head on-chloe


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Page 1: Head on-Chloe

HEAD-ONMedia Studies


Page 2: Head on-Chloe

Key Themes Drugs Violence Family Problems

Page 3: Head on-Chloe

Plot A teenage boy is from a wealthy background, living in West

London. He has three siblings, two brothers and one sister. Out of all his siblings he is the worst behaved, he has numerous problems regarding his attendance and behavior at college. He has no respect for his parents. His parents realise that he is never going to change and they don’t want him anymore. They give him two thousand pounds and tell him to look for a job and get a flat. He ends up staying with a friend and uses money on drugs. An incident happens and he nearly loses his life then he realises that this is not the way he wants to live his life, therefore he goes to a family members house and he asks for help and tries to sort his life out and live in a better way.

Page 4: Head on-Chloe
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Protagonist Scott Age:18 years oldLives in: West LondonPersonality:ArrogantAggressiveRude Scott has been involved in many fights and has many problems in

school. His attitude does not change when he is at home and around his family, he has become unbearable and very challenging to live with. His family do not understand why he wants to behave in this manner therefore they wonder if he is having so many problems at school. They offer to take him councelling however he refuses to go because he feels like he doesn’t need it.

Page 6: Head on-Chloe

In-Depth Analysis of the Opening We establish the setting of where the film will take place. -West London It will be of the young boy leaving home as his parents are

quite eager to get rid of him, therefore they want him to leave as soon as possible

We realise that his parents want nothing to do with him as we don’t see them we just here them talking about how he is taking too long to leave

When he leaves the house his dad immediately slams the door There are no feelings of regret between the parents once the

boy has gone The boy moves to another estate and he establishes his new

surroundings He bumps into a friend and they catch up on past events