holocaust hoax

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Post on 03-Jun-2018




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  • 8/12/2019 Holocaust Hoax



    Daniel J Towse.

    Do not !e "ooled ! all the photos o" sic#$ star%in& and dead prisoners at 'uschwit(. )hat ou were shown was the

    deli!erate dela ! three months a"ter *erman had !een "ire !om!ed to o!li%ion and could not care "or or "eed theprisoners.

    The 'llied were told to wait three months !e"ore &oin& to the camps were upon ou are shown the photos o" the condition at

    the a!andoned prison wor# camps with the prisoners le"t to their "aith.

    +elow ou will "ind all the e%idence o" what reall happened. 'nd please #now that when the ,o%iet communist countr

    collapsed a "ew ears a&o$ 'll the hidden and con"idential records "rom *erman ))2 were released to the pu!lic.

    'll the wor# camps were searched lon& a"ter the war "or e%idence o" the war propa&anda claims that millions died and were

    !uried in mass &ra%es on the camps properties. *round penetratin& radar was used to search the camps "or soil that had !een

    distur!ed to pro%e that there had !een mass &ra%es.. othin& was e%er "ound except the ones the 'llieds du& to !ur all

    those prisoners o" the wor# camps that died a"ter *erman ci%ilian populations were "ire !om!ed.

    ow ou #now wh to saw all those photos o" s#inn sic#$ dead and din& prisoners. and their mass trench &ra%es du& !the 'mericans and the !odies were !ein& thrown into.

    Name one good thing Israel did for humanity (Compilation)


    ame 7ne *ood Thin& That 8srael Did 9or umanit as#ed o" ;a(im a"ee( Toni&ht 7cto!er 15 2012$ 8 went to %ideo

    tape a lecture ! ;a(im held at ,t

  • 8/12/2019 Holocaust Hoax


    The Allied bombing of German cities in World War II was unjustifiablehttps://www.outu!e.com/watch%,a-p=5,5>>

    Published on Oct 26, 202http://www.intelli&ences?uared.com/e%ents/!om!er-command/

    9ilmed at the =oal 8nstitute o" +ritish 'rchitects on 25th 7cto!er 2012.

    @%ent in"o:

    o one dou!ts the !ra%er o" the thousands o" men who "lew and died in +om!er Aommand. The death rate was anappallin& 44B. 'nd et until the openin& o" a monument in *reen Car# this ear the ha%e recei%ed no o""icial reco&nition$

    with man historians claimin& that the o""ensi%e was immoral and unusti"ied. ow can it !e ri&ht$ the ar&ue$ "or the 'lliesto ha%e deli!eratel tar&eted *erman cities causin& the death o" hundreds o" thousands o" ci%ilians @%en on a strate&ic

    le%el the o""ensi%e "ailed to !rin& a!out the collapse o" ci%ilian morale that was its intention.

    7thers$ howe%er$ maintain that the attac#s made a decisi%e contri!ution to the 'llied %ictor. ast num!ers o" *erman

    soldiers and planes were di%erted "rom the eastern and western "ronts$ while 'llied !om!in& attac#s %irtuall destroed the

    *erman air "orce$ clearin& the wa "or the in%asion o" the continent.

    Night Bombers 1943https://www.outu!e.com/watch%uE8l@,*@Published on !ec "0, 202

    ' uni?ue record o" the ni&htl air raids made on *erman durin& )orld )ar 88. 'rchi%e colour "oota&e "rom o. 1 *roup$=oal 'ir 9orce operatin& '%ro Eancaster !om!ers$ in action$ winter 1F43. 8n the winter o" 1F43$ ='9 +om!er Aommand

    was sendin& massi%e raids almost e%er ni&ht into the heart o" *erman. This is the stor o" one o" them$ an attac# on

    +erlin. 'lthou&h certain scenes had to !e re-created "or technical reasons$ ma#e no mista#e$ the raid is a real one and there

    are no actors.

