how i became a bestseller and how you can...


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Page 1: How I Became a Bestseller and How You Can Too! to grow and make more money! (and I haven't finished my second book yet psssst


Page 2: How I Became a Bestseller and How You Can Too! to grow and make more money! (and I haven't finished my second book yet psssst

Email: [email protected] Skype: nilofersafdar

How I Became a Bestseller and How You Can Too! My name is Nilofer Safdar. I am a bestselling author, a telesummit host (The Illusion to Illumination summit), a TV show host (The Nilofer Show), a healer, a coach, a speaker and a facilitator. I have been in the field of Personal Development and healing for about 24 years now. Recently I published a book, Cracking the Client Attraction Code, which I co-authored with 14 amazing individuals. It became a #1 Bestseller on Amazon within a month in 3 different categories and was a #1 Hot New Release in 4 categories. I never thought that I would ever write a book or get it published or that it would become a #1 Bestseller. None of this was an accident. Every part of this was my creation. I had the idea for the book, I invited people to contribute chapters to it, I got it published and I used some secret ninja strategies to make it a number 1 Bestseller. It took me about 12 months to go from idea to writing to publishing to Bestseller. Now I know all the different pieces in it and I can do it in 30 days. Yes. You read right. I can do this in 30 days.

Page 3: How I Became a Bestseller and How You Can Too! to grow and make more money! (and I haven't finished my second book yet psssst

Email: [email protected] Skype: nilofersafdar

I can now take an idea, write a book on it, publish it and get it to Bestseller in 30 days. There is no rocket science in this. Just a series of actionable steps that I have documented that I can rinse and repeat. And can I say that these are really action steps that I can take and do this again and again and again. My second book called The Money Circle is 80% complete. And at least 4 other books are in the pipeline. Now it's all very good that my book is published and a #1 Bestseller. What has that created? Since my book published, I realized why every person should write a book especially in you are a Healer, Coach, Speaker, an expert in any field. When you become a published author, it gives you Authority, Instant Credibility, More Revenue, Access to Media and much more. I have been on 4 Radio shows since my book was published and will be on another one soon. The invites keep coming. The purpose of writing a book is not to earn money off the sales of the book, although that is a lot of fun too. It is to establish you as a Published Author, give instant credibility and authority and get you Speaking Engagements, Media Appearances, High End Coaching and Consulting.

Page 4: How I Became a Bestseller and How You Can Too! to grow and make more money! (and I haven't finished my second book yet psssst

Email: [email protected] Skype: nilofersafdar

I'd like to share with you some cool things that have happened to my friends who #1 Best Sell Jenn Foster Got my books today! I'll be sending these out to veterinarians I'm super excited!

Page 5: How I Became a Bestseller and How You Can Too! to grow and make more money! (and I haven't finished my second book yet psssst

Email: [email protected] Skype: nilofersafdar

Page 6: How I Became a Bestseller and How You Can Too! to grow and make more money! (and I haven't finished my second book yet psssst

Email: [email protected] Skype: nilofersafdar

Ellie Savoy My first delivery today created such a buzz at the post office when I opened up the box on the spot. People think I'm a celebrity! One lady said I will definitely end up on Oprah! I received my 30th review today and I am #2 next to JJ Smith in the top 100 best sellers in Diet Therapy! Wow! I am pinching myself.

Page 7: How I Became a Bestseller and How You Can Too! to grow and make more money! (and I haven't finished my second book yet psssst

Email: [email protected] Skype: nilofersafdar

Page 8: How I Became a Bestseller and How You Can Too! to grow and make more money! (and I haven't finished my second book yet psssst

Email: [email protected] Skype: nilofersafdar

Page 9: How I Became a Bestseller and How You Can Too! to grow and make more money! (and I haven't finished my second book yet psssst

Email: [email protected] Skype: nilofersafdar

Deiter Staudinger & Rebecca Reble Stopped at Starbucks and look what we found! How cool is that?

Page 10: How I Became a Bestseller and How You Can Too! to grow and make more money! (and I haven't finished my second book yet psssst

Email: [email protected] Skype: nilofersafdar

Page 11: How I Became a Bestseller and How You Can Too! to grow and make more money! (and I haven't finished my second book yet psssst

Email: [email protected] Skype: nilofersafdar

Jason P Jordan

We have a client that will be presenting her workbook for Women's Economic Empowerment at the UN this week! She also happens to be the moderator of the event too.

