gully control in sat p,...

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Page 1: Gully Control in SAT P, aWni SP and Sudi R. 2005. Gully control i n SAT watersheds. Global Theme on Agroecosystems

Pathak P, Wani SP and Sudi R. 2005. Gully control in SAT watersheds. Global Theme onAgroecosystems Report no. 15. Patancheru 502 324, Andhra Pradesh, India: International Crops ResearchInstitute for the Semi-Arid Tropics. 28 pp.

Gully Control in SAT Watersheds

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SAT eJournal | August 2006 | Volume 2 | Issue 1

Page 2: Gully Control in SAT P, aWni SP and Sudi R. 2005. Gully control i n SAT watersheds. Global Theme on Agroecosystems


BackgroundSoil erosion is one of the major problems confronting agriculture worldwide. Although the problem isas old as settled agriculture, its extent and impact on human welfare and global environment are morenow than ever before. A continuation of high soil erosion will eventually lead to a loss in cropproduction even though fertilizers and other inputs often result in increased yield in the short term.Soil erosion also leads to environmental pollution. It is the main source of sediment that pollutesrivers and fills reservoirs. A decrease in soil quality invariably leads to a decrease in water quality, andoften in air quality. Globally, about 1.1 billion ha of land is affected by erosion. It is estimated thatabout 150 million ha out of the total geographical area of 328 million ha in India are subjected toserious water and wind erosion; 69 million ha are at the critical stage of deterioration due to watererosion and 32 million ha are prone to wind erosion (Katyal et al. 1995). Further, Dhruva Narayanaand Sastry (1985) estimated that about 5,333 million t of soil is detached annually in India and 20%of this carried away by rivers into the sea. Nearly 10% of it is being deposited in surface reservoirsresulting in loss of 1 to 2% of the storage capacity annually. Gully erosion is geographically awidespread problem (Cooke and Reeves 1976, Lal 1992) and is the worst stage of soil erosion (Fig. 1).It is common in the semi-arid region, characterized by denuded landscape and flash floods. Anestimated 4 million ha of land is affected by severe gully erosion in India. An additional 2.2 million haare now susceptible to gully erosion inthe semi-arid tropics (SAT) of India. InAfrica about 29 million ha of land isaffected by gully erosion. In Ethiopianhighlands, gullies are particularly severeand widespread on 7.6 million ha ofVertisols (Brown 1981). Gully erosion ismore difficult and expensive to controlthan sheet and rill erosion. It is also morespectacular than interrill erosion.Contrary to sheet and rill erosion, thedamage done to land by gully erosion ispermanent. Gully erosion also causesdepreciation in land value by loweringthe water table and depleting theavailable water reserves. Buildings andinfrastructures are also undermined byrapidly advancing gullies.The objective of this report is to provide basic knowledge of gully formation and practical approachesfor their control in the context of overall watershed development and management in SAT. The reportwill be useful to professionals, middle-level technicians and watershed managers in assessing gullyerosion and in guiding the actual gully control measures.

Figure 1. Severe gully erosion in Guangzhon, China.

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SAT eJournal | August 2006 | Volume 2 | Issue 1

Page 3: Gully Control in SAT P, aWni SP and Sudi R. 2005. Gully control i n SAT watersheds. Global Theme on Agroecosystems


Gully ErosionDefinition of Gully ErosionGully erosion produces channels larger than rills. These channels carry water during and immediatelyafter rains and as distinguished from rills, gullies cannot be obliterated by normal tillage (Schwab et al.1981). Thus, gully erosion is an advanced stage of rill erosion much as rill erosion is an advanced stageof sheet erosion. The Soil Conservation Society of America defines a gully as “a channel or miniaturevalley cut by concentrated runoff but through which water commonly flows only during andimmediately after heavy rains; it may be dendritic or branching or it may be linear, rather long,narrow, and of uniform width” (SCSA 1982).It is often difficult to differentiate between large gullies and small river valleys. Gullies haveintermittent storm water flows of shorter duration compared to rivers with seasonal flows. Gullies,contrary to river valleys, are cut out rapidly and are generally restricted to easily erodable soils.Causes of Gully ErosionMost of the gullies are formed due to human activities. Some of the major causes of gully formationare overgrazing due to high cattle population, expansion of cultivation in steeper or marginal land,cultivation without taking care of surplus runoff water, deforestation due to clearing of vegetation,unsatisfactory waterways and improper design of culverts and other structures. Generally a gully iscaused by a rapid expansion of the surface drainage system in an unstable landscape. Gully erosion isaffected by several factors. Some factors determine the potential hazard while others determine theintensity and rate of gully advance. The factors affecting gully erosion can be categorized into twogroups: man-made factors and physical factors.Man-made factorsImproper land useIn developing countries, rapidly increasing populations usually migrate upland to occupy forests orrangeland. Most migrants cut trees, burn litter and grasses, and cultivate annual crops on hillsideswithout using appropriate conservation measures. After a few years, the productivity of the soil is lostbecause of sheet, rill and gully erosion, and the land is abandoned. This kind of cultivation is repeatedby farmers on other hillsides until the land loses its productivity there as well. Thus, the whole of anarea may be completely destroyed by gullying as the gully heads advance to the upper ends of thewatershed.OvergrazingHigh cattle population and overgrazing constitute a major factor for gully formation in SAT Africa andAsia. Uncontrolled overgrazing leads to denudation of vegetation. Burning is another widely practicedsystem of pasture renovation. It leads to a rapid denudation and exposure of land to torrential rains.Cattle grazing in and around active gullies extends the nick point and dimensions of the gullies.Overgrazing removes much of the soils protective vegetative cover and trampling compacts the soils;thus the infiltration capacity of the soil is reduced. The increased runoff due to reduced infiltrationproduces new gullies or enlarges old ones.

