hawaii iprqgrmsi holomua. - university of hawaii · 2015-06-02 · hawaii iprqgrmsi holomua. tqa--e...

it; 4 ft if 41 zM:: ' 1 7 :3' r c :' . 3 HAWAII iPRQGRMSi HOLOMUA. TQa-- e T .Ife of t2.e T tarn d. Is Sstalislea. in. Sig-iLteoxsrLes- s.' js Vol. I. Xo. 34. HONOLULU. PRIDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1893. Per Month 50 Cts. HawaiiHolomua IS PUBLISHED Every Afternoon EXCEPT SUNDAY DT THE Holomua Publishing Co. At King St (Thomas block) ,x Honolulu, H. I. SUBSCRIPTION, psr Month, SOCts. The paper is delivered by Carriers in the town and suburbs. Sinnle Copies far Sale at the VewB Dealers and at the Office of psbUcation. ABRAHAM FERNANDEZ, - Manager Edmund NORRIE, - - Editor NOTICE. All Business Communications should be addressed to Abraham Fernandez, iloao- - luiu, n. i. Correspondence and Communications for publication should bo addressed to the Alitor Hawaii Holomua. No notice will be paid to any anonymous comHintn cations. (Sard A. P. PETERSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office: 113" Kaahumaun Street, Honolulu Hawaiian Islands. . CHARLES CREIGHTON, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office: 113 Kaahumanu Street, Honolulu Hawaiian Islands. PAUL NEUMAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW. 314 Morchant Street, Honolulu, Mutual Telephono 415. CLAREXOE W. ASHPORD, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. OBce: Old Capitol Building. (Honolulu Hale), adjoining Post Office, Honolulu. A. EOSA, ATTORNEY AT LAW, jSo. lojKaahumanu St. , Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands. J". M. DAVIDSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, 300 Morchant St., Office (Mutual) Tel. ISO, Eosidonce 67. S. IL KA-N- E, ATTORNEY AT LAW- - Office: Corner King and Bethel streets, up-stair- s. s JOHN LOTA KAULUKOU, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office, corner King fc Bethel Sts. dr. Mclennan, 131 Fort Street Ottet TeL Mc7rAt.4UsaeBe TL Elias Kaululaau Wright jar DENTIST, Gmmt ( Kk 'awi TMhel Ste., Upstairs, OrrKK Hoc Prow 9 to 12 1 to i p.M. f3Sdja excepted. BRUCE 4 A. J. CART WRIGHT Basinesa of Fiduciary Nature Tress&cted. Prompt attention gjrea io the manAggaent of Estate Guardkuships, Trusts, etc., et&, etc. Offices, " : Carivcrighl Building, Merchant Street, Honolulu. F. H. RED WARD, CONTRACTOR xsd BUILDER, No. 506 King Street, Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands. MACFARLANE & CO. Dealers in Wines and Spirits Kaahumanu Street, Honolulu. Bell Telephone 331 . P. O. Box 32 TV. TV. TVRIGHT & SON, Carriage and Wagon Builders IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. 79 and SO King Street, Honolulu, H. I. H. E. McINTYRE & BRO. , Grocery, Feed Store & Bakery, Corner of King and Fort Sts., Honolulu. J. PHILLIPS, PRACTICAL PLUMBER, GAS-FITTE- R V COPPER-SMITH- . "S3? House Ind Ship Job "Work Promptlj' Executed. No. 71 King Street. Honolulu. GDNSHLITES & CD, j Importers & Dealers in Groceries, Wines, Spirits, &c. Qneen St. , Honolulu. Empire Saloon, JAMES OLDS, Proprietor. Fine tfineg, ,Liipi BeeP, ALWAYS ON HAND. Corner Nuuanu and Hotel Streets LEWIS J. LEVEV, Real Estate and Genei-a- l Auctioneer. Corner Fort and Queen Streets, Honolulu Personal attention given to Sales of Furniture, Real Estate, Stock and General Merchandise. Mutual Telephone 233. Bell Tckpboac 331. Post OfSee,BarS2. W.W. WRIGHT 4S0H Gamage&W agon Bniers Lv All Its Branches. . . A SPECIALTY. 79 tai 80 Kisg St.Hoiiolslm. 6cral tirrrti;Sftt?it H. F. BEBTELMANN, CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER, 86 King St, Bell Telephono 107. CHAS. MOLTENO. I3T TONSOBIAL ABTIST, No. 511 King Street, Honolulu, H. I. Give me a trial. H. ILOSE, ISTotary Public. Collector and General Business Agent. Mutual Telephone 8. , P. O. Box 33S. Merchant street, Honolulu. MERCHANT'S EXCHANGE, S. I. SHAW, Proprietor, CHOICE LIQUORS and FINE BEER, Corner of King and Nunanu Sts., Mutual Tel. 423. Honolulu, G..W.IiCFiBLilffi&vCO., Importers & Commission MERCHANTS, Honolulu, - Hawaiian Islands THOMAS. LINDSAY. Mannfacluring JejjUr Sand'Z v 'Waidmiaker, Mclnerny Block, 405 Fort St., Honolulu. Chas. T. (Mck NOTARY PUBLIC For the Island of Oahu. Agent to Take Acknowledgments to Labor Contracts. Agent to Grant Marriage Licen- ses, Honolulu, Oahu. Agent for the Haw'n Islands of Pitt & Scott's Freight and Parcels Express. Agent for the Burlington Eoute. Heal State Broker sni General Aieit. Bell Tel. 348; Mut. Tel. 139; P. O. Box 415. OFFICE: No. 38 MERCHANT Street, Honolulu, H. I. CHOCK LOOK. MERCHANT TAILOR, No. 321 Nuuaaa Street, ALL SUITS GUARANTEED TO FIT, and MADE in the BEST STYLE. CLOTHES CLEANED and "REPAIRED. Wing Mow Chan, DCTOXTEKS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS SEALEBS EC ChMi ami Jiim Tta, Previtint, MaMia Ciftrs, GROCERIES, SILKS, MATTING. Caapkor Wood Traeks, RAtUa Ckaiis, etc., ic. SOlKiBf StHofcola, P. O. Bo7lB(), MmUfifm. No. IS. HARRISON BROS., SaTCONTSAGTOSS AND BUILDERS, 208 Fort St , Honolulu. H MHY & GO,, Tea Dealers, Ctffce Rtastcrs 0 Prevision Merchants 9S Fort Street, - Honolulu Families, Plantations and Ships supplied with choicest European & American Groceries California Produce by Every Steamer. Theo. P. Seyerik. A. W. Bolster. ALOHA :-- -: GALLERY 513 Fort Street. Hosolclc. Up-stair- Portraits & Landscapes Finest Collection of Hawaiian Views. P.O.Box-l9S- . LEWIS & Co., Wholesale and Retail Grocers AND PROVISION DEALERS. FRESH CALIFORNIA SALMON ON ICE By Every San Francisco Steamer. Salt Salmon in Barrels a Specialty. zii Fort St., Honolulu. Tel. 2401 P. O. Box 297. dub tables Co., S. F. GRAHAM, Manager. Xiivery, Feed and Sale Stables, Fort Street, between Hotel and Beretania. Both Telephones No. 477 donneotsd With Hac $fcand, Corner King Jc Bethel Sts. Both Telephones No. 113. Long Branch BATHING Establishment. This First-clas- s Bathing fosort has been enlarged and is now-ope- n to the public It is the best place on the islands to enjoy a bath and there is no better place to lay off. Special accom- modations for Ladies. Trasncars pass the door every half hour and on Saturdays aad Sundays every fifteen minutes. JAMES SHERWOOD Proprietor. WING WO k CO., Manufacturers and Dealers is Ladies', Casts' &. Childrea's No. 35, fgt Honolulu, Nwsb StreeKltP. O. Box 198 Book and Shorn aaade io order is Bsi S4f leat WfcofeMfe and R4&il PrieM. 5c -- I, ? ."5 1,: 3 . 1 Wvntimmt$ W. S. LUCE "Wine and Spirit Merchant Campbdl Fire-pro- of Block, MERCHANT ST., HONOLULU NATIONAL IRON WORKS, Queen Street, Between Alakea & Richard Sis. THE UNDERSIGNED are prepared to kinds of Iron Brass, Bronxe, 25ne, Tin aad Lead C&siisgv. Abo a General Bepair Shop for Steam Engines, Rica Mills Cora Mill. Water Wheels, WindMilhs etc. Machines for the Cleaniag of Coffee, Castor Oils, Beaiw, Ramie, StaL Piasapple Leares -- V other Fibrou Plant, And Paper Stock Also Machines for Extracting Starch from the Manioc, Arrow Bool, etc 137 All Order promptly attended to. WHITE, RITMAN dl CO. CHEAP FUEL ITi'esli -- Alseroba IFirewSod $9.00 per Cord Delivered. JNO. F. COLBUBN Jfc CO. se'io lsa ESTABLISHED A. D. 1863; Pioneer Steam Candy Factory! iBAKEEYamd Ice Cream Parlors F. HORN, Proprietor. PRACTICAL Confectioner if OrniioicntcF la all branches of the bastness oa i kkads. AMERICAN, FRENCH, ENG- LISH and GERMAN PASTRIES MADE TO ORDER. Wedding and Birth-da- y Made of the very best material, unsurpassed in richness of quali- ty and ornamented in unapproach- able stylo, at lower prices than any other establishment in Ho- nolulu. Gaava Jelly, Preserved Tamarinds and Tamarind Syrup. ALL CONFECTIONERY Hannfactared at ray Estab- lishment are Guaranteed i be PoemvxLY Pose aad sold at prices ho oth&r ssCablkhaaent ean compete with. FACTORY & STORE, No., 71 Horn. Betweea Nimb ad F6lMtri BOTHTMTWJKrSKlif mm 64 f. W1 - ll' 1 5fc 4 lis" .It!

