cloth costume trimmed with touches of baby Irish was assisted Iff receiving by her mother Mrs Laura Thornton in black silk and Jet Mrs Evelyn Maxwell in pink chiffon and white lace Miss Josie Knowles who wore pink chiffon Miss Ada Hilton Green whose gown was of blue liber- ty satin with pearl trimmings and Miss Mercedes Saltmarsh who wore white lace Miss Simpsons dress was of white chiffon and real lace The homo had been artistically dec orated throughout in striking floral effects the dining room having glow- ed ¬ th the rich warm tints of red the libraries and hall having been I dainty and Inviting with their pink n INDIGESTION u t i- 1a 2 a I DYSPEPSIA f There is Nothingt- hat is so much ap- preciated ¬ as art Why not give a Christy Harrison Fisher or Alonzo Kimball picture t Coes Book Store 23 S Palafox St carnations and nestling ferns and the parlor and reception room in white chrysanthemums and white car ¬ nations The young married ladles of the society set assisted during the after- noon ¬ while the debutantes of recent seasons presided in the dining room where Mrs Hilton Green poured tea her handsome gown having been of soft yellow satin Little Miss Helen Fisher and Miss BvelyntMaxwell who wore dainty white blue dresses assisted- In passing the tea cups Miss Simpson Is one of the tour pretty debutantes In Pensacola socie ¬ ty this year and will figure promi- nently ¬ In many interesting affairs during the season THE KEELINGCRESAP- UlcDDING LAST NIGHT- A home wedding the prettiest of all weddings full of heart interest and the loving care of those who had known the sweet young bride from her childhood took place last night- at the home of Mr and Mrs W O Keeling on East Strong street when their daughter Miss Ida Lewis and Mr R EL Cresap were united In marriage the Rev Mr E C Moore- of tho Gadsden Street M E church officiating The home had been dec orated most attractively In cut flow- ers Southern greenery and ruddy hol ¬ ly the effect having been appropriate Indeed to the coming holiday festivi ¬ tiesThe bride who Is a strikingly pret- ty ¬ brunette entered upon the arm ot- her father Mr W O Keeling and was gowned In white silk and real lace She carried brides roses Mlaa Clara Pryor who was her de ¬ cidedly attractive brides maid wore- a handsome pink satin dress with ac ¬ cessories matching and carried car- nations of the same hue Mrs O C Moore Marianna a sister of the bride was matron of honor her dress having been of soft whiter silk and her flowers pink roses Mr J Cross was groomsman During the Impressive ceremony which occurred at 830 oclock Miss Lizzie Keeling another sister of the bride played soft wedding music hav ¬ ing also rendered the wedding march Her dress was also of white silk Lit- tle ¬ Marie Keeling the dainty little flower girl tripped just In front of the bridal party and In her fairy dress of white made an attractive picture as she strewed rose leaves from a handsome little basket Af- ter ¬ tho ceremony cream and cakes wero served the many friends and relatives of the popular young couple present offering them every wish for- a long life and future happiness Many beautiful gifts were received- Mr and Mrs Cresap will make their home for the present at the residence- of the brides parents XMAS TREE AT THE GADSDEN STREET E CHURCH TONIGHT- The Gadsden Street M B church will too the scone of a pretty holiday festivity tonight when the annual Christmas tree will be enjoyed by the youngsters and incidentally by their elders This year there is to be an admission fee however Everyone young and old Is required to bring a potato either of the sweet variety- or just plain old every day Irish and when the receipts are finally rounded- up they will be sent to the deserving- poor Other things have been gen- erously ¬ promised and the church will do a great deal of fine charity work this year as a result Tonight Santa Claus himself will be present and will assist In distribut- ing ¬ the gifts from the Xmas tree among his really GOOD little friends Heres the Ideal Christmas PresentNu- nnallys Candies Made in Atlanta and the most popular candy in the South Comes in 1 2 and 5pound boxes received at this store weekly and a special shipment just received for Christmas- We have probably the most varied assortment of Nuts and Fruits in the city and we have also season ¬ able vegetables that will help the housewife with her duties 4 Phone us T Sol Cahn Co Agents Nunnallys Candies THE PURE FOOD STORE Phones 1720 and 1721 PENSACOLA FLA- p y ii- t + t LL ALS- IOOIc 1 i iI i LIB IVEW AT LEADING DEALERS