humanization versus dehumanization captured in … · adi swasono,...

HUMANIZATION VERSUS DEHUMANIZATION CAPTURED IN WALL-E MOVIE a final project submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Sarjana Sastra in English by MANDASARI WARDANI 2250406506 ENGLISH DEPARTMENT FACULTY OF LANGUAGES AND ARTS SEMARANG STATE UNIVERSITY 2010

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a final project

submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements

for the degree of Sarjana Sastra

in English








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PERNYATAAN Dengan ini saya, Nama : Mandasari Wardani NIM : 2250406506 Prodi / Jurusan : Sastra Inggris / Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris Fakultas : Bahasa dan Seni menyatakan dengan sesungguhnya bahwa skripsi / tugas akhir / final project yang

berjudul :


saya tulis dalam rangka memenuhi salah satu syarat untuk memenuhi gelar sarjana

ini benar-benar merupakan karya saya, yang saya hasilkan setelah melalui

penelitian, bimbingan, diskusi dan pemaparan / ujian. Semua kutipan, baik yang

langsung maupun tidak langsung, atau yang diperoleh dari sumber lainnya, telah

disertai keterangan mengenai identitas sumbernya dengan cara sebagaimana yang

lazim dalam penulisan karya ilmiah. Dengan demikian, walaupun tim penguji dan

pembimbing penulisan skripsi / tugas akhir/ final project ini membubuhkan tanda

tangan sebagai tanda keabsahannya, seluruh karya ilmiah ini tetap menjadi

tanggungjawab saya sendiri. Jika kemudian terdapat ketidakbenaran, saya

bersedia menerima akibatnya dengan mengadakan perubahan.

Demikian, surat pernyataan ini dapat digunakan seperlunya.

Semarang, 8 Maret 2010 Yang membuat pernyataan Mandasari Wardani

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This final project has been approved by the Board of Examiners of the English

Department of Languages and Arts Faculty of Semarang State University


Board of Examiners:

1. Chairman,

Prof. Dr. Rustono, M.Hum NIP. 195801271983031003

2. Secretary,

Drs. Suprapto, M.Hum NIP. 195311291982031002

3. First Examiner,

Dr. Dwi Anggani Linggar B, M.Pd NIP. 195901141989012001

4. Second Advisor as Second Examiner,

Rohani, S.Pd., M.A. NIP. 197903122003121002

5. First Advisor as Third Examiner,

Dra. Indrawati, M.Hum NIP. 195410201986012001

Approved by

Dean of Faculty of Languages and Arts,

Prof. Dr. Rustono, M.Hum NIP. 195801271983031003

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Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today

Never give up and retry are the keys to reach our dreams

A winner is someone who always forgives someone’s mistake

without being asked to forgive


My beloved Mother and Father

My beloved little Sister

My older Sister and her children

My friends in Englite A parallel


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First and foremost, the writer wishes to express her greatest gratitude to

Allah Almighty for the blessing and mercy that have led her to finish her final


Her deepest gratitude is addressed to Dra. Indrawati, M.Hum, as her first

advisor, for the continuous guidance and valuable suggestions during the process

of writing her final project. Furthermore, The writer would like to extend her

deepest appreciation to Rohani, S.Pd., M.A, as her second advisor, who has

provided his kind guidance and encouragement in improving her final project. Her

biggest appreciation is expressed to all the lecturers of the English Department for

giving their guidance during her study at UNNES.

In this special occasion, the writer would like to extend her gratitude to her

parents and siblings who always give her prayer, everlasting love and support to

finish her study and her final project. Her special thanks also go to her brother,

Adi Swasono, who gave her the treasure, Oxford dictionary as her modal, Eliz,

Sasa, Linda, Mika, Lia, mb. Nana as her best friends who gave her the never

ending sisterhood, her friends in A parallel Englite who gave her a new happy

family, Nendi, Odaz and Arif for the brotherhood, her boarding house friends, her

High School friends Pity, Ting-ting and Eva for their support. Last the writer

thank to all the people she could not mention one by one, who helped her in

finishing her final project.

Semarang, 08 Maret 2010 Mandasari Wardani

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Wardani, Mandasari. 2010. Humanization Versus Dehumanization Captured in

Wall-E Movie. Final Project, English Department, Languages and Arts Faculty of Semarang State University, The First Supervisor: Dra. Indrawati, M. Hum., The Second Supervisor: Rohani, S.Pd., M.A.

Keywords: Dehumanization, Modern Technology, Sociological approach

This study focused on analyzing humanization and dehumanization that appear in the movie caused by the usage of modern technology through the point of view of sociology.

The object of the study is the movie entitled Wall-E which is directed by Andrew Stanton. This movie is an animation movie which is a hypothetical story but it might happen. It tells about an era where humans are enslaved by the modern technology that they do not know anything but an easy life by the help of technology. The two major characters of the movie are robots named Wall-E and Eve which are the symbols of the modern technology.

This study was analyzed qualitatively as a method of finding data, analyzing data, and presenting data. The data of this study is in the form of written words and pictures. There were several steps in analyzing the data. First, watch the movie. The movie was watched several times to understand the whole content of the story. Second, the data related to problem were listed. Third, the selected data were analyzed using sociological approach and from the result it can be made a binary opposition table.

Results indicated that there were dehumanization practises on people’s life in modern society that were caused by the usage of modern technology. The society became selfish, unaware of others and their surrounding and left the harmonious life by ignoring the norms and mores. From the table of analysis it can be concluded that dehumanization practises on people’s life in modern society appeared much more than in traditional society.

By analyzing Wall-E movie through the other point of view that is sociology, it can be drawn conclusions that humans are the social creature who need others to live and to build a harmonious and mutual life.

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ACKNOWLEDGEMENT........................................................................ v

ABSTRACT.............................................................................................. vi

TABLE OF CONTENTS.......................................................................... vii



ODUCTION.............................................................................. 1

1.1 Background of the Study..................................................................... 1

1.2 Reasons for Choosing the Topic.......................................................... 5

1.3 Statements of the Problem................................................................... 6

1.4 Objectives of the Study........................................................................ 6

1.5 Significances of the Study.................................................................... 6

1.6 Outline of the Study............................................................................. 6



2.1 Definition of Movie.............................................................................. 8

2.1.1 The

kinds of Movie......................................................................... 9

2.2 Theory of Sociology............................................................................. 10

2.2.1 Human

ization.................................................................................. 10

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2.2.2 Dehumanization............................................................................... 12

2.2.3 Sociological Approach and Sociology in Literature........................ 15 Sociological Approach..................................................................... 15 Sociology in Literature..................................................................... 17

2.3 Modern Society.................................................................................... 19

2.4 Technology in Modern Society............................................................ 20

2.5 Theory of Deconstruction.................................................................... 25

3. MET


3.1 Object of the Study.............................................................................. 28

3.1.1 Summary.......................................................................................... 28

3.2 Role of The Researcher........................................................................ 32

3.3 Type of Data........................................................................................ 32

3.4 Procedures of Collecting Data.............................................................. 33

3.5 Method of analyzing the Data.............................................................. 34



4.1 Humanization and Dehumanization in Modern Society....................... 36

4.2 The Solution that can be Drawn from the Movie................................. 52



5.1 Conclusions.......................................................................................... 56

5.2 Suggestions.......................................................................................... 57

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BIBLIOGRAPHY..................................................................................... 58

APPENDIX................................................................................................. 61

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1.1 Background of the Study

Literature is another way of showing our intention instead of language. According

to Rees (1973:1-2) literature is divided into two, the broad sense and the narrow

sense. In a broad sense literature means everything that is in a form of writing that

delivers meaning, while in narrow sense literature means everything that is written

which shows our feelings, thoughts, ideas and opinions toward life. The kind of

the literary work is divided into three categories. They are drama, prose and

poetry. Each of them talks about something which is delivered by character or

characters. Weleek and Warren in Theory of Literature state that “a literary work

of art is not a simple object but rather highly complex organization of stratified

characters with multiple meanings and relationships”.

Literature used to be in written form such as poetry and prose because people

mostly spend their time to read. Yet, since now we are living in a sophisticated

world where technology is modern, people are no longer spending their time to

read but to watch television. It goes without saying that as the time goes by people

prefer watching movie to reading books. This makes the novelists think to try

another way to keep producing their work without loosing the reader. Then the

result is the booming of movie production. Movie or film is also categorized as a

literary work because it is based on the script. It is called motion picture. Film is a

story, or etcetera recorded as set of moving pictures to be shown on television or

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cinema (Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary, 2005:550). As written in

Encyclopaedia Americana (2004:505)

Like literature, many films are based on narrative of a story and develop characterization and mood, like theatre, films for the most part use human actors who are engaged in a performance. Like poetry, films can convey several levels of meaning simultaneously.

In other word, film can convey not only just picture and script but also moral

values that are delivered by the character or characters. Nowadays, film is chosen

as the proper way to show to society that in life we would find a lot of problems

from economic, family until social problem.

Social problem is the most common problem that appears in our daily life

for we as the people who live in a society must have an interpersonal relationship

with others and as social creature we can not live by ourselves. Yet, somehow we

can not maintain the relationship properly because of some reasons, such as

lacking of time to maintain the relationship, too selfish for only care of our need,

insensitive to other’s feeling and etcetera. The follow up problems then are the

humanization and dehumanization.

As the modern era, everything is dealing with technology because it makes

our life easier. Related to literature, people do not need to read books but watch

movie for they can save their time and energy. That is why movie is the most

preferable form of literary work than written literary work. On the other hand,

except giving a good impact on our life, technology also gives a bad impact. It is

dehumanization. People are just too busy with themselves that they forget to

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socialize with other people. As a result people could lose their sensitivity,

sympathy and humanity whose process is called dehumanization.

Humanization is a noun form of the word humanize which means a feeling

of having kindness, sensitivity and sympathy regarding others, whereas,

dehumanization is loosing the human qualities such as kindness, sensitivity and

sympathy. Dehumanization is the opposite meaning of humanization which

appears as an unconscious impact. It is said so because people are not aware that

slowly they turn into dehumanized person. In actual life, it goes without saying

that no one wants to turn into the dehumanized person, but their environment,

their way of life and their society give a big influence which force them to be

dehumanized person. For example, a person lost his wallet and then someone

found it and came to give it back to the owner but apparently after getting his

wallet back he did not even say thank you. Another example is a certain

community, such as punk rock community. They often received different

treatment by people who do not have the same principle as them. They are given a

bad label from the society for their appearance, for their ways of life which is anti

fixity, put the personal freedom first and etcetera. Realizing it or not the people

who practiced all that kinds of unfair treatment are turning into dehumanized

people and the receiver are called the victim of dehumanization practice and the

unfair treatment called as dehumanization activity. Those are just simple

examples. in fact, dehumanization can gradually change a person into a

dehumanized person.

