histology written exam ii - medical mastermind...

HISTOLOGY WRITTEN EXAM II MULTIPLE CHOICE: CHOOSE THE SINGLE BEST ANSWER. EACH ANSWER IS WORTH 1 POINT EACH FOR THE WRITTEN EXAM 1. The spleen receives blood from the splenic artery. This artery then branches to ensure that blood flow through the spleen follows an orderly path. Which of the following is the correct path of blood flow? A. Central artery → central arteriole → trabecular artery → sinusoid B. Trabecular artery → central artery → pencillar arteriole →sinusoid C. Central artery → paracentral artery → medullary sinusoid D. Paracortical artery → central artery → pencillar artery → sinusoid E. Subcapsular artery → medullary artery → central artery → sinusoid 2. Each of the following statements is true EXCEPT: A. Ameloblasts continually synthesize enamel. B. Cementoblasts continually synthesize cementum. C. The fibers of the peridontal ligament are constantly being replaced. D. The pulp cavity contains an abundant nerve and blood supply. E. Odontoblasts continually synthesize predentine. 3. Two weeks after falling from a ladder, a 40-year-old gardener complains of frequent, severe headaches. A neuroradiologic examination shows several small radiopaque specks near the center of the brain suggesting calcification. Which of the following is most likely responsible for this finding? A. Otoliths in the macula of the saccule. B. Crystals of the crista ampullaris. C. Corpora arenacea in the pineal gland. D. Otoliths in the macula of the utricle. - 1 -

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1. The spleen receives blood from the splenic artery. This artery then branches to ensurethat blood flow through the spleen follows an orderly path. Which of the following is thecorrect path of blood flow?

A. Central artery → central arteriole → trabecular artery → sinusoidB. Trabecular artery → central artery → pencillar arteriole →sinusoidC. Central artery → paracentral artery → medullary sinusoidD. Paracortical artery → central artery → pencillar artery → sinusoidE. Subcapsular artery → medullary artery → central artery → sinusoid

2. Each of the following statements is true EXCEPT:A. Ameloblasts continually synthesize enamel.B. Cementoblasts continually synthesize cementum.C. The fibers of the peridontal ligament are constantly being replaced.D. The pulp cavity contains an abundant nerve and blood supply.E. Odontoblasts continually synthesize predentine.

3. Two weeks after falling from a ladder, a 40-year-old gardener complains of frequent,severe headaches. A neuroradiologic examination shows several small radiopaquespecks near the center of the brain suggesting calcification. Which of the following ismost likely responsible for this finding?A. Otoliths in the macula of the saccule.B. Crystals of the crista ampullaris.C. Corpora arenacea in the pineal gland.D. Otoliths in the macula of the utricle.E. Corpora amylacea in the pineal gland.

4. A student is walking past one of the construction sites at the Medical School.Suddenly, two workmen start their jackhammers. Which structure protects the innerear of the student from damage caused by sound waves coming from the external ear?A. MaculaB. Otolithic membraneC. Crista ampullarisD. Stapedius muscleE. Eustachian tube

5. A drug undergoes detoxification in the liver in Zone 3. Zone 3:A. Is the area closest to the portal tract.B. Is part of the classic lobular description of liver organization.C. Is the primary site of gluconeogenesis.D. Is the primary site of glycolysis.E. Is the area of greatest oxygen concentration in the sinusoids.

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6. The function(s)of the RPE (retinal pigment epithelium) include(s):A. Physical support of the rods and conesB. Synthesis of vitamin A, used in the visual pigmentsC. Light absorptionD. Phagocytosis of outer segmentsE. All of the statements are true.

7. In the lobular scheme of liver function, each of the following is true, EXCEPT:A. Portal tracts are at the periphery of the lobules with sinusoids oriented radially

around the central veins.B. Bile flow is from the portal tracts through the sinusoids to the central veins.C. Blood flow is from the portal tracts through the sinusoids to the central veins.D. The organization is a two-dimensional hexagon based on the histologic

appearance.E. Portal tracts contain branches of the hepatic artery, portal vein, bile ducts,

nerves and lymphatics.

