highly efficient near-infrared hybrid organic-inorganic nanocrystal electroluminescence device


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Page 1: Highly efficient near-infrared hybrid organic-inorganic nanocrystal electroluminescence device

Highly efficient near-infrared hybrid organic-inorganic nanocrystalelectroluminescence deviceK. N. Bourdakos, D. M. N. M. Dissanayake, T. Lutz, S. R. P. Silva, and R. J. Curry Citation: Applied Physics Letters 92, 153311 (2008); doi: 10.1063/1.2909589 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.2909589 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/apl/92/15?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in High efficiency and stability in air of the encapsulation-free hybrid organic-inorganic light-emitting diode Appl. Phys. Lett. 92, 213304 (2008); 10.1063/1.2936300 Erratum: “Highly efficient near-infrared hybrid organic-inorganic nanocrystal electroluminescence device” [Appl.Phys. Lett.92, 153311 (2008)] Appl. Phys. Lett. 92, 209903 (2008); 10.1063/1.2936181 Effects of molecular interface modification in hybrid organic-inorganic photovoltaic cells J. Appl. Phys. 101, 114503 (2007); 10.1063/1.2737977 Improvement of charge injection efficiency in organic-inorganic hybrid solar cells by chemical modification ofmetal oxides with organic molecules Appl. Phys. Lett. 90, 183513 (2007); 10.1063/1.2736192 Efficient red electroluminescence from organic devices using dye-doped rare earth complexes Appl. Phys. Lett. 82, 2218 (2003); 10.1063/1.1564631

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Page 2: Highly efficient near-infrared hybrid organic-inorganic nanocrystal electroluminescence device

Highly efficient near-infrared hybrid organic-inorganic nanocrystalelectroluminescence device

K. N. Bourdakos,1 D. M. N. M. Dissanayake,2 T. Lutz,2 S. R. P. Silva,2 and R. J. Curry2,a�

1Department of Physics, University of Durham, South Road, Durham DH1 3 LE, United Kingdom2Nano-Electronics Centre, Advanced Technology Institute, University of Surrey, Guildford,Surrey GU2 7XH, United Kingdom

�Received 1 February 2008; accepted 25 March 2008; published online 18 April 2008�

We report the use of PbS nanocrystals within a hybrid device that emits 1.2 �m electroluminescencewith an external quantum efficiency of 1.15% corresponding to an internal quantum efficiency of�5% –12% thus demonstrating a viable, low-cost, highly efficient near infrared organicelectroluminescent device. Direct generation of the excited state on the nanocrystal result ineliminating competing processes that have previously led to the low reported efficiencies innear-infrared light emitting devices. Furthermore, the emission wavelength can be tuned to cover awide range of wavelengths including the 1.3–1.5 �m region without significant change of theefficiency. © 2008 American Institute of Physics. �DOI: 10.1063/1.2909589�

Organic molecules are generally optically active in therange of wavelengths below 1 �m due to the fundamentalproperties of delocalized � systems. Even when modifiedthrough substitution, or ligation of heavy metal atoms, sig-nificant extension of optical activity beyond 1 �m is diffi-cult. Near-infrared �NIR� organic/polymer devices emittingelectroluminescence �EL� above 1 �m would have a numberapplications including �bio�sensing, waveguide and freespace chip-to-chip optical circuits, and telecommunications.These factors have driven significant research into extendingthe optical activity of organic materials into this wavelengthregion despite the inherent difficulties.

The most studied approach has been the use of organo-lanthanide complexes in which intra-atomic 4f-4f transitionsare used to obtain characteristic narrow emission in the NIRfrom ions such as Er3+ and Nd3+.1–3 However, devices basedon this concept have proved to be highly inefficient��0.01% � due to poor excitation of the lanthanide ion andstrong competing nonradiative relaxation mechanisms.4,5

The development of colloidal quantum dots consisting ofsemiconductor nanocrystals6–8 has provided an alternativeapproach toward obtaining a low cost NIR electrolumines-cent device. The ability to directly modify the bandgapthrough selection of the nanocrystal material and diameterallows for emission to be obtained from the visible andthrough the NIR region. The incorporation of nanocrystalswithin organic devices as the emitting center allows low-costsolution processing to be used and direct access to the NIRregion. To date, the highest reported external quantumefficiency �EQE� from such hybrid devices are 0.5%�Ref. 9� �emitting �1.3 �m� and 0.27% �Ref. 10� �emitting�1.15 �m� utilizing a MEH-PPV-PbS and MEH-PPV-InAscomposite architecture. In these devices, the excited nano-crystal state is achieved through exciton transfer from nearbymolecules. As a result, the quantum efficiency relating toemission originating from the nanocrystals is critically de-pendent upon this energy transfer step which must competeagainst radiative and nonradiative recombination of excitonsprior to energy transfer. Given the short range dependence of

