high ground leadership

High Ground Leadership Creating Leaders in the workplace Tony Orbin June 2009 0 | Page

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A Presentation on Leadership


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High Ground


Creating Leaders in the workplace

Tony Orbin June 2009

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The Leadership Challenge

In the workplace, many settle for mediocrity, working from pay cheque to pay cheque. Few strive to excel. As a result, management often spends more time than they should ensuring that the job gets done.

I firmly believe that every individual has the potential to succeed, to contribute, and to make a difference. I believe that it is mostly patterns of behavior and attitude that we have adopted over time that hold us back and slow us down.

Each of us is faced with numerous opportunities to lead in the workplace on a daily basis. It could be a discussion on how best to tackle a particular problem. It could be asking your superior for clarification on a particular task. In any situation you can think of, large or small, someone is taking the lead.

In order to lead on a consistent basis, our mindsets and behavior need to be transformed on a day by day basis. This programme provides the fundamentals to initiate and sustain the process.

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The High Ground Principle

Military strategists from Genghis Kahn to Douglas MacArthur have all understood the advantages of taking the high ground, the literal highest point in the physical terrain of the battlefield.

The first army on the field claims the high ground. And field position makes up the bulk of military strategy.

Look at the high ground advantage geometrically. There is only a narrow angle at which shots fired uphill can hit their intended target. But shooting downhill opens the enemy to exposure from three or four times as big an area. The easier target will suffer greater casualties

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In the 1996 film “The Rock”, a group of navy seals is deployed to take back Alcatraz from a group of rogue marines led by a dissident Brigadier General who has threatened to launch nerve gas rockets against the San Francisco Bay area unless his demands are met.

Soon after getting on the island, the seals are discovered by the marines, who having the higher ground, dispatch them quickly.

The scene is a graphic illustration of the military advantage of Higher Ground when one side is physically better located than the other.

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The Opportunity

In everything you do in your work situation, every task you tackle, every interaction you have with your peers, your subordinates or your superiors, you have the opportunity to adopt the high ground principle by implementing the strategies presented. You have the opportunity to set the highest possible standard in everything you think, say and do, every day.

In the sporting world, world class sportsmen know the principles that determine their performance and practice relentlessly until their execution is near flawless. Tiger Woods, Jack Nicklaus and Gary Player have all spent thousands of hours perfecting their technique to reach world – class standard. When Gary Player once sunk a bunker shot, a spectator commented “That was lucky”. Gary Player retorted, “The more I practice, the luckier I get”.

In sport, knowledge of the rules gets you on to the playing field, using the principles to their best effect within the boundaries of the rules enables you to succeed.

It is the same in business and in life. Knowledge of the rules gets you on to the playing fields of success and fulfillment. Executing while mindful of the principles

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yields ever improving results. Not instantly. The process is compound in nature. As you use them more and more on a daily basis, issues become clearer, decisions become easier to make, and you start leading more and more.

With more effective decision-making comes greater success, increased confidence and self – esteem. You become more resilient. Setbacks are less painful. You look for the lessons. You move in the right direction. You develop self – discipline and character.

You start progressing in your relationships with other people. You treat them the way you would want to be treated, fairly, honorably, with dignity and kindness. They respond in kind. Your reputation grows.

Finally, you look for ways to serve the broader community, making the best use of your skills and talents. You are integrating the expertise you have developed from Stage 1 and Stage 2 for the greater good.

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Get out of your Comfort Zone

Next time you go to the shopping mall or any place where there are many people, look around you and observe.

You will see that the majority of people are in poor physical condition, especially those past forty. You should see a small minority who are in good physical shape, they carry themselves well, and they look healthy.

They most likely got that way through good eating habits and sound exercise regimes. They made the decision, and managed it on an ongoing basis, to step out of their comfort zones and pay the price necessary to keep in good shape.

A body builder develops an excellent physique by pushing himself to the limit, always careful not to push himself too far, which can result in serious injury.

To develop leadership characteristics, you need to push the boundaries of your comfort zones in the goals you set for yourself. The security of the mundane just doesn`t cut it.