ACCEPT HO SUBSTITUTE Paul NFriedlacnder 9 PECK SLIP 11EW YORK A fine time has been prepared by the orchestra and various musicians of the church and the program com ¬ mences exactly at 8 oclock Every- one ¬ Is invited to be presentwith his potato- AT I ST JOHNS CATHOLIC CHURCH IN WARRINGTON Following Is the order of services at St Johns Catholic church War ricgton Dec 25th 1909 High mass at 6 a m Second mass at 7 a m Last mass at 830 a m followed by benediction of the most blessed sacra- ment ¬ The choir will render Cornell mass In E flat- Kyrle and GloriaCornelli- CredoMissae de Angells Offertory Adeste Fideles Xovello Sanctus Benedictus Agnus Del Cornell O SalutarIsGregorian- Tautum ErgoGregorianR- eceasional Holy God- D A Brady pastor I THE PASTIME EUCHRE CLUB MET WITH MRS J G YNIESTRA- Last night witnessed another of the exceptionally pleasant meetings of the Pastime Euchre club at the home of Mrs J G Ynlestra whose affairs are always full of the utmost interest among the club members As usual the games progressed merrily- the big membership of this popular Our Store Is Full of nice things for the Christmas and New Years table as well as your daily needs Just now like t every other store m town we are busy and expect to be terribly rushed for the next few days so customers will be favor ¬ ing us and helping them- selves ¬ f if they will place their orders just as early- as possible- We are agents for Lowneys fine cand- iesGERElDS GROCERY CDs Phone 192 111 N Palafox This Store is a haven for Gift Seekers- ur stock of Jewelry Glassware Crock ery and Silverware Is not allowed to be ¬ come less attractive as tho rush of the holidays Is felt On the other hand we are receiving additional shipments dally we are keeping up our stock so that everybody can have ample opportunity- for careful selections Things that are suggestive as gifts ar- rive ¬ dally and make a visit to this hand- some ¬ store a pleasant part of your down ¬ town tours Incidentally we call attention to the finest Writing Paper In America which- we carry and which we can have mono Eramed In beautiful designs at your order What could be more appreciable than a box of Eaton Crane Pikes fine Linen Writing Paper with a tasteful monogram for Christmas for your friends Think and see If you know any ¬ thing they would like be- tterGERSON J S 40 S Palafox Thiesen Building Ub having enjoyed itself to the lint during the hours prescribed Follor inr were tie prize winners Ladies ace prize Mrs E Rad lone hand Mrs Win Mabrie booty Mrs J G Yniestra Gentlemans a e- Mr L M Davis lone hand >r- Plyde Lindstrom booby Mr Dn I Murphy The next meeting will be it tle home of Mrs M P Bonifay in- t Romana street The prize winnas frr the past years play jug were ai nounced being Mrs X Soderqust- and Mr I> M Davis Both will te oeve handsome prizes holding he rui s best records for the past twevo I months Mrs J G Yniestra and Jrs P < ssIe Rady were appointed as a Committee to select them The eec I ton of officers ateo took place vitn- til result that Mr Dan Murphy vas elected president and Mrs J G Yniestra vicepresident Mr Yrios ira was forced to tender his rfjig nation as recording secretary on ac ¬ count of other duties and Mr L M Davis was elected in his place Yrs M P Bonifay will serve as treasurer during the coming year and Urs Yniestra as manager and reporter- Mr and Mrs Gustav Ungerer were admitted into the membership of the club PROGRESSIVE EUCHRE AT THE PROGRESS CLUB There was a fine game of progress- ive ¬ euchre last night at the Progress club the crowd having been out in full force to do full honor to the pleas ant occasion The games as usual were close and very interesting light refreshments having been serveli DANCE AT THE CLASSICAL SCHOOL TONIGHT There will be a dance at the Classic ¬ al School tonight in the gymnasium The school clique will be in attend- ance ¬ and a fine time generally with numerous clever touches will doubt ¬ less be the case LAST NIGHTS MEETING AT FORT BARRANCAS- A fine meeting was held at Fort Barrancas last night by the members- of the Pensacola branch of the AV C T U Mrs M E Wilson having been In charge Miss Pettyjohn of Bre nau college and Miss Ruth Coons con ¬ tributed to the pleasure and interest- of the evening by twofine vocal so- los ¬ A good attendance was reported- as interest is growing rapidly among the soldier boys I MET AT THE FIRST- PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH YESTERDAY- The W C T U held its regular meeting yesterday at the First Pres ¬ byterian church A good attendance- was reported and