heart, blood, and blood vessels practical review

NATURAL AND APPLIED SCIENCE DEPARTMENT LaGuardia Community College CITY UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK (CUNY) SCB203 Heart, Blood, and Blood Vessels Practical Review Prepared by Bradley F. Maurer, Yun. Jeong, Heidy Joglar, Billy Kozis, Janet Yona, and Vera Zakinova The Science Study Hall LaGuardia Community College

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SCB203 Heart, Blood, and Blood Vessels Practical Review

Prepared by Bradley F. Maurer, Yun. Jeong, Heidy Joglar, Billy Kozis, Janet Yona, and Vera Zakinova

The Science Study HallLaGuardia Community College

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Table of Contents

3 Heart Model Key 22 Cat Arteries

4 Human Heart Model 23 Cat Veins

11 Sheep Heart 24 Human Arteries

13 Blood Circulation to the Heart 25 Human Veins

Conduction Pathway 26 Azygous System

14 White Blood Cells 28 Fetal Circulation

19 Preparing a Blood Smear 30 Cardiac Cycle

20 Blood Typing 31 Blood Self Test

21 Vein and Artery Structure 34 Vein and Arteries Self Test

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Heart Model Key

1. Right atrium2. Auricle3. Coronary sulcus4. Right ventricle6. Left ventricle7. Left atrium8. Right and Left pulmonary

veins9. Pulmonary trunk

a. Right pulmonary artery b. Left pulmonary artery

10. Ligamentum arteriosum (Ductus arteriosus) 11. Ascending aorta 12. Aortic arch13. Brachiocephalic trunk14. Left common carotid artery15. Left subclavian artery16. Superior vena cava17. Right brachiocephalic vein18. Left brachiocephalic vein19. Descending Aorta20. Esophagus21. Trachea22. Annular Ligament23. Tracheal Cartilage24. Primary Bronchi25. Secondary Bronchi26. Inferior vena cava27. Coronary sinus (posterior)28. Great Cardiac vein 29. Left coronary artery30. Adipose Tissue(Fatty tissue)31. Right coronary artery

32. Sinoatrial node (pacemaker)33. Opening of the inferior Vena

Cava34. Valve of Inferior Vena Cava35. Tricuspid valve36. Atrioventricular node37. Pulmonary semilunar valve38. Right branch of bundle of His39. Purkinje fibers40. Chordae tendinae41. Bicuspid (mitral) valve42. Papillary muscles43. Left branch of bundle of His44. Interventricular septum45. Aortic semilunar valve46. Small cardiac vein47. Posterior vein of left ventricle48. Apex49. Circumflex branch of left

coronary artery 50. Anterior Intraventricular Artery51. Auricle Appendage52. Pectinate muscles53. Crista terminalis54. Posterior left ventricular branch55. Fossa ovalis (foramen ovale)56. Valve of the opening of the Cardiac Sinus57. Valve of coronary sinus58. Opening of coronary sinus59. Azygous Vein60. Middle Cardiac Vein61. Posterior interventricular branch62. Traberculae carnae

63. Marginal artery

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1) Left Brachiocephalic vein 5) Right Auricle2) Right Brachiocephalic vein 6) Right Atrium3) Ascending Aorta 7) Corononary Sulcus 4) Superior Vena Cava 8) Right Pulmonary veins

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1) Brachiocephalic Trunk 7) Esophagus2) Left Common Carotid Artery 8) Secondary Bronchi

3) Left Subclavian Artery 9) Descending Aorta4) Right Brachiocephalic vein 10) Annular Ligament5) Trachea 11) Tracheal Cartilage6) Azygous Vein 12) Primary Bronchi

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1) Aortic Arch 9) Left Ventricle2) Ascending Aorta 10) Right Ventricle3) Pulmonary Trunk 11) Marginal artery4) Right Pulmonary Artery 12) Right Coronary Artery

