hamble college april news letter

[Type text] April 2011 Welcome to the first edition of ‗The Voice‘. The spring term has been a very busy time for staff and students, both in the classroom and beyond. Much has been happening and I hope that you enjoy reading about so many of the student successes across the college. This has been a hugely successful term and I would like to thank all our staff for their phenomenal hard work for the students. I‘d also like to thank you, the parents and carers for your support with our young people. Hamble Community Sports College and our students are a delight to be with. I am genuinely pleased with the way students have engaged with the „Dress Smart – Think Smart Be Smart‟ Uniform code introduced on my arrival to the college in January. It is clear to see that students are proud of their uniform and staff have identified a sharper focus to learning as entry to the classroom is aligned with the uniform expectation. On April 26 the summer term begins. However warm and sunny the days, school uniform rules still apply. I request that you please support the college uniform expectation. Would you please check particularly the length of your daughters‘ ski rts to ensure that they are smart and meet with the uniform code (maximum 10 cm above the knee). In particular please do not buy skirts that are clearly too short. If in doubt please refer to the uniform code on the college website. Have a very happy Easter and I look forward to a great summer term. Gerry Halley-Gordon Principal In this issue: Students have their say on the Gravel Pits * Author Visits by Sophie McKenzie & Lauren Oliver * Year 7 Science Conference * University of Southampton Languages and Enterprise Challenge * ICT Conference Residential Visit to France * International Fashion Rocks 2011 * Year 9 London Trip * Royal Marine Visit March 2011 and lots more

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Hamble College April News Letter


Page 1: Hamble College April News Letter

[Type text]

April 2011

Welcome to the first edition of ‗The Voice‘. The spring term has been a very busy time

for staff and students, both in the classroom and beyond. Much has been happening

and I hope that you enjoy reading about so many of the student successes across the


This has been a hugely successful term and I would like to thank all our staff for their

phenomenal hard work for the students.

I‘d also like to thank you, the parents and carers for your support with our young people. Hamble

Community Sports College and our students are a delight to be with.

I am genuinely pleased with the way students have engaged with the

„Dress Smart – Think Smart – Be Smart‟

Uniform code introduced on my arrival to the college in January. It is clear to see that students are proud of their uniform and staff have identified a sharper focus to learning as entry to the classroom is aligned with the uniform expectation. On April 26 the summer term begins. However warm and sunny the days, school uniform rules still apply. I request that you please support the college uniform expectation. Would you please check particularly the length of your daughters‘ skirts to ensure that they are smart and meet with the uniform code (maximum 10 cm above the knee). In particular please do not buy skirts that are clearly too short. If in doubt please refer to the uniform code on the college website. Have a very happy Easter and I look forward to a great summer term.

Gerry Halley-Gordon


In this issue: Students have their say on the Gravel Pits * Author Visits by Sophie McKenzie

& Lauren Oliver * Year 7 Science Conference * University of Southampton Languages and

Enterprise Challenge * ICT Conference Residential Visit to France * International Fashion

Rocks 2011 * Year 9 London Trip * Royal Marine Visit March 2011 and lots more

Page 2: Hamble College April News Letter


Students had a chance to make their opinion count during their English lessons last week. A wide variety of classes

in all year groups were given the chance to write letters to the Planning and Development department of Hampshire

County Council and give their opinions on the controversial plans to turn Hamble airfield into gravel pits.

The letters had to be written to a tight deadline – Mrs Halley-Gordon had a courier waiting to whisk them away on

Thursday morning – but the students responded fantastically well. All the letters were well-argued, well-considered

and clear, and the vast majority hit the required level of formality. Many students have been asking if there has been

any response from the council yet, and wondering if their letters have made a difference to the gravel-pit plans.

Teachers in the English department noticed that having a ‗real-world‘ context for the letters gave the students an

added impetus to make their writing powerful and persuasive. This is the basis of the Functional Skills agenda in

English and it certainly made a difference to the motivation of some learners. As a department, we are going to be

looking out for other opportunities to give our students a real reason for their writing, although we hope that the

Hamble area doesn‘t have too many more environmental issues to protest about!

Mr O‘Farrell

Students have their say on the Gravel Pits

“Not all questions can be answered, but all answers

must be questioned”

A Philosophical approach to learning in English The need for good communication and thoughtful consideration within

our ever changing society is widely recognised at Hamble College. Within

the English department we have been striving to find a way of enabling

our students to listen to one another, to challenge assumptions, and to

offer independent opinions; through the use of ―Philosophy for Children‖


This technique allows students to explore and question topics that they

would not normally discuss in an environment that encourages all to

participate. In taking part in these whole class discussions our pupils are

learning skills that are vital for their educational development across all

curriculums. ―P4C‖ provides students with the space, structure and

disciplines to pursue exploratory discussions and widen and breakdown


In using this discussion technique the English department have noticed

that students have developed a higher capacity to focus on more

complex words and ideas. This has in turn given the pupils the power to

transform their performance as readers and writers.

Students‘ thoughts on P4C;

―A chance to learn about yourself and find your voice . . .‖

―We get to talk about things we‘re interested in and get to lead our own

discussion . . .‖

―We get to talk about things that we wouldn‘t normally….‖

―You‘re not afraid to share your opinion or to challenge others about


Miss Fuller

Year 10 Media Students

Year 10 students who chose Media as

an option were rewarded with such

topics as; music promotion ,Action

adventure movies and designing a

magazine. In one unit they had to put

together a portfolio including videos, web

pages and interviews on the topic of

―Showing teenagers in a positive light‖.

These excellent portfolios included, The

Sea Scouts, a Gold medal winning sailor

and teenagers caring for the elderly in

the community. The presentations of

their work to their teachers was of the

highest quality.

Mr Jenks

Page 3: Hamble College April News Letter


Lauren Oliver Author Visit

On the 24th March some of our female Year 9 students were chosen to meet the American author Lauren Oliver. After a nail-biting wait, to see if she was well Enough to come, she gave a fantastic talk to two groups. Some writers write beautiful

stories; some write fun books; some write serious topics. Lauren is a mix of them all. Inspiration for her second novel, ‗Delirium‘, came from the most unlikely of places –on the treadmill at her local gym, watching the news. She pieced together other ideas and, lucky for us, came up with a brilliant novel. She was an inspiration to all our budding writers. Her American editor at Harper Collins wrote that, ―Everything Lauren touches turns to gold – she is exceptional.‖ She first signed her on the strength of the first 60 pages of ‗Before I Fall‘. It really showed our students what an impact a strong start to a story can give and the impression it leaves with the reader. Hamble Community Sports College was chosen to host

this event because of our students‘ exemplary behaviour

at other author events. Well done to all those students

who took part. Lauren thought you were all fantastic and

would love to come again.