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SAT eJournal | August 2006 | Volume 2 | Issue 1

Page 4: Gully Control in SAT P, aWni SP and Sudi R. 2005. Gully control i n SAT watersheds. Global Theme on Agroecosystems


Improper land developmentOften the land development works, viz, construction of water storage structures, drains and bunding,are not done properly. Consequently failure of hydraulic structures or breaching of bunds occurs(Fig. 2) often resulting in sudden release of high volume of water. This results in the formation ofgully particularly on steep lands.Road constructionRoad construction through steep lands,without adequate provision fordrainage, is a major cause of gullyerosion. Inadequate drainage systemsfor roads such as small number ofculverts, insufficient capacity of roadditches, etc are some of the causes ofgullying. Although the road-causedgully erosion may occur anywhere in theworld, the problem is particularly severein developing countries due to neglect inmaintenance and the lack of provisionfor safe outlets for excess runoff.Livestock and vehicle trailsGullies are also formed on livestock and vehicle trails that run along hillsides. Unplanned land use candisturb the natural drainage ways. Non-availability of water supplies in the rural communitiesnecessitates villagers to walk to the springhead. Sunken footpaths made up-and-down the slopebecome the focus of concentrated flow that eventually turn into gullies. This leads to thedevelopment of new footpaths that also turn into gullies later on.Physical factorsGullies are formed by increased runoff which acts as a cutting agent. The main physical factors whichaffect the rate and amount of runoff are rainfall, topography, soil characteristics, profilecharacteristics and vegetative cover.RainfallRainfall is obviously an important factor. For a given condition, there is direct relationship betweenthe rainfall and runoff. Big storms can cause severe gullying. Intense rains, coupled with soils prone tosealing and crusting, generate high runoff volume and concentrated flow (Lal 1992). The forcegenerated by the runoff flow causes gully erosion especially in semi-arid regions characterized byscanty vegetation cover.TopographyThe size and shape of a drainage area as well as the length and gradient of its slopes have a major effecton the runoff rate, volume and flow velocity.Shape and size of watershedThe larger the watershed, the greater the amount of runoff. Large watersheds have greater chances ofgully erosion than small watersheds. The shape of the watershed has strong relationship with the timeof concentration and peak runoff rate. If the time of concentration is high, peak runoff rate will be low.

Figure 2. Improper land development leads to damage of structureand gully formation as in Madhusudhangadh, Madhya Pradesh,India.

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SAT eJournal | August 2006 | Volume 2 | Issue 1

Page 5: Gully Control in SAT P, aWni SP and Sudi R. 2005. Gully control i n SAT watersheds. Global Theme on Agroecosystems


Length and gradient of slopeThe steeper the slope, higher the velocity and erosive power of the runoff. This is one of the mostimportant factors for gully erosion. Also, if the slope length is long, the possibility of gully formationis high.Soil propertiesSome soils are more prone to gullyerosion than others. A soil with a coarse-textured highly permeable surfacehorizon with an abrupt transition toslowly permeable subsoil is normallyprone to gully erosion. The Vertisols withcracking properties are also highlysusceptible to severe gullying (Fig. 3).Vegetative coverVegetative cover intercepts rainfall,keeps the soil cover with crop canopy andlitter, maintains soil structure andinfiltration and provides resistance torunoff flow. Generally management andprotection rather than the type of thevegetative cover determines its effectiveness in gully control. Any vegetation which is well adapted tolocal conditions and acceptable to the local community can be used.Occurrence of GulliesGullies are more frequently found on bush and grasslands than on cultivated land because rills oncultivated land are removed by plowing and other recurrent cultivation measures. However, these rillscontinue to enlarge unhindered on grazing land and forest areas. Nowadays, even in cultivated areas,the number and size of gullies are increasing due to several factors. Gullies are mostly initiated duringmajor storms. Once such gullies are formed, they tend to become further enlarged in subsequent years.Development of GulliesIt is difficult to achieve gully stabilization without a full understanding of the erosion processes orstages of gully development. Otherwise, it would be risky because expensive measures taken wouldbe unnecessary or ineffective.Gullies are established by the deepening of rills and slumping of side slopes through the shearingeffect of concentrated overland flow, increase in pore-water pressure, and decrease in soil strengthalong seepage lines close to the streams and rivers, and slumping due to excessive formation of tunnelor pipeflow. Once gullies are established, they form permanent locations for concentrating theoverland flow. Consequently, progressive deepening and widening of the gully continues until thegully has adjusted to a new set of equilibrium conditions.After its initial incision a gully usually extends backwards and sideways through the development ofsecondary gullies. Gully erosion is caused by headward advance, upstream migration of secondary

Figure 3. Gully erosion in SAT Vertisols due to cracks.

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SAT eJournal | August 2006 | Volume 2 | Issue 1

Page 6: Gully Control in SAT P, aWni SP and Sudi R. 2005. Gully control i n SAT watersheds. Global Theme on Agroecosystems


nick points, widening of the gully channel by slumping and mass soil movement, and deepening bymobilizing or transporting sediments from the gully floor.Start of erosionIn the initial stages of development when the gully cuts through the arable soil profile, erosion ratesare low. As the erosion reaches down into the subsoil, rate increases greatly because the subsoils aregenerally prone to be more erodible. Consequently, the topsoil profile is undermined. A waterfall iscreated. The eroding action of the waterfall and its splash deepens a round pit into the subsoil, whichacts as a plunge pool for the falling water. Due to successive undermining, the head of the gully movesup the slope. This headward cutting does not stop until the erosion reaches solid bedrock or the top ofthe slope.Deepening erosionThe waterfall erosion usually creates a gradient downstream, which is less steep than the one abovethe waterfall. Therefore, the gully will be deeper as the waterfall erosion advances upstream. Thedeepening of the gully further downstream depends on the erosive capacity of the water flow throughthe gully. The side slopes of the gully become slanted by various erosion processes. Blocks of earth falldown due to tension cracks along steep walls of the gully. A rapid deepening of the gully occurs dueto runoff flow, which keeps the side walls of the gully bare and unstable. Later, the cross-section ofthe gully appears U-shaped.Retardation of vertical erosionVertical erosion continues until stopped by a base that can be of different types:• Any plain where the velocity of the stream does not permit further erosion• The water level of a lake or a river• A solid sub-layer or solid bedrockEventually, a state of balance is reached between erosion and deposition even if the gully floor is notquite stable. The channel is deepened when the runoff volume and velocity are maximal. When therunoff flow drops, eroded material is deposited on the floor. As a result, the gully bottom becomes awider floor and gets filled with sediments. The cross-section is not sharply V-shaped any longer, butmore U-shaped. The state of equilibrium is often attained at a gradient of 2–4% in the longitudinaldirection of the gully. If the sediments are coarse or appear in large quantities, the gradient can be high(4–12%). It is obvious that the U-shaped gully represents a stage of maturity and stabilization. On thecontrary, one can recognize an active gully from its bare sides, and its more or less V-shaped cross-section.Lateral erosionIn an active gully where vertical erosion has stopped, for instance, where bedrock has been reached,the flow energy is redirected on lateral erosion, causing widening of the gully. This widening is mostdangerous in profiles susceptible to gully erosion, particularly in outer bends of such gullies. Whenlarge volumes of sand are transported by the stream, bars of sand can cause meandering. The banks ofouter bends of the gully are then undermined and they collapse. The gully floor widens and the