5) Left Pulmonary Artery 13) Ligamentum Arteriosum (=Ductus Arteriosus)

6) Left Atrium 14) Fatty tissue

7) Left Auricle 15) Apex8) Left Coronary Artery 16) Auricle Appendage

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1) Left Pulmonary vein 4) Right branch of Bundle of His

2) Tricuspid valve 5) Right Purkinje Fibers3) Chordae Tendinae 6) Left Purkinje Fibers7) Pulmonary Semilunar Valve

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1) Bicuspid Valve 4) Papillary Muscles

2) Aortic Semilunar valve 5) Traberculae Carnae3) Interventricular Septum

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1) Pectinate Muscles 5) Opening of Coronary Sinus

2) Sino-Atrial Node 6) Valve of Inferior Vena Cava

3) Atrio-ventricular Node 7) Inferior Vena Cava

4) Fossa Ovalis 8) Crista terminalis

9) Valve of the opening of the Cardiac Sinus

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1) Descending Artery 6) Small cardiac vein2) Foraman Virgae Tendinae 7) Circumflex artery3) Inferior vena cava 8) Middle cardiac artery4) Coronary Sinus 9) Middle cardiac vein5) Great Cardiac vein

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The Sheep Heart

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Blood Circulation to the Heart

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Deoxygenated Blood comes from the Systemic Circulation via Superior and Inferior Vena CavaRight AtriumTricuspid ValveRight VentricleSemi-lunar Valve of Pulmonary ArteryLungsBlood gets oxygenated in the lungs and comes back to the heart via Pulmonary VeinsLeft VentricleBicuspid ValveLeft Ventricle Semi-lunar Valve of AortaAorta Systemic Circulation.

Note:Arteries are Red and Veins are Blue EXCEPT Pulmonary Arteries and VeinsPulmonary arteries: are Blue and Pulmonary veins are Red

Conduction Pathway

SA NodeLeft AtriumAV nodeRight and Left Bundle of HisPurkinjee fibersVentricular Myocardium

White Blood Cells (Leukocytes)

Agranulocytes Granulocytes1. Lymphocytes

Smallest White Blood Cell (WBC)

Dark blue or purple nucleus Little cytoplasm Lymphocytesproduction of

antibodies and blood Lymphocytesregulation and

destruction of grafts, tumors, and virus infected cells

2. Monocytes Largest of White Blood

Cells (WBC) Dark blue kidney bean-

shaped nucleus Abundant cytoplasm Phagocyte

1. Neutrophil Most abundant White

Blood Cell (WBC) 3-7 lobed-shaped

nucleus Phagocyte Fine cytoplasmic

granules2. Eosinophil

“Figure eight” shaped nucleus

Large red-orange cytoplasmic granules

Increased numbers due to allergy or infection

A selective phagocyte 3. Basophil

Least abundant White Blood Cell (WBC)

“U” or “S” shaped nucleus

Sparse granulation Granules contain

histamines (vasodilators)

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Red Blood Cells (Erythocytes)

No cellular organelles Contains hemoglobin

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Specific Immunity(from www.merck.com)

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Specific (adaptive) immunity is not present at birth; it is acquired. As a person's immune system encounters antigens, it learns the best way to attack each antigen and begins to develop a memory for that antigen. Specific immunity is so named because it tailors its attack to a specific antigen previously encountered. The hallmarks of specific immunity are its ability to learn, adapt, and remember. Specific immunity takes time to develop after initial exposure to a new antigen. However, because a memory is formed, subsequent responses to a previously encountered antigen are more effective and more rapid than those generated by nonspecific immunity.

Lymphocytes are the most important type of white blood cell involved in specific immunity. Dendritic cells, antibodies, cytokines, and the complement system (which enhances the effectiveness of antibodies) are also involved.


Lymphocytes enable the body to remember antigens and to distinguish self from nonself (foreign). Lymphocytes circulate in the bloodstream and lymphatic system and move into tissues as needed.