  • 8/12/2019 Holocaust Hoax


    Aandace: )hen 8 saw this name pic#ed "or Ahie" o" ,ta"" 8 crin&ed terri!l$ remem!erin& somethin& that said this man

    should not ha%e !een selected. 8 was pleased to "ind this on =ense toda$ "or it was "rom "ollow ,herman ,#olnic#s wor#

    that 8 remem!er the name =ahn @manuel. *od rest his soul$ he was a &reat in%esti&ator with endless coura&e$ despite ha%in&to li%e in a wheelchair. e was arrested in that chair and thrown into ail$ plus other murder attempts.

    Journalist =eaches 9rom

    *ra%e To ail =ahm

    @xcerpts 9rom 'rchi%ed ews 8n%esti&ations

    + The Eate ,herman . ,#olnic#

    Jul 13 1F30 ou mean he was a real Jew and not a Lionist

    !aniel o*seysas 8 thou&ht he died

    yler !unphysas This is trueM Ahurchill #illed wa more people than itlers armies.a%e ou researched the aa%ara a&reement

    yler !unphysas The aa%ara a&reement was a document created in 33 ! itler and the =othschild "amil$ it "orced

    *erman ews to mo%e to Calestine!ritish controlled at the timeK +T the &ot all their assets whene%er the mo%ed.

    ,o the would &o "rom !ein& poor in *erman to rich in Calestine. '"ter two ears +ritain had to set a cap o" N5$000

    immi&rants a ear "rom35 to 3F !ecause there was too man immi&rants mo%in& to Calestine. This created a population in

    the area o" Calestine that is called 8srael toda. 'lso somethin& else thats interestin& is "rom 4 to 4H

  • 8/12/2019 Holocaust Hoax


    a!id Ir!ing"s famous bestseller#

    A$ocal%$se 194 The estruction of resden


    *irestorm +!er resden ,full-https://www.outu!e.com/watch%dh9ETC5(;?'Published on No+ 22, 202

    9irestorm 7%er Dresden *erman: ' =eal olocaust

    7n the ni&ht o" 9e!ruar 13th$ 1F45 there !e&an one o" the most contro%ersial raids o" )orld )ar 2 - the !om!in& o"

    Dresden. 8t is a contro%ers which still ra&es toda. This documentar$ ta#in& into account the latest historical e%idence$

    attempts to shed new li&ht on this e%ent.Aontemporar witnesses$ pre%iousl unheard$ descri!e the e%ents and the terror o" what it was li#e to !e in Dresden throu&h

    the ni&ht o" !om!in&.The "ilm com!ines archi%e ima&es o" pre-war Dresden with a ni&ht o" remem!rance 45 ears later in the Calace o" Aulture.

    sin& in"ormation "rom )inston Ahurchills diaries the outspo#en historian Da%id 8r%in& painted a comprehensi%e picture

  • 8/12/2019 Holocaust Hoax


  • 8/12/2019 Holocaust Hoax


    !om!in& its a "ree download..

    Bombing aid on 6mden German% in 1943 < =T/6 T/0N6B+7T.#A+ T+ 66N= < WT>7I>64https://www.outu!e.com/watch%Fmou cant complete the pu((le until ou ha%e all o" the pieces. Than# ou "or sharin& Daniel.

    .or artine/duh no than#s...seriousl r the not &oin& to remo%e this considerin& the stu"" o%er actual parentin& thats!een remo%ed rather ridiculous

    1risten olfe>ou do reali(e that the &erman scientists who perpetrated these atrocities$ came to 'merica and headed ourpharmaceutical companies ri&ht Eor >ou do reali(e that the experimentation done on all o" those people$ not ust the ewish

    ones$ is !ein& carried out toda on all o" us ri&ht

    +$eration Gomorrah < Bombing of /amburghttps://www.outu!e.com/watch%#A>Crurss

    Published on ul 3, 20"

    The attac# durin& the last wee# o" Jul$ 1F43$ 7peration *omorrah$ created one o" the lar&est "irestorms raised ! the ='9

    and ,''9 in )orld )ar 88$ #illin& 42$00 ci%ilians and woundin& 3N$000 in am!ur& and practicall destroin& theentire Ait. +e"ore the de%elopment o" the "irestorm in am!ur& there had !een no rain "or some time and e%erthin& was

    %er dr. The unusuall warm weather and &ood conditions meant that the !om!in& was hi&hl concentrated around the

    intended tar&ets and also created a %ortex and whirlin& updra"t o" super-heated air which created a 1$500-"oot-hi&h tornado

    o" "ire$ a totall unexpected e""ect.