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If we look into the case, it seems that the society plays the biggest role in

that change because people spend their time mostly to interact with the society

around them. In the office, for example, they interact with other employee and at

school, students interact with other students. These kinds of interaction will lead

them to be dehumanized persons, for they only care for their business and they are

not aware of everything that has no relation with their interest.

If we talk about society it means that we talk about culture because society

and culture are inseparable aspects. Culture is a guideline of a person to behave

properly in society and personal life. Malinowski (in M. S, Basrowi, 2005: 123)

states that:

“Culture is an integral composed of partly autonomous, partly coordinated institution. It is integrated on a series of principle such as the community of blood through procreation; the continuity in space related to cooperation, the specialization of activities and last but not least, the use of power in political organization”

Nevertheless, culture still could change things depend on the society. It

could be from the society themselves, from the environment around them and also

from the other powerful effect such as modern technology. In this case, the last

reason, the effect of the modern technology, is the tremendous influence of the

turning of a humanized person into dehumanized one, whereas, culture is one of

the identities of a society even a country. It should be one of the ways to humanize

a society not to dehumanize them for it raises a dignity of the society themselves

from every aspect of life such as economy, politics and social.

The movie that is taken as the object of the research, entitled Wall-E, is an

animation movie and which is hypothetical movie. It is called an animation

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because the actors and actresses are replaced by cartoon or animation picture.

Nevertheless, even though this movie belongs to an animation movie and a

hypothetical story but it delivers a story in which the condition showed in the

movie might happen. The Earth perhaps will be deserted by people one day.

Moreover, though the movie is delivered in the form of an animation movie, on

the contrary, the movie could be enjoyed by everyone from the different range of

age. The Wall-E movie conveys a problem that is analyzed here and the writer

uses sociological approach to answer the problems.

1.2 Reasons for Choosing the Topic

The writer carries out the problems because of some of the following reasons:

First, the humanization and dehumanization are the common problems that

often appear in people’s daily life. Everybody must face that kind of problem

especially in making the relationship with other.

Second, movie, in this case animation movie, is the most chosen entertainment

for it can amuse people not only children but also people of all ages. Animation

movie also conveys meaning and moral value at the same time as people watch

the film.

Third, the approach that is used to analyze the movie is the sociological

approach which can give the writer a broader knowledge about other fields of

discipline since the writer is an English Department student.

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1.3 Statements of the Problem

In order to focus on the study the writer limits the discussion by presenting the

problems as follows:

1. How was dehumanization revealed in the movie?

2. What solution that can be drawn from the movie?

1.4 Objectives of the Study

The objectives of the research are:

1. To find out how the dehumanization revealed in the movie.

2. To find out the solution of the discussed problems.

1.5 Significances of the Study

The result of the study is expected to be able to fulfil the following expectations:

1. To help viewers of the movie to find the meaning of the movie

2. To give a clear description of how the dehumanization in the movie.

3. To make the reader know about the factors and the impact of

humanization and the dehumanization on people’s life.

1.6 Outline of the Study

This final project is presented into five chapters and the discussion would be as


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Chapter one serves the introduction which contains of background of the

study, reason for choosing the topic, statement of the problem, objective of the

study, significance of the study, and outline of this study.

Chapter two is review of related literature. It discusses movie, theory of

sociology, modern society, technology in modern society and the deconstruction


Chapter three presents the method of investigation which consists of types

of the study, types of research, and procedure of collecting the data, and

procedure of analyzing the data.

Chapter four presents the analysis which will be directed to the

humanization and dehumanization as captured in Wall-E movie.

Chapter five serves as conclusions and suggestions based on the analysis.

The bibliography follows this chapter is given in other page.

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In this chapter, the writer would like to present the review of related literature to

support her analysis concerning the movie. She uses several sources to explain the

subject matter. The data were taken from books, encyclopaedias, dictionaries, and

some sites.

2.1 Definition of Movie

Movie, or it is also called film, is a story that is recorded as a set of moving

pictures to be shown on television or at the cinema (Oxford Advanced Learners

Dictionary, 2005:960). Further, according to Summers (1992:476) the definitions

of film are (1). a roll of material, which is sensitive to light and which is used in

camera for taking photographs or moving pictures for cinema; (2). a movie, a

story, play, etc. recorded on film to be shown in the cinema, on television, etc.

The issue that is delivered by the film is usually talk about the social condition,

political situation and even the upcoming event that have been predicted to be

happen. As Lorimer (1991:506), states that films can record culture and they can

treat social or political issues and other aspects of societies to capture relationship

that is difficult to be communicated by other means. Sulistya in Handout of

Introduction to Literature as cited by Arini (2008:7) stated that film which is

combined with technique of drama, poetry, visual arts, and music has been

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included into literary studies since the twentieth century, with movie script being

studied as works of art alongside the books and plays many films are based on.

From the definitions of the movie or film above, it can be concluded that the

Wall-E film is a literary work since it conveys issues about culture, social life and

other issues that possibly happen in life.

2.1.1 The Kinds of Movie

According to Grolier Encyclopedia (1993:80) there are four major film traditions:

1) Fictional Narrative Film

The film describe about people and the audiences can identify it easily

because the world looks familiar. The example of this kind of film is the

story about the legendary people.

2) Nonfiction Documentary Film

The film focuses on the real world; it describes what happened to the

world and the truth about it. The example is a film about war, such as the

world war I, II and etc.

3) Animated Film

This kind of film is acted by the drawing or cartoon characters as the

substitution of the real person since it is animation. The story can be vary

from fairy tale until the imagination story. Yet, nowadays, the animated

story is mostly choosen as the media to deliver an imaginative story that

needed a high effect that could not be acted or realized by the real persons.

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4) Experimental Film

The film exploits its ability to create a purely abstract, non realistic world

unlike any previously seen.

According to the content, kinds of the film can be divided into story, journal,

instructive, explanatory, documentary, doll, picture, advertisement, and television


2.2 Theory of Sociology

Sociology is an independent field of study which studies human, society and their

problem as the object of the study (syani, 2002:17). Since from that point,

sociology is the proper field of study to analyze the problems. The problems that

often appear are humanization and dehumanization.

2.2.1 Humanization

The term humanization is derived from the word humanism which means a

system of thought (Oxford Advanced Learner Dictionary seventh edition,

2005:729). This system of thought considers that solving human problem with the

help of reason is more important than that of religious belief. Humanization

emphasizes the fact that the basic nature of human is good. It is important for

people to have the quality of humanism firmly in their heart and feeling and is

also practised in life to be able to live harmoniously with other in a society. In

addition people need to communicate, get acquainted with others and build a

relationship. To reach those all people need to hold humanism. People can feel

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another people’s feeling by saying congratulations on happy occasions and show

the feeling of sympathy in sad occasions.

It is important to implement humanistic behaviour in a society in order to

form a humanistic attitude because attitude can be influenced by the environment.

Kimball Young (1957:77) stated:

An attitude is essentially a form of anticipatory response, a beginning of action which is not necessary completed. This readiness to react moreover, implies some kind of stimulating situation, either specific or general. Also, attitudes tend to have stability and persistence.

Mar’at (Walgito, 2003:22) stated that situation is one of the factors that influences

attitude. While Floyd Allport (Walgito, 2003:20) said that the bahavior in social

interaction is determined by many factors. One of the factors is the interference by

other person with their various specific bahavior. It can be concluded that a good

attitude is a modal to make a qualified relationship and a qualified relationship is

one of the ways to live harmoniously in society.

Nevertheless, nothing is perfect. Every ill treatment such as accusing

someone for a crime that has not been proved yet who the doer is, taking a dim

view of someone just because he has a different skin colour, will cause bad effect.

The inequitable treatment to others arises negative impact. Perhaps at first the

inequitable treatment might be just a prejudice or notion but later it becomes an

accusation and this will make a serious problem. For example if they had words

with other, the way people face the problem is different from each other. If they

solve the problem in a peaceful way, using their humanization point of view for

example, so they can solve the problem easier. Regarding the opponent not as an

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opponent but as a fellow human who deserves of moral consideration, realizing

that everyone can makes mistakes for no one is perfect but Him, and shaping the

mind that everyone deserves to get apologize are some of the humanization point

of views that can be used as guidelines or principles to solve a problem. In this

way, the quarrel can be reframed in a peaceful way. Nevertheless, if they still

continue the quarrel and regard the opponent as an evil and even regard them as

less than human this will lead them into the dehumanization. The recent example

that appears in real life is the criminal prosecution of a farmer to be jailed for what

he has done. He took a watermelon from his neighbour’s garden because he and

his family were starving. It will end differently if the owner of the garden

apologized the farmer and it is better if he helped him by giving food.

2.2.2 Dehumanization

Dehumanization is the antonym of humanization. Dehumanization is the condition

in which people loosing human’s qualities such as kindness, pity and the like

(Oxford Advanced Learner Dictionary seventh edition, 2005:386). In other words,

dehumanization is the reduction of having humanism behaviors and

characteristics. Usually dehumanization comes from the imbalance treatments.

According to Michelle Maise in, dehumanization is the

psychological process of demonizing the enemy, making them seem less than

human and hence not worthy of human treatment. This can lead to increase

violence, human right violence, crimes, and maybe genocide. The unfair treatment

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to other because of different skin colour, different religion and different gender, or

other unfair treatment to other that are considered as a threat to our well being, are

the examples of the seed of dehumanization.

The easiest person who can be an object of the dehumanization is the

deindividuated person because he is less than fully human. He is viewed as less

protected by social group. Social group is a group that is formed in society where

there is a social interaction and it influences each other. As Chaplin (1972:463)

stated “a collection of individuals who have some characteristics in common or

who are pursuing a common goal. Two or more persons who interact in a way

constitute a group”. Shaw (Walgito, 2003:79) said that a social group is two or

more people who interact with and influence one another. Further, he said that the

important characteristic is the interaction between persons. A wife and a husband

are a social group for they interact each other but the passengers in a bus could not

be a social group because there is no interaction between them.

In this era, people mostly show the sign of having dehumanization much

than the humanization. The portion is not balanced even some of them do not

show the feeling of humanization at all. They tend to be selfish, careless for others

especially in the city which has sophistication and modern life such as a high

technology and a high class life style. They turn to be individual person. They

never communicate with each other. They think that they can find everything they

want to find themselves by using the internet or calling the information centre by

phone. It sounds like nothing but if everyone does this continually, there will not

be a communication at all even if they are close.

