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  • 7/22/2019 Housing Seminar




    While decent housing is important to every individual and nation, housing crisis remains one

    of the global problems and a grave and rising challenge facing both urban and rural

    residents, particularly in most developing countries. Thus, in spite of a number of political,

    social, and religious initiatives taken in the past in some of these developing countries, a

    great proportion of their population still live in substandard and poor houses and in

    deplorable, unsanitary residential environment. In Nigeria, though housing provision by the

    government commenced before the country got her political independence from Great

    Britain on October 1, 1960, the housing problem in Nigeria still remains intractable as many

    rural and urban populations in the country do not have access to decent, safe, and

    affordable housing. This paper attempts to show an overview of the affordable housing

    delivery strategy taken by government and private enterprises in Nigeria over the years,

    revealing that Nigerias impressive housing policies and programs are rarely implemented or

    haphazardly implemented. The housing delivery strategy in the country is, therefore, a

    classical example of politics of many words, but little action. The paper suggests that urgent

    steps need to be taken to bring about the much needed improvement and transformation in

    the Nigerian housing sector. It also advises the government to back up its many lofty

    initiatives and efforts with necessary political will and commitment, using cooperatives,

    development agents, and partnerships through Public Private Sector Participation (PPP).

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    Housing (adequate shelter) is recognized world-wide as one of the basic necessities of life

    and a pre-requisite to survival of man (Onibokun, 1983; United Nations, 1992; Salau, 1990).

    A house is a place in which it provides shelter, refuge, scomfort, security, and dignity. The

    housing industry can be a stimulus to national economy (Onibokun, 1983). A house also

    provides the physical framework in which human, social, economic, and cultural resources

    are realized, enriched, and integrated. In the traditional African setting, in particular,

    housing is, in fact, one of the greatly cherished material properties. This is because of the

    other functions that a house performs in the traditional society includes the protection of

    family cohesion and values, taking care of the aged through the extended family system,

    and the protection of the ancestral values, among others. Thus, the importance of providing

    adequate housing in any country cannot be overemphasized. However, in spite of the

    fundamental role of housing in the life of every individual and the nation, and in spite of the

    United Nations realization of the need to globally attain adequate shelter for all, the

    housing crisis remains one of the Journal of Sustainable Development in Africa (Volume 12,

    No.6, 2010)ISSN: 1520-5509Clarion University of Pennsylvania, Clarion, Pennsylvania global

    problems and a grave and rising challenge facing both urban and rural residents, particularly

    in most developing countries. It is generally estimated that the world needs to house an

    additional 68 million to 80 million people (Awake,2005). According to the United Nations

    Population Fund (Wikipedia, 2003), world population passed 6.1 billion in 2001 and it is

    expected to reach between 7.9 and 10.9 billion by 2050. Over 90% of the growth during the

    next two decades is forecast to occur in the developing countries.

    Those estimates represent a formidable housing challenge. The situation even becomes

    more serious and worrisome when one realizes the fact that despite a number of political,

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    social, and religious initiatives taken in the past in some of these developing countries, a

    large proportion of their population still lives in sub-standard and poor housing and in

    deplorable and unsanitary residential environments. This is particularly so in Nigeria, where

    housing provision by government commenced before political independence in 1960 and

    where, despite various government interventions and huge investments in housing

    provision, the housing problem in the country still remains intractable as many rural and

    urban populations in Nigeria do not have access to decent, safe and affordable housing.

    This, according to Onibokun(1990), is as a result of the inability of government to provide

    housing to the populace. The level of production of housing in a developing country like

    Nigeria is only 2 dwelling units per thousand people, compared to the required rate of about

    8-10 dwelling units per 1,000 population as recommended by the United Nations(Anthonio,

    2002). It is against this backdrop that this paper attempts an overview of government

    housing delivery strategies in Nigeria over the years with a view to identify corrective

    measures that are needed to better the shelter and living conditions of the generality of

    Nigerians. The paper is structured into four parts. Following this introduction, section two

    focuses on the need for affordable housing, then characteristics of the Nigerian housing

    scene, while section three gives a detailed review of successive government and private

    interventions in housing.

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    Need for affordable Housing

    The United Nations estimates that Nigerias population in 2005 stands at 141 million, and

    predicted that it would reach 289 million by 2050 (Encarta, 2007). The United States Census

    Bureau projects that population of Nigeria will reach 264 million by 2050. Nigeria will then

    be the 8th most populous country in the world (Encarta, 2007). Rapid growth in population

    creates demand pressure towards shelter and efficient supply and distribution of basic

    utilities and services for the city dwellers, In most of our urban centre the problem of

    housing is not only restricted to quantity but to the poor quality of available housing units.