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High Ground Leadership – Creating Leaders in the


What Drives Business

The business environment is growing more and more competitive by the day. The drive is to produce the best quality product or service at the lowest possible cost, thereby improving market share and profitability.

Any business at its most basic level consists of three parts:

1. Hardware2. Software3. People

The most important of the three is people. People determine how well the hardware is used and how well the software is implemented.

The people in any organization will fall into one of three categories:

1. Laggards or poor performers (say 10%)

2. Average performers (say 80%)3. High or star performers (say 10%)

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Imagine the effect on the performance of the business if the average performers start becoming high performers and the poor performers start improving their performance. Such a change would noticeably affect the bottom line.

Management and leadership is all about correcting and guiding the performance of people. No manager or leader is continuously available to the employees to give guidance as to how they should do any particular job.

The most successful people in business manage their own attitudes and behavior to get the results they are striving for.

This programme is designed to help the individual in the business environment improve his decision-making on a day to day basis, giving him the tools he needs to manage his own performance and produce results that will benefit both the company he works for and his own career.

The programme is put together in a way that makes it easy to understand, and, best of all, simple to implement and practice in everyday situations that we all face. The program addresses the results we are currently achieving and why we are achieving them, and how at a fundamental level we can change our attitudes and

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behavior to start achieving consistently superior performance.

The Programme Concept

There are two fundamentals that underpin this programme. They are as follows:

1. Rules guide your actions2. Principles determine the results of your actions

When you drive a car, for example, the rules of the road guide your driving decisions (when to slow down, when to stop, what side of the road to drive on), principles determine the results of your actions (when you depress the accelerator, the car speeds up, when you turn the steering wheel, the car starts to turn) and so on.

Most sports have rules, all are principle – driven.

You can surf any way you like, there are no rules (outside of competition surfing), the combination of your skill on the surf board and the wave dynamics will determine the results you experience.

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Golf and cricket are examples of sports that are highly regulated as far as rules are concerned.All businesses have their own sets of rules (for example what time you get to work, what time you finish,) and principles will drive their results.

The set of rules that have been developed apply to what we think, say and do. This gives the guidelines for successful behavior in the business environment.

As individuals in the working environment, we each have our own set of personal values which guide our actions. These values have formed over time and our parents, our peers, and our life experiences have all contributed to their development.

Some of our values guide us in the right direction toward our goals, some in the wrong direction

During this program, you will discover how your own unique values weigh up with the concepts presented.

This evaluation can only be constructive and lead to you making significant and lasting changes in how you perform

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in the business environment, and is something that will hopefully continue long after the programme is finished.

First Stage For Leadership Success –

Rules and Principles


What You Think

Be Thankful - make the most of every circumstance you face. You cannot control what happens; you can control your response to it. You only live once. Make the most of it.

Be Joyful – Enjoy your life as much as you can. Find a way to enjoy every moment, every interaction, and every task. You grow most when you face adversity. You are at your most productive when you are in a joyful mood.

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Be quick to listen – You need to hear what the other person has to say. Don’t reply until you know where they’re coming from. They wouldn’t say it if it wasn’t important to them.

Be slow to anger – When you get angry, you lose the plot. Emotions rule. Simply put, anger is caused by a blocked goal. Look at what made you angry and learn from it.

Don’t worry about anything – you worry if you are uncertain how to proceed or what to do next. Get advice. Talk to people you can trust. Clarify.

Maintain a positive attitude – Thoughts lead to beliefs Beliefs lead to expectations Expectation leads to attitude Attitude leads to performance

If you find you have a negative attitude toward some part of your work environment, address it quickly.

Keep your thoughts on what is true, right, admirable, excellent, and praiseworthy.

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Reflective Questions:

What are you thankful about at work?





What irritates you at work?


What parts of your work do you enjoy?


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On a scale of 1 to 10, how well do you listen to your co-workers?

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Do you have a positive attitude towards the work you do?


Reflect on your attitude toward tasks you recently performed……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

What You Say

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Don’t complain or argue – If you have a problem with something at work, for example, speak to the responsible person. Don’t complain to your fellow workers. It doesn’t achieve anything.