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The psychological process of dehumanization might be reduced through the

increase of humanization efforts, the development of empathy, the establishment

of personal relationships between conflicting parties and the pursuits of the

common goals.

To make the classification easier, it is better to list the criteria of

humanization and dehumanization. The criteria listed below are the common

criteria which are generally found in social life.

The criteria of humanization are:

1) Regard the other person as a fellow human who need to be loved, to be

respected and to be treated equally for they have the equal human rights.

2) Help other people who needs it. We have to always remember that we are

just the human being who can not stand alone. By implementing this in

heart firmly then people will have a high sensitivity to others.

3) Interact with other according to norms and mores in the society. A

relationship without interaction is nothing because interaction is needed as

a soul in a body. A direct interaction such as having an eye contact while

we are talking with friends, and shaking somebody’s hand when we meet

them as away to say hello. By doing so, then a mutual relationship has


The criteria of dehumanization are:

1) Not regard the other person as a fellow human, treat other people without

reason and breaking their human rights. The example in concrete is the

treatment to criminals. They are often treated less than human by

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accepting a hard pounce continually, can not use their rights just because

they are criminals, whereas, their human rights still exist whether they

now become prisoners.

2) Loosing sensitivity and sympathy toward others and everything happens

sourround him.

3) Being an individualistic person for he does not have interaction with others

and doing things in his way without considering norms, mores and the

impact to people arround him.

It can be concluded that apparently the dissimilarity between humanization and

dehumanization is very slight.

2.2.3 Sociological Approach and Sociology in Literature

Sociology is a wide, independent field of study. Below, the writer gives the

boundaries of the theory of sociology that are sociological appoach and sociology

in literature in order to make a better understanding. Sociological Approach

As living in a society, a social interaction is needed in order to maintain the

mutual relationship among the other society member. According to Robin M.

Williams, Jr. (1960:56) societies are systems of human behavior fairly

independent of their biophysical environments except when these conditions press

too severly upon human biological requirements for survival. Metta Spencer

(1985:6) states that a society is a large, permanent, self-sufficient, self

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perpetuating group of interacting people who share certain common values and


Moreover, sociology is the field of study that studies society. As Roucek

and Warren (in M. S, Basrowi, 2005:10) said that sociology is a field of study

which studies the relation of societies and their group. There are other sociologists

who state the same idea of defining sociology. William F. Ogburn and Meyer F.

Nimkof (in M. S, Basrowi, 2005: 10) stated that sociology is a scientific research

toward social interaction which result is social organization. While Smelser

(1981:9) stated that sociology is a scientific study of society and social

interaction. Further, Herbert Spencer (in Spencer, 1985:7) defined sociology as

the study of family politics, religion, social control and industry or work.

Sociology’s basic goal is to understand how human beings fit their activities

together into a system of stable social arrangements while the primary purpose is

to explain how this happens, how the activities of individuals fit together to

produce orderly collective life. Although sociology can not be precisely sliced

into two but to make it easier to be analyzed the sociologists divided the

sociological perspective. According to Popenoe (1971:9) the two basic principles


1) Microsociological Theory

Microsociology is the study of the individual as a social being. This

theory concerned with people’s everyday interactions, the smallest

units of patterned behavior. Further Popenoe explain that

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microsociology looks at the social interaction of individuals and do

not see society as a controlling force.

2) Macrosociological Theory

Macrosociology is the study of the large scale structures of society

and how they relate to one another. This perspective focuses on the

patterns of behavior that characterize whole societies.

Sociological approach is one of the fields of study that can be used to

analyze literary work as it is known that literary work could be analyzed through

many kind of fields of study. Sociology in Literature

Literary works can be analyzed through many approaches for it depends of

one’s interpretation which is absolutely different from other. One of the

approaches is sociological approach. It is such an approach to literary work which

sees literature as one aspect of the larger processes of history, especially those

processes including people’s life and role in social group or as members of social

institution. It can be concluded that literary work is the mirror of life. Literature or

literary work can not stand alone. It relates to another field of study for it tells

something whether it is a political situation, social relation or problems that is

faced in real life. And the appropiate approach is called sociological approach

which attempts to relate what happens in the text to social events and patterns.

Escarpit explaines as follows:

Sastra harus dipandang dalam hubungan yang tak terpisahkan dengan kehidupan masyarakat, latar belakang unsur sejarah, dan sosial yang mempengaruhi pengarang dan harus mengabaikan sudut pandang subjektif dan arbitrer yang

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menganggap setiap buku sebagai suatu karya yang independent dan berdiri sendiri. (2005:8)

It means that literature or literary work can not be separated from the aspects of

life. Most of literary work is always produced in a social context deals with

human’s life. Therefore, writers may criticize the value of the society in which

they live and literary work can be a form of their critics. Moreover, Hardjana

states as follow:

Hubungan antara ilmu sosiologi dan kritik sastra pada dasarnya mirip dengan hubungan antara ilmu psikologi dan kritik sastra. Kalau yang disebut pertama terutama terpusat pada unsur luar sebagai latar belakang kemasyarakatan diri pengarang dan karyanya. (1985:70)

In other word everyone can draw their own conclusion and interpretation

based on their own understanding by the proper approach.

Laurenson and Swingwood (in Endraswara, 2003:79) mention that there are

3 main perspectives which are related to sociology in literature. The perspectives


1) A study that sees the work of literature as a social documentation which

contains a reflection of condition in which the work is being written at the

time being.

2) A study that uncovers the work of literature as a mirror of the writer social


3) A study that captures work of literature as a manifestation of a historical

sequence and the culture condition.

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All in all, based on the explanation above it can be drawn a conclusion that

literary work is influenced by society and otherwise, society is enriched by a

literary work. In other words it is concluded that sociological approach focuses on

the extrinsic elements of literary works especially dealing with society.

2.3 Modern Society

The word modern is derived from the Latin “modo” which means ways and

“ernus” which means recent era. Historically modern society is a society who shift

from the traditional society. The shifted things could be the way they live, the

influence of the modern era toward their needed. Afterward, the process of the

shifting is called modernization. According to Pelly and Mananti, modernization

in a narrow sense is often regarded as the improvement in technology and its

production process (1994:15). Modernization is an era where sophisticated

technology and machines replace the old one, in this case is human power. As

Louis Irving Horowiz (Syani, 2002:174) said that modernization is a term that

normally used in the field of technology which means that machines will replace

human power in order to send a faster information and better communication and

etc. Moreover, Ramon (in M. S, Basrowi, 2005:174) stated that modernization is a

shifting process of a society and its culture in all its aspect from the traditional

into the modern one.

The characteristics of the modern society according to Alex Inkeles, a

sociologist, are first, open minded to the new information. Second, the society is a

punctual society because for the modern society time is priceless. Third, put the

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knowledge and technology first (Syani, 2002:175). It could be concluded that the

life of the modern society has been set into the sophisticated minded for all the

high technologies and sophisticated machines make life easier.

The dump robot which job is to collect the household garbage, sweep the

floor and clean the house when the owner of the house make a simple one call, a

GPRS tool which shows the direction, map of a requested place and all

information that are needed so that people will not get lost even in a place that

they never know before, a high tech gadget that can help the driver to park the car

in a narrow parking lot, the sophisticated car that is made from such kind of gel so

it will protect the user in case he got an accident are some of the example of the

high technology and sohisticated technology that can make life easier.

The goal of human life is to maintain their existence by fulfilling their need

and having children as the next generation are some of the ways. The stages of life

show the changing process of life, from the traditional to the modern one.

Technology is one of the essential thing and the mark that a condition of a society

has changed because from its progress it can be measured how far a society has


2.4 Technology in Modern Society

Technology is a scientific knowledge that is used in practical ways in industry

(Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary seventh edition, 2005:1520). Lester C.

Thurow said that technology is not manna from heaven. It is a social process of

human creation and innovation (in Besari, 2008:11). Since it consists of a

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society’s method for using resources in pursuit of its values, it goes without

saying that every societies must have some technology despite in a very primitive

one. The footprint of technology could be seen by learning its history as Fernand

Braudel said that in a way, everything is technology. Technology is explained by

the history and in turn explains history (in Besari, 2008:9). The simplest example

is, in the case of a primitive society in stone age or in a nomaden age in which

they had to move to different places in order to find a better place than it used to,

the use of tools made from a few arranged stone or big bones which is sharpened

on one side as a weapon to hunt animals, skinned them off to be their clothes, and

to defense themselves from animal attack. The way they lit the fire also used some

technique that could be called as technology at that time. And then the gathering

way of life popped up. They started to increase the early technology as well,

because their life needs were getting harder to find. They made a higher

technology than they had before attempt to match with their needed. They farmed,

breeded the animal and made the irrigation system to water the crops, and made

the farming equipments to plough the land are some of the example. According to

Besari (2008:168) kinds of technology are viewed from the point of view of time

perspective and ethnological.

Ethnologically technology divided into three groups:

1) Indigenous Technologies

Indigenous technology is a technology that is invented and

implemented by a certain indigenous society. American biplane is the

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example. On december 17th 1903 in Kitty Hawk, The Wright Brothers

succeeded in flying the first plane with internal combustion engine.

2) Traditional Technologies

Traditional technology is a technology that has been implemented and

developed by a certain society for long time so that the originality of it

can not be indentify anymore. Batik technology in Indonesia, for

example, in Java island especially, is an imported technology that has

been implemented and used for a long time so that the originality of it is


3) Established Technologies

Established technology is technology that has been implemented by the

entire society for a long time period. This covers all technologies which

are familiar in society and commonly used in life.

While from time perspective, technology divided into seven, they are:

1) Current Technologies

Current technology is technology that is applied and known in recent

life. Internal combustion engine, for example, is a common system that

is applied in motorcycle and car.

2) Emerging Technologies

Emerging technology is technology that is being developed in

laboratory, incubator or in trial. This kind of technology can not been

implemented in society. Hyper-car is the example. The goal of this kind

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of car is to find the car which is light in weight, save in fuel and uses

the hybrid-electric.

3) New Technologies

New technology is technology that fundamentally different from the

previous one.

4) Future Technologies

Future technology is technology that has been predicted to occur in the


5) ‘Sun Rise’ Technologies

‘Sun Rise technology is technology that has been used in society but it

might be develop into a better technology or maybe slightly different.

6) Sun Set Technologies

Sun Set technology is technology which its development possibility has

reach the end. Yet, it is difficult to categorize this kind of technology.

7) Dead End Technologies

Dead End technology is technology that can not been developed


And the development of technology goes as the time does until on between

about 1750 and 1850 when the industrial revolution occur in The United

Kingdom. That is the milestone of the technology especially machines which will

replace the human power.