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SAT eJournal | August 2006 | Volume 2 | Issue 1

Page 7: Gully Control in SAT P, aWni SP and Sudi R. 2005. Gully control i n SAT watersheds. Global Theme on Agroecosystems


corresponding larger bars of sand are deposited when the stream decreases. During subsequentrunoff events, erosion of the banks in the outer bends is accelerated, which undermines the landabove the gully. This results in collapse of substantial blocks of soil profile into the gully.WideningThe deep erosion makes the sides of the gully unstableand causes movement of earth from the sides of the gullyto its bottom, where the earth is removed by theintermittent water flows. In this way the gully is not onlydeepened, but also widened (Fig. 4). A gullied area canalso be widened through branches caused by tributarywater flows. As these have a smaller volume of water thanthe main gully, they usually do not keep pace with theerosion of the main gully.Classification of GulliesGullies can be classified using several systems that are based on their different characteristics (FAO1977).Gully classes based on size, drainage and discharge rateThe simplest classification system is based on gully depth:Small gully <1 m; medium gully 1–5 m; and large gully >5 m.The size of a gully, however, often reflects its stage of development rather than the size of water flow.Therefore, a classification based on the flow rate is more useful for planning control measures:Small gully <0.3 m3 s-1; medium gully 0.3–2.0 m3 s-1; large gully >2.0 m3 s-1.Another gully classification system is based on depth and drainage area (Table 1).Table 1. Gully classification based on depth and drainage area.Gully classes Gully depth (m) Gully drainage area (ha)Small gully 1 5Medium gully 1–5 5–40Large gully 5 40Gully classes based on shapeGullies are also classified according to the shape of their cross-section:• U-shaped gullies are formed where both topsoil and subsoil have the same resistance againsterosion. Since the subsoil is eroded as easily as the topsoil, nearly vertical walls are developed oneach side of the gully.• V-shaped gullies develop where the subsoil has more resistance than topsoil against erosion. This isthe most common gully form.• Trapezoidal gullies are formed where the gully bottom is made of more resistant material than thetopsoil and subsoil because the erosion rate along the gully bank is greater than along the bottom.

Figure 4. Widening of gully due to sidecutting in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

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SAT eJournal | August 2006 | Volume 2 | Issue 1

Page 8: Gully Control in SAT P, aWni SP and Sudi R. 2005. Gully control i n SAT watersheds. Global Theme on Agroecosystems


Gully classes based on continuation• Continuous gullies consist of many branch gullies. A continuous gully has a main gully channeland many mature or immature branch gullies.• Discontinuous gullies may develop on hillsides after landslides. They are also called independentgullies. At the beginning of its development, a discontinuous gully does not have a distinct junctionwith the main gully or stream channel.Gully ControlPrinciples of Gully ControlGenerally, gullies are formed due to high runoff volume and peak runoff rate. Therefore, minimizingrunoff volume and peak runoff rate through improved land use system is essential in gully control.The following three control measures should be taken in order of priority:1. Improvement of gully catchments to reduce and regulate the runoff volume and peak rates.2. Diversion of runoff water upstream the gully area.3. Stabilization of gullies by structural measures and accompanying revegetation.In some regions, the first and/or second methods may be sufficient to stabilize the incipient or smallgullies. In tropical and subtropical regions, which receive large rains (monsoons, tropical cyclones,etc), all three methods may have to be used for successful gully control.Controlling gully erosion can be an elusive process. The rate of success in such schemes depends onthe planning, design and techniques employed. The ultimate success depends upon the properdiagnosis of the problem, steps taken to eliminate the causes, and drastic changes in land use tostabilize the ecosystem.The benefit-cost ratio of gully control must be carefully assessed. Some gully control measures areextremely expensive, and resource-poor farmers cannot afford to invest in them. This means thatgully preventive or control measures must produce short-term benefits in terms of increased yield,availability of more land for cultivation, and reliable crop yields through improved soil-water use.Above all, expensive measures of gully control and/or restoration have not been widely successful (Lal1992).Exact gully control rules are difficult to establish because gullies are not similar; one gully is neverexactly the same as another one, even in the same area. Therefore, good judgment and experience areessential in assessing and solving the problem.Placing loose brushwood, hay, tree branches, stone, etc in gullies does not help in stopping erosion.Refilling large or very large gullies with soil and without diversion of the water flow is notrecommended. The refilled soils are generally not as well compacted as the natural soil layers, and caneasily be eroded again. Side sloping of the very large gullies is not economical. The sides of a gully willget naturally slanted after some years.

