how to heal acne fast and naturally

How to Heal Acne Fast and Naturally : You see the movie stars and singers. Their skin is acne free. Even your friends have clear skin! Do you suffer from acne, wish you didn't have any, but don't want to waste money on expensive products that don't even work? You can destroy acne naturally within a few weeks using products from around the house. The difference between you and clear skin may be as little as a thin layer of toothpaste. Steps Part 1 of 3: Acne Treatments 1) Use baking soda. Mix equal parts baking soda and water to form a paste. Apply the paste onto acne individually, not over the entire face. Dip a Q-Tip into the baking soda mixture and apply that way. Leave the baking soda paste on your face for about 10 minutes, or until dry. Wash off with very cold water. It will help close the pores significantly. Repeat at most two times a day. If your skin becomes irritated or excessively oily due to use, make sure to discontinue treatments 2) Try using lemon juice as an acne remedy. Cut a lemon in half and gently rub the open-side of the lemon onto the acne. The stinging feeling means it's working. Lemons contain citric acid, which attacks the bacteria that cause acne.

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Post on 29-Nov-2014




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Page 1: How to heal acne fast and naturally

How to Heal Acne Fast and Naturally:

You see the movie stars and singers. Their skin is acne free. Even your friends have clear skin!

Do you suffer from acne, wish you didn't have any, but don't want to waste money on expensive

products that don't even work? You can destroy acne naturally within a few weeks using

products from around the house. The difference between you and clear skin may be as little as a

thin layer of toothpaste.


Part 1 of 3: Acne Treatments

1) Use baking soda. Mix equal parts baking soda and water to form a paste. Apply the paste

onto acne individually, not over the entire face. Dip a Q-Tip into the baking soda mixture and

apply that way.

Leave the baking soda paste on your face for about 10 minutes, or until dry.

Wash off with very cold water. It will help close the pores significantly.

Repeat at most two times a day. If your skin becomes irritated or excessively oily due

to use, make sure to discontinue treatments

2) Try using lemon juice as an acne remedy. Cut a lemon in half and gently rub the open-side

of the lemon onto the acne. The stinging feeling means it's working. Lemons contain citric acid,

which attacks the bacteria that cause acne.

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Make sure to wipe/wash the lemon juice off, and use sunscreen afterwards. Citric

acid can bleach the skin and puts it at significantly higher likelihood of sun damage.

3) Slice a raw potato and apply to skin. Slice a raw potato in half and apply onto acne. Raw

potato can heal as well as act an anti-inflammatory. Again, wash the residue off your skin gently

with water after using.

4) Use toothpaste for pimples. If you have a single, mighty pimple you want destroyed

overnight, consider using toothpaste to cover the pimple with. Toothpaste contains silica, which

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is the substance you find in beef jerky bags, used to keep any moisture out of substances. Silica

will dry out and diminish the size of the pimple overnight if left on.

Try using natural toothpaste — with silica but without sodium lauryl sulfate. Sodium

lauryl sulfate is a harsh chemical that's also an irritant to some people. It's best to avoid it,

and any of the big, name-brand toothpastes, for that reason.

5) Use ice to close your pores and reduce inflammation. A lot of people with big pores like to

take ice cubes and gently hold or rub them over their problem spots. Ice specifically and cold in

general, constricts the blood vessels underneath the skin, making the irritation or inflammation

less noticeable.

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6) Use tea tree oil. Tea tree oil is a renowned anti-fungal and antibacterial herbal remedy,

making it great for mild to moderate acne. In a study comparing the efficacy of tea tree oil and

benzoyl peroxide, tea tree oil proved just as effective in fighting acne and reducing lesions.

Whereas benzoyl peroxide works quicker than tea tree oil, tea tree oil produces fewer side effects

in patients.

7) Use egg oil. Egg yolk oil contains immunoglobulins which kill bacteria and reduce

inflammation. The Omega-3 fatty acids help naturally heal the cyst without leaving scars.

Apply egg oil on the acne affected area twice a day, massaging gently for 2-3 minutes.

Leave it on for an hour and then wash it off with a mild face wash.

Continue use until the cyst (zit) is completely healed and continuous (unbroken),

healthy skin appears. Stopping mid-way may cause the acne to spread again.

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8) Crush up some aspirin and use it as a paste. Crush up a pill or two of aspirin and mix it

with just enough water to form a paste — as you might have done with the baking soda. With a

Q-Tip or your hands, apply the paste onto individual pimples, leaving to dry.

