hacking fb using session hijacking

Hacking Facebook using wireshark Step 1: Download Following Tools and Script. Cain And Abel (http://www.oxid.it/cain.html) Wireshark (http://www.wireshark.org/download.html) Mozilla Add-ons : GreaseMonkey (Search in Mozilla add-ons) Cookie Injector Script (http://userscripts.org/scripts/source/119798.user.js) Step 2: Navigate to “Configure” menu and open configuration Dialog and check the configuration settings…

Upload: pragyanandd-tiwary

Post on 10-Apr-2016




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Page 1: Hacking Fb Using Session Hijacking

Hacking Facebook using wireshark

Step 1:

Download Following Tools and Script.

Cain And Abel (http://www.oxid.it/cain.html)

Wireshark (http://www.wireshark.org/download.html)

Mozilla Add-ons : GreaseMonkey (Search in Mozilla add-ons)

Cookie Injector Script (http://userscripts.org/scripts/source/119798.user.js)

Step 2:

Navigate to “Configure” menu and open configuration Dialog and check the configuration settings…

Page 2: Hacking Fb Using Session Hijacking

Step 3:

Click on (Start/Stop) Sniffing button.

Click tab.

Click on button.

Now, the following window will appear….

Now Click on OK button…..Scanning Starts

Page 3: Hacking Fb Using Session Hijacking

Step 4:

Switch to tab listed below.

Click on Button, a pop-up window will appear.

Now Select the IP Address of the victim from the left panel of window and the Router IP in the right panel…..as

shown below:

Click OK button.

Page 4: Hacking Fb Using Session Hijacking

Step 5:

Select the IP in the table.

Click on button.

Step 6: On the Victim’s PC:

Start any Browser and open facebook.com (force Http)

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Step 7: Now Back to Attacker’s Pc

Open Wireshark

Navigate to Capture>Interface (or press Ctrl+I)

Select your active wireless adaptor

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Step 8:

Refresh victims Facebook page

Open your Wireshark window, now you can see the flow of packets

Type “http:cookie contains datr” in the filter box.

Click on button.

Page 7: Hacking Fb Using Session Hijacking

Search for “Generic.php” or “ai.php”

Right click on the particular packet then select “copy>bytes>Printable Text Only”.

Right click on the particular packet then select “follow TCP Stream”.

Open up your browser, open http://www.facebook.com.

Press Alt+C (small wireshark cookie dump will appear).

Paste the cookie that we copied earlier (Ctrl+v).

Press OK.

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Now reload the page….

We have the Session now….