many interesting matters received attention The la ¬ dies aro planning a great deal of valu able work just now which will mani- fest ¬ itself in good results later on Hexamethylenetetramine- The above is the name of a German chemical which is one of the many valuable ingredients of Foleys Kid- ney ¬ Remedy Hexamethylenetetra- mine ¬ is recognized by medical text books and authorities as a uric acid solvent and antiseptic for the urine Take Foleys Kidney as soon as you notice any irregularities and avoid a serious malady W A DAI emberte druggist and apothecary 121- S Palafox street THE REV FATHER BRADY RECEIVING CONGRATULATIONS The many friends of the Rev p l er Brady of St Johns Catli Iii church at Harrington were extending- him hearty congratulations on Tues- day ¬ that day having been the ISth anniversary of his entrance into the priesthood Father Brady Is much loved by all who know him and with his splendid record and fine personall t i CASTOR OIL POWDER lUffZ 4u fr TAiTJEUESS- OTTU iw l tor ODORLESS LrQdIDG1boD BEST AND SAFEST LAXATIY KNOW tLAIL flOGA > i t lcEvx Restores tho run down and frayed out nervous system to nor toil health It fasten and builds op the trankea fibers and where an actual lesion t has not occ ° red wiU restore tbem to their normal condition COCEX b a tonic of the hl best eSklency and will be found ta lire better and more satisfactory results than any blood medicine or zeneral tonic K stimulates the throwing 08 ol effete master and enables the boOr to a sioiilate nourishment Asa nerve tonic it h unsurpassed and if you have any nervous troubles no matter who they are or nov long YOU may have been afflicted COCEI will give you relief Most diseases have their oriztn in the nervool system and the majority of tbem inn be prevented by keep lag the nerves in a high state of efficiency COCEX win do this It builds up the whole system Try it you take no risk as we will refund your motor If It fait PRICE J100 PER BOX FOR SALE BY The Crystal Pharmacy Drcnt tlIdlng M ty Is a central figure at Warring ton MR AND MRS THOS C WATSON I RETURN FROM NORTHERN TRIP Mr and Mrs Thos C Watson have returned from another of their de- lightfully planned trips This time they have been in New Jersey New York Washington and Baltimore and paid visits to several of their little nephews and nieces during their ab ¬ sence They report extremely cold weather in the north XMAS MUSIC AT THE SACRED HEART CHURCH High mass will be celebrated at the Sacred Heart church on Christ ¬ mas morning at 9 oclock The music will be by the mens and boys choirs combined assisted by Seels orchestra- and several well known musicians Following is the program 1 Marctla Pontifical Tobani Orchestra 2 Processional Adeste Fideles 16th Century Chorus soloists Master M Rafferty- and G Greenwood 3 Proplum Missa TertlaTozer Messrs Hayes Johnson Diaz Seel 4 Kyrle Missa S Cecelia KainBiedermann Double Male Quartette 5 Gloria Missa B V Singenberger Soprano and alto Boys Choir Bari ¬ tone Mens choir f Credo Modus HIGregorian 7 Offertory Prayer From Stradella Flotow Orchestra- S Sanctus Missa S Cecelia KainBiedermann 9 Bonedictua Hamma Solo Quartette 10 Agnus Dei Singenberger Boys and Mens Choirs 1L Le Credo de Payeen Baritone solo Mr Ferrendon 12 0 Salutaris Wiegand Basso solo Mr Bowles 13 Tantum Ergo Gregorian Chorus Recessional Holy God I Chorus and Orchestra Low mass without music at 6 and 7 oclock TO GIVE DANCE ON NEW YEARS EVE The young Jewish society set wil glvo a New Years eve dance at the K of C hall this year The holiday affair will be given in compliment to the young ladies and will be one of the prettiest events which is to grace an exceptionally festive week- A HAPPY FAMILY REUNION AT THE HOME OF DR DIAZ One of the happy holiday homes last night in Pensacola was that of Dr A Diaz on North Palafox street The morning train brought Mrs Diaz I < LiK We Are- Closing n XMAS Out II about five hundred Ladies Misses and Childrens Hats including a large number of Pattern Hats SALE Heres Your- Opportunity o F right in midseason to buy- an uptodate hat at a greatly reduced price We Have- Moved WINTER and are now located in a U more generally accessible r iTS store which is well lighted- and convenient12 and 14 East Garden A trip of in- spection ¬ here is all we ask Open Nights Until Christmas I I Peerless Millinery Coal 12 and 14 E Garden Phone 667 l T I ur ia > JlE > f The Gift T11at Gives- I i Most Pleasure I re 4 v- f J FIl55Y PACKAGE 11 2SQ7 Pounds p y 1- r SeM Last- Christmas r trcT re I s V- eHFUSSY << n I I 1 9 j PACKAGE i CHOCOLATES I IN