    The effect which is manifested in overcrowding in houses. Nigeria is perhaps the fastest

    urbanizing country in the African continent. One of the most important challenges facing the

    country is the provision of affordable housing. As more and more Nigerians make towns and

    cities their homes, the resulting social, economic, environmental and political challenges

    need to be urgently addressed (Raji, 2008). A recent study of housing situation in Nigeria put

    existing housing stock at 23 per 1000 inhabitant. Housing deficit is put at 15 million houses

    (Mabogunje 2007) while N12 trillion will be required to finance the deficit. This is about 4

    times the annual national budget of Nigeria (FHA, 2007). Home prices and rents, on the

    other hand, have grown ahead of general inflation. Making matters worse, the composition

    of homes for sale and rent on the market has been inexorably shifting towards very

    expensive home (Nubi, 2008).

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    The National Rolling Plan of 1990 92 estimated housing deficit at 4.8 million. The 1991

    housing policy estimated that 700,000 housing units are to be built each year if housing

    deficit is to be cancelled. The documents indicated that not less than 60% of the new houses

    are to be built in urban centre. In 2006, the ministry of Housing and Urban Development

    declared that the country needs about 10 million housing units before all Nigerians can be

    sheltered. Between 1975 and 1980, there were plans of deliver 202,000 housing units to the

    public but only 28,500 units, representing 14.1% was achieved. Also, out of 200,000 housing

    units planned to be delivered between 1981 and 1985, only 47,200 (23.6%) was

    constructed. Under the National Housing Fund (NHF) programme initiated in 1994, to

    produce 121,000 housing units, it was believed that less than 5% was achieved. In spite of a

    series of government policies towards housing delivery, one thing that is clear is that; there

    exist a gap between housing supply and demand (Olomolaiye, 1999; Agbola, 1998; Adegeye

    and Ditto, 1985). Historically, Housing unit is treated as product hence the need for quality if

    it is to pair well and perform desirably in the market, but quality in construction industry

    suffers significant difficulty as it passes through extreme pressure driven by cost

    minimization rather than value maximization. Research has shown that 75% of urban

    housing is situated in slum conditions (UNDN,1988), and indeed the quality of the housing is

    poor and clearly an affront to human dignity (Olotuah, 1997; Agbola and Olatubara, 2003).

    As part of effort to increasing qualitative housing for the masses in the country, the Federal

    Government in 2004 pledged to adequately fund research pertaining to the manufacture

    and the use of local materials in the sector with the aim of providing 40,000 houses and at

    least 1,000 per state before year 2007. Housing delivery in Nigeria is provided by either the

    Government or Private sector, but despite Federal Government access to factors of housing

    production, the country could at best expect 4.2% of the annual requirement. Substantial

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    contribution is expected from other public and private sectors. It should be acknowledged

    that private sector developers account for most of urban housing (FOS, 1983). The

    production of housing in Nigeria is primarily the function of the private market;

    approximately 90% of urban housing is produced by private developers. Due to housing

    demand created by rural- urban migration, which account for 65% of urban population

    growth, the fixed supply of urban land, and inflation of rental and housing ownership cost

    (taylor, 2000). Unfortunately, the private sector is saddled with numerous problems which

    make supply always fall far short of demand and lower production quality (Nubi, 2008). The

    problem of qualitative housing has been a concern for both the government and individuals.

    Appreciating these problems, both public and private sector developers make effort through

    various activities to bridge the gap between housing supply and demand, but the cost of

    building materials, deficiency of housing finance arrangement, stringent loan conditions

    from mortgage banks, government policies amongst other problems have affecting housing

    delivery significantly in Nigeria ( Raji, 2008). With different Policies and user solutions that

    are abound for the purpose of reducing quantitative housing deficiency. It could be possible

    to solve the problem if housing were used only for shelter needs. However, in addition to

    serving as a shelter, housing is also a produced commodity, consumer good, assurance for

    families, means used for reproducing social relations and an investment tool protecting the

    value of money against inflation. Moreover, it is important that house is a building block in

    its relations with its environment, mutual interaction and increasing the quality of its

    environment when it is considered as a part of the city. In this context, it can be accepted

    that a large housing stock is available today as a result of new presentation forms and

    production processes with a high volume of housing production. However, the existence of

    this stock shows that the housing policies are planned depending mostly on production.

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    The ever mounting crisis in the housing sector of the developing world has various

    dimensions, which range from absolute housing units shortages, to the emergence and

    proliferation of the slums/squatter settlements, the rising cost of housing rent, and the

    growing inability of the average citizen to own their own houses or procure decent

    accommodation of their taste in the housing market. In Nigeria, even though there are no

    accurate data on the nations housing stock, earlier studies and observations strongly

    suggest quantitative and qualitative housing problems across the country (Onibokun, 1983;

    Abumere, 1987; Federal Office of Statistics., 1997; Agbola, 1998; Egunjobi, 1999; Adeagbo,

    1997; Olatubara, 2008; Mabogunje 2003; Ademiluyi& Raji, 2008). Thus, while Fadahunsi

    (1985) observed that policymakers in Nigeria are not really aware of the magnitude of the

    housing problems facing the low income earners in the country, Olateju (1990) was of the

    view that the increasing high rent is a pointer to the fact that there is a decrease in housing

    stock. A study by Onibokun (1990) estimated that the nations housing needs for 1990 to be