8. Which of the following is not associated with olfactory epithelium?A. Modified bipolar neuronsB. Bowmans glandsC. Motile CiliaD. MicrovilliE. Lipofuscin-like pigment

9. DiGeorge Syndrome occurs due to the congenital lack of a thymus. Individuals withthis syndrome would be expected to have a diminished number of cells in whichregion?A. Splenic sinusB. Paracortex of the lymph nodeC. Germinal center of primary follicleD. Zona reticularisE. Mantle zone of secondary follicle

10. Prolactin is synthesized and secreted primarily by which of the following cells?A. Chromophobes in the pars distalisB. Acidophils in the lateral wingsC. Somatotrophs in the mucoid wedgeD. Basophils in the pars tuberalisE. Basophils in the pars intermedia

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MATCHING: For each numbMred2 Each an , choose the letter of the most closely related item in COLUMN 2. Each answer can be used once, more than once or not at all.

Each of the following is usually found at which location?

COLUMN 1 COLUMN 211. Circumvallate papillae A. Dorsolateral surface of the tongue12. Filiform papillae B. Randomly scattered over the dorsal13. Fungiform papillae surface o f the tongue14. Foliate papillae C. V -shaped line between anterior and

posterior surface of the tongueD. Randomly scattered over the ventral

surface of the tongueE. The surface of the epiglottis

15. Which of the following is NOT associated with the product synthesized by the cells of the zona fasciculata of the adrenal gland?

A. High blood sugar levelsB. Muscle wastingC. Increased liver fatty acid uptakeD. Is a glucocorticoidE. Increased immune response

MATCHING: For each numbered item in COLUMN 1, choose the letter of the most closely related item in COLUMN 2. Each answer can be used once, more than once, or not at all.

COLUMN 1 COLUMN 216. Canal of Hering A. Herniation of epithelium into17. Rokitansky-Ashoff sinus underlying muscle18. Glisson's capsule B. Row of hepatocytes surrounding19. Gallbladder portal tract20.Limiting plate C. Connects bile canaliculus to bile duct

D. Partially enclosed by a serosa ofsimple squamous epithelium

E. Contains Ito cells and pit cells

MATCHING: For each numbered item in COLUMN 1, choose the letter of the mostclosely related item in COLUMN 2. Each answer can be used once, more than once, ornot at all.

COLUMN 1 COLUMN 221. Parotid gland A. Serous demilune22. Submandibular gland B. Only serous acini23. Sublingual gland C. Wharton's duct24. Islet of Langerhans D. Cystic duct25. Exocrine pancreas E. Alpha cells

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26.Otitis media is a common inflammation of the middle ear. Under normal circumstances, the middle ear cavity should contain:

A. Hair cellsB. PerilymphC. BloodD. EndolymphE. Air

27. The best pathway for the flow of aqueous humor is:A. nonpigmented epithelium, posterior chamber, anterior chamber, Schlemm's

canal, trabecular meshworkB. iris, pigmented epithelium, posterior chamber, anterior chamber, trabecular

meshwork, episcleral veinsC. nonpigmented epithelium, posterior chamber, anterior segment, trabecular

meshwork, episderal veinsD. pigmented epithelium, posterior segment, anterior chamber, trabecular

meshwork, episcleral veinsE. nonpigmented epithelium, posterior chamber, anterior chamber, trabecular

meshwork, Schlemm's canal

28. Which of the following is two of the maculae of the inner ear?A. The Type II hair cells lack a kinocilium.B. The cupula is made by the sustentacular cells.C. Otoconia are absent from the macula of the utricle.D. The otolithic membrane sits on top of the hair cells.E. They contain the vestibular membrane.

29. The hormone, oxytocin, is synthesized by:A. Hypothalamic neuronsB. Herring bodiesC. Pituitary acidophilsD. Pituitary basophilsE. Pituicytes

30. When questioned about the thymus in Histology Lab, you reply that the thymus:A. Is separated into several lobules by connective tissue septae.B. Contains efferent and afferent lymphatics.C. Has prominent follicles and germinal centers for thymocyte maturation.D. Contains 6 to 8 deep crypts in young children.E. Contains a cortex and medulla, but the medulla disappears with age.

31. Characteristics of pinealocytes include which of the following?A. They contain a single stereociliaB. They contain calcified concretions of unknown originC. They resemble astrocytesD. They contain melatonin and serotoninE. They are covered by choroid plexus

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32. B-lymphocytes are an important component of lymphoid organs. "Resting" Bells arefound in which of the following locations?A. Mantle zone of lymphoid follicleB. Periarterial lymphatic sheathC. Paracortex of lymph nodeD. Germinal center of secondary follicleE. Epithelium of M cells in the ileum

Matching: For each numbered item in COLUMN 1 , choose the letter of the mostclosely related item in COLUMN 2. Each answer can be used once, more than once,or not at all.

