highland recorder.(monterey, va) 1893-11-24. · highlanl)^recorder. advertising rate*....

HIGHLANl) ^RECORDER. Advertising Rate*. LtVcta.1 nr>tfce« at t<)cper line for first lns«r-«|»y Won, and 5c per lime for ench suiasequent iqkjl AVtki'on* Transient advertisements insertearT} Ut t*« rate of $1 per inch fo« first insertion aad ROc for each Subsequent insertion. All advertisements fot a shorter period than three months considered transient. Rates .or three months arid over arenas follows: "One inch.,. Two inches....... Three Inches.:..-. Pour trachea...... Pive inches...s... Quarter col ... . Half column.. .. One column. :$ nia*l. flfcrnos. 1 yr. $ -.5 00 ] $ 8 OO * 3 00 5 00 7 OO IO 00 12 00 15 00 20 00 40 00 | 50 OO *»-The above rates will be strictly ad tiered to. -S 00 12 OO *r> oo 2o oo 28 00 SK 00 12 00 18 00 20 00 30 00 4-o ero 50 00 100 00 OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. Judge 13th judicial Circuit.-rllon. Wm. McLaughlin, Lexington, Ya. j st County Judge..Hon. C. II. McI)an-\ * _ald, Warm Springs, Va. Circuit and County Clerk..J. C. Ma- \ theny, Monterey, Va. Attorney for Commonwealth..L. II. Stephenson. Monterey. Va. Sheriff..E. M. Arbogast Monterey. Treasurer..J. A. Jones, Hightown. Commissioner of Revenue..\V. P. Campbell, Monterey. Sup't of Poor..A. T. Stephenson. Sup't of Schools..B. Hiner Hansel. Board of Supervisor*..J. S. McNulty. .chairman, and Jas. Terry and S. \V. Sterrett. Cncncu Reoistek. i* Presbyterial*.Rev. T. N. Lambert,pas tor. M.E. Church.Rev. R. II. Clark pastor. V. B. Church.Rev. J, M. Hott, pas¬ tor M. E. Church South.F. E. Hammond, ipastor. Epworth League. M. E. Church South, Monterey. Monthly meetinjrs. Devotional services each Sabbath at 3:30, p. m. Literary ser¬ vices on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday nights, and business meetings the 4-th Wednesday nights. The Hails. . From Staunton to Monterey.Arrives at Monterey at 7 p. m.; leaves at 5 a. m. daily. Horseshoe Route.Leaves Monterey at 5 a. m., via Vanderpool, on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays; leaves Monte jrey at 5 a. m., via Strait Creek, on Mon-i .rJays Wednesdays and Fridays. / Ripaus Tabulcs banish pain. >AU kinds of dried fruits wanted y L. S. Dickenson. sf Sausage cutters and stuffer* at \^. .Bishop Bros. .Mrs. Wm. A. Hevener who Ii~rec near Monterey is sick. Call ou W. L. Taylor, silversmith Tor all kinds of sewing machine /needles. > "Miss Annie Bishop of Crab Run is seriously ill at the home of Mrs. Jenny Hiner at this 'place. i t. Bishop Bros will receive another. lot ot sweet potatoes Monday n tA and will sell then for 3c. per lb ** Mr. Alle.-t Waggoner and wife and Mrs. \y.P. Rexrode of Straight Creek were among last wtc'.is visi¬ tors at ihe stores. Don't forget, the Auction Sale at Don Sulleuberger '$- Co's on Tuesday next. Mr. Jacob Lightner and son, Pe¬ ter, of Back Creek were up this 'week, doing their fall trading at "Bishop Bros. Trade, of all kind, old silvet ycase<Mind old watch movements ta- /kan in exchange for work by VV, I.Ai. Taylor silver-smith. Henry W. Wilson, formerly oj tCowpasture, Va. died at his norm in Verona county Mo, the 18th d,rj of Nov. 1893, aged 82 years. -Dr. E. J. Jones of McDowell wai married hist week to Miss Emmi V.'Bucher, daughter of Dr. J, D .Hitcher of Augusta Co. -Irs. Dr. Patterson and her sister Mrs.Wm. Smythe left for Staunton Tuesday after spending a wee] with relatives and friends in thi .county. Mr. J, C. Crowley passed througl town Monday on his way te Static ton to consult with Dr. Hinkle i regard toJhw wife, who has bewi i "bad health for a long time. Last Monday was turkey day i ttfwau. Bishop Bros. started 110 on- fGot. to market. J. B. Bradsh a drove 300 from Crabbotton and 60 from Back Creek. Ia addition t the large number driven by Bisho Bros. several hundred were butti ered and shipped by wagons. Sickness in the lower end < town has caused those in that se tion wbo get water from the tow spring to give it a thorough ren vating, and repairing. This something that should be watch* closely and sickness prevented possible. Died:.At Huntersville, Pocaho . tas county, W. Va. at 3:30 o'elo Monday inorning, Oct. 30th, Pflteomonia, Mrs. Sallie Snyd* . ..'wife o. ¥. J. Snyder, Esq., an <* iorhey-at-law, aged 47 years and .niotiths. She was a daughter the late Wm. Carey, of Lewisbu - ; W. Va., a sister of Mrs. R. S. Tu of Staunton and of Mr. J. H. Ot C:r Cary. She leaves a husband a 7 children. T&r. Howard Fox of Crabbottr. on his return from Staunton li Monday, was showing the woi inga of his pistol to a friend, wh it was discharged, the ball taki effect in the palm of his hand, Uicting a painful wound. Me ca \^2 ' tn Monterey/and-Drs. K. H. and ;-*VH:Trimble removed the ball fi. ..." . the.tojr part. of his hand near 1 wr]s¥:.-Ttiis is another object 1 ton :S boys.- , Several loads of salt just receiv- ,J I at Bishop Bros. .^A.11 kinds of game wanted by L. . Dickenson. Mrs. J. M. Colaw who has been nite ill is improving slowly . Oranges, Rai se ns, Citrons and t farrants just received at Bishop I fro*. * Mrs. Paul Brown (colored) who ias boen sick for nearly a month is j inproving slowly. Wm. Bratten, Esq.,of Marlint in pent a few days in Monterey last veek. I liring your turkeys and chickens 0 L. S. Dickenson. He p.iys the ugliest market prices. Mr. ,). C. Bishop who has boen unwell since his trip West, is again confined to his room. L r Bring your pork to us, we are pitying Oe. per lb tor it thi-; year.. Bishop Bros' Goods at a si orifice at Don Sulhnberger $ Co's, next Tuesday. tWe are paying \\Sc. for all sound ild turkeys: it will pay' yon to bring us all you get..Bishop Bros. Mr. C. C. Snyder and wife of Crabbottom were i:i town yester¬ day. Mr. S. made this office a pay¬ ing call. ir Don't forget the goods on our cost table when you come to Mon¬ terey, there are lots of bargains yon can use..Bishop Bros. Goods must go regard- Jrfss