    8,413,980; 7,770,005 and 7,624,230 units for the high, medium, and low income groups,

    respectively. The same study projected the year 2000 needs to be 14,372,900; 13,273,291

    and 12,419,068, while the estimates for the year 2020 stands at 39,989,286;33,570,900; and

    28,548,633 housing units for high, medium and low income groups, respectively (Agbola,

    1998;Olokesusi & Okunfulure, 2000), Again, the national rolling plan from 1990 to 1992

    estimated the housing deficit to increase between 4.8 million to 5.9 million by 2000 The

    1991 housing policy estimated that 700,000 housing units needed to be built each year if

    the housing deficit was to be cancelled. The document, in fact, indicated that no fewer than

    60 percent of new housing units were to be built in the urban centers (Ogu & Ogbuozobe,

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    2001; Federal Republic Nigeria, 1991). This figure had increased at the time the 1991

    housing policy was being reviewed in 2002. In 2006, the Minister of Housing and Urban

    Development declared that the country needed about ten million housing units before all

    Nigerians could be sheltered. Another estimate in 2007 by the president put the national

    housing deficit at between 8 and 10 million (Yaradua, 2007). Despite this confusion as to

    the number of new additions, it has been quite obvious that a critical gap exists between

    the housing supply and demand; the reasons why successive governments have made policy

    statements, enunciated, and have made efforts to actually deliver new housing units.

    However, out of their targeted provision, a very minute percentage is always met. This could

    be attributed to the fact that most government housing programs have been frustrated by

    corruption, politicization, insufficiency of technical staff at building sites, and lack of

    infrastructure (Olokesusi & Okunfulure, 2000). Housing conditions, especially those

    portrayed by the availability and efficiency of facilities and utilities, have been worsening

    since 1980 (Olokesusi & Okunfulure, 2000). Toilet facilities, for instance, have more pit

    constructions than other better and more ideal provisions. This is evident from the

    construction quota, which increased from 25.6 percent in 1980/81 to 63.3 percent in

    1993/94 and 62 percent in 1995/96. Existing data shows that while 72.4% of urban

    households were connected to electricity in 1980/81, this proportion declined to 54.34% in

    1995/96 (Federal Office of Statistics, 1999). The same trend existed for most neighborhood

    facilities and utilities within the country, especially those concerning water supply road

    construction, sewage, etc. In response to these housing challenges, Nigerian governments,

    since pre-independence, have shown a remarkable concern for housing. Also, successive

    governments in Nigeria have intervened in a number of ways in the housing sector in order

    to bring about the much needed improvement and transformation.

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    Because shelter is necessary to everyone, the problem of providing adequate housing has

    long been a concern not only to individuals, but to governments as well. Thus, most nations,

    in one form or another, continue to place access to affordable housing at the top of their

    priority lists (Encarta Interactive World Atlas, 2007). In Nigeria, the major steps taken, so far,

    towards solving the housing crisis in the country include:

    (i) The establishment, in 1928, of the Lagos Executive Development Board (LEDB). The Board

    was empowered to carry out slum clearance, land reclamation, and the development of

    residential and industrial estates.

    (ii) The setting up of Nigerian Building Society (NBS) in 1956 to provide housing loans to

    both civil servants and the Nigerian public.

    (iii) The creation of the National Site and Services Scheme (NSSS) in 1986 to provide land

    with essential infrastructural facilities, such as roads, drainage and sewage system, water

    supply, and electricity for housing developments in well-planned environments. The

    schemes are planned to provide well laid-out and serviced plots in each of the 36 state

    capitals of the federation, including FCT Abuja.

    (iv) The establishment of the National Prototype Housing Program (NPHP) by the Federal

    Ministry of Works and Housing (FMWH) to complement the objectives of the National Site

    and Services Scheme (NSSS).The project was embarked upon to demonstrate the feasibility

    of constructing functional, effective, and affordable housing units through imaginative

    designs, judicious specification of materials, and efficient management of construction.

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    (v) The setting up of the State Housing Corporation (SHC) to provide housing to the

    populace at affordable prices.

    (vi) The creation of the Federal Mortgage Bank of Nigeria (FMBN) in 1977 to finance housing

    loans to prospective housing developers at minimal interest rates.

    (vii) The setting up of the National Housing Program (NHP) in 1991 and the National Housing

    Fund (NHF) scheme by Decree No 3 of 1992 to provide self loans to prospective housing

    developers and also monitor developments in the housing sector.

    (viii) The deconsolidation of the Federal Mortgage Bank of Nigeria (FMBN) through the

    establishment of the Federal Mortgage Finance Limited (FMFL) to take over retail mortgage

    portfolios previously handled by the bank and also to facilitate effective management of the

    National Housing Fund (NHF) Scheme.

    (ix) The setting up of a Housing Policy Council (HPC) to monitor development in the housing

    sector and also to set up the machinery for the review of the 1978 Land Use Decree (LUD) in

    order to make more land available for large scale land developers.

    (x) The creation of the ministry of Housing and Urban Development in June 2003.

