guelph alumnus magazine, summer 1983


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University of Guelph Alumnus Magazine, Summer 1983


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Summer 1983 Vul 16 No3


HONORAR Y PRESIDENT Professor Donald F ForSle r

PRES IDE-IT Barry Stahlbau m CPS 74

PAST PRESIDENT Jane (Volllck) Webste r FACS 75

SEN IO R VICEmiddot PRESIDENT Gl e nn Powe ll OAC 62


ASSOCIATE SECRETARY Rose mary Clark Mac 59

TR EASURE R James 1 Elmlie

VIC Emiddot PRESIDI NTS Dr Jim Henry OVC 55 W Rob Milne CBS g I Edith (Si mmons) Le Lacheur Ans 72 Elizabeth O Neil FACS 74 Ross Parry CSS SO Gle nn Powell OAC 62 Bruce Rtchardson C PS 8 2

DIR ECTO RS La tT y Argue OAC 58 Lom e ( Rolston) Cose ns CBS 79 Sue( BeallY) Davidson CSS 72 Dr Ron Downey OVC 61 Dr Peter Forte CPS Ph D 74 Dr Jim Hen ry OVC 55 Al vin Jory CSS 74 Lorna llnne s) La wrence Mac 68 Wi lliam MacDona ld Arts 79 Li nda McKenziemiddot CordlCk Arts 8 1 Rob Milne CBS 8 1 Elizabet h O Ne il FACS 74 Janice (Robe rt so n) Part lo w Art s 70 Dr J Clare Renn ie OA C 47 Bruce Richardso n CPS R2 Jim Thomso n CPS 79 Janet Watson CBS 7 4 Jamce Ye llolees FACS 80

EXmiddotOF FICIO DIRECTORS Joh n Ba bcock O AC 54 Director of Alumni AfTairs and Development Ron Ball Pres ident Graduate Stude nt s Assoc iation George Di xon CBS Ph D 80 President College of Biological Science Alumni Association Jim Greenway HAFA 79 President Hotel and Food Administration Alumni Association Bob Mcga n~ President Central Student Association Dr Wendy Parker 0 VC 71 President OVC Alumni Association Don Risehrough OAC 77 President OAC Al umni Association Margo Shoemaker Arts 79 President College of Arts Alum ni Association Patric ia Vann HK 74 President Human Kinetics AJumni Assoc iation Luc as VanVeen CPS 74 President College of Physical Science Iumni Assoca tion Rita (Klassen) Weige l FACS 77 President M8c- FACS Al um ni Association

The Cuelph A lllInmlS 15 puhlished hy the Department of Alumni A ffa ir and De ve lopment in co-operation wi th Informati on Sericc ~ Universit y of Guelph

EDITOR De rek 1 Win g Puh llCatlons Manager Department of Alumn) Affairs and Development

The Editorial CommlHce is compri sed of the h ht()r Derek Wing Di rec tor John Babcock Rose mary C lark -Iac 59 ASistant Director Alum nI Program~ and RoblO n31rd Lewi s Art s 73 Communications Officer all wi th th e Department of Alumni Affa irs and De ve lopment and Erich Barth Art Direc tor Donald Jo oe OAe 49 Prss- Pub l1 city and Di rector Dougla s Waterston all with Informat ion Services

The Editonal AdVIsory Board of the Univer Sll y of GueJph alumni Assoc iation is compflsed of Dr O Brian Allen CPS 12 Ch airman Dr Alla n Austin Dr Donald Barn um OVC 41 W John Bowles CSS 72 Judith (Main) Ca rson Arts 75 Peter Hohenadel OAC 75 Richard Moccia CBS 76 l anice (Robertson) Partlow Arts 70 Oli ve (Th ompson) Th ompso n Mac 35 Jan Wa tso n CBS 75 Sandra We bste r CSS 75 Ex middotoffi cio l ohn Babcock OAC 54 Barry Stahlbaum CPS 74

Undelivered copies should be returned to th e De par1me nt of Alu mn i Affa irs and Devel opment Uni vers ity of Guelph Guelph Ontario NIG 2WI

Old friends meet at Alumni Weekend 83 Dr Don Christie OVC 43 of Port Perry On(lrio left and Dr fan Taror avc 43 of Wh eeling IIi shynois USA For more Alumni Week end pictorial co verage see pages 6 and 7



We Appreciate Your Financial

Help But We Also Need Your

Loyalty Encouragement D uring my several years of involvement

in alumni affairs I have served as a representative for graduates of the C ollege of Phys ical Science and as a member and chairman of the Alma Mater Fund Advisory

Council [n addition 1think [have served on nearly

e ve ryone of the major UG AA sub-committees T his experience has already been of considershyable benefit to me and will surely prove

beneficial during my upcoming year as presishydent of the University of Guelph Alumni

Association The UGAA deals with many diverse

activities ranging from the senior Alumnishyin-Action program through to Zoo T rips

The Association has been administered very effectively in the past and with anticipated

room for growth in future years the need for a weJI-managed schedule of events becomes

even more necessary Alumni have an extremely important role

in supporting the University - not just financially I regret that if oftentimes appears that the University communicates with alumni only when it asks for money As I have said several times before we also need your loyalty

encouragement and participat ion [f I even attempted to list any of the

UGAA programs [would by error of omission UGAA Presidenl Barry Sl ahbourn CPS 74 misrepresent others Therefore I would merel y like to say that we will endeavour to make you aware of planned activities and that during the next year we will attempt to continue in the

tradition of providing a fu II and di verse plate of and Your goodies

Do keep in touch with your College

alumni associations - they are working very hard to represent your views on the G AA ParticipationTheir time and energ y is given freely to the UGAA and their collective efforts continue to

kee p the University of Gue lph alumni body

invo lved ste r FACS 75 for her outstanding efforts as The object ive of the UGAA as stated in president of the UGAA for the past year The

the Letters Patent is to mobilize on behalf of vital spirit and enthusiasm she brought to the the University of Guelph all the strengthshy GA A will remain wi th us My personal moral spiritual and financial of its alumni thanks to Jane to the G AA executive and to

My predecessor was instrumental in all UGAA members for a very successful year formulating a prescription for alumni involveshy indeed

ment and during the next year I plan to follow On behalf of the UGAA and all alumni I

that prescription and to take our med icine would like to thank President Do nald Forster

The UGA A is here for you so please feel free for his many candid conversations with us and

to contact us should you have ANY quest ions for his firm support for alumni and UGAA

concerns or brilliant new ideas programs Our gratitude goes with him and we

[n clos ing I would like to take this wish him every succe ss in his ne w appointment

opportunity to commend Jane ( Vollick) We b- at the Universi ty of Toronto 0


~ -- rib If t ( t a lJLlt AL F IZE LEI t I F ldItull tImiddot h h middot 4 middot thc l l1I~Il (lull~ 111 middotmiddot middotnII middot

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bull llmiddot ll1rmlmiddotI llhAltmiddotLIt WilIIJ middotWIUYIIIIIItIIIlJl 1111111111 ll n L1I1 11 r chkllt flI-t rip IIhhk Ibn 1111 rhl YII 1fpn)I(

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to 1 til I

- -~ I

In Recognition P rlt) fessor Donald Forster has atl enckd

hi s la~ t Al umni Wee ke nd as PreSident of tht L nivc rs ity of G uelph He will heeonlc Pres ident ufthe ni vcrs it y of Toro nto o n St ptc illher I

O n Sunday Ju ne 19 dur ing Alumn i WlLke nd XJ a luncheon was arranged for ~ iluJll ll i to recog nize Pres ide nt Forsters e ight ) ars of dedica ted service to the nive rs it y and his close rel at io nship with the U ni vns it y of Gue lph Alum ni Assoc iat ion

One or cveral afte rmiddot luncmiddothe() n speake rs UGAA Pas t Prcs ident Pcte r Anderso n We ll middotiX no ted that Preid ent Fors ter li s te ned to

our conce rn and spoke ope nly and fran kly to us Hi s te rm of o ffice un fo rtun ately covered a period dmin g which many res trict ions had to be appli ed Lu ck il y for us all he did not re str ict higt for ward middot look ing vis ion fo r ca mpus ~row th

O ne sh i n in~ ex ampl e of this I S the Macdonald Stewart Art Cent re o f which we are all very prolld We will mi ss hi s lead(Thi p a nd determinatio n

Pas t Pres ident Oli ve (Thompson ) Thom pshyson Mac 35 with whom the Pres ide nt share d a passion for ph ilate ly ohsc rved Ihat the Alma alu mni publicati ons by a co mm it tee re pre se ntshy ded icat ed loya l a nd de vo ted to the Uni ve rsi ty Male r Fu nd total for 1975 - the year that ing the L GAA and the co lle ge alumni and 10 lhe co lle ges Beca use o f this Im sorry Donal d Forster ca me to Guelph- was aisoc iati ons He ac ce pted their reco mmenda - to be leav in g Ihe Uni vers il y o f Gulph S 151 000 The sig ni fica nce orh is pre sence t() t ion to consolidate the ( lIelph A111111 II li S and the Im proud to leave the Univers ity o f shy

fJ rne ll leel 10 PrnidflIl Imiddot on ler illo ll)IIR II I IIIIll i r ccoRll i l io li 1llIl cilfOIl

I lc ld dllri llg A llI lI1 l1i Wcehelld 83 Il1 l1e 11 m celes lial chu rI1 II ere (l lI hilhei

h Ka rel i Ilard (~r A lllSl nelu lll ill 1705 Prncnnl ill U Fre llc h Chl l fW I

Imiddot i llce (illhliuili rJII il le (hu rI 1 slill aU (I S laquo(110 11 1 111 11 IIhell Ini ill cd 1 10 I

are UCA l IlII lI1 ediale PUSI Presidelll ja ll e (Vol i ck) We hSleF rACY 75 Prllidl l7l Fo rsler ul(l UCAfi Secr llarr ROls Pornmiddot CSS RO

al umni she noted ca n we ll be appreciated seve n indiv idu al coll ege alumni bull e tin s Guelph in a stro ng and stable co nd ition - at the whe n one considers Ihat the to tal rece ive d thc- r by bring ing abou t ohserved Janice Uni ver it y of Toronto it s another story I m d uring the 19H2 campaign wa more than an illlcgrati lln of Lnive rs il Y and alumn i new s slile there wll be a n upturn in uni versity $175000 fO m which we a ll have be nefitt ed fun d ing hut the ne xt whil e wi ll be hard for

Pas t Pres ident Ja nice (Rohc it son) Partshy In his r( ph to Ihe gat hering Preside nt uni ver ities in ge neral lI owever not SO hard lo w Art s 70 ap pJ a udedt he Presidc nt ~ FONer expressed hi s apprec iation tor ha vin g for j uc lph-hcre we have hi gh qua lity and leadership when fac in g severe gove rnme nt the lull support of middotmiddota ~ o()d academic ad mi ni middot programs that are sLco nd tn none My hea rtfe lt underfundi ng he in iti ated in 1979 a rev ie w o f tra tive a nd alumni tea m a ll ofwh() m are th anks to yo u all 0


SOlan Tornado Strikes ArboretuOl D uring the afternoon of May I a small

to rnado struck the fi ve-acre wh ite pine plantation in the northeast corner of the Uni versity A rboretum s Victoria Woods (corner of College Avenue and Victoria Road

South) T he damage ~as devastating the 78-year-uld pines were broke n like matchsticks o r wind-thrown in a fin ge r pattern away fro m the western edge of the plantatio n

For the Arboretum the loss is a very serious one not least because of the h ist ric importance of th is plantation w hich was planted in 190 5 by the late Dr Edmu nd John Zavi tl OACs firs t professor of Fores try who

ta ught Farm-Fores try and o perated a fores t tree nursery on ca mpus from 1904 to 19 12 Edmund Zav itz graduated fro m McMaster Universi ty in 1903 and obtained an M Sc degree in Forestry at Michigan Uni versity in 1905

His appointment to the OAC res ulted from ac ti vities by the O ntario Agricul tural and Experi menta l Union which in a 1902 resulushy

tion to the Ontario Guvernment requested that material s sufficient to refores t areas

sufficiently large to provide forest conditions in typica l situations throughout Ontar io be

made available The Union was chaired by the late Professor C harles A Zavitz a d is tant

relati ve of Ed mund Zavitz and one of the group of students of the O AC to receive the

degree of B S A in its first graduating cl ass o f 1888 and who immediately joined the OAC faculty

Recognized as the father of reforestashytion in O ntario Edmund Za vi tz became

Provinc ial Fo rester in the Department of Lands Forests and M ines in 1912

Fac d with the de vastation Arbore tu m

Di rector Erik Jorgensen was also faced w ith thc proble m of wha t to do about it

My firs t reaction was the same as that

ex pressed to me by Profe ssor Daviu Sm ith o f the Department of Botany and Genetics - let nature take its course W hat we have is the

co nsequence of a natural catastrophe and as such con stitutes a useful example for teaching

purposes If left essentially as is with only removal of the tree s blocking the walking trail s through the area the natural regenerative proce sses could be documented over time

and would eventually provide information useful to Arboretum personnel and for teaching

purposes However a close examination by Erik and

his staff has confi rmed th at the fallen trees have considerable val ue and if retrieved through a lumbering operation would provide sufficient fund s to co ver the cost of c lean-up and

replanting with maybe so me funds left ove r for o ther Arboretum developments

Therefore the decision has been mad e - that the plantation should preferably beco me an extension of the ex isting adj acent

sugar maple woodlot which by stand ard is small as it stands today

Other factors that led to this decision inc lude the poss ibility that the present condishytion would lead to continued storm damage as a large number o f trees are on theirway down o r ha ve very thlll crowns which will break

Also leaving the pine as is pose s a hazard to other co nifers in the Arboretum as one might expect a large build-up of bark beetles Ips pini amon~ o thers capable of killing he althy trees when they occur in large numbers

One stro ng factur was the recognition that the section o f the Arboretum affected is the focal po int of publ ic programs and shuuld be

aesthetically pleasing The U nivers ity does ha ve at present the large wooded section

so uth of the Stone Road as a natural area w here nature is allowed to take its cou rse

It is planned to establish a cover crop of ha rdwoods and subseque ntly underplant w ith

sugar maple in two or three years This technique is an experimental one and CQuld be of importance to southern O ntario where the Minis try of Natura l Resources at prese nt has ve ry little ad vice fo r farmers who wan t to extend sugar bush o perations

By opti ng for a clean-up operation observed Professor Jorgenson we are eli minating a ques tionable teaching and research s ituat ion and we are creating a pos itive one 0


Atthe picni( IlIn(h The Aji fc onomics harhecue VG AA IIImediate Pal t Presidellt

j a ll P (Vo lick) Wehste r F4CS

75 with Pres idellt Fors ter

A tOllr SIO[i (lith e Ca rrio jiC Ho us(

Olll~()illg OVCAA Prelid t A rci1 ic Mo cKin shy

IIll ove n iill Dr We lld Porker (JVC

71 the U VC Ail ljirSljilwle [i re s idol


john Robersoli OAC 3R alld ijra ndda llg hter Ma ndy Portio

Class oJ Ma c 33 ot the Golden A nni erlon Dinner


Olr hI sc h oo l hlls ro rh e

CBSA 1I poundlow Gor ge Walk

- J ~

OurgoinR OACAA Prelide nr H enr I SWnlel

OAC 55 righi (lll d il1 m ll1ing Presidenl Don

RiseJro llgh O AC 77

Dr A Gram MiIlt lI l r OAC 35 lIlI d ove 38 l ei Presidellr Friellds (~ u or G lIi rh

M orin FunsfOn OAC 32

AI rhl pO II ((k l In(akjclSf

LIII(hrilllei)r PUIII Milard OAC 67 I ilt Lindo (11pound1 rh eir

liJlr l o l(lIgsrers

Oea ll S it~er OA 5 1 i lll Iw rr rai rl Ii) rh e OAC Jourti f(JO JJ1 jro l1l OA C

72 f( R2 unci iJl hOlnlti-oll1 OAC 83 L fIJ ) MllrJ( I POrrlOIlS OAC R3 Weekend 83 O oro rhl SI jr er rhe 0 1( 11 a lld ValeriI Wen OAC 83A


Class oj () AC U (If rh e Col dclI Allll i (Is( r l Dinner


Pauline StepsDoWD An intervie w with Dr Pauline McGibbon by Andrea Mudry Fawcett

A In stepping down as Chancellor you are leaving people at the niversity of Guelph with many memories including your rather spectacular arrival in 1977 in horsemiddotdrawn land au and the time you took off from convocation in a helicopter What memorie s of the University will you take away with you

P Well I will certainl y remember the beautiful campu s and the friendline ss of everybody At Guelph s Board of Governors meetings I was struck by the vast difference between what was almost a famil y affair as compared to the Governing Council at the Uni versit y of Toronto where [ was pre viously Chancellor really liked the meetings of the Board of Governors at Guelph The meetings at Toronto

are so much larger with people sitting in rows in a room Perhaps you feel more intimidated to get up and speak Not that that ever applies to me

A As Lieutenant-Governor of Ontario and Chancellor of two uni versities you have fulfilled role s which involve a fair amount of pomp and circum stance Do you feel that there is a place in the modern world for such ceremonie s

P Yes I feel very strongl y about that about graduati on ceremonies for example That is one time when a university publicly pays tr ibute to student s for what they have achieved Perhaps for the first time the graduates and

their families are going to see that they are now part of an ac ademic tradition I would like to compliment Gudph on the way the faculty turns out for graduation Because the acauemic procession as it enters with faculty members in co lourful gowns robes and ca ps from uni vcrsities around the world adds greatl y to

the ceremo ny It s awfully nice to ee such colour to hear the orches tra and that excellent choir you ha ve I rea ll y love the graduation cere mony

A How did you develop th is feeling fo r tradition ) Did the fac t that you studied hi story at uni versity co ntribute to thi s apprec iation)

P Really I think it s my sense of theatre Tha t~ o ff the top of my head because [ ve

never thought about the que stion before But I do ha ve a tendency whether it s in a church a

uni ve rsity the leg isl ature or the House of Commons of always see ing ceremonies with that theat ri cal look behind my eye People should be able to feel that they are taking part in a meaningful occas ion

A So it is not mere ly a question of staging a ceremony but ol really undeliining the fact that th is ri tual is part of an important tradition The theatric s then become mainl y a means of helping to convey that fact Did your family haw a strong sense of tradition

P I dont know that [ was really conscious of such things before atte nding uni ve rs it y Whil e growing up in Sarnia I doubt very much that I was co nsc ious of tradi tions Perhaps it started during my univerSity years

You must reme mber that [ came from a communit y of about IS 000 to the Uni ve rsity of Toronto where I lived in residence I was just so w ide-eyed Eve rything seemed so glamorous You know I came down with money fr om my grandfather who said I was not to sta y if I didn t like it Before I left he gave me the trai n fare home You see I was co mpletely spoil ed Of course I just loved it

A T he fac t th at you were Ontari os Lieutenant-Governor while you were the Chancellor at Guelph ce rtai nly me ant that you were busy But also as Her Majesty the Queen s offi c ial representative yo u were not free to speak on education oron politics Would you care to comment on the state of educati on now

P Well heal th and education are making terrifi c finan cial demands on provincial budgets J get completel y torn between wanting to see more money in both en velopes if you want to put it that way Im rea lly concerned about the l ack of money for our uni versities I think that they re right down to the bone and Im concerned about the fu ture If things dont improve then were goi ng to lose our staff to


III rl m gllition of her service to the Unimiddotersi since 1977 Dr Pauline M cGibbon

IllI S prlsented with two millia ture hand- craft ed replicas of th e Uni vers ity mace a t a

SenateBoard of Governors dinne r during sprin g Com oealio ll on lU1I 1 I With hlr

is Prrgtsident Donald Forster

the United Sta tes O ur eq uipment is getting old

and has to be re placed as do o ur buildings I

just wish we could find mo re mo ney in o ur unive rs ities and J use that in the plural

A It has been co mmented that sin ce Do n

Fo rste r is a bache lo r you ha ve been helpful in

setting him at ease in the social aspec ts o f his

role For examp le yo u me ntioned the

graduatio n lunche o ns

P We ll Don was Pro vos t when I was the

Chancellor at Toronto su tha t we were not

strangers to o ne another no t that we knew each

o ther that we ll Poss ibl y the fact that he had

wa tched me in ac tio n at Toronto may be one

reaso n why he asked me if I wo uld le t my name

stand as C hance llor fo r G ue lph Now I ve

rJs hl y said that Ill be glad to do an ything I can

do to he lp hi m whe n he co mes to Toronto as

Preside nt It is not going to be easy for hi m

A You have bee n the firs t woma n to hold many

othe r key positi ons hese incl ude bei ng

Director of IBM Ltd Presi dent of the Canadian Co nference o f the Arts and

Lie utenant-Gove rn or of On tari o Is this

indi cati ve o f aeha nge in peo pl e s perceptio n of

women s abil i ties w he ther it is in bu si nes

ed ucat io n or government

P Ve ry definitely attitudes are changing I

co nsider that at the begi nning I Jus t happened

to be in the right pl ace at the righ t t ime Howeve r a ll you have to do is watch the

finan cia l pages o f you r newspaper to see the way wome n are coming ahead Such changes

are partly due lthink to the femini st

moveme nt whi ch emphas ized and broug ht to

the attention o f people so me o f the handicaps under which women were functi o ning

ow I m not o ne who supported the

Ch ancelor Paufine McGibbon raquoith

extremes o f the feminist movement such as the

extra vagant prose the hraburni ng all tha t type

o f stuff I ca ll it stuff yet in the nex t breath

I say it did have an im pact Whethe r the y agreed or disagreed people a t las t began to

thi nk about ce rta in issues concerning wome n Pro bl ems w ith sa laries career advanccment

and pr j udi ce suc h as the idea that it is no t

good to work fo r a wo man a r~ example

The moveme nt seems to have slowed

duwn now I see both s ides and on no t consider

my~e l f a fence -s itte r l think the majority o f

people realize w hat certa inl y reali zed all

alo ng Yo u cannu t ge t ahead withou t the

suppo rt of men Men and wo me n have gut to

work toge ther fo r the ben fi t o f both I ha ve to

say in all hones ty that [never felt di sc ri minated

aga ins t in any way no matter wh at [ dio I ve

always gotte n al ong we ll with men Ilike men

and they sec m to l ike me

A M aybe that is part o fil T hey sense that the

rel a tio nship is a positive one Yo u enjoy their

company they enjoy yo urs and they can see

that you ha ve the mcessary qualit ies fo r a g ive n

pos itio n

Vell it s ce rtainly go ing to be the end o f

an era a t Guelph when you and Do n leave Im

sure thin gs will ca rry o n and there will be ne w

delights but were a lways sor ry to see a fine

time end

P Thank yo u Id hate to have yo u not feel

sor ry tha t we are leav ing But the new

Chancell or Bill Ste wart isjus t go ing to be

tops He had an assoc iatio n with Guel ph for a lo ng time when he was Ministerof Agriculture

I can t th ink of a better choice 0

Erich Barth arl director Enf orillaion Se rshy

vices who co-ordinaled the creation of Ihe two Uniersity iliacI lII in iafures th at

Yoere presented to her One mace is a displm model a bout on e-eigh th f ull size the o ther repli ca is a j our- in ch kill p in


Dual Income Families

Presstires and

By Mary Cocivera

A stroll through a typical neighbourhood

shatters any illusions about mothers stayin g at home with their young children

Most neighbo urhoods that a decade ago

would ha ve been bu stling with coffee klatches

neighbours visiting over the fence and back yards full of children playing are now all but deserted during the week

Young mo thers are not home with their

preschool children Instead they are in shops factories and offices working to help stretch

their families budgets Women particularly mothers of young

children are working outside the home in increasing numbers In 1971 in two-parent

families 38 pe r cent of mothers with children

under 16 worked outside the home By 1977 that proportion had increased to 58 per cent

The increases are even more dramatic for

women with children under s ix years old the

gro up traditio nally portrayed as staying home with their preschool children F ro m 1971 to 1977 the proportion of these mothers from

two-parent familie s who worked outside the home rose from 41 per cent to 51 per cent

Participation in the labour force has

increased steadily fo r all women since 1960 when fewer than 30 per cent of women over 25 were in the labo ur force By 1982 more than 48

per cent of the same group worked outside the home Further inc reases are prOjected until at least 1985 Canadas Families a doc ument

based on the 1976 census reported that in 54 per cent of families both spouses were working

o llts ide the home

Payoffs Why the Change

Women have been entering the labour

force for a variety of reasons economic ami otherwise Professor Kathleen Brown a family

economist in the Department of Family Studies suggests that soc ial pressures have

pushed many women particularly those in middle-age withgrown children out of the

house and in searc h of self-fulfillment Some of these women ma y feel theyre

missing something by staying at home when most of their peers are working outs ide the home and have their own discretionary income

Hard cold ca sh is the reason behind most womens decision to work o utside the homc Young families are particularly vulnerable to

economic upheaval s Profess or Brown explains because their expenses peak before their incomes

Many young two-income couples stretched their budgets in the early 1970s to

purchase a hou se with the expectatio n that their inco mes would rise and the payments would beco me increasingly eas ier to make

Then interest rates soared they had to renew

their mortgages at much higher rates and their la rger monthly payments s till needed two or mo re incomes to meet those payments

Wives who intended to stop working outside the home to have a family suddenly

realized that they wo uld have to keep working to keep the family home They were counting

on continued economic growth and on inflatio n eas ing their debt burden observe Professor Brown but they didn t allow enough flexibility to adjust to developments like the

unexpectedly high mortgage rates Some middle c la ss home owners may

actually be worse off no w than they were in the early 1970s according to consumer economist


Professor W ill iam Frisbee from the De partment of Consumer Studies T his problem is likely to be particularly aeu te among families who purchased homes in the 1970s W hat has caught families in the wild t1uctuation

in interest rates We can no longer ant icipate what the situation will be like in th ree or four years Conside ring that buying a house is a 25shyto 30-year proposilion this uncertainty can really put families in a bind

Wives who work outside the home have not only saved many a family home but they have kept low income families above the poverty line Women and Poverty a report

by the National Council of Welfare published in 1979 estimates that 52 per cent more two- spouse income families would fall below

the poverty line if the wives did not work outs ide the home

Wives who work outside the home

represent all social and economic strata from the lowest income families to the very highest

Many wives who are pursuing life-long careers always expected to work outside the home and

they married men who supported their ambitions

At the other extre me are women who

never planned to work outside the hom or who intended to stop working outside the home if children arrived These women frequently married men who believe that the husband

should be able to provide for his family W hen these women venture outside the

home to work there can be tremendous conflict

between the traditional values and the financial

necess ity of going out to work Their husbands often feel that their role as famil y head and bread w inner is being undermined They have d iffi culty cop ing with their wives increased independence and economic clout the wives try to live both the traditional role and carry on with thei r jobs

Far-Reaching Benefits Women enter the labour force for

monetary reasons bu t o ft en the payo ffs go far beyond the economic The late Professor A nne Cal laga n who was a soci al worker and

soc iolog ist in the Department of Family Stud ies believed that women be nefi t psychologically and that marriages can be stre ngthe ned whe n both part ne rs work outside the home Ci ting a study about the

decision-making process in famili es she observed that most couples start married life

with an equal rights relationship The wife s input into important decisions

reaches its lowest point when she is stuck at home with small children As the children get older and more independent the wife regains

some of her say in family dec isions but her input never reaches the level she enjoyed a t the beg inning of the marriage A wife who works outside the home maintains her influence in

decision- mak ing throughout the marriage With both partners working husband and

wifc are forced to communicate more and to work out the often complex arrangements for the care of the children Increased comshy

municat ion leads to more companionship In the trad it ional family with a husband who

has a job and a wife who does not work outside the home the wife organizes the children and the couple s social life

In many cases she and her husband operate in completely different spheres and communication declines Many of these marriages flounder in mid-life because there is little in the way of common interest after the

children leave home Many observers have linked marriage

failure to economic woes and to women

working outside the home Professor Callagan challenged this link The wife by working

helps combat one of the biggest sources of stress faced by married couples - money

Professor Frisbee wonders whether marital problems that have been blamed on

fi nancial woes are really caused at least in part

by isolation and loneliness [n geographically mobile societies young

couples often move away from both fam ily and friends and sell Ie in communities where they

have no close personal ties with other peo ple Whe n the pressures of jobs child care arrangeshyments and finances become too much to handle such familie s cannot call on parents

grandparents brothers and sisters and long-established friends T he pressure s become

in te rnal ized to the im mediate family and the relationship cracks under the stress

In spite of the pressures and demands of a job outside the home a wife enjoys personal

benefi ts according to Professor Callagan By contributing in a concrete visible way to purchasing the house (and the car and the food)

she earns the appreciation of her husband and chil dre and thus enhances her se lf esteem

By simply gelling out of the hou e a mother with ajob becomes more indep ndent builds a social life of her own and develops interes ts outside of he r house and fam il y All of

thi s adds up to beller mental health

Changing Roles If w ives are entering the labour force are

the ir husbands accepting more of the responsibi lity for raising the children and running the home

Roles at home have not changed as much

as some would expect Studies in Vancouver and Hal ifax found that men increase their house work and child care contributions by an average of one hour a week when their wives get jobs o utside the home

It appears that most men seem to make

their contributions in the more pleasant tasks such as putting the children to bed By and large the working mother s till has to contend wi th the laundry cleaning shopp ing cook ing and famil y scheduli ng If one of the chi ldren

gets s ick it is sti ll the mother who is usua lly

expected to adjust her schedule

Yet to come is a real sharing of the chore s around the house a perceptible shi ft in the division of labour at home

Wo men w ith jobs are no t limited to

mothers in two-parent families Divorced widowed and single women who mayor may not have children also compete for those jobs and face the same if not worse economic

pressures Wives with jobs outs ide the home

however are ojlel di smissed as not

economically important because many people assume (incorrectly) that they have husbands to

sUPflort them and their real job is to take care of the ir children

Todays thousa nds of moms who work

outside the home challenge this outmoded

notion Their pay cheques are as impo rtant a contribution to theirfamilies as their husbands

A report by the C anad ian Advisory

Council on the Statlls o f Women points out that between 1969 and 1979 the number of women in the labour force inc reased by 616 per cent with the g reatest gain being among mothers of young children

Between 1976 and 1980 according to the report the number of mothers with children under three who were in the labour force

increased by a staggering 276 per cent This raises important questions about societys ability to cope with these social changes

Some 15 or 20 years ago the mother who worked outside the home was the exception rather than the rule She could make arrangements with an obli g ing neighbour to

care for her chil d re n all Jay or to intercept them after sc hool and at lunch time

Today mothers without jobs are the

exception Find ing the obliging ne ighbour is becoming more diffic ult and famili es are making more fo rmal arrangements for day care and afte r school care In many cit ies however the re is not enough day care to fil l this demand

Here to Stay It has been pred icted tha t w ives will keep

working outs ide the ho me because they will have to Fami lies will become u ed to the com fort o f a two- income standard of l iv ing and will be unwilling or unable to g ive it up

The socia l forces that have led women in search of self fulfill me nt and equality in the work place w ill continue to influence womens

life work Many young girls still think of a job as a temporary situation but the reality is that being ma rried happily ever after is a myth for most women Women and Poverty points out th a 94 out of every 100 women marry but only 26 of them can expect to live w ith their

husbands until death Some 53 of the original 94 will become w idows and 15 will divorce or

separate Todays wives and mothers who work outs ide the home will be better prepared to

pursue life on their own if and when they

have to 0


The Stewart Bennett Bequest middot $600000 By John Hearn

When Stewart B nnett industriali st

fa rmer catt le and horse hreeder 3rt

colle tor and past member of the nivers ity of Guelph s Board of Governo rs di ed in Aug us t last year his will specified a bequest o f

$600 000 to the University which w~s

co nfinned on the death of h is widow Violet

w ho al so died last yea r

By any standards Stewart Ben nett s life

must be described as a success story a 90-year record o f persona l achievement any man m ight

envy Born in T oronto in 1892 he graduated in

engineering from the Uni ve rs ity of Toronto went up to Oxford Jo ined the Roya l Eng ineers on the outbreak of World War One served wi th di stinction as a captain and was awarded the

Military Cross He re turned to the niversity of Townto

to lec ture at the fac uity o f Applied Sc ience from 192 1 to 1925 then launched a busin ss career which was to lead to directorships with some of the country s most succe ss ful corporations

These included the Phoenix Assurance Co of herd which has been sending champions to niversity of Guelph goes back to the days Canada Dominion Stores Ltd the Boiler international Ii vestock expositions for more when he was a member of the Board of Rege nts Inspection and Ass urance Co of Canada and than 40 years The firs t Canadian-bred Shortshy of the Federated Colleges and remained to

the C anada Permanent Trust Company He horn bull to be shipped to Scotland was sent by serve as a member o f the nivcrsitys first became pres ident of Beardmore amp Company in Scotsdale Farm in 1970 and as recently as Board of Governo rs for another e ig ht years 1940 and served as vice-president of Canada 1981 Stewart Ben nett had the upre me He was al so president of the Royal Packers Inc for 18 years Champion Bull at the eNE Agricultural Winter Fair in 1953-4 and se rved

It might be argued however as to who While all this was going on he was for many years on it s executive T he Royal

was the real Stewart Bennett-the shrewd buildi ng a si gnificant collection of Canadian art Agricultural Winter Fair and the Georgetown

Industrialist or the man who bought himself a and served as a member of the council of the Di s trict Memorial Hospital are equal

540-acre farm in the Credit Valley and turned it Toronto Art Gallery Hi s 100 or more canvasmiddot beneficiaries with the University in his estate

into a beauty spot He lined its handsome ses by Tom Thompson A Y Jackso n and What el se would a man need to round out a driveway with evergreens and dammed streams JE H MacDonald among o the rs have been long and successful life but a perfect marriage

to create a lake as a home for his two swans bequeathed to the Ontario Heritage Foundation and this too was not denied him He married

Th( felle Violet alld Stewart Bennell

Nor was he content to be a city man with a which has al so been named to manage the Violet Letty Fairbanks in 1922 She died 60

country home He is honoured among cattle Be nnett farm years later two months after Stewart of a

breeders for his famous Sc otsdale Shorthorn Stewart Bennetts connection with the broken heart 0

III this picture athe UniersitV s first Board o(Co ernors St ewart 8el1 ( (( is third rolltefl



The AMPUl Experience A Most Significant Training Program For Hospitality Industry Leaders By John Hearn

When The Univers ity of Guelphs Schoo l of Ho tel and Food Administration

s taged a four-week Ad vanced management Program for the Hosp italit y Industry (AMPHI) earlier this year the y presented the

ni versity with an exercise in log istics of unprecedented complex ity Bob Desautels HI-I 7S who as involved in the advance planning fm more than a year before the e vent explaincd the special nature of the prohle m

A MPHI was to be a four-week conce ntrated coursc designed to meet the standards of two dozen o f Canada s most senior hospitality exec utive s who must he regarded not just as expeI1S but also as connoisseurs in the art of loo king after people Meeting those standards assembling an experienced faculty and generating very large quantities o f all-new course material mandated a course fee of $5000 At those rates participants were entitled to expect the hest of everything

The curriculum was programmed in detail fro m 630 am through 1000 pm every day The gt[re nuous nature o t the intellectual demands left the partic ipants with ne ither the time or the energy to do very much in the way of fending for themsel ves Another important constraint was that eve ry activity formal and informal had to be structured in such a way as to be conducive to mainwinin g continuous dialogue betwee n the paI1icipanh at all times

Gicn these criteria Bob sought the aid of vinually evcry serv ice department in the

nivc rgtitj Co-operation was be ne rous and unstintin b middot he rcpmtgt We asked for setvice lllore ugtually as sociated with hetterclss hotch and eve ryone rose to the occasion Faced with such sophisti cated palates food scrv ice had to he at the top 01 the list and Dave Boeckner assistant manager opc rmiddotations Food Services pulled out allthe slOpS tor us

A Public Statement

For Garry Round Food Serv ices director A VlPHI offered a unique o pportunity to make a puhlic statement about the capahililie s of hi orbani7ation which had hee n I()(l~in g for just such a challen ge 10 break through the ima ge prohlem us ually assoeiatcd with universit y

latcrin g

Let s face it he aid unive rsities in bene ral arc popular locati ons for summcr Llln krcnccs Im onc excellent rcason - the price is ri ght Student s roo ms arc availahle at camp-site rates and lor $ IISO a day peopl e

ca n eat well in one of ou r cafeterias What makes thc University of Guelph

different With onc of the bigges t residen t student populations in Canada with in-house catering and an nual sales in the $6 million brmiddotacke t we have a resource base capabl e ot sustaining an hillll ( (lIilil7 ( culinary staff and allowing us to take on special functions that would be impossible for an y other university in Canada

This opinio n was e nthus iasticall y endorsed by the AMPHI participant s wh o aw arded a standing ovation to the s taff led by Domenico Ran alli executi ve chef and Incz Scapinello operations manager during the final banquet - a sea Cood spectacu lar capped by copi ous quantities of Baked Alaska

The final banquet was by no means except ional Steak and lobste r eSla rgot and mushroom ca ps were almost com monpl ace Breakfas t offered a choice of cereals an exoti c display of fresh fruit s and such niceties as eggs bened ict The scale and variety of lunches had to be cut back alter the first week in respo nse to

the part icipants groans of too much

Front Rank Convention Centre

As Inez Scapinello tell s it AMPHI was not so much a challe nge as an opportunity We did nothing we had not do ne before Dome nico was not ca lled upon l(l create any new menu items although we did try some innovati ve combinations

A a howca sc for Domcnico Ranalli talent s A M PH I WIS nothi ng less than a Will dl

il(( Wi th 2~ sucCssivc dinners each of which earned rave re views without once repeati n[ himself and consisting or nothing ne w moves the University of Gue I ph into the front rank of convention centre~

Satis fied that food sc-rv ice was in good hands Bob Desautels wa s able to turn his attentio n 0 other logis til problems

Th e I MPHI course was basltd on the case teachin g method A tcam ofHA PAcase writers worked for more than two yea rs assemhling a packa ge or some 600 studies of critical si tuatio ns pertincnt to the contlrl1porary Canadran hospitalit y sce ne They travelled as lar as British Co lumbia in search or authentil re levant material all of which had 10 be reproduced It was Bob Desautels job to superv ise the printing and hindin g of the IOOD-page required reading Ialk agc hand ed III (deh urthe panic ipants on arrival plus industr)

notes the teaching material s and equipmclll required by the e ight-man facult y under HA FA Director Dr Tom Powers

Sleeping accommodation in the nearest residence to th l Schoo l was a simple student environment with th e addilOn of a private pho ne in each morn In~ talled for the duration of the course Valet and laundry se rvice not usually part of the l niversit ys conference offering was available Credit pri vi leges at the Un ivers ity branch o f the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce was arran ged for each of the participants

Hospitality L e ad ers Night People Successful hospitalit y industry leaders are

marked by certain co mmo n characteristicsshyhigh energy leveis capac ity for long and erratic hours strong people skill s creati vit y and a sense 01 humour The day beginning with a 645 am run continuing through three morning ca studie s followed by study sessions keep fit classes and physica l games in the afternoon and more group study sessions in the evening rare ly ended at the prescribed 1000 pm Hospi tality industry leade rs are night peop le

Stimulated by the intellectual dema nd s of the course and by interaction wit h thei r peers and faculty (w ho stayed with thern right through the long day) the y we re till left with energy to burn off in a serie s of theme parti es whi ch sent Bob Desa utels scouring the di strict to su ppl y thei r eso teric demands - one complete fem ale gorilla outfit for cxarn pk

The course ended when Prcsid ent Donald Forste r prese nted the graduate with certificatcs (w hich had 10 be spec iall y designed and printed) and the graduates pre se nted the faculty with mock certificates (which also had to be designed and pri llled)

How well did it all wo rk 0 We c hecked double checked and tripie c hecked eve ry possihilit y in advance said Boh De aute ls The on ly qUls tion we had left on the eve ofthc confe rcncc was whell have we missed As it tran plredthe answer see rns to ha ve heen not much

Participants wcre unanimous rn their evaluation of AMPIII as incomparahl y the mos t si g nificant rnanagementtraining lx pcrr cnce of their liv es All of them werT ve teran s of coursegt g iCn hy uniers itie s private managem ent dc ve lopment institutions and in-house conicrenccs hut none had been through an experienlc as rewarding demanding superhl rganied and positi ve in its long term consequCrlle as this one

For the faculty and gtUpPllrt stall more Jccutorllcdtothc energy leve ls of under shygradulles AvIPHI made unpncccknted phyical and mental demands - hut plans for AMPHI ~I arc alrcadv in the orb and applicant s are lx[1clted from allo ver th e cun tinc nL C



indiviJual champions Peter Domarchuk Mitch Mason hri s Crooks and LeonarJA Year to REMEMBER

By D ick Freeman

A full house in excess of 430 people crowded Peter Clark Hall at the Univershy

sity of Guelph in March to celebrate a year of intercollegiate sports competition and to honshy

our its 198283 champions The year started with a 16 to 10 football

victory over the OQIFC champion the Conshy

corida Stingers and ended with a third consecuti ve CIA U wrestling championship In

between a well-balanced Gryphon athletic program proudly and successfully represented

the University of Guelph When the awards had been announced a

pair of Hockey Gryphons had struck for the hat tri ck Ray Irwin was named the 198283 Male Athlete of the Year the W F Mitchell Sportsman of the Year(forathletics leadersh ip)

Ray Irwin Male Athlete of the Year

When Vice-President Administration Charles Ferguson presented Ray Irwin with

the 1982-83 University ojGuelph Mal e Athlete of the Year award it was the culmination ofa story-book seasonfor the Sudbury native

In earning his third straight first team

all- star berth Ray led the OUAA in assists with 40 and added ten goals to finish as the only dejenceman in the leagues top ten scorers His on-ice brilliance caught the eye of Canadas

Olympic Team and at mid-season he was chosen to represent Canada in a tournament in Czechoslovakia

In a game against the nations numbershy

one ranked Toront o Blues he scored once and assisted on three other scores

Perhaps more significant though was his

selection as the W F Mitchell Sportsman of the Year This award honours leadership and strength ofcharacter two qualities that are

abundant in this HAFA student

and collected his third straight team Most

Valuable Player Trophy Another all-star hockey performer Sue

Scherer was named the Female Athlete of the

Year Sue earlier was named Most Improved Player on the Field Hockey squad as well as

Most Valuable Performer on the Women s Ice Hoc key team

Bev Rankin a member of the Womens

Athle tics Council and Women s Field Hockey team was honoured as the recipient of the W F Mitchell Sportswoma n of the Year Award Other major award winners inc luded Basketballs Greg Hook- Don Cameron

Memorial Trophy for Most Improved Athlete

Volkyballs Michelle Turley - Mary Beverley-Burton Award for Female Rookie of

the Year and Scott Hobson - Ted Wildman Memoria l Trophy as the outstanding graduatshy

ing football player Alderman Jim Whitechurch Arts 8 1

presented City of Guelph plates to Canadi an Champions These included wrestlers Ken Bradford Chris Crooks and Peter Domarchuk

as well as football All-Canadians Pe ter Langshyford Junior Ro binso n Salvatore Benincasa

and vlrke Hudson Hud son it should be noted earned All-Canadian honou rs for the third

consecuti ve year only the second player ever so honoured

In addition to the team Most Valuahle and Mo st Improved awards as listed below the

gathering honoured OWlAA champions Barb Jonak - Arc hery and Jane Herner- Alpine Skiing The mens wrestling team captured a

fourth straight OUAA titl e anchored by


Archery Trophy Barb Janak Most Impro ved Basketball Trop hy (men) Greg Hook Bill Dlmson Memorial Trophy Michael 5cs(0 Demck Lewis Most Irnproved Basketball Trophy (women) Beth Pulsifer Basketball Award (women) Joa nne Hurd Badminton Trophy (women) Kelly Breedon BadmintOn Trophy (me n) Tai Ching Leng Cross-country Running Trophy (womcn) Tracey RObinson Curling Trophy Jill Rowen Brian Davenport Most Improved Field Hockey Trophy Susan Scherer Field Hockey Trophy Karen Mc Bride Most Improved Football Trophy Pat Tracey Letlermens Club Award Mike Eykens Most Improved Ice Hockey Trophy (women) Michelle Turley Coaches Hockey Trophy Susan Scherer Walter Rickard Memorial Trophy Bruce Kilgour Jack Pos Intercollegiate Hockey Award Ray IrwlO leuan Evans Intercollegiate Rugger Trophy Jeff Baldock Most Improved Soccer Trophy Gudio Frasson Bill McAnurf Soccer Trophy BII Davis Most Improved Swimming Award (women) Stephanie Doll Swimming Trophy (women) Pam Johnson Most Improved Swimming Trophy (men) Kirk Weber Swimming Trophy (men) Peter Koiisnyk Synchronized Swimming Trophy Lisa De Laplante Tennis Award (women) Maureen McKillop Most Improved Volleyball Trophy (men) Blair Carley Volleyball Trophy (men) Tim White Mosllmproved Volleyball Trophy (women) Francine Taillefer Volleyball Award (women) Joellen Barr Most Improved Wrestling Trophy Peter Oomarchuk Wrestling Trophy Ken Bradford

Stevano Altogether 18 Gryphons were nameJ

to league all-star teams Two athlete s were presented with trophies

as the best in their sport in Canada Peter Langford the J P Metras Trophy as Canadas

Outstanding Defensive Lineman and Ken Bradford as the Outstanding Wrestkr at the

19828 3 championships Director of Athletics Dave Copp sumshy

med up the year in his closing remarks as he

thanked the athlete s and coaches for their superb efforts We are proud of your achievements in 198283 competition Let us work together to make 198384 eve n more

memorable Judging from the fact that the majority of

alhletcs and guests danced and partied to the wee hours it was obvIOus that they were full of the Gryphon spirit It s truly fun- catch it 0

Su e S cherer Female Athlete of the Year

Vice-Presidelt Academic HOl-ard Clark presentation of the 198283 Female Athlete of the Year (ward to Sue Scherer was greeted with a TOar njpproal Howe le r the awardfor

excellence displa yed in ice hockey andjield hodn was reallv 011 11 the tip of the iceberg

Afifih semester sociolog student Sue anchored the Grlphons defence and in fact

controlled th e oJjensf As if that wasnt enough Sue was the plaving coach and in the combination 0 roles led the hocker Gryphons into th e plar-offs including a regular season

upset of the Ynrk Yeoomen Th e hidden part othe stOrl is perhaps th e

best Sue fills her mml1lers bv starring on the Canadian Nat ional Womens Fastball team In cluded in this hectic schedule were tours nf

Japan Taiwan SO Lllh America and Mexico

Obiouslr the combinatioll astudies and athletics is a healthy one as Sue maintains a

B average at the Unilersity



Newly Elected as

AluDlni Senators Following the annual election for three of the nine alum n i seats on Senate a t the Univers ity the following three alumni have been elected to replace those who will fulfill three-year terms on August

31 1983

Richard D Rich Moccia CBS BSc 76 MSc 78 is a self-employed biologishy

cal research scientist in the aquaculture field (See article Theyve Gone Fishin

Guelph Alumnus Spring 1983 issue

Rich is a past president of the CBS Alumni Associatio n was a vice-president of the UGAA and has served on numerous

adminis trative committees on campus inshycluding a Presidential Special Advisory Committee on Alumni Publications He also was a member of the Alma Mater Fund Advisory Council

In his spare time he has been involved with the Big Brothers Association and Minor League baseball He races motorshycycles for relaxation and fun

Donald C Rose Arts BA 80 MA 82 is a corporate representative with Uniglobe Bay Street Travel Inc of Toronto During

Tony Sobczak Arrs 77

Donald Rose Arts 80

his years at Guelph Donald served as sports editor and production manager with the Onlarion and was a member of Gryphon

soccer and rugby teams

A single man he feels that as an alumni senator he will be able to maintain his concern for the standards of higher education and at the same time maintain the friendships and contacts that he estabshylished while at the Uni versity

Tony K Sobczak Arts BA 77 is general manager of Bailey s Balloon Brigade a restaurant in Toronto While

study ing at Guelph he worked in the

hospitality field with Food Services The Keg and the Elora Mill Restaurant and Inn Following graduation he was employed by the Toronto-Dominion Bank in southshywestern Ontario but two years later

re vived his interest in the hospitality field

Richard Moccia CBS 76

He and his wife Cathy have one son

Tony Jerome T J 11 months old Keen on sports Tony senior runs plays squash

and is a waterskiier

Patricia M G renier Arts 72 is currently serving the unexpired term of alumni Senator Richard Young Arts 76 who re s igned during the third year of his term She will retire as alumni Senator on August

31 1983 Patricia who received a degree of

Master of Library Science from the Univershys ity of Western Ontario in 1973 is coshyordinator Information Services Informashytion Centre Ministry of EducationlMinistry

of College and Universities Toronto Prior to her present position she was a

reference librarian Documentation Centre

at the University of Guelph Library from 1975 to 1980 0

Limited Accreditation for OVC The Ontario Veterinary College of the

University of Guelph has been accorded limited accreditation status by the American Veterinary Medical Association

(A VMA) President Donald Forster anshynounced in May

The decision by the Council of Edllcashytion of the A VMA is based on recommendashy

tions made in the report of an evaluation committee which visited the College for a

short period in October 1982 a report on which the University and the C ollege had an opportunity to comment Most errors of fact in the original report were corrected as a result of the UniversityS comments

This accreditation status means that ove meets or exceeds most but not all

minimal requirements for a satisfactory program in veterinary medicine at least in

the judgment of the Association Limited accreditation is a reduction in

s tatus from full accreditation a status which the College has held and which was

reconfirmed by a previous evaluation in L976 Similar decisions ha ve been made

by the AVMA in the past in the case of programs at other and well-established

veterinary colleges in the United States which faced problems similar to those we are experiencing at the OVC the Presishydent noted

L imited accreditation status may be

maintained for a period of up to five years on the basis of annual reports by the University and the College indicating that any deficiencies are in the process of being corrected At any time during the five-year period the University and the College may

invite the A VMA Council to make a new

evaluation hopefully leading to a return to full accreditation status

A number of factors are identified in

the report as a basis for the Councils decision Most important the report reshy

commends that a better balance between the financial resources and the programs of the College be achieved From this flow two major recommendations Construcshy

tion and renovation be initiated to correct inadequacies in classrooms laboratories

offices and clinical work spaces Also -faculty numbers and specialty expertise be increased and additional time be scheduled for professional development research and other scholarly pursuits

The report also suggests that the

number of support s taff be increased One option identified in the recommendations is

that student numbers be reduced until

conld over


adequate faculty numbers and physical facilitie s can be provided hnally some deficiencies in the area of postgraduate education are also identified

While the University and the College

are naturally disappointed by the Councils conclusions we are not entirely surprised President Forster commented Many of the deficiencies identified in the report have been matters of acute concern for some time and some steps have been taken already to remedy the problems some of which are simply the product of the chronic undershyfunding that Ontario universities have exshyperienced for a number of years

Under the circumstances I commend

the faculty and staff of the Ontario

Veterinary College for working so hard to maintain the reputation and integrity of the program and its graduates during this very difficult period

The President also noted that under A VMA procedures an elaborate appeal process is available to the University A decision has been taken not to appeal the Councils deision even though the Univershysity has reservations about some of the observations in the report

The recommendation s in the report will be reviewed very carefully by the

Uni versity and the College in the coming months the Pre sident indicated and every effort will be made to secure support from government and other sources to

remedy problems which have be e n identified In this connection I wish to

express again our gratitude to the Honourshyable Dennis Timbrel Ontario s Minister of Agriculture and Food for making available to the University special funding in the amount of $J8 million annually for a three-year period in support of programs at the OVe This suppOrt came at a particushylarly crucial time and was most welcomc

Recent discussion with Mr Timbrell and Agriculture Canada have indicated hoth sympathy for and understanding ot the capital needs of the College and there is every hope that substantial support will be forthcoming from both levels of go vernshyment President Forster concluded D

Director Industrial S ervices R onald J Dolynchuk has been appointed Director Indus trial Services for the U nivershysity of G uelph The appointment became effective April I 1983

He will provide a two-way contact between the Un iversity and industry says Dr William Tossell Dean of Research Dea n Tossell points out that Ronald Dolynshychuk will ass ume an integral role in the industrial interact ion strategy recently anshynounced by the University At the same time he will help acquaint University researchers with possible sources of reshysearch contracts and grants within the industria l sector

The new industrial services director says that he sees his ro le somewhat as that of a broker taking the research and te hshynological skills of the campus to inshydustry- Iocal ly provincially and nationshyally W ithin the campus he hopes to play the role of a catal st co-ordinating varied speci alized activities and preparing a marketable package of research and sershyvice attract ive to industry

He says that a campus such as the University of Guelph can offer a consortium of highly specialized and technological expertise to indu stry Such capability can prove to be a powerful factor in attracting new industry to the area he says This may be particularly true in the case of smaller industries that can seldom afford their own highly specialized research facilities

Initially the new director says he will especially target on industries with a direct relationship to those areas of expertise for which the University of Guelph is particushylarly well known These include such sectors as foods and beverage and bioshytechnology

I am especially interested in offering industry a broad-based multi-disciplinary

Ronald 1 Dolynchuk

approach to their problems through includshying such areas as the social sciences in a team of experts he says This would permit the Uni versity to prov ide more complete studies including market research and sociological considerations as well as

scientific or technological resources

The new director of industrial services is no stranger to the University of Guelph campus He has been teaching a course on Business Policy in the School of Agricul shytu ral Economics and Extension Education

Ronald Dolync h uk was most reshycently the sen ior vice- president and general managcr of Linread Canada Limited in Guelph He has worked in industry since 1969 in marketing and managc ment posishytions Born and raised in W innipeg he grauuated in business economics from Inshydiana Un iversity and received a Master of Business dm in islra tion uegree from the same university

Ronald Dolynchuk and his wife and thrce ch il dren have lived in G uelph since 1976 He has b en act ive in the Gue lph Chamber of Commerce the Ro tary Club of G uelph and has served on the Board of Direc tors of the Edward Johnson Mus ic Foundation the Guelph Arts Counci l the G uelph Youth O rchestra and the G ue lph Marlin Aquatic Cl ub He is a lso 1 regis tered soccer re te ree 0

National Universities Week National Universities Week is being observed at universities across the country October 2 to 8 1983 to draw attention to the positive contributions a nd accomplishments made by these institutions in Canadian life A variety of activ ities at campuses will be designed to point out the va lue of the univershysitys teaching research cultural and public ser vice acli~ ities in society

Plans at Guelph include a noon hour series of lectures a nd panels which will look at areas of research on camp us that have far-reach ing etTects on society Members of the pu blic will be invited 10 visit the cam pus during the week to attend events and to tour the facilities

For further information on the National Universities Week program contact Information Services University of Guelph (SI9) 824-4120 Ext 8708 0


Canadian Centre for Toxicology T he Canadian Centre for Toxicol(l t y to he located at the ni ve r~ it y of Guelph and tht University of Toro nto will rt cc ive $ 10 mi ll ion fro lll the Ce clc ra l govern ment for the firs t phase of const ructioll The lunding I contingent on part ic ipation by the Ontario govern me nt ancl the two u ni ve rs it i e~

Dr Jim Sc hroder O VC 42 Me mbCi of Pari iame nl for Guelph pari ia mentary secretary to the Mini ster of Health and We lfare Monique Begin and an 0 C facult y member made the announce me nt on behalf o f The Honourable John Roberts Mini ste r of the En vironment at a press co nfere nce on cam pus in May The fundin g is the fi rst to be announced for more than 100 projects be ing fund eu under the leueral governmcnt s $ 24 bill io n spec ial reco ve ry projec ts program outlined in the April 19 budge t speec h

Pres ident Donalu Forster said that representati ves from the Uni vers it ies of Guelp h ane Toronto met later fo r discusshysions wi th Ontario s Mini ster of the Envishyronment Ke ith Norton and will continue tv di scuss the prov ince s commitmcnt to the Ccntre President Fors ter said he is opti misshyti c abo ut provincial support as Premier Bill Da vis has for the past tw o years expressed strung support for the Centre

President Forster on behalf o f the Unive rs it y of Guelph thanked Dr Schroun fo rthe work he has done to impress upon the federal go vernment the im port ance of a projec t of ve ry co ns iue rab le na tio na l s ignificance The Pres ident c it ed the Centre as an example of the co-operatio n betwee n uni ve rsitie s governments and the pri va te sector

Dr David Strangw ay actin g presishydent Uni versity of Toronto also expressed gtatitude to the federal go ve rnment and Dr Sc hroder He said the joint venture by two uni ve rs iti es tha t have compl ementary strengths is unique He desc ribeu the Ce ntre

Alberta Alumni Reunion

Saturday August 20 1983

200 pm -Bowness Park Calgary

Bring your own picnic

Prizes will be awarded for oldest grad grad who travels farthest

from home etc

L (l i to rii ht D r MeLII middotell Prcs iden Fo rsl fl r Dr Schroderund Dr Sl liI ng loshy(Iu inK Jr f ideill Uni l c rII oToro ll lO

as a world-class model that co uld be looked to in the future Guelphs strengths are in agricultural and veterinary toxicol ogy and Toron to s are espec iall y in toxicology in the med ical and engineerin g fi elcl s En viro nshymental expert ise is we ll deve loped at both uni vers ities

Professor Free man McEwen acting direc tor of the Ce ntre a nd dean of the OA outlined some of the unique features of the Ce ntre which he said is blaz in g a new tra il between gove rnments uni versities and the public sector

The planning and construction of phas one of the facilit y for the project is expected to be compl eteu by late 1986 at a total cost of $236 million When com shypleted the Ce ntre will be part of a netw ork o f toxicology centres across Canada It is ex pected to have a staff at both Guelph and Toronto of 64 sc ient is ts 108 techn ishycians and 109 other staff members The corshyrate headquarte rs will be at the Uni versit y of Guelph 0

Homecoming September 30middot October 1

Friday September 30 700 p m and 1000 pm The Nyl on in conce rt two shows War Me mori al Hall Ticket s $8 50 students and seni ors S9 50 general For ti ckets write Ny lons Tickets nive rs ity of Guel ph Box Ollice Uni vers ity Centre Un ive rs ity of Guelph Guel ph Ontari o N IG 2W I Pl ease make cheque payable to the Univers it y of Guelph and enclose a self- addressed and stamped envelope

Saturday October 1 Morning Homecomin g Paraue For further in fo rm ation contac t John King (519) 824-4120 Ex t 8327

1100 am HA Alu mni Associati on Annual eeting Hotel and Food Admin isshytrati on Building

11 30 am Human Kinet ics Alum ni Association An nual Meeting and Home shycoming Brunch Loca ti on to be anno unced

200 pm Homecornmg Footba ll Game Alumni Stadium Uni vcrsity of Toronto Blues vs Uni versit y of Gue lph Gry phons

630 pm Alumni Din ner Dancc Creelshyman Hall Further detail s co nt act Alumni Office (519) 824-4 l20 Ext 2122 or 87 40

800 pm Post-Game Pub Dance De shypartment of Athl etics gymnas ium 0

CODling Events Sep1216 Aggie Week

17 UGAA Wine Symposium Niagara Peninsula

25 28

Sep 30 Oct 1

Oct 1


Nov 11middot20


Dec 5-8

OAC Alumni Association Golf Tournament

InternationaJ Plowing Match Teviotdale


HAFA Alumni Association Annual Meeting

HK Alumni Association Annual Meeting

MacmiddotFACS Alumni Association Caree rs Night

Royal Agricultural Winter Fair Toronto

OAC Alumni Reception Royal Room CoUseum RAWF Toronto

Night At The Royal Sponsored by the UGAA Toronto chapter

American Association of Equine Practitioners Annual Convention Las Ve gas Nevada USA



The Ontario Veterinary College Alumni Association

EditorALUMNI Dr Cliff Barker 41


Faculty Award for Dr Bob Curtis Dr Bob CUrlis 6 Clinical SllIdies OVe recelllly received a UniversilY of Guelph

FlIcully Associalion Professional Tea ching Award in recognition of his great influence on professional lraining The cira lion in parr sraled He has repeatedlv beuroen honouredfor

his conlriburiOIl 10 educalion He is a respecled elerinarian who is universally retIed us

one of lhe beslleachers Ihis univlrsiry has eper had LeIr 10 righl Dr Russ Willoughbv

57 Dr Wayne Pfeiffer vice-chairman Faculty aSSOCi((lion Dr Bob Curlis 6 and

Dr Mike Wilson chairman Clinical SlUdies 0

For Design Dr Jim 01fa50n 68 owner of the South Su rrey Veterinary Hospital 3221 shy140th S1 Surrey BC received the 19 82 Special Aw ard for Architectu ral Exce llence at the annual merican Animal Hospital Association convention in San Antonio Texa on March 14 1983 The award was prese nted by Velerinary Eco nomi cs Mag(l~ ine a leading business magazi ne for the veterinary profession

T he award was give n in rccognition of the timc and expense Dr O lafsun investcd to design a hosp ital that would enhance its natur al s ur round ings South Su rrey Veterinary Hospital is loca ted in a res idenshyt ia l area and the colors a nd tex tures of the buil ding s ex terior lesse n the impact o f a commerci a l property in the area

The hospital is energy-efficient and includes large winduws and nume rous skyshyli ghts in its design plan Other features incl ude covered walkways a covered parkshying area a nd covered entrances The overall effect minim izes the enclosed fe lin g usushy

ally associatcd with a subterranean struc shytu re and the atte ntion to aesthetic detail produces a truly stunning hospital Con shygratulations Jim 0

Dr doe dohnson T he late Dr Joseph E Johnson 19 ( I R91-1960) who practised for many years in Waterloo was recognized for hi s services to ag riculture in O ntar io when his port rait was hung in the O ntario Agricu ltura l Ha ll of Fame at the O ntario Agricultural Museum Milton His nomination was prese nted by the Ontario Association of Ani mal Breedshyers T he citation presented states

Dr Joseph Edward Joe Johnson a native of Stra throy as a pioneer in the practice of artificial insemination (AI ) in Ontario In 1942 when the Waterloo Cou nty Holste in- Friesian Associ ation made

their fi rst attemp t it was Dr Joe who collected the se men and inse mina ted the cows

For fl ve years he took ti me out o f an already very busy practice to make the new idea work Several younger veterinarians

who workcd with him were later to be in charge of AI units across Ontario

He gradu ated from the O ntario Veterinary College in 1919 and after working in Fergus and Acton set up practice in Waterloo where he worked with the noted Seagram Sta bles

He pioneered the multi-staff clinic approach having as many as four students and grad uates work ing w ith him Because o f th is internship approach Dr Johnson probably had a greater influence o n the practice of large animal vete rinary medicine than any other practicing vete rinarian of his day

The ultimate uccess of the AI sys shytem is due in large part to the work o f this ve terinari an who through trial and error persevered with the technique in its ear ly years 0


One Millionth A third-year O VC student Paul Dick of Gcoroetown recently became the one mi lshylio nth person to pass through the turnstiles o f the O VC Division of the Uni versity Library since the tu rn sti les were installed eight years ago He was gree ted by libshyran ans and fac ulty applause and handshyshakes t1 a~ h i ng camera strobe lights conshygratulations and the pre sentation o f a book Clillical E raminal ion of Ca ll ie

The VC library also serves students from other Colleges Co mprising more tha n 30000 volu mes it e mbraces far more than the veterinary sc iences 0

In a briefcert monv a llellded bv David Hull head Sc ience and Velerinary Science Diision

oj Ihe Library eli and Dean Douglas 1aplesden 50 righl Associa ( Libraria ll John

Black presen l a book 10 one millionlh isilor Paul Dick rig ill cenlre

It Was Bound to Happen Delta chapter of O mega Tau Sigma Fratern ity residence has become co-educational with the admi ssion of 18 women students during 1982-83 em sters For se veral years OVC s women stu dents have been seeking fra ternity membership they fi nally made it in 1982

Galhered onlhei-olll sleps oflh e avc main

Imiiding are 14 of Ih e 18 women slwlel1ls

who resided in Ihe fral house Ihi I r ea r

FrOt1 row I(i llo righ l lennifer Rice

Ion [ Lee Ma rv MOllleilh M iddle ro w

Robill Roscol Kale Flanigan Lisa Tavlor Debbie Blech Lesli e Hu ngall Back row

l ana Kl llOn Carol Phillips l ennifer

TrollghlO n lulv Keenliside Healher Ross

Michele Durnall MissinRfrom Ihe piClure

are Brenda FOSler Chris Barrl es

Keily-LeiRh Thomas and Laura Hunl 0

Letters to the Editor Or Bert Ca rswell 7 1 of Brooks Alt a has repli ed to o ur request for informatio n on the watch fob letters F L T (O VCAA Alumni Bulletin March 19H3 Special Supmiddot pl ement) by sugges ting these stand for Friendship Lo ve and Truth the motto of the Indepcndent Order of Odd fell ows Are the re further op i nions~

Dr Alexander Bruyns 32 Sequin Was hington S A has se nt us informashytion on the Royal Canadian Army Veterishynary Corp (O VCA Alumni Bulletin

March 1983 S pec ial Supple ment) He was a ve te ri na ry offi ce r with the Gove rn o r Gcnerals Horse Guards in Toronto o n joini ng the RCAVC in 1938 and me ntioned the late Dr A R Yo unie 14 who served

with the RCAVC in World War One Further inform ation re RCAVC officers would be apprec iated

Dr Donald MacDonald 54 o f Edmo nshyton Ita also replied to our RCAVC inquiry with informatio n on the Corps badges He is a collector of militaria especi ally militar y cap badges o f which he has a collection of over 1600 He states cap badges of the RC VC are as scarce as he n s tee th

The O VC museum has o btained cap and uni form badges from Dr G A Rose IS la t address Picton and Dr W A Robenson 16 Tsawwassen BC eachof whom served as veterinary officers during World War O ne 0

In Memoriam Dr Owen Hinton 25 died on January 22 1983 in Florida Las t add ress Rt 4 Box 139 Jasper Florida US A 32052

Dr Vernon jensen 33 died on Dcshyce mber II 19 R2 Las t address 2485 Lon-din Lane St Paul in nesota US A

Dr Edward Burke 35 died on Ja nuary 21 1983 Las t addr ss P OBox 326 So uthport Conn US A 06490

Dr jack Warren 39 Date of death no t reported Last addre ss RR 3 W heatl y Ontario OP 2PO

Dr Wilfred Sherwin 40 died o n 0 tobc r 6 1982 Last address 432 W Washi ngton Street ampa Idaho S A83651

D r j ames Watt 49 died in August 1982 Las t address 790 Ho rtop Avenue Osha wa Ontario LlG 4N8

Or Peggy Godkin 55 died o n Decem ber 5 1982 Last address Inni sfai l Alt a 0

PEl Gets It T he Toro nto Glohe ald Mail of Fe bruary 19 1983 carried the follow ing announce shyment Charl otte town (CP) - Agric ultu re Minister Eugene W he lan announced today that $500000 has bee n appropri ated to

begin architectural pl ans fo r I $26-mi ll ion veterinary college here He sa id at a new confe rence the federal Go vern me nt w ill put up half the co nstruc tion cos t if the three Marit ime p rov inces s ha re t he o ther $ 13-lTI illi on out lay 0


The College of Social Science Alumni Association

PEGAS-US Editor Dorothy Barnes 78

stori ng The Log Farm a farmhouse dating back to the late 1800s Michelle says Michelle and Mustech thi s was a terrific expcrience and the best

N omad pioneer student administrator curator You mi ght ask what these words ha ve in common and the answer you would receive would be that they all aptly describe Miche lle McMillan 77

Mi chelle graduated with a degree in SociologyAnthropology At the same time she graduated from Algonquin Community Collegt with a correspondence course dipshyloma in what she terms M ustec h - Muse um Technology majoring In Exshyhibit esign

Currently assistant director at the Guelph Ci vic Muse um she has held thi s position since the spring of 1979 Her responsibilities include those of regis trar (mai nta ining dltaikd [i Ii ng systems) for the con serva tion of artifacts and ex hibit work She is co-ordinator of some 40 vo lunteers who are in volved in all facets of museum work (to become a muse um vo lunteer all one has to do is call Michelle and arrange for an interview )

When interviewing Michclk it was obvious she has a love for her work that she will pass on to oth~rs possibly some of the young children attending the education programs she supervi ses at the Guelph Civic Museum

Her mothers parents were homeshysteaders and she was brouoht up on stories about pioneering Her interest in pioneering and the Indian way of life was fo stered by a mothe r who had Indian friends and who would often visit these friends experiencshying their way of life even to sleeping quite often in a tepee

Thi s and the fac t that her family moved around a lo t from west to east influenced Michelles deep and lasting love of the past although with a lau gh she says Now I am of the opinion that my mother had a tendency to present a romantic version of the whole situation - espec ially to me as a young child It certainly influenced my interest in studying Anthropol ogy

Michelles ed ucation and working exshyperiences have bee n very infl uential in nurturing her love of the past She started

out at the University of Western On tario but left for perso nal reasons She worked for a ye ar and while working beca me apprenshyticed as a pattern drafter

ichelle mo ved to Ottawa after she had worked the year and regi stereu at Carl eto n Universi ty in Anthropology She studied this for one year and then became aware of a program offered at Algonquin Communit y College on the subject Mu seum Tech nolo gy

Her placement s in work situation while at Algonquin included a summer helping four yo un g me n on a project at the town of Bells Corners ne ar Ottawa re-

job she ever had There was no electr icity so eve rything

was done by hand Her group res tored doors gable-ends flo ors ceilings rtshypointed stone found at ions and raised the building on hydra uli c jacks The y also gl Lt~d windows re searched the huildin g and organized the veget ab le garden

Othelmiddot experiences have included work at thc Na tio nal Museum of Man thc McM ichae l Canadi an Collcction in Klcin shyburg the Wellington County Muse um and the S imcoe County Museum She has al so been a volunteer teacher at the Plains jndian Iroquois and Inuit Ga lleri es of the National M use um of Man

It was Guelphs gain when Miche lle found he rsel f pulled bac k to stud ying in order to co mplete her degree

Michelle is now well established in her position at the Guelph Civic Muscum and dt las t feels she ha s put dow n roots in a c ity she has an alleg iance to one she loves and fee ls more co mfortable in than any other She is involved in trying to build up a research library on local history and artifacts

When asked for pearl s of wisdom fo r new graduates Michelle volunteered that pcople need practical ex perience along with formal learning to balance their percept ion of a ro lc How apropos 0

Th e Cullege uf So cial Science Alumlli Associatioll ill-course scholarships ere Jreserl(d

rnelltlmiddot to lei Junine Crallt Ceog uJJnmiddot olld Virginia Suth erland Psrchologv Attending

tht un lIlOnr wert right Pro(essor Juliu s fugl Department oCeogrupilr and Pr(essor

Mike M(lIh f II~ Iei chuirmun DeJurtlllen t 0 PI cilologr Th e scilolorshiJI 01 $200

each oreul1ded in purt hr all (11 1(( gru llti-om til ( Alma Mawr Fu nd


Lan e Smit h 78 is a so ftware spec ialist Barbara (Cherry) Wilson 80 is pres shyGrad News with Software Ke netics in epean ently res iding at 45 Emily Street Grimsby

Ron Beveridge 67 is an e lementary special counselor with School District 88 Terrace B C

C R ichard Buc k 70 practices law WIth the firm of Weyli e Shortt Buck Hanshybridge Reidl Casselli and Mitchell in Waterloo

Lee D Wetherall 75 is an exec utive ass istant with AIcan in Kingston

Stewart McCann 76 is a lec turer with the University of Alberta Edmonton

Peter J Stanczyk 76 is living at 9940 Fa irmount Drive S E Apartment A-4

C algary Alta Since concluding his studies at Guelph Peter attended the social work course at Wilfrid Laurier University Watershyloo and received a Master o f Soc ial Work

degree in 1982 Peter is now married and he and his

bride We ndy are established as socia l workers with Alberta Social c rvices and Comm unity Health in Calgary We wish Peter and Wend y much happiness in their new partnership success in their choscn fi e ld and contentment in the ir Ii vc s together

Ted Boniface 77 is now n eative direc tor for Ce ntra l Al berta Broadcasting (CKRDshy

T V CKRD-AM and C FCR-FM) in Red Deer Ted has bee n awarded four c itations by the Radi o Bureau of C anada and was nominated for an Aetra Award as producer of the hes t radio program of1979 O ld news we reali ze but how are we going to know o therwise unless you let us know Thanks

Ted for updating us on your activities

Gurnam Singh 77 is an MC A student at the niversity of Ottawa

Roderick Hodgson 78 is back in his home town of H udson Que Rod is emshyployed by the Town of H udson Publi c

Works Departme nt he al so serves on the Town Planning C ommittee and is activel y involved with the volunteer fire department

Perr y Wilson 78 is liv ing in Spirit River Alta Since graduating from G uelph Perry

has obtained a masters degree in Anthropolshyogy from McG ill University and is princ ishypal of Ste Marie Elementary School in Spirit River

John Boyle 78 is presently living at RR 2 Brampton

Karen Russell 78 is a teacher with the Dufferin County Board of Education at Parkinson Centennial School Orangeville

Vicky Su therland 78 is an air traffi c

controller with the Mini stry of Transport Calgary Alta

Susan W alkowiak 78 is a real estate agent with the Safeguard Real Es tate Comshy

pan y Toronto

Craig Willms 78 is an assistant manager with the Toronto-Dominion Bank Watershy


Gordon Cominey 79 is a priest with the Holy Trinity Anglican Church in Edmonshy

ton Alta

Carol (Fogarty) Knox 79 is presentl y residi ng at R R 5 Woodstoc k

Susan Laushway 79 is a probation office r with the Solic itor G eneral of Alshybe rta in Edmonton

Richard E Larente 79 is production manager at Mac Mil lan Bloedel Ville

Mont-Ro yal Q ue

Bryce Andrews 80 has dec ided to conshytinul his education at the n i ve r~ ity of

Weste rn Ontario He is working on an M BA

Dianne M Grenier 80 is in her third year of Common Law at the University of Ottawa

Shauneen (McKague ) Bruder 80 is an MBA student at Queens University Kingston

Michele Forrester 80 is a comm unicashytions clerk w ith the Ontario Yo uth Employment Program Queens Park To shy


Peter Madott 80 is an ass istant product manager with S c Johnson an d So n Ltd


Elizabeth (Ferguson ) latos 80 is a volunteer co-ordinator with B ig Bro thersBig Sisters of Carleton County


Jane Stevens 80 is a teac her w ith the

York Board of Education in Aurora

Loretto (MacDonald) Sullivan 80 is an administrative assistant with Kert Advertis shying Toronto

Sylvia (Bossaer) Willms 80 is a Food

Services supervisor at the UI1Iversity of Guelph

Jane (Stevens) Tremblay 80 is a teacher with the York Board of Education Aurora Jane is married to David U of N Dakota

grad of 79

Lee Anne Burton 80 is a teacher with the Dufferin Peel R C SS Board Mi ss isshy


Maureen S inclair-Barnes 80 is an urban planner with the City of Brantford Husband

is Bruce Barnes 82

Su~ Jones 80 is continuing her education at the Univers ity of Alberta She lives at

11441-132 St 405 Edmonton Alta T M IG2 Bro ther-in-law John Sch neider CBS 73 graduated in Marine


Nicholas Boyadjian 81 is a special events co-ordinator with Unive rsity Ce ntre

Administration Uni ve rsity of Guelph

Debra (Philputt ) Gibson 81 is a te acher

w ith Pee l C ount y Board of Education in

Miss issa uga

Jim Gibson 81 is a branch representati ve o ffi cer with the Ca nadian Imperial Ra nk of

CommCfce Toron to

Linda Helin 81 is presen tly res iding in

C utler on the North C hannel of Lake Huron

Patti La France 81 is a teacher residing at 66-50 Fiddl ers Green Road London

Elizabeth (Crighton) Madge 81 is now married and re siding in Lethbridge Alta

Kathleen Martin 81 is a market research analys t w ith As tra Pharmaceutical s Miss i shy


Edward Leong 82 is administration

manager for the J J Tour Se rvi ce at the Jal an M aju Taman Jade Ce ntre Miri Branch Sara wak East Malaysia

Debbie (Ling) Therrien 82 is employed as cashiersale sperson for Gameway s Ark

Ltd Toro nto

Chin Lan (Kat ) Choi 82 is an executive shyofficer with the ational Produc tivity Board in Singapore Since graduating C hin Lan has married C hoi Chee Keong C PS 82 Much happiness and success to you both

John C Close 82 is a teac her with World University Services of Canada in Zimbabshywe Africa John is married to Mary M A Psych 8 1 WLU 0


The College of Biological Science Alumni Associatio~_~

BIO-ALUMNI NEWS Editor Dr John Powell

Executive CBS Alumni Association HONORARY PRES ID ENT Professor Bruce Sells Dean


Dr George Dixon Ph D 80 Zoology

PAST PRESIDENT Marie (Boissonneault) Rush BSc 80 Marine Biology

VICE PRESIDENT Chris Wren BSc 77 Marine Biology

SECRETARY-TREASURER Cam Portt BSc 77 MSc 80 Zoology

DIRECTORS David Airdrie BSc 82 Microbiology Krista Soper BSc 79 Marine Biology Lorrie Cosens BSc 79 Marine Biology Eric Cosens BSc 80 General Biology Keith Harris B Se 76 Marine Biology

EX-OFFICIO DIRECTORS Marie (Boisonneault) Rush BSe 80 Marine Biology Shawn Taylor BSc 83 Aquatic Biology Past President CBSSC Brian Wisenden President CBSSC

FACULTY ADVISORS to be chosen one from each DepartmentSchool

UGAA REPRESENTATIVE S Jan Watshyson BSc 75 Zoology Lorrie (Rolston) Cosens BSc 79 Marine Biology Rob Miln B Sc 81 Marine Biology

EDITOR BlO-ALUMNI NEWS Professhysor John Powell Human Biology 0

Please help us to help you When corresponding or upshydating information or address do tell us not only your year of graduation but your discipline

Where Are They Now The following 20 names were entered on the College of Biological Science Honour Roll for years 1976 and 1977 We w ish to know how your career has progressed and

FALL 1976

Brenda Henry (Marine Biology) and Winter 77

janis Kay 78 (Genetics) and Winter 77

Laurence McClure OVC 81 (Unshyspecialized and Winter 77

Linda (Nelson) Sinclair 78 (Human Kinetics) and Spring 77


Sherry (Bondorenko) Miller 77 (Hushyman Kinetics)

jellrey Chernoff 77 (Unspecialized)

Wendy Harris 77 (Major in Biology)

C harlene Kopansky 77 (Human Kineshytics)

Peter MacDonald (Human Kinetics) and Winter 78

Blain Mollatt (Microbiology)

Darjo Romani 78 (Major in Biology) also Fall 77 and Winter 78

Barry Rosen~rg 77 (Unspecialized)

Cheryl Rowe 77 (Human Kinetics)

FALL 1977

Gregory Casey 79 (Microbiology) also Fall 78 and Winter 79

William Crins 78 (Botany)

jill Cross OVC 82 (Unspecialized)

what you are doing currently Do you have intere s ting episodes to relate in the BIO-ALUMNI NEWS Please lets hear from you

David C a mpbell 78 (Major in Biology)

Richard Proctor 80 (Ecology)

Carolyn Robertson (U nspecialized)

joanne (Ryder) G unby 79 (Genetics) and Winter 79 0

Grad Bash 1983

Organized jointly by the CBS Alumni Association and the CBS Students Council in April more than 280 students alumni current and former staff and faculty sat down for dinner prior to presentations being made to our dean

Contributions came from members of the College and a bird sculpture fashioned by Uta Strelive Zoology was the first of many gifts

Next came a memory book containing many letters photographs clippings and a variety of incidents all pieced together by Association president Marie (Boissonshyneault) Rush 80

Betty Roff gave the dean a special book of clippings collected by herself Two framed portraits of Professor Ronald one already hung in the main office of McNally house the other for the Ronald family completed the tributes

Altogether this gathering was a fitting acknowledgement of a great man who has done great things for us all 0


Scholarships In the Names of

Ronald and PoweU The CBS Alumni Association is pleased to announce the introduction of a scholarship for graduate students in the name of Proshy

fessor Keith Ronald Professor Rona ld as of July I had served for 12 years as the first dean of the CBS and the awarding of a

sc holarship in his name is a fitting tribute to

all he has done fo r the College the Univershys ity and the CBS Alumni Assoc iation

The Hum an Kine tics Alu mni Assoc iashy

tion anno unced its intention to name an undergraduate scholarship in the School of Human Biology in the name of Dr John T Powell as he retires from the Unive rsity in 1984

Do nations to eithe r or both of these

sc holarship funds shou ld be sent direc tl y to the Department of Alumni Affairs and Development-clearly ind icati ng to which sc ho la rs hip your donation is to be alloca ted - or when contributing to the Alma M ater F und noting that your monie s

be channeled to the sc holars hip of yo ur choice 0

Grad News Biological S cience

Lesley (Wilson) Barton 73 and Bruce 70 MSc 74 live in Keremeos B C R R No I VOX JNO will find them

E thel Anita Hamilton 79 and hu sband

Wayne Barcha r d 76 MSc 79 live in Hali fax NS where Ethel is a habitat proshy

tec tion technician with fishe ries and Oceans while Wayne is head Office Assessment Scction Environment Canada 3rd Floor 45 Alderney Drive Dartmouth N S

Marilynne (Wise) McCausland 77 is a research microbiolog ist with Molson Bre wshyeries of Canada Ltd and may be reached at 1555 No tre Dame East Montrea l Que H2L 2R5

Michael W Tate 79 write s mos t kindly thanking us for kee ping people in touch through th is column He is a teac her at Mo rnings tar Secondary School in Mi ss isshysauga

Natalie Mary Olynyk 79 may be reached at 3 120 Duffer in Street in T oronto where she is re staurant manager for Olyn yk Foods Ltd

Marine Biology

Gl en A Packman 74 and Sharon (Noda ) Arts 72 li ve at 21 Albion Road Hali fax S B3P IP8 Glen is a senior

biologist with En vironment Canada

Jo l1n Plumb 76 and M arianne (Conshynoly ) 77 may be reached at 37 Coldstrea m Road Box 303 Munster Ont KOA 3PO John works as an indu strial engineer with

the Mitel Corporation - Kan ata

Human Kinetics and Human Biology

Joy (Reid) Tomes 70 is a team coshyordinator with the Workman s Co mpensashytion Board- 2 Bloor St East Toronto Ont oM7W IA2

Terry Obi Oblinski 71 holds the pos it io n of supervisor with the 3M Comshypa ny at 2 Craig Street Pe rt h Onto K7 H 3C5

Robert T a p Fawcett 72 teac hes at the W 1 Fenton Secondary Schoo l R R 0 10 in Brampton Ont L6V 3 2

Marie-Andree (Pi lon) Poulin now teache h igh school in Montreal write her at 76 Lesage Repent igny Que J3A 5Y5

Dr Tom Elmslic 74 M-Sc 77 is a g lutton for punishment as he isjust complet ing another MSc this time in Epidemi o lshyogy at McM as ter University preparatory to his return to Ottawa

Glen Paterson 78 of 16 Da lto n A ve nue T hunder Bay On t P7B 4E9 is ea rl y chi ldhood educato r with the Confederation o f Applied Art s and Technology B ro ther Larry R Paterson g radu ated with a BLA in 69

Eric bullbull Art Arthurs 80 is s till at 12272 shy110 Avenue Edmonton Alta T5M 2L3 He work s for Consolidated Concrete Limshyi ted as a dragl i ne opera tor

Henry Fox 81 lives at 1520 Verdi La Salle Que H8l I K4

Christine (Krumbacher) F()se 81 may be reached at Box 252 2 Banff Alta TOL OCO

Ch rist ine (Novakuske) Lavallee MSc 81 is a stude nt again stud ying French and living at 0428A Larose A ve nue Mo nt real Que H2B 2Z2

Ginger (Thompson) Elmore 81 seeks work in the geriatric field Are you able to help Write he r please at 107 Ontario Avenue Komoka Onto NOL IRO

Don Doc Wilson 81 is physica l direc tor at the Waterloo Family YMCA Lincol n Road Waterloo Ont N2J 2N8

Jan McMullan 82 ne wly wedded to Mark Newcombe MSc 83 is presently ass istant manager - Ri ordan s Sport S 183 Silvercreek Parkway in Guelph She tells us of four co usins who have g raduated fro m Guelph - Brenda (Bu lton) Dagg CSS 72 Bryce Dagg 72 Donald Sifton 70 and Bonnie (Sifto n) W alsh C SS 72

Fisheries and Wildlife

Lorna l Depuydt 77 is a price specia li st with Massey-Fe rg uso n Her adshydress is 3941 Whispering Wa No 6 Grand Rapids Mich USA 49506

Steven Kerr 77 works as di s trict biologist for the Mi nistry of Natu ra l Reshysources - 611 Ninth Avenue Eas t O wen Sound Ont NOH IS O

Richa rd P Bekolay 77 MSc 80 R R N o ) Carp Ont KOA ILO is a program analyst with Digital Equipment Corporation at Kanata

Marie Legrow 80 is once aga in a s tudent at Gue lp h li ving in Guelph at [02 Queen St reet North IE 4S I


Ann (Stewart) Gray 79 and husband Dr eil Gray 76 li ve at 40) - 251 Platts Lanc in London Ont N6 H 4P4 Ann is a re search assistant at the Universi ty of We stshyern Ontari o

Robe- W Marks 81 is a production trainee with Labatt Brewin g Comp any in Kitchene r


Dr Rob J Van Exan 74 MSc 76 PhD79 ho lds the position of manager Cell Culture Produc tion with Connaught Laboratories 1755 Steeles Avenue West Will owdale Ont M2R 3T4

Chuck Yipchuk 78 wo rks in Quebec 87 Senneville Road Sennev ille a s c oshyordinator of da ta at Bi o- Re search Laboratori es

Dr Harr y Nixon Chabwela W eza MSc 79 P h D 82 may be contacted at loni Katandika Vtllage Chief Kakumbi P O Box 154 Chipata Za mbia where he is a bio log ist wi th National Parks

Douglas Stendahl MSc 79 is with the -federal government s Minist ry o f Indian Affairs and Northe rn De velopment- P O Box 1500 Yukon N W T He is water quality officer


Rick Proctor 80 is a consultant with I P Sharp Associates 2 First Canadian Place Toronto Ont M5X IE3 0


The Ontario Agricultural College Alumni Association

ALUMNI NEWS EdJtor Dr Harvey W Caldwell 51

Financial Management Related to Agriculture One of the main sessions at the OAC Agricu ltural Conference 83 dealt wit h financial management as it relates to agricu lture Robert Sanderson who is with the Ontario Farm Adjustment Asshysistance Program was a main speaker and presented the following paper

Ten years ago most farmers were smilingshyagr icu lt ure see med to have finally gained its reward Worl d short age s of food provided ampl e markets and steadily rising prices lor prac tica lly all crops

Thi s idea li s ti c situation continued for a co uple of years until the granaries of the wo rl d were refi li ed De mand then norshyma li zed and pri ces for most agricultural prod ucts hega n to dec line In spite of price dec lines and li mited markets co nsiderable optimi sm conti nued to be fe lt o n the farm sce ne thro ughout mos t of the 1970s

Late in that peri od infl a ti on reall y ca ught fi re rai sing inpu t cos ts for supplie s and labour The ri se in land pri ces exceeded the most optimis tic es timates during this sa me time

In an a tte mpt to s te m thi s ra mpant infla tio n interes t rates increased almost threefo ld beg inning In 1979 and the world hega n it s slide into recession Farml and prices ceased to r ise in 198 1 and are now crumbli ng wi th uncer tain ty and lac k o f demand

We have no doub ts abo ut th e successshyful future o f ag ri cult ure hcre in Ontari o but today for many farmers adj ugtt me nts are necessa ry to remain so lve nt and for too many oth ers bo th adj ustme nts and so me ass iq an ce are necessary for their prese nt and future surviva l

There are some who are beyo nd he lp and farm bankru ptcies are at their highest leve l since the grea t Depression o f the 1930s These cond it io ns brought about the crea tio n of the On tari o Farm AdJustmcn t Ass istance Program (OFA AP) T hi s proshygram during 1 9~2 has bee n assisting eli g ible farmers who needed he lp

The re are two prime reaso ns fo r


fin anci al woes cited by appl ican ts - high interes t rates and lower farm incomes On the other hand the prime reaso n fo r ~ome

farmen probl ems e ited by lenders is ove r-e xpansion We be li eve both views are va lid and unques ti onabl y are respo ns ible for the prese nt ago ny and unres t on 100

many Ontario farms Le nde rs cite seve ral o the r importa nt

reaSl)l1S whic h also bea r o n the prob le m The borrowers oft e n refe r to them too but usuall y wit h di fferen t emphasis ThcY em shyphas ize the c lt treme instability of fa rm income the se rious lac k of pro per pl an ning bu dge ting accmatc farm record and fin all y the practice of making unprodu ctive investmcnts

Because of the qualifying criteria asshysociated ith an application for as s istan ce from OfAAP one must keep in mind that our observations are limited to about 10 per ce nt of Ontario farm operatlolls That 10 per ce nt is cl ose to the bottom of the gro up on the bas is o f financial sec urity OFA AP assista nce is limited to those produc ing Iood and tobacco Therefore data regard in g proshyducers of fl owers nursery stock race shyhorscs etc ha ( no t come he fore us and the financ ial ituati ons ltlr not inc luded in any of o ur informati o n

Applica ti ons have been appro ved for farmers operating all across the pro vince

Of the to tal approved about 20 per ce nt were in swine prod uctio n abou t 15 per ce nt were in eac h of cash crop prod uction da iry producti on and beef prod uct ion 4 per cen t were in fruit and vege ta ble prod uctio n 3 pel cent were tobacco fa rmers and the Ies t co mbinations of the above Those farm ers producing etgs and poultry were fe w

I n a review of appli ca tio ns for OFAAP ass istance several COl1ll1lo n sce nari os co nshytin ue to ap pear on a so me what re petiti ve has is and are ca tegorized as fo ll ows

1 Young or Beginning Farmers

Th ose under 35 years o f age wen res pons ishybl e for nearl y ha lf o f a ll the app li cati ons In thi s gro up are many who have Just begun fa rm ing Mo~ t of these arc victims of inopport un e tim ing hav in g acq uired land buildings and equ ipme nt be twee n 1979 and 19R2 For the m the combinati on o f lower th an ex pee ted prices of farm produc ts and the extre me inc reases in the ir fi na nc ing charges due to hi gh interes t rates_ have becn dlvas tatin g This is partic ul arl y true where Illos t assets were fi nanced the bcg inshyning equit y be in g Illodes t

2 The Aggres sive Expansionist

Many farmers who did well farming on a

modlst basis in the mid-70s dec ided that s ince o ne farm was pro fitabl e two wo uld be bette r three be tter than two Aggress ive

expan sion mos tl y on c redit du ring this i ntl a tio nary pe riod produced many paper millionaires in the farm co mmunity by the late 70s The elation fo r some of these

fa rmers d id not lasl far into the 80s T hose with 100 much bo rro wed cap ital

found that the ir farm income c ul d not

support the debt load So me of these

atlcmpted fu rthe r borro wing in an e ffort to mai nta in their ho l ding ~ and fo und ou t like o thers before them th at it is imposs ible to

borro w your way out of debt O thers so ld or tried to sell some o f the ir land o r eq uipment in an effort to re ti re at leasl o me of the ir cri ppling de bt and there by salvage at

least a part o f the ir operation

One rather sad varia tio n o f this las t s itua tion occ urs occ as io na lly whe re a

farmer who has had a succes~ fu l and so lvent opera tion decide to ex pand to a llow a son

o r so n- in-law into the bus in ss because of a des ire on the part of the young per on to

farm or occasionally because he is no t employed The expansion in Jand and eljuipment particularly if it occu rred in the

last three years and if it were do ne mainl y o n credit with a mortgage taken on his once so lvent operation has robbed the farmer of

his security and his peace of mind Furthershy

mo re in some of these s ituations the disappointed newcomer in the bus iness moved on leaving dear o ld dad to make the best of it

3 The Equipment Enthusiast

Another scenario concerns the man who is o bsessed with the need to ac quire equipshyment or to make add ition s and improveshy

ments to a lready adequate buildings To pay

for it out of the revolvi ng operating loan or to finance it in other ways withou t first having established that it will pay for itself will inevitably c reate financial problem s

Whe re there has been a general disregard for thi s kind of purchas ing the end resu lt has usually been disas trous

4 Natural Disasters

We regularly see the result s of natural

disas ters - floods windstorms hail frost disease and fires All of the se misfortunes can be c rippling to any operation but when adequate insurance coverage is not carried or if one of these di sasters occur whe n a farmers equity is low or when hi s princi pal and interest charges consume much o f his income it can be disastrous to his economic

pos ition

5 Family Unity

From OFAAP applicatio ns it is noted that some farmers who experience a marriage break- up seem to have diffi culty maintainshy

ing fi nanc ial solvency W hen asse ts are

di vided and whe n atte nt ion to management

is di e r ted hccause o f family pro blems the farm operation is often morta ll y wounded

Farmers and farm op ratnr are much more vulnerable in this si tua tio n because thei r

wives arc o ften much more invol ved in the e lllerprise than in non- farm situations

6 Offmiddot Farm Income

Appl ications incl ude a great nu mher of

insta nces in which if it were not fo r 0 ffmiddot fa rm income o f either the farmer or his wife or

occas io na lly both the ir farm o peratio n wo uld be tota lly un viable and unab le to continue to fu nc tion It is well the n fo r

those in th se c ircumstances to r cogniu tha t if the off-farnl inco me should e nd it wo uld also mea n the te rmination of the

farming operatio n

7 Enterprise Changes

A review 0 f appli ca tions indicates that some

farmers are hoping to comple tely change

thei r c rop or li ves toc k programs attemptin g perhaps to outguess the marke t and to

improve their financial return s Sometimes the expectation in vo lved in the dec is ion is

correct but so o ften when the costs inshyvol ved in the c hange are considered little

has been gai ned and where the deci s ion to change was unwi se co nsiderable loss is

usually the result The ot her extreme to this

situation is rigidity to the poi nt of makin g no changes at all

8 Manage ment

The management ability of any applicant

farmer is difficult to assess Most applicants are not known and there is no opportunity to assess the actual farm operation Ho wever

experience with OFAA P emph asizes that good financial management is c ritical to the

success of any farm operation Here is a li s t of definite Do and

Do nts that should be much in the minds of farmers operating in the present financial climate All of these suggestions re tlect the ex periences we have had working with

appli ca tions for O FAA P

The Definite Dos

Do base an operation on an informed farm

plan keep ing and using good record~ and approved acco unting proced ures Do work c losely wi th the credit source shy

usually the banker Plan and work within

approved revo lving ope rating loan limits Make regular cred it payments when due and when unable to make p ro per arrange shy

ments ahead of time w ith your c reditor or credito rs Do make necessary adju stme nts in land and equipm e nt befo re u nder tak ing further borrow in g Do shop around for cred it and i nve~ tig ate

ava il ah le programs to cu t credit cos ts Do pay off on loans when surplus cas h is

ava il able It won t be any fun but it w ill

he lp to re tain sol vency Do try to ma intai n stability in your far m o peration and kee p the peace a t h IllC

Do seek the professi o nal adv ice of you r ag ric ultu ra l represe ntative anJ Ir indwtry fiel d per~on ne I

The Definite Donts

Dont borrow for capita l items unless they

are abso lu te I y necessary Dont make capi ta l purchases with funds

frolll your revo lvi ng opera ting account w ithout co nsul ta tion and agreeme nt with

the bank manager Dont expand any operation without sound

pl ann ing Dont plunge and make rapid changes in

the ope rati ng patte rn without so und consultation 0

Partners For 70 Years

Arthur Cowie 09 now 95 and his wife Nina now 92 were married March 19 1913 near Nel son B C They li ved in

HC for three years then returned to Caledo nia where Arthur worked for the A

Jone s bakery He returned to the 200-acre farm homestead in 1922 when his father

was kill ed in a farm accident Arthur se rved in the 19305 and early

19405 as co uncillor and also served as

a Ju s tice of the Peace for the farm communit y

Nina Co wie whose g reat lo ve was

dancing has onl y one regre t and that is tha t she could never get her hu sband o nto the -dance floor The Scotti ~ h dances Hig hlan d

tlin gs and Scotti sh reels made hi s head spin He played the record s and watched

from the sidelines while ina did the danc ing

They have no secrets tor a long happ y marriage excep t working at it Theyve

done Jus t tha t for 70 years Bes t wishes to them both 0


OACGrads on Faculty at Nova Scotia Ag College

Lauranne Sanderson M Sc 81 is with the Humanities Department She specialized in Animal Science in her undershygraduate years but added to that a master program in Agricultural Economics Lauranne has lived on a mi xed lives t()c k and cash crop farm in southern O ntario At the No va Scotia Agricultural College (NSAC) she is teaching Tec hnical W riting but is specializing in the area of Com munications and Agricultural Extension

Barbara (Otrysko) Mulkewytch 78 MSc 81 is with the Plant Science Deshypartment Prior to her appointment at NSAC she was employed as a potato crops specialist with the New Brunswick Departshyment of Agriculture Her teaching and research will include projects on potato and crop protect ion

Yes Surry MSc 81 is with the Economics and Busi ness De partment Yves was born in Pamiers France has an M A fro m the nivers ity of Pari s and is in the process of completing his Ph D from Guelph Yves has a strong interes t in teachshying and his research interests hould be a welcome addition to the reg ion He is pre sent ly teaching courses in Micro and Macro Economic Theory

Laurie (Gaunt) Connor 73 is w ith the Department of Animal Science She earned MSc and Ph D degrees specia li zi ng in reproduct ion phys iology from the nivershysity o f Manitoba Prior to joining NSAC she was a NSERC Vi iting Fellow at the Animal Research Centre in Ottawa Her teaching and research work is mainly in the re producti ve physiology field

Also at NSAC are Sheree Porter CSS 79 and Myrna (Porter) Blenkhorn 76 John Shug 37A and 40 is the sec re tary o f the Nova Scotia Agricultural College Alumni Association 0

Please help us to help you When corresponding or upshydating information or address do tell us not only your year of graduation but your discipline

Th ree generatiuns of heramify were present when fleather Rohinson right centre FACS 83 graduated ut Wim er Convocation With her f rom [eji to righture her grandfather John Inglis her moth er Vlarirn (Inglis ) Robinson Mac 55 0 member of the Uni versirys Boord of Govern ors ond her father Doug Rohinson 53

Above Mllrrav Ma cGregor 5 1 lei with the winners of the OAC s 25th annual Alumni Curling Bon spiel Left to right GeorRe Robinson 651 Mu rrav Elliotl 65A Keith Murru 65A and Jern- Forestell 6511 Right OAC Alumni Associashytion president Hell ry Slanle 55 right was preslntedwith un engraved pewta stein to recugnie 25 years of participation ill Ihe bOlspiel Conshygratuluting Henry is Bill Harrison 62 bonspiei commillee chuirman


the individual members excellence andThe Ronald S Ritchie Le cture integri ty

This idea for the new body was not accepted by members of Cabinet They

The Opening Up of PubHc PoHcy The Opening Up of Public Policy was

Selllior Michael Piffields fopic when he

delifred fhe annual Ronald S Rifchie

LeclUre of fhe UniversifY in March

A Rmduafe ofSf Lawrence Universify

17 ( graduafed in lawjrom McGill UniversifV

and holds a Rrodlla fe diploma in Public La w

Fom Ih e UlliversifY ofolIa wa H efirsl joined Ihe Public Service as an

wlminislrafive assiSfam in Ihe Depa rimem

oJuslice in 1959 Ialer served onlhe sraffof Ih e Goernor General and as secrelary fO

117 1 Royal Commission on Taxalion In 1965

he joined Ihe Privy Council Office He

became depuly minisler of Consumer and

Corporafe Affairs in 1973 and Ihe followshy

inli year lOok up an appoinfmem as Fellow

in fhe John F Kennedy School of Governshy

mOl (If Harvard Un iversifY In 1975 he

relurned 10 Ollawa as Clerk of fhe Privy

Council and Se crelarv 10 Ihe Cabinel

The annual leclre recognizes Ihe comrihwion made 10 fhe Universily by

former Board of Govemors chairman

ROllald S Rilchie A reporl on Senafor Piffields presemalion follows

Senator Pitfield paid tribute to Rona ld Ritchie his important work in the Glassco Commission and his influence in the estabshylishment of the Institute for Research on Public Policy

In thi s th oug htful and thoughtshyprovoking presentation Senator Pitfield outlined the need for and the desirability of more open discussion before policies are introduced but there are some very real difficulties associated with de vel oping some me chanis m that could foster and encourage such exchanges of ideas

[t was pointed out that because of the high degree of interdependency of modern society and the size and complexity of governments the making of public polic y must be an intellectual subject in its own right not just a conglomeration of di scishyplines It had become evident that

I A methodical analysis of government activity could lead to improvements in government effectiveness

2 Traini ng in making and managment of public policy was crucial and urgent

3 There were few in government who knew why things were done the way they were

4 The making and management of pubshylic policy was a subject unique in itself and required thinking through for itself

5 Universities and other training institushytions were not very useful in this training process universities being too removed from the actual experience of government and the government institutions being withshyout the detachment and intellectual rigour needed

Thus it became evident that there was a need for an institution that would be a repository of knowledge a pl ace of learnshying a foru m for debate and a means of communication co ncerning public policy

Proposal s emerged that the federal go vernment should assis t some of the organizations already in existence Comshypetition became keen and rivalry among institutions re su lted in grander more comshyplex proposals As a result the federal go vernment in 1968 decided to establish a think-tank of its own to take a more rigorous look at public polic y

The idea was not new In many countries the general thinking was that all problems could be so l ved by inrelleclUal anal ysis and the appl ication of modern techshyniques But the ne w Trudeau go vernment went even beyond providing more data It included public debate of public policy

But the think-tank was only one of the initiatives to aid in the formation of policies There was support for political parties through caucus funding offi ce space support staff and regional offices for Members of Parliament and internsh ip programs for students to work as assistan ts to MPs

Other support included green and white papers for discussion commissions of inquiry task forces public funding of non-political grou ps to encourage discusshysion and many others to increase the flow of information for consideration of alternashytives All were done to open up the process o f meaningful debate which would result in more effective and sound decisions

The th ink-tank was to be a centre for var ious kinds of people to di scuss public policy subjects which were often set aside because of day to day pressures At first it was to be very informal with distinguished people invited to participate Its integrity and permanency would be based on that of

were concerned that existing research instishytutes would be damaged They also wanted in volvement of business and professional communities This challenge to broaden the scope was gi ven to Ron Ritchie

Ritchie foresaw an institution that would be independent supported by an endowment which would not only support but st imu late debate on public policy

Man y fears were raised - that such a body would be taken o ver by academics that it would become a clique that govern shyments would battle for control etc But these were dealt with skillfully by Ritch ie and the Institute for Researc h on Public Policy was establ ished

What of its accomplishments~ This institute has been successfu l in

many ways in getting better information into debate [n the ten years since its beginning many studie s have been pubshyli shed It has held many informat ive confershyences and has a unique journal Howeve r despite its efforts open and meaningful debate on public policy is not much more advanced tod ay than it was a decade ago

It is evident that to ach ie ve its objecshytives there mu st be a willingess to change opi nions and the Canadian sys tem prov ides few forums for the changing of minds The bias is towards decision-makers and interest groups not open and meaningful debate

Public debate often takes pl ace after rather than before the decision is taken Thi s may not be what is wanted but policy-making is tilted not tow ards being open but towards being closed

Why has there not been more progress [n h is pre se ntation Mi chael Pitfield refershyred to the fact that the go vernment whose people should discuss the si tuation has become even more confrontational not because of lack of information but because of rigidity in their approach to discussion of public policy

As govern ment ha s grown so have checks and balances which recently have often been linked to lack of confidence Where slim majorities exist a strong opposhysi tion can threaten the government Party di sc ipline becomes severe and ai ring of independent views is discouraged The fear of a government being defeated on the one shyhand and the unyielding demands ot the opposition on the other tends to make the parliamentary process less and less flexible

The result of the foregOing is the tendency of government in modern times to drop solutions on a public th at may not be aware of the problems These solutions are not open to argu ment and debate is reduced

conld over


w ith bias tending towards a cl osed system and less debate

To improve the situation it seems it wlluld be necessary to have a mutual and

ba lanced reduction of force on both sides

The ge neral equilibrium of the system needs to be ma in tained W hat is needed is the reduction of secre tiveness of the gove rn shyment on one side and a reduc tion of the

danger of e mbarrass ment or de fea t of the govern men t on the other side

T here must be a wil li ngness to secure

more ope n debate on al l sides and our

leaders ha ve not done that e ven on m ost import ant issues More ope n and rneltll1 ingshyful deba te will require more thi nk ingshy

thro u middoth - something Mc mbers of Parlishy

ame nt may not he able to do or be free to do or have the necessary knowledge to do But the id ea behind the Institute for Remiddot

search on Public Policy was tha t such a body could bring about better decisions

All publi c problems cannot be solved by thought and tech nolog ics but few can be solved without these contr ibutions

The Institute for Research on Public Policy cannot create better public policies

by itself It must have input from all sectors to bring about more open and meaningful public debate which will result in constant

improvement of government - somethin g

that everyone desires 0

Grad News Herb Nor ry M Sc 52 has moved to

London as a farm business advisor wit h

O M AF working in eight counties

Denny Silvestrini PhD 5R is director of quality controlresearch and de velopment Eskimo Pie Corporation Ric hmond Virshy

ginia SA He had served as manager quality control and product deve lopment

Ralston Purina Co mpany St Luuis M isshysouri U SA

John Hagarty 61 is manager fi e ld

service s Rural O rganizati ons and Serv ice s Branch OMAF Guelp h

Ismail Siragcldin Ph D 62 is professor Department of Population Dynami cs and

Political Economics the Johm Hopkins

University Baltimore Md S A

Arlene (Fournier) 65 and Dick Flis

MSc 65 are in Edmo nton Alta where Dick is petroleum products manager wes tmiddot ern Canada Imperia l Oil Ltd

Craig Hunter 66 is pre sident Cra ig

Hunter Poult ry Farms Ltd Stro ud

Colin Triver s 67 is a consulting e ngineer and On tario land surveyor for e G Trivcrs

Ltd T he ssalon

Peter Mosher Ph D 70 is director

bureau of agric ultural prod uctio n Depart shyment of Agriculture Ba ngor Me USA

Cordon Brown 76 is sen ior food techshynolog is t new prod ucts process developshy

ment Tho masJ Lipton Inc in Bram pton

Martel C outure MSc 76 is acting di rec tor d iploma progra m Macdonald Colshy

lege Ste nne de Belle vue Que

Charlie Ellintt 78 vnfe Ja ne and

first -born Ian C harles born Jan uary 20

1983 are living near S hetland C harlie is now working fo r Elliott Bros G rain and Feed Ltd

Dennis Ring 78 is credit manager Farm C redit Corp C hatham H is wife is Carnl (Weeks) 79

R Cunrad Genee 79 is a sales represhy

sentative with CIBA-Geigy Canada Ltd in

Winnipeg Man

Howard Armstrong RO is an industrial

engineer with the B utler Ma nufacturing Co (Canada) Ltd Nisku Alta

Bruce Broadbent PhD 80 is a research scientist entomology with Agriculture

Canada Vineland Station

Mic hael Tulloch 80 has been accepted as

a professional engineer by the Council of the APEO He now manages engineering functions for eG Trivers Ltd Thessalon

BruceGitelman 81 will be joining Wood G undy Ltd Investment Broke rs as a

corporate finance associate in September

Danicllc Wenstrom 81 is a quality a ss urance su pe rvisor for Pil lsb ury of Canada Ltd M idland

Christine Deslandes MSc R2 is a lecturer at Alfred Col lege of Agricu ltu re

and Food Technology A I fred

Diploma Graduates

Donald Morley 68A is ge nera l ma nager De Marco Homecare Ce ntre Sutton West

Jeffrey Currah 74A is marke ting man shyage r Fortam ix-a division of BASF

Canada Inc Georgetown

Brian Roberts 76A is a welder with Hillcook Ind ust ri es Ha milton 0

In Memoriam Raymond David Ure 15A and 21 January 24 In3 ~uddenly a t Tecumse h

age 87 He had bee n very act ive un til

recently H is son Donald re is it

graduate of 49

Dr Genrge M Stirrett 20A and 22 died December 15 1982 H is many co nshy

tri bu tiono had bee n recogni zed by the Heritage Canada Found ation The fo llowshy

ing is an account of the tribu te pa id to him Fe bruary 16 1 9~ I at Government HDu~e

O ttawa

His Excelle ncy Gove rnor Ge nera l

Edward Sc hrcyer prese med the Commun imiddot cations A wards Atl antic Reg ion to Dr

George M St irrett of Grand Falls Ne w

Bru ns wick Dr Stirrett has been comm itted to natural h is tory conservation for ma ny

years bo th before and after hi s ret ire ment from the Canadian W ildlife Service and Parks Canada in 1964

He worked hard for the preservation of the falls and gorge area at Grand Falls

and on other conservation needs in Ne w Brunswick and Ma ine He has also written

on the iss ues of conservation using Ihe pcn name G raham Vail and since April 1979

has publi shed a weekly column Notes on atural History in the G rand Falls

Cataract His columns stress the appreciashytion and enjoyment of nature as well as the need for preserving it

Norman Hodgins MacBeth 23 Fe bruary 3 1983 in St John N B He had retired in

1967 as General Manage r of General Dairies Ltd

David R Owen 25 in Medi c ine Hat

Alta February 6 1983 at age 82 He was a di rector of the fi rs t ollege Roy al and spe nt

most of his li fe teachi ng and farmi ng in Saskatchewan

Ronald John Quinn 35 Fe bruary 17 1983 in London His wife Helen (Farshyquhar) is a lso a graduate o f 35

Bruce Douglas Innes 36 passed away Septe lllber 29 19 82 D uring his college

years he took part in ma ny ac tivitie s bu t he -re membered with particu la r pleasure be ing Grand C hampion Showman College Royal

35-the first time that the honour had bee n won by anyone o ther than a fou rth year man Bruce owned and operated a dairy

farm at Burford since I 939 and was an

acti ve and ded icated farmer until his death

H is wife Margaret died in A pril 1983 T hey leave daughters Lorna Lawrence

Mac 68 and Karen and son Robert 0


Macdonald Institute College of Family and Consumer

Studies Alumni Associat ion

ALUMNI NEWS Editor Joan (Anderson) Jenkinson 66


BASc Grads-Class o f 80

EntploYDlent Survey T he University s Counselling and Reshysource Centre recentl y completed an inshyucpth survey covering the empl oyment activities of the 211 graduates who in 19RO earned Bachelor of Applied Sc ience Degrees

The survey indicates th at gradu ates are e nj oy ing a variety of interes ting and chalshylenging careers

A gratifying 73 per cent of th e graduates re sponded to the survey with 51 per cent of the respondents indi catin g that they have completed or are completing graduate degrees or programs on a full- or part-time bas is Of the 153 respondents 78 per ce nt including one who is self emshyployee have full-time employment The remainder are employed part-time or are pursuing further studie s

Li sted below are the indicated ca reers chosen in the four major areas of study

Applied Human Nutritio n

ut ritiond ietetics Food service administration More than 50 per cent of the responshy

dents obtained reg istered profe ss ional dietishytian certificates The Admini strati ve Emshyphasis course is no longer offered in the

Applied Human utrition program It is available through the Bachelor of Comshymerce program

Family Studies

A number of grad uate s found posit io ns in teac h ing or social services such as

Adult protecti ve service workers Infant de ve lopment specialists Geront ology consultants Supervisors and field workers with social service agencies Other Family Studies graduate s are

working in government srv iees and in the private ec toras home economists financial co un se llors librarians hostel managers Family Studies graduates tend to sl ck caree rs in the helping profess ion s

Consumer Studies

There are four emphasis areas 01 study within this maj or The survey indicates that

Food gradu ates are employed in areas of produci development marketing and food technology with majo r food companies Hou si ng emphasis graduates are wo rkshying with government agencies and in teac hing

Consumer Beha vio ur e mph asis graduates are in industry business and res earc h Tex tile and Clothin g e mph asis grads are employed in research merchandi sshying and banking Often after working for a year or

more Consumer Studies graduates will return to gradu ate study o r profess ional programs on a full- or part-time bas is

Child Studies

Many Child Studies graduates are emp loyed in teaching supervisory or other child-care related sett ings such as soc ial work with fami lies and children Re ported part -lime and temporary em pl oy ment pos ishytions include work as supply teachers child care supervisors special education leac hers and as lecturers in uni ve rsity settings

It is imporl an t to note that this emshyploy ment survey reports the caree r paths chose n by onl y one graduating cl ass Dat a is collccl~d on a yearl y bas is from gradu ates in Family and Consumer Studies In order to observe the broad scope of employment opportunities avail able a four-year tabulashytion wo uld pl~ c nt a more complete picture of the profess ional activities of graduates

In summary FACS programs offer students a sound educational background to meet the need s of i nduslry educational institut io ns governme nt and bus in c The future for FACS graduates is indeed bright as the College co ntinues to gro w and develop programs to meet the challenges of the 80s 0



BASc Gradsmiddot Class of 80 Further Education Pursued

Major Total

Graduates Number of

Respondents R PDt BEd MEd MSc MD MA

Applied Hum an Nu trition 65 45 23 3 I

Family Studies 64 44 19

Consumer Studies 48 33 2

C hild Studies 34 31 II I I I

TOTAL 21 1 ( 1007c)

153 (73 oc )

23 32 I 4 I I

FACS Has New

Dr Richurd Burhunl

Dean Professor Richard M Barham was apshypointed dean of the College of Family and Consumer Studies for a fi ve-year term effective July I 1983 He succeeds Dr Janet M Wardlaw who has served as dean since 1969

Professor Barham has been chairman of the Department of Family Studies since

1976 and served as acting dea n in [980 while Dean Wardlaw was on administrative leave

A graduate of the University of Otago Dunedin e Zealand Richard Barham received a Ph D degree from the University of Alben a dmonton in Ed ucational Psychology

He has served on the faculty of the Department of Educational Psychology at the University of Alberta and as professor and acting chairman of the Department of Education University of Otago

While in New Zealand he was an executive member of the council of The Ne w Zealand Psychological Society and served as its president

At Guelph he has taught both undershygraduate and graduate courses in the Deshypartment of Family Studies and has supershyvised graduate students

He has been active on many University committees during the past seven years He is a past chairman of the Board of Graduate Studies and has been a member of the

Committee on Academic Priorities the Committee on University Planning the Liaison Committee and several others

He has also been a consulting educa shytional psycholog ist with the Wellington County Separate School Board since 1979

Prolessor Barham and his wife Joan have a family offour Joan recently returned to the University of Guelph for further study Daughter Vick y 19 is a student in Economics at Queens University Lisa 17 and Christopher 14 attend Ce ntennial CVJ while Tania 12 is completing her studies at College Avenue School

Music is very important part of the Barham familys life with active invoheshyment in the Suzuki String School and the Guelph Youth Orchestra Gardening is a hobby enjoyed by both Richard and Joan

Members of the Mac- FACS Alumni Association extend a sincere welcome to Professor Barham We look forward to meeting and working with him in the future as he fills the challenging position as dean of FACS 0

FACS Prof First

Dr M urlin MUllhclIs

Director P ro fessor Anne Martin Matthews De shypart me nt of Family St udi es has been ap shypointed the first director of the Gnontology Research Centre The establi shment of the Centre was announced last February A research grant of $237000 from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada will fund the Centre for the first three years

Professor Martin Matthews has been conducting research related to the needs and interests of older segments of the populashytion as well as teaching courses in such areas as social gerontology and marital and family dynamics in Family Studies She has been a faculty member with the Department of Family Studies since 1978

She also has been active beyond the campus in programs related to aging She is chair-elect of the social sciences division Canadian Council on Gerontology and will begin a two-year term in the chair of that organization this year

She is also first vice-president of the

Ontario Gerontology Association and a member of the scientific advisory commitshytee of the Gerontology Research Council of Ontario She is a graduate of Memorial University of Newfoundland and McMaster University

With a steadily increasing percentage of the popUlation in the retirement age bracket it is important to understand more fully the ir needs and cuncerns sa ys Proshyfessor Martin Matthews The en tre will deal with the ag ing family and environshymental contexts In the latter sense we will be examinin g such things as the difference bet wee n aging in an urban and a rural society as well as issues like housing and the aging

The new Gerontology Research Centre will provide facilities to assist faculty members and graduate students doing reshysearch on aging The Centre will facilitate integrate and co-ordinate studies on aging within the University the director says

Research on aging is now being carried out at the Universi ty in such Departments as Family Studies Geography Psychology Nutrition Human Biology and SocioluFY and the Centre will be able to provide a medium for cross-fertilization of ideas among the many researchers in the field

Professor Marlin Matthews says that the Centre will be working co-operatively with other similar research centres in Onshytario such as the one at the University of Toronto in promoting research on aging The Centre will also sponsor conferences and workshops that relate to the special needs of older citizens in their communities

Guelph has demonstrated an interest in gerontology since 1970 when research projshyects began and courses dealing with aging were offered in the Departments of Family Studies and Psychology Since 1981 the Un i versity has offered gero ntology as part of the Famil y Studies major in the Bachelur of Applied Science program 0

A Thank You Dear A luml7i

1-Iwl 10 Ihonk oil Ihe uumni inloll(d wilh

Ihc cr special send-oj gien to me ill

recognition of Ihc complelion ofmv Icrm as


So man of ou -Ierc invocd shy

whelhcr or nOI ou -Iere able 10 (fIend Ihe

recognition receplion in Toronlo on May

29 I oppreciacd Ihe man good llishes

which come from ocross CClrado ond from

such dislOlIl places as Indio and Chara

Your generous gifls u Imc Irolld of

pcarls und a bonk aCCOlll11 vhich came lVilh

Ihe slrong suglcslion Ihal [should IIc 10

Vnv Iculand lverc Irul overllhelll1ing

The Air lCll Zcalundjlighl bag jJacked wilh

1111 SOriS of nccessiliel added 10 Ihe jim

middotre had 01 Ihe rcceplion

Many Ihanksfor your SUppOri over Ihe years and for your good wishes as I begin

my car ofadmin is Ira live leave

Yours sincerelv

Jonel M Wardlaw 0


Dr Louise

( Bailltlj

Heslop 67

Off - To


Dr Louise (Bazi net) Heslop 67 has JO ined the School of Business at Carlton Unive rsit y O ttaw a Over the next two years through an arran geme nt with Ca rlton Unive rsity she will be cco nded on a

part-time basis by Stati sti cs Canada where she will join the Research and Analysi s

D ivision Loui se completed her MSc at Guelph

in 1969 and continued as lecturer in the

ne wly-es tablished Department o f Co nshysumer Studies In 1977 she compktcd a Ph D in Business Administration (Marketshying) at the University of Western Ontari o

and rejo ined the Department of Consumer Studies ri si ng to the rank of ass oc iate professor

Louise was e lected to the board of

di rectors of the Mac-FA CS Alumni Assoc ishyati on in 1977 se rvin g as secretary-treasurer until May 1981

We ex tend our best wishe middot to Loui se

her husband Lome O A 70 and their dau ghters Jose tte 5 and C la ire 2 Lorne is employed by Agriculture Canada in

Ottawa and is currently completing an M Sc in Engineering at the University of

G uelph Coun try li ving is a high priority with

the Heslops They are deli ghted with the purchase of a farm near Almonte a nd look

forward to the best of both worl d s - profess ion a lism in the city and lei sure in the countryside 0

Grad News Helen (Clifford ) Beswick 48D is se lf empl oyed as a studio potter in her home in Dundas

Margaret (Kennedy) jarvis 54D is a realestate age nt in Kingston

Pat (Hall) McDowell 65 is with the

United Missionary Soc iet y Jlorin Kwora State ~igeria

Joanne Patterson 66 is a se ni or project o ffmiddoticer w ith Indi an and Northern Affa irs Ottawa

Leslie (Mowat) Hemming 68 is teaC hin g in Woods tock

Mary (Jany) Toms 68 is employed with Health and We lfare Canada Ottawa

Sarah (Spencer) Coomhs 70 is an assistant director wi th the Co nsumer Inforshymation Centre of the Ontario Government


Meredith Fi lshie 70 is an ana lyst w ith the Ministry of State for Economic and Re g ional Development O ttawa

S heila (Fahner ) jarvie 70 is a nutrishytion ist w ith the K- W Hospital Kitchener

Donna j ohnstone 70 o perates Donn as Ha ndmade Clothin g for Men amp Wo men Gabiola Isla nd B C

Lorraine Holding 71 is manager of program development with the Rural Orshyga nizatio ns and Services Branlh Minis try of Agriculture and Food located at the Gue lph Agriculture Centre

Beve r ly Lee 72 is a chairperso n with the York Region Board o f Educ at io n

Laurie MacLeod 72 is a district manager with Beaver Foods Mlss issauga

Kathy Camelon 73 is a dietitian at the Toronto Genera l Hospita l

Tirnoth) Fleming HAFA 74 a ses ionaJ lec turer with H AFA teaching business law has been adm itted to the partne rshi p o f the law firm of Harper Haney and White of Waterl oo

Isabel (McBride) H o well 74 is an e lementary school teacher with the Watershyloo Co unt y Board of Educatio n Camshybridge

Mary Ruston 75 is a Famil y Studies teacher at Inge rso ll District High School

Kathryn Anderson 76 is a supervisor with Westmini ster Family Day a re London

Hester Cooper 76 is employed as a research officer with the New Zealand Dairy

Research Institute in Palmers ton North ew Zealand

Patr icia (G a rland ) Desaul niers 76 is with patient fo od se rvices Alberta Hospishyta l Edmo nton

Noella Li 76 is aclinical dietitian wi th the

ictori a Hospital London

M eredith (Evans) Hea rtwe ll 77 is

teac hing in Mississauga

Deb Wey 77 is patient food se rvices manager at SI John Regio nal Hospi tal SI J()hn NB

Susan (junes ) Wilcox 77 is food se rvices

superviso r with the Baye re st Ce ntre for Ge riatric Care 0

A ThankYou The c lass of Mac 380 wishes to extend a

sincere thank you to all alumni who have con tributed to the Mac 38 0 Class Geronshy

to logy Scholarship Fund The gradua te s tudent scholarship in

the recently de ve loped area ot Ge ronto lo gy at FACS is being established by the class of 38D in recog nition of their 45th annivershy

sary in 1983 All Univers it y of Guelph grads are

in vited to parti c ipate in this project funds for which will be so li c ited until December

1984 [f you wish to con tribute please make you r cheq ue pay ab le to the Univers ity o f Guelph Alma Mater Fund specify that it is to be applied to the Mac 38 D Class Gerontology Scho larship Fund and mail to

the Deve lo pment Office Room 273 John shysto n Hall Uni ve rsity o f Gue lph Guelph

Ontario N IG 2W J Th an ks again for yo ur suppo rt from

Elle n Downie Mary Singer Doris Durran t and Jean Carter- the Mac 38 D sch o larship committee 0

In Memoria m We regret to announce the death of the following al umnus

Margaret L (MacKenzie) Smallwood 401) December 1982 in Lakeland Fla




The College of Physical Scie nce Alumni Association

SCIMP Editor Bob Winkel

phy sics grant selection committee of thc atural Sciences and Engineering Research

Council for two years he was intimately involved in all the major re search de velopshyments in Canada in this field Hc feels that his e lec tio n to the Royal Society of Canada will help raise the prot1le of high-energy physics in this co untry and lend stren gth to Canadian experimenters

The citation prepared for his nominashytion to the Royal Society of Canada reads

Professor Karl is a high energy the ori st whose work is widely recognized interna tionally His deep physical insight and hi s kn ow led ge of mathemati ca l methods led to the quark model of baryon resonances based on quantum chromoshydynamics which has been enormousl) successful in describing experimental reshysuits H is re sea rch is characterized by striking originality and an ability to COIll shy

bine basic ideas from different field s as in the predictions of a new effect - neutron optical activity

Gabriel Karl is married and has one daughter W hen he is not probing the sec re ts of the universe he indulges himself in music theatre and the fine arts

He visited the Unive rsity of Briti sh Columbia in Vanco uver in May for the induction ceremony into the Royal Society of Canada on the occas ion of the Annual Meeting of the Society It marked he sa id the culmination of a long string of benefits that [ ha ve enjoyed throughout the 23 years 1 have lived in Ca nada [ have every rea son to be very grateful to th is country D

Erratum In the Sprin g issue o r SCiMP it was erroneously reported in the c utline accompanyin g a pict ure of Departshyme nt of Physics student scholarship winners that they were the recipients of 0 er $ 1500 We dropped a zero The fi gure should have read $ 15000 Sorry about tha t Ed

Elected to Royal Society

Dr Cooiel Korl

The election of Dr Gabriel Karl to a Fellowship of the Roy al Society of Canada represents what one of hi s colleagues Dr Peter Egelstaff desc ribe s as a rare honour which reflects great credit not only on Dr Karl but also on the Uni versi tys Departshyment of Physics

The Royal Society of Canada founded in 1882 to promote learning and research in the arts and sciences has numbered among its Fellows virtually all of Canadas most distinguished intellectual le ade rs of the last J00 yea rs Standards are jealously guarded and Fello wships are awarded only as a result of outstanding world-class ach ieve ment

The rarity of the honour is indicated by the fact that at the Un iversity of Guelph whose faculty includes so many academics of international distinction only five had previously achieved a Fellows hip in the Royal Society of Canada These are Dr Howard Clark vice- pres ident academic Dr Bruce Sells dean College of Biologishycal Science Dr Peter Egclstaff Depart shyment of Physics Dr Do nald Masters Prof ssor Emeri tu s De part mcnt of History and Dr He rb Armstrong retired dean of Graduate Studies

As the sixth Dr Ga briel Karl will have the added di st inction of bei ng the first whose career has been sp ot excl us ively at the Un ivers ity of Guelph which agai n to

quote Dr Egelstaff marks a coming of age for the University

Gabriel Karl was born in Transylvania a province of Romania He obtained his B Sc in Chemistry at Romani as Univershysity of ClUJ worked for two years in industry and came to Canada in 1960 He attended graduate school at th e University of Toronto where he was awarded a Ph D in 1966 for a thesis on infrared luminesshycence following molecular colli sion Hi s Ph D supervisor was the distinguished physical chemist Dr John Polanyi

A two-year post-doctora l fellowship with the University of Torontos Depart shyment of Physics followed His mentors there were Drs J Van Kranendonk and Duk Poll who is now a professor with the Universi ty of Guelph s Depa rtment of Ph ys ics

In 1966 Dr Karl studied at the Uni versity of Oxford for two years under an NRC scho larship to study hadron spec troshyscopy and in 1969 he Joi ned the Univers itys Department of Phy sics achieving a full professorship only five years later

Dr Karls work has focussed on high energy physics - the physics of fundamen shytal particles This is an esoteric field involvshying research into the nature of matter The relatively few world leaders in thi s field tend to cluster around the half-dozen accelerators such as the $100 million four kilumete rshylon g hi gh-e nergy tunnel for accelerating electrons at Stanford University that have been built only in the US and Europe

There is no accelerator of this energy level in Canad a and fe w Canadian scie nshyti ~ts are working in this field Dr Ka rl s statu re in the international commu nity of particle physic ists is marked by his many visi ts to the world s major research ce ntres as guest speaker and to consult with his peers Referring to the time spent on thcse missions Dr Karl describes the Depart shym nt of Phys ics and his colleag ues as generouslyaccommodati ng shy

As cha irman of the h igh energy


Trapping The Suns Energy Excerpted from a Chemtrends article by Mary Cocivera

One predi ctabl e fac t about ind ustri ali z d

soc iety is that it will take more e nergy to

keep the whee ls ru nn ing smoothl y parti c ushy

larly because the world population is exshy

pected to dou ble to about n ine bill ion by the

year 2050

[n th search to augme nt tradi tio na l

sources o f e lectri ci ty two Departme nt of

Chemistry pro fessors ha ve tu rned their

atten ti on to the convers ion of solar energy to

electricity by photovultaie cel ls and photoshy

elec troc he mical systems T he developme nt

work at Guelph is a imed at improving the efficiency and stability of th se sy~tems and

reduc i ng the ir cos t

Si licon photovoltaic cells serve as a

reference for solar energy convers iun beshy

cause they were the fi rst such cells and to

date arc the most effic ient co nvert ing so lar

ne rgy into elec tr ic ity a t abo ut 15 per cem

effi c iency Arrays of crys tal li n sil icon ce lls present ly cos t in the nei ghborhood or

S$400 per sq uare metre to manufac ture

produc ing about 40 watts Photovo lta ic

thin- fi lm syste ms us ing semico nductors

o ther than single crysta l sil ic on are be ing

investigated in man y re~earc h ce ntre s

around the world

A pro mis ing approach is a cadmiui1l

sulfi dec uprous sul fide combi nat ion in

which the two sem ico nduc tors are laye red

on molybdenum the n covered w ith a transshyparent gold fil m T his thin-fi lm cons trucshy

tio n i ideal for solar devices explai ns

Profess ur Ro n Fawcett because large

surface areas are needed for maximum

exposu re to the sun

T he fabrication process devel oped by

Ro n and patented in 1980 in vo lve electroshy

depos iting cadmium sulfide o nto molybshy

denum then layering cuprous sulfide over the cadm ium sulfide by an ion exchange

process Finally the gold 11 1m is added by

vacuum de pos ition Ron es timates that

thi n-film de ices could be manufac tu red in

this way for about S$25 per squ are metre

E lectro pla ting of se m ic ondu ct ors

would enabl e photo voltai c dev ices to be

manu factured in a continuous process

rathe r than indi vidua lly as i required w ith

s ingle crysta l s ilic on Such ce lls ha ve

ach ieved conversio n of solar to electrica l

energy at an e ffi cienc y o f I per cent to date T he researchers are co nfide nt they can

achieve fi to 8 per cent cffi ieney compared

to the calcul ated max imum e ffi c iency of II

per cent Pro fessor Michae l oc ivera is ork ing

on photoe lec troc hem ical systems in which a

sem icond uctor electrode im mersed in an

elec tro lyte solution converts inci dent li g ht

into a n electric a l cu rren t Such se mishy

conductor lilju id junction cells offe r p racti shy

cal ad van tages because uf the sponta neom format ion o f a junc tio n I mproved effishy

ciency fo r po lycrysta lli ne sem iconductors

has been a hi eved in ce lb of th is type in part becau~e the liqu id estab li shes unshy

iformly good COntac t wi th the e l etrode

The li gh t -~ens it i ve electrode in photoshy

e lec trochem ical ce lls is a sem ic o nductor

e it her a thin-fi lm or s ingle c rysta l a tt ached

to a metal back ing the other e lec trode is an

inert me ta l T he e l ectrode~ are immersed in

~ n elect rol yte solutio n o f a mater ial that carl do nate and accep t elect rons The b igges t

prob lem with many li lj ui d junct io n ce lls

~ays Mike is photocorros iol1 of the su rshy

face of the se miconductor To overcome

thi s problem he is developing materi a ls and

techniques to coat the e lectrodes with proshy

tec tive materiab

The first liquid junction cells with a

sili con anode opera ted for only a matter of

seconds befo re the e lec trode was des troyed

by corrosion Researche rs at the Solar Energy Research Insti tu te in C o lorado

U SA have developed a silicon anode

w ith a polypyrro le protect ive coating which

can o perate for hund reds o f hours but that is

still not long eno ugh for a viable commershy

cia l syste m

M ike and his colleague are making a

syste matic study of compounds tha t wi ll

both protect the electrode from corrosion

and catal yze the elect rode rca tion They

arc now worki ng with organo me tall ic comshy

pounds co mpris ing a metal atom sulfur

and an aromatic co m pone nt containing a func tiona l group li ke hyd roxy l sul phonate

ammoni um and nitroso

hese compounds are effect ive beshy

ca use they prov ide a mechanism to transfer

a ch arge bet ween the se mi co nd uctor and the e lectro n donor in solut io n The coating mus t

also be transpilrent e nough to a llow the light

to s trike the photocleetrode

To date they ha ve suneeded in deshy

veloping fi ve coat ings su itab le fo r a variet y

or se miconduc tors incl uding the polyshy

crysta ll ine cadm ium su lfide e lectrodes fabshy

riltated by Ron Fawce tt s method If polyshy

crystalli ne elec trodes can be fab ri (a ted and

coated wi th a protec tive materia l electroshy

chemically they wi ll be relati ve ly inexpe nshy

ive to manufac ture If the tech niques and processe s be ing

inve ~l igated by Ron Fawce tt and Mike Coc ivera de ve lop to tht ir full poten tial the

su n cou ld beco me a more import ant supplier

o f e lectri city in Ca nada Long-range proshy

jectio ns suggest that about 10 per cent of No rth A m rican e lectr ic it y could be proshy

duced from solar convers ion

Elec tric ity fro m the sun is no longer a

pipe-dream-it is a reachable goa l n

Grad News Louise (Sandall) Platt BA 69 is living

in Islington and teaching for the Etobico ke

Board of Educati on

Alexander Barton BSc 70 MSc 74 is work ing on a Ph D deg ree in the

Departme nt of Fishe ries and W ildlife at

Orego n Sta te uni vers ity

Gerry Kupferschmidt BSc 70 MSc

71 is living at R R I Osgoodc and is

tmployed as a sc ientific ad ise r to the


Murray Ross Gingrich BSc 71 Ii ves in

Brampto n and is work ing as a probation

officer for the Ministry o f Correc tio nal


Robert Cross BSc 72 M D is workshy

ing in the emergency department o f the

So uth Muskoka Hospital in Bracebridge

Edda Duva (Home) Kerr BA 74 lives

in G ue lph and is working as a program

co-ordinator for Casatta Ltd in Kitchener

Deanne Ch)y BSc 78 Ii ves in Etob ishy

coke and is working as a public health

inspector for the Ham ilton Wentwo rth Reshy

gio nal Health Unit

Alex McDonald BSc 79 PhD 83 and his wife Rosanne ( DeNobriga) BSc

79 are living in Austi n Texas whil e Alex

is do ing post-doctoral work at the Unishy

vers ity o f Texas

Ste~en Oliver BSc 79 o f Hamilton is a

medica l sa les repre sentati ve with Cyanamid

Canada Inc

Gordon Knox BSc 79 is a con~ ul ta nt

with Inform ation Systems Serv ices in Vicshy

toria BC

George Gillson BSc 80 is taki ng a

Ph D in Anal ytica l C hemis try at the Uni shyve rsity of Alberta 0


The College o f Arts Alumni Associat ion

DELPHA Editor Debbie (Nash) Chambers 77

has no w acquired the Shaw Festival ArshyThe Deans Roundup chives on permanent deposit T his is an

Last fall I had the privilege of speakshy

ing to the direc tors of the University of G uelph Alumn i Assoc iation to bring them

up to date on some of the excit ing things connected with the College of Arts I am gratefu l to the editor of DELPHA for this

opportu nity to let alumni readers know what we are do ing

I am pleased to be able to report a subs tant ial increase in enrolment both in the

B A program and in the College o f Arts this past yea r What is especially nice is that this has coincided with a dec is ion to tighte n our

standards at the admissions level and in the regulations for continuatio n of study

In o rder to grad uate B A students

who entered the Spring 19~3 Semester will need to obtai n a C average in 60 per cent of the courses they take

Most of o ur students are doing thi s now and we do not antici pate this will pose any

problem for the students whom we are ad mitting Next year students en tering the

B A program will be required to have Grade 13 English and we are strongly encouraging them to offer a Mathematics credit o r o ne in French or ano ther language

Applications from students wish ing to enter the B A program in the Fall 1983 Semester

are up subs tantia lly over last yea r I also want to share with you some

ha ppenings which have brought special delight to me

The U ni ve rsi ty of Guelph Choir

under director Ge rald e ufeld won second prize in the 1982 CSC nation al chora l competition

In the Harbourfront a rt show last

sum mer three o f o ur students had works se lected by the jury and each won a prize shya better show ing than any of the other O nshy

tario universities or colleges which entend T he C anadian- American Urban Hisshy

tory Co nference held at G uelph in A ugust

1982 was a tremendous success bringing sc holars from many parts of the United States and Canada to discuss new trends in urban studies

Dean David Murray

In the space of just a few months I have seen seven books published by faculty in the Co llege The subjects include Rudyard

Kipl ing Greek Philosophy Urban History Evolution and Darwinism Reli gion and Tolerance the dramatist Gra nville Barker

and a nove l written in French Last summer also saw the completion

of a very successful facu lty exchange beshy

tween o ur Department of Eng lish and the

Uni vers ity of Reading in Britain Dr Leslie Monkman went to Reading for the year and Dr Coral Howell s visited Guelph This

opportunity enab led Dr Howells to study modern C anadian writers and she is now

working o n a book to be published in Britain o n Canadian women wri ters Dr

Mo nkman lectured on Canadian literature at various places in Britain and in France as well as in Reading

T hro ugh the e fforts of the Department of Drama and its chairman Dr Leonard

Conolly and C ollections Librarian Jo hn Moldenhauer 68 the Uni versi ty Library

ex tremely valuab le re sou rce for theatre

scholars a nd the Univers ity is ve ry pleased to have a closer connection with the Shaw Festi val The Drama Department also has

Professor Dan Laurence the world s leadshying Shaw scholar as a distinguished Visitshy

ing Professor lor the ra il Semester Two large conferences were organized

during the Spring and Summer by faculty

and students in the Co llege Professor Ted Cowan of the History Department was in charge of the Scottish Heritage Festival held in uelph in May The Fes tival was a

ce lebrati on of the S co t~ 1d their contribushytion~ to Canada

In Au gust the Uni vers ity will host a major conference o n Common wealth lite rashy

ture bringing writers and schol ars to Guelph from allover the Com monweal th Professor Doug K illam chairman of the Department of English and a number o f col leagues are

now busily preparing to welcome guests from around the world

Through our liaison programs we have pioneered special day - long seminars at the

niversity for gifted children in Wellington County T he se programs are part of o ur commitment to assist secondary schools in meeting the challe nges of special education

J know many o f you will also be interes ted in knowing that last sLi mmer the

College awarded three new scholarships two of the m honouring the cont ribution made by former faculty members J Percy

Sm ith and W Stanford Reid The other marked the first presentation of the Edward Johnson Music Foundation scholarships for students in the music program

We are al l ac ute ly co nscious of the

financial pressure affecting the UnivLr ~ ity

of Guelph and othe r Canadian unive rsities

But we mus t no t le t these pressures detract from the vision of academic excellence to

which we are committed J think you will agree from the exaln ~Jk middot ha ve cited that this vision continues to glow brightly in spite of our financial plight We hope we can

co ntinue to co unt on your advice and your suppurt 0


It Was a Very Good Year T he Direc tor or the College of Arts Alumni Assoc iation have had a bus y year In January we launched o ur hrst Caree rs i lglll for in -coure stude nlgt Thanks to the exce lle nce and enthusiasm of our pane l l1len1bcr the evening was a success

Careers Night is to become an annual event and we would appreciate you r particishypation Any Art s grads wh o wo uld like to

vo lunteer their expertise for the e vening please do not hesita te to contact us

The Directors were also busy a rshyranling the second an nu al art show shyDI MENSIO NS middotS3 Due to the treme nd ous response to DI M ENSIOtS 82 the art show co mmittee organized DIM ENSIO NS 83 as aJu ricd show We are hoping that nex t yea r we will be able to mount a photography show as well a an art sho w

As you are probably aware in 1970 Wellington College was reo rganized into the Colleges of Arts Physic al Sc ience and Socia l Science This year our Assoc iation was asked to se lect a new College logo Thankgt to Dean Dav id Murray and the Deans Counc il we were given permission to use the graphics on the College of Art s Gold Medal It can be see n in the masthead of thi s issue The logo was designed by Erich Barth art dire ctor Department of [nshyformation and enco mpasses the di verse di s shycipiJnes fou nd within the College of Arts

Grad News Catharine (Gilnerlson ) Scott 70 is a wage and salary anal ys t tnivers it y of Waterl oo

Linda la) Bell 72 i the assistant conshysultant for thlto gifted We llington County Boa rd of Education GueJph

Lynn Barbeau 74 is the curator Educa shytion and xtension Macdo nald Stewart Art

entre Guelph

Wltlynr WellJauler 75 is corpora te mar shyke ting manager Gore Mutua l In surance Company Cambridgc

Renate Fisc her 76 is a consultant with the Woods Gordon Divisio n of Cl arkson Go rdon Chartered Acco untants Kitchener

jane Morley O AC MSc 81 is a career co nsultant Counse llin g and Student Reshysource Centre Un iversity of Guelph

Through the generos ity of the Alma Mater Fund our Assoc iation has been able to e stablish nv e sc holars hip s Thre e DELPHA awards for Gue lph alumni to continue their slUdi es at the gradu ate level at the University and two awa rds for part-time mature students These awards are greatly appreciated by the students who have reshyce ived th e m

Congratulatio ns are th e order of the day for Juli e (Russe ll ) Thur 78 Associashytion past pre sident and Linda Mackenz ie shyCordi ck 8 1 Assocration secre tary treas shyurer on the birth of their daug hters in March We wi sh them joy in their yo ung-

David Dell 76 is the in fo rmation o ffic er Reg ion of Pee l Brmiddotampton

jeff Miller 82 is a s tage manager for Profes sional Theatres Toronto

The above eight alumni were panel )11ember-s at our first annual Careers sJ ig ht held ea rlier th i yea r On ce again we offer our sincere thanks for their pani ci pation

lhugarel Reare 68 is senior research o f hee l Minis try of th e Soli citor General Ottawd

William Thiels 73 is a sys te ms analyst with Eas tman Kodak CO Roche ster t Y US A

Shardie D SteHnson 77 is assistant marketing manager Marsh and 1cLennan Ltd Winnipeg Man

Donald Syme 77 is with marketing pe rsonne l IC F Sydne y Australia

sters and look forward to the ir continued help in the Assoc ia tion in the future

C Nould lik e to re mind our fell ow alu mni to jo in or renew their membership in our Association De hbie ( Nash) Cham bers 77 editor of DF LPH A wo uld lik e any Ideas lor future artick that vould catch your interes t Our Assoc iati o n would also apprec ia te heari ng from you re gardin g eve nts that you wou ld be interested in attending Pl ease drop us a line in order that we may serve you better thus ~ eeping the line of co mmunic ation oren bet ween you and yo ur Alma v1ater

In closing I would like to acknowlmiddot edge With great a pprec iati o n the a istance that has been o ffclTU our Board of Direc tors over the pasl year

As al ways Dea n David Murray has bee n a va lued ad visor I wo uld li ke to thank Professor Ted Cowa n Department o f History for his Sprin g 19K3 OEPHA article on the Scottish Heritage Festival and Judy (Ma in) Ca rson 75 for he r help in preparalron of feature articles Spec ial thank s arc also ex tended to Rosemary Clark Mac 59 Asis tant Director Proshyg rams Dep artment of Alumni Affairs and Deve lopment and our Board of Directo rs who have wo rk ed so hard to mak e thi s a successful year

The term of 19X2-B3 has been a very grati fying one for all mem bers of the Associations Boa rd o t Directors We loo k for ward to 19K3-K4 anJ hope to hear from you Q

J ane Francis 78 is With Ilublic relations Vancouver Stock EXchange Vancou ver B C

Jonie Bunce 79 is a teacher 01 Art English and Thcatre Arts at 1 A Turn er Secondary School BrdrllptOl

Deborah Salmon 79 is married to Richard Light BS( 80 and li ves in Japanec Shc worb for the Empl o) mc nt and Im migrati on Commi ssion dnd Ri chlrJ works for a darrv in Kin gs to n

Shelagh Stevens 79 it station U)lllrshytwlle r Department o f -J atiunal [dc nce in f ova Slmiddototia

lidwtl Glanb 81 is a supervisor mar shyke ting comrlluni~ations Pitney-Bowe s oj

Canada Ltd Don Mill s

john (llanllllUnd ) Zelasko 81 rs ~ I

courtr(lOrn artist WKBW Buffalo New Ymk US I C



Alumnus of

Honollr 1983

Helen Christine AbeD Mac 38D

Amo ng the forerunners in the fie ld of rural soc iol ogy not only in Canada

but throughout the world and with a long career as a professor in numerous un iversities ac ross Canada Dr Helen C Abell has und oubted ly do ne much to promote a world -w ide reputation for her Alma Mater

Dr Abell has been most active in a numbe r of United Nat io ns programs designed to foster development of th ose in the Third World countrie s Although os ten sibl y retired she still co nt inues her wo rk as a cons ult ant in Socio-Economic De ve lopme nt assisti ng in develop ing sho rt -term project s as the occasion ari ses

As well as a Macdona ld Ins titu te Diploshyma Dr Abell obtained a BHSc (H ome Economics) from the Universi ty of Toro nto in 1941 and an MS (Human Nutrition) and a Ph D (major Rural Sociology and Agri cul shytural Economics) from Cornell University in 1947 and 1951 re specti vel y 0

Page 2: Guelph Alumnus Magazine, Summer 1983

We Appreciate Your Financial

Help But We Also Need Your

Loyalty Encouragement D uring my several years of involvement

in alumni affairs I have served as a representative for graduates of the C ollege of Phys ical Science and as a member and chairman of the Alma Mater Fund Advisory

Council [n addition 1think [have served on nearly

e ve ryone of the major UG AA sub-committees T his experience has already been of considershyable benefit to me and will surely prove

beneficial during my upcoming year as presishydent of the University of Guelph Alumni

Association The UGAA deals with many diverse

activities ranging from the senior Alumnishyin-Action program through to Zoo T rips

The Association has been administered very effectively in the past and with anticipated

room for growth in future years the need for a weJI-managed schedule of events becomes

even more necessary Alumni have an extremely important role

in supporting the University - not just financially I regret that if oftentimes appears that the University communicates with alumni only when it asks for money As I have said several times before we also need your loyalty

encouragement and participat ion [f I even attempted to list any of the

UGAA programs [would by error of omission UGAA Presidenl Barry Sl ahbourn CPS 74 misrepresent others Therefore I would merel y like to say that we will endeavour to make you aware of planned activities and that during the next year we will attempt to continue in the

tradition of providing a fu II and di verse plate of and Your goodies

Do keep in touch with your College

alumni associations - they are working very hard to represent your views on the G AA ParticipationTheir time and energ y is given freely to the UGAA and their collective efforts continue to

kee p the University of Gue lph alumni body

invo lved ste r FACS 75 for her outstanding efforts as The object ive of the UGAA as stated in president of the UGAA for the past year The

the Letters Patent is to mobilize on behalf of vital spirit and enthusiasm she brought to the the University of Guelph all the strengthshy GA A will remain wi th us My personal moral spiritual and financial of its alumni thanks to Jane to the G AA executive and to

My predecessor was instrumental in all UGAA members for a very successful year formulating a prescription for alumni involveshy indeed

ment and during the next year I plan to follow On behalf of the UGAA and all alumni I

that prescription and to take our med icine would like to thank President Do nald Forster

The UGA A is here for you so please feel free for his many candid conversations with us and

to contact us should you have ANY quest ions for his firm support for alumni and UGAA

concerns or brilliant new ideas programs Our gratitude goes with him and we

[n clos ing I would like to take this wish him every succe ss in his ne w appointment

opportunity to commend Jane ( Vollick) We b- at the Universi ty of Toronto 0


~ -- rib If t ( t a lJLlt AL F IZE LEI t I F ldItull tImiddot h h middot 4 middot thc l l1I~Il (lull~ 111 middotmiddot middotnII middot

-l l II 01 11 1- I 1L1 lidd I - I~r -1shy1~1Iln nmiddot~lt lnlllf III IIllInT middotIIlh 11111 1111111 IIIIdll(I l1)(n~lrll( 1Ihf l~ l ~llInn1 I tllt 1I111lyILII-11middot 1lt11 HlIL~1 thlrf)lllll Ill II 111111111-1 1IIfLlllhl tlJnmiddot 11111

bull llmiddot ll1rmlmiddotI llhAltmiddotLIt WilIIJ middotWIUYIIIIIItIIIlJl 1111111111 ll n L1I1 11 r chkllt flI-t rip IIhhk Ibn 1111 rhl YII 1fpn)I(

tI1I 111Ill-VrtIlII0I1I1I11Il1IU~C Ullll Alrll htll Tlll u[ IkL nmiddotlJllltJ)I1 IIUII111 luI 1111

l Ll L [l F FLl r ST Ef rEL middot ) 1 11middot~ Hf ttllltltfll1l CWlllty 1Irllll~ 01 Uk Url 1I I Glldh IIIbull bull1 lnlllIe wIth Inll1~ (( rrlnTIImiddot middot ntIIIIt(HITcflr U AIIIO Mln rlnIAliu1~ ll~ middot t middot

to 1 til I

- -~ I

In Recognition P rlt) fessor Donald Forster has atl enckd

hi s la~ t Al umni Wee ke nd as PreSident of tht L nivc rs ity of G uelph He will heeonlc Pres ident ufthe ni vcrs it y of Toro nto o n St ptc illher I

O n Sunday Ju ne 19 dur ing Alumn i WlLke nd XJ a luncheon was arranged for ~ iluJll ll i to recog nize Pres ide nt Forsters e ight ) ars of dedica ted service to the nive rs it y and his close rel at io nship with the U ni vns it y of Gue lph Alum ni Assoc iat ion

One or cveral afte rmiddot luncmiddothe() n speake rs UGAA Pas t Prcs ident Pcte r Anderso n We ll middotiX no ted that Preid ent Fors ter li s te ned to

our conce rn and spoke ope nly and fran kly to us Hi s te rm of o ffice un fo rtun ately covered a period dmin g which many res trict ions had to be appli ed Lu ck il y for us all he did not re str ict higt for ward middot look ing vis ion fo r ca mpus ~row th

O ne sh i n in~ ex ampl e of this I S the Macdonald Stewart Art Cent re o f which we are all very prolld We will mi ss hi s lead(Thi p a nd determinatio n

Pas t Pres ident Oli ve (Thompson ) Thom pshyson Mac 35 with whom the Pres ide nt share d a passion for ph ilate ly ohsc rved Ihat the Alma alu mni publicati ons by a co mm it tee re pre se ntshy ded icat ed loya l a nd de vo ted to the Uni ve rsi ty Male r Fu nd total for 1975 - the year that ing the L GAA and the co lle ge alumni and 10 lhe co lle ges Beca use o f this Im sorry Donal d Forster ca me to Guelph- was aisoc iati ons He ac ce pted their reco mmenda - to be leav in g Ihe Uni vers il y o f Gulph S 151 000 The sig ni fica nce orh is pre sence t() t ion to consolidate the ( lIelph A111111 II li S and the Im proud to leave the Univers ity o f shy

fJ rne ll leel 10 PrnidflIl Imiddot on ler illo ll)IIR II I IIIIll i r ccoRll i l io li 1llIl cilfOIl

I lc ld dllri llg A llI lI1 l1i Wcehelld 83 Il1 l1e 11 m celes lial chu rI1 II ere (l lI hilhei

h Ka rel i Ilard (~r A lllSl nelu lll ill 1705 Prncnnl ill U Fre llc h Chl l fW I

Imiddot i llce (illhliuili rJII il le (hu rI 1 slill aU (I S laquo(110 11 1 111 11 IIhell Ini ill cd 1 10 I

are UCA l IlII lI1 ediale PUSI Presidelll ja ll e (Vol i ck) We hSleF rACY 75 Prllidl l7l Fo rsler ul(l UCAfi Secr llarr ROls Pornmiddot CSS RO

al umni she noted ca n we ll be appreciated seve n indiv idu al coll ege alumni bull e tin s Guelph in a stro ng and stable co nd ition - at the whe n one considers Ihat the to tal rece ive d thc- r by bring ing abou t ohserved Janice Uni ver it y of Toronto it s another story I m d uring the 19H2 campaign wa more than an illlcgrati lln of Lnive rs il Y and alumn i new s slile there wll be a n upturn in uni versity $175000 fO m which we a ll have be nefitt ed fun d ing hut the ne xt whil e wi ll be hard for

Pas t Pres ident Ja nice (Rohc it son) Partshy In his r( ph to Ihe gat hering Preside nt uni ver ities in ge neral lI owever not SO hard lo w Art s 70 ap pJ a udedt he Presidc nt ~ FONer expressed hi s apprec iation tor ha vin g for j uc lph-hcre we have hi gh qua lity and leadership when fac in g severe gove rnme nt the lull support of middotmiddota ~ o()d academic ad mi ni middot programs that are sLco nd tn none My hea rtfe lt underfundi ng he in iti ated in 1979 a rev ie w o f tra tive a nd alumni tea m a ll ofwh() m are th anks to yo u all 0


SOlan Tornado Strikes ArboretuOl D uring the afternoon of May I a small

to rnado struck the fi ve-acre wh ite pine plantation in the northeast corner of the Uni versity A rboretum s Victoria Woods (corner of College Avenue and Victoria Road

South) T he damage ~as devastating the 78-year-uld pines were broke n like matchsticks o r wind-thrown in a fin ge r pattern away fro m the western edge of the plantatio n

For the Arboretum the loss is a very serious one not least because of the h ist ric importance of th is plantation w hich was planted in 190 5 by the late Dr Edmu nd John Zavi tl OACs firs t professor of Fores try who

ta ught Farm-Fores try and o perated a fores t tree nursery on ca mpus from 1904 to 19 12 Edmund Zav itz graduated fro m McMaster Universi ty in 1903 and obtained an M Sc degree in Forestry at Michigan Uni versity in 1905

His appointment to the OAC res ulted from ac ti vities by the O ntario Agricul tural and Experi menta l Union which in a 1902 resulushy

tion to the Ontario Guvernment requested that material s sufficient to refores t areas

sufficiently large to provide forest conditions in typica l situations throughout Ontar io be

made available The Union was chaired by the late Professor C harles A Zavitz a d is tant

relati ve of Ed mund Zavitz and one of the group of students of the O AC to receive the

degree of B S A in its first graduating cl ass o f 1888 and who immediately joined the OAC faculty

Recognized as the father of reforestashytion in O ntario Edmund Za vi tz became

Provinc ial Fo rester in the Department of Lands Forests and M ines in 1912

Fac d with the de vastation Arbore tu m

Di rector Erik Jorgensen was also faced w ith thc proble m of wha t to do about it

My firs t reaction was the same as that

ex pressed to me by Profe ssor Daviu Sm ith o f the Department of Botany and Genetics - let nature take its course W hat we have is the

co nsequence of a natural catastrophe and as such con stitutes a useful example for teaching

purposes If left essentially as is with only removal of the tree s blocking the walking trail s through the area the natural regenerative proce sses could be documented over time

and would eventually provide information useful to Arboretum personnel and for teaching

purposes However a close examination by Erik and

his staff has confi rmed th at the fallen trees have considerable val ue and if retrieved through a lumbering operation would provide sufficient fund s to co ver the cost of c lean-up and

replanting with maybe so me funds left ove r for o ther Arboretum developments

Therefore the decision has been mad e - that the plantation should preferably beco me an extension of the ex isting adj acent

sugar maple woodlot which by stand ard is small as it stands today

Other factors that led to this decision inc lude the poss ibility that the present condishytion would lead to continued storm damage as a large number o f trees are on theirway down o r ha ve very thlll crowns which will break

Also leaving the pine as is pose s a hazard to other co nifers in the Arboretum as one might expect a large build-up of bark beetles Ips pini amon~ o thers capable of killing he althy trees when they occur in large numbers

One stro ng factur was the recognition that the section o f the Arboretum affected is the focal po int of publ ic programs and shuuld be

aesthetically pleasing The U nivers ity does ha ve at present the large wooded section

so uth of the Stone Road as a natural area w here nature is allowed to take its cou rse

It is planned to establish a cover crop of ha rdwoods and subseque ntly underplant w ith

sugar maple in two or three years This technique is an experimental one and CQuld be of importance to southern O ntario where the Minis try of Natura l Resources at prese nt has ve ry little ad vice fo r farmers who wan t to extend sugar bush o perations

By opti ng for a clean-up operation observed Professor Jorgenson we are eli minating a ques tionable teaching and research s ituat ion and we are creating a pos itive one 0


Atthe picni( IlIn(h The Aji fc onomics harhecue VG AA IIImediate Pal t Presidellt

j a ll P (Vo lick) Wehste r F4CS

75 with Pres idellt Fors ter

A tOllr SIO[i (lith e Ca rrio jiC Ho us(

Olll~()illg OVCAA Prelid t A rci1 ic Mo cKin shy

IIll ove n iill Dr We lld Porker (JVC

71 the U VC Ail ljirSljilwle [i re s idol


john Robersoli OAC 3R alld ijra ndda llg hter Ma ndy Portio

Class oJ Ma c 33 ot the Golden A nni erlon Dinner


Olr hI sc h oo l hlls ro rh e

CBSA 1I poundlow Gor ge Walk

- J ~

OurgoinR OACAA Prelide nr H enr I SWnlel

OAC 55 righi (lll d il1 m ll1ing Presidenl Don

RiseJro llgh O AC 77

Dr A Gram MiIlt lI l r OAC 35 lIlI d ove 38 l ei Presidellr Friellds (~ u or G lIi rh

M orin FunsfOn OAC 32

AI rhl pO II ((k l In(akjclSf

LIII(hrilllei)r PUIII Milard OAC 67 I ilt Lindo (11pound1 rh eir

liJlr l o l(lIgsrers

Oea ll S it~er OA 5 1 i lll Iw rr rai rl Ii) rh e OAC Jourti f(JO JJ1 jro l1l OA C

72 f( R2 unci iJl hOlnlti-oll1 OAC 83 L fIJ ) MllrJ( I POrrlOIlS OAC R3 Weekend 83 O oro rhl SI jr er rhe 0 1( 11 a lld ValeriI Wen OAC 83A


Class oj () AC U (If rh e Col dclI Allll i (Is( r l Dinner


Pauline StepsDoWD An intervie w with Dr Pauline McGibbon by Andrea Mudry Fawcett

A In stepping down as Chancellor you are leaving people at the niversity of Guelph with many memories including your rather spectacular arrival in 1977 in horsemiddotdrawn land au and the time you took off from convocation in a helicopter What memorie s of the University will you take away with you

P Well I will certainl y remember the beautiful campu s and the friendline ss of everybody At Guelph s Board of Governors meetings I was struck by the vast difference between what was almost a famil y affair as compared to the Governing Council at the Uni versit y of Toronto where [ was pre viously Chancellor really liked the meetings of the Board of Governors at Guelph The meetings at Toronto

are so much larger with people sitting in rows in a room Perhaps you feel more intimidated to get up and speak Not that that ever applies to me

A As Lieutenant-Governor of Ontario and Chancellor of two uni versities you have fulfilled role s which involve a fair amount of pomp and circum stance Do you feel that there is a place in the modern world for such ceremonie s

P Yes I feel very strongl y about that about graduati on ceremonies for example That is one time when a university publicly pays tr ibute to student s for what they have achieved Perhaps for the first time the graduates and

their families are going to see that they are now part of an ac ademic tradition I would like to compliment Gudph on the way the faculty turns out for graduation Because the acauemic procession as it enters with faculty members in co lourful gowns robes and ca ps from uni vcrsities around the world adds greatl y to

the ceremo ny It s awfully nice to ee such colour to hear the orches tra and that excellent choir you ha ve I rea ll y love the graduation cere mony

A How did you develop th is feeling fo r tradition ) Did the fac t that you studied hi story at uni versity co ntribute to thi s apprec iation)

P Really I think it s my sense of theatre Tha t~ o ff the top of my head because [ ve

never thought about the que stion before But I do ha ve a tendency whether it s in a church a

uni ve rsity the leg isl ature or the House of Commons of always see ing ceremonies with that theat ri cal look behind my eye People should be able to feel that they are taking part in a meaningful occas ion

A So it is not mere ly a question of staging a ceremony but ol really undeliining the fact that th is ri tual is part of an important tradition The theatric s then become mainl y a means of helping to convey that fact Did your family haw a strong sense of tradition

P I dont know that [ was really conscious of such things before atte nding uni ve rs it y Whil e growing up in Sarnia I doubt very much that I was co nsc ious of tradi tions Perhaps it started during my univerSity years

You must reme mber that [ came from a communit y of about IS 000 to the Uni ve rsity of Toronto where I lived in residence I was just so w ide-eyed Eve rything seemed so glamorous You know I came down with money fr om my grandfather who said I was not to sta y if I didn t like it Before I left he gave me the trai n fare home You see I was co mpletely spoil ed Of course I just loved it

A T he fac t th at you were Ontari os Lieutenant-Governor while you were the Chancellor at Guelph ce rtai nly me ant that you were busy But also as Her Majesty the Queen s offi c ial representative yo u were not free to speak on education oron politics Would you care to comment on the state of educati on now

P Well heal th and education are making terrifi c finan cial demands on provincial budgets J get completel y torn between wanting to see more money in both en velopes if you want to put it that way Im rea lly concerned about the l ack of money for our uni versities I think that they re right down to the bone and Im concerned about the fu ture If things dont improve then were goi ng to lose our staff to


III rl m gllition of her service to the Unimiddotersi since 1977 Dr Pauline M cGibbon

IllI S prlsented with two millia ture hand- craft ed replicas of th e Uni vers ity mace a t a

SenateBoard of Governors dinne r during sprin g Com oealio ll on lU1I 1 I With hlr

is Prrgtsident Donald Forster

the United Sta tes O ur eq uipment is getting old

and has to be re placed as do o ur buildings I

just wish we could find mo re mo ney in o ur unive rs ities and J use that in the plural

A It has been co mmented that sin ce Do n

Fo rste r is a bache lo r you ha ve been helpful in

setting him at ease in the social aspec ts o f his

role For examp le yo u me ntioned the

graduatio n lunche o ns

P We ll Don was Pro vos t when I was the

Chancellor at Toronto su tha t we were not

strangers to o ne another no t that we knew each

o ther that we ll Poss ibl y the fact that he had

wa tched me in ac tio n at Toronto may be one

reaso n why he asked me if I wo uld le t my name

stand as C hance llor fo r G ue lph Now I ve

rJs hl y said that Ill be glad to do an ything I can

do to he lp hi m whe n he co mes to Toronto as

Preside nt It is not going to be easy for hi m

A You have bee n the firs t woma n to hold many

othe r key positi ons hese incl ude bei ng

Director of IBM Ltd Presi dent of the Canadian Co nference o f the Arts and

Lie utenant-Gove rn or of On tari o Is this

indi cati ve o f aeha nge in peo pl e s perceptio n of

women s abil i ties w he ther it is in bu si nes

ed ucat io n or government

P Ve ry definitely attitudes are changing I

co nsider that at the begi nning I Jus t happened

to be in the right pl ace at the righ t t ime Howeve r a ll you have to do is watch the

finan cia l pages o f you r newspaper to see the way wome n are coming ahead Such changes

are partly due lthink to the femini st

moveme nt whi ch emphas ized and broug ht to

the attention o f people so me o f the handicaps under which women were functi o ning

ow I m not o ne who supported the

Ch ancelor Paufine McGibbon raquoith

extremes o f the feminist movement such as the

extra vagant prose the hraburni ng all tha t type

o f stuff I ca ll it stuff yet in the nex t breath

I say it did have an im pact Whethe r the y agreed or disagreed people a t las t began to

thi nk about ce rta in issues concerning wome n Pro bl ems w ith sa laries career advanccment

and pr j udi ce suc h as the idea that it is no t

good to work fo r a wo man a r~ example

The moveme nt seems to have slowed

duwn now I see both s ides and on no t consider

my~e l f a fence -s itte r l think the majority o f

people realize w hat certa inl y reali zed all

alo ng Yo u cannu t ge t ahead withou t the

suppo rt of men Men and wo me n have gut to

work toge ther fo r the ben fi t o f both I ha ve to

say in all hones ty that [never felt di sc ri minated

aga ins t in any way no matter wh at [ dio I ve

always gotte n al ong we ll with men Ilike men

and they sec m to l ike me

A M aybe that is part o fil T hey sense that the

rel a tio nship is a positive one Yo u enjoy their

company they enjoy yo urs and they can see

that you ha ve the mcessary qualit ies fo r a g ive n

pos itio n

Vell it s ce rtainly go ing to be the end o f

an era a t Guelph when you and Do n leave Im

sure thin gs will ca rry o n and there will be ne w

delights but were a lways sor ry to see a fine

time end

P Thank yo u Id hate to have yo u not feel

sor ry tha t we are leav ing But the new

Chancell or Bill Ste wart isjus t go ing to be

tops He had an assoc iatio n with Guel ph for a lo ng time when he was Ministerof Agriculture

I can t th ink of a better choice 0

Erich Barth arl director Enf orillaion Se rshy

vices who co-ordinaled the creation of Ihe two Uniersity iliacI lII in iafures th at

Yoere presented to her One mace is a displm model a bout on e-eigh th f ull size the o ther repli ca is a j our- in ch kill p in


Dual Income Families

Presstires and

By Mary Cocivera

A stroll through a typical neighbourhood

shatters any illusions about mothers stayin g at home with their young children

Most neighbo urhoods that a decade ago

would ha ve been bu stling with coffee klatches

neighbours visiting over the fence and back yards full of children playing are now all but deserted during the week

Young mo thers are not home with their

preschool children Instead they are in shops factories and offices working to help stretch

their families budgets Women particularly mothers of young

children are working outside the home in increasing numbers In 1971 in two-parent

families 38 pe r cent of mothers with children

under 16 worked outside the home By 1977 that proportion had increased to 58 per cent

The increases are even more dramatic for

women with children under s ix years old the

gro up traditio nally portrayed as staying home with their preschool children F ro m 1971 to 1977 the proportion of these mothers from

two-parent familie s who worked outside the home rose from 41 per cent to 51 per cent

Participation in the labour force has

increased steadily fo r all women since 1960 when fewer than 30 per cent of women over 25 were in the labo ur force By 1982 more than 48

per cent of the same group worked outside the home Further inc reases are prOjected until at least 1985 Canadas Families a doc ument

based on the 1976 census reported that in 54 per cent of families both spouses were working

o llts ide the home

Payoffs Why the Change

Women have been entering the labour

force for a variety of reasons economic ami otherwise Professor Kathleen Brown a family

economist in the Department of Family Studies suggests that soc ial pressures have

pushed many women particularly those in middle-age withgrown children out of the

house and in searc h of self-fulfillment Some of these women ma y feel theyre

missing something by staying at home when most of their peers are working outs ide the home and have their own discretionary income

Hard cold ca sh is the reason behind most womens decision to work o utside the homc Young families are particularly vulnerable to

economic upheaval s Profess or Brown explains because their expenses peak before their incomes

Many young two-income couples stretched their budgets in the early 1970s to

purchase a hou se with the expectatio n that their inco mes would rise and the payments would beco me increasingly eas ier to make

Then interest rates soared they had to renew

their mortgages at much higher rates and their la rger monthly payments s till needed two or mo re incomes to meet those payments

Wives who intended to stop working outside the home to have a family suddenly

realized that they wo uld have to keep working to keep the family home They were counting

on continued economic growth and on inflatio n eas ing their debt burden observe Professor Brown but they didn t allow enough flexibility to adjust to developments like the

unexpectedly high mortgage rates Some middle c la ss home owners may

actually be worse off no w than they were in the early 1970s according to consumer economist


Professor W ill iam Frisbee from the De partment of Consumer Studies T his problem is likely to be particularly aeu te among families who purchased homes in the 1970s W hat has caught families in the wild t1uctuation

in interest rates We can no longer ant icipate what the situation will be like in th ree or four years Conside ring that buying a house is a 25shyto 30-year proposilion this uncertainty can really put families in a bind

Wives who work outside the home have not only saved many a family home but they have kept low income families above the poverty line Women and Poverty a report

by the National Council of Welfare published in 1979 estimates that 52 per cent more two- spouse income families would fall below

the poverty line if the wives did not work outs ide the home

Wives who work outside the home

represent all social and economic strata from the lowest income families to the very highest

Many wives who are pursuing life-long careers always expected to work outside the home and

they married men who supported their ambitions

At the other extre me are women who

never planned to work outside the hom or who intended to stop working outside the home if children arrived These women frequently married men who believe that the husband

should be able to provide for his family W hen these women venture outside the

home to work there can be tremendous conflict

between the traditional values and the financial

necess ity of going out to work Their husbands often feel that their role as famil y head and bread w inner is being undermined They have d iffi culty cop ing with their wives increased independence and economic clout the wives try to live both the traditional role and carry on with thei r jobs

Far-Reaching Benefits Women enter the labour force for

monetary reasons bu t o ft en the payo ffs go far beyond the economic The late Professor A nne Cal laga n who was a soci al worker and

soc iolog ist in the Department of Family Stud ies believed that women be nefi t psychologically and that marriages can be stre ngthe ned whe n both part ne rs work outside the home Ci ting a study about the

decision-making process in famili es she observed that most couples start married life

with an equal rights relationship The wife s input into important decisions

reaches its lowest point when she is stuck at home with small children As the children get older and more independent the wife regains

some of her say in family dec isions but her input never reaches the level she enjoyed a t the beg inning of the marriage A wife who works outside the home maintains her influence in

decision- mak ing throughout the marriage With both partners working husband and

wifc are forced to communicate more and to work out the often complex arrangements for the care of the children Increased comshy

municat ion leads to more companionship In the trad it ional family with a husband who

has a job and a wife who does not work outside the home the wife organizes the children and the couple s social life

In many cases she and her husband operate in completely different spheres and communication declines Many of these marriages flounder in mid-life because there is little in the way of common interest after the

children leave home Many observers have linked marriage

failure to economic woes and to women

working outside the home Professor Callagan challenged this link The wife by working

helps combat one of the biggest sources of stress faced by married couples - money

Professor Frisbee wonders whether marital problems that have been blamed on

fi nancial woes are really caused at least in part

by isolation and loneliness [n geographically mobile societies young

couples often move away from both fam ily and friends and sell Ie in communities where they

have no close personal ties with other peo ple Whe n the pressures of jobs child care arrangeshyments and finances become too much to handle such familie s cannot call on parents

grandparents brothers and sisters and long-established friends T he pressure s become

in te rnal ized to the im mediate family and the relationship cracks under the stress

In spite of the pressures and demands of a job outside the home a wife enjoys personal

benefi ts according to Professor Callagan By contributing in a concrete visible way to purchasing the house (and the car and the food)

she earns the appreciation of her husband and chil dre and thus enhances her se lf esteem

By simply gelling out of the hou e a mother with ajob becomes more indep ndent builds a social life of her own and develops interes ts outside of he r house and fam il y All of

thi s adds up to beller mental health

Changing Roles If w ives are entering the labour force are

the ir husbands accepting more of the responsibi lity for raising the children and running the home

Roles at home have not changed as much

as some would expect Studies in Vancouver and Hal ifax found that men increase their house work and child care contributions by an average of one hour a week when their wives get jobs o utside the home

It appears that most men seem to make

their contributions in the more pleasant tasks such as putting the children to bed By and large the working mother s till has to contend wi th the laundry cleaning shopp ing cook ing and famil y scheduli ng If one of the chi ldren

gets s ick it is sti ll the mother who is usua lly

expected to adjust her schedule

Yet to come is a real sharing of the chore s around the house a perceptible shi ft in the division of labour at home

Wo men w ith jobs are no t limited to

mothers in two-parent families Divorced widowed and single women who mayor may not have children also compete for those jobs and face the same if not worse economic

pressures Wives with jobs outs ide the home

however are ojlel di smissed as not

economically important because many people assume (incorrectly) that they have husbands to

sUPflort them and their real job is to take care of the ir children

Todays thousa nds of moms who work

outside the home challenge this outmoded

notion Their pay cheques are as impo rtant a contribution to theirfamilies as their husbands

A report by the C anad ian Advisory

Council on the Statlls o f Women points out that between 1969 and 1979 the number of women in the labour force inc reased by 616 per cent with the g reatest gain being among mothers of young children

Between 1976 and 1980 according to the report the number of mothers with children under three who were in the labour force

increased by a staggering 276 per cent This raises important questions about societys ability to cope with these social changes

Some 15 or 20 years ago the mother who worked outside the home was the exception rather than the rule She could make arrangements with an obli g ing neighbour to

care for her chil d re n all Jay or to intercept them after sc hool and at lunch time

Today mothers without jobs are the

exception Find ing the obliging ne ighbour is becoming more diffic ult and famili es are making more fo rmal arrangements for day care and afte r school care In many cit ies however the re is not enough day care to fil l this demand

Here to Stay It has been pred icted tha t w ives will keep

working outs ide the ho me because they will have to Fami lies will become u ed to the com fort o f a two- income standard of l iv ing and will be unwilling or unable to g ive it up

The socia l forces that have led women in search of self fulfill me nt and equality in the work place w ill continue to influence womens

life work Many young girls still think of a job as a temporary situation but the reality is that being ma rried happily ever after is a myth for most women Women and Poverty points out th a 94 out of every 100 women marry but only 26 of them can expect to live w ith their

husbands until death Some 53 of the original 94 will become w idows and 15 will divorce or

separate Todays wives and mothers who work outs ide the home will be better prepared to

pursue life on their own if and when they

have to 0


The Stewart Bennett Bequest middot $600000 By John Hearn

When Stewart B nnett industriali st

fa rmer catt le and horse hreeder 3rt

colle tor and past member of the nivers ity of Guelph s Board of Governo rs di ed in Aug us t last year his will specified a bequest o f

$600 000 to the University which w~s

co nfinned on the death of h is widow Violet

w ho al so died last yea r

By any standards Stewart Ben nett s life

must be described as a success story a 90-year record o f persona l achievement any man m ight

envy Born in T oronto in 1892 he graduated in

engineering from the Uni ve rs ity of Toronto went up to Oxford Jo ined the Roya l Eng ineers on the outbreak of World War One served wi th di stinction as a captain and was awarded the

Military Cross He re turned to the niversity of Townto

to lec ture at the fac uity o f Applied Sc ience from 192 1 to 1925 then launched a busin ss career which was to lead to directorships with some of the country s most succe ss ful corporations

These included the Phoenix Assurance Co of herd which has been sending champions to niversity of Guelph goes back to the days Canada Dominion Stores Ltd the Boiler international Ii vestock expositions for more when he was a member of the Board of Rege nts Inspection and Ass urance Co of Canada and than 40 years The firs t Canadian-bred Shortshy of the Federated Colleges and remained to

the C anada Permanent Trust Company He horn bull to be shipped to Scotland was sent by serve as a member o f the nivcrsitys first became pres ident of Beardmore amp Company in Scotsdale Farm in 1970 and as recently as Board of Governo rs for another e ig ht years 1940 and served as vice-president of Canada 1981 Stewart Ben nett had the upre me He was al so president of the Royal Packers Inc for 18 years Champion Bull at the eNE Agricultural Winter Fair in 1953-4 and se rved

It might be argued however as to who While all this was going on he was for many years on it s executive T he Royal

was the real Stewart Bennett-the shrewd buildi ng a si gnificant collection of Canadian art Agricultural Winter Fair and the Georgetown

Industrialist or the man who bought himself a and served as a member of the council of the Di s trict Memorial Hospital are equal

540-acre farm in the Credit Valley and turned it Toronto Art Gallery Hi s 100 or more canvasmiddot beneficiaries with the University in his estate

into a beauty spot He lined its handsome ses by Tom Thompson A Y Jackso n and What el se would a man need to round out a driveway with evergreens and dammed streams JE H MacDonald among o the rs have been long and successful life but a perfect marriage

to create a lake as a home for his two swans bequeathed to the Ontario Heritage Foundation and this too was not denied him He married

Th( felle Violet alld Stewart Bennell

Nor was he content to be a city man with a which has al so been named to manage the Violet Letty Fairbanks in 1922 She died 60

country home He is honoured among cattle Be nnett farm years later two months after Stewart of a

breeders for his famous Sc otsdale Shorthorn Stewart Bennetts connection with the broken heart 0

III this picture athe UniersitV s first Board o(Co ernors St ewart 8el1 ( (( is third rolltefl



The AMPUl Experience A Most Significant Training Program For Hospitality Industry Leaders By John Hearn

When The Univers ity of Guelphs Schoo l of Ho tel and Food Administration

s taged a four-week Ad vanced management Program for the Hosp italit y Industry (AMPHI) earlier this year the y presented the

ni versity with an exercise in log istics of unprecedented complex ity Bob Desautels HI-I 7S who as involved in the advance planning fm more than a year before the e vent explaincd the special nature of the prohle m

A MPHI was to be a four-week conce ntrated coursc designed to meet the standards of two dozen o f Canada s most senior hospitality exec utive s who must he regarded not just as expeI1S but also as connoisseurs in the art of loo king after people Meeting those standards assembling an experienced faculty and generating very large quantities o f all-new course material mandated a course fee of $5000 At those rates participants were entitled to expect the hest of everything

The curriculum was programmed in detail fro m 630 am through 1000 pm every day The gt[re nuous nature o t the intellectual demands left the partic ipants with ne ither the time or the energy to do very much in the way of fending for themsel ves Another important constraint was that eve ry activity formal and informal had to be structured in such a way as to be conducive to mainwinin g continuous dialogue betwee n the paI1icipanh at all times

Gicn these criteria Bob sought the aid of vinually evcry serv ice department in the

nivc rgtitj Co-operation was be ne rous and unstintin b middot he rcpmtgt We asked for setvice lllore ugtually as sociated with hetterclss hotch and eve ryone rose to the occasion Faced with such sophisti cated palates food scrv ice had to he at the top 01 the list and Dave Boeckner assistant manager opc rmiddotations Food Services pulled out allthe slOpS tor us

A Public Statement

For Garry Round Food Serv ices director A VlPHI offered a unique o pportunity to make a puhlic statement about the capahililie s of hi orbani7ation which had hee n I()(l~in g for just such a challen ge 10 break through the ima ge prohlem us ually assoeiatcd with universit y

latcrin g

Let s face it he aid unive rsities in bene ral arc popular locati ons for summcr Llln krcnccs Im onc excellent rcason - the price is ri ght Student s roo ms arc availahle at camp-site rates and lor $ IISO a day peopl e

ca n eat well in one of ou r cafeterias What makes thc University of Guelph

different With onc of the bigges t residen t student populations in Canada with in-house catering and an nual sales in the $6 million brmiddotacke t we have a resource base capabl e ot sustaining an hillll ( (lIilil7 ( culinary staff and allowing us to take on special functions that would be impossible for an y other university in Canada

This opinio n was e nthus iasticall y endorsed by the AMPHI participant s wh o aw arded a standing ovation to the s taff led by Domenico Ran alli executi ve chef and Incz Scapinello operations manager during the final banquet - a sea Cood spectacu lar capped by copi ous quantities of Baked Alaska

The final banquet was by no means except ional Steak and lobste r eSla rgot and mushroom ca ps were almost com monpl ace Breakfas t offered a choice of cereals an exoti c display of fresh fruit s and such niceties as eggs bened ict The scale and variety of lunches had to be cut back alter the first week in respo nse to

the part icipants groans of too much

Front Rank Convention Centre

As Inez Scapinello tell s it AMPHI was not so much a challe nge as an opportunity We did nothing we had not do ne before Dome nico was not ca lled upon l(l create any new menu items although we did try some innovati ve combinations

A a howca sc for Domcnico Ranalli talent s A M PH I WIS nothi ng less than a Will dl

il(( Wi th 2~ sucCssivc dinners each of which earned rave re views without once repeati n[ himself and consisting or nothing ne w moves the University of Gue I ph into the front rank of convention centre~

Satis fied that food sc-rv ice was in good hands Bob Desautels wa s able to turn his attentio n 0 other logis til problems

Th e I MPHI course was basltd on the case teachin g method A tcam ofHA PAcase writers worked for more than two yea rs assemhling a packa ge or some 600 studies of critical si tuatio ns pertincnt to the contlrl1porary Canadran hospitalit y sce ne They travelled as lar as British Co lumbia in search or authentil re levant material all of which had 10 be reproduced It was Bob Desautels job to superv ise the printing and hindin g of the IOOD-page required reading Ialk agc hand ed III (deh urthe panic ipants on arrival plus industr)

notes the teaching material s and equipmclll required by the e ight-man facult y under HA FA Director Dr Tom Powers

Sleeping accommodation in the nearest residence to th l Schoo l was a simple student environment with th e addilOn of a private pho ne in each morn In~ talled for the duration of the course Valet and laundry se rvice not usually part of the l niversit ys conference offering was available Credit pri vi leges at the Un ivers ity branch o f the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce was arran ged for each of the participants

Hospitality L e ad ers Night People Successful hospitalit y industry leaders are

marked by certain co mmo n characteristicsshyhigh energy leveis capac ity for long and erratic hours strong people skill s creati vit y and a sense 01 humour The day beginning with a 645 am run continuing through three morning ca studie s followed by study sessions keep fit classes and physica l games in the afternoon and more group study sessions in the evening rare ly ended at the prescribed 1000 pm Hospi tality industry leade rs are night peop le

Stimulated by the intellectual dema nd s of the course and by interaction wit h thei r peers and faculty (w ho stayed with thern right through the long day) the y we re till left with energy to burn off in a serie s of theme parti es whi ch sent Bob Desa utels scouring the di strict to su ppl y thei r eso teric demands - one complete fem ale gorilla outfit for cxarn pk

The course ended when Prcsid ent Donald Forste r prese nted the graduate with certificatcs (w hich had 10 be spec iall y designed and printed) and the graduates pre se nted the faculty with mock certificates (which also had to be designed and pri llled)

How well did it all wo rk 0 We c hecked double checked and tripie c hecked eve ry possihilit y in advance said Boh De aute ls The on ly qUls tion we had left on the eve ofthc confe rcncc was whell have we missed As it tran plredthe answer see rns to ha ve heen not much

Participants wcre unanimous rn their evaluation of AMPIII as incomparahl y the mos t si g nificant rnanagementtraining lx pcrr cnce of their liv es All of them werT ve teran s of coursegt g iCn hy uniers itie s private managem ent dc ve lopment institutions and in-house conicrenccs hut none had been through an experienlc as rewarding demanding superhl rganied and positi ve in its long term consequCrlle as this one

For the faculty and gtUpPllrt stall more Jccutorllcdtothc energy leve ls of under shygradulles AvIPHI made unpncccknted phyical and mental demands - hut plans for AMPHI ~I arc alrcadv in the orb and applicant s are lx[1clted from allo ver th e cun tinc nL C



indiviJual champions Peter Domarchuk Mitch Mason hri s Crooks and LeonarJA Year to REMEMBER

By D ick Freeman

A full house in excess of 430 people crowded Peter Clark Hall at the Univershy

sity of Guelph in March to celebrate a year of intercollegiate sports competition and to honshy

our its 198283 champions The year started with a 16 to 10 football

victory over the OQIFC champion the Conshy

corida Stingers and ended with a third consecuti ve CIA U wrestling championship In

between a well-balanced Gryphon athletic program proudly and successfully represented

the University of Guelph When the awards had been announced a

pair of Hockey Gryphons had struck for the hat tri ck Ray Irwin was named the 198283 Male Athlete of the Year the W F Mitchell Sportsman of the Year(forathletics leadersh ip)

Ray Irwin Male Athlete of the Year

When Vice-President Administration Charles Ferguson presented Ray Irwin with

the 1982-83 University ojGuelph Mal e Athlete of the Year award it was the culmination ofa story-book seasonfor the Sudbury native

In earning his third straight first team

all- star berth Ray led the OUAA in assists with 40 and added ten goals to finish as the only dejenceman in the leagues top ten scorers His on-ice brilliance caught the eye of Canadas

Olympic Team and at mid-season he was chosen to represent Canada in a tournament in Czechoslovakia

In a game against the nations numbershy

one ranked Toront o Blues he scored once and assisted on three other scores

Perhaps more significant though was his

selection as the W F Mitchell Sportsman of the Year This award honours leadership and strength ofcharacter two qualities that are

abundant in this HAFA student

and collected his third straight team Most

Valuable Player Trophy Another all-star hockey performer Sue

Scherer was named the Female Athlete of the

Year Sue earlier was named Most Improved Player on the Field Hockey squad as well as

Most Valuable Performer on the Women s Ice Hoc key team

Bev Rankin a member of the Womens

Athle tics Council and Women s Field Hockey team was honoured as the recipient of the W F Mitchell Sportswoma n of the Year Award Other major award winners inc luded Basketballs Greg Hook- Don Cameron

Memorial Trophy for Most Improved Athlete

Volkyballs Michelle Turley - Mary Beverley-Burton Award for Female Rookie of

the Year and Scott Hobson - Ted Wildman Memoria l Trophy as the outstanding graduatshy

ing football player Alderman Jim Whitechurch Arts 8 1

presented City of Guelph plates to Canadi an Champions These included wrestlers Ken Bradford Chris Crooks and Peter Domarchuk

as well as football All-Canadians Pe ter Langshyford Junior Ro binso n Salvatore Benincasa

and vlrke Hudson Hud son it should be noted earned All-Canadian honou rs for the third

consecuti ve year only the second player ever so honoured

In addition to the team Most Valuahle and Mo st Improved awards as listed below the

gathering honoured OWlAA champions Barb Jonak - Arc hery and Jane Herner- Alpine Skiing The mens wrestling team captured a

fourth straight OUAA titl e anchored by


Archery Trophy Barb Janak Most Impro ved Basketball Trop hy (men) Greg Hook Bill Dlmson Memorial Trophy Michael 5cs(0 Demck Lewis Most Irnproved Basketball Trophy (women) Beth Pulsifer Basketball Award (women) Joa nne Hurd Badminton Trophy (women) Kelly Breedon BadmintOn Trophy (me n) Tai Ching Leng Cross-country Running Trophy (womcn) Tracey RObinson Curling Trophy Jill Rowen Brian Davenport Most Improved Field Hockey Trophy Susan Scherer Field Hockey Trophy Karen Mc Bride Most Improved Football Trophy Pat Tracey Letlermens Club Award Mike Eykens Most Improved Ice Hockey Trophy (women) Michelle Turley Coaches Hockey Trophy Susan Scherer Walter Rickard Memorial Trophy Bruce Kilgour Jack Pos Intercollegiate Hockey Award Ray IrwlO leuan Evans Intercollegiate Rugger Trophy Jeff Baldock Most Improved Soccer Trophy Gudio Frasson Bill McAnurf Soccer Trophy BII Davis Most Improved Swimming Award (women) Stephanie Doll Swimming Trophy (women) Pam Johnson Most Improved Swimming Trophy (men) Kirk Weber Swimming Trophy (men) Peter Koiisnyk Synchronized Swimming Trophy Lisa De Laplante Tennis Award (women) Maureen McKillop Most Improved Volleyball Trophy (men) Blair Carley Volleyball Trophy (men) Tim White Mosllmproved Volleyball Trophy (women) Francine Taillefer Volleyball Award (women) Joellen Barr Most Improved Wrestling Trophy Peter Oomarchuk Wrestling Trophy Ken Bradford

Stevano Altogether 18 Gryphons were nameJ

to league all-star teams Two athlete s were presented with trophies

as the best in their sport in Canada Peter Langford the J P Metras Trophy as Canadas

Outstanding Defensive Lineman and Ken Bradford as the Outstanding Wrestkr at the

19828 3 championships Director of Athletics Dave Copp sumshy

med up the year in his closing remarks as he

thanked the athlete s and coaches for their superb efforts We are proud of your achievements in 198283 competition Let us work together to make 198384 eve n more

memorable Judging from the fact that the majority of

alhletcs and guests danced and partied to the wee hours it was obvIOus that they were full of the Gryphon spirit It s truly fun- catch it 0

Su e S cherer Female Athlete of the Year

Vice-Presidelt Academic HOl-ard Clark presentation of the 198283 Female Athlete of the Year (ward to Sue Scherer was greeted with a TOar njpproal Howe le r the awardfor

excellence displa yed in ice hockey andjield hodn was reallv 011 11 the tip of the iceberg

Afifih semester sociolog student Sue anchored the Grlphons defence and in fact

controlled th e oJjensf As if that wasnt enough Sue was the plaving coach and in the combination 0 roles led the hocker Gryphons into th e plar-offs including a regular season

upset of the Ynrk Yeoomen Th e hidden part othe stOrl is perhaps th e

best Sue fills her mml1lers bv starring on the Canadian Nat ional Womens Fastball team In cluded in this hectic schedule were tours nf

Japan Taiwan SO Lllh America and Mexico

Obiouslr the combinatioll astudies and athletics is a healthy one as Sue maintains a

B average at the Unilersity



Newly Elected as

AluDlni Senators Following the annual election for three of the nine alum n i seats on Senate a t the Univers ity the following three alumni have been elected to replace those who will fulfill three-year terms on August

31 1983

Richard D Rich Moccia CBS BSc 76 MSc 78 is a self-employed biologishy

cal research scientist in the aquaculture field (See article Theyve Gone Fishin

Guelph Alumnus Spring 1983 issue

Rich is a past president of the CBS Alumni Associatio n was a vice-president of the UGAA and has served on numerous

adminis trative committees on campus inshycluding a Presidential Special Advisory Committee on Alumni Publications He also was a member of the Alma Mater Fund Advisory Council

In his spare time he has been involved with the Big Brothers Association and Minor League baseball He races motorshycycles for relaxation and fun

Donald C Rose Arts BA 80 MA 82 is a corporate representative with Uniglobe Bay Street Travel Inc of Toronto During

Tony Sobczak Arrs 77

Donald Rose Arts 80

his years at Guelph Donald served as sports editor and production manager with the Onlarion and was a member of Gryphon

soccer and rugby teams

A single man he feels that as an alumni senator he will be able to maintain his concern for the standards of higher education and at the same time maintain the friendships and contacts that he estabshylished while at the Uni versity

Tony K Sobczak Arts BA 77 is general manager of Bailey s Balloon Brigade a restaurant in Toronto While

study ing at Guelph he worked in the

hospitality field with Food Services The Keg and the Elora Mill Restaurant and Inn Following graduation he was employed by the Toronto-Dominion Bank in southshywestern Ontario but two years later

re vived his interest in the hospitality field

Richard Moccia CBS 76

He and his wife Cathy have one son

Tony Jerome T J 11 months old Keen on sports Tony senior runs plays squash

and is a waterskiier

Patricia M G renier Arts 72 is currently serving the unexpired term of alumni Senator Richard Young Arts 76 who re s igned during the third year of his term She will retire as alumni Senator on August

31 1983 Patricia who received a degree of

Master of Library Science from the Univershys ity of Western Ontario in 1973 is coshyordinator Information Services Informashytion Centre Ministry of EducationlMinistry

of College and Universities Toronto Prior to her present position she was a

reference librarian Documentation Centre

at the University of Guelph Library from 1975 to 1980 0

Limited Accreditation for OVC The Ontario Veterinary College of the

University of Guelph has been accorded limited accreditation status by the American Veterinary Medical Association

(A VMA) President Donald Forster anshynounced in May

The decision by the Council of Edllcashytion of the A VMA is based on recommendashy

tions made in the report of an evaluation committee which visited the College for a

short period in October 1982 a report on which the University and the C ollege had an opportunity to comment Most errors of fact in the original report were corrected as a result of the UniversityS comments

This accreditation status means that ove meets or exceeds most but not all

minimal requirements for a satisfactory program in veterinary medicine at least in

the judgment of the Association Limited accreditation is a reduction in

s tatus from full accreditation a status which the College has held and which was

reconfirmed by a previous evaluation in L976 Similar decisions ha ve been made

by the AVMA in the past in the case of programs at other and well-established

veterinary colleges in the United States which faced problems similar to those we are experiencing at the OVC the Presishydent noted

L imited accreditation status may be

maintained for a period of up to five years on the basis of annual reports by the University and the College indicating that any deficiencies are in the process of being corrected At any time during the five-year period the University and the College may

invite the A VMA Council to make a new

evaluation hopefully leading to a return to full accreditation status

A number of factors are identified in

the report as a basis for the Councils decision Most important the report reshy

commends that a better balance between the financial resources and the programs of the College be achieved From this flow two major recommendations Construcshy

tion and renovation be initiated to correct inadequacies in classrooms laboratories

offices and clinical work spaces Also -faculty numbers and specialty expertise be increased and additional time be scheduled for professional development research and other scholarly pursuits

The report also suggests that the

number of support s taff be increased One option identified in the recommendations is

that student numbers be reduced until

conld over


adequate faculty numbers and physical facilitie s can be provided hnally some deficiencies in the area of postgraduate education are also identified

While the University and the College

are naturally disappointed by the Councils conclusions we are not entirely surprised President Forster commented Many of the deficiencies identified in the report have been matters of acute concern for some time and some steps have been taken already to remedy the problems some of which are simply the product of the chronic undershyfunding that Ontario universities have exshyperienced for a number of years

Under the circumstances I commend

the faculty and staff of the Ontario

Veterinary College for working so hard to maintain the reputation and integrity of the program and its graduates during this very difficult period

The President also noted that under A VMA procedures an elaborate appeal process is available to the University A decision has been taken not to appeal the Councils deision even though the Univershysity has reservations about some of the observations in the report

The recommendation s in the report will be reviewed very carefully by the

Uni versity and the College in the coming months the Pre sident indicated and every effort will be made to secure support from government and other sources to

remedy problems which have be e n identified In this connection I wish to

express again our gratitude to the Honourshyable Dennis Timbrel Ontario s Minister of Agriculture and Food for making available to the University special funding in the amount of $J8 million annually for a three-year period in support of programs at the OVe This suppOrt came at a particushylarly crucial time and was most welcomc

Recent discussion with Mr Timbrell and Agriculture Canada have indicated hoth sympathy for and understanding ot the capital needs of the College and there is every hope that substantial support will be forthcoming from both levels of go vernshyment President Forster concluded D

Director Industrial S ervices R onald J Dolynchuk has been appointed Director Indus trial Services for the U nivershysity of G uelph The appointment became effective April I 1983

He will provide a two-way contact between the Un iversity and industry says Dr William Tossell Dean of Research Dea n Tossell points out that Ronald Dolynshychuk will ass ume an integral role in the industrial interact ion strategy recently anshynounced by the University At the same time he will help acquaint University researchers with possible sources of reshysearch contracts and grants within the industria l sector

The new industrial services director says that he sees his ro le somewhat as that of a broker taking the research and te hshynological skills of the campus to inshydustry- Iocal ly provincially and nationshyally W ithin the campus he hopes to play the role of a catal st co-ordinating varied speci alized activities and preparing a marketable package of research and sershyvice attract ive to industry

He says that a campus such as the University of Guelph can offer a consortium of highly specialized and technological expertise to indu stry Such capability can prove to be a powerful factor in attracting new industry to the area he says This may be particularly true in the case of smaller industries that can seldom afford their own highly specialized research facilities

Initially the new director says he will especially target on industries with a direct relationship to those areas of expertise for which the University of Guelph is particushylarly well known These include such sectors as foods and beverage and bioshytechnology

I am especially interested in offering industry a broad-based multi-disciplinary

Ronald 1 Dolynchuk

approach to their problems through includshying such areas as the social sciences in a team of experts he says This would permit the Uni versity to prov ide more complete studies including market research and sociological considerations as well as

scientific or technological resources

The new director of industrial services is no stranger to the University of Guelph campus He has been teaching a course on Business Policy in the School of Agricul shytu ral Economics and Extension Education

Ronald Dolync h uk was most reshycently the sen ior vice- president and general managcr of Linread Canada Limited in Guelph He has worked in industry since 1969 in marketing and managc ment posishytions Born and raised in W innipeg he grauuated in business economics from Inshydiana Un iversity and received a Master of Business dm in islra tion uegree from the same university

Ronald Dolynchuk and his wife and thrce ch il dren have lived in G uelph since 1976 He has b en act ive in the Gue lph Chamber of Commerce the Ro tary Club of G uelph and has served on the Board of Direc tors of the Edward Johnson Mus ic Foundation the Guelph Arts Counci l the G uelph Youth O rchestra and the G ue lph Marlin Aquatic Cl ub He is a lso 1 regis tered soccer re te ree 0

National Universities Week National Universities Week is being observed at universities across the country October 2 to 8 1983 to draw attention to the positive contributions a nd accomplishments made by these institutions in Canadian life A variety of activ ities at campuses will be designed to point out the va lue of the univershysitys teaching research cultural and public ser vice acli~ ities in society

Plans at Guelph include a noon hour series of lectures a nd panels which will look at areas of research on camp us that have far-reach ing etTects on society Members of the pu blic will be invited 10 visit the cam pus during the week to attend events and to tour the facilities

For further information on the National Universities Week program contact Information Services University of Guelph (SI9) 824-4120 Ext 8708 0


Canadian Centre for Toxicology T he Canadian Centre for Toxicol(l t y to he located at the ni ve r~ it y of Guelph and tht University of Toro nto will rt cc ive $ 10 mi ll ion fro lll the Ce clc ra l govern ment for the firs t phase of const ructioll The lunding I contingent on part ic ipation by the Ontario govern me nt ancl the two u ni ve rs it i e~

Dr Jim Sc hroder O VC 42 Me mbCi of Pari iame nl for Guelph pari ia mentary secretary to the Mini ster of Health and We lfare Monique Begin and an 0 C facult y member made the announce me nt on behalf o f The Honourable John Roberts Mini ste r of the En vironment at a press co nfere nce on cam pus in May The fundin g is the fi rst to be announced for more than 100 projects be ing fund eu under the leueral governmcnt s $ 24 bill io n spec ial reco ve ry projec ts program outlined in the April 19 budge t speec h

Pres ident Donalu Forster said that representati ves from the Uni vers it ies of Guelp h ane Toronto met later fo r discusshysions wi th Ontario s Mini ster of the Envishyronment Ke ith Norton and will continue tv di scuss the prov ince s commitmcnt to the Ccntre President Fors ter said he is opti misshyti c abo ut provincial support as Premier Bill Da vis has for the past tw o years expressed strung support for the Centre

President Forster on behalf o f the Unive rs it y of Guelph thanked Dr Schroun fo rthe work he has done to impress upon the federal go vernment the im port ance of a projec t of ve ry co ns iue rab le na tio na l s ignificance The Pres ident c it ed the Centre as an example of the co-operatio n betwee n uni ve rsitie s governments and the pri va te sector

Dr David Strangw ay actin g presishydent Uni versity of Toronto also expressed gtatitude to the federal go ve rnment and Dr Sc hroder He said the joint venture by two uni ve rs iti es tha t have compl ementary strengths is unique He desc ribeu the Ce ntre

Alberta Alumni Reunion

Saturday August 20 1983

200 pm -Bowness Park Calgary

Bring your own picnic

Prizes will be awarded for oldest grad grad who travels farthest

from home etc

L (l i to rii ht D r MeLII middotell Prcs iden Fo rsl fl r Dr Schroderund Dr Sl liI ng loshy(Iu inK Jr f ideill Uni l c rII oToro ll lO

as a world-class model that co uld be looked to in the future Guelphs strengths are in agricultural and veterinary toxicol ogy and Toron to s are espec iall y in toxicology in the med ical and engineerin g fi elcl s En viro nshymental expert ise is we ll deve loped at both uni vers ities

Professor Free man McEwen acting direc tor of the Ce ntre a nd dean of the OA outlined some of the unique features of the Ce ntre which he said is blaz in g a new tra il between gove rnments uni versities and the public sector

The planning and construction of phas one of the facilit y for the project is expected to be compl eteu by late 1986 at a total cost of $236 million When com shypleted the Ce ntre will be part of a netw ork o f toxicology centres across Canada It is ex pected to have a staff at both Guelph and Toronto of 64 sc ient is ts 108 techn ishycians and 109 other staff members The corshyrate headquarte rs will be at the Uni versit y of Guelph 0

Homecoming September 30middot October 1

Friday September 30 700 p m and 1000 pm The Nyl on in conce rt two shows War Me mori al Hall Ticket s $8 50 students and seni ors S9 50 general For ti ckets write Ny lons Tickets nive rs ity of Guel ph Box Ollice Uni vers ity Centre Un ive rs ity of Guelph Guel ph Ontari o N IG 2W I Pl ease make cheque payable to the Univers it y of Guelph and enclose a self- addressed and stamped envelope

Saturday October 1 Morning Homecomin g Paraue For further in fo rm ation contac t John King (519) 824-4120 Ex t 8327

1100 am HA Alu mni Associati on Annual eeting Hotel and Food Admin isshytrati on Building

11 30 am Human Kinet ics Alum ni Association An nual Meeting and Home shycoming Brunch Loca ti on to be anno unced

200 pm Homecornmg Footba ll Game Alumni Stadium Uni vcrsity of Toronto Blues vs Uni versit y of Gue lph Gry phons

630 pm Alumni Din ner Dancc Creelshyman Hall Further detail s co nt act Alumni Office (519) 824-4 l20 Ext 2122 or 87 40

800 pm Post-Game Pub Dance De shypartment of Athl etics gymnas ium 0

CODling Events Sep1216 Aggie Week

17 UGAA Wine Symposium Niagara Peninsula

25 28

Sep 30 Oct 1

Oct 1


Nov 11middot20


Dec 5-8

OAC Alumni Association Golf Tournament

InternationaJ Plowing Match Teviotdale


HAFA Alumni Association Annual Meeting

HK Alumni Association Annual Meeting

MacmiddotFACS Alumni Association Caree rs Night

Royal Agricultural Winter Fair Toronto

OAC Alumni Reception Royal Room CoUseum RAWF Toronto

Night At The Royal Sponsored by the UGAA Toronto chapter

American Association of Equine Practitioners Annual Convention Las Ve gas Nevada USA



The Ontario Veterinary College Alumni Association

EditorALUMNI Dr Cliff Barker 41


Faculty Award for Dr Bob Curtis Dr Bob CUrlis 6 Clinical SllIdies OVe recelllly received a UniversilY of Guelph

FlIcully Associalion Professional Tea ching Award in recognition of his great influence on professional lraining The cira lion in parr sraled He has repeatedlv beuroen honouredfor

his conlriburiOIl 10 educalion He is a respecled elerinarian who is universally retIed us

one of lhe beslleachers Ihis univlrsiry has eper had LeIr 10 righl Dr Russ Willoughbv

57 Dr Wayne Pfeiffer vice-chairman Faculty aSSOCi((lion Dr Bob Curlis 6 and

Dr Mike Wilson chairman Clinical SlUdies 0

For Design Dr Jim 01fa50n 68 owner of the South Su rrey Veterinary Hospital 3221 shy140th S1 Surrey BC received the 19 82 Special Aw ard for Architectu ral Exce llence at the annual merican Animal Hospital Association convention in San Antonio Texa on March 14 1983 The award was prese nted by Velerinary Eco nomi cs Mag(l~ ine a leading business magazi ne for the veterinary profession

T he award was give n in rccognition of the timc and expense Dr O lafsun investcd to design a hosp ital that would enhance its natur al s ur round ings South Su rrey Veterinary Hospital is loca ted in a res idenshyt ia l area and the colors a nd tex tures of the buil ding s ex terior lesse n the impact o f a commerci a l property in the area

The hospital is energy-efficient and includes large winduws and nume rous skyshyli ghts in its design plan Other features incl ude covered walkways a covered parkshying area a nd covered entrances The overall effect minim izes the enclosed fe lin g usushy

ally associatcd with a subterranean struc shytu re and the atte ntion to aesthetic detail produces a truly stunning hospital Con shygratulations Jim 0

Dr doe dohnson T he late Dr Joseph E Johnson 19 ( I R91-1960) who practised for many years in Waterloo was recognized for hi s services to ag riculture in O ntar io when his port rait was hung in the O ntario Agricu ltura l Ha ll of Fame at the O ntario Agricultural Museum Milton His nomination was prese nted by the Ontario Association of Ani mal Breedshyers T he citation presented states

Dr Joseph Edward Joe Johnson a native of Stra throy as a pioneer in the practice of artificial insemination (AI ) in Ontario In 1942 when the Waterloo Cou nty Holste in- Friesian Associ ation made

their fi rst attemp t it was Dr Joe who collected the se men and inse mina ted the cows

For fl ve years he took ti me out o f an already very busy practice to make the new idea work Several younger veterinarians

who workcd with him were later to be in charge of AI units across Ontario

He gradu ated from the O ntario Veterinary College in 1919 and after working in Fergus and Acton set up practice in Waterloo where he worked with the noted Seagram Sta bles

He pioneered the multi-staff clinic approach having as many as four students and grad uates work ing w ith him Because o f th is internship approach Dr Johnson probably had a greater influence o n the practice of large animal vete rinary medicine than any other practicing vete rinarian of his day

The ultimate uccess of the AI sys shytem is due in large part to the work o f this ve terinari an who through trial and error persevered with the technique in its ear ly years 0


One Millionth A third-year O VC student Paul Dick of Gcoroetown recently became the one mi lshylio nth person to pass through the turnstiles o f the O VC Division of the Uni versity Library since the tu rn sti les were installed eight years ago He was gree ted by libshyran ans and fac ulty applause and handshyshakes t1 a~ h i ng camera strobe lights conshygratulations and the pre sentation o f a book Clillical E raminal ion of Ca ll ie

The VC library also serves students from other Colleges Co mprising more tha n 30000 volu mes it e mbraces far more than the veterinary sc iences 0

In a briefcert monv a llellded bv David Hull head Sc ience and Velerinary Science Diision

oj Ihe Library eli and Dean Douglas 1aplesden 50 righl Associa ( Libraria ll John

Black presen l a book 10 one millionlh isilor Paul Dick rig ill cenlre

It Was Bound to Happen Delta chapter of O mega Tau Sigma Fratern ity residence has become co-educational with the admi ssion of 18 women students during 1982-83 em sters For se veral years OVC s women stu dents have been seeking fra ternity membership they fi nally made it in 1982

Galhered onlhei-olll sleps oflh e avc main

Imiiding are 14 of Ih e 18 women slwlel1ls

who resided in Ihe fral house Ihi I r ea r

FrOt1 row I(i llo righ l lennifer Rice

Ion [ Lee Ma rv MOllleilh M iddle ro w

Robill Roscol Kale Flanigan Lisa Tavlor Debbie Blech Lesli e Hu ngall Back row

l ana Kl llOn Carol Phillips l ennifer

TrollghlO n lulv Keenliside Healher Ross

Michele Durnall MissinRfrom Ihe piClure

are Brenda FOSler Chris Barrl es

Keily-LeiRh Thomas and Laura Hunl 0

Letters to the Editor Or Bert Ca rswell 7 1 of Brooks Alt a has repli ed to o ur request for informatio n on the watch fob letters F L T (O VCAA Alumni Bulletin March 19H3 Special Supmiddot pl ement) by sugges ting these stand for Friendship Lo ve and Truth the motto of the Indepcndent Order of Odd fell ows Are the re further op i nions~

Dr Alexander Bruyns 32 Sequin Was hington S A has se nt us informashytion on the Royal Canadian Army Veterishynary Corp (O VCA Alumni Bulletin

March 1983 S pec ial Supple ment) He was a ve te ri na ry offi ce r with the Gove rn o r Gcnerals Horse Guards in Toronto o n joini ng the RCAVC in 1938 and me ntioned the late Dr A R Yo unie 14 who served

with the RCAVC in World War One Further inform ation re RCAVC officers would be apprec iated

Dr Donald MacDonald 54 o f Edmo nshyton Ita also replied to our RCAVC inquiry with informatio n on the Corps badges He is a collector of militaria especi ally militar y cap badges o f which he has a collection of over 1600 He states cap badges of the RC VC are as scarce as he n s tee th

The O VC museum has o btained cap and uni form badges from Dr G A Rose IS la t address Picton and Dr W A Robenson 16 Tsawwassen BC eachof whom served as veterinary officers during World War O ne 0

In Memoriam Dr Owen Hinton 25 died on January 22 1983 in Florida Las t add ress Rt 4 Box 139 Jasper Florida US A 32052

Dr Vernon jensen 33 died on Dcshyce mber II 19 R2 Las t address 2485 Lon-din Lane St Paul in nesota US A

Dr Edward Burke 35 died on Ja nuary 21 1983 Las t addr ss P OBox 326 So uthport Conn US A 06490

Dr jack Warren 39 Date of death no t reported Last addre ss RR 3 W heatl y Ontario OP 2PO

Dr Wilfred Sherwin 40 died o n 0 tobc r 6 1982 Last address 432 W Washi ngton Street ampa Idaho S A83651

D r j ames Watt 49 died in August 1982 Las t address 790 Ho rtop Avenue Osha wa Ontario LlG 4N8

Or Peggy Godkin 55 died o n Decem ber 5 1982 Last address Inni sfai l Alt a 0

PEl Gets It T he Toro nto Glohe ald Mail of Fe bruary 19 1983 carried the follow ing announce shyment Charl otte town (CP) - Agric ultu re Minister Eugene W he lan announced today that $500000 has bee n appropri ated to

begin architectural pl ans fo r I $26-mi ll ion veterinary college here He sa id at a new confe rence the federal Go vern me nt w ill put up half the co nstruc tion cos t if the three Marit ime p rov inces s ha re t he o ther $ 13-lTI illi on out lay 0


The College of Social Science Alumni Association

PEGAS-US Editor Dorothy Barnes 78

stori ng The Log Farm a farmhouse dating back to the late 1800s Michelle says Michelle and Mustech thi s was a terrific expcrience and the best

N omad pioneer student administrator curator You mi ght ask what these words ha ve in common and the answer you would receive would be that they all aptly describe Miche lle McMillan 77

Mi chelle graduated with a degree in SociologyAnthropology At the same time she graduated from Algonquin Community Collegt with a correspondence course dipshyloma in what she terms M ustec h - Muse um Technology majoring In Exshyhibit esign

Currently assistant director at the Guelph Ci vic Muse um she has held thi s position since the spring of 1979 Her responsibilities include those of regis trar (mai nta ining dltaikd [i Ii ng systems) for the con serva tion of artifacts and ex hibit work She is co-ordinator of some 40 vo lunteers who are in volved in all facets of museum work (to become a muse um vo lunteer all one has to do is call Michelle and arrange for an interview )

When interviewing Michclk it was obvious she has a love for her work that she will pass on to oth~rs possibly some of the young children attending the education programs she supervi ses at the Guelph Civic Museum

Her mothers parents were homeshysteaders and she was brouoht up on stories about pioneering Her interest in pioneering and the Indian way of life was fo stered by a mothe r who had Indian friends and who would often visit these friends experiencshying their way of life even to sleeping quite often in a tepee

Thi s and the fac t that her family moved around a lo t from west to east influenced Michelles deep and lasting love of the past although with a lau gh she says Now I am of the opinion that my mother had a tendency to present a romantic version of the whole situation - espec ially to me as a young child It certainly influenced my interest in studying Anthropol ogy

Michelles ed ucation and working exshyperiences have bee n very infl uential in nurturing her love of the past She started

out at the University of Western On tario but left for perso nal reasons She worked for a ye ar and while working beca me apprenshyticed as a pattern drafter

ichelle mo ved to Ottawa after she had worked the year and regi stereu at Carl eto n Universi ty in Anthropology She studied this for one year and then became aware of a program offered at Algonquin Communit y College on the subject Mu seum Tech nolo gy

Her placement s in work situation while at Algonquin included a summer helping four yo un g me n on a project at the town of Bells Corners ne ar Ottawa re-

job she ever had There was no electr icity so eve rything

was done by hand Her group res tored doors gable-ends flo ors ceilings rtshypointed stone found at ions and raised the building on hydra uli c jacks The y also gl Lt~d windows re searched the huildin g and organized the veget ab le garden

Othelmiddot experiences have included work at thc Na tio nal Museum of Man thc McM ichae l Canadi an Collcction in Klcin shyburg the Wellington County Muse um and the S imcoe County Museum She has al so been a volunteer teacher at the Plains jndian Iroquois and Inuit Ga lleri es of the National M use um of Man

It was Guelphs gain when Miche lle found he rsel f pulled bac k to stud ying in order to co mplete her degree

Michelle is now well established in her position at the Guelph Civic Muscum and dt las t feels she ha s put dow n roots in a c ity she has an alleg iance to one she loves and fee ls more co mfortable in than any other She is involved in trying to build up a research library on local history and artifacts

When asked for pearl s of wisdom fo r new graduates Michelle volunteered that pcople need practical ex perience along with formal learning to balance their percept ion of a ro lc How apropos 0

Th e Cullege uf So cial Science Alumlli Associatioll ill-course scholarships ere Jreserl(d

rnelltlmiddot to lei Junine Crallt Ceog uJJnmiddot olld Virginia Suth erland Psrchologv Attending

tht un lIlOnr wert right Pro(essor Juliu s fugl Department oCeogrupilr and Pr(essor

Mike M(lIh f II~ Iei chuirmun DeJurtlllen t 0 PI cilologr Th e scilolorshiJI 01 $200

each oreul1ded in purt hr all (11 1(( gru llti-om til ( Alma Mawr Fu nd


Lan e Smit h 78 is a so ftware spec ialist Barbara (Cherry) Wilson 80 is pres shyGrad News with Software Ke netics in epean ently res iding at 45 Emily Street Grimsby

Ron Beveridge 67 is an e lementary special counselor with School District 88 Terrace B C

C R ichard Buc k 70 practices law WIth the firm of Weyli e Shortt Buck Hanshybridge Reidl Casselli and Mitchell in Waterloo

Lee D Wetherall 75 is an exec utive ass istant with AIcan in Kingston

Stewart McCann 76 is a lec turer with the University of Alberta Edmonton

Peter J Stanczyk 76 is living at 9940 Fa irmount Drive S E Apartment A-4

C algary Alta Since concluding his studies at Guelph Peter attended the social work course at Wilfrid Laurier University Watershyloo and received a Master o f Soc ial Work

degree in 1982 Peter is now married and he and his

bride We ndy are established as socia l workers with Alberta Social c rvices and Comm unity Health in Calgary We wish Peter and Wend y much happiness in their new partnership success in their choscn fi e ld and contentment in the ir Ii vc s together

Ted Boniface 77 is now n eative direc tor for Ce ntra l Al berta Broadcasting (CKRDshy

T V CKRD-AM and C FCR-FM) in Red Deer Ted has bee n awarded four c itations by the Radi o Bureau of C anada and was nominated for an Aetra Award as producer of the hes t radio program of1979 O ld news we reali ze but how are we going to know o therwise unless you let us know Thanks

Ted for updating us on your activities

Gurnam Singh 77 is an MC A student at the niversity of Ottawa

Roderick Hodgson 78 is back in his home town of H udson Que Rod is emshyployed by the Town of H udson Publi c

Works Departme nt he al so serves on the Town Planning C ommittee and is activel y involved with the volunteer fire department

Perr y Wilson 78 is liv ing in Spirit River Alta Since graduating from G uelph Perry

has obtained a masters degree in Anthropolshyogy from McG ill University and is princ ishypal of Ste Marie Elementary School in Spirit River

John Boyle 78 is presently living at RR 2 Brampton

Karen Russell 78 is a teacher with the Dufferin County Board of Education at Parkinson Centennial School Orangeville

Vicky Su therland 78 is an air traffi c

controller with the Mini stry of Transport Calgary Alta

Susan W alkowiak 78 is a real estate agent with the Safeguard Real Es tate Comshy

pan y Toronto

Craig Willms 78 is an assistant manager with the Toronto-Dominion Bank Watershy


Gordon Cominey 79 is a priest with the Holy Trinity Anglican Church in Edmonshy

ton Alta

Carol (Fogarty) Knox 79 is presentl y residi ng at R R 5 Woodstoc k

Susan Laushway 79 is a probation office r with the Solic itor G eneral of Alshybe rta in Edmonton

Richard E Larente 79 is production manager at Mac Mil lan Bloedel Ville

Mont-Ro yal Q ue

Bryce Andrews 80 has dec ided to conshytinul his education at the n i ve r~ ity of

Weste rn Ontario He is working on an M BA

Dianne M Grenier 80 is in her third year of Common Law at the University of Ottawa

Shauneen (McKague ) Bruder 80 is an MBA student at Queens University Kingston

Michele Forrester 80 is a comm unicashytions clerk w ith the Ontario Yo uth Employment Program Queens Park To shy


Peter Madott 80 is an ass istant product manager with S c Johnson an d So n Ltd


Elizabeth (Ferguson ) latos 80 is a volunteer co-ordinator with B ig Bro thersBig Sisters of Carleton County


Jane Stevens 80 is a teac her w ith the

York Board of Education in Aurora

Loretto (MacDonald) Sullivan 80 is an administrative assistant with Kert Advertis shying Toronto

Sylvia (Bossaer) Willms 80 is a Food

Services supervisor at the UI1Iversity of Guelph

Jane (Stevens) Tremblay 80 is a teacher with the York Board of Education Aurora Jane is married to David U of N Dakota

grad of 79

Lee Anne Burton 80 is a teacher with the Dufferin Peel R C SS Board Mi ss isshy


Maureen S inclair-Barnes 80 is an urban planner with the City of Brantford Husband

is Bruce Barnes 82

Su~ Jones 80 is continuing her education at the Univers ity of Alberta She lives at

11441-132 St 405 Edmonton Alta T M IG2 Bro ther-in-law John Sch neider CBS 73 graduated in Marine


Nicholas Boyadjian 81 is a special events co-ordinator with Unive rsity Ce ntre

Administration Uni ve rsity of Guelph

Debra (Philputt ) Gibson 81 is a te acher

w ith Pee l C ount y Board of Education in

Miss issa uga

Jim Gibson 81 is a branch representati ve o ffi cer with the Ca nadian Imperial Ra nk of

CommCfce Toron to

Linda Helin 81 is presen tly res iding in

C utler on the North C hannel of Lake Huron

Patti La France 81 is a teacher residing at 66-50 Fiddl ers Green Road London

Elizabeth (Crighton) Madge 81 is now married and re siding in Lethbridge Alta

Kathleen Martin 81 is a market research analys t w ith As tra Pharmaceutical s Miss i shy


Edward Leong 82 is administration

manager for the J J Tour Se rvi ce at the Jal an M aju Taman Jade Ce ntre Miri Branch Sara wak East Malaysia

Debbie (Ling) Therrien 82 is employed as cashiersale sperson for Gameway s Ark

Ltd Toro nto

Chin Lan (Kat ) Choi 82 is an executive shyofficer with the ational Produc tivity Board in Singapore Since graduating C hin Lan has married C hoi Chee Keong C PS 82 Much happiness and success to you both

John C Close 82 is a teac her with World University Services of Canada in Zimbabshywe Africa John is married to Mary M A Psych 8 1 WLU 0


The College of Biological Science Alumni Associatio~_~

BIO-ALUMNI NEWS Editor Dr John Powell

Executive CBS Alumni Association HONORARY PRES ID ENT Professor Bruce Sells Dean


Dr George Dixon Ph D 80 Zoology

PAST PRESIDENT Marie (Boissonneault) Rush BSc 80 Marine Biology

VICE PRESIDENT Chris Wren BSc 77 Marine Biology

SECRETARY-TREASURER Cam Portt BSc 77 MSc 80 Zoology

DIRECTORS David Airdrie BSc 82 Microbiology Krista Soper BSc 79 Marine Biology Lorrie Cosens BSc 79 Marine Biology Eric Cosens BSc 80 General Biology Keith Harris B Se 76 Marine Biology

EX-OFFICIO DIRECTORS Marie (Boisonneault) Rush BSe 80 Marine Biology Shawn Taylor BSc 83 Aquatic Biology Past President CBSSC Brian Wisenden President CBSSC

FACULTY ADVISORS to be chosen one from each DepartmentSchool

UGAA REPRESENTATIVE S Jan Watshyson BSc 75 Zoology Lorrie (Rolston) Cosens BSc 79 Marine Biology Rob Miln B Sc 81 Marine Biology

EDITOR BlO-ALUMNI NEWS Professhysor John Powell Human Biology 0

Please help us to help you When corresponding or upshydating information or address do tell us not only your year of graduation but your discipline

Where Are They Now The following 20 names were entered on the College of Biological Science Honour Roll for years 1976 and 1977 We w ish to know how your career has progressed and

FALL 1976

Brenda Henry (Marine Biology) and Winter 77

janis Kay 78 (Genetics) and Winter 77

Laurence McClure OVC 81 (Unshyspecialized and Winter 77

Linda (Nelson) Sinclair 78 (Human Kinetics) and Spring 77


Sherry (Bondorenko) Miller 77 (Hushyman Kinetics)

jellrey Chernoff 77 (Unspecialized)

Wendy Harris 77 (Major in Biology)

C harlene Kopansky 77 (Human Kineshytics)

Peter MacDonald (Human Kinetics) and Winter 78

Blain Mollatt (Microbiology)

Darjo Romani 78 (Major in Biology) also Fall 77 and Winter 78

Barry Rosen~rg 77 (Unspecialized)

Cheryl Rowe 77 (Human Kinetics)

FALL 1977

Gregory Casey 79 (Microbiology) also Fall 78 and Winter 79

William Crins 78 (Botany)

jill Cross OVC 82 (Unspecialized)

what you are doing currently Do you have intere s ting episodes to relate in the BIO-ALUMNI NEWS Please lets hear from you

David C a mpbell 78 (Major in Biology)

Richard Proctor 80 (Ecology)

Carolyn Robertson (U nspecialized)

joanne (Ryder) G unby 79 (Genetics) and Winter 79 0

Grad Bash 1983

Organized jointly by the CBS Alumni Association and the CBS Students Council in April more than 280 students alumni current and former staff and faculty sat down for dinner prior to presentations being made to our dean

Contributions came from members of the College and a bird sculpture fashioned by Uta Strelive Zoology was the first of many gifts

Next came a memory book containing many letters photographs clippings and a variety of incidents all pieced together by Association president Marie (Boissonshyneault) Rush 80

Betty Roff gave the dean a special book of clippings collected by herself Two framed portraits of Professor Ronald one already hung in the main office of McNally house the other for the Ronald family completed the tributes

Altogether this gathering was a fitting acknowledgement of a great man who has done great things for us all 0


Scholarships In the Names of

Ronald and PoweU The CBS Alumni Association is pleased to announce the introduction of a scholarship for graduate students in the name of Proshy

fessor Keith Ronald Professor Rona ld as of July I had served for 12 years as the first dean of the CBS and the awarding of a

sc holarship in his name is a fitting tribute to

all he has done fo r the College the Univershys ity and the CBS Alumni Assoc iation

The Hum an Kine tics Alu mni Assoc iashy

tion anno unced its intention to name an undergraduate scholarship in the School of Human Biology in the name of Dr John T Powell as he retires from the Unive rsity in 1984

Do nations to eithe r or both of these

sc holarship funds shou ld be sent direc tl y to the Department of Alumni Affairs and Development-clearly ind icati ng to which sc ho la rs hip your donation is to be alloca ted - or when contributing to the Alma M ater F und noting that your monie s

be channeled to the sc holars hip of yo ur choice 0

Grad News Biological S cience

Lesley (Wilson) Barton 73 and Bruce 70 MSc 74 live in Keremeos B C R R No I VOX JNO will find them

E thel Anita Hamilton 79 and hu sband

Wayne Barcha r d 76 MSc 79 live in Hali fax NS where Ethel is a habitat proshy

tec tion technician with fishe ries and Oceans while Wayne is head Office Assessment Scction Environment Canada 3rd Floor 45 Alderney Drive Dartmouth N S

Marilynne (Wise) McCausland 77 is a research microbiolog ist with Molson Bre wshyeries of Canada Ltd and may be reached at 1555 No tre Dame East Montrea l Que H2L 2R5

Michael W Tate 79 write s mos t kindly thanking us for kee ping people in touch through th is column He is a teac her at Mo rnings tar Secondary School in Mi ss isshysauga

Natalie Mary Olynyk 79 may be reached at 3 120 Duffer in Street in T oronto where she is re staurant manager for Olyn yk Foods Ltd

Marine Biology

Gl en A Packman 74 and Sharon (Noda ) Arts 72 li ve at 21 Albion Road Hali fax S B3P IP8 Glen is a senior

biologist with En vironment Canada

Jo l1n Plumb 76 and M arianne (Conshynoly ) 77 may be reached at 37 Coldstrea m Road Box 303 Munster Ont KOA 3PO John works as an indu strial engineer with

the Mitel Corporation - Kan ata

Human Kinetics and Human Biology

Joy (Reid) Tomes 70 is a team coshyordinator with the Workman s Co mpensashytion Board- 2 Bloor St East Toronto Ont oM7W IA2

Terry Obi Oblinski 71 holds the pos it io n of supervisor with the 3M Comshypa ny at 2 Craig Street Pe rt h Onto K7 H 3C5

Robert T a p Fawcett 72 teac hes at the W 1 Fenton Secondary Schoo l R R 0 10 in Brampton Ont L6V 3 2

Marie-Andree (Pi lon) Poulin now teache h igh school in Montreal write her at 76 Lesage Repent igny Que J3A 5Y5

Dr Tom Elmslic 74 M-Sc 77 is a g lutton for punishment as he isjust complet ing another MSc this time in Epidemi o lshyogy at McM as ter University preparatory to his return to Ottawa

Glen Paterson 78 of 16 Da lto n A ve nue T hunder Bay On t P7B 4E9 is ea rl y chi ldhood educato r with the Confederation o f Applied Art s and Technology B ro ther Larry R Paterson g radu ated with a BLA in 69

Eric bullbull Art Arthurs 80 is s till at 12272 shy110 Avenue Edmonton Alta T5M 2L3 He work s for Consolidated Concrete Limshyi ted as a dragl i ne opera tor

Henry Fox 81 lives at 1520 Verdi La Salle Que H8l I K4

Christine (Krumbacher) F()se 81 may be reached at Box 252 2 Banff Alta TOL OCO

Ch rist ine (Novakuske) Lavallee MSc 81 is a stude nt again stud ying French and living at 0428A Larose A ve nue Mo nt real Que H2B 2Z2

Ginger (Thompson) Elmore 81 seeks work in the geriatric field Are you able to help Write he r please at 107 Ontario Avenue Komoka Onto NOL IRO

Don Doc Wilson 81 is physica l direc tor at the Waterloo Family YMCA Lincol n Road Waterloo Ont N2J 2N8

Jan McMullan 82 ne wly wedded to Mark Newcombe MSc 83 is presently ass istant manager - Ri ordan s Sport S 183 Silvercreek Parkway in Guelph She tells us of four co usins who have g raduated fro m Guelph - Brenda (Bu lton) Dagg CSS 72 Bryce Dagg 72 Donald Sifton 70 and Bonnie (Sifto n) W alsh C SS 72

Fisheries and Wildlife

Lorna l Depuydt 77 is a price specia li st with Massey-Fe rg uso n Her adshydress is 3941 Whispering Wa No 6 Grand Rapids Mich USA 49506

Steven Kerr 77 works as di s trict biologist for the Mi nistry of Natu ra l Reshysources - 611 Ninth Avenue Eas t O wen Sound Ont NOH IS O

Richa rd P Bekolay 77 MSc 80 R R N o ) Carp Ont KOA ILO is a program analyst with Digital Equipment Corporation at Kanata

Marie Legrow 80 is once aga in a s tudent at Gue lp h li ving in Guelph at [02 Queen St reet North IE 4S I


Ann (Stewart) Gray 79 and husband Dr eil Gray 76 li ve at 40) - 251 Platts Lanc in London Ont N6 H 4P4 Ann is a re search assistant at the Universi ty of We stshyern Ontari o

Robe- W Marks 81 is a production trainee with Labatt Brewin g Comp any in Kitchene r


Dr Rob J Van Exan 74 MSc 76 PhD79 ho lds the position of manager Cell Culture Produc tion with Connaught Laboratories 1755 Steeles Avenue West Will owdale Ont M2R 3T4

Chuck Yipchuk 78 wo rks in Quebec 87 Senneville Road Sennev ille a s c oshyordinator of da ta at Bi o- Re search Laboratori es

Dr Harr y Nixon Chabwela W eza MSc 79 P h D 82 may be contacted at loni Katandika Vtllage Chief Kakumbi P O Box 154 Chipata Za mbia where he is a bio log ist wi th National Parks

Douglas Stendahl MSc 79 is with the -federal government s Minist ry o f Indian Affairs and Northe rn De velopment- P O Box 1500 Yukon N W T He is water quality officer


Rick Proctor 80 is a consultant with I P Sharp Associates 2 First Canadian Place Toronto Ont M5X IE3 0


The Ontario Agricultural College Alumni Association

ALUMNI NEWS EdJtor Dr Harvey W Caldwell 51

Financial Management Related to Agriculture One of the main sessions at the OAC Agricu ltural Conference 83 dealt wit h financial management as it relates to agricu lture Robert Sanderson who is with the Ontario Farm Adjustment Asshysistance Program was a main speaker and presented the following paper

Ten years ago most farmers were smilingshyagr icu lt ure see med to have finally gained its reward Worl d short age s of food provided ampl e markets and steadily rising prices lor prac tica lly all crops

Thi s idea li s ti c situation continued for a co uple of years until the granaries of the wo rl d were refi li ed De mand then norshyma li zed and pri ces for most agricultural prod ucts hega n to dec line In spite of price dec lines and li mited markets co nsiderable optimi sm conti nued to be fe lt o n the farm sce ne thro ughout mos t of the 1970s

Late in that peri od infl a ti on reall y ca ught fi re rai sing inpu t cos ts for supplie s and labour The ri se in land pri ces exceeded the most optimis tic es timates during this sa me time

In an a tte mpt to s te m thi s ra mpant infla tio n interes t rates increased almost threefo ld beg inning In 1979 and the world hega n it s slide into recession Farml and prices ceased to r ise in 198 1 and are now crumbli ng wi th uncer tain ty and lac k o f demand

We have no doub ts abo ut th e successshyful future o f ag ri cult ure hcre in Ontari o but today for many farmers adj ugtt me nts are necessa ry to remain so lve nt and for too many oth ers bo th adj ustme nts and so me ass iq an ce are necessary for their prese nt and future surviva l

There are some who are beyo nd he lp and farm bankru ptcies are at their highest leve l since the grea t Depression o f the 1930s These cond it io ns brought about the crea tio n of the On tari o Farm AdJustmcn t Ass istance Program (OFA AP) T hi s proshygram during 1 9~2 has bee n assisting eli g ible farmers who needed he lp

The re are two prime reaso ns fo r


fin anci al woes cited by appl ican ts - high interes t rates and lower farm incomes On the other hand the prime reaso n fo r ~ome

farmen probl ems e ited by lenders is ove r-e xpansion We be li eve both views are va lid and unques ti onabl y are respo ns ible for the prese nt ago ny and unres t on 100

many Ontario farms Le nde rs cite seve ral o the r importa nt

reaSl)l1S whic h also bea r o n the prob le m The borrowers oft e n refe r to them too but usuall y wit h di fferen t emphasis ThcY em shyphas ize the c lt treme instability of fa rm income the se rious lac k of pro per pl an ning bu dge ting accmatc farm record and fin all y the practice of making unprodu ctive investmcnts

Because of the qualifying criteria asshysociated ith an application for as s istan ce from OfAAP one must keep in mind that our observations are limited to about 10 per ce nt of Ontario farm operatlolls That 10 per ce nt is cl ose to the bottom of the gro up on the bas is o f financial sec urity OFA AP assista nce is limited to those produc ing Iood and tobacco Therefore data regard in g proshyducers of fl owers nursery stock race shyhorscs etc ha ( no t come he fore us and the financ ial ituati ons ltlr not inc luded in any of o ur informati o n

Applica ti ons have been appro ved for farmers operating all across the pro vince

Of the to tal approved about 20 per ce nt were in swine prod uctio n abou t 15 per ce nt were in eac h of cash crop prod uction da iry producti on and beef prod uct ion 4 per cen t were in fruit and vege ta ble prod uctio n 3 pel cent were tobacco fa rmers and the Ies t co mbinations of the above Those farm ers producing etgs and poultry were fe w

I n a review of appli ca tio ns for OFAAP ass istance several COl1ll1lo n sce nari os co nshytin ue to ap pear on a so me what re petiti ve has is and are ca tegorized as fo ll ows

1 Young or Beginning Farmers

Th ose under 35 years o f age wen res pons ishybl e for nearl y ha lf o f a ll the app li cati ons In thi s gro up are many who have Just begun fa rm ing Mo~ t of these arc victims of inopport un e tim ing hav in g acq uired land buildings and equ ipme nt be twee n 1979 and 19R2 For the m the combinati on o f lower th an ex pee ted prices of farm produc ts and the extre me inc reases in the ir fi na nc ing charges due to hi gh interes t rates_ have becn dlvas tatin g This is partic ul arl y true where Illos t assets were fi nanced the bcg inshyning equit y be in g Illodes t

2 The Aggres sive Expansionist

Many farmers who did well farming on a

modlst basis in the mid-70s dec ided that s ince o ne farm was pro fitabl e two wo uld be bette r three be tter than two Aggress ive

expan sion mos tl y on c redit du ring this i ntl a tio nary pe riod produced many paper millionaires in the farm co mmunity by the late 70s The elation fo r some of these

fa rmers d id not lasl far into the 80s T hose with 100 much bo rro wed cap ital

found that the ir farm income c ul d not

support the debt load So me of these

atlcmpted fu rthe r borro wing in an e ffort to mai nta in their ho l ding ~ and fo und ou t like o thers before them th at it is imposs ible to

borro w your way out of debt O thers so ld or tried to sell some o f the ir land o r eq uipment in an effort to re ti re at leasl o me of the ir cri ppling de bt and there by salvage at

least a part o f the ir operation

One rather sad varia tio n o f this las t s itua tion occ urs occ as io na lly whe re a

farmer who has had a succes~ fu l and so lvent opera tion decide to ex pand to a llow a son

o r so n- in-law into the bus in ss because of a des ire on the part of the young per on to

farm or occasionally because he is no t employed The expansion in Jand and eljuipment particularly if it occu rred in the

last three years and if it were do ne mainl y o n credit with a mortgage taken on his once so lvent operation has robbed the farmer of

his security and his peace of mind Furthershy

mo re in some of these s ituations the disappointed newcomer in the bus iness moved on leaving dear o ld dad to make the best of it

3 The Equipment Enthusiast

Another scenario concerns the man who is o bsessed with the need to ac quire equipshyment or to make add ition s and improveshy

ments to a lready adequate buildings To pay

for it out of the revolvi ng operating loan or to finance it in other ways withou t first having established that it will pay for itself will inevitably c reate financial problem s

Whe re there has been a general disregard for thi s kind of purchas ing the end resu lt has usually been disas trous

4 Natural Disasters

We regularly see the result s of natural

disas ters - floods windstorms hail frost disease and fires All of the se misfortunes can be c rippling to any operation but when adequate insurance coverage is not carried or if one of these di sasters occur whe n a farmers equity is low or when hi s princi pal and interest charges consume much o f his income it can be disastrous to his economic

pos ition

5 Family Unity

From OFAAP applicatio ns it is noted that some farmers who experience a marriage break- up seem to have diffi culty maintainshy

ing fi nanc ial solvency W hen asse ts are

di vided and whe n atte nt ion to management

is di e r ted hccause o f family pro blems the farm operation is often morta ll y wounded

Farmers and farm op ratnr are much more vulnerable in this si tua tio n because thei r

wives arc o ften much more invol ved in the e lllerprise than in non- farm situations

6 Offmiddot Farm Income

Appl ications incl ude a great nu mher of

insta nces in which if it were not fo r 0 ffmiddot fa rm income o f either the farmer or his wife or

occas io na lly both the ir farm o peratio n wo uld be tota lly un viable and unab le to continue to fu nc tion It is well the n fo r

those in th se c ircumstances to r cogniu tha t if the off-farnl inco me should e nd it wo uld also mea n the te rmination of the

farming operatio n

7 Enterprise Changes

A review 0 f appli ca tions indicates that some

farmers are hoping to comple tely change

thei r c rop or li ves toc k programs attemptin g perhaps to outguess the marke t and to

improve their financial return s Sometimes the expectation in vo lved in the dec is ion is

correct but so o ften when the costs inshyvol ved in the c hange are considered little

has been gai ned and where the deci s ion to change was unwi se co nsiderable loss is

usually the result The ot her extreme to this

situation is rigidity to the poi nt of makin g no changes at all

8 Manage ment

The management ability of any applicant

farmer is difficult to assess Most applicants are not known and there is no opportunity to assess the actual farm operation Ho wever

experience with OFAA P emph asizes that good financial management is c ritical to the

success of any farm operation Here is a li s t of definite Do and

Do nts that should be much in the minds of farmers operating in the present financial climate All of these suggestions re tlect the ex periences we have had working with

appli ca tions for O FAA P

The Definite Dos

Do base an operation on an informed farm

plan keep ing and using good record~ and approved acco unting proced ures Do work c losely wi th the credit source shy

usually the banker Plan and work within

approved revo lving ope rating loan limits Make regular cred it payments when due and when unable to make p ro per arrange shy

ments ahead of time w ith your c reditor or credito rs Do make necessary adju stme nts in land and equipm e nt befo re u nder tak ing further borrow in g Do shop around for cred it and i nve~ tig ate

ava il ah le programs to cu t credit cos ts Do pay off on loans when surplus cas h is

ava il able It won t be any fun but it w ill

he lp to re tain sol vency Do try to ma intai n stability in your far m o peration and kee p the peace a t h IllC

Do seek the professi o nal adv ice of you r ag ric ultu ra l represe ntative anJ Ir indwtry fiel d per~on ne I

The Definite Donts

Dont borrow for capita l items unless they

are abso lu te I y necessary Dont make capi ta l purchases with funds

frolll your revo lvi ng opera ting account w ithout co nsul ta tion and agreeme nt with

the bank manager Dont expand any operation without sound

pl ann ing Dont plunge and make rapid changes in

the ope rati ng patte rn without so und consultation 0

Partners For 70 Years

Arthur Cowie 09 now 95 and his wife Nina now 92 were married March 19 1913 near Nel son B C They li ved in

HC for three years then returned to Caledo nia where Arthur worked for the A

Jone s bakery He returned to the 200-acre farm homestead in 1922 when his father

was kill ed in a farm accident Arthur se rved in the 19305 and early

19405 as co uncillor and also served as

a Ju s tice of the Peace for the farm communit y

Nina Co wie whose g reat lo ve was

dancing has onl y one regre t and that is tha t she could never get her hu sband o nto the -dance floor The Scotti ~ h dances Hig hlan d

tlin gs and Scotti sh reels made hi s head spin He played the record s and watched

from the sidelines while ina did the danc ing

They have no secrets tor a long happ y marriage excep t working at it Theyve

done Jus t tha t for 70 years Bes t wishes to them both 0


OACGrads on Faculty at Nova Scotia Ag College

Lauranne Sanderson M Sc 81 is with the Humanities Department She specialized in Animal Science in her undershygraduate years but added to that a master program in Agricultural Economics Lauranne has lived on a mi xed lives t()c k and cash crop farm in southern O ntario At the No va Scotia Agricultural College (NSAC) she is teaching Tec hnical W riting but is specializing in the area of Com munications and Agricultural Extension

Barbara (Otrysko) Mulkewytch 78 MSc 81 is with the Plant Science Deshypartment Prior to her appointment at NSAC she was employed as a potato crops specialist with the New Brunswick Departshyment of Agriculture Her teaching and research will include projects on potato and crop protect ion

Yes Surry MSc 81 is with the Economics and Busi ness De partment Yves was born in Pamiers France has an M A fro m the nivers ity of Pari s and is in the process of completing his Ph D from Guelph Yves has a strong interes t in teachshying and his research interests hould be a welcome addition to the reg ion He is pre sent ly teaching courses in Micro and Macro Economic Theory

Laurie (Gaunt) Connor 73 is w ith the Department of Animal Science She earned MSc and Ph D degrees specia li zi ng in reproduct ion phys iology from the nivershysity o f Manitoba Prior to joining NSAC she was a NSERC Vi iting Fellow at the Animal Research Centre in Ottawa Her teaching and research work is mainly in the re producti ve physiology field

Also at NSAC are Sheree Porter CSS 79 and Myrna (Porter) Blenkhorn 76 John Shug 37A and 40 is the sec re tary o f the Nova Scotia Agricultural College Alumni Association 0

Please help us to help you When corresponding or upshydating information or address do tell us not only your year of graduation but your discipline

Th ree generatiuns of heramify were present when fleather Rohinson right centre FACS 83 graduated ut Wim er Convocation With her f rom [eji to righture her grandfather John Inglis her moth er Vlarirn (Inglis ) Robinson Mac 55 0 member of the Uni versirys Boord of Govern ors ond her father Doug Rohinson 53

Above Mllrrav Ma cGregor 5 1 lei with the winners of the OAC s 25th annual Alumni Curling Bon spiel Left to right GeorRe Robinson 651 Mu rrav Elliotl 65A Keith Murru 65A and Jern- Forestell 6511 Right OAC Alumni Associashytion president Hell ry Slanle 55 right was preslntedwith un engraved pewta stein to recugnie 25 years of participation ill Ihe bOlspiel Conshygratuluting Henry is Bill Harrison 62 bonspiei commillee chuirman


the individual members excellence andThe Ronald S Ritchie Le cture integri ty

This idea for the new body was not accepted by members of Cabinet They

The Opening Up of PubHc PoHcy The Opening Up of Public Policy was

Selllior Michael Piffields fopic when he

delifred fhe annual Ronald S Rifchie

LeclUre of fhe UniversifY in March

A Rmduafe ofSf Lawrence Universify

17 ( graduafed in lawjrom McGill UniversifV

and holds a Rrodlla fe diploma in Public La w

Fom Ih e UlliversifY ofolIa wa H efirsl joined Ihe Public Service as an

wlminislrafive assiSfam in Ihe Depa rimem

oJuslice in 1959 Ialer served onlhe sraffof Ih e Goernor General and as secrelary fO

117 1 Royal Commission on Taxalion In 1965

he joined Ihe Privy Council Office He

became depuly minisler of Consumer and

Corporafe Affairs in 1973 and Ihe followshy

inli year lOok up an appoinfmem as Fellow

in fhe John F Kennedy School of Governshy

mOl (If Harvard Un iversifY In 1975 he

relurned 10 Ollawa as Clerk of fhe Privy

Council and Se crelarv 10 Ihe Cabinel

The annual leclre recognizes Ihe comrihwion made 10 fhe Universily by

former Board of Govemors chairman

ROllald S Rilchie A reporl on Senafor Piffields presemalion follows

Senator Pitfield paid tribute to Rona ld Ritchie his important work in the Glassco Commission and his influence in the estabshylishment of the Institute for Research on Public Policy

In thi s th oug htful and thoughtshyprovoking presentation Senator Pitfield outlined the need for and the desirability of more open discussion before policies are introduced but there are some very real difficulties associated with de vel oping some me chanis m that could foster and encourage such exchanges of ideas

[t was pointed out that because of the high degree of interdependency of modern society and the size and complexity of governments the making of public polic y must be an intellectual subject in its own right not just a conglomeration of di scishyplines It had become evident that

I A methodical analysis of government activity could lead to improvements in government effectiveness

2 Traini ng in making and managment of public policy was crucial and urgent

3 There were few in government who knew why things were done the way they were

4 The making and management of pubshylic policy was a subject unique in itself and required thinking through for itself

5 Universities and other training institushytions were not very useful in this training process universities being too removed from the actual experience of government and the government institutions being withshyout the detachment and intellectual rigour needed

Thus it became evident that there was a need for an institution that would be a repository of knowledge a pl ace of learnshying a foru m for debate and a means of communication co ncerning public policy

Proposal s emerged that the federal go vernment should assis t some of the organizations already in existence Comshypetition became keen and rivalry among institutions re su lted in grander more comshyplex proposals As a result the federal go vernment in 1968 decided to establish a think-tank of its own to take a more rigorous look at public polic y

The idea was not new In many countries the general thinking was that all problems could be so l ved by inrelleclUal anal ysis and the appl ication of modern techshyniques But the ne w Trudeau go vernment went even beyond providing more data It included public debate of public policy

But the think-tank was only one of the initiatives to aid in the formation of policies There was support for political parties through caucus funding offi ce space support staff and regional offices for Members of Parliament and internsh ip programs for students to work as assistan ts to MPs

Other support included green and white papers for discussion commissions of inquiry task forces public funding of non-political grou ps to encourage discusshysion and many others to increase the flow of information for consideration of alternashytives All were done to open up the process o f meaningful debate which would result in more effective and sound decisions

The th ink-tank was to be a centre for var ious kinds of people to di scuss public policy subjects which were often set aside because of day to day pressures At first it was to be very informal with distinguished people invited to participate Its integrity and permanency would be based on that of

were concerned that existing research instishytutes would be damaged They also wanted in volvement of business and professional communities This challenge to broaden the scope was gi ven to Ron Ritchie

Ritchie foresaw an institution that would be independent supported by an endowment which would not only support but st imu late debate on public policy

Man y fears were raised - that such a body would be taken o ver by academics that it would become a clique that govern shyments would battle for control etc But these were dealt with skillfully by Ritch ie and the Institute for Researc h on Public Policy was establ ished

What of its accomplishments~ This institute has been successfu l in

many ways in getting better information into debate [n the ten years since its beginning many studie s have been pubshyli shed It has held many informat ive confershyences and has a unique journal Howeve r despite its efforts open and meaningful debate on public policy is not much more advanced tod ay than it was a decade ago

It is evident that to ach ie ve its objecshytives there mu st be a willingess to change opi nions and the Canadian sys tem prov ides few forums for the changing of minds The bias is towards decision-makers and interest groups not open and meaningful debate

Public debate often takes pl ace after rather than before the decision is taken Thi s may not be what is wanted but policy-making is tilted not tow ards being open but towards being closed

Why has there not been more progress [n h is pre se ntation Mi chael Pitfield refershyred to the fact that the go vernment whose people should discuss the si tuation has become even more confrontational not because of lack of information but because of rigidity in their approach to discussion of public policy

As govern ment ha s grown so have checks and balances which recently have often been linked to lack of confidence Where slim majorities exist a strong opposhysi tion can threaten the government Party di sc ipline becomes severe and ai ring of independent views is discouraged The fear of a government being defeated on the one shyhand and the unyielding demands ot the opposition on the other tends to make the parliamentary process less and less flexible

The result of the foregOing is the tendency of government in modern times to drop solutions on a public th at may not be aware of the problems These solutions are not open to argu ment and debate is reduced

conld over


w ith bias tending towards a cl osed system and less debate

To improve the situation it seems it wlluld be necessary to have a mutual and

ba lanced reduction of force on both sides

The ge neral equilibrium of the system needs to be ma in tained W hat is needed is the reduction of secre tiveness of the gove rn shyment on one side and a reduc tion of the

danger of e mbarrass ment or de fea t of the govern men t on the other side

T here must be a wil li ngness to secure

more ope n debate on al l sides and our

leaders ha ve not done that e ven on m ost import ant issues More ope n and rneltll1 ingshyful deba te will require more thi nk ingshy

thro u middoth - something Mc mbers of Parlishy

ame nt may not he able to do or be free to do or have the necessary knowledge to do But the id ea behind the Institute for Remiddot

search on Public Policy was tha t such a body could bring about better decisions

All publi c problems cannot be solved by thought and tech nolog ics but few can be solved without these contr ibutions

The Institute for Research on Public Policy cannot create better public policies

by itself It must have input from all sectors to bring about more open and meaningful public debate which will result in constant

improvement of government - somethin g

that everyone desires 0

Grad News Herb Nor ry M Sc 52 has moved to

London as a farm business advisor wit h

O M AF working in eight counties

Denny Silvestrini PhD 5R is director of quality controlresearch and de velopment Eskimo Pie Corporation Ric hmond Virshy

ginia SA He had served as manager quality control and product deve lopment

Ralston Purina Co mpany St Luuis M isshysouri U SA

John Hagarty 61 is manager fi e ld

service s Rural O rganizati ons and Serv ice s Branch OMAF Guelp h

Ismail Siragcldin Ph D 62 is professor Department of Population Dynami cs and

Political Economics the Johm Hopkins

University Baltimore Md S A

Arlene (Fournier) 65 and Dick Flis

MSc 65 are in Edmo nton Alta where Dick is petroleum products manager wes tmiddot ern Canada Imperia l Oil Ltd

Craig Hunter 66 is pre sident Cra ig

Hunter Poult ry Farms Ltd Stro ud

Colin Triver s 67 is a consulting e ngineer and On tario land surveyor for e G Trivcrs

Ltd T he ssalon

Peter Mosher Ph D 70 is director

bureau of agric ultural prod uctio n Depart shyment of Agriculture Ba ngor Me USA

Cordon Brown 76 is sen ior food techshynolog is t new prod ucts process developshy

ment Tho masJ Lipton Inc in Bram pton

Martel C outure MSc 76 is acting di rec tor d iploma progra m Macdonald Colshy

lege Ste nne de Belle vue Que

Charlie Ellintt 78 vnfe Ja ne and

first -born Ian C harles born Jan uary 20

1983 are living near S hetland C harlie is now working fo r Elliott Bros G rain and Feed Ltd

Dennis Ring 78 is credit manager Farm C redit Corp C hatham H is wife is Carnl (Weeks) 79

R Cunrad Genee 79 is a sales represhy

sentative with CIBA-Geigy Canada Ltd in

Winnipeg Man

Howard Armstrong RO is an industrial

engineer with the B utler Ma nufacturing Co (Canada) Ltd Nisku Alta

Bruce Broadbent PhD 80 is a research scientist entomology with Agriculture

Canada Vineland Station

Mic hael Tulloch 80 has been accepted as

a professional engineer by the Council of the APEO He now manages engineering functions for eG Trivers Ltd Thessalon

BruceGitelman 81 will be joining Wood G undy Ltd Investment Broke rs as a

corporate finance associate in September

Danicllc Wenstrom 81 is a quality a ss urance su pe rvisor for Pil lsb ury of Canada Ltd M idland

Christine Deslandes MSc R2 is a lecturer at Alfred Col lege of Agricu ltu re

and Food Technology A I fred

Diploma Graduates

Donald Morley 68A is ge nera l ma nager De Marco Homecare Ce ntre Sutton West

Jeffrey Currah 74A is marke ting man shyage r Fortam ix-a division of BASF

Canada Inc Georgetown

Brian Roberts 76A is a welder with Hillcook Ind ust ri es Ha milton 0

In Memoriam Raymond David Ure 15A and 21 January 24 In3 ~uddenly a t Tecumse h

age 87 He had bee n very act ive un til

recently H is son Donald re is it

graduate of 49

Dr Genrge M Stirrett 20A and 22 died December 15 1982 H is many co nshy

tri bu tiono had bee n recogni zed by the Heritage Canada Found ation The fo llowshy

ing is an account of the tribu te pa id to him Fe bruary 16 1 9~ I at Government HDu~e

O ttawa

His Excelle ncy Gove rnor Ge nera l

Edward Sc hrcyer prese med the Commun imiddot cations A wards Atl antic Reg ion to Dr

George M St irrett of Grand Falls Ne w

Bru ns wick Dr Stirrett has been comm itted to natural h is tory conservation for ma ny

years bo th before and after hi s ret ire ment from the Canadian W ildlife Service and Parks Canada in 1964

He worked hard for the preservation of the falls and gorge area at Grand Falls

and on other conservation needs in Ne w Brunswick and Ma ine He has also written

on the iss ues of conservation using Ihe pcn name G raham Vail and since April 1979

has publi shed a weekly column Notes on atural History in the G rand Falls

Cataract His columns stress the appreciashytion and enjoyment of nature as well as the need for preserving it

Norman Hodgins MacBeth 23 Fe bruary 3 1983 in St John N B He had retired in

1967 as General Manage r of General Dairies Ltd

David R Owen 25 in Medi c ine Hat

Alta February 6 1983 at age 82 He was a di rector of the fi rs t ollege Roy al and spe nt

most of his li fe teachi ng and farmi ng in Saskatchewan

Ronald John Quinn 35 Fe bruary 17 1983 in London His wife Helen (Farshyquhar) is a lso a graduate o f 35

Bruce Douglas Innes 36 passed away Septe lllber 29 19 82 D uring his college

years he took part in ma ny ac tivitie s bu t he -re membered with particu la r pleasure be ing Grand C hampion Showman College Royal

35-the first time that the honour had bee n won by anyone o ther than a fou rth year man Bruce owned and operated a dairy

farm at Burford since I 939 and was an

acti ve and ded icated farmer until his death

H is wife Margaret died in A pril 1983 T hey leave daughters Lorna Lawrence

Mac 68 and Karen and son Robert 0


Macdonald Institute College of Family and Consumer

Studies Alumni Associat ion

ALUMNI NEWS Editor Joan (Anderson) Jenkinson 66


BASc Grads-Class o f 80

EntploYDlent Survey T he University s Counselling and Reshysource Centre recentl y completed an inshyucpth survey covering the empl oyment activities of the 211 graduates who in 19RO earned Bachelor of Applied Sc ience Degrees

The survey indicates th at gradu ates are e nj oy ing a variety of interes ting and chalshylenging careers

A gratifying 73 per cent of th e graduates re sponded to the survey with 51 per cent of the respondents indi catin g that they have completed or are completing graduate degrees or programs on a full- or part-time bas is Of the 153 respondents 78 per ce nt including one who is self emshyployee have full-time employment The remainder are employed part-time or are pursuing further studie s

Li sted below are the indicated ca reers chosen in the four major areas of study

Applied Human Nutritio n

ut ritiond ietetics Food service administration More than 50 per cent of the responshy

dents obtained reg istered profe ss ional dietishytian certificates The Admini strati ve Emshyphasis course is no longer offered in the

Applied Human utrition program It is available through the Bachelor of Comshymerce program

Family Studies

A number of grad uate s found posit io ns in teac h ing or social services such as

Adult protecti ve service workers Infant de ve lopment specialists Geront ology consultants Supervisors and field workers with social service agencies Other Family Studies graduate s are

working in government srv iees and in the private ec toras home economists financial co un se llors librarians hostel managers Family Studies graduates tend to sl ck caree rs in the helping profess ion s

Consumer Studies

There are four emphasis areas 01 study within this maj or The survey indicates that

Food gradu ates are employed in areas of produci development marketing and food technology with majo r food companies Hou si ng emphasis graduates are wo rkshying with government agencies and in teac hing

Consumer Beha vio ur e mph asis graduates are in industry business and res earc h Tex tile and Clothin g e mph asis grads are employed in research merchandi sshying and banking Often after working for a year or

more Consumer Studies graduates will return to gradu ate study o r profess ional programs on a full- or part-time bas is

Child Studies

Many Child Studies graduates are emp loyed in teaching supervisory or other child-care related sett ings such as soc ial work with fami lies and children Re ported part -lime and temporary em pl oy ment pos ishytions include work as supply teachers child care supervisors special education leac hers and as lecturers in uni ve rsity settings

It is imporl an t to note that this emshyploy ment survey reports the caree r paths chose n by onl y one graduating cl ass Dat a is collccl~d on a yearl y bas is from gradu ates in Family and Consumer Studies In order to observe the broad scope of employment opportunities avail able a four-year tabulashytion wo uld pl~ c nt a more complete picture of the profess ional activities of graduates

In summary FACS programs offer students a sound educational background to meet the need s of i nduslry educational institut io ns governme nt and bus in c The future for FACS graduates is indeed bright as the College co ntinues to gro w and develop programs to meet the challenges of the 80s 0



BASc Gradsmiddot Class of 80 Further Education Pursued

Major Total

Graduates Number of

Respondents R PDt BEd MEd MSc MD MA

Applied Hum an Nu trition 65 45 23 3 I

Family Studies 64 44 19

Consumer Studies 48 33 2

C hild Studies 34 31 II I I I

TOTAL 21 1 ( 1007c)

153 (73 oc )

23 32 I 4 I I

FACS Has New

Dr Richurd Burhunl

Dean Professor Richard M Barham was apshypointed dean of the College of Family and Consumer Studies for a fi ve-year term effective July I 1983 He succeeds Dr Janet M Wardlaw who has served as dean since 1969

Professor Barham has been chairman of the Department of Family Studies since

1976 and served as acting dea n in [980 while Dean Wardlaw was on administrative leave

A graduate of the University of Otago Dunedin e Zealand Richard Barham received a Ph D degree from the University of Alben a dmonton in Ed ucational Psychology

He has served on the faculty of the Department of Educational Psychology at the University of Alberta and as professor and acting chairman of the Department of Education University of Otago

While in New Zealand he was an executive member of the council of The Ne w Zealand Psychological Society and served as its president

At Guelph he has taught both undershygraduate and graduate courses in the Deshypartment of Family Studies and has supershyvised graduate students

He has been active on many University committees during the past seven years He is a past chairman of the Board of Graduate Studies and has been a member of the

Committee on Academic Priorities the Committee on University Planning the Liaison Committee and several others

He has also been a consulting educa shytional psycholog ist with the Wellington County Separate School Board since 1979

Prolessor Barham and his wife Joan have a family offour Joan recently returned to the University of Guelph for further study Daughter Vick y 19 is a student in Economics at Queens University Lisa 17 and Christopher 14 attend Ce ntennial CVJ while Tania 12 is completing her studies at College Avenue School

Music is very important part of the Barham familys life with active invoheshyment in the Suzuki String School and the Guelph Youth Orchestra Gardening is a hobby enjoyed by both Richard and Joan

Members of the Mac- FACS Alumni Association extend a sincere welcome to Professor Barham We look forward to meeting and working with him in the future as he fills the challenging position as dean of FACS 0

FACS Prof First

Dr M urlin MUllhclIs

Director P ro fessor Anne Martin Matthews De shypart me nt of Family St udi es has been ap shypointed the first director of the Gnontology Research Centre The establi shment of the Centre was announced last February A research grant of $237000 from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada will fund the Centre for the first three years

Professor Martin Matthews has been conducting research related to the needs and interests of older segments of the populashytion as well as teaching courses in such areas as social gerontology and marital and family dynamics in Family Studies She has been a faculty member with the Department of Family Studies since 1978

She also has been active beyond the campus in programs related to aging She is chair-elect of the social sciences division Canadian Council on Gerontology and will begin a two-year term in the chair of that organization this year

She is also first vice-president of the

Ontario Gerontology Association and a member of the scientific advisory commitshytee of the Gerontology Research Council of Ontario She is a graduate of Memorial University of Newfoundland and McMaster University

With a steadily increasing percentage of the popUlation in the retirement age bracket it is important to understand more fully the ir needs and cuncerns sa ys Proshyfessor Martin Matthews The en tre will deal with the ag ing family and environshymental contexts In the latter sense we will be examinin g such things as the difference bet wee n aging in an urban and a rural society as well as issues like housing and the aging

The new Gerontology Research Centre will provide facilities to assist faculty members and graduate students doing reshysearch on aging The Centre will facilitate integrate and co-ordinate studies on aging within the University the director says

Research on aging is now being carried out at the Universi ty in such Departments as Family Studies Geography Psychology Nutrition Human Biology and SocioluFY and the Centre will be able to provide a medium for cross-fertilization of ideas among the many researchers in the field

Professor Marlin Matthews says that the Centre will be working co-operatively with other similar research centres in Onshytario such as the one at the University of Toronto in promoting research on aging The Centre will also sponsor conferences and workshops that relate to the special needs of older citizens in their communities

Guelph has demonstrated an interest in gerontology since 1970 when research projshyects began and courses dealing with aging were offered in the Departments of Family Studies and Psychology Since 1981 the Un i versity has offered gero ntology as part of the Famil y Studies major in the Bachelur of Applied Science program 0

A Thank You Dear A luml7i

1-Iwl 10 Ihonk oil Ihe uumni inloll(d wilh

Ihc cr special send-oj gien to me ill

recognition of Ihc complelion ofmv Icrm as


So man of ou -Ierc invocd shy

whelhcr or nOI ou -Iere able 10 (fIend Ihe

recognition receplion in Toronlo on May

29 I oppreciacd Ihe man good llishes

which come from ocross CClrado ond from

such dislOlIl places as Indio and Chara

Your generous gifls u Imc Irolld of

pcarls und a bonk aCCOlll11 vhich came lVilh

Ihe slrong suglcslion Ihal [should IIc 10

Vnv Iculand lverc Irul overllhelll1ing

The Air lCll Zcalundjlighl bag jJacked wilh

1111 SOriS of nccessiliel added 10 Ihe jim

middotre had 01 Ihe rcceplion

Many Ihanksfor your SUppOri over Ihe years and for your good wishes as I begin

my car ofadmin is Ira live leave

Yours sincerelv

Jonel M Wardlaw 0


Dr Louise

( Bailltlj

Heslop 67

Off - To


Dr Louise (Bazi net) Heslop 67 has JO ined the School of Business at Carlton Unive rsit y O ttaw a Over the next two years through an arran geme nt with Ca rlton Unive rsity she will be cco nded on a

part-time basis by Stati sti cs Canada where she will join the Research and Analysi s

D ivision Loui se completed her MSc at Guelph

in 1969 and continued as lecturer in the

ne wly-es tablished Department o f Co nshysumer Studies In 1977 she compktcd a Ph D in Business Administration (Marketshying) at the University of Western Ontari o

and rejo ined the Department of Consumer Studies ri si ng to the rank of ass oc iate professor

Louise was e lected to the board of

di rectors of the Mac-FA CS Alumni Assoc ishyati on in 1977 se rvin g as secretary-treasurer until May 1981

We ex tend our best wishe middot to Loui se

her husband Lome O A 70 and their dau ghters Jose tte 5 and C la ire 2 Lorne is employed by Agriculture Canada in

Ottawa and is currently completing an M Sc in Engineering at the University of

G uelph Coun try li ving is a high priority with

the Heslops They are deli ghted with the purchase of a farm near Almonte a nd look

forward to the best of both worl d s - profess ion a lism in the city and lei sure in the countryside 0

Grad News Helen (Clifford ) Beswick 48D is se lf empl oyed as a studio potter in her home in Dundas

Margaret (Kennedy) jarvis 54D is a realestate age nt in Kingston

Pat (Hall) McDowell 65 is with the

United Missionary Soc iet y Jlorin Kwora State ~igeria

Joanne Patterson 66 is a se ni or project o ffmiddoticer w ith Indi an and Northern Affa irs Ottawa

Leslie (Mowat) Hemming 68 is teaC hin g in Woods tock

Mary (Jany) Toms 68 is employed with Health and We lfare Canada Ottawa

Sarah (Spencer) Coomhs 70 is an assistant director wi th the Co nsumer Inforshymation Centre of the Ontario Government


Meredith Fi lshie 70 is an ana lyst w ith the Ministry of State for Economic and Re g ional Development O ttawa

S heila (Fahner ) jarvie 70 is a nutrishytion ist w ith the K- W Hospital Kitchener

Donna j ohnstone 70 o perates Donn as Ha ndmade Clothin g for Men amp Wo men Gabiola Isla nd B C

Lorraine Holding 71 is manager of program development with the Rural Orshyga nizatio ns and Services Branlh Minis try of Agriculture and Food located at the Gue lph Agriculture Centre

Beve r ly Lee 72 is a chairperso n with the York Region Board o f Educ at io n

Laurie MacLeod 72 is a district manager with Beaver Foods Mlss issauga

Kathy Camelon 73 is a dietitian at the Toronto Genera l Hospita l

Tirnoth) Fleming HAFA 74 a ses ionaJ lec turer with H AFA teaching business law has been adm itted to the partne rshi p o f the law firm of Harper Haney and White of Waterl oo

Isabel (McBride) H o well 74 is an e lementary school teacher with the Watershyloo Co unt y Board of Educatio n Camshybridge

Mary Ruston 75 is a Famil y Studies teacher at Inge rso ll District High School

Kathryn Anderson 76 is a supervisor with Westmini ster Family Day a re London

Hester Cooper 76 is employed as a research officer with the New Zealand Dairy

Research Institute in Palmers ton North ew Zealand

Patr icia (G a rland ) Desaul niers 76 is with patient fo od se rvices Alberta Hospishyta l Edmo nton

Noella Li 76 is aclinical dietitian wi th the

ictori a Hospital London

M eredith (Evans) Hea rtwe ll 77 is

teac hing in Mississauga

Deb Wey 77 is patient food se rvices manager at SI John Regio nal Hospi tal SI J()hn NB

Susan (junes ) Wilcox 77 is food se rvices

superviso r with the Baye re st Ce ntre for Ge riatric Care 0

A ThankYou The c lass of Mac 380 wishes to extend a

sincere thank you to all alumni who have con tributed to the Mac 38 0 Class Geronshy

to logy Scholarship Fund The gradua te s tudent scholarship in

the recently de ve loped area ot Ge ronto lo gy at FACS is being established by the class of 38D in recog nition of their 45th annivershy

sary in 1983 All Univers it y of Guelph grads are

in vited to parti c ipate in this project funds for which will be so li c ited until December

1984 [f you wish to con tribute please make you r cheq ue pay ab le to the Univers ity o f Guelph Alma Mater Fund specify that it is to be applied to the Mac 38 D Class Gerontology Scho larship Fund and mail to

the Deve lo pment Office Room 273 John shysto n Hall Uni ve rsity o f Gue lph Guelph

Ontario N IG 2W J Th an ks again for yo ur suppo rt from

Elle n Downie Mary Singer Doris Durran t and Jean Carter- the Mac 38 D sch o larship committee 0

In Memoria m We regret to announce the death of the following al umnus

Margaret L (MacKenzie) Smallwood 401) December 1982 in Lakeland Fla




The College of Physical Scie nce Alumni Association

SCIMP Editor Bob Winkel

phy sics grant selection committee of thc atural Sciences and Engineering Research

Council for two years he was intimately involved in all the major re search de velopshyments in Canada in this field Hc feels that his e lec tio n to the Royal Society of Canada will help raise the prot1le of high-energy physics in this co untry and lend stren gth to Canadian experimenters

The citation prepared for his nominashytion to the Royal Society of Canada reads

Professor Karl is a high energy the ori st whose work is widely recognized interna tionally His deep physical insight and hi s kn ow led ge of mathemati ca l methods led to the quark model of baryon resonances based on quantum chromoshydynamics which has been enormousl) successful in describing experimental reshysuits H is re sea rch is characterized by striking originality and an ability to COIll shy

bine basic ideas from different field s as in the predictions of a new effect - neutron optical activity

Gabriel Karl is married and has one daughter W hen he is not probing the sec re ts of the universe he indulges himself in music theatre and the fine arts

He visited the Unive rsity of Briti sh Columbia in Vanco uver in May for the induction ceremony into the Royal Society of Canada on the occas ion of the Annual Meeting of the Society It marked he sa id the culmination of a long string of benefits that [ ha ve enjoyed throughout the 23 years 1 have lived in Ca nada [ have every rea son to be very grateful to th is country D

Erratum In the Sprin g issue o r SCiMP it was erroneously reported in the c utline accompanyin g a pict ure of Departshyme nt of Physics student scholarship winners that they were the recipients of 0 er $ 1500 We dropped a zero The fi gure should have read $ 15000 Sorry about tha t Ed

Elected to Royal Society

Dr Cooiel Korl

The election of Dr Gabriel Karl to a Fellowship of the Roy al Society of Canada represents what one of hi s colleagues Dr Peter Egelstaff desc ribe s as a rare honour which reflects great credit not only on Dr Karl but also on the Uni versi tys Departshyment of Physics

The Royal Society of Canada founded in 1882 to promote learning and research in the arts and sciences has numbered among its Fellows virtually all of Canadas most distinguished intellectual le ade rs of the last J00 yea rs Standards are jealously guarded and Fello wships are awarded only as a result of outstanding world-class ach ieve ment

The rarity of the honour is indicated by the fact that at the Un iversity of Guelph whose faculty includes so many academics of international distinction only five had previously achieved a Fellows hip in the Royal Society of Canada These are Dr Howard Clark vice- pres ident academic Dr Bruce Sells dean College of Biologishycal Science Dr Peter Egclstaff Depart shyment of Physics Dr Do nald Masters Prof ssor Emeri tu s De part mcnt of History and Dr He rb Armstrong retired dean of Graduate Studies

As the sixth Dr Ga briel Karl will have the added di st inction of bei ng the first whose career has been sp ot excl us ively at the Un ivers ity of Guelph which agai n to

quote Dr Egelstaff marks a coming of age for the University

Gabriel Karl was born in Transylvania a province of Romania He obtained his B Sc in Chemistry at Romani as Univershysity of ClUJ worked for two years in industry and came to Canada in 1960 He attended graduate school at th e University of Toronto where he was awarded a Ph D in 1966 for a thesis on infrared luminesshycence following molecular colli sion Hi s Ph D supervisor was the distinguished physical chemist Dr John Polanyi

A two-year post-doctora l fellowship with the University of Torontos Depart shyment of Physics followed His mentors there were Drs J Van Kranendonk and Duk Poll who is now a professor with the Universi ty of Guelph s Depa rtment of Ph ys ics

In 1966 Dr Karl studied at the Uni versity of Oxford for two years under an NRC scho larship to study hadron spec troshyscopy and in 1969 he Joi ned the Univers itys Department of Phy sics achieving a full professorship only five years later

Dr Karls work has focussed on high energy physics - the physics of fundamen shytal particles This is an esoteric field involvshying research into the nature of matter The relatively few world leaders in thi s field tend to cluster around the half-dozen accelerators such as the $100 million four kilumete rshylon g hi gh-e nergy tunnel for accelerating electrons at Stanford University that have been built only in the US and Europe

There is no accelerator of this energy level in Canad a and fe w Canadian scie nshyti ~ts are working in this field Dr Ka rl s statu re in the international commu nity of particle physic ists is marked by his many visi ts to the world s major research ce ntres as guest speaker and to consult with his peers Referring to the time spent on thcse missions Dr Karl describes the Depart shym nt of Phys ics and his colleag ues as generouslyaccommodati ng shy

As cha irman of the h igh energy


Trapping The Suns Energy Excerpted from a Chemtrends article by Mary Cocivera

One predi ctabl e fac t about ind ustri ali z d

soc iety is that it will take more e nergy to

keep the whee ls ru nn ing smoothl y parti c ushy

larly because the world population is exshy

pected to dou ble to about n ine bill ion by the

year 2050

[n th search to augme nt tradi tio na l

sources o f e lectri ci ty two Departme nt of

Chemistry pro fessors ha ve tu rned their

atten ti on to the convers ion of solar energy to

electricity by photovultaie cel ls and photoshy

elec troc he mical systems T he developme nt

work at Guelph is a imed at improving the efficiency and stability of th se sy~tems and

reduc i ng the ir cos t

Si licon photovoltaic cells serve as a

reference for solar energy convers iun beshy

cause they were the fi rst such cells and to

date arc the most effic ient co nvert ing so lar

ne rgy into elec tr ic ity a t abo ut 15 per cem

effi c iency Arrays of crys tal li n sil icon ce lls present ly cos t in the nei ghborhood or

S$400 per sq uare metre to manufac ture

produc ing about 40 watts Photovo lta ic

thin- fi lm syste ms us ing semico nductors

o ther than single crysta l sil ic on are be ing

investigated in man y re~earc h ce ntre s

around the world

A pro mis ing approach is a cadmiui1l

sulfi dec uprous sul fide combi nat ion in

which the two sem ico nduc tors are laye red

on molybdenum the n covered w ith a transshyparent gold fil m T his thin-fi lm cons trucshy

tio n i ideal for solar devices explai ns

Profess ur Ro n Fawcett because large

surface areas are needed for maximum

exposu re to the sun

T he fabrication process devel oped by

Ro n and patented in 1980 in vo lve electroshy

depos iting cadmium sulfide o nto molybshy

denum then layering cuprous sulfide over the cadm ium sulfide by an ion exchange

process Finally the gold 11 1m is added by

vacuum de pos ition Ron es timates that

thi n-film de ices could be manufac tu red in

this way for about S$25 per squ are metre

E lectro pla ting of se m ic ondu ct ors

would enabl e photo voltai c dev ices to be

manu factured in a continuous process

rathe r than indi vidua lly as i required w ith

s ingle crysta l s ilic on Such ce lls ha ve

ach ieved conversio n of solar to electrica l

energy at an e ffi cienc y o f I per cent to date T he researchers are co nfide nt they can

achieve fi to 8 per cent cffi ieney compared

to the calcul ated max imum e ffi c iency of II

per cent Pro fessor Michae l oc ivera is ork ing

on photoe lec troc hem ical systems in which a

sem icond uctor electrode im mersed in an

elec tro lyte solution converts inci dent li g ht

into a n electric a l cu rren t Such se mishy

conductor lilju id junction cells offe r p racti shy

cal ad van tages because uf the sponta neom format ion o f a junc tio n I mproved effishy

ciency fo r po lycrysta lli ne sem iconductors

has been a hi eved in ce lb of th is type in part becau~e the liqu id estab li shes unshy

iformly good COntac t wi th the e l etrode

The li gh t -~ens it i ve electrode in photoshy

e lec trochem ical ce lls is a sem ic o nductor

e it her a thin-fi lm or s ingle c rysta l a tt ached

to a metal back ing the other e lec trode is an

inert me ta l T he e l ectrode~ are immersed in

~ n elect rol yte solutio n o f a mater ial that carl do nate and accep t elect rons The b igges t

prob lem with many li lj ui d junct io n ce lls

~ays Mike is photocorros iol1 of the su rshy

face of the se miconductor To overcome

thi s problem he is developing materi a ls and

techniques to coat the e lectrodes with proshy

tec tive materiab

The first liquid junction cells with a

sili con anode opera ted for only a matter of

seconds befo re the e lec trode was des troyed

by corrosion Researche rs at the Solar Energy Research Insti tu te in C o lorado

U SA have developed a silicon anode

w ith a polypyrro le protect ive coating which

can o perate for hund reds o f hours but that is

still not long eno ugh for a viable commershy

cia l syste m

M ike and his colleague are making a

syste matic study of compounds tha t wi ll

both protect the electrode from corrosion

and catal yze the elect rode rca tion They

arc now worki ng with organo me tall ic comshy

pounds co mpris ing a metal atom sulfur

and an aromatic co m pone nt containing a func tiona l group li ke hyd roxy l sul phonate

ammoni um and nitroso

hese compounds are effect ive beshy

ca use they prov ide a mechanism to transfer

a ch arge bet ween the se mi co nd uctor and the e lectro n donor in solut io n The coating mus t

also be transpilrent e nough to a llow the light

to s trike the photocleetrode

To date they ha ve suneeded in deshy

veloping fi ve coat ings su itab le fo r a variet y

or se miconduc tors incl uding the polyshy

crysta ll ine cadm ium su lfide e lectrodes fabshy

riltated by Ron Fawce tt s method If polyshy

crystalli ne elec trodes can be fab ri (a ted and

coated wi th a protec tive materia l electroshy

chemically they wi ll be relati ve ly inexpe nshy

ive to manufac ture If the tech niques and processe s be ing

inve ~l igated by Ron Fawce tt and Mike Coc ivera de ve lop to tht ir full poten tial the

su n cou ld beco me a more import ant supplier

o f e lectri city in Ca nada Long-range proshy

jectio ns suggest that about 10 per cent of No rth A m rican e lectr ic it y could be proshy

duced from solar convers ion

Elec tric ity fro m the sun is no longer a

pipe-dream-it is a reachable goa l n

Grad News Louise (Sandall) Platt BA 69 is living

in Islington and teaching for the Etobico ke

Board of Educati on

Alexander Barton BSc 70 MSc 74 is work ing on a Ph D deg ree in the

Departme nt of Fishe ries and W ildlife at

Orego n Sta te uni vers ity

Gerry Kupferschmidt BSc 70 MSc

71 is living at R R I Osgoodc and is

tmployed as a sc ientific ad ise r to the


Murray Ross Gingrich BSc 71 Ii ves in

Brampto n and is work ing as a probation

officer for the Ministry o f Correc tio nal


Robert Cross BSc 72 M D is workshy

ing in the emergency department o f the

So uth Muskoka Hospital in Bracebridge

Edda Duva (Home) Kerr BA 74 lives

in G ue lph and is working as a program

co-ordinator for Casatta Ltd in Kitchener

Deanne Ch)y BSc 78 Ii ves in Etob ishy

coke and is working as a public health

inspector for the Ham ilton Wentwo rth Reshy

gio nal Health Unit

Alex McDonald BSc 79 PhD 83 and his wife Rosanne ( DeNobriga) BSc

79 are living in Austi n Texas whil e Alex

is do ing post-doctoral work at the Unishy

vers ity o f Texas

Ste~en Oliver BSc 79 o f Hamilton is a

medica l sa les repre sentati ve with Cyanamid

Canada Inc

Gordon Knox BSc 79 is a con~ ul ta nt

with Inform ation Systems Serv ices in Vicshy

toria BC

George Gillson BSc 80 is taki ng a

Ph D in Anal ytica l C hemis try at the Uni shyve rsity of Alberta 0


The College o f Arts Alumni Associat ion

DELPHA Editor Debbie (Nash) Chambers 77

has no w acquired the Shaw Festival ArshyThe Deans Roundup chives on permanent deposit T his is an

Last fall I had the privilege of speakshy

ing to the direc tors of the University of G uelph Alumn i Assoc iation to bring them

up to date on some of the excit ing things connected with the College of Arts I am gratefu l to the editor of DELPHA for this

opportu nity to let alumni readers know what we are do ing

I am pleased to be able to report a subs tant ial increase in enrolment both in the

B A program and in the College o f Arts this past yea r What is especially nice is that this has coincided with a dec is ion to tighte n our

standards at the admissions level and in the regulations for continuatio n of study

In o rder to grad uate B A students

who entered the Spring 19~3 Semester will need to obtai n a C average in 60 per cent of the courses they take

Most of o ur students are doing thi s now and we do not antici pate this will pose any

problem for the students whom we are ad mitting Next year students en tering the

B A program will be required to have Grade 13 English and we are strongly encouraging them to offer a Mathematics credit o r o ne in French or ano ther language

Applications from students wish ing to enter the B A program in the Fall 1983 Semester

are up subs tantia lly over last yea r I also want to share with you some

ha ppenings which have brought special delight to me

The U ni ve rsi ty of Guelph Choir

under director Ge rald e ufeld won second prize in the 1982 CSC nation al chora l competition

In the Harbourfront a rt show last

sum mer three o f o ur students had works se lected by the jury and each won a prize shya better show ing than any of the other O nshy

tario universities or colleges which entend T he C anadian- American Urban Hisshy

tory Co nference held at G uelph in A ugust

1982 was a tremendous success bringing sc holars from many parts of the United States and Canada to discuss new trends in urban studies

Dean David Murray

In the space of just a few months I have seen seven books published by faculty in the Co llege The subjects include Rudyard

Kipl ing Greek Philosophy Urban History Evolution and Darwinism Reli gion and Tolerance the dramatist Gra nville Barker

and a nove l written in French Last summer also saw the completion

of a very successful facu lty exchange beshy

tween o ur Department of Eng lish and the

Uni vers ity of Reading in Britain Dr Leslie Monkman went to Reading for the year and Dr Coral Howell s visited Guelph This

opportunity enab led Dr Howells to study modern C anadian writers and she is now

working o n a book to be published in Britain o n Canadian women wri ters Dr

Mo nkman lectured on Canadian literature at various places in Britain and in France as well as in Reading

T hro ugh the e fforts of the Department of Drama and its chairman Dr Leonard

Conolly and C ollections Librarian Jo hn Moldenhauer 68 the Uni versi ty Library

ex tremely valuab le re sou rce for theatre

scholars a nd the Univers ity is ve ry pleased to have a closer connection with the Shaw Festi val The Drama Department also has

Professor Dan Laurence the world s leadshying Shaw scholar as a distinguished Visitshy

ing Professor lor the ra il Semester Two large conferences were organized

during the Spring and Summer by faculty

and students in the Co llege Professor Ted Cowan of the History Department was in charge of the Scottish Heritage Festival held in uelph in May The Fes tival was a

ce lebrati on of the S co t~ 1d their contribushytion~ to Canada

In Au gust the Uni vers ity will host a major conference o n Common wealth lite rashy

ture bringing writers and schol ars to Guelph from allover the Com monweal th Professor Doug K illam chairman of the Department of English and a number o f col leagues are

now busily preparing to welcome guests from around the world

Through our liaison programs we have pioneered special day - long seminars at the

niversity for gifted children in Wellington County T he se programs are part of o ur commitment to assist secondary schools in meeting the challe nges of special education

J know many o f you will also be interes ted in knowing that last sLi mmer the

College awarded three new scholarships two of the m honouring the cont ribution made by former faculty members J Percy

Sm ith and W Stanford Reid The other marked the first presentation of the Edward Johnson Music Foundation scholarships for students in the music program

We are al l ac ute ly co nscious of the

financial pressure affecting the UnivLr ~ ity

of Guelph and othe r Canadian unive rsities

But we mus t no t le t these pressures detract from the vision of academic excellence to

which we are committed J think you will agree from the exaln ~Jk middot ha ve cited that this vision continues to glow brightly in spite of our financial plight We hope we can

co ntinue to co unt on your advice and your suppurt 0


It Was a Very Good Year T he Direc tor or the College of Arts Alumni Assoc iation have had a bus y year In January we launched o ur hrst Caree rs i lglll for in -coure stude nlgt Thanks to the exce lle nce and enthusiasm of our pane l l1len1bcr the evening was a success

Careers Night is to become an annual event and we would appreciate you r particishypation Any Art s grads wh o wo uld like to

vo lunteer their expertise for the e vening please do not hesita te to contact us

The Directors were also busy a rshyranling the second an nu al art show shyDI MENSIO NS middotS3 Due to the treme nd ous response to DI M ENSIOtS 82 the art show co mmittee organized DIM ENSIO NS 83 as aJu ricd show We are hoping that nex t yea r we will be able to mount a photography show as well a an art sho w

As you are probably aware in 1970 Wellington College was reo rganized into the Colleges of Arts Physic al Sc ience and Socia l Science This year our Assoc iation was asked to se lect a new College logo Thankgt to Dean Dav id Murray and the Deans Counc il we were given permission to use the graphics on the College of Art s Gold Medal It can be see n in the masthead of thi s issue The logo was designed by Erich Barth art dire ctor Department of [nshyformation and enco mpasses the di verse di s shycipiJnes fou nd within the College of Arts

Grad News Catharine (Gilnerlson ) Scott 70 is a wage and salary anal ys t tnivers it y of Waterl oo

Linda la) Bell 72 i the assistant conshysultant for thlto gifted We llington County Boa rd of Education GueJph

Lynn Barbeau 74 is the curator Educa shytion and xtension Macdo nald Stewart Art

entre Guelph

Wltlynr WellJauler 75 is corpora te mar shyke ting manager Gore Mutua l In surance Company Cambridgc

Renate Fisc her 76 is a consultant with the Woods Gordon Divisio n of Cl arkson Go rdon Chartered Acco untants Kitchener

jane Morley O AC MSc 81 is a career co nsultant Counse llin g and Student Reshysource Centre Un iversity of Guelph

Through the generos ity of the Alma Mater Fund our Assoc iation has been able to e stablish nv e sc holars hip s Thre e DELPHA awards for Gue lph alumni to continue their slUdi es at the gradu ate level at the University and two awa rds for part-time mature students These awards are greatly appreciated by the students who have reshyce ived th e m

Congratulatio ns are th e order of the day for Juli e (Russe ll ) Thur 78 Associashytion past pre sident and Linda Mackenz ie shyCordi ck 8 1 Assocration secre tary treas shyurer on the birth of their daug hters in March We wi sh them joy in their yo ung-

David Dell 76 is the in fo rmation o ffic er Reg ion of Pee l Brmiddotampton

jeff Miller 82 is a s tage manager for Profes sional Theatres Toronto

The above eight alumni were panel )11ember-s at our first annual Careers sJ ig ht held ea rlier th i yea r On ce again we offer our sincere thanks for their pani ci pation

lhugarel Reare 68 is senior research o f hee l Minis try of th e Soli citor General Ottawd

William Thiels 73 is a sys te ms analyst with Eas tman Kodak CO Roche ster t Y US A

Shardie D SteHnson 77 is assistant marketing manager Marsh and 1cLennan Ltd Winnipeg Man

Donald Syme 77 is with marketing pe rsonne l IC F Sydne y Australia

sters and look forward to the ir continued help in the Assoc ia tion in the future

C Nould lik e to re mind our fell ow alu mni to jo in or renew their membership in our Association De hbie ( Nash) Cham bers 77 editor of DF LPH A wo uld lik e any Ideas lor future artick that vould catch your interes t Our Assoc iati o n would also apprec ia te heari ng from you re gardin g eve nts that you wou ld be interested in attending Pl ease drop us a line in order that we may serve you better thus ~ eeping the line of co mmunic ation oren bet ween you and yo ur Alma v1ater

In closing I would like to acknowlmiddot edge With great a pprec iati o n the a istance that has been o ffclTU our Board of Direc tors over the pasl year

As al ways Dea n David Murray has bee n a va lued ad visor I wo uld li ke to thank Professor Ted Cowa n Department o f History for his Sprin g 19K3 OEPHA article on the Scottish Heritage Festival and Judy (Ma in) Ca rson 75 for he r help in preparalron of feature articles Spec ial thank s arc also ex tended to Rosemary Clark Mac 59 Asis tant Director Proshyg rams Dep artment of Alumni Affairs and Deve lopment and our Board of Directo rs who have wo rk ed so hard to mak e thi s a successful year

The term of 19X2-B3 has been a very grati fying one for all mem bers of the Associations Boa rd o t Directors We loo k for ward to 19K3-K4 anJ hope to hear from you Q

J ane Francis 78 is With Ilublic relations Vancouver Stock EXchange Vancou ver B C

Jonie Bunce 79 is a teacher 01 Art English and Thcatre Arts at 1 A Turn er Secondary School BrdrllptOl

Deborah Salmon 79 is married to Richard Light BS( 80 and li ves in Japanec Shc worb for the Empl o) mc nt and Im migrati on Commi ssion dnd Ri chlrJ works for a darrv in Kin gs to n

Shelagh Stevens 79 it station U)lllrshytwlle r Department o f -J atiunal [dc nce in f ova Slmiddototia

lidwtl Glanb 81 is a supervisor mar shyke ting comrlluni~ations Pitney-Bowe s oj

Canada Ltd Don Mill s

john (llanllllUnd ) Zelasko 81 rs ~ I

courtr(lOrn artist WKBW Buffalo New Ymk US I C



Alumnus of

Honollr 1983

Helen Christine AbeD Mac 38D

Amo ng the forerunners in the fie ld of rural soc iol ogy not only in Canada

but throughout the world and with a long career as a professor in numerous un iversities ac ross Canada Dr Helen C Abell has und oubted ly do ne much to promote a world -w ide reputation for her Alma Mater

Dr Abell has been most active in a numbe r of United Nat io ns programs designed to foster development of th ose in the Third World countrie s Although os ten sibl y retired she still co nt inues her wo rk as a cons ult ant in Socio-Economic De ve lopme nt assisti ng in develop ing sho rt -term project s as the occasion ari ses

As well as a Macdona ld Ins titu te Diploshyma Dr Abell obtained a BHSc (H ome Economics) from the Universi ty of Toro nto in 1941 and an MS (Human Nutrition) and a Ph D (major Rural Sociology and Agri cul shytural Economics) from Cornell University in 1947 and 1951 re specti vel y 0

Page 3: Guelph Alumnus Magazine, Summer 1983

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to 1 til I

- -~ I

In Recognition P rlt) fessor Donald Forster has atl enckd

hi s la~ t Al umni Wee ke nd as PreSident of tht L nivc rs ity of G uelph He will heeonlc Pres ident ufthe ni vcrs it y of Toro nto o n St ptc illher I

O n Sunday Ju ne 19 dur ing Alumn i WlLke nd XJ a luncheon was arranged for ~ iluJll ll i to recog nize Pres ide nt Forsters e ight ) ars of dedica ted service to the nive rs it y and his close rel at io nship with the U ni vns it y of Gue lph Alum ni Assoc iat ion

One or cveral afte rmiddot luncmiddothe() n speake rs UGAA Pas t Prcs ident Pcte r Anderso n We ll middotiX no ted that Preid ent Fors ter li s te ned to

our conce rn and spoke ope nly and fran kly to us Hi s te rm of o ffice un fo rtun ately covered a period dmin g which many res trict ions had to be appli ed Lu ck il y for us all he did not re str ict higt for ward middot look ing vis ion fo r ca mpus ~row th

O ne sh i n in~ ex ampl e of this I S the Macdonald Stewart Art Cent re o f which we are all very prolld We will mi ss hi s lead(Thi p a nd determinatio n

Pas t Pres ident Oli ve (Thompson ) Thom pshyson Mac 35 with whom the Pres ide nt share d a passion for ph ilate ly ohsc rved Ihat the Alma alu mni publicati ons by a co mm it tee re pre se ntshy ded icat ed loya l a nd de vo ted to the Uni ve rsi ty Male r Fu nd total for 1975 - the year that ing the L GAA and the co lle ge alumni and 10 lhe co lle ges Beca use o f this Im sorry Donal d Forster ca me to Guelph- was aisoc iati ons He ac ce pted their reco mmenda - to be leav in g Ihe Uni vers il y o f Gulph S 151 000 The sig ni fica nce orh is pre sence t() t ion to consolidate the ( lIelph A111111 II li S and the Im proud to leave the Univers ity o f shy

fJ rne ll leel 10 PrnidflIl Imiddot on ler illo ll)IIR II I IIIIll i r ccoRll i l io li 1llIl cilfOIl

I lc ld dllri llg A llI lI1 l1i Wcehelld 83 Il1 l1e 11 m celes lial chu rI1 II ere (l lI hilhei

h Ka rel i Ilard (~r A lllSl nelu lll ill 1705 Prncnnl ill U Fre llc h Chl l fW I

Imiddot i llce (illhliuili rJII il le (hu rI 1 slill aU (I S laquo(110 11 1 111 11 IIhell Ini ill cd 1 10 I

are UCA l IlII lI1 ediale PUSI Presidelll ja ll e (Vol i ck) We hSleF rACY 75 Prllidl l7l Fo rsler ul(l UCAfi Secr llarr ROls Pornmiddot CSS RO

al umni she noted ca n we ll be appreciated seve n indiv idu al coll ege alumni bull e tin s Guelph in a stro ng and stable co nd ition - at the whe n one considers Ihat the to tal rece ive d thc- r by bring ing abou t ohserved Janice Uni ver it y of Toronto it s another story I m d uring the 19H2 campaign wa more than an illlcgrati lln of Lnive rs il Y and alumn i new s slile there wll be a n upturn in uni versity $175000 fO m which we a ll have be nefitt ed fun d ing hut the ne xt whil e wi ll be hard for

Pas t Pres ident Ja nice (Rohc it son) Partshy In his r( ph to Ihe gat hering Preside nt uni ver ities in ge neral lI owever not SO hard lo w Art s 70 ap pJ a udedt he Presidc nt ~ FONer expressed hi s apprec iation tor ha vin g for j uc lph-hcre we have hi gh qua lity and leadership when fac in g severe gove rnme nt the lull support of middotmiddota ~ o()d academic ad mi ni middot programs that are sLco nd tn none My hea rtfe lt underfundi ng he in iti ated in 1979 a rev ie w o f tra tive a nd alumni tea m a ll ofwh() m are th anks to yo u all 0


SOlan Tornado Strikes ArboretuOl D uring the afternoon of May I a small

to rnado struck the fi ve-acre wh ite pine plantation in the northeast corner of the Uni versity A rboretum s Victoria Woods (corner of College Avenue and Victoria Road

South) T he damage ~as devastating the 78-year-uld pines were broke n like matchsticks o r wind-thrown in a fin ge r pattern away fro m the western edge of the plantatio n

For the Arboretum the loss is a very serious one not least because of the h ist ric importance of th is plantation w hich was planted in 190 5 by the late Dr Edmu nd John Zavi tl OACs firs t professor of Fores try who

ta ught Farm-Fores try and o perated a fores t tree nursery on ca mpus from 1904 to 19 12 Edmund Zav itz graduated fro m McMaster Universi ty in 1903 and obtained an M Sc degree in Forestry at Michigan Uni versity in 1905

His appointment to the OAC res ulted from ac ti vities by the O ntario Agricul tural and Experi menta l Union which in a 1902 resulushy

tion to the Ontario Guvernment requested that material s sufficient to refores t areas

sufficiently large to provide forest conditions in typica l situations throughout Ontar io be

made available The Union was chaired by the late Professor C harles A Zavitz a d is tant

relati ve of Ed mund Zavitz and one of the group of students of the O AC to receive the

degree of B S A in its first graduating cl ass o f 1888 and who immediately joined the OAC faculty

Recognized as the father of reforestashytion in O ntario Edmund Za vi tz became

Provinc ial Fo rester in the Department of Lands Forests and M ines in 1912

Fac d with the de vastation Arbore tu m

Di rector Erik Jorgensen was also faced w ith thc proble m of wha t to do about it

My firs t reaction was the same as that

ex pressed to me by Profe ssor Daviu Sm ith o f the Department of Botany and Genetics - let nature take its course W hat we have is the

co nsequence of a natural catastrophe and as such con stitutes a useful example for teaching

purposes If left essentially as is with only removal of the tree s blocking the walking trail s through the area the natural regenerative proce sses could be documented over time

and would eventually provide information useful to Arboretum personnel and for teaching

purposes However a close examination by Erik and

his staff has confi rmed th at the fallen trees have considerable val ue and if retrieved through a lumbering operation would provide sufficient fund s to co ver the cost of c lean-up and

replanting with maybe so me funds left ove r for o ther Arboretum developments

Therefore the decision has been mad e - that the plantation should preferably beco me an extension of the ex isting adj acent

sugar maple woodlot which by stand ard is small as it stands today

Other factors that led to this decision inc lude the poss ibility that the present condishytion would lead to continued storm damage as a large number o f trees are on theirway down o r ha ve very thlll crowns which will break

Also leaving the pine as is pose s a hazard to other co nifers in the Arboretum as one might expect a large build-up of bark beetles Ips pini amon~ o thers capable of killing he althy trees when they occur in large numbers

One stro ng factur was the recognition that the section o f the Arboretum affected is the focal po int of publ ic programs and shuuld be

aesthetically pleasing The U nivers ity does ha ve at present the large wooded section

so uth of the Stone Road as a natural area w here nature is allowed to take its cou rse

It is planned to establish a cover crop of ha rdwoods and subseque ntly underplant w ith

sugar maple in two or three years This technique is an experimental one and CQuld be of importance to southern O ntario where the Minis try of Natura l Resources at prese nt has ve ry little ad vice fo r farmers who wan t to extend sugar bush o perations

By opti ng for a clean-up operation observed Professor Jorgenson we are eli minating a ques tionable teaching and research s ituat ion and we are creating a pos itive one 0


Atthe picni( IlIn(h The Aji fc onomics harhecue VG AA IIImediate Pal t Presidellt

j a ll P (Vo lick) Wehste r F4CS

75 with Pres idellt Fors ter

A tOllr SIO[i (lith e Ca rrio jiC Ho us(

Olll~()illg OVCAA Prelid t A rci1 ic Mo cKin shy

IIll ove n iill Dr We lld Porker (JVC

71 the U VC Ail ljirSljilwle [i re s idol


john Robersoli OAC 3R alld ijra ndda llg hter Ma ndy Portio

Class oJ Ma c 33 ot the Golden A nni erlon Dinner


Olr hI sc h oo l hlls ro rh e

CBSA 1I poundlow Gor ge Walk

- J ~

OurgoinR OACAA Prelide nr H enr I SWnlel

OAC 55 righi (lll d il1 m ll1ing Presidenl Don

RiseJro llgh O AC 77

Dr A Gram MiIlt lI l r OAC 35 lIlI d ove 38 l ei Presidellr Friellds (~ u or G lIi rh

M orin FunsfOn OAC 32

AI rhl pO II ((k l In(akjclSf

LIII(hrilllei)r PUIII Milard OAC 67 I ilt Lindo (11pound1 rh eir

liJlr l o l(lIgsrers

Oea ll S it~er OA 5 1 i lll Iw rr rai rl Ii) rh e OAC Jourti f(JO JJ1 jro l1l OA C

72 f( R2 unci iJl hOlnlti-oll1 OAC 83 L fIJ ) MllrJ( I POrrlOIlS OAC R3 Weekend 83 O oro rhl SI jr er rhe 0 1( 11 a lld ValeriI Wen OAC 83A


Class oj () AC U (If rh e Col dclI Allll i (Is( r l Dinner


Pauline StepsDoWD An intervie w with Dr Pauline McGibbon by Andrea Mudry Fawcett

A In stepping down as Chancellor you are leaving people at the niversity of Guelph with many memories including your rather spectacular arrival in 1977 in horsemiddotdrawn land au and the time you took off from convocation in a helicopter What memorie s of the University will you take away with you

P Well I will certainl y remember the beautiful campu s and the friendline ss of everybody At Guelph s Board of Governors meetings I was struck by the vast difference between what was almost a famil y affair as compared to the Governing Council at the Uni versit y of Toronto where [ was pre viously Chancellor really liked the meetings of the Board of Governors at Guelph The meetings at Toronto

are so much larger with people sitting in rows in a room Perhaps you feel more intimidated to get up and speak Not that that ever applies to me

A As Lieutenant-Governor of Ontario and Chancellor of two uni versities you have fulfilled role s which involve a fair amount of pomp and circum stance Do you feel that there is a place in the modern world for such ceremonie s

P Yes I feel very strongl y about that about graduati on ceremonies for example That is one time when a university publicly pays tr ibute to student s for what they have achieved Perhaps for the first time the graduates and

their families are going to see that they are now part of an ac ademic tradition I would like to compliment Gudph on the way the faculty turns out for graduation Because the acauemic procession as it enters with faculty members in co lourful gowns robes and ca ps from uni vcrsities around the world adds greatl y to

the ceremo ny It s awfully nice to ee such colour to hear the orches tra and that excellent choir you ha ve I rea ll y love the graduation cere mony

A How did you develop th is feeling fo r tradition ) Did the fac t that you studied hi story at uni versity co ntribute to thi s apprec iation)

P Really I think it s my sense of theatre Tha t~ o ff the top of my head because [ ve

never thought about the que stion before But I do ha ve a tendency whether it s in a church a

uni ve rsity the leg isl ature or the House of Commons of always see ing ceremonies with that theat ri cal look behind my eye People should be able to feel that they are taking part in a meaningful occas ion

A So it is not mere ly a question of staging a ceremony but ol really undeliining the fact that th is ri tual is part of an important tradition The theatric s then become mainl y a means of helping to convey that fact Did your family haw a strong sense of tradition

P I dont know that [ was really conscious of such things before atte nding uni ve rs it y Whil e growing up in Sarnia I doubt very much that I was co nsc ious of tradi tions Perhaps it started during my univerSity years

You must reme mber that [ came from a communit y of about IS 000 to the Uni ve rsity of Toronto where I lived in residence I was just so w ide-eyed Eve rything seemed so glamorous You know I came down with money fr om my grandfather who said I was not to sta y if I didn t like it Before I left he gave me the trai n fare home You see I was co mpletely spoil ed Of course I just loved it

A T he fac t th at you were Ontari os Lieutenant-Governor while you were the Chancellor at Guelph ce rtai nly me ant that you were busy But also as Her Majesty the Queen s offi c ial representative yo u were not free to speak on education oron politics Would you care to comment on the state of educati on now

P Well heal th and education are making terrifi c finan cial demands on provincial budgets J get completel y torn between wanting to see more money in both en velopes if you want to put it that way Im rea lly concerned about the l ack of money for our uni versities I think that they re right down to the bone and Im concerned about the fu ture If things dont improve then were goi ng to lose our staff to


III rl m gllition of her service to the Unimiddotersi since 1977 Dr Pauline M cGibbon

IllI S prlsented with two millia ture hand- craft ed replicas of th e Uni vers ity mace a t a

SenateBoard of Governors dinne r during sprin g Com oealio ll on lU1I 1 I With hlr

is Prrgtsident Donald Forster

the United Sta tes O ur eq uipment is getting old

and has to be re placed as do o ur buildings I

just wish we could find mo re mo ney in o ur unive rs ities and J use that in the plural

A It has been co mmented that sin ce Do n

Fo rste r is a bache lo r you ha ve been helpful in

setting him at ease in the social aspec ts o f his

role For examp le yo u me ntioned the

graduatio n lunche o ns

P We ll Don was Pro vos t when I was the

Chancellor at Toronto su tha t we were not

strangers to o ne another no t that we knew each

o ther that we ll Poss ibl y the fact that he had

wa tched me in ac tio n at Toronto may be one

reaso n why he asked me if I wo uld le t my name

stand as C hance llor fo r G ue lph Now I ve

rJs hl y said that Ill be glad to do an ything I can

do to he lp hi m whe n he co mes to Toronto as

Preside nt It is not going to be easy for hi m

A You have bee n the firs t woma n to hold many

othe r key positi ons hese incl ude bei ng

Director of IBM Ltd Presi dent of the Canadian Co nference o f the Arts and

Lie utenant-Gove rn or of On tari o Is this

indi cati ve o f aeha nge in peo pl e s perceptio n of

women s abil i ties w he ther it is in bu si nes

ed ucat io n or government

P Ve ry definitely attitudes are changing I

co nsider that at the begi nning I Jus t happened

to be in the right pl ace at the righ t t ime Howeve r a ll you have to do is watch the

finan cia l pages o f you r newspaper to see the way wome n are coming ahead Such changes

are partly due lthink to the femini st

moveme nt whi ch emphas ized and broug ht to

the attention o f people so me o f the handicaps under which women were functi o ning

ow I m not o ne who supported the

Ch ancelor Paufine McGibbon raquoith

extremes o f the feminist movement such as the

extra vagant prose the hraburni ng all tha t type

o f stuff I ca ll it stuff yet in the nex t breath

I say it did have an im pact Whethe r the y agreed or disagreed people a t las t began to

thi nk about ce rta in issues concerning wome n Pro bl ems w ith sa laries career advanccment

and pr j udi ce suc h as the idea that it is no t

good to work fo r a wo man a r~ example

The moveme nt seems to have slowed

duwn now I see both s ides and on no t consider

my~e l f a fence -s itte r l think the majority o f

people realize w hat certa inl y reali zed all

alo ng Yo u cannu t ge t ahead withou t the

suppo rt of men Men and wo me n have gut to

work toge ther fo r the ben fi t o f both I ha ve to

say in all hones ty that [never felt di sc ri minated

aga ins t in any way no matter wh at [ dio I ve

always gotte n al ong we ll with men Ilike men

and they sec m to l ike me

A M aybe that is part o fil T hey sense that the

rel a tio nship is a positive one Yo u enjoy their

company they enjoy yo urs and they can see

that you ha ve the mcessary qualit ies fo r a g ive n

pos itio n

Vell it s ce rtainly go ing to be the end o f

an era a t Guelph when you and Do n leave Im

sure thin gs will ca rry o n and there will be ne w

delights but were a lways sor ry to see a fine

time end

P Thank yo u Id hate to have yo u not feel

sor ry tha t we are leav ing But the new

Chancell or Bill Ste wart isjus t go ing to be

tops He had an assoc iatio n with Guel ph for a lo ng time when he was Ministerof Agriculture

I can t th ink of a better choice 0

Erich Barth arl director Enf orillaion Se rshy

vices who co-ordinaled the creation of Ihe two Uniersity iliacI lII in iafures th at

Yoere presented to her One mace is a displm model a bout on e-eigh th f ull size the o ther repli ca is a j our- in ch kill p in


Dual Income Families

Presstires and

By Mary Cocivera

A stroll through a typical neighbourhood

shatters any illusions about mothers stayin g at home with their young children

Most neighbo urhoods that a decade ago

would ha ve been bu stling with coffee klatches

neighbours visiting over the fence and back yards full of children playing are now all but deserted during the week

Young mo thers are not home with their

preschool children Instead they are in shops factories and offices working to help stretch

their families budgets Women particularly mothers of young

children are working outside the home in increasing numbers In 1971 in two-parent

families 38 pe r cent of mothers with children

under 16 worked outside the home By 1977 that proportion had increased to 58 per cent

The increases are even more dramatic for

women with children under s ix years old the

gro up traditio nally portrayed as staying home with their preschool children F ro m 1971 to 1977 the proportion of these mothers from

two-parent familie s who worked outside the home rose from 41 per cent to 51 per cent

Participation in the labour force has

increased steadily fo r all women since 1960 when fewer than 30 per cent of women over 25 were in the labo ur force By 1982 more than 48

per cent of the same group worked outside the home Further inc reases are prOjected until at least 1985 Canadas Families a doc ument

based on the 1976 census reported that in 54 per cent of families both spouses were working

o llts ide the home

Payoffs Why the Change

Women have been entering the labour

force for a variety of reasons economic ami otherwise Professor Kathleen Brown a family

economist in the Department of Family Studies suggests that soc ial pressures have

pushed many women particularly those in middle-age withgrown children out of the

house and in searc h of self-fulfillment Some of these women ma y feel theyre

missing something by staying at home when most of their peers are working outs ide the home and have their own discretionary income

Hard cold ca sh is the reason behind most womens decision to work o utside the homc Young families are particularly vulnerable to

economic upheaval s Profess or Brown explains because their expenses peak before their incomes

Many young two-income couples stretched their budgets in the early 1970s to

purchase a hou se with the expectatio n that their inco mes would rise and the payments would beco me increasingly eas ier to make

Then interest rates soared they had to renew

their mortgages at much higher rates and their la rger monthly payments s till needed two or mo re incomes to meet those payments

Wives who intended to stop working outside the home to have a family suddenly

realized that they wo uld have to keep working to keep the family home They were counting

on continued economic growth and on inflatio n eas ing their debt burden observe Professor Brown but they didn t allow enough flexibility to adjust to developments like the

unexpectedly high mortgage rates Some middle c la ss home owners may

actually be worse off no w than they were in the early 1970s according to consumer economist


Professor W ill iam Frisbee from the De partment of Consumer Studies T his problem is likely to be particularly aeu te among families who purchased homes in the 1970s W hat has caught families in the wild t1uctuation

in interest rates We can no longer ant icipate what the situation will be like in th ree or four years Conside ring that buying a house is a 25shyto 30-year proposilion this uncertainty can really put families in a bind

Wives who work outside the home have not only saved many a family home but they have kept low income families above the poverty line Women and Poverty a report

by the National Council of Welfare published in 1979 estimates that 52 per cent more two- spouse income families would fall below

the poverty line if the wives did not work outs ide the home

Wives who work outside the home

represent all social and economic strata from the lowest income families to the very highest

Many wives who are pursuing life-long careers always expected to work outside the home and

they married men who supported their ambitions

At the other extre me are women who

never planned to work outside the hom or who intended to stop working outside the home if children arrived These women frequently married men who believe that the husband

should be able to provide for his family W hen these women venture outside the

home to work there can be tremendous conflict

between the traditional values and the financial

necess ity of going out to work Their husbands often feel that their role as famil y head and bread w inner is being undermined They have d iffi culty cop ing with their wives increased independence and economic clout the wives try to live both the traditional role and carry on with thei r jobs

Far-Reaching Benefits Women enter the labour force for

monetary reasons bu t o ft en the payo ffs go far beyond the economic The late Professor A nne Cal laga n who was a soci al worker and

soc iolog ist in the Department of Family Stud ies believed that women be nefi t psychologically and that marriages can be stre ngthe ned whe n both part ne rs work outside the home Ci ting a study about the

decision-making process in famili es she observed that most couples start married life

with an equal rights relationship The wife s input into important decisions

reaches its lowest point when she is stuck at home with small children As the children get older and more independent the wife regains

some of her say in family dec isions but her input never reaches the level she enjoyed a t the beg inning of the marriage A wife who works outside the home maintains her influence in

decision- mak ing throughout the marriage With both partners working husband and

wifc are forced to communicate more and to work out the often complex arrangements for the care of the children Increased comshy

municat ion leads to more companionship In the trad it ional family with a husband who

has a job and a wife who does not work outside the home the wife organizes the children and the couple s social life

In many cases she and her husband operate in completely different spheres and communication declines Many of these marriages flounder in mid-life because there is little in the way of common interest after the

children leave home Many observers have linked marriage

failure to economic woes and to women

working outside the home Professor Callagan challenged this link The wife by working

helps combat one of the biggest sources of stress faced by married couples - money

Professor Frisbee wonders whether marital problems that have been blamed on

fi nancial woes are really caused at least in part

by isolation and loneliness [n geographically mobile societies young

couples often move away from both fam ily and friends and sell Ie in communities where they

have no close personal ties with other peo ple Whe n the pressures of jobs child care arrangeshyments and finances become too much to handle such familie s cannot call on parents

grandparents brothers and sisters and long-established friends T he pressure s become

in te rnal ized to the im mediate family and the relationship cracks under the stress

In spite of the pressures and demands of a job outside the home a wife enjoys personal

benefi ts according to Professor Callagan By contributing in a concrete visible way to purchasing the house (and the car and the food)

she earns the appreciation of her husband and chil dre and thus enhances her se lf esteem

By simply gelling out of the hou e a mother with ajob becomes more indep ndent builds a social life of her own and develops interes ts outside of he r house and fam il y All of

thi s adds up to beller mental health

Changing Roles If w ives are entering the labour force are

the ir husbands accepting more of the responsibi lity for raising the children and running the home

Roles at home have not changed as much

as some would expect Studies in Vancouver and Hal ifax found that men increase their house work and child care contributions by an average of one hour a week when their wives get jobs o utside the home

It appears that most men seem to make

their contributions in the more pleasant tasks such as putting the children to bed By and large the working mother s till has to contend wi th the laundry cleaning shopp ing cook ing and famil y scheduli ng If one of the chi ldren

gets s ick it is sti ll the mother who is usua lly

expected to adjust her schedule

Yet to come is a real sharing of the chore s around the house a perceptible shi ft in the division of labour at home

Wo men w ith jobs are no t limited to

mothers in two-parent families Divorced widowed and single women who mayor may not have children also compete for those jobs and face the same if not worse economic

pressures Wives with jobs outs ide the home

however are ojlel di smissed as not

economically important because many people assume (incorrectly) that they have husbands to

sUPflort them and their real job is to take care of the ir children

Todays thousa nds of moms who work

outside the home challenge this outmoded

notion Their pay cheques are as impo rtant a contribution to theirfamilies as their husbands

A report by the C anad ian Advisory

Council on the Statlls o f Women points out that between 1969 and 1979 the number of women in the labour force inc reased by 616 per cent with the g reatest gain being among mothers of young children

Between 1976 and 1980 according to the report the number of mothers with children under three who were in the labour force

increased by a staggering 276 per cent This raises important questions about societys ability to cope with these social changes

Some 15 or 20 years ago the mother who worked outside the home was the exception rather than the rule She could make arrangements with an obli g ing neighbour to

care for her chil d re n all Jay or to intercept them after sc hool and at lunch time

Today mothers without jobs are the

exception Find ing the obliging ne ighbour is becoming more diffic ult and famili es are making more fo rmal arrangements for day care and afte r school care In many cit ies however the re is not enough day care to fil l this demand

Here to Stay It has been pred icted tha t w ives will keep

working outs ide the ho me because they will have to Fami lies will become u ed to the com fort o f a two- income standard of l iv ing and will be unwilling or unable to g ive it up

The socia l forces that have led women in search of self fulfill me nt and equality in the work place w ill continue to influence womens

life work Many young girls still think of a job as a temporary situation but the reality is that being ma rried happily ever after is a myth for most women Women and Poverty points out th a 94 out of every 100 women marry but only 26 of them can expect to live w ith their

husbands until death Some 53 of the original 94 will become w idows and 15 will divorce or

separate Todays wives and mothers who work outs ide the home will be better prepared to

pursue life on their own if and when they

have to 0


The Stewart Bennett Bequest middot $600000 By John Hearn

When Stewart B nnett industriali st

fa rmer catt le and horse hreeder 3rt

colle tor and past member of the nivers ity of Guelph s Board of Governo rs di ed in Aug us t last year his will specified a bequest o f

$600 000 to the University which w~s

co nfinned on the death of h is widow Violet

w ho al so died last yea r

By any standards Stewart Ben nett s life

must be described as a success story a 90-year record o f persona l achievement any man m ight

envy Born in T oronto in 1892 he graduated in

engineering from the Uni ve rs ity of Toronto went up to Oxford Jo ined the Roya l Eng ineers on the outbreak of World War One served wi th di stinction as a captain and was awarded the

Military Cross He re turned to the niversity of Townto

to lec ture at the fac uity o f Applied Sc ience from 192 1 to 1925 then launched a busin ss career which was to lead to directorships with some of the country s most succe ss ful corporations

These included the Phoenix Assurance Co of herd which has been sending champions to niversity of Guelph goes back to the days Canada Dominion Stores Ltd the Boiler international Ii vestock expositions for more when he was a member of the Board of Rege nts Inspection and Ass urance Co of Canada and than 40 years The firs t Canadian-bred Shortshy of the Federated Colleges and remained to

the C anada Permanent Trust Company He horn bull to be shipped to Scotland was sent by serve as a member o f the nivcrsitys first became pres ident of Beardmore amp Company in Scotsdale Farm in 1970 and as recently as Board of Governo rs for another e ig ht years 1940 and served as vice-president of Canada 1981 Stewart Ben nett had the upre me He was al so president of the Royal Packers Inc for 18 years Champion Bull at the eNE Agricultural Winter Fair in 1953-4 and se rved

It might be argued however as to who While all this was going on he was for many years on it s executive T he Royal

was the real Stewart Bennett-the shrewd buildi ng a si gnificant collection of Canadian art Agricultural Winter Fair and the Georgetown

Industrialist or the man who bought himself a and served as a member of the council of the Di s trict Memorial Hospital are equal

540-acre farm in the Credit Valley and turned it Toronto Art Gallery Hi s 100 or more canvasmiddot beneficiaries with the University in his estate

into a beauty spot He lined its handsome ses by Tom Thompson A Y Jackso n and What el se would a man need to round out a driveway with evergreens and dammed streams JE H MacDonald among o the rs have been long and successful life but a perfect marriage

to create a lake as a home for his two swans bequeathed to the Ontario Heritage Foundation and this too was not denied him He married

Th( felle Violet alld Stewart Bennell

Nor was he content to be a city man with a which has al so been named to manage the Violet Letty Fairbanks in 1922 She died 60

country home He is honoured among cattle Be nnett farm years later two months after Stewart of a

breeders for his famous Sc otsdale Shorthorn Stewart Bennetts connection with the broken heart 0

III this picture athe UniersitV s first Board o(Co ernors St ewart 8el1 ( (( is third rolltefl



The AMPUl Experience A Most Significant Training Program For Hospitality Industry Leaders By John Hearn

When The Univers ity of Guelphs Schoo l of Ho tel and Food Administration

s taged a four-week Ad vanced management Program for the Hosp italit y Industry (AMPHI) earlier this year the y presented the

ni versity with an exercise in log istics of unprecedented complex ity Bob Desautels HI-I 7S who as involved in the advance planning fm more than a year before the e vent explaincd the special nature of the prohle m

A MPHI was to be a four-week conce ntrated coursc designed to meet the standards of two dozen o f Canada s most senior hospitality exec utive s who must he regarded not just as expeI1S but also as connoisseurs in the art of loo king after people Meeting those standards assembling an experienced faculty and generating very large quantities o f all-new course material mandated a course fee of $5000 At those rates participants were entitled to expect the hest of everything

The curriculum was programmed in detail fro m 630 am through 1000 pm every day The gt[re nuous nature o t the intellectual demands left the partic ipants with ne ither the time or the energy to do very much in the way of fending for themsel ves Another important constraint was that eve ry activity formal and informal had to be structured in such a way as to be conducive to mainwinin g continuous dialogue betwee n the paI1icipanh at all times

Gicn these criteria Bob sought the aid of vinually evcry serv ice department in the

nivc rgtitj Co-operation was be ne rous and unstintin b middot he rcpmtgt We asked for setvice lllore ugtually as sociated with hetterclss hotch and eve ryone rose to the occasion Faced with such sophisti cated palates food scrv ice had to he at the top 01 the list and Dave Boeckner assistant manager opc rmiddotations Food Services pulled out allthe slOpS tor us

A Public Statement

For Garry Round Food Serv ices director A VlPHI offered a unique o pportunity to make a puhlic statement about the capahililie s of hi orbani7ation which had hee n I()(l~in g for just such a challen ge 10 break through the ima ge prohlem us ually assoeiatcd with universit y

latcrin g

Let s face it he aid unive rsities in bene ral arc popular locati ons for summcr Llln krcnccs Im onc excellent rcason - the price is ri ght Student s roo ms arc availahle at camp-site rates and lor $ IISO a day peopl e

ca n eat well in one of ou r cafeterias What makes thc University of Guelph

different With onc of the bigges t residen t student populations in Canada with in-house catering and an nual sales in the $6 million brmiddotacke t we have a resource base capabl e ot sustaining an hillll ( (lIilil7 ( culinary staff and allowing us to take on special functions that would be impossible for an y other university in Canada

This opinio n was e nthus iasticall y endorsed by the AMPHI participant s wh o aw arded a standing ovation to the s taff led by Domenico Ran alli executi ve chef and Incz Scapinello operations manager during the final banquet - a sea Cood spectacu lar capped by copi ous quantities of Baked Alaska

The final banquet was by no means except ional Steak and lobste r eSla rgot and mushroom ca ps were almost com monpl ace Breakfas t offered a choice of cereals an exoti c display of fresh fruit s and such niceties as eggs bened ict The scale and variety of lunches had to be cut back alter the first week in respo nse to

the part icipants groans of too much

Front Rank Convention Centre

As Inez Scapinello tell s it AMPHI was not so much a challe nge as an opportunity We did nothing we had not do ne before Dome nico was not ca lled upon l(l create any new menu items although we did try some innovati ve combinations

A a howca sc for Domcnico Ranalli talent s A M PH I WIS nothi ng less than a Will dl

il(( Wi th 2~ sucCssivc dinners each of which earned rave re views without once repeati n[ himself and consisting or nothing ne w moves the University of Gue I ph into the front rank of convention centre~

Satis fied that food sc-rv ice was in good hands Bob Desautels wa s able to turn his attentio n 0 other logis til problems

Th e I MPHI course was basltd on the case teachin g method A tcam ofHA PAcase writers worked for more than two yea rs assemhling a packa ge or some 600 studies of critical si tuatio ns pertincnt to the contlrl1porary Canadran hospitalit y sce ne They travelled as lar as British Co lumbia in search or authentil re levant material all of which had 10 be reproduced It was Bob Desautels job to superv ise the printing and hindin g of the IOOD-page required reading Ialk agc hand ed III (deh urthe panic ipants on arrival plus industr)

notes the teaching material s and equipmclll required by the e ight-man facult y under HA FA Director Dr Tom Powers

Sleeping accommodation in the nearest residence to th l Schoo l was a simple student environment with th e addilOn of a private pho ne in each morn In~ talled for the duration of the course Valet and laundry se rvice not usually part of the l niversit ys conference offering was available Credit pri vi leges at the Un ivers ity branch o f the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce was arran ged for each of the participants

Hospitality L e ad ers Night People Successful hospitalit y industry leaders are

marked by certain co mmo n characteristicsshyhigh energy leveis capac ity for long and erratic hours strong people skill s creati vit y and a sense 01 humour The day beginning with a 645 am run continuing through three morning ca studie s followed by study sessions keep fit classes and physica l games in the afternoon and more group study sessions in the evening rare ly ended at the prescribed 1000 pm Hospi tality industry leade rs are night peop le

Stimulated by the intellectual dema nd s of the course and by interaction wit h thei r peers and faculty (w ho stayed with thern right through the long day) the y we re till left with energy to burn off in a serie s of theme parti es whi ch sent Bob Desa utels scouring the di strict to su ppl y thei r eso teric demands - one complete fem ale gorilla outfit for cxarn pk

The course ended when Prcsid ent Donald Forste r prese nted the graduate with certificatcs (w hich had 10 be spec iall y designed and printed) and the graduates pre se nted the faculty with mock certificates (which also had to be designed and pri llled)

How well did it all wo rk 0 We c hecked double checked and tripie c hecked eve ry possihilit y in advance said Boh De aute ls The on ly qUls tion we had left on the eve ofthc confe rcncc was whell have we missed As it tran plredthe answer see rns to ha ve heen not much

Participants wcre unanimous rn their evaluation of AMPIII as incomparahl y the mos t si g nificant rnanagementtraining lx pcrr cnce of their liv es All of them werT ve teran s of coursegt g iCn hy uniers itie s private managem ent dc ve lopment institutions and in-house conicrenccs hut none had been through an experienlc as rewarding demanding superhl rganied and positi ve in its long term consequCrlle as this one

For the faculty and gtUpPllrt stall more Jccutorllcdtothc energy leve ls of under shygradulles AvIPHI made unpncccknted phyical and mental demands - hut plans for AMPHI ~I arc alrcadv in the orb and applicant s are lx[1clted from allo ver th e cun tinc nL C



indiviJual champions Peter Domarchuk Mitch Mason hri s Crooks and LeonarJA Year to REMEMBER

By D ick Freeman

A full house in excess of 430 people crowded Peter Clark Hall at the Univershy

sity of Guelph in March to celebrate a year of intercollegiate sports competition and to honshy

our its 198283 champions The year started with a 16 to 10 football

victory over the OQIFC champion the Conshy

corida Stingers and ended with a third consecuti ve CIA U wrestling championship In

between a well-balanced Gryphon athletic program proudly and successfully represented

the University of Guelph When the awards had been announced a

pair of Hockey Gryphons had struck for the hat tri ck Ray Irwin was named the 198283 Male Athlete of the Year the W F Mitchell Sportsman of the Year(forathletics leadersh ip)

Ray Irwin Male Athlete of the Year

When Vice-President Administration Charles Ferguson presented Ray Irwin with

the 1982-83 University ojGuelph Mal e Athlete of the Year award it was the culmination ofa story-book seasonfor the Sudbury native

In earning his third straight first team

all- star berth Ray led the OUAA in assists with 40 and added ten goals to finish as the only dejenceman in the leagues top ten scorers His on-ice brilliance caught the eye of Canadas

Olympic Team and at mid-season he was chosen to represent Canada in a tournament in Czechoslovakia

In a game against the nations numbershy

one ranked Toront o Blues he scored once and assisted on three other scores

Perhaps more significant though was his

selection as the W F Mitchell Sportsman of the Year This award honours leadership and strength ofcharacter two qualities that are

abundant in this HAFA student

and collected his third straight team Most

Valuable Player Trophy Another all-star hockey performer Sue

Scherer was named the Female Athlete of the

Year Sue earlier was named Most Improved Player on the Field Hockey squad as well as

Most Valuable Performer on the Women s Ice Hoc key team

Bev Rankin a member of the Womens

Athle tics Council and Women s Field Hockey team was honoured as the recipient of the W F Mitchell Sportswoma n of the Year Award Other major award winners inc luded Basketballs Greg Hook- Don Cameron

Memorial Trophy for Most Improved Athlete

Volkyballs Michelle Turley - Mary Beverley-Burton Award for Female Rookie of

the Year and Scott Hobson - Ted Wildman Memoria l Trophy as the outstanding graduatshy

ing football player Alderman Jim Whitechurch Arts 8 1

presented City of Guelph plates to Canadi an Champions These included wrestlers Ken Bradford Chris Crooks and Peter Domarchuk

as well as football All-Canadians Pe ter Langshyford Junior Ro binso n Salvatore Benincasa

and vlrke Hudson Hud son it should be noted earned All-Canadian honou rs for the third

consecuti ve year only the second player ever so honoured

In addition to the team Most Valuahle and Mo st Improved awards as listed below the

gathering honoured OWlAA champions Barb Jonak - Arc hery and Jane Herner- Alpine Skiing The mens wrestling team captured a

fourth straight OUAA titl e anchored by


Archery Trophy Barb Janak Most Impro ved Basketball Trop hy (men) Greg Hook Bill Dlmson Memorial Trophy Michael 5cs(0 Demck Lewis Most Irnproved Basketball Trophy (women) Beth Pulsifer Basketball Award (women) Joa nne Hurd Badminton Trophy (women) Kelly Breedon BadmintOn Trophy (me n) Tai Ching Leng Cross-country Running Trophy (womcn) Tracey RObinson Curling Trophy Jill Rowen Brian Davenport Most Improved Field Hockey Trophy Susan Scherer Field Hockey Trophy Karen Mc Bride Most Improved Football Trophy Pat Tracey Letlermens Club Award Mike Eykens Most Improved Ice Hockey Trophy (women) Michelle Turley Coaches Hockey Trophy Susan Scherer Walter Rickard Memorial Trophy Bruce Kilgour Jack Pos Intercollegiate Hockey Award Ray IrwlO leuan Evans Intercollegiate Rugger Trophy Jeff Baldock Most Improved Soccer Trophy Gudio Frasson Bill McAnurf Soccer Trophy BII Davis Most Improved Swimming Award (women) Stephanie Doll Swimming Trophy (women) Pam Johnson Most Improved Swimming Trophy (men) Kirk Weber Swimming Trophy (men) Peter Koiisnyk Synchronized Swimming Trophy Lisa De Laplante Tennis Award (women) Maureen McKillop Most Improved Volleyball Trophy (men) Blair Carley Volleyball Trophy (men) Tim White Mosllmproved Volleyball Trophy (women) Francine Taillefer Volleyball Award (women) Joellen Barr Most Improved Wrestling Trophy Peter Oomarchuk Wrestling Trophy Ken Bradford

