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    May 2015


    Posted by Lavi in Uncategorized LEAVE A COMMENT

    Documentary FMPFinished ProjectFriday

    MAY 2015


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  • In the previous module 360mc I had known what I wanted to do for the 361mcI learnt that the 361mc FMP project had to be on something you enjoy doingand are passionate about. I have to admit in the beginning I was afraid toconfess what I wanted to do; I knew from the foundation that I wanted toabsolutely wanted to create a documentary I went over a few ideas with mytutor and my tutor questioned my ideas and gave me the idea to do adocumentary on Beyonc.

    Its quite clear and obvious that I am a big fan of Beyonc and very passionateabout her. I had an idea of creating a documentary about the beyhive, which

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    Posted by Lavi in Uncategorized LEAVE A COMMENT

    Final Major Project BloggingFridayMAY 2015


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  • is what Beyonc calls us (her fans), however since this documentary wasbased on something I am so passionate about I had a lot of ideas. My firstidea was to create a documentary on the beyhive a documentary based onwhy we love and adore her so much and what it takes to be a Beyonc fan,sometimes it does feel like a job because it takes more than liking her musicto be accepted as a Beyhive. My second Idea is recording a real lifedocumentary to finding Beyonc, which I am very excited and nervous about Iam planning to contact record labels Beyonc has worked with such asColumbia Records and Sony records, I also have the idea of travelling to newyork to ParkWood Entertainment which is her current record label and also heroffice she sometimes randomly arrives at her office which would be a goodopportunity for me to catch her. It will almost be impossible to meet herhowever I believe going to ParkWood entertainment in New York will probablybe the closest I could get to Beyonc.

    At this moment I am currently seeking cheap flights to New York for April. Iregret not putting my name down on the New York trip with the media coursebecause I could have been able to go to New York with people on my courseand still be recording my documentary. Now I have to go with my crew andmyself.

    I have contacted the Centre for global engagement through telephone they didinput they could pay for my trip to New York. However I would have to paythe ticket myself and once I have paid the ticket myself they will needconfirmation of flight ticket, travel insurance details etc.. And that is whenthey will pay me back.

    Therefore at this moment I am currently trying to

    Look for cheap flight tickets to New York.

    Trying to raise money for the trip.Easily create high-quality PDFs from your web pages - get a business license!

  • Making sure Beyonc will be in New York at the time

    According to my research Beyonc lives at 195 Hudson Street: Curbed NewYork. However I will have to get confirmation that this is her address. I haveviewed photos of her New York mansion but I just need to confirm thisaddress, although Beyonce has many houses across the world I choose totravel to her record label in New York because she may be there and may notbe.

    I definitely sounds crazy and absurd that I am travelling from London to NewYork and have mentioned her address of her New York Home. Especially herfamily home! Many people I know from my family and friends to tutors toshop keepers know my passion for Beyonc and the obvious Fact that I am amassive fan of her, I believe this journey to finding Beyonc will beentertaining to the audience. For example my short clip video of myself at theBeyonc Concert last year a lot of people found it hilarious at my reactionseeing her live in concert so I definitely want to take this documentary to anupper notch for myself and also to entertain my audience especially otherbeyhive moments.

    I have come up with the name of my documentary which is called My Journeyfinding Beyonc I am aiming very high with this documentary. I would likethis documentary to be similar to the Borat film documentary. Borat travelledacross the world to seek Pamela Anderson except his film was a bitinappropriate and quite immature in my opinion. My documentary will differfrom his.

    Now that I have my idea I am planning on hiring a Director, Sound andCameraman to help me with this documentary. I want this documentary tolook a specific way therefore I want to hire professional individuals that arenot new to media production and have had some sort of experience in one of

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  • the roles I am seeking for. I have been familiar with for somewhile now is database of television film, producers, and facilitiesworldwide. They post jobs within media and also allow individuals to postadverts regarding media jobs.

    I was definitely nervous to post an advert on the website. I did not know whatto say or even how to begin, I firstly listed on the advert that I would torequest for Directors, Sound and Cameraman, I only want a small set of crewthe reason why I want just those three is because the idea of thisdocumentary is literally just basically following me around trying to findBeyonc I do not need a make-up artist I do not need set design, lighteningfloor manager etc.. And I will be producing this myself. Right after I had putmy advert up I made it very clear in the description that I was looking forthose three roles, I also stated I am a student at university and am looking forindividuals to participate in a non-pay job and that this could be a greatopportunity to add to their CV and experience.

    I assume people understood I was a student seeking for help and are willingto help, however in my opinion I believe what stood out to them was the titleof my journey My journey to finding Beyonc I definitely consider that is whatcaught their eye. Within minutes my email was loaded with resumes.

    I began to view their resumes, CVs, show reels and a few show reels Idiscovered a few I adored

    It took me a few days to reply to the successful ones and email theunsuccessful candidates.