    7peration *omorrha war der militRrische Aodename "Pr eine ,erie %on Eu"tan&ri""en$ die %om +om!er Aommand der

    =oal 'ir 9orce und der Hth , 'ir 9orce im Lweiten )elt#rie& %om 25. Juli !is 3. 'u&ust 1F43 au" am!ur& aus&e"Phrt

    wurden. @s waren die !is dahin schwersten 'n&ri""e in der *eschichte des Eu"t#rie&es. +e"ohlen wurden diese 'n&ri""e %on

    Eu"tmarschall 'rthur arris$ dem 7!er!e"ehlsha!er des +ritischen +om!er Aommand.et +om!ardement op am!ur&$ oo# wel 7peration *omorrha &enoemd$ was het !om!ardement dat de +ritten in de

    Tweede )ereldoorlo&$ op 24 uli 1F43$ uit%oerden op de Duitse stad am!ur& et o""ensie" %an +om!er arris duurde tot

    3 au&ustus. 8n totaal %lo&en 2353 (ware !ommenwerpers o%er de stad. @r %iel ruim ne&endui(end ton !risant- en

    !rand!ommen. 8n de nacht %an 24 uli %ielen !ina honderddui(end !rand!ommen op de stad.

    EopSration *omorrhe$ en an&lais 7peration *omorrah$ est le nom de code militaire dune campa&ne de sept raids aSriens

    rapprochSs menSs par les !om!ardiers des armSes de lair !ritanni?ue et amSricaine sur la %ille allemande de am!our&

    entre le 25 uillet et le 3 aot 1F43. ,on !ut Stait de dStruire entiUrement la %ille a"in de rSduire les capacitSs militaro-

    industrielles allemandes et de porter un coup au moral de lennemi. Ae "ut$ a%ec le !om!ardement de Dresde$ latta?ue

    aSrienne la plus meurtriUre en @urope$ cotant la %ie V en%iron 40 000 personnes. @n raison du massacre dSli!SrS des

    populations ci%iles$ lopSration *omorrhe est interprStSe par certains comme pou%ant constituer un crime de &uerre au sensde la ?uatriUme con%ention de *enU%e de 1F4F$ !ien postSrieure toute"ois aux !om!ardements par les 'llemands de

    *uernica$ arso%ie$ =otterdam ou Eondres. Toute"ois$ les traitSs internationaux en %i&ueur V lSpo?ue des "aits

    ninterdisaient ni le !om!ardement stratS&i?ue des ci%ils$ ni la &uerre totale.Ees 'llemands lappellent aussi W die Juli#atastrophe %on 1F43 X W la catastrophe de uillet 1F43 XK et les +ritanni?ues W

    The +attle o" am!ur& X W la !ataille de am!our& XK. Ee nom de W iroshima allemand X lui a S&alement StS donnS par

    des o""iciels !ritanni?ues. EopSration *omorrhe a "ait autant de %ictimes ?ue toutes les opSrations aSriennes allemandes sur


    W7perason *omorrahX %ar et alliert !om!ean&rep mot am!ur& Ts#landK i den siste u#en a% uli 1F43 under andre%erdens#ri&.

    8ldstormene som "Yl&e a% =oal 'ir 9orce o& , 'ir 9orces lu"tan&rep er !lant de mest om"attende under andre


  • 8/12/2019 Holocaust Hoax


    am!ur& anslo pZ dette tidspun#t at antall o"re lZ rundt 35 000$ mens moderne ansla& !elYper se& til 34 000 om#omne o&

    125 000 sZrede.