Monday the 9th of March kicked off the beginning of the 59th Session of the UN's Commission on the Status of Women (CSW). Representatives from Member States, UN entities and NGOs from all regions of the world are attending the session at United Nations Headquarters in New York City.

Page 12: How I Became a Bestseller and How You Can Too! to grow and make more money! (and I haven't finished my second book yet psssst

Email: [email protected] Skype: nilofersafdar

Page 13: How I Became a Bestseller and How You Can Too! to grow and make more money! (and I haven't finished my second book yet psssst

Email: [email protected] Skype: nilofersafdar

Page 14: How I Became a Bestseller and How You Can Too! to grow and make more money! (and I haven't finished my second book yet psssst

Email: [email protected] Skype: nilofersafdar

Sandi Masori (She got booked for 42 TV appearances as a result of her book) My 40th TV appearance!!

Page 15: How I Became a Bestseller and How You Can Too! to grow and make more money! (and I haven't finished my second book yet psssst

Email: [email protected] Skype: nilofersafdar

Sigrid De Caste I am invited to speak at Terri Cooper Networking Events on becoming a #1 Bestseller on Amazon - Terri Cooper is Brisbane Queen of Networking with 4 locations for her networking events - Thank you for offering me this opportunity to grow and make more money! (and I haven't finished my second book yet psssst way behind schedule, the second one is the one to wrap my business around!!!)

Page 16: How I Became a Bestseller and How You Can Too! to grow and make more money! (and I haven't finished my second book yet psssst

Email: [email protected] Skype: nilofersafdar

Michael Alf

Page 17: How I Became a Bestseller and How You Can Too! to grow and make more money! (and I haven't finished my second book yet psssst

Email: [email protected] Skype: nilofersafdar

I have a speaking engagement at the Law Institute Victoria on Monday

Page 18: How I Became a Bestseller and How You Can Too! to grow and make more money! (and I haven't finished my second book yet psssst

Email: [email protected] Skype: nilofersafdar

Page 19: How I Became a Bestseller and How You Can Too! to grow and make more money! (and I haven't finished my second book yet psssst

Email: [email protected] Skype: nilofersafdar

All these stories are truly inspirational. When you read them you go, "Wow! I'd like to have that too!" But then the doubts start to kick in. I can't write! Who will want to read what I have written? I'm not good enough. People will not like what I have to say. You know what, I totally get you. I have been in that place too. But if you just do it, the world will be a better place. Your message is important. It will change lives. If you just do it you will be a part of select group of people who actually took action and created a book instead of just thinking about it. If you just do it, you are already a star. Can you see how your book can open up doorways and opportunities for you which would not have been available for you otherwise? You might say, all that is good Nilofer but how do you write a book?

Page 20: How I Became a Bestseller and How You Can Too! to grow and make more money! (and I haven't finished my second book yet psssst

Email: [email protected] Skype: nilofersafdar

What if I were to tell you that you could write a book without writing a single word? Wow! How is that possible? Simple - Now here’s the thing, the writing part is really easy. It could be as easy as you having a conversation with a friend on a topic and It could be as easy as that. So you have your books written down and then is the fun. To make it even simpler, you could just use one of those Voice to Text programs. Heck, if you have an iPhone, you could just use Siri. Now here’s the thing – for most people the thought of writing an entire book is overwhelming. They will think about it and talk about it and never actually get round to writing it for months or years or maybe never in their entire life. Now what if you could be a part of a bestseller... WITHOUT having to write an entire book? ... What if YOU could write just one simple chapter and be a part of one of MY next bestseller? And it will be YOUR book too with YOUR name on it. All you have to do is to write one chapter and get it off to me.

Page 21: How I Became a Bestseller and How You Can Too! to grow and make more money! (and I haven't finished my second book yet psssst

Email: [email protected] Skype: nilofersafdar

I was just with a friend today and I invited her to contribute a chapter in one of my books. She said that she had purchased a course on How to write a book in one year which had weekly lessons. And she had never ever looked at it till I invited her to write a chapter and then went through the whole course in a week and had her chapter ready in 3 days. She said – I am surrounded by people who have been sitting with books inside them for years. And I actually sat down and wrote it. She texted me later – So fab fab fab seeing you today. I wonder what it will take to be an international bestseller? And to have no judgment on yourself and no limits on what you can achieve! WHAT IS THE DEAL All you have to do is to write one simple chapter. And I will do all the heavy lifting of everything that is required to put a book together. Interesting things like getting the cover picture of the book to getting it formatted for ebook and kindle and print book and submitting it to be published and all the gazillion things that go into publishing a book. (FYI its about 7 steps AFTER you have got the completed and edited draft in your hand.) Then I will use my secret ninja tactics to make it a #1 Bestseller.