    (xi) The review of the mandate given to the Federal Housing Authority (FHA) to include

    provisions of the National Social housing as part of the strategy towards meeting the

    Millennium Development Goal. The authority also plans to facilitate the provision of two

    million housing units within the next four years.

    (xii) Others are the formulation of the National Housing Policy (NHP) in 1984, the

    establishment of the Infrastructural Development Fund (IDF) in 1985, and the Urban

    Development Bank (UDB) in 1992 (Federal Republic of Nigeria, 1997).

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    Furthermore, on the legal and regulatory framework for enhancing housing delivery, eight

    (8) housing related laws are now before the National Assembly. They are:

    1. The Federal Mortgage Bank of Nigeria Act 1977 (replacement)

    2. The National Housing Fund Act 1992 (replacement)

    3. The Mortgage Institution Acts 1992 (replacement)

    4. The Social Insurance Trust Fund Act 1993 (amendment)

    5. The Investment and Securities Act 1999 (amendment)

    6. The Trustees Investment Act 1962 (amendment)

    7. The Insurance Act 2002 (amendment)

    8. The Land Use Act 1978 (amendment)

    In addition to the above, virtually all the introduced National Development Plans (NDPs)

    from 1962-1985 and the National Rolling Plans (NRPs) from 1990 to date explicitly recognize

    the importance of providing adequate housing in the country as a tool for stimulating the

    national economy (Gbolagade, 2005). The First National Development Plan (1962-1968)

    accorded low priority to housing with focus on accommodating government staff in the

    regional capitals and Lagos. A low proportion/percentage achievement was recorded. In the

    Second National Development Plan (1970-1974) the target was to construct 60,000 housing

    units (15,000 units in Lagos and 400 units in each of the remaining capitals). There was

    marginal improvement at the end of that period. Efforts were intensified in the Third

    National Development Plan (1975-1984) to improve the condition of the housing. Highlights

    of the programs include: direct construction of low-cost housing units by both the federal

    and state governments; increased construction of housing quarters for government officials,

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    expansion of credit facilities to enhance private housing construction, and increased

    investment in domestic production of cement. A sum of N2.5 billion was allocated to the

    housing sector with a target production of 202,000 units (50,000 units for Lagos and 8,000

    units for each of the, then, 19 states). At the end of the period, a success of 13.3% was

    recorded. During the plan period, the Federal Ministry of Housing, Urban Development, and

    Environment was created while the Federal Government bought over the shares held by the

    Commonwealth Development Corporation in the Nigeria Building Society and converted it

    to the Federal Mortgage Bank of Nigeria (FMBN) with an enlarged capital base from N21

    million to N150 million to provide loans to individuals, state housing corporations, and

    private estate development firms. During the Fourth National Development Plan (1984-

    1985) period, three schemes were embarked upon: the direct housing construction, under

    which 2,000 housing units were to be built in each state annually, while the FHA was to

    construct about 143,000 low cost housing units across the country. Site and Services

    Schemes were also to be provided. At the end of the plan period, a success of 20% was

    recorded. During the 1990-1992 rolling plan period, efforts were intensified on the sites and

    services scheme. About 2,892 serviced plots were provided in Anambra, Lagos, Imo, Kano,

    Kwara, Ondo, and Rivers states, while the second phase commenced in other states. On

    prototype housing schemes, 72 housing units were constructed and allocated in 1990, while

    the construction of 218 units commenced in Lagos and Abuja. During the plan period, the

    National Housing Fund Decree No. 3 of 1992 was promulgated and Primary Mortgage

    Institutions (PMIs) were licensed. The Housing Policy Council was also set up to monitor

    development in the housing sector. The 1993-1995 rolling plan period witnessed allocation

    of about 10,474 plots of the three residential categories to the public. The impact of FHA

    was also felt in Lagos and Abuja. During the 1994-1996 rolling plan, the national housing

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    program was launched with the target of constructing 121,000 housing units of various

    models all over the country by the end of 1996. However, by the first quarter of 1997, fewer

    than 2,000 housing units had been completed. The federal and the state governments were

    expected to spend N2.0 billion on housing provisions during the 1996-1998 National Rolling

    Plan (NRP). Over N3.00 billion was expected to be spent by the two levels of governments

    during the 1999-2001 National Rolling Plan (Federal Republic of Nigeria, 1998; Federal

    Republic of Nigeria, 2000). As part of the efforts to increase houses for the masses in the

    country, the Federal Government in 2004 pledged to adequately fund research pertaining to

    the manufacture and the use of local materials in the sector, with the aim of providing

    40,000 houses with at least 1,000 per state before year 2007. However, as observed by

    Ademiluyi & Raji (2008), little had been done to meet this target barely two months into the

    year 2007. Despite these interventions and efforts by the governments, actual

    achievements in terms of providing adequate housing in the country remain essentially

    minimal for a number of reasons. These include:

    1. Problem of plan implementation. There is often a wide gap between what is on paper and

    what is happening on the ground. For example, only 13.3% achievement was recorded in

    the federal governments housing program in the Third National Development Plan

    (Mabogunje, 2002).

