hydraulic operation of a shearer loader. conference 6f, 2t, 1r : fluid power equip. in mining,...

104A in rock; inelastic zones in tumnelling; 2. inter-active com~ter graphics as an aid to mine design; 3. stable underground openings; concepts of fracture mechanics applied to rock, rock 'strength'; ~. the Terzaghi rock load and New Australian Tunnelling Method approaches to tunnel lining design. LADANYI, B ECOLE POLYTECH .MOXTI~, CDN Quasi-static ex~ion of a cylindrical cavity in rock. THIRD SY~q)SIt~ ON ~ APPLICATIONS OF SOLID MECHANICS, TOROh"~O,JUNE 1976. SRMARI~8. The paper presents a complete solution of the problem of quasi-static expenslon of a cylindrical cavity in rock, which is needed essentially in cc~mection with the design of pressure couduits and pressurized urger- ground cavities~ as well as for the evaluation of bore- hole dilatcmeter test results. The solution, while bein~ valid for a single cavity geometry and ground stress conditions, 18, nevertheless quite con~ehe~sive as far as the true rock behaviour is ccacerned. In ad- dition to co~sldering a parabolic failure criterion for rock~ it also takes into account the loss of strength of rock after failure, and its dilation at and after failure. A~th. 98? WI~, W New design concept for underground openings in Jointed rock. ~0F,~T,21R. PUBL.INST.FOUND.~I~G,SOIL MECH,ROCK MECH,WAT~AYS CONS~ .RNTH UNIV .AAC~,W .GERMANY, 1976, PT- ~5. This paper is concerned with the evaluation of the sta- bility and the required safety measures and linin~ for underground openings in Jointed rock. A new design con- cept, based on the Finite Element Method is outlined and is illustrated by means of three underground opon- ings which have recently been completed. Mines See also abstract: I070. WII~N, SL ANDerSON MAVOR, ~ v ~ , GB Hydraulic operation of a sheerer loader. Comferonce. 6F,2T,IR. FLUID POWER E~UIP.IN MINING, QUARRYING,TUNNELLING. INST.MECH.ENGRS IENDON, 197~, P193- 200. This paper describes the functioning of the hydraulic equipment on a modern power loading mining machine for underground use and the reasons behind the choice of the equipment. Auth. 989 BROOK, E BRIT. J~ e~EY-DIAM. LTD .WA~IELD, GB The develol~nent of a hydraulic haulage transmission for a 300,000 watts (~YTn.p.) rotary drum coal face shearer. Confarence. 8F. FLUID P~ E~.IN MINING, QUARRYING,~'JNNELLING. INST.MECH.~GRS LONDON, 197~, P201- 211. 99O COI~24AN,JE Industrial support to the UK coal m4n~,g industry. In ~. 3F. O/;CKAUF,VII2,NS, 1976, P~02-~05. 991 BRYAN,A Safety in British coal mines. ~In Germsn~ IF,IT. GLUCMAUF, VII2, NS, 1976, F398- ~02. DUNN,RB NCB,LOND~N, GB British coal mining technology.In German. 3F GLUC'KAUF, V112,I~, 1976,P39% 3 98. 993 BUNTAIN, D The structure of the British coal mining industry. (In German.) 2F,3T. GLUCKAUF, Vl12, NS, 1976, F390-395. 99~ DRES~,L ULLRICH, G Model seismic investigation on the influence of dif_ ferent cross-secticl~s end friable zones in the localiza- tion of abandoned shafts. 7F, IT,10R. GLUCKA~F- FORSCH ' HEFTE, V37, N3, JI/NE 1976, P81-85. Yodel-seis~ztc measurements in two-din~.nsional models of covered~ not filled shafts in solid or in loose rock without and with friable zones of trsnsition showed that the position of the vertical axis of abandoned shafts can be clearly localized by seam tr~usm/ssion waves by means of amplitude and frequency investigations of dif- fracted compression waves. However, different forms of cross-section typical for t~e Ruhr District can only be estimated st the utmost by means of amplitude measure- merits. Auth. Tunnels 995 HANAFY, EA MCMASTBR UNIV.CD~ EMERY, JJ MCMASTI~ UNIV .CDN FRANKLIN, JA FRANKLIN TROW LTD.ONTARIO, CDN Tunnel 11,1,£ strategies. THIRD SY~II~ ON a~GNG A/~LICAT~ONS OF SOLID MECHANICS, TORONTO,JUNE 1976. S~IES. Information is given cm a finite element approach that allows: the excavatio~ process to be si~nAlated in ortho- tropic rock for the initial stress condition; creep of the rock after excavation; ixlacement of the linlr~ at any time after axcavatlon; and prediction of subsequent displacements and stresses in the combined lining-inter- face-rock system. Application of the design method to a typical tunnel in shale is described with particular emphasis ca comparing com~uted displacements and stres- ses with those meuv~'ed in the field. The ganeral in- fluences of rock l~Opertles, stress ratio, delay before lining pleceme~t and interface condition, on lining performance are indicated. A delay before lining place- me~t is shown to significantly reduce stresses from lateral squeezing. Usi~ the finite element ~ethod it is possible to ~ke a realistic assessment of l~ten- tial ~ perfora~e within the limits of available data ~ rock properties ~ creep behaviour. Auth. ANONY~DUS Finland's frozen tube. 3F. CONSULT.I~GR ,V~O,~,APR.1976, P23,25. The design of the underground sectic~ of the Helsinki Metro is described. 9~7 WALSH, T BIGGART, AR JACOB, E Under bentonite. A review of two l~pers presented at the ~=~e23_~ng 76 conference in London. CONEu'LT ~,V~OjN4, ~.1976, ~Z9, 31. 998 ~OWDON,~ Machine S~z~oz~ez~e data recorded during the ChUrner tunnelling ~i~s. ~,~,~. DE~ ~2%T~L ~b~l~_..RID.196 UC,1976,~-12. This report l~esents the data collected oa the perfor- ~u~ce of the 5 metre diameter tunnelling machine used to drive the experln~x12ml txnmel 210 metres long, in the Lower Chalk formation. Auth.