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Page 1: HAWAII iPRQGRMSi HOLOMUA. - University of Hawaii · 2015-06-02 · HAWAII iPRQGRMSi HOLOMUA. TQa--e T.Ife oft2.e T tarn d. Is Sstalislea. in. Sig-iLteoxsrLes ... G..W.IiCFiBLilffi&vCO.,


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1 7




. 3

HAWAII iPRQGRMSi HOLOMUA.TQa--e T .Ife of t2.e T tarn d. Is Sstalislea. in. Sig-iLteoxsrLes-


jsVol. I. Xo. 34. HONOLULU. PRIDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1893. Per Month 50 Cts.



Holomua Publishing Co.

At King St (Thomas block) ,x

Honolulu, H. I.


The paper is delivered by Carriers in thetown and suburbs. Sinnle Copies far Saleat the VewB Dealers and at the Office ofpsbUcation.

ABRAHAM FERNANDEZ, - ManagerEdmund NORRIE, - - Editor

NOTICE.All Business Communications should be

addressed to Abraham Fernandez, iloao--

luiu, n. i.Correspondence and Communications for

publication should bo addressed to the AlitorHawaii Holomua. No notice will be paidto any anonymous comHintncations.




Office: 113" Kaahumaun Street, HonoluluHawaiian Islands.



Office: 113 Kaahumanu Street, HonoluluHawaiian Islands.



314 Morchant Street, Honolulu,Mutual Telephono 415.



OBce: Old Capitol Building. (HonoluluHale), adjoining Post Office,




jSo. lojKaahumanu St. , Honolulu,

Hawaiian Islands.



300 Morchant St., Office (Mutual)Tel. ISO, Eosidonce 67.

S. IL KA-N- E,


Office: Corner King and Bethelstreets, up-stair- s. s



Office, corner King fc Bethel Sts.

dr. Mclennan,131 Fort Street

Ottet TeL Mc7rAt.4UsaeBe TL

Elias Kaululaau Wrightjar DENTIST,

Gmmt ( Kk 'awi TMhel Ste., Upstairs,

OrrKK Hoc Prow 9 to12 1 to i p.M. f3Sdjaexcepted.


Basinesa of Fiduciary Nature Tress&cted.Prompt attention gjrea io the manAggaent

of Estate Guardkuships, Trusts,etc., et&, etc.

Offices, " : Carivcrighl Building,Merchant Street, Honolulu.



No. 506 King Street, Honolulu,Hawaiian Islands.


Dealers in Wines and Spirits

Kaahumanu Street, Honolulu.

Bell Telephone 331 . P. O. Box 32


Carriage and Wagon BuildersIN ALL ITS BRANCHES.

79 and SO King Street, Honolulu, H. I.


Grocery, Feed Store & Bakery,

Corner ofKing and Fort Sts., Honolulu.




"S3? House Ind Ship Job "WorkPromptlj' Executed.

No. 71 King Street. Honolulu.


Importers & Dealers in

Groceries, Wines, Spirits, &c.

Qneen St. , Honolulu.

Empire Saloon,JAMES OLDS, Proprietor.

Fine tfineg, ,Liipi BeeP,


Corner Nuuanu and Hotel Streets


Real Estate and Genei-a- l

Auctioneer.Corner Fort and Queen Streets, Honolulu

Personal attention given to Salesof Furniture, Real Estate,

Stock and GeneralMerchandise.

Mutual Telephone 233.

Bell Tckpboac 331. Post OfSee,BarS2.


Gamage&Wagon Bniers

Lv All Its Branches.


79 tai 80 Kisg St.Hoiiolslm.

6cral tirrrti;Sftt?it



86 King St, Bell Telephono 107.



No. 511 King Street, Honolulu,H. I. Give me a trial.

H. ILOSE,ISTotary Public.

Collector and General BusinessAgent.

Mutual Telephone 8. , P. O. Box 33S.Merchant street, Honolulu.


S. I. SHAW, Proprietor,


Corner of King and Nunanu Sts.,Mutual Tel. 423. Honolulu,


Importers & CommissionMERCHANTS,

Honolulu, - Hawaiian Islands


Mannfacluring JejjUr Sand'Zv 'Waidmiaker,

Mclnerny Block, 405 Fort St., Honolulu.


For the Island of Oahu.

Agent to Take Acknowledgmentsto Labor Contracts.