of price at Don Sullen- bergers next Tuesday. Our young friend, Don Bullen- berger left Saturday for Rich¬ mond, Va., where he expects to se¬ cure a position in thc Pullman car service. Mr. D. V. Ruckman made a trip into the county this week, and while here came in and renewed his subscription to the Recorder. Thanks. I Every body who noticed the un¬ precedented rush of produce lo bishop Bros. for the past 2 weeks, cannot help but conclude that this is beyond a doubt the place to mar¬ ket produce. Come to Court Tuesday the>98tlh and buy a har- Alain at the Bon SuUenber- ger auction sale. Miss Jane McClintic, of Letcher, Bath SOU0ty, win has been under¬ doing medical treatment in Phila¬ delphia for the past two months has sufficiently regained her health as to be able to return home. Died..At his home near Trav¬ elers Repose, Pocahontas county. \V. Va. on the 1C> day of November 1893. Lafayette Burner of Pneu¬ monia, aged 50 vears 8 months and 15 days. Mr. Frnnk Burner who is attending school here is a son ot' the decensed. and his many friend? mourn with him in his deep sorrow. Many people suffer from trouble^ some and repulsive sores, boils, and eruptions, without ever testing thr marvelous curative properties ol Ayer's Sarsaparilla- The experi¬ ment is, certainly, worth trying Be sure you get Ayer'? Sarsaparilla and no other. The smallest "cat-boil" is large ', enough to show that the blooi' ., needs purifying.a warning which t if unheeded, may result, not ir s something very much worse. Aver the dancer in time bv the use o Aver's Sarsaparilla, Cured other will cure you. ii c- li it- is ed it li¬ ck of .r. at¬ ti of rfl ri cv nd un ¦ist de¬ mi fig ili¬ lli e I. mn the Augusta Co. Argus: Varioo estimates as to what Mr, Bod lev' campaign cost him have been mad< some going up to over &10,00( We are told by one who savs h knows, that it was less than $1.00 and that Jones and Small made n charge and the Quartette receive only their expenses. Last Tuesday was a reminder, m very gentle, that winter was clo! at hand. Had our grand ol mountains been out of the way, v* would h«ave had a six or eight hoi blizzard. Fine snow and sle driven by a chilly wind fell to depth of 3 or 4 inches, bat Wei nesdays warm sunshine left litt of it to tell of our first snow. I will fill my appointment ne Sunday at Hightown and Pisga (D. V.) preaching at the form place at ll a. m. and at the latt at 3:,30p. m. The third Quartet Meeting will be held at Hightov Saturday the'ind .and Sunday t 3rd of December. Let the offlci members take notice and gove themselves accordingly. F. E. Hammond. Pocahontas Times: Foot ball having a very great run in tl place now. The Military lehi here or the town either would glad to play a match game Thanksgiving, that can send abc a dozen stout men. The rules v be those simply of a big side gai and all that will be required is 1 feet and no favor. [Now is i time for the Monterey boys to c er themselves with glory. Bn es-1 up and go out and show them I thing:or two..Ed.] APPLES! APPLES! APPLES! trXTantea! Twenty-five car loans ofP X/V nPPles. a'1 varieties taken at cash \ (f7* prices. P, li. SUBI.BTT ft Son, taunton Va; opposite C. afc O. depot. ,0V. --)4-0t. I am again proprietor of Monter- y Tannery ( having rented it for he past two years) all who have lidv.s wfll lind it to their interest to lajwthom to my yard to have thom Jmned or exchange for leather or my thing in the saddle and harness ine. I will 'nave the best of srork- nen and will insure satisfaction. S. W. CrummetT. s s I ). 6 0 d >t ie ld 'e ir et a 1- le xi h. er ei¬ ly rn he isl rn is his Sol be at .ut rill .ie, )he| ov- ish Fixal Auction Hale OF Store goods at Don Sullen berger k Co's./oid stand. Next Tuesday :hjs >£Sih. All goods remaining ii^rfst goon that day regardless of (nice. Those who want bargains should come, for goods will ga at a .jreat sacrafice. Jones & Sieg Trustees. No Issue La;;t Week It wai not the fault of the P. M. that you did io' get your ppper last :. neither was it ours, bat this letter explains it all. Baltimobb, Xor. 17th., '03. Pbulisher Becobdj-K, Monterey Va. Dear Sir: . Through Bonre unaccountable mistake on our part, we noticed to¬ day feat your paper had not been shipped for this week,a like mis¬ take to which has not occurred in all our experience of fifteen yi^\r:. We were indeed sorry to find that we had made the mistake, anJ im¬ mediately printed your issue and shipped by first train, in hopes chat it would get to you and be of Mime use. /_swe stated before.a like mistake has not occured rn oar ex¬ perience, and we hone will never oc¬ cur again, as wc are aware of the inconvenience and annoyance you no doubt suffiered. Kindly let ns know whether package reached you in time to be any service. Yours Very Truly, Baltimobb Newspaper Union-. Jurors foi* November Tenn of County Court. GRAND JI'IvV. G. M. Rexrode, S. Newman, G. I). Dudley, John W. Bird, dames P. Hiner, Jno. W. Simmons, W. P. Rexrode, Josiah Wilson. Squire J. Blagg, John M. Blagg, Thou. M. Devericks and J. L. Shumate. PETIT JUBY. II. II. Seybert, T. M. Devericks, John M.Jones, J. N. Stover, H. M. Ervine Sr. Jno. M. Blagg, W. T. Swadley, Robt. L. Gillett, 0. P. Chew, W. W. Benson. H, S. Crow¬ ley and W. A. Jones. -«_o~*-.