Mrs Kirby Library Resource Manager

On the 12th January we were lucky enough to receive a

visit from the award winning author, Sophie McKenzie.

Everyone was very excited about the day and it was

very much anticipated. When Sophie arrived she spent

some time in the Library with some of our teachers and

our librarian Mrs Kirby.

After having some photographs taken, Sophie headed

over to the hall, where excited students from Hamble

Community Sports College, Fort Hill, Henry Cort,

Swanmore, Thornden and Wildern had gathered.

Sophie talked about her series of books, ‘The Medusa Project‘ and read an extract from her

new book, ‗Hunted‘. It was amazing to

get to know the background of her

novels and how they started. Sophie

then answered any questions people

had, which was a great opportunity to

get inside an author‘s head.

After that, everyone then had the

chance to buy one of Sophie‘s books,

which she would then sign. Overall, it

was a fantastic day and I am so glad

that I got to take part in it.

Jessica Christian -Year 9

Sophie McKenzie Author Visit

Page 4: Hamble College April News Letter


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E-mail: jo.palmer@hamble-


Mathematics Department

Year 7&8 Maths Club Year 7&8 maths club has been running this term on a Tuesday from 3-4pm.

The club is designed to give students the opportunity to take part in a variety of puzzles and strategy games for

problem solving and logical thinking, with some tricks to impress family and friends. Some activities are computer

based, some pencil and paper and some are hands-on.

Around twenty students have been coming along and they are encouraged to take their experiences home and

share them with family and friends!

Thank you to Ollie Bampton, Katie Bartlett, Daisy Bressington and Jose Ojeda Leo for

sharing their experience and some of the activities from Team Maths Challenge with the

rest of the maths club members.

UKMT Maths Challenges On Thursday 3rd February all students from 9A0 and two students from year 10AO took part in the United Kingdom

Maths Intermediate Maths Challenge, a competition run by Leeds University. The top 40% of students nationally

are awarded certificates so big congratulations go to Justin Auger who received gold and best in school, Leah

Donnarumma and Joe Smith who received silver and Amy Gardiner, Ellen Cole, Daniel Tuley, Ashleigh Ings,

Grace Mcpherson, Ella Veal, Katie Eldridge, Christopher Smith, Ashleigh Mathieson and Jessica Christian

who all received bronze certificates.

Justin Auger is also to be congratulated for going through to the next stage of the competition, known as the UKMT

Olympiad, for which we are awaiting results.

On Tuesday 15th February Katie Bartlett, Daisy Bressington, Jose Ojeda Leo and Ollie Bampton were our

representatives at the UKMT Team Maths Challenge, taking part in the regional finals at Lord Wandsworth

College, Hook. During this day teams work to solve questions of varying type and difficulty and develop their

teamwork skills through this.

A big well done goes to the students, for preparing for the challenge in their lunch break and after college and for

participating so enthusiastically on the day. They all received certificates of participation.

On Friday 6th May some students in years 7 and 8 will be taking part in the Junior Maths Challenge. We will let

you know how they do!

Year 11 Exam Preparation

Building on our October half term revision for the November GCSE and the encouraging results from this exam, we continue to support our year 11 students with their preparation for the summer examination season. Revision sessions take place after college, materials and links are on the VLE and there will be May half term revision days. Please contact the department via email if you would like further information.

The Maths Team

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To participate in the National Science and Engineering Week, on 17

th March, all Year

7s took part in our Stem Cell Conference. This formed part of the year 7 cells project. The conference brought the whole of year 7 together in

the hall to listen to presentations by 5 different guest

speakers. They gave the students a balanced view of

current research in to the topic of embryonic stem cells.

The students participated well taking an active role in

the conference. Overall, students found the conference

a different and helpful way to receive the information.

Year 7 Science Conference – STEM


Catapult Investigation - 9B3

Science Catapult Investigation - 9B3 Science

Some Year 9 students recently

investigated the science behind catapult

design. They took part in a three week

project, where amongst many topics

they looked at the science of elastic

bands including the strength of rubber,

what mass they could hold before

breaking and what was the best material

from which to construct a catapult.

After weeks of experimentation, the

group was ready to test fire their

machines on the college field. After

considering all the safety issues they

undertook a controlled test and

collected their data. The results were

outstanding the smallest distance

achieved was a respectable 9m, but the

winning distance was a fantastic 29.5 m!

The winners of the challenge were

Reece LeMarechal and Elliott Foulkes.

The runners up were Kurtis Weatherall,

and Ryan Clarke. Special awards went

to Chelsea Stanley and Rebecca Green

for their superb understanding of

science investigations.

Mr Ventham

During a recent college ‗inset‘ day, two members of the Learning

Support department were invited to present a showcase for the

Eastleigh Consortium at Toynbee School. The content of the

presentation related to sharing good practice by ‗Engaging Reluctant

Readers‘ and provided an insight into ‗Literacy for Sport‘.

The participants thought the sessions were inspiring and informative.

We were recently contacted by staff at Mountbatten School who had

attended the showcase. They are interested in visiting our college to

find out more regarding our differentiation approach for reluctant

readers and how to improve the reading ages of their Year 7.

Within the Learning Support Department we promote the progress of

students‘ reading through the Accelerated Reader (AR) programme.

AR is a computer software programme which immediately assesses

students‘ reading skills and provides diagnostic reports for further


The students enjoy AR as they are able to read a book at their own

pace, pass a quiz relating to the book and receive rewards for doing so.

Over the years this

reading strategy has

proved to be

successful, with many

of our students

moving from reluctant

readers to confident


Mrs McClure

Some students‘ comments included:

―It was better than hearing it from just our teacher‖; ―The different people made it interesting to listen to‖; ―The

sheet helped me listen for information‖.

During the rest of the term‘s Science lessons, students used their notes from the conference to write a report

on the use of embryonic stem cells in the treatment of diseases. They reviewed the ideas presented and gave

their opinion on the ethics and whether this type of research should be continued.

Mrs Dalton

New from Learning Support

Page 6: Hamble College April News Letter


University of Southampton Languages and Enterprise Challenge Eight Year 10 students (Justin Auger, Abigail Hand, Aaron Goff, Claire Brunning, Alex Cutler, Charlie Bartlett, Chloe

Martin and Lucy-Jo French) in two teams of four, students did themselves and the College proud when they

participated in the annual Languages and Enterprise Challenge, which took place at Southampton University on 4th

April. This event is designed for students to use their language in a ‗real‘ context and combine them with creative,

communication and enterprise skills to carry out an authentic business task in competition with teams from other

Hampshire Schools. The event also aims to raise awareness amongst students of the very real benefits of

possessing foreign language skills both to enhance their own opportunities in the world of work and the importance

of acquiring foreign language skills to develop inter cultural understanding.

