hematology 2


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Page 2: Hematology 2

HematologyDr. Akaber Tarek

Biochemistry Department

Page 3: Hematology 2

ESRErythrocyte Sedimentation Rate ”ESR”: Is the distance in mm that RBCS sediment . The sedimentation rate is taken after 1h&2hrs. The apparatus used is “Westergreen tube" with

length in mm exactly 200mm. Procedures:- Add exactly 2 ml of fresh blood to tube contain 0.5

ml of 3.8%sod.citrate& mix well.- Fill Westergreen tube to mark zero, put in rack

record the time.- Take the reading of distance after 1&2 hrs.

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CBC (Complete Blood Count)

CBC describe Hb%, all formed elements count, blood indices & WBCS differential.

Hb: -Take the blood on EDTA& mix well. - Add 10µl of plasma to 2.5ml of Drabkin‘s

reagent &mix well. - Stand for 5 min, then read the absorbance

at 546nm against blank.

Hb% = abs. × 36.77 (g/l)

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Blood countThe cell of count is” homocytometer”.

1) WBCS count = اركان اربع عد 50× مجموع

2) RBCS count = مربعات خمس عد مجموع


3) PLT count = مربعات خمس عد مجموع

RBCS count =Hb(%) ÷ 3

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Blood indices

1) MCV(FL) = HCT /RBCS × 10

2) MCH (PG) = Hb /RBCS × 10

3) MCHC (g/dl)= Hb /HCT ×100

4) HCT (%) = Hb × 3

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AnemiaDefinition:Anemia is a fall in quantity of RBCS @/or

Hb in unit volume of blood in presence of low or normal total blood volume.

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Classification of Anemia

There are different bases for classifications:A) Morphological classificationThe size of

RBCS(macrocytic,normocytic,microcytic)The mean of Hb


B) Aeticologic classification of anemia

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Anemia Anemia ClassesClasses

NormocyticNormocytic NormochromicNormochromic


Macrocytic Macrocytic NormochromicNormochromic

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Normocytic Normochromic Anemia

Hb decrease.RBCS decrease.HCT% decrease.MCV ,MCH,MCHC are normal.Examples:

Hemorrhagic Anemia.

Hemolytic Anemia.

A plastic Anemia.

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Microcytic Hypochromic Anemia

Hb decrease .RBCS normal or small size.HCT% slightly decrease.MCV,MCH,MCHC are decreased.Examples:

Iron deficiency anemia.


Lead poisoning.

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Macrocytic Normochromic Anemia

Hb decrease. RBCS decrease. HCT% highly decrease. MCV,MCH are increased. MCHC normal. Examples:1)Megaloblstic anemia:

Pernicious anemia”Vit.B12 deficiency", Folic acid deficiency. 2)Non-megaloblastic anemia: A plastic anemia, anemia due to hepatic disease.

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