    It was a very hard decision and for the first time I felt like a judge on the XFactor show, although they were all good at what they do I wanted the bestdocumentary filming. I could have hired an individual from Media Productionhowever I felt more comfortable starting afresh with a crew I did not know.

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  • Thankfully the candidates I selected have their own equipment. I met a younggentleman by the name of Gelmetintin which is the camera man so far wehave spoken via phone call and gave him a brief of what I want and about thedocumentary; I also met the director that will be directing the documentary.

    I am disappointed I am not able to travel to New York to film more on mydocumentary I regret that I did not proceed with this project a year ago, thereason why I say this is as of now I am unable to travel to New York andmeet with Beyoncs record label because of time I am unable to proceed withthe things I had planned. However I have decided that this part of mydocumentary will be the beginning of my journey to meet Beyonc formerlyafter I finish University I can continue to do part two of my journey to meetingBeyonc and am certain by that time I will be on another level of trying tomeet her.

    Beyonc is one of the top five powerful females meeting her will not take aday it may take months of hard work. Unfortunately my Final Major Project isdue in May so meeting Beyonc and going to New York is unlikely.

    So this week I met up with the director and the camera man, the director alsobought his personal assistant with him he suggested it would be a good ideaand I agreed and thought it would be a good idea too. I was very excited tomeet them as in to get the production on the go. I was also nervous becauseit was my first time meeting them. I met the Director and his personalassistant in Pret A Manager first then the cameraman followed later on to jointhe meeting.

    We began our meeting by me explaining to them what the documentary wasabout I then opened my notepad to write down notes and dates of filming andwhat they didnt understand. The Director and his personal assistant areItalian and moved to London not too long and the cameraman is from Greece,

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  • so they found it difficult to understand certain things I meant however theyunderstood the idea of my documentary and found it very interesting andexciting. After our meeting we all came to a conclusion that I will send out anemail of the locations, storyline, Equipment and what is next for filming.

    How I plan on getting Beyoncs attention? In this generation social media isa very powerful and had influence on many people, in addition to that note Ibelieve that using social media as one of my ways to reach out to Beyonce;Twitter, Facebook, Instgram and also contacting the beyhive which areBeyonce fans as long as it is Beyonce they will definitely get involved with theproject. So Beyhive plus social Media is one of the ways to try and getBeyoncs Attention.

    Another way I plan to get Beyonces attention is trying to contact her recordlabels such as Parkwood Entertainment and Sony records to try speaking topeople that have physically met her and try inquiring them how they met her.Although this may be very hard to meet Beyonce through other people, it ispossible she may hear about my project.

    As this part of the documentary will be a Part One of the journey I hope todiscover that in my next second part of my documentary Beyonce launces anevent for her fans for example: A concert, a Perfume Launch, an AlbumRelease party. An event for her fans to be present, this could be anopportunity for me to attend these events as guests ,purchase VIP tickets orBackstage passes to meet and greet her.

    In this generation social media is a very strong communication network. Iwould like to discuss an example of a YouTube video of a fan that went viralwithin the space of time, the video is a video of a Brittany Spears fan cryingto the camera telling people to leave Brittany spears alone! some fans may not havefound the video amusing however most viewers did and the video blew so far

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  • that even Brittany Spears herself viewed the video herself.

    It would be very exciting and amazing news if my documentary was verysuccessful and goes viral. After I complete this project part one and part two Ihope to submit the documentary through many film festivals to get mydocumentary noticed, I am aiming to go above and beyond for thisdocumentary I do not want to go through all the hard work of meetingdirectors and cameramen travelling from location to location and most of alleven meeting my idol Beyonce herself and not authorizing my work to theaudience, especially they Beyhive fans. This project is a project about my idolsomeone I am so passionate therefore I would love for this documentary to bevery successful and go above and beyond. I would be disappointed for theproject to go to waste and not submitted the reason why I admit I would bedisappointed is because I strongly believe this project has potential to beentertaining to many people especially individuals whom appreciate Beyoncsmusic but fail to understand why fanatics like myself and beyhive are sopassionate about her.

    Beyhive We Beyonce fans are the bees and she is the Queen B which is whyshe calls us the Beyhive.

    After my meeting with the directors and the cameraman I have beencontacting them via emails about what is next and exactly how I would likemy documentary, however I have been struggling to get licensing with Sonyrecords, I want a worker at Sony records to feature in my documentary todiscuss Beyonce. I am required to go through licencing with Sony however Iam very afraid and nervous about how long the licensing would take and mostof all if I would even get through to licensing, the reason why I admit myworries is because the past few days I have been calling up Sony records andthey have been referring me to a co-worker by the name of Tom to sort outthe licensing work. Unfortunately Tom has not been available to answer thetelephone, I am determined for Sony to feature in my documentary as it

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  • would be a great opportunity for my documentary.