Agent to Grant Marriage Licen-ses, Honolulu, Oahu.

Agent for the Haw'n Islands ofPitt & Scott's Freight

and Parcels Express.

Agent for the Burlington Eoute.

Heal State Broker sni General Aieit.Bell Tel. 348; Mut. Tel.

139; P. O. Box 415.OFFICE: No. 38 MERCHANT

Street, Honolulu, H. I.


MERCHANT TAILOR,No. 321 Nuuaaa Street,







ChMi ami Jiim Tta,

Previtint, MaMia Ciftrs,GROCERIES, SILKS,


Caapkor Wood Traeks, RAtUaCkaiis, etc., ic.

SOlKiBf StHofcola, P. O.Bo7lB(), MmUfifm. No. IS.



208 Fort St , Honolulu.

H MHY & GO,,

Tea Dealers, Ctffce Rtastcrs0 Prevision Merchants

9S Fort Street, - Honolulu

Families, Plantations and Shipssupplied with choicest

European &American Groceries

California Produce by EverySteamer.

Theo. P. Seyerik. A. W. Bolster.


513 Fort Street. Hosolclc.Up-stair-

Portraits & Landscapes

Finest Collection of Hawaiian Views.P.O.Box-l9S- .

LEWIS & Co.,Wholesale and Retail Grocers




By Every San Francisco Steamer.

Salt Salmon in Barrelsa Specialty.

zii Fort St., Honolulu. Tel. 2401

P. O. Box 297.

dub tables Co.,S. F. GRAHAM, Manager.

Xiivery, Feed andSale Stables,

Fort Street, between Hoteland Beretania.

Both Telephones No. 477

donneotsd With Hac $fcand,

Corner King Jc Bethel Sts.Both Telephones No. 113.

Long BranchBATHING


This First-clas- s Bathing fosorthas been enlarged and is now-ope- n

to the public It is thebest place on the islands to enjoya bath and there is no betterplace to lay off. Special accom-modations for Ladies. Trasncarspass the door every half hour andon Saturdays aad Sundays everyfifteen minutes.



Manufacturers and Dealers isLadies', Casts' &. Childrea's

No. 35, fgt Honolulu,Nwsb StreeKltP. O. Box 198Book and Shorn aaade io order

is Bsi S4fleat WfcofeMfeand R4&il PrieM.

5c --I, ? ."5

1,: 3





"Wine and SpiritMerchant

Campbdl Fire-pro- of Block,



Queen Street,Between Alakea & Richard Sis.

THE UNDERSIGNED are prepared tokinds of

Iron Brass, Bronxe, 25ne,Tin aad Lead C&siisgv. Abo a

General Bepair Shop for Steam Engines,Rica Mills Cora Mill.

Water Wheels, WindMilhs etc.Machines for the Cleaniag of Coffee,

Castor Oils, Beaiw, Ramie, StaLPiasapple Leares --V other Fibrou Plant,

And Paper Stock

Also Machines for Extracting Starch fromthe Manioc, Arrow Bool, etc

137 All Order promptly attended to.



ITi'esli --AlserobaIFirewSod

$9.00 per Cord Delivered.

JNO. F. COLBUBN Jfc CO.se'io lsa


Pioneer Steam

Candy Factory!iBAKEEYamd

Ice Cream ParlorsF. HORN, Proprietor.


Confectioner if OrniioicntcF

la all branches of the bastness oai kkads.




Wedding and Birth-da- y

Made of the very best material,unsurpassed in richness of quali-ty and ornamented in unapproach-able stylo, at lower prices thanany other establishment in Ho-nolulu.

Gaava Jelly,Preserved Tamarinds

andTamarind Syrup.

ALL CONFECTIONERYHannfactared at ray Estab-

lishmentare Guaranteed i be PoemvxLY

Pose aad sold at prices hooth&r ssCablkhaaent ean

compete with.

FACTORY & STORE,No., 71 Horn.

Betweea Nimb adF6lMtriBOTHTMTWJKrSKlif




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Page 2: HAWAII iPRQGRMSi HOLOMUA. - University of Hawaii · 2015-06-02 · HAWAII iPRQGRMSi HOLOMUA. TQa--e T.Ife oft2.e T tarn d. Is Sstalislea. in. Sig-iLteoxsrLes ... G..W.IiCFiBLilffi&vCO.,

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The Life of the Land is Esiahlishia

in Righleoumess.

HONOLULU. OCT. 27, 1S93.

Justice Will be Done

pslf-Qoafesmne- nt for jJa-sai- i

Hawaiians will Yote.

Zdtcsl from Washington.

Washington, October 19.--T-ho

navy of the United States hasnover vol been used to placeKings or Qneens on tUeir thronesyet, unless tho tidministrationDemocrats aro ill advised, it istho purpose of President Clove-lan- d

that tho marines of theUnited States shall be ordered incertain contingencies to placeQueen Liliuokalani upon thothrone of the Hawaiian Islands."Paramount Blount" of Georgiais said to have made tho recotnniondation that tho qnostion ofrestoration shall bo submitted totho sufferagos of the Kanakas,coolies and all tho rest, and thosewho aro familiar with Hawaiianmatters say that means a restora-tion of tho monarch.

late Foreign News

Tho R. M. S. Mariposa whicharrived this morning, brings nonews of speci'il importance. ThoAmerican Minister to HawaiiMr. Willis did not arrive asoxpected. Ho will come by thoAustralia duo hero next Satur-day.

Although Blount's report, hasnot been published et privateadvices from Washington as woll

rs despatches to thoHVostovn papers state that horecommends that a plebescito botaken iu Hawaii under tho auspices of the United Slates, andthat ovontually tho forces of theUnited States bo used for tho

jrestoration of tho monarchy orTrhatever form of government thopeople of Hawaii may desire.After & proper self-governm-

lias boon established a treaty willbo proposed and laid beforeCongress. Tho tenor of suchtreaty although not fully ar-ranged iu tha details, will meanan implied protectorate withgoaranteos xgain it foreign interferi'nco and internal disturbancesby filibusters and adventurers.Mr. Iheo. H. Davis, has beeninterviewed, in Victoria (B. C.)ami has refuted, the ridiculousassertion that there exists or overexisted a "Princess party" inHawaii. In tha Senate, thoCleveland administration hasnot HiRtle iKBolt jwognass with thorepeal actot thu silver-bil-l, andUte otlook is that a coapromisewilt In "Bfectl. Tk Aot whichvirlaliy rnwVs tae Geary ex-CiK- Mi

Act at least for tka tiebtH, Msd Ooira oa ikeftit iHt, wiUt ikre aa4lmRtoffer! by Mr, Gaary. Tit a AetKwctad ami xiak tW CtiuiMe

Bfieiratwi Aatwwd will mmVr tal-

ly kip to solv ik dufelfc.Okta qetio.v

d ISiir iritl ele m Mm.JKH

insL with great poaop. The dayenclosing, will be celebrated asthe Columbia ""day. PresidentCleveland has been invited, buiit is considered doubtful whetherhe can leavo Washington atthe present time.

The American yacht Vigilant,beat the British yacht Valkyriefor tho third time and won theAmerican cup.