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SAT eJournal | August 2006 | Volume 2 | Issue 1

Page 9: Gully Control in SAT P, aWni SP and Sudi R. 2005. Gully control i n SAT watersheds. Global Theme on Agroecosystems


Basic Gully Treatment MeasuresPrevention of gully formationPreventing the formation of agully is much easier thancontrolling it once it hasformed. Small gullies in initialstages can also be easilycontrolled (Fig. 5). Preventionis often more economicalbecause cost of gully controland repair can be very high inrelation to the value of the land.Therefore, in gully control,emphasis should be placed onthe following practices.Proper soil, water and agronomic management practices• Protection of the soil by good crop canopy during rains.• Adoption of conservation-effective, improved soil, water and crop management practices.• Control of sheet and rill erosion through proper land and tillage management practices.• Specific slope treatment measures such as bunding, terraces and inter-bund land surfaceconfigurations.• Maintenance of soil fertility through proper inputs, crop rotation and control of land degradation.Proper management of field and community drains• Control of grazing, and revegetation of community land and grassed waterways.• Maintenance of field drains and community drains through proper shaping and installation ofstructures.• Prevention of various activities which could lead to the formation of gullies such as dumping ofweeds and other waste materials from neighboring fields into community drains.Diversion of runoff above the gully areaIn many cases, the simplest, cheapest and safest gully control method is to divert runoff before itenters into the gully (Fig. 6). This practice is particularly useful in forest land and grasslands.However, this is not practical in the cultivated land. Themethods used for design of the diversion ditch are similarto those used for grassed waterways. If the runoff flow toa gully is small, the diversion ditch need not be large.Sometimes it is sufficient to construct a small ditch and aridge using a plow. When diverting water, the outlet pointmust be safe from erosion, otherwise a new gully couldform.If there are several gullies on a slope and it is difficult tofind a suitable outlet point for discharging water, one ofthe continuous gullies can be used as a drainage way.Erosion must be checked in this drainage gully. If the

Figure 6. Farmers making diversion channelfor controlling gully erosion in Ginchiwatershed, Ethiopia.

Figure 5. Control of a small gully through small stone structure.

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Page 10: Gully Control in SAT P, aWni SP and Sudi R. 2005. Gully control i n SAT watersheds. Global Theme on Agroecosystems


catchment is too large, it might be possible to divert water to several waterways, each one with anacceptable flow.The design and construction of a diversion channel involves the following steps:1. Calculate the catchment area contributing the discharge to the gully.2. Calculate the design peak runoff rate expected from the catchment.3. Estimate the maximum permissible velocity considering the type of soil and vegetation.4. Estimate the gradient, size and cross-section of the diversion channel (Hudson 1971).5. Identify suitable outlet(s) for discharging water.6. Assess the erosion conditions in the outlet drain(s) or existing gully.7. Use the above information/analysis from steps 1 to 6 and take appropriate measures to stabilize theoutlet drains or gullies.The runoff volumes and peak runoff rates recorded from the watersheds at 16 locations in India aregiven in Table 2. The design peak runoff rates for each location are estimated considering the long-term rainfall and other climatic parameters.Table 2. Measured runoff volume and peak runoff rate for benchmark watersheds in India1.

Annual Runoff Peak Design peakrainfall Runoff as % of runoff rate runoff rateLocation (mm) (mm) rainfall (m3 s-1 ha-1) (m3 s-1 ha-1)RajasthanGoverdhanapura watershed (Bundi district) 436 37 7.8 0.107 0.22Madhya PradeshLalatora watershed (Vidhisha district) 1046 273 26.2 0.092 0.35Semli-Shyampura watershed (Dewas district) 1162 157 13.0 0.036 0.15Kailashpura watershed (Guna district) 881 121 13.7 0.090 0.35Ringnodia watershed (Indore district) 797 27 3.5 0.002 0.15IISS watershed (Bhopal district) 843 160 15.8 0.050 0.20Andhra PradeshAdarsha watershed (Kothapally, Rangareddy district) 710 661 7.6 0.068 0.17Appayapally watershed (Mahbubnagar district) 484 57 11.6 0.013 0.15Malleboinpally watershed (Mahbubnagar district) 565 34 5.2 0.016 0.15Mentepally watershed (Mahbubnagar district) 346 40 14.0 0.012 0.15Sripuram watershed (Mahbubnagar district) 343 24 7.5 0.007 0.12Kacharam watershed (Nalgonda district) 571 23 4.3 0.013 0.15Tirumalapuram watershed (Nalgonda district) 474 11 2.3 0.022 0.15Nemikkal watershed (Nalgonda district) 665 46 6.9 0.023 0.15Devanakonda watershed (Kurnool district) 534 43 8.3 0.070 0.20Karivemula watershed (Kurnool district) 323 17 5.3 0.021 0.151. Values are averages of long-term data.

Gully treatment measuresThe objective of gully control is mainly to establish a good vegetation cover resisting erosion. Thisrequires the stabilization of the gully floor and sides. Gully control embraces the following stages andconditions:• Filling and shaping small gullies• Prevention of bank erosion in bends

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Page 11: Gully Control in SAT P, aWni SP and Sudi R. 2005. Gully control i n SAT watersheds. Global Theme on Agroecosystems


• Almost stabilized gullies with a U-shaped cross-section• Check-dams• Gully heads and other nick pointsFilling and shaping small gulliesSmall gullies can be stabilized by reshapingthrough cutting and filling. Rills and incipientbranch gullies can be filled by a spade or plow.Small gullies can also be prevented fromenlargement by filling tightly packed trash orearth covered with sods, or through stoneslaid with small voids (Fig. 7). Planting somegrasses that are resistant to soil erosion is veryimportant.Prevention of bank erosion in bends ofwide gulliesA measure often recommended is lining/filling the foot of the bank with stones andboulders. Such a rock fill must be laid in anexcavation to prevent undercutting, and the stones/boulders must be large enough not to be carriedaway by the flow. A simple and cheaper method is to establish suitable vegetation along the foot of thebank. The seedlings should be planted densely in single or more rows. These can provide goodresistance to even small or moderate water flows. Laying stones across the channel is useless inpreventing erosion in gully bends.Gullies with a U-shaped cross-sectionVegetation. In U-shaped gullies, with floors at least 1 m wide and with a bed slope of less than 3%,erosion is usually negligible and natural vegetation is established (Fig. 8). Sometimes the gully bed isnot quite stable and natural vegetation is not established. Hence grass can be planted in strips acrossthe channel, or all over the bed including the foot of the gully banks. Generally, napier grass is quiteeffective. Once a good grass cover is established, the channel can resist the stream velocity up to 1.5 m s-1.