Be slow to speak– weigh your words before you speak. You’re words have an impact. Make sure it’s the right impact

Be a person of integrity – Match your actions with your words. There’s nothing worse than someone who says one thing and does another

Encourage Others – Acknowledge other peoples efforts, goals dreams. Encourage them. Your words of encouragement can give them an incredible boost.

Give valid praise and criticism where due – praise for a job well done motivates people to keep up the standard. Criticism properly given can identify shortcomings and help correct behavior

Reflective Questions

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When did you last direct your complaints to the right person?


In recent work that you were involved in, did you consistently keep your commitments?


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Do you receive frequent encouragement in the work-place, and how does it affect you?


Reflect on times when you gave valid praise or criticism, how you felt and how it was received.


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What You Do

Plan – Time is a limited resource. Make the best use of it by planning your activities in order of their priority

Do your best – whatever task you do, do it to the best of your ability. Very few people do that. You win, you grow faster in your work capacity, your company wins, it has to be the right thing to do

Go the extra mile – Do more than is expected of you. Make sure it’s OK with the powers that be. Someone once said it’s not crowded at the extra mile. Make it a habit. You’ll soon outgrow your job.

Test Everything – Ask questions. Take nothing for granted. You have to continually push the boundary of your comfort zone.

Ask People, Search for Answers, Knock on Doors – If you have a dream, pursue it. Do what it takes. The

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answers are out there. People are willing to help. Get cracking.

Submit to Authority – You work for a boss. You don’t always agree with him. Stay within your boundaries. He says A. You say B. Discuss it with him. If he insists on A, you’ve had you’re say, support him.

Be Disciplined – You often need to do difficult things. Do them. Go to the gym and exercise daily. You pay a price; you’re fit and healthy as a result.

Persevere – If you don’t hang in there, you won’t achieve the desired result.

Be Generous – Be willing to help others.

Be Humble – Never sing your own praises. You will be brought down to size.

Reflective Questions

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Do you plan your work on a daily basis, and how and when do you create that plan?


Reflect on work that you have done where you exceeded the standard required and did more than was required.


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Do you regularly ask questions about how things work and why they work the way they do?


Reflect on how you have shown respect for your superior`s authority even when you did not agree with his decision.


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What do you do on a daily basis that requires discipline on your part?


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Principles can be divided into three different areas, which follow each other or in other words follow a sequence.

The three areas are:

1. Preparation

2. Process

3. Product

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Preparation Principles Over-view:

The extent to which you do thorough preparation has a roll-on effect to the results you will experience. Proper preparation or planning can ensure that you achieve the results you set out to achieve, and save unnecessary problems from occurring.

If you were going on an overseas holiday, for example, you would need a clear idea of what you`re holiday would be like (your vision), the necessary knowledge to arrange the holiday, flight times, hotel bookings etc, (Knowledge), you would get advice from the best travel agents (right advisers), you might discuss it with close friends (Association), then you would discuss it as a family unit (mutual benefit) until you reached consensus (Agreement).

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Preparation Principles

The Vision Principle – You have to know where you’re going. Most companies have vision statements, the most effective ones have visions that excite, challenge and ignite. Individuals need a clear, exciting vision for their lives.

The Knowledge Principle – You must have the necessary information or facts. You can`t drive a car if you have no idea how the car functions.

The Principle of Right Advisors – Get advice from the best sources. Your plans will only succeed if you have good advice to draw on. Don’t go it alone

The Principle of Association – Bad Company corrupts good character. You need to be careful who you surround yourself with and who you listen to. The friends you have play a major role in your life, choose them carefully

The Principle of Mutual Benefit – As iron sharpens iron, one man sharpens another. When you engage in constructive debate with someone on a worthwhile topic, you both grow in knowledge. You learn from them, they from you.

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The Principle of Agreement – A house divided will not stand. Agreement is core to progress. You start with healthy disagreement, and then work towards agreement. Marriage is an agreement between two people to live together in partnership.