    As time is going by I am becoming worried calling Sony records everyday so Iplan on travelling to Sony records later this week in London and hoping to gothrough licensing then hopefully speak to them about licensing.

    I am definitely travelling to New York and excited in the next part of myjourney to finding Beyonce I recently found out that Beyonce had left heroffice Park Wood Entertainment in New York and a part of me wasdisappointed reason being I knew that if I had booked my trip to New Yorkand went to her record label I would of definitely met her. However I amexcited in the next part because she constantly arrives at her office. So this isa very high chance of me meeting her although I may not meet and greet herface to face nevertheless I may just get involved with the paparazzi to getclose up.

    I want to be noticed and my project to go viral, I am serious about this projectand actually meeting Beyonce therefore I would like to make Help DelaviMeet Beyonce! t shirts for my crew and I.I have been looking at plain t shirtsonline preferably black t shirts and Pink font writing. I also believeconstructing the t shirts would give the production a bit more of an edge andfun! The t shirts would be designed for me and everyone on my team.

    At the start of my documentary I also want a ten second sneak peak of the tshirt designing to be featured in the trailer of my documentary. I want mycrew to be walking away from the camera in slow motion but then I willappear in the middle with my t shirt on that vision will represent me quiteclearly being Delavi me on my journey to Beyonce. As the audience watch mytrailer I would want the audience to feel excited and curious to find out whathappened next? Where did Delavi go? Who did she meet? And did she evermeet Beyonce? I would love to keep people excited entertained and curious.Although I strongly believe part two of my documentary will be even more

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  • exciting and entertaining I would like to give the audience a teaser.

    I would also prefer my trailer to a small piece of music alongside with anarration of my voice; I will be using instrumental music of a close friend ofmine.

    I had planned on filming at Sony Records which are under Colombia records,Rob Stringer is the current owner of Columbia records he is friends withBeyonce and was once in her documentary. I would have been very happy tointerview him about Columbia records and also Beyonce, However for weeksand weeks I have been calling up the record company explaining my projectand who I am I was told to email the reception and wait for a replyunfortunately they have not replied to any of my emails. I am verydisappointed that this could not be part of my documentary I strongly believeit would have been a great opportunity to get closer to Beyonce. I am alsodisappointed at myself that I had potential to get into the record label if I hadbeen persistent with them months ago.

    Now that Sony Records did not go to plan I will stick to my original plan bytravelling around London and asking the public what they think of my bizarreidea and where I could find Beyonce? I will get an opinion on what thepublics thoughts I will then travel to the o2 arena where Beyonce hasperformed many times and it is also a very special place for me because thatwas the very first time I saw her in concert which was the best day of my life.

    This week has been very busy for me I have started filming Although myselfand my crew are excited I am still nervous as well I have rented equipmentfrom the media loan shop in Ellen terry.

    First day of filming

    I was definitely nervous on my first day of filming, I first met up with myEasily create high-quality PDFs from your web pages - get a business license!

  • director Stefano with his personal assistant later on I met up with mycameramen, I am proud and delighted that I hired professional directors andcamera men on Our first location was at London Bridge andasked the public about Beyonce and how I can find her? I found it veryinteresting and was full of excitement as the majority of the public wereforeign which interested me because I assumed London Bridge would be full ofmore young people. After interviewing more people from abroad it was quiteclear that I had come to a place of sightseeing where most people fromabroad would visit whilst on holiday in London. I had no problem with askingpeople from abroad although it was quite difficult for them to understand me.For example when I would ask them to help me sing along a famous Beyoncesong they would not understand my question unless I would sing a Beyoncesong then they would know who I am asking about.

    We were running on a scheduled time so by 11am we had to make our way toFrame a dance workshop. Frame is a dance workshop I came across justthree days before we started filming I was so thrilled to find a danceworkshop three reasons why; 1.My visit to Sony had gone down the drain 2. Iabsolutely Love to dance especially to Beyonce and 3. I could add moreBeyonce footage to my project which was amazing.

    Firstly I goggled Beyonce dancers because I originally wanted to produce adedication video to put at the end of my project and I came across a Beyonceworkshop from frame, I called up but there was no answer instead I emailedthem exactly what I wanted to achieve, what my project is about and the mostimportant permission.