    2. Lack of adequate data relating to the magnitude of the problem, due partly to the

    absence of the national data bank on housing.

    3. Inconsistency in government policies and programs, including frequent changes of

    policies with changes of government and without proper assessment of the existing ones.

    4. Lack of efficient and sustainable credit delivery to the housing sector.

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    5. Peoples incomes are relatively low in comparison with house market prices, resulting in

    an affordability problem.

    6. High cost of building materials. For example, a recent survey has shown that a 50kg bag of

    cement has risen from N650 in 2000 to about N2, 200 today.

    7. The rapid annual growth rate of the Nigerian population, which was estimated at 3.3% on

    the basis of annual birth rate of 49.3 per 1,000. Coupled with the rapid population

    growth/urbanization is the problem of an increasing poverty level among the citizenry,

    which has risen from 65% in 1996 to about 70% in 2007, according to UNDP and World Bank


    8. Lack of effective coordination among Housing Agencies. While all the three tiers of the

    government are involved in one way or the other in housing matters, their activities are

    hardly coordinated.

    9. Politicization of housing issues, including government involvement in what Onibokun

    (1983) referred to as the game of number. For instance, between 1974 and 1980, there the

    plan to deliver 202,000 housing units to the public, but only 28,500 units representing 14.1%

    were delivered. Also, out of 200,000 housing units planned to be delivered between 1981

    and 1985 only 47,200 (23.6%) were constructed. Under the National Housing Fund (NHF)

    program, initiated in 1994 to produce 121,000 housing units, it was reported that less than

    5% was achieved. In spite of a series of government policies towards improved housing

    delivery, one thing that is clear is that successive governments in Nigeria have not been able

    to match their words with action. In fact, the situation in the Nigerian housing sector

    remains like that of a child to whom much is promised but little is delivered. It is no surprise,

    therefore, that there exists a gap between housing supply and demand.

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    Housing Finance Requirements

    Housing finance by its very nature is a capital intensive venture which if it is to be financed

    through personal financial resources will require slow and tedious accumulation of savings.

    However, since housing provides benefits over many years, long-term credit financing is a

    more logical option as it will spread the repayment burden. But this requires the availability

    of long-term funding, and for which must be institutional capacity, structure and mechanism

    that will allow a convenient and effective linkage between the savers/investors and the

    consumers of such funds. Without an effective finance system, no housing policy can be

    effectively implemented. A financing framework which facilitates financial intermediation

    for housing finance consists of institutions as well as their relationship and the processes

    involved. However, the emphasis in this review will be on relevant institutions and their

    activities. Indeed the framework must effectively reconcile the affordability limitation of

    households with viability requirement of financial institutions. In Nigeria, housing is typically

    financed through a number of institutional sources: Budgetary appropriations,

    Commercial/Merchant Banks, Insurance Companies, State Housing Corporations and the

    Federal Mortgage Bank of Nigeria (FMBN): and now the newly established Mortgage

    Institutions all these constitute the formal institutions. Informal institutions such as thrift

    and credit societies, and money lenders who have contributed and are still contributing

    substantially to the finance of housing construction also persists. The impact of these

    informal institutions however cannot be properly quantified because they are largely

    uncoordinated, scattered and varied in scope and operational depth.

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    Budgetary Appropriations

    For various reasons, the expansion in the external sector of the economy as well as the

    consequent expansion in the financial system did not translate into any significant

    improvement in the level of financial intermediation for housing finance. A major reason has

    been, until very recently, the nature of Government intervention. With resources allocated

    by the various development plans especially the Third and Fourth National Development

    Plans, the public sector embarked on the direct construction of mass housing; major

    housing projects were financed directly from budgetary appropriations. This emphasis on

    budgetary appropriation was mainly during the oil boom periods of 1973/76 and 1980/81.

    Little or no role was allowed the Private sector in Housing Finance. The results were

    insignificant impact on housing need and attendant cost inefficiencies. There were few

    peculiar features of implementation in the respective periods of the plans which have had a

    direct bearing on Housing finance activities.

    (a) Fiscal policy alternated between stringent and liberal control on imports, depending

    on the buoyancy of hard currency earnings. Given the import dependence on building

    materials, cost of housing construction oscillated.

    (b) Apart from its regulatory role, government at the Federal and State level was also

    engaged in direct housing construction. For example the new government of Lagos

    State is currently embarking on the provision of 10,000 housing unit per year for the next

    four years of mix development for the people of the state. How realizable this scheme is

    only time will tell. But definitely it all boils down to finance. It is on record that the State is

    seeking to obtain 4.0 billion Naira from the capital market just to be able to fulfill part of

    their promise of housing.

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    (c) Although the Third and Fourth plans placed emphasis on a housing sector, there was no

    adequate allocation of funds.