COLUMN 1 COLUMN 233. Zona Glomerulosa A. Sex organ development34. Parafollicular cells B. Renin-Angiotensin system35. Adrenal Medulla C. Decreased osteoclast activity36. Zona Reticularis D. Iodide pump37. Follicular cells E. Pre-ganglion innervation

Matching: For each numbered item in COLUMN 1, choose the letter of the most closely related item in COLUMN 2. Each answer can be used once, more than once, or not at all.

COLUMN 1 COLUMN 238. Lingual tonsil A. Paired structures39. Palatine tonsil B. Most numerous type of tonsil40. Pharyngeal tonsil C. Covered by respiratory epithelium

D. Completely encapsulatedE. Anterior portion of tongue

41. Which of the following cells are involved in detecting movements of the head?A. Sustentacular cells in the crista ampullarisB. Hair cells in the maculaC. Hensen's border cellsD. Spiral ganglion neuronsE. Inner hair cells in the organ of Corti

42. Which of the following is INCORRECT concerning taste buds?A. They are found embedded in the respiratory epithelium of the upper pharynx.B. Sustentacular cells contain microvilli on their apical aspect.C. Basal cells are the cells from which other cell types of the taste bud are derived.D. Serous secretions of the glands of von Ebner help to keep the taste pore from

being blocked.E. Gustatory cells are associated with afferent nerve endings.

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43. While you are rotating in the Emergency Department, a victim of a motor vehicleaccident is brought in. He is found to have a fractured ulna and, due to concerns aboutbleeding, is taken to the Operating Room for abdominal exploration. Fortunately, he isfound to have only an isolated tear in his spleen and it is removed. Since the patientnow lacks a spleen, you would expect:A. Increased need for copper supplementation.B. Increased susceptibility to bacterial infections of the blood.C. Inability of the patient to mount a T-cell mediated immune response.D. Lack of continued production of immunoglobulins.E. Death to occur within the next two to three months.

44. In the cornea, each of the following is true EXCEPT:A. The comeal epithelium contains several layers of cells.B. Descemet's membrane is the basement membrane of the corneal endothelium.C. A special pump in the corneal epithelium keeps the cornea clear and

dehydrated.D. Bowman's layer contains collagen fibers.E. The limbus provides nourishment to the cornea.

45. Which of the following cells is believed to play a role in the maturation of thymocytes toT-cells?A. Epithelial reticular cellsB. Thymic nurse cellsC. Sinusoidal macrophagesD. Dendritic reticulum cellsE. Chief cells

46. Pick the group that contains an item that does not belong:A. tunica vasculosa / iris / ciliary body / choriocapillaris / choroidB. lens / accommodation / ciliary body / radial muscle / meridional muscleC. goblet cells / mucous / tears / lacrimal gland / lipid layerD. aqueous / nonpigmented epithelium / posterior chamber / trabecular meshwork /

Schlemm's canalE. epithelium / Bruch's membrane / stroma / Descemet's membrane / endothelium

47. Meniere's disease, a chronic disease of the inner ear, is caused by overproduction ofendolymph. This overproduction would be expected to lead to:A. Lymphocytes in the stria vascularis.B. Distension of the membranous labyrinth.C. Blockage of the Eustachian tube.D. Bacterial infection of the tympanic membrane.E. Contraction of the stapedius muscle.

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48. The adenohypophysis:A. Contains mostly chromophobes and acidophilsB. Contains remnants of Rathke's pouch from the pars nervosa.C. Is primarily derived from neuroectoderm.D. Is under the control of adrenal releasing hormones.E. Is innervated by axons from the supraoptic nuclei.

49. In a nightmare, you find yourself on an 'Incredible Voyage" through the salivary glandsystem. You recognize that you are in a serous demilune surrounded by abundantmucous glands, so you know all of the following are true EXCEPT:A. Once you slip through the gutter of the serous demilune and enter the gland

lumen, you will next find yourself propelled down the intercalated duct.B. In one duct, you recognize the striated nature of the walls and know that it is

caused by membrane invaginations and mitochondria.C. In the striated duct, you encounter resorption of water and modification of

electrolytes.D. You are finally secreted into the oral cavity by way of Wharton's duct.E. You most probably are in the sublingual gland.

50. In the spleen:A. Lymphatic vessels that are present lack functional valves.B. The majority of the parenchymal mass is white pulp.C. The cortex and medulla cannot be clearly distinguished.D. The capsule contains dense regular connective tissue.E. The sinuses are lined with macrophages.