Förster or Dexter energy transfer, systems that rely uponthese methods to excite the nanocrystals are likely to be in-efficient NIR emitters and limited by this step. This is evi-dent as emission is often observed in the visible region origi-nating from excitons radiatively recombining on the organicor polymer host where they were created.9 Nonradiative ef-fects will also reduce the population of host excitons avail-able for energy transfer to nanocrystals in these systems in-cluding, for example, phonon scattering and multiexcitonannihilation.

In this work, we describe the fabrication of a NIR elec-troluminescent device in which excitons are directly createdon the nanocrystals thus removing the requirement for exci-ton generation on organic molecules and subsequent transferto the nanocrystals. In this simplified device architecture theability to optimize of the parameters to enhance device effi-ciency is significantly increased. The reported devices ex-ploit a layer of PbS nanocrystals �nc-PbS� and a layer ofpentacene. The hybrid nc-PbS organic light-emitting diodeoperates at the peak wavelength of �1.2 �m with an EQEof �1.1% corresponding to an internal quantum efficiency�CIQE� in the range of 5%–12%, based on previousreports,9,10 and thus representing a significant breakthroughin the field.

Oleic acid capped nc-PbS were synthesized according tothe method described elsewhere11 with ligand exchangeperformed12 to provide butylamine ligands. This involveddrying the nc-PbS under nitrogen followed by resuspensionusing ultrasonication in an excess of butylamine �Fluka,99.5%�. The flask was sealed under nitrogen and stirred for72 h following which the dots were precipitated out usingdegassed isopropanol. Centrifugation at 5000 rpm was thencarried out and the supernatant dried under nitrogen leadingto a powder of nc-PbS that was subsequently dissolved intoluene at a concentration of 50 mg /ml.

Devices were fabricated in a manner similar to thatpreviously reported for organic-nanocrystal photovoltaicdevices.13 Indium tin oxide �ITV� �20 � /�� was cleanedprior to use including oxygen plasma treatment. Pentacene�H.W. Sands, 99.99%� was used as received and 2,9-dimethyl-4,7-diphenyl-1,10-phenanthroline �BCP� �Aldricha�Electronic mail: [email protected]. uk.


0003-6951/2008/92�15�/153311/3/$23.00 © 2008 American Institute of Physics92, 153311-1 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 08:15:36

Page 3: Highly efficient near-infrared hybrid organic-inorganic nanocrystal electroluminescence device

98%� was twice sublimated prior to use. The basic devicestructure is ITO /pentacene�50 nm� /nc-PbS �110 nm� /BCP�10 nm� /Al �60 nm� with an active device area of �7 mm2.

Absorption measurements were carried out using aVarian Cary 5000 spectrophotometer. A Kethley 2400source-measure unit was used to obtain current-voltage mea-surements and the EL directly collected and dispersed in aJobin Yvon Horriba iHr 550 spectrometer with a 150 gr /mmgrating blazed at 1200 nm onto a 512 element front electrodeliquid N2 cooled InGaAs array �Symphony IGA� or Sicharge-copled device �1024�512 pixels, Symphony�. TheEQE of the device was determined using integrated EL mea-surements performed using the same voltage source and anInGaAs OMH 6727B integrating sphere with a 5 mm diam-eter entrance aperture. The device was placed at about 2 mmdistance �due to the thickness of the ITO-glass slide andmounting glass slide used to hold the device� from the aper-ture of the integrating sphere, thus, assuming Lambertianemission, �99% of light emitted from the planar substratesurface was collected.

Figure 1 shows the absorption of the nc-PbS in solutionand the EL spectrum emitted by the device. The 1se−1shabsorption peak of the nc-PbS can be seen to be centered at�900 nm. The feature at �1400 nm in the absorption spec-trum is an artifact of the measurement system. Strong EL isobtained from the device peaking at �1200 nm and can befitted with a Gaussian curve with width of 100 nm. Thebroad width of the emission is due to the inhomogeneousbroadening caused by the size distribution of the nc-PbS inthe sample used.10 EL spectra were measured over the550–1600 nm spectral range with no other emission �e.g.,from pentacene� being detected, hence all optical powermeasured when determining the external EQE from thenc-PbS.