It is rumored that the Chicagomillionaire Philip D. Armourintends to make another douationof J500.000 to the Armour Insti-


Negotiations for the sending oftho big tug Fearless from SanFrancisco, to assist the wreckedMiowera have been pending, butit is bolived that the scheme hasbeen abandoned. Captain Met-

calfe arrived hero by the Mari-

posa with all necessary apparatusto tako off the wreck, if possible.

The Mayor of Brooklyn, hasstated that the great fight arrang-ed between Corbett and Mitchell,will not be allowed to take placeon Coney Island. It is notknown yet what tho result of thisdecision will be.

J. Willetfs(by Blackwood-Mambrin- o damby Hiram Woodruff) boat thecoast record for pacers at LosAcgolos on October USth, win-

ning three straight heats iu 2

The British man-of-w- ar Cham-

pion, was making read' to leavefor Honolulu according toa Victoria, despatch of the 16thins'L

From Europe the most note-

worthy event is the excited andenthusiastic reception in Franceof ihe Kassian fleet. In spite ofthe warnings of Presidant Car-n- ot

and tho special request of theCzar, tho French seem to havelost their heads, and made thevisit uu occasion for the mostviolent, and warlike demonstra-tion against German'. Thecholera, is not abating, and newcases are reported both fromItaly and Germany.

Marshal Mac Mahon, France'sgreatest general of tue day isdead. He was born in 1808, andmade through his life a mostbrdliant career. He was electedPresident of tho French Re-

public in 1873, and resigned hisoffice in 1879, and has since livediu retirement.

Another notable man whomdeath has claimed, is CharlesGounod tho celebrated composer.Ho was born in 1S18, and attain-

ed great famo as a composerboth of sacred music and operas.Besides his master work Faust,the most acted works of his areBorneo and Juliet and the Tributedo Z&mora.


Tfetj Pass Tkrvaga tke XariMM

Hon. Heary C. Ide ami familyof Vermont sad jtfr. Was. LeaChambers of Alabama, arotUroagh pasctftftgers by ihe M'ari-poe- ft

bound foe their new homein Samoa. n Jad$e Ida who wasformerly oa oflka Land Qpm-miaHG-r$

of Samoa retaras tokpi as CfaJmrljea t tha is-- $

ads 'to.limiiUi Car-- !:raate Mr. CkabUlc ih 1

...1 .a-- m m J mm '





Outmnding OHife.S2J654;2G0 00Duo Postal Savings

Bank 540,143 79Treasury and P. M.

G--. Xotes 229,000 00

Net Indebtedness.. $3,423,343 79


Outstanding Bonds. $2,644,200 00

Due Postal SavingsBank 542.917 1

Treasury and P. M.G. Notes 229,000 00

Xet Indebtedness. .$3 416.117 13

It will be seen by comparingthe above two tables that theamount of "outstanding bonds"has decreased $10 .000, andthe amount duo the "Postal Savings x a n k isincreased bv $2,773.34. makinga total reduction iu the PublicDebt of $7,226.66.

That looks very encouragingespecially when an increase intho Debt of about $10,000 was

expected, would have been theshowincr. That such a resulthas reallv been the ense is hardto believe, as the "Orcan" of

this morninir does not refer to

the subject at all.

Another thing which is aptto make the- - "taxpayers" incre-

dulous, is tho fact, that the listof the expenditures in yesterday's fiuancinl statement, doesnot contain anr item coveringthat amount, or for that purposenor is tho amouut of $10,000 forpayment on account of the "Na-

tional Debt," to be found in the"Quarterly" Treasury Statements of September 30th. or ofJune 30th. of this year.

But in tho yearly statement ofthe receipts and expenditures oftho Hawaiian Treasury for theyear ending March 31st, 1893, isa record of an amount of $10,000as having been drawn from theappropriation for "National Debtfalling due," which left the bal-

ance of $200 still to bo paid dur-

ing the present period. Whetherthis amount of $10,000 was paidbefore the 17th of January orafter? perhaps the Finance Minis-ter will kindly enlighten the"tax-payer- s'

"WilL the Finance Ministeralso kindly impart the follow-

ing information to tho "tax-payers." What was tho Treasurybalance on the 17th. of JanuaryList? What was the amount ofCash on hand in the. P-- S.-ba-

on the same date!

Tho following passengers forHonolulu arrived on the steamerMariposa this morning BeV.

K Baptist, Mrs. Capt Berry, 33

J Borman wife and two, children,Miss Annie JEWer JJ Foster, RRFosterodgaTVm. Foster, AFries. Mrs. W P Garritt andchild. T H Gibson and wife, TV

W Goodale, Mrs: G Hemlee,jtfms; Atkliae Hende, Miae EHeadee,. Lag! Bros, P McLaae,Capt Metaaife,;Dr. I XoriTW SNwoll, lCwg,Bwl 3Uea, W 3Taylor, Mrs, Haar; TiMoB,

aer.-J- E A Wiliiama,' H ?M ITkit--jmt, M:ias AaaflflutoaT," --Mas



The Honolulu Correspondentto. the Ckronxde is not a veryclever young man. No body hasever accused him of enjoying anoverdose, of brains, but he is ex-

tremely fertile in his imagination.If he uses that gift when he dis-

penses patent medicine or mixespills we will pity his customers.The latest fake which this hope-

ful youth dishes up to the Chronicle readers appears in the.;issue of the ISth, and tells thoCalifornia people that,

""Within the timo elapsingsince tho last mail arrived inter-views with several of the promi-nent royalists of Honolulu havedeveloped the fact that there wasa disposition on their part toorganize for an emergency.

One of them said: "If we findthe United States will not restorethe Queen we'll fight." Investi-gation showed that meetings werobeing held for tho purpose oforganizing a coup d'etat in casethe expected advorse word wasreceived from the United States.

Tho authorities admit thatthey know all about the matterand say there have been severalmeetings to overthrow tha Pro-visional Government, but thatGovernment is heeled."

We do not know if the Govern-ment here enjoys such lies, ifit doesn't we should suggest thatit uses its "heels" to kick sometruth and decency into the car-

cass of the Chronicle correspon-dent.

The canard above printed isnothing thongh m comparisonto the following dose:

"Although Bobort LouisStevenson had positively deniedthat ho was here otherwise thanfor his health, it is now positive-ly known that his visit to Honolulu has a deep political signi-

ficance.Tho Germans have promised to

bundle Mr. Stevenson, "bag andbaggage," out of 'Samoa in caseGermany gets a pretext to annexthoso islands. It has beonlearned that his mission here isto study out some plan to preventGermany from annexing theseislands, so as to save his Samoanestates."

Mark, that although Mr.Stevenson himself tells that hois only here for his health thebrilliant pup who has access totho Chronicle columns .knowsbetter and is awaro of some deepplot through which Germanycan be prevented from annexingSamoa.

It is abont time that tholearned Attorney-Gener- al ringsdown the curtun, telephones toBilly. Anld and get .the idiotic"'correspondent confined in apadded room.


Wealth does hot bring contentment, w -

And nono gets what he axes;For if ho did, hei want therth.

