happy birthday tenzin gyatso

https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/ 5/55/Dalailama1_20121014_4639.jpg/220px- Dalailama1_20121014_4639.jpg Today, July 6 th , 2015, is the 80 th birthday of His Holiness the Dalai Lama; here are some his tweets that I find uplifting…

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Page 1: Happy birthday tenzin gyatso


Today, July 6th, 2015, is the 80th birthday of His Holiness the Dalai Lama; here are some his tweets that I find uplifting…

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Greeting a young fan on his arrival in Inverness

We need to encourage an understanding that inner peace comes from relying on human values like, love, compassion, tolerance and honesty.

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Scientists are discovering that while anger and hatred eat into our immune system, warm-heartedness and compassion are good for our health.

With Prince Charles at Clarence House

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Co-operation comes from friendship, friendship comes from trust, and trust comes from kind-heartedness.

With Archbishop Desmond Tutu and his wife Leah

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Compassion brings peace of mind and with it better health; so cherish compassion.

Comforting a young boy who lost his parents to the tsunami in Ishinomaki

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During a visit to Rewalsar Sahib, a Sikh shrine in Tso Pema

Ask yourself, what am I doing about my anger, my attachment, my pride, my jealousy? These are the things we should check in our daily lives.

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Greeting well-wishers waiting outside the Salzburg Arena

Success can’t be measured by how much money you have, but by whether you have inner peace in your heart.

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Joking with members of the voyaging canoe Hōkūle‘a on Oahu, Hawaii

One way to ensure everyone’s peace and happiness is to cultivate a healthy respect for the diversity of other peoples and cultures.

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Meeting his old friend Vaclav Havel

The real source of inner strength and self-confidence is warm-heartedness.

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With Aung San Suu Kyi

By implementing the practice of love and compassion, we will naturally live a non-violent way of life.