healthy eating for preschoolers

Healthy Eating for Healthy Eating for Preschoolers Preschoolers By By Sheila Jones, PhD, RD, LD Sheila Jones, PhD, RD, LD

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Healthy Eating for Healthy Eating for PreschoolersPreschoolers

Healthy Eating for Healthy Eating for PreschoolersPreschoolers

ByBySheila Jones, PhD, RD, LDSheila Jones, PhD, RD, LD

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Normal Food Behaviors of Preschool Children

• Disinterest in food – between 9-18 months of age & lasts a few months to a few years

• - growth has slowed

• Appetite – usually erratic & unpredictable• - evening meal is usually least well received

but may have already met their needs with several snacks

• - indiscriminate snacking dulls the appetite

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Normal Food Behaviors of Preschool Children

• Food rituals – may only accept sandwiches if cut in quarters & may throw tantrums if not

• - may demand food have a particular arrangement on the plate or dishes be placed in certain locations on the table

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Normal Food Behaviors of Preschool Children

• Strong preferences • – likes & dislikes may change from day to day & week

to week• - carb-rich foods are often preferred - fortified cereals

can be important• Eat greater variety when: • rested & hungry • foods are offered at a neutral temperature • in shapes & sizes they can manage• foods are offered without undue pressure

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Foods for Young Children

• Most like: • simple, unmixed dishes at room temperature• familiar foods

• Add:• Small portions of new foods with familiar & popular foods• Colorful foods for them to try

• Combine dry foods with moist and sharp acid-flavored with mild-flavored

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For Ease of Manipulation

• Prepare foods to be eaten with fingers – small pieces of meat, green beans, orange wedges

• Small pieces of food are easier for children to handle with eating utensils

• Idea is to support child’s efforts at self-feeding

• At age 2 – uses arm muscles• At age 3 – uses hand muscles• At age 4 – uses finger muscles – may be able to cut up

some foods

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Desirable Food Characteristics

• Texture: Serve 1 soft food for ease of chewing, 1 crisp food for enjoyment of sound, 1 chewy food for emerging chewing skills

• - tender or ground meats are needed

• Flavor: May reject strong flavors

• Portion sizes: May be discouraged with large portions

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Portion Guide

Foods 1-yr oldportion sizes

1-yr old # servings

2-3 yr oldportion sizes

2-3 yr old# servings

Milk 1/2 Cup 4 - 5 1/4 – 3/4 Cup

4 - 5

Meat & Equivalents

1/4 – 1 oz.2 - 4 T

1 1 - 2 oz. 2


1 – 2 T 4 – 5 2 – 3 T 4 - 5

Fruits 2 – 4 T 4 – 5 2 – 4 T 4 - 5

Grains 1/2 Slice 3 1/2 – 1 Slice


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Parental Concerns• Most Commonly: • Limited intake of milk, meat, & vegetables• Too many sweets

• Milk: 1 oz. of milk provides 36 mg calcium (need about 500 mg)• - cheese & yogurt can be offered & are usually

accepted when milk is rejected • - too much fruit juice or sweetened beverages can interfere with milk intake

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Parental Concerns• Meat: try easy to chew forms• - if all meat is rejected, offer other forms of

iron such as fortified cereal with OJ

• Vegetables: small portions should be served without comment & discarded if not eaten

• - nonfood rewards can be given if veggies are eaten at mealtime

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Parental Concerns• Sweets: need to set limits on

amounts • - other family members & other

care providers need to know the limits

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Parental Concerns• Food Intake: eating at intervals of 3-4 hours

usually keep children from getting too hungry but do not keep them full all the time

• Remember they need small portions

• Focus on when they eat, never when they refuse to eat


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Healthy Breakfasts• Focus On: • Whole grains - whole grain cereals and breads

such as whole wheat or oatmeal bread, Cheerios, Grape Nuts, oatmeal, whole grain waffles

• Fruits – berries, bananas, apples• Vegetables – bell peppers, tomatoes, potatoes• A Little Protein – peanut butter, low-fat cheese,