Stevano Altogether 18 Gryphons were nameJ

to league all-star teams Two athlete s were presented with trophies

as the best in their sport in Canada Peter Langford the J P Metras Trophy as Canadas

Outstanding Defensive Lineman and Ken Bradford as the Outstanding Wrestkr at the

19828 3 championships Director of Athletics Dave Copp sumshy

med up the year in his closing remarks as he

thanked the athlete s and coaches for their superb efforts We are proud of your achievements in 198283 competition Let us work together to make 198384 eve n more

memorable Judging from the fact that the majority of

alhletcs and guests danced and partied to the wee hours it was obvIOus that they were full of the Gryphon spirit It s truly fun- catch it 0

Su e S cherer Female Athlete of the Year

Vice-Presidelt Academic HOl-ard Clark presentation of the 198283 Female Athlete of the Year (ward to Sue Scherer was greeted with a TOar njpproal Howe le r the awardfor

excellence displa yed in ice hockey andjield hodn was reallv 011 11 the tip of the iceberg

Afifih semester sociolog student Sue anchored the Grlphons defence and in fact

controlled th e oJjensf As if that wasnt enough Sue was the plaving coach and in the combination 0 roles led the hocker Gryphons into th e plar-offs including a regular season

upset of the Ynrk Yeoomen Th e hidden part othe stOrl is perhaps th e

best Sue fills her mml1lers bv starring on the Canadian Nat ional Womens Fastball team In cluded in this hectic schedule were tours nf

Japan Taiwan SO Lllh America and Mexico

Obiouslr the combinatioll astudies and athletics is a healthy one as Sue maintains a

B average at the Unilersity



Newly Elected as

AluDlni Senators Following the annual election for three of the nine alum n i seats on Senate a t the Univers ity the following three alumni have been elected to replace those who will fulfill three-year terms on August

31 1983

Richard D Rich Moccia CBS BSc 76 MSc 78 is a self-employed biologishy

cal research scientist in the aquaculture field (See article Theyve Gone Fishin

Guelph Alumnus Spring 1983 issue

Rich is a past president of the CBS Alumni Associatio n was a vice-president of the UGAA and has served on numerous

adminis trative committees on campus inshycluding a Presidential Special Advisory Committee on Alumni Publications He also was a member of the Alma Mater Fund Advisory Council

In his spare time he has been involved with the Big Brothers Association and Minor League baseball He races motorshycycles for relaxation and fun

Donald C Rose Arts BA 80 MA 82 is a corporate representative with Uniglobe Bay Street Travel Inc of Toronto During

Tony Sobczak Arrs 77

Donald Rose Arts 80

his years at Guelph Donald served as sports editor and production manager with the Onlarion and was a member of Gryphon

soccer and rugby teams

A single man he feels that as an alumni senator he will be able to maintain his concern for the standards of higher education and at the same time maintain the friendships and contacts that he estabshylished while at the Uni versity

Tony K Sobczak Arts BA 77 is general manager of Bailey s Balloon Brigade a restaurant in Toronto While

study ing at Guelph he worked in the

hospitality field with Food Services The Keg and the Elora Mill Restaurant and Inn Following graduation he was employed by the Toronto-Dominion Bank in southshywestern Ontario but two years later

re vived his interest in the hospitality field

Richard Moccia CBS 76

He and his wife Cathy have one son

Tony Jerome T J 11 months old Keen on sports Tony senior runs plays squash

and is a waterskiier

Patricia M G renier Arts 72 is currently serving the unexpired term of alumni Senator Richard Young Arts 76 who re s igned during the third year of his term She will retire as alumni Senator on August

31 1983 Patricia who received a degree of

Master of Library Science from the Univershys ity of Western Ontario in 1973 is coshyordinator Information Services Informashytion Centre Ministry of EducationlMinistry

of College and Universities Toronto Prior to her present position she was a

reference librarian Documentation Centre

at the University of Guelph Library from 1975 to 1980 0

Limited Accreditation for OVC The Ontario Veterinary College of the

University of Guelph has been accorded limited accreditation status by the American Veterinary Medical Association

(A VMA) President Donald Forster anshynounced in May

The decision by the Council of Edllcashytion of the A VMA is based on recommendashy

tions made in the report of an evaluation committee which visited the College for a

short period in October 1982 a report on which the University and the C ollege had an opportunity to comment Most errors of fact in the original report were corrected as a result of the UniversityS comments

This accreditation status means that ove meets or exceeds most but not all

minimal requirements for a satisfactory program in veterinary medicine at least in

the judgment of the Association Limited accreditation is a reduction in

s tatus from full accreditation a status which the College has held and which was

reconfirmed by a previous evaluation in L976 Similar decisions ha ve been made

by the AVMA in the past in the case of programs at other and well-established

veterinary colleges in the United States which faced problems similar to those we are experiencing at the OVC the Presishydent noted

L imited accreditation status may be

maintained for a period of up to five years on the basis of annual reports by the University and the College indicating that any deficiencies are in the process of being corrected At any time during the five-year period the University and the College may

invite the A VMA Council to make a new

evaluation hopefully leading to a return to full accreditation status

A number of factors are identified in

the report as a basis for the Councils decision Most important the report reshy

commends that a better balance between the financial resources and the programs of the College be achieved From this flow two major recommendations Construcshy

tion and renovation be initiated to correct inadequacies in classrooms laboratories

offices and clinical work spaces Also -faculty numbers and specialty expertise be increased and additional time be scheduled for professional development research and other scholarly pursuits

The report also suggests that the

number of support s taff be increased One option identified in the recommendations is

that student numbers be reduced until

conld over


adequate faculty numbers and physical facilitie s can be provided hnally some deficiencies in the area of postgraduate education are also identified

While the University and the College

are naturally disappointed by the Councils conclusions we are not entirely surprised President Forster commented Many of the deficiencies identified in the report have been matters of acute concern for some time and some steps have been taken already to remedy the problems some of which are simply the product of the chronic undershyfunding that Ontario universities have exshyperienced for a number of years

Under the circumstances I commend

the faculty and staff of the Ontario

Veterinary College for working so hard to maintain the reputation and integrity of the program and its graduates during this very difficult period

The President also noted that under A VMA procedures an elaborate appeal process is available to the University A decision has been taken not to appeal the Councils deision even though the Univershysity has reservations about some of the observations in the report

The recommendation s in the report will be reviewed very carefully by the

Uni versity and the College in the coming months the Pre sident indicated and every effort will be made to secure support from government and other sources to

remedy problems which have be e n identified In this connection I wish to

express again our gratitude to the Honourshyable Dennis Timbrel Ontario s Minister of Agriculture and Food for making available to the University special funding in the amount of $J8 million annually for a three-year period in support of programs at the OVe This suppOrt came at a particushylarly crucial time and was most welcomc

Recent discussion with Mr Timbrell and Agriculture Canada have indicated hoth sympathy for and understanding ot the capital needs of the College and there is every hope that substantial support will be forthcoming from both levels of go vernshyment President Forster concluded D

Director Industrial S ervices R onald J Dolynchuk has been appointed Director Indus trial Services for the U nivershysity of G uelph The appointment became effective April I 1983

He will provide a two-way contact between the Un iversity and industry says Dr William Tossell Dean of Research Dea n Tossell points out that Ronald Dolynshychuk will ass ume an integral role in the industrial interact ion strategy recently anshynounced by the University At the same time he will help acquaint University researchers with possible sources of reshysearch contracts and grants within the industria l sector

The new industrial services director says that he sees his ro le somewhat as that of a broker taking the research and te hshynological skills of the campus to inshydustry- Iocal ly provincially and nationshyally W ithin the campus he hopes to play the role of a catal st co-ordinating varied speci alized activities and preparing a marketable package of research and sershyvice attract ive to industry

He says that a campus such as the University of Guelph can offer a consortium of highly specialized and technological expertise to indu stry Such capability can prove to be a powerful factor in attracting new industry to the area he says This may be particularly true in the case of smaller industries that can seldom afford their own highly specialized research facilities

Initially the new director says he will especially target on industries with a direct relationship to those areas of expertise for which the University of Guelph is particushylarly well known These include such sectors as foods and beverage and bioshytechnology

I am especially interested in offering industry a broad-based multi-disciplinary

Ronald 1 Dolynchuk

approach to their problems through includshying such areas as the social sciences in a team of experts he says This would permit the Uni versity to prov ide more complete studies including market research and sociological considerations as well as

scientific or technological resources

The new director of industrial services is no stranger to the University of Guelph campus He has been teaching a course on Business Policy in the School of Agricul shytu ral Economics and Extension Education

Ronald Dolync h uk was most reshycently the sen ior vice- president and general managcr of Linread Canada Limited in Guelph He has worked in industry since 1969 in marketing and managc ment posishytions Born and raised in W innipeg he grauuated in business economics from Inshydiana Un iversity and received a Master of Business dm in islra tion uegree from the same university

Ronald Dolynchuk and his wife and thrce ch il dren have lived in G uelph since 1976 He has b en act ive in the Gue lph Chamber of Commerce the Ro tary Club of G uelph and has served on the Board of Direc tors of the Edward Johnson Mus ic Foundation the Guelph Arts Counci l the G uelph Youth O rchestra and the G ue lph Marlin Aquatic Cl ub He is a lso 1 regis tered soccer re te ree 0

National Universities Week National Universities Week is being observed at universities across the country October 2 to 8 1983 to draw attention to the positive contributions a nd accomplishments made by these institutions in Canadian life A variety of activ ities at campuses will be designed to point out the va lue of the univershysitys teaching research cultural and public ser vice acli~ ities in society

Plans at Guelph include a noon hour series of lectures a nd panels which will look at areas of research on camp us that have far-reach ing etTects on society Members of the pu blic will be invited 10 visit the cam pus during the week to attend events and to tour the facilities

For further information on the National Universities Week program contact Information Services University of Guelph (SI9) 824-4120 Ext 8708 0


Canadian Centre for Toxicology T he Canadian Centre for Toxicol(l t y to he located at the ni ve r~ it y of Guelph and tht University of Toro nto will rt cc ive $ 10 mi ll ion fro lll the Ce clc ra l govern ment for the firs t phase of const ructioll The lunding I contingent on part ic ipation by the Ontario govern me nt ancl the two u ni ve rs it i e~

Dr Jim Sc hroder O VC 42 Me mbCi of Pari iame nl for Guelph pari ia mentary secretary to the Mini ster of Health and We lfare Monique Begin and an 0 C facult y member made the announce me nt on behalf o f The Honourable John Roberts Mini ste r of the En vironment at a press co nfere nce on cam pus in May The fundin g is the fi rst to be announced for more than 100 projects be ing fund eu under the leueral governmcnt s $ 24 bill io n spec ial reco ve ry projec ts program outlined in the April 19 budge t speec h

Pres ident Donalu Forster said that representati ves from the Uni vers it ies of Guelp h ane Toronto met later fo r discusshysions wi th Ontario s Mini ster of the Envishyronment Ke ith Norton and will continue tv di scuss the prov ince s commitmcnt to the Ccntre President Fors ter said he is opti misshyti c abo ut provincial support as Premier Bill Da vis has for the past tw o years expressed strung support for the Centre

President Forster on behalf o f the Unive rs it y of Guelph thanked Dr Schroun fo rthe work he has done to impress upon the federal go vernment the im port ance of a projec t of ve ry co ns iue rab le na tio na l s ignificance The Pres ident c it ed the Centre as an example of the co-operatio n betwee n uni ve rsitie s governments and the pri va te sector

Dr David Strangw ay actin g presishydent Uni versity of Toronto also expressed gtatitude to the federal go ve rnment and Dr Sc hroder He said the joint venture by two uni ve rs iti es tha t have compl ementary strengths is unique He desc ribeu the Ce ntre

Alberta Alumni Reunion

Saturday August 20 1983

200 pm -Bowness Park Calgary

Bring your own picnic

Prizes will be awarded for oldest grad grad who travels farthest

from home etc

L (l i to rii ht D r MeLII middotell Prcs iden Fo rsl fl r Dr Schroderund Dr Sl liI ng loshy(Iu inK Jr f ideill Uni l c rII oToro ll lO

as a world-class model that co uld be looked to in the future Guelphs strengths are in agricultural and veterinary toxicol ogy and Toron to s are espec iall y in toxicology in the med ical and engineerin g fi elcl s En viro nshymental expert ise is we ll deve loped at both uni vers ities

Professor Free man McEwen acting direc tor of the Ce ntre a nd dean of the OA outlined some of the unique features of the Ce ntre which he said is blaz in g a new tra il between gove rnments uni versities and the public sector

The planning and construction of phas one of the facilit y for the project is expected to be compl eteu by late 1986 at a total cost of $236 million When com shypleted the Ce ntre will be part of a netw ork o f toxicology centres across Canada It is ex pected to have a staff at both Guelph and Toronto of 64 sc ient is ts 108 techn ishycians and 109 other staff members The corshyrate headquarte rs will be at the Uni versit y of Guelph 0

Homecoming September 30middot October 1

Friday September 30 700 p m and 1000 pm The Nyl on in conce rt two shows War Me mori al Hall Ticket s $8 50 students and seni ors S9 50 general For ti ckets write Ny lons Tickets nive rs ity of Guel ph Box Ollice Uni vers ity Centre Un ive rs ity of Guelph Guel ph Ontari o N IG 2W I Pl ease make cheque payable to the Univers it y of Guelph and enclose a self- addressed and stamped envelope

Saturday October 1 Morning Homecomin g Paraue For further in fo rm ation contac t John King (519) 824-4120 Ex t 8327

1100 am HA Alu mni Associati on Annual eeting Hotel and Food Admin isshytrati on Building

11 30 am Human Kinet ics Alum ni Association An nual Meeting and Home shycoming Brunch Loca ti on to be anno unced

200 pm Homecornmg Footba ll Game Alumni Stadium Uni vcrsity of Toronto Blues vs Uni versit y of Gue lph Gry phons

630 pm Alumni Din ner Dancc Creelshyman Hall Further detail s co nt act Alumni Office (519) 824-4 l20 Ext 2122 or 87 40

800 pm Post-Game Pub Dance De shypartment of Athl etics gymnas ium 0

CODling Events Sep1216 Aggie Week

17 UGAA Wine Symposium Niagara Peninsula

25 28

Sep 30 Oct 1

Oct 1


Nov 11middot20


Dec 5-8

OAC Alumni Association Golf Tournament

InternationaJ Plowing Match Teviotdale


HAFA Alumni Association Annual Meeting

HK Alumni Association Annual Meeting

MacmiddotFACS Alumni Association Caree rs Night

Royal Agricultural Winter Fair Toronto

OAC Alumni Reception Royal Room CoUseum RAWF Toronto

Night At The Royal Sponsored by the UGAA Toronto chapter

American Association of Equine Practitioners Annual Convention Las Ve gas Nevada USA



The Ontario Veterinary College Alumni Association

EditorALUMNI Dr Cliff Barker 41


Faculty Award for Dr Bob Curtis Dr Bob CUrlis 6 Clinical SllIdies OVe recelllly received a UniversilY of Guelph

FlIcully Associalion Professional Tea ching Award in recognition of his great influence on professional lraining The cira lion in parr sraled He has repeatedlv beuroen honouredfor

his conlriburiOIl 10 educalion He is a respecled elerinarian who is universally retIed us

one of lhe beslleachers Ihis univlrsiry has eper had LeIr 10 righl Dr Russ Willoughbv

57 Dr Wayne Pfeiffer vice-chairman Faculty aSSOCi((lion Dr Bob Curlis 6 and

Dr Mike Wilson chairman Clinical SlUdies 0

For Design Dr Jim 01fa50n 68 owner of the South Su rrey Veterinary Hospital 3221 shy140th S1 Surrey BC received the 19 82 Special Aw ard for Architectu ral Exce llence at the annual merican Animal Hospital Association convention in San Antonio Texa on March 14 1983 The award was prese nted by Velerinary Eco nomi cs Mag(l~ ine a leading business magazi ne for the veterinary profession

T he award was give n in rccognition of the timc and expense Dr O lafsun investcd to design a hosp ital that would enhance its natur al s ur round ings South Su rrey Veterinary Hospital is loca ted in a res idenshyt ia l area and the colors a nd tex tures of the buil ding s ex terior lesse n the impact o f a commerci a l property in the area

The hospital is energy-efficient and includes large winduws and nume rous skyshyli ghts in its design plan Other features incl ude covered walkways a covered parkshying area a nd covered entrances The overall effect minim izes the enclosed fe lin g usushy

ally associatcd with a subterranean struc shytu re and the atte ntion to aesthetic detail produces a truly stunning hospital Con shygratulations Jim 0

Dr doe dohnson T he late Dr Joseph E Johnson 19 ( I R91-1960) who practised for many years in Waterloo was recognized for hi s services to ag riculture in O ntar io when his port rait was hung in the O ntario Agricu ltura l Ha ll of Fame at the O ntario Agricultural Museum Milton His nomination was prese nted by the Ontario Association of Ani mal Breedshyers T he citation presented states

Dr Joseph Edward Joe Johnson a native of Stra throy as a pioneer in the practice of artificial insemination (AI ) in Ontario In 1942 when the Waterloo Cou nty Holste in- Friesian Associ ation made

their fi rst attemp t it was Dr Joe who collected the se men and inse mina ted the cows

For fl ve years he took ti me out o f an already very busy practice to make the new idea work Several younger veterinarians

who workcd with him were later to be in charge of AI units across Ontario

He gradu ated from the O ntario Veterinary College in 1919 and after working in Fergus and Acton set up practice in Waterloo where he worked with the noted Seagram Sta bles

He pioneered the multi-staff clinic approach having as many as four students and grad uates work ing w ith him Because o f th is internship approach Dr Johnson probably had a greater influence o n the practice of large animal vete rinary medicine than any other practicing vete rinarian of his day

The ultimate uccess of the AI sys shytem is due in large part to the work o f this ve terinari an who through trial and error persevered with the technique in its ear ly years 0


One Millionth A third-year O VC student Paul Dick of Gcoroetown recently became the one mi lshylio nth person to pass through the turnstiles o f the O VC Division of the Uni versity Library since the tu rn sti les were installed eight years ago He was gree ted by libshyran ans and fac ulty applause and handshyshakes t1 a~ h i ng camera strobe lights conshygratulations and the pre sentation o f a book Clillical E raminal ion of Ca ll ie

The VC library also serves students from other Colleges Co mprising more tha n 30000 volu mes it e mbraces far more than the veterinary sc iences 0

In a briefcert monv a llellded bv David Hull head Sc ience and Velerinary Science Diision

oj Ihe Library eli and Dean Douglas 1aplesden 50 righl Associa ( Libraria ll John

Black presen l a book 10 one millionlh isilor Paul Dick rig ill cenlre

It Was Bound to Happen Delta chapter of O mega Tau Sigma Fratern ity residence has become co-educational with the admi ssion of 18 women students during 1982-83 em sters For se veral years OVC s women stu dents have been seeking fra ternity membership they fi nally made it in 1982

Galhered onlhei-olll sleps oflh e avc main

Imiiding are 14 of Ih e 18 women slwlel1ls

who resided in Ihe fral house Ihi I r ea r

FrOt1 row I(i llo righ l lennifer Rice

Ion [ Lee Ma rv MOllleilh M iddle ro w

Robill Roscol Kale Flanigan Lisa Tavlor Debbie Blech Lesli e Hu ngall Back row

l ana Kl llOn Carol Phillips l ennifer

TrollghlO n lulv Keenliside Healher Ross

Michele Durnall MissinRfrom Ihe piClure

are Brenda FOSler Chris Barrl es

Keily-LeiRh Thomas and Laura Hunl 0

Letters to the Editor Or Bert Ca rswell 7 1 of Brooks Alt a has repli ed to o ur request for informatio n on the watch fob letters F L T (O VCAA Alumni Bulletin March 19H3 Special Supmiddot pl ement) by sugges ting these stand for Friendship Lo ve and Truth the motto of the Indepcndent Order of Odd fell ows Are the re further op i nions~

Dr Alexander Bruyns 32 Sequin Was hington S A has se nt us informashytion on the Royal Canadian Army Veterishynary Corp (O VCA Alumni Bulletin

March 1983 S pec ial Supple ment) He was a ve te ri na ry offi ce r with the Gove rn o r Gcnerals Horse Guards in Toronto o n joini ng the RCAVC in 1938 and me ntioned the late Dr A R Yo unie 14 who served

with the RCAVC in World War One Further inform ation re RCAVC officers would be apprec iated

Dr Donald MacDonald 54 o f Edmo nshyton Ita also replied to our RCAVC inquiry with informatio n on the Corps badges He is a collector of militaria especi ally militar y cap badges o f which he has a collection of over 1600 He states cap badges of the RC VC are as scarce as he n s tee th

The O VC museum has o btained cap and uni form badges from Dr G A Rose IS la t address Picton and Dr W A Robenson 16 Tsawwassen BC eachof whom served as veterinary officers during World War O ne 0

In Memoriam Dr Owen Hinton 25 died on January 22 1983 in Florida Las t add ress Rt 4 Box 139 Jasper Florida US A 32052

Dr Vernon jensen 33 died on Dcshyce mber II 19 R2 Las t address 2485 Lon-din Lane St Paul in nesota US A

Dr Edward Burke 35 died on Ja nuary 21 1983 Las t addr ss P OBox 326 So uthport Conn US A 06490

Dr jack Warren 39 Date of death no t reported Last addre ss RR 3 W heatl y Ontario OP 2PO

Dr Wilfred Sherwin 40 died o n 0 tobc r 6 1982 Last address 432 W Washi ngton Street ampa Idaho S A83651

D r j ames Watt 49 died in August 1982 Las t address 790 Ho rtop Avenue Osha wa Ontario LlG 4N8

Or Peggy Godkin 55 died o n Decem ber 5 1982 Last address Inni sfai l Alt a 0

PEl Gets It T he Toro nto Glohe ald Mail of Fe bruary 19 1983 carried the follow ing announce shyment Charl otte town (CP) - Agric ultu re Minister Eugene W he lan announced today that $500000 has bee n appropri ated to

begin architectural pl ans fo r I $26-mi ll ion veterinary college here He sa id at a new confe rence the federal Go vern me nt w ill put up half the co nstruc tion cos t if the three Marit ime p rov inces s ha re t he o ther $ 13-lTI illi on out lay 0


The College of Social Science Alumni Association

PEGAS-US Editor Dorothy Barnes 78

stori ng The Log Farm a farmhouse dating back to the late 1800s Michelle says Michelle and Mustech thi s was a terrific expcrience and the best

N omad pioneer student administrator curator You mi ght ask what these words ha ve in common and the answer you would receive would be that they all aptly describe Miche lle McMillan 77

Mi chelle graduated with a degree in SociologyAnthropology At the same time she graduated from Algonquin Community Collegt with a correspondence course dipshyloma in what she terms M ustec h - Muse um Technology majoring In Exshyhibit esign

Currently assistant director at the Guelph Ci vic Muse um she has held thi s position since the spring of 1979 Her responsibilities include those of regis trar (mai nta ining dltaikd [i Ii ng systems) for the con serva tion of artifacts and ex hibit work She is co-ordinator of some 40 vo lunteers who are in volved in all facets of museum work (to become a muse um vo lunteer all one has to do is call Michelle and arrange for an interview )

When interviewing Michclk it was obvious she has a love for her work that she will pass on to oth~rs possibly some of the young children attending the education programs she supervi ses at the Guelph Civic Museum

Her mothers parents were homeshysteaders and she was brouoht up on stories about pioneering Her interest in pioneering and the Indian way of life was fo stered by a mothe r who had Indian friends and who would often visit these friends experiencshying their way of life even to sleeping quite often in a tepee

Thi s and the fac t that her family moved around a lo t from west to east influenced Michelles deep and lasting love of the past although with a lau gh she says Now I am of the opinion that my mother had a tendency to present a romantic version of the whole situation - espec ially to me as a young child It certainly influenced my interest in studying Anthropol ogy

Michelles ed ucation and working exshyperiences have bee n very infl uential in nurturing her love of the past She started

out at the University of Western On tario but left for perso nal reasons She worked for a ye ar and while working beca me apprenshyticed as a pattern drafter

ichelle mo ved to Ottawa after she had worked the year and regi stereu at Carl eto n Universi ty in Anthropology She studied this for one year and then became aware of a program offered at Algonquin Communit y College on the subject Mu seum Tech nolo gy

Her placement s in work situation while at Algonquin included a summer helping four yo un g me n on a project at the town of Bells Corners ne ar Ottawa re-

job she ever had There was no electr icity so eve rything

was done by hand Her group res tored doors gable-ends flo ors ceilings rtshypointed stone found at ions and raised the building on hydra uli c jacks The y also gl Lt~d windows re searched the huildin g and organized the veget ab le garden

Othelmiddot experiences have included work at thc Na tio nal Museum of Man thc McM ichae l Canadi an Collcction in Klcin shyburg the Wellington County Muse um and the S imcoe County Museum She has al so been a volunteer teacher at the Plains jndian Iroquois and Inuit Ga lleri es of the National M use um of Man

It was Guelphs gain when Miche lle found he rsel f pulled bac k to stud ying in order to co mplete her degree

Michelle is now well established in her position at the Guelph Civic Muscum and dt las t feels she ha s put dow n roots in a c ity she has an alleg iance to one she loves and fee ls more co mfortable in than any other She is involved in trying to build up a research library on local history and artifacts

When asked for pearl s of wisdom fo r new graduates Michelle volunteered that pcople need practical ex perience along with formal learning to balance their percept ion of a ro lc How apropos 0

Th e Cullege uf So cial Science Alumlli Associatioll ill-course scholarships ere Jreserl(d

rnelltlmiddot to lei Junine Crallt Ceog uJJnmiddot olld Virginia Suth erland Psrchologv Attending

tht un lIlOnr wert right Pro(essor Juliu s fugl Department oCeogrupilr and Pr(essor

Mike M(lIh f II~ Iei chuirmun DeJurtlllen t 0 PI cilologr Th e scilolorshiJI 01 $200

each oreul1ded in purt hr all (11 1(( gru llti-om til ( Alma Mawr Fu nd


Lan e Smit h 78 is a so ftware spec ialist Barbara (Cherry) Wilson 80 is pres shyGrad News with Software Ke netics in epean ently res iding at 45 Emily Street Grimsby

Ron Beveridge 67 is an e lementary special counselor with School District 88 Terrace B C

C R ichard Buc k 70 practices law WIth the firm of Weyli e Shortt Buck Hanshybridge Reidl Casselli and Mitchell in Waterloo

Lee D Wetherall 75 is an exec utive ass istant with AIcan in Kingston

Stewart McCann 76 is a lec turer with the University of Alberta Edmonton

Peter J Stanczyk 76 is living at 9940 Fa irmount Drive S E Apartment A-4

C algary Alta Since concluding his studies at Guelph Peter attended the social work course at Wilfrid Laurier University Watershyloo and received a Master o f Soc ial Work

degree in 1982 Peter is now married and he and his

bride We ndy are established as socia l workers with Alberta Social c rvices and Comm unity Health in Calgary We wish Peter and Wend y much happiness in their new partnership success in their choscn fi e ld and contentment in the ir Ii vc s together

Ted Boniface 77 is now n eative direc tor for Ce ntra l Al berta Broadcasting (CKRDshy

T V CKRD-AM and C FCR-FM) in Red Deer Ted has bee n awarded four c itations by the Radi o Bureau of C anada and was nominated for an Aetra Award as producer of the hes t radio program of1979 O ld news we reali ze but how are we going to know o therwise unless you let us know Thanks

Ted for updating us on your activities

Gurnam Singh 77 is an MC A student at the niversity of Ottawa

Roderick Hodgson 78 is back in his home town of H udson Que Rod is emshyployed by the Town of H udson Publi c

Works Departme nt he al so serves on the Town Planning C ommittee and is activel y involved with the volunteer fire department

Perr y Wilson 78 is liv ing in Spirit River Alta Since graduating from G uelph Perry

has obtained a masters degree in Anthropolshyogy from McG ill University and is princ ishypal of Ste Marie Elementary School in Spirit River

John Boyle 78 is presently living at RR 2 Brampton

Karen Russell 78 is a teacher with the Dufferin County Board of Education at Parkinson Centennial School Orangeville

Vicky Su therland 78 is an air traffi c

controller with the Mini stry of Transport Calgary Alta

Susan W alkowiak 78 is a real estate agent with the Safeguard Real Es tate Comshy

pan y Toronto

Craig Willms 78 is an assistant manager with the Toronto-Dominion Bank Watershy


Gordon Cominey 79 is a priest with the Holy Trinity Anglican Church in Edmonshy

ton Alta

Carol (Fogarty) Knox 79 is presentl y residi ng at R R 5 Woodstoc k

Susan Laushway 79 is a probation office r with the Solic itor G eneral of Alshybe rta in Edmonton

Richard E Larente 79 is production manager at Mac Mil lan Bloedel Ville

Mont-Ro yal Q ue

Bryce Andrews 80 has dec ided to conshytinul his education at the n i ve r~ ity of

Weste rn Ontario He is working on an M BA

Dianne M Grenier 80 is in her third year of Common Law at the University of Ottawa

Shauneen (McKague ) Bruder 80 is an MBA student at Queens University Kingston

Michele Forrester 80 is a comm unicashytions clerk w ith the Ontario Yo uth Employment Program Queens Park To shy


Peter Madott 80 is an ass istant product manager with S c Johnson an d So n Ltd


Elizabeth (Ferguson ) latos 80 is a volunteer co-ordinator with B ig Bro thersBig Sisters of Carleton County


Jane Stevens 80 is a teac her w ith the

York Board of Education in Aurora

Loretto (MacDonald) Sullivan 80 is an administrative assistant with Kert Advertis shying Toronto

Sylvia (Bossaer) Willms 80 is a Food

Services supervisor at the UI1Iversity of Guelph

Jane (Stevens) Tremblay 80 is a teacher with the York Board of Education Aurora Jane is married to David U of N Dakota

grad of 79

Lee Anne Burton 80 is a teacher with the Dufferin Peel R C SS Board Mi ss isshy


Maureen S inclair-Barnes 80 is an urban planner with the City of Brantford Husband

is Bruce Barnes 82

Su~ Jones 80 is continuing her education at the Univers ity of Alberta She lives at

11441-132 St 405 Edmonton Alta T M IG2 Bro ther-in-law John Sch neider CBS 73 graduated in Marine


Nicholas Boyadjian 81 is a special events co-ordinator with Unive rsity Ce ntre

Administration Uni ve rsity of Guelph

Debra (Philputt ) Gibson 81 is a te acher

w ith Pee l C ount y Board of Education in

Miss issa uga

Jim Gibson 81 is a branch representati ve o ffi cer with the Ca nadian Imperial Ra nk of

CommCfce Toron to

Linda Helin 81 is presen tly res iding in

C utler on the North C hannel of Lake Huron

Patti La France 81 is a teacher residing at 66-50 Fiddl ers Green Road London

Elizabeth (Crighton) Madge 81 is now married and re siding in Lethbridge Alta

Kathleen Martin 81 is a market research analys t w ith As tra Pharmaceutical s Miss i shy


Edward Leong 82 is administration

manager for the J J Tour Se rvi ce at the Jal an M aju Taman Jade Ce ntre Miri Branch Sara wak East Malaysia

Debbie (Ling) Therrien 82 is employed as cashiersale sperson for Gameway s Ark

Ltd Toro nto

Chin Lan (Kat ) Choi 82 is an executive shyofficer with the ational Produc tivity Board in Singapore Since graduating C hin Lan has married C hoi Chee Keong C PS 82 Much happiness and success to you both

John C Close 82 is a teac her with World University Services of Canada in Zimbabshywe Africa John is married to Mary M A Psych 8 1 WLU 0


The College of Biological Science Alumni Associatio~_~

BIO-ALUMNI NEWS Editor Dr John Powell

Executive CBS Alumni Association HONORARY PRES ID ENT Professor Bruce Sells Dean


Dr George Dixon Ph D 80 Zoology

PAST PRESIDENT Marie (Boissonneault) Rush BSc 80 Marine Biology

VICE PRESIDENT Chris Wren BSc 77 Marine Biology

SECRETARY-TREASURER Cam Portt BSc 77 MSc 80 Zoology

DIRECTORS David Airdrie BSc 82 Microbiology Krista Soper BSc 79 Marine Biology Lorrie Cosens BSc 79 Marine Biology Eric Cosens BSc 80 General Biology Keith Harris B Se 76 Marine Biology

EX-OFFICIO DIRECTORS Marie (Boisonneault) Rush BSe 80 Marine Biology Shawn Taylor BSc 83 Aquatic Biology Past President CBSSC Brian Wisenden President CBSSC

FACULTY ADVISORS to be chosen one from each DepartmentSchool

UGAA REPRESENTATIVE S Jan Watshyson BSc 75 Zoology Lorrie (Rolston) Cosens BSc 79 Marine Biology Rob Miln B Sc 81 Marine Biology

EDITOR BlO-ALUMNI NEWS Professhysor John Powell Human Biology 0

Please help us to help you When corresponding or upshydating information or address do tell us not only your year of graduation but your discipline

Where Are They Now The following 20 names were entered on the College of Biological Science Honour Roll for years 1976 and 1977 We w ish to know how your career has progressed and

FALL 1976

Brenda Henry (Marine Biology) and Winter 77

janis Kay 78 (Genetics) and Winter 77

Laurence McClure OVC 81 (Unshyspecialized and Winter 77

Linda (Nelson) Sinclair 78 (Human Kinetics) and Spring 77


Sherry (Bondorenko) Miller 77 (Hushyman Kinetics)

jellrey Chernoff 77 (Unspecialized)

Wendy Harris 77 (Major in Biology)

C harlene Kopansky 77 (Human Kineshytics)

Peter MacDonald (Human Kinetics) and Winter 78

Blain Mollatt (Microbiology)

Darjo Romani 78 (Major in Biology) also Fall 77 and Winter 78

Barry Rosen~rg 77 (Unspecialized)

Cheryl Rowe 77 (Human Kinetics)

FALL 1977

Gregory Casey 79 (Microbiology) also Fall 78 and Winter 79

William Crins 78 (Botany)

jill Cross OVC 82 (Unspecialized)

what you are doing currently Do you have intere s ting episodes to relate in the BIO-ALUMNI NEWS Please lets hear from you

David C a mpbell 78 (Major in Biology)

Richard Proctor 80 (Ecology)

Carolyn Robertson (U nspecialized)

joanne (Ryder) G unby 79 (Genetics) and Winter 79 0

Grad Bash 1983

Organized jointly by the CBS Alumni Association and the CBS Students Council in April more than 280 students alumni current and former staff and faculty sat down for dinner prior to presentations being made to our dean

Contributions came from members of the College and a bird sculpture fashioned by Uta Strelive Zoology was the first of many gifts

Next came a memory book containing many letters photographs clippings and a variety of incidents all pieced together by Association president Marie (Boissonshyneault) Rush 80

Betty Roff gave the dean a special book of clippings collected by herself Two framed portraits of Professor Ronald one already hung in the main office of McNally house the other for the Ronald family completed the tributes

Altogether this gathering was a fitting acknowledgement of a great man who has done great things for us all 0


Scholarships In the Names of

Ronald and PoweU The CBS Alumni Association is pleased to announce the introduction of a scholarship for graduate students in the name of Proshy

fessor Keith Ronald Professor Rona ld as of July I had served for 12 years as the first dean of the CBS and the awarding of a

sc holarship in his name is a fitting tribute to

all he has done fo r the College the Univershys ity and the CBS Alumni Assoc iation

The Hum an Kine tics Alu mni Assoc iashy

tion anno unced its intention to name an undergraduate scholarship in the School of Human Biology in the name of Dr John T Powell as he retires from the Unive rsity in 1984

Do nations to eithe r or both of these

sc holarship funds shou ld be sent direc tl y to the Department of Alumni Affairs and Development-clearly ind icati ng to which sc ho la rs hip your donation is to be alloca ted - or when contributing to the Alma M ater F und noting that your monie s

be channeled to the sc holars hip of yo ur choice 0

Grad News Biological S cience

Lesley (Wilson) Barton 73 and Bruce 70 MSc 74 live in Keremeos B C R R No I VOX JNO will find them

E thel Anita Hamilton 79 and hu sband

Wayne Barcha r d 76 MSc 79 live in Hali fax NS where Ethel is a habitat proshy

tec tion technician with fishe ries and Oceans while Wayne is head Office Assessment Scction Environment Canada 3rd Floor 45 Alderney Drive Dartmouth N S

Marilynne (Wise) McCausland 77 is a research microbiolog ist with Molson Bre wshyeries of Canada Ltd and may be reached at 1555 No tre Dame East Montrea l Que H2L 2R5

Michael W Tate 79 write s mos t kindly thanking us for kee ping people in touch through th is column He is a teac her at Mo rnings tar Secondary School in Mi ss isshysauga

Natalie Mary Olynyk 79 may be reached at 3 120 Duffer in Street in T oronto where she is re staurant manager for Olyn yk Foods Ltd

Marine Biology

Gl en A Packman 74 and Sharon (Noda ) Arts 72 li ve at 21 Albion Road Hali fax S B3P IP8 Glen is a senior

biologist with En vironment Canada

Jo l1n Plumb 76 and M arianne (Conshynoly ) 77 may be reached at 37 Coldstrea m Road Box 303 Munster Ont KOA 3PO John works as an indu strial engineer with

the Mitel Corporation - Kan ata

Human Kinetics and Human Biology

Joy (Reid) Tomes 70 is a team coshyordinator with the Workman s Co mpensashytion Board- 2 Bloor St East Toronto Ont oM7W IA2

Terry Obi Oblinski 71 holds the pos it io n of supervisor with the 3M Comshypa ny at 2 Craig Street Pe rt h Onto K7 H 3C5

Robert T a p Fawcett 72 teac hes at the W 1 Fenton Secondary Schoo l R R 0 10 in Brampton Ont L6V 3 2

Marie-Andree (Pi lon) Poulin now teache h igh school in Montreal write her at 76 Lesage Repent igny Que J3A 5Y5

Dr Tom Elmslic 74 M-Sc 77 is a g lutton for punishment as he isjust complet ing another MSc this time in Epidemi o lshyogy at McM as ter University preparatory to his return to Ottawa

Glen Paterson 78 of 16 Da lto n A ve nue T hunder Bay On t P7B 4E9 is ea rl y chi ldhood educato r with the Confederation o f Applied Art s and Technology B ro ther Larry R Paterson g radu ated with a BLA in 69

Eric bullbull Art Arthurs 80 is s till at 12272 shy110 Avenue Edmonton Alta T5M 2L3 He work s for Consolidated Concrete Limshyi ted as a dragl i ne opera tor

Henry Fox 81 lives at 1520 Verdi La Salle Que H8l I K4

Christine (Krumbacher) F()se 81 may be reached at Box 252 2 Banff Alta TOL OCO

Ch rist ine (Novakuske) Lavallee MSc 81 is a stude nt again stud ying French and living at 0428A Larose A ve nue Mo nt real Que H2B 2Z2

Ginger (Thompson) Elmore 81 seeks work in the geriatric field Are you able to help Write he r please at 107 Ontario Avenue Komoka Onto NOL IRO

Don Doc Wilson 81 is physica l direc tor at the Waterloo Family YMCA Lincol n Road Waterloo Ont N2J 2N8

Jan McMullan 82 ne wly wedded to Mark Newcombe MSc 83 is presently ass istant manager - Ri ordan s Sport S 183 Silvercreek Parkway in Guelph She tells us of four co usins who have g raduated fro m Guelph - Brenda (Bu lton) Dagg CSS 72 Bryce Dagg 72 Donald Sifton 70 and Bonnie (Sifto n) W alsh C SS 72

Fisheries and Wildlife

Lorna l Depuydt 77 is a price specia li st with Massey-Fe rg uso n Her adshydress is 3941 Whispering Wa No 6 Grand Rapids Mich USA 49506

Steven Kerr 77 works as di s trict biologist for the Mi nistry of Natu ra l Reshysources - 611 Ninth Avenue Eas t O wen Sound Ont NOH IS O

Richa rd P Bekolay 77 MSc 80 R R N o ) Carp Ont KOA ILO is a program analyst with Digital Equipment Corporation at Kanata

Marie Legrow 80 is once aga in a s tudent at Gue lp h li ving in Guelph at [02 Queen St reet North IE 4S I


Ann (Stewart) Gray 79 and husband Dr eil Gray 76 li ve at 40) - 251 Platts Lanc in London Ont N6 H 4P4 Ann is a re search assistant at the Universi ty of We stshyern Ontari o

Robe- W Marks 81 is a production trainee with Labatt Brewin g Comp any in Kitchene r


Dr Rob J Van Exan 74 MSc 76 PhD79 ho lds the position of manager Cell Culture Produc tion with Connaught Laboratories 1755 Steeles Avenue West Will owdale Ont M2R 3T4

Chuck Yipchuk 78 wo rks in Quebec 87 Senneville Road Sennev ille a s c oshyordinator of da ta at Bi o- Re search Laboratori es

Dr Harr y Nixon Chabwela W eza MSc 79 P h D 82 may be contacted at loni Katandika Vtllage Chief Kakumbi P O Box 154 Chipata Za mbia where he is a bio log ist wi th National Parks

Douglas Stendahl MSc 79 is with the -federal government s Minist ry o f Indian Affairs and Northe rn De velopment- P O Box 1500 Yukon N W T He is water quality officer


Rick Proctor 80 is a consultant with I P Sharp Associates 2 First Canadian Place Toronto Ont M5X IE3 0


The Ontario Agricultural College Alumni Association

ALUMNI NEWS EdJtor Dr Harvey W Caldwell 51

Financial Management Related to Agriculture One of the main sessions at the OAC Agricu ltural Conference 83 dealt wit h financial management as it relates to agricu lture Robert Sanderson who is with the Ontario Farm Adjustment Asshysistance Program was a main speaker and presented the following paper

Ten years ago most farmers were smilingshyagr icu lt ure see med to have finally gained its reward Worl d short age s of food provided ampl e markets and steadily rising prices lor prac tica lly all crops

Thi s idea li s ti c situation continued for a co uple of years until the granaries of the wo rl d were refi li ed De mand then norshyma li zed and pri ces for most agricultural prod ucts hega n to dec line In spite of price dec lines and li mited markets co nsiderable optimi sm conti nued to be fe lt o n the farm sce ne thro ughout mos t of the 1970s

Late in that peri od infl a ti on reall y ca ught fi re rai sing inpu t cos ts for supplie s and labour The ri se in land pri ces exceeded the most optimis tic es timates during this sa me time

In an a tte mpt to s te m thi s ra mpant infla tio n interes t rates increased almost threefo ld beg inning In 1979 and the world hega n it s slide into recession Farml and prices ceased to r ise in 198 1 and are now crumbli ng wi th uncer tain ty and lac k o f demand

We have no doub ts abo ut th e successshyful future o f ag ri cult ure hcre in Ontari o but today for many farmers adj ugtt me nts are necessa ry to remain so lve nt and for too many oth ers bo th adj ustme nts and so me ass iq an ce are necessary for their prese nt and future surviva l

There are some who are beyo nd he lp and farm bankru ptcies are at their highest leve l since the grea t Depression o f the 1930s These cond it io ns brought about the crea tio n of the On tari o Farm AdJustmcn t Ass istance Program (OFA AP) T hi s proshygram during 1 9~2 has bee n assisting eli g ible farmers who needed he lp

The re are two prime reaso ns fo r


fin anci al woes cited by appl ican ts - high interes t rates and lower farm incomes On the other hand the prime reaso n fo r ~ome

farmen probl ems e ited by lenders is ove r-e xpansion We be li eve both views are va lid and unques ti onabl y are respo ns ible for the prese nt ago ny and unres t on 100

many Ontario farms Le nde rs cite seve ral o the r importa nt

reaSl)l1S whic h also bea r o n the prob le m The borrowers oft e n refe r to them too but usuall y wit h di fferen t emphasis ThcY em shyphas ize the c lt treme instability of fa rm income the se rious lac k of pro per pl an ning bu dge ting accmatc farm record and fin all y the practice of making unprodu ctive investmcnts

Because of the qualifying criteria asshysociated ith an application for as s istan ce from OfAAP one must keep in mind that our observations are limited to about 10 per ce nt of Ontario farm operatlolls That 10 per ce nt is cl ose to the bottom of the gro up on the bas is o f financial sec urity OFA AP assista nce is limited to those produc ing Iood and tobacco Therefore data regard in g proshyducers of fl owers nursery stock race shyhorscs etc ha ( no t come he fore us and the financ ial ituati ons ltlr not inc luded in any of o ur informati o n

Applica ti ons have been appro ved for farmers operating all across the pro vince

Of the to tal approved about 20 per ce nt were in swine prod uctio n abou t 15 per ce nt were in eac h of cash crop prod uction da iry producti on and beef prod uct ion 4 per cen t were in fruit and vege ta ble prod uctio n 3 pel cent were tobacco fa rmers and the Ies t co mbinations of the above Those farm ers producing etgs and poultry were fe w

I n a review of appli ca tio ns for OFAAP ass istance several COl1ll1lo n sce nari os co nshytin ue to ap pear on a so me what re petiti ve has is and are ca tegorized as fo ll ows

1 Young or Beginning Farmers

Th ose under 35 years o f age wen res pons ishybl e for nearl y ha lf o f a ll the app li cati ons In thi s gro up are many who have Just begun fa rm ing Mo~ t of these arc victims of inopport un e tim ing hav in g acq uired land buildings and equ ipme nt be twee n 1979 and 19R2 For the m the combinati on o f lower th an ex pee ted prices of farm produc ts and the extre me inc reases in the ir fi na nc ing charges due to hi gh interes t rates_ have becn dlvas tatin g This is partic ul arl y true where Illos t assets were fi nanced the bcg inshyning equit y be in g Illodes t

2 The Aggres sive Expansionist

Many farmers who did well farming on a

modlst basis in the mid-70s dec ided that s ince o ne farm was pro fitabl e two wo uld be bette r three be tter than two Aggress ive

expan sion mos tl y on c redit du ring this i ntl a tio nary pe riod produced many paper millionaires in the farm co mmunity by the late 70s The elation fo r some of these

fa rmers d id not lasl far into the 80s T hose with 100 much bo rro wed cap ital

found that the ir farm income c ul d not

support the debt load So me of these

atlcmpted fu rthe r borro wing in an e ffort to mai nta in their ho l ding ~ and fo und ou t like o thers before them th at it is imposs ible to

borro w your way out of debt O thers so ld or tried to sell some o f the ir land o r eq uipment in an effort to re ti re at leasl o me of the ir cri ppling de bt and there by salvage at

least a part o f the ir operation

One rather sad varia tio n o f this las t s itua tion occ urs occ as io na lly whe re a

farmer who has had a succes~ fu l and so lvent opera tion decide to ex pand to a llow a son

o r so n- in-law into the bus in ss because of a des ire on the part of the young per on to

farm or occasionally because he is no t employed The expansion in Jand and eljuipment particularly if it occu rred in the

last three years and if it were do ne mainl y o n credit with a mortgage taken on his once so lvent operation has robbed the farmer of

his security and his peace of mind Furthershy

mo re in some of these s ituations the disappointed newcomer in the bus iness moved on leaving dear o ld dad to make the best of it

3 The Equipment Enthusiast

Another scenario concerns the man who is o bsessed with the need to ac quire equipshyment or to make add ition s and improveshy

ments to a lready adequate buildings To pay

for it out of the revolvi ng operating loan or to finance it in other ways withou t first having established that it will pay for itself will inevitably c reate financial problem s

Whe re there has been a general disregard for thi s kind of purchas ing the end resu lt has usually been disas trous

4 Natural Disasters

We regularly see the result s of natural

disas ters - floods windstorms hail frost disease and fires All of the se misfortunes can be c rippling to any operation but when adequate insurance coverage is not carried or if one of these di sasters occur whe n a farmers equity is low or when hi s princi pal and interest charges consume much o f his income it can be disastrous to his economic

pos ition

5 Family Unity

From OFAAP applicatio ns it is noted that some farmers who experience a marriage break- up seem to have diffi culty maintainshy

ing fi nanc ial solvency W hen asse ts are

di vided and whe n atte nt ion to management

is di e r ted hccause o f family pro blems the farm operation is often morta ll y wounded

Farmers and farm op ratnr are much more vulnerable in this si tua tio n because thei r

wives arc o ften much more invol ved in the e lllerprise than in non- farm situations

6 Offmiddot Farm Income

Appl ications incl ude a great nu mher of

insta nces in which if it were not fo r 0 ffmiddot fa rm income o f either the farmer or his wife or

occas io na lly both the ir farm o peratio n wo uld be tota lly un viable and unab le to continue to fu nc tion It is well the n fo r

those in th se c ircumstances to r cogniu tha t if the off-farnl inco me should e nd it wo uld also mea n the te rmination of the

farming operatio n

7 Enterprise Changes

A review 0 f appli ca tions indicates that some

farmers are hoping to comple tely change

thei r c rop or li ves toc k programs attemptin g perhaps to outguess the marke t and to

improve their financial return s Sometimes the expectation in vo lved in the dec is ion is

correct but so o ften when the costs inshyvol ved in the c hange are considered little

has been gai ned and where the deci s ion to change was unwi se co nsiderable loss is

usually the result The ot her extreme to this

situation is rigidity to the poi nt of makin g no changes at all

8 Manage ment

The management ability of any applicant

farmer is difficult to assess Most applicants are not known and there is no opportunity to assess the actual farm operation Ho wever

experience with OFAA P emph asizes that good financial management is c ritical to the

success of any farm operation Here is a li s t of definite Do and

Do nts that should be much in the minds of farmers operating in the present financial climate All of these suggestions re tlect the ex periences we have had working with

appli ca tions for O FAA P

The Definite Dos

Do base an operation on an informed farm

plan keep ing and using good record~ and approved acco unting proced ures Do work c losely wi th the credit source shy

usually the banker Plan and work within

approved revo lving ope rating loan limits Make regular cred it payments when due and when unable to make p ro per arrange shy

ments ahead of time w ith your c reditor or credito rs Do make necessary adju stme nts in land and equipm e nt befo re u nder tak ing further borrow in g Do shop around for cred it and i nve~ tig ate

ava il ah le programs to cu t credit cos ts Do pay off on loans when surplus cas h is

ava il able It won t be any fun but it w ill

he lp to re tain sol vency Do try to ma intai n stability in your far m o peration and kee p the peace a t h IllC

Do seek the professi o nal adv ice of you r ag ric ultu ra l represe ntative anJ Ir indwtry fiel d per~on ne I

The Definite Donts

Dont borrow for capita l items unless they

are abso lu te I y necessary Dont make capi ta l purchases with funds

frolll your revo lvi ng opera ting account w ithout co nsul ta tion and agreeme nt with

the bank manager Dont expand any operation without sound

pl ann ing Dont plunge and make rapid changes in

the ope rati ng patte rn without so und consultation 0

Partners For 70 Years

Arthur Cowie 09 now 95 and his wife Nina now 92 were married March 19 1913 near Nel son B C They li ved in

HC for three years then returned to Caledo nia where Arthur worked for the A

Jone s bakery He returned to the 200-acre farm homestead in 1922 when his father

was kill ed in a farm accident Arthur se rved in the 19305 and early

19405 as co uncillor and also served as

a Ju s tice of the Peace for the farm communit y

Nina Co wie whose g reat lo ve was

dancing has onl y one regre t and that is tha t she could never get her hu sband o nto the -dance floor The Scotti ~ h dances Hig hlan d

tlin gs and Scotti sh reels made hi s head spin He played the record s and watched

from the sidelines while ina did the danc ing

They have no secrets tor a long happ y marriage excep t working at it Theyve

done Jus t tha t for 70 years Bes t wishes to them both 0


OACGrads on Faculty at Nova Scotia Ag College

Lauranne Sanderson M Sc 81 is with the Humanities Department She specialized in Animal Science in her undershygraduate years but added to that a master program in Agricultural Economics Lauranne has lived on a mi xed lives t()c k and cash crop farm in southern O ntario At the No va Scotia Agricultural College (NSAC) she is teaching Tec hnical W riting but is specializing in the area of Com munications and Agricultural Extension

Barbara (Otrysko) Mulkewytch 78 MSc 81 is with the Plant Science Deshypartment Prior to her appointment at NSAC she was employed as a potato crops specialist with the New Brunswick Departshyment of Agriculture Her teaching and research will include projects on potato and crop protect ion

Yes Surry MSc 81 is with the Economics and Busi ness De partment Yves was born in Pamiers France has an M A fro m the nivers ity of Pari s and is in the process of completing his Ph D from Guelph Yves has a strong interes t in teachshying and his research interests hould be a welcome addition to the reg ion He is pre sent ly teaching courses in Micro and Macro Economic Theory

Laurie (Gaunt) Connor 73 is w ith the Department of Animal Science She earned MSc and Ph D degrees specia li zi ng in reproduct ion phys iology from the nivershysity o f Manitoba Prior to joining NSAC she was a NSERC Vi iting Fellow at the Animal Research Centre in Ottawa Her teaching and research work is mainly in the re producti ve physiology field

Also at NSAC are Sheree Porter CSS 79 and Myrna (Porter) Blenkhorn 76 John Shug 37A and 40 is the sec re tary o f the Nova Scotia Agricultural College Alumni Association 0

Please help us to help you When corresponding or upshydating information or address do tell us not only your year of graduation but your discipline

Th ree generatiuns of heramify were present when fleather Rohinson right centre FACS 83 graduated ut Wim er Convocation With her f rom [eji to righture her grandfather John Inglis her moth er Vlarirn (Inglis ) Robinson Mac 55 0 member of the Uni versirys Boord of Govern ors ond her father Doug Rohinson 53

Above Mllrrav Ma cGregor 5 1 lei with the winners of the OAC s 25th annual Alumni Curling Bon spiel Left to right GeorRe Robinson 651 Mu rrav Elliotl 65A Keith Murru 65A and Jern- Forestell 6511 Right OAC Alumni Associashytion president Hell ry Slanle 55 right was preslntedwith un engraved pewta stein to recugnie 25 years of participation ill Ihe bOlspiel Conshygratuluting Henry is Bill Harrison 62 bonspiei commillee chuirman


the individual members excellence andThe Ronald S Ritchie Le cture integri ty

This idea for the new body was not accepted by members of Cabinet They

The Opening Up of PubHc PoHcy The Opening Up of Public Policy was

Selllior Michael Piffields fopic when he

delifred fhe annual Ronald S Rifchie

LeclUre of fhe UniversifY in March

A Rmduafe ofSf Lawrence Universify

17 ( graduafed in lawjrom McGill UniversifV

and holds a Rrodlla fe diploma in Public La w

Fom Ih e UlliversifY ofolIa wa H efirsl joined Ihe Public Service as an

wlminislrafive assiSfam in Ihe Depa rimem

oJuslice in 1959 Ialer served onlhe sraffof Ih e Goernor General and as secrelary fO

117 1 Royal Commission on Taxalion In 1965

he joined Ihe Privy Council Office He

became depuly minisler of Consumer and

Corporafe Affairs in 1973 and Ihe followshy

inli year lOok up an appoinfmem as Fellow

in fhe John F Kennedy School of Governshy

mOl (If Harvard Un iversifY In 1975 he

relurned 10 Ollawa as Clerk of fhe Privy

Council and Se crelarv 10 Ihe Cabinel

The annual leclre recognizes Ihe comrihwion made 10 fhe Universily by

former Board of Govemors chairman

ROllald S Rilchie A reporl on Senafor Piffields presemalion follows

Senator Pitfield paid tribute to Rona ld Ritchie his important work in the Glassco Commission and his influence in the estabshylishment of the Institute for Research on Public Policy

In thi s th oug htful and thoughtshyprovoking presentation Senator Pitfield outlined the need for and the desirability of more open discussion before policies are introduced but there are some very real difficulties associated with de vel oping some me chanis m that could foster and encourage such exchanges of ideas

[t was pointed out that because of the high degree of interdependency of modern society and the size and complexity of governments the making of public polic y must be an intellectual subject in its own right not just a conglomeration of di scishyplines It had become evident that

I A methodical analysis of government activity could lead to improvements in government effectiveness

2 Traini ng in making and managment of public policy was crucial and urgent

3 There were few in government who knew why things were done the way they were

4 The making and management of pubshylic policy was a subject unique in itself and required thinking through for itself

5 Universities and other training institushytions were not very useful in this training process universities being too removed from the actual experience of government and the government institutions being withshyout the detachment and intellectual rigour needed

Thus it became evident that there was a need for an institution that would be a repository of knowledge a pl ace of learnshying a foru m for debate and a means of communication co ncerning public policy

Proposal s emerged that the federal go vernment should assis t some of the organizations already in existence Comshypetition became keen and rivalry among institutions re su lted in grander more comshyplex proposals As a result the federal go vernment in 1968 decided to establish a think-tank of its own to take a more rigorous look at public polic y

The idea was not new In many countries the general thinking was that all problems could be so l ved by inrelleclUal anal ysis and the appl ication of modern techshyniques But the ne w Trudeau go vernment went even beyond providing more data It included public debate of public policy

But the think-tank was only one of the initiatives to aid in the formation of policies There was support for political parties through caucus funding offi ce space support staff and regional offices for Members of Parliament and internsh ip programs for students to work as assistan ts to MPs

Other support included green and white papers for discussion commissions of inquiry task forces public funding of non-political grou ps to encourage discusshysion and many others to increase the flow of information for consideration of alternashytives All were done to open up the process o f meaningful debate which would result in more effective and sound decisions

The th ink-tank was to be a centre for var ious kinds of people to di scuss public policy subjects which were often set aside because of day to day pressures At first it was to be very informal with distinguished people invited to participate Its integrity and permanency would be based on that of

were concerned that existing research instishytutes would be damaged They also wanted in volvement of business and professional communities This challenge to broaden the scope was gi ven to Ron Ritchie

Ritchie foresaw an institution that would be independent supported by an endowment which would not only support but st imu late debate on public policy

Man y fears were raised - that such a body would be taken o ver by academics that it would become a clique that govern shyments would battle for control etc But these were dealt with skillfully by Ritch ie and the Institute for Researc h on Public Policy was establ ished

What of its accomplishments~ This institute has been successfu l in

many ways in getting better information into debate [n the ten years since its beginning many studie s have been pubshyli shed It has held many informat ive confershyences and has a unique journal Howeve r despite its efforts open and meaningful debate on public policy is not much more advanced tod ay than it was a decade ago

It is evident that to ach ie ve its objecshytives there mu st be a willingess to change opi nions and the Canadian sys tem prov ides few forums for the changing of minds The bias is towards decision-makers and interest groups not open and meaningful debate

Public debate often takes pl ace after rather than before the decision is taken Thi s may not be what is wanted but policy-making is tilted not tow ards being open but towards being closed

Why has there not been more progress [n h is pre se ntation Mi chael Pitfield refershyred to the fact that the go vernment whose people should discuss the si tuation has become even more confrontational not because of lack of information but because of rigidity in their approach to discussion of public policy

As govern ment ha s grown so have checks and balances which recently have often been linked to lack of confidence Where slim majorities exist a strong opposhysi tion can threaten the government Party di sc ipline becomes severe and ai ring of independent views is discouraged The fear of a government being defeated on the one shyhand and the unyielding demands ot the opposition on the other tends to make the parliamentary process less and less flexible

The result of the foregOing is the tendency of government in modern times to drop solutions on a public th at may not be aware of the problems These solutions are not open to argu ment and debate is reduced

conld over


w ith bias tending towards a cl osed system and less debate

To improve the situation it seems it wlluld be necessary to have a mutual and

ba lanced reduction of force on both sides

The ge neral equilibrium of the system needs to be ma in tained W hat is needed is the reduction of secre tiveness of the gove rn shyment on one side and a reduc tion of the

danger of e mbarrass ment or de fea t of the govern men t on the other side

T here must be a wil li ngness to secure

more ope n debate on al l sides and our

leaders ha ve not done that e ven on m ost import ant issues More ope n and rneltll1 ingshyful deba te will require more thi nk ingshy

thro u middoth - something Mc mbers of Parlishy

ame nt may not he able to do or be free to do or have the necessary knowledge to do But the id ea behind the Institute for Remiddot

search on Public Policy was tha t such a body could bring about better decisions

All publi c problems cannot be solved by thought and tech nolog ics but few can be solved without these contr ibutions

The Institute for Research on Public Policy cannot create better public policies

by itself It must have input from all sectors to bring about more open and meaningful public debate which will result in constant

improvement of government - somethin g

that everyone desires 0

Grad News Herb Nor ry M Sc 52 has moved to

London as a farm business advisor wit h

O M AF working in eight counties

Denny Silvestrini PhD 5R is director of quality controlresearch and de velopment Eskimo Pie Corporation Ric hmond Virshy

ginia SA He had served as manager quality control and product deve lopment

Ralston Purina Co mpany St Luuis M isshysouri U SA

John Hagarty 61 is manager fi e ld

service s Rural O rganizati ons and Serv ice s Branch OMAF Guelp h

Ismail Siragcldin Ph D 62 is professor Department of Population Dynami cs and

Political Economics the Johm Hopkins

University Baltimore Md S A

Arlene (Fournier) 65 and Dick Flis

MSc 65 are in Edmo nton Alta where Dick is petroleum products manager wes tmiddot ern Canada Imperia l Oil Ltd

Craig Hunter 66 is pre sident Cra ig

Hunter Poult ry Farms Ltd Stro ud

Colin Triver s 67 is a consulting e ngineer and On tario land surveyor for e G Trivcrs

Ltd T he ssalon

Peter Mosher Ph D 70 is director

bureau of agric ultural prod uctio n Depart shyment of Agriculture Ba ngor Me USA

Cordon Brown 76 is sen ior food techshynolog is t new prod ucts process developshy

ment Tho masJ Lipton Inc in Bram pton

Martel C outure MSc 76 is acting di rec tor d iploma progra m Macdonald Colshy

lege Ste nne de Belle vue Que

Charlie Ellintt 78 vnfe Ja ne and

first -born Ian C harles born Jan uary 20

1983 are living near S hetland C harlie is now working fo r Elliott Bros G rain and Feed Ltd

Dennis Ring 78 is credit manager Farm C redit Corp C hatham H is wife is Carnl (Weeks) 79

R Cunrad Genee 79 is a sales represhy

sentative with CIBA-Geigy Canada Ltd in

Winnipeg Man

Howard Armstrong RO is an industrial

engineer with the B utler Ma nufacturing Co (Canada) Ltd Nisku Alta

Bruce Broadbent PhD 80 is a research scientist entomology with Agriculture

Canada Vineland Station

Mic hael Tulloch 80 has been accepted as

a professional engineer by the Council of the APEO He now manages engineering functions for eG Trivers Ltd Thessalon

BruceGitelman 81 will be joining Wood G undy Ltd Investment Broke rs as a

corporate finance associate in September

Danicllc Wenstrom 81 is a quality a ss urance su pe rvisor for Pil lsb ury of Canada Ltd M idland

Christine Deslandes MSc R2 is a lecturer at Alfred Col lege of Agricu ltu re

and Food Technology A I fred

Diploma Graduates

Donald Morley 68A is ge nera l ma nager De Marco Homecare Ce ntre Sutton West

Jeffrey Currah 74A is marke ting man shyage r Fortam ix-a division of BASF

Canada Inc Georgetown

Brian Roberts 76A is a welder with Hillcook Ind ust ri es Ha milton 0

In Memoriam Raymond David Ure 15A and 21 January 24 In3 ~uddenly a t Tecumse h

age 87 He had bee n very act ive un til

recently H is son Donald re is it

graduate of 49

Dr Genrge M Stirrett 20A and 22 died December 15 1982 H is many co nshy

tri bu tiono had bee n recogni zed by the Heritage Canada Found ation The fo llowshy

ing is an account of the tribu te pa id to him Fe bruary 16 1 9~ I at Government HDu~e

O ttawa

His Excelle ncy Gove rnor Ge nera l

Edward Sc hrcyer prese med the Commun imiddot cations A wards Atl antic Reg ion to Dr

George M St irrett of Grand Falls Ne w

Bru ns wick Dr Stirrett has been comm itted to natural h is tory conservation for ma ny

years bo th before and after hi s ret ire ment from the Canadian W ildlife Service and Parks Canada in 1964

He worked hard for the preservation of the falls and gorge area at Grand Falls

and on other conservation needs in Ne w Brunswick and Ma ine He has also written

on the iss ues of conservation using Ihe pcn name G raham Vail and since April 1979

has publi shed a weekly column Notes on atural History in the G rand Falls

Cataract His columns stress the appreciashytion and enjoyment of nature as well as the need for preserving it

Norman Hodgins MacBeth 23 Fe bruary 3 1983 in St John N B He had retired in

1967 as General Manage r of General Dairies Ltd

David R Owen 25 in Medi c ine Hat

Alta February 6 1983 at age 82 He was a di rector of the fi rs t ollege Roy al and spe nt

most of his li fe teachi ng and farmi ng in Saskatchewan

Ronald John Quinn 35 Fe bruary 17 1983 in London His wife Helen (Farshyquhar) is a lso a graduate o f 35

Bruce Douglas Innes 36 passed away Septe lllber 29 19 82 D uring his college

years he took part in ma ny ac tivitie s bu t he -re membered with particu la r pleasure be ing Grand C hampion Showman College Royal

35-the first time that the honour had bee n won by anyone o ther than a fou rth year man Bruce owned and operated a dairy

farm at Burford since I 939 and was an

acti ve and ded icated farmer until his death

H is wife Margaret died in A pril 1983 T hey leave daughters Lorna Lawrence

Mac 68 and Karen and son Robert 0


Macdonald Institute College of Family and Consumer

Studies Alumni Associat ion

ALUMNI NEWS Editor Joan (Anderson) Jenkinson 66


BASc Grads-Class o f 80

EntploYDlent Survey T he University s Counselling and Reshysource Centre recentl y completed an inshyucpth survey covering the empl oyment activities of the 211 graduates who in 19RO earned Bachelor of Applied Sc ience Degrees

The survey indicates th at gradu ates are e nj oy ing a variety of interes ting and chalshylenging careers

A gratifying 73 per cent of th e graduates re sponded to the survey with 51 per cent of the respondents indi catin g that they have completed or are completing graduate degrees or programs on a full- or part-time bas is Of the 153 respondents 78 per ce nt including one who is self emshyployee have full-time employment The remainder are employed part-time or are pursuing further studie s

Li sted below are the indicated ca reers chosen in the four major areas of study

Applied Human Nutritio n

ut ritiond ietetics Food service administration More than 50 per cent of the responshy

dents obtained reg istered profe ss ional dietishytian certificates The Admini strati ve Emshyphasis course is no longer offered in the

Applied Human utrition program It is available through the Bachelor of Comshymerce program

Family Studies

A number of grad uate s found posit io ns in teac h ing or social services such as

Adult protecti ve service workers Infant de ve lopment specialists Geront ology consultants Supervisors and field workers with social service agencies Other Family Studies graduate s are

working in government srv iees and in the private ec toras home economists financial co un se llors librarians hostel managers Family Studies graduates tend to sl ck caree rs in the helping profess ion s

Consumer Studies

There are four emphasis areas 01 study within this maj or The survey indicates that

Food gradu ates are employed in areas of produci development marketing and food technology with majo r food companies Hou si ng emphasis graduates are wo rkshying with government agencies and in teac hing

Consumer Beha vio ur e mph asis graduates are in industry business and res earc h Tex tile and Clothin g e mph asis grads are employed in research merchandi sshying and banking Often after working for a year or

more Consumer Studies graduates will return to gradu ate study o r profess ional programs on a full- or part-time bas is

Child Studies

Many Child Studies graduates are emp loyed in teaching supervisory or other child-care related sett ings such as soc ial work with fami lies and children Re ported part -lime and temporary em pl oy ment pos ishytions include work as supply teachers child care supervisors special education leac hers and as lecturers in uni ve rsity settings

It is imporl an t to note that this emshyploy ment survey reports the caree r paths chose n by onl y one graduating cl ass Dat a is collccl~d on a yearl y bas is from gradu ates in Family and Consumer Studies In order to observe the broad scope of employment opportunities avail able a four-year tabulashytion wo uld pl~ c nt a more complete picture of the profess ional activities of graduates

In summary FACS programs offer students a sound educational background to meet the need s of i nduslry educational institut io ns governme nt and bus in c The future for FACS graduates is indeed bright as the College co ntinues to gro w and develop programs to meet the challenges of the 80s 0



BASc Gradsmiddot Class of 80 Further Education Pursued

Major Total

Graduates Number of

Respondents R PDt BEd MEd MSc MD MA

Applied Hum an Nu trition 65 45 23 3 I

Family Studies 64 44 19

Consumer Studies 48 33 2

C hild Studies 34 31 II I I I

TOTAL 21 1 ( 1007c)

153 (73 oc )

23 32 I 4 I I

FACS Has New

Dr Richurd Burhunl

Dean Professor Richard M Barham was apshypointed dean of the College of Family and Consumer Studies for a fi ve-year term effective July I 1983 He succeeds Dr Janet M Wardlaw who has served as dean since 1969

Professor Barham has been chairman of the Department of Family Studies since

1976 and served as acting dea n in [980 while Dean Wardlaw was on administrative leave

A graduate of the University of Otago Dunedin e Zealand Richard Barham received a Ph D degree from the University of Alben a dmonton in Ed ucational Psychology

He has served on the faculty of the Department of Educational Psychology at the University of Alberta and as professor and acting chairman of the Department of Education University of Otago

While in New Zealand he was an executive member of the council of The Ne w Zealand Psychological Society and served as its president

At Guelph he has taught both undershygraduate and graduate courses in the Deshypartment of Family Studies and has supershyvised graduate students

He has been active on many University committees during the past seven years He is a past chairman of the Board of Graduate Studies and has been a member of the

Committee on Academic Priorities the Committee on University Planning the Liaison Committee and several others

He has also been a consulting educa shytional psycholog ist with the Wellington County Separate School Board since 1979

Prolessor Barham and his wife Joan have a family offour Joan recently returned to the University of Guelph for further study Daughter Vick y 19 is a student in Economics at Queens University Lisa 17 and Christopher 14 attend Ce ntennial CVJ while Tania 12 is completing her studies at College Avenue School

Music is very important part of the Barham familys life with active invoheshyment in the Suzuki String School and the Guelph Youth Orchestra Gardening is a hobby enjoyed by both Richard and Joan

Members of the Mac- FACS Alumni Association extend a sincere welcome to Professor Barham We look forward to meeting and working with him in the future as he fills the challenging position as dean of FACS 0

FACS Prof First

Dr M urlin MUllhclIs

Director P ro fessor Anne Martin Matthews De shypart me nt of Family St udi es has been ap shypointed the first director of the Gnontology Research Centre The establi shment of the Centre was announced last February A research grant of $237000 from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada will fund the Centre for the first three years

Professor Martin Matthews has been conducting research related to the needs and interests of older segments of the populashytion as well as teaching courses in such areas as social gerontology and marital and family dynamics in Family Studies She has been a faculty member with the Department of Family Studies since 1978

She also has been active beyond the campus in programs related to aging She is chair-elect of the social sciences division Canadian Council on Gerontology and will begin a two-year term in the chair of that organization this year

She is also first vice-president of the

Ontario Gerontology Association and a member of the scientific advisory commitshytee of the Gerontology Research Council of Ontario She is a graduate of Memorial University of Newfoundland and McMaster University

With a steadily increasing percentage of the popUlation in the retirement age bracket it is important to understand more fully the ir needs and cuncerns sa ys Proshyfessor Martin Matthews The en tre will deal with the ag ing family and environshymental contexts In the latter sense we will be examinin g such things as the difference bet wee n aging in an urban and a rural society as well as issues like housing and the aging

The new Gerontology Research Centre will provide facilities to assist faculty members and graduate students doing reshysearch on aging The Centre will facilitate integrate and co-ordinate studies on aging within the University the director says

Research on aging is now being carried out at the Universi ty in such Departments as Family Studies Geography Psychology Nutrition Human Biology and SocioluFY and the Centre will be able to provide a medium for cross-fertilization of ideas among the many researchers in the field

Professor Marlin Matthews says that the Centre will be working co-operatively with other similar research centres in Onshytario such as the one at the University of Toronto in promoting research on aging The Centre will also sponsor conferences and workshops that relate to the special needs of older citizens in their communities

Guelph has demonstrated an interest in gerontology since 1970 when research projshyects began and courses dealing with aging were offered in the Departments of Family Studies and Psychology Since 1981 the Un i versity has offered gero ntology as part of the Famil y Studies major in the Bachelur of Applied Science program 0

A Thank You Dear A luml7i

1-Iwl 10 Ihonk oil Ihe uumni inloll(d wilh

Ihc cr special send-oj gien to me ill

recognition of Ihc complelion ofmv Icrm as


So man of ou -Ierc invocd shy

whelhcr or nOI ou -Iere able 10 (fIend Ihe

recognition receplion in Toronlo on May

29 I oppreciacd Ihe man good llishes

which come from ocross CClrado ond from

such dislOlIl places as Indio and Chara

Your generous gifls u Imc Irolld of

pcarls und a bonk aCCOlll11 vhich came lVilh

Ihe slrong suglcslion Ihal [should IIc 10

Vnv Iculand lverc Irul overllhelll1ing

The Air lCll Zcalundjlighl bag jJacked wilh

1111 SOriS of nccessiliel added 10 Ihe jim

middotre had 01 Ihe rcceplion

Many Ihanksfor your SUppOri over Ihe years and for your good wishes as I begin

my car ofadmin is Ira live leave

Yours sincerelv

Jonel M Wardlaw 0


Dr Louise

( Bailltlj

Heslop 67

Off - To


Dr Louise (Bazi net) Heslop 67 has JO ined the School of Business at Carlton Unive rsit y O ttaw a Over the next two years through an arran geme nt with Ca rlton Unive rsity she will be cco nded on a

part-time basis by Stati sti cs Canada where she will join the Research and Analysi s

D ivision Loui se completed her MSc at Guelph

in 1969 and continued as lecturer in the

ne wly-es tablished Department o f Co nshysumer Studies In 1977 she compktcd a Ph D in Business Administration (Marketshying) at the University of Western Ontari o

and rejo ined the Department of Consumer Studies ri si ng to the rank of ass oc iate professor

Louise was e lected to the board of

di rectors of the Mac-FA CS Alumni Assoc ishyati on in 1977 se rvin g as secretary-treasurer until May 1981

We ex tend our best wishe middot to Loui se

her husband Lome O A 70 and their dau ghters Jose tte 5 and C la ire 2 Lorne is employed by Agriculture Canada in

Ottawa and is currently completing an M Sc in Engineering at the University of

G uelph Coun try li ving is a high priority with

the Heslops They are deli ghted with the purchase of a farm near Almonte a nd look

forward to the best of both worl d s - profess ion a lism in the city and lei sure in the countryside 0

Grad News Helen (Clifford ) Beswick 48D is se lf empl oyed as a studio potter in her home in Dundas

Margaret (Kennedy) jarvis 54D is a realestate age nt in Kingston

Pat (Hall) McDowell 65 is with the

United Missionary Soc iet y Jlorin Kwora State ~igeria

Joanne Patterson 66 is a se ni or project o ffmiddoticer w ith Indi an and Northern Affa irs Ottawa

Leslie (Mowat) Hemming 68 is teaC hin g in Woods tock

Mary (Jany) Toms 68 is employed with Health and We lfare Canada Ottawa

Sarah (Spencer) Coomhs 70 is an assistant director wi th the Co nsumer Inforshymation Centre of the Ontario Government


Meredith Fi lshie 70 is an ana lyst w ith the Ministry of State for Economic and Re g ional Development O ttawa

S heila (Fahner ) jarvie 70 is a nutrishytion ist w ith the K- W Hospital Kitchener

Donna j ohnstone 70 o perates Donn as Ha ndmade Clothin g for Men amp Wo men Gabiola Isla nd B C

Lorraine Holding 71 is manager of program development with the Rural Orshyga nizatio ns and Services Branlh Minis try of Agriculture and Food located at the Gue lph Agriculture Centre

Beve r ly Lee 72 is a chairperso n with the York Region Board o f Educ at io n

Laurie MacLeod 72 is a district manager with Beaver Foods Mlss issauga

Kathy Camelon 73 is a dietitian at the Toronto Genera l Hospita l

Tirnoth) Fleming HAFA 74 a ses ionaJ lec turer with H AFA teaching business law has been adm itted to the partne rshi p o f the law firm of Harper Haney and White of Waterl oo

Isabel (McBride) H o well 74 is an e lementary school teacher with the Watershyloo Co unt y Board of Educatio n Camshybridge

Mary Ruston 75 is a Famil y Studies teacher at Inge rso ll District High School

Kathryn Anderson 76 is a supervisor with Westmini ster Family Day a re London

Hester Cooper 76 is employed as a research officer with the New Zealand Dairy

Research Institute in Palmers ton North ew Zealand

Patr icia (G a rland ) Desaul niers 76 is with patient fo od se rvices Alberta Hospishyta l Edmo nton

Noella Li 76 is aclinical dietitian wi th the

ictori a Hospital London

M eredith (Evans) Hea rtwe ll 77 is

teac hing in Mississauga

Deb Wey 77 is patient food se rvices manager at SI John Regio nal Hospi tal SI J()hn NB

Susan (junes ) Wilcox 77 is food se rvices

superviso r with the Baye re st Ce ntre for Ge riatric Care 0

A ThankYou The c lass of Mac 380 wishes to extend a

sincere thank you to all alumni who have con tributed to the Mac 38 0 Class Geronshy

to logy Scholarship Fund The gradua te s tudent scholarship in

the recently de ve loped area ot Ge ronto lo gy at FACS is being established by the class of 38D in recog nition of their 45th annivershy

sary in 1983 All Univers it y of Guelph grads are

in vited to parti c ipate in this project funds for which will be so li c ited until December

1984 [f you wish to con tribute please make you r cheq ue pay ab le to the Univers ity o f Guelph Alma Mater Fund specify that it is to be applied to the Mac 38 D Class Gerontology Scho larship Fund and mail to

the Deve lo pment Office Room 273 John shysto n Hall Uni ve rsity o f Gue lph Guelph

Ontario N IG 2W J Th an ks again for yo ur suppo rt from

Elle n Downie Mary Singer Doris Durran t and Jean Carter- the Mac 38 D sch o larship committee 0

In Memoria m We regret to announce the death of the following al umnus

Margaret L (MacKenzie) Smallwood 401) December 1982 in Lakeland Fla




The College of Physical Scie nce Alumni Association

SCIMP Editor Bob Winkel

phy sics grant selection committee of thc atural Sciences and Engineering Research

Council for two years he was intimately involved in all the major re search de velopshyments in Canada in this field Hc feels that his e lec tio n to the Royal Society of Canada will help raise the prot1le of high-energy physics in this co untry and lend stren gth to Canadian experimenters

The citation prepared for his nominashytion to the Royal Society of Canada reads

Professor Karl is a high energy the ori st whose work is widely recognized interna tionally His deep physical insight and hi s kn ow led ge of mathemati ca l methods led to the quark model of baryon resonances based on quantum chromoshydynamics which has been enormousl) successful in describing experimental reshysuits H is re sea rch is characterized by striking originality and an ability to COIll shy

bine basic ideas from different field s as in the predictions of a new effect - neutron optical activity

Gabriel Karl is married and has one daughter W hen he is not probing the sec re ts of the universe he indulges himself in music theatre and the fine arts

He visited the Unive rsity of Briti sh Columbia in Vanco uver in May for the induction ceremony into the Royal Society of Canada on the occas ion of the Annual Meeting of the Society It marked he sa id the culmination of a long string of benefits that [ ha ve enjoyed throughout the 23 years 1 have lived in Ca nada [ have every rea son to be very grateful to th is country D

Erratum In the Sprin g issue o r SCiMP it was erroneously reported in the c utline accompanyin g a pict ure of Departshyme nt of Physics student scholarship winners that they were the recipients of 0 er $ 1500 We dropped a zero The fi gure should have read $ 15000 Sorry about tha t Ed

Elected to Royal Society

Dr Cooiel Korl

The election of Dr Gabriel Karl to a Fellowship of the Roy al Society of Canada represents what one of hi s colleagues Dr Peter Egelstaff desc ribe s as a rare honour which reflects great credit not only on Dr Karl but also on the Uni versi tys Departshyment of Physics

The Royal Society of Canada founded in 1882 to promote learning and research in the arts and sciences has numbered among its Fellows virtually all of Canadas most distinguished intellectual le ade rs of the last J00 yea rs Standards are jealously guarded and Fello wships are awarded only as a result of outstanding world-class ach ieve ment

The rarity of the honour is indicated by the fact that at the Un iversity of Guelph whose faculty includes so many academics of international distinction only five had previously achieved a Fellows hip in the Royal Society of Canada These are Dr Howard Clark vice- pres ident academic Dr Bruce Sells dean College of Biologishycal Science Dr Peter Egclstaff Depart shyment of Physics Dr Do nald Masters Prof ssor Emeri tu s De part mcnt of History and Dr He rb Armstrong retired dean of Graduate Studies

As the sixth Dr Ga briel Karl will have the added di st inction of bei ng the first whose career has been sp ot excl us ively at the Un ivers ity of Guelph which agai n to

quote Dr Egelstaff marks a coming of age for the University

Gabriel Karl was born in Transylvania a province of Romania He obtained his B Sc in Chemistry at Romani as Univershysity of ClUJ worked for two years in industry and came to Canada in 1960 He attended graduate school at th e University of Toronto where he was awarded a Ph D in 1966 for a thesis on infrared luminesshycence following molecular colli sion Hi s Ph D supervisor was the distinguished physical chemist Dr John Polanyi

A two-year post-doctora l fellowship with the University of Torontos Depart shyment of Physics followed His mentors there were Drs J Van Kranendonk and Duk Poll who is now a professor with the Universi ty of Guelph s Depa rtment of Ph ys ics

In 1966 Dr Karl studied at the Uni versity of Oxford for two years under an NRC scho larship to study hadron spec troshyscopy and in 1969 he Joi ned the Univers itys Department of Phy sics achieving a full professorship only five years later

Dr Karls work has focussed on high energy physics - the physics of fundamen shytal particles This is an esoteric field involvshying research into the nature of matter The relatively few world leaders in thi s field tend to cluster around the half-dozen accelerators such as the $100 million four kilumete rshylon g hi gh-e nergy tunnel for accelerating electrons at Stanford University that have been built only in the US and Europe

There is no accelerator of this energy level in Canad a and fe w Canadian scie nshyti ~ts are working in this field Dr Ka rl s statu re in the international commu nity of particle physic ists is marked by his many visi ts to the world s major research ce ntres as guest speaker and to consult with his peers Referring to the time spent on thcse missions Dr Karl describes the Depart shym nt of Phys ics and his colleag ues as generouslyaccommodati ng shy

As cha irman of the h igh energy


Trapping The Suns Energy Excerpted from a Chemtrends article by Mary Cocivera

One predi ctabl e fac t about ind ustri ali z d

soc iety is that it will take more e nergy to

keep the whee ls ru nn ing smoothl y parti c ushy

larly because the world population is exshy

pected to dou ble to about n ine bill ion by the

year 2050

[n th search to augme nt tradi tio na l

sources o f e lectri ci ty two Departme nt of

Chemistry pro fessors ha ve tu rned their

atten ti on to the convers ion of solar energy to

electricity by photovultaie cel ls and photoshy

elec troc he mical systems T he developme nt

work at Guelph is a imed at improving the efficiency and stability of th se sy~tems and

reduc i ng the ir cos t

Si licon photovoltaic cells serve as a

reference for solar energy convers iun beshy

cause they were the fi rst such cells and to

date arc the most effic ient co nvert ing so lar

ne rgy into elec tr ic ity a t abo ut 15 per cem

effi c iency Arrays of crys tal li n sil icon ce lls present ly cos t in the nei ghborhood or

S$400 per sq uare metre to manufac ture

produc ing about 40 watts Photovo lta ic

thin- fi lm syste ms us ing semico nductors

o ther than single crysta l sil ic on are be ing

investigated in man y re~earc h ce ntre s

around the world

A pro mis ing approach is a cadmiui1l

sulfi dec uprous sul fide combi nat ion in

which the two sem ico nduc tors are laye red

on molybdenum the n covered w ith a transshyparent gold fil m T his thin-fi lm cons trucshy

tio n i ideal for solar devices explai ns

Profess ur Ro n Fawcett because large

surface areas are needed for maximum

exposu re to the sun

T he fabrication process devel oped by

Ro n and patented in 1980 in vo lve electroshy

depos iting cadmium sulfide o nto molybshy

denum then layering cuprous sulfide over the cadm ium sulfide by an ion exchange

process Finally the gold 11 1m is added by

vacuum de pos ition Ron es timates that

thi n-film de ices could be manufac tu red in

this way for about S$25 per squ are metre

E lectro pla ting of se m ic ondu ct ors

would enabl e photo voltai c dev ices to be

manu factured in a continuous process

rathe r than indi vidua lly as i required w ith

s ingle crysta l s ilic on Such ce lls ha ve

ach ieved conversio n of solar to electrica l

energy at an e ffi cienc y o f I per cent to date T he researchers are co nfide nt they can

achieve fi to 8 per cent cffi ieney compared

to the calcul ated max imum e ffi c iency of II

per cent Pro fessor Michae l oc ivera is ork ing

on photoe lec troc hem ical systems in which a

sem icond uctor electrode im mersed in an

elec tro lyte solution converts inci dent li g ht

into a n electric a l cu rren t Such se mishy

conductor lilju id junction cells offe r p racti shy

cal ad van tages because uf the sponta neom format ion o f a junc tio n I mproved effishy

ciency fo r po lycrysta lli ne sem iconductors

has been a hi eved in ce lb of th is type in part becau~e the liqu id estab li shes unshy

iformly good COntac t wi th the e l etrode

The li gh t -~ens it i ve electrode in photoshy

e lec trochem ical ce lls is a sem ic o nductor

e it her a thin-fi lm or s ingle c rysta l a tt ached

to a metal back ing the other e lec trode is an

inert me ta l T he e l ectrode~ are immersed in

~ n elect rol yte solutio n o f a mater ial that carl do nate and accep t elect rons The b igges t

prob lem with many li lj ui d junct io n ce lls

~ays Mike is photocorros iol1 of the su rshy

face of the se miconductor To overcome

thi s problem he is developing materi a ls and

techniques to coat the e lectrodes with proshy

tec tive materiab

The first liquid junction cells with a

sili con anode opera ted for only a matter of

seconds befo re the e lec trode was des troyed

by corrosion Researche rs at the Solar Energy Research Insti tu te in C o lorado

U SA have developed a silicon anode

w ith a polypyrro le protect ive coating which

can o perate for hund reds o f hours but that is

still not long eno ugh for a viable commershy

cia l syste m

M ike and his colleague are making a

syste matic study of compounds tha t wi ll

both protect the electrode from corrosion

and catal yze the elect rode rca tion They

arc now worki ng with organo me tall ic comshy

pounds co mpris ing a metal atom sulfur

and an aromatic co m pone nt containing a func tiona l group li ke hyd roxy l sul phonate

ammoni um and nitroso

hese compounds are effect ive beshy

ca use they prov ide a mechanism to transfer

a ch arge bet ween the se mi co nd uctor and the e lectro n donor in solut io n The coating mus t

also be transpilrent e nough to a llow the light

to s trike the photocleetrode

To date they ha ve suneeded in deshy

veloping fi ve coat ings su itab le fo r a variet y

or se miconduc tors incl uding the polyshy

crysta ll ine cadm ium su lfide e lectrodes fabshy

riltated by Ron Fawce tt s method If polyshy

crystalli ne elec trodes can be fab ri (a ted and

coated wi th a protec tive materia l electroshy

chemically they wi ll be relati ve ly inexpe nshy

ive to manufac ture If the tech niques and processe s be ing

inve ~l igated by Ron Fawce tt and Mike Coc ivera de ve lop to tht ir full poten tial the

su n cou ld beco me a more import ant supplier

o f e lectri city in Ca nada Long-range proshy

jectio ns suggest that about 10 per cent of No rth A m rican e lectr ic it y could be proshy

duced from solar convers ion

Elec tric ity fro m the sun is no longer a

pipe-dream-it is a reachable goa l n

Grad News Louise (Sandall) Platt BA 69 is living

in Islington and teaching for the Etobico ke

Board of Educati on

Alexander Barton BSc 70 MSc 74 is work ing on a Ph D deg ree in the

Departme nt of Fishe ries and W ildlife at

Orego n Sta te uni vers ity

Gerry Kupferschmidt BSc 70 MSc

71 is living at R R I Osgoodc and is

tmployed as a sc ientific ad ise r to the


Murray Ross Gingrich BSc 71 Ii ves in

Brampto n and is work ing as a probation

officer for the Ministry o f Correc tio nal


Robert Cross BSc 72 M D is workshy

ing in the emergency department o f the

So uth Muskoka Hospital in Bracebridge

Edda Duva (Home) Kerr BA 74 lives

in G ue lph and is working as a program

co-ordinator for Casatta Ltd in Kitchener

Deanne Ch)y BSc 78 Ii ves in Etob ishy

coke and is working as a public health

inspector for the Ham ilton Wentwo rth Reshy

gio nal Health Unit

Alex McDonald BSc 79 PhD 83 and his wife Rosanne ( DeNobriga) BSc

79 are living in Austi n Texas whil e Alex

is do ing post-doctoral work at the Unishy

vers ity o f Texas

Ste~en Oliver BSc 79 o f Hamilton is a

medica l sa les repre sentati ve with Cyanamid

Canada Inc

Gordon Knox BSc 79 is a con~ ul ta nt

with Inform ation Systems Serv ices in Vicshy

toria BC

George Gillson BSc 80 is taki ng a

Ph D in Anal ytica l C hemis try at the Uni shyve rsity of Alberta 0


The College o f Arts Alumni Associat ion

DELPHA Editor Debbie (Nash) Chambers 77

has no w acquired the Shaw Festival ArshyThe Deans Roundup chives on permanent deposit T his is an

Last fall I had the privilege of speakshy

ing to the direc tors of the University of G uelph Alumn i Assoc iation to bring them

up to date on some of the excit ing things connected with the College of Arts I am gratefu l to the editor of DELPHA for this

opportu nity to let alumni readers know what we are do ing

I am pleased to be able to report a subs tant ial increase in enrolment both in the

B A program and in the College o f Arts this past yea r What is especially nice is that this has coincided with a dec is ion to tighte n our

standards at the admissions level and in the regulations for continuatio n of study

In o rder to grad uate B A students

who entered the Spring 19~3 Semester will need to obtai n a C average in 60 per cent of the courses they take

Most of o ur students are doing thi s now and we do not antici pate this will pose any

problem for the students whom we are ad mitting Next year students en tering the

B A program will be required to have Grade 13 English and we are strongly encouraging them to offer a Mathematics credit o r o ne in French or ano ther language

Applications from students wish ing to enter the B A program in the Fall 1983 Semester

are up subs tantia lly over last yea r I also want to share with you some

ha ppenings which have brought special delight to me

The U ni ve rsi ty of Guelph Choir

under director Ge rald e ufeld won second prize in the 1982 CSC nation al chora l competition

In the Harbourfront a rt show last

sum mer three o f o ur students had works se lected by the jury and each won a prize shya better show ing than any of the other O nshy

tario universities or colleges which entend T he C anadian- American Urban Hisshy

tory Co nference held at G uelph in A ugust

1982 was a tremendous success bringing sc holars from many parts of the United States and Canada to discuss new trends in urban studies

Dean David Murray

In the space of just a few months I have seen seven books published by faculty in the Co llege The subjects include Rudyard

Kipl ing Greek Philosophy Urban History Evolution and Darwinism Reli gion and Tolerance the dramatist Gra nville Barker

and a nove l written in French Last summer also saw the completion

of a very successful facu lty exchange beshy

tween o ur Department of Eng lish and the

Uni vers ity of Reading in Britain Dr Leslie Monkman went to Reading for the year and Dr Coral Howell s visited Guelph This

opportunity enab led Dr Howells to study modern C anadian writers and she is now

working o n a book to be published in Britain o n Canadian women wri ters Dr

Mo nkman lectured on Canadian literature at various places in Britain and in France as well as in Reading

T hro ugh the e fforts of the Department of Drama and its chairman Dr Leonard

Conolly and C ollections Librarian Jo hn Moldenhauer 68 the Uni versi ty Library

ex tremely valuab le re sou rce for theatre

scholars a nd the Univers ity is ve ry pleased to have a closer connection with the Shaw Festi val The Drama Department also has

Professor Dan Laurence the world s leadshying Shaw scholar as a distinguished Visitshy

ing Professor lor the ra il Semester Two large conferences were organized

during the Spring and Summer by faculty

and students in the Co llege Professor Ted Cowan of the History Department was in charge of the Scottish Heritage Festival held in uelph in May The Fes tival was a

ce lebrati on of the S co t~ 1d their contribushytion~ to Canada

In Au gust the Uni vers ity will host a major conference o n Common wealth lite rashy

ture bringing writers and schol ars to Guelph from allover the Com monweal th Professor Doug K illam chairman of the Department of English and a number o f col leagues are

now busily preparing to welcome guests from around the world

Through our liaison programs we have pioneered special day - long seminars at the

niversity for gifted children in Wellington County T he se programs are part of o ur commitment to assist secondary schools in meeting the challe nges of special education

J know many o f you will also be interes ted in knowing that last sLi mmer the

College awarded three new scholarships two of the m honouring the cont ribution made by former faculty members J Percy

Sm ith and W Stanford Reid The other marked the first presentation of the Edward Johnson Music Foundation scholarships for students in the music program

We are al l ac ute ly co nscious of the

financial pressure affecting the UnivLr ~ ity

of Guelph and othe r Canadian unive rsities

But we mus t no t le t these pressures detract from the vision of academic excellence to

which we are committed J think you will agree from the exaln ~Jk middot ha ve cited that this vision continues to glow brightly in spite of our financial plight We hope we can

co ntinue to co unt on your advice and your suppurt 0


It Was a Very Good Year T he Direc tor or the College of Arts Alumni Assoc iation have had a bus y year In January we launched o ur hrst Caree rs i lglll for in -coure stude nlgt Thanks to the exce lle nce and enthusiasm of our pane l l1len1bcr the evening was a success

Careers Night is to become an annual event and we would appreciate you r particishypation Any Art s grads wh o wo uld like to

vo lunteer their expertise for the e vening please do not hesita te to contact us

The Directors were also busy a rshyranling the second an nu al art show shyDI MENSIO NS middotS3 Due to the treme nd ous response to DI M ENSIOtS 82 the art show co mmittee organized DIM ENSIO NS 83 as aJu ricd show We are hoping that nex t yea r we will be able to mount a photography show as well a an art sho w

As you are probably aware in 1970 Wellington College was reo rganized into the Colleges of Arts Physic al Sc ience and Socia l Science This year our Assoc iation was asked to se lect a new College logo Thankgt to Dean Dav id Murray and the Deans Counc il we were given permission to use the graphics on the College of Art s Gold Medal It can be see n in the masthead of thi s issue The logo was designed by Erich Barth art dire ctor Department of [nshyformation and enco mpasses the di verse di s shycipiJnes fou nd within the College of Arts

Grad News Catharine (Gilnerlson ) Scott 70 is a wage and salary anal ys t tnivers it y of Waterl oo

Linda la) Bell 72 i the assistant conshysultant for thlto gifted We llington County Boa rd of Education GueJph

Lynn Barbeau 74 is the curator Educa shytion and xtension Macdo nald Stewart Art

entre Guelph

Wltlynr WellJauler 75 is corpora te mar shyke ting manager Gore Mutua l In surance Company Cambridgc

Renate Fisc her 76 is a consultant with the Woods Gordon Divisio n of Cl arkson Go rdon Chartered Acco untants Kitchener

jane Morley O AC MSc 81 is a career co nsultant Counse llin g and Student Reshysource Centre Un iversity of Guelph

Through the generos ity of the Alma Mater Fund our Assoc iation has been able to e stablish nv e sc holars hip s Thre e DELPHA awards for Gue lph alumni to continue their slUdi es at the gradu ate level at the University and two awa rds for part-time mature students These awards are greatly appreciated by the students who have reshyce ived th e m

Congratulatio ns are th e order of the day for Juli e (Russe ll ) Thur 78 Associashytion past pre sident and Linda Mackenz ie shyCordi ck 8 1 Assocration secre tary treas shyurer on the birth of their daug hters in March We wi sh them joy in their yo ung-

David Dell 76 is the in fo rmation o ffic er Reg ion of Pee l Brmiddotampton

jeff Miller 82 is a s tage manager for Profes sional Theatres Toronto

The above eight alumni were panel )11ember-s at our first annual Careers sJ ig ht held ea rlier th i yea r On ce again we offer our sincere thanks for their pani ci pation

lhugarel Reare 68 is senior research o f hee l Minis try of th e Soli citor General Ottawd

William Thiels 73 is a sys te ms analyst with Eas tman Kodak CO Roche ster t Y US A

Shardie D SteHnson 77 is assistant marketing manager Marsh and 1cLennan Ltd Winnipeg Man

Donald Syme 77 is with marketing pe rsonne l IC F Sydne y Australia

sters and look forward to the ir continued help in the Assoc ia tion in the future

C Nould lik e to re mind our fell ow alu mni to jo in or renew their membership in our Association De hbie ( Nash) Cham bers 77 editor of DF LPH A wo uld lik e any Ideas lor future artick that vould catch your interes t Our Assoc iati o n would also apprec ia te heari ng from you re gardin g eve nts that you wou ld be interested in attending Pl ease drop us a line in order that we may serve you better thus ~ eeping the line of co mmunic ation oren bet ween you and yo ur Alma v1ater

In closing I would like to acknowlmiddot edge With great a pprec iati o n the a istance that has been o ffclTU our Board of Direc tors over the pasl year

As al ways Dea n David Murray has bee n a va lued ad visor I wo uld li ke to thank Professor Ted Cowa n Department o f History for his Sprin g 19K3 OEPHA article on the Scottish Heritage Festival and Judy (Ma in) Ca rson 75 for he r help in preparalron of feature articles Spec ial thank s arc also ex tended to Rosemary Clark Mac 59 Asis tant Director Proshyg rams Dep artment of Alumni Affairs and Deve lopment and our Board of Directo rs who have wo rk ed so hard to mak e thi s a successful year

The term of 19X2-B3 has been a very grati fying one for all mem bers of the Associations Boa rd o t Directors We loo k for ward to 19K3-K4 anJ hope to hear from you Q

J ane Francis 78 is With Ilublic relations Vancouver Stock EXchange Vancou ver B C

Jonie Bunce 79 is a teacher 01 Art English and Thcatre Arts at 1 A Turn er Secondary School BrdrllptOl

Deborah Salmon 79 is married to Richard Light BS( 80 and li ves in Japanec Shc worb for the Empl o) mc nt and Im migrati on Commi ssion dnd Ri chlrJ works for a darrv in Kin gs to n

Shelagh Stevens 79 it station U)lllrshytwlle r Department o f -J atiunal [dc nce in f ova Slmiddototia

lidwtl Glanb 81 is a supervisor mar shyke ting comrlluni~ations Pitney-Bowe s oj

Canada Ltd Don Mill s

john (llanllllUnd ) Zelasko 81 rs ~ I

courtr(lOrn artist WKBW Buffalo New Ymk US I C



Alumnus of

Honollr 1983

Helen Christine AbeD Mac 38D

Amo ng the forerunners in the fie ld of rural soc iol ogy not only in Canada

but throughout the world and with a long career as a professor in numerous un iversities ac ross Canada Dr Helen C Abell has und oubted ly do ne much to promote a world -w ide reputation for her Alma Mater

Dr Abell has been most active in a numbe r of United Nat io ns programs designed to foster development of th ose in the Third World countrie s Although os ten sibl y retired she still co nt inues her wo rk as a cons ult ant in Socio-Economic De ve lopme nt assisti ng in develop ing sho rt -term project s as the occasion ari ses

As well as a Macdona ld Ins titu te Diploshyma Dr Abell obtained a BHSc (H ome Economics) from the Universi ty of Toro nto in 1941 and an MS (Human Nutrition) and a Ph D (major Rural Sociology and Agri cul shytural Economics) from Cornell University in 1947 and 1951 re specti vel y 0

Page 4: Guelph Alumnus Magazine, Summer 1983

SOlan Tornado Strikes ArboretuOl D uring the afternoon of May I a small

to rnado struck the fi ve-acre wh ite pine plantation in the northeast corner of the Uni versity A rboretum s Victoria Woods (corner of College Avenue and Victoria Road

South) T he damage ~as devastating the 78-year-uld pines were broke n like matchsticks o r wind-thrown in a fin ge r pattern away fro m the western edge of the plantatio n

For the Arboretum the loss is a very serious one not least because of the h ist ric importance of th is plantation w hich was planted in 190 5 by the late Dr Edmu nd John Zavi tl OACs firs t professor of Fores try who

ta ught Farm-Fores try and o perated a fores t tree nursery on ca mpus from 1904 to 19 12 Edmund Zav itz graduated fro m McMaster Universi ty in 1903 and obtained an M Sc degree in Forestry at Michigan Uni versity in 1905

His appointment to the OAC res ulted from ac ti vities by the O ntario Agricul tural and Experi menta l Union which in a 1902 resulushy

tion to the Ontario Guvernment requested that material s sufficient to refores t areas

sufficiently large to provide forest conditions in typica l situations throughout Ontar io be

made available The Union was chaired by the late Professor C harles A Zavitz a d is tant

relati ve of Ed mund Zavitz and one of the group of students of the O AC to receive the

degree of B S A in its first graduating cl ass o f 1888 and who immediately joined the OAC faculty

Recognized as the father of reforestashytion in O ntario Edmund Za vi tz became

Provinc ial Fo rester in the Department of Lands Forests and M ines in 1912

Fac d with the de vastation Arbore tu m

Di rector Erik Jorgensen was also faced w ith thc proble m of wha t to do about it

My firs t reaction was the same as that

ex pressed to me by Profe ssor Daviu Sm ith o f the Department of Botany and Genetics - let nature take its course W hat we have is the

co nsequence of a natural catastrophe and as such con stitutes a useful example for teaching

purposes If left essentially as is with only removal of the tree s blocking the walking trail s through the area the natural regenerative proce sses could be documented over time

and would eventually provide information useful to Arboretum personnel and for teaching

purposes However a close examination by Erik and

his staff has confi rmed th at the fallen trees have considerable val ue and if retrieved through a lumbering operation would provide sufficient fund s to co ver the cost of c lean-up and

replanting with maybe so me funds left ove r for o ther Arboretum developments

Therefore the decision has been mad e - that the plantation should preferably beco me an extension of the ex isting adj acent

sugar maple woodlot which by stand ard is small as it stands today

Other factors that led to this decision inc lude the poss ibility that the present condishytion would lead to continued storm damage as a large number o f trees are on theirway down o r ha ve very thlll crowns which will break

Also leaving the pine as is pose s a hazard to other co nifers in the Arboretum as one might expect a large build-up of bark beetles Ips pini amon~ o thers capable of killing he althy trees when they occur in large numbers

One stro ng factur was the recognition that the section o f the Arboretum affected is the focal po int of publ ic programs and shuuld be

aesthetically pleasing The U nivers ity does ha ve at present the large wooded section

so uth of the Stone Road as a natural area w here nature is allowed to take its cou rse

It is planned to establish a cover crop of ha rdwoods and subseque ntly underplant w ith

sugar maple in two or three years This technique is an experimental one and CQuld be of importance to southern O ntario where the Minis try of Natura l Resources at prese nt has ve ry little ad vice fo r farmers who wan t to extend sugar bush o perations

By opti ng for a clean-up operation observed Professor Jorgenson we are eli minating a ques tionable teaching and research s ituat ion and we are creating a pos itive one 0


Atthe picni( IlIn(h The Aji fc onomics harhecue VG AA IIImediate Pal t Presidellt

j a ll P (Vo lick) Wehste r F4CS

75 with Pres idellt Fors ter

A tOllr SIO[i (lith e Ca rrio jiC Ho us(

Olll~()illg OVCAA Prelid t A rci1 ic Mo cKin shy

IIll ove n iill Dr We lld Porker (JVC

71 the U VC Ail ljirSljilwle [i re s idol


john Robersoli OAC 3R alld ijra ndda llg hter Ma ndy Portio

Class oJ Ma c 33 ot the Golden A nni erlon Dinner


Olr hI sc h oo l hlls ro rh e

CBSA 1I poundlow Gor ge Walk

- J ~

OurgoinR OACAA Prelide nr H enr I SWnlel

OAC 55 righi (lll d il1 m ll1ing Presidenl Don

RiseJro llgh O AC 77

Dr A Gram MiIlt lI l r OAC 35 lIlI d ove 38 l ei Presidellr Friellds (~ u or G lIi rh

M orin FunsfOn OAC 32

AI rhl pO II ((k l In(akjclSf

LIII(hrilllei)r PUIII Milard OAC 67 I ilt Lindo (11pound1 rh eir

liJlr l o l(lIgsrers

Oea ll S it~er OA 5 1 i lll Iw rr rai rl Ii) rh e OAC Jourti f(JO JJ1 jro l1l OA C

72 f( R2 unci iJl hOlnlti-oll1 OAC 83 L fIJ ) MllrJ( I POrrlOIlS OAC R3 Weekend 83 O oro rhl SI jr er rhe 0 1( 11 a lld ValeriI Wen OAC 83A


Class oj () AC U (If rh e Col dclI Allll i (Is( r l Dinner


Pauline StepsDoWD An intervie w with Dr Pauline McGibbon by Andrea Mudry Fawcett

A In stepping down as Chancellor you are leaving people at the niversity of Guelph with many memories including your rather spectacular arrival in 1977 in horsemiddotdrawn land au and the time you took off from convocation in a helicopter What memorie s of the University will you take away with you

P Well I will certainl y remember the beautiful campu s and the friendline ss of everybody At Guelph s Board of Governors meetings I was struck by the vast difference between what was almost a famil y affair as compared to the Governing Council at the Uni versit y of Toronto where [ was pre viously Chancellor really liked the meetings of the Board of Governors at Guelph The meetings at Toronto

are so much larger with people sitting in rows in a room Perhaps you feel more intimidated to get up and speak Not that that ever applies to me

A As Lieutenant-Governor of Ontario and Chancellor of two uni versities you have fulfilled role s which involve a fair amount of pomp and circum stance Do you feel that there is a place in the modern world for such ceremonie s

P Yes I feel very strongl y about that about graduati on ceremonies for example That is one time when a university publicly pays tr ibute to student s for what they have achieved Perhaps for the first time the graduates and

their families are going to see that they are now part of an ac ademic tradition I would like to compliment Gudph on the way the faculty turns out for graduation Because the acauemic procession as it enters with faculty members in co lourful gowns robes and ca ps from uni vcrsities around the world adds greatl y to

the ceremo ny It s awfully nice to ee such colour to hear the orches tra and that excellent choir you ha ve I rea ll y love the graduation cere mony

A How did you develop th is feeling fo r tradition ) Did the fac t that you studied hi story at uni versity co ntribute to thi s apprec iation)

P Really I think it s my sense of theatre Tha t~ o ff the top of my head because [ ve

never thought about the que stion before But I do ha ve a tendency whether it s in a church a

uni ve rsity the leg isl ature or the House of Commons of always see ing ceremonies with that theat ri cal look behind my eye People should be able to feel that they are taking part in a meaningful occas ion

A So it is not mere ly a question of staging a ceremony but ol really undeliining the fact that th is ri tual is part of an important tradition The theatric s then become mainl y a means of helping to convey that fact Did your family haw a strong sense of tradition

P I dont know that [ was really conscious of such things before atte nding uni ve rs it y Whil e growing up in Sarnia I doubt very much that I was co nsc ious of tradi tions Perhaps it started during my univerSity years

You must reme mber that [ came from a communit y of about IS 000 to the Uni ve rsity of Toronto where I lived in residence I was just so w ide-eyed Eve rything seemed so glamorous You know I came down with money fr om my grandfather who said I was not to sta y if I didn t like it Before I left he gave me the trai n fare home You see I was co mpletely spoil ed Of course I just loved it

A T he fac t th at you were Ontari os Lieutenant-Governor while you were the Chancellor at Guelph ce rtai nly me ant that you were busy But also as Her Majesty the Queen s offi c ial representative yo u were not free to speak on education oron politics Would you care to comment on the state of educati on now

P Well heal th and education are making terrifi c finan cial demands on provincial budgets J get completel y torn between wanting to see more money in both en velopes if you want to put it that way Im rea lly concerned about the l ack of money for our uni versities I think that they re right down to the bone and Im concerned about the fu ture If things dont improve then were goi ng to lose our staff to


III rl m gllition of her service to the Unimiddotersi since 1977 Dr Pauline M cGibbon

IllI S prlsented with two millia ture hand- craft ed replicas of th e Uni vers ity mace a t a

SenateBoard of Governors dinne r during sprin g Com oealio ll on lU1I 1 I With hlr

is Prrgtsident Donald Forster

the United Sta tes O ur eq uipment is getting old

and has to be re placed as do o ur buildings I

just wish we could find mo re mo ney in o ur unive rs ities and J use that in the plural

A It has been co mmented that sin ce Do n

Fo rste r is a bache lo r you ha ve been helpful in

setting him at ease in the social aspec ts o f his

role For examp le yo u me ntioned the

graduatio n lunche o ns

P We ll Don was Pro vos t when I was the

Chancellor at Toronto su tha t we were not

strangers to o ne another no t that we knew each

o ther that we ll Poss ibl y the fact that he had

wa tched me in ac tio n at Toronto may be one

reaso n why he asked me if I wo uld le t my name

stand as C hance llor fo r G ue lph Now I ve

rJs hl y said that Ill be glad to do an ything I can

do to he lp hi m whe n he co mes to Toronto as

Preside nt It is not going to be easy for hi m

A You have bee n the firs t woma n to hold many

othe r key positi ons hese incl ude bei ng

Director of IBM Ltd Presi dent of the Canadian Co nference o f the Arts and

Lie utenant-Gove rn or of On tari o Is this

indi cati ve o f aeha nge in peo pl e s perceptio n of

women s abil i ties w he ther it is in bu si nes

ed ucat io n or government

P Ve ry definitely attitudes are changing I

co nsider that at the begi nning I Jus t happened

to be in the right pl ace at the righ t t ime Howeve r a ll you have to do is watch the

finan cia l pages o f you r newspaper to see the way wome n are coming ahead Such changes

are partly due lthink to the femini st

moveme nt whi ch emphas ized and broug ht to

the attention o f people so me o f the handicaps under which women were functi o ning

ow I m not o ne who supported the

Ch ancelor Paufine McGibbon raquoith

extremes o f the feminist movement such as the

extra vagant prose the hraburni ng all tha t type

o f stuff I ca ll it stuff yet in the nex t breath

I say it did have an im pact Whethe r the y agreed or disagreed people a t las t began to

thi nk about ce rta in issues concerning wome n Pro bl ems w ith sa laries career advanccment

and pr j udi ce suc h as the idea that it is no t

good to work fo r a wo man a r~ example

The moveme nt seems to have slowed

duwn now I see both s ides and on no t consider

my~e l f a fence -s itte r l think the majority o f

people realize w hat certa inl y reali zed all

alo ng Yo u cannu t ge t ahead withou t the

suppo rt of men Men and wo me n have gut to

work toge ther fo r the ben fi t o f both I ha ve to

say in all hones ty that [never felt di sc ri minated

aga ins t in any way no matter wh at [ dio I ve

always gotte n al ong we ll with men Ilike men

and they sec m to l ike me

A M aybe that is part o fil T hey sense that the

rel a tio nship is a positive one Yo u enjoy their

company they enjoy yo urs and they can see

that you ha ve the mcessary qualit ies fo r a g ive n

pos itio n

Vell it s ce rtainly go ing to be the end o f

an era a t Guelph when you and Do n leave Im

sure thin gs will ca rry o n and there will be ne w

delights but were a lways sor ry to see a fine

time end

P Thank yo u Id hate to have yo u not feel

sor ry tha t we are leav ing But the new

Chancell or Bill Ste wart isjus t go ing to be

tops He had an assoc iatio n with Guel ph for a lo ng time when he was Ministerof Agriculture

I can t th ink of a better choice 0

Erich Barth arl director Enf orillaion Se rshy

vices who co-ordinaled the creation of Ihe two Uniersity iliacI lII in iafures th at

Yoere presented to her One mace is a displm model a bout on e-eigh th f ull size the o ther repli ca is a j our- in ch kill p in


Dual Income Families

Presstires and

By Mary Cocivera

A stroll through a typical neighbourhood

shatters any illusions about mothers stayin g at home with their young children

Most neighbo urhoods that a decade ago

would ha ve been bu stling with coffee klatches

neighbours visiting over the fence and back yards full of children playing are now all but deserted during the week

Young mo thers are not home with their

preschool children Instead they are in shops factories and offices working to help stretch

their families budgets Women particularly mothers of young

children are working outside the home in increasing numbers In 1971 in two-parent

families 38 pe r cent of mothers with children

under 16 worked outside the home By 1977 that proportion had increased to 58 per cent

The increases are even more dramatic for

women with children under s ix years old the

gro up traditio nally portrayed as staying home with their preschool children F ro m 1971 to 1977 the proportion of these mothers from

two-parent familie s who worked outside the home rose from 41 per cent to 51 per cent

Participation in the labour force has

increased steadily fo r all women since 1960 when fewer than 30 per cent of women over 25 were in the labo ur force By 1982 more than 48

per cent of the same group worked outside the home Further inc reases are prOjected until at least 1985 Canadas Families a doc ument

based on the 1976 census reported that in 54 per cent of families both spouses were working

o llts ide the home

Payoffs Why the Change

Women have been entering the labour

force for a variety of reasons economic ami otherwise Professor Kathleen Brown a family

economist in the Department of Family Studies suggests that soc ial pressures have

pushed many women particularly those in middle-age withgrown children out of the

house and in searc h of self-fulfillment Some of these women ma y feel theyre

missing something by staying at home when most of their peers are working outs ide the home and have their own discretionary income

Hard cold ca sh is the reason behind most womens decision to work o utside the homc Young families are particularly vulnerable to

economic upheaval s Profess or Brown explains because their expenses peak before their incomes

Many young two-income couples stretched their budgets in the early 1970s to

purchase a hou se with the expectatio n that their inco mes would rise and the payments would beco me increasingly eas ier to make

Then interest rates soared they had to renew

their mortgages at much higher rates and their la rger monthly payments s till needed two or mo re incomes to meet those payments

Wives who intended to stop working outside the home to have a family suddenly

realized that they wo uld have to keep working to keep the family home They were counting

on continued economic growth and on inflatio n eas ing their debt burden observe Professor Brown but they didn t allow enough flexibility to adjust to developments like the

unexpectedly high mortgage rates Some middle c la ss home owners may

actually be worse off no w than they were in the early 1970s according to consumer economist


Professor W ill iam Frisbee from the De partment of Consumer Studies T his problem is likely to be particularly aeu te among families who purchased homes in the 1970s W hat has caught families in the wild t1uctuation

in interest rates We can no longer ant icipate what the situation will be like in th ree or four years Conside ring that buying a house is a 25shyto 30-year proposilion this uncertainty can really put families in a bind

Wives who work outside the home have not only saved many a family home but they have kept low income families above the poverty line Women and Poverty a report

by the National Council of Welfare published in 1979 estimates that 52 per cent more two- spouse income families would fall below

the poverty line if the wives did not work outs ide the home

Wives who work outside the home

represent all social and economic strata from the lowest income families to the very highest

Many wives who are pursuing life-long careers always expected to work outside the home and

they married men who supported their ambitions

At the other extre me are women who

never planned to work outside the hom or who intended to stop working outside the home if children arrived These women frequently married men who believe that the husband

should be able to provide for his family W hen these women venture outside the

home to work there can be tremendous conflict

between the traditional values and the financial

necess ity of going out to work Their husbands often feel that their role as famil y head and bread w inner is being undermined They have d iffi culty cop ing with their wives increased independence and economic clout the wives try to live both the traditional role and carry on with thei r jobs

Far-Reaching Benefits Women enter the labour force for

monetary reasons bu t o ft en the payo ffs go far beyond the economic The late Professor A nne Cal laga n who was a soci al worker and

soc iolog ist in the Department of Family Stud ies believed that women be nefi t psychologically and that marriages can be stre ngthe ned whe n both part ne rs work outside the home Ci ting a study about the

decision-making process in famili es she observed that most couples start married life

with an equal rights relationship The wife s input into important decisions

reaches its lowest point when she is stuck at home with small children As the children get older and more independent the wife regains

some of her say in family dec isions but her input never reaches the level she enjoyed a t the beg inning of the marriage A wife who works outside the home maintains her influence in

decision- mak ing throughout the marriage With both partners working husband and

wifc are forced to communicate more and to work out the often complex arrangements for the care of the children Increased comshy

municat ion leads to more companionship In the trad it ional family with a husband who

has a job and a wife who does not work outside the home the wife organizes the children and the couple s social life

In many cases she and her husband operate in completely different spheres and communication declines Many of these marriages flounder in mid-life because there is little in the way of common interest after the

children leave home Many observers have linked marriage

failure to economic woes and to women

working outside the home Professor Callagan challenged this link The wife by working

helps combat one of the biggest sources of stress faced by married couples - money

Professor Frisbee wonders whether marital problems that have been blamed on

fi nancial woes are really caused at least in part

by isolation and loneliness [n geographically mobile societies young

couples often move away from both fam ily and friends and sell Ie in communities where they

have no close personal ties with other peo ple Whe n the pressures of jobs child care arrangeshyments and finances become too much to handle such familie s cannot call on parents

grandparents brothers and sisters and long-established friends T he pressure s become

in te rnal ized to the im mediate family and the relationship cracks under the stress

In spite of the pressures and demands of a job outside the home a wife enjoys personal

benefi ts according to Professor Callagan By contributing in a concrete visible way to purchasing the house (and the car and the food)

she earns the appreciation of her husband and chil dre and thus enhances her se lf esteem

By simply gelling out of the hou e a mother with ajob becomes more indep ndent builds a social life of her own and develops interes ts outside of he r house and fam il y All of

thi s adds up to beller mental health

Changing Roles If w ives are entering the labour force are

the ir husbands accepting more of the responsibi lity for raising the children and running the home

Roles at home have not changed as much

as some would expect Studies in Vancouver and Hal ifax found that men increase their house work and child care contributions by an average of one hour a week when their wives get jobs o utside the home

It appears that most men seem to make

their contributions in the more pleasant tasks such as putting the children to bed By and large the working mother s till has to contend wi th the laundry cleaning shopp ing cook ing and famil y scheduli ng If one of the chi ldren

gets s ick it is sti ll the mother who is usua lly

expected to adjust her schedule

Yet to come is a real sharing of the chore s around the house a perceptible shi ft in the division of labour at home

Wo men w ith jobs are no t limited to

mothers in two-parent families Divorced widowed and single women who mayor may not have children also compete for those jobs and face the same if not worse economic

pressures Wives with jobs outs ide the home

however are ojlel di smissed as not

economically important because many people assume (incorrectly) that they have husbands to

sUPflort them and their real job is to take care of the ir children

Todays thousa nds of moms who work

outside the home challenge this outmoded

notion Their pay cheques are as impo rtant a contribution to theirfamilies as their husbands

A report by the C anad ian Advisory

Council on the Statlls o f Women points out that between 1969 and 1979 the number of women in the labour force inc reased by 616 per cent with the g reatest gain being among mothers of young children

Between 1976 and 1980 according to the report the number of mothers with children under three who were in the labour force

increased by a staggering 276 per cent This raises important questions about societys ability to cope with these social changes

Some 15 or 20 years ago the mother who worked outside the home was the exception rather than the rule She could make arrangements with an obli g ing neighbour to

care for her chil d re n all Jay or to intercept them after sc hool and at lunch time

Today mothers without jobs are the

exception Find ing the obliging ne ighbour is becoming more diffic ult and famili es are making more fo rmal arrangements for day care and afte r school care In many cit ies however the re is not enough day care to fil l this demand

Here to Stay It has been pred icted tha t w ives will keep

working outs ide the ho me because they will have to Fami lies will become u ed to the com fort o f a two- income standard of l iv ing and will be unwilling or unable to g ive it up

The socia l forces that have led women in search of self fulfill me nt and equality in the work place w ill continue to influence womens

life work Many young girls still think of a job as a temporary situation but the reality is that being ma rried happily ever after is a myth for most women Women and Poverty points out th a 94 out of every 100 women marry but only 26 of them can expect to live w ith their

husbands until death Some 53 of the original 94 will become w idows and 15 will divorce or

separate Todays wives and mothers who work outs ide the home will be better prepared to

pursue life on their own if and when they

have to 0


The Stewart Bennett Bequest middot $600000 By John Hearn

When Stewart B nnett industriali st

fa rmer catt le and horse hreeder 3rt

colle tor and past member of the nivers ity of Guelph s Board of Governo rs di ed in Aug us t last year his will specified a bequest o f

$600 000 to the University which w~s

co nfinned on the death of h is widow Violet

w ho al so died last yea r

By any standards Stewart Ben nett s life

must be described as a success story a 90-year record o f persona l achievement any man m ight

envy Born in T oronto in 1892 he graduated in

engineering from the Uni ve rs ity of Toronto went up to Oxford Jo ined the Roya l Eng ineers on the outbreak of World War One served wi th di stinction as a captain and was awarded the

Military Cross He re turned to the niversity of Townto

to lec ture at the fac uity o f Applied Sc ience from 192 1 to 1925 then launched a busin ss career which was to lead to directorships with some of the country s most succe ss ful corporations

These included the Phoenix Assurance Co of herd which has been sending champions to niversity of Guelph goes back to the days Canada Dominion Stores Ltd the Boiler international Ii vestock expositions for more when he was a member of the Board of Rege nts Inspection and Ass urance Co of Canada and than 40 years The firs t Canadian-bred Shortshy of the Federated Colleges and remained to

the C anada Permanent Trust Company He horn bull to be shipped to Scotland was sent by serve as a member o f the nivcrsitys first became pres ident of Beardmore amp Company in Scotsdale Farm in 1970 and as recently as Board of Governo rs for another e ig ht years 1940 and served as vice-president of Canada 1981 Stewart Ben nett had the upre me He was al so president of the Royal Packers Inc for 18 years Champion Bull at the eNE Agricultural Winter Fair in 1953-4 and se rved

It might be argued however as to who While all this was going on he was for many years on it s executive T he Royal

was the real Stewart Bennett-the shrewd buildi ng a si gnificant collection of Canadian art Agricultural Winter Fair and the Georgetown

Industrialist or the man who bought himself a and served as a member of the council of the Di s trict Memorial Hospital are equal

540-acre farm in the Credit Valley and turned it Toronto Art Gallery Hi s 100 or more canvasmiddot beneficiaries with the University in his estate

into a beauty spot He lined its handsome ses by Tom Thompson A Y Jackso n and What el se would a man need to round out a driveway with evergreens and dammed streams JE H MacDonald among o the rs have been long and successful life but a perfect marriage

to create a lake as a home for his two swans bequeathed to the Ontario Heritage Foundation and this too was not denied him He married

Th( felle Violet alld Stewart Bennell

Nor was he content to be a city man with a which has al so been named to manage the Violet Letty Fairbanks in 1922 She died 60

country home He is honoured among cattle Be nnett farm years later two months after Stewart of a

breeders for his famous Sc otsdale Shorthorn Stewart Bennetts connection with the broken heart 0

III this picture athe UniersitV s first Board o(Co ernors St ewart 8el1 ( (( is third rolltefl



The AMPUl Experience A Most Significant Training Program For Hospitality Industry Leaders By John Hearn

When The Univers ity of Guelphs Schoo l of Ho tel and Food Administration

s taged a four-week Ad vanced management Program for the Hosp italit y Industry (AMPHI) earlier this year the y presented the

ni versity with an exercise in log istics of unprecedented complex ity Bob Desautels HI-I 7S who as involved in the advance planning fm more than a year before the e vent explaincd the special nature of the prohle m

A MPHI was to be a four-week conce ntrated coursc designed to meet the standards of two dozen o f Canada s most senior hospitality exec utive s who must he regarded not just as expeI1S but also as connoisseurs in the art of loo king after people Meeting those standards assembling an experienced faculty and generating very large quantities o f all-new course material mandated a course fee of $5000 At those rates participants were entitled to expect the hest of everything

The curriculum was programmed in detail fro m 630 am through 1000 pm every day The gt[re nuous nature o t the intellectual demands left the partic ipants with ne ither the time or the energy to do very much in the way of fending for themsel ves Another important constraint was that eve ry activity formal and informal had to be structured in such a way as to be conducive to mainwinin g continuous dialogue betwee n the paI1icipanh at all times

Gicn these criteria Bob sought the aid of vinually evcry serv ice department in the

nivc rgtitj Co-operation was be ne rous and unstintin b middot he rcpmtgt We asked for setvice lllore ugtually as sociated with hetterclss hotch and eve ryone rose to the occasion Faced with such sophisti cated palates food scrv ice had to he at the top 01 the list and Dave Boeckner assistant manager opc rmiddotations Food Services pulled out allthe slOpS tor us

A Public Statement

For Garry Round Food Serv ices director A VlPHI offered a unique o pportunity to make a puhlic statement about the capahililie s of hi orbani7ation which had hee n I()(l~in g for just such a challen ge 10 break through the ima ge prohlem us ually assoeiatcd with universit y

latcrin g

Let s face it he aid unive rsities in bene ral arc popular locati ons for summcr Llln krcnccs Im onc excellent rcason - the price is ri ght Student s roo ms arc availahle at camp-site rates and lor $ IISO a day peopl e

ca n eat well in one of ou r cafeterias What makes thc University of Guelph

different With onc of the bigges t residen t student populations in Canada with in-house catering and an nual sales in the $6 million brmiddotacke t we have a resource base capabl e ot sustaining an hillll ( (lIilil7 ( culinary staff and allowing us to take on special functions that would be impossible for an y other university in Canada

This opinio n was e nthus iasticall y endorsed by the AMPHI participant s wh o aw arded a standing ovation to the s taff led by Domenico Ran alli executi ve chef and Incz Scapinello operations manager during the final banquet - a sea Cood spectacu lar capped by copi ous quantities of Baked Alaska

The final banquet was by no means except ional Steak and lobste r eSla rgot and mushroom ca ps were almost com monpl ace Breakfas t offered a choice of cereals an exoti c display of fresh fruit s and such niceties as eggs bened ict The scale and variety of lunches had to be cut back alter the first week in respo nse to

the part icipants groans of too much

Front Rank Convention Centre

As Inez Scapinello tell s it AMPHI was not so much a challe nge as an opportunity We did nothing we had not do ne before Dome nico was not ca lled upon l(l create any new menu items although we did try some innovati ve combinations

A a howca sc for Domcnico Ranalli talent s A M PH I WIS nothi ng less than a Will dl

il(( Wi th 2~ sucCssivc dinners each of which earned rave re views without once repeati n[ himself and consisting or nothing ne w moves the University of Gue I ph into the front rank of convention centre~

Satis fied that food sc-rv ice was in good hands Bob Desautels wa s able to turn his attentio n 0 other logis til problems

Th e I MPHI course was basltd on the case teachin g method A tcam ofHA PAcase writers worked for more than two yea rs assemhling a packa ge or some 600 studies of critical si tuatio ns pertincnt to the contlrl1porary Canadran hospitalit y sce ne They travelled as lar as British Co lumbia in search or authentil re levant material all of which had 10 be reproduced It was Bob Desautels job to superv ise the printing and hindin g of the IOOD-page required reading Ialk agc hand ed III (deh urthe panic ipants on arrival plus industr)

notes the teaching material s and equipmclll required by the e ight-man facult y under HA FA Director Dr Tom Powers

Sleeping accommodation in the nearest residence to th l Schoo l was a simple student environment with th e addilOn of a private pho ne in each morn In~ talled for the duration of the course Valet and laundry se rvice not usually part of the l niversit ys conference offering was available Credit pri vi leges at the Un ivers ity branch o f the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce was arran ged for each of the participants

Hospitality L e ad ers Night People Successful hospitalit y industry leaders are

marked by certain co mmo n characteristicsshyhigh energy leveis capac ity for long and erratic hours strong people skill s creati vit y and a sense 01 humour The day beginning with a 645 am run continuing through three morning ca studie s followed by study sessions keep fit classes and physica l games in the afternoon and more group study sessions in the evening rare ly ended at the prescribed 1000 pm Hospi tality industry leade rs are night peop le

Stimulated by the intellectual dema nd s of the course and by interaction wit h thei r peers and faculty (w ho stayed with thern right through the long day) the y we re till left with energy to burn off in a serie s of theme parti es whi ch sent Bob Desa utels scouring the di strict to su ppl y thei r eso teric demands - one complete fem ale gorilla outfit for cxarn pk

The course ended when Prcsid ent Donald Forste r prese nted the graduate with certificatcs (w hich had 10 be spec iall y designed and printed) and the graduates pre se nted the faculty with mock certificates (which also had to be designed and pri llled)

How well did it all wo rk 0 We c hecked double checked and tripie c hecked eve ry possihilit y in advance said Boh De aute ls The on ly qUls tion we had left on the eve ofthc confe rcncc was whell have we missed As it tran plredthe answer see rns to ha ve heen not much

Participants wcre unanimous rn their evaluation of AMPIII as incomparahl y the mos t si g nificant rnanagementtraining lx pcrr cnce of their liv es All of them werT ve teran s of coursegt g iCn hy uniers itie s private managem ent dc ve lopment institutions and in-house conicrenccs hut none had been through an experienlc as rewarding demanding superhl rganied and positi ve in its long term consequCrlle as this one

For the faculty and gtUpPllrt stall more Jccutorllcdtothc energy leve ls of under shygradulles AvIPHI made unpncccknted phyical and mental demands - hut plans for AMPHI ~I arc alrcadv in the orb and applicant s are lx[1clted from allo ver th e cun tinc nL C



indiviJual champions Peter Domarchuk Mitch Mason hri s Crooks and LeonarJA Year to REMEMBER

By D ick Freeman

A full house in excess of 430 people crowded Peter Clark Hall at the Univershy

sity of Guelph in March to celebrate a year of intercollegiate sports competition and to honshy

our its 198283 champions The year started with a 16 to 10 football

victory over the OQIFC champion the Conshy

corida Stingers and ended with a third consecuti ve CIA U wrestling championship In

between a well-balanced Gryphon athletic program proudly and successfully represented

the University of Guelph When the awards had been announced a

pair of Hockey Gryphons had struck for the hat tri ck Ray Irwin was named the 198283 Male Athlete of the Year the W F Mitchell Sportsman of the Year(forathletics leadersh ip)

Ray Irwin Male Athlete of the Year

When Vice-President Administration Charles Ferguson presented Ray Irwin with

the 1982-83 University ojGuelph Mal e Athlete of the Year award it was the culmination ofa story-book seasonfor the Sudbury native

In earning his third straight first team

all- star berth Ray led the OUAA in assists with 40 and added ten goals to finish as the only dejenceman in the leagues top ten scorers His on-ice brilliance caught the eye of Canadas

Olympic Team and at mid-season he was chosen to represent Canada in a tournament in Czechoslovakia

In a game against the nations numbershy

one ranked Toront o Blues he scored once and assisted on three other scores

Perhaps more significant though was his

selection as the W F Mitchell Sportsman of the Year This award honours leadership and strength ofcharacter two qualities that are

abundant in this HAFA student

and collected his third straight team Most

Valuable Player Trophy Another all-star hockey performer Sue

Scherer was named the Female Athlete of the

Year Sue earlier was named Most Improved Player on the Field Hockey squad as well as

Most Valuable Performer on the Women s Ice Hoc key team

Bev Rankin a member of the Womens

Athle tics Council and Women s Field Hockey team was honoured as the recipient of the W F Mitchell Sportswoma n of the Year Award Other major award winners inc luded Basketballs Greg Hook- Don Cameron

Memorial Trophy for Most Improved Athlete

Volkyballs Michelle Turley - Mary Beverley-Burton Award for Female Rookie of

the Year and Scott Hobson - Ted Wildman Memoria l Trophy as the outstanding graduatshy

ing football player Alderman Jim Whitechurch Arts 8 1

presented City of Guelph plates to Canadi an Champions These included wrestlers Ken Bradford Chris Crooks and Peter Domarchuk

as well as football All-Canadians Pe ter Langshyford Junior Ro binso n Salvatore Benincasa

and vlrke Hudson Hud son it should be noted earned All-Canadian honou rs for the third

consecuti ve year only the second player ever so honoured

In addition to the team Most Valuahle and Mo st Improved awards as listed below the

gathering honoured OWlAA champions Barb Jonak - Arc hery and Jane Herner- Alpine Skiing The mens wrestling team captured a

fourth straight OUAA titl e anchored by


Archery Trophy Barb Janak Most Impro ved Basketball Trop hy (men) Greg Hook Bill Dlmson Memorial Trophy Michael 5cs(0 Demck Lewis Most Irnproved Basketball Trophy (women) Beth Pulsifer Basketball Award (women) Joa nne Hurd Badminton Trophy (women) Kelly Breedon BadmintOn Trophy (me n) Tai Ching Leng Cross-country Running Trophy (womcn) Tracey RObinson Curling Trophy Jill Rowen Brian Davenport Most Improved Field Hockey Trophy Susan Scherer Field Hockey Trophy Karen Mc Bride Most Improved Football Trophy Pat Tracey Letlermens Club Award Mike Eykens Most Improved Ice Hockey Trophy (women) Michelle Turley Coaches Hockey Trophy Susan Scherer Walter Rickard Memorial Trophy Bruce Kilgour Jack Pos Intercollegiate Hockey Award Ray IrwlO leuan Evans Intercollegiate Rugger Trophy Jeff Baldock Most Improved Soccer Trophy Gudio Frasson Bill McAnurf Soccer Trophy BII Davis Most Improved Swimming Award (women) Stephanie Doll Swimming Trophy (women) Pam Johnson Most Improved Swimming Trophy (men) Kirk Weber Swimming Trophy (men) Peter Koiisnyk Synchronized Swimming Trophy Lisa De Laplante Tennis Award (women) Maureen McKillop Most Improved Volleyball Trophy (men) Blair Carley Volleyball Trophy (men) Tim White Mosllmproved Volleyball Trophy (women) Francine Taillefer Volleyball Award (women) Joellen Barr Most Improved Wrestling Trophy Peter Oomarchuk Wrestling Trophy Ken Bradford

Stevano Altogether 18 Gryphons were nameJ

to league all-star teams Two athlete s were presented with trophies

as the best in their sport in Canada Peter Langford the J P Metras Trophy as Canadas

Outstanding Defensive Lineman and Ken Bradford as the Outstanding Wrestkr at the

19828 3 championships Director of Athletics Dave Copp sumshy

med up the year in his closing remarks as he

thanked the athlete s and coaches for their superb efforts We are proud of your achievements in 198283 competition Let us work together to make 198384 eve n more

memorable Judging from the fact that the majority of

alhletcs and guests danced and partied to the wee hours it was obvIOus that they were full of the Gryphon spirit It s truly fun- catch it 0

Su e S cherer Female Athlete of the Year

Vice-Presidelt Academic HOl-ard Clark presentation of the 198283 Female Athlete of the Year (ward to Sue Scherer was greeted with a TOar njpproal Howe le r the awardfor

excellence displa yed in ice hockey andjield hodn was reallv 011 11 the tip of the iceberg

Afifih semester sociolog student Sue anchored the Grlphons defence and in fact

controlled th e oJjensf As if that wasnt enough Sue was the plaving coach and in the combination 0 roles led the hocker Gryphons into th e plar-offs including a regular season

upset of the Ynrk Yeoomen Th e hidden part othe stOrl is perhaps th e

best Sue fills her mml1lers bv starring on the Canadian Nat ional Womens Fastball team In cluded in this hectic schedule were tours nf

Japan Taiwan SO Lllh America and Mexico

Obiouslr the combinatioll astudies and athletics is a healthy one as Sue maintains a

B average at the Unilersity



Newly Elected as

AluDlni Senators Following the annual election for three of the nine alum n i seats on Senate a t the Univers ity the following three alumni have been elected to replace those who will fulfill three-year terms on August

31 1983

Richard D Rich Moccia CBS BSc 76 MSc 78 is a self-employed biologishy

cal research scientist in the aquaculture field (See article Theyve Gone Fishin

Guelph Alumnus Spring 1983 issue

Rich is a past president of the CBS Alumni Associatio n was a vice-president of the UGAA and has served on numerous

adminis trative committees on campus inshycluding a Presidential Special Advisory Committee on Alumni Publications He also was a member of the Alma Mater Fund Advisory Council

In his spare time he has been involved with the Big Brothers Association and Minor League baseball He races motorshycycles for relaxation and fun

Donald C Rose Arts BA 80 MA 82 is a corporate representative with Uniglobe Bay Street Travel Inc of Toronto During

Tony Sobczak Arrs 77

Donald Rose Arts 80

his years at Guelph Donald served as sports editor and production manager with the Onlarion and was a member of Gryphon

soccer and rugby teams

A single man he feels that as an alumni senator he will be able to maintain his concern for the standards of higher education and at the same time maintain the friendships and contacts that he estabshylished while at the Uni versity

Tony K Sobczak Arts BA 77 is general manager of Bailey s Balloon Brigade a restaurant in Toronto While

study ing at Guelph he worked in the

hospitality field with Food Services The Keg and the Elora Mill Restaurant and Inn Following graduation he was employed by the Toronto-Dominion Bank in southshywestern Ontario but two years later

re vived his interest in the hospitality field

Richard Moccia CBS 76

He and his wife Cathy have one son

Tony Jerome T J 11 months old Keen on sports Tony senior runs plays squash

and is a waterskiier

Patricia M G renier Arts 72 is currently serving the unexpired term of alumni Senator Richard Young Arts 76 who re s igned during the third year of his term She will retire as alumni Senator on August

31 1983 Patricia who received a degree of

Master of Library Science from the Univershys ity of Western Ontario in 1973 is coshyordinator Information Services Informashytion Centre Ministry of EducationlMinistry

of College and Universities Toronto Prior to her present position she was a

reference librarian Documentation Centre

at the University of Guelph Library from 1975 to 1980 0

Limited Accreditation for OVC The Ontario Veterinary College of the

University of Guelph has been accorded limited accreditation status by the American Veterinary Medical Association

(A VMA) President Donald Forster anshynounced in May

The decision by the Council of Edllcashytion of the A VMA is based on recommendashy

tions made in the report of an evaluation committee which visited the College for a

short period in October 1982 a report on which the University and the C ollege had an opportunity to comment Most errors of fact in the original report were corrected as a result of the UniversityS comments

This accreditation status means that ove meets or exceeds most but not all

minimal requirements for a satisfactory program in veterinary medicine at least in

the judgment of the Association Limited accreditation is a reduction in

s tatus from full accreditation a status which the College has held and which was

reconfirmed by a previous evaluation in L976 Similar decisions ha ve been made

by the AVMA in the past in the case of programs at other and well-established

veterinary colleges in the United States which faced problems similar to those we are experiencing at the OVC the Presishydent noted

L imited accreditation status may be

maintained for a period of up to five years on the basis of annual reports by the University and the College indicating that any deficiencies are in the process of being corrected At any time during the five-year period the University and the College may

invite the A VMA Council to make a new

evaluation hopefully leading to a return to full accreditation status

A number of factors are identified in

the report as a basis for the Councils decision Most important the report reshy

commends that a better balance between the financial resources and the programs of the College be achieved From this flow two major recommendations Construcshy

tion and renovation be initiated to correct inadequacies in classrooms laboratories

offices and clinical work spaces Also -faculty numbers and specialty expertise be increased and additional time be scheduled for professional development research and other scholarly pursuits

The report also suggests that the

number of support s taff be increased One option identified in the recommendations is

that student numbers be reduced until

conld over


adequate faculty numbers and physical facilitie s can be provided hnally some deficiencies in the area of postgraduate education are also identified

While the University and the College

are naturally disappointed by the Councils conclusions we are not entirely surprised President Forster commented Many of the deficiencies identified in the report have been matters of acute concern for some time and some steps have been taken already to remedy the problems some of which are simply the product of the chronic undershyfunding that Ontario universities have exshyperienced for a number of years

Under the circumstances I commend

the faculty and staff of the Ontario

Veterinary College for working so hard to maintain the reputation and integrity of the program and its graduates during this very difficult period

The President also noted that under A VMA procedures an elaborate appeal process is available to the University A decision has been taken not to appeal the Councils deision even though the Univershysity has reservations about some of the observations in the report

The recommendation s in the report will be reviewed very carefully by the

Uni versity and the College in the coming months the Pre sident indicated and every effort will be made to secure support from government and other sources to

remedy problems which have be e n identified In this connection I wish to

express again our gratitude to the Honourshyable Dennis Timbrel Ontario s Minister of Agriculture and Food for making available to the University special funding in the amount of $J8 million annually for a three-year period in support of programs at the OVe This suppOrt came at a particushylarly crucial time and was most welcomc

Recent discussion with Mr Timbrell and Agriculture Canada have indicated hoth sympathy for and understanding ot the capital needs of the College and there is every hope that substantial support will be forthcoming from both levels of go vernshyment President Forster concluded D

Director Industrial S ervices R onald J Dolynchuk has been appointed Director Indus trial Services for the U nivershysity of G uelph The appointment became effective April I 1983

He will provide a two-way contact between the Un iversity and industry says Dr William Tossell Dean of Research Dea n Tossell points out that Ronald Dolynshychuk will ass ume an integral role in the industrial interact ion strategy recently anshynounced by the University At the same time he will help acquaint University researchers with possible sources of reshysearch contracts and grants within the industria l sector

The new industrial services director says that he sees his ro le somewhat as that of a broker taking the research and te hshynological skills of the campus to inshydustry- Iocal ly provincially and nationshyally W ithin the campus he hopes to play the role of a catal st co-ordinating varied speci alized activities and preparing a marketable package of research and sershyvice attract ive to industry

He says that a campus such as the University of Guelph can offer a consortium of highly specialized and technological expertise to indu stry Such capability can prove to be a powerful factor in attracting new industry to the area he says This may be particularly true in the case of smaller industries that can seldom afford their own highly specialized research facilities

Initially the new director says he will especially target on industries with a direct relationship to those areas of expertise for which the University of Guelph is particushylarly well known These include such sectors as foods and beverage and bioshytechnology

I am especially interested in offering industry a broad-based multi-disciplinary

Ronald 1 Dolynchuk

approach to their problems through includshying such areas as the social sciences in a team of experts he says This would permit the Uni versity to prov ide more complete studies including market research and sociological considerations as well as

scientific or technological resources

The new director of industrial services is no stranger to the University of Guelph campus He has been teaching a course on Business Policy in the School of Agricul shytu ral Economics and Extension Education

Ronald Dolync h uk was most reshycently the sen ior vice- president and general managcr of Linread Canada Limited in Guelph He has worked in industry since 1969 in marketing and managc ment posishytions Born and raised in W innipeg he grauuated in business economics from Inshydiana Un iversity and received a Master of Business dm in islra tion uegree from the same university

Ronald Dolynchuk and his wife and thrce ch il dren have lived in G uelph since 1976 He has b en act ive in the Gue lph Chamber of Commerce the Ro tary Club of G uelph and has served on the Board of Direc tors of the Edward Johnson Mus ic Foundation the Guelph Arts Counci l the G uelph Youth O rchestra and the G ue lph Marlin Aquatic Cl ub He is a lso 1 regis tered soccer re te ree 0

National Universities Week National Universities Week is being observed at universities across the country October 2 to 8 1983 to draw attention to the positive contributions a nd accomplishments made by these institutions in Canadian life A variety of activ ities at campuses will be designed to point out the va lue of the univershysitys teaching research cultural and public ser vice acli~ ities in society

Plans at Guelph include a noon hour series of lectures a nd panels which will look at areas of research on camp us that have far-reach ing etTects on society Members of the pu blic will be invited 10 visit the cam pus during the week to attend events and to tour the facilities

For further information on the National Universities Week program contact Information Services University of Guelph (SI9) 824-4120 Ext 8708 0


Canadian Centre for Toxicology T he Canadian Centre for Toxicol(l t y to he located at the ni ve r~ it y of Guelph and tht University of Toro nto will rt cc ive $ 10 mi ll ion fro lll the Ce clc ra l govern ment for the firs t phase of const ructioll The lunding I contingent on part ic ipation by the Ontario govern me nt ancl the two u ni ve rs it i e~

Dr Jim Sc hroder O VC 42 Me mbCi of Pari iame nl for Guelph pari ia mentary secretary to the Mini ster of Health and We lfare Monique Begin and an 0 C facult y member made the announce me nt on behalf o f The Honourable John Roberts Mini ste r of the En vironment at a press co nfere nce on cam pus in May The fundin g is the fi rst to be announced for more than 100 projects be ing fund eu under the leueral governmcnt s $ 24 bill io n spec ial reco ve ry projec ts program outlined in the April 19 budge t speec h

Pres ident Donalu Forster said that representati ves from the Uni vers it ies of Guelp h ane Toronto met later fo r discusshysions wi th Ontario s Mini ster of the Envishyronment Ke ith Norton and will continue tv di scuss the prov ince s commitmcnt to the Ccntre President Fors ter said he is opti misshyti c abo ut provincial support as Premier Bill Da vis has for the past tw o years expressed strung support for the Centre

President Forster on behalf o f the Unive rs it y of Guelph thanked Dr Schroun fo rthe work he has done to impress upon the federal go vernment the im port ance of a projec t of ve ry co ns iue rab le na tio na l s ignificance The Pres ident c it ed the Centre as an example of the co-operatio n betwee n uni ve rsitie s governments and the pri va te sector

Dr David Strangw ay actin g presishydent Uni versity of Toronto also expressed gtatitude to the federal go ve rnment and Dr Sc hroder He said the joint venture by two uni ve rs iti es tha t have compl ementary strengths is unique He desc ribeu the Ce ntre

Alberta Alumni Reunion

Saturday August 20 1983

200 pm -Bowness Park Calgary

Bring your own picnic

Prizes will be awarded for oldest grad grad who travels farthest

from home etc

L (l i to rii ht D r MeLII middotell Prcs iden Fo rsl fl r Dr Schroderund Dr Sl liI ng loshy(Iu inK Jr f ideill Uni l c rII oToro ll lO

as a world-class model that co uld be looked to in the future Guelphs strengths are in agricultural and veterinary toxicol ogy and Toron to s are espec iall y in toxicology in the med ical and engineerin g fi elcl s En viro nshymental expert ise is we ll deve loped at both uni vers ities

Professor Free man McEwen acting direc tor of the Ce ntre a nd dean of the OA outlined some of the unique features of the Ce ntre which he said is blaz in g a new tra il between gove rnments uni versities and the public sector

The planning and construction of phas one of the facilit y for the project is expected to be compl eteu by late 1986 at a total cost of $236 million When com shypleted the Ce ntre will be part of a netw ork o f toxicology centres across Canada It is ex pected to have a staff at both Guelph and Toronto of 64 sc ient is ts 108 techn ishycians and 109 other staff members The corshyrate headquarte rs will be at the Uni versit y of Guelph 0

Homecoming September 30middot October 1

Friday September 30 700 p m and 1000 pm The Nyl on in conce rt two shows War Me mori al Hall Ticket s $8 50 students and seni ors S9 50 general For ti ckets write Ny lons Tickets nive rs ity of Guel ph Box Ollice Uni vers ity Centre Un ive rs ity of Guelph Guel ph Ontari o N IG 2W I Pl ease make cheque payable to the Univers it y of Guelph and enclose a self- addressed and stamped envelope

Saturday October 1 Morning Homecomin g Paraue For further in fo rm ation contac t John King (519) 824-4120 Ex t 8327

1100 am HA Alu mni Associati on Annual eeting Hotel and Food Admin isshytrati on Building

11 30 am Human Kinet ics Alum ni Association An nual Meeting and Home shycoming Brunch Loca ti on to be anno unced

200 pm Homecornmg Footba ll Game Alumni Stadium Uni vcrsity of Toronto Blues vs Uni versit y of Gue lph Gry phons

630 pm Alumni Din ner Dancc Creelshyman Hall Further detail s co nt act Alumni Office (519) 824-4 l20 Ext 2122 or 87 40

800 pm Post-Game Pub Dance De shypartment of Athl etics gymnas ium 0

CODling Events Sep1216 Aggie Week

17 UGAA Wine Symposium Niagara Peninsula

25 28

Sep 30 Oct 1

Oct 1


Nov 11middot20


Dec 5-8

OAC Alumni Association Golf Tournament

InternationaJ Plowing Match Teviotdale


HAFA Alumni Association Annual Meeting

HK Alumni Association Annual Meeting

MacmiddotFACS Alumni Association Caree rs Night

Royal Agricultural Winter Fair Toronto

OAC Alumni Reception Royal Room CoUseum RAWF Toronto

Night At The Royal Sponsored by the UGAA Toronto chapter

American Association of Equine Practitioners Annual Convention Las Ve gas Nevada USA



The Ontario Veterinary College Alumni Association

EditorALUMNI Dr Cliff Barker 41


Faculty Award for Dr Bob Curtis Dr Bob CUrlis 6 Clinical SllIdies OVe recelllly received a UniversilY of Guelph

FlIcully Associalion Professional Tea ching Award in recognition of his great influence on professional lraining The cira lion in parr sraled He has repeatedlv beuroen honouredfor

his conlriburiOIl 10 educalion He is a respecled elerinarian who is universally retIed us

one of lhe beslleachers Ihis univlrsiry has eper had LeIr 10 righl Dr Russ Willoughbv

57 Dr Wayne Pfeiffer vice-chairman Faculty aSSOCi((lion Dr Bob Curlis 6 and

Dr Mike Wilson chairman Clinical SlUdies 0

For Design Dr Jim 01fa50n 68 owner of the South Su rrey Veterinary Hospital 3221 shy140th S1 Surrey BC received the 19 82 Special Aw ard for Architectu ral Exce llence at the annual merican Animal Hospital Association convention in San Antonio Texa on March 14 1983 The award was prese nted by Velerinary Eco nomi cs Mag(l~ ine a leading business magazi ne for the veterinary profession

T he award was give n in rccognition of the timc and expense Dr O lafsun investcd to design a hosp ital that would enhance its natur al s ur round ings South Su rrey Veterinary Hospital is loca ted in a res idenshyt ia l area and the colors a nd tex tures of the buil ding s ex terior lesse n the impact o f a commerci a l property in the area

The hospital is energy-efficient and includes large winduws and nume rous skyshyli ghts in its design plan Other features incl ude covered walkways a covered parkshying area a nd covered entrances The overall effect minim izes the enclosed fe lin g usushy

ally associatcd with a subterranean struc shytu re and the atte ntion to aesthetic detail produces a truly stunning hospital Con shygratulations Jim 0

Dr doe dohnson T he late Dr Joseph E Johnson 19 ( I R91-1960) who practised for many years in Waterloo was recognized for hi s services to ag riculture in O ntar io when his port rait was hung in the O ntario Agricu ltura l Ha ll of Fame at the O ntario Agricultural Museum Milton His nomination was prese nted by the Ontario Association of Ani mal Breedshyers T he citation presented states

Dr Joseph Edward Joe Johnson a native of Stra throy as a pioneer in the practice of artificial insemination (AI ) in Ontario In 1942 when the Waterloo Cou nty Holste in- Friesian Associ ation made

their fi rst attemp t it was Dr Joe who collected the se men and inse mina ted the cows

For fl ve years he took ti me out o f an already very busy practice to make the new idea work Several younger veterinarians

who workcd with him were later to be in charge of AI units across Ontario

He gradu ated from the O ntario Veterinary College in 1919 and after working in Fergus and Acton set up practice in Waterloo where he worked with the noted Seagram Sta bles

He pioneered the multi-staff clinic approach having as many as four students and grad uates work ing w ith him Because o f th is internship approach Dr Johnson probably had a greater influence o n the practice of large animal vete rinary medicine than any other practicing vete rinarian of his day

The ultimate uccess of the AI sys shytem is due in large part to the work o f this ve terinari an who through trial and error persevered with the technique in its ear ly years 0


One Millionth A third-year O VC student Paul Dick of Gcoroetown recently became the one mi lshylio nth person to pass through the turnstiles o f the O VC Division of the Uni versity Library since the tu rn sti les were installed eight years ago He was gree ted by libshyran ans and fac ulty applause and handshyshakes t1 a~ h i ng camera strobe lights conshygratulations and the pre sentation o f a book Clillical E raminal ion of Ca ll ie

The VC library also serves students from other Colleges Co mprising more tha n 30000 volu mes it e mbraces far more than the veterinary sc iences 0

In a briefcert monv a llellded bv David Hull head Sc ience and Velerinary Science Diision

oj Ihe Library eli and Dean Douglas 1aplesden 50 righl Associa ( Libraria ll John

Black presen l a book 10 one millionlh isilor Paul Dick rig ill cenlre

It Was Bound to Happen Delta chapter of O mega Tau Sigma Fratern ity residence has become co-educational with the admi ssion of 18 women students during 1982-83 em sters For se veral years OVC s women stu dents have been seeking fra ternity membership they fi nally made it in 1982

Galhered onlhei-olll sleps oflh e avc main

Imiiding are 14 of Ih e 18 women slwlel1ls

who resided in Ihe fral house Ihi I r ea r

FrOt1 row I(i llo righ l lennifer Rice

Ion [ Lee Ma rv MOllleilh M iddle ro w

Robill Roscol Kale Flanigan Lisa Tavlor Debbie Blech Lesli e Hu ngall Back row

l ana Kl llOn Carol Phillips l ennifer

TrollghlO n lulv Keenliside Healher Ross

Michele Durnall MissinRfrom Ihe piClure

are Brenda FOSler Chris Barrl es

Keily-LeiRh Thomas and Laura Hunl 0

Letters to the Editor Or Bert Ca rswell 7 1 of Brooks Alt a has repli ed to o ur request for informatio n on the watch fob letters F L T (O VCAA Alumni Bulletin March 19H3 Special Supmiddot pl ement) by sugges ting these stand for Friendship Lo ve and Truth the motto of the Indepcndent Order of Odd fell ows Are the re further op i nions~

Dr Alexander Bruyns 32 Sequin Was hington S A has se nt us informashytion on the Royal Canadian Army Veterishynary Corp (O VCA Alumni Bulletin

March 1983 S pec ial Supple ment) He was a ve te ri na ry offi ce r with the Gove rn o r Gcnerals Horse Guards in Toronto o n joini ng the RCAVC in 1938 and me ntioned the late Dr A R Yo unie 14 who served

with the RCAVC in World War One Further inform ation re RCAVC officers would be apprec iated

Dr Donald MacDonald 54 o f Edmo nshyton Ita also replied to our RCAVC inquiry with informatio n on the Corps badges He is a collector of militaria especi ally militar y cap badges o f which he has a collection of over 1600 He states cap badges of the RC VC are as scarce as he n s tee th

The O VC museum has o btained cap and uni form badges from Dr G A Rose IS la t address Picton and Dr W A Robenson 16 Tsawwassen BC eachof whom served as veterinary officers during World War O ne 0

In Memoriam Dr Owen Hinton 25 died on January 22 1983 in Florida Las t add ress Rt 4 Box 139 Jasper Florida US A 32052

Dr Vernon jensen 33 died on Dcshyce mber II 19 R2 Las t address 2485 Lon-din Lane St Paul in nesota US A

Dr Edward Burke 35 died on Ja nuary 21 1983 Las t addr ss P OBox 326 So uthport Conn US A 06490

Dr jack Warren 39 Date of death no t reported Last addre ss RR 3 W heatl y Ontario OP 2PO

Dr Wilfred Sherwin 40 died o n 0 tobc r 6 1982 Last address 432 W Washi ngton Street ampa Idaho S A83651

D r j ames Watt 49 died in August 1982 Las t address 790 Ho rtop Avenue Osha wa Ontario LlG 4N8

Or Peggy Godkin 55 died o n Decem ber 5 1982 Last address Inni sfai l Alt a 0

PEl Gets It T he Toro nto Glohe ald Mail of Fe bruary 19 1983 carried the follow ing announce shyment Charl otte town (CP) - Agric ultu re Minister Eugene W he lan announced today that $500000 has bee n appropri ated to

begin architectural pl ans fo r I $26-mi ll ion veterinary college here He sa id at a new confe rence the federal Go vern me nt w ill put up half the co nstruc tion cos t if the three Marit ime p rov inces s ha re t he o ther $ 13-lTI illi on out lay 0


The College of Social Science Alumni Association

PEGAS-US Editor Dorothy Barnes 78

stori ng The Log Farm a farmhouse dating back to the late 1800s Michelle says Michelle and Mustech thi s was a terrific expcrience and the best

N omad pioneer student administrator curator You mi ght ask what these words ha ve in common and the answer you would receive would be that they all aptly describe Miche lle McMillan 77

Mi chelle graduated with a degree in SociologyAnthropology At the same time she graduated from Algonquin Community Collegt with a correspondence course dipshyloma in what she terms M ustec h - Muse um Technology majoring In Exshyhibit esign

Currently assistant director at the Guelph Ci vic Muse um she has held thi s position since the spring of 1979 Her responsibilities include those of regis trar (mai nta ining dltaikd [i Ii ng systems) for the con serva tion of artifacts and ex hibit work She is co-ordinator of some 40 vo lunteers who are in volved in all facets of museum work (to become a muse um vo lunteer all one has to do is call Michelle and arrange for an interview )

When interviewing Michclk it was obvious she has a love for her work that she will pass on to oth~rs possibly some of the young children attending the education programs she supervi ses at the Guelph Civic Museum

Her mothers parents were homeshysteaders and she was brouoht up on stories about pioneering Her interest in pioneering and the Indian way of life was fo stered by a mothe r who had Indian friends and who would often visit these friends experiencshying their way of life even to sleeping quite often in a tepee

Thi s and the fac t that her family moved around a lo t from west to east influenced Michelles deep and lasting love of the past although with a lau gh she says Now I am of the opinion that my mother had a tendency to present a romantic version of the whole situation - espec ially to me as a young child It certainly influenced my interest in studying Anthropol ogy

Michelles ed ucation and working exshyperiences have bee n very infl uential in nurturing her love of the past She started

out at the University of Western On tario but left for perso nal reasons She worked for a ye ar and while working beca me apprenshyticed as a pattern drafter

ichelle mo ved to Ottawa after she had worked the year and regi stereu at Carl eto n Universi ty in Anthropology She studied this for one year and then became aware of a program offered at Algonquin Communit y College on the subject Mu seum Tech nolo gy

Her placement s in work situation while at Algonquin included a summer helping four yo un g me n on a project at the town of Bells Corners ne ar Ottawa re-

job she ever had There was no electr icity so eve rything

was done by hand Her group res tored doors gable-ends flo ors ceilings rtshypointed stone found at ions and raised the building on hydra uli c jacks The y also gl Lt~d windows re searched the huildin g and organized the veget ab le garden

Othelmiddot experiences have included work at thc Na tio nal Museum of Man thc McM ichae l Canadi an Collcction in Klcin shyburg the Wellington County Muse um and the S imcoe County Museum She has al so been a volunteer teacher at the Plains jndian Iroquois and Inuit Ga lleri es of the National M use um of Man

It was Guelphs gain when Miche lle found he rsel f pulled bac k to stud ying in order to co mplete her degree

Michelle is now well established in her position at the Guelph Civic Muscum and dt las t feels she ha s put dow n roots in a c ity she has an alleg iance to one she loves and fee ls more co mfortable in than any other She is involved in trying to build up a research library on local history and artifacts

When asked for pearl s of wisdom fo r new graduates Michelle volunteered that pcople need practical ex perience along with formal learning to balance their percept ion of a ro lc How apropos 0

Th e Cullege uf So cial Science Alumlli Associatioll ill-course scholarships ere Jreserl(d

rnelltlmiddot to lei Junine Crallt Ceog uJJnmiddot olld Virginia Suth erland Psrchologv Attending

tht un lIlOnr wert right Pro(essor Juliu s fugl Department oCeogrupilr and Pr(essor

Mike M(lIh f II~ Iei chuirmun DeJurtlllen t 0 PI cilologr Th e scilolorshiJI 01 $200

each oreul1ded in purt hr all (11 1(( gru llti-om til ( Alma Mawr Fu nd


Lan e Smit h 78 is a so ftware spec ialist Barbara (Cherry) Wilson 80 is pres shyGrad News with Software Ke netics in epean ently res iding at 45 Emily Street Grimsby

Ron Beveridge 67 is an e lementary special counselor with School District 88 Terrace B C

C R ichard Buc k 70 practices law WIth the firm of Weyli e Shortt Buck Hanshybridge Reidl Casselli and Mitchell in Waterloo

Lee D Wetherall 75 is an exec utive ass istant with AIcan in Kingston

Stewart McCann 76 is a lec turer with the University of Alberta Edmonton

Peter J Stanczyk 76 is living at 9940 Fa irmount Drive S E Apartment A-4

C algary Alta Since concluding his studies at Guelph Peter attended the social work course at Wilfrid Laurier University Watershyloo and received a Master o f Soc ial Work

degree in 1982 Peter is now married and he and his

bride We ndy are established as socia l workers with Alberta Social c rvices and Comm unity Health in Calgary We wish Peter and Wend y much happiness in their new partnership success in their choscn fi e ld and contentment in the ir Ii vc s together

Ted Boniface 77 is now n eative direc tor for Ce ntra l Al berta Broadcasting (CKRDshy

T V CKRD-AM and C FCR-FM) in Red Deer Ted has bee n awarded four c itations by the Radi o Bureau of C anada and was nominated for an Aetra Award as producer of the hes t radio program of1979 O ld news we reali ze but how are we going to know o therwise unless you let us know Thanks

Ted for updating us on your activities

Gurnam Singh 77 is an MC A student at the niversity of Ottawa

Roderick Hodgson 78 is back in his home town of H udson Que Rod is emshyployed by the Town of H udson Publi c

Works Departme nt he al so serves on the Town Planning C ommittee and is activel y involved with the volunteer fire department

Perr y Wilson 78 is liv ing in Spirit River Alta Since graduating from G uelph Perry

has obtained a masters degree in Anthropolshyogy from McG ill University and is princ ishypal of Ste Marie Elementary School in Spirit River

John Boyle 78 is presently living at RR 2 Brampton

Karen Russell 78 is a teacher with the Dufferin County Board of Education at Parkinson Centennial School Orangeville

Vicky Su therland 78 is an air traffi c

controller with the Mini stry of Transport Calgary Alta

Susan W alkowiak 78 is a real estate agent with the Safeguard Real Es tate Comshy

pan y Toronto

Craig Willms 78 is an assistant manager with the Toronto-Dominion Bank Watershy


Gordon Cominey 79 is a priest with the Holy Trinity Anglican Church in Edmonshy

ton Alta

Carol (Fogarty) Knox 79 is presentl y residi ng at R R 5 Woodstoc k

Susan Laushway 79 is a probation office r with the Solic itor G eneral of Alshybe rta in Edmonton

Richard E Larente 79 is production manager at Mac Mil lan Bloedel Ville

Mont-Ro yal Q ue

Bryce Andrews 80 has dec ided to conshytinul his education at the n i ve r~ ity of

Weste rn Ontario He is working on an M BA

Dianne M Grenier 80 is in her third year of Common Law at the University of Ottawa

Shauneen (McKague ) Bruder 80 is an MBA student at Queens University Kingston

Michele Forrester 80 is a comm unicashytions clerk w ith the Ontario Yo uth Employment Program Queens Park To shy


Peter Madott 80 is an ass istant product manager with S c Johnson an d So n Ltd


Elizabeth (Ferguson ) latos 80 is a volunteer co-ordinator with B ig Bro thersBig Sisters of Carleton County


Jane Stevens 80 is a teac her w ith the

York Board of Education in Aurora

Loretto (MacDonald) Sullivan 80 is an administrative assistant with Kert Advertis shying Toronto

Sylvia (Bossaer) Willms 80 is a Food

Services supervisor at the UI1Iversity of Guelph

Jane (Stevens) Tremblay 80 is a teacher with the York Board of Education Aurora Jane is married to David U of N Dakota

grad of 79

Lee Anne Burton 80 is a teacher with the Dufferin Peel R C SS Board Mi ss isshy


Maureen S inclair-Barnes 80 is an urban planner with the City of Brantford Husband

is Bruce Barnes 82

Su~ Jones 80 is continuing her education at the Univers ity of Alberta She lives at

11441-132 St 405 Edmonton Alta T M IG2 Bro ther-in-law John Sch neider CBS 73 graduated in Marine


Nicholas Boyadjian 81 is a special events co-ordinator with Unive rsity Ce ntre

Administration Uni ve rsity of Guelph

Debra (Philputt ) Gibson 81 is a te acher

w ith Pee l C ount y Board of Education in

Miss issa uga

Jim Gibson 81 is a branch representati ve o ffi cer with the Ca nadian Imperial Ra nk of

CommCfce Toron to

Linda Helin 81 is presen tly res iding in

C utler on the North C hannel of Lake Huron

Patti La France 81 is a teacher residing at 66-50 Fiddl ers Green Road London

Elizabeth (Crighton) Madge 81 is now married and re siding in Lethbridge Alta

Kathleen Martin 81 is a market research analys t w ith As tra Pharmaceutical s Miss i shy


Edward Leong 82 is administration

manager for the J J Tour Se rvi ce at the Jal an M aju Taman Jade Ce ntre Miri Branch Sara wak East Malaysia

Debbie (Ling) Therrien 82 is employed as cashiersale sperson for Gameway s Ark

Ltd Toro nto

Chin Lan (Kat ) Choi 82 is an executive shyofficer with the ational Produc tivity Board in Singapore Since graduating C hin Lan has married C hoi Chee Keong C PS 82 Much happiness and success to you both

John C Close 82 is a teac her with World University Services of Canada in Zimbabshywe Africa John is married to Mary M A Psych 8 1 WLU 0


The College of Biological Science Alumni Associatio~_~

BIO-ALUMNI NEWS Editor Dr John Powell

Executive CBS Alumni Association HONORARY PRES ID ENT Professor Bruce Sells Dean


Dr George Dixon Ph D 80 Zoology

PAST PRESIDENT Marie (Boissonneault) Rush BSc 80 Marine Biology

VICE PRESIDENT Chris Wren BSc 77 Marine Biology

SECRETARY-TREASURER Cam Portt BSc 77 MSc 80 Zoology

DIRECTORS David Airdrie BSc 82 Microbiology Krista Soper BSc 79 Marine Biology Lorrie Cosens BSc 79 Marine Biology Eric Cosens BSc 80 General Biology Keith Harris B Se 76 Marine Biology

EX-OFFICIO DIRECTORS Marie (Boisonneault) Rush BSe 80 Marine Biology Shawn Taylor BSc 83 Aquatic Biology Past President CBSSC Brian Wisenden President CBSSC

FACULTY ADVISORS to be chosen one from each DepartmentSchool

UGAA REPRESENTATIVE S Jan Watshyson BSc 75 Zoology Lorrie (Rolston) Cosens BSc 79 Marine Biology Rob Miln B Sc 81 Marine Biology

EDITOR BlO-ALUMNI NEWS Professhysor John Powell Human Biology 0

Please help us to help you When corresponding or upshydating information or address do tell us not only your year of graduation but your discipline

Where Are They Now The following 20 names were entered on the College of Biological Science Honour Roll for years 1976 and 1977 We w ish to know how your career has progressed and

FALL 1976

Brenda Henry (Marine Biology) and Winter 77

janis Kay 78 (Genetics) and Winter 77

Laurence McClure OVC 81 (Unshyspecialized and Winter 77

Linda (Nelson) Sinclair 78 (Human Kinetics) and Spring 77


Sherry (Bondorenko) Miller 77 (Hushyman Kinetics)

jellrey Chernoff 77 (Unspecialized)

Wendy Harris 77 (Major in Biology)

C harlene Kopansky 77 (Human Kineshytics)

Peter MacDonald (Human Kinetics) and Winter 78

Blain Mollatt (Microbiology)

Darjo Romani 78 (Major in Biology) also Fall 77 and Winter 78

Barry Rosen~rg 77 (Unspecialized)

Cheryl Rowe 77 (Human Kinetics)

FALL 1977

Gregory Casey 79 (Microbiology) also Fall 78 and Winter 79

William Crins 78 (Botany)

jill Cross OVC 82 (Unspecialized)

what you are doing currently Do you have intere s ting episodes to relate in the BIO-ALUMNI NEWS Please lets hear from you

David C a mpbell 78 (Major in Biology)

Richard Proctor 80 (Ecology)

Carolyn Robertson (U nspecialized)

joanne (Ryder) G unby 79 (Genetics) and Winter 79 0

Grad Bash 1983

Organized jointly by the CBS Alumni Association and the CBS Students Council in April more than 280 students alumni current and former staff and faculty sat down for dinner prior to presentations being made to our dean

Contributions came from members of the College and a bird sculpture fashioned by Uta Strelive Zoology was the first of many gifts

Next came a memory book containing many letters photographs clippings and a variety of incidents all pieced together by Association president Marie (Boissonshyneault) Rush 80

Betty Roff gave the dean a special book of clippings collected by herself Two framed portraits of Professor Ronald one already hung in the main office of McNally house the other for the Ronald family completed the tributes

Altogether this gathering was a fitting acknowledgement of a great man who has done great things for us all 0


Scholarships In the Names of

Ronald and PoweU The CBS Alumni Association is pleased to announce the introduction of a scholarship for graduate students in the name of Proshy

fessor Keith Ronald Professor Rona ld as of July I had served for 12 years as the first dean of the CBS and the awarding of a

sc holarship in his name is a fitting tribute to

all he has done fo r the College the Univershys ity and the CBS Alumni Assoc iation

The Hum an Kine tics Alu mni Assoc iashy

tion anno unced its intention to name an undergraduate scholarship in the School of Human Biology in the name of Dr John T Powell as he retires from the Unive rsity in 1984

Do nations to eithe r or both of these

sc holarship funds shou ld be sent direc tl y to the Department of Alumni Affairs and Development-clearly ind icati ng to which sc ho la rs hip your donation is to be alloca ted - or when contributing to the Alma M ater F und noting that your monie s

be channeled to the sc holars hip of yo ur choice 0

Grad News Biological S cience

Lesley (Wilson) Barton 73 and Bruce 70 MSc 74 live in Keremeos B C R R No I VOX JNO will find them

E thel Anita Hamilton 79 and hu sband

Wayne Barcha r d 76 MSc 79 live in Hali fax NS where Ethel is a habitat proshy

tec tion technician with fishe ries and Oceans while Wayne is head Office Assessment Scction Environment Canada 3rd Floor 45 Alderney Drive Dartmouth N S

Marilynne (Wise) McCausland 77 is a research microbiolog ist with Molson Bre wshyeries of Canada Ltd and may be reached at 1555 No tre Dame East Montrea l Que H2L 2R5

Michael W Tate 79 write s mos t kindly thanking us for kee ping people in touch through th is column He is a teac her at Mo rnings tar Secondary School in Mi ss isshysauga

Natalie Mary Olynyk 79 may be reached at 3 120 Duffer in Street in T oronto where she is re staurant manager for Olyn yk Foods Ltd

Marine Biology

Gl en A Packman 74 and Sharon (Noda ) Arts 72 li ve at 21 Albion Road Hali fax S B3P IP8 Glen is a senior

biologist with En vironment Canada

Jo l1n Plumb 76 and M arianne (Conshynoly ) 77 may be reached at 37 Coldstrea m Road Box 303 Munster Ont KOA 3PO John works as an indu strial engineer with

the Mitel Corporation - Kan ata

Human Kinetics and Human Biology

Joy (Reid) Tomes 70 is a team coshyordinator with the Workman s Co mpensashytion Board- 2 Bloor St East Toronto Ont oM7W IA2

Terry Obi Oblinski 71 holds the pos it io n of supervisor with the 3M Comshypa ny at 2 Craig Street Pe rt h Onto K7 H 3C5

Robert T a p Fawcett 72 teac hes at the W 1 Fenton Secondary Schoo l R R 0 10 in Brampton Ont L6V 3 2

Marie-Andree (Pi lon) Poulin now teache h igh school in Montreal write her at 76 Lesage Repent igny Que J3A 5Y5

Dr Tom Elmslic 74 M-Sc 77 is a g lutton for punishment as he isjust complet ing another MSc this time in Epidemi o lshyogy at McM as ter University preparatory to his return to Ottawa

Glen Paterson 78 of 16 Da lto n A ve nue T hunder Bay On t P7B 4E9 is ea rl y chi ldhood educato r with the Confederation o f Applied Art s and Technology B ro ther Larry R Paterson g radu ated with a BLA in 69

Eric bullbull Art Arthurs 80 is s till at 12272 shy110 Avenue Edmonton Alta T5M 2L3 He work s for Consolidated Concrete Limshyi ted as a dragl i ne opera tor

Henry Fox 81 lives at 1520 Verdi La Salle Que H8l I K4

Christine (Krumbacher) F()se 81 may be reached at Box 252 2 Banff Alta TOL OCO

Ch rist ine (Novakuske) Lavallee MSc 81 is a stude nt again stud ying French and living at 0428A Larose A ve nue Mo nt real Que H2B 2Z2

Ginger (Thompson) Elmore 81 seeks work in the geriatric field Are you able to help Write he r please at 107 Ontario Avenue Komoka Onto NOL IRO

Don Doc Wilson 81 is physica l direc tor at the Waterloo Family YMCA Lincol n Road Waterloo Ont N2J 2N8

Jan McMullan 82 ne wly wedded to Mark Newcombe MSc 83 is presently ass istant manager - Ri ordan s Sport S 183 Silvercreek Parkway in Guelph She tells us of four co usins who have g raduated fro m Guelph - Brenda (Bu lton) Dagg CSS 72 Bryce Dagg 72 Donald Sifton 70 and Bonnie (Sifto n) W alsh C SS 72

Fisheries and Wildlife

Lorna l Depuydt 77 is a price specia li st with Massey-Fe rg uso n Her adshydress is 3941 Whispering Wa No 6 Grand Rapids Mich USA 49506

Steven Kerr 77 works as di s trict biologist for the Mi nistry of Natu ra l Reshysources - 611 Ninth Avenue Eas t O wen Sound Ont NOH IS O

Richa rd P Bekolay 77 MSc 80 R R N o ) Carp Ont KOA ILO is a program analyst with Digital Equipment Corporation at Kanata

Marie Legrow 80 is once aga in a s tudent at Gue lp h li ving in Guelph at [02 Queen St reet North IE 4S I


Ann (Stewart) Gray 79 and husband Dr eil Gray 76 li ve at 40) - 251 Platts Lanc in London Ont N6 H 4P4 Ann is a re search assistant at the Universi ty of We stshyern Ontari o

Robe- W Marks 81 is a production trainee with Labatt Brewin g Comp any in Kitchene r


Dr Rob J Van Exan 74 MSc 76 PhD79 ho lds the position of manager Cell Culture Produc tion with Connaught Laboratories 1755 Steeles Avenue West Will owdale Ont M2R 3T4

Chuck Yipchuk 78 wo rks in Quebec 87 Senneville Road Sennev ille a s c oshyordinator of da ta at Bi o- Re search Laboratori es

Dr Harr y Nixon Chabwela W eza MSc 79 P h D 82 may be contacted at loni Katandika Vtllage Chief Kakumbi P O Box 154 Chipata Za mbia where he is a bio log ist wi th National Parks

Douglas Stendahl MSc 79 is with the -federal government s Minist ry o f Indian Affairs and Northe rn De velopment- P O Box 1500 Yukon N W T He is water quality officer


Rick Proctor 80 is a consultant with I P Sharp Associates 2 First Canadian Place Toronto Ont M5X IE3 0


The Ontario Agricultural College Alumni Association

ALUMNI NEWS EdJtor Dr Harvey W Caldwell 51

Financial Management Related to Agriculture One of the main sessions at the OAC Agricu ltural Conference 83 dealt wit h financial management as it relates to agricu lture Robert Sanderson who is with the Ontario Farm Adjustment Asshysistance Program was a main speaker and presented the following paper

Ten years ago most farmers were smilingshyagr icu lt ure see med to have finally gained its reward Worl d short age s of food provided ampl e markets and steadily rising prices lor prac tica lly all crops

Thi s idea li s ti c situation continued for a co uple of years until the granaries of the wo rl d were refi li ed De mand then norshyma li zed and pri ces for most agricultural prod ucts hega n to dec line In spite of price dec lines and li mited markets co nsiderable optimi sm conti nued to be fe lt o n the farm sce ne thro ughout mos t of the 1970s

Late in that peri od infl a ti on reall y ca ught fi re rai sing inpu t cos ts for supplie s and labour The ri se in land pri ces exceeded the most optimis tic es timates during this sa me time

In an a tte mpt to s te m thi s ra mpant infla tio n interes t rates increased almost threefo ld beg inning In 1979 and the world hega n it s slide into recession Farml and prices ceased to r ise in 198 1 and are now crumbli ng wi th uncer tain ty and lac k o f demand

We have no doub ts abo ut th e successshyful future o f ag ri cult ure hcre in Ontari o but today for many farmers adj ugtt me nts are necessa ry to remain so lve nt and for too many oth ers bo th adj ustme nts and so me ass iq an ce are necessary for their prese nt and future surviva l

There are some who are beyo nd he lp and farm bankru ptcies are at their highest leve l since the grea t Depression o f the 1930s These cond it io ns brought about the crea tio n of the On tari o Farm AdJustmcn t Ass istance Program (OFA AP) T hi s proshygram during 1 9~2 has bee n assisting eli g ible farmers who needed he lp

The re are two prime reaso ns fo r


fin anci al woes cited by appl ican ts - high interes t rates and lower farm incomes On the other hand the prime reaso n fo r ~ome

farmen probl ems e ited by lenders is ove r-e xpansion We be li eve both views are va lid and unques ti onabl y are respo ns ible for the prese nt ago ny and unres t on 100

many Ontario farms Le nde rs cite seve ral o the r importa nt

reaSl)l1S whic h also bea r o n the prob le m The borrowers oft e n refe r to them too but usuall y wit h di fferen t emphasis ThcY em shyphas ize the c lt treme instability of fa rm income the se rious lac k of pro per pl an ning bu dge ting accmatc farm record and fin all y the practice of making unprodu ctive investmcnts

Because of the qualifying criteria asshysociated ith an application for as s istan ce from OfAAP one must keep in mind that our observations are limited to about 10 per ce nt of Ontario farm operatlolls That 10 per ce nt is cl ose to the bottom of the gro up on the bas is o f financial sec urity OFA AP assista nce is limited to those produc ing Iood and tobacco Therefore data regard in g proshyducers of fl owers nursery stock race shyhorscs etc ha ( no t come he fore us and the financ ial ituati ons ltlr not inc luded in any of o ur informati o n

Applica ti ons have been appro ved for farmers operating all across the pro vince

Of the to tal approved about 20 per ce nt were in swine prod uctio n abou t 15 per ce nt were in eac h of cash crop prod uction da iry producti on and beef prod uct ion 4 per cen t were in fruit and vege ta ble prod uctio n 3 pel cent were tobacco fa rmers and the Ies t co mbinations of the above Those farm ers producing etgs and poultry were fe w

I n a review of appli ca tio ns for OFAAP ass istance several COl1ll1lo n sce nari os co nshytin ue to ap pear on a so me what re petiti ve has is and are ca tegorized as fo ll ows

1 Young or Beginning Farmers

Th ose under 35 years o f age wen res pons ishybl e for nearl y ha lf o f a ll the app li cati ons In thi s gro up are many who have Just begun fa rm ing Mo~ t of these arc victims of inopport un e tim ing hav in g acq uired land buildings and equ ipme nt be twee n 1979 and 19R2 For the m the combinati on o f lower th an ex pee ted prices of farm produc ts and the extre me inc reases in the ir fi na nc ing charges due to hi gh interes t rates_ have becn dlvas tatin g This is partic ul arl y true where Illos t assets were fi nanced the bcg inshyning equit y be in g Illodes t

2 The Aggres sive Expansionist

Many farmers who did well farming on a

modlst basis in the mid-70s dec ided that s ince o ne farm was pro fitabl e two wo uld be bette r three be tter than two Aggress ive

expan sion mos tl y on c redit du ring this i ntl a tio nary pe riod produced many paper millionaires in the farm co mmunity by the late 70s The elation fo r some of these

fa rmers d id not lasl far into the 80s T hose with 100 much bo rro wed cap ital

found that the ir farm income c ul d not

support the debt load So me of these

atlcmpted fu rthe r borro wing in an e ffort to mai nta in their ho l ding ~ and fo und ou t like o thers before them th at it is imposs ible to

borro w your way out of debt O thers so ld or tried to sell some o f the ir land o r eq uipment in an effort to re ti re at leasl o me of the ir cri ppling de bt and there by salvage at

least a part o f the ir operation

One rather sad varia tio n o f this las t s itua tion occ urs occ as io na lly whe re a

farmer who has had a succes~ fu l and so lvent opera tion decide to ex pand to a llow a son

o r so n- in-law into the bus in ss because of a des ire on the part of the young per on to

farm or occasionally because he is no t employed The expansion in Jand and eljuipment particularly if it occu rred in the

last three years and if it were do ne mainl y o n credit with a mortgage taken on his once so lvent operation has robbed the farmer of

his security and his peace of mind Furthershy

mo re in some of these s ituations the disappointed newcomer in the bus iness moved on leaving dear o ld dad to make the best of it

3 The Equipment Enthusiast

Another scenario concerns the man who is o bsessed with the need to ac quire equipshyment or to make add ition s and improveshy

ments to a lready adequate buildings To pay

for it out of the revolvi ng operating loan or to finance it in other ways withou t first having established that it will pay for itself will inevitably c reate financial problem s

Whe re there has been a general disregard for thi s kind of purchas ing the end resu lt has usually been disas trous

4 Natural Disasters

We regularly see the result s of natural

disas ters - floods windstorms hail frost disease and fires All of the se misfortunes can be c rippling to any operation but when adequate insurance coverage is not carried or if one of these di sasters occur whe n a farmers equity is low or when hi s princi pal and interest charges consume much o f his income it can be disastrous to his economic

pos ition

5 Family Unity

From OFAAP applicatio ns it is noted that some farmers who experience a marriage break- up seem to have diffi culty maintainshy

ing fi nanc ial solvency W hen asse ts are

di vided and whe n atte nt ion to management

is di e r ted hccause o f family pro blems the farm operation is often morta ll y wounded

Farmers and farm op ratnr are much more vulnerable in this si tua tio n because thei r

wives arc o ften much more invol ved in the e lllerprise than in non- farm situations

6 Offmiddot Farm Income

Appl ications incl ude a great nu mher of

insta nces in which if it were not fo r 0 ffmiddot fa rm income o f either the farmer or his wife or

occas io na lly both the ir farm o peratio n wo uld be tota lly un viable and unab le to continue to fu nc tion It is well the n fo r

those in th se c ircumstances to r cogniu tha t if the off-farnl inco me should e nd it wo uld also mea n the te rmination of the

farming operatio n

7 Enterprise Changes

A review 0 f appli ca tions indicates that some

farmers are hoping to comple tely change

thei r c rop or li ves toc k programs attemptin g perhaps to outguess the marke t and to

improve their financial return s Sometimes the expectation in vo lved in the dec is ion is

correct but so o ften when the costs inshyvol ved in the c hange are considered little

has been gai ned and where the deci s ion to change was unwi se co nsiderable loss is

usually the result The ot her extreme to this

situation is rigidity to the poi nt of makin g no changes at all

8 Manage ment

The management ability of any applicant

farmer is difficult to assess Most applicants are not known and there is no opportunity to assess the actual farm operation Ho wever

experience with OFAA P emph asizes that good financial management is c ritical to the

success of any farm operation Here is a li s t of definite Do and

Do nts that should be much in the minds of farmers operating in the present financial climate All of these suggestions re tlect the ex periences we have had working with

appli ca tions for O FAA P

The Definite Dos

Do base an operation on an informed farm

plan keep ing and using good record~ and approved acco unting proced ures Do work c losely wi th the credit source shy

usually the banker Plan and work within

approved revo lving ope rating loan limits Make regular cred it payments when due and when unable to make p ro per arrange shy

ments ahead of time w ith your c reditor or credito rs Do make necessary adju stme nts in land and equipm e nt befo re u nder tak ing further borrow in g Do shop around for cred it and i nve~ tig ate

ava il ah le programs to cu t credit cos ts Do pay off on loans when surplus cas h is

ava il able It won t be any fun but it w ill

he lp to re tain sol vency Do try to ma intai n stability in your far m o peration and kee p the peace a t h IllC

Do seek the professi o nal adv ice of you r ag ric ultu ra l represe ntative anJ Ir indwtry fiel d per~on ne I

The Definite Donts

Dont borrow for capita l items unless they

are abso lu te I y necessary Dont make capi ta l purchases with funds

frolll your revo lvi ng opera ting account w ithout co nsul ta tion and agreeme nt with

the bank manager Dont expand any operation without sound

pl ann ing Dont plunge and make rapid changes in

the ope rati ng patte rn without so und consultation 0

Partners For 70 Years

Arthur Cowie 09 now 95 and his wife Nina now 92 were married March 19 1913 near Nel son B C They li ved in

HC for three years then returned to Caledo nia where Arthur worked for the A

Jone s bakery He returned to the 200-acre farm homestead in 1922 when his father

was kill ed in a farm accident Arthur se rved in the 19305 and early

19405 as co uncillor and also served as

a Ju s tice of the Peace for the farm communit y

Nina Co wie whose g reat lo ve was

dancing has onl y one regre t and that is tha t she could never get her hu sband o nto the -dance floor The Scotti ~ h dances Hig hlan d

tlin gs and Scotti sh reels made hi s head spin He played the record s and watched

from the sidelines while ina did the danc ing

They have no secrets tor a long happ y marriage excep t working at it Theyve

done Jus t tha t for 70 years Bes t wishes to them both 0


OACGrads on Faculty at Nova Scotia Ag College

Lauranne Sanderson M Sc 81 is with the Humanities Department She specialized in Animal Science in her undershygraduate years but added to that a master program in Agricultural Economics Lauranne has lived on a mi xed lives t()c k and cash crop farm in southern O ntario At the No va Scotia Agricultural College (NSAC) she is teaching Tec hnical W riting but is specializing in the area of Com munications and Agricultural Extension

Barbara (Otrysko) Mulkewytch 78 MSc 81 is with the Plant Science Deshypartment Prior to her appointment at NSAC she was employed as a potato crops specialist with the New Brunswick Departshyment of Agriculture Her teaching and research will include projects on potato and crop protect ion

Yes Surry MSc 81 is with the Economics and Busi ness De partment Yves was born in Pamiers France has an M A fro m the nivers ity of Pari s and is in the process of completing his Ph D from Guelph Yves has a strong interes t in teachshying and his research interests hould be a welcome addition to the reg ion He is pre sent ly teaching courses in Micro and Macro Economic Theory

Laurie (Gaunt) Connor 73 is w ith the Department of Animal Science She earned MSc and Ph D degrees specia li zi ng in reproduct ion phys iology from the nivershysity o f Manitoba Prior to joining NSAC she was a NSERC Vi iting Fellow at the Animal Research Centre in Ottawa Her teaching and research work is mainly in the re producti ve physiology field

Also at NSAC are Sheree Porter CSS 79 and Myrna (Porter) Blenkhorn 76 John Shug 37A and 40 is the sec re tary o f the Nova Scotia Agricultural College Alumni Association 0

Please help us to help you When corresponding or upshydating information or address do tell us not only your year of graduation but your discipline

Th ree generatiuns of heramify were present when fleather Rohinson right centre FACS 83 graduated ut Wim er Convocation With her f rom [eji to righture her grandfather John Inglis her moth er Vlarirn (Inglis ) Robinson Mac 55 0 member of the Uni versirys Boord of Govern ors ond her father Doug Rohinson 53

Above Mllrrav Ma cGregor 5 1 lei with the winners of the OAC s 25th annual Alumni Curling Bon spiel Left to right GeorRe Robinson 651 Mu rrav Elliotl 65A Keith Murru 65A and Jern- Forestell 6511 Right OAC Alumni Associashytion president Hell ry Slanle 55 right was preslntedwith un engraved pewta stein to recugnie 25 years of participation ill Ihe bOlspiel Conshygratuluting Henry is Bill Harrison 62 bonspiei commillee chuirman


the individual members excellence andThe Ronald S Ritchie Le cture integri ty

This idea for the new body was not accepted by members of Cabinet They

The Opening Up of PubHc PoHcy The Opening Up of Public Policy was

Selllior Michael Piffields fopic when he

delifred fhe annual Ronald S Rifchie

LeclUre of fhe UniversifY in March

A Rmduafe ofSf Lawrence Universify

17 ( graduafed in lawjrom McGill UniversifV

and holds a Rrodlla fe diploma in Public La w

Fom Ih e UlliversifY ofolIa wa H efirsl joined Ihe Public Service as an

wlminislrafive assiSfam in Ihe Depa rimem

oJuslice in 1959 Ialer served onlhe sraffof Ih e Goernor General and as secrelary fO

117 1 Royal Commission on Taxalion In 1965

he joined Ihe Privy Council Office He

became depuly minisler of Consumer and

Corporafe Affairs in 1973 and Ihe followshy

inli year lOok up an appoinfmem as Fellow

in fhe John F Kennedy School of Governshy

mOl (If Harvard Un iversifY In 1975 he

relurned 10 Ollawa as Clerk of fhe Privy

Council and Se crelarv 10 Ihe Cabinel

The annual leclre recognizes Ihe comrihwion made 10 fhe Universily by

former Board of Govemors chairman

ROllald S Rilchie A reporl on Senafor Piffields presemalion follows

Senator Pitfield paid tribute to Rona ld Ritchie his important work in the Glassco Commission and his influence in the estabshylishment of the Institute for Research on Public Policy

In thi s th oug htful and thoughtshyprovoking presentation Senator Pitfield outlined the need for and the desirability of more open discussion before policies are introduced but there are some very real difficulties associated with de vel oping some me chanis m that could foster and encourage such exchanges of ideas

[t was pointed out that because of the high degree of interdependency of modern society and the size and complexity of governments the making of public polic y must be an intellectual subject in its own right not just a conglomeration of di scishyplines It had become evident that

I A methodical analysis of government activity could lead to improvements in government effectiveness

2 Traini ng in making and managment of public policy was crucial and urgent

3 There were few in government who knew why things were done the way they were

4 The making and management of pubshylic policy was a subject unique in itself and required thinking through for itself

5 Universities and other training institushytions were not very useful in this training process universities being too removed from the actual experience of government and the government institutions being withshyout the detachment and intellectual rigour needed

Thus it became evident that there was a need for an institution that would be a repository of knowledge a pl ace of learnshying a foru m for debate and a means of communication co ncerning public policy

Proposal s emerged that the federal go vernment should assis t some of the organizations already in existence Comshypetition became keen and rivalry among institutions re su lted in grander more comshyplex proposals As a result the federal go vernment in 1968 decided to establish a think-tank of its own to take a more rigorous look at public polic y

The idea was not new In many countries the general thinking was that all problems could be so l ved by inrelleclUal anal ysis and the appl ication of modern techshyniques But the ne w Trudeau go vernment went even beyond providing more data It included public debate of public policy

But the think-tank was only one of the initiatives to aid in the formation of policies There was support for political parties through caucus funding offi ce space support staff and regional offices for Members of Parliament and internsh ip programs for students to work as assistan ts to MPs

Other support included green and white papers for discussion commissions of inquiry task forces public funding of non-political grou ps to encourage discusshysion and many others to increase the flow of information for consideration of alternashytives All were done to open up the process o f meaningful debate which would result in more effective and sound decisions

The th ink-tank was to be a centre for var ious kinds of people to di scuss public policy subjects which were often set aside because of day to day pressures At first it was to be very informal with distinguished people invited to participate Its integrity and permanency would be based on that of

were concerned that existing research instishytutes would be damaged They also wanted in volvement of business and professional communities This challenge to broaden the scope was gi ven to Ron Ritchie

Ritchie foresaw an institution that would be independent supported by an endowment which would not only support but st imu late debate on public policy

Man y fears were raised - that such a body would be taken o ver by academics that it would become a clique that govern shyments would battle for control etc But these were dealt with skillfully by Ritch ie and the Institute for Researc h on Public Policy was establ ished

What of its accomplishments~ This institute has been successfu l in

many ways in getting better information into debate [n the ten years since its beginning many studie s have been pubshyli shed It has held many informat ive confershyences and has a unique journal Howeve r despite its efforts open and meaningful debate on public policy is not much more advanced tod ay than it was a decade ago

It is evident that to ach ie ve its objecshytives there mu st be a willingess to change opi nions and the Canadian sys tem prov ides few forums for the changing of minds The bias is towards decision-makers and interest groups not open and meaningful debate

Public debate often takes pl ace after rather than before the decision is taken Thi s may not be what is wanted but policy-making is tilted not tow ards being open but towards being closed

Why has there not been more progress [n h is pre se ntation Mi chael Pitfield refershyred to the fact that the go vernment whose people should discuss the si tuation has become even more confrontational not because of lack of information but because of rigidity in their approach to discussion of public policy

As govern ment ha s grown so have checks and balances which recently have often been linked to lack of confidence Where slim majorities exist a strong opposhysi tion can threaten the government Party di sc ipline becomes severe and ai ring of independent views is discouraged The fear of a government being defeated on the one shyhand and the unyielding demands ot the opposition on the other tends to make the parliamentary process less and less flexible

The result of the foregOing is the tendency of government in modern times to drop solutions on a public th at may not be aware of the problems These solutions are not open to argu ment and debate is reduced

conld over


w ith bias tending towards a cl osed system and less debate

To improve the situation it seems it wlluld be necessary to have a mutual and

ba lanced reduction of force on both sides

The ge neral equilibrium of the system needs to be ma in tained W hat is needed is the reduction of secre tiveness of the gove rn shyment on one side and a reduc tion of the

danger of e mbarrass ment or de fea t of the govern men t on the other side

T here must be a wil li ngness to secure

more ope n debate on al l sides and our

leaders ha ve not done that e ven on m ost import ant issues More ope n and rneltll1 ingshyful deba te will require more thi nk ingshy

thro u middoth - something Mc mbers of Parlishy

ame nt may not he able to do or be free to do or have the necessary knowledge to do But the id ea behind the Institute for Remiddot

search on Public Policy was tha t such a body could bring about better decisions

All publi c problems cannot be solved by thought and tech nolog ics but few can be solved without these contr ibutions

The Institute for Research on Public Policy cannot create better public policies

by itself It must have input from all sectors to bring about more open and meaningful public debate which will result in constant

improvement of government - somethin g

that everyone desires 0

Grad News Herb Nor ry M Sc 52 has moved to

London as a farm business advisor wit h

O M AF working in eight counties

Denny Silvestrini PhD 5R is director of quality controlresearch and de velopment Eskimo Pie Corporation Ric hmond Virshy

ginia SA He had served as manager quality control and product deve lopment

Ralston Purina Co mpany St Luuis M isshysouri U SA

John Hagarty 61 is manager fi e ld

service s Rural O rganizati ons and Serv ice s Branch OMAF Guelp h

Ismail Siragcldin Ph D 62 is professor Department of Population Dynami cs and

Political Economics the Johm Hopkins

University Baltimore Md S A

Arlene (Fournier) 65 and Dick Flis

MSc 65 are in Edmo nton Alta where Dick is petroleum products manager wes tmiddot ern Canada Imperia l Oil Ltd

Craig Hunter 66 is pre sident Cra ig

Hunter Poult ry Farms Ltd Stro ud

Colin Triver s 67 is a consulting e ngineer and On tario land surveyor for e G Trivcrs

Ltd T he ssalon

Peter Mosher Ph D 70 is director

bureau of agric ultural prod uctio n Depart shyment of Agriculture Ba ngor Me USA

Cordon Brown 76 is sen ior food techshynolog is t new prod ucts process developshy

ment Tho masJ Lipton Inc in Bram pton

Martel C outure MSc 76 is acting di rec tor d iploma progra m Macdonald Colshy

lege Ste nne de Belle vue Que

Charlie Ellintt 78 vnfe Ja ne and

first -born Ian C harles born Jan uary 20

1983 are living near S hetland C harlie is now working fo r Elliott Bros G rain and Feed Ltd

Dennis Ring 78 is credit manager Farm C redit Corp C hatham H is wife is Carnl (Weeks) 79

R Cunrad Genee 79 is a sales represhy

sentative with CIBA-Geigy Canada Ltd in

Winnipeg Man

Howard Armstrong RO is an industrial

engineer with the B utler Ma nufacturing Co (Canada) Ltd Nisku Alta

Bruce Broadbent PhD 80 is a research scientist entomology with Agriculture

Canada Vineland Station

Mic hael Tulloch 80 has been accepted as

a professional engineer by the Council of the APEO He now manages engineering functions for eG Trivers Ltd Thessalon

BruceGitelman 81 will be joining Wood G undy Ltd Investment Broke rs as a

corporate finance associate in September

Danicllc Wenstrom 81 is a quality a ss urance su pe rvisor for Pil lsb ury of Canada Ltd M idland

Christine Deslandes MSc R2 is a lecturer at Alfred Col lege of Agricu ltu re

and Food Technology A I fred

Diploma Graduates

Donald Morley 68A is ge nera l ma nager De Marco Homecare Ce ntre Sutton West

Jeffrey Currah 74A is marke ting man shyage r Fortam ix-a division of BASF

Canada Inc Georgetown

Brian Roberts 76A is a welder with Hillcook Ind ust ri es Ha milton 0

In Memoriam Raymond David Ure 15A and 21 January 24 In3 ~uddenly a t Tecumse h

age 87 He had bee n very act ive un til

recently H is son Donald re is it

graduate of 49

Dr Genrge M Stirrett 20A and 22 died December 15 1982 H is many co nshy

tri bu tiono had bee n recogni zed by the Heritage Canada Found ation The fo llowshy

ing is an account of the tribu te pa id to him Fe bruary 16 1 9~ I at Government HDu~e

O ttawa

His Excelle ncy Gove rnor Ge nera l

Edward Sc hrcyer prese med the Commun imiddot cations A wards Atl antic Reg ion to Dr

George M St irrett of Grand Falls Ne w

Bru ns wick Dr Stirrett has been comm itted to natural h is tory conservation for ma ny

years bo th before and after hi s ret ire ment from the Canadian W ildlife Service and Parks Canada in 1964

He worked hard for the preservation of the falls and gorge area at Grand Falls

and on other conservation needs in Ne w Brunswick and Ma ine He has also written

on the iss ues of conservation using Ihe pcn name G raham Vail and since April 1979

has publi shed a weekly column Notes on atural History in the G rand Falls

Cataract His columns stress the appreciashytion and enjoyment of nature as well as the need for preserving it

Norman Hodgins MacBeth 23 Fe bruary 3 1983 in St John N B He had retired in

1967 as General Manage r of General Dairies Ltd

David R Owen 25 in Medi c ine Hat

Alta February 6 1983 at age 82 He was a di rector of the fi rs t ollege Roy al and spe nt

most of his li fe teachi ng and farmi ng in Saskatchewan

Ronald John Quinn 35 Fe bruary 17 1983 in London His wife Helen (Farshyquhar) is a lso a graduate o f 35

Bruce Douglas Innes 36 passed away Septe lllber 29 19 82 D uring his college

years he took part in ma ny ac tivitie s bu t he -re membered with particu la r pleasure be ing Grand C hampion Showman College Royal

35-the first time that the honour had bee n won by anyone o ther than a fou rth year man Bruce owned and operated a dairy

farm at Burford since I 939 and was an

acti ve and ded icated farmer until his death

H is wife Margaret died in A pril 1983 T hey leave daughters Lorna Lawrence

Mac 68 and Karen and son Robert 0


Macdonald Institute College of Family and Consumer

Studies Alumni Associat ion

ALUMNI NEWS Editor Joan (Anderson) Jenkinson 66


BASc Grads-Class o f 80

EntploYDlent Survey T he University s Counselling and Reshysource Centre recentl y completed an inshyucpth survey covering the empl oyment activities of the 211 graduates who in 19RO earned Bachelor of Applied Sc ience Degrees

The survey indicates th at gradu ates are e nj oy ing a variety of interes ting and chalshylenging careers

A gratifying 73 per cent of th e graduates re sponded to the survey with 51 per cent of the respondents indi catin g that they have completed or are completing graduate degrees or programs on a full- or part-time bas is Of the 153 respondents 78 per ce nt including one who is self emshyployee have full-time employment The remainder are employed part-time or are pursuing further studie s

Li sted below are the indicated ca reers chosen in the four major areas of study

Applied Human Nutritio n

ut ritiond ietetics Food service administration More than 50 per cent of the responshy

dents obtained reg istered profe ss ional dietishytian certificates The Admini strati ve Emshyphasis course is no longer offered in the

Applied Human utrition program It is available through the Bachelor of Comshymerce program

Family Studies

A number of grad uate s found posit io ns in teac h ing or social services such as

Adult protecti ve service workers Infant de ve lopment specialists Geront ology consultants Supervisors and field workers with social service agencies Other Family Studies graduate s are

working in government srv iees and in the private ec toras home economists financial co un se llors librarians hostel managers Family Studies graduates tend to sl ck caree rs in the helping profess ion s

Consumer Studies

There are four emphasis areas 01 study within this maj or The survey indicates that

Food gradu ates are employed in areas of produci development marketing and food technology with majo r food companies Hou si ng emphasis graduates are wo rkshying with government agencies and in teac hing

Consumer Beha vio ur e mph asis graduates are in industry business and res earc h Tex tile and Clothin g e mph asis grads are employed in research merchandi sshying and banking Often after working for a year or

more Consumer Studies graduates will return to gradu ate study o r profess ional programs on a full- or part-time bas is

Child Studies

Many Child Studies graduates are emp loyed in teaching supervisory or other child-care related sett ings such as soc ial work with fami lies and children Re ported part -lime and temporary em pl oy ment pos ishytions include work as supply teachers child care supervisors special education leac hers and as lecturers in uni ve rsity settings

It is imporl an t to note that this emshyploy ment survey reports the caree r paths chose n by onl y one graduating cl ass Dat a is collccl~d on a yearl y bas is from gradu ates in Family and Consumer Studies In order to observe the broad scope of employment opportunities avail able a four-year tabulashytion wo uld pl~ c nt a more complete picture of the profess ional activities of graduates

In summary FACS programs offer students a sound educational background to meet the need s of i nduslry educational institut io ns governme nt and bus in c The future for FACS graduates is indeed bright as the College co ntinues to gro w and develop programs to meet the challenges of the 80s 0



BASc Gradsmiddot Class of 80 Further Education Pursued

Major Total

Graduates Number of

Respondents R PDt BEd MEd MSc MD MA

Applied Hum an Nu trition 65 45 23 3 I

Family Studies 64 44 19

Consumer Studies 48 33 2

C hild Studies 34 31 II I I I

TOTAL 21 1 ( 1007c)

153 (73 oc )

23 32 I 4 I I

FACS Has New

Dr Richurd Burhunl

Dean Professor Richard M Barham was apshypointed dean of the College of Family and Consumer Studies for a fi ve-year term effective July I 1983 He succeeds Dr Janet M Wardlaw who has served as dean since 1969

Professor Barham has been chairman of the Department of Family Studies since

1976 and served as acting dea n in [980 while Dean Wardlaw was on administrative leave

A graduate of the University of Otago Dunedin e Zealand Richard Barham received a Ph D degree from the University of Alben a dmonton in Ed ucational Psychology

He has served on the faculty of the Department of Educational Psychology at the University of Alberta and as professor and acting chairman of the Department of Education University of Otago

While in New Zealand he was an executive member of the council of The Ne w Zealand Psychological Society and served as its president

At Guelph he has taught both undershygraduate and graduate courses in the Deshypartment of Family Studies and has supershyvised graduate students

He has been active on many University committees during the past seven years He is a past chairman of the Board of Graduate Studies and has been a member of the

Committee on Academic Priorities the Committee on University Planning the Liaison Committee and several others

He has also been a consulting educa shytional psycholog ist with the Wellington County Separate School Board since 1979

Prolessor Barham and his wife Joan have a family offour Joan recently returned to the University of Guelph for further study Daughter Vick y 19 is a student in Economics at Queens University Lisa 17 and Christopher 14 attend Ce ntennial CVJ while Tania 12 is completing her studies at College Avenue School

Music is very important part of the Barham familys life with active invoheshyment in the Suzuki String School and the Guelph Youth Orchestra Gardening is a hobby enjoyed by both Richard and Joan

Members of the Mac- FACS Alumni Association extend a sincere welcome to Professor Barham We look forward to meeting and working with him in the future as he fills the challenging position as dean of FACS 0

FACS Prof First

Dr M urlin MUllhclIs

Director P ro fessor Anne Martin Matthews De shypart me nt of Family St udi es has been ap shypointed the first director of the Gnontology Research Centre The establi shment of the Centre was announced last February A research grant of $237000 from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada will fund the Centre for the first three years

Professor Martin Matthews has been conducting research related to the needs and interests of older segments of the populashytion as well as teaching courses in such areas as social gerontology and marital and family dynamics in Family Studies She has been a faculty member with the Department of Family Studies since 1978

She also has been active beyond the campus in programs related to aging She is chair-elect of the social sciences division Canadian Council on Gerontology and will begin a two-year term in the chair of that organization this year

She is also first vice-president of the

Ontario Gerontology Association and a member of the scientific advisory commitshytee of the Gerontology Research Council of Ontario She is a graduate of Memorial University of Newfoundland and McMaster University

With a steadily increasing percentage of the popUlation in the retirement age bracket it is important to understand more fully the ir needs and cuncerns sa ys Proshyfessor Martin Matthews The en tre will deal with the ag ing family and environshymental contexts In the latter sense we will be examinin g such things as the difference bet wee n aging in an urban and a rural society as well as issues like housing and the aging

The new Gerontology Research Centre will provide facilities to assist faculty members and graduate students doing reshysearch on aging The Centre will facilitate integrate and co-ordinate studies on aging within the University the director says

Research on aging is now being carried out at the Universi ty in such Departments as Family Studies Geography Psychology Nutrition Human Biology and SocioluFY and the Centre will be able to provide a medium for cross-fertilization of ideas among the many researchers in the field

Professor Marlin Matthews says that the Centre will be working co-operatively with other similar research centres in Onshytario such as the one at the University of Toronto in promoting research on aging The Centre will also sponsor conferences and workshops that relate to the special needs of older citizens in their communities

Guelph has demonstrated an interest in gerontology since 1970 when research projshyects began and courses dealing with aging were offered in the Departments of Family Studies and Psychology Since 1981 the Un i versity has offered gero ntology as part of the Famil y Studies major in the Bachelur of Applied Science program 0

A Thank You Dear A luml7i

1-Iwl 10 Ihonk oil Ihe uumni inloll(d wilh

Ihc cr special send-oj gien to me ill

recognition of Ihc complelion ofmv Icrm as


So man of ou -Ierc invocd shy

whelhcr or nOI ou -Iere able 10 (fIend Ihe

recognition receplion in Toronlo on May

29 I oppreciacd Ihe man good llishes

which come from ocross CClrado ond from

such dislOlIl places as Indio and Chara

Your generous gifls u Imc Irolld of

pcarls und a bonk aCCOlll11 vhich came lVilh

Ihe slrong suglcslion Ihal [should IIc 10

Vnv Iculand lverc Irul overllhelll1ing

The Air lCll Zcalundjlighl bag jJacked wilh

1111 SOriS of nccessiliel added 10 Ihe jim

middotre had 01 Ihe rcceplion

Many Ihanksfor your SUppOri over Ihe years and for your good wishes as I begin

my car ofadmin is Ira live leave

Yours sincerelv

Jonel M Wardlaw 0


Dr Louise

( Bailltlj

Heslop 67

Off - To


Dr Louise (Bazi net) Heslop 67 has JO ined the School of Business at Carlton Unive rsit y O ttaw a Over the next two years through an arran geme nt with Ca rlton Unive rsity she will be cco nded on a

part-time basis by Stati sti cs Canada where she will join the Research and Analysi s

D ivision Loui se completed her MSc at Guelph

in 1969 and continued as lecturer in the

ne wly-es tablished Department o f Co nshysumer Studies In 1977 she compktcd a Ph D in Business Administration (Marketshying) at the University of Western Ontari o

and rejo ined the Department of Consumer Studies ri si ng to the rank of ass oc iate professor

Louise was e lected to the board of

di rectors of the Mac-FA CS Alumni Assoc ishyati on in 1977 se rvin g as secretary-treasurer until May 1981

We ex tend our best wishe middot to Loui se

her husband Lome O A 70 and their dau ghters Jose tte 5 and C la ire 2 Lorne is employed by Agriculture Canada in

Ottawa and is currently completing an M Sc in Engineering at the University of

G uelph Coun try li ving is a high priority with

the Heslops They are deli ghted with the purchase of a farm near Almonte a nd look

forward to the best of both worl d s - profess ion a lism in the city and lei sure in the countryside 0

Grad News Helen (Clifford ) Beswick 48D is se lf empl oyed as a studio potter in her home in Dundas

Margaret (Kennedy) jarvis 54D is a realestate age nt in Kingston

Pat (Hall) McDowell 65 is with the

United Missionary Soc iet y Jlorin Kwora State ~igeria

Joanne Patterson 66 is a se ni or project o ffmiddoticer w ith Indi an and Northern Affa irs Ottawa

Leslie (Mowat) Hemming 68 is teaC hin g in Woods tock

Mary (Jany) Toms 68 is employed with Health and We lfare Canada Ottawa

Sarah (Spencer) Coomhs 70 is an assistant director wi th the Co nsumer Inforshymation Centre of the Ontario Government


Meredith Fi lshie 70 is an ana lyst w ith the Ministry of State for Economic and Re g ional Development O ttawa

S heila (Fahner ) jarvie 70 is a nutrishytion ist w ith the K- W Hospital Kitchener

Donna j ohnstone 70 o perates Donn as Ha ndmade Clothin g for Men amp Wo men Gabiola Isla nd B C

Lorraine Holding 71 is manager of program development with the Rural Orshyga nizatio ns and Services Branlh Minis try of Agriculture and Food located at the Gue lph Agriculture Centre

Beve r ly Lee 72 is a chairperso n with the York Region Board o f Educ at io n

Laurie MacLeod 72 is a district manager with Beaver Foods Mlss issauga

Kathy Camelon 73 is a dietitian at the Toronto Genera l Hospita l

Tirnoth) Fleming HAFA 74 a ses ionaJ lec turer with H AFA teaching business law has been adm itted to the partne rshi p o f the law firm of Harper Haney and White of Waterl oo

Isabel (McBride) H o well 74 is an e lementary school teacher with the Watershyloo Co unt y Board of Educatio n Camshybridge

Mary Ruston 75 is a Famil y Studies teacher at Inge rso ll District High School

Kathryn Anderson 76 is a supervisor with Westmini ster Family Day a re London

Hester Cooper 76 is employed as a research officer with the New Zealand Dairy

Research Institute in Palmers ton North ew Zealand

Patr icia (G a rland ) Desaul niers 76 is with patient fo od se rvices Alberta Hospishyta l Edmo nton

Noella Li 76 is aclinical dietitian wi th the

ictori a Hospital London

M eredith (Evans) Hea rtwe ll 77 is

teac hing in Mississauga

Deb Wey 77 is patient food se rvices manager at SI John Regio nal Hospi tal SI J()hn NB

Susan (junes ) Wilcox 77 is food se rvices

superviso r with the Baye re st Ce ntre for Ge riatric Care 0

A ThankYou The c lass of Mac 380 wishes to extend a

sincere thank you to all alumni who have con tributed to the Mac 38 0 Class Geronshy

to logy Scholarship Fund The gradua te s tudent scholarship in

the recently de ve loped area ot Ge ronto lo gy at FACS is being established by the class of 38D in recog nition of their 45th annivershy

sary in 1983 All Univers it y of Guelph grads are

in vited to parti c ipate in this project funds for which will be so li c ited until December

1984 [f you wish to con tribute please make you r cheq ue pay ab le to the Univers ity o f Guelph Alma Mater Fund specify that it is to be applied to the Mac 38 D Class Gerontology Scho larship Fund and mail to

the Deve lo pment Office Room 273 John shysto n Hall Uni ve rsity o f Gue lph Guelph

Ontario N IG 2W J Th an ks again for yo ur suppo rt from

Elle n Downie Mary Singer Doris Durran t and Jean Carter- the Mac 38 D sch o larship committee 0

In Memoria m We regret to announce the death of the following al umnus

Margaret L (MacKenzie) Smallwood 401) December 1982 in Lakeland Fla




The College of Physical Scie nce Alumni Association

SCIMP Editor Bob Winkel

phy sics grant selection committee of thc atural Sciences and Engineering Research

Council for two years he was intimately involved in all the major re search de velopshyments in Canada in this field Hc feels that his e lec tio n to the Royal Society of Canada will help raise the prot1le of high-energy physics in this co untry and lend stren gth to Canadian experimenters

The citation prepared for his nominashytion to the Royal Society of Canada reads

Professor Karl is a high energy the ori st whose work is widely recognized interna tionally His deep physical insight and hi s kn ow led ge of mathemati ca l methods led to the quark model of baryon resonances based on quantum chromoshydynamics which has been enormousl) successful in describing experimental reshysuits H is re sea rch is characterized by striking originality and an ability to COIll shy

bine basic ideas from different field s as in the predictions of a new effect - neutron optical activity

Gabriel Karl is married and has one daughter W hen he is not probing the sec re ts of the universe he indulges himself in music theatre and the fine arts

He visited the Unive rsity of Briti sh Columbia in Vanco uver in May for the induction ceremony into the Royal Society of Canada on the occas ion of the Annual Meeting of the Society It marked he sa id the culmination of a long string of benefits that [ ha ve enjoyed throughout the 23 years 1 have lived in Ca nada [ have every rea son to be very grateful to th is country D

Erratum In the Sprin g issue o r SCiMP it was erroneously reported in the c utline accompanyin g a pict ure of Departshyme nt of Physics student scholarship winners that they were the recipients of 0 er $ 1500 We dropped a zero The fi gure should have read $ 15000 Sorry about tha t Ed

Elected to Royal Society

Dr Cooiel Korl

The election of Dr Gabriel Karl to a Fellowship of the Roy al Society of Canada represents what one of hi s colleagues Dr Peter Egelstaff desc ribe s as a rare honour which reflects great credit not only on Dr Karl but also on the Uni versi tys Departshyment of Physics

The Royal Society of Canada founded in 1882 to promote learning and research in the arts and sciences has numbered among its Fellows virtually all of Canadas most distinguished intellectual le ade rs of the last J00 yea rs Standards are jealously guarded and Fello wships are awarded only as a result of outstanding world-class ach ieve ment

The rarity of the honour is indicated by the fact that at the Un iversity of Guelph whose faculty includes so many academics of international distinction only five had previously achieved a Fellows hip in the Royal Society of Canada These are Dr Howard Clark vice- pres ident academic Dr Bruce Sells dean College of Biologishycal Science Dr Peter Egclstaff Depart shyment of Physics Dr Do nald Masters Prof ssor Emeri tu s De part mcnt of History and Dr He rb Armstrong retired dean of Graduate Studies

As the sixth Dr Ga briel Karl will have the added di st inction of bei ng the first whose career has been sp ot excl us ively at the Un ivers ity of Guelph which agai n to

quote Dr Egelstaff marks a coming of age for the University

Gabriel Karl was born in Transylvania a province of Romania He obtained his B Sc in Chemistry at Romani as Univershysity of ClUJ worked for two years in industry and came to Canada in 1960 He attended graduate school at th e University of Toronto where he was awarded a Ph D in 1966 for a thesis on infrared luminesshycence following molecular colli sion Hi s Ph D supervisor was the distinguished physical chemist Dr John Polanyi

A two-year post-doctora l fellowship with the University of Torontos Depart shyment of Physics followed His mentors there were Drs J Van Kranendonk and Duk Poll who is now a professor with the Universi ty of Guelph s Depa rtment of Ph ys ics

In 1966 Dr Karl studied at the Uni versity of Oxford for two years under an NRC scho larship to study hadron spec troshyscopy and in 1969 he Joi ned the Univers itys Department of Phy sics achieving a full professorship only five years later

Dr Karls work has focussed on high energy physics - the physics of fundamen shytal particles This is an esoteric field involvshying research into the nature of matter The relatively few world leaders in thi s field tend to cluster around the half-dozen accelerators such as the $100 million four kilumete rshylon g hi gh-e nergy tunnel for accelerating electrons at Stanford University that have been built only in the US and Europe

There is no accelerator of this energy level in Canad a and fe w Canadian scie nshyti ~ts are working in this field Dr Ka rl s statu re in the international commu nity of particle physic ists is marked by his many visi ts to the world s major research ce ntres as guest speaker and to consult with his peers Referring to the time spent on thcse missions Dr Karl describes the Depart shym nt of Phys ics and his colleag ues as generouslyaccommodati ng shy

As cha irman of the h igh energy


Trapping The Suns Energy Excerpted from a Chemtrends article by Mary Cocivera

One predi ctabl e fac t about ind ustri ali z d

soc iety is that it will take more e nergy to

keep the whee ls ru nn ing smoothl y parti c ushy

larly because the world population is exshy

pected to dou ble to about n ine bill ion by the

year 2050

[n th search to augme nt tradi tio na l

sources o f e lectri ci ty two Departme nt of

Chemistry pro fessors ha ve tu rned their

atten ti on to the convers ion of solar energy to

electricity by photovultaie cel ls and photoshy

elec troc he mical systems T he developme nt

work at Guelph is a imed at improving the efficiency and stability of th se sy~tems and

reduc i ng the ir cos t

Si licon photovoltaic cells serve as a

reference for solar energy convers iun beshy

cause they were the fi rst such cells and to

date arc the most effic ient co nvert ing so lar

ne rgy into elec tr ic ity a t abo ut 15 per cem

effi c iency Arrays of crys tal li n sil icon ce lls present ly cos t in the nei ghborhood or

S$400 per sq uare metre to manufac ture

produc ing about 40 watts Photovo lta ic

thin- fi lm syste ms us ing semico nductors

o ther than single crysta l sil ic on are be ing

investigated in man y re~earc h ce ntre s

around the world

A pro mis ing approach is a cadmiui1l

sulfi dec uprous sul fide combi nat ion in

which the two sem ico nduc tors are laye red

on molybdenum the n covered w ith a transshyparent gold fil m T his thin-fi lm cons trucshy

tio n i ideal for solar devices explai ns

Profess ur Ro n Fawcett because large

surface areas are needed for maximum

exposu re to the sun

T he fabrication process devel oped by

Ro n and patented in 1980 in vo lve electroshy

depos iting cadmium sulfide o nto molybshy

denum then layering cuprous sulfide over the cadm ium sulfide by an ion exchange

process Finally the gold 11 1m is added by

vacuum de pos ition Ron es timates that

thi n-film de ices could be manufac tu red in

this way for about S$25 per squ are metre

E lectro pla ting of se m ic ondu ct ors

would enabl e photo voltai c dev ices to be

manu factured in a continuous process

rathe r than indi vidua lly as i required w ith

s ingle crysta l s ilic on Such ce lls ha ve

ach ieved conversio n of solar to electrica l

energy at an e ffi cienc y o f I per cent to date T he researchers are co nfide nt they can

achieve fi to 8 per cent cffi ieney compared

to the calcul ated max imum e ffi c iency of II

per cent Pro fessor Michae l oc ivera is ork ing

on photoe lec troc hem ical systems in which a

sem icond uctor electrode im mersed in an

elec tro lyte solution converts inci dent li g ht

into a n electric a l cu rren t Such se mishy

conductor lilju id junction cells offe r p racti shy

cal ad van tages because uf the sponta neom format ion o f a junc tio n I mproved effishy

ciency fo r po lycrysta lli ne sem iconductors

has been a hi eved in ce lb of th is type in part becau~e the liqu id estab li shes unshy

iformly good COntac t wi th the e l etrode

The li gh t -~ens it i ve electrode in photoshy

e lec trochem ical ce lls is a sem ic o nductor

e it her a thin-fi lm or s ingle c rysta l a tt ached

to a metal back ing the other e lec trode is an

inert me ta l T he e l ectrode~ are immersed in

~ n elect rol yte solutio n o f a mater ial that carl do nate and accep t elect rons The b igges t

prob lem with many li lj ui d junct io n ce lls

~ays Mike is photocorros iol1 of the su rshy

face of the se miconductor To overcome

thi s problem he is developing materi a ls and

techniques to coat the e lectrodes with proshy

tec tive materiab

The first liquid junction cells with a

sili con anode opera ted for only a matter of

seconds befo re the e lec trode was des troyed

by corrosion Researche rs at the Solar Energy Research Insti tu te in C o lorado

U SA have developed a silicon anode

w ith a polypyrro le protect ive coating which

can o perate for hund reds o f hours but that is

still not long eno ugh for a viable commershy

cia l syste m

M ike and his colleague are making a

syste matic study of compounds tha t wi ll

both protect the electrode from corrosion

and catal yze the elect rode rca tion They

arc now worki ng with organo me tall ic comshy

pounds co mpris ing a metal atom sulfur

and an aromatic co m pone nt containing a func tiona l group li ke hyd roxy l sul phonate

ammoni um and nitroso

hese compounds are effect ive beshy

ca use they prov ide a mechanism to transfer

a ch arge bet ween the se mi co nd uctor and the e lectro n donor in solut io n The coating mus t

also be transpilrent e nough to a llow the light

to s trike the photocleetrode

To date they ha ve suneeded in deshy

veloping fi ve coat ings su itab le fo r a variet y

or se miconduc tors incl uding the polyshy

crysta ll ine cadm ium su lfide e lectrodes fabshy

riltated by Ron Fawce tt s method If polyshy

crystalli ne elec trodes can be fab ri (a ted and

coated wi th a protec tive materia l electroshy

chemically they wi ll be relati ve ly inexpe nshy

ive to manufac ture If the tech niques and processe s be ing

inve ~l igated by Ron Fawce tt and Mike Coc ivera de ve lop to tht ir full poten tial the

su n cou ld beco me a more import ant supplier

o f e lectri city in Ca nada Long-range proshy

jectio ns suggest that about 10 per cent of No rth A m rican e lectr ic it y could be proshy

duced from solar convers ion

Elec tric ity fro m the sun is no longer a

pipe-dream-it is a reachable goa l n

Grad News Louise (Sandall) Platt BA 69 is living

in Islington and teaching for the Etobico ke

Board of Educati on

Alexander Barton BSc 70 MSc 74 is work ing on a Ph D deg ree in the

Departme nt of Fishe ries and W ildlife at

Orego n Sta te uni vers ity

Gerry Kupferschmidt BSc 70 MSc

71 is living at R R I Osgoodc and is

tmployed as a sc ientific ad ise r to the


Murray Ross Gingrich BSc 71 Ii ves in

Brampto n and is work ing as a probation

officer for the Ministry o f Correc tio nal


Robert Cross BSc 72 M D is workshy

ing in the emergency department o f the

So uth Muskoka Hospital in Bracebridge

Edda Duva (Home) Kerr BA 74 lives

in G ue lph and is working as a program

co-ordinator for Casatta Ltd in Kitchener

Deanne Ch)y BSc 78 Ii ves in Etob ishy

coke and is working as a public health

inspector for the Ham ilton Wentwo rth Reshy

gio nal Health Unit

Alex McDonald BSc 79 PhD 83 and his wife Rosanne ( DeNobriga) BSc

79 are living in Austi n Texas whil e Alex

is do ing post-doctoral work at the Unishy

vers ity o f Texas

Ste~en Oliver BSc 79 o f Hamilton is a

medica l sa les repre sentati ve with Cyanamid

Canada Inc

Gordon Knox BSc 79 is a con~ ul ta nt

with Inform ation Systems Serv ices in Vicshy

toria BC

George Gillson BSc 80 is taki ng a

Ph D in Anal ytica l C hemis try at the Uni shyve rsity of Alberta 0


The College o f Arts Alumni Associat ion

DELPHA Editor Debbie (Nash) Chambers 77

has no w acquired the Shaw Festival ArshyThe Deans Roundup chives on permanent deposit T his is an

Last fall I had the privilege of speakshy

ing to the direc tors of the University of G uelph Alumn i Assoc iation to bring them

up to date on some of the excit ing things connected with the College of Arts I am gratefu l to the editor of DELPHA for this

opportu nity to let alumni readers know what we are do ing

I am pleased to be able to report a subs tant ial increase in enrolment both in the

B A program and in the College o f Arts this past yea r What is especially nice is that this has coincided with a dec is ion to tighte n our

standards at the admissions level and in the regulations for continuatio n of study

In o rder to grad uate B A students

who entered the Spring 19~3 Semester will need to obtai n a C average in 60 per cent of the courses they take

Most of o ur students are doing thi s now and we do not antici pate this will pose any

problem for the students whom we are ad mitting Next year students en tering the

B A program will be required to have Grade 13 English and we are strongly encouraging them to offer a Mathematics credit o r o ne in French or ano ther language

Applications from students wish ing to enter the B A program in the Fall 1983 Semester

are up subs tantia lly over last yea r I also want to share with you some

ha ppenings which have brought special delight to me

The U ni ve rsi ty of Guelph Choir

under director Ge rald e ufeld won second prize in the 1982 CSC nation al chora l competition

In the Harbourfront a rt show last

sum mer three o f o ur students had works se lected by the jury and each won a prize shya better show ing than any of the other O nshy

tario universities or colleges which entend T he C anadian- American Urban Hisshy

tory Co nference held at G uelph in A ugust

1982 was a tremendous success bringing sc holars from many parts of the United States and Canada to discuss new trends in urban studies

Dean David Murray

In the space of just a few months I have seen seven books published by faculty in the Co llege The subjects include Rudyard

Kipl ing Greek Philosophy Urban History Evolution and Darwinism Reli gion and Tolerance the dramatist Gra nville Barker

and a nove l written in French Last summer also saw the completion

of a very successful facu lty exchange beshy

tween o ur Department of Eng lish and the

Uni vers ity of Reading in Britain Dr Leslie Monkman went to Reading for the year and Dr Coral Howell s visited Guelph This

opportunity enab led Dr Howells to study modern C anadian writers and she is now

working o n a book to be published in Britain o n Canadian women wri ters Dr

Mo nkman lectured on Canadian literature at various places in Britain and in France as well as in Reading

T hro ugh the e fforts of the Department of Drama and its chairman Dr Leonard

Conolly and C ollections Librarian Jo hn Moldenhauer 68 the Uni versi ty Library

ex tremely valuab le re sou rce for theatre

scholars a nd the Univers ity is ve ry pleased to have a closer connection with the Shaw Festi val The Drama Department also has

Professor Dan Laurence the world s leadshying Shaw scholar as a distinguished Visitshy

ing Professor lor the ra il Semester Two large conferences were organized

during the Spring and Summer by faculty

and students in the Co llege Professor Ted Cowan of the History Department was in charge of the Scottish Heritage Festival held in uelph in May The Fes tival was a

ce lebrati on of the S co t~ 1d their contribushytion~ to Canada

In Au gust the Uni vers ity will host a major conference o n Common wealth lite rashy

ture bringing writers and schol ars to Guelph from allover the Com monweal th Professor Doug K illam chairman of the Department of English and a number o f col leagues are

now busily preparing to welcome guests from around the world

Through our liaison programs we have pioneered special day - long seminars at the

niversity for gifted children in Wellington County T he se programs are part of o ur commitment to assist secondary schools in meeting the challe nges of special education

J know many o f you will also be interes ted in knowing that last sLi mmer the

College awarded three new scholarships two of the m honouring the cont ribution made by former faculty members J Percy

Sm ith and W Stanford Reid The other marked the first presentation of the Edward Johnson Music Foundation scholarships for students in the music program

We are al l ac ute ly co nscious of the

financial pressure affecting the UnivLr ~ ity

of Guelph and othe r Canadian unive rsities

But we mus t no t le t these pressures detract from the vision of academic excellence to

which we are committed J think you will agree from the exaln ~Jk middot ha ve cited that this vision continues to glow brightly in spite of our financial plight We hope we can

co ntinue to co unt on your advice and your suppurt 0


It Was a Very Good Year T he Direc tor or the College of Arts Alumni Assoc iation have had a bus y year In January we launched o ur hrst Caree rs i lglll for in -coure stude nlgt Thanks to the exce lle nce and enthusiasm of our pane l l1len1bcr the evening was a success

Careers Night is to become an annual event and we would appreciate you r particishypation Any Art s grads wh o wo uld like to

vo lunteer their expertise for the e vening please do not hesita te to contact us

The Directors were also busy a rshyranling the second an nu al art show shyDI MENSIO NS middotS3 Due to the treme nd ous response to DI M ENSIOtS 82 the art show co mmittee organized DIM ENSIO NS 83 as aJu ricd show We are hoping that nex t yea r we will be able to mount a photography show as well a an art sho w

As you are probably aware in 1970 Wellington College was reo rganized into the Colleges of Arts Physic al Sc ience and Socia l Science This year our Assoc iation was asked to se lect a new College logo Thankgt to Dean Dav id Murray and the Deans Counc il we were given permission to use the graphics on the College of Art s Gold Medal It can be see n in the masthead of thi s issue The logo was designed by Erich Barth art dire ctor Department of [nshyformation and enco mpasses the di verse di s shycipiJnes fou nd within the College of Arts

Grad News Catharine (Gilnerlson ) Scott 70 is a wage and salary anal ys t tnivers it y of Waterl oo

Linda la) Bell 72 i the assistant conshysultant for thlto gifted We llington County Boa rd of Education GueJph

Lynn Barbeau 74 is the curator Educa shytion and xtension Macdo nald Stewart Art

entre Guelph

Wltlynr WellJauler 75 is corpora te mar shyke ting manager Gore Mutua l In surance Company Cambridgc

Renate Fisc her 76 is a consultant with the Woods Gordon Divisio n of Cl arkson Go rdon Chartered Acco untants Kitchener

jane Morley O AC MSc 81 is a career co nsultant Counse llin g and Student Reshysource Centre Un iversity of Guelph

Through the generos ity of the Alma Mater Fund our Assoc iation has been able to e stablish nv e sc holars hip s Thre e DELPHA awards for Gue lph alumni to continue their slUdi es at the gradu ate level at the University and two awa rds for part-time mature students These awards are greatly appreciated by the students who have reshyce ived th e m

Congratulatio ns are th e order of the day for Juli e (Russe ll ) Thur 78 Associashytion past pre sident and Linda Mackenz ie shyCordi ck 8 1 Assocration secre tary treas shyurer on the birth of their daug hters in March We wi sh them joy in their yo ung-

David Dell 76 is the in fo rmation o ffic er Reg ion of Pee l Brmiddotampton

jeff Miller 82 is a s tage manager for Profes sional Theatres Toronto

The above eight alumni were panel )11ember-s at our first annual Careers sJ ig ht held ea rlier th i yea r On ce again we offer our sincere thanks for their pani ci pation

lhugarel Reare 68 is senior research o f hee l Minis try of th e Soli citor General Ottawd

William Thiels 73 is a sys te ms analyst with Eas tman Kodak CO Roche ster t Y US A

Shardie D SteHnson 77 is assistant marketing manager Marsh and 1cLennan Ltd Winnipeg Man

Donald Syme 77 is with marketing pe rsonne l IC F Sydne y Australia

sters and look forward to the ir continued help in the Assoc ia tion in the future

C Nould lik e to re mind our fell ow alu mni to jo in or renew their membership in our Association De hbie ( Nash) Cham bers 77 editor of DF LPH A wo uld lik e any Ideas lor future artick that vould catch your interes t Our Assoc iati o n would also apprec ia te heari ng from you re gardin g eve nts that you wou ld be interested in attending Pl ease drop us a line in order that we may serve you better thus ~ eeping the line of co mmunic ation oren bet ween you and yo ur Alma v1ater

In closing I would like to acknowlmiddot edge With great a pprec iati o n the a istance that has been o ffclTU our Board of Direc tors over the pasl year

As al ways Dea n David Murray has bee n a va lued ad visor I wo uld li ke to thank Professor Ted Cowa n Department o f History for his Sprin g 19K3 OEPHA article on the Scottish Heritage Festival and Judy (Ma in) Ca rson 75 for he r help in preparalron of feature articles Spec ial thank s arc also ex tended to Rosemary Clark Mac 59 Asis tant Director Proshyg rams Dep artment of Alumni Affairs and Deve lopment and our Board of Directo rs who have wo rk ed so hard to mak e thi s a successful year

The term of 19X2-B3 has been a very grati fying one for all mem bers of the Associations Boa rd o t Directors We loo k for ward to 19K3-K4 anJ hope to hear from you Q

J ane Francis 78 is With Ilublic relations Vancouver Stock EXchange Vancou ver B C

Jonie Bunce 79 is a teacher 01 Art English and Thcatre Arts at 1 A Turn er Secondary School BrdrllptOl

Deborah Salmon 79 is married to Richard Light BS( 80 and li ves in Japanec Shc worb for the Empl o) mc nt and Im migrati on Commi ssion dnd Ri chlrJ works for a darrv in Kin gs to n

Shelagh Stevens 79 it station U)lllrshytwlle r Department o f -J atiunal [dc nce in f ova Slmiddototia

lidwtl Glanb 81 is a supervisor mar shyke ting comrlluni~ations Pitney-Bowe s oj

Canada Ltd Don Mill s

john (llanllllUnd ) Zelasko 81 rs ~ I

courtr(lOrn artist WKBW Buffalo New Ymk US I C



Alumnus of

Honollr 1983

Helen Christine AbeD Mac 38D

Amo ng the forerunners in the fie ld of rural soc iol ogy not only in Canada

but throughout the world and with a long career as a professor in numerous un iversities ac ross Canada Dr Helen C Abell has und oubted ly do ne much to promote a world -w ide reputation for her Alma Mater

Dr Abell has been most active in a numbe r of United Nat io ns programs designed to foster development of th ose in the Third World countrie s Although os ten sibl y retired she still co nt inues her wo rk as a cons ult ant in Socio-Economic De ve lopme nt assisti ng in develop ing sho rt -term project s as the occasion ari ses

As well as a Macdona ld Ins titu te Diploshyma Dr Abell obtained a BHSc (H ome Economics) from the Universi ty of Toro nto in 1941 and an MS (Human Nutrition) and a Ph D (major Rural Sociology and Agri cul shytural Economics) from Cornell University in 1947 and 1951 re specti vel y 0

Page 5: Guelph Alumnus Magazine, Summer 1983

Atthe picni( IlIn(h The Aji fc onomics harhecue VG AA IIImediate Pal t Presidellt

j a ll P (Vo lick) Wehste r F4CS

75 with Pres idellt Fors ter

A tOllr SIO[i (lith e Ca rrio jiC Ho us(

Olll~()illg OVCAA Prelid t A rci1 ic Mo cKin shy

IIll ove n iill Dr We lld Porker (JVC

71 the U VC Ail ljirSljilwle [i re s idol


john Robersoli OAC 3R alld ijra ndda llg hter Ma ndy Portio

Class oJ Ma c 33 ot the Golden A nni erlon Dinner


Olr hI sc h oo l hlls ro rh e

CBSA 1I poundlow Gor ge Walk

- J ~

OurgoinR OACAA Prelide nr H enr I SWnlel

OAC 55 righi (lll d il1 m ll1ing Presidenl Don

RiseJro llgh O AC 77

Dr A Gram MiIlt lI l r OAC 35 lIlI d ove 38 l ei Presidellr Friellds (~ u or G lIi rh

M orin FunsfOn OAC 32

AI rhl pO II ((k l In(akjclSf

LIII(hrilllei)r PUIII Milard OAC 67 I ilt Lindo (11pound1 rh eir

liJlr l o l(lIgsrers

Oea ll S it~er OA 5 1 i lll Iw rr rai rl Ii) rh e OAC Jourti f(JO JJ1 jro l1l OA C

72 f( R2 unci iJl hOlnlti-oll1 OAC 83 L fIJ ) MllrJ( I POrrlOIlS OAC R3 Weekend 83 O oro rhl SI jr er rhe 0 1( 11 a lld ValeriI Wen OAC 83A


Class oj () AC U (If rh e Col dclI Allll i (Is( r l Dinner


Pauline StepsDoWD An intervie w with Dr Pauline McGibbon by Andrea Mudry Fawcett

A In stepping down as Chancellor you are leaving people at the niversity of Guelph with many memories including your rather spectacular arrival in 1977 in horsemiddotdrawn land au and the time you took off from convocation in a helicopter What memorie s of the University will you take away with you

P Well I will certainl y remember the beautiful campu s and the friendline ss of everybody At Guelph s Board of Governors meetings I was struck by the vast difference between what was almost a famil y affair as compared to the Governing Council at the Uni versit y of Toronto where [ was pre viously Chancellor really liked the meetings of the Board of Governors at Guelph The meetings at Toronto

are so much larger with people sitting in rows in a room Perhaps you feel more intimidated to get up and speak Not that that ever applies to me

A As Lieutenant-Governor of Ontario and Chancellor of two uni versities you have fulfilled role s which involve a fair amount of pomp and circum stance Do you feel that there is a place in the modern world for such ceremonie s

P Yes I feel very strongl y about that about graduati on ceremonies for example That is one time when a university publicly pays tr ibute to student s for what they have achieved Perhaps for the first time the graduates and

their families are going to see that they are now part of an ac ademic tradition I would like to compliment Gudph on the way the faculty turns out for graduation Because the acauemic procession as it enters with faculty members in co lourful gowns robes and ca ps from uni vcrsities around the world adds greatl y to

the ceremo ny It s awfully nice to ee such colour to hear the orches tra and that excellent choir you ha ve I rea ll y love the graduation cere mony

A How did you develop th is feeling fo r tradition ) Did the fac t that you studied hi story at uni versity co ntribute to thi s apprec iation)

P Really I think it s my sense of theatre Tha t~ o ff the top of my head because [ ve

never thought about the que stion before But I do ha ve a tendency whether it s in a church a

uni ve rsity the leg isl ature or the House of Commons of always see ing ceremonies with that theat ri cal look behind my eye People should be able to feel that they are taking part in a meaningful occas ion

A So it is not mere ly a question of staging a ceremony but ol really undeliining the fact that th is ri tual is part of an important tradition The theatric s then become mainl y a means of helping to convey that fact Did your family haw a strong sense of tradition

P I dont know that [ was really conscious of such things before atte nding uni ve rs it y Whil e growing up in Sarnia I doubt very much that I was co nsc ious of tradi tions Perhaps it started during my univerSity years

You must reme mber that [ came from a communit y of about IS 000 to the Uni ve rsity of Toronto where I lived in residence I was just so w ide-eyed Eve rything seemed so glamorous You know I came down with money fr om my grandfather who said I was not to sta y if I didn t like it Before I left he gave me the trai n fare home You see I was co mpletely spoil ed Of course I just loved it

A T he fac t th at you were Ontari os Lieutenant-Governor while you were the Chancellor at Guelph ce rtai nly me ant that you were busy But also as Her Majesty the Queen s offi c ial representative yo u were not free to speak on education oron politics Would you care to comment on the state of educati on now

P Well heal th and education are making terrifi c finan cial demands on provincial budgets J get completel y torn between wanting to see more money in both en velopes if you want to put it that way Im rea lly concerned about the l ack of money for our uni versities I think that they re right down to the bone and Im concerned about the fu ture If things dont improve then were goi ng to lose our staff to


III rl m gllition of her service to the Unimiddotersi since 1977 Dr Pauline M cGibbon

IllI S prlsented with two millia ture hand- craft ed replicas of th e Uni vers ity mace a t a

SenateBoard of Governors dinne r during sprin g Com oealio ll on lU1I 1 I With hlr

is Prrgtsident Donald Forster

the United Sta tes O ur eq uipment is getting old

and has to be re placed as do o ur buildings I

just wish we could find mo re mo ney in o ur unive rs ities and J use that in the plural

A It has been co mmented that sin ce Do n

Fo rste r is a bache lo r you ha ve been helpful in

setting him at ease in the social aspec ts o f his

role For examp le yo u me ntioned the

graduatio n lunche o ns

P We ll Don was Pro vos t when I was the

Chancellor at Toronto su tha t we were not

strangers to o ne another no t that we knew each

o ther that we ll Poss ibl y the fact that he had

wa tched me in ac tio n at Toronto may be one

reaso n why he asked me if I wo uld le t my name

stand as C hance llor fo r G ue lph Now I ve

rJs hl y said that Ill be glad to do an ything I can

do to he lp hi m whe n he co mes to Toronto as

Preside nt It is not going to be easy for hi m

A You have bee n the firs t woma n to hold many

othe r key positi ons hese incl ude bei ng

Director of IBM Ltd Presi dent of the Canadian Co nference o f the Arts and

Lie utenant-Gove rn or of On tari o Is this

indi cati ve o f aeha nge in peo pl e s perceptio n of

women s abil i ties w he ther it is in bu si nes

ed ucat io n or government

P Ve ry definitely attitudes are changing I

co nsider that at the begi nning I Jus t happened

to be in the right pl ace at the righ t t ime Howeve r a ll you have to do is watch the

finan cia l pages o f you r newspaper to see the way wome n are coming ahead Such changes

are partly due lthink to the femini st

moveme nt whi ch emphas ized and broug ht to

the attention o f people so me o f the handicaps under which women were functi o ning

ow I m not o ne who supported the

Ch ancelor Paufine McGibbon raquoith

extremes o f the feminist movement such as the

extra vagant prose the hraburni ng all tha t type

o f stuff I ca ll it stuff yet in the nex t breath

I say it did have an im pact Whethe r the y agreed or disagreed people a t las t began to

thi nk about ce rta in issues concerning wome n Pro bl ems w ith sa laries career advanccment

and pr j udi ce suc h as the idea that it is no t

good to work fo r a wo man a r~ example

The moveme nt seems to have slowed

duwn now I see both s ides and on no t consider

my~e l f a fence -s itte r l think the majority o f

people realize w hat certa inl y reali zed all

alo ng Yo u cannu t ge t ahead withou t the

suppo rt of men Men and wo me n have gut to

work toge ther fo r the ben fi t o f both I ha ve to

say in all hones ty that [never felt di sc ri minated

aga ins t in any way no matter wh at [ dio I ve

always gotte n al ong we ll with men Ilike men

and they sec m to l ike me

A M aybe that is part o fil T hey sense that the

rel a tio nship is a positive one Yo u enjoy their

company they enjoy yo urs and they can see

that you ha ve the mcessary qualit ies fo r a g ive n

pos itio n

Vell it s ce rtainly go ing to be the end o f

an era a t Guelph when you and Do n leave Im

sure thin gs will ca rry o n and there will be ne w

delights but were a lways sor ry to see a fine

time end

P Thank yo u Id hate to have yo u not feel

sor ry tha t we are leav ing But the new

Chancell or Bill Ste wart isjus t go ing to be

tops He had an assoc iatio n with Guel ph for a lo ng time when he was Ministerof Agriculture

I can t th ink of a better choice 0

Erich Barth arl director Enf orillaion Se rshy

vices who co-ordinaled the creation of Ihe two Uniersity iliacI lII in iafures th at

Yoere presented to her One mace is a displm model a bout on e-eigh th f ull size the o ther repli ca is a j our- in ch kill p in


Dual Income Families

Presstires and

By Mary Cocivera

A stroll through a typical neighbourhood

shatters any illusions about mothers stayin g at home with their young children

Most neighbo urhoods that a decade ago

would ha ve been bu stling with coffee klatches

neighbours visiting over the fence and back yards full of children playing are now all but deserted during the week

Young mo thers are not home with their

preschool children Instead they are in shops factories and offices working to help stretch

their families budgets Women particularly mothers of young

children are working outside the home in increasing numbers In 1971 in two-parent

families 38 pe r cent of mothers with children

under 16 worked outside the home By 1977 that proportion had increased to 58 per cent

The increases are even more dramatic for

women with children under s ix years old the

gro up traditio nally portrayed as staying home with their preschool children F ro m 1971 to 1977 the proportion of these mothers from

two-parent familie s who worked outside the home rose from 41 per cent to 51 per cent

Participation in the labour force has

increased steadily fo r all women since 1960 when fewer than 30 per cent of women over 25 were in the labo ur force By 1982 more than 48

per cent of the same group worked outside the home Further inc reases are prOjected until at least 1985 Canadas Families a doc ument

based on the 1976 census reported that in 54 per cent of families both spouses were working

o llts ide the home

Payoffs Why the Change

Women have been entering the labour

force for a variety of reasons economic ami otherwise Professor Kathleen Brown a family

economist in the Department of Family Studies suggests that soc ial pressures have

pushed many women particularly those in middle-age withgrown children out of the

house and in searc h of self-fulfillment Some of these women ma y feel theyre

missing something by staying at home when most of their peers are working outs ide the home and have their own discretionary income

Hard cold ca sh is the reason behind most womens decision to work o utside the homc Young families are particularly vulnerable to

economic upheaval s Profess or Brown explains because their expenses peak before their incomes

Many young two-income couples stretched their budgets in the early 1970s to

purchase a hou se with the expectatio n that their inco mes would rise and the payments would beco me increasingly eas ier to make

Then interest rates soared they had to renew

their mortgages at much higher rates and their la rger monthly payments s till needed two or mo re incomes to meet those payments

Wives who intended to stop working outside the home to have a family suddenly

realized that they wo uld have to keep working to keep the family home They were counting

on continued economic growth and on inflatio n eas ing their debt burden observe Professor Brown but they didn t allow enough flexibility to adjust to developments like the

unexpectedly high mortgage rates Some middle c la ss home owners may

actually be worse off no w than they were in the early 1970s according to consumer economist


Professor W ill iam Frisbee from the De partment of Consumer Studies T his problem is likely to be particularly aeu te among families who purchased homes in the 1970s W hat has caught families in the wild t1uctuation

in interest rates We can no longer ant icipate what the situation will be like in th ree or four years Conside ring that buying a house is a 25shyto 30-year proposilion this uncertainty can really put families in a bind

Wives who work outside the home have not only saved many a family home but they have kept low income families above the poverty line Women and Poverty a report

by the National Council of Welfare published in 1979 estimates that 52 per cent more two- spouse income families would fall below

the poverty line if the wives did not work outs ide the home

Wives who work outside the home

represent all social and economic strata from the lowest income families to the very highest

Many wives who are pursuing life-long careers always expected to work outside the home and

they married men who supported their ambitions

At the other extre me are women who

never planned to work outside the hom or who intended to stop working outside the home if children arrived These women frequently married men who believe that the husband

should be able to provide for his family W hen these women venture outside the

home to work there can be tremendous conflict

between the traditional values and the financial

necess ity of going out to work Their husbands often feel that their role as famil y head and bread w inner is being undermined They have d iffi culty cop ing with their wives increased independence and economic clout the wives try to live both the traditional role and carry on with thei r jobs

Far-Reaching Benefits Women enter the labour force for

monetary reasons bu t o ft en the payo ffs go far beyond the economic The late Professor A nne Cal laga n who was a soci al worker and

soc iolog ist in the Department of Family Stud ies believed that women be nefi t psychologically and that marriages can be stre ngthe ned whe n both part ne rs work outside the home Ci ting a study about the

decision-making process in famili es she observed that most couples start married life

with an equal rights relationship The wife s input into important decisions

reaches its lowest point when she is stuck at home with small children As the children get older and more independent the wife regains

some of her say in family dec isions but her input never reaches the level she enjoyed a t the beg inning of the marriage A wife who works outside the home maintains her influence in

decision- mak ing throughout the marriage With both partners working husband and

wifc are forced to communicate more and to work out the often complex arrangements for the care of the children Increased comshy

municat ion leads to more companionship In the trad it ional family with a husband who

has a job and a wife who does not work outside the home the wife organizes the children and the couple s social life

In many cases she and her husband operate in completely different spheres and communication declines Many of these marriages flounder in mid-life because there is little in the way of common interest after the

children leave home Many observers have linked marriage

failure to economic woes and to women

working outside the home Professor Callagan challenged this link The wife by working

helps combat one of the biggest sources of stress faced by married couples - money

Professor Frisbee wonders whether marital problems that have been blamed on

fi nancial woes are really caused at least in part

by isolation and loneliness [n geographically mobile societies young

couples often move away from both fam ily and friends and sell Ie in communities where they

have no close personal ties with other peo ple Whe n the pressures of jobs child care arrangeshyments and finances become too much to handle such familie s cannot call on parents

grandparents brothers and sisters and long-established friends T he pressure s become

in te rnal ized to the im mediate family and the relationship cracks under the stress

In spite of the pressures and demands of a job outside the home a wife enjoys personal

benefi ts according to Professor Callagan By contributing in a concrete visible way to purchasing the house (and the car and the food)

she earns the appreciation of her husband and chil dre and thus enhances her se lf esteem

By simply gelling out of the hou e a mother with ajob becomes more indep ndent builds a social life of her own and develops interes ts outside of he r house and fam il y All of

thi s adds up to beller mental health

Changing Roles If w ives are entering the labour force are

the ir husbands accepting more of the responsibi lity for raising the children and running the home

Roles at home have not changed as much

as some would expect Studies in Vancouver and Hal ifax found that men increase their house work and child care contributions by an average of one hour a week when their wives get jobs o utside the home

It appears that most men seem to make

their contributions in the more pleasant tasks such as putting the children to bed By and large the working mother s till has to contend wi th the laundry cleaning shopp ing cook ing and famil y scheduli ng If one of the chi ldren

gets s ick it is sti ll the mother who is usua lly

expected to adjust her schedule

Yet to come is a real sharing of the chore s around the house a perceptible shi ft in the division of labour at home

Wo men w ith jobs are no t limited to

mothers in two-parent families Divorced widowed and single women who mayor may not have children also compete for those jobs and face the same if not worse economic

pressures Wives with jobs outs ide the home

however are ojlel di smissed as not

economically important because many people assume (incorrectly) that they have husbands to

sUPflort them and their real job is to take care of the ir children

Todays thousa nds of moms who work

outside the home challenge this outmoded

notion Their pay cheques are as impo rtant a contribution to theirfamilies as their husbands

A report by the C anad ian Advisory

Council on the Statlls o f Women points out that between 1969 and 1979 the number of women in the labour force inc reased by 616 per cent with the g reatest gain being among mothers of young children

Between 1976 and 1980 according to the report the number of mothers with children under three who were in the labour force

increased by a staggering 276 per cent This raises important questions about societys ability to cope with these social changes

Some 15 or 20 years ago the mother who worked outside the home was the exception rather than the rule She could make arrangements with an obli g ing neighbour to

care for her chil d re n all Jay or to intercept them after sc hool and at lunch time

Today mothers without jobs are the

exception Find ing the obliging ne ighbour is becoming more diffic ult and famili es are making more fo rmal arrangements for day care and afte r school care In many cit ies however the re is not enough day care to fil l this demand

Here to Stay It has been pred icted tha t w ives will keep

working outs ide the ho me because they will have to Fami lies will become u ed to the com fort o f a two- income standard of l iv ing and will be unwilling or unable to g ive it up

The socia l forces that have led women in search of self fulfill me nt and equality in the work place w ill continue to influence womens

life work Many young girls still think of a job as a temporary situation but the reality is that being ma rried happily ever after is a myth for most women Women and Poverty points out th a 94 out of every 100 women marry but only 26 of them can expect to live w ith their

husbands until death Some 53 of the original 94 will become w idows and 15 will divorce or

separate Todays wives and mothers who work outs ide the home will be better prepared to

pursue life on their own if and when they

have to 0


The Stewart Bennett Bequest middot $600000 By John Hearn

When Stewart B nnett industriali st

fa rmer catt le and horse hreeder 3rt

colle tor and past member of the nivers ity of Guelph s Board of Governo rs di ed in Aug us t last year his will specified a bequest o f

$600 000 to the University which w~s

co nfinned on the death of h is widow Violet

w ho al so died last yea r

By any standards Stewart Ben nett s life

must be described as a success story a 90-year record o f persona l achievement any man m ight

envy Born in T oronto in 1892 he graduated in

engineering from the Uni ve rs ity of Toronto went up to Oxford Jo ined the Roya l Eng ineers on the outbreak of World War One served wi th di stinction as a captain and was awarded the

Military Cross He re turned to the niversity of Townto

to lec ture at the fac uity o f Applied Sc ience from 192 1 to 1925 then launched a busin ss career which was to lead to directorships with some of the country s most succe ss ful corporations

These included the Phoenix Assurance Co of herd which has been sending champions to niversity of Guelph goes back to the days Canada Dominion Stores Ltd the Boiler international Ii vestock expositions for more when he was a member of the Board of Rege nts Inspection and Ass urance Co of Canada and than 40 years The firs t Canadian-bred Shortshy of the Federated Colleges and remained to

the C anada Permanent Trust Company He horn bull to be shipped to Scotland was sent by serve as a member o f the nivcrsitys first became pres ident of Beardmore amp Company in Scotsdale Farm in 1970 and as recently as Board of Governo rs for another e ig ht years 1940 and served as vice-president of Canada 1981 Stewart Ben nett had the upre me He was al so president of the Royal Packers Inc for 18 years Champion Bull at the eNE Agricultural Winter Fair in 1953-4 and se rved

It might be argued however as to who While all this was going on he was for many years on it s executive T he Royal

was the real Stewart Bennett-the shrewd buildi ng a si gnificant collection of Canadian art Agricultural Winter Fair and the Georgetown

Industrialist or the man who bought himself a and served as a member of the council of the Di s trict Memorial Hospital are equal

540-acre farm in the Credit Valley and turned it Toronto Art Gallery Hi s 100 or more canvasmiddot beneficiaries with the University in his estate

into a beauty spot He lined its handsome ses by Tom Thompson A Y Jackso n and What el se would a man need to round out a driveway with evergreens and dammed streams JE H MacDonald among o the rs have been long and successful life but a perfect marriage

to create a lake as a home for his two swans bequeathed to the Ontario Heritage Foundation and this too was not denied him He married

Th( felle Violet alld Stewart Bennell

Nor was he content to be a city man with a which has al so been named to manage the Violet Letty Fairbanks in 1922 She died 60

country home He is honoured among cattle Be nnett farm years later two months after Stewart of a

breeders for his famous Sc otsdale Shorthorn Stewart Bennetts connection with the broken heart 0

III this picture athe UniersitV s first Board o(Co ernors St ewart 8el1 ( (( is third rolltefl



The AMPUl Experience A Most Significant Training Program For Hospitality Industry Leaders By John Hearn

When The Univers ity of Guelphs Schoo l of Ho tel and Food Administration

s taged a four-week Ad vanced management Program for the Hosp italit y Industry (AMPHI) earlier this year the y presented the

ni versity with an exercise in log istics of unprecedented complex ity Bob Desautels HI-I 7S who as involved in the advance planning fm more than a year before the e vent explaincd the special nature of the prohle m

A MPHI was to be a four-week conce ntrated coursc designed to meet the standards of two dozen o f Canada s most senior hospitality exec utive s who must he regarded not just as expeI1S but also as connoisseurs in the art of loo king after people Meeting those standards assembling an experienced faculty and generating very large quantities o f all-new course material mandated a course fee of $5000 At those rates participants were entitled to expect the hest of everything

The curriculum was programmed in detail fro m 630 am through 1000 pm every day The gt[re nuous nature o t the intellectual demands left the partic ipants with ne ither the time or the energy to do very much in the way of fending for themsel ves Another important constraint was that eve ry activity formal and informal had to be structured in such a way as to be conducive to mainwinin g continuous dialogue betwee n the paI1icipanh at all times

Gicn these criteria Bob sought the aid of vinually evcry serv ice department in the

nivc rgtitj Co-operation was be ne rous and unstintin b middot he rcpmtgt We asked for setvice lllore ugtually as sociated with hetterclss hotch and eve ryone rose to the occasion Faced with such sophisti cated palates food scrv ice had to he at the top 01 the list and Dave Boeckner assistant manager opc rmiddotations Food Services pulled out allthe slOpS tor us

A Public Statement

For Garry Round Food Serv ices director A VlPHI offered a unique o pportunity to make a puhlic statement about the capahililie s of hi orbani7ation which had hee n I()(l~in g for just such a challen ge 10 break through the ima ge prohlem us ually assoeiatcd with universit y

latcrin g

Let s face it he aid unive rsities in bene ral arc popular locati ons for summcr Llln krcnccs Im onc excellent rcason - the price is ri ght Student s roo ms arc availahle at camp-site rates and lor $ IISO a day peopl e

ca n eat well in one of ou r cafeterias What makes thc University of Guelph

different With onc of the bigges t residen t student populations in Canada with in-house catering and an nual sales in the $6 million brmiddotacke t we have a resource base capabl e ot sustaining an hillll ( (lIilil7 ( culinary staff and allowing us to take on special functions that would be impossible for an y other university in Canada

This opinio n was e nthus iasticall y endorsed by the AMPHI participant s wh o aw arded a standing ovation to the s taff led by Domenico Ran alli executi ve chef and Incz Scapinello operations manager during the final banquet - a sea Cood spectacu lar capped by copi ous quantities of Baked Alaska

The final banquet was by no means except ional Steak and lobste r eSla rgot and mushroom ca ps were almost com monpl ace Breakfas t offered a choice of cereals an exoti c display of fresh fruit s and such niceties as eggs bened ict The scale and variety of lunches had to be cut back alter the first week in respo nse to

the part icipants groans of too much

Front Rank Convention Centre

As Inez Scapinello tell s it AMPHI was not so much a challe nge as an opportunity We did nothing we had not do ne before Dome nico was not ca lled upon l(l create any new menu items although we did try some innovati ve combinations

A a howca sc for Domcnico Ranalli talent s A M PH I WIS nothi ng less than a Will dl

il(( Wi th 2~ sucCssivc dinners each of which earned rave re views without once repeati n[ himself and consisting or nothing ne w moves the University of Gue I ph into the front rank of convention centre~

Satis fied that food sc-rv ice was in good hands Bob Desautels wa s able to turn his attentio n 0 other logis til problems

Th e I MPHI course was basltd on the case teachin g method A tcam ofHA PAcase writers worked for more than two yea rs assemhling a packa ge or some 600 studies of critical si tuatio ns pertincnt to the contlrl1porary Canadran hospitalit y sce ne They travelled as lar as British Co lumbia in search or authentil re levant material all of which had 10 be reproduced It was Bob Desautels job to superv ise the printing and hindin g of the IOOD-page required reading Ialk agc hand ed III (deh urthe panic ipants on arrival plus industr)

notes the teaching material s and equipmclll required by the e ight-man facult y under HA FA Director Dr Tom Powers

Sleeping accommodation in the nearest residence to th l Schoo l was a simple student environment with th e addilOn of a private pho ne in each morn In~ talled for the duration of the course Valet and laundry se rvice not usually part of the l niversit ys conference offering was available Credit pri vi leges at the Un ivers ity branch o f the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce was arran ged for each of the participants

Hospitality L e ad ers Night People Successful hospitalit y industry leaders are

marked by certain co mmo n characteristicsshyhigh energy leveis capac ity for long and erratic hours strong people skill s creati vit y and a sense 01 humour The day beginning with a 645 am run continuing through three morning ca studie s followed by study sessions keep fit classes and physica l games in the afternoon and more group study sessions in the evening rare ly ended at the prescribed 1000 pm Hospi tality industry leade rs are night peop le

Stimulated by the intellectual dema nd s of the course and by interaction wit h thei r peers and faculty (w ho stayed with thern right through the long day) the y we re till left with energy to burn off in a serie s of theme parti es whi ch sent Bob Desa utels scouring the di strict to su ppl y thei r eso teric demands - one complete fem ale gorilla outfit for cxarn pk

The course ended when Prcsid ent Donald Forste r prese nted the graduate with certificatcs (w hich had 10 be spec iall y designed and printed) and the graduates pre se nted the faculty with mock certificates (which also had to be designed and pri llled)

How well did it all wo rk 0 We c hecked double checked and tripie c hecked eve ry possihilit y in advance said Boh De aute ls The on ly qUls tion we had left on the eve ofthc confe rcncc was whell have we missed As it tran plredthe answer see rns to ha ve heen not much

Participants wcre unanimous rn their evaluation of AMPIII as incomparahl y the mos t si g nificant rnanagementtraining lx pcrr cnce of their liv es All of them werT ve teran s of coursegt g iCn hy uniers itie s private managem ent dc ve lopment institutions and in-house conicrenccs hut none had been through an experienlc as rewarding demanding superhl rganied and positi ve in its long term consequCrlle as this one

For the faculty and gtUpPllrt stall more Jccutorllcdtothc energy leve ls of under shygradulles AvIPHI made unpncccknted phyical and mental demands - hut plans for AMPHI ~I arc alrcadv in the orb and applicant s are lx[1clted from allo ver th e cun tinc nL C



indiviJual champions Peter Domarchuk Mitch Mason hri s Crooks and LeonarJA Year to REMEMBER

By D ick Freeman

A full house in excess of 430 people crowded Peter Clark Hall at the Univershy

sity of Guelph in March to celebrate a year of intercollegiate sports competition and to honshy

our its 198283 champions The year started with a 16 to 10 football

victory over the OQIFC champion the Conshy

corida Stingers and ended with a third consecuti ve CIA U wrestling championship In

between a well-balanced Gryphon athletic program proudly and successfully represented

the University of Guelph When the awards had been announced a

pair of Hockey Gryphons had struck for the hat tri ck Ray Irwin was named the 198283 Male Athlete of the Year the W F Mitchell Sportsman of the Year(forathletics leadersh ip)

Ray Irwin Male Athlete of the Year

When Vice-President Administration Charles Ferguson presented Ray Irwin with

the 1982-83 University ojGuelph Mal e Athlete of the Year award it was the culmination ofa story-book seasonfor the Sudbury native

In earning his third straight first team

all- star berth Ray led the OUAA in assists with 40 and added ten goals to finish as the only dejenceman in the leagues top ten scorers His on-ice brilliance caught the eye of Canadas

Olympic Team and at mid-season he was chosen to represent Canada in a tournament in Czechoslovakia

In a game against the nations numbershy

one ranked Toront o Blues he scored once and assisted on three other scores

Perhaps more significant though was his

selection as the W F Mitchell Sportsman of the Year This award honours leadership and strength ofcharacter two qualities that are

abundant in this HAFA student

and collected his third straight team Most

Valuable Player Trophy Another all-star hockey performer Sue

Scherer was named the Female Athlete of the

Year Sue earlier was named Most Improved Player on the Field Hockey squad as well as

Most Valuable Performer on the Women s Ice Hoc key team

Bev Rankin a member of the Womens

Athle tics Council and Women s Field Hockey team was honoured as the recipient of the W F Mitchell Sportswoma n of the Year Award Other major award winners inc luded Basketballs Greg Hook- Don Cameron

Memorial Trophy for Most Improved Athlete

Volkyballs Michelle Turley - Mary Beverley-Burton Award for Female Rookie of

the Year and Scott Hobson - Ted Wildman Memoria l Trophy as the outstanding graduatshy

ing football player Alderman Jim Whitechurch Arts 8 1

presented City of Guelph plates to Canadi an Champions These included wrestlers Ken Bradford Chris Crooks and Peter Domarchuk

as well as football All-Canadians Pe ter Langshyford Junior Ro binso n Salvatore Benincasa

and vlrke Hudson Hud son it should be noted earned All-Canadian honou rs for the third

consecuti ve year only the second player ever so honoured

In addition to the team Most Valuahle and Mo st Improved awards as listed below the

gathering honoured OWlAA champions Barb Jonak - Arc hery and Jane Herner- Alpine Skiing The mens wrestling team captured a

fourth straight OUAA titl e anchored by


Archery Trophy Barb Janak Most Impro ved Basketball Trop hy (men) Greg Hook Bill Dlmson Memorial Trophy Michael 5cs(0 Demck Lewis Most Irnproved Basketball Trophy (women) Beth Pulsifer Basketball Award (women) Joa nne Hurd Badminton Trophy (women) Kelly Breedon BadmintOn Trophy (me n) Tai Ching Leng Cross-country Running Trophy (womcn) Tracey RObinson Curling Trophy Jill Rowen Brian Davenport Most Improved Field Hockey Trophy Susan Scherer Field Hockey Trophy Karen Mc Bride Most Improved Football Trophy Pat Tracey Letlermens Club Award Mike Eykens Most Improved Ice Hockey Trophy (women) Michelle Turley Coaches Hockey Trophy Susan Scherer Walter Rickard Memorial Trophy Bruce Kilgour Jack Pos Intercollegiate Hockey Award Ray IrwlO leuan Evans Intercollegiate Rugger Trophy Jeff Baldock Most Improved Soccer Trophy Gudio Frasson Bill McAnurf Soccer Trophy BII Davis Most Improved Swimming Award (women) Stephanie Doll Swimming Trophy (women) Pam Johnson Most Improved Swimming Trophy (men) Kirk Weber Swimming Trophy (men) Peter Koiisnyk Synchronized Swimming Trophy Lisa De Laplante Tennis Award (women) Maureen McKillop Most Improved Volleyball Trophy (men) Blair Carley Volleyball Trophy (men) Tim White Mosllmproved Volleyball Trophy (women) Francine Taillefer Volleyball Award (women) Joellen Barr Most Improved Wrestling Trophy Peter Oomarchuk Wrestling Trophy Ken Bradford

Stevano Altogether 18 Gryphons were nameJ

to league all-star teams Two athlete s were presented with trophies

as the best in their sport in Canada Peter Langford the J P Metras Trophy as Canadas

Outstanding Defensive Lineman and Ken Bradford as the Outstanding Wrestkr at the

19828 3 championships Director of Athletics Dave Copp sumshy

med up the year in his closing remarks as he

thanked the athlete s and coaches for their superb efforts We are proud of your achievements in 198283 competition Let us work together to make 198384 eve n more

memorable Judging from the fact that the majority of

alhletcs and guests danced and partied to the wee hours it was obvIOus that they were full of the Gryphon spirit It s truly fun- catch it 0

Su e S cherer Female Athlete of the Year

Vice-Presidelt Academic HOl-ard Clark presentation of the 198283 Female Athlete of the Year (ward to Sue Scherer was greeted with a TOar njpproal Howe le r the awardfor

excellence displa yed in ice hockey andjield hodn was reallv 011 11 the tip of the iceberg

Afifih semester sociolog student Sue anchored the Grlphons defence and in fact

controlled th e oJjensf As if that wasnt enough Sue was the plaving coach and in the combination 0 roles led the hocker Gryphons into th e plar-offs including a regular season

upset of the Ynrk Yeoomen Th e hidden part othe stOrl is perhaps th e

best Sue fills her mml1lers bv starring on the Canadian Nat ional Womens Fastball team In cluded in this hectic schedule were tours nf

Japan Taiwan SO Lllh America and Mexico

Obiouslr the combinatioll astudies and athletics is a healthy one as Sue maintains a

B average at the Unilersity



Newly Elected as

AluDlni Senators Following the annual election for three of the nine alum n i seats on Senate a t the Univers ity the following three alumni have been elected to replace those who will fulfill three-year terms on August

31 1983

Richard D Rich Moccia CBS BSc 76 MSc 78 is a self-employed biologishy

cal research scientist in the aquaculture field (See article Theyve Gone Fishin

Guelph Alumnus Spring 1983 issue

Rich is a past president of the CBS Alumni Associatio n was a vice-president of the UGAA and has served on numerous

adminis trative committees on campus inshycluding a Presidential Special Advisory Committee on Alumni Publications He also was a member of the Alma Mater Fund Advisory Council

In his spare time he has been involved with the Big Brothers Association and Minor League baseball He races motorshycycles for relaxation and fun

Donald C Rose Arts BA 80 MA 82 is a corporate representative with Uniglobe Bay Street Travel Inc of Toronto During

Tony Sobczak Arrs 77

Donald Rose Arts 80

his years at Guelph Donald served as sports editor and production manager with the Onlarion and was a member of Gryphon

soccer and rugby teams

A single man he feels that as an alumni senator he will be able to maintain his concern for the standards of higher education and at the same time maintain the friendships and contacts that he estabshylished while at the Uni versity

Tony K Sobczak Arts BA 77 is general manager of Bailey s Balloon Brigade a restaurant in Toronto While

study ing at Guelph he worked in the

hospitality field with Food Services The Keg and the Elora Mill Restaurant and Inn Following graduation he was employed by the Toronto-Dominion Bank in southshywestern Ontario but two years later

re vived his interest in the hospitality field

Richard Moccia CBS 76

He and his wife Cathy have one son

Tony Jerome T J 11 months old Keen on sports Tony senior runs plays squash

and is a waterskiier

Patricia M G renier Arts 72 is currently serving the unexpired term of alumni Senator Richard Young Arts 76 who re s igned during the third year of his term She will retire as alumni Senator on August

31 1983 Patricia who received a degree of

Master of Library Science from the Univershys ity of Western Ontario in 1973 is coshyordinator Information Services Informashytion Centre Ministry of EducationlMinistry

of College and Universities Toronto Prior to her present position she was a

reference librarian Documentation Centre

at the University of Guelph Library from 1975 to 1980 0

Limited Accreditation for OVC The Ontario Veterinary College of the

University of Guelph has been accorded limited accreditation status by the American Veterinary Medical Association

(A VMA) President Donald Forster anshynounced in May

The decision by the Council of Edllcashytion of the A VMA is based on recommendashy

tions made in the report of an evaluation committee which visited the College for a

short period in October 1982 a report on which the University and the C ollege had an opportunity to comment Most errors of fact in the original report were corrected as a result of the UniversityS comments

This accreditation status means that ove meets or exceeds most but not all

minimal requirements for a satisfactory program in veterinary medicine at least in

the judgment of the Association Limited accreditation is a reduction in

s tatus from full accreditation a status which the College has held and which was

reconfirmed by a previous evaluation in L976 Similar decisions ha ve been made

by the AVMA in the past in the case of programs at other and well-established

veterinary colleges in the United States which faced problems similar to those we are experiencing at the OVC the Presishydent noted

L imited accreditation status may be

maintained for a period of up to five years on the basis of annual reports by the University and the College indicating that any deficiencies are in the process of being corrected At any time during the five-year period the University and the College may

invite the A VMA Council to make a new

evaluation hopefully leading to a return to full accreditation status

A number of factors are identified in

the report as a basis for the Councils decision Most important the report reshy

commends that a better balance between the financial resources and the programs of the College be achieved From this flow two major recommendations Construcshy

tion and renovation be initiated to correct inadequacies in classrooms laboratories

offices and clinical work spaces Also -faculty numbers and specialty expertise be increased and additional time be scheduled for professional development research and other scholarly pursuits

The report also suggests that the

number of support s taff be increased One option identified in the recommendations is

that student numbers be reduced until

conld over


adequate faculty numbers and physical facilitie s can be provided hnally some deficiencies in the area of postgraduate education are also identified

While the University and the College

are naturally disappointed by the Councils conclusions we are not entirely surprised President Forster commented Many of the deficiencies identified in the report have been matters of acute concern for some time and some steps have been taken already to remedy the problems some of which are simply the product of the chronic undershyfunding that Ontario universities have exshyperienced for a number of years

Under the circumstances I commend

the faculty and staff of the Ontario

Veterinary College for working so hard to maintain the reputation and integrity of the program and its graduates during this very difficult period

The President also noted that under A VMA procedures an elaborate appeal process is available to the University A decision has been taken not to appeal the Councils deision even though the Univershysity has reservations about some of the observations in the report

The recommendation s in the report will be reviewed very carefully by the

Uni versity and the College in the coming months the Pre sident indicated and every effort will be made to secure support from government and other sources to

remedy problems which have be e n identified In this connection I wish to

express again our gratitude to the Honourshyable Dennis Timbrel Ontario s Minister of Agriculture and Food for making available to the University special funding in the amount of $J8 million annually for a three-year period in support of programs at the OVe This suppOrt came at a particushylarly crucial time and was most welcomc

Recent discussion with Mr Timbrell and Agriculture Canada have indicated hoth sympathy for and understanding ot the capital needs of the College and there is every hope that substantial support will be forthcoming from both levels of go vernshyment President Forster concluded D

Director Industrial S ervices R onald J Dolynchuk has been appointed Director Indus trial Services for the U nivershysity of G uelph The appointment became effective April I 1983

He will provide a two-way contact between the Un iversity and industry says Dr William Tossell Dean of Research Dea n Tossell points out that Ronald Dolynshychuk will ass ume an integral role in the industrial interact ion strategy recently anshynounced by the University At the same time he will help acquaint University researchers with possible sources of reshysearch contracts and grants within the industria l sector

The new industrial services director says that he sees his ro le somewhat as that of a broker taking the research and te hshynological skills of the campus to inshydustry- Iocal ly provincially and nationshyally W ithin the campus he hopes to play the role of a catal st co-ordinating varied speci alized activities and preparing a marketable package of research and sershyvice attract ive to industry

He says that a campus such as the University of Guelph can offer a consortium of highly specialized and technological expertise to indu stry Such capability can prove to be a powerful factor in attracting new industry to the area he says This may be particularly true in the case of smaller industries that can seldom afford their own highly specialized research facilities

Initially the new director says he will especially target on industries with a direct relationship to those areas of expertise for which the University of Guelph is particushylarly well known These include such sectors as foods and beverage and bioshytechnology

I am especially interested in offering industry a broad-based multi-disciplinary

Ronald 1 Dolynchuk

approach to their problems through includshying such areas as the social sciences in a team of experts he says This would permit the Uni versity to prov ide more complete studies including market research and sociological considerations as well as

scientific or technological resources

The new director of industrial services is no stranger to the University of Guelph campus He has been teaching a course on Business Policy in the School of Agricul shytu ral Economics and Extension Education

Ronald Dolync h uk was most reshycently the sen ior vice- president and general managcr of Linread Canada Limited in Guelph He has worked in industry since 1969 in marketing and managc ment posishytions Born and raised in W innipeg he grauuated in business economics from Inshydiana Un iversity and received a Master of Business dm in islra tion uegree from the same university

Ronald Dolynchuk and his wife and thrce ch il dren have lived in G uelph since 1976 He has b en act ive in the Gue lph Chamber of Commerce the Ro tary Club of G uelph and has served on the Board of Direc tors of the Edward Johnson Mus ic Foundation the Guelph Arts Counci l the G uelph Youth O rchestra and the G ue lph Marlin Aquatic Cl ub He is a lso 1 regis tered soccer re te ree 0

National Universities Week National Universities Week is being observed at universities across the country October 2 to 8 1983 to draw attention to the positive contributions a nd accomplishments made by these institutions in Canadian life A variety of activ ities at campuses will be designed to point out the va lue of the univershysitys teaching research cultural and public ser vice acli~ ities in society

Plans at Guelph include a noon hour series of lectures a nd panels which will look at areas of research on camp us that have far-reach ing etTects on society Members of the pu blic will be invited 10 visit the cam pus during the week to attend events and to tour the facilities

For further information on the National Universities Week program contact Information Services University of Guelph (SI9) 824-4120 Ext 8708 0


Canadian Centre for Toxicology T he Canadian Centre for Toxicol(l t y to he located at the ni ve r~ it y of Guelph and tht University of Toro nto will rt cc ive $ 10 mi ll ion fro lll the Ce clc ra l govern ment for the firs t phase of const ructioll The lunding I contingent on part ic ipation by the Ontario govern me nt ancl the two u ni ve rs it i e~

Dr Jim Sc hroder O VC 42 Me mbCi of Pari iame nl for Guelph pari ia mentary secretary to the Mini ster of Health and We lfare Monique Begin and an 0 C facult y member made the announce me nt on behalf o f The Honourable John Roberts Mini ste r of the En vironment at a press co nfere nce on cam pus in May The fundin g is the fi rst to be announced for more than 100 projects be ing fund eu under the leueral governmcnt s $ 24 bill io n spec ial reco ve ry projec ts program outlined in the April 19 budge t speec h

Pres ident Donalu Forster said that representati ves from the Uni vers it ies of Guelp h ane Toronto met later fo r discusshysions wi th Ontario s Mini ster of the Envishyronment Ke ith Norton and will continue tv di scuss the prov ince s commitmcnt to the Ccntre President Fors ter said he is opti misshyti c abo ut provincial support as Premier Bill Da vis has for the past tw o years expressed strung support for the Centre

President Forster on behalf o f the Unive rs it y of Guelph thanked Dr Schroun fo rthe work he has done to impress upon the federal go vernment the im port ance of a projec t of ve ry co ns iue rab le na tio na l s ignificance The Pres ident c it ed the Centre as an example of the co-operatio n betwee n uni ve rsitie s governments and the pri va te sector

Dr David Strangw ay actin g presishydent Uni versity of Toronto also expressed gtatitude to the federal go ve rnment and Dr Sc hroder He said the joint venture by two uni ve rs iti es tha t have compl ementary strengths is unique He desc ribeu the Ce ntre

Alberta Alumni Reunion

Saturday August 20 1983

200 pm -Bowness Park Calgary

Bring your own picnic

Prizes will be awarded for oldest grad grad who travels farthest

from home etc

L (l i to rii ht D r MeLII middotell Prcs iden Fo rsl fl r Dr Schroderund Dr Sl liI ng loshy(Iu inK Jr f ideill Uni l c rII oToro ll lO

as a world-class model that co uld be looked to in the future Guelphs strengths are in agricultural and veterinary toxicol ogy and Toron to s are espec iall y in toxicology in the med ical and engineerin g fi elcl s En viro nshymental expert ise is we ll deve loped at both uni vers ities

Professor Free man McEwen acting direc tor of the Ce ntre a nd dean of the OA outlined some of the unique features of the Ce ntre which he said is blaz in g a new tra il between gove rnments uni versities and the public sector

The planning and construction of phas one of the facilit y for the project is expected to be compl eteu by late 1986 at a total cost of $236 million When com shypleted the Ce ntre will be part of a netw ork o f toxicology centres across Canada It is ex pected to have a staff at both Guelph and Toronto of 64 sc ient is ts 108 techn ishycians and 109 other staff members The corshyrate headquarte rs will be at the Uni versit y of Guelph 0

Homecoming September 30middot October 1

Friday September 30 700 p m and 1000 pm The Nyl on in conce rt two shows War Me mori al Hall Ticket s $8 50 students and seni ors S9 50 general For ti ckets write Ny lons Tickets nive rs ity of Guel ph Box Ollice Uni vers ity Centre Un ive rs ity of Guelph Guel ph Ontari o N IG 2W I Pl ease make cheque payable to the Univers it y of Guelph and enclose a self- addressed and stamped envelope

Saturday October 1 Morning Homecomin g Paraue For further in fo rm ation contac t John King (519) 824-4120 Ex t 8327

1100 am HA Alu mni Associati on Annual eeting Hotel and Food Admin isshytrati on Building

11 30 am Human Kinet ics Alum ni Association An nual Meeting and Home shycoming Brunch Loca ti on to be anno unced

200 pm Homecornmg Footba ll Game Alumni Stadium Uni vcrsity of Toronto Blues vs Uni versit y of Gue lph Gry phons

630 pm Alumni Din ner Dancc Creelshyman Hall Further detail s co nt act Alumni Office (519) 824-4 l20 Ext 2122 or 87 40

800 pm Post-Game Pub Dance De shypartment of Athl etics gymnas ium 0

CODling Events Sep1216 Aggie Week

17 UGAA Wine Symposium Niagara Peninsula

25 28

Sep 30 Oct 1

Oct 1


Nov 11middot20


Dec 5-8

OAC Alumni Association Golf Tournament

InternationaJ Plowing Match Teviotdale


HAFA Alumni Association Annual Meeting

HK Alumni Association Annual Meeting

MacmiddotFACS Alumni Association Caree rs Night

Royal Agricultural Winter Fair Toronto

OAC Alumni Reception Royal Room CoUseum RAWF Toronto

Night At The Royal Sponsored by the UGAA Toronto chapter

American Association of Equine Practitioners Annual Convention Las Ve gas Nevada USA



The Ontario Veterinary College Alumni Association

EditorALUMNI Dr Cliff Barker 41


Faculty Award for Dr Bob Curtis Dr Bob CUrlis 6 Clinical SllIdies OVe recelllly received a UniversilY of Guelph

FlIcully Associalion Professional Tea ching Award in recognition of his great influence on professional lraining The cira lion in parr sraled He has repeatedlv beuroen honouredfor

his conlriburiOIl 10 educalion He is a respecled elerinarian who is universally retIed us

one of lhe beslleachers Ihis univlrsiry has eper had LeIr 10 righl Dr Russ Willoughbv

57 Dr Wayne Pfeiffer vice-chairman Faculty aSSOCi((lion Dr Bob Curlis 6 and

Dr Mike Wilson chairman Clinical SlUdies 0

For Design Dr Jim 01fa50n 68 owner of the South Su rrey Veterinary Hospital 3221 shy140th S1 Surrey BC received the 19 82 Special Aw ard for Architectu ral Exce llence at the annual merican Animal Hospital Association convention in San Antonio Texa on March 14 1983 The award was prese nted by Velerinary Eco nomi cs Mag(l~ ine a leading business magazi ne for the veterinary profession

T he award was give n in rccognition of the timc and expense Dr O lafsun investcd to design a hosp ital that would enhance its natur al s ur round ings South Su rrey Veterinary Hospital is loca ted in a res idenshyt ia l area and the colors a nd tex tures of the buil ding s ex terior lesse n the impact o f a commerci a l property in the area

The hospital is energy-efficient and includes large winduws and nume rous skyshyli ghts in its design plan Other features incl ude covered walkways a covered parkshying area a nd covered entrances The overall effect minim izes the enclosed fe lin g usushy

ally associatcd with a subterranean struc shytu re and the atte ntion to aesthetic detail produces a truly stunning hospital Con shygratulations Jim 0

Dr doe dohnson T he late Dr Joseph E Johnson 19 ( I R91-1960) who practised for many years in Waterloo was recognized for hi s services to ag riculture in O ntar io when his port rait was hung in the O ntario Agricu ltura l Ha ll of Fame at the O ntario Agricultural Museum Milton His nomination was prese nted by the Ontario Association of Ani mal Breedshyers T he citation presented states

Dr Joseph Edward Joe Johnson a native of Stra throy as a pioneer in the practice of artificial insemination (AI ) in Ontario In 1942 when the Waterloo Cou nty Holste in- Friesian Associ ation made

their fi rst attemp t it was Dr Joe who collected the se men and inse mina ted the cows

For fl ve years he took ti me out o f an already very busy practice to make the new idea work Several younger veterinarians

who workcd with him were later to be in charge of AI units across Ontario

He gradu ated from the O ntario Veterinary College in 1919 and after working in Fergus and Acton set up practice in Waterloo where he worked with the noted Seagram Sta bles

He pioneered the multi-staff clinic approach having as many as four students and grad uates work ing w ith him Because o f th is internship approach Dr Johnson probably had a greater influence o n the practice of large animal vete rinary medicine than any other practicing vete rinarian of his day

The ultimate uccess of the AI sys shytem is due in large part to the work o f this ve terinari an who through trial and error persevered with the technique in its ear ly years 0


One Millionth A third-year O VC student Paul Dick of Gcoroetown recently became the one mi lshylio nth person to pass through the turnstiles o f the O VC Division of the Uni versity Library since the tu rn sti les were installed eight years ago He was gree ted by libshyran ans and fac ulty applause and handshyshakes t1 a~ h i ng camera strobe lights conshygratulations and the pre sentation o f a book Clillical E raminal ion of Ca ll ie

The VC library also serves students from other Colleges Co mprising more tha n 30000 volu mes it e mbraces far more than the veterinary sc iences 0

In a briefcert monv a llellded bv David Hull head Sc ience and Velerinary Science Diision

oj Ihe Library eli and Dean Douglas 1aplesden 50 righl Associa ( Libraria ll John

Black presen l a book 10 one millionlh isilor Paul Dick rig ill cenlre

It Was Bound to Happen Delta chapter of O mega Tau Sigma Fratern ity residence has become co-educational with the admi ssion of 18 women students during 1982-83 em sters For se veral years OVC s women stu dents have been seeking fra ternity membership they fi nally made it in 1982

Galhered onlhei-olll sleps oflh e avc main

Imiiding are 14 of Ih e 18 women slwlel1ls

who resided in Ihe fral house Ihi I r ea r

FrOt1 row I(i llo righ l lennifer Rice

Ion [ Lee Ma rv MOllleilh M iddle ro w

Robill Roscol Kale Flanigan Lisa Tavlor Debbie Blech Lesli e Hu ngall Back row

l ana Kl llOn Carol Phillips l ennifer

TrollghlO n lulv Keenliside Healher Ross

Michele Durnall MissinRfrom Ihe piClure

are Brenda FOSler Chris Barrl es

Keily-LeiRh Thomas and Laura Hunl 0

Letters to the Editor Or Bert Ca rswell 7 1 of Brooks Alt a has repli ed to o ur request for informatio n on the watch fob letters F L T (O VCAA Alumni Bulletin March 19H3 Special Supmiddot pl ement) by sugges ting these stand for Friendship Lo ve and Truth the motto of the Indepcndent Order of Odd fell ows Are the re further op i nions~

Dr Alexander Bruyns 32 Sequin Was hington S A has se nt us informashytion on the Royal Canadian Army Veterishynary Corp (O VCA Alumni Bulletin

March 1983 S pec ial Supple ment) He was a ve te ri na ry offi ce r with the Gove rn o r Gcnerals Horse Guards in Toronto o n joini ng the RCAVC in 1938 and me ntioned the late Dr A R Yo unie 14 who served

with the RCAVC in World War One Further inform ation re RCAVC officers would be apprec iated

Dr Donald MacDonald 54 o f Edmo nshyton Ita also replied to our RCAVC inquiry with informatio n on the Corps badges He is a collector of militaria especi ally militar y cap badges o f which he has a collection of over 1600 He states cap badges of the RC VC are as scarce as he n s tee th

The O VC museum has o btained cap and uni form badges from Dr G A Rose IS la t address Picton and Dr W A Robenson 16 Tsawwassen BC eachof whom served as veterinary officers during World War O ne 0

In Memoriam Dr Owen Hinton 25 died on January 22 1983 in Florida Las t add ress Rt 4 Box 139 Jasper Florida US A 32052

Dr Vernon jensen 33 died on Dcshyce mber II 19 R2 Las t address 2485 Lon-din Lane St Paul in nesota US A

Dr Edward Burke 35 died on Ja nuary 21 1983 Las t addr ss P OBox 326 So uthport Conn US A 06490

Dr jack Warren 39 Date of death no t reported Last addre ss RR 3 W heatl y Ontario OP 2PO

Dr Wilfred Sherwin 40 died o n 0 tobc r 6 1982 Last address 432 W Washi ngton Street ampa Idaho S A83651

D r j ames Watt 49 died in August 1982 Las t address 790 Ho rtop Avenue Osha wa Ontario LlG 4N8

Or Peggy Godkin 55 died o n Decem ber 5 1982 Last address Inni sfai l Alt a 0

PEl Gets It T he Toro nto Glohe ald Mail of Fe bruary 19 1983 carried the follow ing announce shyment Charl otte town (CP) - Agric ultu re Minister Eugene W he lan announced today that $500000 has bee n appropri ated to

begin architectural pl ans fo r I $26-mi ll ion veterinary college here He sa id at a new confe rence the federal Go vern me nt w ill put up half the co nstruc tion cos t if the three Marit ime p rov inces s ha re t he o ther $ 13-lTI illi on out lay 0


The College of Social Science Alumni Association

PEGAS-US Editor Dorothy Barnes 78

stori ng The Log Farm a farmhouse dating back to the late 1800s Michelle says Michelle and Mustech thi s was a terrific expcrience and the best

N omad pioneer student administrator curator You mi ght ask what these words ha ve in common and the answer you would receive would be that they all aptly describe Miche lle McMillan 77

Mi chelle graduated with a degree in SociologyAnthropology At the same time she graduated from Algonquin Community Collegt with a correspondence course dipshyloma in what she terms M ustec h - Muse um Technology majoring In Exshyhibit esign

Currently assistant director at the Guelph Ci vic Muse um she has held thi s position since the spring of 1979 Her responsibilities include those of regis trar (mai nta ining dltaikd [i Ii ng systems) for the con serva tion of artifacts and ex hibit work She is co-ordinator of some 40 vo lunteers who are in volved in all facets of museum work (to become a muse um vo lunteer all one has to do is call Michelle and arrange for an interview )

When interviewing Michclk it was obvious she has a love for her work that she will pass on to oth~rs possibly some of the young children attending the education programs she supervi ses at the Guelph Civic Museum

Her mothers parents were homeshysteaders and she was brouoht up on stories about pioneering Her interest in pioneering and the Indian way of life was fo stered by a mothe r who had Indian friends and who would often visit these friends experiencshying their way of life even to sleeping quite often in a tepee

Thi s and the fac t that her family moved around a lo t from west to east influenced Michelles deep and lasting love of the past although with a lau gh she says Now I am of the opinion that my mother had a tendency to present a romantic version of the whole situation - espec ially to me as a young child It certainly influenced my interest in studying Anthropol ogy

Michelles ed ucation and working exshyperiences have bee n very infl uential in nurturing her love of the past She started

out at the University of Western On tario but left for perso nal reasons She worked for a ye ar and while working beca me apprenshyticed as a pattern drafter

ichelle mo ved to Ottawa after she had worked the year and regi stereu at Carl eto n Universi ty in Anthropology She studied this for one year and then became aware of a program offered at Algonquin Communit y College on the subject Mu seum Tech nolo gy

Her placement s in work situation while at Algonquin included a summer helping four yo un g me n on a project at the town of Bells Corners ne ar Ottawa re-

job she ever had There was no electr icity so eve rything

was done by hand Her group res tored doors gable-ends flo ors ceilings rtshypointed stone found at ions and raised the building on hydra uli c jacks The y also gl Lt~d windows re searched the huildin g and organized the veget ab le garden

Othelmiddot experiences have included work at thc Na tio nal Museum of Man thc McM ichae l Canadi an Collcction in Klcin shyburg the Wellington County Muse um and the S imcoe County Museum She has al so been a volunteer teacher at the Plains jndian Iroquois and Inuit Ga lleri es of the National M use um of Man

It was Guelphs gain when Miche lle found he rsel f pulled bac k to stud ying in order to co mplete her degree

Michelle is now well established in her position at the Guelph Civic Muscum and dt las t feels she ha s put dow n roots in a c ity she has an alleg iance to one she loves and fee ls more co mfortable in than any other She is involved in trying to build up a research library on local history and artifacts

When asked for pearl s of wisdom fo r new graduates Michelle volunteered that pcople need practical ex perience along with formal learning to balance their percept ion of a ro lc How apropos 0

Th e Cullege uf So cial Science Alumlli Associatioll ill-course scholarships ere Jreserl(d

rnelltlmiddot to lei Junine Crallt Ceog uJJnmiddot olld Virginia Suth erland Psrchologv Attending

tht un lIlOnr wert right Pro(essor Juliu s fugl Department oCeogrupilr and Pr(essor

Mike M(lIh f II~ Iei chuirmun DeJurtlllen t 0 PI cilologr Th e scilolorshiJI 01 $200

each oreul1ded in purt hr all (11 1(( gru llti-om til ( Alma Mawr Fu nd


Lan e Smit h 78 is a so ftware spec ialist Barbara (Cherry) Wilson 80 is pres shyGrad News with Software Ke netics in epean ently res iding at 45 Emily Street Grimsby

Ron Beveridge 67 is an e lementary special counselor with School District 88 Terrace B C

C R ichard Buc k 70 practices law WIth the firm of Weyli e Shortt Buck Hanshybridge Reidl Casselli and Mitchell in Waterloo

Lee D Wetherall 75 is an exec utive ass istant with AIcan in Kingston

Stewart McCann 76 is a lec turer with the University of Alberta Edmonton

Peter J Stanczyk 76 is living at 9940 Fa irmount Drive S E Apartment A-4

C algary Alta Since concluding his studies at Guelph Peter attended the social work course at Wilfrid Laurier University Watershyloo and received a Master o f Soc ial Work

degree in 1982 Peter is now married and he and his

bride We ndy are established as socia l workers with Alberta Social c rvices and Comm unity Health in Calgary We wish Peter and Wend y much happiness in their new partnership success in their choscn fi e ld and contentment in the ir Ii vc s together

Ted Boniface 77 is now n eative direc tor for Ce ntra l Al berta Broadcasting (CKRDshy

T V CKRD-AM and C FCR-FM) in Red Deer Ted has bee n awarded four c itations by the Radi o Bureau of C anada and was nominated for an Aetra Award as producer of the hes t radio program of1979 O ld news we reali ze but how are we going to know o therwise unless you let us know Thanks

Ted for updating us on your activities

Gurnam Singh 77 is an MC A student at the niversity of Ottawa

Roderick Hodgson 78 is back in his home town of H udson Que Rod is emshyployed by the Town of H udson Publi c

Works Departme nt he al so serves on the Town Planning C ommittee and is activel y involved with the volunteer fire department

Perr y Wilson 78 is liv ing in Spirit River Alta Since graduating from G uelph Perry

has obtained a masters degree in Anthropolshyogy from McG ill University and is princ ishypal of Ste Marie Elementary School in Spirit River

John Boyle 78 is presently living at RR 2 Brampton

Karen Russell 78 is a teacher with the Dufferin County Board of Education at Parkinson Centennial School Orangeville

Vicky Su therland 78 is an air traffi c

controller with the Mini stry of Transport Calgary Alta

Susan W alkowiak 78 is a real estate agent with the Safeguard Real Es tate Comshy

pan y Toronto

Craig Willms 78 is an assistant manager with the Toronto-Dominion Bank Watershy


Gordon Cominey 79 is a priest with the Holy Trinity Anglican Church in Edmonshy

ton Alta

Carol (Fogarty) Knox 79 is presentl y residi ng at R R 5 Woodstoc k

Susan Laushway 79 is a probation office r with the Solic itor G eneral of Alshybe rta in Edmonton

Richard E Larente 79 is production manager at Mac Mil lan Bloedel Ville

Mont-Ro yal Q ue

Bryce Andrews 80 has dec ided to conshytinul his education at the n i ve r~ ity of

Weste rn Ontario He is working on an M BA

Dianne M Grenier 80 is in her third year of Common Law at the University of Ottawa

Shauneen (McKague ) Bruder 80 is an MBA student at Queens University Kingston

Michele Forrester 80 is a comm unicashytions clerk w ith the Ontario Yo uth Employment Program Queens Park To shy


Peter Madott 80 is an ass istant product manager with S c Johnson an d So n Ltd


Elizabeth (Ferguson ) latos 80 is a volunteer co-ordinator with B ig Bro thersBig Sisters of Carleton County


Jane Stevens 80 is a teac her w ith the

York Board of Education in Aurora

Loretto (MacDonald) Sullivan 80 is an administrative assistant with Kert Advertis shying Toronto

Sylvia (Bossaer) Willms 80 is a Food

Services supervisor at the UI1Iversity of Guelph

Jane (Stevens) Tremblay 80 is a teacher with the York Board of Education Aurora Jane is married to David U of N Dakota

grad of 79

Lee Anne Burton 80 is a teacher with the Dufferin Peel R C SS Board Mi ss isshy


Maureen S inclair-Barnes 80 is an urban planner with the City of Brantford Husband

is Bruce Barnes 82

Su~ Jones 80 is continuing her education at the Univers ity of Alberta She lives at

11441-132 St 405 Edmonton Alta T M IG2 Bro ther-in-law John Sch neider CBS 73 graduated in Marine


Nicholas Boyadjian 81 is a special events co-ordinator with Unive rsity Ce ntre

Administration Uni ve rsity of Guelph

Debra (Philputt ) Gibson 81 is a te acher

w ith Pee l C ount y Board of Education in

Miss issa uga

Jim Gibson 81 is a branch representati ve o ffi cer with the Ca nadian Imperial Ra nk of

CommCfce Toron to

Linda Helin 81 is presen tly res iding in

C utler on the North C hannel of Lake Huron

Patti La France 81 is a teacher residing at 66-50 Fiddl ers Green Road London

Elizabeth (Crighton) Madge 81 is now married and re siding in Lethbridge Alta

Kathleen Martin 81 is a market research analys t w ith As tra Pharmaceutical s Miss i shy


Edward Leong 82 is administration

manager for the J J Tour Se rvi ce at the Jal an M aju Taman Jade Ce ntre Miri Branch Sara wak East Malaysia

Debbie (Ling) Therrien 82 is employed as cashiersale sperson for Gameway s Ark

Ltd Toro nto

Chin Lan (Kat ) Choi 82 is an executive shyofficer with the ational Produc tivity Board in Singapore Since graduating C hin Lan has married C hoi Chee Keong C PS 82 Much happiness and success to you both

John C Close 82 is a teac her with World University Services of Canada in Zimbabshywe Africa John is married to Mary M A Psych 8 1 WLU 0


The College of Biological Science Alumni Associatio~_~

BIO-ALUMNI NEWS Editor Dr John Powell

Executive CBS Alumni Association HONORARY PRES ID ENT Professor Bruce Sells Dean


Dr George Dixon Ph D 80 Zoology

PAST PRESIDENT Marie (Boissonneault) Rush BSc 80 Marine Biology

VICE PRESIDENT Chris Wren BSc 77 Marine Biology

SECRETARY-TREASURER Cam Portt BSc 77 MSc 80 Zoology

DIRECTORS David Airdrie BSc 82 Microbiology Krista Soper BSc 79 Marine Biology Lorrie Cosens BSc 79 Marine Biology Eric Cosens BSc 80 General Biology Keith Harris B Se 76 Marine Biology

EX-OFFICIO DIRECTORS Marie (Boisonneault) Rush BSe 80 Marine Biology Shawn Taylor BSc 83 Aquatic Biology Past President CBSSC Brian Wisenden President CBSSC

FACULTY ADVISORS to be chosen one from each DepartmentSchool

UGAA REPRESENTATIVE S Jan Watshyson BSc 75 Zoology Lorrie (Rolston) Cosens BSc 79 Marine Biology Rob Miln B Sc 81 Marine Biology

EDITOR BlO-ALUMNI NEWS Professhysor John Powell Human Biology 0

Please help us to help you When corresponding or upshydating information or address do tell us not only your year of graduation but your discipline

Where Are They Now The following 20 names were entered on the College of Biological Science Honour Roll for years 1976 and 1977 We w ish to know how your career has progressed and

FALL 1976

Brenda Henry (Marine Biology) and Winter 77

janis Kay 78 (Genetics) and Winter 77

Laurence McClure OVC 81 (Unshyspecialized and Winter 77

Linda (Nelson) Sinclair 78 (Human Kinetics) and Spring 77


Sherry (Bondorenko) Miller 77 (Hushyman Kinetics)

jellrey Chernoff 77 (Unspecialized)

Wendy Harris 77 (Major in Biology)

C harlene Kopansky 77 (Human Kineshytics)

Peter MacDonald (Human Kinetics) and Winter 78

Blain Mollatt (Microbiology)

Darjo Romani 78 (Major in Biology) also Fall 77 and Winter 78

Barry Rosen~rg 77 (Unspecialized)

Cheryl Rowe 77 (Human Kinetics)

FALL 1977

Gregory Casey 79 (Microbiology) also Fall 78 and Winter 79

William Crins 78 (Botany)

jill Cross OVC 82 (Unspecialized)

what you are doing currently Do you have intere s ting episodes to relate in the BIO-ALUMNI NEWS Please lets hear from you

David C a mpbell 78 (Major in Biology)

Richard Proctor 80 (Ecology)

Carolyn Robertson (U nspecialized)

joanne (Ryder) G unby 79 (Genetics) and Winter 79 0

Grad Bash 1983

Organized jointly by the CBS Alumni Association and the CBS Students Council in April more than 280 students alumni current and former staff and faculty sat down for dinner prior to presentations being made to our dean

Contributions came from members of the College and a bird sculpture fashioned by Uta Strelive Zoology was the first of many gifts

Next came a memory book containing many letters photographs clippings and a variety of incidents all pieced together by Association president Marie (Boissonshyneault) Rush 80

Betty Roff gave the dean a special book of clippings collected by herself Two framed portraits of Professor Ronald one already hung in the main office of McNally house the other for the Ronald family completed the tributes

Altogether this gathering was a fitting acknowledgement of a great man who has done great things for us all 0


Scholarships In the Names of

Ronald and PoweU The CBS Alumni Association is pleased to announce the introduction of a scholarship for graduate students in the name of Proshy

fessor Keith Ronald Professor Rona ld as of July I had served for 12 years as the first dean of the CBS and the awarding of a

sc holarship in his name is a fitting tribute to

all he has done fo r the College the Univershys ity and the CBS Alumni Assoc iation

The Hum an Kine tics Alu mni Assoc iashy

tion anno unced its intention to name an undergraduate scholarship in the School of Human Biology in the name of Dr John T Powell as he retires from the Unive rsity in 1984

Do nations to eithe r or both of these

sc holarship funds shou ld be sent direc tl y to the Department of Alumni Affairs and Development-clearly ind icati ng to which sc ho la rs hip your donation is to be alloca ted - or when contributing to the Alma M ater F und noting that your monie s

be channeled to the sc holars hip of yo ur choice 0

Grad News Biological S cience

Lesley (Wilson) Barton 73 and Bruce 70 MSc 74 live in Keremeos B C R R No I VOX JNO will find them

E thel Anita Hamilton 79 and hu sband

Wayne Barcha r d 76 MSc 79 live in Hali fax NS where Ethel is a habitat proshy

tec tion technician with fishe ries and Oceans while Wayne is head Office Assessment Scction Environment Canada 3rd Floor 45 Alderney Drive Dartmouth N S

Marilynne (Wise) McCausland 77 is a research microbiolog ist with Molson Bre wshyeries of Canada Ltd and may be reached at 1555 No tre Dame East Montrea l Que H2L 2R5

Michael W Tate 79 write s mos t kindly thanking us for kee ping people in touch through th is column He is a teac her at Mo rnings tar Secondary School in Mi ss isshysauga

Natalie Mary Olynyk 79 may be reached at 3 120 Duffer in Street in T oronto where she is re staurant manager for Olyn yk Foods Ltd

Marine Biology

Gl en A Packman 74 and Sharon (Noda ) Arts 72 li ve at 21 Albion Road Hali fax S B3P IP8 Glen is a senior

biologist with En vironment Canada

Jo l1n Plumb 76 and M arianne (Conshynoly ) 77 may be reached at 37 Coldstrea m Road Box 303 Munster Ont KOA 3PO John works as an indu strial engineer with

the Mitel Corporation - Kan ata

Human Kinetics and Human Biology

Joy (Reid) Tomes 70 is a team coshyordinator with the Workman s Co mpensashytion Board- 2 Bloor St East Toronto Ont oM7W IA2

Terry Obi Oblinski 71 holds the pos it io n of supervisor with the 3M Comshypa ny at 2 Craig Street Pe rt h Onto K7 H 3C5

Robert T a p Fawcett 72 teac hes at the W 1 Fenton Secondary Schoo l R R 0 10 in Brampton Ont L6V 3 2

Marie-Andree (Pi lon) Poulin now teache h igh school in Montreal write her at 76 Lesage Repent igny Que J3A 5Y5

Dr Tom Elmslic 74 M-Sc 77 is a g lutton for punishment as he isjust complet ing another MSc this time in Epidemi o lshyogy at McM as ter University preparatory to his return to Ottawa

Glen Paterson 78 of 16 Da lto n A ve nue T hunder Bay On t P7B 4E9 is ea rl y chi ldhood educato r with the Confederation o f Applied Art s and Technology B ro ther Larry R Paterson g radu ated with a BLA in 69

Eric bullbull Art Arthurs 80 is s till at 12272 shy110 Avenue Edmonton Alta T5M 2L3 He work s for Consolidated Concrete Limshyi ted as a dragl i ne opera tor

Henry Fox 81 lives at 1520 Verdi La Salle Que H8l I K4

Christine (Krumbacher) F()se 81 may be reached at Box 252 2 Banff Alta TOL OCO

Ch rist ine (Novakuske) Lavallee MSc 81 is a stude nt again stud ying French and living at 0428A Larose A ve nue Mo nt real Que H2B 2Z2

Ginger (Thompson) Elmore 81 seeks work in the geriatric field Are you able to help Write he r please at 107 Ontario Avenue Komoka Onto NOL IRO

Don Doc Wilson 81 is physica l direc tor at the Waterloo Family YMCA Lincol n Road Waterloo Ont N2J 2N8

Jan McMullan 82 ne wly wedded to Mark Newcombe MSc 83 is presently ass istant manager - Ri ordan s Sport S 183 Silvercreek Parkway in Guelph She tells us of four co usins who have g raduated fro m Guelph - Brenda (Bu lton) Dagg CSS 72 Bryce Dagg 72 Donald Sifton 70 and Bonnie (Sifto n) W alsh C SS 72

Fisheries and Wildlife

Lorna l Depuydt 77 is a price specia li st with Massey-Fe rg uso n Her adshydress is 3941 Whispering Wa No 6 Grand Rapids Mich USA 49506

Steven Kerr 77 works as di s trict biologist for the Mi nistry of Natu ra l Reshysources - 611 Ninth Avenue Eas t O wen Sound Ont NOH IS O

Richa rd P Bekolay 77 MSc 80 R R N o ) Carp Ont KOA ILO is a program analyst with Digital Equipment Corporation at Kanata

Marie Legrow 80 is once aga in a s tudent at Gue lp h li ving in Guelph at [02 Queen St reet North IE 4S I


Ann (Stewart) Gray 79 and husband Dr eil Gray 76 li ve at 40) - 251 Platts Lanc in London Ont N6 H 4P4 Ann is a re search assistant at the Universi ty of We stshyern Ontari o

Robe- W Marks 81 is a production trainee with Labatt Brewin g Comp any in Kitchene r


Dr Rob J Van Exan 74 MSc 76 PhD79 ho lds the position of manager Cell Culture Produc tion with Connaught Laboratories 1755 Steeles Avenue West Will owdale Ont M2R 3T4

Chuck Yipchuk 78 wo rks in Quebec 87 Senneville Road Sennev ille a s c oshyordinator of da ta at Bi o- Re search Laboratori es

Dr Harr y Nixon Chabwela W eza MSc 79 P h D 82 may be contacted at loni Katandika Vtllage Chief Kakumbi P O Box 154 Chipata Za mbia where he is a bio log ist wi th National Parks

Douglas Stendahl MSc 79 is with the -federal government s Minist ry o f Indian Affairs and Northe rn De velopment- P O Box 1500 Yukon N W T He is water quality officer


Rick Proctor 80 is a consultant with I P Sharp Associates 2 First Canadian Place Toronto Ont M5X IE3 0


The Ontario Agricultural College Alumni Association

ALUMNI NEWS EdJtor Dr Harvey W Caldwell 51

Financial Management Related to Agriculture One of the main sessions at the OAC Agricu ltural Conference 83 dealt wit h financial management as it relates to agricu lture Robert Sanderson who is with the Ontario Farm Adjustment Asshysistance Program was a main speaker and presented the following paper

Ten years ago most farmers were smilingshyagr icu lt ure see med to have finally gained its reward Worl d short age s of food provided ampl e markets and steadily rising prices lor prac tica lly all crops

Thi s idea li s ti c situation continued for a co uple of years until the granaries of the wo rl d were refi li ed De mand then norshyma li zed and pri ces for most agricultural prod ucts hega n to dec line In spite of price dec lines and li mited markets co nsiderable optimi sm conti nued to be fe lt o n the farm sce ne thro ughout mos t of the 1970s

Late in that peri od infl a ti on reall y ca ught fi re rai sing inpu t cos ts for supplie s and labour The ri se in land pri ces exceeded the most optimis tic es timates during this sa me time

In an a tte mpt to s te m thi s ra mpant infla tio n interes t rates increased almost threefo ld beg inning In 1979 and the world hega n it s slide into recession Farml and prices ceased to r ise in 198 1 and are now crumbli ng wi th uncer tain ty and lac k o f demand

We have no doub ts abo ut th e successshyful future o f ag ri cult ure hcre in Ontari o but today for many farmers adj ugtt me nts are necessa ry to remain so lve nt and for too many oth ers bo th adj ustme nts and so me ass iq an ce are necessary for their prese nt and future surviva l

There are some who are beyo nd he lp and farm bankru ptcies are at their highest leve l since the grea t Depression o f the 1930s These cond it io ns brought about the crea tio n of the On tari o Farm AdJustmcn t Ass istance Program (OFA AP) T hi s proshygram during 1 9~2 has bee n assisting eli g ible farmers who needed he lp

The re are two prime reaso ns fo r


fin anci al woes cited by appl ican ts - high interes t rates and lower farm incomes On the other hand the prime reaso n fo r ~ome

farmen probl ems e ited by lenders is ove r-e xpansion We be li eve both views are va lid and unques ti onabl y are respo ns ible for the prese nt ago ny and unres t on 100

many Ontario farms Le nde rs cite seve ral o the r importa nt

reaSl)l1S whic h also bea r o n the prob le m The borrowers oft e n refe r to them too but usuall y wit h di fferen t emphasis ThcY em shyphas ize the c lt treme instability of fa rm income the se rious lac k of pro per pl an ning bu dge ting accmatc farm record and fin all y the practice of making unprodu ctive investmcnts

Because of the qualifying criteria asshysociated ith an application for as s istan ce from OfAAP one must keep in mind that our observations are limited to about 10 per ce nt of Ontario farm operatlolls That 10 per ce nt is cl ose to the bottom of the gro up on the bas is o f financial sec urity OFA AP assista nce is limited to those produc ing Iood and tobacco Therefore data regard in g proshyducers of fl owers nursery stock race shyhorscs etc ha ( no t come he fore us and the financ ial ituati ons ltlr not inc luded in any of o ur informati o n

Applica ti ons have been appro ved for farmers operating all across the pro vince

Of the to tal approved about 20 per ce nt were in swine prod uctio n abou t 15 per ce nt were in eac h of cash crop prod uction da iry producti on and beef prod uct ion 4 per cen t were in fruit and vege ta ble prod uctio n 3 pel cent were tobacco fa rmers and the Ies t co mbinations of the above Those farm ers producing etgs and poultry were fe w

I n a review of appli ca tio ns for OFAAP ass istance several COl1ll1lo n sce nari os co nshytin ue to ap pear on a so me what re petiti ve has is and are ca tegorized as fo ll ows

1 Young or Beginning Farmers

Th ose under 35 years o f age wen res pons ishybl e for nearl y ha lf o f a ll the app li cati ons In thi s gro up are many who have Just begun fa rm ing Mo~ t of these arc victims of inopport un e tim ing hav in g acq uired land buildings and equ ipme nt be twee n 1979 and 19R2 For the m the combinati on o f lower th an ex pee ted prices of farm produc ts and the extre me inc reases in the ir fi na nc ing charges due to hi gh interes t rates_ have becn dlvas tatin g This is partic ul arl y true where Illos t assets were fi nanced the bcg inshyning equit y be in g Illodes t

2 The Aggres sive Expansionist

Many farmers who did well farming on a

modlst basis in the mid-70s dec ided that s ince o ne farm was pro fitabl e two wo uld be bette r three be tter than two Aggress ive

expan sion mos tl y on c redit du ring this i ntl a tio nary pe riod produced many paper millionaires in the farm co mmunity by the late 70s The elation fo r some of these

fa rmers d id not lasl far into the 80s T hose with 100 much bo rro wed cap ital

found that the ir farm income c ul d not

support the debt load So me of these

atlcmpted fu rthe r borro wing in an e ffort to mai nta in their ho l ding ~ and fo und ou t like o thers before them th at it is imposs ible to

borro w your way out of debt O thers so ld or tried to sell some o f the ir land o r eq uipment in an effort to re ti re at leasl o me of the ir cri ppling de bt and there by salvage at

least a part o f the ir operation

One rather sad varia tio n o f this las t s itua tion occ urs occ as io na lly whe re a

farmer who has had a succes~ fu l and so lvent opera tion decide to ex pand to a llow a son

o r so n- in-law into the bus in ss because of a des ire on the part of the young per on to

farm or occasionally because he is no t employed The expansion in Jand and eljuipment particularly if it occu rred in the

last three years and if it were do ne mainl y o n credit with a mortgage taken on his once so lvent operation has robbed the farmer of

his security and his peace of mind Furthershy

mo re in some of these s ituations the disappointed newcomer in the bus iness moved on leaving dear o ld dad to make the best of it

3 The Equipment Enthusiast

Another scenario concerns the man who is o bsessed with the need to ac quire equipshyment or to make add ition s and improveshy

ments to a lready adequate buildings To pay

for it out of the revolvi ng operating loan or to finance it in other ways withou t first having established that it will pay for itself will inevitably c reate financial problem s

Whe re there has been a general disregard for thi s kind of purchas ing the end resu lt has usually been disas trous

4 Natural Disasters

We regularly see the result s of natural

disas ters - floods windstorms hail frost disease and fires All of the se misfortunes can be c rippling to any operation but when adequate insurance coverage is not carried or if one of these di sasters occur whe n a farmers equity is low or when hi s princi pal and interest charges consume much o f his income it can be disastrous to his economic

pos ition

5 Family Unity

From OFAAP applicatio ns it is noted that some farmers who experience a marriage break- up seem to have diffi culty maintainshy

ing fi nanc ial solvency W hen asse ts are

di vided and whe n atte nt ion to management

is di e r ted hccause o f family pro blems the farm operation is often morta ll y wounded

Farmers and farm op ratnr are much more vulnerable in this si tua tio n because thei r

wives arc o ften much more invol ved in the e lllerprise than in non- farm situations

6 Offmiddot Farm Income

Appl ications incl ude a great nu mher of

insta nces in which if it were not fo r 0 ffmiddot fa rm income o f either the farmer or his wife or

occas io na lly both the ir farm o peratio n wo uld be tota lly un viable and unab le to continue to fu nc tion It is well the n fo r

those in th se c ircumstances to r cogniu tha t if the off-farnl inco me should e nd it wo uld also mea n the te rmination of the

farming operatio n

7 Enterprise Changes

A review 0 f appli ca tions indicates that some

farmers are hoping to comple tely change

thei r c rop or li ves toc k programs attemptin g perhaps to outguess the marke t and to

improve their financial return s Sometimes the expectation in vo lved in the dec is ion is

correct but so o ften when the costs inshyvol ved in the c hange are considered little

has been gai ned and where the deci s ion to change was unwi se co nsiderable loss is

usually the result The ot her extreme to this

situation is rigidity to the poi nt of makin g no changes at all

8 Manage ment

The management ability of any applicant

farmer is difficult to assess Most applicants are not known and there is no opportunity to assess the actual farm operation Ho wever

experience with OFAA P emph asizes that good financial management is c ritical to the

success of any farm operation Here is a li s t of definite Do and

Do nts that should be much in the minds of farmers operating in the present financial climate All of these suggestions re tlect the ex periences we have had working with

appli ca tions for O FAA P

The Definite Dos

Do base an operation on an informed farm

plan keep ing and using good record~ and approved acco unting proced ures Do work c losely wi th the credit source shy

usually the banker Plan and work within

approved revo lving ope rating loan limits Make regular cred it payments when due and when unable to make p ro per arrange shy

ments ahead of time w ith your c reditor or credito rs Do make necessary adju stme nts in land and equipm e nt befo re u nder tak ing further borrow in g Do shop around for cred it and i nve~ tig ate

ava il ah le programs to cu t credit cos ts Do pay off on loans when surplus cas h is

ava il able It won t be any fun but it w ill

he lp to re tain sol vency Do try to ma intai n stability in your far m o peration and kee p the peace a t h IllC

Do seek the professi o nal adv ice of you r ag ric ultu ra l represe ntative anJ Ir indwtry fiel d per~on ne I

The Definite Donts

Dont borrow for capita l items unless they

are abso lu te I y necessary Dont make capi ta l purchases with funds

frolll your revo lvi ng opera ting account w ithout co nsul ta tion and agreeme nt with

the bank manager Dont expand any operation without sound

pl ann ing Dont plunge and make rapid changes in

the ope rati ng patte rn without so und consultation 0

Partners For 70 Years

Arthur Cowie 09 now 95 and his wife Nina now 92 were married March 19 1913 near Nel son B C They li ved in

HC for three years then returned to Caledo nia where Arthur worked for the A

Jone s bakery He returned to the 200-acre farm homestead in 1922 when his father

was kill ed in a farm accident Arthur se rved in the 19305 and early

19405 as co uncillor and also served as

a Ju s tice of the Peace for the farm communit y

Nina Co wie whose g reat lo ve was

dancing has onl y one regre t and that is tha t she could never get her hu sband o nto the -dance floor The Scotti ~ h dances Hig hlan d

tlin gs and Scotti sh reels made hi s head spin He played the record s and watched

from the sidelines while ina did the danc ing

They have no secrets tor a long happ y marriage excep t working at it Theyve

done Jus t tha t for 70 years Bes t wishes to them both 0


OACGrads on Faculty at Nova Scotia Ag College

Lauranne Sanderson M Sc 81 is with the Humanities Department She specialized in Animal Science in her undershygraduate years but added to that a master program in Agricultural Economics Lauranne has lived on a mi xed lives t()c k and cash crop farm in southern O ntario At the No va Scotia Agricultural College (NSAC) she is teaching Tec hnical W riting but is specializing in the area of Com munications and Agricultural Extension

Barbara (Otrysko) Mulkewytch 78 MSc 81 is with the Plant Science Deshypartment Prior to her appointment at NSAC she was employed as a potato crops specialist with the New Brunswick Departshyment of Agriculture Her teaching and research will include projects on potato and crop protect ion

Yes Surry MSc 81 is with the Economics and Busi ness De partment Yves was born in Pamiers France has an M A fro m the nivers ity of Pari s and is in the process of completing his Ph D from Guelph Yves has a strong interes t in teachshying and his research interests hould be a welcome addition to the reg ion He is pre sent ly teaching courses in Micro and Macro Economic Theory

Laurie (Gaunt) Connor 73 is w ith the Department of Animal Science She earned MSc and Ph D degrees specia li zi ng in reproduct ion phys iology from the nivershysity o f Manitoba Prior to joining NSAC she was a NSERC Vi iting Fellow at the Animal Research Centre in Ottawa Her teaching and research work is mainly in the re producti ve physiology field

Also at NSAC are Sheree Porter CSS 79 and Myrna (Porter) Blenkhorn 76 John Shug 37A and 40 is the sec re tary o f the Nova Scotia Agricultural College Alumni Association 0

Please help us to help you When corresponding or upshydating information or address do tell us not only your year of graduation but your discipline

Th ree generatiuns of heramify were present when fleather Rohinson right centre FACS 83 graduated ut Wim er Convocation With her f rom [eji to righture her grandfather John Inglis her moth er Vlarirn (Inglis ) Robinson Mac 55 0 member of the Uni versirys Boord of Govern ors ond her father Doug Rohinson 53

Above Mllrrav Ma cGregor 5 1 lei with the winners of the OAC s 25th annual Alumni Curling Bon spiel Left to right GeorRe Robinson 651 Mu rrav Elliotl 65A Keith Murru 65A and Jern- Forestell 6511 Right OAC Alumni Associashytion president Hell ry Slanle 55 right was preslntedwith un engraved pewta stein to recugnie 25 years of participation ill Ihe bOlspiel Conshygratuluting Henry is Bill Harrison 62 bonspiei commillee chuirman


the individual members excellence andThe Ronald S Ritchie Le cture integri ty

This idea for the new body was not accepted by members of Cabinet They

The Opening Up of PubHc PoHcy The Opening Up of Public Policy was

Selllior Michael Piffields fopic when he

delifred fhe annual Ronald S Rifchie

LeclUre of fhe UniversifY in March

A Rmduafe ofSf Lawrence Universify

17 ( graduafed in lawjrom McGill UniversifV

and holds a Rrodlla fe diploma in Public La w

Fom Ih e UlliversifY ofolIa wa H efirsl joined Ihe Public Service as an

wlminislrafive assiSfam in Ihe Depa rimem

oJuslice in 1959 Ialer served onlhe sraffof Ih e Goernor General and as secrelary fO

117 1 Royal Commission on Taxalion In 1965

he joined Ihe Privy Council Office He

became depuly minisler of Consumer and

Corporafe Affairs in 1973 and Ihe followshy

inli year lOok up an appoinfmem as Fellow

in fhe John F Kennedy School of Governshy

mOl (If Harvard Un iversifY In 1975 he

relurned 10 Ollawa as Clerk of fhe Privy

Council and Se crelarv 10 Ihe Cabinel

The annual leclre recognizes Ihe comrihwion made 10 fhe Universily by

former Board of Govemors chairman

ROllald S Rilchie A reporl on Senafor Piffields presemalion follows

Senator Pitfield paid tribute to Rona ld Ritchie his important work in the Glassco Commission and his influence in the estabshylishment of the Institute for Research on Public Policy

In thi s th oug htful and thoughtshyprovoking presentation Senator Pitfield outlined the need for and the desirability of more open discussion before policies are introduced but there are some very real difficulties associated with de vel oping some me chanis m that could foster and encourage such exchanges of ideas

[t was pointed out that because of the high degree of interdependency of modern society and the size and complexity of governments the making of public polic y must be an intellectual subject in its own right not just a conglomeration of di scishyplines It had become evident that

I A methodical analysis of government activity could lead to improvements in government effectiveness

2 Traini ng in making and managment of public policy was crucial and urgent

3 There were few in government who knew why things were done the way they were

4 The making and management of pubshylic policy was a subject unique in itself and required thinking through for itself

5 Universities and other training institushytions were not very useful in this training process universities being too removed from the actual experience of government and the government institutions being withshyout the detachment and intellectual rigour needed

Thus it became evident that there was a need for an institution that would be a repository of knowledge a pl ace of learnshying a foru m for debate and a means of communication co ncerning public policy

Proposal s emerged that the federal go vernment should assis t some of the organizations already in existence Comshypetition became keen and rivalry among institutions re su lted in grander more comshyplex proposals As a result the federal go vernment in 1968 decided to establish a think-tank of its own to take a more rigorous look at public polic y

The idea was not new In many countries the general thinking was that all problems could be so l ved by inrelleclUal anal ysis and the appl ication of modern techshyniques But the ne w Trudeau go vernment went even beyond providing more data It included public debate of public policy

But the think-tank was only one of the initiatives to aid in the formation of policies There was support for political parties through caucus funding offi ce space support staff and regional offices for Members of Parliament and internsh ip programs for students to work as assistan ts to MPs

Other support included green and white papers for discussion commissions of inquiry task forces public funding of non-political grou ps to encourage discusshysion and many others to increase the flow of information for consideration of alternashytives All were done to open up the process o f meaningful debate which would result in more effective and sound decisions

The th ink-tank was to be a centre for var ious kinds of people to di scuss public policy subjects which were often set aside because of day to day pressures At first it was to be very informal with distinguished people invited to participate Its integrity and permanency would be based on that of

were concerned that existing research instishytutes would be damaged They also wanted in volvement of business and professional communities This challenge to broaden the scope was gi ven to Ron Ritchie

Ritchie foresaw an institution that would be independent supported by an endowment which would not only support but st imu late debate on public policy

Man y fears were raised - that such a body would be taken o ver by academics that it would become a clique that govern shyments would battle for control etc But these were dealt with skillfully by Ritch ie and the Institute for Researc h on Public Policy was establ ished

What of its accomplishments~ This institute has been successfu l in

many ways in getting better information into debate [n the ten years since its beginning many studie s have been pubshyli shed It has held many informat ive confershyences and has a unique journal Howeve r despite its efforts open and meaningful debate on public policy is not much more advanced tod ay than it was a decade ago

It is evident that to ach ie ve its objecshytives there mu st be a willingess to change opi nions and the Canadian sys tem prov ides few forums for the changing of minds The bias is towards decision-makers and interest groups not open and meaningful debate

Public debate often takes pl ace after rather than before the decision is taken Thi s may not be what is wanted but policy-making is tilted not tow ards being open but towards being closed

Why has there not been more progress [n h is pre se ntation Mi chael Pitfield refershyred to the fact that the go vernment whose people should discuss the si tuation has become even more confrontational not because of lack of information but because of rigidity in their approach to discussion of public policy

As govern ment ha s grown so have checks and balances which recently have often been linked to lack of confidence Where slim majorities exist a strong opposhysi tion can threaten the government Party di sc ipline becomes severe and ai ring of independent views is discouraged The fear of a government being defeated on the one shyhand and the unyielding demands ot the opposition on the other tends to make the parliamentary process less and less flexible

The result of the foregOing is the tendency of government in modern times to drop solutions on a public th at may not be aware of the problems These solutions are not open to argu ment and debate is reduced

conld over


w ith bias tending towards a cl osed system and less debate

To improve the situation it seems it wlluld be necessary to have a mutual and

ba lanced reduction of force on both sides

The ge neral equilibrium of the system needs to be ma in tained W hat is needed is the reduction of secre tiveness of the gove rn shyment on one side and a reduc tion of the

danger of e mbarrass ment or de fea t of the govern men t on the other side

T here must be a wil li ngness to secure

more ope n debate on al l sides and our

leaders ha ve not done that e ven on m ost import ant issues More ope n and rneltll1 ingshyful deba te will require more thi nk ingshy

thro u middoth - something Mc mbers of Parlishy

ame nt may not he able to do or be free to do or have the necessary knowledge to do But the id ea behind the Institute for Remiddot

search on Public Policy was tha t such a body could bring about better decisions

All publi c problems cannot be solved by thought and tech nolog ics but few can be solved without these contr ibutions