Page 22: How I Became a Bestseller and How You Can Too! to grow and make more money! (and I haven't finished my second book yet psssst

Email: [email protected] Skype: nilofersafdar

So now you have a double whammy – not only are you a published author, you are also a Best Selling Author!!!! Imagine what that would create in your life and your business! Would you be able to get TV appearances like Sandi Masori did? Heck ya!!! Or get your picture in a newspaper like Deiter Staudinger & Rebecca Reble Or get speaking engagements or be on radio or on telesummits or get those high end coaching and consulting deals? What if you were to give your prospects a copy of your printed book instead of your brochure or visiting card? Would people will seek you out before contacting others who lack your status? And would they quibble over price? Could the book be the most credible salesperson there is for your services and products? THE NEW WAVE OF COLLABORATION Gone are the days that business owners brainstorm how to "beat the competition." If you want a formula for long term business success and seamless scalability, collaboration is the new wave.

On the surface, it may seem counterintuitive to invest time and, in some cases, money to promote someone else's business, yet collaboration is the best way to expand your reach and elevate your status in your niche.

Page 23: How I Became a Bestseller and How You Can Too! to grow and make more money! (and I haven't finished my second book yet psssst

Email: [email protected] Skype: nilofersafdar

Having created my whole business by collaborating with other industry leaders via telesummits, I can tell you, it works. That's because by aligning yourself with other industry leaders, you are able to leverage their resources, including exposing yourself to their mailing list and social media communities, people you would not have been able to reach otherwise.


Write a Book Together. Many people dream of that "Best Selling Author" credential next to their name. While you can go about this on your own, it is easier and faster to accomplish when you write, publish, and promote the book with other authors. When you have less pages to write, because 19 other co-authors are also writing pages too, you are able to finish the project much faster. Plus, you have more people promoting the book, which increases your chances of hitting the Best Seller's list.

Would you like to be a contributing author in one of my next bestselling book? If you want to be a co-author of my next bestseller -- apply here and I will email you the details instantly!" Nilofer Safdar PS: Quick Update – Since I created this Short Read, I published my second book, “The Colors Of Now”. It also became an International Bestseller! My book Money Circle is done and will be published shortly.

Page 24: How I Became a Bestseller and How You Can Too! to grow and make more money! (and I haven't finished my second book yet psssst

Email: [email protected] Skype: nilofersafdar

Plus 2 more to follow shortly. You can be one of the Bestselling Authors in my next collaborative book - apply here WHO IS NILOFER SAFDAR?

Nilofer Safdar is a two times bestselling author of the books, Cracking the Client Attraction Code and The Colors Of Now. She teaches people how to write, be published and become a Bestselling Author in 90 days even if they have never written before (or think that they can never write). She is a strong advocate of getting a book published and her pet peeve is to

Page 25: How I Became a Bestseller and How You Can Too! to grow and make more money! (and I haven't finished my second book yet psssst

Email: [email protected] Skype: nilofersafdar

educate people on why everyone must write a book.

Nilofer is a Life Coach, Money Mastery Coach and a Business Coach.

Nilofer helps people change their reality to generate and create a life they desire and require. Her target is to generate a life that is joyful and expansive for everybody she touches.

She is the host of a TV show which aired on JIA News in India called The Nilofer Show. She is the host of the First online radio show in the Middle East, The Healthy Living Dubai Show, in which she interviews Speakers, Coaches, Natural Healers from the Middle East which empowers the listeners to Create everything they desire in life.

She is also the host of the telesummit, Illusion to Illumination Summit, in which she has interviewed more than 150 Luminaries, Change Agents, Best Selling Authors from around the world including Peggy Phoenix Dubro, the originator of the EMF Balancing Technique, Gary Douglas – the founder of Access Consciousness.

She also has a regular column in the publication Tempo Planet.

To contact Nilofer for further information about her books, audios,

newsletters, workshops & training programs and consultancy or to

schedule her for a presentation, please write to:

Page 26: How I Became a Bestseller and How You Can Too! to grow and make more money! (and I haven't finished my second book yet psssst

Email: [email protected] Skype: nilofersafdar

[email protected] Websites are –