The task this year was for students to design a three day package for visitors disembarking from cruise ships which

would highlight the many attractions that are available to visitors in Southampton and the surrounding area. The

students had to design a company logo, organise itineraries, activities and accommodation, and determine client

groups and costings. They began at 9.30 working to tight deadlines which were designed to encourage efficient use

of resources and develop time management skills. It was a gruelling but rewarding task with the students working

independently without any input from teachers. The students also used their IT skills to research information and

produce a presentation in French for an ‗Alan Sugar‘ type grilling, which was again conducted in French, from a

panel of business mentors.

The competition was extremely tough with Hamble up against the best linguists from schools such as Wildern,

Henry Beaufort, Thornden, St. Annes, Romsey, and Cantell.. There was much anticipation and excitement when all

the competing teams were brought together at 2pm for a presentation and the announcement of the results from the

Mayor of Southampton and a representative from Cunard. One of the Hamble teams (comprising Alex Cutler,

Charlie Bartlett, Chloe Martin and Lucy-Jo French) did incredibly well, forcing the judges, into what they admitted,

was an intensely difficult decision, eventually finishing in 2nd

place by a solitary point!

A very well done to ‗nos hommes et femmes‘ d‘affaires‘

Year 9 167 year 9 students sat the OCR Asset Languages examination in the three skills of

Listening, Reading and Writing in 2010. Of these, 76% achieved a pass in all 3

skills at level 1, 2 or 3, with 99.4% achieving a pass in one or more skill areas.

These successes were recognised in a recent assembly where Mrs Halley-Gordon

congratulated students and handed them a certificate celebrating their success.

Year 10 Of the 76 students who attempted to build on their success the previous year, 95%

passed one or more skills at the higher levels, 4, 5 or 6, with 43% achieving all 3

skills of Listening, Reading and Writing.

Well done from the Modern Foreign Languages team.

Successes in French

Page 7: Hamble College April News Letter


It was the first time that the ICT Department had taken

students out on a residential trip. From March 5-8, 2011

students chaperoned by Mrs. Russell went to the ICT

conference hosted in Disneyland Paris.

Once there, students feasted on the knowledge, wisdom and

expertise of speakers such as Ian Livingstone, Alena

Dundas and Daniel West - pioneers in the ICT Business

world. Students felt so informed and empowered that they

reported in their evaluation:

―I gained confidence and now know what I want to do

when I leave school.‖ (George Blaylock-Squibbs)

―They showed you the way to be successful in ICT and

how to do it‖. (Sam Brickwood)

―It weeded out the useless courses that won‟t help me.‖

(Amy Humphries)

―How to take the next step for a future in ICT.‖ (Jack


―Confidence and enjoying your work.‖ (Haydyn Cozens)

During the intermission of the conference, George Blaylock-

Squibbs took the opportunity and spoke with Ian Livingstone

who sets up Games Workshop and launched Dungeons &

Dragons. It is without doubt that this experience has

broadened the scope of their horizons and has enabled

them to look more meaningfully into their future.

Apart from the conference, students enjoyed the varied

delights and lure of the Disney Park. We even ventured into

the centre of Paris by visiting Notre Dame.

Overall it was a rewarding and enjoyable experience and we

say thanks to Mr. Russell for his support.

Mrs Bridgemahon-Russell

ICT Conference Residential Visit to France

There has been excellent attendance at the Digital Media and Gaming Club after college on Wednesdays, in the ICT rooms. Everyone has had a lot of fun and all have built up useful experience of working together in team games. We have just started a three week gaming competition with an MP3 player as the first prize. Currently there are 19 tournament entrants and Adam Dyer in year 7 is in first place so far - closely followed by Jack Burnett (year 7) and Gerald Finn (year 11). Mr Sangster

Digital Media and Gaming Club

On March 23rd

2011 an ICT external examiner

from OCR sampled ICT students' coursework for


Mrs. Russell‘s students, David Akhurst, Andrew

Gittins, Emily Halladay and Thomas Smith were

commended for the quality of work produced with

grades for particular units of work ranging from

Merits to Distinctions... well done!!!

ICT Department

Academic Achievements

Page 8: Hamble College April News Letter


This term has witnessed the successful completion of Year 10 work experience and all of the students who took

part should be very proud of their achievements and certainly we, as a College, are very proud to have them as

members of our community.

In the current economic climate securing a work experience placement is becoming increasingly more difficult and

to their credit the students went about this task with enthusiasm and endeavour. All students at Hamble have the

opportunity of securing a job through their own motivation or logging on to a website and searching through a list

of work placements. The process of applying for a job and attending interview is a valuable experience for the

students and one that they will eventually have to complete when they finish their education.

Whilst on their placement students have the responsibility of completing a work experience diary which affords

them the opportunity of reflecting on their days work and gaining a more in-depth understanding of what day to day

employment entails and the specific skills that you need in order to cope.

The College has been delighted to receive a number of letters from employers expressing their positive views

about the students, commenting particularly on their levels of maturity and their willingness to tackle any task

placed before them. Importantly a number of students have been offered part time employment and significantly

some students have been offered full time employment when they finish their studies. This is a clear reflection of

the positive approach that the students have taken to work experience and they should all be congratulated for


Finally, the College would like to take this opportunity to thank all those employers who kindly offered placements

to our Year 10 students, without their time and support the students would not have received this valuable learning


Mr Spiers

Work Experience 2011

Hamble Skills Centre, part of Hamble Community Sports College, has had a great

second term with the many successful projects experienced by the students.

During February, the Marine Engineering students launched their first boat. The

boat had been designed and made by the students with the help of engineering

tutors from Eastleigh College. The launch was a great success; the boat had

good stability in the water and was raced by students across the pool in timed


John Murdoch, one of the Marine Engineering students said, ―We started by

cutting and measuring the basic shape of the dinghy and put it together. Next we

got the measurements for the seats and stuffed the inside of them with

polystyrene to help the boat float. After assembling the whole boat, we covered

the joints all around the boat with epoxy resin and fibre glass to seal any possible

leaks. We then sanded the whole boat to get a smooth finish to prepare it for the

paint; we used blue marine paint with thinner to get a strong good quality finish.

We also made paddles by using a router to get the circular handle and used other

equipment like a plane, sander and sand paper to get the shape at the end of the


A few weeks later we were able to use the College‘s pool to test our boat, and the

boat floated really well, which was a relief. We were all really pleased with our

work and had races up and down the pool for the afternoon, which was good fun.