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Process Principles Over-view

How you execute is key to getting the right results. The right actions taken (sowing and reaping) at the right time (right timing) will yield the right results

Ensure that you focus to the right extent on the task at hand, i.e. do you need to look at it in detail, or can you take a more “big picture” approach? (focus), Have faith that you will achieve the desired result in the end (faith).

Be aware that you will have to pay a price to achieve your goal, whatever it may be (paying the price), monitor the results you are getting continuously, compare with your desired results, and correct accordingly (feedback).

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Process Principles

The Principle of Sowing and Reaping – What you sow, you will reap. In order to get a crop, you have to sow seed. In the same way, you have to take action to get results, and the right actions will provide the right results.

The Principle of Right Timing – There is a right time for everything. Just as night follows day, there is a time to think and reflect and a time to take action. Plan according to your priorities and the time you have available.

The Principle of Focus – The sun warms the entire earth, focused through a magnifying glass, it can burn through wood. A laser can burn through steel. Know when to focus on the details and when to look at the big picture

The Faith Principle – You have to believe that what you are doing is going to produce the results you are looking for. Sometimes you don’t have much to go on. It’s easy to have faith that your car will get you to Durban. It’s done it numerous times before. It’s a different thing to have faith that a difficult project will be completed successfully.

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The Stockdale Paradox Confront the most brutal facts of your current reality, at the same time maintain faith that you will prevail, however difficult the circumstances. In other words, be realistic about the problems with the existing situation, but also focus on developing the belief that you will achieve your intended goal.

The Principle of Paying the Price – There are no free lunches. If you want to achieve anything worthwhile in this life, you have to put in concerted effort. Malcolm Gladwell in his book “Outliers” proposes that you need 10 000 hours of exposure in a particular field in order to become world class.

The Feedback Principle – As you take action, you continually compare you`re actual and desired results and correct accordingly when there is a difference.

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Product Principles Over-view

Whatever task you are faced with, do it to the best of your ability (increase and Decrease), the nature of the

results you achieve will tell you how well you performed (Results), accomplishment leads to an increased sense of

well-being , self confidence and self esteem (Accomplishment and Failure).

Product Principles38 | P a g e

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The Principle of Increase and Decrease – If you`re faithful with a little, you`ll be given more, if you`re unfaithful with what you have, what you have will be taken away from you. In other words, if you start small and do things right, you’re capacity will increase. Simple example. If you exercise correctly and consistently, you will burn fat and develop muscle, growing stronger and fitter. Conversely if you overeat and don’t exercise, you will increase in weight and run the risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and high blood pressure and so on.

The Results Principle – You judge a tree by its fruit. The best judge of success is the results you achieve. No-one would argue that Richard Branson is an incredibly successful entrepreneur. His results demonstrate the fact more forcibly than any talk can.

The Principle of Accomplishment and Failure – When you achieve a goal important to you, however big or small, it adds to your sense of wellbeing and self esteem. When you continually fail and are frustrated in your efforts, it can lead to a sense of hopelessness and depression

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Second stage for Leadership success


Relational Victory takes you to whole new levels of

performance and fulfillment in your life, as you start to

value each contact that you make and every person

that you speak to, and focus on what you can give

rather than what you can receive, people will respond

more to you and you will find greater and greater

satisfaction and joy in every encounter, whether it is

with the floor sweeper or the chief executive.

We all need to develop the following characteristics in

order to successfully relate to other people:

Patience: Patience is a virtue, and takes time to

develop. If you are caught in a traffic jam, it does not help

to fret and

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fume, you have no control over the traffic, and no amount

of frustration or anger on your part is going to help the

situation, it is simply going to raise your blood pressure

and do you no good whatsoever.

Kindness: It costs nothing to be kind to people, yet each

and every one of us appreciates it when we experience

kindness. I can remember days when I hadn`t had a good

start to the morning, arriving at work, and someone`s

small act of kindness just having such a positive effect.

Envy: It is so important not to be envious of others.

There are people who have more money than us, who

drive better cars, who are more

attractive than us, who get more

promotions, who have more friends

- don’t let it get to you. You have to

live your own life, overcome your

own challenges, and aim for your

own goals.