    Eopera(ione *omorrah "u una serie di !om!ardamenti compiuti dal 2 lu&lio al 3 a&osto 1F43 dal +om!er Aommand della=oal 'ir 9orce e in misura minore dalla @i&ht 'ir 9orce statunitenseK sulla cittV tedesca di 'm!ur&o. Eepisodio pi[ noto U

    il !om!ardamento del 2H lu&lio che &ener\ una tempesta di "uoco 9euersturm in tedescoK lun&o le %ie cittadine "acendo

    decine di mi&liaia di %ittime e procurando &ra%issimi ed estesi danni alle strutture.

    7peraci]n *omorra in&l. 7peration *omorrhaK es el nom!re en cla%e de una serie de !om!ardeos so!re la ciudad alemana

    de am!ur&o lle%ados a ca!o a partir de "inales de ulio de 1F43$ durante la ,e&unda *uerra es$ trin& to oin the dots all the time.. li#e the !ill &ates "oundation lo!!in& &o%ernment: the ha%e

    their hands in the new Ocommon coreO too... dirt.. %er dirt.

    4idhya 5i+a oerrwater "luoridation...!aniel o*sey+ushs &rand "ather > !an#er was char&ed with tradin& with the enem "or "undin& itler. +an# was

    shut down. Croect paperclip was the co%er "or !rin& all the na(is to the usa to creat the The 9+8 and the A8' ..all three

    were created ! na(is..

    !aniel o*seyHitler never died. he lived in Argentina to till a very old age

    !aniel o*seyThe answer is the a(is are still puttin& the "luoride poison in the water.

    5usie aylor ibbs,o is 'nn "ran# still ali%e too1risten olfe8 &uess i" shes !een reincarnated ! now$ she would !e!aniel o*seyThe disco%ered that the writin& o" her diar was written in !all point pen that ne%er existed then. so it

    was pro%en to !e "a#ed..i" ou thin# ou #now it all ou will ne%er see# the truth..the truth is a%aila!le !ut ou ha%e to "ind

    it "or oursel".7ighty days and nights of bombing and 8ugosla+ia is no* a democracy$$that is *hy it does not e9it$$


  • 8/12/2019 Holocaust Hoax


    Bombing of resdenhttps://www.outu!e.com/watch%&

  • 8/12/2019 Holocaust Hoax


    &ire >ombed e+ery city e9cept one in apan$

    Nu'ed t*o cities

    'L8, ..;8EE ..

  • 8/12/2019 Holocaust Hoax


    a!id Ir!ing < The Biggest 7iehttps://www.outu!e.com/watch%&*CGe%#%7#

    /olocaust Gas 8hambers /oa? a!id 8ole on The onahue .howhttps://www.outu!e.com/watch%+N0ua,&N!H

    Aploaded on Oct , 20

    8n 1FF4$ two &as cham!er deniers$ +radle ,mith and Da%id Aole$ went on a tal# show. Denier!ud$ the ma#er o" 7ne Third7" The olocaust$ points out witnesses lies$ li#e where e%erone includin& a "amous scepticK !elie%es an o!%iousl"raudulent phone caller.

    :++*@ The official !ersion of the /olocaust is a 7I6https://www.outu!e.com/watch%(dlrH0T;oPublished on Oct 0, 20"

    The o""icial %ersion o" the olocaust is a E8@. The Jews are not as innocent as the are o"ten percei%ed$ the were expelled

    "rom *erman due to their power &ra!!in&$ usur$ in"luence peddlin& and demoralisation o" the *erman people. itlers

    *erman was the 10Fth countr to expel its Jewish population due to there !eha%iour. 'dol" itler had 7 polic toexterminate Jews$ not one Jew died in a &as cham!er and the "i&ure o" million is an irresponsi!le exa&&eration. Dont

    !elie%e me then watch the entiret o" this %ideo.

    ar) Weber# /olocaust eceithttps://www.outu!e.com/watch%url#Tt!nC>

    6rnst ndel inter!iews a!id 8ole