hook, link and sinker strategies for motivation

Hook, line and sinker strategies for motivation http://lizfotheringham.wordpress.com [email protected]

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Page 1: Hook, link and sinker   strategies for motivation

Hook, line and sinker – strategies for motivation


[email protected]

Page 2: Hook, link and sinker   strategies for motivation

The challenge


It is attitude rather than aptitude that causes most

failure. Having a commitment to learning is one of

the main reasons why people succeed. QCDA

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When evaluating the quality of teaching in the

school, inspectors consider:

the extent to which teachers enthuse, engage

and motivate pupils to learn and foster their

curiosity and enthusiasm for learning

Ofsted: The Framework for School Inspection from

January 2012

A teacher must:

1. Set high expectations which inspire, motivate and

challenge pupils

DFE: Teachers’ standards in England from September 2012 (p 6)

Why this is important for us…….

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Motivation in second language learning is a complex phenomenon. It has been defined in terms of two factors: • On the one hand learners’ communicative needs

• And, on the other, their attitudes towards the second language community

Lightbown, Patsy/Spada, Nina. 2006 How

languages are Learned (3rd Ed) Oxford:

Oxford University Press

Motivation is… the driving force that makes us do the things we do. Chambers, Gary (Ed). 2001 Reflections

on motivation. London: CILT

What is motivation…….

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…. Some thoughts on motivation…

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燕 •Bird from the NORTH 北

•Flying across the waters (dots)

•With a stalk ( ) of grass ( )

•In its mouth 口


The swallow is remembered

as a…

The impact of TL culture on motivation

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I hated the school topic

because I did not find it

interesting and I will probably

never need it again.

I didn’t like the pencil case

items because it wasn’t

interesting or very relevant to


I didn’t like doing the time

because I had already done it

at primary school. I prefer working outside the

text book because you have

more freedom so it is fun

I liked the work on Euro 2008.

We got really creative and

made posters.

I enjoyed doing the work on

the Olympics the most. I

loved putting my French skills

to the test and learning about

the mascots. It made me

realise how much French I


Motivated learners?

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Barriers to motivation

Primary school

Secondary school

Higher education



Prior experience

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• Purpose

– Personal?

– Future goals?

– Qualifications?

Factors affecting motivation – having a goal

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The motivational cycle

Getting the conditions


Getting them hooked –

stimulating motivation

Drawing them in -

maintaining motivation

Towards self motivation

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It all started with English lessons in school. One day the teacher told us: “Bring a bowl to class tomorrow as we are going to have a British breakfast.” That turned out to be Cornflakes and a glass of orange juice, which was a shocking concept to my 11 year old self. It wasn’t what we had at home and opened my eyes to the fact that there were people in the world with different habits, obeying different rules

Roland Mouret On being an Anglophile at heart – interview Times Saturday magazine 26.04.08

Hooking them in….. through culture

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Le carnaval en France a son

origine dans la religion. C’est

la période entre le 6 janvier

(l’Épiphanie ou la fête des

Rois) et le mercredi des

Cendres. Le carnaval

symbolise aussi le passage

de l’hiver au printemps.

http://www.flickr.com/photos/benoit_d/5507545596/ benoit_d

Pendant la période du carnaval on

se maquille et se déguise pour les

bals et les défilés dans les rues; ces

défilés s’appellent des bandes.

Pendant les bandes on chante et

danse dans les rues et il y a une

tradition qu’on porte un parapluie

monté sur une canne à pêche.


http://www.flickr.com/photos/benoit_d/3304558174/ benoit_d

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四 八

Sculpture Music and dance




Sports and games




Art and calligraphy


Religion and philosophy

Hooking them in through exposure to TL culture

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Hooking them in through exposure to TL culture – authentic resources

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Stimulating motivation – direct experience of TL country

'I think this trip is an amazing opportunity and gives a great insight

and understanding to Chinese culture. I enjoyed every second of the

trip and the staff and volunteer students have been exceptionally

welcoming and giving in every way humanly possible. When I leave

China, I leave knowing that I am always welcome.'

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Stimulating motivation – the CLIL approach

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Context/content – what?







– h


? Boring, dull Interesting and


Low level


High level


The classroom environment – promoting a sense of achievement

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• Indentifying patterns in language and making connections

• Memorisation techniques

• Using knowledge of mother tongue or another language

• Using reference materials e.g. dictionary skills

• Taking notes

• Reading out aloud e.g. knowledge of phonics

• Working out meaning by using previous knowledge

• Evaluating and improving on their performance

Helping learners to help themselves - equipping learners with the strategies to be successful language learners

Some Examples

Increased learner autonomy

Increased intrinsic motivation

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The role of the teacher in stimulating and maintaining motivation

• Conveys enthusiasm for language and learning it to learners

• Conveys positive attitudes towards the TL country (countries)

• Maintains a good learning environment

• Creates a supportive, collaborative learning environment (importance of good relationships)

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Role of the teacher….

• Gets to know the learner as an individual

• Reduces anxiety of the learner

• Sets standards for behaviour

• Ensures the learner experiences success

….but above all boosts

learners’ confidence……

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Maintains motivation – building learner confidence

Confidence has a strong link with motivation. Motivation

comes from reasonable hope of success. The more confident

you are, the more you are able to hope for success and the more motivated you will be.