- Public Renting. Notice is hereby given that or Saturday tin- Kith, day of Decem¬ ber next, at Meadow Dale P. 0. at Slaven's Store in Highland count) Va., I will rent the farm of ni) ward John McGwin lying nea.] Vanderpoel P. 0. in said county ant known as the John Gwin farm,foi a term of three years beginning March 1st* 1804 Terms made known on day o renting. F McNulty, Guard'n of John McGwin. Highland County Court Clerk's of fice to-wit: E S T ll A Y. Taken up by Robert N. Ervine on his land, on the 25th day of Ab gust 1893, of the following descrip tion: n two-year-old, rtd mule heifer with some white ou bell] oaek, tail and legs, and with ero and slit in left ear and appraised i $11.00 by A. A. Alexander, Joh H. Clayton and B. Jil. Hansel b fore W. H. Armstrong, J. P. An extract Teste: J. C. Mathbny, cr Nov. 10 3t. Sale Ol Valuable Improvi Stock. I will sell privately on my far on the Bull-pasture river, lying miles below McDowell, a lot Poll-angus cattle, consisting bulls and heifers, which are sev. eighths full blood. These s desirable cattle to handle in Hie land, and cattle raisers will find to their interest to apply to John Robsen*. Mossy Creek, Va Oct, 27-it. Tue Best Plaster..Dam pei piece of flannel with Chamberlai Pain Balm and bind it over the E of the pain. It is better than ; plaster. When the lungs are such an application on the ct and another on V-.^ hack, betw he shoulder blades, will often pre- j rent pneumonia. There ia Dotti- 1 no; so good for a I I iain in the side. A sore throat, e & tearly always becnred in one ni '.< iv applying a Hannel bandagei lampened with Pain Balm. 50 j ?ent bottles for sale by II. E. I lola* ^ Crabbottom, Va. -rr ii A. A. BANCRUI- Homoccp?.'.iic PHYSICl AN and SURG .^STAUNTON. VA. OFFICE ,28 EAST UAIS ST. Offers hi-; jiroiV-siona! Krricea Citlxeni of M ,<ii"i-y and Highlai au chronlc,nervo_» and diJBeaH peci.i'.ty. Patients visited at a distance Wh( n | tunable to call at my office, i| 1 > .. i ..;¦;¦...¦. lt : :: i': ; 1 bv inA.ll. 53.o0 a month anal aft medicine ftirnlehed for yiH diseases and for al patients. Ccrre«p>ndcncc so¬ licited. Hooni,9to 12 and a to 4. ¦:¦>¦ 101 vr. A Few Fasts. A remedy has been found which cures chronic di cot in <;v: i - case, but in a large pe tljem. And too far ;.¦: for curr, it affords relief and o prolongs life. Many who hav been given ovar by physicians have been prevailed upon by friends to cry this remedy, the I iraponnd Oxygen Treatment of Drs. Starkey $ Palen, of Philadelphia, and are now living to tesl' caral ive powers. It has been successful in curing many cases of catarrh, ma¬ larial fever, hay fever, as!Inna bronchitis, neuralgia, nervous pros¬ tration, and other chronic disei fu these diseases physicians have had little success, ns the na have givan to this class of disorders I indicates,, bot Compound Oxygen has worked wonders. There is only one genuine Coni- ponnd Oxygen, and any substance made elsewhere or by others than Dis. Starkey and Palen, is Spurious, /.void imitations. If you wish to learn more of this wonderful remedy, send for our book of 200 pages, sent free, with nnmerom tnd records of surprising cur- Sr*. Shxm & laJw, 1529 Arch street, Philadelphia. 120 Sutter Sti-fct, San Francisco. Please mention this paper. Ciie-mberlain'r Eye and Skin Ointment Is 11 Certain cure for Chronic Sore Eyes, Granulated Eye Luis, Sore Nipple*. Piles, Eczema,Tetter, Salt Rheum end Scald Head, 2o cents per box. For Bole by druggists. TO HORS_ToWNEItS. For patting l botan in a line healthy con¬ dition try Dr. Cady's Condition Powders They tone np the system, aid digestion, cun j loss of appetite, relieve constipation, cornel ' I kidney disorders and destroy worms, j-ivin;. nev; afc to an old or over worked hor e. Sh cents per package. For sale by druggists. WILLIAM A. FRASIER, M. D Practice limited to the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Formerly Consulting Oculist nnd An Hst to the St. Louis City Hospital, aw Surgeon- In Charge of the Missouri Byi and Eor Infirmary, St. Louis. OFFICE.Over Augusta National Banli STAUNTON, VIRGINIA. apr8 tf r II. STEPHENSON, Attorney at Law,' MONTEREY, YA. Practices in tbe c >airt « i-f Highland at Oath counties Va., mid pocahontas count W Va. ks 'd m I Of Ol '11- ire rh- it John W. Myers, Attornev-At-Lnw. Mon te rey, la. Resumes the practice of his prafe isi< in Highland and adjoining counties. Office.Spruce St., opposite Presbyteral church. octUCm Sl'LLIE II. SI 1 ,1 in's eat CHAS. P. JONES. TONES afc SIEC4, A1T0RNEYS-AT-LAW, MOKTKRKT, \ Will practice In all the courts ofHiffhlat __r>Mr. Jones will contlnoe to i>ra:tic< the CIRCUIT COURTS of Pendleton and cahontas counties, W. Va. au2? JOHN W. STEPHENSON, Attorney at Law, Wr.;m Springs, \'i Practice in the court* of Bath anal li land counties Va. and Pocahontas cou Attorneys at Law. Warm Springs Vi U!V COURTS. Allegri any, B?a<:h j otp Hish and !=.. u,e hofitas gounl .,. N. 8. Oar ->. 1 ..* "A tprid OiTlCai HILL'S j Double WEGpm«/BA"EE FltAD TESTIMONIALS, #i- «T>:,itiaffiiit£ssjauaa« »¦»¦ mi_ V> lil completely destroy tho doc' less; c rn ie no sickness, and nia~ edge ot il' j patient, who will i_ BRIM- ai MORPHINE HABIT aBBESS*!**-* it, by thc. use of our SPECIAL FORT..ULA GOLD CURE TABLETS. trcatmentpatlonts aro allowed tho frco use of Liquor or Mor* i until such timo as they shall voluntarily givo them up. ind particulars aud pamphlet of testimonials free, and shall 1 to placo sufferers from any of theso habits in communlcc- is who bare boen cured by the usoof ourTADLETS LL'8 TABLETS ?ro for salo by all first-class Ctn f.-:i-.»s at 'J 1 ,pO pc pock igc. rourdrnggi$Sv*oes_ot koop thom, enclose us S | .00 cad you by rcsturn mail a package ol our it nanio and addross plplnly. and atata aro for Tobacco, Morphlue or ^^^^¦"^¦"»»»»»»»»a______| DO NOT BB DECEIV uo_trna ¦. _ ik >' T-^-tGI-ETO -nd Uk tired only by ¦.j. \it CO., CIIEHIuAI C1,83 A B3 Opera Btoeii LIMA, OHIO. p_jfiTICUI__tt3 A FEW Testimonials from persons who have boon cured by the uso of Hil! s Tablets. , The Onio Chemical Co.: ' * Dear BlK;.I havo been using your cure for tobacco habit, aud found lt would do what you cit im for it. I used ten ccnta worth cf thc stronger t chewing tobie; na day, r end Irom one to five cigars; or I would smoko from ten to lorty pipes ol tobacco. Have chewed and smoked for twenty-va years, aud two packages ""**"'".