HALFPOUND ONEPOUND TWO THREE I J AND FIVEPOUND PACKAGES AT 1 A POUND i i The best Chocolates ever made by the best Choco- late i makers America Jr hl It7 li of Philadelphia j I One pound Fussy 5100 I OneHalf Pound Chocolate Marshmal- lows ¬ I One pound Nut Chocolates 100 3O- cAssorted I One Pound Super Extra Assorted Choco ¬ Caramels 12 pound We- Crystallzed lates 85c Ginger 25c I One pound Son Bons and Chsccfates Mallo Cares 25c I E5c Peanut Bar 5c 1 Super Extra White Nougat SOc Chocolate Mints tee i Super Extra Mint Chocolates 45c Milk Chocolate 1Oc i Super Extra Jordan Almonds 45 Mandolatta 15c I Super Extra Roasted Almonds 45c Chocolate Almonds 15c I One Pound Glace Fruits S5c Stick Candy lOc Chocolate Cherries SOc Salted Almonds 3Oc I Super Extra Chocolate Caramels 45c Cocoanut Buttercups 36c per lb One Pound Fine Marshmallows SOc Walnut Buttercups 35c per lb- i All the other popular boxes of Il J Chocolates I and Confections sold in Pensacola only at H The Crystal PharmacyBRE- NT BUILDING h = aI land her son Teddy from Mexico- j where they have been visiting at va rious points of interest for some time and in the evening Mr Robert Diaz and Mr Chas Diaz arrived from St Bernards college in Cullman Ga j Needless to say the hospitable Diaz home will radiate with holiday cheer this week as a result of im- portant ¬ arrivals MRS C C COVINGTON i TO ENTERTA- INi C C Covington will entertain- at her home this afternoon in honor of Miss Lola Crump a charming Vir- ginia i girl who is her guest for the I holidays I A number of invitations have been received I I MR AND MRS C D BEYER TO SPEND XMAS IN DECATUR ALA- i Mrs C D Beyer is in Decatur Ala where she will spend Xmas with rela- tives and friends She will be joined t > y Mr Beyer who will leave tonisir They will be gone until next week MISS LEILA ABERCROMBIE ARRIVES WITH MISS PIERCE I Miss Leila Abercrom arrived in i the cih yesterday with Miss Mar- jorie Pierce and the arrival of these two attractive young ladies is being regarded with interest among the college set which is to make matters so unusually t ay during holiday- week Both are receiving a rOnI welcome i p THE P C S AND ITS ANNUAL- A clever publication is expected- this year in the form of the Classical j Sr tool Annual which is to be publish- I ed about the first of June THat the eagerly anticipated edition will be a most popular and able one is assured when the bright young people who- re to edit it are considered THE LADIES BnWLING CLUB j The Bowling club had an ideal day for their zanies of ten pins yesterday morning which were enjoyed at the Country club with Miss Hendietta MrPhillips as hostess Miss Ella Wheeler who has return- ed ¬ home after an eightmonths trip was given a warm welcome by tie members present vio were Misses Marie Webb Aline St John Lucille and Louise Overall Oline McMillan- and the hostess After the members received a thorough warming up i I PILES PILES PILES Williams Indian Pile Ointment m cure BUnd Bleeding and Itching Pip- It absorbs the tumors allays Itching at once acts aa a poultice gives instant r let WHIIame Indian Pile Ointment is prepared for Piles and Itching of the TMl vate parts drticsists Had c i and tM Williams MfK Co Pops i Cleveland O Sold by Heotens Phar ¬ macy I A MONOGRAM I I on yom Xmas Gift 9 lIumdlsomeny designed and engraved enhances i its value If engraved otheIrWHSeJ you91R regret its ILJJUJB ° cfrin > p e AU Giit5 pur- chased = of o s we engrave FREEo Yt We do It skiIJ = fully and ar- tiilginiatituas = ticallyo jh- I i Fried I Jeweler- S Bi5 Palafox St Opposite Postoffics from their srt at which Miss AUnro St John was most fortunate a dainty luncheon ai > i eased their material wants Mobile Register MAKES FRIENDS EVERYWHER- EBiu Ribbon Lemon and Vanilla the PERFECT FLAVORING EX- TRACTS make friends everywhere they never diappoin FLOWERS- Fine fresh carnations for Christmas Red White Pink Pretty assortment of ferns for dishes Also fine speci ¬ men palms and ferns Boysen Floral Gardens Phone 875 252 East Chase St MR AND MRS JAS CLARKE- TO SPEND HOLIDAYS IN ATMORE Mr and Mrs las M Clarke wIi leave the Hfv today To spend Xmas with the parents of Mrs Clarke in A- more Ala From there they will > to Mississippi to visit the family of Mr Clarke While relfVntin Xmas firr and Mrs Clarke will liso have an rtber happy anniversary to consider their wedding It will be remembered I having occurred Just om year ago on the 26t- hActon I Coal Phone 59 PERSONAL MENTION Miss Ida Mallory and Miss llilmai Green will be home this week from Continued on Page Seven d