Lymphocyte The immune system can remember every antigen encountered because lymphocytes live a long time—for years or even decades. When lymphocytes encounter an antigen for the second time, they respond quickly, vigorously, and specifically to that particular antigen. This specific immune response is the reason that people do not contract chickenpox or measles more than once and that vaccination can prevent certain disorders.

Lymphocytes include B lymphocytes, T lymphocytes, and natural killer cells (which are involved in nonspecific immunity).

B Lymphocytes: B lymphocytes (B cells) are formed in the bone marrow. B lymphocytes have particular sites (receptors) on their surface where specific antigens can attach. When a B lymphocyte encounters an antigen, the antigen attaches to the receptor, stimulating the B lymphocyte to change into a plasma cell. Plasma cells produce antibodies. These antibodies are specific to the antigen that stimulated their production.

T Lymphocytes: T lymphocytes (T cells) are produced in the thymus gland. There, they learn how to distinguish self from nonself. Only the T lymphocytes that tolerate the self-identification molecules are allowed to mature and leave the thymus. Without this training process, T lymphocytes could attack the body's cells and tissues.

Mature T lymphocytes are formed and stored in secondary lymphoid organs (such as the spleen), bone marrow, and lymph nodes. They circulate in the bloodstream and the lymphatic system, where they search for particular foreign or abnormal

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cells, such as particular bacteria or cells infected by particular viruses. T lymphocytes can attack particular foreign or abnormal cells.

There are different types of T lymphocytes:

Killer (cytotoxic) T cells attach to foreign or abnormal cells (because they recognize the antigens on these cells). Killer T cells kill foreign or abnormal cells by making holes in the cell membrane and injecting enzymes into the cells. Helper T cells help B lymphocytes recognize and produce antibodies against foreign antigens. Helper T cells also help killer T cells kill foreign or abnormal cells. Suppressor T cells produce substances that help end the immune response. Sometimes T lymphocytes—for reasons that are not completely understood—develop without or lose the ability to distinguish self from nonself. The result is an autoimmune disorder, in which the body attacks its own tissues (see Autoimmune Disorders).

Dendritic Cells

Dendritic cells develop from monocytes and reside mainly in tissues. Newly developed dendritic cells ingest and break antigens into fragments so that other immune cells can recognize them—an activity called antigen processing. A dendritic cell matures after it is stimulated by cytokines at a site of infection or inflammation. Then, it moves from tissues to the lymph nodes where it shows (presents) the antigen fragments to T lymphocytes, which generate a specific immune response.


When a B lymphocyte encounters an antigen, it is stimulated to mature into a plasma cell, which then produces antibodies (also called immunoglobulins, or Ig). Antibodies protect the body by helping other immune cells ingest antigens, by inactivating toxic substances produced by bacteria, and by attacking bacteria and viruses directly. Antibodies also activate the complement system. Antibodies are essential for fighting off certain types of bacterial infections.Each antibody molecule has two parts. One part varies; it is specialized to attach to a specific antigen. The other part is one of five structures, which determines the antibody's class—IgG, IgM, IgD, IgE, or IgA. This part is the same within each class.

IgM: This class of antibody is produced when a particular antigen is encountered for the first time. The response triggered by the first encounter with an antigen is called the primary antibody response. Normally, IgM is present in the bloodstream but not in the tissues.

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IgG: The most prevalent class of antibody, IgG is produced when a particular antigen is encountered again. This response is called the secondary antibody response. It is faster and results in more antibodies than the primary antibody response. IgG is present in the bloodstream and tissues. It is the only class of antibody that crosses the placenta from mother to fetus. The mother's IgG protects the fetus and infant until the infant's immune system can produce its own antibodies.

IgA: These antibodies help defend against the invasion of microorganisms through body surfaces lined with a mucous membrane, including those of the nose, eyes, lungs, and digestive tract. IgA is present in the bloodstream, in secretions produced by mucous membranes, and in breast milk.