The Institute for Research on Public Policy cannot create better public policies

by itself It must have input from all sectors to bring about more open and meaningful public debate which will result in constant

improvement of government - somethin g

that everyone desires 0

Grad News Herb Nor ry M Sc 52 has moved to

London as a farm business advisor wit h

O M AF working in eight counties

Denny Silvestrini PhD 5R is director of quality controlresearch and de velopment Eskimo Pie Corporation Ric hmond Virshy

ginia SA He had served as manager quality control and product deve lopment

Ralston Purina Co mpany St Luuis M isshysouri U SA

John Hagarty 61 is manager fi e ld

service s Rural O rganizati ons and Serv ice s Branch OMAF Guelp h

Ismail Siragcldin Ph D 62 is professor Department of Population Dynami cs and

Political Economics the Johm Hopkins

University Baltimore Md S A

Arlene (Fournier) 65 and Dick Flis

MSc 65 are in Edmo nton Alta where Dick is petroleum products manager wes tmiddot ern Canada Imperia l Oil Ltd

Craig Hunter 66 is pre sident Cra ig

Hunter Poult ry Farms Ltd Stro ud

Colin Triver s 67 is a consulting e ngineer and On tario land surveyor for e G Trivcrs

Ltd T he ssalon

Peter Mosher Ph D 70 is director

bureau of agric ultural prod uctio n Depart shyment of Agriculture Ba ngor Me USA

Cordon Brown 76 is sen ior food techshynolog is t new prod ucts process developshy

ment Tho masJ Lipton Inc in Bram pton

Martel C outure MSc 76 is acting di rec tor d iploma progra m Macdonald Colshy

lege Ste nne de Belle vue Que

Charlie Ellintt 78 vnfe Ja ne and

first -born Ian C harles born Jan uary 20

1983 are living near S hetland C harlie is now working fo r Elliott Bros G rain and Feed Ltd

Dennis Ring 78 is credit manager Farm C redit Corp C hatham H is wife is Carnl (Weeks) 79

R Cunrad Genee 79 is a sales represhy

sentative with CIBA-Geigy Canada Ltd in

Winnipeg Man

Howard Armstrong RO is an industrial

engineer with the B utler Ma nufacturing Co (Canada) Ltd Nisku Alta

Bruce Broadbent PhD 80 is a research scientist entomology with Agriculture

Canada Vineland Station

Mic hael Tulloch 80 has been accepted as

a professional engineer by the Council of the APEO He now manages engineering functions for eG Trivers Ltd Thessalon

BruceGitelman 81 will be joining Wood G undy Ltd Investment Broke rs as a

corporate finance associate in September

Danicllc Wenstrom 81 is a quality a ss urance su pe rvisor for Pil lsb ury of Canada Ltd M idland

Christine Deslandes MSc R2 is a lecturer at Alfred Col lege of Agricu ltu re

and Food Technology A I fred

Diploma Graduates

Donald Morley 68A is ge nera l ma nager De Marco Homecare Ce ntre Sutton West

Jeffrey Currah 74A is marke ting man shyage r Fortam ix-a division of BASF

Canada Inc Georgetown

Brian Roberts 76A is a welder with Hillcook Ind ust ri es Ha milton 0

In Memoriam Raymond David Ure 15A and 21 January 24 In3 ~uddenly a t Tecumse h

age 87 He had bee n very act ive un til

recently H is son Donald re is it

graduate of 49

Dr Genrge M Stirrett 20A and 22 died December 15 1982 H is many co nshy

tri bu tiono had bee n recogni zed by the Heritage Canada Found ation The fo llowshy

ing is an account of the tribu te pa id to him Fe bruary 16 1 9~ I at Government HDu~e

O ttawa

His Excelle ncy Gove rnor Ge nera l

Edward Sc hrcyer prese med the Commun imiddot cations A wards Atl antic Reg ion to Dr

George M St irrett of Grand Falls Ne w

Bru ns wick Dr Stirrett has been comm itted to natural h is tory conservation for ma ny

years bo th before and after hi s ret ire ment from the Canadian W ildlife Service and Parks Canada in 1964

He worked hard for the preservation of the falls and gorge area at Grand Falls

and on other conservation needs in Ne w Brunswick and Ma ine He has also written

on the iss ues of conservation using Ihe pcn name G raham Vail and since April 1979

has publi shed a weekly column Notes on atural History in the G rand Falls

Cataract His columns stress the appreciashytion and enjoyment of nature as well as the need for preserving it

Norman Hodgins MacBeth 23 Fe bruary 3 1983 in St John N B He had retired in

1967 as General Manage r of General Dairies Ltd

David R Owen 25 in Medi c ine Hat

Alta February 6 1983 at age 82 He was a di rector of the fi rs t ollege Roy al and spe nt

most of his li fe teachi ng and farmi ng in Saskatchewan

Ronald John Quinn 35 Fe bruary 17 1983 in London His wife Helen (Farshyquhar) is a lso a graduate o f 35

Bruce Douglas Innes 36 passed away Septe lllber 29 19 82 D uring his college

years he took part in ma ny ac tivitie s bu t he -re membered with particu la r pleasure be ing Grand C hampion Showman College Royal

35-the first time that the honour had bee n won by anyone o ther than a fou rth year man Bruce owned and operated a dairy

farm at Burford since I 939 and was an

acti ve and ded icated farmer until his death

H is wife Margaret died in A pril 1983 T hey leave daughters Lorna Lawrence

Mac 68 and Karen and son Robert 0


Macdonald Institute College of Family and Consumer

Studies Alumni Associat ion

ALUMNI NEWS Editor Joan (Anderson) Jenkinson 66


BASc Grads-Class o f 80

EntploYDlent Survey T he University s Counselling and Reshysource Centre recentl y completed an inshyucpth survey covering the empl oyment activities of the 211 graduates who in 19RO earned Bachelor of Applied Sc ience Degrees

The survey indicates th at gradu ates are e nj oy ing a variety of interes ting and chalshylenging careers

A gratifying 73 per cent of th e graduates re sponded to the survey with 51 per cent of the respondents indi catin g that they have completed or are completing graduate degrees or programs on a full- or part-time bas is Of the 153 respondents 78 per ce nt including one who is self emshyployee have full-time employment The remainder are employed part-time or are pursuing further studie s

Li sted below are the indicated ca reers chosen in the four major areas of study

Applied Human Nutritio n

ut ritiond ietetics Food service administration More than 50 per cent of the responshy

dents obtained reg istered profe ss ional dietishytian certificates The Admini strati ve Emshyphasis course is no longer offered in the

Applied Human utrition program It is available through the Bachelor of Comshymerce program

Family Studies

A number of grad uate s found posit io ns in teac h ing or social services such as

Adult protecti ve service workers Infant de ve lopment specialists Geront ology consultants Supervisors and field workers with social service agencies Other Family Studies graduate s are

working in government srv iees and in the private ec toras home economists financial co un se llors librarians hostel managers Family Studies graduates tend to sl ck caree rs in the helping profess ion s

Consumer Studies

There are four emphasis areas 01 study within this maj or The survey indicates that

Food gradu ates are employed in areas of produci development marketing and food technology with majo r food companies Hou si ng emphasis graduates are wo rkshying with government agencies and in teac hing

Consumer Beha vio ur e mph asis graduates are in industry business and res earc h Tex tile and Clothin g e mph asis grads are employed in research merchandi sshying and banking Often after working for a year or

more Consumer Studies graduates will return to gradu ate study o r profess ional programs on a full- or part-time bas is

Child Studies

Many Child Studies graduates are emp loyed in teaching supervisory or other child-care related sett ings such as soc ial work with fami lies and children Re ported part -lime and temporary em pl oy ment pos ishytions include work as supply teachers child care supervisors special education leac hers and as lecturers in uni ve rsity settings

It is imporl an t to note that this emshyploy ment survey reports the caree r paths chose n by onl y one graduating cl ass Dat a is collccl~d on a yearl y bas is from gradu ates in Family and Consumer Studies In order to observe the broad scope of employment opportunities avail able a four-year tabulashytion wo uld pl~ c nt a more complete picture of the profess ional activities of graduates

In summary FACS programs offer students a sound educational background to meet the need s of i nduslry educational institut io ns governme nt and bus in c The future for FACS graduates is indeed bright as the College co ntinues to gro w and develop programs to meet the challenges of the 80s 0



BASc Gradsmiddot Class of 80 Further Education Pursued

Major Total

Graduates Number of

Respondents R PDt BEd MEd MSc MD MA

Applied Hum an Nu trition 65 45 23 3 I

Family Studies 64 44 19

Consumer Studies 48 33 2

C hild Studies 34 31 II I I I

TOTAL 21 1 ( 1007c)

153 (73 oc )

23 32 I 4 I I

FACS Has New

Dr Richurd Burhunl

Dean Professor Richard M Barham was apshypointed dean of the College of Family and Consumer Studies for a fi ve-year term effective July I 1983 He succeeds Dr Janet M Wardlaw who has served as dean since 1969

Professor Barham has been chairman of the Department of Family Studies since

1976 and served as acting dea n in [980 while Dean Wardlaw was on administrative leave

A graduate of the University of Otago Dunedin e Zealand Richard Barham received a Ph D degree from the University of Alben a dmonton in Ed ucational Psychology

He has served on the faculty of the Department of Educational Psychology at the University of Alberta and as professor and acting chairman of the Department of Education University of Otago

While in New Zealand he was an executive member of the council of The Ne w Zealand Psychological Society and served as its president

At Guelph he has taught both undershygraduate and graduate courses in the Deshypartment of Family Studies and has supershyvised graduate students

He has been active on many University committees during the past seven years He is a past chairman of the Board of Graduate Studies and has been a member of the

Committee on Academic Priorities the Committee on University Planning the Liaison Committee and several others

He has also been a consulting educa shytional psycholog ist with the Wellington County Separate School Board since 1979

Prolessor Barham and his wife Joan have a family offour Joan recently returned to the University of Guelph for further study Daughter Vick y 19 is a student in Economics at Queens University Lisa 17 and Christopher 14 attend Ce ntennial CVJ while Tania 12 is completing her studies at College Avenue School

Music is very important part of the Barham familys life with active invoheshyment in the Suzuki String School and the Guelph Youth Orchestra Gardening is a hobby enjoyed by both Richard and Joan

Members of the Mac- FACS Alumni Association extend a sincere welcome to Professor Barham We look forward to meeting and working with him in the future as he fills the challenging position as dean of FACS 0

FACS Prof First

Dr M urlin MUllhclIs

Director P ro fessor Anne Martin Matthews De shypart me nt of Family St udi es has been ap shypointed the first director of the Gnontology Research Centre The establi shment of the Centre was announced last February A research grant of $237000 from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada will fund the Centre for the first three years

Professor Martin Matthews has been conducting research related to the needs and interests of older segments of the populashytion as well as teaching courses in such areas as social gerontology and marital and family dynamics in Family Studies She has been a faculty member with the Department of Family Studies since 1978

She also has been active beyond the campus in programs related to aging She is chair-elect of the social sciences division Canadian Council on Gerontology and will begin a two-year term in the chair of that organization this year

She is also first vice-president of the

Ontario Gerontology Association and a member of the scientific advisory commitshytee of the Gerontology Research Council of Ontario She is a graduate of Memorial University of Newfoundland and McMaster University

With a steadily increasing percentage of the popUlation in the retirement age bracket it is important to understand more fully the ir needs and cuncerns sa ys Proshyfessor Martin Matthews The en tre will deal with the ag ing family and environshymental contexts In the latter sense we will be examinin g such things as the difference bet wee n aging in an urban and a rural society as well as issues like housing and the aging

The new Gerontology Research Centre will provide facilities to assist faculty members and graduate students doing reshysearch on aging The Centre will facilitate integrate and co-ordinate studies on aging within the University the director says

Research on aging is now being carried out at the Universi ty in such Departments as Family Studies Geography Psychology Nutrition Human Biology and SocioluFY and the Centre will be able to provide a medium for cross-fertilization of ideas among the many researchers in the field

Professor Marlin Matthews says that the Centre will be working co-operatively with other similar research centres in Onshytario such as the one at the University of Toronto in promoting research on aging The Centre will also sponsor conferences and workshops that relate to the special needs of older citizens in their communities

Guelph has demonstrated an interest in gerontology since 1970 when research projshyects began and courses dealing with aging were offered in the Departments of Family Studies and Psychology Since 1981 the Un i versity has offered gero ntology as part of the Famil y Studies major in the Bachelur of Applied Science program 0

A Thank You Dear A luml7i

1-Iwl 10 Ihonk oil Ihe uumni inloll(d wilh

Ihc cr special send-oj gien to me ill

recognition of Ihc complelion ofmv Icrm as


So man of ou -Ierc invocd shy

whelhcr or nOI ou -Iere able 10 (fIend Ihe

recognition receplion in Toronlo on May

29 I oppreciacd Ihe man good llishes

which come from ocross CClrado ond from

such dislOlIl places as Indio and Chara

Your generous gifls u Imc Irolld of

pcarls und a bonk aCCOlll11 vhich came lVilh

Ihe slrong suglcslion Ihal [should IIc 10

Vnv Iculand lverc Irul overllhelll1ing

The Air lCll Zcalundjlighl bag jJacked wilh

1111 SOriS of nccessiliel added 10 Ihe jim

middotre had 01 Ihe rcceplion

Many Ihanksfor your SUppOri over Ihe years and for your good wishes as I begin

my car ofadmin is Ira live leave

Yours sincerelv

Jonel M Wardlaw 0


Dr Louise

( Bailltlj

Heslop 67

Off - To


Dr Louise (Bazi net) Heslop 67 has JO ined the School of Business at Carlton Unive rsit y O ttaw a Over the next two years through an arran geme nt with Ca rlton Unive rsity she will be cco nded on a

part-time basis by Stati sti cs Canada where she will join the Research and Analysi s

D ivision Loui se completed her MSc at Guelph

in 1969 and continued as lecturer in the

ne wly-es tablished Department o f Co nshysumer Studies In 1977 she compktcd a Ph D in Business Administration (Marketshying) at the University of Western Ontari o

and rejo ined the Department of Consumer Studies ri si ng to the rank of ass oc iate professor

Louise was e lected to the board of

di rectors of the Mac-FA CS Alumni Assoc ishyati on in 1977 se rvin g as secretary-treasurer until May 1981

We ex tend our best wishe middot to Loui se

her husband Lome O A 70 and their dau ghters Jose tte 5 and C la ire 2 Lorne is employed by Agriculture Canada in

Ottawa and is currently completing an M Sc in Engineering at the University of

G uelph Coun try li ving is a high priority with

the Heslops They are deli ghted with the purchase of a farm near Almonte a nd look

forward to the best of both worl d s - profess ion a lism in the city and lei sure in the countryside 0

Grad News Helen (Clifford ) Beswick 48D is se lf empl oyed as a studio potter in her home in Dundas

Margaret (Kennedy) jarvis 54D is a realestate age nt in Kingston

Pat (Hall) McDowell 65 is with the

United Missionary Soc iet y Jlorin Kwora State ~igeria

Joanne Patterson 66 is a se ni or project o ffmiddoticer w ith Indi an and Northern Affa irs Ottawa

Leslie (Mowat) Hemming 68 is teaC hin g in Woods tock

Mary (Jany) Toms 68 is employed with Health and We lfare Canada Ottawa

Sarah (Spencer) Coomhs 70 is an assistant director wi th the Co nsumer Inforshymation Centre of the Ontario Government


Meredith Fi lshie 70 is an ana lyst w ith the Ministry of State for Economic and Re g ional Development O ttawa

S heila (Fahner ) jarvie 70 is a nutrishytion ist w ith the K- W Hospital Kitchener

Donna j ohnstone 70 o perates Donn as Ha ndmade Clothin g for Men amp Wo men Gabiola Isla nd B C

Lorraine Holding 71 is manager of program development with the Rural Orshyga nizatio ns and Services Branlh Minis try of Agriculture and Food located at the Gue lph Agriculture Centre

Beve r ly Lee 72 is a chairperso n with the York Region Board o f Educ at io n

Laurie MacLeod 72 is a district manager with Beaver Foods Mlss issauga

Kathy Camelon 73 is a dietitian at the Toronto Genera l Hospita l

Tirnoth) Fleming HAFA 74 a ses ionaJ lec turer with H AFA teaching business law has been adm itted to the partne rshi p o f the law firm of Harper Haney and White of Waterl oo

Isabel (McBride) H o well 74 is an e lementary school teacher with the Watershyloo Co unt y Board of Educatio n Camshybridge

Mary Ruston 75 is a Famil y Studies teacher at Inge rso ll District High School

Kathryn Anderson 76 is a supervisor with Westmini ster Family Day a re London

Hester Cooper 76 is employed as a research officer with the New Zealand Dairy

Research Institute in Palmers ton North ew Zealand

Patr icia (G a rland ) Desaul niers 76 is with patient fo od se rvices Alberta Hospishyta l Edmo nton

Noella Li 76 is aclinical dietitian wi th the

ictori a Hospital London

M eredith (Evans) Hea rtwe ll 77 is

teac hing in Mississauga

Deb Wey 77 is patient food se rvices manager at SI John Regio nal Hospi tal SI J()hn NB

Susan (junes ) Wilcox 77 is food se rvices

superviso r with the Baye re st Ce ntre for Ge riatric Care 0

A ThankYou The c lass of Mac 380 wishes to extend a

sincere thank you to all alumni who have con tributed to the Mac 38 0 Class Geronshy

to logy Scholarship Fund The gradua te s tudent scholarship in

the recently de ve loped area ot Ge ronto lo gy at FACS is being established by the class of 38D in recog nition of their 45th annivershy

sary in 1983 All Univers it y of Guelph grads are

in vited to parti c ipate in this project funds for which will be so li c ited until December

1984 [f you wish to con tribute please make you r cheq ue pay ab le to the Univers ity o f Guelph Alma Mater Fund specify that it is to be applied to the Mac 38 D Class Gerontology Scho larship Fund and mail to

the Deve lo pment Office Room 273 John shysto n Hall Uni ve rsity o f Gue lph Guelph

Ontario N IG 2W J Th an ks again for yo ur suppo rt from

Elle n Downie Mary Singer Doris Durran t and Jean Carter- the Mac 38 D sch o larship committee 0

In Memoria m We regret to announce the death of the following al umnus

Margaret L (MacKenzie) Smallwood 401) December 1982 in Lakeland Fla




The College of Physical Scie nce Alumni Association

SCIMP Editor Bob Winkel

phy sics grant selection committee of thc atural Sciences and Engineering Research

Council for two years he was intimately involved in all the major re search de velopshyments in Canada in this field Hc feels that his e lec tio n to the Royal Society of Canada will help raise the prot1le of high-energy physics in this co untry and lend stren gth to Canadian experimenters

The citation prepared for his nominashytion to the Royal Society of Canada reads

Professor Karl is a high energy the ori st whose work is widely recognized interna tionally His deep physical insight and hi s kn ow led ge of mathemati ca l methods led to the quark model of baryon resonances based on quantum chromoshydynamics which has been enormousl) successful in describing experimental reshysuits H is re sea rch is characterized by striking originality and an ability to COIll shy

bine basic ideas from different field s as in the predictions of a new effect - neutron optical activity

Gabriel Karl is married and has one daughter W hen he is not probing the sec re ts of the universe he indulges himself in music theatre and the fine arts

He visited the Unive rsity of Briti sh Columbia in Vanco uver in May for the induction ceremony into the Royal Society of Canada on the occas ion of the Annual Meeting of the Society It marked he sa id the culmination of a long string of benefits that [ ha ve enjoyed throughout the 23 years 1 have lived in Ca nada [ have every rea son to be very grateful to th is country D

Erratum In the Sprin g issue o r SCiMP it was erroneously reported in the c utline accompanyin g a pict ure of Departshyme nt of Physics student scholarship winners that they were the recipients of 0 er $ 1500 We dropped a zero The fi gure should have read $ 15000 Sorry about tha t Ed

Elected to Royal Society

Dr Cooiel Korl

The election of Dr Gabriel Karl to a Fellowship of the Roy al Society of Canada represents what one of hi s colleagues Dr Peter Egelstaff desc ribe s as a rare honour which reflects great credit not only on Dr Karl but also on the Uni versi tys Departshyment of Physics

The Royal Society of Canada founded in 1882 to promote learning and research in the arts and sciences has numbered among its Fellows virtually all of Canadas most distinguished intellectual le ade rs of the last J00 yea rs Standards are jealously guarded and Fello wships are awarded only as a result of outstanding world-class ach ieve ment

The rarity of the honour is indicated by the fact that at the Un iversity of Guelph whose faculty includes so many academics of international distinction only five had previously achieved a Fellows hip in the Royal Society of Canada These are Dr Howard Clark vice- pres ident academic Dr Bruce Sells dean College of Biologishycal Science Dr Peter Egclstaff Depart shyment of Physics Dr Do nald Masters Prof ssor Emeri tu s De part mcnt of History and Dr He rb Armstrong retired dean of Graduate Studies

As the sixth Dr Ga briel Karl will have the added di st inction of bei ng the first whose career has been sp ot excl us ively at the Un ivers ity of Guelph which agai n to

quote Dr Egelstaff marks a coming of age for the University

Gabriel Karl was born in Transylvania a province of Romania He obtained his B Sc in Chemistry at Romani as Univershysity of ClUJ worked for two years in industry and came to Canada in 1960 He attended graduate school at th e University of Toronto where he was awarded a Ph D in 1966 for a thesis on infrared luminesshycence following molecular colli sion Hi s Ph D supervisor was the distinguished physical chemist Dr John Polanyi

A two-year post-doctora l fellowship with the University of Torontos Depart shyment of Physics followed His mentors there were Drs J Van Kranendonk and Duk Poll who is now a professor with the Universi ty of Guelph s Depa rtment of Ph ys ics

In 1966 Dr Karl studied at the Uni versity of Oxford for two years under an NRC scho larship to study hadron spec troshyscopy and in 1969 he Joi ned the Univers itys Department of Phy sics achieving a full professorship only five years later

Dr Karls work has focussed on high energy physics - the physics of fundamen shytal particles This is an esoteric field involvshying research into the nature of matter The relatively few world leaders in thi s field tend to cluster around the half-dozen accelerators such as the $100 million four kilumete rshylon g hi gh-e nergy tunnel for accelerating electrons at Stanford University that have been built only in the US and Europe

There is no accelerator of this energy level in Canad a and fe w Canadian scie nshyti ~ts are working in this field Dr Ka rl s statu re in the international commu nity of particle physic ists is marked by his many visi ts to the world s major research ce ntres as guest speaker and to consult with his peers Referring to the time spent on thcse missions Dr Karl describes the Depart shym nt of Phys ics and his colleag ues as generouslyaccommodati ng shy

As cha irman of the h igh energy


Trapping The Suns Energy Excerpted from a Chemtrends article by Mary Cocivera

One predi ctabl e fac t about ind ustri ali z d

soc iety is that it will take more e nergy to

keep the whee ls ru nn ing smoothl y parti c ushy

larly because the world population is exshy

pected to dou ble to about n ine bill ion by the

year 2050

[n th search to augme nt tradi tio na l

sources o f e lectri ci ty two Departme nt of

Chemistry pro fessors ha ve tu rned their

atten ti on to the convers ion of solar energy to

electricity by photovultaie cel ls and photoshy

elec troc he mical systems T he developme nt

work at Guelph is a imed at improving the efficiency and stability of th se sy~tems and

reduc i ng the ir cos t

Si licon photovoltaic cells serve as a

reference for solar energy convers iun beshy

cause they were the fi rst such cells and to

date arc the most effic ient co nvert ing so lar

ne rgy into elec tr ic ity a t abo ut 15 per cem

effi c iency Arrays of crys tal li n sil icon ce lls present ly cos t in the nei ghborhood or

S$400 per sq uare metre to manufac ture

produc ing about 40 watts Photovo lta ic

thin- fi lm syste ms us ing semico nductors

o ther than single crysta l sil ic on are be ing

investigated in man y re~earc h ce ntre s

around the world

A pro mis ing approach is a cadmiui1l

sulfi dec uprous sul fide combi nat ion in

which the two sem ico nduc tors are laye red

on molybdenum the n covered w ith a transshyparent gold fil m T his thin-fi lm cons trucshy

tio n i ideal for solar devices explai ns

Profess ur Ro n Fawcett because large

surface areas are needed for maximum

exposu re to the sun

T he fabrication process devel oped by

Ro n and patented in 1980 in vo lve electroshy

depos iting cadmium sulfide o nto molybshy

denum then layering cuprous sulfide over the cadm ium sulfide by an ion exchange

process Finally the gold 11 1m is added by

vacuum de pos ition Ron es timates that

thi n-film de ices could be manufac tu red in

this way for about S$25 per squ are metre

E lectro pla ting of se m ic ondu ct ors

would enabl e photo voltai c dev ices to be

manu factured in a continuous process

rathe r than indi vidua lly as i required w ith

s ingle crysta l s ilic on Such ce lls ha ve

ach ieved conversio n of solar to electrica l

energy at an e ffi cienc y o f I per cent to date T he researchers are co nfide nt they can

achieve fi to 8 per cent cffi ieney compared

to the calcul ated max imum e ffi c iency of II

per cent Pro fessor Michae l oc ivera is ork ing

on photoe lec troc hem ical systems in which a

sem icond uctor electrode im mersed in an

elec tro lyte solution converts inci dent li g ht

into a n electric a l cu rren t Such se mishy

conductor lilju id junction cells offe r p racti shy

cal ad van tages because uf the sponta neom format ion o f a junc tio n I mproved effishy

ciency fo r po lycrysta lli ne sem iconductors

has been a hi eved in ce lb of th is type in part becau~e the liqu id estab li shes unshy

iformly good COntac t wi th the e l etrode

The li gh t -~ens it i ve electrode in photoshy

e lec trochem ical ce lls is a sem ic o nductor

e it her a thin-fi lm or s ingle c rysta l a tt ached

to a metal back ing the other e lec trode is an

inert me ta l T he e l ectrode~ are immersed in

~ n elect rol yte solutio n o f a mater ial that carl do nate and accep t elect rons The b igges t

prob lem with many li lj ui d junct io n ce lls

~ays Mike is photocorros iol1 of the su rshy

face of the se miconductor To overcome

thi s problem he is developing materi a ls and

techniques to coat the e lectrodes with proshy

tec tive materiab

The first liquid junction cells with a

sili con anode opera ted for only a matter of

seconds befo re the e lec trode was des troyed

by corrosion Researche rs at the Solar Energy Research Insti tu te in C o lorado

U SA have developed a silicon anode

w ith a polypyrro le protect ive coating which

can o perate for hund reds o f hours but that is

still not long eno ugh for a viable commershy

cia l syste m

M ike and his colleague are making a

syste matic study of compounds tha t wi ll

both protect the electrode from corrosion

and catal yze the elect rode rca tion They

arc now worki ng with organo me tall ic comshy

pounds co mpris ing a metal atom sulfur

and an aromatic co m pone nt containing a func tiona l group li ke hyd roxy l sul phonate

ammoni um and nitroso

hese compounds are effect ive beshy

ca use they prov ide a mechanism to transfer

a ch arge bet ween the se mi co nd uctor and the e lectro n donor in solut io n The coating mus t

also be transpilrent e nough to a llow the light

to s trike the photocleetrode

To date they ha ve suneeded in deshy

veloping fi ve coat ings su itab le fo r a variet y

or se miconduc tors incl uding the polyshy

crysta ll ine cadm ium su lfide e lectrodes fabshy

riltated by Ron Fawce tt s method If polyshy

crystalli ne elec trodes can be fab ri (a ted and

coated wi th a protec tive materia l electroshy

chemically they wi ll be relati ve ly inexpe nshy

ive to manufac ture If the tech niques and processe s be ing

inve ~l igated by Ron Fawce tt and Mike Coc ivera de ve lop to tht ir full poten tial the

su n cou ld beco me a more import ant supplier

o f e lectri city in Ca nada Long-range proshy

jectio ns suggest that about 10 per cent of No rth A m rican e lectr ic it y could be proshy

duced from solar convers ion

Elec tric ity fro m the sun is no longer a

pipe-dream-it is a reachable goa l n

Grad News Louise (Sandall) Platt BA 69 is living

in Islington and teaching for the Etobico ke

Board of Educati on

Alexander Barton BSc 70 MSc 74 is work ing on a Ph D deg ree in the

Departme nt of Fishe ries and W ildlife at

Orego n Sta te uni vers ity

Gerry Kupferschmidt BSc 70 MSc

71 is living at R R I Osgoodc and is

tmployed as a sc ientific ad ise r to the


Murray Ross Gingrich BSc 71 Ii ves in

Brampto n and is work ing as a probation

officer for the Ministry o f Correc tio nal


Robert Cross BSc 72 M D is workshy

ing in the emergency department o f the

So uth Muskoka Hospital in Bracebridge

Edda Duva (Home) Kerr BA 74 lives

in G ue lph and is working as a program

co-ordinator for Casatta Ltd in Kitchener

Deanne Ch)y BSc 78 Ii ves in Etob ishy

coke and is working as a public health

inspector for the Ham ilton Wentwo rth Reshy

gio nal Health Unit

Alex McDonald BSc 79 PhD 83 and his wife Rosanne ( DeNobriga) BSc

79 are living in Austi n Texas whil e Alex

is do ing post-doctoral work at the Unishy

vers ity o f Texas

Ste~en Oliver BSc 79 o f Hamilton is a

medica l sa les repre sentati ve with Cyanamid

Canada Inc

Gordon Knox BSc 79 is a con~ ul ta nt

with Inform ation Systems Serv ices in Vicshy

toria BC

George Gillson BSc 80 is taki ng a

Ph D in Anal ytica l C hemis try at the Uni shyve rsity of Alberta 0


The College o f Arts Alumni Associat ion

DELPHA Editor Debbie (Nash) Chambers 77

has no w acquired the Shaw Festival ArshyThe Deans Roundup chives on permanent deposit T his is an

Last fall I had the privilege of speakshy

ing to the direc tors of the University of G uelph Alumn i Assoc iation to bring them

up to date on some of the excit ing things connected with the College of Arts I am gratefu l to the editor of DELPHA for this

opportu nity to let alumni readers know what we are do ing

I am pleased to be able to report a subs tant ial increase in enrolment both in the

B A program and in the College o f Arts this past yea r What is especially nice is that this has coincided with a dec is ion to tighte n our

standards at the admissions level and in the regulations for continuatio n of study

In o rder to grad uate B A students

who entered the Spring 19~3 Semester will need to obtai n a C average in 60 per cent of the courses they take

Most of o ur students are doing thi s now and we do not antici pate this will pose any

problem for the students whom we are ad mitting Next year students en tering the

B A program will be required to have Grade 13 English and we are strongly encouraging them to offer a Mathematics credit o r o ne in French or ano ther language

Applications from students wish ing to enter the B A program in the Fall 1983 Semester

are up subs tantia lly over last yea r I also want to share with you some

ha ppenings which have brought special delight to me

The U ni ve rsi ty of Guelph Choir

under director Ge rald e ufeld won second prize in the 1982 CSC nation al chora l competition

In the Harbourfront a rt show last

sum mer three o f o ur students had works se lected by the jury and each won a prize shya better show ing than any of the other O nshy

tario universities or colleges which entend T he C anadian- American Urban Hisshy

tory Co nference held at G uelph in A ugust

1982 was a tremendous success bringing sc holars from many parts of the United States and Canada to discuss new trends in urban studies

Dean David Murray

In the space of just a few months I have seen seven books published by faculty in the Co llege The subjects include Rudyard

Kipl ing Greek Philosophy Urban History Evolution and Darwinism Reli gion and Tolerance the dramatist Gra nville Barker

and a nove l written in French Last summer also saw the completion

of a very successful facu lty exchange beshy

tween o ur Department of Eng lish and the

Uni vers ity of Reading in Britain Dr Leslie Monkman went to Reading for the year and Dr Coral Howell s visited Guelph This

opportunity enab led Dr Howells to study modern C anadian writers and she is now

working o n a book to be published in Britain o n Canadian women wri ters Dr

Mo nkman lectured on Canadian literature at various places in Britain and in France as well as in Reading

T hro ugh the e fforts of the Department of Drama and its chairman Dr Leonard

Conolly and C ollections Librarian Jo hn Moldenhauer 68 the Uni versi ty Library

ex tremely valuab le re sou rce for theatre

scholars a nd the Univers ity is ve ry pleased to have a closer connection with the Shaw Festi val The Drama Department also has

Professor Dan Laurence the world s leadshying Shaw scholar as a distinguished Visitshy

ing Professor lor the ra il Semester Two large conferences were organized

during the Spring and Summer by faculty

and students in the Co llege Professor Ted Cowan of the History Department was in charge of the Scottish Heritage Festival held in uelph in May The Fes tival was a

ce lebrati on of the S co t~ 1d their contribushytion~ to Canada

In Au gust the Uni vers ity will host a major conference o n Common wealth lite rashy

ture bringing writers and schol ars to Guelph from allover the Com monweal th Professor Doug K illam chairman of the Department of English and a number o f col leagues are

now busily preparing to welcome guests from around the world

Through our liaison programs we have pioneered special day - long seminars at the

niversity for gifted children in Wellington County T he se programs are part of o ur commitment to assist secondary schools in meeting the challe nges of special education

J know many o f you will also be interes ted in knowing that last sLi mmer the

College awarded three new scholarships two of the m honouring the cont ribution made by former faculty members J Percy

Sm ith and W Stanford Reid The other marked the first presentation of the Edward Johnson Music Foundation scholarships for students in the music program

We are al l ac ute ly co nscious of the

financial pressure affecting the UnivLr ~ ity

of Guelph and othe r Canadian unive rsities

But we mus t no t le t these pressures detract from the vision of academic excellence to

which we are committed J think you will agree from the exaln ~Jk middot ha ve cited that this vision continues to glow brightly in spite of our financial plight We hope we can

co ntinue to co unt on your advice and your suppurt 0


It Was a Very Good Year T he Direc tor or the College of Arts Alumni Assoc iation have had a bus y year In January we launched o ur hrst Caree rs i lglll for in -coure stude nlgt Thanks to the exce lle nce and enthusiasm of our pane l l1len1bcr the evening was a success

Careers Night is to become an annual event and we would appreciate you r particishypation Any Art s grads wh o wo uld like to

vo lunteer their expertise for the e vening please do not hesita te to contact us

The Directors were also busy a rshyranling the second an nu al art show shyDI MENSIO NS middotS3 Due to the treme nd ous response to DI M ENSIOtS 82 the art show co mmittee organized DIM ENSIO NS 83 as aJu ricd show We are hoping that nex t yea r we will be able to mount a photography show as well a an art sho w

As you are probably aware in 1970 Wellington College was reo rganized into the Colleges of Arts Physic al Sc ience and Socia l Science This year our Assoc iation was asked to se lect a new College logo Thankgt to Dean Dav id Murray and the Deans Counc il we were given permission to use the graphics on the College of Art s Gold Medal It can be see n in the masthead of thi s issue The logo was designed by Erich Barth art dire ctor Department of [nshyformation and enco mpasses the di verse di s shycipiJnes fou nd within the College of Arts

Grad News Catharine (Gilnerlson ) Scott 70 is a wage and salary anal ys t tnivers it y of Waterl oo

Linda la) Bell 72 i the assistant conshysultant for thlto gifted We llington County Boa rd of Education GueJph

Lynn Barbeau 74 is the curator Educa shytion and xtension Macdo nald Stewart Art

entre Guelph

Wltlynr WellJauler 75 is corpora te mar shyke ting manager Gore Mutua l In surance Company Cambridgc

Renate Fisc her 76 is a consultant with the Woods Gordon Divisio n of Cl arkson Go rdon Chartered Acco untants Kitchener

jane Morley O AC MSc 81 is a career co nsultant Counse llin g and Student Reshysource Centre Un iversity of Guelph

Through the generos ity of the Alma Mater Fund our Assoc iation has been able to e stablish nv e sc holars hip s Thre e DELPHA awards for Gue lph alumni to continue their slUdi es at the gradu ate level at the University and two awa rds for part-time mature students These awards are greatly appreciated by the students who have reshyce ived th e m

Congratulatio ns are th e order of the day for Juli e (Russe ll ) Thur 78 Associashytion past pre sident and Linda Mackenz ie shyCordi ck 8 1 Assocration secre tary treas shyurer on the birth of their daug hters in March We wi sh them joy in their yo ung-

David Dell 76 is the in fo rmation o ffic er Reg ion of Pee l Brmiddotampton

jeff Miller 82 is a s tage manager for Profes sional Theatres Toronto

The above eight alumni were panel )11ember-s at our first annual Careers sJ ig ht held ea rlier th i yea r On ce again we offer our sincere thanks for their pani ci pation

lhugarel Reare 68 is senior research o f hee l Minis try of th e Soli citor General Ottawd

William Thiels 73 is a sys te ms analyst with Eas tman Kodak CO Roche ster t Y US A

Shardie D SteHnson 77 is assistant marketing manager Marsh and 1cLennan Ltd Winnipeg Man

Donald Syme 77 is with marketing pe rsonne l IC F Sydne y Australia

sters and look forward to the ir continued help in the Assoc ia tion in the future

C Nould lik e to re mind our fell ow alu mni to jo in or renew their membership in our Association De hbie ( Nash) Cham bers 77 editor of DF LPH A wo uld lik e any Ideas lor future artick that vould catch your interes t Our Assoc iati o n would also apprec ia te heari ng from you re gardin g eve nts that you wou ld be interested in attending Pl ease drop us a line in order that we may serve you better thus ~ eeping the line of co mmunic ation oren bet ween you and yo ur Alma v1ater

In closing I would like to acknowlmiddot edge With great a pprec iati o n the a istance that has been o ffclTU our Board of Direc tors over the pasl year

As al ways Dea n David Murray has bee n a va lued ad visor I wo uld li ke to thank Professor Ted Cowa n Department o f History for his Sprin g 19K3 OEPHA article on the Scottish Heritage Festival and Judy (Ma in) Ca rson 75 for he r help in preparalron of feature articles Spec ial thank s arc also ex tended to Rosemary Clark Mac 59 Asis tant Director Proshyg rams Dep artment of Alumni Affairs and Deve lopment and our Board of Directo rs who have wo rk ed so hard to mak e thi s a successful year

The term of 19X2-B3 has been a very grati fying one for all mem bers of the Associations Boa rd o t Directors We loo k for ward to 19K3-K4 anJ hope to hear from you Q

J ane Francis 78 is With Ilublic relations Vancouver Stock EXchange Vancou ver B C

Jonie Bunce 79 is a teacher 01 Art English and Thcatre Arts at 1 A Turn er Secondary School BrdrllptOl

Deborah Salmon 79 is married to Richard Light BS( 80 and li ves in Japanec Shc worb for the Empl o) mc nt and Im migrati on Commi ssion dnd Ri chlrJ works for a darrv in Kin gs to n

Shelagh Stevens 79 it station U)lllrshytwlle r Department o f -J atiunal [dc nce in f ova Slmiddototia

lidwtl Glanb 81 is a supervisor mar shyke ting comrlluni~ations Pitney-Bowe s oj

Canada Ltd Don Mill s

john (llanllllUnd ) Zelasko 81 rs ~ I

courtr(lOrn artist WKBW Buffalo New Ymk US I C



Alumnus of

Honollr 1983

Helen Christine AbeD Mac 38D

Amo ng the forerunners in the fie ld of rural soc iol ogy not only in Canada

but throughout the world and with a long career as a professor in numerous un iversities ac ross Canada Dr Helen C Abell has und oubted ly do ne much to promote a world -w ide reputation for her Alma Mater

Dr Abell has been most active in a numbe r of United Nat io ns programs designed to foster development of th ose in the Third World countrie s Although os ten sibl y retired she still co nt inues her wo rk as a cons ult ant in Socio-Economic De ve lopme nt assisti ng in develop ing sho rt -term project s as the occasion ari ses

As well as a Macdona ld Ins titu te Diploshyma Dr Abell obtained a BHSc (H ome Economics) from the Universi ty of Toro nto in 1941 and an MS (Human Nutrition) and a Ph D (major Rural Sociology and Agri cul shytural Economics) from Cornell University in 1947 and 1951 re specti vel y 0

Page 6: Guelph Alumnus Magazine, Summer 1983

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OurgoinR OACAA Prelide nr H enr I SWnlel

OAC 55 righi (lll d il1 m ll1ing Presidenl Don

RiseJro llgh O AC 77

Dr A Gram MiIlt lI l r OAC 35 lIlI d ove 38 l ei Presidellr Friellds (~ u or G lIi rh

M orin FunsfOn OAC 32

AI rhl pO II ((k l In(akjclSf

LIII(hrilllei)r PUIII Milard OAC 67 I ilt Lindo (11pound1 rh eir

liJlr l o l(lIgsrers

Oea ll S it~er OA 5 1 i lll Iw rr rai rl Ii) rh e OAC Jourti f(JO JJ1 jro l1l OA C

72 f( R2 unci iJl hOlnlti-oll1 OAC 83 L fIJ ) MllrJ( I POrrlOIlS OAC R3 Weekend 83 O oro rhl SI jr er rhe 0 1( 11 a lld ValeriI Wen OAC 83A


Class oj () AC U (If rh e Col dclI Allll i (Is( r l Dinner


Pauline StepsDoWD An intervie w with Dr Pauline McGibbon by Andrea Mudry Fawcett

A In stepping down as Chancellor you are leaving people at the niversity of Guelph with many memories including your rather spectacular arrival in 1977 in horsemiddotdrawn land au and the time you took off from convocation in a helicopter What memorie s of the University will you take away with you

P Well I will certainl y remember the beautiful campu s and the friendline ss of everybody At Guelph s Board of Governors meetings I was struck by the vast difference between what was almost a famil y affair as compared to the Governing Council at the Uni versit y of Toronto where [ was pre viously Chancellor really liked the meetings of the Board of Governors at Guelph The meetings at Toronto

are so much larger with people sitting in rows in a room Perhaps you feel more intimidated to get up and speak Not that that ever applies to me

A As Lieutenant-Governor of Ontario and Chancellor of two uni versities you have fulfilled role s which involve a fair amount of pomp and circum stance Do you feel that there is a place in the modern world for such ceremonie s

P Yes I feel very strongl y about that about graduati on ceremonies for example That is one time when a university publicly pays tr ibute to student s for what they have achieved Perhaps for the first time the graduates and

their families are going to see that they are now part of an ac ademic tradition I would like to compliment Gudph on the way the faculty turns out for graduation Because the acauemic procession as it enters with faculty members in co lourful gowns robes and ca ps from uni vcrsities around the world adds greatl y to

the ceremo ny It s awfully nice to ee such colour to hear the orches tra and that excellent choir you ha ve I rea ll y love the graduation cere mony

A How did you develop th is feeling fo r tradition ) Did the fac t that you studied hi story at uni versity co ntribute to thi s apprec iation)

P Really I think it s my sense of theatre Tha t~ o ff the top of my head because [ ve

never thought about the que stion before But I do ha ve a tendency whether it s in a church a

uni ve rsity the leg isl ature or the House of Commons of always see ing ceremonies with that theat ri cal look behind my eye People should be able to feel that they are taking part in a meaningful occas ion

A So it is not mere ly a question of staging a ceremony but ol really undeliining the fact that th is ri tual is part of an important tradition The theatric s then become mainl y a means of helping to convey that fact Did your family haw a strong sense of tradition

P I dont know that [ was really conscious of such things before atte nding uni ve rs it y Whil e growing up in Sarnia I doubt very much that I was co nsc ious of tradi tions Perhaps it started during my univerSity years

You must reme mber that [ came from a communit y of about IS 000 to the Uni ve rsity of Toronto where I lived in residence I was just so w ide-eyed Eve rything seemed so glamorous You know I came down with money fr om my grandfather who said I was not to sta y if I didn t like it Before I left he gave me the trai n fare home You see I was co mpletely spoil ed Of course I just loved it

A T he fac t th at you were Ontari os Lieutenant-Governor while you were the Chancellor at Guelph ce rtai nly me ant that you were busy But also as Her Majesty the Queen s offi c ial representative yo u were not free to speak on education oron politics Would you care to comment on the state of educati on now

P Well heal th and education are making terrifi c finan cial demands on provincial budgets J get completel y torn between wanting to see more money in both en velopes if you want to put it that way Im rea lly concerned about the l ack of money for our uni versities I think that they re right down to the bone and Im concerned about the fu ture If things dont improve then were goi ng to lose our staff to


III rl m gllition of her service to the Unimiddotersi since 1977 Dr Pauline M cGibbon

IllI S prlsented with two millia ture hand- craft ed replicas of th e Uni vers ity mace a t a

SenateBoard of Governors dinne r during sprin g Com oealio ll on lU1I 1 I With hlr

is Prrgtsident Donald Forster

the United Sta tes O ur eq uipment is getting old

and has to be re placed as do o ur buildings I

just wish we could find mo re mo ney in o ur unive rs ities and J use that in the plural

A It has been co mmented that sin ce Do n

Fo rste r is a bache lo r you ha ve been helpful in

setting him at ease in the social aspec ts o f his

role For examp le yo u me ntioned the

graduatio n lunche o ns

P We ll Don was Pro vos t when I was the

Chancellor at Toronto su tha t we were not

strangers to o ne another no t that we knew each

o ther that we ll Poss ibl y the fact that he had

wa tched me in ac tio n at Toronto may be one

reaso n why he asked me if I wo uld le t my name

stand as C hance llor fo r G ue lph Now I ve

rJs hl y said that Ill be glad to do an ything I can

do to he lp hi m whe n he co mes to Toronto as

Preside nt It is not going to be easy for hi m

A You have bee n the firs t woma n to hold many

othe r key positi ons hese incl ude bei ng

Director of IBM Ltd Presi dent of the Canadian Co nference o f the Arts and

Lie utenant-Gove rn or of On tari o Is this

indi cati ve o f aeha nge in peo pl e s perceptio n of

women s abil i ties w he ther it is in bu si nes

ed ucat io n or government

P Ve ry definitely attitudes are changing I

co nsider that at the begi nning I Jus t happened

to be in the right pl ace at the righ t t ime Howeve r a ll you have to do is watch the

finan cia l pages o f you r newspaper to see the way wome n are coming ahead Such changes

are partly due lthink to the femini st

moveme nt whi ch emphas ized and broug ht to

the attention o f people so me o f the handicaps under which women were functi o ning

ow I m not o ne who supported the

Ch ancelor Paufine McGibbon raquoith

extremes o f the feminist movement such as the

extra vagant prose the hraburni ng all tha t type

o f stuff I ca ll it stuff yet in the nex t breath

I say it did have an im pact Whethe r the y agreed or disagreed people a t las t began to

thi nk about ce rta in issues concerning wome n Pro bl ems w ith sa laries career advanccment

and pr j udi ce suc h as the idea that it is no t

good to work fo r a wo man a r~ example

The moveme nt seems to have slowed

duwn now I see both s ides and on no t consider

my~e l f a fence -s itte r l think the majority o f

people realize w hat certa inl y reali zed all

alo ng Yo u cannu t ge t ahead withou t the

suppo rt of men Men and wo me n have gut to

work toge ther fo r the ben fi t o f both I ha ve to

say in all hones ty that [never felt di sc ri minated

aga ins t in any way no matter wh at [ dio I ve

always gotte n al ong we ll with men Ilike men

and they sec m to l ike me

A M aybe that is part o fil T hey sense that the

rel a tio nship is a positive one Yo u enjoy their

company they enjoy yo urs and they can see

that you ha ve the mcessary qualit ies fo r a g ive n

pos itio n

Vell it s ce rtainly go ing to be the end o f

an era a t Guelph when you and Do n leave Im

sure thin gs will ca rry o n and there will be ne w

delights but were a lways sor ry to see a fine

time end

P Thank yo u Id hate to have yo u not feel

sor ry tha t we are leav ing But the new

Chancell or Bill Ste wart isjus t go ing to be

tops He had an assoc iatio n with Guel ph for a lo ng time when he was Ministerof Agriculture

I can t th ink of a better choice 0

Erich Barth arl director Enf orillaion Se rshy

vices who co-ordinaled the creation of Ihe two Uniersity iliacI lII in iafures th at

Yoere presented to her One mace is a displm model a bout on e-eigh th f ull size the o ther repli ca is a j our- in ch kill p in


Dual Income Families

Presstires and

By Mary Cocivera

A stroll through a typical neighbourhood

shatters any illusions about mothers stayin g at home with their young children

Most neighbo urhoods that a decade ago

would ha ve been bu stling with coffee klatches

neighbours visiting over the fence and back yards full of children playing are now all but deserted during the week

Young mo thers are not home with their

preschool children Instead they are in shops factories and offices working to help stretch

their families budgets Women particularly mothers of young

children are working outside the home in increasing numbers In 1971 in two-parent

families 38 pe r cent of mothers with children

under 16 worked outside the home By 1977 that proportion had increased to 58 per cent

The increases are even more dramatic for

women with children under s ix years old the

gro up traditio nally portrayed as staying home with their preschool children F ro m 1971 to 1977 the proportion of these mothers from

two-parent familie s who worked outside the home rose from 41 per cent to 51 per cent

Participation in the labour force has

increased steadily fo r all women since 1960 when fewer than 30 per cent of women over 25 were in the labo ur force By 1982 more than 48

per cent of the same group worked outside the home Further inc reases are prOjected until at least 1985 Canadas Families a doc ument

based on the 1976 census reported that in 54 per cent of families both spouses were working

o llts ide the home

Payoffs Why the Change

Women have been entering the labour

force for a variety of reasons economic ami otherwise Professor Kathleen Brown a family

economist in the Department of Family Studies suggests that soc ial pressures have

pushed many women particularly those in middle-age withgrown children out of the

house and in searc h of self-fulfillment Some of these women ma y feel theyre

missing something by staying at home when most of their peers are working outs ide the home and have their own discretionary income

Hard cold ca sh is the reason behind most womens decision to work o utside the homc Young families are particularly vulnerable to

economic upheaval s Profess or Brown explains because their expenses peak before their incomes

Many young two-income couples stretched their budgets in the early 1970s to

purchase a hou se with the expectatio n that their inco mes would rise and the payments would beco me increasingly eas ier to make

Then interest rates soared they had to renew

their mortgages at much higher rates and their la rger monthly payments s till needed two or mo re incomes to meet those payments

Wives who intended to stop working outside the home to have a family suddenly

realized that they wo uld have to keep working to keep the family home They were counting

on continued economic growth and on inflatio n eas ing their debt burden observe Professor Brown but they didn t allow enough flexibility to adjust to developments like the

unexpectedly high mortgage rates Some middle c la ss home owners may

actually be worse off no w than they were in the early 1970s according to consumer economist


Professor W ill iam Frisbee from the De partment of Consumer Studies T his problem is likely to be particularly aeu te among families who purchased homes in the 1970s W hat has caught families in the wild t1uctuation

in interest rates We can no longer ant icipate what the situation will be like in th ree or four years Conside ring that buying a house is a 25shyto 30-year proposilion this uncertainty can really put families in a bind

Wives who work outside the home have not only saved many a family home but they have kept low income families above the poverty line Women and Poverty a report

by the National Council of Welfare published in 1979 estimates that 52 per cent more two- spouse income families would fall below

the poverty line if the wives did not work outs ide the home

Wives who work outside the home

represent all social and economic strata from the lowest income families to the very highest

Many wives who are pursuing life-long careers always expected to work outside the home and

they married men who supported their ambitions

At the other extre me are women who

never planned to work outside the hom or who intended to stop working outside the home if children arrived These women frequently married men who believe that the husband

should be able to provide for his family W hen these women venture outside the

home to work there can be tremendous conflict

between the traditional values and the financial

necess ity of going out to work Their husbands often feel that their role as famil y head and bread w inner is being undermined They have d iffi culty cop ing with their wives increased independence and economic clout the wives try to live both the traditional role and carry on with thei r jobs

Far-Reaching Benefits Women enter the labour force for

monetary reasons bu t o ft en the payo ffs go far beyond the economic The late Professor A nne Cal laga n who was a soci al worker and

soc iolog ist in the Department of Family Stud ies believed that women be nefi t psychologically and that marriages can be stre ngthe ned whe n both part ne rs work outside the home Ci ting a study about the

decision-making process in famili es she observed that most couples start married life

with an equal rights relationship The wife s input into important decisions

reaches its lowest point when she is stuck at home with small children As the children get older and more independent the wife regains

some of her say in family dec isions but her input never reaches the level she enjoyed a t the beg inning of the marriage A wife who works outside the home maintains her influence in

decision- mak ing throughout the marriage With both partners working husband and

wifc are forced to communicate more and to work out the often complex arrangements for the care of the children Increased comshy

municat ion leads to more companionship In the trad it ional family with a husband who

has a job and a wife who does not work outside the home the wife organizes the children and the couple s social life

In many cases she and her husband operate in completely different spheres and communication declines Many of these marriages flounder in mid-life because there is little in the way of common interest after the

children leave home Many observers have linked marriage

failure to economic woes and to women

working outside the home Professor Callagan challenged this link The wife by working

helps combat one of the biggest sources of stress faced by married couples - money

Professor Frisbee wonders whether marital problems that have been blamed on

fi nancial woes are really caused at least in part

by isolation and loneliness [n geographically mobile societies young

couples often move away from both fam ily and friends and sell Ie in communities where they

have no close personal ties with other peo ple Whe n the pressures of jobs child care arrangeshyments and finances become too much to handle such familie s cannot call on parents

grandparents brothers and sisters and long-established friends T he pressure s become

in te rnal ized to the im mediate family and the relationship cracks under the stress

In spite of the pressures and demands of a job outside the home a wife enjoys personal

benefi ts according to Professor Callagan By contributing in a concrete visible way to purchasing the house (and the car and the food)

she earns the appreciation of her husband and chil dre and thus enhances her se lf esteem

By simply gelling out of the hou e a mother with ajob becomes more indep ndent builds a social life of her own and develops interes ts outside of he r house and fam il y All of

thi s adds up to beller mental health

Changing Roles If w ives are entering the labour force are

the ir husbands accepting more of the responsibi lity for raising the children and running the home

Roles at home have not changed as much

as some would expect Studies in Vancouver and Hal ifax found that men increase their house work and child care contributions by an average of one hour a week when their wives get jobs o utside the home

It appears that most men seem to make

their contributions in the more pleasant tasks such as putting the children to bed By and large the working mother s till has to contend wi th the laundry cleaning shopp ing cook ing and famil y scheduli ng If one of the chi ldren

gets s ick it is sti ll the mother who is usua lly

expected to adjust her schedule

Yet to come is a real sharing of the chore s around the house a perceptible shi ft in the division of labour at home

Wo men w ith jobs are no t limited to

mothers in two-parent families Divorced widowed and single women who mayor may not have children also compete for those jobs and face the same if not worse economic

pressures Wives with jobs outs ide the home

however are ojlel di smissed as not

economically important because many people assume (incorrectly) that they have husbands to

sUPflort them and their real job is to take care of the ir children

Todays thousa nds of moms who work

outside the home challenge this outmoded

notion Their pay cheques are as impo rtant a contribution to theirfamilies as their husbands

A report by the C anad ian Advisory

Council on the Statlls o f Women points out that between 1969 and 1979 the number of women in the labour force inc reased by 616 per cent with the g reatest gain being among mothers of young children

Between 1976 and 1980 according to the report the number of mothers with children under three who were in the labour force

increased by a staggering 276 per cent This raises important questions about societys ability to cope with these social changes

Some 15 or 20 years ago the mother who worked outside the home was the exception rather than the rule She could make arrangements with an obli g ing neighbour to

care for her chil d re n all Jay or to intercept them after sc hool and at lunch time

Today mothers without jobs are the

exception Find ing the obliging ne ighbour is becoming more diffic ult and famili es are making more fo rmal arrangements for day care and afte r school care In many cit ies however the re is not enough day care to fil l this demand

Here to Stay It has been pred icted tha t w ives will keep

working outs ide the ho me because they will have to Fami lies will become u ed to the com fort o f a two- income standard of l iv ing and will be unwilling or unable to g ive it up

The socia l forces that have led women in search of self fulfill me nt and equality in the work place w ill continue to influence womens

life work Many young girls still think of a job as a temporary situation but the reality is that being ma rried happily ever after is a myth for most women Women and Poverty points out th a 94 out of every 100 women marry but only 26 of them can expect to live w ith their

husbands until death Some 53 of the original 94 will become w idows and 15 will divorce or

separate Todays wives and mothers who work outs ide the home will be better prepared to

pursue life on their own if and when they

have to 0


The Stewart Bennett Bequest middot $600000 By John Hearn

When Stewart B nnett industriali st

fa rmer catt le and horse hreeder 3rt

colle tor and past member of the nivers ity of Guelph s Board of Governo rs di ed in Aug us t last year his will specified a bequest o f

$600 000 to the University which w~s

co nfinned on the death of h is widow Violet

w ho al so died last yea r

By any standards Stewart Ben nett s life

must be described as a success story a 90-year record o f persona l achievement any man m ight

envy Born in T oronto in 1892 he graduated in

engineering from the Uni ve rs ity of Toronto went up to Oxford Jo ined the Roya l Eng ineers on the outbreak of World War One served wi th di stinction as a captain and was awarded the

Military Cross He re turned to the niversity of Townto

to lec ture at the fac uity o f Applied Sc ience from 192 1 to 1925 then launched a busin ss career which was to lead to directorships with some of the country s most succe ss ful corporations

These included the Phoenix Assurance Co of herd which has been sending champions to niversity of Guelph goes back to the days Canada Dominion Stores Ltd the Boiler international Ii vestock expositions for more when he was a member of the Board of Rege nts Inspection and Ass urance Co of Canada and than 40 years The firs t Canadian-bred Shortshy of the Federated Colleges and remained to

the C anada Permanent Trust Company He horn bull to be shipped to Scotland was sent by serve as a member o f the nivcrsitys first became pres ident of Beardmore amp Company in Scotsdale Farm in 1970 and as recently as Board of Governo rs for another e ig ht years 1940 and served as vice-president of Canada 1981 Stewart Ben nett had the upre me He was al so president of the Royal Packers Inc for 18 years Champion Bull at the eNE Agricultural Winter Fair in 1953-4 and se rved

It might be argued however as to who While all this was going on he was for many years on it s executive T he Royal

was the real Stewart Bennett-the shrewd buildi ng a si gnificant collection of Canadian art Agricultural Winter Fair and the Georgetown

Industrialist or the man who bought himself a and served as a member of the council of the Di s trict Memorial Hospital are equal

540-acre farm in the Credit Valley and turned it Toronto Art Gallery Hi s 100 or more canvasmiddot beneficiaries with the University in his estate

into a beauty spot He lined its handsome ses by Tom Thompson A Y Jackso n and What el se would a man need to round out a driveway with evergreens and dammed streams JE H MacDonald among o the rs have been long and successful life but a perfect marriage

to create a lake as a home for his two swans bequeathed to the Ontario Heritage Foundation and this too was not denied him He married

Th( felle Violet alld Stewart Bennell

Nor was he content to be a city man with a which has al so been named to manage the Violet Letty Fairbanks in 1922 She died 60

country home He is honoured among cattle Be nnett farm years later two months after Stewart of a

breeders for his famous Sc otsdale Shorthorn Stewart Bennetts connection with the broken heart 0

III this picture athe UniersitV s first Board o(Co ernors St ewart 8el1 ( (( is third rolltefl



The AMPUl Experience A Most Significant Training Program For Hospitality Industry Leaders By John Hearn

When The Univers ity of Guelphs Schoo l of Ho tel and Food Administration

s taged a four-week Ad vanced management Program for the Hosp italit y Industry (AMPHI) earlier this year the y presented the

ni versity with an exercise in log istics of unprecedented complex ity Bob Desautels HI-I 7S who as involved in the advance planning fm more than a year before the e vent explaincd the special nature of the prohle m

A MPHI was to be a four-week conce ntrated coursc designed to meet the standards of two dozen o f Canada s most senior hospitality exec utive s who must he regarded not just as expeI1S but also as connoisseurs in the art of loo king after people Meeting those standards assembling an experienced faculty and generating very large quantities o f all-new course material mandated a course fee of $5000 At those rates participants were entitled to expect the hest of everything

The curriculum was programmed in detail fro m 630 am through 1000 pm every day The gt[re nuous nature o t the intellectual demands left the partic ipants with ne ither the time or the energy to do very much in the way of fending for themsel ves Another important constraint was that eve ry activity formal and informal had to be structured in such a way as to be conducive to mainwinin g continuous dialogue betwee n the paI1icipanh at all times

Gicn these criteria Bob sought the aid of vinually evcry serv ice department in the

nivc rgtitj Co-operation was be ne rous and unstintin b middot he rcpmtgt We asked for setvice lllore ugtually as sociated with hetterclss hotch and eve ryone rose to the occasion Faced with such sophisti cated palates food scrv ice had to he at the top 01 the list and Dave Boeckner assistant manager opc rmiddotations Food Services pulled out allthe slOpS tor us

A Public Statement

For Garry Round Food Serv ices director A VlPHI offered a unique o pportunity to make a puhlic statement about the capahililie s of hi orbani7ation which had hee n I()(l~in g for just such a challen ge 10 break through the ima ge prohlem us ually assoeiatcd with universit y

latcrin g

Let s face it he aid unive rsities in bene ral arc popular locati ons for summcr Llln krcnccs Im onc excellent rcason - the price is ri ght Student s roo ms arc availahle at camp-site rates and lor $ IISO a day peopl e

ca n eat well in one of ou r cafeterias What makes thc University of Guelph

different With onc of the bigges t residen t student populations in Canada with in-house catering and an nual sales in the $6 million brmiddotacke t we have a resource base capabl e ot sustaining an hillll ( (lIilil7 ( culinary staff and allowing us to take on special functions that would be impossible for an y other university in Canada

This opinio n was e nthus iasticall y endorsed by the AMPHI participant s wh o aw arded a standing ovation to the s taff led by Domenico Ran alli executi ve chef and Incz Scapinello operations manager during the final banquet - a sea Cood spectacu lar capped by copi ous quantities of Baked Alaska

The final banquet was by no means except ional Steak and lobste r eSla rgot and mushroom ca ps were almost com monpl ace Breakfas t offered a choice of cereals an exoti c display of fresh fruit s and such niceties as eggs bened ict The scale and variety of lunches had to be cut back alter the first week in respo nse to

the part icipants groans of too much

Front Rank Convention Centre

As Inez Scapinello tell s it AMPHI was not so much a challe nge as an opportunity We did nothing we had not do ne before Dome nico was not ca lled upon l(l create any new menu items although we did try some innovati ve combinations

A a howca sc for Domcnico Ranalli talent s A M PH I WIS nothi ng less than a Will dl

il(( Wi th 2~ sucCssivc dinners each of which earned rave re views without once repeati n[ himself and consisting or nothing ne w moves the University of Gue I ph into the front rank of convention centre~

Satis fied that food sc-rv ice was in good hands Bob Desautels wa s able to turn his attentio n 0 other logis til problems

Th e I MPHI course was basltd on the case teachin g method A tcam ofHA PAcase writers worked for more than two yea rs assemhling a packa ge or some 600 studies of critical si tuatio ns pertincnt to the contlrl1porary Canadran hospitalit y sce ne They travelled as lar as British Co lumbia in search or authentil re levant material all of which had 10 be reproduced It was Bob Desautels job to superv ise the printing and hindin g of the IOOD-page required reading Ialk agc hand ed III (deh urthe panic ipants on arrival plus industr)

notes the teaching material s and equipmclll required by the e ight-man facult y under HA FA Director Dr Tom Powers

Sleeping accommodation in the nearest residence to th l Schoo l was a simple student environment with th e addilOn of a private pho ne in each morn In~ talled for the duration of the course Valet and laundry se rvice not usually part of the l niversit ys conference offering was available Credit pri vi leges at the Un ivers ity branch o f the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce was arran ged for each of the participants

Hospitality L e ad ers Night People Successful hospitalit y industry leaders are

marked by certain co mmo n characteristicsshyhigh energy leveis capac ity for long and erratic hours strong people skill s creati vit y and a sense 01 humour The day beginning with a 645 am run continuing through three morning ca studie s followed by study sessions keep fit classes and physica l games in the afternoon and more group study sessions in the evening rare ly ended at the prescribed 1000 pm Hospi tality industry leade rs are night peop le

Stimulated by the intellectual dema nd s of the course and by interaction wit h thei r peers and faculty (w ho stayed with thern right through the long day) the y we re till left with energy to burn off in a serie s of theme parti es whi ch sent Bob Desa utels scouring the di strict to su ppl y thei r eso teric demands - one complete fem ale gorilla outfit for cxarn pk

The course ended when Prcsid ent Donald Forste r prese nted the graduate with certificatcs (w hich had 10 be spec iall y designed and printed) and the graduates pre se nted the faculty with mock certificates (which also had to be designed and pri llled)

How well did it all wo rk 0 We c hecked double checked and tripie c hecked eve ry possihilit y in advance said Boh De aute ls The on ly qUls tion we had left on the eve ofthc confe rcncc was whell have we missed As it tran plredthe answer see rns to ha ve heen not much

Participants wcre unanimous rn their evaluation of AMPIII as incomparahl y the mos t si g nificant rnanagementtraining lx pcrr cnce of their liv es All of them werT ve teran s of coursegt g iCn hy uniers itie s private managem ent dc ve lopment institutions and in-house conicrenccs hut none had been through an experienlc as rewarding demanding superhl rganied and positi ve in its long term consequCrlle as this one

For the faculty and gtUpPllrt stall more Jccutorllcdtothc energy leve ls of under shygradulles AvIPHI made unpncccknted phyical and mental demands - hut plans for AMPHI ~I arc alrcadv in the orb and applicant s are lx[1clted from allo ver th e cun tinc nL C



indiviJual champions Peter Domarchuk Mitch Mason hri s Crooks and LeonarJA Year to REMEMBER

By D ick Freeman

A full house in excess of 430 people crowded Peter Clark Hall at the Univershy

sity of Guelph in March to celebrate a year of intercollegiate sports competition and to honshy

our its 198283 champions The year started with a 16 to 10 football

victory over the OQIFC champion the Conshy

corida Stingers and ended with a third consecuti ve CIA U wrestling championship In

between a well-balanced Gryphon athletic program proudly and successfully represented

the University of Guelph When the awards had been announced a

pair of Hockey Gryphons had struck for the hat tri ck Ray Irwin was named the 198283 Male Athlete of the Year the W F Mitchell Sportsman of the Year(forathletics leadersh ip)

Ray Irwin Male Athlete of the Year

When Vice-President Administration Charles Ferguson presented Ray Irwin with

the 1982-83 University ojGuelph Mal e Athlete of the Year award it was the culmination ofa story-book seasonfor the Sudbury native

In earning his third straight first team

all- star berth Ray led the OUAA in assists with 40 and added ten goals to finish as the only dejenceman in the leagues top ten scorers His on-ice brilliance caught the eye of Canadas

Olympic Team and at mid-season he was chosen to represent Canada in a tournament in Czechoslovakia

In a game against the nations numbershy

one ranked Toront o Blues he scored once and assisted on three other scores

Perhaps more significant though was his

selection as the W F Mitchell Sportsman of the Year This award honours leadership and strength ofcharacter two qualities that are

abundant in this HAFA student

and collected his third straight team Most

Valuable Player Trophy Another all-star hockey performer Sue

Scherer was named the Female Athlete of the

Year Sue earlier was named Most Improved Player on the Field Hockey squad as well as

Most Valuable Performer on the Women s Ice Hoc key team

Bev Rankin a member of the Womens

Athle tics Council and Women s Field Hockey team was honoured as the recipient of the W F Mitchell Sportswoma n of the Year Award Other major award winners inc luded Basketballs Greg Hook- Don Cameron

Memorial Trophy for Most Improved Athlete

Volkyballs Michelle Turley - Mary Beverley-Burton Award for Female Rookie of

the Year and Scott Hobson - Ted Wildman Memoria l Trophy as the outstanding graduatshy

ing football player Alderman Jim Whitechurch Arts 8 1

presented City of Guelph plates to Canadi an Champions These included wrestlers Ken Bradford Chris Crooks and Peter Domarchuk

as well as football All-Canadians Pe ter Langshyford Junior Ro binso n Salvatore Benincasa

and vlrke Hudson Hud son it should be noted earned All-Canadian honou rs for the third

consecuti ve year only the second player ever so honoured

In addition to the team Most Valuahle and Mo st Improved awards as listed below the

gathering honoured OWlAA champions Barb Jonak - Arc hery and Jane Herner- Alpine Skiing The mens wrestling team captured a

fourth straight OUAA titl e anchored by


Archery Trophy Barb Janak Most Impro ved Basketball Trop hy (men) Greg Hook Bill Dlmson Memorial Trophy Michael 5cs(0 Demck Lewis Most Irnproved Basketball Trophy (women) Beth Pulsifer Basketball Award (women) Joa nne Hurd Badminton Trophy (women) Kelly Breedon BadmintOn Trophy (me n) Tai Ching Leng Cross-country Running Trophy (womcn) Tracey RObinson Curling Trophy Jill Rowen Brian Davenport Most Improved Field Hockey Trophy Susan Scherer Field Hockey Trophy Karen Mc Bride Most Improved Football Trophy Pat Tracey Letlermens Club Award Mike Eykens Most Improved Ice Hockey Trophy (women) Michelle Turley Coaches Hockey Trophy Susan Scherer Walter Rickard Memorial Trophy Bruce Kilgour Jack Pos Intercollegiate Hockey Award Ray IrwlO leuan Evans Intercollegiate Rugger Trophy Jeff Baldock Most Improved Soccer Trophy Gudio Frasson Bill McAnurf Soccer Trophy BII Davis Most Improved Swimming Award (women) Stephanie Doll Swimming Trophy (women) Pam Johnson Most Improved Swimming Trophy (men) Kirk Weber Swimming Trophy (men) Peter Koiisnyk Synchronized Swimming Trophy Lisa De Laplante Tennis Award (women) Maureen McKillop Most Improved Volleyball Trophy (men) Blair Carley Volleyball Trophy (men) Tim White Mosllmproved Volleyball Trophy (women) Francine Taillefer Volleyball Award (women) Joellen Barr Most Improved Wrestling Trophy Peter Oomarchuk Wrestling Trophy Ken Bradford

Stevano Altogether 18 Gryphons were nameJ

to league all-star teams Two athlete s were presented with trophies

as the best in their sport in Canada Peter Langford the J P Metras Trophy as Canadas

Outstanding Defensive Lineman and Ken Bradford as the Outstanding Wrestkr at the

19828 3 championships Director of Athletics Dave Copp sumshy

med up the year in his closing remarks as he

thanked the athlete s and coaches for their superb efforts We are proud of your achievements in 198283 competition Let us work together to make 198384 eve n more

memorable Judging from the fact that the majority of

alhletcs and guests danced and partied to the wee hours it was obvIOus that they were full of the Gryphon spirit It s truly fun- catch it 0

Su e S cherer Female Athlete of the Year

Vice-Presidelt Academic HOl-ard Clark presentation of the 198283 Female Athlete of the Year (ward to Sue Scherer was greeted with a TOar njpproal Howe le r the awardfor

excellence displa yed in ice hockey andjield hodn was reallv 011 11 the tip of the iceberg

Afifih semester sociolog student Sue anchored the Grlphons defence and in fact

controlled th e oJjensf As if that wasnt enough Sue was the plaving coach and in the combination 0 roles led the hocker Gryphons into th e plar-offs including a regular season

upset of the Ynrk Yeoomen Th e hidden part othe stOrl is perhaps th e

best Sue fills her mml1lers bv starring on the Canadian Nat ional Womens Fastball team In cluded in this hectic schedule were tours nf

Japan Taiwan SO Lllh America and Mexico

Obiouslr the combinatioll astudies and athletics is a healthy one as Sue maintains a

B average at the Unilersity



Newly Elected as

AluDlni Senators Following the annual election for three of the nine alum n i seats on Senate a t the Univers ity the following three alumni have been elected to replace those who will fulfill three-year terms on August

31 1983

Richard D Rich Moccia CBS BSc 76 MSc 78 is a self-employed biologishy

cal research scientist in the aquaculture field (See article Theyve Gone Fishin

Guelph Alumnus Spring 1983 issue

Rich is a past president of the CBS Alumni Associatio n was a vice-president of the UGAA and has served on numerous

adminis trative committees on campus inshycluding a Presidential Special Advisory Committee on Alumni Publications He also was a member of the Alma Mater Fund Advisory Council

In his spare time he has been involved with the Big Brothers Association and Minor League baseball He races motorshycycles for relaxation and fun

Donald C Rose Arts BA 80 MA 82 is a corporate representative with Uniglobe Bay Street Travel Inc of Toronto During

Tony Sobczak Arrs 77

Donald Rose Arts 80

his years at Guelph Donald served as sports editor and production manager with the Onlarion and was a member of Gryphon

soccer and rugby teams

A single man he feels that as an alumni senator he will be able to maintain his concern for the standards of higher education and at the same time maintain the friendships and contacts that he estabshylished while at the Uni versity

Tony K Sobczak Arts BA 77 is general manager of Bailey s Balloon Brigade a restaurant in Toronto While

study ing at Guelph he worked in the

hospitality field with Food Services The Keg and the Elora Mill Restaurant and Inn Following graduation he was employed by the Toronto-Dominion Bank in southshywestern Ontario but two years later

re vived his interest in the hospitality field

Richard Moccia CBS 76

He and his wife Cathy have one son

Tony Jerome T J 11 months old Keen on sports Tony senior runs plays squash

and is a waterskiier

Patricia M G renier Arts 72 is currently serving the unexpired term of alumni Senator Richard Young Arts 76 who re s igned during the third year of his term She will retire as alumni Senator on August

31 1983 Patricia who received a degree of

Master of Library Science from the Univershys ity of Western Ontario in 1973 is coshyordinator Information Services Informashytion Centre Ministry of EducationlMinistry

of College and Universities Toronto Prior to her present position she was a

reference librarian Documentation Centre

at the University of Guelph Library from 1975 to 1980 0

Limited Accreditation for OVC The Ontario Veterinary College of the

University of Guelph has been accorded limited accreditation status by the American Veterinary Medical Association

(A VMA) President Donald Forster anshynounced in May

The decision by the Council of Edllcashytion of the A VMA is based on recommendashy

tions made in the report of an evaluation committee which visited the College for a

short period in October 1982 a report on which the University and the C ollege had an opportunity to comment Most errors of fact in the original report were corrected as a result of the UniversityS comments

This accreditation status means that ove meets or exceeds most but not all

minimal requirements for a satisfactory program in veterinary medicine at least in

the judgment of the Association Limited accreditation is a reduction in

s tatus from full accreditation a status which the College has held and which was

reconfirmed by a previous evaluation in L976 Similar decisions ha ve been made

by the AVMA in the past in the case of programs at other and well-established

veterinary colleges in the United States which faced problems similar to those we are experiencing at the OVC the Presishydent noted

L imited accreditation status may be

maintained for a period of up to five years on the basis of annual reports by the University and the College indicating that any deficiencies are in the process of being corrected At any time during the five-year period the University and the College may

invite the A VMA Council to make a new

evaluation hopefully leading to a return to full accreditation status

A number of factors are identified in

the report as a basis for the Councils decision Most important the report reshy

commends that a better balance between the financial resources and the programs of the College be achieved From this flow two major recommendations Construcshy

tion and renovation be initiated to correct inadequacies in classrooms laboratories

offices and clinical work spaces Also -faculty numbers and specialty expertise be increased and additional time be scheduled for professional development research and other scholarly pursuits

The report also suggests that the

number of support s taff be increased One option identified in the recommendations is

that student numbers be reduced until

conld over


adequate faculty numbers and physical facilitie s can be provided hnally some deficiencies in the area of postgraduate education are also identified

While the University and the College

are naturally disappointed by the Councils conclusions we are not entirely surprised President Forster commented Many of the deficiencies identified in the report have been matters of acute concern for some time and some steps have been taken already to remedy the problems some of which are simply the product of the chronic undershyfunding that Ontario universities have exshyperienced for a number of years

Under the circumstances I commend

the faculty and staff of the Ontario

Veterinary College for working so hard to maintain the reputation and integrity of the program and its graduates during this very difficult period

The President also noted that under A VMA procedures an elaborate appeal process is available to the University A decision has been taken not to appeal the Councils deision even though the Univershysity has reservations about some of the observations in the report

The recommendation s in the report will be reviewed very carefully by the

Uni versity and the College in the coming months the Pre sident indicated and every effort will be made to secure support from government and other sources to

remedy problems which have be e n identified In this connection I wish to

express again our gratitude to the Honourshyable Dennis Timbrel Ontario s Minister of Agriculture and Food for making available to the University special funding in the amount of $J8 million annually for a three-year period in support of programs at the OVe This suppOrt came at a particushylarly crucial time and was most welcomc

Recent discussion with Mr Timbrell and Agriculture Canada have indicated hoth sympathy for and understanding ot the capital needs of the College and there is every hope that substantial support will be forthcoming from both levels of go vernshyment President Forster concluded D

Director Industrial S ervices R onald J Dolynchuk has been appointed Director Indus trial Services for the U nivershysity of G uelph The appointment became effective April I 1983

He will provide a two-way contact between the Un iversity and industry says Dr William Tossell Dean of Research Dea n Tossell points out that Ronald Dolynshychuk will ass ume an integral role in the industrial interact ion strategy recently anshynounced by the University At the same time he will help acquaint University researchers with possible sources of reshysearch contracts and grants within the industria l sector

The new industrial services director says that he sees his ro le somewhat as that of a broker taking the research and te hshynological skills of the campus to inshydustry- Iocal ly provincially and nationshyally W ithin the campus he hopes to play the role of a catal st co-ordinating varied speci alized activities and preparing a marketable package of research and sershyvice attract ive to industry

He says that a campus such as the University of Guelph can offer a consortium of highly specialized and technological expertise to indu stry Such capability can prove to be a powerful factor in attracting new industry to the area he says This may be particularly true in the case of smaller industries that can seldom afford their own highly specialized research facilities

Initially the new director says he will especially target on industries with a direct relationship to those areas of expertise for which the University of Guelph is particushylarly well known These include such sectors as foods and beverage and bioshytechnology

I am especially interested in offering industry a broad-based multi-disciplinary

Ronald 1 Dolynchuk

approach to their problems through includshying such areas as the social sciences in a team of experts he says This would permit the Uni versity to prov ide more complete studies including market research and sociological considerations as well as

scientific or technological resources

The new director of industrial services is no stranger to the University of Guelph campus He has been teaching a course on Business Policy in the School of Agricul shytu ral Economics and Extension Education

Ronald Dolync h uk was most reshycently the sen ior vice- president and general managcr of Linread Canada Limited in Guelph He has worked in industry since 1969 in marketing and managc ment posishytions Born and raised in W innipeg he grauuated in business economics from Inshydiana Un iversity and received a Master of Business dm in islra tion uegree from the same university

Ronald Dolynchuk and his wife and thrce ch il dren have lived in G uelph since 1976 He has b en act ive in the Gue lph Chamber of Commerce the Ro tary Club of G uelph and has served on the Board of Direc tors of the Edward Johnson Mus ic Foundation the Guelph Arts Counci l the G uelph Youth O rchestra and the G ue lph Marlin Aquatic Cl ub He is a lso 1 regis tered soccer re te ree 0

National Universities Week National Universities Week is being observed at universities across the country October 2 to 8 1983 to draw attention to the positive contributions a nd accomplishments made by these institutions in Canadian life A variety of activ ities at campuses will be designed to point out the va lue of the univershysitys teaching research cultural and public ser vice acli~ ities in society

Plans at Guelph include a noon hour series of lectures a nd panels which will look at areas of research on camp us that have far-reach ing etTects on society Members of the pu blic will be invited 10 visit the cam pus during the week to attend events and to tour the facilities

For further information on the National Universities Week program contact Information Services University of Guelph (SI9) 824-4120 Ext 8708 0


Canadian Centre for Toxicology T he Canadian Centre for Toxicol(l t y to he located at the ni ve r~ it y of Guelph and tht University of Toro nto will rt cc ive $ 10 mi ll ion fro lll the Ce clc ra l govern ment for the firs t phase of const ructioll The lunding I contingent on part ic ipation by the Ontario govern me nt ancl the two u ni ve rs it i e~

Dr Jim Sc hroder O VC 42 Me mbCi of Pari iame nl for Guelph pari ia mentary secretary to the Mini ster of Health and We lfare Monique Begin and an 0 C facult y member made the announce me nt on behalf o f The Honourable John Roberts Mini ste r of the En vironment at a press co nfere nce on cam pus in May The fundin g is the fi rst to be announced for more than 100 projects be ing fund eu under the leueral governmcnt s $ 24 bill io n spec ial reco ve ry projec ts program outlined in the April 19 budge t speec h

Pres ident Donalu Forster said that representati ves from the Uni vers it ies of Guelp h ane Toronto met later fo r discusshysions wi th Ontario s Mini ster of the Envishyronment Ke ith Norton and will continue tv di scuss the prov ince s commitmcnt to the Ccntre President Fors ter said he is opti misshyti c abo ut provincial support as Premier Bill Da vis has for the past tw o years expressed strung support for the Centre

President Forster on behalf o f the Unive rs it y of Guelph thanked Dr Schroun fo rthe work he has done to impress upon the federal go vernment the im port ance of a projec t of ve ry co ns iue rab le na tio na l s ignificance The Pres ident c it ed the Centre as an example of the co-operatio n betwee n uni ve rsitie s governments and the pri va te sector

Dr David Strangw ay actin g presishydent Uni versity of Toronto also expressed gtatitude to the federal go ve rnment and Dr Sc hroder He said the joint venture by two uni ve rs iti es tha t have compl ementary strengths is unique He desc ribeu the Ce ntre

Alberta Alumni Reunion

Saturday August 20 1983

200 pm -Bowness Park Calgary

Bring your own picnic

Prizes will be awarded for oldest grad grad who travels farthest

from home etc

L (l i to rii ht D r MeLII middotell Prcs iden Fo rsl fl r Dr Schroderund Dr Sl liI ng loshy(Iu inK Jr f ideill Uni l c rII oToro ll lO

as a world-class model that co uld be looked to in the future Guelphs strengths are in agricultural and veterinary toxicol ogy and Toron to s are espec iall y in toxicology in the med ical and engineerin g fi elcl s En viro nshymental expert ise is we ll deve loped at both uni vers ities

Professor Free man McEwen acting direc tor of the Ce ntre a nd dean of the OA outlined some of the unique features of the Ce ntre which he said is blaz in g a new tra il between gove rnments uni versities and the public sector

The planning and construction of phas one of the facilit y for the project is expected to be compl eteu by late 1986 at a total cost of $236 million When com shypleted the Ce ntre will be part of a netw ork o f toxicology centres across Canada It is ex pected to have a staff at both Guelph and Toronto of 64 sc ient is ts 108 techn ishycians and 109 other staff members The corshyrate headquarte rs will be at the Uni versit y of Guelph 0

Homecoming September 30middot October 1

Friday September 30 700 p m and 1000 pm The Nyl on in conce rt two shows War Me mori al Hall Ticket s $8 50 students and seni ors S9 50 general For ti ckets write Ny lons Tickets nive rs ity of Guel ph Box Ollice Uni vers ity Centre Un ive rs ity of Guelph Guel ph Ontari o N IG 2W I Pl ease make cheque payable to the Univers it y of Guelph and enclose a self- addressed and stamped envelope

Saturday October 1 Morning Homecomin g Paraue For further in fo rm ation contac t John King (519) 824-4120 Ex t 8327

1100 am HA Alu mni Associati on Annual eeting Hotel and Food Admin isshytrati on Building

11 30 am Human Kinet ics Alum ni Association An nual Meeting and Home shycoming Brunch Loca ti on to be anno unced

200 pm Homecornmg Footba ll Game Alumni Stadium Uni vcrsity of Toronto Blues vs Uni versit y of Gue lph Gry phons

630 pm Alumni Din ner Dancc Creelshyman Hall Further detail s co nt act Alumni Office (519) 824-4 l20 Ext 2122 or 87 40

800 pm Post-Game Pub Dance De shypartment of Athl etics gymnas ium 0

CODling Events Sep1216 Aggie Week

17 UGAA Wine Symposium Niagara Peninsula

25 28

Sep 30 Oct 1

Oct 1


Nov 11middot20


Dec 5-8

OAC Alumni Association Golf Tournament

InternationaJ Plowing Match Teviotdale


HAFA Alumni Association Annual Meeting

HK Alumni Association Annual Meeting

MacmiddotFACS Alumni Association Caree rs Night

Royal Agricultural Winter Fair Toronto

OAC Alumni Reception Royal Room CoUseum RAWF Toronto

Night At The Royal Sponsored by the UGAA Toronto chapter

American Association of Equine Practitioners Annual Convention Las Ve gas Nevada USA



The Ontario Veterinary College Alumni Association

EditorALUMNI Dr Cliff Barker 41


Faculty Award for Dr Bob Curtis Dr Bob CUrlis 6 Clinical SllIdies OVe recelllly received a UniversilY of Guelph

FlIcully Associalion Professional Tea ching Award in recognition of his great influence on professional lraining The cira lion in parr sraled He has repeatedlv beuroen honouredfor

his conlriburiOIl 10 educalion He is a respecled elerinarian who is universally retIed us

one of lhe beslleachers Ihis univlrsiry has eper had LeIr 10 righl Dr Russ Willoughbv

57 Dr Wayne Pfeiffer vice-chairman Faculty aSSOCi((lion Dr Bob Curlis 6 and

Dr Mike Wilson chairman Clinical SlUdies 0

For Design Dr Jim 01fa50n 68 owner of the South Su rrey Veterinary Hospital 3221 shy140th S1 Surrey BC received the 19 82 Special Aw ard for Architectu ral Exce llence at the annual merican Animal Hospital Association convention in San Antonio Texa on March 14 1983 The award was prese nted by Velerinary Eco nomi cs Mag(l~ ine a leading business magazi ne for the veterinary profession

T he award was give n in rccognition of the timc and expense Dr O lafsun investcd to design a hosp ital that would enhance its natur al s ur round ings South Su rrey Veterinary Hospital is loca ted in a res idenshyt ia l area and the colors a nd tex tures of the buil ding s ex terior lesse n the impact o f a commerci a l property in the area

The hospital is energy-efficient and includes large winduws and nume rous skyshyli ghts in its design plan Other features incl ude covered walkways a covered parkshying area a nd covered entrances The overall effect minim izes the enclosed fe lin g usushy

ally associatcd with a subterranean struc shytu re and the atte ntion to aesthetic detail produces a truly stunning hospital Con shygratulations Jim 0

Dr doe dohnson T he late Dr Joseph E Johnson 19 ( I R91-1960) who practised for many years in Waterloo was recognized for hi s services to ag riculture in O ntar io when his port rait was hung in the O ntario Agricu ltura l Ha ll of Fame at the O ntario Agricultural Museum Milton His nomination was prese nted by the Ontario Association of Ani mal Breedshyers T he citation presented states

Dr Joseph Edward Joe Johnson a native of Stra throy as a pioneer in the practice of artificial insemination (AI ) in Ontario In 1942 when the Waterloo Cou nty Holste in- Friesian Associ ation made

their fi rst attemp t it was Dr Joe who collected the se men and inse mina ted the cows

For fl ve years he took ti me out o f an already very busy practice to make the new idea work Several younger veterinarians

who workcd with him were later to be in charge of AI units across Ontario

He gradu ated from the O ntario Veterinary College in 1919 and after working in Fergus and Acton set up practice in Waterloo where he worked with the noted Seagram Sta bles

He pioneered the multi-staff clinic approach having as many as four students and grad uates work ing w ith him Because o f th is internship approach Dr Johnson probably had a greater influence o n the practice of large animal vete rinary medicine than any other practicing vete rinarian of his day

The ultimate uccess of the AI sys shytem is due in large part to the work o f this ve terinari an who through trial and error persevered with the technique in its ear ly years 0


One Millionth A third-year O VC student Paul Dick of Gcoroetown recently became the one mi lshylio nth person to pass through the turnstiles o f the O VC Division of the Uni versity Library since the tu rn sti les were installed eight years ago He was gree ted by libshyran ans and fac ulty applause and handshyshakes t1 a~ h i ng camera strobe lights conshygratulations and the pre sentation o f a book Clillical E raminal ion of Ca ll ie

The VC library also serves students from other Colleges Co mprising more tha n 30000 volu mes it e mbraces far more than the veterinary sc iences 0

In a briefcert monv a llellded bv David Hull head Sc ience and Velerinary Science Diision

oj Ihe Library eli and Dean Douglas 1aplesden 50 righl Associa ( Libraria ll John

Black presen l a book 10 one millionlh isilor Paul Dick rig ill cenlre

It Was Bound to Happen Delta chapter of O mega Tau Sigma Fratern ity residence has become co-educational with the admi ssion of 18 women students during 1982-83 em sters For se veral years OVC s women stu dents have been seeking fra ternity membership they fi nally made it in 1982

Galhered onlhei-olll sleps oflh e avc main

Imiiding are 14 of Ih e 18 women slwlel1ls

who resided in Ihe fral house Ihi I r ea r

FrOt1 row I(i llo righ l lennifer Rice

Ion [ Lee Ma rv MOllleilh M iddle ro w

Robill Roscol Kale Flanigan Lisa Tavlor Debbie Blech Lesli e Hu ngall Back row

l ana Kl llOn Carol Phillips l ennifer

TrollghlO n lulv Keenliside Healher Ross

Michele Durnall MissinRfrom Ihe piClure

are Brenda FOSler Chris Barrl es

Keily-LeiRh Thomas and Laura Hunl 0

Letters to the Editor Or Bert Ca rswell 7 1 of Brooks Alt a has repli ed to o ur request for informatio n on the watch fob letters F L T (O VCAA Alumni Bulletin March 19H3 Special Supmiddot pl ement) by sugges ting these stand for Friendship Lo ve and Truth the motto of the Indepcndent Order of Odd fell ows Are the re further op i nions~

Dr Alexander Bruyns 32 Sequin Was hington S A has se nt us informashytion on the Royal Canadian Army Veterishynary Corp (O VCA Alumni Bulletin

March 1983 S pec ial Supple ment) He was a ve te ri na ry offi ce r with the Gove rn o r Gcnerals Horse Guards in Toronto o n joini ng the RCAVC in 1938 and me ntioned the late Dr A R Yo unie 14 who served

with the RCAVC in World War One Further inform ation re RCAVC officers would be apprec iated

Dr Donald MacDonald 54 o f Edmo nshyton Ita also replied to our RCAVC inquiry with informatio n on the Corps badges He is a collector of militaria especi ally militar y cap badges o f which he has a collection of over 1600 He states cap badges of the RC VC are as scarce as he n s tee th

The O VC museum has o btained cap and uni form badges from Dr G A Rose IS la t address Picton and Dr W A Robenson 16 Tsawwassen BC eachof whom served as veterinary officers during World War O ne 0

In Memoriam Dr Owen Hinton 25 died on January 22 1983 in Florida Las t add ress Rt 4 Box 139 Jasper Florida US A 32052

Dr Vernon jensen 33 died on Dcshyce mber II 19 R2 Las t address 2485 Lon-din Lane St Paul in nesota US A

Dr Edward Burke 35 died on Ja nuary 21 1983 Las t addr ss P OBox 326 So uthport Conn US A 06490

Dr jack Warren 39 Date of death no t reported Last addre ss RR 3 W heatl y Ontario OP 2PO

Dr Wilfred Sherwin 40 died o n 0 tobc r 6 1982 Last address 432 W Washi ngton Street ampa Idaho S A83651

D r j ames Watt 49 died in August 1982 Las t address 790 Ho rtop Avenue Osha wa Ontario LlG 4N8

Or Peggy Godkin 55 died o n Decem ber 5 1982 Last address Inni sfai l Alt a 0

PEl Gets It T he Toro nto Glohe ald Mail of Fe bruary 19 1983 carried the follow ing announce shyment Charl otte town (CP) - Agric ultu re Minister Eugene W he lan announced today that $500000 has bee n appropri ated to

begin architectural pl ans fo r I $26-mi ll ion veterinary college here He sa id at a new confe rence the federal Go vern me nt w ill put up half the co nstruc tion cos t if the three Marit ime p rov inces s ha re t he o ther $ 13-lTI illi on out lay 0


The College of Social Science Alumni Association

PEGAS-US Editor Dorothy Barnes 78

stori ng The Log Farm a farmhouse dating back to the late 1800s Michelle says Michelle and Mustech thi s was a terrific expcrience and the best

N omad pioneer student administrator curator You mi ght ask what these words ha ve in common and the answer you would receive would be that they all aptly describe Miche lle McMillan 77

Mi chelle graduated with a degree in SociologyAnthropology At the same time she graduated from Algonquin Community Collegt with a correspondence course dipshyloma in what she terms M ustec h - Muse um Technology majoring In Exshyhibit esign

Currently assistant director at the Guelph Ci vic Muse um she has held thi s position since the spring of 1979 Her responsibilities include those of regis trar (mai nta ining dltaikd [i Ii ng systems) for the con serva tion of artifacts and ex hibit work She is co-ordinator of some 40 vo lunteers who are in volved in all facets of museum work (to become a muse um vo lunteer all one has to do is call Michelle and arrange for an interview )

When interviewing Michclk it was obvious she has a love for her work that she will pass on to oth~rs possibly some of the young children attending the education programs she supervi ses at the Guelph Civic Museum

Her mothers parents were homeshysteaders and she was brouoht up on stories about pioneering Her interest in pioneering and the Indian way of life was fo stered by a mothe r who had Indian friends and who would often visit these friends experiencshying their way of life even to sleeping quite often in a tepee

Thi s and the fac t that her family moved around a lo t from west to east influenced Michelles deep and lasting love of the past although with a lau gh she says Now I am of the opinion that my mother had a tendency to present a romantic version of the whole situation - espec ially to me as a young child It certainly influenced my interest in studying Anthropol ogy

Michelles ed ucation and working exshyperiences have bee n very infl uential in nurturing her love of the past She started

out at the University of Western On tario but left for perso nal reasons She worked for a ye ar and while working beca me apprenshyticed as a pattern drafter

ichelle mo ved to Ottawa after she had worked the year and regi stereu at Carl eto n Universi ty in Anthropology She studied this for one year and then became aware of a program offered at Algonquin Communit y College on the subject Mu seum Tech nolo gy

Her placement s in work situation while at Algonquin included a summer helping four yo un g me n on a project at the town of Bells Corners ne ar Ottawa re-

job she ever had There was no electr icity so eve rything

was done by hand Her group res tored doors gable-ends flo ors ceilings rtshypointed stone found at ions and raised the building on hydra uli c jacks The y also gl Lt~d windows re searched the huildin g and organized the veget ab le garden

Othelmiddot experiences have included work at thc Na tio nal Museum of Man thc McM ichae l Canadi an Collcction in Klcin shyburg the Wellington County Muse um and the S imcoe County Museum She has al so been a volunteer teacher at the Plains jndian Iroquois and Inuit Ga lleri es of the National M use um of Man

It was Guelphs gain when Miche lle found he rsel f pulled bac k to stud ying in order to co mplete her degree

Michelle is now well established in her position at the Guelph Civic Muscum and dt las t feels she ha s put dow n roots in a c ity she has an alleg iance to one she loves and fee ls more co mfortable in than any other She is involved in trying to build up a research library on local history and artifacts

When asked for pearl s of wisdom fo r new graduates Michelle volunteered that pcople need practical ex perience along with formal learning to balance their percept ion of a ro lc How apropos 0

Th e Cullege uf So cial Science Alumlli Associatioll ill-course scholarships ere Jreserl(d

rnelltlmiddot to lei Junine Crallt Ceog uJJnmiddot olld Virginia Suth erland Psrchologv Attending

tht un lIlOnr wert right Pro(essor Juliu s fugl Department oCeogrupilr and Pr(essor

Mike M(lIh f II~ Iei chuirmun DeJurtlllen t 0 PI cilologr Th e scilolorshiJI 01 $200

each oreul1ded in purt hr all (11 1(( gru llti-om til ( Alma Mawr Fu nd


Lan e Smit h 78 is a so ftware spec ialist Barbara (Cherry) Wilson 80 is pres shyGrad News with Software Ke netics in epean ently res iding at 45 Emily Street Grimsby

Ron Beveridge 67 is an e lementary special counselor with School District 88 Terrace B C

C R ichard Buc k 70 practices law WIth the firm of Weyli e Shortt Buck Hanshybridge Reidl Casselli and Mitchell in Waterloo

Lee D Wetherall 75 is an exec utive ass istant with AIcan in Kingston

Stewart McCann 76 is a lec turer with the University of Alberta Edmonton

Peter J Stanczyk 76 is living at 9940 Fa irmount Drive S E Apartment A-4

C algary Alta Since concluding his studies at Guelph Peter attended the social work course at Wilfrid Laurier University Watershyloo and received a Master o f Soc ial Work

degree in 1982 Peter is now married and he and his

bride We ndy are established as socia l workers with Alberta Social c rvices and Comm unity Health in Calgary We wish Peter and Wend y much happiness in their new partnership success in their choscn fi e ld and contentment in the ir Ii vc s together

Ted Boniface 77 is now n eative direc tor for Ce ntra l Al berta Broadcasting (CKRDshy

T V CKRD-AM and C FCR-FM) in Red Deer Ted has bee n awarded four c itations by the Radi o Bureau of C anada and was nominated for an Aetra Award as producer of the hes t radio program of1979 O ld news we reali ze but how are we going to know o therwise unless you let us know Thanks

Ted for updating us on your activities

Gurnam Singh 77 is an MC A student at the niversity of Ottawa

Roderick Hodgson 78 is back in his home town of H udson Que Rod is emshyployed by the Town of H udson Publi c

Works Departme nt he al so serves on the Town Planning C ommittee and is activel y involved with the volunteer fire department

Perr y Wilson 78 is liv ing in Spirit River Alta Since graduating from G uelph Perry

has obtained a masters degree in Anthropolshyogy from McG ill University and is princ ishypal of Ste Marie Elementary School in Spirit River

John Boyle 78 is presently living at RR 2 Brampton

Karen Russell 78 is a teacher with the Dufferin County Board of Education at Parkinson Centennial School Orangeville

Vicky Su therland 78 is an air traffi c

controller with the Mini stry of Transport Calgary Alta

Susan W alkowiak 78 is a real estate agent with the Safeguard Real Es tate Comshy

pan y Toronto

Craig Willms 78 is an assistant manager with the Toronto-Dominion Bank Watershy


Gordon Cominey 79 is a priest with the Holy Trinity Anglican Church in Edmonshy

ton Alta

Carol (Fogarty) Knox 79 is presentl y residi ng at R R 5 Woodstoc k

Susan Laushway 79 is a probation office r with the Solic itor G eneral of Alshybe rta in Edmonton

Richard E Larente 79 is production manager at Mac Mil lan Bloedel Ville

Mont-Ro yal Q ue

Bryce Andrews 80 has dec ided to conshytinul his education at the n i ve r~ ity of

Weste rn Ontario He is working on an M BA

Dianne M Grenier 80 is in her third year of Common Law at the University of Ottawa

Shauneen (McKague ) Bruder 80 is an MBA student at Queens University Kingston

Michele Forrester 80 is a comm unicashytions clerk w ith the Ontario Yo uth Employment Program Queens Park To shy


Peter Madott 80 is an ass istant product manager with S c Johnson an d So n Ltd


Elizabeth (Ferguson ) latos 80 is a volunteer co-ordinator with B ig Bro thersBig Sisters of Carleton County


Jane Stevens 80 is a teac her w ith the

York Board of Education in Aurora

Loretto (MacDonald) Sullivan 80 is an administrative assistant with Kert Advertis shying Toronto

Sylvia (Bossaer) Willms 80 is a Food

Services supervisor at the UI1Iversity of Guelph

Jane (Stevens) Tremblay 80 is a teacher with the York Board of Education Aurora Jane is married to David U of N Dakota

grad of 79

Lee Anne Burton 80 is a teacher with the Dufferin Peel R C SS Board Mi ss isshy


Maureen S inclair-Barnes 80 is an urban planner with the City of Brantford Husband

is Bruce Barnes 82

Su~ Jones 80 is continuing her education at the Univers ity of Alberta She lives at

11441-132 St 405 Edmonton Alta T M IG2 Bro ther-in-law John Sch neider CBS 73 graduated in Marine


Nicholas Boyadjian 81 is a special events co-ordinator with Unive rsity Ce ntre

Administration Uni ve rsity of Guelph

Debra (Philputt ) Gibson 81 is a te acher

w ith Pee l C ount y Board of Education in

Miss issa uga

Jim Gibson 81 is a branch representati ve o ffi cer with the Ca nadian Imperial Ra nk of

CommCfce Toron to

Linda Helin 81 is presen tly res iding in

C utler on the North C hannel of Lake Huron

Patti La France 81 is a teacher residing at 66-50 Fiddl ers Green Road London

Elizabeth (Crighton) Madge 81 is now married and re siding in Lethbridge Alta

Kathleen Martin 81 is a market research analys t w ith As tra Pharmaceutical s Miss i shy


Edward Leong 82 is administration

manager for the J J Tour Se rvi ce at the Jal an M aju Taman Jade Ce ntre Miri Branch Sara wak East Malaysia

Debbie (Ling) Therrien 82 is employed as cashiersale sperson for Gameway s Ark

Ltd Toro nto

Chin Lan (Kat ) Choi 82 is an executive shyofficer with the ational Produc tivity Board in Singapore Since graduating C hin Lan has married C hoi Chee Keong C PS 82 Much happiness and success to you both

John C Close 82 is a teac her with World University Services of Canada in Zimbabshywe Africa John is married to Mary M A Psych 8 1 WLU 0


The College of Biological Science Alumni Associatio~_~

BIO-ALUMNI NEWS Editor Dr John Powell

Executive CBS Alumni Association HONORARY PRES ID ENT Professor Bruce Sells Dean


Dr George Dixon Ph D 80 Zoology

PAST PRESIDENT Marie (Boissonneault) Rush BSc 80 Marine Biology

VICE PRESIDENT Chris Wren BSc 77 Marine Biology

SECRETARY-TREASURER Cam Portt BSc 77 MSc 80 Zoology

DIRECTORS David Airdrie BSc 82 Microbiology Krista Soper BSc 79 Marine Biology Lorrie Cosens BSc 79 Marine Biology Eric Cosens BSc 80 General Biology Keith Harris B Se 76 Marine Biology

EX-OFFICIO DIRECTORS Marie (Boisonneault) Rush BSe 80 Marine Biology Shawn Taylor BSc 83 Aquatic Biology Past President CBSSC Brian Wisenden President CBSSC

FACULTY ADVISORS to be chosen one from each DepartmentSchool

UGAA REPRESENTATIVE S Jan Watshyson BSc 75 Zoology Lorrie (Rolston) Cosens BSc 79 Marine Biology Rob Miln B Sc 81 Marine Biology

EDITOR BlO-ALUMNI NEWS Professhysor John Powell Human Biology 0

Please help us to help you When corresponding or upshydating information or address do tell us not only your year of graduation but your discipline

Where Are They Now The following 20 names were entered on the College of Biological Science Honour Roll for years 1976 and 1977 We w ish to know how your career has progressed and

FALL 1976

Brenda Henry (Marine Biology) and Winter 77

janis Kay 78 (Genetics) and Winter 77

Laurence McClure OVC 81 (Unshyspecialized and Winter 77

Linda (Nelson) Sinclair 78 (Human Kinetics) and Spring 77


Sherry (Bondorenko) Miller 77 (Hushyman Kinetics)

jellrey Chernoff 77 (Unspecialized)

Wendy Harris 77 (Major in Biology)

C harlene Kopansky 77 (Human Kineshytics)

Peter MacDonald (Human Kinetics) and Winter 78

Blain Mollatt (Microbiology)

Darjo Romani 78 (Major in Biology) also Fall 77 and Winter 78

Barry Rosen~rg 77 (Unspecialized)

Cheryl Rowe 77 (Human Kinetics)

FALL 1977

Gregory Casey 79 (Microbiology) also Fall 78 and Winter 79

William Crins 78 (Botany)

jill Cross OVC 82 (Unspecialized)

what you are doing currently Do you have intere s ting episodes to relate in the BIO-ALUMNI NEWS Please lets hear from you

David C a mpbell 78 (Major in Biology)

Richard Proctor 80 (Ecology)

Carolyn Robertson (U nspecialized)

joanne (Ryder) G unby 79 (Genetics) and Winter 79 0

Grad Bash 1983

Organized jointly by the CBS Alumni Association and the CBS Students Council in April more than 280 students alumni current and former staff and faculty sat down for dinner prior to presentations being made to our dean

Contributions came from members of the College and a bird sculpture fashioned by Uta Strelive Zoology was the first of many gifts

Next came a memory book containing many letters photographs clippings and a variety of incidents all pieced together by Association president Marie (Boissonshyneault) Rush 80

Betty Roff gave the dean a special book of clippings collected by herself Two framed portraits of Professor Ronald one already hung in the main office of McNally house the other for the Ronald family completed the tributes

Altogether this gathering was a fitting acknowledgement of a great man who has done great things for us all 0


Scholarships In the Names of

Ronald and PoweU The CBS Alumni Association is pleased to announce the introduction of a scholarship for graduate students in the name of Proshy

fessor Keith Ronald Professor Rona ld as of July I had served for 12 years as the first dean of the CBS and the awarding of a

sc holarship in his name is a fitting tribute to

all he has done fo r the College the Univershys ity and the CBS Alumni Assoc iation

The Hum an Kine tics Alu mni Assoc iashy

tion anno unced its intention to name an undergraduate scholarship in the School of Human Biology in the name of Dr John T Powell as he retires from the Unive rsity in 1984

Do nations to eithe r or both of these

sc holarship funds shou ld be sent direc tl y to the Department of Alumni Affairs and Development-clearly ind icati ng to which sc ho la rs hip your donation is to be alloca ted - or when contributing to the Alma M ater F und noting that your monie s

be channeled to the sc holars hip of yo ur choice 0

Grad News Biological S cience

Lesley (Wilson) Barton 73 and Bruce 70 MSc 74 live in Keremeos B C R R No I VOX JNO will find them

E thel Anita Hamilton 79 and hu sband

Wayne Barcha r d 76 MSc 79 live in Hali fax NS where Ethel is a habitat proshy

tec tion technician with fishe ries and Oceans while Wayne is head Office Assessment Scction Environment Canada 3rd Floor 45 Alderney Drive Dartmouth N S

Marilynne (Wise) McCausland 77 is a research microbiolog ist with Molson Bre wshyeries of Canada Ltd and may be reached at 1555 No tre Dame East Montrea l Que H2L 2R5

Michael W Tate 79 write s mos t kindly thanking us for kee ping people in touch through th is column He is a teac her at Mo rnings tar Secondary School in Mi ss isshysauga

Natalie Mary Olynyk 79 may be reached at 3 120 Duffer in Street in T oronto where she is re staurant manager for Olyn yk Foods Ltd

Marine Biology

Gl en A Packman 74 and Sharon (Noda ) Arts 72 li ve at 21 Albion Road Hali fax S B3P IP8 Glen is a senior

biologist with En vironment Canada

Jo l1n Plumb 76 and M arianne (Conshynoly ) 77 may be reached at 37 Coldstrea m Road Box 303 Munster Ont KOA 3PO John works as an indu strial engineer with

the Mitel Corporation - Kan ata

Human Kinetics and Human Biology

Joy (Reid) Tomes 70 is a team coshyordinator with the Workman s Co mpensashytion Board- 2 Bloor St East Toronto Ont oM7W IA2

Terry Obi Oblinski 71 holds the pos it io n of supervisor with the 3M Comshypa ny at 2 Craig Street Pe rt h Onto K7 H 3C5

Robert T a p Fawcett 72 teac hes at the W 1 Fenton Secondary Schoo l R R 0 10 in Brampton Ont L6V 3 2

Marie-Andree (Pi lon) Poulin now teache h igh school in Montreal write her at 76 Lesage Repent igny Que J3A 5Y5

Dr Tom Elmslic 74 M-Sc 77 is a g lutton for punishment as he isjust complet ing another MSc this time in Epidemi o lshyogy at McM as ter University preparatory to his return to Ottawa

Glen Paterson 78 of 16 Da lto n A ve nue T hunder Bay On t P7B 4E9 is ea rl y chi ldhood educato r with the Confederation o f Applied Art s and Technology B ro ther Larry R Paterson g radu ated with a BLA in 69

Eric bullbull Art Arthurs 80 is s till at 12272 shy110 Avenue Edmonton Alta T5M 2L3 He work s for Consolidated Concrete Limshyi ted as a dragl i ne opera tor

Henry Fox 81 lives at 1520 Verdi La Salle Que H8l I K4

Christine (Krumbacher) F()se 81 may be reached at Box 252 2 Banff Alta TOL OCO

Ch rist ine (Novakuske) Lavallee MSc 81 is a stude nt again stud ying French and living at 0428A Larose A ve nue Mo nt real Que H2B 2Z2

Ginger (Thompson) Elmore 81 seeks work in the geriatric field Are you able to help Write he r please at 107 Ontario Avenue Komoka Onto NOL IRO

Don Doc Wilson 81 is physica l direc tor at the Waterloo Family YMCA Lincol n Road Waterloo Ont N2J 2N8

Jan McMullan 82 ne wly wedded to Mark Newcombe MSc 83 is presently ass istant manager - Ri ordan s Sport S 183 Silvercreek Parkway in Guelph She tells us of four co usins who have g raduated fro m Guelph - Brenda (Bu lton) Dagg CSS 72 Bryce Dagg 72 Donald Sifton 70 and Bonnie (Sifto n) W alsh C SS 72

Fisheries and Wildlife

Lorna l Depuydt 77 is a price specia li st with Massey-Fe rg uso n Her adshydress is 3941 Whispering Wa No 6 Grand Rapids Mich USA 49506

Steven Kerr 77 works as di s trict biologist for the Mi nistry of Natu ra l Reshysources - 611 Ninth Avenue Eas t O wen Sound Ont NOH IS O

Richa rd P Bekolay 77 MSc 80 R R N o ) Carp Ont KOA ILO is a program analyst with Digital Equipment Corporation at Kanata

Marie Legrow 80 is once aga in a s tudent at Gue lp h li ving in Guelph at [02 Queen St reet North IE 4S I


Ann (Stewart) Gray 79 and husband Dr eil Gray 76 li ve at 40) - 251 Platts Lanc in London Ont N6 H 4P4 Ann is a re search assistant at the Universi ty of We stshyern Ontari o

Robe- W Marks 81 is a production trainee with Labatt Brewin g Comp any in Kitchene r


Dr Rob J Van Exan 74 MSc 76 PhD79 ho lds the position of manager Cell Culture Produc tion with Connaught Laboratories 1755 Steeles Avenue West Will owdale Ont M2R 3T4

Chuck Yipchuk 78 wo rks in Quebec 87 Senneville Road Sennev ille a s c oshyordinator of da ta at Bi o- Re search Laboratori es

Dr Harr y Nixon Chabwela W eza MSc 79 P h D 82 may be contacted at loni Katandika Vtllage Chief Kakumbi P O Box 154 Chipata Za mbia where he is a bio log ist wi th National Parks

Douglas Stendahl MSc 79 is with the -federal government s Minist ry o f Indian Affairs and Northe rn De velopment- P O Box 1500 Yukon N W T He is water quality officer


Rick Proctor 80 is a consultant with I P Sharp Associates 2 First Canadian Place Toronto Ont M5X IE3 0


The Ontario Agricultural College Alumni Association

ALUMNI NEWS EdJtor Dr Harvey W Caldwell 51

Financial Management Related to Agriculture One of the main sessions at the OAC Agricu ltural Conference 83 dealt wit h financial management as it relates to agricu lture Robert Sanderson who is with the Ontario Farm Adjustment Asshysistance Program was a main speaker and presented the following paper

Ten years ago most farmers were smilingshyagr icu lt ure see med to have finally gained its reward Worl d short age s of food provided ampl e markets and steadily rising prices lor prac tica lly all crops

Thi s idea li s ti c situation continued for a co uple of years until the granaries of the wo rl d were refi li ed De mand then norshyma li zed and pri ces for most agricultural prod ucts hega n to dec line In spite of price dec lines and li mited markets co nsiderable optimi sm conti nued to be fe lt o n the farm sce ne thro ughout mos t of the 1970s

Late in that peri od infl a ti on reall y ca ught fi re rai sing inpu t cos ts for supplie s and labour The ri se in land pri ces exceeded the most optimis tic es timates during this sa me time

In an a tte mpt to s te m thi s ra mpant infla tio n interes t rates increased almost threefo ld beg inning In 1979 and the world hega n it s slide into recession Farml and prices ceased to r ise in 198 1 and are now crumbli ng wi th uncer tain ty and lac k o f demand

We have no doub ts abo ut th e successshyful future o f ag ri cult ure hcre in Ontari o but today for many farmers adj ugtt me nts are necessa ry to remain so lve nt and for too many oth ers bo th adj ustme nts and so me ass iq an ce are necessary for their prese nt and future surviva l

There are some who are beyo nd he lp and farm bankru ptcies are at their highest leve l since the grea t Depression o f the 1930s These cond it io ns brought about the crea tio n of the On tari o Farm AdJustmcn t Ass istance Program (OFA AP) T hi s proshygram during 1 9~2 has bee n assisting eli g ible farmers who needed he lp

The re are two prime reaso ns fo r


fin anci al woes cited by appl ican ts - high interes t rates and lower farm incomes On the other hand the prime reaso n fo r ~ome

farmen probl ems e ited by lenders is ove r-e xpansion We be li eve both views are va lid and unques ti onabl y are respo ns ible for the prese nt ago ny and unres t on 100

many Ontario farms Le nde rs cite seve ral o the r importa nt

reaSl)l1S whic h also bea r o n the prob le m The borrowers oft e n refe r to them too but usuall y wit h di fferen t emphasis ThcY em shyphas ize the c lt treme instability of fa rm income the se rious lac k of pro per pl an ning bu dge ting accmatc farm record and fin all y the practice of making unprodu ctive investmcnts

Because of the qualifying criteria asshysociated ith an application for as s istan ce from OfAAP one must keep in mind that our observations are limited to about 10 per ce nt of Ontario farm operatlolls That 10 per ce nt is cl ose to the bottom of the gro up on the bas is o f financial sec urity OFA AP assista nce is limited to those produc ing Iood and tobacco Therefore data regard in g proshyducers of fl owers nursery stock race shyhorscs etc ha ( no t come he fore us and the financ ial ituati ons ltlr not inc luded in any of o ur informati o n

Applica ti ons have been appro ved for farmers operating all across the pro vince

Of the to tal approved about 20 per ce nt were in swine prod uctio n abou t 15 per ce nt were in eac h of cash crop prod uction da iry producti on and beef prod uct ion 4 per cen t were in fruit and vege ta ble prod uctio n 3 pel cent were tobacco fa rmers and the Ies t co mbinations of the above Those farm ers producing etgs and poultry were fe w

I n a review of appli ca tio ns for OFAAP ass istance several COl1ll1lo n sce nari os co nshytin ue to ap pear on a so me what re petiti ve has is and are ca tegorized as fo ll ows

1 Young or Beginning Farmers

Th ose under 35 years o f age wen res pons ishybl e for nearl y ha lf o f a ll the app li cati ons In thi s gro up are many who have Just begun fa rm ing Mo~ t of these arc victims of inopport un e tim ing hav in g acq uired land buildings and equ ipme nt be twee n 1979 and 19R2 For the m the combinati on o f lower th an ex pee ted prices of farm produc ts and the extre me inc reases in the ir fi na nc ing charges due to hi gh interes t rates_ have becn dlvas tatin g This is partic ul arl y true where Illos t assets were fi nanced the bcg inshyning equit y be in g Illodes t

2 The Aggres sive Expansionist

Many farmers who did well farming on a

modlst basis in the mid-70s dec ided that s ince o ne farm was pro fitabl e two wo uld be bette r three be tter than two Aggress ive

expan sion mos tl y on c redit du ring this i ntl a tio nary pe riod produced many paper millionaires in the farm co mmunity by the late 70s The elation fo r some of these

fa rmers d id not lasl far into the 80s T hose with 100 much bo rro wed cap ital

found that the ir farm income c ul d not

support the debt load So me of these

atlcmpted fu rthe r borro wing in an e ffort to mai nta in their ho l ding ~ and fo und ou t like o thers before them th at it is imposs ible to

borro w your way out of debt O thers so ld or tried to sell some o f the ir land o r eq uipment in an effort to re ti re at leasl o me of the ir cri ppling de bt and there by salvage at

least a part o f the ir operation

One rather sad varia tio n o f this las t s itua tion occ urs occ as io na lly whe re a

farmer who has had a succes~ fu l and so lvent opera tion decide to ex pand to a llow a son

o r so n- in-law into the bus in ss because of a des ire on the part of the young per on to

farm or occasionally because he is no t employed The expansion in Jand and eljuipment particularly if it occu rred in the

last three years and if it were do ne mainl y o n credit with a mortgage taken on his once so lvent operation has robbed the farmer of

his security and his peace of mind Furthershy

mo re in some of these s ituations the disappointed newcomer in the bus iness moved on leaving dear o ld dad to make the best of it

3 The Equipment Enthusiast

Another scenario concerns the man who is o bsessed with the need to ac quire equipshyment or to make add ition s and improveshy

ments to a lready adequate buildings To pay

for it out of the revolvi ng operating loan or to finance it in other ways withou t first having established that it will pay for itself will inevitably c reate financial problem s

Whe re there has been a general disregard for thi s kind of purchas ing the end resu lt has usually been disas trous

4 Natural Disasters

We regularly see the result s of natural

disas ters - floods windstorms hail frost disease and fires All of the se misfortunes can be c rippling to any operation but when adequate insurance coverage is not carried or if one of these di sasters occur whe n a farmers equity is low or when hi s princi pal and interest charges consume much o f his income it can be disastrous to his economic

pos ition

5 Family Unity

From OFAAP applicatio ns it is noted that some farmers who experience a marriage break- up seem to have diffi culty maintainshy

ing fi nanc ial solvency W hen asse ts are

di vided and whe n atte nt ion to management

is di e r ted hccause o f family pro blems the farm operation is often morta ll y wounded

Farmers and farm op ratnr are much more vulnerable in this si tua tio n because thei r

wives arc o ften much more invol ved in the e lllerprise than in non- farm situations

6 Offmiddot Farm Income

Appl ications incl ude a great nu mher of

insta nces in which if it were not fo r 0 ffmiddot fa rm income o f either the farmer or his wife or

occas io na lly both the ir farm o peratio n wo uld be tota lly un viable and unab le to continue to fu nc tion It is well the n fo r

those in th se c ircumstances to r cogniu tha t if the off-farnl inco me should e nd it wo uld also mea n the te rmination of the

farming operatio n

7 Enterprise Changes

A review 0 f appli ca tions indicates that some

farmers are hoping to comple tely change

thei r c rop or li ves toc k programs attemptin g perhaps to outguess the marke t and to

improve their financial return s Sometimes the expectation in vo lved in the dec is ion is

correct but so o ften when the costs inshyvol ved in the c hange are considered little

has been gai ned and where the deci s ion to change was unwi se co nsiderable loss is

usually the result The ot her extreme to this

situation is rigidity to the poi nt of makin g no changes at all

8 Manage ment

The management ability of any applicant

farmer is difficult to assess Most applicants are not known and there is no opportunity to assess the actual farm operation Ho wever

experience with OFAA P emph asizes that good financial management is c ritical to the

success of any farm operation Here is a li s t of definite Do and

Do nts that should be much in the minds of farmers operating in the present financial climate All of these suggestions re tlect the ex periences we have had working with

appli ca tions for O FAA P

The Definite Dos

Do base an operation on an informed farm

plan keep ing and using good record~ and approved acco unting proced ures Do work c losely wi th the credit source shy

usually the banker Plan and work within

approved revo lving ope rating loan limits Make regular cred it payments when due and when unable to make p ro per arrange shy

ments ahead of time w ith your c reditor or credito rs Do make necessary adju stme nts in land and equipm e nt befo re u nder tak ing further borrow in g Do shop around for cred it and i nve~ tig ate

ava il ah le programs to cu t credit cos ts Do pay off on loans when surplus cas h is

ava il able It won t be any fun but it w ill

he lp to re tain sol vency Do try to ma intai n stability in your far m o peration and kee p the peace a t h IllC

Do seek the professi o nal adv ice of you r ag ric ultu ra l represe ntative anJ Ir indwtry fiel d per~on ne I

The Definite Donts

Dont borrow for capita l items unless they

are abso lu te I y necessary Dont make capi ta l purchases with funds

frolll your revo lvi ng opera ting account w ithout co nsul ta tion and agreeme nt with

the bank manager Dont expand any operation without sound

pl ann ing Dont plunge and make rapid changes in

the ope rati ng patte rn without so und consultation 0

Partners For 70 Years

Arthur Cowie 09 now 95 and his wife Nina now 92 were married March 19 1913 near Nel son B C They li ved in

HC for three years then returned to Caledo nia where Arthur worked for the A

Jone s bakery He returned to the 200-acre farm homestead in 1922 when his father

was kill ed in a farm accident Arthur se rved in the 19305 and early

19405 as co uncillor and also served as

a Ju s tice of the Peace for the farm communit y

Nina Co wie whose g reat lo ve was

dancing has onl y one regre t and that is tha t she could never get her hu sband o nto the -dance floor The Scotti ~ h dances Hig hlan d

tlin gs and Scotti sh reels made hi s head spin He played the record s and watched

from the sidelines while ina did the danc ing

They have no secrets tor a long happ y marriage excep t working at it Theyve

done Jus t tha t for 70 years Bes t wishes to them both 0


OACGrads on Faculty at Nova Scotia Ag College

Lauranne Sanderson M Sc 81 is with the Humanities Department She specialized in Animal Science in her undershygraduate years but added to that a master program in Agricultural Economics Lauranne has lived on a mi xed lives t()c k and cash crop farm in southern O ntario At the No va Scotia Agricultural College (NSAC) she is teaching Tec hnical W riting but is specializing in the area of Com munications and Agricultural Extension

Barbara (Otrysko) Mulkewytch 78 MSc 81 is with the Plant Science Deshypartment Prior to her appointment at NSAC she was employed as a potato crops specialist with the New Brunswick Departshyment of Agriculture Her teaching and research will include projects on potato and crop protect ion

Yes Surry MSc 81 is with the Economics and Busi ness De partment Yves was born in Pamiers France has an M A fro m the nivers ity of Pari s and is in the process of completing his Ph D from Guelph Yves has a strong interes t in teachshying and his research interests hould be a welcome addition to the reg ion He is pre sent ly teaching courses in Micro and Macro Economic Theory

Laurie (Gaunt) Connor 73 is w ith the Department of Animal Science She earned MSc and Ph D degrees specia li zi ng in reproduct ion phys iology from the nivershysity o f Manitoba Prior to joining NSAC she was a NSERC Vi iting Fellow at the Animal Research Centre in Ottawa Her teaching and research work is mainly in the re producti ve physiology field

Also at NSAC are Sheree Porter CSS 79 and Myrna (Porter) Blenkhorn 76 John Shug 37A and 40 is the sec re tary o f the Nova Scotia Agricultural College Alumni Association 0

Please help us to help you When corresponding or upshydating information or address do tell us not only your year of graduation but your discipline

Th ree generatiuns of heramify were present when fleather Rohinson right centre FACS 83 graduated ut Wim er Convocation With her f rom [eji to righture her grandfather John Inglis her moth er Vlarirn (Inglis ) Robinson Mac 55 0 member of the Uni versirys Boord of Govern ors ond her father Doug Rohinson 53

Above Mllrrav Ma cGregor 5 1 lei with the winners of the OAC s 25th annual Alumni Curling Bon spiel Left to right GeorRe Robinson 651 Mu rrav Elliotl 65A Keith Murru 65A and Jern- Forestell 6511 Right OAC Alumni Associashytion president Hell ry Slanle 55 right was preslntedwith un engraved pewta stein to recugnie 25 years of participation ill Ihe bOlspiel Conshygratuluting Henry is Bill Harrison 62 bonspiei commillee chuirman


the individual members excellence andThe Ronald S Ritchie Le cture integri ty

This idea for the new body was not accepted by members of Cabinet They

The Opening Up of PubHc PoHcy The Opening Up of Public Policy was

Selllior Michael Piffields fopic when he

delifred fhe annual Ronald S Rifchie

LeclUre of fhe UniversifY in March

A Rmduafe ofSf Lawrence Universify

17 ( graduafed in lawjrom McGill UniversifV

and holds a Rrodlla fe diploma in Public La w

Fom Ih e UlliversifY ofolIa wa H efirsl joined Ihe Public Service as an

wlminislrafive assiSfam in Ihe Depa rimem

oJuslice in 1959 Ialer served onlhe sraffof Ih e Goernor General and as secrelary fO

117 1 Royal Commission on Taxalion In 1965

he joined Ihe Privy Council Office He

became depuly minisler of Consumer and

Corporafe Affairs in 1973 and Ihe followshy

inli year lOok up an appoinfmem as Fellow

in fhe John F Kennedy School of Governshy

mOl (If Harvard Un iversifY In 1975 he

relurned 10 Ollawa as Clerk of fhe Privy

Council and Se crelarv 10 Ihe Cabinel

The annual leclre recognizes Ihe comrihwion made 10 fhe Universily by

former Board of Govemors chairman

ROllald S Rilchie A reporl on Senafor Piffields presemalion follows

Senator Pitfield paid tribute to Rona ld Ritchie his important work in the Glassco Commission and his influence in the estabshylishment of the Institute for Research on Public Policy

In thi s th oug htful and thoughtshyprovoking presentation Senator Pitfield outlined the need for and the desirability of more open discussion before policies are introduced but there are some very real difficulties associated with de vel oping some me chanis m that could foster and encourage such exchanges of ideas

[t was pointed out that because of the high degree of interdependency of modern society and the size and complexity of governments the making of public polic y must be an intellectual subject in its own right not just a conglomeration of di scishyplines It had become evident that

I A methodical analysis of government activity could lead to improvements in government effectiveness

2 Traini ng in making and managment of public policy was crucial and urgent

3 There were few in government who knew why things were done the way they were

4 The making and management of pubshylic policy was a subject unique in itself and required thinking through for itself

5 Universities and other training institushytions were not very useful in this training process universities being too removed from the actual experience of government and the government institutions being withshyout the detachment and intellectual rigour needed

Thus it became evident that there was a need for an institution that would be a repository of knowledge a pl ace of learnshying a foru m for debate and a means of communication co ncerning public policy

Proposal s emerged that the federal go vernment should assis t some of the organizations already in existence Comshypetition became keen and rivalry among institutions re su lted in grander more comshyplex proposals As a result the federal go vernment in 1968 decided to establish a think-tank of its own to take a more rigorous look at public polic y

The idea was not new In many countries the general thinking was that all problems could be so l ved by inrelleclUal anal ysis and the appl ication of modern techshyniques But the ne w Trudeau go vernment went even beyond providing more data It included public debate of public policy

But the think-tank was only one of the initiatives to aid in the formation of policies There was support for political parties through caucus funding offi ce space support staff and regional offices for Members of Parliament and internsh ip programs for students to work as assistan ts to MPs

Other support included green and white papers for discussion commissions of inquiry task forces public funding of non-political grou ps to encourage discusshysion and many others to increase the flow of information for consideration of alternashytives All were done to open up the process o f meaningful debate which would result in more effective and sound decisions

The th ink-tank was to be a centre for var ious kinds of people to di scuss public policy subjects which were often set aside because of day to day pressures At first it was to be very informal with distinguished people invited to participate Its integrity and permanency would be based on that of

were concerned that existing research instishytutes would be damaged They also wanted in volvement of business and professional communities This challenge to broaden the scope was gi ven to Ron Ritchie

Ritchie foresaw an institution that would be independent supported by an endowment which would not only support but st imu late debate on public policy

Man y fears were raised - that such a body would be taken o ver by academics that it would become a clique that govern shyments would battle for control etc But these were dealt with skillfully by Ritch ie and the Institute for Researc h on Public Policy was establ ished

What of its accomplishments~ This institute has been successfu l in

many ways in getting better information into debate [n the ten years since its beginning many studie s have been pubshyli shed It has held many informat ive confershyences and has a unique journal Howeve r despite its efforts open and meaningful debate on public policy is not much more advanced tod ay than it was a decade ago

It is evident that to ach ie ve its objecshytives there mu st be a willingess to change opi nions and the Canadian sys tem prov ides few forums for the changing of minds The bias is towards decision-makers and interest groups not open and meaningful debate

Public debate often takes pl ace after rather than before the decision is taken Thi s may not be what is wanted but policy-making is tilted not tow ards being open but towards being closed

Why has there not been more progress [n h is pre se ntation Mi chael Pitfield refershyred to the fact that the go vernment whose people should discuss the si tuation has become even more confrontational not because of lack of information but because of rigidity in their approach to discussion of public policy

As govern ment ha s grown so have checks and balances which recently have often been linked to lack of confidence Where slim majorities exist a strong opposhysi tion can threaten the government Party di sc ipline becomes severe and ai ring of independent views is discouraged The fear of a government being defeated on the one shyhand and the unyielding demands ot the opposition on the other tends to make the parliamentary process less and less flexible

The result of the foregOing is the tendency of government in modern times to drop solutions on a public th at may not be aware of the problems These solutions are not open to argu ment and debate is reduced

conld over


w ith bias tending towards a cl osed system and less debate

To improve the situation it seems it wlluld be necessary to have a mutual and

ba lanced reduction of force on both sides

The ge neral equilibrium of the system needs to be ma in tained W hat is needed is the reduction of secre tiveness of the gove rn shyment on one side and a reduc tion of the

danger of e mbarrass ment or de fea t of the govern men t on the other side

T here must be a wil li ngness to secure

more ope n debate on al l sides and our

leaders ha ve not done that e ven on m ost import ant issues More ope n and rneltll1 ingshyful deba te will require more thi nk ingshy

thro u middoth - something Mc mbers of Parlishy

ame nt may not he able to do or be free to do or have the necessary knowledge to do But the id ea behind the Institute for Remiddot

search on Public Policy was tha t such a body could bring about better decisions

All publi c problems cannot be solved by thought and tech nolog ics but few can be solved without these contr ibutions

The Institute for Research on Public Policy cannot create better public policies

by itself It must have input from all sectors to bring about more open and meaningful public debate which will result in constant

improvement of government - somethin g

that everyone desires 0

Grad News Herb Nor ry M Sc 52 has moved to

London as a farm business advisor wit h

O M AF working in eight counties

Denny Silvestrini PhD 5R is director of quality controlresearch and de velopment Eskimo Pie Corporation Ric hmond Virshy

ginia SA He had served as manager quality control and product deve lopment

Ralston Purina Co mpany St Luuis M isshysouri U SA

John Hagarty 61 is manager fi e ld

service s Rural O rganizati ons and Serv ice s Branch OMAF Guelp h

Ismail Siragcldin Ph D 62 is professor Department of Population Dynami cs and

Political Economics the Johm Hopkins

University Baltimore Md S A

Arlene (Fournier) 65 and Dick Flis

MSc 65 are in Edmo nton Alta where Dick is petroleum products manager wes tmiddot ern Canada Imperia l Oil Ltd

Craig Hunter 66 is pre sident Cra ig

Hunter Poult ry Farms Ltd Stro ud

Colin Triver s 67 is a consulting e ngineer and On tario land surveyor for e G Trivcrs

Ltd T he ssalon

Peter Mosher Ph D 70 is director

bureau of agric ultural prod uctio n Depart shyment of Agriculture Ba ngor Me USA

Cordon Brown 76 is sen ior food techshynolog is t new prod ucts process developshy

ment Tho masJ Lipton Inc in Bram pton

Martel C outure MSc 76 is acting di rec tor d iploma progra m Macdonald Colshy

lege Ste nne de Belle vue Que

Charlie Ellintt 78 vnfe Ja ne and

first -born Ian C harles born Jan uary 20

1983 are living near S hetland C harlie is now working fo r Elliott Bros G rain and Feed Ltd

Dennis Ring 78 is credit manager Farm C redit Corp C hatham H is wife is Carnl (Weeks) 79

R Cunrad Genee 79 is a sales represhy

sentative with CIBA-Geigy Canada Ltd in

Winnipeg Man

Howard Armstrong RO is an industrial

engineer with the B utler Ma nufacturing Co (Canada) Ltd Nisku Alta

Bruce Broadbent PhD 80 is a research scientist entomology with Agriculture

Canada Vineland Station

Mic hael Tulloch 80 has been accepted as

a professional engineer by the Council of the APEO He now manages engineering functions for eG Trivers Ltd Thessalon

BruceGitelman 81 will be joining Wood G undy Ltd Investment Broke rs as a

corporate finance associate in September

Danicllc Wenstrom 81 is a quality a ss urance su pe rvisor for Pil lsb ury of Canada Ltd M idland

Christine Deslandes MSc R2 is a lecturer at Alfred Col lege of Agricu ltu re

and Food Technology A I fred

Diploma Graduates

Donald Morley 68A is ge nera l ma nager De Marco Homecare Ce ntre Sutton West

Jeffrey Currah 74A is marke ting man shyage r Fortam ix-a division of BASF

Canada Inc Georgetown

Brian Roberts 76A is a welder with Hillcook Ind ust ri es Ha milton 0

In Memoriam Raymond David Ure 15A and 21 January 24 In3 ~uddenly a t Tecumse h

age 87 He had bee n very act ive un til

recently H is son Donald re is it

graduate of 49

Dr Genrge M Stirrett 20A and 22 died December 15 1982 H is many co nshy

tri bu tiono had bee n recogni zed by the Heritage Canada Found ation The fo llowshy

ing is an account of the tribu te pa id to him Fe bruary 16 1 9~ I at Government HDu~e

O ttawa

His Excelle ncy Gove rnor Ge nera l

Edward Sc hrcyer prese med the Commun imiddot cations A wards Atl antic Reg ion to Dr

George M St irrett of Grand Falls Ne w

Bru ns wick Dr Stirrett has been comm itted to natural h is tory conservation for ma ny

years bo th before and after hi s ret ire ment from the Canadian W ildlife Service and Parks Canada in 1964

He worked hard for the preservation of the falls and gorge area at Grand Falls

and on other conservation needs in Ne w Brunswick and Ma ine He has also written

on the iss ues of conservation using Ihe pcn name G raham Vail and since April 1979

has publi shed a weekly column Notes on atural History in the G rand Falls

Cataract His columns stress the appreciashytion and enjoyment of nature as well as the need for preserving it

Norman Hodgins MacBeth 23 Fe bruary 3 1983 in St John N B He had retired in

1967 as General Manage r of General Dairies Ltd

David R Owen 25 in Medi c ine Hat

Alta February 6 1983 at age 82 He was a di rector of the fi rs t ollege Roy al and spe nt

most of his li fe teachi ng and farmi ng in Saskatchewan

Ronald John Quinn 35 Fe bruary 17 1983 in London His wife Helen (Farshyquhar) is a lso a graduate o f 35

Bruce Douglas Innes 36 passed away Septe lllber 29 19 82 D uring his college

years he took part in ma ny ac tivitie s bu t he -re membered with particu la r pleasure be ing Grand C hampion Showman College Royal

35-the first time that the honour had bee n won by anyone o ther than a fou rth year man Bruce owned and operated a dairy

farm at Burford since I 939 and was an

acti ve and ded icated farmer until his death

H is wife Margaret died in A pril 1983 T hey leave daughters Lorna Lawrence

Mac 68 and Karen and son Robert 0


Macdonald Institute College of Family and Consumer

Studies Alumni Associat ion

ALUMNI NEWS Editor Joan (Anderson) Jenkinson 66


BASc Grads-Class o f 80

EntploYDlent Survey T he University s Counselling and Reshysource Centre recentl y completed an inshyucpth survey covering the empl oyment activities of the 211 graduates who in 19RO earned Bachelor of Applied Sc ience Degrees

The survey indicates th at gradu ates are e nj oy ing a variety of interes ting and chalshylenging careers

A gratifying 73 per cent of th e graduates re sponded to the survey with 51 per cent of the respondents indi catin g that they have completed or are completing graduate degrees or programs on a full- or part-time bas is Of the 153 respondents 78 per ce nt including one who is self emshyployee have full-time employment The remainder are employed part-time or are pursuing further studie s

Li sted below are the indicated ca reers chosen in the four major areas of study

Applied Human Nutritio n

ut ritiond ietetics Food service administration More than 50 per cent of the responshy

dents obtained reg istered profe ss ional dietishytian certificates The Admini strati ve Emshyphasis course is no longer offered in the

Applied Human utrition program It is available through the Bachelor of Comshymerce program

Family Studies

A number of grad uate s found posit io ns in teac h ing or social services such as

Adult protecti ve service workers Infant de ve lopment specialists Geront ology consultants Supervisors and field workers with social service agencies Other Family Studies graduate s are

working in government srv iees and in the private ec toras home economists financial co un se llors librarians hostel managers Family Studies graduates tend to sl ck caree rs in the helping profess ion s

Consumer Studies

There are four emphasis areas 01 study within this maj or The survey indicates that

Food gradu ates are employed in areas of produci development marketing and food technology with majo r food companies Hou si ng emphasis graduates are wo rkshying with government agencies and in teac hing

Consumer Beha vio ur e mph asis graduates are in industry business and res earc h Tex tile and Clothin g e mph asis grads are employed in research merchandi sshying and banking Often after working for a year or

more Consumer Studies graduates will return to gradu ate study o r profess ional programs on a full- or part-time bas is

Child Studies

Many Child Studies graduates are emp loyed in teaching supervisory or other child-care related sett ings such as soc ial work with fami lies and children Re ported part -lime and temporary em pl oy ment pos ishytions include work as supply teachers child care supervisors special education leac hers and as lecturers in uni ve rsity settings

It is imporl an t to note that this emshyploy ment survey reports the caree r paths chose n by onl y one graduating cl ass Dat a is collccl~d on a yearl y bas is from gradu ates in Family and Consumer Studies In order to observe the broad scope of employment opportunities avail able a four-year tabulashytion wo uld pl~ c nt a more complete picture of the profess ional activities of graduates

In summary FACS programs offer students a sound educational background to meet the need s of i nduslry educational institut io ns governme nt and bus in c The future for FACS graduates is indeed bright as the College co ntinues to gro w and develop programs to meet the challenges of the 80s 0



BASc Gradsmiddot Class of 80 Further Education Pursued

Major Total

Graduates Number of

Respondents R PDt BEd MEd MSc MD MA

Applied Hum an Nu trition 65 45 23 3 I

Family Studies 64 44 19

Consumer Studies 48 33 2

C hild Studies 34 31 II I I I

TOTAL 21 1 ( 1007c)

153 (73 oc )

23 32 I 4 I I

FACS Has New

Dr Richurd Burhunl

Dean Professor Richard M Barham was apshypointed dean of the College of Family and Consumer Studies for a fi ve-year term effective July I 1983 He succeeds Dr Janet M Wardlaw who has served as dean since 1969

Professor Barham has been chairman of the Department of Family Studies since

1976 and served as acting dea n in [980 while Dean Wardlaw was on administrative leave

A graduate of the University of Otago Dunedin e Zealand Richard Barham received a Ph D degree from the University of Alben a dmonton in Ed ucational Psychology

He has served on the faculty of the Department of Educational Psychology at the University of Alberta and as professor and acting chairman of the Department of Education University of Otago

While in New Zealand he was an executive member of the council of The Ne w Zealand Psychological Society and served as its president

At Guelph he has taught both undershygraduate and graduate courses in the Deshypartment of Family Studies and has supershyvised graduate students

He has been active on many University committees during the past seven years He is a past chairman of the Board of Graduate Studies and has been a member of the

Committee on Academic Priorities the Committee on University Planning the Liaison Committee and several others

He has also been a consulting educa shytional psycholog ist with the Wellington County Separate School Board since 1979

Prolessor Barham and his wife Joan have a family offour Joan recently returned to the University of Guelph for further study Daughter Vick y 19 is a student in Economics at Queens University Lisa 17 and Christopher 14 attend Ce ntennial CVJ while Tania 12 is completing her studies at College Avenue School

Music is very important part of the Barham familys life with active invoheshyment in the Suzuki String School and the Guelph Youth Orchestra Gardening is a hobby enjoyed by both Richard and Joan

Members of the Mac- FACS Alumni Association extend a sincere welcome to Professor Barham We look forward to meeting and working with him in the future as he fills the challenging position as dean of FACS 0

FACS Prof First

Dr M urlin MUllhclIs

Director P ro fessor Anne Martin Matthews De shypart me nt of Family St udi es has been ap shypointed the first director of the Gnontology Research Centre The establi shment of the Centre was announced last February A research grant of $237000 from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada will fund the Centre for the first three years

Professor Martin Matthews has been conducting research related to the needs and interests of older segments of the populashytion as well as teaching courses in such areas as social gerontology and marital and family dynamics in Family Studies She has been a faculty member with the Department of Family Studies since 1978

She also has been active beyond the campus in programs related to aging She is chair-elect of the social sciences division Canadian Council on Gerontology and will begin a two-year term in the chair of that organization this year

She is also first vice-president of the

Ontario Gerontology Association and a member of the scientific advisory commitshytee of the Gerontology Research Council of Ontario She is a graduate of Memorial University of Newfoundland and McMaster University

With a steadily increasing percentage of the popUlation in the retirement age bracket it is important to understand more fully the ir needs and cuncerns sa ys Proshyfessor Martin Matthews The en tre will deal with the ag ing family and environshymental contexts In the latter sense we will be examinin g such things as the difference bet wee n aging in an urban and a rural society as well as issues like housing and the aging

The new Gerontology Research Centre will provide facilities to assist faculty members and graduate students doing reshysearch on aging The Centre will facilitate integrate and co-ordinate studies on aging within the University the director says

Research on aging is now being carried out at the Universi ty in such Departments as Family Studies Geography Psychology Nutrition Human Biology and SocioluFY and the Centre will be able to provide a medium for cross-fertilization of ideas among the many researchers in the field

Professor Marlin Matthews says that the Centre will be working co-operatively with other similar research centres in Onshytario such as the one at the University of Toronto in promoting research on aging The Centre will also sponsor conferences and workshops that relate to the special needs of older citizens in their communities

Guelph has demonstrated an interest in gerontology since 1970 when research projshyects began and courses dealing with aging were offered in the Departments of Family Studies and Psychology Since 1981 the Un i versity has offered gero ntology as part of the Famil y Studies major in the Bachelur of Applied Science program 0

A Thank You Dear A luml7i

1-Iwl 10 Ihonk oil Ihe uumni inloll(d wilh

Ihc cr special send-oj gien to me ill

recognition of Ihc complelion ofmv Icrm as


So man of ou -Ierc invocd shy

whelhcr or nOI ou -Iere able 10 (fIend Ihe

recognition receplion in Toronlo on May

29 I oppreciacd Ihe man good llishes

which come from ocross CClrado ond from

such dislOlIl places as Indio and Chara

Your generous gifls u Imc Irolld of

pcarls und a bonk aCCOlll11 vhich came lVilh

Ihe slrong suglcslion Ihal [should IIc 10

Vnv Iculand lverc Irul overllhelll1ing

The Air lCll Zcalundjlighl bag jJacked wilh

1111 SOriS of nccessiliel added 10 Ihe jim

middotre had 01 Ihe rcceplion

Many Ihanksfor your SUppOri over Ihe years and for your good wishes as I begin

my car ofadmin is Ira live leave

Yours sincerelv

Jonel M Wardlaw 0


Dr Louise

( Bailltlj

Heslop 67

Off - To


Dr Louise (Bazi net) Heslop 67 has JO ined the School of Business at Carlton Unive rsit y O ttaw a Over the next two years through an arran geme nt with Ca rlton Unive rsity she will be cco nded on a

part-time basis by Stati sti cs Canada where she will join the Research and Analysi s

D ivision Loui se completed her MSc at Guelph

in 1969 and continued as lecturer in the

ne wly-es tablished Department o f Co nshysumer Studies In 1977 she compktcd a Ph D in Business Administration (Marketshying) at the University of Western Ontari o

and rejo ined the Department of Consumer Studies ri si ng to the rank of ass oc iate professor

Louise was e lected to the board of

di rectors of the Mac-FA CS Alumni Assoc ishyati on in 1977 se rvin g as secretary-treasurer until May 1981

We ex tend our best wishe middot to Loui se

her husband Lome O A 70 and their dau ghters Jose tte 5 and C la ire 2 Lorne is employed by Agriculture Canada in

Ottawa and is currently completing an M Sc in Engineering at the University of

G uelph Coun try li ving is a high priority with

the Heslops They are deli ghted with the purchase of a farm near Almonte a nd look

forward to the best of both worl d s - profess ion a lism in the city and lei sure in the countryside 0

Grad News Helen (Clifford ) Beswick 48D is se lf empl oyed as a studio potter in her home in Dundas

Margaret (Kennedy) jarvis 54D is a realestate age nt in Kingston

Pat (Hall) McDowell 65 is with the

United Missionary Soc iet y Jlorin Kwora State ~igeria

Joanne Patterson 66 is a se ni or project o ffmiddoticer w ith Indi an and Northern Affa irs Ottawa

Leslie (Mowat) Hemming 68 is teaC hin g in Woods tock

Mary (Jany) Toms 68 is employed with Health and We lfare Canada Ottawa

Sarah (Spencer) Coomhs 70 is an assistant director wi th the Co nsumer Inforshymation Centre of the Ontario Government


Meredith Fi lshie 70 is an ana lyst w ith the Ministry of State for Economic and Re g ional Development O ttawa

S heila (Fahner ) jarvie 70 is a nutrishytion ist w ith the K- W Hospital Kitchener

Donna j ohnstone 70 o perates Donn as Ha ndmade Clothin g for Men amp Wo men Gabiola Isla nd B C

Lorraine Holding 71 is manager of program development with the Rural Orshyga nizatio ns and Services Branlh Minis try of Agriculture and Food located at the Gue lph Agriculture Centre

Beve r ly Lee 72 is a chairperso n with the York Region Board o f Educ at io n

Laurie MacLeod 72 is a district manager with Beaver Foods Mlss issauga

Kathy Camelon 73 is a dietitian at the Toronto Genera l Hospita l

Tirnoth) Fleming HAFA 74 a ses ionaJ lec turer with H AFA teaching business law has been adm itted to the partne rshi p o f the law firm of Harper Haney and White of Waterl oo

Isabel (McBride) H o well 74 is an e lementary school teacher with the Watershyloo Co unt y Board of Educatio n Camshybridge

Mary Ruston 75 is a Famil y Studies teacher at Inge rso ll District High School

Kathryn Anderson 76 is a supervisor with Westmini ster Family Day a re London

Hester Cooper 76 is employed as a research officer with the New Zealand Dairy

Research Institute in Palmers ton North ew Zealand

Patr icia (G a rland ) Desaul niers 76 is with patient fo od se rvices Alberta Hospishyta l Edmo nton

Noella Li 76 is aclinical dietitian wi th the

ictori a Hospital London

M eredith (Evans) Hea rtwe ll 77 is

teac hing in Mississauga

Deb Wey 77 is patient food se rvices manager at SI John Regio nal Hospi tal SI J()hn NB

Susan (junes ) Wilcox 77 is food se rvices

superviso r with the Baye re st Ce ntre for Ge riatric Care 0

A ThankYou The c lass of Mac 380 wishes to extend a

sincere thank you to all alumni who have con tributed to the Mac 38 0 Class Geronshy

to logy Scholarship Fund The gradua te s tudent scholarship in

the recently de ve loped area ot Ge ronto lo gy at FACS is being established by the class of 38D in recog nition of their 45th annivershy

sary in 1983 All Univers it y of Guelph grads are

in vited to parti c ipate in this project funds for which will be so li c ited until December

1984 [f you wish to con tribute please make you r cheq ue pay ab le to the Univers ity o f Guelph Alma Mater Fund specify that it is to be applied to the Mac 38 D Class Gerontology Scho larship Fund and mail to

the Deve lo pment Office Room 273 John shysto n Hall Uni ve rsity o f Gue lph Guelph

Ontario N IG 2W J Th an ks again for yo ur suppo rt from

Elle n Downie Mary Singer Doris Durran t and Jean Carter- the Mac 38 D sch o larship committee 0

In Memoria m We regret to announce the death of the following al umnus

Margaret L (MacKenzie) Smallwood 401) December 1982 in Lakeland Fla




The College of Physical Scie nce Alumni Association

SCIMP Editor Bob Winkel

phy sics grant selection committee of thc atural Sciences and Engineering Research

Council for two years he was intimately involved in all the major re search de velopshyments in Canada in this field Hc feels that his e lec tio n to the Royal Society of Canada will help raise the prot1le of high-energy physics in this co untry and lend stren gth to Canadian experimenters

The citation prepared for his nominashytion to the Royal Society of Canada reads

Professor Karl is a high energy the ori st whose work is widely recognized interna tionally His deep physical insight and hi s kn ow led ge of mathemati ca l methods led to the quark model of baryon resonances based on quantum chromoshydynamics which has been enormousl) successful in describing experimental reshysuits H is re sea rch is characterized by striking originality and an ability to COIll shy

bine basic ideas from different field s as in the predictions of a new effect - neutron optical activity

Gabriel Karl is married and has one daughter W hen he is not probing the sec re ts of the universe he indulges himself in music theatre and the fine arts

He visited the Unive rsity of Briti sh Columbia in Vanco uver in May for the induction ceremony into the Royal Society of Canada on the occas ion of the Annual Meeting of the Society It marked he sa id the culmination of a long string of benefits that [ ha ve enjoyed throughout the 23 years 1 have lived in Ca nada [ have every rea son to be very grateful to th is country D

Erratum In the Sprin g issue o r SCiMP it was erroneously reported in the c utline accompanyin g a pict ure of Departshyme nt of Physics student scholarship winners that they were the recipients of 0 er $ 1500 We dropped a zero The fi gure should have read $ 15000 Sorry about tha t Ed

Elected to Royal Society

Dr Cooiel Korl

The election of Dr Gabriel Karl to a Fellowship of the Roy al Society of Canada represents what one of hi s colleagues Dr Peter Egelstaff desc ribe s as a rare honour which reflects great credit not only on Dr Karl but also on the Uni versi tys Departshyment of Physics

The Royal Society of Canada founded in 1882 to promote learning and research in the arts and sciences has numbered among its Fellows virtually all of Canadas most distinguished intellectual le ade rs of the last J00 yea rs Standards are jealously guarded and Fello wships are awarded only as a result of outstanding world-class ach ieve ment

The rarity of the honour is indicated by the fact that at the Un iversity of Guelph whose faculty includes so many academics of international distinction only five had previously achieved a Fellows hip in the Royal Society of Canada These are Dr Howard Clark vice- pres ident academic Dr Bruce Sells dean College of Biologishycal Science Dr Peter Egclstaff Depart shyment of Physics Dr Do nald Masters Prof ssor Emeri tu s De part mcnt of History and Dr He rb Armstrong retired dean of Graduate Studies

As the sixth Dr Ga briel Karl will have the added di st inction of bei ng the first whose career has been sp ot excl us ively at the Un ivers ity of Guelph which agai n to

quote Dr Egelstaff marks a coming of age for the University

Gabriel Karl was born in Transylvania a province of Romania He obtained his B Sc in Chemistry at Romani as Univershysity of ClUJ worked for two years in industry and came to Canada in 1960 He attended graduate school at th e University of Toronto where he was awarded a Ph D in 1966 for a thesis on infrared luminesshycence following molecular colli sion Hi s Ph D supervisor was the distinguished physical chemist Dr John Polanyi

A two-year post-doctora l fellowship with the University of Torontos Depart shyment of Physics followed His mentors there were Drs J Van Kranendonk and Duk Poll who is now a professor with the Universi ty of Guelph s Depa rtment of Ph ys ics

In 1966 Dr Karl studied at the Uni versity of Oxford for two years under an NRC scho larship to study hadron spec troshyscopy and in 1969 he Joi ned the Univers itys Department of Phy sics achieving a full professorship only five years later

Dr Karls work has focussed on high energy physics - the physics of fundamen shytal particles This is an esoteric field involvshying research into the nature of matter The relatively few world leaders in thi s field tend to cluster around the half-dozen accelerators such as the $100 million four kilumete rshylon g hi gh-e nergy tunnel for accelerating electrons at Stanford University that have been built only in the US and Europe

There is no accelerator of this energy level in Canad a and fe w Canadian scie nshyti ~ts are working in this field Dr Ka rl s statu re in the international commu nity of particle physic ists is marked by his many visi ts to the world s major research ce ntres as guest speaker and to consult with his peers Referring to the time spent on thcse missions Dr Karl describes the Depart shym nt of Phys ics and his colleag ues as generouslyaccommodati ng shy

As cha irman of the h igh energy


Trapping The Suns Energy Excerpted from a Chemtrends article by Mary Cocivera

One predi ctabl e fac t about ind ustri ali z d

soc iety is that it will take more e nergy to

keep the whee ls ru nn ing smoothl y parti c ushy

larly because the world population is exshy

pected to dou ble to about n ine bill ion by the

year 2050

[n th search to augme nt tradi tio na l

sources o f e lectri ci ty two Departme nt of

Chemistry pro fessors ha ve tu rned their

atten ti on to the convers ion of solar energy to

electricity by photovultaie cel ls and photoshy

elec troc he mical systems T he developme nt

work at Guelph is a imed at improving the efficiency and stability of th se sy~tems and

reduc i ng the ir cos t

Si licon photovoltaic cells serve as a

reference for solar energy convers iun beshy

cause they were the fi rst such cells and to

date arc the most effic ient co nvert ing so lar

ne rgy into elec tr ic ity a t abo ut 15 per cem

effi c iency Arrays of crys tal li n sil icon ce lls present ly cos t in the nei ghborhood or

S$400 per sq uare metre to manufac ture

produc ing about 40 watts Photovo lta ic

thin- fi lm syste ms us ing semico nductors

o ther than single crysta l sil ic on are be ing

investigated in man y re~earc h ce ntre s

around the world

A pro mis ing approach is a cadmiui1l

sulfi dec uprous sul fide combi nat ion in

which the two sem ico nduc tors are laye red

on molybdenum the n covered w ith a transshyparent gold fil m T his thin-fi lm cons trucshy

tio n i ideal for solar devices explai ns

Profess ur Ro n Fawcett because large

surface areas are needed for maximum

exposu re to the sun

T he fabrication process devel oped by

Ro n and patented in 1980 in vo lve electroshy

depos iting cadmium sulfide o nto molybshy

denum then layering cuprous sulfide over the cadm ium sulfide by an ion exchange

process Finally the gold 11 1m is added by

vacuum de pos ition Ron es timates that

thi n-film de ices could be manufac tu red in

this way for about S$25 per squ are metre

E lectro pla ting of se m ic ondu ct ors

would enabl e photo voltai c dev ices to be

manu factured in a continuous process

rathe r than indi vidua lly as i required w ith

s ingle crysta l s ilic on Such ce lls ha ve

ach ieved conversio n of solar to electrica l

energy at an e ffi cienc y o f I per cent to date T he researchers are co nfide nt they can

achieve fi to 8 per cent cffi ieney compared

to the calcul ated max imum e ffi c iency of II

per cent Pro fessor Michae l oc ivera is ork ing

on photoe lec troc hem ical systems in which a

sem icond uctor electrode im mersed in an

elec tro lyte solution converts inci dent li g ht

into a n electric a l cu rren t Such se mishy

conductor lilju id junction cells offe r p racti shy

cal ad van tages because uf the sponta neom format ion o f a junc tio n I mproved effishy

ciency fo r po lycrysta lli ne sem iconductors

has been a hi eved in ce lb of th is type in part becau~e the liqu id estab li shes unshy

iformly good COntac t wi th the e l etrode

The li gh t -~ens it i ve electrode in photoshy

e lec trochem ical ce lls is a sem ic o nductor

e it her a thin-fi lm or s ingle c rysta l a tt ached

to a metal back ing the other e lec trode is an

inert me ta l T he e l ectrode~ are immersed in

~ n elect rol yte solutio n o f a mater ial that carl do nate and accep t elect rons The b igges t

prob lem with many li lj ui d junct io n ce lls

~ays Mike is photocorros iol1 of the su rshy

face of the se miconductor To overcome

thi s problem he is developing materi a ls and

techniques to coat the e lectrodes with proshy

tec tive materiab

The first liquid junction cells with a

sili con anode opera ted for only a matter of

seconds befo re the e lec trode was des troyed

by corrosion Researche rs at the Solar Energy Research Insti tu te in C o lorado

U SA have developed a silicon anode

w ith a polypyrro le protect ive coating which

can o perate for hund reds o f hours but that is

still not long eno ugh for a viable commershy

cia l syste m

M ike and his colleague are making a

syste matic study of compounds tha t wi ll

both protect the electrode from corrosion

and catal yze the elect rode rca tion They

arc now worki ng with organo me tall ic comshy

pounds co mpris ing a metal atom sulfur

and an aromatic co m pone nt containing a func tiona l group li ke hyd roxy l sul phonate

ammoni um and nitroso

hese compounds are effect ive beshy

ca use they prov ide a mechanism to transfer

a ch arge bet ween the se mi co nd uctor and the e lectro n donor in solut io n The coating mus t

also be transpilrent e nough to a llow the light

to s trike the photocleetrode

To date they ha ve suneeded in deshy

veloping fi ve coat ings su itab le fo r a variet y

or se miconduc tors incl uding the polyshy

crysta ll ine cadm ium su lfide e lectrodes fabshy

riltated by Ron Fawce tt s method If polyshy

crystalli ne elec trodes can be fab ri (a ted and

coated wi th a protec tive materia l electroshy

chemically they wi ll be relati ve ly inexpe nshy

ive to manufac ture If the tech niques and processe s be ing

inve ~l igated by Ron Fawce tt and Mike Coc ivera de ve lop to tht ir full poten tial the

su n cou ld beco me a more import ant supplier

o f e lectri city in Ca nada Long-range proshy

jectio ns suggest that about 10 per cent of No rth A m rican e lectr ic it y could be proshy

duced from solar convers ion

Elec tric ity fro m the sun is no longer a

pipe-dream-it is a reachable goa l n

Grad News Louise (Sandall) Platt BA 69 is living

in Islington and teaching for the Etobico ke

Board of Educati on

Alexander Barton BSc 70 MSc 74 is work ing on a Ph D deg ree in the

Departme nt of Fishe ries and W ildlife at

Orego n Sta te uni vers ity

Gerry Kupferschmidt BSc 70 MSc

71 is living at R R I Osgoodc and is

tmployed as a sc ientific ad ise r to the


Murray Ross Gingrich BSc 71 Ii ves in

Brampto n and is work ing as a probation

officer for the Ministry o f Correc tio nal


Robert Cross BSc 72 M D is workshy

ing in the emergency department o f the

So uth Muskoka Hospital in Bracebridge

Edda Duva (Home) Kerr BA 74 lives

in G ue lph and is working as a program

co-ordinator for Casatta Ltd in Kitchener

Deanne Ch)y BSc 78 Ii ves in Etob ishy

coke and is working as a public health

inspector for the Ham ilton Wentwo rth Reshy

gio nal Health Unit

Alex McDonald BSc 79 PhD 83 and his wife Rosanne ( DeNobriga) BSc

79 are living in Austi n Texas whil e Alex

is do ing post-doctoral work at the Unishy

vers ity o f Texas

Ste~en Oliver BSc 79 o f Hamilton is a

medica l sa les repre sentati ve with Cyanamid

Canada Inc

Gordon Knox BSc 79 is a con~ ul ta nt

with Inform ation Systems Serv ices in Vicshy

toria BC

George Gillson BSc 80 is taki ng a

Ph D in Anal ytica l C hemis try at the Uni shyve rsity of Alberta 0


The College o f Arts Alumni Associat ion

DELPHA Editor Debbie (Nash) Chambers 77

has no w acquired the Shaw Festival ArshyThe Deans Roundup chives on permanent deposit T his is an

Last fall I had the privilege of speakshy

ing to the direc tors of the University of G uelph Alumn i Assoc iation to bring them

up to date on some of the excit ing things connected with the College of Arts I am gratefu l to the editor of DELPHA for this

opportu nity to let alumni readers know what we are do ing

I am pleased to be able to report a subs tant ial increase in enrolment both in the

B A program and in the College o f Arts this past yea r What is especially nice is that this has coincided with a dec is ion to tighte n our

standards at the admissions level and in the regulations for continuatio n of study

In o rder to grad uate B A students

who entered the Spring 19~3 Semester will need to obtai n a C average in 60 per cent of the courses they take

Most of o ur students are doing thi s now and we do not antici pate this will pose any

problem for the students whom we are ad mitting Next year students en tering the

B A program will be required to have Grade 13 English and we are strongly encouraging them to offer a Mathematics credit o r o ne in French or ano ther language

Applications from students wish ing to enter the B A program in the Fall 1983 Semester

are up subs tantia lly over last yea r I also want to share with you some

ha ppenings which have brought special delight to me

The U ni ve rsi ty of Guelph Choir

under director Ge rald e ufeld won second prize in the 1982 CSC nation al chora l competition

In the Harbourfront a rt show last

sum mer three o f o ur students had works se lected by the jury and each won a prize shya better show ing than any of the other O nshy

tario universities or colleges which entend T he C anadian- American Urban Hisshy

tory Co nference held at G uelph in A ugust

1982 was a tremendous success bringing sc holars from many parts of the United States and Canada to discuss new trends in urban studies

Dean David Murray

In the space of just a few months I have seen seven books published by faculty in the Co llege The subjects include Rudyard

Kipl ing Greek Philosophy Urban History Evolution and Darwinism Reli gion and Tolerance the dramatist Gra nville Barker

and a nove l written in French Last summer also saw the completion

of a very successful facu lty exchange beshy

tween o ur Department of Eng lish and the

Uni vers ity of Reading in Britain Dr Leslie Monkman went to Reading for the year and Dr Coral Howell s visited Guelph This

opportunity enab led Dr Howells to study modern C anadian writers and she is now

working o n a book to be published in Britain o n Canadian women wri ters Dr

Mo nkman lectured on Canadian literature at various places in Britain and in France as well as in Reading

T hro ugh the e fforts of the Department of Drama and its chairman Dr Leonard

Conolly and C ollections Librarian Jo hn Moldenhauer 68 the Uni versi ty Library

ex tremely valuab le re sou rce for theatre

scholars a nd the Univers ity is ve ry pleased to have a closer connection with the Shaw Festi val The Drama Department also has

Professor Dan Laurence the world s leadshying Shaw scholar as a distinguished Visitshy

ing Professor lor the ra il Semester Two large conferences were organized

during the Spring and Summer by faculty

and students in the Co llege Professor Ted Cowan of the History Department was in charge of the Scottish Heritage Festival held in uelph in May The Fes tival was a

ce lebrati on of the S co t~ 1d their contribushytion~ to Canada

In Au gust the Uni vers ity will host a major conference o n Common wealth lite rashy

ture bringing writers and schol ars to Guelph from allover the Com monweal th Professor Doug K illam chairman of the Department of English and a number o f col leagues are

now busily preparing to welcome guests from around the world

Through our liaison programs we have pioneered special day - long seminars at the

niversity for gifted children in Wellington County T he se programs are part of o ur commitment to assist secondary schools in meeting the challe nges of special education

J know many o f you will also be interes ted in knowing that last sLi mmer the

College awarded three new scholarships two of the m honouring the cont ribution made by former faculty members J Percy

Sm ith and W Stanford Reid The other marked the first presentation of the Edward Johnson Music Foundation scholarships for students in the music program

We are al l ac ute ly co nscious of the

financial pressure affecting the UnivLr ~ ity

of Guelph and othe r Canadian unive rsities

But we mus t no t le t these pressures detract from the vision of academic excellence to

which we are committed J think you will agree from the exaln ~Jk middot ha ve cited that this vision continues to glow brightly in spite of our financial plight We hope we can

co ntinue to co unt on your advice and your suppurt 0


It Was a Very Good Year T he Direc tor or the College of Arts Alumni Assoc iation have had a bus y year In January we launched o ur hrst Caree rs i lglll for in -coure stude nlgt Thanks to the exce lle nce and enthusiasm of our pane l l1len1bcr the evening was a success

Careers Night is to become an annual event and we would appreciate you r particishypation Any Art s grads wh o wo uld like to

vo lunteer their expertise for the e vening please do not hesita te to contact us

The Directors were also busy a rshyranling the second an nu al art show shyDI MENSIO NS middotS3 Due to the treme nd ous response to DI M ENSIOtS 82 the art show co mmittee organized DIM ENSIO NS 83 as aJu ricd show We are hoping that nex t yea r we will be able to mount a photography show as well a an art sho w

As you are probably aware in 1970 Wellington College was reo rganized into the Colleges of Arts Physic al Sc ience and Socia l Science This year our Assoc iation was asked to se lect a new College logo Thankgt to Dean Dav id Murray and the Deans Counc il we were given permission to use the graphics on the College of Art s Gold Medal It can be see n in the masthead of thi s issue The logo was designed by Erich Barth art dire ctor Department of [nshyformation and enco mpasses the di verse di s shycipiJnes fou nd within the College of Arts

Grad News Catharine (Gilnerlson ) Scott 70 is a wage and salary anal ys t tnivers it y of Waterl oo

Linda la) Bell 72 i the assistant conshysultant for thlto gifted We llington County Boa rd of Education GueJph

Lynn Barbeau 74 is the curator Educa shytion and xtension Macdo nald Stewart Art

entre Guelph

Wltlynr WellJauler 75 is corpora te mar shyke ting manager Gore Mutua l In surance Company Cambridgc

Renate Fisc her 76 is a consultant with the Woods Gordon Divisio n of Cl arkson Go rdon Chartered Acco untants Kitchener

jane Morley O AC MSc 81 is a career co nsultant Counse llin g and Student Reshysource Centre Un iversity of Guelph

Through the generos ity of the Alma Mater Fund our Assoc iation has been able to e stablish nv e sc holars hip s Thre e DELPHA awards for Gue lph alumni to continue their slUdi es at the gradu ate level at the University and two awa rds for part-time mature students These awards are greatly appreciated by the students who have reshyce ived th e m

Congratulatio ns are th e order of the day for Juli e (Russe ll ) Thur 78 Associashytion past pre sident and Linda Mackenz ie shyCordi ck 8 1 Assocration secre tary treas shyurer on the birth of their daug hters in March We wi sh them joy in their yo ung-

David Dell 76 is the in fo rmation o ffic er Reg ion of Pee l Brmiddotampton

jeff Miller 82 is a s tage manager for Profes sional Theatres Toronto

The above eight alumni were panel )11ember-s at our first annual Careers sJ ig ht held ea rlier th i yea r On ce again we offer our sincere thanks for their pani ci pation

lhugarel Reare 68 is senior research o f hee l Minis try of th e Soli citor General Ottawd

William Thiels 73 is a sys te ms analyst with Eas tman Kodak CO Roche ster t Y US A

Shardie D SteHnson 77 is assistant marketing manager Marsh and 1cLennan Ltd Winnipeg Man

Donald Syme 77 is with marketing pe rsonne l IC F Sydne y Australia

sters and look forward to the ir continued help in the Assoc ia tion in the future

C Nould lik e to re mind our fell ow alu mni to jo in or renew their membership in our Association De hbie ( Nash) Cham bers 77 editor of DF LPH A wo uld lik e any Ideas lor future artick that vould catch your interes t Our Assoc iati o n would also apprec ia te heari ng from you re gardin g eve nts that you wou ld be interested in attending Pl ease drop us a line in order that we may serve you better thus ~ eeping the line of co mmunic ation oren bet ween you and yo ur Alma v1ater

In closing I would like to acknowlmiddot edge With great a pprec iati o n the a istance that has been o ffclTU our Board of Direc tors over the pasl year

As al ways Dea n David Murray has bee n a va lued ad visor I wo uld li ke to thank Professor Ted Cowa n Department o f History for his Sprin g 19K3 OEPHA article on the Scottish Heritage Festival and Judy (Ma in) Ca rson 75 for he r help in preparalron of feature articles Spec ial thank s arc also ex tended to Rosemary Clark Mac 59 Asis tant Director Proshyg rams Dep artment of Alumni Affairs and Deve lopment and our Board of Directo rs who have wo rk ed so hard to mak e thi s a successful year

The term of 19X2-B3 has been a very grati fying one for all mem bers of the Associations Boa rd o t Directors We loo k for ward to 19K3-K4 anJ hope to hear from you Q

J ane Francis 78 is With Ilublic relations Vancouver Stock EXchange Vancou ver B C

Jonie Bunce 79 is a teacher 01 Art English and Thcatre Arts at 1 A Turn er Secondary School BrdrllptOl

Deborah Salmon 79 is married to Richard Light BS( 80 and li ves in Japanec Shc worb for the Empl o) mc nt and Im migrati on Commi ssion dnd Ri chlrJ works for a darrv in Kin gs to n

Shelagh Stevens 79 it station U)lllrshytwlle r Department o f -J atiunal [dc nce in f ova Slmiddototia

lidwtl Glanb 81 is a supervisor mar shyke ting comrlluni~ations Pitney-Bowe s oj

Canada Ltd Don Mill s

john (llanllllUnd ) Zelasko 81 rs ~ I

courtr(lOrn artist WKBW Buffalo New Ymk US I C



Alumnus of

Honollr 1983

Helen Christine AbeD Mac 38D

Amo ng the forerunners in the fie ld of rural soc iol ogy not only in Canada

but throughout the world and with a long career as a professor in numerous un iversities ac ross Canada Dr Helen C Abell has und oubted ly do ne much to promote a world -w ide reputation for her Alma Mater

Dr Abell has been most active in a numbe r of United Nat io ns programs designed to foster development of th ose in the Third World countrie s Although os ten sibl y retired she still co nt inues her wo rk as a cons ult ant in Socio-Economic De ve lopme nt assisti ng in develop ing sho rt -term project s as the occasion ari ses

As well as a Macdona ld Ins titu te Diploshyma Dr Abell obtained a BHSc (H ome Economics) from the Universi ty of Toro nto in 1941 and an MS (Human Nutrition) and a Ph D (major Rural Sociology and Agri cul shytural Economics) from Cornell University in 1947 and 1951 re specti vel y 0

Page 7: Guelph Alumnus Magazine, Summer 1983

Pauline StepsDoWD An intervie w with Dr Pauline McGibbon by Andrea Mudry Fawcett

A In stepping down as Chancellor you are leaving people at the niversity of Guelph with many memories including your rather spectacular arrival in 1977 in horsemiddotdrawn land au and the time you took off from convocation in a helicopter What memorie s of the University will you take away with you

P Well I will certainl y remember the beautiful campu s and the friendline ss of everybody At Guelph s Board of Governors meetings I was struck by the vast difference between what was almost a famil y affair as compared to the Governing Council at the Uni versit y of Toronto where [ was pre viously Chancellor really liked the meetings of the Board of Governors at Guelph The meetings at Toronto

are so much larger with people sitting in rows in a room Perhaps you feel more intimidated to get up and speak Not that that ever applies to me

A As Lieutenant-Governor of Ontario and Chancellor of two uni versities you have fulfilled role s which involve a fair amount of pomp and circum stance Do you feel that there is a place in the modern world for such ceremonie s

P Yes I feel very strongl y about that about graduati on ceremonies for example That is one time when a university publicly pays tr ibute to student s for what they have achieved Perhaps for the first time the graduates and

their families are going to see that they are now part of an ac ademic tradition I would like to compliment Gudph on the way the faculty turns out for graduation Because the acauemic procession as it enters with faculty members in co lourful gowns robes and ca ps from uni vcrsities around the world adds greatl y to

the ceremo ny It s awfully nice to ee such colour to hear the orches tra and that excellent choir you ha ve I rea ll y love the graduation cere mony

A How did you develop th is feeling fo r tradition ) Did the fac t that you studied hi story at uni versity co ntribute to thi s apprec iation)

P Really I think it s my sense of theatre Tha t~ o ff the top of my head because [ ve

never thought about the que stion before But I do ha ve a tendency whether it s in a church a

uni ve rsity the leg isl ature or the House of Commons of always see ing ceremonies with that theat ri cal look behind my eye People should be able to feel that they are taking part in a meaningful occas ion

A So it is not mere ly a question of staging a ceremony but ol really undeliining the fact that th is ri tual is part of an important tradition The theatric s then become mainl y a means of helping to convey that fact Did your family haw a strong sense of tradition

P I dont know that [ was really conscious of such things before atte nding uni ve rs it y Whil e growing up in Sarnia I doubt very much that I was co nsc ious of tradi tions Perhaps it started during my univerSity years

You must reme mber that [ came from a communit y of about IS 000 to the Uni ve rsity of Toronto where I lived in residence I was just so w ide-eyed Eve rything seemed so glamorous You know I came down with money fr om my grandfather who said I was not to sta y if I didn t like it Before I left he gave me the trai n fare home You see I was co mpletely spoil ed Of course I just loved it

A T he fac t th at you were Ontari os Lieutenant-Governor while you were the Chancellor at Guelph ce rtai nly me ant that you were busy But also as Her Majesty the Queen s offi c ial representative yo u were not free to speak on education oron politics Would you care to comment on the state of educati on now

P Well heal th and education are making terrifi c finan cial demands on provincial budgets J get completel y torn between wanting to see more money in both en velopes if you want to put it that way Im rea lly concerned about the l ack of money for our uni versities I think that they re right down to the bone and Im concerned about the fu ture If things dont improve then were goi ng to lose our staff to


III rl m gllition of her service to the Unimiddotersi since 1977 Dr Pauline M cGibbon

IllI S prlsented with two millia ture hand- craft ed replicas of th e Uni vers ity mace a t a

SenateBoard of Governors dinne r during sprin g Com oealio ll on lU1I 1 I With hlr

is Prrgtsident Donald Forster

the United Sta tes O ur eq uipment is getting old

and has to be re placed as do o ur buildings I

just wish we could find mo re mo ney in o ur unive rs ities and J use that in the plural

A It has been co mmented that sin ce Do n

Fo rste r is a bache lo r you ha ve been helpful in

setting him at ease in the social aspec ts o f his

role For examp le yo u me ntioned the

graduatio n lunche o ns

P We ll Don was Pro vos t when I was the

Chancellor at Toronto su tha t we were not

strangers to o ne another no t that we knew each

o ther that we ll Poss ibl y the fact that he had

wa tched me in ac tio n at Toronto may be one

reaso n why he asked me if I wo uld le t my name

stand as C hance llor fo r G ue lph Now I ve

rJs hl y said that Ill be glad to do an ything I can

do to he lp hi m whe n he co mes to Toronto as

Preside nt It is not going to be easy for hi m

A You have bee n the firs t woma n to hold many

othe r key positi ons hese incl ude bei ng

Director of IBM Ltd Presi dent of the Canadian Co nference o f the Arts and

Lie utenant-Gove rn or of On tari o Is this

indi cati ve o f aeha nge in peo pl e s perceptio n of

women s abil i ties w he ther it is in bu si nes

ed ucat io n or government

P Ve ry definitely attitudes are changing I

co nsider that at the begi nning I Jus t happened

to be in the right pl ace at the righ t t ime Howeve r a ll you have to do is watch the

finan cia l pages o f you r newspaper to see the way wome n are coming ahead Such changes

are partly due lthink to the femini st

moveme nt whi ch emphas ized and broug ht to

the attention o f people so me o f the handicaps under which women were functi o ning

ow I m not o ne who supported the

Ch ancelor Paufine McGibbon raquoith

extremes o f the feminist movement such as the

extra vagant prose the hraburni ng all tha t type

o f stuff I ca ll it stuff yet in the nex t breath

I say it did have an im pact Whethe r the y agreed or disagreed people a t las t began to

thi nk about ce rta in issues concerning wome n Pro bl ems w ith sa laries career advanccment

and pr j udi ce suc h as the idea that it is no t

good to work fo r a wo man a r~ example

The moveme nt seems to have slowed

duwn now I see both s ides and on no t consider

my~e l f a fence -s itte r l think the majority o f

people realize w hat certa inl y reali zed all

alo ng Yo u cannu t ge t ahead withou t the

suppo rt of men Men and wo me n have gut to

work toge ther fo r the ben fi t o f both I ha ve to

say in all hones ty that [never felt di sc ri minated

aga ins t in any way no matter wh at [ dio I ve

always gotte n al ong we ll with men Ilike men

and they sec m to l ike me

A M aybe that is part o fil T hey sense that the

rel a tio nship is a positive one Yo u enjoy their

company they enjoy yo urs and they can see

that you ha ve the mcessary qualit ies fo r a g ive n

pos itio n

Vell it s ce rtainly go ing to be the end o f

an era a t Guelph when you and Do n leave Im

sure thin gs will ca rry o n and there will be ne w

delights but were a lways sor ry to see a fine

time end

P Thank yo u Id hate to have yo u not feel

sor ry tha t we are leav ing But the new

Chancell or Bill Ste wart isjus t go ing to be

tops He had an assoc iatio n with Guel ph for a lo ng time when he was Ministerof Agriculture

I can t th ink of a better choice 0

Erich Barth arl director Enf orillaion Se rshy

vices who co-ordinaled the creation of Ihe two Uniersity iliacI lII in iafures th at

Yoere presented to her One mace is a displm model a bout on e-eigh th f ull size the o ther repli ca is a j our- in ch kill p in


Dual Income Families

Presstires and

By Mary Cocivera

A stroll through a typical neighbourhood

shatters any illusions about mothers stayin g at home with their young children

Most neighbo urhoods that a decade ago

would ha ve been bu stling with coffee klatches

neighbours visiting over the fence and back yards full of children playing are now all but deserted during the week

Young mo thers are not home with their

preschool children Instead they are in shops factories and offices working to help stretch

their families budgets Women particularly mothers of young

children are working outside the home in increasing numbers In 1971 in two-parent

families 38 pe r cent of mothers with children

under 16 worked outside the home By 1977 that proportion had increased to 58 per cent

The increases are even more dramatic for

women with children under s ix years old the

gro up traditio nally portrayed as staying home with their preschool children F ro m 1971 to 1977 the proportion of these mothers from

two-parent familie s who worked outside the home rose from 41 per cent to 51 per cent

Participation in the labour force has

increased steadily fo r all women since 1960 when fewer than 30 per cent of women over 25 were in the labo ur force By 1982 more than 48

per cent of the same group worked outside the home Further inc reases are prOjected until at least 1985 Canadas Families a doc ument

based on the 1976 census reported that in 54 per cent of families both spouses were working

o llts ide the home

Payoffs Why the Change

Women have been entering the labour

force for a variety of reasons economic ami otherwise Professor Kathleen Brown a family

economist in the Department of Family Studies suggests that soc ial pressures have

pushed many women particularly those in middle-age withgrown children out of the

house and in searc h of self-fulfillment Some of these women ma y feel theyre

missing something by staying at home when most of their peers are working outs ide the home and have their own discretionary income

Hard cold ca sh is the reason behind most womens decision to work o utside the homc Young families are particularly vulnerable to

economic upheaval s Profess or Brown explains because their expenses peak before their incomes

Many young two-income couples stretched their budgets in the early 1970s to

purchase a hou se with the expectatio n that their inco mes would rise and the payments would beco me increasingly eas ier to make

Then interest rates soared they had to renew

their mortgages at much higher rates and their la rger monthly payments s till needed two or mo re incomes to meet those payments

Wives who intended to stop working outside the home to have a family suddenly

realized that they wo uld have to keep working to keep the family home They were counting

on continued economic growth and on inflatio n eas ing their debt burden observe Professor Brown but they didn t allow enough flexibility to adjust to developments like the

unexpectedly high mortgage rates Some middle c la ss home owners may

actually be worse off no w than they were in the early 1970s according to consumer economist


Professor W ill iam Frisbee from the De partment of Consumer Studies T his problem is likely to be particularly aeu te among families who purchased homes in the 1970s W hat has caught families in the wild t1uctuation

in interest rates We can no longer ant icipate what the situation will be like in th ree or four years Conside ring that buying a house is a 25shyto 30-year proposilion this uncertainty can really put families in a bind

Wives who work outside the home have not only saved many a family home but they have kept low income families above the poverty line Women and Poverty a report

by the National Council of Welfare published in 1979 estimates that 52 per cent more two- spouse income families would fall below

the poverty line if the wives did not work outs ide the home

Wives who work outside the home

represent all social and economic strata from the lowest income families to the very highest

Many wives who are pursuing life-long careers always expected to work outside the home and

they married men who supported their ambitions

At the other extre me are women who

never planned to work outside the hom or who intended to stop working outside the home if children arrived These women frequently married men who believe that the husband

should be able to provide for his family W hen these women venture outside the

home to work there can be tremendous conflict

between the traditional values and the financial

necess ity of going out to work Their husbands often feel that their role as famil y head and bread w inner is being undermined They have d iffi culty cop ing with their wives increased independence and economic clout the wives try to live both the traditional role and carry on with thei r jobs

Far-Reaching Benefits Women enter the labour force for

monetary reasons bu t o ft en the payo ffs go far beyond the economic The late Professor A nne Cal laga n who was a soci al worker and

soc iolog ist in the Department of Family Stud ies believed that women be nefi t psychologically and that marriages can be stre ngthe ned whe n both part ne rs work outside the home Ci ting a study about the

decision-making process in famili es she observed that most couples start married life

with an equal rights relationship The wife s input into important decisions

reaches its lowest point when she is stuck at home with small children As the children get older and more independent the wife regains

some of her say in family dec isions but her input never reaches the level she enjoyed a t the beg inning of the marriage A wife who works outside the home maintains her influence in

decision- mak ing throughout the marriage With both partners working husband and

wifc are forced to communicate more and to work out the often complex arrangements for the care of the children Increased comshy

municat ion leads to more companionship In the trad it ional family with a husband who

has a job and a wife who does not work outside the home the wife organizes the children and the couple s social life

In many cases she and her husband operate in completely different spheres and communication declines Many of these marriages flounder in mid-life because there is little in the way of common interest after the

children leave home Many observers have linked marriage

failure to economic woes and to women

working outside the home Professor Callagan challenged this link The wife by working

helps combat one of the biggest sources of stress faced by married couples - money

Professor Frisbee wonders whether marital problems that have been blamed on

fi nancial woes are really caused at least in part

by isolation and loneliness [n geographically mobile societies young

couples often move away from both fam ily and friends and sell Ie in communities where they

have no close personal ties with other peo ple Whe n the pressures of jobs child care arrangeshyments and finances become too much to handle such familie s cannot call on parents

grandparents brothers and sisters and long-established friends T he pressure s become

in te rnal ized to the im mediate family and the relationship cracks under the stress

In spite of the pressures and demands of a job outside the home a wife enjoys personal

benefi ts according to Professor Callagan By contributing in a concrete visible way to purchasing the house (and the car and the food)

she earns the appreciation of her husband and chil dre and thus enhances her se lf esteem

By simply gelling out of the hou e a mother with ajob becomes more indep ndent builds a social life of her own and develops interes ts outside of he r house and fam il y All of

thi s adds up to beller mental health

Changing Roles If w ives are entering the labour force are

the ir husbands accepting more of the responsibi lity for raising the children and running the home

Roles at home have not changed as much

as some would expect Studies in Vancouver and Hal ifax found that men increase their house work and child care contributions by an average of one hour a week when their wives get jobs o utside the home

It appears that most men seem to make

their contributions in the more pleasant tasks such as putting the children to bed By and large the working mother s till has to contend wi th the laundry cleaning shopp ing cook ing and famil y scheduli ng If one of the chi ldren

gets s ick it is sti ll the mother who is usua lly

expected to adjust her schedule

Yet to come is a real sharing of the chore s around the house a perceptible shi ft in the division of labour at home

Wo men w ith jobs are no t limited to

mothers in two-parent families Divorced widowed and single women who mayor may not have children also compete for those jobs and face the same if not worse economic

pressures Wives with jobs outs ide the home

however are ojlel di smissed as not

economically important because many people assume (incorrectly) that they have husbands to

sUPflort them and their real job is to take care of the ir children

Todays thousa nds of moms who work

outside the home challenge this outmoded

notion Their pay cheques are as impo rtant a contribution to theirfamilies as their husbands

A report by the C anad ian Advisory

Council on the Statlls o f Women points out that between 1969 and 1979 the number of women in the labour force inc reased by 616 per cent with the g reatest gain being among mothers of young children

Between 1976 and 1980 according to the report the number of mothers with children under three who were in the labour force

increased by a staggering 276 per cent This raises important questions about societys ability to cope with these social changes

Some 15 or 20 years ago the mother who worked outside the home was the exception rather than the rule She could make arrangements with an obli g ing neighbour to

care for her chil d re n all Jay or to intercept them after sc hool and at lunch time

Today mothers without jobs are the

exception Find ing the obliging ne ighbour is becoming more diffic ult and famili es are making more fo rmal arrangements for day care and afte r school care In many cit ies however the re is not enough day care to fil l this demand

Here to Stay It has been pred icted tha t w ives will keep

working outs ide the ho me because they will have to Fami lies will become u ed to the com fort o f a two- income standard of l iv ing and will be unwilling or unable to g ive it up

The socia l forces that have led women in search of self fulfill me nt and equality in the work place w ill continue to influence womens

life work Many young girls still think of a job as a temporary situation but the reality is that being ma rried happily ever after is a myth for most women Women and Poverty points out th a 94 out of every 100 women marry but only 26 of them can expect to live w ith their

husbands until death Some 53 of the original 94 will become w idows and 15 will divorce or

separate Todays wives and mothers who work outs ide the home will be better prepared to

pursue life on their own if and when they

have to 0


The Stewart Bennett Bequest middot $600000 By John Hearn

When Stewart B nnett industriali st

fa rmer catt le and horse hreeder 3rt

colle tor and past member of the nivers ity of Guelph s Board of Governo rs di ed in Aug us t last year his will specified a bequest o f

$600 000 to the University which w~s

co nfinned on the death of h is widow Violet

w ho al so died last yea r

By any standards Stewart Ben nett s life

must be described as a success story a 90-year record o f persona l achievement any man m ight

envy Born in T oronto in 1892 he graduated in

engineering from the Uni ve rs ity of Toronto went up to Oxford Jo ined the Roya l Eng ineers on the outbreak of World War One served wi th di stinction as a captain and was awarded the

Military Cross He re turned to the niversity of Townto

to lec ture at the fac uity o f Applied Sc ience from 192 1 to 1925 then launched a busin ss career which was to lead to directorships with some of the country s most succe ss ful corporations

These included the Phoenix Assurance Co of herd which has been sending champions to niversity of Guelph goes back to the days Canada Dominion Stores Ltd the Boiler international Ii vestock expositions for more when he was a member of the Board of Rege nts Inspection and Ass urance Co of Canada and than 40 years The firs t Canadian-bred Shortshy of the Federated Colleges and remained to

the C anada Permanent Trust Company He horn bull to be shipped to Scotland was sent by serve as a member o f the nivcrsitys first became pres ident of Beardmore amp Company in Scotsdale Farm in 1970 and as recently as Board of Governo rs for another e ig ht years 1940 and served as vice-president of Canada 1981 Stewart Ben nett had the upre me He was al so president of the Royal Packers Inc for 18 years Champion Bull at the eNE Agricultural Winter Fair in 1953-4 and se rved

It might be argued however as to who While all this was going on he was for many years on it s executive T he Royal

was the real Stewart Bennett-the shrewd buildi ng a si gnificant collection of Canadian art Agricultural Winter Fair and the Georgetown

Industrialist or the man who bought himself a and served as a member of the council of the Di s trict Memorial Hospital are equal

540-acre farm in the Credit Valley and turned it Toronto Art Gallery Hi s 100 or more canvasmiddot beneficiaries with the University in his estate

into a beauty spot He lined its handsome ses by Tom Thompson A Y Jackso n and What el se would a man need to round out a driveway with evergreens and dammed streams JE H MacDonald among o the rs have been long and successful life but a perfect marriage

to create a lake as a home for his two swans bequeathed to the Ontario Heritage Foundation and this too was not denied him He married

Th( felle Violet alld Stewart Bennell

Nor was he content to be a city man with a which has al so been named to manage the Violet Letty Fairbanks in 1922 She died 60

country home He is honoured among cattle Be nnett farm years later two months after Stewart of a

breeders for his famous Sc otsdale Shorthorn Stewart Bennetts connection with the broken heart 0

III this picture athe UniersitV s first Board o(Co ernors St ewart 8el1 ( (( is third rolltefl



The AMPUl Experience A Most Significant Training Program For Hospitality Industry Leaders By John Hearn

When The Univers ity of Guelphs Schoo l of Ho tel and Food Administration

s taged a four-week Ad vanced management Program for the Hosp italit y Industry (AMPHI) earlier this year the y presented the

ni versity with an exercise in log istics of unprecedented complex ity Bob Desautels HI-I 7S who as involved in the advance planning fm more than a year before the e vent explaincd the special nature of the prohle m

A MPHI was to be a four-week conce ntrated coursc designed to meet the standards of two dozen o f Canada s most senior hospitality exec utive s who must he regarded not just as expeI1S but also as connoisseurs in the art of loo king after people Meeting those standards assembling an experienced faculty and generating very large quantities o f all-new course material mandated a course fee of $5000 At those rates participants were entitled to expect the hest of everything

The curriculum was programmed in detail fro m 630 am through 1000 pm every day The gt[re nuous nature o t the intellectual demands left the partic ipants with ne ither the time or the energy to do very much in the way of fending for themsel ves Another important constraint was that eve ry activity formal and informal had to be structured in such a way as to be conducive to mainwinin g continuous dialogue betwee n the paI1icipanh at all times

Gicn these criteria Bob sought the aid of vinually evcry serv ice department in the

nivc rgtitj Co-operation was be ne rous and unstintin b middot he rcpmtgt We asked for setvice lllore ugtually as sociated with hetterclss hotch and eve ryone rose to the occasion Faced with such sophisti cated palates food scrv ice had to he at the top 01 the list and Dave Boeckner assistant manager opc rmiddotations Food Services pulled out allthe slOpS tor us

A Public Statement

For Garry Round Food Serv ices director A VlPHI offered a unique o pportunity to make a puhlic statement about the capahililie s of hi orbani7ation which had hee n I()(l~in g for just such a challen ge 10 break through the ima ge prohlem us ually assoeiatcd with universit y

latcrin g

Let s face it he aid unive rsities in bene ral arc popular locati ons for summcr Llln krcnccs Im onc excellent rcason - the price is ri ght Student s roo ms arc availahle at camp-site rates and lor $ IISO a day peopl e

ca n eat well in one of ou r cafeterias What makes thc University of Guelph

different With onc of the bigges t residen t student populations in Canada with in-house catering and an nual sales in the $6 million brmiddotacke t we have a resource base capabl e ot sustaining an hillll ( (lIilil7 ( culinary staff and allowing us to take on special functions that would be impossible for an y other university in Canada

This opinio n was e nthus iasticall y endorsed by the AMPHI participant s wh o aw arded a standing ovation to the s taff led by Domenico Ran alli executi ve chef and Incz Scapinello operations manager during the final banquet - a sea Cood spectacu lar capped by copi ous quantities of Baked Alaska

The final banquet was by no means except ional Steak and lobste r eSla rgot and mushroom ca ps were almost com monpl ace Breakfas t offered a choice of cereals an exoti c display of fresh fruit s and such niceties as eggs bened ict The scale and variety of lunches had to be cut back alter the first week in respo nse to

the part icipants groans of too much

Front Rank Convention Centre

As Inez Scapinello tell s it AMPHI was not so much a challe nge as an opportunity We did nothing we had not do ne before Dome nico was not ca lled upon l(l create any new menu items although we did try some innovati ve combinations

A a howca sc for Domcnico Ranalli talent s A M PH I WIS nothi ng less than a Will dl

il(( Wi th 2~ sucCssivc dinners each of which earned rave re views without once repeati n[ himself and consisting or nothing ne w moves the University of Gue I ph into the front rank of convention centre~

Satis fied that food sc-rv ice was in good hands Bob Desautels wa s able to turn his attentio n 0 other logis til problems

Th e I MPHI course was basltd on the case teachin g method A tcam ofHA PAcase writers worked for more than two yea rs assemhling a packa ge or some 600 studies of critical si tuatio ns pertincnt to the contlrl1porary Canadran hospitalit y sce ne They travelled as lar as British Co lumbia in search or authentil re levant material all of which had 10 be reproduced It was Bob Desautels job to superv ise the printing and hindin g of the IOOD-page required reading Ialk agc hand ed III (deh urthe panic ipants on arrival plus industr)

notes the teaching material s and equipmclll required by the e ight-man facult y under HA FA Director Dr Tom Powers

Sleeping accommodation in the nearest residence to th l Schoo l was a simple student environment with th e addilOn of a private pho ne in each morn In~ talled for the duration of the course Valet and laundry se rvice not usually part of the l niversit ys conference offering was available Credit pri vi leges at the Un ivers ity branch o f the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce was arran ged for each of the participants

Hospitality L e ad ers Night People Successful hospitalit y industry leaders are

marked by certain co mmo n characteristicsshyhigh energy leveis capac ity for long and erratic hours strong people skill s creati vit y and a sense 01 humour The day beginning with a 645 am run continuing through three morning ca studie s followed by study sessions keep fit classes and physica l games in the afternoon and more group study sessions in the evening rare ly ended at the prescribed 1000 pm Hospi tality industry leade rs are night peop le

Stimulated by the intellectual dema nd s of the course and by interaction wit h thei r peers and faculty (w ho stayed with thern right through the long day) the y we re till left with energy to burn off in a serie s of theme parti es whi ch sent Bob Desa utels scouring the di strict to su ppl y thei r eso teric demands - one complete fem ale gorilla outfit for cxarn pk

The course ended when Prcsid ent Donald Forste r prese nted the graduate with certificatcs (w hich had 10 be spec iall y designed and printed) and the graduates pre se nted the faculty with mock certificates (which also had to be designed and pri llled)

How well did it all wo rk 0 We c hecked double checked and tripie c hecked eve ry possihilit y in advance said Boh De aute ls The on ly qUls tion we had left on the eve ofthc confe rcncc was whell have we missed As it tran plredthe answer see rns to ha ve heen not much

Participants wcre unanimous rn their evaluation of AMPIII as incomparahl y the mos t si g nificant rnanagementtraining lx pcrr cnce of their liv es All of them werT ve teran s of coursegt g iCn hy uniers itie s private managem ent dc ve lopment institutions and in-house conicrenccs hut none had been through an experienlc as rewarding demanding superhl rganied and positi ve in its long term consequCrlle as this one

For the faculty and gtUpPllrt stall more Jccutorllcdtothc energy leve ls of under shygradulles AvIPHI made unpncccknted phyical and mental demands - hut plans for AMPHI ~I arc alrcadv in the orb and applicant s are lx[1clted from allo ver th e cun tinc nL C



indiviJual champions Peter Domarchuk Mitch Mason hri s Crooks and LeonarJA Year to REMEMBER

By D ick Freeman

A full house in excess of 430 people crowded Peter Clark Hall at the Univershy

sity of Guelph in March to celebrate a year of intercollegiate sports competition and to honshy

our its 198283 champions The year started with a 16 to 10 football

victory over the OQIFC champion the Conshy

corida Stingers and ended with a third consecuti ve CIA U wrestling championship In

between a well-balanced Gryphon athletic program proudly and successfully represented

the University of Guelph When the awards had been announced a

pair of Hockey Gryphons had struck for the hat tri ck Ray Irwin was named the 198283 Male Athlete of the Year the W F Mitchell Sportsman of the Year(forathletics leadersh ip)

Ray Irwin Male Athlete of the Year

When Vice-President Administration Charles Ferguson presented Ray Irwin with

the 1982-83 University ojGuelph Mal e Athlete of the Year award it was the culmination ofa story-book seasonfor the Sudbury native

In earning his third straight first team

all- star berth Ray led the OUAA in assists with 40 and added ten goals to finish as the only dejenceman in the leagues top ten scorers His on-ice brilliance caught the eye of Canadas

Olympic Team and at mid-season he was chosen to represent Canada in a tournament in Czechoslovakia

In a game against the nations numbershy

one ranked Toront o Blues he scored once and assisted on three other scores

Perhaps more significant though was his

selection as the W F Mitchell Sportsman of the Year This award honours leadership and strength ofcharacter two qualities that are

abundant in this HAFA student

and collected his third straight team Most

Valuable Player Trophy Another all-star hockey performer Sue

Scherer was named the Female Athlete of the

Year Sue earlier was named Most Improved Player on the Field Hockey squad as well as

Most Valuable Performer on the Women s Ice Hoc key team

Bev Rankin a member of the Womens

Athle tics Council and Women s Field Hockey team was honoured as the recipient of the W F Mitchell Sportswoma n of the Year Award Other major award winners inc luded Basketballs Greg Hook- Don Cameron

Memorial Trophy for Most Improved Athlete

Volkyballs Michelle Turley - Mary Beverley-Burton Award for Female Rookie of

the Year and Scott Hobson - Ted Wildman Memoria l Trophy as the outstanding graduatshy

ing football player Alderman Jim Whitechurch Arts 8 1

presented City of Guelph plates to Canadi an Champions These included wrestlers Ken Bradford Chris Crooks and Peter Domarchuk

as well as football All-Canadians Pe ter Langshyford Junior Ro binso n Salvatore Benincasa

and vlrke Hudson Hud son it should be noted earned All-Canadian honou rs for the third

consecuti ve year only the second player ever so honoured

In addition to the team Most Valuahle and Mo st Improved awards as listed below the

gathering honoured OWlAA champions Barb Jonak - Arc hery and Jane Herner- Alpine Skiing The mens wrestling team captured a

fourth straight OUAA titl e anchored by


Archery Trophy Barb Janak Most Impro ved Basketball Trop hy (men) Greg Hook Bill Dlmson Memorial Trophy Michael 5cs(0 Demck Lewis Most Irnproved Basketball Trophy (women) Beth Pulsifer Basketball Award (women) Joa nne Hurd Badminton Trophy (women) Kelly Breedon BadmintOn Trophy (me n) Tai Ching Leng Cross-country Running Trophy (womcn) Tracey RObinson Curling Trophy Jill Rowen Brian Davenport Most Improved Field Hockey Trophy Susan Scherer Field Hockey Trophy Karen Mc Bride Most Improved Football Trophy Pat Tracey Letlermens Club Award Mike Eykens Most Improved Ice Hockey Trophy (women) Michelle Turley Coaches Hockey Trophy Susan Scherer Walter Rickard Memorial Trophy Bruce Kilgour Jack Pos Intercollegiate Hockey Award Ray IrwlO leuan Evans Intercollegiate Rugger Trophy Jeff Baldock Most Improved Soccer Trophy Gudio Frasson Bill McAnurf Soccer Trophy BII Davis Most Improved Swimming Award (women) Stephanie Doll Swimming Trophy (women) Pam Johnson Most Improved Swimming Trophy (men) Kirk Weber Swimming Trophy (men) Peter Koiisnyk Synchronized Swimming Trophy Lisa De Laplante Tennis Award (women) Maureen McKillop Most Improved Volleyball Trophy (men) Blair Carley Volleyball Trophy (men) Tim White Mosllmproved Volleyball Trophy (women) Francine Taillefer Volleyball Award (women) Joellen Barr Most Improved Wrestling Trophy Peter Oomarchuk Wrestling Trophy Ken Bradford

Stevano Altogether 18 Gryphons were nameJ

to league all-star teams Two athlete s were presented with trophies

as the best in their sport in Canada Peter Langford the J P Metras Trophy as Canadas

Outstanding Defensive Lineman and Ken Bradford as the Outstanding Wrestkr at the

19828 3 championships Director of Athletics Dave Copp sumshy

med up the year in his closing remarks as he

thanked the athlete s and coaches for their superb efforts We are proud of your achievements in 198283 competition Let us work together to make 198384 eve n more

memorable Judging from the fact that the majority of

alhletcs and guests danced and partied to the wee hours it was obvIOus that they were full of the Gryphon spirit It s truly fun- catch it 0

Su e S cherer Female Athlete of the Year

Vice-Presidelt Academic HOl-ard Clark presentation of the 198283 Female Athlete of the Year (ward to Sue Scherer was greeted with a TOar njpproal Howe le r the awardfor

excellence displa yed in ice hockey andjield hodn was reallv 011 11 the tip of the iceberg

Afifih semester sociolog student Sue anchored the Grlphons defence and in fact

controlled th e oJjensf As if that wasnt enough Sue was the plaving coach and in the combination 0 roles led the hocker Gryphons into th e plar-offs including a regular season

upset of the Ynrk Yeoomen Th e hidden part othe stOrl is perhaps th e

best Sue fills her mml1lers bv starring on the Canadian Nat ional Womens Fastball team In cluded in this hectic schedule were tours nf

Japan Taiwan SO Lllh America and Mexico

Obiouslr the combinatioll astudies and athletics is a healthy one as Sue maintains a

B average at the Unilersity



Newly Elected as

AluDlni Senators Following the annual election for three of the nine alum n i seats on Senate a t the Univers ity the following three alumni have been elected to replace those who will fulfill three-year terms on August

31 1983

Richard D Rich Moccia CBS BSc 76 MSc 78 is a self-employed biologishy

cal research scientist in the aquaculture field (See article Theyve Gone Fishin

Guelph Alumnus Spring 1983 issue

Rich is a past president of the CBS Alumni Associatio n was a vice-president of the UGAA and has served on numerous

adminis trative committees on campus inshycluding a Presidential Special Advisory Committee on Alumni Publications He also was a member of the Alma Mater Fund Advisory Council

In his spare time he has been involved with the Big Brothers Association and Minor League baseball He races motorshycycles for relaxation and fun

Donald C Rose Arts BA 80 MA 82 is a corporate representative with Uniglobe Bay Street Travel Inc of Toronto During

Tony Sobczak Arrs 77

Donald Rose Arts 80

his years at Guelph Donald served as sports editor and production manager with the Onlarion and was a member of Gryphon

soccer and rugby teams

A single man he feels that as an alumni senator he will be able to maintain his concern for the standards of higher education and at the same time maintain the friendships and contacts that he estabshylished while at the Uni versity

Tony K Sobczak Arts BA 77 is general manager of Bailey s Balloon Brigade a restaurant in Toronto While

study ing at Guelph he worked in the

hospitality field with Food Services The Keg and the Elora Mill Restaurant and Inn Following graduation he was employed by the Toronto-Dominion Bank in southshywestern Ontario but two years later

re vived his interest in the hospitality field

Richard Moccia CBS 76

He and his wife Cathy have one son

Tony Jerome T J 11 months old Keen on sports Tony senior runs plays squash

and is a waterskiier

Patricia M G renier Arts 72 is currently serving the unexpired term of alumni Senator Richard Young Arts 76 who re s igned during the third year of his term She will retire as alumni Senator on August

31 1983 Patricia who received a degree of

Master of Library Science from the Univershys ity of Western Ontario in 1973 is coshyordinator Information Services Informashytion Centre Ministry of EducationlMinistry

of College and Universities Toronto Prior to her present position she was a

reference librarian Documentation Centre

at the University of Guelph Library from 1975 to 1980 0

Limited Accreditation for OVC The Ontario Veterinary College of the

University of Guelph has been accorded limited accreditation status by the American Veterinary Medical Association

(A VMA) President Donald Forster anshynounced in May

The decision by the Council of Edllcashytion of the A VMA is based on recommendashy

tions made in the report of an evaluation committee which visited the College for a

short period in October 1982 a report on which the University and the C ollege had an opportunity to comment Most errors of fact in the original report were corrected as a result of the UniversityS comments

This accreditation status means that ove meets or exceeds most but not all

minimal requirements for a satisfactory program in veterinary medicine at least in

the judgment of the Association Limited accreditation is a reduction in

s tatus from full accreditation a status which the College has held and which was

reconfirmed by a previous evaluation in L976 Similar decisions ha ve been made

by the AVMA in the past in the case of programs at other and well-established

veterinary colleges in the United States which faced problems similar to those we are experiencing at the OVC the Presishydent noted

L imited accreditation status may be

maintained for a period of up to five years on the basis of annual reports by the University and the College indicating that any deficiencies are in the process of being corrected At any time during the five-year period the University and the College may

invite the A VMA Council to make a new

evaluation hopefully leading to a return to full accreditation status

A number of factors are identified in

the report as a basis for the Councils decision Most important the report reshy

commends that a better balance between the financial resources and the programs of the College be achieved From this flow two major recommendations Construcshy

tion and renovation be initiated to correct inadequacies in classrooms laboratories

offices and clinical work spaces Also -faculty numbers and specialty expertise be increased and additional time be scheduled for professional development research and other scholarly pursuits

The report also suggests that the

number of support s taff be increased One option identified in the recommendations is

that student numbers be reduced until

conld over


adequate faculty numbers and physical facilitie s can be provided hnally some deficiencies in the area of postgraduate education are also identified

While the University and the College

are naturally disappointed by the Councils conclusions we are not entirely surprised President Forster commented Many of the deficiencies identified in the report have been matters of acute concern for some time and some steps have been taken already to remedy the problems some of which are simply the product of the chronic undershyfunding that Ontario universities have exshyperienced for a number of years

Under the circumstances I commend

the faculty and staff of the Ontario

Veterinary College for working so hard to maintain the reputation and integrity of the program and its graduates during this very difficult period

The President also noted that under A VMA procedures an elaborate appeal process is available to the University A decision has been taken not to appeal the Councils deision even though the Univershysity has reservations about some of the observations in the report

The recommendation s in the report will be reviewed very carefully by the

Uni versity and the College in the coming months the Pre sident indicated and every effort will be made to secure support from government and other sources to

remedy problems which have be e n identified In this connection I wish to

express again our gratitude to the Honourshyable Dennis Timbrel Ontario s Minister of Agriculture and Food for making available to the University special funding in the amount of $J8 million annually for a three-year period in support of programs at the OVe This suppOrt came at a particushylarly crucial time and was most welcomc

Recent discussion with Mr Timbrell and Agriculture Canada have indicated hoth sympathy for and understanding ot the capital needs of the College and there is every hope that substantial support will be forthcoming from both levels of go vernshyment President Forster concluded D

Director Industrial S ervices R onald J Dolynchuk has been appointed Director Indus trial Services for the U nivershysity of G uelph The appointment became effective April I 1983

He will provide a two-way contact between the Un iversity and industry says Dr William Tossell Dean of Research Dea n Tossell points out that Ronald Dolynshychuk will ass ume an integral role in the industrial interact ion strategy recently anshynounced by the University At the same time he will help acquaint University researchers with possible sources of reshysearch contracts and grants within the industria l sector

The new industrial services director says that he sees his ro le somewhat as that of a broker taking the research and te hshynological skills of the campus to inshydustry- Iocal ly provincially and nationshyally W ithin the campus he hopes to play the role of a catal st co-ordinating varied speci alized activities and preparing a marketable package of research and sershyvice attract ive to industry

He says that a campus such as the University of Guelph can offer a consortium of highly specialized and technological expertise to indu stry Such capability can prove to be a powerful factor in attracting new industry to the area he says This may be particularly true in the case of smaller industries that can seldom afford their own highly specialized research facilities

Initially the new director says he will especially target on industries with a direct relationship to those areas of expertise for which the University of Guelph is particushylarly well known These include such sectors as foods and beverage and bioshytechnology

I am especially interested in offering industry a broad-based multi-disciplinary

Ronald 1 Dolynchuk

approach to their problems through includshying such areas as the social sciences in a team of experts he says This would permit the Uni versity to prov ide more complete studies including market research and sociological considerations as well as

scientific or technological resources

The new director of industrial services is no stranger to the University of Guelph campus He has been teaching a course on Business Policy in the School of Agricul shytu ral Economics and Extension Education

Ronald Dolync h uk was most reshycently the sen ior vice- president and general managcr of Linread Canada Limited in Guelph He has worked in industry since 1969 in marketing and managc ment posishytions Born and raised in W innipeg he grauuated in business economics from Inshydiana Un iversity and received a Master of Business dm in islra tion uegree from the same university

Ronald Dolynchuk and his wife and thrce ch il dren have lived in G uelph since 1976 He has b en act ive in the Gue lph Chamber of Commerce the Ro tary Club of G uelph and has served on the Board of Direc tors of the Edward Johnson Mus ic Foundation the Guelph Arts Counci l the G uelph Youth O rchestra and the G ue lph Marlin Aquatic Cl ub He is a lso 1 regis tered soccer re te ree 0

National Universities Week National Universities Week is being observed at universities across the country October 2 to 8 1983 to draw attention to the positive contributions a nd accomplishments made by these institutions in Canadian life A variety of activ ities at campuses will be designed to point out the va lue of the univershysitys teaching research cultural and public ser vice acli~ ities in society

Plans at Guelph include a noon hour series of lectures a nd panels which will look at areas of research on camp us that have far-reach ing etTects on society Members of the pu blic will be invited 10 visit the cam pus during the week to attend events and to tour the facilities

For further information on the National Universities Week program contact Information Services University of Guelph (SI9) 824-4120 Ext 8708 0


Canadian Centre for Toxicology T he Canadian Centre for Toxicol(l t y to he located at the ni ve r~ it y of Guelph and tht University of Toro nto will rt cc ive $ 10 mi ll ion fro lll the Ce clc ra l govern ment for the firs t phase of const ructioll The lunding I contingent on part ic ipation by the Ontario govern me nt ancl the two u ni ve rs it i e~

Dr Jim Sc hroder O VC 42 Me mbCi of Pari iame nl for Guelph pari ia mentary secretary to the Mini ster of Health and We lfare Monique Begin and an 0 C facult y member made the announce me nt on behalf o f The Honourable John Roberts Mini ste r of the En vironment at a press co nfere nce on cam pus in May The fundin g is the fi rst to be announced for more than 100 projects be ing fund eu under the leueral governmcnt s $ 24 bill io n spec ial reco ve ry projec ts program outlined in the April 19 budge t speec h

Pres ident Donalu Forster said that representati ves from the Uni vers it ies of Guelp h ane Toronto met later fo r discusshysions wi th Ontario s Mini ster of the Envishyronment Ke ith Norton and will continue tv di scuss the prov ince s commitmcnt to the Ccntre President Fors ter said he is opti misshyti c abo ut provincial support as Premier Bill Da vis has for the past tw o years expressed strung support for the Centre

President Forster on behalf o f the Unive rs it y of Guelph thanked Dr Schroun fo rthe work he has done to impress upon the federal go vernment the im port ance of a projec t of ve ry co ns iue rab le na tio na l s ignificance The Pres ident c it ed the Centre as an example of the co-operatio n betwee n uni ve rsitie s governments and the pri va te sector

Dr David Strangw ay actin g presishydent Uni versity of Toronto also expressed gtatitude to the federal go ve rnment and Dr Sc hroder He said the joint venture by two uni ve rs iti es tha t have compl ementary strengths is unique He desc ribeu the Ce ntre

Alberta Alumni Reunion

Saturday August 20 1983

200 pm -Bowness Park Calgary

Bring your own picnic

Prizes will be awarded for oldest grad grad who travels farthest

from home etc

L (l i to rii ht D r MeLII middotell Prcs iden Fo rsl fl r Dr Schroderund Dr Sl liI ng loshy(Iu inK Jr f ideill Uni l c rII oToro ll lO

as a world-class model that co uld be looked to in the future Guelphs strengths are in agricultural and veterinary toxicol ogy and Toron to s are espec iall y in toxicology in the med ical and engineerin g fi elcl s En viro nshymental expert ise is we ll deve loped at both uni vers ities

Professor Free man McEwen acting direc tor of the Ce ntre a nd dean of the OA outlined some of the unique features of the Ce ntre which he said is blaz in g a new tra il between gove rnments uni versities and the public sector

The planning and construction of phas one of the facilit y for the project is expected to be compl eteu by late 1986 at a total cost of $236 million When com shypleted the Ce ntre will be part of a netw ork o f toxicology centres across Canada It is ex pected to have a staff at both Guelph and Toronto of 64 sc ient is ts 108 techn ishycians and 109 other staff members The corshyrate headquarte rs will be at the Uni versit y of Guelph 0

Homecoming September 30middot October 1

Friday September 30 700 p m and 1000 pm The Nyl on in conce rt two shows War Me mori al Hall Ticket s $8 50 students and seni ors S9 50 general For ti ckets write Ny lons Tickets nive rs ity of Guel ph Box Ollice Uni vers ity Centre Un ive rs ity of Guelph Guel ph Ontari o N IG 2W I Pl ease make cheque payable to the Univers it y of Guelph and enclose a self- addressed and stamped envelope

Saturday October 1 Morning Homecomin g Paraue For further in fo rm ation contac t John King (519) 824-4120 Ex t 8327

1100 am HA Alu mni Associati on Annual eeting Hotel and Food Admin isshytrati on Building

11 30 am Human Kinet ics Alum ni Association An nual Meeting and Home shycoming Brunch Loca ti on to be anno unced

200 pm Homecornmg Footba ll Game Alumni Stadium Uni vcrsity of Toronto Blues vs Uni versit y of Gue lph Gry phons

630 pm Alumni Din ner Dancc Creelshyman Hall Further detail s co nt act Alumni Office (519) 824-4 l20 Ext 2122 or 87 40

800 pm Post-Game Pub Dance De shypartment of Athl etics gymnas ium 0

CODling Events Sep1216 Aggie Week

17 UGAA Wine Symposium Niagara Peninsula

25 28

Sep 30 Oct 1

Oct 1


Nov 11middot20


Dec 5-8

OAC Alumni Association Golf Tournament

InternationaJ Plowing Match Teviotdale


HAFA Alumni Association Annual Meeting

HK Alumni Association Annual Meeting

MacmiddotFACS Alumni Association Caree rs Night

Royal Agricultural Winter Fair Toronto

OAC Alumni Reception Royal Room CoUseum RAWF Toronto

Night At The Royal Sponsored by the UGAA Toronto chapter

American Association of Equine Practitioners Annual Convention Las Ve gas Nevada USA



The Ontario Veterinary College Alumni Association

EditorALUMNI Dr Cliff Barker 41


Faculty Award for Dr Bob Curtis Dr Bob CUrlis 6 Clinical SllIdies OVe recelllly received a UniversilY of Guelph

FlIcully Associalion Professional Tea ching Award in recognition of his great influence on professional lraining The cira lion in parr sraled He has repeatedlv beuroen honouredfor

his conlriburiOIl 10 educalion He is a respecled elerinarian who is universally retIed us

one of lhe beslleachers Ihis univlrsiry has eper had LeIr 10 righl Dr Russ Willoughbv

57 Dr Wayne Pfeiffer vice-chairman Faculty aSSOCi((lion Dr Bob Curlis 6 and

Dr Mike Wilson chairman Clinical SlUdies 0

For Design Dr Jim 01fa50n 68 owner of the South Su rrey Veterinary Hospital 3221 shy140th S1 Surrey BC received the 19 82 Special Aw ard for Architectu ral Exce llence at the annual merican Animal Hospital Association convention in San Antonio Texa on March 14 1983 The award was prese nted by Velerinary Eco nomi cs Mag(l~ ine a leading business magazi ne for the veterinary profession

T he award was give n in rccognition of the timc and expense Dr O lafsun investcd to design a hosp ital that would enhance its natur al s ur round ings South Su rrey Veterinary Hospital is loca ted in a res idenshyt ia l area and the colors a nd tex tures of the buil ding s ex terior lesse n the impact o f a commerci a l property in the area

The hospital is energy-efficient and includes large winduws and nume rous skyshyli ghts in its design plan Other features incl ude covered walkways a covered parkshying area a nd covered entrances The overall effect minim izes the enclosed fe lin g usushy

ally associatcd with a subterranean struc shytu re and the atte ntion to aesthetic detail produces a truly stunning hospital Con shygratulations Jim 0

Dr doe dohnson T he late Dr Joseph E Johnson 19 ( I R91-1960) who practised for many years in Waterloo was recognized for hi s services to ag riculture in O ntar io when his port rait was hung in the O ntario Agricu ltura l Ha ll of Fame at the O ntario Agricultural Museum Milton His nomination was prese nted by the Ontario Association of Ani mal Breedshyers T he citation presented states

Dr Joseph Edward Joe Johnson a native of Stra throy as a pioneer in the practice of artificial insemination (AI ) in Ontario In 1942 when the Waterloo Cou nty Holste in- Friesian Associ ation made

their fi rst attemp t it was Dr Joe who collected the se men and inse mina ted the cows

For fl ve years he took ti me out o f an already very busy practice to make the new idea work Several younger veterinarians

who workcd with him were later to be in charge of AI units across Ontario

He gradu ated from the O ntario Veterinary College in 1919 and after working in Fergus and Acton set up practice in Waterloo where he worked with the noted Seagram Sta bles

He pioneered the multi-staff clinic approach having as many as four students and grad uates work ing w ith him Because o f th is internship approach Dr Johnson probably had a greater influence o n the practice of large animal vete rinary medicine than any other practicing vete rinarian of his day

The ultimate uccess of the AI sys shytem is due in large part to the work o f this ve terinari an who through trial and error persevered with the technique in its ear ly years 0


One Millionth A third-year O VC student Paul Dick of Gcoroetown recently became the one mi lshylio nth person to pass through the turnstiles o f the O VC Division of the Uni versity Library since the tu rn sti les were installed eight years ago He was gree ted by libshyran ans and fac ulty applause and handshyshakes t1 a~ h i ng camera strobe lights conshygratulations and the pre sentation o f a book Clillical E raminal ion of Ca ll ie

The VC library also serves students from other Colleges Co mprising more tha n 30000 volu mes it e mbraces far more than the veterinary sc iences 0

In a briefcert monv a llellded bv David Hull head Sc ience and Velerinary Science Diision

oj Ihe Library eli and Dean Douglas 1aplesden 50 righl Associa ( Libraria ll John

Black presen l a book 10 one millionlh isilor Paul Dick rig ill cenlre

It Was Bound to Happen Delta chapter of O mega Tau Sigma Fratern ity residence has become co-educational with the admi ssion of 18 women students during 1982-83 em sters For se veral years OVC s women stu dents have been seeking fra ternity membership they fi nally made it in 1982

Galhered onlhei-olll sleps oflh e avc main

Imiiding are 14 of Ih e 18 women slwlel1ls

who resided in Ihe fral house Ihi I r ea r

FrOt1 row I(i llo righ l lennifer Rice

Ion [ Lee Ma rv MOllleilh M iddle ro w

Robill Roscol Kale Flanigan Lisa Tavlor Debbie Blech Lesli e Hu ngall Back row

l ana Kl llOn Carol Phillips l ennifer

TrollghlO n lulv Keenliside Healher Ross

Michele Durnall MissinRfrom Ihe piClure

are Brenda FOSler Chris Barrl es

Keily-LeiRh Thomas and Laura Hunl 0

Letters to the Editor Or Bert Ca rswell 7 1 of Brooks Alt a has repli ed to o ur request for informatio n on the watch fob letters F L T (O VCAA Alumni Bulletin March 19H3 Special Supmiddot pl ement) by sugges ting these stand for Friendship Lo ve and Truth the motto of the Indepcndent Order of Odd fell ows Are the re further op i nions~

Dr Alexander Bruyns 32 Sequin Was hington S A has se nt us informashytion on the Royal Canadian Army Veterishynary Corp (O VCA Alumni Bulletin

March 1983 S pec ial Supple ment) He was a ve te ri na ry offi ce r with the Gove rn o r Gcnerals Horse Guards in Toronto o n joini ng the RCAVC in 1938 and me ntioned the late Dr A R Yo unie 14 who served

with the RCAVC in World War One Further inform ation re RCAVC officers would be apprec iated

Dr Donald MacDonald 54 o f Edmo nshyton Ita also replied to our RCAVC inquiry with informatio n on the Corps badges He is a collector of militaria especi ally militar y cap badges o f which he has a collection of over 1600 He states cap badges of the RC VC are as scarce as he n s tee th

The O VC museum has o btained cap and uni form badges from Dr G A Rose IS la t address Picton and Dr W A Robenson 16 Tsawwassen BC eachof whom served as veterinary officers during World War O ne 0

In Memoriam Dr Owen Hinton 25 died on January 22 1983 in Florida Las t add ress Rt 4 Box 139 Jasper Florida US A 32052

Dr Vernon jensen 33 died on Dcshyce mber II 19 R2 Las t address 2485 Lon-din Lane St Paul in nesota US A

Dr Edward Burke 35 died on Ja nuary 21 1983 Las t addr ss P OBox 326 So uthport Conn US A 06490

Dr jack Warren 39 Date of death no t reported Last addre ss RR 3 W heatl y Ontario OP 2PO

Dr Wilfred Sherwin 40 died o n 0 tobc r 6 1982 Last address 432 W Washi ngton Street ampa Idaho S A83651

D r j ames Watt 49 died in August 1982 Las t address 790 Ho rtop Avenue Osha wa Ontario LlG 4N8

Or Peggy Godkin 55 died o n Decem ber 5 1982 Last address Inni sfai l Alt a 0

PEl Gets It T he Toro nto Glohe ald Mail of Fe bruary 19 1983 carried the follow ing announce shyment Charl otte town (CP) - Agric ultu re Minister Eugene W he lan announced today that $500000 has bee n appropri ated to

begin architectural pl ans fo r I $26-mi ll ion veterinary college here He sa id at a new confe rence the federal Go vern me nt w ill put up half the co nstruc tion cos t if the three Marit ime p rov inces s ha re t he o ther $ 13-lTI illi on out lay 0


The College of Social Science Alumni Association

PEGAS-US Editor Dorothy Barnes 78

stori ng The Log Farm a farmhouse dating back to the late 1800s Michelle says Michelle and Mustech thi s was a terrific expcrience and the best

N omad pioneer student administrator curator You mi ght ask what these words ha ve in common and the answer you would receive would be that they all aptly describe Miche lle McMillan 77

Mi chelle graduated with a degree in SociologyAnthropology At the same time she graduated from Algonquin Community Collegt with a correspondence course dipshyloma in what she terms M ustec h - Muse um Technology majoring In Exshyhibit esign

Currently assistant director at the Guelph Ci vic Muse um she has held thi s position since the spring of 1979 Her responsibilities include those of regis trar (mai nta ining dltaikd [i Ii ng systems) for the con serva tion of artifacts and ex hibit work She is co-ordinator of some 40 vo lunteers who are in volved in all facets of museum work (to become a muse um vo lunteer all one has to do is call Michelle and arrange for an interview )

When interviewing Michclk it was obvious she has a love for her work that she will pass on to oth~rs possibly some of the young children attending the education programs she supervi ses at the Guelph Civic Museum

Her mothers parents were homeshysteaders and she was brouoht up on stories about pioneering Her interest in pioneering and the Indian way of life was fo stered by a mothe r who had Indian friends and who would often visit these friends experiencshying their way of life even to sleeping quite often in a tepee

Thi s and the fac t that her family moved around a lo t from west to east influenced Michelles deep and lasting love of the past although with a lau gh she says Now I am of the opinion that my mother had a tendency to present a romantic version of the whole situation - espec ially to me as a young child It certainly influenced my interest in studying Anthropol ogy

Michelles ed ucation and working exshyperiences have bee n very infl uential in nurturing her love of the past She started

out at the University of Western On tario but left for perso nal reasons She worked for a ye ar and while working beca me apprenshyticed as a pattern drafter

ichelle mo ved to Ottawa after she had worked the year and regi stereu at Carl eto n Universi ty in Anthropology She studied this for one year and then became aware of a program offered at Algonquin Communit y College on the subject Mu seum Tech nolo gy

Her placement s in work situation while at Algonquin included a summer helping four yo un g me n on a project at the town of Bells Corners ne ar Ottawa re-

job she ever had There was no electr icity so eve rything

was done by hand Her group res tored doors gable-ends flo ors ceilings rtshypointed stone found at ions and raised the building on hydra uli c jacks The y also gl Lt~d windows re searched the huildin g and organized the veget ab le garden

Othelmiddot experiences have included work at thc Na tio nal Museum of Man thc McM ichae l Canadi an Collcction in Klcin shyburg the Wellington County Muse um and the S imcoe County Museum She has al so been a volunteer teacher at the Plains jndian Iroquois and Inuit Ga lleri es of the National M use um of Man

It was Guelphs gain when Miche lle found he rsel f pulled bac k to stud ying in order to co mplete her degree

Michelle is now well established in her position at the Guelph Civic Muscum and dt las t feels she ha s put dow n roots in a c ity she has an alleg iance to one she loves and fee ls more co mfortable in than any other She is involved in trying to build up a research library on local history and artifacts

When asked for pearl s of wisdom fo r new graduates Michelle volunteered that pcople need practical ex perience along with formal learning to balance their percept ion of a ro lc How apropos 0

Th e Cullege uf So cial Science Alumlli Associatioll ill-course scholarships ere Jreserl(d

rnelltlmiddot to lei Junine Crallt Ceog uJJnmiddot olld Virginia Suth erland Psrchologv Attending

tht un lIlOnr wert right Pro(essor Juliu s fugl Department oCeogrupilr and Pr(essor

Mike M(lIh f II~ Iei chuirmun DeJurtlllen t 0 PI cilologr Th e scilolorshiJI 01 $200

each oreul1ded in purt hr all (11 1(( gru llti-om til ( Alma Mawr Fu nd


Lan e Smit h 78 is a so ftware spec ialist Barbara (Cherry) Wilson 80 is pres shyGrad News with Software Ke netics in epean ently res iding at 45 Emily Street Grimsby

Ron Beveridge 67 is an e lementary special counselor with School District 88 Terrace B C

C R ichard Buc k 70 practices law WIth the firm of Weyli e Shortt Buck Hanshybridge Reidl Casselli and Mitchell in Waterloo

Lee D Wetherall 75 is an exec utive ass istant with AIcan in Kingston

Stewart McCann 76 is a lec turer with the University of Alberta Edmonton

Peter J Stanczyk 76 is living at 9940 Fa irmount Drive S E Apartment A-4

C algary Alta Since concluding his studies at Guelph Peter attended the social work course at Wilfrid Laurier University Watershyloo and received a Master o f Soc ial Work

degree in 1982 Peter is now married and he and his

bride We ndy are established as socia l workers with Alberta Social c rvices and Comm unity Health in Calgary We wish Peter and Wend y much happiness in their new partnership success in their choscn fi e ld and contentment in the ir Ii vc s together

Ted Boniface 77 is now n eative direc tor for Ce ntra l Al berta Broadcasting (CKRDshy

T V CKRD-AM and C FCR-FM) in Red Deer Ted has bee n awarded four c itations by the Radi o Bureau of C anada and was nominated for an Aetra Award as producer of the hes t radio program of1979 O ld news we reali ze but how are we going to know o therwise unless you let us know Thanks

Ted for updating us on your activities

Gurnam Singh 77 is an MC A student at the niversity of Ottawa

Roderick Hodgson 78 is back in his home town of H udson Que Rod is emshyployed by the Town of H udson Publi c

Works Departme nt he al so serves on the Town Planning C ommittee and is activel y involved with the volunteer fire department

Perr y Wilson 78 is liv ing in Spirit River Alta Since graduating from G uelph Perry

has obtained a masters degree in Anthropolshyogy from McG ill University and is princ ishypal of Ste Marie Elementary School in Spirit River

John Boyle 78 is presently living at RR 2 Brampton

Karen Russell 78 is a teacher with the Dufferin County Board of Education at Parkinson Centennial School Orangeville

Vicky Su therland 78 is an air traffi c

controller with the Mini stry of Transport Calgary Alta

Susan W alkowiak 78 is a real estate agent with the Safeguard Real Es tate Comshy

pan y Toronto

Craig Willms 78 is an assistant manager with the Toronto-Dominion Bank Watershy


Gordon Cominey 79 is a priest with the Holy Trinity Anglican Church in Edmonshy

ton Alta

Carol (Fogarty) Knox 79 is presentl y residi ng at R R 5 Woodstoc k

Susan Laushway 79 is a probation office r with the Solic itor G eneral of Alshybe rta in Edmonton

Richard E Larente 79 is production manager at Mac Mil lan Bloedel Ville

Mont-Ro yal Q ue

Bryce Andrews 80 has dec ided to conshytinul his education at the n i ve r~ ity of

Weste rn Ontario He is working on an M BA

Dianne M Grenier 80 is in her third year of Common Law at the University of Ottawa

Shauneen (McKague ) Bruder 80 is an MBA student at Queens University Kingston

Michele Forrester 80 is a comm unicashytions clerk w ith the Ontario Yo uth Employment Program Queens Park To shy


Peter Madott 80 is an ass istant product manager with S c Johnson an d So n Ltd


Elizabeth (Ferguson ) latos 80 is a volunteer co-ordinator with B ig Bro thersBig Sisters of Carleton County


Jane Stevens 80 is a teac her w ith the

York Board of Education in Aurora

Loretto (MacDonald) Sullivan 80 is an administrative assistant with Kert Advertis shying Toronto

Sylvia (Bossaer) Willms 80 is a Food

Services supervisor at the UI1Iversity of Guelph

Jane (Stevens) Tremblay 80 is a teacher with the York Board of Education Aurora Jane is married to David U of N Dakota

grad of 79

Lee Anne Burton 80 is a teacher with the Dufferin Peel R C SS Board Mi ss isshy


Maureen S inclair-Barnes 80 is an urban planner with the City of Brantford Husband

is Bruce Barnes 82

Su~ Jones 80 is continuing her education at the Univers ity of Alberta She lives at

11441-132 St 405 Edmonton Alta T M IG2 Bro ther-in-law John Sch neider CBS 73 graduated in Marine


Nicholas Boyadjian 81 is a special events co-ordinator with Unive rsity Ce ntre

Administration Uni ve rsity of Guelph

Debra (Philputt ) Gibson 81 is a te acher

w ith Pee l C ount y Board of Education in

Miss issa uga

Jim Gibson 81 is a branch representati ve o ffi cer with the Ca nadian Imperial Ra nk of

CommCfce Toron to

Linda Helin 81 is presen tly res iding in

C utler on the North C hannel of Lake Huron

Patti La France 81 is a teacher residing at 66-50 Fiddl ers Green Road London

Elizabeth (Crighton) Madge 81 is now married and re siding in Lethbridge Alta

Kathleen Martin 81 is a market research analys t w ith As tra Pharmaceutical s Miss i shy


Edward Leong 82 is administration

manager for the J J Tour Se rvi ce at the Jal an M aju Taman Jade Ce ntre Miri Branch Sara wak East Malaysia

Debbie (Ling) Therrien 82 is employed as cashiersale sperson for Gameway s Ark

Ltd Toro nto

Chin Lan (Kat ) Choi 82 is an executive shyofficer with the ational Produc tivity Board in Singapore Since graduating C hin Lan has married C hoi Chee Keong C PS 82 Much happiness and success to you both

John C Close 82 is a teac her with World University Services of Canada in Zimbabshywe Africa John is married to Mary M A Psych 8 1 WLU 0


The College of Biological Science Alumni Associatio~_~

BIO-ALUMNI NEWS Editor Dr John Powell

Executive CBS Alumni Association HONORARY PRES ID ENT Professor Bruce Sells Dean


Dr George Dixon Ph D 80 Zoology

PAST PRESIDENT Marie (Boissonneault) Rush BSc 80 Marine Biology

VICE PRESIDENT Chris Wren BSc 77 Marine Biology

SECRETARY-TREASURER Cam Portt BSc 77 MSc 80 Zoology

DIRECTORS David Airdrie BSc 82 Microbiology Krista Soper BSc 79 Marine Biology Lorrie Cosens BSc 79 Marine Biology Eric Cosens BSc 80 General Biology Keith Harris B Se 76 Marine Biology

EX-OFFICIO DIRECTORS Marie (Boisonneault) Rush BSe 80 Marine Biology Shawn Taylor BSc 83 Aquatic Biology Past President CBSSC Brian Wisenden President CBSSC

FACULTY ADVISORS to be chosen one from each DepartmentSchool

UGAA REPRESENTATIVE S Jan Watshyson BSc 75 Zoology Lorrie (Rolston) Cosens BSc 79 Marine Biology Rob Miln B Sc 81 Marine Biology

EDITOR BlO-ALUMNI NEWS Professhysor John Powell Human Biology 0

Please help us to help you When corresponding or upshydating information or address do tell us not only your year of graduation but your discipline

Where Are They Now The following 20 names were entered on the College of Biological Science Honour Roll for years 1976 and 1977 We w ish to know how your career has progressed and

FALL 1976

Brenda Henry (Marine Biology) and Winter 77

janis Kay 78 (Genetics) and Winter 77

Laurence McClure OVC 81 (Unshyspecialized and Winter 77

Linda (Nelson) Sinclair 78 (Human Kinetics) and Spring 77


Sherry (Bondorenko) Miller 77 (Hushyman Kinetics)

jellrey Chernoff 77 (Unspecialized)

Wendy Harris 77 (Major in Biology)

C harlene Kopansky 77 (Human Kineshytics)

Peter MacDonald (Human Kinetics) and Winter 78

Blain Mollatt (Microbiology)

Darjo Romani 78 (Major in Biology) also Fall 77 and Winter 78

Barry Rosen~rg 77 (Unspecialized)

Cheryl Rowe 77 (Human Kinetics)

FALL 1977

Gregory Casey 79 (Microbiology) also Fall 78 and Winter 79

William Crins 78 (Botany)

jill Cross OVC 82 (Unspecialized)

what you are doing currently Do you have intere s ting episodes to relate in the BIO-ALUMNI NEWS Please lets hear from you

David C a mpbell 78 (Major in Biology)

Richard Proctor 80 (Ecology)

Carolyn Robertson (U nspecialized)

joanne (Ryder) G unby 79 (Genetics) and Winter 79 0

Grad Bash 1983

Organized jointly by the CBS Alumni Association and the CBS Students Council in April more than 280 students alumni current and former staff and faculty sat down for dinner prior to presentations being made to our dean

Contributions came from members of the College and a bird sculpture fashioned by Uta Strelive Zoology was the first of many gifts

Next came a memory book containing many letters photographs clippings and a variety of incidents all pieced together by Association president Marie (Boissonshyneault) Rush 80

Betty Roff gave the dean a special book of clippings collected by herself Two framed portraits of Professor Ronald one already hung in the main office of McNally house the other for the Ronald family completed the tributes

Altogether this gathering was a fitting acknowledgement of a great man who has done great things for us all 0


Scholarships In the Names of

Ronald and PoweU The CBS Alumni Association is pleased to announce the introduction of a scholarship for graduate students in the name of Proshy

fessor Keith Ronald Professor Rona ld as of July I had served for 12 years as the first dean of the CBS and the awarding of a

sc holarship in his name is a fitting tribute to

all he has done fo r the College the Univershys ity and the CBS Alumni Assoc iation

The Hum an Kine tics Alu mni Assoc iashy

tion anno unced its intention to name an undergraduate scholarship in the School of Human Biology in the name of Dr John T Powell as he retires from the Unive rsity in 1984

Do nations to eithe r or both of these

sc holarship funds shou ld be sent direc tl y to the Department of Alumni Affairs and Development-clearly ind icati ng to which sc ho la rs hip your donation is to be alloca ted - or when contributing to the Alma M ater F und noting that your monie s

be channeled to the sc holars hip of yo ur choice 0

Grad News Biological S cience

Lesley (Wilson) Barton 73 and Bruce 70 MSc 74 live in Keremeos B C R R No I VOX JNO will find them

E thel Anita Hamilton 79 and hu sband

Wayne Barcha r d 76 MSc 79 live in Hali fax NS where Ethel is a habitat proshy

tec tion technician with fishe ries and Oceans while Wayne is head Office Assessment Scction Environment Canada 3rd Floor 45 Alderney Drive Dartmouth N S

Marilynne (Wise) McCausland 77 is a research microbiolog ist with Molson Bre wshyeries of Canada Ltd and may be reached at 1555 No tre Dame East Montrea l Que H2L 2R5

Michael W Tate 79 write s mos t kindly thanking us for kee ping people in touch through th is column He is a teac her at Mo rnings tar Secondary School in Mi ss isshysauga

Natalie Mary Olynyk 79 may be reached at 3 120 Duffer in Street in T oronto where she is re staurant manager for Olyn yk Foods Ltd

Marine Biology

Gl en A Packman 74 and Sharon (Noda ) Arts 72 li ve at 21 Albion Road Hali fax S B3P IP8 Glen is a senior

biologist with En vironment Canada

Jo l1n Plumb 76 and M arianne (Conshynoly ) 77 may be reached at 37 Coldstrea m Road Box 303 Munster Ont KOA 3PO John works as an indu strial engineer with

the Mitel Corporation - Kan ata

Human Kinetics and Human Biology

Joy (Reid) Tomes 70 is a team coshyordinator with the Workman s Co mpensashytion Board- 2 Bloor St East Toronto Ont oM7W IA2

Terry Obi Oblinski 71 holds the pos it io n of supervisor with the 3M Comshypa ny at 2 Craig Street Pe rt h Onto K7 H 3C5

Robert T a p Fawcett 72 teac hes at the W 1 Fenton Secondary Schoo l R R 0 10 in Brampton Ont L6V 3 2

Marie-Andree (Pi lon) Poulin now teache h igh school in Montreal write her at 76 Lesage Repent igny Que J3A 5Y5

Dr Tom Elmslic 74 M-Sc 77 is a g lutton for punishment as he isjust complet ing another MSc this time in Epidemi o lshyogy at McM as ter University preparatory to his return to Ottawa

Glen Paterson 78 of 16 Da lto n A ve nue T hunder Bay On t P7B 4E9 is ea rl y chi ldhood educato r with the Confederation o f Applied Art s and Technology B ro ther Larry R Paterson g radu ated with a BLA in 69

Eric bullbull Art Arthurs 80 is s till at 12272 shy110 Avenue Edmonton Alta T5M 2L3 He work s for Consolidated Concrete Limshyi ted as a dragl i ne opera tor

Henry Fox 81 lives at 1520 Verdi La Salle Que H8l I K4

Christine (Krumbacher) F()se 81 may be reached at Box 252 2 Banff Alta TOL OCO

Ch rist ine (Novakuske) Lavallee MSc 81 is a stude nt again stud ying French and living at 0428A Larose A ve nue Mo nt real Que H2B 2Z2

Ginger (Thompson) Elmore 81 seeks work in the geriatric field Are you able to help Write he r please at 107 Ontario Avenue Komoka Onto NOL IRO

Don Doc Wilson 81 is physica l direc tor at the Waterloo Family YMCA Lincol n Road Waterloo Ont N2J 2N8

Jan McMullan 82 ne wly wedded to Mark Newcombe MSc 83 is presently ass istant manager - Ri ordan s Sport S 183 Silvercreek Parkway in Guelph She tells us of four co usins who have g raduated fro m Guelph - Brenda (Bu lton) Dagg CSS 72 Bryce Dagg 72 Donald Sifton 70 and Bonnie (Sifto n) W alsh C SS 72

Fisheries and Wildlife

Lorna l Depuydt 77 is a price specia li st with Massey-Fe rg uso n Her adshydress is 3941 Whispering Wa No 6 Grand Rapids Mich USA 49506

Steven Kerr 77 works as di s trict biologist for the Mi nistry of Natu ra l Reshysources - 611 Ninth Avenue Eas t O wen Sound Ont NOH IS O

Richa rd P Bekolay 77 MSc 80 R R N o ) Carp Ont KOA ILO is a program analyst with Digital Equipment Corporation at Kanata

Marie Legrow 80 is once aga in a s tudent at Gue lp h li ving in Guelph at [02 Queen St reet North IE 4S I


Ann (Stewart) Gray 79 and husband Dr eil Gray 76 li ve at 40) - 251 Platts Lanc in London Ont N6 H 4P4 Ann is a re search assistant at the Universi ty of We stshyern Ontari o

Robe- W Marks 81 is a production trainee with Labatt Brewin g Comp any in Kitchene r


Dr Rob J Van Exan 74 MSc 76 PhD79 ho lds the position of manager Cell Culture Produc tion with Connaught Laboratories 1755 Steeles Avenue West Will owdale Ont M2R 3T4

Chuck Yipchuk 78 wo rks in Quebec 87 Senneville Road Sennev ille a s c oshyordinator of da ta at Bi o- Re search Laboratori es

Dr Harr y Nixon Chabwela W eza MSc 79 P h D 82 may be contacted at loni Katandika Vtllage Chief Kakumbi P O Box 154 Chipata Za mbia where he is a bio log ist wi th National Parks

Douglas Stendahl MSc 79 is with the -federal government s Minist ry o f Indian Affairs and Northe rn De velopment- P O Box 1500 Yukon N W T He is water quality officer


Rick Proctor 80 is a consultant with I P Sharp Associates 2 First Canadian Place Toronto Ont M5X IE3 0


The Ontario Agricultural College Alumni Association

ALUMNI NEWS EdJtor Dr Harvey W Caldwell 51

Financial Management Related to Agriculture One of the main sessions at the OAC Agricu ltural Conference 83 dealt wit h financial management as it relates to agricu lture Robert Sanderson who is with the Ontario Farm Adjustment Asshysistance Program was a main speaker and presented the following paper

Ten years ago most farmers were smilingshyagr icu lt ure see med to have finally gained its reward Worl d short age s of food provided ampl e markets and steadily rising prices lor prac tica lly all crops

Thi s idea li s ti c situation continued for a co uple of years until the granaries of the wo rl d were refi li ed De mand then norshyma li zed and pri ces for most agricultural prod ucts hega n to dec line In spite of price dec lines and li mited markets co nsiderable optimi sm conti nued to be fe lt o n the farm sce ne thro ughout mos t of the 1970s

Late in that peri od infl a ti on reall y ca ught fi re rai sing inpu t cos ts for supplie s and labour The ri se in land pri ces exceeded the most optimis tic es timates during this sa me time

In an a tte mpt to s te m thi s ra mpant infla tio n interes t rates increased almost threefo ld beg inning In 1979 and the world hega n it s slide into recession Farml and prices ceased to r ise in 198 1 and are now crumbli ng wi th uncer tain ty and lac k o f demand

We have no doub ts abo ut th e successshyful future o f ag ri cult ure hcre in Ontari o but today for many farmers adj ugtt me nts are necessa ry to remain so lve nt and for too many oth ers bo th adj ustme nts and so me ass iq an ce are necessary for their prese nt and future surviva l

There are some who are beyo nd he lp and farm bankru ptcies are at their highest leve l since the grea t Depression o f the 1930s These cond it io ns brought about the crea tio n of the On tari o Farm AdJustmcn t Ass istance Program (OFA AP) T hi s proshygram during 1 9~2 has bee n assisting eli g ible farmers who needed he lp

The re are two prime reaso ns fo r


fin anci al woes cited by appl ican ts - high interes t rates and lower farm incomes On the other hand the prime reaso n fo r ~ome

farmen probl ems e ited by lenders is ove r-e xpansion We be li eve both views are va lid and unques ti onabl y are respo ns ible for the prese nt ago ny and unres t on 100

many Ontario farms Le nde rs cite seve ral o the r importa nt

reaSl)l1S whic h also bea r o n the prob le m The borrowers oft e n refe r to them too but usuall y wit h di fferen t emphasis ThcY em shyphas ize the c lt treme instability of fa rm income the se rious lac k of pro per pl an ning bu dge ting accmatc farm record and fin all y the practice of making unprodu ctive investmcnts

Because of the qualifying criteria asshysociated ith an application for as s istan ce from OfAAP one must keep in mind that our observations are limited to about 10 per ce nt of Ontario farm operatlolls That 10 per ce nt is cl ose to the bottom of the gro up on the bas is o f financial sec urity OFA AP assista nce is limited to those produc ing Iood and tobacco Therefore data regard in g proshyducers of fl owers nursery stock race shyhorscs etc ha ( no t come he fore us and the financ ial ituati ons ltlr not inc luded in any of o ur informati o n

Applica ti ons have been appro ved for farmers operating all across the pro vince

Of the to tal approved about 20 per ce nt were in swine prod uctio n abou t 15 per ce nt were in eac h of cash crop prod uction da iry producti on and beef prod uct ion 4 per cen t were in fruit and vege ta ble prod uctio n 3 pel cent were tobacco fa rmers and the Ies t co mbinations of the above Those farm ers producing etgs and poultry were fe w

I n a review of appli ca tio ns for OFAAP ass istance several COl1ll1lo n sce nari os co nshytin ue to ap pear on a so me what re petiti ve has is and are ca tegorized as fo ll ows

1 Young or Beginning Farmers

Th ose under 35 years o f age wen res pons ishybl e for nearl y ha lf o f a ll the app li cati ons In thi s gro up are many who have Just begun fa rm ing Mo~ t of these arc victims of inopport un e tim ing hav in g acq uired land buildings and equ ipme nt be twee n 1979 and 19R2 For the m the combinati on o f lower th an ex pee ted prices of farm produc ts and the extre me inc reases in the ir fi na nc ing charges due to hi gh interes t rates_ have becn dlvas tatin g This is partic ul arl y true where Illos t assets were fi nanced the bcg inshyning equit y be in g Illodes t

2 The Aggres sive Expansionist

Many farmers who did well farming on a

modlst basis in the mid-70s dec ided that s ince o ne farm was pro fitabl e two wo uld be bette r three be tter than two Aggress ive

expan sion mos tl y on c redit du ring this i ntl a tio nary pe riod produced many paper millionaires in the farm co mmunity by the late 70s The elation fo r some of these

fa rmers d id not lasl far into the 80s T hose with 100 much bo rro wed cap ital

found that the ir farm income c ul d not

support the debt load So me of these

atlcmpted fu rthe r borro wing in an e ffort to mai nta in their ho l ding ~ and fo und ou t like o thers before them th at it is imposs ible to

borro w your way out of debt O thers so ld or tried to sell some o f the ir land o r eq uipment in an effort to re ti re at leasl o me of the ir cri ppling de bt and there by salvage at

least a part o f the ir operation

One rather sad varia tio n o f this las t s itua tion occ urs occ as io na lly whe re a

farmer who has had a succes~ fu l and so lvent opera tion decide to ex pand to a llow a son

o r so n- in-law into the bus in ss because of a des ire on the part of the young per on to

farm or occasionally because he is no t employed The expansion in Jand and eljuipment particularly if it occu rred in the

last three years and if it were do ne mainl y o n credit with a mortgage taken on his once so lvent operation has robbed the farmer of

his security and his peace of mind Furthershy

mo re in some of these s ituations the disappointed newcomer in the bus iness moved on leaving dear o ld dad to make the best of it

3 The Equipment Enthusiast

Another scenario concerns the man who is o bsessed with the need to ac quire equipshyment or to make add ition s and improveshy

ments to a lready adequate buildings To pay

for it out of the revolvi ng operating loan or to finance it in other ways withou t first having established that it will pay for itself will inevitably c reate financial problem s

Whe re there has been a general disregard for thi s kind of purchas ing the end resu lt has usually been disas trous

4 Natural Disasters

We regularly see the result s of natural

disas ters - floods windstorms hail frost disease and fires All of the se misfortunes can be c rippling to any operation but when adequate insurance coverage is not carried or if one of these di sasters occur whe n a farmers equity is low or when hi s princi pal and interest charges consume much o f his income it can be disastrous to his economic

pos ition

5 Family Unity

From OFAAP applicatio ns it is noted that some farmers who experience a marriage break- up seem to have diffi culty maintainshy

ing fi nanc ial solvency W hen asse ts are

di vided and whe n atte nt ion to management

is di e r ted hccause o f family pro blems the farm operation is often morta ll y wounded

Farmers and farm op ratnr are much more vulnerable in this si tua tio n because thei r

wives arc o ften much more invol ved in the e lllerprise than in non- farm situations

6 Offmiddot Farm Income

Appl ications incl ude a great nu mher of

insta nces in which if it were not fo r 0 ffmiddot fa rm income o f either the farmer or his wife or

occas io na lly both the ir farm o peratio n wo uld be tota lly un viable and unab le to continue to fu nc tion It is well the n fo r

those in th se c ircumstances to r cogniu tha t if the off-farnl inco me should e nd it wo uld also mea n the te rmination of the

farming operatio n

7 Enterprise Changes

A review 0 f appli ca tions indicates that some

farmers are hoping to comple tely change

thei r c rop or li ves toc k programs attemptin g perhaps to outguess the marke t and to

improve their financial return s Sometimes the expectation in vo lved in the dec is ion is

correct but so o ften when the costs inshyvol ved in the c hange are considered little

has been gai ned and where the deci s ion to change was unwi se co nsiderable loss is

usually the result The ot her extreme to this

situation is rigidity to the poi nt of makin g no changes at all

8 Manage ment

The management ability of any applicant

farmer is difficult to assess Most applicants are not known and there is no opportunity to assess the actual farm operation Ho wever

experience with OFAA P emph asizes that good financial management is c ritical to the

success of any farm operation Here is a li s t of definite Do and

Do nts that should be much in the minds of farmers operating in the present financial climate All of these suggestions re tlect the ex periences we have had working with

appli ca tions for O FAA P

The Definite Dos

Do base an operation on an informed farm

plan keep ing and using good record~ and approved acco unting proced ures Do work c losely wi th the credit source shy

usually the banker Plan and work within

approved revo lving ope rating loan limits Make regular cred it payments when due and when unable to make p ro per arrange shy

ments ahead of time w ith your c reditor or credito rs Do make necessary adju stme nts in land and equipm e nt befo re u nder tak ing further borrow in g Do shop around for cred it and i nve~ tig ate

ava il ah le programs to cu t credit cos ts Do pay off on loans when surplus cas h is

ava il able It won t be any fun but it w ill

he lp to re tain sol vency Do try to ma intai n stability in your far m o peration and kee p the peace a t h IllC

Do seek the professi o nal adv ice of you r ag ric ultu ra l represe ntative anJ Ir indwtry fiel d per~on ne I

The Definite Donts

Dont borrow for capita l items unless they

are abso lu te I y necessary Dont make capi ta l purchases with funds

frolll your revo lvi ng opera ting account w ithout co nsul ta tion and agreeme nt with

the bank manager Dont expand any operation without sound

pl ann ing Dont plunge and make rapid changes in

the ope rati ng patte rn without so und consultation 0

Partners For 70 Years

Arthur Cowie 09 now 95 and his wife Nina now 92 were married March 19 1913 near Nel son B C They li ved in

HC for three years then returned to Caledo nia where Arthur worked for the A

Jone s bakery He returned to the 200-acre farm homestead in 1922 when his father

was kill ed in a farm accident Arthur se rved in the 19305 and early

19405 as co uncillor and also served as

a Ju s tice of the Peace for the farm communit y

Nina Co wie whose g reat lo ve was

dancing has onl y one regre t and that is tha t she could never get her hu sband o nto the -dance floor The Scotti ~ h dances Hig hlan d

tlin gs and Scotti sh reels made hi s head spin He played the record s and watched

from the sidelines while ina did the danc ing

They have no secrets tor a long happ y marriage excep t working at it Theyve

done Jus t tha t for 70 years Bes t wishes to them both 0


OACGrads on Faculty at Nova Scotia Ag College

Lauranne Sanderson M Sc 81 is with the Humanities Department She specialized in Animal Science in her undershygraduate years but added to that a master program in Agricultural Economics Lauranne has lived on a mi xed lives t()c k and cash crop farm in southern O ntario At the No va Scotia Agricultural College (NSAC) she is teaching Tec hnical W riting but is specializing in the area of Com munications and Agricultural Extension

Barbara (Otrysko) Mulkewytch 78 MSc 81 is with the Plant Science Deshypartment Prior to her appointment at NSAC she was employed as a potato crops specialist with the New Brunswick Departshyment of Agriculture Her teaching and research will include projects on potato and crop protect ion

Yes Surry MSc 81 is with the Economics and Busi ness De partment Yves was born in Pamiers France has an M A fro m the nivers ity of Pari s and is in the process of completing his Ph D from Guelph Yves has a strong interes t in teachshying and his research interests hould be a welcome addition to the reg ion He is pre sent ly teaching courses in Micro and Macro Economic Theory

Laurie (Gaunt) Connor 73 is w ith the Department of Animal Science She earned MSc and Ph D degrees specia li zi ng in reproduct ion phys iology from the nivershysity o f Manitoba Prior to joining NSAC she was a NSERC Vi iting Fellow at the Animal Research Centre in Ottawa Her teaching and research work is mainly in the re producti ve physiology field

Also at NSAC are Sheree Porter CSS 79 and Myrna (Porter) Blenkhorn 76 John Shug 37A and 40 is the sec re tary o f the Nova Scotia Agricultural College Alumni Association 0

Please help us to help you When corresponding or upshydating information or address do tell us not only your year of graduation but your discipline

Th ree generatiuns of heramify were present when fleather Rohinson right centre FACS 83 graduated ut Wim er Convocation With her f rom [eji to righture her grandfather John Inglis her moth er Vlarirn (Inglis ) Robinson Mac 55 0 member of the Uni versirys Boord of Govern ors ond her father Doug Rohinson 53

Above Mllrrav Ma cGregor 5 1 lei with the winners of the OAC s 25th annual Alumni Curling Bon spiel Left to right GeorRe Robinson 651 Mu rrav Elliotl 65A Keith Murru 65A and Jern- Forestell 6511 Right OAC Alumni Associashytion president Hell ry Slanle 55 right was preslntedwith un engraved pewta stein to recugnie 25 years of participation ill Ihe bOlspiel Conshygratuluting Henry is Bill Harrison 62 bonspiei commillee chuirman


the individual members excellence andThe Ronald S Ritchie Le cture integri ty

This idea for the new body was not accepted by members of Cabinet They

The Opening Up of PubHc PoHcy The Opening Up of Public Policy was

Selllior Michael Piffields fopic when he

delifred fhe annual Ronald S Rifchie

LeclUre of fhe UniversifY in March

A Rmduafe ofSf Lawrence Universify

17 ( graduafed in lawjrom McGill UniversifV

and holds a Rrodlla fe diploma in Public La w

Fom Ih e UlliversifY ofolIa wa H efirsl joined Ihe Public Service as an

wlminislrafive assiSfam in Ihe Depa rimem

oJuslice in 1959 Ialer served onlhe sraffof Ih e Goernor General and as secrelary fO

117 1 Royal Commission on Taxalion In 1965

he joined Ihe Privy Council Office He

became depuly minisler of Consumer and

Corporafe Affairs in 1973 and Ihe followshy

inli year lOok up an appoinfmem as Fellow

in fhe John F Kennedy School of Governshy

mOl (If Harvard Un iversifY In 1975 he

relurned 10 Ollawa as Clerk of fhe Privy

Council and Se crelarv 10 Ihe Cabinel

The annual leclre recognizes Ihe comrihwion made 10 fhe Universily by

former Board of Govemors chairman

ROllald S Rilchie A reporl on Senafor Piffields presemalion follows

Senator Pitfield paid tribute to Rona ld Ritchie his important work in the Glassco Commission and his influence in the estabshylishment of the Institute for Research on Public Policy

In thi s th oug htful and thoughtshyprovoking presentation Senator Pitfield outlined the need for and the desirability of more open discussion before policies are introduced but there are some very real difficulties associated with de vel oping some me chanis m that could foster and encourage such exchanges of ideas

[t was pointed out that because of the high degree of interdependency of modern society and the size and complexity of governments the making of public polic y must be an intellectual subject in its own right not just a conglomeration of di scishyplines It had become evident that

I A methodical analysis of government activity could lead to improvements in government effectiveness

2 Traini ng in making and managment of public policy was crucial and urgent

3 There were few in government who knew why things were done the way they were

4 The making and management of pubshylic policy was a subject unique in itself and required thinking through for itself

5 Universities and other training institushytions were not very useful in this training process universities being too removed from the actual experience of government and the government institutions being withshyout the detachment and intellectual rigour needed

Thus it became evident that there was a need for an institution that would be a repository of knowledge a pl ace of learnshying a foru m for debate and a means of communication co ncerning public policy

Proposal s emerged that the federal go vernment should assis t some of the organizations already in existence Comshypetition became keen and rivalry among institutions re su lted in grander more comshyplex proposals As a result the federal go vernment in 1968 decided to establish a think-tank of its own to take a more rigorous look at public polic y

The idea was not new In many countries the general thinking was that all problems could be so l ved by inrelleclUal anal ysis and the appl ication of modern techshyniques But the ne w Trudeau go vernment went even beyond providing more data It included public debate of public policy

But the think-tank was only one of the initiatives to aid in the formation of policies There was support for political parties through caucus funding offi ce space support staff and regional offices for Members of Parliament and internsh ip programs for students to work as assistan ts to MPs

Other support included green and white papers for discussion commissions of inquiry task forces public funding of non-political grou ps to encourage discusshysion and many others to increase the flow of information for consideration of alternashytives All were done to open up the process o f meaningful debate which would result in more effective and sound decisions

The th ink-tank was to be a centre for var ious kinds of people to di scuss public policy subjects which were often set aside because of day to day pressures At first it was to be very informal with distinguished people invited to participate Its integrity and permanency would be based on that of

were concerned that existing research instishytutes would be damaged They also wanted in volvement of business and professional communities This challenge to broaden the scope was gi ven to Ron Ritchie

Ritchie foresaw an institution that would be independent supported by an endowment which would not only support but st imu late debate on public policy

Man y fears were raised - that such a body would be taken o ver by academics that it would become a clique that govern shyments would battle for control etc But these were dealt with skillfully by Ritch ie and the Institute for Researc h on Public Policy was establ ished

What of its accomplishments~ This institute has been successfu l in

many ways in getting better information into debate [n the ten years since its beginning many studie s have been pubshyli shed It has held many informat ive confershyences and has a unique journal Howeve r despite its efforts open and meaningful debate on public policy is not much more advanced tod ay than it was a decade ago

It is evident that to ach ie ve its objecshytives there mu st be a willingess to change opi nions and the Canadian sys tem prov ides few forums for the changing of minds The bias is towards decision-makers and interest groups not open and meaningful debate

Public debate often takes pl ace after rather than before the decision is taken Thi s may not be what is wanted but policy-making is tilted not tow ards being open but towards being closed

Why has there not been more progress [n h is pre se ntation Mi chael Pitfield refershyred to the fact that the go vernment whose people should discuss the si tuation has become even more confrontational not because of lack of information but because of rigidity in their approach to discussion of public policy

As govern ment ha s grown so have checks and balances which recently have often been linked to lack of confidence Where slim majorities exist a strong opposhysi tion can threaten the government Party di sc ipline becomes severe and ai ring of independent views is discouraged The fear of a government being defeated on the one shyhand and the unyielding demands ot the opposition on the other tends to make the parliamentary process less and less flexible

The result of the foregOing is the tendency of government in modern times to drop solutions on a public th at may not be aware of the problems These solutions are not open to argu ment and debate is reduced

conld over


w ith bias tending towards a cl osed system and less debate

To improve the situation it seems it wlluld be necessary to have a mutual and

ba lanced reduction of force on both sides

The ge neral equilibrium of the system needs to be ma in tained W hat is needed is the reduction of secre tiveness of the gove rn shyment on one side and a reduc tion of the

danger of e mbarrass ment or de fea t of the govern men t on the other side

T here must be a wil li ngness to secure

more ope n debate on al l sides and our

leaders ha ve not done that e ven on m ost import ant issues More ope n and rneltll1 ingshyful deba te will require more thi nk ingshy

thro u middoth - something Mc mbers of Parlishy

ame nt may not he able to do or be free to do or have the necessary knowledge to do But the id ea behind the Institute for Remiddot

search on Public Policy was tha t such a body could bring about better decisions

All publi c problems cannot be solved by thought and tech nolog ics but few can be solved without these contr ibutions

The Institute for Research on Public Policy cannot create better public policies

by itself It must have input from all sectors to bring about more open and meaningful public debate which will result in constant

improvement of government - somethin g

that everyone desires 0

Grad News Herb Nor ry M Sc 52 has moved to

London as a farm business advisor wit h

O M AF working in eight counties

Denny Silvestrini PhD 5R is director of quality controlresearch and de velopment Eskimo Pie Corporation Ric hmond Virshy

ginia SA He had served as manager quality control and product deve lopment

Ralston Purina Co mpany St Luuis M isshysouri U SA

John Hagarty 61 is manager fi e ld

service s Rural O rganizati ons and Serv ice s Branch OMAF Guelp h

Ismail Siragcldin Ph D 62 is professor Department of Population Dynami cs and

Political Economics the Johm Hopkins

University Baltimore Md S A

Arlene (Fournier) 65 and Dick Flis

MSc 65 are in Edmo nton Alta where Dick is petroleum products manager wes tmiddot ern Canada Imperia l Oil Ltd

Craig Hunter 66 is pre sident Cra ig

Hunter Poult ry Farms Ltd Stro ud

Colin Triver s 67 is a consulting e ngineer and On tario land surveyor for e G Trivcrs

Ltd T he ssalon

Peter Mosher Ph D 70 is director

bureau of agric ultural prod uctio n Depart shyment of Agriculture Ba ngor Me USA

Cordon Brown 76 is sen ior food techshynolog is t new prod ucts process developshy

ment Tho masJ Lipton Inc in Bram pton

Martel C outure MSc 76 is acting di rec tor d iploma progra m Macdonald Colshy

lege Ste nne de Belle vue Que

Charlie Ellintt 78 vnfe Ja ne and

first -born Ian C harles born Jan uary 20

1983 are living near S hetland C harlie is now working fo r Elliott Bros G rain and Feed Ltd

Dennis Ring 78 is credit manager Farm C redit Corp C hatham H is wife is Carnl (Weeks) 79

R Cunrad Genee 79 is a sales represhy

sentative with CIBA-Geigy Canada Ltd in

Winnipeg Man

Howard Armstrong RO is an industrial

engineer with the B utler Ma nufacturing Co (Canada) Ltd Nisku Alta

Bruce Broadbent PhD 80 is a research scientist entomology with Agriculture

Canada Vineland Station

Mic hael Tulloch 80 has been accepted as

a professional engineer by the Council of the APEO He now manages engineering functions for eG Trivers Ltd Thessalon

BruceGitelman 81 will be joining Wood G undy Ltd Investment Broke rs as a

corporate finance associate in September

Danicllc Wenstrom 81 is a quality a ss urance su pe rvisor for Pil lsb ury of Canada Ltd M idland

Christine Deslandes MSc R2 is a lecturer at Alfred Col lege of Agricu ltu re

and Food Technology A I fred

Diploma Graduates

Donald Morley 68A is ge nera l ma nager De Marco Homecare Ce ntre Sutton West

Jeffrey Currah 74A is marke ting man shyage r Fortam ix-a division of BASF

Canada Inc Georgetown

Brian Roberts 76A is a welder with Hillcook Ind ust ri es Ha milton 0

In Memoriam Raymond David Ure 15A and 21 January 24 In3 ~uddenly a t Tecumse h

age 87 He had bee n very act ive un til

recently H is son Donald re is it

graduate of 49

Dr Genrge M Stirrett 20A and 22 died December 15 1982 H is many co nshy

tri bu tiono had bee n recogni zed by the Heritage Canada Found ation The fo llowshy

ing is an account of the tribu te pa id to him Fe bruary 16 1 9~ I at Government HDu~e

O ttawa

His Excelle ncy Gove rnor Ge nera l

Edward Sc hrcyer prese med the Commun imiddot cations A wards Atl antic Reg ion to Dr

George M St irrett of Grand Falls Ne w

Bru ns wick Dr Stirrett has been comm itted to natural h is tory conservation for ma ny

years bo th before and after hi s ret ire ment from the Canadian W ildlife Service and Parks Canada in 1964

He worked hard for the preservation of the falls and gorge area at Grand Falls

and on other conservation needs in Ne w Brunswick and Ma ine He has also written

on the iss ues of conservation using Ihe pcn name G raham Vail and since April 1979

has publi shed a weekly column Notes on atural History in the G rand Falls

Cataract His columns stress the appreciashytion and enjoyment of nature as well as the need for preserving it

Norman Hodgins MacBeth 23 Fe bruary 3 1983 in St John N B He had retired in

1967 as General Manage r of General Dairies Ltd

David R Owen 25 in Medi c ine Hat

Alta February 6 1983 at age 82 He was a di rector of the fi rs t ollege Roy al and spe nt

most of his li fe teachi ng and farmi ng in Saskatchewan

Ronald John Quinn 35 Fe bruary 17 1983 in London His wife Helen (Farshyquhar) is a lso a graduate o f 35

Bruce Douglas Innes 36 passed away Septe lllber 29 19 82 D uring his college

years he took part in ma ny ac tivitie s bu t he -re membered with particu la r pleasure be ing Grand C hampion Showman College Royal

35-the first time that the honour had bee n won by anyone o ther than a fou rth year man Bruce owned and operated a dairy

farm at Burford since I 939 and was an

acti ve and ded icated farmer until his death

H is wife Margaret died in A pril 1983 T hey leave daughters Lorna Lawrence

Mac 68 and Karen and son Robert 0


Macdonald Institute College of Family and Consumer

Studies Alumni Associat ion

ALUMNI NEWS Editor Joan (Anderson) Jenkinson 66


BASc Grads-Class o f 80

EntploYDlent Survey T he University s Counselling and Reshysource Centre recentl y completed an inshyucpth survey covering the empl oyment activities of the 211 graduates who in 19RO earned Bachelor of Applied Sc ience Degrees

The survey indicates th at gradu ates are e nj oy ing a variety of interes ting and chalshylenging careers

A gratifying 73 per cent of th e graduates re sponded to the survey with 51 per cent of the respondents indi catin g that they have completed or are completing graduate degrees or programs on a full- or part-time bas is Of the 153 respondents 78 per ce nt including one who is self emshyployee have full-time employment The remainder are employed part-time or are pursuing further studie s

Li sted below are the indicated ca reers chosen in the four major areas of study

Applied Human Nutritio n

ut ritiond ietetics Food service administration More than 50 per cent of the responshy

dents obtained reg istered profe ss ional dietishytian certificates The Admini strati ve Emshyphasis course is no longer offered in the

Applied Human utrition program It is available through the Bachelor of Comshymerce program

Family Studies

A number of grad uate s found posit io ns in teac h ing or social services such as

Adult protecti ve service workers Infant de ve lopment specialists Geront ology consultants Supervisors and field workers with social service agencies Other Family Studies graduate s are

working in government srv iees and in the private ec toras home economists financial co un se llors librarians hostel managers Family Studies graduates tend to sl ck caree rs in the helping profess ion s

Consumer Studies

There are four emphasis areas 01 study within this maj or The survey indicates that

Food gradu ates are employed in areas of produci development marketing and food technology with majo r food companies Hou si ng emphasis graduates are wo rkshying with government agencies and in teac hing

Consumer Beha vio ur e mph asis graduates are in industry business and res earc h Tex tile and Clothin g e mph asis grads are employed in research merchandi sshying and banking Often after working for a year or

more Consumer Studies graduates will return to gradu ate study o r profess ional programs on a full- or part-time bas is

Child Studies

Many Child Studies graduates are emp loyed in teaching supervisory or other child-care related sett ings such as soc ial work with fami lies and children Re ported part -lime and temporary em pl oy ment pos ishytions include work as supply teachers child care supervisors special education leac hers and as lecturers in uni ve rsity settings

It is imporl an t to note that this emshyploy ment survey reports the caree r paths chose n by onl y one graduating cl ass Dat a is collccl~d on a yearl y bas is from gradu ates in Family and Consumer Studies In order to observe the broad scope of employment opportunities avail able a four-year tabulashytion wo uld pl~ c nt a more complete picture of the profess ional activities of graduates

In summary FACS programs offer students a sound educational background to meet the need s of i nduslry educational institut io ns governme nt and bus in c The future for FACS graduates is indeed bright as the College co ntinues to gro w and develop programs to meet the challenges of the 80s 0



BASc Gradsmiddot Class of 80 Further Education Pursued

Major Total

Graduates Number of

Respondents R PDt BEd MEd MSc MD MA

Applied Hum an Nu trition 65 45 23 3 I

Family Studies 64 44 19

Consumer Studies 48 33 2

C hild Studies 34 31 II I I I

TOTAL 21 1 ( 1007c)

153 (73 oc )

23 32 I 4 I I

FACS Has New

Dr Richurd Burhunl

Dean Professor Richard M Barham was apshypointed dean of the College of Family and Consumer Studies for a fi ve-year term effective July I 1983 He succeeds Dr Janet M Wardlaw who has served as dean since 1969

Professor Barham has been chairman of the Department of Family Studies since

1976 and served as acting dea n in [980 while Dean Wardlaw was on administrative leave

A graduate of the University of Otago Dunedin e Zealand Richard Barham received a Ph D degree from the University of Alben a dmonton in Ed ucational Psychology

He has served on the faculty of the Department of Educational Psychology at the University of Alberta and as professor and acting chairman of the Department of Education University of Otago

While in New Zealand he was an executive member of the council of The Ne w Zealand Psychological Society and served as its president

At Guelph he has taught both undershygraduate and graduate courses in the Deshypartment of Family Studies and has supershyvised graduate students

He has been active on many University committees during the past seven years He is a past chairman of the Board of Graduate Studies and has been a member of the

Committee on Academic Priorities the Committee on University Planning the Liaison Committee and several others

He has also been a consulting educa shytional psycholog ist with the Wellington County Separate School Board since 1979

Prolessor Barham and his wife Joan have a family offour Joan recently returned to the University of Guelph for further study Daughter Vick y 19 is a student in Economics at Queens University Lisa 17 and Christopher 14 attend Ce ntennial CVJ while Tania 12 is completing her studies at College Avenue School

Music is very important part of the Barham familys life with active invoheshyment in the Suzuki String School and the Guelph Youth Orchestra Gardening is a hobby enjoyed by both Richard and Joan

Members of the Mac- FACS Alumni Association extend a sincere welcome to Professor Barham We look forward to meeting and working with him in the future as he fills the challenging position as dean of FACS 0

FACS Prof First

Dr M urlin MUllhclIs

Director P ro fessor Anne Martin Matthews De shypart me nt of Family St udi es has been ap shypointed the first director of the Gnontology Research Centre The establi shment of the Centre was announced last February A research grant of $237000 from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada will fund the Centre for the first three years

Professor Martin Matthews has been conducting research related to the needs and interests of older segments of the populashytion as well as teaching courses in such areas as social gerontology and marital and family dynamics in Family Studies She has been a faculty member with the Department of Family Studies since 1978

She also has been active beyond the campus in programs related to aging She is chair-elect of the social sciences division Canadian Council on Gerontology and will begin a two-year term in the chair of that organization this year

She is also first vice-president of the

Ontario Gerontology Association and a member of the scientific advisory commitshytee of the Gerontology Research Council of Ontario She is a graduate of Memorial University of Newfoundland and McMaster University

With a steadily increasing percentage of the popUlation in the retirement age bracket it is important to understand more fully the ir needs and cuncerns sa ys Proshyfessor Martin Matthews The en tre will deal with the ag ing family and environshymental contexts In the latter sense we will be examinin g such things as the difference bet wee n aging in an urban and a rural society as well as issues like housing and the aging

The new Gerontology Research Centre will provide facilities to assist faculty members and graduate students doing reshysearch on aging The Centre will facilitate integrate and co-ordinate studies on aging within the University the director says

Research on aging is now being carried out at the Universi ty in such Departments as Family Studies Geography Psychology Nutrition Human Biology and SocioluFY and the Centre will be able to provide a medium for cross-fertilization of ideas among the many researchers in the field

Professor Marlin Matthews says that the Centre will be working co-operatively with other similar research centres in Onshytario such as the one at the University of Toronto in promoting research on aging The Centre will also sponsor conferences and workshops that relate to the special needs of older citizens in their communities

Guelph has demonstrated an interest in gerontology since 1970 when research projshyects began and courses dealing with aging were offered in the Departments of Family Studies and Psychology Since 1981 the Un i versity has offered gero ntology as part of the Famil y Studies major in the Bachelur of Applied Science program 0

A Thank You Dear A luml7i

1-Iwl 10 Ihonk oil Ihe uumni inloll(d wilh

Ihc cr special send-oj gien to me ill

recognition of Ihc complelion ofmv Icrm as


So man of ou -Ierc invocd shy

whelhcr or nOI ou -Iere able 10 (fIend Ihe

recognition receplion in Toronlo on May

29 I oppreciacd Ihe man good llishes

which come from ocross CClrado ond from

such dislOlIl places as Indio and Chara

Your generous gifls u Imc Irolld of

pcarls und a bonk aCCOlll11 vhich came lVilh

Ihe slrong suglcslion Ihal [should IIc 10

Vnv Iculand lverc Irul overllhelll1ing

The Air lCll Zcalundjlighl bag jJacked wilh

1111 SOriS of nccessiliel added 10 Ihe jim

middotre had 01 Ihe rcceplion

Many Ihanksfor your SUppOri over Ihe years and for your good wishes as I begin

my car ofadmin is Ira live leave

Yours sincerelv

Jonel M Wardlaw 0


Dr Louise

( Bailltlj

Heslop 67

Off - To


Dr Louise (Bazi net) Heslop 67 has JO ined the School of Business at Carlton Unive rsit y O ttaw a Over the next two years through an arran geme nt with Ca rlton Unive rsity she will be cco nded on a

part-time basis by Stati sti cs Canada where she will join the Research and Analysi s

D ivision Loui se completed her MSc at Guelph

in 1969 and continued as lecturer in the

ne wly-es tablished Department o f Co nshysumer Studies In 1977 she compktcd a Ph D in Business Administration (Marketshying) at the University of Western Ontari o

and rejo ined the Department of Consumer Studies ri si ng to the rank of ass oc iate professor

Louise was e lected to the board of

di rectors of the Mac-FA CS Alumni Assoc ishyati on in 1977 se rvin g as secretary-treasurer until May 1981

We ex tend our best wishe middot to Loui se

her husband Lome O A 70 and their dau ghters Jose tte 5 and C la ire 2 Lorne is employed by Agriculture Canada in

Ottawa and is currently completing an M Sc in Engineering at the University of

G uelph Coun try li ving is a high priority with

the Heslops They are deli ghted with the purchase of a farm near Almonte a nd look

forward to the best of both worl d s - profess ion a lism in the city and lei sure in the countryside 0

Grad News Helen (Clifford ) Beswick 48D is se lf empl oyed as a studio potter in her home in Dundas

Margaret (Kennedy) jarvis 54D is a realestate age nt in Kingston

Pat (Hall) McDowell 65 is with the

United Missionary Soc iet y Jlorin Kwora State ~igeria

Joanne Patterson 66 is a se ni or project o ffmiddoticer w ith Indi an and Northern Affa irs Ottawa

Leslie (Mowat) Hemming 68 is teaC hin g in Woods tock

Mary (Jany) Toms 68 is employed with Health and We lfare Canada Ottawa

Sarah (Spencer) Coomhs 70 is an assistant director wi th the Co nsumer Inforshymation Centre of the Ontario Government


Meredith Fi lshie 70 is an ana lyst w ith the Ministry of State for Economic and Re g ional Development O ttawa

S heila (Fahner ) jarvie 70 is a nutrishytion ist w ith the K- W Hospital Kitchener

Donna j ohnstone 70 o perates Donn as Ha ndmade Clothin g for Men amp Wo men Gabiola Isla nd B C

Lorraine Holding 71 is manager of program development with the Rural Orshyga nizatio ns and Services Branlh Minis try of Agriculture and Food located at the Gue lph Agriculture Centre

Beve r ly Lee 72 is a chairperso n with the York Region Board o f Educ at io n

Laurie MacLeod 72 is a district manager with Beaver Foods Mlss issauga

Kathy Camelon 73 is a dietitian at the Toronto Genera l Hospita l

Tirnoth) Fleming HAFA 74 a ses ionaJ lec turer with H AFA teaching business law has been adm itted to the partne rshi p o f the law firm of Harper Haney and White of Waterl oo

Isabel (McBride) H o well 74 is an e lementary school teacher with the Watershyloo Co unt y Board of Educatio n Camshybridge

Mary Ruston 75 is a Famil y Studies teacher at Inge rso ll District High School

Kathryn Anderson 76 is a supervisor with Westmini ster Family Day a re London

Hester Cooper 76 is employed as a research officer with the New Zealand Dairy

Research Institute in Palmers ton North ew Zealand

Patr icia (G a rland ) Desaul niers 76 is with patient fo od se rvices Alberta Hospishyta l Edmo nton

Noella Li 76 is aclinical dietitian wi th the

ictori a Hospital London

M eredith (Evans) Hea rtwe ll 77 is

teac hing in Mississauga

Deb Wey 77 is patient food se rvices manager at SI John Regio nal Hospi tal SI J()hn NB

Susan (junes ) Wilcox 77 is food se rvices

superviso r with the Baye re st Ce ntre for Ge riatric Care 0

A ThankYou The c lass of Mac 380 wishes to extend a

sincere thank you to all alumni who have con tributed to the Mac 38 0 Class Geronshy

to logy Scholarship Fund The gradua te s tudent scholarship in

the recently de ve loped area ot Ge ronto lo gy at FACS is being established by the class of 38D in recog nition of their 45th annivershy

sary in 1983 All Univers it y of Guelph grads are

in vited to parti c ipate in this project funds for which will be so li c ited until December

1984 [f you wish to con tribute please make you r cheq ue pay ab le to the Univers ity o f Guelph Alma Mater Fund specify that it is to be applied to the Mac 38 D Class Gerontology Scho larship Fund and mail to

the Deve lo pment Office Room 273 John shysto n Hall Uni ve rsity o f Gue lph Guelph

Ontario N IG 2W J Th an ks again for yo ur suppo rt from

Elle n Downie Mary Singer Doris Durran t and Jean Carter- the Mac 38 D sch o larship committee 0

In Memoria m We regret to announce the death of the following al umnus

Margaret L (MacKenzie) Smallwood 401) December 1982 in Lakeland Fla




The College of Physical Scie nce Alumni Association

SCIMP Editor Bob Winkel

phy sics grant selection committee of thc atural Sciences and Engineering Research

Council for two years he was intimately involved in all the major re search de velopshyments in Canada in this field Hc feels that his e lec tio n to the Royal Society of Canada will help raise the prot1le of high-energy physics in this co untry and lend stren gth to Canadian experimenters

The citation prepared for his nominashytion to the Royal Society of Canada reads

Professor Karl is a high energy the ori st whose work is widely recognized interna tionally His deep physical insight and hi s kn ow led ge of mathemati ca l methods led to the quark model of baryon resonances based on quantum chromoshydynamics which has been enormousl) successful in describing experimental reshysuits H is re sea rch is characterized by striking originality and an ability to COIll shy

bine basic ideas from different field s as in the predictions of a new effect - neutron optical activity

Gabriel Karl is married and has one daughter W hen he is not probing the sec re ts of the universe he indulges himself in music theatre and the fine arts

He visited the Unive rsity of Briti sh Columbia in Vanco uver in May for the induction ceremony into the Royal Society of Canada on the occas ion of the Annual Meeting of the Society It marked he sa id the culmination of a long string of benefits that [ ha ve enjoyed throughout the 23 years 1 have lived in Ca nada [ have every rea son to be very grateful to th is country D

Erratum In the Sprin g issue o r SCiMP it was erroneously reported in the c utline accompanyin g a pict ure of Departshyme nt of Physics student scholarship winners that they were the recipients of 0 er $ 1500 We dropped a zero The fi gure should have read $ 15000 Sorry about tha t Ed

Elected to Royal Society

Dr Cooiel Korl

The election of Dr Gabriel Karl to a Fellowship of the Roy al Society of Canada represents what one of hi s colleagues Dr Peter Egelstaff desc ribe s as a rare honour which reflects great credit not only on Dr Karl but also on the Uni versi tys Departshyment of Physics

The Royal Society of Canada founded in 1882 to promote learning and research in the arts and sciences has numbered among its Fellows virtually all of Canadas most distinguished intellectual le ade rs of the last J00 yea rs Standards are jealously guarded and Fello wships are awarded only as a result of outstanding world-class ach ieve ment

The rarity of the honour is indicated by the fact that at the Un iversity of Guelph whose faculty includes so many academics of international distinction only five had previously achieved a Fellows hip in the Royal Society of Canada These are Dr Howard Clark vice- pres ident academic Dr Bruce Sells dean College of Biologishycal Science Dr Peter Egclstaff Depart shyment of Physics Dr Do nald Masters Prof ssor Emeri tu s De part mcnt of History and Dr He rb Armstrong retired dean of Graduate Studies

As the sixth Dr Ga briel Karl will have the added di st inction of bei ng the first whose career has been sp ot excl us ively at the Un ivers ity of Guelph which agai n to

quote Dr Egelstaff marks a coming of age for the University

Gabriel Karl was born in Transylvania a province of Romania He obtained his B Sc in Chemistry at Romani as Univershysity of ClUJ worked for two years in industry and came to Canada in 1960 He attended graduate school at th e University of Toronto where he was awarded a Ph D in 1966 for a thesis on infrared luminesshycence following molecular colli sion Hi s Ph D supervisor was the distinguished physical chemist Dr John Polanyi

A two-year post-doctora l fellowship with the University of Torontos Depart shyment of Physics followed His mentors there were Drs J Van Kranendonk and Duk Poll who is now a professor with the Universi ty of Guelph s Depa rtment of Ph ys ics

In 1966 Dr Karl studied at the Uni versity of Oxford for two years under an NRC scho larship to study hadron spec troshyscopy and in 1969 he Joi ned the Univers itys Department of Phy sics achieving a full professorship only five years later

Dr Karls work has focussed on high energy physics - the physics of fundamen shytal particles This is an esoteric field involvshying research into the nature of matter The relatively few world leaders in thi s field tend to cluster around the half-dozen accelerators such as the $100 million four kilumete rshylon g hi gh-e nergy tunnel for accelerating electrons at Stanford University that have been built only in the US and Europe

There is no accelerator of this energy level in Canad a and fe w Canadian scie nshyti ~ts are working in this field Dr Ka rl s statu re in the international commu nity of particle physic ists is marked by his many visi ts to the world s major research ce ntres as guest speaker and to consult with his peers Referring to the time spent on thcse missions Dr Karl describes the Depart shym nt of Phys ics and his colleag ues as generouslyaccommodati ng shy

As cha irman of the h igh energy


Trapping The Suns Energy Excerpted from a Chemtrends article by Mary Cocivera

One predi ctabl e fac t about ind ustri ali z d

soc iety is that it will take more e nergy to

keep the whee ls ru nn ing smoothl y parti c ushy

larly because the world population is exshy

pected to dou ble to about n ine bill ion by the

year 2050

[n th search to augme nt tradi tio na l

sources o f e lectri ci ty two Departme nt of

Chemistry pro fessors ha ve tu rned their

atten ti on to the convers ion of solar energy to

electricity by photovultaie cel ls and photoshy

elec troc he mical systems T he developme nt

work at Guelph is a imed at improving the efficiency and stability of th se sy~tems and

reduc i ng the ir cos t

Si licon photovoltaic cells serve as a

reference for solar energy convers iun beshy

cause they were the fi rst such cells and to

date arc the most effic ient co nvert ing so lar

ne rgy into elec tr ic ity a t abo ut 15 per cem

effi c iency Arrays of crys tal li n sil icon ce lls present ly cos t in the nei ghborhood or

S$400 per sq uare metre to manufac ture

produc ing about 40 watts Photovo lta ic

thin- fi lm syste ms us ing semico nductors

o ther than single crysta l sil ic on are be ing

investigated in man y re~earc h ce ntre s

around the world

A pro mis ing approach is a cadmiui1l

sulfi dec uprous sul fide combi nat ion in

which the two sem ico nduc tors are laye red

on molybdenum the n covered w ith a transshyparent gold fil m T his thin-fi lm cons trucshy

tio n i ideal for solar devices explai ns

Profess ur Ro n Fawcett because large

surface areas are needed for maximum

exposu re to the sun

T he fabrication process devel oped by

Ro n and patented in 1980 in vo lve electroshy

depos iting cadmium sulfide o nto molybshy

denum then layering cuprous sulfide over the cadm ium sulfide by an ion exchange

process Finally the gold 11 1m is added by

vacuum de pos ition Ron es timates that

thi n-film de ices could be manufac tu red in

this way for about S$25 per squ are metre

E lectro pla ting of se m ic ondu ct ors

would enabl e photo voltai c dev ices to be

manu factured in a continuous process

rathe r than indi vidua lly as i required w ith

s ingle crysta l s ilic on Such ce lls ha ve

ach ieved conversio n of solar to electrica l

energy at an e ffi cienc y o f I per cent to date T he researchers are co nfide nt they can

achieve fi to 8 per cent cffi ieney compared

to the calcul ated max imum e ffi c iency of II

per cent Pro fessor Michae l oc ivera is ork ing

on photoe lec troc hem ical systems in which a

sem icond uctor electrode im mersed in an

elec tro lyte solution converts inci dent li g ht

into a n electric a l cu rren t Such se mishy

conductor lilju id junction cells offe r p racti shy

cal ad van tages because uf the sponta neom format ion o f a junc tio n I mproved effishy

ciency fo r po lycrysta lli ne sem iconductors

has been a hi eved in ce lb of th is type in part becau~e the liqu id estab li shes unshy

iformly good COntac t wi th the e l etrode

The li gh t -~ens it i ve electrode in photoshy

e lec trochem ical ce lls is a sem ic o nductor

e it her a thin-fi lm or s ingle c rysta l a tt ached

to a metal back ing the other e lec trode is an

inert me ta l T he e l ectrode~ are immersed in

~ n elect rol yte solutio n o f a mater ial that carl do nate and accep t elect rons The b igges t

prob lem with many li lj ui d junct io n ce lls

~ays Mike is photocorros iol1 of the su rshy

face of the se miconductor To overcome

thi s problem he is developing materi a ls and

techniques to coat the e lectrodes with proshy

tec tive materiab

The first liquid junction cells with a

sili con anode opera ted for only a matter of

seconds befo re the e lec trode was des troyed

by corrosion Researche rs at the Solar Energy Research Insti tu te in C o lorado

U SA have developed a silicon anode

w ith a polypyrro le protect ive coating which

can o perate for hund reds o f hours but that is

still not long eno ugh for a viable commershy

cia l syste m

M ike and his colleague are making a

syste matic study of compounds tha t wi ll

both protect the electrode from corrosion

and catal yze the elect rode rca tion They

arc now worki ng with organo me tall ic comshy

pounds co mpris ing a metal atom sulfur

and an aromatic co m pone nt containing a func tiona l group li ke hyd roxy l sul phonate

ammoni um and nitroso

hese compounds are effect ive beshy

ca use they prov ide a mechanism to transfer

a ch arge bet ween the se mi co nd uctor and the e lectro n donor in solut io n The coating mus t

also be transpilrent e nough to a llow the light

to s trike the photocleetrode

To date they ha ve suneeded in deshy

veloping fi ve coat ings su itab le fo r a variet y

or se miconduc tors incl uding the polyshy

crysta ll ine cadm ium su lfide e lectrodes fabshy

riltated by Ron Fawce tt s method If polyshy

crystalli ne elec trodes can be fab ri (a ted and

coated wi th a protec tive materia l electroshy

chemically they wi ll be relati ve ly inexpe nshy

ive to manufac ture If the tech niques and processe s be ing

inve ~l igated by Ron Fawce tt and Mike Coc ivera de ve lop to tht ir full poten tial the

su n cou ld beco me a more import ant supplier

o f e lectri city in Ca nada Long-range proshy

jectio ns suggest that about 10 per cent of No rth A m rican e lectr ic it y could be proshy

duced from solar convers ion

Elec tric ity fro m the sun is no longer a

pipe-dream-it is a reachable goa l n

Grad News Louise (Sandall) Platt BA 69 is living

in Islington and teaching for the Etobico ke

Board of Educati on

Alexander Barton BSc 70 MSc 74 is work ing on a Ph D deg ree in the

Departme nt of Fishe ries and W ildlife at

Orego n Sta te uni vers ity

Gerry Kupferschmidt BSc 70 MSc

71 is living at R R I Osgoodc and is

tmployed as a sc ientific ad ise r to the


Murray Ross Gingrich BSc 71 Ii ves in

Brampto n and is work ing as a probation

officer for the Ministry o f Correc tio nal


Robert Cross BSc 72 M D is workshy

ing in the emergency department o f the

So uth Muskoka Hospital in Bracebridge

Edda Duva (Home) Kerr BA 74 lives

in G ue lph and is working as a program

co-ordinator for Casatta Ltd in Kitchener

Deanne Ch)y BSc 78 Ii ves in Etob ishy

coke and is working as a public health

inspector for the Ham ilton Wentwo rth Reshy

gio nal Health Unit

Alex McDonald BSc 79 PhD 83 and his wife Rosanne ( DeNobriga) BSc

79 are living in Austi n Texas whil e Alex

is do ing post-doctoral work at the Unishy

vers ity o f Texas

Ste~en Oliver BSc 79 o f Hamilton is a

medica l sa les repre sentati ve with Cyanamid

Canada Inc

Gordon Knox BSc 79 is a con~ ul ta nt

with Inform ation Systems Serv ices in Vicshy

toria BC

George Gillson BSc 80 is taki ng a

Ph D in Anal ytica l C hemis try at the Uni shyve rsity of Alberta 0


The College o f Arts Alumni Associat ion

DELPHA Editor Debbie (Nash) Chambers 77

has no w acquired the Shaw Festival ArshyThe Deans Roundup chives on permanent deposit T his is an

Last fall I had the privilege of speakshy

ing to the direc tors of the University of G uelph Alumn i Assoc iation to bring them

up to date on some of the excit ing things connected with the College of Arts I am gratefu l to the editor of DELPHA for this

opportu nity to let alumni readers know what we are do ing

I am pleased to be able to report a subs tant ial increase in enrolment both in the

B A program and in the College o f Arts this past yea r What is especially nice is that this has coincided with a dec is ion to tighte n our

standards at the admissions level and in the regulations for continuatio n of study

In o rder to grad uate B A students

who entered the Spring 19~3 Semester will need to obtai n a C average in 60 per cent of the courses they take

Most of o ur students are doing thi s now and we do not antici pate this will pose any

problem for the students whom we are ad mitting Next year students en tering the

B A program will be required to have Grade 13 English and we are strongly encouraging them to offer a Mathematics credit o r o ne in French or ano ther language

Applications from students wish ing to enter the B A program in the Fall 1983 Semester

are up subs tantia lly over last yea r I also want to share with you some

ha ppenings which have brought special delight to me

The U ni ve rsi ty of Guelph Choir

under director Ge rald e ufeld won second prize in the 1982 CSC nation al chora l competition

In the Harbourfront a rt show last

sum mer three o f o ur students had works se lected by the jury and each won a prize shya better show ing than any of the other O nshy

tario universities or colleges which entend T he C anadian- American Urban Hisshy

tory Co nference held at G uelph in A ugust

1982 was a tremendous success bringing sc holars from many parts of the United States and Canada to discuss new trends in urban studies

Dean David Murray

In the space of just a few months I have seen seven books published by faculty in the Co llege The subjects include Rudyard

Kipl ing Greek Philosophy Urban History Evolution and Darwinism Reli gion and Tolerance the dramatist Gra nville Barker

and a nove l written in French Last summer also saw the completion

of a very successful facu lty exchange beshy

tween o ur Department of Eng lish and the

Uni vers ity of Reading in Britain Dr Leslie Monkman went to Reading for the year and Dr Coral Howell s visited Guelph This

opportunity enab led Dr Howells to study modern C anadian writers and she is now

working o n a book to be published in Britain o n Canadian women wri ters Dr

Mo nkman lectured on Canadian literature at various places in Britain and in France as well as in Reading

T hro ugh the e fforts of the Department of Drama and its chairman Dr Leonard

Conolly and C ollections Librarian Jo hn Moldenhauer 68 the Uni versi ty Library

ex tremely valuab le re sou rce for theatre

scholars a nd the Univers ity is ve ry pleased to have a closer connection with the Shaw Festi val The Drama Department also has

Professor Dan Laurence the world s leadshying Shaw scholar as a distinguished Visitshy

ing Professor lor the ra il Semester Two large conferences were organized

during the Spring and Summer by faculty

and students in the Co llege Professor Ted Cowan of the History Department was in charge of the Scottish Heritage Festival held in uelph in May The Fes tival was a

ce lebrati on of the S co t~ 1d their contribushytion~ to Canada

In Au gust the Uni vers ity will host a major conference o n Common wealth lite rashy

ture bringing writers and schol ars to Guelph from allover the Com monweal th Professor Doug K illam chairman of the Department of English and a number o f col leagues are

now busily preparing to welcome guests from around the world

Through our liaison programs we have pioneered special day - long seminars at the

niversity for gifted children in Wellington County T he se programs are part of o ur commitment to assist secondary schools in meeting the challe nges of special education

J know many o f you will also be interes ted in knowing that last sLi mmer the

College awarded three new scholarships two of the m honouring the cont ribution made by former faculty members J Percy

Sm ith and W Stanford Reid The other marked the first presentation of the Edward Johnson Music Foundation scholarships for students in the music program

We are al l ac ute ly co nscious of the

financial pressure affecting the UnivLr ~ ity

of Guelph and othe r Canadian unive rsities

But we mus t no t le t these pressures detract from the vision of academic excellence to

which we are committed J think you will agree from the exaln ~Jk middot ha ve cited that this vision continues to glow brightly in spite of our financial plight We hope we can

co ntinue to co unt on your advice and your suppurt 0


It Was a Very Good Year T he Direc tor or the College of Arts Alumni Assoc iation have had a bus y year In January we launched o ur hrst Caree rs i lglll for in -coure stude nlgt Thanks to the exce lle nce and enthusiasm of our pane l l1len1bcr the evening was a success

Careers Night is to become an annual event and we would appreciate you r particishypation Any Art s grads wh o wo uld like to

vo lunteer their expertise for the e vening please do not hesita te to contact us

The Directors were also busy a rshyranling the second an nu al art show shyDI MENSIO NS middotS3 Due to the treme nd ous response to DI M ENSIOtS 82 the art show co mmittee organized DIM ENSIO NS 83 as aJu ricd show We are hoping that nex t yea r we will be able to mount a photography show as well a an art sho w

As you are probably aware in 1970 Wellington College was reo rganized into the Colleges of Arts Physic al Sc ience and Socia l Science This year our Assoc iation was asked to se lect a new College logo Thankgt to Dean Dav id Murray and the Deans Counc il we were given permission to use the graphics on the College of Art s Gold Medal It can be see n in the masthead of thi s issue The logo was designed by Erich Barth art dire ctor Department of [nshyformation and enco mpasses the di verse di s shycipiJnes fou nd within the College of Arts

Grad News Catharine (Gilnerlson ) Scott 70 is a wage and salary anal ys t tnivers it y of Waterl oo

Linda la) Bell 72 i the assistant conshysultant for thlto gifted We llington County Boa rd of Education GueJph

Lynn Barbeau 74 is the curator Educa shytion and xtension Macdo nald Stewart Art

entre Guelph

Wltlynr WellJauler 75 is corpora te mar shyke ting manager Gore Mutua l In surance Company Cambridgc

Renate Fisc her 76 is a consultant with the Woods Gordon Divisio n of Cl arkson Go rdon Chartered Acco untants Kitchener

jane Morley O AC MSc 81 is a career co nsultant Counse llin g and Student Reshysource Centre Un iversity of Guelph

Through the generos ity of the Alma Mater Fund our Assoc iation has been able to e stablish nv e sc holars hip s Thre e DELPHA awards for Gue lph alumni to continue their slUdi es at the gradu ate level at the University and two awa rds for part-time mature students These awards are greatly appreciated by the students who have reshyce ived th e m

Congratulatio ns are th e order of the day for Juli e (Russe ll ) Thur 78 Associashytion past pre sident and Linda Mackenz ie shyCordi ck 8 1 Assocration secre tary treas shyurer on the birth of their daug hters in March We wi sh them joy in their yo ung-

David Dell 76 is the in fo rmation o ffic er Reg ion of Pee l Brmiddotampton

jeff Miller 82 is a s tage manager for Profes sional Theatres Toronto

The above eight alumni were panel )11ember-s at our first annual Careers sJ ig ht held ea rlier th i yea r On ce again we offer our sincere thanks for their pani ci pation

lhugarel Reare 68 is senior research o f hee l Minis try of th e Soli citor General Ottawd

William Thiels 73 is a sys te ms analyst with Eas tman Kodak CO Roche ster t Y US A

Shardie D SteHnson 77 is assistant marketing manager Marsh and 1cLennan Ltd Winnipeg Man

Donald Syme 77 is with marketing pe rsonne l IC F Sydne y Australia

sters and look forward to the ir continued help in the Assoc ia tion in the future

C Nould lik e to re mind our fell ow alu mni to jo in or renew their membership in our Association De hbie ( Nash) Cham bers 77 editor of DF LPH A wo uld lik e any Ideas lor future artick that vould catch your interes t Our Assoc iati o n would also apprec ia te heari ng from you re gardin g eve nts that you wou ld be interested in attending Pl ease drop us a line in order that we may serve you better thus ~ eeping the line of co mmunic ation oren bet ween you and yo ur Alma v1ater

In closing I would like to acknowlmiddot edge With great a pprec iati o n the a istance that has been o ffclTU our Board of Direc tors over the pasl year

As al ways Dea n David Murray has bee n a va lued ad visor I wo uld li ke to thank Professor Ted Cowa n Department o f History for his Sprin g 19K3 OEPHA article on the Scottish Heritage Festival and Judy (Ma in) Ca rson 75 for he r help in preparalron of feature articles Spec ial thank s arc also ex tended to Rosemary Clark Mac 59 Asis tant Director Proshyg rams Dep artment of Alumni Affairs and Deve lopment and our Board of Directo rs who have wo rk ed so hard to mak e thi s a successful year

The term of 19X2-B3 has been a very grati fying one for all mem bers of the Associations Boa rd o t Directors We loo k for ward to 19K3-K4 anJ hope to hear from you Q

J ane Francis 78 is With Ilublic relations Vancouver Stock EXchange Vancou ver B C

Jonie Bunce 79 is a teacher 01 Art English and Thcatre Arts at 1 A Turn er Secondary School BrdrllptOl

Deborah Salmon 79 is married to Richard Light BS( 80 and li ves in Japanec Shc worb for the Empl o) mc nt and Im migrati on Commi ssion dnd Ri chlrJ works for a darrv in Kin gs to n

Shelagh Stevens 79 it station U)lllrshytwlle r Department o f -J atiunal [dc nce in f ova Slmiddototia

lidwtl Glanb 81 is a supervisor mar shyke ting comrlluni~ations Pitney-Bowe s oj

Canada Ltd Don Mill s

john (llanllllUnd ) Zelasko 81 rs ~ I

courtr(lOrn artist WKBW Buffalo New Ymk US I C



Alumnus of

Honollr 1983

Helen Christine AbeD Mac 38D

Amo ng the forerunners in the fie ld of rural soc iol ogy not only in Canada

but throughout the world and with a long career as a professor in numerous un iversities ac ross Canada Dr Helen C Abell has und oubted ly do ne much to promote a world -w ide reputation for her Alma Mater

Dr Abell has been most active in a numbe r of United Nat io ns programs designed to foster development of th ose in the Third World countrie s Although os ten sibl y retired she still co nt inues her wo rk as a cons ult ant in Socio-Economic De ve lopme nt assisti ng in develop ing sho rt -term project s as the occasion ari ses

As well as a Macdona ld Ins titu te Diploshyma Dr Abell obtained a BHSc (H ome Economics) from the Universi ty of Toro nto in 1941 and an MS (Human Nutrition) and a Ph D (major Rural Sociology and Agri cul shytural Economics) from Cornell University in 1947 and 1951 re specti vel y 0

Page 8: Guelph Alumnus Magazine, Summer 1983

III rl m gllition of her service to the Unimiddotersi since 1977 Dr Pauline M cGibbon

IllI S prlsented with two millia ture hand- craft ed replicas of th e Uni vers ity mace a t a

SenateBoard of Governors dinne r during sprin g Com oealio ll on lU1I 1 I With hlr

is Prrgtsident Donald Forster

the United Sta tes O ur eq uipment is getting old

and has to be re placed as do o ur buildings I

just wish we could find mo re mo ney in o ur unive rs ities and J use that in the plural

A It has been co mmented that sin ce Do n

Fo rste r is a bache lo r you ha ve been helpful in

setting him at ease in the social aspec ts o f his

role For examp le yo u me ntioned the

graduatio n lunche o ns

P We ll Don was Pro vos t when I was the

Chancellor at Toronto su tha t we were not

strangers to o ne another no t that we knew each

o ther that we ll Poss ibl y the fact that he had

wa tched me in ac tio n at Toronto may be one

reaso n why he asked me if I wo uld le t my name

stand as C hance llor fo r G ue lph Now I ve

rJs hl y said that Ill be glad to do an ything I can

do to he lp hi m whe n he co mes to Toronto as

Preside nt It is not going to be easy for hi m

A You have bee n the firs t woma n to hold many

othe r key positi ons hese incl ude bei ng

Director of IBM Ltd Presi dent of the Canadian Co nference o f the Arts and

Lie utenant-Gove rn or of On tari o Is this

indi cati ve o f aeha nge in peo pl e s perceptio n of

women s abil i ties w he ther it is in bu si nes

ed ucat io n or government

P Ve ry definitely attitudes are changing I

co nsider that at the begi nning I Jus t happened

to be in the right pl ace at the righ t t ime Howeve r a ll you have to do is watch the

finan cia l pages o f you r newspaper to see the way wome n are coming ahead Such changes

are partly due lthink to the femini st

moveme nt whi ch emphas ized and broug ht to

the attention o f people so me o f the handicaps under which women were functi o ning

ow I m not o ne who supported the

Ch ancelor Paufine McGibbon raquoith

extremes o f the feminist movement such as the

extra vagant prose the hraburni ng all tha t type

o f stuff I ca ll it stuff yet in the nex t breath

I say it did have an im pact Whethe r the y agreed or disagreed people a t las t began to

thi nk about ce rta in issues concerning wome n Pro bl ems w ith sa laries career advanccment

and pr j udi ce suc h as the idea that it is no t

good to work fo r a wo man a r~ example

The moveme nt seems to have slowed

duwn now I see both s ides and on no t consider

my~e l f a fence -s itte r l think the majority o f

people realize w hat certa inl y reali zed all

alo ng Yo u cannu t ge t ahead withou t the

suppo rt of men Men and wo me n have gut to

work toge ther fo r the ben fi t o f both I ha ve to

say in all hones ty that [never felt di sc ri minated

aga ins t in any way no matter wh at [ dio I ve

always gotte n al ong we ll with men Ilike men

and they sec m to l ike me

A M aybe that is part o fil T hey sense that the

rel a tio nship is a positive one Yo u enjoy their

company they enjoy yo urs and they can see

that you ha ve the mcessary qualit ies fo r a g ive n

pos itio n

Vell it s ce rtainly go ing to be the end o f

an era a t Guelph when you and Do n leave Im

sure thin gs will ca rry o n and there will be ne w

delights but were a lways sor ry to see a fine

time end

P Thank yo u Id hate to have yo u not feel

sor ry tha t we are leav ing But the new

Chancell or Bill Ste wart isjus t go ing to be

tops He had an assoc iatio n with Guel ph for a lo ng time when he was Ministerof Agriculture

I can t th ink of a better choice 0

Erich Barth arl director Enf orillaion Se rshy

vices who co-ordinaled the creation of Ihe two Uniersity iliacI lII in iafures th at

Yoere presented to her One mace is a displm model a bout on e-eigh th f ull size the o ther repli ca is a j our- in ch kill p in


Dual Income Families

Presstires and

By Mary Cocivera

A stroll through a typical neighbourhood

shatters any illusions about mothers stayin g at home with their young children

Most neighbo urhoods that a decade ago

would ha ve been bu stling with coffee klatches

neighbours visiting over the fence and back yards full of children playing are now all but deserted during the week

Young mo thers are not home with their

preschool children Instead they are in shops factories and offices working to help stretch

their families budgets Women particularly mothers of young

children are working outside the home in increasing numbers In 1971 in two-parent

families 38 pe r cent of mothers with children

under 16 worked outside the home By 1977 that proportion had increased to 58 per cent

The increases are even more dramatic for

women with children under s ix years old the

gro up traditio nally portrayed as staying home with their preschool children F ro m 1971 to 1977 the proportion of these mothers from

two-parent familie s who worked outside the home rose from 41 per cent to 51 per cent

Participation in the labour force has

increased steadily fo r all women since 1960 when fewer than 30 per cent of women over 25 were in the labo ur force By 1982 more than 48

per cent of the same group worked outside the home Further inc reases are prOjected until at least 1985 Canadas Families a doc ument

based on the 1976 census reported that in 54 per cent of families both spouses were working

o llts ide the home

Payoffs Why the Change

Women have been entering the labour

force for a variety of reasons economic ami otherwise Professor Kathleen Brown a family

economist in the Department of Family Studies suggests that soc ial pressures have

pushed many women particularly those in middle-age withgrown children out of the

house and in searc h of self-fulfillment Some of these women ma y feel theyre

missing something by staying at home when most of their peers are working outs ide the home and have their own discretionary income

Hard cold ca sh is the reason behind most womens decision to work o utside the homc Young families are particularly vulnerable to

economic upheaval s Profess or Brown explains because their expenses peak before their incomes

Many young two-income couples stretched their budgets in the early 1970s to

purchase a hou se with the expectatio n that their inco mes would rise and the payments would beco me increasingly eas ier to make

Then interest rates soared they had to renew

their mortgages at much higher rates and their la rger monthly payments s till needed two or mo re incomes to meet those payments

Wives who intended to stop working outside the home to have a family suddenly

realized that they wo uld have to keep working to keep the family home They were counting

on continued economic growth and on inflatio n eas ing their debt burden observe Professor Brown but they didn t allow enough flexibility to adjust to developments like the

unexpectedly high mortgage rates Some middle c la ss home owners may

actually be worse off no w than they were in the early 1970s according to consumer economist


Professor W ill iam Frisbee from the De partment of Consumer Studies T his problem is likely to be particularly aeu te among families who purchased homes in the 1970s W hat has caught families in the wild t1uctuation

in interest rates We can no longer ant icipate what the situation will be like in th ree or four years Conside ring that buying a house is a 25shyto 30-year proposilion this uncertainty can really put families in a bind

Wives who work outside the home have not only saved many a family home but they have kept low income families above the poverty line Women and Poverty a report

by the National Council of Welfare published in 1979 estimates that 52 per cent more two- spouse income families would fall below

the poverty line if the wives did not work outs ide the home

Wives who work outside the home

represent all social and economic strata from the lowest income families to the very highest

Many wives who are pursuing life-long careers always expected to work outside the home and

they married men who supported their ambitions

At the other extre me are women who

never planned to work outside the hom or who intended to stop working outside the home if children arrived These women frequently married men who believe that the husband

should be able to provide for his family W hen these women venture outside the

home to work there can be tremendous conflict

between the traditional values and the financial

necess ity of going out to work Their husbands often feel that their role as famil y head and bread w inner is being undermined They have d iffi culty cop ing with their wives increased independence and economic clout the wives try to live both the traditional role and carry on with thei r jobs

Far-Reaching Benefits Women enter the labour force for

monetary reasons bu t o ft en the payo ffs go far beyond the economic The late Professor A nne Cal laga n who was a soci al worker and

soc iolog ist in the Department of Family Stud ies believed that women be nefi t psychologically and that marriages can be stre ngthe ned whe n both part ne rs work outside the home Ci ting a study about the

decision-making process in famili es she observed that most couples start married life

with an equal rights relationship The wife s input into important decisions

reaches its lowest point when she is stuck at home with small children As the children get older and more independent the wife regains

some of her say in family dec isions but her input never reaches the level she enjoyed a t the beg inning of the marriage A wife who works outside the home maintains her influence in

decision- mak ing throughout the marriage With both partners working husband and

wifc are forced to communicate more and to work out the often complex arrangements for the care of the children Increased comshy

municat ion leads to more companionship In the trad it ional family with a husband who

has a job and a wife who does not work outside the home the wife organizes the children and the couple s social life

In many cases she and her husband operate in completely different spheres and communication declines Many of these marriages flounder in mid-life because there is little in the way of common interest after the

children leave home Many observers have linked marriage

failure to economic woes and to women

working outside the home Professor Callagan challenged this link The wife by working

helps combat one of the biggest sources of stress faced by married couples - money

Professor Frisbee wonders whether marital problems that have been blamed on

fi nancial woes are really caused at least in part

by isolation and loneliness [n geographically mobile societies young

couples often move away from both fam ily and friends and sell Ie in communities where they

have no close personal ties with other peo ple Whe n the pressures of jobs child care arrangeshyments and finances become too much to handle such familie s cannot call on parents

grandparents brothers and sisters and long-established friends T he pressure s become

in te rnal ized to the im mediate family and the relationship cracks under the stress

In spite of the pressures and demands of a job outside the home a wife enjoys personal

benefi ts according to Professor Callagan By contributing in a concrete visible way to purchasing the house (and the car and the food)

she earns the appreciation of her husband and chil dre and thus enhances her se lf esteem

By simply gelling out of the hou e a mother with ajob becomes more indep ndent builds a social life of her own and develops interes ts outside of he r house and fam il y All of

thi s adds up to beller mental health

Changing Roles If w ives are entering the labour force are

the ir husbands accepting more of the responsibi lity for raising the children and running the home

Roles at home have not changed as much

as some would expect Studies in Vancouver and Hal ifax found that men increase their house work and child care contributions by an average of one hour a week when their wives get jobs o utside the home

It appears that most men seem to make

their contributions in the more pleasant tasks such as putting the children to bed By and large the working mother s till has to contend wi th the laundry cleaning shopp ing cook ing and famil y scheduli ng If one of the chi ldren

gets s ick it is sti ll the mother who is usua lly

expected to adjust her schedule

Yet to come is a real sharing of the chore s around the house a perceptible shi ft in the division of labour at home

Wo men w ith jobs are no t limited to

mothers in two-parent families Divorced widowed and single women who mayor may not have children also compete for those jobs and face the same if not worse economic

pressures Wives with jobs outs ide the home

however are ojlel di smissed as not

economically important because many people assume (incorrectly) that they have husbands to

sUPflort them and their real job is to take care of the ir children

Todays thousa nds of moms who work

outside the home challenge this outmoded

notion Their pay cheques are as impo rtant a contribution to theirfamilies as their husbands

A report by the C anad ian Advisory

Council on the Statlls o f Women points out that between 1969 and 1979 the number of women in the labour force inc reased by 616 per cent with the g reatest gain being among mothers of young children

Between 1976 and 1980 according to the report the number of mothers with children under three who were in the labour force

increased by a staggering 276 per cent This raises important questions about societys ability to cope with these social changes

Some 15 or 20 years ago the mother who worked outside the home was the exception rather than the rule She could make arrangements with an obli g ing neighbour to

care for her chil d re n all Jay or to intercept them after sc hool and at lunch time

Today mothers without jobs are the

exception Find ing the obliging ne ighbour is becoming more diffic ult and famili es are making more fo rmal arrangements for day care and afte r school care In many cit ies however the re is not enough day care to fil l this demand

Here to Stay It has been pred icted tha t w ives will keep

working outs ide the ho me because they will have to Fami lies will become u ed to the com fort o f a two- income standard of l iv ing and will be unwilling or unable to g ive it up

The socia l forces that have led women in search of self fulfill me nt and equality in the work place w ill continue to influence womens

life work Many young girls still think of a job as a temporary situation but the reality is that being ma rried happily ever after is a myth for most women Women and Poverty points out th a 94 out of every 100 women marry but only 26 of them can expect to live w ith their

husbands until death Some 53 of the original 94 will become w idows and 15 will divorce or

separate Todays wives and mothers who work outs ide the home will be better prepared to

pursue life on their own if and when they

have to 0


The Stewart Bennett Bequest middot $600000 By John Hearn

When Stewart B nnett industriali st

fa rmer catt le and horse hreeder 3rt

colle tor and past member of the nivers ity of Guelph s Board of Governo rs di ed in Aug us t last year his will specified a bequest o f

$600 000 to the University which w~s

co nfinned on the death of h is widow Violet

w ho al so died last yea r

By any standards Stewart Ben nett s life

must be described as a success story a 90-year record o f persona l achievement any man m ight

envy Born in T oronto in 1892 he graduated in

engineering from the Uni ve rs ity of Toronto went up to Oxford Jo ined the Roya l Eng ineers on the outbreak of World War One served wi th di stinction as a captain and was awarded the

Military Cross He re turned to the niversity of Townto

to lec ture at the fac uity o f Applied Sc ience from 192 1 to 1925 then launched a busin ss career which was to lead to directorships with some of the country s most succe ss ful corporations

These included the Phoenix Assurance Co of herd which has been sending champions to niversity of Guelph goes back to the days Canada Dominion Stores Ltd the Boiler international Ii vestock expositions for more when he was a member of the Board of Rege nts Inspection and Ass urance Co of Canada and than 40 years The firs t Canadian-bred Shortshy of the Federated Colleges and remained to

the C anada Permanent Trust Company He horn bull to be shipped to Scotland was sent by serve as a member o f the nivcrsitys first became pres ident of Beardmore amp Company in Scotsdale Farm in 1970 and as recently as Board of Governo rs for another e ig ht years 1940 and served as vice-president of Canada 1981 Stewart Ben nett had the upre me He was al so president of the Royal Packers Inc for 18 years Champion Bull at the eNE Agricultural Winter Fair in 1953-4 and se rved

It might be argued however as to who While all this was going on he was for many years on it s executive T he Royal

was the real Stewart Bennett-the shrewd buildi ng a si gnificant collection of Canadian art Agricultural Winter Fair and the Georgetown

Industrialist or the man who bought himself a and served as a member of the council of the Di s trict Memorial Hospital are equal

540-acre farm in the Credit Valley and turned it Toronto Art Gallery Hi s 100 or more canvasmiddot beneficiaries with the University in his estate

into a beauty spot He lined its handsome ses by Tom Thompson A Y Jackso n and What el se would a man need to round out a driveway with evergreens and dammed streams JE H MacDonald among o the rs have been long and successful life but a perfect marriage

to create a lake as a home for his two swans bequeathed to the Ontario Heritage Foundation and this too was not denied him He married

Th( felle Violet alld Stewart Bennell

Nor was he content to be a city man with a which has al so been named to manage the Violet Letty Fairbanks in 1922 She died 60

country home He is honoured among cattle Be nnett farm years later two months after Stewart of a

breeders for his famous Sc otsdale Shorthorn Stewart Bennetts connection with the broken heart 0

III this picture athe UniersitV s first Board o(Co ernors St ewart 8el1 ( (( is third rolltefl



The AMPUl Experience A Most Significant Training Program For Hospitality Industry Leaders By John Hearn

When The Univers ity of Guelphs Schoo l of Ho tel and Food Administration

s taged a four-week Ad vanced management Program for the Hosp italit y Industry (AMPHI) earlier this year the y presented the

ni versity with an exercise in log istics of unprecedented complex ity Bob Desautels HI-I 7S who as involved in the advance planning fm more than a year before the e vent explaincd the special nature of the prohle m

A MPHI was to be a four-week conce ntrated coursc designed to meet the standards of two dozen o f Canada s most senior hospitality exec utive s who must he regarded not just as expeI1S but also as connoisseurs in the art of loo king after people Meeting those standards assembling an experienced faculty and generating very large quantities o f all-new course material mandated a course fee of $5000 At those rates participants were entitled to expect the hest of everything

The curriculum was programmed in detail fro m 630 am through 1000 pm every day The gt[re nuous nature o t the intellectual demands left the partic ipants with ne ither the time or the energy to do very much in the way of fending for themsel ves Another important constraint was that eve ry activity formal and informal had to be structured in such a way as to be conducive to mainwinin g continuous dialogue betwee n the paI1icipanh at all times

Gicn these criteria Bob sought the aid of vinually evcry serv ice department in the

nivc rgtitj Co-operation was be ne rous and unstintin b middot he rcpmtgt We asked for setvice lllore ugtually as sociated with hetterclss hotch and eve ryone rose to the occasion Faced with such sophisti cated palates food scrv ice had to he at the top 01 the list and Dave Boeckner assistant manager opc rmiddotations Food Services pulled out allthe slOpS tor us

A Public Statement

For Garry Round Food Serv ices director A VlPHI offered a unique o pportunity to make a puhlic statement about the capahililie s of hi orbani7ation which had hee n I()(l~in g for just such a challen ge 10 break through the ima ge prohlem us ually assoeiatcd with universit y

latcrin g

Let s face it he aid unive rsities in bene ral arc popular locati ons for summcr Llln krcnccs Im onc excellent rcason - the price is ri ght Student s roo ms arc availahle at camp-site rates and lor $ IISO a day peopl e

ca n eat well in one of ou r cafeterias What makes thc University of Guelph

different With onc of the bigges t residen t student populations in Canada with in-house catering and an nual sales in the $6 million brmiddotacke t we have a resource base capabl e ot sustaining an hillll ( (lIilil7 ( culinary staff and allowing us to take on special functions that would be impossible for an y other university in Canada

This opinio n was e nthus iasticall y endorsed by the AMPHI participant s wh o aw arded a standing ovation to the s taff led by Domenico Ran alli executi ve chef and Incz Scapinello operations manager during the final banquet - a sea Cood spectacu lar capped by copi ous quantities of Baked Alaska

The final banquet was by no means except ional Steak and lobste r eSla rgot and mushroom ca ps were almost com monpl ace Breakfas t offered a choice of cereals an exoti c display of fresh fruit s and such niceties as eggs bened ict The scale and variety of lunches had to be cut back alter the first week in respo nse to

the part icipants groans of too much

Front Rank Convention Centre

As Inez Scapinello tell s it AMPHI was not so much a challe nge as an opportunity We did nothing we had not do ne before Dome nico was not ca lled upon l(l create any new menu items although we did try some innovati ve combinations

A a howca sc for Domcnico Ranalli talent s A M PH I WIS nothi ng less than a Will dl

il(( Wi th 2~ sucCssivc dinners each of which earned rave re views without once repeati n[ himself and consisting or nothing ne w moves the University of Gue I ph into the front rank of convention centre~

Satis fied that food sc-rv ice was in good hands Bob Desautels wa s able to turn his attentio n 0 other logis til problems

Th e I MPHI course was basltd on the case teachin g method A tcam ofHA PAcase writers worked for more than two yea rs assemhling a packa ge or some 600 studies of critical si tuatio ns pertincnt to the contlrl1porary Canadran hospitalit y sce ne They travelled as lar as British Co lumbia in search or authentil re levant material all of which had 10 be reproduced It was Bob Desautels job to superv ise the printing and hindin g of the IOOD-page required reading Ialk agc hand ed III (deh urthe panic ipants on arrival plus industr)

notes the teaching material s and equipmclll required by the e ight-man facult y under HA FA Director Dr Tom Powers

Sleeping accommodation in the nearest residence to th l Schoo l was a simple student environment with th e addilOn of a private pho ne in each morn In~ talled for the duration of the course Valet and laundry se rvice not usually part of the l niversit ys conference offering was available Credit pri vi leges at the Un ivers ity branch o f the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce was arran ged for each of the participants

Hospitality L e ad ers Night People Successful hospitalit y industry leaders are

marked by certain co mmo n characteristicsshyhigh energy leveis capac ity for long and erratic hours strong people skill s creati vit y and a sense 01 humour The day beginning with a 645 am run continuing through three morning ca studie s followed by study sessions keep fit classes and physica l games in the afternoon and more group study sessions in the evening rare ly ended at the prescribed 1000 pm Hospi tality industry leade rs are night peop le

Stimulated by the intellectual dema nd s of the course and by interaction wit h thei r peers and faculty (w ho stayed with thern right through the long day) the y we re till left with energy to burn off in a serie s of theme parti es whi ch sent Bob Desa utels scouring the di strict to su ppl y thei r eso teric demands - one complete fem ale gorilla outfit for cxarn pk

The course ended when Prcsid ent Donald Forste r prese nted the graduate with certificatcs (w hich had 10 be spec iall y designed and printed) and the graduates pre se nted the faculty with mock certificates (which also had to be designed and pri llled)

How well did it all wo rk 0 We c hecked double checked and tripie c hecked eve ry possihilit y in advance said Boh De aute ls The on ly qUls tion we had left on the eve ofthc confe rcncc was whell have we missed As it tran plredthe answer see rns to ha ve heen not much

Participants wcre unanimous rn their evaluation of AMPIII as incomparahl y the mos t si g nificant rnanagementtraining lx pcrr cnce of their liv es All of them werT ve teran s of coursegt g iCn hy uniers itie s private managem ent dc ve lopment institutions and in-house conicrenccs hut none had been through an experienlc as rewarding demanding superhl rganied and positi ve in its long term consequCrlle as this one

For the faculty and gtUpPllrt stall more Jccutorllcdtothc energy leve ls of under shygradulles AvIPHI made unpncccknted phyical and mental demands - hut plans for AMPHI ~I arc alrcadv in the orb and applicant s are lx[1clted from allo ver th e cun tinc nL C



indiviJual champions Peter Domarchuk Mitch Mason hri s Crooks and LeonarJA Year to REMEMBER

By D ick Freeman

A full house in excess of 430 people crowded Peter Clark Hall at the Univershy

sity of Guelph in March to celebrate a year of intercollegiate sports competition and to honshy

our its 198283 champions The year started with a 16 to 10 football

victory over the OQIFC champion the Conshy

corida Stingers and ended with a third consecuti ve CIA U wrestling championship In

between a well-balanced Gryphon athletic program proudly and successfully represented

the University of Guelph When the awards had been announced a

pair of Hockey Gryphons had struck for the hat tri ck Ray Irwin was named the 198283 Male Athlete of the Year the W F Mitchell Sportsman of the Year(forathletics leadersh ip)

Ray Irwin Male Athlete of the Year

When Vice-President Administration Charles Ferguson presented Ray Irwin with

the 1982-83 University ojGuelph Mal e Athlete of the Year award it was the culmination ofa story-book seasonfor the Sudbury native

In earning his third straight first team

all- star berth Ray led the OUAA in assists with 40 and added ten goals to finish as the only dejenceman in the leagues top ten scorers His on-ice brilliance caught the eye of Canadas

Olympic Team and at mid-season he was chosen to represent Canada in a tournament in Czechoslovakia

In a game against the nations numbershy

one ranked Toront o Blues he scored once and assisted on three other scores

Perhaps more significant though was his

selection as the W F Mitchell Sportsman of the Year This award honours leadership and strength ofcharacter two qualities that are

abundant in this HAFA student

and collected his third straight team Most

Valuable Player Trophy Another all-star hockey performer Sue

Scherer was named the Female Athlete of the

Year Sue earlier was named Most Improved Player on the Field Hockey squad as well as

Most Valuable Performer on the Women s Ice Hoc key team

Bev Rankin a member of the Womens

Athle tics Council and Women s Field Hockey team was honoured as the recipient of the W F Mitchell Sportswoma n of the Year Award Other major award winners inc luded Basketballs Greg Hook- Don Cameron

Memorial Trophy for Most Improved Athlete

Volkyballs Michelle Turley - Mary Beverley-Burton Award for Female Rookie of

the Year and Scott Hobson - Ted Wildman Memoria l Trophy as the outstanding graduatshy

ing football player Alderman Jim Whitechurch Arts 8 1

presented City of Guelph plates to Canadi an Champions These included wrestlers Ken Bradford Chris Crooks and Peter Domarchuk

as well as football All-Canadians Pe ter Langshyford Junior Ro binso n Salvatore Benincasa

and vlrke Hudson Hud son it should be noted earned All-Canadian honou rs for the third

consecuti ve year only the second player ever so honoured

In addition to the team Most Valuahle and Mo st Improved awards as listed below the

gathering honoured OWlAA champions Barb Jonak - Arc hery and Jane Herner- Alpine Skiing The mens wrestling team captured a

fourth straight OUAA titl e anchored by


Archery Trophy Barb Janak Most Impro ved Basketball Trop hy (men) Greg Hook Bill Dlmson Memorial Trophy Michael 5cs(0 Demck Lewis Most Irnproved Basketball Trophy (women) Beth Pulsifer Basketball Award (women) Joa nne Hurd Badminton Trophy (women) Kelly Breedon BadmintOn Trophy (me n) Tai Ching Leng Cross-country Running Trophy (womcn) Tracey RObinson Curling Trophy Jill Rowen Brian Davenport Most Improved Field Hockey Trophy Susan Scherer Field Hockey Trophy Karen Mc Bride Most Improved Football Trophy Pat Tracey Letlermens Club Award Mike Eykens Most Improved Ice Hockey Trophy (women) Michelle Turley Coaches Hockey Trophy Susan Scherer Walter Rickard Memorial Trophy Bruce Kilgour Jack Pos Intercollegiate Hockey Award Ray IrwlO leuan Evans Intercollegiate Rugger Trophy Jeff Baldock Most Improved Soccer Trophy Gudio Frasson Bill McAnurf Soccer Trophy BII Davis Most Improved Swimming Award (women) Stephanie Doll Swimming Trophy (women) Pam Johnson Most Improved Swimming Trophy (men) Kirk Weber Swimming Trophy (men) Peter Koiisnyk Synchronized Swimming Trophy Lisa De Laplante Tennis Award (women) Maureen McKillop Most Improved Volleyball Trophy (men) Blair Carley Volleyball Trophy (men) Tim White Mosllmproved Volleyball Trophy (women) Francine Taillefer Volleyball Award (women) Joellen Barr Most Improved Wrestling Trophy Peter Oomarchuk Wrestling Trophy Ken Bradford

