hosted voip 200 cartridge guide

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  • 8/3/2019 Hosted VoIP 200 Cartridge Guide


    Network Mediation


    Version 5.1

    Network Mediation

    Hosted VoIP 2.0.0Cartridge Pack

    User Guide

    First EditionJanuary 2007

  • 8/3/2019 Hosted VoIP 200 Cartridge Guide


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    5560 Tennyson Parkway

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  • 8/3/2019 Hosted VoIP 200 Cartridge Guide


    Hosted VoIP Cartridge Pack 1

    ContentsAbout this Guide ............................................................................................................... 2

    Cartridge pack content.................................................................................................... 2

    Cartridge Pack Overview................................................................................................. 3

    Alarms............................................................................................................................. 3

    Architecture..................................................................................................................... 4

    Installing the Cartridge Pack........................................................................................... 5

    Preparing for cartridge pack installation......................................................................... 5

    Installation instructions................................................................................................... 5

    Installing on a Solaris or AIX workstation ................................................................. 5

    Installing on a Windows workstation ......................................................................... 5

    Post-installation instructions........................................................................................... 5

    Testing the cartridge pack installation ............................................................................ 5

    Creating and Configuring the Cartridges ...................................................................... 6

    Hosted VoIP.................................................................................................................... 6

    Configuring the Cartridge Chains ................................................................................ 17

    Uninstalling the Cartridge Pack .................................................................................... 19

    Uninstalling the cartridge pack on a Solaris or AIX workstation................................. 19Uninstalling the cartridge pack on a Windows workstation......................................... 19

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  • 8/3/2019 Hosted VoIP 200 Cartridge Guide


    Hosted VoIP Cartridge Pack 3

    Cartridge Pack Overview

    The Hosted VoIP cartridge pack supports the enhancement and distribution of Nortel Networks Communication

    Server 2000 (CS 2000) SN09 AMADNS records.This cartridge pack is comprised of a Service Provider Lookup Enhancement Processor (EP) and a Nortel CS

    2000 AMADNS Distribution Cartridge (DC).

    The Service Provider Lookup EP pulls the lookup file from a remote server at specified frequencies, both of

    which are configurable by the user.

    The Nortel CS 2000 AMADNS DC will output the CS 2000 SN09 AMADNS records.

    AlarmsAll Network Mediation alarms are listed in the alarms.txt file located in the directory. No new

    alarms are introduced in this cartridge pack.

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    Hosted VoIP Cartridge Pack 4

    ArchitectureThe following diagram displays the architecture of the solution.

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    Hosted VoIP Cartridge Pack 5

    Installing the Cartridge Pack

    Preparing for cartridge pack installationComplete the following pre-installation tasks before installing the cartridge pack:

    1. Ensure Network Mediation 5.1.1 is installed.

    2. Stop the Node Manager, Admin Server and Admin Client.

    3. Install Network Mediation 5.1.1 eFix 1 (or greater), but do not restart the Node Manager, Admin

    Server or Admin Client. You will do this after installing the cartridge pack.

    4. Ensure that you have the latest version of the ama_cdk cartridge pack installed.

    Installation instructionsIn a Solaris or AIX environment, you must install the cartridge pack on every UNIX server running theNode Manager or Admin Server.

    In a Windows environment, you must install the cartridge pack on every workstation where the Node

    Manager, Admin Server, or GUI client are installed.

    Installing on a Solaris or AIX workstationTo install the cartridge pack on a Solaris or AIX workstation:

    Download the .jar file and the .pdfto the /cartridges directory.

    The directory is where you installed Network Mediation.

    Installing on a Windows workstationTo install the cartridge pack on a Windows workstation:

    Download the .jar file and the .pdfto the \cartridges directory.

    The directory is where you installed Network Mediation.

    Post-installation instructionsAfter you install the cartridge pack, restart the Node Manager, Admin Server, and GUI client.

    Testing the cartridge pack installationVerify you have properly installed the cartridge pack by selecting Help > Version Info in the Network

    Mediation GUI. The cartridge pack name and version information should appear, along with information

    about the GUI, Admin Server, and Node Manager.