We all really enjoyed building and using the boat; this was a really good

experience for us on the marine course.‖

The Construction students have completed their carpentry course and have now

moved onto masonry skills. The group has moved into the masonry workshop

and have been perfecting plastering, wall-building, tiling and some plumbing.

Academic Achievements

Page 9: Hamble College April News Letter


On Tuesday 29

th March 2011 Hamble School hosted the International

Fashion Rocks arts event. Since January, students from years 7-10 worked

with Teachers from The Arts and Textiles departments in curriculum time to

create marvellous pieces of work inspired by cultures from around the


The event, now in its third year, was the most colourful yet and was once

again supported by a sell-out crowd of over 200 parents and local people.

This year‘s variety spectacular featured Art, Dance, Drama Music and

Textiles students that had been inspired by Indian/ British/ American/

African/Japanese/ Street and many other International cultures to get


This year‘s show received glowing reviews

―It was absolutely amazing‖ (Mrs Francis- Assistant Headteacher)

―An incredible celebration of talent from all students in so many different

aspects of Performing Arts. A great event!‖ (Mrs Halley-Gordon- College


To make this event reality the students and staff completed work in creative

arts and art textiles lessons with many choosing to devote extra time to the

project after college. As a catalyst for work many students enjoyed

workshops from visiting artists from local arts organisations such as Wise

Moves/ Arts Asia/ Trap Media Ltd and DJ Workshops Ltd at the beginning

of the project.

The College Arts Team with like to thank all the college staff that supported

the event in so many different ways and to Live Wire for their lighting and

sound expertise. Most importantly we wish to thank our students and their

imaginative and creative talents as this is what makes the International

Fashion Rocks event so rich and diverse.

International Fashion Rocks 2011

Page 10: Hamble College April News Letter


The YST workshop in November was

run in collaboration with the

Nationally acclaimed ―Musical

Futures‖ and involved song writing

and instrumental work for an Olympic

opening ceremony composition. The

piece of work was based on rhythms

found in sport and the day included a

visit from Olympian Tasha Danvers.

Following our November Youth Sports Trust Workshop, the music department received a generous donation of

£1000 from the Trust. With this money we have recently purchased a classroom suite of Yamaha keyboards.

Fabulous New Resources in the Music Department

Recent work has included a DJ workshop for Year 8 in their Creative Arts

lessons in preparation for International Fashion Rocks and was led by Julie


In April, as part of the Electric Carnival, Year 7 and 8 students took part in

an exciting workshop with Ricky Tart. The day included music production,

beatboxing and sampling of music.

Page 11: Hamble College April News Letter


On March 22nd

and 24th

all students from year 7 and 8 took part in a series

of workshops in curriculum time to „kick-off‟ The Electric Carnival

Project. The project was introduced to the students in February when the

aliens visited the college in a plea for help. The students of Hamble

College agreed to help the aliens by generating „creative energy‟ (the life-

blood of the aliens dying planet) by hosting an electric carnival on

Thursday 30th


To inspire the Hamble Students imagination and creativity, artists from

Kinetica (an internationally known London based Arts Company) worked

with teachers to produce workshops;

Art/animation - Dan Shorten

Art/decoration of a 5 metre high carnival structure - Mike Pattison

Music - Beat-box artist Ricky Tart

Technology/Graphics for the Carnival with Graphic Artist Lola


Technology- Creative Energy Collectors- John Varah

Drama- puppeteer John Whall

Dance- Choreography Shayannya

Textiles- Director Ali Pretty and textiles artist Edwina Rigby.

We would like to say a huge thank you to the artists and teachers

involved for giving us an insight into ways which we can help our alien

friends. Students that took part in the workshop said ;

“I thought the workshops were very exciting”- Charlotte Smith, Year 7.

“I loved the dance workshop- the way the costumes moved. Shayannya

gave us a glimps of the real carnival life.”- Evie Martin, Year 7.

Our Electric Carnival Project is just one of the „Imagination Our Nation‟

projects lead by Kinetika taking place across the country. All over Britain

there are 17 champions (aliens) that are helping local communities to

generate „creative energy‟ and ensure their planets survival and bring

imagination back to earth. For more information visit:

www.imaginationournation.co.uk or www.kinetika.co.uk

By Shannon Reed and Lauren Henderson (Year 7 Creative Artists)

Aliens rescue plan gets under-way.

Year 10 Art Textile students have been very busy collecting recycling

this term, changing rubbish into Couture Fashion. Students were

creative and inventive using anything from dusters, old teddy bears,

train tickets, old books, carrier bags, paper plates and crisp packets.

In lessons, students started the ‗Recycling‘ project designing

organically on dress-making stands using paper and newspaper,

resulting in some exciting and fresh garment shapes. Students then

focused their ideas using recycling; exploring and experimenting with

a range of teacher taught and ‗self discovered‘ techniques creating

experimental texture fabrics. As a result of this project, the students

have worked with individuality and enthusiasm to create wacky,

forward thinking fashion garments using packaging materials. To

celebrate the students efforts these garments made a debut at this

year‘s ‗International Fashion Rocks‘. Well done year 10!

Recycling meets Couture!

Page 12: Hamble College April News Letter


This term the BTEC Diploma students have been working on their two core units within their lessons for their

qualification. These were, the Business Process & production Process units. This involved the knowledge and

understanding of taking on different job roles while putting on a Production and running the Business side within

the Production; which included marketing, financing, stage management, producing, costumes, props, set design,

lighting, sound and many more job roles that a theatre company needs to ensure a successful show. The

planning, production meetings, designing, prop making, costume design, scenery building and painting, all took

place during BTEC lessons, while the actual rehearsals for the show took place after college every Tuesday and


The College production of ‗Peter Pan‘ was on Thursday 10th & Friday 11


February and was a great success. Hamble Primary pupils came to watch the

matinee on the Thursday afternoon and thoroughly enjoyed being drawn into

Neverland and all the mischief that went on between the lost boys, pirates,

Indians and different animals that roamed around. Some of the pupils encouraged

their parents to bring them again on the Friday evening.

The storytellers, Natasha Edwards and Polly Holladay, narrated the story clearly

and certainly helped, with the cast, to involve the audience into the land of make

believe. A member of the audience said, ‗I was magically transformed into a very

believable Neverland. I thoroughly enjoyed the whole experience and


Dean Wakefield, who played Peter Pan, portrayed a very realistic boy who didn‘t want to grow up and along with the lost boys they showed the imaginary fun and games that all children display during their childhood. Wendy, played by Hannah Lovegrove, portrayed a young girl growing up to be a caring and loving mother, she also sang ‗Your mother and mine‘ beautifully. The characters of Captain Hook, played by Peter Humphreys, Tinkerbell by Bonnie McMurray, Mr Darling by Elliott Rudge and Mrs Darling, Amy-Jane Humphries also deserve a mention as they portrayed their characters with vigour and passion.