    We left London Bridge and made our way to Queens Park, unfortunately mydirector only had an Oyster card for buses only I was fine with travelling bybus however the journey from London bridge to Queens Park took almostabout an hour by bus, I checked the journey by Train on Transit UK which isan App for London travel, by train it would of taken us 20 minutes,

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  • unfortunately on the day of filming there was a parade and caused buses ondiversion and because of this case it took us even longer to get to QueensPark. We travelled from South and Central London to North West London thiscaused our journey to be even longer than I thought in my documentary Iexpressed how I felt about running late to the workshop and also the fact thatI paid for the workshop to secure my place for the Beyonce workout, I wasdevastated I was running late at this time I was 10 minutes late, I called in tospeak to Camilla one of the team members and dancers of frame to explainthat I would be running late she understood and was completely fine with mysituation. Although she was fine with the situation I was still unhappy I wasrunning late. Eventually we arrived at Queenss Park and Google mapped thevenue the walk was about 15 minutes walk as we got lost we finally found thevenue altogether I was 50 minutes late, I was so disappointed in myself andwas frightened I would miss the whole dance class. Luckily I quickly changedinto my black t shirt and black leggings and joined in the dance I wasextremely proud of myself that I picked up the dance within seconds of joiningin. I found it quite awkward that the whole class turned to watch me as I waswith a crew even though I advised Camilla beforehand in the email for herpermission to film thankfully she happily agreed. During the filming therewere a few people that did not want to be filmed and I completely understoodso we separated them from the people who did want to be filmed as theystood to the side we filmed me and the people who wanted to be filmed, thedance was Beyonce Run the World.

    After filming the dance scene I spoke to the dance directors and apologisedfor being late and carried on filming. As the day was drawing to a close wewere all tired and got some lunch. We discussed the next part filming andwhat we think about what we have done so far. We have all decided to meetat Oxford Circus tomorrow at 10am.

    Second day of filming

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  • I met up with my crew at a coffee shop in Oxford Circus and grabbed a coffeebefore filming it was cold today so I had my jacket on whilst filming. We onceagain met a lot of people from Germany, France, and Hungary all over theworld in Oxford circus, Piccadilly Circus, and Trafalgar Square. I began to geta little frustrated that I had not found young people from the UK to feature inmy documentary although people from different countries were fun andinteresting I still wanted people from the UK, Next weekend I plan on filmingin Greenwich the o2 I hope to find people from the UK there. Today we filmedand spoke to the public and found some hilarious singers singing anddiscussing Beyonce. I enjoyed the filming today there was much improvementthan yesterday and also receiving feedback from my director and cameramanI am adjusting to the feedback I got from them to make my documentarymore exciting. From the Answers I received from the public today I am evenmore excited to travel to New York to film the part two of my journey tofinding Beyonce. Next weekend during I hope to gain as much as footage as Ican I want my documentary to make sense to the audience and also so thatthey find it interesting, humorous and entertaining.

    The fact that I am in England trying to discover Beyonce there are only limitedactivities I can only do which is why it is compulsory for me to film the secondpart of this documentary in New York, I strongly believe I will get closer andget something out of the New York Trip.

    Copywriting and Permission are not what I quite expected in this project Icontacted the o2 in Greenwich to ask for permission to film inside the o2where Beyonce actually performed many concerts in that venue. I had such anamazing vision of filming inside the o2 I imagined myself standing in themiddle of the arena and the camera filming me 360 turn and me closing myeyes and the audio of screaming fans in the background I also imagined doinga little Beyonce routine dance on the stage and using my own footage at theBeyonce concert I attended and using split screen me on the left and Beyonceon the right.

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  • Permission has been extremely hard for me, I even had to call up some clubs,Restaurants and hotels that Beyonce has stayed at but due to the process ofpermission taking weeks and months and with deadline approaching I wasunable to go ahead with some parts of filming.

    I researched on copy writing because I do want to use a few Beyonce songs inmy project and I am allowed to use only 30 seconds of her music. I am stilldeciding on what type of music I would like to use of from Beyonce it does nothave to be a Beyonce soundtrack I would like this project to be full of Beyoncelike the fanatic I am. If I do not end up using a Beyonce track I may just use acalm up-tempo song instead.

    I have had a think about where this documentary will go? There are manydownfalls in creating documentaries some documentaries are successfulenough get accepted into film festivals or even some major productioncompanies then later get showcased to the audience on television. Of course Iwould like this documentary to be shown on major television companies suchas channel 4 or even MTV. A downfall in producing a documentary could bemany things, the documentary could either have a bad storyline or filmingmay not go according to plan. I am afraid that my downfall in making thisdocumentary would be spending money on filming and travelling and creatinga very good high quality documentary and becoming unsuccessful in a filmfestival or a television company not accepting it.

    In the beginning of planning this documentary I originally had a rough idea ofmy budget list however eventually when I rented and out equipment from themedia loan shop and had explained to my director and cameraman my projectand my occupation they decided to then do it free of charge as it is for mycoursework at this point into my final major project I had no set budget foranything yet. During filming in London I did eventually had to pay for travelfor myself and on my oyster however at the end of my documentary my

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  • cameraman asked if I could pay for his travel for the days we had beenshooting I agreed because the cost to me was affordable 7.