IgE: These antibodies trigger immediate allergic reactions (see Allergic Reactions: Introduction). IgE binds to basophils (a type of white blood cell) in the bloodstream and mast cells in tissues. When basophils or mast cells with IgE bound to them encounter allergens (antigens that cause allergic reactions), they release substances that cause inflammation and damage surrounding tissues. Thus, IgE is the only class of antibody that often seems to do more harm than good. However, IgE may help defend against certain parasitic infections that are common in some developing countries.

IgD: Small amounts of these antibodies are present in the bloodstream. The function of IgD is not well understood.

Preparing a Blood Smear

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(a) Place a drop of blood about 2 cm from the end of a clean slide(b) Hold a second slide at a 45° angle to the first one allowing the blood to spread along the edge(c) Push the second slide over the surface of the first one so that it pulls the blood with it(d) Observe the completed blood smear

The ideal blood smear should be 1.5 inches in length, be evenly distributed, and contain a smooth feathered edge.

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Blood TypingABO and Rh Blood Typing

Blood typing is critical for blood transfusions, transplantations, and maternal-fetal compatibility, but is also used in genetic studies, forensic studies, legal medicine, and anthropology. Although there are many different systems for classifying human blood, we will be studying the ABO and Rh systems, because they are most commonly used.Blood typing is based on the antigenic (agglutinogens) molecules that are on the surface of the RBC membranes. An antigen is a substance that is able to produce an immune response and will react with a specific antibody.Antibodies are plasma proteins that combine with a specific antigen to inhibit or destroy it. In the ABO system, there are two types of antigens (A and B) that can be present as surface membrane molecules on RBCs. If the plasma membrane of your RBCs have only the A antigen present, you have type A blood; correspondingly, if you have only B antigens present, you have type B blood. If you have both antigens A and B present you have type AB blood, and if you do not have either A or B antigen present, you have type 0 blood (see Figure 26.5).ABO antibodies appear in babies' blood a few months after birth. If you have type A blood, you do not have its corresponding anti-A antibody. If the two are mixed, they will form a detrimental antigen-antibody complex and cause clumping. People with type A blood have anti-B antibodies that will become cross-linked and agglutinate (clump) if type B blood is given to them (see Figure 26.6).Agglutination is followed by the activation of another plasma protein that attaches to the recipient's RBCs and hemolyzes or bursts them, releasing hemoglobin that can cause kidney damage. ABO antibodies do not cross the placenta because of their large size.The Rh blood system is different from the ABO system, but has some similarities. If you have the Rh antigen as a surface membrane molecule on your RBCs, you are Rh+. If you do not have the Rh antigen, you are Rh-.An Rh- person is not born with the anti-Rh antibody (as in the ABO system) and does not obtain this antibody until the person is exposed to the Rh antigen from Rh + blood.This can happen through a blood transfusion, by sharing hypodermic needles, or by an Rh- mother carrying an Rh+ child. During delivery, the baby's blood can leak from the placenta into the mother's bloodstream, causing the mother's body to make Rh antibodies. The first baby would not be affected, but subsequent pregnancies with Rh + fetuses can result in the small Rh antibodies crossing the placenta causing hemolysis in the fetuses' blood. This condition is called hemolytic disease of the newborn. Rh mothers are typically given RhoGAM so they will not make Rh antibodies.The following activity will use antisera (plural of antiserum), which can be artificial serum or serum from an animal or human containing antibodies against A, B, or D (Rh) antigens. Serum is blood plasma without clotting proteins. If anti-A serum clumps a particular blood sample, the blood is type A because of an antibody-antigen complex formed with the A antigens on the RBCs.

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Cat Arteries

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Cat Veins

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Human Arteries

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Human Veins

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Structure of arteries, veins, and capillaries. (a) Diagrammatic view. (b) Line drawing of a small artery (right) and vein (left), cross-sectional view.