Revolution is a great change in conditions, ways of working, beliefs, etc.

that affects large numbers of people (Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary

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seventh edition, 2005:1254). Revolution is a social and cultural change which

covered all aspects in society and it takes a quite long time for the changes that

occur. Industrial revolution is one of the examples. Industrial revolution is a great

change in industry because of the advance of technology in the form of the labor

force or manpower replacement into machines power. The industrial revolution

first took place in England around the 18th and the 19th century and this brought

England into an industrial country which at first it was a large agricultural

country. During this time, many important machines were invented, such as steam

engine, which allowed one worker to produce more than what it had been

produced before. As a result, big factories were built which could produce a wide

variety of goods in large quantities. New methods of transportation, in particular

canals and railways, were developed for transporting these goods from place to

place. During the Industrial Revolution, the populations of cities grew rapidly as

people moved from the countryside to work in factories.

What drove the industrial revolution were profound social changes, as

Europe moved from a primarily agricultural and rural economy to a capitalist and

urban economy, from a household, a family-based economy to an industry- based

economy. This required rethinking social obligations and the structure of the

family; the abandonment of the family economy, for instance, was the most

dramatic change to the structure of the family; the abandonment of the family

economy, for instance, was the most dramatic change to the structure of the family

that Europe had never undergo. The other impact of the industrial revolution to

society is capitalism. Basically capitalism does not get along with the

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development of technology but as it goes by, people’s consumption degree is

increase and in this case capitalism plays the role. People will not be satisfied for

what they have got and they will persue it until it reaches the end of the bottom.

The real example is the research of Mars Planet. The researchers conduct a

thorough research to find out whether people can live in Mars or not. The result

then will propelled people’s desire to live in outer space with the modern,

advance, and sophisticated technologies that support their hunger, their obsession

of living in space or other planets.

2.5 Theory of Deconstruction

Deconstruction is an approach that gives us many choices. Deconstruction view

that there is no fixed truth and truth can change because according to

deconstruction there is a hidden truth and other possibility that has not been

revealed. Deconstruction, that first emerged in the American Literary stage in

1966, is coined by its founding father, Jacques Derrida.

Jacques Derrida borrowed the binary opposition from its first founder the

well known structuralist, Ferdinand de Saussure, but their assumption of binary

opposition is difference. According to Saussure in, binary

opposition is two compared things that are different and one of them has a higher

value than other and this is what we called with the hierarchy system that one is

superior than other. The example of Saussure’s binary opposition is langue and

parole. Langue is language that learned by the speaker both consciously and

unconsciously while parole is the system of the languge. There is also signifier

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and signified. Signifier or the spoken or the written constituent such as the sound

and the written symbol and the signified is the concept signaled by the signifier.

On the other hands, Derrida’s assumption of binary opposition is that it always

changing and tend to start to contradict each other. Derrida affirmed Saussure’s

decree that language is a system based on differences and he agreed that we can

know the meaning of signifier by looking on the differences among themselves.

Nevertheless, Derrida applied this to signified too.

From the Saussure’s theory, it can be concluded that our knowledge of the

world is shaped by the language that represents it, Saussure insists on the arbitrary

relationship between the signifier and signified and for Saussure, meaning in

language resides in a systematized combination of sounds that rely chiefly on the

differences among these signs themselves. It is this concept that meaning in

language is determined by the differences among the language signs that Derrida

borrows from Saussure as a key building block in the formulation of


Because the establishing of one center of unity automatically means that

another is decentred, Derrida concludes that western metaphysics is based on a

system of binary operations or conceptual operations. For each center, there exists

an opposing center. We know truth, for instance, because we know deception; we

know good because we know bad. The creating of these hierarchal binaries is the

basis of western metaphysics to which Derrida objects.

According to Tahira Manji in, binary opposition is a

subtle way in which texts are subconsciously interpreted by readers and listeners.

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The existence of ‘binaries’ within a text acts to develop often powerful layers of

meaning that work to maintain and reinforce a society or culture’s dominant

ideologies. Such uses and interpretations occur sub-consciously because both the

creator and the user of the text are a part of a context that is permeated by certain

ideological beliefs and mind-set. According to deconstruction theory, anything

that acts to signify meaning can do so only through a process related to

symbolism, such as the meaning will be culturally derived. For example, a rose is

symbolized as romantic. Levi-Strauss and Barthes realized that meaning, in fact,

results from a complex association of ideas about the thing itself plus other ideas

that are the thing’s ‘cultural opposite’, what they called its cultural or ‘binary


Steps in arranging the binary opposition is first, identifying the oppositional

hierarchy which occur in the object of study. Second, reversing the oppositional

point by showing the depency of the contradictory points. Third, introducing or

drawing the new idea or concept that can not go along with the old oppositional

category. It is why if we adapt the binary opposition then the truth is never exist

because it is naturally in human mind and always changing. Binary opposition

offers another options whether the other just offers limit option.

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This chapter deals with method of investigation. It presents the procedures and

research steps to solve the research problem. It consists of five sub-chapters,

object of the study, role of the researcher, the type of data, procedures of

collecting the data, and method of analyzing the data.

3.1 Object of the Study

The object of the study is the film entitled Wall-E which is presented in the form

of DVD which has duration for about 90 minutes and produced by Walt Disney

pictures and Pixar animation studio and released in 2008. It is directed by Andrew

Stanton and since this film is an animation so there is a group of animator which is

managed by Jake Martin. Meanwhile the dubbers of the two main characters are

Ben Burt as Wall-E and Elissa Knight as Eva.

3.1.1 Summary

Approximately seven hundred years in the future, the earth is over-run with

garbage and devoid of plant and animal life; the consequence of years of

environmental degradation and thoughtless consumerism. Humans were living on

the spaceship Axiom after vacating Earth centuries earlier. The original plan was

for humans to live in outer space temporarily while cleaning robots prepared Earth

for recolonization. However, after seven hundred years, only one cleaning robot

remained, WALL-E (Waste Allocation Load Lifter Earth-class). WALL-E spent

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his days compacting garbage into solid blocks and building structures with them.

He also collected some of the more interesting stuffs or triffles and kept them in

the garage he shared with a cockroach, his only best friend. At night he watched

"Hello Dolly" on VHS, video home system (a system used by video recorders and

some camcorders), and dreamed of having a hand to hold. Most of what he found

was spare parts and electronics but one day he found a lonely plant. Not sure what

it was, but recognizing that it needed soil and cared, he picked it up and put it in a

dirt-filled old shoe. The next day, an enormous space ship landed and deposited

another robot, EVE (Extraterrestrial Vegetation Evaluator). WALL-E was

immediately smitten and hoped to hold her hand but EVE was quick to use her

plasma cannon, which can blast a hole through anything. EVE flown around earth

looking for vegetation but becomes distraught upon not finding any. WALL-E

was finally able to approach her and took her back to his garage where he shows

her his collection of human stuffs and triffles. She still resisted holding his hand,

however so he showed her the plant he found. This activated her prime directive:

She took the plant into a special containment capsule within her body, sent a

signal to the mother ship, and went into hibernation mode. Confused, WALL-E

tried to make her safe and comfortable. He sheltered her from thunderstorms and

took her to a park where he can watch the sunset next to her. Several days later,

the mother ship returned and took EVE. WALL-E hitched a ride on the ship,

which returned to the Axiom several light years away from Earth. EVE and

WALL-E were examined in the landing bay. EVE, still in hibernation mode, was

taken away to the ship's commander. WALL-E chased after her, followed by M-

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O, a cleaning robot who was intent on scrubbing the filthy WALL-E of foreign

contaminants (i.e. dirt or earth). On the way, WALL-E saw humans for the first

time. Obese and largely unable to move on their own, they were carted around the

Axiom in hover chairs with video screens that allow them to communicate with

one another and saw a variety of advertisements for drinkable food products.

When WALL-E accidentally knocked one of the humans, John (John

Ratzenberger) off his hover chair, WALL-E helped the man back into the chair

and introduced himself. Confused but grateful, John introduced himself in return.

WALL-E tracked Eve to the chambers of Captain McCrea (Jeff Garvin), who was

just as inert and catered to as the other humans. McCrea was confused but excited

about Operation Re-Colonize which was put into action by EVE's find. But when

McCrea reactivated EVE and ordered her to produce the plant, it was missing.

McCrea ordered EVE and WALL-E to be taken for repairing but, after they've

left, decided to educate himself about Earth. In the repair bay, WALL-E

mistakenly thought that EVE was being harmed by the repair crew and used her

plasma cannon to save her, inadvertently releasing other robots who had been

taken in for service. During the breakout, security robots took photos of them; the

ship's computer announced to humans that EVE and WALL-E were renegade

robots. Angry, EVE took WALL-E to an escape pod to send him back to earth.

Before she can put him in the pod, they saw another security robot place the plant

in the escape pod. After the security robot left, WALL-E went to rescue the plant

but was blasted into space. Before the pod can enter hyperspace, WALL-E used

the emergency escape hatch and a fire extinguisher to exit the pod with the plant.

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Joyous, EVE played in space with WALL-E and even gave him an appreciative

electric "kiss". Using the garbage chute, EVE and WALL-E sneaked into

McCrea's cabin to give him the plant. But AUTO, the ship's auto pilot system,

revealed it was the one who stole the plant earlier. It has no intention of allowing a

return to earth because of a centuries-old directive that was issued when the Earth

was believed to be permanently uninhabitable. AUTO blasted WALL-E, EVE and

the plant back down the garbage chute and confined McCrea to his room. WALL-

E and EVE barely escape being shot into space with the rest of the refuse but

WALL-E was badly damaged. Meanwhile, McCrea has figured out to hack into

the ship's communication system and told EVE and WALL-E to head to the ship's

central deck where a special machine would return the ship to earth when the

plant was placed inside it. With the help of the robots they liberated earlier,

WALL-E and EVE made it to the central deck where the special machine has

risen from a platform. AUTO tried to force the machine back into the platform but

was prevented by WALL-E. McCrea managed to stand up on his own and shut off

AUTO. EVE put the plant in the special machine and the Axiom was whisked

back to Earth. WALL-E was grievously crushed in keeping AUTO from

collapsing the platform. Once they reach Earth, EVE rushed WALL-E back to his

garage and repaired him. WALL-E did not recognize her and began to compact

garbage. Distraught, EVE held WALL-E's hand and gave him an electric kiss

again. This properly reboots WALL-E. McCrea taught the other humans how to

nurture the plant and healed the planet. It would be much easier than they thought

because just outside of the city, plants have already begun to flourish.