    I would like my target audience to be a very wide range from 13-27 thereason why my target audience is a wide range from a young age to late 20sis because the majority of the young people may be part of the Beyhive andBeyonce fans, also Beyonce has been in the music industry for over 15 yearsso she grew up with so many of us going into the older category, many of theaudience can watch it and be watching because they are a Beyonce fan or bewatching it because that is how they may have been when they were young,the other part of the audience could be watching it to have a great laugh andto see how far I would get to try and meet Beyonce and may find my journeyhumorous.

    I would like to believe that my documentary belongs on the media or musicplatform I would definitely like it to be shared upon social media and spreadacross the world however on the other hand I would like it to be shown ontelevision not just this part of the documentary but when I actually producepart two in New York and hopefully find Beyonce I would want the fulldocumentary to be premiered on a music channel like MTV, Channel 4 or evenBBC Three. However at this stage I hope to get this part of my documentaryproject through social Media

    Final Days of filmingThe past few days of filming have been hectic as well as exciting butunfortunately my main location of filming has not gone to plan we filmed thefinal ending of the documentary on the other hand I did not happen to film atthe o2 in Greenwich for many reasons. My crew and I met at o2 Greenwich tostart filming the venue, there were many complications at this filming reasonbeing for many weeks and months I have been emailing and calling the o2customer services to enquire about the arena up to now I have no reply. So Idecided the go there with my crew and I and film, my camera was so

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  • determined not to film OUTSIDE the o2 and I failed to understand why? Thepast few days we have been filming around Londons famous landmarks andso I didnt understand why my cameraman did not want to film outside the o2,so because he refused to film outside I went ahead to ask customer service ifwe could film outside the o2 two members of staff both suggested that Ishould go ahead and film but if I was to be stopped then I put the cameradown but they both seemed quite sure it was okay for me to film outside. If Icould not film inside the o2 venue I wanted to at least film outside but sadlymy cameraman still said no. I was disappointed and did not understand whyhe would not shoot when it was my documentary. I spoke to a security guardat the o2 and explained to him what my documentary was about and where inthe o2 I wanted to film he even agreed and suggested I should film if I shouldhappen to get caught and stopped by somebody and asked for permission Ishould obey and stop filming, he then said to me that maybe one of thereasons why the customer services hadnt replied to me are probably becauseI am just one person wanting to film and I am not part of a big organizationsuch as BBC or MTV that may have been one of many reasons why they hadntgotten back to me. As our day drew to a close so early I was devastated andthe o2 arena is such an important place for me as that was the first time Isaw Beyonce in concert and is full of happy emotional memories. This is partof downfalls in producing documentaries linked to permission, not being ableto film at important locations places.

    We finally finished filming and called it a day and Stefano my director took onthe job to edit the reason why I did not edit is because editing is my weakestpoint in media and for this project I would like good quality work for my finalmajor project it is very important to me. Before we set out to filming Iexplained during my meetings with my crew to my director exactly how Iwant my documentary I want my documentary to be an up-tempo fast pasteddocumentary and have a positive fun and bubbly environment.

    I definitely had ups and downs during the making of this documentary becauseEasily create high-quality PDFs from your web pages - get a business license!

  • I had a big idea in the beginning of travelling to New York and meeting myidol over the weeks many things changed and did not go to plan, my mainconcern was if the audience would understand the point I am trying to prove.Although I did not travel to New York to film or even meet my idol Beyonce Iam very proud I at least got the feedback from the public in the UK and whatthey think and also on the fact that the audience would understand thepurpose of this documentary and what my aim is.

    I am very proud of myself for stepping outside of my comfort zone and goingto find cameramen and directors with experience to be involved in mydocumentary. I have known about for many years now and Ireceived over thirty resumes, in the last days I received my last few resumesand came across an email from the cameraman I hired.

    Dear Delavi,

    It is a unique opportunity for me to work with team like yours. Having workedwith many private television channels over a period of ten years, I still findmyself fascinated by the constant developments of this job and this is whatmakes me eager to educate myself along the way. I want to work in yourcompany because I believe it will provide me with new knowledge and it willgive me the chance to develop new skills. It was not an easy choice to leavemy country and the jobs I had there; nevertheles, I could not help but wantingto satisfy my inner need to become the best I can be. It was for this reasonthat I decided that I wanted to work in London, in a company like yours.Hopefully, the combination of my years of experience in the field along withthe companys and its workers expertise will result to a great cooperation thatwill be beneficial for both parties.

    One of the people who inspired me and motivated me to go ahead with thisEasily create high-quality PDFs from your web pages - get a business license!