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    Hosted VoIP Cartridge Pack 6

    Creating and Configuring the Cartridges

    The following section explains how to create and configure the Hosted VoIP cartridges.

    Hosted VoIPTo create and configure the Service Provider Lookup EP

    1. In the Administration GUI, clickNew.

    2. Select the Voice over IP (VoIP) button and clickNext.

    3. Select the Enhancement Processor (EP) button and clickNext.

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    Hosted VoIP Cartridge Pack 7

    4. In the node configuration window, type a name for the cartridge in the Name field.

    5. In the Rule File drop-down list, accept the default rule file, Nortel CS2000 Service Provider


    6. On the General tab, refer to the online help for field definitions. The default field settings are shownin the sample below:

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    Hosted VoIP Cartridge Pack 8

    7. On the FileEnhancer tab, configure the settings to match the desired mode of file transfer. Here are

    the field definitions:

    a. In the Lookup File field, type in the directory and lookup file name which contains the

    service provider information.

    b. Accept the default Lookup Table name of FTP.

    c. Select Continue on invalid file format if you want to the transfer to continue even if an

    invalid file format is encountered.

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    Hosted VoIP Cartridge Pack 9

    8. On the FTP Info tab, use the following guidelines to configure the settings:

    IP Address The IP address of the FTP server from where the lookup file will be pulled.

    User name User name used to access the FTP server

    Password Password used to access the FTP serverVerify Password Verify password used to access the FTP server

    Remote file Name of the lookup file on the FTP server.

    Ftp interval (minutes) Interval in minutes that the FTP server will be accessed to retrieve the latest

    version of the lookup file.

    Get error file Select box if you want to retrieve the error file while pulling the lookup file.

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    Hosted VoIP Cartridge Pack


    Error directory Directory where error file resides.

    8. The Destinations tab displays the other cartridges in the system and shows which cartridge the

    current cartridge is connected to, and the type of routing used. You do not need to configure any

    settings on this tab. An example is shown below. See the Network Mediation Online Help for moreinformation on this tab.

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    Hosted VoIP Cartridge Pack


    9. Click the Save button.

    To create and configure the Nortel CS2000 AMADNS DC

    1. In the Administration GUI, clickNew.

    2. Select the Voice over IP (VoIP) button and clickNext.3. Select the Distribution Cartridge (DC) button and clickNext.

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    Hosted VoIP Cartridge Pack


    4. In the node configuration window, type a name for the cartridge in the Name field.

    5. In the Rule File drop-down list, accept the default rule file, Nortel CS 2000 SN09 AMADNS.

    6. On the General tab, refer to the online help for field definitions. The default field settings are shown

    in the sample below:

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    Hosted VoIP Cartridge Pack


    9. On the AMA DNS Output tab, use the following guidelines to configure the settings:

    Output File group box

    Directory Directory where output file will be saved.

    Current File Specifies what is the prefix and suffix of the timestamp (YYMMDDHHmm) filename containing the current CS 2000 AMADNS records.

    Processed File Specifies what is the prefix and suffix of the timestamp (YYMMDDHHmm) filename containing the processed CS 2000 AMADNS records. A new current file is created when it is

    saved and renamed as the processed file.

    File Rotation group box

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    Hosted VoIP Cartridge Pack


    Interval Specifies the interval at which the current file is renamed to the processed file.

    Process Daily At Fixed Time (hh:mm) Processes files at the stated interval starting at the

    designated fixed time.

    10. On the FTP tab, use the following guidelines to configure the settings:

    Use FTP Select box if you want to use FTP to push the processed data records to the serviceprovider

    FTP Host IP address of FTP server where files will be pushed.

    FTP Port Communication port of the FTP server

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    Hosted VoIP Cartridge Pack


    FTP Login Login name to FTP server

    Remote FTP Password Password for remote FTP server

    Remote Directory Directory on remote FTP server where files will be pushed.