The backstage crew, Front of House, Lighting, Sound and Production team, which consisted of students only, worked extremely well and were a brilliant committed team. This was demonstrated through all the performances by the smooth running of

the show. Lastly I would like to thank the members of the staff that helped and supported me during the rehearsals and performance evenings, especially the Site Team and Office Staff. So a very big well done and congratulations to all!! Many thanks to all for a very successful production of ‗Peter Pan‘ from the production team and Mrs Neal!

Captain Hook, Lost boys & Pirates

Peter Pan - Dean Wakefield

&Wendy Darling played by

Hannah Lovegrove,

Drama Department News


McMurray as


This half term in The Maths, Science and Technology

club, the students have been finding out what it‘s like to

be a Crime Scene Investigator.

The students were taught how to analyse blood evidence,

fibres and fingerprints, after this a mock crime scene was

set up.

Students had to collect evidence from the crime scene,

and analyse it themselves to come up with their own

version of what crime had happened and who was the


Students greatly enjoyed this experience (especially wearing the all in one white crime scene suits) and were really

keen in their questioning of the possible suspects. They had many wild ideas about what ‗crime‘ had occurred, but

after carefully analysing their evidence they each came to their own conclusion, presenting this to the rest of the

students to see who had come closest to what had actually happened.

Mast Club

Page 13: Hamble College April News Letter


In the Product Design class room the year 8‘s has yet again produced some fantastic Celtic Pendants. They designed the pendant moulds on 2D Design and then cast them on the braising hearth. The students then went on to design a display box for the pendant.

The pendants are polished to a high sheen to give them a truly professional finish. Congratulations year 8.

The Technology team were heavily involved with the Rock Challenge event this year. A huge set measuring 42‘ wide and 14‘ tall was constructed along with 24 Vespa styled scooters that the dancers used in their performance. An after school club was set up by Mr Ralls to construct the set and over a period of four

months the Yr10 team worked vigorously to get the set built. All the hard work paid off because they won best set design and best back stage crew at the event which took place in February.

A Team of five year nine boys are taking part in a Radio

Controlled powerboat competition on 28th April. They have

been building a model semi rigid inflatable with an electric

motor. The competition will be against other schools and held

at the QinetiC test basin in Gosport. Hamble entered the

competition last year and won best boat design and came

fourth in the final race.

Design Technology news

Year 7 have been working on a new moisture

project within Product design. The moisture

sensor works by using an electronic circuit

which includes a buzzer and an LED. The

moisture sensor also has special probes that

can detect when the soil is moist and signal the

user. Students are developing their

understanding of simple systems, control and

how different electrical components work. The

students have all designed their own original

holder from a simple template and shown

excellent imaginative and designing skills.

Below is a range of students final designs

This eight week project has also developed

students‘ analytical skills as well as their

designing and manufacturing skills. Students

have really enjoyed this project and the

opportunity to be very creative for their chosen


Design Technology News


Design Technology Celebration


Yr 8 Celtic Pendants

Wooden Vespa’s that were

decorated by the dancers.

This year’s boat. The 2010 boat.

Technology was also involved with the set building for Peter

Pan. This set included a row boat, patio doors, a dog kennel,

side profile of a galleon and a ships wheel.

Page 14: Hamble College April News Letter


38 of our Year 10 catering students were successful in achieving their Level 2 Food Safety Award. This is a nationally recognised qualification awarded by the Chartered Institute of Environmental Health.

Some of the successful Catering students with their


Food Technology/Catering


Year 11 Catering students have been busy working on the completion of their GCSE coursework which includes a two hour practical task where they have to produce and serve a healthy two course meal which is suitable to be sold in a school canteen. The standard of work this year has been excellent and we are very proud of the abilities of our young chefs! Vicky Cole’s two course meal. Spaghetti Bolognese with homemade pasta and fresh fruit tart.

Congratulations to Year 11 Catering student Charlie Snoddon. Charlie represented the College in the Future Chef Competition sponsored by Springboard UK. After winning the College heat, kindly judged by HC3S Area Manager Sally Anne Spargo HCIMA. Charlie went on to compete in the local finalist‘s heat held at South Downs College. Success at this stage of the competition saw Charlie go onto compete in the South East Regional Final!

Charlie’s Winning Menu

Fillet of Funtington Pork pan fried with black pudding;

Celeriac and potato rosti, topped with crispy pancetta,

served with a selection of vegetables and a grain

mustard sauce


Sticky toffee pudding served with toffee sauce and

Crème Anglaise

Key Stage 4 Year 10

Students in Resistant Materials have become very competitive within the two groups. Mr Homewood and Mr Ralls

have established a healthy rivalry between their classes and both believe their year 10 groups have the edge.

There have been some competitions where students created presentations on sustainability. These were then

judged by Mr Homewood and Mr Ralls, the overall winner was Robson McClure. Students are performing very

well overall and we have targeted these students to achieve the highest grades we have had within Resistant

Materials. All the students gained their ‗Workshop Health and Safety‘ certificate and are looking forward to start

the practical element of their GCSE controlled assessment after Easter.

Resistant Materials


Page 15: Hamble College April News Letter


See the examples of what is capable of being built.

Five students from the MAST club (Maths and Science

Technology) have been building a special printer

capable of building 3D images. They have been working

with Mr Homewood on this project.

These students are: Jamie Stockdale Yr9, Bradley Hill

Yr8, Hannah Lovegrove Yr9, Dan Tuley Yr9 & Sam

McNaughton Yr9.

They have been building this printer with over 1,000

separate parts since January this year, they meet up

every week from 3-4 (ish) they are developing their

making and problem solving skills. They are also

developing their maths and technical skills in order to

make a very sophisticated 3D printer. They are hoping

to be finished by the end of next term.

Images of students working on the printer

Below is what the final printer will look like

3D Printer Build (STEM club)


Designed to give students more choice in the projects

that they take part in, this is a good example of the Design and Technology department personalising the content of what they can offer. Students can choose a variety of things to model; here we have excellent examples of skate parks that students are currently working on. This project challenges students to take more responsibility for their own project— creating the idea, drawing the scheme and parts, then managing the time themselves to accurately re-create the scale models.