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Boastfulness: Don’t boast of your own achievements,

be grateful for what you have achieved, encourage others

in their efforts, but don’t declare to the world what you

have done. Let your achievements speak for themselves,

rather be modest and focus on what you have to do,

rather than what you have done.

Pride: Pride is not an attractive trait. Once you start

thinking you’re quite something in

the greater scheme of things, you

start thinking of other people as

less than you and therefore that

their opinions and efforts

countless, this leads to arrogance

and makes you less than likeable

to other people. You need to keep the right perspective

on yourself, be prepared to overlook other people’s faults

and not focus on them, be prepared to listen to others,

learn from others, and help them where you can.

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Brashness: Be careful of the way you treat people,

everyone wants to be treated with respect, don’t be too

familiar with people no matter how well you know them.

Selfishness: We need to be more outward focused than

inward focused, or thinking more about how we can help

others than about how we can help ourselves, the fact of

the matter being that the more we help others, the more

we help ourselves. Every successful

business achieved their success by

focusing on how they could best serve

the needs of their customers, not on

how they could best serve their own

needs. Bill Gates became the richest

man in the world by providing people with software and

operating systems that helped them perform more

effectively in a business environment.

Anger: It is so important to not

become angry easily. When things

don’t go our way it is the easiest thing

to get angry.

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Every time you get angry, evaluate whether anger was

the appropriate response or whether you could have

responded in a better way. In most cases we react in

anger, in other words we don’t stop and think about the

situation and how we should best respond to it.

Forgiveness: It is an unhealthy, self-defeating habit to

remember the wrongs that have been done to you by

other people. This habit builds resentment and poisons

your thinking. You have to be able to forgive people for

whatever it is they have done to you and move on. There

simply is no other reasonable alternative. Your mental

well-being depends on it.

Truthfulness: Always seek out the

truth in every situation that you are

faced with. No-one can argue with

the truth, it is the truth that sets


Hopefulness: Maintain an attitude of hopefulness in

every area of your life. By being hopeful you are assuring


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that whatever the current situation, you believe that

things will improve. Hopefulness needs to be backed by

well thought out plans to transform your current reality

into a better future. Even when your plans fail to work out

as you hoped, you know that you can make new plans,

that every experience, positive or negative has its own


Trust: It is necessary to trust people, even when they let

you down. The alternative is to trust no-one, that way

you will never be let down, you will

also never relate well to people as

they will soon know that you don’t

trust them. Of course if someone

continually betrays your trust, you

cannot continue to keep trusting

them or putting your trust in them.

Protection: Where possible, protect other people. If you

hear someone speaking badly of a person that you know,

go to that person’s defense. Don’t ever participate in

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discussions about other people’s perceived weaknesses.

If something is

bothering you about a person, approach that person and

tactfully bring the subject up.

Perseverance: Whatever you are trying to accomplish

whether it be in a relationship or a goal that you have set,

persevere and do what is necessary to achieve the end


Perseverance is critical because if you do not persevere,

you will not achieve what you set out to achieve.

Whatever difficulties or obstacles come in your path, you

need to evaluate them and decide whether to continue

on your current course of action, or change what you are

doing. The important thing is that the end result remains

basically fixed, the means that you use might change

depending on circumstances that arise or new

information that might become available.

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These are the primary qualities one needs to cultivate

and nurture in one`s life in the pursuit of successful




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Third stage for leadership success


This is where you start giving back to the community, you identify needs that you are ideally suited to fill, and you serve in many senses of the word.

Recently, one of the world`s most prominent psychologists, Martin Seligman, gave a 20 minute presentation at the TED conference at Monterey, California, where he made the following interesting observation

Entertainment, holidays, eating out, watching movies, give us a certain level of enjoyment and fulfillment, but it does not last that long.

Working and the achievements in the business arena give us a deeper level of enjoyment and fulfillment, which lasts longer.

The greatest level of fulfillment, however, is derived from helping others with no expectation of reward.

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Recently Bill Gates addressed the Harvard graduating class. After the light hearted introduction, he spoke about one topic and one topic alone, and that was what we could do to help those who are dying in Africa and other parts of the world who are unable to help themselves.