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Fetal Circulation

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The Cardiac Cycle

The small P wave accompanies the depolarization of the atria. The atria begin contracting about 100 msec after the start of the P wave.The QRS complex appears as the ventricles depolarize. The is a relatively strong electrical signal, because the ventricular muscle is much more massive then that of the atria. It is also a complex signal, in part because it incorporates atrial repolarization as well as ventricular depolarization. The ventricles begin contracting shortly after the peak of the R wave.The smaller T wave indicates ventricular repolarization. You do not see a deflection corresponding to atrial repolarization, because it occurs while the ventricles are depolarizing and the electrical events are masked by the QRS complex.The P-R interval extends from the start of atrial depolarization to the start of the QRS complex (ventricular depolarization) rather than to R, because in abnormal ECGs the peak can be difficult to determine. Extension of the P-R interval to more than 0.2 second can indicate damage to the conducting pathways or AV node. The Q-T interval the time required for the ventricles to undergo a single cycle of depolarization and repolarization. It is usually measured from the end of the P-R interval rather than from the bottom of the Q wave. The Q-T interval can be lengthened by conduduction problems, coronary ischemia, or myocardial damage. A congenital heart defect that can cause sudden death without warning may be detectable as a prolonged Q-T interval

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Blood Self Test

A. Characteristics of the Formed Elements and Blood Abnormalities

________________ 1. The oxygen and carbon dioxide carrying cell

________________ 2. Help the body fight infections and foreign substances

________________ 3. Form a clot to help the body stop bleeding

________________ 4. Another name for red blood cells

________________ 5. Another name for platelets

________________ 6. Another name for white blood cells

________________ 7. Large cells that develop into platelets

________________ 8. A deficiency in number of RBCs or decreased hemoglobin content of blood

________________ 9. An abnormal increase in RBCs

________________ 10. An abnormal increase in WBCs

________________ 11. A deficiency in WBCs

________________ 12. A deficiency in platelets

B. White Blood Cell Structure and Characteristics

________________ 1. 60-70% of all WBCs

________________ 2. 2-4% of all WBCs

________________ 3. 0.5-1% of all WBCs

________________ 4. 20-25% of all WBCs

________________ 5. 3-8% of all WBCs

________________ 6. 10-12 μm; nucleus with 2-5 connected lobes; pale lilac granules

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________________ 7. 10-12 μm; nucleus with 2 or 3 lobes; red-orange granules

________________ 8. 8-10 μm; nucleus difficult to see; large deep blue-purple granules

________________ 9. 6-9 μm; round nucleus that is dark purple; sky blue cytoplasm, no visible granules

________________ 10. 12-20 μm; kidney-shaped nucleus; blue-gray cytoplasm, no visible granules

________________ 11. Abbreviation for polymorphonuclear leukocytes

________________ 12. General name for all of the WBCs

________________ 13. ┐ ├ Nicknames for neutrophils ________________ 14. ┘

C. White Blood Cells

________________ 1. ┐ │ ________________ 2. ├ granulocytes │________________ 3. ┘

________________ 4. ┐ ├ agranulocytes________________ 5. ┘

________________ 6. most numerous leukocyte

________________ 7. least numerous leukocyte

D. ABO and Rh Blood Typing

Antigens on RBCs Antibodies in Plasma 1. O+ ________________ __________________

2. A- ________________ __________________

3. B- ________________ __________________

4. AB+ ________________ __________________

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5. Based of what you know about antigens and antibodies, what blood type is the universal donor? ______ Explain.


______________________________________________________________ 6. What blood type is the universal recipient? _____________ Explain.