Figure 2 shows the current density versus voltage �J-V�and luminescence versus voltage �L-V� characteristics of thedevice. The device shows excellent rectification characteris-tics with the turn on voltage observed to be �1 V and re-verse bias break down occurring at �−6 V. Hole injectionoccurs into the highest occupied molecular orbital of penta-cene �4.9 eV� �Ref. 14� from the Fermi level of ITO whichwas previously measured to be 4.7 eV.15 Electron injectionoccurs through the BCP layer, aided by the presence of in-terfacial states, into the nc-PbS. There is a large barrier forelectron transfer from the nc-PbS into the pentacene �lowest

unoccupied molecular orbital 3.0 eV �Ref. 14�� based on pre-viously reported values of the nc-PbS energy levels �conduc-tion band �4.7 eV�.13 Following hole injection, exciton for-mation occurs within nc-PbS which are prevented fromquenching at the Al electrode due to the presence of the widebandgap BCP layer. We believe that the turn-on voltage��1 V� is mainly a result of the barrier for hole injectioninto the nc-PbS. The presence of any interfacial dipole be-tween the pentacene and nc-PbS as well as any internal di-pole of the nc-PbS will also be influential in determining thevoltage required for hole injection from the pentacene. Thelarge Stokes shift observed ��300 nm� between the nc-PbSabsorption and electroluminescent spectra supports the pres-ence of a barrier to hole injection from the pentacene into thenc-PbS being present. Such a barrier would be reduced forsmaller bandgap nc-PbS thus preferential injection into thesesmaller bandgap nc-PbS may occur resulting in the largeStokes shift. This will be the focus of further investigation inthe near future.

Figure 3 shows direct measurements of the device EQEindicating a peak value of 1.15% at 1.6 V representing asignificant improvement over previously reported devices.We also have directly measured the EQE using integratingspectroscopic methods thus removing the need to calculatethe EQE from the EL spectra for example. Device operationat an EQE above 1% is seen across a wide operating voltagerange of 1.5–2.5 V and only dropping slightly to �0.85% at3 V still far exceeding all previous work in this field. Each ofthese measurements presented is the average of three mea-surements taken at the same voltage over a period of �90 s.

FIG. 1. The absorption nc-PbS and EL spectrum of ITO/pentacene/nc-PbS/BCP/Al devices. The absorption spectrum was obtained from nc-PbS cappedwith butylamine ligands dissolved in toluene �50 mg /ml�.

FIG. 2. The current density-voltage �J-V� and luminescence-voltage �L-V�characteristics of the ITO/pentacene/nc-PbS/BCP/Al devices.

FIG. 3. EQE of the ITO/pentacene/nc-PbS/BCP/devices as a function ofvoltage.

153311-2 Bourdakos et al. Appl. Phys. Lett. 92, 153311 �2008�

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Page 4: Highly efficient near-infrared hybrid organic-inorganic nanocrystal electroluminescence device

These high values of EQE are directly related to the lowcurrent densities within these devices. This is a consequenceof the device design utilized and the direct creation of exci-tons on the nc-PbS removing competing mechanisms relatingto the need for exciton transfer as discussed above, and anyvisible emission from other species within the devices.

Previous reports have estimated the IQE of nanocrystalbased devices to have a value ranging from three to seventimes the EQE �Refs. 9 and 10� with nc-PbS based devicesbeing at the top end of this range. Applying a similar ap-proach to the devices reported within and taking into accountthe 70% transmission of the ITO/glass substrate, we obtainvalues of IQE ranging from 5% to 12%. These values ofEQE and IQE represent a significant breakthrough in thedevelopment of organic diode NIR sources. Given the oper-ating wavelengths of these devices, the excitation mecha-nism, the exceptionally low power consumption and previ-ously demonstrated Si compatibility,16 we believe this workwill enable the development of devices that will impact on awide variety of application areas.

In summary, we have demonstrated efficient NIR ELfrom a hybrid organic-inorganic devices emitting at 1.2 �musing nc-PbS as the emitting center. These devices representa significant improvement in the state of the art and offer thepotential for the development of low-cost NIR devices.

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