He has resigned from Microsoft and is now involved on a full time basis to give back to society. He could quite easily have retired to Bermuda or some similar exotic destination and spent the remainder of his days tossing coconuts on white sandy beaches. He made a different decision.

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Three Categories of Leadership Challenge

1. Day to day EventsIn the everyday situations you encounter, you have the opportunity to practice your new skills until you become proficient in their use.

Each day is like your life in miniature, as your skills and expertise in leadership grow, the difference in one year will be remarkable.

2. Managed DecisionsThere are decisions that you make that you need to manage over time. You might decide for example in the area of health and fitness that you intend to play squash three times a week for at least half an hour per session. You then need to commit and schedule the time required to make it happen.

Making once off decisions in your life in different areas, for example finances, personal, recreation, spiritual, education, contribution, can simplify your life, while requiring self discipline to implement on an ongoing basis.

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3. Projects or GoalsThere are specific goals you want to achieve. Perhaps it`s an engineering degree or a post-graduate qualification.

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Bringing your Dreams to LifeConsider the following four areas of your life:


Career and Financial



Take five minutes for each of these areas and write out what results you would like to achieve over the next twelve months. Compile them in terms of what you would like to be, do or have.

The next step is to identify the single result or goal in each of these areas that you would most want to achieve.

Once you have identified these four top goals, write them on a card that you carry with you, and, on a daily basis, imagine and see what your life would be like when you have achieved your goals.

The final stage is to determine what actions you need to carry out to convert your dreams into reality.

Living Your Dreams58 | P a g e

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In order to challenge and stretch yourself, you need to set your sights high.

Use the RPM metaphor to initiate and sustain high levels of achievement. Just as a high performance sports car develops power at the right rpm, develop the right RPM to achieve your goals.

R – RESULTS Clarity in what you want to achieve is the first step. Create a picture in your mind of the desired end result. The clearer you are about what it is that you want to achieve, the easier the process becomes.

P – PURPOSE You need to have compelling and motivating reasons as to why you want to achieve your desired end result. The more reasons you have and the more compelling they are, the greater your ability to persevere, especially when the going gets tough.

M – MASSIVE ACTION You won`t achieve your goal without taking the necessary action. You need to be focused, disciplined, and able to do what is necessary to achieve your goal.

In Conclusion:

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The greater majority of people don`t achieve the results they are looking for in business and in life. It is not easy to lead and succeed in business, but it is doable. Without a systematic approach, it is impossible.

The system I have outlined is derived from my understanding of the best motivational teachings related to leadership, and is I believe logical and simple.

The rules for living in the best way possible guide what you think say and do. By following these rules, you will immediately start experiencing major improvements in your daily life.

The principles, divided up into preparation, process and product, give you an understanding of what you need to do in order to achieve the best results.

As you implement these rules and follow these principles, your successes will increase as will your resilience, and you will become more capable at facing and handling life`s challenges. In short, you will become a stronger, more productive individual.

The rules for relating better to people will make your interactions so much more meaningful and joyful, enriching both their lives and yours.

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Finally, as you start realizing your potential, you will want to reach out to others less fortunate and help them become all they can be, because after all, that is what we are here for.

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What You Think

Be Thankful Maintain a positive attitude

Be Joyful Be quick to listen

Don’t worry about anything Be slow to anger

What You Say

Don’t complain or argue Encourage Others

Be slow to speak Give valid praise and criticism

Be a person of integrity

What You Do

Plan Submit to Authority

Do your best Be Disciplined

Go the extra mile Persevere

Test Everything Be Generous

Ask, Search, Knock on Doors Be Humble

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Preparation Principles

The Vision Principle

The Knowledge Principle

The Principle of Right Advisors

The Principle of Association

The Principle of Mutual Benefit

The Principle of Agreement

Process Principles

The Principle of Sowing and Reaping

The Principle of Right Timing

The Principle of Focus

The Faith Principle

The Principle of Paying the Price

The Feedback Principle

Product Principles

The Principle of Increase and Decrease

The Principle of Accomplishment and Failure

The Results Principle

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