Stevano Altogether 18 Gryphons were nameJ

to league all-star teams Two athlete s were presented with trophies

as the best in their sport in Canada Peter Langford the J P Metras Trophy as Canadas

Outstanding Defensive Lineman and Ken Bradford as the Outstanding Wrestkr at the

19828 3 championships Director of Athletics Dave Copp sumshy

med up the year in his closing remarks as he

thanked the athlete s and coaches for their superb efforts We are proud of your achievements in 198283 competition Let us work together to make 198384 eve n more

memorable Judging from the fact that the majority of

alhletcs and guests danced and partied to the wee hours it was obvIOus that they were full of the Gryphon spirit It s truly fun- catch it 0

Su e S cherer Female Athlete of the Year

Vice-Presidelt Academic HOl-ard Clark presentation of the 198283 Female Athlete of the Year (ward to Sue Scherer was greeted with a TOar njpproal Howe le r the awardfor

excellence displa yed in ice hockey andjield hodn was reallv 011 11 the tip of the iceberg

Afifih semester sociolog student Sue anchored the Grlphons defence and in fact

controlled th e oJjensf As if that wasnt enough Sue was the plaving coach and in the combination 0 roles led the hocker Gryphons into th e plar-offs including a regular season

upset of the Ynrk Yeoomen Th e hidden part othe stOrl is perhaps th e

best Sue fills her mml1lers bv starring on the Canadian Nat ional Womens Fastball team In cluded in this hectic schedule were tours nf

Japan Taiwan SO Lllh America and Mexico

Obiouslr the combinatioll astudies and athletics is a healthy one as Sue maintains a

B average at the Unilersity



Newly Elected as

AluDlni Senators Following the annual election for three of the nine alum n i seats on Senate a t the Univers ity the following three alumni have been elected to replace those who will fulfill three-year terms on August

31 1983

Richard D Rich Moccia CBS BSc 76 MSc 78 is a self-employed biologishy

cal research scientist in the aquaculture field (See article Theyve Gone Fishin

Guelph Alumnus Spring 1983 issue

Rich is a past president of the CBS Alumni Associatio n was a vice-president of the UGAA and has served on numerous

adminis trative committees on campus inshycluding a Presidential Special Advisory Committee on Alumni Publications He also was a member of the Alma Mater Fund Advisory Council

In his spare time he has been involved with the Big Brothers Association and Minor League baseball He races motorshycycles for relaxation and fun

Donald C Rose Arts BA 80 MA 82 is a corporate representative with Uniglobe Bay Street Travel Inc of Toronto During

Tony Sobczak Arrs 77

Donald Rose Arts 80

his years at Guelph Donald served as sports editor and production manager with the Onlarion and was a member of Gryphon

soccer and rugby teams

A single man he feels that as an alumni senator he will be able to maintain his concern for the standards of higher education and at the same time maintain the friendships and contacts that he estabshylished while at the Uni versity

Tony K Sobczak Arts BA 77 is general manager of Bailey s Balloon Brigade a restaurant in Toronto While

study ing at Guelph he worked in the

hospitality field with Food Services The Keg and the Elora Mill Restaurant and Inn Following graduation he was employed by the Toronto-Dominion Bank in southshywestern Ontario but two years later

re vived his interest in the hospitality field

Richard Moccia CBS 76

He and his wife Cathy have one son

Tony Jerome T J 11 months old Keen on sports Tony senior runs plays squash

and is a waterskiier

Patricia M G renier Arts 72 is currently serving the unexpired term of alumni Senator Richard Young Arts 76 who re s igned during the third year of his term She will retire as alumni Senator on August

31 1983 Patricia who received a degree of

Master of Library Science from the Univershys ity of Western Ontario in 1973 is coshyordinator Information Services Informashytion Centre Ministry of EducationlMinistry

of College and Universities Toronto Prior to her present position she was a

reference librarian Documentation Centre

at the University of Guelph Library from 1975 to 1980 0

Limited Accreditation for OVC The Ontario Veterinary College of the

University of Guelph has been accorded limited accreditation status by the American Veterinary Medical Association

(A VMA) President Donald Forster anshynounced in May

The decision by the Council of Edllcashytion of the A VMA is based on recommendashy

tions made in the report of an evaluation committee which visited the College for a

short period in October 1982 a report on which the University and the C ollege had an opportunity to comment Most errors of fact in the original report were corrected as a result of the UniversityS comments

This accreditation status means that ove meets or exceeds most but not all

minimal requirements for a satisfactory program in veterinary medicine at least in

the judgment of the Association Limited accreditation is a reduction in

s tatus from full accreditation a status which the College has held and which was

reconfirmed by a previous evaluation in L976 Similar decisions ha ve been made

by the AVMA in the past in the case of programs at other and well-established

veterinary colleges in the United States which faced problems similar to those we are experiencing at the OVC the Presishydent noted

L imited accreditation status may be

maintained for a period of up to five years on the basis of annual reports by the University and the College indicating that any deficiencies are in the process of being corrected At any time during the five-year period the University and the College may

invite the A VMA Council to make a new

evaluation hopefully leading to a return to full accreditation status

A number of factors are identified in

the report as a basis for the Councils decision Most important the report reshy

commends that a better balance between the financial resources and the programs of the College be achieved From this flow two major recommendations Construcshy

tion and renovation be initiated to correct inadequacies in classrooms laboratories

offices and clinical work spaces Also -faculty numbers and specialty expertise be increased and additional time be scheduled for professional development research and other scholarly pursuits

The report also suggests that the

number of support s taff be increased One option identified in the recommendations is

that student numbers be reduced until

conld over


adequate faculty numbers and physical facilitie s can be provided hnally some deficiencies in the area of postgraduate education are also identified

While the University and the College

are naturally disappointed by the Councils conclusions we are not entirely surprised President Forster commented Many of the deficiencies identified in the report have been matters of acute concern for some time and some steps have been taken already to remedy the problems some of which are simply the product of the chronic undershyfunding that Ontario universities have exshyperienced for a number of years

Under the circumstances I commend

the faculty and staff of the Ontario

Veterinary College for working so hard to maintain the reputation and integrity of the program and its graduates during this very difficult period

The President also noted that under A VMA procedures an elaborate appeal process is available to the University A decision has been taken not to appeal the Councils deision even though the Univershysity has reservations about some of the observations in the report

The recommendation s in the report will be reviewed very carefully by the

Uni versity and the College in the coming months the Pre sident indicated and every effort will be made to secure support from government and other sources to

remedy problems which have be e n identified In this connection I wish to

express again our gratitude to the Honourshyable Dennis Timbrel Ontario s Minister of Agriculture and Food for making available to the University special funding in the amount of $J8 million annually for a three-year period in support of programs at the OVe This suppOrt came at a particushylarly crucial time and was most welcomc

Recent discussion with Mr Timbrell and Agriculture Canada have indicated hoth sympathy for and understanding ot the capital needs of the College and there is every hope that substantial support will be forthcoming from both levels of go vernshyment President Forster concluded D

Director Industrial S ervices R onald J Dolynchuk has been appointed Director Indus trial Services for the U nivershysity of G uelph The appointment became effective April I 1983

He will provide a two-way contact between the Un iversity and industry says Dr William Tossell Dean of Research Dea n Tossell points out that Ronald Dolynshychuk will ass ume an integral role in the industrial interact ion strategy recently anshynounced by the University At the same time he will help acquaint University researchers with possible sources of reshysearch contracts and grants within the industria l sector

The new industrial services director says that he sees his ro le somewhat as that of a broker taking the research and te hshynological skills of the campus to inshydustry- Iocal ly provincially and nationshyally W ithin the campus he hopes to play the role of a catal st co-ordinating varied speci alized activities and preparing a marketable package of research and sershyvice attract ive to industry

He says that a campus such as the University of Guelph can offer a consortium of highly specialized and technological expertise to indu stry Such capability can prove to be a powerful factor in attracting new industry to the area he says This may be particularly true in the case of smaller industries that can seldom afford their own highly specialized research facilities

Initially the new director says he will especially target on industries with a direct relationship to those areas of expertise for which the University of Guelph is particushylarly well known These include such sectors as foods and beverage and bioshytechnology

I am especially interested in offering industry a broad-based multi-disciplinary

Ronald 1 Dolynchuk

approach to their problems through includshying such areas as the social sciences in a team of experts he says This would permit the Uni versity to prov ide more complete studies including market research and sociological considerations as well as

scientific or technological resources

The new director of industrial services is no stranger to the University of Guelph campus He has been teaching a course on Business Policy in the School of Agricul shytu ral Economics and Extension Education

Ronald Dolync h uk was most reshycently the sen ior vice- president and general managcr of Linread Canada Limited in Guelph He has worked in industry since 1969 in marketing and managc ment posishytions Born and raised in W innipeg he grauuated in business economics from Inshydiana Un iversity and received a Master of Business dm in islra tion uegree from the same university

Ronald Dolynchuk and his wife and thrce ch il dren have lived in G uelph since 1976 He has b en act ive in the Gue lph Chamber of Commerce the Ro tary Club of G uelph and has served on the Board of Direc tors of the Edward Johnson Mus ic Foundation the Guelph Arts Counci l the G uelph Youth O rchestra and the G ue lph Marlin Aquatic Cl ub He is a lso 1 regis tered soccer re te ree 0

National Universities Week National Universities Week is being observed at universities across the country October 2 to 8 1983 to draw attention to the positive contributions a nd accomplishments made by these institutions in Canadian life A variety of activ ities at campuses will be designed to point out the va lue of the univershysitys teaching research cultural and public ser vice acli~ ities in society

Plans at Guelph include a noon hour series of lectures a nd panels which will look at areas of research on camp us that have far-reach ing etTects on society Members of the pu blic will be invited 10 visit the cam pus during the week to attend events and to tour the facilities

For further information on the National Universities Week program contact Information Services University of Guelph (SI9) 824-4120 Ext 8708 0


Canadian Centre for Toxicology T he Canadian Centre for Toxicol(l t y to he located at the ni ve r~ it y of Guelph and tht University of Toro nto will rt cc ive $ 10 mi ll ion fro lll the Ce clc ra l govern ment for the firs t phase of const ructioll The lunding I contingent on part ic ipation by the Ontario govern me nt ancl the two u ni ve rs it i e~

Dr Jim Sc hroder O VC 42 Me mbCi of Pari iame nl for Guelph pari ia mentary secretary to the Mini ster of Health and We lfare Monique Begin and an 0 C facult y member made the announce me nt on behalf o f The Honourable John Roberts Mini ste r of the En vironment at a press co nfere nce on cam pus in May The fundin g is the fi rst to be announced for more than 100 projects be ing fund eu under the leueral governmcnt s $ 24 bill io n spec ial reco ve ry projec ts program outlined in the April 19 budge t speec h

Pres ident Donalu Forster said that representati ves from the Uni vers it ies of Guelp h ane Toronto met later fo r discusshysions wi th Ontario s Mini ster of the Envishyronment Ke ith Norton and will continue tv di scuss the prov ince s commitmcnt to the Ccntre President Fors ter said he is opti misshyti c abo ut provincial support as Premier Bill Da vis has for the past tw o years expressed strung support for the Centre

President Forster on behalf o f the Unive rs it y of Guelph thanked Dr Schroun fo rthe work he has done to impress upon the federal go vernment the im port ance of a projec t of ve ry co ns iue rab le na tio na l s ignificance The Pres ident c it ed the Centre as an example of the co-operatio n betwee n uni ve rsitie s governments and the pri va te sector

Dr David Strangw ay actin g presishydent Uni versity of Toronto also expressed gtatitude to the federal go ve rnment and Dr Sc hroder He said the joint venture by two uni ve rs iti es tha t have compl ementary strengths is unique He desc ribeu the Ce ntre

Alberta Alumni Reunion

Saturday August 20 1983

200 pm -Bowness Park Calgary

Bring your own picnic

Prizes will be awarded for oldest grad grad who travels farthest

from home etc

L (l i to rii ht D r MeLII middotell Prcs iden Fo rsl fl r Dr Schroderund Dr Sl liI ng loshy(Iu inK Jr f ideill Uni l c rII oToro ll lO

as a world-class model that co uld be looked to in the future Guelphs strengths are in agricultural and veterinary toxicol ogy and Toron to s are espec iall y in toxicology in the med ical and engineerin g fi elcl s En viro nshymental expert ise is we ll deve loped at both uni vers ities

Professor Free man McEwen acting direc tor of the Ce ntre a nd dean of the OA outlined some of the unique features of the Ce ntre which he said is blaz in g a new tra il between gove rnments uni versities and the public sector

The planning and construction of phas one of the facilit y for the project is expected to be compl eteu by late 1986 at a total cost of $236 million When com shypleted the Ce ntre will be part of a netw ork o f toxicology centres across Canada It is ex pected to have a staff at both Guelph and Toronto of 64 sc ient is ts 108 techn ishycians and 109 other staff members The corshyrate headquarte rs will be at the Uni versit y of Guelph 0

Homecoming September 30middot October 1

Friday September 30 700 p m and 1000 pm The Nyl on in conce rt two shows War Me mori al Hall Ticket s $8 50 students and seni ors S9 50 general For ti ckets write Ny lons Tickets nive rs ity of Guel ph Box Ollice Uni vers ity Centre Un ive rs ity of Guelph Guel ph Ontari o N IG 2W I Pl ease make cheque payable to the Univers it y of Guelph and enclose a self- addressed and stamped envelope

Saturday October 1 Morning Homecomin g Paraue For further in fo rm ation contac t John King (519) 824-4120 Ex t 8327

1100 am HA Alu mni Associati on Annual eeting Hotel and Food Admin isshytrati on Building

11 30 am Human Kinet ics Alum ni Association An nual Meeting and Home shycoming Brunch Loca ti on to be anno unced

200 pm Homecornmg Footba ll Game Alumni Stadium Uni vcrsity of Toronto Blues vs Uni versit y of Gue lph Gry phons

630 pm Alumni Din ner Dancc Creelshyman Hall Further detail s co nt act Alumni Office (519) 824-4 l20 Ext 2122 or 87 40

800 pm Post-Game Pub Dance De shypartment of Athl etics gymnas ium 0

CODling Events Sep1216 Aggie Week

17 UGAA Wine Symposium Niagara Peninsula

25 28

Sep 30 Oct 1

Oct 1


Nov 11middot20


Dec 5-8

OAC Alumni Association Golf Tournament

InternationaJ Plowing Match Teviotdale


HAFA Alumni Association Annual Meeting

HK Alumni Association Annual Meeting

MacmiddotFACS Alumni Association Caree rs Night

Royal Agricultural Winter Fair Toronto

OAC Alumni Reception Royal Room CoUseum RAWF Toronto

Night At The Royal Sponsored by the UGAA Toronto chapter

American Association of Equine Practitioners Annual Convention Las Ve gas Nevada USA



The Ontario Veterinary College Alumni Association

EditorALUMNI Dr Cliff Barker 41


Faculty Award for Dr Bob Curtis Dr Bob CUrlis 6 Clinical SllIdies OVe recelllly received a UniversilY of Guelph

FlIcully Associalion Professional Tea ching Award in recognition of his great influence on professional lraining The cira lion in parr sraled He has repeatedlv beuroen honouredfor

his conlriburiOIl 10 educalion He is a respecled elerinarian who is universally retIed us

one of lhe beslleachers Ihis univlrsiry has eper had LeIr 10 righl Dr Russ Willoughbv

57 Dr Wayne Pfeiffer vice-chairman Faculty aSSOCi((lion Dr Bob Curlis 6 and

Dr Mike Wilson chairman Clinical SlUdies 0

For Design Dr Jim 01fa50n 68 owner of the South Su rrey Veterinary Hospital 3221 shy140th S1 Surrey BC received the 19 82 Special Aw ard for Architectu ral Exce llence at the annual merican Animal Hospital Association convention in San Antonio Texa on March 14 1983 The award was prese nted by Velerinary Eco nomi cs Mag(l~ ine a leading business magazi ne for the veterinary profession

T he award was give n in rccognition of the timc and expense Dr O lafsun investcd to design a hosp ital that would enhance its natur al s ur round ings South Su rrey Veterinary Hospital is loca ted in a res idenshyt ia l area and the colors a nd tex tures of the buil ding s ex terior lesse n the impact o f a commerci a l property in the area

The hospital is energy-efficient and includes large winduws and nume rous skyshyli ghts in its design plan Other features incl ude covered walkways a covered parkshying area a nd covered entrances The overall effect minim izes the enclosed fe lin g usushy

ally associatcd with a subterranean struc shytu re and the atte ntion to aesthetic detail produces a truly stunning hospital Con shygratulations Jim 0

Dr doe dohnson T he late Dr Joseph E Johnson 19 ( I R91-1960) who practised for many years in Waterloo was recognized for hi s services to ag riculture in O ntar io when his port rait was hung in the O ntario Agricu ltura l Ha ll of Fame at the O ntario Agricultural Museum Milton His nomination was prese nted by the Ontario Association of Ani mal Breedshyers T he citation presented states

Dr Joseph Edward Joe Johnson a native of Stra throy as a pioneer in the practice of artificial insemination (AI ) in Ontario In 1942 when the Waterloo Cou nty Holste in- Friesian Associ ation made

their fi rst attemp t it was Dr Joe who collected the se men and inse mina ted the cows

For fl ve years he took ti me out o f an already very busy practice to make the new idea work Several younger veterinarians

who workcd with him were later to be in charge of AI units across Ontario

He gradu ated from the O ntario Veterinary College in 1919 and after working in Fergus and Acton set up practice in Waterloo where he worked with the noted Seagram Sta bles

He pioneered the multi-staff clinic approach having as many as four students and grad uates work ing w ith him Because o f th is internship approach Dr Johnson probably had a greater influence o n the practice of large animal vete rinary medicine than any other practicing vete rinarian of his day

The ultimate uccess of the AI sys shytem is due in large part to the work o f this ve terinari an who through trial and error persevered with the technique in its ear ly years 0


One Millionth A third-year O VC student Paul Dick of Gcoroetown recently became the one mi lshylio nth person to pass through the turnstiles o f the O VC Division of the Uni versity Library since the tu rn sti les were installed eight years ago He was gree ted by libshyran ans and fac ulty applause and handshyshakes t1 a~ h i ng camera strobe lights conshygratulations and the pre sentation o f a book Clillical E raminal ion of Ca ll ie

The VC library also serves students from other Colleges Co mprising more tha n 30000 volu mes it e mbraces far more than the veterinary sc iences 0

In a briefcert monv a llellded bv David Hull head Sc ience and Velerinary Science Diision

oj Ihe Library eli and Dean Douglas 1aplesden 50 righl Associa ( Libraria ll John

Black presen l a book 10 one millionlh isilor Paul Dick rig ill cenlre

It Was Bound to Happen Delta chapter of O mega Tau Sigma Fratern ity residence has become co-educational with the admi ssion of 18 women students during 1982-83 em sters For se veral years OVC s women stu dents have been seeking fra ternity membership they fi nally made it in 1982

Galhered onlhei-olll sleps oflh e avc main

Imiiding are 14 of Ih e 18 women slwlel1ls

who resided in Ihe fral house Ihi I r ea r

FrOt1 row I(i llo righ l lennifer Rice

Ion [ Lee Ma rv MOllleilh M iddle ro w

Robill Roscol Kale Flanigan Lisa Tavlor Debbie Blech Lesli e Hu ngall Back row

l ana Kl llOn Carol Phillips l ennifer

TrollghlO n lulv Keenliside Healher Ross

Michele Durnall MissinRfrom Ihe piClure

are Brenda FOSler Chris Barrl es

Keily-LeiRh Thomas and Laura Hunl 0

Letters to the Editor Or Bert Ca rswell 7 1 of Brooks Alt a has repli ed to o ur request for informatio n on the watch fob letters F L T (O VCAA Alumni Bulletin March 19H3 Special Supmiddot pl ement) by sugges ting these stand for Friendship Lo ve and Truth the motto of the Indepcndent Order of Odd fell ows Are the re further op i nions~

Dr Alexander Bruyns 32 Sequin Was hington S A has se nt us informashytion on the Royal Canadian Army Veterishynary Corp (O VCA Alumni Bulletin

March 1983 S pec ial Supple ment) He was a ve te ri na ry offi ce r with the Gove rn o r Gcnerals Horse Guards in Toronto o n joini ng the RCAVC in 1938 and me ntioned the late Dr A R Yo unie 14 who served

with the RCAVC in World War One Further inform ation re RCAVC officers would be apprec iated

Dr Donald MacDonald 54 o f Edmo nshyton Ita also replied to our RCAVC inquiry with informatio n on the Corps badges He is a collector of militaria especi ally militar y cap badges o f which he has a collection of over 1600 He states cap badges of the RC VC are as scarce as he n s tee th

The O VC museum has o btained cap and uni form badges from Dr G A Rose IS la t address Picton and Dr W A Robenson 16 Tsawwassen BC eachof whom served as veterinary officers during World War O ne 0

In Memoriam Dr Owen Hinton 25 died on January 22 1983 in Florida Las t add ress Rt 4 Box 139 Jasper Florida US A 32052

Dr Vernon jensen 33 died on Dcshyce mber II 19 R2 Las t address 2485 Lon-din Lane St Paul in nesota US A

Dr Edward Burke 35 died on Ja nuary 21 1983 Las t addr ss P OBox 326 So uthport Conn US A 06490

Dr jack Warren 39 Date of death no t reported Last addre ss RR 3 W heatl y Ontario OP 2PO

Dr Wilfred Sherwin 40 died o n 0 tobc r 6 1982 Last address 432 W Washi ngton Street ampa Idaho S A83651

D r j ames Watt 49 died in August 1982 Las t address 790 Ho rtop Avenue Osha wa Ontario LlG 4N8

Or Peggy Godkin 55 died o n Decem ber 5 1982 Last address Inni sfai l Alt a 0

PEl Gets It T he Toro nto Glohe ald Mail of Fe bruary 19 1983 carried the follow ing announce shyment Charl otte town (CP) - Agric ultu re Minister Eugene W he lan announced today that $500000 has bee n appropri ated to

begin architectural pl ans fo r I $26-mi ll ion veterinary college here He sa id at a new confe rence the federal Go vern me nt w ill put up half the co nstruc tion cos t if the three Marit ime p rov inces s ha re t he o ther $ 13-lTI illi on out lay 0


The College of Social Science Alumni Association

PEGAS-US Editor Dorothy Barnes 78

stori ng The Log Farm a farmhouse dating back to the late 1800s Michelle says Michelle and Mustech thi s was a terrific expcrience and the best

N omad pioneer student administrator curator You mi ght ask what these words ha ve in common and the answer you would receive would be that they all aptly describe Miche lle McMillan 77

Mi chelle graduated with a degree in SociologyAnthropology At the same time she graduated from Algonquin Community Collegt with a correspondence course dipshyloma in what she terms M ustec h - Muse um Technology majoring In Exshyhibit esign

Currently assistant director at the Guelph Ci vic Muse um she has held thi s position since the spring of 1979 Her responsibilities include those of regis trar (mai nta ining dltaikd [i Ii ng systems) for the con serva tion of artifacts and ex hibit work She is co-ordinator of some 40 vo lunteers who are in volved in all facets of museum work (to become a muse um vo lunteer all one has to do is call Michelle and arrange for an interview )

When interviewing Michclk it was obvious she has a love for her work that she will pass on to oth~rs possibly some of the young children attending the education programs she supervi ses at the Guelph Civic Museum

Her mothers parents were homeshysteaders and she was brouoht up on stories about pioneering Her interest in pioneering and the Indian way of life was fo stered by a mothe r who had Indian friends and who would often visit these friends experiencshying their way of life even to sleeping quite often in a tepee

Thi s and the fac t that her family moved around a lo t from west to east influenced Michelles deep and lasting love of the past although with a lau gh she says Now I am of the opinion that my mother had a tendency to present a romantic version of the whole situation - espec ially to me as a young child It certainly influenced my interest in studying Anthropol ogy

Michelles ed ucation and working exshyperiences have bee n very infl uential in nurturing her love of the past She started

out at the University of Western On tario but left for perso nal reasons She worked for a ye ar and while working beca me apprenshyticed as a pattern drafter

ichelle mo ved to Ottawa after she had worked the year and regi stereu at Carl eto n Universi ty in Anthropology She studied this for one year and then became aware of a program offered at Algonquin Communit y College on the subject Mu seum Tech nolo gy

Her placement s in work situation while at Algonquin included a summer helping four yo un g me n on a project at the town of Bells Corners ne ar Ottawa re-

job she ever had There was no electr icity so eve rything

was done by hand Her group res tored doors gable-ends flo ors ceilings rtshypointed stone found at ions and raised the building on hydra uli c jacks The y also gl Lt~d windows re searched the huildin g and organized the veget ab le garden

Othelmiddot experiences have included work at thc Na tio nal Museum of Man thc McM ichae l Canadi an Collcction in Klcin shyburg the Wellington County Muse um and the S imcoe County Museum She has al so been a volunteer teacher at the Plains jndian Iroquois and Inuit Ga lleri es of the National M use um of Man

It was Guelphs gain when Miche lle found he rsel f pulled bac k to stud ying in order to co mplete her degree

Michelle is now well established in her position at the Guelph Civic Muscum and dt las t feels she ha s put dow n roots in a c ity she has an alleg iance to one she loves and fee ls more co mfortable in than any other She is involved in trying to build up a research library on local history and artifacts

When asked for pearl s of wisdom fo r new graduates Michelle volunteered that pcople need practical ex perience along with formal learning to balance their percept ion of a ro lc How apropos 0

Th e Cullege uf So cial Science Alumlli Associatioll ill-course scholarships ere Jreserl(d

rnelltlmiddot to lei Junine Crallt Ceog uJJnmiddot olld Virginia Suth erland Psrchologv Attending

tht un lIlOnr wert right Pro(essor Juliu s fugl Department oCeogrupilr and Pr(essor

Mike M(lIh f II~ Iei chuirmun DeJurtlllen t 0 PI cilologr Th e scilolorshiJI 01 $200

each oreul1ded in purt hr all (11 1(( gru llti-om til ( Alma Mawr Fu nd


Lan e Smit h 78 is a so ftware spec ialist Barbara (Cherry) Wilson 80 is pres shyGrad News with Software Ke netics in epean ently res iding at 45 Emily Street Grimsby

Ron Beveridge 67 is an e lementary special counselor with School District 88 Terrace B C

C R ichard Buc k 70 practices law WIth the firm of Weyli e Shortt Buck Hanshybridge Reidl Casselli and Mitchell in Waterloo

Lee D Wetherall 75 is an exec utive ass istant with AIcan in Kingston

Stewart McCann 76 is a lec turer with the University of Alberta Edmonton

Peter J Stanczyk 76 is living at 9940 Fa irmount Drive S E Apartment A-4

C algary Alta Since concluding his studies at Guelph Peter attended the social work course at Wilfrid Laurier University Watershyloo and received a Master o f Soc ial Work

degree in 1982 Peter is now married and he and his

bride We ndy are established as socia l workers with Alberta Social c rvices and Comm unity Health in Calgary We wish Peter and Wend y much happiness in their new partnership success in their choscn fi e ld and contentment in the ir Ii vc s together

Ted Boniface 77 is now n eative direc tor for Ce ntra l Al berta Broadcasting (CKRDshy

T V CKRD-AM and C FCR-FM) in Red Deer Ted has bee n awarded four c itations by the Radi o Bureau of C anada and was nominated for an Aetra Award as producer of the hes t radio program of1979 O ld news we reali ze but how are we going to know o therwise unless you let us know Thanks

Ted for updating us on your activities

Gurnam Singh 77 is an MC A student at the niversity of Ottawa

Roderick Hodgson 78 is back in his home town of H udson Que Rod is emshyployed by the Town of H udson Publi c

Works Departme nt he al so serves on the Town Planning C ommittee and is activel y involved with the volunteer fire department

Perr y Wilson 78 is liv ing in Spirit River Alta Since graduating from G uelph Perry

has obtained a masters degree in Anthropolshyogy from McG ill University and is princ ishypal of Ste Marie Elementary School in Spirit River

John Boyle 78 is presently living at RR 2 Brampton

Karen Russell 78 is a teacher with the Dufferin County Board of Education at Parkinson Centennial School Orangeville

Vicky Su therland 78 is an air traffi c

controller with the Mini stry of Transport Calgary Alta

Susan W alkowiak 78 is a real estate agent with the Safeguard Real Es tate Comshy

pan y Toronto

Craig Willms 78 is an assistant manager with the Toronto-Dominion Bank Watershy


Gordon Cominey 79 is a priest with the Holy Trinity Anglican Church in Edmonshy

ton Alta

Carol (Fogarty) Knox 79 is presentl y residi ng at R R 5 Woodstoc k

Susan Laushway 79 is a probation office r with the Solic itor G eneral of Alshybe rta in Edmonton

Richard E Larente 79 is production manager at Mac Mil lan Bloedel Ville

Mont-Ro yal Q ue

Bryce Andrews 80 has dec ided to conshytinul his education at the n i ve r~ ity of

Weste rn Ontario He is working on an M BA

Dianne M Grenier 80 is in her third year of Common Law at the University of Ottawa

Shauneen (McKague ) Bruder 80 is an MBA student at Queens University Kingston

Michele Forrester 80 is a comm unicashytions clerk w ith the Ontario Yo uth Employment Program Queens Park To shy


Peter Madott 80 is an ass istant product manager with S c Johnson an d So n Ltd


Elizabeth (Ferguson ) latos 80 is a volunteer co-ordinator with B ig Bro thersBig Sisters of Carleton County


Jane Stevens 80 is a teac her w ith the

York Board of Education in Aurora

Loretto (MacDonald) Sullivan 80 is an administrative assistant with Kert Advertis shying Toronto

Sylvia (Bossaer) Willms 80 is a Food

Services supervisor at the UI1Iversity of Guelph

Jane (Stevens) Tremblay 80 is a teacher with the York Board of Education Aurora Jane is married to David U of N Dakota

grad of 79

Lee Anne Burton 80 is a teacher with the Dufferin Peel R C SS Board Mi ss isshy


Maureen S inclair-Barnes 80 is an urban planner with the City of Brantford Husband

is Bruce Barnes 82

Su~ Jones 80 is continuing her education at the Univers ity of Alberta She lives at

11441-132 St 405 Edmonton Alta T M IG2 Bro ther-in-law John Sch neider CBS 73 graduated in Marine


Nicholas Boyadjian 81 is a special events co-ordinator with Unive rsity Ce ntre

Administration Uni ve rsity of Guelph

Debra (Philputt ) Gibson 81 is a te acher

w ith Pee l C ount y Board of Education in

Miss issa uga

Jim Gibson 81 is a branch representati ve o ffi cer with the Ca nadian Imperial Ra nk of

CommCfce Toron to

Linda Helin 81 is presen tly res iding in

C utler on the North C hannel of Lake Huron

Patti La France 81 is a teacher residing at 66-50 Fiddl ers Green Road London

Elizabeth (Crighton) Madge 81 is now married and re siding in Lethbridge Alta

Kathleen Martin 81 is a market research analys t w ith As tra Pharmaceutical s Miss i shy


Edward Leong 82 is administration

manager for the J J Tour Se rvi ce at the Jal an M aju Taman Jade Ce ntre Miri Branch Sara wak East Malaysia

Debbie (Ling) Therrien 82 is employed as cashiersale sperson for Gameway s Ark

Ltd Toro nto

Chin Lan (Kat ) Choi 82 is an executive shyofficer with the ational Produc tivity Board in Singapore Since graduating C hin Lan has married C hoi Chee Keong C PS 82 Much happiness and success to you both

John C Close 82 is a teac her with World University Services of Canada in Zimbabshywe Africa John is married to Mary M A Psych 8 1 WLU 0


The College of Biological Science Alumni Associatio~_~

BIO-ALUMNI NEWS Editor Dr John Powell

Executive CBS Alumni Association HONORARY PRES ID ENT Professor Bruce Sells Dean


Dr George Dixon Ph D 80 Zoology

PAST PRESIDENT Marie (Boissonneault) Rush BSc 80 Marine Biology

VICE PRESIDENT Chris Wren BSc 77 Marine Biology

SECRETARY-TREASURER Cam Portt BSc 77 MSc 80 Zoology

DIRECTORS David Airdrie BSc 82 Microbiology Krista Soper BSc 79 Marine Biology Lorrie Cosens BSc 79 Marine Biology Eric Cosens BSc 80 General Biology Keith Harris B Se 76 Marine Biology

EX-OFFICIO DIRECTORS Marie (Boisonneault) Rush BSe 80 Marine Biology Shawn Taylor BSc 83 Aquatic Biology Past President CBSSC Brian Wisenden President CBSSC

FACULTY ADVISORS to be chosen one from each DepartmentSchool

UGAA REPRESENTATIVE S Jan Watshyson BSc 75 Zoology Lorrie (Rolston) Cosens BSc 79 Marine Biology Rob Miln B Sc 81 Marine Biology

EDITOR BlO-ALUMNI NEWS Professhysor John Powell Human Biology 0

Please help us to help you When corresponding or upshydating information or address do tell us not only your year of graduation but your discipline

Where Are They Now The following 20 names were entered on the College of Biological Science Honour Roll for years 1976 and 1977 We w ish to know how your career has progressed and

FALL 1976

Brenda Henry (Marine Biology) and Winter 77

janis Kay 78 (Genetics) and Winter 77

Laurence McClure OVC 81 (Unshyspecialized and Winter 77

Linda (Nelson) Sinclair 78 (Human Kinetics) and Spring 77


Sherry (Bondorenko) Miller 77 (Hushyman Kinetics)

jellrey Chernoff 77 (Unspecialized)

Wendy Harris 77 (Major in Biology)

C harlene Kopansky 77 (Human Kineshytics)

Peter MacDonald (Human Kinetics) and Winter 78

Blain Mollatt (Microbiology)

Darjo Romani 78 (Major in Biology) also Fall 77 and Winter 78

Barry Rosen~rg 77 (Unspecialized)

Cheryl Rowe 77 (Human Kinetics)

FALL 1977

Gregory Casey 79 (Microbiology) also Fall 78 and Winter 79

William Crins 78 (Botany)

jill Cross OVC 82 (Unspecialized)

what you are doing currently Do you have intere s ting episodes to relate in the BIO-ALUMNI NEWS Please lets hear from you

David C a mpbell 78 (Major in Biology)

Richard Proctor 80 (Ecology)

Carolyn Robertson (U nspecialized)

joanne (Ryder) G unby 79 (Genetics) and Winter 79 0

Grad Bash 1983

Organized jointly by the CBS Alumni Association and the CBS Students Council in April more than 280 students alumni current and former staff and faculty sat down for dinner prior to presentations being made to our dean

Contributions came from members of the College and a bird sculpture fashioned by Uta Strelive Zoology was the first of many gifts

Next came a memory book containing many letters photographs clippings and a variety of incidents all pieced together by Association president Marie (Boissonshyneault) Rush 80

Betty Roff gave the dean a special book of clippings collected by herself Two framed portraits of Professor Ronald one already hung in the main office of McNally house the other for the Ronald family completed the tributes

Altogether this gathering was a fitting acknowledgement of a great man who has done great things for us all 0


Scholarships In the Names of

Ronald and PoweU The CBS Alumni Association is pleased to announce the introduction of a scholarship for graduate students in the name of Proshy

fessor Keith Ronald Professor Rona ld as of July I had served for 12 years as the first dean of the CBS and the awarding of a

sc holarship in his name is a fitting tribute to

all he has done fo r the College the Univershys ity and the CBS Alumni Assoc iation

The Hum an Kine tics Alu mni Assoc iashy

tion anno unced its intention to name an undergraduate scholarship in the School of Human Biology in the name of Dr John T Powell as he retires from the Unive rsity in 1984

Do nations to eithe r or both of these

sc holarship funds shou ld be sent direc tl y to the Department of Alumni Affairs and Development-clearly ind icati ng to which sc ho la rs hip your donation is to be alloca ted - or when contributing to the Alma M ater F und noting that your monie s

be channeled to the sc holars hip of yo ur choice 0

Grad News Biological S cience

Lesley (Wilson) Barton 73 and Bruce 70 MSc 74 live in Keremeos B C R R No I VOX JNO will find them

E thel Anita Hamilton 79 and hu sband

Wayne Barcha r d 76 MSc 79 live in Hali fax NS where Ethel is a habitat proshy

tec tion technician with fishe ries and Oceans while Wayne is head Office Assessment Scction Environment Canada 3rd Floor 45 Alderney Drive Dartmouth N S

Marilynne (Wise) McCausland 77 is a research microbiolog ist with Molson Bre wshyeries of Canada Ltd and may be reached at 1555 No tre Dame East Montrea l Que H2L 2R5

Michael W Tate 79 write s mos t kindly thanking us for kee ping people in touch through th is column He is a teac her at Mo rnings tar Secondary School in Mi ss isshysauga

Natalie Mary Olynyk 79 may be reached at 3 120 Duffer in Street in T oronto where she is re staurant manager for Olyn yk Foods Ltd

Marine Biology

Gl en A Packman 74 and Sharon (Noda ) Arts 72 li ve at 21 Albion Road Hali fax S B3P IP8 Glen is a senior

biologist with En vironment Canada

Jo l1n Plumb 76 and M arianne (Conshynoly ) 77 may be reached at 37 Coldstrea m Road Box 303 Munster Ont KOA 3PO John works as an indu strial engineer with

the Mitel Corporation - Kan ata

Human Kinetics and Human Biology

Joy (Reid) Tomes 70 is a team coshyordinator with the Workman s Co mpensashytion Board- 2 Bloor St East Toronto Ont oM7W IA2

Terry Obi Oblinski 71 holds the pos it io n of supervisor with the 3M Comshypa ny at 2 Craig Street Pe rt h Onto K7 H 3C5

Robert T a p Fawcett 72 teac hes at the W 1 Fenton Secondary Schoo l R R 0 10 in Brampton Ont L6V 3 2

Marie-Andree (Pi lon) Poulin now teache h igh school in Montreal write her at 76 Lesage Repent igny Que J3A 5Y5

Dr Tom Elmslic 74 M-Sc 77 is a g lutton for punishment as he isjust complet ing another MSc this time in Epidemi o lshyogy at McM as ter University preparatory to his return to Ottawa

Glen Paterson 78 of 16 Da lto n A ve nue T hunder Bay On t P7B 4E9 is ea rl y chi ldhood educato r with the Confederation o f Applied Art s and Technology B ro ther Larry R Paterson g radu ated with a BLA in 69

Eric bullbull Art Arthurs 80 is s till at 12272 shy110 Avenue Edmonton Alta T5M 2L3 He work s for Consolidated Concrete Limshyi ted as a dragl i ne opera tor

Henry Fox 81 lives at 1520 Verdi La Salle Que H8l I K4

Christine (Krumbacher) F()se 81 may be reached at Box 252 2 Banff Alta TOL OCO

Ch rist ine (Novakuske) Lavallee MSc 81 is a stude nt again stud ying French and living at 0428A Larose A ve nue Mo nt real Que H2B 2Z2

Ginger (Thompson) Elmore 81 seeks work in the geriatric field Are you able to help Write he r please at 107 Ontario Avenue Komoka Onto NOL IRO

Don Doc Wilson 81 is physica l direc tor at the Waterloo Family YMCA Lincol n Road Waterloo Ont N2J 2N8

Jan McMullan 82 ne wly wedded to Mark Newcombe MSc 83 is presently ass istant manager - Ri ordan s Sport S 183 Silvercreek Parkway in Guelph She tells us of four co usins who have g raduated fro m Guelph - Brenda (Bu lton) Dagg CSS 72 Bryce Dagg 72 Donald Sifton 70 and Bonnie (Sifto n) W alsh C SS 72

Fisheries and Wildlife

Lorna l Depuydt 77 is a price specia li st with Massey-Fe rg uso n Her adshydress is 3941 Whispering Wa No 6 Grand Rapids Mich USA 49506

Steven Kerr 77 works as di s trict biologist for the Mi nistry of Natu ra l Reshysources - 611 Ninth Avenue Eas t O wen Sound Ont NOH IS O

Richa rd P Bekolay 77 MSc 80 R R N o ) Carp Ont KOA ILO is a program analyst with Digital Equipment Corporation at Kanata

Marie Legrow 80 is once aga in a s tudent at Gue lp h li ving in Guelph at [02 Queen St reet North IE 4S I


Ann (Stewart) Gray 79 and husband Dr eil Gray 76 li ve at 40) - 251 Platts Lanc in London Ont N6 H 4P4 Ann is a re search assistant at the Universi ty of We stshyern Ontari o

Robe- W Marks 81 is a production trainee with Labatt Brewin g Comp any in Kitchene r


Dr Rob J Van Exan 74 MSc 76 PhD79 ho lds the position of manager Cell Culture Produc tion with Connaught Laboratories 1755 Steeles Avenue West Will owdale Ont M2R 3T4

Chuck Yipchuk 78 wo rks in Quebec 87 Senneville Road Sennev ille a s c oshyordinator of da ta at Bi o- Re search Laboratori es

Dr Harr y Nixon Chabwela W eza MSc 79 P h D 82 may be contacted at loni Katandika Vtllage Chief Kakumbi P O Box 154 Chipata Za mbia where he is a bio log ist wi th National Parks

Douglas Stendahl MSc 79 is with the -federal government s Minist ry o f Indian Affairs and Northe rn De velopment- P O Box 1500 Yukon N W T He is water quality officer


Rick Proctor 80 is a consultant with I P Sharp Associates 2 First Canadian Place Toronto Ont M5X IE3 0


The Ontario Agricultural College Alumni Association

ALUMNI NEWS EdJtor Dr Harvey W Caldwell 51

Financial Management Related to Agriculture One of the main sessions at the OAC Agricu ltural Conference 83 dealt wit h financial management as it relates to agricu lture Robert Sanderson who is with the Ontario Farm Adjustment Asshysistance Program was a main speaker and presented the following paper

Ten years ago most farmers were smilingshyagr icu lt ure see med to have finally gained its reward Worl d short age s of food provided ampl e markets and steadily rising prices lor prac tica lly all crops

Thi s idea li s ti c situation continued for a co uple of years until the granaries of the wo rl d were refi li ed De mand then norshyma li zed and pri ces for most agricultural prod ucts hega n to dec line In spite of price dec lines and li mited markets co nsiderable optimi sm conti nued to be fe lt o n the farm sce ne thro ughout mos t of the 1970s

Late in that peri od infl a ti on reall y ca ught fi re rai sing inpu t cos ts for supplie s and labour The ri se in land pri ces exceeded the most optimis tic es timates during this sa me time

In an a tte mpt to s te m thi s ra mpant infla tio n interes t rates increased almost threefo ld beg inning In 1979 and the world hega n it s slide into recession Farml and prices ceased to r ise in 198 1 and are now crumbli ng wi th uncer tain ty and lac k o f demand

We have no doub ts abo ut th e successshyful future o f ag ri cult ure hcre in Ontari o but today for many farmers adj ugtt me nts are necessa ry to remain so lve nt and for too many oth ers bo th adj ustme nts and so me ass iq an ce are necessary for their prese nt and future surviva l

There are some who are beyo nd he lp and farm bankru ptcies are at their highest leve l since the grea t Depression o f the 1930s These cond it io ns brought about the crea tio n of the On tari o Farm AdJustmcn t Ass istance Program (OFA AP) T hi s proshygram during 1 9~2 has bee n assisting eli g ible farmers who needed he lp

The re are two prime reaso ns fo r


fin anci al woes cited by appl ican ts - high interes t rates and lower farm incomes On the other hand the prime reaso n fo r ~ome

farmen probl ems e ited by lenders is ove r-e xpansion We be li eve both views are va lid and unques ti onabl y are respo ns ible for the prese nt ago ny and unres t on 100

many Ontario farms Le nde rs cite seve ral o the r importa nt

reaSl)l1S whic h also bea r o n the prob le m The borrowers oft e n refe r to them too but usuall y wit h di fferen t emphasis ThcY em shyphas ize the c lt treme instability of fa rm income the se rious lac k of pro per pl an ning bu dge ting accmatc farm record and fin all y the practice of making unprodu ctive investmcnts

Because of the qualifying criteria asshysociated ith an application for as s istan ce from OfAAP one must keep in mind that our observations are limited to about 10 per ce nt of Ontario farm operatlolls That 10 per ce nt is cl ose to the bottom of the gro up on the bas is o f financial sec urity OFA AP assista nce is limited to those produc ing Iood and tobacco Therefore data regard in g proshyducers of fl owers nursery stock race shyhorscs etc ha ( no t come he fore us and the financ ial ituati ons ltlr not inc luded in any of o ur informati o n

Applica ti ons have been appro ved for farmers operating all across the pro vince

Of the to tal approved about 20 per ce nt were in swine prod uctio n abou t 15 per ce nt were in eac h of cash crop prod uction da iry producti on and beef prod uct ion 4 per cen t were in fruit and vege ta ble prod uctio n 3 pel cent were tobacco fa rmers and the Ies t co mbinations of the above Those farm ers producing etgs and poultry were fe w

I n a review of appli ca tio ns for OFAAP ass istance several COl1ll1lo n sce nari os co nshytin ue to ap pear on a so me what re petiti ve has is and are ca tegorized as fo ll ows

1 Young or Beginning Farmers

Th ose under 35 years o f age wen res pons ishybl e for nearl y ha lf o f a ll the app li cati ons In thi s gro up are many who have Just begun fa rm ing Mo~ t of these arc victims of inopport un e tim ing hav in g acq uired land buildings and equ ipme nt be twee n 1979 and 19R2 For the m the combinati on o f lower th an ex pee ted prices of farm produc ts and the extre me inc reases in the ir fi na nc ing charges due to hi gh interes t rates_ have becn dlvas tatin g This is partic ul arl y true where Illos t assets were fi nanced the bcg inshyning equit y be in g Illodes t

2 The Aggres sive Expansionist

Many farmers who did well farming on a

modlst basis in the mid-70s dec ided that s ince o ne farm was pro fitabl e two wo uld be bette r three be tter than two Aggress ive

expan sion mos tl y on c redit du ring this i ntl a tio nary pe riod produced many paper millionaires in the farm co mmunity by the late 70s The elation fo r some of these

fa rmers d id not lasl far into the 80s T hose with 100 much bo rro wed cap ital

found that the ir farm income c ul d not

support the debt load So me of these

atlcmpted fu rthe r borro wing in an e ffort to mai nta in their ho l ding ~ and fo und ou t like o thers before them th at it is imposs ible to

borro w your way out of debt O thers so ld or tried to sell some o f the ir land o r eq uipment in an effort to re ti re at leasl o me of the ir cri ppling de bt and there by salvage at

least a part o f the ir operation

One rather sad varia tio n o f this las t s itua tion occ urs occ as io na lly whe re a

farmer who has had a succes~ fu l and so lvent opera tion decide to ex pand to a llow a son

o r so n- in-law into the bus in ss because of a des ire on the part of the young per on to

farm or occasionally because he is no t employed The expansion in Jand and eljuipment particularly if it occu rred in the

last three years and if it were do ne mainl y o n credit with a mortgage taken on his once so lvent operation has robbed the farmer of

his security and his peace of mind Furthershy

mo re in some of these s ituations the disappointed newcomer in the bus iness moved on leaving dear o ld dad to make the best of it

3 The Equipment Enthusiast

Another scenario concerns the man who is o bsessed with the need to ac quire equipshyment or to make add ition s and improveshy

ments to a lready adequate buildings To pay

for it out of the revolvi ng operating loan or to finance it in other ways withou t first having established that it will pay for itself will inevitably c reate financial problem s

Whe re there has been a general disregard for thi s kind of purchas ing the end resu lt has usually been disas trous

4 Natural Disasters

We regularly see the result s of natural

disas ters - floods windstorms hail frost disease and fires All of the se misfortunes can be c rippling to any operation but when adequate insurance coverage is not carried or if one of these di sasters occur whe n a farmers equity is low or when hi s princi pal and interest charges consume much o f his income it can be disastrous to his economic

pos ition

5 Family Unity

From OFAAP applicatio ns it is noted that some farmers who experience a marriage break- up seem to have diffi culty maintainshy

ing fi nanc ial solvency W hen asse ts are

di vided and whe n atte nt ion to management

is di e r ted hccause o f family pro blems the farm operation is often morta ll y wounded

Farmers and farm op ratnr are much more vulnerable in this si tua tio n because thei r

wives arc o ften much more invol ved in the e lllerprise than in non- farm situations

6 Offmiddot Farm Income

Appl ications incl ude a great nu mher of

insta nces in which if it were not fo r 0 ffmiddot fa rm income o f either the farmer or his wife or

occas io na lly both the ir farm o peratio n wo uld be tota lly un viable and unab le to continue to fu nc tion It is well the n fo r

those in th se c ircumstances to r cogniu tha t if the off-farnl inco me should e nd it wo uld also mea n the te rmination of the

farming operatio n

7 Enterprise Changes

A review 0 f appli ca tions indicates that some

farmers are hoping to comple tely change

thei r c rop or li ves toc k programs attemptin g perhaps to outguess the marke t and to

improve their financial return s Sometimes the expectation in vo lved in the dec is ion is

correct but so o ften when the costs inshyvol ved in the c hange are considered little

has been gai ned and where the deci s ion to change was unwi se co nsiderable loss is

usually the result The ot her extreme to this

situation is rigidity to the poi nt of makin g no changes at all

8 Manage ment

The management ability of any applicant

farmer is difficult to assess Most applicants are not known and there is no opportunity to assess the actual farm operation Ho wever

experience with OFAA P emph asizes that good financial management is c ritical to the

success of any farm operation Here is a li s t of definite Do and

Do nts that should be much in the minds of farmers operating in the present financial climate All of these suggestions re tlect the ex periences we have had working with

appli ca tions for O FAA P

The Definite Dos

Do base an operation on an informed farm

plan keep ing and using good record~ and approved acco unting proced ures Do work c losely wi th the credit source shy

usually the banker Plan and work within

approved revo lving ope rating loan limits Make regular cred it payments when due and when unable to make p ro per arrange shy

ments ahead of time w ith your c reditor or credito rs Do make necessary adju stme nts in land and equipm e nt befo re u nder tak ing further borrow in g Do shop around for cred it and i nve~ tig ate

ava il ah le programs to cu t credit cos ts Do pay off on loans when surplus cas h is

ava il able It won t be any fun but it w ill

he lp to re tain sol vency Do try to ma intai n stability in your far m o peration and kee p the peace a t h IllC

Do seek the professi o nal adv ice of you r ag ric ultu ra l represe ntative anJ Ir indwtry fiel d per~on ne I

The Definite Donts

Dont borrow for capita l items unless they

are abso lu te I y necessary Dont make capi ta l purchases with funds

frolll your revo lvi ng opera ting account w ithout co nsul ta tion and agreeme nt with

the bank manager Dont expand any operation without sound

pl ann ing Dont plunge and make rapid changes in

the ope rati ng patte rn without so und consultation 0

Partners For 70 Years

Arthur Cowie 09 now 95 and his wife Nina now 92 were married March 19 1913 near Nel son B C They li ved in

HC for three years then returned to Caledo nia where Arthur worked for the A

Jone s bakery He returned to the 200-acre farm homestead in 1922 when his father

was kill ed in a farm accident Arthur se rved in the 19305 and early

19405 as co uncillor and also served as

a Ju s tice of the Peace for the farm communit y

Nina Co wie whose g reat lo ve was

dancing has onl y one regre t and that is tha t she could never get her hu sband o nto the -dance floor The Scotti ~ h dances Hig hlan d

tlin gs and Scotti sh reels made hi s head spin He played the record s and watched

from the sidelines while ina did the danc ing

They have no secrets tor a long happ y marriage excep t working at it Theyve

done Jus t tha t for 70 years Bes t wishes to them both 0


OACGrads on Faculty at Nova Scotia Ag College

Lauranne Sanderson M Sc 81 is with the Humanities Department She specialized in Animal Science in her undershygraduate years but added to that a master program in Agricultural Economics Lauranne has lived on a mi xed lives t()c k and cash crop farm in southern O ntario At the No va Scotia Agricultural College (NSAC) she is teaching Tec hnical W riting but is specializing in the area of Com munications and Agricultural Extension

Barbara (Otrysko) Mulkewytch 78 MSc 81 is with the Plant Science Deshypartment Prior to her appointment at NSAC she was employed as a potato crops specialist with the New Brunswick Departshyment of Agriculture Her teaching and research will include projects on potato and crop protect ion

Yes Surry MSc 81 is with the Economics and Busi ness De partment Yves was born in Pamiers France has an M A fro m the nivers ity of Pari s and is in the process of completing his Ph D from Guelph Yves has a strong interes t in teachshying and his research interests hould be a welcome addition to the reg ion He is pre sent ly teaching courses in Micro and Macro Economic Theory

Laurie (Gaunt) Connor 73 is w ith the Department of Animal Science She earned MSc and Ph D degrees specia li zi ng in reproduct ion phys iology from the nivershysity o f Manitoba Prior to joining NSAC she was a NSERC Vi iting Fellow at the Animal Research Centre in Ottawa Her teaching and research work is mainly in the re producti ve physiology field

Also at NSAC are Sheree Porter CSS 79 and Myrna (Porter) Blenkhorn 76 John Shug 37A and 40 is the sec re tary o f the Nova Scotia Agricultural College Alumni Association 0

Please help us to help you When corresponding or upshydating information or address do tell us not only your year of graduation but your discipline

Th ree generatiuns of heramify were present when fleather Rohinson right centre FACS 83 graduated ut Wim er Convocation With her f rom [eji to righture her grandfather John Inglis her moth er Vlarirn (Inglis ) Robinson Mac 55 0 member of the Uni versirys Boord of Govern ors ond her father Doug Rohinson 53

Above Mllrrav Ma cGregor 5 1 lei with the winners of the OAC s 25th annual Alumni Curling Bon spiel Left to right GeorRe Robinson 651 Mu rrav Elliotl 65A Keith Murru 65A and Jern- Forestell 6511 Right OAC Alumni Associashytion president Hell ry Slanle 55 right was preslntedwith un engraved pewta stein to recugnie 25 years of participation ill Ihe bOlspiel Conshygratuluting Henry is Bill Harrison 62 bonspiei commillee chuirman


the individual members excellence andThe Ronald S Ritchie Le cture integri ty

This idea for the new body was not accepted by members of Cabinet They

The Opening Up of PubHc PoHcy The Opening Up of Public Policy was

Selllior Michael Piffields fopic when he

delifred fhe annual Ronald S Rifchie

LeclUre of fhe UniversifY in March

A Rmduafe ofSf Lawrence Universify

17 ( graduafed in lawjrom McGill UniversifV

and holds a Rrodlla fe diploma in Public La w

Fom Ih e UlliversifY ofolIa wa H efirsl joined Ihe Public Service as an

wlminislrafive assiSfam in Ihe Depa rimem

oJuslice in 1959 Ialer served onlhe sraffof Ih e Goernor General and as secrelary fO

117 1 Royal Commission on Taxalion In 1965

he joined Ihe Privy Council Office He

became depuly minisler of Consumer and

Corporafe Affairs in 1973 and Ihe followshy

inli year lOok up an appoinfmem as Fellow

in fhe John F Kennedy School of Governshy

mOl (If Harvard Un iversifY In 1975 he

relurned 10 Ollawa as Clerk of fhe Privy

Council and Se crelarv 10 Ihe Cabinel

The annual leclre recognizes Ihe comrihwion made 10 fhe Universily by

former Board of Govemors chairman

ROllald S Rilchie A reporl on Senafor Piffields presemalion follows

Senator Pitfield paid tribute to Rona ld Ritchie his important work in the Glassco Commission and his influence in the estabshylishment of the Institute for Research on Public Policy

In thi s th oug htful and thoughtshyprovoking presentation Senator Pitfield outlined the need for and the desirability of more open discussion before policies are introduced but there are some very real difficulties associated with de vel oping some me chanis m that could foster and encourage such exchanges of ideas

[t was pointed out that because of the high degree of interdependency of modern society and the size and complexity of governments the making of public polic y must be an intellectual subject in its own right not just a conglomeration of di scishyplines It had become evident that

I A methodical analysis of government activity could lead to improvements in government effectiveness

2 Traini ng in making and managment of public policy was crucial and urgent

3 There were few in government who knew why things were done the way they were

4 The making and management of pubshylic policy was a subject unique in itself and required thinking through for itself

5 Universities and other training institushytions were not very useful in this training process universities being too removed from the actual experience of government and the government institutions being withshyout the detachment and intellectual rigour needed

Thus it became evident that there was a need for an institution that would be a repository of knowledge a pl ace of learnshying a foru m for debate and a means of communication co ncerning public policy

Proposal s emerged that the federal go vernment should assis t some of the organizations already in existence Comshypetition became keen and rivalry among institutions re su lted in grander more comshyplex proposals As a result the federal go vernment in 1968 decided to establish a think-tank of its own to take a more rigorous look at public polic y

The idea was not new In many countries the general thinking was that all problems could be so l ved by inrelleclUal anal ysis and the appl ication of modern techshyniques But the ne w Trudeau go vernment went even beyond providing more data It included public debate of public policy

But the think-tank was only one of the initiatives to aid in the formation of policies There was support for political parties through caucus funding offi ce space support staff and regional offices for Members of Parliament and internsh ip programs for students to work as assistan ts to MPs

Other support included green and white papers for discussion commissions of inquiry task forces public funding of non-political grou ps to encourage discusshysion and many others to increase the flow of information for consideration of alternashytives All were done to open up the process o f meaningful debate which would result in more effective and sound decisions

The th ink-tank was to be a centre for var ious kinds of people to di scuss public policy subjects which were often set aside because of day to day pressures At first it was to be very informal with distinguished people invited to participate Its integrity and permanency would be based on that of

were concerned that existing research instishytutes would be damaged They also wanted in volvement of business and professional communities This challenge to broaden the scope was gi ven to Ron Ritchie

Ritchie foresaw an institution that would be independent supported by an endowment which would not only support but st imu late debate on public policy

Man y fears were raised - that such a body would be taken o ver by academics that it would become a clique that govern shyments would battle for control etc But these were dealt with skillfully by Ritch ie and the Institute for Researc h on Public Policy was establ ished

What of its accomplishments~ This institute has been successfu l in

many ways in getting better information into debate [n the ten years since its beginning many studie s have been pubshyli shed It has held many informat ive confershyences and has a unique journal Howeve r despite its efforts open and meaningful debate on public policy is not much more advanced tod ay than it was a decade ago

It is evident that to ach ie ve its objecshytives there mu st be a willingess to change opi nions and the Canadian sys tem prov ides few forums for the changing of minds The bias is towards decision-makers and interest groups not open and meaningful debate

Public debate often takes pl ace after rather than before the decision is taken Thi s may not be what is wanted but policy-making is tilted not tow ards being open but towards being closed

Why has there not been more progress [n h is pre se ntation Mi chael Pitfield refershyred to the fact that the go vernment whose people should discuss the si tuation has become even more confrontational not because of lack of information but because of rigidity in their approach to discussion of public policy

As govern ment ha s grown so have checks and balances which recently have often been linked to lack of confidence Where slim majorities exist a strong opposhysi tion can threaten the government Party di sc ipline becomes severe and ai ring of independent views is discouraged The fear of a government being defeated on the one shyhand and the unyielding demands ot the opposition on the other tends to make the parliamentary process less and less flexible

The result of the foregOing is the tendency of government in modern times to drop solutions on a public th at may not be aware of the problems These solutions are not open to argu ment and debate is reduced

conld over


w ith bias tending towards a cl osed system and less debate

To improve the situation it seems it wlluld be necessary to have a mutual and

ba lanced reduction of force on both sides

The ge neral equilibrium of the system needs to be ma in tained W hat is needed is the reduction of secre tiveness of the gove rn shyment on one side and a reduc tion of the

danger of e mbarrass ment or de fea t of the govern men t on the other side

T here must be a wil li ngness to secure

more ope n debate on al l sides and our

leaders ha ve not done that e ven on m ost import ant issues More ope n and rneltll1 ingshyful deba te will require more thi nk ingshy

thro u middoth - something Mc mbers of Parlishy

ame nt may not he able to do or be free to do or have the necessary knowledge to do But the id ea behind the Institute for Remiddot

search on Public Policy was tha t such a body could bring about better decisions

All publi c problems cannot be solved by thought and tech nolog ics but few can be solved without these contr ibutions

The Institute for Research on Public Policy cannot create better public policies

by itself It must have input from all sectors to bring about more open and meaningful public debate which will result in constant

improvement of government - somethin g

that everyone desires 0

Grad News Herb Nor ry M Sc 52 has moved to

London as a farm business advisor wit h

O M AF working in eight counties

Denny Silvestrini PhD 5R is director of quality controlresearch and de velopment Eskimo Pie Corporation Ric hmond Virshy

ginia SA He had served as manager quality control and product deve lopment

Ralston Purina Co mpany St Luuis M isshysouri U SA

John Hagarty 61 is manager fi e ld

service s Rural O rganizati ons and Serv ice s Branch OMAF Guelp h

Ismail Siragcldin Ph D 62 is professor Department of Population Dynami cs and

Political Economics the Johm Hopkins

University Baltimore Md S A

Arlene (Fournier) 65 and Dick Flis

MSc 65 are in Edmo nton Alta where Dick is petroleum products manager wes tmiddot ern Canada Imperia l Oil Ltd

Craig Hunter 66 is pre sident Cra ig

Hunter Poult ry Farms Ltd Stro ud

Colin Triver s 67 is a consulting e ngineer and On tario land surveyor for e G Trivcrs

Ltd T he ssalon

Peter Mosher Ph D 70 is director

bureau of agric ultural prod uctio n Depart shyment of Agriculture Ba ngor Me USA

Cordon Brown 76 is sen ior food techshynolog is t new prod ucts process developshy

ment Tho masJ Lipton Inc in Bram pton

Martel C outure MSc 76 is acting di rec tor d iploma progra m Macdonald Colshy

lege Ste nne de Belle vue Que

Charlie Ellintt 78 vnfe Ja ne and

first -born Ian C harles born Jan uary 20

1983 are living near S hetland C harlie is now working fo r Elliott Bros G rain and Feed Ltd

Dennis Ring 78 is credit manager Farm C redit Corp C hatham H is wife is Carnl (Weeks) 79

R Cunrad Genee 79 is a sales represhy

sentative with CIBA-Geigy Canada Ltd in

Winnipeg Man

Howard Armstrong RO is an industrial

engineer with the B utler Ma nufacturing Co (Canada) Ltd Nisku Alta

Bruce Broadbent PhD 80 is a research scientist entomology with Agriculture

Canada Vineland Station

Mic hael Tulloch 80 has been accepted as

a professional engineer by the Council of the APEO He now manages engineering functions for eG Trivers Ltd Thessalon

BruceGitelman 81 will be joining Wood G undy Ltd Investment Broke rs as a

corporate finance associate in September

Danicllc Wenstrom 81 is a quality a ss urance su pe rvisor for Pil lsb ury of Canada Ltd M idland

Christine Deslandes MSc R2 is a lecturer at Alfred Col lege of Agricu ltu re

and Food Technology A I fred

Diploma Graduates

Donald Morley 68A is ge nera l ma nager De Marco Homecare Ce ntre Sutton West

Jeffrey Currah 74A is marke ting man shyage r Fortam ix-a division of BASF

Canada Inc Georgetown

Brian Roberts 76A is a welder with Hillcook Ind ust ri es Ha milton 0

In Memoriam Raymond David Ure 15A and 21 January 24 In3 ~uddenly a t Tecumse h

age 87 He had bee n very act ive un til

recently H is son Donald re is it

graduate of 49

Dr Genrge M Stirrett 20A and 22 died December 15 1982 H is many co nshy

tri bu tiono had bee n recogni zed by the Heritage Canada Found ation The fo llowshy

ing is an account of the tribu te pa id to him Fe bruary 16 1 9~ I at Government HDu~e

O ttawa

His Excelle ncy Gove rnor Ge nera l

Edward Sc hrcyer prese med the Commun imiddot cations A wards Atl antic Reg ion to Dr

George M St irrett of Grand Falls Ne w

Bru ns wick Dr Stirrett has been comm itted to natural h is tory conservation for ma ny

years bo th before and after hi s ret ire ment from the Canadian W ildlife Service and Parks Canada in 1964

He worked hard for the preservation of the falls and gorge area at Grand Falls

and on other conservation needs in Ne w Brunswick and Ma ine He has also written

on the iss ues of conservation using Ihe pcn name G raham Vail and since April 1979

has publi shed a weekly column Notes on atural History in the G rand Falls

Cataract His columns stress the appreciashytion and enjoyment of nature as well as the need for preserving it

Norman Hodgins MacBeth 23 Fe bruary 3 1983 in St John N B He had retired in

1967 as General Manage r of General Dairies Ltd

David R Owen 25 in Medi c ine Hat

Alta February 6 1983 at age 82 He was a di rector of the fi rs t ollege Roy al and spe nt

most of his li fe teachi ng and farmi ng in Saskatchewan

Ronald John Quinn 35 Fe bruary 17 1983 in London His wife Helen (Farshyquhar) is a lso a graduate o f 35

Bruce Douglas Innes 36 passed away Septe lllber 29 19 82 D uring his college

years he took part in ma ny ac tivitie s bu t he -re membered with particu la r pleasure be ing Grand C hampion Showman College Royal

35-the first time that the honour had bee n won by anyone o ther than a fou rth year man Bruce owned and operated a dairy

farm at Burford since I 939 and was an

acti ve and ded icated farmer until his death

H is wife Margaret died in A pril 1983 T hey leave daughters Lorna Lawrence

Mac 68 and Karen and son Robert 0


Macdonald Institute College of Family and Consumer

Studies Alumni Associat ion

ALUMNI NEWS Editor Joan (Anderson) Jenkinson 66


BASc Grads-Class o f 80

EntploYDlent Survey T he University s Counselling and Reshysource Centre recentl y completed an inshyucpth survey covering the empl oyment activities of the 211 graduates who in 19RO earned Bachelor of Applied Sc ience Degrees

The survey indicates th at gradu ates are e nj oy ing a variety of interes ting and chalshylenging careers

A gratifying 73 per cent of th e graduates re sponded to the survey with 51 per cent of the respondents indi catin g that they have completed or are completing graduate degrees or programs on a full- or part-time bas is Of the 153 respondents 78 per ce nt including one who is self emshyployee have full-time employment The remainder are employed part-time or are pursuing further studie s

Li sted below are the indicated ca reers chosen in the four major areas of study

Applied Human Nutritio n

ut ritiond ietetics Food service administration More than 50 per cent of the responshy

dents obtained reg istered profe ss ional dietishytian certificates The Admini strati ve Emshyphasis course is no longer offered in the

Applied Human utrition program It is available through the Bachelor of Comshymerce program

Family Studies

A number of grad uate s found posit io ns in teac h ing or social services such as

Adult protecti ve service workers Infant de ve lopment specialists Geront ology consultants Supervisors and field workers with social service agencies Other Family Studies graduate s are

working in government srv iees and in the private ec toras home economists financial co un se llors librarians hostel managers Family Studies graduates tend to sl ck caree rs in the helping profess ion s

Consumer Studies

There are four emphasis areas 01 study within this maj or The survey indicates that

Food gradu ates are employed in areas of produci development marketing and food technology with majo r food companies Hou si ng emphasis graduates are wo rkshying with government agencies and in teac hing

Consumer Beha vio ur e mph asis graduates are in industry business and res earc h Tex tile and Clothin g e mph asis grads are employed in research merchandi sshying and banking Often after working for a year or

more Consumer Studies graduates will return to gradu ate study o r profess ional programs on a full- or part-time bas is

Child Studies

Many Child Studies graduates are emp loyed in teaching supervisory or other child-care related sett ings such as soc ial work with fami lies and children Re ported part -lime and temporary em pl oy ment pos ishytions include work as supply teachers child care supervisors special education leac hers and as lecturers in uni ve rsity settings

It is imporl an t to note that this emshyploy ment survey reports the caree r paths chose n by onl y one graduating cl ass Dat a is collccl~d on a yearl y bas is from gradu ates in Family and Consumer Studies In order to observe the broad scope of employment opportunities avail able a four-year tabulashytion wo uld pl~ c nt a more complete picture of the profess ional activities of graduates

In summary FACS programs offer students a sound educational background to meet the need s of i nduslry educational institut io ns governme nt and bus in c The future for FACS graduates is indeed bright as the College co ntinues to gro w and develop programs to meet the challenges of the 80s 0



BASc Gradsmiddot Class of 80 Further Education Pursued

Major Total

Graduates Number of

Respondents R PDt BEd MEd MSc MD MA

Applied Hum an Nu trition 65 45 23 3 I

Family Studies 64 44 19

Consumer Studies 48 33 2

C hild Studies 34 31 II I I I

TOTAL 21 1 ( 1007c)

153 (73 oc )

23 32 I 4 I I

FACS Has New

Dr Richurd Burhunl

Dean Professor Richard M Barham was apshypointed dean of the College of Family and Consumer Studies for a fi ve-year term effective July I 1983 He succeeds Dr Janet M Wardlaw who has served as dean since 1969

Professor Barham has been chairman of the Department of Family Studies since

1976 and served as acting dea n in [980 while Dean Wardlaw was on administrative leave

A graduate of the University of Otago Dunedin e Zealand Richard Barham received a Ph D degree from the University of Alben a dmonton in Ed ucational Psychology

He has served on the faculty of the Department of Educational Psychology at the University of Alberta and as professor and acting chairman of the Department of Education University of Otago

While in New Zealand he was an executive member of the council of The Ne w Zealand Psychological Society and served as its president

At Guelph he has taught both undershygraduate and graduate courses in the Deshypartment of Family Studies and has supershyvised graduate students

He has been active on many University committees during the past seven years He is a past chairman of the Board of Graduate Studies and has been a member of the

Committee on Academic Priorities the Committee on University Planning the Liaison Committee and several others

He has also been a consulting educa shytional psycholog ist with the Wellington County Separate School Board since 1979

Prolessor Barham and his wife Joan have a family offour Joan recently returned to the University of Guelph for further study Daughter Vick y 19 is a student in Economics at Queens University Lisa 17 and Christopher 14 attend Ce ntennial CVJ while Tania 12 is completing her studies at College Avenue School

Music is very important part of the Barham familys life with active invoheshyment in the Suzuki String School and the Guelph Youth Orchestra Gardening is a hobby enjoyed by both Richard and Joan

Members of the Mac- FACS Alumni Association extend a sincere welcome to Professor Barham We look forward to meeting and working with him in the future as he fills the challenging position as dean of FACS 0

FACS Prof First

Dr M urlin MUllhclIs

Director P ro fessor Anne Martin Matthews De shypart me nt of Family St udi es has been ap shypointed the first director of the Gnontology Research Centre The establi shment of the Centre was announced last February A research grant of $237000 from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada will fund the Centre for the first three years

Professor Martin Matthews has been conducting research related to the needs and interests of older segments of the populashytion as well as teaching courses in such areas as social gerontology and marital and family dynamics in Family Studies She has been a faculty member with the Department of Family Studies since 1978

She also has been active beyond the campus in programs related to aging She is chair-elect of the social sciences division Canadian Council on Gerontology and will begin a two-year term in the chair of that organization this year

She is also first vice-president of the

Ontario Gerontology Association and a member of the scientific advisory commitshytee of the Gerontology Research Council of Ontario She is a graduate of Memorial University of Newfoundland and McMaster University

With a steadily increasing percentage of the popUlation in the retirement age bracket it is important to understand more fully the ir needs and cuncerns sa ys Proshyfessor Martin Matthews The en tre will deal with the ag ing family and environshymental contexts In the latter sense we will be examinin g such things as the difference bet wee n aging in an urban and a rural society as well as issues like housing and the aging

The new Gerontology Research Centre will provide facilities to assist faculty members and graduate students doing reshysearch on aging The Centre will facilitate integrate and co-ordinate studies on aging within the University the director says

Research on aging is now being carried out at the Universi ty in such Departments as Family Studies Geography Psychology Nutrition Human Biology and SocioluFY and the Centre will be able to provide a medium for cross-fertilization of ideas among the many researchers in the field

Professor Marlin Matthews says that the Centre will be working co-operatively with other similar research centres in Onshytario such as the one at the University of Toronto in promoting research on aging The Centre will also sponsor conferences and workshops that relate to the special needs of older citizens in their communities

Guelph has demonstrated an interest in gerontology since 1970 when research projshyects began and courses dealing with aging were offered in the Departments of Family Studies and Psychology Since 1981 the Un i versity has offered gero ntology as part of the Famil y Studies major in the Bachelur of Applied Science program 0

A Thank You Dear A luml7i

1-Iwl 10 Ihonk oil Ihe uumni inloll(d wilh

Ihc cr special send-oj gien to me ill

recognition of Ihc complelion ofmv Icrm as


So man of ou -Ierc invocd shy

whelhcr or nOI ou -Iere able 10 (fIend Ihe

recognition receplion in Toronlo on May

29 I oppreciacd Ihe man good llishes

which come from ocross CClrado ond from

such dislOlIl places as Indio and Chara

Your generous gifls u Imc Irolld of

pcarls und a bonk aCCOlll11 vhich came lVilh

Ihe slrong suglcslion Ihal [should IIc 10

Vnv Iculand lverc Irul overllhelll1ing

The Air lCll Zcalundjlighl bag jJacked wilh

1111 SOriS of nccessiliel added 10 Ihe jim

middotre had 01 Ihe rcceplion

Many Ihanksfor your SUppOri over Ihe years and for your good wishes as I begin

my car ofadmin is Ira live leave

Yours sincerelv

Jonel M Wardlaw 0


Dr Louise

( Bailltlj

Heslop 67

Off - To


Dr Louise (Bazi net) Heslop 67 has JO ined the School of Business at Carlton Unive rsit y O ttaw a Over the next two years through an arran geme nt with Ca rlton Unive rsity she will be cco nded on a

part-time basis by Stati sti cs Canada where she will join the Research and Analysi s

D ivision Loui se completed her MSc at Guelph

in 1969 and continued as lecturer in the

ne wly-es tablished Department o f Co nshysumer Studies In 1977 she compktcd a Ph D in Business Administration (Marketshying) at the University of Western Ontari o

and rejo ined the Department of Consumer Studies ri si ng to the rank of ass oc iate professor

Louise was e lected to the board of

di rectors of the Mac-FA CS Alumni Assoc ishyati on in 1977 se rvin g as secretary-treasurer until May 1981

We ex tend our best wishe middot to Loui se

her husband Lome O A 70 and their dau ghters Jose tte 5 and C la ire 2 Lorne is employed by Agriculture Canada in

Ottawa and is currently completing an M Sc in Engineering at the University of

G uelph Coun try li ving is a high priority with

the Heslops They are deli ghted with the purchase of a farm near Almonte a nd look

forward to the best of both worl d s - profess ion a lism in the city and lei sure in the countryside 0

Grad News Helen (Clifford ) Beswick 48D is se lf empl oyed as a studio potter in her home in Dundas

Margaret (Kennedy) jarvis 54D is a realestate age nt in Kingston

Pat (Hall) McDowell 65 is with the

United Missionary Soc iet y Jlorin Kwora State ~igeria

Joanne Patterson 66 is a se ni or project o ffmiddoticer w ith Indi an and Northern Affa irs Ottawa

Leslie (Mowat) Hemming 68 is teaC hin g in Woods tock

Mary (Jany) Toms 68 is employed with Health and We lfare Canada Ottawa

Sarah (Spencer) Coomhs 70 is an assistant director wi th the Co nsumer Inforshymation Centre of the Ontario Government


Meredith Fi lshie 70 is an ana lyst w ith the Ministry of State for Economic and Re g ional Development O ttawa

S heila (Fahner ) jarvie 70 is a nutrishytion ist w ith the K- W Hospital Kitchener

Donna j ohnstone 70 o perates Donn as Ha ndmade Clothin g for Men amp Wo men Gabiola Isla nd B C

Lorraine Holding 71 is manager of program development with the Rural Orshyga nizatio ns and Services Branlh Minis try of Agriculture and Food located at the Gue lph Agriculture Centre

Beve r ly Lee 72 is a chairperso n with the York Region Board o f Educ at io n

Laurie MacLeod 72 is a district manager with Beaver Foods Mlss issauga

Kathy Camelon 73 is a dietitian at the Toronto Genera l Hospita l

Tirnoth) Fleming HAFA 74 a ses ionaJ lec turer with H AFA teaching business law has been adm itted to the partne rshi p o f the law firm of Harper Haney and White of Waterl oo

Isabel (McBride) H o well 74 is an e lementary school teacher with the Watershyloo Co unt y Board of Educatio n Camshybridge

Mary Ruston 75 is a Famil y Studies teacher at Inge rso ll District High School

Kathryn Anderson 76 is a supervisor with Westmini ster Family Day a re London

Hester Cooper 76 is employed as a research officer with the New Zealand Dairy

Research Institute in Palmers ton North ew Zealand

Patr icia (G a rland ) Desaul niers 76 is with patient fo od se rvices Alberta Hospishyta l Edmo nton

Noella Li 76 is aclinical dietitian wi th the

ictori a Hospital London

M eredith (Evans) Hea rtwe ll 77 is

teac hing in Mississauga

Deb Wey 77 is patient food se rvices manager at SI John Regio nal Hospi tal SI J()hn NB

Susan (junes ) Wilcox 77 is food se rvices

superviso r with the Baye re st Ce ntre for Ge riatric Care 0

A ThankYou The c lass of Mac 380 wishes to extend a

sincere thank you to all alumni who have con tributed to the Mac 38 0 Class Geronshy

to logy Scholarship Fund The gradua te s tudent scholarship in

the recently de ve loped area ot Ge ronto lo gy at FACS is being established by the class of 38D in recog nition of their 45th annivershy

sary in 1983 All Univers it y of Guelph grads are

in vited to parti c ipate in this project funds for which will be so li c ited until December

1984 [f you wish to con tribute please make you r cheq ue pay ab le to the Univers ity o f Guelph Alma Mater Fund specify that it is to be applied to the Mac 38 D Class Gerontology Scho larship Fund and mail to

the Deve lo pment Office Room 273 John shysto n Hall Uni ve rsity o f Gue lph Guelph

Ontario N IG 2W J Th an ks again for yo ur suppo rt from

Elle n Downie Mary Singer Doris Durran t and Jean Carter- the Mac 38 D sch o larship committee 0

In Memoria m We regret to announce the death of the following al umnus

Margaret L (MacKenzie) Smallwood 401) December 1982 in Lakeland Fla




The College of Physical Scie nce Alumni Association

SCIMP Editor Bob Winkel

phy sics grant selection committee of thc atural Sciences and Engineering Research

Council for two years he was intimately involved in all the major re search de velopshyments in Canada in this field Hc feels that his e lec tio n to the Royal Society of Canada will help raise the prot1le of high-energy physics in this co untry and lend stren gth to Canadian experimenters

The citation prepared for his nominashytion to the Royal Society of Canada reads

Professor Karl is a high energy the ori st whose work is widely recognized interna tionally His deep physical insight and hi s kn ow led ge of mathemati ca l methods led to the quark model of baryon resonances based on quantum chromoshydynamics which has been enormousl) successful in describing experimental reshysuits H is re sea rch is characterized by striking originality and an ability to COIll shy

bine basic ideas from different field s as in the predictions of a new effect - neutron optical activity

Gabriel Karl is married and has one daughter W hen he is not probing the sec re ts of the universe he indulges himself in music theatre and the fine arts

He visited the Unive rsity of Briti sh Columbia in Vanco uver in May for the induction ceremony into the Royal Society of Canada on the occas ion of the Annual Meeting of the Society It marked he sa id the culmination of a long string of benefits that [ ha ve enjoyed throughout the 23 years 1 have lived in Ca nada [ have every rea son to be very grateful to th is country D

Erratum In the Sprin g issue o r SCiMP it was erroneously reported in the c utline accompanyin g a pict ure of Departshyme nt of Physics student scholarship winners that they were the recipients of 0 er $ 1500 We dropped a zero The fi gure should have read $ 15000 Sorry about tha t Ed

Elected to Royal Society

Dr Cooiel Korl

The election of Dr Gabriel Karl to a Fellowship of the Roy al Society of Canada represents what one of hi s colleagues Dr Peter Egelstaff desc ribe s as a rare honour which reflects great credit not only on Dr Karl but also on the Uni versi tys Departshyment of Physics

The Royal Society of Canada founded in 1882 to promote learning and research in the arts and sciences has numbered among its Fellows virtually all of Canadas most distinguished intellectual le ade rs of the last J00 yea rs Standards are jealously guarded and Fello wships are awarded only as a result of outstanding world-class ach ieve ment

The rarity of the honour is indicated by the fact that at the Un iversity of Guelph whose faculty includes so many academics of international distinction only five had previously achieved a Fellows hip in the Royal Society of Canada These are Dr Howard Clark vice- pres ident academic Dr Bruce Sells dean College of Biologishycal Science Dr Peter Egclstaff Depart shyment of Physics Dr Do nald Masters Prof ssor Emeri tu s De part mcnt of History and Dr He rb Armstrong retired dean of Graduate Studies

As the sixth Dr Ga briel Karl will have the added di st inction of bei ng the first whose career has been sp ot excl us ively at the Un ivers ity of Guelph which agai n to

quote Dr Egelstaff marks a coming of age for the University

Gabriel Karl was born in Transylvania a province of Romania He obtained his B Sc in Chemistry at Romani as Univershysity of ClUJ worked for two years in industry and came to Canada in 1960 He attended graduate school at th e University of Toronto where he was awarded a Ph D in 1966 for a thesis on infrared luminesshycence following molecular colli sion Hi s Ph D supervisor was the distinguished physical chemist Dr John Polanyi

A two-year post-doctora l fellowship with the University of Torontos Depart shyment of Physics followed His mentors there were Drs J Van Kranendonk and Duk Poll who is now a professor with the Universi ty of Guelph s Depa rtment of Ph ys ics

In 1966 Dr Karl studied at the Uni versity of Oxford for two years under an NRC scho larship to study hadron spec troshyscopy and in 1969 he Joi ned the Univers itys Department of Phy sics achieving a full professorship only five years later

Dr Karls work has focussed on high energy physics - the physics of fundamen shytal particles This is an esoteric field involvshying research into the nature of matter The relatively few world leaders in thi s field tend to cluster around the half-dozen accelerators such as the $100 million four kilumete rshylon g hi gh-e nergy tunnel for accelerating electrons at Stanford University that have been built only in the US and Europe

There is no accelerator of this energy level in Canad a and fe w Canadian scie nshyti ~ts are working in this field Dr Ka rl s statu re in the international commu nity of particle physic ists is marked by his many visi ts to the world s major research ce ntres as guest speaker and to consult with his peers Referring to the time spent on thcse missions Dr Karl describes the Depart shym nt of Phys ics and his colleag ues as generouslyaccommodati ng shy

As cha irman of the h igh energy


Trapping The Suns Energy Excerpted from a Chemtrends article by Mary Cocivera

One predi ctabl e fac t about ind ustri ali z d

soc iety is that it will take more e nergy to

keep the whee ls ru nn ing smoothl y parti c ushy

larly because the world population is exshy

pected to dou ble to about n ine bill ion by the

year 2050

[n th search to augme nt tradi tio na l

sources o f e lectri ci ty two Departme nt of

Chemistry pro fessors ha ve tu rned their

atten ti on to the convers ion of solar energy to

electricity by photovultaie cel ls and photoshy

elec troc he mical systems T he developme nt

work at Guelph is a imed at improving the efficiency and stability of th se sy~tems and

reduc i ng the ir cos t

Si licon photovoltaic cells serve as a

reference for solar energy convers iun beshy

cause they were the fi rst such cells and to

date arc the most effic ient co nvert ing so lar

ne rgy into elec tr ic ity a t abo ut 15 per cem

effi c iency Arrays of crys tal li n sil icon ce lls present ly cos t in the nei ghborhood or

S$400 per sq uare metre to manufac ture

produc ing about 40 watts Photovo lta ic

thin- fi lm syste ms us ing semico nductors

o ther than single crysta l sil ic on are be ing

investigated in man y re~earc h ce ntre s

around the world

A pro mis ing approach is a cadmiui1l

sulfi dec uprous sul fide combi nat ion in

which the two sem ico nduc tors are laye red

on molybdenum the n covered w ith a transshyparent gold fil m T his thin-fi lm cons trucshy

tio n i ideal for solar devices explai ns

Profess ur Ro n Fawcett because large

surface areas are needed for maximum

exposu re to the sun

T he fabrication process devel oped by

Ro n and patented in 1980 in vo lve electroshy

depos iting cadmium sulfide o nto molybshy

denum then layering cuprous sulfide over the cadm ium sulfide by an ion exchange

process Finally the gold 11 1m is added by

vacuum de pos ition Ron es timates that

thi n-film de ices could be manufac tu red in

this way for about S$25 per squ are metre

E lectro pla ting of se m ic ondu ct ors

would enabl e photo voltai c dev ices to be

manu factured in a continuous process

rathe r than indi vidua lly as i required w ith

s ingle crysta l s ilic on Such ce lls ha ve

ach ieved conversio n of solar to electrica l

energy at an e ffi cienc y o f I per cent to date T he researchers are co nfide nt they can

achieve fi to 8 per cent cffi ieney compared

to the calcul ated max imum e ffi c iency of II

per cent Pro fessor Michae l oc ivera is ork ing

on photoe lec troc hem ical systems in which a

sem icond uctor electrode im mersed in an

elec tro lyte solution converts inci dent li g ht

into a n electric a l cu rren t Such se mishy

conductor lilju id junction cells offe r p racti shy

cal ad van tages because uf the sponta neom format ion o f a junc tio n I mproved effishy

ciency fo r po lycrysta lli ne sem iconductors

has been a hi eved in ce lb of th is type in part becau~e the liqu id estab li shes unshy

iformly good COntac t wi th the e l etrode

The li gh t -~ens it i ve electrode in photoshy

e lec trochem ical ce lls is a sem ic o nductor

e it her a thin-fi lm or s ingle c rysta l a tt ached

to a metal back ing the other e lec trode is an

inert me ta l T he e l ectrode~ are immersed in

~ n elect rol yte solutio n o f a mater ial that carl do nate and accep t elect rons The b igges t

prob lem with many li lj ui d junct io n ce lls

~ays Mike is photocorros iol1 of the su rshy

face of the se miconductor To overcome

thi s problem he is developing materi a ls and

techniques to coat the e lectrodes with proshy

tec tive materiab

The first liquid junction cells with a

sili con anode opera ted for only a matter of

seconds befo re the e lec trode was des troyed

by corrosion Researche rs at the Solar Energy Research Insti tu te in C o lorado

U SA have developed a silicon anode

w ith a polypyrro le protect ive coating which

can o perate for hund reds o f hours but that is

still not long eno ugh for a viable commershy

cia l syste m

M ike and his colleague are making a

syste matic study of compounds tha t wi ll

both protect the electrode from corrosion

and catal yze the elect rode rca tion They

arc now worki ng with organo me tall ic comshy

pounds co mpris ing a metal atom sulfur

and an aromatic co m pone nt containing a func tiona l group li ke hyd roxy l sul phonate

ammoni um and nitroso

hese compounds are effect ive beshy

ca use they prov ide a mechanism to transfer

a ch arge bet ween the se mi co nd uctor and the e lectro n donor in solut io n The coating mus t

also be transpilrent e nough to a llow the light

to s trike the photocleetrode

To date they ha ve suneeded in deshy

veloping fi ve coat ings su itab le fo r a variet y

or se miconduc tors incl uding the polyshy

crysta ll ine cadm ium su lfide e lectrodes fabshy

riltated by Ron Fawce tt s method If polyshy

crystalli ne elec trodes can be fab ri (a ted and

coated wi th a protec tive materia l electroshy

chemically they wi ll be relati ve ly inexpe nshy

ive to manufac ture If the tech niques and processe s be ing

inve ~l igated by Ron Fawce tt and Mike Coc ivera de ve lop to tht ir full poten tial the

su n cou ld beco me a more import ant supplier

o f e lectri city in Ca nada Long-range proshy

jectio ns suggest that about 10 per cent of No rth A m rican e lectr ic it y could be proshy

duced from solar convers ion

Elec tric ity fro m the sun is no longer a

pipe-dream-it is a reachable goa l n

Grad News Louise (Sandall) Platt BA 69 is living

in Islington and teaching for the Etobico ke

Board of Educati on

Alexander Barton BSc 70 MSc 74 is work ing on a Ph D deg ree in the

Departme nt of Fishe ries and W ildlife at

Orego n Sta te uni vers ity

Gerry Kupferschmidt BSc 70 MSc

71 is living at R R I Osgoodc and is

tmployed as a sc ientific ad ise r to the


Murray Ross Gingrich BSc 71 Ii ves in

Brampto n and is work ing as a probation

officer for the Ministry o f Correc tio nal


Robert Cross BSc 72 M D is workshy

ing in the emergency department o f the

So uth Muskoka Hospital in Bracebridge

Edda Duva (Home) Kerr BA 74 lives

in G ue lph and is working as a program

co-ordinator for Casatta Ltd in Kitchener

Deanne Ch)y BSc 78 Ii ves in Etob ishy

coke and is working as a public health

inspector for the Ham ilton Wentwo rth Reshy

gio nal Health Unit

Alex McDonald BSc 79 PhD 83 and his wife Rosanne ( DeNobriga) BSc

79 are living in Austi n Texas whil e Alex

is do ing post-doctoral work at the Unishy

vers ity o f Texas

Ste~en Oliver BSc 79 o f Hamilton is a

medica l sa les repre sentati ve with Cyanamid

Canada Inc

Gordon Knox BSc 79 is a con~ ul ta nt

with Inform ation Systems Serv ices in Vicshy

toria BC

George Gillson BSc 80 is taki ng a

Ph D in Anal ytica l C hemis try at the Uni shyve rsity of Alberta 0


The College o f Arts Alumni Associat ion

DELPHA Editor Debbie (Nash) Chambers 77

has no w acquired the Shaw Festival ArshyThe Deans Roundup chives on permanent deposit T his is an

Last fall I had the privilege of speakshy

ing to the direc tors of the University of G uelph Alumn i Assoc iation to bring them

up to date on some of the excit ing things connected with the College of Arts I am gratefu l to the editor of DELPHA for this

opportu nity to let alumni readers know what we are do ing

I am pleased to be able to report a subs tant ial increase in enrolment both in the

B A program and in the College o f Arts this past yea r What is especially nice is that this has coincided with a dec is ion to tighte n our

standards at the admissions level and in the regulations for continuatio n of study

In o rder to grad uate B A students

who entered the Spring 19~3 Semester will need to obtai n a C average in 60 per cent of the courses they take

Most of o ur students are doing thi s now and we do not antici pate this will pose any

problem for the students whom we are ad mitting Next year students en tering the

B A program will be required to have Grade 13 English and we are strongly encouraging them to offer a Mathematics credit o r o ne in French or ano ther language

Applications from students wish ing to enter the B A program in the Fall 1983 Semester

are up subs tantia lly over last yea r I also want to share with you some

ha ppenings which have brought special delight to me

The U ni ve rsi ty of Guelph Choir

under director Ge rald e ufeld won second prize in the 1982 CSC nation al chora l competition

In the Harbourfront a rt show last

sum mer three o f o ur students had works se lected by the jury and each won a prize shya better show ing than any of the other O nshy

tario universities or colleges which entend T he C anadian- American Urban Hisshy

tory Co nference held at G uelph in A ugust

1982 was a tremendous success bringing sc holars from many parts of the United States and Canada to discuss new trends in urban studies

Dean David Murray

In the space of just a few months I have seen seven books published by faculty in the Co llege The subjects include Rudyard

Kipl ing Greek Philosophy Urban History Evolution and Darwinism Reli gion and Tolerance the dramatist Gra nville Barker

and a nove l written in French Last summer also saw the completion

of a very successful facu lty exchange beshy

tween o ur Department of Eng lish and the

Uni vers ity of Reading in Britain Dr Leslie Monkman went to Reading for the year and Dr Coral Howell s visited Guelph This

opportunity enab led Dr Howells to study modern C anadian writers and she is now

working o n a book to be published in Britain o n Canadian women wri ters Dr

Mo nkman lectured on Canadian literature at various places in Britain and in France as well as in Reading

T hro ugh the e fforts of the Department of Drama and its chairman Dr Leonard

Conolly and C ollections Librarian Jo hn Moldenhauer 68 the Uni versi ty Library

ex tremely valuab le re sou rce for theatre

scholars a nd the Univers ity is ve ry pleased to have a closer connection with the Shaw Festi val The Drama Department also has

Professor Dan Laurence the world s leadshying Shaw scholar as a distinguished Visitshy

ing Professor lor the ra il Semester Two large conferences were organized

during the Spring and Summer by faculty

and students in the Co llege Professor Ted Cowan of the History Department was in charge of the Scottish Heritage Festival held in uelph in May The Fes tival was a

ce lebrati on of the S co t~ 1d their contribushytion~ to Canada

In Au gust the Uni vers ity will host a major conference o n Common wealth lite rashy

ture bringing writers and schol ars to Guelph from allover the Com monweal th Professor Doug K illam chairman of the Department of English and a number o f col leagues are

now busily preparing to welcome guests from around the world

Through our liaison programs we have pioneered special day - long seminars at the

niversity for gifted children in Wellington County T he se programs are part of o ur commitment to assist secondary schools in meeting the challe nges of special education

J know many o f you will also be interes ted in knowing that last sLi mmer the

College awarded three new scholarships two of the m honouring the cont ribution made by former faculty members J Percy

Sm ith and W Stanford Reid The other marked the first presentation of the Edward Johnson Music Foundation scholarships for students in the music program

We are al l ac ute ly co nscious of the

financial pressure affecting the UnivLr ~ ity

of Guelph and othe r Canadian unive rsities

But we mus t no t le t these pressures detract from the vision of academic excellence to

which we are committed J think you will agree from the exaln ~Jk middot ha ve cited that this vision continues to glow brightly in spite of our financial plight We hope we can

co ntinue to co unt on your advice and your suppurt 0


It Was a Very Good Year T he Direc tor or the College of Arts Alumni Assoc iation have had a bus y year In January we launched o ur hrst Caree rs i lglll for in -coure stude nlgt Thanks to the exce lle nce and enthusiasm of our pane l l1len1bcr the evening was a success

Careers Night is to become an annual event and we would appreciate you r particishypation Any Art s grads wh o wo uld like to

vo lunteer their expertise for the e vening please do not hesita te to contact us

The Directors were also busy a rshyranling the second an nu al art show shyDI MENSIO NS middotS3 Due to the treme nd ous response to DI M ENSIOtS 82 the art show co mmittee organized DIM ENSIO NS 83 as aJu ricd show We are hoping that nex t yea r we will be able to mount a photography show as well a an art sho w

As you are probably aware in 1970 Wellington College was reo rganized into the Colleges of Arts Physic al Sc ience and Socia l Science This year our Assoc iation was asked to se lect a new College logo Thankgt to Dean Dav id Murray and the Deans Counc il we were given permission to use the graphics on the College of Art s Gold Medal It can be see n in the masthead of thi s issue The logo was designed by Erich Barth art dire ctor Department of [nshyformation and enco mpasses the di verse di s shycipiJnes fou nd within the College of Arts

Grad News Catharine (Gilnerlson ) Scott 70 is a wage and salary anal ys t tnivers it y of Waterl oo

Linda la) Bell 72 i the assistant conshysultant for thlto gifted We llington County Boa rd of Education GueJph

Lynn Barbeau 74 is the curator Educa shytion and xtension Macdo nald Stewart Art

entre Guelph

Wltlynr WellJauler 75 is corpora te mar shyke ting manager Gore Mutua l In surance Company Cambridgc

Renate Fisc her 76 is a consultant with the Woods Gordon Divisio n of Cl arkson Go rdon Chartered Acco untants Kitchener

jane Morley O AC MSc 81 is a career co nsultant Counse llin g and Student Reshysource Centre Un iversity of Guelph

Through the generos ity of the Alma Mater Fund our Assoc iation has been able to e stablish nv e sc holars hip s Thre e DELPHA awards for Gue lph alumni to continue their slUdi es at the gradu ate level at the University and two awa rds for part-time mature students These awards are greatly appreciated by the students who have reshyce ived th e m

Congratulatio ns are th e order of the day for Juli e (Russe ll ) Thur 78 Associashytion past pre sident and Linda Mackenz ie shyCordi ck 8 1 Assocration secre tary treas shyurer on the birth of their daug hters in March We wi sh them joy in their yo ung-

David Dell 76 is the in fo rmation o ffic er Reg ion of Pee l Brmiddotampton

jeff Miller 82 is a s tage manager for Profes sional Theatres Toronto

The above eight alumni were panel )11ember-s at our first annual Careers sJ ig ht held ea rlier th i yea r On ce again we offer our sincere thanks for their pani ci pation

lhugarel Reare 68 is senior research o f hee l Minis try of th e Soli citor General Ottawd

William Thiels 73 is a sys te ms analyst with Eas tman Kodak CO Roche ster t Y US A

Shardie D SteHnson 77 is assistant marketing manager Marsh and 1cLennan Ltd Winnipeg Man

Donald Syme 77 is with marketing pe rsonne l IC F Sydne y Australia

sters and look forward to the ir continued help in the Assoc ia tion in the future

C Nould lik e to re mind our fell ow alu mni to jo in or renew their membership in our Association De hbie ( Nash) Cham bers 77 editor of DF LPH A wo uld lik e any Ideas lor future artick that vould catch your interes t Our Assoc iati o n would also apprec ia te heari ng from you re gardin g eve nts that you wou ld be interested in attending Pl ease drop us a line in order that we may serve you better thus ~ eeping the line of co mmunic ation oren bet ween you and yo ur Alma v1ater

In closing I would like to acknowlmiddot edge With great a pprec iati o n the a istance that has been o ffclTU our Board of Direc tors over the pasl year

As al ways Dea n David Murray has bee n a va lued ad visor I wo uld li ke to thank Professor Ted Cowa n Department o f History for his Sprin g 19K3 OEPHA article on the Scottish Heritage Festival and Judy (Ma in) Ca rson 75 for he r help in preparalron of feature articles Spec ial thank s arc also ex tended to Rosemary Clark Mac 59 Asis tant Director Proshyg rams Dep artment of Alumni Affairs and Deve lopment and our Board of Directo rs who have wo rk ed so hard to mak e thi s a successful year

The term of 19X2-B3 has been a very grati fying one for all mem bers of the Associations Boa rd o t Directors We loo k for ward to 19K3-K4 anJ hope to hear from you Q

J ane Francis 78 is With Ilublic relations Vancouver Stock EXchange Vancou ver B C

Jonie Bunce 79 is a teacher 01 Art English and Thcatre Arts at 1 A Turn er Secondary School BrdrllptOl

Deborah Salmon 79 is married to Richard Light BS( 80 and li ves in Japanec Shc worb for the Empl o) mc nt and Im migrati on Commi ssion dnd Ri chlrJ works for a darrv in Kin gs to n

Shelagh Stevens 79 it station U)lllrshytwlle r Department o f -J atiunal [dc nce in f ova Slmiddototia

lidwtl Glanb 81 is a supervisor mar shyke ting comrlluni~ations Pitney-Bowe s oj

Canada Ltd Don Mill s

john (llanllllUnd ) Zelasko 81 rs ~ I

courtr(lOrn artist WKBW Buffalo New Ymk US I C



Alumnus of

Honollr 1983

Helen Christine AbeD Mac 38D

Amo ng the forerunners in the fie ld of rural soc iol ogy not only in Canada

but throughout the world and with a long career as a professor in numerous un iversities ac ross Canada Dr Helen C Abell has und oubted ly do ne much to promote a world -w ide reputation for her Alma Mater

Dr Abell has been most active in a numbe r of United Nat io ns programs designed to foster development of th ose in the Third World countrie s Although os ten sibl y retired she still co nt inues her wo rk as a cons ult ant in Socio-Economic De ve lopme nt assisti ng in develop ing sho rt -term project s as the occasion ari ses

As well as a Macdona ld Ins titu te Diploshyma Dr Abell obtained a BHSc (H ome Economics) from the Universi ty of Toro nto in 1941 and an MS (Human Nutrition) and a Ph D (major Rural Sociology and Agri cul shytural Economics) from Cornell University in 1947 and 1951 re specti vel y 0

Page 9: Guelph Alumnus Magazine, Summer 1983

Dual Income Families

Presstires and

By Mary Cocivera

A stroll through a typical neighbourhood

shatters any illusions about mothers stayin g at home with their young children

Most neighbo urhoods that a decade ago

would ha ve been bu stling with coffee klatches

neighbours visiting over the fence and back yards full of children playing are now all but deserted during the week

Young mo thers are not home with their

preschool children Instead they are in shops factories and offices working to help stretch

their families budgets Women particularly mothers of young

children are working outside the home in increasing numbers In 1971 in two-parent

families 38 pe r cent of mothers with children

under 16 worked outside the home By 1977 that proportion had increased to 58 per cent

The increases are even more dramatic for

women with children under s ix years old the

gro up traditio nally portrayed as staying home with their preschool children F ro m 1971 to 1977 the proportion of these mothers from

two-parent familie s who worked outside the home rose from 41 per cent to 51 per cent

Participation in the labour force has

increased steadily fo r all women since 1960 when fewer than 30 per cent of women over 25 were in the labo ur force By 1982 more than 48

per cent of the same group worked outside the home Further inc reases are prOjected until at least 1985 Canadas Families a doc ument

based on the 1976 census reported that in 54 per cent of families both spouses were working

o llts ide the home

Payoffs Why the Change

Women have been entering the labour

force for a variety of reasons economic ami otherwise Professor Kathleen Brown a family

economist in the Department of Family Studies suggests that soc ial pressures have

pushed many women particularly those in middle-age withgrown children out of the

house and in searc h of self-fulfillment Some of these women ma y feel theyre

missing something by staying at home when most of their peers are working outs ide the home and have their own discretionary income

Hard cold ca sh is the reason behind most womens decision to work o utside the homc Young families are particularly vulnerable to

economic upheaval s Profess or Brown explains because their expenses peak before their incomes

Many young two-income couples stretched their budgets in the early 1970s to

purchase a hou se with the expectatio n that their inco mes would rise and the payments would beco me increasingly eas ier to make

Then interest rates soared they had to renew

their mortgages at much higher rates and their la rger monthly payments s till needed two or mo re incomes to meet those payments

Wives who intended to stop working outside the home to have a family suddenly

realized that they wo uld have to keep working to keep the family home They were counting

on continued economic growth and on inflatio n eas ing their debt burden observe Professor Brown but they didn t allow enough flexibility to adjust to developments like the

unexpectedly high mortgage rates Some middle c la ss home owners may

actually be worse off no w than they were in the early 1970s according to consumer economist


Professor W ill iam Frisbee from the De partment of Consumer Studies T his problem is likely to be particularly aeu te among families who purchased homes in the 1970s W hat has caught families in the wild t1uctuation

in interest rates We can no longer ant icipate what the situation will be like in th ree or four years Conside ring that buying a house is a 25shyto 30-year proposilion this uncertainty can really put families in a bind

Wives who work outside the home have not only saved many a family home but they have kept low income families above the poverty line Women and Poverty a report

by the National Council of Welfare published in 1979 estimates that 52 per cent more two- spouse income families would fall below

the poverty line if the wives did not work outs ide the home

Wives who work outside the home

represent all social and economic strata from the lowest income families to the very highest

Many wives who are pursuing life-long careers always expected to work outside the home and

they married men who supported their ambitions

At the other extre me are women who

never planned to work outside the hom or who intended to stop working outside the home if children arrived These women frequently married men who believe that the husband

should be able to provide for his family W hen these women venture outside the

home to work there can be tremendous conflict

between the traditional values and the financial

necess ity of going out to work Their husbands often feel that their role as famil y head and bread w inner is being undermined They have d iffi culty cop ing with their wives increased independence and economic clout the wives try to live both the traditional role and carry on with thei r jobs

Far-Reaching Benefits Women enter the labour force for

monetary reasons bu t o ft en the payo ffs go far beyond the economic The late Professor A nne Cal laga n who was a soci al worker and

soc iolog ist in the Department of Family Stud ies believed that women be nefi t psychologically and that marriages can be stre ngthe ned whe n both part ne rs work outside the home Ci ting a study about the

decision-making process in famili es she observed that most couples start married life

with an equal rights relationship The wife s input into important decisions

reaches its lowest point when she is stuck at home with small children As the children get older and more independent the wife regains

some of her say in family dec isions but her input never reaches the level she enjoyed a t the beg inning of the marriage A wife who works outside the home maintains her influence in

decision- mak ing throughout the marriage With both partners working husband and

wifc are forced to communicate more and to work out the often complex arrangements for the care of the children Increased comshy

municat ion leads to more companionship In the trad it ional family with a husband who

has a job and a wife who does not work outside the home the wife organizes the children and the couple s social life

In many cases she and her husband operate in completely different spheres and communication declines Many of these marriages flounder in mid-life because there is little in the way of common interest after the

children leave home Many observers have linked marriage

failure to economic woes and to women

working outside the home Professor Callagan challenged this link The wife by working

helps combat one of the biggest sources of stress faced by married couples - money

Professor Frisbee wonders whether marital problems that have been blamed on

fi nancial woes are really caused at least in part

by isolation and loneliness [n geographically mobile societies young

couples often move away from both fam ily and friends and sell Ie in communities where they

have no close personal ties with other peo ple Whe n the pressures of jobs child care arrangeshyments and finances become too much to handle such familie s cannot call on parents

grandparents brothers and sisters and long-established friends T he pressure s become

in te rnal ized to the im mediate family and the relationship cracks under the stress

In spite of the pressures and demands of a job outside the home a wife enjoys personal

benefi ts according to Professor Callagan By contributing in a concrete visible way to purchasing the house (and the car and the food)

she earns the appreciation of her husband and chil dre and thus enhances her se lf esteem

By simply gelling out of the hou e a mother with ajob becomes more indep ndent builds a social life of her own and develops interes ts outside of he r house and fam il y All of

thi s adds up to beller mental health

Changing Roles If w ives are entering the labour force are

the ir husbands accepting more of the responsibi lity for raising the children and running the home

Roles at home have not changed as much

as some would expect Studies in Vancouver and Hal ifax found that men increase their house work and child care contributions by an average of one hour a week when their wives get jobs o utside the home

It appears that most men seem to make

their contributions in the more pleasant tasks such as putting the children to bed By and large the working mother s till has to contend wi th the laundry cleaning shopp ing cook ing and famil y scheduli ng If one of the chi ldren

gets s ick it is sti ll the mother who is usua lly

expected to adjust her schedule

Yet to come is a real sharing of the chore s around the house a perceptible shi ft in the division of labour at home

Wo men w ith jobs are no t limited to

mothers in two-parent families Divorced widowed and single women who mayor may not have children also compete for those jobs and face the same if not worse economic

pressures Wives with jobs outs ide the home

however are ojlel di smissed as not

economically important because many people assume (incorrectly) that they have husbands to

sUPflort them and their real job is to take care of the ir children

Todays thousa nds of moms who work

outside the home challenge this outmoded

notion Their pay cheques are as impo rtant a contribution to theirfamilies as their husbands

A report by the C anad ian Advisory

Council on the Statlls o f Women points out that between 1969 and 1979 the number of women in the labour force inc reased by 616 per cent with the g reatest gain being among mothers of young children

Between 1976 and 1980 according to the report the number of mothers with children under three who were in the labour force

increased by a staggering 276 per cent This raises important questions about societys ability to cope with these social changes

Some 15 or 20 years ago the mother who worked outside the home was the exception rather than the rule She could make arrangements with an obli g ing neighbour to

care for her chil d re n all Jay or to intercept them after sc hool and at lunch time

Today mothers without jobs are the

exception Find ing the obliging ne ighbour is becoming more diffic ult and famili es are making more fo rmal arrangements for day care and afte r school care In many cit ies however the re is not enough day care to fil l this demand

Here to Stay It has been pred icted tha t w ives will keep

working outs ide the ho me because they will have to Fami lies will become u ed to the com fort o f a two- income standard of l iv ing and will be unwilling or unable to g ive it up

The socia l forces that have led women in search of self fulfill me nt and equality in the work place w ill continue to influence womens

life work Many young girls still think of a job as a temporary situation but the reality is that being ma rried happily ever after is a myth for most women Women and Poverty points out th a 94 out of every 100 women marry but only 26 of them can expect to live w ith their

husbands until death Some 53 of the original 94 will become w idows and 15 will divorce or

separate Todays wives and mothers who work outs ide the home will be better prepared to

pursue life on their own if and when they

have to 0


The Stewart Bennett Bequest middot $600000 By John Hearn

When Stewart B nnett industriali st

fa rmer catt le and horse hreeder 3rt

colle tor and past member of the nivers ity of Guelph s Board of Governo rs di ed in Aug us t last year his will specified a bequest o f

$600 000 to the University which w~s

co nfinned on the death of h is widow Violet

w ho al so died last yea r

By any standards Stewart Ben nett s life

must be described as a success story a 90-year record o f persona l achievement any man m ight

envy Born in T oronto in 1892 he graduated in

engineering from the Uni ve rs ity of Toronto went up to Oxford Jo ined the Roya l Eng ineers on the outbreak of World War One served wi th di stinction as a captain and was awarded the

Military Cross He re turned to the niversity of Townto

to lec ture at the fac uity o f Applied Sc ience from 192 1 to 1925 then launched a busin ss career which was to lead to directorships with some of the country s most succe ss ful corporations

These included the Phoenix Assurance Co of herd which has been sending champions to niversity of Guelph goes back to the days Canada Dominion Stores Ltd the Boiler international Ii vestock expositions for more when he was a member of the Board of Rege nts Inspection and Ass urance Co of Canada and than 40 years The firs t Canadian-bred Shortshy of the Federated Colleges and remained to

the C anada Permanent Trust Company He horn bull to be shipped to Scotland was sent by serve as a member o f the nivcrsitys first became pres ident of Beardmore amp Company in Scotsdale Farm in 1970 and as recently as Board of Governo rs for another e ig ht years 1940 and served as vice-president of Canada 1981 Stewart Ben nett had the upre me He was al so president of the Royal Packers Inc for 18 years Champion Bull at the eNE Agricultural Winter Fair in 1953-4 and se rved

It might be argued however as to who While all this was going on he was for many years on it s executive T he Royal

was the real Stewart Bennett-the shrewd buildi ng a si gnificant collection of Canadian art Agricultural Winter Fair and the Georgetown

Industrialist or the man who bought himself a and served as a member of the council of the Di s trict Memorial Hospital are equal

540-acre farm in the Credit Valley and turned it Toronto Art Gallery Hi s 100 or more canvasmiddot beneficiaries with the University in his estate

into a beauty spot He lined its handsome ses by Tom Thompson A Y Jackso n and What el se would a man need to round out a driveway with evergreens and dammed streams JE H MacDonald among o the rs have been long and successful life but a perfect marriage

to create a lake as a home for his two swans bequeathed to the Ontario Heritage Foundation and this too was not denied him He married

Th( felle Violet alld Stewart Bennell

Nor was he content to be a city man with a which has al so been named to manage the Violet Letty Fairbanks in 1922 She died 60

country home He is honoured among cattle Be nnett farm years later two months after Stewart of a

breeders for his famous Sc otsdale Shorthorn Stewart Bennetts connection with the broken heart 0

III this picture athe UniersitV s first Board o(Co ernors St ewart 8el1 ( (( is third rolltefl



The AMPUl Experience A Most Significant Training Program For Hospitality Industry Leaders By John Hearn

When The Univers ity of Guelphs Schoo l of Ho tel and Food Administration

s taged a four-week Ad vanced management Program for the Hosp italit y Industry (AMPHI) earlier this year the y presented the

ni versity with an exercise in log istics of unprecedented complex ity Bob Desautels HI-I 7S who as involved in the advance planning fm more than a year before the e vent explaincd the special nature of the prohle m

A MPHI was to be a four-week conce ntrated coursc designed to meet the standards of two dozen o f Canada s most senior hospitality exec utive s who must he regarded not just as expeI1S but also as connoisseurs in the art of loo king after people Meeting those standards assembling an experienced faculty and generating very large quantities o f all-new course material mandated a course fee of $5000 At those rates participants were entitled to expect the hest of everything

The curriculum was programmed in detail fro m 630 am through 1000 pm every day The gt[re nuous nature o t the intellectual demands left the partic ipants with ne ither the time or the energy to do very much in the way of fending for themsel ves Another important constraint was that eve ry activity formal and informal had to be structured in such a way as to be conducive to mainwinin g continuous dialogue betwee n the paI1icipanh at all times

Gicn these criteria Bob sought the aid of vinually evcry serv ice department in the

nivc rgtitj Co-operation was be ne rous and unstintin b middot he rcpmtgt We asked for setvice lllore ugtually as sociated with hetterclss hotch and eve ryone rose to the occasion Faced with such sophisti cated palates food scrv ice had to he at the top 01 the list and Dave Boeckner assistant manager opc rmiddotations Food Services pulled out allthe slOpS tor us

A Public Statement

For Garry Round Food Serv ices director A VlPHI offered a unique o pportunity to make a puhlic statement about the capahililie s of hi orbani7ation which had hee n I()(l~in g for just such a challen ge 10 break through the ima ge prohlem us ually assoeiatcd with universit y

latcrin g

Let s face it he aid unive rsities in bene ral arc popular locati ons for summcr Llln krcnccs Im onc excellent rcason - the price is ri ght Student s roo ms arc availahle at camp-site rates and lor $ IISO a day peopl e

ca n eat well in one of ou r cafeterias What makes thc University of Guelph

different With onc of the bigges t residen t student populations in Canada with in-house catering and an nual sales in the $6 million brmiddotacke t we have a resource base capabl e ot sustaining an hillll ( (lIilil7 ( culinary staff and allowing us to take on special functions that would be impossible for an y other university in Canada

This opinio n was e nthus iasticall y endorsed by the AMPHI participant s wh o aw arded a standing ovation to the s taff led by Domenico Ran alli executi ve chef and Incz Scapinello operations manager during the final banquet - a sea Cood spectacu lar capped by copi ous quantities of Baked Alaska

The final banquet was by no means except ional Steak and lobste r eSla rgot and mushroom ca ps were almost com monpl ace Breakfas t offered a choice of cereals an exoti c display of fresh fruit s and such niceties as eggs bened ict The scale and variety of lunches had to be cut back alter the first week in respo nse to

the part icipants groans of too much

Front Rank Convention Centre

As Inez Scapinello tell s it AMPHI was not so much a challe nge as an opportunity We did nothing we had not do ne before Dome nico was not ca lled upon l(l create any new menu items although we did try some innovati ve combinations

A a howca sc for Domcnico Ranalli talent s A M PH I WIS nothi ng less than a Will dl

il(( Wi th 2~ sucCssivc dinners each of which earned rave re views without once repeati n[ himself and consisting or nothing ne w moves the University of Gue I ph into the front rank of convention centre~

Satis fied that food sc-rv ice was in good hands Bob Desautels wa s able to turn his attentio n 0 other logis til problems

Th e I MPHI course was basltd on the case teachin g method A tcam ofHA PAcase writers worked for more than two yea rs assemhling a packa ge or some 600 studies of critical si tuatio ns pertincnt to the contlrl1porary Canadran hospitalit y sce ne They travelled as lar as British Co lumbia in search or authentil re levant material all of which had 10 be reproduced It was Bob Desautels job to superv ise the printing and hindin g of the IOOD-page required reading Ialk agc hand ed III (deh urthe panic ipants on arrival plus industr)

notes the teaching material s and equipmclll required by the e ight-man facult y under HA FA Director Dr Tom Powers

Sleeping accommodation in the nearest residence to th l Schoo l was a simple student environment with th e addilOn of a private pho ne in each morn In~ talled for the duration of the course Valet and laundry se rvice not usually part of the l niversit ys conference offering was available Credit pri vi leges at the Un ivers ity branch o f the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce was arran ged for each of the participants

Hospitality L e ad ers Night People Successful hospitalit y industry leaders are

marked by certain co mmo n characteristicsshyhigh energy leveis capac ity for long and erratic hours strong people skill s creati vit y and a sense 01 humour The day beginning with a 645 am run continuing through three morning ca studie s followed by study sessions keep fit classes and physica l games in the afternoon and more group study sessions in the evening rare ly ended at the prescribed 1000 pm Hospi tality industry leade rs are night peop le

Stimulated by the intellectual dema nd s of the course and by interaction wit h thei r peers and faculty (w ho stayed with thern right through the long day) the y we re till left with energy to burn off in a serie s of theme parti es whi ch sent Bob Desa utels scouring the di strict to su ppl y thei r eso teric demands - one complete fem ale gorilla outfit for cxarn pk

The course ended when Prcsid ent Donald Forste r prese nted the graduate with certificatcs (w hich had 10 be spec iall y designed and printed) and the graduates pre se nted the faculty with mock certificates (which also had to be designed and pri llled)

How well did it all wo rk 0 We c hecked double checked and tripie c hecked eve ry possihilit y in advance said Boh De aute ls The on ly qUls tion we had left on the eve ofthc confe rcncc was whell have we missed As it tran plredthe answer see rns to ha ve heen not much

Participants wcre unanimous rn their evaluation of AMPIII as incomparahl y the mos t si g nificant rnanagementtraining lx pcrr cnce of their liv es All of them werT ve teran s of coursegt g iCn hy uniers itie s private managem ent dc ve lopment institutions and in-house conicrenccs hut none had been through an experienlc as rewarding demanding superhl rganied and positi ve in its long term consequCrlle as this one

For the faculty and gtUpPllrt stall more Jccutorllcdtothc energy leve ls of under shygradulles AvIPHI made unpncccknted phyical and mental demands - hut plans for AMPHI ~I arc alrcadv in the orb and applicant s are lx[1clted from allo ver th e cun tinc nL C



indiviJual champions Peter Domarchuk Mitch Mason hri s Crooks and LeonarJA Year to REMEMBER

By D ick Freeman

A full house in excess of 430 people crowded Peter Clark Hall at the Univershy

sity of Guelph in March to celebrate a year of intercollegiate sports competition and to honshy

our its 198283 champions The year started with a 16 to 10 football

victory over the OQIFC champion the Conshy

corida Stingers and ended with a third consecuti ve CIA U wrestling championship In

between a well-balanced Gryphon athletic program proudly and successfully represented

the University of Guelph When the awards had been announced a

pair of Hockey Gryphons had struck for the hat tri ck Ray Irwin was named the 198283 Male Athlete of the Year the W F Mitchell Sportsman of the Year(forathletics leadersh ip)

Ray Irwin Male Athlete of the Year

When Vice-President Administration Charles Ferguson presented Ray Irwin with

the 1982-83 University ojGuelph Mal e Athlete of the Year award it was the culmination ofa story-book seasonfor the Sudbury native

In earning his third straight first team

all- star berth Ray led the OUAA in assists with 40 and added ten goals to finish as the only dejenceman in the leagues top ten scorers His on-ice brilliance caught the eye of Canadas

Olympic Team and at mid-season he was chosen to represent Canada in a tournament in Czechoslovakia

In a game against the nations numbershy

one ranked Toront o Blues he scored once and assisted on three other scores

Perhaps more significant though was his

selection as the W F Mitchell Sportsman of the Year This award honours leadership and strength ofcharacter two qualities that are

abundant in this HAFA student

and collected his third straight team Most

Valuable Player Trophy Another all-star hockey performer Sue

Scherer was named the Female Athlete of the

Year Sue earlier was named Most Improved Player on the Field Hockey squad as well as

Most Valuable Performer on the Women s Ice Hoc key team

Bev Rankin a member of the Womens

Athle tics Council and Women s Field Hockey team was honoured as the recipient of the W F Mitchell Sportswoma n of the Year Award Other major award winners inc luded Basketballs Greg Hook- Don Cameron

Memorial Trophy for Most Improved Athlete

Volkyballs Michelle Turley - Mary Beverley-Burton Award for Female Rookie of

the Year and Scott Hobson - Ted Wildman Memoria l Trophy as the outstanding graduatshy

ing football player Alderman Jim Whitechurch Arts 8 1

presented City of Guelph plates to Canadi an Champions These included wrestlers Ken Bradford Chris Crooks and Peter Domarchuk

as well as football All-Canadians Pe ter Langshyford Junior Ro binso n Salvatore Benincasa

and vlrke Hudson Hud son it should be noted earned All-Canadian honou rs for the third

consecuti ve year only the second player ever so honoured

In addition to the team Most Valuahle and Mo st Improved awards as listed below the

gathering honoured OWlAA champions Barb Jonak - Arc hery and Jane Herner- Alpine Skiing The mens wrestling team captured a

fourth straight OUAA titl e anchored by


Archery Trophy Barb Janak Most Impro ved Basketball Trop hy (men) Greg Hook Bill Dlmson Memorial Trophy Michael 5cs(0 Demck Lewis Most Irnproved Basketball Trophy (women) Beth Pulsifer Basketball Award (women) Joa nne Hurd Badminton Trophy (women) Kelly Breedon BadmintOn Trophy (me n) Tai Ching Leng Cross-country Running Trophy (womcn) Tracey RObinson Curling Trophy Jill Rowen Brian Davenport Most Improved Field Hockey Trophy Susan Scherer Field Hockey Trophy Karen Mc Bride Most Improved Football Trophy Pat Tracey Letlermens Club Award Mike Eykens Most Improved Ice Hockey Trophy (women) Michelle Turley Coaches Hockey Trophy Susan Scherer Walter Rickard Memorial Trophy Bruce Kilgour Jack Pos Intercollegiate Hockey Award Ray IrwlO leuan Evans Intercollegiate Rugger Trophy Jeff Baldock Most Improved Soccer Trophy Gudio Frasson Bill McAnurf Soccer Trophy BII Davis Most Improved Swimming Award (women) Stephanie Doll Swimming Trophy (women) Pam Johnson Most Improved Swimming Trophy (men) Kirk Weber Swimming Trophy (men) Peter Koiisnyk Synchronized Swimming Trophy Lisa De Laplante Tennis Award (women) Maureen McKillop Most Improved Volleyball Trophy (men) Blair Carley Volleyball Trophy (men) Tim White Mosllmproved Volleyball Trophy (women) Francine Taillefer Volleyball Award (women) Joellen Barr Most Improved Wrestling Trophy Peter Oomarchuk Wrestling Trophy Ken Bradford

Stevano Altogether 18 Gryphons were nameJ

to league all-star teams Two athlete s were presented with trophies

as the best in their sport in Canada Peter Langford the J P Metras Trophy as Canadas

Outstanding Defensive Lineman and Ken Bradford as the Outstanding Wrestkr at the

19828 3 championships Director of Athletics Dave Copp sumshy

med up the year in his closing remarks as he

thanked the athlete s and coaches for their superb efforts We are proud of your achievements in 198283 competition Let us work together to make 198384 eve n more

memorable Judging from the fact that the majority of

alhletcs and guests danced and partied to the wee hours it was obvIOus that they were full of the Gryphon spirit It s truly fun- catch it 0

Su e S cherer Female Athlete of the Year

Vice-Presidelt Academic HOl-ard Clark presentation of the 198283 Female Athlete of the Year (ward to Sue Scherer was greeted with a TOar njpproal Howe le r the awardfor

excellence displa yed in ice hockey andjield hodn was reallv 011 11 the tip of the iceberg

Afifih semester sociolog student Sue anchored the Grlphons defence and in fact

controlled th e oJjensf As if that wasnt enough Sue was the plaving coach and in the combination 0 roles led the hocker Gryphons into th e plar-offs including a regular season

upset of the Ynrk Yeoomen Th e hidden part othe stOrl is perhaps th e

best Sue fills her mml1lers bv starring on the Canadian Nat ional Womens Fastball team In cluded in this hectic schedule were tours nf

Japan Taiwan SO Lllh America and Mexico

Obiouslr the combinatioll astudies and athletics is a healthy one as Sue maintains a

B average at the Unilersity



Newly Elected as

AluDlni Senators Following the annual election for three of the nine alum n i seats on Senate a t the Univers ity the following three alumni have been elected to replace those who will fulfill three-year terms on August

31 1983

Richard D Rich Moccia CBS BSc 76 MSc 78 is a self-employed biologishy

cal research scientist in the aquaculture field (See article Theyve Gone Fishin

Guelph Alumnus Spring 1983 issue

Rich is a past president of the CBS Alumni Associatio n was a vice-president of the UGAA and has served on numerous

adminis trative committees on campus inshycluding a Presidential Special Advisory Committee on Alumni Publications He also was a member of the Alma Mater Fund Advisory Council

In his spare time he has been involved with the Big Brothers Association and Minor League baseball He races motorshycycles for relaxation and fun

Donald C Rose Arts BA 80 MA 82 is a corporate representative with Uniglobe Bay Street Travel Inc of Toronto During

Tony Sobczak Arrs 77

Donald Rose Arts 80

his years at Guelph Donald served as sports editor and production manager with the Onlarion and was a member of Gryphon

soccer and rugby teams

A single man he feels that as an alumni senator he will be able to maintain his concern for the standards of higher education and at the same time maintain the friendships and contacts that he estabshylished while at the Uni versity

Tony K Sobczak Arts BA 77 is general manager of Bailey s Balloon Brigade a restaurant in Toronto While

study ing at Guelph he worked in the

hospitality field with Food Services The Keg and the Elora Mill Restaurant and Inn Following graduation he was employed by the Toronto-Dominion Bank in southshywestern Ontario but two years later

re vived his interest in the hospitality field

Richard Moccia CBS 76

He and his wife Cathy have one son

Tony Jerome T J 11 months old Keen on sports Tony senior runs plays squash

and is a waterskiier

Patricia M G renier Arts 72 is currently serving the unexpired term of alumni Senator Richard Young Arts 76 who re s igned during the third year of his term She will retire as alumni Senator on August

31 1983 Patricia who received a degree of

Master of Library Science from the Univershys ity of Western Ontario in 1973 is coshyordinator Information Services Informashytion Centre Ministry of EducationlMinistry

of College and Universities Toronto Prior to her present position she was a

reference librarian Documentation Centre

at the University of Guelph Library from 1975 to 1980 0

Limited Accreditation for OVC The Ontario Veterinary College of the

University of Guelph has been accorded limited accreditation status by the American Veterinary Medical Association

(A VMA) President Donald Forster anshynounced in May

The decision by the Council of Edllcashytion of the A VMA is based on recommendashy

tions made in the report of an evaluation committee which visited the College for a

short period in October 1982 a report on which the University and the C ollege had an opportunity to comment Most errors of fact in the original report were corrected as a result of the UniversityS comments

This accreditation status means that ove meets or exceeds most but not all

minimal requirements for a satisfactory program in veterinary medicine at least in

the judgment of the Association Limited accreditation is a reduction in

s tatus from full accreditation a status which the College has held and which was

reconfirmed by a previous evaluation in L976 Similar decisions ha ve been made

by the AVMA in the past in the case of programs at other and well-established

veterinary colleges in the United States which faced problems similar to those we are experiencing at the OVC the Presishydent noted

L imited accreditation status may be

maintained for a period of up to five years on the basis of annual reports by the University and the College indicating that any deficiencies are in the process of being corrected At any time during the five-year period the University and the College may

invite the A VMA Council to make a new

evaluation hopefully leading to a return to full accreditation status

A number of factors are identified in

the report as a basis for the Councils decision Most important the report reshy

commends that a better balance between the financial resources and the programs of the College be achieved From this flow two major recommendations Construcshy

tion and renovation be initiated to correct inadequacies in classrooms laboratories

offices and clinical work spaces Also -faculty numbers and specialty expertise be increased and additional time be scheduled for professional development research and other scholarly pursuits

The report also suggests that the

number of support s taff be increased One option identified in the recommendations is

that student numbers be reduced until

conld over


adequate faculty numbers and physical facilitie s can be provided hnally some deficiencies in the area of postgraduate education are also identified

While the University and the College

are naturally disappointed by the Councils conclusions we are not entirely surprised President Forster commented Many of the deficiencies identified in the report have been matters of acute concern for some time and some steps have been taken already to remedy the problems some of which are simply the product of the chronic undershyfunding that Ontario universities have exshyperienced for a number of years

Under the circumstances I commend

the faculty and staff of the Ontario

Veterinary College for working so hard to maintain the reputation and integrity of the program and its graduates during this very difficult period

The President also noted that under A VMA procedures an elaborate appeal process is available to the University A decision has been taken not to appeal the Councils deision even though the Univershysity has reservations about some of the observations in the report

The recommendation s in the report will be reviewed very carefully by the

Uni versity and the College in the coming months the Pre sident indicated and every effort will be made to secure support from government and other sources to

remedy problems which have be e n identified In this connection I wish to

express again our gratitude to the Honourshyable Dennis Timbrel Ontario s Minister of Agriculture and Food for making available to the University special funding in the amount of $J8 million annually for a three-year period in support of programs at the OVe This suppOrt came at a particushylarly crucial time and was most welcomc

Recent discussion with Mr Timbrell and Agriculture Canada have indicated hoth sympathy for and understanding ot the capital needs of the College and there is every hope that substantial support will be forthcoming from both levels of go vernshyment President Forster concluded D

Director Industrial S ervices R onald J Dolynchuk has been appointed Director Indus trial Services for the U nivershysity of G uelph The appointment became effective April I 1983

He will provide a two-way contact between the Un iversity and industry says Dr William Tossell Dean of Research Dea n Tossell points out that Ronald Dolynshychuk will ass ume an integral role in the industrial interact ion strategy recently anshynounced by the University At the same time he will help acquaint University researchers with possible sources of reshysearch contracts and grants within the industria l sector

The new industrial services director says that he sees his ro le somewhat as that of a broker taking the research and te hshynological skills of the campus to inshydustry- Iocal ly provincially and nationshyally W ithin the campus he hopes to play the role of a catal st co-ordinating varied speci alized activities and preparing a marketable package of research and sershyvice attract ive to industry

He says that a campus such as the University of Guelph can offer a consortium of highly specialized and technological expertise to indu stry Such capability can prove to be a powerful factor in attracting new industry to the area he says This may be particularly true in the case of smaller industries that can seldom afford their own highly specialized research facilities

Initially the new director says he will especially target on industries with a direct relationship to those areas of expertise for which the University of Guelph is particushylarly well known These include such sectors as foods and beverage and bioshytechnology

I am especially interested in offering industry a broad-based multi-disciplinary

Ronald 1 Dolynchuk

approach to their problems through includshying such areas as the social sciences in a team of experts he says This would permit the Uni versity to prov ide more complete studies including market research and sociological considerations as well as

scientific or technological resources

The new director of industrial services is no stranger to the University of Guelph campus He has been teaching a course on Business Policy in the School of Agricul shytu ral Economics and Extension Education

Ronald Dolync h uk was most reshycently the sen ior vice- president and general managcr of Linread Canada Limited in Guelph He has worked in industry since 1969 in marketing and managc ment posishytions Born and raised in W innipeg he grauuated in business economics from Inshydiana Un iversity and received a Master of Business dm in islra tion uegree from the same university

Ronald Dolynchuk and his wife and thrce ch il dren have lived in G uelph since 1976 He has b en act ive in the Gue lph Chamber of Commerce the Ro tary Club of G uelph and has served on the Board of Direc tors of the Edward Johnson Mus ic Foundation the Guelph Arts Counci l the G uelph Youth O rchestra and the G ue lph Marlin Aquatic Cl ub He is a lso 1 regis tered soccer re te ree 0

National Universities Week National Universities Week is being observed at universities across the country October 2 to 8 1983 to draw attention to the positive contributions a nd accomplishments made by these institutions in Canadian life A variety of activ ities at campuses will be designed to point out the va lue of the univershysitys teaching research cultural and public ser vice acli~ ities in society

Plans at Guelph include a noon hour series of lectures a nd panels which will look at areas of research on camp us that have far-reach ing etTects on society Members of the pu blic will be invited 10 visit the cam pus during the week to attend events and to tour the facilities

For further information on the National Universities Week program contact Information Services University of Guelph (SI9) 824-4120 Ext 8708 0


Canadian Centre for Toxicology T he Canadian Centre for Toxicol(l t y to he located at the ni ve r~ it y of Guelph and tht University of Toro nto will rt cc ive $ 10 mi ll ion fro lll the Ce clc ra l govern ment for the firs t phase of const ructioll The lunding I contingent on part ic ipation by the Ontario govern me nt ancl the two u ni ve rs it i e~

Dr Jim Sc hroder O VC 42 Me mbCi of Pari iame nl for Guelph pari ia mentary secretary to the Mini ster of Health and We lfare Monique Begin and an 0 C facult y member made the announce me nt on behalf o f The Honourable John Roberts Mini ste r of the En vironment at a press co nfere nce on cam pus in May The fundin g is the fi rst to be announced for more than 100 projects be ing fund eu under the leueral governmcnt s $ 24 bill io n spec ial reco ve ry projec ts program outlined in the April 19 budge t speec h

Pres ident Donalu Forster said that representati ves from the Uni vers it ies of Guelp h ane Toronto met later fo r discusshysions wi th Ontario s Mini ster of the Envishyronment Ke ith Norton and will continue tv di scuss the prov ince s commitmcnt to the Ccntre President Fors ter said he is opti misshyti c abo ut provincial support as Premier Bill Da vis has for the past tw o years expressed strung support for the Centre

President Forster on behalf o f the Unive rs it y of Guelph thanked Dr Schroun fo rthe work he has done to impress upon the federal go vernment the im port ance of a projec t of ve ry co ns iue rab le na tio na l s ignificance The Pres ident c it ed the Centre as an example of the co-operatio n betwee n uni ve rsitie s governments and the pri va te sector

Dr David Strangw ay actin g presishydent Uni versity of Toronto also expressed gtatitude to the federal go ve rnment and Dr Sc hroder He said the joint venture by two uni ve rs iti es tha t have compl ementary strengths is unique He desc ribeu the Ce ntre

Alberta Alumni Reunion

Saturday August 20 1983

200 pm -Bowness Park Calgary

Bring your own picnic

Prizes will be awarded for oldest grad grad who travels farthest

from home etc

L (l i to rii ht D r MeLII middotell Prcs iden Fo rsl fl r Dr Schroderund Dr Sl liI ng loshy(Iu inK Jr f ideill Uni l c rII oToro ll lO

as a world-class model that co uld be looked to in the future Guelphs strengths are in agricultural and veterinary toxicol ogy and Toron to s are espec iall y in toxicology in the med ical and engineerin g fi elcl s En viro nshymental expert ise is we ll deve loped at both uni vers ities

Professor Free man McEwen acting direc tor of the Ce ntre a nd dean of the OA outlined some of the unique features of the Ce ntre which he said is blaz in g a new tra il between gove rnments uni versities and the public sector

The planning and construction of phas one of the facilit y for the project is expected to be compl eteu by late 1986 at a total cost of $236 million When com shypleted the Ce ntre will be part of a netw ork o f toxicology centres across Canada It is ex pected to have a staff at both Guelph and Toronto of 64 sc ient is ts 108 techn ishycians and 109 other staff members The corshyrate headquarte rs will be at the Uni versit y of Guelph 0

Homecoming September 30middot October 1

Friday September 30 700 p m and 1000 pm The Nyl on in conce rt two shows War Me mori al Hall Ticket s $8 50 students and seni ors S9 50 general For ti ckets write Ny lons Tickets nive rs ity of Guel ph Box Ollice Uni vers ity Centre Un ive rs ity of Guelph Guel ph Ontari o N IG 2W I Pl ease make cheque payable to the Univers it y of Guelph and enclose a self- addressed and stamped envelope

Saturday October 1 Morning Homecomin g Paraue For further in fo rm ation contac t John King (519) 824-4120 Ex t 8327

1100 am HA Alu mni Associati on Annual eeting Hotel and Food Admin isshytrati on Building

11 30 am Human Kinet ics Alum ni Association An nual Meeting and Home shycoming Brunch Loca ti on to be anno unced

200 pm Homecornmg Footba ll Game Alumni Stadium Uni vcrsity of Toronto Blues vs Uni versit y of Gue lph Gry phons

630 pm Alumni Din ner Dancc Creelshyman Hall Further detail s co nt act Alumni Office (519) 824-4 l20 Ext 2122 or 87 40

800 pm Post-Game Pub Dance De shypartment of Athl etics gymnas ium 0

CODling Events Sep1216 Aggie Week

17 UGAA Wine Symposium Niagara Peninsula

25 28

Sep 30 Oct 1

Oct 1


Nov 11middot20


Dec 5-8

OAC Alumni Association Golf Tournament

InternationaJ Plowing Match Teviotdale


HAFA Alumni Association Annual Meeting

HK Alumni Association Annual Meeting

MacmiddotFACS Alumni Association Caree rs Night

Royal Agricultural Winter Fair Toronto

OAC Alumni Reception Royal Room CoUseum RAWF Toronto

Night At The Royal Sponsored by the UGAA Toronto chapter

American Association of Equine Practitioners Annual Convention Las Ve gas Nevada USA



The Ontario Veterinary College Alumni Association

EditorALUMNI Dr Cliff Barker 41


Faculty Award for Dr Bob Curtis Dr Bob CUrlis 6 Clinical SllIdies OVe recelllly received a UniversilY of Guelph

FlIcully Associalion Professional Tea ching Award in recognition of his great influence on professional lraining The cira lion in parr sraled He has repeatedlv beuroen honouredfor

his conlriburiOIl 10 educalion He is a respecled elerinarian who is universally retIed us

one of lhe beslleachers Ihis univlrsiry has eper had LeIr 10 righl Dr Russ Willoughbv

57 Dr Wayne Pfeiffer vice-chairman Faculty aSSOCi((lion Dr Bob Curlis 6 and

Dr Mike Wilson chairman Clinical SlUdies 0

For Design Dr Jim 01fa50n 68 owner of the South Su rrey Veterinary Hospital 3221 shy140th S1 Surrey BC received the 19 82 Special Aw ard for Architectu ral Exce llence at the annual merican Animal Hospital Association convention in San Antonio Texa on March 14 1983 The award was prese nted by Velerinary Eco nomi cs Mag(l~ ine a leading business magazi ne for the veterinary profession

T he award was give n in rccognition of the timc and expense Dr O lafsun investcd to design a hosp ital that would enhance its natur al s ur round ings South Su rrey Veterinary Hospital is loca ted in a res idenshyt ia l area and the colors a nd tex tures of the buil ding s ex terior lesse n the impact o f a commerci a l property in the area

The hospital is energy-efficient and includes large winduws and nume rous skyshyli ghts in its design plan Other features incl ude covered walkways a covered parkshying area a nd covered entrances The overall effect minim izes the enclosed fe lin g usushy

ally associatcd with a subterranean struc shytu re and the atte ntion to aesthetic detail produces a truly stunning hospital Con shygratulations Jim 0

Dr doe dohnson T he late Dr Joseph E Johnson 19 ( I R91-1960) who practised for many years in Waterloo was recognized for hi s services to ag riculture in O ntar io when his port rait was hung in the O ntario Agricu ltura l Ha ll of Fame at the O ntario Agricultural Museum Milton His nomination was prese nted by the Ontario Association of Ani mal Breedshyers T he citation presented states

Dr Joseph Edward Joe Johnson a native of Stra throy as a pioneer in the practice of artificial insemination (AI ) in Ontario In 1942 when the Waterloo Cou nty Holste in- Friesian Associ ation made

their fi rst attemp t it was Dr Joe who collected the se men and inse mina ted the cows

For fl ve years he took ti me out o f an already very busy practice to make the new idea work Several younger veterinarians

who workcd with him were later to be in charge of AI units across Ontario

He gradu ated from the O ntario Veterinary College in 1919 and after working in Fergus and Acton set up practice in Waterloo where he worked with the noted Seagram Sta bles

He pioneered the multi-staff clinic approach having as many as four students and grad uates work ing w ith him Because o f th is internship approach Dr Johnson probably had a greater influence o n the practice of large animal vete rinary medicine than any other practicing vete rinarian of his day

The ultimate uccess of the AI sys shytem is due in large part to the work o f this ve terinari an who through trial and error persevered with the technique in its ear ly years 0


One Millionth A third-year O VC student Paul Dick of Gcoroetown recently became the one mi lshylio nth person to pass through the turnstiles o f the O VC Division of the Uni versity Library since the tu rn sti les were installed eight years ago He was gree ted by libshyran ans and fac ulty applause and handshyshakes t1 a~ h i ng camera strobe lights conshygratulations and the pre sentation o f a book Clillical E raminal ion of Ca ll ie

The VC library also serves students from other Colleges Co mprising more tha n 30000 volu mes it e mbraces far more than the veterinary sc iences 0

In a briefcert monv a llellded bv David Hull head Sc ience and Velerinary Science Diision

oj Ihe Library eli and Dean Douglas 1aplesden 50 righl Associa ( Libraria ll John

Black presen l a book 10 one millionlh isilor Paul Dick rig ill cenlre

It Was Bound to Happen Delta chapter of O mega Tau Sigma Fratern ity residence has become co-educational with the admi ssion of 18 women students during 1982-83 em sters For se veral years OVC s women stu dents have been seeking fra ternity membership they fi nally made it in 1982

Galhered onlhei-olll sleps oflh e avc main

Imiiding are 14 of Ih e 18 women slwlel1ls

who resided in Ihe fral house Ihi I r ea r

FrOt1 row I(i llo righ l lennifer Rice

Ion [ Lee Ma rv MOllleilh M iddle ro w

Robill Roscol Kale Flanigan Lisa Tavlor Debbie Blech Lesli e Hu ngall Back row

l ana Kl llOn Carol Phillips l ennifer

TrollghlO n lulv Keenliside Healher Ross

Michele Durnall MissinRfrom Ihe piClure

are Brenda FOSler Chris Barrl es

Keily-LeiRh Thomas and Laura Hunl 0

Letters to the Editor Or Bert Ca rswell 7 1 of Brooks Alt a has repli ed to o ur request for informatio n on the watch fob letters F L T (O VCAA Alumni Bulletin March 19H3 Special Supmiddot pl ement) by sugges ting these stand for Friendship Lo ve and Truth the motto of the Indepcndent Order of Odd fell ows Are the re further op i nions~

Dr Alexander Bruyns 32 Sequin Was hington S A has se nt us informashytion on the Royal Canadian Army Veterishynary Corp (O VCA Alumni Bulletin

March 1983 S pec ial Supple ment) He was a ve te ri na ry offi ce r with the Gove rn o r Gcnerals Horse Guards in Toronto o n joini ng the RCAVC in 1938 and me ntioned the late Dr A R Yo unie 14 who served

with the RCAVC in World War One Further inform ation re RCAVC officers would be apprec iated

Dr Donald MacDonald 54 o f Edmo nshyton Ita also replied to our RCAVC inquiry with informatio n on the Corps badges He is a collector of militaria especi ally militar y cap badges o f which he has a collection of over 1600 He states cap badges of the RC VC are as scarce as he n s tee th

The O VC museum has o btained cap and uni form badges from Dr G A Rose IS la t address Picton and Dr W A Robenson 16 Tsawwassen BC eachof whom served as veterinary officers during World War O ne 0

In Memoriam Dr Owen Hinton 25 died on January 22 1983 in Florida Las t add ress Rt 4 Box 139 Jasper Florida US A 32052

Dr Vernon jensen 33 died on Dcshyce mber II 19 R2 Las t address 2485 Lon-din Lane St Paul in nesota US A

Dr Edward Burke 35 died on Ja nuary 21 1983 Las t addr ss P OBox 326 So uthport Conn US A 06490

Dr jack Warren 39 Date of death no t reported Last addre ss RR 3 W heatl y Ontario OP 2PO

Dr Wilfred Sherwin 40 died o n 0 tobc r 6 1982 Last address 432 W Washi ngton Street ampa Idaho S A83651

D r j ames Watt 49 died in August 1982 Las t address 790 Ho rtop Avenue Osha wa Ontario LlG 4N8

Or Peggy Godkin 55 died o n Decem ber 5 1982 Last address Inni sfai l Alt a 0

PEl Gets It T he Toro nto Glohe ald Mail of Fe bruary 19 1983 carried the follow ing announce shyment Charl otte town (CP) - Agric ultu re Minister Eugene W he lan announced today that $500000 has bee n appropri ated to

begin architectural pl ans fo r I $26-mi ll ion veterinary college here He sa id at a new confe rence the federal Go vern me nt w ill put up half the co nstruc tion cos t if the three Marit ime p rov inces s ha re t he o ther $ 13-lTI illi on out lay 0


The College of Social Science Alumni Association

PEGAS-US Editor Dorothy Barnes 78

stori ng The Log Farm a farmhouse dating back to the late 1800s Michelle says Michelle and Mustech thi s was a terrific expcrience and the best

N omad pioneer student administrator curator You mi ght ask what these words ha ve in common and the answer you would receive would be that they all aptly describe Miche lle McMillan 77

Mi chelle graduated with a degree in SociologyAnthropology At the same time she graduated from Algonquin Community Collegt with a correspondence course dipshyloma in what she terms M ustec h - Muse um Technology majoring In Exshyhibit esign

Currently assistant director at the Guelph Ci vic Muse um she has held thi s position since the spring of 1979 Her responsibilities include those of regis trar (mai nta ining dltaikd [i Ii ng systems) for the con serva tion of artifacts and ex hibit work She is co-ordinator of some 40 vo lunteers who are in volved in all facets of museum work (to become a muse um vo lunteer all one has to do is call Michelle and arrange for an interview )

When interviewing Michclk it was obvious she has a love for her work that she will pass on to oth~rs possibly some of the young children attending the education programs she supervi ses at the Guelph Civic Museum

Her mothers parents were homeshysteaders and she was brouoht up on stories about pioneering Her interest in pioneering and the Indian way of life was fo stered by a mothe r who had Indian friends and who would often visit these friends experiencshying their way of life even to sleeping quite often in a tepee

Thi s and the fac t that her family moved around a lo t from west to east influenced Michelles deep and lasting love of the past although with a lau gh she says Now I am of the opinion that my mother had a tendency to present a romantic version of the whole situation - espec ially to me as a young child It certainly influenced my interest in studying Anthropol ogy

Michelles ed ucation and working exshyperiences have bee n very infl uential in nurturing her love of the past She started

out at the University of Western On tario but left for perso nal reasons She worked for a ye ar and while working beca me apprenshyticed as a pattern drafter

ichelle mo ved to Ottawa after she had worked the year and regi stereu at Carl eto n Universi ty in Anthropology She studied this for one year and then became aware of a program offered at Algonquin Communit y College on the subject Mu seum Tech nolo gy

Her placement s in work situation while at Algonquin included a summer helping four yo un g me n on a project at the town of Bells Corners ne ar Ottawa re-

job she ever had There was no electr icity so eve rything

was done by hand Her group res tored doors gable-ends flo ors ceilings rtshypointed stone found at ions and raised the building on hydra uli c jacks The y also gl Lt~d windows re searched the huildin g and organized the veget ab le garden

Othelmiddot experiences have included work at thc Na tio nal Museum of Man thc McM ichae l Canadi an Collcction in Klcin shyburg the Wellington County Muse um and the S imcoe County Museum She has al so been a volunteer teacher at the Plains jndian Iroquois and Inuit Ga lleri es of the National M use um of Man

It was Guelphs gain when Miche lle found he rsel f pulled bac k to stud ying in order to co mplete her degree

Michelle is now well established in her position at the Guelph Civic Muscum and dt las t feels she ha s put dow n roots in a c ity she has an alleg iance to one she loves and fee ls more co mfortable in than any other She is involved in trying to build up a research library on local history and artifacts

When asked for pearl s of wisdom fo r new graduates Michelle volunteered that pcople need practical ex perience along with formal learning to balance their percept ion of a ro lc How apropos 0

Th e Cullege uf So cial Science Alumlli Associatioll ill-course scholarships ere Jreserl(d

rnelltlmiddot to lei Junine Crallt Ceog uJJnmiddot olld Virginia Suth erland Psrchologv Attending

tht un lIlOnr wert right Pro(essor Juliu s fugl Department oCeogrupilr and Pr(essor

Mike M(lIh f II~ Iei chuirmun DeJurtlllen t 0 PI cilologr Th e scilolorshiJI 01 $200

each oreul1ded in purt hr all (11 1(( gru llti-om til ( Alma Mawr Fu nd


Lan e Smit h 78 is a so ftware spec ialist Barbara (Cherry) Wilson 80 is pres shyGrad News with Software Ke netics in epean ently res iding at 45 Emily Street Grimsby

Ron Beveridge 67 is an e lementary special counselor with School District 88 Terrace B C

C R ichard Buc k 70 practices law WIth the firm of Weyli e Shortt Buck Hanshybridge Reidl Casselli and Mitchell in Waterloo

Lee D Wetherall 75 is an exec utive ass istant with AIcan in Kingston

Stewart McCann 76 is a lec turer with the University of Alberta Edmonton

Peter J Stanczyk 76 is living at 9940 Fa irmount Drive S E Apartment A-4

C algary Alta Since concluding his studies at Guelph Peter attended the social work course at Wilfrid Laurier University Watershyloo and received a Master o f Soc ial Work

degree in 1982 Peter is now married and he and his

bride We ndy are established as socia l workers with Alberta Social c rvices and Comm unity Health in Calgary We wish Peter and Wend y much happiness in their new partnership success in their choscn fi e ld and contentment in the ir Ii vc s together

Ted Boniface 77 is now n eative direc tor for Ce ntra l Al berta Broadcasting (CKRDshy

T V CKRD-AM and C FCR-FM) in Red Deer Ted has bee n awarded four c itations by the Radi o Bureau of C anada and was nominated for an Aetra Award as producer of the hes t radio program of1979 O ld news we reali ze but how are we going to know o therwise unless you let us know Thanks

Ted for updating us on your activities

Gurnam Singh 77 is an MC A student at the niversity of Ottawa

Roderick Hodgson 78 is back in his home town of H udson Que Rod is emshyployed by the Town of H udson Publi c

Works Departme nt he al so serves on the Town Planning C ommittee and is activel y involved with the volunteer fire department

Perr y Wilson 78 is liv ing in Spirit River Alta Since graduating from G uelph Perry

has obtained a masters degree in Anthropolshyogy from McG ill University and is princ ishypal of Ste Marie Elementary School in Spirit River

John Boyle 78 is presently living at RR 2 Brampton

Karen Russell 78 is a teacher with the Dufferin County Board of Education at Parkinson Centennial School Orangeville

Vicky Su therland 78 is an air traffi c

controller with the Mini stry of Transport Calgary Alta

Susan W alkowiak 78 is a real estate agent with the Safeguard Real Es tate Comshy

pan y Toronto

Craig Willms 78 is an assistant manager with the Toronto-Dominion Bank Watershy


Gordon Cominey 79 is a priest with the Holy Trinity Anglican Church in Edmonshy

ton Alta

Carol (Fogarty) Knox 79 is presentl y residi ng at R R 5 Woodstoc k

Susan Laushway 79 is a probation office r with the Solic itor G eneral of Alshybe rta in Edmonton

Richard E Larente 79 is production manager at Mac Mil lan Bloedel Ville

Mont-Ro yal Q ue

Bryce Andrews 80 has dec ided to conshytinul his education at the n i ve r~ ity of

Weste rn Ontario He is working on an M BA

Dianne M Grenier 80 is in her third year of Common Law at the University of Ottawa

Shauneen (McKague ) Bruder 80 is an MBA student at Queens University Kingston

Michele Forrester 80 is a comm unicashytions clerk w ith the Ontario Yo uth Employment Program Queens Park To shy


Peter Madott 80 is an ass istant product manager with S c Johnson an d So n Ltd


Elizabeth (Ferguson ) latos 80 is a volunteer co-ordinator with B ig Bro thersBig Sisters of Carleton County


Jane Stevens 80 is a teac her w ith the

York Board of Education in Aurora

Loretto (MacDonald) Sullivan 80 is an administrative assistant with Kert Advertis shying Toronto

Sylvia (Bossaer) Willms 80 is a Food

Services supervisor at the UI1Iversity of Guelph

Jane (Stevens) Tremblay 80 is a teacher with the York Board of Education Aurora Jane is married to David U of N Dakota

grad of 79

Lee Anne Burton 80 is a teacher with the Dufferin Peel R C SS Board Mi ss isshy


Maureen S inclair-Barnes 80 is an urban planner with the City of Brantford Husband

is Bruce Barnes 82

Su~ Jones 80 is continuing her education at the Univers ity of Alberta She lives at

11441-132 St 405 Edmonton Alta T M IG2 Bro ther-in-law John Sch neider CBS 73 graduated in Marine


Nicholas Boyadjian 81 is a special events co-ordinator with Unive rsity Ce ntre

Administration Uni ve rsity of Guelph

Debra (Philputt ) Gibson 81 is a te acher

w ith Pee l C ount y Board of Education in

Miss issa uga

Jim Gibson 81 is a branch representati ve o ffi cer with the Ca nadian Imperial Ra nk of

CommCfce Toron to

Linda Helin 81 is presen tly res iding in

C utler on the North C hannel of Lake Huron

Patti La France 81 is a teacher residing at 66-50 Fiddl ers Green Road London

Elizabeth (Crighton) Madge 81 is now married and re siding in Lethbridge Alta

Kathleen Martin 81 is a market research analys t w ith As tra Pharmaceutical s Miss i shy


Edward Leong 82 is administration

manager for the J J Tour Se rvi ce at the Jal an M aju Taman Jade Ce ntre Miri Branch Sara wak East Malaysia

Debbie (Ling) Therrien 82 is employed as cashiersale sperson for Gameway s Ark

Ltd Toro nto

Chin Lan (Kat ) Choi 82 is an executive shyofficer with the ational Produc tivity Board in Singapore Since graduating C hin Lan has married C hoi Chee Keong C PS 82 Much happiness and success to you both

John C Close 82 is a teac her with World University Services of Canada in Zimbabshywe Africa John is married to Mary M A Psych 8 1 WLU 0


The College of Biological Science Alumni Associatio~_~

BIO-ALUMNI NEWS Editor Dr John Powell

Executive CBS Alumni Association HONORARY PRES ID ENT Professor Bruce Sells Dean


Dr George Dixon Ph D 80 Zoology

PAST PRESIDENT Marie (Boissonneault) Rush BSc 80 Marine Biology

VICE PRESIDENT Chris Wren BSc 77 Marine Biology

SECRETARY-TREASURER Cam Portt BSc 77 MSc 80 Zoology

DIRECTORS David Airdrie BSc 82 Microbiology Krista Soper BSc 79 Marine Biology Lorrie Cosens BSc 79 Marine Biology Eric Cosens BSc 80 General Biology Keith Harris B Se 76 Marine Biology

EX-OFFICIO DIRECTORS Marie (Boisonneault) Rush BSe 80 Marine Biology Shawn Taylor BSc 83 Aquatic Biology Past President CBSSC Brian Wisenden President CBSSC

FACULTY ADVISORS to be chosen one from each DepartmentSchool

UGAA REPRESENTATIVE S Jan Watshyson BSc 75 Zoology Lorrie (Rolston) Cosens BSc 79 Marine Biology Rob Miln B Sc 81 Marine Biology

EDITOR BlO-ALUMNI NEWS Professhysor John Powell Human Biology 0

Please help us to help you When corresponding or upshydating information or address do tell us not only your year of graduation but your discipline

Where Are They Now The following 20 names were entered on the College of Biological Science Honour Roll for years 1976 and 1977 We w ish to know how your career has progressed and

FALL 1976

Brenda Henry (Marine Biology) and Winter 77

janis Kay 78 (Genetics) and Winter 77

Laurence McClure OVC 81 (Unshyspecialized and Winter 77

Linda (Nelson) Sinclair 78 (Human Kinetics) and Spring 77


Sherry (Bondorenko) Miller 77 (Hushyman Kinetics)

jellrey Chernoff 77 (Unspecialized)

Wendy Harris 77 (Major in Biology)

C harlene Kopansky 77 (Human Kineshytics)

Peter MacDonald (Human Kinetics) and Winter 78

Blain Mollatt (Microbiology)

Darjo Romani 78 (Major in Biology) also Fall 77 and Winter 78

Barry Rosen~rg 77 (Unspecialized)

Cheryl Rowe 77 (Human Kinetics)

FALL 1977

Gregory Casey 79 (Microbiology) also Fall 78 and Winter 79

William Crins 78 (Botany)

jill Cross OVC 82 (Unspecialized)

what you are doing currently Do you have intere s ting episodes to relate in the BIO-ALUMNI NEWS Please lets hear from you

David C a mpbell 78 (Major in Biology)

Richard Proctor 80 (Ecology)

Carolyn Robertson (U nspecialized)

joanne (Ryder) G unby 79 (Genetics) and Winter 79 0

Grad Bash 1983

Organized jointly by the CBS Alumni Association and the CBS Students Council in April more than 280 students alumni current and former staff and faculty sat down for dinner prior to presentations being made to our dean

Contributions came from members of the College and a bird sculpture fashioned by Uta Strelive Zoology was the first of many gifts

Next came a memory book containing many letters photographs clippings and a variety of incidents all pieced together by Association president Marie (Boissonshyneault) Rush 80

Betty Roff gave the dean a special book of clippings collected by herself Two framed portraits of Professor Ronald one already hung in the main office of McNally house the other for the Ronald family completed the tributes

Altogether this gathering was a fitting acknowledgement of a great man who has done great things for us all 0


Scholarships In the Names of

Ronald and PoweU The CBS Alumni Association is pleased to announce the introduction of a scholarship for graduate students in the name of Proshy

fessor Keith Ronald Professor Rona ld as of July I had served for 12 years as the first dean of the CBS and the awarding of a

sc holarship in his name is a fitting tribute to

all he has done fo r the College the Univershys ity and the CBS Alumni Assoc iation

The Hum an Kine tics Alu mni Assoc iashy

tion anno unced its intention to name an undergraduate scholarship in the School of Human Biology in the name of Dr John T Powell as he retires from the Unive rsity in 1984

Do nations to eithe r or both of these

sc holarship funds shou ld be sent direc tl y to the Department of Alumni Affairs and Development-clearly ind icati ng to which sc ho la rs hip your donation is to be alloca ted - or when contributing to the Alma M ater F und noting that your monie s

be channeled to the sc holars hip of yo ur choice 0

Grad News Biological S cience

Lesley (Wilson) Barton 73 and Bruce 70 MSc 74 live in Keremeos B C R R No I VOX JNO will find them

E thel Anita Hamilton 79 and hu sband

Wayne Barcha r d 76 MSc 79 live in Hali fax NS where Ethel is a habitat proshy

tec tion technician with fishe ries and Oceans while Wayne is head Office Assessment Scction Environment Canada 3rd Floor 45 Alderney Drive Dartmouth N S

Marilynne (Wise) McCausland 77 is a research microbiolog ist with Molson Bre wshyeries of Canada Ltd and may be reached at 1555 No tre Dame East Montrea l Que H2L 2R5

Michael W Tate 79 write s mos t kindly thanking us for kee ping people in touch through th is column He is a teac her at Mo rnings tar Secondary School in Mi ss isshysauga

Natalie Mary Olynyk 79 may be reached at 3 120 Duffer in Street in T oronto where she is re staurant manager for Olyn yk Foods Ltd

Marine Biology

Gl en A Packman 74 and Sharon (Noda ) Arts 72 li ve at 21 Albion Road Hali fax S B3P IP8 Glen is a senior

biologist with En vironment Canada

Jo l1n Plumb 76 and M arianne (Conshynoly ) 77 may be reached at 37 Coldstrea m Road Box 303 Munster Ont KOA 3PO John works as an indu strial engineer with

the Mitel Corporation - Kan ata

Human Kinetics and Human Biology

Joy (Reid) Tomes 70 is a team coshyordinator with the Workman s Co mpensashytion Board- 2 Bloor St East Toronto Ont oM7W IA2

Terry Obi Oblinski 71 holds the pos it io n of supervisor with the 3M Comshypa ny at 2 Craig Street Pe rt h Onto K7 H 3C5

Robert T a p Fawcett 72 teac hes at the W 1 Fenton Secondary Schoo l R R 0 10 in Brampton Ont L6V 3 2

Marie-Andree (Pi lon) Poulin now teache h igh school in Montreal write her at 76 Lesage Repent igny Que J3A 5Y5

Dr Tom Elmslic 74 M-Sc 77 is a g lutton for punishment as he isjust complet ing another MSc this time in Epidemi o lshyogy at McM as ter University preparatory to his return to Ottawa

Glen Paterson 78 of 16 Da lto n A ve nue T hunder Bay On t P7B 4E9 is ea rl y chi ldhood educato r with the Confederation o f Applied Art s and Technology B ro ther Larry R Paterson g radu ated with a BLA in 69

Eric bullbull Art Arthurs 80 is s till at 12272 shy110 Avenue Edmonton Alta T5M 2L3 He work s for Consolidated Concrete Limshyi ted as a dragl i ne opera tor

Henry Fox 81 lives at 1520 Verdi La Salle Que H8l I K4

Christine (Krumbacher) F()se 81 may be reached at Box 252 2 Banff Alta TOL OCO

Ch rist ine (Novakuske) Lavallee MSc 81 is a stude nt again stud ying French and living at 0428A Larose A ve nue Mo nt real Que H2B 2Z2

Ginger (Thompson) Elmore 81 seeks work in the geriatric field Are you able to help Write he r please at 107 Ontario Avenue Komoka Onto NOL IRO

Don Doc Wilson 81 is physica l direc tor at the Waterloo Family YMCA Lincol n Road Waterloo Ont N2J 2N8

Jan McMullan 82 ne wly wedded to Mark Newcombe MSc 83 is presently ass istant manager - Ri ordan s Sport S 183 Silvercreek Parkway in Guelph She tells us of four co usins who have g raduated fro m Guelph - Brenda (Bu lton) Dagg CSS 72 Bryce Dagg 72 Donald Sifton 70 and Bonnie (Sifto n) W alsh C SS 72

Fisheries and Wildlife

Lorna l Depuydt 77 is a price specia li st with Massey-Fe rg uso n Her adshydress is 3941 Whispering Wa No 6 Grand Rapids Mich USA 49506

Steven Kerr 77 works as di s trict biologist for the Mi nistry of Natu ra l Reshysources - 611 Ninth Avenue Eas t O wen Sound Ont NOH IS O

Richa rd P Bekolay 77 MSc 80 R R N o ) Carp Ont KOA ILO is a program analyst with Digital Equipment Corporation at Kanata

Marie Legrow 80 is once aga in a s tudent at Gue lp h li ving in Guelph at [02 Queen St reet North IE 4S I


Ann (Stewart) Gray 79 and husband Dr eil Gray 76 li ve at 40) - 251 Platts Lanc in London Ont N6 H 4P4 Ann is a re search assistant at the Universi ty of We stshyern Ontari o

Robe- W Marks 81 is a production trainee with Labatt Brewin g Comp any in Kitchene r


Dr Rob J Van Exan 74 MSc 76 PhD79 ho lds the position of manager Cell Culture Produc tion with Connaught Laboratories 1755 Steeles Avenue West Will owdale Ont M2R 3T4

Chuck Yipchuk 78 wo rks in Quebec 87 Senneville Road Sennev ille a s c oshyordinator of da ta at Bi o- Re search Laboratori es

Dr Harr y Nixon Chabwela W eza MSc 79 P h D 82 may be contacted at loni Katandika Vtllage Chief Kakumbi P O Box 154 Chipata Za mbia where he is a bio log ist wi th National Parks

Douglas Stendahl MSc 79 is with the -federal government s Minist ry o f Indian Affairs and Northe rn De velopment- P O Box 1500 Yukon N W T He is water quality officer


Rick Proctor 80 is a consultant with I P Sharp Associates 2 First Canadian Place Toronto Ont M5X IE3 0


The Ontario Agricultural College Alumni Association

ALUMNI NEWS EdJtor Dr Harvey W Caldwell 51

Financial Management Related to Agriculture One of the main sessions at the OAC Agricu ltural Conference 83 dealt wit h financial management as it relates to agricu lture Robert Sanderson who is with the Ontario Farm Adjustment Asshysistance Program was a main speaker and presented the following paper

Ten years ago most farmers were smilingshyagr icu lt ure see med to have finally gained its reward Worl d short age s of food provided ampl e markets and steadily rising prices lor prac tica lly all crops

Thi s idea li s ti c situation continued for a co uple of years until the granaries of the wo rl d were refi li ed De mand then norshyma li zed and pri ces for most agricultural prod ucts hega n to dec line In spite of price dec lines and li mited markets co nsiderable optimi sm conti nued to be fe lt o n the farm sce ne thro ughout mos t of the 1970s

Late in that peri od infl a ti on reall y ca ught fi re rai sing inpu t cos ts for supplie s and labour The ri se in land pri ces exceeded the most optimis tic es timates during this sa me time

In an a tte mpt to s te m thi s ra mpant infla tio n interes t rates increased almost threefo ld beg inning In 1979 and the world hega n it s slide into recession Farml and prices ceased to r ise in 198 1 and are now crumbli ng wi th uncer tain ty and lac k o f demand

We have no doub ts abo ut th e successshyful future o f ag ri cult ure hcre in Ontari o but today for many farmers adj ugtt me nts are necessa ry to remain so lve nt and for too many oth ers bo th adj ustme nts and so me ass iq an ce are necessary for their prese nt and future surviva l

There are some who are beyo nd he lp and farm bankru ptcies are at their highest leve l since the grea t Depression o f the 1930s These cond it io ns brought about the crea tio n of the On tari o Farm AdJustmcn t Ass istance Program (OFA AP) T hi s proshygram during 1 9~2 has bee n assisting eli g ible farmers who needed he lp

The re are two prime reaso ns fo r


fin anci al woes cited by appl ican ts - high interes t rates and lower farm incomes On the other hand the prime reaso n fo r ~ome

farmen probl ems e ited by lenders is ove r-e xpansion We be li eve both views are va lid and unques ti onabl y are respo ns ible for the prese nt ago ny and unres t on 100

many Ontario farms Le nde rs cite seve ral o the r importa nt

reaSl)l1S whic h also bea r o n the prob le m The borrowers oft e n refe r to them too but usuall y wit h di fferen t emphasis ThcY em shyphas ize the c lt treme instability of fa rm income the se rious lac k of pro per pl an ning bu dge ting accmatc farm record and fin all y the practice of making unprodu ctive investmcnts

Because of the qualifying criteria asshysociated ith an application for as s istan ce from OfAAP one must keep in mind that our observations are limited to about 10 per ce nt of Ontario farm operatlolls That 10 per ce nt is cl ose to the bottom of the gro up on the bas is o f financial sec urity OFA AP assista nce is limited to those produc ing Iood and tobacco Therefore data regard in g proshyducers of fl owers nursery stock race shyhorscs etc ha ( no t come he fore us and the financ ial ituati ons ltlr not inc luded in any of o ur informati o n

Applica ti ons have been appro ved for farmers operating all across the pro vince

Of the to tal approved about 20 per ce nt were in swine prod uctio n abou t 15 per ce nt were in eac h of cash crop prod uction da iry producti on and beef prod uct ion 4 per cen t were in fruit and vege ta ble prod uctio n 3 pel cent were tobacco fa rmers and the Ies t co mbinations of the above Those farm ers producing etgs and poultry were fe w

I n a review of appli ca tio ns for OFAAP ass istance several COl1ll1lo n sce nari os co nshytin ue to ap pear on a so me what re petiti ve has is and are ca tegorized as fo ll ows

1 Young or Beginning Farmers

Th ose under 35 years o f age wen res pons ishybl e for nearl y ha lf o f a ll the app li cati ons In thi s gro up are many who have Just begun fa rm ing Mo~ t of these arc victims of inopport un e tim ing hav in g acq uired land buildings and equ ipme nt be twee n 1979 and 19R2 For the m the combinati on o f lower th an ex pee ted prices of farm produc ts and the extre me inc reases in the ir fi na nc ing charges due to hi gh interes t rates_ have becn dlvas tatin g This is partic ul arl y true where Illos t assets were fi nanced the bcg inshyning equit y be in g Illodes t

2 The Aggres sive Expansionist

Many farmers who did well farming on a

modlst basis in the mid-70s dec ided that s ince o ne farm was pro fitabl e two wo uld be bette r three be tter than two Aggress ive

expan sion mos tl y on c redit du ring this i ntl a tio nary pe riod produced many paper millionaires in the farm co mmunity by the late 70s The elation fo r some of these

fa rmers d id not lasl far into the 80s T hose with 100 much bo rro wed cap ital

found that the ir farm income c ul d not

support the debt load So me of these

atlcmpted fu rthe r borro wing in an e ffort to mai nta in their ho l ding ~ and fo und ou t like o thers before them th at it is imposs ible to

borro w your way out of debt O thers so ld or tried to sell some o f the ir land o r eq uipment in an effort to re ti re at leasl o me of the ir cri ppling de bt and there by salvage at

least a part o f the ir operation

One rather sad varia tio n o f this las t s itua tion occ urs occ as io na lly whe re a

farmer who has had a succes~ fu l and so lvent opera tion decide to ex pand to a llow a son

o r so n- in-law into the bus in ss because of a des ire on the part of the young per on to

farm or occasionally because he is no t employed The expansion in Jand and eljuipment particularly if it occu rred in the

last three years and if it were do ne mainl y o n credit with a mortgage taken on his once so lvent operation has robbed the farmer of

his security and his peace of mind Furthershy

mo re in some of these s ituations the disappointed newcomer in the bus iness moved on leaving dear o ld dad to make the best of it

3 The Equipment Enthusiast

Another scenario concerns the man who is o bsessed with the need to ac quire equipshyment or to make add ition s and improveshy

ments to a lready adequate buildings To pay

for it out of the revolvi ng operating loan or to finance it in other ways withou t first having established that it will pay for itself will inevitably c reate financial problem s

Whe re there has been a general disregard for thi s kind of purchas ing the end resu lt has usually been disas trous

4 Natural Disasters

We regularly see the result s of natural

disas ters - floods windstorms hail frost disease and fires All of the se misfortunes can be c rippling to any operation but when adequate insurance coverage is not carried or if one of these di sasters occur whe n a farmers equity is low or when hi s princi pal and interest charges consume much o f his income it can be disastrous to his economic

pos ition

5 Family Unity

From OFAAP applicatio ns it is noted that some farmers who experience a marriage break- up seem to have diffi culty maintainshy

ing fi nanc ial solvency W hen asse ts are

di vided and whe n atte nt ion to management

is di e r ted hccause o f family pro blems the farm operation is often morta ll y wounded

Farmers and farm op ratnr are much more vulnerable in this si tua tio n because thei r

wives arc o ften much more invol ved in the e lllerprise than in non- farm situations

6 Offmiddot Farm Income

Appl ications incl ude a great nu mher of

insta nces in which if it were not fo r 0 ffmiddot fa rm income o f either the farmer or his wife or

occas io na lly both the ir farm o peratio n wo uld be tota lly un viable and unab le to continue to fu nc tion It is well the n fo r

those in th se c ircumstances to r cogniu tha t if the off-farnl inco me should e nd it wo uld also mea n the te rmination of the

farming operatio n

7 Enterprise Changes

A review 0 f appli ca tions indicates that some

farmers are hoping to comple tely change

thei r c rop or li ves toc k programs attemptin g perhaps to outguess the marke t and to

improve their financial return s Sometimes the expectation in vo lved in the dec is ion is

correct but so o ften when the costs inshyvol ved in the c hange are considered little

has been gai ned and where the deci s ion to change was unwi se co nsiderable loss is

usually the result The ot her extreme to this

situation is rigidity to the poi nt of makin g no changes at all

8 Manage ment

The management ability of any applicant

farmer is difficult to assess Most applicants are not known and there is no opportunity to assess the actual farm operation Ho wever

experience with OFAA P emph asizes that good financial management is c ritical to the

success of any farm operation Here is a li s t of definite Do and

Do nts that should be much in the minds of farmers operating in the present financial climate All of these suggestions re tlect the ex periences we have had working with

appli ca tions for O FAA P

The Definite Dos

Do base an operation on an informed farm

plan keep ing and using good record~ and approved acco unting proced ures Do work c losely wi th the credit source shy

usually the banker Plan and work within

approved revo lving ope rating loan limits Make regular cred it payments when due and when unable to make p ro per arrange shy

ments ahead of time w ith your c reditor or credito rs Do make necessary adju stme nts in land and equipm e nt befo re u nder tak ing further borrow in g Do shop around for cred it and i nve~ tig ate

ava il ah le programs to cu t credit cos ts Do pay off on loans when surplus cas h is

ava il able It won t be any fun but it w ill

he lp to re tain sol vency Do try to ma intai n stability in your far m o peration and kee p the peace a t h IllC

Do seek the professi o nal adv ice of you r ag ric ultu ra l represe ntative anJ Ir indwtry fiel d per~on ne I

The Definite Donts

Dont borrow for capita l items unless they

are abso lu te I y necessary Dont make capi ta l purchases with funds

frolll your revo lvi ng opera ting account w ithout co nsul ta tion and agreeme nt with

the bank manager Dont expand any operation without sound

pl ann ing Dont plunge and make rapid changes in

the ope rati ng patte rn without so und consultation 0

Partners For 70 Years

Arthur Cowie 09 now 95 and his wife Nina now 92 were married March 19 1913 near Nel son B C They li ved in

HC for three years then returned to Caledo nia where Arthur worked for the A

Jone s bakery He returned to the 200-acre farm homestead in 1922 when his father

was kill ed in a farm accident Arthur se rved in the 19305 and early

19405 as co uncillor and also served as

a Ju s tice of the Peace for the farm communit y

Nina Co wie whose g reat lo ve was

dancing has onl y one regre t and that is tha t she could never get her hu sband o nto the -dance floor The Scotti ~ h dances Hig hlan d

tlin gs and Scotti sh reels made hi s head spin He played the record s and watched

from the sidelines while ina did the danc ing

They have no secrets tor a long happ y marriage excep t working at it Theyve

done Jus t tha t for 70 years Bes t wishes to them both 0


OACGrads on Faculty at Nova Scotia Ag College

Lauranne Sanderson M Sc 81 is with the Humanities Department She specialized in Animal Science in her undershygraduate years but added to that a master program in Agricultural Economics Lauranne has lived on a mi xed lives t()c k and cash crop farm in southern O ntario At the No va Scotia Agricultural College (NSAC) she is teaching Tec hnical W riting but is specializing in the area of Com munications and Agricultural Extension

Barbara (Otrysko) Mulkewytch 78 MSc 81 is with the Plant Science Deshypartment Prior to her appointment at NSAC she was employed as a potato crops specialist with the New Brunswick Departshyment of Agriculture Her teaching and research will include projects on potato and crop protect ion

Yes Surry MSc 81 is with the Economics and Busi ness De partment Yves was born in Pamiers France has an M A fro m the nivers ity of Pari s and is in the process of completing his Ph D from Guelph Yves has a strong interes t in teachshying and his research interests hould be a welcome addition to the reg ion He is pre sent ly teaching courses in Micro and Macro Economic Theory

Laurie (Gaunt) Connor 73 is w ith the Department of Animal Science She earned MSc and Ph D degrees specia li zi ng in reproduct ion phys iology from the nivershysity o f Manitoba Prior to joining NSAC she was a NSERC Vi iting Fellow at the Animal Research Centre in Ottawa Her teaching and research work is mainly in the re producti ve physiology field

Also at NSAC are Sheree Porter CSS 79 and Myrna (Porter) Blenkhorn 76 John Shug 37A and 40 is the sec re tary o f the Nova Scotia Agricultural College Alumni Association 0

Please help us to help you When corresponding or upshydating information or address do tell us not only your year of graduation but your discipline

Th ree generatiuns of heramify were present when fleather Rohinson right centre FACS 83 graduated ut Wim er Convocation With her f rom [eji to righture her grandfather John Inglis her moth er Vlarirn (Inglis ) Robinson Mac 55 0 member of the Uni versirys Boord of Govern ors ond her father Doug Rohinson 53

Above Mllrrav Ma cGregor 5 1 lei with the winners of the OAC s 25th annual Alumni Curling Bon spiel Left to right GeorRe Robinson 651 Mu rrav Elliotl 65A Keith Murru 65A and Jern- Forestell 6511 Right OAC Alumni Associashytion president Hell ry Slanle 55 right was preslntedwith un engraved pewta stein to recugnie 25 years of participation ill Ihe bOlspiel Conshygratuluting Henry is Bill Harrison 62 bonspiei commillee chuirman


the individual members excellence andThe Ronald S Ritchie Le cture integri ty

This idea for the new body was not accepted by members of Cabinet They

The Opening Up of PubHc PoHcy The Opening Up of Public Policy was

Selllior Michael Piffields fopic when he

delifred fhe annual Ronald S Rifchie

LeclUre of fhe UniversifY in March

A Rmduafe ofSf Lawrence Universify

17 ( graduafed in lawjrom McGill UniversifV

and holds a Rrodlla fe diploma in Public La w

Fom Ih e UlliversifY ofolIa wa H efirsl joined Ihe Public Service as an

wlminislrafive assiSfam in Ihe Depa rimem

oJuslice in 1959 Ialer served onlhe sraffof Ih e Goernor General and as secrelary fO

117 1 Royal Commission on Taxalion In 1965

he joined Ihe Privy Council Office He

became depuly minisler of Consumer and

Corporafe Affairs in 1973 and Ihe followshy

inli year lOok up an appoinfmem as Fellow

in fhe John F Kennedy School of Governshy

mOl (If Harvard Un iversifY In 1975 he

relurned 10 Ollawa as Clerk of fhe Privy

Council and Se crelarv 10 Ihe Cabinel

The annual leclre recognizes Ihe comrihwion made 10 fhe Universily by

former Board of Govemors chairman

ROllald S Rilchie A reporl on Senafor Piffields presemalion follows

Senator Pitfield paid tribute to Rona ld Ritchie his important work in the Glassco Commission and his influence in the estabshylishment of the Institute for Research on Public Policy

In thi s th oug htful and thoughtshyprovoking presentation Senator Pitfield outlined the need for and the desirability of more open discussion before policies are introduced but there are some very real difficulties associated with de vel oping some me chanis m that could foster and encourage such exchanges of ideas

[t was pointed out that because of the high degree of interdependency of modern society and the size and complexity of governments the making of public polic y must be an intellectual subject in its own right not just a conglomeration of di scishyplines It had become evident that

I A methodical analysis of government activity could lead to improvements in government effectiveness

2 Traini ng in making and managment of public policy was crucial and urgent

3 There were few in government who knew why things were done the way they were

4 The making and management of pubshylic policy was a subject unique in itself and required thinking through for itself

5 Universities and other training institushytions were not very useful in this training process universities being too removed from the actual experience of government and the government institutions being withshyout the detachment and intellectual rigour needed

Thus it became evident that there was a need for an institution that would be a repository of knowledge a pl ace of learnshying a foru m for debate and a means of communication co ncerning public policy

Proposal s emerged that the federal go vernment should assis t some of the organizations already in existence Comshypetition became keen and rivalry among institutions re su lted in grander more comshyplex proposals As a result the federal go vernment in 1968 decided to establish a think-tank of its own to take a more rigorous look at public polic y

The idea was not new In many countries the general thinking was that all problems could be so l ved by inrelleclUal anal ysis and the appl ication of modern techshyniques But the ne w Trudeau go vernment went even beyond providing more data It included public debate of public policy

But the think-tank was only one of the initiatives to aid in the formation of policies There was support for political parties through caucus funding offi ce space support staff and regional offices for Members of Parliament and internsh ip programs for students to work as assistan ts to MPs

Other support included green and white papers for discussion commissions of inquiry task forces public funding of non-political grou ps to encourage discusshysion and many others to increase the flow of information for consideration of alternashytives All were done to open up the process o f meaningful debate which would result in more effective and sound decisions

The th ink-tank was to be a centre for var ious kinds of people to di scuss public policy subjects which were often set aside because of day to day pressures At first it was to be very informal with distinguished people invited to participate Its integrity and permanency would be based on that of

were concerned that existing research instishytutes would be damaged They also wanted in volvement of business and professional communities This challenge to broaden the scope was gi ven to Ron Ritchie

Ritchie foresaw an institution that would be independent supported by an endowment which would not only support but st imu late debate on public policy

Man y fears were raised - that such a body would be taken o ver by academics that it would become a clique that govern shyments would battle for control etc But these were dealt with skillfully by Ritch ie and the Institute for Researc h on Public Policy was establ ished

What of its accomplishments~ This institute has been successfu l in

many ways in getting better information into debate [n the ten years since its beginning many studie s have been pubshyli shed It has held many informat ive confershyences and has a unique journal Howeve r despite its efforts open and meaningful debate on public policy is not much more advanced tod ay than it was a decade ago

It is evident that to ach ie ve its objecshytives there mu st be a willingess to change opi nions and the Canadian sys tem prov ides few forums for the changing of minds The bias is towards decision-makers and interest groups not open and meaningful debate

Public debate often takes pl ace after rather than before the decision is taken Thi s may not be what is wanted but policy-making is tilted not tow ards being open but towards being closed

Why has there not been more progress [n h is pre se ntation Mi chael Pitfield refershyred to the fact that the go vernment whose people should discuss the si tuation has become even more confrontational not because of lack of information but because of rigidity in their approach to discussion of public policy

As govern ment ha s grown so have checks and balances which recently have often been linked to lack of confidence Where slim majorities exist a strong opposhysi tion can threaten the government Party di sc ipline becomes severe and ai ring of independent views is discouraged The fear of a government being defeated on the one shyhand and the unyielding demands ot the opposition on the other tends to make the parliamentary process less and less flexible

The result of the foregOing is the tendency of government in modern times to drop solutions on a public th at may not be aware of the problems These solutions are not open to argu ment and debate is reduced

conld over


w ith bias tending towards a cl osed system and less debate

To improve the situation it seems it wlluld be necessary to have a mutual and

ba lanced reduction of force on both sides

The ge neral equilibrium of the system needs to be ma in tained W hat is needed is the reduction of secre tiveness of the gove rn shyment on one side and a reduc tion of the

danger of e mbarrass ment or de fea t of the govern men t on the other side

T here must be a wil li ngness to secure

more ope n debate on al l sides and our

leaders ha ve not done that e ven on m ost import ant issues More ope n and rneltll1 ingshyful deba te will require more thi nk ingshy

thro u middoth - something Mc mbers of Parlishy

ame nt may not he able to do or be free to do or have the necessary knowledge to do But the id ea behind the Institute for Remiddot

search on Public Policy was tha t such a body could bring about better decisions

All publi c problems cannot be solved by thought and tech nolog ics but few can be solved without these contr ibutions

The Institute for Research on Public Policy cannot create better public policies

by itself It must have input from all sectors to bring about more open and meaningful public debate which will result in constant

improvement of government - somethin g

that everyone desires 0

Grad News Herb Nor ry M Sc 52 has moved to

London as a farm business advisor wit h

O M AF working in eight counties

Denny Silvestrini PhD 5R is director of quality controlresearch and de velopment Eskimo Pie Corporation Ric hmond Virshy

ginia SA He had served as manager quality control and product deve lopment

Ralston Purina Co mpany St Luuis M isshysouri U SA

John Hagarty 61 is manager fi e ld

service s Rural O rganizati ons and Serv ice s Branch OMAF Guelp h

Ismail Siragcldin Ph D 62 is professor Department of Population Dynami cs and

Political Economics the Johm Hopkins

University Baltimore Md S A

Arlene (Fournier) 65 and Dick Flis

MSc 65 are in Edmo nton Alta where Dick is petroleum products manager wes tmiddot ern Canada Imperia l Oil Ltd

Craig Hunter 66 is pre sident Cra ig

Hunter Poult ry Farms Ltd Stro ud

Colin Triver s 67 is a consulting e ngineer and On tario land surveyor for e G Trivcrs

Ltd T he ssalon

Peter Mosher Ph D 70 is director

bureau of agric ultural prod uctio n Depart shyment of Agriculture Ba ngor Me USA

Cordon Brown 76 is sen ior food techshynolog is t new prod ucts process developshy

ment Tho masJ Lipton Inc in Bram pton

Martel C outure MSc 76 is acting di rec tor d iploma progra m Macdonald Colshy

lege Ste nne de Belle vue Que

Charlie Ellintt 78 vnfe Ja ne and

first -born Ian C harles born Jan uary 20

1983 are living near S hetland C harlie is now working fo r Elliott Bros G rain and Feed Ltd

Dennis Ring 78 is credit manager Farm C redit Corp C hatham H is wife is Carnl (Weeks) 79

R Cunrad Genee 79 is a sales represhy

sentative with CIBA-Geigy Canada Ltd in

Winnipeg Man

Howard Armstrong RO is an industrial

engineer with the B utler Ma nufacturing Co (Canada) Ltd Nisku Alta

Bruce Broadbent PhD 80 is a research scientist entomology with Agriculture

Canada Vineland Station

Mic hael Tulloch 80 has been accepted as

a professional engineer by the Council of the APEO He now manages engineering functions for eG Trivers Ltd Thessalon

BruceGitelman 81 will be joining Wood G undy Ltd Investment Broke rs as a

corporate finance associate in September

Danicllc Wenstrom 81 is a quality a ss urance su pe rvisor for Pil lsb ury of Canada Ltd M idland

Christine Deslandes MSc R2 is a lecturer at Alfred Col lege of Agricu ltu re

and Food Technology A I fred

Diploma Graduates

Donald Morley 68A is ge nera l ma nager De Marco Homecare Ce ntre Sutton West

Jeffrey Currah 74A is marke ting man shyage r Fortam ix-a division of BASF

Canada Inc Georgetown

Brian Roberts 76A is a welder with Hillcook Ind ust ri es Ha milton 0

In Memoriam Raymond David Ure 15A and 21 January 24 In3 ~uddenly a t Tecumse h

age 87 He had bee n very act ive un til

recently H is son Donald re is it

graduate of 49

Dr Genrge M Stirrett 20A and 22 died December 15 1982 H is many co nshy

tri bu tiono had bee n recogni zed by the Heritage Canada Found ation The fo llowshy

ing is an account of the tribu te pa id to him Fe bruary 16 1 9~ I at Government HDu~e

O ttawa

His Excelle ncy Gove rnor Ge nera l

Edward Sc hrcyer prese med the Commun imiddot cations A wards Atl antic Reg ion to Dr

George M St irrett of Grand Falls Ne w

Bru ns wick Dr Stirrett has been comm itted to natural h is tory conservation for ma ny

years bo th before and after hi s ret ire ment from the Canadian W ildlife Service and Parks Canada in 1964

He worked hard for the preservation of the falls and gorge area at Grand Falls

and on other conservation needs in Ne w Brunswick and Ma ine He has also written

on the iss ues of conservation using Ihe pcn name G raham Vail and since April 1979

has publi shed a weekly column Notes on atural History in the G rand Falls

Cataract His columns stress the appreciashytion and enjoyment of nature as well as the need for preserving it

Norman Hodgins MacBeth 23 Fe bruary 3 1983 in St John N B He had retired in

1967 as General Manage r of General Dairies Ltd

David R Owen 25 in Medi c ine Hat

Alta February 6 1983 at age 82 He was a di rector of the fi rs t ollege Roy al and spe nt

most of his li fe teachi ng and farmi ng in Saskatchewan

Ronald John Quinn 35 Fe bruary 17 1983 in London His wife Helen (Farshyquhar) is a lso a graduate o f 35

Bruce Douglas Innes 36 passed away Septe lllber 29 19 82 D uring his college

years he took part in ma ny ac tivitie s bu t he -re membered with particu la r pleasure be ing Grand C hampion Showman College Royal

35-the first time that the honour had bee n won by anyone o ther than a fou rth year man Bruce owned and operated a dairy

farm at Burford since I 939 and was an

acti ve and ded icated farmer until his death

H is wife Margaret died in A pril 1983 T hey leave daughters Lorna Lawrence

Mac 68 and Karen and son Robert 0


Macdonald Institute College of Family and Consumer

Studies Alumni Associat ion

ALUMNI NEWS Editor Joan (Anderson) Jenkinson 66


BASc Grads-Class o f 80

EntploYDlent Survey T he University s Counselling and Reshysource Centre recentl y completed an inshyucpth survey covering the empl oyment activities of the 211 graduates who in 19RO earned Bachelor of Applied Sc ience Degrees

The survey indicates th at gradu ates are e nj oy ing a variety of interes ting and chalshylenging careers

A gratifying 73 per cent of th e graduates re sponded to the survey with 51 per cent of the respondents indi catin g that they have completed or are completing graduate degrees or programs on a full- or part-time bas is Of the 153 respondents 78 per ce nt including one who is self emshyployee have full-time employment The remainder are employed part-time or are pursuing further studie s

Li sted below are the indicated ca reers chosen in the four major areas of study

Applied Human Nutritio n

ut ritiond ietetics Food service administration More than 50 per cent of the responshy

dents obtained reg istered profe ss ional dietishytian certificates The Admini strati ve Emshyphasis course is no longer offered in the

Applied Human utrition program It is available through the Bachelor of Comshymerce program

Family Studies

A number of grad uate s found posit io ns in teac h ing or social services such as

Adult protecti ve service workers Infant de ve lopment specialists Geront ology consultants Supervisors and field workers with social service agencies Other Family Studies graduate s are

working in government srv iees and in the private ec toras home economists financial co un se llors librarians hostel managers Family Studies graduates tend to sl ck caree rs in the helping profess ion s

Consumer Studies

There are four emphasis areas 01 study within this maj or The survey indicates that

Food gradu ates are employed in areas of produci development marketing and food technology with majo r food companies Hou si ng emphasis graduates are wo rkshying with government agencies and in teac hing

Consumer Beha vio ur e mph asis graduates are in industry business and res earc h Tex tile and Clothin g e mph asis grads are employed in research merchandi sshying and banking Often after working for a year or

more Consumer Studies graduates will return to gradu ate study o r profess ional programs on a full- or part-time bas is

Child Studies

Many Child Studies graduates are emp loyed in teaching supervisory or other child-care related sett ings such as soc ial work with fami lies and children Re ported part -lime and temporary em pl oy ment pos ishytions include work as supply teachers child care supervisors special education leac hers and as lecturers in uni ve rsity settings

It is imporl an t to note that this emshyploy ment survey reports the caree r paths chose n by onl y one graduating cl ass Dat a is collccl~d on a yearl y bas is from gradu ates in Family and Consumer Studies In order to observe the broad scope of employment opportunities avail able a four-year tabulashytion wo uld pl~ c nt a more complete picture of the profess ional activities of graduates

In summary FACS programs offer students a sound educational background to meet the need s of i nduslry educational institut io ns governme nt and bus in c The future for FACS graduates is indeed bright as the College co ntinues to gro w and develop programs to meet the challenges of the 80s 0



BASc Gradsmiddot Class of 80 Further Education Pursued

Major Total

Graduates Number of

Respondents R PDt BEd MEd MSc MD MA

Applied Hum an Nu trition 65 45 23 3 I

Family Studies 64 44 19

Consumer Studies 48 33 2

C hild Studies 34 31 II I I I

TOTAL 21 1 ( 1007c)

153 (73 oc )

23 32 I 4 I I

FACS Has New

Dr Richurd Burhunl

Dean Professor Richard M Barham was apshypointed dean of the College of Family and Consumer Studies for a fi ve-year term effective July I 1983 He succeeds Dr Janet M Wardlaw who has served as dean since 1969

Professor Barham has been chairman of the Department of Family Studies since

1976 and served as acting dea n in [980 while Dean Wardlaw was on administrative leave

A graduate of the University of Otago Dunedin e Zealand Richard Barham received a Ph D degree from the University of Alben a dmonton in Ed ucational Psychology

He has served on the faculty of the Department of Educational Psychology at the University of Alberta and as professor and acting chairman of the Department of Education University of Otago

While in New Zealand he was an executive member of the council of The Ne w Zealand Psychological Society and served as its president

At Guelph he has taught both undershygraduate and graduate courses in the Deshypartment of Family Studies and has supershyvised graduate students

He has been active on many University committees during the past seven years He is a past chairman of the Board of Graduate Studies and has been a member of the

Committee on Academic Priorities the Committee on University Planning the Liaison Committee and several others

He has also been a consulting educa shytional psycholog ist with the Wellington County Separate School Board since 1979

Prolessor Barham and his wife Joan have a family offour Joan recently returned to the University of Guelph for further study Daughter Vick y 19 is a student in Economics at Queens University Lisa 17 and Christopher 14 attend Ce ntennial CVJ while Tania 12 is completing her studies at College Avenue School

Music is very important part of the Barham familys life with active invoheshyment in the Suzuki String School and the Guelph Youth Orchestra Gardening is a hobby enjoyed by both Richard and Joan

Members of the Mac- FACS Alumni Association extend a sincere welcome to Professor Barham We look forward to meeting and working with him in the future as he fills the challenging position as dean of FACS 0

FACS Prof First

Dr M urlin MUllhclIs

Director P ro fessor Anne Martin Matthews De shypart me nt of Family St udi es has been ap shypointed the first director of the Gnontology Research Centre The establi shment of the Centre was announced last February A research grant of $237000 from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada will fund the Centre for the first three years

Professor Martin Matthews has been conducting research related to the needs and interests of older segments of the populashytion as well as teaching courses in such areas as social gerontology and marital and family dynamics in Family Studies She has been a faculty member with the Department of Family Studies since 1978

She also has been active beyond the campus in programs related to aging She is chair-elect of the social sciences division Canadian Council on Gerontology and will begin a two-year term in the chair of that organization this year

She is also first vice-president of the

Ontario Gerontology Association and a member of the scientific advisory commitshytee of the Gerontology Research Council of Ontario She is a graduate of Memorial University of Newfoundland and McMaster University

With a steadily increasing percentage of the popUlation in the retirement age bracket it is important to understand more fully the ir needs and cuncerns sa ys Proshyfessor Martin Matthews The en tre will deal with the ag ing family and environshymental contexts In the latter sense we will be examinin g such things as the difference bet wee n aging in an urban and a rural society as well as issues like housing and the aging

The new Gerontology Research Centre will provide facilities to assist faculty members and graduate students doing reshysearch on aging The Centre will facilitate integrate and co-ordinate studies on aging within the University the director says

Research on aging is now being carried out at the Universi ty in such Departments as Family Studies Geography Psychology Nutrition Human Biology and SocioluFY and the Centre will be able to provide a medium for cross-fertilization of ideas among the many researchers in the field

Professor Marlin Matthews says that the Centre will be working co-operatively with other similar research centres in Onshytario such as the one at the University of Toronto in promoting research on aging The Centre will also sponsor conferences and workshops that relate to the special needs of older citizens in their communities

Guelph has demonstrated an interest in gerontology since 1970 when research projshyects began and courses dealing with aging were offered in the Departments of Family Studies and Psychology Since 1981 the Un i versity has offered gero ntology as part of the Famil y Studies major in the Bachelur of Applied Science program 0

A Thank You Dear A luml7i

1-Iwl 10 Ihonk oil Ihe uumni inloll(d wilh

Ihc cr special send-oj gien to me ill

recognition of Ihc complelion ofmv Icrm as


So man of ou -Ierc invocd shy

whelhcr or nOI ou -Iere able 10 (fIend Ihe

recognition receplion in Toronlo on May

29 I oppreciacd Ihe man good llishes

which come from ocross CClrado ond from

such dislOlIl places as Indio and Chara

Your generous gifls u Imc Irolld of

pcarls und a bonk aCCOlll11 vhich came lVilh

Ihe slrong suglcslion Ihal [should IIc 10

Vnv Iculand lverc Irul overllhelll1ing

The Air lCll Zcalundjlighl bag jJacked wilh

1111 SOriS of nccessiliel added 10 Ihe jim

middotre had 01 Ihe rcceplion

Many Ihanksfor your SUppOri over Ihe years and for your good wishes as I begin

my car ofadmin is Ira live leave

Yours sincerelv

Jonel M Wardlaw 0


Dr Louise

( Bailltlj

Heslop 67

Off - To


Dr Louise (Bazi net) Heslop 67 has JO ined the School of Business at Carlton Unive rsit y O ttaw a Over the next two years through an arran geme nt with Ca rlton Unive rsity she will be cco nded on a

part-time basis by Stati sti cs Canada where she will join the Research and Analysi s

D ivision Loui se completed her MSc at Guelph

in 1969 and continued as lecturer in the

ne wly-es tablished Department o f Co nshysumer Studies In 1977 she compktcd a Ph D in Business Administration (Marketshying) at the University of Western Ontari o

and rejo ined the Department of Consumer Studies ri si ng to the rank of ass oc iate professor

Louise was e lected to the board of

di rectors of the Mac-FA CS Alumni Assoc ishyati on in 1977 se rvin g as secretary-treasurer until May 1981

We ex tend our best wishe middot to Loui se

her husband Lome O A 70 and their dau ghters Jose tte 5 and C la ire 2 Lorne is employed by Agriculture Canada in

Ottawa and is currently completing an M Sc in Engineering at the University of

G uelph Coun try li ving is a high priority with

the Heslops They are deli ghted with the purchase of a farm near Almonte a nd look

forward to the best of both worl d s - profess ion a lism in the city and lei sure in the countryside 0

Grad News Helen (Clifford ) Beswick 48D is se lf empl oyed as a studio potter in her home in Dundas

Margaret (Kennedy) jarvis 54D is a realestate age nt in Kingston

Pat (Hall) McDowell 65 is with the

United Missionary Soc iet y Jlorin Kwora State ~igeria

Joanne Patterson 66 is a se ni or project o ffmiddoticer w ith Indi an and Northern Affa irs Ottawa

Leslie (Mowat) Hemming 68 is teaC hin g in Woods tock

Mary (Jany) Toms 68 is employed with Health and We lfare Canada Ottawa

Sarah (Spencer) Coomhs 70 is an assistant director wi th the Co nsumer Inforshymation Centre of the Ontario Government


Meredith Fi lshie 70 is an ana lyst w ith the Ministry of State for Economic and Re g ional Development O ttawa

S heila (Fahner ) jarvie 70 is a nutrishytion ist w ith the K- W Hospital Kitchener

Donna j ohnstone 70 o perates Donn as Ha ndmade Clothin g for Men amp Wo men Gabiola Isla nd B C

Lorraine Holding 71 is manager of program development with the Rural Orshyga nizatio ns and Services Branlh Minis try of Agriculture and Food located at the Gue lph Agriculture Centre

Beve r ly Lee 72 is a chairperso n with the York Region Board o f Educ at io n

Laurie MacLeod 72 is a district manager with Beaver Foods Mlss issauga

Kathy Camelon 73 is a dietitian at the Toronto Genera l Hospita l

Tirnoth) Fleming HAFA 74 a ses ionaJ lec turer with H AFA teaching business law has been adm itted to the partne rshi p o f the law firm of Harper Haney and White of Waterl oo

Isabel (McBride) H o well 74 is an e lementary school teacher with the Watershyloo Co unt y Board of Educatio n Camshybridge

Mary Ruston 75 is a Famil y Studies teacher at Inge rso ll District High School

Kathryn Anderson 76 is a supervisor with Westmini ster Family Day a re London

Hester Cooper 76 is employed as a research officer with the New Zealand Dairy

Research Institute in Palmers ton North ew Zealand

Patr icia (G a rland ) Desaul niers 76 is with patient fo od se rvices Alberta Hospishyta l Edmo nton

Noella Li 76 is aclinical dietitian wi th the

ictori a Hospital London

M eredith (Evans) Hea rtwe ll 77 is

teac hing in Mississauga

Deb Wey 77 is patient food se rvices manager at SI John Regio nal Hospi tal SI J()hn NB

Susan (junes ) Wilcox 77 is food se rvices

superviso r with the Baye re st Ce ntre for Ge riatric Care 0

A ThankYou The c lass of Mac 380 wishes to extend a

sincere thank you to all alumni who have con tributed to the Mac 38 0 Class Geronshy

to logy Scholarship Fund The gradua te s tudent scholarship in

the recently de ve loped area ot Ge ronto lo gy at FACS is being established by the class of 38D in recog nition of their 45th annivershy

sary in 1983 All Univers it y of Guelph grads are

in vited to parti c ipate in this project funds for which will be so li c ited until December

1984 [f you wish to con tribute please make you r cheq ue pay ab le to the Univers ity o f Guelph Alma Mater Fund specify that it is to be applied to the Mac 38 D Class Gerontology Scho larship Fund and mail to

the Deve lo pment Office Room 273 John shysto n Hall Uni ve rsity o f Gue lph Guelph

Ontario N IG 2W J Th an ks again for yo ur suppo rt from

Elle n Downie Mary Singer Doris Durran t and Jean Carter- the Mac 38 D sch o larship committee 0

In Memoria m We regret to announce the death of the following al umnus

Margaret L (MacKenzie) Smallwood 401) December 1982 in Lakeland Fla




The College of Physical Scie nce Alumni Association

SCIMP Editor Bob Winkel

phy sics grant selection committee of thc atural Sciences and Engineering Research

Council for two years he was intimately involved in all the major re search de velopshyments in Canada in this field Hc feels that his e lec tio n to the Royal Society of Canada will help raise the prot1le of high-energy physics in this co untry and lend stren gth to Canadian experimenters

The citation prepared for his nominashytion to the Royal Society of Canada reads

Professor Karl is a high energy the ori st whose work is widely recognized interna tionally His deep physical insight and hi s kn ow led ge of mathemati ca l methods led to the quark model of baryon resonances based on quantum chromoshydynamics which has been enormousl) successful in describing experimental reshysuits H is re sea rch is characterized by striking originality and an ability to COIll shy

bine basic ideas from different field s as in the predictions of a new effect - neutron optical activity

Gabriel Karl is married and has one daughter W hen he is not probing the sec re ts of the universe he indulges himself in music theatre and the fine arts

He visited the Unive rsity of Briti sh Columbia in Vanco uver in May for the induction ceremony into the Royal Society of Canada on the occas ion of the Annual Meeting of the Society It marked he sa id the culmination of a long string of benefits that [ ha ve enjoyed throughout the 23 years 1 have lived in Ca nada [ have every rea son to be very grateful to th is country D

Erratum In the Sprin g issue o r SCiMP it was erroneously reported in the c utline accompanyin g a pict ure of Departshyme nt of Physics student scholarship winners that they were the recipients of 0 er $ 1500 We dropped a zero The fi gure should have read $ 15000 Sorry about tha t Ed

Elected to Royal Society

Dr Cooiel Korl

The election of Dr Gabriel Karl to a Fellowship of the Roy al Society of Canada represents what one of hi s colleagues Dr Peter Egelstaff desc ribe s as a rare honour which reflects great credit not only on Dr Karl but also on the Uni versi tys Departshyment of Physics

The Royal Society of Canada founded in 1882 to promote learning and research in the arts and sciences has numbered among its Fellows virtually all of Canadas most distinguished intellectual le ade rs of the last J00 yea rs Standards are jealously guarded and Fello wships are awarded only as a result of outstanding world-class ach ieve ment

The rarity of the honour is indicated by the fact that at the Un iversity of Guelph whose faculty includes so many academics of international distinction only five had previously achieved a Fellows hip in the Royal Society of Canada These are Dr Howard Clark vice- pres ident academic Dr Bruce Sells dean College of Biologishycal Science Dr Peter Egclstaff Depart shyment of Physics Dr Do nald Masters Prof ssor Emeri tu s De part mcnt of History and Dr He rb Armstrong retired dean of Graduate Studies

As the sixth Dr Ga briel Karl will have the added di st inction of bei ng the first whose career has been sp ot excl us ively at the Un ivers ity of Guelph which agai n to

quote Dr Egelstaff marks a coming of age for the University

Gabriel Karl was born in Transylvania a province of Romania He obtained his B Sc in Chemistry at Romani as Univershysity of ClUJ worked for two years in industry and came to Canada in 1960 He attended graduate school at th e University of Toronto where he was awarded a Ph D in 1966 for a thesis on infrared luminesshycence following molecular colli sion Hi s Ph D supervisor was the distinguished physical chemist Dr John Polanyi

A two-year post-doctora l fellowship with the University of Torontos Depart shyment of Physics followed His mentors there were Drs J Van Kranendonk and Duk Poll who is now a professor with the Universi ty of Guelph s Depa rtment of Ph ys ics

In 1966 Dr Karl studied at the Uni versity of Oxford for two years under an NRC scho larship to study hadron spec troshyscopy and in 1969 he Joi ned the Univers itys Department of Phy sics achieving a full professorship only five years later

Dr Karls work has focussed on high energy physics - the physics of fundamen shytal particles This is an esoteric field involvshying research into the nature of matter The relatively few world leaders in thi s field tend to cluster around the half-dozen accelerators such as the $100 million four kilumete rshylon g hi gh-e nergy tunnel for accelerating electrons at Stanford University that have been built only in the US and Europe

There is no accelerator of this energy level in Canad a and fe w Canadian scie nshyti ~ts are working in this field Dr Ka rl s statu re in the international commu nity of particle physic ists is marked by his many visi ts to the world s major research ce ntres as guest speaker and to consult with his peers Referring to the time spent on thcse missions Dr Karl describes the Depart shym nt of Phys ics and his colleag ues as generouslyaccommodati ng shy

As cha irman of the h igh energy


Trapping The Suns Energy Excerpted from a Chemtrends article by Mary Cocivera

One predi ctabl e fac t about ind ustri ali z d

soc iety is that it will take more e nergy to

keep the whee ls ru nn ing smoothl y parti c ushy

larly because the world population is exshy

pected to dou ble to about n ine bill ion by the

year 2050

[n th search to augme nt tradi tio na l

sources o f e lectri ci ty two Departme nt of

Chemistry pro fessors ha ve tu rned their

atten ti on to the convers ion of solar energy to

electricity by photovultaie cel ls and photoshy

elec troc he mical systems T he developme nt

work at Guelph is a imed at improving the efficiency and stability of th se sy~tems and

reduc i ng the ir cos t

Si licon photovoltaic cells serve as a

reference for solar energy convers iun beshy

cause they were the fi rst such cells and to

date arc the most effic ient co nvert ing so lar

ne rgy into elec tr ic ity a t abo ut 15 per cem

effi c iency Arrays of crys tal li n sil icon ce lls present ly cos t in the nei ghborhood or

S$400 per sq uare metre to manufac ture

produc ing about 40 watts Photovo lta ic

thin- fi lm syste ms us ing semico nductors

o ther than single crysta l sil ic on are be ing

investigated in man y re~earc h ce ntre s

around the world

A pro mis ing approach is a cadmiui1l

sulfi dec uprous sul fide combi nat ion in

which the two sem ico nduc tors are laye red

on molybdenum the n covered w ith a transshyparent gold fil m T his thin-fi lm cons trucshy

tio n i ideal for solar devices explai ns

Profess ur Ro n Fawcett because large

surface areas are needed for maximum

exposu re to the sun

T he fabrication process devel oped by

Ro n and patented in 1980 in vo lve electroshy

depos iting cadmium sulfide o nto molybshy

denum then layering cuprous sulfide over the cadm ium sulfide by an ion exchange

process Finally the gold 11 1m is added by

vacuum de pos ition Ron es timates that

thi n-film de ices could be manufac tu red in

this way for about S$25 per squ are metre

E lectro pla ting of se m ic ondu ct ors

would enabl e photo voltai c dev ices to be

manu factured in a continuous process

rathe r than indi vidua lly as i required w ith

s ingle crysta l s ilic on Such ce lls ha ve

ach ieved conversio n of solar to electrica l

energy at an e ffi cienc y o f I per cent to date T he researchers are co nfide nt they can

achieve fi to 8 per cent cffi ieney compared

to the calcul ated max imum e ffi c iency of II

per cent Pro fessor Michae l oc ivera is ork ing

on photoe lec troc hem ical systems in which a

sem icond uctor electrode im mersed in an

elec tro lyte solution converts inci dent li g ht

into a n electric a l cu rren t Such se mishy

conductor lilju id junction cells offe r p racti shy

cal ad van tages because uf the sponta neom format ion o f a junc tio n I mproved effishy

ciency fo r po lycrysta lli ne sem iconductors

has been a hi eved in ce lb of th is type in part becau~e the liqu id estab li shes unshy

iformly good COntac t wi th the e l etrode

The li gh t -~ens it i ve electrode in photoshy

e lec trochem ical ce lls is a sem ic o nductor

e it her a thin-fi lm or s ingle c rysta l a tt ached

to a metal back ing the other e lec trode is an

inert me ta l T he e l ectrode~ are immersed in

~ n elect rol yte solutio n o f a mater ial that carl do nate and accep t elect rons The b igges t

prob lem with many li lj ui d junct io n ce lls

~ays Mike is photocorros iol1 of the su rshy

face of the se miconductor To overcome

thi s problem he is developing materi a ls and

techniques to coat the e lectrodes with proshy

tec tive materiab

The first liquid junction cells with a

sili con anode opera ted for only a matter of

seconds befo re the e lec trode was des troyed

by corrosion Researche rs at the Solar Energy Research Insti tu te in C o lorado

U SA have developed a silicon anode

w ith a polypyrro le protect ive coating which

can o perate for hund reds o f hours but that is

still not long eno ugh for a viable commershy

cia l syste m

M ike and his colleague are making a

syste matic study of compounds tha t wi ll

both protect the electrode from corrosion

and catal yze the elect rode rca tion They

arc now worki ng with organo me tall ic comshy

pounds co mpris ing a metal atom sulfur

and an aromatic co m pone nt containing a func tiona l group li ke hyd roxy l sul phonate

ammoni um and nitroso

hese compounds are effect ive beshy

ca use they prov ide a mechanism to transfer

a ch arge bet ween the se mi co nd uctor and the e lectro n donor in solut io n The coating mus t

also be transpilrent e nough to a llow the light

to s trike the photocleetrode

To date they ha ve suneeded in deshy

veloping fi ve coat ings su itab le fo r a variet y

or se miconduc tors incl uding the polyshy

crysta ll ine cadm ium su lfide e lectrodes fabshy

riltated by Ron Fawce tt s method If polyshy

crystalli ne elec trodes can be fab ri (a ted and

coated wi th a protec tive materia l electroshy

chemically they wi ll be relati ve ly inexpe nshy

ive to manufac ture If the tech niques and processe s be ing

inve ~l igated by Ron Fawce tt and Mike Coc ivera de ve lop to tht ir full poten tial the

su n cou ld beco me a more import ant supplier

o f e lectri city in Ca nada Long-range proshy

jectio ns suggest that about 10 per cent of No rth A m rican e lectr ic it y could be proshy

duced from solar convers ion

Elec tric ity fro m the sun is no longer a

pipe-dream-it is a reachable goa l n

Grad News Louise (Sandall) Platt BA 69 is living

in Islington and teaching for the Etobico ke

Board of Educati on

Alexander Barton BSc 70 MSc 74 is work ing on a Ph D deg ree in the

Departme nt of Fishe ries and W ildlife at

Orego n Sta te uni vers ity

Gerry Kupferschmidt BSc 70 MSc

71 is living at R R I Osgoodc and is

tmployed as a sc ientific ad ise r to the


Murray Ross Gingrich BSc 71 Ii ves in

Brampto n and is work ing as a probation

officer for the Ministry o f Correc tio nal


Robert Cross BSc 72 M D is workshy

ing in the emergency department o f the

So uth Muskoka Hospital in Bracebridge

Edda Duva (Home) Kerr BA 74 lives

in G ue lph and is working as a program

co-ordinator for Casatta Ltd in Kitchener

Deanne Ch)y BSc 78 Ii ves in Etob ishy

coke and is working as a public health

inspector for the Ham ilton Wentwo rth Reshy

gio nal Health Unit

Alex McDonald BSc 79 PhD 83 and his wife Rosanne ( DeNobriga) BSc

79 are living in Austi n Texas whil e Alex

is do ing post-doctoral work at the Unishy

vers ity o f Texas

Ste~en Oliver BSc 79 o f Hamilton is a

medica l sa les repre sentati ve with Cyanamid

Canada Inc

Gordon Knox BSc 79 is a con~ ul ta nt

with Inform ation Systems Serv ices in Vicshy

toria BC

George Gillson BSc 80 is taki ng a

Ph D in Anal ytica l C hemis try at the Uni shyve rsity of Alberta 0


The College o f Arts Alumni Associat ion

DELPHA Editor Debbie (Nash) Chambers 77

has no w acquired the Shaw Festival ArshyThe Deans Roundup chives on permanent deposit T his is an

Last fall I had the privilege of speakshy

ing to the direc tors of the University of G uelph Alumn i Assoc iation to bring them

up to date on some of the excit ing things connected with the College of Arts I am gratefu l to the editor of DELPHA for this

opportu nity to let alumni readers know what we are do ing

I am pleased to be able to report a subs tant ial increase in enrolment both in the

B A program and in the College o f Arts this past yea r What is especially nice is that this has coincided with a dec is ion to tighte n our

standards at the admissions level and in the regulations for continuatio n of study

In o rder to grad uate B A students

who entered the Spring 19~3 Semester will need to obtai n a C average in 60 per cent of the courses they take

Most of o ur students are doing thi s now and we do not antici pate this will pose any

problem for the students whom we are ad mitting Next year students en tering the

B A program will be required to have Grade 13 English and we are strongly encouraging them to offer a Mathematics credit o r o ne in French or ano ther language

Applications from students wish ing to enter the B A program in the Fall 1983 Semester

are up subs tantia lly over last yea r I also want to share with you some

ha ppenings which have brought special delight to me

The U ni ve rsi ty of Guelph Choir

under director Ge rald e ufeld won second prize in the 1982 CSC nation al chora l competition

In the Harbourfront a rt show last

sum mer three o f o ur students had works se lected by the jury and each won a prize shya better show ing than any of the other O nshy

tario universities or colleges which entend T he C anadian- American Urban Hisshy

tory Co nference held at G uelph in A ugust

1982 was a tremendous success bringing sc holars from many parts of the United States and Canada to discuss new trends in urban studies

Dean David Murray

In the space of just a few months I have seen seven books published by faculty in the Co llege The subjects include Rudyard

Kipl ing Greek Philosophy Urban History Evolution and Darwinism Reli gion and Tolerance the dramatist Gra nville Barker

and a nove l written in French Last summer also saw the completion

of a very successful facu lty exchange beshy

tween o ur Department of Eng lish and the

Uni vers ity of Reading in Britain Dr Leslie Monkman went to Reading for the year and Dr Coral Howell s visited Guelph This

opportunity enab led Dr Howells to study modern C anadian writers and she is now

working o n a book to be published in Britain o n Canadian women wri ters Dr

Mo nkman lectured on Canadian literature at various places in Britain and in France as well as in Reading

T hro ugh the e fforts of the Department of Drama and its chairman Dr Leonard

Conolly and C ollections Librarian Jo hn Moldenhauer 68 the Uni versi ty Library

ex tremely valuab le re sou rce for theatre

scholars a nd the Univers ity is ve ry pleased to have a closer connection with the Shaw Festi val The Drama Department also has

Professor Dan Laurence the world s leadshying Shaw scholar as a distinguished Visitshy

ing Professor lor the ra il Semester Two large conferences were organized

during the Spring and Summer by faculty

and students in the Co llege Professor Ted Cowan of the History Department was in charge of the Scottish Heritage Festival held in uelph in May The Fes tival was a

ce lebrati on of the S co t~ 1d their contribushytion~ to Canada

In Au gust the Uni vers ity will host a major conference o n Common wealth lite rashy

ture bringing writers and schol ars to Guelph from allover the Com monweal th Professor Doug K illam chairman of the Department of English and a number o f col leagues are

now busily preparing to welcome guests from around the world

Through our liaison programs we have pioneered special day - long seminars at the

niversity for gifted children in Wellington County T he se programs are part of o ur commitment to assist secondary schools in meeting the challe nges of special education

J know many o f you will also be interes ted in knowing that last sLi mmer the

College awarded three new scholarships two of the m honouring the cont ribution made by former faculty members J Percy

Sm ith and W Stanford Reid The other marked the first presentation of the Edward Johnson Music Foundation scholarships for students in the music program

We are al l ac ute ly co nscious of the

financial pressure affecting the UnivLr ~ ity

of Guelph and othe r Canadian unive rsities

But we mus t no t le t these pressures detract from the vision of academic excellence to

which we are committed J think you will agree from the exaln ~Jk middot ha ve cited that this vision continues to glow brightly in spite of our financial plight We hope we can

co ntinue to co unt on your advice and your suppurt 0


It Was a Very Good Year T he Direc tor or the College of Arts Alumni Assoc iation have had a bus y year In January we launched o ur hrst Caree rs i lglll for in -coure stude nlgt Thanks to the exce lle nce and enthusiasm of our pane l l1len1bcr the evening was a success

Careers Night is to become an annual event and we would appreciate you r particishypation Any Art s grads wh o wo uld like to

vo lunteer their expertise for the e vening please do not hesita te to contact us

The Directors were also busy a rshyranling the second an nu al art show shyDI MENSIO NS middotS3 Due to the treme nd ous response to DI M ENSIOtS 82 the art show co mmittee organized DIM ENSIO NS 83 as aJu ricd show We are hoping that nex t yea r we will be able to mount a photography show as well a an art sho w

As you are probably aware in 1970 Wellington College was reo rganized into the Colleges of Arts Physic al Sc ience and Socia l Science This year our Assoc iation was asked to se lect a new College logo Thankgt to Dean Dav id Murray and the Deans Counc il we were given permission to use the graphics on the College of Art s Gold Medal It can be see n in the masthead of thi s issue The logo was designed by Erich Barth art dire ctor Department of [nshyformation and enco mpasses the di verse di s shycipiJnes fou nd within the College of Arts

Grad News Catharine (Gilnerlson ) Scott 70 is a wage and salary anal ys t tnivers it y of Waterl oo

Linda la) Bell 72 i the assistant conshysultant for thlto gifted We llington County Boa rd of Education GueJph

Lynn Barbeau 74 is the curator Educa shytion and xtension Macdo nald Stewart Art

entre Guelph

Wltlynr WellJauler 75 is corpora te mar shyke ting manager Gore Mutua l In surance Company Cambridgc

Renate Fisc her 76 is a consultant with the Woods Gordon Divisio n of Cl arkson Go rdon Chartered Acco untants Kitchener

jane Morley O AC MSc 81 is a career co nsultant Counse llin g and Student Reshysource Centre Un iversity of Guelph

Through the generos ity of the Alma Mater Fund our Assoc iation has been able to e stablish nv e sc holars hip s Thre e DELPHA awards for Gue lph alumni to continue their slUdi es at the gradu ate level at the University and two awa rds for part-time mature students These awards are greatly appreciated by the students who have reshyce ived th e m

Congratulatio ns are th e order of the day for Juli e (Russe ll ) Thur 78 Associashytion past pre sident and Linda Mackenz ie shyCordi ck 8 1 Assocration secre tary treas shyurer on the birth of their daug hters in March We wi sh them joy in their yo ung-

David Dell 76 is the in fo rmation o ffic er Reg ion of Pee l Brmiddotampton

jeff Miller 82 is a s tage manager for Profes sional Theatres Toronto

The above eight alumni were panel )11ember-s at our first annual Careers sJ ig ht held ea rlier th i yea r On ce again we offer our sincere thanks for their pani ci pation

lhugarel Reare 68 is senior research o f hee l Minis try of th e Soli citor General Ottawd

William Thiels 73 is a sys te ms analyst with Eas tman Kodak CO Roche ster t Y US A

Shardie D SteHnson 77 is assistant marketing manager Marsh and 1cLennan Ltd Winnipeg Man

Donald Syme 77 is with marketing pe rsonne l IC F Sydne y Australia

sters and look forward to the ir continued help in the Assoc ia tion in the future

C Nould lik e to re mind our fell ow alu mni to jo in or renew their membership in our Association De hbie ( Nash) Cham bers 77 editor of DF LPH A wo uld lik e any Ideas lor future artick that vould catch your interes t Our Assoc iati o n would also apprec ia te heari ng from you re gardin g eve nts that you wou ld be interested in attending Pl ease drop us a line in order that we may serve you better thus ~ eeping the line of co mmunic ation oren bet ween you and yo ur Alma v1ater

In closing I would like to acknowlmiddot edge With great a pprec iati o n the a istance that has been o ffclTU our Board of Direc tors over the pasl year

As al ways Dea n David Murray has bee n a va lued ad visor I wo uld li ke to thank Professor Ted Cowa n Department o f History for his Sprin g 19K3 OEPHA article on the Scottish Heritage Festival and Judy (Ma in) Ca rson 75 for he r help in preparalron of feature articles Spec ial thank s arc also ex tended to Rosemary Clark Mac 59 Asis tant Director Proshyg rams Dep artment of Alumni Affairs and Deve lopment and our Board of Directo rs who have wo rk ed so hard to mak e thi s a successful year

The term of 19X2-B3 has been a very grati fying one for all mem bers of the Associations Boa rd o t Directors We loo k for ward to 19K3-K4 anJ hope to hear from you Q

J ane Francis 78 is With Ilublic relations Vancouver Stock EXchange Vancou ver B C

Jonie Bunce 79 is a teacher 01 Art English and Thcatre Arts at 1 A Turn er Secondary School BrdrllptOl

Deborah Salmon 79 is married to Richard Light BS( 80 and li ves in Japanec Shc worb for the Empl o) mc nt and Im migrati on Commi ssion dnd Ri chlrJ works for a darrv in Kin gs to n

Shelagh Stevens 79 it station U)lllrshytwlle r Department o f -J atiunal [dc nce in f ova Slmiddototia

lidwtl Glanb 81 is a supervisor mar shyke ting comrlluni~ations Pitney-Bowe s oj

Canada Ltd Don Mill s

john (llanllllUnd ) Zelasko 81 rs ~ I

courtr(lOrn artist WKBW Buffalo New Ymk US I C



Alumnus of

Honollr 1983

Helen Christine AbeD Mac 38D

Amo ng the forerunners in the fie ld of rural soc iol ogy not only in Canada

but throughout the world and with a long career as a professor in numerous un iversities ac ross Canada Dr Helen C Abell has und oubted ly do ne much to promote a world -w ide reputation for her Alma Mater

Dr Abell has been most active in a numbe r of United Nat io ns programs designed to foster development of th ose in the Third World countrie s Although os ten sibl y retired she still co nt inues her wo rk as a cons ult ant in Socio-Economic De ve lopme nt assisti ng in develop ing sho rt -term project s as the occasion ari ses

As well as a Macdona ld Ins titu te Diploshyma Dr Abell obtained a BHSc (H ome Economics) from the Universi ty of Toro nto in 1941 and an MS (Human Nutrition) and a Ph D (major Rural Sociology and Agri cul shytural Economics) from Cornell University in 1947 and 1951 re specti vel y 0

Page 10: Guelph Alumnus Magazine, Summer 1983

Professor W ill iam Frisbee from the De partment of Consumer Studies T his problem is likely to be particularly aeu te among families who purchased homes in the 1970s W hat has caught families in the wild t1uctuation

in interest rates We can no longer ant icipate what the situation will be like in th ree or four years Conside ring that buying a house is a 25shyto 30-year proposilion this uncertainty can really put families in a bind

Wives who work outside the home have not only saved many a family home but they have kept low income families above the poverty line Women and Poverty a report

by the National Council of Welfare published in 1979 estimates that 52 per cent more two- spouse income families would fall below

the poverty line if the wives did not work outs ide the home

Wives who work outside the home

represent all social and economic strata from the lowest income families to the very highest

Many wives who are pursuing life-long careers always expected to work outside the home and

they married men who supported their ambitions

At the other extre me are women who

never planned to work outside the hom or who intended to stop working outside the home if children arrived These women frequently married men who believe that the husband

should be able to provide for his family W hen these women venture outside the

home to work there can be tremendous conflict

between the traditional values and the financial

necess ity of going out to work Their husbands often feel that their role as famil y head and bread w inner is being undermined They have d iffi culty cop ing with their wives increased independence and economic clout the wives try to live both the traditional role and carry on with thei r jobs

Far-Reaching Benefits Women enter the labour force for

monetary reasons bu t o ft en the payo ffs go far beyond the economic The late Professor A nne Cal laga n who was a soci al worker and

soc iolog ist in the Department of Family Stud ies believed that women be nefi t psychologically and that marriages can be stre ngthe ned whe n both part ne rs work outside the home Ci ting a study about the

decision-making process in famili es she observed that most couples start married life

with an equal rights relationship The wife s input into important decisions

reaches its lowest point when she is stuck at home with small children As the children get older and more independent the wife regains

some of her say in family dec isions but her input never reaches the level she enjoyed a t the beg inning of the marriage A wife who works outside the home maintains her influence in

decision- mak ing throughout the marriage With both partners working husband and

wifc are forced to communicate more and to work out the often complex arrangements for the care of the children Increased comshy

municat ion leads to more companionship In the trad it ional family with a husband who

has a job and a wife who does not work outside the home the wife organizes the children and the couple s social life

In many cases she and her husband operate in completely different spheres and communication declines Many of these marriages flounder in mid-life because there is little in the way of common interest after the

children leave home Many observers have linked marriage

failure to economic woes and to women

working outside the home Professor Callagan challenged this link The wife by working

helps combat one of the biggest sources of stress faced by married couples - money

Professor Frisbee wonders whether marital problems that have been blamed on

fi nancial woes are really caused at least in part

by isolation and loneliness [n geographically mobile societies young

couples often move away from both fam ily and friends and sell Ie in communities where they

have no close personal ties with other peo ple Whe n the pressures of jobs child care arrangeshyments and finances become too much to handle such familie s cannot call on parents

grandparents brothers and sisters and long-established friends T he pressure s become

in te rnal ized to the im mediate family and the relationship cracks under the stress

In spite of the pressures and demands of a job outside the home a wife enjoys personal

benefi ts according to Professor Callagan By contributing in a concrete visible way to purchasing the house (and the car and the food)

she earns the appreciation of her husband and chil dre and thus enhances her se lf esteem

By simply gelling out of the hou e a mother with ajob becomes more indep ndent builds a social life of her own and develops interes ts outside of he r house and fam il y All of

thi s adds up to beller mental health

Changing Roles If w ives are entering the labour force are

the ir husbands accepting more of the responsibi lity for raising the children and running the home

Roles at home have not changed as much

as some would expect Studies in Vancouver and Hal ifax found that men increase their house work and child care contributions by an average of one hour a week when their wives get jobs o utside the home

It appears that most men seem to make

their contributions in the more pleasant tasks such as putting the children to bed By and large the working mother s till has to contend wi th the laundry cleaning shopp ing cook ing and famil y scheduli ng If one of the chi ldren

gets s ick it is sti ll the mother who is usua lly

expected to adjust her schedule

Yet to come is a real sharing of the chore s around the house a perceptible shi ft in the division of labour at home

Wo men w ith jobs are no t limited to

mothers in two-parent families Divorced widowed and single women who mayor may not have children also compete for those jobs and face the same if not worse economic

pressures Wives with jobs outs ide the home

however are ojlel di smissed as not

economically important because many people assume (incorrectly) that they have husbands to

sUPflort them and their real job is to take care of the ir children

Todays thousa nds of moms who work

outside the home challenge this outmoded

notion Their pay cheques are as impo rtant a contribution to theirfamilies as their husbands

A report by the C anad ian Advisory

Council on the Statlls o f Women points out that between 1969 and 1979 the number of women in the labour force inc reased by 616 per cent with the g reatest gain being among mothers of young children

Between 1976 and 1980 according to the report the number of mothers with children under three who were in the labour force

increased by a staggering 276 per cent This raises important questions about societys ability to cope with these social changes

Some 15 or 20 years ago the mother who worked outside the home was the exception rather than the rule She could make arrangements with an obli g ing neighbour to

care for her chil d re n all Jay or to intercept them after sc hool and at lunch time

Today mothers without jobs are the

exception Find ing the obliging ne ighbour is becoming more diffic ult and famili es are making more fo rmal arrangements for day care and afte r school care In many cit ies however the re is not enough day care to fil l this demand

Here to Stay It has been pred icted tha t w ives will keep

working outs ide the ho me because they will have to Fami lies will become u ed to the com fort o f a two- income standard of l iv ing and will be unwilling or unable to g ive it up

The socia l forces that have led women in search of self fulfill me nt and equality in the work place w ill continue to influence womens

life work Many young girls still think of a job as a temporary situation but the reality is that being ma rried happily ever after is a myth for most women Women and Poverty points out th a 94 out of every 100 women marry but only 26 of them can expect to live w ith their

husbands until death Some 53 of the original 94 will become w idows and 15 will divorce or

separate Todays wives and mothers who work outs ide the home will be better prepared to

pursue life on their own if and when they

have to 0


The Stewart Bennett Bequest middot $600000 By John Hearn

When Stewart B nnett industriali st

fa rmer catt le and horse hreeder 3rt

colle tor and past member of the nivers ity of Guelph s Board of Governo rs di ed in Aug us t last year his will specified a bequest o f

$600 000 to the University which w~s

co nfinned on the death of h is widow Violet

w ho al so died last yea r

By any standards Stewart Ben nett s life

must be described as a success story a 90-year record o f persona l achievement any man m ight

envy Born in T oronto in 1892 he graduated in

engineering from the Uni ve rs ity of Toronto went up to Oxford Jo ined the Roya l Eng ineers on the outbreak of World War One served wi th di stinction as a captain and was awarded the

Military Cross He re turned to the niversity of Townto

to lec ture at the fac uity o f Applied Sc ience from 192 1 to 1925 then launched a busin ss career which was to lead to directorships with some of the country s most succe ss ful corporations

These included the Phoenix Assurance Co of herd which has been sending champions to niversity of Guelph goes back to the days Canada Dominion Stores Ltd the Boiler international Ii vestock expositions for more when he was a member of the Board of Rege nts Inspection and Ass urance Co of Canada and than 40 years The firs t Canadian-bred Shortshy of the Federated Colleges and remained to

the C anada Permanent Trust Company He horn bull to be shipped to Scotland was sent by serve as a member o f the nivcrsitys first became pres ident of Beardmore amp Company in Scotsdale Farm in 1970 and as recently as Board of Governo rs for another e ig ht years 1940 and served as vice-president of Canada 1981 Stewart Ben nett had the upre me He was al so president of the Royal Packers Inc for 18 years Champion Bull at the eNE Agricultural Winter Fair in 1953-4 and se rved

It might be argued however as to who While all this was going on he was for many years on it s executive T he Royal

was the real Stewart Bennett-the shrewd buildi ng a si gnificant collection of Canadian art Agricultural Winter Fair and the Georgetown

Industrialist or the man who bought himself a and served as a member of the council of the Di s trict Memorial Hospital are equal

540-acre farm in the Credit Valley and turned it Toronto Art Gallery Hi s 100 or more canvasmiddot beneficiaries with the University in his estate

into a beauty spot He lined its handsome ses by Tom Thompson A Y Jackso n and What el se would a man need to round out a driveway with evergreens and dammed streams JE H MacDonald among o the rs have been long and successful life but a perfect marriage

to create a lake as a home for his two swans bequeathed to the Ontario Heritage Foundation and this too was not denied him He married

Th( felle Violet alld Stewart Bennell

Nor was he content to be a city man with a which has al so been named to manage the Violet Letty Fairbanks in 1922 She died 60

country home He is honoured among cattle Be nnett farm years later two months after Stewart of a

breeders for his famous Sc otsdale Shorthorn Stewart Bennetts connection with the broken heart 0

III this picture athe UniersitV s first Board o(Co ernors St ewart 8el1 ( (( is third rolltefl



The AMPUl Experience A Most Significant Training Program For Hospitality Industry Leaders By John Hearn

When The Univers ity of Guelphs Schoo l of Ho tel and Food Administration

s taged a four-week Ad vanced management Program for the Hosp italit y Industry (AMPHI) earlier this year the y presented the

ni versity with an exercise in log istics of unprecedented complex ity Bob Desautels HI-I 7S who as involved in the advance planning fm more than a year before the e vent explaincd the special nature of the prohle m

A MPHI was to be a four-week conce ntrated coursc designed to meet the standards of two dozen o f Canada s most senior hospitality exec utive s who must he regarded not just as expeI1S but also as connoisseurs in the art of loo king after people Meeting those standards assembling an experienced faculty and generating very large quantities o f all-new course material mandated a course fee of $5000 At those rates participants were entitled to expect the hest of everything

The curriculum was programmed in detail fro m 630 am through 1000 pm every day The gt[re nuous nature o t the intellectual demands left the partic ipants with ne ither the time or the energy to do very much in the way of fending for themsel ves Another important constraint was that eve ry activity formal and informal had to be structured in such a way as to be conducive to mainwinin g continuous dialogue betwee n the paI1icipanh at all times

Gicn these criteria Bob sought the aid of vinually evcry serv ice department in the

nivc rgtitj Co-operation was be ne rous and unstintin b middot he rcpmtgt We asked for setvice lllore ugtually as sociated with hetterclss hotch and eve ryone rose to the occasion Faced with such sophisti cated palates food scrv ice had to he at the top 01 the list and Dave Boeckner assistant manager opc rmiddotations Food Services pulled out allthe slOpS tor us

A Public Statement

For Garry Round Food Serv ices director A VlPHI offered a unique o pportunity to make a puhlic statement about the capahililie s of hi orbani7ation which had hee n I()(l~in g for just such a challen ge 10 break through the ima ge prohlem us ually assoeiatcd with universit y

latcrin g

Let s face it he aid unive rsities in bene ral arc popular locati ons for summcr Llln krcnccs Im onc excellent rcason - the price is ri ght Student s roo ms arc availahle at camp-site rates and lor $ IISO a day peopl e

ca n eat well in one of ou r cafeterias What makes thc University of Guelph

different With onc of the bigges t residen t student populations in Canada with in-house catering and an nual sales in the $6 million brmiddotacke t we have a resource base capabl e ot sustaining an hillll ( (lIilil7 ( culinary staff and allowing us to take on special functions that would be impossible for an y other university in Canada

This opinio n was e nthus iasticall y endorsed by the AMPHI participant s wh o aw arded a standing ovation to the s taff led by Domenico Ran alli executi ve chef and Incz Scapinello operations manager during the final banquet - a sea Cood spectacu lar capped by copi ous quantities of Baked Alaska

The final banquet was by no means except ional Steak and lobste r eSla rgot and mushroom ca ps were almost com monpl ace Breakfas t offered a choice of cereals an exoti c display of fresh fruit s and such niceties as eggs bened ict The scale and variety of lunches had to be cut back alter the first week in respo nse to

the part icipants groans of too much

Front Rank Convention Centre

As Inez Scapinello tell s it AMPHI was not so much a challe nge as an opportunity We did nothing we had not do ne before Dome nico was not ca lled upon l(l create any new menu items although we did try some innovati ve combinations

A a howca sc for Domcnico Ranalli talent s A M PH I WIS nothi ng less than a Will dl

il(( Wi th 2~ sucCssivc dinners each of which earned rave re views without once repeati n[ himself and consisting or nothing ne w moves the University of Gue I ph into the front rank of convention centre~

Satis fied that food sc-rv ice was in good hands Bob Desautels wa s able to turn his attentio n 0 other logis til problems

Th e I MPHI course was basltd on the case teachin g method A tcam ofHA PAcase writers worked for more than two yea rs assemhling a packa ge or some 600 studies of critical si tuatio ns pertincnt to the contlrl1porary Canadran hospitalit y sce ne They travelled as lar as British Co lumbia in search or authentil re levant material all of which had 10 be reproduced It was Bob Desautels job to superv ise the printing and hindin g of the IOOD-page required reading Ialk agc hand ed III (deh urthe panic ipants on arrival plus industr)

notes the teaching material s and equipmclll required by the e ight-man facult y under HA FA Director Dr Tom Powers

Sleeping accommodation in the nearest residence to th l Schoo l was a simple student environment with th e addilOn of a private pho ne in each morn In~ talled for the duration of the course Valet and laundry se rvice not usually part of the l niversit ys conference offering was available Credit pri vi leges at the Un ivers ity branch o f the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce was arran ged for each of the participants

Hospitality L e ad ers Night People Successful hospitalit y industry leaders are

marked by certain co mmo n characteristicsshyhigh energy leveis capac ity for long and erratic hours strong people skill s creati vit y and a sense 01 humour The day beginning with a 645 am run continuing through three morning ca studie s followed by study sessions keep fit classes and physica l games in the afternoon and more group study sessions in the evening rare ly ended at the prescribed 1000 pm Hospi tality industry leade rs are night peop le

Stimulated by the intellectual dema nd s of the course and by interaction wit h thei r peers and faculty (w ho stayed with thern right through the long day) the y we re till left with energy to burn off in a serie s of theme parti es whi ch sent Bob Desa utels scouring the di strict to su ppl y thei r eso teric demands - one complete fem ale gorilla outfit for cxarn pk

The course ended when Prcsid ent Donald Forste r prese nted the graduate with certificatcs (w hich had 10 be spec iall y designed and printed) and the graduates pre se nted the faculty with mock certificates (which also had to be designed and pri llled)

How well did it all wo rk 0 We c hecked double checked and tripie c hecked eve ry possihilit y in advance said Boh De aute ls The on ly qUls tion we had left on the eve ofthc confe rcncc was whell have we missed As it tran plredthe answer see rns to ha ve heen not much

Participants wcre unanimous rn their evaluation of AMPIII as incomparahl y the mos t si g nificant rnanagementtraining lx pcrr cnce of their liv es All of them werT ve teran s of coursegt g iCn hy uniers itie s private managem ent dc ve lopment institutions and in-house conicrenccs hut none had been through an experienlc as rewarding demanding superhl rganied and positi ve in its long term consequCrlle as this one

For the faculty and gtUpPllrt stall more Jccutorllcdtothc energy leve ls of under shygradulles AvIPHI made unpncccknted phyical and mental demands - hut plans for AMPHI ~I arc alrcadv in the orb and applicant s are lx[1clted from allo ver th e cun tinc nL C



indiviJual champions Peter Domarchuk Mitch Mason hri s Crooks and LeonarJA Year to REMEMBER

By D ick Freeman

A full house in excess of 430 people crowded Peter Clark Hall at the Univershy

sity of Guelph in March to celebrate a year of intercollegiate sports competition and to honshy

our its 198283 champions The year started with a 16 to 10 football

victory over the OQIFC champion the Conshy

corida Stingers and ended with a third consecuti ve CIA U wrestling championship In

between a well-balanced Gryphon athletic program proudly and successfully represented

the University of Guelph When the awards had been announced a

pair of Hockey Gryphons had struck for the hat tri ck Ray Irwin was named the 198283 Male Athlete of the Year the W F Mitchell Sportsman of the Year(forathletics leadersh ip)

Ray Irwin Male Athlete of the Year

When Vice-President Administration Charles Ferguson presented Ray Irwin with

the 1982-83 University ojGuelph Mal e Athlete of the Year award it was the culmination ofa story-book seasonfor the Sudbury native

In earning his third straight first team

all- star berth Ray led the OUAA in assists with 40 and added ten goals to finish as the only dejenceman in the leagues top ten scorers His on-ice brilliance caught the eye of Canadas

Olympic Team and at mid-season he was chosen to represent Canada in a tournament in Czechoslovakia

In a game against the nations numbershy

one ranked Toront o Blues he scored once and assisted on three other scores

Perhaps more significant though was his

selection as the W F Mitchell Sportsman of the Year This award honours leadership and strength ofcharacter two qualities that are

abundant in this HAFA student

and collected his third straight team Most

Valuable Player Trophy Another all-star hockey performer Sue

Scherer was named the Female Athlete of the

Year Sue earlier was named Most Improved Player on the Field Hockey squad as well as

Most Valuable Performer on the Women s Ice Hoc key team

Bev Rankin a member of the Womens

Athle tics Council and Women s Field Hockey team was honoured as the recipient of the W F Mitchell Sportswoma n of the Year Award Other major award winners inc luded Basketballs Greg Hook- Don Cameron

Memorial Trophy for Most Improved Athlete

Volkyballs Michelle Turley - Mary Beverley-Burton Award for Female Rookie of

the Year and Scott Hobson - Ted Wildman Memoria l Trophy as the outstanding graduatshy

ing football player Alderman Jim Whitechurch Arts 8 1

presented City of Guelph plates to Canadi an Champions These included wrestlers Ken Bradford Chris Crooks and Peter Domarchuk

as well as football All-Canadians Pe ter Langshyford Junior Ro binso n Salvatore Benincasa

and vlrke Hudson Hud son it should be noted earned All-Canadian honou rs for the third

consecuti ve year only the second player ever so honoured

In addition to the team Most Valuahle and Mo st Improved awards as listed below the

gathering honoured OWlAA champions Barb Jonak - Arc hery and Jane Herner- Alpine Skiing The mens wrestling team captured a

fourth straight OUAA titl e anchored by


Archery Trophy Barb Janak Most Impro ved Basketball Trop hy (men) Greg Hook Bill Dlmson Memorial Trophy Michael 5cs(0 Demck Lewis Most Irnproved Basketball Trophy (women) Beth Pulsifer Basketball Award (women) Joa nne Hurd Badminton Trophy (women) Kelly Breedon BadmintOn Trophy (me n) Tai Ching Leng Cross-country Running Trophy (womcn) Tracey RObinson Curling Trophy Jill Rowen Brian Davenport Most Improved Field Hockey Trophy Susan Scherer Field Hockey Trophy Karen Mc Bride Most Improved Football Trophy Pat Tracey Letlermens Club Award Mike Eykens Most Improved Ice Hockey Trophy (women) Michelle Turley Coaches Hockey Trophy Susan Scherer Walter Rickard Memorial Trophy Bruce Kilgour Jack Pos Intercollegiate Hockey Award Ray IrwlO leuan Evans Intercollegiate Rugger Trophy Jeff Baldock Most Improved Soccer Trophy Gudio Frasson Bill McAnurf Soccer Trophy BII Davis Most Improved Swimming Award (women) Stephanie Doll Swimming Trophy (women) Pam Johnson Most Improved Swimming Trophy (men) Kirk Weber Swimming Trophy (men) Peter Koiisnyk Synchronized Swimming Trophy Lisa De Laplante Tennis Award (women) Maureen McKillop Most Improved Volleyball Trophy (men) Blair Carley Volleyball Trophy (men) Tim White Mosllmproved Volleyball Trophy (women) Francine Taillefer Volleyball Award (women) Joellen Barr Most Improved Wrestling Trophy Peter Oomarchuk Wrestling Trophy Ken Bradford

Stevano Altogether 18 Gryphons were nameJ

to league all-star teams Two athlete s were presented with trophies

as the best in their sport in Canada Peter Langford the J P Metras Trophy as Canadas

Outstanding Defensive Lineman and Ken Bradford as the Outstanding Wrestkr at the

19828 3 championships Director of Athletics Dave Copp sumshy

med up the year in his closing remarks as he

thanked the athlete s and coaches for their superb efforts We are proud of your achievements in 198283 competition Let us work together to make 198384 eve n more

memorable Judging from the fact that the majority of

alhletcs and guests danced and partied to the wee hours it was obvIOus that they were full of the Gryphon spirit It s truly fun- catch it 0

Su e S cherer Female Athlete of the Year

Vice-Presidelt Academic HOl-ard Clark presentation of the 198283 Female Athlete of the Year (ward to Sue Scherer was greeted with a TOar njpproal Howe le r the awardfor

excellence displa yed in ice hockey andjield hodn was reallv 011 11 the tip of the iceberg

Afifih semester sociolog student Sue anchored the Grlphons defence and in fact

controlled th e oJjensf As if that wasnt enough Sue was the plaving coach and in the combination 0 roles led the hocker Gryphons into th e plar-offs including a regular season

upset of the Ynrk Yeoomen Th e hidden part othe stOrl is perhaps th e

best Sue fills her mml1lers bv starring on the Canadian Nat ional Womens Fastball team In cluded in this hectic schedule were tours nf

Japan Taiwan SO Lllh America and Mexico

Obiouslr the combinatioll astudies and athletics is a healthy one as Sue maintains a

B average at the Unilersity



Newly Elected as

AluDlni Senators Following the annual election for three of the nine alum n i seats on Senate a t the Univers ity the following three alumni have been elected to replace those who will fulfill three-year terms on August

31 1983

Richard D Rich Moccia CBS BSc 76 MSc 78 is a self-employed biologishy

cal research scientist in the aquaculture field (See article Theyve Gone Fishin

Guelph Alumnus Spring 1983 issue

Rich is a past president of the CBS Alumni Associatio n was a vice-president of the UGAA and has served on numerous

adminis trative committees on campus inshycluding a Presidential Special Advisory Committee on Alumni Publications He also was a member of the Alma Mater Fund Advisory Council

In his spare time he has been involved with the Big Brothers Association and Minor League baseball He races motorshycycles for relaxation and fun

Donald C Rose Arts BA 80 MA 82 is a corporate representative with Uniglobe Bay Street Travel Inc of Toronto During

Tony Sobczak Arrs 77

Donald Rose Arts 80

his years at Guelph Donald served as sports editor and production manager with the Onlarion and was a member of Gryphon

soccer and rugby teams

A single man he feels that as an alumni senator he will be able to maintain his concern for the standards of higher education and at the same time maintain the friendships and contacts that he estabshylished while at the Uni versity

Tony K Sobczak Arts BA 77 is general manager of Bailey s Balloon Brigade a restaurant in Toronto While

study ing at Guelph he worked in the

hospitality field with Food Services The Keg and the Elora Mill Restaurant and Inn Following graduation he was employed by the Toronto-Dominion Bank in southshywestern Ontario but two years later

re vived his interest in the hospitality field

Richard Moccia CBS 76

He and his wife Cathy have one son

Tony Jerome T J 11 months old Keen on sports Tony senior runs plays squash

and is a waterskiier

Patricia M G renier Arts 72 is currently serving the unexpired term of alumni Senator Richard Young Arts 76 who re s igned during the third year of his term She will retire as alumni Senator on August

31 1983 Patricia who received a degree of

Master of Library Science from the Univershys ity of Western Ontario in 1973 is coshyordinator Information Services Informashytion Centre Ministry of EducationlMinistry

of College and Universities Toronto Prior to her present position she was a

reference librarian Documentation Centre

at the University of Guelph Library from 1975 to 1980 0

Limited Accreditation for OVC The Ontario Veterinary College of the

University of Guelph has been accorded limited accreditation status by the American Veterinary Medical Association

(A VMA) President Donald Forster anshynounced in May

The decision by the Council of Edllcashytion of the A VMA is based on recommendashy

tions made in the report of an evaluation committee which visited the College for a

short period in October 1982 a report on which the University and the C ollege had an opportunity to comment Most errors of fact in the original report were corrected as a result of the UniversityS comments

This accreditation status means that ove meets or exceeds most but not all

minimal requirements for a satisfactory program in veterinary medicine at least in

the judgment of the Association Limited accreditation is a reduction in

s tatus from full accreditation a status which the College has held and which was

reconfirmed by a previous evaluation in L976 Similar decisions ha ve been made

by the AVMA in the past in the case of programs at other and well-established

veterinary colleges in the United States which faced problems similar to those we are experiencing at the OVC the Presishydent noted

L imited accreditation status may be

maintained for a period of up to five years on the basis of annual reports by the University and the College indicating that any deficiencies are in the process of being corrected At any time during the five-year period the University and the College may

invite the A VMA Council to make a new

evaluation hopefully leading to a return to full accreditation status

A number of factors are identified in

the report as a basis for the Councils decision Most important the report reshy

commends that a better balance between the financial resources and the programs of the College be achieved From this flow two major recommendations Construcshy

tion and renovation be initiated to correct inadequacies in classrooms laboratories

offices and clinical work spaces Also -faculty numbers and specialty expertise be increased and additional time be scheduled for professional development research and other scholarly pursuits

The report also suggests that the

number of support s taff be increased One option identified in the recommendations is

that student numbers be reduced until

conld over


adequate faculty numbers and physical facilitie s can be provided hnally some deficiencies in the area of postgraduate education are also identified

While the University and the College

are naturally disappointed by the Councils conclusions we are not entirely surprised President Forster commented Many of the deficiencies identified in the report have been matters of acute concern for some time and some steps have been taken already to remedy the problems some of which are simply the product of the chronic undershyfunding that Ontario universities have exshyperienced for a number of years

Under the circumstances I commend

the faculty and staff of the Ontario

Veterinary College for working so hard to maintain the reputation and integrity of the program and its graduates during this very difficult period

The President also noted that under A VMA procedures an elaborate appeal process is available to the University A decision has been taken not to appeal the Councils deision even though the Univershysity has reservations about some of the observations in the report

The recommendation s in the report will be reviewed very carefully by the

Uni versity and the College in the coming months the Pre sident indicated and every effort will be made to secure support from government and other sources to

remedy problems which have be e n identified In this connection I wish to

express again our gratitude to the Honourshyable Dennis Timbrel Ontario s Minister of Agriculture and Food for making available to the University special funding in the amount of $J8 million annually for a three-year period in support of programs at the OVe This suppOrt came at a particushylarly crucial time and was most welcomc

Recent discussion with Mr Timbrell and Agriculture Canada have indicated hoth sympathy for and understanding ot the capital needs of the College and there is every hope that substantial support will be forthcoming from both levels of go vernshyment President Forster concluded D

Director Industrial S ervices R onald J Dolynchuk has been appointed Director Indus trial Services for the U nivershysity of G uelph The appointment became effective April I 1983

He will provide a two-way contact between the Un iversity and industry says Dr William Tossell Dean of Research Dea n Tossell points out that Ronald Dolynshychuk will ass ume an integral role in the industrial interact ion strategy recently anshynounced by the University At the same time he will help acquaint University researchers with possible sources of reshysearch contracts and grants within the industria l sector

The new industrial services director says that he sees his ro le somewhat as that of a broker taking the research and te hshynological skills of the campus to inshydustry- Iocal ly provincially and nationshyally W ithin the campus he hopes to play the role of a catal st co-ordinating varied speci alized activities and preparing a marketable package of research and sershyvice attract ive to industry

He says that a campus such as the University of Guelph can offer a consortium of highly specialized and technological expertise to indu stry Such capability can prove to be a powerful factor in attracting new industry to the area he says This may be particularly true in the case of smaller industries that can seldom afford their own highly specialized research facilities

Initially the new director says he will especially target on industries with a direct relationship to those areas of expertise for which the University of Guelph is particushylarly well known These include such sectors as foods and beverage and bioshytechnology

I am especially interested in offering industry a broad-based multi-disciplinary

Ronald 1 Dolynchuk

approach to their problems through includshying such areas as the social sciences in a team of experts he says This would permit the Uni versity to prov ide more complete studies including market research and sociological considerations as well as

scientific or technological resources

The new director of industrial services is no stranger to the University of Guelph campus He has been teaching a course on Business Policy in the School of Agricul shytu ral Economics and Extension Education

Ronald Dolync h uk was most reshycently the sen ior vice- president and general managcr of Linread Canada Limited in Guelph He has worked in industry since 1969 in marketing and managc ment posishytions Born and raised in W innipeg he grauuated in business economics from Inshydiana Un iversity and received a Master of Business dm in islra tion uegree from the same university

Ronald Dolynchuk and his wife and thrce ch il dren have lived in G uelph since 1976 He has b en act ive in the Gue lph Chamber of Commerce the Ro tary Club of G uelph and has served on the Board of Direc tors of the Edward Johnson Mus ic Foundation the Guelph Arts Counci l the G uelph Youth O rchestra and the G ue lph Marlin Aquatic Cl ub He is a lso 1 regis tered soccer re te ree 0

National Universities Week National Universities Week is being observed at universities across the country October 2 to 8 1983 to draw attention to the positive contributions a nd accomplishments made by these institutions in Canadian life A variety of activ ities at campuses will be designed to point out the va lue of the univershysitys teaching research cultural and public ser vice acli~ ities in society

Plans at Guelph include a noon hour series of lectures a nd panels which will look at areas of research on camp us that have far-reach ing etTects on society Members of the pu blic will be invited 10 visit the cam pus during the week to attend events and to tour the facilities

For further information on the National Universities Week program contact Information Services University of Guelph (SI9) 824-4120 Ext 8708 0


Canadian Centre for Toxicology T he Canadian Centre for Toxicol(l t y to he located at the ni ve r~ it y of Guelph and tht University of Toro nto will rt cc ive $ 10 mi ll ion fro lll the Ce clc ra l govern ment for the firs t phase of const ructioll The lunding I contingent on part ic ipation by the Ontario govern me nt ancl the two u ni ve rs it i e~

Dr Jim Sc hroder O VC 42 Me mbCi of Pari iame nl for Guelph pari ia mentary secretary to the Mini ster of Health and We lfare Monique Begin and an 0 C facult y member made the announce me nt on behalf o f The Honourable John Roberts Mini ste r of the En vironment at a press co nfere nce on cam pus in May The fundin g is the fi rst to be announced for more than 100 projects be ing fund eu under the leueral governmcnt s $ 24 bill io n spec ial reco ve ry projec ts program outlined in the April 19 budge t speec h

Pres ident Donalu Forster said that representati ves from the Uni vers it ies of Guelp h ane Toronto met later fo r discusshysions wi th Ontario s Mini ster of the Envishyronment Ke ith Norton and will continue tv di scuss the prov ince s commitmcnt to the Ccntre President Fors ter said he is opti misshyti c abo ut provincial support as Premier Bill Da vis has for the past tw o years expressed strung support for the Centre

President Forster on behalf o f the Unive rs it y of Guelph thanked Dr Schroun fo rthe work he has done to impress upon the federal go vernment the im port ance of a projec t of ve ry co ns iue rab le na tio na l s ignificance The Pres ident c it ed the Centre as an example of the co-operatio n betwee n uni ve rsitie s governments and the pri va te sector

Dr David Strangw ay actin g presishydent Uni versity of Toronto also expressed gtatitude to the federal go ve rnment and Dr Sc hroder He said the joint venture by two uni ve rs iti es tha t have compl ementary strengths is unique He desc ribeu the Ce ntre

Alberta Alumni Reunion

Saturday August 20 1983

200 pm -Bowness Park Calgary

Bring your own picnic

Prizes will be awarded for oldest grad grad who travels farthest

from home etc

L (l i to rii ht D r MeLII middotell Prcs iden Fo rsl fl r Dr Schroderund Dr Sl liI ng loshy(Iu inK Jr f ideill Uni l c rII oToro ll lO

as a world-class model that co uld be looked to in the future Guelphs strengths are in agricultural and veterinary toxicol ogy and Toron to s are espec iall y in toxicology in the med ical and engineerin g fi elcl s En viro nshymental expert ise is we ll deve loped at both uni vers ities

Professor Free man McEwen acting direc tor of the Ce ntre a nd dean of the OA outlined some of the unique features of the Ce ntre which he said is blaz in g a new tra il between gove rnments uni versities and the public sector

The planning and construction of phas one of the facilit y for the project is expected to be compl eteu by late 1986 at a total cost of $236 million When com shypleted the Ce ntre will be part of a netw ork o f toxicology centres across Canada It is ex pected to have a staff at both Guelph and Toronto of 64 sc ient is ts 108 techn ishycians and 109 other staff members The corshyrate headquarte rs will be at the Uni versit y of Guelph 0

Homecoming September 30middot October 1

Friday September 30 700 p m and 1000 pm The Nyl on in conce rt two shows War Me mori al Hall Ticket s $8 50 students and seni ors S9 50 general For ti ckets write Ny lons Tickets nive rs ity of Guel ph Box Ollice Uni vers ity Centre Un ive rs ity of Guelph Guel ph Ontari o N IG 2W I Pl ease make cheque payable to the Univers it y of Guelph and enclose a self- addressed and stamped envelope

Saturday October 1 Morning Homecomin g Paraue For further in fo rm ation contac t John King (519) 824-4120 Ex t 8327

1100 am HA Alu mni Associati on Annual eeting Hotel and Food Admin isshytrati on Building

11 30 am Human Kinet ics Alum ni Association An nual Meeting and Home shycoming Brunch Loca ti on to be anno unced

200 pm Homecornmg Footba ll Game Alumni Stadium Uni vcrsity of Toronto Blues vs Uni versit y of Gue lph Gry phons

630 pm Alumni Din ner Dancc Creelshyman Hall Further detail s co nt act Alumni Office (519) 824-4 l20 Ext 2122 or 87 40

800 pm Post-Game Pub Dance De shypartment of Athl etics gymnas ium 0

CODling Events Sep1216 Aggie Week

17 UGAA Wine Symposium Niagara Peninsula

25 28

Sep 30 Oct 1

Oct 1


Nov 11middot20


Dec 5-8

OAC Alumni Association Golf Tournament

InternationaJ Plowing Match Teviotdale


HAFA Alumni Association Annual Meeting

HK Alumni Association Annual Meeting

MacmiddotFACS Alumni Association Caree rs Night

Royal Agricultural Winter Fair Toronto

OAC Alumni Reception Royal Room CoUseum RAWF Toronto

Night At The Royal Sponsored by the UGAA Toronto chapter

American Association of Equine Practitioners Annual Convention Las Ve gas Nevada USA



The Ontario Veterinary College Alumni Association

EditorALUMNI Dr Cliff Barker 41


Faculty Award for Dr Bob Curtis Dr Bob CUrlis 6 Clinical SllIdies OVe recelllly received a UniversilY of Guelph

FlIcully Associalion Professional Tea ching Award in recognition of his great influence on professional lraining The cira lion in parr sraled He has repeatedlv beuroen honouredfor

his conlriburiOIl 10 educalion He is a respecled elerinarian who is universally retIed us

one of lhe beslleachers Ihis univlrsiry has eper had LeIr 10 righl Dr Russ Willoughbv

57 Dr Wayne Pfeiffer vice-chairman Faculty aSSOCi((lion Dr Bob Curlis 6 and

Dr Mike Wilson chairman Clinical SlUdies 0

For Design Dr Jim 01fa50n 68 owner of the South Su rrey Veterinary Hospital 3221 shy140th S1 Surrey BC received the 19 82 Special Aw ard for Architectu ral Exce llence at the annual merican Animal Hospital Association convention in San Antonio Texa on March 14 1983 The award was prese nted by Velerinary Eco nomi cs Mag(l~ ine a leading business magazi ne for the veterinary profession

T he award was give n in rccognition of the timc and expense Dr O lafsun investcd to design a hosp ital that would enhance its natur al s ur round ings South Su rrey Veterinary Hospital is loca ted in a res idenshyt ia l area and the colors a nd tex tures of the buil ding s ex terior lesse n the impact o f a commerci a l property in the area

The hospital is energy-efficient and includes large winduws and nume rous skyshyli ghts in its design plan Other features incl ude covered walkways a covered parkshying area a nd covered entrances The overall effect minim izes the enclosed fe lin g usushy

ally associatcd with a subterranean struc shytu re and the atte ntion to aesthetic detail produces a truly stunning hospital Con shygratulations Jim 0

Dr doe dohnson T he late Dr Joseph E Johnson 19 ( I R91-1960) who practised for many years in Waterloo was recognized for hi s services to ag riculture in O ntar io when his port rait was hung in the O ntario Agricu ltura l Ha ll of Fame at the O ntario Agricultural Museum Milton His nomination was prese nted by the Ontario Association of Ani mal Breedshyers T he citation presented states

Dr Joseph Edward Joe Johnson a native of Stra throy as a pioneer in the practice of artificial insemination (AI ) in Ontario In 1942 when the Waterloo Cou nty Holste in- Friesian Associ ation made

their fi rst attemp t it was Dr Joe who collected the se men and inse mina ted the cows

For fl ve years he took ti me out o f an already very busy practice to make the new idea work Several younger veterinarians

who workcd with him were later to be in charge of AI units across Ontario

He gradu ated from the O ntario Veterinary College in 1919 and after working in Fergus and Acton set up practice in Waterloo where he worked with the noted Seagram Sta bles

He pioneered the multi-staff clinic approach having as many as four students and grad uates work ing w ith him Because o f th is internship approach Dr Johnson probably had a greater influence o n the practice of large animal vete rinary medicine than any other practicing vete rinarian of his day

The ultimate uccess of the AI sys shytem is due in large part to the work o f this ve terinari an who through trial and error persevered with the technique in its ear ly years 0


One Millionth A third-year O VC student Paul Dick of Gcoroetown recently became the one mi lshylio nth person to pass through the turnstiles o f the O VC Division of the Uni versity Library since the tu rn sti les were installed eight years ago He was gree ted by libshyran ans and fac ulty applause and handshyshakes t1 a~ h i ng camera strobe lights conshygratulations and the pre sentation o f a book Clillical E raminal ion of Ca ll ie

The VC library also serves students from other Colleges Co mprising more tha n 30000 volu mes it e mbraces far more than the veterinary sc iences 0

In a briefcert monv a llellded bv David Hull head Sc ience and Velerinary Science Diision

oj Ihe Library eli and Dean Douglas 1aplesden 50 righl Associa ( Libraria ll John

Black presen l a book 10 one millionlh isilor Paul Dick rig ill cenlre

It Was Bound to Happen Delta chapter of O mega Tau Sigma Fratern ity residence has become co-educational with the admi ssion of 18 women students during 1982-83 em sters For se veral years OVC s women stu dents have been seeking fra ternity membership they fi nally made it in 1982

Galhered onlhei-olll sleps oflh e avc main

Imiiding are 14 of Ih e 18 women slwlel1ls

who resided in Ihe fral house Ihi I r ea r

FrOt1 row I(i llo righ l lennifer Rice

Ion [ Lee Ma rv MOllleilh M iddle ro w

Robill Roscol Kale Flanigan Lisa Tavlor Debbie Blech Lesli e Hu ngall Back row

l ana Kl llOn Carol Phillips l ennifer

TrollghlO n lulv Keenliside Healher Ross

Michele Durnall MissinRfrom Ihe piClure

are Brenda FOSler Chris Barrl es

Keily-LeiRh Thomas and Laura Hunl 0

Letters to the Editor Or Bert Ca rswell 7 1 of Brooks Alt a has repli ed to o ur request for informatio n on the watch fob letters F L T (O VCAA Alumni Bulletin March 19H3 Special Supmiddot pl ement) by sugges ting these stand for Friendship Lo ve and Truth the motto of the Indepcndent Order of Odd fell ows Are the re further op i nions~

Dr Alexander Bruyns 32 Sequin Was hington S A has se nt us informashytion on the Royal Canadian Army Veterishynary Corp (O VCA Alumni Bulletin

March 1983 S pec ial Supple ment) He was a ve te ri na ry offi ce r with the Gove rn o r Gcnerals Horse Guards in Toronto o n joini ng the RCAVC in 1938 and me ntioned the late Dr A R Yo unie 14 who served

with the RCAVC in World War One Further inform ation re RCAVC officers would be apprec iated

Dr Donald MacDonald 54 o f Edmo nshyton Ita also replied to our RCAVC inquiry with informatio n on the Corps badges He is a collector of militaria especi ally militar y cap badges o f which he has a collection of over 1600 He states cap badges of the RC VC are as scarce as he n s tee th

The O VC museum has o btained cap and uni form badges from Dr G A Rose IS la t address Picton and Dr W A Robenson 16 Tsawwassen BC eachof whom served as veterinary officers during World War O ne 0

In Memoriam Dr Owen Hinton 25 died on January 22 1983 in Florida Las t add ress Rt 4 Box 139 Jasper Florida US A 32052

Dr Vernon jensen 33 died on Dcshyce mber II 19 R2 Las t address 2485 Lon-din Lane St Paul in nesota US A

Dr Edward Burke 35 died on Ja nuary 21 1983 Las t addr ss P OBox 326 So uthport Conn US A 06490

Dr jack Warren 39 Date of death no t reported Last addre ss RR 3 W heatl y Ontario OP 2PO

Dr Wilfred Sherwin 40 died o n 0 tobc r 6 1982 Last address 432 W Washi ngton Street ampa Idaho S A83651

D r j ames Watt 49 died in August 1982 Las t address 790 Ho rtop Avenue Osha wa Ontario LlG 4N8

Or Peggy Godkin 55 died o n Decem ber 5 1982 Last address Inni sfai l Alt a 0

PEl Gets It T he Toro nto Glohe ald Mail of Fe bruary 19 1983 carried the follow ing announce shyment Charl otte town (CP) - Agric ultu re Minister Eugene W he lan announced today that $500000 has bee n appropri ated to

begin architectural pl ans fo r I $26-mi ll ion veterinary college here He sa id at a new confe rence the federal Go vern me nt w ill put up half the co nstruc tion cos t if the three Marit ime p rov inces s ha re t he o ther $ 13-lTI illi on out lay 0


The College of Social Science Alumni Association

PEGAS-US Editor Dorothy Barnes 78

stori ng The Log Farm a farmhouse dating back to the late 1800s Michelle says Michelle and Mustech thi s was a terrific expcrience and the best

N omad pioneer student administrator curator You mi ght ask what these words ha ve in common and the answer you would receive would be that they all aptly describe Miche lle McMillan 77

Mi chelle graduated with a degree in SociologyAnthropology At the same time she graduated from Algonquin Community Collegt with a correspondence course dipshyloma in what she terms M ustec h - Muse um Technology majoring In Exshyhibit esign

Currently assistant director at the Guelph Ci vic Muse um she has held thi s position since the spring of 1979 Her responsibilities include those of regis trar (mai nta ining dltaikd [i Ii ng systems) for the con serva tion of artifacts and ex hibit work She is co-ordinator of some 40 vo lunteers who are in volved in all facets of museum work (to become a muse um vo lunteer all one has to do is call Michelle and arrange for an interview )

When interviewing Michclk it was obvious she has a love for her work that she will pass on to oth~rs possibly some of the young children attending the education programs she supervi ses at the Guelph Civic Museum

Her mothers parents were homeshysteaders and she was brouoht up on stories about pioneering Her interest in pioneering and the Indian way of life was fo stered by a mothe r who had Indian friends and who would often visit these friends experiencshying their way of life even to sleeping quite often in a tepee

Thi s and the fac t that her family moved around a lo t from west to east influenced Michelles deep and lasting love of the past although with a lau gh she says Now I am of the opinion that my mother had a tendency to present a romantic version of the whole situation - espec ially to me as a young child It certainly influenced my interest in studying Anthropol ogy

Michelles ed ucation and working exshyperiences have bee n very infl uential in nurturing her love of the past She started

out at the University of Western On tario but left for perso nal reasons She worked for a ye ar and while working beca me apprenshyticed as a pattern drafter

ichelle mo ved to Ottawa after she had worked the year and regi stereu at Carl eto n Universi ty in Anthropology She studied this for one year and then became aware of a program offered at Algonquin Communit y College on the subject Mu seum Tech nolo gy

Her placement s in work situation while at Algonquin included a summer helping four yo un g me n on a project at the town of Bells Corners ne ar Ottawa re-

job she ever had There was no electr icity so eve rything

was done by hand Her group res tored doors gable-ends flo ors ceilings rtshypointed stone found at ions and raised the building on hydra uli c jacks The y also gl Lt~d windows re searched the huildin g and organized the veget ab le garden

Othelmiddot experiences have included work at thc Na tio nal Museum of Man thc McM ichae l Canadi an Collcction in Klcin shyburg the Wellington County Muse um and the S imcoe County Museum She has al so been a volunteer teacher at the Plains jndian Iroquois and Inuit Ga lleri es of the National M use um of Man

It was Guelphs gain when Miche lle found he rsel f pulled bac k to stud ying in order to co mplete her degree

Michelle is now well established in her position at the Guelph Civic Muscum and dt las t feels she ha s put dow n roots in a c ity she has an alleg iance to one she loves and fee ls more co mfortable in than any other She is involved in trying to build up a research library on local history and artifacts

When asked for pearl s of wisdom fo r new graduates Michelle volunteered that pcople need practical ex perience along with formal learning to balance their percept ion of a ro lc How apropos 0

Th e Cullege uf So cial Science Alumlli Associatioll ill-course scholarships ere Jreserl(d

rnelltlmiddot to lei Junine Crallt Ceog uJJnmiddot olld Virginia Suth erland Psrchologv Attending

tht un lIlOnr wert right Pro(essor Juliu s fugl Department oCeogrupilr and Pr(essor

Mike M(lIh f II~ Iei chuirmun DeJurtlllen t 0 PI cilologr Th e scilolorshiJI 01 $200

each oreul1ded in purt hr all (11 1(( gru llti-om til ( Alma Mawr Fu nd


Lan e Smit h 78 is a so ftware spec ialist Barbara (Cherry) Wilson 80 is pres shyGrad News with Software Ke netics in epean ently res iding at 45 Emily Street Grimsby

Ron Beveridge 67 is an e lementary special counselor with School District 88 Terrace B C

C R ichard Buc k 70 practices law WIth the firm of Weyli e Shortt Buck Hanshybridge Reidl Casselli and Mitchell in Waterloo

Lee D Wetherall 75 is an exec utive ass istant with AIcan in Kingston

Stewart McCann 76 is a lec turer with the University of Alberta Edmonton

Peter J Stanczyk 76 is living at 9940 Fa irmount Drive S E Apartment A-4

C algary Alta Since concluding his studies at Guelph Peter attended the social work course at Wilfrid Laurier University Watershyloo and received a Master o f Soc ial Work

degree in 1982 Peter is now married and he and his

bride We ndy are established as socia l workers with Alberta Social c rvices and Comm unity Health in Calgary We wish Peter and Wend y much happiness in their new partnership success in their choscn fi e ld and contentment in the ir Ii vc s together

Ted Boniface 77 is now n eative direc tor for Ce ntra l Al berta Broadcasting (CKRDshy

T V CKRD-AM and C FCR-FM) in Red Deer Ted has bee n awarded four c itations by the Radi o Bureau of C anada and was nominated for an Aetra Award as producer of the hes t radio program of1979 O ld news we reali ze but how are we going to know o therwise unless you let us know Thanks

Ted for updating us on your activities

Gurnam Singh 77 is an MC A student at the niversity of Ottawa

Roderick Hodgson 78 is back in his home town of H udson Que Rod is emshyployed by the Town of H udson Publi c

Works Departme nt he al so serves on the Town Planning C ommittee and is activel y involved with the volunteer fire department

Perr y Wilson 78 is liv ing in Spirit River Alta Since graduating from G uelph Perry

has obtained a masters degree in Anthropolshyogy from McG ill University and is princ ishypal of Ste Marie Elementary School in Spirit River

John Boyle 78 is presently living at RR 2 Brampton

Karen Russell 78 is a teacher with the Dufferin County Board of Education at Parkinson Centennial School Orangeville

Vicky Su therland 78 is an air traffi c

controller with the Mini stry of Transport Calgary Alta

Susan W alkowiak 78 is a real estate agent with the Safeguard Real Es tate Comshy

pan y Toronto

Craig Willms 78 is an assistant manager with the Toronto-Dominion Bank Watershy


Gordon Cominey 79 is a priest with the Holy Trinity Anglican Church in Edmonshy

ton Alta

Carol (Fogarty) Knox 79 is presentl y residi ng at R R 5 Woodstoc k

Susan Laushway 79 is a probation office r with the Solic itor G eneral of Alshybe rta in Edmonton

Richard E Larente 79 is production manager at Mac Mil lan Bloedel Ville

Mont-Ro yal Q ue

Bryce Andrews 80 has dec ided to conshytinul his education at the n i ve r~ ity of

Weste rn Ontario He is working on an M BA

Dianne M Grenier 80 is in her third year of Common Law at the University of Ottawa

Shauneen (McKague ) Bruder 80 is an MBA student at Queens University Kingston

Michele Forrester 80 is a comm unicashytions clerk w ith the Ontario Yo uth Employment Program Queens Park To shy


Peter Madott 80 is an ass istant product manager with S c Johnson an d So n Ltd


Elizabeth (Ferguson ) latos 80 is a volunteer co-ordinator with B ig Bro thersBig Sisters of Carleton County


Jane Stevens 80 is a teac her w ith the

York Board of Education in Aurora

Loretto (MacDonald) Sullivan 80 is an administrative assistant with Kert Advertis shying Toronto

Sylvia (Bossaer) Willms 80 is a Food

Services supervisor at the UI1Iversity of Guelph

Jane (Stevens) Tremblay 80 is a teacher with the York Board of Education Aurora Jane is married to David U of N Dakota

grad of 79

Lee Anne Burton 80 is a teacher with the Dufferin Peel R C SS Board Mi ss isshy


Maureen S inclair-Barnes 80 is an urban planner with the City of Brantford Husband

is Bruce Barnes 82

Su~ Jones 80 is continuing her education at the Univers ity of Alberta She lives at

11441-132 St 405 Edmonton Alta T M IG2 Bro ther-in-law John Sch neider CBS 73 graduated in Marine


Nicholas Boyadjian 81 is a special events co-ordinator with Unive rsity Ce ntre

Administration Uni ve rsity of Guelph

Debra (Philputt ) Gibson 81 is a te acher

w ith Pee l C ount y Board of Education in

Miss issa uga

Jim Gibson 81 is a branch representati ve o ffi cer with the Ca nadian Imperial Ra nk of

CommCfce Toron to

Linda Helin 81 is presen tly res iding in

C utler on the North C hannel of Lake Huron

Patti La France 81 is a teacher residing at 66-50 Fiddl ers Green Road London

Elizabeth (Crighton) Madge 81 is now married and re siding in Lethbridge Alta

Kathleen Martin 81 is a market research analys t w ith As tra Pharmaceutical s Miss i shy


Edward Leong 82 is administration

manager for the J J Tour Se rvi ce at the Jal an M aju Taman Jade Ce ntre Miri Branch Sara wak East Malaysia

Debbie (Ling) Therrien 82 is employed as cashiersale sperson for Gameway s Ark

Ltd Toro nto

Chin Lan (Kat ) Choi 82 is an executive shyofficer with the ational Produc tivity Board in Singapore Since graduating C hin Lan has married C hoi Chee Keong C PS 82 Much happiness and success to you both

John C Close 82 is a teac her with World University Services of Canada in Zimbabshywe Africa John is married to Mary M A Psych 8 1 WLU 0


The College of Biological Science Alumni Associatio~_~

BIO-ALUMNI NEWS Editor Dr John Powell

Executive CBS Alumni Association HONORARY PRES ID ENT Professor Bruce Sells Dean


Dr George Dixon Ph D 80 Zoology

PAST PRESIDENT Marie (Boissonneault) Rush BSc 80 Marine Biology

VICE PRESIDENT Chris Wren BSc 77 Marine Biology

SECRETARY-TREASURER Cam Portt BSc 77 MSc 80 Zoology

DIRECTORS David Airdrie BSc 82 Microbiology Krista Soper BSc 79 Marine Biology Lorrie Cosens BSc 79 Marine Biology Eric Cosens BSc 80 General Biology Keith Harris B Se 76 Marine Biology

EX-OFFICIO DIRECTORS Marie (Boisonneault) Rush BSe 80 Marine Biology Shawn Taylor BSc 83 Aquatic Biology Past President CBSSC Brian Wisenden President CBSSC

FACULTY ADVISORS to be chosen one from each DepartmentSchool

UGAA REPRESENTATIVE S Jan Watshyson BSc 75 Zoology Lorrie (Rolston) Cosens BSc 79 Marine Biology Rob Miln B Sc 81 Marine Biology

EDITOR BlO-ALUMNI NEWS Professhysor John Powell Human Biology 0

Please help us to help you When corresponding or upshydating information or address do tell us not only your year of graduation but your discipline

Where Are They Now The following 20 names were entered on the College of Biological Science Honour Roll for years 1976 and 1977 We w ish to know how your career has progressed and

FALL 1976

Brenda Henry (Marine Biology) and Winter 77

janis Kay 78 (Genetics) and Winter 77

Laurence McClure OVC 81 (Unshyspecialized and Winter 77

Linda (Nelson) Sinclair 78 (Human Kinetics) and Spring 77


Sherry (Bondorenko) Miller 77 (Hushyman Kinetics)

jellrey Chernoff 77 (Unspecialized)

Wendy Harris 77 (Major in Biology)

C harlene Kopansky 77 (Human Kineshytics)

Peter MacDonald (Human Kinetics) and Winter 78

Blain Mollatt (Microbiology)

Darjo Romani 78 (Major in Biology) also Fall 77 and Winter 78

Barry Rosen~rg 77 (Unspecialized)

Cheryl Rowe 77 (Human Kinetics)

FALL 1977

Gregory Casey 79 (Microbiology) also Fall 78 and Winter 79

William Crins 78 (Botany)

jill Cross OVC 82 (Unspecialized)

what you are doing currently Do you have intere s ting episodes to relate in the BIO-ALUMNI NEWS Please lets hear from you

David C a mpbell 78 (Major in Biology)

Richard Proctor 80 (Ecology)

Carolyn Robertson (U nspecialized)

joanne (Ryder) G unby 79 (Genetics) and Winter 79 0

Grad Bash 1983

Organized jointly by the CBS Alumni Association and the CBS Students Council in April more than 280 students alumni current and former staff and faculty sat down for dinner prior to presentations being made to our dean

Contributions came from members of the College and a bird sculpture fashioned by Uta Strelive Zoology was the first of many gifts

Next came a memory book containing many letters photographs clippings and a variety of incidents all pieced together by Association president Marie (Boissonshyneault) Rush 80

Betty Roff gave the dean a special book of clippings collected by herself Two framed portraits of Professor Ronald one already hung in the main office of McNally house the other for the Ronald family completed the tributes

Altogether this gathering was a fitting acknowledgement of a great man who has done great things for us all 0


Scholarships In the Names of

Ronald and PoweU The CBS Alumni Association is pleased to announce the introduction of a scholarship for graduate students in the name of Proshy

fessor Keith Ronald Professor Rona ld as of July I had served for 12 years as the first dean of the CBS and the awarding of a

sc holarship in his name is a fitting tribute to

all he has done fo r the College the Univershys ity and the CBS Alumni Assoc iation

The Hum an Kine tics Alu mni Assoc iashy

tion anno unced its intention to name an undergraduate scholarship in the School of Human Biology in the name of Dr John T Powell as he retires from the Unive rsity in 1984

Do nations to eithe r or both of these

sc holarship funds shou ld be sent direc tl y to the Department of Alumni Affairs and Development-clearly ind icati ng to which sc ho la rs hip your donation is to be alloca ted - or when contributing to the Alma M ater F und noting that your monie s

be channeled to the sc holars hip of yo ur choice 0

Grad News Biological S cience

Lesley (Wilson) Barton 73 and Bruce 70 MSc 74 live in Keremeos B C R R No I VOX JNO will find them

E thel Anita Hamilton 79 and hu sband

Wayne Barcha r d 76 MSc 79 live in Hali fax NS where Ethel is a habitat proshy

tec tion technician with fishe ries and Oceans while Wayne is head Office Assessment Scction Environment Canada 3rd Floor 45 Alderney Drive Dartmouth N S

Marilynne (Wise) McCausland 77 is a research microbiolog ist with Molson Bre wshyeries of Canada Ltd and may be reached at 1555 No tre Dame East Montrea l Que H2L 2R5

Michael W Tate 79 write s mos t kindly thanking us for kee ping people in touch through th is column He is a teac her at Mo rnings tar Secondary School in Mi ss isshysauga

Natalie Mary Olynyk 79 may be reached at 3 120 Duffer in Street in T oronto where she is re staurant manager for Olyn yk Foods Ltd

Marine Biology

Gl en A Packman 74 and Sharon (Noda ) Arts 72 li ve at 21 Albion Road Hali fax S B3P IP8 Glen is a senior

biologist with En vironment Canada

Jo l1n Plumb 76 and M arianne (Conshynoly ) 77 may be reached at 37 Coldstrea m Road Box 303 Munster Ont KOA 3PO John works as an indu strial engineer with

the Mitel Corporation - Kan ata

Human Kinetics and Human Biology

Joy (Reid) Tomes 70 is a team coshyordinator with the Workman s Co mpensashytion Board- 2 Bloor St East Toronto Ont oM7W IA2

Terry Obi Oblinski 71 holds the pos it io n of supervisor with the 3M Comshypa ny at 2 Craig Street Pe rt h Onto K7 H 3C5

Robert T a p Fawcett 72 teac hes at the W 1 Fenton Secondary Schoo l R R 0 10 in Brampton Ont L6V 3 2

Marie-Andree (Pi lon) Poulin now teache h igh school in Montreal write her at 76 Lesage Repent igny Que J3A 5Y5

Dr Tom Elmslic 74 M-Sc 77 is a g lutton for punishment as he isjust complet ing another MSc this time in Epidemi o lshyogy at McM as ter University preparatory to his return to Ottawa

Glen Paterson 78 of 16 Da lto n A ve nue T hunder Bay On t P7B 4E9 is ea rl y chi ldhood educato r with the Confederation o f Applied Art s and Technology B ro ther Larry R Paterson g radu ated with a BLA in 69

Eric bullbull Art Arthurs 80 is s till at 12272 shy110 Avenue Edmonton Alta T5M 2L3 He work s for Consolidated Concrete Limshyi ted as a dragl i ne opera tor

Henry Fox 81 lives at 1520 Verdi La Salle Que H8l I K4

Christine (Krumbacher) F()se 81 may be reached at Box 252 2 Banff Alta TOL OCO

Ch rist ine (Novakuske) Lavallee MSc 81 is a stude nt again stud ying French and living at 0428A Larose A ve nue Mo nt real Que H2B 2Z2

Ginger (Thompson) Elmore 81 seeks work in the geriatric field Are you able to help Write he r please at 107 Ontario Avenue Komoka Onto NOL IRO

Don Doc Wilson 81 is physica l direc tor at the Waterloo Family YMCA Lincol n Road Waterloo Ont N2J 2N8

Jan McMullan 82 ne wly wedded to Mark Newcombe MSc 83 is presently ass istant manager - Ri ordan s Sport S 183 Silvercreek Parkway in Guelph She tells us of four co usins who have g raduated fro m Guelph - Brenda (Bu lton) Dagg CSS 72 Bryce Dagg 72 Donald Sifton 70 and Bonnie (Sifto n) W alsh C SS 72

Fisheries and Wildlife

Lorna l Depuydt 77 is a price specia li st with Massey-Fe rg uso n Her adshydress is 3941 Whispering Wa No 6 Grand Rapids Mich USA 49506

Steven Kerr 77 works as di s trict biologist for the Mi nistry of Natu ra l Reshysources - 611 Ninth Avenue Eas t O wen Sound Ont NOH IS O

Richa rd P Bekolay 77 MSc 80 R R N o ) Carp Ont KOA ILO is a program analyst with Digital Equipment Corporation at Kanata

Marie Legrow 80 is once aga in a s tudent at Gue lp h li ving in Guelph at [02 Queen St reet North IE 4S I


Ann (Stewart) Gray 79 and husband Dr eil Gray 76 li ve at 40) - 251 Platts Lanc in London Ont N6 H 4P4 Ann is a re search assistant at the Universi ty of We stshyern Ontari o

Robe- W Marks 81 is a production trainee with Labatt Brewin g Comp any in Kitchene r


Dr Rob J Van Exan 74 MSc 76 PhD79 ho lds the position of manager Cell Culture Produc tion with Connaught Laboratories 1755 Steeles Avenue West Will owdale Ont M2R 3T4

Chuck Yipchuk 78 wo rks in Quebec 87 Senneville Road Sennev ille a s c oshyordinator of da ta at Bi o- Re search Laboratori es

Dr Harr y Nixon Chabwela W eza MSc 79 P h D 82 may be contacted at loni Katandika Vtllage Chief Kakumbi P O Box 154 Chipata Za mbia where he is a bio log ist wi th National Parks

Douglas Stendahl MSc 79 is with the -federal government s Minist ry o f Indian Affairs and Northe rn De velopment- P O Box 1500 Yukon N W T He is water quality officer


Rick Proctor 80 is a consultant with I P Sharp Associates 2 First Canadian Place Toronto Ont M5X IE3 0


The Ontario Agricultural College Alumni Association

ALUMNI NEWS EdJtor Dr Harvey W Caldwell 51

Financial Management Related to Agriculture One of the main sessions at the OAC Agricu ltural Conference 83 dealt wit h financial management as it relates to agricu lture Robert Sanderson who is with the Ontario Farm Adjustment Asshysistance Program was a main speaker and presented the following paper

Ten years ago most farmers were smilingshyagr icu lt ure see med to have finally gained its reward Worl d short age s of food provided ampl e markets and steadily rising prices lor prac tica lly all crops

Thi s idea li s ti c situation continued for a co uple of years until the granaries of the wo rl d were refi li ed De mand then norshyma li zed and pri ces for most agricultural prod ucts hega n to dec line In spite of price dec lines and li mited markets co nsiderable optimi sm conti nued to be fe lt o n the farm sce ne thro ughout mos t of the 1970s

Late in that peri od infl a ti on reall y ca ught fi re rai sing inpu t cos ts for supplie s and labour The ri se in land pri ces exceeded the most optimis tic es timates during this sa me time

In an a tte mpt to s te m thi s ra mpant infla tio n interes t rates increased almost threefo ld beg inning In 1979 and the world hega n it s slide into recession Farml and prices ceased to r ise in 198 1 and are now crumbli ng wi th uncer tain ty and lac k o f demand

We have no doub ts abo ut th e successshyful future o f ag ri cult ure hcre in Ontari o but today for many farmers adj ugtt me nts are necessa ry to remain so lve nt and for too many oth ers bo th adj ustme nts and so me ass iq an ce are necessary for their prese nt and future surviva l

There are some who are beyo nd he lp and farm bankru ptcies are at their highest leve l since the grea t Depression o f the 1930s These cond it io ns brought about the crea tio n of the On tari o Farm AdJustmcn t Ass istance Program (OFA AP) T hi s proshygram during 1 9~2 has bee n assisting eli g ible farmers who needed he lp

The re are two prime reaso ns fo r


fin anci al woes cited by appl ican ts - high interes t rates and lower farm incomes On the other hand the prime reaso n fo r ~ome

farmen probl ems e ited by lenders is ove r-e xpansion We be li eve both views are va lid and unques ti onabl y are respo ns ible for the prese nt ago ny and unres t on 100

many Ontario farms Le nde rs cite seve ral o the r importa nt

reaSl)l1S whic h also bea r o n the prob le m The borrowers oft e n refe r to them too but usuall y wit h di fferen t emphasis ThcY em shyphas ize the c lt treme instability of fa rm income the se rious lac k of pro per pl an ning bu dge ting accmatc farm record and fin all y the practice of making unprodu ctive investmcnts

Because of the qualifying criteria asshysociated ith an application for as s istan ce from OfAAP one must keep in mind that our observations are limited to about 10 per ce nt of Ontario farm operatlolls That 10 per ce nt is cl ose to the bottom of the gro up on the bas is o f financial sec urity OFA AP assista nce is limited to those produc ing Iood and tobacco Therefore data regard in g proshyducers of fl owers nursery stock race shyhorscs etc ha ( no t come he fore us and the financ ial ituati ons ltlr not inc luded in any of o ur informati o n

Applica ti ons have been appro ved for farmers operating all across the pro vince

Of the to tal approved about 20 per ce nt were in swine prod uctio n abou t 15 per ce nt were in eac h of cash crop prod uction da iry producti on and beef prod uct ion 4 per cen t were in fruit and vege ta ble prod uctio n 3 pel cent were tobacco fa rmers and the Ies t co mbinations of the above Those farm ers producing etgs and poultry were fe w

I n a review of appli ca tio ns for OFAAP ass istance several COl1ll1lo n sce nari os co nshytin ue to ap pear on a so me what re petiti ve has is and are ca tegorized as fo ll ows

1 Young or Beginning Farmers

Th ose under 35 years o f age wen res pons ishybl e for nearl y ha lf o f a ll the app li cati ons In thi s gro up are many who have Just begun fa rm ing Mo~ t of these arc victims of inopport un e tim ing hav in g acq uired land buildings and equ ipme nt be twee n 1979 and 19R2 For the m the combinati on o f lower th an ex pee ted prices of farm produc ts and the extre me inc reases in the ir fi na nc ing charges due to hi gh interes t rates_ have becn dlvas tatin g This is partic ul arl y true where Illos t assets were fi nanced the bcg inshyning equit y be in g Illodes t

2 The Aggres sive Expansionist

Many farmers who did well farming on a

modlst basis in the mid-70s dec ided that s ince o ne farm was pro fitabl e two wo uld be bette r three be tter than two Aggress ive

expan sion mos tl y on c redit du ring this i ntl a tio nary pe riod produced many paper millionaires in the farm co mmunity by the late 70s The elation fo r some of these

fa rmers d id not lasl far into the 80s T hose with 100 much bo rro wed cap ital

found that the ir farm income c ul d not

support the debt load So me of these

atlcmpted fu rthe r borro wing in an e ffort to mai nta in their ho l ding ~ and fo und ou t like o thers before them th at it is imposs ible to

borro w your way out of debt O thers so ld or tried to sell some o f the ir land o r eq uipment in an effort to re ti re at leasl o me of the ir cri ppling de bt and there by salvage at

least a part o f the ir operation

One rather sad varia tio n o f this las t s itua tion occ urs occ as io na lly whe re a

farmer who has had a succes~ fu l and so lvent opera tion decide to ex pand to a llow a son

o r so n- in-law into the bus in ss because of a des ire on the part of the young per on to

farm or occasionally because he is no t employed The expansion in Jand and eljuipment particularly if it occu rred in the

last three years and if it were do ne mainl y o n credit with a mortgage taken on his once so lvent operation has robbed the farmer of

his security and his peace of mind Furthershy

mo re in some of these s ituations the disappointed newcomer in the bus iness moved on leaving dear o ld dad to make the best of it

3 The Equipment Enthusiast

Another scenario concerns the man who is o bsessed with the need to ac quire equipshyment or to make add ition s and improveshy

ments to a lready adequate buildings To pay

for it out of the revolvi ng operating loan or to finance it in other ways withou t first having established that it will pay for itself will inevitably c reate financial problem s

Whe re there has been a general disregard for thi s kind of purchas ing the end resu lt has usually been disas trous

4 Natural Disasters

We regularly see the result s of natural

disas ters - floods windstorms hail frost disease and fires All of the se misfortunes can be c rippling to any operation but when adequate insurance coverage is not carried or if one of these di sasters occur whe n a farmers equity is low or when hi s princi pal and interest charges consume much o f his income it can be disastrous to his economic

pos ition

5 Family Unity

From OFAAP applicatio ns it is noted that some farmers who experience a marriage break- up seem to have diffi culty maintainshy

ing fi nanc ial solvency W hen asse ts are

di vided and whe n atte nt ion to management

is di e r ted hccause o f family pro blems the farm operation is often morta ll y wounded

Farmers and farm op ratnr are much more vulnerable in this si tua tio n because thei r

wives arc o ften much more invol ved in the e lllerprise than in non- farm situations

6 Offmiddot Farm Income

Appl ications incl ude a great nu mher of

insta nces in which if it were not fo r 0 ffmiddot fa rm income o f either the farmer or his wife or

occas io na lly both the ir farm o peratio n wo uld be tota lly un viable and unab le to continue to fu nc tion It is well the n fo r

those in th se c ircumstances to r cogniu tha t if the off-farnl inco me should e nd it wo uld also mea n the te rmination of the

farming operatio n

7 Enterprise Changes

A review 0 f appli ca tions indicates that some

farmers are hoping to comple tely change

thei r c rop or li ves toc k programs attemptin g perhaps to outguess the marke t and to

improve their financial return s Sometimes the expectation in vo lved in the dec is ion is

correct but so o ften when the costs inshyvol ved in the c hange are considered little

has been gai ned and where the deci s ion to change was unwi se co nsiderable loss is

usually the result The ot her extreme to this

situation is rigidity to the poi nt of makin g no changes at all

8 Manage ment

The management ability of any applicant

farmer is difficult to assess Most applicants are not known and there is no opportunity to assess the actual farm operation Ho wever

experience with OFAA P emph asizes that good financial management is c ritical to the

success of any farm operation Here is a li s t of definite Do and

Do nts that should be much in the minds of farmers operating in the present financial climate All of these suggestions re tlect the ex periences we have had working with

appli ca tions for O FAA P

The Definite Dos

Do base an operation on an informed farm

plan keep ing and using good record~ and approved acco unting proced ures Do work c losely wi th the credit source shy

usually the banker Plan and work within

approved revo lving ope rating loan limits Make regular cred it payments when due and when unable to make p ro per arrange shy

ments ahead of time w ith your c reditor or credito rs Do make necessary adju stme nts in land and equipm e nt befo re u nder tak ing further borrow in g Do shop around for cred it and i nve~ tig ate

ava il ah le programs to cu t credit cos ts Do pay off on loans when surplus cas h is

ava il able It won t be any fun but it w ill

he lp to re tain sol vency Do try to ma intai n stability in your far m o peration and kee p the peace a t h IllC

Do seek the professi o nal adv ice of you r ag ric ultu ra l represe ntative anJ Ir indwtry fiel d per~on ne I

The Definite Donts

Dont borrow for capita l items unless they

are abso lu te I y necessary Dont make capi ta l purchases with funds

frolll your revo lvi ng opera ting account w ithout co nsul ta tion and agreeme nt with

the bank manager Dont expand any operation without sound

pl ann ing Dont plunge and make rapid changes in

the ope rati ng patte rn without so und consultation 0

Partners For 70 Years

Arthur Cowie 09 now 95 and his wife Nina now 92 were married March 19 1913 near Nel son B C They li ved in

HC for three years then returned to Caledo nia where Arthur worked for the A

Jone s bakery He returned to the 200-acre farm homestead in 1922 when his father

was kill ed in a farm accident Arthur se rved in the 19305 and early

19405 as co uncillor and also served as

a Ju s tice of the Peace for the farm communit y

Nina Co wie whose g reat lo ve was

dancing has onl y one regre t and that is tha t she could never get her hu sband o nto the -dance floor The Scotti ~ h dances Hig hlan d

tlin gs and Scotti sh reels made hi s head spin He played the record s and watched

from the sidelines while ina did the danc ing

They have no secrets tor a long happ y marriage excep t working at it Theyve

done Jus t tha t for 70 years Bes t wishes to them both 0


OACGrads on Faculty at Nova Scotia Ag College

Lauranne Sanderson M Sc 81 is with the Humanities Department She specialized in Animal Science in her undershygraduate years but added to that a master program in Agricultural Economics Lauranne has lived on a mi xed lives t()c k and cash crop farm in southern O ntario At the No va Scotia Agricultural College (NSAC) she is teaching Tec hnical W riting but is specializing in the area of Com munications and Agricultural Extension

Barbara (Otrysko) Mulkewytch 78 MSc 81 is with the Plant Science Deshypartment Prior to her appointment at NSAC she was employed as a potato crops specialist with the New Brunswick Departshyment of Agriculture Her teaching and research will include projects on potato and crop protect ion

Yes Surry MSc 81 is with the Economics and Busi ness De partment Yves was born in Pamiers France has an M A fro m the nivers ity of Pari s and is in the process of completing his Ph D from Guelph Yves has a strong interes t in teachshying and his research interests hould be a welcome addition to the reg ion He is pre sent ly teaching courses in Micro and Macro Economic Theory

Laurie (Gaunt) Connor 73 is w ith the Department of Animal Science She earned MSc and Ph D degrees specia li zi ng in reproduct ion phys iology from the nivershysity o f Manitoba Prior to joining NSAC she was a NSERC Vi iting Fellow at the Animal Research Centre in Ottawa Her teaching and research work is mainly in the re producti ve physiology field

Also at NSAC are Sheree Porter CSS 79 and Myrna (Porter) Blenkhorn 76 John Shug 37A and 40 is the sec re tary o f the Nova Scotia Agricultural College Alumni Association 0

Please help us to help you When corresponding or upshydating information or address do tell us not only your year of graduation but your discipline

Th ree generatiuns of heramify were present when fleather Rohinson right centre FACS 83 graduated ut Wim er Convocation With her f rom [eji to righture her grandfather John Inglis her moth er Vlarirn (Inglis ) Robinson Mac 55 0 member of the Uni versirys Boord of Govern ors ond her father Doug Rohinson 53

Above Mllrrav Ma cGregor 5 1 lei with the winners of the OAC s 25th annual Alumni Curling Bon spiel Left to right GeorRe Robinson 651 Mu rrav Elliotl 65A Keith Murru 65A and Jern- Forestell 6511 Right OAC Alumni Associashytion president Hell ry Slanle 55 right was preslntedwith un engraved pewta stein to recugnie 25 years of participation ill Ihe bOlspiel Conshygratuluting Henry is Bill Harrison 62 bonspiei commillee chuirman


the individual members excellence andThe Ronald S Ritchie Le cture integri ty

This idea for the new body was not accepted by members of Cabinet They

The Opening Up of PubHc PoHcy The Opening Up of Public Policy was

Selllior Michael Piffields fopic when he

delifred fhe annual Ronald S Rifchie

LeclUre of fhe UniversifY in March

A Rmduafe ofSf Lawrence Universify

17 ( graduafed in lawjrom McGill UniversifV

and holds a Rrodlla fe diploma in Public La w

Fom Ih e UlliversifY ofolIa wa H efirsl joined Ihe Public Service as an

wlminislrafive assiSfam in Ihe Depa rimem

oJuslice in 1959 Ialer served onlhe sraffof Ih e Goernor General and as secrelary fO

117 1 Royal Commission on Taxalion In 1965

he joined Ihe Privy Council Office He

became depuly minisler of Consumer and

Corporafe Affairs in 1973 and Ihe followshy

inli year lOok up an appoinfmem as Fellow

in fhe John F Kennedy School of Governshy

mOl (If Harvard Un iversifY In 1975 he

relurned 10 Ollawa as Clerk of fhe Privy

Council and Se crelarv 10 Ihe Cabinel

The annual leclre recognizes Ihe comrihwion made 10 fhe Universily by

former Board of Govemors chairman

ROllald S Rilchie A reporl on Senafor Piffields presemalion follows

Senator Pitfield paid tribute to Rona ld Ritchie his important work in the Glassco Commission and his influence in the estabshylishment of the Institute for Research on Public Policy

In thi s th oug htful and thoughtshyprovoking presentation Senator Pitfield outlined the need for and the desirability of more open discussion before policies are introduced but there are some very real difficulties associated with de vel oping some me chanis m that could foster and encourage such exchanges of ideas

[t was pointed out that because of the high degree of interdependency of modern society and the size and complexity of governments the making of public polic y must be an intellectual subject in its own right not just a conglomeration of di scishyplines It had become evident that

I A methodical analysis of government activity could lead to improvements in government effectiveness

2 Traini ng in making and managment of public policy was crucial and urgent

3 There were few in government who knew why things were done the way they were

4 The making and management of pubshylic policy was a subject unique in itself and required thinking through for itself

5 Universities and other training institushytions were not very useful in this training process universities being too removed from the actual experience of government and the government institutions being withshyout the detachment and intellectual rigour needed

Thus it became evident that there was a need for an institution that would be a repository of knowledge a pl ace of learnshying a foru m for debate and a means of communication co ncerning public policy

Proposal s emerged that the federal go vernment should assis t some of the organizations already in existence Comshypetition became keen and rivalry among institutions re su lted in grander more comshyplex proposals As a result the federal go vernment in 1968 decided to establish a think-tank of its own to take a more rigorous look at public polic y

The idea was not new In many countries the general thinking was that all problems could be so l ved by inrelleclUal anal ysis and the appl ication of modern techshyniques But the ne w Trudeau go vernment went even beyond providing more data It included public debate of public policy

But the think-tank was only one of the initiatives to aid in the formation of policies There was support for political parties through caucus funding offi ce space support staff and regional offices for Members of Parliament and internsh ip programs for students to work as assistan ts to MPs

Other support included green and white papers for discussion commissions of inquiry task forces public funding of non-political grou ps to encourage discusshysion and many others to increase the flow of information for consideration of alternashytives All were done to open up the process o f meaningful debate which would result in more effective and sound decisions

The th ink-tank was to be a centre for var ious kinds of people to di scuss public policy subjects which were often set aside because of day to day pressures At first it was to be very informal with distinguished people invited to participate Its integrity and permanency would be based on that of

were concerned that existing research instishytutes would be damaged They also wanted in volvement of business and professional communities This challenge to broaden the scope was gi ven to Ron Ritchie

Ritchie foresaw an institution that would be independent supported by an endowment which would not only support but st imu late debate on public policy

Man y fears were raised - that such a body would be taken o ver by academics that it would become a clique that govern shyments would battle for control etc But these were dealt with skillfully by Ritch ie and the Institute for Researc h on Public Policy was establ ished

What of its accomplishments~ This institute has been successfu l in

many ways in getting better information into debate [n the ten years since its beginning many studie s have been pubshyli shed It has held many informat ive confershyences and has a unique journal Howeve r despite its efforts open and meaningful debate on public policy is not much more advanced tod ay than it was a decade ago

It is evident that to ach ie ve its objecshytives there mu st be a willingess to change opi nions and the Canadian sys tem prov ides few forums for the changing of minds The bias is towards decision-makers and interest groups not open and meaningful debate

Public debate often takes pl ace after rather than before the decision is taken Thi s may not be what is wanted but policy-making is tilted not tow ards being open but towards being closed

Why has there not been more progress [n h is pre se ntation Mi chael Pitfield refershyred to the fact that the go vernment whose people should discuss the si tuation has become even more confrontational not because of lack of information but because of rigidity in their approach to discussion of public policy

As govern ment ha s grown so have checks and balances which recently have often been linked to lack of confidence Where slim majorities exist a strong opposhysi tion can threaten the government Party di sc ipline becomes severe and ai ring of independent views is discouraged The fear of a government being defeated on the one shyhand and the unyielding demands ot the opposition on the other tends to make the parliamentary process less and less flexible

The result of the foregOing is the tendency of government in modern times to drop solutions on a public th at may not be aware of the problems These solutions are not open to argu ment and debate is reduced

conld over


w ith bias tending towards a cl osed system and less debate

To improve the situation it seems it wlluld be necessary to have a mutual and

ba lanced reduction of force on both sides

The ge neral equilibrium of the system needs to be ma in tained W hat is needed is the reduction of secre tiveness of the gove rn shyment on one side and a reduc tion of the

danger of e mbarrass ment or de fea t of the govern men t on the other side

T here must be a wil li ngness to secure

more ope n debate on al l sides and our

leaders ha ve not done that e ven on m ost import ant issues More ope n and rneltll1 ingshyful deba te will require more thi nk ingshy

thro u middoth - something Mc mbers of Parlishy

ame nt may not he able to do or be free to do or have the necessary knowledge to do But the id ea behind the Institute for Remiddot

search on Public Policy was tha t such a body could bring about better decisions

All publi c problems cannot be solved by thought and tech nolog ics but few can be solved without these contr ibutions

The Institute for Research on Public Policy cannot create better public policies

by itself It must have input from all sectors to bring about more open and meaningful public debate which will result in constant

improvement of government - somethin g

that everyone desires 0

Grad News Herb Nor ry M Sc 52 has moved to

London as a farm business advisor wit h

O M AF working in eight counties

Denny Silvestrini PhD 5R is director of quality controlresearch and de velopment Eskimo Pie Corporation Ric hmond Virshy

ginia SA He had served as manager quality control and product deve lopment

Ralston Purina Co mpany St Luuis M isshysouri U SA

John Hagarty 61 is manager fi e ld

service s Rural O rganizati ons and Serv ice s Branch OMAF Guelp h

Ismail Siragcldin Ph D 62 is professor Department of Population Dynami cs and

Political Economics the Johm Hopkins

University Baltimore Md S A

Arlene (Fournier) 65 and Dick Flis

MSc 65 are in Edmo nton Alta where Dick is petroleum products manager wes tmiddot ern Canada Imperia l Oil Ltd

Craig Hunter 66 is pre sident Cra ig

Hunter Poult ry Farms Ltd Stro ud

Colin Triver s 67 is a consulting e ngineer and On tario land surveyor for e G Trivcrs

Ltd T he ssalon

Peter Mosher Ph D 70 is director

bureau of agric ultural prod uctio n Depart shyment of Agriculture Ba ngor Me USA

Cordon Brown 76 is sen ior food techshynolog is t new prod ucts process developshy

ment Tho masJ Lipton Inc in Bram pton

Martel C outure MSc 76 is acting di rec tor d iploma progra m Macdonald Colshy

lege Ste nne de Belle vue Que

Charlie Ellintt 78 vnfe Ja ne and

first -born Ian C harles born Jan uary 20

1983 are living near S hetland C harlie is now working fo r Elliott Bros G rain and Feed Ltd

Dennis Ring 78 is credit manager Farm C redit Corp C hatham H is wife is Carnl (Weeks) 79

R Cunrad Genee 79 is a sales represhy

sentative with CIBA-Geigy Canada Ltd in

Winnipeg Man

Howard Armstrong RO is an industrial

engineer with the B utler Ma nufacturing Co (Canada) Ltd Nisku Alta

Bruce Broadbent PhD 80 is a research scientist entomology with Agriculture

Canada Vineland Station

Mic hael Tulloch 80 has been accepted as

a professional engineer by the Council of the APEO He now manages engineering functions for eG Trivers Ltd Thessalon

BruceGitelman 81 will be joining Wood G undy Ltd Investment Broke rs as a

corporate finance associate in September

Danicllc Wenstrom 81 is a quality a ss urance su pe rvisor for Pil lsb ury of Canada Ltd M idland

Christine Deslandes MSc R2 is a lecturer at Alfred Col lege of Agricu ltu re

and Food Technology A I fred

Diploma Graduates

Donald Morley 68A is ge nera l ma nager De Marco Homecare Ce ntre Sutton West

Jeffrey Currah 74A is marke ting man shyage r Fortam ix-a division of BASF

Canada Inc Georgetown

Brian Roberts 76A is a welder with Hillcook Ind ust ri es Ha milton 0

In Memoriam Raymond David Ure 15A and 21 January 24 In3 ~uddenly a t Tecumse h

age 87 He had bee n very act ive un til

recently H is son Donald re is it

graduate of 49

Dr Genrge M Stirrett 20A and 22 died December 15 1982 H is many co nshy

tri bu tiono had bee n recogni zed by the Heritage Canada Found ation The fo llowshy

ing is an account of the tribu te pa id to him Fe bruary 16 1 9~ I at Government HDu~e

O ttawa

His Excelle ncy Gove rnor Ge nera l

Edward Sc hrcyer prese med the Commun imiddot cations A wards Atl antic Reg ion to Dr

George M St irrett of Grand Falls Ne w

Bru ns wick Dr Stirrett has been comm itted to natural h is tory conservation for ma ny

years bo th before and after hi s ret ire ment from the Canadian W ildlife Service and Parks Canada in 1964

He worked hard for the preservation of the falls and gorge area at Grand Falls

and on other conservation needs in Ne w Brunswick and Ma ine He has also written

on the iss ues of conservation using Ihe pcn name G raham Vail and since April 1979

has publi shed a weekly column Notes on atural History in the G rand Falls

Cataract His columns stress the appreciashytion and enjoyment of nature as well as the need for preserving it

Norman Hodgins MacBeth 23 Fe bruary 3 1983 in St John N B He had retired in

1967 as General Manage r of General Dairies Ltd

David R Owen 25 in Medi c ine Hat

Alta February 6 1983 at age 82 He was a di rector of the fi rs t ollege Roy al and spe nt

most of his li fe teachi ng and farmi ng in Saskatchewan

Ronald John Quinn 35 Fe bruary 17 1983 in London His wife Helen (Farshyquhar) is a lso a graduate o f 35

Bruce Douglas Innes 36 passed away Septe lllber 29 19 82 D uring his college

years he took part in ma ny ac tivitie s bu t he -re membered with particu la r pleasure be ing Grand C hampion Showman College Royal

35-the first time that the honour had bee n won by anyone o ther than a fou rth year man Bruce owned and operated a dairy

farm at Burford since I 939 and was an

acti ve and ded icated farmer until his death

H is wife Margaret died in A pril 1983 T hey leave daughters Lorna Lawrence

Mac 68 and Karen and son Robert 0


Macdonald Institute College of Family and Consumer

Studies Alumni Associat ion

ALUMNI NEWS Editor Joan (Anderson) Jenkinson 66


BASc Grads-Class o f 80

EntploYDlent Survey T he University s Counselling and Reshysource Centre recentl y completed an inshyucpth survey covering the empl oyment activities of the 211 graduates who in 19RO earned Bachelor of Applied Sc ience Degrees

The survey indicates th at gradu ates are e nj oy ing a variety of interes ting and chalshylenging careers

A gratifying 73 per cent of th e graduates re sponded to the survey with 51 per cent of the respondents indi catin g that they have completed or are completing graduate degrees or programs on a full- or part-time bas is Of the 153 respondents 78 per ce nt including one who is self emshyployee have full-time employment The remainder are employed part-time or are pursuing further studie s

Li sted below are the indicated ca reers chosen in the four major areas of study

Applied Human Nutritio n

ut ritiond ietetics Food service administration More than 50 per cent of the responshy

dents obtained reg istered profe ss ional dietishytian certificates The Admini strati ve Emshyphasis course is no longer offered in the

Applied Human utrition program It is available through the Bachelor of Comshymerce program

Family Studies

A number of grad uate s found posit io ns in teac h ing or social services such as

Adult protecti ve service workers Infant de ve lopment specialists Geront ology consultants Supervisors and field workers with social service agencies Other Family Studies graduate s are

working in government srv iees and in the private ec toras home economists financial co un se llors librarians hostel managers Family Studies graduates tend to sl ck caree rs in the helping profess ion s

Consumer Studies

There are four emphasis areas 01 study within this maj or The survey indicates that

Food gradu ates are employed in areas of produci development marketing and food technology with majo r food companies Hou si ng emphasis graduates are wo rkshying with government agencies and in teac hing

Consumer Beha vio ur e mph asis graduates are in industry business and res earc h Tex tile and Clothin g e mph asis grads are employed in research merchandi sshying and banking Often after working for a year or

more Consumer Studies graduates will return to gradu ate study o r profess ional programs on a full- or part-time bas is

Child Studies

Many Child Studies graduates are emp loyed in teaching supervisory or other child-care related sett ings such as soc ial work with fami lies and children Re ported part -lime and temporary em pl oy ment pos ishytions include work as supply teachers child care supervisors special education leac hers and as lecturers in uni ve rsity settings

It is imporl an t to note that this emshyploy ment survey reports the caree r paths chose n by onl y one graduating cl ass Dat a is collccl~d on a yearl y bas is from gradu ates in Family and Consumer Studies In order to observe the broad scope of employment opportunities avail able a four-year tabulashytion wo uld pl~ c nt a more complete picture of the profess ional activities of graduates

In summary FACS programs offer students a sound educational background to meet the need s of i nduslry educational institut io ns governme nt and bus in c The future for FACS graduates is indeed bright as the College co ntinues to gro w and develop programs to meet the challenges of the 80s 0



BASc Gradsmiddot Class of 80 Further Education Pursued

Major Total

Graduates Number of

Respondents R PDt BEd MEd MSc MD MA

Applied Hum an Nu trition 65 45 23 3 I

Family Studies 64 44 19

Consumer Studies 48 33 2

C hild Studies 34 31 II I I I

TOTAL 21 1 ( 1007c)

153 (73 oc )

23 32 I 4 I I

FACS Has New

Dr Richurd Burhunl

Dean Professor Richard M Barham was apshypointed dean of the College of Family and Consumer Studies for a fi ve-year term effective July I 1983 He succeeds Dr Janet M Wardlaw who has served as dean since 1969

Professor Barham has been chairman of the Department of Family Studies since

1976 and served as acting dea n in [980 while Dean Wardlaw was on administrative leave

A graduate of the University of Otago Dunedin e Zealand Richard Barham received a Ph D degree from the University of Alben a dmonton in Ed ucational Psychology

He has served on the faculty of the Department of Educational Psychology at the University of Alberta and as professor and acting chairman of the Department of Education University of Otago

While in New Zealand he was an executive member of the council of The Ne w Zealand Psychological Society and served as its president

At Guelph he has taught both undershygraduate and graduate courses in the Deshypartment of Family Studies and has supershyvised graduate students

He has been active on many University committees during the past seven years He is a past chairman of the Board of Graduate Studies and has been a member of the

Committee on Academic Priorities the Committee on University Planning the Liaison Committee and several others

He has also been a consulting educa shytional psycholog ist with the Wellington County Separate School Board since 1979

Prolessor Barham and his wife Joan have a family offour Joan recently returned to the University of Guelph for further study Daughter Vick y 19 is a student in Economics at Queens University Lisa 17 and Christopher 14 attend Ce ntennial CVJ while Tania 12 is completing her studies at College Avenue School

Music is very important part of the Barham familys life with active invoheshyment in the Suzuki String School and the Guelph Youth Orchestra Gardening is a hobby enjoyed by both Richard and Joan

Members of the Mac- FACS Alumni Association extend a sincere welcome to Professor Barham We look forward to meeting and working with him in the future as he fills the challenging position as dean of FACS 0

FACS Prof First

Dr M urlin MUllhclIs

Director P ro fessor Anne Martin Matthews De shypart me nt of Family St udi es has been ap shypointed the first director of the Gnontology Research Centre The establi shment of the Centre was announced last February A research grant of $237000 from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada will fund the Centre for the first three years

Professor Martin Matthews has been conducting research related to the needs and interests of older segments of the populashytion as well as teaching courses in such areas as social gerontology and marital and family dynamics in Family Studies She has been a faculty member with the Department of Family Studies since 1978

She also has been active beyond the campus in programs related to aging She is chair-elect of the social sciences division Canadian Council on Gerontology and will begin a two-year term in the chair of that organization this year

She is also first vice-president of the

Ontario Gerontology Association and a member of the scientific advisory commitshytee of the Gerontology Research Council of Ontario She is a graduate of Memorial University of Newfoundland and McMaster University

With a steadily increasing percentage of the popUlation in the retirement age bracket it is important to understand more fully the ir needs and cuncerns sa ys Proshyfessor Martin Matthews The en tre will deal with the ag ing family and environshymental contexts In the latter sense we will be examinin g such things as the difference bet wee n aging in an urban and a rural society as well as issues like housing and the aging

The new Gerontology Research Centre will provide facilities to assist faculty members and graduate students doing reshysearch on aging The Centre will facilitate integrate and co-ordinate studies on aging within the University the director says

Research on aging is now being carried out at the Universi ty in such Departments as Family Studies Geography Psychology Nutrition Human Biology and SocioluFY and the Centre will be able to provide a medium for cross-fertilization of ideas among the many researchers in the field

Professor Marlin Matthews says that the Centre will be working co-operatively with other similar research centres in Onshytario such as the one at the University of Toronto in promoting research on aging The Centre will also sponsor conferences and workshops that relate to the special needs of older citizens in their communities

Guelph has demonstrated an interest in gerontology since 1970 when research projshyects began and courses dealing with aging were offered in the Departments of Family Studies and Psychology Since 1981 the Un i versity has offered gero ntology as part of the Famil y Studies major in the Bachelur of Applied Science program 0

A Thank You Dear A luml7i

1-Iwl 10 Ihonk oil Ihe uumni inloll(d wilh

Ihc cr special send-oj gien to me ill

recognition of Ihc complelion ofmv Icrm as


So man of ou -Ierc invocd shy

whelhcr or nOI ou -Iere able 10 (fIend Ihe

recognition receplion in Toronlo on May

29 I oppreciacd Ihe man good llishes

which come from ocross CClrado ond from

such dislOlIl places as Indio and Chara

Your generous gifls u Imc Irolld of

pcarls und a bonk aCCOlll11 vhich came lVilh

Ihe slrong suglcslion Ihal [should IIc 10

Vnv Iculand lverc Irul overllhelll1ing

The Air lCll Zcalundjlighl bag jJacked wilh

1111 SOriS of nccessiliel added 10 Ihe jim

middotre had 01 Ihe rcceplion

Many Ihanksfor your SUppOri over Ihe years and for your good wishes as I begin

my car ofadmin is Ira live leave

Yours sincerelv

Jonel M Wardlaw 0


Dr Louise

( Bailltlj

Heslop 67

Off - To


Dr Louise (Bazi net) Heslop 67 has JO ined the School of Business at Carlton Unive rsit y O ttaw a Over the next two years through an arran geme nt with Ca rlton Unive rsity she will be cco nded on a

part-time basis by Stati sti cs Canada where she will join the Research and Analysi s

D ivision Loui se completed her MSc at Guelph

in 1969 and continued as lecturer in the

ne wly-es tablished Department o f Co nshysumer Studies In 1977 she compktcd a Ph D in Business Administration (Marketshying) at the University of Western Ontari o

and rejo ined the Department of Consumer Studies ri si ng to the rank of ass oc iate professor

Louise was e lected to the board of

di rectors of the Mac-FA CS Alumni Assoc ishyati on in 1977 se rvin g as secretary-treasurer until May 1981

We ex tend our best wishe middot to Loui se

her husband Lome O A 70 and their dau ghters Jose tte 5 and C la ire 2 Lorne is employed by Agriculture Canada in

Ottawa and is currently completing an M Sc in Engineering at the University of

G uelph Coun try li ving is a high priority with

the Heslops They are deli ghted with the purchase of a farm near Almonte a nd look

forward to the best of both worl d s - profess ion a lism in the city and lei sure in the countryside 0

Grad News Helen (Clifford ) Beswick 48D is se lf empl oyed as a studio potter in her home in Dundas

Margaret (Kennedy) jarvis 54D is a realestate age nt in Kingston

Pat (Hall) McDowell 65 is with the

United Missionary Soc iet y Jlorin Kwora State ~igeria

Joanne Patterson 66 is a se ni or project o ffmiddoticer w ith Indi an and Northern Affa irs Ottawa

Leslie (Mowat) Hemming 68 is teaC hin g in Woods tock

Mary (Jany) Toms 68 is employed with Health and We lfare Canada Ottawa

Sarah (Spencer) Coomhs 70 is an assistant director wi th the Co nsumer Inforshymation Centre of the Ontario Government


Meredith Fi lshie 70 is an ana lyst w ith the Ministry of State for Economic and Re g ional Development O ttawa

S heila (Fahner ) jarvie 70 is a nutrishytion ist w ith the K- W Hospital Kitchener

Donna j ohnstone 70 o perates Donn as Ha ndmade Clothin g for Men amp Wo men Gabiola Isla nd B C

Lorraine Holding 71 is manager of program development with the Rural Orshyga nizatio ns and Services Branlh Minis try of Agriculture and Food located at the Gue lph Agriculture Centre

Beve r ly Lee 72 is a chairperso n with the York Region Board o f Educ at io n

Laurie MacLeod 72 is a district manager with Beaver Foods Mlss issauga

Kathy Camelon 73 is a dietitian at the Toronto Genera l Hospita l

Tirnoth) Fleming HAFA 74 a ses ionaJ lec turer with H AFA teaching business law has been adm itted to the partne rshi p o f the law firm of Harper Haney and White of Waterl oo

Isabel (McBride) H o well 74 is an e lementary school teacher with the Watershyloo Co unt y Board of Educatio n Camshybridge

Mary Ruston 75 is a Famil y Studies teacher at Inge rso ll District High School

Kathryn Anderson 76 is a supervisor with Westmini ster Family Day a re London

Hester Cooper 76 is employed as a research officer with the New Zealand Dairy

Research Institute in Palmers ton North ew Zealand

Patr icia (G a rland ) Desaul niers 76 is with patient fo od se rvices Alberta Hospishyta l Edmo nton

Noella Li 76 is aclinical dietitian wi th the

ictori a Hospital London

M eredith (Evans) Hea rtwe ll 77 is

teac hing in Mississauga

Deb Wey 77 is patient food se rvices manager at SI John Regio nal Hospi tal SI J()hn NB

Susan (junes ) Wilcox 77 is food se rvices

superviso r with the Baye re st Ce ntre for Ge riatric Care 0

A ThankYou The c lass of Mac 380 wishes to extend a

sincere thank you to all alumni who have con tributed to the Mac 38 0 Class Geronshy

to logy Scholarship Fund The gradua te s tudent scholarship in

the recently de ve loped area ot Ge ronto lo gy at FACS is being established by the class of 38D in recog nition of their 45th annivershy

sary in 1983 All Univers it y of Guelph grads are

in vited to parti c ipate in this project funds for which will be so li c ited until December

1984 [f you wish to con tribute please make you r cheq ue pay ab le to the Univers ity o f Guelph Alma Mater Fund specify that it is to be applied to the Mac 38 D Class Gerontology Scho larship Fund and mail to

the Deve lo pment Office Room 273 John shysto n Hall Uni ve rsity o f Gue lph Guelph

Ontario N IG 2W J Th an ks again for yo ur suppo rt from

Elle n Downie Mary Singer Doris Durran t and Jean Carter- the Mac 38 D sch o larship committee 0

In Memoria m We regret to announce the death of the following al umnus

Margaret L (MacKenzie) Smallwood 401) December 1982 in Lakeland Fla




The College of Physical Scie nce Alumni Association

SCIMP Editor Bob Winkel

phy sics grant selection committee of thc atural Sciences and Engineering Research

Council for two years he was intimately involved in all the major re search de velopshyments in Canada in this field Hc feels that his e lec tio n to the Royal Society of Canada will help raise the prot1le of high-energy physics in this co untry and lend stren gth to Canadian experimenters

The citation prepared for his nominashytion to the Royal Society of Canada reads

Professor Karl is a high energy the ori st whose work is widely recognized interna tionally His deep physical insight and hi s kn ow led ge of mathemati ca l methods led to the quark model of baryon resonances based on quantum chromoshydynamics which has been enormousl) successful in describing experimental reshysuits H is re sea rch is characterized by striking originality and an ability to COIll shy

bine basic ideas from different field s as in the predictions of a new effect - neutron optical activity

Gabriel Karl is married and has one daughter W hen he is not probing the sec re ts of the universe he indulges himself in music theatre and the fine arts

He visited the Unive rsity of Briti sh Columbia in Vanco uver in May for the induction ceremony into the Royal Society of Canada on the occas ion of the Annual Meeting of the Society It marked he sa id the culmination of a long string of benefits that [ ha ve enjoyed throughout the 23 years 1 have lived in Ca nada [ have every rea son to be very grateful to th is country D

Erratum In the Sprin g issue o r SCiMP it was erroneously reported in the c utline accompanyin g a pict ure of Departshyme nt of Physics student scholarship winners that they were the recipients of 0 er $ 1500 We dropped a zero The fi gure should have read $ 15000 Sorry about tha t Ed

Elected to Royal Society

Dr Cooiel Korl

The election of Dr Gabriel Karl to a Fellowship of the Roy al Society of Canada represents what one of hi s colleagues Dr Peter Egelstaff desc ribe s as a rare honour which reflects great credit not only on Dr Karl but also on the Uni versi tys Departshyment of Physics

The Royal Society of Canada founded in 1882 to promote learning and research in the arts and sciences has numbered among its Fellows virtually all of Canadas most distinguished intellectual le ade rs of the last J00 yea rs Standards are jealously guarded and Fello wships are awarded only as a result of outstanding world-class ach ieve ment

The rarity of the honour is indicated by the fact that at the Un iversity of Guelph whose faculty includes so many academics of international distinction only five had previously achieved a Fellows hip in the Royal Society of Canada These are Dr Howard Clark vice- pres ident academic Dr Bruce Sells dean College of Biologishycal Science Dr Peter Egclstaff Depart shyment of Physics Dr Do nald Masters Prof ssor Emeri tu s De part mcnt of History and Dr He rb Armstrong retired dean of Graduate Studies

As the sixth Dr Ga briel Karl will have the added di st inction of bei ng the first whose career has been sp ot excl us ively at the Un ivers ity of Guelph which agai n to

quote Dr Egelstaff marks a coming of age for the University

Gabriel Karl was born in Transylvania a province of Romania He obtained his B Sc in Chemistry at Romani as Univershysity of ClUJ worked for two years in industry and came to Canada in 1960 He attended graduate school at th e University of Toronto where he was awarded a Ph D in 1966 for a thesis on infrared luminesshycence following molecular colli sion Hi s Ph D supervisor was the distinguished physical chemist Dr John Polanyi

A two-year post-doctora l fellowship with the University of Torontos Depart shyment of Physics followed His mentors there were Drs J Van Kranendonk and Duk Poll who is now a professor with the Universi ty of Guelph s Depa rtment of Ph ys ics

In 1966 Dr Karl studied at the Uni versity of Oxford for two years under an NRC scho larship to study hadron spec troshyscopy and in 1969 he Joi ned the Univers itys Department of Phy sics achieving a full professorship only five years later

Dr Karls work has focussed on high energy physics - the physics of fundamen shytal particles This is an esoteric field involvshying research into the nature of matter The relatively few world leaders in thi s field tend to cluster around the half-dozen accelerators such as the $100 million four kilumete rshylon g hi gh-e nergy tunnel for accelerating electrons at Stanford University that have been built only in the US and Europe

There is no accelerator of this energy level in Canad a and fe w Canadian scie nshyti ~ts are working in this field Dr Ka rl s statu re in the international commu nity of particle physic ists is marked by his many visi ts to the world s major research ce ntres as guest speaker and to consult with his peers Referring to the time spent on thcse missions Dr Karl describes the Depart shym nt of Phys ics and his colleag ues as generouslyaccommodati ng shy

As cha irman of the h igh energy


Trapping The Suns Energy Excerpted from a Chemtrends article by Mary Cocivera

One predi ctabl e fac t about ind ustri ali z d

soc iety is that it will take more e nergy to

keep the whee ls ru nn ing smoothl y parti c ushy

larly because the world population is exshy

pected to dou ble to about n ine bill ion by the

year 2050

[n th search to augme nt tradi tio na l

sources o f e lectri ci ty two Departme nt of

Chemistry pro fessors ha ve tu rned their

atten ti on to the convers ion of solar energy to

electricity by photovultaie cel ls and photoshy

elec troc he mical systems T he developme nt

work at Guelph is a imed at improving the efficiency and stability of th se sy~tems and

reduc i ng the ir cos t

Si licon photovoltaic cells serve as a

reference for solar energy convers iun beshy

cause they were the fi rst such cells and to

date arc the most effic ient co nvert ing so lar

ne rgy into elec tr ic ity a t abo ut 15 per cem

effi c iency Arrays of crys tal li n sil icon ce lls present ly cos t in the nei ghborhood or