Structures. If there is no equilibrium betweenerosion and deposition of sediments, then thegully bed needs stabilization through a simpleand cheap physical measure. Usually wood orstones are used for construction of gullycontrol structures. The choice depends on thelocal conditions and, above all, on theavailability of material. The wooden structuresare less durable than structures constructedwith stones.A wooden structure consists typically of asingle row of small poles (diameter around 5–7 cm) with branches plaited between thepoles. The idea is to slow down the runoffFigure 8. Gully stabilized through vegetation in Lalatorawatershed, Madhya Pradesh, India.

Figure 7. Loose boulder check with shrubs for controllingsmall gully.

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SAT eJournal | August 2006 | Volume 2 | Issue 1

Page 12: Gully Control in SAT P, aWni SP and Sudi R. 2005. Gully control i n SAT watersheds. Global Theme on Agroecosystems


velocity and thereby decrease the risk of erosion. The height should not be more than 0.5 m, and thedepth of poles inside the ground at least the same as the height above it.If stone material is used, it acts as a threshold and prevents erosion. Such an alignment consisting ofstones placed in a single or double row must be laid in an excavation in the ground and should notreach much above the adjacent ground level. The diameter of stones used should preferably be notless than 10–15 cm. A vertical interval of 2–7 m is recommended and depends on the water flow andthe gradient.Check-damsThe most commonly applied engineering measure is the check-dam. Forces acting on a check-damdepend on design and type of construction material. Non-porous dams with no weak holes, such asthose built with concrete and steel sheet, receive a strong impact from the dynamic and hydrostaticforces of the flow. These forces require strong anchoring of the dam into the gully banks to whichmuch of the pressure is transmitted. In contrast, porous dams release part of the flow through thestructure, and thereby decrease the head of flow over the spillway and the dynamic and hydrostaticforces against the dam. Much less pressure is received at the banks than at non-porous dams. Sincegullies, generally, are eroded from relatively soft soils, it is easier to design effective porous check-dams than non-porous ones (Heede 1977).Basic considerations. In active gullies the objective of gully control should be to reduce the gradientand dissipate the energy of the flowing water. In nature, this is achieved through erosion down to baselevels. To control a gully, a series of local base levels can be established through check-dams. Thedifference in height between the crests of successive check-dams should be such that the filled-upbasins form steps with a mild slope. In this way, a steep erosive gradient is replaced by a stairway ofgentle and non-erosive steps.It is important to first determine whether the check-dams are capable of discharging the expectedrunoff from the catchment area. The size of the check-dam and its spillway decide the dischargecapacity as shown in Table 3. Irrespective of the material used for the construction of check-dams, thefollowing rules should be followed:1. Construction of check-dams should normally start at the downstream end of the active section ofa gully.2. Check-dams should not reach up to the level of adjacent land. This can cause runoff and floodfields on either sides of the gully. The height of outflow should not be higher than 1 m. The lowerthe check-dam, the smaller the risk of collapse, and the need for repair. An ideal height of thespillway is often 0.5–0.6 m. It is better to build two such low dams instead of one high dam.Table 3. Discharge capacity through a parabolic or trapezoidal spillway.

Discharge capacity (m3 s-1)Depth of spillway (m) 0.6 1 1.2 1.8 2.4 3.0 3.6 5.2

0.15 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.350.30 0.10 0.25 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.75 0.900.45 0.20 0.50 0.70 0.90 1.20 1.40 1.500.60 0.35 0.70 1.10 1.50 1.80 2.20 2.500.75 0.50 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.300.90 0.60 1.30 2.00 2.70 3.30 3.90 4.701. Average length of spillway (m).

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SAT eJournal | August 2006 | Volume 2 | Issue 1

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3. The crest of a check-dam should not be level but lower in the center. Thus, the spillway will drawthe stream to the middle to prevent erosion of the gully sides.4. A check-dam should reach into an excavation of the gully floor and into the sides of the gully. This‘keying’ is to prevent erosion scouring and tunneling under the check-dam or around it. The depthof the ‘keying’ depends on local soil conditions but should usually be 0.3–1.0 m, more so in theunstable sides of a gully.5. The gully area immediately downstream of a check-dam must be protected from erosive forces offalling water through an apron. In the absence of an apron, the check-dam will be undercut and willeventually collapse. The length of the apron should be 1.5–2 times the height of the check-dam.The length of apron is also linked to the slope of the gully. The higher the slope, the greater shouldbe the length of the apron. The floor as well as the sides, from the height of the spillway to thedownstream end of the apron, should be protected.Types of check-dams. Several types of check-dams are used for gully control. Some of the commontypes are described.Loose rock. Loose rock can be used in different types of check-dams (Figs. 9 and 10). Dams may bebuilt of loose rock only, or the rock may be reinforced by wire mesh, steel posts (Fig. 11) or othermaterials. The reinforcements may influence rock size requirements. The basic design of a loose rockcheck-dam is illustrated in Figure 12. The volumes of excavation and of rocks required in theconstruction can be calculated from Figure 12.

Since loose rock dams are not reinforced, the angle ofrest of the rock should determine the slopes of the damsides. This angle depends on the type of rock, theweight, size and shape of the individual rocks and theirsize distribution. If the dam sides are constructed at anangle steeper than that of rest of the rock, the structurewill be unstable and may lose its shape during the firstheavy runoff.Loose rock has proved to be a very suitable constructionmaterial if used correctly. Often it is found on the landand thus eliminates expenditure for long hauls.Machine and/or hand labor may be used. The quality,

Figure 11. Rock reinforced with wire mesh andsteel posts for controlling gully in Lalatorawatershed, Madhya Pradesh, India.

Figure 9. Loose rock check-dam for gully control inGinchi watershed, Ethiopia. Figure 10. Loose rock drop structure for controlling gullyerosion in Mittimari watershed, Karnataka, India.