Y9 Graphics Modelling Project Graphics


Page 16: Hamble College April News Letter


At the start of the day on Thursday 11

th March our group of geographers

took the two-hour journey to London. The first stop was the Natural History

Museum. It was a busy day but we still had time to see all the main

attractions in the red zone, including the model shop which recreated what it

would be like in an earthquake. We stood in the shaking shop and using a

seismometer application on a phone we measured the strength of the

earthquake on the Richter scale! We had lunch and set off for the London

Eye. Before we went on the eye there was a 4D experience, this took us on

a tour of London whilst bubbles and smoke floated through the cinema.

During this experience there were lots of screams! Then we went on the

London Eye, the pods took around twenty students each. As you climbed

higher you could see more and more of the sights in London. We took lots

of pictures so we could remember everything that happened on our

amazing trip.

By Hannah Lovegrove & Ami McCann

Year 9 London Trip

Students across the school celebrated Fairtrade Fortnight this year during mentor time and in assemblies. They

learnt about the importance of Fairtrade and the benefits it brings to farmers across the world. Fairtrade bunting,

made by students, has decorated classrooms and corridors around the school showing our support for the

campaign. Congratulations to Christina Maple (LO OFR) and Eleanor Fitton (LO EGA) winners of the Fairtrade

poster competition who have both won a selection of Fairtrade goodies.

Fairtrade Fortnight 28th February – 13th March

Congratulations to all Year 11 Geography students who sat their SDME exam in

June and January, Students worked very hard to prepare for their exam and

they achieved 67% A-C grades. After school revision classes will begin after

Easter and revision guides can be ordered via your teacher.

Miss Percival

Year 11 Results

Page 17: Hamble College April News Letter


Year 8 students‘ have been very busy recently producing some excellent

masks and puppets to enhance their learning about the plight of endangered

animals in the world. In class, students have been researching different

religious views of the environment and what different religious leaders would

say about their animal‘s plight. The speeches that students wrote were

excellent and real empathy for their chosen endangered animal came through

in their writing.

Much of the students‘ work is on display in the Sports Complex as part of

‗Celebrating RE‘ month.

In the departments GCSE RS lessons, both Year 10 and Year 11 were able to

partake in workshops led by the Red Cross. In their session on ‗International

Humanitarian law‘, students‘ were asked to identify a curious green item. After

suggestions of it being a child‘s toy, a water bottle or a money pouch, we

discovered it to be a land mine!

It was really pleasing to see sometimes hesitant students‘ speaking up and

thinking about the rules of engagement when a country sends its soldiers to

war. Their learning about ‗Just War Theory‘ came into play when considering if

an air strike on a hospital in a war zone was ever appropriate. The Red Cross

presenters were really pleased at how our students‘ engaged with them and

actively sought to question each other about the rules of war.

Finally, congratulations to our Full course GCSE RS students‘ who sat exams

in June last year; Gemma Biggs, Katie Maxted, Sam Spencer, Sophie Fry, Jon

Hatfield, Gerald Skinner, Olivia Wrights and Ben Atkinson all achieved

excellent results. The county‘s RE inspector and Standing Advisory Council for

Religious Education (SACRE) has congratulated Hamble Community Sports

College, on our students getting a strong positive residual of+ 8.72 in the

subject when comparing our Full course students with those across the county.

Year 8 students have been investigating the history of Black

Americans, with a focus on slavery. Students have produced

diaries of slaves which use the skills of empathy, knowledge

and understanding to tell the story of kidnapping in Africa, the

―Middle Passage‖ and the treatment on plantations in North


Year 9 students have continued their work on Twentieth

century history with a focus on the rise of the Nazi dictatorship

in Germany, and the causes of the Second World War.

Year 10 students continue to focus on German History 1929-

47. A group of Year 10s are going on a residential visit to Berlin

at the end of the spring term. They will be visiting sites

connected to the Nazis including the Reichstag, the site of the

SS and Gestapo headquarters, the 1936 Olympic Stadium and

Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp. (More details to follow in

the summer newsletter.) After Easter students will be sitting

their Year 10 practice exams and so revision of Paper 1 is a

now a key focus.

Year 11 students are now finishing the GCSE course, both

Paper 1 and 2, and their controlled assessments. They now

need to be using the Easter holiday to start revision with only a

short time before their exams start.

Religious Education

Page 18: Hamble College April News Letter


Year 10 BTEC Retail Group is beginning to see the reward for their efforts. The plants which have been

reared by the group are ready to ‗plant out‘ (hopefully, weather permitting; they will already be in their

raised beds). The area behind Sydney which has been fenced off will hopefully grow the basic

ingredients for a range of products that the group hopes to sell over the next few months. The group is

developing a wide range of possible ideas of how to market and sell their produce. Let‘s hope the

weather (and rabbits) are kind this year!

Calling all Year 8 students who are interested in MONEY - I hope to start a Stock Market Group who

will learn about the role that Stocks and Shares play in our world. I would like this group to enter a

number of competitions based on buying and selling.

Parents/Guardians - We are trying to widen the students‘ knowledge and understanding of the world of

business and finance. If you are someone who runs a small business or has insight into areas of

business and finance I would appreciate you contacting me (Mr Bruce) and discussing how we could

use your knowledge.

Strawberries Are On Their Way

Young & Enterprising

Year 7s kicked off their Enterprise Club project in January over lunch with a Business Plan workshop,

kindly led by Barclays Bank and assisted by college staff Sarah Kinsella and June Westwood, and our

Financial Governor, George Angas. The goal of the project is to provide an opportunity for students to

explore and develop their entrepreneurial skills. Students developed a product or a service to sell at an

Easter Fair and produced a Business Plan in order to receive funding (to a maximum of £10).

This project is one of a number of initiatives that form part of the college‘s PSHE/Citizenship and

Preparation for Working Life courses which are aimed at providing students with practical skills and

knowledge that they will be able to apply in their later lives. This is the first project of the recently formed

Enterprise Club which started well with a quarter of year 7s signing up to participate. Students have been

working hard each Thursday lunchtime to develop their product and game ideas to take to market at an

Easter Fair on Wednesday 6th and Thursday 7

th April in the School Hall. This Easter‘s Fair will see Lucky

dips, competitions, and a multitude of delicious cakes. All proceeds will be contributed to charity.

This is an organically growing project which will derive future direction from the student‘s own interests.

Next term we plan to involve Year 7-10 students. It would be absolutely lovely to see as many students

as possible participating in the project. The product or service that they choose to offer is only limited by

their imaginations, so if your child has a talent or the enthusiasm to participate it would be brilliant to see

them. Please encourage your child to sign up with Miss Buckler as soon as possible if they are

interested in taking part in next term‘s project.