Aud growl about the iaxse.Trulk.

a Wr4ck,

"He's an awfal bad mas.""Whyf"Promised feis wife roa - hr

death bed he'd evr ' driakagaia.. aad bow X kaar Ws fakaaa salooa passage o a ataaswar."


' . --AY



Victoria (B.G.), October 15.

TheophiksH. Davies. guards anof Hawaiian Princess Kamlani,is here awaiiiag tho. sailing ofthe steamer Miowera, on whichbe returns: io Honolulu. Ifc"was

Davies who orgaaised the partyaccompanying the Princess toTVashiagion when she wont tostate her case to President Cleve-

land.An' interesting event in Kaiu-lani- 's

life occurs to morrow, whenshe attains her majority. The,Princess will winter at Wiesba-den. Speaking abont her and-he- r

plans, Davies said: "Therehas been a great deal said andtelegraphed abont the relationthe Princess bears towards thoQueen. They talk about thePrincess being willing io taketho throne. Xow, her positionis simply this: Tho Princess isperfectly loyal to tho Queen;there can bo no question of hertaking tho throne during theQueen's bfotime except at thoQueen's request; so all this talkto tho contrary is entirely un-fouud- ed.

It is a question thatnever has arisen and can neverarise.

Sho has been represented" asheading some other party. Therois only one party of tho Hawaiians. and they nro represouted'bythe Queen and the Princes, asher heiress. Tho Princess wentto Washington uot in her own in-

terest, but in thoso of tho Hawa-iian throne and nation.

As to tho future of tho Nation,as far as the United States isconcerned, Davies is of tho opini-

on- that Cleveland will rofusoeither to annex or "protect" Ha-waii, unless satisfied that theXation wants it. Every officialof the United States Governmentwith whom D.tvics had dealings,he said, has inspired him withthe belief that justice is intendodtoward Hawaii.

Foreign Mail Service.

Steamships will leave for and arrive '

from San FrancJ.-c-o, on the followingdates, till the close of 1SKJ.

Leave at Hosolclc

roa Sax Fkaxcjsco.Fh. Sax F&axcikco

Oceanic Sept. 2'Alameda .... Sopt. 23Miovrcra, for YannAcstre'a .Oct. 7

cooTer Oct. 2'0cear'e...,. Oct. 17AssStnlU.... .Oc. li.Uioa-em- , (row Tan- -Monoa-a- i Oct. 19' coaler Oct. 23Warrieioo, for Vas.(jripoaa...,.Ocf. 0J

coarcr Xor. I.Ans.rjlt Nor. 4Cbina Jfor. G'Morctrai,..Xor. 23AustnOU, ...Nov. JllWartiaroo, iiam Vh--Alamtsk Jior. 16, osMtw.... Kar. 23Miaweta. for Yua-iCklr- a Not. 27

coarer Dec? Aas.ralk Doc. 2OceA&ie...... D.-c-. 4 AUeilA...IX22AistrJia Qlknrec, froas Vaa- -iJaripo.... Dec H. coaver D:. 23Witmieoo, for ic Dc. 2G

can rer Jxh. LAssktlia..., Dec. 30City IVking. , Jan. 2fWrriwo, irom VfiB- - .

Astrall.. .Jaa. 6 eoB-rw-., ...JiH.23

oaTtr Sept 23

Jwm tot uttr-Jro-nt


Stsr W G UiK, Suwawan, itwm llaii


. TtHfk im Fort.US S AkdK, Mk.

Cr Bk 3. C. Pm&.

Am WcS XCudf. KiUmI. S F.Am uii Trwak. Mmmh. S F.

. Cm,TK SVC. ., 'm


'71 . - SO.- -

Page 3: HAWAII iPRQGRMSi HOLOMUA. - University of Hawaii · 2015-06-02 · HAWAII iPRQGRMSi HOLOMUA. TQa--e T.Ife oft2.e T tarn d. Is Sstalislea. in. Sig-iLteoxsrLes ... G..W.IiCFiBLilffi&vCO.,




- The annexation org&nelk-s- , arevery ranch worried over theHoloxba's assertion that the"Coming Bace' in these Inlands,is the element now called "Half-whit- es

or Half-castes-," and bothStar and Advertiser gladly seizethe occasion to throw nind onthe nnofiending element Theslnrs heaped up by the foul-mind- ed

and scurrilous sheetsagainst Our Half-white- s as aclass or against some special in-

dividuals among them, are notworthy of any attention or re-

futation. Bnt it may be usefulto show a discriminating publictho stolidity of the Stars as-

sertion that "The half castes willdisappear altogetlior""under tho predominance ofAnglo Saxon, Latin or Teutonicstrains," and that "there is ab-

solutely no future for them out-sid- o

of the Caucasian fellowship."In view of proving its rash

assertions, tho Star only bringsout triumphantly that tho Anglo-

-Saxon, Latin and Teutonicdescendants already outnumbertho Hawaiian Half Castes, (pre-

vious to crowding them out), andforsooth, it proudly contrasts thetotal of Half Castes in lastCensus, U1S6, against tho totalof Hawaiian born Foreigners7495. But two points will suffice toknock the Star overhead:

PlitST. Does tho Star knowhow these Hawaiian bornForeigners are distributed? Onlv1G17 are Anglo Saxon and Teu-o))t- c,

whilo 4117 are Portuguese,:1707 avo Asiatics, so that ovenin this particular element thereis little prospect of the Anglo-Saxo- n

and Teutomo absordingthe others let alouo tho HalfCastes but on tho contrarythd formor might be squelchedout by tbo Latin and Asiaticalone.

Second. Does the Star ignor-nntl- y

or wilfully forget that ourHalf Castes nro a stable elementtho only one indeed m this coun-

try born hero, to livo and diohere, having no other country togo to, whilo tho foreign elementsare preeminently unstabio, andlikely to dosert tho kingdom attho first opportnuityl This isespecially so with tho Asiaticand Portuguese Hawaiian born,these last already leaving, withtheir parents, at tho rate of about500 a year.

Consequently, the Half Whiteelement, formed ont of tho re-

maining aborigines whoso stockis yet far from being exhaustedare bound to goon increasing,whilst tho opposing faction (inthe Star's calculations) of Hawaiian born foreigners- - will gradual-ly disappear out of sight, or suchindividuals among them, whomav remain hero, will melt intotho half white element, who isthe one who really will absorball others, s correctly predictedby Judge Pornander.

There can bo. no doubt aboutthis, because the past growth ofour half white Hawaiians hasbeen- - truly wonderful. In 1S66,the Census only acknowledged1640 of them; "in 1890, therewere 6186 ad were reported asgrowing at the rate of nearly 0'per ceL jroes oae cesfeperiodto the next, which allows thesurmise that, ii th xtoae5 (1S96), Utey will aotk over PJOOO, while ike Auafcr-ioa-a

faetkm, who ekuNS thexifkt to "rule oermitf' iiete. wUi

amount to less than the 1928 nowall told less than 2J4 of thewhole population, to whichcan be added only about SCO

scions bom here I Moreover,take good notice, Mr. Star, thatthe lilliputian American factionis shown by the Censuses to bosteadily decreasing in number atthe very time when the HalfCastes whose death-kno- ll you sogratuitiously toll are increasingm geometrical proportion, andthreaten to ascend to a hundredthousand in about 30 years fromhence! This is how the HalfCastes are going to "Vaxish"'Smith, poor boj you are no pro-phet, and especially poor instatistics?!