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shape, size and size distribution of the rock used in construction of a check-dam affect the successand life span of the structures. Obviously, rock that disintegrates rapidly when exposed to water andatmosphere will have a short structural life. Further, if only small rocks are used in a dam, they may bemoved by the impact of the first large water flow, and the dam quickly destroyed. In contrast, acheck-dam constructed of large rocks that leave large voids in the structure will offer resistance to theflow, but may create water jets through the voids. These jets can be highly destructive if directedtoward openings in the bank protection work or other unprotected parts of the channel. Large voids incheck-dams also prevent the accumulation of sediment above the structures. In general, thisaccumulation is desirable because it increases the stability of structures and enhances stabilization ofthe gully.Double-row post-brush dam. This is also known as wooden check-dam or brushwood dam (Fig. 13).This type of check-dam is ideally suited for gullies with small catchments. They are not meant toresist large flows, eg, channel flows larger than 1 m3 s-1. It is a temporary measure, which can last up to10 years, provided it is properly maintained.The height of the spillway should preferably not be more than 0.8–1.0 m. The distance between thecheck-dams is dependent on the gradient of the gully. The recommended spacing as a function ofgradient is given in Table 4 (Geyik 1986). Construction of a wooden check-dam should start with atleast 0.5–0.6 m excavation into the sides of the gully. The posts should have a pointed lower end. Thedouble row of posts is hammered across the floor. An auger type tool is required to make post holes in

A = Section of the dam parallel to the center line of the gullyB = Section of the dam at the cross-section of the gullya = Original gully bottomb = Original gully cross-sectionc = Spillwayd = Crest of free boarde = Excavation for keyf = Excavation for aprong = End sillFigure 12. Construction plans for a loose rock check-dam.

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hard earth. The post should be driveninto the ground so that the depth belowthe ground is equal to 0.6–0.8 timesthe height above the ground. Thewooden posts should be rot resistantand termite proof. The posts should becut in such a way that they form acurved line, which is deepest in themiddle. After putting down the postsin their holes, an apron of brushwoodshould be made. The brushwood mustnot be dry and breakable. It shouldhave branches, preferably with leaves,which are straight, flexible and long.The design and various constructiondetails of the double-row post-brushdam are shown in Figure 14.The apron should not be placeddirectly on the ground, but on a bed ofstraw, weeds, mulch or similarmaterials (15–30 cm thickness), to prevent scouring erosion under the brushwood. The tree branchesare laid between the two rows of posts across the gully, and thoroughly packed. There is a risk of thebrushwood being removed by flowing water. Therefore, it is necessary to fix the brushwood with ropeor wire. When doing so, two or more persons should stand on the brush to press it down. Upstream ofthe wooden check-dam, sods can be laid and packed to prevent direct flow into the apron brush. Thishelps in filling gullies through sedimentation at the upstream end of the apron brush (see Figure 14for details).Double-row post-stone dam. The design and most of the dimensions of this dam are similar to thedouble-row post-brush dam. Instead of brush, stone-fill can be used between two rows of posts. Onthe downstream from this post-stone structure, there should be an apron or stilling basin filled withTable 4. Spacing between check-dam for different gully gradients and check-dam heights.

Spacing (m)Gully gradient (%) 0.31 0.6 0.9 1.2

4 18.75 37.50 56.25 75.00 6 9.38 18.75 28.75 37.508 6.50 12.88 18.75 25.0010 5.00 9.63 14.38 18.7512 4.00 7.88 11.63 15.0014 3.38 6.63 9.75 12.5016 2.88 5.75 8.38 11.1320 2.25 4.63 6.75 8.881. Height of check-dam (m).

Figure 13. View of two double-row post-brush dams: the lowerone denuded of earth and the upper one viewed in the gully.

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stones. If only small stones are available, a welded mesh can be placed between the rows of postsand filled with small stones. The spacing of this type of check-dam is the same as for post-brushdams. The double-row post-stone dam is more resistant to water flow than the double-row post-brush dam. However, the durability in both cases greatly depends on the quality of the posts.Single-row post-stone dam. It is also known as post-stone dam (Fig. 15). This type of structure canbe used in gully sections with a steep gradient of 30–100%. It is also suitable when the gully is used asa footpath, and in gully heads or other nick points.

Figure 14. Design of a wooden check-dam, a double-rowpost-brush dam. Figure 15. Single-row post-stone dam.

The posts must be placed 0.40–0.65 m deep into the bed of the gully. They should be cut such thatabout 10 cm remains above the surface of the boulder-stone material. Stones and boulders arearranged in steps supported by rows of posts, ideally 0.3 m high, and preferably not higher than 0.5 m.There should be a layer of small stones at the bottom of the excavation so as to provide a layer oftransition between the stone structure and the ground.Stone wall dam. Stone wall dams are also known as stone check-dams or stone dams. The damstructure is a wall built of stones and boulders laid down carefully so that voids are reduced to aminimum (Fig. 16). The lowest central part of the stone wall must not reach above the surface of theadjacent land. The ideal height of the spillway is about 0.75 m and it should not exceed 1 m. On steepslopes (>20%), stone wall dams with sloping faces can be placed at 10–30% greater spacing than thedouble-row post-stone dams. The spacing of stone wall dams is similar to that of double-row post-dams up to 20% gradients.

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The crest of the wall should be 0.3–0.5 m wide and the slope from thecrest to the floor should be 1:2–1:1(length:height). The downstream faceof the wall should reach down into atrench. The upstream face may bealmost vertical, as it is expected thatsediments will fill up the basin sooneror later. The crest must be slightlylower in the middle. Usually it is acurved line, successively lower fromthe sides of the gully. Spillways canalso have a trapezoidal cross-section.The large boulders should be placed atthe crest to form the downstream faceof the wall. The size of the bouldersshould be large enough to resist evenhigh stream velocities. Spherical and smooth surface stones should be avoided or laid inside the stonewall because they can easily roll out of the structure, if pushed by flowing water. If large stones are notavailable, the stone wall can be encased with wire mesh to prevent stones from being washed away.

Construction of a stone wall dam shouldstart with the excavation into the sidesand the floor of the gully. To preventscouring and tunneling erosion around theends of a check-dam, a trench (0.3–0.6m) should be dug into the sides of thegully and later filled with stones as acontinuation of the stone wall. To preventpiping and undermining, the trenchshould be continued over the bed of agully to a depth of around 0.3 m.Alternatively, the bed of the gully can beexcavated to a depth of about 0.3 mwithin an area where the stone wall andthe apron will be constructed. Theexcavated earth should be replaced by small stones, pebbles and gravel, if the soil is very susceptibleto erosion. Some small variation in the design of stone wall dam is quite common (Fig. 17).Masonry check-dam. Masonry check-dams are permanent structures used for both controlling gullyerosion and water harvesting (Figs. 18 and 19). They are very popular in India. The cost ofconstruction is generally quite high. Proper investigations, planning and design are needed beforeconstruction of masonry check-dams. These structures are required to meet the following functions(Mal 1994):• Should handle peak runoff rate at safe velocity.• Design should be based on topographic and storage-height considerations.

