hrist herald march 2020 - christ on capitol hill – a...

Christ Herald Christ Herald Christ Herald March 2020 Beloved, listening, unafraid Last month, as part of the Pamoja pastors travel group, I visited our partners in Masimike parish, in the Iringa diocese, Tanzania. Here you see me and travel companions giving and receiving giſts. In the photo below are the District Pastor Elia Konda(who was with us both at Ihemi on Feb 2 and Masimike on Feb 9), Pastor Fraiko Msungu (lead pastor at Masimike), Pastor Ambrose Mwakiko (who translated for us two Sundays in a row), me, Deacon Stephanie (from St. Andrew’s) and Pastor Jon (from Chrisania), the Masimike congregaonal secretary Joshua Andrea Sanga and Associate Pastor Gablieli Msabaha. It is a geographically vast parish with 11 preaching points (meaning, 11 congregaons or congregaons-in-development). We could not even visit them all in a weekend because the geography is so expansive. About half of the sites have plans for building or expanding, and plans are under way to split into two congregaons (with 5-6 sites each) in the coming year. We have helped build several of the buildings over the years, and our partners wonder if we would like to help build the roof on the new, main building. We currently support 5 high school students (in Tanzania, students/families must pay for high school educaon). The photo of me receiving a chicken shows the deep gratude of a scholarship family and I have more stories to share about the others. There are at applicaons from six more students who hope to aend high school (and 20 students on the waing list). Are there individuals/families at Christ that would like to sponsor students (a 5-6 year commitment, depending on how the student progresses in their educaon)? Also, there is need for a motorcycle for the second pastor (who currently has to borrow one each week to make his way to remote preaching points). The commitments that I made to our partners at Masimike was that we would honor the principles of partnership 1) Prayer (we will pray for Masimike on the first and last Sundays of each month, as they do for us), 2) Visitaon/ Presence (it was an amazing opportunity to be able to visit & be following in the footsteps of Craig Dokken (who has visited Iringa three mes) and our Synod Ambassador who visited on our behalf last summer), and 3) Projects (I let our partners know that we would discern how we could best partner with them and communicate plans by Easter). I hope that you will join me on Sunday, March 22 to hear about this trip in greater detail and discern next steps. And if you are one of our Sunday School teachers or have to miss the forum that day for another reason, just let me know—I’ll be happy to share travel stories again this spring! As we make another kind of “journey” through the 40 days of this Lent, we will have a variety of Sunday morning trainings—see page 2—and through our worship on Sundays and Wednesdays, through our daily life, God will ground us in Prayer, Presence and Projects, just as God leads us to do in our Bega Kwa Bega partnerships. We’ll learn again in this season how we are beloved to God and one another; we’ll pracce listening to Jesus; and with the Spirit’s presence be able to move through life’s challenges and opportunies unafraid. Blessings, Pastor Joy

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Page 1: hrist Herald March 2020 - Christ on Capitol Hill – A …  · meaning of faith is at the heart of our Lenten

Christ HeraldChrist HeraldChrist Herald March 2020 Beloved, listening, unafraid Last month, as part of the Pamoja pastors travel group, I visited our partners in Masimike parish, in the Iringa diocese, Tanzania. Here you see me and travel companions giving and receiving gifts. In the photo below are the District Pastor Elia Konda(who was with us both at Ihemi on Feb 2 and Masimike on Feb 9), Pastor Fraiko Msungu (lead pastor at Masimike), Pastor Ambrose Mwakikoti (who translated for us two Sundays in a row), me, Deacon Stephanie (from St. Andrew’s) and Pastor Jon (from Christiania), the Masimike congregational secretary Joshua Andrea Sanga and Associate Pastor Gablieli Msabaha. It is a geographically vast parish with 11 preaching points (meaning, 11 congregations or congregations-in-development). We could not even visit them all in a weekend because the geography is so expansive. About half of the sites have plans for building or expanding, and plans are under way to split into two congregations (with 5-6 sites each) in the coming year. We have helped build several of the buildings over the years, and our partners wonder if we would like to help build the roof on the new, main building. We currently support 5 high school students (in Tanzania, students/families must pay for high school education). The photo of me receiving a chicken shows the deep gratitude of a scholarship family and I have more stories to share about the others. There are at applications from six more students who hope to attend high school (and 20 students on the waiting list). Are there individuals/families at Christ that would like to sponsor students (a 5-6 year commitment, depending on how the student progresses in their education)? Also, there is need for a motorcycle for the second pastor (who currently has to borrow one each week to make his way to remote preaching points). The commitments that I made to our partners at Masimike was that we would honor the principles of partnership 1) Prayer (we will pray for Masimike on the first and last Sundays of each month, as they do for us), 2) Visitation/Presence (it was an amazing opportunity to be able to visit & be following in the footsteps of Craig Dokken (who has visited Iringa three times) and our Synod Ambassador who visited on our behalf last summer), and 3) Projects (I let our partners know that we would discern how we could best partner with them and communicate plans by Easter). I hope that you will join me on Sunday, March 22 to hear about this trip in greater detail and discern next steps. And if you are one of our Sunday School teachers or have to miss the forum that day for another reason, just let me know—I’ll be happy to share travel stories again this spring! As we make another kind of “journey” through the 40 days of this Lent, we will have a variety of Sunday morning trainings—see page 2—and through our worship on Sundays and Wednesdays, through our daily life, God will ground us in Prayer, Presence and Projects, just as God leads us to do in our Bega Kwa Bega partnerships. We’ll learn again in this season how we are beloved to God and one another; we’ll practice listening to Jesus; and with the Spirit’s presence be able to move through life’s challenges and opportunities unafraid. Blessings, Pastor Joy