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Page 1: Hydraulic operation of a shearer loader. Conference 6F, 2T, 1R : FLUID POWER EQUIP. IN MINING, QUARRYING, TUNNELING. INST. MECH. ENGRS LONDON, 1974, P193–200


in rock; inelastic zones in tumnelling; 2. inter-active com~ter graphics as an aid to mine design; 3. stable underground openings; concepts of fracture mechanics applied to rock, rock 'strength'; ~. the Terzaghi rock load and New Australian Tunnelling Method approaches to tunnel lining design.

LADANYI, B ECOLE POLYTECH .MOXTI~, CDN Quasi-static ex~ion of a cylindrical cavity in rock. THIRD SY~q)SIt~ ON ~ APPLICATIONS OF SOLID MECHANICS, TOROh"~O,JUNE 1976. SRMARI~8. The paper presents a complete solution of the problem of quasi-static expenslon of a cylindrical cavity in rock, which is needed essentially in cc~mection with the design of pressure couduits and pressurized urger- ground cavities~ as well as for the evaluation of bore- hole dilatcmeter test results. The solution, while bein~ va l id for a single cavity geometry and ground s t r e s s condit ions, 18, never the less qu i te con~ehe~sive as far as the true rock behaviour is ccacerned. In ad- dition to co~sldering a parabolic failure criterion for rock~ it also takes into account the loss of strength of rock after failure, and its dilation at and after failure. A~th.

98? WI~, W New design concept for underground openings in Jointed rock. ~0F,~T,21R. PUBL.INST.FOUND.~I~G,SOIL MECH,ROCK MECH,WAT~AYS CONS~ .RNTH UNIV .AAC~,W .GERMANY, 1976, PT- ~5. This paper is concerned with the evaluation of the sta- bility and the required safety measures and linin~ for underground openings in Jointed rock. A new design con- cept, based on the Finite Element Method is outlined and is i l l u s t r a t e d by means of three underground opon- ings which have recently been completed.


See also abstract: I070.

WII~N, SL ANDerSON MAVOR, ~ v ~ , GB Hydraulic operation of a sheerer loader. Comferonce. 6F,2T,IR. FLUID POWER E~UIP.IN MINING, QUARRYING,TUNNELLING. INST.MECH.ENGRS IENDON, 197~, P193- 200. This paper describes the functioning of the hydraulic equipment on a modern power loading mining machine for underground use and the reasons behind the choice of the equipment. Auth.