Figure 16. Stone wall check-dam.

Figure 17. Series of stone wall dams for controlling gully inBundi, Rajasthan, India.

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• Should be able to stabilize the gully.• Selection of site should be appropriate in terms of economical and most feasible constructionbenefiting maximum number of farmers.These structures are preferred at siteswhere velocity of runoff water flow instreams/gullies are very high and stablefoundation considerations (hard murram orrock) are encountered and whereconstruction of earthen embankment iscostly and unstable. In locations whererunoff velocity is very high some additionalsupport to the structure may be required(Fig. 20). These structures check thevelocity of water flowing in gullies, affectthe deposition of flood load, decrease theerosive force of water, moderate bed slope,and increase the contact time of water withland surface and thus increase thegroundwater recharge (Murty 1994).Mini-percolation pit/tank. Mini-percolation pits/tanks are quite useful in controlling gully erosionand recharging groundwater. These are small, low cost and simple design structures constructed inseries along the gully benefiting more number of farmers across the watersheds (Figs. 21 and 22).These structures are cost effective and check runoff velocity while increasing water percolation toimprove the soil moisture regimes and groundwater levels. These structures are quite popular becauseof the equitable benefit to farmers along the toposequence.Earthen check-dam. Earthen check-dams are very popular in India for controlling gully erosion andfor harvesting runoff water (Figs. 23 and 24). The structure is constructed using locally availablematerials. Generally the cost of construction is quite low.

Figure 18. Masonry check-dam for controlling gullyand water harvesting in Adarsha watershed,Kothapally, Andhra Pradesh, India.Figure 19. Masonry check-dam for controlling gullyand recharging groundwater in Bundi, Rajasthan,India.

Figure 20. Masonry check-dam with additional support forstability in Madhusudhangadh watershed, MadhyaPradesh, India.

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Earthen check-dams, designed on the basis of engineering principles, are constructed across streamsfor creating water reservoirs and for reducing the runoff flow velocity. The following aspects areconsidered as basic requirements for designing the earthen dams:• Hydrologic data• Information on soils and geology• The nature and properties of the soils in the command area• Profile survey and cross-sectional details of the stream or gullyTo arrive at a proper design of the earthen dam, site selection is very crucial. A narrow gorge should beselected for erecting the dam to keep the ratio of earthwork to storage at minimum. Runoffavailability for the reservoir should be computed on the basis of rainfall and runoff relationship for thelocality. Depending upon the assumed depth of ponds and the corresponding area to be submerged,suitable height of the dam may be selected to provide adequate storage in a given topographicsituation; such dams are constructed with height ranging from 5 to 15 m (Katyal et al. 1995).The cross-section of dam and other specifications are finalized considering the following criteria:• There should be no possibility of the dam being over-topped by flood-water.

Figure 21. Mini-percolation tank for recharginggroundwater and controlling gully erosion inKothapally watershed, Andhra Pradesh, India.Figure 22. Sunken pits in the gully bed at Kothapallywatershed, Andhra Pradesh, India.

Figure 23. Earthen check-dam with stone pitching forwater harvesting and gully control in Lalatorawatershed, Madhya Pradesh, India.Figure 24. Earthen check-dam with outlet inKothapally watershed, Andhra Pradesh, India.

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• The seepage line should be well within the toe at the downstream face.• The upstream and downstream faces should be stable under the worst conditions.• The foundation shear stress should be within safe limit.• Proper spillway should be constructed to handle the excess runoff.• The dam and foundation should be safe against piping and undermining.• The upstream face should be properly protected against the possible wave action (stone pitching orwith grasses).Side slopes of the bund are governed by the material used for construction. Minimum side slopes are3:1 on the upstream side and 2:1 on the downstream side; steeper side slopes may sometimes beadopted in case of lower bund heights but these should be restricted up to 2:1. A minimum free boardof 1.5 m is usually provided. The check-dam should be provided with spillway to remove designedpeak rate of runoff. These can be masonry structures in case suitable site is not available for locating avegetative emergency spillway.The earthen check-dams are used for multiple purposes. They are used as surface water storagestructures as well as for recharging groundwater. These structures have been found beneficial forimproving the groundwater (Figs. 25 and 26).

Figure 25. A defunct well recharged after constructionof check-dam and more area brought undercultivation in Dewas, Madhya Pradesh, India.

Figure 27. Gabion structure across a big nala inDewas watershed, Madhya Pradesh, India.

Gabion. A gabion check-dam consists ofprefabricated wire cages that are filled withloose rock (Fig. 27). Individual cages are placedbeside and onto each other to obtain the damshape. Normally, this dam is more estheticallypleasing, but it is more costly than loose rock orwire-bound rock check-dams. Gabions areparticularly suitable for Vertisols where crackingis a major problem.Gully heads and other nick pointsAn eroding waterfall (a gully head or any othernick point) can be treated in three ways:1. Dam construction downstream of the fall

Figure 26. A recharged well near a gully controlstructure in Mudhsudhangadh watershed, MadhyaPradesh, India.