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Sunday Worship Themes for March

Forums for March

Sunday, March 1– The First Sunday of Lent—Heart to Heart Talks: Not Today, Satan Today's gospel tells of Jesus’ temptation in the desert. His forty-day fast becomes the basis of our Lenten pilgrimage. In the early church Lent was a time of intense preparation for those to be baptized at the Easter Vigil. This catechetical focus on the meaning of faith is at the heart of our Lenten journey to the baptismal waters of Easter. Hungry for God’s mercy, we receive the bread of life to nourish us for the days ahead. Genesis 2:15-17; 3:1-7- Eating of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil Psalm 32 - Mercy embraces those who trust in the Lord. (Ps. 32:10) Romans 5:12-19 - Death came through one; life comes through one Matthew 4:1 - The temptation of Jesus in the wilderness for forty days Sunday, March 8- The Second Sunday of Lent—Heart to Heart Talks: Hush-Hush During Lent we journey with all those around the world who will be baptized at the Easter Vigil. In today’s gospel Jesus tells Nicodemus that he must be born of water and Spirit. At the font we are a given a new birth as children of God. As God made a covenant with Abraham, in baptism God promises to raise us up with Christ to new life. From worship we are sent forth to pro-claim God’s love for all the world. Genesis 12:1-4a - The blessing of God upon Abram Psalm 121 - I lift up my eyes to the hills; my help comes from the Lord. (Ps. 121:1, 2) Romans 4:1-5, 13-17 - The promise to those who share Abraham’s faith John 3:1-17- The mission of Christ: to save the world Sunday, March 15- The Third Sunday of Lent - Heart to Heart Talks: Well, Actually… In today’s gospel the Samaritan woman asks Jesus for water, an image of our thirst for God. Jesus offers living water, a sign of God’s grace flowing from the waters of baptism. The early church used this gospel and those of the next two Sundays to deep-en baptismal reflection during the final days of preparation before baptism at Easter. As we journey to the resurrection feast, Christ comes among us in word, bath, and meal—offering us the life-giving water of God’s mercy and forgiveness. Exodus 17:1-7 - Water from the rock in the wilderness Psalm 95 - Let us shout for joy to the rock of our salvation. (Ps. 95:1) Romans 5:1-11 - Reconciled to God by Christ’s death John 4:5-42 - Baptismal image: the woman at the well Sunday, March 22- The Fourth Sunday of Lent-Heart to Heart Talks: So Many Questions Baptism is sometimes called enlightenment. The gospel for this Sunday is the story of the man born blind healed by Christ. “I was blind, now I see,” declares the man. In baptism God opens our eyes to see the truth of who we are: God’s beloved chil-dren. As David was anointed king of Israel, in baptism God anoints our head with oil, and calls us to bear witness to the light of Christ in our daily lives. 1 Samuel 16:1-13 - David is chosen and anointed Psalm 23 - You anoint my head with oil. (Ps. 23:5) Ephesian 5:8-14 - Awake from sleep, live as children of light John 9:1-41 - Baptismal image: the man born blind Sunday, March 29- The Fifth Sunday of Lent—Heart to Heart Talks: Too Little, Too Late? In today’s gospel Jesus reveals his power over death by raising Lazarus from the dead. The prophet Ezekiel prophesies God breathing new life into dry bones. To those in exile or living in the shadows of death, these stories proclaim God’s promise of resurrection. In baptism we die with Christ that we might also be raised with him to new life. At the Easter Vigil we will wel-come the newly baptized as we remember God’s unfailing promise in our baptism. Ezekiel 37:1-14 - The dry bones of Israel brought to life Psalm 130 - I wait for you, O Lord; in your word is my hope. (Ps. 130:5) Romans 8:6-11 - Life in the Spirit John 11:1-45 - Baptismal image: the raising of Lazarus All take place in the conference Room except where noted. March 1 – Cherish All Children Intergenerational Forum with Joy McElroy - Location: Youth Room (Intergenerational) March 8 – Income Taxes and Retirement – designed for 60 – 85+) year old adult with Kevin Schwartz from Thrivent March 15 - Abundance Kitchen Training for All Ages - Location: Abundance Kitchen March 22 – Masimike, Iringa, Tanzania Visit Sharing - Location: Gathering Space March 29 – Dear Church Training