The next argument used bythe Star to disparage the HalfWhite HawaiianSj is that theyhold only about $500,000 in thesugar industry, whilo the Amer-icans hold ?21,700,6S9 f?), andthe Hawaiian born AmericansS4,40S,474 (??) Well! what abontthat? and why now refer evoryday to sugar as tho deus

of the Kingdom? TheStar after trying to win thesugar industry in favor of itsridicnlons scheme of small (Amer-ican) farmers, now evidentlywants the public to believe thatthis industry is tho only sourceof wealth, the only thing repre-senting money in these IslandslIf such is the case, and since thesugar industry is sure of beingruined by annexation, it is abouttime for tho Star to stop its howl-

ing campaign in favor of jingoismand suicidal annexation. But theshir if it is one growing out oftho apparent fact that our halfw'aitea are not large investors insugar, is sufficiently explainedby the fact that the elotnent is soyoung, and has not had time toreact against the "impoverish-ment" inherited from their des-

poiled native ancestors. Ouly293 individuals ont of the wholetotal of 6186, are over 45 years ofa o, and tho now born babes ofthat element can hardly be ex-

pected to bring sugar shares outof their poor Hawaiian mother'swomb, whilo tho American mis-sionaries fucking up tho countryfor tho past 70 years, have hadall the time necessary to investinto sugar, the produce of theirpilferings over the poor unsophis-ticated natives. Therefore, if itbo true that the Hawaiian bornAmericans do havo 4 or 5 mil-

lions in sugar, the Star ought notto boast about it, becauso it ison'ya further proof of theirshameas it is a well known fact, that allthoir fathers, without exception,came here with nnthingand livedon the friendship oiTthe natives.

But the Star and Advertisermay rest assured that the Hawa-iian half castes, the natural re-

presentatives politically andotherwise, and descendenfs andsuccessors of tho Aborigines, willhold tho fore and eventuallyrule the country, despite allSmith's derogations; and whenthe time of making ami sqnar-sin- g

accoaats comes as it willsorely do some day between thorightful desceadauW. of the des-

poiled natives and the reamautsof the greedy American mission-ary aokers, the- - balance willsot be ob the piratical side.

Ge of the impoverished"Hao IVhiibs.

Wham the oeirioh k captured,He kaoWh is mwfcap

KeeM aaemy a. feetiier '

Is aobMjM aajH-Piws- fc.


Parogen Irrire.

The tug Fearless is likely to besent down to Honolulu to wreck -

the British steamer Miowera.The matter was under considera-tion yesfearday, but it is prettycertain that assistance of somekind will be sent from this port

Captain Dan Haskell of theFearless refused to say anythingabout.the tug's prospective tripfor which preparations are beingmade. However, there was tele,graphic cable correspondenceyesterday between T. H. Walker,a member of tho firm that isagent for the steamer at Hono-lulu and the owners in England.The advices cabled, it is understood, were in favor of sendingeither one or two tugs from hereto Honolulu.

A definite answer is expectedthis morning. It may be possi-ble that the tug Belief may

the Fearless. Thesetwo tugs, with their wreckingpumps and apparatus, it is be-

lieved would be able to save theMiowera. The tugs could easilymake the trip from hero to Hornolnlu in nine days. It wouldbe a neat ocean race if both theFearless and Belief should startout together.

If the tug Fearless or any otherwrecking vessels are sent CaptainHaskell will go in command oftho expedition. He has a bigreputation on this coast as awrecker and success might belooked for iu. getting thoMionreraofF the coral reef if he was incharge. To-da- y will likely tell thetale whether a steamer or tugs willbo sent from here to Honolulu.

The shipwiecked cabin passen-gers from the Miowera, who cameup on the Australia, were landedby 8 o'clock yesterday morning.The' will take the steamorQueen, sailing on the 21st. forVancouver, B. C. Most of themaro on tho way to England andhave tickets by the Canadian.Pacific Bailwny. The steeragepassengers, however, were de-

tained about two hours, owincr tothe non-appearan- ce of Immigra-tion Commissioner Stradly. Thomorning was damp and the decksof the steamer wet. The stee-rage passengers moved about,fretted and fumed at the delay inallowing them to go ashore.This is the third time since lastSnudav noon that-.th-e now com-

missioner has been late in reach-ing foreign steamers after theirarrival.

The customs officials yesterdayafforded tho shipwrecked passe n-g- eis

every convenience to get theirki'eiP'S0 examined and showedthem, every courtesy- - The pas-sengers speak well of the officersof both the Miowera and Austra-lia, and "say they were welltreated under all circumstances.The Canadian Pacific officials arelooking after the passengers,having domiciled them at theOccidental Hotel nati! it is tiaeforlhera to leave for Vancouver.

Tf AH 4 Tlwt.

Mrs. Brook. My ha&ABtikeeps accoaut of every driak hetake. 4

Mrs. JBaabt Awyoa Mtre?

Mrs.: Bcook Ofc.J ye; tJdear fe3)oir 'aajs.M 'wmr'-gik- t

6m Uuitie, 4Mntitp:it,. dgwij

ft-- - - X ' ; - " -


Owing to oar constantly increasing business nud thepgreat demand ol an appreciating commnnity, we hs,ve can-clud- ed

to oiler an opportunity to all parties'having capiiuL""-OnrLIKEo- f

SCHOONEBS may be seen gliding nvc theBAR filled to their utmost carrying capscsiy .?iih clar.cool and invigorating

'S5rtrsl LAGEE BEERAt the "Anchor Saloon."

To accommodate onr Vast Fleet of Schooners, we hnvtbuilt a fine large Befrigerator regardless of cost.

Is the onlj-- place where a Cool Glass of Frederieksbnr"Beer on draught can be had in Honolulu. Stop fnrwtfrctgentlemen, SNOW'S the Timo. oetOw

.V Kind SagesUflH.

31rs. Dobsok I cau't. thinkwhat to give my husband" for a

birthday present:Mrs. Parkeu I hoard Jiim

saying the other day he'd like alittle peace for a change. Truth,

What we TJiink of UarseiTC.

To see ourselves as other see us(Thought Bums) ice'd feel sur-prise.

I think Mey'd feel a greatershock.

Who saw us through our eyes.I'uck'

L. H. DEE,Jobber of

Wines, Spirits and Beers

HOTEL ST.,Between Fort arid Botbe Streets.

"WA.3STTJBDBy a young intelligent German asituation, not afraid of hardwork, low wages.

Apply at tho Office.Oct. 20 lw

Reward.A Postal Savings Bank Book

No. 465 has been lost at my resi-dence during this month." Whoever finds it and returns same cimy residence at Heeia. Koolan-pok- o,

Oahu, or at the law officeof Jas. K. Kaulia, in Honolulu,will receive a reward.

Mks. Mikala Kaulia.Honolulu, Oct. 23, 1893.