989 BROOK, E BRIT. J ~ e~EY-DIAM. LTD .WA~IELD, GB The develol~nent of a hydraulic haulage transmission for a 300,000 watts (~YTn.p.) rotary drum coal face shearer. Confarence. 8F. FLUID P~ E~.IN MINING, QUARRYING,~'JNNELLING. INST.MECH.~GRS LONDON, 197~, P201- 211.

99O COI~24AN, JE Industrial support to the UK coal m4n~,g industry. In ~ . 3 F. O/;CKAUF,VII2,NS, 1976, P~02-~05.

991 BRYAN,A Safety in British coal mines. ~In Germsn~ IF,IT. GLUCMAUF, VII2, NS, 1976, F398- ~02.

DUNN,RB NCB,LOND~N, GB British coal mining technology.In German. 3F GLUC'KAUF, V112, I~, 1976, P39% 3 98.

993 BUNTAIN, D The structure of the British coal mining industry. (In German.) 2F,3T. GLUCKAUF, Vl12, NS, 1976, F390-395.

99~ DRES~,L ULLRICH, G Model seismic investigation on the influence of dif_ ferent cross-secticl~s end friable zones in the localiza- tion of abandoned shafts. 7F, IT,10R. GLUCKA~F- FORSCH ' HEFTE, V37, N3, JI/NE 1976, P81-85. Yodel-seis~ztc measurements in two-din~.nsional models of covered~ not filled shafts in solid or in loose rock without and with friable zones of trsnsition showed that the position of the vertical axis of abandoned shafts can be clearly localized by seam tr~usm/ssion waves by means of amplitude and frequency investigations of dif- fracted compression waves. However, different forms of cross-section typical for t~e Ruhr District can only be estimated st the utmost by means of amplitude measure- merits. Auth.


995 HANAFY, EA MCMASTBR UNIV.CD~ EMERY, JJ MCMASTI~ UNIV .CDN FRANKLIN, JA FRANKLIN TROW LTD.ONTARIO, CDN Tunnel 11,1,£ strategies. THIRD SY~II~ ON a~GNG A/~LICAT~ONS OF SOLID MECHANICS, TORONTO,JUNE 1976. S~IES. Information is given cm a finite element approach that allows: the excavatio~ process to be si~nAlated in ortho- tropic rock for the initial stress condition; creep of the rock after excavation; ixlacement of the linlr~ at any time after axcavatlon; and prediction of subsequent displacements and stresses in the combined lining-inter- face-rock system. Application of the design method to a typical tunnel in shale is described with particular emphasis ca comparing com~uted displacements and stres- ses with those meuv~'ed in the field. The ganeral in- fluences of rock l~Opertles, stress ratio, delay before lining pleceme~t and interface condition, on lining performance are indicated. A delay before lining place- me~t i s shown to s i g n i f i c a n t l y reduce s t resses from l a t e r a l squeezing. U s i ~ the f i n i t e element ~ethod i t is poss ib le to ~ k e a r e a l i s t i c assessment of l ~ t e n - t i a l ~ p e r f o r a ~ e wi th in the l im i t s of ava i lab le data ~ rock proper t ies ~ creep behaviour. Auth.

ANONY~DUS Finland's frozen tube. 3 F. CONSULT.I~GR ,V~O, ~,APR.1976, P23,25. The design of the underground sectic~ of the Helsinki Metro is described.

9~7 WALSH, T BIGGART, AR JACOB, E Under bentonite. A review of two l~pers presented at the ~=~e23_~ng 76 conference in London. CONEu'LT ~,V~OjN4, ~.1976, ~Z9, 31.

998 ~OWDON,~ Machine S~z~oz~ez~e data recorded during the ChUrner tunnelling ~i~s. ~,~,~. DE~ ~2%T~L ~b~l~_..RID.196 UC,1976,~-12. This report l~esents the data collected oa the perfor- ~u~ce of the 5 metre diameter tunnelling machine used to drive the experln~x12ml txnmel 210 metres long, in the Lower Chalk formation. Auth.