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At the Kitchen Counter with Deacon Kari Alice Olsen

Stewardship for All Seasons

Downstairs Kitchen Update: We’re in the home stretch! I can’t tell you how excited I was when the kitchen equipment arrived and was installed. Not only was the new floor in place and the walls painted, but the whole room was starting to look like the drawings that had been put together 1 ½ years ago! Now our contractors are down to the punch list – installing the rolling doors over the kitchen and dish room windows, finishing the plumbing installations, testing the new fire system, and putting in place all the tables and shelving. We had our pre-walk through with the Health Department the day before I wrote this, and she said everything is looking great. As soon as the punch list is completed and all other inspections done (building, fire), she will come back and give us our final inspection and we can begin cooking! Patience, my friends – good things come to those who wait, and this one is gonna be really good!

Shobi’s Table Update: News Flash! As of March, Shobi’s will begin serving on Fridays (instead of Tuesdays). We’re making the switch for two reasons. First, so that we can be better positioned to give out food for the weekends. From several conversations I’ve heard that there are lots of free meal opportunities on the week days, but less so on the weekends. Second, this will give me a better chance of a regular day off (now Mondays), so I will be a better leader.

Otherwise, things have been going well! We’ve had lots of excellent volunteers these past couple months from Incarnation Lutheran in Shoreview, as well as youth from Christ on Capitol Hill. On Lunch Days we’ll have anywhere from 20-35 people show up. While when it’s 20, it feels a little slow, when it’s 35 – it feels packed! I’m hopeful to continue building the spirit of community through Shobi’s lunches. This summer we are hopeful to begin serving every week. We’re working on getting the word out. Our volunteers head out into the neighborhood with flyers and invitations to come to lunch. I’ve put flyers in all the state capitol mailboxes. Still, word of mouth and personal invitation is the most powerful. Come share lunch with us, invite your friends, and invite a stranger you just met! Jesus has set the table, invited us in, and asks us to spread the word of eating together.

Thank you so much for your continued generosity! As this is being written construction is nearing completion in our downstairs kitchen. Soon we will be able to Share Life by feeding many neighbors with hot meals and gracious conversations in our new commercial Kitchen. We can almost smell the rising aroma of nourishing food and nourishing conversation happening in this space. Also in our 2020 budget we were also able to begin to put more money into our seminarian fund so that we can continue to Share Life with the larger church by empowering and equipping emerging leaders in this unique context both this year and beyond. And, as the legislative session gets moving we are grateful for the ways we have been able to extend the duties of our office and building manager so that we can fully utilize the building as a resource for the community. We are hosting groups nearly every week for the whole session: Sharing Life through our building with the wider world. The Stewardship team wants to thank everyone for their continued generosity….together we can share life in even more ways than we can even imagine! -The Christ Stewardship Team

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Coming Events News & Events

Cherish All Children Empowering Adults &Youth to Prevent Child Sexual Exploitation

How can we come together to raise healthy generations free from sexual exploitation? Join us Sunday, March 1st to hear how each one of us can make a difference to protect children and youth. Joy McElroy, Executive Director of Cherish All Children, will lead us in engaging activities and conversation to support youth’s understanding of healthy vs. unhealthy relationships. Red flags, vulnerabilities, and online safety will all be a part of this interactive time together. You will leave equipped to continue these conversations in your home and community. We hope you will join us!