    Transferred file extension File extension of transferred file

    FTP interval Interval at which files are pushed to the FTP server

    Use SFTP Select box to use Secure FTP.

    11. On the Compression tab, select the compression mode for the FTP file transfer from the drop-down

    list: NONE, zip, or gzip.

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    Hosted VoIP Cartridge Pack


  • 8/3/2019 Hosted VoIP 200 Cartridge Guide


    Hosted VoIP Cartridge Pack


    Configuring the Cartridge Chains

    To configure the cartridge chain for Nortel CS 2000 AMADNS cartridges, you must create and configure a NortelCS 2000 AMADNS CC, a Service Provider Lookup EP, and a Nortel CS 2000 AMADNS DC. Connect the CC to

    the EP using Multicast routing and connect the EP to the DC using Directed routing.

    Optionally, you may create a Nortel CS 2000 AMADNS reprocessing CC as part of the cartridge chain.

    For information on creating and configuring Nortel CS 2000 AMADNS Collection Cartridges (required and

    optional), see theNortel CS 2000 AMADNS Collection Cartridge Pack User Guide.

    Configuring data routing

    Configure routing to the Service Provider Lookup EP

    1. Click on the Nortel CS 2000 AMADNS CC or the Nortel CS 2000 AMADNS Reprocessing CC.

    2. Click and drag the blue output handle to the Service Provider Lookup EP.

    The Routing Algorithm window appears.

    3. Select Multicast from the drop-down list and clickOK.

    Configure routing to the Nortel CS 2000 AMADNS DC (for specified Service Provider)

    1. Click on the Service Provider Lookup EP.

    2. Click and drag the blue output handle to the desired Nortel CS 2000 AMADNS DC.

    The Routing Algorithm window appears.

    3. Select Directed from the drop-down list and clickOK.

    The Routing Attribute window appears.

    4. Select Service Provider from the drop-down list.

    The Directed Routing Parameters window appears.

    5. In the Boolean Operator drop-down list, select = Equals.

    6. Click the Add button.

    The Enter Explicit Value window appears.

    7. Enter the Service Provider name from which you would like the appropriate data to be sent to this

    instance of the DC.


    8. ClickOK to close the Directed Routing Parameters window.

    9. Repeat steps 1 to 8 until all Service Providers have been added to the Directed Routing Parameters


    Configure routing to the Nortel CS 2000 AMADNS DC (for Service Provider not specified)

    1. Click on the Service Provider Lookup EP.

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    Hosted VoIP Cartridge Pack


    2. Click and drag the blue output handle to the Nortel CS 2000 AMADNS DC.

    The Routing Algorithm window appears.

    3. Select Directed from the drop-down list and clickOK.

    The Routing Attribute window appears.

    4. Select Service Provider from the drop-down list.

    The Directed Routing Parameters window appears.

    5. In the Boolean Operator drop-down list, select != Not Equals.

    6. Click the Add button.

    The Enter Explicit Value window appears.

    7. Enter a Service Provider name associated with a Nortel CS 2000 AMADNS DC instance defined in

    the previous configuration procedure.


    8. Repeat steps 6 and 7 until all Service Providers, defined in other DC instances, have been added tothe Directed Routing Parameters list.

    9. ClickOK to close the Directed Routing Parameters window.

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    Hosted VoIP Cartridge Pack


    Uninstalling the Cartridge Pack

    You can uninstall the cartridge pack by performing the following procedure.

    Uninstalling the cartridge pack on a Solaris or AIXworkstationPerform the following steps to remove the cartridge pack from a Solaris or AIX workstation:

    1. Navigate to the /cartridges directory.

    2. Remove the .jar file and the .pdffile with the following command:

    rm .jar .pdf

    Uninstalling the cartridge pack on a Windows workstationPerform the following steps to remove the cartridge pack from a Windows workstation:1. Navigate to the \cartridges directory.

    2. Right-click on the .jar file and select Delete.

    3. Right-click on the .pdffile and select Delete.

  • 8/3/2019 Hosted VoIP 200 Cartridge Guide


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