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3.2 Role of the Researcher

In this study, the function of the researcher are, (1) as the data collector. The

supporting data for analysis are collected as many as possible in order to get

sufficient number. (2) As the data organizer/classifier. The collected data then are

classified in order for the next step. (3) As the data analyzer. In this case, the

classified data are analyzed in order to get what to search for. (4) As the data

interpreter. After being classified, the data then are interpreted by giving

comments and suggestions.

3.3 Type of Data

The type of data in this research is qualitative. This study uses data to be classified

into two categories, the primary and secondary data. The primary data is the

movie entitled WALL- E including the scripts. The secondary data is references

such as books, journals, encyclopedia, dictionaries, and websites related to the


3.4 Procedures of Collecting the Data

The procedures of collecting the data will be conduct in several ways. They are:

1) Watching

Watching the object of the study is very basic step since it is in the form of

movie or film. The movie is watched several times in order to get the best

understanding of the movie as the object of the study.

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2) Reading

The script of the movie is also needed in order to comprehend the detail

both the movie and its script.

3) Identifying

Since the object of the study is in the form of movie so not only the scenes

but also the script are needed to be identified. Certain scenes are paused to

be identified whether the selected scenes are appropriate with the topic of

the study or not. Whereas, the script is identified by underlining the

supported sentences or utterances.

4) Inventorizing

Inventory means listing all the identified data and putting them in a time

table. The identified data will be put in a form of table in order to be easy

to understood.

Time Data Type of data Explanation

5) Selecting

After inventorizing the data, it is then selected to make sure whether the

data supported the topic and to know its relevancy.

6) Classifying

Classifying the data is required if the data does not answer each of the

statements of problem. We can classify the data according the problem.

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7) Reporting

The last step is reporting. After finishing all steps before, the data then

reported in appendices in order to help the reader whereas they want to

read the overall data.

3.5 Method of Analyzing the Data

The data is analyzed in order to reach the objectives. The aim is to know

about the humanization, dehumanization, the picture of modern society,

technology that is used in modern society as captured in the movie. There are

procedures to reach the objectives, they are:

1) Exposing the data in order to reveal the problems.

2) Explaining the data. The data are to be explained clearly until all the

evidence is found.

3) Interpreting the data. It is used to present the problems from the point of

view of the sociology.

4) Concluding in order to answer the statement of the problems. In addition,

some conclusions and suggestions are presented in the end of the analysis.

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4.1 Humanization and Dehumanization in Modern Society

Human beings are complex creatures. One of their complexities is the various

characteristics or behaviours in them. This various characteristic influence the

relationship between persons. A person might have more than one characteristics.

A humanistic person, for example, might turn into a dehumanistic person if he

does not maintain his good qualities and enact them consistenly. The changes of

the personality influence directly to the quality of person’s relationship.

Naturally, everything must change in its time. That is why there is a life

cycle, evolution, and revolution. Life cycle is the series of forms into which a

living thing changes as it develops. It means that not only human but also other

creatures, such as animal and plant, undergo life cycle. The life cycle of human

begins when one is born and ends when he dies. A baby grows up into a toddler

and then into a child. After that a child grows into an adult and has his own

family. Later, he grows older and then dies. If the sequence of the cycle is

examined thoroughly, the changes can be found in the life processes.

Eventually, as the result of life processes, the era changes to balance the

change and the needs of society as the chain-link which relates each other. The

industrial revolution is the milestone and the sign of the alteration of society from

the traditional society into the modern society.

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In Wall-E movie, the chain-link phenomenon that is the change of people’s

personality caused by the change of the revolution era, the revolution of

technology, can be found. The chain-link phenomenon is started by humanization.

Humanization is the basic behaviour that must be implemented in social life in

order to have a harmonious life. The humanistic behaviour could be in the form of

greeting someone, helping someone and making the other direct interactions. In

the movie, there are several evidences which prove that humanization is needed in


Time Data Type of data Explanation

01:00:49 There is a direct contact between Mary and John Mary: “Look! Look at THAT!” John: “(disoriented) Wha...huh?”

Script description and


In the picture, Mary observes the two spots outside the window and recognizes them. She tries to remember the name but unconciously she moves backward and hits John’s floating chair. She turns off his holo-screen and talks to John. This is the first direct contact between persons. It means that a direct communication, in which communication is one of the criterium of humanism, has begun.

01:00:58 Both Mary and John accost Wall-E John: “Hey.. I know that guy! It's, uh..(snaps fingers) Wall-E! Hey

Script description and


In the picture, John just like wakes up from sleep after mary shuts the holo-screen

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Wall-E! It's your buddy, John!” Mary: “Right, Wall-E! Hi Wall-E!”

down. John recognizes the spot and he waves Wall-E followed by Mary. Waving is one of someone’s way to greet someone and greeting is another criterium of humanization.

01:00:59 John touches Mary's hand. They make an eye contact for the first time. Awkward beat

Script description and


John absentmindedly lowers his hand to his armrest and touches Mary's hand. Both turn towards each other. They make an eye contact for the first time. Here, another criterium appear that is eye contact. Beside direct interaction and direct conversation face to face, eye contact is also needed because having an eye contact with the person we are talking to is very important. It indicates that we regard him.

01:01:06 John: “Hi.” Mary: “Hi.”

Script description

This is the first direct conversation between persons without using the holo-screen. Mary

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and John find it different with the holo-screen conversation because in direct conversation they may know about one’s feeling and expression.

01:20:52 A man: “no, no, no”

Script description and


In this picture a man is trying to help another man. If they still use the multi-functioned floating chair, they will not to do that because there are robots that will help them. This proves that they have a seed of humanism.


Picture The seed of humanism grows deeper. Just like a flower which need a fertile soil and fertilizer to thrive so does humanism. Willingness to help someone who is in trouble will strengthen the growth of humanism. It is proved by the picture that eventhough he himself is in trouble but he tries to give a hand to a man.

01:20:57 Picture Stronger because of unity. The picture has proved that people need others. They are not give up easily in helping people. Sometimes the first shot fails but

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never gives up and always trying is the key for success.

01:20:59 A man: “I got you”

Script description and


This picture proved that humans are the social creatures. They realize that they can not live alone. They need one another to live and to survive. They will not make it if they stand alone.

01:21:07 Mary: “John, get ready to have some kids!”

Script description and


Everyone in a society needs help whether they know each other or not. If everyone does this, then the humanistic behaviour has successfully been implemented firmly.


Picture This picture is the next proof that people will live in a harmonious way if the society are able to maintain a harmonious relationship. If they get along together well, then it will be easier to reach the goal.

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01:23:56 Mary: “Oh no! Wall-E...”

Script description and


The passengers witness grief for the first time. They begin to have new feelings of their own: sadness and sympathy. Mary begins to cry. She buries her head in John's shoulder for showing her symphaty.

The data above show the humanization activities that commonly appear

during the interaction between persons in daily life. As explained in the previous

chapter, people can not live alone since they are social creatures. So, helping each

other, making a good and mutual relationship and building a harmonious life are

important steps in order to reach a mutual beneficial society.

People have to maintain this humanistic behaviours firmly in order to

maintain the harmonious life and harmonious society that had been formed. If

they do not maintain it well, due to the change especially the change of the era,

the harmonious life and society will disappear. It is clear that the industrial

revolution brought the great impact on all aspects of life. One of the aspects is

modernization, the use of the modern technology that leads the society to be

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modern. In the movie, several evidences related to modern technology and

modern society revealed.

Technology in modern society

Time Data Type of data Explanation

00:05:03 Billboard announcer: “There's plenty of space out in space!”

Script description and picture

By inventing and improving technologies, people can find a new place to live even in the outer space. They broaden their invasion to the outer space because they have predicted that someday the earth will not be enough to serve the people.

00:05:15 Billboard announcer: “The jewel of the BNL fleet: "The Axiom".”

Script description and picture

People create a huge spacecraft supported with the latest and modern technologies in order to carry people to go to the new place for people to live in outer space. By inventing the latest technology it seems that there is no boundaries to do anything.

00:05:23 Billboard announcer: “Waited on 24 hours a day by our fully automated crew.”

Script description and picture

By using the modern technologies, people can make their life easier. They just say what they want and then the robot will do the task for them. They do not need to ask someone to massage them, they do not need to ask a chef to cook meals

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for them because the robots will complete all the tasks right away.


Billboard announcer: “And with our all-access hover chairs, even Grandma can join the fun! There's no need to walk!”

Script description and picture

Since people use the modern technologies in their life, they become unproductive. By nature, people are created with skills, a high creative brain and a high inteligence so that they are expected to be independence persons by making the best use of their strength.

00:40:06 Female passenger: “Bot, over here!”

Script description and picture

Another prove that people become unproductive is shown by the picture on the left. Even to take a drink they just clap their hand and Bot will bring it to them. It goes without saying that they will suffer slight bone loss and their body turn too big.

00:51:20 Captain: “Analyze “ (The clump of dirt is suspended in a beam of light. It rotates. The captain sits at his vanity console. Analysis data scrolls on a holo-screen.)

Script description and picture

It is right that technology makes life easier. The picture shows that someone just puts the sample of thing that he wants to analyze on the certain place

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and the computer will give him all the informations about the analyzed thing.

Modern society

Time Data Type of data Explanation

00:41:13 A nanny-bot supervises a group of toddlers. All wearing matching BNL onesies. Motionless in their hover rings. They stare at educational programming on their holo-screens. Nanny-bot: “"A"! "A" is for "Axiom", your home sweet home. "B"! "B" is for "Buy N Large", your very best friend...”

Script description and picture

Modern society tend to use modern technology to make life easier. They do not have much time to do all things. They usually let the robot to finish the tasks.

00:41:24 Ship’s computer: “Mmmmm! Time for lunch in a cup.”

Script description and picture

Meals time appears to be nothing for the modern people because they are too busy and have a limited time. Because of their high mobility they eat junk food. Junk food is food that is quick and easy to prepare and eat but that is thought to be bad for your health.

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00:41:33 In a beauty salon a beautician-bots primp and style passengers. Beauticisian-bot: “(pre-recorded lines)...It's the new you...Oh stunning...You look great....I know honey...Ahh. Men...”

Script description and picture

Using another robot for completing task, in this case doing the hair cut for instance, will produce a good cut in a short time.

00:41:39 Ship’s computer: “Attention, Axiom shoppers. Try blue! It's the new red!”

Script description and picture

Besides using modern technologies to do the tasks, modern people also have a consumptive behaviour. It is because the way they live is enslaved by the development of the condition. They do not want to be an out of date people.

00:42:05 Mary's chair shorts out. Holo-screen shuts off. Jumpsuit defaults back to red. For the first time Mary has an unobstructed view. Her eyes slowly dilate. It's as if she's seeing the world for the first time... Mary: (mesmerized) “Huh... ?”