Contact Joy with questions at [email protected] or visit

Invitation to Lent We will gather each Lent Wednesday beginning March 4th for supper beginning at 6 with Prayer Around the Cross at 6:40. All are welcome for these times of community, reflection, and worship. For Prayer Around the Cross, we will need worship set up and clean up teams each Wednesday. Please sign up on the info table or with Pastor Joy for this set up/clean up role.

Becoming Bread: The Spirituality of Cooking

Fri., Apr. 3, 7p, thru Sat., Apr. 4, 8p

Deacon Kari Alice Olsen and Chef Victoria Fritz

$75 commuters • $100 shared lodging $125 single lodging

In hot butter, onions, carrots, and celery become a fragrant mirepoix. Over hot coals, hearty cuts of raw meat caramelize into delicious steaks. Thrust into a hot oven, balls of dough bake into tall loaves of bread. The act of cooking may seem a daily mundane task, but it can become a window into how God loves us, feeds us, and transforms us. Come experience cooking as a catalyst for div-ing deeper into our own spirituality as it touches our everyday life. We will cook, read, eat, learn, and reflect together.

Register here:

Upcoming “Day on the Hill” Guests at Christ

March 2—The Humane Society—Fellowship Hall March 3—Golf Industry—Fellowship Hall March 5—MN Bicycle Alliance—Sanctuary March 9—Teacher’s Association—Gathering Space March 11—Builder’s Association—Sanctuary March 19—League of MN Cities—Sanctuary March 23—American Pediatrics—Fellowship Hall March 31—Land Stewardship—Fellowship Hall For more information about any of these events, contact Jean at : [email protected]

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Here is the list of volunteers who make worship happen for this month. It takes many hands to get each Sunday to go smoothly in worship; all are appreciated! If you would like to volunteer, sign up in the Gathering Space or contact the church office. Unless otherwise noted, some positions are filled by one person every Sunday. Natalia Peterson is Music Director, Paul Swenson is organist , Chuck Engleking is Crucifer, Pastor Joy McDonald Coltvet is pastor, preacher and presider. Deacon Kari Alice Olsen is our Kitchen Coordinator.

March 1 8 15 22 29

Worship Leaders Lara Hanson Deacon Kari Alice

Olsen Erik Wohlrabe Joy McElroy Dan Koopmans


Usher Teams

Dave Nass Dave Krahn

Mark Cavanaugh

George Kolstad Kathy Kolstad

Pat Carlson Meisorn Himmtann

Peter Wenger

Garmai Jackson Ann Fecht

Yohannes Gabir

Scott Seitz Mark Napierala Cole Napierala

Dave Nass Dave Krahn

Mark Cavanaugh

Readers Khmer Tigrinia English

Rim Neth

Huy Himmtann

Yin Pal

Thaly Cavanaugh

Thaly Cavanaugh

Crucifer &


† Chuck Engleking

Abenet Coltvet

Jonah Sitorus

† Chuck Engleking

Saoirse Whelan

Madelyn Thomsen

† Chuck Engleking

Nate Rahberg

Gabe Niola

† Chuck Engleking

Seraphina Christian-

son, Mareta Clem

† Chuck Engleking

Caroline Napierala

Amanda Hash

Communion Set Up

Communion Serverst

Kathy Harris Kathy Harris Kathy Harris Kathy Harris

Communion Bread


Communion Clean Ups

Kristen Olsrud

Sound Board Bobbie Cloud Bobbie Cloud Bobbie Cloud Bobbie Cloud Bobbie Cloud

March Worship Volunteers

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Group and Team Meetings in February

CLC Women’s Group Maureen Austinson The CLC Women’s Group meeting is on Thursday, March 26th

Men’s Group Dave Nass During Lent, the Men’s group will suspend meetings as has been normal practice during lent. This allows them to join the soup and worship

programs. Staff Meetings—Wednesdays— 11 am Boy Scouts—Tuesdays at 6 pm Bun Loeung Music School at Saturdays at 9 am Finance— Monday, March 2nd at 6:30 pm Executive— Monday, March 2nd at 7:00 pm Hospitality—Tuesday, March 3rd at 6:00 pm Council—Monday, March 9th at 6:00 pm Property Team— Saturday, March 14 at 9:00 AM

March 8—Deep Dive to LSS Center for Changing Lives March 14—Second Saturday: Ukrainian & Polish Meal March 17—Happy St. Patrick’s Day! April 5—Palm/Passion Sunday April 12—Easter Sunday July 12—Annual Outdoor Worship & Picnic at Central Park, Roseville July 13-17—KICKS!