    (d) The institutional structure for mortgage finance did not evolve beyond rudimentary


    In the event, there was little evidence of financial presence from the private sector in public

    Sector housing finance activities. In consequence, the operational dependency and

    Sophistication which a greater presence from the private sector could have induced in the

    Housing finance system did not take place. The situation was compounded by the strict

    regulation of credit expansion which, until the recent deregulation, has compelled the

    financial institutions to remain largely in the short-term end of the credit market. Inspite of

    their importance in financing the construction of housing, the commercial and Merchant

    Banks have not gone beyond allocating 20% of their loans and advance into building

    construction for many years. This is because of the relative slow rate of returns and the

    interest rate and inflation risks inherent in long-term lending. Indeed, with the deregulation

    of the financial system since 1986, the percentage share of real estate and construction in

    total loans and advances has declined for Merchant Banks from 16.5% in 1985 to 12.3% in

    1986 and 7.5% in 1987 (see table 3); while for Commercial Banks it declined from 20.5% in

    1985 to 18.1% in 1986, 16.5% in 1987 and

    15.5% in 1988 (see table 2).

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    Table 1: Merchant Banks Real Estate % Share and Maturities


    Real Estate/Construction as a

    percentage of

    loans & advances (A)

    Call money to 3 years

    maturity as percentage of all

    deposits (B)

    1984 18.6 (N313.7m) 63.6

    1985 16.5 (N297.2m) 60.4

    1986 12.1 (N335.7m) 60.1

    1987 7.5 (N311.8m) 63.9

    1988 7.8 (N335.6m) 59.1

    Sources: CBN Economic & Financial Review

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    Table 2.

    Year A B

    1984 20.6 (N2,373.8m) 86.9

    1985 20.5 (N2,493.7m) 90.5

    1986 18.1 (N2,840.4m) 88.0

    1987 16.5 (N2,892.4m) 88.7

    1988 15.5 (N3,007.9m) 90.4

    Source: As in Table 1

    An examination of the maturity profiles of deposits with commercial and Merchant Banks

    shows the dominance of call money to 3 years maturities which are mismatched to the long-

    term nature of housing finance. Within the period analyzed, although the percentage of call

    money to 3 years maturities to all deposits for Merchant Banks declined from 63.9% in 1987

    to 59.1% in 1988, the average remains a high 61.4%. For the Commercial Banks, the average

    remains 88.8% and indeed the percentage increased steadily from 88% in 1986 to 88.7% in

    1987 and whopping 90.40% in 1988. The Commercial rate of interest offered, the shortage

    repayment period, as well as the level of collateralisation resulted in the allocation to real

    estate being focused on properties in prime locations where the prospects for high

    sale/rents may accelerate loan repayment.

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    Insurance Companies

    Insurance companies have funds appropriate for financing housing construction. However,

    under the current insurance decree, only up-to 25% of life and 10% of non-life policies can

    be invested in real estate. Life premiums are not only long-term but relatively cheaper than

    deposits. However, the investment emphasis of these institutions has been short-term due

    to the preferences of these companies and to a lesser extent the legal restriction imposed.

    Indeed, while percentage allocated to real estate declined since 1985 from 12.1% to 7.2% in

    1986, that allocated to mortgage loans declined steadily since 1984 from 7.1% to 4.8% in

    1985, 3.9% in 1986, and 3.6% in 1987 (see table 3).

    Table 3: Insurance Companies: Real Estate/Mortgage

    Year Type of Invesment (N) Real Estates Mortgage Loans

    1984 93.5m (11.7%) 57.2m (7.1%)

    1985 149.2m (12.1%) 59.7m (4.8%)

    1986 116.9m (7.2%) 63.0m (3.9%)

    1987 144.3m (7.5%) 69.2m (3.6%)

    Source: Insurance Year Book.

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    Housing Corporations

    The State Housing Corporations operate largely as property developers and they depend

    mainly on Government budgetary allocations. The housing units are usually sold outright as

    they usually do not provide mortgage finance to buyers. The number of housing units

    produced has not been significant relative to demand. Their role would have been

    effectively implemented if they were operating as financial intermediaries. It has been

    noted elsewhere that for reasons such as availability of Government funding, housing

    corporations do not operate savings schemes; and those that have such schemes have

    marginalised them. It was in realization of the enormity of the housing problem relative to

    declining resources capacity available to the Public sector, that the previous Governments

    decided to facilitate construction by the Private Sector institutions. Consequently the new

    National Housing Policy was established.

    New National Housing Policy

    Realizing that the enormous public sector efforts have not effectively addressed an

    expanding housing deficit and escalating construction costs, and that such effort must be

    substantially collaborative with the Private Sector, Government decided to establish a

    framework within which such collaboration can effectively address the housing problem.

    This was articulated in the National Housing Policy in 1988. The policy attempts inter alia; to

    create a new housing finance system, encourage the linkage of the housing sector to the

    capital market, establish a National Housing Fund, and expand Private Sector role in the

    housing delivery system.

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    The most significant differences between the new policy and the previous ones are firstly,

    that housing is now seen in context of the overall national development. Previous policies

    had tended to regard housing as a social service and a natural fall-out of the national

    economic development. Secondly, the policy has identified the fact that different household

    both within and between income groups tend to have different demand for housing. This is

    evident from the ultimate goal of the policy which is, to ensure that all Nigerians own or

    have access to decent housing accommodation at affordable cost by the 2000 AD Thirdly,

    the focus of the policy seems to be to remove all barriers to the supply of housing and to

    provide incentives to all parties involved (governments, private sector and individuals) in the

    housing delivery system.