P. McIXERKV, rwsiEiOR,

Fine Liquors, Wines and Ber.Corses Brnm. asd Hotel Sw.

Thbo. P. Sstsj v. a. "K". X9tsnau


457 Nccixr Stexet, Husotrxr,(Oyij. Qea immi HaS).

Views of tlie Island

BriiatlitDUMH, CMMMt finw

XfilmcL t mmm ml a

.H.r :'.Va'-'- '


Impoi-te- r and ConintMon!Merchailfc


J. & CoaU' MachlBo.TkwaaJonas Brocks Machine TurwtiBarboBr's linen TliwadPears Soap

P. O. Box MS. Mn tnal Tt lejitot X. 13 Kaahnuiiuin Strwt.

European Jeauranis,No. 500 I lute' Strict.

Steak. Hrttn & Kggi f r '25 XsBonling $4.50 per wei'k. --

JMenl T cktts 't.r $4:50. Pwlt'iree times a week, conkii g onfret c'ajis style. Mh t nlihours.

CHOCK SING.oct26 1m Proj ri tjr.



Fiist-Clas- s Accommodation forTourists and Island Guests. -

Superior Bathing Facilities,Private Cotiages for Families

T. A, SIMPSON',ocf 9 3fanager. -


Tinsmiths and dealers in Crock-er- y

ware, Glassware, etc,.

Water Pipes Laid and Repaired,

No. 41 Xanana St. betweenKiag ainfHotel Streets, .

Asen Building.

WING W0 TAI k Ce..

commission merchants:"(?'iVZ MERGITA 2TDISE

Fine MsbiIa Ckrars. Chin6 mlJapajMee Crokry ware. MattYsm of all kunk, GwiphonrooaTrmaki?, Batiaa Chairs, a TiaA2ssortJit ot Xrreeg bilks, Item.Bra68 of Chi&eee aad JapawM.Tms of Latest lisportatkHts.InpctkMi of New GoodPctfalIy Solicited.3TtBiTab38, F.O.BoxlaL





r ft--

Page 4: HAWAII iPRQGRMSi HOLOMUA. - University of Hawaii · 2015-06-02 · HAWAII iPRQGRMSi HOLOMUA. TQa--e T.Ife oft2.e T tarn d. Is Sstalislea. in. Sig-iLteoxsrLes ... G..W.IiCFiBLilffi&vCO.,





The annexation organelles, areren ranch worried over theHoloxba'S assertion that the"Coming Race" in these Islands,is the element now called "Half-whit- es

or Half-castes-," and bothStar and Advertiser gladly seizethe occasion to throw mnd onthe unoffending element Theslnrs heaped up by the foul-minde- d

and scurrilous sheetsagainst our Half-white- s as aclass or against some special in-

dividuals among them, are notworthy of any attention or re-

futation. Bntit may be usefulto show a discriminating publictho stolidity of the Star's as-

sertion that "The half castes willdisappear altogether""under tho predominance ofAnglo Saxon, Latin or Teutonicstrains," and that "there is ab-

solutely no future for them out-sid- o

of tho Caucasian fellowship."In view of proving its rash

assertions, tho Star only bringsout triumphantly that tho Anglo-

-Saxon, Latin and Teutonicdescendants already outnumbertho Hawaiian Half Castes, (pre-

vious to crowding them out), andforsooth, it proudly contrasts thototal of Half Castes in lastCensus, G1SG, agninst tho totalof Hawaiian born Foreigners7495. But two points will suffice toknock the Star overhead:

Finsr. Does tho Star knowhow these Hawaiian bornForeigners are distributed? Only1G17 are Anglo Saxon and Teu-

tonic while 4117 are Portuguese,1707 aro Asiatics, so that ovenin this particular element thereis little prospect of the Anglo-Saxo- n

and Teutonic absordingtho others lot alouo tho HalfCastes; but on the contraryth6 former might be squelchedout by tbo-- Latin and Asiaticalone.

Second. Does tho Star ignor-nntl- y

or wilfully forget that ourHalf Castes aro a stable elementtho only one indeed m this coun-try born hero, to livo and diohero, having no other conutry to

go to, while tho foreign elementsare preeminently unstable, andlikely to dosert tho kingdom attho first opportunity? This isespecially so with tho Asiaticand Portuguese Hawaiian born,these last already leaving, withtheir parents, at the rate of about500 a year.

Consequently, the Half Whiteelement, formed out of tho re-

maining aborigines whoso stockis yet far from l)eiug exhaustedaro bound to go on increasing,whilst tbo opposing faction (inthe Star's calculations) of Hawaiian bom foreigners-wil- l gradual-ly disappear out of sight, or suchindividuals among them, whomay remain here, will melt intotho half white element, who isthe one who really will absorball others, as correctly predictedby Judge Fornander.

There can be, no doubt about, this, because the past growth of

our half white Haw&iians hasbeen truly wonderful. In I860,tho Census .only acknowledged1640 of there; in 1SS0, therewere 6186 ami were reported agrowing at tka rate of nearly 50

per cent Irom oa cssi-peno- d

to ih exf, whiek allows theSttrausa Utah i th xt

oets (1SS6), tiMty will sHtk bw 19000, walk ike Ar-So-a

faetio. who ckiats U

rkt to "rale ocr' Ihh, will

amount to less than the 1923 nowali told less than 2.14 of thewhole population, to whichcan bo added only about SO0

scions bom here I Moreover,take good notice, Mr. Star, thatthe lilliputian American factionis shown by the Censuses to bosteadily decreasing in number atthe very time when the HalfCastes whose death-kno- ll you sogratuitionsly toll are increasingin geometrical proportion,, andthreaten to ascend to a hundredthousand in about 30 years fromhcnceJ This is how the HalfCastes are going to "Vanish"'Smith, poor boy, you are no pro-phet, and especially poor instatistics?!

The next argument used bythe Star to disparage the HalfWhite Hawaiians, is that theyhold only about $500,000 in thesugar industry, while tho Amer-

icans hold S21,700,6S9 (?), andthe Hawaiian born AmericansS4 ,403,474 (??) Well! what aboutthat? and why now refer everyday to sugar as the deus na

of the Kingdom? TheStar after trying to win thesugar industry in favor of itsridiculous scheme of small (Amer-ican) farmers, now evidentlywants the public to believe thatthis industry is tho only sourceof wealth, the only thing repre-senting money in these Islands!If such is the case, and since thesugar industry is suro of beingruined by annexation, it is abouttimo for tho Star to stop its howl-

ing campaign in favor of jingoismand suicidal annexation. But theshir if it is one growing out ofthe apparent fact that our halfw'jites are not large investors insugar, is sufficiently explainedby tho fact that tho element is soyoung, and has not had time toreact against the "impoverish-ment" inherited from their despoiled native ancestors. Only2D3 individuals out of the wholetotal of 6186, are over 45 years of

ao, and tho now born babes ofthat element can hardly bo expected to bring sugar shares outof their poor Hawaiian mother'swomb, whilo tho American mis-

sionaries .sucking up the conntrrfor tho past 70 years, have hadall the time necessary to investinto sugar, the produce of theirpilferings over the poor unsophis-ticated natives. Therefore, if itbo true that the Hawaiian bornAmericans do have 4 or 5 mil-

lions in sugar, the Star ought not-t-o

boast about it, becauso it ison'ya further proof of theirshameas it is a well known fact, that allthoir fathers, without exception,came here with nothing and livedon the friendship oiTthe natives.