LEAN meats, low-fat/skim milk, egg or egg whites

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Healthy Breakfasts• Carbs in whole grains, fruits,

vegetables, & milk provide energy

• Protein in peanut butter, low-fat cheeses, lean meats, & eggs provide building blocks for growth & can help your child be alert

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Healthy Breakfasts• Try: • Cereal with berries & low-fat milk• Whole wheat toast with peanut butter or

low-fat cheese melted and juice (with vitamin C)

• Omelet with vegetables, low-fat cheese, lean ham, whole wheat toast, & juice

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Quick Healthy Lunches• Again, Focus On: • Whole grains – whole grain loaf breads, bagels, rolls,

& crackers• Fruits – single serve applesauce, peaches, etc.; fresh

grapes, apples, bananas; dried fruits such as apricots, raisins, cranberries

• Vegetables – fresh baby carrots, lettuce/tomato for sandwiches, broccoli, zucchini/squash (may add low-fat Ranch dressing)

• Low-fat Dairy – low-fat cheeses, milk, & yogurts • Lean Meats - large amounts are not needed

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Quick Healthy Lunches• Try: • Mini pizza with whole grain bagel, ketchup or marinara

sauce, Canadian bacon, Mozzarella cheese, grapes, and low-fat/skim milk (olives & shredded carrots can add facial features)

• Whole grain garlic crackers with string cheese or peanut butter, applesauce, yogurt, and low-sodium vegetable juice

• Fruit & cheese kabobs, slivered almonds, whole grain roll, and low-fat/skim milk

• Whole wheat peanut butter and banana sandwich, fresh baby carrots, and low-fat/skim milk

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Tips for Getting Kids to Eat More Fruits & Vegetables

• 1. Trying is believing – may like some the 1st time, but it may take 10-15 times for others

• 2. Seeing is believing – modeling by parents, other grown-ups, and siblings is very influential – say you LOVE it!

• 3. Offer choices – offer 2-3 fruit or vegetable choices at meals & snacks, including juices –

empowers children to begin making decisions

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Tips for Getting Kids to Eat More Fruits & Vegetables

• 4. Make it Easy – when kids come in hungry, they will grab the most convenient item

• - place fruits & veggies in a large bowl on the kitchen counter or table and cut up in small bags on bottom shelf of refrigerator

• - place 100% fruit juice boxes or pouches on bottom shelf of refrigerator

• 5. Make it Fun – let them make pictures with cut

up fruits & veggies (broccoli for trees, orange slices for the sun, etc. )

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Tips for Getting Kids to Eat More Fruits & Vegetables

• 6. Crunchy & Sweet Can’t Be Beat – if kids won’t eat cooked veggies, try raw with low-fat Ranch dressing

• 7. Kids Like to Eat What They Make – kids are more likely to try something they help prepare

• - help them find recipes to try

• 8. Add Fruits & Vegetables to Favorite Foods –

low-fat shakes with fruit, cereal with bananas, spaghetti sauce with pureed vegetables (2)

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Top 10 Ways to Get Kids Involved With Fruits &

Vegetables• 1. Mean Green Cleaning Machine – Let

them wash fruits & veggies

• 2. Pick A Peck – Let them select a new fruit or veggie

• 3. Make It Snappy – Let them snap green beans, peas, or broccoli flowerets

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Top 10 Ways to Get Kids Involved With Fruits &

Vegetables• 4. I Spy – Play “I Spy” in the produce section

• 5. Tear It Up! – Let them tear the lettuce for salads & sandwiches

• 6. Measure Up! – Let them measure the vegetables before cooking them

• 7. Peel & Slice – Older children can peel & slice fruits & veggies

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Top 10 Ways to Get Kids Involved With Fruits &

Vegetables• 8. Stir & Spice – Make applesauce from

apples & let them stir & add the cinnamon

• 9. A Sprinkle A Day – Let them sprinkle herbs or other seasonings onto veggies

• 10. Monster Mash! – Pull out the potato masher


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Snack Facts• Preschool children have small stomachs and

need scheduled snacks• Eating at regular intervals discourages grazing,

characterized as near-continuous nibbling or drinking

• How much should you serve at snack time? Answer: Enough to take the edge off - start

small; you can always serve more

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Healthy Snacks Made at Home

• Think of snacks as mini-meals and avoid serving high-sodium chips & sugar-laden drinks