Script description and picture

If people are enslaved by technology so, they will not realize in what kind of world they live in. It is right that technology makes life easier since it can do everything people want, but it does not

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mean that people can be controlled by technology.

From the data above it can be concluded that society and technology are

inseparable. Nevertheless, this must not be the reason for them to be enslaved by

technology when they concern its bad impact.

All in all, dehumanization is the final impact. The lack of society’s

awareness of the importance to implement humanistic behaviours and is worsened

by modernization will lead them to be dehumanized persons. Dehumanized

society is marked by selfishness and lack of sympathy towards other people. In

the movie, some evidence of dehumanization practices are found.

Time Data Type of data Explanation

00:39:31 The first passenger converses with other passenger on virtual video screen.

Script description and picture

The sophisticated technology makes our life easier indeed but it gives a bad impact. One of them is indirect relationship that is indicated by indirect conversation. The conversation could

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be done by the intercom, virtual screen or video call.

00:39:40 The second passenger is floating next to the first passenger but he does not aware of the presence.

Script description and picture

Another impact is that the people are becoming inconsiderate. If people use intercom or virtual screen as the media of communication they will not know the expression of the other people they are talking to whether they are bored or excited or sad.

00:39:55 The armest keypads control them to do everything they want.

Script description and picture

The sophisticated technology enslaved people. People become addicted to it. They can do nothing without the technology. Whereas, God creates people perfectly, accordingly, they can use their senses to fulfil their needs.


Picture Except enslaving people, technology also disembodied their sympathy. The picture shows that when someone falls down from the floating chair, nobody notices. He just drives past. It is because he is too busy chatting with his friends through the virtual screen which uses the high

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technology so that people are not aware of their surrounding.


Picture Even when he asks for help still nobody comes to help him.


Picture The picture shows that after Wall-E helped him, he did not thank it. He did so because he never interact directly with other people. He is always helped by robots which are controlled by technology and obviously they do not need to show appreciation through thanking because they are robots not human.

00:41:13 A nanny-bot supervises a group of toddlers. All wearing matching BNL onesies. Motionless in their hover rings. They stare at educational programming on their holo-screens. Nanny-bot: “"A"! "A" is for "Axiom", your home sweet home. "B"! "B" is for "Buy N Large", your very best friend...”

Script description and picture

Taking care of babies using a nanny robot is a big calamity. The way the babies are cared determines how they would be when they grow up. If they are baby sit by robot, they will act like robot which does not have feeling or symphaty. Whereas, they are the next generation. What will the future be if the next generation people are

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dehumanized ones.

00:41:48 Mary: “Date?! Don't get me started! Every holo-date I've been on has been a virtual disaster! If I could just meet one who wasn't so superficial. There are no good men out there!...”

Script A woman passenger is talking to the other woman passenger about virtual dating. Virtual dating is an arrangement to meet a boyfriend or a girlfriend or whom might become a boyfriend or a girlfriend virtually. Virtual dating gives no benefit because people meet each other virtually. To know someone depeer, to get to know who he is, a direct contact, direct conversation and direct meeting, face to face is needed. It can be concluded that virtual dating dehumanized people.


Picture Virtual sport is similar to virtual dating. It also dehumanized people. In fact, by doing sport directly, people can build a good interaction. They can get acquainted with people and make friends. Having many friends will give them benefits.

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Doing the virtual sport will make the doer to be a loner who feels lonely and empty.

From the overall data above, it can be seen that people loose their

humanism and then they turn into dehumanistic people because of the change of

the era that gives impact on the society. Further, from the data, it can be said that

some factors might influence the changing of humanization into dehumanization.

They are:

1. The shifting of the society’s life from traditional ways of life into modern

one that is marked by the advancement of technologies. This is called the

external factor.

2. The internal factor comes from the individual of the society whether or not

they filter or select the modern life.

3. The lack of society’s awareness to implement the norms and values of

togetherness in society.

4. The lack of society’s awareness about the cycle of life and the basic

principle about humankind’s nature that everyone needs others to live.

The internal factor which comes from the individual of the society that

embraces the whole modern life without its consequence, causes a big role toward

people’s life. The real example that occur in life is the crimes of kidnapping that is

commited through the social networking as facebook. This kidnapping happened

because parents did not pay attention to what their children did. Parents are not

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able to follow and know about the development of technology to supervise their

children. As a result children are loosing their awareness. Other impacts of

modern technology on people’s life are:

1. They are being enslaved by technology for they are addicted to it.

2. They can not be independent persons.

3. They do not recognize their surrounding because they are too busy with

technology that they ignore other basic and more important things in life

that is happiness and togetherness.

4. The last is they are becoming dehumanized persons who live in emptiness.

In the movie it is clearly shown that they are ignoring their surrounding. They do

not know in what kind of place they live.

Time Data Type of data Explanation


Picture The picture on the left is viewed from Mary’s perspective that she sees her surrounding as if she just wakes up from a long sleep. She is so surprised because she never cares of anything. She just kept an eye on her holo-screen in front of her. She is just like being hypnotized. So after Wall-E shut down the screen, she was mesmerized.

00:42:50 Mary: I didn't know we had a pool!

Script description and picture

From the script and the picture, Mary looked so surprised that in front of her

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there is a pool. A pool that she thinks she never had. Whereas, many people come to the pool everyday but they do not realize it. They come to the pool because their floating chair follow the lines that organize the traffic lane.


Picture Not only about the pool but also the scenery outside the ship. There are so many stars but other people just stare at their screen without looking around them except Mary.

4.2 The Solution that can be Drawn from the Movie

After listing and interpreting the data that are taken from the movie, not only the

impacts of technology that are revealed but also the solutions to overcome the

discussed problem.

In the movie, the solutions are listed and presented as the table of data


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Time Data Type of data explanation



Picture The picture shows the people who have left the damaged Earth caused by the people themselves are coming back to Earth. They realize that they should reform the Earth so that it can be recolonized where they have ability of theirselves and not to be dependent on technology. Their decision indicates that they have realized the basic principle of their life. The second picture shows that they are united to reach the same goal. This is the main indication that humanistic feeling has grown in their heart.



Picture In the movie, people were enslaved by technology but at the end they realize it and they form a mutual relationship with modern technology, which is in the form of robots, only to make their life easier without neglecting the essence of life itself.

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From the data above, the solution of the discussed problem can be drawn.

First, people should remember that they are social creatures who need others to

live. They should maintain a good and mutual relationship among others and to

reach this goal they should have a good humanistic behaviours. Second, in

accepting a new reformation, in this case the change of the society caused by the

modernization and the implementation of technology, they should make sure

whether they are ready mentally and physically to implement it in life and also

they should consider technology’s positive and negative impacts on their life.

From the analysis above, the binary opposition that can be formed is the

comparison about humanization and dehumanization from the point of view of

traditional society and modern society that deal with the implementation of

modern technology.

In traditional society, people tend to have a high sensitivity, sympathy and

like to help other people. These are the evidence that humanistic behaviours are

implemented firmly in their life. On the other hands, people in modern society

tend to have a low sensitivity, sympathy and do not like to help or care others.

They put their needs and their bussiness first than other. This is proved by the bad

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relationship between neighbour in society. In other words, dehumanization

practises, automatically, often appear in modern society’s life. Dealing with the

implementation of modern technology, traditional society is judged as the

primitive society because they do not use modern technology in their daily life as

often as modern society do but this way of live gives them advantages. They can

live in a harmonious society with a mutual and high quality relationship among

others. Whether in modern society, people use modern technology in almost all

their aspect of life and this behaviour will lead them into dehumanized people.

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5.1 Conclusions

This chapter presents the conclusions drawn from the analysis on previous chapter

related to humanization and dehumanization in modern society due to the use of

modern technology.

From the analysis it can be concluded that humanization is firmly

implemented on people’s mind in traditional society especially in their social

relationship between persons. In contrast, it seems that humanization started to

weaken in modern society since people tend to use modern technology that

influence all aspects of their life. One of the changed aspects of life is that people

started to leave the norms and mores that they think no longer important. Another

aspect is that people become technology minded people who are enslaved by

technology. They think that everything can be done by technology. This

dehumanization practises automatically influence the quality of relationship

between persons in society, from communal life style to individual life style


Nevertheless, not only the impacts but the solutions can also be drawn from

the movie. There are some ways to prevent the alteration on people’s behaviour

from a humanized people into a dehumanized people caused by the use of modern

technology. First, they should be educated about citizenship, so that they can

maintain a good and mutual relationship, a harmonious live and a peaceful

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society. Second, they have to be more selected in receiving a reformation in their

life. The alteration from traditional society into modern society is caused by the

change of the era that is called modernization. If a society is not ready yet

mentally and physically to receive the change, they will only be the victims of it.

They should consider the positive and negative sides of modern technology.

5.2 Suggestions

It is expected that the readers would have a wider and better understanding of the

humanization and dehumanization practises in society caused by the use of

modern technology from the point of view of sociological approach. It is also

suggested that in watching movie, the viewers should not only understand the plot

of the story, but also the moral value that is delivered in the story.

This final project is expected to give contribution in literature research

especially literary work in the form of movie. It can be used as a reference in the

same field of research, that is sociological research. Finally, it can be used

especially by the English Department students of UNNES to be reference in

analyzing a related topic.

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Wall-E script is written by Andrew Stanton & Pete Docter

On the ground that is covered by trash, something moving far below. A

figure at the foot of a trash heap. A small service robot is diligently cubing trash.

Rusted, ancient and cute. Every inch of him engineered for trash compacting.

Mini-shovel hands collect junk. Scoop it into his open chassis. His front plate

closes slowly, compressing waste. A faded label on his corroded chest plate:

"Waste Allocation Loader - Earth Class" (WALL-E).

Wall-E spits out a cube of trash. Stacks it with the others. Something

catches his eye. Tugs on a piece of metal stuck in the stack. That is a hubcap. The

sun reflects off it. Wall-E checks the sky. The sun sets through the smoggy haze.

He places the hubcap in his compactor. It is the end of a work day. Wall-E

attaches a lunch cooler to his back. He whistles for his pet cockroach and the

insect hops on his shoulder. They motor down from the top of a GIANT TRASH


He travels alone heading home, passing trough the trash and a series

holographic billboards which is powered by solar energy and they still active.


“Too much garbage in your face?

There's plenty of space out in space!

BNL starliners leaving each day.

We'll clean up the mess while you're away.”


“The jewel of the BNL fleet: "The Axiom".

Spend your five year cruise in style.