  • documentary project is a Singer/Actor / producer and dancer by the name ifTodrick Hall, I am a fan of todrick hall and am very happy at how far he hasbecome. Todrick hall created a dance to Beyonce in a shopping centre inAmerica and from that YouTube Video the video went viral and Beyonce herself came across thevideo and personally made a video to him Thanking him and giving him ashout out and that came from a dance video on YouTube and so that hasdefinitely inspired me from that video it has not been the end of the road forTodrick hall it has kick started his career and currently now has a verysuccessful career as a choreographer, he then went on to produce many dancevideos on his YouTube Channel

    He then became recognizable across America and made a dance video of theCinderella featuring all strictly Beyonce songs which then blew theinternet again and from that video Beyonces management contacted him tochoreography Beyonces music video Blow from her latest Album Beyonce,and has now worked with Beyonce which is an amazing achievement. . It is very exciting andmotivating that Beyonce is even a fan of his work, I do hope that in the futureI could become of the lucky people to be like Todrick Hall and work withBeyonce because he was just a fan like the rest of the Beyhive.

    He recently made another Music video with ALL of Beyonces songs in 4minutes which once again went viral

    According to my research via twitter Beyonce left her office Parkwoodentertainment in New York last night I have previously mentioned that one ofmy main plans were to go to New York and film especially outside her office, I

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  • have witnessed on a number of occasions that Beyonce does attend her officevery often. My idea travelling to New York was mainly because of I knew if Ihad not met her I know I would of at least seen a glimpse of her walking inand out of her office. A perfect example is she was seen walking out of heroffice last night and a fan of Beyonce managed to take a photo with her. Idefinitely feel some type of way about her even being at the office I wasgoing to film at and also a fan taking a photo with her at this moment in otherwords I have missed my opportunity to meet my celebrity Icon.

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  • From my 360mc coursework one of my artefacts was to produce adocumentary on my career what I planned to do and what I planned to doafter graduating reason why this was my first idea was because at that timeentering into my final year at university it had been on my mind how fast timewas going and my final days of my degree were approaching I wanted toproduce a documentary on what I wanted to do after university and would Ihave achieved my goal?, my mind changed when I read the brief on 364mc Ithen had the idea of using the studio at the Ellen terry building and producinga format show. One of the modules over the course of this degree that Ithoroughly enjoyed the most was definitely the format modules; I had an ideaof creating a 30 minute music chart show and myself as the main presenter aswell as a co-host. I was planning on designing the entire studio and evenbringing in performers to perform on the show. I attended tutorials to meetwith my tutor and my tutor asked a question that sparked the idea of thisdocumentary Why dont you do your FMP on something your passionateabout? because many people were doing their own work it lead me to theidea of producing a documentary of somebody I am passionate about. In the

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  • beginning I had confirmed to myself I would do it on Beyonce but what aboutBeyonce? And this is where the idea of trying to find her steamed from. Ithought it would be quite interesting entertaining to film a documentary onmyself travelling around places trying to meet her.

    It did not take me long to discover the title of my documentary I personallythink with the title of my documentary it was very simple and straight forwardand says what it is My Journey to finding Beyonce after I had found the title Ihad a very good idea of travelling to New York and filming there to findBeyonce. My original idea was to travel around London then travel to NewYork, looking back on the original idea I do wish I had stuck with this idea notonly would the idea been great and entertaining but also that it would havebeen very experimental and I would have grown more as a media productionstudent. I also believe that the original idea would have been a kick start tomy career in many ways; unfortunately I am disappointed that due to planningearlier and money it stopped me from moving forward with this project.Looking back on what I have done compared to my new updated idea, I amdisappointed that I had the opportunity to proceed with this trip. I was toldabout the university funding through my tutor and came across the for CGEfunding I called in tofind out more information and I was told that the university would happilyfund me with this trip however I would have to book the ticket to New Yorkand show proof of my flight ticket then the university will repay me back themoney I used to book the flight ticket. At that moment in time what stoppedme proceeding with this was I did not have the funds to book the ticket alsothe fact of I wouldnt have been able to pay for my crews ticket and at thispoint I had to change my idea and base it in London. I think changing my ideain London was very limited because at the moment Beyonce is not in Londonon tour or attending any events especially the fact that she does not live inthe UK, I had to update my idea to travelling around London to ask the publicabout Beyonce and where she could be I thought it would be humorous ayoung girl trying to find Beyonce in London.

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  • I had planned to get t shirts customised and made for myself to wear whilstdocumenting this project which did not go to plan, interviewing the owner ofColumbia records as he has worked with Beyonce before and also featured inher own documentary and so I assumed it would in fact good for him tofeature in my documentary.

    EvaluationOver the course of this module I have grown as a student and as anindividual. When I first received this assignment brief my mind had blown onmany things to do preferably at the fact that I had the opportunity to produceanything in media form that I wanted was an exciting moment. I knew fromthe beginning that I wanted to produce a documentary that was my firstmove.