-"""cd tiio ao J havo uo desire for it. il. IL JAY LOUD, LootiC, Ulcfe. ^^^^^^^^_^^^^^^B Donna PRBBT, N. Y. The Ohio Chemical Co. "..Gentlemen 5.Some timo uro I sent ..jr tl.oj worth ol' your Tablets for Tobacco Habit. I received icm all right awl, although I was Loth a beavj smokcrund chewer, y did tho work tn less than throe dara. 11 m cured. Truly yours, LiATIifcV,' JOUb'SGiJ, V. O. BOX 43. PiTwcoacn, ta. Chemical Co. :.Gentlemen :.It rives mo r>le_6_ro io »pcak a .lac for your Tablets. My sou was strongly addicted to thc uro of .-». ...- rou;,''.; a friend, I was lcd to try yoUi'Tcbl< ts. tlOWfBl' heavyand constant drinker, Lilt after using your Tablet- but three daya hoqultdriiakiag, ttouch liouor of any kind. I bavo waited four month before writing t j Lao >/ tuc cure waa perui-usat. Yean '> Waly, ^^^*>^->>>>>>ll-_______B aiKS. HELEN IIOIIUISOIL OlKC-ffVATI, Onio. icrforrnedarairacio in my case. ~..-*.-! >..-f hr a_! o of _Ai.-an THE OHIO OHEMIOAL OOg V / [^13 ' ***" ^V! « ^i" Ooera Qiock. LIMA, OHIO. Zn ii an wrU'ng F*^ mooUoa ¦«,_._, .-KfetfBrstf&mri&vw . -a' V~ Il Posits* CURES} linp>, filia -. u.iat Otha I !Iver [.in.- l hy ii." a|i aiU-l and :ji Eurolie. Pr-'. ... B. V ">r»:-- C «t- :......,!.Hil t ,. rr,;'. '. ¦.: in ovum ii mpltua by alie int ./. il' moho bl Hr.. .'->,.,! #inn pM »n:a:.f.- lal gp.at Dr,: iVnt Virginia Medica! > Ibu, - o'l Emtamoa ii lt* boat prep*. r lan kuown Pm 'isea-es Dr. (I. t. M '¦'. ¦.. Virrlaii.1. uart:."With cl.I Iron. I i prtparatl 'i baw tv.-r n " Dr. 1". V '. HI .-.iu Kioolilaa i (or Consumption with ari '.cb 1 am BC I'l.lMl'ol. Dr. I. K. Bratten, T«rk;ttlo, .a.. C.. nara:."DosMed and tj ..ii Ularara site Mau! follow il.e un- of Cttum's Kanni: lota." Kev. H.'H. Hawes, o' K ..rina Hie. Vav., ays'-"I Ita al rn Cmb'i..aldon for three itohtkt, ti i .v., aaa.nt pt ouauosl to tay lowe my III M's-. J. C. mboey Ljraohtarf,Ta, u*f:.'"Utaill I triel a F.nui'.jlon." I fa.iet I.) Und any pn-|.uraii.n ur Cali- Liv r oil my Hmitti) \>.uld retain, illa lu Um i'i.i.Ue»t I.Mitty " Theahore are a few of ihe hundreds of testimonial, wena** I of ale superiority of Ca.m's. Ealulaloo ov. r al! iimilir pn pa- rat ons I'M. Il ls manufactured of (be best material* aud with (.'rent eate and lt uni7emally popular whertrer kucwu. 1 or s.ile ly Druggists, tarry where. Cacim's KmulHtun rot nils at One Dollar. e. a. minmi ll at co., Wholrsnle Druggists. Manufacturers anti Prep.u P.O.LockOnwart-t Lvuciibumr. Va. wmmm NEW HIGH AUM .. .. .^3 M'. DUPLEX SEWING MACHINE. Sews either chain or lock stitch. rho lightest-running, most durable and most popular machine in the world. Send for catalogue. Best goods. Uest terms. Agents want¬ ed. WHEELERS WILSON MFG. CO. Philadelphia, Pa. dec 23-1 yr. fk. td. in Po¬ liah Btw M L. Mid m_& _i! WsT" 3 _.%¥ l_»§ Jk vB»> | j "J, r_t ¦ ai* Sa >S8''2. :»*¦-.' ; tsp -.*. FREE TRIAL. Weak Men tSTSgS'ZS? manly vigor. Varicoccle.ctc. Prof. Dumoi Nerve Pills will effect :i vpecdycure by itsu thona&nda of cases of tba stry worst k and oflong atanding bore been restored rh. 15,000 teaUmoniala from oVcrthe world. .': package ll. A MAGNIFICENT COMBINATION FOR THE PEOPLE! _ POPULAR LINK OF TUB LATEST SPRING ATTRACTIONS, AN UNLIMITED VARIETY IN EVERY DBPARTMT OP THB STORK, lilli D-TERMINATION AND A HU.ITV TO MAKE THE BEST PRICES WE ARE OFFERINg THESE INDUCEMENTS WITH THE BEST AND HANDSOMEST SFRING GOODS YOI EVEB SAW. TAUTIBS AS YOULIKE THEM! STYLES AMI 1-ASHION- I !IK LATEST! ASSa)KTM INT COMF-BTI 10 ALL atOItT P.ICM) HON'T FAIL ".OK SK OI'll SIV I.NIIII) STOCK AND TAKE ADYANTAI.K Ol' TH'.-. INDUCSMBUTa ol'l-EKEDIN DRY GOODS, 7ROCERI-S CLOTHING HOOTS. SHOES, HATS, CAPS, FURBISHING (J.OODS, NOTIONS, ETC. 11 thc LATEST and NICEST styles of the season. HONEST GOODS that pos the WORTH and HONEST MERIT. pUi(T:s the if AiRWrv »rc guarantee profit and pleasure to every customer. Profit, hecause our prices will pi ove a positive saving to the huyer. Plesure because our goods cannot fail to please in quality and style. It is impossible to make a mistake in your Spring buying if you select from the great Fair Priced stock of W. Ck ffAOT©H- r West Frederick St., jul3-ly. STAUNTON, VA m Ai IE TRADE A SPECIALTY. Sole Proprietors of the Celebrated Rockbridge County Virginia, Whisker, 2 years old. $2.00 per gallon. Call- and see us, HARMAN BROTHERS, DEALERS IN KINE WHISKIES, ST__.TJI>TTO_>r, "sr__._ OPPOSITE VIPlC3-IIsri__, HOTEL. BUILDERS 0? EXPRESS Bia DtilVEH. WAGONS © FOR Bakers, Butchers, Bottlers, Carpenters, Grocers and Every':ody. WRITE EOR CATALOGUE. Inter Nos Manufacturing Company, 609 TO 613 WEST PROMT STREET. WILMINGTON, DELAWARE 'IIMII.IIIIIIIII«l-----ag-^ I th. of its I .I ind t<^ all' 00 Itfl Favorite JSinger, High Aim Low Ann Every Machine hat a drop leaf, fancy cover, two large drawers, with nickel rings, and full set of Attachments, equal to any Singer Machine sold from $40 to $60 hy Canvassers. Thc High Arni Machine has a self-setting needle and self-threading ¦bottle. A trial in vour homo before payment. is asked. Buy direct of the Manufacturers and save agents' profits besides getting certifi¬ cates of warrantee fa»r five rear*. Send for machine wil'i name of a business man as referet it! '.'- npeat -Klee, co- co. Every buggy sold "foy agents has several dollars added o the manufacturer's price. Wt are manufacturers, aud have no /*etttl.' Po? twenty years have dealt with ie consumer. We ship anywhere, with ivilege of examining befcre buying. We _y freight charges both ways, if not sat- ,factory. Warrant everything for two cars. Anyone who can write can order a Mggy or harness from us as well as pay from $10 to $.50 for some middle man to order it for them. We give no credit, aud have one price only. Wby do you pay two profits on your carriages andliarutsf? Why do you pay some oue $10 to. $C0 for ordering these things, when you eau d i it and save this money? You run no risk. Wo let you see the gooda before you ac cept them. We pay all the freight if w fail to suit. Over twenty years ago wo commenced to sell in this way, and would * not bc in business now if w.« had via: Suited. 04 page catalogue free. Address t^.^t .HT??uriK ?,HAVjI-IESS HTOCO.. .:-vta*' 1