51. Which of the following histologic layers of the retina contain cell bodies?A. Ganglion cell layer, inner nuclear layer, outer nuclear layerB. Outer plexiform layer, outer nuclear layer, outer segment layerC. Internal limiting membrane, external limiting membrane, RPED. Nerve fiber layer, outer segment layer, outer nuclear layerE. Inner plexiform layer, outer plexiform layer, ganglion cell layer

52. Diffuse lymphatic tissue:A. Includes the spleen and thymus.B. Is surrounded by a connective tissue capsule.C. Forms follicles composed of activated T-cells.D. Secretes primarily IgG and IgM immunoglobulins.E. Is found beneath moist mucosal surfaces.

53. Pick the group that contains an item that does not belong, or is wrong:A. far focus / thinner lens / ciliary muscle relaxedB. iris sphincter / CNIII / small pupilC. iris dilator muscle / parasympathetic / larger pupil.D. orbicularis / tarsal plate / lashesE. near focus / fatter lens / ciliary muscle contracted

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54. A medical student complains of a sore throat and is found to have swollen, tenderlymph nodes in the cervical region. Blood test results show that her white blood cellcount is elevated and consists primarily of segmented neutrophils. If a biopsy weretaken of one of her lymph nodes, one would expect to see:A. The production of Malpighian corpuscles.B. Large lymphoid follicles with prominent germinal centers.C. Medullary sinusoids engorged with red blood cells.D. Dendritic reticulum cells forming cuffs around blood vessels.E. Depletion of lymphocytes and macrophages in the paracortical area.

55. Complete removal of the right axillary lymph node chain during breast cancer surgerycould be expected to result in which of the following?A. Increased production of glucocorticoids.B. Edema of the right upper extremity.C. Increased susceptibility to parasitic infections.D. Loss of bone marrow lymphocytesE. Disappearance of the thymic fat pad.

56. Dr. Hartwell has handed out her homemade peanut-butter cookies to everyone in class,but she forgot to bring the milk. As everyone chokes down the cookies, all of thefollowing should happen EXCEPT:A. Myoepithelial cells around pancreatic acini will contract to force the pancreatic

secretions into the duct of Wirsung and out into the duodenum.B. Parotid glands will pour out amylase and begin to break down the starch.C. Submandibular glands will secrete amylase and some sialomucins to help wash

down the cookies.D. Myoepithelial cells around salivary glands will be working overtime to squeeze

out the salivary gland secretions.E. Once the cookie bolus is emptied from the stomach, secretin, cholecystokinin

and vagus nerve stimulation will regulate the secretion of proenzymes by thepancreatic acinar cells.

57. Communication between the scala tympani and scala vestibuli occurs at the:

A. ModiolusB. Oval windowC. Endolymphatic ductD. Round windowE. Helicotrema

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58. A patient undergoes a bone scan and multiple fractures are found; his bone density is60% of that expected. Laboratory values of thyroid function tests and circulating T3 andT4 levels show that the thyroid is performing normally. The probable cause of thesesymptoms therefore is very likely a problem with which of the following organs andcells?A. Thyroid and follicular cellsB. Parathyroid and chief cellsC. Parathyroid and parafollicular cellsD. Adrenal and medullary cellsE. Adrenal and the zona glomerulosa

59. Lymphocytes circulating in the blood are able to enter lymph nodes via:A. Paracortical sinusesB. Trabecular endotheliumC. Marginal sinusesD. Mucosal capillariesE. High endothelial venules

60. Each of the following is true EXCEPT:A. Rods work best in the light; cones work best in the dark.B. The six million cones are primarily located in the region of the macula (or fovea.)C. The rods and cones are the light capturing cells of the visual pathway.D. The visual pigment of the rods is rhodopsin, the visual pigment of cones is

iodopsin.E. Rods and cones get their nourishment from the choriocapillaris.

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1. What is the predominant type of cell in this tissue?A. Chief cellB. Parafollicular cellC. AcidophilD. Chromaffin cellE. Acinar cell

2. In this tissue:A. Serous demilunes are present.B. Pre-enzymes are secreted and activated within the duct of Bilroth.C. Striated ducts are named ducts of Santorini.D. Endocrine cells make up 1-2% of the parenchyma.E. There are more chief cells than oxyphils.

3. Which of the following is/are not associated with this structure?A. Smooth muscle bundles running in 3 planes and 4 layersB. Serous and mucous glandsC. Diffuse lymphoid tissueD. A keratinizing stratified squamous epithelium.E. A non-keratinizing stratified squamous epithelium.