But the Star and Advertiser.may rest assured that the Hawa-iian half castes, the natural re-

presentatives politically andotherwise, and descendants andsuccessors of tho Aborigines, willhold tho fore and eventuallyrule the country; despite allSmith's derogations; and whenthe time of making and squar-sin- g

accoaats comes as it willsorely do some daybetween thorightful desceadasW of the des-

poiled satires and the rewnxutsof the greedy American mission-ary saokers, the-- balance willsot be on the piratical side.

O of 4fa .

. BLvlf Wirtrss.

'Aft NArtdfc .

Wha tk ofarioii k cap tared t' H fcwwa ki ikkkapJCm Mmr- feaUier,


PaeBgers ArriTe.

The tug Fearless is likely to besent down to Honolulu to wreck

?it.- - r i- - t rruie --oriiibn sieamer Jiiowera.The matter was under considera-tion but it is preltj'certain that assistance of- - somekind will be sent from this port

Captain Dan Haskell of theFearless refused to say anythingabout.the tug's prospective tripfor which preparations are beingmade. However, there was tele,graphic cable correspondenceyesterday between T. TL Walker,a member of tho firm that isagent for tho steamer at Hono-lulu and the owners in England.The advices cabled, it is understood, were in favor of sendingeither one or two tugs from hereto Honolulu.

A definite answer is expectedthis morning. It may be possi-ble that the tug Belief may ac-

company the Fearless. Thesetwo tugs, with their wreckingpumps and apparatus, it is be-

lieved would be able to save theMiowem. The tugs could easilymake the trip from here to Hornolnlu in nine days. It wouldbe a neat ocean race if both theFearless and Belief should startout iogether.

If tho tug Fearless or any otherwrecking vessels are sent CaptainHaskell will go in command oftho expedition. Ho has a bigreputation on this coast as awrecker and success might belooked for iu getting the Mioweraoff the coral reef if he was incharge. To-da- y will likely tell thetale whether a steamer or tugs willbo sent from here to Honolulu.

The shipwiecked cabin passen-gers from tho Miowera, who caraoup on the Australia, wero landodby S o'clock yesterdaj morning.They will take the steamerQueen, sailing on the 2lst, forVancouver, B. C. Most of themaro on tho way to JSnglaud andhave tickets by the CanadianPacific Bailwa-- . The steeragepassengers, however, were de-

tained about two hours, owing tothe non-appearan- co of Immigra-tion Commissioner Stradly. Thomorning was damp and tho decksof the steamer wet. The stee- -

rage passengers moved about,fretted and fumed at tho delay inallowing them to go ashore.This is the third timo since lastSunday noon that the new com-

missioner has been late in reach-ing foreign steamers after theirarrival.

The customs officials yesterdayafforded tho shipwrecked passen-gei- s

every convenience to gettheirbaggag0 examined and showedthem, every courtesy. Tho pas-sengers speak well of the officersof both the Miowera and Austra-lia, and "say they wero welltreated under all circumstances.The Canadian Pacific officials arolooking after the passeagers,having domiciled therm at theOccidental Hotel asti! it is tiefor tbeni to leave for Vancouver.

Mrs. Brook.My haskasdkeeps aceoaat of every driak hW

takes.Mrs. JirTAryovjMtr?

dear .fellow; "says.ke "mewrfe'ore,


Owing to oar constantly increasing business nu thegreat demand ol an appreciating community, we hitve 00

to oiler an opportunity to all pariies haviug capfulOurLIXE of SCHOOEBS mar be. seen elulinc mttr theBAR filled to their utmostcool ami invlsonitln'

At the "Anchor Saloon."To accommodate our Vast Fleet of Schooners, we havt

built a fine large Eefrigerator regardless of cost.

Is the only place where a Cool Glass of FredericksburgBeer on draught can be had in Honolulu. Step forwnrSgentlemen, DJOW'S the Timo. ocrilm

X Kind Saggestion.

Mrs. Dobsox I can't, thinkwhat to give my husband"" for 0

birthday present:Mrs. Parker I hoard jbim

saying the other day he'd like alittle peace for a change. Truth.

What we Think of UarselTC.

To see ourselves as other see us(Thought Bums) tce'd feel sur-

prise.I think Me'd feel a greater

shock.Who S3w us through our eyes.ruck'

Jobber of

Wines, Spirits and kmECOTEJL ST.,

Between Fort arid Bethel Streets.

By a young intelligent German asituation, not afraid of hardwork, low wages.

Appb at tho Office.Oct. 20 lw

Reward.A Postal Savings Bank Book

No. 465 has been lost at my resi-dence during this month. Whoever finds it and returns samemy residence at Heeia. Koolan-pok- o,

Oahu, or at the law officeof Jas. K. Kaulia, in Honolulu,will receive a reward.

Mrs. Mikala Kaulia.Honolulu, Oct. 23, 1893.




P. KcIXEKST, Proprietor,

Fine Liquors, Wines and Ber.COE-VE-


Tkbo. P. Seveeiv. A. W. Elstsr.


(Oj. Qoees Twutt HjJQ.

Views of tlie Xsland

KkHrts MsijagPoi, Gams Beaws

xm Iieeasc; Vi c m

carrying caipscitv vnth ekr.

CHAS. GlirDbBli.

Importer and Conimiwyori


SPCL.LTIE3sJ. & P. Coats' Machine .TknIJonas Droclts llachine TurwdBarbonr Linen ThreadPears Soap

P. O. Box 3T.S. irn tal Ttlepiot X. 13 Kaalinnmnn Slwt.


EuPope&n tenfiinls

Ko. 509 I lute Sftvtt.

Steak. Ilnm & Kssi f. r --2i visBoarding 4.50 iter

WWuo-k- . r '31

Meal TcktU rir $4:50. P,.wtiiree timea u week, &Kiku g nf rst c'utis style. Mea's : t hM


oct26 1m Proi rii t- -r.



Fiist-Clas- s Accommodation torTourists and Island Guests.

Superior Bathing Facilities,Private Cottages for Famjlfe&

T. A. SIMPSON,oct9 3Ianagen- -


Tinsmiths and dealers in Crock-ery ware, Glassware, etc.

Water Pipes Laid and Repaired,

Ko. 41 Xnnsnu SL. he tweesis.anTHotel Streis,

Aseu Building.

WING W0 TAl k Ce


GE$JL MERCIfAi'DlSE.Fine Ms&il Cigars, Chium siJajMUM6 Crock" rrware, Ma ttisgs.Ymw of all kinds, Cphonroa3Traak, BatiaB Chieirs, a FiAaeortaiil of Dims Silks,Brad of CkuMge ad JapseTm$ of Latest lwportatioRs.Lwpotio j New Good Be-pctfK- l!r

Sbliciied..MmiwAl Tl. 9M, P.O. JkQxl2&

5 A

V,.J; -





. '