E. Hematocrit

1. Define hematocrit.


2. What is the anticoagulant used in this type of blood test?


3. Ron has a hematocrit of 47%. Is this within the normal range? (yes/no)

4. Janey has a hematocrit of 58%. Is this within the normal range? (yes/no)

F. Hemoglobin Content and Coagulation Time

1. Do the hematocrit and hemoglobin content of blood measure the same thing? Explain.


2. What is the importance of coagulation time?


3. Would a hemophiliac have an above or below normal coagulation time?


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Veins and Arteries Self-test

A. Structure of Arteries and Veins

Name the components of each blood vessel tunic. Terms may be used more than once.

smooth muscleendothelium elastic fibers collagen fibers

1. Tunica media of arteries. _______________________

2. Tunica media of veins. _________________________

3. Tunica interna of arteries. _______________________

4. Tunica interna of veins. _________________________

5. Tunica externa of arteries. _______________________

6. Tunica externa of veins. _________________________

Circle True or False for the following questions. If false, underline and change word(s) that are incorrect to make statement true.

7. The tunica media of veins is thicker than the tunica media of arteries. True or False

8. The tunica media of elastic arteries contains more elastic fibers than muscular arteries. True or False

9. Venous valves are folds of the tunica externa. True or False

10. Venous valves prevent backflow of blood. True or False

11. Walls of veins are thicker than the walls of arteries of the same size. True or False

12. Lumens of veins are larger than lumens of arteries of the same size. True or False

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B. Structure of Capillaries

Match the term to the correct description. More than one term may apply to each description. Terms may be used more than once.

fenestrations intercellular clefts tight junctions transcytosis

1. Holes in plasma membrane through which molecules pass across capillary walls._____________________________

2. Fusion of plasma membranes of adjacent endothelial cells; for very selective barrier._____________________________

3. Vesicles transport substances across capillary wall._____________________________

4. Spaces between cells through which substances pass.______________________________

Circle True or False for the following questions. If false, underline and change word(s) that are incorrect to make statement true.

5. Capillary walls are composed of an endothelium and a basement membrane only. True or False

6. Hydrostatic pressure forces plasma across capillary walls at venous end of capillary, and interstitial fluid enters arterial end of capillary by osmotic pressure. True or False

C. Blood Pressure

Fill in the blank with the correct term.

1. Term used for arterial pressure during ventricular systole. _______________________

2. Term used for arterial pressure during ventricular diastole. ______________________

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3. Device used to measure arterial blood pressure, in the brachial artery. _____________

4. Average normal adult arterial blood pressure. _________________________________

5. Average venous blood pressure. ___________________________________________

6. Sounds of turbulent blood flow that occur when blood flow resumes in an artery that has been occluded. ____________________________________________________

Circle True or False for the following questions. If false, underline and change word(s) to make statement true.

7. The blood pressure gradient from the aorta to the capillaries is greater than the blood pressure gradient from the venules to the right atrium. True or False

8. Blood pressure gradient from the aorta to the capillaries is less than the blood pressure gradient from the arterial end of the capillary to the venous end of the capillary. True r False 9. Kate's systolic blood pressure is 115 and diastolic is 72. Her pulse pressure is 47. True or False

10. Scott's blood pressure is 126/83 and his MAP is 97. True or False

D. Regulation of Blood Pressure and Blood Flow

Circle True or False for the following questions. If false, underline and change word(s) that are incorrect to make statement true.

1. Increasing heart rate increases blood pressure. True or False

2. Systemic vasoconstriction decreases blood pressure. True or False

3. Increasing arterial blood pressure increases blood flow. True or False

4. Recoil of muscular arteries maintains blood flow during ventricular diastole. True or False

5. Muscular arteries control the blood flow to different body areas. True or False

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6. Vasoconstriction of the renal arteries (arteries supplying blood to kidneys) would decrease blood flow to the kidneys. True or False

7. Blood pressure is higher in the supine position than in the standing position. True or False

8. Blood pressure decreases when going from a supine to standing position. True or False

9. The greater the pulse pressure, the lower the pressure gradient driving blood from the aorta through the systemic circulation. True or False

10. Exercise Increases MAP. True or False

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Identify the following structures:

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