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Page 1: Highland Recorder.(Monterey, VA) 1893-11-24. · HIGHLANl)^RECORDER. Advertising Rate*. LtVcta.1nr>tfce«att

HIGHLANl)^RECORDER.Advertising Rate*.

LtVcta.1 nr>tfce« at t<)cper line for first lns«r-«|»yWon, and 5c per lime for ench suiasequent iqkjlAVtki'on* Transient advertisements insertearT}Ut t*« rate of $1 per inch fo« first insertionaad ROc for each Subsequent insertion. All

advertisements fot a shorter period than

three months considered transient. Rates

.or three months arid over arenas follows:

"One inch.,.Two inches.......Three Inches.:..-.Pour trachea......Pive inches...s...Quarter col ... .

Half column.. ..

One column.

:$ nia*l. flfcrnos. 1 yr.$ -.5 00 ] $ 8 OO* 3 00

5 007 OOIO 0012 0015 0020 0040 00 | 50 OO

*»-The above rates will be strictly ad

tiered to.

-S 0012 OO*r> oo2o oo28 00SK 00

12 0018 0020 0030 004-o ero50 00100 00


Judge 13th judicial Circuit.-rllon. Wm.McLaughlin, Lexington, Ya. j st

County Judge..Hon. C. II. McI)an-\ *

_ald, Warm Springs, Va.Circuit and County Clerk..J. C. Ma- \

theny, Monterey, Va.Attorney for Commonwealth..L. II.

Stephenson. Monterey. Va.Sheriff..E. M. Arbogast Monterey.Treasurer..J. A. Jones, Hightown.Commissioner of Revenue..\V. P.

Campbell, Monterey.Sup't of Poor..A. T. Stephenson.Sup't of Schools..B. Hiner Hansel.Board of Supervisor*..J. S. McNulty.

.chairman, and Jas. Terry and S. \V.

Sterrett.Cncncu Reoistek. i*

Presbyterial*.Rev. T. N. Lambert,pastor.M.E. Church.Rev. R. II. Clark pastor.V. B. Church.Rev. J, M. Hott, pas¬

torM. E. Church South.F. E.Hammond,

ipastor.Epworth League. M. E. Church South,Monterey.Monthly meetinjrs. Devotional services

each Sabbath at 3:30, p. m. Literary ser¬

vices on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday nights,and business meetings the 4-th Wednesdaynights. The Hails.

. From Staunton to Monterey.Arrivesat Monterey at 7 p. m.; leaves at 5 a. m.

daily.Horseshoe Route.Leaves Monterey

at 5 a. m., via Vanderpool, on Tuesdays,Thursdays and Saturdays; leaves Monte

jrey at 5 a. m., via Strait Creek, on Mon-i

.rJays Wednesdays and Fridays. /

Ripaus Tabulcs banish pain.

>AU kinds of dried fruits wantedy L. S. Dickenson.

sf Sausage cutters and stuffer* at

\^. .Bishop Bros.

.Mrs. Wm. A. Hevener who Ii~recnear Monterey is sick.

Call ou W. L. Taylor, silversmithTor all kinds of sewing machine

/needles. >

"Miss Annie Bishop of Crab Runis seriously ill at the home of Mrs.Jenny Hiner at this 'place.



Bishop Bros will receive another.lot ot sweet potatoes Monday n tAand will sell then for 3c. per lb **

Mr. Alle.-t Waggoner and wifeand Mrs. \y.P. Rexrode of StraightCreek were among last wtc'.is visi¬tors atihe stores.

Don't forget, the AuctionSale at Don Sulleuberger'$- Co's on Tuesday next.

Mr. Jacob Lightner and son, Pe¬ter, of Back Creek were up this

'week, doing their fall trading at

"Bishop Bros.Trade, of all kind, old silvet

ycase<Mind old watch movements ta-

/kan in exchange for work by VV,

I.Ai. Taylor silver-smith.Henry W. Wilson, formerly oj

tCowpasture, Va. died at his norm

in Verona county Mo, the 18th d,rjof Nov. 1893, aged 82 years.

-Dr. E. J. Jones ofMcDowell wai

married hist week to Miss EmmiV.'Bucher, daughter of Dr. J, D.Hitcher of Augusta Co.

-Irs. Dr. Patterson and her sisterMrs.Wm. Smythe left for StauntonTuesday after spending a wee]with relatives and friends in thi.county.

Mr. J, C. Crowley passed througltown Monday on his way te Staticton to consult with Dr. Hinkle i

regard toJhw wife, who has bewi i"bad health for a long time.

Last Monday was turkey day ittfwau. Bishop Bros. started 110on- fGot. tomarket. J. B. Bradshadrove 300 from Crabbotton and 60from Back Creek. Ia addition tthe large number driven by BishoBros. several hundred were buttiered and shipped by wagons.

Sickness in the lower end <

town has caused those in that se

tion wbo get water from the tow

spring to give it a thorough ren

vating, and repairing. Thissomething that should be watch*closely and sickness preventedpossible.Died:.At Huntersville, Pocaho

. tas county, W. Va. at 3:30 o'eloMonday inorning, Oct. 30th,Pflteomonia, Mrs. Sallie Snyd*

. ..'wife o. ¥. J. Snyder, Esq., an <*

iorhey-at-law, aged 47 years and.niotiths. She was a daughterthe late Wm. Carey, of Lewisbu

- ; W. Va., a sister of Mrs. R. S. Tuof Staunton and of Mr. J. H. Ot

C:r Cary. She leaves a husband a

7 children.T&r. Howard Fox of Crabbottr.

on his return from Staunton liMonday, was showing the woi

inga of his pistol to a friend, whit was discharged, the ball takieffect in the palm of his hand,Uicting a painful wound. Me ca

\^2 ' tn Monterey/and-Drs. K. H. and;-*VH:Trimble removed the ball fi...." . the.tojr part. of his hand near 1

wr]s¥:.-Ttiis is another object 1ton:S boys.-


Several loads of salt just receiv- ,JI at Bishop Bros.