4. The cells indicated are:A. Dendritic reticulum cellsB. T-lymphocytesC. Mixed T- and B-lymphocytesD. Epithelial reticular cellsE. B-lymphocytes

5. These structures:A. Are the site of outflow for aqueous humor.B. Detect light better than color.C. Form the anterior lens capsule.D. Are the source of blood supply to the photoreceptors.E. Produce aqueous humor.

6. Which of the following is true concerning this structure?A. Blood flows towards this structure.B. Bile flow is towards bile ducts in this structure.C. Vessels in this structure drain the organ of blood.D. This structure contains small branches of the hepatic artery and hepatic vein.E. There are no nerves or lymphatics in this structure.

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7. The material in this location is composed of:A. 70-80% hydroxyapatite and 20-30% organic materialB. Fibroblasts, collagen, ground substance, nerves and blood vessels.C. Dense, regular connective tissue.D. Almost entirely hydroxyapatite.E. A collagen containing, bone-like, substance.

8. Movement of fluid in this space would directly stimulate:A. Type III hair cellsB. OtoconiaC. Inner hair cellsD. Tympanic membraneE. Myoepithelial cells

9. Which of the following is not associated with this epithelium?A. Goblet cellsB. CiliaC. Bowmans glandsD. Brush cellsE. Basal cells

10. What is produced by these cells?A. Major basic proteinB. ProlactinC. MelantoninD. EpinephrineE. Parathormone

11. This tissue:A. Has a simple squamous epithelium on its luminal surface.B. Has two well-defined smooth muscle layers.C. Is normally devoid of inflammatory cells in the lamina propria.D. Has a serosa and an adventitia.E. Has lymphatics in the lamina propria like other gastrointestinal organs.

12. This tissue:A. Is found at the roof of the lateral ventricles.B. Influences the maturation of the gonads.C. Contains many melanocytes.D. Helps regulate Vitamin D absorption.E. Secretes melanocyte-stimulating hormone.

13. Fuid in this cavity directly communicates with the:A. Scala mediaB. Scala tympaniC. SacculeD. Middle ear cavityE. Eustachian tube

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14. In this tissue:A. The majority of the acini are mucous secreting.B. The secretions of this tissue are transported via the duct of Wirsung.C. Intralobular ducts transport glandular secretions, water and electrolytes.D. Cilia are present on the apical surface of the acinar cells.E. Striated ducts are not present.

15. The lymphocytes in this area:A. Surround a small central artery.B. Are maturing T-lymphocytes.C. Selectively produce IgA immunoglobulin.D. Are also known as "M" cells.E. Produce lymphopoietin.

16. Regarding blood flow in this tissue:A. Blood flow and bile flow proceed in the same direction.B. The majority of the blood flow to this tissue is from the hepatic artery.C. The space of Disse allows for direct contact of blood with hepatocytes.D. The majority of oxygen-rich blood is delivered via the portal vein.E. The single venous drainage of this tissue is through the portal vein.

17. Which of the following is true of the cells in this area?A. They contain microvilli on their apical surface.B. Their activity is dependent upon ACTH.C. They are also called spongiocytes.D. They originate from cells in the neural crest.E. Intracellular lipofuscin is often seen.

18. This structure:A. Is a medium-sized arteriole.B. Contains numerous T-lymphocytes.C. Is composed to 3-4 macrophages.D. Contains calcium phosphate crystals.E. Is unique to the thymus.

19. This area:A. Contains the outer segments of the photoreceptor cells.B. Is composed of bipolar neurons and sustentacular cells.C. Forms the bulk of the optic nerve.D. Has synapses between photoreceptors and bipolar cells.E. Is responsible for synthesis of Vitamin A.

20.This tissue:A. Serves as a filter for lymphatic fluid.B. Produces parathormone.C. Is responsive to light and dark cycles.D. Is under the influence of ACTH.E. Removes damaged red blood cells.

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Histology Exam II Answer KeysWritten Version 11.2. B 21. B 41. B3. A 22. C 42. A4. C 23. A 43. B5. D 24. E 44. C6. D 25. B 45. A7. E 26. E 46. E8. B 27. E 47. B9. C 28. D 48. A10. B 29. A 49. D11. B 30. A 50. E12. C 31. D 51. A13. B 32. A 52. E14. B 33. B 53. C15. A 34. C 54. B16. E 35. E 55. B17. C 36. A 56. A18. A 37. D 57. E19. D 38. B 58. B20. D 39. A 59. E21. B 40. C 60. A

PRACTICAL EXAM KEY1 A 11 D2 D 12 B3 A 13 B4 C 14 C5 E 15 C6 B 16 C7 E 17 D8 C 18 E9 C 19 D

10 B 20 A

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