    I am a little disappointed that I had so many plans towards this project andalthough I still managed to get my message across to the audience I am onmy journey to finding Beyonce however due to many circumstances I wasunable to create the documentary I had dreamed of, when I knew that I couldnot film in New York I eventually had to change my plan and start filming fastand make the most of London.

    After filming and editing my documentary I was worried about how it wouldturn out to be or even if the audience would be wowed by the trailer, the factthat I could not travel to New York drags me down and worries me all becauseI had a vision of how I wanted this documentary to be.

    Another problem that I was not satisfied about was filming inside the o2 Arenabecause my plans to New York, Columbia Records, Park Wood Entertainmentrecords had not gone to plan and the obvious not finding Beyonce I knew theleast I good be satisfied was if I had film in the o2 only because she hasperformed there many times over the last decade. I had a great vision of how

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  • I wanted filming in the o2 to be, because now I know what I could have donein the next part of the documentary I will start proceeding with permissionpermits many months before. For example now that I know it takes very hardwork, persistently and time I know to begin from now to continue in part twoof the documentary. Due to the many things that did not go to plan I had toadd a to be continued and plan part two reason being I cannot create adocumentary about trying to find Beyonce and not find her or even at least getclose to her.

    The next part of the documentary will be the last part of the project because Iwill not have a deadline to meet and I can take my time in planning andgetting permission from places and this time round I will be making sure thatI meet Beyonce. I am happy with my documentary ending because it makesyou feel excited and want to know what is going to happen next.

    Evidence Emails

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    I believe that what makes my proposal a very interesting idea is I will be

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    Coursework 2 Pitch

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    Online Profile

    TuesdayJAN 2015


    TuesdayJAN 2015


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  • producing and documenting on one of the most iconic woman of ourgeneration Beyonc Giselle Knowles Carter. As a Beyonc fan many friendsand family around me fail to understand why I admire her so much and howand what it takes to be a Beyonc fan and creating a documentary will bevery interesting to others around me and for the Beyhive (Beyonc fans).What makes my idea New is according to my research there has not been aBeyonc fan that has created a documentary about her as an idol and hersuccessful career and most importantly the Beyhive. I strongly believe manypeople will be interested in my new idea because there has not been a fanaticthat has based their time effort and work on the Queen B herself, Thousandsof Beyonc fans but how many have produced and featured a documentary onher?.

    My Idea is slowly developing from the foundation of when I first thought of thetopic idea.

    FMP Idea Beyonc

    Messaging Beylegacy via Facebook

    Contacting Columbia Records UK

    Booking the editor of my documentary.

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  • Emailing Matthew Knowles (Beyoncs Father) I am yet to hear from MrKnowles.

    Current stage; I am currently preparing to begin filming however I am yet tosort out things such as individuals that are profitable to be in this filming,Sorting out and focusing on the crew i.e. camera man, sound etc..

    Also how far can I get with this documentary? Will I ever get that chance anddream to finally meet Beyonc? Where will this documentary take me? I amyet to develop these requests I have for myself.

    I have numerous influences that have inspired me to take on this opportunity;the most important thing about doing this project is focusing on somethingyour passionate and love doing.


    I am aiming for a film documentary style I want the cameras to follow me inall places from when I intend to exit my house to meeting fans andinterviewing individuals to her record labels.

    I want this documentary to have a showy flashy fast pace look reason being Iwant the documentary to look exciting and emotive. It is almost impossible toactually meet Beyonc herself however if I do manage to meet her I do hopefor that part of the documentary to be truly emotional and intimate since it issomething thousands of Beyonc fans strive to do and finally meeting youridol will be very emotional.

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  • After my documentary I would like the audience to feel excited andunderstand the BeyHive I would also like the audience to be left with a cliffhanger, I highly doubt I will meet Beyonc at this moment in time sotherefore I hope to leave the audience on the edge of their seats wondering ifI will ever meet Beyonc? This is definitely exciting for me too.

    I believe nothing has inspired me more than Beyonc herself on this project,reason being this project is about producing something you yourself arepassionate about its also about enjoying it. Robby Novak is an actor that goesby the name of Kid President and suffers from osteogenesis imperfecta he gotthe chance to meet Beyonc and that inspires me to achieve the goal ofmeeting Beyonc.

    Evidence hunting I will be roaming far and wide because I am aiming to go toSony records and Columbia records which is in west and central London. Aswell as that I will be involving the Beehive in this documentary, although Ihave contacted them through Facebook they all obviously live universallytherefore I will be travelling to them to film but I am yet to decide where Iwill be filming I have a vision of how I want my documentary film to look likeso I definitely would not want my filming on a random street I am striving forthis documentary to look professional.

    I am currently in the process of casting I have at present hired my editor aprofessional editor for the reason that my editing techniques are not up toprofessional standard.