Raising awareness of the importance of being safe on the roads and driving safely

As many year 11s may soon be heading off to don their motorcycle helmets it seems imperative that

they have some kind of input on handling themselves safely on the roads. This came from an Advanced

Driving Instructor Charlie Fleet. Thank you to Charlie. He will also be visiting the Year 10s shortly.

VIP Visits

A group of Year 8-10s were visited respectively by our local MP, Chris Huhne and the Mayor of Eastleigh

to discuss national and local democracy and government. The event gave the students an opportunity to

learn more about the role local government plays in their day-to-day lives and the relationship between

local and national government.

Miss Buckler

Personal Development Learning NEWS

Page 19: Hamble College April News Letter


Staff from Hamble Community Sports College took part in the Eastleigh Consortium Biennial Joint

Conference training day on 18th March 2011. The day had one overarching theme, the seven host

centres looked at different strands of ‗Engaging the 21st Century Learner‘. Nearly a thousand staff were

involved attending the different venues. Staff from all schools had the opportunity to attend 3 showcase

sessions delivered by colleagues from within the Consortium, several staff from Hamble presented on

the day. The showcases highlighted best practice from a range of school from across the consortium

with practical tips and guidance.

At Hamble , our distinguished guest speaker Chris Gerry presented inspiring talk on‘ Innovative lesson

planning and curriculum design‘. We hosted 12 different showcase presenters for over 130 staff from the

Consortium schools. The day had many successes with staff keen to try out new shared strategies to

help raise standards in teaching and learning in their schools.

Mrs Mani

Professional Development Co-ordinator

Hamble Staff Focus on Teaching and Learning

Current and former students from Hamble presented their petition and showed the councillors around

HYPE in an attempt to raise awareness of the impact of losing the invaluable service for young people.

The councillors were very impressed and even moved by the student concerns. Shona, Maddie, Lesley

and Robbie made eloquent speeches about their Youth Club. So did the older ex-students. The three

parish councils are talking about possible additional funding for youth work in their next formal meeting.

For some it is their only place to escape from other difficulties and get support.

This is a ‗hot topic‘ for the college as ‗Hype‘ is a vital resource giving advice and guidance to the

students of the College.

Students Show Their Support for Hype

Alpe D‘Huez provided us with some fantastic

conditions for this year‘s Ski Trip. Glorious

sunshine and great skiing conditions greeted us

each morning as the students headed off for

their lessons. The students made brilliant

progress throughout the week and all achieved

an ‗Ecole Du Ski Francais‘ level, and certificate


There were plenty of falls on the slopes but each

one was accompanied by huge smiles and

laughter, and on occasion the unfortunate sound

of a camera catching the unlucky student! The

biggest falls often featured in the evening‘s

‗Kangaroo Court‘ where Judge Lang made

verdicts on those most worthy and presented

them with awards: a clown wig, a cow hat or the

Dummy of the Day!

The students were superb all week and were a

credit to the College.

Thanks to everybody who has supported and

helped this to be a fantastic week.

Mr Richards

Hamble Ski Trip – Alpe D’Huez 2011

Page 20: Hamble College April News Letter


Hamble College‟s Year 10 Public Service groups were lucky

enough to have received a visit from The Royal Marines. The visit

was a huge success with students gaining an insight into the lives

of Royal Marines. The students took part in endurance activities

which were both physically and mentally challenging but were

completed with top honours. They were absolutely superb,

despite the rain and the muddy conditions, and through gritted

teeth they continued to smile and enjoy themselves.

“One of the best group of students I have had the pleasure of

training.” – Royal Marine.

The U16 boys‘ basketball team have had

their best ever season yet, finishing 3rd


the Southampton and District League out of

24 teams.

They recently beat King Edward VI School

51 – 34 to claim 3rd


Pictured from left, Dan Kingswell, Travis

Barry, Charlie Szasz (captain), Connor

Dickson, Tom Elsey and Wesley Regular.

U16 Boys Basketball

Royal Marine Visit March 2011

The PE department will be running a mountain bike club which will

be aimed at introducing riders to new skills and new routes around

Hamble. You do not need to be an experienced rider, you will just

need a passion for the sport. You can bring your own bike and

helmet or you can use one of ours.

For more information see Mr Richards in the PE Office.

Get on your bike with Hamble Mountain Bike Club

Page 21: Hamble College April News Letter


On Monday 7th March 2011 over 100 year 4 pupils from Netley Abbey Infants and Hamble Primary

attended a year 4 gymnastics festival organised by Adam Paterson (Dynamo School of Gymnastics) and Jeremy Ord (Hamble School Sport Partnership). The pupils were given time before the event to prepare a routine to present on the day. Hamble split their pupils into 5 groups and Netley presented in 2 groups. The day was aided by pupils from Hamble Sports College (Anna Rogers, Harry Roberts and Callum Sims) who helped show the pupils what to do. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Adam Paterson for all the effort and hard work he has done to make the day run smoothly. Mr Ord

Year 4 Gymnastics Festival

On Monday 21st March 2011, pupils from Hamble Primary School attended a ‗Cyclo-cross Festival‘

organised by Jeremy Ord (SSCO at Hamble College) and Dave Jowett (British Cycling) on Mallards Moore. The afternoon started with all pupils familiarising themselves with their bikes. This involved learning how to sort out the height of the seats and handlebars, before moving on to how to use the gears correctly. After the initial induction they moved on to the course. Dave had created a course through the woods at the back of the field by placing cones so the pupils could follow the route. The first lap was a familiarisation lap and gave them a chance to work out the perfect route and places where they could overtake. The race was then ready to go. They did a couple of full races before the two handicap race. The final race was a relay, in which all pupils enjoyed the opportunity of a long rest, as by this time they were all tired but still smiling from ear to ear. The final activity of the afternoon was a cycling-limbo contest. Pupils were told the correct technique before having a go themselves. The bar was incredibly low at the end and the pupils were very close to completing the lowest limbo that Dave had ever seen. A great afternoon was had by all and everyone involved came off the field with a huge smile and a sense of achievement. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Dave Jowett for running the event; Robin Tucker for bringing up pupils from his school and, finally, the pupils from Hamble Primary School who were fantastic. Hopefully a few of them will take up cycling more seriously in the future. Mr Ord

Hamble Cluster Cyclo-Cross Festival

Adam Paterson of Dynamo ran a Year 2 Gymnastics Festival for just under 100 pupils from Bursledon Infants and Hamble Primary Schools. All pupils were given a thorough warm up before practising the basic shapes required to complete their routines. This year was slightly different to the previous years, as schools were given more time to prepare and as a result there were some very good variations of the theme. All pupils thoroughly enjoyed the morning and had smiles on their faces at all times.