Small Groups

Save the Dates

Volunteer Opportunities Calling all volunteers!

Shobi’s Table Loaves and Fishes Foodmobile Setting up & Cleaning up

Communion Communion Servers Bringing Treats Greeting Offering Music in the Summer

Contact Jean if you’d like to sign up at: [email protected]


Thrivent Choice Dollars Have Impact! Thank you, Thrivent members for directing your Choice Dollars® to Christ on Capitol Hill. We continue to receive gifts through the Thrivent Choice® program. To find out more, contact your Thrivent agent or click on or type this link in your browser: living-generously/thrivent-choice/

February Council Update The council welcomed new members Laura Delventhal, Jade Christopherson and Henrik Weber at our February council meeting. We also said goodbye to Vicar Troy, as February marked his final meeting with council. We are very grateful for his leadership in relaunching our stewardship team, and his presence will be missed; we joyfully anticipate the next steps in his path to ministry. At February's Council meeting, there was considerable discussion about how the Property Team is leading us forward in efforts to access a major building grant in 2021 or 2022, related to our new historical designation. The work on the kitchen is nearly complete and all funds from the Mission Investment Fund have now been accessed. The Council began discussion about granting the Pastor a Sabbatical in the summer of 2021 (suggested by the Synod every 5-7 years of service). Several Council members are planning to attend the February 22 ToolKit for Congregational Leaders and we'll share in the coming months the insights we gain at this training.

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Updates & Information

The Evangelist for Masimike main church, Congregational Secretary Joshua Andrea Sanga, Pastor Fraiko Msungu (with Tree of Life artwork & a Guatemalan stole), Pastor Joy, Associate Pastor Gablieli Msabaha, Partnership Coordinator Lazaro Kavina (with a 150th Anniversary bowl).

Ralph Baumgartner and Kristie Hennig’s Wedding—Congratulations!

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105 University Avenue West ~ 651-222-3619 ~ Did you know? We are the last 50¢ fare stop inside the Green Line’s downtown core!

Contact Information

Pastor Joy McDonald Coltvet [email protected] Deacon Kari Olsen, Kitchen Coordinator [email protected] Jean Christoffel Office & Building Mgr. [email protected] Erik Wohlrabe Council President [email protected] Natalia Peterson, Music Director [email protected] Paul Swenson, Organist 651.222.3619 Custodian: Equinox 651.222.3619

Worship Schedule

Sundays at 9:30 am

Adult Forum, Sunday School & Youth Group

10:45 am Late September through May

All-Age Forum

10:45 am June through early September

Communication Deadlines:

If you wish to have an article published in the next Newsletter, please send it

to Jean at [email protected] on or before the 15th of the month.

If you wish to have something published in the weekly bulletin or placed on the Kiosk or website, please send it

to Jean by noon on Tuesday for the following Sunday.

Follow Christ on Capitol Hill on Facebook!

Messages from Pastor Joy

Pastor Joy’s messages are available through a link on Christ’s website front page:

March Birthdays

Shobi’s Table @ The Reque

We’re Back!!! 1st & 3rd Fridays of the Month Join members of the community for a pay-as-you-can lunch. Each time a delicious selection to choose from including a vegetarian option. 11 am to 1 pm If you’d like to volunteer for food prep or to serve, contact Deacon Kari Alice: [email protected]

A Tree of Life in the City

Isaias Menase March 01

Heng Moy Chhour March 04

Eric Miller March 05

Jeremy Moffitt March 05

Michael Kruse March 06

Caroline Josephine Napierala March 06

Mason Joseph March 08

Knute Clem March 11

Lisa Kloster March 13

Gaye Sorenson March 13

Hans Kolstad March 17

Jean Shoaf March 17

Roger Hardy March 21

Khalil Zeno II March 22

Ray Miller March 25

Judy Nass March 25

Troy Medlin March 26