Promoting Positive Thinking Build

children’s self esteem, confidence and

optimism: Glynis Hannell Fulton

publishers 2004 (page 20)

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• Encouragement and empathy

• Practice

• Pairwork

• Information gap

• Guessing

• Games

• Mini cards

• ICT - voki/audacity

• Phonics

Building confidence in speaking

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• Pre- task activities – prediction/vocab work

• Give the transcript

• Dictation

• Slow the audio recording down

• Teach phonics

• Use songs

• Use videos

• Encourage independent listening work

Building confidence in listening

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• Give them the tools –grammar and dictionary skills

• Picture stimuli

• Brainstorming and mind mapping

• Set clear success criteria

• Encourage self and peer assessment

• Use ICT

• Modelling

• Sentence building

Building confidence in writing

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Je J’aime

J’aime jouer

J’aime jouer au foot

Le weekend j’aime jouer au foot

Le weekend j’aime jouer au foot avec mes copains

Le weekend j’aime jouer au foot avec mes copains sur le terrain de sport

Le weekend j’aime jouer au foot avec mes copains sur le terrain de sport et……

Le weekend

Le samedi

Pendant la récré

Après l’école

Le soir



J’aime assez bien

Je n’aime pas

Je déteste

mais et quand

sur le terrain de sport à la cantine au centre sportif en ville

parce que c’est/ce n’est pas…. intéressant génial ennuyeux super fantastique

avec …..

mes copains mon frère ma soeur mes parents

au basketball au tennis au rugby au badminton


faire …..






du sport

des courses

de la natation

il pleut

il y a du soleil

il fait froid

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• Pre- task activities – prediction/vocab work

• Use pictures/headline as clues to predict content

• Use highlighters

• Break text down

• High frequency vocabulary and tenses

• Skills of skimming and scanning

• Dictionary skills

Building confidence in reading

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Beibei Dans l’art traditionnel chinois, les représentations de poisson et d’eau symbolisent la prospérité. Ses cheveux bouclés rappellent les vagues stylisées des peintures traditionnelles chinoises. Beibei est forte en sports aquatiques et reflète l’anneau olympique bleu.

Jingjing Jingjing, le panda, transmet le souhait de bonheur. Les fleurs de lotus qui encadrent son visage sont inspirées des peintures sur porcelaine de la dynastie des Song (960-1234 après J.-C.). Elles symbolisent la forêt luxuriante et les relations harmonieuses entre l’homme et la nature. Athlète réputé pour sa puissance, Jingjing représente l’anneau olympique noir.

Huanhuan Parmi les mascottes, Huanhuan est le grand frère et incarne l’esprit olympique. Enfant de feu, il symbolise la Flamme olympique et la passion du sport. Huanhuan excelle dans tous les jeux de ballon et représente l’anneau olympique rouge.

Yingying L’antilope tibétaine est une espèce protégée du plateau Qinghai-Tibet. Yingying reflète la conception des Jeux verts. Fort en athlétisme, Yingying représente l’anneau olympique jaune.

Nini Le cerf-volant est une activité particulièrement appréciée par les enfants de Pékin. Une de ses formes traditionnelles est l’hirondelle aux ailes dorées. Nini symbolise la chance. Elle est forte en gymnastique et représente l’anneau olympique vert.

le cerf-volant – kite la forêt – forest fort(e) – strong entrelacé – interlinked égal (e) – equal bouclé – wavy bonheur - happiness

mascotte symbole couleur sport

Bei Bei (f)

Jing Jing

Huan Huan (m)

Ying Ying

Ni Ni (f)

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Yingying L’antilope

tibétaine est une

espèce protégée du

plateau Qinghai-

Tibet. Yingying

reflète la conception

des Jeux verts. Fort

en athlétisme,

Yingying représente

l’anneau olympique


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1. From left to right

2. Traditional Chinese


3. A protected species

4. Symbolises luck

5. The swallow with

golden wings

6. Traditional Chinese


A. Une espèce


B. Symbolise la chance

C. L’art traditionnel


D. Des peintures



E. De gauche à droite

F. L’hirondelle aux ailes


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• la forêt

• l’hôpital

• la crête

• honnête

• intérêt

• arrêter

• plâtre

• l’hôtel

Knowledge about language

Language Learning strategies

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Maintaining motivation – active learning

Not just physical movement…..……….

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compose, construct, create, design, develop, integrate, invent, make, organize, perform, plan, produce, propose, rewrite

appraise, argue, assess, choose, conclude, critic, decide, evaluate, judge, justify, predict, prioritize, prove, rank, rate, select,

analyze, characterize, classify, compare, contrast, debate, deduce, diagram, differentiate, discriminate, distinguish, examine, outline, relate, research, separate

apply, change, choose, compute, dramatize, interview, prepare, produce, role-play, select, show, transfer, use

conclude, demonstrate, discuss, explain, generalize, identify, illustrate, interpret, paraphrase, predict, report, restate, review, summarize, tell

count, define, describe, draw, find, identify, label, list, match, name, quote, recall, recite, sequence, tell, write

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Variety – a key to maintaining motivation

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Maintaining motivation – using ICT

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Maintaining motivation - Are we nearly there yet?

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• Short term goals contribute towards a sense of achievement

• Long term goals relate to the motivation for learning the target language

• Strategy - learners draw up achievable goals – and how they aim to achieve them together with the time frame


Identifying goals – how realistic are they?

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Maintaining motivation – effective feedback and assessment

• Constructive feedback

• Encourage self and peer assessment

• Clear learning objectives

• Transparent assessment criteria

• Celebrate success

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Extrinsic rewards need to be handled carefully and always with the long term goal of developing intrinsic motivation, i.e. moving from motivating learners to helping learners to motivate themselves. Lamb, Terry 2001 Reflections on

motivation. London: CILT

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Maintaining motivation - when the going gets tough….

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To sum up:

• Compelling content – challenge - confidence

• Real experience

• Enjoyment

• Active learning – appropriate level

• Targets and terrific teaching

• Independent learning

• Variety

• Enthusiasm