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Page 1: I lcEvx The a vents ii- i Mostufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/59/11/00386/0721.pdf · THE PENSACOLA JOURNAL THURSDAY Y MORNING DECEMBER 23 1909 5 Phone 38 PbS1 and Phone 38 From


Phone 38 and Phone 38PbS1From a vents From

2to6pm 73Oto1Op-




eeoa tooo t o 0 0l60D4 J O 100000 tllilO9-B tv-





lrc+ THURSDAY DEC 234 Jieettng of the Thursday club hostess Mrs M D Merritt on 0-t on Romana street

Dance at the Classical School gymnasium 8 p m-


SATURDAY d-O Christmas ban of the Bachelors at the K of C hall 8 p m O



The lowly home of Dr and MrsHorace L Simpson on West Belmont

n street with its gracious hostess andthe beautiful debutante daughter ofthe household presented one of thoselasting pictures yesterday whichpaint themsolves upon the memories-of those who feel the witching at-mosphere


of lovely affairs for ex-ceedingly


lovely girlswIth a magicpotent indeed

Mrs Simpson asked in her friendsyesterday to meet her debutantedaughter Miss Cora Louise Simpson

J the affair having been in the nature-of of an afternoon tea fitting indeed

for the fine womanly young womanwho is to queen it this season amongtho various affairs of the near fu ¬

tureMrs Simpson who wore a blue chif-fon cloth costume trimmed withtouches of baby Irish was assisted Iffreceiving by her mother Mrs LauraThornton in black silk and Jet MrsEvelyn Maxwell in pink chiffon andwhite lace Miss Josie Knowles whowore pink chiffon Miss Ada HiltonGreen whose gown was of blue liber-ty satin with pearl trimmings andMiss Mercedes Saltmarsh who worewhite lace

Miss Simpsons dress was of whitechiffon and real lace

The homo had been artistically decorated throughout in striking floraleffects the dining room having glow-ed


th the rich warm tints of redthe libraries and hall having been

I dainty and Inviting with their pink



ut i-





There is Nothingt-

hat is so much ap-


as artWhy not give aChristy HarrisonFisher or AlonzoKimball picture

t Coes Book Store23 S Palafox St

carnations and nestling ferns andthe parlor and reception room inwhite chrysanthemums and white car ¬

nationsThe young married ladles of the

society set assisted during the after-noon


while the debutantes of recentseasons presided in the dining roomwhere Mrs Hilton Green poured teaher handsome gown having been ofsoft yellow satin

Little Miss Helen Fisher and MissBvelyntMaxwell who wore daintywhite blue dresses assisted-In passing the tea cups

Miss Simpson Is one of the tourpretty debutantes In Pensacola socie ¬

ty this year and will figure promi-nently


In many interesting affairsduring the season


A home wedding the prettiest ofall weddings full of heart interest andthe loving care of those who hadknown the sweet young bride fromher childhood took place last night-at the home of Mr and Mrs W OKeeling on East Strong street whentheir daughter Miss Ida Lewis andMr R E L Cresap were united Inmarriage the Rev Mr E C Moore-of tho Gadsden Street M E churchofficiating The home had been decorated most attractively In cut flow-ers Southern greenery and ruddy hol¬

ly the effect having been appropriateIndeed to the coming holiday festivi ¬

tiesThe bride who Is a strikingly pret-ty


brunette entered upon the arm ot-her father Mr W O Keeling andwas gowned In white silk and reallace She carried brides roses

Mlaa Clara Pryor who was her de¬

cidedly attractive brides maid wore-a handsome pink satin dress with ac¬

cessories matching and carried car-nations of the same hue

Mrs O C Moore Marianna asister of the bride was matron ofhonor her dress having been of softwhiter silk and her flowers pinkroses Mr J Cross was groomsman

