herbal oil for dandruff and hair fall treatment


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Post on 06-Mar-2016




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Herbal hair oil such as Hylix lotion is very beneficial and effective for treatment for hair fall and dandruff. There is no side effect from use of this herbal lotion.




• Hair fall has become a very large problem; almost 50 to 60 percent people are

having the problem of hair fall.

• There are many factors which are responsible for hair fall.

• These reasons include age, heredity, pollution, hormonal imbalance, illness,

stress, lack of sleep, lack of vitamins, minerals and iron in the body.

• It is supposed that losing about 100 hairs in a day is normal but if you lose

more the 100 hairs then it is an alarming signal.


• Herbal hair oil such as Hylix lotion is very beneficial and effective for having

strong, shining healthy and dandruff free hair.

• Along with Hylix capsules a person also requires to clean hair regularly, eat

healthy food, drink plenty of water and sleep properly.

• Herbal Hylix lotion, containing a unique mixture of certain herbs with exclusive

hair care properties, can solve various hair problems specially hair fall and



• Regular massage with this herbal oil for hair fall treatment strengthens the hair

roots by supplying natural nutrients to them.

• This prevents hair fall and gives healthy hair.

• This hair fall treatment is also an effective dandruff treatment and also solves

other scalp related issues.

• Along with the use of herbal oil for hair fall treatment and dandruff treatment,

you should follow these routine tips also to keep healthy, strong and dandruff

free hairs and to prevent hair from any other damage.


• Always keep your hair clean.

• As clean hair will prevents you from dandruff, itching and hair lice, which finally

results in prevention from hair fall.

• Massage your scalp regularly with Hylix lotion at least ten minutes.

• It will control hair fall by strengthening your hair and making hair dandruff free,

and give a good result within very less time.

• Scalp massaging with aloe vera is also a good hair fall treatment and dandruff



• You can use coconut oil, almond oil or olive oil with lemon juice for massaging

your hair as a hair fall and dandruff treatment.

• Always use a good shampoo and conditioner according to your hair.

• Make a mixture of amla and dry neem leaves and apply this mixture on scalp

and wash it after an hour.

• Always eat a healthy and balanced diet including fruits, green vegetables, dairy

products etc.


• Snake gourd juice and fenugreek seeds are also beneficial for curing dandruff

and hair fall problem.

• Never comb wet hair. Because the roots of your hairs are very weak when they

are wet.

• Always dry your hair naturally by keeping your hair wrapped in a towel, as

much usage of hair dryer damages hair and makes weak which in turn leads to

hair fall.

• Drink plenty of water or coconut water to prevent your hair from falling.

• Include two nuts in your diet every day it will help you to strengthen hair.


• All these points should be considered and used always along with the regular

use of Hylix lotion.


• Hylix lotion is the best herbal oil for dandruff treatment and hair fall treatment.

There is no side effect from use of this herbal product.


Buy Hylix Lotion