• Try: • Snack Mix - set out bowls of Cheerios, dried fruit, &

chopped nuts or sunflower seeds – let them mix it up – this mix is good with yogurt

• Fruit Smoothies – let them experiment with fresh or frozen fruits and low-fat yogurt or milk

• Low-fat microwave popcorn sprinkled with Parmesan cheese, and low-sodium vegetable juice

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Little Dipper Snacks• Young children love to dip – a little messy, but

worth it for development and good nutrition

• Try:• Sliced apple, peach, pear, banana, or cooked

sweet potato dipped in low-fat yogurt• Baby carrots, celery sticks, sliced bell

peppers, cherry tomatoes (cut in half) dipped in low-fat Ranch dressing or nut butter

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Healthy Snacks on the Go

• For simple, healthy snacks• Try:• String cheese & small can of low-sodium

vegetable juice• Small whole grain muffin & carton of

low-fat/skim milk• ¼ peanut butter sandwich & carton of 100%

fruit juice• Tube of yogurt & whole grain crackers


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20 Tips for Picky Eaters• Until your child’s food preferences mature,

prevent mealtime battles 1 bite at a time• 1. Respect Your Child’s Hunger – young

children tend to eat only when hungry • - growth has slowed its pace• – don’t force food

• 2. Stay Calm – If your child sees you unhappy, it may become a battle of the wills

- threats and punishments reinforce the behavior

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20 Tips for Picky Eaters• 3. Keep An Eye On The Clock – Nix juice &

snacks at least 1 hour before meals

• 4. Don’t Expect Too Much – A few bites may be all it takes for your child to feel full

• 5. Limit Liquid Calories – Low-fat or fat-free dairy & 100% fruit juice are important but may not leave room for meals & snacks if taken in


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20 Tips for Picky Eaters• 6. Start Small – Offer several foods in small

portions & let your child choose

• 7. Boycott The Clean Plate Club – Promotes overeating - allow your child to stop eating when full

• 8. Leave taste Out Of It – Talk about the color, shape, aroma, & texture – not whether it tastes


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20 Tips for Picky Eaters• 9. Be Patient With New Foods – May need

repeated exposure before the 1st bite is taken

• 10. Eat Breakfast For Dinner – May enjoy breakfast foods

• 11. Make It Fun – Serve veggies with a favorite dip such as low-fat Ranch dressing

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20 Tips for Picky Eaters• 12. Recruit Your Child’s Help – Ask them to

help you select fruits & veggies in the store• - at home, let them rinse veggies, stir batter, or

set the table

• 13. Set A Good Example – If you eat a variety, your child is more likely to follow suit

• 14. Be Sneaky – Add veggies to spaghetti sauce,

casseroles, & soups & top cereal with fruits

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20 Tips for Picky Eaters• 15. Keep It Separate – Try not mixing the

foods & serve the ingredients separately

• 16. Stick To The Routine – Serve the meals & snacks at the same times everyday & keep kitchen closed at other times

• 17. Minimize Distractions – Turn off the TV during meals & snacks & don’t allow books or toys

at the table

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20 Tips for Picky Eaters• 18. Don’t Offer Dessert As A Reward – Sends a

message that it is the best food• - redefine dessert as fruit, yogurt, etc.

• 19. Expect Some Food Preferences To Stick – As kids mature, they tend to become less picky, but will still have some preferences & not like others

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20 Tips for Picky Eaters• 20. Know When To Seek Help – If

they are energetic and growing, probably doing fine

• - if the eating behavior is compromising growth & development or if certain foods cause illness, consult your physician


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References1. Worthington-Roberts BS and Williams SR.

Nutrition Throughout the Life Cycle, 4th Edition. McGraw-Hill, 2000, p. 242-246.

2. www.fruitsandveggiesmorematters.org4.

simple-sweet-snacks 5.


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