    My Location list so far;

    Columbia Records 7 Derry St, London, England I am currently in theprocess of getting permission to film in attendance

    Unity Hub @ Craig Park, 2 Lawrence Road, Baxter Road, Edmonton N18 2HNEasily create high-quality PDFs from your web pages - get a business license!

  • Impact

    I have a very high expectation of the impact of my project, Im hoping thisdocumentary film project will get in the hands of big production companiesand television channels for example my documentary would be appropriate forChannel 4 or BBC Three. I also want my project to be so deeply impacted inthe most positive way that it comes across Beyonc herself.

    Subsequently I would prefer my documentary to be promoted via Twitter,Facebook many social network sites I want the documentary to be such a bigimpact on the audience it spreads and leaves a message to everybodyespecially Beyonc fans. Promoting my project to production companies wouldbe a start however I will still be promoting on twitter as well only for thereason news and promotion on twitter spreads faster and universally Peoplecome to Twitter to connect and engage with their interests. Twitter alsocreates an opportunities for businesses to engage with their customersthrough more personal interactions.

    I also believe that once I produce this documentary I will leave a positiveimpact on a lot of fans not only Beyonc fans but other music artists I amconfident that fans of Beyonc and other musician fans will then begin tocreate some sort of artefact for their idol. I hope that my documentary film issuch a positive impact on the audience I get the chance for my project to beon BBC Three. I have had a look at commissioning with the BBC

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  • Logistics

    Budget breakdown

    Craig Park youth centre 30 hours for hire I will be hiring the youthcentre for my intimate interview session me.Editor FreePetrol for Car hire 50

    I strongly believe I am the correct person to make this project since I am aBeyonc fan I believe to right to take control over this project, also at the factthat as a media production student and future TV Presenter/host I have alwayswanted to produce a documentary about someone I love and adore and isstrongly passionate about. I genuinely have a positive feeling about thisdocumentary and with all the knowledge I know about Beyonc I am definitelythe right person to produce this.


    Overall my good points so far are my mind is full of so many ideas which Imso excited about also at the fact that I am producing this, I have a vision ofhow I want my project and to get it the way I want I must be persistent workhard and focus. Truthfully the main reason that is keeping me motivated tocreate this I could possibly catch Beyoncs attention and finally get to meet

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  • her, the idea of this project is keeping me excited and motivated to the pointwhere I am thinking of making a part two of this documentary the Whathappened next.

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    360 Audio Pitch

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    360 Audio pitch. 1 of 2

    FridayDEC 2014


    FridayDEC 2014

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  • In my research I explored the internet researching women and marriage Iestablished many different sources that derived. I had many to choose from,as I was still deciding which source to delve into It came across to myobservance that a Nigerian Author by the name of chimamanda Ngozi Adichiefeminism speech. She was also featured in Beyonces hit single Flawless. Thisbought me anticipation not only since I had found a source but to find out whatothers thought about her speech? And if they agreed with it?

    We teach girls to shrink themselves to make themselves smaller we say togirls,You can have ambition but not too much you should aim to be successful butnot too successfulotherwise you will threaten the man. Because I am female I am expected toaspire to marriage I am expected to make my life choices always keeping inmind that marriage is the most important now marriage can be a source ofjoy and love and mutual support but why do we teach girls to aspire tomarriage and we dont teach boys the same?

    Posted by Lavi in Uncategorized LEAVE A COMMENT

    Primary and SecondaryResearch What research youdid to give your worksubstance and integrity. Whodid you interview?

    ThursdayDEC 2014


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  • We raise girls to see each other as competitors not for jobs or foraccomplishments which I think can be a good thing but for the attention ofmenWe teach girls that they cannot be sexual beings in the way that boys areFeminist: the person who believes in the social Political, and economicequality of the sexes

    In the first leg of my final year term I can admit that the lecture by MezParker on Sex inspired me to produce this short artefact.

    There are many definitions that ordinate to the word sex However I wasmore interested in sex and gender roles, Love battles, Marriage an d manymore

    I chose to discuss gender and sex with a few people and what their thoughtswas about women living up to a certain standard for men.

    I find it strangely surprising how an unusual lecture about sex has motivatedme to do a short clip about sex gender. I had no intention on basing myoriginal idea on anything else. I had three main ideas on what creativeartefacts I wanted to produce but my first main original Idea was definitely

    Posted by Lavi in Uncategorized LEAVE A COMMENT

    1.Process/development What inspired you and howyou developed youroriginal idea?

    ThursdayDEC 2014


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  • Women, Marriage and Equality.

    Women, Marriage and Equality? (Chosen Artefact)-

    Intimate Depression Poem Dedicated to M

    Fun Sex facts ( Inspired by Mezs Lecture)

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    Links to 3 Artifacts

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    Chimanada Feminism Speech

    ThursdayDEC 2014


    ThursdayDEC 2014


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