    New Structure for Housing Finance

    The new housing policy has established a two-tier housing finance structure, with FMBN as

    an apex institution and a decentralized network of Primary Mortgage Market institutions

    such as building societies, housing co-operatives, and home savings and loans associations.

    This structure aims to streamline processes and organizational relationships within the

    housing finance system and encourage expansion in private initiative. In this regard, the

    legal framework for the organization and implementation of the apex role of FMBN has

    been defined by the Mortgage Institutions Decree No.53 of 1989.

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    National Housing Fund (NHF) was established in 1992

    The concept of the National Housing Fund as proposed in the National Housing Policy is to

    ensure a continuous flow of long-term funding for housing development and to provide

    affordable loans for low income housing. The promulgation of the National Housing Fund

    Decree heralded the emergence and establishment of a battery of mortgage finance

    institutions in Nigeria. Quite a number of them had been in operation for the last 12

    months. Good as the intention of the scheme appear, the technicalities and modalities of

    releasing the loan to the mortgage institutions to unlend to the members of the public have

    not been worked out and as such most potential clients have been frustrated by the high

    interest rate and cost of funding. Most of the mortgage institutions on their own have been

    mobilizing funds by accepting deposits and savings at very high interest rate in a highly

    competitive marketing environment. Most customers on the other hand are prepared to

    wait for the National Housing Fund than take loans at high interest rate which is presently

    being dictated by the money market condition.


    In 2003, the federal government also established the Federal Ministry of Housing and Urban

    Development, and Proposed a Housing Reform, in view of the fact that there were not many

    affordable houses in Nigeria. There was an illusion that houses were available. But most of

    them were high-priced. Mabogunje (2004) opined that a number of other legislation needs

    to be amended substantially to bring their provisions in line with the new housing regime.

    The touchstone in such reviews is to reduce red-tape and ensure that various legislations

    are compatible with demands of a free and robust market economy. The period 2003 2004

    witness a Housing policy that recognized the private sector on the driving seat of housing

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    delivery in the country, the key features of this policy include the placement of the private

    sector in a pivotal position, for the delivery of affordable houses, on a sustainable basis;

    assignment to government of the responsibility for the development of primary

    infrastructure for new estate development; and review and amendment of the Land Use Act

    to ensure better access to land and speedier registration and assignment of title to

    developers. Others are the development of a secondary mortgage market, involving the

    FMBN and the establishment of a new mortgage regime, under the NHF, to facilitate more

    favourable mortgage terms; and a five-year tax holiday for developers (Thisdayonline,



    There are several affordable housing schemes that are either fully funded by government or

    or in partnership with the government under the Public Private Partnership (PPP) scheme. In

    some cases selected developers were given some kind of concession by government with

    the aim of providing affordable housing for instance, in the Federal Capital Territory. Such

    efforts were further complemented with the Private Finance Initiative (PFI). Jibrin (2009)

    further argued that while the quality of the existing stock is also under a heavy scrutiny in

    term design and desired functions including acceptable livable neighborhood, 87% of the

    existing stocks are backlogs which are stocks that do not meet the minimum quality


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    Site and Services Scheme

    The pressure for this came from the international lending community and in particular the

    World Bank. Given the rising figures of spontaneous or squatter settlements, in cities all

    over the third world, in the face of tight planning control, regular demolitions, and high-cost

    construction programmes, the World Bank argued for a new approach to urban

    development which incorporated various forms of aided self-help (World Bank, 1972) the

    two packages which received the most support were sites and services scheme, and

    upgrading schemes.

    Essentially, the first provided low-income beneficiaries with serviced plots including tenure

    security and help to build their own houses; the second approach helped house-owners in

    existing squatter areas obtains tenure to their land, and to improve their dwellings. Many of

    these sites exist all over the country essentially provided by the government. And, inspite of

    the fact that they may help to improve tenure security, the programme is capital-intensive

    in nature and the initial target population, low-income, usually do not benefit from them.

    Aluko (2002) opined that the cost attached to each plot is usually beyond the reach of the

    urban poor.


    Housing is an economic activity with an inherent multiplier effects. Once the housing sector

    is buoyant, it would positively rub on other sectors of the economy, be it finance, building

    materials, employment, real estate, and land transactions, among others. The government

    can accomplish a lot in the housing sector through concerted effort and adequate funding.

    While the record of government interventions in the housing sector in Nigeria looks quite

    impressive, policies are rarely implemented or haphazardly implemented. In other words,

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    urbanization, natural disasters, political upheaval, and persistent poverty (Awake, 2005;

    Olotuah, 2005; Mabogunje, 2002). These factors, among others, must be adequately

    addressed by the government if appreciable progress is to be made in its quest for providing

    good housing for all.