Why does aspirin work? Aspirin has salicylic acid in it, which is what most topical acne

treatments use to bust up acne-causing bacteria. Salicylic acid dries out pimples and

fights the bacteria simultaneously

9) Apply alum to the pimples. Potassium alum can usually be found in the spice aisle in some

grocery stores. Although widely used as a natural deodorant and styptic (lessens bleeding after a

cut), alum is a natural antiseptic and astringent, meaning that it shrinks skin tissue.

Try to get a big block instead of in powder form. Powdered alum can be a little too

abrasive. Gently wipe the alum over the affected areas, being careful not to irritate or

inflame any pimples

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Part 2 of 3: Diet and Exercise

1) Cut back on eating refined carbohydrates (bread, pasta, etc). Also, cut back on eating

excessive sugar. A little natural sugar, such as found in fruits, is okay

4) Eat foods with probiotics. Probiotics are microorganisms that have beneficial effects when

eaten. In other words, good germs! Fermented foods, such as sauerkraut, kefir, kombucha, goat

cheese, or natural yogurt contain probiotics, but you can get probiotics by taking natural

supplements with contain enzymes as well.

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3) Eat more veggies! A healthy diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains will give your

body the energy it needs and won't force it to metabolize junk that could lead to acne. An acne-

free face and body starts with a healthy diet.

4) Replace sweet drinks in your diet with water and unsweetened teas. Your skin is an organ

in your body, and like other organs, needs water to function properly. Give your body what it

wants without the junk that it doesn't. Shoot to drink half your body weight in ounces of water

per day.

Try drinking unsweetened green tea if you want a break from water. Unsweetened green

tea contains antioxidants that keep your body healthy and may even increase lifespan.

5) Move around. Getting great exercise is a natural way to fend off stress, which can cause acne.

At the very least, shoot to get 30 minutes of walking in every day.

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6) Take a multivitamin each day. Make sure that you especially get enough vitamins A.

Vitamin A will help your skin regenerate quicker, reduce wrinkles, and clear away spots and


Part 3 of 3: Washing Your Face and Other Tips

1)Wash your face with soap twice daily, If you have oily skin. Follow these steps:

Get the materials you need. You will need a mild facial soap (bar or liquid), clean hands,

and a wash cloth. *The milder the soap the better-irritation will only cause more acne.

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First make sure your hands are clean, then you can wet your face with warm water to

open your pores. Don't use hot water, because it will cause irritation, that worsens acne.

Don't wash with a wash cloth or anything that is rough. Just gently use your fingertips or

a soft clean sponge.

Use a mild soap with a low percentage of benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid, sometimes

they can cause dryness or redness, so only use in the morning or at night, not both. The

other cleanser should be very mild. What ever you are using, make sure you only use a

little bit.

Rinse all of the soap off over the sink, making sure there is no residue.

Next splash cool water onto your face to close the pores that you have just cleaned. Don't

use cold water, because this will cause irritation and broken capillaries.

Dry your face with a soft towel or sponge by patting, never rub your face.

Moisturize each time after you wash your face. After washing your face, it can cause

your skin's pH balance to be to alkaline so applying moisturizer helps with it changing

back. Just as your face needs to be washed in order to keep it healthy, you skin needs

moisturize in order to stay vibrant and healthy.

Find a moisturizer that works for you. Cream-based moisturizers are generally

recommended for people who have drier skin; they are denser, oilier, and don't disperse

as easily. Gel-based moisturizers are recommended for people who have oilier skin; they

disperse really well into the skin and don't leave oily traces.

2) Get enough sleep. The more you sleep the less stress you put your body through. You have

about 15% more stress for every hour of sleep you lose per night. Why does this matter? Stress

can cause the hormone that regulates sebum to go bonkers, causing acne. So, as another rule of

thumb, don't let stress mount up in your life.

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3) Try not to pick at or pop your pimples. You're using natural remedies for your acne

treatment — that's great. Don't wipe away all your gains by popping your pimples. The short-

term gratification might be overwhelming, but it's really not good in the long run.

Acne is a bacteria that lives in your pores. Popping the pimple gives the acne a chance to

spread over the skin to other pores, infecting them.

Popping pimples causes inflammation and may lead to scarring. So if you want your acne

to be less visible, resist the urge to pop. Stop before you pop.

4) If the acne is really bad, see a doctor. Acne can be really persistent, especially during the

teenage years. You try a new drug or method, it seems to get better, and then a week later you're

back to the same old breakouts and zits. Dermatologists can diagnose your skin condition and

offer targeted approaches to curing acne. If you're thrown for a loop with acne, and you've tried

everything under the sun, don't be afraid to ask for a little help.









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