During the Impressive ceremonywhich occurred at 830 oclock MissLizzie Keeling another sister of thebride played soft wedding music hav¬

ing also rendered the wedding marchHer dress was also of white silk Lit-tle


Marie Keeling the dainty littleflower girl tripped just In front ofthe bridal party and In her fairydress of white made an attractivepicture as she strewed rose leavesfrom a handsome little basket Af-


tho ceremony cream and cakeswero served the many friends andrelatives of the popular young couplepresent offering them every wish for-a long life and future happinessMany beautiful gifts were received-Mr and Mrs Cresap will make theirhome for the present at the residence-of the brides parents


will too the scone of a pretty holidayfestivity tonight when the annualChristmas tree will be enjoyed by theyoungsters and incidentally by theirelders This year there is to be anadmission fee however Everyoneyoung and old Is required to bring apotato either of the sweet variety-or just plain old every day Irish andwhen the receipts are finally rounded-up they will be sent to the deserving-poor Other things have been gen-erously


promised and the churchwill do a great deal of finecharity work this year as a resultTonight Santa Claus himself will bepresent and will assist In distribut-ing


the gifts from the Xmas treeamong his really GOOD little friends

Heres the IdealChristmas PresentNu-

nnallys Candies Made in Atlanta and themost popular candy in the South Comes in 1 2 and5pound boxes received at this store weekly and aspecial shipment just received for Christmas-

We have probably the most varied assortment ofNuts and Fruits in the city and we have also season ¬

able vegetables that will help the housewife with herduties


Phone us T

Sol Cahn CoAgents Nunnallys Candies


Phones 1720 and 1721 PENSACOLA FLA-




+ t




Paul NFriedlacnder9 PECK SLIP 11EW YORK

A fine time has been prepared by theorchestra and various musicians ofthe church and the program com ¬

mences exactly at 8 oclock Every-one


Is invited to be presentwith hispotato-



Following Is the order of servicesat St Johns Catholic church Warricgton Dec 25th 1909

High mass at 6 a mSecond mass at 7 a mLast mass at 830 a m followed by

benediction of the most blessed sacra-ment


The choir will render Cornell massIn E flat-

Kyrle and GloriaCornelli-CredoMissae de AngellsOffertory Adeste Fideles XovelloSanctus Benedictus Agnus DelCornellO SalutarIsGregorian-Tautum ErgoGregorianR-eceasional Holy God-D A Brady pastor


Last night witnessed another ofthe exceptionally pleasant meetingsof the Pastime Euchre club at thehome of Mrs J G Ynlestra whoseaffairs are always full of the utmostinterest among the club members Asusual the games progressed merrily-the big membership of this popular

Our StoreIs Full

of nice things for theChristmas and NewYears table as well asyour daily needs

Just now like t everyother store m town weare busy and expect tobe terribly rushed forthe next few days socustomers will be favor¬

ing us and helping them-selves


f if they will placetheir orders just as early-as possible-

We are agents forLowneys fine cand-

iesGERElDSGROCERY CDsPhone 192 111 N Palafox

This Store is a

haven for

Gift Seekers-

ur stock of Jewelry Glassware Crockery and Silverware Is not allowed to be ¬

come less attractive as tho rush of theholidays Is felt On the other hand weare receiving additional shipments dallywe are keeping up our stock so thateverybody can have ample opportunity-for careful selections

Things that are suggestive as gifts ar-rive


dally and make a visit to this hand-some


store a pleasant part of your down ¬

town toursIncidentally we call attention to the

finest Writing Paper In America which-we carry and which we can have monoEramed In beautiful designs at yourorder What could be more appreciablethan a box of Eaton Crane Pikes fineLinen Writing Paper with a tastefulmonogram for Christmas for yourfriends Think and see If you know any ¬

thing they would like be-



S40 S Palafox

Thiesen Building

Ub having enjoyed itself to the lintduring the hours prescribed Follorinr were tie prize winners

Ladies ace prize Mrs E Radlone hand Mrs Win Mabrie bootyMrs J G Yniestra Gentlemans a e-

Mr L M Davis lone hand >r-

Plyde Lindstrom booby Mr DnI

Murphy The next meeting will be ittle home of Mrs M P Bonifay in-

t Romana street The prize winnasfrr the past years play jug were ainounced being Mrs X Soderqust-and Mr I> M Davis Both will teoeve handsome prizes holding heruis best records for the past twevo I

months Mrs J G Yniestra and JrsP < ssIe Rady were appointed as aCommittee to select them The eec I

ton of officers ateo took place vitn-til result that Mr Dan Murphy vaselected president and Mrs J GYniestra vicepresident Mr Yriosira was forced to tender his rfjignation as recording secretary on ac¬

count of other duties and Mr L M

Davis was elected in his place YrsM P Bonifay will serve as treasurerduring the coming year and UrsYniestra as manager and reporter-Mr and Mrs Gustav Ungerer wereadmitted into the membership of theclub


There was a fine game of progress-ive


euchre last night at the Progressclub the crowd having been out infull force to do full honor to the pleasant occasion The games as usualwere close and very interesting lightrefreshments having been serveli