.^A.11 kinds of game wanted by L.

. Dickenson.Mrs. J. M. Colaw who has been

nite ill is improving slowly .

Oranges, Raise ns, Citrons and t

farrants just received at Bishop I

fro*. *

Mrs. Paul Brown (colored) whoias boen sick for nearly a month is jinproving slowly.Wm. Bratten, Esq.,of Marlint in

pent a few days in Monterey lastveek.

I liring your turkeys and chickens0 L. S. Dickenson. He p.iys theugliest market prices.Mr. ,). C. Bishop who has boen

unwell since his trip West, is againconfined to his room. L

r Bring your pork to us, we are

pitying Oe. per lb tor it thi-; year..Bishop Bros'Goods at a si orifice at

Don Sulhnberger $ Co's,next Tuesday.

tWe are paying \\Sc. for all soundild turkeys: it will pay' yon to

bring us all you get..BishopBros.Mr. C. C. Snyder and wife of

Crabbottom were i:i town yester¬day. Mr. S. made this office a pay¬ing call.ir Don't forget the goods on our

cost table when you come to Mon¬terey, there are lots ofbargains yoncan use..Bishop Bros.

Goods must go regard-Jrfss of price at Don Sullen-bergers next Tuesday.Our young friend, Don Bullen-

berger left Saturday for Rich¬mond, Va., where he expects to se¬

cure a position in thc Pullman car


Mr. D. V. Ruckman made a tripinto the county this week, andwhile here came in and renewed his

subscription to the Recorder.Thanks.

I Every body who noticed the un¬

precedented rush of produce lobishop Bros. for the past 2 weeks,cannot help but conclude that thisis beyond a doubt the place to mar¬

ket produce.Come to Court Tuesday

the>98tlh and buy a har-Alain at the Bon SuUenber-ger auction sale.

Miss Jane McClintic, of Letcher,Bath SOU0ty, win has been under¬doing medical treatment in Phila¬delphia for the past two monthshas sufficiently regained herhealth as to be able to returnhome.

Died..At his home near Trav¬elers Repose, Pocahontas county.\V. Va. on the 1C> day of November1893. Lafayette Burner of Pneu¬monia, aged 50 vears 8 months and15 days. Mr. Frnnk Burner who isattending school here is a son ot'the decensed. and his many friend?mourn with him in his deep sorrow.

Many people suffer from trouble^some and repulsive sores, boils, anderuptions, without ever testing thrmarvelous curative properties olAyer's Sarsaparilla- The experi¬ment is, certainly, worth tryingBe sure you get Ayer'? Sarsaparillaand no other.

The smallest "cat-boil" is large', enough to show that the blooi'., needs purifying.a warning whicht if unheeded, may result, not irs something very much worse. Aver

the dancer in time bv the use o

Aver's Sarsaparilla, Cured otherwill cure you.







figili¬lli eI.mnthe

Augusta Co. Argus: Variooestimates as to what Mr, Bod lev'campaign cost him have been mad<some going up to over &10,00(We are told by one who savs hknows, that it was less than $1.00and that Jones and Small made n

charge and the Quartette receiveonly their expenses.

Last Tuesday was a reminder, mvery gentle, that winter was clo!at hand. Had our grand olmountains been out of the way, v*

would h«ave had a six or eight hoiblizzard. Fine snow and sledriven by a chilly wind fell to

depth of 3 or 4 inches, bat Weinesdays warm sunshine left littof it to tell of our first snow.

I will fill my appointment ne

Sunday at Hightown and Pisga(D. V.) preaching at the formplace at ll a. m. and at the lattat 3:,30p. m. The third QuartetMeeting will be held at HightovSaturday the'ind .and Sunday t3rd of December. Let the offlcimembers take notice and govethemselves accordingly.

F. E. Hammond.

Pocahontas Times: Foot ballhaving a very great run in tlplace now. The Military lehihere or the town either wouldglad to play a match gameThanksgiving, that can send abca dozen stout men. The rules v

be those simply of a big side gaiand all that will be required is 1feet and no favor. [Now is itime for the Monterey boys to c

er themselves with glory. Bnes-1 up and go out and show them

I thing:or two..Ed.]


trXTantea! Twenty-five car loans ofPX/V nPPles. a'1 varieties taken at cash \(f7* prices.P, li. SUBI.BTT ft Son,taunton Va; opposite C. afc O. depot.,0V. --)4-0t.

I am again proprietor of Monter-y Tannery ( having rented it forhe past two years) all who havelidv.s wfll lind it to their interest to

lajwthom to my yard to have thomJmned or exchange for leather or

my thing in the saddle and harnessine. I will 'nave the best of srork-nen and will insure satisfaction.

S. W. CrummetT.










Fixal Auction HaleOF

Store goods at Don Sullenbergerk Co's./oid stand. Next Tuesday:hjs >£Sih. All goods remainingii^rfst goon that day regardless of(nice. Those who want bargainsshould come, for goods will ga at a

.jreat sacrafice.Jones & Sieg Trustees.

No Issue La;;t Week

It wai not the fault of the P. M.that you did io' get your ppper last

:. neither was it ours, bat thisletter explains it all.

Baltimobb, Xor. 17th., '03.Pbulisher Becobdj-K,

Monterey Va.Dear Sir: .Through Bonre unaccountable

mistake on our part, we noticed to¬

day feat your paper had not been

shipped for this week,a like mis¬take to which has not occurred inall our experience of fifteen yi^\r:.We were indeed sorry to find thatwe had made the mistake, anJ im¬mediately printed your issueand shipped by first train, in hopeschat it would get to you and be ofMime use. /_swe stated before.a likemistake has not occured rn oar ex¬

perience, and we hone will never oc¬

cur again, as wc are aware of theinconvenience and annoyance youno doubt suffiered.Kindly let ns know whether

package reached you in time to beo£ any service.

Yours Very Truly,Baltimobb Newspaper Union-.

Jurors foi* November Tenn ofCounty Court.GRAND JI'IvV.

G. M. Rexrode, S. Newman, G.I). Dudley, John W. Bird, dames P.

Hiner, Jno. W. Simmons, W. P.Rexrode, Josiah Wilson. Squire J.Blagg, John M. Blagg, Thou. M.Devericks and J. L. Shumate.


II. II. Seybert, T. M. Devericks,John M.Jones, J. N. Stover, H.M. Ervine Sr. Jno. M. Blagg, W.

T. Swadley, Robt. L. Gillett, 0. P.

Chew, W. W. Benson. H, S. Crow¬

ley and W. A. Jones.-«_o~*-.-

Public Renting.Notice is hereby given that or

Saturday tin- Kith, day of Decem¬ber next, at Meadow Dale P. 0. at

Slaven's Store in Highland count)Va., I will rent the farm of ni)ward John McGwin lying nea.]