    My Proposal

    Three issues that merit consideration in this context are the escalating prices of building

    materials, the constraints in the land delivery system and the high physical standard which

    militate against the affordability of these housing. This situation must be reversed quickly if

    the housing pressure is not to assume a crisis proportion during this new millennium.

    (i) Establishment of Construction Bank: Part of the problem of the industry is the liquidity

    i.e. in accessibility to credit facilities. The Commercial Banks are not setup to loan money on

    long term bases. The establishment of the Construction Industry own bank where lending is

    a lot easier and interest rates are far less than commercial rate and the Minimum

    Rediscount Rate (MRR), would not only boost construction activity, it would help jump start

    up and coming young players in the industry. Part of fund that could be made available for

    this Bank could be pension funds from government agencies and parastals which are

    currently being wasted through wrong usage .It is important to note that regardless of the

    availability of long-term lending and the appropriate institutions to render the required

    services, housing finance can only become effective when a substantial proportion of the

    population can be served.

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    The problem is to appropriately finance the housing needs of middle and low income groups

    that constitute the majority through this medium. It shall be a private sector led-bank with

    government just having an equity interest.

    (ii) The Use of Local Building Materials: The use of local building materials and intermediate

    technology must be followed with the provision of other basic infrastructures like safe

    drinking water, roads, electricity supply and other social amenities especially to improve the

    quality, live ability and attractiveness of low-cost housing. Presently houses are built and

    rely solely on cement. The nation needs about 8.5million metric tonnes yearly. While our

    cement companies are only able to produce about 2-3million metric tonnes. This short fall

    has always accounted for the galloping cost of cement every year as shown in the table

    below. Over half of Nigerias cement need is imported. According to recent survey, Nigeria is

    the world largest importer of cement with about 70.5% dependence on importation. The

    chances of the local industry rising to the task remain very slim as only four (4No) out of the

    seven (7No) of the cement companies in the country are still limping along at various levels

    of capacity utilisation.

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    Table 3.

    Cost of Cement Per 50Kg Bag

    (WAPCO) Price



























    Fig. 1

    There is also the campaign to use less of cement blocks in housing construction especially

    the low-income housing. The research has shown that a 225mm block wall plastered and

    painted on both sides with emulsion paint cost N1,700/m2 while a similar solid brick wall

    plastered and painted on one side with emulsion paint cost N1080/m2. A savings of

    N520/m2 . A further savings has been observed could be made with the use of bamboo

    shoots. Thus financing the construction of housing for all income groups require creative

    framework through localized design and packaging as opposed to imported design.

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    (iii) Evolution of Simpler Form of Design: A need to do away with over designing and

    concentrate more on functional design. The local Architects have to take the lead in this

    regard. A more cost effective design is highly desirable at this point in time if mass and

    cheap housing is to be assured.

    (iv) Review of land use Decree of 1976:- Whereby all lands in government ownership is freed

    in order to enhance intense private sector participation in the industry by making access to

    land very easy. This would help in the empowerment of the real sector and thus an active

    and vibrant industry. A situation such as witnessed in the 2000 Budget of a paltry sum of

    N1.8 Billion for social housing would become a childs play if more land is freed or ceded to

    the private sector.

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    In conclusion, what Nigerians need to survive the wounds of near-homelessness include

    good governance, increased access to land, credit, affordable housing and environmentally

    sound and serviced human settlements. Government should therefore undertake steps by

    all appropriate means and to the fullest of funds at his disposal to achieve progressively the

    tenets of adequate shelter for Nigerians especially the vulnerable group. This must be done

    without discrimination as to status, sex, tribe and without fear of favour. It is indeed hoped

    that the above framework which is indicative of bright prospects for financing housing

    construction will rapidly expand the quantum of finance available and dampen the high cost

    of funding and construction. With the restructuring of the domestic economy, it is my belief

    that there is a bright prospect for housing financing large scale in Nigeria in this near future.

    It is recommended that more emphasis be placed on providing low and medium income

    housing units in Nigeria using earth blocks and intermediate technology. It is also expected

    that to avoid the takeover of these houses by the high income group, national or state

    monitoring groups made up of NGOs, government institutions and other public and private

    stakeholders be established to monitor progress and make sure that target populations

    benefit. The use of sample walls using stabilized blocks, reinforced concrete in beams and

    lintels and combining this with corrugated roofing sheet would reduce construction cost by

    about 60%. It should be noted that reduction in unit cost would produce more units so as to

    meet up the 8 million units required to adequately house the Nigerian population. Housing

    finance policies must be made to integrate the lower income classes. This can be possibly

    done by giving long term loans with sustainable interest rates and no collateral. Co-

    operative, communal and self build practices must be encouraged by the appropriate

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    ministries and NGOs to further help increase self reliance and help. Establishment of the

    construction Bank is a sine-quo-non in this regard.

    The national Road and Building Research Institute must be empowered to do a lot of

    research into cheap and effective materials for both housing and road constructions.

    Efficient land markets and sustainable land use policies are indispensable and there is need

    to change the Land Use Decree to a more housing friendly legislation.

    Thank you for this opportunity.

    Thank you for your patience.

    Thank you for listening.

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