There will be a dance at the Classic ¬

al School tonight in the gymnasiumThe school clique will be in attend-ance


and a fine time generally withnumerous clever touches will doubt ¬

less be the case


A fine meeting was held at FortBarrancas last night by the members-of the Pensacola branch of the AV CT U Mrs M E Wilson having beenIn charge Miss Pettyjohn of Brenau college and Miss Ruth Coons con ¬

tributed to the pleasure and interest-of the evening by twofine vocal so-


A good attendance was reported-as interest is growing rapidly amongthe soldier boys


The W C T U held its regularmeeting yesterday at the First Pres ¬

byterian church A good attendance-was reported and many interestingmatters received attention The la ¬

dies aro planning a great deal of valuable work just now which will mani-fest


itself in good results later on

Hexamethylenetetramine-The above is the name of a German

chemical which is one of the manyvaluable ingredients of Foleys Kid-ney


Remedy Hexamethylenetetra-mine


is recognized by medical textbooks and authorities as a uric acidsolvent and antiseptic for the urineTake Foleys Kidney as soonas you notice any irregularities andavoid a serious malady W A DAIemberte druggist and apothecary 121-S Palafox streetTHE REV FATHER BRADYRECEIVING CONGRATULATIONS

The many friends of the Rev p ler Brady of St Johns Catli Iiichurch at Harrington were extending-him hearty congratulations on Tues-day


that day having been the ISthanniversary of his entrance into thepriesthood Father Brady Is muchloved by all who know him and withhis splendid record and fine personall



OTTUiw l tor



t lcEvxRestores tho run down and frayed

out nervous system to nortoil health It fasten and builds op thetrankea fibers and where an actual lesion thas not occ° red wiU restore tbem to theirnormal condition

COCEX b a tonic of the hl best eSklencyand will be found ta lire better and moresatisfactory results than any blood medicineor zeneral tonic K stimulates the throwing08 ol effete master and enables the boOr toa sioiilate nourishment Asa nerve tonic ith unsurpassed and if you have any nervoustroubles no matter who they are or novlong YOU may have been afflicted COCEIwill give you relief Most diseases havetheir oriztn in the nervool system and themajority of tbem inn be prevented by keeplag the nerves in a high state of efficiencyCOCEX win do this It builds up thewhole system Try it you take no riskas we will refund your motor If It fait


The Crystal PharmacyDrcnt tlIdlng


ty Is a central figure at WarringtonMR AND MRS THOS C WATSON

I RETURN FROM NORTHERN TRIPMr and Mrs Thos C Watson have

returned from another of their de-lightfully planned trips This timethey have been in New Jersey NewYork Washington and Baltimore andpaid visits to several of their littlenephews and nieces during their ab ¬

sence They report extremely coldweather in the northXMAS MUSIC AT THESACRED HEART CHURCH

High mass will be celebrated atthe Sacred Heart church on Christ ¬

mas morning at 9 oclock The musicwill be by the mens and boys choirscombined assisted by Seels orchestra-and several well known musicians

Following is the program1 Marctla Pontifical Tobani

Orchestra2 Processional Adeste Fideles 16th

CenturyChorus soloists Master M Rafferty-

and G Greenwood3 Proplum Missa TertlaTozerMessrs Hayes Johnson Diaz Seel

4 Kyrle Missa S CeceliaKainBiedermann

Double Male Quartette5 Gloria Missa B VSingenbergerSoprano and alto Boys Choir Bari ¬

tone Mens choirf Credo Modus HIGregorian7 Offertory Prayer From Stradella


S Sanctus Missa S CeceliaKainBiedermann

9 Bonedictua HammaSolo Quartette

10 Agnus Dei SingenbergerBoys and Mens Choirs

1L Le Credo de PayeenBaritone solo Mr Ferrendon

12 0 Salutaris WiegandBasso solo Mr Bowles

13 Tantum Ergo GregorianChorus

Recessional Holy GodI Chorus and OrchestraLow mass without music at 6 and


The young Jewish society set wilglvo a New Years eve dance at theK of C hall this year

The holiday affair will be given incompliment to the young ladies andwill be one of the prettiest eventswhich is to grace an exceptionallyfestive week-


One of the happy holiday homeslast night in Pensacola was that ofDr A Diaz on North Palafox streetThe morning train brought Mrs Diaz

I< LiK

We Are-Closing



about five hundred LadiesMisses and Childrens Hatsincluding a large number ofPattern HatsSALE