Vanderpoel P. 0. in said county ant

known as the John Gwin farm,foia term of three years beginningMarch 1st* 1804Terms made known on day o

renting.F McNulty,

Guard'n of John McGwin.

Highland County Court Clerk's office to-wit:

E S T ll A Y.Taken up by Robert N. Ervine

on his land, on the 25th day of Abgust 1893, of the following description: n two-year-old, rtd muleheifer with some white ou bell]oaek, tail and legs, and with ero

and slit in left ear and appraised i

$11.00 by A. A. Alexander, JohH. Clayton and B. Jil. Hansel b

fore W. H. Armstrong, J. P.An extract Teste:

J. C. Mathbny, cr

Nov. 10 3t.

Sale Ol Valuable ImproviStock.

I will sell privately on my faron the Bull-pasture river, lyingmiles below McDowell, a lotPoll-angus cattle, consistingbulls and heifers, which are sev.

eighths full blood. These s

desirable cattle to handle in Hieland, and cattle raisers will findto their interest to apply to

John Robsen*.Mossy Creek, Va

Oct, 27-it.

Tue Best Plaster..Dam peipiece of flannel with ChamberlaiPain Balm and bind it over the E

of the pain. It is better than ;

plaster. When the lungs are :¦

such an application on the ct

and another on V-.^ hack, betw

he shoulder blades, will often pre- j

rent pneumonia. There ia Dotti- 1

no; so good for a I Iiain in the side. A sore throat, e &

tearly always becnred in one ni '.<

iv applying a Hannel bandageilampened with Pain Balm. 50 j?ent bottles for sale by II. E. I lola* ^Crabbottom, Va.

-rr iiA. A. BANCRUI-




Offers hi-; jiroiV-siona! KrriceaCitlxeni of M ,<ii"i-y and Highlaiau chronlc,nervo_» and diJBeaH

peci.i'.ty.Patients visited at a distance Wh( n

|tunable to call at my office,i| 1 > .¦ .. i ..;¦;¦...¦. lt : :: i': ; 1 bv

inA.ll. 53.o0 a monthanal aft medicine ftirnlehed for yiH diseasesand for al patients. Ccrre«p>ndcncc so¬

licited. Hooni,9to 12 and a to 4.¦:¦>¦ 101 vr.

A Few Fasts.A remedy has been found which

cures chronic di cot in <;v: i -

case, but in a large petljem. And too far ;.¦:

for curr, it affords relief and o

prolongs life. Many who hav

been given ovar by physicians have

been prevailed upon by friends to

cry this remedy, the I iraponndOxygen Treatment of Drs. Starkey$ Palen, of Philadelphia, and are

now living to tesl' caral ive

powers. It has been successful incuring many cases of catarrh, ma¬

larial fever, hay fever, as!Innabronchitis, neuralgia, nervous pros¬tration, and other chronic diseifu these diseases physicians havehad little success, ns the na

have givan to this class ofdisordersI indicates,, bot Compound Oxygenhas worked wonders.There is only one genuine Coni-

ponnd Oxygen, and any substancemade elsewhere or by others thanDis. Starkey and Palen, is Spurious,/.void imitations.

If you wish to learn more of thiswonderful remedy, send for our

book of 200 pages, sent free, withnnmerom tnd recordsof surprising cur-

Sr*. Shxm & laJw,1529 Arch street, Philadelphia.120 Sutter Sti-fct, San Francisco.Please mention this paper.

Ciie-mberlain'r Eye and Skin OintmentIs 11 Certain cure for Chronic Sore Eyes,

Granulated Eye Luis, Sore Nipple*. Piles,Eczema,Tetter, Salt Rheum end Scald Head,2o cents per box. For Bole by druggists.

TO HORS_ToWNEItS.For patting l botan in a line healthy con¬

dition try Dr. Cady's Condition PowdersThey tone np the system, aid digestion, cun

j loss of appetite, relieve constipation, cornel' I kidney disorders and destroy worms, j-ivin;.

nev; afc to an old or over worked hor e. Shcents per package. For sale by druggists.


Practice limited to the

Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat.Formerly Consulting Oculist nnd An

Hst to the St. Louis City Hospital, aw

Surgeon- In Charge of the Missouri Byiand Eor Infirmary, St. Louis.OFFICE.Over Augusta National Banli


r II. STEPHENSON,Attorney at Law,'

MONTEREY, YA.Practices in tbe c >airt « i-f Highland at

Oath counties Va., mid pocahontas count

W Va.








John W. Myers,Attornev-At-Lnw.Mon te rey, la.

Resumes the practice of his prafe isi<in Highland and adjoining counties.Office.Spruce St., opposite Presbyteralchurch. octUCm


1 ,1




Will practice In all the courts ofHiffhlat__r>Mr. Jones will contlnoe to i>ra:tic<

the CIRCUIT COURTS of Pendletonandcahontas counties, W. Va. au2?

JOHN W. STEPHENSON,Attorney at Law,

Wr.;m Springs, \'i

Practice in the court* of Bath anal li

land counties Va. and Pocahontas cou

Attorneys at Law.Warm Springs Vi

U!V COURTS. Allegri any, B?a<:h j

otp Hish and !=..u,e hofitas gounl.,. N. 8. Oar ->. 1 ..* "A


HILL'Sj Double



#i- «T>:,itiaffiiit£ssjauaa« »¦»¦ .» mi_

V> lil completely destroy tho doc'less; c rn ie no sickness,andnia~edge ot il' j patient, who willi_


trcatmentpatlonts aro allowed tho frco use of Liquor or Mor*

i until such timo as they shall voluntarily givo them up.

ind particulars aud pamphlet of testimonials free, and shall

1 to placo sufferers from any of theso habits in communlcc-is who bare boencured by the usoof ourTADLETS

LL'8 TABLETS ?ro for salo by all first-classCtn f.-:i-.»s at 'J 1 ,pO pc pock igc.

rourdrnggi$Sv*oes_ot koop thom, enclose us S | .00cad you by rcsturn mail a package ol our

it nanio and addross plplnly. and atataaro for Tobacco, Morphlue or

^^^^¦"^¦"»»»»»»»»a______|DO NOT BB DECEIV

uo_trna¦. _ ik >'

T-^-tGI-ETO -nd Uktired only by


\it CO.,CIIEHIuAIC1,83 A B3 Opera Btoeii

LIMA, OHIO.p_jfiTICUI__tt3

A FEWTestimonials

from personswho have boon

cured by the uso of

Hil! s Tablets., The Onio Chemical Co.:

' *

Dear BlK;.I havo been using yourcure for tobacco habit, aud found lt would

do what you cit im for it. I used ten ccnta

worth cf thc stronger t chewing tobie; na day,

r end Irom one to five cigars; or I would smoko

from ten to lorty pipes ol tobacco. Have chewedand smoked for twenty-va years, aud two packages

""**"'".-"""cd tiio ao J havo uo desire for it.il. IL JAY LOUD, LootiC, Ulcfe.