Waited on 24 hours a day by our fully automated crew,

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while your Captain and Autopilot chart a course for non-stop entertainment,

fine dining. And with our all-access hover chairs,

even Grandma can join the fun!There's no need to walk!

The Axiom. Putting the "star" in Executive Starliner.”


“Because, at BNL, space is the final "fun"-tier.”

Wall-E reaches home and he plays the Hello Dolly cassette while he

unpacks the stuffs he found. At a sudden he tilts his head as he watched the video

that two lovers sing gently to one another. They kiss, hold hands and he hold his.

Finally he goes to sleep.

In the morning, Wall-E’s charge meter ringing and he wakes up lifelessly to

the roof to have solar energy. And after it he goes to work. While working he

finds a series of stuffs. He selects some of them and keep them. A moment later

he sees a refrigerator and laser it to open its door since the fridge is larger than

him. He sees a small plant in its early stage of growth. He carefully extracts the

section of earth around it and gently places the plant inside the old boot.

Wall-E and his pet return home when a red spot make them stop and stare at

it. Wall-E wants to touch it but the dot races along the ground and he chases after

the dot. But Wall-E does not pay attention that so many red dots are cominf from

every directions. Wall-E tries to touch the dot but it appaently just a light. All of a

sudden the ground shakes. A rocket engine is landing. He hide on the ground.

A moment later a probe robot, white, egg-shaped, blue-lit eye, female comes

out and hovers gracefully. She is directed to find the sign of life on earth. She

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searches but she can not find something until she gets angry and frustrated. Wall-

E gets closer to her.


(hums) [So what's your story?]

Wall-E falls backwards with surprise. Eve scrolls through a variety of languages.


(German) [Directive?]

(Japanese) [Directive?]

(Swahili) [Directive?]

(English) Directive?


(beeps) [Oh, I understand that!]




(struggles to speak) Di...rec...t--


Directive? Classified.


(beeps) [Oh. Sorry.]




(struggles again) W-wally? ...Wall-E.


(smooth; almost perfect) Wwww-aaaa-leee...Wall-E. (giggles) Eve.


Eeee...? Eeeaaah? Eee--vah!

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But the dust storm comes. Wall-E tries to inform Eve but he failed and after

the storm reach them he asked Eve to come to his house. He shows everything he

had to impress Eve, not to mention, the plant. Eve immediately locks onto it. In a

sudden her chest opens and a tractor beam snatches the plant away and stores it

inside her. Then she shuts down completely. Only a single green light pulsing on

her chest. Wall-E is stunned. He tries every way to wake Eve up but nothing

happen. One day the recon spaceship towers over his truck and a robot arm

cherry-picks Eve from the roof. Wall-E tries to stop the robot but he can not.

Eventually Wall-E follows Eve.

The spaceships landed on the Axiom. The series of the automatic robots do

their jobs and find that a probe robot come back with positive result, that is Eve

with the plant. She is suddenly brought away. Wall-E chases after them but they

are too fast for him. In the robot service tunnel, dozens of robots speed along

multi-lane passageway. All robots are following glowing lines on the floor. Wall-

E shrinks from the high-speed traffic.

In the upper hallway Wall-E flies up the ramp and nearly collides with a

merging hover chair which apparently it brought a human passanger who wear a

red, BNL jumpsuit. He is large, round and soft - like a big baby. The chair seems

to be steering itself. Guided by floor lines, just like the robots. Speaker headrests

block his peripheral vision. A holographic screen floats inches in front of his face.

He converses with a second passenger on screen:


“Well, I've been in my cabin all morning, so let's hover over to the driving range

and hit a few virtual balls into space.”

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“Nah, we did that yesterday. I don't want to do that.”


“Well then what do you want to do?”


“I don't know. Something.”

Wall-E is in awe. Both the passengers do not aware of their presence. Then

he sees hundreds of floors of guest room rise on all sides. Thousands of

passengers fill the giant space and all reclined and riding on hover chairs. Multiple

floor lines guide their chairs in all directions. Humans have become the most

extreme form of couch potatoes. Absolutely they have no reason to ever get up, no

purpose. Every one of them engrossed in their video screens and cocooned in

virtual worlds. Over-developed fingers tap armest keypads which controls allow

them to steer, order food, play games and most of all chat mindlessly with other



“Bot, over here!”


“I can't hear you...I'm in a tunnel. You're breaking up...Oh, okay. You're

back. I can hear you now...”


“Buy N Large. Everything you need to be happy. Your day is very important to


Wall-E is gobsmacked. Then a passenger named John hovers up alongside

him. He tries to hand off his empty drink cup to Wall-E.

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“Hey, Drink-bot.”


“Here, take the cup. Take the cup -- Whoa!”

John reaches too far and he falls to the floor. He flails like an upside down

turtle and unable to stand on his baby legs. All of a sudden a sirens and two

stewards arrive to block John’s accident and emergency lines appear on the floor.

Redirect the hover chair traffic. John reaches out for assistance but nobody

notices. They just drive past.


“Stewards? Hello? Uhh, help.”


“Please remain stationary. A service-bot will be here to assist you momentarily.”

Suddenly John begins to rise. Apparently, Wall-E lifting him up from

behind. Loads him back onto his chair. John doesn't know how to react. Wall-E

waves hello.


“Uhh...Hey! What's going on?”




“Uhh... John.”




“Uh no, John.”

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Wall-E scans the concourse and sees Eve's transport about to board a

monorail and he races after them.




“(small wave) Bye...Wall-E.”

Wall-E leaps on the last car on the monorail and it glides down the

concourse. Passing trough the “All Day” care centre, he sees a nanny-bot

supervises a group of toddlers. They all wearing matching BNL ONESIES and of

course motionless in their HOVER RINGS. They stare at educational

programming on their holo-screens.


“"A"! "A" is for "Axiom", your home sweet home. "B"! "B" is for "Buy N Large",

your very best friend...”

Wall-E takes in the overstimulating scenery outside the window. He sees

dozens of themed food restaurants whizz by. Each specialty is served in the same

jumbo plastic cup. And next is the beauty shop and fashion district.


“Mmmmm! Time for lunch in a cup.”


“Feel beautiful.”


“(pre-recorded lines)...It's the new you...Oh stunning...You look great...I know

honey...Ahh. Men...”


“Attention, Axiom shoppers. Try blue! It's the new red!”

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Wall-E surprises when the colour of the passengers’ suits turn into red.

Wall-E looks past a passenger, named Mary, next to him. He spots Eve on the

other side. Wall-E tries to sneak behind Mary but her chair moves backwards and

smashes Wall-E against the back wall. There is no way getting past her. Wall-E

politely tries to get Mary's attention. She's oblivious. Chats incessantly on her



“Date?! (derisive snort) Don't get me started! Every holo-date I've been on has

been a virtual disaster! If I could just meet one who wasn't so superficial. There

are no good men out there!...I know! I know `cause I've scrolled through them all

-- (Gasp) What the --?”

Mary's chair shorts out. The holo-screen shuts off and the jumpsuit defaults

back to red. For the first time Mary has an unobstructed view. Her eyes slowly

dilate. It's as if she's seeing the world for the first time.


“(mesmerized) Huh... ?”




“(beat) M-mary.”



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“Huh? Oh, uh, sure go ahead.”

Wall-E and Eve are heading to the captain’s room. The autopilot named

Auto scans Eve and finds that she comes back with plant. After Captain check all

the protocol, he gives the morning announcement.


“(unmotivated) Well, good morning everybody, and welcome to day 255,642

aboard the Axiom. As always, weather's a balmy 72 degrees and sunny, and --

Oh, hey, I see the ship's log is showing that today is our 700th

anniversary of our five year cruise. Well, I'm sure our forefathers would be

proud to know that 700 years later we'd be...(deflates)...doing the exact same

thing...they were doing. So! Be sure next mealtime to ask for your

free...(hard to pronounce) septuacentennial cupcake -- in a cup. Also today we

have, uh...uh...Hey, Auto, what's that flashing button?”


“Captain? Probe One has returned positive.”




“ probe's ever come back positive......before.”

Auto open the message from the BNL CEO who said that they can go back

to Earth if probe robot find plant which means that The Earth is save to

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recolonize. The plant should be placed in the holo detector so that the destination

can be known. But the plant is missing.


“Where's the thingie?”




“Plant. Right. Right. Where is it? Maybe we missed a step. Show me how you

change the text again..Why don't you scan her to be sure.”


“Contains no specimen. Probe's memory is faulty.”


“So, then...we're NOT going to Earth?”




“So, uh, I guess things go back to normal,huh?”


“Correct, Captain.”


“The probe must be defective. Gopher, send her to the Repair Ward. Have them

run diagnostics on her. Make sure she's not malfunctioning -- EEYAH!!”

Captain has a clump of dirt and then let the computer to analyze it.




“ Analysis: foreign contaminant. Substance is a three phase system composed of

various combinations of naturally derived solids. Subject is most commonly

referred to as "soil", "dirt", or "earth".

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“Earth? Define "Earth"...”


“"Earth" - the surface of the world as distinct from the sky or sea.”


“Wow... Define "sea".”


“"Sea" expanse of salt water that covers most of the Earth's surface and

surrounds its land masses...”

On the ward, Wall-E is separated with Eve. He is placed among the other

bot patients while Eve is placed in the closed ward. Wall-E just keeps an eye on

Eve’s silhouette from a distance. To him Eve is being hurted. He decided to enter

the room and hold Eve’s arm when at a sudden Wall-E accidentally shut the arm-

gun and releases all the error robots. They do not know what they have done. And

then they become fugitives, rough robots. Eve is very angry to Wall-E and she

intends to sent Wall-E back to Earth. When they reach the Pod Bay Wall-E does

not want to come bacck to Earth because Eve will not coming with him. Beyond

expectation they see Gopher. Apparrently he who hide the plant and now he plans

to send the plant away. Wall-E tries to save the plant in order to impress Eve too

but he is too late. He traps on the pod. He pushes all the buttons but he pushes the

wrong button that is a self destruction dial.


“Ten seconds till self-destruct. Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four,

three, two...(the pod explodes)”


“No, no, no...”

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Wall-E uses a fire extinguisher as a form of propulsion. He shows Eve the

plant. Eve is so happy and give him an electrical thank you kiss. They do the

stardust dance. While on the deck Mary stares at the stars out the window.


“So many stars.” (Spots EVE & WALL-E dancing among the stars.)

Oooh...(recognizes Wall-E) Hey, that's what's his name –“


“Hey! What the –“

Mary leans over to his armrest. Turns off his holo-screen. Points out the



“Look! Look at THAT!”


“Wha...huh? Hey... I know that guy! It's, uh...(snaps fingers) Wall-E! Hey Wall-E!