Heres Your-Opportunity

o F right in midseason to buy-an uptodate hat at a greatlyreduced price

We Have-Moved


and are now located in aU more generally accessible

r iTS store which is well lighted-and convenient12 and 14East Garden A trip of in-


here is all we ask

Open Nights Until Christmas I I

Peerless Millinery Coal12 and 14 E Garden Phone 667l T

I ur ia > JlE>

f The Gift T11at Gives-I


Most PleasureI re

4 v-f


112SQ7 Poundsp y 1-

rSeM Last-

Christmasr trcT reI

s V-


< <











i The best Chocolates ever made by the best Choco-

latei makers America Jr hl It7 li of Philadelphiaj

I One pound Fussy 5100 I OneHalf Pound Chocolate Marshmal-lows


I One pound Nut Chocolates 100 3O-cAssortedI One Pound Super Extra Assorted Choco ¬ Caramels 12 pound We-Crystallzedlates 85c Ginger 25c

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Chocolate Cherries SOc Salted Almonds 3OcI Super Extra Chocolate Caramels 45c Cocoanut Buttercups 36c per lb

One Pound Fine Marshmallows SOc Walnut Buttercups 35c per lb-


All the other popular boxes of IlJ Chocolates

Iand Confections sold in Pensacola only at

H The Crystal PharmacyBRE-NT BUILDING

h = aI

land her son Teddy from Mexico-j where they have been visiting at various points of interest for sometime and in the evening Mr RobertDiaz and Mr Chas Diaz arrived fromSt Bernards college in Cullman Ga

j Needless to say the hospitable Diazhome will radiate with holiday cheerthis week as a result of im-portant



TO ENTERTA-INi C C Covington will entertain-

at her home this afternoon in honorof Miss Lola Crump a charming Vir-giniai girl who is her guest for the

I holidaysI A number of invitations have beenreceived


DECATUR ALA-i Mrs C D Beyer is in Decatur Alawhere she will spend Xmas with rela-tives and friends She will be joinedt> y Mr Beyer who will leave tonisirThey will be gone until next week


I Miss Leila Abercrom arrived ini the cih yesterday with Miss Mar-jorie Pierce and the arrival of thesetwo attractive young ladies is beingregarded with interest among thecollege set which is to make mattersso unusually t ay during holiday-week Both are receiving a rOnIwelcome

i p


A clever publication is expected-this year in the form of the Classical

j Sr tool Annual which is to be publish-I ed about the first of June THat theeagerly anticipated edition will be amost popular and able one is assuredwhen the bright young people who-re to edit it are considered


j The Bowling club had an ideal dayfor their zanies of ten pins yesterdaymorning which were enjoyed at theCountry club with Miss HendiettaMrPhillips as hostess

Miss Ella Wheeler who has return-ed


home after an eightmonths tripwas given a warm welcome by tiemembers present vio were MissesMarie Webb Aline St John Lucilleand Louise Overall Oline McMillan-and the hostess After the membersreceived a thorough warming up i


PILES PILES PILESWilliams Indian Pile Ointment m

cure BUnd Bleeding and Itching Pip-It absorbs the tumors allays Itching atonce acts aa a poultice gives instant rlet WHIIame Indian Pile Ointment isprepared for Piles and Itching of the TMl

vate parts drticsists Had c i

and tM Williams MfK Co Pops i

Cleveland O Sold by Heotens Phar¬




Ion yom Xmas Gift 9 lIumdlsomenydesigned and engraved enhances i

its value If engraved otheIrWHSeJyou91R regret its ILJJUJB

°cfrin > pe

AU Giit5 pur-chased


of os weengrave FREEo Yt

We do It skiIJ =

fully and ar-



ticallyo jh-


i Fried I

Jeweler-SBi5 Palafox St Opposite Postoffics

from their srt at which Miss AUnroSt John was most fortunate a daintyluncheon ai > i eased their materialwants Mobile Register

MAKES FRIENDS EVERYWHER-EBiu Ribbon Lemon and Vanilla

the PERFECT FLAVORING EX-TRACTS make friends everywherethey never diappoin

FLOWERS-Fine fresh carnations for

Christmas Red White PinkPretty assortment of fernsfor dishes Also fine speci ¬

men palms and ferns BoysenFloral Gardens Phone 875252 East Chase St


Mr and Mrs las M Clarke wIileave the Hfv today To spend Xmaswith the parents of Mrs Clarke in A-more Ala From there they will >

to Mississippi to visit the family ofMr Clarke While relfVntin Xmasfirr and Mrs Clarke will liso have anrtber happy anniversary to considertheir wedding It will be remembered

I having occurred Just om year agoon the 26t-

hActonI Coal Phone 59

PERSONAL MENTIONMiss Ida Mallory and Miss llilmai

Green will be home this week from

Continued on Page Seven