^^^^^^^^_^^^^^^B Donna PRBBT, N. Y.

The Ohio Chemical Co. "..Gentlemen 5.Some timo uro I sent

..jr tl.oj worth ol' your Tablets for Tobacco Habit. I received

icm all right awl, although I was Loth a beavj smokcrund chewer,

y did tho work tn less than throe dara. 11 m cured.Truly yours, LiATIifcV,' JOUb'SGiJ, V. O. BOX 43.

PiTwcoacn, ta.

Chemical Co. :.Gentlemen :.It rives mo r>le_6_ro io »pcak a

.lac for your Tablets. My sou was strongly addicted to thc uro of

.-». ...- rou;,''.; a friend, I was lcd to try yoUi'Tcbl< ts. tlOWfBl' heavyandconstant drinker, Lilt after using your Tablet- but three daya hoqultdriiakiag,

ttouch liouor of any kind. I bavo waited four month before writing

t j Lao >/ tuc cure waa perui-usat. Yean '> Waly,^^^*>^->>>>>>ll-_______B aiKS. HELEN IIOIIUISOIL

OlKC-ffVATI, Onio.icrforrnedarairacio in my case.

~..-*.-! >..-f hr a_! o of

_Ai.-an THE OHIO OHEMIOAL OOgV / [^13 ' ***" ^V! « ^i" Ooera Qiock. LIMA, OHIO.

Zn ii

an wrU'ng F*^ mooUoa ¦«,_._,.-KfetfBrstf&mri&vw .

-a' V~

Il Posits*


filia -. u.iatOtha .¦ I


l hy ii." a|i aiU-land :ji Eurolie.

Pr-'. ... B. V ">r»:-- C «t-:......,!.Hil t


'. ¦.: in R«

ovumii mpltua by alie int

./. il' moho blHr..


#inn pM»n:a:.f.- lal gp.at

Dr,: iVnt Virginia Medica! >

Ibu, - o'l Emtamoa ii lt* boat prep*.r lan kuown Pm 'isea-es

Dr. (I. t. M '¦'. ¦.. Virrlaii.1. uart:."With cl.I Iron.

I i prtparatl 'i baw tv.-r n .¦"

Dr. 1". V '. HI .-.iu Kioolilaai (or Consumption with ari '.cb 1 am

BC I'l.lMl'ol.Dr. I. K. Bratten, T«rk;ttlo, .a.. C.. nara:."DosMed and

tj ..ii Ularara site Mau! follow il.e un- of Cttum's Kanni: lota."Kev. H.'H. Hawes, o' K ..rina Hie. Vav., ays'-"I Ita al rn

Cmb'i..aldon for three itohtkt, ti i .v., aaa.nt ptouauoslto tay lowe my III

M's-. J. C. mboey Ljraohtarf,Ta, u*f:.'"Utaill I triela F.nui'.jlon." I fa.iet I.) Und any pn-|.uraii.n ur Cali-

Liv r oil my Hmitti) \>.uld retain, illa lu Um i'i.i.Ue»t

I.Mitty "

Theahore are a few of ihe hundreds of testimonial, wena** Iof ale superiority of Ca.m's. Ealulaloo ov. r al! iimilir pn pa-rat ons I'M. Il ls manufactured of (be best material* aud

with (.'rent eate and lt uni7emally popular whertrer kucwu.1 or s.ile ly Druggists, tarry where.

Cacim's KmulHtun rot nils at One Dollar.e. a. minmi ll at co.,

Wholrsnle Druggists. Manufacturers anti Prep.uP.O.LockOnwart-t Lvuciibumr. Va.


.. ..



DUPLEXSEWING MACHINE.Sews either chain or lock stitch.

rho lightest-running, most durableand most popular machine in theworld. Send for catalogue. Bestgoods. Uest terms. Agents want¬ed.WHEELERS WILSON MFG. CO.

Philadelphia, Pa.dec 23-1 yr.







m_&_i! WsT"3 _.%¥ l_»§Jk vB»> | j


¦ ai*Sa >S8''2.

:»*¦-.' ; tsp -.*.

FREE TRIAL.WeakMen tSTSgS'ZS?manly vigor. Varicoccle.ctc. Prof. Dumoi

Nerve Pills will effect :i vpecdycure by itsu

thona&nda ofcases oftba stry worst k

and oflong atanding bore been restoredrh. 15,000 teaUmoniala from

oVcrthe world. .': package ll.









NOTIONS, ETC.11 thc LATEST and NICEST styles of the season. HONEST GOODS that pos

the WORTH and HONEST MERIT.pUi(T:s the if AiRWrv

»rc guarantee profit and pleasure to every customer. Profit, hecause our prices will

pi ove a positive saving to the huyer. Plesure because our goods cannot fail to

please in quality and style.It is impossible to make a mistake in your Spring buying if you select

from the great Fair Priced stock of

W. Ck ffAOT©H-r West Frederick St.,jul3-ly.



Proprietorsof the


Rockbridge CountyVirginia,

Whisker, 2 yearsold.

$2.00 per gallon.Call- and see us,


ST__.TJI>TTO_>r, "sr__._OPPOSITE VIPlC3-IIsri__, HOTEL.



Bakers, Butchers,

Bottlers, Carpenters,Grocers and Every':ody.


Inter Nos Manufacturing Company,609 TO 613 WEST PROMT STREET.



Ith.ofits I.Iindt<^all'00Itfl

Favorite JSinger,HighAimLowAnn

Every Machine hata drop leaf, fancy cover, two large drawers,with nickel rings, and full set of Attachments,equal to any Singer Machine sold from $40 to

$60 hy Canvassers. Thc High Arni Machinehas a self-setting needle and self-threading¦bottle. A trial in vour homo before payment.is asked. Buy direct of the Manufacturersand save agents' profits besides getting certifi¬cates of warrantee fa»r five rear*. Send formachine wil'i name of a business man as

referet it! '.'- npeat -Klee,

co- co.

Every buggy sold "foy agents has severaldollars added o the manufacturer's price.Wt are manufacturers, aud have no

/*etttl.' Po? twenty years have dealt withie consumer. We ship anywhere, with

ivilege ofexamining befcre buying. We_y freight charges both ways, if not sat-

,factory. Warrant everything for two

cars. Anyone who can write can order a

Mggy or harness from us as well as payfrom $10 to $.50 for some middle man to

order it for them. We give no credit, audhave one price only. Wby do you paytwo profits on your carriages andliarutsf?Why do you pay some oue $10 to. $C0 for

ordering these things, when you eau d i

it and save this money? You run no risk.Wo let you see the gooda before you ac

cept them. We pay all the freight if wfail to suit. Over twenty years ago wo

commenced to sell in this way, and would *

not bc in business now if w.« had via:

Suited. 04 page catalogue free. Address

t^.^t .HT??uriK ?,HAVjI-IESS HTOCO...:-vta*'