S$400 per sq uare metre to manufac ture

produc ing about 40 watts Photovo lta ic

thin- fi lm syste ms us ing semico nductors

o ther than single crysta l sil ic on are be ing

investigated in man y re~earc h ce ntre s

around the world

A pro mis ing approach is a cadmiui1l

sulfi dec uprous sul fide combi nat ion in

which the two sem ico nduc tors are laye red

on molybdenum the n covered w ith a transshyparent gold fil m T his thin-fi lm cons trucshy

tio n i ideal for solar devices explai ns

Profess ur Ro n Fawcett because large

surface areas are needed for maximum

exposu re to the sun

T he fabrication process devel oped by

Ro n and patented in 1980 in vo lve electroshy

depos iting cadmium sulfide o nto molybshy

denum then layering cuprous sulfide over the cadm ium sulfide by an ion exchange

process Finally the gold 11 1m is added by

vacuum de pos ition Ron es timates that

thi n-film de ices could be manufac tu red in

this way for about S$25 per squ are metre

E lectro pla ting of se m ic ondu ct ors

would enabl e photo voltai c dev ices to be

manu factured in a continuous process

rathe r than indi vidua lly as i required w ith

s ingle crysta l s ilic on Such ce lls ha ve

ach ieved conversio n of solar to electrica l

energy at an e ffi cienc y o f I per cent to date T he researchers are co nfide nt they can

achieve fi to 8 per cent cffi ieney compared

to the calcul ated max imum e ffi c iency of II

per cent Pro fessor Michae l oc ivera is ork ing

on photoe lec troc hem ical systems in which a

sem icond uctor electrode im mersed in an

elec tro lyte solution converts inci dent li g ht

into a n electric a l cu rren t Such se mishy

conductor lilju id junction cells offe r p racti shy

cal ad van tages because uf the sponta neom format ion o f a junc tio n I mproved effishy

ciency fo r po lycrysta lli ne sem iconductors

has been a hi eved in ce lb of th is type in part becau~e the liqu id estab li shes unshy

iformly good COntac t wi th the e l etrode

The li gh t -~ens it i ve electrode in photoshy

e lec trochem ical ce lls is a sem ic o nductor

e it her a thin-fi lm or s ingle c rysta l a tt ached

to a metal back ing the other e lec trode is an

inert me ta l T he e l ectrode~ are immersed in

~ n elect rol yte solutio n o f a mater ial that carl do nate and accep t elect rons The b igges t

prob lem with many li lj ui d junct io n ce lls

~ays Mike is photocorros iol1 of the su rshy

face of the se miconductor To overcome

thi s problem he is developing materi a ls and

techniques to coat the e lectrodes with proshy

tec tive materiab

The first liquid junction cells with a

sili con anode opera ted for only a matter of

seconds befo re the e lec trode was des troyed

by corrosion Researche rs at the Solar Energy Research Insti tu te in C o lorado

U SA have developed a silicon anode

w ith a polypyrro le protect ive coating which

can o perate for hund reds o f hours but that is

still not long eno ugh for a viable commershy

cia l syste m

M ike and his colleague are making a

syste matic study of compounds tha t wi ll

both protect the electrode from corrosion

and catal yze the elect rode rca tion They

arc now worki ng with organo me tall ic comshy

pounds co mpris ing a metal atom sulfur

and an aromatic co m pone nt containing a func tiona l group li ke hyd roxy l sul phonate

ammoni um and nitroso

hese compounds are effect ive beshy

ca use they prov ide a mechanism to transfer

a ch arge bet ween the se mi co nd uctor and the e lectro n donor in solut io n The coating mus t

also be transpilrent e nough to a llow the light

to s trike the photocleetrode

To date they ha ve suneeded in deshy

veloping fi ve coat ings su itab le fo r a variet y

or se miconduc tors incl uding the polyshy

crysta ll ine cadm ium su lfide e lectrodes fabshy

riltated by Ron Fawce tt s method If polyshy

crystalli ne elec trodes can be fab ri (a ted and

coated wi th a protec tive materia l electroshy

chemically they wi ll be relati ve ly inexpe nshy

ive to manufac ture If the tech niques and processe s be ing

inve ~l igated by Ron Fawce tt and Mike Coc ivera de ve lop to tht ir full poten tial the

su n cou ld beco me a more import ant supplier

o f e lectri city in Ca nada Long-range proshy

jectio ns suggest that about 10 per cent of No rth A m rican e lectr ic it y could be proshy

duced from solar convers ion

Elec tric ity fro m the sun is no longer a

pipe-dream-it is a reachable goa l n

Grad News Louise (Sandall) Platt BA 69 is living

in Islington and teaching for the Etobico ke

Board of Educati on

Alexander Barton BSc 70 MSc 74 is work ing on a Ph D deg ree in the

Departme nt of Fishe ries and W ildlife at

Orego n Sta te uni vers ity

Gerry Kupferschmidt BSc 70 MSc

71 is living at R R I Osgoodc and is

tmployed as a sc ientific ad ise r to the


Murray Ross Gingrich BSc 71 Ii ves in

Brampto n and is work ing as a probation

officer for the Ministry o f Correc tio nal


Robert Cross BSc 72 M D is workshy

ing in the emergency department o f the

So uth Muskoka Hospital in Bracebridge

Edda Duva (Home) Kerr BA 74 lives

in G ue lph and is working as a program

co-ordinator for Casatta Ltd in Kitchener

Deanne Ch)y BSc 78 Ii ves in Etob ishy

coke and is working as a public health

inspector for the Ham ilton Wentwo rth Reshy

gio nal Health Unit

Alex McDonald BSc 79 PhD 83 and his wife Rosanne ( DeNobriga) BSc

79 are living in Austi n Texas whil e Alex

is do ing post-doctoral work at the Unishy

vers ity o f Texas

Ste~en Oliver BSc 79 o f Hamilton is a

medica l sa les repre sentati ve with Cyanamid

Canada Inc

Gordon Knox BSc 79 is a con~ ul ta nt

with Inform ation Systems Serv ices in Vicshy

toria BC

George Gillson BSc 80 is taki ng a

Ph D in Anal ytica l C hemis try at the Uni shyve rsity of Alberta 0


The College o f Arts Alumni Associat ion

DELPHA Editor Debbie (Nash) Chambers 77

has no w acquired the Shaw Festival ArshyThe Deans Roundup chives on permanent deposit T his is an

Last fall I had the privilege of speakshy

ing to the direc tors of the University of G uelph Alumn i Assoc iation to bring them

up to date on some of the excit ing things connected with the College of Arts I am gratefu l to the editor of DELPHA for this

opportu nity to let alumni readers know what we are do ing

I am pleased to be able to report a subs tant ial increase in enrolment both in the

B A program and in the College o f Arts this past yea r What is especially nice is that this has coincided with a dec is ion to tighte n our

standards at the admissions level and in the regulations for continuatio n of study

In o rder to grad uate B A students

who entered the Spring 19~3 Semester will need to obtai n a C average in 60 per cent of the courses they take

Most of o ur students are doing thi s now and we do not antici pate this will pose any

problem for the students whom we are ad mitting Next year students en tering the

B A program will be required to have Grade 13 English and we are strongly encouraging them to offer a Mathematics credit o r o ne in French or ano ther language

Applications from students wish ing to enter the B A program in the Fall 1983 Semester

are up subs tantia lly over last yea r I also want to share with you some

ha ppenings which have brought special delight to me

The U ni ve rsi ty of Guelph Choir

under director Ge rald e ufeld won second prize in the 1982 CSC nation al chora l competition

In the Harbourfront a rt show last

sum mer three o f o ur students had works se lected by the jury and each won a prize shya better show ing than any of the other O nshy

tario universities or colleges which entend T he C anadian- American Urban Hisshy

tory Co nference held at G uelph in A ugust

1982 was a tremendous success bringing sc holars from many parts of the United States and Canada to discuss new trends in urban studies

Dean David Murray

In the space of just a few months I have seen seven books published by faculty in the Co llege The subjects include Rudyard

Kipl ing Greek Philosophy Urban History Evolution and Darwinism Reli gion and Tolerance the dramatist Gra nville Barker

and a nove l written in French Last summer also saw the completion

of a very successful facu lty exchange beshy

tween o ur Department of Eng lish and the

Uni vers ity of Reading in Britain Dr Leslie Monkman went to Reading for the year and Dr Coral Howell s visited Guelph This

opportunity enab led Dr Howells to study modern C anadian writers and she is now

working o n a book to be published in Britain o n Canadian women wri ters Dr

Mo nkman lectured on Canadian literature at various places in Britain and in France as well as in Reading

T hro ugh the e fforts of the Department of Drama and its chairman Dr Leonard

Conolly and C ollections Librarian Jo hn Moldenhauer 68 the Uni versi ty Library

ex tremely valuab le re sou rce for theatre

scholars a nd the Univers ity is ve ry pleased to have a closer connection with the Shaw Festi val The Drama Department also has

Professor Dan Laurence the world s leadshying Shaw scholar as a distinguished Visitshy

ing Professor lor the ra il Semester Two large conferences were organized

during the Spring and Summer by faculty

and students in the Co llege Professor Ted Cowan of the History Department was in charge of the Scottish Heritage Festival held in uelph in May The Fes tival was a

ce lebrati on of the S co t~ 1d their contribushytion~ to Canada

In Au gust the Uni vers ity will host a major conference o n Common wealth lite rashy

ture bringing writers and schol ars to Guelph from allover the Com monweal th Professor Doug K illam chairman of the Department of English and a number o f col leagues are

now busily preparing to welcome guests from around the world

Through our liaison programs we have pioneered special day - long seminars at the

niversity for gifted children in Wellington County T he se programs are part of o ur commitment to assist secondary schools in meeting the challe nges of special education

J know many o f you will also be interes ted in knowing that last sLi mmer the

College awarded three new scholarships two of the m honouring the cont ribution made by former faculty members J Percy

Sm ith and W Stanford Reid The other marked the first presentation of the Edward Johnson Music Foundation scholarships for students in the music program

We are al l ac ute ly co nscious of the

financial pressure affecting the UnivLr ~ ity

of Guelph and othe r Canadian unive rsities

But we mus t no t le t these pressures detract from the vision of academic excellence to

which we are committed J think you will agree from the exaln ~Jk middot ha ve cited that this vision continues to glow brightly in spite of our financial plight We hope we can

co ntinue to co unt on your advice and your suppurt 0


It Was a Very Good Year T he Direc tor or the College of Arts Alumni Assoc iation have had a bus y year In January we launched o ur hrst Caree rs i lglll for in -coure stude nlgt Thanks to the exce lle nce and enthusiasm of our pane l l1len1bcr the evening was a success

Careers Night is to become an annual event and we would appreciate you r particishypation Any Art s grads wh o wo uld like to

vo lunteer their expertise for the e vening please do not hesita te to contact us

The Directors were also busy a rshyranling the second an nu al art show shyDI MENSIO NS middotS3 Due to the treme nd ous response to DI M ENSIOtS 82 the art show co mmittee organized DIM ENSIO NS 83 as aJu ricd show We are hoping that nex t yea r we will be able to mount a photography show as well a an art sho w

As you are probably aware in 1970 Wellington College was reo rganized into the Colleges of Arts Physic al Sc ience and Socia l Science This year our Assoc iation was asked to se lect a new College logo Thankgt to Dean Dav id Murray and the Deans Counc il we were given permission to use the graphics on the College of Art s Gold Medal It can be see n in the masthead of thi s issue The logo was designed by Erich Barth art dire ctor Department of [nshyformation and enco mpasses the di verse di s shycipiJnes fou nd within the College of Arts

Grad News Catharine (Gilnerlson ) Scott 70 is a wage and salary anal ys t tnivers it y of Waterl oo

Linda la) Bell 72 i the assistant conshysultant for thlto gifted We llington County Boa rd of Education GueJph

Lynn Barbeau 74 is the curator Educa shytion and xtension Macdo nald Stewart Art

entre Guelph

Wltlynr WellJauler 75 is corpora te mar shyke ting manager Gore Mutua l In surance Company Cambridgc

Renate Fisc her 76 is a consultant with the Woods Gordon Divisio n of Cl arkson Go rdon Chartered Acco untants Kitchener

jane Morley O AC MSc 81 is a career co nsultant Counse llin g and Student Reshysource Centre Un iversity of Guelph

Through the generos ity of the Alma Mater Fund our Assoc iation has been able to e stablish nv e sc holars hip s Thre e DELPHA awards for Gue lph alumni to continue their slUdi es at the gradu ate level at the University and two awa rds for part-time mature students These awards are greatly appreciated by the students who have reshyce ived th e m

Congratulatio ns are th e order of the day for Juli e (Russe ll ) Thur 78 Associashytion past pre sident and Linda Mackenz ie shyCordi ck 8 1 Assocration secre tary treas shyurer on the birth of their daug hters in March We wi sh them joy in their yo ung-

David Dell 76 is the in fo rmation o ffic er Reg ion of Pee l Brmiddotampton

jeff Miller 82 is a s tage manager for Profes sional Theatres Toronto

The above eight alumni were panel )11ember-s at our first annual Careers sJ ig ht held ea rlier th i yea r On ce again we offer our sincere thanks for their pani ci pation

lhugarel Reare 68 is senior research o f hee l Minis try of th e Soli citor General Ottawd

William Thiels 73 is a sys te ms analyst with Eas tman Kodak CO Roche ster t Y US A

Shardie D SteHnson 77 is assistant marketing manager Marsh and 1cLennan Ltd Winnipeg Man

Donald Syme 77 is with marketing pe rsonne l IC F Sydne y Australia

sters and look forward to the ir continued help in the Assoc ia tion in the future

C Nould lik e to re mind our fell ow alu mni to jo in or renew their membership in our Association De hbie ( Nash) Cham bers 77 editor of DF LPH A wo uld lik e any Ideas lor future artick that vould catch your interes t Our Assoc iati o n would also apprec ia te heari ng from you re gardin g eve nts that you wou ld be interested in attending Pl ease drop us a line in order that we may serve you better thus ~ eeping the line of co mmunic ation oren bet ween you and yo ur Alma v1ater

In closing I would like to acknowlmiddot edge With great a pprec iati o n the a istance that has been o ffclTU our Board of Direc tors over the pasl year

As al ways Dea n David Murray has bee n a va lued ad visor I wo uld li ke to thank Professor Ted Cowa n Department o f History for his Sprin g 19K3 OEPHA article on the Scottish Heritage Festival and Judy (Ma in) Ca rson 75 for he r help in preparalron of feature articles Spec ial thank s arc also ex tended to Rosemary Clark Mac 59 Asis tant Director Proshyg rams Dep artment of Alumni Affairs and Deve lopment and our Board of Directo rs who have wo rk ed so hard to mak e thi s a successful year

The term of 19X2-B3 has been a very grati fying one for all mem bers of the Associations Boa rd o t Directors We loo k for ward to 19K3-K4 anJ hope to hear from you Q

J ane Francis 78 is With Ilublic relations Vancouver Stock EXchange Vancou ver B C

Jonie Bunce 79 is a teacher 01 Art English and Thcatre Arts at 1 A Turn er Secondary School BrdrllptOl

Deborah Salmon 79 is married to Richard Light BS( 80 and li ves in Japanec Shc worb for the Empl o) mc nt and Im migrati on Commi ssion dnd Ri chlrJ works for a darrv in Kin gs to n

Shelagh Stevens 79 it station U)lllrshytwlle r Department o f -J atiunal [dc nce in f ova Slmiddototia

lidwtl Glanb 81 is a supervisor mar shyke ting comrlluni~ations Pitney-Bowe s oj

Canada Ltd Don Mill s

john (llanllllUnd ) Zelasko 81 rs ~ I

courtr(lOrn artist WKBW Buffalo New Ymk US I C



Alumnus of

Honollr 1983

Helen Christine AbeD Mac 38D

Amo ng the forerunners in the fie ld of rural soc iol ogy not only in Canada

but throughout the world and with a long career as a professor in numerous un iversities ac ross Canada Dr Helen C Abell has und oubted ly do ne much to promote a world -w ide reputation for her Alma Mater

Dr Abell has been most active in a numbe r of United Nat io ns programs designed to foster development of th ose in the Third World countrie s Although os ten sibl y retired she still co nt inues her wo rk as a cons ult ant in Socio-Economic De ve lopme nt assisti ng in develop ing sho rt -term project s as the occasion ari ses

As well as a Macdona ld Ins titu te Diploshyma Dr Abell obtained a BHSc (H ome Economics) from the Universi ty of Toro nto in 1941 and an MS (Human Nutrition) and a Ph D (major Rural Sociology and Agri cul shytural Economics) from Cornell University in 1947 and 1951 re specti vel y 0

Page 11: Guelph Alumnus Magazine, Summer 1983

The Stewart Bennett Bequest middot $600000 By John Hearn

When Stewart B nnett industriali st

fa rmer catt le and horse hreeder 3rt

colle tor and past member of the nivers ity of Guelph s Board of Governo rs di ed in Aug us t last year his will specified a bequest o f

$600 000 to the University which w~s

co nfinned on the death of h is widow Violet

w ho al so died last yea r

By any standards Stewart Ben nett s life

must be described as a success story a 90-year record o f persona l achievement any man m ight

envy Born in T oronto in 1892 he graduated in

engineering from the Uni ve rs ity of Toronto went up to Oxford Jo ined the Roya l Eng ineers on the outbreak of World War One served wi th di stinction as a captain and was awarded the

Military Cross He re turned to the niversity of Townto

to lec ture at the fac uity o f Applied Sc ience from 192 1 to 1925 then launched a busin ss career which was to lead to directorships with some of the country s most succe ss ful corporations

These included the Phoenix Assurance Co of herd which has been sending champions to niversity of Guelph goes back to the days Canada Dominion Stores Ltd the Boiler international Ii vestock expositions for more when he was a member of the Board of Rege nts Inspection and Ass urance Co of Canada and than 40 years The firs t Canadian-bred Shortshy of the Federated Colleges and remained to

the C anada Permanent Trust Company He horn bull to be shipped to Scotland was sent by serve as a member o f the nivcrsitys first became pres ident of Beardmore amp Company in Scotsdale Farm in 1970 and as recently as Board of Governo rs for another e ig ht years 1940 and served as vice-president of Canada 1981 Stewart Ben nett had the upre me He was al so president of the Royal Packers Inc for 18 years Champion Bull at the eNE Agricultural Winter Fair in 1953-4 and se rved

It might be argued however as to who While all this was going on he was for many years on it s executive T he Royal

was the real Stewart Bennett-the shrewd buildi ng a si gnificant collection of Canadian art Agricultural Winter Fair and the Georgetown

Industrialist or the man who bought himself a and served as a member of the council of the Di s trict Memorial Hospital are equal

540-acre farm in the Credit Valley and turned it Toronto Art Gallery Hi s 100 or more canvasmiddot beneficiaries with the University in his estate

into a beauty spot He lined its handsome ses by Tom Thompson A Y Jackso n and What el se would a man need to round out a driveway with evergreens and dammed streams JE H MacDonald among o the rs have been long and successful life but a perfect marriage

to create a lake as a home for his two swans bequeathed to the Ontario Heritage Foundation and this too was not denied him He married

Th( felle Violet alld Stewart Bennell

Nor was he content to be a city man with a which has al so been named to manage the Violet Letty Fairbanks in 1922 She died 60

country home He is honoured among cattle Be nnett farm years later two months after Stewart of a

breeders for his famous Sc otsdale Shorthorn Stewart Bennetts connection with the broken heart 0

III this picture athe UniersitV s first Board o(Co ernors St ewart 8el1 ( (( is third rolltefl



The AMPUl Experience A Most Significant Training Program For Hospitality Industry Leaders By John Hearn

When The Univers ity of Guelphs Schoo l of Ho tel and Food Administration

s taged a four-week Ad vanced management Program for the Hosp italit y Industry (AMPHI) earlier this year the y presented the

ni versity with an exercise in log istics of unprecedented complex ity Bob Desautels HI-I 7S who as involved in the advance planning fm more than a year before the e vent explaincd the special nature of the prohle m

A MPHI was to be a four-week conce ntrated coursc designed to meet the standards of two dozen o f Canada s most senior hospitality exec utive s who must he regarded not just as expeI1S but also as connoisseurs in the art of loo king after people Meeting those standards assembling an experienced faculty and generating very large quantities o f all-new course material mandated a course fee of $5000 At those rates participants were entitled to expect the hest of everything

The curriculum was programmed in detail fro m 630 am through 1000 pm every day The gt[re nuous nature o t the intellectual demands left the partic ipants with ne ither the time or the energy to do very much in the way of fending for themsel ves Another important constraint was that eve ry activity formal and informal had to be structured in such a way as to be conducive to mainwinin g continuous dialogue betwee n the paI1icipanh at all times

Gicn these criteria Bob sought the aid of vinually evcry serv ice department in the

nivc rgtitj Co-operation was be ne rous and unstintin b middot he rcpmtgt We asked for setvice lllore ugtually as sociated with hetterclss hotch and eve ryone rose to the occasion Faced with such sophisti cated palates food scrv ice had to he at the top 01 the list and Dave Boeckner assistant manager opc rmiddotations Food Services pulled out allthe slOpS tor us

A Public Statement

For Garry Round Food Serv ices director A VlPHI offered a unique o pportunity to make a puhlic statement about the capahililie s of hi orbani7ation which had hee n I()(l~in g for just such a challen ge 10 break through the ima ge prohlem us ually assoeiatcd with universit y

latcrin g

Let s face it he aid unive rsities in bene ral arc popular locati ons for summcr Llln krcnccs Im onc excellent rcason - the price is ri ght Student s roo ms arc availahle at camp-site rates and lor $ IISO a day peopl e

ca n eat well in one of ou r cafeterias What makes thc University of Guelph

different With onc of the bigges t residen t student populations in Canada with in-house catering and an nual sales in the $6 million brmiddotacke t we have a resource base capabl e ot sustaining an hillll ( (lIilil7 ( culinary staff and allowing us to take on special functions that would be impossible for an y other university in Canada

This opinio n was e nthus iasticall y endorsed by the AMPHI participant s wh o aw arded a standing ovation to the s taff led by Domenico Ran alli executi ve chef and Incz Scapinello operations manager during the final banquet - a sea Cood spectacu lar capped by copi ous quantities of Baked Alaska

The final banquet was by no means except ional Steak and lobste r eSla rgot and mushroom ca ps were almost com monpl ace Breakfas t offered a choice of cereals an exoti c display of fresh fruit s and such niceties as eggs bened ict The scale and variety of lunches had to be cut back alter the first week in respo nse to

the part icipants groans of too much

Front Rank Convention Centre

As Inez Scapinello tell s it AMPHI was not so much a challe nge as an opportunity We did nothing we had not do ne before Dome nico was not ca lled upon l(l create any new menu items although we did try some innovati ve combinations

A a howca sc for Domcnico Ranalli talent s A M PH I WIS nothi ng less than a Will dl

il(( Wi th 2~ sucCssivc dinners each of which earned rave re views without once repeati n[ himself and consisting or nothing ne w moves the University of Gue I ph into the front rank of convention centre~

Satis fied that food sc-rv ice was in good hands Bob Desautels wa s able to turn his attentio n 0 other logis til problems

Th e I MPHI course was basltd on the case teachin g method A tcam ofHA PAcase writers worked for more than two yea rs assemhling a packa ge or some 600 studies of critical si tuatio ns pertincnt to the contlrl1porary Canadran hospitalit y sce ne They travelled as lar as British Co lumbia in search or authentil re levant material all of which had 10 be reproduced It was Bob Desautels job to superv ise the printing and hindin g of the IOOD-page required reading Ialk agc hand ed III (deh urthe panic ipants on arrival plus industr)

notes the teaching material s and equipmclll required by the e ight-man facult y under HA FA Director Dr Tom Powers

Sleeping accommodation in the nearest residence to th l Schoo l was a simple student environment with th e addilOn of a private pho ne in each morn In~ talled for the duration of the course Valet and laundry se rvice not usually part of the l niversit ys conference offering was available Credit pri vi leges at the Un ivers ity branch o f the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce was arran ged for each of the participants

Hospitality L e ad ers Night People Successful hospitalit y industry leaders are

marked by certain co mmo n characteristicsshyhigh energy leveis capac ity for long and erratic hours strong people skill s creati vit y and a sense 01 humour The day beginning with a 645 am run continuing through three morning ca studie s followed by study sessions keep fit classes and physica l games in the afternoon and more group study sessions in the evening rare ly ended at the prescribed 1000 pm Hospi tality industry leade rs are night peop le

Stimulated by the intellectual dema nd s of the course and by interaction wit h thei r peers and faculty (w ho stayed with thern right through the long day) the y we re till left with energy to burn off in a serie s of theme parti es whi ch sent Bob Desa utels scouring the di strict to su ppl y thei r eso teric demands - one complete fem ale gorilla outfit for cxarn pk

The course ended when Prcsid ent Donald Forste r prese nted the graduate with certificatcs (w hich had 10 be spec iall y designed and printed) and the graduates pre se nted the faculty with mock certificates (which also had to be designed and pri llled)

How well did it all wo rk 0 We c hecked double checked and tripie c hecked eve ry possihilit y in advance said Boh De aute ls The on ly qUls tion we had left on the eve ofthc confe rcncc was whell have we missed As it tran plredthe answer see rns to ha ve heen not much

Participants wcre unanimous rn their evaluation of AMPIII as incomparahl y the mos t si g nificant rnanagementtraining lx pcrr cnce of their liv es All of them werT ve teran s of coursegt g iCn hy uniers itie s private managem ent dc ve lopment institutions and in-house conicrenccs hut none had been through an experienlc as rewarding demanding superhl rganied and positi ve in its long term consequCrlle as this one

For the faculty and gtUpPllrt stall more Jccutorllcdtothc energy leve ls of under shygradulles AvIPHI made unpncccknted phyical and mental demands - hut plans for AMPHI ~I arc alrcadv in the orb and applicant s are lx[1clted from allo ver th e cun tinc nL C



indiviJual champions Peter Domarchuk Mitch Mason hri s Crooks and LeonarJA Year to REMEMBER

By D ick Freeman

A full house in excess of 430 people crowded Peter Clark Hall at the Univershy

sity of Guelph in March to celebrate a year of intercollegiate sports competition and to honshy

our its 198283 champions The year started with a 16 to 10 football

victory over the OQIFC champion the Conshy

corida Stingers and ended with a third consecuti ve CIA U wrestling championship In

between a well-balanced Gryphon athletic program proudly and successfully represented

the University of Guelph When the awards had been announced a

pair of Hockey Gryphons had struck for the hat tri ck Ray Irwin was named the 198283 Male Athlete of the Year the W F Mitchell Sportsman of the Year(forathletics leadersh ip)

Ray Irwin Male Athlete of the Year

When Vice-President Administration Charles Ferguson presented Ray Irwin with

the 1982-83 University ojGuelph Mal e Athlete of the Year award it was the culmination ofa story-book seasonfor the Sudbury native

In earning his third straight first team

all- star berth Ray led the OUAA in assists with 40 and added ten goals to finish as the only dejenceman in the leagues top ten scorers His on-ice brilliance caught the eye of Canadas

Olympic Team and at mid-season he was chosen to represent Canada in a tournament in Czechoslovakia

In a game against the nations numbershy

one ranked Toront o Blues he scored once and assisted on three other scores

Perhaps more significant though was his

selection as the W F Mitchell Sportsman of the Year This award honours leadership and strength ofcharacter two qualities that are

abundant in this HAFA student

and collected his third straight team Most

Valuable Player Trophy Another all-star hockey performer Sue

Scherer was named the Female Athlete of the

Year Sue earlier was named Most Improved Player on the Field Hockey squad as well as

Most Valuable Performer on the Women s Ice Hoc key team

Bev Rankin a member of the Womens

Athle tics Council and Women s Field Hockey team was honoured as the recipient of the W F Mitchell Sportswoma n of the Year Award Other major award winners inc luded Basketballs Greg Hook- Don Cameron

Memorial Trophy for Most Improved Athlete

Volkyballs Michelle Turley - Mary Beverley-Burton Award for Female Rookie of

the Year and Scott Hobson - Ted Wildman Memoria l Trophy as the outstanding graduatshy

ing football player Alderman Jim Whitechurch Arts 8 1

presented City of Guelph plates to Canadi an Champions These included wrestlers Ken Bradford Chris Crooks and Peter Domarchuk

as well as football All-Canadians Pe ter Langshyford Junior Ro binso n Salvatore Benincasa

and vlrke Hudson Hud son it should be noted earned All-Canadian honou rs for the third

consecuti ve year only the second player ever so honoured

In addition to the team Most Valuahle and Mo st Improved awards as listed below the

gathering honoured OWlAA champions Barb Jonak - Arc hery and Jane Herner- Alpine Skiing The mens wrestling team captured a

fourth straight OUAA titl e anchored by


Archery Trophy Barb Janak Most Impro ved Basketball Trop hy (men) Greg Hook Bill Dlmson Memorial Trophy Michael 5cs(0 Demck Lewis Most Irnproved Basketball Trophy (women) Beth Pulsifer Basketball Award (women) Joa nne Hurd Badminton Trophy (women) Kelly Breedon BadmintOn Trophy (me n) Tai Ching Leng Cross-country Running Trophy (womcn) Tracey RObinson Curling Trophy Jill Rowen Brian Davenport Most Improved Field Hockey Trophy Susan Scherer Field Hockey Trophy Karen Mc Bride Most Improved Football Trophy Pat Tracey Letlermens Club Award Mike Eykens Most Improved Ice Hockey Trophy (women) Michelle Turley Coaches Hockey Trophy Susan Scherer Walter Rickard Memorial Trophy Bruce Kilgour Jack Pos Intercollegiate Hockey Award Ray IrwlO leuan Evans Intercollegiate Rugger Trophy Jeff Baldock Most Improved Soccer Trophy Gudio Frasson Bill McAnurf Soccer Trophy BII Davis Most Improved Swimming Award (women) Stephanie Doll Swimming Trophy (women) Pam Johnson Most Improved Swimming Trophy (men) Kirk Weber Swimming Trophy (men) Peter Koiisnyk Synchronized Swimming Trophy Lisa De Laplante Tennis Award (women) Maureen McKillop Most Improved Volleyball Trophy (men) Blair Carley Volleyball Trophy (men) Tim White Mosllmproved Volleyball Trophy (women) Francine Taillefer Volleyball Award (women) Joellen Barr Most Improved Wrestling Trophy Peter Oomarchuk Wrestling Trophy Ken Bradford

Stevano Altogether 18 Gryphons were nameJ

to league all-star teams Two athlete s were presented with trophies

as the best in their sport in Canada Peter Langford the J P Metras Trophy as Canadas

Outstanding Defensive Lineman and Ken Bradford as the Outstanding Wrestkr at the

19828 3 championships Director of Athletics Dave Copp sumshy

med up the year in his closing remarks as he

thanked the athlete s and coaches for their superb efforts We are proud of your achievements in 198283 competition Let us work together to make 198384 eve n more

memorable Judging from the fact that the majority of

alhletcs and guests danced and partied to the wee hours it was obvIOus that they were full of the Gryphon spirit It s truly fun- catch it 0

Su e S cherer Female Athlete of the Year

Vice-Presidelt Academic HOl-ard Clark presentation of the 198283 Female Athlete of the Year (ward to Sue Scherer was greeted with a TOar njpproal Howe le r the awardfor

excellence displa yed in ice hockey andjield hodn was reallv 011 11 the tip of the iceberg

Afifih semester sociolog student Sue anchored the Grlphons defence and in fact

controlled th e oJjensf As if that wasnt enough Sue was the plaving coach and in the combination 0 roles led the hocker Gryphons into th e plar-offs including a regular season

upset of the Ynrk Yeoomen Th e hidden part othe stOrl is perhaps th e

best Sue fills her mml1lers bv starring on the Canadian Nat ional Womens Fastball team In cluded in this hectic schedule were tours nf

Japan Taiwan SO Lllh America and Mexico

Obiouslr the combinatioll astudies and athletics is a healthy one as Sue maintains a

B average at the Unilersity



Newly Elected as

AluDlni Senators Following the annual election for three of the nine alum n i seats on Senate a t the Univers ity the following three alumni have been elected to replace those who will fulfill three-year terms on August

31 1983

Richard D Rich Moccia CBS BSc 76 MSc 78 is a self-employed biologishy

cal research scientist in the aquaculture field (See article Theyve Gone Fishin

Guelph Alumnus Spring 1983 issue

Rich is a past president of the CBS Alumni Associatio n was a vice-president of the UGAA and has served on numerous

adminis trative committees on campus inshycluding a Presidential Special Advisory Committee on Alumni Publications He also was a member of the Alma Mater Fund Advisory Council

In his spare time he has been involved with the Big Brothers Association and Minor League baseball He races motorshycycles for relaxation and fun

Donald C Rose Arts BA 80 MA 82 is a corporate representative with Uniglobe Bay Street Travel Inc of Toronto During

Tony Sobczak Arrs 77

Donald Rose Arts 80

his years at Guelph Donald served as sports editor and production manager with the Onlarion and was a member of Gryphon

soccer and rugby teams

A single man he feels that as an alumni senator he will be able to maintain his concern for the standards of higher education and at the same time maintain the friendships and contacts that he estabshylished while at the Uni versity

Tony K Sobczak Arts BA 77 is general manager of Bailey s Balloon Brigade a restaurant in Toronto While

study ing at Guelph he worked in the

hospitality field with Food Services The Keg and the Elora Mill Restaurant and Inn Following graduation he was employed by the Toronto-Dominion Bank in southshywestern Ontario but two years later

re vived his interest in the hospitality field

Richard Moccia CBS 76

He and his wife Cathy have one son

Tony Jerome T J 11 months old Keen on sports Tony senior runs plays squash

and is a waterskiier

Patricia M G renier Arts 72 is currently serving the unexpired term of alumni Senator Richard Young Arts 76 who re s igned during the third year of his term She will retire as alumni Senator on August

31 1983 Patricia who received a degree of

Master of Library Science from the Univershys ity of Western Ontario in 1973 is coshyordinator Information Services Informashytion Centre Ministry of EducationlMinistry

of College and Universities Toronto Prior to her present position she was a

reference librarian Documentation Centre

at the University of Guelph Library from 1975 to 1980 0

Limited Accreditation for OVC The Ontario Veterinary College of the

University of Guelph has been accorded limited accreditation status by the American Veterinary Medical Association

(A VMA) President Donald Forster anshynounced in May

The decision by the Council of Edllcashytion of the A VMA is based on recommendashy

tions made in the report of an evaluation committee which visited the College for a

short period in October 1982 a report on which the University and the C ollege had an opportunity to comment Most errors of fact in the original report were corrected as a result of the UniversityS comments

This accreditation status means that ove meets or exceeds most but not all

minimal requirements for a satisfactory program in veterinary medicine at least in

the judgment of the Association Limited accreditation is a reduction in

s tatus from full accreditation a status which the College has held and which was

reconfirmed by a previous evaluation in L976 Similar decisions ha ve been made

by the AVMA in the past in the case of programs at other and well-established

veterinary colleges in the United States which faced problems similar to those we are experiencing at the OVC the Presishydent noted

L imited accreditation status may be

maintained for a period of up to five years on the basis of annual reports by the University and the College indicating that any deficiencies are in the process of being corrected At any time during the five-year period the University and the College may

invite the A VMA Council to make a new

evaluation hopefully leading to a return to full accreditation status

A number of factors are identified in

the report as a basis for the Councils decision Most important the report reshy

commends that a better balance between the financial resources and the programs of the College be achieved From this flow two major recommendations Construcshy

tion and renovation be initiated to correct inadequacies in classrooms laboratories

offices and clinical work spaces Also -faculty numbers and specialty expertise be increased and additional time be scheduled for professional development research and other scholarly pursuits

The report also suggests that the

number of support s taff be increased One option identified in the recommendations is

that student numbers be reduced until

conld over


adequate faculty numbers and physical facilitie s can be provided hnally some deficiencies in the area of postgraduate education are also identified

While the University and the College

are naturally disappointed by the Councils conclusions we are not entirely surprised President Forster commented Many of the deficiencies identified in the report have been matters of acute concern for some time and some steps have been taken already to remedy the problems some of which are simply the product of the chronic undershyfunding that Ontario universities have exshyperienced for a number of years

Under the circumstances I commend

the faculty and staff of the Ontario

Veterinary College for working so hard to maintain the reputation and integrity of the program and its graduates during this very difficult period

The President also noted that under A VMA procedures an elaborate appeal process is available to the University A decision has been taken not to appeal the Councils deision even though the Univershysity has reservations about some of the observations in the report

The recommendation s in the report will be reviewed very carefully by the

Uni versity and the College in the coming months the Pre sident indicated and every effort will be made to secure support from government and other sources to

remedy problems which have be e n identified In this connection I wish to

express again our gratitude to the Honourshyable Dennis Timbrel Ontario s Minister of Agriculture and Food for making available to the University special funding in the amount of $J8 million annually for a three-year period in support of programs at the OVe This suppOrt came at a particushylarly crucial time and was most welcomc

Recent discussion with Mr Timbrell and Agriculture Canada have indicated hoth sympathy for and understanding ot the capital needs of the College and there is every hope that substantial support will be forthcoming from both levels of go vernshyment President Forster concluded D

Director Industrial S ervices R onald J Dolynchuk has been appointed Director Indus trial Services for the U nivershysity of G uelph The appointment became effective April I 1983

He will provide a two-way contact between the Un iversity and industry says Dr William Tossell Dean of Research Dea n Tossell points out that Ronald Dolynshychuk will ass ume an integral role in the industrial interact ion strategy recently anshynounced by the University At the same time he will help acquaint University researchers with possible sources of reshysearch contracts and grants within the industria l sector

The new industrial services director says that he sees his ro le somewhat as that of a broker taking the research and te hshynological skills of the campus to inshydustry- Iocal ly provincially and nationshyally W ithin the campus he hopes to play the role of a catal st co-ordinating varied speci alized activities and preparing a marketable package of research and sershyvice attract ive to industry

He says that a campus such as the University of Guelph can offer a consortium of highly specialized and technological expertise to indu stry Such capability can prove to be a powerful factor in attracting new industry to the area he says This may be particularly true in the case of smaller industries that can seldom afford their own highly specialized research facilities

Initially the new director says he will especially target on industries with a direct relationship to those areas of expertise for which the University of Guelph is particushylarly well known These include such sectors as foods and beverage and bioshytechnology

I am especially interested in offering industry a broad-based multi-disciplinary

Ronald 1 Dolynchuk

approach to their problems through includshying such areas as the social sciences in a team of experts he says This would permit the Uni versity to prov ide more complete studies including market research and sociological considerations as well as

scientific or technological resources

The new director of industrial services is no stranger to the University of Guelph campus He has been teaching a course on Business Policy in the School of Agricul shytu ral Economics and Extension Education

Ronald Dolync h uk was most reshycently the sen ior vice- president and general managcr of Linread Canada Limited in Guelph He has worked in industry since 1969 in marketing and managc ment posishytions Born and raised in W innipeg he grauuated in business economics from Inshydiana Un iversity and received a Master of Business dm in islra tion uegree from the same university

Ronald Dolynchuk and his wife and thrce ch il dren have lived in G uelph since 1976 He has b en act ive in the Gue lph Chamber of Commerce the Ro tary Club of G uelph and has served on the Board of Direc tors of the Edward Johnson Mus ic Foundation the Guelph Arts Counci l the G uelph Youth O rchestra and the G ue lph Marlin Aquatic Cl ub He is a lso 1 regis tered soccer re te ree 0

National Universities Week National Universities Week is being observed at universities across the country October 2 to 8 1983 to draw attention to the positive contributions a nd accomplishments made by these institutions in Canadian life A variety of activ ities at campuses will be designed to point out the va lue of the univershysitys teaching research cultural and public ser vice acli~ ities in society

Plans at Guelph include a noon hour series of lectures a nd panels which will look at areas of research on camp us that have far-reach ing etTects on society Members of the pu blic will be invited 10 visit the cam pus during the week to attend events and to tour the facilities

For further information on the National Universities Week program contact Information Services University of Guelph (SI9) 824-4120 Ext 8708 0


Canadian Centre for Toxicology T he Canadian Centre for Toxicol(l t y to he located at the ni ve r~ it y of Guelph and tht University of Toro nto will rt cc ive $ 10 mi ll ion fro lll the Ce clc ra l govern ment for the firs t phase of const ructioll The lunding I contingent on part ic ipation by the Ontario govern me nt ancl the two u ni ve rs it i e~

Dr Jim Sc hroder O VC 42 Me mbCi of Pari iame nl for Guelph pari ia mentary secretary to the Mini ster of Health and We lfare Monique Begin and an 0 C facult y member made the announce me nt on behalf o f The Honourable John Roberts Mini ste r of the En vironment at a press co nfere nce on cam pus in May The fundin g is the fi rst to be announced for more than 100 projects be ing fund eu under the leueral governmcnt s $ 24 bill io n spec ial reco ve ry projec ts program outlined in the April 19 budge t speec h

Pres ident Donalu Forster said that representati ves from the Uni vers it ies of Guelp h ane Toronto met later fo r discusshysions wi th Ontario s Mini ster of the Envishyronment Ke ith Norton and will continue tv di scuss the prov ince s commitmcnt to the Ccntre President Fors ter said he is opti misshyti c abo ut provincial support as Premier Bill Da vis has for the past tw o years expressed strung support for the Centre

President Forster on behalf o f the Unive rs it y of Guelph thanked Dr Schroun fo rthe work he has done to impress upon the federal go vernment the im port ance of a projec t of ve ry co ns iue rab le na tio na l s ignificance The Pres ident c it ed the Centre as an example of the co-operatio n betwee n uni ve rsitie s governments and the pri va te sector

Dr David Strangw ay actin g presishydent Uni versity of Toronto also expressed gtatitude to the federal go ve rnment and Dr Sc hroder He said the joint venture by two uni ve rs iti es tha t have compl ementary strengths is unique He desc ribeu the Ce ntre

Alberta Alumni Reunion

Saturday August 20 1983

200 pm -Bowness Park Calgary

Bring your own picnic

Prizes will be awarded for oldest grad grad who travels farthest

from home etc

L (l i to rii ht D r MeLII middotell Prcs iden Fo rsl fl r Dr Schroderund Dr Sl liI ng loshy(Iu inK Jr f ideill Uni l c rII oToro ll lO

as a world-class model that co uld be looked to in the future Guelphs strengths are in agricultural and veterinary toxicol ogy and Toron to s are espec iall y in toxicology in the med ical and engineerin g fi elcl s En viro nshymental expert ise is we ll deve loped at both uni vers ities

Professor Free man McEwen acting direc tor of the Ce ntre a nd dean of the OA outlined some of the unique features of the Ce ntre which he said is blaz in g a new tra il between gove rnments uni versities and the public sector

The planning and construction of phas one of the facilit y for the project is expected to be compl eteu by late 1986 at a total cost of $236 million When com shypleted the Ce ntre will be part of a netw ork o f toxicology centres across Canada It is ex pected to have a staff at both Guelph and Toronto of 64 sc ient is ts 108 techn ishycians and 109 other staff members The corshyrate headquarte rs will be at the Uni versit y of Guelph 0

Homecoming September 30middot October 1

Friday September 30 700 p m and 1000 pm The Nyl on in conce rt two shows War Me mori al Hall Ticket s $8 50 students and seni ors S9 50 general For ti ckets write Ny lons Tickets nive rs ity of Guel ph Box Ollice Uni vers ity Centre Un ive rs ity of Guelph Guel ph Ontari o N IG 2W I Pl ease make cheque payable to the Univers it y of Guelph and enclose a self- addressed and stamped envelope

Saturday October 1 Morning Homecomin g Paraue For further in fo rm ation contac t John King (519) 824-4120 Ex t 8327

1100 am HA Alu mni Associati on Annual eeting Hotel and Food Admin isshytrati on Building

11 30 am Human Kinet ics Alum ni Association An nual Meeting and Home shycoming Brunch Loca ti on to be anno unced

200 pm Homecornmg Footba ll Game Alumni Stadium Uni vcrsity of Toronto Blues vs Uni versit y of Gue lph Gry phons

630 pm Alumni Din ner Dancc Creelshyman Hall Further detail s co nt act Alumni Office (519) 824-4 l20 Ext 2122 or 87 40

800 pm Post-Game Pub Dance De shypartment of Athl etics gymnas ium 0

CODling Events Sep1216 Aggie Week

17 UGAA Wine Symposium Niagara Peninsula

25 28

Sep 30 Oct 1

Oct 1


Nov 11middot20


Dec 5-8

OAC Alumni Association Golf Tournament

InternationaJ Plowing Match Teviotdale


HAFA Alumni Association Annual Meeting

HK Alumni Association Annual Meeting

MacmiddotFACS Alumni Association Caree rs Night

Royal Agricultural Winter Fair Toronto

OAC Alumni Reception Royal Room CoUseum RAWF Toronto

Night At The Royal Sponsored by the UGAA Toronto chapter

American Association of Equine Practitioners Annual Convention Las Ve gas Nevada USA



The Ontario Veterinary College Alumni Association

EditorALUMNI Dr Cliff Barker 41


Faculty Award for Dr Bob Curtis Dr Bob CUrlis 6 Clinical SllIdies OVe recelllly received a UniversilY of Guelph

FlIcully Associalion Professional Tea ching Award in recognition of his great influence on professional lraining The cira lion in parr sraled He has repeatedlv beuroen honouredfor

his conlriburiOIl 10 educalion He is a respecled elerinarian who is universally retIed us

one of lhe beslleachers Ihis univlrsiry has eper had LeIr 10 righl Dr Russ Willoughbv

57 Dr Wayne Pfeiffer vice-chairman Faculty aSSOCi((lion Dr Bob Curlis 6 and

Dr Mike Wilson chairman Clinical SlUdies 0

For Design Dr Jim 01fa50n 68 owner of the South Su rrey Veterinary Hospital 3221 shy140th S1 Surrey BC received the 19 82 Special Aw ard for Architectu ral Exce llence at the annual merican Animal Hospital Association convention in San Antonio Texa on March 14 1983 The award was prese nted by Velerinary Eco nomi cs Mag(l~ ine a leading business magazi ne for the veterinary profession

T he award was give n in rccognition of the timc and expense Dr O lafsun investcd to design a hosp ital that would enhance its natur al s ur round ings South Su rrey Veterinary Hospital is loca ted in a res idenshyt ia l area and the colors a nd tex tures of the buil ding s ex terior lesse n the impact o f a commerci a l property in the area

The hospital is energy-efficient and includes large winduws and nume rous skyshyli ghts in its design plan Other features incl ude covered walkways a covered parkshying area a nd covered entrances The overall effect minim izes the enclosed fe lin g usushy

ally associatcd with a subterranean struc shytu re and the atte ntion to aesthetic detail produces a truly stunning hospital Con shygratulations Jim 0

Dr doe dohnson T he late Dr Joseph E Johnson 19 ( I R91-1960) who practised for many years in Waterloo was recognized for hi s services to ag riculture in O ntar io when his port rait was hung in the O ntario Agricu ltura l Ha ll of Fame at the O ntario Agricultural Museum Milton His nomination was prese nted by the Ontario Association of Ani mal Breedshyers T he citation presented states

Dr Joseph Edward Joe Johnson a native of Stra throy as a pioneer in the practice of artificial insemination (AI ) in Ontario In 1942 when the Waterloo Cou nty Holste in- Friesian Associ ation made

their fi rst attemp t it was Dr Joe who collected the se men and inse mina ted the cows

For fl ve years he took ti me out o f an already very busy practice to make the new idea work Several younger veterinarians

who workcd with him were later to be in charge of AI units across Ontario

He gradu ated from the O ntario Veterinary College in 1919 and after working in Fergus and Acton set up practice in Waterloo where he worked with the noted Seagram Sta bles

He pioneered the multi-staff clinic approach having as many as four students and grad uates work ing w ith him Because o f th is internship approach Dr Johnson probably had a greater influence o n the practice of large animal vete rinary medicine than any other practicing vete rinarian of his day

The ultimate uccess of the AI sys shytem is due in large part to the work o f this ve terinari an who through trial and error persevered with the technique in its ear ly years 0


One Millionth A third-year O VC student Paul Dick of Gcoroetown recently became the one mi lshylio nth person to pass through the turnstiles o f the O VC Division of the Uni versity Library since the tu rn sti les were installed eight years ago He was gree ted by libshyran ans and fac ulty applause and handshyshakes t1 a~ h i ng camera strobe lights conshygratulations and the pre sentation o f a book Clillical E raminal ion of Ca ll ie

The VC library also serves students from other Colleges Co mprising more tha n 30000 volu mes it e mbraces far more than the veterinary sc iences 0

In a briefcert monv a llellded bv David Hull head Sc ience and Velerinary Science Diision

oj Ihe Library eli and Dean Douglas 1aplesden 50 righl Associa ( Libraria ll John

Black presen l a book 10 one millionlh isilor Paul Dick rig ill cenlre

It Was Bound to Happen Delta chapter of O mega Tau Sigma Fratern ity residence has become co-educational with the admi ssion of 18 women students during 1982-83 em sters For se veral years OVC s women stu dents have been seeking fra ternity membership they fi nally made it in 1982

Galhered onlhei-olll sleps oflh e avc main

Imiiding are 14 of Ih e 18 women slwlel1ls

who resided in Ihe fral house Ihi I r ea r

FrOt1 row I(i llo righ l lennifer Rice

Ion [ Lee Ma rv MOllleilh M iddle ro w

Robill Roscol Kale Flanigan Lisa Tavlor Debbie Blech Lesli e Hu ngall Back row

l ana Kl llOn Carol Phillips l ennifer

TrollghlO n lulv Keenliside Healher Ross

Michele Durnall MissinRfrom Ihe piClure

are Brenda FOSler Chris Barrl es

Keily-LeiRh Thomas and Laura Hunl 0

Letters to the Editor Or Bert Ca rswell 7 1 of Brooks Alt a has repli ed to o ur request for informatio n on the watch fob letters F L T (O VCAA Alumni Bulletin March 19H3 Special Supmiddot pl ement) by sugges ting these stand for Friendship Lo ve and Truth the motto of the Indepcndent Order of Odd fell ows Are the re further op i nions~

Dr Alexander Bruyns 32 Sequin Was hington S A has se nt us informashytion on the Royal Canadian Army Veterishynary Corp (O VCA Alumni Bulletin

March 1983 S pec ial Supple ment) He was a ve te ri na ry offi ce r with the Gove rn o r Gcnerals Horse Guards in Toronto o n joini ng the RCAVC in 1938 and me ntioned the late Dr A R Yo unie 14 who served

with the RCAVC in World War One Further inform ation re RCAVC officers would be apprec iated

Dr Donald MacDonald 54 o f Edmo nshyton Ita also replied to our RCAVC inquiry with informatio n on the Corps badges He is a collector of militaria especi ally militar y cap badges o f which he has a collection of over 1600 He states cap badges of the RC VC are as scarce as he n s tee th

The O VC museum has o btained cap and uni form badges from Dr G A Rose IS la t address Picton and Dr W A Robenson 16 Tsawwassen BC eachof whom served as veterinary officers during World War O ne 0

In Memoriam Dr Owen Hinton 25 died on January 22 1983 in Florida Las t add ress Rt 4 Box 139 Jasper Florida US A 32052

Dr Vernon jensen 33 died on Dcshyce mber II 19 R2 Las t address 2485 Lon-din Lane St Paul in nesota US A

Dr Edward Burke 35 died on Ja nuary 21 1983 Las t addr ss P OBox 326 So uthport Conn US A 06490

Dr jack Warren 39 Date of death no t reported Last addre ss RR 3 W heatl y Ontario OP 2PO

Dr Wilfred Sherwin 40 died o n 0 tobc r 6 1982 Last address 432 W Washi ngton Street ampa Idaho S A83651

D r j ames Watt 49 died in August 1982 Las t address 790 Ho rtop Avenue Osha wa Ontario LlG 4N8

Or Peggy Godkin 55 died o n Decem ber 5 1982 Last address Inni sfai l Alt a 0

PEl Gets It T he Toro nto Glohe ald Mail of Fe bruary 19 1983 carried the follow ing announce shyment Charl otte town (CP) - Agric ultu re Minister Eugene W he lan announced today that $500000 has bee n appropri ated to

begin architectural pl ans fo r I $26-mi ll ion veterinary college here He sa id at a new confe rence the federal Go vern me nt w ill put up half the co nstruc tion cos t if the three Marit ime p rov inces s ha re t he o ther $ 13-lTI illi on out lay 0


The College of Social Science Alumni Association

PEGAS-US Editor Dorothy Barnes 78

stori ng The Log Farm a farmhouse dating back to the late 1800s Michelle says Michelle and Mustech thi s was a terrific expcrience and the best

N omad pioneer student administrator curator You mi ght ask what these words ha ve in common and the answer you would receive would be that they all aptly describe Miche lle McMillan 77

Mi chelle graduated with a degree in SociologyAnthropology At the same time she graduated from Algonquin Community Collegt with a correspondence course dipshyloma in what she terms M ustec h - Muse um Technology majoring In Exshyhibit esign

Currently assistant director at the Guelph Ci vic Muse um she has held thi s position since the spring of 1979 Her responsibilities include those of regis trar (mai nta ining dltaikd [i Ii ng systems) for the con serva tion of artifacts and ex hibit work She is co-ordinator of some 40 vo lunteers who are in volved in all facets of museum work (to become a muse um vo lunteer all one has to do is call Michelle and arrange for an interview )

When interviewing Michclk it was obvious she has a love for her work that she will pass on to oth~rs possibly some of the young children attending the education programs she supervi ses at the Guelph Civic Museum

Her mothers parents were homeshysteaders and she was brouoht up on stories about pioneering Her interest in pioneering and the Indian way of life was fo stered by a mothe r who had Indian friends and who would often visit these friends experiencshying their way of life even to sleeping quite often in a tepee

Thi s and the fac t that her family moved around a lo t from west to east influenced Michelles deep and lasting love of the past although with a lau gh she says Now I am of the opinion that my mother had a tendency to present a romantic version of the whole situation - espec ially to me as a young child It certainly influenced my interest in studying Anthropol ogy

Michelles ed ucation and working exshyperiences have bee n very infl uential in nurturing her love of the past She started

out at the University of Western On tario but left for perso nal reasons She worked for a ye ar and while working beca me apprenshyticed as a pattern drafter

ichelle mo ved to Ottawa after she had worked the year and regi stereu at Carl eto n Universi ty in Anthropology She studied this for one year and then became aware of a program offered at Algonquin Communit y College on the subject Mu seum Tech nolo gy

Her placement s in work situation while at Algonquin included a summer helping four yo un g me n on a project at the town of Bells Corners ne ar Ottawa re-

job she ever had There was no electr icity so eve rything

was done by hand Her group res tored doors gable-ends flo ors ceilings rtshypointed stone found at ions and raised the building on hydra uli c jacks The y also gl Lt~d windows re searched the huildin g and organized the veget ab le garden

Othelmiddot experiences have included work at thc Na tio nal Museum of Man thc McM ichae l Canadi an Collcction in Klcin shyburg the Wellington County Muse um and the S imcoe County Museum She has al so been a volunteer teacher at the Plains jndian Iroquois and Inuit Ga lleri es of the National M use um of Man

It was Guelphs gain when Miche lle found he rsel f pulled bac k to stud ying in order to co mplete her degree

Michelle is now well established in her position at the Guelph Civic Muscum and dt las t feels she ha s put dow n roots in a c ity she has an alleg iance to one she loves and fee ls more co mfortable in than any other She is involved in trying to build up a research library on local history and artifacts

When asked for pearl s of wisdom fo r new graduates Michelle volunteered that pcople need practical ex perience along with formal learning to balance their percept ion of a ro lc How apropos 0

Th e Cullege uf So cial Science Alumlli Associatioll ill-course scholarships ere Jreserl(d

rnelltlmiddot to lei Junine Crallt Ceog uJJnmiddot olld Virginia Suth erland Psrchologv Attending

tht un lIlOnr wert right Pro(essor Juliu s fugl Department oCeogrupilr and Pr(essor

Mike M(lIh f II~ Iei chuirmun DeJurtlllen t 0 PI cilologr Th e scilolorshiJI 01 $200

each oreul1ded in purt hr all (11 1(( gru llti-om til ( Alma Mawr Fu nd


Lan e Smit h 78 is a so ftware spec ialist Barbara (Cherry) Wilson 80 is pres shyGrad News with Software Ke netics in epean ently res iding at 45 Emily Street Grimsby

Ron Beveridge 67 is an e lementary special counselor with School District 88 Terrace B C

C R ichard Buc k 70 practices law WIth the firm of Weyli e Shortt Buck Hanshybridge Reidl Casselli and Mitchell in Waterloo

Lee D Wetherall 75 is an exec utive ass istant with AIcan in Kingston

Stewart McCann 76 is a lec turer with the University of Alberta Edmonton

Peter J Stanczyk 76 is living at 9940 Fa irmount Drive S E Apartment A-4

C algary Alta Since concluding his studies at Guelph Peter attended the social work course at Wilfrid Laurier University Watershyloo and received a Master o f Soc ial Work

degree in 1982 Peter is now married and he and his

bride We ndy are established as socia l workers with Alberta Social c rvices and Comm unity Health in Calgary We wish Peter and Wend y much happiness in their new partnership success in their choscn fi e ld and contentment in the ir Ii vc s together

Ted Boniface 77 is now n eative direc tor for Ce ntra l Al berta Broadcasting (CKRDshy

T V CKRD-AM and C FCR-FM) in Red Deer Ted has bee n awarded four c itations by the Radi o Bureau of C anada and was nominated for an Aetra Award as producer of the hes t radio program of1979 O ld news we reali ze but how are we going to know o therwise unless you let us know Thanks

Ted for updating us on your activities

Gurnam Singh 77 is an MC A student at the niversity of Ottawa

Roderick Hodgson 78 is back in his home town of H udson Que Rod is emshyployed by the Town of H udson Publi c

Works Departme nt he al so serves on the Town Planning C ommittee and is activel y involved with the volunteer fire department

Perr y Wilson 78 is liv ing in Spirit River Alta Since graduating from G uelph Perry

has obtained a masters degree in Anthropolshyogy from McG ill University and is princ ishypal of Ste Marie Elementary School in Spirit River

John Boyle 78 is presently living at RR 2 Brampton

Karen Russell 78 is a teacher with the Dufferin County Board of Education at Parkinson Centennial School Orangeville

Vicky Su therland 78 is an air traffi c

controller with the Mini stry of Transport Calgary Alta

Susan W alkowiak 78 is a real estate agent with the Safeguard Real Es tate Comshy

pan y Toronto

Craig Willms 78 is an assistant manager with the Toronto-Dominion Bank Watershy


Gordon Cominey 79 is a priest with the Holy Trinity Anglican Church in Edmonshy

ton Alta

Carol (Fogarty) Knox 79 is presentl y residi ng at R R 5 Woodstoc k

Susan Laushway 79 is a probation office r with the Solic itor G eneral of Alshybe rta in Edmonton

Richard E Larente 79 is production manager at Mac Mil lan Bloedel Ville

Mont-Ro yal Q ue

Bryce Andrews 80 has dec ided to conshytinul his education at the n i ve r~ ity of

Weste rn Ontario He is working on an M BA

Dianne M Grenier 80 is in her third year of Common Law at the University of Ottawa

Shauneen (McKague ) Bruder 80 is an MBA student at Queens University Kingston

Michele Forrester 80 is a comm unicashytions clerk w ith the Ontario Yo uth Employment Program Queens Park To shy


Peter Madott 80 is an ass istant product manager with S c Johnson an d So n Ltd


Elizabeth (Ferguson ) latos 80 is a volunteer co-ordinator with B ig Bro thersBig Sisters of Carleton County


Jane Stevens 80 is a teac her w ith the

York Board of Education in Aurora

Loretto (MacDonald) Sullivan 80 is an administrative assistant with Kert Advertis shying Toronto

Sylvia (Bossaer) Willms 80 is a Food

Services supervisor at the UI1Iversity of Guelph

Jane (Stevens) Tremblay 80 is a teacher with the York Board of Education Aurora Jane is married to David U of N Dakota

grad of 79

Lee Anne Burton 80 is a teacher with the Dufferin Peel R C SS Board Mi ss isshy


Maureen S inclair-Barnes 80 is an urban planner with the City of Brantford Husband

is Bruce Barnes 82

Su~ Jones 80 is continuing her education at the Univers ity of Alberta She lives at

11441-132 St 405 Edmonton Alta T M IG2 Bro ther-in-law John Sch neider CBS 73 graduated in Marine


Nicholas Boyadjian 81 is a special events co-ordinator with Unive rsity Ce ntre

Administration Uni ve rsity of Guelph

Debra (Philputt ) Gibson 81 is a te acher

w ith Pee l C ount y Board of Education in

Miss issa uga

Jim Gibson 81 is a branch representati ve o ffi cer with the Ca nadian Imperial Ra nk of

CommCfce Toron to

Linda Helin 81 is presen tly res iding in

C utler on the North C hannel of Lake Huron

Patti La France 81 is a teacher residing at 66-50 Fiddl ers Green Road London

Elizabeth (Crighton) Madge 81 is now married and re siding in Lethbridge Alta

Kathleen Martin 81 is a market research analys t w ith As tra Pharmaceutical s Miss i shy


Edward Leong 82 is administration

manager for the J J Tour Se rvi ce at the Jal an M aju Taman Jade Ce ntre Miri Branch Sara wak East Malaysia

Debbie (Ling) Therrien 82 is employed as cashiersale sperson for Gameway s Ark

Ltd Toro nto

Chin Lan (Kat ) Choi 82 is an executive shyofficer with the ational Produc tivity Board in Singapore Since graduating C hin Lan has married C hoi Chee Keong C PS 82 Much happiness and success to you both

John C Close 82 is a teac her with World University Services of Canada in Zimbabshywe Africa John is married to Mary M A Psych 8 1 WLU 0


The College of Biological Science Alumni Associatio~_~

BIO-ALUMNI NEWS Editor Dr John Powell

Executive CBS Alumni Association HONORARY PRES ID ENT Professor Bruce Sells Dean


Dr George Dixon Ph D 80 Zoology

PAST PRESIDENT Marie (Boissonneault) Rush BSc 80 Marine Biology

VICE PRESIDENT Chris Wren BSc 77 Marine Biology

SECRETARY-TREASURER Cam Portt BSc 77 MSc 80 Zoology

DIRECTORS David Airdrie BSc 82 Microbiology Krista Soper BSc 79 Marine Biology Lorrie Cosens BSc 79 Marine Biology Eric Cosens BSc 80 General Biology Keith Harris B Se 76 Marine Biology

EX-OFFICIO DIRECTORS Marie (Boisonneault) Rush BSe 80 Marine Biology Shawn Taylor BSc 83 Aquatic Biology Past President CBSSC Brian Wisenden President CBSSC

FACULTY ADVISORS to be chosen one from each DepartmentSchool

UGAA REPRESENTATIVE S Jan Watshyson BSc 75 Zoology Lorrie (Rolston) Cosens BSc 79 Marine Biology Rob Miln B Sc 81 Marine Biology

EDITOR BlO-ALUMNI NEWS Professhysor John Powell Human Biology 0

Please help us to help you When corresponding or upshydating information or address do tell us not only your year of graduation but your discipline

Where Are They Now The following 20 names were entered on the College of Biological Science Honour Roll for years 1976 and 1977 We w ish to know how your career has progressed and

FALL 1976

Brenda Henry (Marine Biology) and Winter 77

janis Kay 78 (Genetics) and Winter 77

Laurence McClure OVC 81 (Unshyspecialized and Winter 77

Linda (Nelson) Sinclair 78 (Human Kinetics) and Spring 77


Sherry (Bondorenko) Miller 77 (Hushyman Kinetics)

jellrey Chernoff 77 (Unspecialized)

Wendy Harris 77 (Major in Biology)

C harlene Kopansky 77 (Human Kineshytics)

Peter MacDonald (Human Kinetics) and Winter 78

Blain Mollatt (Microbiology)

Darjo Romani 78 (Major in Biology) also Fall 77 and Winter 78

Barry Rosen~rg 77 (Unspecialized)

Cheryl Rowe 77 (Human Kinetics)

FALL 1977

Gregory Casey 79 (Microbiology) also Fall 78 and Winter 79

William Crins 78 (Botany)

jill Cross OVC 82 (Unspecialized)

what you are doing currently Do you have intere s ting episodes to relate in the BIO-ALUMNI NEWS Please lets hear from you

David C a mpbell 78 (Major in Biology)

Richard Proctor 80 (Ecology)

Carolyn Robertson (U nspecialized)

joanne (Ryder) G unby 79 (Genetics) and Winter 79 0

Grad Bash 1983

Organized jointly by the CBS Alumni Association and the CBS Students Council in April more than 280 students alumni current and former staff and faculty sat down for dinner prior to presentations being made to our dean

Contributions came from members of the College and a bird sculpture fashioned by Uta Strelive Zoology was the first of many gifts

Next came a memory book containing many letters photographs clippings and a variety of incidents all pieced together by Association president Marie (Boissonshyneault) Rush 80

Betty Roff gave the dean a special book of clippings collected by herself Two framed portraits of Professor Ronald one already hung in the main office of McNally house the other for the Ronald family completed the tributes

Altogether this gathering was a fitting acknowledgement of a great man who has done great things for us all 0


Scholarships In the Names of

Ronald and PoweU The CBS Alumni Association is pleased to announce the introduction of a scholarship for graduate students in the name of Proshy

fessor Keith Ronald Professor Rona ld as of July I had served for 12 years as the first dean of the CBS and the awarding of a

sc holarship in his name is a fitting tribute to

all he has done fo r the College the Univershys ity and the CBS Alumni Assoc iation

The Hum an Kine tics Alu mni Assoc iashy

tion anno unced its intention to name an undergraduate scholarship in the School of Human Biology in the name of Dr John T Powell as he retires from the Unive rsity in 1984

Do nations to eithe r or both of these

sc holarship funds shou ld be sent direc tl y to the Department of Alumni Affairs and Development-clearly ind icati ng to which sc ho la rs hip your donation is to be alloca ted - or when contributing to the Alma M ater F und noting that your monie s

be channeled to the sc holars hip of yo ur choice 0

Grad News Biological S cience

Lesley (Wilson) Barton 73 and Bruce 70 MSc 74 live in Keremeos B C R R No I VOX JNO will find them

E thel Anita Hamilton 79 and hu sband

Wayne Barcha r d 76 MSc 79 live in Hali fax NS where Ethel is a habitat proshy

tec tion technician with fishe ries and Oceans while Wayne is head Office Assessment Scction Environment Canada 3rd Floor 45 Alderney Drive Dartmouth N S

Marilynne (Wise) McCausland 77 is a research microbiolog ist with Molson Bre wshyeries of Canada Ltd and may be reached at 1555 No tre Dame East Montrea l Que H2L 2R5

Michael W Tate 79 write s mos t kindly thanking us for kee ping people in touch through th is column He is a teac her at Mo rnings tar Secondary School in Mi ss isshysauga

Natalie Mary Olynyk 79 may be reached at 3 120 Duffer in Street in T oronto where she is re staurant manager for Olyn yk Foods Ltd

Marine Biology

Gl en A Packman 74 and Sharon (Noda ) Arts 72 li ve at 21 Albion Road Hali fax S B3P IP8 Glen is a senior

biologist with En vironment Canada

Jo l1n Plumb 76 and M arianne (Conshynoly ) 77 may be reached at 37 Coldstrea m Road Box 303 Munster Ont KOA 3PO John works as an indu strial engineer with

the Mitel Corporation - Kan ata

Human Kinetics and Human Biology

Joy (Reid) Tomes 70 is a team coshyordinator with the Workman s Co mpensashytion Board- 2 Bloor St East Toronto Ont oM7W IA2

Terry Obi Oblinski 71 holds the pos it io n of supervisor with the 3M Comshypa ny at 2 Craig Street Pe rt h Onto K7 H 3C5

Robert T a p Fawcett 72 teac hes at the W 1 Fenton Secondary Schoo l R R 0 10 in Brampton Ont L6V 3 2

Marie-Andree (Pi lon) Poulin now teache h igh school in Montreal write her at 76 Lesage Repent igny Que J3A 5Y5

Dr Tom Elmslic 74 M-Sc 77 is a g lutton for punishment as he isjust complet ing another MSc this time in Epidemi o lshyogy at McM as ter University preparatory to his return to Ottawa

Glen Paterson 78 of 16 Da lto n A ve nue T hunder Bay On t P7B 4E9 is ea rl y chi ldhood educato r with the Confederation o f Applied Art s and Technology B ro ther Larry R Paterson g radu ated with a BLA in 69

Eric bullbull Art Arthurs 80 is s till at 12272 shy110 Avenue Edmonton Alta T5M 2L3 He work s for Consolidated Concrete Limshyi ted as a dragl i ne opera tor

Henry Fox 81 lives at 1520 Verdi La Salle Que H8l I K4

Christine (Krumbacher) F()se 81 may be reached at Box 252 2 Banff Alta TOL OCO

Ch rist ine (Novakuske) Lavallee MSc 81 is a stude nt again stud ying French and living at 0428A Larose A ve nue Mo nt real Que H2B 2Z2

Ginger (Thompson) Elmore 81 seeks work in the geriatric field Are you able to help Write he r please at 107 Ontario Avenue Komoka Onto NOL IRO

Don Doc Wilson 81 is physica l direc tor at the Waterloo Family YMCA Lincol n Road Waterloo Ont N2J 2N8

Jan McMullan 82 ne wly wedded to Mark Newcombe MSc 83 is presently ass istant manager - Ri ordan s Sport S 183 Silvercreek Parkway in Guelph She tells us of four co usins who have g raduated fro m Guelph - Brenda (Bu lton) Dagg CSS 72 Bryce Dagg 72 Donald Sifton 70 and Bonnie (Sifto n) W alsh C SS 72

Fisheries and Wildlife

Lorna l Depuydt 77 is a price specia li st with Massey-Fe rg uso n Her adshydress is 3941 Whispering Wa No 6 Grand Rapids Mich USA 49506

Steven Kerr 77 works as di s trict biologist for the Mi nistry of Natu ra l Reshysources - 611 Ninth Avenue Eas t O wen Sound Ont NOH IS O

Richa rd P Bekolay 77 MSc 80 R R N o ) Carp Ont KOA ILO is a program analyst with Digital Equipment Corporation at Kanata

Marie Legrow 80 is once aga in a s tudent at Gue lp h li ving in Guelph at [02 Queen St reet North IE 4S I


Ann (Stewart) Gray 79 and husband Dr eil Gray 76 li ve at 40) - 251 Platts Lanc in London Ont N6 H 4P4 Ann is a re search assistant at the Universi ty of We stshyern Ontari o

Robe- W Marks 81 is a production trainee with Labatt Brewin g Comp any in Kitchene r


Dr Rob J Van Exan 74 MSc 76 PhD79 ho lds the position of manager Cell Culture Produc tion with Connaught Laboratories 1755 Steeles Avenue West Will owdale Ont M2R 3T4

Chuck Yipchuk 78 wo rks in Quebec 87 Senneville Road Sennev ille a s c oshyordinator of da ta at Bi o- Re search Laboratori es

Dr Harr y Nixon Chabwela W eza MSc 79 P h D 82 may be contacted at loni Katandika Vtllage Chief Kakumbi P O Box 154 Chipata Za mbia where he is a bio log ist wi th National Parks

Douglas Stendahl MSc 79 is with the -federal government s Minist ry o f Indian Affairs and Northe rn De velopment- P O Box 1500 Yukon N W T He is water quality officer


Rick Proctor 80 is a consultant with I P Sharp Associates 2 First Canadian Place Toronto Ont M5X IE3 0


The Ontario Agricultural College Alumni Association

ALUMNI NEWS EdJtor Dr Harvey W Caldwell 51

Financial Management Related to Agriculture One of the main sessions at the OAC Agricu ltural Conference 83 dealt wit h financial management as it relates to agricu lture Robert Sanderson who is with the Ontario Farm Adjustment Asshysistance Program was a main speaker and presented the following paper

Ten years ago most farmers were smilingshyagr icu lt ure see med to have finally gained its reward Worl d short age s of food provided ampl e markets and steadily rising prices lor prac tica lly all crops

Thi s idea li s ti c situation continued for a co uple of years until the granaries of the wo rl d were refi li ed De mand then norshyma li zed and pri ces for most agricultural prod ucts hega n to dec line In spite of price dec lines and li mited markets co nsiderable optimi sm conti nued to be fe lt o n the farm sce ne thro ughout mos t of the 1970s

Late in that peri od infl a ti on reall y ca ught fi re rai sing inpu t cos ts for supplie s and labour The ri se in land pri ces exceeded the most optimis tic es timates during this sa me time

In an a tte mpt to s te m thi s ra mpant infla tio n interes t rates increased almost threefo ld beg inning In 1979 and the world hega n it s slide into recession Farml and prices ceased to r ise in 198 1 and are now crumbli ng wi th uncer tain ty and lac k o f demand

We have no doub ts abo ut th e successshyful future o f ag ri cult ure hcre in Ontari o but today for many farmers adj ugtt me nts are necessa ry to remain so lve nt and for too many oth ers bo th adj ustme nts and so me ass iq an ce are necessary for their prese nt and future surviva l

There are some who are beyo nd he lp and farm bankru ptcies are at their highest leve l since the grea t Depression o f the 1930s These cond it io ns brought about the crea tio n of the On tari o Farm AdJustmcn t Ass istance Program (OFA AP) T hi s proshygram during 1 9~2 has bee n assisting eli g ible farmers who needed he lp

The re are two prime reaso ns fo r


fin anci al woes cited by appl ican ts - high interes t rates and lower farm incomes On the other hand the prime reaso n fo r ~ome

farmen probl ems e ited by lenders is ove r-e xpansion We be li eve both views are va lid and unques ti onabl y are respo ns ible for the prese nt ago ny and unres t on 100

many Ontario farms Le nde rs cite seve ral o the r importa nt

reaSl)l1S whic h also bea r o n the prob le m The borrowers oft e n refe r to them too but usuall y wit h di fferen t emphasis ThcY em shyphas ize the c lt treme instability of fa rm income the se rious lac k of pro per pl an ning bu dge ting accmatc farm record and fin all y the practice of making unprodu ctive investmcnts

Because of the qualifying criteria asshysociated ith an application for as s istan ce from OfAAP one must keep in mind that our observations are limited to about 10 per ce nt of Ontario farm operatlolls That 10 per ce nt is cl ose to the bottom of the gro up on the bas is o f financial sec urity OFA AP assista nce is limited to those produc ing Iood and tobacco Therefore data regard in g proshyducers of fl owers nursery stock race shyhorscs etc ha ( no t come he fore us and the financ ial ituati ons ltlr not inc luded in any of o ur informati o n

Applica ti ons have been appro ved for farmers operating all across the pro vince

Of the to tal approved about 20 per ce nt were in swine prod uctio n abou t 15 per ce nt were in eac h of cash crop prod uction da iry producti on and beef prod uct ion 4 per cen t were in fruit and vege ta ble prod uctio n 3 pel cent were tobacco fa rmers and the Ies t co mbinations of the above Those farm ers producing etgs and poultry were fe w

I n a review of appli ca tio ns for OFAAP ass istance several COl1ll1lo n sce nari os co nshytin ue to ap pear on a so me what re petiti ve has is and are ca tegorized as fo ll ows

1 Young or Beginning Farmers

Th ose under 35 years o f age wen res pons ishybl e for nearl y ha lf o f a ll the app li cati ons In thi s gro up are many who have Just begun fa rm ing Mo~ t of these arc victims of inopport un e tim ing hav in g acq uired land buildings and equ ipme nt be twee n 1979 and 19R2 For the m the combinati on o f lower th an ex pee ted prices of farm produc ts and the extre me inc reases in the ir fi na nc ing charges due to hi gh interes t rates_ have becn dlvas tatin g This is partic ul arl y true where Illos t assets were fi nanced the bcg inshyning equit y be in g Illodes t

2 The Aggres sive Expansionist

Many farmers who did well farming on a

modlst basis in the mid-70s dec ided that s ince o ne farm was pro fitabl e two wo uld be bette r three be tter than two Aggress ive

expan sion mos tl y on c redit du ring this i ntl a tio nary pe riod produced many paper millionaires in the farm co mmunity by the late 70s The elation fo r some of these

fa rmers d id not lasl far into the 80s T hose with 100 much bo rro wed cap ital

found that the ir farm income c ul d not

support the debt load So me of these

atlcmpted fu rthe r borro wing in an e ffort to mai nta in their ho l ding ~ and fo und ou t like o thers before them th at it is imposs ible to

borro w your way out of debt O thers so ld or tried to sell some o f the ir land o r eq uipment in an effort to re ti re at leasl o me of the ir cri ppling de bt and there by salvage at

least a part o f the ir operation

One rather sad varia tio n o f this las t s itua tion occ urs occ as io na lly whe re a

farmer who has had a succes~ fu l and so lvent opera tion decide to ex pand to a llow a son

o r so n- in-law into the bus in ss because of a des ire on the part of the young per on to

farm or occasionally because he is no t employed The expansion in Jand and eljuipment particularly if it occu rred in the

last three years and if it were do ne mainl y o n credit with a mortgage taken on his once so lvent operation has robbed the farmer of

his security and his peace of mind Furthershy

mo re in some of these s ituations the disappointed newcomer in the bus iness moved on leaving dear o ld dad to make the best of it

3 The Equipment Enthusiast

Another scenario concerns the man who is o bsessed with the need to ac quire equipshyment or to make add ition s and improveshy

ments to a lready adequate buildings To pay

for it out of the revolvi ng operating loan or to finance it in other ways withou t first having established that it will pay for itself will inevitably c reate financial problem s

Whe re there has been a general disregard for thi s kind of purchas ing the end resu lt has usually been disas trous

4 Natural Disasters

We regularly see the result s of natural

disas ters - floods windstorms hail frost disease and fires All of the se misfortunes can be c rippling to any operation but when adequate insurance coverage is not carried or if one of these di sasters occur whe n a farmers equity is low or when hi s princi pal and interest charges consume much o f his income it can be disastrous to his economic

pos ition

5 Family Unity

From OFAAP applicatio ns it is noted that some farmers who experience a marriage break- up seem to have diffi culty maintainshy

ing fi nanc ial solvency W hen asse ts are

di vided and whe n atte nt ion to management

is di e r ted hccause o f family pro blems the farm operation is often morta ll y wounded

Farmers and farm op ratnr are much more vulnerable in this si tua tio n because thei r

wives arc o ften much more invol ved in the e lllerprise than in non- farm situations

6 Offmiddot Farm Income

Appl ications incl ude a great nu mher of

insta nces in which if it were not fo r 0 ffmiddot fa rm income o f either the farmer or his wife or

occas io na lly both the ir farm o peratio n wo uld be tota lly un viable and unab le to continue to fu nc tion It is well the n fo r

those in th se c ircumstances to r cogniu tha t if the off-farnl inco me should e nd it wo uld also mea n the te rmination of the

farming operatio n

7 Enterprise Changes

A review 0 f appli ca tions indicates that some

farmers are hoping to comple tely change

thei r c rop or li ves toc k programs attemptin g perhaps to outguess the marke t and to

improve their financial return s Sometimes the expectation in vo lved in the dec is ion is

correct but so o ften when the costs inshyvol ved in the c hange are considered little

has been gai ned and where the deci s ion to change was unwi se co nsiderable loss is

usually the result The ot her extreme to this

situation is rigidity to the poi nt of makin g no changes at all

8 Manage ment

The management ability of any applicant

farmer is difficult to assess Most applicants are not known and there is no opportunity to assess the actual farm operation Ho wever

experience with OFAA P emph asizes that good financial management is c ritical to the

success of any farm operation Here is a li s t of definite Do and

Do nts that should be much in the minds of farmers operating in the present financial climate All of these suggestions re tlect the ex periences we have had working with

appli ca tions for O FAA P

The Definite Dos

Do base an operation on an informed farm

plan keep ing and using good record~ and approved acco unting proced ures Do work c losely wi th the credit source shy

usually the banker Plan and work within

approved revo lving ope rating loan limits Make regular cred it payments when due and when unable to make p ro per arrange shy

ments ahead of time w ith your c reditor or credito rs Do make necessary adju stme nts in land and equipm e nt befo re u nder tak ing further borrow in g Do shop around for cred it and i nve~ tig ate

ava il ah le programs to cu t credit cos ts Do pay off on loans when surplus cas h is

ava il able It won t be any fun but it w ill

he lp to re tain sol vency Do try to ma intai n stability in your far m o peration and kee p the peace a t h IllC

Do seek the professi o nal adv ice of you r ag ric ultu ra l represe ntative anJ Ir indwtry fiel d per~on ne I

The Definite Donts

Dont borrow for capita l items unless they

are abso lu te I y necessary Dont make capi ta l purchases with funds

frolll your revo lvi ng opera ting account w ithout co nsul ta tion and agreeme nt with

the bank manager Dont expand any operation without sound

pl ann ing Dont plunge and make rapid changes in

the ope rati ng patte rn without so und consultation 0

Partners For 70 Years

Arthur Cowie 09 now 95 and his wife Nina now 92 were married March 19 1913 near Nel son B C They li ved in

HC for three years then returned to Caledo nia where Arthur worked for the A

Jone s bakery He returned to the 200-acre farm homestead in 1922 when his father

was kill ed in a farm accident Arthur se rved in the 19305 and early

19405 as co uncillor and also served as

a Ju s tice of the Peace for the farm communit y

Nina Co wie whose g reat lo ve was

dancing has onl y one regre t and that is tha t she could never get her hu sband o nto the -dance floor The Scotti ~ h dances Hig hlan d

tlin gs and Scotti sh reels made hi s head spin He played the record s and watched

from the sidelines while ina did the danc ing

They have no secrets tor a long happ y marriage excep t working at it Theyve

done Jus t tha t for 70 years Bes t wishes to them both 0


OACGrads on Faculty at Nova Scotia Ag College

Lauranne Sanderson M Sc 81 is with the Humanities Department She specialized in Animal Science in her undershygraduate years but added to that a master program in Agricultural Economics Lauranne has lived on a mi xed lives t()c k and cash crop farm in southern O ntario At the No va Scotia Agricultural College (NSAC) she is teaching Tec hnical W riting but is specializing in the area of Com munications and Agricultural Extension

Barbara (Otrysko) Mulkewytch 78 MSc 81 is with the Plant Science Deshypartment Prior to her appointment at NSAC she was employed as a potato crops specialist with the New Brunswick Departshyment of Agriculture Her teaching and research will include projects on potato and crop protect ion

Yes Surry MSc 81 is with the Economics and Busi ness De partment Yves was born in Pamiers France has an M A fro m the nivers ity of Pari s and is in the process of completing his Ph D from Guelph Yves has a strong interes t in teachshying and his research interests hould be a welcome addition to the reg ion He is pre sent ly teaching courses in Micro and Macro Economic Theory

Laurie (Gaunt) Connor 73 is w ith the Department of Animal Science She earned MSc and Ph D degrees specia li zi ng in reproduct ion phys iology from the nivershysity o f Manitoba Prior to joining NSAC she was a NSERC Vi iting Fellow at the Animal Research Centre in Ottawa Her teaching and research work is mainly in the re producti ve physiology field

Also at NSAC are Sheree Porter CSS 79 and Myrna (Porter) Blenkhorn 76 John Shug 37A and 40 is the sec re tary o f the Nova Scotia Agricultural College Alumni Association 0

Please help us to help you When corresponding or upshydating information or address do tell us not only your year of graduation but your discipline

Th ree generatiuns of heramify were present when fleather Rohinson right centre FACS 83 graduated ut Wim er Convocation With her f rom [eji to righture her grandfather John Inglis her moth er Vlarirn (Inglis ) Robinson Mac 55 0 member of the Uni versirys Boord of Govern ors ond her father Doug Rohinson 53

Above Mllrrav Ma cGregor 5 1 lei with the winners of the OAC s 25th annual Alumni Curling Bon spiel Left to right GeorRe Robinson 651 Mu rrav Elliotl 65A Keith Murru 65A and Jern- Forestell 6511 Right OAC Alumni Associashytion president Hell ry Slanle 55 right was preslntedwith un engraved pewta stein to recugnie 25 years of participation ill Ihe bOlspiel Conshygratuluting Henry is Bill Harrison 62 bonspiei commillee chuirman


the individual members excellence andThe Ronald S Ritchie Le cture integri ty

This idea for the new body was not accepted by members of Cabinet They

The Opening Up of PubHc PoHcy The Opening Up of Public Policy was

Selllior Michael Piffields fopic when he

delifred fhe annual Ronald S Rifchie

LeclUre of fhe UniversifY in March

A Rmduafe ofSf Lawrence Universify

17 ( graduafed in lawjrom McGill UniversifV

and holds a Rrodlla fe diploma in Public La w

Fom Ih e UlliversifY ofolIa wa H efirsl joined Ihe Public Service as an

wlminislrafive assiSfam in Ihe Depa rimem

oJuslice in 1959 Ialer served onlhe sraffof Ih e Goernor General and as secrelary fO

117 1 Royal Commission on Taxalion In 1965

he joined Ihe Privy Council Office He

became depuly minisler of Consumer and

Corporafe Affairs in 1973 and Ihe followshy

inli year lOok up an appoinfmem as Fellow

in fhe John F Kennedy School of Governshy

mOl (If Harvard Un iversifY In 1975 he

relurned 10 Ollawa as Clerk of fhe Privy

Council and Se crelarv 10 Ihe Cabinel

The annual leclre recognizes Ihe comrihwion made 10 fhe Universily by

former Board of Govemors chairman

ROllald S Rilchie A reporl on Senafor Piffields presemalion follows

Senator Pitfield paid tribute to Rona ld Ritchie his important work in the Glassco Commission and his influence in the estabshylishment of the Institute for Research on Public Policy

In thi s th oug htful and thoughtshyprovoking presentation Senator Pitfield outlined the need for and the desirability of more open discussion before policies are introduced but there are some very real difficulties associated with de vel oping some me chanis m that could foster and encourage such exchanges of ideas

[t was pointed out that because of the high degree of interdependency of modern society and the size and complexity of governments the making of public polic y must be an intellectual subject in its own right not just a conglomeration of di scishyplines It had become evident that

I A methodical analysis of government activity could lead to improvements in government effectiveness

2 Traini ng in making and managment of public policy was crucial and urgent

3 There were few in government who knew why things were done the way they were

4 The making and management of pubshylic policy was a subject unique in itself and required thinking through for itself

5 Universities and other training institushytions were not very useful in this training process universities being too removed from the actual experience of government and the government institutions being withshyout the detachment and intellectual rigour needed

Thus it became evident that there was a need for an institution that would be a repository of knowledge a pl ace of learnshying a foru m for debate and a means of communication co ncerning public policy

Proposal s emerged that the federal go vernment should assis t some of the organizations already in existence Comshypetition became keen and rivalry among institutions re su lted in grander more comshyplex proposals As a result the federal go vernment in 1968 decided to establish a think-tank of its own to take a more rigorous look at public polic y

The idea was not new In many countries the general thinking was that all problems could be so l ved by inrelleclUal anal ysis and the appl ication of modern techshyniques But the ne w Trudeau go vernment went even beyond providing more data It included public debate of public policy

But the think-tank was only one of the initiatives to aid in the formation of policies There was support for political parties through caucus funding offi ce space support staff and regional offices for Members of Parliament and internsh ip programs for students to work as assistan ts to MPs

Other support included green and white papers for discussion commissions of inquiry task forces public funding of non-political grou ps to encourage discusshysion and many others to increase the flow of information for consideration of alternashytives All were done to open up the process o f meaningful debate which would result in more effective and sound decisions

The th ink-tank was to be a centre for var ious kinds of people to di scuss public policy subjects which were often set aside because of day to day pressures At first it was to be very informal with distinguished people invited to participate Its integrity and permanency would be based on that of

were concerned that existing research instishytutes would be damaged They also wanted in volvement of business and professional communities This challenge to broaden the scope was gi ven to Ron Ritchie

Ritchie foresaw an institution that would be independent supported by an endowment which would not only support but st imu late debate on public policy

Man y fears were raised - that such a body would be taken o ver by academics that it would become a clique that govern shyments would battle for control etc But these were dealt with skillfully by Ritch ie and the Institute for Researc h on Public Policy was establ ished

What of its accomplishments~ This institute has been successfu l in

many ways in getting better information into debate [n the ten years since its beginning many studie s have been pubshyli shed It has held many informat ive confershyences and has a unique journal Howeve r despite its efforts open and meaningful debate on public policy is not much more advanced tod ay than it was a decade ago

It is evident that to ach ie ve its objecshytives there mu st be a willingess to change opi nions and the Canadian sys tem prov ides few forums for the changing of minds The bias is towards decision-makers and interest groups not open and meaningful debate

Public debate often takes pl ace after rather than before the decision is taken Thi s may not be what is wanted but policy-making is tilted not tow ards being open but towards being closed

Why has there not been more progress [n h is pre se ntation Mi chael Pitfield refershyred to the fact that the go vernment whose people should discuss the si tuation has become even more confrontational not because of lack of information but because of rigidity in their approach to discussion of public policy

As govern ment ha s grown so have checks and balances which recently have often been linked to lack of confidence Where slim majorities exist a strong opposhysi tion can threaten the government Party di sc ipline becomes severe and ai ring of independent views is discouraged The fear of a government being defeated on the one shyhand and the unyielding demands ot the opposition on the other tends to make the parliamentary process less and less flexible

The result of the foregOing is the tendency of government in modern times to drop solutions on a public th at may not be aware of the problems These solutions are not open to argu ment and debate is reduced

conld over


w ith bias tending towards a cl osed system and less debate

To improve the situation it seems it wlluld be necessary to have a mutual and

ba lanced reduction of force on both sides

The ge neral equilibrium of the system needs to be ma in tained W hat is needed is the reduction of secre tiveness of the gove rn shyment on one side and a reduc tion of the

danger of e mbarrass ment or de fea t of the govern men t on the other side

T here must be a wil li ngness to secure

more ope n debate on al l sides and our

leaders ha ve not done that e ven on m ost import ant issues More ope n and rneltll1 ingshyful deba te will require more thi nk ingshy

thro u middoth - something Mc mbers of Parlishy

ame nt may not he able to do or be free to do or have the necessary knowledge to do But the id ea behind the Institute for Remiddot

search on Public Policy was tha t such a body could bring about better decisions

All publi c problems cannot be solved by thought and tech nolog ics but few can be solved without these contr ibutions

The Institute for Research on Public Policy cannot create better public policies

by itself It must have input from all sectors to bring about more open and meaningful public debate which will result in constant

improvement of government - somethin g

that everyone desires 0

Grad News Herb Nor ry M Sc 52 has moved to

London as a farm business advisor wit h

O M AF working in eight counties

Denny Silvestrini PhD 5R is director of quality controlresearch and de velopment Eskimo Pie Corporation Ric hmond Virshy

ginia SA He had served as manager quality control and product deve lopment

Ralston Purina Co mpany St Luuis M isshysouri U SA

John Hagarty 61 is manager fi e ld

service s Rural O rganizati ons and Serv ice s Branch OMAF Guelp h

Ismail Siragcldin Ph D 62 is professor Department of Population Dynami cs and

Political Economics the Johm Hopkins

University Baltimore Md S A

Arlene (Fournier) 65 and Dick Flis

MSc 65 are in Edmo nton Alta where Dick is petroleum products manager wes tmiddot ern Canada Imperia l Oil Ltd

Craig Hunter 66 is pre sident Cra ig

Hunter Poult ry Farms Ltd Stro ud

Colin Triver s 67 is a consulting e ngineer and On tario land surveyor for e G Trivcrs

Ltd T he ssalon

Peter Mosher Ph D 70 is director

bureau of agric ultural prod uctio n Depart shyment of Agriculture Ba ngor Me USA

Cordon Brown 76 is sen ior food techshynolog is t new prod ucts process developshy

ment Tho masJ Lipton Inc in Bram pton

Martel C outure MSc 76 is acting di rec tor d iploma progra m Macdonald Colshy

lege Ste nne de Belle vue Que

Charlie Ellintt 78 vnfe Ja ne and

first -born Ian C harles born Jan uary 20

1983 are living near S hetland C harlie is now working fo r Elliott Bros G rain and Feed Ltd

Dennis Ring 78 is credit manager Farm C redit Corp C hatham H is wife is Carnl (Weeks) 79

R Cunrad Genee 79 is a sales represhy

sentative with CIBA-Geigy Canada Ltd in

Winnipeg Man

Howard Armstrong RO is an industrial

engineer with the B utler Ma nufacturing Co (Canada) Ltd Nisku Alta

Bruce Broadbent PhD 80 is a research scientist entomology with Agriculture

Canada Vineland Station

Mic hael Tulloch 80 has been accepted as

a professional engineer by the Council of the APEO He now manages engineering functions for eG Trivers Ltd Thessalon

BruceGitelman 81 will be joining Wood G undy Ltd Investment Broke rs as a

corporate finance associate in September

Danicllc Wenstrom 81 is a quality a ss urance su pe rvisor for Pil lsb ury of Canada Ltd M idland

Christine Deslandes MSc R2 is a lecturer at Alfred Col lege of Agricu ltu re

and Food Technology A I fred

Diploma Graduates

Donald Morley 68A is ge nera l ma nager De Marco Homecare Ce ntre Sutton West

Jeffrey Currah 74A is marke ting man shyage r Fortam ix-a division of BASF

Canada Inc Georgetown

Brian Roberts 76A is a welder with Hillcook Ind ust ri es Ha milton 0

In Memoriam Raymond David Ure 15A and 21 January 24 In3 ~uddenly a t Tecumse h

age 87 He had bee n very act ive un til

recently H is son Donald re is it

graduate of 49

Dr Genrge M Stirrett 20A and 22 died December 15 1982 H is many co nshy

tri bu tiono had bee n recogni zed by the Heritage Canada Found ation The fo llowshy

ing is an account of the tribu te pa id to him Fe bruary 16 1 9~ I at Government HDu~e

O ttawa

His Excelle ncy Gove rnor Ge nera l

Edward Sc hrcyer prese med the Commun imiddot cations A wards Atl antic Reg ion to Dr

George M St irrett of Grand Falls Ne w

Bru ns wick Dr Stirrett has been comm itted to natural h is tory conservation for ma ny

years bo th before and after hi s ret ire ment from the Canadian W ildlife Service and Parks Canada in 1964

He worked hard for the preservation of the falls and gorge area at Grand Falls

and on other conservation needs in Ne w Brunswick and Ma ine He has also written

on the iss ues of conservation using Ihe pcn name G raham Vail and since April 1979

has publi shed a weekly column Notes on atural History in the G rand Falls

Cataract His columns stress the appreciashytion and enjoyment of nature as well as the need for preserving it

Norman Hodgins MacBeth 23 Fe bruary 3 1983 in St John N B He had retired in

1967 as General Manage r of General Dairies Ltd

David R Owen 25 in Medi c ine Hat

Alta February 6 1983 at age 82 He was a di rector of the fi rs t ollege Roy al and spe nt

most of his li fe teachi ng and farmi ng in Saskatchewan

Ronald John Quinn 35 Fe bruary 17 1983 in London His wife Helen (Farshyquhar) is a lso a graduate o f 35

Bruce Douglas Innes 36 passed away Septe lllber 29 19 82 D uring his college

years he took part in ma ny ac tivitie s bu t he -re membered with particu la r pleasure be ing Grand C hampion Showman College Royal

35-the first time that the honour had bee n won by anyone o ther than a fou rth year man Bruce owned and operated a dairy

farm at Burford since I 939 and was an

acti ve and ded icated farmer until his death

H is wife Margaret died in A pril 1983 T hey leave daughters Lorna Lawrence

Mac 68 and Karen and son Robert 0


Macdonald Institute College of Family and Consumer

Studies Alumni Associat ion

ALUMNI NEWS Editor Joan (Anderson) Jenkinson 66


BASc Grads-Class o f 80

EntploYDlent Survey T he University s Counselling and Reshysource Centre recentl y completed an inshyucpth survey covering the empl oyment activities of the 211 graduates who in 19RO earned Bachelor of Applied Sc ience Degrees

The survey indicates th at gradu ates are e nj oy ing a variety of interes ting and chalshylenging careers

A gratifying 73 per cent of th e graduates re sponded to the survey with 51 per cent of the respondents indi catin g that they have completed or are completing graduate degrees or programs on a full- or part-time bas is Of the 153 respondents 78 per ce nt including one who is self emshyployee have full-time employment The remainder are employed part-time or are pursuing further studie s

Li sted below are the indicated ca reers chosen in the four major areas of study

Applied Human Nutritio n

ut ritiond ietetics Food service administration More than 50 per cent of the responshy

dents obtained reg istered profe ss ional dietishytian certificates The Admini strati ve Emshyphasis course is no longer offered in the

Applied Human utrition program It is available through the Bachelor of Comshymerce program

Family Studies

A number of grad uate s found posit io ns in teac h ing or social services such as

Adult protecti ve service workers Infant de ve lopment specialists Geront ology consultants Supervisors and field workers with social service agencies Other Family Studies graduate s are

working in government srv iees and in the private ec toras home economists financial co un se llors librarians hostel managers Family Studies graduates tend to sl ck caree rs in the helping profess ion s

Consumer Studies

There are four emphasis areas 01 study within this maj or The survey indicates that

Food gradu ates are employed in areas of produci development marketing and food technology with majo r food companies Hou si ng emphasis graduates are wo rkshying with government agencies and in teac hing

Consumer Beha vio ur e mph asis graduates are in industry business and res earc h Tex tile and Clothin g e mph asis grads are employed in research merchandi sshying and banking Often after working for a year or

more Consumer Studies graduates will return to gradu ate study o r profess ional programs on a full- or part-time bas is

Child Studies

Many Child Studies graduates are emp loyed in teaching supervisory or other child-care related sett ings such as soc ial work with fami lies and children Re ported part -lime and temporary em pl oy ment pos ishytions include work as supply teachers child care supervisors special education leac hers and as lecturers in uni ve rsity settings

It is imporl an t to note that this emshyploy ment survey reports the caree r paths chose n by onl y one graduating cl ass Dat a is collccl~d on a yearl y bas is from gradu ates in Family and Consumer Studies In order to observe the broad scope of employment opportunities avail able a four-year tabulashytion wo uld pl~ c nt a more complete picture of the profess ional activities of graduates

In summary FACS programs offer students a sound educational background to meet the need s of i nduslry educational institut io ns governme nt and bus in c The future for FACS graduates is indeed bright as the College co ntinues to gro w and develop programs to meet the challenges of the 80s 0



BASc Gradsmiddot Class of 80 Further Education Pursued

Major Total

Graduates Number of

Respondents R PDt BEd MEd MSc MD MA

Applied Hum an Nu trition 65 45 23 3 I

Family Studies 64 44 19

Consumer Studies 48 33 2

C hild Studies 34 31 II I I I

TOTAL 21 1 ( 1007c)

153 (73 oc )

23 32 I 4 I I

FACS Has New

Dr Richurd Burhunl

Dean Professor Richard M Barham was apshypointed dean of the College of Family and Consumer Studies for a fi ve-year term effective July I 1983 He succeeds Dr Janet M Wardlaw who has served as dean since 1969

Professor Barham has been chairman of the Department of Family Studies since

1976 and served as acting dea n in [980 while Dean Wardlaw was on administrative leave

A graduate of the University of Otago Dunedin e Zealand Richard Barham received a Ph D degree from the University of Alben a dmonton in Ed ucational Psychology

He has served on the faculty of the Department of Educational Psychology at the University of Alberta and as professor and acting chairman of the Department of Education University of Otago

While in New Zealand he was an executive member of the council of The Ne w Zealand Psychological Society and served as its president

At Guelph he has taught both undershygraduate and graduate courses in the Deshypartment of Family Studies and has supershyvised graduate students

He has been active on many University committees during the past seven years He is a past chairman of the Board of Graduate Studies and has been a member of the

Committee on Academic Priorities the Committee on University Planning the Liaison Committee and several others

He has also been a consulting educa shytional psycholog ist with the Wellington County Separate School Board since 1979

Prolessor Barham and his wife Joan have a family offour Joan recently returned to the University of Guelph for further study Daughter Vick y 19 is a student in Economics at Queens University Lisa 17 and Christopher 14 attend Ce ntennial CVJ while Tania 12 is completing her studies at College Avenue School

Music is very important part of the Barham familys life with active invoheshyment in the Suzuki String School and the Guelph Youth Orchestra Gardening is a hobby enjoyed by both Richard and Joan

Members of the Mac- FACS Alumni Association extend a sincere welcome to Professor Barham We look forward to meeting and working with him in the future as he fills the challenging position as dean of FACS 0

FACS Prof First

Dr M urlin MUllhclIs

Director P ro fessor Anne Martin Matthews De shypart me nt of Family St udi es has been ap shypointed the first director of the Gnontology Research Centre The establi shment of the Centre was announced last February A research grant of $237000 from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada will fund the Centre for the first three years

Professor Martin Matthews has been conducting research related to the needs and interests of older segments of the populashytion as well as teaching courses in such areas as social gerontology and marital and family dynamics in Family Studies She has been a faculty member with the Department of Family Studies since 1978

She also has been active beyond the campus in programs related to aging She is chair-elect of the social sciences division Canadian Council on Gerontology and will begin a two-year term in the chair of that organization this year

She is also first vice-president of the

Ontario Gerontology Association and a member of the scientific advisory commitshytee of the Gerontology Research Council of Ontario She is a graduate of Memorial University of Newfoundland and McMaster University

With a steadily increasing percentage of the popUlation in the retirement age bracket it is important to understand more fully the ir needs and cuncerns sa ys Proshyfessor Martin Matthews The en tre will deal with the ag ing family and environshymental contexts In the latter sense we will be examinin g such things as the difference bet wee n aging in an urban and a rural society as well as issues like housing and the aging

The new Gerontology Research Centre will provide facilities to assist faculty members and graduate students doing reshysearch on aging The Centre will facilitate integrate and co-ordinate studies on aging within the University the director says

Research on aging is now being carried out at the Universi ty in such Departments as Family Studies Geography Psychology Nutrition Human Biology and SocioluFY and the Centre will be able to provide a medium for cross-fertilization of ideas among the many researchers in the field

Professor Marlin Matthews says that the Centre will be working co-operatively with other similar research centres in Onshytario such as the one at the University of Toronto in promoting research on aging The Centre will also sponsor conferences and workshops that relate to the special needs of older citizens in their communities

Guelph has demonstrated an interest in gerontology since 1970 when research projshyects began and courses dealing with aging were offered in the Departments of Family Studies and Psychology Since 1981 the Un i versity has offered gero ntology as part of the Famil y Studies major in the Bachelur of Applied Science program 0

A Thank You Dear A luml7i

1-Iwl 10 Ihonk oil Ihe uumni inloll(d wilh

Ihc cr special send-oj gien to me ill

recognition of Ihc complelion ofmv Icrm as


So man of ou -Ierc invocd shy

whelhcr or nOI ou -Iere able 10 (fIend Ihe

recognition receplion in Toronlo on May

29 I oppreciacd Ihe man good llishes

which come from ocross CClrado ond from

such dislOlIl places as Indio and Chara

Your generous gifls u Imc Irolld of

pcarls und a bonk aCCOlll11 vhich came lVilh

Ihe slrong suglcslion Ihal [should IIc 10

Vnv Iculand lverc Irul overllhelll1ing

The Air lCll Zcalundjlighl bag jJacked wilh

1111 SOriS of nccessiliel added 10 Ihe jim

middotre had 01 Ihe rcceplion

Many Ihanksfor your SUppOri over Ihe years and for your good wishes as I begin

my car ofadmin is Ira live leave

Yours sincerelv

Jonel M Wardlaw 0


Dr Louise

( Bailltlj

Heslop 67

Off - To


Dr Louise (Bazi net) Heslop 67 has JO ined the School of Business at Carlton Unive rsit y O ttaw a Over the next two years through an arran geme nt with Ca rlton Unive rsity she will be cco nded on a

part-time basis by Stati sti cs Canada where she will join the Research and Analysi s

D ivision Loui se completed her MSc at Guelph

in 1969 and continued as lecturer in the

ne wly-es tablished Department o f Co nshysumer Studies In 1977 she compktcd a Ph D in Business Administration (Marketshying) at the University of Western Ontari o

and rejo ined the Department of Consumer Studies ri si ng to the rank of ass oc iate professor

Louise was e lected to the board of

di rectors of the Mac-FA CS Alumni Assoc ishyati on in 1977 se rvin g as secretary-treasurer until May 1981

We ex tend our best wishe middot to Loui se

her husband Lome O A 70 and their dau ghters Jose tte 5 and C la ire 2 Lorne is employed by Agriculture Canada in

Ottawa and is currently completing an M Sc in Engineering at the University of

G uelph Coun try li ving is a high priority with

the Heslops They are deli ghted with the purchase of a farm near Almonte a nd look

forward to the best of both worl d s - profess ion a lism in the city and lei sure in the countryside 0

Grad News Helen (Clifford ) Beswick 48D is se lf empl oyed as a studio potter in her home in Dundas

Margaret (Kennedy) jarvis 54D is a realestate age nt in Kingston

Pat (Hall) McDowell 65 is with the

United Missionary Soc iet y Jlorin Kwora State ~igeria

Joanne Patterson 66 is a se ni or project o ffmiddoticer w ith Indi an and Northern Affa irs Ottawa

Leslie (Mowat) Hemming 68 is teaC hin g in Woods tock

Mary (Jany) Toms 68 is employed with Health and We lfare Canada Ottawa

Sarah (Spencer) Coomhs 70 is an assistant director wi th the Co nsumer Inforshymation Centre of the Ontario Government


Meredith Fi lshie 70 is an ana lyst w ith the Ministry of State for Economic and Re g ional Development O ttawa

S heila (Fahner ) jarvie 70 is a nutrishytion ist w ith the K- W Hospital Kitchener

Donna j ohnstone 70 o perates Donn as Ha ndmade Clothin g for Men amp Wo men Gabiola Isla nd B C

Lorraine Holding 71 is manager of program development with the Rural Orshyga nizatio ns and Services Branlh Minis try of Agriculture and Food located at the Gue lph Agriculture Centre

Beve r ly Lee 72 is a chairperso n with the York Region Board o f Educ at io n

Laurie MacLeod 72 is a district manager with Beaver Foods Mlss issauga

Kathy Camelon 73 is a dietitian at the Toronto Genera l Hospita l

Tirnoth) Fleming HAFA 74 a ses ionaJ lec turer with H AFA teaching business law has been adm itted to the partne rshi p o f the law firm of Harper Haney and White of Waterl oo

Isabel (McBride) H o well 74 is an e lementary school teacher with the Watershyloo Co unt y Board of Educatio n Camshybridge

Mary Ruston 75 is a Famil y Studies teacher at Inge rso ll District High School

Kathryn Anderson 76 is a supervisor with Westmini ster Family Day a re London

Hester Cooper 76 is employed as a research officer with the New Zealand Dairy

Research Institute in Palmers ton North ew Zealand

Patr icia (G a rland ) Desaul niers 76 is with patient fo od se rvices Alberta Hospishyta l Edmo nton

Noella Li 76 is aclinical dietitian wi th the

ictori a Hospital London

M eredith (Evans) Hea rtwe ll 77 is

teac hing in Mississauga

Deb Wey 77 is patient food se rvices manager at SI John Regio nal Hospi tal SI J()hn NB

Susan (junes ) Wilcox 77 is food se rvices

superviso r with the Baye re st Ce ntre for Ge riatric Care 0

A ThankYou The c lass of Mac 380 wishes to extend a

sincere thank you to all alumni who have con tributed to the Mac 38 0 Class Geronshy

to logy Scholarship Fund The gradua te s tudent scholarship in

the recently de ve loped area ot Ge ronto lo gy at FACS is being established by the class of 38D in recog nition of their 45th annivershy

sary in 1983 All Univers it y of Guelph grads are

in vited to parti c ipate in this project funds for which will be so li c ited until December

1984 [f you wish to con tribute please make you r cheq ue pay ab le to the Univers ity o f Guelph Alma Mater Fund specify that it is to be applied to the Mac 38 D Class Gerontology Scho larship Fund and mail to

the Deve lo pment Office Room 273 John shysto n Hall Uni ve rsity o f Gue lph Guelph

Ontario N IG 2W J Th an ks again for yo ur suppo rt from

Elle n Downie Mary Singer Doris Durran t and Jean Carter- the Mac 38 D sch o larship committee 0

In Memoria m We regret to announce the death of the following al umnus

Margaret L (MacKenzie) Smallwood 401) December 1982 in Lakeland Fla




The College of Physical Scie nce Alumni Association

SCIMP Editor Bob Winkel

phy sics grant selection committee of thc atural Sciences and Engineering Research

Council for two years he was intimately involved in all the major re search de velopshyments in Canada in this field Hc feels that his e lec tio n to the Royal Society of Canada will help raise the prot1le of high-energy physics in this co untry and lend stren gth to Canadian experimenters

The citation prepared for his nominashytion to the Royal Society of Canada reads

Professor Karl is a high energy the ori st whose work is widely recognized interna tionally His deep physical insight and hi s kn ow led ge of mathemati ca l methods led to the quark model of baryon resonances based on quantum chromoshydynamics which has been enormousl) successful in describing experimental reshysuits H is re sea rch is characterized by striking originality and an ability to COIll shy

bine basic ideas from different field s as in the predictions of a new effect - neutron optical activity

Gabriel Karl is married and has one daughter W hen he is not probing the sec re ts of the universe he indulges himself in music theatre and the fine arts

He visited the Unive rsity of Briti sh Columbia in Vanco uver in May for the induction ceremony into the Royal Society of Canada on the occas ion of the Annual Meeting of the Society It marked he sa id the culmination of a long string of benefits that [ ha ve enjoyed throughout the 23 years 1 have lived in Ca nada [ have every rea son to be very grateful to th is country D

Erratum In the Sprin g issue o r SCiMP it was erroneously reported in the c utline accompanyin g a pict ure of Departshyme nt of Physics student scholarship winners that they were the recipients of 0 er $ 1500 We dropped a zero The fi gure should have read $ 15000 Sorry about tha t Ed

Elected to Royal Society

Dr Cooiel Korl

The election of Dr Gabriel Karl to a Fellowship of the Roy al Society of Canada represents what one of hi s colleagues Dr Peter Egelstaff desc ribe s as a rare honour which reflects great credit not only on Dr Karl but also on the Uni versi tys Departshyment of Physics

The Royal Society of Canada founded in 1882 to promote learning and research in the arts and sciences has numbered among its Fellows virtually all of Canadas most distinguished intellectual le ade rs of the last J00 yea rs Standards are jealously guarded and Fello wships are awarded only as a result of outstanding world-class ach ieve ment

The rarity of the honour is indicated by the fact that at the Un iversity of Guelph whose faculty includes so many academics of international distinction only five had previously achieved a Fellows hip in the Royal Society of Canada These are Dr Howard Clark vice- pres ident academic Dr Bruce Sells dean College of Biologishycal Science Dr Peter Egclstaff Depart shyment of Physics Dr Do nald Masters Prof ssor Emeri tu s De part mcnt of History and Dr He rb Armstrong retired dean of Graduate Studies

As the sixth Dr Ga briel Karl will have the added di st inction of bei ng the first whose career has been sp ot excl us ively at the Un ivers ity of Guelph which agai n to

quote Dr Egelstaff marks a coming of age for the University

Gabriel Karl was born in Transylvania a province of Romania He obtained his B Sc in Chemistry at Romani as Univershysity of ClUJ worked for two years in industry and came to Canada in 1960 He attended graduate school at th e University of Toronto where he was awarded a Ph D in 1966 for a thesis on infrared luminesshycence following molecular colli sion Hi s Ph D supervisor was the distinguished physical chemist Dr John Polanyi

A two-year post-doctora l fellowship with the University of Torontos Depart shyment of Physics followed His mentors there were Drs J Van Kranendonk and Duk Poll who is now a professor with the Universi ty of Guelph s Depa rtment of Ph ys ics

In 1966 Dr Karl studied at the Uni versity of Oxford for two years under an NRC scho larship to study hadron spec troshyscopy and in 1969 he Joi ned the Univers itys Department of Phy sics achieving a full professorship only five years later

Dr Karls work has focussed on high energy physics - the physics of fundamen shytal particles This is an esoteric field involvshying research into the nature of matter The relatively few world leaders in thi s field tend to cluster around the half-dozen accelerators such as the $100 million four kilumete rshylon g hi gh-e nergy tunnel for accelerating electrons at Stanford University that have been built only in the US and Europe

There is no accelerator of this energy level in Canad a and fe w Canadian scie nshyti ~ts are working in this field Dr Ka rl s statu re in the international commu nity of particle physic ists is marked by his many visi ts to the world s major research ce ntres as guest speaker and to consult with his peers Referring to the time spent on thcse missions Dr Karl describes the Depart shym nt of Phys ics and his colleag ues as generouslyaccommodati ng shy

As cha irman of the h igh energy


Trapping The Suns Energy Excerpted from a Chemtrends article by Mary Cocivera

One predi ctabl e fac t about ind ustri ali z d

soc iety is that it will take more e nergy to

keep the whee ls ru nn ing smoothl y parti c ushy

larly because the world population is exshy

pected to dou ble to about n ine bill ion by the

year 2050

[n th search to augme nt tradi tio na l

sources o f e lectri ci ty two Departme nt of

Chemistry pro fessors ha ve tu rned their

atten ti on to the convers ion of solar energy to

electricity by photovultaie cel ls and photoshy

elec troc he mical systems T he developme nt

work at Guelph is a imed at improving the efficiency and stability of th se sy~tems and

reduc i ng the ir cos t

Si licon photovoltaic cells serve as a

reference for solar energy convers iun beshy

cause they were the fi rst such cells and to

date arc the most effic ient co nvert ing so lar

ne rgy into elec tr ic ity a t abo ut 15 per cem

effi c iency Arrays of crys tal li n sil icon ce lls present ly cos t in the nei ghborhood or

S$400 per sq uare metre to manufac ture

produc ing about 40 watts Photovo lta ic

thin- fi lm syste ms us ing semico nductors

o ther than single crysta l sil ic on are be ing

investigated in man y re~earc h ce ntre s

around the world

A pro mis ing approach is a cadmiui1l

sulfi dec uprous sul fide combi nat ion in

which the two sem ico nduc tors are laye red

on molybdenum the n covered w ith a transshyparent gold fil m T his thin-fi lm cons trucshy

tio n i ideal for solar devices explai ns

Profess ur Ro n Fawcett because large

surface areas are needed for maximum

exposu re to the sun

T he fabrication process devel oped by

Ro n and patented in 1980 in vo lve electroshy

depos iting cadmium sulfide o nto molybshy

denum then layering cuprous sulfide over the cadm ium sulfide by an ion exchange

process Finally the gold 11 1m is added by

vacuum de pos ition Ron es timates that

thi n-film de ices could be manufac tu red in

this way for about S$25 per squ are metre

E lectro pla ting of se m ic ondu ct ors

would enabl e photo voltai c dev ices to be

manu factured in a continuous process

rathe r than indi vidua lly as i required w ith

s ingle crysta l s ilic on Such ce lls ha ve

ach ieved conversio n of solar to electrica l

energy at an e ffi cienc y o f I per cent to date T he researchers are co nfide nt they can

achieve fi to 8 per cent cffi ieney compared

to the calcul ated max imum e ffi c iency of II

per cent Pro fessor Michae l oc ivera is ork ing

on photoe lec troc hem ical systems in which a

sem icond uctor electrode im mersed in an

elec tro lyte solution converts inci dent li g ht

into a n electric a l cu rren t Such se mishy

conductor lilju id junction cells offe r p racti shy

cal ad van tages because uf the sponta neom format ion o f a junc tio n I mproved effishy

ciency fo r po lycrysta lli ne sem iconductors

has been a hi eved in ce lb of th is type in part becau~e the liqu id estab li shes unshy

iformly good COntac t wi th the e l etrode

The li gh t -~ens it i ve electrode in photoshy

e lec trochem ical ce lls is a sem ic o nductor

e it her a thin-fi lm or s ingle c rysta l a tt ached

to a metal back ing the other e lec trode is an

inert me ta l T he e l ectrode~ are immersed in

~ n elect rol yte solutio n o f a mater ial that carl do nate and accep t elect rons The b igges t

prob lem with many li lj ui d junct io n ce lls

~ays Mike is photocorros iol1 of the su rshy

face of the se miconductor To overcome

thi s problem he is developing materi a ls and

techniques to coat the e lectrodes with proshy

tec tive materiab

The first liquid junction cells with a

sili con anode opera ted for only a matter of

seconds befo re the e lec trode was des troyed

by corrosion Researche rs at the Solar Energy Research Insti tu te in C o lorado

U SA have developed a silicon anode

w ith a polypyrro le protect ive coating which

can o perate for hund reds o f hours but that is

still not long eno ugh for a viable commershy

cia l syste m

M ike and his colleague are making a

syste matic study of compounds tha t wi ll

both protect the electrode from corrosion

and catal yze the elect rode rca tion They

arc now worki ng with organo me tall ic comshy

pounds co mpris ing a metal atom sulfur

and an aromatic co m pone nt containing a func tiona l group li ke hyd roxy l sul phonate

ammoni um and nitroso

hese compounds are effect ive beshy

ca use they prov ide a mechanism to transfer

a ch arge bet ween the se mi co nd uctor and the e lectro n donor in solut io n The coating mus t

also be transpilrent e nough to a llow the light

to s trike the photocleetrode

To date they ha ve suneeded in deshy

veloping fi ve coat ings su itab le fo r a variet y

or se miconduc tors incl uding the polyshy

crysta ll ine cadm ium su lfide e lectrodes fabshy

riltated by Ron Fawce tt s method If polyshy

crystalli ne elec trodes can be fab ri (a ted and

coated wi th a protec tive materia l electroshy

chemically they wi ll be relati ve ly inexpe nshy

ive to manufac ture If the tech niques and processe s be ing

inve ~l igated by Ron Fawce tt and Mike Coc ivera de ve lop to tht ir full poten tial the

su n cou ld beco me a more import ant supplier

o f e lectri city in Ca nada Long-range proshy

jectio ns suggest that about 10 per cent of No rth A m rican e lectr ic it y could be proshy

duced from solar convers ion

Elec tric ity fro m the sun is no longer a

pipe-dream-it is a reachable goa l n

Grad News Louise (Sandall) Platt BA 69 is living

in Islington and teaching for the Etobico ke

Board of Educati on

Alexander Barton BSc 70 MSc 74 is work ing on a Ph D deg ree in the

Departme nt of Fishe ries and W ildlife at

Orego n Sta te uni vers ity

Gerry Kupferschmidt BSc 70 MSc

71 is living at R R I Osgoodc and is

tmployed as a sc ientific ad ise r to the


Murray Ross Gingrich BSc 71 Ii ves in

Brampto n and is work ing as a probation

officer for the Ministry o f Correc tio nal


Robert Cross BSc 72 M D is workshy

ing in the emergency department o f the

So uth Muskoka Hospital in Bracebridge

Edda Duva (Home) Kerr BA 74 lives

in G ue lph and is working as a program

co-ordinator for Casatta Ltd in Kitchener

Deanne Ch)y BSc 78 Ii ves in Etob ishy

coke and is working as a public health

inspector for the Ham ilton Wentwo rth Reshy

gio nal Health Unit

Alex McDonald BSc 79 PhD 83 and his wife Rosanne ( DeNobriga) BSc

79 are living in Austi n Texas whil e Alex

is do ing post-doctoral work at the Unishy

vers ity o f Texas

Ste~en Oliver BSc 79 o f Hamilton is a

medica l sa les repre sentati ve with Cyanamid

Canada Inc

Gordon Knox BSc 79 is a con~ ul ta nt

with Inform ation Systems Serv ices in Vicshy

toria BC

George Gillson BSc 80 is taki ng a

Ph D in Anal ytica l C hemis try at the Uni shyve rsity of Alberta 0


The College o f Arts Alumni Associat ion

DELPHA Editor Debbie (Nash) Chambers 77

has no w acquired the Shaw Festival ArshyThe Deans Roundup chives on permanent deposit T his is an

Last fall I had the privilege of speakshy

ing to the direc tors of the University of G uelph Alumn i Assoc iation to bring them

up to date on some of the excit ing things connected with the College of Arts I am gratefu l to the editor of DELPHA for this

opportu nity to let alumni readers know what we are do ing

I am pleased to be able to report a subs tant ial increase in enrolment both in the

B A program and in the College o f Arts this past yea r What is especially nice is that this has coincided with a dec is ion to tighte n our

standards at the admissions level and in the regulations for continuatio n of study

In o rder to grad uate B A students

who entered the Spring 19~3 Semester will need to obtai n a C average in 60 per cent of the courses they take

Most of o ur students are doing thi s now and we do not antici pate this will pose any

problem for the students whom we are ad mitting Next year students en tering the

B A program will be required to have Grade 13 English and we are strongly encouraging them to offer a Mathematics credit o r o ne in French or ano ther language

Applications from students wish ing to enter the B A program in the Fall 1983 Semester

are up subs tantia lly over last yea r I also want to share with you some

ha ppenings which have brought special delight to me

The U ni ve rsi ty of Guelph Choir

under director Ge rald e ufeld won second prize in the 1982 CSC nation al chora l competition

In the Harbourfront a rt show last

sum mer three o f o ur students had works se lected by the jury and each won a prize shya better show ing than any of the other O nshy

tario universities or colleges which entend T he C anadian- American Urban Hisshy

tory Co nference held at G uelph in A ugust

1982 was a tremendous success bringing sc holars from many parts of the United States and Canada to discuss new trends in urban studies

Dean David Murray

In the space of just a few months I have seen seven books published by faculty in the Co llege The subjects include Rudyard

Kipl ing Greek Philosophy Urban History Evolution and Darwinism Reli gion and Tolerance the dramatist Gra nville Barker

and a nove l written in French Last summer also saw the completion

of a very successful facu lty exchange beshy

tween o ur Department of Eng lish and the

Uni vers ity of Reading in Britain Dr Leslie Monkman went to Reading for the year and Dr Coral Howell s visited Guelph This

opportunity enab led Dr Howells to study modern C anadian writers and she is now

working o n a book to be published in Britain o n Canadian women wri ters Dr

Mo nkman lectured on Canadian literature at various places in Britain and in France as well as in Reading

T hro ugh the e fforts of the Department of Drama and its chairman Dr Leonard

Conolly and C ollections Librarian Jo hn Moldenhauer 68 the Uni versi ty Library

ex tremely valuab le re sou rce for theatre

scholars a nd the Univers ity is ve ry pleased to have a closer connection with the Shaw Festi val The Drama Department also has

Professor Dan Laurence the world s leadshying Shaw scholar as a distinguished Visitshy

ing Professor lor the ra il Semester Two large conferences were organized

during the Spring and Summer by faculty

and students in the Co llege Professor Ted Cowan of the History Department was in charge of the Scottish Heritage Festival held in uelph in May The Fes tival was a

ce lebrati on of the S co t~ 1d their contribushytion~ to Canada

In Au gust the Uni vers ity will host a major conference o n Common wealth lite rashy

ture bringing writers and schol ars to Guelph from allover the Com monweal th Professor Doug K illam chairman of the Department of English and a number o f col leagues are

now busily preparing to welcome guests from around the world

Through our liaison programs we have pioneered special day - long seminars at the

niversity for gifted children in Wellington County T he se programs are part of o ur commitment to assist secondary schools in meeting the challe nges of special education

J know many o f you will also be interes ted in knowing that last sLi mmer the

College awarded three new scholarships two of the m honouring the cont ribution made by former faculty members J Percy

Sm ith and W Stanford Reid The other marked the first presentation of the Edward Johnson Music Foundation scholarships for students in the music program

We are al l ac ute ly co nscious of the

financial pressure affecting the UnivLr ~ ity

of Guelph and othe r Canadian unive rsities

But we mus t no t le t these pressures detract from the vision of academic excellence to

which we are committed J think you will agree from the exaln ~Jk middot ha ve cited that this vision continues to glow brightly in spite of our financial plight We hope we can

co ntinue to co unt on your advice and your suppurt 0


It Was a Very Good Year T he Direc tor or the College of Arts Alumni Assoc iation have had a bus y year In January we launched o ur hrst Caree rs i lglll for in -coure stude nlgt Thanks to the exce lle nce and enthusiasm of our pane l l1len1bcr the evening was a success

Careers Night is to become an annual event and we would appreciate you r particishypation Any Art s grads wh o wo uld like to

vo lunteer their expertise for the e vening please do not hesita te to contact us

The Directors were also busy a rshyranling the second an nu al art show shyDI MENSIO NS middotS3 Due to the treme nd ous response to DI M ENSIOtS 82 the art show co mmittee organized DIM ENSIO NS 83 as aJu ricd show We are hoping that nex t yea r we will be able to mount a photography show as well a an art sho w

As you are probably aware in 1970 Wellington College was reo rganized into the Colleges of Arts Physic al Sc ience and Socia l Science This year our Assoc iation was asked to se lect a new College logo Thankgt to Dean Dav id Murray and the Deans Counc il we were given permission to use the graphics on the College of Art s Gold Medal It can be see n in the masthead of thi s issue The logo was designed by Erich Barth art dire ctor Department of [nshyformation and enco mpasses the di verse di s shycipiJnes fou nd within the College of Arts

Grad News Catharine (Gilnerlson ) Scott 70 is a wage and salary anal ys t tnivers it y of Waterl oo

Linda la) Bell 72 i the assistant conshysultant for thlto gifted We llington County Boa rd of Education GueJph

Lynn Barbeau 74 is the curator Educa shytion and xtension Macdo nald Stewart Art

entre Guelph

Wltlynr WellJauler 75 is corpora te mar shyke ting manager Gore Mutua l In surance Company Cambridgc

Renate Fisc her 76 is a consultant with the Woods Gordon Divisio n of Cl arkson Go rdon Chartered Acco untants Kitchener

jane Morley O AC MSc 81 is a career co nsultant Counse llin g and Student Reshysource Centre Un iversity of Guelph

Through the generos ity of the Alma Mater Fund our Assoc iation has been able to e stablish nv e sc holars hip s Thre e DELPHA awards for Gue lph alumni to continue their slUdi es at the gradu ate level at the University and two awa rds for part-time mature students These awards are greatly appreciated by the students who have reshyce ived th e m

Congratulatio ns are th e order of the day for Juli e (Russe ll ) Thur 78 Associashytion past pre sident and Linda Mackenz ie shyCordi ck 8 1 Assocration secre tary treas shyurer on the birth of their daug hters in March We wi sh them joy in their yo ung-

David Dell 76 is the in fo rmation o ffic er Reg ion of Pee l Brmiddotampton

jeff Miller 82 is a s tage manager for Profes sional Theatres Toronto

The above eight alumni were panel )11ember-s at our first annual Careers sJ ig ht held ea rlier th i yea r On ce again we offer our sincere thanks for their pani ci pation

lhugarel Reare 68 is senior research o f hee l Minis try of th e Soli citor General Ottawd

William Thiels 73 is a sys te ms analyst with Eas tman Kodak CO Roche ster t Y US A

Shardie D SteHnson 77 is assistant marketing manager Marsh and 1cLennan Ltd Winnipeg Man

Donald Syme 77 is with marketing pe rsonne l IC F Sydne y Australia

sters and look forward to the ir continued help in the Assoc ia tion in the future

C Nould lik e to re mind our fell ow alu mni to jo in or renew their membership in our Association De hbie ( Nash) Cham bers 77 editor of DF LPH A wo uld lik e any Ideas lor future artick that vould catch your interes t Our Assoc iati o n would also apprec ia te heari ng from you re gardin g eve nts that you wou ld be interested in attending Pl ease drop us a line in order that we may serve you better thus ~ eeping the line of co mmunic ation oren bet ween you and yo ur Alma v1ater

In closing I would like to acknowlmiddot edge With great a pprec iati o n the a istance that has been o ffclTU our Board of Direc tors over the pasl year

As al ways Dea n David Murray has bee n a va lued ad visor I wo uld li ke to thank Professor Ted Cowa n Department o f History for his Sprin g 19K3 OEPHA article on the Scottish Heritage Festival and Judy (Ma in) Ca rson 75 for he r help in preparalron of feature articles Spec ial thank s arc also ex tended to Rosemary Clark Mac 59 Asis tant Director Proshyg rams Dep artment of Alumni Affairs and Deve lopment and our Board of Directo rs who have wo rk ed so hard to mak e thi s a successful year

The term of 19X2-B3 has been a very grati fying one for all mem bers of the Associations Boa rd o t Directors We loo k for ward to 19K3-K4 anJ hope to hear from you Q

J ane Francis 78 is With Ilublic relations Vancouver Stock EXchange Vancou ver B C

Jonie Bunce 79 is a teacher 01 Art English and Thcatre Arts at 1 A Turn er Secondary School BrdrllptOl

Deborah Salmon 79 is married to Richard Light BS( 80 and li ves in Japanec Shc worb for the Empl o) mc nt and Im migrati on Commi ssion dnd Ri chlrJ works for a darrv in Kin gs to n

Shelagh Stevens 79 it station U)lllrshytwlle r Department o f -J atiunal [dc nce in f ova Slmiddototia

lidwtl Glanb 81 is a supervisor mar shyke ting comrlluni~ations Pitney-Bowe s oj

Canada Ltd Don Mill s

john (llanllllUnd ) Zelasko 81 rs ~ I

courtr(lOrn artist WKBW Buffalo New Ymk US I C



Alumnus of

Honollr 1983

Helen Christine AbeD Mac 38D

Amo ng the forerunners in the fie ld of rural soc iol ogy not only in Canada

but throughout the world and with a long career as a professor in numerous un iversities ac ross Canada Dr Helen C Abell has und oubted ly do ne much to promote a world -w ide reputation for her Alma Mater

Dr Abell has been most active in a numbe r of United Nat io ns programs designed to foster development of th ose in the Third World countrie s Although os ten sibl y retired she still co nt inues her wo rk as a cons ult ant in Socio-Economic De ve lopme nt assisti ng in develop ing sho rt -term project s as the occasion ari ses

As well as a Macdona ld Ins titu te Diploshyma Dr Abell obtained a BHSc (H ome Economics) from the Universi ty of Toro nto in 1941 and an MS (Human Nutrition) and a Ph D (major Rural Sociology and Agri cul shytural Economics) from Cornell University in 1947 and 1951 re specti vel y 0

Page 12: Guelph Alumnus Magazine, Summer 1983

The AMPUl Experience A Most Significant Training Program For Hospitality Industry Leaders By John Hearn

When The Univers ity of Guelphs Schoo l of Ho tel and Food Administration

s taged a four-week Ad vanced management Program for the Hosp italit y Industry (AMPHI) earlier this year the y presented the

ni versity with an exercise in log istics of unprecedented complex ity Bob Desautels HI-I 7S who as involved in the advance planning fm more than a year before the e vent explaincd the special nature of the prohle m

A MPHI was to be a four-week conce ntrated coursc designed to meet the standards of two dozen o f Canada s most senior hospitality exec utive s who must he regarded not just as expeI1S but also as connoisseurs in the art of loo king after people Meeting those standards assembling an experienced faculty and generating very large quantities o f all-new course material mandated a course fee of $5000 At those rates participants were entitled to expect the hest of everything

The curriculum was programmed in detail fro m 630 am through 1000 pm every day The gt[re nuous nature o t the intellectual demands left the partic ipants with ne ither the time or the energy to do very much in the way of fending for themsel ves Another important constraint was that eve ry activity formal and informal had to be structured in such a way as to be conducive to mainwinin g continuous dialogue betwee n the paI1icipanh at all times

Gicn these criteria Bob sought the aid of vinually evcry serv ice department in the

nivc rgtitj Co-operation was be ne rous and unstintin b middot he rcpmtgt We asked for setvice lllore ugtually as sociated with hetterclss hotch and eve ryone rose to the occasion Faced with such sophisti cated palates food scrv ice had to he at the top 01 the list and Dave Boeckner assistant manager opc rmiddotations Food Services pulled out allthe slOpS tor us

A Public Statement

For Garry Round Food Serv ices director A VlPHI offered a unique o pportunity to make a puhlic statement about the capahililie s of hi orbani7ation which had hee n I()(l~in g for just such a challen ge 10 break through the ima ge prohlem us ually assoeiatcd with universit y

latcrin g

Let s face it he aid unive rsities in bene ral arc popular locati ons for summcr Llln krcnccs Im onc excellent rcason - the price is ri ght Student s roo ms arc availahle at camp-site rates and lor $ IISO a day peopl e

ca n eat well in one of ou r cafeterias What makes thc University of Guelph

different With onc of the bigges t residen t student populations in Canada with in-house catering and an nual sales in the $6 million brmiddotacke t we have a resource base capabl e ot sustaining an hillll ( (lIilil7 ( culinary staff and allowing us to take on special functions that would be impossible for an y other university in Canada

This opinio n was e nthus iasticall y endorsed by the AMPHI participant s wh o aw arded a standing ovation to the s taff led by Domenico Ran alli executi ve chef and Incz Scapinello operations manager during the final banquet - a sea Cood spectacu lar capped by copi ous quantities of Baked Alaska

The final banquet was by no means except ional Steak and lobste r eSla rgot and mushroom ca ps were almost com monpl ace Breakfas t offered a choice of cereals an exoti c display of fresh fruit s and such niceties as eggs bened ict The scale and variety of lunches had to be cut back alter the first week in respo nse to

the part icipants groans of too much

Front Rank Convention Centre

As Inez Scapinello tell s it AMPHI was not so much a challe nge as an opportunity We did nothing we had not do ne before Dome nico was not ca lled upon l(l create any new menu items although we did try some innovati ve combinations

A a howca sc for Domcnico Ranalli talent s A M PH I WIS nothi ng less than a Will dl

il(( Wi th 2~ sucCssivc dinners each of which earned rave re views without once repeati n[ himself and consisting or nothing ne w moves the University of Gue I ph into the front rank of convention centre~

Satis fied that food sc-rv ice was in good hands Bob Desautels wa s able to turn his attentio n 0 other logis til problems

Th e I MPHI course was basltd on the case teachin g method A tcam ofHA PAcase writers worked for more than two yea rs assemhling a packa ge or some 600 studies of critical si tuatio ns pertincnt to the contlrl1porary Canadran hospitalit y sce ne They travelled as lar as British Co lumbia in search or authentil re levant material all of which had 10 be reproduced It was Bob Desautels job to superv ise the printing and hindin g of the IOOD-page required reading Ialk agc hand ed III (deh urthe panic ipants on arrival plus industr)

notes the teaching material s and equipmclll required by the e ight-man facult y under HA FA Director Dr Tom Powers

Sleeping accommodation in the nearest residence to th l Schoo l was a simple student environment with th e addilOn of a private pho ne in each morn In~ talled for the duration of the course Valet and laundry se rvice not usually part of the l niversit ys conference offering was available Credit pri vi leges at the Un ivers ity branch o f the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce was arran ged for each of the participants

Hospitality L e ad ers Night People Successful hospitalit y industry leaders are

marked by certain co mmo n characteristicsshyhigh energy leveis capac ity for long and erratic hours strong people skill s creati vit y and a sense 01 humour The day beginning with a 645 am run continuing through three morning ca studie s followed by study sessions keep fit classes and physica l games in the afternoon and more group study sessions in the evening rare ly ended at the prescribed 1000 pm Hospi tality industry leade rs are night peop le

Stimulated by the intellectual dema nd s of the course and by interaction wit h thei r peers and faculty (w ho stayed with thern right through the long day) the y we re till left with energy to burn off in a serie s of theme parti es whi ch sent Bob Desa utels scouring the di strict to su ppl y thei r eso teric demands - one complete fem ale gorilla outfit for cxarn pk

The course ended when Prcsid ent Donald Forste r prese nted the graduate with certificatcs (w hich had 10 be spec iall y designed and printed) and the graduates pre se nted the faculty with mock certificates (which also had to be designed and pri llled)

How well did it all wo rk 0 We c hecked double checked and tripie c hecked eve ry possihilit y in advance said Boh De aute ls The on ly qUls tion we had left on the eve ofthc confe rcncc was whell have we missed As it tran plredthe answer see rns to ha ve heen not much

Participants wcre unanimous rn their evaluation of AMPIII as incomparahl y the mos t si g nificant rnanagementtraining lx pcrr cnce of their liv es All of them werT ve teran s of coursegt g iCn hy uniers itie s private managem ent dc ve lopment institutions and in-house conicrenccs hut none had been through an experienlc as rewarding demanding superhl rganied and positi ve in its long term consequCrlle as this one

For the faculty and gtUpPllrt stall more Jccutorllcdtothc energy leve ls of under shygradulles AvIPHI made unpncccknted phyical and mental demands - hut plans for AMPHI ~I arc alrcadv in the orb and applicant s are lx[1clted from allo ver th e cun tinc nL C



indiviJual champions Peter Domarchuk Mitch Mason hri s Crooks and LeonarJA Year to REMEMBER

By D ick Freeman

A full house in excess of 430 people crowded Peter Clark Hall at the Univershy

sity of Guelph in March to celebrate a year of intercollegiate sports competition and to honshy

our its 198283 champions The year started with a 16 to 10 football

victory over the OQIFC champion the Conshy

corida Stingers and ended with a third consecuti ve CIA U wrestling championship In

between a well-balanced Gryphon athletic program proudly and successfully represented

the University of Guelph When the awards had been announced a

pair of Hockey Gryphons had struck for the hat tri ck Ray Irwin was named the 198283 Male Athlete of the Year the W F Mitchell Sportsman of the Year(forathletics leadersh ip)

Ray Irwin Male Athlete of the Year

When Vice-President Administration Charles Ferguson presented Ray Irwin with

the 1982-83 University ojGuelph Mal e Athlete of the Year award it was the culmination ofa story-book seasonfor the Sudbury native

In earning his third straight first team

all- star berth Ray led the OUAA in assists with 40 and added ten goals to finish as the only dejenceman in the leagues top ten scorers His on-ice brilliance caught the eye of Canadas

Olympic Team and at mid-season he was chosen to represent Canada in a tournament in Czechoslovakia

In a game against the nations numbershy

one ranked Toront o Blues he scored once and assisted on three other scores

Perhaps more significant though was his

selection as the W F Mitchell Sportsman of the Year This award honours leadership and strength ofcharacter two qualities that are

abundant in this HAFA student

and collected his third straight team Most

Valuable Player Trophy Another all-star hockey performer Sue

Scherer was named the Female Athlete of the

Year Sue earlier was named Most Improved Player on the Field Hockey squad as well as

Most Valuable Performer on the Women s Ice Hoc key team

Bev Rankin a member of the Womens

Athle tics Council and Women s Field Hockey team was honoured as the recipient of the W F Mitchell Sportswoma n of the Year Award Other major award winners inc luded Basketballs Greg Hook- Don Cameron

Memorial Trophy for Most Improved Athlete

Volkyballs Michelle Turley - Mary Beverley-Burton Award for Female Rookie of

the Year and Scott Hobson - Ted Wildman Memoria l Trophy as the outstanding graduatshy

ing football player Alderman Jim Whitechurch Arts 8 1

presented City of Guelph plates to Canadi an Champions These included wrestlers Ken Bradford Chris Crooks and Peter Domarchuk

as well as football All-Canadians Pe ter Langshyford Junior Ro binso n Salvatore Benincasa

and vlrke Hudson Hud son it should be noted earned All-Canadian honou rs for the third

consecuti ve year only the second player ever so honoured

In addition to the team Most Valuahle and Mo st Improved awards as listed below the

gathering honoured OWlAA champions Barb Jonak - Arc hery and Jane Herner- Alpine Skiing The mens wrestling team captured a

fourth straight OUAA titl e anchored by


Archery Trophy Barb Janak Most Impro ved Basketball Trop hy (men) Greg Hook Bill Dlmson Memorial Trophy Michael 5cs(0 Demck Lewis Most Irnproved Basketball Trophy (women) Beth Pulsifer Basketball Award (women) Joa nne Hurd Badminton Trophy (women) Kelly Breedon BadmintOn Trophy (me n) Tai Ching Leng Cross-country Running Trophy (womcn) Tracey RObinson Curling Trophy Jill Rowen Brian Davenport Most Improved Field Hockey Trophy Susan Scherer Field Hockey Trophy Karen Mc Bride Most Improved Football Trophy Pat Tracey Letlermens Club Award Mike Eykens Most Improved Ice Hockey Trophy (women) Michelle Turley Coaches Hockey Trophy Susan Scherer Walter Rickard Memorial Trophy Bruce Kilgour Jack Pos Intercollegiate Hockey Award Ray IrwlO leuan Evans Intercollegiate Rugger Trophy Jeff Baldock Most Improved Soccer Trophy Gudio Frasson Bill McAnurf Soccer Trophy BII Davis Most Improved Swimming Award (women) Stephanie Doll Swimming Trophy (women) Pam Johnson Most Improved Swimming Trophy (men) Kirk Weber Swimming Trophy (men) Peter Koiisnyk Synchronized Swimming Trophy Lisa De Laplante Tennis Award (women) Maureen McKillop Most Improved Volleyball Trophy (men) Blair Carley Volleyball Trophy (men) Tim White Mosllmproved Volleyball Trophy (women) Francine Taillefer Volleyball Award (women) Joellen Barr Most Improved Wrestling Trophy Peter Oomarchuk Wrestling Trophy Ken Bradford

Stevano Altogether 18 Gryphons were nameJ

to league all-star teams Two athlete s were presented with trophies

as the best in their sport in Canada Peter Langford the J P Metras Trophy as Canadas

Outstanding Defensive Lineman and Ken Bradford as the Outstanding Wrestkr at the

19828 3 championships Director of Athletics Dave Copp sumshy

med up the year in his closing remarks as he

thanked the athlete s and coaches for their superb efforts We are proud of your achievements in 198283 competition Let us work together to make 198384 eve n more

memorable Judging from the fact that the majority of

alhletcs and guests danced and partied to the wee hours it was obvIOus that they were full of the Gryphon spirit It s truly fun- catch it 0

Su e S cherer Female Athlete of the Year

Vice-Presidelt Academic HOl-ard Clark presentation of the 198283 Female Athlete of the Year (ward to Sue Scherer was greeted with a TOar njpproal Howe le r the awardfor

excellence displa yed in ice hockey andjield hodn was reallv 011 11 the tip of the iceberg

Afifih semester sociolog student Sue anchored the Grlphons defence and in fact

controlled th e oJjensf As if that wasnt enough Sue was the plaving coach and in the combination 0 roles led the hocker Gryphons into th e plar-offs including a regular season

upset of the Ynrk Yeoomen Th e hidden part othe stOrl is perhaps th e

best Sue fills her mml1lers bv starring on the Canadian Nat ional Womens Fastball team In cluded in this hectic schedule were tours nf

Japan Taiwan SO Lllh America and Mexico

Obiouslr the combinatioll astudies and athletics is a healthy one as Sue maintains a

B average at the Unilersity



Newly Elected as

AluDlni Senators Following the annual election for three of the nine alum n i seats on Senate a t the Univers ity the following three alumni have been elected to replace those who will fulfill three-year terms on August

31 1983

Richard D Rich Moccia CBS BSc 76 MSc 78 is a self-employed biologishy

cal research scientist in the aquaculture field (See article Theyve Gone Fishin

Guelph Alumnus Spring 1983 issue

Rich is a past president of the CBS Alumni Associatio n was a vice-president of the UGAA and has served on numerous

adminis trative committees on campus inshycluding a Presidential Special Advisory Committee on Alumni Publications He also was a member of the Alma Mater Fund Advisory Council

In his spare time he has been involved with the Big Brothers Association and Minor League baseball He races motorshycycles for relaxation and fun

Donald C Rose Arts BA 80 MA 82 is a corporate representative with Uniglobe Bay Street Travel Inc of Toronto During

Tony Sobczak Arrs 77

Donald Rose Arts 80

his years at Guelph Donald served as sports editor and production manager with the Onlarion and was a member of Gryphon

soccer and rugby teams

A single man he feels that as an alumni senator he will be able to maintain his concern for the standards of higher education and at the same time maintain the friendships and contacts that he estabshylished while at the Uni versity

Tony K Sobczak Arts BA 77 is general manager of Bailey s Balloon Brigade a restaurant in Toronto While

study ing at Guelph he worked in the

hospitality field with Food Services The Keg and the Elora Mill Restaurant and Inn Following graduation he was employed by the Toronto-Dominion Bank in southshywestern Ontario but two years later

re vived his interest in the hospitality field

Richard Moccia CBS 76

He and his wife Cathy have one son

Tony Jerome T J 11 months old Keen on sports Tony senior runs plays squash

and is a waterskiier

Patricia M G renier Arts 72 is currently serving the unexpired term of alumni Senator Richard Young Arts 76 who re s igned during the third year of his term She will retire as alumni Senator on August

31 1983 Patricia who received a degree of

Master of Library Science from the Univershys ity of Western Ontario in 1973 is coshyordinator Information Services Informashytion Centre Ministry of EducationlMinistry

of College and Universities Toronto Prior to her present position she was a

reference librarian Documentation Centre

at the University of Guelph Library from 1975 to 1980 0

Limited Accreditation for OVC The Ontario Veterinary College of the

University of Guelph has been accorded limited accreditation status by the American Veterinary Medical Association

(A VMA) President Donald Forster anshynounced in May

The decision by the Council of Edllcashytion of the A VMA is based on recommendashy

tions made in the report of an evaluation committee which visited the College for a

short period in October 1982 a report on which the University and the C ollege had an opportunity to comment Most errors of fact in the original report were corrected as a result of the UniversityS comments

This accreditation status means that ove meets or exceeds most but not all

minimal requirements for a satisfactory program in veterinary medicine at least in

the judgment of the Association Limited accreditation is a reduction in

s tatus from full accreditation a status which the College has held and which was

reconfirmed by a previous evaluation in L976 Similar decisions ha ve been made

by the AVMA in the past in the case of programs at other and well-established

veterinary colleges in the United States which faced problems similar to those we are experiencing at the OVC the Presishydent noted

L imited accreditation status may be

maintained for a period of up to five years on the basis of annual reports by the University and the College indicating that any deficiencies are in the process of being corrected At any time during the five-year period the University and the College may

invite the A VMA Council to make a new

evaluation hopefully leading to a return to full accreditation status

A number of factors are identified in

the report as a basis for the Councils decision Most important the report reshy

commends that a better balance between the financial resources and the programs of the College be achieved From this flow two major recommendations Construcshy

tion and renovation be initiated to correct inadequacies in classrooms laboratories

offices and clinical work spaces Also -faculty numbers and specialty expertise be increased and additional time be scheduled for professional development research and other scholarly pursuits

The report also suggests that the

number of support s taff be increased One option identified in the recommendations is

that student numbers be reduced until

conld over


adequate faculty numbers and physical facilitie s can be provided hnally some deficiencies in the area of postgraduate education are also identified

While the University and the College

are naturally disappointed by the Councils conclusions we are not entirely surprised President Forster commented Many of the deficiencies identified in the report have been matters of acute concern for some time and some steps have been taken already to remedy the problems some of which are simply the product of the chronic undershyfunding that Ontario universities have exshyperienced for a number of years

Under the circumstances I commend

the faculty and staff of the Ontario

Veterinary College for working so hard to maintain the reputation and integrity of the program and its graduates during this very difficult period

The President also noted that under A VMA procedures an elaborate appeal process is available to the University A decision has been taken not to appeal the Councils deision even though the Univershysity has reservations about some of the observations in the report

The recommendation s in the report will be reviewed very carefully by the

Uni versity and the College in the coming months the Pre sident indicated and every effort will be made to secure support from government and other sources to

remedy problems which have be e n identified In this connection I wish to

express again our gratitude to the Honourshyable Dennis Timbrel Ontario s Minister of Agriculture and Food for making available to the University special funding in the amount of $J8 million annually for a three-year period in support of programs at the OVe This suppOrt came at a particushylarly crucial time and was most welcomc

Recent discussion with Mr Timbrell and Agriculture Canada have indicated hoth sympathy for and understanding ot the capital needs of the College and there is every hope that substantial support will be forthcoming from both levels of go vernshyment President Forster concluded D

Director Industrial S ervices R onald J Dolynchuk has been appointed Director Indus trial Services for the U nivershysity of G uelph The appointment became effective April I 1983

He will provide a two-way contact between the Un iversity and industry says Dr William Tossell Dean of Research Dea n Tossell points out that Ronald Dolynshychuk will ass ume an integral role in the industrial interact ion strategy recently anshynounced by the University At the same time he will help acquaint University researchers with possible sources of reshysearch contracts and grants within the industria l sector

The new industrial services director says that he sees his ro le somewhat as that of a broker taking the research and te hshynological skills of the campus to inshydustry- Iocal ly provincially and nationshyally W ithin the campus he hopes to play the role of a catal st co-ordinating varied speci alized activities and preparing a marketable package of research and sershyvice attract ive to industry

He says that a campus such as the University of Guelph can offer a consortium of highly specialized and technological expertise to indu stry Such capability can prove to be a powerful factor in attracting new industry to the area he says This may be particularly true in the case of smaller industries that can seldom afford their own highly specialized research facilities

Initially the new director says he will especially target on industries with a direct relationship to those areas of expertise for which the University of Guelph is particushylarly well known These include such sectors as foods and beverage and bioshytechnology

I am especially interested in offering industry a broad-based multi-disciplinary

Ronald 1 Dolynchuk

approach to their problems through includshying such areas as the social sciences in a team of experts he says This would permit the Uni versity to prov ide more complete studies including market research and sociological considerations as well as

scientific or technological resources

The new director of industrial services is no stranger to the University of Guelph campus He has been teaching a course on Business Policy in the School of Agricul shytu ral Economics and Extension Education

Ronald Dolync h uk was most reshycently the sen ior vice- president and general managcr of Linread Canada Limited in Guelph He has worked in industry since 1969 in marketing and managc ment posishytions Born and raised in W innipeg he grauuated in business economics from Inshydiana Un iversity and received a Master of Business dm in islra tion uegree from the same university

Ronald Dolynchuk and his wife and thrce ch il dren have lived in G uelph since 1976 He has b en act ive in the Gue lph Chamber of Commerce the Ro tary Club of G uelph and has served on the Board of Direc tors of the Edward Johnson Mus ic Foundation the Guelph Arts Counci l the G uelph Youth O rchestra and the G ue lph Marlin Aquatic Cl ub He is a lso 1 regis tered soccer re te ree 0

National Universities Week National Universities Week is being observed at universities across the country October 2 to 8 1983 to draw attention to the positive contributions a nd accomplishments made by these institutions in Canadian life A variety of activ ities at campuses will be designed to point out the va lue of the univershysitys teaching research cultural and public ser vice acli~ ities in society

Plans at Guelph include a noon hour series of lectures a nd panels which will look at areas of research on camp us that have far-reach ing etTects on society Members of the pu blic will be invited 10 visit the cam pus during the week to attend events and to tour the facilities

For further information on the National Universities Week program contact Information Services University of Guelph (SI9) 824-4120 Ext 8708 0


Canadian Centre for Toxicology T he Canadian Centre for Toxicol(l t y to he located at the ni ve r~ it y of Guelph and tht University of Toro nto will rt cc ive $ 10 mi ll ion fro lll the Ce clc ra l govern ment for the firs t phase of const ructioll The lunding I contingent on part ic ipation by the Ontario govern me nt ancl the two u ni ve rs it i e~

Dr Jim Sc hroder O VC 42 Me mbCi of Pari iame nl for Guelph pari ia mentary secretary to the Mini ster of Health and We lfare Monique Begin and an 0 C facult y member made the announce me nt on behalf o f The Honourable John Roberts Mini ste r of the En vironment at a press co nfere nce on cam pus in May The fundin g is the fi rst to be announced for more than 100 projects be ing fund eu under the leueral governmcnt s $ 24 bill io n spec ial reco ve ry projec ts program outlined in the April 19 budge t speec h

Pres ident Donalu Forster said that representati ves from the Uni vers it ies of Guelp h ane Toronto met later fo r discusshysions wi th Ontario s Mini ster of the Envishyronment Ke ith Norton and will continue tv di scuss the prov ince s commitmcnt to the Ccntre President Fors ter said he is opti misshyti c abo ut provincial support as Premier Bill Da vis has for the past tw o years expressed strung support for the Centre

President Forster on behalf o f the Unive rs it y of Guelph thanked Dr Schroun fo rthe work he has done to impress upon the federal go vernment the im port ance of a projec t of ve ry co ns iue rab le na tio na l s ignificance The Pres ident c it ed the Centre as an example of the co-operatio n betwee n uni ve rsitie s governments and the pri va te sector

Dr David Strangw ay actin g presishydent Uni versity of Toronto also expressed gtatitude to the federal go ve rnment and Dr Sc hroder He said the joint venture by two uni ve rs iti es tha t have compl ementary strengths is unique He desc ribeu the Ce ntre

Alberta Alumni Reunion

Saturday August 20 1983

200 pm -Bowness Park Calgary

Bring your own picnic

Prizes will be awarded for oldest grad grad who travels farthest

from home etc

L (l i to rii ht D r MeLII middotell Prcs iden Fo rsl fl r Dr Schroderund Dr Sl liI ng loshy(Iu inK Jr f ideill Uni l c rII oToro ll lO

as a world-class model that co uld be looked to in the future Guelphs strengths are in agricultural and veterinary toxicol ogy and Toron to s are espec iall y in toxicology in the med ical and engineerin g fi elcl s En viro nshymental expert ise is we ll deve loped at both uni vers ities

Professor Free man McEwen acting direc tor of the Ce ntre a nd dean of the OA outlined some of the unique features of the Ce ntre which he said is blaz in g a new tra il between gove rnments uni versities and the public sector

The planning and construction of phas one of the facilit y for the project is expected to be compl eteu by late 1986 at a total cost of $236 million When com shypleted the Ce ntre will be part of a netw ork o f toxicology centres across Canada It is ex pected to have a staff at both Guelph and Toronto of 64 sc ient is ts 108 techn ishycians and 109 other staff members The corshyrate headquarte rs will be at the Uni versit y of Guelph 0

Homecoming September 30middot October 1

Friday September 30 700 p m and 1000 pm The Nyl on in conce rt two shows War Me mori al Hall Ticket s $8 50 students and seni ors S9 50 general For ti ckets write Ny lons Tickets nive rs ity of Guel ph Box Ollice Uni vers ity Centre Un ive rs ity of Guelph Guel ph Ontari o N IG 2W I Pl ease make cheque payable to the Univers it y of Guelph and enclose a self- addressed and stamped envelope

Saturday October 1 Morning Homecomin g Paraue For further in fo rm ation contac t John King (519) 824-4120 Ex t 8327

1100 am HA Alu mni Associati on Annual eeting Hotel and Food Admin isshytrati on Building

11 30 am Human Kinet ics Alum ni Association An nual Meeting and Home shycoming Brunch Loca ti on to be anno unced

200 pm Homecornmg Footba ll Game Alumni Stadium Uni vcrsity of Toronto Blues vs Uni versit y of Gue lph Gry phons

630 pm Alumni Din ner Dancc Creelshyman Hall Further detail s co nt act Alumni Office (519) 824-4 l20 Ext 2122 or 87 40

800 pm Post-Game Pub Dance De shypartment of Athl etics gymnas ium 0

CODling Events Sep1216 Aggie Week

17 UGAA Wine Symposium Niagara Peninsula

25 28

Sep 30 Oct 1

Oct 1


Nov 11middot20


Dec 5-8

OAC Alumni Association Golf Tournament

InternationaJ Plowing Match Teviotdale


HAFA Alumni Association Annual Meeting

HK Alumni Association Annual Meeting

MacmiddotFACS Alumni Association Caree rs Night

Royal Agricultural Winter Fair Toronto

OAC Alumni Reception Royal Room CoUseum RAWF Toronto

Night At The Royal Sponsored by the UGAA Toronto chapter

American Association of Equine Practitioners Annual Convention Las Ve gas Nevada USA



The Ontario Veterinary College Alumni Association

EditorALUMNI Dr Cliff Barker 41


Faculty Award for Dr Bob Curtis Dr Bob CUrlis 6 Clinical SllIdies OVe recelllly received a UniversilY of Guelph

FlIcully Associalion Professional Tea ching Award in recognition of his great influence on professional lraining The cira lion in parr sraled He has repeatedlv beuroen honouredfor

his conlriburiOIl 10 educalion He is a respecled elerinarian who is universally retIed us

one of lhe beslleachers Ihis univlrsiry has eper had LeIr 10 righl Dr Russ Willoughbv

57 Dr Wayne Pfeiffer vice-chairman Faculty aSSOCi((lion Dr Bob Curlis 6 and

Dr Mike Wilson chairman Clinical SlUdies 0

For Design Dr Jim 01fa50n 68 owner of the South Su rrey Veterinary Hospital 3221 shy140th S1 Surrey BC received the 19 82 Special Aw ard for Architectu ral Exce llence at the annual merican Animal Hospital Association convention in San Antonio Texa on March 14 1983 The award was prese nted by Velerinary Eco nomi cs Mag(l~ ine a leading business magazi ne for the veterinary profession

T he award was give n in rccognition of the timc and expense Dr O lafsun investcd to design a hosp ital that would enhance its natur al s ur round ings South Su rrey Veterinary Hospital is loca ted in a res idenshyt ia l area and the colors a nd tex tures of the buil ding s ex terior lesse n the impact o f a commerci a l property in the area

The hospital is energy-efficient and includes large winduws and nume rous skyshyli ghts in its design plan Other features incl ude covered walkways a covered parkshying area a nd covered entrances The overall effect minim izes the enclosed fe lin g usushy

ally associatcd with a subterranean struc shytu re and the atte ntion to aesthetic detail produces a truly stunning hospital Con shygratulations Jim 0

Dr doe dohnson T he late Dr Joseph E Johnson 19 ( I R91-1960) who practised for many years in Waterloo was recognized for hi s services to ag riculture in O ntar io when his port rait was hung in the O ntario Agricu ltura l Ha ll of Fame at the O ntario Agricultural Museum Milton His nomination was prese nted by the Ontario Association of Ani mal Breedshyers T he citation presented states

Dr Joseph Edward Joe Johnson a native of Stra throy as a pioneer in the practice of artificial insemination (AI ) in Ontario In 1942 when the Waterloo Cou nty Holste in- Friesian Associ ation made

their fi rst attemp t it was Dr Joe who collected the se men and inse mina ted the cows

For fl ve years he took ti me out o f an already very busy practice to make the new idea work Several younger veterinarians

who workcd with him were later to be in charge of AI units across Ontario

He gradu ated from the O ntario Veterinary College in 1919 and after working in Fergus and Acton set up practice in Waterloo where he worked with the noted Seagram Sta bles

He pioneered the multi-staff clinic approach having as many as four students and grad uates work ing w ith him Because o f th is internship approach Dr Johnson probably had a greater influence o n the practice of large animal vete rinary medicine than any other practicing vete rinarian of his day

The ultimate uccess of the AI sys shytem is due in large part to the work o f this ve terinari an who through trial and error persevered with the technique in its ear ly years 0


One Millionth A third-year O VC student Paul Dick of Gcoroetown recently became the one mi lshylio nth person to pass through the turnstiles o f the O VC Division of the Uni versity Library since the tu rn sti les were installed eight years ago He was gree ted by libshyran ans and fac ulty applause and handshyshakes t1 a~ h i ng camera strobe lights conshygratulations and the pre sentation o f a book Clillical E raminal ion of Ca ll ie

The VC library also serves students from other Colleges Co mprising more tha n 30000 volu mes it e mbraces far more than the veterinary sc iences 0

In a briefcert monv a llellded bv David Hull head Sc ience and Velerinary Science Diision

oj Ihe Library eli and Dean Douglas 1aplesden 50 righl Associa ( Libraria ll John

Black presen l a book 10 one millionlh isilor Paul Dick rig ill cenlre

It Was Bound to Happen Delta chapter of O mega Tau Sigma Fratern ity residence has become co-educational with the admi ssion of 18 women students during 1982-83 em sters For se veral years OVC s women stu dents have been seeking fra ternity membership they fi nally made it in 1982

Galhered onlhei-olll sleps oflh e avc main

Imiiding are 14 of Ih e 18 women slwlel1ls

who resided in Ihe fral house Ihi I r ea r

FrOt1 row I(i llo righ l lennifer Rice

Ion [ Lee Ma rv MOllleilh M iddle ro w

Robill Roscol Kale Flanigan Lisa Tavlor Debbie Blech Lesli e Hu ngall Back row

l ana Kl llOn Carol Phillips l ennifer

TrollghlO n lulv Keenliside Healher Ross

Michele Durnall MissinRfrom Ihe piClure

are Brenda FOSler Chris Barrl es

Keily-LeiRh Thomas and Laura Hunl 0

Letters to the Editor Or Bert Ca rswell 7 1 of Brooks Alt a has repli ed to o ur request for informatio n on the watch fob letters F L T (O VCAA Alumni Bulletin March 19H3 Special Supmiddot pl ement) by sugges ting these stand for Friendship Lo ve and Truth the motto of the Indepcndent Order of Odd fell ows Are the re further op i nions~

Dr Alexander Bruyns 32 Sequin Was hington S A has se nt us informashytion on the Royal Canadian Army Veterishynary Corp (O VCA Alumni Bulletin

March 1983 S pec ial Supple ment) He was a ve te ri na ry offi ce r with the Gove rn o r Gcnerals Horse Guards in Toronto o n joini ng the RCAVC in 1938 and me ntioned the late Dr A R Yo unie 14 who served

with the RCAVC in World War One Further inform ation re RCAVC officers would be apprec iated

Dr Donald MacDonald 54 o f Edmo nshyton Ita also replied to our RCAVC inquiry with informatio n on the Corps badges He is a collector of militaria especi ally militar y cap badges o f which he has a collection of over 1600 He states cap badges of the RC VC are as scarce as he n s tee th

The O VC museum has o btained cap and uni form badges from Dr G A Rose IS la t address Picton and Dr W A Robenson 16 Tsawwassen BC eachof whom served as veterinary officers during World War O ne 0

In Memoriam Dr Owen Hinton 25 died on January 22 1983 in Florida Las t add ress Rt 4 Box 139 Jasper Florida US A 32052

Dr Vernon jensen 33 died on Dcshyce mber II 19 R2 Las t address 2485 Lon-din Lane St Paul in nesota US A

Dr Edward Burke 35 died on Ja nuary 21 1983 Las t addr ss P OBox 326 So uthport Conn US A 06490

Dr jack Warren 39 Date of death no t reported Last addre ss RR 3 W heatl y Ontario OP 2PO

Dr Wilfred Sherwin 40 died o n 0 tobc r 6 1982 Last address 432 W Washi ngton Street ampa Idaho S A83651

D r j ames Watt 49 died in August 1982 Las t address 790 Ho rtop Avenue Osha wa Ontario LlG 4N8

Or Peggy Godkin 55 died o n Decem ber 5 1982 Last address Inni sfai l Alt a 0

PEl Gets It T he Toro nto Glohe ald Mail of Fe bruary 19 1983 carried the follow ing announce shyment Charl otte town (CP) - Agric ultu re Minister Eugene W he lan announced today that $500000 has bee n appropri ated to

begin architectural pl ans fo r I $26-mi ll ion veterinary college here He sa id at a new confe rence the federal Go vern me nt w ill put up half the co nstruc tion cos t if the three Marit ime p rov inces s ha re t he o ther $ 13-lTI illi on out lay 0


The College of Social Science Alumni Association

PEGAS-US Editor Dorothy Barnes 78

stori ng The Log Farm a farmhouse dating back to the late 1800s Michelle says Michelle and Mustech thi s was a terrific expcrience and the best

N omad pioneer student administrator curator You mi ght ask what these words ha ve in common and the answer you would receive would be that they all aptly describe Miche lle McMillan 77

Mi chelle graduated with a degree in SociologyAnthropology At the same time she graduated from Algonquin Community Collegt with a correspondence course dipshyloma in what she terms M ustec h - Muse um Technology majoring In Exshyhibit esign

Currently assistant director at the Guelph Ci vic Muse um she has held thi s position since the spring of 1979 Her responsibilities include those of regis trar (mai nta ining dltaikd [i Ii ng systems) for the con serva tion of artifacts and ex hibit work She is co-ordinator of some 40 vo lunteers who are in volved in all facets of museum work (to become a muse um vo lunteer all one has to do is call Michelle and arrange for an interview )

When interviewing Michclk it was obvious she has a love for her work that she will pass on to oth~rs possibly some of the young children attending the education programs she supervi ses at the Guelph Civic Museum

Her mothers parents were homeshysteaders and she was brouoht up on stories about pioneering Her interest in pioneering and the Indian way of life was fo stered by a mothe r who had Indian friends and who would often visit these friends experiencshying their way of life even to sleeping quite often in a tepee

Thi s and the fac t that her family moved around a lo t from west to east influenced Michelles deep and lasting love of the past although with a lau gh she says Now I am of the opinion that my mother had a tendency to present a romantic version of the whole situation - espec ially to me as a young child It certainly influenced my interest in studying Anthropol ogy

Michelles ed ucation and working exshyperiences have bee n very infl uential in nurturing her love of the past She started

out at the University of Western On tario but left for perso nal reasons She worked for a ye ar and while working beca me apprenshyticed as a pattern drafter

ichelle mo ved to Ottawa after she had worked the year and regi stereu at Carl eto n Universi ty in Anthropology She studied this for one year and then became aware of a program offered at Algonquin Communit y College on the subject Mu seum Tech nolo gy

Her placement s in work situation while at Algonquin included a summer helping four yo un g me n on a project at the town of Bells Corners ne ar Ottawa re-

job she ever had There was no electr icity so eve rything

was done by hand Her group res tored doors gable-ends flo ors ceilings rtshypointed stone found at ions and raised the building on hydra uli c jacks The y also gl Lt~d windows re searched the huildin g and organized the veget ab le garden

Othelmiddot experiences have included work at thc Na tio nal Museum of Man thc McM ichae l Canadi an Collcction in Klcin shyburg the Wellington County Muse um and the S imcoe County Museum She has al so been a volunteer teacher at the Plains jndian Iroquois and Inuit Ga lleri es of the National M use um of Man

It was Guelphs gain when Miche lle found he rsel f pulled bac k to stud ying in order to co mplete her degree

Michelle is now well established in her position at the Guelph Civic Muscum and dt las t feels she ha s put dow n roots in a c ity she has an alleg iance to one she loves and fee ls more co mfortable in than any other She is involved in trying to build up a research library on local history and artifacts

When asked for pearl s of wisdom fo r new graduates Michelle volunteered that pcople need practical ex perience along with formal learning to balance their percept ion of a ro lc How apropos 0

Th e Cullege uf So cial Science Alumlli Associatioll ill-course scholarships ere Jreserl(d

rnelltlmiddot to lei Junine Crallt Ceog uJJnmiddot olld Virginia Suth erland Psrchologv Attending

tht un lIlOnr wert right Pro(essor Juliu s fugl Department oCeogrupilr and Pr(essor

Mike M(lIh f II~ Iei chuirmun DeJurtlllen t 0 PI cilologr Th e scilolorshiJI 01 $200

each oreul1ded in purt hr all (11 1(( gru llti-om til ( Alma Mawr Fu nd


Lan e Smit h 78 is a so ftware spec ialist Barbara (Cherry) Wilson 80 is pres shyGrad News with Software Ke netics in epean ently res iding at 45 Emily Street Grimsby

Ron Beveridge 67 is an e lementary special counselor with School District 88 Terrace B C

C R ichard Buc k 70 practices law WIth the firm of Weyli e Shortt Buck Hanshybridge Reidl Casselli and Mitchell in Waterloo

Lee D Wetherall 75 is an exec utive ass istant with AIcan in Kingston

Stewart McCann 76 is a lec turer with the University of Alberta Edmonton

Peter J Stanczyk 76 is living at 9940 Fa irmount Drive S E Apartment A-4

C algary Alta Since concluding his studies at Guelph Peter attended the social work course at Wilfrid Laurier University Watershyloo and received a Master o f Soc ial Work

degree in 1982 Peter is now married and he and his

bride We ndy are established as socia l workers with Alberta Social c rvices and Comm unity Health in Calgary We wish Peter and Wend y much happiness in their new partnership success in their choscn fi e ld and contentment in the ir Ii vc s together

Ted Boniface 77 is now n eative direc tor for Ce ntra l Al berta Broadcasting (CKRDshy

T V CKRD-AM and C FCR-FM) in Red Deer Ted has bee n awarded four c itations by the Radi o Bureau of C anada and was nominated for an Aetra Award as producer of the hes t radio program of1979 O ld news we reali ze but how are we going to know o therwise unless you let us know Thanks

Ted for updating us on your activities

Gurnam Singh 77 is an MC A student at the niversity of Ottawa

Roderick Hodgson 78 is back in his home town of H udson Que Rod is emshyployed by the Town of H udson Publi c

Works Departme nt he al so serves on the Town Planning C ommittee and is activel y involved with the volunteer fire department

Perr y Wilson 78 is liv ing in Spirit River Alta Since graduating from G uelph Perry

has obtained a masters degree in Anthropolshyogy from McG ill University and is princ ishypal of Ste Marie Elementary School in Spirit River

John Boyle 78 is presently living at RR 2 Brampton

Karen Russell 78 is a teacher with the Dufferin County Board of Education at Parkinson Centennial School Orangeville

Vicky Su therland 78 is an air traffi c

controller with the Mini stry of Transport Calgary Alta

Susan W alkowiak 78 is a real estate agent with the Safeguard Real Es tate Comshy

pan y Toronto

Craig Willms 78 is an assistant manager with the Toronto-Dominion Bank Watershy


Gordon Cominey 79 is a priest with the Holy Trinity Anglican Church in Edmonshy

ton Alta

Carol (Fogarty) Knox 79 is presentl y residi ng at R R 5 Woodstoc k

Susan Laushway 79 is a probation office r with the Solic itor G eneral of Alshybe rta in Edmonton

Richard E Larente 79 is production manager at Mac Mil lan Bloedel Ville

Mont-Ro yal Q ue

Bryce Andrews 80 has dec ided to conshytinul his education at the n i ve r~ ity of

Weste rn Ontario He is working on an M BA

Dianne M Grenier 80 is in her third year of Common Law at the University of Ottawa

Shauneen (McKague ) Bruder 80 is an MBA student at Queens University Kingston

Michele Forrester 80 is a comm unicashytions clerk w ith the Ontario Yo uth Employment Program Queens Park To shy


Peter Madott 80 is an ass istant product manager with S c Johnson an d So n Ltd


Elizabeth (Ferguson ) latos 80 is a volunteer co-ordinator with B ig Bro thersBig Sisters of Carleton County


Jane Stevens 80 is a teac her w ith the

York Board of Education in Aurora

Loretto (MacDonald) Sullivan 80 is an administrative assistant with Kert Advertis shying Toronto

Sylvia (Bossaer) Willms 80 is a Food

Services supervisor at the UI1Iversity of Guelph

Jane (Stevens) Tremblay 80 is a teacher with the York Board of Education Aurora Jane is married to David U of N Dakota

grad of 79

Lee Anne Burton 80 is a teacher with the Dufferin Peel R C SS Board Mi ss isshy


Maureen S inclair-Barnes 80 is an urban planner with the City of Brantford Husband

is Bruce Barnes 82

Su~ Jones 80 is continuing her education at the Univers ity of Alberta She lives at

11441-132 St 405 Edmonton Alta T M IG2 Bro ther-in-law John Sch neider CBS 73 graduated in Marine


Nicholas Boyadjian 81 is a special events co-ordinator with Unive rsity Ce ntre

Administration Uni ve rsity of Guelph

Debra (Philputt ) Gibson 81 is a te acher

w ith Pee l C ount y Board of Education in

Miss issa uga

Jim Gibson 81 is a branch representati ve o ffi cer with the Ca nadian Imperial Ra nk of

CommCfce Toron to

Linda Helin 81 is presen tly res iding in

C utler on the North C hannel of Lake Huron

Patti La France 81 is a teacher residing at 66-50 Fiddl ers Green Road London

Elizabeth (Crighton) Madge 81 is now married and re siding in Lethbridge Alta

Kathleen Martin 81 is a market research analys t w ith As tra Pharmaceutical s Miss i shy


Edward Leong 82 is administration

manager for the J J Tour Se rvi ce at the Jal an M aju Taman Jade Ce ntre Miri Branch Sara wak East Malaysia

Debbie (Ling) Therrien 82 is employed as cashiersale sperson for Gameway s Ark

Ltd Toro nto

Chin Lan (Kat ) Choi 82 is an executive shyofficer with the ational Produc tivity Board in Singapore Since graduating C hin Lan has married C hoi Chee Keong C PS 82 Much happiness and success to you both

John C Close 82 is a teac her with World University Services of Canada in Zimbabshywe Africa John is married to Mary M A Psych 8 1 WLU 0


The College of Biological Science Alumni Associatio~_~

BIO-ALUMNI NEWS Editor Dr John Powell

Executive CBS Alumni Association HONORARY PRES ID ENT Professor Bruce Sells Dean


Dr George Dixon Ph D 80 Zoology

PAST PRESIDENT Marie (Boissonneault) Rush BSc 80 Marine Biology

VICE PRESIDENT Chris Wren BSc 77 Marine Biology

SECRETARY-TREASURER Cam Portt BSc 77 MSc 80 Zoology

DIRECTORS David Airdrie BSc 82 Microbiology Krista Soper BSc 79 Marine Biology Lorrie Cosens BSc 79 Marine Biology Eric Cosens BSc 80 General Biology Keith Harris B Se 76 Marine Biology

EX-OFFICIO DIRECTORS Marie (Boisonneault) Rush BSe 80 Marine Biology Shawn Taylor BSc 83 Aquatic Biology Past President CBSSC Brian Wisenden President CBSSC

FACULTY ADVISORS to be chosen one from each DepartmentSchool

UGAA REPRESENTATIVE S Jan Watshyson BSc 75 Zoology Lorrie (Rolston) Cosens BSc 79 Marine Biology Rob Miln B Sc 81 Marine Biology

EDITOR BlO-ALUMNI NEWS Professhysor John Powell Human Biology 0

Please help us to help you When corresponding or upshydating information or address do tell us not only your year of graduation but your discipline

Where Are They Now The following 20 names were entered on the College of Biological Science Honour Roll for years 1976 and 1977 We w ish to know how your career has progressed and

FALL 1976

Brenda Henry (Marine Biology) and Winter 77

janis Kay 78 (Genetics) and Winter 77

Laurence McClure OVC 81 (Unshyspecialized and Winter 77

Linda (Nelson) Sinclair 78 (Human Kinetics) and Spring 77


Sherry (Bondorenko) Miller 77 (Hushyman Kinetics)

jellrey Chernoff 77 (Unspecialized)

Wendy Harris 77 (Major in Biology)

C harlene Kopansky 77 (Human Kineshytics)

Peter MacDonald (Human Kinetics) and Winter 78

Blain Mollatt (Microbiology)

Darjo Romani 78 (Major in Biology) also Fall 77 and Winter 78

Barry Rosen~rg 77 (Unspecialized)

Cheryl Rowe 77 (Human Kinetics)

FALL 1977

Gregory Casey 79 (Microbiology) also Fall 78 and Winter 79

William Crins 78 (Botany)

jill Cross OVC 82 (Unspecialized)

what you are doing currently Do you have intere s ting episodes to relate in the BIO-ALUMNI NEWS Please lets hear from you

David C a mpbell 78 (Major in Biology)

Richard Proctor 80 (Ecology)

Carolyn Robertson (U nspecialized)

joanne (Ryder) G unby 79 (Genetics) and Winter 79 0

Grad Bash 1983

Organized jointly by the CBS Alumni Association and the CBS Students Council in April more than 280 students alumni current and former staff and faculty sat down for dinner prior to presentations being made to our dean

Contributions came from members of the College and a bird sculpture fashioned by Uta Strelive Zoology was the first of many gifts

Next came a memory book containing many letters photographs clippings and a variety of incidents all pieced together by Association president Marie (Boissonshyneault) Rush 80

Betty Roff gave the dean a special book of clippings collected by herself Two framed portraits of Professor Ronald one already hung in the main office of McNally house the other for the Ronald family completed the tributes

Altogether this gathering was a fitting acknowledgement of a great man who has done great things for us all 0


Scholarships In the Names of

Ronald and PoweU The CBS Alumni Association is pleased to announce the introduction of a scholarship for graduate students in the name of Proshy

fessor Keith Ronald Professor Rona ld as of July I had served for 12 years as the first dean of the CBS and the awarding of a

sc holarship in his name is a fitting tribute to

all he has done fo r the College the Univershys ity and the CBS Alumni Assoc iation

The Hum an Kine tics Alu mni Assoc iashy

tion anno unced its intention to name an undergraduate scholarship in the School of Human Biology in the name of Dr John T Powell as he retires from the Unive rsity in 1984

Do nations to eithe r or both of these

sc holarship funds shou ld be sent direc tl y to the Department of Alumni Affairs and Development-clearly ind icati ng to which sc ho la rs hip your donation is to be alloca ted - or when contributing to the Alma M ater F und noting that your monie s

be channeled to the sc holars hip of yo ur choice 0

Grad News Biological S cience

Lesley (Wilson) Barton 73 and Bruce 70 MSc 74 live in Keremeos B C R R No I VOX JNO will find them

E thel Anita Hamilton 79 and hu sband

Wayne Barcha r d 76 MSc 79 live in Hali fax NS where Ethel is a habitat proshy

tec tion technician with fishe ries and Oceans while Wayne is head Office Assessment Scction Environment Canada 3rd Floor 45 Alderney Drive Dartmouth N S

Marilynne (Wise) McCausland 77 is a research microbiolog ist with Molson Bre wshyeries of Canada Ltd and may be reached at 1555 No tre Dame East Montrea l Que H2L 2R5

Michael W Tate 79 write s mos t kindly thanking us for kee ping people in touch through th is column He is a teac her at Mo rnings tar Secondary School in Mi ss isshysauga

Natalie Mary Olynyk 79 may be reached at 3 120 Duffer in Street in T oronto where she is re staurant manager for Olyn yk Foods Ltd

Marine Biology

Gl en A Packman 74 and Sharon (Noda ) Arts 72 li ve at 21 Albion Road Hali fax S B3P IP8 Glen is a senior

biologist with En vironment Canada

Jo l1n Plumb 76 and M arianne (Conshynoly ) 77 may be reached at 37 Coldstrea m Road Box 303 Munster Ont KOA 3PO John works as an indu strial engineer with

the Mitel Corporation - Kan ata

Human Kinetics and Human Biology

Joy (Reid) Tomes 70 is a team coshyordinator with the Workman s Co mpensashytion Board- 2 Bloor St East Toronto Ont oM7W IA2

Terry Obi Oblinski 71 holds the pos it io n of supervisor with the 3M Comshypa ny at 2 Craig Street Pe rt h Onto K7 H 3C5

Robert T a p Fawcett 72 teac hes at the W 1 Fenton Secondary Schoo l R R 0 10 in Brampton Ont L6V 3 2

Marie-Andree (Pi lon) Poulin now teache h igh school in Montreal write her at 76 Lesage Repent igny Que J3A 5Y5

Dr Tom Elmslic 74 M-Sc 77 is a g lutton for punishment as he isjust complet ing another MSc this time in Epidemi o lshyogy at McM as ter University preparatory to his return to Ottawa

Glen Paterson 78 of 16 Da lto n A ve nue T hunder Bay On t P7B 4E9 is ea rl y chi ldhood educato r with the Confederation o f Applied Art s and Technology B ro ther Larry R Paterson g radu ated with a BLA in 69

Eric bullbull Art Arthurs 80 is s till at 12272 shy110 Avenue Edmonton Alta T5M 2L3 He work s for Consolidated Concrete Limshyi ted as a dragl i ne opera tor

Henry Fox 81 lives at 1520 Verdi La Salle Que H8l I K4

Christine (Krumbacher) F()se 81 may be reached at Box 252 2 Banff Alta TOL OCO

Ch rist ine (Novakuske) Lavallee MSc 81 is a stude nt again stud ying French and living at 0428A Larose A ve nue Mo nt real Que H2B 2Z2

Ginger (Thompson) Elmore 81 seeks work in the geriatric field Are you able to help Write he r please at 107 Ontario Avenue Komoka Onto NOL IRO

Don Doc Wilson 81 is physica l direc tor at the Waterloo Family YMCA Lincol n Road Waterloo Ont N2J 2N8

Jan McMullan 82 ne wly wedded to Mark Newcombe MSc 83 is presently ass istant manager - Ri ordan s Sport S 183 Silvercreek Parkway in Guelph She tells us of four co usins who have g raduated fro m Guelph - Brenda (Bu lton) Dagg CSS 72 Bryce Dagg 72 Donald Sifton 70 and Bonnie (Sifto n) W alsh C SS 72

Fisheries and Wildlife

Lorna l Depuydt 77 is a price specia li st with Massey-Fe rg uso n Her adshydress is 3941 Whispering Wa No 6 Grand Rapids Mich USA 49506

Steven Kerr 77 works as di s trict biologist for the Mi nistry of Natu ra l Reshysources - 611 Ninth Avenue Eas t O wen Sound Ont NOH IS O

Richa rd P Bekolay 77 MSc 80 R R N o ) Carp Ont KOA ILO is a program analyst with Digital Equipment Corporation at Kanata

Marie Legrow 80 is once aga in a s tudent at Gue lp h li ving in Guelph at [02 Queen St reet North IE 4S I


Ann (Stewart) Gray 79 and husband Dr eil Gray 76 li ve at 40) - 251 Platts Lanc in London Ont N6 H 4P4 Ann is a re search assistant at the Universi ty of We stshyern Ontari o

Robe- W Marks 81 is a production trainee with Labatt Brewin g Comp any in Kitchene r


Dr Rob J Van Exan 74 MSc 76 PhD79 ho lds the position of manager Cell Culture Produc tion with Connaught Laboratories 1755 Steeles Avenue West Will owdale Ont M2R 3T4

Chuck Yipchuk 78 wo rks in Quebec 87 Senneville Road Sennev ille a s c oshyordinator of da ta at Bi o- Re search Laboratori es

Dr Harr y Nixon Chabwela W eza MSc 79 P h D 82 may be contacted at loni Katandika Vtllage Chief Kakumbi P O Box 154 Chipata Za mbia where he is a bio log ist wi th National Parks

Douglas Stendahl MSc 79 is with the -federal government s Minist ry o f Indian Affairs and Northe rn De velopment- P O Box 1500 Yukon N W T He is water quality officer


Rick Proctor 80 is a consultant with I P Sharp Associates 2 First Canadian Place Toronto Ont M5X IE3 0


The Ontario Agricultural College Alumni Association

ALUMNI NEWS EdJtor Dr Harvey W Caldwell 51

Financial Management Related to Agriculture One of the main sessions at the OAC Agricu ltural Conference 83 dealt wit h financial management as it relates to agricu lture Robert Sanderson who is with the Ontario Farm Adjustment Asshysistance Program was a main speaker and presented the following paper

Ten years ago most farmers were smilingshyagr icu lt ure see med to have finally gained its reward Worl d short age s of food provided ampl e markets and steadily rising prices lor prac tica lly all crops

Thi s idea li s ti c situation continued for a co uple of years until the granaries of the wo rl d were refi li ed De mand then norshyma li zed and pri ces for most agricultural prod ucts hega n to dec line In spite of price dec lines and li mited markets co nsiderable optimi sm conti nued to be fe lt o n the farm sce ne thro ughout mos t of the 1970s

Late in that peri od infl a ti on reall y ca ught fi re rai sing inpu t cos ts for supplie s and labour The ri se in land pri ces exceeded the most optimis tic es timates during this sa me time

In an a tte mpt to s te m thi s ra mpant infla tio n interes t rates increased almost threefo ld beg inning In 1979 and the world hega n it s slide into recession Farml and prices ceased to r ise in 198 1 and are now crumbli ng wi th uncer tain ty and lac k o f demand

We have no doub ts abo ut th e successshyful future o f ag ri cult ure hcre in Ontari o but today for many farmers adj ugtt me nts are necessa ry to remain so lve nt and for too many oth ers bo th adj ustme nts and so me ass iq an ce are necessary for their prese nt and future surviva l

There are some who are beyo nd he lp and farm bankru ptcies are at their highest leve l since the grea t Depression o f the 1930s These cond it io ns brought about the crea tio n of the On tari o Farm AdJustmcn t Ass istance Program (OFA AP) T hi s proshygram during 1 9~2 has bee n assisting eli g ible farmers who needed he lp

The re are two prime reaso ns fo r


fin anci al woes cited by appl ican ts - high interes t rates and lower farm incomes On the other hand the prime reaso n fo r ~ome

farmen probl ems e ited by lenders is ove r-e xpansion We be li eve both views are va lid and unques ti onabl y are respo ns ible for the prese nt ago ny and unres t on 100

many Ontario farms Le nde rs cite seve ral o the r importa nt

reaSl)l1S whic h also bea r o n the prob le m The borrowers oft e n refe r to them too but usuall y wit h di fferen t emphasis ThcY em shyphas ize the c lt treme instability of fa rm income the se rious lac k of pro per pl an ning bu dge ting accmatc farm record and fin all y the practice of making unprodu ctive investmcnts

Because of the qualifying criteria asshysociated ith an application for as s istan ce from OfAAP one must keep in mind that our observations are limited to about 10 per ce nt of Ontario farm operatlolls That 10 per ce nt is cl ose to the bottom of the gro up on the bas is o f financial sec urity OFA AP assista nce is limited to those produc ing Iood and tobacco Therefore data regard in g proshyducers of fl owers nursery stock race shyhorscs etc ha ( no t come he fore us and the financ ial ituati ons ltlr not inc luded in any of o ur informati o n

Applica ti ons have been appro ved for farmers operating all across the pro vince

Of the to tal approved about 20 per ce nt were in swine prod uctio n abou t 15 per ce nt were in eac h of cash crop prod uction da iry producti on and beef prod uct ion 4 per cen t were in fruit and vege ta ble prod uctio n 3 pel cent were tobacco fa rmers and the Ies t co mbinations of the above Those farm ers producing etgs and poultry were fe w

I n a review of appli ca tio ns for OFAAP ass istance several COl1ll1lo n sce nari os co nshytin ue to ap pear on a so me what re petiti ve has is and are ca tegorized as fo ll ows

1 Young or Beginning Farmers

Th ose under 35 years o f age wen res pons ishybl e for nearl y ha lf o f a ll the app li cati ons In thi s gro up are many who have Just begun fa rm ing Mo~ t of these arc victims of inopport un e tim ing hav in g acq uired land buildings and equ ipme nt be twee n 1979 and 19R2 For the m the combinati on o f lower th an ex pee ted prices of farm produc ts and the extre me inc reases in the ir fi na nc ing charges due to hi gh interes t rates_ have becn dlvas tatin g This is partic ul arl y true where Illos t assets were fi nanced the bcg inshyning equit y be in g Illodes t

2 The Aggres sive Expansionist

Many farmers who did well farming on a

modlst basis in the mid-70s dec ided that s ince o ne farm was pro fitabl e two wo uld be bette r three be tter than two Aggress ive

expan sion mos tl y on c redit du ring this i ntl a tio nary pe riod produced many paper millionaires in the farm co mmunity by the late 70s The elation fo r some of these

fa rmers d id not lasl far into the 80s T hose with 100 much bo rro wed cap ital

found that the ir farm income c ul d not

support the debt load So me of these

atlcmpted fu rthe r borro wing in an e ffort to mai nta in their ho l ding ~ and fo und ou t like o thers before them th at it is imposs ible to

borro w your way out of debt O thers so ld or tried to sell some o f the ir land o r eq uipment in an effort to re ti re at leasl o me of the ir cri ppling de bt and there by salvage at

least a part o f the ir operation

One rather sad varia tio n o f this las t s itua tion occ urs occ as io na lly whe re a

farmer who has had a succes~ fu l and so lvent opera tion decide to ex pand to a llow a son

o r so n- in-law into the bus in ss because of a des ire on the part of the young per on to

farm or occasionally because he is no t employed The expansion in Jand and eljuipment particularly if it occu rred in the

last three years and if it were do ne mainl y o n credit with a mortgage taken on his once so lvent operation has robbed the farmer of

his security and his peace of mind Furthershy

mo re in some of these s ituations the disappointed newcomer in the bus iness moved on leaving dear o ld dad to make the best of it

3 The Equipment Enthusiast

Another scenario concerns the man who is o bsessed with the need to ac quire equipshyment or to make add ition s and improveshy

ments to a lready adequate buildings To pay

for it out of the revolvi ng operating loan or to finance it in other ways withou t first having established that it will pay for itself will inevitably c reate financial problem s

Whe re there has been a general disregard for thi s kind of purchas ing the end resu lt has usually been disas trous

4 Natural Disasters

We regularly see the result s of natural

disas ters - floods windstorms hail frost disease and fires All of the se misfortunes can be c rippling to any operation but when adequate insurance coverage is not carried or if one of these di sasters occur whe n a farmers equity is low or when hi s princi pal and interest charges consume much o f his income it can be disastrous to his economic

pos ition

5 Family Unity

From OFAAP applicatio ns it is noted that some farmers who experience a marriage break- up seem to have diffi culty maintainshy

ing fi nanc ial solvency W hen asse ts are

di vided and whe n atte nt ion to management

is di e r ted hccause o f family pro blems the farm operation is often morta ll y wounded

Farmers and farm op ratnr are much more vulnerable in this si tua tio n because thei r

wives arc o ften much more invol ved in the e lllerprise than in non- farm situations

6 Offmiddot Farm Income

Appl ications incl ude a great nu mher of

insta nces in which if it were not fo r 0 ffmiddot fa rm income o f either the farmer or his wife or

occas io na lly both the ir farm o peratio n wo uld be tota lly un viable and unab le to continue to fu nc tion It is well the n fo r

those in th se c ircumstances to r cogniu tha t if the off-farnl inco me should e nd it wo uld also mea n the te rmination of the

farming operatio n

7 Enterprise Changes

A review 0 f appli ca tions indicates that some

farmers are hoping to comple tely change

thei r c rop or li ves toc k programs attemptin g perhaps to outguess the marke t and to

improve their financial return s Sometimes the expectation in vo lved in the dec is ion is

correct but so o ften when the costs inshyvol ved in the c hange are considered little

has been gai ned and where the deci s ion to change was unwi se co nsiderable loss is

usually the result The ot her extreme to this

situation is rigidity to the poi nt of makin g no changes at all

8 Manage ment

The management ability of any applicant

farmer is difficult to assess Most applicants are not known and there is no opportunity to assess the actual farm operation Ho wever

experience with OFAA P emph asizes that good financial management is c ritical to the

success of any farm operation Here is a li s t of definite Do and

Do nts that should be much in the minds of farmers operating in the present financial climate All of these suggestions re tlect the ex periences we have had working with

appli ca tions for O FAA P

The Definite Dos

Do base an operation on an informed farm

plan keep ing and using good record~ and approved acco unting proced ures Do work c losely wi th the credit source shy

usually the banker Plan and work within

approved revo lving ope rating loan limits Make regular cred it payments when due and when unable to make p ro per arrange shy

ments ahead of time w ith your c reditor or credito rs Do make necessary adju stme nts in land and equipm e nt befo re u nder tak ing further borrow in g Do shop around for cred it and i nve~ tig ate

ava il ah le programs to cu t credit cos ts Do pay off on loans when surplus cas h is

ava il able It won t be any fun but it w ill

he lp to re tain sol vency Do try to ma intai n stability in your far m o peration and kee p the peace a t h IllC

Do seek the professi o nal adv ice of you r ag ric ultu ra l represe ntative anJ Ir indwtry fiel d per~on ne I

The Definite Donts

Dont borrow for capita l items unless they

are abso lu te I y necessary Dont make capi ta l purchases with funds

frolll your revo lvi ng opera ting account w ithout co nsul ta tion and agreeme nt with

the bank manager Dont expand any operation without sound

pl ann ing Dont plunge and make rapid changes in

the ope rati ng patte rn without so und consultation 0

Partners For 70 Years

Arthur Cowie 09 now 95 and his wife Nina now 92 were married March 19 1913 near Nel son B C They li ved in

HC for three years then returned to Caledo nia where Arthur worked for the A

Jone s bakery He returned to the 200-acre farm homestead in 1922 when his father

was kill ed in a farm accident Arthur se rved in the 19305 and early

19405 as co uncillor and also served as

a Ju s tice of the Peace for the farm communit y

Nina Co wie whose g reat lo ve was

dancing has onl y one regre t and that is tha t she could never get her hu sband o nto the -dance floor The Scotti ~ h dances Hig hlan d

tlin gs and Scotti sh reels made hi s head spin He played the record s and watched

from the sidelines while ina did the danc ing

They have no secrets tor a long happ y marriage excep t working at it Theyve

done Jus t tha t for 70 years Bes t wishes to them both 0


OACGrads on Faculty at Nova Scotia Ag College

Lauranne Sanderson M Sc 81 is with the Humanities Department She specialized in Animal Science in her undershygraduate years but added to that a master program in Agricultural Economics Lauranne has lived on a mi xed lives t()c k and cash crop farm in southern O ntario At the No va Scotia Agricultural College (NSAC) she is teaching Tec hnical W riting but is specializing in the area of Com munications and Agricultural Extension

Barbara (Otrysko) Mulkewytch 78 MSc 81 is with the Plant Science Deshypartment Prior to her appointment at NSAC she was employed as a potato crops specialist with the New Brunswick Departshyment of Agriculture Her teaching and research will include projects on potato and crop protect ion

Yes Surry MSc 81 is with the Economics and Busi ness De partment Yves was born in Pamiers France has an M A fro m the nivers ity of Pari s and is in the process of completing his Ph D from Guelph Yves has a strong interes t in teachshying and his research interests hould be a welcome addition to the reg ion He is pre sent ly teaching courses in Micro and Macro Economic Theory

Laurie (Gaunt) Connor 73 is w ith the Department of Animal Science She earned MSc and Ph D degrees specia li zi ng in reproduct ion phys iology from the nivershysity o f Manitoba Prior to joining NSAC she was a NSERC Vi iting Fellow at the Animal Research Centre in Ottawa Her teaching and research work is mainly in the re producti ve physiology field

Also at NSAC are Sheree Porter CSS 79 and Myrna (Porter) Blenkhorn 76 John Shug 37A and 40 is the sec re tary o f the Nova Scotia Agricultural College Alumni Association 0

Please help us to help you When corresponding or upshydating information or address do tell us not only your year of graduation but your discipline

Th ree generatiuns of heramify were present when fleather Rohinson right centre FACS 83 graduated ut Wim er Convocation With her f rom [eji to righture her grandfather John Inglis her moth er Vlarirn (Inglis ) Robinson Mac 55 0 member of the Uni versirys Boord of Govern ors ond her father Doug Rohinson 53

Above Mllrrav Ma cGregor 5 1 lei with the winners of the OAC s 25th annual Alumni Curling Bon spiel Left to right GeorRe Robinson 651 Mu rrav Elliotl 65A Keith Murru 65A and Jern- Forestell 6511 Right OAC Alumni Associashytion president Hell ry Slanle 55 right was preslntedwith un engraved pewta stein to recugnie 25 years of participation ill Ihe bOlspiel Conshygratuluting Henry is Bill Harrison 62 bonspiei commillee chuirman


the individual members excellence andThe Ronald S Ritchie Le cture integri ty

This idea for the new body was not accepted by members of Cabinet They

The Opening Up of PubHc PoHcy The Opening Up of Public Policy was

Selllior Michael Piffields fopic when he

delifred fhe annual Ronald S Rifchie

LeclUre of fhe UniversifY in March

A Rmduafe ofSf Lawrence Universify

17 ( graduafed in lawjrom McGill UniversifV

and holds a Rrodlla fe diploma in Public La w

Fom Ih e UlliversifY ofolIa wa H efirsl joined Ihe Public Service as an

wlminislrafive assiSfam in Ihe Depa rimem

oJuslice in 1959 Ialer served onlhe sraffof Ih e Goernor General and as secrelary fO

117 1 Royal Commission on Taxalion In 1965

he joined Ihe Privy Council Office He

became depuly minisler of Consumer and

Corporafe Affairs in 1973 and Ihe followshy

inli year lOok up an appoinfmem as Fellow

in fhe John F Kennedy School of Governshy

mOl (If Harvard Un iversifY In 1975 he

relurned 10 Ollawa as Clerk of fhe Privy

Council and Se crelarv 10 Ihe Cabinel

The annual leclre recognizes Ihe comrihwion made 10 fhe Universily by

former Board of Govemors chairman

ROllald S Rilchie A reporl on Senafor Piffields presemalion follows

Senator Pitfield paid tribute to Rona ld Ritchie his important work in the Glassco Commission and his influence in the estabshylishment of the Institute for Research on Public Policy

In thi s th oug htful and thoughtshyprovoking presentation Senator Pitfield outlined the need for and the desirability of more open discussion before policies are introduced but there are some very real difficulties associated with de vel oping some me chanis m that could foster and encourage such exchanges of ideas

[t was pointed out that because of the high degree of interdependency of modern society and the size and complexity of governments the making of public polic y must be an intellectual subject in its own right not just a conglomeration of di scishyplines It had become evident that

I A methodical analysis of government activity could lead to improvements in government effectiveness

2 Traini ng in making and managment of public policy was crucial and urgent

3 There were few in government who knew why things were done the way they were

4 The making and management of pubshylic policy was a subject unique in itself and required thinking through for itself

5 Universities and other training institushytions were not very useful in this training process universities being too removed from the actual experience of government and the government institutions being withshyout the detachment and intellectual rigour needed

Thus it became evident that there was a need for an institution that would be a repository of knowledge a pl ace of learnshying a foru m for debate and a means of communication co ncerning public policy

Proposal s emerged that the federal go vernment should assis t some of the organizations already in existence Comshypetition became keen and rivalry among institutions re su lted in grander more comshyplex proposals As a result the federal go vernment in 1968 decided to establish a think-tank of its own to take a more rigorous look at public polic y

The idea was not new In many countries the general thinking was that all problems could be so l ved by inrelleclUal anal ysis and the appl ication of modern techshyniques But the ne w Trudeau go vernment went even beyond providing more data It included public debate of public policy

But the think-tank was only one of the initiatives to aid in the formation of policies There was support for political parties through caucus funding offi ce space support staff and regional offices for Members of Parliament and internsh ip programs for students to work as assistan ts to MPs

Other support included green and white papers for discussion commissions of inquiry task forces public funding of non-political grou ps to encourage discusshysion and many others to increase the flow of information for consideration of alternashytives All were done to open up the process o f meaningful debate which would result in more effective and sound decisions

The th ink-tank was to be a centre for var ious kinds of people to di scuss public policy subjects which were often set aside because of day to day pressures At first it was to be very informal with distinguished people invited to participate Its integrity and permanency would be based on that of

were concerned that existing research instishytutes would be damaged They also wanted in volvement of business and professional communities This challenge to broaden the scope was gi ven to Ron Ritchie

Ritchie foresaw an institution that would be independent supported by an endowment which would not only support but st imu late debate on public policy

Man y fears were raised - that such a body would be taken o ver by academics that it would become a clique that govern shyments would battle for control etc But these were dealt with skillfully by Ritch ie and the Institute for Researc h on Public Policy was establ ished

What of its accomplishments~ This institute has been successfu l in

many ways in getting better information into debate [n the ten years since its beginning many studie s have been pubshyli shed It has held many informat ive confershyences and has a unique journal Howeve r despite its efforts open and meaningful debate on public policy is not much more advanced tod ay than it was a decade ago

It is evident that to ach ie ve its objecshytives there mu st be a willingess to change opi nions and the Canadian sys tem prov ides few forums for the changing of minds The bias is towards decision-makers and interest groups not open and meaningful debate

Public debate often takes pl ace after rather than before the decision is taken Thi s may not be what is wanted but policy-making is tilted not tow ards being open but towards being closed

Why has there not been more progress [n h is pre se ntation Mi chael Pitfield refershyred to the fact that the go vernment whose people should discuss the si tuation has become even more confrontational not because of lack of information but because of rigidity in their approach to discussion of public policy

As govern ment ha s grown so have checks and balances which recently have often been linked to lack of confidence Where slim majorities exist a strong opposhysi tion can threaten the government Party di sc ipline becomes severe and ai ring of independent views is discouraged The fear of a government being defeated on the one shyhand and the unyielding demands ot the opposition on the other tends to make the parliamentary process less and less flexible

The result of the foregOing is the tendency of government in modern times to drop solutions on a public th at may not be aware of the problems These solutions are not open to argu ment and debate is reduced

conld over


w ith bias tending towards a cl osed system and less debate

To improve the situation it seems it wlluld be necessary to have a mutual and

ba lanced reduction of force on both sides

The ge neral equilibrium of the system needs to be ma in tained W hat is needed is the reduction of secre tiveness of the gove rn shyment on one side and a reduc tion of the

danger of e mbarrass ment or de fea t of the govern men t on the other side

T here must be a wil li ngness to secure

more ope n debate on al l sides and our

leaders ha ve not done that e ven on m ost import ant issues More ope n and rneltll1 ingshyful deba te will require more thi nk ingshy

thro u middoth - something Mc mbers of Parlishy

ame nt may not he able to do or be free to do or have the necessary knowledge to do But the id ea behind the Institute for Remiddot

search on Public Policy was tha t such a body could bring about better decisions

All publi c problems cannot be solved by thought and tech nolog ics but few can be solved without these contr ibutions

The Institute for Research on Public Policy cannot create better public policies

by itself It must have input from all sectors to bring about more open and meaningful public debate which will result in constant

improvement of government - somethin g

that everyone desires 0

Grad News Herb Nor ry M Sc 52 has moved to

London as a farm business advisor wit h

O M AF working in eight counties

Denny Silvestrini PhD 5R is director of quality controlresearch and de velopment Eskimo Pie Corporation Ric hmond Virshy

ginia SA He had served as manager quality control and product deve lopment

Ralston Purina Co mpany St Luuis M isshysouri U SA

John Hagarty 61 is manager fi e ld

service s Rural O rganizati ons and Serv ice s Branch OMAF Guelp h

Ismail Siragcldin Ph D 62 is professor Department of Population Dynami cs and

Political Economics the Johm Hopkins

University Baltimore Md S A

Arlene (Fournier) 65 and Dick Flis

MSc 65 are in Edmo nton Alta where Dick is petroleum products manager wes tmiddot ern Canada Imperia l Oil Ltd

Craig Hunter 66 is pre sident Cra ig

Hunter Poult ry Farms Ltd Stro ud

Colin Triver s 67 is a consulting e ngineer and On tario land surveyor for e G Trivcrs

Ltd T he ssalon

Peter Mosher Ph D 70 is director

bureau of agric ultural prod uctio n Depart shyment of Agriculture Ba ngor Me USA

Cordon Brown 76 is sen ior food techshynolog is t new prod ucts process developshy

ment Tho masJ Lipton Inc in Bram pton

Martel C outure MSc 76 is acting di rec tor d iploma progra m Macdonald Colshy

lege Ste nne de Belle vue Que

Charlie Ellintt 78 vnfe Ja ne and

first -born Ian C harles born Jan uary 20

1983 are living near S hetland C harlie is now working fo r Elliott Bros G rain and Feed Ltd

Dennis Ring 78 is credit manager Farm C redit Corp C hatham H is wife is Carnl (Weeks) 79

R Cunrad Genee 79 is a sales represhy

sentative with CIBA-Geigy Canada Ltd in

Winnipeg Man

Howard Armstrong RO is an industrial

engineer with the B utler Ma nufacturing Co (Canada) Ltd Nisku Alta

Bruce Broadbent PhD 80 is a research scientist entomology with Agriculture

Canada Vineland Station

Mic hael Tulloch 80 has been accepted as

a professional engineer by the Council of the APEO He now manages engineering functions for eG Trivers Ltd Thessalon

BruceGitelman 81 will be joining Wood G undy Ltd Investment Broke rs as a

corporate finance associate in September

Danicllc Wenstrom 81 is a quality a ss urance su pe rvisor for Pil lsb ury of Canada Ltd M idland

Christine Deslandes MSc R2 is a lecturer at Alfred Col lege of Agricu ltu re

and Food Technology A I fred

Diploma Graduates

Donald Morley 68A is ge nera l ma nager De Marco Homecare Ce ntre Sutton West

Jeffrey Currah 74A is marke ting man shyage r Fortam ix-a division of BASF

Canada Inc Georgetown

Brian Roberts 76A is a welder with Hillcook Ind ust ri es Ha milton 0

In Memoriam Raymond David Ure 15A and 21 January 24 In3 ~uddenly a t Tecumse h

age 87 He had bee n very act ive un til

recently H is son Donald re is it

graduate of 49

Dr Genrge M Stirrett 20A and 22 died December 15 1982 H is many co nshy

tri bu tiono had bee n recogni zed by the Heritage Canada Found ation The fo llowshy

ing is an account of the tribu te pa id to him Fe bruary 16 1 9~ I at Government HDu~e

O ttawa

His Excelle ncy Gove rnor Ge nera l

Edward Sc hrcyer prese med the Commun imiddot cations A wards Atl antic Reg ion to Dr

George M St irrett of Grand Falls Ne w

Bru ns wick Dr Stirrett has been comm itted to natural h is tory conservation for ma ny

years bo th before and after hi s ret ire ment from the Canadian W ildlife Service and Parks Canada in 1964

He worked hard for the preservation of the falls and gorge area at Grand Falls

and on other conservation needs in Ne w Brunswick and Ma ine He has also written

on the iss ues of conservation using Ihe pcn name G raham Vail and since April 1979

has publi shed a weekly column Notes on atural History in the G rand Falls

Cataract His columns stress the appreciashytion and enjoyment of nature as well as the need for preserving it

Norman Hodgins MacBeth 23 Fe bruary 3 1983 in St John N B He had retired in

1967 as General Manage r of General Dairies Ltd

David R Owen 25 in Medi c ine Hat

Alta February 6 1983 at age 82 He was a di rector of the fi rs t ollege Roy al and spe nt

most of his li fe teachi ng and farmi ng in Saskatchewan

Ronald John Quinn 35 Fe bruary 17 1983 in London His wife Helen (Farshyquhar) is a lso a graduate o f 35

Bruce Douglas Innes 36 passed away Septe lllber 29 19 82 D uring his college

years he took part in ma ny ac tivitie s bu t he -re membered with particu la r pleasure be ing Grand C hampion Showman College Royal

35-the first time that the honour had bee n won by anyone o ther than a fou rth year man Bruce owned and operated a dairy

farm at Burford since I 939 and was an

acti ve and ded icated farmer until his death

H is wife Margaret died in A pril 1983 T hey leave daughters Lorna Lawrence

Mac 68 and Karen and son Robert 0


Macdonald Institute College of Family and Consumer

Studies Alumni Associat ion

ALUMNI NEWS Editor Joan (Anderson) Jenkinson 66


BASc Grads-Class o f 80

EntploYDlent Survey T he University s Counselling and Reshysource Centre recentl y completed an inshyucpth survey covering the empl oyment activities of the 211 graduates who in 19RO earned Bachelor of Applied Sc ience Degrees

The survey indicates th at gradu ates are e nj oy ing a variety of interes ting and chalshylenging careers

A gratifying 73 per cent of th e graduates re sponded to the survey with 51 per cent of the respondents indi catin g that they have completed or are completing graduate degrees or programs on a full- or part-time bas is Of the 153 respondents 78 per ce nt including one who is self emshyployee have full-time employment The remainder are employed part-time or are pursuing further studie s

Li sted below are the indicated ca reers chosen in the four major areas of study

Applied Human Nutritio n

ut ritiond ietetics Food service administration More than 50 per cent of the responshy

dents obtained reg istered profe ss ional dietishytian certificates The Admini strati ve Emshyphasis course is no longer offered in the

Applied Human utrition program It is available through the Bachelor of Comshymerce program

Family Studies

A number of grad uate s found posit io ns in teac h ing or social services such as

Adult protecti ve service workers Infant de ve lopment specialists Geront ology consultants Supervisors and field workers with social service agencies Other Family Studies graduate s are

working in government srv iees and in the private ec toras home economists financial co un se llors librarians hostel managers Family Studies graduates tend to sl ck caree rs in the helping profess ion s

Consumer Studies

There are four emphasis areas 01 study within this maj or The survey indicates that

Food gradu ates are employed in areas of produci development marketing and food technology with majo r food companies Hou si ng emphasis graduates are wo rkshying with government agencies and in teac hing

Consumer Beha vio ur e mph asis graduates are in industry business and res earc h Tex tile and Clothin g e mph asis grads are employed in research merchandi sshying and banking Often after working for a year or

more Consumer Studies graduates will return to gradu ate study o r profess ional programs on a full- or part-time bas is

Child Studies

Many Child Studies graduates are emp loyed in teaching supervisory or other child-care related sett ings such as soc ial work with fami lies and children Re ported part -lime and temporary em pl oy ment pos ishytions include work as supply teachers child care supervisors special education leac hers and as lecturers in uni ve rsity settings

It is imporl an t to note that this emshyploy ment survey reports the caree r paths chose n by onl y one graduating cl ass Dat a is collccl~d on a yearl y bas is from gradu ates in Family and Consumer Studies In order to observe the broad scope of employment opportunities avail able a four-year tabulashytion wo uld pl~ c nt a more complete picture of the profess ional activities of graduates

In summary FACS programs offer students a sound educational background to meet the need s of i nduslry educational institut io ns governme nt and bus in c The future for FACS graduates is indeed bright as the College co ntinues to gro w and develop programs to meet the challenges of the 80s 0



BASc Gradsmiddot Class of 80 Further Education Pursued

Major Total

Graduates Number of

Respondents R PDt BEd MEd MSc MD MA

Applied Hum an Nu trition 65 45 23 3 I

Family Studies 64 44 19

Consumer Studies 48 33 2

C hild Studies 34 31 II I I I

TOTAL 21 1 ( 1007c)

153 (73 oc )

23 32 I 4 I I

FACS Has New

Dr Richurd Burhunl

Dean Professor Richard M Barham was apshypointed dean of the College of Family and Consumer Studies for a fi ve-year term effective July I 1983 He succeeds Dr Janet M Wardlaw who has served as dean since 1969

Professor Barham has been chairman of the Department of Family Studies since

1976 and served as acting dea n in [980 while Dean Wardlaw was on administrative leave

A graduate of the University of Otago Dunedin e Zealand Richard Barham received a Ph D degree from the University of Alben a dmonton in Ed ucational Psychology

He has served on the faculty of the Department of Educational Psychology at the University of Alberta and as professor and acting chairman of the Department of Education University of Otago

While in New Zealand he was an executive member of the council of The Ne w Zealand Psychological Society and served as its president

At Guelph he has taught both undershygraduate and graduate courses in the Deshypartment of Family Studies and has supershyvised graduate students

He has been active on many University committees during the past seven years He is a past chairman of the Board of Graduate Studies and has been a member of the

Committee on Academic Priorities the Committee on University Planning the Liaison Committee and several others

He has also been a consulting educa shytional psycholog ist with the Wellington County Separate School Board since 1979

Prolessor Barham and his wife Joan have a family offour Joan recently returned to the University of Guelph for further study Daughter Vick y 19 is a student in Economics at Queens University Lisa 17 and Christopher 14 attend Ce ntennial CVJ while Tania 12 is completing her studies at College Avenue School

Music is very important part of the Barham familys life with active invoheshyment in the Suzuki String School and the Guelph Youth Orchestra Gardening is a hobby enjoyed by both Richard and Joan

Members of the Mac- FACS Alumni Association extend a sincere welcome to Professor Barham We look forward to meeting and working with him in the future as he fills the challenging position as dean of FACS 0

FACS Prof First

Dr M urlin MUllhclIs

Director P ro fessor Anne Martin Matthews De shypart me nt of Family St udi es has been ap shypointed the first director of the Gnontology Research Centre The establi shment of the Centre was announced last February A research grant of $237000 from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada will fund the Centre for the first three years

Professor Martin Matthews has been conducting research related to the needs and interests of older segments of the populashytion as well as teaching courses in such areas as social gerontology and marital and family dynamics in Family Studies She has been a faculty member with the Department of Family Studies since 1978

She also has been active beyond the campus in programs related to aging She is chair-elect of the social sciences division Canadian Council on Gerontology and will begin a two-year term in the chair of that organization this year

She is also first vice-president of the

Ontario Gerontology Association and a member of the scientific advisory commitshytee of the Gerontology Research Council of Ontario She is a graduate of Memorial University of Newfoundland and McMaster University

With a steadily increasing percentage of the popUlation in the retirement age bracket it is important to understand more fully the ir needs and cuncerns sa ys Proshyfessor Martin Matthews The en tre will deal with the ag ing family and environshymental contexts In the latter sense we will be examinin g such things as the difference bet wee n aging in an urban and a rural society as well as issues like housing and the aging

The new Gerontology Research Centre will provide facilities to assist faculty members and graduate students doing reshysearch on aging The Centre will facilitate integrate and co-ordinate studies on aging within the University the director says

Research on aging is now being carried out at the Universi ty in such Departments as Family Studies Geography Psychology Nutrition Human Biology and SocioluFY and the Centre will be able to provide a medium for cross-fertilization of ideas among the many researchers in the field

Professor Marlin Matthews says that the Centre will be working co-operatively with other similar research centres in Onshytario such as the one at the University of Toronto in promoting research on aging The Centre will also sponsor conferences and workshops that relate to the special needs of older citizens in their communities

Guelph has demonstrated an interest in gerontology since 1970 when research projshyects began and courses dealing with aging were offered in the Departments of Family Studies and Psychology Since 1981 the Un i versity has offered gero ntology as part of the Famil y Studies major in the Bachelur of Applied Science program 0

A Thank You Dear A luml7i

1-Iwl 10 Ihonk oil Ihe uumni inloll(d wilh

Ihc cr special send-oj gien to me ill

recognition of Ihc complelion ofmv Icrm as


So man of ou -Ierc invocd shy

whelhcr or nOI ou -Iere able 10 (fIend Ihe

recognition receplion in Toronlo on May

29 I oppreciacd Ihe man good llishes

which come from ocross CClrado ond from

such dislOlIl places as Indio and Chara

Your generous gifls u Imc Irolld of

pcarls und a bonk aCCOlll11 vhich came lVilh

Ihe slrong suglcslion Ihal [should IIc 10

Vnv Iculand lverc Irul overllhelll1ing

The Air lCll Zcalundjlighl bag jJacked wilh

1111 SOriS of nccessiliel added 10 Ihe jim

middotre had 01 Ihe rcceplion

Many Ihanksfor your SUppOri over Ihe years and for your good wishes as I begin

my car ofadmin is Ira live leave

Yours sincerelv

Jonel M Wardlaw 0


Dr Louise

( Bailltlj

Heslop 67

Off - To


Dr Louise (Bazi net) Heslop 67 has JO ined the School of Business at Carlton Unive rsit y O ttaw a Over the next two years through an arran geme nt with Ca rlton Unive rsity she will be cco nded on a

part-time basis by Stati sti cs Canada where she will join the Research and Analysi s

D ivision Loui se completed her MSc at Guelph

in 1969 and continued as lecturer in the

ne wly-es tablished Department o f Co nshysumer Studies In 1977 she compktcd a Ph D in Business Administration (Marketshying) at the University of Western Ontari o

and rejo ined the Department of Consumer Studies ri si ng to the rank of ass oc iate professor

Louise was e lected to the board of

di rectors of the Mac-FA CS Alumni Assoc ishyati on in 1977 se rvin g as secretary-treasurer until May 1981

We ex tend our best wishe middot to Loui se

her husband Lome O A 70 and their dau ghters Jose tte 5 and C la ire 2 Lorne is employed by Agriculture Canada in

Ottawa and is currently completing an M Sc in Engineering at the University of

G uelph Coun try li ving is a high priority with

the Heslops They are deli ghted with the purchase of a farm near Almonte a nd look

forward to the best of both worl d s - profess ion a lism in the city and lei sure in the countryside 0

Grad News Helen (Clifford ) Beswick 48D is se lf empl oyed as a studio potter in her home in Dundas

Margaret (Kennedy) jarvis 54D is a realestate age nt in Kingston

Pat (Hall) McDowell 65 is with the

United Missionary Soc iet y Jlorin Kwora State ~igeria

Joanne Patterson 66 is a se ni or project o ffmiddoticer w ith Indi an and Northern Affa irs Ottawa

Leslie (Mowat) Hemming 68 is teaC hin g in Woods tock

Mary (Jany) Toms 68 is employed with Health and We lfare Canada Ottawa

Sarah (Spencer) Coomhs 70 is an assistant director wi th the Co nsumer Inforshymation Centre of the Ontario Government


Meredith Fi lshie 70 is an ana lyst w ith the Ministry of State for Economic and Re g ional Development O ttawa

S heila (Fahner ) jarvie 70 is a nutrishytion ist w ith the K- W Hospital Kitchener

Donna j ohnstone 70 o perates Donn as Ha ndmade Clothin g for Men amp Wo men Gabiola Isla nd B C

Lorraine Holding 71 is manager of program development with the Rural Orshyga nizatio ns and Services Branlh Minis try of Agriculture and Food located at the Gue lph Agriculture Centre

Beve r ly Lee 72 is a chairperso n with the York Region Board o f Educ at io n

Laurie MacLeod 72 is a district manager with Beaver Foods Mlss issauga

Kathy Camelon 73 is a dietitian at the Toronto Genera l Hospita l

Tirnoth) Fleming HAFA 74 a ses ionaJ lec turer with H AFA teaching business law has been adm itted to the partne rshi p o f the law firm of Harper Haney and White of Waterl oo

Isabel (McBride) H o well 74 is an e lementary school teacher with the Watershyloo Co unt y Board of Educatio n Camshybridge

Mary Ruston 75 is a Famil y Studies teacher at Inge rso ll District High School

Kathryn Anderson 76 is a supervisor with Westmini ster Family Day a re London

Hester Cooper 76 is employed as a research officer with the New Zealand Dairy

Research Institute in Palmers ton North ew Zealand

Patr icia (G a rland ) Desaul niers 76 is with patient fo od se rvices Alberta Hospishyta l Edmo nton

Noella Li 76 is aclinical dietitian wi th the

ictori a Hospital London

M eredith (Evans) Hea rtwe ll 77 is

teac hing in Mississauga

Deb Wey 77 is patient food se rvices manager at SI John Regio nal Hospi tal SI J()hn NB

Susan (junes ) Wilcox 77 is food se rvices

superviso r with the Baye re st Ce ntre for Ge riatric Care 0

A ThankYou The c lass of Mac 380 wishes to extend a

sincere thank you to all alumni who have con tributed to the Mac 38 0 Class Geronshy

to logy Scholarship Fund The gradua te s tudent scholarship in

the recently de ve loped area ot Ge ronto lo gy at FACS is being established by the class of 38D in recog nition of their 45th annivershy

sary in 1983 All Univers it y of Guelph grads are

in vited to parti c ipate in this project funds for which will be so li c ited until December

1984 [f you wish to con tribute please make you r cheq ue pay ab le to the Univers ity o f Guelph Alma Mater Fund specify that it is to be applied to the Mac 38 D Class Gerontology Scho larship Fund and mail to

the Deve lo pment Office Room 273 John shysto n Hall Uni ve rsity o f Gue lph Guelph

Ontario N IG 2W J Th an ks again for yo ur suppo rt from

Elle n Downie Mary Singer Doris Durran t and Jean Carter- the Mac 38 D sch o larship committee 0

In Memoria m We regret to announce the death of the following al umnus

Margaret L (MacKenzie) Smallwood 401) December 1982 in Lakeland Fla




The College of Physical Scie nce Alumni Association

SCIMP Editor Bob Winkel

phy sics grant selection committee of thc atural Sciences and Engineering Research

Council for two years he was intimately involved in all the major re search de velopshyments in Canada in this field Hc feels that his e lec tio n to the Royal Society of Canada will help raise the prot1le of high-energy physics in this co untry and lend stren gth to Canadian experimenters

The citation prepared for his nominashytion to the Royal Society of Canada reads

Professor Karl is a high energy the ori st whose work is widely recognized interna tionally His deep physical insight and hi s kn ow led ge of mathemati ca l methods led to the quark model of baryon resonances based on quantum chromoshydynamics which has been enormousl) successful in describing experimental reshysuits H is re sea rch is characterized by striking originality and an ability to COIll shy

bine basic ideas from different field s as in the predictions of a new effect - neutron optical activity

Gabriel Karl is married and has one daughter W hen he is not probing the sec re ts of the universe he indulges himself in music theatre and the fine arts

He visited the Unive rsity of Briti sh Columbia in Vanco uver in May for the induction ceremony into the Royal Society of Canada on the occas ion of the Annual Meeting of the Society It marked he sa id the culmination of a long string of benefits that [ ha ve enjoyed throughout the 23 years 1 have lived in Ca nada [ have every rea son to be very grateful to th is country D

Erratum In the Sprin g issue o r SCiMP it was erroneously reported in the c utline accompanyin g a pict ure of Departshyme nt of Physics student scholarship winners that they were the recipients of 0 er $ 1500 We dropped a zero The fi gure should have read $ 15000 Sorry about tha t Ed

Elected to Royal Society

Dr Cooiel Korl

The election of Dr Gabriel Karl to a Fellowship of the Roy al Society of Canada represents what one of hi s colleagues Dr Peter Egelstaff desc ribe s as a rare honour which reflects great credit not only on Dr Karl but also on the Uni versi tys Departshyment of Physics

The Royal Society of Canada founded in 1882 to promote learning and research in the arts and sciences has numbered among its Fellows virtually all of Canadas most distinguished intellectual le ade rs of the last J00 yea rs Standards are jealously guarded and Fello wships are awarded only as a result of outstanding world-class ach ieve ment

The rarity of the honour is indicated by the fact that at the Un iversity of Guelph whose faculty includes so many academics of international distinction only five had previously achieved a Fellows hip in the Royal Society of Canada These are Dr Howard Clark vice- pres ident academic Dr Bruce Sells dean College of Biologishycal Science Dr Peter Egclstaff Depart shyment of Physics Dr Do nald Masters Prof ssor Emeri tu s De part mcnt of History and Dr He rb Armstrong retired dean of Graduate Studies

As the sixth Dr Ga briel Karl will have the added di st inction of bei ng the first whose career has been sp ot excl us ively at the Un ivers ity of Guelph which agai n to

quote Dr Egelstaff marks a coming of age for the University

Gabriel Karl was born in Transylvania a province of Romania He obtained his B Sc in Chemistry at Romani as Univershysity of ClUJ worked for two years in industry and came to Canada in 1960 He attended graduate school at th e University of Toronto where he was awarded a Ph D in 1966 for a thesis on infrared luminesshycence following molecular colli sion Hi s Ph D supervisor was the distinguished physical chemist Dr John Polanyi

A two-year post-doctora l fellowship with the University of Torontos Depart shyment of Physics followed His mentors there were Drs J Van Kranendonk and Duk Poll who is now a professor with the Universi ty of Guelph s Depa rtment of Ph ys ics

In 1966 Dr Karl studied at the Uni versity of Oxford for two years under an NRC scho larship to study hadron spec troshyscopy and in 1969 he Joi ned the Univers itys Department of Phy sics achieving a full professorship only five years later

Dr Karls work has focussed on high energy physics - the physics of fundamen shytal particles This is an esoteric field involvshying research into the nature of matter The relatively few world leaders in thi s field tend to cluster around the half-dozen accelerators such as the $100 million four kilumete rshylon g hi gh-e nergy tunnel for accelerating electrons at Stanford University that have been built only in the US and Europe

There is no accelerator of this energy level in Canad a and fe w Canadian scie nshyti ~ts are working in this field Dr Ka rl s statu re in the international commu nity of particle physic ists is marked by his many visi ts to the world s major research ce ntres as guest speaker and to consult with his peers Referring to the time spent on thcse missions Dr Karl describes the Depart shym nt of Phys ics and his colleag ues as generouslyaccommodati ng shy

As cha irman of the h igh energy


Trapping The Suns Energy Excerpted from a Chemtrends article by Mary Cocivera

One predi ctabl e fac t about ind ustri ali z d

soc iety is that it will take more e nergy to

keep the whee ls ru nn ing smoothl y parti c ushy

larly because the world population is exshy

pected to dou ble to about n ine bill ion by the

year 2050

[n th search to augme nt tradi tio na l

sources o f e lectri ci ty two Departme nt of

Chemistry pro fessors ha ve tu rned their

atten ti on to the convers ion of solar energy to

electricity by photovultaie cel ls and photoshy

elec troc he mical systems T he developme nt

work at Guelph is a imed at improving the efficiency and stability of th se sy~tems and

reduc i ng the ir cos t

Si licon photovoltaic cells serve as a

reference for solar energy convers iun beshy

cause they were the fi rst such cells and to

date arc the most effic ient co nvert ing so lar

ne rgy into elec tr ic ity a t abo ut 15 per cem

effi c iency Arrays of crys tal li n sil icon ce lls present ly cos t in the nei ghborhood or

S$400 per sq uare metre to manufac ture

produc ing about 40 watts Photovo lta ic

thin- fi lm syste ms us ing semico nductors

o ther than single crysta l sil ic on are be ing

investigated in man y re~earc h ce ntre s

around the world

A pro mis ing approach is a cadmiui1l

sulfi dec uprous sul fide combi nat ion in

which the two sem ico nduc tors are laye red

on molybdenum the n covered w ith a transshyparent gold fil m T his thin-fi lm cons trucshy

tio n i ideal for solar devices explai ns

Profess ur Ro n Fawcett because large

surface areas are needed for maximum

exposu re to the sun

T he fabrication process devel oped by

Ro n and patented in 1980 in vo lve electroshy

depos iting cadmium sulfide o nto molybshy

denum then layering cuprous sulfide over the cadm ium sulfide by an ion exchange

process Finally the gold 11 1m is added by

vacuum de pos ition Ron es timates that

thi n-film de ices could be manufac tu red in

this way for about S$25 per squ are metre

E lectro pla ting of se m ic ondu ct ors

would enabl e photo voltai c dev ices to be

manu factured in a continuous process

rathe r than indi vidua lly as i required w ith

s ingle crysta l s ilic on Such ce lls ha ve

ach ieved conversio n of solar to electrica l

energy at an e ffi cienc y o f I per cent to date T he researchers are co nfide nt they can

achieve fi to 8 per cent cffi ieney compared

to the calcul ated max imum e ffi c iency of II

per cent Pro fessor Michae l oc ivera is ork ing

on photoe lec troc hem ical systems in which a

sem icond uctor electrode im mersed in an

elec tro lyte solution converts inci dent li g ht

into a n electric a l cu rren t Such se mishy

conductor lilju id junction cells offe r p racti shy

cal ad van tages because uf the sponta neom format ion o f a junc tio n I mproved effishy

ciency fo r po lycrysta lli ne sem iconductors

has been a hi eved in ce lb of th is type in part becau~e the liqu id estab li shes unshy

iformly good COntac t wi th the e l etrode

The li gh t -~ens it i ve electrode in photoshy

e lec trochem ical ce lls is a sem ic o nductor

e it her a thin-fi lm or s ingle c rysta l a tt ached

to a metal back ing the other e lec trode is an

inert me ta l T he e l ectrode~ are immersed in

~ n elect rol yte solutio n o f a mater ial that carl do nate and accep t elect rons The b igges t

prob lem with many li lj ui d junct io n ce lls

~ays Mike is photocorros iol1 of the su rshy

face of the se miconductor To overcome

thi s problem he is developing materi a ls and

techniques to coat the e lectrodes with proshy

tec tive materiab

The first liquid junction cells with a

sili con anode opera ted for only a matter of

seconds befo re the e lec trode was des troyed

by corrosion Researche rs at the Solar Energy Research Insti tu te in C o lorado

U SA have developed a silicon anode

w ith a polypyrro le protect ive coating which

can o perate for hund reds o f hours but that is

still not long eno ugh for a viable commershy

cia l syste m

M ike and his colleague are making a

syste matic study of compounds tha t wi ll

both protect the electrode from corrosion

and catal yze the elect rode rca tion They

arc now worki ng with organo me tall ic comshy

pounds co mpris ing a metal atom sulfur

and an aromatic co m pone nt containing a func tiona l group li ke hyd roxy l sul phonate

ammoni um and nitroso

hese compounds are effect ive beshy

ca use they prov ide a mechanism to transfer

a ch arge bet ween the se mi co nd uctor and the e lectro n donor in solut io n The coating mus t

also be transpilrent e nough to a llow the light

to s trike the photocleetrode

To date they ha ve suneeded in deshy

veloping fi ve coat ings su itab le fo r a variet y

or se miconduc tors incl uding the polyshy

crysta ll ine cadm ium su lfide e lectrodes fabshy

riltated by Ron Fawce tt s method If polyshy

crystalli ne elec trodes can be fab ri (a ted and

coated wi th a protec tive materia l electroshy

chemically they wi ll be relati ve ly inexpe nshy

ive to manufac ture If the tech niques and processe s be ing

inve ~l igated by Ron Fawce tt and Mike Coc ivera de ve lop to tht ir full poten tial the

su n cou ld beco me a more import ant supplier

o f e lectri city in Ca nada Long-range proshy

jectio ns suggest that about 10 per cent of No rth A m rican e lectr ic it y could be proshy

duced from solar convers ion

Elec tric ity fro m the sun is no longer a

pipe-dream-it is a reachable goa l n

Grad News Louise (Sandall) Platt BA 69 is living

in Islington and teaching for the Etobico ke

Board of Educati on

Alexander Barton BSc 70 MSc 74 is work ing on a Ph D deg ree in the

Departme nt of Fishe ries and W ildlife at

Orego n Sta te uni vers ity

Gerry Kupferschmidt BSc 70 MSc

71 is living at R R I Osgoodc and is

tmployed as a sc ientific ad ise r to the


Murray Ross Gingrich BSc 71 Ii ves in

Brampto n and is work ing as a probation

officer for the Ministry o f Correc tio nal


Robert Cross BSc 72 M D is workshy

ing in the emergency department o f the

So uth Muskoka Hospital in Bracebridge

Edda Duva (Home) Kerr BA 74 lives

in G ue lph and is working as a program

co-ordinator for Casatta Ltd in Kitchener

Deanne Ch)y BSc 78 Ii ves in Etob ishy

coke and is working as a public health

inspector for the Ham ilton Wentwo rth Reshy

gio nal Health Unit

Alex McDonald BSc 79 PhD 83 and his wife Rosanne ( DeNobriga) BSc

79 are living in Austi n Texas whil e Alex

is do ing post-doctoral work at the Unishy

vers ity o f Texas

Ste~en Oliver BSc 79 o f Hamilton is a

medica l sa les repre sentati ve with Cyanamid

Canada Inc

Gordon Knox BSc 79 is a con~ ul ta nt

with Inform ation Systems Serv ices in Vicshy

toria BC

George Gillson BSc 80 is taki ng a

Ph D in Anal ytica l C hemis try at the Uni shyve rsity of Alberta 0


The College o f Arts Alumni Associat ion

DELPHA Editor Debbie (Nash) Chambers 77

has no w acquired the Shaw Festival ArshyThe Deans Roundup chives on permanent deposit T his is an

Last fall I had the privilege of speakshy

ing to the direc tors of the University of G uelph Alumn i Assoc iation to bring them

up to date on some of the excit ing things connected with the College of Arts I am gratefu l to the editor of DELPHA for this

opportu nity to let alumni readers know what we are do ing

I am pleased to be able to report a subs tant ial increase in enrolment both in the

B A program and in the College o f Arts this past yea r What is especially nice is that this has coincided with a dec is ion to tighte n our

standards at the admissions level and in the regulations for continuatio n of study

In o rder to grad uate B A students

who entered the Spring 19~3 Semester will need to obtai n a C average in 60 per cent of the courses they take

Most of o ur students are doing thi s now and we do not antici pate this will pose any

problem for the students whom we are ad mitting Next year students en tering the

B A program will be required to have Grade 13 English and we are strongly encouraging them to offer a Mathematics credit o r o ne in French or ano ther language

Applications from students wish ing to enter the B A program in the Fall 1983 Semester

are up subs tantia lly over last yea r I also want to share with you some

ha ppenings which have brought special delight to me

The U ni ve rsi ty of Guelph Choir

under director Ge rald e ufeld won second prize in the 1982 CSC nation al chora l competition

In the Harbourfront a rt show last

sum mer three o f o ur students had works se lected by the jury and each won a prize shya better show ing than any of the other O nshy

tario universities or colleges which entend T he C anadian- American Urban Hisshy

tory Co nference held at G uelph in A ugust

1982 was a tremendous success bringing sc holars from many parts of the United States and Canada to discuss new trends in urban studies

Dean David Murray

In the space of just a few months I have seen seven books published by faculty in the Co llege The subjects include Rudyard

Kipl ing Greek Philosophy Urban History Evolution and Darwinism Reli gion and Tolerance the dramatist Gra nville Barker

and a nove l written in French Last summer also saw the completion

of a very successful facu lty exchange beshy

tween o ur Department of Eng lish and the

Uni vers ity of Reading in Britain Dr Leslie Monkman went to Reading for the year and Dr Coral Howell s visited Guelph This

opportunity enab led Dr Howells to study modern C anadian writers and she is now

working o n a book to be published in Britain o n Canadian women wri ters Dr

Mo nkman lectured on Canadian literature at various places in Britain and in France as well as in Reading

T hro ugh the e fforts of the Department of Drama and its chairman Dr Leonard

Conolly and C ollections Librarian Jo hn Moldenhauer 68 the Uni versi ty Library

ex tremely valuab le re sou rce for theatre

scholars a nd the Univers ity is ve ry pleased to have a closer connection with the Shaw Festi val The Drama Department also has

Professor Dan Laurence the world s leadshying Shaw scholar as a distinguished Visitshy

ing Professor lor the ra il Semester Two large conferences were organized

during the Spring and Summer by faculty

and students in the Co llege Professor Ted Cowan of the History Department was in charge of the Scottish Heritage Festival held in uelph in May The Fes tival was a

ce lebrati on of the S co t~ 1d their contribushytion~ to Canada

In Au gust the Uni vers ity will host a major conference o n Common wealth lite rashy

ture bringing writers and schol ars to Guelph from allover the Com monweal th Professor Doug K illam chairman of the Department of English and a number o f col leagues are

now busily preparing to welcome guests from around the world

Through our liaison programs we have pioneered special day - long seminars at the

niversity for gifted children in Wellington County T he se programs are part of o ur commitment to assist secondary schools in meeting the challe nges of special education

J know many o f you will also be interes ted in knowing that last sLi mmer the

College awarded three new scholarships two of the m honouring the cont ribution made by former faculty members J Percy

Sm ith and W Stanford Reid The other marked the first presentation of the Edward Johnson Music Foundation scholarships for students in the music program

We are al l ac ute ly co nscious of the

financial pressure affecting the UnivLr ~ ity

of Guelph and othe r Canadian unive rsities

But we mus t no t le t these pressures detract from the vision of academic excellence to

which we are committed J think you will agree from the exaln ~Jk middot ha ve cited that this vision continues to glow brightly in spite of our financial plight We hope we can

co ntinue to co unt on your advice and your suppurt 0


It Was a Very Good Year T he Direc tor or the College of Arts Alumni Assoc iation have had a bus y year In January we launched o ur hrst Caree rs i lglll for in -coure stude nlgt Thanks to the exce lle nce and enthusiasm of our pane l l1len1bcr the evening was a success

Careers Night is to become an annual event and we would appreciate you r particishypation Any Art s grads wh o wo uld like to

vo lunteer their expertise for the e vening please do not hesita te to contact us

The Directors were also busy a rshyranling the second an nu al art show shyDI MENSIO NS middotS3 Due to the treme nd ous response to DI M ENSIOtS 82 the art show co mmittee organized DIM ENSIO NS 83 as aJu ricd show We are hoping that nex t yea r we will be able to mount a photography show as well a an art sho w

As you are probably aware in 1970 Wellington College was reo rganized into the Colleges of Arts Physic al Sc ience and Socia l Science This year our Assoc iation was asked to se lect a new College logo Thankgt to Dean Dav id Murray and the Deans Counc il we were given permission to use the graphics on the College of Art s Gold Medal It can be see n in the masthead of thi s issue The logo was designed by Erich Barth art dire ctor Department of [nshyformation and enco mpasses the di verse di s shycipiJnes fou nd within the College of Arts

Grad News Catharine (Gilnerlson ) Scott 70 is a wage and salary anal ys t tnivers it y of Waterl oo

Linda la) Bell 72 i the assistant conshysultant for thlto gifted We llington County Boa rd of Education GueJph

Lynn Barbeau 74 is the curator Educa shytion and xtension Macdo nald Stewart Art

entre Guelph

Wltlynr WellJauler 75 is corpora te mar shyke ting manager Gore Mutua l In surance Company Cambridgc

Renate Fisc her 76 is a consultant with the Woods Gordon Divisio n of Cl arkson Go rdon Chartered Acco untants Kitchener

jane Morley O AC MSc 81 is a career co nsultant Counse llin g and Student Reshysource Centre Un iversity of Guelph

Through the generos ity of the Alma Mater Fund our Assoc iation has been able to e stablish nv e sc holars hip s Thre e DELPHA awards for Gue lph alumni to continue their slUdi es at the gradu ate level at the University and two awa rds for part-time mature students These awards are greatly appreciated by the students who have reshyce ived th e m

Congratulatio ns are th e order of the day for Juli e (Russe ll ) Thur 78 Associashytion past pre sident and Linda Mackenz ie shyCordi ck 8 1 Assocration secre tary treas shyurer on the birth of their daug hters in March We wi sh them joy in their yo ung-

David Dell 76 is the in fo rmation o ffic er Reg ion of Pee l Brmiddotampton

jeff Miller 82 is a s tage manager for Profes sional Theatres Toronto

The above eight alumni were panel )11ember-s at our first annual Careers sJ ig ht held ea rlier th i yea r On ce again we offer our sincere thanks for their pani ci pation

lhugarel Reare 68 is senior research o f hee l Minis try of th e Soli citor General Ottawd

William Thiels 73 is a sys te ms analyst with Eas tman Kodak CO Roche ster t Y US A

Shardie D SteHnson 77 is assistant marketing manager Marsh and 1cLennan Ltd Winnipeg Man

Donald Syme 77 is with marketing pe rsonne l IC F Sydne y Australia

sters and look forward to the ir continued help in the Assoc ia tion in the future

C Nould lik e to re mind our fell ow alu mni to jo in or renew their membership in our Association De hbie ( Nash) Cham bers 77 editor of DF LPH A wo uld lik e any Ideas lor future artick that vould catch your interes t Our Assoc iati o n would also apprec ia te heari ng from you re gardin g eve nts that you wou ld be interested in attending Pl ease drop us a line in order that we may serve you better thus ~ eeping the line of co mmunic ation oren bet ween you and yo ur Alma v1ater

In closing I would like to acknowlmiddot edge With great a pprec iati o n the a istance that has been o ffclTU our Board of Direc tors over the pasl year

As al ways Dea n David Murray has bee n a va lued ad visor I wo uld li ke to thank Professor Ted Cowa n Department o f History for his Sprin g 19K3 OEPHA article on the Scottish Heritage Festival and Judy (Ma in) Ca rson 75 for he r help in preparalron of feature articles Spec ial thank s arc also ex tended to Rosemary Clark Mac 59 Asis tant Director Proshyg rams Dep artment of Alumni Affairs and Deve lopment and our Board of Directo rs who have wo rk ed so hard to mak e thi s a successful year

The term of 19X2-B3 has been a very grati fying one for all mem bers of the Associations Boa rd o t Directors We loo k for ward to 19K3-K4 anJ hope to hear from you Q

J ane Francis 78 is With Ilublic relations Vancouver Stock EXchange Vancou ver B C

Jonie Bunce 79 is a teacher 01 Art English and Thcatre Arts at 1 A Turn er Secondary School BrdrllptOl

Deborah Salmon 79 is married to Richard Light BS( 80 and li ves in Japanec Shc worb for the Empl o) mc nt and Im migrati on Commi ssion dnd Ri chlrJ works for a darrv in Kin gs to n

Shelagh Stevens 79 it station U)lllrshytwlle r Department o f -J atiunal [dc nce in f ova Slmiddototia

lidwtl Glanb 81 is a supervisor mar shyke ting comrlluni~ations Pitney-Bowe s oj

Canada Ltd Don Mill s

john (llanllllUnd ) Zelasko 81 rs ~ I

courtr(lOrn artist WKBW Buffalo New Ymk US I C



Alumnus of

Honollr 1983

Helen Christine AbeD Mac 38D

Amo ng the forerunners in the fie ld of rural soc iol ogy not only in Canada

but throughout the world and with a long career as a professor in numerous un iversities ac ross Canada Dr Helen C Abell has und oubted ly do ne much to promote a world -w ide reputation for her Alma Mater

Dr Abell has been most active in a numbe r of United Nat io ns programs designed to foster development of th ose in the Third World countrie s Although os ten sibl y retired she still co nt inues her wo rk as a cons ult ant in Socio-Economic De ve lopme nt assisti ng in develop ing sho rt -term project s as the occasion ari ses

As well as a Macdona ld Ins titu te Diploshyma Dr Abell obtained a BHSc (H ome Economics) from the Universi ty of Toro nto in 1941 and an MS (Human Nutrition) and a Ph D (major Rural Sociology and Agri cul shytural Economics) from Cornell University in 1947 and 1951 re specti vel y 0

Page 13: Guelph Alumnus Magazine, Summer 1983

indiviJual champions Peter Domarchuk Mitch Mason hri s Crooks and LeonarJA Year to REMEMBER

By D ick Freeman

A full house in excess of 430 people crowded Peter Clark Hall at the Univershy

sity of Guelph in March to celebrate a year of intercollegiate sports competition and to honshy

our its 198283 champions The year started with a 16 to 10 football

victory over the OQIFC champion the Conshy

corida Stingers and ended with a third consecuti ve CIA U wrestling championship In

between a well-balanced Gryphon athletic program proudly and successfully represented

the University of Guelph When the awards had been announced a

pair of Hockey Gryphons had struck for the hat tri ck Ray Irwin was named the 198283 Male Athlete of the Year the W F Mitchell Sportsman of the Year(forathletics leadersh ip)

Ray Irwin Male Athlete of the Year

When Vice-President Administration Charles Ferguson presented Ray Irwin with

the 1982-83 University ojGuelph Mal e Athlete of the Year award it was the culmination ofa story-book seasonfor the Sudbury native

In earning his third straight first team

all- star berth Ray led the OUAA in assists with 40 and added ten goals to finish as the only dejenceman in the leagues top ten scorers His on-ice brilliance caught the eye of Canadas

Olympic Team and at mid-season he was chosen to represent Canada in a tournament in Czechoslovakia

In a game against the nations numbershy

one ranked Toront o Blues he scored once and assisted on three other scores

Perhaps more significant though was his

selection as the W F Mitchell Sportsman of the Year This award honours leadership and strength ofcharacter two qualities that are

abundant in this HAFA student

and collected his third straight team Most

Valuable Player Trophy Another all-star hockey performer Sue

Scherer was named the Female Athlete of the

Year Sue earlier was named Most Improved Player on the Field Hockey squad as well as

Most Valuable Performer on the Women s Ice Hoc key team

Bev Rankin a member of the Womens

Athle tics Council and Women s Field Hockey team was honoured as the recipient of the W F Mitchell Sportswoma n of the Year Award Other major award winners inc luded Basketballs Greg Hook- Don Cameron

Memorial Trophy for Most Improved Athlete

Volkyballs Michelle Turley - Mary Beverley-Burton Award for Female Rookie of

the Year and Scott Hobson - Ted Wildman Memoria l Trophy as the outstanding graduatshy

ing football player Alderman Jim Whitechurch Arts 8 1

presented City of Guelph plates to Canadi an Champions These included wrestlers Ken Bradford Chris Crooks and Peter Domarchuk

as well as football All-Canadians Pe ter Langshyford Junior Ro binso n Salvatore Benincasa

and vlrke Hudson Hud son it should be noted earned All-Canadian honou rs for the third

consecuti ve year only the second player ever so honoured

In addition to the team Most Valuahle and Mo st Improved awards as listed below the

gathering honoured OWlAA champions Barb Jonak - Arc hery and Jane Herner- Alpine Skiing The mens wrestling team captured a

fourth straight OUAA titl e anchored by


Archery Trophy Barb Janak Most Impro ved Basketball Trop hy (men) Greg Hook Bill Dlmson Memorial Trophy Michael 5cs(0 Demck Lewis Most Irnproved Basketball Trophy (women) Beth Pulsifer Basketball Award (women) Joa nne Hurd Badminton Trophy (women) Kelly Breedon BadmintOn Trophy (me n) Tai Ching Leng Cross-country Running Trophy (womcn) Tracey RObinson Curling Trophy Jill Rowen Brian Davenport Most Improved Field Hockey Trophy Susan Scherer Field Hockey Trophy Karen Mc Bride Most Improved Football Trophy Pat Tracey Letlermens Club Award Mike Eykens Most Improved Ice Hockey Trophy (women) Michelle Turley Coaches Hockey Trophy Susan Scherer Walter Rickard Memorial Trophy Bruce Kilgour Jack Pos Intercollegiate Hockey Award Ray IrwlO leuan Evans Intercollegiate Rugger Trophy Jeff Baldock Most Improved Soccer Trophy Gudio Frasson Bill McAnurf Soccer Trophy BII Davis Most Improved Swimming Award (women) Stephanie Doll Swimming Trophy (women) Pam Johnson Most Improved Swimming Trophy (men) Kirk Weber Swimming Trophy (men) Peter Koiisnyk Synchronized Swimming Trophy Lisa De Laplante Tennis Award (women) Maureen McKillop Most Improved Volleyball Trophy (men) Blair Carley Volleyball Trophy (men) Tim White Mosllmproved Volleyball Trophy (women) Francine Taillefer Volleyball Award (women) Joellen Barr Most Improved Wrestling Trophy Peter Oomarchuk Wrestling Trophy Ken Bradford

Stevano Altogether 18 Gryphons were nameJ

to league all-star teams Two athlete s were presented with trophies

as the best in their sport in Canada Peter Langford the J P Metras Trophy as Canadas

Outstanding Defensive Lineman and Ken Bradford as the Outstanding Wrestkr at the

19828 3 championships Director of Athletics Dave Copp sumshy

med up the year in his closing remarks as he

thanked the athlete s and coaches for their superb efforts We are proud of your achievements in 198283 competition Let us work together to make 198384 eve n more

memorable Judging from the fact that the majority of

alhletcs and guests danced and partied to the wee hours it was obvIOus that they were full of the Gryphon spirit It s truly fun- catch it 0

Su e S cherer Female Athlete of the Year

Vice-Presidelt Academic HOl-ard Clark presentation of the 198283 Female Athlete of the Year (ward to Sue Scherer was greeted with a TOar njpproal Howe le r the awardfor

excellence displa yed in ice hockey andjield hodn was reallv 011 11 the tip of the iceberg

Afifih semester sociolog student Sue anchored the Grlphons defence and in fact

controlled th e oJjensf As if that wasnt enough Sue was the plaving coach and in the combination 0 roles led the hocker Gryphons into th e plar-offs including a regular season

upset of the Ynrk Yeoomen Th e hidden part othe stOrl is perhaps th e

best Sue fills her mml1lers bv starring on the Canadian Nat ional Womens Fastball team In cluded in this hectic schedule were tours nf

Japan Taiwan SO Lllh America and Mexico

Obiouslr the combinatioll astudies and athletics is a healthy one as Sue maintains a

B average at the Unilersity



Newly Elected as

AluDlni Senators Following the annual election for three of the nine alum n i seats on Senate a t the Univers ity the following three alumni have been elected to replace those who will fulfill three-year terms on August

31 1983

Richard D Rich Moccia CBS BSc 76 MSc 78 is a self-employed biologishy

cal research scientist in the aquaculture field (See article Theyve Gone Fishin

Guelph Alumnus Spring 1983 issue

Rich is a past president of the CBS Alumni Associatio n was a vice-president of the UGAA and has served on numerous

adminis trative committees on campus inshycluding a Presidential Special Advisory Committee on Alumni Publications He also was a member of the Alma Mater Fund Advisory Council

In his spare time he has been involved with the Big Brothers Association and Minor League baseball He races motorshycycles for relaxation and fun

Donald C Rose Arts BA 80 MA 82 is a corporate representative with Uniglobe Bay Street Travel Inc of Toronto During

Tony Sobczak Arrs 77

Donald Rose Arts 80

his years at Guelph Donald served as sports editor and production manager with the Onlarion and was a member of Gryphon

soccer and rugby teams

A single man he feels that as an alumni senator he will be able to maintain his concern for the standards of higher education and at the same time maintain the friendships and contacts that he estabshylished while at the Uni versity

Tony K Sobczak Arts BA 77 is general manager of Bailey s Balloon Brigade a restaurant in Toronto While

study ing at Guelph he worked in the

hospitality field with Food Services The Keg and the Elora Mill Restaurant and Inn Following graduation he was employed by the Toronto-Dominion Bank in southshywestern Ontario but two years later

re vived his interest in the hospitality field

Richard Moccia CBS 76

He and his wife Cathy have one son

Tony Jerome T J 11 months old Keen on sports Tony senior runs plays squash

and is a waterskiier

Patricia M G renier Arts 72 is currently serving the unexpired term of alumni Senator Richard Young Arts 76 who re s igned during the third year of his term She will retire as alumni Senator on August

31 1983 Patricia who received a degree of

Master of Library Science from the Univershys ity of Western Ontario in 1973 is coshyordinator Information Services Informashytion Centre Ministry of EducationlMinistry

of College and Universities Toronto Prior to her present position she was a

reference librarian Documentation Centre

at the University of Guelph Library from 1975 to 1980 0

Limited Accreditation for OVC The Ontario Veterinary College of the

University of Guelph has been accorded limited accreditation status by the American Veterinary Medical Association

(A VMA) President Donald Forster anshynounced in May

The decision by the Council of Edllcashytion of the A VMA is based on recommendashy

tions made in the report of an evaluation committee which visited the College for a

short period in October 1982 a report on which the University and the C ollege had an opportunity to comment Most errors of fact in the original report were corrected as a result of the UniversityS comments

This accreditation status means that ove meets or exceeds most but not all

minimal requirements for a satisfactory program in veterinary medicine at least in

the judgment of the Association Limited accreditation is a reduction in

s tatus from full accreditation a status which the College has held and which was

reconfirmed by a previous evaluation in L976 Similar decisions ha ve been made

by the AVMA in the past in the case of programs at other and well-established

veterinary colleges in the United States which faced problems similar to those we are experiencing at the OVC the Presishydent noted

L imited accreditation status may be

maintained for a period of up to five years on the basis of annual reports by the University and the College indicating that any deficiencies are in the process of being corrected At any time during the five-year period the University and the College may

invite the A VMA Council to make a new

evaluation hopefully leading to a return to full accreditation status

A number of factors are identified in

the report as a basis for the Councils decision Most important the report reshy

commends that a better balance between the financial resources and the programs of the College be achieved From this flow two major recommendations Construcshy

tion and renovation be initiated to correct inadequacies in classrooms laboratories

offices and clinical work spaces Also -faculty numbers and specialty expertise be increased and additional time be scheduled for professional development research and other scholarly pursuits

The report also suggests that the

number of support s taff be increased One option identified in the recommendations is

that student numbers be reduced until

conld over


adequate faculty numbers and physical facilitie s can be provided hnally some deficiencies in the area of postgraduate education are also identified

While the University and the College

are naturally disappointed by the Councils conclusions we are not entirely surprised President Forster commented Many of the deficiencies identified in the report have been matters of acute concern for some time and some steps have been taken already to remedy the problems some of which are simply the product of the chronic undershyfunding that Ontario universities have exshyperienced for a number of years

Under the circumstances I commend

the faculty and staff of the Ontario

Veterinary College for working so hard to maintain the reputation and integrity of the program and its graduates during this very difficult period

The President also noted that under A VMA procedures an elaborate appeal process is available to the University A decision has been taken not to appeal the Councils deision even though the Univershysity has reservations about some of the observations in the report

The recommendation s in the report will be reviewed very carefully by the

Uni versity and the College in the coming months the Pre sident indicated and every effort will be made to secure support from government and other sources to

remedy problems which have be e n identified In this connection I wish to

express again our gratitude to the Honourshyable Dennis Timbrel Ontario s Minister of Agriculture and Food for making available to the University special funding in the amount of $J8 million annually for a three-year period in support of programs at the OVe This suppOrt came at a particushylarly crucial time and was most welcomc

Recent discussion with Mr Timbrell and Agriculture Canada have indicated hoth sympathy for and understanding ot the capital needs of the College and there is every hope that substantial support will be forthcoming from both levels of go vernshyment President Forster concluded D

Director Industrial S ervices R onald J Dolynchuk has been appointed Director Indus trial Services for the U nivershysity of G uelph The appointment became effective April I 1983

He will provide a two-way contact between the Un iversity and industry says Dr William Tossell Dean of Research Dea n Tossell points out that Ronald Dolynshychuk will ass ume an integral role in the industrial interact ion strategy recently anshynounced by the University At the same time he will help acquaint University researchers with possible sources of reshysearch contracts and grants within the industria l sector

The new industrial services director says that he sees his ro le somewhat as that of a broker taking the research and te hshynological skills of the campus to inshydustry- Iocal ly provincially and nationshyally W ithin the campus he hopes to play the role of a catal st co-ordinating varied speci alized activities and preparing a marketable package of research and sershyvice attract ive to industry

He says that a campus such as the University of Guelph can offer a consortium of highly specialized and technological expertise to indu stry Such capability can prove to be a powerful factor in attracting new industry to the area he says This may be particularly true in the case of smaller industries that can seldom afford their own highly specialized research facilities

Initially the new director says he will especially target on industries with a direct relationship to those areas of expertise for which the University of Guelph is particushylarly well known These include such sectors as foods and beverage and bioshytechnology

I am especially interested in offering industry a broad-based multi-disciplinary

Ronald 1 Dolynchuk

approach to their problems through includshying such areas as the social sciences in a team of experts he says This would permit the Uni versity to prov ide more complete studies including market research and sociological considerations as well as

scientific or technological resources

The new director of industrial services is no stranger to the University of Guelph campus He has been teaching a course on Business Policy in the School of Agricul shytu ral Economics and Extension Education

Ronald Dolync h uk was most reshycently the sen ior vice- president and general managcr of Linread Canada Limited in Guelph He has worked in industry since 1969 in marketing and managc ment posishytions Born and raised in W innipeg he grauuated in business economics from Inshydiana Un iversity and received a Master of Business dm in islra tion uegree from the same university

Ronald Dolynchuk and his wife and thrce ch il dren have lived in G uelph since 1976 He has b en act ive in the Gue lph Chamber of Commerce the Ro tary Club of G uelph and has served on the Board of Direc tors of the Edward Johnson Mus ic Foundation the Guelph Arts Counci l the G uelph Youth O rchestra and the G ue lph Marlin Aquatic Cl ub He is a lso 1 regis tered soccer re te ree 0

National Universities Week National Universities Week is being observed at universities across the country October 2 to 8 1983 to draw attention to the positive contributions a nd accomplishments made by these institutions in Canadian life A variety of activ ities at campuses will be designed to point out the va lue of the univershysitys teaching research cultural and public ser vice acli~ ities in society

Plans at Guelph include a noon hour series of lectures a nd panels which will look at areas of research on camp us that have far-reach ing etTects on society Members of the pu blic will be invited 10 visit the cam pus during the week to attend events and to tour the facilities

For further information on the National Universities Week program contact Information Services University of Guelph (SI9) 824-4120 Ext 8708 0


Canadian Centre for Toxicology T he Canadian Centre for Toxicol(l t y to he located at the ni ve r~ it y of Guelph and tht University of Toro nto will rt cc ive $ 10 mi ll ion fro lll the Ce clc ra l govern ment for the firs t phase of const ructioll The lunding I contingent on part ic ipation by the Ontario govern me nt ancl the two u ni ve rs it i e~

Dr Jim Sc hroder O VC 42 Me mbCi of Pari iame nl for Guelph pari ia mentary secretary to the Mini ster of Health and We lfare Monique Begin and an 0 C facult y member made the announce me nt on behalf o f The Honourable John Roberts Mini ste r of the En vironment at a press co nfere nce on cam pus in May The fundin g is the fi rst to be announced for more than 100 projects be ing fund eu under the leueral governmcnt s $ 24 bill io n spec ial reco ve ry projec ts program outlined in the April 19 budge t speec h

Pres ident Donalu Forster said that representati ves from the Uni vers it ies of Guelp h ane Toronto met later fo r discusshysions wi th Ontario s Mini ster of the Envishyronment Ke ith Norton and will continue tv di scuss the prov ince s commitmcnt to the Ccntre President Fors ter said he is opti misshyti c abo ut provincial support as Premier Bill Da vis has for the past tw o years expressed strung support for the Centre

President Forster on behalf o f the Unive rs it y of Guelph thanked Dr Schroun fo rthe work he has done to impress upon the federal go vernment the im port ance of a projec t of ve ry co ns iue rab le na tio na l s ignificance The Pres ident c it ed the Centre as an example of the co-operatio n betwee n uni ve rsitie s governments and the pri va te sector

Dr David Strangw ay actin g presishydent Uni versity of Toronto also expressed gtatitude to the federal go ve rnment and Dr Sc hroder He said the joint venture by two uni ve rs iti es tha t have compl ementary strengths is unique He desc ribeu the Ce ntre

Alberta Alumni Reunion

Saturday August 20 1983

200 pm -Bowness Park Calgary

Bring your own picnic

Prizes will be awarded for oldest grad grad who travels farthest

from home etc

L (l i to rii ht D r MeLII middotell Prcs iden Fo rsl fl r Dr Schroderund Dr Sl liI ng loshy(Iu inK Jr f ideill Uni l c rII oToro ll lO

as a world-class model that co uld be looked to in the future Guelphs strengths are in agricultural and veterinary toxicol ogy and Toron to s are espec iall y in toxicology in the med ical and engineerin g fi elcl s En viro nshymental expert ise is we ll deve loped at both uni vers ities

Professor Free man McEwen acting direc tor of the Ce ntre a nd dean of the OA outlined some of the unique features of the Ce ntre which he said is blaz in g a new tra il between gove rnments uni versities and the public sector

The planning and construction of phas one of the facilit y for the project is expected to be compl eteu by late 1986 at a total cost of $236 million When com shypleted the Ce ntre will be part of a netw ork o f toxicology centres across Canada It is ex pected to have a staff at both Guelph and Toronto of 64 sc ient is ts 108 techn ishycians and 109 other staff members The corshyrate headquarte rs will be at the Uni versit y of Guelph 0

Homecoming September 30middot October 1

Friday September 30 700 p m and 1000 pm The Nyl on in conce rt two shows War Me mori al Hall Ticket s $8 50 students and seni ors S9 50 general For ti ckets write Ny lons Tickets nive rs ity of Guel ph Box Ollice Uni vers ity Centre Un ive rs ity of Guelph Guel ph Ontari o N IG 2W I Pl ease make cheque payable to the Univers it y of Guelph and enclose a self- addressed and stamped envelope

Saturday October 1 Morning Homecomin g Paraue For further in fo rm ation contac t John King (519) 824-4120 Ex t 8327

1100 am HA Alu mni Associati on Annual eeting Hotel and Food Admin isshytrati on Building

11 30 am Human Kinet ics Alum ni Association An nual Meeting and Home shycoming Brunch Loca ti on to be anno unced

200 pm Homecornmg Footba ll Game Alumni Stadium Uni vcrsity of Toronto Blues vs Uni versit y of Gue lph Gry phons

630 pm Alumni Din ner Dancc Creelshyman Hall Further detail s co nt act Alumni Office (519) 824-4 l20 Ext 2122 or 87 40

800 pm Post-Game Pub Dance De shypartment of Athl etics gymnas ium 0

CODling Events Sep1216 Aggie Week

17 UGAA Wine Symposium Niagara Peninsula

25 28

Sep 30 Oct 1

Oct 1


Nov 11middot20


Dec 5-8

OAC Alumni Association Golf Tournament

InternationaJ Plowing Match Teviotdale


HAFA Alumni Association Annual Meeting

HK Alumni Association Annual Meeting

MacmiddotFACS Alumni Association Caree rs Night

Royal Agricultural Winter Fair Toronto

OAC Alumni Reception Royal Room CoUseum RAWF Toronto

Night At The Royal Sponsored by the UGAA Toronto chapter

American Association of Equine Practitioners Annual Convention Las Ve gas Nevada USA



The Ontario Veterinary College Alumni Association

EditorALUMNI Dr Cliff Barker 41


Faculty Award for Dr Bob Curtis Dr Bob CUrlis 6 Clinical SllIdies OVe recelllly received a UniversilY of Guelph

FlIcully Associalion Professional Tea ching Award in recognition of his great influence on professional lraining The cira lion in parr sraled He has repeatedlv beuroen honouredfor

his conlriburiOIl 10 educalion He is a respecled elerinarian who is universally retIed us

one of lhe beslleachers Ihis univlrsiry has eper had LeIr 10 righl Dr Russ Willoughbv

57 Dr Wayne Pfeiffer vice-chairman Faculty aSSOCi((lion Dr Bob Curlis 6 and

Dr Mike Wilson chairman Clinical SlUdies 0

For Design Dr Jim 01fa50n 68 owner of the South Su rrey Veterinary Hospital 3221 shy140th S1 Surrey BC received the 19 82 Special Aw ard for Architectu ral Exce llence at the annual merican Animal Hospital Association convention in San Antonio Texa on March 14 1983 The award was prese nted by Velerinary Eco nomi cs Mag(l~ ine a leading business magazi ne for the veterinary profession

T he award was give n in rccognition of the timc and expense Dr O lafsun investcd to design a hosp ital that would enhance its natur al s ur round ings South Su rrey Veterinary Hospital is loca ted in a res idenshyt ia l area and the colors a nd tex tures of the buil ding s ex terior lesse n the impact o f a commerci a l property in the area

The hospital is energy-efficient and includes large winduws and nume rous skyshyli ghts in its design plan Other features incl ude covered walkways a covered parkshying area a nd covered entrances The overall effect minim izes the enclosed fe lin g usushy

ally associatcd with a subterranean struc shytu re and the atte ntion to aesthetic detail produces a truly stunning hospital Con shygratulations Jim 0

Dr doe dohnson T he late Dr Joseph E Johnson 19 ( I R91-1960) who practised for many years in Waterloo was recognized for hi s services to ag riculture in O ntar io when his port rait was hung in the O ntario Agricu ltura l Ha ll of Fame at the O ntario Agricultural Museum Milton His nomination was prese nted by the Ontario Association of Ani mal Breedshyers T he citation presented states

Dr Joseph Edward Joe Johnson a native of Stra throy as a pioneer in the practice of artificial insemination (AI ) in Ontario In 1942 when the Waterloo Cou nty Holste in- Friesian Associ ation made

their fi rst attemp t it was Dr Joe who collected the se men and inse mina ted the cows

For fl ve years he took ti me out o f an already very busy practice to make the new idea work Several younger veterinarians

who workcd with him were later to be in charge of AI units across Ontario

He gradu ated from the O ntario Veterinary College in 1919 and after working in Fergus and Acton set up practice in Waterloo where he worked with the noted Seagram Sta bles

He pioneered the multi-staff clinic approach having as many as four students and grad uates work ing w ith him Because o f th is internship approach Dr Johnson probably had a greater influence o n the practice of large animal vete rinary medicine than any other practicing vete rinarian of his day

The ultimate uccess of the AI sys shytem is due in large part to the work o f this ve terinari an who through trial and error persevered with the technique in its ear ly years 0


One Millionth A third-year O VC student Paul Dick of Gcoroetown recently became the one mi lshylio nth person to pass through the turnstiles o f the O VC Division of the Uni versity Library since the tu rn sti les were installed eight years ago He was gree ted by libshyran ans and fac ulty applause and handshyshakes t1 a~ h i ng camera strobe lights conshygratulations and the pre sentation o f a book Clillical E raminal ion of Ca ll ie

The VC library also serves students from other Colleges Co mprising more tha n 30000 volu mes it e mbraces far more than the veterinary sc iences 0

In a briefcert monv a llellded bv David Hull head Sc ience and Velerinary Science Diision

oj Ihe Library eli and Dean Douglas 1aplesden 50 righl Associa ( Libraria ll John

Black presen l a book 10 one millionlh isilor Paul Dick rig ill cenlre

It Was Bound to Happen Delta chapter of O mega Tau Sigma Fratern ity residence has become co-educational with the admi ssion of 18 women students during 1982-83 em sters For se veral years OVC s women stu dents have been seeking fra ternity membership they fi nally made it in 1982

Galhered onlhei-olll sleps oflh e avc main

Imiiding are 14 of Ih e 18 women slwlel1ls

who resided in Ihe fral house Ihi I r ea r

FrOt1 row I(i llo righ l lennifer Rice

Ion [ Lee Ma rv MOllleilh M iddle ro w

Robill Roscol Kale Flanigan Lisa Tavlor Debbie Blech Lesli e Hu ngall Back row

l ana Kl llOn Carol Phillips l ennifer

TrollghlO n lulv Keenliside Healher Ross

Michele Durnall MissinRfrom Ihe piClure

are Brenda FOSler Chris Barrl es

Keily-LeiRh Thomas and Laura Hunl 0

Letters to the Editor Or Bert Ca rswell 7 1 of Brooks Alt a has repli ed to o ur request for informatio n on the watch fob letters F L T (O VCAA Alumni Bulletin March 19H3 Special Supmiddot pl ement) by sugges ting these stand for Friendship Lo ve and Truth the motto of the Indepcndent Order of Odd fell ows Are the re further op i nions~

Dr Alexander Bruyns 32 Sequin Was hington S A has se nt us informashytion on the Royal Canadian Army Veterishynary Corp (O VCA Alumni Bulletin

March 1983 S pec ial Supple ment) He was a ve te ri na ry offi ce r with the Gove rn o r Gcnerals Horse Guards in Toronto o n joini ng the RCAVC in 1938 and me ntioned the late Dr A R Yo unie 14 who served

with the RCAVC in World War One Further inform ation re RCAVC officers would be apprec iated

Dr Donald MacDonald 54 o f Edmo nshyton Ita also replied to our RCAVC inquiry with informatio n on the Corps badges He is a collector of militaria especi ally militar y cap badges o f which he has a collection of over 1600 He states cap badges of the RC VC are as scarce as he n s tee th

The O VC museum has o btained cap and uni form badges from Dr G A Rose IS la t address Picton and Dr W A Robenson 16 Tsawwassen BC eachof whom served as veterinary officers during World War O ne 0

In Memoriam Dr Owen Hinton 25 died on January 22 1983 in Florida Las t add ress Rt 4 Box 139 Jasper Florida US A 32052

Dr Vernon jensen 33 died on Dcshyce mber II 19 R2 Las t address 2485 Lon-din Lane St Paul in nesota US A

Dr Edward Burke 35 died on Ja nuary 21 1983 Las t addr ss P OBox 326 So uthport Conn US A 06490

Dr jack Warren 39 Date of death no t reported Last addre ss RR 3 W heatl y Ontario OP 2PO

Dr Wilfred Sherwin 40 died o n 0 tobc r 6 1982 Last address 432 W Washi ngton Street ampa Idaho S A83651

D r j ames Watt 49 died in August 1982 Las t address 790 Ho rtop Avenue Osha wa Ontario LlG 4N8

Or Peggy Godkin 55 died o n Decem ber 5 1982 Last address Inni sfai l Alt a 0

PEl Gets It T he Toro nto Glohe ald Mail of Fe bruary 19 1983 carried the follow ing announce shyment Charl otte town (CP) - Agric ultu re Minister Eugene W he lan announced today that $500000 has bee n appropri ated to

begin architectural pl ans fo r I $26-mi ll ion veterinary college here He sa id at a new confe rence the federal Go vern me nt w ill put up half the co nstruc tion cos t if the three Marit ime p rov inces s ha re t he o ther $ 13-lTI illi on out lay 0


The College of Social Science Alumni Association

PEGAS-US Editor Dorothy Barnes 78

stori ng The Log Farm a farmhouse dating back to the late 1800s Michelle says Michelle and Mustech thi s was a terrific expcrience and the best

N omad pioneer student administrator curator You mi ght ask what these words ha ve in common and the answer you would receive would be that they all aptly describe Miche lle McMillan 77

Mi chelle graduated with a degree in SociologyAnthropology At the same time she graduated from Algonquin Community Collegt with a correspondence course dipshyloma in what she terms M ustec h - Muse um Technology majoring In Exshyhibit esign

Currently assistant director at the Guelph Ci vic Muse um she has held thi s position since the spring of 1979 Her responsibilities include those of regis trar (mai nta ining dltaikd [i Ii ng systems) for the con serva tion of artifacts and ex hibit work She is co-ordinator of some 40 vo lunteers who are in volved in all facets of museum work (to become a muse um vo lunteer all one has to do is call Michelle and arrange for an interview )

When interviewing Michclk it was obvious she has a love for her work that she will pass on to oth~rs possibly some of the young children attending the education programs she supervi ses at the Guelph Civic Museum

Her mothers parents were homeshysteaders and she was brouoht up on stories about pioneering Her interest in pioneering and the Indian way of life was fo stered by a mothe r who had Indian friends and who would often visit these friends experiencshying their way of life even to sleeping quite often in a tepee

Thi s and the fac t that her family moved around a lo t from west to east influenced Michelles deep and lasting love of the past although with a lau gh she says Now I am of the opinion that my mother had a tendency to present a romantic version of the whole situation - espec ially to me as a young child It certainly influenced my interest in studying Anthropol ogy

Michelles ed ucation and working exshyperiences have bee n very infl uential in nurturing her love of the past She started

out at the University of Western On tario but left for perso nal reasons She worked for a ye ar and while working beca me apprenshyticed as a pattern drafter

ichelle mo ved to Ottawa after she had worked the year and regi stereu at Carl eto n Universi ty in Anthropology She studied this for one year and then became aware of a program offered at Algonquin Communit y College on the subject Mu seum Tech nolo gy

Her placement s in work situation while at Algonquin included a summer helping four yo un g me n on a project at the town of Bells Corners ne ar Ottawa re-

job she ever had There was no electr icity so eve rything

was done by hand Her group res tored doors gable-ends flo ors ceilings rtshypointed stone found at ions and raised the building on hydra uli c jacks The y also gl Lt~d windows re searched the huildin g and organized the veget ab le garden

Othelmiddot experiences have included work at thc Na tio nal Museum of Man thc McM ichae l Canadi an Collcction in Klcin shyburg the Wellington County Muse um and the S imcoe County Museum She has al so been a volunteer teacher at the Plains jndian Iroquois and Inuit Ga lleri es of the National M use um of Man

It was Guelphs gain when Miche lle found he rsel f pulled bac k to stud ying in order to co mplete her degree

Michelle is now well established in her position at the Guelph Civic Muscum and dt las t feels she ha s put dow n roots in a c ity she has an alleg iance to one she loves and fee ls more co mfortable in than any other She is involved in trying to build up a research library on local history and artifacts

When asked for pearl s of wisdom fo r new graduates Michelle volunteered that pcople need practical ex perience along with formal learning to balance their percept ion of a ro lc How apropos 0

Th e Cullege uf So cial Science Alumlli Associatioll ill-course scholarships ere Jreserl(d

rnelltlmiddot to lei Junine Crallt Ceog uJJnmiddot olld Virginia Suth erland Psrchologv Attending

tht un lIlOnr wert right Pro(essor Juliu s fugl Department oCeogrupilr and Pr(essor

Mike M(lIh f II~ Iei chuirmun DeJurtlllen t 0 PI cilologr Th e scilolorshiJI 01 $200

each oreul1ded in purt hr all (11 1(( gru llti-om til ( Alma Mawr Fu nd


Lan e Smit h 78 is a so ftware spec ialist Barbara (Cherry) Wilson 80 is pres shyGrad News with Software Ke netics in epean ently res iding at 45 Emily Street Grimsby

Ron Beveridge 67 is an e lementary special counselor with School District 88 Terrace B C

C R ichard Buc k 70 practices law WIth the firm of Weyli e Shortt Buck Hanshybridge Reidl Casselli and Mitchell in Waterloo

Lee D Wetherall 75 is an exec utive ass istant with AIcan in Kingston

Stewart McCann 76 is a lec turer with the University of Alberta Edmonton

Peter J Stanczyk 76 is living at 9940 Fa irmount Drive S E Apartment A-4

C algary Alta Since concluding his studies at Guelph Peter attended the social work course at Wilfrid Laurier University Watershyloo and received a Master o f Soc ial Work

degree in 1982 Peter is now married and he and his

bride We ndy are established as socia l workers with Alberta Social c rvices and Comm unity Health in Calgary We wish Peter and Wend y much happiness in their new partnership success in their choscn fi e ld and contentment in the ir Ii vc s together

Ted Boniface 77 is now n eative direc tor for Ce ntra l Al berta Broadcasting (CKRDshy

T V CKRD-AM and C FCR-FM) in Red Deer Ted has bee n awarded four c itations by the Radi o Bureau of C anada and was nominated for an Aetra Award as producer of the hes t radio program of1979 O ld news we reali ze but how are we going to know o therwise unless you let us know Thanks

Ted for updating us on your activities

Gurnam Singh 77 is an MC A student at the niversity of Ottawa

Roderick Hodgson 78 is back in his home town of H udson Que Rod is emshyployed by the Town of H udson Publi c

Works Departme nt he al so serves on the Town Planning C ommittee and is activel y involved with the volunteer fire department

Perr y Wilson 78 is liv ing in Spirit River Alta Since graduating from G uelph Perry

has obtained a masters degree in Anthropolshyogy from McG ill University and is princ ishypal of Ste Marie Elementary School in Spirit River

John Boyle 78 is presently living at RR 2 Brampton

Karen Russell 78 is a teacher with the Dufferin County Board of Education at Parkinson Centennial School Orangeville

Vicky Su therland 78 is an air traffi c

controller with the Mini stry of Transport Calgary Alta

Susan W alkowiak 78 is a real estate agent with the Safeguard Real Es tate Comshy

pan y Toronto

Craig Willms 78 is an assistant manager with the Toronto-Dominion Bank Watershy


Gordon Cominey 79 is a priest with the Holy Trinity Anglican Church in Edmonshy

ton Alta

Carol (Fogarty) Knox 79 is presentl y residi ng at R R 5 Woodstoc k

Susan Laushway 79 is a probation office r with the Solic itor G eneral of Alshybe rta in Edmonton

Richard E Larente 79 is production manager at Mac Mil lan Bloedel Ville

Mont-Ro yal Q ue

Bryce Andrews 80 has dec ided to conshytinul his education at the n i ve r~ ity of

Weste rn Ontario He is working on an M BA

Dianne M Grenier 80 is in her third year of Common Law at the University of Ottawa

Shauneen (McKague ) Bruder 80 is an MBA student at Queens University Kingston

Michele Forrester 80 is a comm unicashytions clerk w ith the Ontario Yo uth Employment Program Queens Park To shy


Peter Madott 80 is an ass istant product manager with S c Johnson an d So n Ltd


Elizabeth (Ferguson ) latos 80 is a volunteer co-ordinator with B ig Bro thersBig Sisters of Carleton County


Jane Stevens 80 is a teac her w ith the

York Board of Education in Aurora

Loretto (MacDonald) Sullivan 80 is an administrative assistant with Kert Advertis shying Toronto

Sylvia (Bossaer) Willms 80 is a Food

Services supervisor at the UI1Iversity of Guelph

Jane (Stevens) Tremblay 80 is a teacher with the York Board of Education Aurora Jane is married to David U of N Dakota

grad of 79

Lee Anne Burton 80 is a teacher with the Dufferin Peel R C SS Board Mi ss isshy


Maureen S inclair-Barnes 80 is an urban planner with the City of Brantford Husband

is Bruce Barnes 82

Su~ Jones 80 is continuing her education at the Univers ity of Alberta She lives at

11441-132 St 405 Edmonton Alta T M IG2 Bro ther-in-law John Sch neider CBS 73 graduated in Marine


Nicholas Boyadjian 81 is a special events co-ordinator with Unive rsity Ce ntre

Administration Uni ve rsity of Guelph

Debra (Philputt ) Gibson 81 is a te acher

w ith Pee l C ount y Board of Education in

Miss issa uga

Jim Gibson 81 is a branch representati ve o ffi cer with the Ca nadian Imperial Ra nk of

CommCfce Toron to

Linda Helin 81 is presen tly res iding in

C utler on the North C hannel of Lake Huron

Patti La France 81 is a teacher residing at 66-50 Fiddl ers Green Road London

Elizabeth (Crighton) Madge 81 is now married and re siding in Lethbridge Alta

Kathleen Martin 81 is a market research analys t w ith As tra Pharmaceutical s Miss i shy


Edward Leong 82 is administration

manager for the J J Tour Se rvi ce at the Jal an M aju Taman Jade Ce ntre Miri Branch Sara wak East Malaysia

Debbie (Ling) Therrien 82 is employed as cashiersale sperson for Gameway s Ark

Ltd Toro nto

Chin Lan (Kat ) Choi 82 is an executive shyofficer with the ational Produc tivity Board in Singapore Since graduating C hin Lan has married C hoi Chee Keong C PS 82 Much happiness and success to you both

John C Close 82 is a teac her with World University Services of Canada in Zimbabshywe Africa John is married to Mary M A Psych 8 1 WLU 0


The College of Biological Science Alumni Associatio~_~

BIO-ALUMNI NEWS Editor Dr John Powell

Executive CBS Alumni Association HONORARY PRES ID ENT Professor Bruce Sells Dean


Dr George Dixon Ph D 80 Zoology

PAST PRESIDENT Marie (Boissonneault) Rush BSc 80 Marine Biology

VICE PRESIDENT Chris Wren BSc 77 Marine Biology

SECRETARY-TREASURER Cam Portt BSc 77 MSc 80 Zoology

DIRECTORS David Airdrie BSc 82 Microbiology Krista Soper BSc 79 Marine Biology Lorrie Cosens BSc 79 Marine Biology Eric Cosens BSc 80 General Biology Keith Harris B Se 76 Marine Biology

EX-OFFICIO DIRECTORS Marie (Boisonneault) Rush BSe 80 Marine Biology Shawn Taylor BSc 83 Aquatic Biology Past President CBSSC Brian Wisenden President CBSSC

FACULTY ADVISORS to be chosen one from each DepartmentSchool

UGAA REPRESENTATIVE S Jan Watshyson BSc 75 Zoology Lorrie (Rolston) Cosens BSc 79 Marine Biology Rob Miln B Sc 81 Marine Biology

EDITOR BlO-ALUMNI NEWS Professhysor John Powell Human Biology 0

Please help us to help you When corresponding or upshydating information or address do tell us not only your year of graduation but your discipline

Where Are They Now The following 20 names were entered on the College of Biological Science Honour Roll for years 1976 and 1977 We w ish to know how your career has progressed and

FALL 1976

Brenda Henry (Marine Biology) and Winter 77

janis Kay 78 (Genetics) and Winter 77

Laurence McClure OVC 81 (Unshyspecialized and Winter 77

Linda (Nelson) Sinclair 78 (Human Kinetics) and Spring 77


Sherry (Bondorenko) Miller 77 (Hushyman Kinetics)

jellrey Chernoff 77 (Unspecialized)

Wendy Harris 77 (Major in Biology)

C harlene Kopansky 77 (Human Kineshytics)

Peter MacDonald (Human Kinetics) and Winter 78

Blain Mollatt (Microbiology)

Darjo Romani 78 (Major in Biology) also Fall 77 and Winter 78

Barry Rosen~rg 77 (Unspecialized)

Cheryl Rowe 77 (Human Kinetics)

FALL 1977

Gregory Casey 79 (Microbiology) also Fall 78 and Winter 79

William Crins 78 (Botany)

jill Cross OVC 82 (Unspecialized)

what you are doing currently Do you have intere s ting episodes to relate in the BIO-ALUMNI NEWS Please lets hear from you

David C a mpbell 78 (Major in Biology)

Richard Proctor 80 (Ecology)

Carolyn Robertson (U nspecialized)

joanne (Ryder) G unby 79 (Genetics) and Winter 79 0

Grad Bash 1983

Organized jointly by the CBS Alumni Association and the CBS Students Council in April more than 280 students alumni current and former staff and faculty sat down for dinner prior to presentations being made to our dean

Contributions came from members of the College and a bird sculpture fashioned by Uta Strelive Zoology was the first of many gifts

Next came a memory book containing many letters photographs clippings and a variety of incidents all pieced together by Association president Marie (Boissonshyneault) Rush 80

Betty Roff gave the dean a special book of clippings collected by herself Two framed portraits of Professor Ronald one already hung in the main office of McNally house the other for the Ronald family completed the tributes

Altogether this gathering was a fitting acknowledgement of a great man who has done great things for us all 0


Scholarships In the Names of

Ronald and PoweU The CBS Alumni Association is pleased to announce the introduction of a scholarship for graduate students in the name of Proshy

fessor Keith Ronald Professor Rona ld as of July I had served for 12 years as the first dean of the CBS and the awarding of a

sc holarship in his name is a fitting tribute to

all he has done fo r the College the Univershys ity and the CBS Alumni Assoc iation

The Hum an Kine tics Alu mni Assoc iashy

tion anno unced its intention to name an undergraduate scholarship in the School of Human Biology in the name of Dr John T Powell as he retires from the Unive rsity in 1984

Do nations to eithe r or both of these

sc holarship funds shou ld be sent direc tl y to the Department of Alumni Affairs and Development-clearly ind icati ng to which sc ho la rs hip your donation is to be alloca ted - or when contributing to the Alma M ater F und noting that your monie s

be channeled to the sc holars hip of yo ur choice 0

Grad News Biological S cience

Lesley (Wilson) Barton 73 and Bruce 70 MSc 74 live in Keremeos B C R R No I VOX JNO will find them

E thel Anita Hamilton 79 and hu sband

Wayne Barcha r d 76 MSc 79 live in Hali fax NS where Ethel is a habitat proshy

tec tion technician with fishe ries and Oceans while Wayne is head Office Assessment Scction Environment Canada 3rd Floor 45 Alderney Drive Dartmouth N S

Marilynne (Wise) McCausland 77 is a research microbiolog ist with Molson Bre wshyeries of Canada Ltd and may be reached at 1555 No tre Dame East Montrea l Que H2L 2R5

Michael W Tate 79 write s mos t kindly thanking us for kee ping people in touch through th is column He is a teac her at Mo rnings tar Secondary School in Mi ss isshysauga

Natalie Mary Olynyk 79 may be reached at 3 120 Duffer in Street in T oronto where she is re staurant manager for Olyn yk Foods Ltd

Marine Biology

Gl en A Packman 74 and Sharon (Noda ) Arts 72 li ve at 21 Albion Road Hali fax S B3P IP8 Glen is a senior

biologist with En vironment Canada

Jo l1n Plumb 76 and M arianne (Conshynoly ) 77 may be reached at 37 Coldstrea m Road Box 303 Munster Ont KOA 3PO John works as an indu strial engineer with

the Mitel Corporation - Kan ata

Human Kinetics and Human Biology

Joy (Reid) Tomes 70 is a team coshyordinator with the Workman s Co mpensashytion Board- 2 Bloor St East Toronto Ont oM7W IA2

Terry Obi Oblinski 71 holds the pos it io n of supervisor with the 3M Comshypa ny at 2 Craig Street Pe rt h Onto K7 H 3C5

Robert T a p Fawcett 72 teac hes at the W 1 Fenton Secondary Schoo l R R 0 10 in Brampton Ont L6V 3 2

Marie-Andree (Pi lon) Poulin now teache h igh school in Montreal write her at 76 Lesage Repent igny Que J3A 5Y5

Dr Tom Elmslic 74 M-Sc 77 is a g lutton for punishment as he isjust complet ing another MSc this time in Epidemi o lshyogy at McM as ter University preparatory to his return to Ottawa

Glen Paterson 78 of 16 Da lto n A ve nue T hunder Bay On t P7B 4E9 is ea rl y chi ldhood educato r with the Confederation o f Applied Art s and Technology B ro ther Larry R Paterson g radu ated with a BLA in 69

Eric bullbull Art Arthurs 80 is s till at 12272 shy110 Avenue Edmonton Alta T5M 2L3 He work s for Consolidated Concrete Limshyi ted as a dragl i ne opera tor

Henry Fox 81 lives at 1520 Verdi La Salle Que H8l I K4

Christine (Krumbacher) F()se 81 may be reached at Box 252 2 Banff Alta TOL OCO

Ch rist ine (Novakuske) Lavallee MSc 81 is a stude nt again stud ying French and living at 0428A Larose A ve nue Mo nt real Que H2B 2Z2

Ginger (Thompson) Elmore 81 seeks work in the geriatric field Are you able to help Write he r please at 107 Ontario Avenue Komoka Onto NOL IRO

Don Doc Wilson 81 is physica l direc tor at the Waterloo Family YMCA Lincol n Road Waterloo Ont N2J 2N8

Jan McMullan 82 ne wly wedded to Mark Newcombe MSc 83 is presently ass istant manager - Ri ordan s Sport S 183 Silvercreek Parkway in Guelph She tells us of four co usins who have g raduated fro m Guelph - Brenda (Bu lton) Dagg CSS 72 Bryce Dagg 72 Donald Sifton 70 and Bonnie (Sifto n) W alsh C SS 72

Fisheries and Wildlife

Lorna l Depuydt 77 is a price specia li st with Massey-Fe rg uso n Her adshydress is 3941 Whispering Wa No 6 Grand Rapids Mich USA 49506

Steven Kerr 77 works as di s trict biologist for the Mi nistry of Natu ra l Reshysources - 611 Ninth Avenue Eas t O wen Sound Ont NOH IS O

Richa rd P Bekolay 77 MSc 80 R R N o ) Carp Ont KOA ILO is a program analyst with Digital Equipment Corporation at Kanata

Marie Legrow 80 is once aga in a s tudent at Gue lp h li ving in Guelph at [02 Queen St reet North IE 4S I


Ann (Stewart) Gray 79 and husband Dr eil Gray 76 li ve at 40) - 251 Platts Lanc in London Ont N6 H 4P4 Ann is a re search assistant at the Universi ty of We stshyern Ontari o

Robe- W Marks 81 is a production trainee with Labatt Brewin g Comp any in Kitchene r


Dr Rob J Van Exan 74 MSc 76 PhD79 ho lds the position of manager Cell Culture Produc tion with Connaught Laboratories 1755 Steeles Avenue West Will owdale Ont M2R 3T4

Chuck Yipchuk 78 wo rks in Quebec 87 Senneville Road Sennev ille a s c oshyordinator of da ta at Bi o- Re search Laboratori es

Dr Harr y Nixon Chabwela W eza MSc 79 P h D 82 may be contacted at loni Katandika Vtllage Chief Kakumbi P O Box 154 Chipata Za mbia where he is a bio log ist wi th National Parks

Douglas Stendahl MSc 79 is with the -federal government s Minist ry o f Indian Affairs and Northe rn De velopment- P O Box 1500 Yukon N W T He is water quality officer


Rick Proctor 80 is a consultant with I P Sharp Associates 2 First Canadian Place Toronto Ont M5X IE3 0


The Ontario Agricultural College Alumni Association

ALUMNI NEWS EdJtor Dr Harvey W Caldwell 51

Financial Management Related to Agriculture One of the main sessions at the OAC Agricu ltural Conference 83 dealt wit h financial management as it relates to agricu lture Robert Sanderson who is with the Ontario Farm Adjustment Asshysistance Program was a main speaker and presented the following paper

Ten years ago most farmers were smilingshyagr icu lt ure see med to have finally gained its reward Worl d short age s of food provided ampl e markets and steadily rising prices lor prac tica lly all crops

Thi s idea li s ti c situation continued for a co uple of years until the granaries of the wo rl d were refi li ed De mand then norshyma li zed and pri ces for most agricultural prod ucts hega n to dec line In spite of price dec lines and li mited markets co nsiderable optimi sm conti nued to be fe lt o n the farm sce ne thro ughout mos t of the 1970s

Late in that peri od infl a ti on reall y ca ught fi re rai sing inpu t cos ts for supplie s and labour The ri se in land pri ces exceeded the most optimis tic es timates during this sa me time

In an a tte mpt to s te m thi s ra mpant infla tio n interes t rates increased almost threefo ld beg inning In 1979 and the world hega n it s slide into recession Farml and prices ceased to r ise in 198 1 and are now crumbli ng wi th uncer tain ty and lac k o f demand

We have no doub ts abo ut th e successshyful future o f ag ri cult ure hcre in Ontari o but today for many farmers adj ugtt me nts are necessa ry to remain so lve nt and for too many oth ers bo th adj ustme nts and so me ass iq an ce are necessary for their prese nt and future surviva l

There are some who are beyo nd he lp and farm bankru ptcies are at their highest leve l since the grea t Depression o f the 1930s These cond it io ns brought about the crea tio n of the On tari o Farm AdJustmcn t Ass istance Program (OFA AP) T hi s proshygram during 1 9~2 has bee n assisting eli g ible farmers who needed he lp

The re are two prime reaso ns fo r


fin anci al woes cited by appl ican ts - high interes t rates and lower farm incomes On the other hand the prime reaso n fo r ~ome

farmen probl ems e ited by lenders is ove r-e xpansion We be li eve both views are va lid and unques ti onabl y are respo ns ible for the prese nt ago ny and unres t on 100

many Ontario farms Le nde rs cite seve ral o the r importa nt

reaSl)l1S whic h also bea r o n the prob le m The borrowers oft e n refe r to them too but usuall y wit h di fferen t emphasis ThcY em shyphas ize the c lt treme instability of fa rm income the se rious lac k of pro per pl an ning bu dge ting accmatc farm record and fin all y the practice of making unprodu ctive investmcnts

Because of the qualifying criteria asshysociated ith an application for as s istan ce from OfAAP one must keep in mind that our observations are limited to about 10 per ce nt of Ontario farm operatlolls That 10 per ce nt is cl ose to the bottom of the gro up on the bas is o f financial sec urity OFA AP assista nce is limited to those produc ing Iood and tobacco Therefore data regard in g proshyducers of fl owers nursery stock race shyhorscs etc ha ( no t come he fore us and the financ ial ituati ons ltlr not inc luded in any of o ur informati o n

Applica ti ons have been appro ved for farmers operating all across the pro vince

Of the to tal approved about 20 per ce nt were in swine prod uctio n abou t 15 per ce nt were in eac h of cash crop prod uction da iry producti on and beef prod uct ion 4 per cen t were in fruit and vege ta ble prod uctio n 3 pel cent were tobacco fa rmers and the Ies t co mbinations of the above Those farm ers producing etgs and poultry were fe w

I n a review of appli ca tio ns for OFAAP ass istance several COl1ll1lo n sce nari os co nshytin ue to ap pear on a so me what re petiti ve has is and are ca tegorized as fo ll ows

1 Young or Beginning Farmers

Th ose under 35 years o f age wen res pons ishybl e for nearl y ha lf o f a ll the app li cati ons In thi s gro up are many who have Just begun fa rm ing Mo~ t of these arc victims of inopport un e tim ing hav in g acq uired land buildings and equ ipme nt be twee n 1979 and 19R2 For the m the combinati on o f lower th an ex pee ted prices of farm produc ts and the extre me inc reases in the ir fi na nc ing charges due to hi gh interes t rates_ have becn dlvas tatin g This is partic ul arl y true where Illos t assets were fi nanced the bcg inshyning equit y be in g Illodes t

2 The Aggres sive Expansionist

Many farmers who did well farming on a

modlst basis in the mid-70s dec ided that s ince o ne farm was pro fitabl e two wo uld be bette r three be tter than two Aggress ive

expan sion mos tl y on c redit du ring this i ntl a tio nary pe riod produced many paper millionaires in the farm co mmunity by the late 70s The elation fo r some of these

fa rmers d id not lasl far into the 80s T hose with 100 much bo rro wed cap ital

found that the ir farm income c ul d not

support the debt load So me of these

atlcmpted fu rthe r borro wing in an e ffort to mai nta in their ho l ding ~ and fo und ou t like o thers before them th at it is imposs ible to

borro w your way out of debt O thers so ld or tried to sell some o f the ir land o r eq uipment in an effort to re ti re at leasl o me of the ir cri ppling de bt and there by salvage at

least a part o f the ir operation

One rather sad varia tio n o f this las t s itua tion occ urs occ as io na lly whe re a

farmer who has had a succes~ fu l and so lvent opera tion decide to ex pand to a llow a son

o r so n- in-law into the bus in ss because of a des ire on the part of the young per on to

farm or occasionally because he is no t employed The expansion in Jand and eljuipment particularly if it occu rred in the

last three years and if it were do ne mainl y o n credit with a mortgage taken on his once so lvent operation has robbed the farmer of

his security and his peace of mind Furthershy

mo re in some of these s ituations the disappointed newcomer in the bus iness moved on leaving dear o ld dad to make the best of it

3 The Equipment Enthusiast

Another scenario concerns the man who is o bsessed with the need to ac quire equipshyment or to make add ition s and improveshy

ments to a lready adequate buildings To pay

for it out of the revolvi ng operating loan or to finance it in other ways withou t first having established that it will pay for itself will inevitably c reate financial problem s

Whe re there has been a general disregard for thi s kind of purchas ing the end resu lt has usually been disas trous

4 Natural Disasters

We regularly see the result s of natural

disas ters - floods windstorms hail frost disease and fires All of the se misfortunes can be c rippling to any operation but when adequate insurance coverage is not carried or if one of these di sasters occur whe n a farmers equity is low or when hi s princi pal and interest charges consume much o f his income it can be disastrous to his economic

pos ition

5 Family Unity

From OFAAP applicatio ns it is noted that some farmers who experience a marriage break- up seem to have diffi culty maintainshy

ing fi nanc ial solvency W hen asse ts are

di vided and whe n atte nt ion to management

is di e r ted hccause o f family pro blems the farm operation is often morta ll y wounded

Farmers and farm op ratnr are much more vulnerable in this si tua tio n because thei r

wives arc o ften much more invol ved in the e lllerprise than in non- farm situations

6 Offmiddot Farm Income

Appl ications incl ude a great nu mher of

insta nces in which if it were not fo r 0 ffmiddot fa rm income o f either the farmer or his wife or

occas io na lly both the ir farm o peratio n wo uld be tota lly un viable and unab le to continue to fu nc tion It is well the n fo r

those in th se c ircumstances to r cogniu tha t if the off-farnl inco me should e nd it wo uld also mea n the te rmination of the

farming operatio n

7 Enterprise Changes

A review 0 f appli ca tions indicates that some

farmers are hoping to comple tely change

thei r c rop or li ves toc k programs attemptin g perhaps to outguess the marke t and to

improve their financial return s Sometimes the expectation in vo lved in the dec is ion is

correct but so o ften when the costs inshyvol ved in the c hange are considered little

has been gai ned and where the deci s ion to change was unwi se co nsiderable loss is

usually the result The ot her extreme to this

situation is rigidity to the poi nt of makin g no changes at all

8 Manage ment

The management ability of any applicant

farmer is difficult to assess Most applicants are not known and there is no opportunity to assess the actual farm operation Ho wever

experience with OFAA P emph asizes that good financial management is c ritical to the

success of any farm operation Here is a li s t of definite Do and

Do nts that should be much in the minds of farmers operating in the present financial climate All of these suggestions re tlect the ex periences we have had working with

appli ca tions for O FAA P

The Definite Dos

Do base an operation on an informed farm

plan keep ing and using good record~ and approved acco unting proced ures Do work c losely wi th the credit source shy

usually the banker Plan and work within

approved revo lving ope rating loan limits Make regular cred it payments when due and when unable to make p ro per arrange shy

ments ahead of time w ith your c reditor or credito rs Do make necessary adju stme nts in land and equipm e nt befo re u nder tak ing further borrow in g Do shop around for cred it and i nve~ tig ate

ava il ah le programs to cu t credit cos ts Do pay off on loans when surplus cas h is

ava il able It won t be any fun but it w ill

he lp to re tain sol vency Do try to ma intai n stability in your far m o peration and kee p the peace a t h IllC

Do seek the professi o nal adv ice of you r ag ric ultu ra l represe ntative anJ Ir indwtry fiel d per~on ne I

The Definite Donts

Dont borrow for capita l items unless they

are abso lu te I y necessary Dont make capi ta l purchases with funds

frolll your revo lvi ng opera ting account w ithout co nsul ta tion and agreeme nt with

the bank manager Dont expand any operation without sound

pl ann ing Dont plunge and make rapid changes in

the ope rati ng patte rn without so und consultation 0

Partners For 70 Years

Arthur Cowie 09 now 95 and his wife Nina now 92 were married March 19 1913 near Nel son B C They li ved in

HC for three years then returned to Caledo nia where Arthur worked for the A

Jone s bakery He returned to the 200-acre farm homestead in 1922 when his father

was kill ed in a farm accident Arthur se rved in the 19305 and early

19405 as co uncillor and also served as

a Ju s tice of the Peace for the farm communit y

Nina Co wie whose g reat lo ve was

dancing has onl y one regre t and that is tha t she could never get her hu sband o nto the -dance floor The Scotti ~ h dances Hig hlan d

tlin gs and Scotti sh reels made hi s head spin He played the record s and watched

from the sidelines while ina did the danc ing

They have no secrets tor a long happ y marriage excep t working at it Theyve

done Jus t tha t for 70 years Bes t wishes to them both 0


OACGrads on Faculty at Nova Scotia Ag College

Lauranne Sanderson M Sc 81 is with the Humanities Department She specialized in Animal Science in her undershygraduate years but added to that a master program in Agricultural Economics Lauranne has lived on a mi xed lives t()c k and cash crop farm in southern O ntario At the No va Scotia Agricultural College (NSAC) she is teaching Tec hnical W riting but is specializing in the area of Com munications and Agricultural Extension

Barbara (Otrysko) Mulkewytch 78 MSc 81 is with the Plant Science Deshypartment Prior to her appointment at NSAC she was employed as a potato crops specialist with the New Brunswick Departshyment of Agriculture Her teaching and research will include projects on potato and crop protect ion

Yes Surry MSc 81 is with the Economics and Busi ness De partment Yves was born in Pamiers France has an M A fro m the nivers ity of Pari s and is in the process of completing his Ph D from Guelph Yves has a strong interes t in teachshying and his research interests hould be a welcome addition to the reg ion He is pre sent ly teaching courses in Micro and Macro Economic Theory

Laurie (Gaunt) Connor 73 is w ith the Department of Animal Science She earned MSc and Ph D degrees specia li zi ng in reproduct ion phys iology from the nivershysity o f Manitoba Prior to joining NSAC she was a NSERC Vi iting Fellow at the Animal Research Centre in Ottawa Her teaching and research work is mainly in the re producti ve physiology field

Also at NSAC are Sheree Porter CSS 79 and Myrna (Porter) Blenkhorn 76 John Shug 37A and 40 is the sec re tary o f the Nova Scotia Agricultural College Alumni Association 0

Please help us to help you When corresponding or upshydating information or address do tell us not only your year of graduation but your discipline

Th ree generatiuns of heramify were present when fleather Rohinson right centre FACS 83 graduated ut Wim er Convocation With her f rom [eji to righture her grandfather John Inglis her moth er Vlarirn (Inglis ) Robinson Mac 55 0 member of the Uni versirys Boord of Govern ors ond her father Doug Rohinson 53

Above Mllrrav Ma cGregor 5 1 lei with the winners of the OAC s 25th annual Alumni Curling Bon spiel Left to right GeorRe Robinson 651 Mu rrav Elliotl 65A Keith Murru 65A and Jern- Forestell 6511 Right OAC Alumni Associashytion president Hell ry Slanle 55 right was preslntedwith un engraved pewta stein to recugnie 25 years of participation ill Ihe bOlspiel Conshygratuluting Henry is Bill Harrison 62 bonspiei commillee chuirman


the individual members excellence andThe Ronald S Ritchie Le cture integri ty

This idea for the new body was not accepted by members of Cabinet They

The Opening Up of PubHc PoHcy The Opening Up of Public Policy was

Selllior Michael Piffields fopic when he

delifred fhe annual Ronald S Rifchie

LeclUre of fhe UniversifY in March

A Rmduafe ofSf Lawrence Universify

17 ( graduafed in lawjrom McGill UniversifV

and holds a Rrodlla fe diploma in Public La w

Fom Ih e UlliversifY ofolIa wa H efirsl joined Ihe Public Service as an

wlminislrafive assiSfam in Ihe Depa rimem

oJuslice in 1959 Ialer served onlhe sraffof Ih e Goernor General and as secrelary fO

117 1 Royal Commission on Taxalion In 1965

he joined Ihe Privy Council Office He

became depuly minisler of Consumer and

Corporafe Affairs in 1973 and Ihe followshy

inli year lOok up an appoinfmem as Fellow

in fhe John F Kennedy School of Governshy

mOl (If Harvard Un iversifY In 1975 he

relurned 10 Ollawa as Clerk of fhe Privy

Council and Se crelarv 10 Ihe Cabinel

The annual leclre recognizes Ihe comrihwion made 10 fhe Universily by

former Board of Govemors chairman

ROllald S Rilchie A reporl on Senafor Piffields presemalion follows

Senator Pitfield paid tribute to Rona ld Ritchie his important work in the Glassco Commission and his influence in the estabshylishment of the Institute for Research on Public Policy

In thi s th oug htful and thoughtshyprovoking presentation Senator Pitfield outlined the need for and the desirability of more open discussion before policies are introduced but there are some very real difficulties associated with de vel oping some me chanis m that could foster and encourage such exchanges of ideas

[t was pointed out that because of the high degree of interdependency of modern society and the size and complexity of governments the making of public polic y must be an intellectual subject in its own right not just a conglomeration of di scishyplines It had become evident that

I A methodical analysis of government activity could lead to improvements in government effectiveness

2 Traini ng in making and managment of public policy was crucial and urgent

3 There were few in government who knew why things were done the way they were

4 The making and management of pubshylic policy was a subject unique in itself and required thinking through for itself

5 Universities and other training institushytions were not very useful in this training process universities being too removed from the actual experience of government and the government institutions being withshyout the detachment and intellectual rigour needed

Thus it became evident that there was a need for an institution that would be a repository of knowledge a pl ace of learnshying a foru m for debate and a means of communication co ncerning public policy

Proposal s emerged that the federal go vernment should assis t some of the organizations already in existence Comshypetition became keen and rivalry among institutions re su lted in grander more comshyplex proposals As a result the federal go vernment in 1968 decided to establish a think-tank of its own to take a more rigorous look at public polic y

The idea was not new In many countries the general thinking was that all problems could be so l ved by inrelleclUal anal ysis and the appl ication of modern techshyniques But the ne w Trudeau go vernment went even beyond providing more data It included public debate of public policy

But the think-tank was only one of the initiatives to aid in the formation of policies There was support for political parties through caucus funding offi ce space support staff and regional offices for Members of Parliament and internsh ip programs for students to work as assistan ts to MPs

Other support included green and white papers for discussion commissions of inquiry task forces public funding of non-political grou ps to encourage discusshysion and many others to increase the flow of information for consideration of alternashytives All were done to open up the process o f meaningful debate which would result in more effective and sound decisions

The th ink-tank was to be a centre for var ious kinds of people to di scuss public policy subjects which were often set aside because of day to day pressures At first it was to be very informal with distinguished people invited to participate Its integrity and permanency would be based on that of

were concerned that existing research instishytutes would be damaged They also wanted in volvement of business and professional communities This challenge to broaden the scope was gi ven to Ron Ritchie

Ritchie foresaw an institution that would be independent supported by an endowment which would not only support but st imu late debate on public policy

Man y fears were raised - that such a body would be taken o ver by academics that it would become a clique that govern shyments would battle for control etc But these were dealt with skillfully by Ritch ie and the Institute for Researc h on Public Policy was establ ished

What of its accomplishments~ This institute has been successfu l in

many ways in getting better information into debate [n the ten years since its beginning many studie s have been pubshyli shed It has held many informat ive confershyences and has a unique journal Howeve r despite its efforts open and meaningful debate on public policy is not much more advanced tod ay than it was a decade ago

It is evident that to ach ie ve its objecshytives there mu st be a willingess to change opi nions and the Canadian sys tem prov ides few forums for the changing of minds The bias is towards decision-makers and interest groups not open and meaningful debate

Public debate often takes pl ace after rather than before the decision is taken Thi s may not be what is wanted but policy-making is tilted not tow ards being open but towards being closed

Why has there not been more progress [n h is pre se ntation Mi chael Pitfield refershyred to the fact that the go vernment whose people should discuss the si tuation has become even more confrontational not because of lack of information but because of rigidity in their approach to discussion of public policy

As govern ment ha s grown so have checks and balances which recently have often been linked to lack of confidence Where slim majorities exist a strong opposhysi tion can threaten the government Party di sc ipline becomes severe and ai ring of independent views is discouraged The fear of a government being defeated on the one shyhand and the unyielding demands ot the opposition on the other tends to make the parliamentary process less and less flexible

The result of the foregOing is the tendency of government in modern times to drop solutions on a public th at may not be aware of the problems These solutions are not open to argu ment and debate is reduced

conld over


w ith bias tending towards a cl osed system and less debate

To improve the situation it seems it wlluld be necessary to have a mutual and

ba lanced reduction of force on both sides

The ge neral equilibrium of the system needs to be ma in tained W hat is needed is the reduction of secre tiveness of the gove rn shyment on one side and a reduc tion of the

danger of e mbarrass ment or de fea t of the govern men t on the other side

T here must be a wil li ngness to secure

more ope n debate on al l sides and our

leaders ha ve not done that e ven on m ost import ant issues More ope n and rneltll1 ingshyful deba te will require more thi nk ingshy

thro u middoth - something Mc mbers of Parlishy

ame nt may not he able to do or be free to do or have the necessary knowledge to do But the id ea behind the Institute for Remiddot

search on Public Policy was tha t such a body could bring about better decisions

All publi c problems cannot be solved by thought and tech nolog ics but few can be solved without these contr ibutions

The Institute for Research on Public Policy cannot create better public policies

by itself It must have input from all sectors to bring about more open and meaningful public debate which will result in constant

improvement of government - somethin g

that everyone desires 0

Grad News Herb Nor ry M Sc 52 has moved to

London as a farm business advisor wit h

O M AF working in eight counties

Denny Silvestrini PhD 5R is director of quality controlresearch and de velopment Eskimo Pie Corporation Ric hmond Virshy

ginia SA He had served as manager quality control and product deve lopment

Ralston Purina Co mpany St Luuis M isshysouri U SA

John Hagarty 61 is manager fi e ld

service s Rural O rganizati ons and Serv ice s Branch OMAF Guelp h

Ismail Siragcldin Ph D 62 is professor Department of Population Dynami cs and

Political Economics the Johm Hopkins

University Baltimore Md S A

Arlene (Fournier) 65 and Dick Flis

MSc 65 are in Edmo nton Alta where Dick is petroleum products manager wes tmiddot ern Canada Imperia l Oil Ltd

Craig Hunter 66 is pre sident Cra ig

Hunter Poult ry Farms Ltd Stro ud

Colin Triver s 67 is a consulting e ngineer and On tario land surveyor for e G Trivcrs

Ltd T he ssalon

Peter Mosher Ph D 70 is director

bureau of agric ultural prod uctio n Depart shyment of Agriculture Ba ngor Me USA

Cordon Brown 76 is sen ior food techshynolog is t new prod ucts process developshy

ment Tho masJ Lipton Inc in Bram pton

Martel C outure MSc 76 is acting di rec tor d iploma progra m Macdonald Colshy

lege Ste nne de Belle vue Que

Charlie Ellintt 78 vnfe Ja ne and

first -born Ian C harles born Jan uary 20

1983 are living near S hetland C harlie is now working fo r Elliott Bros G rain and Feed Ltd

Dennis Ring 78 is credit manager Farm C redit Corp C hatham H is wife is Carnl (Weeks) 79

R Cunrad Genee 79 is a sales represhy

sentative with CIBA-Geigy Canada Ltd in

Winnipeg Man

Howard Armstrong RO is an industrial

engineer with the B utler Ma nufacturing Co (Canada) Ltd Nisku Alta

Bruce Broadbent PhD 80 is a research scientist entomology with Agriculture

Canada Vineland Station

Mic hael Tulloch 80 has been accepted as

a professional engineer by the Council of the APEO He now manages engineering functions for eG Trivers Ltd Thessalon

BruceGitelman 81 will be joining Wood G undy Ltd Investment Broke rs as a

corporate finance associate in September

Danicllc Wenstrom 81 is a quality a ss urance su pe rvisor for Pil lsb ury of Canada Ltd M idland

Christine Deslandes MSc R2 is a lecturer at Alfred Col lege of Agricu ltu re

and Food Technology A I fred

Diploma Graduates

Donald Morley 68A is ge nera l ma nager De Marco Homecare Ce ntre Sutton West

Jeffrey Currah 74A is marke ting man shyage r Fortam ix-a division of BASF

Canada Inc Georgetown

Brian Roberts 76A is a welder with Hillcook Ind ust ri es Ha milton 0

In Memoriam Raymond David Ure 15A and 21 January 24 In3 ~uddenly a t Tecumse h

age 87 He had bee n very act ive un til

recently H is son Donald re is it

graduate of 49

Dr Genrge M Stirrett 20A and 22 died December 15 1982 H is many co nshy

tri bu tiono had bee n recogni zed by the Heritage Canada Found ation The fo llowshy

ing is an account of the tribu te pa id to him Fe bruary 16 1 9~ I at Government HDu~e

O ttawa

His Excelle ncy Gove rnor Ge nera l

Edward Sc hrcyer prese med the Commun imiddot cations A wards Atl antic Reg ion to Dr

George M St irrett of Grand Falls Ne w

Bru ns wick Dr Stirrett has been comm itted to natural h is tory conservation for ma ny

years bo th before and after hi s ret ire ment from the Canadian W ildlife Service and Parks Canada in 1964

He worked hard for the preservation of the falls and gorge area at Grand Falls

and on other conservation needs in Ne w Brunswick and Ma ine He has also written

on the iss ues of conservation using Ihe pcn name G raham Vail and since April 1979

has publi shed a weekly column Notes on atural History in the G rand Falls

Cataract His columns stress the appreciashytion and enjoyment of nature as well as the need for preserving it

Norman Hodgins MacBeth 23 Fe bruary 3 1983 in St John N B He had retired in

1967 as General Manage r of General Dairies Ltd

David R Owen 25 in Medi c ine Hat

Alta February 6 1983 at age 82 He was a di rector of the fi rs t ollege Roy al and spe nt

most of his li fe teachi ng and farmi ng in Saskatchewan

Ronald John Quinn 35 Fe bruary 17 1983 in London His wife Helen (Farshyquhar) is a lso a graduate o f 35

Bruce Douglas Innes 36 passed away Septe lllber 29 19 82 D uring his college

years he took part in ma ny ac tivitie s bu t he -re membered with particu la r pleasure be ing Grand C hampion Showman College Royal

35-the first time that the honour had bee n won by anyone o ther than a fou rth year man Bruce owned and operated a dairy

farm at Burford since I 939 and was an

acti ve and ded icated farmer until his death

H is wife Margaret died in A pril 1983 T hey leave daughters Lorna Lawrence

Mac 68 and Karen and son Robert 0


Macdonald Institute College of Family and Consumer

Studies Alumni Associat ion

ALUMNI NEWS Editor Joan (Anderson) Jenkinson 66


BASc Grads-Class o f 80

EntploYDlent Survey T he University s Counselling and Reshysource Centre recentl y completed an inshyucpth survey covering the empl oyment activities of the 211 graduates who in 19RO earned Bachelor of Applied Sc ience Degrees

The survey indicates th at gradu ates are e nj oy ing a variety of interes ting and chalshylenging careers

A gratifying 73 per cent of th e graduates re sponded to the survey with 51 per cent of the respondents indi catin g that they have completed or are completing graduate degrees or programs on a full- or part-time bas is Of the 153 respondents 78 per ce nt including one who is self emshyployee have full-time employment The remainder are employed part-time or are pursuing further studie s

Li sted below are the indicated ca reers chosen in the four major areas of study

Applied Human Nutritio n

ut ritiond ietetics Food service administration More than 50 per cent of the responshy

dents obtained reg istered profe ss ional dietishytian certificates The Admini strati ve Emshyphasis course is no longer offered in the

Applied Human utrition program It is available through the Bachelor of Comshymerce program

Family Studies

A number of grad uate s found posit io ns in teac h ing or social services such as

Adult protecti ve service workers Infant de ve lopment specialists Geront ology consultants Supervisors and field workers with social service agencies Other Family Studies graduate s are

working in government srv iees and in the private ec toras home economists financial co un se llors librarians hostel managers Family Studies graduates tend to sl ck caree rs in the helping profess ion s

Consumer Studies

There are four emphasis areas 01 study within this maj or The survey indicates that

Food gradu ates are employed in areas of produci development marketing and food technology with majo r food companies Hou si ng emphasis graduates are wo rkshying with government agencies and in teac hing

Consumer Beha vio ur e mph asis graduates are in industry business and res earc h Tex tile and Clothin g e mph asis grads are employed in research merchandi sshying and banking Often after working for a year or

more Consumer Studies graduates will return to gradu ate study o r profess ional programs on a full- or part-time bas is

Child Studies

Many Child Studies graduates are emp loyed in teaching supervisory or other child-care related sett ings such as soc ial work with fami lies and children Re ported part -lime and temporary em pl oy ment pos ishytions include work as supply teachers child care supervisors special education leac hers and as lecturers in uni ve rsity settings

It is imporl an t to note that this emshyploy ment survey reports the caree r paths chose n by onl y one graduating cl ass Dat a is collccl~d on a yearl y bas is from gradu ates in Family and Consumer Studies In order to observe the broad scope of employment opportunities avail able a four-year tabulashytion wo uld pl~ c nt a more complete picture of the profess ional activities of graduates

In summary FACS programs offer students a sound educational background to meet the need s of i nduslry educational institut io ns governme nt and bus in c The future for FACS graduates is indeed bright as the College co ntinues to gro w and develop programs to meet the challenges of the 80s 0



BASc Gradsmiddot Class of 80 Further Education Pursued

Major Total

Graduates Number of

Respondents R PDt BEd MEd MSc MD MA

Applied Hum an Nu trition 65 45 23 3 I

Family Studies 64 44 19

Consumer Studies 48 33 2

C hild Studies 34 31 II I I I

TOTAL 21 1 ( 1007c)

153 (73 oc )

23 32 I 4 I I

FACS Has New

Dr Richurd Burhunl

Dean Professor Richard M Barham was apshypointed dean of the College of Family and Consumer Studies for a fi ve-year term effective July I 1983 He succeeds Dr Janet M Wardlaw who has served as dean since 1969

Professor Barham has been chairman of the Department of Family Studies since

1976 and served as acting dea n in [980 while Dean Wardlaw was on administrative leave

A graduate of the University of Otago Dunedin e Zealand Richard Barham received a Ph D degree from the University of Alben a dmonton in Ed ucational Psychology

He has served on the faculty of the Department of Educational Psychology at the University of Alberta and as professor and acting chairman of the Department of Education University of Otago

While in New Zealand he was an executive member of the council of The Ne w Zealand Psychological Society and served as its president

At Guelph he has taught both undershygraduate and graduate courses in the Deshypartment of Family Studies and has supershyvised graduate students

He has been active on many University committees during the past seven years He is a past chairman of the Board of Graduate Studies and has been a member of the

Committee on Academic Priorities the Committee on University Planning the Liaison Committee and several others

He has also been a consulting educa shytional psycholog ist with the Wellington County Separate School Board since 1979

Prolessor Barham and his wife Joan have a family offour Joan recently returned to the University of Guelph for further study Daughter Vick y 19 is a student in Economics at Queens University Lisa 17 and Christopher 14 attend Ce ntennial CVJ while Tania 12 is completing her studies at College Avenue School

Music is very important part of the Barham familys life with active invoheshyment in the Suzuki String School and the Guelph Youth Orchestra Gardening is a hobby enjoyed by both Richard and Joan

Members of the Mac- FACS Alumni Association extend a sincere welcome to Professor Barham We look forward to meeting and working with him in the future as he fills the challenging position as dean of FACS 0

FACS Prof First

Dr M urlin MUllhclIs

Director P ro fessor Anne Martin Matthews De shypart me nt of Family St udi es has been ap shypointed the first director of the Gnontology Research Centre The establi shment of the Centre was announced last February A research grant of $237000 from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada will fund the Centre for the first three years

Professor Martin Matthews has been conducting research related to the needs and interests of older segments of the populashytion as well as teaching courses in such areas as social gerontology and marital and family dynamics in Family Studies She has been a faculty member with the Department of Family Studies since 1978

She also has been active beyond the campus in programs related to aging She is chair-elect of the social sciences division Canadian Council on Gerontology and will begin a two-year term in the chair of that organization this year

She is also first vice-president of the

Ontario Gerontology Association and a member of the scientific advisory commitshytee of the Gerontology Research Council of Ontario She is a graduate of Memorial University of Newfoundland and McMaster University

With a steadily increasing percentage of the popUlation in the retirement age bracket it is important to understand more fully the ir needs and cuncerns sa ys Proshyfessor Martin Matthews The en tre will deal with the ag ing family and environshymental contexts In the latter sense we will be examinin g such things as the difference bet wee n aging in an urban and a rural society as well as issues like housing and the aging

The new Gerontology Research Centre will provide facilities to assist faculty members and graduate students doing reshysearch on aging The Centre will facilitate integrate and co-ordinate studies on aging within the University the director says

Research on aging is now being carried out at the Universi ty in such Departments as Family Studies Geography Psychology Nutrition Human Biology and SocioluFY and the Centre will be able to provide a medium for cross-fertilization of ideas among the many researchers in the field

Professor Marlin Matthews says that the Centre will be working co-operatively with other similar research centres in Onshytario such as the one at the University of Toronto in promoting research on aging The Centre will also sponsor conferences and workshops that relate to the special needs of older citizens in their communities

Guelph has demonstrated an interest in gerontology since 1970 when research projshyects began and courses dealing with aging were offered in the Departments of Family Studies and Psychology Since 1981 the Un i versity has offered gero ntology as part of the Famil y Studies major in the Bachelur of Applied Science program 0

A Thank You Dear A luml7i

1-Iwl 10 Ihonk oil Ihe uumni inloll(d wilh

Ihc cr special send-oj gien to me ill

recognition of Ihc complelion ofmv Icrm as


So man of ou -Ierc invocd shy

whelhcr or nOI ou -Iere able 10 (fIend Ihe

recognition receplion in Toronlo on May

29 I oppreciacd Ihe man good llishes

which come from ocross CClrado ond from

such dislOlIl places as Indio and Chara

Your generous gifls u Imc Irolld of

pcarls und a bonk aCCOlll11 vhich came lVilh

Ihe slrong suglcslion Ihal [should IIc 10

Vnv Iculand lverc Irul overllhelll1ing

The Air lCll Zcalundjlighl bag jJacked wilh

1111 SOriS of nccessiliel added 10 Ihe jim

middotre had 01 Ihe rcceplion

Many Ihanksfor your SUppOri over Ihe years and for your good wishes as I begin

my car ofadmin is Ira live leave

Yours sincerelv

Jonel M Wardlaw 0


Dr Louise

( Bailltlj

Heslop 67

Off - To


Dr Louise (Bazi net) Heslop 67 has JO ined the School of Business at Carlton Unive rsit y O ttaw a Over the next two years through an arran geme nt with Ca rlton Unive rsity she will be cco nded on a

part-time basis by Stati sti cs Canada where she will join the Research and Analysi s

D ivision Loui se completed her MSc at Guelph

in 1969 and continued as lecturer in the

ne wly-es tablished Department o f Co nshysumer Studies In 1977 she compktcd a Ph D in Business Administration (Marketshying) at the University of Western Ontari o

and rejo ined the Department of Consumer Studies ri si ng to the rank of ass oc iate professor

Louise was e lected to the board of

di rectors of the Mac-FA CS Alumni Assoc ishyati on in 1977 se rvin g as secretary-treasurer until May 1981

We ex tend our best wishe middot to Loui se

her husband Lome O A 70 and their dau ghters Jose tte 5 and C la ire 2 Lorne is employed by Agriculture Canada in

Ottawa and is currently completing an M Sc in Engineering at the University of

G uelph Coun try li ving is a high priority with

the Heslops They are deli ghted with the purchase of a farm near Almonte a nd look

forward to the best of both worl d s - profess ion a lism in the city and lei sure in the countryside 0

Grad News Helen (Clifford ) Beswick 48D is se lf empl oyed as a studio potter in her home in Dundas

Margaret (Kennedy) jarvis 54D is a realestate age nt in Kingston

Pat (Hall) McDowell 65 is with the

United Missionary Soc iet y Jlorin Kwora State ~igeria

Joanne Patterson 66 is a se ni or project o ffmiddoticer w ith Indi an and Northern Affa irs Ottawa

Leslie (Mowat) Hemming 68 is teaC hin g in Woods tock

Mary (Jany) Toms 68 is employed with Health and We lfare Canada Ottawa

Sarah (Spencer) Coomhs 70 is an assistant director wi th the Co nsumer Inforshymation Centre of the Ontario Government


Meredith Fi lshie 70 is an ana lyst w ith the Ministry of State for Economic and Re g ional Development O ttawa

S heila (Fahner ) jarvie 70 is a nutrishytion ist w ith the K- W Hospital Kitchener

Donna j ohnstone 70 o perates Donn as Ha ndmade Clothin g for Men amp Wo men Gabiola Isla nd B C

Lorraine Holding 71 is manager of program development with the Rural Orshyga nizatio ns and Services Branlh Minis try of Agriculture and Food located at the Gue lph Agriculture Centre

Beve r ly Lee 72 is a chairperso n with the York Region Board o f Educ at io n

Laurie MacLeod 72 is a district manager with Beaver Foods Mlss issauga

Kathy Camelon 73 is a dietitian at the Toronto Genera l Hospita l

Tirnoth) Fleming HAFA 74 a ses ionaJ lec turer with H AFA teaching business law has been adm itted to the partne rshi p o f the law firm of Harper Haney and White of Waterl oo

Isabel (McBride) H o well 74 is an e lementary school teacher with the Watershyloo Co unt y Board of Educatio n Camshybridge

Mary Ruston 75 is a Famil y Studies teacher at Inge rso ll District High School

Kathryn Anderson 76 is a supervisor with Westmini ster Family Day a re London

Hester Cooper 76 is employed as a research officer with the New Zealand Dairy

Research Institute in Palmers ton North ew Zealand

Patr icia (G a rland ) Desaul niers 76 is with patient fo od se rvices Alberta Hospishyta l Edmo nton

Noella Li 76 is aclinical dietitian wi th the

ictori a Hospital London

M eredith (Evans) Hea rtwe ll 77 is

teac hing in Mississauga

Deb Wey 77 is patient food se rvices manager at SI John Regio nal Hospi tal SI J()hn NB

Susan (junes ) Wilcox 77 is food se rvices

superviso r with the Baye re st Ce ntre for Ge riatric Care 0

A ThankYou The c lass of Mac 380 wishes to extend a

sincere thank you to all alumni who have con tributed to the Mac 38 0 Class Geronshy

to logy Scholarship Fund The gradua te s tudent scholarship in

the recently de ve loped area ot Ge ronto lo gy at FACS is being established by the class of 38D in recog nition of their 45th annivershy

sary in 1983 All Univers it y of Guelph grads are

in vited to parti c ipate in this project funds for which will be so li c ited until December

1984 [f you wish to con tribute please make you r cheq ue pay ab le to the Univers ity o f Guelph Alma Mater Fund specify that it is to be applied to the Mac 38 D Class Gerontology Scho larship Fund and mail to

the Deve lo pment Office Room 273 John shysto n Hall Uni ve rsity o f Gue lph Guelph

Ontario N IG 2W J Th an ks again for yo ur suppo rt from

Elle n Downie Mary Singer Doris Durran t and Jean Carter- the Mac 38 D sch o larship committee 0

In Memoria m We regret to announce the death of the following al umnus

Margaret L (MacKenzie) Smallwood 401) December 1982 in Lakeland Fla




The College of Physical Scie nce Alumni Association

SCIMP Editor Bob Winkel

phy sics grant selection committee of thc atural Sciences and Engineering Research

Council for two years he was intimately involved in all the major re search de velopshyments in Canada in this field Hc feels that his e lec tio n to the Royal Society of Canada will help raise the prot1le of high-energy physics in this co untry and lend stren gth to Canadian experimenters

The citation prepared for his nominashytion to the Royal Society of Canada reads

Professor Karl is a high energy the ori st whose work is widely recognized interna tionally His deep physical insight and hi s kn ow led ge of mathemati ca l methods led to the quark model of baryon resonances based on quantum chromoshydynamics which has been enormousl) successful in describing experimental reshysuits H is re sea rch is characterized by striking originality and an ability to COIll shy

bine basic ideas from different field s as in the predictions of a new effect - neutron optical activity