Year 2 Gymnastics Festival

(Tuesday 29TH March)

Page 22: Hamble College April News Letter


We have had a successful term across the Hamble Sports Partnership, with many students achieving

fantastic goals within dance.

We saw over 75 children from Curdridge, Durley and Fair Oak Junior schools team together and perform at

Rock Challenge at Southampton Guildhall, coming away with the Entertainment Award. After a long day

and evening the children came away full of smiles and excitement, all their hard work really paid off! The

team have been invited to perform at The Hampshire Olympic Conference in June to be held at the

Rosebowl, so they have to put their dancing shoes back on and are looking forward to performing together


We were pleased to see the Dance Leaders students at Hamble Community Sports College receive their

qualification in leadership. For their final assessment they individually delivered dance sessions at Hamble

Primary where they all showed great enthusiasm and strength of character, setting a fantastic example to the

younger children.

We are looking forward to the Hamble

School Sport Partnership Dance Festival

which will be held in June. With the 2012

Olympics ahead of us the primary schools

across the community have taken this

theme and are creating dance pieces, which

they will perform at the event.

We have a busy Summer Term planned and

are looking forward to many performance


Miss Hughes Hamble SSP Dance


Dance across the Partnership

The Hamble School Sport Partnership held a successful conference for 30 primary teachers in March. The

conference focused on the Outdoor Classroom and was led by ESP (Educational Special Projects) who have

installed the ‗Famous 5‘ playground markings in all our schools.

With the theme ‗Open

Spaces Open Minds‘ the

teachers were introduced to

resources that can be used in

the outdoor classroom to

teach Maths and Literacy.

It was a practical day and

very hands- on approach; this

together with the sunshine

made it great fun as well as

useful, giving all who

attended plenty of ideas to

take back to their schools.

Primary Link Teachers Conference March 2011

Page 23: Hamble College April News Letter


On Tuesday 15th March, Charlene Bates (Further Education School Co-ordinator) and Kevin Mooney

(School Sports Co-ordinator) organised a Young Ambassador Conference. It was held in the new ‗Hamble Skills Centre‘ and was attended by students and SSCO‘s from Hamble Community Sports College, Wyvern Technology College, Wildern School and Swanmore College of Technology. The students, representing their schools as Platinum, Gold, Silver or Adistars, were sat on three tables and were actively encouraged to mix with students who were not from their own school in order that they could share ideas and have the opportunity to make new friends with those holding a similar position. They had to complete several set tasks which helped them to identify their own strengths and recognise areas for development. They also discussed their thoughts on what makes a good leader and there were some interesting criteria. Also in attendance was Laura Edwards (Silver Medalist in the Gymnastics Team event at the recent Commonwealth Games). She was asked key questions by Hannah Murphy (Platinum Ambassador) on her

support for inclusive school sport, what drove her to success and the values that sport gives you in life.

The afternoon was well received by all in attendance and a great many new and exciting ideas were born within just a few hours. These ideas will be recorded and transformed into plans by the Young Ambassadors, with assistance from the SSCOs, for programmes promoting the Olympic values that can be delivered within their own schools and their primary cluster schools over the next year.

The Young Apprentice program, which is sponsored by ADIDAS, will be continuing next year and it is hoped that another conference can take place.

Young Ambassador Conference

On Friday 18 March, 50 Year 9 Young Leaders attended their first training session. The one and half hour

workshop was led by Mandy Quill, Partnership Development Manager and national tutor for student

leadership. The workshop introduced the skills needed to be a good leader and provided practical activities

to develop confidence and communication. The students are leaders in a number of areas at the college

including, Art, Humanities, Modern Foreign Languages, Digital, Technology and Sport.

The current Year 9 leaders are the

first of the new Student Leadership

Programme at Hamble. All leaders

went through a recruitment

process and were selected on their

commitment and hard work in

college. The college are providing

training to Student Leaders similar

to the training received by teachers

to support their personal

development. The Student Leaders

will be responsible for acting as

role models, leading parents‘

evenings and organising events in

the college and wider community.

Yr9 Leadership Training Day

Page 24: Hamble College April News Letter


Term Dates

Spring term

Easter holiday from Mon 11 April 2011 to Mon 25 April 2011

Summer term Summer Half Term holiday from Mon 30 May 2011 to Fri 3 June 2011 Summer holiday from Thu 28 July 2011 to Fri 2 September 2011


Celebrating R.E. Displays in Community Centre

4th - Yr10 Language & Enterprise Challenge day at Southampton University

4th - Yr7-Yr10 - Creative Partnership trip INTECH Centre Winchester

5th - Yr7-Yr8 Drug Dog Talk

6th - Easter Fayre - Young Enterprise

6th - 9th - Berlin Trip

7th - Yr10 - Drama Trip to Fernhill School

7th - Easter Fayre - Young Enterprise

7th - 1745-1900 - Ardeche trip meeting in the main school hall

11th-25th - Easter holiday

26th-28th - Yr11 Art Preparation Work

28th - Yr 11 - Drama trip to Mayflower Theatre

28th - Yr10 Geography Fieldtrip, Hengistbury Head, Dorset

28th - Yr9 - Radio Controlled Powerboat Competition - QinetiC - Gosport


3rd-7th - Year 10 Geography Field Trip

3rd - 0830-1500 - Year 8 Girls HPV Jabs

5th - 1600-1900 Year 7 Parents Evening

6th - 0830-0930 - Year 7 & 8 Junior Maths Challenge

9th-15th - Year 8 & 9 Ardeche Trip

12th - 1600-1900 - Year 10 Parents Evening

27th - 1100-1230 - Year 11 Leavers Assembly


19th-25th - Year 9 Barcelona Trip


1st - 1800-2300 - Year 11 Ball

1st - Inset Day -College Closed

4th - Inset Day -College Closed

Academic year 2010-2011

College Events

At Hamble we are constantly working to improve teaching and learning. We are aware that your children are

not just competing with each other but with thousands of others across the country for apprenticeships, college

places and training opportunities. I have been heading up a small working party which is looking at a whole

college approach to encourage positive behaviour and discourage low level disruption – and so enable the

biggest impact to be made in teaching and learning in the classroom. We are involving the students by using a

survey to get their views. After a full consultation with staff we will launch a new code of conduct for

classrooms. We will let you have a copy so you can help us to reinforce it by speaking to your children about it.

The new code of conduct will be in place throughout the college in the autumn term.

In the meantime you can help by checking if your child has the correct equipment and understands that being

late to school stops them making progress.


Mr Letts

New Behaviour Code for The College