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2. Sloping the head and protecting the channel3. Construction of drop structuresSloping the head and protecting the channel. Sloping the head is the most common and rather simplemeasure, provided the height of the fall is less than 1.5 m. The gully head and other nick points of alongitudinal section can be sloped back to an acceptable gradient for stone pavement or check-dams.One possibility is sloping through excavation, another is to cut down the head only to half the depthand use the excavated material for filling a slope, so half the channel will be excavated, the other halfrests on earth fill. Even if the fill is trampled or pre-compacted, there is a risk of further compactionas well as movement of the slope fill at a later stage. This damages the structure part on the slope.Proper compaction is often difficult. It requires watering with careful moisture control.The sloping channel needs to be shaped and protected from erosion. Four alternative materials can beused for protection: (1) Sod; (2) Brushwood; (3) Stones and boulders with or without posts; and(4) Chute or pipe. The selection depends on the size of the flow rate and channel gradient.Sodding. The sloped nick point can be protected through a carpet of sods. Some of the sods should bepegged, so that the sod is not so easily removed by flowing water. Sodding is a cheap and effectivemeasure if good grass turf is available and if the waterfall is small. The structure fits best in new gullieswithout a pronounced head and waterfall erosion.Brushwood. If the head (>1.3 m) and the flow are large, brushwood can be used. The waterfallerosion of the flow is stopped through a protective carpet of two piled beds: one straw bed andanother bed of brushwood.Stones and boulders. The following structures can be used: stone pavement or brick lining; andsingle-row post-stone dam.A stone pavement is recommended if flat stones are available. The stones must be placed closely onedge. A transition layer of gravel, pebbles and small stones is needed between the pavement and theearth, if this is susceptible to erosion.Large flows require the construction of check-dams and stone wall dams as already described.However, in narrow or very steep channels, single-row post-stone dams are recommended.Drop structures. Waterfalls can be managed by permanent structures of reinforced concrete, bricksor other materials. A common structure is the drop spillway. There are several designs available ondrop structures. All are expensive and need engineering assistance in planning, design andconstruction. This type of structure is not much used in agricultural areas.Selection of structureThe selection of structure depends upon the following:• Size of catchment and peak runoff rate• Stage of gully erosion, especially gradient• Required durability of structure• Availability of materials for construction• Costs

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Size of catchment and peak runoff rateWooden check-dams can resist flows less than 1 m3 s-1 in V-shaped gullies. Gullies with larger flowsand steep gradient require post-stone dams or stone-wall dams.Stage of erosion and gradientGradients of 0–3% usually represent a stabilized stage. The cross-section is more or less U-shaped,and natural vegetation is established. Large flows in erodible earth, however, can cause lateral erosion,which needs planting or stone packing along the gully bank. Gradients of 3–5% are often nearstabilization, which means that grass can be planted on the gully floor. Gradients of 5–10% may needsupport by wooden check-dams. In gullies with small flows single-row post-brush dams might besufficient, and in larger gullies with modest flows double-row post-brush dams are required. Gullieswith gradients of 10–50% and with medium flows usually need stone check-dams.DurabilityThe goal of most gully control measures is revegetation. Temporary structures such as wooden check-dams and post-stone dams often create conditions necessary for the establishment of a good grasscover. The useful life of these check-dams depends on the quality of the posts and maintenance. Forlonger durability, stone structures are needed. Structures in concrete are considered to be permanentand free from maintenance. However, on Vertisols also, these require regular maintenance.The approximate useful life of the various structures is:Earthen dam - 5 years; double-row post-brush dam - 5–10 years; double-row post-stone dam - 5–10years; single-row post-stone dam >10 years; and stone wall dam >10 years.Availability of materialsIf no stone or wooden material is available locally, the earth of the site can be packed in sacks andused. If only small stones are available, iron netting is needed.CostsCost is an important consideration. It needs to be worked out carefully considering earthworkinvolved, cost of various materials, transport, labor charges, etc for the cost obviously depends on siteand region. The most economical and most effective measures should be adopted.Steps for Restoring Land Degraded by Gully ErosionA sequence of steps recommended (Lal 1992) for restoring land degraded by severe gully erosion is asfollows:1. Assessment of current situation- Rainfall characteristics- Vegetation- Current land use- Land capability- Soil properties- Catchment area and slope- Drainage pattern- Runoff volume and rate

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- Gully heads- Gully bed slope gradient2. Identification of the conservation needs for different landscape units3. Protection of gully heads and area from overgrazing4. Diversion of water from the gully5. Change of land use in the catchment using land management treatments and cover crops6. Use of biological and other simple measures for controlling gully7. Installation of engineering structures (if needed)- Check-dams- Drop structuresMaintenanceDamage by erosion in a grass cover may be healed by its regrowth, but even a small break in the gullystructure enlarges rapidly. Collapse of one check-dam will sooner or later affect other structuresthrough headward erosion. If the repair is postponed, the damage will be larger, and more expensive.Delayed maintenance can result in the collapse of all gully control structures made.In conclusion, gully control should always be carried out to safeguard future maintenance. Damagemust be checked after every rainy season, and also after every large runoff event.ReferencesBrown LR. 1981. Eroding the base of civilization. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 36(5):255–260.Cooke RU and Reeves RW. 1976. Arroyos and environmental change in the American Southwest. Oxford, UK:Oxford University Press.Dhruva Narayana VV and Sastry G. 1985. Soil conservation in India. In Proceedings of the InternationalConference on Soil Erosion and Conservation, 16–22 Jan 1983, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.FAO. 1977. Guidelines for watershed management. Conservation Guide No. 1. Rome, Italy: FAO. 293 pp.Geyik MP. 1986. FAO watershed management field manual – Gully control. Rome, Italy: FAO. 56 pp.Heede BH. 1977. Gully control structures and systems. Pages 181–222 in FAO conservation guide. Rome, Italy:FAO.Hudson NWC. 1971. Soil conservation. Ithaca, New York, USA: Cornell University Press.Katyal JC, Singh RP, Sharma Shriniwas, Das SK, Padmanabhan MV and Mishra PK. 1995. Field manual onwatershed management. Hyderabad, India: Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture. 223 pp.Lal R. 1992. Restoring land degraded by gully erosion in the tropics. Advances in Soil Science 17:123–152.Mal BC. 1994. Introduction to soil and water conservation engineering. Ludhiana, India: Kalyani Publishers.429 pp.Murty JVS. 1994. Watershed management in India. New Delhi, India: Wiley Eastern Limited. 198 pp.Schwab GO, Frevert RK, Edminster TW and Barnes KK. 1981. Soil and water conservation engineering. 3rdedition. New York, USA: John Wiley & Sons Inc. 525 pp.SCSA. 1982. Resource conservation glossary. Ankeny, Iowa, USA: SCSA.

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