Gabriel Karl is married and has one daughter W hen he is not probing the sec re ts of the universe he indulges himself in music theatre and the fine arts

He visited the Unive rsity of Briti sh Columbia in Vanco uver in May for the induction ceremony into the Royal Society of Canada on the occas ion of the Annual Meeting of the Society It marked he sa id the culmination of a long string of benefits that [ ha ve enjoyed throughout the 23 years 1 have lived in Ca nada [ have every rea son to be very grateful to th is country D

Erratum In the Sprin g issue o r SCiMP it was erroneously reported in the c utline accompanyin g a pict ure of Departshyme nt of Physics student scholarship winners that they were the recipients of 0 er $ 1500 We dropped a zero The fi gure should have read $ 15000 Sorry about tha t Ed

Elected to Royal Society

Dr Cooiel Korl

The election of Dr Gabriel Karl to a Fellowship of the Roy al Society of Canada represents what one of hi s colleagues Dr Peter Egelstaff desc ribe s as a rare honour which reflects great credit not only on Dr Karl but also on the Uni versi tys Departshyment of Physics

The Royal Society of Canada founded in 1882 to promote learning and research in the arts and sciences has numbered among its Fellows virtually all of Canadas most distinguished intellectual le ade rs of the last J00 yea rs Standards are jealously guarded and Fello wships are awarded only as a result of outstanding world-class ach ieve ment

The rarity of the honour is indicated by the fact that at the Un iversity of Guelph whose faculty includes so many academics of international distinction only five had previously achieved a Fellows hip in the Royal Society of Canada These are Dr Howard Clark vice- pres ident academic Dr Bruce Sells dean College of Biologishycal Science Dr Peter Egclstaff Depart shyment of Physics Dr Do nald Masters Prof ssor Emeri tu s De part mcnt of History and Dr He rb Armstrong retired dean of Graduate Studies

As the sixth Dr Ga briel Karl will have the added di st inction of bei ng the first whose career has been sp ot excl us ively at the Un ivers ity of Guelph which agai n to

quote Dr Egelstaff marks a coming of age for the University

Gabriel Karl was born in Transylvania a province of Romania He obtained his B Sc in Chemistry at Romani as Univershysity of ClUJ worked for two years in industry and came to Canada in 1960 He attended graduate school at th e University of Toronto where he was awarded a Ph D in 1966 for a thesis on infrared luminesshycence following molecular colli sion Hi s Ph D supervisor was the distinguished physical chemist Dr John Polanyi

A two-year post-doctora l fellowship with the University of Torontos Depart shyment of Physics followed His mentors there were Drs J Van Kranendonk and Duk Poll who is now a professor with the Universi ty of Guelph s Depa rtment of Ph ys ics

In 1966 Dr Karl studied at the Uni versity of Oxford for two years under an NRC scho larship to study hadron spec troshyscopy and in 1969 he Joi ned the Univers itys Department of Phy sics achieving a full professorship only five years later

Dr Karls work has focussed on high energy physics - the physics of fundamen shytal particles This is an esoteric field involvshying research into the nature of matter The relatively few world leaders in thi s field tend to cluster around the half-dozen accelerators such as the $100 million four kilumete rshylon g hi gh-e nergy tunnel for accelerating electrons at Stanford University that have been built only in the US and Europe

There is no accelerator of this energy level in Canad a and fe w Canadian scie nshyti ~ts are working in this field Dr Ka rl s statu re in the international commu nity of particle physic ists is marked by his many visi ts to the world s major research ce ntres as guest speaker and to consult with his peers Referring to the time spent on thcse missions Dr Karl describes the Depart shym nt of Phys ics and his colleag ues as generouslyaccommodati ng shy

As cha irman of the h igh energy


Trapping The Suns Energy Excerpted from a Chemtrends article by Mary Cocivera

One predi ctabl e fac t about ind ustri ali z d

soc iety is that it will take more e nergy to

keep the whee ls ru nn ing smoothl y parti c ushy

larly because the world population is exshy

pected to dou ble to about n ine bill ion by the

year 2050

[n th search to augme nt tradi tio na l

sources o f e lectri ci ty two Departme nt of

Chemistry pro fessors ha ve tu rned their

atten ti on to the convers ion of solar energy to

electricity by photovultaie cel ls and photoshy

elec troc he mical systems T he developme nt

work at Guelph is a imed at improving the efficiency and stability of th se sy~tems and

reduc i ng the ir cos t

Si licon photovoltaic cells serve as a

reference for solar energy convers iun beshy

cause they were the fi rst such cells and to

date arc the most effic ient co nvert ing so lar

ne rgy into elec tr ic ity a t abo ut 15 per cem

effi c iency Arrays of crys tal li n sil icon ce lls present ly cos t in the nei ghborhood or

S$400 per sq uare metre to manufac ture

produc ing about 40 watts Photovo lta ic

thin- fi lm syste ms us ing semico nductors

o ther than single crysta l sil ic on are be ing

investigated in man y re~earc h ce ntre s

around the world

A pro mis ing approach is a cadmiui1l

sulfi dec uprous sul fide combi nat ion in

which the two sem ico nduc tors are laye red

on molybdenum the n covered w ith a transshyparent gold fil m T his thin-fi lm cons trucshy

tio n i ideal for solar devices explai ns

Profess ur Ro n Fawcett because large

surface areas are needed for maximum

exposu re to the sun

T he fabrication process devel oped by

Ro n and patented in 1980 in vo lve electroshy

depos iting cadmium sulfide o nto molybshy

denum then layering cuprous sulfide over the cadm ium sulfide by an ion exchange

process Finally the gold 11 1m is added by

vacuum de pos ition Ron es timates that

thi n-film de ices could be manufac tu red in

this way for about S$25 per squ are metre

E lectro pla ting of se m ic ondu ct ors

would enabl e photo voltai c dev ices to be

manu factured in a continuous process

rathe r than indi vidua lly as i required w ith

s ingle crysta l s ilic on Such ce lls ha ve

ach ieved conversio n of solar to electrica l

energy at an e ffi cienc y o f I per cent to date T he researchers are co nfide nt they can

achieve fi to 8 per cent cffi ieney compared

to the calcul ated max imum e ffi c iency of II

per cent Pro fessor Michae l oc ivera is ork ing

on photoe lec troc hem ical systems in which a

sem icond uctor electrode im mersed in an

elec tro lyte solution converts inci dent li g ht

into a n electric a l cu rren t Such se mishy

conductor lilju id junction cells offe r p racti shy

cal ad van tages because uf the sponta neom format ion o f a junc tio n I mproved effishy

ciency fo r po lycrysta lli ne sem iconductors

has been a hi eved in ce lb of th is type in part becau~e the liqu id estab li shes unshy

iformly good COntac t wi th the e l etrode

The li gh t -~ens it i ve electrode in photoshy

e lec trochem ical ce lls is a sem ic o nductor

e it her a thin-fi lm or s ingle c rysta l a tt ached

to a metal back ing the other e lec trode is an

inert me ta l T he e l ectrode~ are immersed in

~ n elect rol yte solutio n o f a mater ial that carl do nate and accep t elect rons The b igges t

prob lem with many li lj ui d junct io n ce lls

~ays Mike is photocorros iol1 of the su rshy

face of the se miconductor To overcome

thi s problem he is developing materi a ls and

techniques to coat the e lectrodes with proshy

tec tive materiab

The first liquid junction cells with a

sili con anode opera ted for only a matter of

seconds befo re the e lec trode was des troyed

by corrosion Researche rs at the Solar Energy Research Insti tu te in C o lorado

U SA have developed a silicon anode

w ith a polypyrro le protect ive coating which

can o perate for hund reds o f hours but that is

still not long eno ugh for a viable commershy

cia l syste m

M ike and his colleague are making a

syste matic study of compounds tha t wi ll

both protect the electrode from corrosion

and catal yze the elect rode rca tion They

arc now worki ng with organo me tall ic comshy

pounds co mpris ing a metal atom sulfur

and an aromatic co m pone nt containing a func tiona l group li ke hyd roxy l sul phonate

ammoni um and nitroso

hese compounds are effect ive beshy

ca use they prov ide a mechanism to transfer

a ch arge bet ween the se mi co nd uctor and the e lectro n donor in solut io n The coating mus t

also be transpilrent e nough to a llow the light

to s trike the photocleetrode

To date they ha ve suneeded in deshy

veloping fi ve coat ings su itab le fo r a variet y

or se miconduc tors incl uding the polyshy

crysta ll ine cadm ium su lfide e lectrodes fabshy

riltated by Ron Fawce tt s method If polyshy

crystalli ne elec trodes can be fab ri (a ted and

coated wi th a protec tive materia l electroshy

chemically they wi ll be relati ve ly inexpe nshy

ive to manufac ture If the tech niques and processe s be ing

inve ~l igated by Ron Fawce tt and Mike Coc ivera de ve lop to tht ir full poten tial the

su n cou ld beco me a more import ant supplier

o f e lectri city in Ca nada Long-range proshy

jectio ns suggest that about 10 per cent of No rth A m rican e lectr ic it y could be proshy

duced from solar convers ion

Elec tric ity fro m the sun is no longer a

pipe-dream-it is a reachable goa l n

Grad News Louise (Sandall) Platt BA 69 is living

in Islington and teaching for the Etobico ke

Board of Educati on

Alexander Barton BSc 70 MSc 74 is work ing on a Ph D deg ree in the

Departme nt of Fishe ries and W ildlife at

Orego n Sta te uni vers ity

Gerry Kupferschmidt BSc 70 MSc

71 is living at R R I Osgoodc and is

tmployed as a sc ientific ad ise r to the


Murray Ross Gingrich BSc 71 Ii ves in

Brampto n and is work ing as a probation

officer for the Ministry o f Correc tio nal


Robert Cross BSc 72 M D is workshy

ing in the emergency department o f the

So uth Muskoka Hospital in Bracebridge

Edda Duva (Home) Kerr BA 74 lives

in G ue lph and is working as a program

co-ordinator for Casatta Ltd in Kitchener

Deanne Ch)y BSc 78 Ii ves in Etob ishy

coke and is working as a public health

inspector for the Ham ilton Wentwo rth Reshy

gio nal Health Unit

Alex McDonald BSc 79 PhD 83 and his wife Rosanne ( DeNobriga) BSc

79 are living in Austi n Texas whil e Alex

is do ing post-doctoral work at the Unishy

vers ity o f Texas

Ste~en Oliver BSc 79 o f Hamilton is a

medica l sa les repre sentati ve with Cyanamid

Canada Inc

Gordon Knox BSc 79 is a con~ ul ta nt

with Inform ation Systems Serv ices in Vicshy

toria BC

George Gillson BSc 80 is taki ng a

Ph D in Anal ytica l C hemis try at the Uni shyve rsity of Alberta 0


The College o f Arts Alumni Associat ion

DELPHA Editor Debbie (Nash) Chambers 77

has no w acquired the Shaw Festival ArshyThe Deans Roundup chives on permanent deposit T his is an

Last fall I had the privilege of speakshy

ing to the direc tors of the University of G uelph Alumn i Assoc iation to bring them

up to date on some of the excit ing things connected with the College of Arts I am gratefu l to the editor of DELPHA for this

opportu nity to let alumni readers know what we are do ing

I am pleased to be able to report a subs tant ial increase in enrolment both in the

B A program and in the College o f Arts this past yea r What is especially nice is that this has coincided with a dec is ion to tighte n our

standards at the admissions level and in the regulations for continuatio n of study

In o rder to grad uate B A students

who entered the Spring 19~3 Semester will need to obtai n a C average in 60 per cent of the courses they take

Most of o ur students are doing thi s now and we do not antici pate this will pose any

problem for the students whom we are ad mitting Next year students en tering the

B A program will be required to have Grade 13 English and we are strongly encouraging them to offer a Mathematics credit o r o ne in French or ano ther language

Applications from students wish ing to enter the B A program in the Fall 1983 Semester

are up subs tantia lly over last yea r I also want to share with you some

ha ppenings which have brought special delight to me

The U ni ve rsi ty of Guelph Choir

under director Ge rald e ufeld won second prize in the 1982 CSC nation al chora l competition

In the Harbourfront a rt show last

sum mer three o f o ur students had works se lected by the jury and each won a prize shya better show ing than any of the other O nshy

tario universities or colleges which entend T he C anadian- American Urban Hisshy

tory Co nference held at G uelph in A ugust

1982 was a tremendous success bringing sc holars from many parts of the United States and Canada to discuss new trends in urban studies

Dean David Murray

In the space of just a few months I have seen seven books published by faculty in the Co llege The subjects include Rudyard

Kipl ing Greek Philosophy Urban History Evolution and Darwinism Reli gion and Tolerance the dramatist Gra nville Barker

and a nove l written in French Last summer also saw the completion

of a very successful facu lty exchange beshy

tween o ur Department of Eng lish and the

Uni vers ity of Reading in Britain Dr Leslie Monkman went to Reading for the year and Dr Coral Howell s visited Guelph This

opportunity enab led Dr Howells to study modern C anadian writers and she is now

working o n a book to be published in Britain o n Canadian women wri ters Dr

Mo nkman lectured on Canadian literature at various places in Britain and in France as well as in Reading

T hro ugh the e fforts of the Department of Drama and its chairman Dr Leonard

Conolly and C ollections Librarian Jo hn Moldenhauer 68 the Uni versi ty Library

ex tremely valuab le re sou rce for theatre

scholars a nd the Univers ity is ve ry pleased to have a closer connection with the Shaw Festi val The Drama Department also has

Professor Dan Laurence the world s leadshying Shaw scholar as a distinguished Visitshy

ing Professor lor the ra il Semester Two large conferences were organized

during the Spring and Summer by faculty

and students in the Co llege Professor Ted Cowan of the History Department was in charge of the Scottish Heritage Festival held in uelph in May The Fes tival was a

ce lebrati on of the S co t~ 1d their contribushytion~ to Canada

In Au gust the Uni vers ity will host a major conference o n Common wealth lite rashy

ture bringing writers and schol ars to Guelph from allover the Com monweal th Professor Doug K illam chairman of the Department of English and a number o f col leagues are

now busily preparing to welcome guests from around the world

Through our liaison programs we have pioneered special day - long seminars at the

niversity for gifted children in Wellington County T he se programs are part of o ur commitment to assist secondary schools in meeting the challe nges of special education

J know many o f you will also be interes ted in knowing that last sLi mmer the

College awarded three new scholarships two of the m honouring the cont ribution made by former faculty members J Percy

Sm ith and W Stanford Reid The other marked the first presentation of the Edward Johnson Music Foundation scholarships for students in the music program

We are al l ac ute ly co nscious of the

financial pressure affecting the UnivLr ~ ity

of Guelph and othe r Canadian unive rsities

But we mus t no t le t these pressures detract from the vision of academic excellence to

which we are committed J think you will agree from the exaln ~Jk middot ha ve cited that this vision continues to glow brightly in spite of our financial plight We hope we can

co ntinue to co unt on your advice and your suppurt 0


It Was a Very Good Year T he Direc tor or the College of Arts Alumni Assoc iation have had a bus y year In January we launched o ur hrst Caree rs i lglll for in -coure stude nlgt Thanks to the exce lle nce and enthusiasm of our pane l l1len1bcr the evening was a success

Careers Night is to become an annual event and we would appreciate you r particishypation Any Art s grads wh o wo uld like to

vo lunteer their expertise for the e vening please do not hesita te to contact us

The Directors were also busy a rshyranling the second an nu al art show shyDI MENSIO NS middotS3 Due to the treme nd ous response to DI M ENSIOtS 82 the art show co mmittee organized DIM ENSIO NS 83 as aJu ricd show We are hoping that nex t yea r we will be able to mount a photography show as well a an art sho w

As you are probably aware in 1970 Wellington College was reo rganized into the Colleges of Arts Physic al Sc ience and Socia l Science This year our Assoc iation was asked to se lect a new College logo Thankgt to Dean Dav id Murray and the Deans Counc il we were given permission to use the graphics on the College of Art s Gold Medal It can be see n in the masthead of thi s issue The logo was designed by Erich Barth art dire ctor Department of [nshyformation and enco mpasses the di verse di s shycipiJnes fou nd within the College of Arts

Grad News Catharine (Gilnerlson ) Scott 70 is a wage and salary anal ys t tnivers it y of Waterl oo

Linda la) Bell 72 i the assistant conshysultant for thlto gifted We llington County Boa rd of Education GueJph

Lynn Barbeau 74 is the curator Educa shytion and xtension Macdo nald Stewart Art

entre Guelph

Wltlynr WellJauler 75 is corpora te mar shyke ting manager Gore Mutua l In surance Company Cambridgc

Renate Fisc her 76 is a consultant with the Woods Gordon Divisio n of Cl arkson Go rdon Chartered Acco untants Kitchener

jane Morley O AC MSc 81 is a career co nsultant Counse llin g and Student Reshysource Centre Un iversity of Guelph

Through the generos ity of the Alma Mater Fund our Assoc iation has been able to e stablish nv e sc holars hip s Thre e DELPHA awards for Gue lph alumni to continue their slUdi es at the gradu ate level at the University and two awa rds for part-time mature students These awards are greatly appreciated by the students who have reshyce ived th e m

Congratulatio ns are th e order of the day for Juli e (Russe ll ) Thur 78 Associashytion past pre sident and Linda Mackenz ie shyCordi ck 8 1 Assocration secre tary treas shyurer on the birth of their daug hters in March We wi sh them joy in their yo ung-

David Dell 76 is the in fo rmation o ffic er Reg ion of Pee l Brmiddotampton

jeff Miller 82 is a s tage manager for Profes sional Theatres Toronto

The above eight alumni were panel )11ember-s at our first annual Careers sJ ig ht held ea rlier th i yea r On ce again we offer our sincere thanks for their pani ci pation

lhugarel Reare 68 is senior research o f hee l Minis try of th e Soli citor General Ottawd

William Thiels 73 is a sys te ms analyst with Eas tman Kodak CO Roche ster t Y US A

Shardie D SteHnson 77 is assistant marketing manager Marsh and 1cLennan Ltd Winnipeg Man

Donald Syme 77 is with marketing pe rsonne l IC F Sydne y Australia

sters and look forward to the ir continued help in the Assoc ia tion in the future

C Nould lik e to re mind our fell ow alu mni to jo in or renew their membership in our Association De hbie ( Nash) Cham bers 77 editor of DF LPH A wo uld lik e any Ideas lor future artick that vould catch your interes t Our Assoc iati o n would also apprec ia te heari ng from you re gardin g eve nts that you wou ld be interested in attending Pl ease drop us a line in order that we may serve you better thus ~ eeping the line of co mmunic ation oren bet ween you and yo ur Alma v1ater

In closing I would like to acknowlmiddot edge With great a pprec iati o n the a istance that has been o ffclTU our Board of Direc tors over the pasl year

As al ways Dea n David Murray has bee n a va lued ad visor I wo uld li ke to thank Professor Ted Cowa n Department o f History for his Sprin g 19K3 OEPHA article on the Scottish Heritage Festival and Judy (Ma in) Ca rson 75 for he r help in preparalron of feature articles Spec ial thank s arc also ex tended to Rosemary Clark Mac 59 Asis tant Director Proshyg rams Dep artment of Alumni Affairs and Deve lopment and our Board of Directo rs who have wo rk ed so hard to mak e thi s a successful year

The term of 19X2-B3 has been a very grati fying one for all mem bers of the Associations Boa rd o t Directors We loo k for ward to 19K3-K4 anJ hope to hear from you Q

J ane Francis 78 is With Ilublic relations Vancouver Stock EXchange Vancou ver B C

Jonie Bunce 79 is a teacher 01 Art English and Thcatre Arts at 1 A Turn er Secondary School BrdrllptOl

Deborah Salmon 79 is married to Richard Light BS( 80 and li ves in Japanec Shc worb for the Empl o) mc nt and Im migrati on Commi ssion dnd Ri chlrJ works for a darrv in Kin gs to n

Shelagh Stevens 79 it station U)lllrshytwlle r Department o f -J atiunal [dc nce in f ova Slmiddototia

lidwtl Glanb 81 is a supervisor mar shyke ting comrlluni~ations Pitney-Bowe s oj

Canada Ltd Don Mill s

john (llanllllUnd ) Zelasko 81 rs ~ I

courtr(lOrn artist WKBW Buffalo New Ymk US I C



Alumnus of

Honollr 1983

Helen Christine AbeD Mac 38D

Amo ng the forerunners in the fie ld of rural soc iol ogy not only in Canada

but throughout the world and with a long career as a professor in numerous un iversities ac ross Canada Dr Helen C Abell has und oubted ly do ne much to promote a world -w ide reputation for her Alma Mater

Dr Abell has been most active in a numbe r of United Nat io ns programs designed to foster development of th ose in the Third World countrie s Although os ten sibl y retired she still co nt inues her wo rk as a cons ult ant in Socio-Economic De ve lopme nt assisti ng in develop ing sho rt -term project s as the occasion ari ses

As well as a Macdona ld Ins titu te Diploshyma Dr Abell obtained a BHSc (H ome Economics) from the Universi ty of Toro nto in 1941 and an MS (Human Nutrition) and a Ph D (major Rural Sociology and Agri cul shytural Economics) from Cornell University in 1947 and 1951 re specti vel y 0

Page 14: Guelph Alumnus Magazine, Summer 1983


Newly Elected as

AluDlni Senators Following the annual election for three of the nine alum n i seats on Senate a t the Univers ity the following three alumni have been elected to replace those who will fulfill three-year terms on August

31 1983

Richard D Rich Moccia CBS BSc 76 MSc 78 is a self-employed biologishy

cal research scientist in the aquaculture field (See article Theyve Gone Fishin

Guelph Alumnus Spring 1983 issue

Rich is a past president of the CBS Alumni Associatio n was a vice-president of the UGAA and has served on numerous

adminis trative committees on campus inshycluding a Presidential Special Advisory Committee on Alumni Publications He also was a member of the Alma Mater Fund Advisory Council

In his spare time he has been involved with the Big Brothers Association and Minor League baseball He races motorshycycles for relaxation and fun

Donald C Rose Arts BA 80 MA 82 is a corporate representative with Uniglobe Bay Street Travel Inc of Toronto During

Tony Sobczak Arrs 77

Donald Rose Arts 80

his years at Guelph Donald served as sports editor and production manager with the Onlarion and was a member of Gryphon

soccer and rugby teams

A single man he feels that as an alumni senator he will be able to maintain his concern for the standards of higher education and at the same time maintain the friendships and contacts that he estabshylished while at the Uni versity

Tony K Sobczak Arts BA 77 is general manager of Bailey s Balloon Brigade a restaurant in Toronto While

study ing at Guelph he worked in the

hospitality field with Food Services The Keg and the Elora Mill Restaurant and Inn Following graduation he was employed by the Toronto-Dominion Bank in southshywestern Ontario but two years later

re vived his interest in the hospitality field

Richard Moccia CBS 76

He and his wife Cathy have one son

Tony Jerome T J 11 months old Keen on sports Tony senior runs plays squash

and is a waterskiier

Patricia M G renier Arts 72 is currently serving the unexpired term of alumni Senator Richard Young Arts 76 who re s igned during the third year of his term She will retire as alumni Senator on August

31 1983 Patricia who received a degree of

Master of Library Science from the Univershys ity of Western Ontario in 1973 is coshyordinator Information Services Informashytion Centre Ministry of EducationlMinistry

of College and Universities Toronto Prior to her present position she was a

reference librarian Documentation Centre

at the University of Guelph Library from 1975 to 1980 0

Limited Accreditation for OVC The Ontario Veterinary College of the

University of Guelph has been accorded limited accreditation status by the American Veterinary Medical Association

(A VMA) President Donald Forster anshynounced in May

The decision by the Council of Edllcashytion of the A VMA is based on recommendashy

tions made in the report of an evaluation committee which visited the College for a

short period in October 1982 a report on which the University and the C ollege had an opportunity to comment Most errors of fact in the original report were corrected as a result of the UniversityS comments

This accreditation status means that ove meets or exceeds most but not all

minimal requirements for a satisfactory program in veterinary medicine at least in

the judgment of the Association Limited accreditation is a reduction in

s tatus from full accreditation a status which the College has held and which was

reconfirmed by a previous evaluation in L976 Similar decisions ha ve been made

by the AVMA in the past in the case of programs at other and well-established

veterinary colleges in the United States which faced problems similar to those we are experiencing at the OVC the Presishydent noted

L imited accreditation status may be

maintained for a period of up to five years on the basis of annual reports by the University and the College indicating that any deficiencies are in the process of being corrected At any time during the five-year period the University and the College may

invite the A VMA Council to make a new

evaluation hopefully leading to a return to full accreditation status

A number of factors are identified in

the report as a basis for the Councils decision Most important the report reshy

commends that a better balance between the financial resources and the programs of the College be achieved From this flow two major recommendations Construcshy

tion and renovation be initiated to correct inadequacies in classrooms laboratories

offices and clinical work spaces Also -faculty numbers and specialty expertise be increased and additional time be scheduled for professional development research and other scholarly pursuits

The report also suggests that the

number of support s taff be increased One option identified in the recommendations is

that student numbers be reduced until

conld over


adequate faculty numbers and physical facilitie s can be provided hnally some deficiencies in the area of postgraduate education are also identified

While the University and the College

are naturally disappointed by the Councils conclusions we are not entirely surprised President Forster commented Many of the deficiencies identified in the report have been matters of acute concern for some time and some steps have been taken already to remedy the problems some of which are simply the product of the chronic undershyfunding that Ontario universities have exshyperienced for a number of years

Under the circumstances I commend

the faculty and staff of the Ontario

Veterinary College for working so hard to maintain the reputation and integrity of the program and its graduates during this very difficult period

The President also noted that under A VMA procedures an elaborate appeal process is available to the University A decision has been taken not to appeal the Councils deision even though the Univershysity has reservations about some of the observations in the report

The recommendation s in the report will be reviewed very carefully by the

Uni versity and the College in the coming months the Pre sident indicated and every effort will be made to secure support from government and other sources to

remedy problems which have be e n identified In this connection I wish to

express again our gratitude to the Honourshyable Dennis Timbrel Ontario s Minister of Agriculture and Food for making available to the University special funding in the amount of $J8 million annually for a three-year period in support of programs at the OVe This suppOrt came at a particushylarly crucial time and was most welcomc

Recent discussion with Mr Timbrell and Agriculture Canada have indicated hoth sympathy for and understanding ot the capital needs of the College and there is every hope that substantial support will be forthcoming from both levels of go vernshyment President Forster concluded D

Director Industrial S ervices R onald J Dolynchuk has been appointed Director Indus trial Services for the U nivershysity of G uelph The appointment became effective April I 1983

He will provide a two-way contact between the Un iversity and industry says Dr William Tossell Dean of Research Dea n Tossell points out that Ronald Dolynshychuk will ass ume an integral role in the industrial interact ion strategy recently anshynounced by the University At the same time he will help acquaint University researchers with possible sources of reshysearch contracts and grants within the industria l sector

The new industrial services director says that he sees his ro le somewhat as that of a broker taking the research and te hshynological skills of the campus to inshydustry- Iocal ly provincially and nationshyally W ithin the campus he hopes to play the role of a catal st co-ordinating varied speci alized activities and preparing a marketable package of research and sershyvice attract ive to industry

He says that a campus such as the University of Guelph can offer a consortium of highly specialized and technological expertise to indu stry Such capability can prove to be a powerful factor in attracting new industry to the area he says This may be particularly true in the case of smaller industries that can seldom afford their own highly specialized research facilities

Initially the new director says he will especially target on industries with a direct relationship to those areas of expertise for which the University of Guelph is particushylarly well known These include such sectors as foods and beverage and bioshytechnology

I am especially interested in offering industry a broad-based multi-disciplinary

Ronald 1 Dolynchuk

approach to their problems through includshying such areas as the social sciences in a team of experts he says This would permit the Uni versity to prov ide more complete studies including market research and sociological considerations as well as

scientific or technological resources

The new director of industrial services is no stranger to the University of Guelph campus He has been teaching a course on Business Policy in the School of Agricul shytu ral Economics and Extension Education

Ronald Dolync h uk was most reshycently the sen ior vice- president and general managcr of Linread Canada Limited in Guelph He has worked in industry since 1969 in marketing and managc ment posishytions Born and raised in W innipeg he grauuated in business economics from Inshydiana Un iversity and received a Master of Business dm in islra tion uegree from the same university

Ronald Dolynchuk and his wife and thrce ch il dren have lived in G uelph since 1976 He has b en act ive in the Gue lph Chamber of Commerce the Ro tary Club of G uelph and has served on the Board of Direc tors of the Edward Johnson Mus ic Foundation the Guelph Arts Counci l the G uelph Youth O rchestra and the G ue lph Marlin Aquatic Cl ub He is a lso 1 regis tered soccer re te ree 0

National Universities Week National Universities Week is being observed at universities across the country October 2 to 8 1983 to draw attention to the positive contributions a nd accomplishments made by these institutions in Canadian life A variety of activ ities at campuses will be designed to point out the va lue of the univershysitys teaching research cultural and public ser vice acli~ ities in society

Plans at Guelph include a noon hour series of lectures a nd panels which will look at areas of research on camp us that have far-reach ing etTects on society Members of the pu blic will be invited 10 visit the cam pus during the week to attend events and to tour the facilities

For further information on the National Universities Week program contact Information Services University of Guelph (SI9) 824-4120 Ext 8708 0


Canadian Centre for Toxicology T he Canadian Centre for Toxicol(l t y to he located at the ni ve r~ it y of Guelph and tht University of Toro nto will rt cc ive $ 10 mi ll ion fro lll the Ce clc ra l govern ment for the firs t phase of const ructioll The lunding I contingent on part ic ipation by the Ontario govern me nt ancl the two u ni ve rs it i e~

Dr Jim Sc hroder O VC 42 Me mbCi of Pari iame nl for Guelph pari ia mentary secretary to the Mini ster of Health and We lfare Monique Begin and an 0 C facult y member made the announce me nt on behalf o f The Honourable John Roberts Mini ste r of the En vironment at a press co nfere nce on cam pus in May The fundin g is the fi rst to be announced for more than 100 projects be ing fund eu under the leueral governmcnt s $ 24 bill io n spec ial reco ve ry projec ts program outlined in the April 19 budge t speec h

Pres ident Donalu Forster said that representati ves from the Uni vers it ies of Guelp h ane Toronto met later fo r discusshysions wi th Ontario s Mini ster of the Envishyronment Ke ith Norton and will continue tv di scuss the prov ince s commitmcnt to the Ccntre President Fors ter said he is opti misshyti c abo ut provincial support as Premier Bill Da vis has for the past tw o years expressed strung support for the Centre

President Forster on behalf o f the Unive rs it y of Guelph thanked Dr Schroun fo rthe work he has done to impress upon the federal go vernment the im port ance of a projec t of ve ry co ns iue rab le na tio na l s ignificance The Pres ident c it ed the Centre as an example of the co-operatio n betwee n uni ve rsitie s governments and the pri va te sector

Dr David Strangw ay actin g presishydent Uni versity of Toronto also expressed gtatitude to the federal go ve rnment and Dr Sc hroder He said the joint venture by two uni ve rs iti es tha t have compl ementary strengths is unique He desc ribeu the Ce ntre

Alberta Alumni Reunion

Saturday August 20 1983

200 pm -Bowness Park Calgary

Bring your own picnic

Prizes will be awarded for oldest grad grad who travels farthest

from home etc

L (l i to rii ht D r MeLII middotell Prcs iden Fo rsl fl r Dr Schroderund Dr Sl liI ng loshy(Iu inK Jr f ideill Uni l c rII oToro ll lO

as a world-class model that co uld be looked to in the future Guelphs strengths are in agricultural and veterinary toxicol ogy and Toron to s are espec iall y in toxicology in the med ical and engineerin g fi elcl s En viro nshymental expert ise is we ll deve loped at both uni vers ities

Professor Free man McEwen acting direc tor of the Ce ntre a nd dean of the OA outlined some of the unique features of the Ce ntre which he said is blaz in g a new tra il between gove rnments uni versities and the public sector

The planning and construction of phas one of the facilit y for the project is expected to be compl eteu by late 1986 at a total cost of $236 million When com shypleted the Ce ntre will be part of a netw ork o f toxicology centres across Canada It is ex pected to have a staff at both Guelph and Toronto of 64 sc ient is ts 108 techn ishycians and 109 other staff members The corshyrate headquarte rs will be at the Uni versit y of Guelph 0

Homecoming September 30middot October 1

Friday September 30 700 p m and 1000 pm The Nyl on in conce rt two shows War Me mori al Hall Ticket s $8 50 students and seni ors S9 50 general For ti ckets write Ny lons Tickets nive rs ity of Guel ph Box Ollice Uni vers ity Centre Un ive rs ity of Guelph Guel ph Ontari o N IG 2W I Pl ease make cheque payable to the Univers it y of Guelph and enclose a self- addressed and stamped envelope

Saturday October 1 Morning Homecomin g Paraue For further in fo rm ation contac t John King (519) 824-4120 Ex t 8327

1100 am HA Alu mni Associati on Annual eeting Hotel and Food Admin isshytrati on Building

11 30 am Human Kinet ics Alum ni Association An nual Meeting and Home shycoming Brunch Loca ti on to be anno unced

200 pm Homecornmg Footba ll Game Alumni Stadium Uni vcrsity of Toronto Blues vs Uni versit y of Gue lph Gry phons

630 pm Alumni Din ner Dancc Creelshyman Hall Further detail s co nt act Alumni Office (519) 824-4 l20 Ext 2122 or 87 40

800 pm Post-Game Pub Dance De shypartment of Athl etics gymnas ium 0

CODling Events Sep1216 Aggie Week

17 UGAA Wine Symposium Niagara Peninsula

25 28

Sep 30 Oct 1

Oct 1


Nov 11middot20


Dec 5-8

OAC Alumni Association Golf Tournament

InternationaJ Plowing Match Teviotdale


HAFA Alumni Association Annual Meeting

HK Alumni Association Annual Meeting

MacmiddotFACS Alumni Association Caree rs Night

Royal Agricultural Winter Fair Toronto

OAC Alumni Reception Royal Room CoUseum RAWF Toronto

Night At The Royal Sponsored by the UGAA Toronto chapter

American Association of Equine Practitioners Annual Convention Las Ve gas Nevada USA



The Ontario Veterinary College Alumni Association

EditorALUMNI Dr Cliff Barker 41


Faculty Award for Dr Bob Curtis Dr Bob CUrlis 6 Clinical SllIdies OVe recelllly received a UniversilY of Guelph

FlIcully Associalion Professional Tea ching Award in recognition of his great influence on professional lraining The cira lion in parr sraled He has repeatedlv beuroen honouredfor

his conlriburiOIl 10 educalion He is a respecled elerinarian who is universally retIed us

one of lhe beslleachers Ihis univlrsiry has eper had LeIr 10 righl Dr Russ Willoughbv

57 Dr Wayne Pfeiffer vice-chairman Faculty aSSOCi((lion Dr Bob Curlis 6 and

Dr Mike Wilson chairman Clinical SlUdies 0

For Design Dr Jim 01fa50n 68 owner of the South Su rrey Veterinary Hospital 3221 shy140th S1 Surrey BC received the 19 82 Special Aw ard for Architectu ral Exce llence at the annual merican Animal Hospital Association convention in San Antonio Texa on March 14 1983 The award was prese nted by Velerinary Eco nomi cs Mag(l~ ine a leading business magazi ne for the veterinary profession

T he award was give n in rccognition of the timc and expense Dr O lafsun investcd to design a hosp ital that would enhance its natur al s ur round ings South Su rrey Veterinary Hospital is loca ted in a res idenshyt ia l area and the colors a nd tex tures of the buil ding s ex terior lesse n the impact o f a commerci a l property in the area

The hospital is energy-efficient and includes large winduws and nume rous skyshyli ghts in its design plan Other features incl ude covered walkways a covered parkshying area a nd covered entrances The overall effect minim izes the enclosed fe lin g usushy

ally associatcd with a subterranean struc shytu re and the atte ntion to aesthetic detail produces a truly stunning hospital Con shygratulations Jim 0

Dr doe dohnson T he late Dr Joseph E Johnson 19 ( I R91-1960) who practised for many years in Waterloo was recognized for hi s services to ag riculture in O ntar io when his port rait was hung in the O ntario Agricu ltura l Ha ll of Fame at the O ntario Agricultural Museum Milton His nomination was prese nted by the Ontario Association of Ani mal Breedshyers T he citation presented states

Dr Joseph Edward Joe Johnson a native of Stra throy as a pioneer in the practice of artificial insemination (AI ) in Ontario In 1942 when the Waterloo Cou nty Holste in- Friesian Associ ation made

their fi rst attemp t it was Dr Joe who collected the se men and inse mina ted the cows

For fl ve years he took ti me out o f an already very busy practice to make the new idea work Several younger veterinarians

who workcd with him were later to be in charge of AI units across Ontario

He gradu ated from the O ntario Veterinary College in 1919 and after working in Fergus and Acton set up practice in Waterloo where he worked with the noted Seagram Sta bles

He pioneered the multi-staff clinic approach having as many as four students and grad uates work ing w ith him Because o f th is internship approach Dr Johnson probably had a greater influence o n the practice of large animal vete rinary medicine than any other practicing vete rinarian of his day

The ultimate uccess of the AI sys shytem is due in large part to the work o f this ve terinari an who through trial and error persevered with the technique in its ear ly years 0


One Millionth A third-year O VC student Paul Dick of Gcoroetown recently became the one mi lshylio nth person to pass through the turnstiles o f the O VC Division of the Uni versity Library since the tu rn sti les were installed eight years ago He was gree ted by libshyran ans and fac ulty applause and handshyshakes t1 a~ h i ng camera strobe lights conshygratulations and the pre sentation o f a book Clillical E raminal ion of Ca ll ie

The VC library also serves students from other Colleges Co mprising more tha n 30000 volu mes it e mbraces far more than the veterinary sc iences 0

In a briefcert monv a llellded bv David Hull head Sc ience and Velerinary Science Diision

oj Ihe Library eli and Dean Douglas 1aplesden 50 righl Associa ( Libraria ll John

Black presen l a book 10 one millionlh isilor Paul Dick rig ill cenlre

It Was Bound to Happen Delta chapter of O mega Tau Sigma Fratern ity residence has become co-educational with the admi ssion of 18 women students during 1982-83 em sters For se veral years OVC s women stu dents have been seeking fra ternity membership they fi nally made it in 1982

Galhered onlhei-olll sleps oflh e avc main

Imiiding are 14 of Ih e 18 women slwlel1ls

who resided in Ihe fral house Ihi I r ea r

FrOt1 row I(i llo righ l lennifer Rice

Ion [ Lee Ma rv MOllleilh M iddle ro w

Robill Roscol Kale Flanigan Lisa Tavlor Debbie Blech Lesli e Hu ngall Back row

l ana Kl llOn Carol Phillips l ennifer

TrollghlO n lulv Keenliside Healher Ross

Michele Durnall MissinRfrom Ihe piClure

are Brenda FOSler Chris Barrl es

Keily-LeiRh Thomas and Laura Hunl 0

Letters to the Editor Or Bert Ca rswell 7 1 of Brooks Alt a has repli ed to o ur request for informatio n on the watch fob letters F L T (O VCAA Alumni Bulletin March 19H3 Special Supmiddot pl ement) by sugges ting these stand for Friendship Lo ve and Truth the motto of the Indepcndent Order of Odd fell ows Are the re further op i nions~

Dr Alexander Bruyns 32 Sequin Was hington S A has se nt us informashytion on the Royal Canadian Army Veterishynary Corp (O VCA Alumni Bulletin

March 1983 S pec ial Supple ment) He was a ve te ri na ry offi ce r with the Gove rn o r Gcnerals Horse Guards in Toronto o n joini ng the RCAVC in 1938 and me ntioned the late Dr A R Yo unie 14 who served

with the RCAVC in World War One Further inform ation re RCAVC officers would be apprec iated

Dr Donald MacDonald 54 o f Edmo nshyton Ita also replied to our RCAVC inquiry with informatio n on the Corps badges He is a collector of militaria especi ally militar y cap badges o f which he has a collection of over 1600 He states cap badges of the RC VC are as scarce as he n s tee th

The O VC museum has o btained cap and uni form badges from Dr G A Rose IS la t address Picton and Dr W A Robenson 16 Tsawwassen BC eachof whom served as veterinary officers during World War O ne 0

In Memoriam Dr Owen Hinton 25 died on January 22 1983 in Florida Las t add ress Rt 4 Box 139 Jasper Florida US A 32052

Dr Vernon jensen 33 died on Dcshyce mber II 19 R2 Las t address 2485 Lon-din Lane St Paul in nesota US A

Dr Edward Burke 35 died on Ja nuary 21 1983 Las t addr ss P OBox 326 So uthport Conn US A 06490

Dr jack Warren 39 Date of death no t reported Last addre ss RR 3 W heatl y Ontario OP 2PO

Dr Wilfred Sherwin 40 died o n 0 tobc r 6 1982 Last address 432 W Washi ngton Street ampa Idaho S A83651

D r j ames Watt 49 died in August 1982 Las t address 790 Ho rtop Avenue Osha wa Ontario LlG 4N8

Or Peggy Godkin 55 died o n Decem ber 5 1982 Last address Inni sfai l Alt a 0

PEl Gets It T he Toro nto Glohe ald Mail of Fe bruary 19 1983 carried the follow ing announce shyment Charl otte town (CP) - Agric ultu re Minister Eugene W he lan announced today that $500000 has bee n appropri ated to

begin architectural pl ans fo r I $26-mi ll ion veterinary college here He sa id at a new confe rence the federal Go vern me nt w ill put up half the co nstruc tion cos t if the three Marit ime p rov inces s ha re t he o ther $ 13-lTI illi on out lay 0


The College of Social Science Alumni Association

PEGAS-US Editor Dorothy Barnes 78

stori ng The Log Farm a farmhouse dating back to the late 1800s Michelle says Michelle and Mustech thi s was a terrific expcrience and the best

N omad pioneer student administrator curator You mi ght ask what these words ha ve in common and the answer you would receive would be that they all aptly describe Miche lle McMillan 77

Mi chelle graduated with a degree in SociologyAnthropology At the same time she graduated from Algonquin Community Collegt with a correspondence course dipshyloma in what she terms M ustec h - Muse um Technology majoring In Exshyhibit esign

Currently assistant director at the Guelph Ci vic Muse um she has held thi s position since the spring of 1979 Her responsibilities include those of regis trar (mai nta ining dltaikd [i Ii ng systems) for the con serva tion of artifacts and ex hibit work She is co-ordinator of some 40 vo lunteers who are in volved in all facets of museum work (to become a muse um vo lunteer all one has to do is call Michelle and arrange for an interview )

When interviewing Michclk it was obvious she has a love for her work that she will pass on to oth~rs possibly some of the young children attending the education programs she supervi ses at the Guelph Civic Museum

Her mothers parents were homeshysteaders and she was brouoht up on stories about pioneering Her interest in pioneering and the Indian way of life was fo stered by a mothe r who had Indian friends and who would often visit these friends experiencshying their way of life even to sleeping quite often in a tepee

Thi s and the fac t that her family moved around a lo t from west to east influenced Michelles deep and lasting love of the past although with a lau gh she says Now I am of the opinion that my mother had a tendency to present a romantic version of the whole situation - espec ially to me as a young child It certainly influenced my interest in studying Anthropol ogy

Michelles ed ucation and working exshyperiences have bee n very infl uential in nurturing her love of the past She started

out at the University of Western On tario but left for perso nal reasons She worked for a ye ar and while working beca me apprenshyticed as a pattern drafter

ichelle mo ved to Ottawa after she had worked the year and regi stereu at Carl eto n Universi ty in Anthropology She studied this for one year and then became aware of a program offered at Algonquin Communit y College on the subject Mu seum Tech nolo gy

Her placement s in work situation while at Algonquin included a summer helping four yo un g me n on a project at the town of Bells Corners ne ar Ottawa re-

job she ever had There was no electr icity so eve rything

was done by hand Her group res tored doors gable-ends flo ors ceilings rtshypointed stone found at ions and raised the building on hydra uli c jacks The y also gl Lt~d windows re searched the huildin g and organized the veget ab le garden

Othelmiddot experiences have included work at thc Na tio nal Museum of Man thc McM ichae l Canadi an Collcction in Klcin shyburg the Wellington County Muse um and the S imcoe County Museum She has al so been a volunteer teacher at the Plains jndian Iroquois and Inuit Ga lleri es of the National M use um of Man

It was Guelphs gain when Miche lle found he rsel f pulled bac k to stud ying in order to co mplete her degree

Michelle is now well established in her position at the Guelph Civic Muscum and dt las t feels she ha s put dow n roots in a c ity she has an alleg iance to one she loves and fee ls more co mfortable in than any other She is involved in trying to build up a research library on local history and artifacts

When asked for pearl s of wisdom fo r new graduates Michelle volunteered that pcople need practical ex perience along with formal learning to balance their percept ion of a ro lc How apropos 0

Th e Cullege uf So cial Science Alumlli Associatioll ill-course scholarships ere Jreserl(d

rnelltlmiddot to lei Junine Crallt Ceog uJJnmiddot olld Virginia Suth erland Psrchologv Attending

tht un lIlOnr wert right Pro(essor Juliu s fugl Department oCeogrupilr and Pr(essor

Mike M(lIh f II~ Iei chuirmun DeJurtlllen t 0 PI cilologr Th e scilolorshiJI 01 $200

each oreul1ded in purt hr all (11 1(( gru llti-om til ( Alma Mawr Fu nd


Lan e Smit h 78 is a so ftware spec ialist Barbara (Cherry) Wilson 80 is pres shyGrad News with Software Ke netics in epean ently res iding at 45 Emily Street Grimsby

Ron Beveridge 67 is an e lementary special counselor with School District 88 Terrace B C

C R ichard Buc k 70 practices law WIth the firm of Weyli e Shortt Buck Hanshybridge Reidl Casselli and Mitchell in Waterloo

Lee D Wetherall 75 is an exec utive ass istant with AIcan in Kingston

Stewart McCann 76 is a lec turer with the University of Alberta Edmonton

Peter J Stanczyk 76 is living at 9940 Fa irmount Drive S E Apartment A-4

C algary Alta Since concluding his studies at Guelph Peter attended the social work course at Wilfrid Laurier University Watershyloo and received a Master o f Soc ial Work

degree in 1982 Peter is now married and he and his

bride We ndy are established as socia l workers with Alberta Social c rvices and Comm unity Health in Calgary We wish Peter and Wend y much happiness in their new partnership success in their choscn fi e ld and contentment in the ir Ii vc s together

Ted Boniface 77 is now n eative direc tor for Ce ntra l Al berta Broadcasting (CKRDshy

T V CKRD-AM and C FCR-FM) in Red Deer Ted has bee n awarded four c itations by the Radi o Bureau of C anada and was nominated for an Aetra Award as producer of the hes t radio program of1979 O ld news we reali ze but how are we going to know o therwise unless you let us know Thanks

Ted for updating us on your activities

Gurnam Singh 77 is an MC A student at the niversity of Ottawa

Roderick Hodgson 78 is back in his home town of H udson Que Rod is emshyployed by the Town of H udson Publi c

Works Departme nt he al so serves on the Town Planning C ommittee and is activel y involved with the volunteer fire department

Perr y Wilson 78 is liv ing in Spirit River Alta Since graduating from G uelph Perry

has obtained a masters degree in Anthropolshyogy from McG ill University and is princ ishypal of Ste Marie Elementary School in Spirit River

John Boyle 78 is presently living at RR 2 Brampton

Karen Russell 78 is a teacher with the Dufferin County Board of Education at Parkinson Centennial School Orangeville

Vicky Su therland 78 is an air traffi c

controller with the Mini stry of Transport Calgary Alta

Susan W alkowiak 78 is a real estate agent with the Safeguard Real Es tate Comshy

pan y Toronto

Craig Willms 78 is an assistant manager with the Toronto-Dominion Bank Watershy


Gordon Cominey 79 is a priest with the Holy Trinity Anglican Church in Edmonshy

ton Alta

Carol (Fogarty) Knox 79 is presentl y residi ng at R R 5 Woodstoc k

Susan Laushway 79 is a probation office r with the Solic itor G eneral of Alshybe rta in Edmonton

Richard E Larente 79 is production manager at Mac Mil lan Bloedel Ville

Mont-Ro yal Q ue

Bryce Andrews 80 has dec ided to conshytinul his education at the n i ve r~ ity of

Weste rn Ontario He is working on an M BA

Dianne M Grenier 80 is in her third year of Common Law at the University of Ottawa

Shauneen (McKague ) Bruder 80 is an MBA student at Queens University Kingston

Michele Forrester 80 is a comm unicashytions clerk w ith the Ontario Yo uth Employment Program Queens Park To shy


Peter Madott 80 is an ass istant product manager with S c Johnson an d So n Ltd


Elizabeth (Ferguson ) latos 80 is a volunteer co-ordinator with B ig Bro thersBig Sisters of Carleton County


Jane Stevens 80 is a teac her w ith the

York Board of Education in Aurora

Loretto (MacDonald) Sullivan 80 is an administrative assistant with Kert Advertis shying Toronto

Sylvia (Bossaer) Willms 80 is a Food

Services supervisor at the UI1Iversity of Guelph

Jane (Stevens) Tremblay 80 is a teacher with the York Board of Education Aurora Jane is married to David U of N Dakota

grad of 79

Lee Anne Burton 80 is a teacher with the Dufferin Peel R C SS Board Mi ss isshy


Maureen S inclair-Barnes 80 is an urban planner with the City of Brantford Husband

is Bruce Barnes 82

Su~ Jones 80 is continuing her education at the Univers ity of Alberta She lives at

11441-132 St 405 Edmonton Alta T M IG2 Bro ther-in-law John Sch neider CBS 73 graduated in Marine


Nicholas Boyadjian 81 is a special events co-ordinator with Unive rsity Ce ntre

Administration Uni ve rsity of Guelph

Debra (Philputt ) Gibson 81 is a te acher

w ith Pee l C ount y Board of Education in

Miss issa uga

Jim Gibson 81 is a branch representati ve o ffi cer with the Ca nadian Imperial Ra nk of

CommCfce Toron to

Linda Helin 81 is presen tly res iding in

C utler on the North C hannel of Lake Huron

Patti La France 81 is a teacher residing at 66-50 Fiddl ers Green Road London

Elizabeth (Crighton) Madge 81 is now married and re siding in Lethbridge Alta

Kathleen Martin 81 is a market research analys t w ith As tra Pharmaceutical s Miss i shy


Edward Leong 82 is administration

manager for the J J Tour Se rvi ce at the Jal an M aju Taman Jade Ce ntre Miri Branch Sara wak East Malaysia

Debbie (Ling) Therrien 82 is employed as cashiersale sperson for Gameway s Ark

Ltd Toro nto

Chin Lan (Kat ) Choi 82 is an executive shyofficer with the ational Produc tivity Board in Singapore Since graduating C hin Lan has married C hoi Chee Keong C PS 82 Much happiness and success to you both

John C Close 82 is a teac her with World University Services of Canada in Zimbabshywe Africa John is married to Mary M A Psych 8 1 WLU 0


The College of Biological Science Alumni Associatio~_~

BIO-ALUMNI NEWS Editor Dr John Powell

Executive CBS Alumni Association HONORARY PRES ID ENT Professor Bruce Sells Dean


Dr George Dixon Ph D 80 Zoology

PAST PRESIDENT Marie (Boissonneault) Rush BSc 80 Marine Biology

VICE PRESIDENT Chris Wren BSc 77 Marine Biology

SECRETARY-TREASURER Cam Portt BSc 77 MSc 80 Zoology

DIRECTORS David Airdrie BSc 82 Microbiology Krista Soper BSc 79 Marine Biology Lorrie Cosens BSc 79 Marine Biology Eric Cosens BSc 80 General Biology Keith Harris B Se 76 Marine Biology

EX-OFFICIO DIRECTORS Marie (Boisonneault) Rush BSe 80 Marine Biology Shawn Taylor BSc 83 Aquatic Biology Past President CBSSC Brian Wisenden President CBSSC

FACULTY ADVISORS to be chosen one from each DepartmentSchool

UGAA REPRESENTATIVE S Jan Watshyson BSc 75 Zoology Lorrie (Rolston) Cosens BSc 79 Marine Biology Rob Miln B Sc 81 Marine Biology

EDITOR BlO-ALUMNI NEWS Professhysor John Powell Human Biology 0

Please help us to help you When corresponding or upshydating information or address do tell us not only your year of graduation but your discipline

Where Are They Now The following 20 names were entered on the College of Biological Science Honour Roll for years 1976 and 1977 We w ish to know how your career has progressed and

FALL 1976

Brenda Henry (Marine Biology) and Winter 77

janis Kay 78 (Genetics) and Winter 77

Laurence McClure OVC 81 (Unshyspecialized and Winter 77

Linda (Nelson) Sinclair 78 (Human Kinetics) and Spring 77


Sherry (Bondorenko) Miller 77 (Hushyman Kinetics)

jellrey Chernoff 77 (Unspecialized)

Wendy Harris 77 (Major in Biology)

C harlene Kopansky 77 (Human Kineshytics)

Peter MacDonald (Human Kinetics) and Winter 78

Blain Mollatt (Microbiology)

Darjo Romani 78 (Major in Biology) also Fall 77 and Winter 78

Barry Rosen~rg 77 (Unspecialized)

Cheryl Rowe 77 (Human Kinetics)

FALL 1977

Gregory Casey 79 (Microbiology) also Fall 78 and Winter 79

William Crins 78 (Botany)

jill Cross OVC 82 (Unspecialized)

what you are doing currently Do you have intere s ting episodes to relate in the BIO-ALUMNI NEWS Please lets hear from you

David C a mpbell 78 (Major in Biology)

Richard Proctor 80 (Ecology)

Carolyn Robertson (U nspecialized)

joanne (Ryder) G unby 79 (Genetics) and Winter 79 0

Grad Bash 1983

Organized jointly by the CBS Alumni Association and the CBS Students Council in April more than 280 students alumni current and former staff and faculty sat down for dinner prior to presentations being made to our dean

Contributions came from members of the College and a bird sculpture fashioned by Uta Strelive Zoology was the first of many gifts

Next came a memory book containing many letters photographs clippings and a variety of incidents all pieced together by Association president Marie (Boissonshyneault) Rush 80

Betty Roff gave the dean a special book of clippings collected by herself Two framed portraits of Professor Ronald one already hung in the main office of McNally house the other for the Ronald family completed the tributes

Altogether this gathering was a fitting acknowledgement of a great man who has done great things for us all 0


Scholarships In the Names of

Ronald and PoweU The CBS Alumni Association is pleased to announce the introduction of a scholarship for graduate students in the name of Proshy

fessor Keith Ronald Professor Rona ld as of July I had served for 12 years as the first dean of the CBS and the awarding of a

sc holarship in his name is a fitting tribute to

all he has done fo r the College the Univershys ity and the CBS Alumni Assoc iation

The Hum an Kine tics Alu mni Assoc iashy

tion anno unced its intention to name an undergraduate scholarship in the School of Human Biology in the name of Dr John T Powell as he retires from the Unive rsity in 1984

Do nations to eithe r or both of these

sc holarship funds shou ld be sent direc tl y to the Department of Alumni Affairs and Development-clearly ind icati ng to which sc ho la rs hip your donation is to be alloca ted - or when contributing to the Alma M ater F und noting that your monie s

be channeled to the sc holars hip of yo ur choice 0

Grad News Biological S cience

Lesley (Wilson) Barton 73 and Bruce 70 MSc 74 live in Keremeos B C R R No I VOX JNO will find them

E thel Anita Hamilton 79 and hu sband

Wayne Barcha r d 76 MSc 79 live in Hali fax NS where Ethel is a habitat proshy

tec tion technician with fishe ries and Oceans while Wayne is head Office Assessment Scction Environment Canada 3rd Floor 45 Alderney Drive Dartmouth N S

Marilynne (Wise) McCausland 77 is a research microbiolog ist with Molson Bre wshyeries of Canada Ltd and may be reached at 1555 No tre Dame East Montrea l Que H2L 2R5

Michael W Tate 79 write s mos t kindly thanking us for kee ping people in touch through th is column He is a teac her at Mo rnings tar Secondary School in Mi ss isshysauga

Natalie Mary Olynyk 79 may be reached at 3 120 Duffer in Street in T oronto where she is re staurant manager for Olyn yk Foods Ltd

Marine Biology

Gl en A Packman 74 and Sharon (Noda ) Arts 72 li ve at 21 Albion Road Hali fax S B3P IP8 Glen is a senior

biologist with En vironment Canada

Jo l1n Plumb 76 and M arianne (Conshynoly ) 77 may be reached at 37 Coldstrea m Road Box 303 Munster Ont KOA 3PO John works as an indu strial engineer with

the Mitel Corporation - Kan ata

Human Kinetics and Human Biology

Joy (Reid) Tomes 70 is a team coshyordinator with the Workman s Co mpensashytion Board- 2 Bloor St East Toronto Ont oM7W IA2

Terry Obi Oblinski 71 holds the pos it io n of supervisor with the 3M Comshypa ny at 2 Craig Street Pe rt h Onto K7 H 3C5

Robert T a p Fawcett 72 teac hes at the W 1 Fenton Secondary Schoo l R R 0 10 in Brampton Ont L6V 3 2

Marie-Andree (Pi lon) Poulin now teache h igh school in Montreal write her at 76 Lesage Repent igny Que J3A 5Y5

Dr Tom Elmslic 74 M-Sc 77 is a g lutton for punishment as he isjust complet ing another MSc this time in Epidemi o lshyogy at McM as ter University preparatory to his return to Ottawa

Glen Paterson 78 of 16 Da lto n A ve nue T hunder Bay On t P7B 4E9 is ea rl y chi ldhood educato r with the Confederation o f Applied Art s and Technology B ro ther Larry R Paterson g radu ated with a BLA in 69

Eric bullbull Art Arthurs 80 is s till at 12272 shy110 Avenue Edmonton Alta T5M 2L3 He work s for Consolidated Concrete Limshyi ted as a dragl i ne opera tor

Henry Fox 81 lives at 1520 Verdi La Salle Que H8l I K4

Christine (Krumbacher) F()se 81 may be reached at Box 252 2 Banff Alta TOL OCO

Ch rist ine (Novakuske) Lavallee MSc 81 is a stude nt again stud ying French and living at 0428A Larose A ve nue Mo nt real Que H2B 2Z2

Ginger (Thompson) Elmore 81 seeks work in the geriatric field Are you able to help Write he r please at 107 Ontario Avenue Komoka Onto NOL IRO

Don Doc Wilson 81 is physica l direc tor at the Waterloo Family YMCA Lincol n Road Waterloo Ont N2J 2N8

Jan McMullan 82 ne wly wedded to Mark Newcombe MSc 83 is presently ass istant manager - Ri ordan s Sport S 183 Silvercreek Parkway in Guelph She tells us of four co usins who have g raduated fro m Guelph - Brenda (Bu lton) Dagg CSS 72 Bryce Dagg 72 Donald Sifton 70 and Bonnie (Sifto n) W alsh C SS 72

Fisheries and Wildlife

Lorna l Depuydt 77 is a price specia li st with Massey-Fe rg uso n Her adshydress is 3941 Whispering Wa No 6 Grand Rapids Mich USA 49506

Steven Kerr 77 works as di s trict biologist for the Mi nistry of Natu ra l Reshysources - 611 Ninth Avenue Eas t O wen Sound Ont NOH IS O

Richa rd P Bekolay 77 MSc 80 R R N o ) Carp Ont KOA ILO is a program analyst with Digital Equipment Corporation at Kanata

Marie Legrow 80 is once aga in a s tudent at Gue lp h li ving in Guelph at [02 Queen St reet North IE 4S I


Ann (Stewart) Gray 79 and husband Dr eil Gray 76 li ve at 40) - 251 Platts Lanc in London Ont N6 H 4P4 Ann is a re search assistant at the Universi ty of We stshyern Ontari o

Robe- W Marks 81 is a production trainee with Labatt Brewin g Comp any in Kitchene r


Dr Rob J Van Exan 74 MSc 76 PhD79 ho lds the position of manager Cell Culture Produc tion with Connaught Laboratories 1755 Steeles Avenue West Will owdale Ont M2R 3T4

Chuck Yipchuk 78 wo rks in Quebec 87 Senneville Road Sennev ille a s c oshyordinator of da ta at Bi o- Re search Laboratori es

Dr Harr y Nixon Chabwela W eza MSc 79 P h D 82 may be contacted at loni Katandika Vtllage Chief Kakumbi P O Box 154 Chipata Za mbia where he is a bio log ist wi th National Parks

Douglas Stendahl MSc 79 is with the -federal government s Minist ry o f Indian Affairs and Northe rn De velopment- P O Box 1500 Yukon N W T He is water quality officer


Rick Proctor 80 is a consultant with I P Sharp Associates 2 First Canadian Place Toronto Ont M5X IE3 0


The Ontario Agricultural College Alumni Association

ALUMNI NEWS EdJtor Dr Harvey W Caldwell 51

Financial Management Related to Agriculture One of the main sessions at the OAC Agricu ltural Conference 83 dealt wit h financial management as it relates to agricu lture Robert Sanderson who is with the Ontario Farm Adjustment Asshysistance Program was a main speaker and presented the following paper

Ten years ago most farmers were smilingshyagr icu lt ure see med to have finally gained its reward Worl d short age s of food provided ampl e markets and steadily rising prices lor prac tica lly all crops

Thi s idea li s ti c situation continued for a co uple of years until the granaries of the wo rl d were refi li ed De mand then norshyma li zed and pri ces for most agricultural prod ucts hega n to dec line In spite of price dec lines and li mited markets co nsiderable optimi sm conti nued to be fe lt o n the farm sce ne thro ughout mos t of the 1970s

Late in that peri od infl a ti on reall y ca ught fi re rai sing inpu t cos ts for supplie s and labour The ri se in land pri ces exceeded the most optimis tic es timates during this sa me time

In an a tte mpt to s te m thi s ra mpant infla tio n interes t rates increased almost threefo ld beg inning In 1979 and the world hega n it s slide into recession Farml and prices ceased to r ise in 198 1 and are now crumbli ng wi th uncer tain ty and lac k o f demand

We have no doub ts abo ut th e successshyful future o f ag ri cult ure hcre in Ontari o but today for many farmers adj ugtt me nts are necessa ry to remain so lve nt and for too many oth ers bo th adj ustme nts and so me ass iq an ce are necessary for their prese nt and future surviva l

There are some who are beyo nd he lp and farm bankru ptcies are at their highest leve l since the grea t Depression o f the 1930s These cond it io ns brought about the crea tio n of the On tari o Farm AdJustmcn t Ass istance Program (OFA AP) T hi s proshygram during 1 9~2 has bee n assisting eli g ible farmers who needed he lp

The re are two prime reaso ns fo r


fin anci al woes cited by appl ican ts - high interes t rates and lower farm incomes On the other hand the prime reaso n fo r ~ome

farmen probl ems e ited by lenders is ove r-e xpansion We be li eve both views are va lid and unques ti onabl y are respo ns ible for the prese nt ago ny and unres t on 100

many Ontario farms Le nde rs cite seve ral o the r importa nt

reaSl)l1S whic h also bea r o n the prob le m The borrowers oft e n refe r to them too but usuall y wit h di fferen t emphasis ThcY em shyphas ize the c lt treme instability of fa rm income the se rious lac k of pro per pl an ning bu dge ting accmatc farm record and fin all y the practice of making unprodu ctive investmcnts

Because of the qualifying criteria asshysociated ith an application for as s istan ce from OfAAP one must keep in mind that our observations are limited to about 10 per ce nt of Ontario farm operatlolls That 10 per ce nt is cl ose to the bottom of the gro up on the bas is o f financial sec urity OFA AP assista nce is limited to those produc ing Iood and tobacco Therefore data regard in g proshyducers of fl owers nursery stock race shyhorscs etc ha ( no t come he fore us and the financ ial ituati ons ltlr not inc luded in any of o ur informati o n

Applica ti ons have been appro ved for farmers operating all across the pro vince

Of the to tal approved about 20 per ce nt were in swine prod uctio n abou t 15 per ce nt were in eac h of cash crop prod uction da iry producti on and beef prod uct ion 4 per cen t were in fruit and vege ta ble prod uctio n 3 pel cent were tobacco fa rmers and the Ies t co mbinations of the above Those farm ers producing etgs and poultry were fe w

I n a review of appli ca tio ns for OFAAP ass istance several COl1ll1lo n sce nari os co nshytin ue to ap pear on a so me what re petiti ve has is and are ca tegorized as fo ll ows

1 Young or Beginning Farmers

Th ose under 35 years o f age wen res pons ishybl e for nearl y ha lf o f a ll the app li cati ons In thi s gro up are many who have Just begun fa rm ing Mo~ t of these arc victims of inopport un e tim ing hav in g acq uired land buildings and equ ipme nt be twee n 1979 and 19R2 For the m the combinati on o f lower th an ex pee ted prices of farm produc ts and the extre me inc reases in the ir fi na nc ing charges due to hi gh interes t rates_ have becn dlvas tatin g This is partic ul arl y true where Illos t assets were fi nanced the bcg inshyning equit y be in g Illodes t

2 The Aggres sive Expansionist

Many farmers who did well farming on a

modlst basis in the mid-70s dec ided that s ince o ne farm was pro fitabl e two wo uld be bette r three be tter than two Aggress ive

expan sion mos tl y on c redit du ring this i ntl a tio nary pe riod produced many paper millionaires in the farm co mmunity by the late 70s The elation fo r some of these

fa rmers d id not lasl far into the 80s T hose with 100 much bo rro wed cap ital

found that the ir farm income c ul d not

support the debt load So me of these

atlcmpted fu rthe r borro wing in an e ffort to mai nta in their ho l ding ~ and fo und ou t like o thers before them th at it is imposs ible to

borro w your way out of debt O thers so ld or tried to sell some o f the ir land o r eq uipment in an effort to re ti re at leasl o me of the ir cri ppling de bt and there by salvage at

least a part o f the ir operation

One rather sad varia tio n o f this las t s itua tion occ urs occ as io na lly whe re a

farmer who has had a succes~ fu l and so lvent opera tion decide to ex pand to a llow a son

o r so n- in-law into the bus in ss because of a des ire on the part of the young per on to

farm or occasionally because he is no t employed The expansion in Jand and eljuipment particularly if it occu rred in the

last three years and if it were do ne mainl y o n credit with a mortgage taken on his once so lvent operation has robbed the farmer of

his security and his peace of mind Furthershy

mo re in some of these s ituations the disappointed newcomer in the bus iness moved on leaving dear o ld dad to make the best of it

3 The Equipment Enthusiast

Another scenario concerns the man who is o bsessed with the need to ac quire equipshyment or to make add ition s and improveshy

ments to a lready adequate buildings To pay

for it out of the revolvi ng operating loan or to finance it in other ways withou t first having established that it will pay for itself will inevitably c reate financial problem s

Whe re there has been a general disregard for thi s kind of purchas ing the end resu lt has usually been disas trous

4 Natural Disasters

We regularly see the result s of natural

disas ters - floods windstorms hail frost disease and fires All of the se misfortunes can be c rippling to any operation but when adequate insurance coverage is not carried or if one of these di sasters occur whe n a farmers equity is low or when hi s princi pal and interest charges consume much o f his income it can be disastrous to his economic

pos ition

5 Family Unity

From OFAAP applicatio ns it is noted that some farmers who experience a marriage break- up seem to have diffi culty maintainshy

ing fi nanc ial solvency W hen asse ts are

di vided and whe n atte nt ion to management

is di e r ted hccause o f family pro blems the farm operation is often morta ll y wounded

Farmers and farm op ratnr are much more vulnerable in this si tua tio n because thei r

wives arc o ften much more invol ved in the e lllerprise than in non- farm situations

6 Offmiddot Farm Income

Appl ications incl ude a great nu mher of

insta nces in which if it were not fo r 0 ffmiddot fa rm income o f either the farmer or his wife or

occas io na lly both the ir farm o peratio n wo uld be tota lly un viable and unab le to continue to fu nc tion It is well the n fo r

those in th se c ircumstances to r cogniu tha t if the off-farnl inco me should e nd it wo uld also mea n the te rmination of the

farming operatio n

7 Enterprise Changes

A review 0 f appli ca tions indicates that some

farmers are hoping to comple tely change

thei r c rop or li ves toc k programs attemptin g perhaps to outguess the marke t and to

improve their financial return s Sometimes the expectation in vo lved in the dec is ion is

correct but so o ften when the costs inshyvol ved in the c hange are considered little

has been gai ned and where the deci s ion to change was unwi se co nsiderable loss is

usually the result The ot her extreme to this

situation is rigidity to the poi nt of makin g no changes at all

8 Manage ment

The management ability of any applicant

farmer is difficult to assess Most applicants are not known and there is no opportunity to assess the actual farm operation Ho wever

experience with OFAA P emph asizes that good financial management is c ritical to the

success of any farm operation Here is a li s t of definite Do and

Do nts that should be much in the minds of farmers operating in the present financial climate All of these suggestions re tlect the ex periences we have had working with

appli ca tions for O FAA P

The Definite Dos

Do base an operation on an informed farm

plan keep ing and using good record~ and approved acco unting proced ures Do work c losely wi th the credit source shy

usually the banker Plan and work within

approved revo lving ope rating loan limits Make regular cred it payments when due and when unable to make p ro per arrange shy

ments ahead of time w ith your c reditor or credito rs Do make necessary adju stme nts in land and equipm e nt befo re u nder tak ing further borrow in g Do shop around for cred it and i nve~ tig ate

ava il ah le programs to cu t credit cos ts Do pay off on loans when surplus cas h is

ava il able It won t be any fun but it w ill

he lp to re tain sol vency Do try to ma intai n stability in your far m o peration and kee p the peace a t h IllC

Do seek the professi o nal adv ice of you r ag ric ultu ra l represe ntative anJ Ir indwtry fiel d per~on ne I

The Definite Donts

Dont borrow for capita l items unless they

are abso lu te I y necessary Dont make capi ta l purchases with funds

frolll your revo lvi ng opera ting account w ithout co nsul ta tion and agreeme nt with

the bank manager Dont expand any operation without sound

pl ann ing Dont plunge and make rapid changes in

the ope rati ng patte rn without so und consultation 0

Partners For 70 Years

Arthur Cowie 09 now 95 and his wife Nina now 92 were married March 19 1913 near Nel son B C They li ved in

HC for three years then returned to Caledo nia where Arthur worked for the A

Jone s bakery He returned to the 200-acre farm homestead in 1922 when his father

was kill ed in a farm accident Arthur se rved in the 19305 and early

19405 as co uncillor and also served as

a Ju s tice of the Peace for the farm communit y

Nina Co wie whose g reat lo ve was

dancing has onl y one regre t and that is tha t she could never get her hu sband o nto the -dance floor The Scotti ~ h dances Hig hlan d

tlin gs and Scotti sh reels made hi s head spin He played the record s and watched

from the sidelines while ina did the danc ing

They have no secrets tor a long happ y marriage excep t working at it Theyve

done Jus t tha t for 70 years Bes t wishes to them both 0


OACGrads on Faculty at Nova Scotia Ag College

Lauranne Sanderson M Sc 81 is with the Humanities Department She specialized in Animal Science in her undershygraduate years but added to that a master program in Agricultural Economics Lauranne has lived on a mi xed lives t()c k and cash crop farm in southern O ntario At the No va Scotia Agricultural College (NSAC) she is teaching Tec hnical W riting but is specializing in the area of Com munications and Agricultural Extension

Barbara (Otrysko) Mulkewytch 78 MSc 81 is with the Plant Science Deshypartment Prior to her appointment at NSAC she was employed as a potato crops specialist with the New Brunswick Departshyment of Agriculture Her teaching and research will include projects on potato and crop protect ion

Yes Surry MSc 81 is with the Economics and Busi ness De partment Yves was born in Pamiers France has an M A fro m the nivers ity of Pari s and is in the process of completing his Ph D from Guelph Yves has a strong interes t in teachshying and his research interests hould be a welcome addition to the reg ion He is pre sent ly teaching courses in Micro and Macro Economic Theory

Laurie (Gaunt) Connor 73 is w ith the Department of Animal Science She earned MSc and Ph D degrees specia li zi ng in reproduct ion phys iology from the nivershysity o f Manitoba Prior to joining NSAC she was a NSERC Vi iting Fellow at the Animal Research Centre in Ottawa Her teaching and research work is mainly in the re producti ve physiology field

Also at NSAC are Sheree Porter CSS 79 and Myrna (Porter) Blenkhorn 76 John Shug 37A and 40 is the sec re tary o f the Nova Scotia Agricultural College Alumni Association 0

Please help us to help you When corresponding or upshydating information or address do tell us not only your year of graduation but your discipline

Th ree generatiuns of heramify were present when fleather Rohinson right centre FACS 83 graduated ut Wim er Convocation With her f rom [eji to righture her grandfather John Inglis her moth er Vlarirn (Inglis ) Robinson Mac 55 0 member of the Uni versirys Boord of Govern ors ond her father Doug Rohinson 53

Above Mllrrav Ma cGregor 5 1 lei with the winners of the OAC s 25th annual Alumni Curling Bon spiel Left to right GeorRe Robinson 651 Mu rrav Elliotl 65A Keith Murru 65A and Jern- Forestell 6511 Right OAC Alumni Associashytion president Hell ry Slanle 55 right was preslntedwith un engraved pewta stein to recugnie 25 years of participation ill Ihe bOlspiel Conshygratuluting Henry is Bill Harrison 62 bonspiei commillee chuirman


the individual members excellence andThe Ronald S Ritchie Le cture integri ty

This idea for the new body was not accepted by members of Cabinet They

The Opening Up of PubHc PoHcy The Opening Up of Public Policy was

Selllior Michael Piffields fopic when he

delifred fhe annual Ronald S Rifchie

LeclUre of fhe UniversifY in March

A Rmduafe ofSf Lawrence Universify

17 ( graduafed in lawjrom McGill UniversifV

and holds a Rrodlla fe diploma in Public La w

Fom Ih e UlliversifY ofolIa wa H efirsl joined Ihe Public Service as an

wlminislrafive assiSfam in Ihe Depa rimem

oJuslice in 1959 Ialer served onlhe sraffof Ih e Goernor General and as secrelary fO

117 1 Royal Commission on Taxalion In 1965

he joined Ihe Privy Council Office He

became depuly minisler of Consumer and

Corporafe Affairs in 1973 and Ihe followshy

inli year lOok up an appoinfmem as Fellow

in fhe John F Kennedy School of Governshy

mOl (If Harvard Un iversifY In 1975 he

relurned 10 Ollawa as Clerk of fhe Privy

Council and Se crelarv 10 Ihe Cabinel

The annual leclre recognizes Ihe comrihwion made 10 fhe Universily by

former Board of Govemors chairman

ROllald S Rilchie A reporl on Senafor Piffields presemalion follows

Senator Pitfield paid tribute to Rona ld Ritchie his important work in the Glassco Commission and his influence in the estabshylishment of the Institute for Research on Public Policy

In thi s th oug htful and thoughtshyprovoking presentation Senator Pitfield outlined the need for and the desirability of more open discussion before policies are introduced but there are some very real difficulties associated with de vel oping some me chanis m that could foster and encourage such exchanges of ideas

[t was pointed out that because of the high degree of interdependency of modern society and the size and complexity of governments the making of public polic y must be an intellectual subject in its own right not just a conglomeration of di scishyplines It had become evident that

I A methodical analysis of government activity could lead to improvements in government effectiveness

2 Traini ng in making and managment of public policy was crucial and urgent

3 There were few in government who knew why things were done the way they were

4 The making and management of pubshylic policy was a subject unique in itself and required thinking through for itself

5 Universities and other training institushytions were not very useful in this training process universities being too removed from the actual experience of government and the government institutions being withshyout the detachment and intellectual rigour needed

Thus it became evident that there was a need for an institution that would be a repository of knowledge a pl ace of learnshying a foru m for debate and a means of communication co ncerning public policy

Proposal s emerged that the federal go vernment should assis t some of the organizations already in existence Comshypetition became keen and rivalry among institutions re su lted in grander more comshyplex proposals As a result the federal go vernment in 1968 decided to establish a think-tank of its own to take a more rigorous look at public polic y

The idea was not new In many countries the general thinking was that all problems could be so l ved by inrelleclUal anal ysis and the appl ication of modern techshyniques But the ne w Trudeau go vernment went even beyond providing more data It included public debate of public policy

But the think-tank was only one of the initiatives to aid in the formation of policies There was support for political parties through caucus funding offi ce space support staff and regional offices for Members of Parliament and internsh ip programs for students to work as assistan ts to MPs

Other support included green and white papers for discussion commissions of inquiry task forces public funding of non-political grou ps to encourage discusshysion and many others to increase the flow of information for consideration of alternashytives All were done to open up the process o f meaningful debate which would result in more effective and sound decisions

The th ink-tank was to be a centre for var ious kinds of people to di scuss public policy subjects which were often set aside because of day to day pressures At first it was to be very informal with distinguished people invited to participate Its integrity and permanency would be based on that of

were concerned that existing research instishytutes would be damaged They also wanted in volvement of business and professional communities This challenge to broaden the scope was gi ven to Ron Ritchie

Ritchie foresaw an institution that would be independent supported by an endowment which would not only support but st imu late debate on public policy

Man y fears were raised - that such a body would be taken o ver by academics that it would become a clique that govern shyments would battle for control etc But these were dealt with skillfully by Ritch ie and the Institute for Researc h on Public Policy was establ ished

What of its accomplishments~ This institute has been successfu l in

many ways in getting better information into debate [n the ten years since its beginning many studie s have been pubshyli shed It has held many informat ive confershyences and has a unique journal Howeve r despite its efforts open and meaningful debate on public policy is not much more advanced tod ay than it was a decade ago

It is evident that to ach ie ve its objecshytives there mu st be a willingess to change opi nions and the Canadian sys tem prov ides few forums for the changing of minds The bias is towards decision-makers and interest groups not open and meaningful debate

Public debate often takes pl ace after rather than before the decision is taken Thi s may not be what is wanted but policy-making is tilted not tow ards being open but towards being closed

Why has there not been more progress [n h is pre se ntation Mi chael Pitfield refershyred to the fact that the go vernment whose people should discuss the si tuation has become even more confrontational not because of lack of information but because of rigidity in their approach to discussion of public policy

As govern ment ha s grown so have checks and balances which recently have often been linked to lack of confidence Where slim majorities exist a strong opposhysi tion can threaten the government Party di sc ipline becomes severe and ai ring of independent views is discouraged The fear of a government being defeated on the one shyhand and the unyielding demands ot the opposition on the other tends to make the parliamentary process less and less flexible

The result of the foregOing is the tendency of government in modern times to drop solutions on a public th at may not be aware of the problems These solutions are not open to argu ment and debate is reduced

conld over


w ith bias tending towards a cl osed system and less debate

To improve the situation it seems it wlluld be necessary to have a mutual and

ba lanced reduction of force on both sides

The ge neral equilibrium of the system needs to be ma in tained W hat is needed is the reduction of secre tiveness of the gove rn shyment on one side and a reduc tion of the

danger of e mbarrass ment or de fea t of the govern men t on the other side

T here must be a wil li ngness to secure

more ope n debate on al l sides and our

leaders ha ve not done that e ven on m ost import ant issues More ope n and rneltll1 ingshyful deba te will require more thi nk ingshy

thro u middoth - something Mc mbers of Parlishy

ame nt may not he able to do or be free to do or have the necessary knowledge to do But the id ea behind the Institute for Remiddot

search on Public Policy was tha t such a body could bring about better decisions

All publi c problems cannot be solved by thought and tech nolog ics but few can be solved without these contr ibutions

The Institute for Research on Public Policy cannot create better public policies

by itself It must have input from all sectors to bring about more open and meaningful public debate which will result in constant

improvement of government - somethin g

that everyone desires 0

Grad News Herb Nor ry M Sc 52 has moved to

London as a farm business advisor wit h

O M AF working in eight counties

Denny Silvestrini PhD 5R is director of quality controlresearch and de velopment Eskimo Pie Corporation Ric hmond Virshy

ginia SA He had served as manager quality control and product deve lopment

Ralston Purina Co mpany St Luuis M isshysouri U SA

John Hagarty 61 is manager fi e ld

service s Rural O rganizati ons and Serv ice s Branch OMAF Guelp h

Ismail Siragcldin Ph D 62 is professor Department of Population Dynami cs and

Political Economics the Johm Hopkins

University Baltimore Md S A

Arlene (Fournier) 65 and Dick Flis

MSc 65 are in Edmo nton Alta where Dick is petroleum products manager wes tmiddot ern Canada Imperia l Oil Ltd

Craig Hunter 66 is pre sident Cra ig

Hunter Poult ry Farms Ltd Stro ud

Colin Triver s 67 is a consulting e ngineer and On tario land surveyor for e G Trivcrs

Ltd T he ssalon

Peter Mosher Ph D 70 is director

bureau of agric ultural prod uctio n Depart shyment of Agriculture Ba ngor Me USA

Cordon Brown 76 is sen ior food techshynolog is t new prod ucts process developshy

ment Tho masJ Lipton Inc in Bram pton

Martel C outure MSc 76 is acting di rec tor d iploma progra m Macdonald Colshy

lege Ste nne de Belle vue Que

Charlie Ellintt 78 vnfe Ja ne and

first -born Ian C harles born Jan uary 20

1983 are living near S hetland C harlie is now working fo r Elliott Bros G rain and Feed Ltd

Dennis Ring 78 is credit manager Farm C redit Corp C hatham H is wife is Carnl (Weeks) 79

R Cunrad Genee 79 is a sales represhy

sentative with CIBA-Geigy Canada Ltd in

Winnipeg Man

Howard Armstrong RO is an industrial

engineer with the B utler Ma nufacturing Co (Canada) Ltd Nisku Alta

Bruce Broadbent PhD 80 is a research scientist entomology with Agriculture

Canada Vineland Station

Mic hael Tulloch 80 has been accepted as

a professional engineer by the Council of the APEO He now manages engineering functions for eG Trivers Ltd Thessalon

BruceGitelman 81 will be joining Wood G undy Ltd Investment Broke rs as a

corporate finance associate in September

Danicllc Wenstrom 81 is a quality a ss urance su pe rvisor for Pil lsb ury of Canada Ltd M idland

Christine Deslandes MSc R2 is a lecturer at Alfred Col lege of Agricu ltu re

and Food Technology A I fred

Diploma Graduates

Donald Morley 68A is ge nera l ma nager De Marco Homecare Ce ntre Sutton West

Jeffrey Currah 74A is marke ting man shyage r Fortam ix-a division of BASF

Canada Inc Georgetown

Brian Roberts 76A is a welder with Hillcook Ind ust ri es Ha milton 0

In Memoriam Raymond David Ure 15A and 21 January 24 In3 ~uddenly a t Tecumse h

age 87 He had bee n very act ive un til

recently H is son Donald re is it

graduate of 49

Dr Genrge M Stirrett 20A and 22 died December 15 1982 H is many co nshy

tri bu tiono had bee n recogni zed by the Heritage Canada Found ation The fo llowshy

ing is an account of the tribu te pa id to him Fe bruary 16 1 9~ I at Government HDu~e

O ttawa

His Excelle ncy Gove rnor Ge nera l

Edward Sc hrcyer prese med the Commun imiddot cations A wards Atl antic Reg ion to Dr

George M St irrett of Grand Falls Ne w

Bru ns wick Dr Stirrett has been comm itted to natural h is tory conservation for ma ny

years bo th before and after hi s ret ire ment from the Canadian W ildlife Service and Parks Canada in 1964

He worked hard for the preservation of the falls and gorge area at Grand Falls

and on other conservation needs in Ne w Brunswick and Ma ine He has also written

on the iss ues of conservation using Ihe pcn name G raham Vail and since April 1979

has publi shed a weekly column Notes on atural History in the G rand Falls

Cataract His columns stress the appreciashytion and enjoyment of nature as well as the need for preserving it

Norman Hodgins MacBeth 23 Fe bruary 3 1983 in St John N B He had retired in

1967 as General Manage r of General Dairies Ltd

David R Owen 25 in Medi c ine Hat

Alta February 6 1983 at age 82 He was a di rector of the fi rs t ollege Roy al and spe nt

most of his li fe teachi ng and farmi ng in Saskatchewan

Ronald John Quinn 35 Fe bruary 17 1983 in London His wife Helen (Farshyquhar) is a lso a graduate o f 35

Bruce Douglas Innes 36 passed away Septe lllber 29 19 82 D uring his college

years he took part in ma ny ac tivitie s bu t he -re membered with particu la r pleasure be ing Grand C hampion Showman College Royal

35-the first time that the honour had bee n won by anyone o ther than a fou rth year man Bruce owned and operated a dairy

farm at Burford since I 939 and was an

acti ve and ded icated farmer until his death

H is wife Margaret died in A pril 1983 T hey leave daughters Lorna Lawrence

Mac 68 and Karen and son Robert 0


Macdonald Institute College of Family and Consumer

Studies Alumni Associat ion

ALUMNI NEWS Editor Joan (Anderson) Jenkinson 66


BASc Grads-Class o f 80

EntploYDlent Survey T he University s Counselling and Reshysource Centre recentl y completed an inshyucpth survey covering the empl oyment activities of the 211 graduates who in 19RO earned Bachelor of Applied Sc ience Degrees

The survey indicates th at gradu ates are e nj oy ing a variety of interes ting and chalshylenging careers

A gratifying 73 per cent of th e graduates re sponded to the survey with 51 per cent of the respondents indi catin g that they have completed or are completing graduate degrees or programs on a full- or part-time bas is Of the 153 respondents 78 per ce nt including one who is self emshyployee have full-time employment The remainder are employed part-time or are pursuing further studie s

Li sted below are the indicated ca reers chosen in the four major areas of study

Applied Human Nutritio n

ut ritiond ietetics Food service administration More than 50 per cent of the responshy

dents obtained reg istered profe ss ional dietishytian certificates The Admini strati ve Emshyphasis course is no longer offered in the

Applied Human utrition program It is available through the Bachelor of Comshymerce program

Family Studies

A number of grad uate s found posit io ns in teac h ing or social services such as

Adult protecti ve service workers Infant de ve lopment specialists Geront ology consultants Supervisors and field workers with social service agencies Other Family Studies graduate s are

working in government srv iees and in the private ec toras home economists financial co un se llors librarians hostel managers Family Studies graduates tend to sl ck caree rs in the helping profess ion s

Consumer Studies

There are four emphasis areas 01 study within this maj or The survey indicates that

Food gradu ates are employed in areas of produci development marketing and food technology with majo r food companies Hou si ng emphasis graduates are wo rkshying with government agencies and in teac hing

Consumer Beha vio ur e mph asis graduates are in industry business and res earc h Tex tile and Clothin g e mph asis grads are employed in research merchandi sshying and banking Often after working for a year or

more Consumer Studies graduates will return to gradu ate study o r profess ional programs on a full- or part-time bas is

Child Studies

Many Child Studies graduates are emp loyed in teaching supervisory or other child-care related sett ings such as soc ial work with fami lies and children Re ported part -lime and temporary em pl oy ment pos ishytions include work as supply teachers child care supervisors special education leac hers and as lecturers in uni ve rsity settings

It is imporl an t to note that this emshyploy ment survey reports the caree r paths chose n by onl y one graduating cl ass Dat a is collccl~d on a yearl y bas is from gradu ates in Family and Consumer Studies In order to observe the broad scope of employment opportunities avail able a four-year tabulashytion wo uld pl~ c nt a more complete picture of the profess ional activities of graduates

In summary FACS programs offer students a sound educational background to meet the need s of i nduslry educational institut io ns governme nt and bus in c The future for FACS graduates is indeed bright as the College co ntinues to gro w and develop programs to meet the challenges of the 80s 0



BASc Gradsmiddot Class of 80 Further Education Pursued

Major Total

Graduates Number of

Respondents R PDt BEd MEd MSc MD MA

Applied Hum an Nu trition 65 45 23 3 I

Family Studies 64 44 19

Consumer Studies 48 33 2

C hild Studies 34 31 II I I I

TOTAL 21 1 ( 1007c)

153 (73 oc )

23 32 I 4 I I

FACS Has New

Dr Richurd Burhunl

Dean Professor Richard M Barham was apshypointed dean of the College of Family and Consumer Studies for a fi ve-year term effective July I 1983 He succeeds Dr Janet M Wardlaw who has served as dean since 1969

Professor Barham has been chairman of the Department of Family Studies since

1976 and served as acting dea n in [980 while Dean Wardlaw was on administrative leave

A graduate of the University of Otago Dunedin e Zealand Richard Barham received a Ph D degree from the University of Alben a dmonton in Ed ucational Psychology

He has served on the faculty of the Department of Educational Psychology at the University of Alberta and as professor and acting chairman of the Department of Education University of Otago

While in New Zealand he was an executive member of the council of The Ne w Zealand Psychological Society and served as its president

At Guelph he has taught both undershygraduate and graduate courses in the Deshypartment of Family Studies and has supershyvised graduate students

He has been active on many University committees during the past seven years He is a past chairman of the Board of Graduate Studies and has been a member of the

Committee on Academic Priorities the Committee on University Planning the Liaison Committee and several others

He has also been a consulting educa shytional psycholog ist with the Wellington County Separate School Board since 1979

Prolessor Barham and his wife Joan have a family offour Joan recently returned to the University of Guelph for further study Daughter Vick y 19 is a student in Economics at Queens University Lisa 17 and Christopher 14 attend Ce ntennial CVJ while Tania 12 is completing her studies at College Avenue School

Music is very important part of the Barham familys life with active invoheshyment in the Suzuki String School and the Guelph Youth Orchestra Gardening is a hobby enjoyed by both Richard and Joan

Members of the Mac- FACS Alumni Association extend a sincere welcome to Professor Barham We look forward to meeting and working with him in the future as he fills the challenging position as dean of FACS 0

FACS Prof First

Dr M urlin MUllhclIs

Director P ro fessor Anne Martin Matthews De shypart me nt of Family St udi es has been ap shypointed the first director of the Gnontology Research Centre The establi shment of the Centre was announced last February A research grant of $237000 from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada will fund the Centre for the first three years

Professor Martin Matthews has been conducting research related to the needs and interests of older segments of the populashytion as well as teaching courses in such areas as social gerontology and marital and family dynamics in Family Studies She has been a faculty member with the Department of Family Studies since 1978

She also has been active beyond the campus in programs related to aging She is chair-elect of the social sciences division Canadian Council on Gerontology and will begin a two-year term in the chair of that organization this year

She is also first vice-president of the

Ontario Gerontology Association and a member of the scientific advisory commitshytee of the Gerontology Research Council of Ontario She is a graduate of Memorial University of Newfoundland and McMaster University

With a steadily increasing percentage of the popUlation in the retirement age bracket it is important to understand more fully the ir needs and cuncerns sa ys Proshyfessor Martin Matthews The en tre will deal with the ag ing family and environshymental contexts In the latter sense we will be examinin g such things as the difference bet wee n aging in an urban and a rural society as well as issues like housing and the aging

The new Gerontology Research Centre will provide facilities to assist faculty members and graduate students doing reshysearch on aging The Centre will facilitate integrate and co-ordinate studies on aging within the University the director says

Research on aging is now being carried out at the Universi ty in such Departments as Family Studies Geography Psychology Nutrition Human Biology and SocioluFY and the Centre will be able to provide a medium for cross-fertilization of ideas among the many researchers in the field

Professor Marlin Matthews says that the Centre will be working co-operatively with other similar research centres in Onshytario such as the one at the University of Toronto in promoting research on aging The Centre will also sponsor conferences and workshops that relate to the special needs of older citizens in their communities

Guelph has demonstrated an interest in gerontology since 1970 when research projshyects began and courses dealing with aging were offered in the Departments of Family Studies and Psychology Since 1981 the Un i versity has offered gero ntology as part of the Famil y Studies major in the Bachelur of Applied Science program 0

A Thank You Dear A luml7i

1-Iwl 10 Ihonk oil Ihe uumni inloll(d wilh

Ihc cr special send-oj gien to me ill

recognition of Ihc complelion ofmv Icrm as


So man of ou -Ierc invocd shy

whelhcr or nOI ou -Iere able 10 (fIend Ihe

recognition receplion in Toronlo on May

29 I oppreciacd Ihe man good llishes

which come from ocross CClrado ond from

such dislOlIl places as Indio and Chara

Your generous gifls u Imc Irolld of

pcarls und a bonk aCCOlll11 vhich came lVilh

Ihe slrong suglcslion Ihal [should IIc 10

Vnv Iculand lverc Irul overllhelll1ing

The Air lCll Zcalundjlighl bag jJacked wilh

1111 SOriS of nccessiliel added 10 Ihe jim

middotre had 01 Ihe rcceplion

Many Ihanksfor your SUppOri over Ihe years and for your good wishes as I begin

my car ofadmin is Ira live leave

Yours sincerelv

Jonel M Wardlaw 0


Dr Louise

( Bailltlj

Heslop 67

Off - To


Dr Louise (Bazi net) Heslop 67 has JO ined the School of Business at Carlton Unive rsit y O ttaw a Over the next two years through an arran geme nt with Ca rlton Unive rsity she will be cco nded on a

part-time basis by Stati sti cs Canada where she will join the Research and Analysi s

D ivision Loui se completed her MSc at Guelph

in 1969 and continued as lecturer in the

ne wly-es tablished Department o f Co nshysumer Studies In 1977 she compktcd a Ph D in Business Administration (Marketshying) at the University of Western Ontari o

and rejo ined the Department of Consumer Studies ri si ng to the rank of ass oc iate professor

Louise was e lected to the board of

di rectors of the Mac-FA CS Alumni Assoc ishyati on in 1977 se rvin g as secretary-treasurer until May 1981

We ex tend our best wishe middot to Loui se

her husband Lome O A 70 and their dau ghters Jose tte 5 and C la ire 2 Lorne is employed by Agriculture Canada in

Ottawa and is currently completing an M Sc in Engineering at the University of

G uelph Coun try li ving is a high priority with

the Heslops They are deli ghted with the purchase of a farm near Almonte a nd look

forward to the best of both worl d s - profess ion a lism in the city and lei sure in the countryside 0

Grad News Helen (Clifford ) Beswick 48D is se lf empl oyed as a studio potter in her home in Dundas

Margaret (Kennedy) jarvis 54D is a realestate age nt in Kingston

Pat (Hall) McDowell 65 is with the

United Missionary Soc iet y Jlorin Kwora State ~igeria

Joanne Patterson 66 is a se ni or project o ffmiddoticer w ith Indi an and Northern Affa irs Ottawa

Leslie (Mowat) Hemming 68 is teaC hin g in Woods tock

Mary (Jany) Toms 68 is employed with Health and We lfare Canada Ottawa

Sarah (Spencer) Coomhs 70 is an assistant director wi th the Co nsumer Inforshymation Centre of the Ontario Government


Meredith Fi lshie 70 is an ana lyst w ith the Ministry of State for Economic and Re g ional Development O ttawa

S heila (Fahner ) jarvie 70 is a nutrishytion ist w ith the K- W Hospital Kitchener

Donna j ohnstone 70 o perates Donn as Ha ndmade Clothin g for Men amp Wo men Gabiola Isla nd B C

Lorraine Holding 71 is manager of program development with the Rural Orshyga nizatio ns and Services Branlh Minis try of Agriculture and Food located at the Gue lph Agriculture Centre

Beve r ly Lee 72 is a chairperso n with the York Region Board o f Educ at io n

Laurie MacLeod 72 is a district manager with Beaver Foods Mlss issauga

Kathy Camelon 73 is a dietitian at the Toronto Genera l Hospita l

Tirnoth) Fleming HAFA 74 a ses ionaJ lec turer with H AFA teaching business law has been adm itted to the partne rshi p o f the law firm of Harper Haney and White of Waterl oo

Isabel (McBride) H o well 74 is an e lementary school teacher with the Watershyloo Co unt y Board of Educatio n Camshybridge

Mary Ruston 75 is a Famil y Studies teacher at Inge rso ll District High School

Kathryn Anderson 76 is a supervisor with Westmini ster Family Day a re London

Hester Cooper 76 is employed as a research officer with the New Zealand Dairy

Research Institute in Palmers ton North ew Zealand

Patr icia (G a rland ) Desaul niers 76 is with patient fo od se rvices Alberta Hospishyta l Edmo nton

Noella Li 76 is aclinical dietitian wi th the

ictori a Hospital London

M eredith (Evans) Hea rtwe ll 77 is

teac hing in Mississauga

Deb Wey 77 is patient food se rvices manager at SI John Regio nal Hospi tal SI J()hn NB

Susan (junes ) Wilcox 77 is food se rvices

superviso r with the Baye re st Ce ntre for Ge riatric Care 0

A ThankYou The c lass of Mac 380 wishes to extend a

sincere thank you to all alumni who have con tributed to the Mac 38 0 Class Geronshy

to logy Scholarship Fund The gradua te s tudent scholarship in

the recently de ve loped area ot Ge ronto lo gy at FACS is being established by the class of 38D in recog nition of their 45th annivershy

sary in 1983 All Univers it y of Guelph grads are

in vited to parti c ipate in this project funds for which will be so li c ited until December

1984 [f you wish to con tribute please make you r cheq ue pay ab le to the Univers ity o f Guelph Alma Mater Fund specify that it is to be applied to the Mac 38 D Class Gerontology Scho larship Fund and mail to

the Deve lo pment Office Room 273 John shysto n Hall Uni ve rsity o f Gue lph Guelph

Ontario N IG 2W J Th an ks again for yo ur suppo rt from

Elle n Downie Mary Singer Doris Durran t and Jean Carter- the Mac 38 D sch o larship committee 0

In Memoria m We regret to announce the death of the following al umnus

Margaret L (MacKenzie) Smallwood 401) December 1982 in Lakeland Fla




The College of Physical Scie nce Alumni Association

SCIMP Editor Bob Winkel

phy sics grant selection committee of thc atural Sciences and Engineering Research

Council for two years he was intimately involved in all the major re search de velopshyments in Canada in this field Hc feels that his e lec tio n to the Royal Society of Canada will help raise the prot1le of high-energy physics in this co untry and lend stren gth to Canadian experimenters

The citation prepared for his nominashytion to the Royal Society of Canada reads

Professor Karl is a high energy the ori st whose work is widely recognized interna tionally His deep physical insight and hi s kn ow led ge of mathemati ca l methods led to the quark model of baryon resonances based on quantum chromoshydynamics which has been enormousl) successful in describing experimental reshysuits H is re sea rch is characterized by striking originality and an ability to COIll shy

bine basic ideas from different field s as in the predictions of a new effect - neutron optical activity

Gabriel Karl is married and has one daughter W hen he is not probing the sec re ts of the universe he indulges himself in music theatre and the fine arts

He visited the Unive rsity of Briti sh Columbia in Vanco uver in May for the induction ceremony into the Royal Society of Canada on the occas ion of the Annual Meeting of the Society It marked he sa id the culmination of a long string of benefits that [ ha ve enjoyed throughout the 23 years 1 have lived in Ca nada [ have every rea son to be very grateful to th is country D

Erratum In the Sprin g issue o r SCiMP it was erroneously reported in the c utline accompanyin g a pict ure of Departshyme nt of Physics student scholarship winners that they were the recipients of 0 er $ 1500 We dropped a zero The fi gure should have read $ 15000 Sorry about tha t Ed

Elected to Royal Society

Dr Cooiel Korl

The election of Dr Gabriel Karl to a Fellowship of the Roy al Society of Canada represents what one of hi s colleagues Dr Peter Egelstaff desc ribe s as a rare honour which reflects great credit not only on Dr Karl but also on the Uni versi tys Departshyment of Physics

The Royal Society of Canada founded in 1882 to promote learning and research in the arts and sciences has numbered among its Fellows virtually all of Canadas most distinguished intellectual le ade rs of the last J00 yea rs Standards are jealously guarded and Fello wships are awarded only as a result of outstanding world-class ach ieve ment

The rarity of the honour is indicated by the fact that at the Un iversity of Guelph whose faculty includes so many academics of international distinction only five had previously achieved a Fellows hip in the Royal Society of Canada These are Dr Howard Clark vice- pres ident academic Dr Bruce Sells dean College of Biologishycal Science Dr Peter Egclstaff Depart shyment of Physics Dr Do nald Masters Prof ssor Emeri tu s De part mcnt of History and Dr He rb Armstrong retired dean of Graduate Studies

As the sixth Dr Ga briel Karl will have the added di st inction of bei ng the first whose career has been sp ot excl us ively at the Un ivers ity of Guelph which agai n to

quote Dr Egelstaff marks a coming of age for the University

Gabriel Karl was born in Transylvania a province of Romania He obtained his B Sc in Chemistry at Romani as Univershysity of ClUJ worked for two years in industry and came to Canada in 1960 He attended graduate school at th e University of Toronto where he was awarded a Ph D in 1966 for a thesis on infrared luminesshycence following molecular colli sion Hi s Ph D supervisor was the distinguished physical chemist Dr John Polanyi

A two-year post-doctora l fellowship with the University of Torontos Depart shyment of Physics followed His mentors there were Drs J Van Kranendonk and Duk Poll who is now a professor with the Universi ty of Guelph s Depa rtment of Ph ys ics

In 1966 Dr Karl studied at the Uni versity of Oxford for two years under an NRC scho larship to study hadron spec troshyscopy and in 1969 he Joi ned the Univers itys Department of Phy sics achieving a full professorship only five years later

Dr Karls work has focussed on high energy physics - the physics of fundamen shytal particles This is an esoteric field involvshying research into the nature of matter The relatively few world leaders in thi s field tend to cluster around the half-dozen accelerators such as the $100 million four kilumete rshylon g hi gh-e nergy tunnel for accelerating electrons at Stanford University that have been built only in the US and Europe

There is no accelerator of this energy level in Canad a and fe w Canadian scie nshyti ~ts are working in this field Dr Ka rl s statu re in the international commu nity of particle physic ists is marked by his many visi ts to the world s major research ce ntres as guest speaker and to consult with his peers Referring to the time spent on thcse missions Dr Karl describes the Depart shym nt of Phys ics and his colleag ues as generouslyaccommodati ng shy

As cha irman of the h igh energy


Trapping The Suns Energy Excerpted from a Chemtrends article by Mary Cocivera

One predi ctabl e fac t about ind ustri ali z d

soc iety is that it will take more e nergy to

keep the whee ls ru nn ing smoothl y parti c ushy

larly because the world population is exshy

pected to dou ble to about n ine bill ion by the

year 2050

[n th search to augme nt tradi tio na l

sources o f e lectri ci ty two Departme nt of

Chemistry pro fessors ha ve tu rned their

atten ti on to the convers ion of solar energy to

electricity by photovultaie cel ls and photoshy

elec troc he mical systems T he developme nt

work at Guelph is a imed at improving the efficiency and stability of th se sy~tems and

reduc i ng the ir cos t

Si licon photovoltaic cells serve as a

reference for solar energy convers iun beshy

cause they were the fi rst such cells and to

date arc the most effic ient co nvert ing so lar

ne rgy into elec tr ic ity a t abo ut 15 per cem

effi c iency Arrays of crys tal li n sil icon ce lls present ly cos t in the nei ghborhood or

S$400 per sq uare metre to manufac ture

produc ing about 40 watts Photovo lta ic

thin- fi lm syste ms us ing semico nductors

o ther than single crysta l sil ic on are be ing

investigated in man y re~earc h ce ntre s

around the world

A pro mis ing approach is a cadmiui1l

sulfi dec uprous sul fide combi nat ion in

which the two sem ico nduc tors are laye red

on molybdenum the n covered w ith a transshyparent gold fil m T his thin-fi lm cons trucshy

tio n i ideal for solar devices explai ns

Profess ur Ro n Fawcett because large

surface areas are needed for maximum

exposu re to the sun

T he fabrication process devel oped by

Ro n and patented in 1980 in vo lve electroshy

depos iting cadmium sulfide o nto molybshy

denum then layering cuprous sulfide over the cadm ium sulfide by an ion exchange

process Finally the gold 11 1m is added by

vacuum de pos ition Ron es timates that

thi n-film de ices could be manufac tu red in

this way for about S$25 per squ are metre

E lectro pla ting of se m ic ondu ct ors

would enabl e photo voltai c dev ices to be

manu factured in a continuous process

rathe r than indi vidua lly as i required w ith

s ingle crysta l s ilic on Such ce lls ha ve

ach ieved conversio n of solar to electrica l

energy at an e ffi cienc y o f I per cent to date T he researchers are co nfide nt they can

achieve fi to 8 per cent cffi ieney compared

to the calcul ated max imum e ffi c iency of II

per cent Pro fessor Michae l oc ivera is ork ing

on photoe lec troc hem ical systems in which a

sem icond uctor electrode im mersed in an

elec tro lyte solution converts inci dent li g ht

into a n electric a l cu rren t Such se mishy

conductor lilju id junction cells offe r p racti shy

cal ad van tages because uf the sponta neom format ion o f a junc tio n I mproved effishy

ciency fo r po lycrysta lli ne sem iconductors

has been a hi eved in ce lb of th is type in part becau~e the liqu id estab li shes unshy

iformly good COntac t wi th the e l etrode

The li gh t -~ens it i ve electrode in photoshy

e lec trochem ical ce lls is a sem ic o nductor

e it her a thin-fi lm or s ingle c rysta l a tt ached

to a metal back ing the other e lec trode is an

inert me ta l T he e l ectrode~ are immersed in

~ n elect rol yte solutio n o f a mater ial that carl do nate and accep t elect rons The b igges t

prob lem with many li lj ui d junct io n ce lls

~ays Mike is photocorros iol1 of the su rshy

face of the se miconductor To overcome

thi s problem he is developing materi a ls and

techniques to coat the e lectrodes with proshy

tec tive materiab

The first liquid junction cells with a

sili con anode opera ted for only a matter of

seconds befo re the e lec trode was des troyed

by corrosion Researche rs at the Solar Energy Research Insti tu te in C o lorado

U SA have developed a silicon anode

w ith a polypyrro le protect ive coating which

can o perate for hund reds o f hours but that is

still not long eno ugh for a viable commershy

cia l syste m

M ike and his colleague are making a

syste matic study of compounds tha t wi ll

both protect the electrode from corrosion

and catal yze the elect rode rca tion They

arc now worki ng with organo me tall ic comshy

pounds co mpris ing a metal atom sulfur

and an aromatic co m pone nt containing a func tiona l group li ke hyd roxy l sul phonate

ammoni um and nitroso

hese compounds are effect ive beshy

ca use they prov ide a mechanism to transfer

a ch arge bet ween the se mi co nd uctor and the e lectro n donor in solut io n The coating mus t

also be transpilrent e nough to a llow the light

to s trike the photocleetrode

To date they ha ve suneeded in deshy

veloping fi ve coat ings su itab le fo r a variet y

or se miconduc tors incl uding the polyshy

crysta ll ine cadm ium su lfide e lectrodes fabshy

riltated by Ron Fawce tt s method If polyshy

crystalli ne elec trodes can be fab ri (a ted and

coated wi th a protec tive materia l electroshy

chemically they wi ll be relati ve ly inexpe nshy

ive to manufac ture If the tech niques and processe s be ing

inve ~l igated by Ron Fawce tt and Mike Coc ivera de ve lop to tht ir full poten tial the

su n cou ld beco me a more import ant supplier

o f e lectri city in Ca nada Long-range proshy

jectio ns suggest that about 10 per cent of No rth A m rican e lectr ic it y could be proshy

duced from solar convers ion

Elec tric ity fro m the sun is no longer a

pipe-dream-it is a reachable goa l n

Grad News Louise (Sandall) Platt BA 69 is living

in Islington and teaching for the Etobico ke

Board of Educati on

Alexander Barton BSc 70 MSc 74 is work ing on a Ph D deg ree in the

Departme nt of Fishe ries and W ildlife at

Orego n Sta te uni vers ity

Gerry Kupferschmidt BSc 70 MSc

71 is living at R R I Osgoodc and is

tmployed as a sc ientific ad ise r to the


Murray Ross Gingrich BSc 71 Ii ves in

Brampto n and is work ing as a probation

officer for the Ministry o f Correc tio nal


Robert Cross BSc 72 M D is workshy

ing in the emergency department o f the

So uth Muskoka Hospital in Bracebridge

Edda Duva (Home) Kerr BA 74 lives

in G ue lph and is working as a program

co-ordinator for Casatta Ltd in Kitchener

Deanne Ch)y BSc 78 Ii ves in Etob ishy

coke and is working as a public health

inspector for the Ham ilton Wentwo rth Reshy

gio nal Health Unit

Alex McDonald BSc 79 PhD 83 and his wife Rosanne ( DeNobriga) BSc

79 are living in Austi n Texas whil e Alex

is do ing post-doctoral work at the Unishy

vers ity o f Texas

Ste~en Oliver BSc 79 o f Hamilton is a

medica l sa les repre sentati ve with Cyanamid

Canada Inc

Gordon Knox BSc 79 is a con~ ul ta nt

with Inform ation Systems Serv ices in Vicshy

toria BC

George Gillson BSc 80 is taki ng a

Ph D in Anal ytica l C hemis try at the Uni shyve rsity of Alberta 0


The College o f Arts Alumni Associat ion

DELPHA Editor Debbie (Nash) Chambers 77

has no w acquired the Shaw Festival ArshyThe Deans Roundup chives on permanent deposit T his is an

Last fall I had the privilege of speakshy

ing to the direc tors of the University of G uelph Alumn i Assoc iation to bring them

up to date on some of the excit ing things connected with the College of Arts I am gratefu l to the editor of DELPHA for this

opportu nity to let alumni readers know what we are do ing

I am pleased to be able to report a subs tant ial increase in enrolment both in the

B A program and in the College o f Arts this past yea r What is especially nice is that this has coincided with a dec is ion to tighte n our

standards at the admissions level and in the regulations for continuatio n of study

In o rder to grad uate B A students

who entered the Spring 19~3 Semester will need to obtai n a C average in 60 per cent of the courses they take

Most of o ur students are doing thi s now and we do not antici pate this will pose any

problem for the students whom we are ad mitting Next year students en tering the

B A program will be required to have Grade 13 English and we are strongly encouraging them to offer a Mathematics credit o r o ne in French or ano ther language

Applications from students wish ing to enter the B A program in the Fall 1983 Semester

are up subs tantia lly over last yea r I also want to share with you some

ha ppenings which have brought special delight to me

The U ni ve rsi ty of Guelph Choir

under director Ge rald e ufeld won second prize in the 1982 CSC nation al chora l competition

In the Harbourfront a rt show last

sum mer three o f o ur students had works se lected by the jury and each won a prize shya better show ing than any of the other O nshy

tario universities or colleges which entend T he C anadian- American Urban Hisshy

tory Co nference held at G uelph in A ugust

1982 was a tremendous success bringing sc holars from many parts of the United States and Canada to discuss new trends in urban studies

Dean David Murray

In the space of just a few months I have seen seven books published by faculty in the Co llege The subjects include Rudyard

Kipl ing Greek Philosophy Urban History Evolution and Darwinism Reli gion and Tolerance the dramatist Gra nville Barker

and a nove l written in French Last summer also saw the completion

of a very successful facu lty exchange beshy

tween o ur Department of Eng lish and the

Uni vers ity of Reading in Britain Dr Leslie Monkman went to Reading for the year and Dr Coral Howell s visited Guelph This

opportunity enab led Dr Howells to study modern C anadian writers and she is now

working o n a book to be published in Britain o n Canadian women wri ters Dr

Mo nkman lectured on Canadian literature at various places in Britain and in France as well as in Reading

T hro ugh the e fforts of the Department of Drama and its chairman Dr Leonard

Conolly and C ollections Librarian Jo hn Moldenhauer 68 the Uni versi ty Library

ex tremely valuab le re sou rce for theatre

scholars a nd the Univers ity is ve ry pleased to have a closer connection with the Shaw Festi val The Drama Department also has

Professor Dan Laurence the world s leadshying Shaw scholar as a distinguished Visitshy

ing Professor lor the ra il Semester Two large conferences were organized

during the Spring and Summer by faculty

and students in the Co llege Professor Ted Cowan of the History Department was in charge of the Scottish Heritage Festival held in uelph in May The Fes tival was a

ce lebrati on of the S co t~ 1d their contribushytion~ to Canada

In Au gust the Uni vers ity will host a major conference o n Common wealth lite rashy

ture bringing writers and schol ars to Guelph from allover the Com monweal th Professor Doug K illam chairman of the Department of English and a number o f col leagues are

now busily preparing to welcome guests from around the world

Through our liaison programs we have pioneered special day - long seminars at the

niversity for gifted children in Wellington County T he se programs are part of o ur commitment to assist secondary schools in meeting the challe nges of special education

J know many o f you will also be interes ted in knowing that last sLi mmer the

College awarded three new scholarships two of the m honouring the cont ribution made by former faculty members J Percy

Sm ith and W Stanford Reid The other marked the first presentation of the Edward Johnson Music Foundation scholarships for students in the music program

We are al l ac ute ly co nscious of the

financial pressure affecting the UnivLr ~ ity

of Guelph and othe r Canadian unive rsities

But we mus t no t le t these pressures detract from the vision of academic excellence to

which we are committed J think you will agree from the exaln ~Jk middot ha ve cited that this vision continues to glow brightly in spite of our financial plight We hope we can

co ntinue to co unt on your advice and your suppurt 0


It Was a Very Good Year T he Direc tor or the College of Arts Alumni Assoc iation have had a bus y year In January we launched o ur hrst Caree rs i lglll for in -coure stude nlgt Thanks to the exce lle nce and enthusiasm of our pane l l1len1bcr the evening was a success

Careers Night is to become an annual event and we would appreciate you r particishypation Any Art s grads wh o wo uld like to

vo lunteer their expertise for the e vening please do not hesita te to contact us

The Directors were also busy a rshyranling the second an nu al art show shyDI MENSIO NS middotS3 Due to the treme nd ous response to DI M ENSIOtS 82 the art show co mmittee organized DIM ENSIO NS 83 as aJu ricd show We are hoping that nex t yea r we will be able to mount a photography show as well a an art sho w

As you are probably aware in 1970 Wellington College was reo rganized into the Colleges of Arts Physic al Sc ience and Socia l Science This year our Assoc iation was asked to se lect a new College logo Thankgt to Dean Dav id Murray and the Deans Counc il we were given permission to use the graphics on the College of Art s Gold Medal It can be see n in the masthead of thi s issue The logo was designed by Erich Barth art dire ctor Department of [nshyformation and enco mpasses the di verse di s shycipiJnes fou nd within the College of Arts

Grad News Catharine (Gilnerlson ) Scott 70 is a wage and salary anal ys t tnivers it y of Waterl oo

Linda la) Bell 72 i the assistant conshysultant for thlto gifted We llington County Boa rd of Education GueJph

Lynn Barbeau 74 is the curator Educa shytion and xtension Macdo nald Stewart Art

entre Guelph

Wltlynr WellJauler 75 is corpora te mar shyke ting manager Gore Mutua l In surance Company Cambridgc

Renate Fisc her 76 is a consultant with the Woods Gordon Divisio n of Cl arkson Go rdon Chartered Acco untants Kitchener

jane Morley O AC MSc 81 is a career co nsultant Counse llin g and Student Reshysource Centre Un iversity of Guelph

Through the generos ity of the Alma Mater Fund our Assoc iation has been able to e stablish nv e sc holars hip s Thre e DELPHA awards for Gue lph alumni to continue their slUdi es at the gradu ate level at the University and two awa rds for part-time mature students These awards are greatly appreciated by the students who have reshyce ived th e m

Congratulatio ns are th e order of the day for Juli e (Russe ll ) Thur 78 Associashytion past pre sident and Linda Mackenz ie shyCordi ck 8 1 Assocration secre tary treas shyurer on the birth of their daug hters in March We wi sh them joy in their yo ung-

David Dell 76 is the in fo rmation o ffic er Reg ion of Pee l Brmiddotampton

jeff Miller 82 is a s tage manager for Profes sional Theatres Toronto

The above eight alumni were panel )11ember-s at our first annual Careers sJ ig ht held ea rlier th i yea r On ce again we offer our sincere thanks for their pani ci pation

lhugarel Reare 68 is senior research o f hee l Minis try of th e Soli citor General Ottawd

William Thiels 73 is a sys te ms analyst with Eas tman Kodak CO Roche ster t Y US A

Shardie D SteHnson 77 is assistant marketing manager Marsh and 1cLennan Ltd Winnipeg Man

Donald Syme 77 is with marketing pe rsonne l IC F Sydne y Australia

sters and look forward to the ir continued help in the Assoc ia tion in the future

C Nould lik e to re mind our fell ow alu mni to jo in or renew their membership in our Association De hbie ( Nash) Cham bers 77 editor of DF LPH A wo uld lik e any Ideas lor future artick that vould catch your interes t Our Assoc iati o n would also apprec ia te heari ng from you re gardin g eve nts that you wou ld be interested in attending Pl ease drop us a line in order that we may serve you better thus ~ eeping the line of co mmunic ation oren bet ween you and yo ur Alma v1ater

In closing I would like to acknowlmiddot edge With great a pprec iati o n the a istance that has been o ffclTU our Board of Direc tors over the pasl year

As al ways Dea n David Murray has bee n a va lued ad visor I wo uld li ke to thank Professor Ted Cowa n Department o f History for his Sprin g 19K3 OEPHA article on the Scottish Heritage Festival and Judy (Ma in) Ca rson 75 for he r help in preparalron of feature articles Spec ial thank s arc also ex tended to Rosemary Clark Mac 59 Asis tant Director Proshyg rams Dep artment of Alumni Affairs and Deve lopment and our Board of Directo rs who have wo rk ed so hard to mak e thi s a successful year

The term of 19X2-B3 has been a very grati fying one for all mem bers of the Associations Boa rd o t Directors We loo k for ward to 19K3-K4 anJ hope to hear from you Q

J ane Francis 78 is With Ilublic relations Vancouver Stock EXchange Vancou ver B C

Jonie Bunce 79 is a teacher 01 Art English and Thcatre Arts at 1 A Turn er Secondary School BrdrllptOl

Deborah Salmon 79 is married to Richard Light BS( 80 and li ves in Japanec Shc worb for the Empl o) mc nt and Im migrati on Commi ssion dnd Ri chlrJ works for a darrv in Kin gs to n

Shelagh Stevens 79 it station U)lllrshytwlle r Department o f -J atiunal [dc nce in f ova Slmiddototia

lidwtl Glanb 81 is a supervisor mar shyke ting comrlluni~ations Pitney-Bowe s oj

Canada Ltd Don Mill s

john (llanllllUnd ) Zelasko 81 rs ~ I

courtr(lOrn artist WKBW Buffalo New Ymk US I C



Alumnus of

Honollr 1983

Helen Christine AbeD Mac 38D

Amo ng the forerunners in the fie ld of rural soc iol ogy not only in Canada

but throughout the world and with a long career as a professor in numerous un iversities ac ross Canada Dr Helen C Abell has und oubted ly do ne much to promote a world -w ide reputation for her Alma Mater

Dr Abell has been most active in a numbe r of United Nat io ns programs designed to foster development of th ose in the Third World countrie s Although os ten sibl y retired she still co nt inues her wo rk as a cons ult ant in Socio-Economic De ve lopme nt assisti ng in develop ing sho rt -term project s as the occasion ari ses

As well as a Macdona ld Ins titu te Diploshyma Dr Abell obtained a BHSc (H ome Economics) from the Universi ty of Toro nto in 1941 and an MS (Human Nutrition) and a Ph D (major Rural Sociology and Agri cul shytural Economics) from Cornell University in 1947 and 1951 re specti vel y 0

Page 15: Guelph Alumnus Magazine, Summer 1983

adequate faculty numbers and physical facilitie s can be provided hnally some deficiencies in the area of postgraduate education are also identified

While the University and the College

are naturally disappointed by the Councils conclusions we are not entirely surprised President Forster commented Many of the deficiencies identified in the report have been matters of acute concern for some time and some steps have been taken already to remedy the problems some of which are simply the product of the chronic undershyfunding that Ontario universities have exshyperienced for a number of years

Under the circumstances I commend

the faculty and staff of the Ontario

Veterinary College for working so hard to maintain the reputation and integrity of the program and its graduates during this very difficult period

The President also noted that under A VMA procedures an elaborate appeal process is available to the University A decision has been taken not to appeal the Councils deision even though the Univershysity has reservations about some of the observations in the report

The recommendation s in the report will be reviewed very carefully by the

Uni versity and the College in the coming months the Pre sident indicated and every effort will be made to secure support from government and other sources to

remedy problems which have be e n identified In this connection I wish to

express again our gratitude to the Honourshyable Dennis Timbrel Ontario s Minister of Agriculture and Food for making available to the University special funding in the amount of $J8 million annually for a three-year period in support of programs at the OVe This suppOrt came at a particushylarly crucial time and was most welcomc

Recent discussion with Mr Timbrell and Agriculture Canada have indicated hoth sympathy for and understanding ot the capital needs of the College and there is every hope that substantial support will be forthcoming from both levels of go vernshyment President Forster concluded D

Director Industrial S ervices R onald J Dolynchuk has been appointed Director Indus trial Services for the U nivershysity of G uelph The appointment became effective April I 1983

He will provide a two-way contact between the Un iversity and industry says Dr William Tossell Dean of Research Dea n Tossell points out that Ronald Dolynshychuk will ass ume an integral role in the industrial interact ion strategy recently anshynounced by the University At the same time he will help acquaint University researchers with possible sources of reshysearch contracts and grants within the industria l sector

The new industrial services director says that he sees his ro le somewhat as that of a broker taking the research and te hshynological skills of the campus to inshydustry- Iocal ly provincially and nationshyally W ithin the campus he hopes to play the role of a catal st co-ordinating varied speci alized activities and preparing a marketable package of research and sershyvice attract ive to industry

He says that a campus such as the University of Guelph can offer a consortium of highly specialized and technological expertise to indu stry Such capability can prove to be a powerful factor in attracting new industry to the area he says This may be particularly true in the case of smaller industries that can seldom afford their own highly specialized research facilities

Initially the new director says he will especially target on industries with a direct relationship to those areas of expertise for which the University of Guelph is particushylarly well known These include such sectors as foods and beverage and bioshytechnology

I am especially interested in offering industry a broad-based multi-disciplinary

Ronald 1 Dolynchuk

approach to their problems through includshying such areas as the social sciences in a team of experts he says This would permit the Uni versity to prov ide more complete studies including market research and sociological considerations as well as

scientific or technological resources

The new director of industrial services is no stranger to the University of Guelph campus He has been teaching a course on Business Policy in the School of Agricul shytu ral Economics and Extension Education

Ronald Dolync h uk was most reshycently the sen ior vice- president and general managcr of Linread Canada Limited in Guelph He has worked in industry since 1969 in marketing and managc ment posishytions Born and raised in W innipeg he grauuated in business economics from Inshydiana Un iversity and received a Master of Business dm in islra tion uegree from the same university

Ronald Dolynchuk and his wife and thrce ch il dren have lived in G uelph since 1976 He has b en act ive in the Gue lph Chamber of Commerce the Ro tary Club of G uelph and has served on the Board of Direc tors of the Edward Johnson Mus ic Foundation the Guelph Arts Counci l the G uelph Youth O rchestra and the G ue lph Marlin Aquatic Cl ub He is a lso 1 regis tered soccer re te ree 0

National Universities Week National Universities Week is being observed at universities across the country October 2 to 8 1983 to draw attention to the positive contributions a nd accomplishments made by these institutions in Canadian life A variety of activ ities at campuses will be designed to point out the va lue of the univershysitys teaching research cultural and public ser vice acli~ ities in society

Plans at Guelph include a noon hour series of lectures a nd panels which will look at areas of research on camp us that have far-reach ing etTects on society Members of the pu blic will be invited 10 visit the cam pus during the week to attend events and to tour the facilities

For further information on the National Universities Week program contact Information Services University of Guelph (SI9) 824-4120 Ext 8708 0


Canadian Centre for Toxicology T he Canadian Centre for Toxicol(l t y to he located at the ni ve r~ it y of Guelph and tht University of Toro nto will rt cc ive $ 10 mi ll ion fro lll the Ce clc ra l govern ment for the firs t phase of const ructioll The lunding I contingent on part ic ipation by the Ontario govern me nt ancl the two u ni ve rs it i e~

Dr Jim Sc hroder O VC 42 Me mbCi of Pari iame nl for Guelph pari ia mentary secretary to the Mini ster of Health and We lfare Monique Begin and an 0 C facult y member made the announce me nt on behalf o f The Honourable John Roberts Mini ste r of the En vironment at a press co nfere nce on cam pus in May The fundin g is the fi rst to be announced for more than 100 projects be ing fund eu under the leueral governmcnt s $ 24 bill io n spec ial reco ve ry projec ts program outlined in the April 19 budge t speec h

Pres ident Donalu Forster said that representati ves from the Uni vers it ies of Guelp h ane Toronto met later fo r discusshysions wi th Ontario s Mini ster of the Envishyronment Ke ith Norton and will continue tv di scuss the prov ince s commitmcnt to the Ccntre President Fors ter said he is opti misshyti c abo ut provincial support as Premier Bill Da vis has for the past tw o years expressed strung support for the Centre

President Forster on behalf o f the Unive rs it y of Guelph thanked Dr Schroun fo rthe work he has done to impress upon the federal go vernment the im port ance of a projec t of ve ry co ns iue rab le na tio na l s ignificance The Pres ident c it ed the Centre as an example of the co-operatio n betwee n uni ve rsitie s governments and the pri va te sector

Dr David Strangw ay actin g presishydent Uni versity of Toronto also expressed gtatitude to the federal go ve rnment and Dr Sc hroder He said the joint venture by two uni ve rs iti es tha t have compl ementary strengths is unique He desc ribeu the Ce ntre

Alberta Alumni Reunion

Saturday August 20 1983

200 pm -Bowness Park Calgary

Bring your own picnic

Prizes will be awarded for oldest grad grad who travels farthest

from home etc

L (l i to rii ht D r MeLII middotell Prcs iden Fo rsl fl r Dr Schroderund Dr Sl liI ng loshy(Iu inK Jr f ideill Uni l c rII oToro ll lO

as a world-class model that co uld be looked to in the future Guelphs strengths are in agricultural and veterinary toxicol ogy and Toron to s are espec iall y in toxicology in the med ical and engineerin g fi elcl s En viro nshymental expert ise is we ll deve loped at both uni vers ities

Professor Free man McEwen acting direc tor of the Ce ntre a nd dean of the OA outlined some of the unique features of the Ce ntre which he said is blaz in g a new tra il between gove rnments uni versities and the public sector

The planning and construction of phas one of the facilit y for the project is expected to be compl eteu by late 1986 at a total cost of $236 million When com shypleted the Ce ntre will be part of a netw ork o f toxicology centres across Canada It is ex pected to have a staff at both Guelph and Toronto of 64 sc ient is ts 108 techn ishycians and 109 other staff members The corshyrate headquarte rs will be at the Uni versit y of Guelph 0

Homecoming September 30middot October 1

Friday September 30 700 p m and 1000 pm The Nyl on in conce rt two shows War Me mori al Hall Ticket s $8 50 students and seni ors S9 50 general For ti ckets write Ny lons Tickets nive rs ity of Guel ph Box Ollice Uni vers ity Centre Un ive rs ity of Guelph Guel ph Ontari o N IG 2W I Pl ease make cheque payable to the Univers it y of Guelph and enclose a self- addressed and stamped envelope

Saturday October 1 Morning Homecomin g Paraue For further in fo rm ation contac t John King (519) 824-4120 Ex t 8327

1100 am HA Alu mni Associati on Annual eeting Hotel and Food Admin isshytrati on Building

11 30 am Human Kinet ics Alum ni Association An nual Meeting and Home shycoming Brunch Loca ti on to be anno unced

200 pm Homecornmg Footba ll Game Alumni Stadium Uni vcrsity of Toronto Blues vs Uni versit y of Gue lph Gry phons

630 pm Alumni Din ner Dancc Creelshyman Hall Further detail s co nt act Alumni Office (519) 824-4 l20 Ext 2122 or 87 40

800 pm Post-Game Pub Dance De shypartment of Athl etics gymnas ium 0

CODling Events Sep1216 Aggie Week

17 UGAA Wine Symposium Niagara Peninsula

25 28

Sep 30 Oct 1

Oct 1


Nov 11middot20


Dec 5-8

OAC Alumni Association Golf Tournament

InternationaJ Plowing Match Teviotdale


HAFA Alumni Association Annual Meeting

HK Alumni Association Annual Meeting

MacmiddotFACS Alumni Association Caree rs Night

Royal Agricultural Winter Fair Toronto

OAC Alumni Reception Royal Room CoUseum RAWF Toronto

Night At The Royal Sponsored by the UGAA Toronto chapter

American Association of Equine Practitioners Annual Convention Las Ve gas Nevada USA



The Ontario Veterinary College Alumni Association

EditorALUMNI Dr Cliff Barker 41


Faculty Award for Dr Bob Curtis Dr Bob CUrlis 6 Clinical SllIdies OVe recelllly received a UniversilY of Guelph

FlIcully Associalion Professional Tea ching Award in recognition of his great influence on professional lraining The cira lion in parr sraled He has repeatedlv beuroen honouredfor

his conlriburiOIl 10 educalion He is a respecled elerinarian who is universally retIed us

one of lhe beslleachers Ihis univlrsiry has eper had LeIr 10 righl Dr Russ Willoughbv

57 Dr Wayne Pfeiffer vice-chairman Faculty aSSOCi((lion Dr Bob Curlis 6 and

Dr Mike Wilson chairman Clinical SlUdies 0

For Design Dr Jim 01fa50n 68 owner of the South Su rrey Veterinary Hospital 3221 shy140th S1 Surrey BC received the 19 82 Special Aw ard for Architectu ral Exce llence at the annual merican Animal Hospital Association convention in San Antonio Texa on March 14 1983 The award was prese nted by Velerinary Eco nomi cs Mag(l~ ine a leading business magazi ne for the veterinary profession

T he award was give n in rccognition of the timc and expense Dr O lafsun investcd to design a hosp ital that would enhance its natur al s ur round ings South Su rrey Veterinary Hospital is loca ted in a res idenshyt ia l area and the colors a nd tex tures of the buil ding s ex terior lesse n the impact o f a commerci a l property in the area

The hospital is energy-efficient and includes large winduws and nume rous skyshyli ghts in its design plan Other features incl ude covered walkways a covered parkshying area a nd covered entrances The overall effect minim izes the enclosed fe lin g usushy

ally associatcd with a subterranean struc shytu re and the atte ntion to aesthetic detail produces a truly stunning hospital Con shygratulations Jim 0

Dr doe dohnson T he late Dr Joseph E Johnson 19 ( I R91-1960) who practised for many years in Waterloo was recognized for hi s services to ag riculture in O ntar io when his port rait was hung in the O ntario Agricu ltura l Ha ll of Fame at the O ntario Agricultural Museum Milton His nomination was prese nted by the Ontario Association of Ani mal Breedshyers T he citation presented states

Dr Joseph Edward Joe Johnson a native of Stra throy as a pioneer in the practice of artificial insemination (AI ) in Ontario In 1942 when the Waterloo Cou nty Holste in- Friesian Associ ation made

their fi rst attemp t it was Dr Joe who collected the se men and inse mina ted the cows

For fl ve years he took ti me out o f an already very busy practice to make the new idea work Several younger veterinarians

who workcd with him were later to be in charge of AI units across Ontario

He gradu ated from the O ntario Veterinary College in 1919 and after working in Fergus and Acton set up practice in Waterloo where he worked with the noted Seagram Sta bles

He pioneered the multi-staff clinic approach having as many as four students and grad uates work ing w ith him Because o f th is internship approach Dr Johnson probably had a greater influence o n the practice of large animal vete rinary medicine than any other practicing vete rinarian of his day

The ultimate uccess of the AI sys shytem is due in large part to the work o f this ve terinari an who through trial and error persevered with the technique in its ear ly years 0


One Millionth A third-year O VC student Paul Dick of Gcoroetown recently became the one mi lshylio nth person to pass through the turnstiles o f the O VC Division of the Uni versity Library since the tu rn sti les were installed eight years ago He was gree ted by libshyran ans and fac ulty applause and handshyshakes t1 a~ h i ng camera strobe lights conshygratulations and the pre sentation o f a book Clillical E raminal ion of Ca ll ie

The VC library also serves students from other Colleges Co mprising more tha n 30000 volu mes it e mbraces far more than the veterinary sc iences 0

In a briefcert monv a llellded bv David Hull head Sc ience and Velerinary Science Diision

oj Ihe Library eli and Dean Douglas 1aplesden 50 righl Associa ( Libraria ll John

Black presen l a book 10 one millionlh isilor Paul Dick rig ill cenlre

It Was Bound to Happen Delta chapter of O mega Tau Sigma Fratern ity residence has become co-educational with the admi ssion of 18 women students during 1982-83 em sters For se veral years OVC s women stu dents have been seeking fra ternity membership they fi nally made it in 1982

Galhered onlhei-olll sleps oflh e avc main

Imiiding are 14 of Ih e 18 women slwlel1ls

who resided in Ihe fral house Ihi I r ea r

FrOt1 row I(i llo righ l lennifer Rice

Ion [ Lee Ma rv MOllleilh M iddle ro w

Robill Roscol Kale Flanigan Lisa Tavlor Debbie Blech Lesli e Hu ngall Back row

l ana Kl llOn Carol Phillips l ennifer

TrollghlO n lulv Keenliside Healher Ross

Michele Durnall MissinRfrom Ihe piClure

are Brenda FOSler Chris Barrl es

Keily-LeiRh Thomas and Laura Hunl 0

Letters to the Editor Or Bert Ca rswell 7 1 of Brooks Alt a has repli ed to o ur request for informatio n on the watch fob letters F L T (O VCAA Alumni Bulletin March 19H3 Special Supmiddot pl ement) by sugges ting these stand for Friendship Lo ve and Truth the motto of the Indepcndent Order of Odd fell ows Are the re further op i nions~

Dr Alexander Bruyns 32 Sequin Was hington S A has se nt us informashytion on the Royal Canadian Army Veterishynary Corp (O VCA Alumni Bulletin

March 1983 S pec ial Supple ment) He was a ve te ri na ry offi ce r with the Gove rn o r Gcnerals Horse Guards in Toronto o n joini ng the RCAVC in 1938 and me ntioned the late Dr A R Yo unie 14 who served

with the RCAVC in World War One Further inform ation re RCAVC officers would be apprec iated

Dr Donald MacDonald 54 o f Edmo nshyton Ita also replied to our RCAVC inquiry with informatio n on the Corps badges He is a collector of militaria especi ally militar y cap badges o f which he has a collection of over 1600 He states cap badges of the RC VC are as scarce as he n s tee th

The O VC museum has o btained cap and uni form badges from Dr G A Rose IS la t address Picton and Dr W A Robenson 16 Tsawwassen BC eachof whom served as veterinary officers during World War O ne 0

In Memoriam Dr Owen Hinton 25 died on January 22 1983 in Florida Las t add ress Rt 4 Box 139 Jasper Florida US A 32052

Dr Vernon jensen 33 died on Dcshyce mber II 19 R2 Las t address 2485 Lon-din Lane St Paul in nesota US A

Dr Edward Burke 35 died on Ja nuary 21 1983 Las t addr ss P OBox 326 So uthport Conn US A 06490

Dr jack Warren 39 Date of death no t reported Last addre ss RR 3 W heatl y Ontario OP 2PO

Dr Wilfred Sherwin 40 died o n 0 tobc r 6 1982 Last address 432 W Washi ngton Street ampa Idaho S A83651

D r j ames Watt 49 died in August 1982 Las t address 790 Ho rtop Avenue Osha wa Ontario LlG 4N8

Or Peggy Godkin 55 died o n Decem ber 5 1982 Last address Inni sfai l Alt a 0

PEl Gets It T he Toro nto Glohe ald Mail of Fe bruary 19 1983 carried the follow ing announce shyment Charl otte town (CP) - Agric ultu re Minister Eugene W he lan announced today that $500000 has bee n appropri ated to

begin architectural pl ans fo r I $26-mi ll ion veterinary college here He sa id at a new confe rence the federal Go vern me nt w ill put up half the co nstruc tion cos t if the three Marit ime p rov inces s ha re t he o ther $ 13-lTI illi on out lay 0


The College of Social Science Alumni Association

PEGAS-US Editor Dorothy Barnes 78

stori ng The Log Farm a farmhouse dating back to the late 1800s Michelle says Michelle and Mustech thi s was a terrific expcrience and the best

N omad pioneer student administrator curator You mi ght ask what these words ha ve in common and the answer you would receive would be that they all aptly describe Miche lle McMillan 77

Mi chelle graduated with a degree in SociologyAnthropology At the same time she graduated from Algonquin Community Collegt with a correspondence course dipshyloma in what she terms M ustec h - Muse um Technology majoring In Exshyhibit esign

Currently assistant director at the Guelph Ci vic Muse um she has held thi s position since the spring of 1979 Her responsibilities include those of regis trar (mai nta ining dltaikd [i Ii ng systems) for the con serva tion of artifacts and ex hibit work She is co-ordinator of some 40 vo lunteers who are in volved in all facets of museum work (to become a muse um vo lunteer all one has to do is call Michelle and arrange for an interview )

When interviewing Michclk it was obvious she has a love for her work that she will pass on to oth~rs possibly some of the young children attending the education programs she supervi ses at the Guelph Civic Museum

Her mothers parents were homeshysteaders and she was brouoht up on stories about pioneering Her interest in pioneering and the Indian way of life was fo stered by a mothe r who had Indian friends and who would often visit these friends experiencshying their way of life even to sleeping quite often in a tepee

Thi s and the fac t that her family moved around a lo t from west to east influenced Michelles deep and lasting love of the past although with a lau gh she says Now I am of the opinion that my mother had a tendency to present a romantic version of the whole situation - espec ially to me as a young child It certainly influenced my interest in studying Anthropol ogy

Michelles ed ucation and working exshyperiences have bee n very infl uential in nurturing her love of the past She started

out at the University of Western On tario but left for perso nal reasons She worked for a ye ar and while working beca me apprenshyticed as a pattern drafter

ichelle mo ved to Ottawa after she had worked the year and regi stereu at Carl eto n Universi ty in Anthropology She studied this for one year and then became aware of a program offered at Algonquin Communit y College on the subject Mu seum Tech nolo gy

Her placement s in work situation while at Algonquin included a summer helping four yo un g me n on a project at the town of Bells Corners ne ar Ottawa re-

job she ever had There was no electr icity so eve rything

was done by hand Her group res tored doors gable-ends flo ors ceilings rtshypointed stone found at ions and raised the building on hydra uli c jacks The y also gl Lt~d windows re searched the huildin g and organized the veget ab le garden

Othelmiddot experiences have included work at thc Na tio nal Museum of Man thc McM ichae l Canadi an Collcction in Klcin shyburg the Wellington County Muse um and the S imcoe County Museum She has al so been a volunteer teacher at the Plains jndian Iroquois and Inuit Ga lleri es of the National M use um of Man

It was Guelphs gain when Miche lle found he rsel f pulled bac k to stud ying in order to co mplete her degree

Michelle is now well established in her position at the Guelph Civic Muscum and dt las t feels she ha s put dow n roots in a c ity she has an alleg iance to one she loves and fee ls more co mfortable in than any other She is involved in trying to build up a research library on local history and artifacts

When asked for pearl s of wisdom fo r new graduates Michelle volunteered that pcople need practical ex perience along with formal learning to balance their percept ion of a ro lc How apropos 0

Th e Cullege uf So cial Science Alumlli Associatioll ill-course scholarships ere Jreserl(d

rnelltlmiddot to lei Junine Crallt Ceog uJJnmiddot olld Virginia Suth erland Psrchologv Attending

tht un lIlOnr wert right Pro(essor Juliu s fugl Department oCeogrupilr and Pr(essor

Mike M(lIh f II~ Iei chuirmun DeJurtlllen t 0 PI cilologr Th e scilolorshiJI 01 $200

each oreul1ded in purt hr all (11 1(( gru llti-om til ( Alma Mawr Fu nd


Lan e Smit h 78 is a so ftware spec ialist Barbara (Cherry) Wilson 80 is pres shyGrad News with Software Ke netics in epean ently res iding at 45 Emily Street Grimsby

Ron Beveridge 67 is an e lementary special counselor with School District 88 Terrace B C

C R ichard Buc k 70 practices law WIth the firm of Weyli e Shortt Buck Hanshybridge Reidl Casselli and Mitchell in Waterloo

Lee D Wetherall 75 is an exec utive ass istant with AIcan in Kingston

Stewart McCann 76 is a lec turer with the University of Alberta Edmonton

Peter J Stanczyk 76 is living at 9940 Fa irmount Drive S E Apartment A-4

C algary Alta Since concluding his studies at Guelph Peter attended the social work course at Wilfrid Laurier University Watershyloo and received a Master o f Soc ial Work

degree in 1982 Peter is now married and he and his

bride We ndy are established as socia l workers with Alberta Social c rvices and Comm unity Health in Calgary We wish Peter and Wend y much happiness in their new partnership success in their choscn fi e ld and contentment in the ir Ii vc s together

Ted Boniface 77 is now n eative direc tor for Ce ntra l Al berta Broadcasting (CKRDshy

T V CKRD-AM and C FCR-FM) in Red Deer Ted has bee n awarded four c itations by the Radi o Bureau of C anada and was nominated for an Aetra Award as producer of the hes t radio program of1979 O ld news we reali ze but how are we going to know o therwise unless you let us know Thanks

Ted for updating us on your activities

Gurnam Singh 77 is an MC A student at the niversity of Ottawa

Roderick Hodgson 78 is back in his home town of H udson Que Rod is emshyployed by the Town of H udson Publi c

Works Departme nt he al so serves on the Town Planning C ommittee and is activel y involved with the volunteer fire department

Perr y Wilson 78 is liv ing in Spirit River Alta Since graduating from G uelph Perry

has obtained a masters degree in Anthropolshyogy from McG ill University and is princ ishypal of Ste Marie Elementary School in Spirit River

John Boyle 78 is presently living at RR 2 Brampton

Karen Russell 78 is a teacher with the Dufferin County Board of Education at Parkinson Centennial School Orangeville

Vicky Su therland 78 is an air traffi c

controller with the Mini stry of Transport Calgary Alta

Susan W alkowiak 78 is a real estate agent with the Safeguard Real Es tate Comshy

pan y Toronto

Craig Willms 78 is an assistant manager with the Toronto-Dominion Bank Watershy


Gordon Cominey 79 is a priest with the Holy Trinity Anglican Church in Edmonshy

ton Alta

Carol (Fogarty) Knox 79 is presentl y residi ng at R R 5 Woodstoc k

Susan Laushway 79 is a probation office r with the Solic itor G eneral of Alshybe rta in Edmonton

Richard E Larente 79 is production manager at Mac Mil lan Bloedel Ville

Mont-Ro yal Q ue

Bryce Andrews 80 has dec ided to conshytinul his education at the n i ve r~ ity of

Weste rn Ontario He is working on an M BA

Dianne M Grenier 80 is in her third year of Common Law at the University of Ottawa

Shauneen (McKague ) Bruder 80 is an MBA student at Queens University Kingston

Michele Forrester 80 is a comm unicashytions clerk w ith the Ontario Yo uth Employment Program Queens Park To shy


Peter Madott 80 is an ass istant product manager with S c Johnson an d So n Ltd


Elizabeth (Ferguson ) latos 80 is a volunteer co-ordinator with B ig Bro thersBig Sisters of Carleton County


Jane Stevens 80 is a teac her w ith the

York Board of Education in Aurora

Loretto (MacDonald) Sullivan 80 is an administrative assistant with Kert Advertis shying Toronto

Sylvia (Bossaer) Willms 80 is a Food

Services supervisor at the UI1Iversity of Guelph

Jane (Stevens) Tremblay 80 is a teacher with the York Board of Education Aurora Jane is married to David U of N Dakota

grad of 79

Lee Anne Burton 80 is a teacher with the Dufferin Peel R C SS Board Mi ss isshy


Maureen S inclair-Barnes 80 is an urban planner with the City of Brantford Husband

is Bruce Barnes 82

Su~ Jones 80 is continuing her education at the Univers ity of Alberta She lives at

11441-132 St 405 Edmonton Alta T M IG2 Bro ther-in-law John Sch neider CBS 73 graduated in Marine


Nicholas Boyadjian 81 is a special events co-ordinator with Unive rsity Ce ntre

Administration Uni ve rsity of Guelph

Debra (Philputt ) Gibson 81 is a te acher

w ith Pee l C ount y Board of Education in

Miss issa uga

Jim Gibson 81 is a branch representati ve o ffi cer with the Ca nadian Imperial Ra nk of

CommCfce Toron to

Linda Helin 81 is presen tly res iding in

C utler on the North C hannel of Lake Huron

Patti La France 81 is a teacher residing at 66-50 Fiddl ers Green Road London

Elizabeth (Crighton) Madge 81 is now married and re siding in Lethbridge Alta

Kathleen Martin 81 is a market research analys t w ith As tra Pharmaceutical s Miss i shy


Edward Leong 82 is administration

manager for the J J Tour Se rvi ce at the Jal an M aju Taman Jade Ce ntre Miri Branch Sara wak East Malaysia

Debbie (Ling) Therrien 82 is employed as cashiersale sperson for Gameway s Ark

Ltd Toro nto

Chin Lan (Kat ) Choi 82 is an executive shyofficer with the ational Produc tivity Board in Singapore Since graduating C hin Lan has married C hoi Chee Keong C PS 82 Much happiness and success to you both

John C Close 82 is a teac her with World University Services of Canada in Zimbabshywe Africa John is married to Mary M A Psych 8 1 WLU 0


The College of Biological Science Alumni Associatio~_~

BIO-ALUMNI NEWS Editor Dr John Powell

Executive CBS Alumni Association HONORARY PRES ID ENT Professor Bruce Sells Dean


Dr George Dixon Ph D 80 Zoology

PAST PRESIDENT Marie (Boissonneault) Rush BSc 80 Marine Biology

VICE PRESIDENT Chris Wren BSc 77 Marine Biology

SECRETARY-TREASURER Cam Portt BSc 77 MSc 80 Zoology

DIRECTORS David Airdrie BSc 82 Microbiology Krista Soper BSc 79 Marine Biology Lorrie Cosens BSc 79 Marine Biology Eric Cosens BSc 80 General Biology Keith Harris B Se 76 Marine Biology

EX-OFFICIO DIRECTORS Marie (Boisonneault) Rush BSe 80 Marine Biology Shawn Taylor BSc 83 Aquatic Biology Past President CBSSC Brian Wisenden President CBSSC

FACULTY ADVISORS to be chosen one from each DepartmentSchool

UGAA REPRESENTATIVE S Jan Watshyson BSc 75 Zoology Lorrie (Rolston) Cosens BSc 79 Marine Biology Rob Miln B Sc 81 Marine Biology

EDITOR BlO-ALUMNI NEWS Professhysor John Powell Human Biology 0

Please help us to help you When corresponding or upshydating information or address do tell us not only your year of graduation but your discipline

Where Are They Now The following 20 names were entered on the College of Biological Science Honour Roll for years 1976 and 1977 We w ish to know how your career has progressed and

FALL 1976

Brenda Henry (Marine Biology) and Winter 77

janis Kay 78 (Genetics) and Winter 77

Laurence McClure OVC 81 (Unshyspecialized and Winter 77

Linda (Nelson) Sinclair 78 (Human Kinetics) and Spring 77


Sherry (Bondorenko) Miller 77 (Hushyman Kinetics)

jellrey Chernoff 77 (Unspecialized)

Wendy Harris 77 (Major in Biology)

C harlene Kopansky 77 (Human Kineshytics)

Peter MacDonald (Human Kinetics) and Winter 78

Blain Mollatt (Microbiology)

Darjo Romani 78 (Major in Biology) also Fall 77 and Winter 78

Barry Rosen~rg 77 (Unspecialized)

Cheryl Rowe 77 (Human Kinetics)

FALL 1977

Gregory Casey 79 (Microbiology) also Fall 78 and Winter 79

William Crins 78 (Botany)

jill Cross OVC 82 (Unspecialized)

what you are doing currently Do you have intere s ting episodes to relate in the BIO-ALUMNI NEWS Please lets hear from you

David C a mpbell 78 (Major in Biology)

Richard Proctor 80 (Ecology)

Carolyn Robertson (U nspecialized)

joanne (Ryder) G unby 79 (Genetics) and Winter 79 0

Grad Bash 1983

Organized jointly by the CBS Alumni Association and the CBS Students Council in April more than 280 students alumni current and former staff and faculty sat down for dinner prior to presentations being made to our dean

Contributions came from members of the College and a bird sculpture fashioned by Uta Strelive Zoology was the first of many gifts

Next came a memory book containing many letters photographs clippings and a variety of incidents all pieced together by Association president Marie (Boissonshyneault) Rush 80

Betty Roff gave the dean a special book of clippings collected by herself Two framed portraits of Professor Ronald one already hung in the main office of McNally house the other for the Ronald family completed the tributes

Altogether this gathering was a fitting acknowledgement of a great man who has done great things for us all 0


Scholarships In the Names of

Ronald and PoweU The CBS Alumni Association is pleased to announce the introduction of a scholarship for graduate students in the name of Proshy

fessor Keith Ronald Professor Rona ld as of July I had served for 12 years as the first dean of the CBS and the awarding of a

sc holarship in his name is a fitting tribute to

all he has done fo r the College the Univershys ity and the CBS Alumni Assoc iation

The Hum an Kine tics Alu mni Assoc iashy

tion anno unced its intention to name an undergraduate scholarship in the School of Human Biology in the name of Dr John T Powell as he retires from the Unive rsity in 1984

Do nations to eithe r or both of these

sc holarship funds shou ld be sent direc tl y to the Department of Alumni Affairs and Development-clearly ind icati ng to which sc ho la rs hip your donation is to be alloca ted - or when contributing to the Alma M ater F und noting that your monie s

be channeled to the sc holars hip of yo ur choice 0

Grad News Biological S cience

Lesley (Wilson) Barton 73 and Bruce 70 MSc 74 live in Keremeos B C R R No I VOX JNO will find them

E thel Anita Hamilton 79 and hu sband

Wayne Barcha r d 76 MSc 79 live in Hali fax NS where Ethel is a habitat proshy

tec tion technician with fishe ries and Oceans while Wayne is head Office Assessment Scction Environment Canada 3rd Floor 45 Alderney Drive Dartmouth N S

Marilynne (Wise) McCausland 77 is a research microbiolog ist with Molson Bre wshyeries of Canada Ltd and may be reached at 1555 No tre Dame East Montrea l Que H2L 2R5

Michael W Tate 79 write s mos t kindly thanking us for kee ping people in touch through th is column He is a teac her at Mo rnings tar Secondary School in Mi ss isshysauga

Natalie Mary Olynyk 79 may be reached at 3 120 Duffer in Street in T oronto where she is re staurant manager for Olyn yk Foods Ltd

Marine Biology

Gl en A Packman 74 and Sharon (Noda ) Arts 72 li ve at 21 Albion Road Hali fax S B3P IP8 Glen is a senior

biologist with En vironment Canada

Jo l1n Plumb 76 and M arianne (Conshynoly ) 77 may be reached at 37 Coldstrea m Road Box 303 Munster Ont KOA 3PO John works as an indu strial engineer with

the Mitel Corporation - Kan ata

Human Kinetics and Human Biology

Joy (Reid) Tomes 70 is a team coshyordinator with the Workman s Co mpensashytion Board- 2 Bloor St East Toronto Ont oM7W IA2

Terry Obi Oblinski 71 holds the pos it io n of supervisor with the 3M Comshypa ny at 2 Craig Street Pe rt h Onto K7 H 3C5

Robert T a p Fawcett 72 teac hes at the W 1 Fenton Secondary Schoo l R R 0 10 in Brampton Ont L6V 3 2

Marie-Andree (Pi lon) Poulin now teache h igh school in Montreal write her at 76 Lesage Repent igny Que J3A 5Y5

Dr Tom Elmslic 74 M-Sc 77 is a g lutton for punishment as he isjust complet ing another MSc this time in Epidemi o lshyogy at McM as ter University preparatory to his return to Ottawa

Glen Paterson 78 of 16 Da lto n A ve nue T hunder Bay On t P7B 4E9 is ea rl y chi ldhood educato r with the Confederation o f Applied Art s and Technology B ro ther Larry R Paterson g radu ated with a BLA in 69

Eric bullbull Art Arthurs 80 is s till at 12272 shy110 Avenue Edmonton Alta T5M 2L3 He work s for Consolidated Concrete Limshyi ted as a dragl i ne opera tor

Henry Fox 81 lives at 1520 Verdi La Salle Que H8l I K4

Christine (Krumbacher) F()se 81 may be reached at Box 252 2 Banff Alta TOL OCO

Ch rist ine (Novakuske) Lavallee MSc 81 is a stude nt again stud ying French and living at 0428A Larose A ve nue Mo nt real Que H2B 2Z2

Ginger (Thompson) Elmore 81 seeks work in the geriatric field Are you able to help Write he r please at 107 Ontario Avenue Komoka Onto NOL IRO

Don Doc Wilson 81 is physica l direc tor at the Waterloo Family YMCA Lincol n Road Waterloo Ont N2J 2N8

Jan McMullan 82 ne wly wedded to Mark Newcombe MSc 83 is presently ass istant manager - Ri ordan s Sport S 183 Silvercreek Parkway in Guelph She tells us of four co usins who have g raduated fro m Guelph - Brenda (Bu lton) Dagg CSS 72 Bryce Dagg 72 Donald Sifton 70 and Bonnie (Sifto n) W alsh C SS 72

Fisheries and Wildlife

Lorna l Depuydt 77 is a price specia li st with Massey-Fe rg uso n Her adshydress is 3941 Whispering Wa No 6 Grand Rapids Mich USA 49506

Steven Kerr 77 works as di s trict biologist for the Mi nistry of Natu ra l Reshysources - 611 Ninth Avenue Eas t O wen Sound Ont NOH IS O

Richa rd P Bekolay 77 MSc 80 R R N o ) Carp Ont KOA ILO is a program analyst with Digital Equipment Corporation at Kanata

Marie Legrow 80 is once aga in a s tudent at Gue lp h li ving in Guelph at [02 Queen St reet North IE 4S I


Ann (Stewart) Gray 79 and husband Dr eil Gray 76 li ve at 40) - 251 Platts Lanc in London Ont N6 H 4P4 Ann is a re search assistant at the Universi ty of We stshyern Ontari o

Robe- W Marks 81 is a production trainee with Labatt Brewin g Comp any in Kitchene r


Dr Rob J Van Exan 74 MSc 76 PhD79 ho lds the position of manager Cell Culture Produc tion with Connaught Laboratories 1755 Steeles Avenue West Will owdale Ont M2R 3T4

Chuck Yipchuk 78 wo rks in Quebec 87 Senneville Road Sennev ille a s c oshyordinator of da ta at Bi o- Re search Laboratori es

Dr Harr y Nixon Chabwela W eza MSc 79 P h D 82 may be contacted at loni Katandika Vtllage Chief Kakumbi P O Box 154 Chipata Za mbia where he is a bio log ist wi th National Parks

Douglas Stendahl MSc 79 is with the -federal government s Minist ry o f Indian Affairs and Northe rn De velopment- P O Box 1500 Yukon N W T He is water quality officer


Rick Proctor 80 is a consultant with I P Sharp Associates 2 First Canadian Place Toronto Ont M5X IE3 0


The Ontario Agricultural College Alumni Association

ALUMNI NEWS EdJtor Dr Harvey W Caldwell 51

Financial Management Related to Agriculture One of the main sessions at the OAC Agricu ltural Conference 83 dealt wit h financial management as it relates to agricu lture Robert Sanderson who is with the Ontario Farm Adjustment Asshysistance Program was a main speaker and presented the following paper

Ten years ago most farmers were smilingshyagr icu lt ure see med to have finally gained its reward Worl d short age s of food provided ampl e markets and steadily rising prices lor prac tica lly all crops

Thi s idea li s ti c situation continued for a co uple of years until the granaries of the wo rl d were refi li ed De mand then norshyma li zed and pri ces for most agricultural prod ucts hega n to dec line In spite of price dec lines and li mited markets co nsiderable optimi sm conti nued to be fe lt o n the farm sce ne thro ughout mos t of the 1970s

Late in that peri od infl a ti on reall y ca ught fi re rai sing inpu t cos ts for supplie s and labour The ri se in land pri ces exceeded the most optimis tic es timates during this sa me time

In an a tte mpt to s te m thi s ra mpant infla tio n interes t rates increased almost threefo ld beg inning In 1979 and the world hega n it s slide into recession Farml and prices ceased to r ise in 198 1 and are now crumbli ng wi th uncer tain ty and lac k o f demand

We have no doub ts abo ut th e successshyful future o f ag ri cult ure hcre in Ontari o but today for many farmers adj ugtt me nts are necessa ry to remain so lve nt and for too many oth ers bo th adj ustme nts and so me ass iq an ce are necessary for their prese nt and future surviva l

There are some who are beyo nd he lp and farm bankru ptcies are at their highest leve l since the grea t Depression o f the 1930s These cond it io ns brought about the crea tio n of the On tari o Farm AdJustmcn t Ass istance Program (OFA AP) T hi s proshygram during 1 9~2 has bee n assisting eli g ible farmers who needed he lp

The re are two prime reaso ns fo r


fin anci al woes cited by appl ican ts - high interes t rates and lower farm incomes On the other hand the prime reaso n fo r ~ome

farmen probl ems e ited by lenders is ove r-e xpansion We be li eve both views are va lid and unques ti onabl y are respo ns ible for the prese nt ago ny and unres t on 100

many Ontario farms Le nde rs cite seve ral o the r importa nt

reaSl)l1S whic h also bea r o n the prob le m The borrowers oft e n refe r to them too but usuall y wit h di fferen t emphasis ThcY em shyphas ize the c lt treme instability of fa rm income the se rious lac k of pro per pl an ning bu dge ting accmatc farm record and fin all y the practice of making unprodu ctive investmcnts

Because of the qualifying criteria asshysociated ith an application for as s istan ce from OfAAP one must keep in mind that our observations are limited to about 10 per ce nt of Ontario farm operatlolls That 10 per ce nt is cl ose to the bottom of the gro up on the bas is o f financial sec urity OFA AP assista nce is limited to those produc ing Iood and tobacco Therefore data regard in g proshyducers of fl owers nursery stock race shyhorscs etc ha ( no t come he fore us and the financ ial ituati ons ltlr not inc luded in any of o ur informati o n

Applica ti ons have been appro ved for farmers operating all across the pro vince

Of the to tal approved about 20 per ce nt were in swine prod uctio n abou t 15 per ce nt were in eac h of cash crop prod uction da iry producti on and beef prod uct ion 4 per cen t were in fruit and vege ta ble prod uctio n 3 pel cent were tobacco fa rmers and the Ies t co mbinations of the above Those farm ers producing etgs and poultry were fe w

I n a review of appli ca tio ns for OFAAP ass istance several COl1ll1lo n sce nari os co nshytin ue to ap pear on a so me what re petiti ve has is and are ca tegorized as fo ll ows

1 Young or Beginning Farmers

Th ose under 35 years o f age wen res pons ishybl e for nearl y ha lf o f a ll the app li cati ons In thi s gro up are many who have Just begun fa rm ing Mo~ t of these arc victims of inopport un e tim ing hav in g acq uired land buildings and equ ipme nt be twee n 1979 and 19R2 For the m the combinati on o f lower th an ex pee ted prices of farm produc ts and the extre me inc reases in the ir fi na nc ing charges due to hi gh interes t rates_ have becn dlvas tatin g This is partic ul arl y true where Illos t assets were fi nanced the bcg inshyning equit y be in g Illodes t

2 The Aggres sive Expansionist

Many farmers who did well farming on a

modlst basis in the mid-70s dec ided that s ince o ne farm was pro fitabl e two wo uld be bette r three be tter than two Aggress ive

expan sion mos tl y on c redit du ring this i ntl a tio nary pe riod produced many paper millionaires in the farm co mmunity by the late 70s The elation fo r some of these

fa rmers d id not lasl far into the 80s T hose with 100 much bo rro wed cap ital

found that the ir farm income c ul d not

support the debt load So me of these

atlcmpted fu rthe r borro wing in an e ffort to mai nta in their ho l ding ~ and fo und ou t like o thers before them th at it is imposs ible to

borro w your way out of debt O thers so ld or tried to sell some o f the ir land o r eq uipment in an effort to re ti re at leasl o me of the ir cri ppling de bt and there by salvage at

least a part o f the ir operation

One rather sad varia tio n o f this las t s itua tion occ urs occ as io na lly whe re a

farmer who has had a succes~ fu l and so lvent opera tion decide to ex pand to a llow a son

o r so n- in-law into the bus in ss because of a des ire on the part of the young per on to

farm or occasionally because he is no t employed The expansion in Jand and eljuipment particularly if it occu rred in the

last three years and if it were do ne mainl y o n credit with a mortgage taken on his once so lvent operation has robbed the farmer of

his security and his peace of mind Furthershy

mo re in some of these s ituations the disappointed newcomer in the bus iness moved on leaving dear o ld dad to make the best of it

3 The Equipment Enthusiast

Another scenario concerns the man who is o bsessed with the need to ac quire equipshyment or to make add ition s and improveshy

ments to a lready adequate buildings To pay

for it out of the revolvi ng operating loan or to finance it in other ways withou t first having established that it will pay for itself will inevitably c reate financial problem s

Whe re there has been a general disregard for thi s kind of purchas ing the end resu lt has usually been disas trous

4 Natural Disasters

We regularly see the result s of natural

disas ters - floods windstorms hail frost disease and fires All of the se misfortunes can be c rippling to any operation but when adequate insurance coverage is not carried or if one of these di sasters occur whe n a farmers equity is low or when hi s princi pal and interest charges consume much o f his income it can be disastrous to his economic

pos ition

5 Family Unity

From OFAAP applicatio ns it is noted that some farmers who experience a marriage break- up seem to have diffi culty maintainshy

ing fi nanc ial solvency W hen asse ts are

di vided and whe n atte nt ion to management

is di e r ted hccause o f family pro blems the farm operation is often morta ll y wounded

Farmers and farm op ratnr are much more vulnerable in this si tua tio n because thei r

wives arc o ften much more invol ved in the e lllerprise than in non- farm situations

6 Offmiddot Farm Income

Appl ications incl ude a great nu mher of

insta nces in which if it were not fo r 0 ffmiddot fa rm income o f either the farmer or his wife or

occas io na lly both the ir farm o peratio n wo uld be tota lly un viable and unab le to continue to fu nc tion It is well the n fo r

those in th se c ircumstances to r cogniu tha t if the off-farnl inco me should e nd it wo uld also mea n the te rmination of the

farming operatio n

7 Enterprise Changes

A review 0 f appli ca tions indicates that some

farmers are hoping to comple tely change

thei r c rop or li ves toc k programs attemptin g perhaps to outguess the marke t and to

improve their financial return s Sometimes the expectation in vo lved in the dec is ion is

correct but so o ften when the costs inshyvol ved in the c hange are considered little

has been gai ned and where the deci s ion to change was unwi se co nsiderable loss is

usually the result The ot her extreme to this

situation is rigidity to the poi nt of makin g no changes at all

8 Manage ment

The management ability of any applicant

farmer is difficult to assess Most applicants are not known and there is no opportunity to assess the actual farm operation Ho wever

experience with OFAA P emph asizes that good financial management is c ritical to the

success of any farm operation Here is a li s t of definite Do and

Do nts that should be much in the minds of farmers operating in the present financial climate All of these suggestions re tlect the ex periences we have had working with

appli ca tions for O FAA P

The Definite Dos

Do base an operation on an informed farm

plan keep ing and using good record~ and approved acco unting proced ures Do work c losely wi th the credit source shy

usually the banker Plan and work within

approved revo lving ope rating loan limits Make regular cred it payments when due and when unable to make p ro per arrange shy

ments ahead of time w ith your c reditor or credito rs Do make necessary adju stme nts in land and equipm e nt befo re u nder tak ing further borrow in g Do shop around for cred it and i nve~ tig ate

ava il ah le programs to cu t credit cos ts Do pay off on loans when surplus cas h is

ava il able It won t be any fun but it w ill

he lp to re tain sol vency Do try to ma intai n stability in your far m o peration and kee p the peace a t h IllC

Do seek the professi o nal adv ice of you r ag ric ultu ra l represe ntative anJ Ir indwtry fiel d per~on ne I

The Definite Donts

Dont borrow for capita l items unless they

are abso lu te I y necessary Dont make capi ta l purchases with funds

frolll your revo lvi ng opera ting account w ithout co nsul ta tion and agreeme nt with

the bank manager Dont expand any operation without sound

pl ann ing Dont plunge and make rapid changes in

the ope rati ng patte rn without so und consultation 0

Partners For 70 Years

Arthur Cowie 09 now 95 and his wife Nina now 92 were married March 19 1913 near Nel son B C They li ved in

HC for three years then returned to Caledo nia where Arthur worked for the A

Jone s bakery He returned to the 200-acre farm homestead in 1922 when his father

was kill ed in a farm accident Arthur se rved in the 19305 and early

19405 as co uncillor and also served as

a Ju s tice of the Peace for the farm communit y

Nina Co wie whose g reat lo ve was

dancing has onl y one regre t and that is tha t she could never get her hu sband o nto the -dance floor The Scotti ~ h dances Hig hlan d

tlin gs and Scotti sh reels made hi s head spin He played the record s and watched

from the sidelines while ina did the danc ing

They have no secrets tor a long happ y marriage excep t working at it Theyve

done Jus t tha t for 70 years Bes t wishes to them both 0


OACGrads on Faculty at Nova Scotia Ag College

Lauranne Sanderson M Sc 81 is with the Humanities Department She specialized in Animal Science in her undershygraduate years but added to that a master program in Agricultural Economics Lauranne has lived on a mi xed lives t()c k and cash crop farm in southern O ntario At the No va Scotia Agricultural College (NSAC) she is teaching Tec hnical W riting but is specializing in the area of Com munications and Agricultural Extension

Barbara (Otrysko) Mulkewytch 78 MSc 81 is with the Plant Science Deshypartment Prior to her appointment at NSAC she was employed as a potato crops specialist with the New Brunswick Departshyment of Agriculture Her teaching and research will include projects on potato and crop protect ion

Yes Surry MSc 81 is with the Economics and Busi ness De partment Yves was born in Pamiers France has an M A fro m the nivers ity of Pari s and is in the process of completing his Ph D from Guelph Yves has a strong interes t in teachshying and his research interests hould be a welcome addition to the reg ion He is pre sent ly teaching courses in Micro and Macro Economic Theory

Laurie (Gaunt) Connor 73 is w ith the Department of Animal Science She earned MSc and Ph D degrees specia li zi ng in reproduct ion phys iology from the nivershysity o f Manitoba Prior to joining NSAC she was a NSERC Vi iting Fellow at the Animal Research Centre in Ottawa Her teaching and research work is mainly in the re producti ve physiology field

Also at NSAC are Sheree Porter CSS 79 and Myrna (Porter) Blenkhorn 76 John Shug 37A and 40 is the sec re tary o f the Nova Scotia Agricultural College Alumni Association 0

Please help us to help you When corresponding or upshydating information or address do tell us not only your year of graduation but your discipline

Th ree generatiuns of heramify were present when fleather Rohinson right centre FACS 83 graduated ut Wim er Convocation With her f rom [eji to righture her grandfather John Inglis her moth er Vlarirn (Inglis ) Robinson Mac 55 0 member of the Uni versirys Boord of Govern ors ond her father Doug Rohinson 53

Above Mllrrav Ma cGregor 5 1 lei with the winners of the OAC s 25th annual Alumni Curling Bon spiel Left to right GeorRe Robinson 651 Mu rrav Elliotl 65A Keith Murru 65A and Jern- Forestell 6511 Right OAC Alumni Associashytion president Hell ry Slanle 55 right was preslntedwith un engraved pewta stein to recugnie 25 years of participation ill Ihe bOlspiel Conshygratuluting Henry is Bill Harrison 62 bonspiei commillee chuirman


the individual members excellence andThe Ronald S Ritchie Le cture integri ty

This idea for the new body was not accepted by members of Cabinet They

The Opening Up of PubHc PoHcy The Opening Up of Public Policy was

Selllior Michael Piffields fopic when he

delifred fhe annual Ronald S Rifchie

LeclUre of fhe UniversifY in March

A Rmduafe ofSf Lawrence Universify

17 ( graduafed in lawjrom McGill UniversifV

and holds a Rrodlla fe diploma in Public La w

Fom Ih e UlliversifY ofolIa wa H efirsl joined Ihe Public Service as an

wlminislrafive assiSfam in Ihe Depa rimem

oJuslice in 1959 Ialer served onlhe sraffof Ih e Goernor General and as secrelary fO

117 1 Royal Commission on Taxalion In 1965

he joined Ihe Privy Council Office He

became depuly minisler of Consumer and

Corporafe Affairs in 1973 and Ihe followshy

inli year lOok up an appoinfmem as Fellow

in fhe John F Kennedy School of Governshy

mOl (If Harvard Un iversifY In 1975 he

relurned 10 Ollawa as Clerk of fhe Privy

Council and Se crelarv 10 Ihe Cabinel

The annual leclre recognizes Ihe comrihwion made 10 fhe Universily by

former Board of Govemors chairman

ROllald S Rilchie A reporl on Senafor Piffields presemalion follows

Senator Pitfield paid tribute to Rona ld Ritchie his important work in the Glassco Commission and his influence in the estabshylishment of the Institute for Research on Public Policy

In thi s th oug htful and thoughtshyprovoking presentation Senator Pitfield outlined the need for and the desirability of more open discussion before policies are introduced but there are some very real difficulties associated with de vel oping some me chanis m that could foster and encourage such exchanges of ideas

[t was pointed out that because of the high degree of interdependency of modern society and the size and complexity of governments the making of public polic y must be an intellectual subject in its own right not just a conglomeration of di scishyplines It had become evident that

I A methodical analysis of government activity could lead to improvements in government effectiveness

2 Traini ng in making and managment of public policy was crucial and urgent

3 There were few in government who knew why things were done the way they were

4 The making and management of pubshylic policy was a subject unique in itself and required thinking through for itself

5 Universities and other training institushytions were not very useful in this training process universities being too removed from the actual experience of government and the government institutions being withshyout the detachment and intellectual rigour needed

Thus it became evident that there was a need for an institution that would be a repository of knowledge a pl ace of learnshying a foru m for debate and a means of communication co ncerning public policy

Proposal s emerged that the federal go vernment should assis t some of the organizations already in existence Comshypetition became keen and rivalry among institutions re su lted in grander more comshyplex proposals As a result the federal go vernment in 1968 decided to establish a think-tank of its own to take a more rigorous look at public polic y

The idea was not new In many countries the general thinking was that all problems could be so l ved by inrelleclUal anal ysis and the appl ication of modern techshyniques But the ne w Trudeau go vernment went even beyond providing more data It included public debate of public policy

But the think-tank was only one of the initiatives to aid in the formation of policies There was support for political parties through caucus funding offi ce space support staff and regional offices for Members of Parliament and internsh ip programs for students to work as assistan ts to MPs

Other support included green and white papers for discussion commissions of inquiry task forces public funding of non-political grou ps to encourage discusshysion and many others to increase the flow of information for consideration of alternashytives All were done to open up the process o f meaningful debate which would result in more effective and sound decisions

The th ink-tank was to be a centre for var ious kinds of people to di scuss public policy subjects which were often set aside because of day to day pressures At first it was to be very informal with distinguished people invited to participate Its integrity and permanency would be based on that of

were concerned that existing research instishytutes would be damaged They also wanted in volvement of business and professional communities This challenge to broaden the scope was gi ven to Ron Ritchie

Ritchie foresaw an institution that would be independent supported by an endowment which would not only support but st imu late debate on public policy

Man y fears were raised - that such a body would be taken o ver by academics that it would become a clique that govern shyments would battle for control etc But these were dealt with skillfully by Ritch ie and the Institute for Researc h on Public Policy was establ ished

What of its accomplishments~ This institute has been successfu l in

many ways in getting better information into debate [n the ten years since its beginning many studie s have been pubshyli shed It has held many informat ive confershyences and has a unique journal Howeve r despite its efforts open and meaningful debate on public policy is not much more advanced tod ay than it was a decade ago

It is evident that to ach ie ve its objecshytives there mu st be a willingess to change opi nions and the Canadian sys tem prov ides few forums for the changing of minds The bias is towards decision-makers and interest groups not open and meaningful debate

Public debate often takes pl ace after rather than before the decision is taken Thi s may not be what is wanted but policy-making is tilted not tow ards being open but towards being closed

Why has there not been more progress [n h is pre se ntation Mi chael Pitfield refershyred to the fact that the go vernment whose people should discuss the si tuation has become even more confrontational not because of lack of information but because of rigidity in their approach to discussion of public policy

As govern ment ha s grown so have checks and balances which recently have often been linked to lack of confidence Where slim majorities exist a strong opposhysi tion can threaten the government Party di sc ipline becomes severe and ai ring of independent views is discouraged The fear of a government being defeated on the one shyhand and the unyielding demands ot the opposition on the other tends to make the parliamentary process less and less flexible

The result of the foregOing is the tendency of government in modern times to drop solutions on a public th at may not be aware of the problems These solutions are not open to argu ment and debate is reduced

conld over


w ith bias tending towards a cl osed system and less debate

To improve the situation it seems it wlluld be necessary to have a mutual and

ba lanced reduction of force on both sides

The ge neral equilibrium of the system needs to be ma in tained W hat is needed is the reduction of secre tiveness of the gove rn shyment on one side and a reduc tion of the

danger of e mbarrass ment or de fea t of the govern men t on the other side

T here must be a wil li ngness to secure

more ope n debate on al l sides and our

leaders ha ve not done that e ven on m ost import ant issues More ope n and rneltll1 ingshyful deba te will require more thi nk ingshy

thro u middoth - something Mc mbers of Parlishy

ame nt may not he able to do or be free to do or have the necessary knowledge to do But the id ea behind the Institute for Remiddot

search on Public Policy was tha t such a body could bring about better decisions

All publi c problems cannot be solved by thought and tech nolog ics but few can be solved without these contr ibutions

The Institute for Research on Public Policy cannot create better public policies

by itself It must have input from all sectors to bring about more open and meaningful public debate which will result in constant

improvement of government - somethin g

that everyone desires 0

Grad News Herb Nor ry M Sc 52 has moved to

London as a farm business advisor wit h

O M AF working in eight counties

Denny Silvestrini PhD 5R is director of quality controlresearch and de velopment Eskimo Pie Corporation Ric hmond Virshy

ginia SA He had served as manager quality control and product deve lopment

Ralston Purina Co mpany St Luuis M isshysouri U SA

John Hagarty 61 is manager fi e ld

service s Rural O rganizati ons and Serv ice s Branch OMAF Guelp h

Ismail Siragcldin Ph D 62 is professor Department of Population Dynami cs and

Political Economics the Johm Hopkins

University Baltimore Md S A

Arlene (Fournier) 65 and Dick Flis

MSc 65 are in Edmo nton Alta where Dick is petroleum products manager wes tmiddot ern Canada Imperia l Oil Ltd

Craig Hunter 66 is pre sident Cra ig

Hunter Poult ry Farms Ltd Stro ud

Colin Triver s 67 is a consulting e ngineer and On tario land surveyor for e G Trivcrs

Ltd T he ssalon

Peter Mosher Ph D 70 is director

bureau of agric ultural prod uctio n Depart shyment of Agriculture Ba ngor Me USA

Cordon Brown 76 is sen ior food techshynolog is t new prod ucts process developshy

ment Tho masJ Lipton Inc in Bram pton

Martel C outure MSc 76 is acting di rec tor d iploma progra m Macdonald Colshy

lege Ste nne de Belle vue Que

Charlie Ellintt 78 vnfe Ja ne and

first -born Ian C harles born Jan uary 20

1983 are living near S hetland C harlie is now working fo r Elliott Bros G rain and Feed Ltd

Dennis Ring 78 is credit manager Farm C redit Corp C hatham H is wife is Carnl (Weeks) 79

R Cunrad Genee 79 is a sales represhy

sentative with CIBA-Geigy Canada Ltd in

Winnipeg Man

Howard Armstrong RO is an industrial

engineer with the B utler Ma nufacturing Co (Canada) Ltd Nisku Alta

Bruce Broadbent PhD 80 is a research scientist entomology with Agriculture

Canada Vineland Station

Mic hael Tulloch 80 has been accepted as

a professional engineer by the Council of the APEO He now manages engineering functions for eG Trivers Ltd Thessalon

BruceGitelman 81 will be joining Wood G undy Ltd Investment Broke rs as a

corporate finance associate in September

Danicllc Wenstrom 81 is a quality a ss urance su pe rvisor for Pil lsb ury of Canada Ltd M idland

Christine Deslandes MSc R2 is a lecturer at Alfred Col lege of Agricu ltu re

and Food Technology A I fred

Diploma Graduates

Donald Morley 68A is ge nera l ma nager De Marco Homecare Ce ntre Sutton West

Jeffrey Currah 74A is marke ting man shyage r Fortam ix-a division of BASF

Canada Inc Georgetown

Brian Roberts 76A is a welder with Hillcook Ind ust ri es Ha milton 0

In Memoriam Raymond David Ure 15A and 21 January 24 In3 ~uddenly a t Tecumse h

age 87 He had bee n very act ive un til

recently H is son Donald re is it

graduate of 49

Dr Genrge M Stirrett 20A and 22 died December 15 1982 H is many co nshy

tri bu tiono had bee n recogni zed by the Heritage Canada Found ation The fo llowshy

ing is an account of the tribu te pa id to him Fe bruary 16 1 9~ I at Government HDu~e

O ttawa

His Excelle ncy Gove rnor Ge nera l

Edward Sc hrcyer prese med the Commun imiddot cations A wards Atl antic Reg ion to Dr

George M St irrett of Grand Falls Ne w

Bru ns wick Dr Stirrett has been comm itted to natural h is tory conservation for ma ny

years bo th before and after hi s ret ire ment from the Canadian W ildlife Service and Parks Canada in 1964

He worked hard for the preservation of the falls and gorge area at Grand Falls

and on other conservation needs in Ne w Brunswick and Ma ine He has also written

on the iss ues of conservation using Ihe pcn name G raham Vail and since April 1979

has publi shed a weekly column Notes on atural History in the G rand Falls

Cataract His columns stress the appreciashytion and enjoyment of nature as well as the need for preserving it

Norman Hodgins MacBeth 23 Fe bruary 3 1983 in St John N B He had retired in

1967 as General Manage r of General Dairies Ltd

David R Owen 25 in Medi c ine Hat

Alta February 6 1983 at age 82 He was a di rector of the fi rs t ollege Roy al and spe nt

most of his li fe teachi ng and farmi ng in Saskatchewan

Ronald John Quinn 35 Fe bruary 17 1983 in London His wife Helen (Farshyquhar) is a lso a graduate o f 35

Bruce Douglas Innes 36 passed away Septe lllber 29 19 82 D uring his college

years he took part in ma ny ac tivitie s bu t he -re membered with particu la r pleasure be ing Grand C hampion Showman College Royal

35-the first time that the honour had bee n won by anyone o ther than a fou rth year man Bruce owned and operated a dairy

farm at Burford since I 939 and was an

acti ve and ded icated farmer until his death

H is wife Margaret died in A pril 1983 T hey leave daughters Lorna Lawrence

Mac 68 and Karen and son Robert 0


Macdonald Institute College of Family and Consumer

Studies Alumni Associat ion

ALUMNI NEWS Editor Joan (Anderson) Jenkinson 66


BASc Grads-Class o f 80

EntploYDlent Survey T he University s Counselling and Reshysource Centre recentl y completed an inshyucpth survey covering the empl oyment activities of the 211 graduates who in 19RO earned Bachelor of Applied Sc ience Degrees

The survey indicates th at gradu ates are e nj oy ing a variety of interes ting and chalshylenging careers

A gratifying 73 per cent of th e graduates re sponded to the survey with 51 per cent of the respondents indi catin g that they have completed or are completing graduate degrees or programs on a full- or part-time bas is Of the 153 respondents 78 per ce nt including one who is self emshyployee have full-time employment The remainder are employed part-time or are pursuing further studie s

Li sted below are the indicated ca reers chosen in the four major areas of study

Applied Human Nutritio n

ut ritiond ietetics Food service administration More than 50 per cent of the responshy

dents obtained reg istered profe ss ional dietishytian certificates The Admini strati ve Emshyphasis course is no longer offered in the

Applied Human utrition program It is available through the Bachelor of Comshymerce program

Family Studies

A number of grad uate s found posit io ns in teac h ing or social services such as

Adult protecti ve service workers Infant de ve lopment specialists Geront ology consultants Supervisors and field workers with social service agencies Other Family Studies graduate s are

working in government srv iees and in the private ec toras home economists financial co un se llors librarians hostel managers Family Studies graduates tend to sl ck caree rs in the helping profess ion s

Consumer Studies

There are four emphasis areas 01 study within this maj or The survey indicates that

Food gradu ates are employed in areas of produci development marketing and food technology with majo r food companies Hou si ng emphasis graduates are wo rkshying with government agencies and in teac hing

Consumer Beha vio ur e mph asis graduates are in industry business and res earc h Tex tile and Clothin g e mph asis grads are employed in research merchandi sshying and banking Often after working for a year or

more Consumer Studies graduates will return to gradu ate study o r profess ional programs on a full- or part-time bas is

Child Studies

Many Child Studies graduates are emp loyed in teaching supervisory or other child-care related sett ings such as soc ial work with fami lies and children Re ported part -lime and temporary em pl oy ment pos ishytions include work as supply teachers child care supervisors special education leac hers and as lecturers in uni ve rsity settings

It is imporl an t to note that this emshyploy ment survey reports the caree r paths chose n by onl y one graduating cl ass Dat a is collccl~d on a yearl y bas is from gradu ates in Family and Consumer Studies In order to observe the broad scope of employment opportunities avail able a four-year tabulashytion wo uld pl~ c nt a more complete picture of the profess ional activities of graduates

In summary FACS programs offer students a sound educational background to meet the need s of i nduslry educational institut io ns governme nt and bus in c The future for FACS graduates is indeed bright as the College co ntinues to gro w and develop programs to meet the challenges of the 80s 0



BASc Gradsmiddot Class of 80 Further Education Pursued

Major Total

Graduates Number of

Respondents R PDt BEd MEd MSc MD MA

Applied Hum an Nu trition 65 45 23 3 I

Family Studies 64 44 19

Consumer Studies 48 33 2

C hild Studies 34 31 II I I I

TOTAL 21 1 ( 1007c)

153 (73 oc )

23 32 I 4 I I

FACS Has New

Dr Richurd Burhunl

Dean Professor Richard M Barham was apshypointed dean of the College of Family and Consumer Studies for a fi ve-year term effective July I 1983 He succeeds Dr Janet M Wardlaw who has served as dean since 1969

Professor Barham has been chairman of the Department of Family Studies since

1976 and served as acting dea n in [980 while Dean Wardlaw was on administrative leave

A graduate of the University of Otago Dunedin e Zealand Richard Barham received a Ph D degree from the University of Alben a dmonton in Ed ucational Psychology

He has served on the faculty of the Department of Educational Psychology at the University of Alberta and as professor and acting chairman of the Department of Education University of Otago

While in New Zealand he was an executive member of the council of The Ne w Zealand Psychological Society and served as its president

At Guelph he has taught both undershygraduate and graduate courses in the Deshypartment of Family Studies and has supershyvised graduate students

He has been active on many University committees during the past seven years He is a past chairman of the Board of Graduate Studies and has been a member of the

Committee on Academic Priorities the Committee on University Planning the Liaison Committee and several others

He has also been a consulting educa shytional psycholog ist with the Wellington County Separate School Board since 1979

Prolessor Barham and his wife Joan have a family offour Joan recently returned to the University of Guelph for further study Daughter Vick y 19 is a student in Economics at Queens University Lisa 17 and Christopher 14 attend Ce ntennial CVJ while Tania 12 is completing her studies at College Avenue School

Music is very important part of the Barham familys life with active invoheshyment in the Suzuki String School and the Guelph Youth Orchestra Gardening is a hobby enjoyed by both Richard and Joan

Members of the Mac- FACS Alumni Association extend a sincere welcome to Professor Barham We look forward to meeting and working with him in the future as he fills the challenging position as dean of FACS 0

FACS Prof First

Dr M urlin MUllhclIs

Director P ro fessor Anne Martin Matthews De shypart me nt of Family St udi es has been ap shypointed the first director of the Gnontology Research Centre The establi shment of the Centre was announced last February A research grant of $237000 from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada will fund the Centre for the first three years

Professor Martin Matthews has been conducting research related to the needs and interests of older segments of the populashytion as well as teaching courses in such areas as social gerontology and marital and family dynamics in Family Studies She has been a faculty member with the Department of Family Studies since 1978

She also has been active beyond the campus in programs related to aging She is chair-elect of the social sciences division Canadian Council on Gerontology and will begin a two-year term in the chair of that organization this year

She is also first vice-president of the

Ontario Gerontology Association and a member of the scientific advisory commitshytee of the Gerontology Research Council of Ontario She is a graduate of Memorial University of Newfoundland and McMaster University

With a steadily increasing percentage of the popUlation in the retirement age bracket it is important to understand more fully the ir needs and cuncerns sa ys Proshyfessor Martin Matthews The en tre will deal with the ag ing family and environshymental contexts In the latter sense we will be examinin g such things as the difference bet wee n aging in an urban and a rural society as well as issues like housing and the aging

The new Gerontology Research Centre will provide facilities to assist faculty members and graduate students doing reshysearch on aging The Centre will facilitate integrate and co-ordinate studies on aging within the University the director says

Research on aging is now being carried out at the Universi ty in such Departments as Family Studies Geography Psychology Nutrition Human Biology and SocioluFY and the Centre will be able to provide a medium for cross-fertilization of ideas among the many researchers in the field

Professor Marlin Matthews says that the Centre will be working co-operatively with other similar research centres in Onshytario such as the one at the University of Toronto in promoting research on aging The Centre will also sponsor conferences and workshops that relate to the special needs of older citizens in their communities

Guelph has demonstrated an interest in gerontology since 1970 when research projshyects began and courses dealing with aging were offered in the Departments of Family Studies and Psychology Since 1981 the Un i versity has offered gero ntology as part of the Famil y Studies major in the Bachelur of Applied Science program 0

A Thank You Dear A luml7i

1-Iwl 10 Ihonk oil Ihe uumni inloll(d wilh

Ihc cr special send-oj gien to me ill

recognition of Ihc complelion ofmv Icrm as


So man of ou -Ierc invocd shy

whelhcr or nOI ou -Iere able 10 (fIend Ihe

recognition receplion in Toronlo on May

29 I oppreciacd Ihe man good llishes

which come from ocross CClrado ond from

such dislOlIl places as Indio and Chara

Your generous gifls u Imc Irolld of

pcarls und a bonk aCCOlll11 vhich came lVilh

Ihe slrong suglcslion Ihal [should IIc 10

Vnv Iculand lverc Irul overllhelll1ing

The Air lCll Zcalundjlighl bag jJacked wilh

1111 SOriS of nccessiliel added 10 Ihe jim

middotre had 01 Ihe rcceplion

Many Ihanksfor your SUppOri over Ihe years and for your good wishes as I begin

my car ofadmin is Ira live leave

Yours sincerelv

Jonel M Wardlaw 0


Dr Louise

( Bailltlj

Heslop 67

Off - To


Dr Louise (Bazi net) Heslop 67 has JO ined the School of Business at Carlton Unive rsit y O ttaw a Over the next two years through an arran geme nt with Ca rlton Unive rsity she will be cco nded on a

part-time basis by Stati sti cs Canada where she will join the Research and Analysi s

D ivision Loui se completed her MSc at Guelph

in 1969 and continued as lecturer in the

ne wly-es tablished Department o f Co nshysumer Studies In 1977 she compktcd a Ph D in Business Administration (Marketshying) at the University of Western Ontari o

and rejo ined the Department of Consumer Studies ri si ng to the rank of ass oc iate professor

Louise was e lected to the board of

di rectors of the Mac-FA CS Alumni Assoc ishyati on in 1977 se rvin g as secretary-treasurer until May 1981

We ex tend our best wishe middot to Loui se

her husband Lome O A 70 and their dau ghters Jose tte 5 and C la ire 2 Lorne is employed by Agriculture Canada in

Ottawa and is currently completing an M Sc in Engineering at the University of

G uelph Coun try li ving is a high priority with

the Heslops They are deli ghted with the purchase of a farm near Almonte a nd look

forward to the best of both worl d s - profess ion a lism in the city and lei sure in the countryside 0

Grad News Helen (Clifford ) Beswick 48D is se lf empl oyed as a studio potter in her home in Dundas

Margaret (Kennedy) jarvis 54D is a realestate age nt in Kingston

Pat (Hall) McDowell 65 is with the

United Missionary Soc iet y Jlorin Kwora State ~igeria

Joanne Patterson 66 is a se ni or project o ffmiddoticer w ith Indi an and Northern Affa irs Ottawa

Leslie (Mowat) Hemming 68 is teaC hin g in Woods tock

Mary (Jany) Toms 68 is employed with Health and We lfare Canada Ottawa

Sarah (Spencer) Coomhs 70 is an assistant director wi th the Co nsumer Inforshymation Centre of the Ontario Government


Meredith Fi lshie 70 is an ana lyst w ith the Ministry of State for Economic and Re g ional Development O ttawa

S heila (Fahner ) jarvie 70 is a nutrishytion ist w ith the K- W Hospital Kitchener

Donna j ohnstone 70 o perates Donn as Ha ndmade Clothin g for Men amp Wo men Gabiola Isla nd B C

Lorraine Holding 71 is manager of program development with the Rural Orshyga nizatio ns and Services Branlh Minis try of Agriculture and Food located at the Gue lph Agriculture Centre

Beve r ly Lee 72 is a chairperso n with the York Region Board o f Educ at io n

Laurie MacLeod 72 is a district manager with Beaver Foods Mlss issauga

Kathy Camelon 73 is a dietitian at the Toronto Genera l Hospita l

Tirnoth) Fleming HAFA 74 a ses ionaJ lec turer with H AFA teaching business law has been adm itted to the partne rshi p o f the law firm of Harper Haney and White of Waterl oo

Isabel (McBride) H o well 74 is an e lementary school teacher with the Watershyloo Co unt y Board of Educatio n Camshybridge

Mary Ruston 75 is a Famil y Studies teacher at Inge rso ll District High School

Kathryn Anderson 76 is a supervisor with Westmini ster Family Day a re London

Hester Cooper 76 is employed as a research officer with the New Zealand Dairy

Research Institute in Palmers ton North ew Zealand

Patr icia (G a rland ) Desaul niers 76 is with patient fo od se rvices Alberta Hospishyta l Edmo nton

Noella Li 76 is aclinical dietitian wi th the

ictori a Hospital London

M eredith (Evans) Hea rtwe ll 77 is

teac hing in Mississauga

Deb Wey 77 is patient food se rvices manager at SI John Regio nal Hospi tal SI J()hn NB

Susan (junes ) Wilcox 77 is food se rvices

superviso r with the Baye re st Ce ntre for Ge riatric Care 0

A ThankYou The c lass of Mac 380 wishes to extend a

sincere thank you to all alumni who have con tributed to the Mac 38 0 Class Geronshy

to logy Scholarship Fund The gradua te s tudent scholarship in

the recently de ve loped area ot Ge ronto lo gy at FACS is being established by the class of 38D in recog nition of their 45th annivershy

sary in 1983 All Univers it y of Guelph grads are

in vited to parti c ipate in this project funds for which will be so li c ited until December

1984 [f you wish to con tribute please make you r cheq ue pay ab le to the Univers ity o f Guelph Alma Mater Fund specify that it is to be applied to the Mac 38 D Class Gerontology Scho larship Fund and mail to

the Deve lo pment Office Room 273 John shysto n Hall Uni ve rsity o f Gue lph Guelph

Ontario N IG 2W J Th an ks again for yo ur suppo rt from

Elle n Downie Mary Singer Doris Durran t and Jean Carter- the Mac 38 D sch o larship committee 0

In Memoria m We regret to announce the death of the following al umnus

Margaret L (MacKenzie) Smallwood 401) December 1982 in Lakeland Fla




The College of Physical Scie nce Alumni Association

SCIMP Editor Bob Winkel

phy sics grant selection committee of thc atural Sciences and Engineering Research

Council for two years he was intimately involved in all the major re search de velopshyments in Canada in this field Hc feels that his e lec tio n to the Royal Society of Canada will help raise the prot1le of high-energy physics in this co untry and lend stren gth to Canadian experimenters

The citation prepared for his nominashytion to the Royal Society of Canada reads

Professor Karl is a high energy the ori st whose work is widely recognized interna tionally His deep physical insight and hi s kn ow led ge of mathemati ca l methods led to the quark model of baryon resonances based on quantum chromoshydynamics which has been enormousl) successful in describing experimental reshysuits H is re sea rch is characterized by striking originality and an ability to COIll shy

bine basic ideas from different field s as in the predictions of a new effect - neutron optical activity

Gabriel Karl is married and has one daughter W hen he is not probing the sec re ts of the universe he indulges himself in music theatre and the fine arts

He visited the Unive rsity of Briti sh Columbia in Vanco uver in May for the induction ceremony into the Royal Society of Canada on the occas ion of the Annual Meeting of the Society It marked he sa id the culmination of a long string of benefits that [ ha ve enjoyed throughout the 23 years 1 have lived in Ca nada [ have every rea son to be very grateful to th is country D

Erratum In the Sprin g issue o r SCiMP it was erroneously reported in the c utline accompanyin g a pict ure of Departshyme nt of Physics student scholarship winners that they were the recipients of 0 er $ 1500 We dropped a zero The fi gure should have read $ 15000 Sorry about tha t Ed

Elected to Royal Society

Dr Cooiel Korl

The election of Dr Gabriel Karl to a Fellowship of the Roy al Society of Canada represents what one of hi s colleagues Dr Peter Egelstaff desc ribe s as a rare honour which reflects great credit not only on Dr Karl but also on the Uni versi tys Departshyment of Physics

The Royal Society of Canada founded in 1882 to promote learning and research in the arts and sciences has numbered among its Fellows virtually all of Canadas most distinguished intellectual le ade rs of the last J00 yea rs Standards are jealously guarded and Fello wships are awarded only as a result of outstanding world-class ach ieve ment

The rarity of the honour is indicated by the fact that at the Un iversity of Guelph whose faculty includes so many academics of international distinction only five had previously achieved a Fellows hip in the Royal Society of Canada These are Dr Howard Clark vice- pres ident academic Dr Bruce Sells dean College of Biologishycal Science Dr Peter Egclstaff Depart shyment of Physics Dr Do nald Masters Prof ssor Emeri tu s De part mcnt of History and Dr He rb Armstrong retired dean of Graduate Studies

As the sixth Dr Ga briel Karl will have the added di st inction of bei ng the first whose career has been sp ot excl us ively at the Un ivers ity of Guelph which agai n to

quote Dr Egelstaff marks a coming of age for the University

Gabriel Karl was born in Transylvania a province of Romania He obtained his B Sc in Chemistry at Romani as Univershysity of ClUJ worked for two years in industry and came to Canada in 1960 He attended graduate school at th e University of Toronto where he was awarded a Ph D in 1966 for a thesis on infrared luminesshycence following molecular colli sion Hi s Ph D supervisor was the distinguished physical chemist Dr John Polanyi

A two-year post-doctora l fellowship with the University of Torontos Depart shyment of Physics followed His mentors there were Drs J Van Kranendonk and Duk Poll who is now a professor with the Universi ty of Guelph s Depa rtment of Ph ys ics

In 1966 Dr Karl studied at the Uni versity of Oxford for two years under an NRC scho larship to study hadron spec troshyscopy and in 1969 he Joi ned the Univers itys Department of Phy sics achieving a full professorship only five years later

Dr Karls work has focussed on high energy physics - the physics of fundamen shytal particles This is an esoteric field involvshying research into the nature of matter The relatively few world leaders in thi s field tend to cluster around the half-dozen accelerators such as the $100 million four kilumete rshylon g hi gh-e nergy tunnel for accelerating electrons at Stanford University that have been built only in the US and Europe

There is no accelerator of this energy level in Canad a and fe w Canadian scie nshyti ~ts are working in this field Dr Ka rl s statu re in the international commu nity of particle physic ists is marked by his many visi ts to the world s major research ce ntres as guest speaker and to consult with his peers Referring to the time spent on thcse missions Dr Karl describes the Depart shym nt of Phys ics and his colleag ues as generouslyaccommodati ng shy

As cha irman of the h igh energy


Trapping The Suns Energy Excerpted from a Chemtrends article by Mary Cocivera

One predi ctabl e fac t about ind ustri ali z d

soc iety is that it will take more e nergy to

keep the whee ls ru nn ing smoothl y parti c ushy

larly because the world population is exshy

pected to dou ble to about n ine bill ion by the

year 2050

[n th search to augme nt tradi tio na l

sources o f e lectri ci ty two Departme nt of

Chemistry pro fessors ha ve tu rned their

atten ti on to the convers ion of solar energy to

electricity by photovultaie cel ls and photoshy

elec troc he mical systems T he developme nt

work at Guelph is a imed at improving the efficiency and stability of th se sy~tems and

reduc i ng the ir cos t

Si licon photovoltaic cells serve as a

reference for solar energy convers iun beshy

cause they were the fi rst such cells and to

date arc the most effic ient co nvert ing so lar

ne rgy into elec tr ic ity a t abo ut 15 per cem

effi c iency Arrays of crys tal li n sil icon ce lls present ly cos t in the nei ghborhood or

S$400 per sq uare metre to manufac ture

produc ing about 40 watts Photovo lta ic

thin- fi lm syste ms us ing semico nductors

o ther than single crysta l sil ic on are be ing

investigated in man y re~earc h ce ntre s

around the world

A pro mis ing approach is a cadmiui1l

sulfi dec uprous sul fide combi nat ion in

which the two sem ico nduc tors are laye red

on molybdenum the n covered w ith a transshyparent gold fil m T his thin-fi lm cons trucshy

tio n i ideal for solar devices explai ns

Profess ur Ro n Fawcett because large

surface areas are needed for maximum

exposu re to the sun

T he fabrication process devel oped by

Ro n and patented in 1980 in vo lve electroshy

depos iting cadmium sulfide o nto molybshy

denum then layering cuprous sulfide over the cadm ium sulfide by an ion exchange

process Finally the gold 11 1m is added by

vacuum de pos ition Ron es timates that

thi n-film de ices could be manufac tu red in

this way for about S$25 per squ are metre

E lectro pla ting of se m ic ondu ct ors

would enabl e photo voltai c dev ices to be

manu factured in a continuous process

rathe r than indi vidua lly as i required w ith

s ingle crysta l s ilic on Such ce lls ha ve

ach ieved conversio n of solar to electrica l

energy at an e ffi cienc y o f I per cent to date T he researchers are co nfide nt they can

achieve fi to 8 per cent cffi ieney compared

to the calcul ated max imum e ffi c iency of II

per cent Pro fessor Michae l oc ivera is ork ing

on photoe lec troc hem ical systems in which a

sem icond uctor electrode im mersed in an

elec tro lyte solution converts inci dent li g ht

into a n electric a l cu rren t Such se mishy

conductor lilju id junction cells offe r p racti shy

cal ad van tages because uf the sponta neom format ion o f a junc tio n I mproved effishy

ciency fo r po lycrysta lli ne sem iconductors

has been a hi eved in ce lb of th is type in part becau~e the liqu id estab li shes unshy

iformly good COntac t wi th the e l etrode

The li gh t -~ens it i ve electrode in photoshy

e lec trochem ical ce lls is a sem ic o nductor

e it her a thin-fi lm or s ingle c rysta l a tt ached

to a metal back ing the other e lec trode is an

inert me ta l T he e l ectrode~ are immersed in

~ n elect rol yte solutio n o f a mater ial that carl do nate and accep t elect rons The b igges t

prob lem with many li lj ui d junct io n ce lls

~ays Mike is photocorros iol1 of the su rshy

face of the se miconductor To overcome

thi s problem he is developing materi a ls and

techniques to coat the e lectrodes with proshy

tec tive materiab

The first liquid junction cells with a

sili con anode opera ted for only a matter of

seconds befo re the e lec trode was des troyed

by corrosion Researche rs at the Solar Energy Research Insti tu te in C o lorado

U SA have developed a silicon anode

w ith a polypyrro le protect ive coating which

can o perate for hund reds o f hours but that is

still not long eno ugh for a viable commershy

cia l syste m

M ike and his colleague are making a

syste matic study of compounds tha t wi ll

both protect the electrode from corrosion

and catal yze the elect rode rca tion They

arc now worki ng with organo me tall ic comshy

pounds co mpris ing a metal atom sulfur

and an aromatic co m pone nt containing a func tiona l group li ke hyd roxy l sul phonate

ammoni um and nitroso

hese compounds are effect ive beshy

ca use they prov ide a mechanism to transfer

a ch arge bet ween the se mi co nd uctor and the e lectro n donor in solut io n The coating mus t

also be transpilrent e nough to a llow the light

to s trike the photocleetrode

To date they ha ve suneeded in deshy

veloping fi ve coat ings su itab le fo r a variet y

or se miconduc tors incl uding the polyshy

crysta ll ine cadm ium su lfide e lectrodes fabshy

riltated by Ron Fawce tt s method If polyshy

crystalli ne elec trodes can be fab ri (a ted and

coated wi th a protec tive materia l electroshy

chemically they wi ll be relati ve ly inexpe nshy

ive to manufac ture If the tech niques and processe s be ing

inve ~l igated by Ron Fawce tt and Mike Coc ivera de ve lop to tht ir full poten tial the

su n cou ld beco me a more import ant supplier

o f e lectri city in Ca nada Long-range proshy

jectio ns suggest that about 10 per cent of No rth A m rican e lectr ic it y could be proshy

duced from solar convers ion

Elec tric ity fro m the sun is no longer a

pipe-dream-it is a reachable goa l n

Grad News Louise (Sandall) Platt BA 69 is living

in Islington and teaching for the Etobico ke

Board of Educati on

Alexander Barton BSc 70 MSc 74 is work ing on a Ph D deg ree in the

Departme nt of Fishe ries and W ildlife at

Orego n Sta te uni vers ity

Gerry Kupferschmidt BSc 70 MSc

71 is living at R R I Osgoodc and is

tmployed as a sc ientific ad ise r to the


Murray Ross Gingrich BSc 71 Ii ves in

Brampto n and is work ing as a probation

officer for the Ministry o f Correc tio nal


Robert Cross BSc 72 M D is workshy

ing in the emergency department o f the

So uth Muskoka Hospital in Bracebridge

Edda Duva (Home) Kerr BA 74 lives

in G ue lph and is working as a program

co-ordinator for Casatta Ltd in Kitchener

Deanne Ch)y BSc 78 Ii ves in Etob ishy

coke and is working as a public health

inspector for the Ham ilton Wentwo rth Reshy

gio nal Health Unit

Alex McDonald BSc 79 PhD 83 and his wife Rosanne ( DeNobriga) BSc

79 are living in Austi n Texas whil e Alex

is do ing post-doctoral work at the Unishy

vers ity o f Texas

Ste~en Oliver BSc 79 o f Hamilton is a

medica l sa les repre sentati ve with Cyanamid

Canada Inc

Gordon Knox BSc 79 is a con~ ul ta nt

with Inform ation Systems Serv ices in Vicshy

toria BC

George Gillson BSc 80 is taki ng a

Ph D in Anal ytica l C hemis try at the Uni shyve rsity of Alberta 0


The College o f Arts Alumni Associat ion

DELPHA Editor Debbie (Nash) Chambers 77

has no w acquired the Shaw Festival ArshyThe Deans Roundup chives on permanent deposit T his is an

Last fall I had the privilege of speakshy

ing to the direc tors of the University of G uelph Alumn i Assoc iation to bring them

up to date on some of the excit ing things connected with the College of Arts I am gratefu l to the editor of DELPHA for this

opportu nity to let alumni readers know what we are do ing

I am pleased to be able to report a subs tant ial increase in enrolment both in the

B A program and in the College o f Arts this past yea r What is especially nice is that this has coincided with a dec is ion to tighte n our

standards at the admissions level and in the regulations for continuatio n of study

In o rder to grad uate B A students

who entered the Spring 19~3 Semester will need to obtai n a C average in 60 per cent of the courses they take

Most of o ur students are doing thi s now and we do not antici pate this will pose any

problem for the students whom we are ad mitting Next year students en tering the

B A program will be required to have Grade 13 English and we are strongly encouraging them to offer a Mathematics credit o r o ne in French or ano ther language

Applications from students wish ing to enter the B A program in the Fall 1983 Semester

are up subs tantia lly over last yea r I also want to share with you some

ha ppenings which have brought special delight to me

The U ni ve rsi ty of Guelph Choir

under director Ge rald e ufeld won second prize in the 1982 CSC nation al chora l competition

In the Harbourfront a rt show last

sum mer three o f o ur students had works se lected by the jury and each won a prize shya better show ing than any of the other O nshy

tario universities or colleges which entend T he C anadian- American Urban Hisshy

tory Co nference held at G uelph in A ugust

1982 was a tremendous success bringing sc holars from many parts of the United States and Canada to discuss new trends in urban studies

Dean David Murray

In the space of just a few months I have seen seven books published by faculty in the Co llege The subjects include Rudyard

Kipl ing Greek Philosophy Urban History Evolution and Darwinism Reli gion and Tolerance the dramatist Gra nville Barker

and a nove l written in French Last summer also saw the completion

of a very successful facu lty exchange beshy

tween o ur Department of Eng lish and the

Uni vers ity of Reading in Britain Dr Leslie Monkman went to Reading for the year and Dr Coral Howell s visited Guelph This

opportunity enab led Dr Howells to study modern C anadian writers and she is now

working o n a book to be published in Britain o n Canadian women wri ters Dr

Mo nkman lectured on Canadian literature at various places in Britain and in France as well as in Reading

T hro ugh the e fforts of the Department of Drama and its chairman Dr Leonard

Conolly and C ollections Librarian Jo hn Moldenhauer 68 the Uni versi ty Library

ex tremely valuab le re sou rce for theatre

scholars a nd the Univers ity is ve ry pleased to have a closer connection with the Shaw Festi val The Drama Department also has

Professor Dan Laurence the world s leadshying Shaw scholar as a distinguished Visitshy

ing Professor lor the ra il Semester Two large conferences were organized

during the Spring and Summer by faculty

and students in the Co llege Professor Ted Cowan of the History Department was in charge of the Scottish Heritage Festival held in uelph in May The Fes tival was a

ce lebrati on of the S co t~ 1d their contribushytion~ to Canada

In Au gust the Uni vers ity will host a major conference o n Common wealth lite rashy

ture bringing writers and schol ars to Guelph from allover the Com monweal th Professor Doug K illam chairman of the Department of English and a number o f col leagues are

now busily preparing to welcome guests from around the world

Through our liaison programs we have pioneered special day - long seminars at the

niversity for gifted children in Wellington County T he se programs are part of o ur commitment to assist secondary schools in meeting the challe nges of special education

J know many o f you will also be interes ted in knowing that last sLi mmer the

College awarded three new scholarships two of the m honouring the cont ribution made by former faculty members J Percy

Sm ith and W Stanford Reid The other marked the first presentation of the Edward Johnson Music Foundation scholarships for students in the music program

We are al l ac ute ly co nscious of the

financial pressure affecting the UnivLr ~ ity

of Guelph and othe r Canadian unive rsities

But we mus t no t le t these pressures detract from the vision of academic excellence to

which we are committed J think you will agree from the exaln ~Jk middot ha ve cited that this vision continues to glow brightly in spite of our financial plight We hope we can

co ntinue to co unt on your advice and your suppurt 0


It Was a Very Good Year T he Direc tor or the College of Arts Alumni Assoc iation have had a bus y year In January we launched o ur hrst Caree rs i lglll for in -coure stude nlgt Thanks to the exce lle nce and enthusiasm of our pane l l1len1bcr the evening was a success

Careers Night is to become an annual event and we would appreciate you r particishypation Any Art s grads wh o wo uld like to

vo lunteer their expertise for the e vening please do not hesita te to contact us

The Directors were also busy a rshyranling the second an nu al art show shyDI MENSIO NS middotS3 Due to the treme nd ous response to DI M ENSIOtS 82 the art show co mmittee organized DIM ENSIO NS 83 as aJu ricd show We are hoping that nex t yea r we will be able to mount a photography show as well a an art sho w

As you are probably aware in 1970 Wellington College was reo rganized into the Colleges of Arts Physic al Sc ience and Socia l Science This year our Assoc iation was asked to se lect a new College logo Thankgt to Dean Dav id Murray and the Deans Counc il we were given permission to use the graphics on the College of Art s Gold Medal It can be see n in the masthead of thi s issue The logo was designed by Erich Barth art dire ctor Department of [nshyformation and enco mpasses the di verse di s shycipiJnes fou nd within the College of Arts

Grad News Catharine (Gilnerlson ) Scott 70 is a wage and salary anal ys t tnivers it y of Waterl oo

Linda la) Bell 72 i the assistant conshysultant for thlto gifted We llington County Boa rd of Education GueJph

Lynn Barbeau 74 is the curator Educa shytion and xtension Macdo nald Stewart Art

entre Guelph

Wltlynr WellJauler 75 is corpora te mar shyke ting manager Gore Mutua l In surance Company Cambridgc

Renate Fisc her 76 is a consultant with the Woods Gordon Divisio n of Cl arkson Go rdon Chartered Acco untants Kitchener

jane Morley O AC MSc 81 is a career co nsultant Counse llin g and Student Reshysource Centre Un iversity of Guelph

Through the generos ity of the Alma Mater Fund our Assoc iation has been able to e stablish nv e sc holars hip s Thre e DELPHA awards for Gue lph alumni to continue their slUdi es at the gradu ate level at the University and two awa rds for part-time mature students These awards are greatly appreciated by the students who have reshyce ived th e m

Congratulatio ns are th e order of the day for Juli e (Russe ll ) Thur 78 Associashytion past pre sident and Linda Mackenz ie shyCordi ck 8 1 Assocration secre tary treas shyurer on the birth of their daug hters in March We wi sh them joy in their yo ung-

David Dell 76 is the in fo rmation o ffic er Reg ion of Pee l Brmiddotampton

jeff Miller 82 is a s tage manager for Profes sional Theatres Toronto

The above eight alumni were panel )11ember-s at our first annual Careers sJ ig ht held ea rlier th i yea r On ce again we offer our sincere thanks for their pani ci pation

lhugarel Reare 68 is senior research o f hee l Minis try of th e Soli citor General Ottawd

William Thiels 73 is a sys te ms analyst with Eas tman Kodak CO Roche ster t Y US A

Shardie D SteHnson 77 is assistant marketing manager Marsh and 1cLennan Ltd Winnipeg Man

Donald Syme 77 is with marketing pe rsonne l IC F Sydne y Australia

sters and look forward to the ir continued help in the Assoc ia tion in the future

C Nould lik e to re mind our fell ow alu mni to jo in or renew their membership in our Association De hbie ( Nash) Cham bers 77 editor of DF LPH A wo uld lik e any Ideas lor future artick that vould catch your interes t Our Assoc iati o n would also apprec ia te heari ng from you re gardin g eve nts that you wou ld be interested in attending Pl ease drop us a line in order that we may serve you better thus ~ eeping the line of co mmunic ation oren bet ween you and yo ur Alma v1ater

In closing I would like to acknowlmiddot edge With great a pprec iati o n the a istance that has been o ffclTU our Board of Direc tors over the pasl year

As al ways Dea n David Murray has bee n a va lued ad visor I wo uld li ke to thank Professor Ted Cowa n Department o f History for his Sprin g 19K3 OEPHA article on the Scottish Heritage Festival and Judy (Ma in) Ca rson 75 for he r help in preparalron of feature articles Spec ial thank s arc also ex tended to Rosemary Clark Mac 59 Asis tant Director Proshyg rams Dep artment of Alumni Affairs and Deve lopment and our Board of Directo rs who have wo rk ed so hard to mak e thi s a successful year

The term of 19X2-B3 has been a very grati fying one for all mem bers of the Associations Boa rd o t Directors We loo k for ward to 19K3-K4 anJ hope to hear from you Q

J ane Francis 78 is With Ilublic relations Vancouver Stock EXchange Vancou ver B C

Jonie Bunce 79 is a teacher 01 Art English and Thcatre Arts at 1 A Turn er Secondary School BrdrllptOl

Deborah Salmon 79 is married to Richard Light BS( 80 and li ves in Japanec Shc worb for the Empl o) mc nt and Im migrati on Commi ssion dnd Ri chlrJ works for a darrv in Kin gs to n

Shelagh Stevens 79 it station U)lllrshytwlle r Department o f -J atiunal [dc nce in f ova Slmiddototia

lidwtl Glanb 81 is a supervisor mar shyke ting comrlluni~ations Pitney-Bowe s oj

Canada Ltd Don Mill s

john (llanllllUnd ) Zelasko 81 rs ~ I

courtr(lOrn artist WKBW Buffalo New Ymk US I C



Alumnus of

Honollr 1983

Helen Christine AbeD Mac 38D

Amo ng the forerunners in the fie ld of rural soc iol ogy not only in Canada

but throughout the world and with a long career as a professor in numerous un iversities ac ross Canada Dr Helen C Abell has und oubted ly do ne much to promote a world -w ide reputation for her Alma Mater

Dr Abell has been most active in a numbe r of United Nat io ns programs designed to foster development of th ose in the Third World countrie s Although os ten sibl y retired she still co nt inues her wo rk as a cons ult ant in Socio-Economic De ve lopme nt assisti ng in develop ing sho rt -term project s as the occasion ari ses

As well as a Macdona ld Ins titu te Diploshyma Dr Abell obtained a BHSc (H ome Economics) from the Universi ty of Toro nto in 1941 and an MS (Human Nutrition) and a Ph D (major Rural Sociology and Agri cul shytural Economics) from Cornell University in 1947 and 1951 re specti vel y 0

Page 16: Guelph Alumnus Magazine, Summer 1983

Canadian Centre for Toxicology T he Canadian Centre for Toxicol(l t y to he located at the ni ve r~ it y of Guelph and tht University of Toro nto will rt cc ive $ 10 mi ll ion fro lll the Ce clc ra l govern ment for the firs t phase of const ructioll The lunding I contingent on part ic ipation by the Ontario govern me nt ancl the two u ni ve rs it i e~

Dr Jim Sc hroder O VC 42 Me mbCi of Pari iame nl for Guelph pari ia mentary secretary to the Mini ster of Health and We lfare Monique Begin and an 0 C facult y member made the announce me nt on behalf o f The Honourable John Roberts Mini ste r of the En vironment at a press co nfere nce on cam pus in May The fundin g is the fi rst to be announced for more than 100 projects be ing fund eu under the leueral governmcnt s $ 24 bill io n spec ial reco ve ry projec ts program outlined in the April 19 budge t speec h

Pres ident Donalu Forster said that representati ves from the Uni vers it ies of Guelp h ane Toronto met later fo r discusshysions wi th Ontario s Mini ster of the Envishyronment Ke ith Norton and will continue tv di scuss the prov ince s commitmcnt to the Ccntre President Fors ter said he is opti misshyti c abo ut provincial support as Premier Bill Da vis has for the past tw o years expressed strung support for the Centre

President Forster on behalf o f the Unive rs it y of Guelph thanked Dr Schroun fo rthe work he has done to impress upon the federal go vernment the im port ance of a projec t of ve ry co ns iue rab le na tio na l s ignificance The Pres ident c it ed the Centre as an example of the co-operatio n betwee n uni ve rsitie s governments and the pri va te sector

Dr David Strangw ay actin g presishydent Uni versity of Toronto also expressed gtatitude to the federal go ve rnment and Dr Sc hroder He said the joint venture by two uni ve rs iti es tha t have compl ementary strengths is unique He desc ribeu the Ce ntre

Alberta Alumni Reunion

Saturday August 20 1983

200 pm -Bowness Park Calgary

Bring your own picnic

Prizes will be awarded for oldest grad grad who travels farthest

from home etc

L (l i to rii ht D r MeLII middotell Prcs iden Fo rsl fl r Dr Schroderund Dr Sl liI ng loshy(Iu inK Jr f ideill Uni l c rII oToro ll lO

as a world-class model that co uld be looked to in the future Guelphs strengths are in agricultural and veterinary toxicol ogy and Toron to s are espec iall y in toxicology in the med ical and engineerin g fi elcl s En viro nshymental expert ise is we ll deve loped at both uni vers ities

Professor Free man McEwen acting direc tor of the Ce ntre a nd dean of the OA outlined some of the unique features of the Ce ntre which he said is blaz in g a new tra il between gove rnments uni versities and the public sector

The planning and construction of phas one of the facilit y for the project is expected to be compl eteu by late 1986 at a total cost of $236 million When com shypleted the Ce ntre will be part of a netw ork o f toxicology centres across Canada It is ex pected to have a staff at both Guelph and Toronto of 64 sc ient is ts 108 techn ishycians and 109 other staff members The corshyrate headquarte rs will be at the Uni versit y of Guelph 0

Homecoming September 30middot October 1

Friday September 30 700 p m and 1000 pm The Nyl on in conce rt two shows War Me mori al Hall Ticket s $8 50 students and seni ors S9 50 general For ti ckets write Ny lons Tickets nive rs ity of Guel ph Box Ollice Uni vers ity Centre Un ive rs ity of Guelph Guel ph Ontari o N IG 2W I Pl ease make cheque payable to the Univers it y of Guelph and enclose a self- addressed and stamped envelope

Saturday October 1 Morning Homecomin g Paraue For further in fo rm ation contac t John King (519) 824-4120 Ex t 8327

1100 am HA Alu mni Associati on Annual eeting Hotel and Food Admin isshytrati on Building

11 30 am Human Kinet ics Alum ni Association An nual Meeting and Home shycoming Brunch Loca ti on to be anno unced

200 pm Homecornmg Footba ll Game Alumni Stadium Uni vcrsity of Toronto Blues vs Uni versit y of Gue lph Gry phons

630 pm Alumni Din ner Dancc Creelshyman Hall Further detail s co nt act Alumni Office (519) 824-4 l20 Ext 2122 or 87 40

800 pm Post-Game Pub Dance De shypartment of Athl etics gymnas ium 0

CODling Events Sep1216 Aggie Week

17 UGAA Wine Symposium Niagara Peninsula

25 28

Sep 30 Oct 1

Oct 1


Nov 11middot20


Dec 5-8

OAC Alumni Association Golf Tournament

InternationaJ Plowing Match Teviotdale


HAFA Alumni Association Annual Meeting

HK Alumni Association Annual Meeting

MacmiddotFACS Alumni Association Caree rs Night

Royal Agricultural Winter Fair Toronto

OAC Alumni Reception Royal Room CoUseum RAWF Toronto

Night At The Royal Sponsored by the UGAA Toronto chapter

American Association of Equine Practitioners Annual Convention Las Ve gas Nevada USA



The Ontario Veterinary College Alumni Association

EditorALUMNI Dr Cliff Barker 41


Faculty Award for Dr Bob Curtis Dr Bob CUrlis 6 Clinical SllIdies OVe recelllly received a UniversilY of Guelph

FlIcully Associalion Professional Tea ching Award in recognition of his great influence on professional lraining The cira lion in parr sraled He has repeatedlv beuroen honouredfor

his conlriburiOIl 10 educalion He is a respecled elerinarian who is universally retIed us

one of lhe beslleachers Ihis univlrsiry has eper had LeIr 10 righl Dr Russ Willoughbv

57 Dr Wayne Pfeiffer vice-chairman Faculty aSSOCi((lion Dr Bob Curlis 6 and

Dr Mike Wilson chairman Clinical SlUdies 0

For Design Dr Jim 01fa50n 68 owner of the South Su rrey Veterinary Hospital 3221 shy140th S1 Surrey BC received the 19 82 Special Aw ard for Architectu ral Exce llence at the annual merican Animal Hospital Association convention in San Antonio Texa on March 14 1983 The award was prese nted by Velerinary Eco nomi cs Mag(l~ ine a leading business magazi ne for the veterinary profession

T he award was give n in rccognition of the timc and expense Dr O lafsun investcd to design a hosp ital that would enhance its natur al s ur round ings South Su rrey Veterinary Hospital is loca ted in a res idenshyt ia l area and the colors a nd tex tures of the buil ding s ex terior lesse n the impact o f a commerci a l property in the area

The hospital is energy-efficient and includes large winduws and nume rous skyshyli ghts in its design plan Other features incl ude covered walkways a covered parkshying area a nd covered entrances The overall effect minim izes the enclosed fe lin g usushy

ally associatcd with a subterranean struc shytu re and the atte ntion to aesthetic detail produces a truly stunning hospital Con shygratulations Jim 0

Dr doe dohnson T he late Dr Joseph E Johnson 19 ( I R91-1960) who practised for many years in Waterloo was recognized for hi s services to ag riculture in O ntar io when his port rait was hung in the O ntario Agricu ltura l Ha ll of Fame at the O ntario Agricultural Museum Milton His nomination was prese nted by the Ontario Association of Ani mal Breedshyers T he citation presented states

Dr Joseph Edward Joe Johnson a native of Stra throy as a pioneer in the practice of artificial insemination (AI ) in Ontario In 1942 when the Waterloo Cou nty Holste in- Friesian Associ ation made

their fi rst attemp t it was Dr Joe who collected the se men and inse mina ted the cows

For fl ve years he took ti me out o f an already very busy practice to make the new idea work Several younger veterinarians

who workcd with him were later to be in charge of AI units across Ontario

He gradu ated from the O ntario Veterinary College in 1919 and after working in Fergus and Acton set up practice in Waterloo where he worked with the noted Seagram Sta bles

He pioneered the multi-staff clinic approach having as many as four students and grad uates work ing w ith him Because o f th is internship approach Dr Johnson probably had a greater influence o n the practice of large animal vete rinary medicine than any other practicing vete rinarian of his day

The ultimate uccess of the AI sys shytem is due in large part to the work o f this ve terinari an who through trial and error persevered with the technique in its ear ly years 0


One Millionth A third-year O VC student Paul Dick of Gcoroetown recently became the one mi lshylio nth person to pass through the turnstiles o f the O VC Division of the Uni versity Library since the tu rn sti les were installed eight years ago He was gree ted by libshyran ans and fac ulty applause and handshyshakes t1 a~ h i ng camera strobe lights conshygratulations and the pre sentation o f a book Clillical E raminal ion of Ca ll ie

The VC library also serves students from other Colleges Co mprising more tha n 30000 volu mes it e mbraces far more than the veterinary sc iences 0

In a briefcert monv a llellded bv David Hull head Sc ience and Velerinary Science Diision

oj Ihe Library eli and Dean Douglas 1aplesden 50 righl Associa ( Libraria ll John

Black presen l a book 10 one millionlh isilor Paul Dick rig ill cenlre

It Was Bound to Happen Delta chapter of O mega Tau Sigma Fratern ity residence has become co-educational with the admi ssion of 18 women students during 1982-83 em sters For se veral years OVC s women stu dents have been seeking fra ternity membership they fi nally made it in 1982

Galhered onlhei-olll sleps oflh e avc main

Imiiding are 14 of Ih e 18 women slwlel1ls

who resided in Ihe fral house Ihi I r ea r

FrOt1 row I(i llo righ l lennifer Rice

Ion [ Lee Ma rv MOllleilh M iddle ro w

Robill Roscol Kale Flanigan Lisa Tavlor Debbie Blech Lesli e Hu ngall Back row

l ana Kl llOn Carol Phillips l ennifer

TrollghlO n lulv Keenliside Healher Ross

Michele Durnall MissinRfrom Ihe piClure

are Brenda FOSler Chris Barrl es

Keily-LeiRh Thomas and Laura Hunl 0

Letters to the Editor Or Bert Ca rswell 7 1 of Brooks Alt a has repli ed to o ur request for informatio n on the watch fob letters F L T (O VCAA Alumni Bulletin March 19H3 Special Supmiddot pl ement) by sugges ting these stand for Friendship Lo ve and Truth the motto of the Indepcndent Order of Odd fell ows Are the re further op i nions~

Dr Alexander Bruyns 32 Sequin Was hington S A has se nt us informashytion on the Royal Canadian Army Veterishynary Corp (O VCA Alumni Bulletin

March 1983 S pec ial Supple ment) He was a ve te ri na ry offi ce r with the Gove rn o r Gcnerals Horse Guards in Toronto o n joini ng the RCAVC in 1938 and me ntioned the late Dr A R Yo unie 14 who served

with the RCAVC in World War One Further inform ation re RCAVC officers would be apprec iated

Dr Donald MacDonald 54 o f Edmo nshyton Ita also replied to our RCAVC inquiry with informatio n on the Corps badges He is a collector of militaria especi ally militar y cap badges o f which he has a collection of over 1600 He states cap badges of the RC VC are as scarce as he n s tee th

The O VC museum has o btained cap and uni form badges from Dr G A Rose IS la t address Picton and Dr W A Robenson 16 Tsawwassen BC eachof whom served as veterinary officers during World War O ne 0

In Memoriam Dr Owen Hinton 25 died on January 22 1983 in Florida Las t add ress Rt 4 Box 139 Jasper Florida US A 32052

Dr Vernon jensen 33 died on Dcshyce mber II 19 R2 Las t address 2485 Lon-din Lane St Paul in nesota US A

Dr Edward Burke 35 died on Ja nuary 21 1983 Las t addr ss P OBox 326 So uthport Conn US A 06490

Dr jack Warren 39 Date of death no t reported Last addre ss RR 3 W heatl y Ontario OP 2PO

Dr Wilfred Sherwin 40 died o n 0 tobc r 6 1982 Last address 432 W Washi ngton Street ampa Idaho S A83651

D r j ames Watt 49 died in August 1982 Las t address 790 Ho rtop Avenue Osha wa Ontario LlG 4N8

Or Peggy Godkin 55 died o n Decem ber 5 1982 Last address Inni sfai l Alt a 0

PEl Gets It T he Toro nto Glohe ald Mail of Fe bruary 19 1983 carried the follow ing announce shyment Charl otte town (CP) - Agric ultu re Minister Eugene W he lan announced today that $500000 has bee n appropri ated to

begin architectural pl ans fo r I $26-mi ll ion veterinary college here He sa id at a new confe rence the federal Go vern me nt w ill put up half the co nstruc tion cos t if the three Marit ime p rov inces s ha re t he o ther $ 13-lTI illi on out lay 0


The College of Social Science Alumni Association

PEGAS-US Editor Dorothy Barnes 78

stori ng The Log Farm a farmhouse dating back to the late 1800s Michelle says Michelle and Mustech thi s was a terrific expcrience and the best

N omad pioneer student administrator curator You mi ght ask what these words ha ve in common and the answer you would receive would be that they all aptly describe Miche lle McMillan 77

Mi chelle graduated with a degree in SociologyAnthropology At the same time she graduated from Algonquin Community Collegt with a correspondence course dipshyloma in what she terms M ustec h - Muse um Technology majoring In Exshyhibit esign

Currently assistant director at the Guelph Ci vic Muse um she has held thi s position since the spring of 1979 Her responsibilities include those of regis trar (mai nta ining dltaikd [i Ii ng systems) for the con serva tion of artifacts and ex hibit work She is co-ordinator of some 40 vo lunteers who are in volved in all facets of museum work (to become a muse um vo lunteer all one has to do is call Michelle and arrange for an interview )

When interviewing Michclk it was obvious she has a love for her work that she will pass on to oth~rs possibly some of the young children attending the education programs she supervi ses at the Guelph Civic Museum

Her mothers parents were homeshysteaders and she was brouoht up on stories about pioneering Her interest in pioneering and the Indian way of life was fo stered by a mothe r who had Indian friends and who would often visit these friends experiencshying their way of life even to sleeping quite often in a tepee

Thi s and the fac t that her family moved around a lo t from west to east influenced Michelles deep and lasting love of the past although with a lau gh she says Now I am of the opinion that my mother had a tendency to present a romantic version of the whole situation - espec ially to me as a young child It certainly influenced my interest in studying Anthropol ogy

Michelles ed ucation and working exshyperiences have bee n very infl uential in nurturing her love of the past She started

out at the University of Western On tario but left for perso nal reasons She worked for a ye ar and while working beca me apprenshyticed as a pattern drafter

ichelle mo ved to Ottawa after she had worked the year and regi stereu at Carl eto n Universi ty in Anthropology She studied this for one year and then became aware of a program offered at Algonquin Communit y College on the subject Mu seum Tech nolo gy

Her placement s in work situation while at Algonquin included a summer helping four yo un g me n on a project at the town of Bells Corners ne ar Ottawa re-

job she ever had There was no electr icity so eve rything

was done by hand Her group res tored doors gable-ends flo ors ceilings rtshypointed stone found at ions and raised the building on hydra uli c jacks The y also gl Lt~d windows re searched the huildin g and organized the veget ab le garden

Othelmiddot experiences have included work at thc Na tio nal Museum of Man thc McM ichae l Canadi an Collcction in Klcin shyburg the Wellington County Muse um and the S imcoe County Museum She has al so been a volunteer teacher at the Plains jndian Iroquois and Inuit Ga lleri es of the National M use um of Man

It was Guelphs gain when Miche lle found he rsel f pulled bac k to stud ying in order to co mplete her degree

Michelle is now well established in her position at the Guelph Civic Muscum and dt las t feels she ha s put dow n roots in a c ity she has an alleg iance to one she loves and fee ls more co mfortable in than any other She is involved in trying to build up a research library on local history and artifacts

When asked for pearl s of wisdom fo r new graduates Michelle volunteered that pcople need practical ex perience along with formal learning to balance their percept ion of a ro lc How apropos 0

Th e Cullege uf So cial Science Alumlli Associatioll ill-course scholarships ere Jreserl(d

rnelltlmiddot to lei Junine Crallt Ceog uJJnmiddot olld Virginia Suth erland Psrchologv Attending

tht un lIlOnr wert right Pro(essor Juliu s fugl Department oCeogrupilr and Pr(essor

Mike M(lIh f II~ Iei chuirmun DeJurtlllen t 0 PI cilologr Th e scilolorshiJI 01 $200

each oreul1ded in purt hr all (11 1(( gru llti-om til ( Alma Mawr Fu nd


Lan e Smit h 78 is a so ftware spec ialist Barbara (Cherry) Wilson 80 is pres shyGrad News with Software Ke netics in epean ently res iding at 45 Emily Street Grimsby

Ron Beveridge 67 is an e lementary special counselor with School District 88 Terrace B C

C R ichard Buc k 70 practices law WIth the firm of Weyli e Shortt Buck Hanshybridge Reidl Casselli and Mitchell in Waterloo

Lee D Wetherall 75 is an exec utive ass istant with AIcan in Kingston

Stewart McCann 76 is a lec turer with the University of Alberta Edmonton

Peter J Stanczyk 76 is living at 9940 Fa irmount Drive S E Apartment A-4

C algary Alta Since concluding his studies at Guelph Peter attended the social work course at Wilfrid Laurier University Watershyloo and received a Master o f Soc ial Work

degree in 1982 Peter is now married and he and his

bride We ndy are established as socia l workers with Alberta Social c rvices and Comm unity Health in Calgary We wish Peter and Wend y much happiness in their new partnership success in their choscn fi e ld and contentment in the ir Ii vc s together

Ted Boniface 77 is now n eative direc tor for Ce ntra l Al berta Broadcasting (CKRDshy

T V CKRD-AM and C FCR-FM) in Red Deer Ted has bee n awarded four c itations by the Radi o Bureau of C anada and was nominated for an Aetra Award as producer of the hes t radio program of1979 O ld news we reali ze but how are we going to know o therwise unless you let us know Thanks

Ted for updating us on your activities

Gurnam Singh 77 is an MC A student at the niversity of Ottawa

Roderick Hodgson 78 is back in his home town of H udson Que Rod is emshyployed by the Town of H udson Publi c

Works Departme nt he al so serves on the Town Planning C ommittee and is activel y involved with the volunteer fire department

Perr y Wilson 78 is liv ing in Spirit River Alta Since graduating from G uelph Perry

has obtained a masters degree in Anthropolshyogy from McG ill University and is princ ishypal of Ste Marie Elementary School in Spirit River

John Boyle 78 is presently living at RR 2 Brampton

Karen Russell 78 is a teacher with the Dufferin County Board of Education at Parkinson Centennial School Orangeville

Vicky Su therland 78 is an air traffi c

controller with the Mini stry of Transport Calgary Alta

Susan W alkowiak 78 is a real estate agent with the Safeguard Real Es tate Comshy

pan y Toronto

Craig Willms 78 is an assistant manager with the Toronto-Dominion Bank Watershy


Gordon Cominey 79 is a priest with the Holy Trinity Anglican Church in Edmonshy

ton Alta

Carol (Fogarty) Knox 79 is presentl y residi ng at R R 5 Woodstoc k

Susan Laushway 79 is a probation office r with the Solic itor G eneral of Alshybe rta in Edmonton

Richard E Larente 79 is production manager at Mac Mil lan Bloedel Ville

Mont-Ro yal Q ue

Bryce Andrews 80 has dec ided to conshytinul his education at the n i ve r~ ity of

Weste rn Ontario He is working on an M BA

Dianne M Grenier 80 is in her third year of Common Law at the University of Ottawa

Shauneen (McKague ) Bruder 80 is an MBA student at Queens University Kingston

Michele Forrester 80 is a comm unicashytions clerk w ith the Ontario Yo uth Employment Program Queens Park To shy


Peter Madott 80 is an ass istant product manager with S c Johnson an d So n Ltd


Elizabeth (Ferguson ) latos 80 is a volunteer co-ordinator with B ig Bro thersBig Sisters of Carleton County


Jane Stevens 80 is a teac her w ith the

York Board of Education in Aurora

Loretto (MacDonald) Sullivan 80 is an administrative assistant with Kert Advertis shying Toronto

Sylvia (Bossaer) Willms 80 is a Food

Services supervisor at the UI1Iversity of Guelph

Jane (Stevens) Tremblay 80 is a teacher with the York Board of Education Aurora Jane is married to David U of N Dakota

grad of 79

Lee Anne Burton 80 is a teacher with the Dufferin Peel R C SS Board Mi ss isshy


Maureen S inclair-Barnes 80 is an urban planner with the City of Brantford Husband

is Bruce Barnes 82

Su~ Jones 80 is continuing her education at the Univers ity of Alberta She lives at

11441-132 St 405 Edmonton Alta T M IG2 Bro ther-in-law John Sch neider CBS 73 graduated in Marine


Nicholas Boyadjian 81 is a special events co-ordinator with Unive rsity Ce ntre

Administration Uni ve rsity of Guelph

Debra (Philputt ) Gibson 81 is a te acher

w ith Pee l C ount y Board of Education in

Miss issa uga

Jim Gibson 81 is a branch representati ve o ffi cer with the Ca nadian Imperial Ra nk of

CommCfce Toron to

Linda Helin 81 is presen tly res iding in

C utler on the North C hannel of Lake Huron

Patti La France 81 is a teacher residing at 66-50 Fiddl ers Green Road London

Elizabeth (Crighton) Madge 81 is now married and re siding in Lethbridge Alta

Kathleen Martin 81 is a market research analys t w ith As tra Pharmaceutical s Miss i shy


Edward Leong 82 is administration

manager for the J J Tour Se rvi ce at the Jal an M aju Taman Jade Ce ntre Miri Branch Sara wak East Malaysia

Debbie (Ling) Therrien 82 is employed as cashiersale sperson for Gameway s Ark

Ltd Toro nto

Chin Lan (Kat ) Choi 82 is an executive shyofficer with the ational Produc tivity Board in Singapore Since graduating C hin Lan has married C hoi Chee Keong C PS 82 Much happiness and success to you both

John C Close 82 is a teac her with World University Services of Canada in Zimbabshywe Africa John is married to Mary M A Psych 8 1 WLU 0


The College of Biological Science Alumni Associatio~_~

BIO-ALUMNI NEWS Editor Dr John Powell

Executive CBS Alumni Association HONORARY PRES ID ENT Professor Bruce Sells Dean


Dr George Dixon Ph D 80 Zoology

PAST PRESIDENT Marie (Boissonneault) Rush BSc 80 Marine Biology

VICE PRESIDENT Chris Wren BSc 77 Marine Biology

SECRETARY-TREASURER Cam Portt BSc 77 MSc 80 Zoology

DIRECTORS David Airdrie BSc 82 Microbiology Krista Soper BSc 79 Marine Biology Lorrie Cosens BSc 79 Marine Biology Eric Cosens BSc 80 General Biology Keith Harris B Se 76 Marine Biology

EX-OFFICIO DIRECTORS Marie (Boisonneault) Rush BSe 80 Marine Biology Shawn Taylor BSc 83 Aquatic Biology Past President CBSSC Brian Wisenden President CBSSC

FACULTY ADVISORS to be chosen one from each DepartmentSchool

UGAA REPRESENTATIVE S Jan Watshyson BSc 75 Zoology Lorrie (Rolston) Cosens BSc 79 Marine Biology Rob Miln B Sc 81 Marine Biology

EDITOR BlO-ALUMNI NEWS Professhysor John Powell Human Biology 0

Please help us to help you When corresponding or upshydating information or address do tell us not only your year of graduation but your discipline

Where Are They Now The following 20 names were entered on the College of Biological Science Honour Roll for years 1976 and 1977 We w ish to know how your career has progressed and

FALL 1976

Brenda Henry (Marine Biology) and Winter 77

janis Kay 78 (Genetics) and Winter 77

Laurence McClure OVC 81 (Unshyspecialized and Winter 77

Linda (Nelson) Sinclair 78 (Human Kinetics) and Spring 77


Sherry (Bondorenko) Miller 77 (Hushyman Kinetics)

jellrey Chernoff 77 (Unspecialized)

Wendy Harris 77 (Major in Biology)

C harlene Kopansky 77 (Human Kineshytics)

Peter MacDonald (Human Kinetics) and Winter 78

Blain Mollatt (Microbiology)

Darjo Romani 78 (Major in Biology) also Fall 77 and Winter 78

Barry Rosen~rg 77 (Unspecialized)

Cheryl Rowe 77 (Human Kinetics)

FALL 1977

Gregory Casey 79 (Microbiology) also Fall 78 and Winter 79

William Crins 78 (Botany)

jill Cross OVC 82 (Unspecialized)

what you are doing currently Do you have intere s ting episodes to relate in the BIO-ALUMNI NEWS Please lets hear from you

David C a mpbell 78 (Major in Biology)

Richard Proctor 80 (Ecology)

Carolyn Robertson (U nspecialized)

joanne (Ryder) G unby 79 (Genetics) and Winter 79 0

Grad Bash 1983

Organized jointly by the CBS Alumni Association and the CBS Students Council in April more than 280 students alumni current and former staff and faculty sat down for dinner prior to presentations being made to our dean

Contributions came from members of the College and a bird sculpture fashioned by Uta Strelive Zoology was the first of many gifts

Next came a memory book containing many letters photographs clippings and a variety of incidents all pieced together by Association president Marie (Boissonshyneault) Rush 80

Betty Roff gave the dean a special book of clippings collected by herself Two framed portraits of Professor Ronald one already hung in the main office of McNally house the other for the Ronald family completed the tributes

Altogether this gathering was a fitting acknowledgement of a great man who has done great things for us all 0


Scholarships In the Names of

Ronald and PoweU The CBS Alumni Association is pleased to announce the introduction of a scholarship for graduate students in the name of Proshy

fessor Keith Ronald Professor Rona ld as of July I had served for 12 years as the first dean of the CBS and the awarding of a

sc holarship in his name is a fitting tribute to

all he has done fo r the College the Univershys ity and the CBS Alumni Assoc iation

The Hum an Kine tics Alu mni Assoc iashy

tion anno unced its intention to name an undergraduate scholarship in the School of Human Biology in the name of Dr John T Powell as he retires from the Unive rsity in 1984

Do nations to eithe r or both of these

sc holarship funds shou ld be sent direc tl y to the Department of Alumni Affairs and Development-clearly ind icati ng to which sc ho la rs hip your donation is to be alloca ted - or when contributing to the Alma M ater F und noting that your monie s

be channeled to the sc holars hip of yo ur choice 0

Grad News Biological S cience

Lesley (Wilson) Barton 73 and Bruce 70 MSc 74 live in Keremeos B C R R No I VOX JNO will find them

E thel Anita Hamilton 79 and hu sband

Wayne Barcha r d 76 MSc 79 live in Hali fax NS where Ethel is a habitat proshy

tec tion technician with fishe ries and Oceans while Wayne is head Office Assessment Scction Environment Canada 3rd Floor 45 Alderney Drive Dartmouth N S

Marilynne (Wise) McCausland 77 is a research microbiolog ist with Molson Bre wshyeries of Canada Ltd and may be reached at 1555 No tre Dame East Montrea l Que H2L 2R5

Michael W Tate 79 write s mos t kindly thanking us for kee ping people in touch through th is column He is a teac her at Mo rnings tar Secondary School in Mi ss isshysauga

Natalie Mary Olynyk 79 may be reached at 3 120 Duffer in Street in T oronto where she is re staurant manager for Olyn yk Foods Ltd

Marine Biology

Gl en A Packman 74 and Sharon (Noda ) Arts 72 li ve at 21 Albion Road Hali fax S B3P IP8 Glen is a senior

biologist with En vironment Canada

Jo l1n Plumb 76 and M arianne (Conshynoly ) 77 may be reached at 37 Coldstrea m Road Box 303 Munster Ont KOA 3PO John works as an indu strial engineer with

the Mitel Corporation - Kan ata

Human Kinetics and Human Biology

Joy (Reid) Tomes 70 is a team coshyordinator with the Workman s Co mpensashytion Board- 2 Bloor St East Toronto Ont oM7W IA2

Terry Obi Oblinski 71 holds the pos it io n of supervisor with the 3M Comshypa ny at 2 Craig Street Pe rt h Onto K7 H 3C5

Robert T a p Fawcett 72 teac hes at the W 1 Fenton Secondary Schoo l R R 0 10 in Brampton Ont L6V 3 2

Marie-Andree (Pi lon) Poulin now teache h igh school in Montreal write her at 76 Lesage Repent igny Que J3A 5Y5

Dr Tom Elmslic 74 M-Sc 77 is a g lutton for punishment as he isjust complet ing another MSc this time in Epidemi o lshyogy at McM as ter University preparatory to his return to Ottawa

Glen Paterson 78 of 16 Da lto n A ve nue T hunder Bay On t P7B 4E9 is ea rl y chi ldhood educato r with the Confederation o f Applied Art s and Technology B ro ther Larry R Paterson g radu ated with a BLA in 69

Eric bullbull Art Arthurs 80 is s till at 12272 shy110 Avenue Edmonton Alta T5M 2L3 He work s for Consolidated Concrete Limshyi ted as a dragl i ne opera tor

Henry Fox 81 lives at 1520 Verdi La Salle Que H8l I K4

Christine (Krumbacher) F()se 81 may be reached at Box 252 2 Banff Alta TOL OCO

Ch rist ine (Novakuske) Lavallee MSc 81 is a stude nt again stud ying French and living at 0428A Larose A ve nue Mo nt real Que H2B 2Z2

Ginger (Thompson) Elmore 81 seeks work in the geriatric field Are you able to help Write he r please at 107 Ontario Avenue Komoka Onto NOL IRO

Don Doc Wilson 81 is physica l direc tor at the Waterloo Family YMCA Lincol n Road Waterloo Ont N2J 2N8

Jan McMullan 82 ne wly wedded to Mark Newcombe MSc 83 is presently ass istant manager - Ri ordan s Sport S 183 Silvercreek Parkway in Guelph She tells us of four co usins who have g raduated fro m Guelph - Brenda (Bu lton) Dagg CSS 72 Bryce Dagg 72 Donald Sifton 70 and Bonnie (Sifto n) W alsh C SS 72

Fisheries and Wildlife

Lorna l Depuydt 77 is a price specia li st with Massey-Fe rg uso n Her adshydress is 3941 Whispering Wa No 6 Grand Rapids Mich USA 49506

Steven Kerr 77 works as di s trict biologist for the Mi nistry of Natu ra l Reshysources - 611 Ninth Avenue Eas t O wen Sound Ont NOH IS O

Richa rd P Bekolay 77 MSc 80 R R N o ) Carp Ont KOA ILO is a program analyst with Digital Equipment Corporation at Kanata

Marie Legrow 80 is once aga in a s tudent at Gue lp h li ving in Guelph at [02 Queen St reet North IE 4S I


Ann (Stewart) Gray 79 and husband Dr eil Gray 76 li ve at 40) - 251 Platts Lanc in London Ont N6 H 4P4 Ann is a re search assistant at the Universi ty of We stshyern Ontari o

Robe- W Marks 81 is a production trainee with Labatt Brewin g Comp any in Kitchene r


Dr Rob J Van Exan 74 MSc 76 PhD79 ho lds the position of manager Cell Culture Produc tion with Connaught Laboratories 1755 Steeles Avenue West Will owdale Ont M2R 3T4

Chuck Yipchuk 78 wo rks in Quebec 87 Senneville Road Sennev ille a s c oshyordinator of da ta at Bi o- Re search Laboratori es

Dr Harr y Nixon Chabwela W eza MSc 79 P h D 82 may be contacted at loni Katandika Vtllage Chief Kakumbi P O Box 154 Chipata Za mbia where he is a bio log ist wi th National Parks

Douglas Stendahl MSc 79 is with the -federal government s Minist ry o f Indian Affairs and Northe rn De velopment- P O Box 1500 Yukon N W T He is water quality officer


Rick Proctor 80 is a consultant with I P Sharp Associates 2 First Canadian Place Toronto Ont M5X IE3 0


The Ontario Agricultural College Alumni Association

ALUMNI NEWS EdJtor Dr Harvey W Caldwell 51

Financial Management Related to Agriculture One of the main sessions at the OAC Agricu ltural Conference 83 dealt wit h financial management as it relates to agricu lture Robert Sanderson who is with the Ontario Farm Adjustment Asshysistance Program was a main speaker and presented the following paper

Ten years ago most farmers were smilingshyagr icu lt ure see med to have finally gained its reward Worl d short age s of food provided ampl e markets and steadily rising prices lor prac tica lly all crops

Thi s idea li s ti c situation continued for a co uple of years until the granaries of the wo rl d were refi li ed De mand then norshyma li zed and pri ces for most agricultural prod ucts hega n to dec line In spite of price dec lines and li mited markets co nsiderable optimi sm conti nued to be fe lt o n the farm sce ne thro ughout mos t of the 1970s

Late in that peri od infl a ti on reall y ca ught fi re rai sing inpu t cos ts for supplie s and labour The ri se in land pri ces exceeded the most optimis tic es timates during this sa me time

In an a tte mpt to s te m thi s ra mpant infla tio n interes t rates increased almost threefo ld beg inning In 1979 and the world hega n it s slide into recession Farml and prices ceased to r ise in 198 1 and are now crumbli ng wi th uncer tain ty and lac k o f demand

We have no doub ts abo ut th e successshyful future o f ag ri cult ure hcre in Ontari o but today for many farmers adj ugtt me nts are necessa ry to remain so lve nt and for too many oth ers bo th adj ustme nts and so me ass iq an ce are necessary for their prese nt and future surviva l

There are some who are beyo nd he lp and farm bankru ptcies are at their highest leve l since the grea t Depression o f the 1930s These cond it io ns brought about the crea tio n of the On tari o Farm AdJustmcn t Ass istance Program (OFA AP) T hi s proshygram during 1 9~2 has bee n assisting eli g ible farmers who needed he lp

The re are two prime reaso ns fo r


fin anci al woes cited by appl ican ts - high interes t rates and lower farm incomes On the other hand the prime reaso n fo r ~ome

farmen probl ems e ited by lenders is ove r-e xpansion We be li eve both views are va lid and unques ti onabl y are respo ns ible for the prese nt ago ny and unres t on 100

many Ontario farms Le nde rs cite seve ral o the r importa nt

reaSl)l1S whic h also bea r o n the prob le m The borrowers oft e n refe r to them too but usuall y wit h di fferen t emphasis ThcY em shyphas ize the c lt treme instability of fa rm income the se rious lac k of pro per pl an ning bu dge ting accmatc farm record and fin all y the practice of making unprodu ctive investmcnts

Because of the qualifying criteria asshysociated ith an application for as s istan ce from OfAAP one must keep in mind that our observations are limited to about 10 per ce nt of Ontario farm operatlolls That 10 per ce nt is cl ose to the bottom of the gro up on the bas is o f financial sec urity OFA AP assista nce is limited to those produc ing Iood and tobacco Therefore data regard in g proshyducers of fl owers nursery stock race shyhorscs etc ha ( no t come he fore us and the financ ial ituati ons ltlr not inc luded in any of o ur informati o n

Applica ti ons have been appro ved for farmers operating all across the pro vince

Of the to tal approved about 20 per ce nt were in swine prod uctio n abou t 15 per ce nt were in eac h of cash crop prod uction da iry producti on and beef prod uct ion 4 per cen t were in fruit and vege ta ble prod uctio n 3 pel cent were tobacco fa rmers and the Ies t co mbinations of the above Those farm ers producing etgs and poultry were fe w

I n a review of appli ca tio ns for OFAAP ass istance several COl1ll1lo n sce nari os co nshytin ue to ap pear on a so me what re petiti ve has is and are ca tegorized as fo ll ows

1 Young or Beginning Farmers

Th ose under 35 years o f age wen res pons ishybl e for nearl y ha lf o f a ll the app li cati ons In thi s gro up are many who have Just begun fa rm ing Mo~ t of these arc victims of inopport un e tim ing hav in g acq uired land buildings and equ ipme nt be twee n 1979 and 19R2 For the m the combinati on o f lower th an ex pee ted prices of farm produc ts and the extre me inc reases in the ir fi na nc ing charges due to hi gh interes t rates_ have becn dlvas tatin g This is partic ul arl y true where Illos t assets were fi nanced the bcg inshyning equit y be in g Illodes t

2 The Aggres sive Expansionist

Many farmers who did well farming on a

modlst basis in the mid-70s dec ided that s ince o ne farm was pro fitabl e two wo uld be bette r three be tter than two Aggress ive

expan sion mos tl y on c redit du ring this i ntl a tio nary pe riod produced many paper millionaires in the farm co mmunity by the late 70s The elation fo r some of these

fa rmers d id not lasl far into the 80s T hose with 100 much bo rro wed cap ital

found that the ir farm income c ul d not

support the debt load So me of these

atlcmpted fu rthe r borro wing in an e ffort to mai nta in their ho l ding ~ and fo und ou t like o thers before them th at it is imposs ible to

borro w your way out of debt O thers so ld or tried to sell some o f the ir land o r eq uipment in an effort to re ti re at leasl o me of the ir cri ppling de bt and there by salvage at

least a part o f the ir operation

One rather sad varia tio n o f this las t s itua tion occ urs occ as io na lly whe re a

farmer who has had a succes~ fu l and so lvent opera tion decide to ex pand to a llow a son

o r so n- in-law into the bus in ss because of a des ire on the part of the young per on to

farm or occasionally because he is no t employed The expansion in Jand and eljuipment particularly if it occu rred in the

last three years and if it were do ne mainl y o n credit with a mortgage taken on his once so lvent operation has robbed the farmer of

his security and his peace of mind Furthershy

mo re in some of these s ituations the disappointed newcomer in the bus iness moved on leaving dear o ld dad to make the best of it

3 The Equipment Enthusiast

Another scenario concerns the man who is o bsessed with the need to ac quire equipshyment or to make add ition s and improveshy

ments to a lready adequate buildings To pay

for it out of the revolvi ng operating loan or to finance it in other ways withou t first having established that it will pay for itself will inevitably c reate financial problem s

Whe re there has been a general disregard for thi s kind of purchas ing the end resu lt has usually been disas trous

4 Natural Disasters

We regularly see the result s of natural

disas ters - floods windstorms hail frost disease and fires All of the se misfortunes can be c rippling to any operation but when adequate insurance coverage is not carried or if one of these di sasters occur whe n a farmers equity is low or when hi s princi pal and interest charges consume much o f his income it can be disastrous to his economic

pos ition

5 Family Unity

From OFAAP applicatio ns it is noted that some farmers who experience a marriage break- up seem to have diffi culty maintainshy

ing fi nanc ial solvency W hen asse ts are

di vided and whe n atte nt ion to management

is di e r ted hccause o f family pro blems the farm operation is often morta ll y wounded

Farmers and farm op ratnr are much more vulnerable in this si tua tio n because thei r

wives arc o ften much more invol ved in the e lllerprise than in non- farm situations

6 Offmiddot Farm Income

Appl ications incl ude a great nu mher of

insta nces in which if it were not fo r 0 ffmiddot fa rm income o f either the farmer or his wife or

occas io na lly both the ir farm o peratio n wo uld be tota lly un viable and unab le to continue to fu nc tion It is well the n fo r

those in th se c ircumstances to r cogniu tha t if the off-farnl inco me should e nd it wo uld also mea n the te rmination of the

farming operatio n

7 Enterprise Changes

A review 0 f appli ca tions indicates that some

farmers are hoping to comple tely change

thei r c rop or li ves toc k programs attemptin g perhaps to outguess the marke t and to

improve their financial return s Sometimes the expectation in vo lved in the dec is ion is

correct but so o ften when the costs inshyvol ved in the c hange are considered little

has been gai ned and where the deci s ion to change was unwi se co nsiderable loss is

usually the result The ot her extreme to this

situation is rigidity to the poi nt of makin g no changes at all

8 Manage ment

The management ability of any applicant

farmer is difficult to assess Most applicants are not known and there is no opportunity to assess the actual farm operation Ho wever

experience with OFAA P emph asizes that good financial management is c ritical to the

success of any farm operation Here is a li s t of definite Do and

Do nts that should be much in the minds of farmers operating in the present financial climate All of these suggestions re tlect the ex periences we have had working with

appli ca tions for O FAA P

The Definite Dos

Do base an operation on an informed farm

plan keep ing and using good record~ and approved acco unting proced ures Do work c losely wi th the credit source shy

usually the banker Plan and work within

approved revo lving ope rating loan limits Make regular cred it payments when due and when unable to make p ro per arrange shy

ments ahead of time w ith your c reditor or credito rs Do make necessary adju stme nts in land and equipm e nt befo re u nder tak ing further borrow in g Do shop around for cred it and i nve~ tig ate

ava il ah le programs to cu t credit cos ts Do pay off on loans when surplus cas h is

ava il able It won t be any fun but it w ill

he lp to re tain sol vency Do try to ma intai n stability in your far m o peration and kee p the peace a t h IllC

Do seek the professi o nal adv ice of you r ag ric ultu ra l represe ntative anJ Ir indwtry fiel d per~on ne I

The Definite Donts

Dont borrow for capita l items unless they

are abso lu te I y necessary Dont make capi ta l purchases with funds

frolll your revo lvi ng opera ting account w ithout co nsul ta tion and agreeme nt with

the bank manager Dont expand any operation without sound

pl ann ing Dont plunge and make rapid changes in

the ope rati ng patte rn without so und consultation 0

Partners For 70 Years

Arthur Cowie 09 now 95 and his wife Nina now 92 were married March 19 1913 near Nel son B C They li ved in

HC for three years then returned to Caledo nia where Arthur worked for the A

Jone s bakery He returned to the 200-acre farm homestead in 1922 when his father

was kill ed in a farm accident Arthur se rved in the 19305 and early

19405 as co uncillor and also served as

a Ju s tice of the Peace for the farm communit y

Nina Co wie whose g reat lo ve was

dancing has onl y one regre t and that is tha t she could never get her hu sband o nto the -dance floor The Scotti ~ h dances Hig hlan d

tlin gs and Scotti sh reels made hi s head spin He played the record s and watched

from the sidelines while ina did the danc ing

They have no secrets tor a long happ y marriage excep t working at it Theyve

done Jus t tha t for 70 years Bes t wishes to them both 0


OACGrads on Faculty at Nova Scotia Ag College

Lauranne Sanderson M Sc 81 is with the Humanities Department She specialized in Animal Science in her undershygraduate years but added to that a master program in Agricultural Economics Lauranne has lived on a mi xed lives t()c k and cash crop farm in southern O ntario At the No va Scotia Agricultural College (NSAC) she is teaching Tec hnical W riting but is specializing in the area of Com munications and Agricultural Extension

Barbara (Otrysko) Mulkewytch 78 MSc 81 is with the Plant Science Deshypartment Prior to her appointment at NSAC she was employed as a potato crops specialist with the New Brunswick Departshyment of Agriculture Her teaching and research will include projects on potato and crop protect ion

Yes Surry MSc 81 is with the Economics and Busi ness De partment Yves was born in Pamiers France has an M A fro m the nivers ity of Pari s and is in the process of completing his Ph D from Guelph Yves has a strong interes t in teachshying and his research interests hould be a welcome addition to the reg ion He is pre sent ly teaching courses in Micro and Macro Economic Theory

Laurie (Gaunt) Connor 73 is w ith the Department of Animal Science She earned MSc and Ph D degrees specia li zi ng in reproduct ion phys iology from the nivershysity o f Manitoba Prior to joining NSAC she was a NSERC Vi iting Fellow at the Animal Research Centre in Ottawa Her teaching and research work is mainly in the re producti ve physiology field

Also at NSAC are Sheree Porter CSS 79 and Myrna (Porter) Blenkhorn 76 John Shug 37A and 40 is the sec re tary o f the Nova Scotia Agricultural College Alumni Association 0

Please help us to help you When corresponding or upshydating information or address do tell us not only your year of graduation but your discipline

Th ree generatiuns of heramify were present when fleather Rohinson right centre FACS 83 graduated ut Wim er Convocation With her f rom [eji to righture her grandfather John Inglis her moth er Vlarirn (Inglis ) Robinson Mac 55 0 member of the Uni versirys Boord of Govern ors ond her father Doug Rohinson 53

Above Mllrrav Ma cGregor 5 1 lei with the winners of the OAC s 25th annual Alumni Curling Bon spiel Left to right GeorRe Robinson 651 Mu rrav Elliotl 65A Keith Murru 65A and Jern- Forestell 6511 Right OAC Alumni Associashytion president Hell ry Slanle 55 right was preslntedwith un engraved pewta stein to recugnie 25 years of participation ill Ihe bOlspiel Conshygratuluting Henry is Bill Harrison 62 bonspiei commillee chuirman


the individual members excellence andThe Ronald S Ritchie Le cture integri ty

This idea for the new body was not accepted by members of Cabinet They

The Opening Up of PubHc PoHcy The Opening Up of Public Policy was

Selllior Michael Piffields fopic when he

delifred fhe annual Ronald S Rifchie

LeclUre of fhe UniversifY in March

A Rmduafe ofSf Lawrence Universify

17 ( graduafed in lawjrom McGill UniversifV

and holds a Rrodlla fe diploma in Public La w

Fom Ih e UlliversifY ofolIa wa H efirsl joined Ihe Public Service as an

wlminislrafive assiSfam in Ihe Depa rimem

oJuslice in 1959 Ialer served onlhe sraffof Ih e Goernor General and as secrelary fO

117 1 Royal Commission on Taxalion In 1965

he joined Ihe Privy Council Office He

became depuly minisler of Consumer and

Corporafe Affairs in 1973 and Ihe followshy

inli year lOok up an appoinfmem as Fellow

in fhe John F Kennedy School of Governshy

mOl (If Harvard Un iversifY In 1975 he

relurned 10 Ollawa as Clerk of fhe Privy

Council and Se crelarv 10 Ihe Cabinel

The annual leclre recognizes Ihe comrihwion made 10 fhe Universily by

former Board of Govemors chairman

ROllald S Rilchie A reporl on Senafor Piffields presemalion follows

Senator Pitfield paid tribute to Rona ld Ritchie his important work in the Glassco Commission and his influence in the estabshylishment of the Institute for Research on Public Policy

In thi s th oug htful and thoughtshyprovoking presentation Senator Pitfield outlined the need for and the desirability of more open discussion before policies are introduced but there are some very real difficulties associated with de vel oping some me chanis m that could foster and encourage such exchanges of ideas

[t was pointed out that because of the high degree of interdependency of modern society and the size and complexity of governments the making of public polic y must be an intellectual subject in its own right not just a conglomeration of di scishyplines It had become evident that

I A methodical analysis of government activity could lead to improvements in government effectiveness

2 Traini ng in making and managment of public policy was crucial and urgent

3 There were few in government who knew why things were done the way they were

4 The making and management of pubshylic policy was a subject unique in itself and required thinking through for itself

5 Universities and other training institushytions were not very useful in this training process universities being too removed from the actual experience of government and the government institutions being withshyout the detachment and intellectual rigour needed

Thus it became evident that there was a need for an institution that would be a repository of knowledge a pl ace of learnshying a foru m for debate and a means of communication co ncerning public policy

Proposal s emerged that the federal go vernment should assis t some of the organizations already in existence Comshypetition became keen and rivalry among institutions re su lted in grander more comshyplex proposals As a result the federal go vernment in 1968 decided to establish a think-tank of its own to take a more rigorous look at public polic y

The idea was not new In many countries the general thinking was that all problems could be so l ved by inrelleclUal anal ysis and the appl ication of modern techshyniques But the ne w Trudeau go vernment went even beyond providing more data It included public debate of public policy

But the think-tank was only one of the initiatives to aid in the formation of policies There was support for political parties through caucus funding offi ce space support staff and regional offices for Members of Parliament and internsh ip programs for students to work as assistan ts to MPs

Other support included green and white papers for discussion commissions of inquiry task forces public funding of non-political grou ps to encourage discusshysion and many others to increase the flow of information for consideration of alternashytives All were done to open up the process o f meaningful debate which would result in more effective and sound decisions

The th ink-tank was to be a centre for var ious kinds of people to di scuss public policy subjects which were often set aside because of day to day pressures At first it was to be very informal with distinguished people invited to participate Its integrity and permanency would be based on that of

were concerned that existing research instishytutes would be damaged They also wanted in volvement of business and professional communities This challenge to broaden the scope was gi ven to Ron Ritchie

Ritchie foresaw an institution that would be independent supported by an endowment which would not only support but st imu late debate on public policy

Man y fears were raised - that such a body would be taken o ver by academics that it would become a clique that govern shyments would battle for control etc But these were dealt with skillfully by Ritch ie and the Institute for Researc h on Public Policy was establ ished

What of its accomplishments~ This institute has been successfu l in

many ways in getting better information into debate [n the ten years since its beginning many studie s have been pubshyli shed It has held many informat ive confershyences and has a unique journal Howeve r despite its efforts open and meaningful debate on public policy is not much more advanced tod ay than it was a decade ago

It is evident that to ach ie ve its objecshytives there mu st be a willingess to change opi nions and the Canadian sys tem prov ides few forums for the changing of minds The bias is towards decision-makers and interest groups not open and meaningful debate

Public debate often takes pl ace after rather than before the decision is taken Thi s may not be what is wanted but policy-making is tilted not tow ards being open but towards being closed

Why has there not been more progress [n h is pre se ntation Mi chael Pitfield refershyred to the fact that the go vernment whose people should discuss the si tuation has become even more confrontational not because of lack of information but because of rigidity in their approach to discussion of public policy

As govern ment ha s grown so have checks and balances which recently have often been linked to lack of confidence Where slim majorities exist a strong opposhysi tion can threaten the government Party di sc ipline becomes severe and ai ring of independent views is discouraged The fear of a government being defeated on the one shyhand and the unyielding demands ot the opposition on the other tends to make the parliamentary process less and less flexible

The result of the foregOing is the tendency of government in modern times to drop solutions on a public th at may not be aware of the problems These solutions are not open to argu ment and debate is reduced

conld over


w ith bias tending towards a cl osed system and less debate

To improve the situation it seems it wlluld be necessary to have a mutual and

ba lanced reduction of force on both sides

The ge neral equilibrium of the system needs to be ma in tained W hat is needed is the reduction of secre tiveness of the gove rn shyment on one side and a reduc tion of the

danger of e mbarrass ment or de fea t of the govern men t on the other side

T here must be a wil li ngness to secure

more ope n debate on al l sides and our

leaders ha ve not done that e ven on m ost import ant issues More ope n and rneltll1 ingshyful deba te will require more thi nk ingshy

thro u middoth - something Mc mbers of Parlishy

ame nt may not he able to do or be free to do or have the necessary knowledge to do But the id ea behind the Institute for Remiddot

search on Public Policy was tha t such a body could bring about better decisions

All publi c problems cannot be solved by thought and tech nolog ics but few can be solved without these contr ibutions

The Institute for Research on Public Policy cannot create better public policies

by itself It must have input from all sectors to bring about more open and meaningful public debate which will result in constant

improvement of government - somethin g

that everyone desires 0

Grad News Herb Nor ry M Sc 52 has moved to

London as a farm business advisor wit h

O M AF working in eight counties

Denny Silvestrini PhD 5R is director of quality controlresearch and de velopment Eskimo Pie Corporation Ric hmond Virshy

ginia SA He had served as manager quality control and product deve lopment

Ralston Purina Co mpany St Luuis M isshysouri U SA

John Hagarty 61 is manager fi e ld

service s Rural O rganizati ons and Serv ice s Branch OMAF Guelp h

Ismail Siragcldin Ph D 62 is professor Department of Population Dynami cs and

Political Economics the Johm Hopkins

University Baltimore Md S A

Arlene (Fournier) 65 and Dick Flis

MSc 65 are in Edmo nton Alta where Dick is petroleum products manager wes tmiddot ern Canada Imperia l Oil Ltd

Craig Hunter 66 is pre sident Cra ig

Hunter Poult ry Farms Ltd Stro ud

Colin Triver s 67 is a consulting e ngineer and On tario land surveyor for e G Trivcrs

Ltd T he ssalon

Peter Mosher Ph D 70 is director

bureau of agric ultural prod uctio n Depart shyment of Agriculture Ba ngor Me USA

Cordon Brown 76 is sen ior food techshynolog is t new prod ucts process developshy

ment Tho masJ Lipton Inc in Bram pton

Martel C outure MSc 76 is acting di rec tor d iploma progra m Macdonald Colshy

lege Ste nne de Belle vue Que

Charlie Ellintt 78 vnfe Ja ne and

first -born Ian C harles born Jan uary 20

1983 are living near S hetland C harlie is now working fo r Elliott Bros G rain and Feed Ltd

Dennis Ring 78 is credit manager Farm C redit Corp C hatham H is wife is Carnl (Weeks) 79

R Cunrad Genee 79 is a sales represhy

sentative with CIBA-Geigy Canada Ltd in

Winnipeg Man

Howard Armstrong RO is an industrial

engineer with the B utler Ma nufacturing Co (Canada) Ltd Nisku Alta

Bruce Broadbent PhD 80 is a research scientist entomology with Agriculture

Canada Vineland Station

Mic hael Tulloch 80 has been accepted as

a professional engineer by the Council of the APEO He now manages engineering functions for eG Trivers Ltd Thessalon

BruceGitelman 81 will be joining Wood G undy Ltd Investment Broke rs as a

corporate finance associate in September

Danicllc Wenstrom 81 is a quality a ss urance su pe rvisor for Pil lsb ury of Canada Ltd M idland

Christine Deslandes MSc R2 is a lecturer at Alfred Col lege of Agricu ltu re

and Food Technology A I fred

Diploma Graduates

Donald Morley 68A is ge nera l ma nager De Marco Homecare Ce ntre Sutton West

Jeffrey Currah 74A is marke ting man shyage r Fortam ix-a division of BASF

Canada Inc Georgetown

Brian Roberts 76A is a welder with Hillcook Ind ust ri es Ha milton 0

In Memoriam Raymond David Ure 15A and 21 January 24 In3 ~uddenly a t Tecumse h

age 87 He had bee n very act ive un til

recently H is son Donald re is it

graduate of 49

Dr Genrge M Stirrett 20A and 22 died December 15 1982 H is many co nshy

tri bu tiono had bee n recogni zed by the Heritage Canada Found ation The fo llowshy

ing is an account of the tribu te pa id to him Fe bruary 16 1 9~ I at Government HDu~e

O ttawa

His Excelle ncy Gove rnor Ge nera l

Edward Sc hrcyer prese med the Commun imiddot cations A wards Atl antic Reg ion to Dr

George M St irrett of Grand Falls Ne w

Bru ns wick Dr Stirrett has been comm itted to natural h is tory conservation for ma ny

years bo th before and after hi s ret ire ment from the Canadian W ildlife Service and Parks Canada in 1964

He worked hard for the preservation of the falls and gorge area at Grand Falls

and on other conservation needs in Ne w Brunswick and Ma ine He has also written

on the iss ues of conservation using Ihe pcn name G raham Vail and since April 1979

has publi shed a weekly column Notes on atural History in the G rand Falls

Cataract His columns stress the appreciashytion and enjoyment of nature as well as the need for preserving it

Norman Hodgins MacBeth 23 Fe bruary 3 1983 in St John N B He had retired in

1967 as General Manage r of General Dairies Ltd

David R Owen 25 in Medi c ine Hat

Alta February 6 1983 at age 82 He was a di rector of the fi rs t ollege Roy al and spe nt

most of his li fe teachi ng and farmi ng in Saskatchewan

Ronald John Quinn 35 Fe bruary 17 1983 in London His wife Helen (Farshyquhar) is a lso a graduate o f 35

Bruce Douglas Innes 36 passed away Septe lllber 29 19 82 D uring his college

years he took part in ma ny ac tivitie s bu t he -re membered with particu la r pleasure be ing Grand C hampion Showman College Royal

35-the first time that the honour had bee n won by anyone o ther than a fou rth year man Bruce owned and operated a dairy

farm at Burford since I 939 and was an

acti ve and ded icated farmer until his death

H is wife Margaret died in A pril 1983 T hey leave daughters Lorna Lawrence

Mac 68 and Karen and son Robert 0


Macdonald Institute College of Family and Consumer

Studies Alumni Associat ion

ALUMNI NEWS Editor Joan (Anderson) Jenkinson 66


BASc Grads-Class o f 80

EntploYDlent Survey T he University s Counselling and Reshysource Centre recentl y completed an inshyucpth survey covering the empl oyment activities of the 211 graduates who in 19RO earned Bachelor of Applied Sc ience Degrees

The survey indicates th at gradu ates are e nj oy ing a variety of interes ting and chalshylenging careers

A gratifying 73 per cent of th e graduates re sponded to the survey with 51 per cent of the respondents indi catin g that they have completed or are completing graduate degrees or programs on a full- or part-time bas is Of the 153 respondents 78 per ce nt including one who is self emshyployee have full-time employment The remainder are employed part-time or are pursuing further studie s

Li sted below are the indicated ca reers chosen in the four major areas of study

Applied Human Nutritio n

ut ritiond ietetics Food service administration More than 50 per cent of the responshy

dents obtained reg istered profe ss ional dietishytian certificates The Admini strati ve Emshyphasis course is no longer offered in the

Applied Human utrition program It is available through the Bachelor of Comshymerce program

Family Studies

A number of grad uate s found posit io ns in teac h ing or social services such as

Adult protecti ve service workers Infant de ve lopment specialists Geront ology consultants Supervisors and field workers with social service agencies Other Family Studies graduate s are

working in government srv iees and in the private ec toras home economists financial co un se llors librarians hostel managers Family Studies graduates tend to sl ck caree rs in the helping profess ion s

Consumer Studies

There are four emphasis areas 01 study within this maj or The survey indicates that

Food gradu ates are employed in areas of produci development marketing and food technology with majo r food companies Hou si ng emphasis graduates are wo rkshying with government agencies and in teac hing

Consumer Beha vio ur e mph asis graduates are in industry business and res earc h Tex tile and Clothin g e mph asis grads are employed in research merchandi sshying and banking Often after working for a year or

more Consumer Studies graduates will return to gradu ate study o r profess ional programs on a full- or part-time bas is

Child Studies

Many Child Studies graduates are emp loyed in teaching supervisory or other child-care related sett ings such as soc ial work with fami lies and children Re ported part -lime and temporary em pl oy ment pos ishytions include work as supply teachers child care supervisors special education leac hers and as lecturers in uni ve rsity settings

It is imporl an t to note that this emshyploy ment survey reports the caree r paths chose n by onl y one graduating cl ass Dat a is collccl~d on a yearl y bas is from gradu ates in Family and Consumer Studies In order to observe the broad scope of employment opportunities avail able a four-year tabulashytion wo uld pl~ c nt a more complete picture of the profess ional activities of graduates

In summary FACS programs offer students a sound educational background to meet the need s of i nduslry educational institut io ns governme nt and bus in c The future for FACS graduates is indeed bright as the College co ntinues to gro w and develop programs to meet the challenges of the 80s 0



BASc Gradsmiddot Class of 80 Further Education Pursued

Major Total

Graduates Number of

Respondents R PDt BEd MEd MSc MD MA

Applied Hum an Nu trition 65 45 23 3 I

Family Studies 64 44 19

Consumer Studies 48 33 2

C hild Studies 34 31 II I I I

TOTAL 21 1 ( 1007c)

153 (73 oc )

23 32 I 4 I I

FACS Has New

Dr Richurd Burhunl

Dean Professor Richard M Barham was apshypointed dean of the College of Family and Consumer Studies for a fi ve-year term effective July I 1983 He succeeds Dr Janet M Wardlaw who has served as dean since 1969

Professor Barham has been chairman of the Department of Family Studies since

1976 and served as acting dea n in [980 while Dean Wardlaw was on administrative leave

A graduate of the University of Otago Dunedin e Zealand Richard Barham received a Ph D degree from the University of Alben a dmonton in Ed ucational Psychology

He has served on the faculty of the Department of Educational Psychology at the University of Alberta and as professor and acting chairman of the Department of Education University of Otago

While in New Zealand he was an executive member of the council of The Ne w Zealand Psychological Society and served as its president

At Guelph he has taught both undershygraduate and graduate courses in the Deshypartment of Family Studies and has supershyvised graduate students

He has been active on many University committees during the past seven years He is a past chairman of the Board of Graduate Studies and has been a member of the

Committee on Academic Priorities the Committee on University Planning the Liaison Committee and several others

He has also been a consulting educa shytional psycholog ist with the Wellington County Separate School Board since 1979

Prolessor Barham and his wife Joan have a family offour Joan recently returned to the University of Guelph for further study Daughter Vick y 19 is a student in Economics at Queens University Lisa 17 and Christopher 14 attend Ce ntennial CVJ while Tania 12 is completing her studies at College Avenue School

Music is very important part of the Barham familys life with active invoheshyment in the Suzuki String School and the Guelph Youth Orchestra Gardening is a hobby enjoyed by both Richard and Joan

Members of the Mac- FACS Alumni Association extend a sincere welcome to Professor Barham We look forward to meeting and working with him in the future as he fills the challenging position as dean of FACS 0

FACS Prof First

Dr M urlin MUllhclIs

Director P ro fessor Anne Martin Matthews De shypart me nt of Family St udi es has been ap shypointed the first director of the Gnontology Research Centre The establi shment of the Centre was announced last February A research grant of $237000 from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada will fund the Centre for the first three years

Professor Martin Matthews has been conducting research related to the needs and interests of older segments of the populashytion as well as teaching courses in such areas as social gerontology and marital and family dynamics in Family Studies She has been a faculty member with the Department of Family Studies since 1978

She also has been active beyond the campus in programs related to aging She is chair-elect of the social sciences division Canadian Council on Gerontology and will begin a two-year term in the chair of that organization this year

She is also first vice-president of the

Ontario Gerontology Association and a member of the scientific advisory commitshytee of the Gerontology Research Council of Ontario She is a graduate of Memorial University of Newfoundland and McMaster University

With a steadily increasing percentage of the popUlation in the retirement age bracket it is important to understand more fully the ir needs and cuncerns sa ys Proshyfessor Martin Matthews The en tre will deal with the ag ing family and environshymental contexts In the latter sense we will be examinin g such things as the difference bet wee n aging in an urban and a rural society as well as issues like housing and the aging

The new Gerontology Research Centre will provide facilities to assist faculty members and graduate students doing reshysearch on aging The Centre will facilitate integrate and co-ordinate studies on aging within the University the director says

Research on aging is now being carried out at the Universi ty in such Departments as Family Studies Geography Psychology Nutrition Human Biology and SocioluFY and the Centre will be able to provide a medium for cross-fertilization of ideas among the many researchers in the field

Professor Marlin Matthews says that the Centre will be working co-operatively with other similar research centres in Onshytario such as the one at the University of Toronto in promoting research on aging The Centre will also sponsor conferences and workshops that relate to the special needs of older citizens in their communities

Guelph has demonstrated an interest in gerontology since 1970 when research projshyects began and courses dealing with aging were offered in the Departments of Family Studies and Psychology Since 1981 the Un i versity has offered gero ntology as part of the Famil y Studies major in the Bachelur of Applied Science program 0

A Thank You Dear A luml7i

1-Iwl 10 Ihonk oil Ihe uumni inloll(d wilh

Ihc cr special send-oj gien to me ill

recognition of Ihc complelion ofmv Icrm as


So man of ou -Ierc invocd shy

whelhcr or nOI ou -Iere able 10 (fIend Ihe

recognition receplion in Toronlo on May

29 I oppreciacd Ihe man good llishes

which come from ocross CClrado ond from

such dislOlIl places as Indio and Chara

Your generous gifls u Imc Irolld of

pcarls und a bonk aCCOlll11 vhich came lVilh

Ihe slrong suglcslion Ihal [should IIc 10

Vnv Iculand lverc Irul overllhelll1ing

The Air lCll Zcalundjlighl bag jJacked wilh

1111 SOriS of nccessiliel added 10 Ihe jim

middotre had 01 Ihe rcceplion

Many Ihanksfor your SUppOri over Ihe years and for your good wishes as I begin

my car ofadmin is Ira live leave

Yours sincerelv

Jonel M Wardlaw 0


Dr Louise

( Bailltlj

Heslop 67

Off - To


Dr Louise (Bazi net) Heslop 67 has JO ined the School of Business at Carlton Unive rsit y O ttaw a Over the next two years through an arran geme nt with Ca rlton Unive rsity she will be cco nded on a

part-time basis by Stati sti cs Canada where she will join the Research and Analysi s

D ivision Loui se completed her MSc at Guelph

in 1969 and continued as lecturer in the

ne wly-es tablished Department o f Co nshysumer Studies In 1977 she compktcd a Ph D in Business Administration (Marketshying) at the University of Western Ontari o

and rejo ined the Department of Consumer Studies ri si ng to the rank of ass oc iate professor

Louise was e lected to the board of

di rectors of the Mac-FA CS Alumni Assoc ishyati on in 1977 se rvin g as secretary-treasurer until May 1981

We ex tend our best wishe middot to Loui se

her husband Lome O A 70 and their dau ghters Jose tte 5 and C la ire 2 Lorne is employed by Agriculture Canada in

Ottawa and is currently completing an M Sc in Engineering at the University of

G uelph Coun try li ving is a high priority with

the Heslops They are deli ghted with the purchase of a farm near Almonte a nd look

forward to the best of both worl d s - profess ion a lism in the city and lei sure in the countryside 0

Grad News Helen (Clifford ) Beswick 48D is se lf empl oyed as a studio potter in her home in Dundas

Margaret (Kennedy) jarvis 54D is a realestate age nt in Kingston

Pat (Hall) McDowell 65 is with the

United Missionary Soc iet y Jlorin Kwora State ~igeria

Joanne Patterson 66 is a se ni or project o ffmiddoticer w ith Indi an and Northern Affa irs Ottawa

Leslie (Mowat) Hemming 68 is teaC hin g in Woods tock

Mary (Jany) Toms 68 is employed with Health and We lfare Canada Ottawa

Sarah (Spencer) Coomhs 70 is an assistant director wi th the Co nsumer Inforshymation Centre of the Ontario Government


Meredith Fi lshie 70 is an ana lyst w ith the Ministry of State for Economic and Re g ional Development O ttawa

S heila (Fahner ) jarvie 70 is a nutrishytion ist w ith the K- W Hospital Kitchener

Donna j ohnstone 70 o perates Donn as Ha ndmade Clothin g for Men amp Wo men Gabiola Isla nd B C

Lorraine Holding 71 is manager of program development with the Rural Orshyga nizatio ns and Services Branlh Minis try of Agriculture and Food located at the Gue lph Agriculture Centre

Beve r ly Lee 72 is a chairperso n with the York Region Board o f Educ at io n

Laurie MacLeod 72 is a district manager with Beaver Foods Mlss issauga

Kathy Camelon 73 is a dietitian at the Toronto Genera l Hospita l

Tirnoth) Fleming HAFA 74 a ses ionaJ lec turer with H AFA teaching business law has been adm itted to the partne rshi p o f the law firm of Harper Haney and White of Waterl oo

Isabel (McBride) H o well 74 is an e lementary school teacher with the Watershyloo Co unt y Board of Educatio n Camshybridge

Mary Ruston 75 is a Famil y Studies teacher at Inge rso ll District High School

Kathryn Anderson 76 is a supervisor with Westmini ster Family Day a re London

Hester Cooper 76 is employed as a research officer with the New Zealand Dairy

Research Institute in Palmers ton North ew Zealand

Patr icia (G a rland ) Desaul niers 76 is with patient fo od se rvices Alberta Hospishyta l Edmo nton

Noella Li 76 is aclinical dietitian wi th the

ictori a Hospital London

M eredith (Evans) Hea rtwe ll 77 is

teac hing in Mississauga

Deb Wey 77 is patient food se rvices manager at SI John Regio nal Hospi tal SI J()hn NB

Susan (junes ) Wilcox 77 is food se rvices

superviso r with the Baye re st Ce ntre for Ge riatric Care 0

A ThankYou The c lass of Mac 380 wishes to extend a

sincere thank you to all alumni who have con tributed to the Mac 38 0 Class Geronshy

to logy Scholarship Fund The gradua te s tudent scholarship in

the recently de ve loped area ot Ge ronto lo gy at FACS is being established by the class of 38D in recog nition of their 45th annivershy

sary in 1983 All Univers it y of Guelph grads are

in vited to parti c ipate in this project funds for which will be so li c ited until December

1984 [f you wish to con tribute please make you r cheq ue pay ab le to the Univers ity o f Guelph Alma Mater Fund specify that it is to be applied to the Mac 38 D Class Gerontology Scho larship Fund and mail to

the Deve lo pment Office Room 273 John shysto n Hall Uni ve rsity o f Gue lph Guelph

Ontario N IG 2W J Th an ks again for yo ur suppo rt from

Elle n Downie Mary Singer Doris Durran t and Jean Carter- the Mac 38 D sch o larship committee 0

In Memoria m We regret to announce the death of the following al umnus

Margaret L (MacKenzie) Smallwood 401) December 1982 in Lakeland Fla




The College of Physical Scie nce Alumni Association

SCIMP Editor Bob Winkel

phy sics grant selection committee of thc atural Sciences and Engineering Research

Council for two years he was intimately involved in all the major re search de velopshyments in Canada in this field Hc feels that his e lec tio n to the Royal Society of Canada will help raise the prot1le of high-energy physics in this co untry and lend stren gth to Canadian experimenters

The citation prepared for his nominashytion to the Royal Society of Canada reads

Professor Karl is a high energy the ori st whose work is widely recognized interna tionally His deep physical insight and hi s kn ow led ge of mathemati ca l methods led to the quark model of baryon resonances based on quantum chromoshydynamics which has been enormousl) successful in describing experimental reshysuits H is re sea rch is characterized by striking originality and an ability to COIll shy

bine basic ideas from different field s as in the predictions of a new effect - neutron optical activity

Gabriel Karl is married and has one daughter W hen he is not probing the sec re ts of the universe he indulges himself in music theatre and the fine arts

He visited the Unive rsity of Briti sh Columbia in Vanco uver in May for the induction ceremony into the Royal Society of Canada on the occas ion of the Annual Meeting of the Society It marked he sa id the culmination of a long string of benefits that [ ha ve enjoyed throughout the 23 years 1 have lived in Ca nada [ have every rea son to be very grateful to th is country D

Erratum In the Sprin g issue o r SCiMP it was erroneously reported in the c utline accompanyin g a pict ure of Departshyme nt of Physics student scholarship winners that they were the recipients of 0 er $ 1500 We dropped a zero The fi gure should have read $ 15000 Sorry about tha t Ed

Elected to Royal Society

Dr Cooiel Korl

The election of Dr Gabriel Karl to a Fellowship of the Roy al Society of Canada represents what one of hi s colleagues Dr Peter Egelstaff desc ribe s as a rare honour which reflects great credit not only on Dr Karl but also on the Uni versi tys Departshyment of Physics

The Royal Society of Canada founded in 1882 to promote learning and research in the arts and sciences has numbered among its Fellows virtually all of Canadas most distinguished intellectual le ade rs of the last J00 yea rs Standards are jealously guarded and Fello wships are awarded only as a result of outstanding world-class ach ieve ment

The rarity of the honour is indicated by the fact that at the Un iversity of Guelph whose faculty includes so many academics of international distinction only five had previously achieved a Fellows hip in the Royal Society of Canada These are Dr Howard Clark vice- pres ident academic Dr Bruce Sells dean College of Biologishycal Science Dr Peter Egclstaff Depart shyment of Physics Dr Do nald Masters Prof ssor Emeri tu s De part mcnt of History and Dr He rb Armstrong retired dean of Graduate Studies

As the sixth Dr Ga briel Karl will have the added di st inction of bei ng the first whose career has been sp ot excl us ively at the Un ivers ity of Guelph which agai n to

quote Dr Egelstaff marks a coming of age for the University

Gabriel Karl was born in Transylvania a province of Romania He obtained his B Sc in Chemistry at Romani as Univershysity of ClUJ worked for two years in industry and came to Canada in 1960 He attended graduate school at th e University of Toronto where he was awarded a Ph D in 1966 for a thesis on infrared luminesshycence following molecular colli sion Hi s Ph D supervisor was the distinguished physical chemist Dr John Polanyi

A two-year post-doctora l fellowship with the University of Torontos Depart shyment of Physics followed His mentors there were Drs J Van Kranendonk and Duk Poll who is now a professor with the Universi ty of Guelph s Depa rtment of Ph ys ics

In 1966 Dr Karl studied at the Uni versity of Oxford for two years under an NRC scho larship to study hadron spec troshyscopy and in 1969 he Joi ned the Univers itys Department of Phy sics achieving a full professorship only five years later

Dr Karls work has focussed on high energy physics - the physics of fundamen shytal particles This is an esoteric field involvshying research into the nature of matter The relatively few world leaders in thi s field tend to cluster around the half-dozen accelerators such as the $100 million four kilumete rshylon g hi gh-e nergy tunnel for accelerating electrons at Stanford University that have been built only in the US and Europe

There is no accelerator of this energy level in Canad a and fe w Canadian scie nshyti ~ts are working in this field Dr Ka rl s statu re in the international commu nity of particle physic ists is marked by his many visi ts to the world s major research ce ntres as guest speaker and to consult with his peers Referring to the time spent on thcse missions Dr Karl describes the Depart shym nt of Phys ics and his colleag ues as generouslyaccommodati ng shy

As cha irman of the h igh energy


Trapping The Suns Energy Excerpted from a Chemtrends article by Mary Cocivera

One predi ctabl e fac t about ind ustri ali z d

soc iety is that it will take more e nergy to

keep the whee ls ru nn ing smoothl y parti c ushy

larly because the world population is exshy

pected to dou ble to about n ine bill ion by the

year 2050

[n th search to augme nt tradi tio na l

sources o f e lectri ci ty two Departme nt of

Chemistry pro fessors ha ve tu rned their

atten ti on to the convers ion of solar energy to

electricity by photovultaie cel ls and photoshy

elec troc he mical systems T he developme nt

work at Guelph is a imed at improving the efficiency and stability of th se sy~tems and

reduc i ng the ir cos t

Si licon photovoltaic cells serve as a

reference for solar energy convers iun beshy

cause they were the fi rst such cells and to

date arc the most effic ient co nvert ing so lar

ne rgy into elec tr ic ity a t abo ut 15 per cem

effi c iency Arrays of crys tal li n sil icon ce lls present ly cos t in the nei ghborhood or

S$400 per sq uare metre to manufac ture

produc ing about 40 watts Photovo lta ic

thin- fi lm syste ms us ing semico nductors

o ther than single crysta l sil ic on are be ing

investigated in man y re~earc h ce ntre s

around the world

A pro mis ing approach is a cadmiui1l

sulfi dec uprous sul fide combi nat ion in

which the two sem ico nduc tors are laye red

on molybdenum the n covered w ith a transshyparent gold fil m T his thin-fi lm cons trucshy

tio n i ideal for solar devices explai ns

Profess ur Ro n Fawcett because large

surface areas are needed for maximum

exposu re to the sun

T he fabrication process devel oped by

Ro n and patented in 1980 in vo lve electroshy

depos iting cadmium sulfide o nto molybshy

denum then layering cuprous sulfide over the cadm ium sulfide by an ion exchange

process Finally the gold 11 1m is added by

vacuum de pos ition Ron es timates that

thi n-film de ices could be manufac tu red in

this way for about S$25 per squ are metre

E lectro pla ting of se m ic ondu ct ors

would enabl e photo voltai c dev ices to be

manu factured in a continuous process

rathe r than indi vidua lly as i required w ith

s ingle crysta l s ilic on Such ce lls ha ve

ach ieved conversio n of solar to electrica l

energy at an e ffi cienc y o f I per cent to date T he researchers are co nfide nt they can

achieve fi to 8 per cent cffi ieney compared

to the calcul ated max imum e ffi c iency of II

per cent Pro fessor Michae l oc ivera is ork ing

on photoe lec troc hem ical systems in which a

sem icond uctor electrode im mersed in an

elec tro lyte solution converts inci dent li g ht

into a n electric a l cu rren t Such se mishy

conductor lilju id junction cells offe r p racti shy

cal ad van tages because uf the sponta neom format ion o f a junc tio n I mproved effishy

ciency fo r po lycrysta lli ne sem iconductors

has been a hi eved in ce lb of th is type in part becau~e the liqu id estab li shes unshy

iformly good COntac t wi th the e l etrode

The li gh t -~ens it i ve electrode in photoshy

e lec trochem ical ce lls is a sem ic o nductor

e it her a thin-fi lm or s ingle c rysta l a tt ached

to a metal back ing the other e lec trode is an

inert me ta l T he e l ectrode~ are immersed in

~ n elect rol yte solutio n o f a mater ial that carl do nate and accep t elect rons The b igges t

prob lem with many li lj ui d junct io n ce lls

~ays Mike is photocorros iol1 of the su rshy

face of the se miconductor To overcome

thi s problem he is developing materi a ls and

techniques to coat the e lectrodes with proshy

tec tive materiab

The first liquid junction cells with a

sili con anode opera ted for only a matter of

seconds befo re the e lec trode was des troyed

by corrosion Researche rs at the Solar Energy Research Insti tu te in C o lorado

U SA have developed a silicon anode

w ith a polypyrro le protect ive coating which

can o perate for hund reds o f hours but that is

still not long eno ugh for a viable commershy

cia l syste m

M ike and his colleague are making a

syste matic study of compounds tha t wi ll

both protect the electrode from corrosion

and catal yze the elect rode rca tion They

arc now worki ng with organo me tall ic comshy

pounds co mpris ing a metal atom sulfur

and an aromatic co m pone nt containing a func tiona l group li ke hyd roxy l sul phonate

ammoni um and nitroso

hese compounds are effect ive beshy

ca use they prov ide a mechanism to transfer

a ch arge bet ween the se mi co nd uctor and the e lectro n donor in solut io n The coating mus t

also be transpilrent e nough to a llow the light

to s trike the photocleetrode

To date they ha ve suneeded in deshy

veloping fi ve coat ings su itab le fo r a variet y

or se miconduc tors incl uding the polyshy

crysta ll ine cadm ium su lfide e lectrodes fabshy

riltated by Ron Fawce tt s method If polyshy

crystalli ne elec trodes can be fab ri (a ted and

coated wi th a protec tive materia l electroshy

chemically they wi ll be relati ve ly inexpe nshy

ive to manufac ture If the tech niques and processe s be ing

inve ~l igated by Ron Fawce tt and Mike Coc ivera de ve lop to tht ir full poten tial the

su n cou ld beco me a more import ant supplier

o f e lectri city in Ca nada Long-range proshy

jectio ns suggest that about 10 per cent of No rth A m rican e lectr ic it y could be proshy

duced from solar convers ion

Elec tric ity fro m the sun is no longer a

pipe-dream-it is a reachable goa l n

Grad News Louise (Sandall) Platt BA 69 is living

in Islington and teaching for the Etobico ke

Board of Educati on

Alexander Barton BSc 70 MSc 74 is work ing on a Ph D deg ree in the

Departme nt of Fishe ries and W ildlife at

Orego n Sta te uni vers ity

Gerry Kupferschmidt BSc 70 MSc

71 is living at R R I Osgoodc and is

tmployed as a sc ientific ad ise r to the


Murray Ross Gingrich BSc 71 Ii ves in

Brampto n and is work ing as a probation

officer for the Ministry o f Correc tio nal


Robert Cross BSc 72 M D is workshy

ing in the emergency department o f the

So uth Muskoka Hospital in Bracebridge

Edda Duva (Home) Kerr BA 74 lives

in G ue lph and is working as a program

co-ordinator for Casatta Ltd in Kitchener

Deanne Ch)y BSc 78 Ii ves in Etob ishy

coke and is working as a public health

inspector for the Ham ilton Wentwo rth Reshy

gio nal Health Unit

Alex McDonald BSc 79 PhD 83 and his wife Rosanne ( DeNobriga) BSc

79 are living in Austi n Texas whil e Alex

is do ing post-doctoral work at the Unishy

vers ity o f Texas

Ste~en Oliver BSc 79 o f Hamilton is a

medica l sa les repre sentati ve with Cyanamid

Canada Inc

Gordon Knox BSc 79 is a con~ ul ta nt

with Inform ation Systems Serv ices in Vicshy

toria BC

George Gillson BSc 80 is taki ng a

Ph D in Anal ytica l C hemis try at the Uni shyve rsity of Alberta 0


The College o f Arts Alumni Associat ion

DELPHA Editor Debbie (Nash) Chambers 77

has no w acquired the Shaw Festival ArshyThe Deans Roundup chives on permanent deposit T his is an

Last fall I had the privilege of speakshy

ing to the direc tors of the University of G uelph Alumn i Assoc iation to bring them

up to date on some of the excit ing things connected with the College of Arts I am gratefu l to the editor of DELPHA for this

opportu nity to let alumni readers know what we are do ing

I am pleased to be able to report a subs tant ial increase in enrolment both in the

B A program and in the College o f Arts this past yea r What is especially nice is that this has coincided with a dec is ion to tighte n our

standards at the admissions level and in the regulations for continuatio n of study

In o rder to grad uate B A students

who entered the Spring 19~3 Semester will need to obtai n a C average in 60 per cent of the courses they take

Most of o ur students are doing thi s now and we do not antici pate this will pose any

problem for the students whom we are ad mitting Next year students en tering the

B A program will be required to have Grade 13 English and we are strongly encouraging them to offer a Mathematics credit o r o ne in French or ano ther language

Applications from students wish ing to enter the B A program in the Fall 1983 Semester

are up subs tantia lly over last yea r I also want to share with you some

ha ppenings which have brought special delight to me

The U ni ve rsi ty of Guelph Choir

under director Ge rald e ufeld won second prize in the 1982 CSC nation al chora l competition

In the Harbourfront a rt show last

sum mer three o f o ur students had works se lected by the jury and each won a prize shya better show ing than any of the other O nshy

tario universities or colleges which entend T he C anadian- American Urban Hisshy

tory Co nference held at G uelph in A ugust

1982 was a tremendous success bringing sc holars from many parts of the United States and Canada to discuss new trends in urban studies

Dean David Murray

In the space of just a few months I have seen seven books published by faculty in the Co llege The subjects include Rudyard

Kipl ing Greek Philosophy Urban History Evolution and Darwinism Reli gion and Tolerance the dramatist Gra nville Barker

and a nove l written in French Last summer also saw the completion

of a very successful facu lty exchange beshy

tween o ur Department of Eng lish and the

Uni vers ity of Reading in Britain Dr Leslie Monkman went to Reading for the year and Dr Coral Howell s visited Guelph This

opportunity enab led Dr Howells to study modern C anadian writers and she is now

working o n a book to be published in Britain o n Canadian women wri ters Dr

Mo nkman lectured on Canadian literature at various places in Britain and in France as well as in Reading

T hro ugh the e fforts of the Department of Drama and its chairman Dr Leonard

Conolly and C ollections Librarian Jo hn Moldenhauer 68 the Uni versi ty Library

ex tremely valuab le re sou rce for theatre

scholars a nd the Univers ity is ve ry pleased to have a closer connection with the Shaw Festi val The Drama Department also has

Professor Dan Laurence the world s leadshying Shaw scholar as a distinguished Visitshy

ing Professor lor the ra il Semester Two large conferences were organized

during the Spring and Summer by faculty

and students in the Co llege Professor Ted Cowan of the History Department was in charge of the Scottish Heritage Festival held in uelph in May The Fes tival was a

ce lebrati on of the S co t~ 1d their contribushytion~ to Canada

In Au gust the Uni vers ity will host a major conference o n Common wealth lite rashy

ture bringing writers and schol ars to Guelph from allover the Com monweal th Professor Doug K illam chairman of the Department of English and a number o f col leagues are

now busily preparing to welcome guests from around the world

Through our liaison programs we have pioneered special day - long seminars at the

niversity for gifted children in Wellington County T he se programs are part of o ur commitment to assist secondary schools in meeting the challe nges of special education

J know many o f you will also be interes ted in knowing that last sLi mmer the

College awarded three new scholarships two of the m honouring the cont ribution made by former faculty members J Percy

Sm ith and W Stanford Reid The other marked the first presentation of the Edward Johnson Music Foundation scholarships for students in the music program

We are al l ac ute ly co nscious of the

financial pressure affecting the UnivLr ~ ity

of Guelph and othe r Canadian unive rsities

But we mus t no t le t these pressures detract from the vision of academic excellence to

which we are committed J think you will agree from the exaln ~Jk middot ha ve cited that this vision continues to glow brightly in spite of our financial plight We hope we can

co ntinue to co unt on your advice and your suppurt 0


It Was a Very Good Year T he Direc tor or the College of Arts Alumni Assoc iation have had a bus y year In January we launched o ur hrst Caree rs i lglll for in -coure stude nlgt Thanks to the exce lle nce and enthusiasm of our pane l l1len1bcr the evening was a success

Careers Night is to become an annual event and we would appreciate you r particishypation Any Art s grads wh o wo uld like to

vo lunteer their expertise for the e vening please do not hesita te to contact us

The Directors were also busy a rshyranling the second an nu al art show shyDI MENSIO NS middotS3 Due to the treme nd ous response to DI M ENSIOtS 82 the art show co mmittee organized DIM ENSIO NS 83 as aJu ricd show We are hoping that nex t yea r we will be able to mount a photography show as well a an art sho w

As you are probably aware in 1970 Wellington College was reo rganized into the Colleges of Arts Physic al Sc ience and Socia l Science This year our Assoc iation was asked to se lect a new College logo Thankgt to Dean Dav id Murray and the Deans Counc il we were given permission to use the graphics on the College of Art s Gold Medal It can be see n in the masthead of thi s issue The logo was designed by Erich Barth art dire ctor Department of [nshyformation and enco mpasses the di verse di s shycipiJnes fou nd within the College of Arts

Grad News Catharine (Gilnerlson ) Scott 70 is a wage and salary anal ys t tnivers it y of Waterl oo

Linda la) Bell 72 i the assistant conshysultant for thlto gifted We llington County Boa rd of Education GueJph

Lynn Barbeau 74 is the curator Educa shytion and xtension Macdo nald Stewart Art

entre Guelph

Wltlynr WellJauler 75 is corpora te mar shyke ting manager Gore Mutua l In surance Company Cambridgc

Renate Fisc her 76 is a consultant with the Woods Gordon Divisio n of Cl arkson Go rdon Chartered Acco untants Kitchener

jane Morley O AC MSc 81 is a career co nsultant Counse llin g and Student Reshysource Centre Un iversity of Guelph

Through the generos ity of the Alma Mater Fund our Assoc iation has been able to e stablish nv e sc holars hip s Thre e DELPHA awards for Gue lph alumni to continue their slUdi es at the gradu ate level at the University and two awa rds for part-time mature students These awards are greatly appreciated by the students who have reshyce ived th e m

Congratulatio ns are th e order of the day for Juli e (Russe ll ) Thur 78 Associashytion past pre sident and Linda Mackenz ie shyCordi ck 8 1 Assocration secre tary treas shyurer on the birth of their daug hters in March We wi sh them joy in their yo ung-

David Dell 76 is the in fo rmation o ffic er Reg ion of Pee l Brmiddotampton

jeff Miller 82 is a s tage manager for Profes sional Theatres Toronto

The above eight alumni were panel )11ember-s at our first annual Careers sJ ig ht held ea rlier th i yea r On ce again we offer our sincere thanks for their pani ci pation

lhugarel Reare 68 is senior research o f hee l Minis try of th e Soli citor General Ottawd

William Thiels 73 is a sys te ms analyst with Eas tman Kodak CO Roche ster t Y US A

Shardie D SteHnson 77 is assistant marketing manager Marsh and 1cLennan Ltd Winnipeg Man

Donald Syme 77 is with marketing pe rsonne l IC F Sydne y Australia

sters and look forward to the ir continued help in the Assoc ia tion in the future

C Nould lik e to re mind our fell ow alu mni to jo in or renew their membership in our Association De hbie ( Nash) Cham bers 77 editor of DF LPH A wo uld lik e any Ideas lor future artick that vould catch your interes t Our Assoc iati o n would also apprec ia te heari ng from you re gardin g eve nts that you wou ld be interested in attending Pl ease drop us a line in order that we may serve you better thus ~ eeping the line of co mmunic ation oren bet ween you and yo ur Alma v1ater

In closing I would like to acknowlmiddot edge With great a pprec iati o n the a istance that has been o ffclTU our Board of Direc tors over the pasl year

As al ways Dea n David Murray has bee n a va lued ad visor I wo uld li ke to thank Professor Ted Cowa n Department o f History for his Sprin g 19K3 OEPHA article on the Scottish Heritage Festival and Judy (Ma in) Ca rson 75 for he r help in preparalron of feature articles Spec ial thank s arc also ex tended to Rosemary Clark Mac 59 Asis tant Director Proshyg rams Dep artment of Alumni Affairs and Deve lopment and our Board of Directo rs who have wo rk ed so hard to mak e thi s a successful year

The term of 19X2-B3 has been a very grati fying one for all mem bers of the Associations Boa rd o t Directors We loo k for ward to 19K3-K4 anJ hope to hear from you Q

J ane Francis 78 is With Ilublic relations Vancouver Stock EXchange Vancou ver B C

Jonie Bunce 79 is a teacher 01 Art English and Thcatre Arts at 1 A Turn er Secondary School BrdrllptOl

Deborah Salmon 79 is married to Richard Light BS( 80 and li ves in Japanec Shc worb for the Empl o) mc nt and Im migrati on Commi ssion dnd Ri chlrJ works for a darrv in Kin gs to n

Shelagh Stevens 79 it station U)lllrshytwlle r Department o f -J atiunal [dc nce in f ova Slmiddototia

lidwtl Glanb 81 is a supervisor mar shyke ting comrlluni~ations Pitney-Bowe s oj

Canada Ltd Don Mill s

john (llanllllUnd ) Zelasko 81 rs ~ I

courtr(lOrn artist WKBW Buffalo New Ymk US I C



Alumnus of

Honollr 1983

Helen Christine AbeD Mac 38D

Amo ng the forerunners in the fie ld of rural soc iol ogy not only in Canada

but throughout the world and with a long career as a professor in numerous un iversities ac ross Canada Dr Helen C Abell has und oubted ly do ne much to promote a world -w ide reputation for her Alma Mater

Dr Abell has been most active in a numbe r of United Nat io ns programs designed to foster development of th ose in the Third World countrie s Although os ten sibl y retired she still co nt inues her wo rk as a cons ult ant in Socio-Economic De ve lopme nt assisti ng in develop ing sho rt -term project s as the occasion ari ses

As well as a Macdona ld Ins titu te Diploshyma Dr Abell obtained a BHSc (H ome Economics) from the Universi ty of Toro nto in 1941 and an MS (Human Nutrition) and a Ph D (major Rural Sociology and Agri cul shytural Economics) from Cornell University in 1947 and 1951 re specti vel y 0

Page 17: Guelph Alumnus Magazine, Summer 1983

The Ontario Veterinary College Alumni Association

EditorALUMNI Dr Cliff Barker 41


Faculty Award for Dr Bob Curtis Dr Bob CUrlis 6 Clinical SllIdies OVe recelllly received a UniversilY of Guelph

FlIcully Associalion Professional Tea ching Award in recognition of his great influence on professional lraining The cira lion in parr sraled He has repeatedlv beuroen honouredfor

his conlriburiOIl 10 educalion He is a respecled elerinarian who is universally retIed us

one of lhe beslleachers Ihis univlrsiry has eper had LeIr 10 righl Dr Russ Willoughbv

57 Dr Wayne Pfeiffer vice-chairman Faculty aSSOCi((lion Dr Bob Curlis 6 and

Dr Mike Wilson chairman Clinical SlUdies 0

For Design Dr Jim 01fa50n 68 owner of the South Su rrey Veterinary Hospital 3221 shy140th S1 Surrey BC received the 19 82 Special Aw ard for Architectu ral Exce llence at the annual merican Animal Hospital Association convention in San Antonio Texa on March 14 1983 The award was prese nted by Velerinary Eco nomi cs Mag(l~ ine a leading business magazi ne for the veterinary profession

T he award was give n in rccognition of the timc and expense Dr O lafsun investcd to design a hosp ital that would enhance its natur al s ur round ings South Su rrey Veterinary Hospital is loca ted in a res idenshyt ia l area and the colors a nd tex tures of the buil ding s ex terior lesse n the impact o f a commerci a l property in the area

The hospital is energy-efficient and includes large winduws and nume rous skyshyli ghts in its design plan Other features incl ude covered walkways a covered parkshying area a nd covered entrances The overall effect minim izes the enclosed fe lin g usushy

ally associatcd with a subterranean struc shytu re and the atte ntion to aesthetic detail produces a truly stunning hospital Con shygratulations Jim 0

Dr doe dohnson T he late Dr Joseph E Johnson 19 ( I R91-1960) who practised for many years in Waterloo was recognized for hi s services to ag riculture in O ntar io when his port rait was hung in the O ntario Agricu ltura l Ha ll of Fame at the O ntario Agricultural Museum Milton His nomination was prese nted by the Ontario Association of Ani mal Breedshyers T he citation presented states

Dr Joseph Edward Joe Johnson a native of Stra throy as a pioneer in the practice of artificial insemination (AI ) in Ontario In 1942 when the Waterloo Cou nty Holste in- Friesian Associ ation made

their fi rst attemp t it was Dr Joe who collected the se men and inse mina ted the cows

For fl ve years he took ti me out o f an already very busy practice to make the new idea work Several younger veterinarians

who workcd with him were later to be in charge of AI units across Ontario

He gradu ated from the O ntario Veterinary College in 1919 and after working in Fergus and Acton set up practice in Waterloo where he worked with the noted Seagram Sta bles

He pioneered the multi-staff clinic approach having as many as four students and grad uates work ing w ith him Because o f th is internship approach Dr Johnson probably had a greater influence o n the practice of large animal vete rinary medicine than any other practicing vete rinarian of his day

The ultimate uccess of the AI sys shytem is due in large part to the work o f this ve terinari an who through trial and error persevered with the technique in its ear ly years 0


One Millionth A third-year O VC student Paul Dick of Gcoroetown recently became the one mi lshylio nth person to pass through the turnstiles o f the O VC Division of the Uni versity Library since the tu rn sti les were installed eight years ago He was gree ted by libshyran ans and fac ulty applause and handshyshakes t1 a~ h i ng camera strobe lights conshygratulations and the pre sentation o f a book Clillical E raminal ion of Ca ll ie

The VC library also serves students from other Colleges Co mprising more tha n 30000 volu mes it e mbraces far more than the veterinary sc iences 0

In a briefcert monv a llellded bv David Hull head Sc ience and Velerinary Science Diision

oj Ihe Library eli and Dean Douglas 1aplesden 50 righl Associa ( Libraria ll John

Black presen l a book 10 one millionlh isilor Paul Dick rig ill cenlre

It Was Bound to Happen Delta chapter of O mega Tau Sigma Fratern ity residence has become co-educational with the admi ssion of 18 women students during 1982-83 em sters For se veral years OVC s women stu dents have been seeking fra ternity membership they fi nally made it in 1982

Galhered onlhei-olll sleps oflh e avc main

Imiiding are 14 of Ih e 18 women slwlel1ls

who resided in Ihe fral house Ihi I r ea r

FrOt1 row I(i llo righ l lennifer Rice

Ion [ Lee Ma rv MOllleilh M iddle ro w

Robill Roscol Kale Flanigan Lisa Tavlor Debbie Blech Lesli e Hu ngall Back row

l ana Kl llOn Carol Phillips l ennifer

TrollghlO n lulv Keenliside Healher Ross

Michele Durnall MissinRfrom Ihe piClure

are Brenda FOSler Chris Barrl es

Keily-LeiRh Thomas and Laura Hunl 0

Letters to the Editor Or Bert Ca rswell 7 1 of Brooks Alt a has repli ed to o ur request for informatio n on the watch fob letters F L T (O VCAA Alumni Bulletin March 19H3 Special Supmiddot pl ement) by sugges ting these stand for Friendship Lo ve and Truth the motto of the Indepcndent Order of Odd fell ows Are the re further op i nions~

Dr Alexander Bruyns 32 Sequin Was hington S A has se nt us informashytion on the Royal Canadian Army Veterishynary Corp (O VCA Alumni Bulletin

March 1983 S pec ial Supple ment) He was a ve te ri na ry offi ce r with the Gove rn o r Gcnerals Horse Guards in Toronto o n joini ng the RCAVC in 1938 and me ntioned the late Dr A R Yo unie 14 who served

with the RCAVC in World War One Further inform ation re RCAVC officers would be apprec iated

Dr Donald MacDonald 54 o f Edmo nshyton Ita also replied to our RCAVC inquiry with informatio n on the Corps badges He is a collector of militaria especi ally militar y cap badges o f which he has a collection of over 1600 He states cap badges of the RC VC are as scarce as he n s tee th

The O VC museum has o btained cap and uni form badges from Dr G A Rose IS la t address Picton and Dr W A Robenson 16 Tsawwassen BC eachof whom served as veterinary officers during World War O ne 0

In Memoriam Dr Owen Hinton 25 died on January 22 1983 in Florida Las t add ress Rt 4 Box 139 Jasper Florida US A 32052

Dr Vernon jensen 33 died on Dcshyce mber II 19 R2 Las t address 2485 Lon-din Lane St Paul in nesota US A

Dr Edward Burke 35 died on Ja nuary 21 1983 Las t addr ss P OBox 326 So uthport Conn US A 06490

Dr jack Warren 39 Date of death no t reported Last addre ss RR 3 W heatl y Ontario OP 2PO

Dr Wilfred Sherwin 40 died o n 0 tobc r 6 1982 Last address 432 W Washi ngton Street ampa Idaho S A83651

D r j ames Watt 49 died in August 1982 Las t address 790 Ho rtop Avenue Osha wa Ontario LlG 4N8

Or Peggy Godkin 55 died o n Decem ber 5 1982 Last address Inni sfai l Alt a 0

PEl Gets It T he Toro nto Glohe ald Mail of Fe bruary 19 1983 carried the follow ing announce shyment Charl otte town (CP) - Agric ultu re Minister Eugene W he lan announced today that $500000 has bee n appropri ated to

begin architectural pl ans fo r I $26-mi ll ion veterinary college here He sa id at a new confe rence the federal Go vern me nt w ill put up half the co nstruc tion cos t if the three Marit ime p rov inces s ha re t he o ther $ 13-lTI illi on out lay 0


The College of Social Science Alumni Association

PEGAS-US Editor Dorothy Barnes 78

stori ng The Log Farm a farmhouse dating back to the late 1800s Michelle says Michelle and Mustech thi s was a terrific expcrience and the best

N omad pioneer student administrator curator You mi ght ask what these words ha ve in common and the answer you would receive would be that they all aptly describe Miche lle McMillan 77

Mi chelle graduated with a degree in SociologyAnthropology At the same time she graduated from Algonquin Community Collegt with a correspondence course dipshyloma in what she terms M ustec h - Muse um Technology majoring In Exshyhibit esign

Currently assistant director at the Guelph Ci vic Muse um she has held thi s position since the spring of 1979 Her responsibilities include those of regis trar (mai nta ining dltaikd [i Ii ng systems) for the con serva tion of artifacts and ex hibit work She is co-ordinator of some 40 vo lunteers who are in volved in all facets of museum work (to become a muse um vo lunteer all one has to do is call Michelle and arrange for an interview )

When interviewing Michclk it was obvious she has a love for her work that she will pass on to oth~rs possibly some of the young children attending the education programs she supervi ses at the Guelph Civic Museum

Her mothers parents were homeshysteaders and she was brouoht up on stories about pioneering Her interest in pioneering and the Indian way of life was fo stered by a mothe r who had Indian friends and who would often visit these friends experiencshying their way of life even to sleeping quite often in a tepee

Thi s and the fac t that her family moved around a lo t from west to east influenced Michelles deep and lasting love of the past although with a lau gh she says Now I am of the opinion that my mother had a tendency to present a romantic version of the whole situation - espec ially to me as a young child It certainly influenced my interest in studying Anthropol ogy

Michelles ed ucation and working exshyperiences have bee n very infl uential in nurturing her love of the past She started

out at the University of Western On tario but left for perso nal reasons She worked for a ye ar and while working beca me apprenshyticed as a pattern drafter

ichelle mo ved to Ottawa after she had worked the year and regi stereu at Carl eto n Universi ty in Anthropology She studied this for one year and then became aware of a program offered at Algonquin Communit y College on the subject Mu seum Tech nolo gy

Her placement s in work situation while at Algonquin included a summer helping four yo un g me n on a project at the town of Bells Corners ne ar Ottawa re-

job she ever had There was no electr icity so eve rything

was done by hand Her group res tored doors gable-ends flo ors ceilings rtshypointed stone found at ions and raised the building on hydra uli c jacks The y also gl Lt~d windows re searched the huildin g and organized the veget ab le garden

Othelmiddot experiences have included work at thc Na tio nal Museum of Man thc McM ichae l Canadi an Collcction in Klcin shyburg the Wellington County Muse um and the S imcoe County Museum She has al so been a volunteer teacher at the Plains jndian Iroquois and Inuit Ga lleri es of the National M use um of Man

It was Guelphs gain when Miche lle found he rsel f pulled bac k to stud ying in order to co mplete her degree

Michelle is now well established in her position at the Guelph Civic Muscum and dt las t feels she ha s put dow n roots in a c ity she has an alleg iance to one she loves and fee ls more co mfortable in than any other She is involved in trying to build up a research library on local history and artifacts

When asked for pearl s of wisdom fo r new graduates Michelle volunteered that pcople need practical ex perience along with formal learning to balance their percept ion of a ro lc How apropos 0

Th e Cullege uf So cial Science Alumlli Associatioll ill-course scholarships ere Jreserl(d

rnelltlmiddot to lei Junine Crallt Ceog uJJnmiddot olld Virginia Suth erland Psrchologv Attending

tht un lIlOnr wert right Pro(essor Juliu s fugl Department oCeogrupilr and Pr(essor

Mike M(lIh f II~ Iei chuirmun DeJurtlllen t 0 PI cilologr Th e scilolorshiJI 01 $200

each oreul1ded in purt hr all (11 1(( gru llti-om til ( Alma Mawr Fu nd


Lan e Smit h 78 is a so ftware spec ialist Barbara (Cherry) Wilson 80 is pres shyGrad News with Software Ke netics in epean ently res iding at 45 Emily Street Grimsby

Ron Beveridge 67 is an e lementary special counselor with School District 88 Terrace B C

C R ichard Buc k 70 practices law WIth the firm of Weyli e Shortt Buck Hanshybridge Reidl Casselli and Mitchell in Waterloo

Lee D Wetherall 75 is an exec utive ass istant with AIcan in Kingston

Stewart McCann 76 is a lec turer with the University of Alberta Edmonton

Peter J Stanczyk 76 is living at 9940 Fa irmount Drive S E Apartment A-4

C algary Alta Since concluding his studies at Guelph Peter attended the social work course at Wilfrid Laurier University Watershyloo and received a Master o f Soc ial Work

degree in 1982 Peter is now married and he and his

bride We ndy are established as socia l workers with Alberta Social c rvices and Comm unity Health in Calgary We wish Peter and Wend y much happiness in their new partnership success in their choscn fi e ld and contentment in the ir Ii vc s together

Ted Boniface 77 is now n eative direc tor for Ce ntra l Al berta Broadcasting (CKRDshy

T V CKRD-AM and C FCR-FM) in Red Deer Ted has bee n awarded four c itations by the Radi o Bureau of C anada and was nominated for an Aetra Award as producer of the hes t radio program of1979 O ld news we reali ze but how are we going to know o therwise unless you let us know Thanks

Ted for updating us on your activities

Gurnam Singh 77 is an MC A student at the niversity of Ottawa

Roderick Hodgson 78 is back in his home town of H udson Que Rod is emshyployed by the Town of H udson Publi c

Works Departme nt he al so serves on the Town Planning C ommittee and is activel y involved with the volunteer fire department

Perr y Wilson 78 is liv ing in Spirit River Alta Since graduating from G uelph Perry

has obtained a masters degree in Anthropolshyogy from McG ill University and is princ ishypal of Ste Marie Elementary School in Spirit River

John Boyle 78 is presently living at RR 2 Brampton

Karen Russell 78 is a teacher with the Dufferin County Board of Education at Parkinson Centennial School Orangeville

Vicky Su therland 78 is an air traffi c

controller with the Mini stry of Transport Calgary Alta

Susan W alkowiak 78 is a real estate agent with the Safeguard Real Es tate Comshy

pan y Toronto

Craig Willms 78 is an assistant manager with the Toronto-Dominion Bank Watershy


Gordon Cominey 79 is a priest with the Holy Trinity Anglican Church in Edmonshy

ton Alta

Carol (Fogarty) Knox 79 is presentl y residi ng at R R 5 Woodstoc k

Susan Laushway 79 is a probation office r with the Solic itor G eneral of Alshybe rta in Edmonton

Richard E Larente 79 is production manager at Mac Mil lan Bloedel Ville

Mont-Ro yal Q ue

Bryce Andrews 80 has dec ided to conshytinul his education at the n i ve r~ ity of

Weste rn Ontario He is working on an M BA

Dianne M Grenier 80 is in her third year of Common Law at the University of Ottawa

Shauneen (McKague ) Bruder 80 is an MBA student at Queens University Kingston

Michele Forrester 80 is a comm unicashytions clerk w ith the Ontario Yo uth Employment Program Queens Park To shy


Peter Madott 80 is an ass istant product manager with S c Johnson an d So n Ltd


Elizabeth (Ferguson ) latos 80 is a volunteer co-ordinator with B ig Bro thersBig Sisters of Carleton County


Jane Stevens 80 is a teac her w ith the

York Board of Education in Aurora

Loretto (MacDonald) Sullivan 80 is an administrative assistant with Kert Advertis shying Toronto

Sylvia (Bossaer) Willms 80 is a Food

Services supervisor at the UI1Iversity of Guelph

Jane (Stevens) Tremblay 80 is a teacher with the York Board of Education Aurora Jane is married to David U of N Dakota

grad of 79

Lee Anne Burton 80 is a teacher with the Dufferin Peel R C SS Board Mi ss isshy


Maureen S inclair-Barnes 80 is an urban planner with the City of Brantford Husband

is Bruce Barnes 82

Su~ Jones 80 is continuing her education at the Univers ity of Alberta She lives at

11441-132 St 405 Edmonton Alta T M IG2 Bro ther-in-law John Sch neider CBS 73 graduated in Marine


Nicholas Boyadjian 81 is a special events co-ordinator with Unive rsity Ce ntre

Administration Uni ve rsity of Guelph

Debra (Philputt ) Gibson 81 is a te acher

w ith Pee l C ount y Board of Education in

Miss issa uga

Jim Gibson 81 is a branch representati ve o ffi cer with the Ca nadian Imperial Ra nk of

CommCfce Toron to

Linda Helin 81 is presen tly res iding in

C utler on the North C hannel of Lake Huron

Patti La France 81 is a teacher residing at 66-50 Fiddl ers Green Road London

Elizabeth (Crighton) Madge 81 is now married and re siding in Lethbridge Alta

Kathleen Martin 81 is a market research analys t w ith As tra Pharmaceutical s Miss i shy


Edward Leong 82 is administration

manager for the J J Tour Se rvi ce at the Jal an M aju Taman Jade Ce ntre Miri Branch Sara wak East Malaysia

Debbie (Ling) Therrien 82 is employed as cashiersale sperson for Gameway s Ark

Ltd Toro nto

Chin Lan (Kat ) Choi 82 is an executive shyofficer with the ational Produc tivity Board in Singapore Since graduating C hin Lan has married C hoi Chee Keong C PS 82 Much happiness and success to you both

John C Close 82 is a teac her with World University Services of Canada in Zimbabshywe Africa John is married to Mary M A Psych 8 1 WLU 0


The College of Biological Science Alumni Associatio~_~

BIO-ALUMNI NEWS Editor Dr John Powell

Executive CBS Alumni Association HONORARY PRES ID ENT Professor Bruce Sells Dean


Dr George Dixon Ph D 80 Zoology

PAST PRESIDENT Marie (Boissonneault) Rush BSc 80 Marine Biology

VICE PRESIDENT Chris Wren BSc 77 Marine Biology

SECRETARY-TREASURER Cam Portt BSc 77 MSc 80 Zoology

DIRECTORS David Airdrie BSc 82 Microbiology Krista Soper BSc 79 Marine Biology Lorrie Cosens BSc 79 Marine Biology Eric Cosens BSc 80 General Biology Keith Harris B Se 76 Marine Biology

EX-OFFICIO DIRECTORS Marie (Boisonneault) Rush BSe 80 Marine Biology Shawn Taylor BSc 83 Aquatic Biology Past President CBSSC Brian Wisenden President CBSSC

FACULTY ADVISORS to be chosen one from each DepartmentSchool

UGAA REPRESENTATIVE S Jan Watshyson BSc 75 Zoology Lorrie (Rolston) Cosens BSc 79 Marine Biology Rob Miln B Sc 81 Marine Biology

EDITOR BlO-ALUMNI NEWS Professhysor John Powell Human Biology 0

Please help us to help you When corresponding or upshydating information or address do tell us not only your year of graduation but your discipline

Where Are They Now The following 20 names were entered on the College of Biological Science Honour Roll for years 1976 and 1977 We w ish to know how your career has progressed and

FALL 1976

Brenda Henry (Marine Biology) and Winter 77

janis Kay 78 (Genetics) and Winter 77

Laurence McClure OVC 81 (Unshyspecialized and Winter 77

Linda (Nelson) Sinclair 78 (Human Kinetics) and Spring 77


Sherry (Bondorenko) Miller 77 (Hushyman Kinetics)

jellrey Chernoff 77 (Unspecialized)

Wendy Harris 77 (Major in Biology)

C harlene Kopansky 77 (Human Kineshytics)

Peter MacDonald (Human Kinetics) and Winter 78

Blain Mollatt (Microbiology)

Darjo Romani 78 (Major in Biology) also Fall 77 and Winter 78

Barry Rosen~rg 77 (Unspecialized)

Cheryl Rowe 77 (Human Kinetics)

FALL 1977

Gregory Casey 79 (Microbiology) also Fall 78 and Winter 79

William Crins 78 (Botany)

jill Cross OVC 82 (Unspecialized)

what you are doing currently Do you have intere s ting episodes to relate in the BIO-ALUMNI NEWS Please lets hear from you

David C a mpbell 78 (Major in Biology)

Richard Proctor 80 (Ecology)

Carolyn Robertson (U nspecialized)

joanne (Ryder) G unby 79 (Genetics) and Winter 79 0

Grad Bash 1983

Organized jointly by the CBS Alumni Association and the CBS Students Council in April more than 280 students alumni current and former staff and faculty sat down for dinner prior to presentations being made to our dean

Contributions came from members of the College and a bird sculpture fashioned by Uta Strelive Zoology was the first of many gifts

Next came a memory book containing many letters photographs clippings and a variety of incidents all pieced together by Association president Marie (Boissonshyneault) Rush 80

Betty Roff gave the dean a special book of clippings collected by herself Two framed portraits of Professor Ronald one already hung in the main office of McNally house the other for the Ronald family completed the tributes