It's your buddy, John!”


“Right, Wall-E! Hi Wall-E!”

They both wave until Wall-E's out of sight. John absentmindedly lowers his

hand to his armrest and touches Mary's hand. Both turn towards each other. They

make eye contact for the first time. There is an awkward beat beetween them that

they never felt before.



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On the Captain’s cabin, he still finds out all about Earth.


“Define "hoe-down".”


“"Hoedown" - a social gathering at which lively dancing would take place.”


“Auto! Earth is amazing! (points to images) These are called "farms". Humans

would put seeds in the ground, pour water on them, and they'd grow food, like,

pizza –“


“Good night, Captain.”


“Psst! Computer. (the holo-screen lights up) Define "dancing".”


“"Dancing" - A series of movements, involving two partners, where speed and

rhythm match harmoniously with music.”

On The Lido Deck the last few passengers exit the pool area. All wearing

the same color blue uniforms except two red ones are still in the pool.


“The Lido Deck is now closing...The Lido Deck is now closing.”


“No splashing, no diving.”


“Hey now. Stop that”


“Make me (giggles).”

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“I didn't know we had a pool.”

The lifeguard robot warns them but John splashes it with water so the robot

shuts out.

On the upper deck Wall-E and Eve plan to send the plant to Captain. At the

same time on Captain’s cabin, he sits by the window to space, holds a toy, an

Axiom model over his globe of Earth.


“[Rocket noises] Prepare for landing. [Landing noises] We're here everybody!

Yeah, Captain! [crowd cheers] Captain we're home! It's so beautiful! [crowd

cheers]...No it's nothing. I was pleased to do it. It's all about you people –“

On trash can Eve bursts out from it she open her chest and show the plant.


“(amazed) How...? How'd you find it?! We can go back home...for the first time!

(laughs) What's it like now? No, no! Don't tell me! I want to see for


He turns to his console and takes a cylindrical device from a panel. Then

sticks it to the side of Eve’s head. A holographic screen projects from the device.

Plays back images of her time on Earth. But Captain does not know that Earth has



“Wait...that doesn't look like Earth...Where's the blue sky..Where's the grass? (at

that time he hears the Hello Dolly clip)...I know that song...(observes the dancers'

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feet) And they're... dancing. Yes, dancing! You made it somehow, eh little guy?

You didn't give up, did you?”

As if in response, the plant wilts slightly. A leaf drops. The Captain at his

wet bar. Waters the plant in the sink.


“There you go little guy. You came a long way for a drink of water... Just needed

someone to look after you, that's all.... (to himself) We have to go back.

Auto, come down here!”


“Aye-aye, sir.”


“Auto, Eve found the plant. Fire up the Holo-detector.”


“Not necessary, Captain. You may give it to me.”


“(not listening) You know what? I should do it myself.”


“Captain! Sir, I insist you give me the plant.


“Auto, get out of my way.”


“Sir, we cannot go home.”


‘What are you talking about? Why not?”


“That is classified. Captain, give me the plant.”


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“(holds plant out of reach) What do you mean, "classified"? You don't

keep secrets from the Captain!”


“Give me the plant.”


“Tell me what's classified!”


“The plant.”


“Tell me, Auto! That's an order!”


“Aye-aye, sir.”

Auto open the classified message haeded to autopilot only. It tells about a

command by The President of BNL, not to coming back to Earth for good due to

the rising of toxicity levels.


“Now, the plant.”


“No, wait a minute. Computer, when was that message sent to the Axiom?”


“Message received in the year 2110.”


“That's -- that's nearly 700 years ago!! Auto, things have changed! We've got to

go back!”


“Sir, orders are: "Do not return to Earth".”


“But life is sustainable now! Look at this plant, green and growing! It's living

proof he was wrong.”

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“Irrelevant, Captain.”


“What?! It's completely relevant! (points out to space) Out there is our home!

Home, Auto! And it's in trouble! I can't just sit here nothing! That's

all I've done! That's all anyone on this blasted ship has ever done...NOTHING!!”


“On the Axiom you will survive.”




“Must follow my directive.”


“I'm the Captain of the Axiom. We are going home today!”

Gopher outs and use the laser beam to snatch the plant.


“Hey! That's my plant. This is mutiny! (to Eve) Eve, arrest him! Eve, you are to

put this plant straight in the Holo-detector.”

But Gopher throw the plant to the garbage dump. Fortunatelly Wall-E

climbs up the garbage dump and catches the plant but Auto flips open one of his

handless, produces a Taser and electrocutes Wall-E. His chest circuitry blows out.

He drops lifelessly down the chute. Eve is shutted down. Auto terminates all kinds

of communication and The Captain is confined to quarters.

On the final garbage disposal Wall-E and Eve trapped in the garbage boxes

and ready to be trhow away to the space fortunatelly M-o, the cleaner robot who

follows Wall-E, comes and help them. Wall-E’s condition is totally broke. Eve

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tries to fix him but there is no parts suits him. Wall-E takes out the plant from his

chest and gives it to Eve but Eve refuses it and askes Wall-E to hold her hand just

like he wants. But Wall-E bats her hand and tells Eve to go back to Earth so that

she can fix him by replace his spareparts.

They are heading to the quarters to see the captain. But the captain is

trapped in his quarter. But after knowing that Wall-E and Eve have the palnt, the

captain has an idea to fool Auto. He sent message to both of them.


“Testing, testing... Is this thing on? Psssst! Hey! Hey! This is the Captain I'm

locked in my room. Eve, Wall-E, bring the plant to the Lido Deck. I'll have

activated the holo-detector. Now hurry! Auto's probably going to cut me off –“

Captain tries to fool Auto using memori reader which has been used by Eve.


“Ha, ha! Look what I got, Auto! That's right!

The plant! Oh, you want it?

Come and get it, Blinky!”


“Not possible. Captain? Captain...?”

There is a fight between Captain and Auto. Captain hangs on Auto wheel

and tries to get out from quarter.


“What too heavy for ya, huh?! You're not getting away from me, one-eye

-- OOF! -- Is that all you got?!”

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Wall-E and Eve are heading to Lido deck while the Captain still fighting

with auto to press the button.


“That's it!...A little closer! Gotcha! Ha ha!”

Klaxson are ringing around Axiom. Floodlights kick on everywhere. The

Lido Deck Pools automatically cover up. Stray passangers pause to take in the

alarms. Space-life preservers burst from their hover chairs. Inflate around their

necks. Green-lines appear on the floors. Sleeping passengers are involuntarily led

out of their cabins. Every hover chair follows the illuminated lines. The procedure

is completely automated. The passengers are all confused. They are helpless to

stop it. They are glide in by the thousands. Form concentric circles over the

closed-up pools. Fill the multi-storied balconies on all sides.


“Ladies and Gentlemen! This is your Captain speaking! We're having a slight

malfunction with the Autopilot! Please remain calm!”



Auto furiously spins his wheel and throws the Captain to the floor. The

entire ship lists dangerously to one side. Eve and Wall-E slam into the holo-

detector's side. Wall-E drops the plant. It tumbles off the bridge plaza. Eve is

forced to set Wall-E down. He clings to the holo-detector. She flies off to retrieve

the plant. The hover chairs stay locked on their lines but the passengers all slip off

their chairs. Their uniform color defaults back to RED. Slowly they slide across

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the deck. And for the first time all of humanity reaches out to one another. Close

ups of hands holding hands. Everyone piles up on the listing side. The plant is

buried underneath the mass of humanity. Eve searches desperately amongst them.

Meanwhile, John and Marry try to save the children.


“John, get ready to have some kids!”

An empty monorail car tips off the upper deck lands on the pool level. It

begins sliding down the Lido Deck. Smashes vacant hover chairs in its wake.


“Look out!” (Eve tries to hold it)

Auto keeps the ship tilted. Glides over to the holo-detector button. Switches

it off. The holo-detector begins to lower back into the floor. Wall-E is still

hanging onto it. Barely functioning. He uses all his strength and wedges himself

under the upper lip of the detector. Stops it from disappearing into the floor. The

pressure squeezes Wall-E into a box. The holo-detector button buzzes and flashes.

Something's wrong. Auto calls up a lido deck security camera view. Discovers

Wall-E wedged in the device.


“No.”( Auto presses down on the "off" button.)

The holo-detector's hydraulics fight against him. Wall-E desperately fights

to hold it up. Begins slowly to expand himself and push the holo-detector back

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up!!. The Captain watches Wall-E's heroic rise on screen. Auto flips out his taser.

Jams it into the "off" button. Short circuits it.



The holo-detector reverses full force. Crushes Wall-E. The Captain watches

Wall- being crushed. He braces his arms against the floor and rises up on his own

two feet.


“Auto! Auto, you are relieved of duty. (while pressing the manual button)


“Noo –“

The passengers all spill across the deck. They are all shaken but OK. Eve

sets the monorail down. Rockets over to the holo-detector. Wall-E is pinned under

the lip of the holo-detector. Eve tries to lift it up but it won't budge. She looks

back to the crowd looking for the plant. M-O find it and then the vacu-bot shoots

it into the hands of a passenger. Humans and robots form an impromptu fire line.

Toss it up to Eve on stage. She shoves the plant into the device. The detector

instantly scans the plant.


“Plant origin verified. Course set for Earth. Ten seconds to hyperjump.

Nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one, zero.”

Eve lifts Wall-E up but there is no sign of life. M-O's head drops in

despair.The passengers witness grief for the first time. Begin to have new feelings

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of their own: sadness, sympathy. Mary begins to cry. Buries her head in John's



“No! WALL-E!!”


“Oh no! Wall-E...”

After landing the ship Captain and the passengers step out on their own feet

wobble like toddlers. They squint up at the harsh sunlight. Eve flies with Wall-E

to his house. Sets him on the floor and fixes Wall-E. After being fixed and

charged, Wall-E’s head slowly rises from his box but he gives Eve a blank stare.

He turn away from Eve. He does not remember who Eve is. Eve retries to wake

Wall-E up, shaking the body, calling out his name but still no response.

Finally, Eve grasps Wall-E's hand. Forces his fingers to interlace with hers.

Holds him close one last time. Leans her head against his. She touches her

forehead to his. Goodbye Wall-E. A TINY SPARK between them. But when Eve

turn back her finger stuck between his, nothing happens but then....




“Wall-E!” (He notices their hands entwined) Ee-vah!!

All the people learn how to plant. Mary and John help unload equipment from the

Axiom. Robots and passengers stream off the ship


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“This is called "farming"! You kids are going to grow all kinds of plants:

vegetable plants, pizza plants! Ahh, it's good to be home...”

And the plant are starting to grow and flourish in the suburb.

The end.