Altogether this gathering was a fitting acknowledgement of a great man who has done great things for us all 0


Scholarships In the Names of

Ronald and PoweU The CBS Alumni Association is pleased to announce the introduction of a scholarship for graduate students in the name of Proshy

fessor Keith Ronald Professor Rona ld as of July I had served for 12 years as the first dean of the CBS and the awarding of a

sc holarship in his name is a fitting tribute to

all he has done fo r the College the Univershys ity and the CBS Alumni Assoc iation

The Hum an Kine tics Alu mni Assoc iashy

tion anno unced its intention to name an undergraduate scholarship in the School of Human Biology in the name of Dr John T Powell as he retires from the Unive rsity in 1984

Do nations to eithe r or both of these

sc holarship funds shou ld be sent direc tl y to the Department of Alumni Affairs and Development-clearly ind icati ng to which sc ho la rs hip your donation is to be alloca ted - or when contributing to the Alma M ater F und noting that your monie s

be channeled to the sc holars hip of yo ur choice 0

Grad News Biological S cience

Lesley (Wilson) Barton 73 and Bruce 70 MSc 74 live in Keremeos B C R R No I VOX JNO will find them

E thel Anita Hamilton 79 and hu sband

Wayne Barcha r d 76 MSc 79 live in Hali fax NS where Ethel is a habitat proshy

tec tion technician with fishe ries and Oceans while Wayne is head Office Assessment Scction Environment Canada 3rd Floor 45 Alderney Drive Dartmouth N S

Marilynne (Wise) McCausland 77 is a research microbiolog ist with Molson Bre wshyeries of Canada Ltd and may be reached at 1555 No tre Dame East Montrea l Que H2L 2R5

Michael W Tate 79 write s mos t kindly thanking us for kee ping people in touch through th is column He is a teac her at Mo rnings tar Secondary School in Mi ss isshysauga

Natalie Mary Olynyk 79 may be reached at 3 120 Duffer in Street in T oronto where she is re staurant manager for Olyn yk Foods Ltd

Marine Biology

Gl en A Packman 74 and Sharon (Noda ) Arts 72 li ve at 21 Albion Road Hali fax S B3P IP8 Glen is a senior

biologist with En vironment Canada

Jo l1n Plumb 76 and M arianne (Conshynoly ) 77 may be reached at 37 Coldstrea m Road Box 303 Munster Ont KOA 3PO John works as an indu strial engineer with

the Mitel Corporation - Kan ata

Human Kinetics and Human Biology

Joy (Reid) Tomes 70 is a team coshyordinator with the Workman s Co mpensashytion Board- 2 Bloor St East Toronto Ont oM7W IA2

Terry Obi Oblinski 71 holds the pos it io n of supervisor with the 3M Comshypa ny at 2 Craig Street Pe rt h Onto K7 H 3C5

Robert T a p Fawcett 72 teac hes at the W 1 Fenton Secondary Schoo l R R 0 10 in Brampton Ont L6V 3 2

Marie-Andree (Pi lon) Poulin now teache h igh school in Montreal write her at 76 Lesage Repent igny Que J3A 5Y5

Dr Tom Elmslic 74 M-Sc 77 is a g lutton for punishment as he isjust complet ing another MSc this time in Epidemi o lshyogy at McM as ter University preparatory to his return to Ottawa

Glen Paterson 78 of 16 Da lto n A ve nue T hunder Bay On t P7B 4E9 is ea rl y chi ldhood educato r with the Confederation o f Applied Art s and Technology B ro ther Larry R Paterson g radu ated with a BLA in 69

Eric bullbull Art Arthurs 80 is s till at 12272 shy110 Avenue Edmonton Alta T5M 2L3 He work s for Consolidated Concrete Limshyi ted as a dragl i ne opera tor

Henry Fox 81 lives at 1520 Verdi La Salle Que H8l I K4

Christine (Krumbacher) F()se 81 may be reached at Box 252 2 Banff Alta TOL OCO

Ch rist ine (Novakuske) Lavallee MSc 81 is a stude nt again stud ying French and living at 0428A Larose A ve nue Mo nt real Que H2B 2Z2

Ginger (Thompson) Elmore 81 seeks work in the geriatric field Are you able to help Write he r please at 107 Ontario Avenue Komoka Onto NOL IRO

Don Doc Wilson 81 is physica l direc tor at the Waterloo Family YMCA Lincol n Road Waterloo Ont N2J 2N8

Jan McMullan 82 ne wly wedded to Mark Newcombe MSc 83 is presently ass istant manager - Ri ordan s Sport S 183 Silvercreek Parkway in Guelph She tells us of four co usins who have g raduated fro m Guelph - Brenda (Bu lton) Dagg CSS 72 Bryce Dagg 72 Donald Sifton 70 and Bonnie (Sifto n) W alsh C SS 72

Fisheries and Wildlife

Lorna l Depuydt 77 is a price specia li st with Massey-Fe rg uso n Her adshydress is 3941 Whispering Wa No 6 Grand Rapids Mich USA 49506

Steven Kerr 77 works as di s trict biologist for the Mi nistry of Natu ra l Reshysources - 611 Ninth Avenue Eas t O wen Sound Ont NOH IS O

Richa rd P Bekolay 77 MSc 80 R R N o ) Carp Ont KOA ILO is a program analyst with Digital Equipment Corporation at Kanata

Marie Legrow 80 is once aga in a s tudent at Gue lp h li ving in Guelph at [02 Queen St reet North IE 4S I


Ann (Stewart) Gray 79 and husband Dr eil Gray 76 li ve at 40) - 251 Platts Lanc in London Ont N6 H 4P4 Ann is a re search assistant at the Universi ty of We stshyern Ontari o

Robe- W Marks 81 is a production trainee with Labatt Brewin g Comp any in Kitchene r


Dr Rob J Van Exan 74 MSc 76 PhD79 ho lds the position of manager Cell Culture Produc tion with Connaught Laboratories 1755 Steeles Avenue West Will owdale Ont M2R 3T4

Chuck Yipchuk 78 wo rks in Quebec 87 Senneville Road Sennev ille a s c oshyordinator of da ta at Bi o- Re search Laboratori es

Dr Harr y Nixon Chabwela W eza MSc 79 P h D 82 may be contacted at loni Katandika Vtllage Chief Kakumbi P O Box 154 Chipata Za mbia where he is a bio log ist wi th National Parks

Douglas Stendahl MSc 79 is with the -federal government s Minist ry o f Indian Affairs and Northe rn De velopment- P O Box 1500 Yukon N W T He is water quality officer


Rick Proctor 80 is a consultant with I P Sharp Associates 2 First Canadian Place Toronto Ont M5X IE3 0


The Ontario Agricultural College Alumni Association

ALUMNI NEWS EdJtor Dr Harvey W Caldwell 51

Financial Management Related to Agriculture One of the main sessions at the OAC Agricu ltural Conference 83 dealt wit h financial management as it relates to agricu lture Robert Sanderson who is with the Ontario Farm Adjustment Asshysistance Program was a main speaker and presented the following paper

Ten years ago most farmers were smilingshyagr icu lt ure see med to have finally gained its reward Worl d short age s of food provided ampl e markets and steadily rising prices lor prac tica lly all crops

Thi s idea li s ti c situation continued for a co uple of years until the granaries of the wo rl d were refi li ed De mand then norshyma li zed and pri ces for most agricultural prod ucts hega n to dec line In spite of price dec lines and li mited markets co nsiderable optimi sm conti nued to be fe lt o n the farm sce ne thro ughout mos t of the 1970s

Late in that peri od infl a ti on reall y ca ught fi re rai sing inpu t cos ts for supplie s and labour The ri se in land pri ces exceeded the most optimis tic es timates during this sa me time

In an a tte mpt to s te m thi s ra mpant infla tio n interes t rates increased almost threefo ld beg inning In 1979 and the world hega n it s slide into recession Farml and prices ceased to r ise in 198 1 and are now crumbli ng wi th uncer tain ty and lac k o f demand

We have no doub ts abo ut th e successshyful future o f ag ri cult ure hcre in Ontari o but today for many farmers adj ugtt me nts are necessa ry to remain so lve nt and for too many oth ers bo th adj ustme nts and so me ass iq an ce are necessary for their prese nt and future surviva l

There are some who are beyo nd he lp and farm bankru ptcies are at their highest leve l since the grea t Depression o f the 1930s These cond it io ns brought about the crea tio n of the On tari o Farm AdJustmcn t Ass istance Program (OFA AP) T hi s proshygram during 1 9~2 has bee n assisting eli g ible farmers who needed he lp

The re are two prime reaso ns fo r


fin anci al woes cited by appl ican ts - high interes t rates and lower farm incomes On the other hand the prime reaso n fo r ~ome

farmen probl ems e ited by lenders is ove r-e xpansion We be li eve both views are va lid and unques ti onabl y are respo ns ible for the prese nt ago ny and unres t on 100

many Ontario farms Le nde rs cite seve ral o the r importa nt

reaSl)l1S whic h also bea r o n the prob le m The borrowers oft e n refe r to them too but usuall y wit h di fferen t emphasis ThcY em shyphas ize the c lt treme instability of fa rm income the se rious lac k of pro per pl an ning bu dge ting accmatc farm record and fin all y the practice of making unprodu ctive investmcnts

Because of the qualifying criteria asshysociated ith an application for as s istan ce from OfAAP one must keep in mind that our observations are limited to about 10 per ce nt of Ontario farm operatlolls That 10 per ce nt is cl ose to the bottom of the gro up on the bas is o f financial sec urity OFA AP assista nce is limited to those produc ing Iood and tobacco Therefore data regard in g proshyducers of fl owers nursery stock race shyhorscs etc ha ( no t come he fore us and the financ ial ituati ons ltlr not inc luded in any of o ur informati o n

Applica ti ons have been appro ved for farmers operating all across the pro vince

Of the to tal approved about 20 per ce nt were in swine prod uctio n abou t 15 per ce nt were in eac h of cash crop prod uction da iry producti on and beef prod uct ion 4 per cen t were in fruit and vege ta ble prod uctio n 3 pel cent were tobacco fa rmers and the Ies t co mbinations of the above Those farm ers producing etgs and poultry were fe w

I n a review of appli ca tio ns for OFAAP ass istance several COl1ll1lo n sce nari os co nshytin ue to ap pear on a so me what re petiti ve has is and are ca tegorized as fo ll ows

1 Young or Beginning Farmers

Th ose under 35 years o f age wen res pons ishybl e for nearl y ha lf o f a ll the app li cati ons In thi s gro up are many who have Just begun fa rm ing Mo~ t of these arc victims of inopport un e tim ing hav in g acq uired land buildings and equ ipme nt be twee n 1979 and 19R2 For the m the combinati on o f lower th an ex pee ted prices of farm produc ts and the extre me inc reases in the ir fi na nc ing charges due to hi gh interes t rates_ have becn dlvas tatin g This is partic ul arl y true where Illos t assets were fi nanced the bcg inshyning equit y be in g Illodes t

2 The Aggres sive Expansionist

Many farmers who did well farming on a

modlst basis in the mid-70s dec ided that s ince o ne farm was pro fitabl e two wo uld be bette r three be tter than two Aggress ive

expan sion mos tl y on c redit du ring this i ntl a tio nary pe riod produced many paper millionaires in the farm co mmunity by the late 70s The elation fo r some of these

fa rmers d id not lasl far into the 80s T hose with 100 much bo rro wed cap ital

found that the ir farm income c ul d not

support the debt load So me of these

atlcmpted fu rthe r borro wing in an e ffort to mai nta in their ho l ding ~ and fo und ou t like o thers before them th at it is imposs ible to

borro w your way out of debt O thers so ld or tried to sell some o f the ir land o r eq uipment in an effort to re ti re at leasl o me of the ir cri ppling de bt and there by salvage at

least a part o f the ir operation

One rather sad varia tio n o f this las t s itua tion occ urs occ as io na lly whe re a

farmer who has had a succes~ fu l and so lvent opera tion decide to ex pand to a llow a son

o r so n- in-law into the bus in ss because of a des ire on the part of the young per on to

farm or occasionally because he is no t employed The expansion in Jand and eljuipment particularly if it occu rred in the

last three years and if it were do ne mainl y o n credit with a mortgage taken on his once so lvent operation has robbed the farmer of

his security and his peace of mind Furthershy

mo re in some of these s ituations the disappointed newcomer in the bus iness moved on leaving dear o ld dad to make the best of it

3 The Equipment Enthusiast

Another scenario concerns the man who is o bsessed with the need to ac quire equipshyment or to make add ition s and improveshy

ments to a lready adequate buildings To pay

for it out of the revolvi ng operating loan or to finance it in other ways withou t first having established that it will pay for itself will inevitably c reate financial problem s

Whe re there has been a general disregard for thi s kind of purchas ing the end resu lt has usually been disas trous

4 Natural Disasters

We regularly see the result s of natural

disas ters - floods windstorms hail frost disease and fires All of the se misfortunes can be c rippling to any operation but when adequate insurance coverage is not carried or if one of these di sasters occur whe n a farmers equity is low or when hi s princi pal and interest charges consume much o f his income it can be disastrous to his economic

pos ition

5 Family Unity

From OFAAP applicatio ns it is noted that some farmers who experience a marriage break- up seem to have diffi culty maintainshy

ing fi nanc ial solvency W hen asse ts are

di vided and whe n atte nt ion to management

is di e r ted hccause o f family pro blems the farm operation is often morta ll y wounded

Farmers and farm op ratnr are much more vulnerable in this si tua tio n because thei r

wives arc o ften much more invol ved in the e lllerprise than in non- farm situations

6 Offmiddot Farm Income

Appl ications incl ude a great nu mher of

insta nces in which if it were not fo r 0 ffmiddot fa rm income o f either the farmer or his wife or

occas io na lly both the ir farm o peratio n wo uld be tota lly un viable and unab le to continue to fu nc tion It is well the n fo r

those in th se c ircumstances to r cogniu tha t if the off-farnl inco me should e nd it wo uld also mea n the te rmination of the

farming operatio n

7 Enterprise Changes

A review 0 f appli ca tions indicates that some

farmers are hoping to comple tely change

thei r c rop or li ves toc k programs attemptin g perhaps to outguess the marke t and to

improve their financial return s Sometimes the expectation in vo lved in the dec is ion is

correct but so o ften when the costs inshyvol ved in the c hange are considered little

has been gai ned and where the deci s ion to change was unwi se co nsiderable loss is

usually the result The ot her extreme to this

situation is rigidity to the poi nt of makin g no changes at all

8 Manage ment

The management ability of any applicant

farmer is difficult to assess Most applicants are not known and there is no opportunity to assess the actual farm operation Ho wever

experience with OFAA P emph asizes that good financial management is c ritical to the

success of any farm operation Here is a li s t of definite Do and

Do nts that should be much in the minds of farmers operating in the present financial climate All of these suggestions re tlect the ex periences we have had working with

appli ca tions for O FAA P

The Definite Dos

Do base an operation on an informed farm

plan keep ing and using good record~ and approved acco unting proced ures Do work c losely wi th the credit source shy

usually the banker Plan and work within

approved revo lving ope rating loan limits Make regular cred it payments when due and when unable to make p ro per arrange shy

ments ahead of time w ith your c reditor or credito rs Do make necessary adju stme nts in land and equipm e nt befo re u nder tak ing further borrow in g Do shop around for cred it and i nve~ tig ate

ava il ah le programs to cu t credit cos ts Do pay off on loans when surplus cas h is

ava il able It won t be any fun but it w ill

he lp to re tain sol vency Do try to ma intai n stability in your far m o peration and kee p the peace a t h IllC

Do seek the professi o nal adv ice of you r ag ric ultu ra l represe ntative anJ Ir indwtry fiel d per~on ne I

The Definite Donts

Dont borrow for capita l items unless they

are abso lu te I y necessary Dont make capi ta l purchases with funds

frolll your revo lvi ng opera ting account w ithout co nsul ta tion and agreeme nt with

the bank manager Dont expand any operation without sound

pl ann ing Dont plunge and make rapid changes in

the ope rati ng patte rn without so und consultation 0

Partners For 70 Years

Arthur Cowie 09 now 95 and his wife Nina now 92 were married March 19 1913 near Nel son B C They li ved in

HC for three years then returned to Caledo nia where Arthur worked for the A

Jone s bakery He returned to the 200-acre farm homestead in 1922 when his father

was kill ed in a farm accident Arthur se rved in the 19305 and early

19405 as co uncillor and also served as

a Ju s tice of the Peace for the farm communit y

Nina Co wie whose g reat lo ve was

dancing has onl y one regre t and that is tha t she could never get her hu sband o nto the -dance floor The Scotti ~ h dances Hig hlan d

tlin gs and Scotti sh reels made hi s head spin He played the record s and watched

from the sidelines while ina did the danc ing

They have no secrets tor a long happ y marriage excep t working at it Theyve

done Jus t tha t for 70 years Bes t wishes to them both 0


OACGrads on Faculty at Nova Scotia Ag College

Lauranne Sanderson M Sc 81 is with the Humanities Department She specialized in Animal Science in her undershygraduate years but added to that a master program in Agricultural Economics Lauranne has lived on a mi xed lives t()c k and cash crop farm in southern O ntario At the No va Scotia Agricultural College (NSAC) she is teaching Tec hnical W riting but is specializing in the area of Com munications and Agricultural Extension

Barbara (Otrysko) Mulkewytch 78 MSc 81 is with the Plant Science Deshypartment Prior to her appointment at NSAC she was employed as a potato crops specialist with the New Brunswick Departshyment of Agriculture Her teaching and research will include projects on potato and crop protect ion

Yes Surry MSc 81 is with the Economics and Busi ness De partment Yves was born in Pamiers France has an M A fro m the nivers ity of Pari s and is in the process of completing his Ph D from Guelph Yves has a strong interes t in teachshying and his research interests hould be a welcome addition to the reg ion He is pre sent ly teaching courses in Micro and Macro Economic Theory

Laurie (Gaunt) Connor 73 is w ith the Department of Animal Science She earned MSc and Ph D degrees specia li zi ng in reproduct ion phys iology from the nivershysity o f Manitoba Prior to joining NSAC she was a NSERC Vi iting Fellow at the Animal Research Centre in Ottawa Her teaching and research work is mainly in the re producti ve physiology field

Also at NSAC are Sheree Porter CSS 79 and Myrna (Porter) Blenkhorn 76 John Shug 37A and 40 is the sec re tary o f the Nova Scotia Agricultural College Alumni Association 0

Please help us to help you When corresponding or upshydating information or address do tell us not only your year of graduation but your discipline

Th ree generatiuns of heramify were present when fleather Rohinson right centre FACS 83 graduated ut Wim er Convocation With her f rom [eji to righture her grandfather John Inglis her moth er Vlarirn (Inglis ) Robinson Mac 55 0 member of the Uni versirys Boord of Govern ors ond her father Doug Rohinson 53

Above Mllrrav Ma cGregor 5 1 lei with the winners of the OAC s 25th annual Alumni Curling Bon spiel Left to right GeorRe Robinson 651 Mu rrav Elliotl 65A Keith Murru 65A and Jern- Forestell 6511 Right OAC Alumni Associashytion president Hell ry Slanle 55 right was preslntedwith un engraved pewta stein to recugnie 25 years of participation ill Ihe bOlspiel Conshygratuluting Henry is Bill Harrison 62 bonspiei commillee chuirman


the individual members excellence andThe Ronald S Ritchie Le cture integri ty

This idea for the new body was not accepted by members of Cabinet They

The Opening Up of PubHc PoHcy The Opening Up of Public Policy was

Selllior Michael Piffields fopic when he

delifred fhe annual Ronald S Rifchie

LeclUre of fhe UniversifY in March

A Rmduafe ofSf Lawrence Universify

17 ( graduafed in lawjrom McGill UniversifV

and holds a Rrodlla fe diploma in Public La w

Fom Ih e UlliversifY ofolIa wa H efirsl joined Ihe Public Service as an

wlminislrafive assiSfam in Ihe Depa rimem

oJuslice in 1959 Ialer served onlhe sraffof Ih e Goernor General and as secrelary fO

117 1 Royal Commission on Taxalion In 1965

he joined Ihe Privy Council Office He

became depuly minisler of Consumer and

Corporafe Affairs in 1973 and Ihe followshy

inli year lOok up an appoinfmem as Fellow

in fhe John F Kennedy School of Governshy

mOl (If Harvard Un iversifY In 1975 he

relurned 10 Ollawa as Clerk of fhe Privy

Council and Se crelarv 10 Ihe Cabinel

The annual leclre recognizes Ihe comrihwion made 10 fhe Universily by

former Board of Govemors chairman

ROllald S Rilchie A reporl on Senafor Piffields presemalion follows

Senator Pitfield paid tribute to Rona ld Ritchie his important work in the Glassco Commission and his influence in the estabshylishment of the Institute for Research on Public Policy

In thi s th oug htful and thoughtshyprovoking presentation Senator Pitfield outlined the need for and the desirability of more open discussion before policies are introduced but there are some very real difficulties associated with de vel oping some me chanis m that could foster and encourage such exchanges of ideas

[t was pointed out that because of the high degree of interdependency of modern society and the size and complexity of governments the making of public polic y must be an intellectual subject in its own right not just a conglomeration of di scishyplines It had become evident that

I A methodical analysis of government activity could lead to improvements in government effectiveness

2 Traini ng in making and managment of public policy was crucial and urgent

3 There were few in government who knew why things were done the way they were

4 The making and management of pubshylic policy was a subject unique in itself and required thinking through for itself

5 Universities and other training institushytions were not very useful in this training process universities being too removed from the actual experience of government and the government institutions being withshyout the detachment and intellectual rigour needed

Thus it became evident that there was a need for an institution that would be a repository of knowledge a pl ace of learnshying a foru m for debate and a means of communication co ncerning public policy

Proposal s emerged that the federal go vernment should assis t some of the organizations already in existence Comshypetition became keen and rivalry among institutions re su lted in grander more comshyplex proposals As a result the federal go vernment in 1968 decided to establish a think-tank of its own to take a more rigorous look at public polic y

The idea was not new In many countries the general thinking was that all problems could be so l ved by inrelleclUal anal ysis and the appl ication of modern techshyniques But the ne w Trudeau go vernment went even beyond providing more data It included public debate of public policy

But the think-tank was only one of the initiatives to aid in the formation of policies There was support for political parties through caucus funding offi ce space support staff and regional offices for Members of Parliament and internsh ip programs for students to work as assistan ts to MPs

Other support included green and white papers for discussion commissions of inquiry task forces public funding of non-political grou ps to encourage discusshysion and many others to increase the flow of information for consideration of alternashytives All were done to open up the process o f meaningful debate which would result in more effective and sound decisions

The th ink-tank was to be a centre for var ious kinds of people to di scuss public policy subjects which were often set aside because of day to day pressures At first it was to be very informal with distinguished people invited to participate Its integrity and permanency would be based on that of

were concerned that existing research instishytutes would be damaged They also wanted in volvement of business and professional communities This challenge to broaden the scope was gi ven to Ron Ritchie

Ritchie foresaw an institution that would be independent supported by an endowment which would not only support but st imu late debate on public policy

Man y fears were raised - that such a body would be taken o ver by academics that it would become a clique that govern shyments would battle for control etc But these were dealt with skillfully by Ritch ie and the Institute for Researc h on Public Policy was establ ished

What of its accomplishments~ This institute has been successfu l in

many ways in getting better information into debate [n the ten years since its beginning many studie s have been pubshyli shed It has held many informat ive confershyences and has a unique journal Howeve r despite its efforts open and meaningful debate on public policy is not much more advanced tod ay than it was a decade ago

It is evident that to ach ie ve its objecshytives there mu st be a willingess to change opi nions and the Canadian sys tem prov ides few forums for the changing of minds The bias is towards decision-makers and interest groups not open and meaningful debate

Public debate often takes pl ace after rather than before the decision is taken Thi s may not be what is wanted but policy-making is tilted not tow ards being open but towards being closed

Why has there not been more progress [n h is pre se ntation Mi chael Pitfield refershyred to the fact that the go vernment whose people should discuss the si tuation has become even more confrontational not because of lack of information but because of rigidity in their approach to discussion of public policy

As govern ment ha s grown so have checks and balances which recently have often been linked to lack of confidence Where slim majorities exist a strong opposhysi tion can threaten the government Party di sc ipline becomes severe and ai ring of independent views is discouraged The fear of a government being defeated on the one shyhand and the unyielding demands ot the opposition on the other tends to make the parliamentary process less and less flexible

The result of the foregOing is the tendency of government in modern times to drop solutions on a public th at may not be aware of the problems These solutions are not open to argu ment and debate is reduced

conld over


w ith bias tending towards a cl osed system and less debate

To improve the situation it seems it wlluld be necessary to have a mutual and

ba lanced reduction of force on both sides

The ge neral equilibrium of the system needs to be ma in tained W hat is needed is the reduction of secre tiveness of the gove rn shyment on one side and a reduc tion of the

danger of e mbarrass ment or de fea t of the govern men t on the other side

T here must be a wil li ngness to secure

more ope n debate on al l sides and our

leaders ha ve not done that e ven on m ost import ant issues More ope n and rneltll1 ingshyful deba te will require more thi nk ingshy

thro u middoth - something Mc mbers of Parlishy

ame nt may not he able to do or be free to do or have the necessary knowledge to do But the id ea behind the Institute for Remiddot

search on Public Policy was tha t such a body could bring about better decisions

All publi c problems cannot be solved by thought and tech nolog ics but few can be solved without these contr ibutions

The Institute for Research on Public Policy cannot create better public policies

by itself It must have input from all sectors to bring about more open and meaningful public debate which will result in constant

improvement of government - somethin g

that everyone desires 0

Grad News Herb Nor ry M Sc 52 has moved to

London as a farm business advisor wit h

O M AF working in eight counties

Denny Silvestrini PhD 5R is director of quality controlresearch and de velopment Eskimo Pie Corporation Ric hmond Virshy

ginia SA He had served as manager quality control and product deve lopment

Ralston Purina Co mpany St Luuis M isshysouri U SA

John Hagarty 61 is manager fi e ld

service s Rural O rganizati ons and Serv ice s Branch OMAF Guelp h

Ismail Siragcldin Ph D 62 is professor Department of Population Dynami cs and

Political Economics the Johm Hopkins

University Baltimore Md S A

Arlene (Fournier) 65 and Dick Flis

MSc 65 are in Edmo nton Alta where Dick is petroleum products manager wes tmiddot ern Canada Imperia l Oil Ltd

Craig Hunter 66 is pre sident Cra ig

Hunter Poult ry Farms Ltd Stro ud

Colin Triver s 67 is a consulting e ngineer and On tario land surveyor for e G Trivcrs

Ltd T he ssalon

Peter Mosher Ph D 70 is director

bureau of agric ultural prod uctio n Depart shyment of Agriculture Ba ngor Me USA

Cordon Brown 76 is sen ior food techshynolog is t new prod ucts process developshy

ment Tho masJ Lipton Inc in Bram pton

Martel C outure MSc 76 is acting di rec tor d iploma progra m Macdonald Colshy

lege Ste nne de Belle vue Que

Charlie Ellintt 78 vnfe Ja ne and

first -born Ian C harles born Jan uary 20

1983 are living near S hetland C harlie is now working fo r Elliott Bros G rain and Feed Ltd

Dennis Ring 78 is credit manager Farm C redit Corp C hatham H is wife is Carnl (Weeks) 79

R Cunrad Genee 79 is a sales represhy

sentative with CIBA-Geigy Canada Ltd in

Winnipeg Man

Howard Armstrong RO is an industrial

engineer with the B utler Ma nufacturing Co (Canada) Ltd Nisku Alta

Bruce Broadbent PhD 80 is a research scientist entomology with Agriculture

Canada Vineland Station

Mic hael Tulloch 80 has been accepted as

a professional engineer by the Council of the APEO He now manages engineering functions for eG Trivers Ltd Thessalon

BruceGitelman 81 will be joining Wood G undy Ltd Investment Broke rs as a

corporate finance associate in September

Danicllc Wenstrom 81 is a quality a ss urance su pe rvisor for Pil lsb ury of Canada Ltd M idland

Christine Deslandes MSc R2 is a lecturer at Alfred Col lege of Agricu ltu re

and Food Technology A I fred

Diploma Graduates

Donald Morley 68A is ge nera l ma nager De Marco Homecare Ce ntre Sutton West

Jeffrey Currah 74A is marke ting man shyage r Fortam ix-a division of BASF

Canada Inc Georgetown

Brian Roberts 76A is a welder with Hillcook Ind ust ri es Ha milton 0

In Memoriam Raymond David Ure 15A and 21 January 24 In3 ~uddenly a t Tecumse h

age 87 He had bee n very act ive un til

recently H is son Donald re is it

graduate of 49

Dr Genrge M Stirrett 20A and 22 died December 15 1982 H is many co nshy

tri bu tiono had bee n recogni zed by the Heritage Canada Found ation The fo llowshy

ing is an account of the tribu te pa id to him Fe bruary 16 1 9~ I at Government HDu~e

O ttawa

His Excelle ncy Gove rnor Ge nera l

Edward Sc hrcyer prese med the Commun imiddot cations A wards Atl antic Reg ion to Dr

George M St irrett of Grand Falls Ne w

Bru ns wick Dr Stirrett has been comm itted to natural h is tory conservation for ma ny

years bo th before and after hi s ret ire ment from the Canadian W ildlife Service and Parks Canada in 1964

He worked hard for the preservation of the falls and gorge area at Grand Falls

and on other conservation needs in Ne w Brunswick and Ma ine He has also written

on the iss ues of conservation using Ihe pcn name G raham Vail and since April 1979

has publi shed a weekly column Notes on atural History in the G rand Falls

Cataract His columns stress the appreciashytion and enjoyment of nature as well as the need for preserving it

Norman Hodgins MacBeth 23 Fe bruary 3 1983 in St John N B He had retired in

1967 as General Manage r of General Dairies Ltd

David R Owen 25 in Medi c ine Hat

Alta February 6 1983 at age 82 He was a di rector of the fi rs t ollege Roy al and spe nt

most of his li fe teachi ng and farmi ng in Saskatchewan

Ronald John Quinn 35 Fe bruary 17 1983 in London His wife Helen (Farshyquhar) is a lso a graduate o f 35

Bruce Douglas Innes 36 passed away Septe lllber 29 19 82 D uring his college

years he took part in ma ny ac tivitie s bu t he -re membered with particu la r pleasure be ing Grand C hampion Showman College Royal

35-the first time that the honour had bee n won by anyone o ther than a fou rth year man Bruce owned and operated a dairy

farm at Burford since I 939 and was an

acti ve and ded icated farmer until his death

H is wife Margaret died in A pril 1983 T hey leave daughters Lorna Lawrence

Mac 68 and Karen and son Robert 0


Macdonald Institute College of Family and Consumer

Studies Alumni Associat ion

ALUMNI NEWS Editor Joan (Anderson) Jenkinson 66


BASc Grads-Class o f 80

EntploYDlent Survey T he University s Counselling and Reshysource Centre recentl y completed an inshyucpth survey covering the empl oyment activities of the 211 graduates who in 19RO earned Bachelor of Applied Sc ience Degrees

The survey indicates th at gradu ates are e nj oy ing a variety of interes ting and chalshylenging careers

A gratifying 73 per cent of th e graduates re sponded to the survey with 51 per cent of the respondents indi catin g that they have completed or are completing graduate degrees or programs on a full- or part-time bas is Of the 153 respondents 78 per ce nt including one who is self emshyployee have full-time employment The remainder are employed part-time or are pursuing further studie s

Li sted below are the indicated ca reers chosen in the four major areas of study

Applied Human Nutritio n

ut ritiond ietetics Food service administration More than 50 per cent of the responshy

dents obtained reg istered profe ss ional dietishytian certificates The Admini strati ve Emshyphasis course is no longer offered in the

Applied Human utrition program It is available through the Bachelor of Comshymerce program

Family Studies

A number of grad uate s found posit io ns in teac h ing or social services such as

Adult protecti ve service workers Infant de ve lopment specialists Geront ology consultants Supervisors and field workers with social service agencies Other Family Studies graduate s are

working in government srv iees and in the private ec toras home economists financial co un se llors librarians hostel managers Family Studies graduates tend to sl ck caree rs in the helping profess ion s

Consumer Studies

There are four emphasis areas 01 study within this maj or The survey indicates that

Food gradu ates are employed in areas of produci development marketing and food technology with majo r food companies Hou si ng emphasis graduates are wo rkshying with government agencies and in teac hing

Consumer Beha vio ur e mph asis graduates are in industry business and res earc h Tex tile and Clothin g e mph asis grads are employed in research merchandi sshying and banking Often after working for a year or

more Consumer Studies graduates will return to gradu ate study o r profess ional programs on a full- or part-time bas is

Child Studies

Many Child Studies graduates are emp loyed in teaching supervisory or other child-care related sett ings such as soc ial work with fami lies and children Re ported part -lime and temporary em pl oy ment pos ishytions include work as supply teachers child care supervisors special education leac hers and as lecturers in uni ve rsity settings

It is imporl an t to note that this emshyploy ment survey reports the caree r paths chose n by onl y one graduating cl ass Dat a is collccl~d on a yearl y bas is from gradu ates in Family and Consumer Studies In order to observe the broad scope of employment opportunities avail able a four-year tabulashytion wo uld pl~ c nt a more complete picture of the profess ional activities of graduates

In summary FACS programs offer students a sound educational background to meet the need s of i nduslry educational institut io ns governme nt and bus in c The future for FACS graduates is indeed bright as the College co ntinues to gro w and develop programs to meet the challenges of the 80s 0



BASc Gradsmiddot Class of 80 Further Education Pursued

Major Total

Graduates Number of

Respondents R PDt BEd MEd MSc MD MA

Applied Hum an Nu trition 65 45 23 3 I

Family Studies 64 44 19

Consumer Studies 48 33 2

C hild Studies 34 31 II I I I

TOTAL 21 1 ( 1007c)

153 (73 oc )

23 32 I 4 I I

FACS Has New

Dr Richurd Burhunl

Dean Professor Richard M Barham was apshypointed dean of the College of Family and Consumer Studies for a fi ve-year term effective July I 1983 He succeeds Dr Janet M Wardlaw who has served as dean since 1969

Professor Barham has been chairman of the Department of Family Studies since

1976 and served as acting dea n in [980 while Dean Wardlaw was on administrative leave

A graduate of the University of Otago Dunedin e Zealand Richard Barham received a Ph D degree from the University of Alben a dmonton in Ed ucational Psychology

He has served on the faculty of the Department of Educational Psychology at the University of Alberta and as professor and acting chairman of the Department of Education University of Otago

While in New Zealand he was an executive member of the council of The Ne w Zealand Psychological Society and served as its president

At Guelph he has taught both undershygraduate and graduate courses in the Deshypartment of Family Studies and has supershyvised graduate students

He has been active on many University committees during the past seven years He is a past chairman of the Board of Graduate Studies and has been a member of the

Committee on Academic Priorities the Committee on University Planning the Liaison Committee and several others

He has also been a consulting educa shytional psycholog ist with the Wellington County Separate School Board since 1979

Prolessor Barham and his wife Joan have a family offour Joan recently returned to the University of Guelph for further study Daughter Vick y 19 is a student in Economics at Queens University Lisa 17 and Christopher 14 attend Ce ntennial CVJ while Tania 12 is completing her studies at College Avenue School

Music is very important part of the Barham familys life with active invoheshyment in the Suzuki String School and the Guelph Youth Orchestra Gardening is a hobby enjoyed by both Richard and Joan

Members of the Mac- FACS Alumni Association extend a sincere welcome to Professor Barham We look forward to meeting and working with him in the future as he fills the challenging position as dean of FACS 0

FACS Prof First

Dr M urlin MUllhclIs

Director P ro fessor Anne Martin Matthews De shypart me nt of Family St udi es has been ap shypointed the first director of the Gnontology Research Centre The establi shment of the Centre was announced last February A research grant of $237000 from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada will fund the Centre for the first three years

Professor Martin Matthews has been conducting research related to the needs and interests of older segments of the populashytion as well as teaching courses in such areas as social gerontology and marital and family dynamics in Family Studies She has been a faculty member with the Department of Family Studies since 1978

She also has been active beyond the campus in programs related to aging She is chair-elect of the social sciences division Canadian Council on Gerontology and will begin a two-year term in the chair of that organization this year

She is also first vice-president of the

Ontario Gerontology Association and a member of the scientific advisory commitshytee of the Gerontology Research Council of Ontario She is a graduate of Memorial University of Newfoundland and McMaster University

With a steadily increasing percentage of the popUlation in the retirement age bracket it is important to understand more fully the ir needs and cuncerns sa ys Proshyfessor Martin Matthews The en tre will deal with the ag ing family and environshymental contexts In the latter sense we will be examinin g such things as the difference bet wee n aging in an urban and a rural society as well as issues like housing and the aging

The new Gerontology Research Centre will provide facilities to assist faculty members and graduate students doing reshysearch on aging The Centre will facilitate integrate and co-ordinate studies on aging within the University the director says

Research on aging is now being carried out at the Universi ty in such Departments as Family Studies Geography Psychology Nutrition Human Biology and SocioluFY and the Centre will be able to provide a medium for cross-fertilization of ideas among the many researchers in the field

Professor Marlin Matthews says that the Centre will be working co-operatively with other similar research centres in Onshytario such as the one at the University of Toronto in promoting research on aging The Centre will also sponsor conferences and workshops that relate to the special needs of older citizens in their communities

Guelph has demonstrated an interest in gerontology since 1970 when research projshyects began and courses dealing with aging were offered in the Departments of Family Studies and Psychology Since 1981 the Un i versity has offered gero ntology as part of the Famil y Studies major in the Bachelur of Applied Science program 0

A Thank You Dear A luml7i

1-Iwl 10 Ihonk oil Ihe uumni inloll(d wilh

Ihc cr special send-oj gien to me ill

recognition of Ihc complelion ofmv Icrm as


So man of ou -Ierc invocd shy

whelhcr or nOI ou -Iere able 10 (fIend Ihe

recognition receplion in Toronlo on May

29 I oppreciacd Ihe man good llishes

which come from ocross CClrado ond from

such dislOlIl places as Indio and Chara

Your generous gifls u Imc Irolld of

pcarls und a bonk aCCOlll11 vhich came lVilh

Ihe slrong suglcslion Ihal [should IIc 10

Vnv Iculand lverc Irul overllhelll1ing

The Air lCll Zcalundjlighl bag jJacked wilh

1111 SOriS of nccessiliel added 10 Ihe jim

middotre had 01 Ihe rcceplion

Many Ihanksfor your SUppOri over Ihe years and for your good wishes as I begin

my car ofadmin is Ira live leave

Yours sincerelv

Jonel M Wardlaw 0


Dr Louise

( Bailltlj

Heslop 67

Off - To


Dr Louise (Bazi net) Heslop 67 has JO ined the School of Business at Carlton Unive rsit y O ttaw a Over the next two years through an arran geme nt with Ca rlton Unive rsity she will be cco nded on a

part-time basis by Stati sti cs Canada where she will join the Research and Analysi s

D ivision Loui se completed her MSc at Guelph

in 1969 and continued as lecturer in the

ne wly-es tablished Department o f Co nshysumer Studies In 1977 she compktcd a Ph D in Business Administration (Marketshying) at the University of Western Ontari o

and rejo ined the Department of Consumer Studies ri si ng to the rank of ass oc iate professor

Louise was e lected to the board of

di rectors of the Mac-FA CS Alumni Assoc ishyati on in 1977 se rvin g as secretary-treasurer until May 1981

We ex tend our best wishe middot to Loui se

her husband Lome O A 70 and their dau ghters Jose tte 5 and C la ire 2 Lorne is employed by Agriculture Canada in

Ottawa and is currently completing an M Sc in Engineering at the University of

G uelph Coun try li ving is a high priority with

the Heslops They are deli ghted with the purchase of a farm near Almonte a nd look

forward to the best of both worl d s - profess ion a lism in the city and lei sure in the countryside 0

Grad News Helen (Clifford ) Beswick 48D is se lf empl oyed as a studio potter in her home in Dundas

Margaret (Kennedy) jarvis 54D is a realestate age nt in Kingston

Pat (Hall) McDowell 65 is with the

United Missionary Soc iet y Jlorin Kwora State ~igeria

Joanne Patterson 66 is a se ni or project o ffmiddoticer w ith Indi an and Northern Affa irs Ottawa

Leslie (Mowat) Hemming 68 is teaC hin g in Woods tock

Mary (Jany) Toms 68 is employed with Health and We lfare Canada Ottawa

Sarah (Spencer) Coomhs 70 is an assistant director wi th the Co nsumer Inforshymation Centre of the Ontario Government


Meredith Fi lshie 70 is an ana lyst w ith the Ministry of State for Economic and Re g ional Development O ttawa

S heila (Fahner ) jarvie 70 is a nutrishytion ist w ith the K- W Hospital Kitchener

Donna j ohnstone 70 o perates Donn as Ha ndmade Clothin g for Men amp Wo men Gabiola Isla nd B C

Lorraine Holding 71 is manager of program development with the Rural Orshyga nizatio ns and Services Branlh Minis try of Agriculture and Food located at the Gue lph Agriculture Centre

Beve r ly Lee 72 is a chairperso n with the York Region Board o f Educ at io n

Laurie MacLeod 72 is a district manager with Beaver Foods Mlss issauga

Kathy Camelon 73 is a dietitian at the Toronto Genera l Hospita l

Tirnoth) Fleming HAFA 74 a ses ionaJ lec turer with H AFA teaching business law has been adm itted to the partne rshi p o f the law firm of Harper Haney and White of Waterl oo

Isabel (McBride) H o well 74 is an e lementary school teacher with the Watershyloo Co unt y Board of Educatio n Camshybridge

Mary Ruston 75 is a Famil y Studies teacher at Inge rso ll District High School

Kathryn Anderson 76 is a supervisor with Westmini ster Family Day a re London

Hester Cooper 76 is employed as a research officer with the New Zealand Dairy

Research Institute in Palmers ton North ew Zealand

Patr icia (G a rland ) Desaul niers 76 is with patient fo od se rvices Alberta Hospishyta l Edmo nton

Noella Li 76 is aclinical dietitian wi th the

ictori a Hospital London

M eredith (Evans) Hea rtwe ll 77 is

teac hing in Mississauga

Deb Wey 77 is patient food se rvices manager at SI John Regio nal Hospi tal SI J()hn NB

Susan (junes ) Wilcox 77 is food se rvices

superviso r with the Baye re st Ce ntre for Ge riatric Care 0

A ThankYou The c lass of Mac 380 wishes to extend a

sincere thank you to all alumni who have con tributed to the Mac 38 0 Class Geronshy

to logy Scholarship Fund The gradua te s tudent scholarship in

the recently de ve loped area ot Ge ronto lo gy at FACS is being established by the class of 38D in recog nition of their 45th annivershy

sary in 1983 All Univers it y of Guelph grads are

in vited to parti c ipate in this project funds for which will be so li c ited until December

1984 [f you wish to con tribute please make you r cheq ue pay ab le to the Univers ity o f Guelph Alma Mater Fund specify that it is to be applied to the Mac 38 D Class Gerontology Scho larship Fund and mail to

the Deve lo pment Office Room 273 John shysto n Hall Uni ve rsity o f Gue lph Guelph

Ontario N IG 2W J Th an ks again for yo ur suppo rt from

Elle n Downie Mary Singer Doris Durran t and Jean Carter- the Mac 38 D sch o larship committee 0

In Memoria m We regret to announce the death of the following al umnus

Margaret L (MacKenzie) Smallwood 401) December 1982 in Lakeland Fla




The College of Physical Scie nce Alumni Association

SCIMP Editor Bob Winkel

phy sics grant selection committee of thc atural Sciences and Engineering Research

Council for two years he was intimately involved in all the major re search de velopshyments in Canada in this field Hc feels that his e lec tio n to the Royal Society of Canada will help raise the prot1le of high-energy physics in this co untry and lend stren gth to Canadian experimenters

The citation prepared for his nominashytion to the Royal Society of Canada reads

Professor Karl is a high energy the ori st whose work is widely recognized interna tionally His deep physical insight and hi s kn ow led ge of mathemati ca l methods led to the quark model of baryon resonances based on quantum chromoshydynamics which has been enormousl) successful in describing experimental reshysuits H is re sea rch is characterized by striking originality and an ability to COIll shy

bine basic ideas from different field s as in the predictions of a new effect - neutron optical activity

Gabriel Karl is married and has one daughter W hen he is not probing the sec re ts of the universe he indulges himself in music theatre and the fine arts

He visited the Unive rsity of Briti sh Columbia in Vanco uver in May for the induction ceremony into the Royal Society of Canada on the occas ion of the Annual Meeting of the Society It marked he sa id the culmination of a long string of benefits that [ ha ve enjoyed throughout the 23 years 1 have lived in Ca nada [ have every rea son to be very grateful to th is country D

Erratum In the Sprin g issue o r SCiMP it was erroneously reported in the c utline accompanyin g a pict ure of Departshyme nt of Physics student scholarship winners that they were the recipients of 0 er $ 1500 We dropped a zero The fi gure should have read $ 15000 Sorry about tha t Ed

Elected to Royal Society

Dr Cooiel Korl

The election of Dr Gabriel Karl to a Fellowship of the Roy al Society of Canada represents what one of hi s colleagues Dr Peter Egelstaff desc ribe s as a rare honour which reflects great credit not only on Dr Karl but also on the Uni versi tys Departshyment of Physics

The Royal Society of Canada founded in 1882 to promote learning and research in the arts and sciences has numbered among its Fellows virtually all of Canadas most distinguished intellectual le ade rs of the last J00 yea rs Standards are jealously guarded and Fello wships are awarded only as a result of outstanding world-class ach ieve ment

The rarity of the honour is indicated by the fact that at the Un iversity of Guelph whose faculty includes so many academics of international distinction only five had previously achieved a Fellows hip in the Royal Society of Canada These are Dr Howard Clark vice- pres ident academic Dr Bruce Sells dean College of Biologishycal Science Dr Peter Egclstaff Depart shyment of Physics Dr Do nald Masters Prof ssor Emeri tu s De part mcnt of History and Dr He rb Armstrong retired dean of Graduate Studies

As the sixth Dr Ga briel Karl will have the added di st inction of bei ng the first whose career has been sp ot excl us ively at the Un ivers ity of Guelph which agai n to

quote Dr Egelstaff marks a coming of age for the University

Gabriel Karl was born in Transylvania a province of Romania He obtained his B Sc in Chemistry at Romani as Univershysity of ClUJ worked for two years in industry and came to Canada in 1960 He attended graduate school at th e University of Toronto where he was awarded a Ph D in 1966 for a thesis on infrared luminesshycence following molecular colli sion Hi s Ph D supervisor was the distinguished physical chemist Dr John Polanyi

A two-year post-doctora l fellowship with the University of Torontos Depart shyment of Physics followed His mentors there were Drs J Van Kranendonk and Duk Poll who is now a professor with the Universi ty of Guelph s Depa rtment of Ph ys ics

In 1966 Dr Karl studied at the Uni versity of Oxford for two years under an NRC scho larship to study hadron spec troshyscopy and in 1969 he Joi ned the Univers itys Department of Phy sics achieving a full professorship only five years later

Dr Karls work has focussed on high energy physics - the physics of fundamen shytal particles This is an esoteric field involvshying research into the nature of matter The relatively few world leaders in thi s field tend to cluster around the half-dozen accelerators such as the $100 million four kilumete rshylon g hi gh-e nergy tunnel for accelerating electrons at Stanford University that have been built only in the US and Europe

There is no accelerator of this energy level in Canad a and fe w Canadian scie nshyti ~ts are working in this field Dr Ka rl s statu re in the international commu nity of particle physic ists is marked by his many visi ts to the world s major research ce ntres as guest speaker and to consult with his peers Referring to the time spent on thcse missions Dr Karl describes the Depart shym nt of Phys ics and his colleag ues as generouslyaccommodati ng shy

As cha irman of the h igh energy


Trapping The Suns Energy Excerpted from a Chemtrends article by Mary Cocivera

One predi ctabl e fac t about ind ustri ali z d

soc iety is that it will take more e nergy to

keep the whee ls ru nn ing smoothl y parti c ushy

larly because the world population is exshy

pected to dou ble to about n ine bill ion by the

year 2050

[n th search to augme nt tradi tio na l

sources o f e lectri ci ty two Departme nt of

Chemistry pro fessors ha ve tu rned their

atten ti on to the convers ion of solar energy to

electricity by photovultaie cel ls and photoshy

elec troc he mical systems T he developme nt

work at Guelph is a imed at improving the efficiency and stability of th se sy~tems and

reduc i ng the ir cos t

Si licon photovoltaic cells serve as a

reference for solar energy convers iun beshy

cause they were the fi rst such cells and to

date arc the most effic ient co nvert ing so lar

ne rgy into elec tr ic ity a t abo ut 15 per cem

effi c iency Arrays of crys tal li n sil icon ce lls present ly cos t in the nei ghborhood or

S$400 per sq uare metre to manufac ture

produc ing about 40 watts Photovo lta ic

thin- fi lm syste ms us ing semico nductors

o ther than single crysta l sil ic on are be ing

investigated in man y re~earc h ce ntre s

around the world

A pro mis ing approach is a cadmiui1l

sulfi dec uprous sul fide combi nat ion in

which the two sem ico nduc tors are laye red

on molybdenum the n covered w ith a transshyparent gold fil m T his thin-fi lm cons trucshy

tio n i ideal for solar devices explai ns

Profess ur Ro n Fawcett because large

surface areas are needed for maximum

exposu re to the sun

T he fabrication process devel oped by

Ro n and patented in 1980 in vo lve electroshy

depos iting cadmium sulfide o nto molybshy

denum then layering cuprous sulfide over the cadm ium sulfide by an ion exchange

process Finally the gold 11 1m is added by

vacuum de pos ition Ron es timates that

thi n-film de ices could be manufac tu red in

this way for about S$25 per squ are metre

E lectro pla ting of se m ic ondu ct ors

would enabl e photo voltai c dev ices to be

manu factured in a continuous process

rathe r than indi vidua lly as i required w ith

s ingle crysta l s ilic on Such ce lls ha ve

ach ieved conversio n of solar to electrica l

energy at an e ffi cienc y o f I per cent to date T he researchers are co nfide nt they can

achieve fi to 8 per cent cffi ieney compared

to the calcul ated max imum e ffi c iency of II

per cent Pro fessor Michae l oc ivera is ork ing

on photoe lec troc hem ical systems in which a

sem icond uctor electrode im mersed in an

elec tro lyte solution converts inci dent li g ht

into a n electric a l cu rren t Such se mishy

conductor lilju id junction cells offe r p racti shy

cal ad van tages because uf the sponta neom format ion o f a junc tio n I mproved effishy

ciency fo r po lycrysta lli ne sem iconductors

has been a hi eved in ce lb of th is type in part becau~e the liqu id estab li shes unshy

iformly good COntac t wi th the e l etrode

The li gh t -~ens it i ve electrode in photoshy

e lec trochem ical ce lls is a sem ic o nductor

e it her a thin-fi lm or s ingle c rysta l a tt ached

to a metal back ing the other e lec trode is an

inert me ta l T he e l ectrode~ are immersed in

~ n elect rol yte solutio n o f a mater ial that carl do nate and accep t elect rons The b igges t

prob lem with many li lj ui d junct io n ce lls

~ays Mike is photocorros iol1 of the su rshy

face of the se miconductor To overcome

thi s problem he is developing materi a ls and

techniques to coat the e lectrodes with proshy

tec tive materiab

The first liquid junction cells with a

sili con anode opera ted for only a matter of

seconds befo re the e lec trode was des troyed

by corrosion Researche rs at the Solar Energy Research Insti tu te in C o lorado

U SA have developed a silicon anode

w ith a polypyrro le protect ive coating which

can o perate for hund reds o f hours but that is

still not long eno ugh for a viable commershy

cia l syste m

M ike and his colleague are making a

syste matic study of compounds tha t wi ll

both protect the electrode from corrosion

and catal yze the elect rode rca tion They

arc now worki ng with organo me tall ic comshy

pounds co mpris ing a metal atom sulfur

and an aromatic co m pone nt containing a func tiona l group li ke hyd roxy l sul phonate

ammoni um and nitroso

hese compounds are effect ive beshy

ca use they prov ide a mechanism to transfer

a ch arge bet ween the se mi co nd uctor and the e lectro n donor in solut io n The coating mus t

also be transpilrent e nough to a llow the light

to s trike the photocleetrode

To date they ha ve suneeded in deshy

veloping fi ve coat ings su itab le fo r a variet y

or se miconduc tors incl uding the polyshy

crysta ll ine cadm ium su lfide e lectrodes fabshy

riltated by Ron Fawce tt s method If polyshy

crystalli ne elec trodes can be fab ri (a ted and

coated wi th a protec tive materia l electroshy

chemically they wi ll be relati ve ly inexpe nshy

ive to manufac ture If the tech niques and processe s be ing

inve ~l igated by Ron Fawce tt and Mike Coc ivera de ve lop to tht ir full poten tial the

su n cou ld beco me a more import ant supplier

o f e lectri city in Ca nada Long-range proshy

jectio ns suggest that about 10 per cent of No rth A m rican e lectr ic it y could be proshy

duced from solar convers ion

Elec tric ity fro m the sun is no longer a

pipe-dream-it is a reachable goa l n

Grad News Louise (Sandall) Platt BA 69 is living

in Islington and teaching for the Etobico ke

Board of Educati on

Alexander Barton BSc 70 MSc 74 is work ing on a Ph D deg ree in the

Departme nt of Fishe ries and W ildlife at

Orego n Sta te uni vers ity

Gerry Kupferschmidt BSc 70 MSc

71 is living at R R I Osgoodc and is

tmployed as a sc ientific ad ise r to the


Murray Ross Gingrich BSc 71 Ii ves in

Brampto n and is work ing as a probation

officer for the Ministry o f Correc tio nal


Robert Cross BSc 72 M D is workshy

ing in the emergency department o f the

So uth Muskoka Hospital in Bracebridge

Edda Duva (Home) Kerr BA 74 lives

in G ue lph and is working as a program

co-ordinator for Casatta Ltd in Kitchener

Deanne Ch)y BSc 78 Ii ves in Etob ishy

coke and is working as a public health

inspector for the Ham ilton Wentwo rth Reshy

gio nal Health Unit

Alex McDonald BSc 79 PhD 83 and his wife Rosanne ( DeNobriga) BSc

79 are living in Austi n Texas whil e Alex

is do ing post-doctoral work at the Unishy

vers ity o f Texas

Ste~en Oliver BSc 79 o f Hamilton is a

medica l sa les repre sentati ve with Cyanamid

Canada Inc

Gordon Knox BSc 79 is a con~ ul ta nt

with Inform ation Systems Serv ices in Vicshy

toria BC

George Gillson BSc 80 is taki ng a

Ph D in Anal ytica l C hemis try at the Uni shyve rsity of Alberta 0


The College o f Arts Alumni Associat ion

DELPHA Editor Debbie (Nash) Chambers 77

has no w acquired the Shaw Festival ArshyThe Deans Roundup chives on permanent deposit T his is an

Last fall I had the privilege of speakshy

ing to the direc tors of the University of G uelph Alumn i Assoc iation to bring them

up to date on some of the excit ing things connected with the College of Arts I am gratefu l to the editor of DELPHA for this

opportu nity to let alumni readers know what we are do ing

I am pleased to be able to report a subs tant ial increase in enrolment both in the

B A program and in the College o f Arts this past yea r What is especially nice is that this has coincided with a dec is ion to tighte n our

standards at the admissions level and in the regulations for continuatio n of study

In o rder to grad uate B A students

who entered the Spring 19~3 Semester will need to obtai n a C average in 60 per cent of the courses they take

Most of o ur students are doing thi s now and we do not antici pate this will pose any

problem for the students whom we are ad mitting Next year students en tering the

B A program will be required to have Grade 13 English and we are strongly encouraging them to offer a Mathematics credit o r o ne in French or ano ther language

Applications from students wish ing to enter the B A program in the Fall 1983 Semester

are up subs tantia lly over last yea r I also want to share with you some

ha ppenings which have brought special delight to me

The U ni ve rsi ty of Guelph Choir

under director Ge rald e ufeld won second prize in the 1982 CSC nation al chora l competition

In the Harbourfront a rt show last

sum mer three o f o ur students had works se lected by the jury and each won a prize shya better show ing than any of the other O nshy

tario universities or colleges which entend T he C anadian- American Urban Hisshy

tory Co nference held at G uelph in A ugust

1982 was a tremendous success bringing sc holars from many parts of the United States and Canada to discuss new trends in urban studies

Dean David Murray

In the space of just a few months I have seen seven books published by faculty in the Co llege The subjects include Rudyard

Kipl ing Greek Philosophy Urban History Evolution and Darwinism Reli gion and Tolerance the dramatist Gra nville Barker

and a nove l written in French Last summer also saw the completion

of a very successful facu lty exchange beshy

tween o ur Department of Eng lish and the

Uni vers ity of Reading in Britain Dr Leslie Monkman went to Reading for the year and Dr Coral Howell s visited Guelph This

opportunity enab led Dr Howells to study modern C anadian writers and she is now

working o n a book to be published in Britain o n Canadian women wri ters Dr

Mo nkman lectured on Canadian literature at various places in Britain and in France as well as in Reading

T hro ugh the e fforts of the Department of Drama and its chairman Dr Leonard

Conolly and C ollections Librarian Jo hn Moldenhauer 68 the Uni versi ty Library

ex tremely valuab le re sou rce for theatre

scholars a nd the Univers ity is ve ry pleased to have a closer connection with the Shaw Festi val The Drama Department also has

Professor Dan Laurence the world s leadshying Shaw scholar as a distinguished Visitshy

ing Professor lor the ra il Semester Two large conferences were organized

during the Spring and Summer by faculty

and students in the Co llege Professor Ted Cowan of the History Department was in charge of the Scottish Heritage Festival held in uelph in May The Fes tival was a

ce lebrati on of the S co t~ 1d their contribushytion~ to Canada

In Au gust the Uni vers ity will host a major conference o n Common wealth lite rashy

ture bringing writers and schol ars to Guelph from allover the Com monweal th Professor Doug K illam chairman of the Department of English and a number o f col leagues are

now busily preparing to welcome guests from around the world

Through our liaison programs we have pioneered special day - long seminars at the

niversity for gifted children in Wellington County T he se programs are part of o ur commitment to assist secondary schools in meeting the challe nges of special education

J know many o f you will also be interes ted in knowing that last sLi mmer the

College awarded three new scholarships two of the m honouring the cont ribution made by former faculty members J Percy

Sm ith and W Stanford Reid The other marked the first presentation of the Edward Johnson Music Foundation scholarships for students in the music program

We are al l ac ute ly co nscious of the

financial pressure affecting the UnivLr ~ ity

of Guelph and othe r Canadian unive rsities

But we mus t no t le t these pressures detract from the vision of academic excellence to

which we are committed J think you will agree from the exaln ~Jk middot ha ve cited that this vision continues to glow brightly in spite of our financial plight We hope we can

co ntinue to co unt on your advice and your suppurt 0


It Was a Very Good Year T he Direc tor or the College of Arts Alumni Assoc iation have had a bus y year In January we launched o ur hrst Caree rs i lglll for in -coure stude nlgt Thanks to the exce lle nce and enthusiasm of our pane l l1len1bcr the evening was a success

Careers Night is to become an annual event and we would appreciate you r particishypation Any Art s grads wh o wo uld like to

vo lunteer their expertise for the e vening please do not hesita te to contact us

The Directors were also busy a rshyranling the second an nu al art show shyDI MENSIO NS middotS3 Due to the treme nd ous response to DI M ENSIOtS 82 the art show co mmittee organized DIM ENSIO NS 83 as aJu ricd show We are hoping that nex t yea r we will be able to mount a photography show as well a an art sho w

As you are probably aware in 1970 Wellington College was reo rganized into the Colleges of Arts Physic al Sc ience and Socia l Science This year our Assoc iation was asked to se lect a new College logo Thankgt to Dean Dav id Murray and the Deans Counc il we were given permission to use the graphics on the College of Art s Gold Medal It can be see n in the masthead of thi s issue The logo was designed by Erich Barth art dire ctor Department of [nshyformation and enco mpasses the di verse di s shycipiJnes fou nd within the College of Arts

Grad News Catharine (Gilnerlson ) Scott 70 is a wage and salary anal ys t tnivers it y of Waterl oo

Linda la) Bell 72 i the assistant conshysultant for thlto gifted We llington County Boa rd of Education GueJph

Lynn Barbeau 74 is the curator Educa shytion and xtension Macdo nald Stewart Art

entre Guelph

Wltlynr WellJauler 75 is corpora te mar shyke ting manager Gore Mutua l In surance Company Cambridgc

Renate Fisc her 76 is a consultant with the Woods Gordon Divisio n of Cl arkson Go rdon Chartered Acco untants Kitchener

jane Morley O AC MSc 81 is a career co nsultant Counse llin g and Student Reshysource Centre Un iversity of Guelph

Through the generos ity of the Alma Mater Fund our Assoc iation has been able to e stablish nv e sc holars hip s Thre e DELPHA awards for Gue lph alumni to continue their slUdi es at the gradu ate level at the University and two awa rds for part-time mature students These awards are greatly appreciated by the students who have reshyce ived th e m

Congratulatio ns are th e order of the day for Juli e (Russe ll ) Thur 78 Associashytion past pre sident and Linda Mackenz ie shyCordi ck 8 1 Assocration secre tary treas shyurer on the birth of their daug hters in March We wi sh them joy in their yo ung-

David Dell 76 is the in fo rmation o ffic er Reg ion of Pee l Brmiddotampton

jeff Miller 82 is a s tage manager for Profes sional Theatres Toronto

The above eight alumni were panel )11ember-s at our first annual Careers sJ ig ht held ea rlier th i yea r On ce again we offer our sincere thanks for their pani ci pation

lhugarel Reare 68 is senior research o f hee l Minis try of th e Soli citor General Ottawd

William Thiels 73 is a sys te ms analyst with Eas tman Kodak CO Roche ster t Y US A

Shardie D SteHnson 77 is assistant marketing manager Marsh and 1cLennan Ltd Winnipeg Man

Donald Syme 77 is with marketing pe rsonne l IC F Sydne y Australia

sters and look forward to the ir continued help in the Assoc ia tion in the future

C Nould lik e to re mind our fell ow alu mni to jo in or renew their membership in our Association De hbie ( Nash) Cham bers 77 editor of DF LPH A wo uld lik e any Ideas lor future artick that vould catch your interes t Our Assoc iati o n would also apprec ia te heari ng from you re gardin g eve nts that you wou ld be interested in attending Pl ease drop us a line in order that we may serve you better thus ~ eeping the line of co mmunic ation oren bet ween you and yo ur Alma v1ater

In closing I would like to acknowlmiddot edge With great a pprec iati o n the a istance that has been o ffclTU our Board of Direc tors over the pasl year

As al ways Dea n David Murray has bee n a va lued ad visor I wo uld li ke to thank Professor Ted Cowa n Department o f History for his Sprin g 19K3 OEPHA article on the Scottish Heritage Festival and Judy (Ma in) Ca rson 75 for he r help in preparalron of feature articles Spec ial thank s arc also ex tended to Rosemary Clark Mac 59 Asis tant Director Proshyg rams Dep artment of Alumni Affairs and Deve lopment and our Board of Directo rs who have wo rk ed so hard to mak e thi s a successful year

The term of 19X2-B3 has been a very grati fying one for all mem bers of the Associations Boa rd o t Directors We loo k for ward to 19K3-K4 anJ hope to hear from you Q

J ane Francis 78 is With Ilublic relations Vancouver Stock EXchange Vancou ver B C

Jonie Bunce 79 is a teacher 01 Art English and Thcatre Arts at 1 A Turn er Secondary School BrdrllptOl

Deborah Salmon 79 is married to Richard Light BS( 80 and li ves in Japanec Shc worb for the Empl o) mc nt and Im migrati on Commi ssion dnd Ri chlrJ works for a darrv in Kin gs to n

Shelagh Stevens 79 it station U)lllrshytwlle r Department o f -J atiunal [dc nce in f ova Slmiddototia

lidwtl Glanb 81 is a supervisor mar shyke ting comrlluni~ations Pitney-Bowe s oj

Canada Ltd Don Mill s

john (llanllllUnd ) Zelasko 81 rs ~ I

courtr(lOrn artist WKBW Buffalo New Ymk US I C



Alumnus of

Honollr 1983

Helen Christine AbeD Mac 38D

Amo ng the forerunners in the fie ld of rural soc iol ogy not only in Canada

but throughout the world and with a long career as a professor in numerous un iversities ac ross Canada Dr Helen C Abell has und oubted ly do ne much to promote a world -w ide reputation for her Alma Mater

Dr Abell has been most active in a numbe r of United Nat io ns programs designed to foster development of th ose in the Third World countrie s Although os ten sibl y retired she still co nt inues her wo rk as a cons ult ant in Socio-Economic De ve lopme nt assisti ng in develop ing sho rt -term project s as the occasion ari ses

As well as a Macdona ld Ins titu te Diploshyma Dr Abell obtained a BHSc (H ome Economics) from the Universi ty of Toro nto in 1941 and an MS (Human Nutrition) and a Ph D (major Rural Sociology and Agri cul shytural Economics) from Cornell University in 1947 and 1951 re specti vel y 0

Page 18: Guelph Alumnus Magazine, Summer 1983

One Millionth A third-year O VC student Paul Dick of Gcoroetown recently became the one mi lshylio nth person to pass through the turnstiles o f the O VC Division of the Uni versity Library since the tu rn sti les were installed eight years ago He was gree ted by libshyran ans and fac ulty applause and handshyshakes t1 a~ h i ng camera strobe lights conshygratulations and the pre sentation o f a book Clillical E raminal ion of Ca ll ie

The VC library also serves students from other Colleges Co mprising more tha n 30000 volu mes it e mbraces far more than the veterinary sc iences 0

In a briefcert monv a llellded bv David Hull head Sc ience and Velerinary Science Diision

oj Ihe Library eli and Dean Douglas 1aplesden 50 righl Associa ( Libraria ll John

Black presen l a book 10 one millionlh isilor Paul Dick rig ill cenlre

It Was Bound to Happen Delta chapter of O mega Tau Sigma Fratern ity residence has become co-educational with the admi ssion of 18 women students during 1982-83 em sters For se veral years OVC s women stu dents have been seeking fra ternity membership they fi nally made it in 1982

Galhered onlhei-olll sleps oflh e avc main

Imiiding are 14 of Ih e 18 women slwlel1ls

who resided in Ihe fral house Ihi I r ea r

FrOt1 row I(i llo righ l lennifer Rice

Ion [ Lee Ma rv MOllleilh M iddle ro w

Robill Roscol Kale Flanigan Lisa Tavlor Debbie Blech Lesli e Hu ngall Back row

l ana Kl llOn Carol Phillips l ennifer

TrollghlO n lulv Keenliside Healher Ross

Michele Durnall MissinRfrom Ihe piClure

are Brenda FOSler Chris Barrl es

Keily-LeiRh Thomas and Laura Hunl 0

Letters to the Editor Or Bert Ca rswell 7 1 of Brooks Alt a has repli ed to o ur request for informatio n on the watch fob letters F L T (O VCAA Alumni Bulletin March 19H3 Special Supmiddot pl ement) by sugges ting these stand for Friendship Lo ve and Truth the motto of the Indepcndent Order of Odd fell ows Are the re further op i nions~

Dr Alexander Bruyns 32 Sequin Was hington S A has se nt us informashytion on the Royal Canadian Army Veterishynary Corp (O VCA Alumni Bulletin

March 1983 S pec ial Supple ment) He was a ve te ri na ry offi ce r with the Gove rn o r Gcnerals Horse Guards in Toronto o n joini ng the RCAVC in 1938 and me ntioned the late Dr A R Yo unie 14 who served

with the RCAVC in World War One Further inform ation re RCAVC officers would be apprec iated

Dr Donald MacDonald 54 o f Edmo nshyton Ita also replied to our RCAVC inquiry with informatio n on the Corps badges He is a collector of militaria especi ally militar y cap badges o f which he has a collection of over 1600 He states cap badges of the RC VC are as scarce as he n s tee th

The O VC museum has o btained cap and uni form badges from Dr G A Rose IS la t address Picton and Dr W A Robenson 16 Tsawwassen BC eachof whom served as veterinary officers during World War O ne 0

In Memoriam Dr Owen Hinton 25 died on January 22 1983 in Florida Las t add ress Rt 4 Box 139 Jasper Florida US A 32052

Dr Vernon jensen 33 died on Dcshyce mber II 19 R2 Las t address 2485 Lon-din Lane St Paul in nesota US A

Dr Edward Burke 35 died on Ja nuary 21 1983 Las t addr ss P OBox 326 So uthport Conn US A 06490

Dr jack Warren 39 Date of death no t reported Last addre ss RR 3 W heatl y Ontario OP 2PO

Dr Wilfred Sherwin 40 died o n 0 tobc r 6 1982 Last address 432 W Washi ngton Street ampa Idaho S A83651

D r j ames Watt 49 died in August 1982 Las t address 790 Ho rtop Avenue Osha wa Ontario LlG 4N8

Or Peggy Godkin 55 died o n Decem ber 5 1982 Last address Inni sfai l Alt a 0

PEl Gets It T he Toro nto Glohe ald Mail of Fe bruary 19 1983 carried the follow ing announce shyment Charl otte town (CP) - Agric ultu re Minister Eugene W he lan announced today that $500000 has bee n appropri ated to

begin architectural pl ans fo r I $26-mi ll ion veterinary college here He sa id at a new confe rence the federal Go vern me nt w ill put up half the co nstruc tion cos t if the three Marit ime p rov inces s ha re t he o ther $ 13-lTI illi on out lay 0


The College of Social Science Alumni Association

PEGAS-US Editor Dorothy Barnes 78

stori ng The Log Farm a farmhouse dating back to the late 1800s Michelle says Michelle and Mustech thi s was a terrific expcrience and the best

N omad pioneer student administrator curator You mi ght ask what these words ha ve in common and the answer you would receive would be that they all aptly describe Miche lle McMillan 77

Mi chelle graduated with a degree in SociologyAnthropology At the same time she graduated from Algonquin Community Collegt with a correspondence course dipshyloma in what she terms M ustec h - Muse um Technology majoring In Exshyhibit esign

Currently assistant director at the Guelph Ci vic Muse um she has held thi s position since the spring of 1979 Her responsibilities include those of regis trar (mai nta ining dltaikd [i Ii ng systems) for the con serva tion of artifacts and ex hibit work She is co-ordinator of some 40 vo lunteers who are in volved in all facets of museum work (to become a muse um vo lunteer all one has to do is call Michelle and arrange for an interview )

When interviewing Michclk it was obvious she has a love for her work that she will pass on to oth~rs possibly some of the young children attending the education programs she supervi ses at the Guelph Civic Museum

Her mothers parents were homeshysteaders and she was brouoht up on stories about pioneering Her interest in pioneering and the Indian way of life was fo stered by a mothe r who had Indian friends and who would often visit these friends experiencshying their way of life even to sleeping quite often in a tepee

Thi s and the fac t that her family moved around a lo t from west to east influenced Michelles deep and lasting love of the past although with a lau gh she says Now I am of the opinion that my mother had a tendency to present a romantic version of the whole situation - espec ially to me as a young child It certainly influenced my interest in studying Anthropol ogy

Michelles ed ucation and working exshyperiences have bee n very infl uential in nurturing her love of the past She started

out at the University of Western On tario but left for perso nal reasons She worked for a ye ar and while working beca me apprenshyticed as a pattern drafter

ichelle mo ved to Ottawa after she had worked the year and regi stereu at Carl eto n Universi ty in Anthropology She studied this for one year and then became aware of a program offered at Algonquin Communit y College on the subject Mu seum Tech nolo gy

Her placement s in work situation while at Algonquin included a summer helping four yo un g me n on a project at the town of Bells Corners ne ar Ottawa re-

job she ever had There was no electr icity so eve rything

was done by hand Her group res tored doors gable-ends flo ors ceilings rtshypointed stone found at ions and raised the building on hydra uli c jacks The y also gl Lt~d windows re searched the huildin g and organized the veget ab le garden

Othelmiddot experiences have included work at thc Na tio nal Museum of Man thc McM ichae l Canadi an Collcction in Klcin shyburg the Wellington County Muse um and the S imcoe County Museum She has al so been a volunteer teacher at the Plains jndian Iroquois and Inuit Ga lleri es of the National M use um of Man

It was Guelphs gain when Miche lle found he rsel f pulled bac k to stud ying in order to co mplete her degree

Michelle is now well established in her position at the Guelph Civic Muscum and dt las t feels she ha s put dow n roots in a c ity she has an alleg iance to one she loves and fee ls more co mfortable in than any other She is involved in trying to build up a research library on local history and artifacts

When asked for pearl s of wisdom fo r new graduates Michelle volunteered that pcople need practical ex perience along with formal learning to balance their percept ion of a ro lc How apropos 0

Th e Cullege uf So cial Science Alumlli Associatioll ill-course scholarships ere Jreserl(d

rnelltlmiddot to lei Junine Crallt Ceog uJJnmiddot olld Virginia Suth erland Psrchologv Attending

tht un lIlOnr wert right Pro(essor Juliu s fugl Department oCeogrupilr and Pr(essor

Mike M(lIh f II~ Iei chuirmun DeJurtlllen t 0 PI cilologr Th e scilolorshiJI 01 $200

each oreul1ded in purt hr all (11 1(( gru llti-om til ( Alma Mawr Fu nd


Lan e Smit h 78 is a so ftware spec ialist Barbara (Cherry) Wilson 80 is pres shyGrad News with Software Ke netics in epean ently res iding at 45 Emily Street Grimsby

Ron Beveridge 67 is an e lementary special counselor with School District 88 Terrace B C

C R ichard Buc k 70 practices law WIth the firm of Weyli e Shortt Buck Hanshybridge Reidl Casselli and Mitchell in Waterloo

Lee D Wetherall 75 is an exec utive ass istant with AIcan in Kingston

Stewart McCann 76 is a lec turer with the University of Alberta Edmonton

Peter J Stanczyk 76 is living at 9940 Fa irmount Drive S E Apartment A-4

C algary Alta Since concluding his studies at Guelph Peter attended the social work course at Wilfrid Laurier University Watershyloo and received a Master o f Soc ial Work

degree in 1982 Peter is now married and he and his

bride We ndy are established as socia l workers with Alberta Social c rvices and Comm unity Health in Calgary We wish Peter and Wend y much happiness in their new partnership success in their choscn fi e ld and contentment in the ir Ii vc s together

Ted Boniface 77 is now n eative direc tor for Ce ntra l Al berta Broadcasting (CKRDshy

T V CKRD-AM and C FCR-FM) in Red Deer Ted has bee n awarded four c itations by the Radi o Bureau of C anada and was nominated for an Aetra Award as producer of the hes t radio program of1979 O ld news we reali ze but how are we going to know o therwise unless you let us know Thanks

Ted for updating us on your activities

Gurnam Singh 77 is an MC A student at the niversity of Ottawa

Roderick Hodgson 78 is back in his home town of H udson Que Rod is emshyployed by the Town of H udson Publi c

Works Departme nt he al so serves on the Town Planning C ommittee and is activel y involved with the volunteer fire department

Perr y Wilson 78 is liv ing in Spirit River Alta Since graduating from G uelph Perry

has obtained a masters degree in Anthropolshyogy from McG ill University and is princ ishypal of Ste Marie Elementary School in Spirit River

John Boyle 78 is presently living at RR 2 Brampton

Karen Russell 78 is a teacher with the Dufferin County Board of Education at Parkinson Centennial School Orangeville

Vicky Su therland 78 is an air traffi c

controller with the Mini stry of Transport Calgary Alta

Susan W alkowiak 78 is a real estate agent with the Safeguard Real Es tate Comshy

pan y Toronto

Craig Willms 78 is an assistant manager with the Toronto-Dominion Bank Watershy


Gordon Cominey 79 is a priest with the Holy Trinity Anglican Church in Edmonshy

ton Alta

Carol (Fogarty) Knox 79 is presentl y residi ng at R R 5 Woodstoc k

Susan Laushway 79 is a probation office r with the Solic itor G eneral of Alshybe rta in Edmonton

Richard E Larente 79 is production manager at Mac Mil lan Bloedel Ville

Mont-Ro yal Q ue

Bryce Andrews 80 has dec ided to conshytinul his education at the n i ve r~ ity of

Weste rn Ontario He is working on an M BA

Dianne M Grenier 80 is in her third year of Common Law at the University of Ottawa

Shauneen (McKague ) Bruder 80 is an MBA student at Queens University Kingston

Michele Forrester 80 is a comm unicashytions clerk w ith the Ontario Yo uth Employment Program Queens Park To shy


Peter Madott 80 is an ass istant product manager with S c Johnson an d So n Ltd


Elizabeth (Ferguson ) latos 80 is a volunteer co-ordinator with B ig Bro thersBig Sisters of Carleton County


Jane Stevens 80 is a teac her w ith the

York Board of Education in Aurora

Loretto (MacDonald) Sullivan 80 is an administrative assistant with Kert Advertis shying Toronto

Sylvia (Bossaer) Willms 80 is a Food

Services supervisor at the UI1Iversity of Guelph

Jane (Stevens) Tremblay 80 is a teacher with the York Board of Education Aurora Jane is married to David U of N Dakota

grad of 79

Lee Anne Burton 80 is a teacher with the Dufferin Peel R C SS Board Mi ss isshy


Maureen S inclair-Barnes 80 is an urban planner with the City of Brantford Husband

is Bruce Barnes 82

Su~ Jones 80 is continuing her education at the Univers ity of Alberta She lives at

11441-132 St 405 Edmonton Alta T M IG2 Bro ther-in-law John Sch neider CBS 73 graduated in Marine


Nicholas Boyadjian 81 is a special events co-ordinator with Unive rsity Ce ntre

Administration Uni ve rsity of Guelph

Debra (Philputt ) Gibson 81 is a te acher

w ith Pee l C ount y Board of Education in

Miss issa uga

Jim Gibson 81 is a branch representati ve o ffi cer with the Ca nadian Imperial Ra nk of

CommCfce Toron to

Linda Helin 81 is presen tly res iding in

C utler on the North C hannel of Lake Huron

Patti La France 81 is a teacher residing at 66-50 Fiddl ers Green Road London

Elizabeth (Crighton) Madge 81 is now married and re siding in Lethbridge Alta

Kathleen Martin 81 is a market research analys t w ith As tra Pharmaceutical s Miss i shy


Edward Leong 82 is administration

manager for the J J Tour Se rvi ce at the Jal an M aju Taman Jade Ce ntre Miri Branch Sara wak East Malaysia

Debbie (Ling) Therrien 82 is employed as cashiersale sperson for Gameway s Ark

Ltd Toro nto

Chin Lan (Kat ) Choi 82 is an executive shyofficer with the ational Produc tivity Board in Singapore Since graduating C hin Lan has married C hoi Chee Keong C PS 82 Much happiness and success to you both

John C Close 82 is a teac her with World University Services of Canada in Zimbabshywe Africa John is married to Mary M A Psych 8 1 WLU 0


The College of Biological Science Alumni Associatio~_~

BIO-ALUMNI NEWS Editor Dr John Powell

Executive CBS Alumni Association HONORARY PRES ID ENT Professor Bruce Sells Dean


Dr George Dixon Ph D 80 Zoology

PAST PRESIDENT Marie (Boissonneault) Rush BSc 80 Marine Biology

VICE PRESIDENT Chris Wren BSc 77 Marine Biology

SECRETARY-TREASURER Cam Portt BSc 77 MSc 80 Zoology

DIRECTORS David Airdrie BSc 82 Microbiology Krista Soper BSc 79 Marine Biology Lorrie Cosens BSc 79 Marine Biology Eric Cosens BSc 80 General Biology Keith Harris B Se 76 Marine Biology

EX-OFFICIO DIRECTORS Marie (Boisonneault) Rush BSe 80 Marine Biology Shawn Taylor BSc 83 Aquatic Biology Past President CBSSC Brian Wisenden President CBSSC

FACULTY ADVISORS to be chosen one from each DepartmentSchool

UGAA REPRESENTATIVE S Jan Watshyson BSc 75 Zoology Lorrie (Rolston) Cosens BSc 79 Marine Biology Rob Miln B Sc 81 Marine Biology

EDITOR BlO-ALUMNI NEWS Professhysor John Powell Human Biology 0

Please help us to help you When corresponding or upshydating information or address do tell us not only your year of graduation but your discipline

Where Are They Now The following 20 names were entered on the College of Biological Science Honour Roll for years 1976 and 1977 We w ish to know how your career has progressed and

FALL 1976

Brenda Henry (Marine Biology) and Winter 77

janis Kay 78 (Genetics) and Winter 77

Laurence McClure OVC 81 (Unshyspecialized and Winter 77

Linda (Nelson) Sinclair 78 (Human Kinetics) and Spring 77


Sherry (Bondorenko) Miller 77 (Hushyman Kinetics)

jellrey Chernoff 77 (Unspecialized)

Wendy Harris 77 (Major in Biology)

C harlene Kopansky 77 (Human Kineshytics)

Peter MacDonald (Human Kinetics) and Winter 78

Blain Mollatt (Microbiology)

Darjo Romani 78 (Major in Biology) also Fall 77 and Winter 78

Barry Rosen~rg 77 (Unspecialized)

Cheryl Rowe 77 (Human Kinetics)

FALL 1977

Gregory Casey 79 (Microbiology) also Fall 78 and Winter 79

William Crins 78 (Botany)

jill Cross OVC 82 (Unspecialized)

what you are doing currently Do you have intere s ting episodes to relate in the BIO-ALUMNI NEWS Please lets hear from you

David C a mpbell 78 (Major in Biology)

Richard Proctor 80 (Ecology)

Carolyn Robertson (U nspecialized)

joanne (Ryder) G unby 79 (Genetics) and Winter 79 0

Grad Bash 1983

Organized jointly by the CBS Alumni Association and the CBS Students Council in April more than 280 students alumni current and former staff and faculty sat down for dinner prior to presentations being made to our dean

Contributions came from members of the College and a bird sculpture fashioned by Uta Strelive Zoology was the first of many gifts

Next came a memory book containing many letters photographs clippings and a variety of incidents all pieced together by Association president Marie (Boissonshyneault) Rush 80

Betty Roff gave the dean a special book of clippings collected by herself Two framed portraits of Professor Ronald one already hung in the main office of McNally house the other for the Ronald family completed the tributes

Altogether this gathering was a fitting acknowledgement of a great man who has done great things for us all 0


Scholarships In the Names of

Ronald and PoweU The CBS Alumni Association is pleased to announce the introduction of a scholarship for graduate students in the name of Proshy

fessor Keith Ronald Professor Rona ld as of July I had served for 12 years as the first dean of the CBS and the awarding of a

sc holarship in his name is a fitting tribute to

all he has done fo r the College the Univershys ity and the CBS Alumni Assoc iation

The Hum an Kine tics Alu mni Assoc iashy

tion anno unced its intention to name an undergraduate scholarship in the School of Human Biology in the name of Dr John T Powell as he retires from the Unive rsity in 1984

Do nations to eithe r or both of these

sc holarship funds shou ld be sent direc tl y to the Department of Alumni Affairs and Development-clearly ind icati ng to which sc ho la rs hip your donation is to be alloca ted - or when contributing to the Alma M ater F und noting that your monie s

be channeled to the sc holars hip of yo ur choice 0

Grad News Biological S cience

Lesley (Wilson) Barton 73 and Bruce 70 MSc 74 live in Keremeos B C R R No I VOX JNO will find them

E thel Anita Hamilton 79 and hu sband

Wayne Barcha r d 76 MSc 79 live in Hali fax NS where Ethel is a habitat proshy

tec tion technician with fishe ries and Oceans while Wayne is head Office Assessment Scction Environment Canada 3rd Floor 45 Alderney Drive Dartmouth N S

Marilynne (Wise) McCausland 77 is a research microbiolog ist with Molson Bre wshyeries of Canada Ltd and may be reached at 1555 No tre Dame East Montrea l Que H2L 2R5

Michael W Tate 79 write s mos t kindly thanking us for kee ping people in touch through th is column He is a teac her at Mo rnings tar Secondary School in Mi ss isshysauga

Natalie Mary Olynyk 79 may be reached at 3 120 Duffer in Street in T oronto where she is re staurant manager for Olyn yk Foods Ltd

Marine Biology

Gl en A Packman 74 and Sharon (Noda ) Arts 72 li ve at 21 Albion Road Hali fax S B3P IP8 Glen is a senior

biologist with En vironment Canada

Jo l1n Plumb 76 and M arianne (Conshynoly ) 77 may be reached at 37 Coldstrea m Road Box 303 Munster Ont KOA 3PO John works as an indu strial engineer with

the Mitel Corporation - Kan ata

Human Kinetics and Human Biology

Joy (Reid) Tomes 70 is a team coshyordinator with the Workman s Co mpensashytion Board- 2 Bloor St East Toronto Ont oM7W IA2

Terry Obi Oblinski 71 holds the pos it io n of supervisor with the 3M Comshypa ny at 2 Craig Street Pe rt h Onto K7 H 3C5

Robert T a p Fawcett 72 teac hes at the W 1 Fenton Secondary Schoo l R R 0 10 in Brampton Ont L6V 3 2

Marie-Andree (Pi lon) Poulin now teache h igh school in Montreal write her at 76 Lesage Repent igny Que J3A 5Y5

Dr Tom Elmslic 74 M-Sc 77 is a g lutton for punishment as he isjust complet ing another MSc this time in Epidemi o lshyogy at McM as ter University preparatory to his return to Ottawa

Glen Paterson 78 of 16 Da lto n A ve nue T hunder Bay On t P7B 4E9 is ea rl y chi ldhood educato r with the Confederation o f Applied Art s and Technology B ro ther Larry R Paterson g radu ated with a BLA in 69

Eric bullbull Art Arthurs 80 is s till at 12272 shy110 Avenue Edmonton Alta T5M 2L3 He work s for Consolidated Concrete Limshyi ted as a dragl i ne opera tor

Henry Fox 81 lives at 1520 Verdi La Salle Que H8l I K4

Christine (Krumbacher) F()se 81 may be reached at Box 252 2 Banff Alta TOL OCO

Ch rist ine (Novakuske) Lavallee MSc 81 is a stude nt again stud ying French and living at 0428A Larose A ve nue Mo nt real Que H2B 2Z2

Ginger (Thompson) Elmore 81 seeks work in the geriatric field Are you able to help Write he r please at 107 Ontario Avenue Komoka Onto NOL IRO

Don Doc Wilson 81 is physica l direc tor at the Waterloo Family YMCA Lincol n Road Waterloo Ont N2J 2N8

Jan McMullan 82 ne wly wedded to Mark Newcombe MSc 83 is presently ass istant manager - Ri ordan s Sport S 183 Silvercreek Parkway in Guelph She tells us of four co usins who have g raduated fro m Guelph - Brenda (Bu lton) Dagg CSS 72 Bryce Dagg 72 Donald Sifton 70 and Bonnie (Sifto n) W alsh C SS 72

Fisheries and Wildlife

Lorna l Depuydt 77 is a price specia li st with Massey-Fe rg uso n Her adshydress is 3941 Whispering Wa No 6 Grand Rapids Mich USA 49506

Steven Kerr 77 works as di s trict biologist for the Mi nistry of Natu ra l Reshysources - 611 Ninth Avenue Eas t O wen Sound Ont NOH IS O

Richa rd P Bekolay 77 MSc 80 R R N o ) Carp Ont KOA ILO is a program analyst with Digital Equipment Corporation at Kanata

Marie Legrow 80 is once aga in a s tudent at Gue lp h li ving in Guelph at [02 Queen St reet North IE 4S I


Ann (Stewart) Gray 79 and husband Dr eil Gray 76 li ve at 40) - 251 Platts Lanc in London Ont N6 H 4P4 Ann is a re search assistant at the Universi ty of We stshyern Ontari o

Robe- W Marks 81 is a production trainee with Labatt Brewin g Comp any in Kitchene r


Dr Rob J Van Exan 74 MSc 76 PhD79 ho lds the position of manager Cell Culture Produc tion with Connaught Laboratories 1755 Steeles Avenue West Will owdale Ont M2R 3T4

Chuck Yipchuk 78 wo rks in Quebec 87 Senneville Road Sennev ille a s c oshyordinator of da ta at Bi o- Re search Laboratori es

Dr Harr y Nixon Chabwela W eza MSc 79 P h D 82 may be contacted at loni Katandika Vtllage Chief Kakumbi P O Box 154 Chipata Za mbia where he is a bio log ist wi th National Parks

Douglas Stendahl MSc 79 is with the -federal government s Minist ry o f Indian Affairs and Northe rn De velopment- P O Box 1500 Yukon N W T He is water quality officer


Rick Proctor 80 is a consultant with I P Sharp Associates 2 First Canadian Place Toronto Ont M5X IE3 0


The Ontario Agricultural College Alumni Association

ALUMNI NEWS EdJtor Dr Harvey W Caldwell 51

Financial Management Related to Agriculture One of the main sessions at the OAC Agricu ltural Conference 83 dealt wit h financial management as it relates to agricu lture Robert Sanderson who is with the Ontario Farm Adjustment Asshysistance Program was a main speaker and presented the following paper

Ten years ago most farmers were smilingshyagr icu lt ure see med to have finally gained its reward Worl d short age s of food provided ampl e markets and steadily rising prices lor prac tica lly all crops

Thi s idea li s ti c situation continued for a co uple of years until the granaries of the wo rl d were refi li ed De mand then norshyma li zed and pri ces for most agricultural prod ucts hega n to dec line In spite of price dec lines and li mited markets co nsiderable optimi sm conti nued to be fe lt o n the farm sce ne thro ughout mos t of the 1970s

Late in that peri od infl a ti on reall y ca ught fi re rai sing inpu t cos ts for supplie s and labour The ri se in land pri ces exceeded the most optimis tic es timates during this sa me time

In an a tte mpt to s te m thi s ra mpant infla tio n interes t rates increased almost threefo ld beg inning In 1979 and the world hega n it s slide into recession Farml and prices ceased to r ise in 198 1 and are now crumbli ng wi th uncer tain ty and lac k o f demand

We have no doub ts abo ut th e successshyful future o f ag ri cult ure hcre in Ontari o but today for many farmers adj ugtt me nts are necessa ry to remain so lve nt and for too many oth ers bo th adj ustme nts and so me ass iq an ce are necessary for their prese nt and future surviva l

There are some who are beyo nd he lp and farm bankru ptcies are at their highest leve l since the grea t Depression o f the 1930s These cond it io ns brought about the crea tio n of the On tari o Farm AdJustmcn t Ass istance Program (OFA AP) T hi s proshygram during 1 9~2 has bee n assisting eli g ible farmers who needed he lp

The re are two prime reaso ns fo r


fin anci al woes cited by appl ican ts - high interes t rates and lower farm incomes On the other hand the prime reaso n fo r ~ome

farmen probl ems e ited by lenders is ove r-e xpansion We be li eve both views are va lid and unques ti onabl y are respo ns ible for the prese nt ago ny and unres t on 100

many Ontario farms Le nde rs cite seve ral o the r importa nt

reaSl)l1S whic h also bea r o n the prob le m The borrowers oft e n refe r to them too but usuall y wit h di fferen t emphasis ThcY em shyphas ize the c lt treme instability of fa rm income the se rious lac k of pro per pl an ning bu dge ting accmatc farm record and fin all y the practice of making unprodu ctive investmcnts

Because of the qualifying criteria asshysociated ith an application for as s istan ce from OfAAP one must keep in mind that our observations are limited to about 10 per ce nt of Ontario farm operatlolls That 10 per ce nt is cl ose to the bottom of the gro up on the bas is o f financial sec urity OFA AP assista nce is limited to those produc ing Iood and tobacco Therefore data regard in g proshyducers of fl owers nursery stock race shyhorscs etc ha ( no t come he fore us and the financ ial ituati ons ltlr not inc luded in any of o ur informati o n

Applica ti ons have been appro ved for farmers operating all across the pro vince

Of the to tal approved about 20 per ce nt were in swine prod uctio n abou t 15 per ce nt were in eac h of cash crop prod uction da iry producti on and beef prod uct ion 4 per cen t were in fruit and vege ta ble prod uctio n 3 pel cent were tobacco fa rmers and the Ies t co mbinations of the above Those farm ers producing etgs and poultry were fe w

I n a review of appli ca tio ns for OFAAP ass istance several COl1ll1lo n sce nari os co nshytin ue to ap pear on a so me what re petiti ve has is and are ca tegorized as fo ll ows

1 Young or Beginning Farmers

Th ose under 35 years o f age wen res pons ishybl e for nearl y ha lf o f a ll the app li cati ons In thi s gro up are many who have Just begun fa rm ing Mo~ t of these arc victims of inopport un e tim ing hav in g acq uired land buildings and equ ipme nt be twee n 1979 and 19R2 For the m the combinati on o f lower th an ex pee ted prices of farm produc ts and the extre me inc reases in the ir fi na nc ing charges due to hi gh interes t rates_ have becn dlvas tatin g This is partic ul arl y true where Illos t assets were fi nanced the bcg inshyning equit y be in g Illodes t

2 The Aggres sive Expansionist

Many farmers who did well farming on a

modlst basis in the mid-70s dec ided that s ince o ne farm was pro fitabl e two wo uld be bette r three be tter than two Aggress ive

expan sion mos tl y on c redit du ring this i ntl a tio nary pe riod produced many paper millionaires in the farm co mmunity by the late 70s The elation fo r some of these

fa rmers d id not lasl far into the 80s T hose with 100 much bo rro wed cap ital

found that the ir farm income c ul d not

support the debt load So me of these

atlcmpted fu rthe r borro wing in an e ffort to mai nta in their ho l ding ~ and fo und ou t like o thers before them th at it is imposs ible to

borro w your way out of debt O thers so ld or tried to sell some o f the ir land o r eq uipment in an effort to re ti re at leasl o me of the ir cri ppling de bt and there by salvage at

least a part o f the ir operation

One rather sad varia tio n o f this las t s itua tion occ urs occ as io na lly whe re a

farmer who has had a succes~ fu l and so lvent opera tion decide to ex pand to a llow a son

o r so n- in-law into the bus in ss because of a des ire on the part of the young per on to

farm or occasionally because he is no t employed The expansion in Jand and eljuipment particularly if it occu rred in the

last three years and if it were do ne mainl y o n credit with a mortgage taken on his once so lvent operation has robbed the farmer of

his security and his peace of mind Furthershy

mo re in some of these s ituations the disappointed newcomer in the bus iness moved on leaving dear o ld dad to make the best of it

3 The Equipment Enthusiast

Another scenario concerns the man who is o bsessed with the need to ac quire equipshyment or to make add ition s and improveshy

ments to a lready adequate buildings To pay

for it out of the revolvi ng operating loan or to finance it in other ways withou t first having established that it will pay for itself will inevitably c reate financial problem s

Whe re there has been a general disregard for thi s kind of purchas ing the end resu lt has usually been disas trous

4 Natural Disasters

We regularly see the result s of natural

disas ters - floods windstorms hail frost disease and fires All of the se misfortunes can be c rippling to any operation but when adequate insurance coverage is not carried or if one of these di sasters occur whe n a farmers equity is low or when hi s princi pal and interest charges consume much o f his income it can be disastrous to his economic

pos ition

5 Family Unity

From OFAAP applicatio ns it is noted that some farmers who experience a marriage break- up seem to have diffi culty maintainshy

ing fi nanc ial solvency W hen asse ts are

di vided and whe n atte nt ion to management

is di e r ted hccause o f family pro blems the farm operation is often morta ll y wounded

Farmers and farm op ratnr are much more vulnerable in this si tua tio n because thei r

wives arc o ften much more invol ved in the e lllerprise than in non- farm situations

6 Offmiddot Farm Income

Appl ications incl ude a great nu mher of

insta nces in which if it were not fo r 0 ffmiddot fa rm income o f either the farmer or his wife or

occas io na lly both the ir farm o peratio n wo uld be tota lly un viable and unab le to continue to fu nc tion It is well the n fo r

those in th se c ircumstances to r cogniu tha t if the off-farnl inco me should e nd it wo uld also mea n the te rmination of the

farming operatio n

7 Enterprise Changes

A review 0 f appli ca tions indicates that some

farmers are hoping to comple tely change

thei r c rop or li ves toc k programs attemptin g perhaps to outguess the marke t and to

improve their financial return s Sometimes the expectation in vo lved in the dec is ion is

correct but so o ften when the costs inshyvol ved in the c hange are considered little

has been gai ned and where the deci s ion to change was unwi se co nsiderable loss is

usually the result The ot her extreme to this

situation is rigidity to the poi nt of makin g no changes at all

8 Manage ment

The management ability of any applicant

farmer is difficult to assess Most applicants are not known and there is no opportunity to assess the actual farm operation Ho wever

experience with OFAA P emph asizes that good financial management is c ritical to the

success of any farm operation Here is a li s t of definite Do and

Do nts that should be much in the minds of farmers operating in the present financial climate All of these suggestions re tlect the ex periences we have had working with

appli ca tions for O FAA P

The Definite Dos

Do base an operation on an informed farm

plan keep ing and using good record~ and approved acco unting proced ures Do work c losely wi th the credit source shy

usually the banker Plan and work within

approved revo lving ope rating loan limits Make regular cred it payments when due and when unable to make p ro per arrange shy

ments ahead of time w ith your c reditor or credito rs Do make necessary adju stme nts in land and equipm e nt befo re u nder tak ing further borrow in g Do shop around for cred it and i nve~ tig ate

ava il ah le programs to cu t credit cos ts Do pay off on loans when surplus cas h is

ava il able It won t be any fun but it w ill

he lp to re tain sol vency Do try to ma intai n stability in your far m o peration and kee p the peace a t h IllC

Do seek the professi o nal adv ice of you r ag ric ultu ra l represe ntative anJ Ir indwtry fiel d per~on ne I

The Definite Donts

Dont borrow for capita l items unless they

are abso lu te I y necessary Dont make capi ta l purchases with funds

frolll your revo lvi ng opera ting account w ithout co nsul ta tion and agreeme nt with

the bank manager Dont expand any operation without sound

pl ann ing Dont plunge and make rapid changes in

the ope rati ng patte rn without so und consultation 0

Partners For 70 Years

Arthur Cowie 09 now 95 and his wife Nina now 92 were married March 19 1913 near Nel son B C They li ved in

HC for three years then returned to Caledo nia where Arthur worked for the A

Jone s bakery He returned to the 200-acre farm homestead in 1922 when his father

was kill ed in a farm accident Arthur se rved in the 19305 and early

19405 as co uncillor and also served as

a Ju s tice of the Peace for the farm communit y

Nina Co wie whose g reat lo ve was

dancing has onl y one regre t and that is tha t she could never get her hu sband o nto the -dance floor The Scotti ~ h dances Hig hlan d

tlin gs and Scotti sh reels made hi s head spin He played the record s and watched

from the sidelines while ina did the danc ing

They have no secrets tor a long happ y marriage excep t working at it Theyve

done Jus t tha t for 70 years Bes t wishes to them both 0


OACGrads on Faculty at Nova Scotia Ag College

Lauranne Sanderson M Sc 81 is with the Humanities Department She specialized in Animal Science in her undershygraduate years but added to that a master program in Agricultural Economics Lauranne has lived on a mi xed lives t()c k and cash crop farm in southern O ntario At the No va Scotia Agricultural College (NSAC) she is teaching Tec hnical W riting but is specializing in the area of Com munications and Agricultural Extension

Barbara (Otrysko) Mulkewytch 78 MSc 81 is with the Plant Science Deshypartment Prior to her appointment at NSAC she was employed as a potato crops specialist with the New Brunswick Departshyment of Agriculture Her teaching and research will include projects on potato and crop protect ion

Yes Surry MSc 81 is with the Economics and Busi ness De partment Yves was born in Pamiers France has an M A fro m the nivers ity of Pari s and is in the process of completing his Ph D from Guelph Yves has a strong interes t in teachshying and his research interests hould be a welcome addition to the reg ion He is pre sent ly teaching courses in Micro and Macro Economic Theory

Laurie (Gaunt) Connor 73 is w ith the Department of Animal Science She earned MSc and Ph D degrees specia li zi ng in reproduct ion phys iology from the nivershysity o f Manitoba Prior to joining NSAC she was a NSERC Vi iting Fellow at the Animal Research Centre in Ottawa Her teaching and research work is mainly in the re producti ve physiology field

Also at NSAC are Sheree Porter CSS 79 and Myrna (Porter) Blenkhorn 76 John Shug 37A and 40 is the sec re tary o f the Nova Scotia Agricultural College Alumni Association 0

Please help us to help you When corresponding or upshydating information or address do tell us not only your year of graduation but your discipline

Th ree generatiuns of heramify were present when fleather Rohinson right centre FACS 83 graduated ut Wim er Convocation With her f rom [eji to righture her grandfather John Inglis her moth er Vlarirn (Inglis ) Robinson Mac 55 0 member of the Uni versirys Boord of Govern ors ond her father Doug Rohinson 53

Above Mllrrav Ma cGregor 5 1 lei with the winners of the OAC s 25th annual Alumni Curling Bon spiel Left to right GeorRe Robinson 651 Mu rrav Elliotl 65A Keith Murru 65A and Jern- Forestell 6511 Right OAC Alumni Associashytion president Hell ry Slanle 55 right was preslntedwith un engraved pewta stein to recugnie 25 years of participation ill Ihe bOlspiel Conshygratuluting Henry is Bill Harrison 62 bonspiei commillee chuirman


the individual members excellence andThe Ronald S Ritchie Le cture integri ty

This idea for the new body was not accepted by members of Cabinet They

The Opening Up of PubHc PoHcy The Opening Up of Public Policy was

Selllior Michael Piffields fopic when he

delifred fhe annual Ronald S Rifchie

LeclUre of fhe UniversifY in March

A Rmduafe ofSf Lawrence Universify

17 ( graduafed in lawjrom McGill UniversifV

and holds a Rrodlla fe diploma in Public La w

Fom Ih e UlliversifY ofolIa wa H efirsl joined Ihe Public Service as an

wlminislrafive assiSfam in Ihe Depa rimem

oJuslice in 1959 Ialer served onlhe sraffof Ih e Goernor General and as secrelary fO

117 1 Royal Commission on Taxalion In 1965

he joined Ihe Privy Council Office He

became depuly minisler of Consumer and

Corporafe Affairs in 1973 and Ihe followshy

inli year lOok up an appoinfmem as Fellow

in fhe John F Kennedy School of Governshy

mOl (If Harvard Un iversifY In 1975 he

relurned 10 Ollawa as Clerk of fhe Privy

Council and Se crelarv 10 Ihe Cabinel

The annual leclre recognizes Ihe comrihwion made 10 fhe Universily by

former Board of Govemors chairman

ROllald S Rilchie A reporl on Senafor Piffields presemalion follows

Senator Pitfield paid tribute to Rona ld Ritchie his important work in the Glassco Commission and his influence in the estabshylishment of the Institute for Research on Public Policy

In thi s th oug htful and thoughtshyprovoking presentation Senator Pitfield outlined the need for and the desirability of more open discussion before policies are introduced but there are some very real difficulties associated with de vel oping some me chanis m that could foster and encourage such exchanges of ideas

[t was pointed out that because of the high degree of interdependency of modern society and the size and complexity of governments the making of public polic y must be an intellectual subject in its own right not just a conglomeration of di scishyplines It had become evident that

I A methodical analysis of government activity could lead to improvements in government effectiveness

2 Traini ng in making and managment of public policy was crucial and urgent

3 There were few in government who knew why things were done the way they were

4 The making and management of pubshylic policy was a subject unique in itself and required thinking through for itself

5 Universities and other training institushytions were not very useful in this training process universities being too removed from the actual experience of government and the government institutions being withshyout the detachment and intellectual rigour needed

Thus it became evident that there was a need for an institution that would be a repository of knowledge a pl ace of learnshying a foru m for debate and a means of communication co ncerning public policy

Proposal s emerged that the federal go vernment should assis t some of the organizations already in existence Comshypetition became keen and rivalry among institutions re su lted in grander more comshyplex proposals As a result the federal go vernment in 1968 decided to establish a think-tank of its own to take a more rigorous look at public polic y

The idea was not new In many countries the general thinking was that all problems could be so l ved by inrelleclUal anal ysis and the appl ication of modern techshyniques But the ne w Trudeau go vernment went even beyond providing more data It included public debate of public policy

But the think-tank was only one of the initiatives to aid in the formation of policies There was support for political parties through caucus funding offi ce space support staff and regional offices for Members of Parliament and internsh ip programs for students to work as assistan ts to MPs

Other support included green and white papers for discussion commissions of inquiry task forces public funding of non-political grou ps to encourage discusshysion and many others to increase the flow of information for consideration of alternashytives All were done to open up the process o f meaningful debate which would result in more effective and sound decisions

The th ink-tank was to be a centre for var ious kinds of people to di scuss public policy subjects which were often set aside because of day to day pressures At first it was to be very informal with distinguished people invited to participate Its integrity and permanency would be based on that of

were concerned that existing research instishytutes would be damaged They also wanted in volvement of business and professional communities This challenge to broaden the scope was gi ven to Ron Ritchie

Ritchie foresaw an institution that would be independent supported by an endowment which would not only support but st imu late debate on public policy

Man y fears were raised - that such a body would be taken o ver by academics that it would become a clique that govern shyments would battle for control etc But these were dealt with skillfully by Ritch ie and the Institute for Researc h on Public Policy was establ ished

What of its accomplishments~ This institute has been successfu l in

many ways in getting better information into debate [n the ten years since its beginning many studie s have been pubshyli shed It has held many informat ive confershyences and has a unique journal Howeve r despite its efforts open and meaningful debate on public policy is not much more advanced tod ay than it was a decade ago

It is evident that to ach ie ve its objecshytives there mu st be a willingess to change opi nions and the Canadian sys tem prov ides few forums for the changing of minds The bias is towards decision-makers and interest groups not open and meaningful debate

Public debate often takes pl ace after rather than before the decision is taken Thi s may not be what is wanted but policy-making is tilted not tow ards being open but towards being closed

Why has there not been more progress [n h is pre se ntation Mi chael Pitfield refershyred to the fact that the go vernment whose people should discuss the si tuation has become even more confrontational not because of lack of information but because of rigidity in their approach to discussion of public policy

As govern ment ha s grown so have checks and balances which recently have often been linked to lack of confidence Where slim majorities exist a strong opposhysi tion can threaten the government Party di sc ipline becomes severe and ai ring of independent views is discouraged The fear of a government being defeated on the one shyhand and the unyielding demands ot the opposition on the other tends to make the parliamentary process less and less flexible

The result of the foregOing is the tendency of government in modern times to drop solutions on a public th at may not be aware of the problems These solutions are not open to argu ment and debate is reduced

conld over


w ith bias tending towards a cl osed system and less debate

To improve the situation it seems it wlluld be necessary to have a mutual and

ba lanced reduction of force on both sides

The ge neral equilibrium of the system needs to be ma in tained W hat is needed is the reduction of secre tiveness of the gove rn shyment on one side and a reduc tion of the

danger of e mbarrass ment or de fea t of the govern men t on the other side

T here must be a wil li ngness to secure

more ope n debate on al l sides and our

leaders ha ve not done that e ven on m ost import ant issues More ope n and rneltll1 ingshyful deba te will require more thi nk ingshy

thro u middoth - something Mc mbers of Parlishy

ame nt may not he able to do or be free to do or have the necessary knowledge to do But the id ea behind the Institute for Remiddot

search on Public Policy was tha t such a body could bring about better decisions

All publi c problems cannot be solved by thought and tech nolog ics but few can be solved without these contr ibutions

The Institute for Research on Public Policy cannot create better public policies

by itself It must have input from all sectors to bring about more open and meaningful public debate which will result in constant

improvement of government - somethin g

that everyone desires 0

Grad News Herb Nor ry M Sc 52 has moved to

London as a farm business advisor wit h

O M AF working in eight counties

Denny Silvestrini PhD 5R is director of quality controlresearch and de velopment Eskimo Pie Corporation Ric hmond Virshy

ginia SA He had served as manager quality control and product deve lopment

Ralston Purina Co mpany St Luuis M isshysouri U SA

John Hagarty 61 is manager fi e ld

service s Rural O rganizati ons and Serv ice s Branch OMAF Guelp h

Ismail Siragcldin Ph D 62 is professor Department of Population Dynami cs and

Political Economics the Johm Hopkins

University Baltimore Md S A

Arlene (Fournier) 65 and Dick Flis

MSc 65 are in Edmo nton Alta where Dick is petroleum products manager wes tmiddot ern Canada Imperia l Oil Ltd

Craig Hunter 66 is pre sident Cra ig

Hunter Poult ry Farms Ltd Stro ud

Colin Triver s 67 is a consulting e ngineer and On tario land surveyor for e G Trivcrs

Ltd T he ssalon

Peter Mosher Ph D 70 is director

bureau of agric ultural prod uctio n Depart shyment of Agriculture Ba ngor Me USA

Cordon Brown 76 is sen ior food techshynolog is t new prod ucts process developshy

ment Tho masJ Lipton Inc in Bram pton

Martel C outure MSc 76 is acting di rec tor d iploma progra m Macdonald Colshy

lege Ste nne de Belle vue Que

Charlie Ellintt 78 vnfe Ja ne and

first -born Ian C harles born Jan uary 20

1983 are living near S hetland C harlie is now working fo r Elliott Bros G rain and Feed Ltd

Dennis Ring 78 is credit manager Farm C redit Corp C hatham H is wife is Carnl (Weeks) 79

R Cunrad Genee 79 is a sales represhy

sentative with CIBA-Geigy Canada Ltd in

Winnipeg Man

Howard Armstrong RO is an industrial

engineer with the B utler Ma nufacturing Co (Canada) Ltd Nisku Alta

Bruce Broadbent PhD 80 is a research scientist entomology with Agriculture

Canada Vineland Station

Mic hael Tulloch 80 has been accepted as

a professional engineer by the Council of the APEO He now manages engineering functions for eG Trivers Ltd Thessalon

BruceGitelman 81 will be joining Wood G undy Ltd Investment Broke rs as a

corporate finance associate in September

Danicllc Wenstrom 81 is a quality a ss urance su pe rvisor for Pil lsb ury of Canada Ltd M idland

Christine Deslandes MSc R2 is a lecturer at Alfred Col lege of Agricu ltu re

and Food Technology A I fred

Diploma Graduates

Donald Morley 68A is ge nera l ma nager De Marco Homecare Ce ntre Sutton West

Jeffrey Currah 74A is marke ting man shyage r Fortam ix-a division of BASF

Canada Inc Georgetown

Brian Roberts 76A is a welder with Hillcook Ind ust ri es Ha milton 0

In Memoriam Raymond David Ure 15A and 21 January 24 In3 ~uddenly a t Tecumse h

age 87 He had bee n very act ive un til

recently H is son Donald re is it

graduate of 49

Dr Genrge M Stirrett 20A and 22 died December 15 1982 H is many co nshy

tri bu tiono had bee n recogni zed by the Heritage Canada Found ation The fo llowshy

ing is an account of the tribu te pa id to him Fe bruary 16 1 9~ I at Government HDu~e

O ttawa

His Excelle ncy Gove rnor Ge nera l

Edward Sc hrcyer prese med the Commun imiddot cations A wards Atl antic Reg ion to Dr

George M St irrett of Grand Falls Ne w

Bru ns wick Dr Stirrett has been comm itted to natural h is tory conservation for ma ny

years bo th before and after hi s ret ire ment from the Canadian W ildlife Service and Parks Canada in 1964

He worked hard for the preservation of the falls and gorge area at Grand Falls

and on other conservation needs in Ne w Brunswick and Ma ine He has also written

on the iss ues of conservation using Ihe pcn name G raham Vail and since April 1979

has publi shed a weekly column Notes on atural History in the G rand Falls

Cataract His columns stress the appreciashytion and enjoyment of nature as well as the need for preserving it

Norman Hodgins MacBeth 23 Fe bruary 3 1983 in St John N B He had retired in

1967 as General Manage r of General Dairies Ltd

David R Owen 25 in Medi c ine Hat

Alta February 6 1983 at age 82 He was a di rector of the fi rs t ollege Roy al and spe nt

most of his li fe teachi ng and farmi ng in Saskatchewan

Ronald John Quinn 35 Fe bruary 17 1983 in London His wife Helen (Farshyquhar) is a lso a graduate o f 35

Bruce Douglas Innes 36 passed away Septe lllber 29 19 82 D uring his college

years he took part in ma ny ac tivitie s bu t he -re membered with particu la r pleasure be ing Grand C hampion Showman College Royal

35-the first time that the honour had bee n won by anyone o ther than a fou rth year man Bruce owned and operated a dairy

farm at Burford since I 939 and was an

acti ve and ded icated farmer until his death

H is wife Margaret died in A pril 1983 T hey leave daughters Lorna Lawrence

Mac 68 and Karen and son Robert 0


Macdonald Institute College of Family and Consumer

Studies Alumni Associat ion

ALUMNI NEWS Editor Joan (Anderson) Jenkinson 66


BASc Grads-Class o f 80

EntploYDlent Survey T he University s Counselling and Reshysource Centre recentl y completed an inshyucpth survey covering the empl oyment activities of the 211 graduates who in 19RO earned Bachelor of Applied Sc ience Degrees

The survey indicates th at gradu ates are e nj oy ing a variety of interes ting and chalshylenging careers

A gratifying 73 per cent of th e graduates re sponded to the survey with 51 per cent of the respondents indi catin g that they have completed or are completing graduate degrees or programs on a full- or part-time bas is Of the 153 respondents 78 per ce nt including one who is self emshyployee have full-time employment The remainder are employed part-time or are pursuing further studie s

Li sted below are the indicated ca reers chosen in the four major areas of study

Applied Human Nutritio n

ut ritiond ietetics Food service administration More than 50 per cent of the responshy

dents obtained reg istered profe ss ional dietishytian certificates The Admini strati ve Emshyphasis course is no longer offered in the

Applied Human utrition program It is available through the Bachelor of Comshymerce program

Family Studies

A number of grad uate s found posit io ns in teac h ing or social services such as

Adult protecti ve service workers Infant de ve lopment specialists Geront ology consultants Supervisors and field workers with social service agencies Other Family Studies graduate s are

working in government srv iees and in the private ec toras home economists financial co un se llors librarians hostel managers Family Studies graduates tend to sl ck caree rs in the helping profess ion s

Consumer Studies

There are four emphasis areas 01 study within this maj or The survey indicates that

Food gradu ates are employed in areas of produci development marketing and food technology with majo r food companies Hou si ng emphasis graduates are wo rkshying with government agencies and in teac hing

Consumer Beha vio ur e mph asis graduates are in industry business and res earc h Tex tile and Clothin g e mph asis grads are employed in research merchandi sshying and banking Often after working for a year or

more Consumer Studies graduates will return to gradu ate study o r profess ional programs on a full- or part-time bas is

Child Studies

Many Child Studies graduates are emp loyed in teaching supervisory or other child-care related sett ings such as soc ial work with fami lies and children Re ported part -lime and temporary em pl oy ment pos ishytions include work as supply teachers child care supervisors special education leac hers and as lecturers in uni ve rsity settings

It is imporl an t to note that this emshyploy ment survey reports the caree r paths chose n by onl y one graduating cl ass Dat a is collccl~d on a yearl y bas is from gradu ates in Family and Consumer Studies In order to observe the broad scope of employment opportunities avail able a four-year tabulashytion wo uld pl~ c nt a more complete picture of the profess ional activities of graduates

In summary FACS programs offer students a sound educational background to meet the need s of i nduslry educational institut io ns governme nt and bus in c The future for FACS graduates is indeed bright as the College co ntinues to gro w and develop programs to meet the challenges of the 80s 0



BASc Gradsmiddot Class of 80 Further Education Pursued

Major Total

Graduates Number of

Respondents R PDt BEd MEd MSc MD MA

Applied Hum an Nu trition 65 45 23 3 I

Family Studies 64 44 19

Consumer Studies 48 33 2

C hild Studies 34 31 II I I I

TOTAL 21 1 ( 1007c)

153 (73 oc )

23 32 I 4 I I

FACS Has New

Dr Richurd Burhunl

Dean Professor Richard M Barham was apshypointed dean of the College of Family and Consumer Studies for a fi ve-year term effective July I 1983 He succeeds Dr Janet M Wardlaw who has served as dean since 1969

Professor Barham has been chairman of the Department of Family Studies since

1976 and served as acting dea n in [980 while Dean Wardlaw was on administrative leave

A graduate of the University of Otago Dunedin e Zealand Richard Barham received a Ph D degree from the University of Alben a dmonton in Ed ucational Psychology

He has served on the faculty of the Department of Educational Psychology at the University of Alberta and as professor and acting chairman of the Department of Education University of Otago

While in New Zealand he was an executive member of the council of The Ne w Zealand Psychological Society and served as its president

At Guelph he has taught both undershygraduate and graduate courses in the Deshypartment of Family Studies and has supershyvised graduate students

He has been active on many University committees during the past seven years He is a past chairman of the Board of Graduate Studies and has been a member of the

Committee on Academic Priorities the Committee on University Planning the Liaison Committee and several others

He has also been a consulting educa shytional psycholog ist with the Wellington County Separate School Board since 1979

Prolessor Barham and his wife Joan have a family offour Joan recently returned to the University of Guelph for further study Daughter Vick y 19 is a student in Economics at Queens University Lisa 17 and Christopher 14 attend Ce ntennial CVJ while Tania 12 is completing her studies at College Avenue School

Music is very important part of the Barham familys life with active invoheshyment in the Suzuki String School and the Guelph Youth Orchestra Gardening is a hobby enjoyed by both Richard and Joan

Members of the Mac- FACS Alumni Association extend a sincere welcome to Professor Barham We look forward to meeting and working with him in the future as he fills the challenging position as dean of FACS 0

FACS Prof First

Dr M urlin MUllhclIs

Director P ro fessor Anne Martin Matthews De shypart me nt of Family St udi es has been ap shypointed the first director of the Gnontology Research Centre The establi shment of the Centre was announced last February A research grant of $237000 from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada will fund the Centre for the first three years

Professor Martin Matthews has been conducting research related to the needs and interests of older segments of the populashytion as well as teaching courses in such areas as social gerontology and marital and family dynamics in Family Studies She has been a faculty member with the Department of Family Studies since 1978

She also has been active beyond the campus in programs related to aging She is chair-elect of the social sciences division Canadian Council on Gerontology and will begin a two-year term in the chair of that organization this year

She is also first vice-president of the

Ontario Gerontology Association and a member of the scientific advisory commitshytee of the Gerontology Research Council of Ontario She is a graduate of Memorial University of Newfoundland and McMaster University

With a steadily increasing percentage of the popUlation in the retirement age bracket it is important to understand more fully the ir needs and cuncerns sa ys Proshyfessor Martin Matthews The en tre will deal with the ag ing family and environshymental contexts In the latter sense we will be examinin g such things as the difference bet wee n aging in an urban and a rural society as well as issues like housing and the aging

The new Gerontology Research Centre will provide facilities to assist faculty members and graduate students doing reshysearch on aging The Centre will facilitate integrate and co-ordinate studies on aging within the University the director says

Research on aging is now being carried out at the Universi ty in such Departments as Family Studies Geography Psychology Nutrition Human Biology and SocioluFY and the Centre will be able to provide a medium for cross-fertilization of ideas among the many researchers in the field

Professor Marlin Matthews says that the Centre will be working co-operatively with other similar research centres in Onshytario such as the one at the University of Toronto in promoting research on aging The Centre will also sponsor conferences and workshops that relate to the special needs of older citizens in their communities

Guelph has demonstrated an interest in gerontology since 1970 when research projshyects began and courses dealing with aging were offered in the Departments of Family Studies and Psychology Since 1981 the Un i versity has offered gero ntology as part of the Famil y Studies major in the Bachelur of Applied Science program 0

A Thank You Dear A luml7i

1-Iwl 10 Ihonk oil Ihe uumni inloll(d wilh

Ihc cr special send-oj gien to me ill

recognition of Ihc complelion ofmv Icrm as


So man of ou -Ierc invocd shy

whelhcr or nOI ou -Iere able 10 (fIend Ihe

recognition receplion in Toronlo on May

29 I oppreciacd Ihe man good llishes

which come from ocross CClrado ond from

such dislOlIl places as Indio and Chara

Your generous gifls u Imc Irolld of

pcarls und a bonk aCCOlll11 vhich came lVilh

Ihe slrong suglcslion Ihal [should IIc 10

Vnv Iculand lverc Irul overllhelll1ing

The Air lCll Zcalundjlighl bag jJacked wilh

1111 SOriS of nccessiliel added 10 Ihe jim

middotre had 01 Ihe rcceplion

Many Ihanksfor your SUppOri over Ihe years and for your good wishes as I begin

my car ofadmin is Ira live leave

Yours sincerelv

Jonel M Wardlaw 0


Dr Louise

( Bailltlj

Heslop 67

Off - To


Dr Louise (Bazi net) Heslop 67 has JO ined the School of Business at Carlton Unive rsit y O ttaw a Over the next two years through an arran geme nt with Ca rlton Unive rsity she will be cco nded on a

part-time basis by Stati sti cs Canada where she will join the Research and Analysi s

D ivision Loui se completed her MSc at Guelph

in 1969 and continued as lecturer in the

ne wly-es tablished Department o f Co nshysumer Studies In 1977 she compktcd a Ph D in Business Administration (Marketshying) at the University of Western Ontari o

and rejo ined the Department of Consumer Studies ri si ng to the rank of ass oc iate professor

Louise was e lected to the board of

di rectors of the Mac-FA CS Alumni Assoc ishyati on in 1977 se rvin g as secretary-treasurer until May 1981

We ex tend our best wishe middot to Loui se

her husband Lome O A 70 and their dau ghters Jose tte 5 and C la ire 2 Lorne is employed by Agriculture Canada in

Ottawa and is currently completing an M Sc in Engineering at the University of

G uelph Coun try li ving is a high priority with

the Heslops They are deli ghted with the purchase of a farm near Almonte a nd look

forward to the best of both worl d s - profess ion a lism in the city and lei sure in the countryside 0

Grad News Helen (Clifford ) Beswick 48D is se lf empl oyed as a studio potter in her home in Dundas

Margaret (Kennedy) jarvis 54D is a realestate age nt in Kingston

Pat (Hall) McDowell 65 is with the

United Missionary Soc iet y Jlorin Kwora State ~igeria

Joanne Patterson 66 is a se ni or project o ffmiddoticer w ith Indi an and Northern Affa irs Ottawa

Leslie (Mowat) Hemming 68 is teaC hin g in Woods tock

Mary (Jany) Toms 68 is employed with Health and We lfare Canada Ottawa

Sarah (Spencer) Coomhs 70 is an assistant director wi th the Co nsumer Inforshymation Centre of the Ontario Government


Meredith Fi lshie 70 is an ana lyst w ith the Ministry of State for Economic and Re g ional Development O ttawa

S heila (Fahner ) jarvie 70 is a nutrishytion ist w ith the K- W Hospital Kitchener

Donna j ohnstone 70 o perates Donn as Ha ndmade Clothin g for Men amp Wo men Gabiola Isla nd B C

Lorraine Holding 71 is manager of program development with the Rural Orshyga nizatio ns and Services Branlh Minis try of Agriculture and Food located at the Gue lph Agriculture Centre

Beve r ly Lee 72 is a chairperso n with the York Region Board o f Educ at io n

Laurie MacLeod 72 is a district manager with Beaver Foods Mlss issauga

Kathy Camelon 73 is a dietitian at the Toronto Genera l Hospita l

Tirnoth) Fleming HAFA 74 a ses ionaJ lec turer with H AFA teaching business law has been adm itted to the partne rshi p o f the law firm of Harper Haney and White of Waterl oo

Isabel (McBride) H o well 74 is an e lementary school teacher with the Watershyloo Co unt y Board of Educatio n Camshybridge

Mary Ruston 75 is a Famil y Studies teacher at Inge rso ll District High School

Kathryn Anderson 76 is a supervisor with Westmini ster Family Day a re London

Hester Cooper 76 is employed as a research officer with the New Zealand Dairy

Research Institute in Palmers ton North ew Zealand

Patr icia (G a rland ) Desaul niers 76 is with patient fo od se rvices Alberta Hospishyta l Edmo nton

Noella Li 76 is aclinical dietitian wi th the

ictori a Hospital London

M eredith (Evans) Hea rtwe ll 77 is

teac hing in Mississauga

Deb Wey 77 is patient food se rvices manager at SI John Regio nal Hospi tal SI J()hn NB

Susan (junes ) Wilcox 77 is food se rvices

superviso r with the Baye re st Ce ntre for Ge riatric Care 0

A ThankYou The c lass of Mac 380 wishes to extend a

sincere thank you to all alumni who have con tributed to the Mac 38 0 Class Geronshy

to logy Scholarship Fund The gradua te s tudent scholarship in

the recently de ve loped area ot Ge ronto lo gy at FACS is being established by the class of 38D in recog nition of their 45th annivershy

sary in 1983 All Univers it y of Guelph grads are

in vited to parti c ipate in this project funds for which will be so li c ited until December

1984 [f you wish to con tribute please make you r cheq ue pay ab le to the Univers ity o f Guelph Alma Mater Fund specify that it is to be applied to the Mac 38 D Class Gerontology Scho larship Fund and mail to

the Deve lo pment Office Room 273 John shysto n Hall Uni ve rsity o f Gue lph Guelph

Ontario N IG 2W J Th an ks again for yo ur suppo rt from

Elle n Downie Mary Singer Doris Durran t and Jean Carter- the Mac 38 D sch o larship committee 0

In Memoria m We regret to announce the death of the following al umnus

Margaret L (MacKenzie) Smallwood 401) December 1982 in Lakeland Fla




The College of Physical Scie nce Alumni Association

SCIMP Editor Bob Winkel

phy sics grant selection committee of thc atural Sciences and Engineering Research

Council for two years he was intimately involved in all the major re search de velopshyments in Canada in this field Hc feels that his e lec tio n to the Royal Society of Canada will help raise the prot1le of high-energy physics in this co untry and lend stren gth to Canadian experimenters

The citation prepared for his nominashytion to the Royal Society of Canada reads

Professor Karl is a high energy the ori st whose work is widely recognized interna tionally His deep physical insight and hi s kn ow led ge of mathemati ca l methods led to the quark model of baryon resonances based on quantum chromoshydynamics which has been enormousl) successful in describing experimental reshysuits H is re sea rch is characterized by striking originality and an ability to COIll shy

bine basic ideas from different field s as in the predictions of a new effect - neutron optical activity

Gabriel Karl is married and has one daughter W hen he is not probing the sec re ts of the universe he indulges himself in music theatre and the fine arts

He visited the Unive rsity of Briti sh Columbia in Vanco uver in May for the induction ceremony into the Royal Society of Canada on the occas ion of the Annual Meeting of the Society It marked he sa id the culmination of a long string of benefits that [ ha ve enjoyed throughout the 23 years 1 have lived in Ca nada [ have every rea son to be very grateful to th is country D

Erratum In the Sprin g issue o r SCiMP it was erroneously reported in the c utline accompanyin g a pict ure of Departshyme nt of Physics student scholarship winners that they were the recipients of 0 er $ 1500 We dropped a zero The fi gure should have read $ 15000 Sorry about tha t Ed

Elected to Royal Society

Dr Cooiel Korl

The election of Dr Gabriel Karl to a Fellowship of the Roy al Society of Canada represents what one of hi s colleagues Dr Peter Egelstaff desc ribe s as a rare honour which reflects great credit not only on Dr Karl but also on the Uni versi tys Departshyment of Physics

The Royal Society of Canada founded in 1882 to promote learning and research in the arts and sciences has numbered among its Fellows virtually all of Canadas most distinguished intellectual le ade rs of the last J00 yea rs Standards are jealously guarded and Fello wships are awarded only as a result of outstanding world-class ach ieve ment

The rarity of the honour is indicated by the fact that at the Un iversity of Guelph whose faculty includes so many academics of international distinction only five had previously achieved a Fellows hip in the Royal Society of Canada These are Dr Howard Clark vice- pres ident academic Dr Bruce Sells dean College of Biologishycal Science Dr Peter Egclstaff Depart shyment of Physics Dr Do nald Masters Prof ssor Emeri tu s De part mcnt of History and Dr He rb Armstrong retired dean of Graduate Studies

As the sixth Dr Ga briel Karl will have the added di st inction of bei ng the first whose career has been sp ot excl us ively at the Un ivers ity of Guelph which agai n to

quote Dr Egelstaff marks a coming of age for the University

Gabriel Karl was born in Transylvania a province of Romania He obtained his B Sc in Chemistry at Romani as Univershysity of ClUJ worked for two years in industry and came to Canada in 1960 He attended graduate school at th e University of Toronto where he was awarded a Ph D in 1966 for a thesis on infrared luminesshycence following molecular colli sion Hi s Ph D supervisor was the distinguished physical chemist Dr John Polanyi

A two-year post-doctora l fellowship with the University of Torontos Depart shyment of Physics followed His mentors there were Drs J Van Kranendonk and Duk Poll who is now a professor with the Universi ty of Guelph s Depa rtment of Ph ys ics

In 1966 Dr Karl studied at the Uni versity of Oxford for two years under an NRC scho larship to study hadron spec troshyscopy and in 1969 he Joi ned the Univers itys Department of Phy sics achieving a full professorship only five years later

Dr Karls work has focussed on high energy physics - the physics of fundamen shytal particles This is an esoteric field involvshying research into the nature of matter The relatively few world leaders in thi s field tend to cluster around the half-dozen accelerators such as the $100 million four kilumete rshylon g hi gh-e nergy tunnel for accelerating electrons at Stanford University that have been built only in the US and Europe

There is no accelerator of this energy level in Canad a and fe w Canadian scie nshyti ~ts are working in this field Dr Ka rl s statu re in the international commu nity of particle physic ists is marked by his many visi ts to the world s major research ce ntres as guest speaker and to consult with his peers Referring to the time spent on thcse missions Dr Karl describes the Depart shym nt of Phys ics and his colleag ues as generouslyaccommodati ng shy

As cha irman of the h igh energy


Trapping The Suns Energy Excerpted from a Chemtrends article by Mary Cocivera

One predi ctabl e fac t about ind ustri ali z d

soc iety is that it will take more e nergy to

keep the whee ls ru nn ing smoothl y parti c ushy

larly because the world population is exshy

pected to dou ble to about n ine bill ion by the

year 2050

[n th search to augme nt tradi tio na l

sources o f e lectri ci ty two Departme nt of

Chemistry pro fessors ha ve tu rned their

atten ti on to the convers ion of solar energy to

electricity by photovultaie cel ls and photoshy

elec troc he mical systems T he developme nt

work at Guelph is a imed at improving the efficiency and stability of th se sy~tems and

reduc i ng the ir cos t

Si licon photovoltaic cells serve as a

reference for solar energy convers iun beshy

cause they were the fi rst such cells and to

date arc the most effic ient co nvert ing so lar

ne rgy into elec tr ic ity a t abo ut 15 per cem

effi c iency Arrays of crys tal li n sil icon ce lls present ly cos t in the nei ghborhood or

S$400 per sq uare metre to manufac ture

produc ing about 40 watts Photovo lta ic

thin- fi lm syste ms us ing semico nductors

o ther than single crysta l sil ic on are be ing

investigated in man y re~earc h ce ntre s

around the world

A pro mis ing approach is a cadmiui1l

sulfi dec uprous sul fide combi nat ion in

which the two sem ico nduc tors are laye red

on molybdenum the n covered w ith a transshyparent gold fil m T his thin-fi lm cons trucshy

tio n i ideal for solar devices explai ns

Profess ur Ro n Fawcett because large

surface areas are needed for maximum

exposu re to the sun

T he fabrication process devel oped by

Ro n and patented in 1980 in vo lve electroshy

depos iting cadmium sulfide o nto molybshy

denum then layering cuprous sulfide over the cadm ium sulfide by an ion exchange

process Finally the gold 11 1m is added by

vacuum de pos ition Ron es timates that

thi n-film de ices could be manufac tu red in

this way for about S$25 per squ are metre

E lectro pla ting of se m ic ondu ct ors

would enabl e photo voltai c dev ices to be

manu factured in a continuous process

rathe r than indi vidua lly as i required w ith

s ingle crysta l s ilic on Such ce lls ha ve

ach ieved conversio n of solar to electrica l

energy at an e ffi cienc y o f I per cent to date T he researchers are co nfide nt they can

achieve fi to 8 per cent cffi ieney compared

to the calcul ated max imum e ffi c iency of II

per cent Pro fessor Michae l oc ivera is ork ing

on photoe lec troc hem ical systems in which a

sem icond uctor electrode im mersed in an

elec tro lyte solution converts inci dent li g ht

into a n electric a l cu rren t Such se mishy

conductor lilju id junction cells offe r p racti shy

cal ad van tages because uf the sponta neom format ion o f a junc tio n I mproved effishy

ciency fo r po lycrysta lli ne sem iconductors

has been a hi eved in ce lb of th is type in part becau~e the liqu id estab li shes unshy

iformly good COntac t wi th the e l etrode

The li gh t -~ens it i ve electrode in photoshy

e lec trochem ical ce lls is a sem ic o nductor

e it her a thin-fi lm or s ingle c rysta l a tt ached

to a metal back ing the other e lec trode is an

inert me ta l T he e l ectrode~ are immersed in

~ n elect rol yte solutio n o f a mater ial that carl do nate and accep t elect rons The b igges t

prob lem with many li lj ui d junct io n ce lls

~ays Mike is photocorros iol1 of the su rshy

face of the se miconductor To overcome

thi s problem he is developing materi a ls and

techniques to coat the e lectrodes with proshy

tec tive materiab

The first liquid junction cells with a

sili con anode opera ted for only a matter of

seconds befo re the e lec trode was des troyed

by corrosion Researche rs at the Solar Energy Research Insti tu te in C o lorado

U SA have developed a silicon anode

w ith a polypyrro le protect ive coating which

can o perate for hund reds o f hours but that is

still not long eno ugh for a viable commershy

cia l syste m

M ike and his colleague are making a

syste matic study of compounds tha t wi ll

both protect the electrode from corrosion

and catal yze the elect rode rca tion They

arc now worki ng with organo me tall ic comshy

pounds co mpris ing a metal atom sulfur

and an aromatic co m pone nt containing a func tiona l group li ke hyd roxy l sul phonate

ammoni um and nitroso

hese compounds are effect ive beshy

ca use they prov ide a mechanism to transfer

a ch arge bet ween the se mi co nd uctor and the e lectro n donor in solut io n The coating mus t

also be transpilrent e nough to a llow the light

to s trike the photocleetrode

To date they ha ve suneeded in deshy

veloping fi ve coat ings su itab le fo r a variet y

or se miconduc tors incl uding the polyshy

crysta ll ine cadm ium su lfide e lectrodes fabshy

riltated by Ron Fawce tt s method If polyshy

crystalli ne elec trodes can be fab ri (a ted and

coated wi th a protec tive materia l electroshy

chemically they wi ll be relati ve ly inexpe nshy

ive to manufac ture If the tech niques and processe s be ing

inve ~l igated by Ron Fawce tt and Mike Coc ivera de ve lop to tht ir full poten tial the

su n cou ld beco me a more import ant supplier

o f e lectri city in Ca nada Long-range proshy

jectio ns suggest that about 10 per cent of No rth A m rican e lectr ic it y could be proshy

duced from solar convers ion

Elec tric ity fro m the sun is no longer a

pipe-dream-it is a reachable goa l n

Grad News Louise (Sandall) Platt BA 69 is living

in Islington and teaching for the Etobico ke

Board of Educati on

Alexander Barton BSc 70 MSc 74 is work ing on a Ph D deg ree in the

Departme nt of Fishe ries and W ildlife at

Orego n Sta te uni vers ity

Gerry Kupferschmidt BSc 70 MSc

71 is living at R R I Osgoodc and is

tmployed as a sc ientific ad ise r to the


Murray Ross Gingrich BSc 71 Ii ves in

Brampto n and is work ing as a probation

officer for the Ministry o f Correc tio nal


Robert Cross BSc 72 M D is workshy

ing in the emergency department o f the

So uth Muskoka Hospital in Bracebridge

Edda Duva (Home) Kerr BA 74 lives

in G ue lph and is working as a program

co-ordinator for Casatta Ltd in Kitchener

Deanne Ch)y BSc 78 Ii ves in Etob ishy

coke and is working as a public health

inspector for the Ham ilton Wentwo rth Reshy

gio nal Health Unit

Alex McDonald BSc 79 PhD 83 and his wife Rosanne ( DeNobriga) BSc

79 are living in Austi n Texas whil e Alex

is do ing post-doctoral work at the Unishy

vers ity o f Texas

Ste~en Oliver BSc 79 o f Hamilton is a

medica l sa les repre sentati ve with Cyanamid

Canada Inc

Gordon Knox BSc 79 is a con~ ul ta nt

with Inform ation Systems Serv ices in Vicshy

toria BC

George Gillson BSc 80 is taki ng a

Ph D in Anal ytica l C hemis try at the Uni shyve rsity of Alberta 0


The College o f Arts Alumni Associat ion

DELPHA Editor Debbie (Nash) Chambers 77

has no w acquired the Shaw Festival ArshyThe Deans Roundup chives on permanent deposit T his is an

Last fall I had the privilege of speakshy

ing to the direc tors of the University of G uelph Alumn i Assoc iation to bring them

up to date on some of the excit ing things connected with the College of Arts I am gratefu l to the editor of DELPHA for this

opportu nity to let alumni readers know what we are do ing

I am pleased to be able to report a subs tant ial increase in enrolment both in the

B A program and in the College o f Arts this past yea r What is especially nice is that this has coincided with a dec is ion to tighte n our

standards at the admissions level and in the regulations for continuatio n of study

In o rder to grad uate B A students

who entered the Spring 19~3 Semester will need to obtai n a C average in 60 per cent of the courses they take

Most of o ur students are doing thi s now and we do not antici pate this will pose any

problem for the students whom we are ad mitting Next year students en tering the

B A program will be required to have Grade 13 English and we are strongly encouraging them to offer a Mathematics credit o r o ne in French or ano ther language

Applications from students wish ing to enter the B A program in the Fall 1983 Semester

are up subs tantia lly over last yea r I also want to share with you some

ha ppenings which have brought special delight to me

The U ni ve rsi ty of Guelph Choir

under director Ge rald e ufeld won second prize in the 1982 CSC nation al chora l competition

In the Harbourfront a rt show last

sum mer three o f o ur students had works se lected by the jury and each won a prize shya better show ing than any of the other O nshy

tario universities or colleges which entend T he C anadian- American Urban Hisshy

tory Co nference held at G uelph in A ugust

1982 was a tremendous success bringing sc holars from many parts of the United States and Canada to discuss new trends in urban studies

Dean David Murray

In the space of just a few months I have seen seven books published by faculty in the Co llege The subjects include Rudyard

Kipl ing Greek Philosophy Urban History Evolution and Darwinism Reli gion and Tolerance the dramatist Gra nville Barker

and a nove l written in French Last summer also saw the completion

of a very successful facu lty exchange beshy

tween o ur Department of Eng lish and the

Uni vers ity of Reading in Britain Dr Leslie Monkman went to Reading for the year and Dr Coral Howell s visited Guelph This

opportunity enab led Dr Howells to study modern C anadian writers and she is now

working o n a book to be published in Britain o n Canadian women wri ters Dr

Mo nkman lectured on Canadian literature at various places in Britain and in France as well as in Reading

T hro ugh the e fforts of the Department of Drama and its chairman Dr Leonard

Conolly and C ollections Librarian Jo hn Moldenhauer 68 the Uni versi ty Library

ex tremely valuab le re sou rce for theatre

scholars a nd the Univers ity is ve ry pleased to have a closer connection with the Shaw Festi val The Drama Department also has

Professor Dan Laurence the world s leadshying Shaw scholar as a distinguished Visitshy

ing Professor lor the ra il Semester Two large conferences were organized

during the Spring and Summer by faculty

and students in the Co llege Professor Ted Cowan of the History Department was in charge of the Scottish Heritage Festival held in uelph in May The Fes tival was a

ce lebrati on of the S co t~ 1d their contribushytion~ to Canada

In Au gust the Uni vers ity will host a major conference o n Common wealth lite rashy

ture bringing writers and schol ars to Guelph from allover the Com monweal th Professor Doug K illam chairman of the Department of English and a number o f col leagues are

now busily preparing to welcome guests from around the world

Through our liaison programs we have pioneered special day - long seminars at the

niversity for gifted children in Wellington County T he se programs are part of o ur commitment to assist secondary schools in meeting the challe nges of special education

J know many o f you will also be interes ted in knowing that last sLi mmer the

College awarded three new scholarships two of the m honouring the cont ribution made by former faculty members J Percy

Sm ith and W Stanford Reid The other marked the first presentation of the Edward Johnson Music Foundation scholarships for students in the music program

We are al l ac ute ly co nscious of the

financial pressure affecting the UnivLr ~ ity

of Guelph and othe r Canadian unive rsities

But we mus t no t le t these pressures detract from the vision of academic excellence to

which we are committed J think you will agree from the exaln ~Jk middot ha ve cited that this vision continues to glow brightly in spite of our financial plight We hope we can

co ntinue to co unt on your advice and your suppurt 0


It Was a Very Good Year T he Direc tor or the College of Arts Alumni Assoc iation have had a bus y year In January we launched o ur hrst Caree rs i lglll for in -coure stude nlgt Thanks to the exce lle nce and enthusiasm of our pane l l1len1bcr the evening was a success

Careers Night is to become an annual event and we would appreciate you r particishypation Any Art s grads wh o wo uld like to

vo lunteer their expertise for the e vening please do not hesita te to contact us

The Directors were also busy a rshyranling the second an nu al art show shyDI MENSIO NS middotS3 Due to the treme nd ous response to DI M ENSIOtS 82 the art show co mmittee organized DIM ENSIO NS 83 as aJu ricd show We are hoping that nex t yea r we will be able to mount a photography show as well a an art sho w

As you are probably aware in 1970 Wellington College was reo rganized into the Colleges of Arts Physic al Sc ience and Socia l Science This year our Assoc iation was asked to se lect a new College logo Thankgt to Dean Dav id Murray and the Deans Counc il we were given permission to use the graphics on the College of Art s Gold Medal It can be see n in the masthead of thi s issue The logo was designed by Erich Barth art dire ctor Department of [nshyformation and enco mpasses the di verse di s shycipiJnes fou nd within the College of Arts

Grad News Catharine (Gilnerlson ) Scott 70 is a wage and salary anal ys t tnivers it y of Waterl oo

Linda la) Bell 72 i the assistant conshysultant for thlto gifted We llington County Boa rd of Education GueJph

Lynn Barbeau 74 is the curator Educa shytion and xtension Macdo nald Stewart Art

entre Guelph

Wltlynr WellJauler 75 is corpora te mar shyke ting manager Gore Mutua l In surance Company Cambridgc

Renate Fisc her 76 is a consultant with the Woods Gordon Divisio n of Cl arkson Go rdon Chartered Acco untants Kitchener

jane Morley O AC MSc 81 is a career co nsultant Counse llin g and Student Reshysource Centre Un iversity of Guelph

Through the generos ity of the Alma Mater Fund our Assoc iation has been able to e stablish nv e sc holars hip s Thre e DELPHA awards for Gue lph alumni to continue their slUdi es at the gradu ate level at the University and two awa rds for part-time mature students These awards are greatly appreciated by the students who have reshyce ived th e m

Congratulatio ns are th e order of the day for Juli e (Russe ll ) Thur 78 Associashytion past pre sident and Linda Mackenz ie shyCordi ck 8 1 Assocration secre tary treas shyurer on the birth of their daug hters in March We wi sh them joy in their yo ung-

David Dell 76 is the in fo rmation o ffic er Reg ion of Pee l Brmiddotampton

jeff Miller 82 is a s tage manager for Profes sional Theatres Toronto

The above eight alumni were panel )11ember-s at our first annual Careers sJ ig ht held ea rlier th i yea r On ce again we offer our sincere thanks for their pani ci pation

lhugarel Reare 68 is senior research o f hee l Minis try of th e Soli citor General Ottawd

William Thiels 73 is a sys te ms analyst with Eas tman Kodak CO Roche ster t Y US A

Shardie D SteHnson 77 is assistant marketing manager Marsh and 1cLennan Ltd Winnipeg Man

Donald Syme 77 is with marketing pe rsonne l IC F Sydne y Australia

sters and look forward to the ir continued help in the Assoc ia tion in the future

C Nould lik e to re mind our fell ow alu mni to jo in or renew their membership in our Association De hbie ( Nash) Cham bers 77 editor of DF LPH A wo uld lik e any Ideas lor future artick that vould catch your interes t Our Assoc iati o n would also apprec ia te heari ng from you re gardin g eve nts that you wou ld be interested in attending Pl ease drop us a line in order that we may serve you better thus ~ eeping the line of co mmunic ation oren bet ween you and yo ur Alma v1ater

In closing I would like to acknowlmiddot edge With great a pprec iati o n the a istance that has been o ffclTU our Board of Direc tors over the pasl year

As al ways Dea n David Murray has bee n a va lued ad visor I wo uld li ke to thank Professor Ted Cowa n Department o f History for his Sprin g 19K3 OEPHA article on the Scottish Heritage Festival and Judy (Ma in) Ca rson 75 for he r help in preparalron of feature articles Spec ial thank s arc also ex tended to Rosemary Clark Mac 59 Asis tant Director Proshyg rams Dep artment of Alumni Affairs and Deve lopment and our Board of Directo rs who have wo rk ed so hard to mak e thi s a successful year

The term of 19X2-B3 has been a very grati fying one for all mem bers of the Associations Boa rd o t Directors We loo k for ward to 19K3-K4 anJ hope to hear from you Q

J ane Francis 78 is With Ilublic relations Vancouver Stock EXchange Vancou ver B C

Jonie Bunce 79 is a teacher 01 Art English and Thcatre Arts at 1 A Turn er Secondary School BrdrllptOl

Deborah Salmon 79 is married to Richard Light BS( 80 and li ves in Japanec Shc worb for the Empl o) mc nt and Im migrati on Commi ssion dnd Ri chlrJ works for a darrv in Kin gs to n

Shelagh Stevens 79 it station U)lllrshytwlle r Department o f -J atiunal [dc nce in f ova Slmiddototia

lidwtl Glanb 81 is a supervisor mar shyke ting comrlluni~ations Pitney-Bowe s oj

Canada Ltd Don Mill s

john (llanllllUnd ) Zelasko 81 rs ~ I

courtr(lOrn artist WKBW Buffalo New Ymk US I C



Alumnus of

Honollr 1983

Helen Christine AbeD Mac 38D

Amo ng the forerunners in the fie ld of rural soc iol ogy not only in Canada

but throughout the world and with a long career as a professor in numerous un iversities ac ross Canada Dr Helen C Abell has und oubted ly do ne much to promote a world -w ide reputation for her Alma Mater

Dr Abell has been most active in a numbe r of United Nat io ns programs designed to foster development of th ose in the Third World countrie s Although os ten sibl y retired she still co nt inues her wo rk as a cons ult ant in Socio-Economic De ve lopme nt assisti ng in develop ing sho rt -term project s as the occasion ari ses

As well as a Macdona ld Ins titu te Diploshyma Dr Abell obtained a BHSc (H ome Economics) from the Universi ty of Toro nto in 1941 and an MS (Human Nutrition) and a Ph D (major Rural Sociology and Agri cul shytural Economics) from Cornell University in 1947 and 1951 re specti vel y 0

Page 19: Guelph Alumnus Magazine, Summer 1983

The College of Social Science Alumni Association

PEGAS-US Editor Dorothy Barnes 78

stori ng The Log Farm a farmhouse dating back to the late 1800s Michelle says Michelle and Mustech thi s was a terrific expcrience and the best

N omad pioneer student administrator curator You mi ght ask what these words ha ve in common and the answer you would receive would be that they all aptly describe Miche lle McMillan 77

Mi chelle graduated with a degree in SociologyAnthropology At the same time she graduated from Algonquin Community Collegt with a correspondence course dipshyloma in what she terms M ustec h - Muse um Technology majoring In Exshyhibit esign

Currently assistant director at the Guelph Ci vic Muse um she has held thi s position since the spring of 1979 Her responsibilities include those of regis trar (mai nta ining dltaikd [i Ii ng systems) for the con serva tion of artifacts and ex hibit work She is co-ordinator of some 40 vo lunteers who are in volved in all facets of museum work (to become a muse um vo lunteer all one has to do is call Michelle and arrange for an interview )

When interviewing Michclk it was obvious she has a love for her work that she will pass on to oth~rs possibly some of the young children attending the education programs she supervi ses at the Guelph Civic Museum

Her mothers parents were homeshysteaders and she was brouoht up on stories about pioneering Her interest in pioneering and the Indian way of life was fo stered by a mothe r who had Indian friends and who would often visit these friends experiencshying their way of life even to sleeping quite often in a tepee

Thi s and the fac t that her family moved around a lo t from west to east influenced Michelles deep and lasting love of the past although with a lau gh she says Now I am of the opinion that my mother had a tendency to present a romantic version of the whole situation - espec ially to me as a young child It certainly influenced my interest in studying Anthropol ogy

Michelles ed ucation and working exshyperiences have bee n very infl uential in nurturing her love of the past She started

out at the University of Western On tario but left for perso nal reasons She worked for a ye ar and while working beca me apprenshyticed as a pattern drafter

ichelle mo ved to Ottawa after she had worked the year and regi stereu at Carl eto n Universi ty in Anthropology She studied this for one year and then became aware of a program offered at Algonquin Communit y College on the subject Mu seum Tech nolo gy

Her placement s in work situation while at Algonquin included a summer helping four yo un g me n on a project at the town of Bells Corners ne ar Ottawa re-

job she ever had There was no electr icity so eve rything

was done by hand Her group res tored doors gable-ends flo ors ceilings rtshypointed stone found at ions and raised the building on hydra uli c jacks The y also gl Lt~d windows re searched the huildin g and organized the veget ab le garden

Othelmiddot experiences have included work at thc Na tio nal Museum of Man thc McM ichae l Canadi an Collcction in Klcin shyburg the Wellington County Muse um and the S imcoe County Museum She has al so been a volunteer teacher at the Plains jndian Iroquois and Inuit Ga lleri es of the National M use um of Man

It was Guelphs gain when Miche lle found he rsel f pulled bac k to stud ying in order to co mplete her degree

Michelle is now well established in her position at the Guelph Civic Muscum and dt las t feels she ha s put dow n roots in a c ity she has an alleg iance to one she loves and fee ls more co mfortable in than any other She is involved in trying to build up a research library on local history and artifacts

When asked for pearl s of wisdom fo r new graduates Michelle volunteered that pcople need practical ex perience along with formal learning to balance their percept ion of a ro lc How apropos 0

Th e Cullege uf So cial Science Alumlli Associatioll ill-course scholarships ere Jreserl(d

rnelltlmiddot to lei Junine Crallt Ceog uJJnmiddot olld Virginia Suth erland Psrchologv Attending

tht un lIlOnr wert right Pro(essor Juliu s fugl Department oCeogrupilr and Pr(essor

Mike M(lIh f II~ Iei chuirmun DeJurtlllen t 0 PI cilologr Th e scilolorshiJI 01 $200

each oreul1ded in purt hr all (11 1(( gru llti-om til ( Alma Mawr Fu nd


Lan e Smit h 78 is a so ftware spec ialist Barbara (Cherry) Wilson 80 is pres shyGrad News with Software Ke netics in epean ently res iding at 45 Emily Street Grimsby

Ron Beveridge 67 is an e lementary special counselor with School District 88 Terrace B C

C R ichard Buc k 70 practices law WIth the firm of Weyli e Shortt Buck Hanshybridge Reidl Casselli and Mitchell in Waterloo

Lee D Wetherall 75 is an exec utive ass istant with AIcan in Kingston

Stewart McCann 76 is a lec turer with the University of Alberta Edmonton

Peter J Stanczyk 76 is living at 9940 Fa irmount Drive S E Apartment A-4

C algary Alta Since concluding his studies at Guelph Peter attended the social work course at Wilfrid Laurier University Watershyloo and received a Master o f Soc ial Work

degree in 1982 Peter is now married and he and his

bride We ndy are established as socia l workers with Alberta Social c rvices and Comm unity Health in Calgary We wish Peter and Wend y much happiness in their new partnership success in their choscn fi e ld and contentment in the ir Ii vc s together

Ted Boniface 77 is now n eative direc tor for Ce ntra l Al berta Broadcasting (CKRDshy

T V CKRD-AM and C FCR-FM) in Red Deer Ted has bee n awarded four c itations by the Radi o Bureau of C anada and was nominated for an Aetra Award as producer of the hes t radio program of1979 O ld news we reali ze but how are we going to know o therwise unless you let us know Thanks

Ted for updating us on your activities

Gurnam Singh 77 is an MC A student at the niversity of Ottawa

Roderick Hodgson 78 is back in his home town of H udson Que Rod is emshyployed by the Town of H udson Publi c

Works Departme nt he al so serves on the Town Planning C ommittee and is activel y involved with the volunteer fire department

Perr y Wilson 78 is liv ing in Spirit River Alta Since graduating from G uelph Perry

has obtained a masters degree in Anthropolshyogy from McG ill University and is princ ishypal of Ste Marie Elementary School in Spirit River

John Boyle 78 is presently living at RR 2 Brampton

Karen Russell 78 is a teacher with the Dufferin County Board of Education at Parkinson Centennial School Orangeville

Vicky Su therland 78 is an air traffi c

controller with the Mini stry of Transport Calgary Alta

Susan W alkowiak 78 is a real estate agent with the Safeguard Real Es tate Comshy

pan y Toronto

Craig Willms 78 is an assistant manager with the Toronto-Dominion Bank Watershy


Gordon Cominey 79 is a priest with the Holy Trinity Anglican Church in Edmonshy

ton Alta

Carol (Fogarty) Knox 79 is presentl y residi ng at R R 5 Woodstoc k

Susan Laushway 79 is a probation office r with the Solic itor G eneral of Alshybe rta in Edmonton

Richard E Larente 79 is production manager at Mac Mil lan Bloedel Ville

Mont-Ro yal Q ue

Bryce Andrews 80 has dec ided to conshytinul his education at the n i ve r~ ity of

Weste rn Ontario He is working on an M BA

Dianne M Grenier 80 is in her third year of Common Law at the University of Ottawa

Shauneen (McKague ) Bruder 80 is an MBA student at Queens University Kingston

Michele Forrester 80 is a comm unicashytions clerk w ith the Ontario Yo uth Employment Program Queens Park To shy


Peter Madott 80 is an ass istant product manager with S c Johnson an d So n Ltd


Elizabeth (Ferguson ) latos 80 is a volunteer co-ordinator with B ig Bro thersBig Sisters of Carleton County


Jane Stevens 80 is a teac her w ith the

York Board of Education in Aurora

Loretto (MacDonald) Sullivan 80 is an administrative assistant with Kert Advertis shying Toronto

Sylvia (Bossaer) Willms 80 is a Food

Services supervisor at the UI1Iversity of Guelph

Jane (Stevens) Tremblay 80 is a teacher with the York Board of Education Aurora Jane is married to David U of N Dakota

grad of 79

Lee Anne Burton 80 is a teacher with the Dufferin Peel R C SS Board Mi ss isshy


Maureen S inclair-Barnes 80 is an urban planner with the City of Brantford Husband

is Bruce Barnes 82

Su~ Jones 80 is continuing her education at the Univers ity of Alberta She lives at

11441-132 St 405 Edmonton Alta T M IG2 Bro ther-in-law John Sch neider CBS 73 graduated in Marine


Nicholas Boyadjian 81 is a special events co-ordinator with Unive rsity Ce ntre

Administration Uni ve rsity of Guelph

Debra (Philputt ) Gibson 81 is a te acher

w ith Pee l C ount y Board of Education in

Miss issa uga

Jim Gibson 81 is a branch representati ve o ffi cer with the Ca nadian Imperial Ra nk of

CommCfce Toron to

Linda Helin 81 is presen tly res iding in

C utler on the North C hannel of Lake Huron

Patti La France 81 is a teacher residing at 66-50 Fiddl ers Green Road London

Elizabeth (Crighton) Madge 81 is now married and re siding in Lethbridge Alta

Kathleen Martin 81 is a market research analys t w ith As tra Pharmaceutical s Miss i shy


Edward Leong 82 is administration

manager for the J J Tour Se rvi ce at the Jal an M aju Taman Jade Ce ntre Miri Branch Sara wak East Malaysia

Debbie (Ling) Therrien 82 is employed as cashiersale sperson for Gameway s Ark

Ltd Toro nto

Chin Lan (Kat ) Choi 82 is an executive shyofficer with the ational Produc tivity Board in Singapore Since graduating C hin Lan has married C hoi Chee Keong C PS 82 Much happiness and success to you both

John C Close 82 is a teac her with World University Services of Canada in Zimbabshywe Africa John is married to Mary M A Psych 8 1 WLU 0


The College of Biological Science Alumni Associatio~_~

BIO-ALUMNI NEWS Editor Dr John Powell

Executive CBS Alumni Association HONORARY PRES ID ENT Professor Bruce Sells Dean


Dr George Dixon Ph D 80 Zoology

PAST PRESIDENT Marie (Boissonneault) Rush BSc 80 Marine Biology

VICE PRESIDENT Chris Wren BSc 77 Marine Biology

SECRETARY-TREASURER Cam Portt BSc 77 MSc 80 Zoology

DIRECTORS David Airdrie BSc 82 Microbiology Krista Soper BSc 79 Marine Biology Lorrie Cosens BSc 79 Marine Biology Eric Cosens BSc 80 General Biology Keith Harris B Se 76 Marine Biology

EX-OFFICIO DIRECTORS Marie (Boisonneault) Rush BSe 80 Marine Biology Shawn Taylor BSc 83 Aquatic Biology Past President CBSSC Brian Wisenden President CBSSC

FACULTY ADVISORS to be chosen one from each DepartmentSchool

UGAA REPRESENTATIVE S Jan Watshyson BSc 75 Zoology Lorrie (Rolston) Cosens BSc 79 Marine Biology Rob Miln B Sc 81 Marine Biology

EDITOR BlO-ALUMNI NEWS Professhysor John Powell Human Biology 0

Please help us to help you When corresponding or upshydating information or address do tell us not only your year of graduation but your discipline

Where Are They Now The following 20 names were entered on the College of Biological Science Honour Roll for years 1976 and 1977 We w ish to know how your career has progressed and

FALL 1976

Brenda Henry (Marine Biology) and Winter 77

janis Kay 78 (Genetics) and Winter 77

Laurence McClure OVC 81 (Unshyspecialized and Winter 77

Linda (Nelson) Sinclair 78 (Human Kinetics) and Spring 77


Sherry (Bondorenko) Miller 77 (Hushyman Kinetics)

jellrey Chernoff 77 (Unspecialized)

Wendy Harris 77 (Major in Biology)

C harlene Kopansky 77 (Human Kineshytics)

Peter MacDonald (Human Kinetics) and Winter 78

Blain Mollatt (Microbiology)

Darjo Romani 78 (Major in Biology) also Fall 77 and Winter 78

Barry Rosen~rg 77 (Unspecialized)

Cheryl Rowe 77 (Human Kinetics)

FALL 1977

Gregory Casey 79 (Microbiology) also Fall 78 and Winter 79

William Crins 78 (Botany)

jill Cross OVC 82 (Unspecialized)

what you are doing currently Do you have intere s ting episodes to relate in the BIO-ALUMNI NEWS Please lets hear from you

David C a mpbell 78 (Major in Biology)

Richard Proctor 80 (Ecology)

Carolyn Robertson (U nspecialized)

joanne (Ryder) G unby 79 (Genetics) and Winter 79 0

Grad Bash 1983

Organized jointly by the CBS Alumni Association and the CBS Students Council in April more than 280 students alumni current and former staff and faculty sat down for dinner prior to presentations being made to our dean

Contributions came from members of the College and a bird sculpture fashioned by Uta Strelive Zoology was the first of many gifts

Next came a memory book containing many letters photographs clippings and a variety of incidents all pieced together by Association president Marie (Boissonshyneault) Rush 80

Betty Roff gave the dean a special book of clippings collected by herself Two framed portraits of Professor Ronald one already hung in the main office of McNally house the other for the Ronald family completed the tributes

Altogether this gathering was a fitting acknowledgement of a great man who has done great things for us all 0


Scholarships In the Names of

Ronald and PoweU The CBS Alumni Association is pleased to announce the introduction of a scholarship for graduate students in the name of Proshy

fessor Keith Ronald Professor Rona ld as of July I had served for 12 years as the first dean of the CBS and the awarding of a

sc holarship in his name is a fitting tribute to

all he has done fo r the College the Univershys ity and the CBS Alumni Assoc iation

The Hum an Kine tics Alu mni Assoc iashy

tion anno unced its intention to name an undergraduate scholarship in the School of Human Biology in the name of Dr John T Powell as he retires from the Unive rsity in 1984

Do nations to eithe r or both of these

sc holarship funds shou ld be sent direc tl y to the Department of Alumni Affairs and Development-clearly ind icati ng to which sc ho la rs hip your donation is to be alloca ted - or when contributing to the Alma M ater F und noting that your monie s

be channeled to the sc holars hip of yo ur choice 0

Grad News Biological S cience

Lesley (Wilson) Barton 73 and Bruce 70 MSc 74 live in Keremeos B C R R No I VOX JNO will find them

E thel Anita Hamilton 79 and hu sband

Wayne Barcha r d 76 MSc 79 live in Hali fax NS where Ethel is a habitat proshy

tec tion technician with fishe ries and Oceans while Wayne is head Office Assessment Scction Environment Canada 3rd Floor 45 Alderney Drive Dartmouth N S

Marilynne (Wise) McCausland 77 is a research microbiolog ist with Molson Bre wshyeries of Canada Ltd and may be reached at 1555 No tre Dame East Montrea l Que H2L 2R5

Michael W Tate 79 write s mos t kindly thanking us for kee ping people in touch through th is column He is a teac her at Mo rnings tar Secondary School in Mi ss isshysauga

Natalie Mary Olynyk 79 may be reached at 3 120 Duffer in Street in T oronto where she is re staurant manager for Olyn yk Foods Ltd

Marine Biology

Gl en A Packman 74 and Sharon (Noda ) Arts 72 li ve at 21 Albion Road Hali fax S B3P IP8 Glen is a senior

biologist with En vironment Canada

Jo l1n Plumb 76 and M arianne (Conshynoly ) 77 may be reached at 37 Coldstrea m Road Box 303 Munster Ont KOA 3PO John works as an indu strial engineer with

the Mitel Corporation - Kan ata

Human Kinetics and Human Biology

Joy (Reid) Tomes 70 is a team coshyordinator with the Workman s Co mpensashytion Board- 2 Bloor St East Toronto Ont oM7W IA2

Terry Obi Oblinski 71 holds the pos it io n of supervisor with the 3M Comshypa ny at 2 Craig Street Pe rt h Onto K7 H 3C5

Robert T a p Fawcett 72 teac hes at the W 1 Fenton Secondary Schoo l R R 0 10 in Brampton Ont L6V 3 2

Marie-Andree (Pi lon) Poulin now teache h igh school in Montreal write her at 76 Lesage Repent igny Que J3A 5Y5

Dr Tom Elmslic 74 M-Sc 77 is a g lutton for punishment as he isjust complet ing another MSc this time in Epidemi o lshyogy at McM as ter University preparatory to his return to Ottawa

Glen Paterson 78 of 16 Da lto n A ve nue T hunder Bay On t P7B 4E9 is ea rl y chi ldhood educato r with the Confederation o f Applied Art s and Technology B ro ther Larry R Paterson g radu ated with a BLA in 69

Eric bullbull Art Arthurs 80 is s till at 12272 shy110 Avenue Edmonton Alta T5M 2L3 He work s for Consolidated Concrete Limshyi ted as a dragl i ne opera tor

Henry Fox 81 lives at 1520 Verdi La Salle Que H8l I K4

Christine (Krumbacher) F()se 81 may be reached at Box 252 2 Banff Alta TOL OCO

Ch rist ine (Novakuske) Lavallee MSc 81 is a stude nt again stud ying French and living at 0428A Larose A ve nue Mo nt real Que H2B 2Z2

Ginger (Thompson) Elmore 81 seeks work in the geriatric field Are you able to help Write he r please at 107 Ontario Avenue Komoka Onto NOL IRO

Don Doc Wilson 81 is physica l direc tor at the Waterloo Family YMCA Lincol n Road Waterloo Ont N2J 2N8

Jan McMullan 82 ne wly wedded to Mark Newcombe MSc 83 is presently ass istant manager - Ri ordan s Sport S 183 Silvercreek Parkway in Guelph She tells us of four co usins who have g raduated fro m Guelph - Brenda (Bu lton) Dagg CSS 72 Bryce Dagg 72 Donald Sifton 70 and Bonnie (Sifto n) W alsh C SS 72

Fisheries and Wildlife

Lorna l Depuydt 77 is a price specia li st with Massey-Fe rg uso n Her adshydress is 3941 Whispering Wa No 6 Grand Rapids Mich USA 49506

Steven Kerr 77 works as di s trict biologist for the Mi nistry of Natu ra l Reshysources - 611 Ninth Avenue Eas t O wen Sound Ont NOH IS O

Richa rd P Bekolay 77 MSc 80 R R N o ) Carp Ont KOA ILO is a program analyst with Digital Equipment Corporation at Kanata

Marie Legrow 80 is once aga in a s tudent at Gue lp h li ving in Guelph at [02 Queen St reet North IE 4S I


Ann (Stewart) Gray 79 and husband Dr eil Gray 76 li ve at 40) - 251 Platts Lanc in London Ont N6 H 4P4 Ann is a re search assistant at the Universi ty of We stshyern Ontari o

Robe- W Marks 81 is a production trainee with Labatt Brewin g Comp any in Kitchene r


Dr Rob J Van Exan 74 MSc 76 PhD79 ho lds the position of manager Cell Culture Produc tion with Connaught Laboratories 1755 Steeles Avenue West Will owdale Ont M2R 3T4

Chuck Yipchuk 78 wo rks in Quebec 87 Senneville Road Sennev ille a s c oshyordinator of da ta at Bi o- Re search Laboratori es

Dr Harr y Nixon Chabwela W eza MSc 79 P h D 82 may be contacted at loni Katandika Vtllage Chief Kakumbi P O Box 154 Chipata Za mbia where he is a bio log ist wi th National Parks

Douglas Stendahl MSc 79 is with the -federal government s Minist ry o f Indian Affairs and Northe rn De velopment- P O Box 1500 Yukon N W T He is water quality officer


Rick Proctor 80 is a consultant with I P Sharp Associates 2 First Canadian Place Toronto Ont M5X IE3 0


The Ontario Agricultural College Alumni Association

ALUMNI NEWS EdJtor Dr Harvey W Caldwell 51

Financial Management Related to Agriculture One of the main sessions at the OAC Agricu ltural Conference 83 dealt wit h financial management as it relates to agricu lture Robert Sanderson who is with the Ontario Farm Adjustment Asshysistance Program was a main speaker and presented the following paper

Ten years ago most farmers were smilingshyagr icu lt ure see med to have finally gained its reward Worl d short age s of food provided ampl e markets and steadily rising prices lor prac tica lly all crops

Thi s idea li s ti c situation continued for a co uple of years until the granaries of the wo rl d were refi li ed De mand then norshyma li zed and pri ces for most agricultural prod ucts hega n to dec line In spite of price dec lines and li mited markets co nsiderable optimi sm conti nued to be fe lt o n the farm sce ne thro ughout mos t of the 1970s

Late in that peri od infl a ti on reall y ca ught fi re rai sing inpu t cos ts for supplie s and labour The ri se in land pri ces exceeded the most optimis tic es timates during this sa me time

In an a tte mpt to s te m thi s ra mpant infla tio n interes t rates increased almost threefo ld beg inning In 1979 and the world hega n it s slide into recession Farml and prices ceased to r ise in 198 1 and are now crumbli ng wi th uncer tain ty and lac k o f demand

We have no doub ts abo ut th e successshyful future o f ag ri cult ure hcre in Ontari o but today for many farmers adj ugtt me nts are necessa ry to remain so lve nt and for too many oth ers bo th adj ustme nts and so me ass iq an ce are necessary for their prese nt and future surviva l

There are some who are beyo nd he lp and farm bankru ptcies are at their highest leve l since the grea t Depression o f the 1930s These cond it io ns brought about the crea tio n of the On tari o Farm AdJustmcn t Ass istance Program (OFA AP) T hi s proshygram during 1 9~2 has bee n assisting eli g ible farmers who needed he lp

The re are two prime reaso ns fo r


fin anci al woes cited by appl ican ts - high interes t rates and lower farm incomes On the other hand the prime reaso n fo r ~ome

farmen probl ems e ited by lenders is ove r-e xpansion We be li eve both views are va lid and unques ti onabl y are respo ns ible for the prese nt ago ny and unres t on 100

many Ontario farms Le nde rs cite seve ral o the r importa nt

reaSl)l1S whic h also bea r o n the prob le m The borrowers oft e n refe r to them too but usuall y wit h di fferen t emphasis ThcY em shyphas ize the c lt treme instability of fa rm income the se rious lac k of pro per pl an ning bu dge ting accmatc farm record and fin all y the practice of making unprodu ctive investmcnts

Because of the qualifying criteria asshysociated ith an application for as s istan ce from OfAAP one must keep in mind that our observations are limited to about 10 per ce nt of Ontario farm operatlolls That 10 per ce nt is cl ose to the bottom of the gro up on the bas is o f financial sec urity OFA AP assista nce is limited to those produc ing Iood and tobacco Therefore data regard in g proshyducers of fl owers nursery stock race shyhorscs etc ha ( no t come he fore us and the financ ial ituati ons ltlr not inc luded in any of o ur informati o n

Applica ti ons have been appro ved for farmers operating all across the pro vince

Of the to tal approved about 20 per ce nt were in swine prod uctio n abou t 15 per ce nt were in eac h of cash crop prod uction da iry producti on and beef prod uct ion 4 per cen t were in fruit and vege ta ble prod uctio n 3 pel cent were tobacco fa rmers and the Ies t co mbinations of the above Those farm ers producing etgs and poultry were fe w

I n a review of appli ca tio ns for OFAAP ass istance several COl1ll1lo n sce nari os co nshytin ue to ap pear on a so me what re petiti ve has is and are ca tegorized as fo ll ows

1 Young or Beginning Farmers

Th ose under 35 years o f age wen res pons ishybl e for nearl y ha lf o f a ll the app li cati ons In thi s gro up are many who have Just begun fa rm ing Mo~ t of these arc victims of inopport un e tim ing hav in g acq uired land buildings and equ ipme nt be twee n 1979 and 19R2 For the m the combinati on o f lower th an ex pee ted prices of farm produc ts and the extre me inc reases in the ir fi na nc ing charges due to hi gh interes t rates_ have becn dlvas tatin g This is partic ul arl y true where Illos t assets were fi nanced the bcg inshyning equit y be in g Illodes t

2 The Aggres sive Expansionist

Many farmers who did well farming on a

modlst basis in the mid-70s dec ided that s ince o ne farm was pro fitabl e two wo uld be bette r three be tter than two Aggress ive

expan sion mos tl y on c redit du ring this i ntl a tio nary pe riod produced many paper millionaires in the farm co mmunity by the late 70s The elation fo r some of these

fa rmers d id not lasl far into the 80s T hose with 100 much bo rro wed cap ital

found that the ir farm income c ul d not

support the debt load So me of these

atlcmpted fu rthe r borro wing in an e ffort to mai nta in their ho l ding ~ and fo und ou t like o thers before them th at it is imposs ible to

borro w your way out of debt O thers so ld or tried to sell some o f the ir land o r eq uipment in an effort to re ti re at leasl o me of the ir cri ppling de bt and there by salvage at

least a part o f the ir operation

One rather sad varia tio n o f this las t s itua tion occ urs occ as io na lly whe re a

farmer who has had a succes~ fu l and so lvent opera tion decide to ex pand to a llow a son

o r so n- in-law into the bus in ss because of a des ire on the part of the young per on to

farm or occasionally because he is no t employed The expansion in Jand and eljuipment particularly if it occu rred in the

last three years and if it were do ne mainl y o n credit with a mortgage taken on his once so lvent operation has robbed the farmer of

his security and his peace of mind Furthershy

mo re in some of these s ituations the disappointed newcomer in the bus iness moved on leaving dear o ld dad to make the best of it

3 The Equipment Enthusiast

Another scenario concerns the man who is o bsessed with the need to ac quire equipshyment or to make add ition s and improveshy

ments to a lready adequate buildings To pay

for it out of the revolvi ng operating loan or to finance it in other ways withou t first having established that it will pay for itself will inevitably c reate financial problem s

Whe re there has been a general disregard for thi s kind of purchas ing the end resu lt has usually been disas trous

4 Natural Disasters

We regularly see the result s of natural

disas ters - floods windstorms hail frost disease and fires All of the se misfortunes can be c rippling to any operation but when adequate insurance coverage is not carried or if one of these di sasters occur whe n a farmers equity is low or when hi s princi pal and interest charges consume much o f his income it can be disastrous to his economic

pos ition

5 Family Unity

From OFAAP applicatio ns it is noted that some farmers who experience a marriage break- up seem to have diffi culty maintainshy

ing fi nanc ial solvency W hen asse ts are

di vided and whe n atte nt ion to management

is di e r ted hccause o f family pro blems the farm operation is often morta ll y wounded

Farmers and farm op ratnr are much more vulnerable in this si tua tio n because thei r

wives arc o ften much more invol ved in the e lllerprise than in non- farm situations

6 Offmiddot Farm Income

Appl ications incl ude a great nu mher of

insta nces in which if it were not fo r 0 ffmiddot fa rm income o f either the farmer or his wife or

occas io na lly both the ir farm o peratio n wo uld be tota lly un viable and unab le to continue to fu nc tion It is well the n fo r

those in th se c ircumstances to r cogniu tha t if the off-farnl inco me should e nd it wo uld also mea n the te rmination of the

farming operatio n

7 Enterprise Changes

A review 0 f appli ca tions indicates that some

farmers are hoping to comple tely change

thei r c rop or li ves toc k programs attemptin g perhaps to outguess the marke t and to

improve their financial return s Sometimes the expectation in vo lved in the dec is ion is

correct but so o ften when the costs inshyvol ved in the c hange are considered little

has been gai ned and where the deci s ion to change was unwi se co nsiderable loss is

usually the result The ot her extreme to this

situation is rigidity to the poi nt of makin g no changes at all

8 Manage ment

The management ability of any applicant

farmer is difficult to assess Most applicants are not known and there is no opportunity to assess the actual farm operation Ho wever

experience with OFAA P emph asizes that good financial management is c ritical to the

success of any farm operation Here is a li s t of definite Do and

Do nts that should be much in the minds of farmers operating in the present financial climate All of these suggestions re tlect the ex periences we have had working with

appli ca tions for O FAA P

The Definite Dos

Do base an operation on an informed farm

plan keep ing and using good record~ and approved acco unting proced ures Do work c losely wi th the credit source shy

usually the banker Plan and work within

approved revo lving ope rating loan limits Make regular cred it payments when due and when unable to make p ro per arrange shy

ments ahead of time w ith your c reditor or credito rs Do make necessary adju stme nts in land and equipm e nt befo re u nder tak ing further borrow in g Do shop around for cred it and i nve~ tig ate

ava il ah le programs to cu t credit cos ts Do pay off on loans when surplus cas h is

ava il able It won t be any fun but it w ill

he lp to re tain sol vency Do try to ma intai n stability in your far m o peration and kee p the peace a t h IllC

Do seek the professi o nal adv ice of you r ag ric ultu ra l represe ntative anJ Ir indwtry fiel d per~on ne I

The Definite Donts

Dont borrow for capita l items unless they

are abso lu te I y necessary Dont make capi ta l purchases with funds

frolll your revo lvi ng opera ting account w ithout co nsul ta tion and agreeme nt with

the bank manager Dont expand any operation without sound

pl ann ing Dont plunge and make rapid changes in

the ope rati ng patte rn without so und consultation 0

Partners For 70 Years

Arthur Cowie 09 now 95 and his wife Nina now 92 were married March 19 1913 near Nel son B C They li ved in

HC for three years then returned to Caledo nia where Arthur worked for the A

Jone s bakery He returned to the 200-acre farm homestead in 1922 when his father

was kill ed in a farm accident Arthur se rved in the 19305 and early

19405 as co uncillor and also served as

a Ju s tice of the Peace for the farm communit y

Nina Co wie whose g reat lo ve was

dancing has onl y one regre t and that is tha t she could never get her hu sband o nto the -dance floor The Scotti ~ h dances Hig hlan d

tlin gs and Scotti sh reels made hi s head spin He played the record s and watched

from the sidelines while ina did the danc ing

They have no secrets tor a long happ y marriage excep t working at it Theyve

done Jus t tha t for 70 years Bes t wishes to them both 0


OACGrads on Faculty at Nova Scotia Ag College

Lauranne Sanderson M Sc 81 is with the Humanities Department She specialized in Animal Science in her undershygraduate years but added to that a master program in Agricultural Economics Lauranne has lived on a mi xed lives t()c k and cash crop farm in southern O ntario At the No va Scotia Agricultural College (NSAC) she is teaching Tec hnical W riting but is specializing in the area of Com munications and Agricultural Extension

Barbara (Otrysko) Mulkewytch 78 MSc 81 is with the Plant Science Deshypartment Prior to her appointment at NSAC she was employed as a potato crops specialist with the New Brunswick Departshyment of Agriculture Her teaching and research will include projects on potato and crop protect ion

Yes Surry MSc 81 is with the Economics and Busi ness De partment Yves was born in Pamiers France has an M A fro m the nivers ity of Pari s and is in the process of completing his Ph D from Guelph Yves has a strong interes t in teachshying and his research interests hould be a welcome addition to the reg ion He is pre sent ly teaching courses in Micro and Macro Economic Theory

Laurie (Gaunt) Connor 73 is w ith the Department of Animal Science She earned MSc and Ph D degrees specia li zi ng in reproduct ion phys iology from the nivershysity o f Manitoba Prior to joining NSAC she was a NSERC Vi iting Fellow at the Animal Research Centre in Ottawa Her teaching and research work is mainly in the re producti ve physiology field

Also at NSAC are Sheree Porter CSS 79 and Myrna (Porter) Blenkhorn 76 John Shug 37A and 40 is the sec re tary o f the Nova Scotia Agricultural College Alumni Association 0

Please help us to help you When corresponding or upshydating information or address do tell us not only your year of graduation but your discipline

Th ree generatiuns of heramify were present when fleather Rohinson right centre FACS 83 graduated ut Wim er Convocation With her f rom [eji to righture her grandfather John Inglis her moth er Vlarirn (Inglis ) Robinson Mac 55 0 member of the Uni versirys Boord of Govern ors ond her father Doug Rohinson 53

Above Mllrrav Ma cGregor 5 1 lei with the winners of the OAC s 25th annual Alumni Curling Bon spiel Left to right GeorRe Robinson 651 Mu rrav Elliotl 65A Keith Murru 65A and Jern- Forestell 6511 Right OAC Alumni Associashytion president Hell ry Slanle 55 right was preslntedwith un engraved pewta stein to recugnie 25 years of participation ill Ihe bOlspiel Conshygratuluting Henry is Bill Harrison 62 bonspiei commillee chuirman


the individual members excellence andThe Ronald S Ritchie Le cture integri ty

This idea for the new body was not accepted by members of Cabinet They

The Opening Up of PubHc PoHcy The Opening Up of Public Policy was

Selllior Michael Piffields fopic when he

delifred fhe annual Ronald S Rifchie

LeclUre of fhe UniversifY in March

A Rmduafe ofSf Lawrence Universify

17 ( graduafed in lawjrom McGill UniversifV

and holds a Rrodlla fe diploma in Public La w

Fom Ih e UlliversifY ofolIa wa H efirsl joined Ihe Public Service as an

wlminislrafive assiSfam in Ihe Depa rimem

oJuslice in 1959 Ialer served onlhe sraffof Ih e Goernor General and as secrelary fO

117 1 Royal Commission on Taxalion In 1965

he joined Ihe Privy Council Office He

became depuly minisler of Consumer and

Corporafe Affairs in 1973 and Ihe followshy

inli year lOok up an appoinfmem as Fellow

in fhe John F Kennedy School of Governshy

mOl (If Harvard Un iversifY In 1975 he

relurned 10 Ollawa as Clerk of fhe Privy

Council and Se crelarv 10 Ihe Cabinel

The annual leclre recognizes Ihe comrihwion made 10 fhe Universily by

former Board of Govemors chairman

ROllald S Rilchie A reporl on Senafor Piffields presemalion follows

Senator Pitfield paid tribute to Rona ld Ritchie his important work in the Glassco Commission and his influence in the estabshylishment of the Institute for Research on Public Policy

In thi s th oug htful and thoughtshyprovoking presentation Senator Pitfield outlined the need for and the desirability of more open discussion before policies are introduced but there are some very real difficulties associated with de vel oping some me chanis m that could foster and encourage such exchanges of ideas

[t was pointed out that because of the high degree of interdependency of modern society and the size and complexity of governments the making of public polic y must be an intellectual subject in its own right not just a conglomeration of di scishyplines It had become evident that

I A methodical analysis of government activity could lead to improvements in government effectiveness

2 Traini ng in making and managment of public policy was crucial and urgent

3 There were few in government who knew why things were done the way they were

4 The making and management of pubshylic policy was a subject unique in itself and required thinking through for itself

5 Universities and other training institushytions were not very useful in this training process universities being too removed from the actual experience of government and the government institutions being withshyout the detachment and intellectual rigour needed

Thus it became evident that there was a need for an institution that would be a repository of knowledge a pl ace of learnshying a foru m for debate and a means of communication co ncerning public policy

Proposal s emerged that the federal go vernment should assis t some of the organizations already in existence Comshypetition became keen and rivalry among institutions re su lted in grander more comshyplex proposals As a result the federal go vernment in 1968 decided to establish a think-tank of its own to take a more rigorous look at public polic y

The idea was not new In many countries the general thinking was that all problems could be so l ved by inrelleclUal anal ysis and the appl ication of modern techshyniques But the ne w Trudeau go vernment went even beyond providing more data It included public debate of public policy

But the think-tank was only one of the initiatives to aid in the formation of policies There was support for political parties through caucus funding offi ce space support staff and regional offices for Members of Parliament and internsh ip programs for students to work as assistan ts to MPs

Other support included green and white papers for discussion commissions of inquiry task forces public funding of non-political grou ps to encourage discusshysion and many others to increase the flow of information for consideration of alternashytives All were done to open up the process o f meaningful debate which would result in more effective and sound decisions

The th ink-tank was to be a centre for var ious kinds of people to di scuss public policy subjects which were often set aside because of day to day pressures At first it was to be very informal with distinguished people invited to participate Its integrity and permanency would be based on that of

were concerned that existing research instishytutes would be damaged They also wanted in volvement of business and professional communities This challenge to broaden the scope was gi ven to Ron Ritchie

Ritchie foresaw an institution that would be independent supported by an endowment which would not only support but st imu late debate on public policy

Man y fears were raised - that such a body would be taken o ver by academics that it would become a clique that govern shyments would battle for control etc But these were dealt with skillfully by Ritch ie and the Institute for Researc h on Public Policy was establ ished

What of its accomplishments~ This institute has been successfu l in

many ways in getting better information into debate [n the ten years since its beginning many studie s have been pubshyli shed It has held many informat ive confershyences and has a unique journal Howeve r despite its efforts open and meaningful debate on public policy is not much more advanced tod ay than it was a decade ago

It is evident that to ach ie ve its objecshytives there mu st be a willingess to change opi nions and the Canadian sys tem prov ides few forums for the changing of minds The bias is towards decision-makers and interest groups not open and meaningful debate

Public debate often takes pl ace after rather than before the decision is taken Thi s may not be what is wanted but policy-making is tilted not tow ards being open but towards being closed

Why has there not been more progress [n h is pre se ntation Mi chael Pitfield refershyred to the fact that the go vernment whose people should discuss the si tuation has become even more confrontational not because of lack of information but because of rigidity in their approach to discussion of public policy

As govern ment ha s grown so have checks and balances which recently have often been linked to lack of confidence Where slim majorities exist a strong opposhysi tion can threaten the government Party di sc ipline becomes severe and ai ring of independent views is discouraged The fear of a government being defeated on the one shyhand and the unyielding demands ot the opposition on the other tends to make the parliamentary process less and less flexible

The result of the foregOing is the tendency of government in modern times to drop solutions on a public th at may not be aware of the problems These solutions are not open to argu ment and debate is reduced

conld over


w ith bias tending towards a cl osed system and less debate

To improve the situation it seems it wlluld be necessary to have a mutual and

ba lanced reduction of force on both sides

The ge neral equilibrium of the system needs to be ma in tained W hat is needed is the reduction of secre tiveness of the gove rn shyment on one side and a reduc tion of the

danger of e mbarrass ment or de fea t of the govern men t on the other side

T here must be a wil li ngness to secure

more ope n debate on al l sides and our

leaders ha ve not done that e ven on m ost import ant issues More ope n and rneltll1 ingshyful deba te will require more thi nk ingshy

thro u middoth - something Mc mbers of Parlishy

ame nt may not he able to do or be free to do or have the necessary knowledge to do But the id ea behind the Institute for Remiddot

search on Public Policy was tha t such a body could bring about better decisions

All publi c problems cannot be solved by thought and tech nolog ics but few can be solved without these contr ibutions

The Institute for Research on Public Policy cannot create better public policies

by itself It must have input from all sectors to bring about more open and meaningful public debate which will result in constant

improvement of government - somethin g

that everyone desires 0

Grad News Herb Nor ry M Sc 52 has moved to

London as a farm business advisor wit h

O M AF working in eight counties

Denny Silvestrini PhD 5R is director of quality controlresearch and de velopment Eskimo Pie Corporation Ric hmond Virshy

ginia SA He had served as manager quality control and product deve lopment

Ralston Purina Co mpany St Luuis M isshysouri U SA

John Hagarty 61 is manager fi e ld

service s Rural O rganizati ons and Serv ice s Branch OMAF Guelp h

Ismail Siragcldin Ph D 62 is professor Department of Population Dynami cs and

Political Economics the Johm Hopkins

University Baltimore Md S A

Arlene (Fournier) 65 and Dick Flis

MSc 65 are in Edmo nton Alta where Dick is petroleum products manager wes tmiddot ern Canada Imperia l Oil Ltd

Craig Hunter 66 is pre sident Cra ig

Hunter Poult ry Farms Ltd Stro ud

Colin Triver s 67 is a consulting e ngineer and On tario land surveyor for e G Trivcrs

Ltd T he ssalon

Peter Mosher Ph D 70 is director

bureau of agric ultural prod uctio n Depart shyment of Agriculture Ba ngor Me USA

Cordon Brown 76 is sen ior food techshynolog is t new prod ucts process developshy

ment Tho masJ Lipton Inc in Bram pton

Martel C outure MSc 76 is acting di rec tor d iploma progra m Macdonald Colshy

lege Ste nne de Belle vue Que

Charlie Ellintt 78 vnfe Ja ne and

first -born Ian C harles born Jan uary 20

1983 are living near S hetland C harlie is now working fo r Elliott Bros G rain and Feed Ltd

Dennis Ring 78 is credit manager Farm C redit Corp C hatham H is wife is Carnl (Weeks) 79

R Cunrad Genee 79 is a sales represhy

sentative with CIBA-Geigy Canada Ltd in

Winnipeg Man

Howard Armstrong RO is an industrial

engineer with the B utler Ma nufacturing Co (Canada) Ltd Nisku Alta

Bruce Broadbent PhD 80 is a research scientist entomology with Agriculture

Canada Vineland Station

Mic hael Tulloch 80 has been accepted as

a professional engineer by the Council of the APEO He now manages engineering functions for eG Trivers Ltd Thessalon

BruceGitelman 81 will be joining Wood G undy Ltd Investment Broke rs as a

corporate finance associate in September

Danicllc Wenstrom 81 is a quality a ss urance su pe rvisor for Pil lsb ury of Canada Ltd M idland

Christine Deslandes MSc R2 is a lecturer at Alfred Col lege of Agricu ltu re

and Food Technology A I fred

Diploma Graduates

Donald Morley 68A is ge nera l ma nager De Marco Homecare Ce ntre Sutton West

Jeffrey Currah 74A is marke ting man shyage r Fortam ix-a division of BASF

Canada Inc Georgetown

Brian Roberts 76A is a welder with Hillcook Ind ust ri es Ha milton 0

In Memoriam Raymond David Ure 15A and 21 January 24 In3 ~uddenly a t Tecumse h

age 87 He had bee n very act ive un til

recently H is son Donald re is it

graduate of 49

Dr Genrge M Stirrett 20A and 22 died December 15 1982 H is many co nshy

tri bu tiono had bee n recogni zed by the Heritage Canada Found ation The fo llowshy

ing is an account of the tribu te pa id to him Fe bruary 16 1 9~ I at Government HDu~e

O ttawa

His Excelle ncy Gove rnor Ge nera l

Edward Sc hrcyer prese med the Commun imiddot cations A wards Atl antic Reg ion to Dr

George M St irrett of Grand Falls Ne w

Bru ns wick Dr Stirrett has been comm itted to natural h is tory conservation for ma ny

years bo th before and after hi s ret ire ment from the Canadian W ildlife Service and Parks Canada in 1964

He worked hard for the preservation of the falls and gorge area at Grand Falls

and on other conservation needs in Ne w Brunswick and Ma ine He has also written

on the iss ues of conservation using Ihe pcn name G raham Vail and since April 1979

has publi shed a weekly column Notes on atural History in the G rand Falls

Cataract His columns stress the appreciashytion and enjoyment of nature as well as the need for preserving it

Norman Hodgins MacBeth 23 Fe bruary 3 1983 in St John N B He had retired in

1967 as General Manage r of General Dairies Ltd

David R Owen 25 in Medi c ine Hat

Alta February 6 1983 at age 82 He was a di rector of the fi rs t ollege Roy al and spe nt

most of his li fe teachi ng and farmi ng in Saskatchewan

Ronald John Quinn 35 Fe bruary 17 1983 in London His wife Helen (Farshyquhar) is a lso a graduate o f 35

Bruce Douglas Innes 36 passed away Septe lllber 29 19 82 D uring his college

years he took part in ma ny ac tivitie s bu t he -re membered with particu la r pleasure be ing Grand C hampion Showman College Royal

35-the first time that the honour had bee n won by anyone o ther than a fou rth year man Bruce owned and operated a dairy

farm at Burford since I 939 and was an

acti ve and ded icated farmer until his death

H is wife Margaret died in A pril 1983 T hey leave daughters Lorna Lawrence

Mac 68 and Karen and son Robert 0


Macdonald Institute College of Family and Consumer

Studies Alumni Associat ion

ALUMNI NEWS Editor Joan (Anderson) Jenkinson 66


BASc Grads-Class o f 80

EntploYDlent Survey T he University s Counselling and Reshysource Centre recentl y completed an inshyucpth survey covering the empl oyment activities of the 211 graduates who in 19RO earned Bachelor of Applied Sc ience Degrees

The survey indicates th at gradu ates are e nj oy ing a variety of interes ting and chalshylenging careers

A gratifying 73 per cent of th e graduates re sponded to the survey with 51 per cent of the respondents indi catin g that they have completed or are completing graduate degrees or programs on a full- or part-time bas is Of the 153 respondents 78 per ce nt including one who is self emshyployee have full-time employment The remainder are employed part-time or are pursuing further studie s

Li sted below are the indicated ca reers chosen in the four major areas of study

Applied Human Nutritio n

ut ritiond ietetics Food service administration More than 50 per cent of the responshy

dents obtained reg istered profe ss ional dietishytian certificates The Admini strati ve Emshyphasis course is no longer offered in the

Applied Human utrition program It is available through the Bachelor of Comshymerce program

Family Studies

A number of grad uate s found posit io ns in teac h ing or social services such as

Adult protecti ve service workers Infant de ve lopment specialists Geront ology consultants Supervisors and field workers with social service agencies Other Family Studies graduate s are

working in government srv iees and in the private ec toras home economists financial co un se llors librarians hostel managers Family Studies graduates tend to sl ck caree rs in the helping profess ion s

Consumer Studies

There are four emphasis areas 01 study within this maj or The survey indicates that

Food gradu ates are employed in areas of produci development marketing and food technology with majo r food companies Hou si ng emphasis graduates are wo rkshying with government agencies and in teac hing

Consumer Beha vio ur e mph asis graduates are in industry business and res earc h Tex tile and Clothin g e mph asis grads are employed in research merchandi sshying and banking Often after working for a year or

more Consumer Studies graduates will return to gradu ate study o r profess ional programs on a full- or part-time bas is

Child Studies

Many Child Studies graduates are emp loyed in teaching supervisory or other child-care related sett ings such as soc ial work with fami lies and children Re ported part -lime and temporary em pl oy ment pos ishytions include work as supply teachers child care supervisors special education leac hers and as lecturers in uni ve rsity settings

It is imporl an t to note that this emshyploy ment survey reports the caree r paths chose n by onl y one graduating cl ass Dat a is collccl~d on a yearl y bas is from gradu ates in Family and Consumer Studies In order to observe the broad scope of employment opportunities avail able a four-year tabulashytion wo uld pl~ c nt a more complete picture of the profess ional activities of graduates

In summary FACS programs offer students a sound educational background to meet the need s of i nduslry educational institut io ns governme nt and bus in c The future for FACS graduates is indeed bright as the College co ntinues to gro w and develop programs to meet the challenges of the 80s 0



BASc Gradsmiddot Class of 80 Further Education Pursued

Major Total

Graduates Number of

Respondents R PDt BEd MEd MSc MD MA

Applied Hum an Nu trition 65 45 23 3 I

Family Studies 64 44 19

Consumer Studies 48 33 2

C hild Studies 34 31 II I I I

TOTAL 21 1 ( 1007c)

153 (73 oc )

23 32 I 4 I I

FACS Has New

Dr Richurd Burhunl

Dean Professor Richard M Barham was apshypointed dean of the College of Family and Consumer Studies for a fi ve-year term effective July I 1983 He succeeds Dr Janet M Wardlaw who has served as dean since 1969

Professor Barham has been chairman of the Department of Family Studies since

1976 and served as acting dea n in [980 while Dean Wardlaw was on administrative leave

A graduate of the University of Otago Dunedin e Zealand Richard Barham received a Ph D degree from the University of Alben a dmonton in Ed ucational Psychology

He has served on the faculty of the Department of Educational Psychology at the University of Alberta and as professor and acting chairman of the Department of Education University of Otago

While in New Zealand he was an executive member of the council of The Ne w Zealand Psychological Society and served as its president

At Guelph he has taught both undershygraduate and graduate courses in the Deshypartment of Family Studies and has supershyvised graduate students

He has been active on many University committees during the past seven years He is a past chairman of the Board of Graduate Studies and has been a member of the

Committee on Academic Priorities the Committee on University Planning the Liaison Committee and several others

He has also been a consulting educa shytional psycholog ist with the Wellington County Separate School Board since 1979

Prolessor Barham and his wife Joan have a family offour Joan recently returned to the University of Guelph for further study Daughter Vick y 19 is a student in Economics at Queens University Lisa 17 and Christopher 14 attend Ce ntennial CVJ while Tania 12 is completing her studies at College Avenue School

Music is very important part of the Barham familys life with active invoheshyment in the Suzuki String School and the Guelph Youth Orchestra Gardening is a hobby enjoyed by both Richard and Joan

Members of the Mac- FACS Alumni Association extend a sincere welcome to Professor Barham We look forward to meeting and working with him in the future as he fills the challenging position as dean of FACS 0

FACS Prof First

Dr M urlin MUllhclIs

Director P ro fessor Anne Martin Matthews De shypart me nt of Family St udi es has been ap shypointed the first director of the Gnontology Research Centre The establi shment of the Centre was announced last February A research grant of $237000 from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada will fund the Centre for the first three years

Professor Martin Matthews has been conducting research related to the needs and interests of older segments of the populashytion as well as teaching courses in such areas as social gerontology and marital and family dynamics in Family Studies She has been a faculty member with the Department of Family Studies since 1978

She also has been active beyond the campus in programs related to aging She is chair-elect of the social sciences division Canadian Council on Gerontology and will begin a two-year term in the chair of that organization this year

She is also first vice-president of the

Ontario Gerontology Association and a member of the scientific advisory commitshytee of the Gerontology Research Council of Ontario She is a graduate of Memorial University of Newfoundland and McMaster University

With a steadily increasing percentage of the popUlation in the retirement age bracket it is important to understand more fully the ir needs and cuncerns sa ys Proshyfessor Martin Matthews The en tre will deal with the ag ing family and environshymental contexts In the latter sense we will be examinin g such things as the difference bet wee n aging in an urban and a rural society as well as issues like housing and the aging

The new Gerontology Research Centre will provide facilities to assist faculty members and graduate students doing reshysearch on aging The Centre will facilitate integrate and co-ordinate studies on aging within the University the director says

Research on aging is now being carried out at the Universi ty in such Departments as Family Studies Geography Psychology Nutrition Human Biology and SocioluFY and the Centre will be able to provide a medium for cross-fertilization of ideas among the many researchers in the field

Professor Marlin Matthews says that the Centre will be working co-operatively with other similar research centres in Onshytario such as the one at the University of Toronto in promoting research on aging The Centre will also sponsor conferences and workshops that relate to the special needs of older citizens in their communities

Guelph has demonstrated an interest in gerontology since 1970 when research projshyects began and courses dealing with aging were offered in the Departments of Family Studies and Psychology Since 1981 the Un i versity has offered gero ntology as part of the Famil y Studies major in the Bachelur of Applied Science program 0

A Thank You Dear A luml7i

1-Iwl 10 Ihonk oil Ihe uumni inloll(d wilh

Ihc cr special send-oj gien to me ill

recognition of Ihc complelion ofmv Icrm as


So man of ou -Ierc invocd shy

whelhcr or nOI ou -Iere able 10 (fIend Ihe

recognition receplion in Toronlo on May

29 I oppreciacd Ihe man good llishes

which come from ocross CClrado ond from

such dislOlIl places as Indio and Chara

Your generous gifls u Imc Irolld of

pcarls und a bonk aCCOlll11 vhich came lVilh

Ihe slrong suglcslion Ihal [should IIc 10

Vnv Iculand lverc Irul overllhelll1ing

The Air lCll Zcalundjlighl bag jJacked wilh

1111 SOriS of nccessiliel added 10 Ihe jim

middotre had 01 Ihe rcceplion

Many Ihanksfor your SUppOri over Ihe years and for your good wishes as I begin

my car ofadmin is Ira live leave

Yours sincerelv

Jonel M Wardlaw 0


Dr Louise

( Bailltlj

Heslop 67

Off - To


Dr Louise (Bazi net) Heslop 67 has JO ined the School of Business at Carlton Unive rsit y O ttaw a Over the next two years through an arran geme nt with Ca rlton Unive rsity she will be cco nded on a

part-time basis by Stati sti cs Canada where she will join the Research and Analysi s

D ivision Loui se completed her MSc at Guelph

in 1969 and continued as lecturer in the

ne wly-es tablished Department o f Co nshysumer Studies In 1977 she compktcd a Ph D in Business Administration (Marketshying) at the University of Western Ontari o

and rejo ined the Department of Consumer Studies ri si ng to the rank of ass oc iate professor

Louise was e lected to the board of

di rectors of the Mac-FA CS Alumni Assoc ishyati on in 1977 se rvin g as secretary-treasurer until May 1981

We ex tend our best wishe middot to Loui se

her husband Lome O A 70 and their dau ghters Jose tte 5 and C la ire 2 Lorne is employed by Agriculture Canada in

Ottawa and is currently completing an M Sc in Engineering at the University of

G uelph Coun try li ving is a high priority with

the Heslops They are deli ghted with the purchase of a farm near Almonte a nd look

forward to the best of both worl d s - profess ion a lism in the city and lei sure in the countryside 0

Grad News Helen (Clifford ) Beswick 48D is se lf empl oyed as a studio potter in her home in Dundas

Margaret (Kennedy) jarvis 54D is a realestate age nt in Kingston

Pat (Hall) McDowell 65 is with the

United Missionary Soc iet y Jlorin Kwora State ~igeria

Joanne Patterson 66 is a se ni or project o ffmiddoticer w ith Indi an and Northern Affa irs Ottawa

Leslie (Mowat) Hemming 68 is teaC hin g in Woods tock

Mary (Jany) Toms 68 is employed with Health and We lfare Canada Ottawa

Sarah (Spencer) Coomhs 70 is an assistant director wi th the Co nsumer Inforshymation Centre of the Ontario Government


Meredith Fi lshie 70 is an ana lyst w ith the Ministry of State for Economic and Re g ional Development O ttawa

S heila (Fahner ) jarvie 70 is a nutrishytion ist w ith the K- W Hospital Kitchener

Donna j ohnstone 70 o perates Donn as Ha ndmade Clothin g for Men amp Wo men Gabiola Isla nd B C

Lorraine Holding 71 is manager of program development with the Rural Orshyga nizatio ns and Services Branlh Minis try of Agriculture and Food located at the Gue lph Agriculture Centre

Beve r ly Lee 72 is a chairperso n with the York Region Board o f Educ at io n

Laurie MacLeod 72 is a district manager with Beaver Foods Mlss issauga

Kathy Camelon 73 is a dietitian at the Toronto Genera l Hospita l

Tirnoth) Fleming HAFA 74 a ses ionaJ lec turer with H AFA teaching business law has been adm itted to the partne rshi p o f the law firm of Harper Haney and White of Waterl oo

Isabel (McBride) H o well 74 is an e lementary school teacher with the Watershyloo Co unt y Board of Educatio n Camshybridge

Mary Ruston 75 is a Famil y Studies teacher at Inge rso ll District High School

Kathryn Anderson 76 is a supervisor with Westmini ster Family Day a re London

Hester Cooper 76 is employed as a research officer with the New Zealand Dairy

Research Institute in Palmers ton North ew Zealand

Patr icia (G a rland ) Desaul niers 76 is with patient fo od se rvices Alberta Hospishyta l Edmo nton

Noella Li 76 is aclinical dietitian wi th the

ictori a Hospital London

M eredith (Evans) Hea rtwe ll 77 is

teac hing in Mississauga

Deb Wey 77 is patient food se rvices manager at SI John Regio nal Hospi tal SI J()hn NB

Susan (junes ) Wilcox 77 is food se rvices

superviso r with the Baye re st Ce ntre for Ge riatric Care 0

A ThankYou The c lass of Mac 380 wishes to extend a

sincere thank you to all alumni who have con tributed to the Mac 38 0 Class Geronshy

to logy Scholarship Fund The gradua te s tudent scholarship in

the recently de ve loped area ot Ge ronto lo gy at FACS is being established by the class of 38D in recog nition of their 45th annivershy

sary in 1983 All Univers it y of Guelph grads are

in vited to parti c ipate in this project funds for which will be so li c ited until December

1984 [f you wish to con tribute please make you r cheq ue pay ab le to the Univers ity o f Guelph Alma Mater Fund specify that it is to be applied to the Mac 38 D Class Gerontology Scho larship Fund and mail to

the Deve lo pment Office Room 273 John shysto n Hall Uni ve rsity o f Gue lph Guelph

Ontario N IG 2W J Th an ks again for yo ur suppo rt from

Elle n Downie Mary Singer Doris Durran t and Jean Carter- the Mac 38 D sch o larship committee 0

In Memoria m We regret to announce the death of the following al umnus

Margaret L (MacKenzie) Smallwood 401) December 1982 in Lakeland Fla




The College of Physical Scie nce Alumni Association

SCIMP Editor Bob Winkel

phy sics grant selection committee of thc atural Sciences and Engineering Research

Council for two years he was intimately involved in all the major re search de velopshyments in Canada in this field Hc feels that his e lec tio n to the Royal Society of Canada will help raise the prot1le of high-energy physics in this co untry and lend stren gth to Canadian experimenters

The citation prepared for his nominashytion to the Royal Society of Canada reads

Professor Karl is a high energy the ori st whose work is widely recognized interna tionally His deep physical insight and hi s kn ow led ge of mathemati ca l methods led to the quark model of baryon resonances based on quantum chromoshydynamics which has been enormousl) successful in describing experimental reshysuits H is re sea rch is characterized by striking originality and an ability to COIll shy

bine basic ideas from different field s as in the predictions of a new effect - neutron optical activity

Gabriel Karl is married and has one daughter W hen he is not probing the sec re ts of the universe he indulges himself in music theatre and the fine arts

He visited the Unive rsity of Briti sh Columbia in Vanco uver in May for the induction ceremony into the Royal Society of Canada on the occas ion of the Annual Meeting of the Society It marked he sa id the culmination of a long string of benefits that [ ha ve enjoyed throughout the 23 years 1 have lived in Ca nada [ have every rea son to be very grateful to th is country D

Erratum In the Sprin g issue o r SCiMP it was erroneously reported in the c utline accompanyin g a pict ure of Departshyme nt of Physics student scholarship winners that they were the recipients of 0 er $ 1500 We dropped a zero The fi gure should have read $ 15000 Sorry about tha t Ed

Elected to Royal Society

Dr Cooiel Korl

The election of Dr Gabriel Karl to a Fellowship of the Roy al Society of Canada represents what one of hi s colleagues Dr Peter Egelstaff desc ribe s as a rare honour which reflects great credit not only on Dr Karl but also on the Uni versi tys Departshyment of Physics

The Royal Society of Canada founded in 1882 to promote learning and research in the arts and sciences has numbered among its Fellows virtually all of Canadas most distinguished intellectual le ade rs of the last J00 yea rs Standards are jealously guarded and Fello wships are awarded only as a result of outstanding world-class ach ieve ment

The rarity of the honour is indicated by the fact that at the Un iversity of Guelph whose faculty includes so many academics of international distinction only five had previously achieved a Fellows hip in the Royal Society of Canada These are Dr Howard Clark vice- pres ident academic Dr Bruce Sells dean College of Biologishycal Science Dr Peter Egclstaff Depart shyment of Physics Dr Do nald Masters Prof ssor Emeri tu s De part mcnt of History and Dr He rb Armstrong retired dean of Graduate Studies

As the sixth Dr Ga briel Karl will have the added di st inction of bei ng the first whose career has been sp ot excl us ively at the Un ivers ity of Guelph which agai n to

quote Dr Egelstaff marks a coming of age for the University

Gabriel Karl was born in Transylvania a province of Romania He obtained his B Sc in Chemistry at Romani as Univershysity of ClUJ worked for two years in industry and came to Canada in 1960 He attended graduate school at th e University of Toronto where he was awarded a Ph D in 1966 for a thesis on infrared luminesshycence following molecular colli sion Hi s Ph D supervisor was the distinguished physical chemist Dr John Polanyi

A two-year post-doctora l fellowship with the University of Torontos Depart shyment of Physics followed His mentors there were Drs J Van Kranendonk and Duk Poll who is now a professor with the Universi ty of Guelph s Depa rtment of Ph ys ics

In 1966 Dr Karl studied at the Uni versity of Oxford for two years under an NRC scho larship to study hadron spec troshyscopy and in 1969 he Joi ned the Univers itys Department of Phy sics achieving a full professorship only five years later

Dr Karls work has focussed on high energy physics - the physics of fundamen shytal particles This is an esoteric field involvshying research into the nature of matter The relatively few world leaders in thi s field tend to cluster around the half-dozen accelerators such as the $100 million four kilumete rshylon g hi gh-e nergy tunnel for accelerating electrons at Stanford University that have been built only in the US and Europe

There is no accelerator of this energy level in Canad a and fe w Canadian scie nshyti ~ts are working in this field Dr Ka rl s statu re in the international commu nity of particle physic ists is marked by his many visi ts to the world s major research ce ntres as guest speaker and to consult with his peers Referring to the time spent on thcse missions Dr Karl describes the Depart shym nt of Phys ics and his colleag ues as generouslyaccommodati ng shy

As cha irman of the h igh energy


Trapping The Suns Energy Excerpted from a Chemtrends article by Mary Cocivera

One predi ctabl e fac t about ind ustri ali z d

soc iety is that it will take more e nergy to

keep the whee ls ru nn ing smoothl y parti c ushy

larly because the world population is exshy

pected to dou ble to about n ine bill ion by the

year 2050

[n th search to augme nt tradi tio na l

sources o f e lectri ci ty two Departme nt of

Chemistry pro fessors ha ve tu rned their

atten ti on to the convers ion of solar energy to

electricity by photovultaie cel ls and photoshy

elec troc he mical systems T he developme nt

work at Guelph is a imed at improving the efficiency and stability of th se sy~tems and

reduc i ng the ir cos t

Si licon photovoltaic cells serve as a

reference for solar energy convers iun beshy

cause they were the fi rst such cells and to

date arc the most effic ient co nvert ing so lar

ne rgy into elec tr ic ity a t abo ut 15 per cem

effi c iency Arrays of crys tal li n sil icon ce lls present ly cos t in the nei ghborhood or

S$400 per sq uare metre to manufac ture

produc ing about 40 watts Photovo lta ic

thin- fi lm syste ms us ing semico nductors

o ther than single crysta l sil ic on are be ing

investigated in man y re~earc h ce ntre s

around the world

A pro mis ing approach is a cadmiui1l

sulfi dec uprous sul fide combi nat ion in

which the two sem ico nduc tors are laye red

on molybdenum the n covered w ith a transshyparent gold fil m T his thin-fi lm cons trucshy

tio n i ideal for solar devices explai ns

Profess ur Ro n Fawcett because large

surface areas are needed for maximum

exposu re to the sun

T he fabrication process devel oped by

Ro n and patented in 1980 in vo lve electroshy

depos iting cadmium sulfide o nto molybshy

denum then layering cuprous sulfide over the cadm ium sulfide by an ion exchange

process Finally the gold 11 1m is added by

vacuum de pos ition Ron es timates that

thi n-film de ices could be manufac tu red in

this way for about S$25 per squ are metre

E lectro pla ting of se m ic ondu ct ors

would enabl e photo voltai c dev ices to be

manu factured in a continuous process

rathe r than indi vidua lly as i required w ith

s ingle crysta l s ilic on Such ce lls ha ve

ach ieved conversio n of solar to electrica l

energy at an e ffi cienc y o f I per cent to date T he researchers are co nfide nt they can

achieve fi to 8 per cent cffi ieney compared

to the calcul ated max imum e ffi c iency of II

per cent Pro fessor Michae l oc ivera is ork ing

on photoe lec troc hem ical systems in which a

sem icond uctor electrode im mersed in an

elec tro lyte solution converts inci dent li g ht

into a n electric a l cu rren t Such se mishy

conductor lilju id junction cells offe r p racti shy

cal ad van tages because uf the sponta neom format ion o f a junc tio n I mproved effishy

ciency fo r po lycrysta lli ne sem iconductors

has been a hi eved in ce lb of th is type in part becau~e the liqu id estab li shes unshy

iformly good COntac t wi th the e l etrode

The li gh t -~ens it i ve electrode in photoshy

e lec trochem ical ce lls is a sem ic o nductor

e it her a thin-fi lm or s ingle c rysta l a tt ached

to a metal back ing the other e lec trode is an

inert me ta l T he e l ectrode~ are immersed in

~ n elect rol yte solutio n o f a mater ial that carl do nate and accep t elect rons The b igges t

prob lem with many li lj ui d junct io n ce lls

~ays Mike is photocorros iol1 of the su rshy

face of the se miconductor To overcome

thi s problem he is developing materi a ls and

techniques to coat the e lectrodes with proshy

tec tive materiab

The first liquid junction cells with a

sili con anode opera ted for only a matter of

seconds befo re the e lec trode was des troyed

by corrosion Researche rs at the Solar Energy Research Insti tu te in C o lorado

U SA have developed a silicon anode

w ith a polypyrro le protect ive coating which

can o perate for hund reds o f hours but that is

still not long eno ugh for a viable commershy

cia l syste m

M ike and his colleague are making a

syste matic study of compounds tha t wi ll

both protect the electrode from corrosion

and catal yze the elect rode rca tion They

arc now worki ng with organo me tall ic comshy

pounds co mpris ing a metal atom sulfur

and an aromatic co m pone nt containing a func tiona l group li ke hyd roxy l sul phonate

ammoni um and nitroso

hese compounds are effect ive beshy

ca use they prov ide a mechanism to transfer

a ch arge bet ween the se mi co nd uctor and the e lectro n donor in solut io n The coating mus t

also be transpilrent e nough to a llow the light

to s trike the photocleetrode

To date they ha ve suneeded in deshy

veloping fi ve coat ings su itab le fo r a variet y

or se miconduc tors incl uding the polyshy

crysta ll ine cadm ium su lfide e lectrodes fabshy

riltated by Ron Fawce tt s method If polyshy

crystalli ne elec trodes can be fab ri (a ted and

coated wi th a protec tive materia l electroshy

chemically they wi ll be relati ve ly inexpe nshy

ive to manufac ture If the tech niques and processe s be ing

inve ~l igated by Ron Fawce tt and Mike Coc ivera de ve lop to tht ir full poten tial the

su n cou ld beco me a more import ant supplier

o f e lectri city in Ca nada Long-range proshy

jectio ns suggest that about 10 per cent of No rth A m rican e lectr ic it y could be proshy

duced from solar convers ion

Elec tric ity fro m the sun is no longer a

pipe-dream-it is a reachable goa l n

Grad News Louise (Sandall) Platt BA 69 is living

in Islington and teaching for the Etobico ke

Board of Educati on

Alexander Barton BSc 70 MSc 74 is work ing on a Ph D deg ree in the

Departme nt of Fishe ries and W ildlife at

Orego n Sta te uni vers ity

Gerry Kupferschmidt BSc 70 MSc

71 is living at R R I Osgoodc and is

tmployed as a sc ientific ad ise r to the


Murray Ross Gingrich BSc 71 Ii ves in

Brampto n and is work ing as a probation

officer for the Ministry o f Correc tio nal


Robert Cross BSc 72 M D is workshy

ing in the emergency department o f the

So uth Muskoka Hospital in Bracebridge

Edda Duva (Home) Kerr BA 74 lives

in G ue lph and is working as a program

co-ordinator for Casatta Ltd in Kitchener

Deanne Ch)y BSc 78 Ii ves in Etob ishy

coke and is working as a public health

inspector for the Ham ilton Wentwo rth Reshy

gio nal Health Unit

Alex McDonald BSc 79 PhD 83 and his wife Rosanne ( DeNobriga) BSc

79 are living in Austi n Texas whil e Alex

is do ing post-doctoral work at the Unishy

vers ity o f Texas

Ste~en Oliver BSc 79 o f Hamilton is a

medica l sa les repre sentati ve with Cyanamid

Canada Inc

Gordon Knox BSc 79 is a con~ ul ta nt

with Inform ation Systems Serv ices in Vicshy

toria BC

George Gillson BSc 80 is taki ng a

Ph D in Anal ytica l C hemis try at the Uni shyve rsity of Alberta 0


The College o f Arts Alumni Associat ion

DELPHA Editor Debbie (Nash) Chambers 77

has no w acquired the Shaw Festival ArshyThe Deans Roundup chives on permanent deposit T his is an

Last fall I had the privilege of speakshy

ing to the direc tors of the University of G uelph Alumn i Assoc iation to bring them

up to date on some of the excit ing things connected with the College of Arts I am gratefu l to the editor of DELPHA for this

opportu nity to let alumni readers know what we are do ing

I am pleased to be able to report a subs tant ial increase in enrolment both in the

B A program and in the College o f Arts this past yea r What is especially nice is that this has coincided with a dec is ion to tighte n our

standards at the admissions level and in the regulations for continuatio n of study

In o rder to grad uate B A students

who entered the Spring 19~3 Semester will need to obtai n a C average in 60 per cent of the courses they take

Most of o ur students are doing thi s now and we do not antici pate this will pose any

problem for the students whom we are ad mitting Next year students en tering the

B A program will be required to have Grade 13 English and we are strongly encouraging them to offer a Mathematics credit o r o ne in French or ano ther language

Applications from students wish ing to enter the B A program in the Fall 1983 Semester

are up subs tantia lly over last yea r I also want to share with you some

ha ppenings which have brought special delight to me

The U ni ve rsi ty of Guelph Choir

under director Ge rald e ufeld won second prize in the 1982 CSC nation al chora l competition

In the Harbourfront a rt show last

sum mer three o f o ur students had works se lected by the jury and each won a prize shya better show ing than any of the other O nshy

tario universities or colleges which entend T he C anadian- American Urban Hisshy

tory Co nference held at G uelph in A ugust

1982 was a tremendous success bringing sc holars from many parts of the United States and Canada to discuss new trends in urban studies

Dean David Murray

In the space of just a few months I have seen seven books published by faculty in the Co llege The subjects include Rudyard

Kipl ing Greek Philosophy Urban History Evolution and Darwinism Reli gion and Tolerance the dramatist Gra nville Barker

and a nove l written in French Last summer also saw the completion

of a very successful facu lty exchange beshy

tween o ur Department of Eng lish and the

Uni vers ity of Reading in Britain Dr Leslie Monkman went to Reading for the year and Dr Coral Howell s visited Guelph This

opportunity enab led Dr Howells to study modern C anadian writers and she is now

working o n a book to be published in Britain o n Canadian women wri ters Dr

Mo nkman lectured on Canadian literature at various places in Britain and in France as well as in Reading

T hro ugh the e fforts of the Department of Drama and its chairman Dr Leonard

Conolly and C ollections Librarian Jo hn Moldenhauer 68 the Uni versi ty Library

ex tremely valuab le re sou rce for theatre

scholars a nd the Univers ity is ve ry pleased to have a closer connection with the Shaw Festi val The Drama Department also has

Professor Dan Laurence the world s leadshying Shaw scholar as a distinguished Visitshy

ing Professor lor the ra il Semester Two large conferences were organized

during the Spring and Summer by faculty

and students in the Co llege Professor Ted Cowan of the History Department was in charge of the Scottish Heritage Festival held in uelph in May The Fes tival was a

ce lebrati on of the S co t~ 1d their contribushytion~ to Canada

In Au gust the Uni vers ity will host a major conference o n Common wealth lite rashy

ture bringing writers and schol ars to Guelph from allover the Com monweal th Professor Doug K illam chairman of the Department of English and a number o f col leagues are

now busily preparing to welcome guests from around the world

Through our liaison programs we have pioneered special day - long seminars at the

niversity for gifted children in Wellington County T he se programs are part of o ur commitment to assist secondary schools in meeting the challe nges of special education

J know many o f you will also be interes ted in knowing that last sLi mmer the

College awarded three new scholarships two of the m honouring the cont ribution made by former faculty members J Percy

Sm ith and W Stanford Reid The other marked the first presentation of the Edward Johnson Music Foundation scholarships for students in the music program

We are al l ac ute ly co nscious of the

financial pressure affecting the UnivLr ~ ity

of Guelph and othe r Canadian unive rsities

But we mus t no t le t these pressures detract from the vision of academic excellence to

which we are committed J think you will agree from the exaln ~Jk middot ha ve cited that this vision continues to glow brightly in spite of our financial plight We hope we can

co ntinue to co unt on your advice and your suppurt 0


It Was a Very Good Year T he Direc tor or the College of Arts Alumni Assoc iation have had a bus y year In January we launched o ur hrst Caree rs i lglll for in -coure stude nlgt Thanks to the exce lle nce and enthusiasm of our pane l l1len1bcr the evening was a success

Careers Night is to become an annual event and we would appreciate you r particishypation Any Art s grads wh o wo uld like to

vo lunteer their expertise for the e vening please do not hesita te to contact us

The Directors were also busy a rshyranling the second an nu al art show shyDI MENSIO NS middotS3 Due to the treme nd ous response to DI M ENSIOtS 82 the art show co mmittee organized DIM ENSIO NS 83 as aJu ricd show We are hoping that nex t yea r we will be able to mount a photography show as well a an art sho w

As you are probably aware in 1970 Wellington College was reo rganized into the Colleges of Arts Physic al Sc ience and Socia l Science This year our Assoc iation was asked to se lect a new College logo Thankgt to Dean Dav id Murray and the Deans Counc il we were given permission to use the graphics on the College of Art s Gold Medal It can be see n in the masthead of thi s issue The logo was designed by Erich Barth art dire ctor Department of [nshyformation and enco mpasses the di verse di s shycipiJnes fou nd within the College of Arts

Grad News Catharine (Gilnerlson ) Scott 70 is a wage and salary anal ys t tnivers it y of Waterl oo

Linda la) Bell 72 i the assistant conshysultant for thlto gifted We llington County Boa rd of Education GueJph

Lynn Barbeau 74 is the curator Educa shytion and xtension Macdo nald Stewart Art

entre Guelph

Wltlynr WellJauler 75 is corpora te mar shyke ting manager Gore Mutua l In surance Company Cambridgc

Renate Fisc her 76 is a consultant with the Woods Gordon Divisio n of Cl arkson Go rdon Chartered Acco untants Kitchener

jane Morley O AC MSc 81 is a career co nsultant Counse llin g and Student Reshysource Centre Un iversity of Guelph

Through the generos ity of the Alma Mater Fund our Assoc iation has been able to e stablish nv e sc holars hip s Thre e DELPHA awards for Gue lph alumni to continue their slUdi es at the gradu ate level at the University and two awa rds for part-time mature students These awards are greatly appreciated by the students who have reshyce ived th e m

Congratulatio ns are th e order of the day for Juli e (Russe ll ) Thur 78 Associashytion past pre sident and Linda Mackenz ie shyCordi ck 8 1 Assocration secre tary treas shyurer on the birth of their daug hters in March We wi sh them joy in their yo ung-

David Dell 76 is the in fo rmation o ffic er Reg ion of Pee l Brmiddotampton

jeff Miller 82 is a s tage manager for Profes sional Theatres Toronto

The above eight alumni were panel )11ember-s at our first annual Careers sJ ig ht held ea rlier th i yea r On ce again we offer our sincere thanks for their pani ci pation

lhugarel Reare 68 is senior research o f hee l Minis try of th e Soli citor General Ottawd

William Thiels 73 is a sys te ms analyst with Eas tman Kodak CO Roche ster t Y US A

Shardie D SteHnson 77 is assistant marketing manager Marsh and 1cLennan Ltd Winnipeg Man

Donald Syme 77 is with marketing pe rsonne l IC F Sydne y Australia

sters and look forward to the ir continued help in the Assoc ia tion in the future

C Nould lik e to re mind our fell ow alu mni to jo in or renew their membership in our Association De hbie ( Nash) Cham bers 77 editor of DF LPH A wo uld lik e any Ideas lor future artick that vould catch your interes t Our Assoc iati o n would also apprec ia te heari ng from you re gardin g eve nts that you wou ld be interested in attending Pl ease drop us a line in order that we may serve you better thus ~ eeping the line of co mmunic ation oren bet ween you and yo ur Alma v1ater

In closing I would like to acknowlmiddot edge With great a pprec iati o n the a istance that has been o ffclTU our Board of Direc tors over the pasl year

As al ways Dea n David Murray has bee n a va lued ad visor I wo uld li ke to thank Professor Ted Cowa n Department o f History for his Sprin g 19K3 OEPHA article on the Scottish Heritage Festival and Judy (Ma in) Ca rson 75 for he r help in preparalron of feature articles Spec ial thank s arc also ex tended to Rosemary Clark Mac 59 Asis tant Director Proshyg rams Dep artment of Alumni Affairs and Deve lopment and our Board of Directo rs who have wo rk ed so hard to mak e thi s a successful year

The term of 19X2-B3 has been a very grati fying one for all mem bers of the Associations Boa rd o t Directors We loo k for ward to 19K3-K4 anJ hope to hear from you Q

J ane Francis 78 is With Ilublic relations Vancouver Stock EXchange Vancou ver B C

Jonie Bunce 79 is a teacher 01 Art English and Thcatre Arts at 1 A Turn er Secondary School BrdrllptOl

Deborah Salmon 79 is married to Richard Light BS( 80 and li ves in Japanec Shc worb for the Empl o) mc nt and Im migrati on Commi ssion dnd Ri chlrJ works for a darrv in Kin gs to n

Shelagh Stevens 79 it station U)lllrshytwlle r Department o f -J atiunal [dc nce in f ova Slmiddototia

lidwtl Glanb 81 is a supervisor mar shyke ting comrlluni~ations Pitney-Bowe s oj

Canada Ltd Don Mill s

john (llanllllUnd ) Zelasko 81 rs ~ I

courtr(lOrn artist WKBW Buffalo New Ymk US I C



Alumnus of

Honollr 1983

Helen Christine AbeD Mac 38D

Amo ng the forerunners in the fie ld of rural soc iol ogy not only in Canada

but throughout the world and with a long career as a professor in numerous un iversities ac ross Canada Dr Helen C Abell has und oubted ly do ne much to promote a world -w ide reputation for her Alma Mater

Dr Abell has been most active in a numbe r of United Nat io ns programs designed to foster development of th ose in the Third World countrie s Although os ten sibl y retired she still co nt inues her wo rk as a cons ult ant in Socio-Economic De ve lopme nt assisti ng in develop ing sho rt -term project s as the occasion ari ses

As well as a Macdona ld Ins titu te Diploshyma Dr Abell obtained a BHSc (H ome Economics) from the Universi ty of Toro nto in 1941 and an MS (Human Nutrition) and a Ph D (major Rural Sociology and Agri cul shytural Economics) from Cornell University in 1947 and 1951 re specti vel y 0

Page 20: Guelph Alumnus Magazine, Summer 1983

Lan e Smit h 78 is a so ftware spec ialist Barbara (Cherry) Wilson 80 is pres shyGrad News with Software Ke netics in epean ently res iding at 45 Emily Street Grimsby

Ron Beveridge 67 is an e lementary special counselor with School District 88 Terrace B C

C R ichard Buc k 70 practices law WIth the firm of Weyli e Shortt Buck Hanshybridge Reidl Casselli and Mitchell in Waterloo

Lee D Wetherall 75 is an exec utive ass istant with AIcan in Kingston

Stewart McCann 76 is a lec turer with the University of Alberta Edmonton

Peter J Stanczyk 76 is living at 9940 Fa irmount Drive S E Apartment A-4

C algary Alta Since concluding his studies at Guelph Peter attended the social work course at Wilfrid Laurier University Watershyloo and received a Master o f Soc ial Work

degree in 1982 Peter is now married and he and his

bride We ndy are established as socia l workers with Alberta Social c rvices and Comm unity Health in Calgary We wish Peter and Wend y much happiness in their new partnership success in their choscn fi e ld and contentment in the ir Ii vc s together

Ted Boniface 77 is now n eative direc tor for Ce ntra l Al berta Broadcasting (CKRDshy

T V CKRD-AM and C FCR-FM) in Red Deer Ted has bee n awarded four c itations by the Radi o Bureau of C anada and was nominated for an Aetra Award as producer of the hes t radio program of1979 O ld news we reali ze but how are we going to know o therwise unless you let us know Thanks

Ted for updating us on your activities

Gurnam Singh 77 is an MC A student at the niversity of Ottawa

Roderick Hodgson 78 is back in his home town of H udson Que Rod is emshyployed by the Town of H udson Publi c

Works Departme nt he al so serves on the Town Planning C ommittee and is activel y involved with the volunteer fire department

Perr y Wilson 78 is liv ing in Spirit River Alta Since graduating from G uelph Perry

has obtained a masters degree in Anthropolshyogy from McG ill University and is princ ishypal of Ste Marie Elementary School in Spirit River

John Boyle 78 is presently living at RR 2 Brampton

Karen Russell 78 is a teacher with the Dufferin County Board of Education at Parkinson Centennial School Orangeville

Vicky Su therland 78 is an air traffi c

controller with the Mini stry of Transport Calgary Alta

Susan W alkowiak 78 is a real estate agent with the Safeguard Real Es tate Comshy

pan y Toronto

Craig Willms 78 is an assistant manager with the Toronto-Dominion Bank Watershy


Gordon Cominey 79 is a priest with the Holy Trinity Anglican Church in Edmonshy

ton Alta

Carol (Fogarty) Knox 79 is presentl y residi ng at R R 5 Woodstoc k

Susan Laushway 79 is a probation office r with the Solic itor G eneral of Alshybe rta in Edmonton

Richard E Larente 79 is production manager at Mac Mil lan Bloedel Ville

Mont-Ro yal Q ue

Bryce Andrews 80 has dec ided to conshytinul his education at the n i ve r~ ity of

Weste rn Ontario He is working on an M BA

Dianne M Grenier 80 is in her third year of Common Law at the University of Ottawa

Shauneen (McKague ) Bruder 80 is an MBA student at Queens University Kingston

Michele Forrester 80 is a comm unicashytions clerk w ith the Ontario Yo uth Employment Program Queens Park To shy


Peter Madott 80 is an ass istant product manager with S c Johnson an d So n Ltd


Elizabeth (Ferguson ) latos 80 is a volunteer co-ordinator with B ig Bro thersBig Sisters of Carleton County


Jane Stevens 80 is a teac her w ith the

York Board of Education in Aurora

Loretto (MacDonald) Sullivan 80 is an administrative assistant with Kert Advertis shying Toronto

Sylvia (Bossaer) Willms 80 is a Food

Services supervisor at the UI1Iversity of Guelph

Jane (Stevens) Tremblay 80 is a teacher with the York Board of Education Aurora Jane is married to David U of N Dakota

grad of 79

Lee Anne Burton 80 is a teacher with the Dufferin Peel R C SS Board Mi ss isshy


Maureen S inclair-Barnes 80 is an urban planner with the City of Brantford Husband

is Bruce Barnes 82

Su~ Jones 80 is continuing her education at the Univers ity of Alberta She lives at

11441-132 St 405 Edmonton Alta T M IG2 Bro ther-in-law John Sch neider CBS 73 graduated in Marine


Nicholas Boyadjian 81 is a special events co-ordinator with Unive rsity Ce ntre

Administration Uni ve rsity of Guelph

Debra (Philputt ) Gibson 81 is a te acher

w ith Pee l C ount y Board of Education in

Miss issa uga

Jim Gibson 81 is a branch representati ve o ffi cer with the Ca nadian Imperial Ra nk of

CommCfce Toron to

Linda Helin 81 is presen tly res iding in

C utler on the North C hannel of Lake Huron

Patti La France 81 is a teacher residing at 66-50 Fiddl ers Green Road London

Elizabeth (Crighton) Madge 81 is now married and re siding in Lethbridge Alta

Kathleen Martin 81 is a market research analys t w ith As tra Pharmaceutical s Miss i shy


Edward Leong 82 is administration

manager for the J J Tour Se rvi ce at the Jal an M aju Taman Jade Ce ntre Miri Branch Sara wak East Malaysia

Debbie (Ling) Therrien 82 is employed as cashiersale sperson for Gameway s Ark

Ltd Toro nto

Chin Lan (Kat ) Choi 82 is an executive shyofficer with the ational Produc tivity Board in Singapore Since graduating C hin Lan has married C hoi Chee Keong C PS 82 Much happiness and success to you both

John C Close 82 is a teac her with World University Services of Canada in Zimbabshywe Africa John is married to Mary M A Psych 8 1 WLU 0


The College of Biological Science Alumni Associatio~_~

BIO-ALUMNI NEWS Editor Dr John Powell

Executive CBS Alumni Association HONORARY PRES ID ENT Professor Bruce Sells Dean


Dr George Dixon Ph D 80 Zoology

PAST PRESIDENT Marie (Boissonneault) Rush BSc 80 Marine Biology

VICE PRESIDENT Chris Wren BSc 77 Marine Biology

SECRETARY-TREASURER Cam Portt BSc 77 MSc 80 Zoology

DIRECTORS David Airdrie BSc 82 Microbiology Krista Soper BSc 79 Marine Biology Lorrie Cosens BSc 79 Marine Biology Eric Cosens BSc 80 General Biology Keith Harris B Se 76 Marine Biology

EX-OFFICIO DIRECTORS Marie (Boisonneault) Rush BSe 80 Marine Biology Shawn Taylor BSc 83 Aquatic Biology Past President CBSSC Brian Wisenden President CBSSC

FACULTY ADVISORS to be chosen one from each DepartmentSchool

UGAA REPRESENTATIVE S Jan Watshyson BSc 75 Zoology Lorrie (Rolston) Cosens BSc 79 Marine Biology Rob Miln B Sc 81 Marine Biology

EDITOR BlO-ALUMNI NEWS Professhysor John Powell Human Biology 0

Please help us to help you When corresponding or upshydating information or address do tell us not only your year of graduation but your discipline

Where Are They Now The following 20 names were entered on the College of Biological Science Honour Roll for years 1976 and 1977 We w ish to know how your career has progressed and

FALL 1976

Brenda Henry (Marine Biology) and Winter 77

janis Kay 78 (Genetics) and Winter 77

Laurence McClure OVC 81 (Unshyspecialized and Winter 77

Linda (Nelson) Sinclair 78 (Human Kinetics) and Spring 77


Sherry (Bondorenko) Miller 77 (Hushyman Kinetics)

jellrey Chernoff 77 (Unspecialized)

Wendy Harris 77 (Major in Biology)

C harlene Kopansky 77 (Human Kineshytics)

Peter MacDonald (Human Kinetics) and Winter 78

Blain Mollatt (Microbiology)

Darjo Romani 78 (Major in Biology) also Fall 77 and Winter 78

Barry Rosen~rg 77 (Unspecialized)

Cheryl Rowe 77 (Human Kinetics)

FALL 1977

Gregory Casey 79 (Microbiology) also Fall 78 and Winter 79

William Crins 78 (Botany)

jill Cross OVC 82 (Unspecialized)

what you are doing currently Do you have intere s ting episodes to relate in the BIO-ALUMNI NEWS Please lets hear from you

David C a mpbell 78 (Major in Biology)

Richard Proctor 80 (Ecology)

Carolyn Robertson (U nspecialized)

joanne (Ryder) G unby 79 (Genetics) and Winter 79 0

Grad Bash 1983

Organized jointly by the CBS Alumni Association and the CBS Students Council in April more than 280 students alumni current and former staff and faculty sat down for dinner prior to presentations being made to our dean

Contributions came from members of the College and a bird sculpture fashioned by Uta Strelive Zoology was the first of many gifts

Next came a memory book containing many letters photographs clippings and a variety of incidents all pieced together by Association president Marie (Boissonshyneault) Rush 80

Betty Roff gave the dean a special book of clippings collected by herself Two framed portraits of Professor Ronald one already hung in the main office of McNally house the other for the Ronald family completed the tributes

Altogether this gathering was a fitting acknowledgement of a great man who has done great things for us all 0


Scholarships In the Names of

Ronald and PoweU The CBS Alumni Association is pleased to announce the introduction of a scholarship for graduate students in the name of Proshy

fessor Keith Ronald Professor Rona ld as of July I had served for 12 years as the first dean of the CBS and the awarding of a

sc holarship in his name is a fitting tribute to

all he has done fo r the College the Univershys ity and the CBS Alumni Assoc iation

The Hum an Kine tics Alu mni Assoc iashy

tion anno unced its intention to name an undergraduate scholarship in the School of Human Biology in the name of Dr John T Powell as he retires from the Unive rsity in 1984

Do nations to eithe r or both of these

sc holarship funds shou ld be sent direc tl y to the Department of Alumni Affairs and Development-clearly ind icati ng to which sc ho la rs hip your donation is to be alloca ted - or when contributing to the Alma M ater F und noting that your monie s

be channeled to the sc holars hip of yo ur choice 0

Grad News Biological S cience

Lesley (Wilson) Barton 73 and Bruce 70 MSc 74 live in Keremeos B C R R No I VOX JNO will find them

E thel Anita Hamilton 79 and hu sband

Wayne Barcha r d 76 MSc 79 live in Hali fax NS where Ethel is a habitat proshy

tec tion technician with fishe ries and Oceans while Wayne is head Office Assessment Scction Environment Canada 3rd Floor 45 Alderney Drive Dartmouth N S

Marilynne (Wise) McCausland 77 is a research microbiolog ist with Molson Bre wshyeries of Canada Ltd and may be reached at 1555 No tre Dame East Montrea l Que H2L 2R5

Michael W Tate 79 write s mos t kindly thanking us for kee ping people in touch through th is column He is a teac her at Mo rnings tar Secondary School in Mi ss isshysauga

Natalie Mary Olynyk 79 may be reached at 3 120 Duffer in Street in T oronto where she is re staurant manager for Olyn yk Foods Ltd

Marine Biology

Gl en A Packman 74 and Sharon (Noda ) Arts 72 li ve at 21 Albion Road Hali fax S B3P IP8 Glen is a senior

biologist with En vironment Canada

Jo l1n Plumb 76 and M arianne (Conshynoly ) 77 may be reached at 37 Coldstrea m Road Box 303 Munster Ont KOA 3PO John works as an indu strial engineer with

the Mitel Corporation - Kan ata

Human Kinetics and Human Biology

Joy (Reid) Tomes 70 is a team coshyordinator with the Workman s Co mpensashytion Board- 2 Bloor St East Toronto Ont oM7W IA2

Terry Obi Oblinski 71 holds the pos it io n of supervisor with the 3M Comshypa ny at 2 Craig Street Pe rt h Onto K7 H 3C5

Robert T a p Fawcett 72 teac hes at the W 1 Fenton Secondary Schoo l R R 0 10 in Brampton Ont L6V 3 2

Marie-Andree (Pi lon) Poulin now teache h igh school in Montreal write her at 76 Lesage Repent igny Que J3A 5Y5

Dr Tom Elmslic 74 M-Sc 77 is a g lutton for punishment as he isjust complet ing another MSc this time in Epidemi o lshyogy at McM as ter University preparatory to his return to Ottawa

Glen Paterson 78 of 16 Da lto n A ve nue T hunder Bay On t P7B 4E9 is ea rl y chi ldhood educato r with the Confederation o f Applied Art s and Technology B ro ther Larry R Paterson g radu ated with a BLA in 69

Eric bullbull Art Arthurs 80 is s till at 12272 shy110 Avenue Edmonton Alta T5M 2L3 He work s for Consolidated Concrete Limshyi ted as a dragl i ne opera tor

Henry Fox 81 lives at 1520 Verdi La Salle Que H8l I K4

Christine (Krumbacher) F()se 81 may be reached at Box 252 2 Banff Alta TOL OCO

Ch rist ine (Novakuske) Lavallee MSc 81 is a stude nt again stud ying French and living at 0428A Larose A ve nue Mo nt real Que H2B 2Z2

Ginger (Thompson) Elmore 81 seeks work in the geriatric field Are you able to help Write he r please at 107 Ontario Avenue Komoka Onto NOL IRO

Don Doc Wilson 81 is physica l direc tor at the Waterloo Family YMCA Lincol n Road Waterloo Ont N2J 2N8

Jan McMullan 82 ne wly wedded to Mark Newcombe MSc 83 is presently ass istant manager - Ri ordan s Sport S 183 Silvercreek Parkway in Guelph She tells us of four co usins who have g raduated fro m Guelph - Brenda (Bu lton) Dagg CSS 72 Bryce Dagg 72 Donald Sifton 70 and Bonnie (Sifto n) W alsh C SS 72

Fisheries and Wildlife

Lorna l Depuydt 77 is a price specia li st with Massey-Fe rg uso n Her adshydress is 3941 Whispering Wa No 6 Grand Rapids Mich USA 49506

Steven Kerr 77 works as di s trict biologist for the Mi nistry of Natu ra l Reshysources - 611 Ninth Avenue Eas t O wen Sound Ont NOH IS O

Richa rd P Bekolay 77 MSc 80 R R N o ) Carp Ont KOA ILO is a program analyst with Digital Equipment Corporation at Kanata

Marie Legrow 80 is once aga in a s tudent at Gue lp h li ving in Guelph at [02 Queen St reet North IE 4S I


Ann (Stewart) Gray 79 and husband Dr eil Gray 76 li ve at 40) - 251 Platts Lanc in London Ont N6 H 4P4 Ann is a re search assistant at the Universi ty of We stshyern Ontari o

Robe- W Marks 81 is a production trainee with Labatt Brewin g Comp any in Kitchene r


Dr Rob J Van Exan 74 MSc 76 PhD79 ho lds the position of manager Cell Culture Produc tion with Connaught Laboratories 1755 Steeles Avenue West Will owdale Ont M2R 3T4

Chuck Yipchuk 78 wo rks in Quebec 87 Senneville Road Sennev ille a s c oshyordinator of da ta at Bi o- Re search Laboratori es

Dr Harr y Nixon Chabwela W eza MSc 79 P h D 82 may be contacted at loni Katandika Vtllage Chief Kakumbi P O Box 154 Chipata Za mbia where he is a bio log ist wi th National Parks

Douglas Stendahl MSc 79 is with the -federal government s Minist ry o f Indian Affairs and Northe rn De velopment- P O Box 1500 Yukon N W T He is water quality officer


Rick Proctor 80 is a consultant with I P Sharp Associates 2 First Canadian Place Toronto Ont M5X IE3 0


The Ontario Agricultural College Alumni Association

ALUMNI NEWS EdJtor Dr Harvey W Caldwell 51

Financial Management Related to Agriculture One of the main sessions at the OAC Agricu ltural Conference 83 dealt wit h financial management as it relates to agricu lture Robert Sanderson who is with the Ontario Farm Adjustment Asshysistance Program was a main speaker and presented the following paper

Ten years ago most farmers were smilingshyagr icu lt ure see med to have finally gained its reward Worl d short age s of food provided ampl e markets and steadily rising prices lor prac tica lly all crops

Thi s idea li s ti c situation continued for a co uple of years until the granaries of the wo rl d were refi li ed De mand then norshyma li zed and pri ces for most agricultural prod ucts hega n to dec line In spite of price dec lines and li mited markets co nsiderable optimi sm conti nued to be fe lt o n the farm sce ne thro ughout mos t of the 1970s

Late in that peri od infl a ti on reall y ca ught fi re rai sing inpu t cos ts for supplie s and labour The ri se in land pri ces exceeded the most optimis tic es timates during this sa me time

In an a tte mpt to s te m thi s ra mpant infla tio n interes t rates increased almost threefo ld beg inning In 1979 and the world hega n it s slide into recession Farml and prices ceased to r ise in 198 1 and are now crumbli ng wi th uncer tain ty and lac k o f demand

We have no doub ts abo ut th e successshyful future o f ag ri cult ure hcre in Ontari o but today for many farmers adj ugtt me nts are necessa ry to remain so lve nt and for too many oth ers bo th adj ustme nts and so me ass iq an ce are necessary for their prese nt and future surviva l

There are some who are beyo nd he lp and farm bankru ptcies are at their highest leve l since the grea t Depression o f the 1930s These cond it io ns brought about the crea tio n of the On tari o Farm AdJustmcn t Ass istance Program (OFA AP) T hi s proshygram during 1 9~2 has bee n assisting eli g ible farmers who needed he lp

The re are two prime reaso ns fo r


fin anci al woes cited by appl ican ts - high interes t rates and lower farm incomes On the other hand the prime reaso n fo r ~ome

farmen probl ems e ited by lenders is ove r-e xpansion We be li eve both views are va lid and unques ti onabl y are respo ns ible for the prese nt ago ny and unres t on 100

many Ontario farms Le nde rs cite seve ral o the r importa nt

reaSl)l1S whic h also bea r o n the prob le m The borrowers oft e n refe r to them too but usuall y wit h di fferen t emphasis ThcY em shyphas ize the c lt treme instability of fa rm income the se rious lac k of pro per pl an ning bu dge ting accmatc farm record and fin all y the practice of making unprodu ctive investmcnts

Because of the qualifying criteria asshysociated ith an application for as s istan ce from OfAAP one must keep in mind that our observations are limited to about 10 per ce nt of Ontario farm operatlolls That 10 per ce nt is cl ose to the bottom of the gro up on the bas is o f financial sec urity OFA AP assista nce is limited to those produc ing Iood and tobacco Therefore data regard in g proshyducers of fl owers nursery stock race shyhorscs etc ha ( no t come he fore us and the financ ial ituati ons ltlr not inc luded in any of o ur informati o n

Applica ti ons have been appro ved for farmers operating all across the pro vince

Of the to tal approved about 20 per ce nt were in swine prod uctio n abou t 15 per ce nt were in eac h of cash crop prod uction da iry producti on and beef prod uct ion 4 per cen t were in fruit and vege ta ble prod uctio n 3 pel cent were tobacco fa rmers and the Ies t co mbinations of the above Those farm ers producing etgs and poultry were fe w

I n a review of appli ca tio ns for OFAAP ass istance several COl1ll1lo n sce nari os co nshytin ue to ap pear on a so me what re petiti ve has is and are ca tegorized as fo ll ows

1 Young or Beginning Farmers

Th ose under 35 years o f age wen res pons ishybl e for nearl y ha lf o f a ll the app li cati ons In thi s gro up are many who have Just begun fa rm ing Mo~ t of these arc victims of inopport un e tim ing hav in g acq uired land buildings and equ ipme nt be twee n 1979 and 19R2 For the m the combinati on o f lower th an ex pee ted prices of farm produc ts and the extre me inc reases in the ir fi na nc ing charges due to hi gh interes t rates_ have becn dlvas tatin g This is partic ul arl y true where Illos t assets were fi nanced the bcg inshyning equit y be in g Illodes t

2 The Aggres sive Expansionist

Many farmers who did well farming on a

modlst basis in the mid-70s dec ided that s ince o ne farm was pro fitabl e two wo uld be bette r three be tter than two Aggress ive

expan sion mos tl y on c redit du ring this i ntl a tio nary pe riod produced many paper millionaires in the farm co mmunity by the late 70s The elation fo r some of these

fa rmers d id not lasl far into the 80s T hose with 100 much bo rro wed cap ital

found that the ir farm income c ul d not

support the debt load So me of these

atlcmpted fu rthe r borro wing in an e ffort to mai nta in their ho l ding ~ and fo und ou t like o thers before them th at it is imposs ible to

borro w your way out of debt O thers so ld or tried to sell some o f the ir land o r eq uipment in an effort to re ti re at leasl o me of the ir cri ppling de bt and there by salvage at

least a part o f the ir operation

One rather sad varia tio n o f this las t s itua tion occ urs occ as io na lly whe re a

farmer who has had a succes~ fu l and so lvent opera tion decide to ex pand to a llow a son

o r so n- in-law into the bus in ss because of a des ire on the part of the young per on to

farm or occasionally because he is no t employed The expansion in Jand and eljuipment particularly if it occu rred in the

last three years and if it were do ne mainl y o n credit with a mortgage taken on his once so lvent operation has robbed the farmer of

his security and his peace of mind Furthershy

mo re in some of these s ituations the disappointed newcomer in the bus iness moved on leaving dear o ld dad to make the best of it

3 The Equipment Enthusiast

Another scenario concerns the man who is o bsessed with the need to ac quire equipshyment or to make add ition s and improveshy

ments to a lready adequate buildings To pay

for it out of the revolvi ng operating loan or to finance it in other ways withou t first having established that it will pay for itself will inevitably c reate financial problem s

Whe re there has been a general disregard for thi s kind of purchas ing the end resu lt has usually been disas trous

4 Natural Disasters

We regularly see the result s of natural

disas ters - floods windstorms hail frost disease and fires All of the se misfortunes can be c rippling to any operation but when adequate insurance coverage is not carried or if one of these di sasters occur whe n a farmers equity is low or when hi s princi pal and interest charges consume much o f his income it can be disastrous to his economic

pos ition

5 Family Unity

From OFAAP applicatio ns it is noted that some farmers who experience a marriage break- up seem to have diffi culty maintainshy

ing fi nanc ial solvency W hen asse ts are

di vided and whe n atte nt ion to management

is di e r ted hccause o f family pro blems the farm operation is often morta ll y wounded

Farmers and farm op ratnr are much more vulnerable in this si tua tio n because thei r

wives arc o ften much more invol ved in the e lllerprise than in non- farm situations

6 Offmiddot Farm Income

Appl ications incl ude a great nu mher of

insta nces in which if it were not fo r 0 ffmiddot fa rm income o f either the farmer or his wife or

occas io na lly both the ir farm o peratio n wo uld be tota lly un viable and unab le to continue to fu nc tion It is well the n fo r

those in th se c ircumstances to r cogniu tha t if the off-farnl inco me should e nd it wo uld also mea n the te rmination of the

farming operatio n

7 Enterprise Changes

A review 0 f appli ca tions indicates that some

farmers are hoping to comple tely change

thei r c rop or li ves toc k programs attemptin g perhaps to outguess the marke t and to

improve their financial return s Sometimes the expectation in vo lved in the dec is ion is

correct but so o ften when the costs inshyvol ved in the c hange are considered little

has been gai ned and where the deci s ion to change was unwi se co nsiderable loss is

usually the result The ot her extreme to this

situation is rigidity to the poi nt of makin g no changes at all

8 Manage ment

The management ability of any applicant

farmer is difficult to assess Most applicants are not known and there is no opportunity to assess the actual farm operation Ho wever

experience with OFAA P emph asizes that good financial management is c ritical to the

success of any farm operation Here is a li s t of definite Do and

Do nts that should be much in the minds of farmers operating in the present financial climate All of these suggestions re tlect the ex periences we have had working with

appli ca tions for O FAA P

The Definite Dos

Do base an operation on an informed farm

plan keep ing and using good record~ and approved acco unting proced ures Do work c losely wi th the credit source shy

usually the banker Plan and work within

approved revo lving ope rating loan limits Make regular cred it payments when due and when unable to make p ro per arrange shy

ments ahead of time w ith your c reditor or credito rs Do make necessary adju stme nts in land and equipm e nt befo re u nder tak ing further borrow in g Do shop around for cred it and i nve~ tig ate

ava il ah le programs to cu t credit cos ts Do pay off on loans when surplus cas h is

ava il able It won t be any fun but it w ill

he lp to re tain sol vency Do try to ma intai n stability in your far m o peration and kee p the peace a t h IllC

Do seek the professi o nal adv ice of you r ag ric ultu ra l represe ntative anJ Ir indwtry fiel d per~on ne I

The Definite Donts

Dont borrow for capita l items unless they

are abso lu te I y necessary Dont make capi ta l purchases with funds

frolll your revo lvi ng opera ting account w ithout co nsul ta tion and agreeme nt with

the bank manager Dont expand any operation without sound

pl ann ing Dont plunge and make rapid changes in

the ope rati ng patte rn without so und consultation 0

Partners For 70 Years

Arthur Cowie 09 now 95 and his wife Nina now 92 were married March 19 1913 near Nel son B C They li ved in

HC for three years then returned to Caledo nia where Arthur worked for the A

Jone s bakery He returned to the 200-acre farm homestead in 1922 when his father

was kill ed in a farm accident Arthur se rved in the 19305 and early

19405 as co uncillor and also served as

a Ju s tice of the Peace for the farm communit y

Nina Co wie whose g reat lo ve was

dancing has onl y one regre t and that is tha t she could never get her hu sband o nto the -dance floor The Scotti ~ h dances Hig hlan d

tlin gs and Scotti sh reels made hi s head spin He played the record s and watched

from the sidelines while ina did the danc ing

They have no secrets tor a long happ y marriage excep t working at it Theyve

done Jus t tha t for 70 years Bes t wishes to them both 0


OACGrads on Faculty at Nova Scotia Ag College

Lauranne Sanderson M Sc 81 is with the Humanities Department She specialized in Animal Science in her undershygraduate years but added to that a master program in Agricultural Economics Lauranne has lived on a mi xed lives t()c k and cash crop farm in southern O ntario At the No va Scotia Agricultural College (NSAC) she is teaching Tec hnical W riting but is specializing in the area of Com munications and Agricultural Extension

Barbara (Otrysko) Mulkewytch 78 MSc 81 is with the Plant Science Deshypartment Prior to her appointment at NSAC she was employed as a potato crops specialist with the New Brunswick Departshyment of Agriculture Her teaching and research will include projects on potato and crop protect ion

Yes Surry MSc 81 is with the Economics and Busi ness De partment Yves was born in Pamiers France has an M A fro m the nivers ity of Pari s and is in the process of completing his Ph D from Guelph Yves has a strong interes t in teachshying and his research interests hould be a welcome addition to the reg ion He is pre sent ly teaching courses in Micro and Macro Economic Theory

Laurie (Gaunt) Connor 73 is w ith the Department of Animal Science She earned MSc and Ph D degrees specia li zi ng in reproduct ion phys iology from the nivershysity o f Manitoba Prior to joining NSAC she was a NSERC Vi iting Fellow at the Animal Research Centre in Ottawa Her teaching and research work is mainly in the re producti ve physiology field

Also at NSAC are Sheree Porter CSS 79 and Myrna (Porter) Blenkhorn 76 John Shug 37A and 40 is the sec re tary o f the Nova Scotia Agricultural College Alumni Association 0

Please help us to help you When corresponding or upshydating information or address do tell us not only your year of graduation but your discipline

Th ree generatiuns of heramify were present when fleather Rohinson right centre FACS 83 graduated ut Wim er Convocation With her f rom [eji to righture her grandfather John Inglis her moth er Vlarirn (Inglis ) Robinson Mac 55 0 member of the Uni versirys Boord of Govern ors ond her father Doug Rohinson 53

Above Mllrrav Ma cGregor 5 1 lei with the winners of the OAC s 25th annual Alumni Curling Bon spiel Left to right GeorRe Robinson 651 Mu rrav Elliotl 65A Keith Murru 65A and Jern- Forestell 6511 Right OAC Alumni Associashytion president Hell ry Slanle 55 right was preslntedwith un engraved pewta stein to recugnie 25 years of participation ill Ihe bOlspiel Conshygratuluting Henry is Bill Harrison 62 bonspiei commillee chuirman


the individual members excellence andThe Ronald S Ritchie Le cture integri ty

This idea for the new body was not accepted by members of Cabinet They

The Opening Up of PubHc PoHcy The Opening Up of Public Policy was

Selllior Michael Piffields fopic when he

delifred fhe annual Ronald S Rifchie

LeclUre of fhe UniversifY in March

A Rmduafe ofSf Lawrence Universify

17 ( graduafed in lawjrom McGill UniversifV

and holds a Rrodlla fe diploma in Public La w

Fom Ih e UlliversifY ofolIa wa H efirsl joined Ihe Public Service as an

wlminislrafive assiSfam in Ihe Depa rimem

oJuslice in 1959 Ialer served onlhe sraffof Ih e Goernor General and as secrelary fO

117 1 Royal Commission on Taxalion In 1965

he joined Ihe Privy Council Office He

became depuly minisler of Consumer and

Corporafe Affairs in 1973 and Ihe followshy

inli year lOok up an appoinfmem as Fellow

in fhe John F Kennedy School of Governshy

mOl (If Harvard Un iversifY In 1975 he

relurned 10 Ollawa as Clerk of fhe Privy

Council and Se crelarv 10 Ihe Cabinel

The annual leclre recognizes Ihe comrihwion made 10 fhe Universily by

former Board of Govemors chairman

ROllald S Rilchie A reporl on Senafor Piffields presemalion follows

Senator Pitfield paid tribute to Rona ld Ritchie his important work in the Glassco Commission and his influence in the estabshylishment of the Institute for Research on Public Policy

In thi s th oug htful and thoughtshyprovoking presentation Senator Pitfield outlined the need for and the desirability of more open discussion before policies are introduced but there are some very real difficulties associated with de vel oping some me chanis m that could foster and encourage such exchanges of ideas

[t was pointed out that because of the high degree of interdependency of modern society and the size and complexity of governments the making of public polic y must be an intellectual subject in its own right not just a conglomeration of di scishyplines It had become evident that

I A methodical analysis of government activity could lead to improvements in government effectiveness

2 Traini ng in making and managment of public policy was crucial and urgent

3 There were few in government who knew why things were done the way they were

4 The making and management of pubshylic policy was a subject unique in itself and required thinking through for itself

5 Universities and other training institushytions were not very useful in this training process universities being too removed from the actual experience of government and the government institutions being withshyout the detachment and intellectual rigour needed

Thus it became evident that there was a need for an institution that would be a repository of knowledge a pl ace of learnshying a foru m for debate and a means of communication co ncerning public policy

Proposal s emerged that the federal go vernment should assis t some of the organizations already in existence Comshypetition became keen and rivalry among institutions re su lted in grander more comshyplex proposals As a result the federal go vernment in 1968 decided to establish a think-tank of its own to take a more rigorous look at public polic y

The idea was not new In many countries the general thinking was that all problems could be so l ved by inrelleclUal anal ysis and the appl ication of modern techshyniques But the ne w Trudeau go vernment went even beyond providing more data It included public debate of public policy

But the think-tank was only one of the initiatives to aid in the formation of policies There was support for political parties through caucus funding offi ce space support staff and regional offices for Members of Parliament and internsh ip programs for students to work as assistan ts to MPs

Other support included green and white papers for discussion commissions of inquiry task forces public funding of non-political grou ps to encourage discusshysion and many others to increase the flow of information for consideration of alternashytives All were done to open up the process o f meaningful debate which would result in more effective and sound decisions

The th ink-tank was to be a centre for var ious kinds of people to di scuss public policy subjects which were often set aside because of day to day pressures At first it was to be very informal with distinguished people invited to participate Its integrity and permanency would be based on that of

were concerned that existing research instishytutes would be damaged They also wanted in volvement of business and professional communities This challenge to broaden the scope was gi ven to Ron Ritchie

Ritchie foresaw an institution that would be independent supported by an endowment which would not only support but st imu late debate on public policy

Man y fears were raised - that such a body would be taken o ver by academics that it would become a clique that govern shyments would battle for control etc But these were dealt with skillfully by Ritch ie and the Institute for Researc h on Public Policy was establ ished

What of its accomplishments~ This institute has been successfu l in

many ways in getting better information into debate [n the ten years since its beginning many studie s have been pubshyli shed It has held many informat ive confershyences and has a unique journal Howeve r despite its efforts open and meaningful debate on public policy is not much more advanced tod ay than it was a decade ago

It is evident that to ach ie ve its objecshytives there mu st be a willingess to change opi nions and the Canadian sys tem prov ides few forums for the changing of minds The bias is towards decision-makers and interest groups not open and meaningful debate

Public debate often takes pl ace after rather than before the decision is taken Thi s may not be what is wanted but policy-making is tilted not tow ards being open but towards being closed

Why has there not been more progress [n h is pre se ntation Mi chael Pitfield refershyred to the fact that the go vernment whose people should discuss the si tuation has become even more confrontational not because of lack of information but because of rigidity in their approach to discussion of public policy

As govern ment ha s grown so have checks and balances which recently have often been linked to lack of confidence Where slim majorities exist a strong opposhysi tion can threaten the government Party di sc ipline becomes severe and ai ring of independent views is discouraged The fear of a government being defeated on the one shyhand and the unyielding demands ot the opposition on the other tends to make the parliamentary process less and less flexible

The result of the foregOing is the tendency of government in modern times to drop solutions on a public th at may not be aware of the problems These solutions are not open to argu ment and debate is reduced

conld over


w ith bias tending towards a cl osed system and less debate

To improve the situation it seems it wlluld be necessary to have a mutual and

ba lanced reduction of force on both sides

The ge neral equilibrium of the system needs to be ma in tained W hat is needed is the reduction of secre tiveness of the gove rn shyment on one side and a reduc tion of the

danger of e mbarrass ment or de fea t of the govern men t on the other side

T here must be a wil li ngness to secure

more ope n debate on al l sides and our

leaders ha ve not done that e ven on m ost import ant issues More ope n and rneltll1 ingshyful deba te will require more thi nk ingshy

thro u middoth - something Mc mbers of Parlishy

ame nt may not he able to do or be free to do or have the necessary knowledge to do But the id ea behind the Institute for Remiddot

search on Public Policy was tha t such a body could bring about better decisions

All publi c problems cannot be solved by thought and tech nolog ics but few can be solved without these contr ibutions

The Institute for Research on Public Policy cannot create better public policies

by itself It must have input from all sectors to bring about more open and meaningful public debate which will result in constant

improvement of government - somethin g

that everyone desires 0

Grad News Herb Nor ry M Sc 52 has moved to

London as a farm business advisor wit h

O M AF working in eight counties

Denny Silvestrini PhD 5R is director of quality controlresearch and de velopment Eskimo Pie Corporation Ric hmond Virshy

ginia SA He had served as manager quality control and product deve lopment

Ralston Purina Co mpany St Luuis M isshysouri U SA

John Hagarty 61 is manager fi e ld

service s Rural O rganizati ons and Serv ice s Branch OMAF Guelp h

Ismail Siragcldin Ph D 62 is professor Department of Population Dynami cs and

Political Economics the Johm Hopkins

University Baltimore Md S A

Arlene (Fournier) 65 and Dick Flis

MSc 65 are in Edmo nton Alta where Dick is petroleum products manager wes tmiddot ern Canada Imperia l Oil Ltd

Craig Hunter 66 is pre sident Cra ig

Hunter Poult ry Farms Ltd Stro ud

Colin Triver s 67 is a consulting e ngineer and On tario land surveyor for e G Trivcrs

Ltd T he ssalon

Peter Mosher Ph D 70 is director

bureau of agric ultural prod uctio n Depart shyment of Agriculture Ba ngor Me USA

Cordon Brown 76 is sen ior food techshynolog is t new prod ucts process developshy

ment Tho masJ Lipton Inc in Bram pton

Martel C outure MSc 76 is acting di rec tor d iploma progra m Macdonald Colshy

lege Ste nne de Belle vue Que

Charlie Ellintt 78 vnfe Ja ne and

first -born Ian C harles born Jan uary 20

1983 are living near S hetland C harlie is now working fo r Elliott Bros G rain and Feed Ltd

Dennis Ring 78 is credit manager Farm C redit Corp C hatham H is wife is Carnl (Weeks) 79

R Cunrad Genee 79 is a sales represhy

sentative with CIBA-Geigy Canada Ltd in

Winnipeg Man

Howard Armstrong RO is an industrial

engineer with the B utler Ma nufacturing Co (Canada) Ltd Nisku Alta

Bruce Broadbent PhD 80 is a research scientist entomology with Agriculture

Canada Vineland Station

Mic hael Tulloch 80 has been accepted as

a professional engineer by the Council of the APEO He now manages engineering functions for eG Trivers Ltd Thessalon

BruceGitelman 81 will be joining Wood G undy Ltd Investment Broke rs as a

corporate finance associate in September

Danicllc Wenstrom 81 is a quality a ss urance su pe rvisor for Pil lsb ury of Canada Ltd M idland

Christine Deslandes MSc R2 is a lecturer at Alfred Col lege of Agricu ltu re

and Food Technology A I fred

Diploma Graduates

Donald Morley 68A is ge nera l ma nager De Marco Homecare Ce ntre Sutton West

Jeffrey Currah 74A is marke ting man shyage r Fortam ix-a division of BASF

Canada Inc Georgetown

Brian Roberts 76A is a welder with Hillcook Ind ust ri es Ha milton 0

In Memoriam Raymond David Ure 15A and 21 January 24 In3 ~uddenly a t Tecumse h

age 87 He had bee n very act ive un til

recently H is son Donald re is it

graduate of 49

Dr Genrge M Stirrett 20A and 22 died December 15 1982 H is many co nshy

tri bu tiono had bee n recogni zed by the Heritage Canada Found ation The fo llowshy

ing is an account of the tribu te pa id to him Fe bruary 16 1 9~ I at Government HDu~e

O ttawa

His Excelle ncy Gove rnor Ge nera l

Edward Sc hrcyer prese med the Commun imiddot cations A wards Atl antic Reg ion to Dr

George M St irrett of Grand Falls Ne w

Bru ns wick Dr Stirrett has been comm itted to natural h is tory conservation for ma ny

years bo th before and after hi s ret ire ment from the Canadian W ildlife Service and Parks Canada in 1964

He worked hard for the preservation of the falls and gorge area at Grand Falls

and on other conservation needs in Ne w Brunswick and Ma ine He has also written

on the iss ues of conservation using Ihe pcn name G raham Vail and since April 1979

has publi shed a weekly column Notes on atural History in the G rand Falls

Cataract His columns stress the appreciashytion and enjoyment of nature as well as the need for preserving it

Norman Hodgins MacBeth 23 Fe bruary 3 1983 in St John N B He had retired in

1967 as General Manage r of General Dairies Ltd

David R Owen 25 in Medi c ine Hat

Alta February 6 1983 at age 82 He was a di rector of the fi rs t ollege Roy al and spe nt

most of his li fe teachi ng and farmi ng in Saskatchewan

Ronald John Quinn 35 Fe bruary 17 1983 in London His wife Helen (Farshyquhar) is a lso a graduate o f 35

Bruce Douglas Innes 36 passed away Septe lllber 29 19 82 D uring his college

years he took part in ma ny ac tivitie s bu t he -re membered with particu la r pleasure be ing Grand C hampion Showman College Royal

35-the first time that the honour had bee n won by anyone o ther than a fou rth year man Bruce owned and operated a dairy

farm at Burford since I 939 and was an

acti ve and ded icated farmer until his death

H is wife Margaret died in A pril 1983 T hey leave daughters Lorna Lawrence

Mac 68 and Karen and son Robert 0


Macdonald Institute College of Family and Consumer

Studies Alumni Associat ion

ALUMNI NEWS Editor Joan (Anderson) Jenkinson 66


BASc Grads-Class o f 80

EntploYDlent Survey T he University s Counselling and Reshysource Centre recentl y completed an inshyucpth survey covering the empl oyment activities of the 211 graduates who in 19RO earned Bachelor of Applied Sc ience Degrees

The survey indicates th at gradu ates are e nj oy ing a variety of interes ting and chalshylenging careers

A gratifying 73 per cent of th e graduates re sponded to the survey with 51 per cent of the respondents indi catin g that they have completed or are completing graduate degrees or programs on a full- or part-time bas is Of the 153 respondents 78 per ce nt including one who is self emshyployee have full-time employment The remainder are employed part-time or are pursuing further studie s

Li sted below are the indicated ca reers chosen in the four major areas of study

Applied Human Nutritio n

ut ritiond ietetics Food service administration More than 50 per cent of the responshy

dents obtained reg istered profe ss ional dietishytian certificates The Admini strati ve Emshyphasis course is no longer offered in the

Applied Human utrition program It is available through the Bachelor of Comshymerce program

Family Studies

A number of grad uate s found posit io ns in teac h ing or social services such as

Adult protecti ve service workers Infant de ve lopment specialists Geront ology consultants Supervisors and field workers with social service agencies Other Family Studies graduate s are

working in government srv iees and in the private ec toras home economists financial co un se llors librarians hostel managers Family Studies graduates tend to sl ck caree rs in the helping profess ion s

Consumer Studies

There are four emphasis areas 01 study within this maj or The survey indicates that

Food gradu ates are employed in areas of produci development marketing and food technology with majo r food companies Hou si ng emphasis graduates are wo rkshying with government agencies and in teac hing

Consumer Beha vio ur e mph asis graduates are in industry business and res earc h Tex tile and Clothin g e mph asis grads are employed in research merchandi sshying and banking Often after working for a year or

more Consumer Studies graduates will return to gradu ate study o r profess ional programs on a full- or part-time bas is

Child Studies

Many Child Studies graduates are emp loyed in teaching supervisory or other child-care related sett ings such as soc ial work with fami lies and children Re ported part -lime and temporary em pl oy ment pos ishytions include work as supply teachers child care supervisors special education leac hers and as lecturers in uni ve rsity settings

It is imporl an t to note that this emshyploy ment survey reports the caree r paths chose n by onl y one graduating cl ass Dat a is collccl~d on a yearl y bas is from gradu ates in Family and Consumer Studies In order to observe the broad scope of employment opportunities avail able a four-year tabulashytion wo uld pl~ c nt a more complete picture of the profess ional activities of graduates

In summary FACS programs offer students a sound educational background to meet the need s of i nduslry educational institut io ns governme nt and bus in c The future for FACS graduates is indeed bright as the College co ntinues to gro w and develop programs to meet the challenges of the 80s 0



BASc Gradsmiddot Class of 80 Further Education Pursued

Major Total

Graduates Number of

Respondents R PDt BEd MEd MSc MD MA

Applied Hum an Nu trition 65 45 23 3 I

Family Studies 64 44 19

Consumer Studies 48 33 2

C hild Studies 34 31 II I I I

TOTAL 21 1 ( 1007c)

153 (73 oc )

23 32 I 4 I I

FACS Has New

Dr Richurd Burhunl

Dean Professor Richard M Barham was apshypointed dean of the College of Family and Consumer Studies for a fi ve-year term effective July I 1983 He succeeds Dr Janet M Wardlaw who has served as dean since 1969

Professor Barham has been chairman of the Department of Family Studies since

1976 and served as acting dea n in [980 while Dean Wardlaw was on administrative leave

A graduate of the University of Otago Dunedin e Zealand Richard Barham received a Ph D degree from the University of Alben a dmonton in Ed ucational Psychology

He has served on the faculty of the Department of Educational Psychology at the University of Alberta and as professor and acting chairman of the Department of Education University of Otago

While in New Zealand he was an executive member of the council of The Ne w Zealand Psychological Society and served as its president

At Guelph he has taught both undershygraduate and graduate courses in the Deshypartment of Family Studies and has supershyvised graduate students

He has been active on many University committees during the past seven years He is a past chairman of the Board of Graduate Studies and has been a member of the

Committee on Academic Priorities the Committee on University Planning the Liaison Committee and several others

He has also been a consulting educa shytional psycholog ist with the Wellington County Separate School Board since 1979

Prolessor Barham and his wife Joan have a family offour Joan recently returned to the University of Guelph for further study Daughter Vick y 19 is a student in Economics at Queens University Lisa 17 and Christopher 14 attend Ce ntennial CVJ while Tania 12 is completing her studies at College Avenue School

Music is very important part of the Barham familys life with active invoheshyment in the Suzuki String School and the Guelph Youth Orchestra Gardening is a hobby enjoyed by both Richard and Joan

Members of the Mac- FACS Alumni Association extend a sincere welcome to Professor Barham We look forward to meeting and working with him in the future as he fills the challenging position as dean of FACS 0

FACS Prof First

Dr M urlin MUllhclIs

Director P ro fessor Anne Martin Matthews De shypart me nt of Family St udi es has been ap shypointed the first director of the Gnontology Research Centre The establi shment of the Centre was announced last February A research grant of $237000 from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada will fund the Centre for the first three years

Professor Martin Matthews has been conducting research related to the needs and interests of older segments of the populashytion as well as teaching courses in such areas as social gerontology and marital and family dynamics in Family Studies She has been a faculty member with the Department of Family Studies since 1978

She also has been active beyond the campus in programs related to aging She is chair-elect of the social sciences division Canadian Council on Gerontology and will begin a two-year term in the chair of that organization this year

She is also first vice-president of the

Ontario Gerontology Association and a member of the scientific advisory commitshytee of the Gerontology Research Council of Ontario She is a graduate of Memorial University of Newfoundland and McMaster University

With a steadily increasing percentage of the popUlation in the retirement age bracket it is important to understand more fully the ir needs and cuncerns sa ys Proshyfessor Martin Matthews The en tre will deal with the ag ing family and environshymental contexts In the latter sense we will be examinin g such things as the difference bet wee n aging in an urban and a rural society as well as issues like housing and the aging

The new Gerontology Research Centre will provide facilities to assist faculty members and graduate students doing reshysearch on aging The Centre will facilitate integrate and co-ordinate studies on aging within the University the director says

Research on aging is now being carried out at the Universi ty in such Departments as Family Studies Geography Psychology Nutrition Human Biology and SocioluFY and the Centre will be able to provide a medium for cross-fertilization of ideas among the many researchers in the field

Professor Marlin Matthews says that the Centre will be working co-operatively with other similar research centres in Onshytario such as the one at the University of Toronto in promoting research on aging The Centre will also sponsor conferences and workshops that relate to the special needs of older citizens in their communities

Guelph has demonstrated an interest in gerontology since 1970 when research projshyects began and courses dealing with aging were offered in the Departments of Family Studies and Psychology Since 1981 the Un i versity has offered gero ntology as part of the Famil y Studies major in the Bachelur of Applied Science program 0

A Thank You Dear A luml7i

1-Iwl 10 Ihonk oil Ihe uumni inloll(d wilh

Ihc cr special send-oj gien to me ill

recognition of Ihc complelion ofmv Icrm as


So man of ou -Ierc invocd shy

whelhcr or nOI ou -Iere able 10 (fIend Ihe

recognition receplion in Toronlo on May

29 I oppreciacd Ihe man good llishes

which come from ocross CClrado ond from

such dislOlIl places as Indio and Chara

Your generous gifls u Imc Irolld of

pcarls und a bonk aCCOlll11 vhich came lVilh

Ihe slrong suglcslion Ihal [should IIc 10

Vnv Iculand lverc Irul overllhelll1ing

The Air lCll Zcalundjlighl bag jJacked wilh

1111 SOriS of nccessiliel added 10 Ihe jim

middotre had 01 Ihe rcceplion

Many Ihanksfor your SUppOri over Ihe years and for your good wishes as I begin

my car ofadmin is Ira live leave

Yours sincerelv

Jonel M Wardlaw 0


Dr Louise

( Bailltlj

Heslop 67

Off - To


Dr Louise (Bazi net) Heslop 67 has JO ined the School of Business at Carlton Unive rsit y O ttaw a Over the next two years through an arran geme nt with Ca rlton Unive rsity she will be cco nded on a

part-time basis by Stati sti cs Canada where she will join the Research and Analysi s

D ivision Loui se completed her MSc at Guelph

in 1969 and continued as lecturer in the

ne wly-es tablished Department o f Co nshysumer Studies In 1977 she compktcd a Ph D in Business Administration (Marketshying) at the University of Western Ontari o

and rejo ined the Department of Consumer Studies ri si ng to the rank of ass oc iate professor

Louise was e lected to the board of

di rectors of the Mac-FA CS Alumni Assoc ishyati on in 1977 se rvin g as secretary-treasurer until May 1981

We ex tend our best wishe middot to Loui se

her husband Lome O A 70 and their dau ghters Jose tte 5 and C la ire 2 Lorne is employed by Agriculture Canada in

Ottawa and is currently completing an M Sc in Engineering at the University of

G uelph Coun try li ving is a high priority with

the Heslops They are deli ghted with the purchase of a farm near Almonte a nd look

forward to the best of both worl d s - profess ion a lism in the city and lei sure in the countryside 0

Grad News Helen (Clifford ) Beswick 48D is se lf empl oyed as a studio potter in her home in Dundas

Margaret (Kennedy) jarvis 54D is a realestate age nt in Kingston

Pat (Hall) McDowell 65 is with the

United Missionary Soc iet y Jlorin Kwora State ~igeria

Joanne Patterson 66 is a se ni or project o ffmiddoticer w ith Indi an and Northern Affa irs Ottawa

Leslie (Mowat) Hemming 68 is teaC hin g in Woods tock

Mary (Jany) Toms 68 is employed with Health and We lfare Canada Ottawa

Sarah (Spencer) Coomhs 70 is an assistant director wi th the Co nsumer Inforshymation Centre of the Ontario Government


Meredith Fi lshie 70 is an ana lyst w ith the Ministry of State for Economic and Re g ional Development O ttawa

S heila (Fahner ) jarvie 70 is a nutrishytion ist w ith the K- W Hospital Kitchener

Donna j ohnstone 70 o perates Donn as Ha ndmade Clothin g for Men amp Wo men Gabiola Isla nd B C

Lorraine Holding 71 is manager of program development with the Rural Orshyga nizatio ns and Services Branlh Minis try of Agriculture and Food located at the Gue lph Agriculture Centre

Beve r ly Lee 72 is a chairperso n with the York Region Board o f Educ at io n

Laurie MacLeod 72 is a district manager with Beaver Foods Mlss issauga

Kathy Camelon 73 is a dietitian at the Toronto Genera l Hospita l

Tirnoth) Fleming HAFA 74 a ses ionaJ lec turer with H AFA teaching business law has been adm itted to the partne rshi p o f the law firm of Harper Haney and White of Waterl oo

Isabel (McBride) H o well 74 is an e lementary school teacher with the Watershyloo Co unt y Board of Educatio n Camshybridge

Mary Ruston 75 is a Famil y Studies teacher at Inge rso ll District High School

Kathryn Anderson 76 is a supervisor with Westmini ster Family Day a re London

Hester Cooper 76 is employed as a research officer with the New Zealand Dairy

Research Institute in Palmers ton North ew Zealand

Patr icia (G a rland ) Desaul niers 76 is with patient fo od se rvices Alberta Hospishyta l Edmo nton

Noella Li 76 is aclinical dietitian wi th the

ictori a Hospital London

M eredith (Evans) Hea rtwe ll 77 is

teac hing in Mississauga

Deb Wey 77 is patient food se rvices manager at SI John Regio nal Hospi tal SI J()hn NB

Susan (junes ) Wilcox 77 is food se rvices

superviso r with the Baye re st Ce ntre for Ge riatric Care 0

A ThankYou The c lass of Mac 380 wishes to extend a

sincere thank you to all alumni who have con tributed to the Mac 38 0 Class Geronshy

to logy Scholarship Fund The gradua te s tudent scholarship in

the recently de ve loped area ot Ge ronto lo gy at FACS is being established by the class of 38D in recog nition of their 45th annivershy

sary in 1983 All Univers it y of Guelph grads are

in vited to parti c ipate in this project funds for which will be so li c ited until December

1984 [f you wish to con tribute please make you r cheq ue pay ab le to the Univers ity o f Guelph Alma Mater Fund specify that it is to be applied to the Mac 38 D Class Gerontology Scho larship Fund and mail to

the Deve lo pment Office Room 273 John shysto n Hall Uni ve rsity o f Gue lph Guelph

Ontario N IG 2W J Th an ks again for yo ur suppo rt from

Elle n Downie Mary Singer Doris Durran t and Jean Carter- the Mac 38 D sch o larship committee 0

In Memoria m We regret to announce the death of the following al umnus

Margaret L (MacKenzie) Smallwood 401) December 1982 in Lakeland Fla




The College of Physical Scie nce Alumni Association

SCIMP Editor Bob Winkel

phy sics grant selection committee of thc atural Sciences and Engineering Research

Council for two years he was intimately involved in all the major re search de velopshyments in Canada in this field Hc feels that his e lec tio n to the Royal Society of Canada will help raise the prot1le of high-energy physics in this co untry and lend stren gth to Canadian experimenters

The citation prepared for his nominashytion to the Royal Society of Canada reads

Professor Karl is a high energy the ori st whose work is widely recognized interna tionally His deep physical insight and hi s kn ow led ge of mathemati ca l methods led to the quark model of baryon resonances based on quantum chromoshydynamics which has been enormousl) successful in describing experimental reshysuits H is re sea rch is characterized by striking originality and an ability to COIll shy

bine basic ideas from different field s as in the predictions of a new effect - neutron optical activity

Gabriel Karl is married and has one daughter W hen he is not probing the sec re ts of the universe he indulges himself in music theatre and the fine arts

He visited the Unive rsity of Briti sh Columbia in Vanco uver in May for the induction ceremony into the Royal Society of Canada on the occas ion of the Annual Meeting of the Society It marked he sa id the culmination of a long string of benefits that [ ha ve enjoyed throughout the 23 years 1 have lived in Ca nada [ have every rea son to be very grateful to th is country D

Erratum In the Sprin g issue o r SCiMP it was erroneously reported in the c utline accompanyin g a pict ure of Departshyme nt of Physics student scholarship winners that they were the recipients of 0 er $ 1500 We dropped a zero The fi gure should have read $ 15000 Sorry about tha t Ed

Elected to Royal Society

Dr Cooiel Korl

The election of Dr Gabriel Karl to a Fellowship of the Roy al Society of Canada represents what one of hi s colleagues Dr Peter Egelstaff desc ribe s as a rare honour which reflects great credit not only on Dr Karl but also on the Uni versi tys Departshyment of Physics

The Royal Society of Canada founded in 1882 to promote learning and research in the arts and sciences has numbered among its Fellows virtually all of Canadas most distinguished intellectual le ade rs of the last J00 yea rs Standards are jealously guarded and Fello wships are awarded only as a result of outstanding world-class ach ieve ment

The rarity of the honour is indicated by the fact that at the Un iversity of Guelph whose faculty includes so many academics of international distinction only five had previously achieved a Fellows hip in the Royal Society of Canada These are Dr Howard Clark vice- pres ident academic Dr Bruce Sells dean College of Biologishycal Science Dr Peter Egclstaff Depart shyment of Physics Dr Do nald Masters Prof ssor Emeri tu s De part mcnt of History and Dr He rb Armstrong retired dean of Graduate Studies

As the sixth Dr Ga briel Karl will have the added di st inction of bei ng the first whose career has been sp ot excl us ively at the Un ivers ity of Guelph which agai n to

quote Dr Egelstaff marks a coming of age for the University

Gabriel Karl was born in Transylvania a province of Romania He obtained his B Sc in Chemistry at Romani as Univershysity of ClUJ worked for two years in industry and came to Canada in 1960 He attended graduate school at th e University of Toronto where he was awarded a Ph D in 1966 for a thesis on infrared luminesshycence following molecular colli sion Hi s Ph D supervisor was the distinguished physical chemist Dr John Polanyi

A two-year post-doctora l fellowship with the University of Torontos Depart shyment of Physics followed His mentors there were Drs J Van Kranendonk and Duk Poll who is now a professor with the Universi ty of Guelph s Depa rtment of Ph ys ics

In 1966 Dr Karl studied at the Uni versity of Oxford for two years under an NRC scho larship to study hadron spec troshyscopy and in 1969 he Joi ned the Univers itys Department of Phy sics achieving a full professorship only five years later

Dr Karls work has focussed on high energy physics - the physics of fundamen shytal particles This is an esoteric field involvshying research into the nature of matter The relatively few world leaders in thi s field tend to cluster around the half-dozen accelerators such as the $100 million four kilumete rshylon g hi gh-e nergy tunnel for accelerating electrons at Stanford University that have been built only in the US and Europe

There is no accelerator of this energy level in Canad a and fe w Canadian scie nshyti ~ts are working in this field Dr Ka rl s statu re in the international commu nity of particle physic ists is marked by his many visi ts to the world s major research ce ntres as guest speaker and to consult with his peers Referring to the time spent on thcse missions Dr Karl describes the Depart shym nt of Phys ics and his colleag ues as generouslyaccommodati ng shy

As cha irman of the h igh energy


Trapping The Suns Energy Excerpted from a Chemtrends article by Mary Cocivera

One predi ctabl e fac t about ind ustri ali z d

soc iety is that it will take more e nergy to

keep the whee ls ru nn ing smoothl y parti c ushy

larly because the world population is exshy

pected to dou ble to about n ine bill ion by the

year 2050

[n th search to augme nt tradi tio na l

sources o f e lectri ci ty two Departme nt of

Chemistry pro fessors ha ve tu rned their

atten ti on to the convers ion of solar energy to

electricity by photovultaie cel ls and photoshy

elec troc he mical systems T he developme nt

work at Guelph is a imed at improving the efficiency and stability of th se sy~tems and

reduc i ng the ir cos t

Si licon photovoltaic cells serve as a

reference for solar energy convers iun beshy

cause they were the fi rst such cells and to

date arc the most effic ient co nvert ing so lar

ne rgy into elec tr ic ity a t abo ut 15 per cem

effi c iency Arrays of crys tal li n sil icon ce lls present ly cos t in the nei ghborhood or

S$400 per sq uare metre to manufac ture

produc ing about 40 watts Photovo lta ic

thin- fi lm syste ms us ing semico nductors

o ther than single crysta l sil ic on are be ing

investigated in man y re~earc h ce ntre s

around the world

A pro mis ing approach is a cadmiui1l

sulfi dec uprous sul fide combi nat ion in

which the two sem ico nduc tors are laye red

on molybdenum the n covered w ith a transshyparent gold fil m T his thin-fi lm cons trucshy

tio n i ideal for solar devices explai ns

Profess ur Ro n Fawcett because large

surface areas are needed for maximum

exposu re to the sun

T he fabrication process devel oped by

Ro n and patented in 1980 in vo lve electroshy

depos iting cadmium sulfide o nto molybshy

denum then layering cuprous sulfide over the cadm ium sulfide by an ion exchange

process Finally the gold 11 1m is added by

vacuum de pos ition Ron es timates that

thi n-film de ices could be manufac tu red in

this way for about S$25 per squ are metre

E lectro pla ting of se m ic ondu ct ors

would enabl e photo voltai c dev ices to be

manu factured in a continuous process

rathe r than indi vidua lly as i required w ith

s ingle crysta l s ilic on Such ce lls ha ve

ach ieved conversio n of solar to electrica l

energy at an e ffi cienc y o f I per cent to date T he researchers are co nfide nt they can

achieve fi to 8 per cent cffi ieney compared

to the calcul ated max imum e ffi c iency of II

per cent Pro fessor Michae l oc ivera is ork ing

on photoe lec troc hem ical systems in which a

sem icond uctor electrode im mersed in an

elec tro lyte solution converts inci dent li g ht

into a n electric a l cu rren t Such se mishy

conductor lilju id junction cells offe r p racti shy

cal ad van tages because uf the sponta neom format ion o f a junc tio n I mproved effishy

ciency fo r po lycrysta lli ne sem iconductors

has been a hi eved in ce lb of th is type in part becau~e the liqu id estab li shes unshy

iformly good COntac t wi th the e l etrode

The li gh t -~ens it i ve electrode in photoshy

e lec trochem ical ce lls is a sem ic o nductor

e it her a thin-fi lm or s ingle c rysta l a tt ached

to a metal back ing the other e lec trode is an

inert me ta l T he e l ectrode~ are immersed in

~ n elect rol yte solutio n o f a mater ial that carl do nate and accep t elect rons The b igges t

prob lem with many li lj ui d junct io n ce lls

~ays Mike is photocorros iol1 of the su rshy

face of the se miconductor To overcome

thi s problem he is developing materi a ls and

techniques to coat the e lectrodes with proshy

tec tive materiab

The first liquid junction cells with a

sili con anode opera ted for only a matter of

seconds befo re the e lec trode was des troyed

by corrosion Researche rs at the Solar Energy Research Insti tu te in C o lorado

U SA have developed a silicon anode

w ith a polypyrro le protect ive coating which

can o perate for hund reds o f hours but that is

still not long eno ugh for a viable commershy

cia l syste m

M ike and his colleague are making a

syste matic study of compounds tha t wi ll

both protect the electrode from corrosion

and catal yze the elect rode rca tion They

arc now worki ng with organo me tall ic comshy

pounds co mpris ing a metal atom sulfur

and an aromatic co m pone nt containing a func tiona l group li ke hyd roxy l sul phonate

ammoni um and nitroso

hese compounds are effect ive beshy

ca use they prov ide a mechanism to transfer

a ch arge bet ween the se mi co nd uctor and the e lectro n donor in solut io n The coating mus t

also be transpilrent e nough to a llow the light

to s trike the photocleetrode

To date they ha ve suneeded in deshy

veloping fi ve coat ings su itab le fo r a variet y

or se miconduc tors incl uding the polyshy

crysta ll ine cadm ium su lfide e lectrodes fabshy

riltated by Ron Fawce tt s method If polyshy

crystalli ne elec trodes can be fab ri (a ted and

coated wi th a protec tive materia l electroshy

chemically they wi ll be relati ve ly inexpe nshy

ive to manufac ture If the tech niques and processe s be ing

inve ~l igated by Ron Fawce tt and Mike Coc ivera de ve lop to tht ir full poten tial the

su n cou ld beco me a more import ant supplier

o f e lectri city in Ca nada Long-range proshy

jectio ns suggest that about 10 per cent of No rth A m rican e lectr ic it y could be proshy

duced from solar convers ion

Elec tric ity fro m the sun is no longer a

pipe-dream-it is a reachable goa l n

Grad News Louise (Sandall) Platt BA 69 is living

in Islington and teaching for the Etobico ke

Board of Educati on

Alexander Barton BSc 70 MSc 74 is work ing on a Ph D deg ree in the

Departme nt of Fishe ries and W ildlife at

Orego n Sta te uni vers ity

Gerry Kupferschmidt BSc 70 MSc

71 is living at R R I Osgoodc and is

tmployed as a sc ientific ad ise r to the


Murray Ross Gingrich BSc 71 Ii ves in

Brampto n and is work ing as a probation

officer for the Ministry o f Correc tio nal


Robert Cross BSc 72 M D is workshy

ing in the emergency department o f the

So uth Muskoka Hospital in Bracebridge

Edda Duva (Home) Kerr BA 74 lives

in G ue lph and is working as a program

co-ordinator for Casatta Ltd in Kitchener

Deanne Ch)y BSc 78 Ii ves in Etob ishy

coke and is working as a public health

inspector for the Ham ilton Wentwo rth Reshy

gio nal Health Unit

Alex McDonald BSc 79 PhD 83 and his wife Rosanne ( DeNobriga) BSc

79 are living in Austi n Texas whil e Alex

is do ing post-doctoral work at the Unishy

vers ity o f Texas

Ste~en Oliver BSc 79 o f Hamilton is a

medica l sa les repre sentati ve with Cyanamid

Canada Inc

Gordon Knox BSc 79 is a con~ ul ta nt

with Inform ation Systems Serv ices in Vicshy

toria BC

George Gillson BSc 80 is taki ng a

Ph D in Anal ytica l C hemis try at the Uni shyve rsity of Alberta 0


The College o f Arts Alumni Associat ion

DELPHA Editor Debbie (Nash) Chambers 77

has no w acquired the Shaw Festival ArshyThe Deans Roundup chives on permanent deposit T his is an

Last fall I had the privilege of speakshy

ing to the direc tors of the University of G uelph Alumn i Assoc iation to bring them

up to date on some of the excit ing things connected with the College of Arts I am gratefu l to the editor of DELPHA for this

opportu nity to let alumni readers know what we are do ing

I am pleased to be able to report a subs tant ial increase in enrolment both in the

B A program and in the College o f Arts this past yea r What is especially nice is that this has coincided with a dec is ion to tighte n our

standards at the admissions level and in the regulations for continuatio n of study

In o rder to grad uate B A students

who entered the Spring 19~3 Semester will need to obtai n a C average in 60 per cent of the courses they take

Most of o ur students are doing thi s now and we do not antici pate this will pose any

problem for the students whom we are ad mitting Next year students en tering the

B A program will be required to have Grade 13 English and we are strongly encouraging them to offer a Mathematics credit o r o ne in French or ano ther language

Applications from students wish ing to enter the B A program in the Fall 1983 Semester

are up subs tantia lly over last yea r I also want to share with you some

ha ppenings which have brought special delight to me

The U ni ve rsi ty of Guelph Choir

under director Ge rald e ufeld won second prize in the 1982 CSC nation al chora l competition

In the Harbourfront a rt show last

sum mer three o f o ur students had works se lected by the jury and each won a prize shya better show ing than any of the other O nshy

tario universities or colleges which entend T he C anadian- American Urban Hisshy

tory Co nference held at G uelph in A ugust

1982 was a tremendous success bringing sc holars from many parts of the United States and Canada to discuss new trends in urban studies

Dean David Murray

In the space of just a few months I have seen seven books published by faculty in the Co llege The subjects include Rudyard

Kipl ing Greek Philosophy Urban History Evolution and Darwinism Reli gion and Tolerance the dramatist Gra nville Barker

and a nove l written in French Last summer also saw the completion

of a very successful facu lty exchange beshy

tween o ur Department of Eng lish and the

Uni vers ity of Reading in Britain Dr Leslie Monkman went to Reading for the year and Dr Coral Howell s visited Guelph This

opportunity enab led Dr Howells to study modern C anadian writers and she is now

working o n a book to be published in Britain o n Canadian women wri ters Dr

Mo nkman lectured on Canadian literature at various places in Britain and in France as well as in Reading

T hro ugh the e fforts of the Department of Drama and its chairman Dr Leonard

Conolly and C ollections Librarian Jo hn Moldenhauer 68 the Uni versi ty Library

ex tremely valuab le re sou rce for theatre

scholars a nd the Univers ity is ve ry pleased to have a closer connection with the Shaw Festi val The Drama Department also has

Professor Dan Laurence the world s leadshying Shaw scholar as a distinguished Visitshy

ing Professor lor the ra il Semester Two large conferences were organized

during the Spring and Summer by faculty

and students in the Co llege Professor Ted Cowan of the History Department was in charge of the Scottish Heritage Festival held in uelph in May The Fes tival was a

ce lebrati on of the S co t~ 1d their contribushytion~ to Canada

In Au gust the Uni vers ity will host a major conference o n Common wealth lite rashy

ture bringing writers and schol ars to Guelph from allover the Com monweal th Professor Doug K illam chairman of the Department of English and a number o f col leagues are

now busily preparing to welcome guests from around the world

Through our liaison programs we have pioneered special day - long seminars at the

niversity for gifted children in Wellington County T he se programs are part of o ur commitment to assist secondary schools in meeting the challe nges of special education

J know many o f you will also be interes ted in knowing that last sLi mmer the

College awarded three new scholarships two of the m honouring the cont ribution made by former faculty members J Percy

Sm ith and W Stanford Reid The other marked the first presentation of the Edward Johnson Music Foundation scholarships for students in the music program

We are al l ac ute ly co nscious of the

financial pressure affecting the UnivLr ~ ity

of Guelph and othe r Canadian unive rsities

But we mus t no t le t these pressures detract from the vision of academic excellence to

which we are committed J think you will agree from the exaln ~Jk middot ha ve cited that this vision continues to glow brightly in spite of our financial plight We hope we can

co ntinue to co unt on your advice and your suppurt 0


It Was a Very Good Year T he Direc tor or the College of Arts Alumni Assoc iation have had a bus y year In January we launched o ur hrst Caree rs i lglll for in -coure stude nlgt Thanks to the exce lle nce and enthusiasm of our pane l l1len1bcr the evening was a success

Careers Night is to become an annual event and we would appreciate you r particishypation Any Art s grads wh o wo uld like to

vo lunteer their expertise for the e vening please do not hesita te to contact us

The Directors were also busy a rshyranling the second an nu al art show shyDI MENSIO NS middotS3 Due to the treme nd ous response to DI M ENSIOtS 82 the art show co mmittee organized DIM ENSIO NS 83 as aJu ricd show We are hoping that nex t yea r we will be able to mount a photography show as well a an art sho w

As you are probably aware in 1970 Wellington College was reo rganized into the Colleges of Arts Physic al Sc ience and Socia l Science This year our Assoc iation was asked to se lect a new College logo Thankgt to Dean Dav id Murray and the Deans Counc il we were given permission to use the graphics on the College of Art s Gold Medal It can be see n in the masthead of thi s issue The logo was designed by Erich Barth art dire ctor Department of [nshyformation and enco mpasses the di verse di s shycipiJnes fou nd within the College of Arts

Grad News Catharine (Gilnerlson ) Scott 70 is a wage and salary anal ys t tnivers it y of Waterl oo

Linda la) Bell 72 i the assistant conshysultant for thlto gifted We llington County Boa rd of Education GueJph

Lynn Barbeau 74 is the curator Educa shytion and xtension Macdo nald Stewart Art

entre Guelph

Wltlynr WellJauler 75 is corpora te mar shyke ting manager Gore Mutua l In surance Company Cambridgc

Renate Fisc her 76 is a consultant with the Woods Gordon Divisio n of Cl arkson Go rdon Chartered Acco untants Kitchener

jane Morley O AC MSc 81 is a career co nsultant Counse llin g and Student Reshysource Centre Un iversity of Guelph

Through the generos ity of the Alma Mater Fund our Assoc iation has been able to e stablish nv e sc holars hip s Thre e DELPHA awards for Gue lph alumni to continue their slUdi es at the gradu ate level at the University and two awa rds for part-time mature students These awards are greatly appreciated by the students who have reshyce ived th e m

Congratulatio ns are th e order of the day for Juli e (Russe ll ) Thur 78 Associashytion past pre sident and Linda Mackenz ie shyCordi ck 8 1 Assocration secre tary treas shyurer on the birth of their daug hters in March We wi sh them joy in their yo ung-

David Dell 76 is the in fo rmation o ffic er Reg ion of Pee l Brmiddotampton

jeff Miller 82 is a s tage manager for Profes sional Theatres Toronto

The above eight alumni were panel )11ember-s at our first annual Careers sJ ig ht held ea rlier th i yea r On ce again we offer our sincere thanks for their pani ci pation

lhugarel Reare 68 is senior research o f hee l Minis try of th e Soli citor General Ottawd

William Thiels 73 is a sys te ms analyst with Eas tman Kodak CO Roche ster t Y US A

Shardie D SteHnson 77 is assistant marketing manager Marsh and 1cLennan Ltd Winnipeg Man

Donald Syme 77 is with marketing pe rsonne l IC F Sydne y Australia

sters and look forward to the ir continued help in the Assoc ia tion in the future

C Nould lik e to re mind our fell ow alu mni to jo in or renew their membership in our Association De hbie ( Nash) Cham bers 77 editor of DF LPH A wo uld lik e any Ideas lor future artick that vould catch your interes t Our Assoc iati o n would also apprec ia te heari ng from you re gardin g eve nts that you wou ld be interested in attending Pl ease drop us a line in order that we may serve you better thus ~ eeping the line of co mmunic ation oren bet ween you and yo ur Alma v1ater

In closing I would like to acknowlmiddot edge With great a pprec iati o n the a istance that has been o ffclTU our Board of Direc tors over the pasl year

As al ways Dea n David Murray has bee n a va lued ad visor I wo uld li ke to thank Professor Ted Cowa n Department o f History for his Sprin g 19K3 OEPHA article on the Scottish Heritage Festival and Judy (Ma in) Ca rson 75 for he r help in preparalron of feature articles Spec ial thank s arc also ex tended to Rosemary Clark Mac 59 Asis tant Director Proshyg rams Dep artment of Alumni Affairs and Deve lopment and our Board of Directo rs who have wo rk ed so hard to mak e thi s a successful year

The term of 19X2-B3 has been a very grati fying one for all mem bers of the Associations Boa rd o t Directors We loo k for ward to 19K3-K4 anJ hope to hear from you Q

J ane Francis 78 is With Ilublic relations Vancouver Stock EXchange Vancou ver B C

Jonie Bunce 79 is a teacher 01 Art English and Thcatre Arts at 1 A Turn er Secondary School BrdrllptOl

Deborah Salmon 79 is married to Richard Light BS( 80 and li ves in Japanec Shc worb for the Empl o) mc nt and Im migrati on Commi ssion dnd Ri chlrJ works for a darrv in Kin gs to n

Shelagh Stevens 79 it station U)lllrshytwlle r Department o f -J atiunal [dc nce in f ova Slmiddototia

lidwtl Glanb 81 is a supervisor mar shyke ting comrlluni~ations Pitney-Bowe s oj

Canada Ltd Don Mill s

john (llanllllUnd ) Zelasko 81 rs ~ I

courtr(lOrn artist WKBW Buffalo New Ymk US I C



Alumnus of

Honollr 1983

Helen Christine AbeD Mac 38D

Amo ng the forerunners in the fie ld of rural soc iol ogy not only in Canada

but throughout the world and with a long career as a professor in numerous un iversities ac ross Canada Dr Helen C Abell has und oubted ly do ne much to promote a world -w ide reputation for her Alma Mater

Dr Abell has been most active in a numbe r of United Nat io ns programs designed to foster development of th ose in the Third World countrie s Although os ten sibl y retired she still co nt inues her wo rk as a cons ult ant in Socio-Economic De ve lopme nt assisti ng in develop ing sho rt -term project s as the occasion ari ses

As well as a Macdona ld Ins titu te Diploshyma Dr Abell obtained a BHSc (H ome Economics) from the Universi ty of Toro nto in 1941 and an MS (Human Nutrition) and a Ph D (major Rural Sociology and Agri cul shytural Economics) from Cornell University in 1947 and 1951 re specti vel y 0

Page 21: Guelph Alumnus Magazine, Summer 1983

The College of Biological Science Alumni Associatio~_~

BIO-ALUMNI NEWS Editor Dr John Powell

Executive CBS Alumni Association HONORARY PRES ID ENT Professor Bruce Sells Dean


Dr George Dixon Ph D 80 Zoology

PAST PRESIDENT Marie (Boissonneault) Rush BSc 80 Marine Biology

VICE PRESIDENT Chris Wren BSc 77 Marine Biology

SECRETARY-TREASURER Cam Portt BSc 77 MSc 80 Zoology

DIRECTORS David Airdrie BSc 82 Microbiology Krista Soper BSc 79 Marine Biology Lorrie Cosens BSc 79 Marine Biology Eric Cosens BSc 80 General Biology Keith Harris B Se 76 Marine Biology

EX-OFFICIO DIRECTORS Marie (Boisonneault) Rush BSe 80 Marine Biology Shawn Taylor BSc 83 Aquatic Biology Past President CBSSC Brian Wisenden President CBSSC

FACULTY ADVISORS to be chosen one from each DepartmentSchool

UGAA REPRESENTATIVE S Jan Watshyson BSc 75 Zoology Lorrie (Rolston) Cosens BSc 79 Marine Biology Rob Miln B Sc 81 Marine Biology

EDITOR BlO-ALUMNI NEWS Professhysor John Powell Human Biology 0

Please help us to help you When corresponding or upshydating information or address do tell us not only your year of graduation but your discipline

Where Are They Now The following 20 names were entered on the College of Biological Science Honour Roll for years 1976 and 1977 We w ish to know how your career has progressed and

FALL 1976

Brenda Henry (Marine Biology) and Winter 77

janis Kay 78 (Genetics) and Winter 77

Laurence McClure OVC 81 (Unshyspecialized and Winter 77

Linda (Nelson) Sinclair 78 (Human Kinetics) and Spring 77


Sherry (Bondorenko) Miller 77 (Hushyman Kinetics)

jellrey Chernoff 77 (Unspecialized)

Wendy Harris 77 (Major in Biology)

C harlene Kopansky 77 (Human Kineshytics)

Peter MacDonald (Human Kinetics) and Winter 78

Blain Mollatt (Microbiology)

Darjo Romani 78 (Major in Biology) also Fall 77 and Winter 78

Barry Rosen~rg 77 (Unspecialized)

Cheryl Rowe 77 (Human Kinetics)

FALL 1977

Gregory Casey 79 (Microbiology) also Fall 78 and Winter 79

William Crins 78 (Botany)

jill Cross OVC 82 (Unspecialized)

what you are doing currently Do you have intere s ting episodes to relate in the BIO-ALUMNI NEWS Please lets hear from you

David C a mpbell 78 (Major in Biology)

Richard Proctor 80 (Ecology)

Carolyn Robertson (U nspecialized)

joanne (Ryder) G unby 79 (Genetics) and Winter 79 0

Grad Bash 1983

Organized jointly by the CBS Alumni Association and the CBS Students Council in April more than 280 students alumni current and former staff and faculty sat down for dinner prior to presentations being made to our dean

Contributions came from members of the College and a bird sculpture fashioned by Uta Strelive Zoology was the first of many gifts

Next came a memory book containing many letters photographs clippings and a variety of incidents all pieced together by Association president Marie (Boissonshyneault) Rush 80

Betty Roff gave the dean a special book of clippings collected by herself Two framed portraits of Professor Ronald one already hung in the main office of McNally house the other for the Ronald family completed the tributes

Altogether this gathering was a fitting acknowledgement of a great man who has done great things for us all 0


Scholarships In the Names of

Ronald and PoweU The CBS Alumni Association is pleased to announce the introduction of a scholarship for graduate students in the name of Proshy

fessor Keith Ronald Professor Rona ld as of July I had served for 12 years as the first dean of the CBS and the awarding of a

sc holarship in his name is a fitting tribute to

all he has done fo r the College the Univershys ity and the CBS Alumni Assoc iation

The Hum an Kine tics Alu mni Assoc iashy

tion anno unced its intention to name an undergraduate scholarship in the School of Human Biology in the name of Dr John T Powell as he retires from the Unive rsity in 1984

Do nations to eithe r or both of these

sc holarship funds shou ld be sent direc tl y to the Department of Alumni Affairs and Development-clearly ind icati ng to which sc ho la rs hip your donation is to be alloca ted - or when contributing to the Alma M ater F und noting that your monie s

be channeled to the sc holars hip of yo ur choice 0

Grad News Biological S cience

Lesley (Wilson) Barton 73 and Bruce 70 MSc 74 live in Keremeos B C R R No I VOX JNO will find them

E thel Anita Hamilton 79 and hu sband

Wayne Barcha r d 76 MSc 79 live in Hali fax NS where Ethel is a habitat proshy

tec tion technician with fishe ries and Oceans while Wayne is head Office Assessment Scction Environment Canada 3rd Floor 45 Alderney Drive Dartmouth N S

Marilynne (Wise) McCausland 77 is a research microbiolog ist with Molson Bre wshyeries of Canada Ltd and may be reached at 1555 No tre Dame East Montrea l Que H2L 2R5

Michael W Tate 79 write s mos t kindly thanking us for kee ping people in touch through th is column He is a teac her at Mo rnings tar Secondary School in Mi ss isshysauga

Natalie Mary Olynyk 79 may be reached at 3 120 Duffer in Street in T oronto where she is re staurant manager for Olyn yk Foods Ltd

Marine Biology

Gl en A Packman 74 and Sharon (Noda ) Arts 72 li ve at 21 Albion Road Hali fax S B3P IP8 Glen is a senior

biologist with En vironment Canada

Jo l1n Plumb 76 and M arianne (Conshynoly ) 77 may be reached at 37 Coldstrea m Road Box 303 Munster Ont KOA 3PO John works as an indu strial engineer with

the Mitel Corporation - Kan ata

Human Kinetics and Human Biology

Joy (Reid) Tomes 70 is a team coshyordinator with the Workman s Co mpensashytion Board- 2 Bloor St East Toronto Ont oM7W IA2

Terry Obi Oblinski 71 holds the pos it io n of supervisor with the 3M Comshypa ny at 2 Craig Street Pe rt h Onto K7 H 3C5

Robert T a p Fawcett 72 teac hes at the W 1 Fenton Secondary Schoo l R R 0 10 in Brampton Ont L6V 3 2

Marie-Andree (Pi lon) Poulin now teache h igh school in Montreal write her at 76 Lesage Repent igny Que J3A 5Y5

Dr Tom Elmslic 74 M-Sc 77 is a g lutton for punishment as he isjust complet ing another MSc this time in Epidemi o lshyogy at McM as ter University preparatory to his return to Ottawa

Glen Paterson 78 of 16 Da lto n A ve nue T hunder Bay On t P7B 4E9 is ea rl y chi ldhood educato r with the Confederation o f Applied Art s and Technology B ro ther Larry R Paterson g radu ated with a BLA in 69

Eric bullbull Art Arthurs 80 is s till at 12272 shy110 Avenue Edmonton Alta T5M 2L3 He work s for Consolidated Concrete Limshyi ted as a dragl i ne opera tor

Henry Fox 81 lives at 1520 Verdi La Salle Que H8l I K4

Christine (Krumbacher) F()se 81 may be reached at Box 252 2 Banff Alta TOL OCO

Ch rist ine (Novakuske) Lavallee MSc 81 is a stude nt again stud ying French and living at 0428A Larose A ve nue Mo nt real Que H2B 2Z2

Ginger (Thompson) Elmore 81 seeks work in the geriatric field Are you able to help Write he r please at 107 Ontario Avenue Komoka Onto NOL IRO

Don Doc Wilson 81 is physica l direc tor at the Waterloo Family YMCA Lincol n Road Waterloo Ont N2J 2N8

Jan McMullan 82 ne wly wedded to Mark Newcombe MSc 83 is presently ass istant manager - Ri ordan s Sport S 183 Silvercreek Parkway in Guelph She tells us of four co usins who have g raduated fro m Guelph - Brenda (Bu lton) Dagg CSS 72 Bryce Dagg 72 Donald Sifton 70 and Bonnie (Sifto n) W alsh C SS 72

Fisheries and Wildlife

Lorna l Depuydt 77 is a price specia li st with Massey-Fe rg uso n Her adshydress is 3941 Whispering Wa No 6 Grand Rapids Mich USA 49506

Steven Kerr 77 works as di s trict biologist for the Mi nistry of Natu ra l Reshysources - 611 Ninth Avenue Eas t O wen Sound Ont NOH IS O

Richa rd P Bekolay 77 MSc 80 R R N o ) Carp Ont KOA ILO is a program analyst with Digital Equipment Corporation at Kanata

Marie Legrow 80 is once aga in a s tudent at Gue lp h li ving in Guelph at [02 Queen St reet North IE 4S I


Ann (Stewart) Gray 79 and husband Dr eil Gray 76 li ve at 40) - 251 Platts Lanc in London Ont N6 H 4P4 Ann is a re search assistant at the Universi ty of We stshyern Ontari o

Robe- W Marks 81 is a production trainee with Labatt Brewin g Comp any in Kitchene r


Dr Rob J Van Exan 74 MSc 76 PhD79 ho lds the position of manager Cell Culture Produc tion with Connaught Laboratories 1755 Steeles Avenue West Will owdale Ont M2R 3T4

Chuck Yipchuk 78 wo rks in Quebec 87 Senneville Road Sennev ille a s c oshyordinator of da ta at Bi o- Re search Laboratori es

Dr Harr y Nixon Chabwela W eza MSc 79 P h D 82 may be contacted at loni Katandika Vtllage Chief Kakumbi P O Box 154 Chipata Za mbia where he is a bio log ist wi th National Parks

Douglas Stendahl MSc 79 is with the -federal government s Minist ry o f Indian Affairs and Northe rn De velopment- P O Box 1500 Yukon N W T He is water quality officer


Rick Proctor 80 is a consultant with I P Sharp Associates 2 First Canadian Place Toronto Ont M5X IE3 0


The Ontario Agricultural College Alumni Association

ALUMNI NEWS EdJtor Dr Harvey W Caldwell 51

Financial Management Related to Agriculture One of the main sessions at the OAC Agricu ltural Conference 83 dealt wit h financial management as it relates to agricu lture Robert Sanderson who is with the Ontario Farm Adjustment Asshysistance Program was a main speaker and presented the following paper

Ten years ago most farmers were smilingshyagr icu lt ure see med to have finally gained its reward Worl d short age s of food provided ampl e markets and steadily rising prices lor prac tica lly all crops

Thi s idea li s ti c situation continued for a co uple of years until the granaries of the wo rl d were refi li ed De mand then norshyma li zed and pri ces for most agricultural prod ucts hega n to dec line In spite of price dec lines and li mited markets co nsiderable optimi sm conti nued to be fe lt o n the farm sce ne thro ughout mos t of the 1970s

Late in that peri od infl a ti on reall y ca ught fi re rai sing inpu t cos ts for supplie s and labour The ri se in land pri ces exceeded the most optimis tic es timates during this sa me time

In an a tte mpt to s te m thi s ra mpant infla tio n interes t rates increased almost threefo ld beg inning In 1979 and the world hega n it s slide into recession Farml and prices ceased to r ise in 198 1 and are now crumbli ng wi th uncer tain ty and lac k o f demand

We have no doub ts abo ut th e successshyful future o f ag ri cult ure hcre in Ontari o but today for many farmers adj ugtt me nts are necessa ry to remain so lve nt and for too many oth ers bo th adj ustme nts and so me ass iq an ce are necessary for their prese nt and future surviva l

There are some who are beyo nd he lp and farm bankru ptcies are at their highest leve l since the grea t Depression o f the 1930s These cond it io ns brought about the crea tio n of the On tari o Farm AdJustmcn t Ass istance Program (OFA AP) T hi s proshygram during 1 9~2 has bee n assisting eli g ible farmers who needed he lp

The re are two prime reaso ns fo r


fin anci al woes cited by appl ican ts - high interes t rates and lower farm incomes On the other hand the prime reaso n fo r ~ome

farmen probl ems e ited by lenders is ove r-e xpansion We be li eve both views are va lid and unques ti onabl y are respo ns ible for the prese nt ago ny and unres t on 100

many Ontario farms Le nde rs cite seve ral o the r importa nt

reaSl)l1S whic h also bea r o n the prob le m The borrowers oft e n refe r to them too but usuall y wit h di fferen t emphasis ThcY em shyphas ize the c lt treme instability of fa rm income the se rious lac k of pro per pl an ning bu dge ting accmatc farm record and fin all y the practice of making unprodu ctive investmcnts

Because of the qualifying criteria asshysociated ith an application for as s istan ce from OfAAP one must keep in mind that our observations are limited to about 10 per ce nt of Ontario farm operatlolls That 10 per ce nt is cl ose to the bottom of the gro up on the bas is o f financial sec urity OFA AP assista nce is limited to those produc ing Iood and tobacco Therefore data regard in g proshyducers of fl owers nursery stock race shyhorscs etc ha ( no t come he fore us and the financ ial ituati ons ltlr not inc luded in any of o ur informati o n

Applica ti ons have been appro ved for farmers operating all across the pro vince

Of the to tal approved about 20 per ce nt were in swine prod uctio n abou t 15 per ce nt were in eac h of cash crop prod uction da iry producti on and beef prod uct ion 4 per cen t were in fruit and vege ta ble prod uctio n 3 pel cent were tobacco fa rmers and the Ies t co mbinations of the above Those farm ers producing etgs and poultry were fe w

I n a review of appli ca tio ns for OFAAP ass istance several COl1ll1lo n sce nari os co nshytin ue to ap pear on a so me what re petiti ve has is and are ca tegorized as fo ll ows

1 Young or Beginning Farmers

Th ose under 35 years o f age wen res pons ishybl e for nearl y ha lf o f a ll the app li cati ons In thi s gro up are many who have Just begun fa rm ing Mo~ t of these arc victims of inopport un e tim ing hav in g acq uired land buildings and equ ipme nt be twee n 1979 and 19R2 For the m the combinati on o f lower th an ex pee ted prices of farm produc ts and the extre me inc reases in the ir fi na nc ing charges due to hi gh interes t rates_ have becn dlvas tatin g This is partic ul arl y true where Illos t assets were fi nanced the bcg inshyning equit y be in g Illodes t

2 The Aggres sive Expansionist

Many farmers who did well farming on a

modlst basis in the mid-70s dec ided that s ince o ne farm was pro fitabl e two wo uld be bette r three be tter than two Aggress ive

expan sion mos tl y on c redit du ring this i ntl a tio nary pe riod produced many paper millionaires in the farm co mmunity by the late 70s The elation fo r some of these

fa rmers d id not lasl far into the 80s T hose with 100 much bo rro wed cap ital

found that the ir farm income c ul d not

support the debt load So me of these

atlcmpted fu rthe r borro wing in an e ffort to mai nta in their ho l ding ~ and fo und ou t like o thers before them th at it is imposs ible to

borro w your way out of debt O thers so ld or tried to sell some o f the ir land o r eq uipment in an effort to re ti re at leasl o me of the ir cri ppling de bt and there by salvage at

least a part o f the ir operation

One rather sad varia tio n o f this las t s itua tion occ urs occ as io na lly whe re a

farmer who has had a succes~ fu l and so lvent opera tion decide to ex pand to a llow a son

o r so n- in-law into the bus in ss because of a des ire on the part of the young per on to

farm or occasionally because he is no t employed The expansion in Jand and eljuipment particularly if it occu rred in the

last three years and if it were do ne mainl y o n credit with a mortgage taken on his once so lvent operation has robbed the farmer of

his security and his peace of mind Furthershy

mo re in some of these s ituations the disappointed newcomer in the bus iness moved on leaving dear o ld dad to make the best of it

3 The Equipment Enthusiast

Another scenario concerns the man who is o bsessed with the need to ac quire equipshyment or to make add ition s and improveshy

ments to a lready adequate buildings To pay

for it out of the revolvi ng operating loan or to finance it in other ways withou t first having established that it will pay for itself will inevitably c reate financial problem s

Whe re there has been a general disregard for thi s kind of purchas ing the end resu lt has usually been disas trous

4 Natural Disasters

We regularly see the result s of natural

disas ters - floods windstorms hail frost disease and fires All of the se misfortunes can be c rippling to any operation but when adequate insurance coverage is not carried or if one of these di sasters occur whe n a farmers equity is low or when hi s princi pal and interest charges consume much o f his income it can be disastrous to his economic

pos ition

5 Family Unity

From OFAAP applicatio ns it is noted that some farmers who experience a marriage break- up seem to have diffi culty maintainshy

ing fi nanc ial solvency W hen asse ts are

di vided and whe n atte nt ion to management

is di e r ted hccause o f family pro blems the farm operation is often morta ll y wounded

Farmers and farm op ratnr are much more vulnerable in this si tua tio n because thei r

wives arc o ften much more invol ved in the e lllerprise than in non- farm situations

6 Offmiddot Farm Income

Appl ications incl ude a great nu mher of

insta nces in which if it were not fo r 0 ffmiddot fa rm income o f either the farmer or his wife or

occas io na lly both the ir farm o peratio n wo uld be tota lly un viable and unab le to continue to fu nc tion It is well the n fo r

those in th se c ircumstances to r cogniu tha t if the off-farnl inco me should e nd it wo uld also mea n the te rmination of the

farming operatio n

7 Enterprise Changes

A review 0 f appli ca tions indicates that some

farmers are hoping to comple tely change

thei r c rop or li ves toc k programs attemptin g perhaps to outguess the marke t and to

improve their financial return s Sometimes the expectation in vo lved in the dec is ion is

correct but so o ften when the costs inshyvol ved in the c hange are considered little

has been gai ned and where the deci s ion to change was unwi se co nsiderable loss is

usually the result The ot her extreme to this

situation is rigidity to the poi nt of makin g no changes at all

8 Manage ment

The management ability of any applicant

farmer is difficult to assess Most applicants are not known and there is no opportunity to assess the actual farm operation Ho wever

experience with OFAA P emph asizes that good financial management is c ritical to the

success of any farm operation Here is a li s t of definite Do and

Do nts that should be much in the minds of farmers operating in the present financial climate All of these suggestions re tlect the ex periences we have had working with

appli ca tions for O FAA P

The Definite Dos

Do base an operation on an informed farm

plan keep ing and using good record~ and approved acco unting proced ures Do work c losely wi th the credit source shy

usually the banker Plan and work within

approved revo lving ope rating loan limits Make regular cred it payments when due and when unable to make p ro per arrange shy

ments ahead of time w ith your c reditor or credito rs Do make necessary adju stme nts in land and equipm e nt befo re u nder tak ing further borrow in g Do shop around for cred it and i nve~ tig ate

ava il ah le programs to cu t credit cos ts Do pay off on loans when surplus cas h is

ava il able It won t be any fun but it w ill

he lp to re tain sol vency Do try to ma intai n stability in your far m o peration and kee p the peace a t h IllC

Do seek the professi o nal adv ice of you r ag ric ultu ra l represe ntative anJ Ir indwtry fiel d per~on ne I

The Definite Donts

Dont borrow for capita l items unless they

are abso lu te I y necessary Dont make capi ta l purchases with funds

frolll your revo lvi ng opera ting account w ithout co nsul ta tion and agreeme nt with

the bank manager Dont expand any operation without sound

pl ann ing Dont plunge and make rapid changes in

the ope rati ng patte rn without so und consultation 0

Partners For 70 Years

Arthur Cowie 09 now 95 and his wife Nina now 92 were married March 19 1913 near Nel son B C They li ved in

HC for three years then returned to Caledo nia where Arthur worked for the A

Jone s bakery He returned to the 200-acre farm homestead in 1922 when his father

was kill ed in a farm accident Arthur se rved in the 19305 and early

19405 as co uncillor and also served as

a Ju s tice of the Peace for the farm communit y

Nina Co wie whose g reat lo ve was

dancing has onl y one regre t and that is tha t she could never get her hu sband o nto the -dance floor The Scotti ~ h dances Hig hlan d

tlin gs and Scotti sh reels made hi s head spin He played the record s and watched

from the sidelines while ina did the danc ing

They have no secrets tor a long happ y marriage excep t working at it Theyve

done Jus t tha t for 70 years Bes t wishes to them both 0


OACGrads on Faculty at Nova Scotia Ag College

Lauranne Sanderson M Sc 81 is with the Humanities Department She specialized in Animal Science in her undershygraduate years but added to that a master program in Agricultural Economics Lauranne has lived on a mi xed lives t()c k and cash crop farm in southern O ntario At the No va Scotia Agricultural College (NSAC) she is teaching Tec hnical W riting but is specializing in the area of Com munications and Agricultural Extension

Barbara (Otrysko) Mulkewytch 78 MSc 81 is with the Plant Science Deshypartment Prior to her appointment at NSAC she was employed as a potato crops specialist with the New Brunswick Departshyment of Agriculture Her teaching and research will include projects on potato and crop protect ion

Yes Surry MSc 81 is with the Economics and Busi ness De partment Yves was born in Pamiers France has an M A fro m the nivers ity of Pari s and is in the process of completing his Ph D from Guelph Yves has a strong interes t in teachshying and his research interests hould be a welcome addition to the reg ion He is pre sent ly teaching courses in Micro and Macro Economic Theory

Laurie (Gaunt) Connor 73 is w ith the Department of Animal Science She earned MSc and Ph D degrees specia li zi ng in reproduct ion phys iology from the nivershysity o f Manitoba Prior to joining NSAC she was a NSERC Vi iting Fellow at the Animal Research Centre in Ottawa Her teaching and research work is mainly in the re producti ve physiology field

Also at NSAC are Sheree Porter CSS 79 and Myrna (Porter) Blenkhorn 76 John Shug 37A and 40 is the sec re tary o f the Nova Scotia Agricultural College Alumni Association 0

Please help us to help you When corresponding or upshydating information or address do tell us not only your year of graduation but your discipline

Th ree generatiuns of heramify were present when fleather Rohinson right centre FACS 83 graduated ut Wim er Convocation With her f rom [eji to righture her grandfather John Inglis her moth er Vlarirn (Inglis ) Robinson Mac 55 0 member of the Uni versirys Boord of Govern ors ond her father Doug Rohinson 53

Above Mllrrav Ma cGregor 5 1 lei with the winners of the OAC s 25th annual Alumni Curling Bon spiel Left to right GeorRe Robinson 651 Mu rrav Elliotl 65A Keith Murru 65A and Jern- Forestell 6511 Right OAC Alumni Associashytion president Hell ry Slanle 55 right was preslntedwith un engraved pewta stein to recugnie 25 years of participation ill Ihe bOlspiel Conshygratuluting Henry is Bill Harrison 62 bonspiei commillee chuirman


the individual members excellence andThe Ronald S Ritchie Le cture integri ty

This idea for the new body was not accepted by members of Cabinet They

The Opening Up of PubHc PoHcy The Opening Up of Public Policy was

Selllior Michael Piffields fopic when he

delifred fhe annual Ronald S Rifchie

LeclUre of fhe UniversifY in March

A Rmduafe ofSf Lawrence Universify

17 ( graduafed in lawjrom McGill UniversifV

and holds a Rrodlla fe diploma in Public La w

Fom Ih e UlliversifY ofolIa wa H efirsl joined Ihe Public Service as an

wlminislrafive assiSfam in Ihe Depa rimem

oJuslice in 1959 Ialer served onlhe sraffof Ih e Goernor General and as secrelary fO

117 1 Royal Commission on Taxalion In 1965

he joined Ihe Privy Council Office He

became depuly minisler of Consumer and

Corporafe Affairs in 1973 and Ihe followshy

inli year lOok up an appoinfmem as Fellow

in fhe John F Kennedy School of Governshy

mOl (If Harvard Un iversifY In 1975 he

relurned 10 Ollawa as Clerk of fhe Privy

Council and Se crelarv 10 Ihe Cabinel

The annual leclre recognizes Ihe comrihwion made 10 fhe Universily by

former Board of Govemors chairman

ROllald S Rilchie A reporl on Senafor Piffields presemalion follows

Senator Pitfield paid tribute to Rona ld Ritchie his important work in the Glassco Commission and his influence in the estabshylishment of the Institute for Research on Public Policy

In thi s th oug htful and thoughtshyprovoking presentation Senator Pitfield outlined the need for and the desirability of more open discussion before policies are introduced but there are some very real difficulties associated with de vel oping some me chanis m that could foster and encourage such exchanges of ideas

[t was pointed out that because of the high degree of interdependency of modern society and the size and complexity of governments the making of public polic y must be an intellectual subject in its own right not just a conglomeration of di scishyplines It had become evident that

I A methodical analysis of government activity could lead to improvements in government effectiveness

2 Traini ng in making and managment of public policy was crucial and urgent

3 There were few in government who knew why things were done the way they were

4 The making and management of pubshylic policy was a subject unique in itself and required thinking through for itself

5 Universities and other training institushytions were not very useful in this training process universities being too removed from the actual experience of government and the government institutions being withshyout the detachment and intellectual rigour needed

Thus it became evident that there was a need for an institution that would be a repository of knowledge a pl ace of learnshying a foru m for debate and a means of communication co ncerning public policy

Proposal s emerged that the federal go vernment should assis t some of the organizations already in existence Comshypetition became keen and rivalry among institutions re su lted in grander more comshyplex proposals As a result the federal go vernment in 1968 decided to establish a think-tank of its own to take a more rigorous look at public polic y

The idea was not new In many countries the general thinking was that all problems could be so l ved by inrelleclUal anal ysis and the appl ication of modern techshyniques But the ne w Trudeau go vernment went even beyond providing more data It included public debate of public policy

But the think-tank was only one of the initiatives to aid in the formation of policies There was support for political parties through caucus funding offi ce space support staff and regional offices for Members of Parliament and internsh ip programs for students to work as assistan ts to MPs

Other support included green and white papers for discussion commissions of inquiry task forces public funding of non-political grou ps to encourage discusshysion and many others to increase the flow of information for consideration of alternashytives All were done to open up the process o f meaningful debate which would result in more effective and sound decisions

The th ink-tank was to be a centre for var ious kinds of people to di scuss public policy subjects which were often set aside because of day to day pressures At first it was to be very informal with distinguished people invited to participate Its integrity and permanency would be based on that of

were concerned that existing research instishytutes would be damaged They also wanted in volvement of business and professional communities This challenge to broaden the scope was gi ven to Ron Ritchie

Ritchie foresaw an institution that would be independent supported by an endowment which would not only support but st imu late debate on public policy

Man y fears were raised - that such a body would be taken o ver by academics that it would become a clique that govern shyments would battle for control etc But these were dealt with skillfully by Ritch ie and the Institute for Researc h on Public Policy was establ ished

What of its accomplishments~ This institute has been successfu l in

many ways in getting better information into debate [n the ten years since its beginning many studie s have been pubshyli shed It has held many informat ive confershyences and has a unique journal Howeve r despite its efforts open and meaningful debate on public policy is not much more advanced tod ay than it was a decade ago

It is evident that to ach ie ve its objecshytives there mu st be a willingess to change opi nions and the Canadian sys tem prov ides few forums for the changing of minds The bias is towards decision-makers and interest groups not open and meaningful debate

Public debate often takes pl ace after rather than before the decision is taken Thi s may not be what is wanted but policy-making is tilted not tow ards being open but towards being closed

Why has there not been more progress [n h is pre se ntation Mi chael Pitfield refershyred to the fact that the go vernment whose people should discuss the si tuation has become even more confrontational not because of lack of information but because of rigidity in their approach to discussion of public policy

As govern ment ha s grown so have checks and balances which recently have often been linked to lack of confidence Where slim majorities exist a strong opposhysi tion can threaten the government Party di sc ipline becomes severe and ai ring of independent views is discouraged The fear of a government being defeated on the one shyhand and the unyielding demands ot the opposition on the other tends to make the parliamentary process less and less flexible

The result of the foregOing is the tendency of government in modern times to drop solutions on a public th at may not be aware of the problems These solutions are not open to argu ment and debate is reduced

conld over


w ith bias tending towards a cl osed system and less debate

To improve the situation it seems it wlluld be necessary to have a mutual and

ba lanced reduction of force on both sides

The ge neral equilibrium of the system needs to be ma in tained W hat is needed is the reduction of secre tiveness of the gove rn shyment on one side and a reduc tion of the

danger of e mbarrass ment or de fea t of the govern men t on the other side

T here must be a wil li ngness to secure

more ope n debate on al l sides and our

leaders ha ve not done that e ven on m ost import ant issues More ope n and rneltll1 ingshyful deba te will require more thi nk ingshy

thro u middoth - something Mc mbers of Parlishy

ame nt may not he able to do or be free to do or have the necessary knowledge to do But the id ea behind the Institute for Remiddot

search on Public Policy was tha t such a body could bring about better decisions

All publi c problems cannot be solved by thought and tech nolog ics but few can be solved without these contr ibutions

The Institute for Research on Public Policy cannot create better public policies

by itself It must have input from all sectors to bring about more open and meaningful public debate which will result in constant

improvement of government - somethin g

that everyone desires 0

Grad News Herb Nor ry M Sc 52 has moved to

London as a farm business advisor wit h

O M AF working in eight counties

Denny Silvestrini PhD 5R is director of quality controlresearch and de velopment Eskimo Pie Corporation Ric hmond Virshy

ginia SA He had served as manager quality control and product deve lopment

Ralston Purina Co mpany St Luuis M isshysouri U SA

John Hagarty 61 is manager fi e ld

service s Rural O rganizati ons and Serv ice s Branch OMAF Guelp h

Ismail Siragcldin Ph D 62 is professor Department of Population Dynami cs and

Political Economics the Johm Hopkins

University Baltimore Md S A

Arlene (Fournier) 65 and Dick Flis

MSc 65 are in Edmo nton Alta where Dick is petroleum products manager wes tmiddot ern Canada Imperia l Oil Ltd

Craig Hunter 66 is pre sident Cra ig

Hunter Poult ry Farms Ltd Stro ud

Colin Triver s 67 is a consulting e ngineer and On tario land surveyor for e G Trivcrs

Ltd T he ssalon

Peter Mosher Ph D 70 is director

bureau of agric ultural prod uctio n Depart shyment of Agriculture Ba ngor Me USA

Cordon Brown 76 is sen ior food techshynolog is t new prod ucts process developshy

ment Tho masJ Lipton Inc in Bram pton

Martel C outure MSc 76 is acting di rec tor d iploma progra m Macdonald Colshy

lege Ste nne de Belle vue Que

Charlie Ellintt 78 vnfe Ja ne and

first -born Ian C harles born Jan uary 20

1983 are living near S hetland C harlie is now working fo r Elliott Bros G rain and Feed Ltd

Dennis Ring 78 is credit manager Farm C redit Corp C hatham H is wife is Carnl (Weeks) 79

R Cunrad Genee 79 is a sales represhy

sentative with CIBA-Geigy Canada Ltd in

Winnipeg Man

Howard Armstrong RO is an industrial

engineer with the B utler Ma nufacturing Co (Canada) Ltd Nisku Alta

Bruce Broadbent PhD 80 is a research scientist entomology with Agriculture

Canada Vineland Station

Mic hael Tulloch 80 has been accepted as

a professional engineer by the Council of the APEO He now manages engineering functions for eG Trivers Ltd Thessalon

BruceGitelman 81 will be joining Wood G undy Ltd Investment Broke rs as a

corporate finance associate in September

Danicllc Wenstrom 81 is a quality a ss urance su pe rvisor for Pil lsb ury of Canada Ltd M idland

Christine Deslandes MSc R2 is a lecturer at Alfred Col lege of Agricu ltu re

and Food Technology A I fred

Diploma Graduates

Donald Morley 68A is ge nera l ma nager De Marco Homecare Ce ntre Sutton West

Jeffrey Currah 74A is marke ting man shyage r Fortam ix-a division of BASF

Canada Inc Georgetown

Brian Roberts 76A is a welder with Hillcook Ind ust ri es Ha milton 0

In Memoriam Raymond David Ure 15A and 21 January 24 In3 ~uddenly a t Tecumse h

age 87 He had bee n very act ive un til

recently H is son Donald re is it

graduate of 49

Dr Genrge M Stirrett 20A and 22 died December 15 1982 H is many co nshy

tri bu tiono had bee n recogni zed by the Heritage Canada Found ation The fo llowshy

ing is an account of the tribu te pa id to him Fe bruary 16 1 9~ I at Government HDu~e

O ttawa

His Excelle ncy Gove rnor Ge nera l

Edward Sc hrcyer prese med the Commun imiddot cations A wards Atl antic Reg ion to Dr

George M St irrett of Grand Falls Ne w

Bru ns wick Dr Stirrett has been comm itted to natural h is tory conservation for ma ny

years bo th before and after hi s ret ire ment from the Canadian W ildlife Service and Parks Canada in 1964

He worked hard for the preservation of the falls and gorge area at Grand Falls

and on other conservation needs in Ne w Brunswick and Ma ine He has also written

on the iss ues of conservation using Ihe pcn name G raham Vail and since April 1979

has publi shed a weekly column Notes on atural History in the G rand Falls

Cataract His columns stress the appreciashytion and enjoyment of nature as well as the need for preserving it

Norman Hodgins MacBeth 23 Fe bruary 3 1983 in St John N B He had retired in

1967 as General Manage r of General Dairies Ltd

David R Owen 25 in Medi c ine Hat

Alta February 6 1983 at age 82 He was a di rector of the fi rs t ollege Roy al and spe nt

most of his li fe teachi ng and farmi ng in Saskatchewan

Ronald John Quinn 35 Fe bruary 17 1983 in London His wife Helen (Farshyquhar) is a lso a graduate o f 35

Bruce Douglas Innes 36 passed away Septe lllber 29 19 82 D uring his college

years he took part in ma ny ac tivitie s bu t he -re membered with particu la r pleasure be ing Grand C hampion Showman College Royal

35-the first time that the honour had bee n won by anyone o ther than a fou rth year man Bruce owned and operated a dairy

farm at Burford since I 939 and was an

acti ve and ded icated farmer until his death

H is wife Margaret died in A pril 1983 T hey leave daughters Lorna Lawrence

Mac 68 and Karen and son Robert 0


Macdonald Institute College of Family and Consumer

Studies Alumni Associat ion

ALUMNI NEWS Editor Joan (Anderson) Jenkinson 66


BASc Grads-Class o f 80

EntploYDlent Survey T he University s Counselling and Reshysource Centre recentl y completed an inshyucpth survey covering the empl oyment activities of the 211 graduates who in 19RO earned Bachelor of Applied Sc ience Degrees

The survey indicates th at gradu ates are e nj oy ing a variety of interes ting and chalshylenging careers

A gratifying 73 per cent of th e graduates re sponded to the survey with 51 per cent of the respondents indi catin g that they have completed or are completing graduate degrees or programs on a full- or part-time bas is Of the 153 respondents 78 per ce nt including one who is self emshyployee have full-time employment The remainder are employed part-time or are pursuing further studie s

Li sted below are the indicated ca reers chosen in the four major areas of study

Applied Human Nutritio n

ut ritiond ietetics Food service administration More than 50 per cent of the responshy

dents obtained reg istered profe ss ional dietishytian certificates The Admini strati ve Emshyphasis course is no longer offered in the

Applied Human utrition program It is available through the Bachelor of Comshymerce program

Family Studies

A number of grad uate s found posit io ns in teac h ing or social services such as

Adult protecti ve service workers Infant de ve lopment specialists Geront ology consultants Supervisors and field workers with social service agencies Other Family Studies graduate s are

working in government srv iees and in the private ec toras home economists financial co un se llors librarians hostel managers Family Studies graduates tend to sl ck caree rs in the helping profess ion s

Consumer Studies

There are four emphasis areas 01 study within this maj or The survey indicates that

Food gradu ates are employed in areas of produci development marketing and food technology with majo r food companies Hou si ng emphasis graduates are wo rkshying with government agencies and in teac hing

Consumer Beha vio ur e mph asis graduates are in industry business and res earc h Tex tile and Clothin g e mph asis grads are employed in research merchandi sshying and banking Often after working for a year or

more Consumer Studies graduates will return to gradu ate study o r profess ional programs on a full- or part-time bas is

Child Studies

Many Child Studies graduates are emp loyed in teaching supervisory or other child-care related sett ings such as soc ial work with fami lies and children Re ported part -lime and temporary em pl oy ment pos ishytions include work as supply teachers child care supervisors special education leac hers and as lecturers in uni ve rsity settings

It is imporl an t to note that this emshyploy ment survey reports the caree r paths chose n by onl y one graduating cl ass Dat a is collccl~d on a yearl y bas is from gradu ates in Family and Consumer Studies In order to observe the broad scope of employment opportunities avail able a four-year tabulashytion wo uld pl~ c nt a more complete picture of the profess ional activities of graduates

In summary FACS programs offer students a sound educational background to meet the need s of i nduslry educational institut io ns governme nt and bus in c The future for FACS graduates is indeed bright as the College co ntinues to gro w and develop programs to meet the challenges of the 80s 0



BASc Gradsmiddot Class of 80 Further Education Pursued

Major Total

Graduates Number of

Respondents R PDt BEd MEd MSc MD MA

Applied Hum an Nu trition 65 45 23 3 I

Family Studies 64 44 19

Consumer Studies 48 33 2

C hild Studies 34 31 II I I I

TOTAL 21 1 ( 1007c)

153 (73 oc )

23 32 I 4 I I

FACS Has New

Dr Richurd Burhunl

Dean Professor Richard M Barham was apshypointed dean of the College of Family and Consumer Studies for a fi ve-year term effective July I 1983 He succeeds Dr Janet M Wardlaw who has served as dean since 1969

Professor Barham has been chairman of the Department of Family Studies since

1976 and served as acting dea n in [980 while Dean Wardlaw was on administrative leave

A graduate of the University of Otago Dunedin e Zealand Richard Barham received a Ph D degree from the University of Alben a dmonton in Ed ucational Psychology

He has served on the faculty of the Department of Educational Psychology at the University of Alberta and as professor and acting chairman of the Department of Education University of Otago

While in New Zealand he was an executive member of the council of The Ne w Zealand Psychological Society and served as its president

At Guelph he has taught both undershygraduate and graduate courses in the Deshypartment of Family Studies and has supershyvised graduate students

He has been active on many University committees during the past seven years He is a past chairman of the Board of Graduate Studies and has been a member of the

Committee on Academic Priorities the Committee on University Planning the Liaison Committee and several others

He has also been a consulting educa shytional psycholog ist with the Wellington County Separate School Board since 1979

Prolessor Barham and his wife Joan have a family offour Joan recently returned to the University of Guelph for further study Daughter Vick y 19 is a student in Economics at Queens University Lisa 17 and Christopher 14 attend Ce ntennial CVJ while Tania 12 is completing her studies at College Avenue School

Music is very important part of the Barham familys life with active invoheshyment in the Suzuki String School and the Guelph Youth Orchestra Gardening is a hobby enjoyed by both Richard and Joan

Members of the Mac- FACS Alumni Association extend a sincere welcome to Professor Barham We look forward to meeting and working with him in the future as he fills the challenging position as dean of FACS 0

FACS Prof First

Dr M urlin MUllhclIs

Director P ro fessor Anne Martin Matthews De shypart me nt of Family St udi es has been ap shypointed the first director of the Gnontology Research Centre The establi shment of the Centre was announced last February A research grant of $237000 from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada will fund the Centre for the first three years

Professor Martin Matthews has been conducting research related to the needs and interests of older segments of the populashytion as well as teaching courses in such areas as social gerontology and marital and family dynamics in Family Studies She has been a faculty member with the Department of Family Studies since 1978

She also has been active beyond the campus in programs related to aging She is chair-elect of the social sciences division Canadian Council on Gerontology and will begin a two-year term in the chair of that organization this year

She is also first vice-president of the

Ontario Gerontology Association and a member of the scientific advisory commitshytee of the Gerontology Research Council of Ontario She is a graduate of Memorial University of Newfoundland and McMaster University

With a steadily increasing percentage of the popUlation in the retirement age bracket it is important to understand more fully the ir needs and cuncerns sa ys Proshyfessor Martin Matthews The en tre will deal with the ag ing family and environshymental contexts In the latter sense we will be examinin g such things as the difference bet wee n aging in an urban and a rural society as well as issues like housing and the aging

The new Gerontology Research Centre will provide facilities to assist faculty members and graduate students doing reshysearch on aging The Centre will facilitate integrate and co-ordinate studies on aging within the University the director says

Research on aging is now being carried out at the Universi ty in such Departments as Family Studies Geography Psychology Nutrition Human Biology and SocioluFY and the Centre will be able to provide a medium for cross-fertilization of ideas among the many researchers in the field

Professor Marlin Matthews says that the Centre will be working co-operatively with other similar research centres in Onshytario such as the one at the University of Toronto in promoting research on aging The Centre will also sponsor conferences and workshops that relate to the special needs of older citizens in their communities

Guelph has demonstrated an interest in gerontology since 1970 when research projshyects began and courses dealing with aging were offered in the Departments of Family Studies and Psychology Since 1981 the Un i versity has offered gero ntology as part of the Famil y Studies major in the Bachelur of Applied Science program 0

A Thank You Dear A luml7i

1-Iwl 10 Ihonk oil Ihe uumni inloll(d wilh

Ihc cr special send-oj gien to me ill

recognition of Ihc complelion ofmv Icrm as


So man of ou -Ierc invocd shy

whelhcr or nOI ou -Iere able 10 (fIend Ihe

recognition receplion in Toronlo on May

29 I oppreciacd Ihe man good llishes

which come from ocross CClrado ond from

such dislOlIl places as Indio and Chara

Your generous gifls u Imc Irolld of

pcarls und a bonk aCCOlll11 vhich came lVilh

Ihe slrong suglcslion Ihal [should IIc 10

Vnv Iculand lverc Irul overllhelll1ing

The Air lCll Zcalundjlighl bag jJacked wilh

1111 SOriS of nccessiliel added 10 Ihe jim

middotre had 01 Ihe rcceplion

Many Ihanksfor your SUppOri over Ihe years and for your good wishes as I begin

my car ofadmin is Ira live leave

Yours sincerelv

Jonel M Wardlaw 0


Dr Louise

( Bailltlj

Heslop 67

Off - To


Dr Louise (Bazi net) Heslop 67 has JO ined the School of Business at Carlton Unive rsit y O ttaw a Over the next two years through an arran geme nt with Ca rlton Unive rsity she will be cco nded on a

part-time basis by Stati sti cs Canada where she will join the Research and Analysi s

D ivision Loui se completed her MSc at Guelph

in 1969 and continued as lecturer in the

ne wly-es tablished Department o f Co nshysumer Studies In 1977 she compktcd a Ph D in Business Administration (Marketshying) at the University of Western Ontari o

and rejo ined the Department of Consumer Studies ri si ng to the rank of ass oc iate professor

Louise was e lected to the board of

di rectors of the Mac-FA CS Alumni Assoc ishyati on in 1977 se rvin g as secretary-treasurer until May 1981

We ex tend our best wishe middot to Loui se

her husband Lome O A 70 and their dau ghters Jose tte 5 and C la ire 2 Lorne is employed by Agriculture Canada in

Ottawa and is currently completing an M Sc in Engineering at the University of

G uelph Coun try li ving is a high priority with

the Heslops They are deli ghted with the purchase of a farm near Almonte a nd look

forward to the best of both worl d s - profess ion a lism in the city and lei sure in the countryside 0

Grad News Helen (Clifford ) Beswick 48D is se lf empl oyed as a studio potter in her home in Dundas

Margaret (Kennedy) jarvis 54D is a realestate age nt in Kingston

Pat (Hall) McDowell 65 is with the

United Missionary Soc iet y Jlorin Kwora State ~igeria

Joanne Patterson 66 is a se ni or project o ffmiddoticer w ith Indi an and Northern Affa irs Ottawa

Leslie (Mowat) Hemming 68 is teaC hin g in Woods tock

Mary (Jany) Toms 68 is employed with Health and We lfare Canada Ottawa

Sarah (Spencer) Coomhs 70 is an assistant director wi th the Co nsumer Inforshymation Centre of the Ontario Government


Meredith Fi lshie 70 is an ana lyst w ith the Ministry of State for Economic and Re g ional Development O ttawa

S heila (Fahner ) jarvie 70 is a nutrishytion ist w ith the K- W Hospital Kitchener

Donna j ohnstone 70 o perates Donn as Ha ndmade Clothin g for Men amp Wo men Gabiola Isla nd B C

Lorraine Holding 71 is manager of program development with the Rural Orshyga nizatio ns and Services Branlh Minis try of Agriculture and Food located at the Gue lph Agriculture Centre

Beve r ly Lee 72 is a chairperso n with the York Region Board o f Educ at io n

Laurie MacLeod 72 is a district manager with Beaver Foods Mlss issauga

Kathy Camelon 73 is a dietitian at the Toronto Genera l Hospita l

Tirnoth) Fleming HAFA 74 a ses ionaJ lec turer with H AFA teaching business law has been adm itted to the partne rshi p o f the law firm of Harper Haney and White of Waterl oo

Isabel (McBride) H o well 74 is an e lementary school teacher with the Watershyloo Co unt y Board of Educatio n Camshybridge

Mary Ruston 75 is a Famil y Studies teacher at Inge rso ll District High School

Kathryn Anderson 76 is a supervisor with Westmini ster Family Day a re London

Hester Cooper 76 is employed as a research officer with the New Zealand Dairy

Research Institute in Palmers ton North ew Zealand

Patr icia (G a rland ) Desaul niers 76 is with patient fo od se rvices Alberta Hospishyta l Edmo nton

Noella Li 76 is aclinical dietitian wi th the

ictori a Hospital London

M eredith (Evans) Hea rtwe ll 77 is

teac hing in Mississauga

Deb Wey 77 is patient food se rvices manager at SI John Regio nal Hospi tal SI J()hn NB

Susan (junes ) Wilcox 77 is food se rvices

superviso r with the Baye re st Ce ntre for Ge riatric Care 0

A ThankYou The c lass of Mac 380 wishes to extend a

sincere thank you to all alumni who have con tributed to the Mac 38 0 Class Geronshy

to logy Scholarship Fund The gradua te s tudent scholarship in

the recently de ve loped area ot Ge ronto lo gy at FACS is being established by the class of 38D in recog nition of their 45th annivershy

sary in 1983 All Univers it y of Guelph grads are

in vited to parti c ipate in this project funds for which will be so li c ited until December

1984 [f you wish to con tribute please make you r cheq ue pay ab le to the Univers ity o f Guelph Alma Mater Fund specify that it is to be applied to the Mac 38 D Class Gerontology Scho larship Fund and mail to

the Deve lo pment Office Room 273 John shysto n Hall Uni ve rsity o f Gue lph Guelph

Ontario N IG 2W J Th an ks again for yo ur suppo rt from

Elle n Downie Mary Singer Doris Durran t and Jean Carter- the Mac 38 D sch o larship committee 0

In Memoria m We regret to announce the death of the following al umnus

Margaret L (MacKenzie) Smallwood 401) December 1982 in Lakeland Fla




The College of Physical Scie nce Alumni Association

SCIMP Editor Bob Winkel

phy sics grant selection committee of thc atural Sciences and Engineering Research

Council for two years he was intimately involved in all the major re search de velopshyments in Canada in this field Hc feels that his e lec tio n to the Royal Society of Canada will help raise the prot1le of high-energy physics in this co untry and lend stren gth to Canadian experimenters

The citation prepared for his nominashytion to the Royal Society of Canada reads

Professor Karl is a high energy the ori st whose work is widely recognized interna tionally His deep physical insight and hi s kn ow led ge of mathemati ca l methods led to the quark model of baryon resonances based on quantum chromoshydynamics which has been enormousl) successful in describing experimental reshysuits H is re sea rch is characterized by striking originality and an ability to COIll shy

bine basic ideas from different field s as in the predictions of a new effect - neutron optical activity

Gabriel Karl is married and has one daughter W hen he is not probing the sec re ts of the universe he indulges himself in music theatre and the fine arts

He visited the Unive rsity of Briti sh Columbia in Vanco uver in May for the induction ceremony into the Royal Society of Canada on the occas ion of the Annual Meeting of the Society It marked he sa id the culmination of a long string of benefits that [ ha ve enjoyed throughout the 23 years 1 have lived in Ca nada [ have every rea son to be very grateful to th is country D

Erratum In the Sprin g issue o r SCiMP it was erroneously reported in the c utline accompanyin g a pict ure of Departshyme nt of Physics student scholarship winners that they were the recipients of 0 er $ 1500 We dropped a zero The fi gure should have read $ 15000 Sorry about tha t Ed

Elected to Royal Society

Dr Cooiel Korl

The election of Dr Gabriel Karl to a Fellowship of the Roy al Society of Canada represents what one of hi s colleagues Dr Peter Egelstaff desc ribe s as a rare honour which reflects great credit not only on Dr Karl but also on the Uni versi tys Departshyment of Physics

The Royal Society of Canada founded in 1882 to promote learning and research in the arts and sciences has numbered among its Fellows virtually all of Canadas most distinguished intellectual le ade rs of the last J00 yea rs Standards are jealously guarded and Fello wships are awarded only as a result of outstanding world-class ach ieve ment

The rarity of the honour is indicated by the fact that at the Un iversity of Guelph whose faculty includes so many academics of international distinction only five had previously achieved a Fellows hip in the Royal Society of Canada These are Dr Howard Clark vice- pres ident academic Dr Bruce Sells dean College of Biologishycal Science Dr Peter Egclstaff Depart shyment of Physics Dr Do nald Masters Prof ssor Emeri tu s De part mcnt of History and Dr He rb Armstrong retired dean of Graduate Studies

As the sixth Dr Ga briel Karl will have the added di st inction of bei ng the first whose career has been sp ot excl us ively at the Un ivers ity of Guelph which agai n to

quote Dr Egelstaff marks a coming of age for the University

Gabriel Karl was born in Transylvania a province of Romania He obtained his B Sc in Chemistry at Romani as Univershysity of ClUJ worked for two years in industry and came to Canada in 1960 He attended graduate school at th e University of Toronto where he was awarded a Ph D in 1966 for a thesis on infrared luminesshycence following molecular colli sion Hi s Ph D supervisor was the distinguished physical chemist Dr John Polanyi

A two-year post-doctora l fellowship with the University of Torontos Depart shyment of Physics followed His mentors there were Drs J Van Kranendonk and Duk Poll who is now a professor with the Universi ty of Guelph s Depa rtment of Ph ys ics

In 1966 Dr Karl studied at the Uni versity of Oxford for two years under an NRC scho larship to study hadron spec troshyscopy and in 1969 he Joi ned the Univers itys Department of Phy sics achieving a full professorship only five years later

Dr Karls work has focussed on high energy physics - the physics of fundamen shytal particles This is an esoteric field involvshying research into the nature of matter The relatively few world leaders in thi s field tend to cluster around the half-dozen accelerators such as the $100 million four kilumete rshylon g hi gh-e nergy tunnel for accelerating electrons at Stanford University that have been built only in the US and Europe

There is no accelerator of this energy level in Canad a and fe w Canadian scie nshyti ~ts are working in this field Dr Ka rl s statu re in the international commu nity of particle physic ists is marked by his many visi ts to the world s major research ce ntres as guest speaker and to consult with his peers Referring to the time spent on thcse missions Dr Karl describes the Depart shym nt of Phys ics and his colleag ues as generouslyaccommodati ng shy

As cha irman of the h igh energy


Trapping The Suns Energy Excerpted from a Chemtrends article by Mary Cocivera

One predi ctabl e fac t about ind ustri ali z d

soc iety is that it will take more e nergy to

keep the whee ls ru nn ing smoothl y parti c ushy

larly because the world population is exshy

pected to dou ble to about n ine bill ion by the

year 2050

[n th search to augme nt tradi tio na l

sources o f e lectri ci ty two Departme nt of

Chemistry pro fessors ha ve tu rned their

atten ti on to the convers ion of solar energy to

electricity by photovultaie cel ls and photoshy

elec troc he mical systems T he developme nt

work at Guelph is a imed at improving the efficiency and stability of th se sy~tems and

reduc i ng the ir cos t

Si licon photovoltaic cells serve as a

reference for solar energy convers iun beshy

cause they were the fi rst such cells and to

date arc the most effic ient co nvert ing so lar

ne rgy into elec tr ic ity a t abo ut 15 per cem

effi c iency Arrays of crys tal li n sil icon ce lls present ly cos t in the nei ghborhood or

S$400 per sq uare metre to manufac ture

produc ing about 40 watts Photovo lta ic

thin- fi lm syste ms us ing semico nductors

o ther than single crysta l sil ic on are be ing

investigated in man y re~earc h ce ntre s

around the world

A pro mis ing approach is a cadmiui1l

sulfi dec uprous sul fide combi nat ion in

which the two sem ico nduc tors are laye red

on molybdenum the n covered w ith a transshyparent gold fil m T his thin-fi lm cons trucshy

tio n i ideal for solar devices explai ns

Profess ur Ro n Fawcett because large

surface areas are needed for maximum

exposu re to the sun

T he fabrication process devel oped by

Ro n and patented in 1980 in vo lve electroshy

depos iting cadmium sulfide o nto molybshy

denum then layering cuprous sulfide over the cadm ium sulfide by an ion exchange

process Finally the gold 11 1m is added by

vacuum de pos ition Ron es timates that

thi n-film de ices could be manufac tu red in

this way for about S$25 per squ are metre

E lectro pla ting of se m ic ondu ct ors

would enabl e photo voltai c dev ices to be

manu factured in a continuous process

rathe r than indi vidua lly as i required w ith

s ingle crysta l s ilic on Such ce lls ha ve

ach ieved conversio n of solar to electrica l

energy at an e ffi cienc y o f I per cent to date T he researchers are co nfide nt they can

achieve fi to 8 per cent cffi ieney compared

to the calcul ated max imum e ffi c iency of II

per cent Pro fessor Michae l oc ivera is ork ing

on photoe lec troc hem ical systems in which a

sem icond uctor electrode im mersed in an

elec tro lyte solution converts inci dent li g ht

into a n electric a l cu rren t Such se mishy

conductor lilju id junction cells offe r p racti shy

cal ad van tages because uf the sponta neom format ion o f a junc tio n I mproved effishy

ciency fo r po lycrysta lli ne sem iconductors

has been a hi eved in ce lb of th is type in part becau~e the liqu id estab li shes unshy

iformly good COntac t wi th the e l etrode

The li gh t -~ens it i ve electrode in photoshy

e lec trochem ical ce lls is a sem ic o nductor

e it her a thin-fi lm or s ingle c rysta l a tt ached

to a metal back ing the other e lec trode is an

inert me ta l T he e l ectrode~ are immersed in

~ n elect rol yte solutio n o f a mater ial that carl do nate and accep t elect rons The b igges t

prob lem with many li lj ui d junct io n ce lls

~ays Mike is photocorros iol1 of the su rshy

face of the se miconductor To overcome

thi s problem he is developing materi a ls and

techniques to coat the e lectrodes with proshy

tec tive materiab

The first liquid junction cells with a

sili con anode opera ted for only a matter of

seconds befo re the e lec trode was des troyed

by corrosion Researche rs at the Solar Energy Research Insti tu te in C o lorado

U SA have developed a silicon anode

w ith a polypyrro le protect ive coating which

can o perate for hund reds o f hours but that is

still not long eno ugh for a viable commershy

cia l syste m

M ike and his colleague are making a

syste matic study of compounds tha t wi ll

both protect the electrode from corrosion

and catal yze the elect rode rca tion They

arc now worki ng with organo me tall ic comshy

pounds co mpris ing a metal atom sulfur

and an aromatic co m pone nt containing a func tiona l group li ke hyd roxy l sul phonate

ammoni um and nitroso

hese compounds are effect ive beshy

ca use they prov ide a mechanism to transfer

a ch arge bet ween the se mi co nd uctor and the e lectro n donor in solut io n The coating mus t

also be transpilrent e nough to a llow the light

to s trike the photocleetrode

To date they ha ve suneeded in deshy

veloping fi ve coat ings su itab le fo r a variet y

or se miconduc tors incl uding the polyshy

crysta ll ine cadm ium su lfide e lectrodes fabshy

riltated by Ron Fawce tt s method If polyshy

crystalli ne elec trodes can be fab ri (a ted and

coated wi th a protec tive materia l electroshy

chemically they wi ll be relati ve ly inexpe nshy

ive to manufac ture If the tech niques and processe s be ing

inve ~l igated by Ron Fawce tt and Mike Coc ivera de ve lop to tht ir full poten tial the

su n cou ld beco me a more import ant supplier

o f e lectri city in Ca nada Long-range proshy

jectio ns suggest that about 10 per cent of No rth A m rican e lectr ic it y could be proshy

duced from solar convers ion

Elec tric ity fro m the sun is no longer a

pipe-dream-it is a reachable goa l n

Grad News Louise (Sandall) Platt BA 69 is living

in Islington and teaching for the Etobico ke

Board of Educati on

Alexander Barton BSc 70 MSc 74 is work ing on a Ph D deg ree in the

Departme nt of Fishe ries and W ildlife at

Orego n Sta te uni vers ity

Gerry Kupferschmidt BSc 70 MSc

71 is living at R R I Osgoodc and is

tmployed as a sc ientific ad ise r to the


Murray Ross Gingrich BSc 71 Ii ves in

Brampto n and is work ing as a probation

officer for the Ministry o f Correc tio nal


Robert Cross BSc 72 M D is workshy

ing in the emergency department o f the

So uth Muskoka Hospital in Bracebridge

Edda Duva (Home) Kerr BA 74 lives

in G ue lph and is working as a program

co-ordinator for Casatta Ltd in Kitchener

Deanne Ch)y BSc 78 Ii ves in Etob ishy

coke and is working as a public health

inspector for the Ham ilton Wentwo rth Reshy

gio nal Health Unit

Alex McDonald BSc 79 PhD 83 and his wife Rosanne ( DeNobriga) BSc

79 are living in Austi n Texas whil e Alex

is do ing post-doctoral work at the Unishy

vers ity o f Texas

Ste~en Oliver BSc 79 o f Hamilton is a

medica l sa les repre sentati ve with Cyanamid

Canada Inc

Gordon Knox BSc 79 is a con~ ul ta nt

with Inform ation Systems Serv ices in Vicshy

toria BC

George Gillson BSc 80 is taki ng a

Ph D in Anal ytica l C hemis try at the Uni shyve rsity of Alberta 0


The College o f Arts Alumni Associat ion

DELPHA Editor Debbie (Nash) Chambers 77

has no w acquired the Shaw Festival ArshyThe Deans Roundup chives on permanent deposit T his is an

Last fall I had the privilege of speakshy

ing to the direc tors of the University of G uelph Alumn i Assoc iation to bring them

up to date on some of the excit ing things connected with the College of Arts I am gratefu l to the editor of DELPHA for this

opportu nity to let alumni readers know what we are do ing

I am pleased to be able to report a subs tant ial increase in enrolment both in the

B A program and in the College o f Arts this past yea r What is especially nice is that this has coincided with a dec is ion to tighte n our

standards at the admissions level and in the regulations for continuatio n of study

In o rder to grad uate B A students

who entered the Spring 19~3 Semester will need to obtai n a C average in 60 per cent of the courses they take

Most of o ur students are doing thi s now and we do not antici pate this will pose any

problem for the students whom we are ad mitting Next year students en tering the

B A program will be required to have Grade 13 English and we are strongly encouraging them to offer a Mathematics credit o r o ne in French or ano ther language

Applications from students wish ing to enter the B A program in the Fall 1983 Semester

are up subs tantia lly over last yea r I also want to share with you some

ha ppenings which have brought special delight to me

The U ni ve rsi ty of Guelph Choir

under director Ge rald e ufeld won second prize in the 1982 CSC nation al chora l competition

In the Harbourfront a rt show last

sum mer three o f o ur students had works se lected by the jury and each won a prize shya better show ing than any of the other O nshy

tario universities or colleges which entend T he C anadian- American Urban Hisshy

tory Co nference held at G uelph in A ugust

1982 was a tremendous success bringing sc holars from many parts of the United States and Canada to discuss new trends in urban studies

Dean David Murray

In the space of just a few months I have seen seven books published by faculty in the Co llege The subjects include Rudyard

Kipl ing Greek Philosophy Urban History Evolution and Darwinism Reli gion and Tolerance the dramatist Gra nville Barker

and a nove l written in French Last summer also saw the completion

of a very successful facu lty exchange beshy

tween o ur Department of Eng lish and the

Uni vers ity of Reading in Britain Dr Leslie Monkman went to Reading for the year and Dr Coral Howell s visited Guelph This

opportunity enab led Dr Howells to study modern C anadian writers and she is now

working o n a book to be published in Britain o n Canadian women wri ters Dr

Mo nkman lectured on Canadian literature at various places in Britain and in France as well as in Reading

T hro ugh the e fforts of the Department of Drama and its chairman Dr Leonard

Conolly and C ollections Librarian Jo hn Moldenhauer 68 the Uni versi ty Library

ex tremely valuab le re sou rce for theatre

scholars a nd the Univers ity is ve ry pleased to have a closer connection with the Shaw Festi val The Drama Department also has

Professor Dan Laurence the world s leadshying Shaw scholar as a distinguished Visitshy

ing Professor lor the ra il Semester Two large conferences were organized

during the Spring and Summer by faculty

and students in the Co llege Professor Ted Cowan of the History Department was in charge of the Scottish Heritage Festival held in uelph in May The Fes tival was a

ce lebrati on of the S co t~ 1d their contribushytion~ to Canada

In Au gust the Uni vers ity will host a major conference o n Common wealth lite rashy

ture bringing writers and schol ars to Guelph from allover the Com monweal th Professor Doug K illam chairman of the Department of English and a number o f col leagues are

now busily preparing to welcome guests from around the world

Through our liaison programs we have pioneered special day - long seminars at the

niversity for gifted children in Wellington County T he se programs are part of o ur commitment to assist secondary schools in meeting the challe nges of special education

J know many o f you will also be interes ted in knowing that last sLi mmer the

College awarded three new scholarships two of the m honouring the cont ribution made by former faculty members J Percy

Sm ith and W Stanford Reid The other marked the first presentation of the Edward Johnson Music Foundation scholarships for students in the music program

We are al l ac ute ly co nscious of the

financial pressure affecting the UnivLr ~ ity

of Guelph and othe r Canadian unive rsities

But we mus t no t le t these pressures detract from the vision of academic excellence to

which we are committed J think you will agree from the exaln ~Jk middot ha ve cited that this vision continues to glow brightly in spite of our financial plight We hope we can

co ntinue to co unt on your advice and your suppurt 0


It Was a Very Good Year T he Direc tor or the College of Arts Alumni Assoc iation have had a bus y year In January we launched o ur hrst Caree rs i lglll for in -coure stude nlgt Thanks to the exce lle nce and enthusiasm of our pane l l1len1bcr the evening was a success

Careers Night is to become an annual event and we would appreciate you r particishypation Any Art s grads wh o wo uld like to

vo lunteer their expertise for the e vening please do not hesita te to contact us

The Directors were also busy a rshyranling the second an nu al art show shyDI MENSIO NS middotS3 Due to the treme nd ous response to DI M ENSIOtS 82 the art show co mmittee organized DIM ENSIO NS 83 as aJu ricd show We are hoping that nex t yea r we will be able to mount a photography show as well a an art sho w

As you are probably aware in 1970 Wellington College was reo rganized into the Colleges of Arts Physic al Sc ience and Socia l Science This year our Assoc iation was asked to se lect a new College logo Thankgt to Dean Dav id Murray and the Deans Counc il we were given permission to use the graphics on the College of Art s Gold Medal It can be see n in the masthead of thi s issue The logo was designed by Erich Barth art dire ctor Department of [nshyformation and enco mpasses the di verse di s shycipiJnes fou nd within the College of Arts

Grad News Catharine (Gilnerlson ) Scott 70 is a wage and salary anal ys t tnivers it y of Waterl oo

Linda la) Bell 72 i the assistant conshysultant for thlto gifted We llington County Boa rd of Education GueJph

Lynn Barbeau 74 is the curator Educa shytion and xtension Macdo nald Stewart Art

entre Guelph

Wltlynr WellJauler 75 is corpora te mar shyke ting manager Gore Mutua l In surance Company Cambridgc

Renate Fisc her 76 is a consultant with the Woods Gordon Divisio n of Cl arkson Go rdon Chartered Acco untants Kitchener

jane Morley O AC MSc 81 is a career co nsultant Counse llin g and Student Reshysource Centre Un iversity of Guelph

Through the generos ity of the Alma Mater Fund our Assoc iation has been able to e stablish nv e sc holars hip s Thre e DELPHA awards for Gue lph alumni to continue their slUdi es at the gradu ate level at the University and two awa rds for part-time mature students These awards are greatly appreciated by the students who have reshyce ived th e m

Congratulatio ns are th e order of the day for Juli e (Russe ll ) Thur 78 Associashytion past pre sident and Linda Mackenz ie shyCordi ck 8 1 Assocration secre tary treas shyurer on the birth of their daug hters in March We wi sh them joy in their yo ung-

David Dell 76 is the in fo rmation o ffic er Reg ion of Pee l Brmiddotampton

jeff Miller 82 is a s tage manager for Profes sional Theatres Toronto

The above eight alumni were panel )11ember-s at our first annual Careers sJ ig ht held ea rlier th i yea r On ce again we offer our sincere thanks for their pani ci pation

lhugarel Reare 68 is senior research o f hee l Minis try of th e Soli citor General Ottawd

William Thiels 73 is a sys te ms analyst with Eas tman Kodak CO Roche ster t Y US A

Shardie D SteHnson 77 is assistant marketing manager Marsh and 1cLennan Ltd Winnipeg Man

Donald Syme 77 is with marketing pe rsonne l IC F Sydne y Australia

sters and look forward to the ir continued help in the Assoc ia tion in the future

C Nould lik e to re mind our fell ow alu mni to jo in or renew their membership in our Association De hbie ( Nash) Cham bers 77 editor of DF LPH A wo uld lik e any Ideas lor future artick that vould catch your interes t Our Assoc iati o n would also apprec ia te heari ng from you re gardin g eve nts that you wou ld be interested in attending Pl ease drop us a line in order that we may serve you better thus ~ eeping the line of co mmunic ation oren bet ween you and yo ur Alma v1ater

In closing I would like to acknowlmiddot edge With great a pprec iati o n the a istance that has been o ffclTU our Board of Direc tors over the pasl year

As al ways Dea n David Murray has bee n a va lued ad visor I wo uld li ke to thank Professor Ted Cowa n Department o f History for his Sprin g 19K3 OEPHA article on the Scottish Heritage Festival and Judy (Ma in) Ca rson 75 for he r help in preparalron of feature articles Spec ial thank s arc also ex tended to Rosemary Clark Mac 59 Asis tant Director Proshyg rams Dep artment of Alumni Affairs and Deve lopment and our Board of Directo rs who have wo rk ed so hard to mak e thi s a successful year

The term of 19X2-B3 has been a very grati fying one for all mem bers of the Associations Boa rd o t Directors We loo k for ward to 19K3-K4 anJ hope to hear from you Q

J ane Francis 78 is With Ilublic relations Vancouver Stock EXchange Vancou ver B C

Jonie Bunce 79 is a teacher 01 Art English and Thcatre Arts at 1 A Turn er Secondary School BrdrllptOl

Deborah Salmon 79 is married to Richard Light BS( 80 and li ves in Japanec Shc worb for the Empl o) mc nt and Im migrati on Commi ssion dnd Ri chlrJ works for a darrv in Kin gs to n

Shelagh Stevens 79 it station U)lllrshytwlle r Department o f -J atiunal [dc nce in f ova Slmiddototia

lidwtl Glanb 81 is a supervisor mar shyke ting comrlluni~ations Pitney-Bowe s oj

Canada Ltd Don Mill s

john (llanllllUnd ) Zelasko 81 rs ~ I

courtr(lOrn artist WKBW Buffalo New Ymk US I C



Alumnus of

Honollr 1983

Helen Christine AbeD Mac 38D

Amo ng the forerunners in the fie ld of rural soc iol ogy not only in Canada

but throughout the world and with a long career as a professor in numerous un iversities ac ross Canada Dr Helen C Abell has und oubted ly do ne much to promote a world -w ide reputation for her Alma Mater

Dr Abell has been most active in a numbe r of United Nat io ns programs designed to foster development of th ose in the Third World countrie s Although os ten sibl y retired she still co nt inues her wo rk as a cons ult ant in Socio-Economic De ve lopme nt assisti ng in develop ing sho rt -term project s as the occasion ari ses

As well as a Macdona ld Ins titu te Diploshyma Dr Abell obtained a BHSc (H ome Economics) from the Universi ty of Toro nto in 1941 and an MS (Human Nutrition) and a Ph D (major Rural Sociology and Agri cul shytural Economics) from Cornell University in 1947 and 1951 re specti vel y 0

Page 22: Guelph Alumnus Magazine, Summer 1983

Scholarships In the Names of

Ronald and PoweU The CBS Alumni Association is pleased to announce the introduction of a scholarship for graduate students in the name of Proshy

fessor Keith Ronald Professor Rona ld as of July I had served for 12 years as the first dean of the CBS and the awarding of a

sc holarship in his name is a fitting tribute to

all he has done fo r the College the Univershys ity and the CBS Alumni Assoc iation

The Hum an Kine tics Alu mni Assoc iashy

tion anno unced its intention to name an undergraduate scholarship in the School of Human Biology in the name of Dr John T Powell as he retires from the Unive rsity in 1984

Do nations to eithe r or both of these

sc holarship funds shou ld be sent direc tl y to the Department of Alumni Affairs and Development-clearly ind icati ng to which sc ho la rs hip your donation is to be alloca ted - or when contributing to the Alma M ater F und noting that your monie s

be channeled to the sc holars hip of yo ur choice 0

Grad News Biological S cience

Lesley (Wilson) Barton 73 and Bruce 70 MSc 74 live in Keremeos B C R R No I VOX JNO will find them

E thel Anita Hamilton 79 and hu sband

Wayne Barcha r d 76 MSc 79 live in Hali fax NS where Ethel is a habitat proshy

tec tion technician with fishe ries and Oceans while Wayne is head Office Assessment Scction Environment Canada 3rd Floor 45 Alderney Drive Dartmouth N S

Marilynne (Wise) McCausland 77 is a research microbiolog ist with Molson Bre wshyeries of Canada Ltd and may be reached at 1555 No tre Dame East Montrea l Que H2L 2R5

Michael W Tate 79 write s mos t kindly thanking us for kee ping people in touch through th is column He is a teac her at Mo rnings tar Secondary School in Mi ss isshysauga

Natalie Mary Olynyk 79 may be reached at 3 120 Duffer in Street in T oronto where she is re staurant manager for Olyn yk Foods Ltd

Marine Biology

Gl en A Packman 74 and Sharon (Noda ) Arts 72 li ve at 21 Albion Road Hali fax S B3P IP8 Glen is a senior

biologist with En vironment Canada

Jo l1n Plumb 76 and M arianne (Conshynoly ) 77 may be reached at 37 Coldstrea m Road Box 303 Munster Ont KOA 3PO John works as an indu strial engineer with

the Mitel Corporation - Kan ata

Human Kinetics and Human Biology

Joy (Reid) Tomes 70 is a team coshyordinator with the Workman s Co mpensashytion Board- 2 Bloor St East Toronto Ont oM7W IA2

Terry Obi Oblinski 71 holds the pos it io n of supervisor with the 3M Comshypa ny at 2 Craig Street Pe rt h Onto K7 H 3C5

Robert T a p Fawcett 72 teac hes at the W 1 Fenton Secondary Schoo l R R 0 10 in Brampton Ont L6V 3 2

Marie-Andree (Pi lon) Poulin now teache h igh school in Montreal write her at 76 Lesage Repent igny Que J3A 5Y5

Dr Tom Elmslic 74 M-Sc 77 is a g lutton for punishment as he isjust complet ing another MSc this time in Epidemi o lshyogy at McM as ter University preparatory to his return to Ottawa

Glen Paterson 78 of 16 Da lto n A ve nue T hunder Bay On t P7B 4E9 is ea rl y chi ldhood educato r with the Confederation o f Applied Art s and Technology B ro ther Larry R Paterson g radu ated with a BLA in 69

Eric bullbull Art Arthurs 80 is s till at 12272 shy110 Avenue Edmonton Alta T5M 2L3 He work s for Consolidated Concrete Limshyi ted as a dragl i ne opera tor

Henry Fox 81 lives at 1520 Verdi La Salle Que H8l I K4

Christine (Krumbacher) F()se 81 may be reached at Box 252 2 Banff Alta TOL OCO

Ch rist ine (Novakuske) Lavallee MSc 81 is a stude nt again stud ying French and living at 0428A Larose A ve nue Mo nt real Que H2B 2Z2

Ginger (Thompson) Elmore 81 seeks work in the geriatric field Are you able to help Write he r please at 107 Ontario Avenue Komoka Onto NOL IRO

Don Doc Wilson 81 is physica l direc tor at the Waterloo Family YMCA Lincol n Road Waterloo Ont N2J 2N8

Jan McMullan 82 ne wly wedded to Mark Newcombe MSc 83 is presently ass istant manager - Ri ordan s Sport S 183 Silvercreek Parkway in Guelph She tells us of four co usins who have g raduated fro m Guelph - Brenda (Bu lton) Dagg CSS 72 Bryce Dagg 72 Donald Sifton 70 and Bonnie (Sifto n) W alsh C SS 72

Fisheries and Wildlife

Lorna l Depuydt 77 is a price specia li st with Massey-Fe rg uso n Her adshydress is 3941 Whispering Wa No 6 Grand Rapids Mich USA 49506

Steven Kerr 77 works as di s trict biologist for the Mi nistry of Natu ra l Reshysources - 611 Ninth Avenue Eas t O wen Sound Ont NOH IS O

Richa rd P Bekolay 77 MSc 80 R R N o ) Carp Ont KOA ILO is a program analyst with Digital Equipment Corporation at Kanata

Marie Legrow 80 is once aga in a s tudent at Gue lp h li ving in Guelph at [02 Queen St reet North IE 4S I


Ann (Stewart) Gray 79 and husband Dr eil Gray 76 li ve at 40) - 251 Platts Lanc in London Ont N6 H 4P4 Ann is a re search assistant at the Universi ty of We stshyern Ontari o

Robe- W Marks 81 is a production trainee with Labatt Brewin g Comp any in Kitchene r


Dr Rob J Van Exan 74 MSc 76 PhD79 ho lds the position of manager Cell Culture Produc tion with Connaught Laboratories 1755 Steeles Avenue West Will owdale Ont M2R 3T4

Chuck Yipchuk 78 wo rks in Quebec 87 Senneville Road Sennev ille a s c oshyordinator of da ta at Bi o- Re search Laboratori es

Dr Harr y Nixon Chabwela W eza MSc 79 P h D 82 may be contacted at loni Katandika Vtllage Chief Kakumbi P O Box 154 Chipata Za mbia where he is a bio log ist wi th National Parks

Douglas Stendahl MSc 79 is with the -federal government s Minist ry o f Indian Affairs and Northe rn De velopment- P O Box 1500 Yukon N W T He is water quality officer


Rick Proctor 80 is a consultant with I P Sharp Associates 2 First Canadian Place Toronto Ont M5X IE3 0


The Ontario Agricultural College Alumni Association

ALUMNI NEWS EdJtor Dr Harvey W Caldwell 51

Financial Management Related to Agriculture One of the main sessions at the OAC Agricu ltural Conference 83 dealt wit h financial management as it relates to agricu lture Robert Sanderson who is with the Ontario Farm Adjustment Asshysistance Program was a main speaker and presented the following paper

Ten years ago most farmers were smilingshyagr icu lt ure see med to have finally gained its reward Worl d short age s of food provided ampl e markets and steadily rising prices lor prac tica lly all crops

Thi s idea li s ti c situation continued for a co uple of years until the granaries of the wo rl d were refi li ed De mand then norshyma li zed and pri ces for most agricultural prod ucts hega n to dec line In spite of price dec lines and li mited markets co nsiderable optimi sm conti nued to be fe lt o n the farm sce ne thro ughout mos t of the 1970s

Late in that peri od infl a ti on reall y ca ught fi re rai sing inpu t cos ts for supplie s and labour The ri se in land pri ces exceeded the most optimis tic es timates during this sa me time

In an a tte mpt to s te m thi s ra mpant infla tio n interes t rates increased almost threefo ld beg inning In 1979 and the world hega n it s slide into recession Farml and prices ceased to r ise in 198 1 and are now crumbli ng wi th uncer tain ty and lac k o f demand

We have no doub ts abo ut th e successshyful future o f ag ri cult ure hcre in Ontari o but today for many farmers adj ugtt me nts are necessa ry to remain so lve nt and for too many oth ers bo th adj ustme nts and so me ass iq an ce are necessary for their prese nt and future surviva l

There are some who are beyo nd he lp and farm bankru ptcies are at their highest leve l since the grea t Depression o f the 1930s These cond it io ns brought about the crea tio n of the On tari o Farm AdJustmcn t Ass istance Program (OFA AP) T hi s proshygram during 1 9~2 has bee n assisting eli g ible farmers who needed he lp

The re are two prime reaso ns fo r


fin anci al woes cited by appl ican ts - high interes t rates and lower farm incomes On the other hand the prime reaso n fo r ~ome

farmen probl ems e ited by lenders is ove r-e xpansion We be li eve both views are va lid and unques ti onabl y are respo ns ible for the prese nt ago ny and unres t on 100

many Ontario farms Le nde rs cite seve ral o the r importa nt

reaSl)l1S whic h also bea r o n the prob le m The borrowers oft e n refe r to them too but usuall y wit h di fferen t emphasis ThcY em shyphas ize the c lt treme instability of fa rm income the se rious lac k of pro per pl an ning bu dge ting accmatc farm record and fin all y the practice of making unprodu ctive investmcnts

Because of the qualifying criteria asshysociated ith an application for as s istan ce from OfAAP one must keep in mind that our observations are limited to about 10 per ce nt of Ontario farm operatlolls That 10 per ce nt is cl ose to the bottom of the gro up on the bas is o f financial sec urity OFA AP assista nce is limited to those produc ing Iood and tobacco Therefore data regard in g proshyducers of fl owers nursery stock race shyhorscs etc ha ( no t come he fore us and the financ ial ituati ons ltlr not inc luded in any of o ur informati o n

Applica ti ons have been appro ved for farmers operating all across the pro vince

Of the to tal approved about 20 per ce nt were in swine prod uctio n abou t 15 per ce nt were in eac h of cash crop prod uction da iry producti on and beef prod uct ion 4 per cen t were in fruit and vege ta ble prod uctio n 3 pel cent were tobacco fa rmers and the Ies t co mbinations of the above Those farm ers producing etgs and poultry were fe w

I n a review of appli ca tio ns for OFAAP ass istance several COl1ll1lo n sce nari os co nshytin ue to ap pear on a so me what re petiti ve has is and are ca tegorized as fo ll ows

1 Young or Beginning Farmers

Th ose under 35 years o f age wen res pons ishybl e for nearl y ha lf o f a ll the app li cati ons In thi s gro up are many who have Just begun fa rm ing Mo~ t of these arc victims of inopport un e tim ing hav in g acq uired land buildings and equ ipme nt be twee n 1979 and 19R2 For the m the combinati on o f lower th an ex pee ted prices of farm produc ts and the extre me inc reases in the ir fi na nc ing charges due to hi gh interes t rates_ have becn dlvas tatin g This is partic ul arl y true where Illos t assets were fi nanced the bcg inshyning equit y be in g Illodes t

2 The Aggres sive Expansionist

Many farmers who did well farming on a

modlst basis in the mid-70s dec ided that s ince o ne farm was pro fitabl e two wo uld be bette r three be tter than two Aggress ive

expan sion mos tl y on c redit du ring this i ntl a tio nary pe riod produced many paper millionaires in the farm co mmunity by the late 70s The elation fo r some of these

fa rmers d id not lasl far into the 80s T hose with 100 much bo rro wed cap ital

found that the ir farm income c ul d not

support the debt load So me of these

atlcmpted fu rthe r borro wing in an e ffort to mai nta in their ho l ding ~ and fo und ou t like o thers before them th at it is imposs ible to

borro w your way out of debt O thers so ld or tried to sell some o f the ir land o r eq uipment in an effort to re ti re at leasl o me of the ir cri ppling de bt and there by salvage at

least a part o f the ir operation

One rather sad varia tio n o f this las t s itua tion occ urs occ as io na lly whe re a

farmer who has had a succes~ fu l and so lvent opera tion decide to ex pand to a llow a son

o r so n- in-law into the bus in ss because of a des ire on the part of the young per on to

farm or occasionally because he is no t employed The expansion in Jand and eljuipment particularly if it occu rred in the

last three years and if it were do ne mainl y o n credit with a mortgage taken on his once so lvent operation has robbed the farmer of

his security and his peace of mind Furthershy

mo re in some of these s ituations the disappointed newcomer in the bus iness moved on leaving dear o ld dad to make the best of it

3 The Equipment Enthusiast

Another scenario concerns the man who is o bsessed with the need to ac quire equipshyment or to make add ition s and improveshy

ments to a lready adequate buildings To pay

for it out of the revolvi ng operating loan or to finance it in other ways withou t first having established that it will pay for itself will inevitably c reate financial problem s

Whe re there has been a general disregard for thi s kind of purchas ing the end resu lt has usually been disas trous

4 Natural Disasters

We regularly see the result s of natural

disas ters - floods windstorms hail frost disease and fires All of the se misfortunes can be c rippling to any operation but when adequate insurance coverage is not carried or if one of these di sasters occur whe n a farmers equity is low or when hi s princi pal and interest charges consume much o f his income it can be disastrous to his economic

pos ition

5 Family Unity

From OFAAP applicatio ns it is noted that some farmers who experience a marriage break- up seem to have diffi culty maintainshy

ing fi nanc ial solvency W hen asse ts are

di vided and whe n atte nt ion to management

is di e r ted hccause o f family pro blems the farm operation is often morta ll y wounded

Farmers and farm op ratnr are much more vulnerable in this si tua tio n because thei r

wives arc o ften much more invol ved in the e lllerprise than in non- farm situations

6 Offmiddot Farm Income

Appl ications incl ude a great nu mher of

insta nces in which if it were not fo r 0 ffmiddot fa rm income o f either the farmer or his wife or

occas io na lly both the ir farm o peratio n wo uld be tota lly un viable and unab le to continue to fu nc tion It is well the n fo r

those in th se c ircumstances to r cogniu tha t if the off-farnl inco me should e nd it wo uld also mea n the te rmination of the

farming operatio n

7 Enterprise Changes

A review 0 f appli ca tions indicates that some

farmers are hoping to comple tely change

thei r c rop or li ves toc k programs attemptin g perhaps to outguess the marke t and to

improve their financial return s Sometimes the expectation in vo lved in the dec is ion is

correct but so o ften when the costs inshyvol ved in the c hange are considered little

has been gai ned and where the deci s ion to change was unwi se co nsiderable loss is

usually the result The ot her extreme to this

situation is rigidity to the poi nt of makin g no changes at all

8 Manage ment

The management ability of any applicant

farmer is difficult to assess Most applicants are not known and there is no opportunity to assess the actual farm operation Ho wever

experience with OFAA P emph asizes that good financial management is c ritical to the

success of any farm operation Here is a li s t of definite Do and

Do nts that should be much in the minds of farmers operating in the present financial climate All of these suggestions re tlect the ex periences we have had working with

appli ca tions for O FAA P

The Definite Dos

Do base an operation on an informed farm

plan keep ing and using good record~ and approved acco unting proced ures Do work c losely wi th the credit source shy

usually the banker Plan and work within

approved revo lving ope rating loan limits Make regular cred it payments when due and when unable to make p ro per arrange shy

ments ahead of time w ith your c reditor or credito rs Do make necessary adju stme nts in land and equipm e nt befo re u nder tak ing further borrow in g Do shop around for cred it and i nve~ tig ate

ava il ah le programs to cu t credit cos ts Do pay off on loans when surplus cas h is

ava il able It won t be any fun but it w ill

he lp to re tain sol vency Do try to ma intai n stability in your far m o peration and kee p the peace a t h IllC

Do seek the professi o nal adv ice of you r ag ric ultu ra l represe ntative anJ Ir indwtry fiel d per~on ne I

The Definite Donts

Dont borrow for capita l items unless they

are abso lu te I y necessary Dont make capi ta l purchases with funds

frolll your revo lvi ng opera ting account w ithout co nsul ta tion and agreeme nt with

the bank manager Dont expand any operation without sound

pl ann ing Dont plunge and make rapid changes in

the ope rati ng patte rn without so und consultation 0

Partners For 70 Years

Arthur Cowie 09 now 95 and his wife Nina now 92 were married March 19 1913 near Nel son B C They li ved in

HC for three years then returned to Caledo nia where Arthur worked for the A

Jone s bakery He returned to the 200-acre farm homestead in 1922 when his father

was kill ed in a farm accident Arthur se rved in the 19305 and early

19405 as co uncillor and also served as

a Ju s tice of the Peace for the farm communit y

Nina Co wie whose g reat lo ve was

dancing has onl y one regre t and that is tha t she could never get her hu sband o nto the -dance floor The Scotti ~ h dances Hig hlan d

tlin gs and Scotti sh reels made hi s head spin He played the record s and watched

from the sidelines while ina did the danc ing

They have no secrets tor a long happ y marriage excep t working at it Theyve

done Jus t tha t for 70 years Bes t wishes to them both 0


OACGrads on Faculty at Nova Scotia Ag College

Lauranne Sanderson M Sc 81 is with the Humanities Department She specialized in Animal Science in her undershygraduate years but added to that a master program in Agricultural Economics Lauranne has lived on a mi xed lives t()c k and cash crop farm in southern O ntario At the No va Scotia Agricultural College (NSAC) she is teaching Tec hnical W riting but is specializing in the area of Com munications and Agricultural Extension

Barbara (Otrysko) Mulkewytch 78 MSc 81 is with the Plant Science Deshypartment Prior to her appointment at NSAC she was employed as a potato crops specialist with the New Brunswick Departshyment of Agriculture Her teaching and research will include projects on potato and crop protect ion

Yes Surry MSc 81 is with the Economics and Busi ness De partment Yves was born in Pamiers France has an M A fro m the nivers ity of Pari s and is in the process of completing his Ph D from Guelph Yves has a strong interes t in teachshying and his research interests hould be a welcome addition to the reg ion He is pre sent ly teaching courses in Micro and Macro Economic Theory

Laurie (Gaunt) Connor 73 is w ith the Department of Animal Science She earned MSc and Ph D degrees specia li zi ng in reproduct ion phys iology from the nivershysity o f Manitoba Prior to joining NSAC she was a NSERC Vi iting Fellow at the Animal Research Centre in Ottawa Her teaching and research work is mainly in the re producti ve physiology field

Also at NSAC are Sheree Porter CSS 79 and Myrna (Porter) Blenkhorn 76 John Shug 37A and 40 is the sec re tary o f the Nova Scotia Agricultural College Alumni Association 0

Please help us to help you When corresponding or upshydating information or address do tell us not only your year of graduation but your discipline

Th ree generatiuns of heramify were present when fleather Rohinson right centre FACS 83 graduated ut Wim er Convocation With her f rom [eji to righture her grandfather John Inglis her moth er Vlarirn (Inglis ) Robinson Mac 55 0 member of the Uni versirys Boord of Govern ors ond her father Doug Rohinson 53

Above Mllrrav Ma cGregor 5 1 lei with the winners of the OAC s 25th annual Alumni Curling Bon spiel Left to right GeorRe Robinson 651 Mu rrav Elliotl 65A Keith Murru 65A and Jern- Forestell 6511 Right OAC Alumni Associashytion president Hell ry Slanle 55 right was preslntedwith un engraved pewta stein to recugnie 25 years of participation ill Ihe bOlspiel Conshygratuluting Henry is Bill Harrison 62 bonspiei commillee chuirman


the individual members excellence andThe Ronald S Ritchie Le cture integri ty

This idea for the new body was not accepted by members of Cabinet They

The Opening Up of PubHc PoHcy The Opening Up of Public Policy was

Selllior Michael Piffields fopic when he

delifred fhe annual Ronald S Rifchie

LeclUre of fhe UniversifY in March

A Rmduafe ofSf Lawrence Universify

17 ( graduafed in lawjrom McGill UniversifV

and holds a Rrodlla fe diploma in Public La w

Fom Ih e UlliversifY ofolIa wa H efirsl joined Ihe Public Service as an

wlminislrafive assiSfam in Ihe Depa rimem

oJuslice in 1959 Ialer served onlhe sraffof Ih e Goernor General and as secrelary fO

117 1 Royal Commission on Taxalion In 1965

he joined Ihe Privy Council Office He

became depuly minisler of Consumer and

Corporafe Affairs in 1973 and Ihe followshy

inli year lOok up an appoinfmem as Fellow

in fhe John F Kennedy School of Governshy

mOl (If Harvard Un iversifY In 1975 he

relurned 10 Ollawa as Clerk of fhe Privy

Council and Se crelarv 10 Ihe Cabinel

The annual leclre recognizes Ihe comrihwion made 10 fhe Universily by

former Board of Govemors chairman

ROllald S Rilchie A reporl on Senafor Piffields presemalion follows

Senator Pitfield paid tribute to Rona ld Ritchie his important work in the Glassco Commission and his influence in the estabshylishment of the Institute for Research on Public Policy

In thi s th oug htful and thoughtshyprovoking presentation Senator Pitfield outlined the need for and the desirability of more open discussion before policies are introduced but there are some very real difficulties associated with de vel oping some me chanis m that could foster and encourage such exchanges of ideas

[t was pointed out that because of the high degree of interdependency of modern society and the size and complexity of governments the making of public polic y must be an intellectual subject in its own right not just a conglomeration of di scishyplines It had become evident that

I A methodical analysis of government activity could lead to improvements in government effectiveness

2 Traini ng in making and managment of public policy was crucial and urgent

3 There were few in government who knew why things were done the way they were

4 The making and management of pubshylic policy was a subject unique in itself and required thinking through for itself

5 Universities and other training institushytions were not very useful in this training process universities being too removed from the actual experience of government and the government institutions being withshyout the detachment and intellectual rigour needed

Thus it became evident that there was a need for an institution that would be a repository of knowledge a pl ace of learnshying a foru m for debate and a means of communication co ncerning public policy

Proposal s emerged that the federal go vernment should assis t some of the organizations already in existence Comshypetition became keen and rivalry among institutions re su lted in grander more comshyplex proposals As a result the federal go vernment in 1968 decided to establish a think-tank of its own to take a more rigorous look at public polic y

The idea was not new In many countries the general thinking was that all problems could be so l ved by inrelleclUal anal ysis and the appl ication of modern techshyniques But the ne w Trudeau go vernment went even beyond providing more data It included public debate of public policy

But the think-tank was only one of the initiatives to aid in the formation of policies There was support for political parties through caucus funding offi ce space support staff and regional offices for Members of Parliament and internsh ip programs for students to work as assistan ts to MPs

Other support included green and white papers for discussion commissions of inquiry task forces public funding of non-political grou ps to encourage discusshysion and many others to increase the flow of information for consideration of alternashytives All were done to open up the process o f meaningful debate which would result in more effective and sound decisions

The th ink-tank was to be a centre for var ious kinds of people to di scuss public policy subjects which were often set aside because of day to day pressures At first it was to be very informal with distinguished people invited to participate Its integrity and permanency would be based on that of

were concerned that existing research instishytutes would be damaged They also wanted in volvement of business and professional communities This challenge to broaden the scope was gi ven to Ron Ritchie

Ritchie foresaw an institution that would be independent supported by an endowment which would not only support but st imu late debate on public policy

Man y fears were raised - that such a body would be taken o ver by academics that it would become a clique that govern shyments would battle for control etc But these were dealt with skillfully by Ritch ie and the Institute for Researc h on Public Policy was establ ished

What of its accomplishments~ This institute has been successfu l in

many ways in getting better information into debate [n the ten years since its beginning many studie s have been pubshyli shed It has held many informat ive confershyences and has a unique journal Howeve r despite its efforts open and meaningful debate on public policy is not much more advanced tod ay than it was a decade ago

It is evident that to ach ie ve its objecshytives there mu st be a willingess to change opi nions and the Canadian sys tem prov ides few forums for the changing of minds The bias is towards decision-makers and interest groups not open and meaningful debate

Public debate often takes pl ace after rather than before the decision is taken Thi s may not be what is wanted but policy-making is tilted not tow ards being open but towards being closed

Why has there not been more progress [n h is pre se ntation Mi chael Pitfield refershyred to the fact that the go vernment whose people should discuss the si tuation has become even more confrontational not because of lack of information but because of rigidity in their approach to discussion of public policy

As govern ment ha s grown so have checks and balances which recently have often been linked to lack of confidence Where slim majorities exist a strong opposhysi tion can threaten the government Party di sc ipline becomes severe and ai ring of independent views is discouraged The fear of a government being defeated on the one shyhand and the unyielding demands ot the opposition on the other tends to make the parliamentary process less and less flexible

The result of the foregOing is the tendency of government in modern times to drop solutions on a public th at may not be aware of the problems These solutions are not open to argu ment and debate is reduced

conld over


w ith bias tending towards a cl osed system and less debate

To improve the situation it seems it wlluld be necessary to have a mutual and

ba lanced reduction of force on both sides

The ge neral equilibrium of the system needs to be ma in tained W hat is needed is the reduction of secre tiveness of the gove rn shyment on one side and a reduc tion of the

danger of e mbarrass ment or de fea t of the govern men t on the other side

T here must be a wil li ngness to secure

more ope n debate on al l sides and our

leaders ha ve not done that e ven on m ost import ant issues More ope n and rneltll1 ingshyful deba te will require more thi nk ingshy

thro u middoth - something Mc mbers of Parlishy

ame nt may not he able to do or be free to do or have the necessary knowledge to do But the id ea behind the Institute for Remiddot

search on Public Policy was tha t such a body could bring about better decisions

All publi c problems cannot be solved by thought and tech nolog ics but few can be solved without these contr ibutions

The Institute for Research on Public Policy cannot create better public policies

by itself It must have input from all sectors to bring about more open and meaningful public debate which will result in constant

improvement of government - somethin g

that everyone desires 0

Grad News Herb Nor ry M Sc 52 has moved to

London as a farm business advisor wit h

O M AF working in eight counties

Denny Silvestrini PhD 5R is director of quality controlresearch and de velopment Eskimo Pie Corporation Ric hmond Virshy

ginia SA He had served as manager quality control and product deve lopment

Ralston Purina Co mpany St Luuis M isshysouri U SA

John Hagarty 61 is manager fi e ld

service s Rural O rganizati ons and Serv ice s Branch OMAF Guelp h

Ismail Siragcldin Ph D 62 is professor Department of Population Dynami cs and

Political Economics the Johm Hopkins

University Baltimore Md S A

Arlene (Fournier) 65 and Dick Flis

MSc 65 are in Edmo nton Alta where Dick is petroleum products manager wes tmiddot ern Canada Imperia l Oil Ltd

Craig Hunter 66 is pre sident Cra ig

Hunter Poult ry Farms Ltd Stro ud

Colin Triver s 67 is a consulting e ngineer and On tario land surveyor for e G Trivcrs

Ltd T he ssalon

Peter Mosher Ph D 70 is director

bureau of agric ultural prod uctio n Depart shyment of Agriculture Ba ngor Me USA

Cordon Brown 76 is sen ior food techshynolog is t new prod ucts process developshy

ment Tho masJ Lipton Inc in Bram pton

Martel C outure MSc 76 is acting di rec tor d iploma progra m Macdonald Colshy

lege Ste nne de Belle vue Que

Charlie Ellintt 78 vnfe Ja ne and

first -born Ian C harles born Jan uary 20

1983 are living near S hetland C harlie is now working fo r Elliott Bros G rain and Feed Ltd

Dennis Ring 78 is credit manager Farm C redit Corp C hatham H is wife is Carnl (Weeks) 79

R Cunrad Genee 79 is a sales represhy

sentative with CIBA-Geigy Canada Ltd in

Winnipeg Man

Howard Armstrong RO is an industrial

engineer with the B utler Ma nufacturing Co (Canada) Ltd Nisku Alta

Bruce Broadbent PhD 80 is a research scientist entomology with Agriculture

Canada Vineland Station

Mic hael Tulloch 80 has been accepted as

a professional engineer by the Council of the APEO He now manages engineering functions for eG Trivers Ltd Thessalon

BruceGitelman 81 will be joining Wood G undy Ltd Investment Broke rs as a

corporate finance associate in September

Danicllc Wenstrom 81 is a quality a ss urance su pe rvisor for Pil lsb ury of Canada Ltd M idland

Christine Deslandes MSc R2 is a lecturer at Alfred Col lege of Agricu ltu re

and Food Technology A I fred

Diploma Graduates

Donald Morley 68A is ge nera l ma nager De Marco Homecare Ce ntre Sutton West

Jeffrey Currah 74A is marke ting man shyage r Fortam ix-a division of BASF

Canada Inc Georgetown

Brian Roberts 76A is a welder with Hillcook Ind ust ri es Ha milton 0

In Memoriam Raymond David Ure 15A and 21 January 24 In3 ~uddenly a t Tecumse h

age 87 He had bee n very act ive un til

recently H is son Donald re is it

graduate of 49

Dr Genrge M Stirrett 20A and 22 died December 15 1982 H is many co nshy

tri bu tiono had bee n recogni zed by the Heritage Canada Found ation The fo llowshy

ing is an account of the tribu te pa id to him Fe bruary 16 1 9~ I at Government HDu~e

O ttawa

His Excelle ncy Gove rnor Ge nera l

Edward Sc hrcyer prese med the Commun imiddot cations A wards Atl antic Reg ion to Dr

George M St irrett of Grand Falls Ne w

Bru ns wick Dr Stirrett has been comm itted to natural h is tory conservation for ma ny

years bo th before and after hi s ret ire ment from the Canadian W ildlife Service and Parks Canada in 1964

He worked hard for the preservation of the falls and gorge area at Grand Falls

and on other conservation needs in Ne w Brunswick and Ma ine He has also written

on the iss ues of conservation using Ihe pcn name G raham Vail and since April 1979

has publi shed a weekly column Notes on atural History in the G rand Falls

Cataract His columns stress the appreciashytion and enjoyment of nature as well as the need for preserving it

Norman Hodgins MacBeth 23 Fe bruary 3 1983 in St John N B He had retired in

1967 as General Manage r of General Dairies Ltd

David R Owen 25 in Medi c ine Hat

Alta February 6 1983 at age 82 He was a di rector of the fi rs t ollege Roy al and spe nt

most of his li fe teachi ng and farmi ng in Saskatchewan

Ronald John Quinn 35 Fe bruary 17 1983 in London His wife Helen (Farshyquhar) is a lso a graduate o f 35

Bruce Douglas Innes 36 passed away Septe lllber 29 19 82 D uring his college

years he took part in ma ny ac tivitie s bu t he -re membered with particu la r pleasure be ing Grand C hampion Showman College Royal

35-the first time that the honour had bee n won by anyone o ther than a fou rth year man Bruce owned and operated a dairy

farm at Burford since I 939 and was an

acti ve and ded icated farmer until his death

H is wife Margaret died in A pril 1983 T hey leave daughters Lorna Lawrence

Mac 68 and Karen and son Robert 0


Macdonald Institute College of Family and Consumer

Studies Alumni Associat ion

ALUMNI NEWS Editor Joan (Anderson) Jenkinson 66


BASc Grads-Class o f 80

EntploYDlent Survey T he University s Counselling and Reshysource Centre recentl y completed an inshyucpth survey covering the empl oyment activities of the 211 graduates who in 19RO earned Bachelor of Applied Sc ience Degrees

The survey indicates th at gradu ates are e nj oy ing a variety of interes ting and chalshylenging careers

A gratifying 73 per cent of th e graduates re sponded to the survey with 51 per cent of the respondents indi catin g that they have completed or are completing graduate degrees or programs on a full- or part-time bas is Of the 153 respondents 78 per ce nt including one who is self emshyployee have full-time employment The remainder are employed part-time or are pursuing further studie s

Li sted below are the indicated ca reers chosen in the four major areas of study

Applied Human Nutritio n

ut ritiond ietetics Food service administration More than 50 per cent of the responshy

dents obtained reg istered profe ss ional dietishytian certificates The Admini strati ve Emshyphasis course is no longer offered in the

Applied Human utrition program It is available through the Bachelor of Comshymerce program

Family Studies

A number of grad uate s found posit io ns in teac h ing or social services such as

Adult protecti ve service workers Infant de ve lopment specialists Geront ology consultants Supervisors and field workers with social service agencies Other Family Studies graduate s are

working in government srv iees and in the private ec toras home economists financial co un se llors librarians hostel managers Family Studies graduates tend to sl ck caree rs in the helping profess ion s

Consumer Studies

There are four emphasis areas 01 study within this maj or The survey indicates that

Food gradu ates are employed in areas of produci development marketing and food technology with majo r food companies Hou si ng emphasis graduates are wo rkshying with government agencies and in teac hing

Consumer Beha vio ur e mph asis graduates are in industry business and res earc h Tex tile and Clothin g e mph asis grads are employed in research merchandi sshying and banking Often after working for a year or

more Consumer Studies graduates will return to gradu ate study o r profess ional programs on a full- or part-time bas is

Child Studies

Many Child Studies graduates are emp loyed in teaching supervisory or other child-care related sett ings such as soc ial work with fami lies and children Re ported part -lime and temporary em pl oy ment pos ishytions include work as supply teachers child care supervisors special education leac hers and as lecturers in uni ve rsity settings

It is imporl an t to note that this emshyploy ment survey reports the caree r paths chose n by onl y one graduating cl ass Dat a is collccl~d on a yearl y bas is from gradu ates in Family and Consumer Studies In order to observe the broad scope of employment opportunities avail able a four-year tabulashytion wo uld pl~ c nt a more complete picture of the profess ional activities of graduates

In summary FACS programs offer students a sound educational background to meet the need s of i nduslry educational institut io ns governme nt and bus in c The future for FACS graduates is indeed bright as the College co ntinues to gro w and develop programs to meet the challenges of the 80s 0



BASc Gradsmiddot Class of 80 Further Education Pursued

Major Total

Graduates Number of

Respondents R PDt BEd MEd MSc MD MA

Applied Hum an Nu trition 65 45 23 3 I

Family Studies 64 44 19

Consumer Studies 48 33 2

C hild Studies 34 31 II I I I

TOTAL 21 1 ( 1007c)

153 (73 oc )

23 32 I 4 I I

FACS Has New

Dr Richurd Burhunl

Dean Professor Richard M Barham was apshypointed dean of the College of Family and Consumer Studies for a fi ve-year term effective July I 1983 He succeeds Dr Janet M Wardlaw who has served as dean since 1969

Professor Barham has been chairman of the Department of Family Studies since

1976 and served as acting dea n in [980 while Dean Wardlaw was on administrative leave

A graduate of the University of Otago Dunedin e Zealand Richard Barham received a Ph D degree from the University of Alben a dmonton in Ed ucational Psychology

He has served on the faculty of the Department of Educational Psychology at the University of Alberta and as professor and acting chairman of the Department of Education University of Otago

While in New Zealand he was an executive member of the council of The Ne w Zealand Psychological Society and served as its president

At Guelph he has taught both undershygraduate and graduate courses in the Deshypartment of Family Studies and has supershyvised graduate students

He has been active on many University committees during the past seven years He is a past chairman of the Board of Graduate Studies and has been a member of the

Committee on Academic Priorities the Committee on University Planning the Liaison Committee and several others

He has also been a consulting educa shytional psycholog ist with the Wellington County Separate School Board since 1979

Prolessor Barham and his wife Joan have a family offour Joan recently returned to the University of Guelph for further study Daughter Vick y 19 is a student in Economics at Queens University Lisa 17 and Christopher 14 attend Ce ntennial CVJ while Tania 12 is completing her studies at College Avenue School

Music is very important part of the Barham familys life with active invoheshyment in the Suzuki String School and the Guelph Youth Orchestra Gardening is a hobby enjoyed by both Richard and Joan

Members of the Mac- FACS Alumni Association extend a sincere welcome to Professor Barham We look forward to meeting and working with him in the future as he fills the challenging position as dean of FACS 0

FACS Prof First

Dr M urlin MUllhclIs

Director P ro fessor Anne Martin Matthews De shypart me nt of Family St udi es has been ap shypointed the first director of the Gnontology Research Centre The establi shment of the Centre was announced last February A research grant of $237000 from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada will fund the Centre for the first three years

Professor Martin Matthews has been conducting research related to the needs and interests of older segments of the populashytion as well as teaching courses in such areas as social gerontology and marital and family dynamics in Family Studies She has been a faculty member with the Department of Family Studies since 1978

She also has been active beyond the campus in programs related to aging She is chair-elect of the social sciences division Canadian Council on Gerontology and will begin a two-year term in the chair of that organization this year

She is also first vice-president of the

Ontario Gerontology Association and a member of the scientific advisory commitshytee of the Gerontology Research Council of Ontario She is a graduate of Memorial University of Newfoundland and McMaster University

With a steadily increasing percentage of the popUlation in the retirement age bracket it is important to understand more fully the ir needs and cuncerns sa ys Proshyfessor Martin Matthews The en tre will deal with the ag ing family and environshymental contexts In the latter sense we will be examinin g such things as the difference bet wee n aging in an urban and a rural society as well as issues like housing and the aging

The new Gerontology Research Centre will provide facilities to assist faculty members and graduate students doing reshysearch on aging The Centre will facilitate integrate and co-ordinate studies on aging within the University the director says

Research on aging is now being carried out at the Universi ty in such Departments as Family Studies Geography Psychology Nutrition Human Biology and SocioluFY and the Centre will be able to provide a medium for cross-fertilization of ideas among the many researchers in the field

Professor Marlin Matthews says that the Centre will be working co-operatively with other similar research centres in Onshytario such as the one at the University of Toronto in promoting research on aging The Centre will also sponsor conferences and workshops that relate to the special needs of older citizens in their communities

Guelph has demonstrated an interest in gerontology since 1970 when research projshyects began and courses dealing with aging were offered in the Departments of Family Studies and Psychology Since 1981 the Un i versity has offered gero ntology as part of the Famil y Studies major in the Bachelur of Applied Science program 0

A Thank You Dear A luml7i

1-Iwl 10 Ihonk oil Ihe uumni inloll(d wilh

Ihc cr special send-oj gien to me ill

recognition of Ihc complelion ofmv Icrm as


So man of ou -Ierc invocd shy

whelhcr or nOI ou -Iere able 10 (fIend Ihe

recognition receplion in Toronlo on May

29 I oppreciacd Ihe man good llishes

which come from ocross CClrado ond from

such dislOlIl places as Indio and Chara

Your generous gifls u Imc Irolld of

pcarls und a bonk aCCOlll11 vhich came lVilh

Ihe slrong suglcslion Ihal [should IIc 10

Vnv Iculand lverc Irul overllhelll1ing

The Air lCll Zcalundjlighl bag jJacked wilh

1111 SOriS of nccessiliel added 10 Ihe jim

middotre had 01 Ihe rcceplion

Many Ihanksfor your SUppOri over Ihe years and for your good wishes as I begin

my car ofadmin is Ira live leave

Yours sincerelv

Jonel M Wardlaw 0


Dr Louise

( Bailltlj

Heslop 67

Off - To


Dr Louise (Bazi net) Heslop 67 has JO ined the School of Business at Carlton Unive rsit y O ttaw a Over the next two years through an arran geme nt with Ca rlton Unive rsity she will be cco nded on a

part-time basis by Stati sti cs Canada where she will join the Research and Analysi s

D ivision Loui se completed her MSc at Guelph

in 1969 and continued as lecturer in the

ne wly-es tablished Department o f Co nshysumer Studies In 1977 she compktcd a Ph D in Business Administration (Marketshying) at the University of Western Ontari o

and rejo ined the Department of Consumer Studies ri si ng to the rank of ass oc iate professor

Louise was e lected to the board of

di rectors of the Mac-FA CS Alumni Assoc ishyati on in 1977 se rvin g as secretary-treasurer until May 1981

We ex tend our best wishe middot to Loui se

her husband Lome O A 70 and their dau ghters Jose tte 5 and C la ire 2 Lorne is employed by Agriculture Canada in

Ottawa and is currently completing an M Sc in Engineering at the University of

G uelph Coun try li ving is a high priority with

the Heslops They are deli ghted with the purchase of a farm near Almonte a nd look

forward to the best of both worl d s - profess ion a lism in the city and lei sure in the countryside 0

Grad News Helen (Clifford ) Beswick 48D is se lf empl oyed as a studio potter in her home in Dundas

Margaret (Kennedy) jarvis 54D is a realestate age nt in Kingston

Pat (Hall) McDowell 65 is with the

United Missionary Soc iet y Jlorin Kwora State ~igeria

Joanne Patterson 66 is a se ni or project o ffmiddoticer w ith Indi an and Northern Affa irs Ottawa

Leslie (Mowat) Hemming 68 is teaC hin g in Woods tock

Mary (Jany) Toms 68 is employed with Health and We lfare Canada Ottawa

Sarah (Spencer) Coomhs 70 is an assistant director wi th the Co nsumer Inforshymation Centre of the Ontario Government


Meredith Fi lshie 70 is an ana lyst w ith the Ministry of State for Economic and Re g ional Development O ttawa

S heila (Fahner ) jarvie 70 is a nutrishytion ist w ith the K- W Hospital Kitchener

Donna j ohnstone 70 o perates Donn as Ha ndmade Clothin g for Men amp Wo men Gabiola Isla nd B C

Lorraine Holding 71 is manager of program development with the Rural Orshyga nizatio ns and Services Branlh Minis try of Agriculture and Food located at the Gue lph Agriculture Centre

Beve r ly Lee 72 is a chairperso n with the York Region Board o f Educ at io n

Laurie MacLeod 72 is a district manager with Beaver Foods Mlss issauga

Kathy Camelon 73 is a dietitian at the Toronto Genera l Hospita l

Tirnoth) Fleming HAFA 74 a ses ionaJ lec turer with H AFA teaching business law has been adm itted to the partne rshi p o f the law firm of Harper Haney and White of Waterl oo

Isabel (McBride) H o well 74 is an e lementary school teacher with the Watershyloo Co unt y Board of Educatio n Camshybridge

Mary Ruston 75 is a Famil y Studies teacher at Inge rso ll District High School

Kathryn Anderson 76 is a supervisor with Westmini ster Family Day a re London

Hester Cooper 76 is employed as a research officer with the New Zealand Dairy

Research Institute in Palmers ton North ew Zealand

Patr icia (G a rland ) Desaul niers 76 is with patient fo od se rvices Alberta Hospishyta l Edmo nton

Noella Li 76 is aclinical dietitian wi th the

ictori a Hospital London

M eredith (Evans) Hea rtwe ll 77 is

teac hing in Mississauga

Deb Wey 77 is patient food se rvices manager at SI John Regio nal Hospi tal SI J()hn NB

Susan (junes ) Wilcox 77 is food se rvices

superviso r with the Baye re st Ce ntre for Ge riatric Care 0

A ThankYou The c lass of Mac 380 wishes to extend a

sincere thank you to all alumni who have con tributed to the Mac 38 0 Class Geronshy

to logy Scholarship Fund The gradua te s tudent scholarship in

the recently de ve loped area ot Ge ronto lo gy at FACS is being established by the class of 38D in recog nition of their 45th annivershy

sary in 1983 All Univers it y of Guelph grads are

in vited to parti c ipate in this project funds for which will be so li c ited until December

1984 [f you wish to con tribute please make you r cheq ue pay ab le to the Univers ity o f Guelph Alma Mater Fund specify that it is to be applied to the Mac 38 D Class Gerontology Scho larship Fund and mail to

the Deve lo pment Office Room 273 John shysto n Hall Uni ve rsity o f Gue lph Guelph

Ontario N IG 2W J Th an ks again for yo ur suppo rt from

Elle n Downie Mary Singer Doris Durran t and Jean Carter- the Mac 38 D sch o larship committee 0

In Memoria m We regret to announce the death of the following al umnus

Margaret L (MacKenzie) Smallwood 401) December 1982 in Lakeland Fla




The College of Physical Scie nce Alumni Association

SCIMP Editor Bob Winkel

phy sics grant selection committee of thc atural Sciences and Engineering Research

Council for two years he was intimately involved in all the major re search de velopshyments in Canada in this field Hc feels that his e lec tio n to the Royal Society of Canada will help raise the prot1le of high-energy physics in this co untry and lend stren gth to Canadian experimenters

The citation prepared for his nominashytion to the Royal Society of Canada reads

Professor Karl is a high energy the ori st whose work is widely recognized interna tionally His deep physical insight and hi s kn ow led ge of mathemati ca l methods led to the quark model of baryon resonances based on quantum chromoshydynamics which has been enormousl) successful in describing experimental reshysuits H is re sea rch is characterized by striking originality and an ability to COIll shy

bine basic ideas from different field s as in the predictions of a new effect - neutron optical activity

Gabriel Karl is married and has one daughter W hen he is not probing the sec re ts of the universe he indulges himself in music theatre and the fine arts

He visited the Unive rsity of Briti sh Columbia in Vanco uver in May for the induction ceremony into the Royal Society of Canada on the occas ion of the Annual Meeting of the Society It marked he sa id the culmination of a long string of benefits that [ ha ve enjoyed throughout the 23 years 1 have lived in Ca nada [ have every rea son to be very grateful to th is country D

Erratum In the Sprin g issue o r SCiMP it was erroneously reported in the c utline accompanyin g a pict ure of Departshyme nt of Physics student scholarship winners that they were the recipients of 0 er $ 1500 We dropped a zero The fi gure should have read $ 15000 Sorry about tha t Ed

Elected to Royal Society

Dr Cooiel Korl

The election of Dr Gabriel Karl to a Fellowship of the Roy al Society of Canada represents what one of hi s colleagues Dr Peter Egelstaff desc ribe s as a rare honour which reflects great credit not only on Dr Karl but also on the Uni versi tys Departshyment of Physics

The Royal Society of Canada founded in 1882 to promote learning and research in the arts and sciences has numbered among its Fellows virtually all of Canadas most distinguished intellectual le ade rs of the last J00 yea rs Standards are jealously guarded and Fello wships are awarded only as a result of outstanding world-class ach ieve ment

The rarity of the honour is indicated by the fact that at the Un iversity of Guelph whose faculty includes so many academics of international distinction only five had previously achieved a Fellows hip in the Royal Society of Canada These are Dr Howard Clark vice- pres ident academic Dr Bruce Sells dean College of Biologishycal Science Dr Peter Egclstaff Depart shyment of Physics Dr Do nald Masters Prof ssor Emeri tu s De part mcnt of History and Dr He rb Armstrong retired dean of Graduate Studies

As the sixth Dr Ga briel Karl will have the added di st inction of bei ng the first whose career has been sp ot excl us ively at the Un ivers ity of Guelph which agai n to

quote Dr Egelstaff marks a coming of age for the University

Gabriel Karl was born in Transylvania a province of Romania He obtained his B Sc in Chemistry at Romani as Univershysity of ClUJ worked for two years in industry and came to Canada in 1960 He attended graduate school at th e University of Toronto where he was awarded a Ph D in 1966 for a thesis on infrared luminesshycence following molecular colli sion Hi s Ph D supervisor was the distinguished physical chemist Dr John Polanyi

A two-year post-doctora l fellowship with the University of Torontos Depart shyment of Physics followed His mentors there were Drs J Van Kranendonk and Duk Poll who is now a professor with the Universi ty of Guelph s Depa rtment of Ph ys ics

In 1966 Dr Karl studied at the Uni versity of Oxford for two years under an NRC scho larship to study hadron spec troshyscopy and in 1969 he Joi ned the Univers itys Department of Phy sics achieving a full professorship only five years later

Dr Karls work has focussed on high energy physics - the physics of fundamen shytal particles This is an esoteric field involvshying research into the nature of matter The relatively few world leaders in thi s field tend to cluster around the half-dozen accelerators such as the $100 million four kilumete rshylon g hi gh-e nergy tunnel for accelerating electrons at Stanford University that have been built only in the US and Europe

There is no accelerator of this energy level in Canad a and fe w Canadian scie nshyti ~ts are working in this field Dr Ka rl s statu re in the international commu nity of particle physic ists is marked by his many visi ts to the world s major research ce ntres as guest speaker and to consult with his peers Referring to the time spent on thcse missions Dr Karl describes the Depart shym nt of Phys ics and his colleag ues as generouslyaccommodati ng shy

As cha irman of the h igh energy


Trapping The Suns Energy Excerpted from a Chemtrends article by Mary Cocivera

One predi ctabl e fac t about ind ustri ali z d

soc iety is that it will take more e nergy to

keep the whee ls ru nn ing smoothl y parti c ushy

larly because the world population is exshy

pected to dou ble to about n ine bill ion by the

year 2050

[n th search to augme nt tradi tio na l

sources o f e lectri ci ty two Departme nt of

Chemistry pro fessors ha ve tu rned their

atten ti on to the convers ion of solar energy to

electricity by photovultaie cel ls and photoshy

elec troc he mical systems T he developme nt

work at Guelph is a imed at improving the efficiency and stability of th se sy~tems and

reduc i ng the ir cos t

Si licon photovoltaic cells serve as a

reference for solar energy convers iun beshy

cause they were the fi rst such cells and to

date arc the most effic ient co nvert ing so lar

ne rgy into elec tr ic ity a t abo ut 15 per cem

effi c iency Arrays of crys tal li n sil icon ce lls present ly cos t in the nei ghborhood or

S$400 per sq uare metre to manufac ture

produc ing about 40 watts Photovo lta ic

thin- fi lm syste ms us ing semico nductors

o ther than single crysta l sil ic on are be ing

investigated in man y re~earc h ce ntre s

around the world

A pro mis ing approach is a cadmiui1l

sulfi dec uprous sul fide combi nat ion in

which the two sem ico nduc tors are laye red

on molybdenum the n covered w ith a transshyparent gold fil m T his thin-fi lm cons trucshy

tio n i ideal for solar devices explai ns

Profess ur Ro n Fawcett because large

surface areas are needed for maximum

exposu re to the sun

T he fabrication process devel oped by

Ro n and patented in 1980 in vo lve electroshy

depos iting cadmium sulfide o nto molybshy

denum then layering cuprous sulfide over the cadm ium sulfide by an ion exchange

process Finally the gold 11 1m is added by

vacuum de pos ition Ron es timates that

thi n-film de ices could be manufac tu red in

this way for about S$25 per squ are metre

E lectro pla ting of se m ic ondu ct ors

would enabl e photo voltai c dev ices to be

manu factured in a continuous process

rathe r than indi vidua lly as i required w ith

s ingle crysta l s ilic on Such ce lls ha ve

ach ieved conversio n of solar to electrica l

energy at an e ffi cienc y o f I per cent to date T he researchers are co nfide nt they can

achieve fi to 8 per cent cffi ieney compared

to the calcul ated max imum e ffi c iency of II

per cent Pro fessor Michae l oc ivera is ork ing

on photoe lec troc hem ical systems in which a

sem icond uctor electrode im mersed in an

elec tro lyte solution converts inci dent li g ht

into a n electric a l cu rren t Such se mishy

conductor lilju id junction cells offe r p racti shy

cal ad van tages because uf the sponta neom format ion o f a junc tio n I mproved effishy

ciency fo r po lycrysta lli ne sem iconductors

has been a hi eved in ce lb of th is type in part becau~e the liqu id estab li shes unshy

iformly good COntac t wi th the e l etrode

The li gh t -~ens it i ve electrode in photoshy

e lec trochem ical ce lls is a sem ic o nductor

e it her a thin-fi lm or s ingle c rysta l a tt ached

to a metal back ing the other e lec trode is an

inert me ta l T he e l ectrode~ are immersed in

~ n elect rol yte solutio n o f a mater ial that carl do nate and accep t elect rons The b igges t

prob lem with many li lj ui d junct io n ce lls

~ays Mike is photocorros iol1 of the su rshy

face of the se miconductor To overcome

thi s problem he is developing materi a ls and

techniques to coat the e lectrodes with proshy

tec tive materiab

The first liquid junction cells with a

sili con anode opera ted for only a matter of

seconds befo re the e lec trode was des troyed

by corrosion Researche rs at the Solar Energy Research Insti tu te in C o lorado

U SA have developed a silicon anode

w ith a polypyrro le protect ive coating which

can o perate for hund reds o f hours but that is

still not long eno ugh for a viable commershy

cia l syste m

M ike and his colleague are making a

syste matic study of compounds tha t wi ll

both protect the electrode from corrosion

and catal yze the elect rode rca tion They

arc now worki ng with organo me tall ic comshy

pounds co mpris ing a metal atom sulfur

and an aromatic co m pone nt containing a func tiona l group li ke hyd roxy l sul phonate

ammoni um and nitroso

hese compounds are effect ive beshy

ca use they prov ide a mechanism to transfer

a ch arge bet ween the se mi co nd uctor and the e lectro n donor in solut io n The coating mus t

also be transpilrent e nough to a llow the light

to s trike the photocleetrode

To date they ha ve suneeded in deshy

veloping fi ve coat ings su itab le fo r a variet y

or se miconduc tors incl uding the polyshy

crysta ll ine cadm ium su lfide e lectrodes fabshy

riltated by Ron Fawce tt s method If polyshy

crystalli ne elec trodes can be fab ri (a ted and

coated wi th a protec tive materia l electroshy

chemically they wi ll be relati ve ly inexpe nshy

ive to manufac ture If the tech niques and processe s be ing

inve ~l igated by Ron Fawce tt and Mike Coc ivera de ve lop to tht ir full poten tial the

su n cou ld beco me a more import ant supplier

o f e lectri city in Ca nada Long-range proshy

jectio ns suggest that about 10 per cent of No rth A m rican e lectr ic it y could be proshy

duced from solar convers ion

Elec tric ity fro m the sun is no longer a

pipe-dream-it is a reachable goa l n

Grad News Louise (Sandall) Platt BA 69 is living

in Islington and teaching for the Etobico ke

Board of Educati on

Alexander Barton BSc 70 MSc 74 is work ing on a Ph D deg ree in the

Departme nt of Fishe ries and W ildlife at

Orego n Sta te uni vers ity

Gerry Kupferschmidt BSc 70 MSc

71 is living at R R I Osgoodc and is

tmployed as a sc ientific ad ise r to the


Murray Ross Gingrich BSc 71 Ii ves in

Brampto n and is work ing as a probation

officer for the Ministry o f Correc tio nal


Robert Cross BSc 72 M D is workshy

ing in the emergency department o f the

So uth Muskoka Hospital in Bracebridge

Edda Duva (Home) Kerr BA 74 lives

in G ue lph and is working as a program

co-ordinator for Casatta Ltd in Kitchener

Deanne Ch)y BSc 78 Ii ves in Etob ishy

coke and is working as a public health

inspector for the Ham ilton Wentwo rth Reshy

gio nal Health Unit

Alex McDonald BSc 79 PhD 83 and his wife Rosanne ( DeNobriga) BSc

79 are living in Austi n Texas whil e Alex

is do ing post-doctoral work at the Unishy

vers ity o f Texas

Ste~en Oliver BSc 79 o f Hamilton is a

medica l sa les repre sentati ve with Cyanamid

Canada Inc

Gordon Knox BSc 79 is a con~ ul ta nt

with Inform ation Systems Serv ices in Vicshy

toria BC

George Gillson BSc 80 is taki ng a

Ph D in Anal ytica l C hemis try at the Uni shyve rsity of Alberta 0


The College o f Arts Alumni Associat ion

DELPHA Editor Debbie (Nash) Chambers 77

has no w acquired the Shaw Festival ArshyThe Deans Roundup chives on permanent deposit T his is an

Last fall I had the privilege of speakshy

ing to the direc tors of the University of G uelph Alumn i Assoc iation to bring them

up to date on some of the excit ing things connected with the College of Arts I am gratefu l to the editor of DELPHA for this

opportu nity to let alumni readers know what we are do ing

I am pleased to be able to report a subs tant ial increase in enrolment both in the

B A program and in the College o f Arts this past yea r What is especially nice is that this has coincided with a dec is ion to tighte n our

standards at the admissions level and in the regulations for continuatio n of study

In o rder to grad uate B A students

who entered the Spring 19~3 Semester will need to obtai n a C average in 60 per cent of the courses they take

Most of o ur students are doing thi s now and we do not antici pate this will pose any

problem for the students whom we are ad mitting Next year students en tering the

B A program will be required to have Grade 13 English and we are strongly encouraging them to offer a Mathematics credit o r o ne in French or ano ther language

Applications from students wish ing to enter the B A program in the Fall 1983 Semester

are up subs tantia lly over last yea r I also want to share with you some

ha ppenings which have brought special delight to me

The U ni ve rsi ty of Guelph Choir

under director Ge rald e ufeld won second prize in the 1982 CSC nation al chora l competition

In the Harbourfront a rt show last

sum mer three o f o ur students had works se lected by the jury and each won a prize shya better show ing than any of the other O nshy

tario universities or colleges which entend T he C anadian- American Urban Hisshy

tory Co nference held at G uelph in A ugust

1982 was a tremendous success bringing sc holars from many parts of the United States and Canada to discuss new trends in urban studies

Dean David Murray

In the space of just a few months I have seen seven books published by faculty in the Co llege The subjects include Rudyard

Kipl ing Greek Philosophy Urban History Evolution and Darwinism Reli gion and Tolerance the dramatist Gra nville Barker

and a nove l written in French Last summer also saw the completion

of a very successful facu lty exchange beshy

tween o ur Department of Eng lish and the

Uni vers ity of Reading in Britain Dr Leslie Monkman went to Reading for the year and Dr Coral Howell s visited Guelph This

opportunity enab led Dr Howells to study modern C anadian writers and she is now

working o n a book to be published in Britain o n Canadian women wri ters Dr

Mo nkman lectured on Canadian literature at various places in Britain and in France as well as in Reading

T hro ugh the e fforts of the Department of Drama and its chairman Dr Leonard

Conolly and C ollections Librarian Jo hn Moldenhauer 68 the Uni versi ty Library

ex tremely valuab le re sou rce for theatre

scholars a nd the Univers ity is ve ry pleased to have a closer connection with the Shaw Festi val The Drama Department also has

Professor Dan Laurence the world s leadshying Shaw scholar as a distinguished Visitshy

ing Professor lor the ra il Semester Two large conferences were organized

during the Spring and Summer by faculty

and students in the Co llege Professor Ted Cowan of the History Department was in charge of the Scottish Heritage Festival held in uelph in May The Fes tival was a

ce lebrati on of the S co t~ 1d their contribushytion~ to Canada

In Au gust the Uni vers ity will host a major conference o n Common wealth lite rashy

ture bringing writers and schol ars to Guelph from allover the Com monweal th Professor Doug K illam chairman of the Department of English and a number o f col leagues are

now busily preparing to welcome guests from around the world

Through our liaison programs we have pioneered special day - long seminars at the

niversity for gifted children in Wellington County T he se programs are part of o ur commitment to assist secondary schools in meeting the challe nges of special education

J know many o f you will also be interes ted in knowing that last sLi mmer the

College awarded three new scholarships two of the m honouring the cont ribution made by former faculty members J Percy

Sm ith and W Stanford Reid The other marked the first presentation of the Edward Johnson Music Foundation scholarships for students in the music program

We are al l ac ute ly co nscious of the

financial pressure affecting the UnivLr ~ ity

of Guelph and othe r Canadian unive rsities

But we mus t no t le t these pressures detract from the vision of academic excellence to

which we are committed J think you will agree from the exaln ~Jk middot ha ve cited that this vision continues to glow brightly in spite of our financial plight We hope we can

co ntinue to co unt on your advice and your suppurt 0


It Was a Very Good Year T he Direc tor or the College of Arts Alumni Assoc iation have had a bus y year In January we launched o ur hrst Caree rs i lglll for in -coure stude nlgt Thanks to the exce lle nce and enthusiasm of our pane l l1len1bcr the evening was a success

Careers Night is to become an annual event and we would appreciate you r particishypation Any Art s grads wh o wo uld like to

vo lunteer their expertise for the e vening please do not hesita te to contact us

The Directors were also busy a rshyranling the second an nu al art show shyDI MENSIO NS middotS3 Due to the treme nd ous response to DI M ENSIOtS 82 the art show co mmittee organized DIM ENSIO NS 83 as aJu ricd show We are hoping that nex t yea r we will be able to mount a photography show as well a an art sho w

As you are probably aware in 1970 Wellington College was reo rganized into the Colleges of Arts Physic al Sc ience and Socia l Science This year our Assoc iation was asked to se lect a new College logo Thankgt to Dean Dav id Murray and the Deans Counc il we were given permission to use the graphics on the College of Art s Gold Medal It can be see n in the masthead of thi s issue The logo was designed by Erich Barth art dire ctor Department of [nshyformation and enco mpasses the di verse di s shycipiJnes fou nd within the College of Arts

Grad News Catharine (Gilnerlson ) Scott 70 is a wage and salary anal ys t tnivers it y of Waterl oo

Linda la) Bell 72 i the assistant conshysultant for thlto gifted We llington County Boa rd of Education GueJph

Lynn Barbeau 74 is the curator Educa shytion and xtension Macdo nald Stewart Art

entre Guelph

Wltlynr WellJauler 75 is corpora te mar shyke ting manager Gore Mutua l In surance Company Cambridgc

Renate Fisc her 76 is a consultant with the Woods Gordon Divisio n of Cl arkson Go rdon Chartered Acco untants Kitchener

jane Morley O AC MSc 81 is a career co nsultant Counse llin g and Student Reshysource Centre Un iversity of Guelph

Through the generos ity of the Alma Mater Fund our Assoc iation has been able to e stablish nv e sc holars hip s Thre e DELPHA awards for Gue lph alumni to continue their slUdi es at the gradu ate level at the University and two awa rds for part-time mature students These awards are greatly appreciated by the students who have reshyce ived th e m

Congratulatio ns are th e order of the day for Juli e (Russe ll ) Thur 78 Associashytion past pre sident and Linda Mackenz ie shyCordi ck 8 1 Assocration secre tary treas shyurer on the birth of their daug hters in March We wi sh them joy in their yo ung-

David Dell 76 is the in fo rmation o ffic er Reg ion of Pee l Brmiddotampton

jeff Miller 82 is a s tage manager for Profes sional Theatres Toronto

The above eight alumni were panel )11ember-s at our first annual Careers sJ ig ht held ea rlier th i yea r On ce again we offer our sincere thanks for their pani ci pation

lhugarel Reare 68 is senior research o f hee l Minis try of th e Soli citor General Ottawd

William Thiels 73 is a sys te ms analyst with Eas tman Kodak CO Roche ster t Y US A

Shardie D SteHnson 77 is assistant marketing manager Marsh and 1cLennan Ltd Winnipeg Man

Donald Syme 77 is with marketing pe rsonne l IC F Sydne y Australia

sters and look forward to the ir continued help in the Assoc ia tion in the future

C Nould lik e to re mind our fell ow alu mni to jo in or renew their membership in our Association De hbie ( Nash) Cham bers 77 editor of DF LPH A wo uld lik e any Ideas lor future artick that vould catch your interes t Our Assoc iati o n would also apprec ia te heari ng from you re gardin g eve nts that you wou ld be interested in attending Pl ease drop us a line in order that we may serve you better thus ~ eeping the line of co mmunic ation oren bet ween you and yo ur Alma v1ater

In closing I would like to acknowlmiddot edge With great a pprec iati o n the a istance that has been o ffclTU our Board of Direc tors over the pasl year

As al ways Dea n David Murray has bee n a va lued ad visor I wo uld li ke to thank Professor Ted Cowa n Department o f History for his Sprin g 19K3 OEPHA article on the Scottish Heritage Festival and Judy (Ma in) Ca rson 75 for he r help in preparalron of feature articles Spec ial thank s arc also ex tended to Rosemary Clark Mac 59 Asis tant Director Proshyg rams Dep artment of Alumni Affairs and Deve lopment and our Board of Directo rs who have wo rk ed so hard to mak e thi s a successful year

The term of 19X2-B3 has been a very grati fying one for all mem bers of the Associations Boa rd o t Directors We loo k for ward to 19K3-K4 anJ hope to hear from you Q

J ane Francis 78 is With Ilublic relations Vancouver Stock EXchange Vancou ver B C

Jonie Bunce 79 is a teacher 01 Art English and Thcatre Arts at 1 A Turn er Secondary School BrdrllptOl

Deborah Salmon 79 is married to Richard Light BS( 80 and li ves in Japanec Shc worb for the Empl o) mc nt and Im migrati on Commi ssion dnd Ri chlrJ works for a darrv in Kin gs to n

Shelagh Stevens 79 it station U)lllrshytwlle r Department o f -J atiunal [dc nce in f ova Slmiddototia

lidwtl Glanb 81 is a supervisor mar shyke ting comrlluni~ations Pitney-Bowe s oj

Canada Ltd Don Mill s

john (llanllllUnd ) Zelasko 81 rs ~ I

courtr(lOrn artist WKBW Buffalo New Ymk US I C



Alumnus of

Honollr 1983

Helen Christine AbeD Mac 38D

Amo ng the forerunners in the fie ld of rural soc iol ogy not only in Canada

but throughout the world and with a long career as a professor in numerous un iversities ac ross Canada Dr Helen C Abell has und oubted ly do ne much to promote a world -w ide reputation for her Alma Mater

Dr Abell has been most active in a numbe r of United Nat io ns programs designed to foster development of th ose in the Third World countrie s Although os ten sibl y retired she still co nt inues her wo rk as a cons ult ant in Socio-Economic De ve lopme nt assisti ng in develop ing sho rt -term project s as the occasion ari ses

As well as a Macdona ld Ins titu te Diploshyma Dr Abell obtained a BHSc (H ome Economics) from the Universi ty of Toro nto in 1941 and an MS (Human Nutrition) and a Ph D (major Rural Sociology and Agri cul shytural Economics) from Cornell University in 1947 and 1951 re specti vel y 0

Page 23: Guelph Alumnus Magazine, Summer 1983

The Ontario Agricultural College Alumni Association

ALUMNI NEWS EdJtor Dr Harvey W Caldwell 51

Financial Management Related to Agriculture One of the main sessions at the OAC Agricu ltural Conference 83 dealt wit h financial management as it relates to agricu lture Robert Sanderson who is with the Ontario Farm Adjustment Asshysistance Program was a main speaker and presented the following paper

Ten years ago most farmers were smilingshyagr icu lt ure see med to have finally gained its reward Worl d short age s of food provided ampl e markets and steadily rising prices lor prac tica lly all crops

Thi s idea li s ti c situation continued for a co uple of years until the granaries of the wo rl d were refi li ed De mand then norshyma li zed and pri ces for most agricultural prod ucts hega n to dec line In spite of price dec lines and li mited markets co nsiderable optimi sm conti nued to be fe lt o n the farm sce ne thro ughout mos t of the 1970s

Late in that peri od infl a ti on reall y ca ught fi re rai sing inpu t cos ts for supplie s and labour The ri se in land pri ces exceeded the most optimis tic es timates during this sa me time

In an a tte mpt to s te m thi s ra mpant infla tio n interes t rates increased almost threefo ld beg inning In 1979 and the world hega n it s slide into recession Farml and prices ceased to r ise in 198 1 and are now crumbli ng wi th uncer tain ty and lac k o f demand

We have no doub ts abo ut th e successshyful future o f ag ri cult ure hcre in Ontari o but today for many farmers adj ugtt me nts are necessa ry to remain so lve nt and for too many oth ers bo th adj ustme nts and so me ass iq an ce are necessary for their prese nt and future surviva l

There are some who are beyo nd he lp and farm bankru ptcies are at their highest leve l since the grea t Depression o f the 1930s These cond it io ns brought about the crea tio n of the On tari o Farm AdJustmcn t Ass istance Program (OFA AP) T hi s proshygram during 1 9~2 has bee n assisting eli g ible farmers who needed he lp

The re are two prime reaso ns fo r


fin anci al woes cited by appl ican ts - high interes t rates and lower farm incomes On the other hand the prime reaso n fo r ~ome

farmen probl ems e ited by lenders is ove r-e xpansion We be li eve both views are va lid and unques ti onabl y are respo ns ible for the prese nt ago ny and unres t on 100

many Ontario farms Le nde rs cite seve ral o the r importa nt

reaSl)l1S whic h also bea r o n the prob le m The borrowers oft e n refe r to them too but usuall y wit h di fferen t emphasis ThcY em shyphas ize the c lt treme instability of fa rm income the se rious lac k of pro per pl an ning bu dge ting accmatc farm record and fin all y the practice of making unprodu ctive investmcnts

Because of the qualifying criteria asshysociated ith an application for as s istan ce from OfAAP one must keep in mind that our observations are limited to about 10 per ce nt of Ontario farm operatlolls That 10 per ce nt is cl ose to the bottom of the gro up on the bas is o f financial sec urity OFA AP assista nce is limited to those produc ing Iood and tobacco Therefore data regard in g proshyducers of fl owers nursery stock race shyhorscs etc ha ( no t come he fore us and the financ ial ituati ons ltlr not inc luded in any of o ur informati o n

Applica ti ons have been appro ved for farmers operating all across the pro vince

Of the to tal approved about 20 per ce nt were in swine prod uctio n abou t 15 per ce nt were in eac h of cash crop prod uction da iry producti on and beef prod uct ion 4 per cen t were in fruit and vege ta ble prod uctio n 3 pel cent were tobacco fa rmers and the Ies t co mbinations of the above Those farm ers producing etgs and poultry were fe w

I n a review of appli ca tio ns for OFAAP ass istance several COl1ll1lo n sce nari os co nshytin ue to ap pear on a so me what re petiti ve has is and are ca tegorized as fo ll ows

1 Young or Beginning Farmers

Th ose under 35 years o f age wen res pons ishybl e for nearl y ha lf o f a ll the app li cati ons In thi s gro up are many who have Just begun fa rm ing Mo~ t of these arc victims of inopport un e tim ing hav in g acq uired land buildings and equ ipme nt be twee n 1979 and 19R2 For the m the combinati on o f lower th an ex pee ted prices of farm produc ts and the extre me inc reases in the ir fi na nc ing charges due to hi gh interes t rates_ have becn dlvas tatin g This is partic ul arl y true where Illos t assets were fi nanced the bcg inshyning equit y be in g Illodes t

2 The Aggres sive Expansionist

Many farmers who did well farming on a

modlst basis in the mid-70s dec ided that s ince o ne farm was pro fitabl e two wo uld be bette r three be tter than two Aggress ive

expan sion mos tl y on c redit du ring this i ntl a tio nary pe riod produced many paper millionaires in the farm co mmunity by the late 70s The elation fo r some of these

fa rmers d id not lasl far into the 80s T hose with 100 much bo rro wed cap ital

found that the ir farm income c ul d not

support the debt load So me of these

atlcmpted fu rthe r borro wing in an e ffort to mai nta in their ho l ding ~ and fo und ou t like o thers before them th at it is imposs ible to

borro w your way out of debt O thers so ld or tried to sell some o f the ir land o r eq uipment in an effort to re ti re at leasl o me of the ir cri ppling de bt and there by salvage at

least a part o f the ir operation

One rather sad varia tio n o f this las t s itua tion occ urs occ as io na lly whe re a

farmer who has had a succes~ fu l and so lvent opera tion decide to ex pand to a llow a son

o r so n- in-law into the bus in ss because of a des ire on the part of the young per on to

farm or occasionally because he is no t employed The expansion in Jand and eljuipment particularly if it occu rred in the

last three years and if it were do ne mainl y o n credit with a mortgage taken on his once so lvent operation has robbed the farmer of

his security and his peace of mind Furthershy

mo re in some of these s ituations the disappointed newcomer in the bus iness moved on leaving dear o ld dad to make the best of it

3 The Equipment Enthusiast

Another scenario concerns the man who is o bsessed with the need to ac quire equipshyment or to make add ition s and improveshy

ments to a lready adequate buildings To pay

for it out of the revolvi ng operating loan or to finance it in other ways withou t first having established that it will pay for itself will inevitably c reate financial problem s

Whe re there has been a general disregard for thi s kind of purchas ing the end resu lt has usually been disas trous

4 Natural Disasters

We regularly see the result s of natural

disas ters - floods windstorms hail frost disease and fires All of the se misfortunes can be c rippling to any operation but when adequate insurance coverage is not carried or if one of these di sasters occur whe n a farmers equity is low or when hi s princi pal and interest charges consume much o f his income it can be disastrous to his economic

pos ition

5 Family Unity

From OFAAP applicatio ns it is noted that some farmers who experience a marriage break- up seem to have diffi culty maintainshy

ing fi nanc ial solvency W hen asse ts are

di vided and whe n atte nt ion to management

is di e r ted hccause o f family pro blems the farm operation is often morta ll y wounded

Farmers and farm op ratnr are much more vulnerable in this si tua tio n because thei r

wives arc o ften much more invol ved in the e lllerprise than in non- farm situations

6 Offmiddot Farm Income

Appl ications incl ude a great nu mher of

insta nces in which if it were not fo r 0 ffmiddot fa rm income o f either the farmer or his wife or

occas io na lly both the ir farm o peratio n wo uld be tota lly un viable and unab le to continue to fu nc tion It is well the n fo r

those in th se c ircumstances to r cogniu tha t if the off-farnl inco me should e nd it wo uld also mea n the te rmination of the

farming operatio n

7 Enterprise Changes

A review 0 f appli ca tions indicates that some

farmers are hoping to comple tely change

thei r c rop or li ves toc k programs attemptin g perhaps to outguess the marke t and to

improve their financial return s Sometimes the expectation in vo lved in the dec is ion is

correct but so o ften when the costs inshyvol ved in the c hange are considered little

has been gai ned and where the deci s ion to change was unwi se co nsiderable loss is

usually the result The ot her extreme to this

situation is rigidity to the poi nt of makin g no changes at all

8 Manage ment

The management ability of any applicant

farmer is difficult to assess Most applicants are not known and there is no opportunity to assess the actual farm operation Ho wever

experience with OFAA P emph asizes that good financial management is c ritical to the

success of any farm operation Here is a li s t of definite Do and

Do nts that should be much in the minds of farmers operating in the present financial climate All of these suggestions re tlect the ex periences we have had working with

appli ca tions for O FAA P

The Definite Dos

Do base an operation on an informed farm

plan keep ing and using good record~ and approved acco unting proced ures Do work c losely wi th the credit source shy

usually the banker Plan and work within

approved revo lving ope rating loan limits Make regular cred it payments when due and when unable to make p ro per arrange shy

ments ahead of time w ith your c reditor or credito rs Do make necessary adju stme nts in land and equipm e nt befo re u nder tak ing further borrow in g Do shop around for cred it and i nve~ tig ate

ava il ah le programs to cu t credit cos ts Do pay off on loans when surplus cas h is

ava il able It won t be any fun but it w ill

he lp to re tain sol vency Do try to ma intai n stability in your far m o peration and kee p the peace a t h IllC

Do seek the professi o nal adv ice of you r ag ric ultu ra l represe ntative anJ Ir indwtry fiel d per~on ne I

The Definite Donts

Dont borrow for capita l items unless they

are abso lu te I y necessary Dont make capi ta l purchases with funds

frolll your revo lvi ng opera ting account w ithout co nsul ta tion and agreeme nt with

the bank manager Dont expand any operation without sound

pl ann ing Dont plunge and make rapid changes in

the ope rati ng patte rn without so und consultation 0

Partners For 70 Years

Arthur Cowie 09 now 95 and his wife Nina now 92 were married March 19 1913 near Nel son B C They li ved in

HC for three years then returned to Caledo nia where Arthur worked for the A

Jone s bakery He returned to the 200-acre farm homestead in 1922 when his father

was kill ed in a farm accident Arthur se rved in the 19305 and early

19405 as co uncillor and also served as

a Ju s tice of the Peace for the farm communit y

Nina Co wie whose g reat lo ve was

dancing has onl y one regre t and that is tha t she could never get her hu sband o nto the -dance floor The Scotti ~ h dances Hig hlan d

tlin gs and Scotti sh reels made hi s head spin He played the record s and watched

from the sidelines while ina did the danc ing

They have no secrets tor a long happ y marriage excep t working at it Theyve

done Jus t tha t for 70 years Bes t wishes to them both 0


OACGrads on Faculty at Nova Scotia Ag College

Lauranne Sanderson M Sc 81 is with the Humanities Department She specialized in Animal Science in her undershygraduate years but added to that a master program in Agricultural Economics Lauranne has lived on a mi xed lives t()c k and cash crop farm in southern O ntario At the No va Scotia Agricultural College (NSAC) she is teaching Tec hnical W riting but is specializing in the area of Com munications and Agricultural Extension

Barbara (Otrysko) Mulkewytch 78 MSc 81 is with the Plant Science Deshypartment Prior to her appointment at NSAC she was employed as a potato crops specialist with the New Brunswick Departshyment of Agriculture Her teaching and research will include projects on potato and crop protect ion

Yes Surry MSc 81 is with the Economics and Busi ness De partment Yves was born in Pamiers France has an M A fro m the nivers ity of Pari s and is in the process of completing his Ph D from Guelph Yves has a strong interes t in teachshying and his research interests hould be a welcome addition to the reg ion He is pre sent ly teaching courses in Micro and Macro Economic Theory

Laurie (Gaunt) Connor 73 is w ith the Department of Animal Science She earned MSc and Ph D degrees specia li zi ng in reproduct ion phys iology from the nivershysity o f Manitoba Prior to joining NSAC she was a NSERC Vi iting Fellow at the Animal Research Centre in Ottawa Her teaching and research work is mainly in the re producti ve physiology field

Also at NSAC are Sheree Porter CSS 79 and Myrna (Porter) Blenkhorn 76 John Shug 37A and 40 is the sec re tary o f the Nova Scotia Agricultural College Alumni Association 0

Please help us to help you When corresponding or upshydating information or address do tell us not only your year of graduation but your discipline

Th ree generatiuns of heramify were present when fleather Rohinson right centre FACS 83 graduated ut Wim er Convocation With her f rom [eji to righture her grandfather John Inglis her moth er Vlarirn (Inglis ) Robinson Mac 55 0 member of the Uni versirys Boord of Govern ors ond her father Doug Rohinson 53

Above Mllrrav Ma cGregor 5 1 lei with the winners of the OAC s 25th annual Alumni Curling Bon spiel Left to right GeorRe Robinson 651 Mu rrav Elliotl 65A Keith Murru 65A and Jern- Forestell 6511 Right OAC Alumni Associashytion president Hell ry Slanle 55 right was preslntedwith un engraved pewta stein to recugnie 25 years of participation ill Ihe bOlspiel Conshygratuluting Henry is Bill Harrison 62 bonspiei commillee chuirman


the individual members excellence andThe Ronald S Ritchie Le cture integri ty

This idea for the new body was not accepted by members of Cabinet They

The Opening Up of PubHc PoHcy The Opening Up of Public Policy was

Selllior Michael Piffields fopic when he

delifred fhe annual Ronald S Rifchie

LeclUre of fhe UniversifY in March

A Rmduafe ofSf Lawrence Universify

17 ( graduafed in lawjrom McGill UniversifV

and holds a Rrodlla fe diploma in Public La w

Fom Ih e UlliversifY ofolIa wa H efirsl joined Ihe Public Service as an

wlminislrafive assiSfam in Ihe Depa rimem

oJuslice in 1959 Ialer served onlhe sraffof Ih e Goernor General and as secrelary fO

117 1 Royal Commission on Taxalion In 1965

he joined Ihe Privy Council Office He

became depuly minisler of Consumer and

Corporafe Affairs in 1973 and Ihe followshy

inli year lOok up an appoinfmem as Fellow

in fhe John F Kennedy School of Governshy

mOl (If Harvard Un iversifY In 1975 he

relurned 10 Ollawa as Clerk of fhe Privy

Council and Se crelarv 10 Ihe Cabinel

The annual leclre recognizes Ihe comrihwion made 10 fhe Universily by

former Board of Govemors chairman

ROllald S Rilchie A reporl on Senafor Piffields presemalion follows

Senator Pitfield paid tribute to Rona ld Ritchie his important work in the Glassco Commission and his influence in the estabshylishment of the Institute for Research on Public Policy

In thi s th oug htful and thoughtshyprovoking presentation Senator Pitfield outlined the need for and the desirability of more open discussion before policies are introduced but there are some very real difficulties associated with de vel oping some me chanis m that could foster and encourage such exchanges of ideas

[t was pointed out that because of the high degree of interdependency of modern society and the size and complexity of governments the making of public polic y must be an intellectual subject in its own right not just a conglomeration of di scishyplines It had become evident that

I A methodical analysis of government activity could lead to improvements in government effectiveness

2 Traini ng in making and managment of public policy was crucial and urgent

3 There were few in government who knew why things were done the way they were

4 The making and management of pubshylic policy was a subject unique in itself and required thinking through for itself

5 Universities and other training institushytions were not very useful in this training process universities being too removed from the actual experience of government and the government institutions being withshyout the detachment and intellectual rigour needed

Thus it became evident that there was a need for an institution that would be a repository of knowledge a pl ace of learnshying a foru m for debate and a means of communication co ncerning public policy

Proposal s emerged that the federal go vernment should assis t some of the organizations already in existence Comshypetition became keen and rivalry among institutions re su lted in grander more comshyplex proposals As a result the federal go vernment in 1968 decided to establish a think-tank of its own to take a more rigorous look at public polic y

The idea was not new In many countries the general thinking was that all problems could be so l ved by inrelleclUal anal ysis and the appl ication of modern techshyniques But the ne w Trudeau go vernment went even beyond providing more data It included public debate of public policy

But the think-tank was only one of the initiatives to aid in the formation of policies There was support for political parties through caucus funding offi ce space support staff and regional offices for Members of Parliament and internsh ip programs for students to work as assistan ts to MPs

Other support included green and white papers for discussion commissions of inquiry task forces public funding of non-political grou ps to encourage discusshysion and many others to increase the flow of information for consideration of alternashytives All were done to open up the process o f meaningful debate which would result in more effective and sound decisions

The th ink-tank was to be a centre for var ious kinds of people to di scuss public policy subjects which were often set aside because of day to day pressures At first it was to be very informal with distinguished people invited to participate Its integrity and permanency would be based on that of

were concerned that existing research instishytutes would be damaged They also wanted in volvement of business and professional communities This challenge to broaden the scope was gi ven to Ron Ritchie

Ritchie foresaw an institution that would be independent supported by an endowment which would not only support but st imu late debate on public policy

Man y fears were raised - that such a body would be taken o ver by academics that it would become a clique that govern shyments would battle for control etc But these were dealt with skillfully by Ritch ie and the Institute for Researc h on Public Policy was establ ished

What of its accomplishments~ This institute has been successfu l in

many ways in getting better information into debate [n the ten years since its beginning many studie s have been pubshyli shed It has held many informat ive confershyences and has a unique journal Howeve r despite its efforts open and meaningful debate on public policy is not much more advanced tod ay than it was a decade ago

It is evident that to ach ie ve its objecshytives there mu st be a willingess to change opi nions and the Canadian sys tem prov ides few forums for the changing of minds The bias is towards decision-makers and interest groups not open and meaningful debate

Public debate often takes pl ace after rather than before the decision is taken Thi s may not be what is wanted but policy-making is tilted not tow ards being open but towards being closed

Why has there not been more progress [n h is pre se ntation Mi chael Pitfield refershyred to the fact that the go vernment whose people should discuss the si tuation has become even more confrontational not because of lack of information but because of rigidity in their approach to discussion of public policy

As govern ment ha s grown so have checks and balances which recently have often been linked to lack of confidence Where slim majorities exist a strong opposhysi tion can threaten the government Party di sc ipline becomes severe and ai ring of independent views is discouraged The fear of a government being defeated on the one shyhand and the unyielding demands ot the opposition on the other tends to make the parliamentary process less and less flexible

The result of the foregOing is the tendency of government in modern times to drop solutions on a public th at may not be aware of the problems These solutions are not open to argu ment and debate is reduced

conld over


w ith bias tending towards a cl osed system and less debate

To improve the situation it seems it wlluld be necessary to have a mutual and

ba lanced reduction of force on both sides

The ge neral equilibrium of the system needs to be ma in tained W hat is needed is the reduction of secre tiveness of the gove rn shyment on one side and a reduc tion of the

danger of e mbarrass ment or de fea t of the govern men t on the other side

T here must be a wil li ngness to secure

more ope n debate on al l sides and our

leaders ha ve not done that e ven on m ost import ant issues More ope n and rneltll1 ingshyful deba te will require more thi nk ingshy

thro u middoth - something Mc mbers of Parlishy

ame nt may not he able to do or be free to do or have the necessary knowledge to do But the id ea behind the Institute for Remiddot

search on Public Policy was tha t such a body could bring about better decisions

All publi c problems cannot be solved by thought and tech nolog ics but few can be solved without these contr ibutions

The Institute for Research on Public Policy cannot create better public policies

by itself It must have input from all sectors to bring about more open and meaningful public debate which will result in constant

improvement of government - somethin g

that everyone desires 0

Grad News Herb Nor ry M Sc 52 has moved to

London as a farm business advisor wit h

O M AF working in eight counties

Denny Silvestrini PhD 5R is director of quality controlresearch and de velopment Eskimo Pie Corporation Ric hmond Virshy

ginia SA He had served as manager quality control and product deve lopment

Ralston Purina Co mpany St Luuis M isshysouri U SA

John Hagarty 61 is manager fi e ld

service s Rural O rganizati ons and Serv ice s Branch OMAF Guelp h

Ismail Siragcldin Ph D 62 is professor Department of Population Dynami cs and

Political Economics the Johm Hopkins

University Baltimore Md S A

Arlene (Fournier) 65 and Dick Flis

MSc 65 are in Edmo nton Alta where Dick is petroleum products manager wes tmiddot ern Canada Imperia l Oil Ltd

Craig Hunter 66 is pre sident Cra ig

Hunter Poult ry Farms Ltd Stro ud

Colin Triver s 67 is a consulting e ngineer and On tario land surveyor for e G Trivcrs

Ltd T he ssalon

Peter Mosher Ph D 70 is director

bureau of agric ultural prod uctio n Depart shyment of Agriculture Ba ngor Me USA

Cordon Brown 76 is sen ior food techshynolog is t new prod ucts process developshy

ment Tho masJ Lipton Inc in Bram pton

Martel C outure MSc 76 is acting di rec tor d iploma progra m Macdonald Colshy

lege Ste nne de Belle vue Que

Charlie Ellintt 78 vnfe Ja ne and

first -born Ian C harles born Jan uary 20

1983 are living near S hetland C harlie is now working fo r Elliott Bros G rain and Feed Ltd

Dennis Ring 78 is credit manager Farm C redit Corp C hatham H is wife is Carnl (Weeks) 79

R Cunrad Genee 79 is a sales represhy

sentative with CIBA-Geigy Canada Ltd in

Winnipeg Man

Howard Armstrong RO is an industrial

engineer with the B utler Ma nufacturing Co (Canada) Ltd Nisku Alta

Bruce Broadbent PhD 80 is a research scientist entomology with Agriculture

Canada Vineland Station

Mic hael Tulloch 80 has been accepted as

a professional engineer by the Council of the APEO He now manages engineering functions for eG Trivers Ltd Thessalon

BruceGitelman 81 will be joining Wood G undy Ltd Investment Broke rs as a

corporate finance associate in September

Danicllc Wenstrom 81 is a quality a ss urance su pe rvisor for Pil lsb ury of Canada Ltd M idland

Christine Deslandes MSc R2 is a lecturer at Alfred Col lege of Agricu ltu re

and Food Technology A I fred

Diploma Graduates

Donald Morley 68A is ge nera l ma nager De Marco Homecare Ce ntre Sutton West

Jeffrey Currah 74A is marke ting man shyage r Fortam ix-a division of BASF

Canada Inc Georgetown

Brian Roberts 76A is a welder with Hillcook Ind ust ri es Ha milton 0

In Memoriam Raymond David Ure 15A and 21 January 24 In3 ~uddenly a t Tecumse h

age 87 He had bee n very act ive un til

recently H is son Donald re is it

graduate of 49

Dr Genrge M Stirrett 20A and 22 died December 15 1982 H is many co nshy

tri bu tiono had bee n recogni zed by the Heritage Canada Found ation The fo llowshy

ing is an account of the tribu te pa id to him Fe bruary 16 1 9~ I at Government HDu~e

O ttawa

His Excelle ncy Gove rnor Ge nera l

Edward Sc hrcyer prese med the Commun imiddot cations A wards Atl antic Reg ion to Dr

George M St irrett of Grand Falls Ne w

Bru ns wick Dr Stirrett has been comm itted to natural h is tory conservation for ma ny

years bo th before and after hi s ret ire ment from the Canadian W ildlife Service and Parks Canada in 1964

He worked hard for the preservation of the falls and gorge area at Grand Falls

and on other conservation needs in Ne w Brunswick and Ma ine He has also written

on the iss ues of conservation using Ihe pcn name G raham Vail and since April 1979

has publi shed a weekly column Notes on atural History in the G rand Falls

Cataract His columns stress the appreciashytion and enjoyment of nature as well as the need for preserving it

Norman Hodgins MacBeth 23 Fe bruary 3 1983 in St John N B He had retired in

1967 as General Manage r of General Dairies Ltd

David R Owen 25 in Medi c ine Hat

Alta February 6 1983 at age 82 He was a di rector of the fi rs t ollege Roy al and spe nt

most of his li fe teachi ng and farmi ng in Saskatchewan

Ronald John Quinn 35 Fe bruary 17 1983 in London His wife Helen (Farshyquhar) is a lso a graduate o f 35

Bruce Douglas Innes 36 passed away Septe lllber 29 19 82 D uring his college

years he took part in ma ny ac tivitie s bu t he -re membered with particu la r pleasure be ing Grand C hampion Showman College Royal

35-the first time that the honour had bee n won by anyone o ther than a fou rth year man Bruce owned and operated a dairy

farm at Burford since I 939 and was an

acti ve and ded icated farmer until his death

H is wife Margaret died in A pril 1983 T hey leave daughters Lorna Lawrence

Mac 68 and Karen and son Robert 0


Macdonald Institute College of Family and Consumer

Studies Alumni Associat ion

ALUMNI NEWS Editor Joan (Anderson) Jenkinson 66


BASc Grads-Class o f 80

EntploYDlent Survey T he University s Counselling and Reshysource Centre recentl y completed an inshyucpth survey covering the empl oyment activities of the 211 graduates who in 19RO earned Bachelor of Applied Sc ience Degrees

The survey indicates th at gradu ates are e nj oy ing a variety of interes ting and chalshylenging careers

A gratifying 73 per cent of th e graduates re sponded to the survey with 51 per cent of the respondents indi catin g that they have completed or are completing graduate degrees or programs on a full- or part-time bas is Of the 153 respondents 78 per ce nt including one who is self emshyployee have full-time employment The remainder are employed part-time or are pursuing further studie s

Li sted below are the indicated ca reers chosen in the four major areas of study

Applied Human Nutritio n

ut ritiond ietetics Food service administration More than 50 per cent of the responshy

dents obtained reg istered profe ss ional dietishytian certificates The Admini strati ve Emshyphasis course is no longer offered in the

Applied Human utrition program It is available through the Bachelor of Comshymerce program

Family Studies

A number of grad uate s found posit io ns in teac h ing or social services such as

Adult protecti ve service workers Infant de ve lopment specialists Geront ology consultants Supervisors and field workers with social service agencies Other Family Studies graduate s are

working in government srv iees and in the private ec toras home economists financial co un se llors librarians hostel managers Family Studies graduates tend to sl ck caree rs in the helping profess ion s

Consumer Studies

There are four emphasis areas 01 study within this maj or The survey indicates that

Food gradu ates are employed in areas of produci development marketing and food technology with majo r food companies Hou si ng emphasis graduates are wo rkshying with government agencies and in teac hing

Consumer Beha vio ur e mph asis graduates are in industry business and res earc h Tex tile and Clothin g e mph asis grads are employed in research merchandi sshying and banking Often after working for a year or

more Consumer Studies graduates will return to gradu ate study o r profess ional programs on a full- or part-time bas is

Child Studies

Many Child Studies graduates are emp loyed in teaching supervisory or other child-care related sett ings such as soc ial work with fami lies and children Re ported part -lime and temporary em pl oy ment pos ishytions include work as supply teachers child care supervisors special education leac hers and as lecturers in uni ve rsity settings

It is imporl an t to note that this emshyploy ment survey reports the caree r paths chose n by onl y one graduating cl ass Dat a is collccl~d on a yearl y bas is from gradu ates in Family and Consumer Studies In order to observe the broad scope of employment opportunities avail able a four-year tabulashytion wo uld pl~ c nt a more complete picture of the profess ional activities of graduates

In summary FACS programs offer students a sound educational background to meet the need s of i nduslry educational institut io ns governme nt and bus in c The future for FACS graduates is indeed bright as the College co ntinues to gro w and develop programs to meet the challenges of the 80s 0



BASc Gradsmiddot Class of 80 Further Education Pursued

Major Total

Graduates Number of

Respondents R PDt BEd MEd MSc MD MA

Applied Hum an Nu trition 65 45 23 3 I

Family Studies 64 44 19

Consumer Studies 48 33 2

C hild Studies 34 31 II I I I

TOTAL 21 1 ( 1007c)

153 (73 oc )

23 32 I 4 I I

FACS Has New

Dr Richurd Burhunl

Dean Professor Richard M Barham was apshypointed dean of the College of Family and Consumer Studies for a fi ve-year term effective July I 1983 He succeeds Dr Janet M Wardlaw who has served as dean since 1969

Professor Barham has been chairman of the Department of Family Studies since

1976 and served as acting dea n in [980 while Dean Wardlaw was on administrative leave

A graduate of the University of Otago Dunedin e Zealand Richard Barham received a Ph D degree from the University of Alben a dmonton in Ed ucational Psychology

He has served on the faculty of the Department of Educational Psychology at the University of Alberta and as professor and acting chairman of the Department of Education University of Otago

While in New Zealand he was an executive member of the council of The Ne w Zealand Psychological Society and served as its president

At Guelph he has taught both undershygraduate and graduate courses in the Deshypartment of Family Studies and has supershyvised graduate students

He has been active on many University committees during the past seven years He is a past chairman of the Board of Graduate Studies and has been a member of the

Committee on Academic Priorities the Committee on University Planning the Liaison Committee and several others

He has also been a consulting educa shytional psycholog ist with the Wellington County Separate School Board since 1979

Prolessor Barham and his wife Joan have a family offour Joan recently returned to the University of Guelph for further study Daughter Vick y 19 is a student in Economics at Queens University Lisa 17 and Christopher 14 attend Ce ntennial CVJ while Tania 12 is completing her studies at College Avenue School

Music is very important part of the Barham familys life with active invoheshyment in the Suzuki String School and the Guelph Youth Orchestra Gardening is a hobby enjoyed by both Richard and Joan

Members of the Mac- FACS Alumni Association extend a sincere welcome to Professor Barham We look forward to meeting and working with him in the future as he fills the challenging position as dean of FACS 0

FACS Prof First

Dr M urlin MUllhclIs

Director P ro fessor Anne Martin Matthews De shypart me nt of Family St udi es has been ap shypointed the first director of the Gnontology Research Centre The establi shment of the Centre was announced last February A research grant of $237000 from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada will fund the Centre for the first three years

Professor Martin Matthews has been conducting research related to the needs and interests of older segments of the populashytion as well as teaching courses in such areas as social gerontology and marital and family dynamics in Family Studies She has been a faculty member with the Department of Family Studies since 1978

She also has been active beyond the campus in programs related to aging She is chair-elect of the social sciences division Canadian Council on Gerontology and will begin a two-year term in the chair of that organization this year

She is also first vice-president of the

Ontario Gerontology Association and a member of the scientific advisory commitshytee of the Gerontology Research Council of Ontario She is a graduate of Memorial University of Newfoundland and McMaster University

With a steadily increasing percentage of the popUlation in the retirement age bracket it is important to understand more fully the ir needs and cuncerns sa ys Proshyfessor Martin Matthews The en tre will deal with the ag ing family and environshymental contexts In the latter sense we will be examinin g such things as the difference bet wee n aging in an urban and a rural society as well as issues like housing and the aging

The new Gerontology Research Centre will provide facilities to assist faculty members and graduate students doing reshysearch on aging The Centre will facilitate integrate and co-ordinate studies on aging within the University the director says

Research on aging is now being carried out at the Universi ty in such Departments as Family Studies Geography Psychology Nutrition Human Biology and SocioluFY and the Centre will be able to provide a medium for cross-fertilization of ideas among the many researchers in the field

Professor Marlin Matthews says that the Centre will be working co-operatively with other similar research centres in Onshytario such as the one at the University of Toronto in promoting research on aging The Centre will also sponsor conferences and workshops that relate to the special needs of older citizens in their communities

Guelph has demonstrated an interest in gerontology since 1970 when research projshyects began and courses dealing with aging were offered in the Departments of Family Studies and Psychology Since 1981 the Un i versity has offered gero ntology as part of the Famil y Studies major in the Bachelur of Applied Science program 0

A Thank You Dear A luml7i

1-Iwl 10 Ihonk oil Ihe uumni inloll(d wilh

Ihc cr special send-oj gien to me ill

recognition of Ihc complelion ofmv Icrm as


So man of ou -Ierc invocd shy

whelhcr or nOI ou -Iere able 10 (fIend Ihe

recognition receplion in Toronlo on May

29 I oppreciacd Ihe man good llishes

which come from ocross CClrado ond from

such dislOlIl places as Indio and Chara

Your generous gifls u Imc Irolld of

pcarls und a bonk aCCOlll11 vhich came lVilh

Ihe slrong suglcslion Ihal [should IIc 10

Vnv Iculand lverc Irul overllhelll1ing

The Air lCll Zcalundjlighl bag jJacked wilh

1111 SOriS of nccessiliel added 10 Ihe jim

middotre had 01 Ihe rcceplion

Many Ihanksfor your SUppOri over Ihe years and for your good wishes as I begin

my car ofadmin is Ira live leave

Yours sincerelv

Jonel M Wardlaw 0


Dr Louise

( Bailltlj

Heslop 67

Off - To


Dr Louise (Bazi net) Heslop 67 has JO ined the School of Business at Carlton Unive rsit y O ttaw a Over the next two years through an arran geme nt with Ca rlton Unive rsity she will be cco nded on a

part-time basis by Stati sti cs Canada where she will join the Research and Analysi s

D ivision Loui se completed her MSc at Guelph

in 1969 and continued as lecturer in the

ne wly-es tablished Department o f Co nshysumer Studies In 1977 she compktcd a Ph D in Business Administration (Marketshying) at the University of Western Ontari o

and rejo ined the Department of Consumer Studies ri si ng to the rank of ass oc iate professor

Louise was e lected to the board of

di rectors of the Mac-FA CS Alumni Assoc ishyati on in 1977 se rvin g as secretary-treasurer until May 1981

We ex tend our best wishe middot to Loui se

her husband Lome O A 70 and their dau ghters Jose tte 5 and C la ire 2 Lorne is employed by Agriculture Canada in

Ottawa and is currently completing an M Sc in Engineering at the University of

G uelph Coun try li ving is a high priority with

the Heslops They are deli ghted with the purchase of a farm near Almonte a nd look

forward to the best of both worl d s - profess ion a lism in the city and lei sure in the countryside 0

Grad News Helen (Clifford ) Beswick 48D is se lf empl oyed as a studio potter in her home in Dundas

Margaret (Kennedy) jarvis 54D is a realestate age nt in Kingston

Pat (Hall) McDowell 65 is with the

United Missionary Soc iet y Jlorin Kwora State ~igeria

Joanne Patterson 66 is a se ni or project o ffmiddoticer w ith Indi an and Northern Affa irs Ottawa

Leslie (Mowat) Hemming 68 is teaC hin g in Woods tock

Mary (Jany) Toms 68 is employed with Health and We lfare Canada Ottawa

Sarah (Spencer) Coomhs 70 is an assistant director wi th the Co nsumer Inforshymation Centre of the Ontario Government


Meredith Fi lshie 70 is an ana lyst w ith the Ministry of State for Economic and Re g ional Development O ttawa

S heila (Fahner ) jarvie 70 is a nutrishytion ist w ith the K- W Hospital Kitchener

Donna j ohnstone 70 o perates Donn as Ha ndmade Clothin g for Men amp Wo men Gabiola Isla nd B C

Lorraine Holding 71 is manager of program development with the Rural Orshyga nizatio ns and Services Branlh Minis try of Agriculture and Food located at the Gue lph Agriculture Centre

Beve r ly Lee 72 is a chairperso n with the York Region Board o f Educ at io n

Laurie MacLeod 72 is a district manager with Beaver Foods Mlss issauga

Kathy Camelon 73 is a dietitian at the Toronto Genera l Hospita l

Tirnoth) Fleming HAFA 74 a ses ionaJ lec turer with H AFA teaching business law has been adm itted to the partne rshi p o f the law firm of Harper Haney and White of Waterl oo

Isabel (McBride) H o well 74 is an e lementary school teacher with the Watershyloo Co unt y Board of Educatio n Camshybridge

Mary Ruston 75 is a Famil y Studies teacher at Inge rso ll District High School

Kathryn Anderson 76 is a supervisor with Westmini ster Family Day a re London

Hester Cooper 76 is employed as a research officer with the New Zealand Dairy

Research Institute in Palmers ton North ew Zealand

Patr icia (G a rland ) Desaul niers 76 is with patient fo od se rvices Alberta Hospishyta l Edmo nton

Noella Li 76 is aclinical dietitian wi th the

ictori a Hospital London

M eredith (Evans) Hea rtwe ll 77 is

teac hing in Mississauga

Deb Wey 77 is patient food se rvices manager at SI John Regio nal Hospi tal SI J()hn NB

Susan (junes ) Wilcox 77 is food se rvices

superviso r with the Baye re st Ce ntre for Ge riatric Care 0

A ThankYou The c lass of Mac 380 wishes to extend a

sincere thank you to all alumni who have con tributed to the Mac 38 0 Class Geronshy

to logy Scholarship Fund The gradua te s tudent scholarship in

the recently de ve loped area ot Ge ronto lo gy at FACS is being established by the class of 38D in recog nition of their 45th annivershy

sary in 1983 All Univers it y of Guelph grads are

in vited to parti c ipate in this project funds for which will be so li c ited until December

1984 [f you wish to con tribute please make you r cheq ue pay ab le to the Univers ity o f Guelph Alma Mater Fund specify that it is to be applied to the Mac 38 D Class Gerontology Scho larship Fund and mail to

the Deve lo pment Office Room 273 John shysto n Hall Uni ve rsity o f Gue lph Guelph

Ontario N IG 2W J Th an ks again for yo ur suppo rt from

Elle n Downie Mary Singer Doris Durran t and Jean Carter- the Mac 38 D sch o larship committee 0

In Memoria m We regret to announce the death of the following al umnus

Margaret L (MacKenzie) Smallwood 401) December 1982 in Lakeland Fla




The College of Physical Scie nce Alumni Association

SCIMP Editor Bob Winkel

phy sics grant selection committee of thc atural Sciences and Engineering Research

Council for two years he was intimately involved in all the major re search de velopshyments in Canada in this field Hc feels that his e lec tio n to the Royal Society of Canada will help raise the prot1le of high-energy physics in this co untry and lend stren gth to Canadian experimenters

The citation prepared for his nominashytion to the Royal Society of Canada reads

Professor Karl is a high energy the ori st whose work is widely recognized interna tionally His deep physical insight and hi s kn ow led ge of mathemati ca l methods led to the quark model of baryon resonances based on quantum chromoshydynamics which has been enormousl) successful in describing experimental reshysuits H is re sea rch is characterized by striking originality and an ability to COIll shy

bine basic ideas from different field s as in the predictions of a new effect - neutron optical activity

Gabriel Karl is married and has one daughter W hen he is not probing the sec re ts of the universe he indulges himself in music theatre and the fine arts

He visited the Unive rsity of Briti sh Columbia in Vanco uver in May for the induction ceremony into the Royal Society of Canada on the occas ion of the Annual Meeting of the Society It marked he sa id the culmination of a long string of benefits that [ ha ve enjoyed throughout the 23 years 1 have lived in Ca nada [ have every rea son to be very grateful to th is country D

Erratum In the Sprin g issue o r SCiMP it was erroneously reported in the c utline accompanyin g a pict ure of Departshyme nt of Physics student scholarship winners that they were the recipients of 0 er $ 1500 We dropped a zero The fi gure should have read $ 15000 Sorry about tha t Ed

Elected to Royal Society

Dr Cooiel Korl

The election of Dr Gabriel Karl to a Fellowship of the Roy al Society of Canada represents what one of hi s colleagues Dr Peter Egelstaff desc ribe s as a rare honour which reflects great credit not only on Dr Karl but also on the Uni versi tys Departshyment of Physics

The Royal Society of Canada founded in 1882 to promote learning and research in the arts and sciences has numbered among its Fellows virtually all of Canadas most distinguished intellectual le ade rs of the last J00 yea rs Standards are jealously guarded and Fello wships are awarded only as a result of outstanding world-class ach ieve ment

The rarity of the honour is indicated by the fact that at the Un iversity of Guelph whose faculty includes so many academics of international distinction only five had previously achieved a Fellows hip in the Royal Society of Canada These are Dr Howard Clark vice- pres ident academic Dr Bruce Sells dean College of Biologishycal Science Dr Peter Egclstaff Depart shyment of Physics Dr Do nald Masters Prof ssor Emeri tu s De part mcnt of History and Dr He rb Armstrong retired dean of Graduate Studies

As the sixth Dr Ga briel Karl will have the added di st inction of bei ng the first whose career has been sp ot excl us ively at the Un ivers ity of Guelph which agai n to

quote Dr Egelstaff marks a coming of age for the University

Gabriel Karl was born in Transylvania a province of Romania He obtained his B Sc in Chemistry at Romani as Univershysity of ClUJ worked for two years in industry and came to Canada in 1960 He attended graduate school at th e University of Toronto where he was awarded a Ph D in 1966 for a thesis on infrared luminesshycence following molecular colli sion Hi s Ph D supervisor was the distinguished physical chemist Dr John Polanyi

A two-year post-doctora l fellowship with the University of Torontos Depart shyment of Physics followed His mentors there were Drs J Van Kranendonk and Duk Poll who is now a professor with the Universi ty of Guelph s Depa rtment of Ph ys ics

In 1966 Dr Karl studied at the Uni versity of Oxford for two years under an NRC scho larship to study hadron spec troshyscopy and in 1969 he Joi ned the Univers itys Department of Phy sics achieving a full professorship only five years later

Dr Karls work has focussed on high energy physics - the physics of fundamen shytal particles This is an esoteric field involvshying research into the nature of matter The relatively few world leaders in thi s field tend to cluster around the half-dozen accelerators such as the $100 million four kilumete rshylon g hi gh-e nergy tunnel for accelerating electrons at Stanford University that have been built only in the US and Europe

There is no accelerator of this energy level in Canad a and fe w Canadian scie nshyti ~ts are working in this field Dr Ka rl s statu re in the international commu nity of particle physic ists is marked by his many visi ts to the world s major research ce ntres as guest speaker and to consult with his peers Referring to the time spent on thcse missions Dr Karl describes the Depart shym nt of Phys ics and his colleag ues as generouslyaccommodati ng shy

As cha irman of the h igh energy


Trapping The Suns Energy Excerpted from a Chemtrends article by Mary Cocivera

One predi ctabl e fac t about ind ustri ali z d

soc iety is that it will take more e nergy to

keep the whee ls ru nn ing smoothl y parti c ushy

larly because the world population is exshy

pected to dou ble to about n ine bill ion by the

year 2050

[n th search to augme nt tradi tio na l

sources o f e lectri ci ty two Departme nt of

Chemistry pro fessors ha ve tu rned their

atten ti on to the convers ion of solar energy to

electricity by photovultaie cel ls and photoshy

elec troc he mical systems T he developme nt

work at Guelph is a imed at improving the efficiency and stability of th se sy~tems and

reduc i ng the ir cos t

Si licon photovoltaic cells serve as a

reference for solar energy convers iun beshy

cause they were the fi rst such cells and to

date arc the most effic ient co nvert ing so lar

ne rgy into elec tr ic ity a t abo ut 15 per cem

effi c iency Arrays of crys tal li n sil icon ce lls present ly cos t in the nei ghborhood or

S$400 per sq uare metre to manufac ture

produc ing about 40 watts Photovo lta ic

thin- fi lm syste ms us ing semico nductors

o ther than single crysta l sil ic on are be ing

investigated in man y re~earc h ce ntre s

around the world

A pro mis ing approach is a cadmiui1l

sulfi dec uprous sul fide combi nat ion in

which the two sem ico nduc tors are laye red

on molybdenum the n covered w ith a transshyparent gold fil m T his thin-fi lm cons trucshy

tio n i ideal for solar devices explai ns

Profess ur Ro n Fawcett because large

surface areas are needed for maximum

exposu re to the sun

T he fabrication process devel oped by

Ro n and patented in 1980 in vo lve electroshy

depos iting cadmium sulfide o nto molybshy

denum then layering cuprous sulfide over the cadm ium sulfide by an ion exchange

process Finally the gold 11 1m is added by

vacuum de pos ition Ron es timates that

thi n-film de ices could be manufac tu red in

this way for about S$25 per squ are metre

E lectro pla ting of se m ic ondu ct ors

would enabl e photo voltai c dev ices to be

manu factured in a continuous process

rathe r than indi vidua lly as i required w ith

s ingle crysta l s ilic on Such ce lls ha ve

ach ieved conversio n of solar to electrica l

energy at an e ffi cienc y o f I per cent to date T he researchers are co nfide nt they can

achieve fi to 8 per cent cffi ieney compared

to the calcul ated max imum e ffi c iency of II

per cent Pro fessor Michae l oc ivera is ork ing

on photoe lec troc hem ical systems in which a

sem icond uctor electrode im mersed in an

elec tro lyte solution converts inci dent li g ht

into a n electric a l cu rren t Such se mishy

conductor lilju id junction cells offe r p racti shy

cal ad van tages because uf the sponta neom format ion o f a junc tio n I mproved effishy

ciency fo r po lycrysta lli ne sem iconductors

has been a hi eved in ce lb of th is type in part becau~e the liqu id estab li shes unshy

iformly good COntac t wi th the e l etrode

The li gh t -~ens it i ve electrode in photoshy

e lec trochem ical ce lls is a sem ic o nductor

e it her a thin-fi lm or s ingle c rysta l a tt ached

to a metal back ing the other e lec trode is an

inert me ta l T he e l ectrode~ are immersed in

~ n elect rol yte solutio n o f a mater ial that carl do nate and accep t elect rons The b igges t

prob lem with many li lj ui d junct io n ce lls

~ays Mike is photocorros iol1 of the su rshy

face of the se miconductor To overcome

thi s problem he is developing materi a ls and

techniques to coat the e lectrodes with proshy

tec tive materiab

The first liquid junction cells with a

sili con anode opera ted for only a matter of

seconds befo re the e lec trode was des troyed

by corrosion Researche rs at the Solar Energy Research Insti tu te in C o lorado

U SA have developed a silicon anode

w ith a polypyrro le protect ive coating which

can o perate for hund reds o f hours but that is

still not long eno ugh for a viable commershy

cia l syste m

M ike and his colleague are making a

syste matic study of compounds tha t wi ll

both protect the electrode from corrosion

and catal yze the elect rode rca tion They

arc now worki ng with organo me tall ic comshy

pounds co mpris ing a metal atom sulfur

and an aromatic co m pone nt containing a func tiona l group li ke hyd roxy l sul phonate

ammoni um and nitroso

hese compounds are effect ive beshy

ca use they prov ide a mechanism to transfer

a ch arge bet ween the se mi co nd uctor and the e lectro n donor in solut io n The coating mus t

also be transpilrent e nough to a llow the light

to s trike the photocleetrode

To date they ha ve suneeded in deshy

veloping fi ve coat ings su itab le fo r a variet y

or se miconduc tors incl uding the polyshy

crysta ll ine cadm ium su lfide e lectrodes fabshy

riltated by Ron Fawce tt s method If polyshy

crystalli ne elec trodes can be fab ri (a ted and

coated wi th a protec tive materia l electroshy

chemically they wi ll be relati ve ly inexpe nshy

ive to manufac ture If the tech niques and processe s be ing

inve ~l igated by Ron Fawce tt and Mike Coc ivera de ve lop to tht ir full poten tial the

su n cou ld beco me a more import ant supplier

o f e lectri city in Ca nada Long-range proshy

jectio ns suggest that about 10 per cent of No rth A m rican e lectr ic it y could be proshy

duced from solar convers ion

Elec tric ity fro m the sun is no longer a

pipe-dream-it is a reachable goa l n

Grad News Louise (Sandall) Platt BA 69 is living

in Islington and teaching for the Etobico ke

Board of Educati on

Alexander Barton BSc 70 MSc 74 is work ing on a Ph D deg ree in the

Departme nt of Fishe ries and W ildlife at

Orego n Sta te uni vers ity

Gerry Kupferschmidt BSc 70 MSc

71 is living at R R I Osgoodc and is

tmployed as a sc ientific ad ise r to the


Murray Ross Gingrich BSc 71 Ii ves in

Brampto n and is work ing as a probation

officer for the Ministry o f Correc tio nal


Robert Cross BSc 72 M D is workshy

ing in the emergency department o f the

So uth Muskoka Hospital in Bracebridge

Edda Duva (Home) Kerr BA 74 lives

in G ue lph and is working as a program

co-ordinator for Casatta Ltd in Kitchener

Deanne Ch)y BSc 78 Ii ves in Etob ishy

coke and is working as a public health

inspector for the Ham ilton Wentwo rth Reshy

gio nal Health Unit

Alex McDonald BSc 79 PhD 83 and his wife Rosanne ( DeNobriga) BSc

79 are living in Austi n Texas whil e Alex

is do ing post-doctoral work at the Unishy

vers ity o f Texas

Ste~en Oliver BSc 79 o f Hamilton is a

medica l sa les repre sentati ve with Cyanamid

Canada Inc

Gordon Knox BSc 79 is a con~ ul ta nt

with Inform ation Systems Serv ices in Vicshy

toria BC

George Gillson BSc 80 is taki ng a

Ph D in Anal ytica l C hemis try at the Uni shyve rsity of Alberta 0


The College o f Arts Alumni Associat ion

DELPHA Editor Debbie (Nash) Chambers 77

has no w acquired the Shaw Festival ArshyThe Deans Roundup chives on permanent deposit T his is an

Last fall I had the privilege of speakshy

ing to the direc tors of the University of G uelph Alumn i Assoc iation to bring them

up to date on some of the excit ing things connected with the College of Arts I am gratefu l to the editor of DELPHA for this

opportu nity to let alumni readers know what we are do ing

I am pleased to be able to report a subs tant ial increase in enrolment both in the

B A program and in the College o f Arts this past yea r What is especially nice is that this has coincided with a dec is ion to tighte n our

standards at the admissions level and in the regulations for continuatio n of study

In o rder to grad uate B A students

who entered the Spring 19~3 Semester will need to obtai n a C average in 60 per cent of the courses they take

Most of o ur students are doing thi s now and we do not antici pate this will pose any

problem for the students whom we are ad mitting Next year students en tering the

B A program will be required to have Grade 13 English and we are strongly encouraging them to offer a Mathematics credit o r o ne in French or ano ther language

Applications from students wish ing to enter the B A program in the Fall 1983 Semester

are up subs tantia lly over last yea r I also want to share with you some

ha ppenings which have brought special delight to me

The U ni ve rsi ty of Guelph Choir

under director Ge rald e ufeld won second prize in the 1982 CSC nation al chora l competition

In the Harbourfront a rt show last

sum mer three o f o ur students had works se lected by the jury and each won a prize shya better show ing than any of the other O nshy

tario universities or colleges which entend T he C anadian- American Urban Hisshy

tory Co nference held at G uelph in A ugust

1982 was a tremendous success bringing sc holars from many parts of the United States and Canada to discuss new trends in urban studies

Dean David Murray

In the space of just a few months I have seen seven books published by faculty in the Co llege The subjects include Rudyard

Kipl ing Greek Philosophy Urban History Evolution and Darwinism Reli gion and Tolerance the dramatist Gra nville Barker

and a nove l written in French Last summer also saw the completion

of a very successful facu lty exchange beshy

tween o ur Department of Eng lish and the

Uni vers ity of Reading in Britain Dr Leslie Monkman went to Reading for the year and Dr Coral Howell s visited Guelph This

opportunity enab led Dr Howells to study modern C anadian writers and she is now

working o n a book to be published in Britain o n Canadian women wri ters Dr

Mo nkman lectured on Canadian literature at various places in Britain and in France as well as in Reading

T hro ugh the e fforts of the Department of Drama and its chairman Dr Leonard

Conolly and C ollections Librarian Jo hn Moldenhauer 68 the Uni versi ty Library

ex tremely valuab le re sou rce for theatre

scholars a nd the Univers ity is ve ry pleased to have a closer connection with the Shaw Festi val The Drama Department also has

Professor Dan Laurence the world s leadshying Shaw scholar as a distinguished Visitshy

ing Professor lor the ra il Semester Two large conferences were organized

during the Spring and Summer by faculty

and students in the Co llege Professor Ted Cowan of the History Department was in charge of the Scottish Heritage Festival held in uelph in May The Fes tival was a

ce lebrati on of the S co t~ 1d their contribushytion~ to Canada

In Au gust the Uni vers ity will host a major conference o n Common wealth lite rashy

ture bringing writers and schol ars to Guelph from allover the Com monweal th Professor Doug K illam chairman of the Department of English and a number o f col leagues are

now busily preparing to welcome guests from around the world

Through our liaison programs we have pioneered special day - long seminars at the

niversity for gifted children in Wellington County T he se programs are part of o ur commitment to assist secondary schools in meeting the challe nges of special education

J know many o f you will also be interes ted in knowing that last sLi mmer the

College awarded three new scholarships two of the m honouring the cont ribution made by former faculty members J Percy

Sm ith and W Stanford Reid The other marked the first presentation of the Edward Johnson Music Foundation scholarships for students in the music program

We are al l ac ute ly co nscious of the

financial pressure affecting the UnivLr ~ ity

of Guelph and othe r Canadian unive rsities

But we mus t no t le t these pressures detract from the vision of academic excellence to

which we are committed J think you will agree from the exaln ~Jk middot ha ve cited that this vision continues to glow brightly in spite of our financial plight We hope we can

co ntinue to co unt on your advice and your suppurt 0


It Was a Very Good Year T he Direc tor or the College of Arts Alumni Assoc iation have had a bus y year In January we launched o ur hrst Caree rs i lglll for in -coure stude nlgt Thanks to the exce lle nce and enthusiasm of our pane l l1len1bcr the evening was a success

Careers Night is to become an annual event and we would appreciate you r particishypation Any Art s grads wh o wo uld like to

vo lunteer their expertise for the e vening please do not hesita te to contact us

The Directors were also busy a rshyranling the second an nu al art show shyDI MENSIO NS middotS3 Due to the treme nd ous response to DI M ENSIOtS 82 the art show co mmittee organized DIM ENSIO NS 83 as aJu ricd show We are hoping that nex t yea r we will be able to mount a photography show as well a an art sho w

As you are probably aware in 1970 Wellington College was reo rganized into the Colleges of Arts Physic al Sc ience and Socia l Science This year our Assoc iation was asked to se lect a new College logo Thankgt to Dean Dav id Murray and the Deans Counc il we were given permission to use the graphics on the College of Art s Gold Medal It can be see n in the masthead of thi s issue The logo was designed by Erich Barth art dire ctor Department of [nshyformation and enco mpasses the di verse di s shycipiJnes fou nd within the College of Arts

Grad News Catharine (Gilnerlson ) Scott 70 is a wage and salary anal ys t tnivers it y of Waterl oo

Linda la) Bell 72 i the assistant conshysultant for thlto gifted We llington County Boa rd of Education GueJph

Lynn Barbeau 74 is the curator Educa shytion and xtension Macdo nald Stewart Art

entre Guelph

Wltlynr WellJauler 75 is corpora te mar shyke ting manager Gore Mutua l In surance Company Cambridgc

Renate Fisc her 76 is a consultant with the Woods Gordon Divisio n of Cl arkson Go rdon Chartered Acco untants Kitchener

jane Morley O AC MSc 81 is a career co nsultant Counse llin g and Student Reshysource Centre Un iversity of Guelph

Through the generos ity of the Alma Mater Fund our Assoc iation has been able to e stablish nv e sc holars hip s Thre e DELPHA awards for Gue lph alumni to continue their slUdi es at the gradu ate level at the University and two awa rds for part-time mature students These awards are greatly appreciated by the students who have reshyce ived th e m

Congratulatio ns are th e order of the day for Juli e (Russe ll ) Thur 78 Associashytion past pre sident and Linda Mackenz ie shyCordi ck 8 1 Assocration secre tary treas shyurer on the birth of their daug hters in March We wi sh them joy in their yo ung-

David Dell 76 is the in fo rmation o ffic er Reg ion of Pee l Brmiddotampton

jeff Miller 82 is a s tage manager for Profes sional Theatres Toronto

The above eight alumni were panel )11ember-s at our first annual Careers sJ ig ht held ea rlier th i yea r On ce again we offer our sincere thanks for their pani ci pation

lhugarel Reare 68 is senior research o f hee l Minis try of th e Soli citor General Ottawd

William Thiels 73 is a sys te ms analyst with Eas tman Kodak CO Roche ster t Y US A

Shardie D SteHnson 77 is assistant marketing manager Marsh and 1cLennan Ltd Winnipeg Man

Donald Syme 77 is with marketing pe rsonne l IC F Sydne y Australia

sters and look forward to the ir continued help in the Assoc ia tion in the future

C Nould lik e to re mind our fell ow alu mni to jo in or renew their membership in our Association De hbie ( Nash) Cham bers 77 editor of DF LPH A wo uld lik e any Ideas lor future artick that vould catch your interes t Our Assoc iati o n would also apprec ia te heari ng from you re gardin g eve nts that you wou ld be interested in attending Pl ease drop us a line in order that we may serve you better thus ~ eeping the line of co mmunic ation oren bet ween you and yo ur Alma v1ater

In closing I would like to acknowlmiddot edge With great a pprec iati o n the a istance that has been o ffclTU our Board of Direc tors over the pasl year

As al ways Dea n David Murray has bee n a va lued ad visor I wo uld li ke to thank Professor Ted Cowa n Department o f History for his Sprin g 19K3 OEPHA article on the Scottish Heritage Festival and Judy (Ma in) Ca rson 75 for he r help in preparalron of feature articles Spec ial thank s arc also ex tended to Rosemary Clark Mac 59 Asis tant Director Proshyg rams Dep artment of Alumni Affairs and Deve lopment and our Board of Directo rs who have wo rk ed so hard to mak e thi s a successful year

The term of 19X2-B3 has been a very grati fying one for all mem bers of the Associations Boa rd o t Directors We loo k for ward to 19K3-K4 anJ hope to hear from you Q

J ane Francis 78 is With Ilublic relations Vancouver Stock EXchange Vancou ver B C

Jonie Bunce 79 is a teacher 01 Art English and Thcatre Arts at 1 A Turn er Secondary School BrdrllptOl

Deborah Salmon 79 is married to Richard Light BS( 80 and li ves in Japanec Shc worb for the Empl o) mc nt and Im migrati on Commi ssion dnd Ri chlrJ works for a darrv in Kin gs to n

Shelagh Stevens 79 it station U)lllrshytwlle r Department o f -J atiunal [dc nce in f ova Slmiddototia

lidwtl Glanb 81 is a supervisor mar shyke ting comrlluni~ations Pitney-Bowe s oj

Canada Ltd Don Mill s

john (llanllllUnd ) Zelasko 81 rs ~ I

courtr(lOrn artist WKBW Buffalo New Ymk US I C



Alumnus of

Honollr 1983

Helen Christine AbeD Mac 38D

Amo ng the forerunners in the fie ld of rural soc iol ogy not only in Canada

but throughout the world and with a long career as a professor in numerous un iversities ac ross Canada Dr Helen C Abell has und oubted ly do ne much to promote a world -w ide reputation for her Alma Mater

Dr Abell has been most active in a numbe r of United Nat io ns programs designed to foster development of th ose in the Third World countrie s Although os ten sibl y retired she still co nt inues her wo rk as a cons ult ant in Socio-Economic De ve lopme nt assisti ng in develop ing sho rt -term project s as the occasion ari ses

As well as a Macdona ld Ins titu te Diploshyma Dr Abell obtained a BHSc (H ome Economics) from the Universi ty of Toro nto in 1941 and an MS (Human Nutrition) and a Ph D (major Rural Sociology and Agri cul shytural Economics) from Cornell University in 1947 and 1951 re specti vel y 0

Page 24: Guelph Alumnus Magazine, Summer 1983

2 The Aggres sive Expansionist

Many farmers who did well farming on a

modlst basis in the mid-70s dec ided that s ince o ne farm was pro fitabl e two wo uld be bette r three be tter than two Aggress ive

expan sion mos tl y on c redit du ring this i ntl a tio nary pe riod produced many paper millionaires in the farm co mmunity by the late 70s The elation fo r some of these

fa rmers d id not lasl far into the 80s T hose with 100 much bo rro wed cap ital

found that the ir farm income c ul d not

support the debt load So me of these

atlcmpted fu rthe r borro wing in an e ffort to mai nta in their ho l ding ~ and fo und ou t like o thers before them th at it is imposs ible to

borro w your way out of debt O thers so ld or tried to sell some o f the ir land o r eq uipment in an effort to re ti re at leasl o me of the ir cri ppling de bt and there by salvage at

least a part o f the ir operation

One rather sad varia tio n o f this las t s itua tion occ urs occ as io na lly whe re a

farmer who has had a succes~ fu l and so lvent opera tion decide to ex pand to a llow a son

o r so n- in-law into the bus in ss because of a des ire on the part of the young per on to

farm or occasionally because he is no t employed The expansion in Jand and eljuipment particularly if it occu rred in the

last three years and if it were do ne mainl y o n credit with a mortgage taken on his once so lvent operation has robbed the farmer of

his security and his peace of mind Furthershy

mo re in some of these s ituations the disappointed newcomer in the bus iness moved on leaving dear o ld dad to make the best of it

3 The Equipment Enthusiast

Another scenario concerns the man who is o bsessed with the need to ac quire equipshyment or to make add ition s and improveshy

ments to a lready adequate buildings To pay

for it out of the revolvi ng operating loan or to finance it in other ways withou t first having established that it will pay for itself will inevitably c reate financial problem s

Whe re there has been a general disregard for thi s kind of purchas ing the end resu lt has usually been disas trous

4 Natural Disasters

We regularly see the result s of natural

disas ters - floods windstorms hail frost disease and fires All of the se misfortunes can be c rippling to any operation but when adequate insurance coverage is not carried or if one of these di sasters occur whe n a farmers equity is low or when hi s princi pal and interest charges consume much o f his income it can be disastrous to his economic

pos ition

5 Family Unity

From OFAAP applicatio ns it is noted that some farmers who experience a marriage break- up seem to have diffi culty maintainshy

ing fi nanc ial solvency W hen asse ts are

di vided and whe n atte nt ion to management

is di e r ted hccause o f family pro blems the farm operation is often morta ll y wounded

Farmers and farm op ratnr are much more vulnerable in this si tua tio n because thei r

wives arc o ften much more invol ved in the e lllerprise than in non- farm situations

6 Offmiddot Farm Income

Appl ications incl ude a great nu mher of

insta nces in which if it were not fo r 0 ffmiddot fa rm income o f either the farmer or his wife or

occas io na lly both the ir farm o peratio n wo uld be tota lly un viable and unab le to continue to fu nc tion It is well the n fo r

those in th se c ircumstances to r cogniu tha t if the off-farnl inco me should e nd it wo uld also mea n the te rmination of the

farming operatio n

7 Enterprise Changes

A review 0 f appli ca tions indicates that some

farmers are hoping to comple tely change

thei r c rop or li ves toc k programs attemptin g perhaps to outguess the marke t and to

improve their financial return s Sometimes the expectation in vo lved in the dec is ion is

correct but so o ften when the costs inshyvol ved in the c hange are considered little

has been gai ned and where the deci s ion to change was unwi se co nsiderable loss is

usually the result The ot her extreme to this

situation is rigidity to the poi nt of makin g no changes at all

8 Manage ment

The management ability of any applicant

farmer is difficult to assess Most applicants are not known and there is no opportunity to assess the actual farm operation Ho wever

experience with OFAA P emph asizes that good financial management is c ritical to the

success of any farm operation Here is a li s t of definite Do and

Do nts that should be much in the minds of farmers operating in the present financial climate All of these suggestions re tlect the ex periences we have had working with

appli ca tions for O FAA P

The Definite Dos

Do base an operation on an informed farm

plan keep ing and using good record~ and approved acco unting proced ures Do work c losely wi th the credit source shy

usually the banker Plan and work within

approved revo lving ope rating loan limits Make regular cred it payments when due and when unable to make p ro per arrange shy

ments ahead of time w ith your c reditor or credito rs Do make necessary adju stme nts in land and equipm e nt befo re u nder tak ing further borrow in g Do shop around for cred it and i nve~ tig ate

ava il ah le programs to cu t credit cos ts Do pay off on loans when surplus cas h is

ava il able It won t be any fun but it w ill

he lp to re tain sol vency Do try to ma intai n stability in your far m o peration and kee p the peace a t h IllC

Do seek the professi o nal adv ice of you r ag ric ultu ra l represe ntative anJ Ir indwtry fiel d per~on ne I

The Definite Donts

Dont borrow for capita l items unless they

are abso lu te I y necessary Dont make capi ta l purchases with funds

frolll your revo lvi ng opera ting account w ithout co nsul ta tion and agreeme nt with

the bank manager Dont expand any operation without sound

pl ann ing Dont plunge and make rapid changes in

the ope rati ng patte rn without so und consultation 0

Partners For 70 Years

Arthur Cowie 09 now 95 and his wife Nina now 92 were married March 19 1913 near Nel son B C They li ved in

HC for three years then returned to Caledo nia where Arthur worked for the A

Jone s bakery He returned to the 200-acre farm homestead in 1922 when his father

was kill ed in a farm accident Arthur se rved in the 19305 and early

19405 as co uncillor and also served as

a Ju s tice of the Peace for the farm communit y

Nina Co wie whose g reat lo ve was

dancing has onl y one regre t and that is tha t she could never get her hu sband o nto the -dance floor The Scotti ~ h dances Hig hlan d

tlin gs and Scotti sh reels made hi s head spin He played the record s and watched

from the sidelines while ina did the danc ing

They have no secrets tor a long happ y marriage excep t working at it Theyve

done Jus t tha t for 70 years Bes t wishes to them both 0


OACGrads on Faculty at Nova Scotia Ag College

Lauranne Sanderson M Sc 81 is with the Humanities Department She specialized in Animal Science in her undershygraduate years but added to that a master program in Agricultural Economics Lauranne has lived on a mi xed lives t()c k and cash crop farm in southern O ntario At the No va Scotia Agricultural College (NSAC) she is teaching Tec hnical W riting but is specializing in the area of Com munications and Agricultural Extension

Barbara (Otrysko) Mulkewytch 78 MSc 81 is with the Plant Science Deshypartment Prior to her appointment at NSAC she was employed as a potato crops specialist with the New Brunswick Departshyment of Agriculture Her teaching and research will include projects on potato and crop protect ion

Yes Surry MSc 81 is with the Economics and Busi ness De partment Yves was born in Pamiers France has an M A fro m the nivers ity of Pari s and is in the process of completing his Ph D from Guelph Yves has a strong interes t in teachshying and his research interests hould be a welcome addition to the reg ion He is pre sent ly teaching courses in Micro and Macro Economic Theory

Laurie (Gaunt) Connor 73 is w ith the Department of Animal Science She earned MSc and Ph D degrees specia li zi ng in reproduct ion phys iology from the nivershysity o f Manitoba Prior to joining NSAC she was a NSERC Vi iting Fellow at the Animal Research Centre in Ottawa Her teaching and research work is mainly in the re producti ve physiology field

Also at NSAC are Sheree Porter CSS 79 and Myrna (Porter) Blenkhorn 76 John Shug 37A and 40 is the sec re tary o f the Nova Scotia Agricultural College Alumni Association 0

Please help us to help you When corresponding or upshydating information or address do tell us not only your year of graduation but your discipline

Th ree generatiuns of heramify were present when fleather Rohinson right centre FACS 83 graduated ut Wim er Convocation With her f rom [eji to righture her grandfather John Inglis her moth er Vlarirn (Inglis ) Robinson Mac 55 0 member of the Uni versirys Boord of Govern ors ond her father Doug Rohinson 53

Above Mllrrav Ma cGregor 5 1 lei with the winners of the OAC s 25th annual Alumni Curling Bon spiel Left to right GeorRe Robinson 651 Mu rrav Elliotl 65A Keith Murru 65A and Jern- Forestell 6511 Right OAC Alumni Associashytion president Hell ry Slanle 55 right was preslntedwith un engraved pewta stein to recugnie 25 years of participation ill Ihe bOlspiel Conshygratuluting Henry is Bill Harrison 62 bonspiei commillee chuirman


the individual members excellence andThe Ronald S Ritchie Le cture integri ty

This idea for the new body was not accepted by members of Cabinet They

The Opening Up of PubHc PoHcy The Opening Up of Public Policy was

Selllior Michael Piffields fopic when he

delifred fhe annual Ronald S Rifchie

LeclUre of fhe UniversifY in March

A Rmduafe ofSf Lawrence Universify

17 ( graduafed in lawjrom McGill UniversifV

and holds a Rrodlla fe diploma in Public La w

Fom Ih e UlliversifY ofolIa wa H efirsl joined Ihe Public Service as an

wlminislrafive assiSfam in Ihe Depa rimem

oJuslice in 1959 Ialer served onlhe sraffof Ih e Goernor General and as secrelary fO

117 1 Royal Commission on Taxalion In 1965

he joined Ihe Privy Council Office He

became depuly minisler of Consumer and

Corporafe Affairs in 1973 and Ihe followshy

inli year lOok up an appoinfmem as Fellow

in fhe John F Kennedy School of Governshy

mOl (If Harvard Un iversifY In 1975 he

relurned 10 Ollawa as Clerk of fhe Privy

Council and Se crelarv 10 Ihe Cabinel

The annual leclre recognizes Ihe comrihwion made 10 fhe Universily by

former Board of Govemors chairman

ROllald S Rilchie A reporl on Senafor Piffields presemalion follows

Senator Pitfield paid tribute to Rona ld Ritchie his important work in the Glassco Commission and his influence in the estabshylishment of the Institute for Research on Public Policy

In thi s th oug htful and thoughtshyprovoking presentation Senator Pitfield outlined the need for and the desirability of more open discussion before policies are introduced but there are some very real difficulties associated with de vel oping some me chanis m that could foster and encourage such exchanges of ideas

[t was pointed out that because of the high degree of interdependency of modern society and the size and complexity of governments the making of public polic y must be an intellectual subject in its own right not just a conglomeration of di scishyplines It had become evident that

I A methodical analysis of government activity could lead to improvements in government effectiveness

2 Traini ng in making and managment of public policy was crucial and urgent

3 There were few in government who knew why things were done the way they were

4 The making and management of pubshylic policy was a subject unique in itself and required thinking through for itself

5 Universities and other training institushytions were not very useful in this training process universities being too removed from the actual experience of government and the government institutions being withshyout the detachment and intellectual rigour needed

Thus it became evident that there was a need for an institution that would be a repository of knowledge a pl ace of learnshying a foru m for debate and a means of communication co ncerning public policy

Proposal s emerged that the federal go vernment should assis t some of the organizations already in existence Comshypetition became keen and rivalry among institutions re su lted in grander more comshyplex proposals As a result the federal go vernment in 1968 decided to establish a think-tank of its own to take a more rigorous look at public polic y

The idea was not new In many countries the general thinking was that all problems could be so l ved by inrelleclUal anal ysis and the appl ication of modern techshyniques But the ne w Trudeau go vernment went even beyond providing more data It included public debate of public policy

But the think-tank was only one of the initiatives to aid in the formation of policies There was support for political parties through caucus funding offi ce space support staff and regional offices for Members of Parliament and internsh ip programs for students to work as assistan ts to MPs

Other support included green and white papers for discussion commissions of inquiry task forces public funding of non-political grou ps to encourage discusshysion and many others to increase the flow of information for consideration of alternashytives All were done to open up the process o f meaningful debate which would result in more effective and sound decisions

The th ink-tank was to be a centre for var ious kinds of people to di scuss public policy subjects which were often set aside because of day to day pressures At first it was to be very informal with distinguished people invited to participate Its integrity and permanency would be based on that of

were concerned that existing research instishytutes would be damaged They also wanted in volvement of business and professional communities This challenge to broaden the scope was gi ven to Ron Ritchie

Ritchie foresaw an institution that would be independent supported by an endowment which would not only support but st imu late debate on public policy

Man y fears were raised - that such a body would be taken o ver by academics that it would become a clique that govern shyments would battle for control etc But these were dealt with skillfully by Ritch ie and the Institute for Researc h on Public Policy was establ ished

What of its accomplishments~ This institute has been successfu l in

many ways in getting better information into debate [n the ten years since its beginning many studie s have been pubshyli shed It has held many informat ive confershyences and has a unique journal Howeve r despite its efforts open and meaningful debate on public policy is not much more advanced tod ay than it was a decade ago

It is evident that to ach ie ve its objecshytives there mu st be a willingess to change opi nions and the Canadian sys tem prov ides few forums for the changing of minds The bias is towards decision-makers and interest groups not open and meaningful debate

Public debate often takes pl ace after rather than before the decision is taken Thi s may not be what is wanted but policy-making is tilted not tow ards being open but towards being closed

Why has there not been more progress [n h is pre se ntation Mi chael Pitfield refershyred to the fact that the go vernment whose people should discuss the si tuation has become even more confrontational not because of lack of information but because of rigidity in their approach to discussion of public policy

As govern ment ha s grown so have checks and balances which recently have often been linked to lack of confidence Where slim majorities exist a strong opposhysi tion can threaten the government Party di sc ipline becomes severe and ai ring of independent views is discouraged The fear of a government being defeated on the one shyhand and the unyielding demands ot the opposition on the other tends to make the parliamentary process less and less flexible

The result of the foregOing is the tendency of government in modern times to drop solutions on a public th at may not be aware of the problems These solutions are not open to argu ment and debate is reduced

conld over


w ith bias tending towards a cl osed system and less debate

To improve the situation it seems it wlluld be necessary to have a mutual and

ba lanced reduction of force on both sides

The ge neral equilibrium of the system needs to be ma in tained W hat is needed is the reduction of secre tiveness of the gove rn shyment on one side and a reduc tion of the

danger of e mbarrass ment or de fea t of the govern men t on the other side

T here must be a wil li ngness to secure

more ope n debate on al l sides and our

leaders ha ve not done that e ven on m ost import ant issues More ope n and rneltll1 ingshyful deba te will require more thi nk ingshy

thro u middoth - something Mc mbers of Parlishy

ame nt may not he able to do or be free to do or have the necessary knowledge to do But the id ea behind the Institute for Remiddot

search on Public Policy was tha t such a body could bring about better decisions

All publi c problems cannot be solved by thought and tech nolog ics but few can be solved without these contr ibutions

The Institute for Research on Public Policy cannot create better public policies

by itself It must have input from all sectors to bring about more open and meaningful public debate which will result in constant

improvement of government - somethin g

that everyone desires 0

Grad News Herb Nor ry M Sc 52 has moved to

London as a farm business advisor wit h

O M AF working in eight counties

Denny Silvestrini PhD 5R is director of quality controlresearch and de velopment Eskimo Pie Corporation Ric hmond Virshy

ginia SA He had served as manager quality control and product deve lopment

Ralston Purina Co mpany St Luuis M isshysouri U SA

John Hagarty 61 is manager fi e ld

service s Rural O rganizati ons and Serv ice s Branch OMAF Guelp h

Ismail Siragcldin Ph D 62 is professor Department of Population Dynami cs and

Political Economics the Johm Hopkins

University Baltimore Md S A

Arlene (Fournier) 65 and Dick Flis

MSc 65 are in Edmo nton Alta where Dick is petroleum products manager wes tmiddot ern Canada Imperia l Oil Ltd

Craig Hunter 66 is pre sident Cra ig

Hunter Poult ry Farms Ltd Stro ud

Colin Triver s 67 is a consulting e ngineer and On tario land surveyor for e G Trivcrs

Ltd T he ssalon

Peter Mosher Ph D 70 is director

bureau of agric ultural prod uctio n Depart shyment of Agriculture Ba ngor Me USA

Cordon Brown 76 is sen ior food techshynolog is t new prod ucts process developshy

ment Tho masJ Lipton Inc in Bram pton

Martel C outure MSc 76 is acting di rec tor d iploma progra m Macdonald Colshy

lege Ste nne de Belle vue Que

Charlie Ellintt 78 vnfe Ja ne and

first -born Ian C harles born Jan uary 20

1983 are living near S hetland C harlie is now working fo r Elliott Bros G rain and Feed Ltd

Dennis Ring 78 is credit manager Farm C redit Corp C hatham H is wife is Carnl (Weeks) 79

R Cunrad Genee 79 is a sales represhy

sentative with CIBA-Geigy Canada Ltd in

Winnipeg Man

Howard Armstrong RO is an industrial

engineer with the B utler Ma nufacturing Co (Canada) Ltd Nisku Alta

Bruce Broadbent PhD 80 is a research scientist entomology with Agriculture

Canada Vineland Station

Mic hael Tulloch 80 has been accepted as

a professional engineer by the Council of the APEO He now manages engineering functions for eG Trivers Ltd Thessalon

BruceGitelman 81 will be joining Wood G undy Ltd Investment Broke rs as a

corporate finance associate in September

Danicllc Wenstrom 81 is a quality a ss urance su pe rvisor for Pil lsb ury of Canada Ltd M idland

Christine Deslandes MSc R2 is a lecturer at Alfred Col lege of Agricu ltu re

and Food Technology A I fred

Diploma Graduates

Donald Morley 68A is ge nera l ma nager De Marco Homecare Ce ntre Sutton West

Jeffrey Currah 74A is marke ting man shyage r Fortam ix-a division of BASF

Canada Inc Georgetown

Brian Roberts 76A is a welder with Hillcook Ind ust ri es Ha milton 0

In Memoriam Raymond David Ure 15A and 21 January 24 In3 ~uddenly a t Tecumse h

age 87 He had bee n very act ive un til

recently H is son Donald re is it

graduate of 49

Dr Genrge M Stirrett 20A and 22 died December 15 1982 H is many co nshy

tri bu tiono had bee n recogni zed by the Heritage Canada Found ation The fo llowshy

ing is an account of the tribu te pa id to him Fe bruary 16 1 9~ I at Government HDu~e

O ttawa

His Excelle ncy Gove rnor Ge nera l

Edward Sc hrcyer prese med the Commun imiddot cations A wards Atl antic Reg ion to Dr

George M St irrett of Grand Falls Ne w

Bru ns wick Dr Stirrett has been comm itted to natural h is tory conservation for ma ny

years bo th before and after hi s ret ire ment from the Canadian W ildlife Service and Parks Canada in 1964

He worked hard for the preservation of the falls and gorge area at Grand Falls

and on other conservation needs in Ne w Brunswick and Ma ine He has also written

on the iss ues of conservation using Ihe pcn name G raham Vail and since April 1979

has publi shed a weekly column Notes on atural History in the G rand Falls

Cataract His columns stress the appreciashytion and enjoyment of nature as well as the need for preserving it

Norman Hodgins MacBeth 23 Fe bruary 3 1983 in St John N B He had retired in

1967 as General Manage r of General Dairies Ltd

David R Owen 25 in Medi c ine Hat

Alta February 6 1983 at age 82 He was a di rector of the fi rs t ollege Roy al and spe nt

most of his li fe teachi ng and farmi ng in Saskatchewan

Ronald John Quinn 35 Fe bruary 17 1983 in London His wife Helen (Farshyquhar) is a lso a graduate o f 35

Bruce Douglas Innes 36 passed away Septe lllber 29 19 82 D uring his college

years he took part in ma ny ac tivitie s bu t he -re membered with particu la r pleasure be ing Grand C hampion Showman College Royal

35-the first time that the honour had bee n won by anyone o ther than a fou rth year man Bruce owned and operated a dairy

farm at Burford since I 939 and was an

acti ve and ded icated farmer until his death

H is wife Margaret died in A pril 1983 T hey leave daughters Lorna Lawrence

Mac 68 and Karen and son Robert 0


Macdonald Institute College of Family and Consumer

Studies Alumni Associat ion

ALUMNI NEWS Editor Joan (Anderson) Jenkinson 66


BASc Grads-Class o f 80

EntploYDlent Survey T he University s Counselling and Reshysource Centre recentl y completed an inshyucpth survey covering the empl oyment activities of the 211 graduates who in 19RO earned Bachelor of Applied Sc ience Degrees

The survey indicates th at gradu ates are e nj oy ing a variety of interes ting and chalshylenging careers

A gratifying 73 per cent of th e graduates re sponded to the survey with 51 per cent of the respondents indi catin g that they have completed or are completing graduate degrees or programs on a full- or part-time bas is Of the 153 respondents 78 per ce nt including one who is self emshyployee have full-time employment The remainder are employed part-time or are pursuing further studie s

Li sted below are the indicated ca reers chosen in the four major areas of study

Applied Human Nutritio n

ut ritiond ietetics Food service administration More than 50 per cent of the responshy

dents obtained reg istered profe ss ional dietishytian certificates The Admini strati ve Emshyphasis course is no longer offered in the

Applied Human utrition program It is available through the Bachelor of Comshymerce program

Family Studies

A number of grad uate s found posit io ns in teac h ing or social services such as

Adult protecti ve service workers Infant de ve lopment specialists Geront ology consultants Supervisors and field workers with social service agencies Other Family Studies graduate s are

working in government srv iees and in the private ec toras home economists financial co un se llors librarians hostel managers Family Studies graduates tend to sl ck caree rs in the helping profess ion s

Consumer Studies

There are four emphasis areas 01 study within this maj or The survey indicates that

Food gradu ates are employed in areas of produci development marketing and food technology with majo r food companies Hou si ng emphasis graduates are wo rkshying with government agencies and in teac hing

Consumer Beha vio ur e mph asis graduates are in industry business and res earc h Tex tile and Clothin g e mph asis grads are employed in research merchandi sshying and banking Often after working for a year or

more Consumer Studies graduates will return to gradu ate study o r profess ional programs on a full- or part-time bas is

Child Studies

Many Child Studies graduates are emp loyed in teaching supervisory or other child-care related sett ings such as soc ial work with fami lies and children Re ported part -lime and temporary em pl oy ment pos ishytions include work as supply teachers child care supervisors special education leac hers and as lecturers in uni ve rsity settings

It is imporl an t to note that this emshyploy ment survey reports the caree r paths chose n by onl y one graduating cl ass Dat a is collccl~d on a yearl y bas is from gradu ates in Family and Consumer Studies In order to observe the broad scope of employment opportunities avail able a four-year tabulashytion wo uld pl~ c nt a more complete picture of the profess ional activities of graduates

In summary FACS programs offer students a sound educational background to meet the need s of i nduslry educational institut io ns governme nt and bus in c The future for FACS graduates is indeed bright as the College co ntinues to gro w and develop programs to meet the challenges of the 80s 0



BASc Gradsmiddot Class of 80 Further Education Pursued

Major Total

Graduates Number of

Respondents R PDt BEd MEd MSc MD MA

Applied Hum an Nu trition 65 45 23 3 I

Family Studies 64 44 19

Consumer Studies 48 33 2

C hild Studies 34 31 II I I I

TOTAL 21 1 ( 1007c)

153 (73 oc )

23 32 I 4 I I

FACS Has New

Dr Richurd Burhunl

Dean Professor Richard M Barham was apshypointed dean of the College of Family and Consumer Studies for a fi ve-year term effective July I 1983 He succeeds Dr Janet M Wardlaw who has served as dean since 1969

Professor Barham has been chairman of the Department of Family Studies since

1976 and served as acting dea n in [980 while Dean Wardlaw was on administrative leave

A graduate of the University of Otago Dunedin e Zealand Richard Barham received a Ph D degree from the University of Alben a dmonton in Ed ucational Psychology

He has served on the faculty of the Department of Educational Psychology at the University of Alberta and as professor and acting chairman of the Department of Education University of Otago

While in New Zealand he was an executive member of the council of The Ne w Zealand Psychological Society and served as its president

At Guelph he has taught both undershygraduate and graduate courses in the Deshypartment of Family Studies and has supershyvised graduate students

He has been active on many University committees during the past seven years He is a past chairman of the Board of Graduate Studies and has been a member of the

Committee on Academic Priorities the Committee on University Planning the Liaison Committee and several others

He has also been a consulting educa shytional psycholog ist with the Wellington County Separate School Board since 1979

Prolessor Barham and his wife Joan have a family offour Joan recently returned to the University of Guelph for further study Daughter Vick y 19 is a student in Economics at Queens University Lisa 17 and Christopher 14 attend Ce ntennial CVJ while Tania 12 is completing her studies at College Avenue School

Music is very important part of the Barham familys life with active invoheshyment in the Suzuki String School and the Guelph Youth Orchestra Gardening is a hobby enjoyed by both Richard and Joan

Members of the Mac- FACS Alumni Association extend a sincere welcome to Professor Barham We look forward to meeting and working with him in the future as he fills the challenging position as dean of FACS 0

FACS Prof First

Dr M urlin MUllhclIs

Director P ro fessor Anne Martin Matthews De shypart me nt of Family St udi es has been ap shypointed the first director of the Gnontology Research Centre The establi shment of the Centre was announced last February A research grant of $237000 from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada will fund the Centre for the first three years

Professor Martin Matthews has been conducting research related to the needs and interests of older segments of the populashytion as well as teaching courses in such areas as social gerontology and marital and family dynamics in Family Studies She has been a faculty member with the Department of Family Studies since 1978

She also has been active beyond the campus in programs related to aging She is chair-elect of the social sciences division Canadian Council on Gerontology and will begin a two-year term in the chair of that organization this year

She is also first vice-president of the

Ontario Gerontology Association and a member of the scientific advisory commitshytee of the Gerontology Research Council of Ontario She is a graduate of Memorial University of Newfoundland and McMaster University

With a steadily increasing percentage of the popUlation in the retirement age bracket it is important to understand more fully the ir needs and cuncerns sa ys Proshyfessor Martin Matthews The en tre will deal with the ag ing family and environshymental contexts In the latter sense we will be examinin g such things as the difference bet wee n aging in an urban and a rural society as well as issues like housing and the aging

The new Gerontology Research Centre will provide facilities to assist faculty members and graduate students doing reshysearch on aging The Centre will facilitate integrate and co-ordinate studies on aging within the University the director says

Research on aging is now being carried out at the Universi ty in such Departments as Family Studies Geography Psychology Nutrition Human Biology and SocioluFY and the Centre will be able to provide a medium for cross-fertilization of ideas among the many researchers in the field

Professor Marlin Matthews says that the Centre will be working co-operatively with other similar research centres in Onshytario such as the one at the University of Toronto in promoting research on aging The Centre will also sponsor conferences and workshops that relate to the special needs of older citizens in their communities

Guelph has demonstrated an interest in gerontology since 1970 when research projshyects began and courses dealing with aging were offered in the Departments of Family Studies and Psychology Since 1981 the Un i versity has offered gero ntology as part of the Famil y Studies major in the Bachelur of Applied Science program 0

A Thank You Dear A luml7i

1-Iwl 10 Ihonk oil Ihe uumni inloll(d wilh

Ihc cr special send-oj gien to me ill

recognition of Ihc complelion ofmv Icrm as


So man of ou -Ierc invocd shy

whelhcr or nOI ou -Iere able 10 (fIend Ihe

recognition receplion in Toronlo on May

29 I oppreciacd Ihe man good llishes

which come from ocross CClrado ond from

such dislOlIl places as Indio and Chara

Your generous gifls u Imc Irolld of

pcarls und a bonk aCCOlll11 vhich came lVilh

Ihe slrong suglcslion Ihal [should IIc 10

Vnv Iculand lverc Irul overllhelll1ing

The Air lCll Zcalundjlighl bag jJacked wilh

1111 SOriS of nccessiliel added 10 Ihe jim

middotre had 01 Ihe rcceplion

Many Ihanksfor your SUppOri over Ihe years and for your good wishes as I begin

my car ofadmin is Ira live leave

Yours sincerelv

Jonel M Wardlaw 0


Dr Louise

( Bailltlj

Heslop 67

Off - To


Dr Louise (Bazi net) Heslop 67 has JO ined the School of Business at Carlton Unive rsit y O ttaw a Over the next two years through an arran geme nt with Ca rlton Unive rsity she will be cco nded on a

part-time basis by Stati sti cs Canada where she will join the Research and Analysi s

D ivision Loui se completed her MSc at Guelph

in 1969 and continued as lecturer in the

ne wly-es tablished Department o f Co nshysumer Studies In 1977 she compktcd a Ph D in Business Administration (Marketshying) at the University of Western Ontari o

and rejo ined the Department of Consumer Studies ri si ng to the rank of ass oc iate professor

Louise was e lected to the board of

di rectors of the Mac-FA CS Alumni Assoc ishyati on in 1977 se rvin g as secretary-treasurer until May 1981

We ex tend our best wishe middot to Loui se

her husband Lome O A 70 and their dau ghters Jose tte 5 and C la ire 2 Lorne is employed by Agriculture Canada in

Ottawa and is currently completing an M Sc in Engineering at the University of

G uelph Coun try li ving is a high priority with

the Heslops They are deli ghted with the purchase of a farm near Almonte a nd look

forward to the best of both worl d s - profess ion a lism in the city and lei sure in the countryside 0

Grad News Helen (Clifford ) Beswick 48D is se lf empl oyed as a studio potter in her home in Dundas

Margaret (Kennedy) jarvis 54D is a realestate age nt in Kingston

Pat (Hall) McDowell 65 is with the

United Missionary Soc iet y Jlorin Kwora State ~igeria

Joanne Patterson 66 is a se ni or project o ffmiddoticer w ith Indi an and Northern Affa irs Ottawa

Leslie (Mowat) Hemming 68 is teaC hin g in Woods tock

Mary (Jany) Toms 68 is employed with Health and We lfare Canada Ottawa

Sarah (Spencer) Coomhs 70 is an assistant director wi th the Co nsumer Inforshymation Centre of the Ontario Government


Meredith Fi lshie 70 is an ana lyst w ith the Ministry of State for Economic and Re g ional Development O ttawa

S heila (Fahner ) jarvie 70 is a nutrishytion ist w ith the K- W Hospital Kitchener

Donna j ohnstone 70 o perates Donn as Ha ndmade Clothin g for Men amp Wo men Gabiola Isla nd B C

Lorraine Holding 71 is manager of program development with the Rural Orshyga nizatio ns and Services Branlh Minis try of Agriculture and Food located at the Gue lph Agriculture Centre

Beve r ly Lee 72 is a chairperso n with the York Region Board o f Educ at io n

Laurie MacLeod 72 is a district manager with Beaver Foods Mlss issauga

Kathy Camelon 73 is a dietitian at the Toronto Genera l Hospita l

Tirnoth) Fleming HAFA 74 a ses ionaJ lec turer with H AFA teaching business law has been adm itted to the partne rshi p o f the law firm of Harper Haney and White of Waterl oo

Isabel (McBride) H o well 74 is an e lementary school teacher with the Watershyloo Co unt y Board of Educatio n Camshybridge

Mary Ruston 75 is a Famil y Studies teacher at Inge rso ll District High School

Kathryn Anderson 76 is a supervisor with Westmini ster Family Day a re London

Hester Cooper 76 is employed as a research officer with the New Zealand Dairy

Research Institute in Palmers ton North ew Zealand

Patr icia (G a rland ) Desaul niers 76 is with patient fo od se rvices Alberta Hospishyta l Edmo nton

Noella Li 76 is aclinical dietitian wi th the

ictori a Hospital London

M eredith (Evans) Hea rtwe ll 77 is

teac hing in Mississauga

Deb Wey 77 is patient food se rvices manager at SI John Regio nal Hospi tal SI J()hn NB

Susan (junes ) Wilcox 77 is food se rvices

superviso r with the Baye re st Ce ntre for Ge riatric Care 0

A ThankYou The c lass of Mac 380 wishes to extend a

sincere thank you to all alumni who have con tributed to the Mac 38 0 Class Geronshy

to logy Scholarship Fund The gradua te s tudent scholarship in

the recently de ve loped area ot Ge ronto lo gy at FACS is being established by the class of 38D in recog nition of their 45th annivershy

sary in 1983 All Univers it y of Guelph grads are

in vited to parti c ipate in this project funds for which will be so li c ited until December

1984 [f you wish to con tribute please make you r cheq ue pay ab le to the Univers ity o f Guelph Alma Mater Fund specify that it is to be applied to the Mac 38 D Class Gerontology Scho larship Fund and mail to

the Deve lo pment Office Room 273 John shysto n Hall Uni ve rsity o f Gue lph Guelph

Ontario N IG 2W J Th an ks again for yo ur suppo rt from

Elle n Downie Mary Singer Doris Durran t and Jean Carter- the Mac 38 D sch o larship committee 0

In Memoria m We regret to announce the death of the following al umnus

Margaret L (MacKenzie) Smallwood 401) December 1982 in Lakeland Fla




The College of Physical Scie nce Alumni Association

SCIMP Editor Bob Winkel

phy sics grant selection committee of thc atural Sciences and Engineering Research

Council for two years he was intimately involved in all the major re search de velopshyments in Canada in this field Hc feels that his e lec tio n to the Royal Society of Canada will help raise the prot1le of high-energy physics in this co untry and lend stren gth to Canadian experimenters

The citation prepared for his nominashytion to the Royal Society of Canada reads

Professor Karl is a high energy the ori st whose work is widely recognized interna tionally His deep physical insight and hi s kn ow led ge of mathemati ca l methods led to the quark model of baryon resonances based on quantum chromoshydynamics which has been enormousl) successful in describing experimental reshysuits H is re sea rch is characterized by striking originality and an ability to COIll shy

bine basic ideas from different field s as in the predictions of a new effect - neutron optical activity

Gabriel Karl is married and has one daughter W hen he is not probing the sec re ts of the universe he indulges himself in music theatre and the fine arts

He visited the Unive rsity of Briti sh Columbia in Vanco uver in May for the induction ceremony into the Royal Society of Canada on the occas ion of the Annual Meeting of the Society It marked he sa id the culmination of a long string of benefits that [ ha ve enjoyed throughout the 23 years 1 have lived in Ca nada [ have every rea son to be very grateful to th is country D

Erratum In the Sprin g issue o r SCiMP it was erroneously reported in the c utline accompanyin g a pict ure of Departshyme nt of Physics student scholarship winners that they were the recipients of 0 er $ 1500 We dropped a zero The fi gure should have read $ 15000 Sorry about tha t Ed

Elected to Royal Society

Dr Cooiel Korl

The election of Dr Gabriel Karl to a Fellowship of the Roy al Society of Canada represents what one of hi s colleagues Dr Peter Egelstaff desc ribe s as a rare honour which reflects great credit not only on Dr Karl but also on the Uni versi tys Departshyment of Physics

The Royal Society of Canada founded in 1882 to promote learning and research in the arts and sciences has numbered among its Fellows virtually all of Canadas most distinguished intellectual le ade rs of the last J00 yea rs Standards are jealously guarded and Fello wships are awarded only as a result of outstanding world-class ach ieve ment

The rarity of the honour is indicated by the fact that at the Un iversity of Guelph whose faculty includes so many academics of international distinction only five had previously achieved a Fellows hip in the Royal Society of Canada These are Dr Howard Clark vice- pres ident academic Dr Bruce Sells dean College of Biologishycal Science Dr Peter Egclstaff Depart shyment of Physics Dr Do nald Masters Prof ssor Emeri tu s De part mcnt of History and Dr He rb Armstrong retired dean of Graduate Studies

As the sixth Dr Ga briel Karl will have the added di st inction of bei ng the first whose career has been sp ot excl us ively at the Un ivers ity of Guelph which agai n to

quote Dr Egelstaff marks a coming of age for the University

Gabriel Karl was born in Transylvania a province of Romania He obtained his B Sc in Chemistry at Romani as Univershysity of ClUJ worked for two years in industry and came to Canada in 1960 He attended graduate school at th e University of Toronto where he was awarded a Ph D in 1966 for a thesis on infrared luminesshycence following molecular colli sion Hi s Ph D supervisor was the distinguished physical chemist Dr John Polanyi

A two-year post-doctora l fellowship with the University of Torontos Depart shyment of Physics followed His mentors there were Drs J Van Kranendonk and Duk Poll who is now a professor with the Universi ty of Guelph s Depa rtment of Ph ys ics

In 1966 Dr Karl studied at the Uni versity of Oxford for two years under an NRC scho larship to study hadron spec troshyscopy and in 1969 he Joi ned the Univers itys Department of Phy sics achieving a full professorship only five years later

Dr Karls work has focussed on high energy physics - the physics of fundamen shytal particles This is an esoteric field involvshying research into the nature of matter The relatively few world leaders in thi s field tend to cluster around the half-dozen accelerators such as the $100 million four kilumete rshylon g hi gh-e nergy tunnel for accelerating electrons at Stanford University that have been built only in the US and Europe

There is no accelerator of this energy level in Canad a and fe w Canadian scie nshyti ~ts are working in this field Dr Ka rl s statu re in the international commu nity of particle physic ists is marked by his many visi ts to the world s major research ce ntres as guest speaker and to consult with his peers Referring to the time spent on thcse missions Dr Karl describes the Depart shym nt of Phys ics and his colleag ues as generouslyaccommodati ng shy

As cha irman of the h igh energy


Trapping The Suns Energy Excerpted from a Chemtrends article by Mary Cocivera

One predi ctabl e fac t about ind ustri ali z d

soc iety is that it will take more e nergy to

keep the whee ls ru nn ing smoothl y parti c ushy

larly because the world population is exshy

pected to dou ble to about n ine bill ion by the

year 2050

[n th search to augme nt tradi tio na l

sources o f e lectri ci ty two Departme nt of

Chemistry pro fessors ha ve tu rned their

atten ti on to the convers ion of solar energy to

electricity by photovultaie cel ls and photoshy

elec troc he mical systems T he developme nt

work at Guelph is a imed at improving the efficiency and stability of th se sy~tems and

reduc i ng the ir cos t

Si licon photovoltaic cells serve as a

reference for solar energy convers iun beshy

cause they were the fi rst such cells and to

date arc the most effic ient co nvert ing so lar

ne rgy into elec tr ic ity a t abo ut 15 per cem

effi c iency Arrays of crys tal li n sil icon ce lls present ly cos t in the nei ghborhood or

S$400 per sq uare metre to manufac ture

produc ing about 40 watts Photovo lta ic

thin- fi lm syste ms us ing semico nductors

o ther than single crysta l sil ic on are be ing

investigated in man y re~earc h ce ntre s

around the world

A pro mis ing approach is a cadmiui1l

sulfi dec uprous sul fide combi nat ion in

which the two sem ico nduc tors are laye red

on molybdenum the n covered w ith a transshyparent gold fil m T his thin-fi lm cons trucshy

tio n i ideal for solar devices explai ns

Profess ur Ro n Fawcett because large

surface areas are needed for maximum

exposu re to the sun

T he fabrication process devel oped by

Ro n and patented in 1980 in vo lve electroshy

depos iting cadmium sulfide o nto molybshy

denum then layering cuprous sulfide over the cadm ium sulfide by an ion exchange

process Finally the gold 11 1m is added by

vacuum de pos ition Ron es timates that

thi n-film de ices could be manufac tu red in

this way for about S$25 per squ are metre

E lectro pla ting of se m ic ondu ct ors

would enabl e photo voltai c dev ices to be

manu factured in a continuous process

rathe r than indi vidua lly as i required w ith

s ingle crysta l s ilic on Such ce lls ha ve

ach ieved conversio n of solar to electrica l

energy at an e ffi cienc y o f I per cent to date T he researchers are co nfide nt they can

achieve fi to 8 per cent cffi ieney compared

to the calcul ated max imum e ffi c iency of II

per cent Pro fessor Michae l oc ivera is ork ing

on photoe lec troc hem ical systems in which a

sem icond uctor electrode im mersed in an

elec tro lyte solution converts inci dent li g ht

into a n electric a l cu rren t Such se mishy

conductor lilju id junction cells offe r p racti shy

cal ad van tages because uf the sponta neom format ion o f a junc tio n I mproved effishy

ciency fo r po lycrysta lli ne sem iconductors

has been a hi eved in ce lb of th is type in part becau~e the liqu id estab li shes unshy

iformly good COntac t wi th the e l etrode

The li gh t -~ens it i ve electrode in photoshy

e lec trochem ical ce lls is a sem ic o nductor

e it her a thin-fi lm or s ingle c rysta l a tt ached

to a metal back ing the other e lec trode is an

inert me ta l T he e l ectrode~ are immersed in

~ n elect rol yte solutio n o f a mater ial that carl do nate and accep t elect rons The b igges t

prob lem with many li lj ui d junct io n ce lls

~ays Mike is photocorros iol1 of the su rshy

face of the se miconductor To overcome

thi s problem he is developing materi a ls and

techniques to coat the e lectrodes with proshy

tec tive materiab

The first liquid junction cells with a

sili con anode opera ted for only a matter of

seconds befo re the e lec trode was des troyed

by corrosion Researche rs at the Solar Energy Research Insti tu te in C o lorado

U SA have developed a silicon anode

w ith a polypyrro le protect ive coating which

can o perate for hund reds o f hours but that is

still not long eno ugh for a viable commershy

cia l syste m

M ike and his colleague are making a

syste matic study of compounds tha t wi ll

both protect the electrode from corrosion

and catal yze the elect rode rca tion They

arc now worki ng with organo me tall ic comshy

pounds co mpris ing a metal atom sulfur

and an aromatic co m pone nt containing a func tiona l group li ke hyd roxy l sul phonate

ammoni um and nitroso

hese compounds are effect ive beshy

ca use they prov ide a mechanism to transfer

a ch arge bet ween the se mi co nd uctor and the e lectro n donor in solut io n The coating mus t

also be transpilrent e nough to a llow the light

to s trike the photocleetrode

To date they ha ve suneeded in deshy

veloping fi ve coat ings su itab le fo r a variet y

or se miconduc tors incl uding the polyshy

crysta ll ine cadm ium su lfide e lectrodes fabshy

riltated by Ron Fawce tt s method If polyshy

crystalli ne elec trodes can be fab ri (a ted and

coated wi th a protec tive materia l electroshy

chemically they wi ll be relati ve ly inexpe nshy

ive to manufac ture If the tech niques and processe s be ing

inve ~l igated by Ron Fawce tt and Mike Coc ivera de ve lop to tht ir full poten tial the

su n cou ld beco me a more import ant supplier

o f e lectri city in Ca nada Long-range proshy

jectio ns suggest that about 10 per cent of No rth A m rican e lectr ic it y could be proshy

duced from solar convers ion

Elec tric ity fro m the sun is no longer a

pipe-dream-it is a reachable goa l n

Grad News Louise (Sandall) Platt BA 69 is living

in Islington and teaching for the Etobico ke

Board of Educati on

Alexander Barton BSc 70 MSc 74 is work ing on a Ph D deg ree in the

Departme nt of Fishe ries and W ildlife at

Orego n Sta te uni vers ity

Gerry Kupferschmidt BSc 70 MSc

71 is living at R R I Osgoodc and is

tmployed as a sc ientific ad ise r to the


Murray Ross Gingrich BSc 71 Ii ves in

Brampto n and is work ing as a probation

officer for the Ministry o f Correc tio nal


Robert Cross BSc 72 M D is workshy

ing in the emergency department o f the

So uth Muskoka Hospital in Bracebridge

Edda Duva (Home) Kerr BA 74 lives

in G ue lph and is working as a program

co-ordinator for Casatta Ltd in Kitchener

Deanne Ch)y BSc 78 Ii ves in Etob ishy

coke and is working as a public health

inspector for the Ham ilton Wentwo rth Reshy

gio nal Health Unit

Alex McDonald BSc 79 PhD 83 and his wife Rosanne ( DeNobriga) BSc

79 are living in Austi n Texas whil e Alex

is do ing post-doctoral work at the Unishy

vers ity o f Texas

Ste~en Oliver BSc 79 o f Hamilton is a

medica l sa les repre sentati ve with Cyanamid

Canada Inc

Gordon Knox BSc 79 is a con~ ul ta nt

with Inform ation Systems Serv ices in Vicshy

toria BC

George Gillson BSc 80 is taki ng a

Ph D in Anal ytica l C hemis try at the Uni shyve rsity of Alberta 0


The College o f Arts Alumni Associat ion

DELPHA Editor Debbie (Nash) Chambers 77

has no w acquired the Shaw Festival ArshyThe Deans Roundup chives on permanent deposit T his is an

Last fall I had the privilege of speakshy

ing to the direc tors of the University of G uelph Alumn i Assoc iation to bring them

up to date on some of the excit ing things connected with the College of Arts I am gratefu l to the editor of DELPHA for this

opportu nity to let alumni readers know what we are do ing

I am pleased to be able to report a subs tant ial increase in enrolment both in the

B A program and in the College o f Arts this past yea r What is especially nice is that this has coincided with a dec is ion to tighte n our

standards at the admissions level and in the regulations for continuatio n of study

In o rder to grad uate B A students

who entered the Spring 19~3 Semester will need to obtai n a C average in 60 per cent of the courses they take

Most of o ur students are doing thi s now and we do not antici pate this will pose any

problem for the students whom we are ad mitting Next year students en tering the

B A program will be required to have Grade 13 English and we are strongly encouraging them to offer a Mathematics credit o r o ne in French or ano ther language

Applications from students wish ing to enter the B A program in the Fall 1983 Semester

are up subs tantia lly over last yea r I also want to share with you some

ha ppenings which have brought special delight to me

The U ni ve rsi ty of Guelph Choir

under director Ge rald e ufeld won second prize in the 1982 CSC nation al chora l competition

In the Harbourfront a rt show last

sum mer three o f o ur students had works se lected by the jury and each won a prize shya better show ing than any of the other O nshy

tario universities or colleges which entend T he C anadian- American Urban Hisshy

tory Co nference held at G uelph in A ugust

1982 was a tremendous success bringing sc holars from many parts of the United States and Canada to discuss new trends in urban studies

Dean David Murray

In the space of just a few months I have seen seven books published by faculty in the Co llege The subjects include Rudyard

Kipl ing Greek Philosophy Urban History Evolution and Darwinism Reli gion and Tolerance the dramatist Gra nville Barker

and a nove l written in French Last summer also saw the completion

of a very successful facu lty exchange beshy

tween o ur Department of Eng lish and the

Uni vers ity of Reading in Britain Dr Leslie Monkman went to Reading for the year and Dr Coral Howell s visited Guelph This

opportunity enab led Dr Howells to study modern C anadian writers and she is now

working o n a book to be published in Britain o n Canadian women wri ters Dr

Mo nkman lectured on Canadian literature at various places in Britain and in France as well as in Reading

T hro ugh the e fforts of the Department of Drama and its chairman Dr Leonard

Conolly and C ollections Librarian Jo hn Moldenhauer 68 the Uni versi ty Library

ex tremely valuab le re sou rce for theatre

scholars a nd the Univers ity is ve ry pleased to have a closer connection with the Shaw Festi val The Drama Department also has

Professor Dan Laurence the world s leadshying Shaw scholar as a distinguished Visitshy

ing Professor lor the ra il Semester Two large conferences were organized

during the Spring and Summer by faculty

and students in the Co llege Professor Ted Cowan of the History Department was in charge of the Scottish Heritage Festival held in uelph in May The Fes tival was a

ce lebrati on of the S co t~ 1d their contribushytion~ to Canada

In Au gust the Uni vers ity will host a major conference o n Common wealth lite rashy

ture bringing writers and schol ars to Guelph from allover the Com monweal th Professor Doug K illam chairman of the Department of English and a number o f col leagues are

now busily preparing to welcome guests from around the world

Through our liaison programs we have pioneered special day - long seminars at the

niversity for gifted children in Wellington County T he se programs are part of o ur commitment to assist secondary schools in meeting the challe nges of special education

J know many o f you will also be interes ted in knowing that last sLi mmer the

College awarded three new scholarships two of the m honouring the cont ribution made by former faculty members J Percy

Sm ith and W Stanford Reid The other marked the first presentation of the Edward Johnson Music Foundation scholarships for students in the music program

We are al l ac ute ly co nscious of the

financial pressure affecting the UnivLr ~ ity

of Guelph and othe r Canadian unive rsities

But we mus t no t le t these pressures detract from the vision of academic excellence to

which we are committed J think you will agree from the exaln ~Jk middot ha ve cited that this vision continues to glow brightly in spite of our financial plight We hope we can

co ntinue to co unt on your advice and your suppurt 0


It Was a Very Good Year T he Direc tor or the College of Arts Alumni Assoc iation have had a bus y year In January we launched o ur hrst Caree rs i lglll for in -coure stude nlgt Thanks to the exce lle nce and enthusiasm of our pane l l1len1bcr the evening was a success

Careers Night is to become an annual event and we would appreciate you r particishypation Any Art s grads wh o wo uld like to

vo lunteer their expertise for the e vening please do not hesita te to contact us

The Directors were also busy a rshyranling the second an nu al art show shyDI MENSIO NS middotS3 Due to the treme nd ous response to DI M ENSIOtS 82 the art show co mmittee organized DIM ENSIO NS 83 as aJu ricd show We are hoping that nex t yea r we will be able to mount a photography show as well a an art sho w

As you are probably aware in 1970 Wellington College was reo rganized into the Colleges of Arts Physic al Sc ience and Socia l Science This year our Assoc iation was asked to se lect a new College logo Thankgt to Dean Dav id Murray and the Deans Counc il we were given permission to use the graphics on the College of Art s Gold Medal It can be see n in the masthead of thi s issue The logo was designed by Erich Barth art dire ctor Department of [nshyformation and enco mpasses the di verse di s shycipiJnes fou nd within the College of Arts

Grad News Catharine (Gilnerlson ) Scott 70 is a wage and salary anal ys t tnivers it y of Waterl oo

Linda la) Bell 72 i the assistant conshysultant for thlto gifted We llington County Boa rd of Education GueJph

Lynn Barbeau 74 is the curator Educa shytion and xtension Macdo nald Stewart Art

entre Guelph

Wltlynr WellJauler 75 is corpora te mar shyke ting manager Gore Mutua l In surance Company Cambridgc

Renate Fisc her 76 is a consultant with the Woods Gordon Divisio n of Cl arkson Go rdon Chartered Acco untants Kitchener

jane Morley O AC MSc 81 is a career co nsultant Counse llin g and Student Reshysource Centre Un iversity of Guelph

Through the generos ity of the Alma Mater Fund our Assoc iation has been able to e stablish nv e sc holars hip s Thre e DELPHA awards for Gue lph alumni to continue their slUdi es at the gradu ate level at the University and two awa rds for part-time mature students These awards are greatly appreciated by the students who have reshyce ived th e m

Congratulatio ns are th e order of the day for Juli e (Russe ll ) Thur 78 Associashytion past pre sident and Linda Mackenz ie shyCordi ck 8 1 Assocration secre tary treas shyurer on the birth of their daug hters in March We wi sh them joy in their yo ung-

David Dell 76 is the in fo rmation o ffic er Reg ion of Pee l Brmiddotampton

jeff Miller 82 is a s tage manager for Profes sional Theatres Toronto

The above eight alumni were panel )11ember-s at our first annual Careers sJ ig ht held ea rlier th i yea r On ce again we offer our sincere thanks for their pani ci pation

lhugarel Reare 68 is senior research o f hee l Minis try of th e Soli citor General Ottawd

William Thiels 73 is a sys te ms analyst with Eas tman Kodak CO Roche ster t Y US A

Shardie D SteHnson 77 is assistant marketing manager Marsh and 1cLennan Ltd Winnipeg Man

Donald Syme 77 is with marketing pe rsonne l IC F Sydne y Australia

sters and look forward to the ir continued help in the Assoc ia tion in the future

C Nould lik e to re mind our fell ow alu mni to jo in or renew their membership in our Association De hbie ( Nash) Cham bers 77 editor of DF LPH A wo uld lik e any Ideas lor future artick that vould catch your interes t Our Assoc iati o n would also apprec ia te heari ng from you re gardin g eve nts that you wou ld be interested in attending Pl ease drop us a line in order that we may serve you better thus ~ eeping the line of co mmunic ation oren bet ween you and yo ur Alma v1ater

In closing I would like to acknowlmiddot edge With great a pprec iati o n the a istance that has been o ffclTU our Board of Direc tors over the pasl year

As al ways Dea n David Murray has bee n a va lued ad visor I wo uld li ke to thank Professor Ted Cowa n Department o f History for his Sprin g 19K3 OEPHA article on the Scottish Heritage Festival and Judy (Ma in) Ca rson 75 for he r help in preparalron of feature articles Spec ial thank s arc also ex tended to Rosemary Clark Mac 59 Asis tant Director Proshyg rams Dep artment of Alumni Affairs and Deve lopment and our Board of Directo rs who have wo rk ed so hard to mak e thi s a successful year

The term of 19X2-B3 has been a very grati fying one for all mem bers of the Associations Boa rd o t Directors We loo k for ward to 19K3-K4 anJ hope to hear from you Q

J ane Francis 78 is With Ilublic relations Vancouver Stock EXchange Vancou ver B C

Jonie Bunce 79 is a teacher 01 Art English and Thcatre Arts at 1 A Turn er Secondary School BrdrllptOl

Deborah Salmon 79 is married to Richard Light BS( 80 and li ves in Japanec Shc worb for the Empl o) mc nt and Im migrati on Commi ssion dnd Ri chlrJ works for a darrv in Kin gs to n

Shelagh Stevens 79 it station U)lllrshytwlle r Department o f -J atiunal [dc nce in f ova Slmiddototia

lidwtl Glanb 81 is a supervisor mar shyke ting comrlluni~ations Pitney-Bowe s oj

Canada Ltd Don Mill s

john (llanllllUnd ) Zelasko 81 rs ~ I

courtr(lOrn artist WKBW Buffalo New Ymk US I C



Alumnus of

Honollr 1983

Helen Christine AbeD Mac 38D

Amo ng the forerunners in the fie ld of rural soc iol ogy not only in Canada

but throughout the world and with a long career as a professor in numerous un iversities ac ross Canada Dr Helen C Abell has und oubted ly do ne much to promote a world -w ide reputation for her Alma Mater

Dr Abell has been most active in a numbe r of United Nat io ns programs designed to foster development of th ose in the Third World countrie s Although os ten sibl y retired she still co nt inues her wo rk as a cons ult ant in Socio-Economic De ve lopme nt assisti ng in develop ing sho rt -term project s as the occasion ari ses

As well as a Macdona ld Ins titu te Diploshyma Dr Abell obtained a BHSc (H ome Economics) from the Universi ty of Toro nto in 1941 and an MS (Human Nutrition) and a Ph D (major Rural Sociology and Agri cul shytural Economics) from Cornell University in 1947 and 1951 re specti vel y 0

Page 25: Guelph Alumnus Magazine, Summer 1983

OACGrads on Faculty at Nova Scotia Ag College

Lauranne Sanderson M Sc 81 is with the Humanities Department She specialized in Animal Science in her undershygraduate years but added to that a master program in Agricultural Economics Lauranne has lived on a mi xed lives t()c k and cash crop farm in southern O ntario At the No va Scotia Agricultural College (NSAC) she is teaching Tec hnical W riting but is specializing in the area of Com munications and Agricultural Extension

Barbara (Otrysko) Mulkewytch 78 MSc 81 is with the Plant Science Deshypartment Prior to her appointment at NSAC she was employed as a potato crops specialist with the New Brunswick Departshyment of Agriculture Her teaching and research will include projects on potato and crop protect ion

Yes Surry MSc 81 is with the Economics and Busi ness De partment Yves was born in Pamiers France has an M A fro m the nivers ity of Pari s and is in the process of completing his Ph D from Guelph Yves has a strong interes t in teachshying and his research interests hould be a welcome addition to the reg ion He is pre sent ly teaching courses in Micro and Macro Economic Theory

Laurie (Gaunt) Connor 73 is w ith the Department of Animal Science She earned MSc and Ph D degrees specia li zi ng in reproduct ion phys iology from the nivershysity o f Manitoba Prior to joining NSAC she was a NSERC Vi iting Fellow at the Animal Research Centre in Ottawa Her teaching and research work is mainly in the re producti ve physiology field

Also at NSAC are Sheree Porter CSS 79 and Myrna (Porter) Blenkhorn 76 John Shug 37A and 40 is the sec re tary o f the Nova Scotia Agricultural College Alumni Association 0

Please help us to help you When corresponding or upshydating information or address do tell us not only your year of graduation but your discipline

Th ree generatiuns of heramify were present when fleather Rohinson right centre FACS 83 graduated ut Wim er Convocation With her f rom [eji to righture her grandfather John Inglis her moth er Vlarirn (Inglis ) Robinson Mac 55 0 member of the Uni versirys Boord of Govern ors ond her father Doug Rohinson 53

Above Mllrrav Ma cGregor 5 1 lei with the winners of the OAC s 25th annual Alumni Curling Bon spiel Left to right GeorRe Robinson 651 Mu rrav Elliotl 65A Keith Murru 65A and Jern- Forestell 6511 Right OAC Alumni Associashytion president Hell ry Slanle 55 right was preslntedwith un engraved pewta stein to recugnie 25 years of participation ill Ihe bOlspiel Conshygratuluting Henry is Bill Harrison 62 bonspiei commillee chuirman


the individual members excellence andThe Ronald S Ritchie Le cture integri ty

This idea for the new body was not accepted by members of Cabinet They

The Opening Up of PubHc PoHcy The Opening Up of Public Policy was

Selllior Michael Piffields fopic when he

delifred fhe annual Ronald S Rifchie

LeclUre of fhe UniversifY in March

A Rmduafe ofSf Lawrence Universify

17 ( graduafed in lawjrom McGill UniversifV

and holds a Rrodlla fe diploma in Public La w

Fom Ih e UlliversifY ofolIa wa H efirsl joined Ihe Public Service as an

wlminislrafive assiSfam in Ihe Depa rimem

oJuslice in 1959 Ialer served onlhe sraffof Ih e Goernor General and as secrelary fO

117 1 Royal Commission on Taxalion In 1965

he joined Ihe Privy Council Office He

became depuly minisler of Consumer and

Corporafe Affairs in 1973 and Ihe followshy

inli year lOok up an appoinfmem as Fellow

in fhe John F Kennedy School of Governshy

mOl (If Harvard Un iversifY In 1975 he

relurned 10 Ollawa as Clerk of fhe Privy

Council and Se crelarv 10 Ihe Cabinel

The annual leclre recognizes Ihe comrihwion made 10 fhe Universily by

former Board of Govemors chairman

ROllald S Rilchie A reporl on Senafor Piffields presemalion follows

Senator Pitfield paid tribute to Rona ld Ritchie his important work in the Glassco Commission and his influence in the estabshylishment of the Institute for Research on Public Policy

In thi s th oug htful and thoughtshyprovoking presentation Senator Pitfield outlined the need for and the desirability of more open discussion before policies are introduced but there are some very real difficulties associated with de vel oping some me chanis m that could foster and encourage such exchanges of ideas

[t was pointed out that because of the high degree of interdependency of modern society and the size and complexity of governments the making of public polic y must be an intellectual subject in its own right not just a conglomeration of di scishyplines It had become evident that

I A methodical analysis of government activity could lead to improvements in government effectiveness

2 Traini ng in making and managment of public policy was crucial and urgent

3 There were few in government who knew why things were done the way they were

4 The making and management of pubshylic policy was a subject unique in itself and required thinking through for itself

5 Universities and other training institushytions were not very useful in this training process universities being too removed from the actual experience of government and the government institutions being withshyout the detachment and intellectual rigour needed

Thus it became evident that there was a need for an institution that would be a repository of knowledge a pl ace of learnshying a foru m for debate and a means of communication co ncerning public policy

Proposal s emerged that the federal go vernment should assis t some of the organizations already in existence Comshypetition became keen and rivalry among institutions re su lted in grander more comshyplex proposals As a result the federal go vernment in 1968 decided to establish a think-tank of its own to take a more rigorous look at public polic y

The idea was not new In many countries the general thinking was that all problems could be so l ved by inrelleclUal anal ysis and the appl ication of modern techshyniques But the ne w Trudeau go vernment went even beyond providing more data It included public debate of public policy

But the think-tank was only one of the initiatives to aid in the formation of policies There was support for political parties through caucus funding offi ce space support staff and regional offices for Members of Parliament and internsh ip programs for students to work as assistan ts to MPs

Other support included green and white papers for discussion commissions of inquiry task forces public funding of non-political grou ps to encourage discusshysion and many others to increase the flow of information for consideration of alternashytives All were done to open up the process o f meaningful debate which would result in more effective and sound decisions

The th ink-tank was to be a centre for var ious kinds of people to di scuss public policy subjects which were often set aside because of day to day pressures At first it was to be very informal with distinguished people invited to participate Its integrity and permanency would be based on that of

were concerned that existing research instishytutes would be damaged They also wanted in volvement of business and professional communities This challenge to broaden the scope was gi ven to Ron Ritchie

Ritchie foresaw an institution that would be independent supported by an endowment which would not only support but st imu late debate on public policy

Man y fears were raised - that such a body would be taken o ver by academics that it would become a clique that govern shyments would battle for control etc But these were dealt with skillfully by Ritch ie and the Institute for Researc h on Public Policy was establ ished

What of its accomplishments~ This institute has been successfu l in

many ways in getting better information into debate [n the ten years since its beginning many studie s have been pubshyli shed It has held many informat ive confershyences and has a unique journal Howeve r despite its efforts open and meaningful debate on public policy is not much more advanced tod ay than it was a decade ago

It is evident that to ach ie ve its objecshytives there mu st be a willingess to change opi nions and the Canadian sys tem prov ides few forums for the changing of minds The bias is towards decision-makers and interest groups not open and meaningful debate

Public debate often takes pl ace after rather than before the decision is taken Thi s may not be what is wanted but policy-making is tilted not tow ards being open but towards being closed

Why has there not been more progress [n h is pre se ntation Mi chael Pitfield refershyred to the fact that the go vernment whose people should discuss the si tuation has become even more confrontational not because of lack of information but because of rigidity in their approach to discussion of public policy

As govern ment ha s grown so have checks and balances which recently have often been linked to lack of confidence Where slim majorities exist a strong opposhysi tion can threaten the government Party di sc ipline becomes severe and ai ring of independent views is discouraged The fear of a government being defeated on the one shyhand and the unyielding demands ot the opposition on the other tends to make the parliamentary process less and less flexible

The result of the foregOing is the tendency of government in modern times to drop solutions on a public th at may not be aware of the problems These solutions are not open to argu ment and debate is reduced

conld over


w ith bias tending towards a cl osed system and less debate

To improve the situation it seems it wlluld be necessary to have a mutual and

ba lanced reduction of force on both sides

The ge neral equilibrium of the system needs to be ma in tained W hat is needed is the reduction of secre tiveness of the gove rn shyment on one side and a reduc tion of the

danger of e mbarrass ment or de fea t of the govern men t on the other side

T here must be a wil li ngness to secure

more ope n debate on al l sides and our

leaders ha ve not done that e ven on m ost import ant issues More ope n and rneltll1 ingshyful deba te will require more thi nk ingshy

thro u middoth - something Mc mbers of Parlishy

ame nt may not he able to do or be free to do or have the necessary knowledge to do But the id ea behind the Institute for Remiddot

search on Public Policy was tha t such a body could bring about better decisions

All publi c problems cannot be solved by thought and tech nolog ics but few can be solved without these contr ibutions

The Institute for Research on Public Policy cannot create better public policies

by itself It must have input from all sectors to bring about more open and meaningful public debate which will result in constant

improvement of government - somethin g

that everyone desires 0

Grad News Herb Nor ry M Sc 52 has moved to

London as a farm business advisor wit h

O M AF working in eight counties

Denny Silvestrini PhD 5R is director of quality controlresearch and de velopment Eskimo Pie Corporation Ric hmond Virshy

ginia SA He had served as manager quality control and product deve lopment

Ralston Purina Co mpany St Luuis M isshysouri U SA

John Hagarty 61 is manager fi e ld

service s Rural O rganizati ons and Serv ice s Branch OMAF Guelp h

Ismail Siragcldin Ph D 62 is professor Department of Population Dynami cs and

Political Economics the Johm Hopkins

University Baltimore Md S A

Arlene (Fournier) 65 and Dick Flis

MSc 65 are in Edmo nton Alta where Dick is petroleum products manager wes tmiddot ern Canada Imperia l Oil Ltd

Craig Hunter 66 is pre sident Cra ig

Hunter Poult ry Farms Ltd Stro ud

Colin Triver s 67 is a consulting e ngineer and On tario land surveyor for e G Trivcrs

Ltd T he ssalon

Peter Mosher Ph D 70 is director

bureau of agric ultural prod uctio n Depart shyment of Agriculture Ba ngor Me USA

Cordon Brown 76 is sen ior food techshynolog is t new prod ucts process developshy

ment Tho masJ Lipton Inc in Bram pton

Martel C outure MSc 76 is acting di rec tor d iploma progra m Macdonald Colshy

lege Ste nne de Belle vue Que

Charlie Ellintt 78 vnfe Ja ne and

first -born Ian C harles born Jan uary 20

1983 are living near S hetland C harlie is now working fo r Elliott Bros G rain and Feed Ltd

Dennis Ring 78 is credit manager Farm C redit Corp C hatham H is wife is Carnl (Weeks) 79

R Cunrad Genee 79 is a sales represhy

sentative with CIBA-Geigy Canada Ltd in

Winnipeg Man

Howard Armstrong RO is an industrial

engineer with the B utler Ma nufacturing Co (Canada) Ltd Nisku Alta

Bruce Broadbent PhD 80 is a research scientist entomology with Agriculture

Canada Vineland Station

Mic hael Tulloch 80 has been accepted as

a professional engineer by the Council of the APEO He now manages engineering functions for eG Trivers Ltd Thessalon

BruceGitelman 81 will be joining Wood G undy Ltd Investment Broke rs as a

corporate finance associate in September

Danicllc Wenstrom 81 is a quality a ss urance su pe rvisor for Pil lsb ury of Canada Ltd M idland

Christine Deslandes MSc R2 is a lecturer at Alfred Col lege of Agricu ltu re

and Food Technology A I fred

Diploma Graduates

Donald Morley 68A is ge nera l ma nager De Marco Homecare Ce ntre Sutton West

Jeffrey Currah 74A is marke ting man shyage r Fortam ix-a division of BASF

Canada Inc Georgetown

Brian Roberts 76A is a welder with Hillcook Ind ust ri es Ha milton 0

In Memoriam Raymond David Ure 15A and 21 January 24 In3 ~uddenly a t Tecumse h

age 87 He had bee n very act ive un til

recently H is son Donald re is it

graduate of 49

Dr Genrge M Stirrett 20A and 22 died December 15 1982 H is many co nshy

tri bu tiono had bee n recogni zed by the Heritage Canada Found ation The fo llowshy

ing is an account of the tribu te pa id to him Fe bruary 16 1 9~ I at Government HDu~e

O ttawa

His Excelle ncy Gove rnor Ge nera l

Edward Sc hrcyer prese med the Commun imiddot cations A wards Atl antic Reg ion to Dr

George M St irrett of Grand Falls Ne w

Bru ns wick Dr Stirrett has been comm itted to natural h is tory conservation for ma ny

years bo th before and after hi s ret ire ment from the Canadian W ildlife Service and Parks Canada in 1964

He worked hard for the preservation of the falls and gorge area at Grand Falls

and on other conservation needs in Ne w Brunswick and Ma ine He has also written

on the iss ues of conservation using Ihe pcn name G raham Vail and since April 1979

has publi shed a weekly column Notes on atural History in the G rand Falls

Cataract His columns stress the appreciashytion and enjoyment of nature as well as the need for preserving it

Norman Hodgins MacBeth 23 Fe bruary 3 1983 in St John N B He had retired in

1967 as General Manage r of General Dairies Ltd

David R Owen 25 in Medi c ine Hat

Alta February 6 1983 at age 82 He was a di rector of the fi rs t ollege Roy al and spe nt

most of his li fe teachi ng and farmi ng in Saskatchewan

Ronald John Quinn 35 Fe bruary 17 1983 in London His wife Helen (Farshyquhar) is a lso a graduate o f 35

Bruce Douglas Innes 36 passed away Septe lllber 29 19 82 D uring his college

years he took part in ma ny ac tivitie s bu t he -re membered with particu la r pleasure be ing Grand C hampion Showman College Royal

35-the first time that the honour had bee n won by anyone o ther than a fou rth year man Bruce owned and operated a dairy

farm at Burford since I 939 and was an

acti ve and ded icated farmer until his death

H is wife Margaret died in A pril 1983 T hey leave daughters Lorna Lawrence

Mac 68 and Karen and son Robert 0


Macdonald Institute College of Family and Consumer

Studies Alumni Associat ion

ALUMNI NEWS Editor Joan (Anderson) Jenkinson 66


BASc Grads-Class o f 80

EntploYDlent Survey T he University s Counselling and Reshysource Centre recentl y completed an inshyucpth survey covering the empl oyment activities of the 211 graduates who in 19RO earned Bachelor of Applied Sc ience Degrees

The survey indicates th at gradu ates are e nj oy ing a variety of interes ting and chalshylenging careers

A gratifying 73 per cent of th e graduates re sponded to the survey with 51 per cent of the respondents indi catin g that they have completed or are completing graduate degrees or programs on a full- or part-time bas is Of the 153 respondents 78 per ce nt including one who is self emshyployee have full-time employment The remainder are employed part-time or are pursuing further studie s

Li sted below are the indicated ca reers chosen in the four major areas of study

Applied Human Nutritio n

ut ritiond ietetics Food service administration More than 50 per cent of the responshy

dents obtained reg istered profe ss ional dietishytian certificates The Admini strati ve Emshyphasis course is no longer offered in the

Applied Human utrition program It is available through the Bachelor of Comshymerce program

Family Studies

A number of grad uate s found posit io ns in teac h ing or social services such as

Adult protecti ve service workers Infant de ve lopment specialists Geront ology consultants Supervisors and field workers with social service agencies Other Family Studies graduate s are

working in government srv iees and in the private ec toras home economists financial co un se llors librarians hostel managers Family Studies graduates tend to sl ck caree rs in the helping profess ion s

Consumer Studies

There are four emphasis areas 01 study within this maj or The survey indicates that

Food gradu ates are employed in areas of produci development marketing and food technology with majo r food companies Hou si ng emphasis graduates are wo rkshying with government agencies and in teac hing

Consumer Beha vio ur e mph asis graduates are in industry business and res earc h Tex tile and Clothin g e mph asis grads are employed in research merchandi sshying and banking Often after working for a year or

more Consumer Studies graduates will return to gradu ate study o r profess ional programs on a full- or part-time bas is

Child Studies

Many Child Studies graduates are emp loyed in teaching supervisory or other child-care related sett ings such as soc ial work with fami lies and children Re ported part -lime and temporary em pl oy ment pos ishytions include work as supply teachers child care supervisors special education leac hers and as lecturers in uni ve rsity settings

It is imporl an t to note that this emshyploy ment survey reports the caree r paths chose n by onl y one graduating cl ass Dat a is collccl~d on a yearl y bas is from gradu ates in Family and Consumer Studies In order to observe the broad scope of employment opportunities avail able a four-year tabulashytion wo uld pl~ c nt a more complete picture of the profess ional activities of graduates

In summary FACS programs offer students a sound educational background to meet the need s of i nduslry educational institut io ns governme nt and bus in c The future for FACS graduates is indeed bright as the College co ntinues to gro w and develop programs to meet the challenges of the 80s 0



BASc Gradsmiddot Class of 80 Further Education Pursued

Major Total

Graduates Number of

Respondents R PDt BEd MEd MSc MD MA

Applied Hum an Nu trition 65 45 23 3 I

Family Studies 64 44 19

Consumer Studies 48 33 2

C hild Studies 34 31 II I I I

TOTAL 21 1 ( 1007c)

153 (73 oc )

23 32 I 4 I I

FACS Has New

Dr Richurd Burhunl

Dean Professor Richard M Barham was apshypointed dean of the College of Family and Consumer Studies for a fi ve-year term effective July I 1983 He succeeds Dr Janet M Wardlaw who has served as dean since 1969

Professor Barham has been chairman of the Department of Family Studies since

1976 and served as acting dea n in [980 while Dean Wardlaw was on administrative leave

A graduate of the University of Otago Dunedin e Zealand Richard Barham received a Ph D degree from the University of Alben a dmonton in Ed ucational Psychology

He has served on the faculty of the Department of Educational Psychology at the University of Alberta and as professor and acting chairman of the Department of Education University of Otago

While in New Zealand he was an executive member of the council of The Ne w Zealand Psychological Society and served as its president

At Guelph he has taught both undershygraduate and graduate courses in the Deshypartment of Family Studies and has supershyvised graduate students

He has been active on many University committees during the past seven years He is a past chairman of the Board of Graduate Studies and has been a member of the

Committee on Academic Priorities the Committee on University Planning the Liaison Committee and several others

He has also been a consulting educa shytional psycholog ist with the Wellington County Separate School Board since 1979

Prolessor Barham and his wife Joan have a family offour Joan recently returned to the University of Guelph for further study Daughter Vick y 19 is a student in Economics at Queens University Lisa 17 and Christopher 14 attend Ce ntennial CVJ while Tania 12 is completing her studies at College Avenue School

Music is very important part of the Barham familys life with active invoheshyment in the Suzuki String School and the Guelph Youth Orchestra Gardening is a hobby enjoyed by both Richard and Joan

Members of the Mac- FACS Alumni Association extend a sincere welcome to Professor Barham We look forward to meeting and working with him in the future as he fills the challenging position as dean of FACS 0

FACS Prof First

Dr M urlin MUllhclIs

Director P ro fessor Anne Martin Matthews De shypart me nt of Family St udi es has been ap shypointed the first director of the Gnontology Research Centre The establi shment of the Centre was announced last February A research grant of $237000 from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada will fund the Centre for the first three years

Professor Martin Matthews has been conducting research related to the needs and interests of older segments of the populashytion as well as teaching courses in such areas as social gerontology and marital and family dynamics in Family Studies She has been a faculty member with the Department of Family Studies since 1978

She also has been active beyond the campus in programs related to aging She is chair-elect of the social sciences division Canadian Council on Gerontology and will begin a two-year term in the chair of that organization this year

She is also first vice-president of the

Ontario Gerontology Association and a member of the scientific advisory commitshytee of the Gerontology Research Council of Ontario She is a graduate of Memorial University of Newfoundland and McMaster University

With a steadily increasing percentage of the popUlation in the retirement age bracket it is important to understand more fully the ir needs and cuncerns sa ys Proshyfessor Martin Matthews The en tre will deal with the ag ing family and environshymental contexts In the latter sense we will be examinin g such things as the difference bet wee n aging in an urban and a rural society as well as issues like housing and the aging

The new Gerontology Research Centre will provide facilities to assist faculty members and graduate students doing reshysearch on aging The Centre will facilitate integrate and co-ordinate studies on aging within the University the director says

Research on aging is now being carried out at the Universi ty in such Departments as Family Studies Geography Psychology Nutrition Human Biology and SocioluFY and the Centre will be able to provide a medium for cross-fertilization of ideas among the many researchers in the field

Professor Marlin Matthews says that the Centre will be working co-operatively with other similar research centres in Onshytario such as the one at the University of Toronto in promoting research on aging The Centre will also sponsor conferences and workshops that relate to the special needs of older citizens in their communities

Guelph has demonstrated an interest in gerontology since 1970 when research projshyects began and courses dealing with aging were offered in the Departments of Family Studies and Psychology Since 1981 the Un i versity has offered gero ntology as part of the Famil y Studies major in the Bachelur of Applied Science program 0

A Thank You Dear A luml7i

1-Iwl 10 Ihonk oil Ihe uumni inloll(d wilh

Ihc cr special send-oj gien to me ill

recognition of Ihc complelion ofmv Icrm as


So man of ou -Ierc invocd shy

whelhcr or nOI ou -Iere able 10 (fIend Ihe

recognition receplion in Toronlo on May

29 I oppreciacd Ihe man good llishes

which come from ocross CClrado ond from

such dislOlIl places as Indio and Chara

Your generous gifls u Imc Irolld of

pcarls und a bonk aCCOlll11 vhich came lVilh

Ihe slrong suglcslion Ihal [should IIc 10

Vnv Iculand lverc Irul overllhelll1ing

The Air lCll Zcalundjlighl bag jJacked wilh

1111 SOriS of nccessiliel added 10 Ihe jim

middotre had 01 Ihe rcceplion

Many Ihanksfor your SUppOri over Ihe years and for your good wishes as I begin

my car ofadmin is Ira live leave

Yours sincerelv

Jonel M Wardlaw 0


Dr Louise

( Bailltlj

Heslop 67

Off - To


Dr Louise (Bazi net) Heslop 67 has JO ined the School of Business at Carlton Unive rsit y O ttaw a Over the next two years through an arran geme nt with Ca rlton Unive rsity she will be cco nded on a

part-time basis by Stati sti cs Canada where she will join the Research and Analysi s

D ivision Loui se completed her MSc at Guelph

in 1969 and continued as lecturer in the

ne wly-es tablished Department o f Co nshysumer Studies In 1977 she compktcd a Ph D in Business Administration (Marketshying) at the University of Western Ontari o

and rejo ined the Department of Consumer Studies ri si ng to the rank of ass oc iate professor

Louise was e lected to the board of

di rectors of the Mac-FA CS Alumni Assoc ishyati on in 1977 se rvin g as secretary-treasurer until May 1981

We ex tend our best wishe middot to Loui se

her husband Lome O A 70 and their dau ghters Jose tte 5 and C la ire 2 Lorne is employed by Agriculture Canada in

Ottawa and is currently completing an M Sc in Engineering at the University of

G uelph Coun try li ving is a high priority with

the Heslops They are deli ghted with the purchase of a farm near Almonte a nd look

forward to the best of both worl d s - profess ion a lism in the city and lei sure in the countryside 0

Grad News Helen (Clifford ) Beswick 48D is se lf empl oyed as a studio potter in her home in Dundas

Margaret (Kennedy) jarvis 54D is a realestate age nt in Kingston

Pat (Hall) McDowell 65 is with the

United Missionary Soc iet y Jlorin Kwora State ~igeria

Joanne Patterson 66 is a se ni or project o ffmiddoticer w ith Indi an and Northern Affa irs Ottawa

Leslie (Mowat) Hemming 68 is teaC hin g in Woods tock

Mary (Jany) Toms 68 is employed with Health and We lfare Canada Ottawa

Sarah (Spencer) Coomhs 70 is an assistant director wi th the Co nsumer Inforshymation Centre of the Ontario Government


Meredith Fi lshie 70 is an ana lyst w ith the Ministry of State for Economic and Re g ional Development O ttawa

S heila (Fahner ) jarvie 70 is a nutrishytion ist w ith the K- W Hospital Kitchener

Donna j ohnstone 70 o perates Donn as Ha ndmade Clothin g for Men amp Wo men Gabiola Isla nd B C

Lorraine Holding 71 is manager of program development with the Rural Orshyga nizatio ns and Services Branlh Minis try of Agriculture and Food located at the Gue lph Agriculture Centre

Beve r ly Lee 72 is a chairperso n with the York Region Board o f Educ at io n

Laurie MacLeod 72 is a district manager with Beaver Foods Mlss issauga

Kathy Camelon 73 is a dietitian at the Toronto Genera l Hospita l

Tirnoth) Fleming HAFA 74 a ses ionaJ lec turer with H AFA teaching business law has been adm itted to the partne rshi p o f the law firm of Harper Haney and White of Waterl oo

Isabel (McBride) H o well 74 is an e lementary school teacher with the Watershyloo Co unt y Board of Educatio n Camshybridge

Mary Ruston 75 is a Famil y Studies teacher at Inge rso ll District High School

Kathryn Anderson 76 is a supervisor with Westmini ster Family Day a re London

Hester Cooper 76 is employed as a research officer with the New Zealand Dairy

Research Institute in Palmers ton North ew Zealand

Patr icia (G a rland ) Desaul niers 76 is with patient fo od se rvices Alberta Hospishyta l Edmo nton

Noella Li 76 is aclinical dietitian wi th the

ictori a Hospital London

M eredith (Evans) Hea rtwe ll 77 is

teac hing in Mississauga

Deb Wey 77 is patient food se rvices manager at SI John Regio nal Hospi tal SI J()hn NB

Susan (junes ) Wilcox 77 is food se rvices

superviso r with the Baye re st Ce ntre for Ge riatric Care 0

A ThankYou The c lass of Mac 380 wishes to extend a

sincere thank you to all alumni who have con tributed to the Mac 38 0 Class Geronshy

to logy Scholarship Fund The gradua te s tudent scholarship in

the recently de ve loped area ot Ge ronto lo gy at FACS is being established by the class of 38D in recog nition of their 45th annivershy

sary in 1983 All Univers it y of Guelph grads are

in vited to parti c ipate in this project funds for which will be so li c ited until December

1984 [f you wish to con tribute please make you r cheq ue pay ab le to the Univers ity o f Guelph Alma Mater Fund specify that it is to be applied to the Mac 38 D Class Gerontology Scho larship Fund and mail to

the Deve lo pment Office Room 273 John shysto n Hall Uni ve rsity o f Gue lph Guelph

Ontario N IG 2W J Th an ks again for yo ur suppo rt from

Elle n Downie Mary Singer Doris Durran t and Jean Carter- the Mac 38 D sch o larship committee 0

In Memoria m We regret to announce the death of the following al umnus

Margaret L (MacKenzie) Smallwood 401) December 1982 in Lakeland Fla




The College of Physical Scie nce Alumni Association

SCIMP Editor Bob Winkel

phy sics grant selection committee of thc atural Sciences and Engineering Research

Council for two years he was intimately involved in all the major re search de velopshyments in Canada in this field Hc feels that his e lec tio n to the Royal Society of Canada will help raise the prot1le of high-energy physics in this co untry and lend stren gth to Canadian experimenters

The citation prepared for his nominashytion to the Royal Society of Canada reads

Professor Karl is a high energy the ori st whose work is widely recognized interna tionally His deep physical insight and hi s kn ow led ge of mathemati ca l methods led to the quark model of baryon resonances based on quantum chromoshydynamics which has been enormousl) successful in describing experimental reshysuits H is re sea rch is characterized by striking originality and an ability to COIll shy

bine basic ideas from different field s as in the predictions of a new effect - neutron optical activity

Gabriel Karl is married and has one daughter W hen he is not probing the sec re ts of the universe he indulges himself in music theatre and the fine arts

He visited the Unive rsity of Briti sh Columbia in Vanco uver in May for the induction ceremony into the Royal Society of Canada on the occas ion of the Annual Meeting of the Society It marked he sa id the culmination of a long string of benefits that [ ha ve enjoyed throughout the 23 years 1 have lived in Ca nada [ have every rea son to be very grateful to th is country D

Erratum In the Sprin g issue o r SCiMP it was erroneously reported in the c utline accompanyin g a pict ure of Departshyme nt of Physics student scholarship winners that they were the recipients of 0 er $ 1500 We dropped a zero The fi gure should have read $ 15000 Sorry about tha t Ed

Elected to Royal Society

Dr Cooiel Korl

The election of Dr Gabriel Karl to a Fellowship of the Roy al Society of Canada represents what one of hi s colleagues Dr Peter Egelstaff desc ribe s as a rare honour which reflects great credit not only on Dr Karl but also on the Uni versi tys Departshyment of Physics

The Royal Society of Canada founded in 1882 to promote learning and research in the arts and sciences has numbered among its Fellows virtually all of Canadas most distinguished intellectual le ade rs of the last J00 yea rs Standards are jealously guarded and Fello wships are awarded only as a result of outstanding world-class ach ieve ment

The rarity of the honour is indicated by the fact that at the Un iversity of Guelph whose faculty includes so many academics of international distinction only five had previously achieved a Fellows hip in the Royal Society of Canada These are Dr Howard Clark vice- pres ident academic Dr Bruce Sells dean College of Biologishycal Science Dr Peter Egclstaff Depart shyment of Physics Dr Do nald Masters Prof ssor Emeri tu s De part mcnt of History and Dr He rb Armstrong retired dean of Graduate Studies

As the sixth Dr Ga briel Karl will have the added di st inction of bei ng the first whose career has been sp ot excl us ively at the Un ivers ity of Guelph which agai n to

quote Dr Egelstaff marks a coming of age for the University

Gabriel Karl was born in Transylvania a province of Romania He obtained his B Sc in Chemistry at Romani as Univershysity of ClUJ worked for two years in industry and came to Canada in 1960 He attended graduate school at th e University of Toronto where he was awarded a Ph D in 1966 for a thesis on infrared luminesshycence following molecular colli sion Hi s Ph D supervisor was the distinguished physical chemist Dr John Polanyi

A two-year post-doctora l fellowship with the University of Torontos Depart shyment of Physics followed His mentors there were Drs J Van Kranendonk and Duk Poll who is now a professor with the Universi ty of Guelph s Depa rtment of Ph ys ics

In 1966 Dr Karl studied at the Uni versity of Oxford for two years under an NRC scho larship to study hadron spec troshyscopy and in 1969 he Joi ned the Univers itys Department of Phy sics achieving a full professorship only five years later

Dr Karls work has focussed on high energy physics - the physics of fundamen shytal particles This is an esoteric field involvshying research into the nature of matter The relatively few world leaders in thi s field tend to cluster around the half-dozen accelerators such as the $100 million four kilumete rshylon g hi gh-e nergy tunnel for accelerating electrons at Stanford University that have been built only in the US and Europe

There is no accelerator of this energy level in Canad a and fe w Canadian scie nshyti ~ts are working in this field Dr Ka rl s statu re in the international commu nity of particle physic ists is marked by his many visi ts to the world s major research ce ntres as guest speaker and to consult with his peers Referring to the time spent on thcse missions Dr Karl describes the Depart shym nt of Phys ics and his colleag ues as generouslyaccommodati ng shy

As cha irman of the h igh energy


Trapping The Suns Energy Excerpted from a Chemtrends article by Mary Cocivera

One predi ctabl e fac t about ind ustri ali z d

soc iety is that it will take more e nergy to

keep the whee ls ru nn ing smoothl y parti c ushy

larly because the world population is exshy

pected to dou ble to about n ine bill ion by the

year 2050

[n th search to augme nt tradi tio na l

sources o f e lectri ci ty two Departme nt of

Chemistry pro fessors ha ve tu rned their

atten ti on to the convers ion of solar energy to

electricity by photovultaie cel ls and photoshy

elec troc he mical systems T he developme nt

work at Guelph is a imed at improving the efficiency and stability of th se sy~tems and

reduc i ng the ir cos t

Si licon photovoltaic cells serve as a

reference for solar energy convers iun beshy

cause they were the fi rst such cells and to

date arc the most effic ient co nvert ing so lar

ne rgy into elec tr ic ity a t abo ut 15 per cem

effi c iency Arrays of crys tal li n sil icon ce lls present ly cos t in the nei ghborhood or

S$400 per sq uare metre to manufac ture

produc ing about 40 watts Photovo lta ic

thin- fi lm syste ms us ing semico nductors

o ther than single crysta l sil ic on are be ing

investigated in man y re~earc h ce ntre s

around the world

A pro mis ing approach is a cadmiui1l

sulfi dec uprous sul fide combi nat ion in

which the two sem ico nduc tors are laye red

on molybdenum the n covered w ith a transshyparent gold fil m T his thin-fi lm cons trucshy

tio n i ideal for solar devices explai ns

Profess ur Ro n Fawcett because large

surface areas are needed for maximum

exposu re to the sun

T he fabrication process devel oped by

Ro n and patented in 1980 in vo lve electroshy

depos iting cadmium sulfide o nto molybshy

denum then layering cuprous sulfide over the cadm ium sulfide by an ion exchange

process Finally the gold 11 1m is added by

vacuum de pos ition Ron es timates that

thi n-film de ices could be manufac tu red in

this way for about S$25 per squ are metre

E lectro pla ting of se m ic ondu ct ors

would enabl e photo voltai c dev ices to be

manu factured in a continuous process

rathe r than indi vidua lly as i required w ith

s ingle crysta l s ilic on Such ce lls ha ve

ach ieved conversio n of solar to electrica l

energy at an e ffi cienc y o f I per cent to date T he researchers are co nfide nt they can

achieve fi to 8 per cent cffi ieney compared

to the calcul ated max imum e ffi c iency of II

per cent Pro fessor Michae l oc ivera is ork ing

on photoe lec troc hem ical systems in which a

sem icond uctor electrode im mersed in an

elec tro lyte solution converts inci dent li g ht

into a n electric a l cu rren t Such se mishy

conductor lilju id junction cells offe r p racti shy

cal ad van tages because uf the sponta neom format ion o f a junc tio n I mproved effishy

ciency fo r po lycrysta lli ne sem iconductors

has been a hi eved in ce lb of th is type in part becau~e the liqu id estab li shes unshy

iformly good COntac t wi th the e l etrode

The li gh t -~ens it i ve electrode in photoshy

e lec trochem ical ce lls is a sem ic o nductor

e it her a thin-fi lm or s ingle c rysta l a tt ached

to a metal back ing the other e lec trode is an

inert me ta l T he e l ectrode~ are immersed in

~ n elect rol yte solutio n o f a mater ial that carl do nate and accep t elect rons The b igges t

prob lem with many li lj ui d junct io n ce lls

~ays Mike is photocorros iol1 of the su rshy

face of the se miconductor To overcome

thi s problem he is developing materi a ls and

techniques to coat the e lectrodes with proshy

tec tive materiab

The first liquid junction cells with a

sili con anode opera ted for only a matter of

seconds befo re the e lec trode was des troyed

by corrosion Researche rs at the Solar Energy Research Insti tu te in C o lorado

U SA have developed a silicon anode

w ith a polypyrro le protect ive coating which

can o perate for hund reds o f hours but that is

still not long eno ugh for a viable commershy

cia l syste m

M ike and his colleague are making a

syste matic study of compounds tha t wi ll

both protect the electrode from corrosion

and catal yze the elect rode rca tion They

arc now worki ng with organo me tall ic comshy

pounds co mpris ing a metal atom sulfur

and an aromatic co m pone nt containing a func tiona l group li ke hyd roxy l sul phonate

ammoni um and nitroso

hese compounds are effect ive beshy

ca use they prov ide a mechanism to transfer

a ch arge bet ween the se mi co nd uctor and the e lectro n donor in solut io n The coating mus t

also be transpilrent e nough to a llow the light

to s trike the photocleetrode

To date they ha ve suneeded in deshy

veloping fi ve coat ings su itab le fo r a variet y

or se miconduc tors incl uding the polyshy

crysta ll ine cadm ium su lfide e lectrodes fabshy

riltated by Ron Fawce tt s method If polyshy

crystalli ne elec trodes can be fab ri (a ted and

coated wi th a protec tive materia l electroshy

chemically they wi ll be relati ve ly inexpe nshy

ive to manufac ture If the tech niques and processe s be ing

inve ~l igated by Ron Fawce tt and Mike Coc ivera de ve lop to tht ir full poten tial the

su n cou ld beco me a more import ant supplier

o f e lectri city in Ca nada Long-range proshy

jectio ns suggest that about 10 per cent of No rth A m rican e lectr ic it y could be proshy

duced from solar convers ion

Elec tric ity fro m the sun is no longer a

pipe-dream-it is a reachable goa l n

Grad News Louise (Sandall) Platt BA 69 is living

in Islington and teaching for the Etobico ke

Board of Educati on

Alexander Barton BSc 70 MSc 74 is work ing on a Ph D deg ree in the

Departme nt of Fishe ries and W ildlife at

Orego n Sta te uni vers ity

Gerry Kupferschmidt BSc 70 MSc

71 is living at R R I Osgoodc and is

tmployed as a sc ientific ad ise r to the


Murray Ross Gingrich BSc 71 Ii ves in

Brampto n and is work ing as a probation

officer for the Ministry o f Correc tio nal


Robert Cross BSc 72 M D is workshy

ing in the emergency department o f the

So uth Muskoka Hospital in Bracebridge

Edda Duva (Home) Kerr BA 74 lives

in G ue lph and is working as a program

co-ordinator for Casatta Ltd in Kitchener

Deanne Ch)y BSc 78 Ii ves in Etob ishy

coke and is working as a public health

inspector for the Ham ilton Wentwo rth Reshy

gio nal Health Unit

Alex McDonald BSc 79 PhD 83 and his wife Rosanne ( DeNobriga) BSc

79 are living in Austi n Texas whil e Alex

is do ing post-doctoral work at the Unishy

vers ity o f Texas

Ste~en Oliver BSc 79 o f Hamilton is a

medica l sa les repre sentati ve with Cyanamid

Canada Inc

Gordon Knox BSc 79 is a con~ ul ta nt

with Inform ation Systems Serv ices in Vicshy

toria BC

George Gillson BSc 80 is taki ng a

Ph D in Anal ytica l C hemis try at the Uni shyve rsity of Alberta 0


The College o f Arts Alumni Associat ion

DELPHA Editor Debbie (Nash) Chambers 77

has no w acquired the Shaw Festival ArshyThe Deans Roundup chives on permanent deposit T his is an

Last fall I had the privilege of speakshy

ing to the direc tors of the University of G uelph Alumn i Assoc iation to bring them

up to date on some of the excit ing things connected with the College of Arts I am gratefu l to the editor of DELPHA for this

opportu nity to let alumni readers know what we are do ing

I am pleased to be able to report a subs tant ial increase in enrolment both in the

B A program and in the College o f Arts this past yea r What is especially nice is that this has coincided with a dec is ion to tighte n our

standards at the admissions level and in the regulations for continuatio n of study

In o rder to grad uate B A students

who entered the Spring 19~3 Semester will need to obtai n a C average in 60 per cent of the courses they take

Most of o ur students are doing thi s now and we do not antici pate this will pose any

problem for the students whom we are ad mitting Next year students en tering the

B A program will be required to have Grade 13 English and we are strongly encouraging them to offer a Mathematics credit o r o ne in French or ano ther language

Applications from students wish ing to enter the B A program in the Fall 1983 Semester

are up subs tantia lly over last yea r I also want to share with you some

ha ppenings which have brought special delight to me

The U ni ve rsi ty of Guelph Choir

under director Ge rald e ufeld won second prize in the 1982 CSC nation al chora l competition

In the Harbourfront a rt show last

sum mer three o f o ur students had works se lected by the jury and each won a prize shya better show ing than any of the other O nshy

tario universities or colleges which entend T he C anadian- American Urban Hisshy

tory Co nference held at G uelph in A ugust

1982 was a tremendous success bringing sc holars from many parts of the United States and Canada to discuss new trends in urban studies

Dean David Murray

In the space of just a few months I have seen seven books published by faculty in the Co llege The subjects include Rudyard

Kipl ing Greek Philosophy Urban History Evolution and Darwinism Reli gion and Tolerance the dramatist Gra nville Barker

and a nove l written in French Last summer also saw the completion

of a very successful facu lty exchange beshy

tween o ur Department of Eng lish and the

Uni vers ity of Reading in Britain Dr Leslie Monkman went to Reading for the year and Dr Coral Howell s visited Guelph This

opportunity enab led Dr Howells to study modern C anadian writers and she is now

working o n a book to be published in Britain o n Canadian women wri ters Dr

Mo nkman lectured on Canadian literature at various places in Britain and in France as well as in Reading

T hro ugh the e fforts of the Department of Drama and its chairman Dr Leonard

Conolly and C ollections Librarian Jo hn Moldenhauer 68 the Uni versi ty Library

ex tremely valuab le re sou rce for theatre

scholars a nd the Univers ity is ve ry pleased to have a closer connection with the Shaw Festi val The Drama Department also has

Professor Dan Laurence the world s leadshying Shaw scholar as a distinguished Visitshy

ing Professor lor the ra il Semester Two large conferences were organized

during the Spring and Summer by faculty

and students in the Co llege Professor Ted Cowan of the History Department was in charge of the Scottish Heritage Festival held in uelph in May The Fes tival was a

ce lebrati on of the S co t~ 1d their contribushytion~ to Canada

In Au gust the Uni vers ity will host a major conference o n Common wealth lite rashy

ture bringing writers and schol ars to Guelph from allover the Com monweal th Professor Doug K illam chairman of the Department of English and a number o f col leagues are

now busily preparing to welcome guests from around the world

Through our liaison programs we have pioneered special day - long seminars at the

niversity for gifted children in Wellington County T he se programs are part of o ur commitment to assist secondary schools in meeting the challe nges of special education

J know many o f you will also be interes ted in knowing that last sLi mmer the

College awarded three new scholarships two of the m honouring the cont ribution made by former faculty members J Percy

Sm ith and W Stanford Reid The other marked the first presentation of the Edward Johnson Music Foundation scholarships for students in the music program

We are al l ac ute ly co nscious of the

financial pressure affecting the UnivLr ~ ity

of Guelph and othe r Canadian unive rsities

But we mus t no t le t these pressures detract from the vision of academic excellence to

which we are committed J think you will agree from the exaln ~Jk middot ha ve cited that this vision continues to glow brightly in spite of our financial plight We hope we can

co ntinue to co unt on your advice and your suppurt 0


It Was a Very Good Year T he Direc tor or the College of Arts Alumni Assoc iation have had a bus y year In January we launched o ur hrst Caree rs i lglll for in -coure stude nlgt Thanks to the exce lle nce and enthusiasm of our pane l l1len1bcr the evening was a success

Careers Night is to become an annual event and we would appreciate you r particishypation Any Art s grads wh o wo uld like to

vo lunteer their expertise for the e vening please do not hesita te to contact us

The Directors were also busy a rshyranling the second an nu al art show shyDI MENSIO NS middotS3 Due to the treme nd ous response to DI M ENSIOtS 82 the art show co mmittee organized DIM ENSIO NS 83 as aJu ricd show We are hoping that nex t yea r we will be able to mount a photography show as well a an art sho w

As you are probably aware in 1970 Wellington College was reo rganized into the Colleges of Arts Physic al Sc ience and Socia l Science This year our Assoc iation was asked to se lect a new College logo Thankgt to Dean Dav id Murray and the Deans Counc il we were given permission to use the graphics on the College of Art s Gold Medal It can be see n in the masthead of thi s issue The logo was designed by Erich Barth art dire ctor Department of [nshyformation and enco mpasses the di verse di s shycipiJnes fou nd within the College of Arts

Grad News Catharine (Gilnerlson ) Scott 70 is a wage and salary anal ys t tnivers it y of Waterl oo

Linda la) Bell 72 i the assistant conshysultant for thlto gifted We llington County Boa rd of Education GueJph

Lynn Barbeau 74 is the curator Educa shytion and xtension Macdo nald Stewart Art

entre Guelph

Wltlynr WellJauler 75 is corpora te mar shyke ting manager Gore Mutua l In surance Company Cambridgc

Renate Fisc her 76 is a consultant with the Woods Gordon Divisio n of Cl arkson Go rdon Chartered Acco untants Kitchener

jane Morley O AC MSc 81 is a career co nsultant Counse llin g and Student Reshysource Centre Un iversity of Guelph

Through the generos ity of the Alma Mater Fund our Assoc iation has been able to e stablish nv e sc holars hip s Thre e DELPHA awards for Gue lph alumni to continue their slUdi es at the gradu ate level at the University and two awa rds for part-time mature students These awards are greatly appreciated by the students who have reshyce ived th e m

Congratulatio ns are th e order of the day for Juli e (Russe ll ) Thur 78 Associashytion past pre sident and Linda Mackenz ie shyCordi ck 8 1 Assocration secre tary treas shyurer on the birth of their daug hters in March We wi sh them joy in their yo ung-

David Dell 76 is the in fo rmation o ffic er Reg ion of Pee l Brmiddotampton

jeff Miller 82 is a s tage manager for Profes sional Theatres Toronto

The above eight alumni were panel )11ember-s at our first annual Careers sJ ig ht held ea rlier th i yea r On ce again we offer our sincere thanks for their pani ci pation

lhugarel Reare 68 is senior research o f hee l Minis try of th e Soli citor General Ottawd

William Thiels 73 is a sys te ms analyst with Eas tman Kodak CO Roche ster t Y US A

Shardie D SteHnson 77 is assistant marketing manager Marsh and 1cLennan Ltd Winnipeg Man

Donald Syme 77 is with marketing pe rsonne l IC F Sydne y Australia

sters and look forward to the ir continued help in the Assoc ia tion in the future

C Nould lik e to re mind our fell ow alu mni to jo in or renew their membership in our Association De hbie ( Nash) Cham bers 77 editor of DF LPH A wo uld lik e any Ideas lor future artick that vould catch your interes t Our Assoc iati o n would also apprec ia te heari ng from you re gardin g eve nts that you wou ld be interested in attending Pl ease drop us a line in order that we may serve you better thus ~ eeping the line of co mmunic ation oren bet ween you and yo ur Alma v1ater

In closing I would like to acknowlmiddot edge With great a pprec iati o n the a istance that has been o ffclTU our Board of Direc tors over the pasl year

As al ways Dea n David Murray has bee n a va lued ad visor I wo uld li ke to thank Professor Ted Cowa n Department o f History for his Sprin g 19K3 OEPHA article on the Scottish Heritage Festival and Judy (Ma in) Ca rson 75 for he r help in preparalron of feature articles Spec ial thank s arc also ex tended to Rosemary Clark Mac 59 Asis tant Director Proshyg rams Dep artment of Alumni Affairs and Deve lopment and our Board of Directo rs who have wo rk ed so hard to mak e thi s a successful year

The term of 19X2-B3 has been a very grati fying one for all mem bers of the Associations Boa rd o t Directors We loo k for ward to 19K3-K4 anJ hope to hear from you Q

J ane Francis 78 is With Ilublic relations Vancouver Stock EXchange Vancou ver B C

Jonie Bunce 79 is a teacher 01 Art English and Thcatre Arts at 1 A Turn er Secondary School BrdrllptOl

Deborah Salmon 79 is married to Richard Light BS( 80 and li ves in Japanec Shc worb for the Empl o) mc nt and Im migrati on Commi ssion dnd Ri chlrJ works for a darrv in Kin gs to n

Shelagh Stevens 79 it station U)lllrshytwlle r Department o f -J atiunal [dc nce in f ova Slmiddototia

lidwtl Glanb 81 is a supervisor mar shyke ting comrlluni~ations Pitney-Bowe s oj

Canada Ltd Don Mill s

john (llanllllUnd ) Zelasko 81 rs ~ I

courtr(lOrn artist WKBW Buffalo New Ymk US I C



Alumnus of

Honollr 1983

Helen Christine AbeD Mac 38D

Amo ng the forerunners in the fie ld of rural soc iol ogy not only in Canada

but throughout the world and with a long career as a professor in numerous un iversities ac ross Canada Dr Helen C Abell has und oubted ly do ne much to promote a world -w ide reputation for her Alma Mater

Dr Abell has been most active in a numbe r of United Nat io ns programs designed to foster development of th ose in the Third World countrie s Although os ten sibl y retired she still co nt inues her wo rk as a cons ult ant in Socio-Economic De ve lopme nt assisti ng in develop ing sho rt -term project s as the occasion ari ses

As well as a Macdona ld Ins titu te Diploshyma Dr Abell obtained a BHSc (H ome Economics) from the Universi ty of Toro nto in 1941 and an MS (Human Nutrition) and a Ph D (major Rural Sociology and Agri cul shytural Economics) from Cornell University in 1947 and 1951 re specti vel y 0

Page 26: Guelph Alumnus Magazine, Summer 1983

the individual members excellence andThe Ronald S Ritchie Le cture integri ty

This idea for the new body was not accepted by members of Cabinet They

The Opening Up of PubHc PoHcy The Opening Up of Public Policy was

Selllior Michael Piffields fopic when he

delifred fhe annual Ronald S Rifchie

LeclUre of fhe UniversifY in March

A Rmduafe ofSf Lawrence Universify

17 ( graduafed in lawjrom McGill UniversifV

and holds a Rrodlla fe diploma in Public La w

Fom Ih e UlliversifY ofolIa wa H efirsl joined Ihe Public Service as an

wlminislrafive assiSfam in Ihe Depa rimem

oJuslice in 1959 Ialer served onlhe sraffof Ih e Goernor General and as secrelary fO

117 1 Royal Commission on Taxalion In 1965

he joined Ihe Privy Council Office He

became depuly minisler of Consumer and

Corporafe Affairs in 1973 and Ihe followshy

inli year lOok up an appoinfmem as Fellow

in fhe John F Kennedy School of Governshy

mOl (If Harvard Un iversifY In 1975 he

relurned 10 Ollawa as Clerk of fhe Privy

Council and Se crelarv 10 Ihe Cabinel

The annual leclre recognizes Ihe comrihwion made 10 fhe Universily by

former Board of Govemors chairman

ROllald S Rilchie A reporl on Senafor Piffields presemalion follows

Senator Pitfield paid tribute to Rona ld Ritchie his important work in the Glassco Commission and his influence in the estabshylishment of the Institute for Research on Public Policy

In thi s th oug htful and thoughtshyprovoking presentation Senator Pitfield outlined the need for and the desirability of more open discussion before policies are introduced but there are some very real difficulties associated with de vel oping some me chanis m that could foster and encourage such exchanges of ideas

[t was pointed out that because of the high degree of interdependency of modern society and the size and complexity of governments the making of public polic y must be an intellectual subject in its own right not just a conglomeration of di scishyplines It had become evident that

I A methodical analysis of government activity could lead to improvements in government effectiveness

2 Traini ng in making and managment of public policy was crucial and urgent

3 There were few in government who knew why things were done the way they were

4 The making and management of pubshylic policy was a subject unique in itself and required thinking through for itself

5 Universities and other training institushytions were not very useful in this training process universities being too removed from the actual experience of government and the government institutions being withshyout the detachment and intellectual rigour needed

Thus it became evident that there was a need for an institution that would be a repository of knowledge a pl ace of learnshying a foru m for debate and a means of communication co ncerning public policy

Proposal s emerged that the federal go vernment should assis t some of the organizations already in existence Comshypetition became keen and rivalry among institutions re su lted in grander more comshyplex proposals As a result the federal go vernment in 1968 decided to establish a think-tank of its own to take a more rigorous look at public polic y

The idea was not new In many countries the general thinking was that all problems could be so l ved by inrelleclUal anal ysis and the appl ication of modern techshyniques But the ne w Trudeau go vernment went even beyond providing more data It included public debate of public policy

But the think-tank was only one of the initiatives to aid in the formation of policies There was support for political parties through caucus funding offi ce space support staff and regional offices for Members of Parliament and internsh ip programs for students to work as assistan ts to MPs

Other support included green and white papers for discussion commissions of inquiry task forces public funding of non-political grou ps to encourage discusshysion and many others to increase the flow of information for consideration of alternashytives All were done to open up the process o f meaningful debate which would result in more effective and sound decisions

The th ink-tank was to be a centre for var ious kinds of people to di scuss public policy subjects which were often set aside because of day to day pressures At first it was to be very informal with distinguished people invited to participate Its integrity and permanency would be based on that of

were concerned that existing research instishytutes would be damaged They also wanted in volvement of business and professional communities This challenge to broaden the scope was gi ven to Ron Ritchie

Ritchie foresaw an institution that would be independent supported by an endowment which would not only support but st imu late debate on public policy

Man y fears were raised - that such a body would be taken o ver by academics that it would become a clique that govern shyments would battle for control etc But these were dealt with skillfully by Ritch ie and the Institute for Researc h on Public Policy was establ ished

What of its accomplishments~ This institute has been successfu l in

many ways in getting better information into debate [n the ten years since its beginning many studie s have been pubshyli shed It has held many informat ive confershyences and has a unique journal Howeve r despite its efforts open and meaningful debate on public policy is not much more advanced tod ay than it was a decade ago

It is evident that to ach ie ve its objecshytives there mu st be a willingess to change opi nions and the Canadian sys tem prov ides few forums for the changing of minds The bias is towards decision-makers and interest groups not open and meaningful debate

Public debate often takes pl ace after rather than before the decision is taken Thi s may not be what is wanted but policy-making is tilted not tow ards being open but towards being closed

Why has there not been more progress [n h is pre se ntation Mi chael Pitfield refershyred to the fact that the go vernment whose people should discuss the si tuation has become even more confrontational not because of lack of information but because of rigidity in their approach to discussion of public policy

As govern ment ha s grown so have checks and balances which recently have often been linked to lack of confidence Where slim majorities exist a strong opposhysi tion can threaten the government Party di sc ipline becomes severe and ai ring of independent views is discouraged The fear of a government being defeated on the one shyhand and the unyielding demands ot the opposition on the other tends to make the parliamentary process less and less flexible

The result of the foregOing is the tendency of government in modern times to drop solutions on a public th at may not be aware of the problems These solutions are not open to argu ment and debate is reduced

conld over


w ith bias tending towards a cl osed system and less debate

To improve the situation it seems it wlluld be necessary to have a mutual and

ba lanced reduction of force on both sides

The ge neral equilibrium of the system needs to be ma in tained W hat is needed is the reduction of secre tiveness of the gove rn shyment on one side and a reduc tion of the

danger of e mbarrass ment or de fea t of the govern men t on the other side

T here must be a wil li ngness to secure

more ope n debate on al l sides and our

leaders ha ve not done that e ven on m ost import ant issues More ope n and rneltll1 ingshyful deba te will require more thi nk ingshy

thro u middoth - something Mc mbers of Parlishy

ame nt may not he able to do or be free to do or have the necessary knowledge to do But the id ea behind the Institute for Remiddot

search on Public Policy was tha t such a body could bring about better decisions

All publi c problems cannot be solved by thought and tech nolog ics but few can be solved without these contr ibutions

The Institute for Research on Public Policy cannot create better public policies

by itself It must have input from all sectors to bring about more open and meaningful public debate which will result in constant

improvement of government - somethin g

that everyone desires 0

Grad News Herb Nor ry M Sc 52 has moved to

London as a farm business advisor wit h

O M AF working in eight counties

Denny Silvestrini PhD 5R is director of quality controlresearch and de velopment Eskimo Pie Corporation Ric hmond Virshy

ginia SA He had served as manager quality control and product deve lopment

Ralston Purina Co mpany St Luuis M isshysouri U SA

John Hagarty 61 is manager fi e ld

service s Rural O rganizati ons and Serv ice s Branch OMAF Guelp h

Ismail Siragcldin Ph D 62 is professor Department of Population Dynami cs and

Political Economics the Johm Hopkins

University Baltimore Md S A

Arlene (Fournier) 65 and Dick Flis

MSc 65 are in Edmo nton Alta where Dick is petroleum products manager wes tmiddot ern Canada Imperia l Oil Ltd

Craig Hunter 66 is pre sident Cra ig

Hunter Poult ry Farms Ltd Stro ud

Colin Triver s 67 is a consulting e ngineer and On tario land surveyor for e G Trivcrs

Ltd T he ssalon

Peter Mosher Ph D 70 is director

bureau of agric ultural prod uctio n Depart shyment of Agriculture Ba ngor Me USA

Cordon Brown 76 is sen ior food techshynolog is t new prod ucts process developshy

ment Tho masJ Lipton Inc in Bram pton

Martel C outure MSc 76 is acting di rec tor d iploma progra m Macdonald Colshy

lege Ste nne de Belle vue Que

Charlie Ellintt 78 vnfe Ja ne and

first -born Ian C harles born Jan uary 20

1983 are living near S hetland C harlie is now working fo r Elliott Bros G rain and Feed Ltd

Dennis Ring 78 is credit manager Farm C redit Corp C hatham H is wife is Carnl (Weeks) 79

R Cunrad Genee 79 is a sales represhy

sentative with CIBA-Geigy Canada Ltd in

Winnipeg Man

Howard Armstrong RO is an industrial

engineer with the B utler Ma nufacturing Co (Canada) Ltd Nisku Alta

Bruce Broadbent PhD 80 is a research scientist entomology with Agriculture

Canada Vineland Station

Mic hael Tulloch 80 has been accepted as

a professional engineer by the Council of the APEO He now manages engineering functions for eG Trivers Ltd Thessalon

BruceGitelman 81 will be joining Wood G undy Ltd Investment Broke rs as a

corporate finance associate in September

Danicllc Wenstrom 81 is a quality a ss urance su pe rvisor for Pil lsb ury of Canada Ltd M idland

Christine Deslandes MSc R2 is a lecturer at Alfred Col lege of Agricu ltu re

and Food Technology A I fred

Diploma Graduates

Donald Morley 68A is ge nera l ma nager De Marco Homecare Ce ntre Sutton West

Jeffrey Currah 74A is marke ting man shyage r Fortam ix-a division of BASF

Canada Inc Georgetown

Brian Roberts 76A is a welder with Hillcook Ind ust ri es Ha milton 0

In Memoriam Raymond David Ure 15A and 21 January 24 In3 ~uddenly a t Tecumse h

age 87 He had bee n very act ive un til

recently H is son Donald re is it

graduate of 49

Dr Genrge M Stirrett 20A and 22 died December 15 1982 H is many co nshy

tri bu tiono had bee n recogni zed by the Heritage Canada Found ation The fo llowshy

ing is an account of the tribu te pa id to him Fe bruary 16 1 9~ I at Government HDu~e

O ttawa

His Excelle ncy Gove rnor Ge nera l

Edward Sc hrcyer prese med the Commun imiddot cations A wards Atl antic Reg ion to Dr

George M St irrett of Grand Falls Ne w

Bru ns wick Dr Stirrett has been comm itted to natural h is tory conservation for ma ny

years bo th before and after hi s ret ire ment from the Canadian W ildlife Service and Parks Canada in 1964

He worked hard for the preservation of the falls and gorge area at Grand Falls

and on other conservation needs in Ne w Brunswick and Ma ine He has also written

on the iss ues of conservation using Ihe pcn name G raham Vail and since April 1979

has publi shed a weekly column Notes on atural History in the G rand Falls

Cataract His columns stress the appreciashytion and enjoyment of nature as well as the need for preserving it

Norman Hodgins MacBeth 23 Fe bruary 3 1983 in St John N B He had retired in

1967 as General Manage r of General Dairies Ltd

David R Owen 25 in Medi c ine Hat

Alta February 6 1983 at age 82 He was a di rector of the fi rs t ollege Roy al and spe nt

most of his li fe teachi ng and farmi ng in Saskatchewan

Ronald John Quinn 35 Fe bruary 17 1983 in London His wife Helen (Farshyquhar) is a lso a graduate o f 35

Bruce Douglas Innes 36 passed away Septe lllber 29 19 82 D uring his college

years he took part in ma ny ac tivitie s bu t he -re membered with particu la r pleasure be ing Grand C hampion Showman College Royal

35-the first time that the honour had bee n won by anyone o ther than a fou rth year man Bruce owned and operated a dairy

farm at Burford since I 939 and was an

acti ve and ded icated farmer until his death

H is wife Margaret died in A pril 1983 T hey leave daughters Lorna Lawrence

Mac 68 and Karen and son Robert 0


Macdonald Institute College of Family and Consumer

Studies Alumni Associat ion

ALUMNI NEWS Editor Joan (Anderson) Jenkinson 66


BASc Grads-Class o f 80

EntploYDlent Survey T he University s Counselling and Reshysource Centre recentl y completed an inshyucpth survey covering the empl oyment activities of the 211 graduates who in 19RO earned Bachelor of Applied Sc ience Degrees

The survey indicates th at gradu ates are e nj oy ing a variety of interes ting and chalshylenging careers

A gratifying 73 per cent of th e graduates re sponded to the survey with 51 per cent of the respondents indi catin g that they have completed or are completing graduate degrees or programs on a full- or part-time bas is Of the 153 respondents 78 per ce nt including one who is self emshyployee have full-time employment The remainder are employed part-time or are pursuing further studie s

Li sted below are the indicated ca reers chosen in the four major areas of study

Applied Human Nutritio n

ut ritiond ietetics Food service administration More than 50 per cent of the responshy

dents obtained reg istered profe ss ional dietishytian certificates The Admini strati ve Emshyphasis course is no longer offered in the

Applied Human utrition program It is available through the Bachelor of Comshymerce program

Family Studies

A number of grad uate s found posit io ns in teac h ing or social services such as

Adult protecti ve service workers Infant de ve lopment specialists Geront ology consultants Supervisors and field workers with social service agencies Other Family Studies graduate s are

working in government srv iees and in the private ec toras home economists financial co un se llors librarians hostel managers Family Studies graduates tend to sl ck caree rs in the helping profess ion s

Consumer Studies

There are four emphasis areas 01 study within this maj or The survey indicates that

Food gradu ates are employed in areas of produci development marketing and food technology with majo r food companies Hou si ng emphasis graduates are wo rkshying with government agencies and in teac hing

Consumer Beha vio ur e mph asis graduates are in industry business and res earc h Tex tile and Clothin g e mph asis grads are employed in research merchandi sshying and banking Often after working for a year or

more Consumer Studies graduates will return to gradu ate study o r profess ional programs on a full- or part-time bas is

Child Studies

Many Child Studies graduates are emp loyed in teaching supervisory or other child-care related sett ings such as soc ial work with fami lies and children Re ported part -lime and temporary em pl oy ment pos ishytions include work as supply teachers child care supervisors special education leac hers and as lecturers in uni ve rsity settings

It is imporl an t to note that this emshyploy ment survey reports the caree r paths chose n by onl y one graduating cl ass Dat a is collccl~d on a yearl y bas is from gradu ates in Family and Consumer Studies In order to observe the broad scope of employment opportunities avail able a four-year tabulashytion wo uld pl~ c nt a more complete picture of the profess ional activities of graduates

In summary FACS programs offer students a sound educational background to meet the need s of i nduslry educational institut io ns governme nt and bus in c The future for FACS graduates is indeed bright as the College co ntinues to gro w and develop programs to meet the challenges of the 80s 0



BASc Gradsmiddot Class of 80 Further Education Pursued

Major Total

Graduates Number of

Respondents R PDt BEd MEd MSc MD MA

Applied Hum an Nu trition 65 45 23 3 I

Family Studies 64 44 19

Consumer Studies 48 33 2

C hild Studies 34 31 II I I I

TOTAL 21 1 ( 1007c)

153 (73 oc )

23 32 I 4 I I

FACS Has New

Dr Richurd Burhunl

Dean Professor Richard M Barham was apshypointed dean of the College of Family and Consumer Studies for a fi ve-year term effective July I 1983 He succeeds Dr Janet M Wardlaw who has served as dean since 1969

Professor Barham has been chairman of the Department of Family Studies since

1976 and served as acting dea n in [980 while Dean Wardlaw was on administrative leave

A graduate of the University of Otago Dunedin e Zealand Richard Barham received a Ph D degree from the University of Alben a dmonton in Ed ucational Psychology

He has served on the faculty of the Department of Educational Psychology at the University of Alberta and as professor and acting chairman of the Department of Education University of Otago

While in New Zealand he was an executive member of the council of The Ne w Zealand Psychological Society and served as its president

At Guelph he has taught both undershygraduate and graduate courses in the Deshypartment of Family Studies and has supershyvised graduate students

He has been active on many University committees during the past seven years He is a past chairman of the Board of Graduate Studies and has been a member of the

Committee on Academic Priorities the Committee on University Planning the Liaison Committee and several others

He has also been a consulting educa shytional psycholog ist with the Wellington County Separate School Board since 1979

Prolessor Barham and his wife Joan have a family offour Joan recently returned to the University of Guelph for further study Daughter Vick y 19 is a student in Economics at Queens University Lisa 17 and Christopher 14 attend Ce ntennial CVJ while Tania 12 is completing her studies at College Avenue School

Music is very important part of the Barham familys life with active invoheshyment in the Suzuki String School and the Guelph Youth Orchestra Gardening is a hobby enjoyed by both Richard and Joan

Members of the Mac- FACS Alumni Association extend a sincere welcome to Professor Barham We look forward to meeting and working with him in the future as he fills the challenging position as dean of FACS 0

FACS Prof First

Dr M urlin MUllhclIs

Director P ro fessor Anne Martin Matthews De shypart me nt of Family St udi es has been ap shypointed the first director of the Gnontology Research Centre The establi shment of the Centre was announced last February A research grant of $237000 from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada will fund the Centre for the first three years

Professor Martin Matthews has been conducting research related to the needs and interests of older segments of the populashytion as well as teaching courses in such areas as social gerontology and marital and family dynamics in Family Studies She has been a faculty member with the Department of Family Studies since 1978

She also has been active beyond the campus in programs related to aging She is chair-elect of the social sciences division Canadian Council on Gerontology and will begin a two-year term in the chair of that organization this year

She is also first vice-president of the

Ontario Gerontology Association and a member of the scientific advisory commitshytee of the Gerontology Research Council of Ontario She is a graduate of Memorial University of Newfoundland and McMaster University

With a steadily increasing percentage of the popUlation in the retirement age bracket it is important to understand more fully the ir needs and cuncerns sa ys Proshyfessor Martin Matthews The en tre will deal with the ag ing family and environshymental contexts In the latter sense we will be examinin g such things as the difference bet wee n aging in an urban and a rural society as well as issues like housing and the aging

The new Gerontology Research Centre will provide facilities to assist faculty members and graduate students doing reshysearch on aging The Centre will facilitate integrate and co-ordinate studies on aging within the University the director says

Research on aging is now being carried out at the Universi ty in such Departments as Family Studies Geography Psychology Nutrition Human Biology and SocioluFY and the Centre will be able to provide a medium for cross-fertilization of ideas among the many researchers in the field

Professor Marlin Matthews says that the Centre will be working co-operatively with other similar research centres in Onshytario such as the one at the University of Toronto in promoting research on aging The Centre will also sponsor conferences and workshops that relate to the special needs of older citizens in their communities

Guelph has demonstrated an interest in gerontology since 1970 when research projshyects began and courses dealing with aging were offered in the Departments of Family Studies and Psychology Since 1981 the Un i versity has offered gero ntology as part of the Famil y Studies major in the Bachelur of Applied Science program 0

A Thank You Dear A luml7i

1-Iwl 10 Ihonk oil Ihe uumni inloll(d wilh

Ihc cr special send-oj gien to me ill

recognition of Ihc complelion ofmv Icrm as


So man of ou -Ierc invocd shy

whelhcr or nOI ou -Iere able 10 (fIend Ihe

recognition receplion in Toronlo on May

29 I oppreciacd Ihe man good llishes

which come from ocross CClrado ond from

such dislOlIl places as Indio and Chara

Your generous gifls u Imc Irolld of

pcarls und a bonk aCCOlll11 vhich came lVilh

Ihe slrong suglcslion Ihal [should IIc 10

Vnv Iculand lverc Irul overllhelll1ing

The Air lCll Zcalundjlighl bag jJacked wilh

1111 SOriS of nccessiliel added 10 Ihe jim

middotre had 01 Ihe rcceplion

Many Ihanksfor your SUppOri over Ihe years and for your good wishes as I begin

my car ofadmin is Ira live leave

Yours sincerelv

Jonel M Wardlaw 0


Dr Louise

( Bailltlj

Heslop 67

Off - To


Dr Louise (Bazi net) Heslop 67 has JO ined the School of Business at Carlton Unive rsit y O ttaw a Over the next two years through an arran geme nt with Ca rlton Unive rsity she will be cco nded on a

part-time basis by Stati sti cs Canada where she will join the Research and Analysi s

D ivision Loui se completed her MSc at Guelph

in 1969 and continued as lecturer in the

ne wly-es tablished Department o f Co nshysumer Studies In 1977 she compktcd a Ph D in Business Administration (Marketshying) at the University of Western Ontari o

and rejo ined the Department of Consumer Studies ri si ng to the rank of ass oc iate professor

Louise was e lected to the board of

di rectors of the Mac-FA CS Alumni Assoc ishyati on in 1977 se rvin g as secretary-treasurer until May 1981

We ex tend our best wishe middot to Loui se

her husband Lome O A 70 and their dau ghters Jose tte 5 and C la ire 2 Lorne is employed by Agriculture Canada in

Ottawa and is currently completing an M Sc in Engineering at the University of

G uelph Coun try li ving is a high priority with

the Heslops They are deli ghted with the purchase of a farm near Almonte a nd look

forward to the best of both worl d s - profess ion a lism in the city and lei sure in the countryside 0

Grad News Helen (Clifford ) Beswick 48D is se lf empl oyed as a studio potter in her home in Dundas

Margaret (Kennedy) jarvis 54D is a realestate age nt in Kingston

Pat (Hall) McDowell 65 is with the

United Missionary Soc iet y Jlorin Kwora State ~igeria

Joanne Patterson 66 is a se ni or project o ffmiddoticer w ith Indi an and Northern Affa irs Ottawa

Leslie (Mowat) Hemming 68 is teaC hin g in Woods tock

Mary (Jany) Toms 68 is employed with Health and We lfare Canada Ottawa

Sarah (Spencer) Coomhs 70 is an assistant director wi th the Co nsumer Inforshymation Centre of the Ontario Government


Meredith Fi lshie 70 is an ana lyst w ith the Ministry of State for Economic and Re g ional Development O ttawa

S heila (Fahner ) jarvie 70 is a nutrishytion ist w ith the K- W Hospital Kitchener

Donna j ohnstone 70 o perates Donn as Ha ndmade Clothin g for Men amp Wo men Gabiola Isla nd B C

Lorraine Holding 71 is manager of program development with the Rural Orshyga nizatio ns and Services Branlh Minis try of Agriculture and Food located at the Gue lph Agriculture Centre

Beve r ly Lee 72 is a chairperso n with the York Region Board o f Educ at io n

Laurie MacLeod 72 is a district manager with Beaver Foods Mlss issauga

Kathy Camelon 73 is a dietitian at the Toronto Genera l Hospita l

Tirnoth) Fleming HAFA 74 a ses ionaJ lec turer with H AFA teaching business law has been adm itted to the partne rshi p o f the law firm of Harper Haney and White of Waterl oo

Isabel (McBride) H o well 74 is an e lementary school teacher with the Watershyloo Co unt y Board of Educatio n Camshybridge

Mary Ruston 75 is a Famil y Studies teacher at Inge rso ll District High School

Kathryn Anderson 76 is a supervisor with Westmini ster Family Day a re London

Hester Cooper 76 is employed as a research officer with the New Zealand Dairy

Research Institute in Palmers ton North ew Zealand

Patr icia (G a rland ) Desaul niers 76 is with patient fo od se rvices Alberta Hospishyta l Edmo nton

Noella Li 76 is aclinical dietitian wi th the

ictori a Hospital London

M eredith (Evans) Hea rtwe ll 77 is

teac hing in Mississauga

Deb Wey 77 is patient food se rvices manager at SI John Regio nal Hospi tal SI J()hn NB

Susan (junes ) Wilcox 77 is food se rvices

superviso r with the Baye re st Ce ntre for Ge riatric Care 0

A ThankYou The c lass of Mac 380 wishes to extend a

sincere thank you to all alumni who have con tributed to the Mac 38 0 Class Geronshy

to logy Scholarship Fund The gradua te s tudent scholarship in

the recently de ve loped area ot Ge ronto lo gy at FACS is being established by the class of 38D in recog nition of their 45th annivershy

sary in 1983 All Univers it y of Guelph grads are

in vited to parti c ipate in this project funds for which will be so li c ited until December

1984 [f you wish to con tribute please make you r cheq ue pay ab le to the Univers ity o f Guelph Alma Mater Fund specify that it is to be applied to the Mac 38 D Class Gerontology Scho larship Fund and mail to

the Deve lo pment Office Room 273 John shysto n Hall Uni ve rsity o f Gue lph Guelph

Ontario N IG 2W J Th an ks again for yo ur suppo rt from

Elle n Downie Mary Singer Doris Durran t and Jean Carter- the Mac 38 D sch o larship committee 0

In Memoria m We regret to announce the death of the following al umnus

Margaret L (MacKenzie) Smallwood 401) December 1982 in Lakeland Fla




The College of Physical Scie nce Alumni Association

SCIMP Editor Bob Winkel

phy sics grant selection committee of thc atural Sciences and Engineering Research

Council for two years he was intimately involved in all the major re search de velopshyments in Canada in this field Hc feels that his e lec tio n to the Royal Society of Canada will help raise the prot1le of high-energy physics in this co untry and lend stren gth to Canadian experimenters

The citation prepared for his nominashytion to the Royal Society of Canada reads

Professor Karl is a high energy the ori st whose work is widely recognized interna tionally His deep physical insight and hi s kn ow led ge of mathemati ca l methods led to the quark model of baryon resonances based on quantum chromoshydynamics which has been enormousl) successful in describing experimental reshysuits H is re sea rch is characterized by striking originality and an ability to COIll shy

bine basic ideas from different field s as in the predictions of a new effect - neutron optical activity

Gabriel Karl is married and has one daughter W hen he is not probing the sec re ts of the universe he indulges himself in music theatre and the fine arts

He visited the Unive rsity of Briti sh Columbia in Vanco uver in May for the induction ceremony into the Royal Society of Canada on the occas ion of the Annual Meeting of the Society It marked he sa id the culmination of a long string of benefits that [ ha ve enjoyed throughout the 23 years 1 have lived in Ca nada [ have every rea son to be very grateful to th is country D

Erratum In the Sprin g issue o r SCiMP it was erroneously reported in the c utline accompanyin g a pict ure of Departshyme nt of Physics student scholarship winners that they were the recipients of 0 er $ 1500 We dropped a zero The fi gure should have read $ 15000 Sorry about tha t Ed

Elected to Royal Society

Dr Cooiel Korl

The election of Dr Gabriel Karl to a Fellowship of the Roy al Society of Canada represents what one of hi s colleagues Dr Peter Egelstaff desc ribe s as a rare honour which reflects great credit not only on Dr Karl but also on the Uni versi tys Departshyment of Physics

The Royal Society of Canada founded in 1882 to promote learning and research in the arts and sciences has numbered among its Fellows virtually all of Canadas most distinguished intellectual le ade rs of the last J00 yea rs Standards are jealously guarded and Fello wships are awarded only as a result of outstanding world-class ach ieve ment

The rarity of the honour is indicated by the fact that at the Un iversity of Guelph whose faculty includes so many academics of international distinction only five had previously achieved a Fellows hip in the Royal Society of Canada These are Dr Howard Clark vice- pres ident academic Dr Bruce Sells dean College of Biologishycal Science Dr Peter Egclstaff Depart shyment of Physics Dr Do nald Masters Prof ssor Emeri tu s De part mcnt of History and Dr He rb Armstrong retired dean of Graduate Studies

As the sixth Dr Ga briel Karl will have the added di st inction of bei ng the first whose career has been sp ot excl us ively at the Un ivers ity of Guelph which agai n to

quote Dr Egelstaff marks a coming of age for the University

Gabriel Karl was born in Transylvania a province of Romania He obtained his B Sc in Chemistry at Romani as Univershysity of ClUJ worked for two years in industry and came to Canada in 1960 He attended graduate school at th e University of Toronto where he was awarded a Ph D in 1966 for a thesis on infrared luminesshycence following molecular colli sion Hi s Ph D supervisor was the distinguished physical chemist Dr John Polanyi

A two-year post-doctora l fellowship with the University of Torontos Depart shyment of Physics followed His mentors there were Drs J Van Kranendonk and Duk Poll who is now a professor with the Universi ty of Guelph s Depa rtment of Ph ys ics

In 1966 Dr Karl studied at the Uni versity of Oxford for two years under an NRC scho larship to study hadron spec troshyscopy and in 1969 he Joi ned the Univers itys Department of Phy sics achieving a full professorship only five years later

Dr Karls work has focussed on high energy physics - the physics of fundamen shytal particles This is an esoteric field involvshying research into the nature of matter The relatively few world leaders in thi s field tend to cluster around the half-dozen accelerators such as the $100 million four kilumete rshylon g hi gh-e nergy tunnel for accelerating electrons at Stanford University that have been built only in the US and Europe

There is no accelerator of this energy level in Canad a and fe w Canadian scie nshyti ~ts are working in this field Dr Ka rl s statu re in the international commu nity of particle physic ists is marked by his many visi ts to the world s major research ce ntres as guest speaker and to consult with his peers Referring to the time spent on thcse missions Dr Karl describes the Depart shym nt of Phys ics and his colleag ues as generouslyaccommodati ng shy

As cha irman of the h igh energy


Trapping The Suns Energy Excerpted from a Chemtrends article by Mary Cocivera

One predi ctabl e fac t about ind ustri ali z d

soc iety is that it will take more e nergy to

keep the whee ls ru nn ing smoothl y parti c ushy

larly because the world population is exshy

pected to dou ble to about n ine bill ion by the

year 2050

[n th search to augme nt tradi tio na l

sources o f e lectri ci ty two Departme nt of

Chemistry pro fessors ha ve tu rned their

atten ti on to the convers ion of solar energy to

electricity by photovultaie cel ls and photoshy

elec troc he mical systems T he developme nt

work at Guelph is a imed at improving the efficiency and stability of th se sy~tems and

reduc i ng the ir cos t

Si licon photovoltaic cells serve as a

reference for solar energy convers iun beshy

cause they were the fi rst such cells and to

date arc the most effic ient co nvert ing so lar

ne rgy into elec tr ic ity a t abo ut 15 per cem

effi c iency Arrays of crys tal li n sil icon ce lls present ly cos t in the nei ghborhood or

S$400 per sq uare metre to manufac ture

produc ing about 40 watts Photovo lta ic

thin- fi lm syste ms us ing semico nductors

o ther than single crysta l sil ic on are be ing

investigated in man y re~earc h ce ntre s

around the world

A pro mis ing approach is a cadmiui1l

sulfi dec uprous sul fide combi nat ion in

which the two sem ico nduc tors are laye red

on molybdenum the n covered w ith a transshyparent gold fil m T his thin-fi lm cons trucshy

tio n i ideal for solar devices explai ns

Profess ur Ro n Fawcett because large

surface areas are needed for maximum

exposu re to the sun

T he fabrication process devel oped by

Ro n and patented in 1980 in vo lve electroshy

depos iting cadmium sulfide o nto molybshy

denum then layering cuprous sulfide over the cadm ium sulfide by an ion exchange

process Finally the gold 11 1m is added by

vacuum de pos ition Ron es timates that

thi n-film de ices could be manufac tu red in

this way for about S$25 per squ are metre

E lectro pla ting of se m ic ondu ct ors

would enabl e photo voltai c dev ices to be

manu factured in a continuous process

rathe r than indi vidua lly as i required w ith

s ingle crysta l s ilic on Such ce lls ha ve

ach ieved conversio n of solar to electrica l

energy at an e ffi cienc y o f I per cent to date T he researchers are co nfide nt they can

achieve fi to 8 per cent cffi ieney compared

to the calcul ated max imum e ffi c iency of II

per cent Pro fessor Michae l oc ivera is ork ing

on photoe lec troc hem ical systems in which a

sem icond uctor electrode im mersed in an

elec tro lyte solution converts inci dent li g ht

into a n electric a l cu rren t Such se mishy

conductor lilju id junction cells offe r p racti shy

cal ad van tages because uf the sponta neom format ion o f a junc tio n I mproved effishy

ciency fo r po lycrysta lli ne sem iconductors

has been a hi eved in ce lb of th is type in part becau~e the liqu id estab li shes unshy

iformly good COntac t wi th the e l etrode

The li gh t -~ens it i ve electrode in photoshy

e lec trochem ical ce lls is a sem ic o nductor

e it her a thin-fi lm or s ingle c rysta l a tt ached

to a metal back ing the other e lec trode is an

inert me ta l T he e l ectrode~ are immersed in

~ n elect rol yte solutio n o f a mater ial that carl do nate and accep t elect rons The b igges t

prob lem with many li lj ui d junct io n ce lls

~ays Mike is photocorros iol1 of the su rshy

face of the se miconductor To overcome

thi s problem he is developing materi a ls and

techniques to coat the e lectrodes with proshy

tec tive materiab

The first liquid junction cells with a

sili con anode opera ted for only a matter of

seconds befo re the e lec trode was des troyed

by corrosion Researche rs at the Solar Energy Research Insti tu te in C o lorado

U SA have developed a silicon anode

w ith a polypyrro le protect ive coating which

can o perate for hund reds o f hours but that is

still not long eno ugh for a viable commershy

cia l syste m

M ike and his colleague are making a

syste matic study of compounds tha t wi ll

both protect the electrode from corrosion

and catal yze the elect rode rca tion They

arc now worki ng with organo me tall ic comshy

pounds co mpris ing a metal atom sulfur

and an aromatic co m pone nt containing a func tiona l group li ke hyd roxy l sul phonate

ammoni um and nitroso

hese compounds are effect ive beshy

ca use they prov ide a mechanism to transfer

a ch arge bet ween the se mi co nd uctor and the e lectro n donor in solut io n The coating mus t

also be transpilrent e nough to a llow the light

to s trike the photocleetrode

To date they ha ve suneeded in deshy

veloping fi ve coat ings su itab le fo r a variet y

or se miconduc tors incl uding the polyshy

crysta ll ine cadm ium su lfide e lectrodes fabshy

riltated by Ron Fawce tt s method If polyshy

crystalli ne elec trodes can be fab ri (a ted and

coated wi th a protec tive materia l electroshy

chemically they wi ll be relati ve ly inexpe nshy

ive to manufac ture If the tech niques and processe s be ing

inve ~l igated by Ron Fawce tt and Mike Coc ivera de ve lop to tht ir full poten tial the

su n cou ld beco me a more import ant supplier

o f e lectri city in Ca nada Long-range proshy

jectio ns suggest that about 10 per cent of No rth A m rican e lectr ic it y could be proshy

duced from solar convers ion

Elec tric ity fro m the sun is no longer a

pipe-dream-it is a reachable goa l n

Grad News Louise (Sandall) Platt BA 69 is living

in Islington and teaching for the Etobico ke

Board of Educati on

Alexander Barton BSc 70 MSc 74 is work ing on a Ph D deg ree in the

Departme nt of Fishe ries and W ildlife at

Orego n Sta te uni vers ity

Gerry Kupferschmidt BSc 70 MSc

71 is living at R R I Osgoodc and is

tmployed as a sc ientific ad ise r to the


Murray Ross Gingrich BSc 71 Ii ves in

Brampto n and is work ing as a probation

officer for the Ministry o f Correc tio nal


Robert Cross BSc 72 M D is workshy

ing in the emergency department o f the

So uth Muskoka Hospital in Bracebridge

Edda Duva (Home) Kerr BA 74 lives

in G ue lph and is working as a program

co-ordinator for Casatta Ltd in Kitchener

Deanne Ch)y BSc 78 Ii ves in Etob ishy

coke and is working as a public health

inspector for the Ham ilton Wentwo rth Reshy

gio nal Health Unit

Alex McDonald BSc 79 PhD 83 and his wife Rosanne ( DeNobriga) BSc

79 are living in Austi n Texas whil e Alex

is do ing post-doctoral work at the Unishy

vers ity o f Texas

Ste~en Oliver BSc 79 o f Hamilton is a

medica l sa les repre sentati ve with Cyanamid

Canada Inc

Gordon Knox BSc 79 is a con~ ul ta nt

with Inform ation Systems Serv ices in Vicshy

toria BC

George Gillson BSc 80 is taki ng a

Ph D in Anal ytica l C hemis try at the Uni shyve rsity of Alberta 0


The College o f Arts Alumni Associat ion

DELPHA Editor Debbie (Nash) Chambers 77

has no w acquired the Shaw Festival ArshyThe Deans Roundup chives on permanent deposit T his is an

Last fall I had the privilege of speakshy

ing to the direc tors of the University of G uelph Alumn i Assoc iation to bring them

up to date on some of the excit ing things connected with the College of Arts I am gratefu l to the editor of DELPHA for this

opportu nity to let alumni readers know what we are do ing

I am pleased to be able to report a subs tant ial increase in enrolment both in the

B A program and in the College o f Arts this past yea r What is especially nice is that this has coincided with a dec is ion to tighte n our

standards at the admissions level and in the regulations for continuatio n of study

In o rder to grad uate B A students

who entered the Spring 19~3 Semester will need to obtai n a C average in 60 per cent of the courses they take

Most of o ur students are doing thi s now and we do not antici pate this will pose any

problem for the students whom we are ad mitting Next year students en tering the

B A program will be required to have Grade 13 English and we are strongly encouraging them to offer a Mathematics credit o r o ne in French or ano ther language

Applications from students wish ing to enter the B A program in the Fall 1983 Semester

are up subs tantia lly over last yea r I also want to share with you some

ha ppenings which have brought special delight to me

The U ni ve rsi ty of Guelph Choir

under director Ge rald e ufeld won second prize in the 1982 CSC nation al chora l competition

In the Harbourfront a rt show last

sum mer three o f o ur students had works se lected by the jury and each won a prize shya better show ing than any of the other O nshy

tario universities or colleges which entend T he C anadian- American Urban Hisshy

tory Co nference held at G uelph in A ugust

1982 was a tremendous success bringing sc holars from many parts of the United States and Canada to discuss new trends in urban studies

Dean David Murray

In the space of just a few months I have seen seven books published by faculty in the Co llege The subjects include Rudyard

Kipl ing Greek Philosophy Urban History Evolution and Darwinism Reli gion and Tolerance the dramatist Gra nville Barker

and a nove l written in French Last summer also saw the completion

of a very successful facu lty exchange beshy

tween o ur Department of Eng lish and the

Uni vers ity of Reading in Britain Dr Leslie Monkman went to Reading for the year and Dr Coral Howell s visited Guelph This

opportunity enab led Dr Howells to study modern C anadian writers and she is now

working o n a book to be published in Britain o n Canadian women wri ters Dr

Mo nkman lectured on Canadian literature at various places in Britain and in France as well as in Reading

T hro ugh the e fforts of the Department of Drama and its chairman Dr Leonard

Conolly and C ollections Librarian Jo hn Moldenhauer 68 the Uni versi ty Library

ex tremely valuab le re sou rce for theatre

scholars a nd the Univers ity is ve ry pleased to have a closer connection with the Shaw Festi val The Drama Department also has

Professor Dan Laurence the world s leadshying Shaw scholar as a distinguished Visitshy

ing Professor lor the ra il Semester Two large conferences were organized

during the Spring and Summer by faculty

and students in the Co llege Professor Ted Cowan of the History Department was in charge of the Scottish Heritage Festival held in uelph in May The Fes tival was a

ce lebrati on of the S co t~ 1d their contribushytion~ to Canada

In Au gust the Uni vers ity will host a major conference o n Common wealth lite rashy

ture bringing writers and schol ars to Guelph from allover the Com monweal th Professor Doug K illam chairman of the Department of English and a number o f col leagues are

now busily preparing to welcome guests from around the world

Through our liaison programs we have pioneered special day - long seminars at the

niversity for gifted children in Wellington County T he se programs are part of o ur commitment to assist secondary schools in meeting the challe nges of special education

J know many o f you will also be interes ted in knowing that last sLi mmer the

College awarded three new scholarships two of the m honouring the cont ribution made by former faculty members J Percy

Sm ith and W Stanford Reid The other marked the first presentation of the Edward Johnson Music Foundation scholarships for students in the music program

We are al l ac ute ly co nscious of the

financial pressure affecting the UnivLr ~ ity

of Guelph and othe r Canadian unive rsities

But we mus t no t le t these pressures detract from the vision of academic excellence to

which we are committed J think you will agree from the exaln ~Jk middot ha ve cited that this vision continues to glow brightly in spite of our financial plight We hope we can

co ntinue to co unt on your advice and your suppurt 0


It Was a Very Good Year T he Direc tor or the College of Arts Alumni Assoc iation have had a bus y year In January we launched o ur hrst Caree rs i lglll for in -coure stude nlgt Thanks to the exce lle nce and enthusiasm of our pane l l1len1bcr the evening was a success

Careers Night is to become an annual event and we would appreciate you r particishypation Any Art s grads wh o wo uld like to

vo lunteer their expertise for the e vening please do not hesita te to contact us

The Directors were also busy a rshyranling the second an nu al art show shyDI MENSIO NS middotS3 Due to the treme nd ous response to DI M ENSIOtS 82 the art show co mmittee organized DIM ENSIO NS 83 as aJu ricd show We are hoping that nex t yea r we will be able to mount a photography show as well a an art sho w

As you are probably aware in 1970 Wellington College was reo rganized into the Colleges of Arts Physic al Sc ience and Socia l Science This year our Assoc iation was asked to se lect a new College logo Thankgt to Dean Dav id Murray and the Deans Counc il we were given permission to use the graphics on the College of Art s Gold Medal It can be see n in the masthead of thi s issue The logo was designed by Erich Barth art dire ctor Department of [nshyformation and enco mpasses the di verse di s shycipiJnes fou nd within the College of Arts

Grad News Catharine (Gilnerlson ) Scott 70 is a wage and salary anal ys t tnivers it y of Waterl oo

Linda la) Bell 72 i the assistant conshysultant for thlto gifted We llington County Boa rd of Education GueJph

Lynn Barbeau 74 is the curator Educa shytion and xtension Macdo nald Stewart Art

entre Guelph

Wltlynr WellJauler 75 is corpora te mar shyke ting manager Gore Mutua l In surance Company Cambridgc

Renate Fisc her 76 is a consultant with the Woods Gordon Divisio n of Cl arkson Go rdon Chartered Acco untants Kitchener

jane Morley O AC MSc 81 is a career co nsultant Counse llin g and Student Reshysource Centre Un iversity of Guelph

Through the generos ity of the Alma Mater Fund our Assoc iation has been able to e stablish nv e sc holars hip s Thre e DELPHA awards for Gue lph alumni to continue their slUdi es at the gradu ate level at the University and two awa rds for part-time mature students These awards are greatly appreciated by the students who have reshyce ived th e m

Congratulatio ns are th e order of the day for Juli e (Russe ll ) Thur 78 Associashytion past pre sident and Linda Mackenz ie shyCordi ck 8 1 Assocration secre tary treas shyurer on the birth of their daug hters in March We wi sh them joy in their yo ung-

David Dell 76 is the in fo rmation o ffic er Reg ion of Pee l Brmiddotampton

jeff Miller 82 is a s tage manager for Profes sional Theatres Toronto

The above eight alumni were panel )11ember-s at our first annual Careers sJ ig ht held ea rlier th i yea r On ce again we offer our sincere thanks for their pani ci pation

lhugarel Reare 68 is senior research o f hee l Minis try of th e Soli citor General Ottawd

William Thiels 73 is a sys te ms analyst with Eas tman Kodak CO Roche ster t Y US A

Shardie D SteHnson 77 is assistant marketing manager Marsh and 1cLennan Ltd Winnipeg Man

Donald Syme 77 is with marketing pe rsonne l IC F Sydne y Australia

sters and look forward to the ir continued help in the Assoc ia tion in the future

C Nould lik e to re mind our fell ow alu mni to jo in or renew their membership in our Association De hbie ( Nash) Cham bers 77 editor of DF LPH A wo uld lik e any Ideas lor future artick that vould catch your interes t Our Assoc iati o n would also apprec ia te heari ng from you re gardin g eve nts that you wou ld be interested in attending Pl ease drop us a line in order that we may serve you better thus ~ eeping the line of co mmunic ation oren bet ween you and yo ur Alma v1ater

In closing I would like to acknowlmiddot edge With great a pprec iati o n the a istance that has been o ffclTU our Board of Direc tors over the pasl year

As al ways Dea n David Murray has bee n a va lued ad visor I wo uld li ke to thank Professor Ted Cowa n Department o f History for his Sprin g 19K3 OEPHA article on the Scottish Heritage Festival and Judy (Ma in) Ca rson 75 for he r help in preparalron of feature articles Spec ial thank s arc also ex tended to Rosemary Clark Mac 59 Asis tant Director Proshyg rams Dep artment of Alumni Affairs and Deve lopment and our Board of Directo rs who have wo rk ed so hard to mak e thi s a successful year

The term of 19X2-B3 has been a very grati fying one for all mem bers of the Associations Boa rd o t Directors We loo k for ward to 19K3-K4 anJ hope to hear from you Q

J ane Francis 78 is With Ilublic relations Vancouver Stock EXchange Vancou ver B C

Jonie Bunce 79 is a teacher 01 Art English and Thcatre Arts at 1 A Turn er Secondary School BrdrllptOl

Deborah Salmon 79 is married to Richard Light BS( 80 and li ves in Japanec Shc worb for the Empl o) mc nt and Im migrati on Commi ssion dnd Ri chlrJ works for a darrv in Kin gs to n

Shelagh Stevens 79 it station U)lllrshytwlle r Department o f -J atiunal [dc nce in f ova Slmiddototia

lidwtl Glanb 81 is a supervisor mar shyke ting comrlluni~ations Pitney-Bowe s oj

Canada Ltd Don Mill s

john (llanllllUnd ) Zelasko 81 rs ~ I

courtr(lOrn artist WKBW Buffalo New Ymk US I C



Alumnus of

Honollr 1983

Helen Christine AbeD Mac 38D

Amo ng the forerunners in the fie ld of rural soc iol ogy not only in Canada

but throughout the world and with a long career as a professor in numerous un iversities ac ross Canada Dr Helen C Abell has und oubted ly do ne much to promote a world -w ide reputation for her Alma Mater

Dr Abell has been most active in a numbe r of United Nat io ns programs designed to foster development of th ose in the Third World countrie s Although os ten sibl y retired she still co nt inues her wo rk as a cons ult ant in Socio-Economic De ve lopme nt assisti ng in develop ing sho rt -term project s as the occasion ari ses

As well as a Macdona ld Ins titu te Diploshyma Dr Abell obtained a BHSc (H ome Economics) from the Universi ty of Toro nto in 1941 and an MS (Human Nutrition) and a Ph D (major Rural Sociology and Agri cul shytural Economics) from Cornell University in 1947 and 1951 re specti vel y 0

Page 27: Guelph Alumnus Magazine, Summer 1983

w ith bias tending towards a cl osed system and less debate

To improve the situation it seems it wlluld be necessary to have a mutual and

ba lanced reduction of force on both sides

The ge neral equilibrium of the system needs to be ma in tained W hat is needed is the reduction of secre tiveness of the gove rn shyment on one side and a reduc tion of the

danger of e mbarrass ment or de fea t of the govern men t on the other side

T here must be a wil li ngness to secure

more ope n debate on al l sides and our

leaders ha ve not done that e ven on m ost import ant issues More ope n and rneltll1 ingshyful deba te will require more thi nk ingshy

thro u middoth - something Mc mbers of Parlishy

ame nt may not he able to do or be free to do or have the necessary knowledge to do But the id ea behind the Institute for Remiddot

search on Public Policy was tha t such a body could bring about better decisions

All publi c problems cannot be solved by thought and tech nolog ics but few can be solved without these contr ibutions

The Institute for Research on Public Policy cannot create better public policies

by itself It must have input from all sectors to bring about more open and meaningful public debate which will result in constant

improvement of government - somethin g

that everyone desires 0

Grad News Herb Nor ry M Sc 52 has moved to

London as a farm business advisor wit h

O M AF working in eight counties

Denny Silvestrini PhD 5R is director of quality controlresearch and de velopment Eskimo Pie Corporation Ric hmond Virshy

ginia SA He had served as manager quality control and product deve lopment

Ralston Purina Co mpany St Luuis M isshysouri U SA

John Hagarty 61 is manager fi e ld

service s Rural O rganizati ons and Serv ice s Branch OMAF Guelp h

Ismail Siragcldin Ph D 62 is professor Department of Population Dynami cs and

Political Economics the Johm Hopkins

University Baltimore Md S A

Arlene (Fournier) 65 and Dick Flis

MSc 65 are in Edmo nton Alta where Dick is petroleum products manager wes tmiddot ern Canada Imperia l Oil Ltd

Craig Hunter 66 is pre sident Cra ig

Hunter Poult ry Farms Ltd Stro ud

Colin Triver s 67 is a consulting e ngineer and On tario land surveyor for e G Trivcrs

Ltd T he ssalon

Peter Mosher Ph D 70 is director

bureau of agric ultural prod uctio n Depart shyment of Agriculture Ba ngor Me USA

Cordon Brown 76 is sen ior food techshynolog is t new prod ucts process developshy

ment Tho masJ Lipton Inc in Bram pton

Martel C outure MSc 76 is acting di rec tor d iploma progra m Macdonald Colshy

lege Ste nne de Belle vue Que

Charlie Ellintt 78 vnfe Ja ne and

first -born Ian C harles born Jan uary 20

1983 are living near S hetland C harlie is now working fo r Elliott Bros G rain and Feed Ltd

Dennis Ring 78 is credit manager Farm C redit Corp C hatham H is wife is Carnl (Weeks) 79

R Cunrad Genee 79 is a sales represhy

sentative with CIBA-Geigy Canada Ltd in

Winnipeg Man

Howard Armstrong RO is an industrial

engineer with the B utler Ma nufacturing Co (Canada) Ltd Nisku Alta

Bruce Broadbent PhD 80 is a research scientist entomology with Agriculture

Canada Vineland Station

Mic hael Tulloch 80 has been accepted as

a professional engineer by the Council of the APEO He now manages engineering functions for eG Trivers Ltd Thessalon

BruceGitelman 81 will be joining Wood G undy Ltd Investment Broke rs as a

corporate finance associate in September

Danicllc Wenstrom 81 is a quality a ss urance su pe rvisor for Pil lsb ury of Canada Ltd M idland

Christine Deslandes MSc R2 is a lecturer at Alfred Col lege of Agricu ltu re

and Food Technology A I fred

Diploma Graduates

Donald Morley 68A is ge nera l ma nager De Marco Homecare Ce ntre Sutton West

Jeffrey Currah 74A is marke ting man shyage r Fortam ix-a division of BASF

Canada Inc Georgetown

Brian Roberts 76A is a welder with Hillcook Ind ust ri es Ha milton 0

In Memoriam Raymond David Ure 15A and 21 January 24 In3 ~uddenly a t Tecumse h

age 87 He had bee n very act ive un til

recently H is son Donald re is it

graduate of 49

Dr Genrge M Stirrett 20A and 22 died December 15 1982 H is many co nshy

tri bu tiono had bee n recogni zed by the Heritage Canada Found ation The fo llowshy

ing is an account of the tribu te pa id to him Fe bruary 16 1 9~ I at Government HDu~e

O ttawa

His Excelle ncy Gove rnor Ge nera l

Edward Sc hrcyer prese med the Commun imiddot cations A wards Atl antic Reg ion to Dr

George M St irrett of Grand Falls Ne w

Bru ns wick Dr Stirrett has been comm itted to natural h is tory conservation for ma ny

years bo th before and after hi s ret ire ment from the Canadian W ildlife Service and Parks Canada in 1964

He worked hard for the preservation of the falls and gorge area at Grand Falls

and on other conservation needs in Ne w Brunswick and Ma ine He has also written

on the iss ues of conservation using Ihe pcn name G raham Vail and since April 1979

has publi shed a weekly column Notes on atural History in the G rand Falls

Cataract His columns stress the appreciashytion and enjoyment of nature as well as the need for preserving it

Norman Hodgins MacBeth 23 Fe bruary 3 1983 in St John N B He had retired in

1967 as General Manage r of General Dairies Ltd

David R Owen 25 in Medi c ine Hat

Alta February 6 1983 at age 82 He was a di rector of the fi rs t ollege Roy al and spe nt

most of his li fe teachi ng and farmi ng in Saskatchewan

Ronald John Quinn 35 Fe bruary 17 1983 in London His wife Helen (Farshyquhar) is a lso a graduate o f 35

Bruce Douglas Innes 36 passed away Septe lllber 29 19 82 D uring his college

years he took part in ma ny ac tivitie s bu t he -re membered with particu la r pleasure be ing Grand C hampion Showman College Royal

35-the first time that the honour had bee n won by anyone o ther than a fou rth year man Bruce owned and operated a dairy

farm at Burford since I 939 and was an

acti ve and ded icated farmer until his death

H is wife Margaret died in A pril 1983 T hey leave daughters Lorna Lawrence

Mac 68 and Karen and son Robert 0


Macdonald Institute College of Family and Consumer

Studies Alumni Associat ion

ALUMNI NEWS Editor Joan (Anderson) Jenkinson 66


BASc Grads-Class o f 80

EntploYDlent Survey T he University s Counselling and Reshysource Centre recentl y completed an inshyucpth survey covering the empl oyment activities of the 211 graduates who in 19RO earned Bachelor of Applied Sc ience Degrees

The survey indicates th at gradu ates are e nj oy ing a variety of interes ting and chalshylenging careers

A gratifying 73 per cent of th e graduates re sponded to the survey with 51 per cent of the respondents indi catin g that they have completed or are completing graduate degrees or programs on a full- or part-time bas is Of the 153 respondents 78 per ce nt including one who is self emshyployee have full-time employment The remainder are employed part-time or are pursuing further studie s

Li sted below are the indicated ca reers chosen in the four major areas of study

Applied Human Nutritio n

ut ritiond ietetics Food service administration More than 50 per cent of the responshy

dents obtained reg istered profe ss ional dietishytian certificates The Admini strati ve Emshyphasis course is no longer offered in the

Applied Human utrition program It is available through the Bachelor of Comshymerce program

Family Studies

A number of grad uate s found posit io ns in teac h ing or social services such as

Adult protecti ve service workers Infant de ve lopment specialists Geront ology consultants Supervisors and field workers with social service agencies Other Family Studies graduate s are

working in government srv iees and in the private ec toras home economists financial co un se llors librarians hostel managers Family Studies graduates tend to sl ck caree rs in the helping profess ion s

Consumer Studies

There are four emphasis areas 01 study within this maj or The survey indicates that

Food gradu ates are employed in areas of produci development marketing and food technology with majo r food companies Hou si ng emphasis graduates are wo rkshying with government agencies and in teac hing

Consumer Beha vio ur e mph asis graduates are in industry business and res earc h Tex tile and Clothin g e mph asis grads are employed in research merchandi sshying and banking Often after working for a year or

more Consumer Studies graduates will return to gradu ate study o r profess ional programs on a full- or part-time bas is

Child Studies

Many Child Studies graduates are emp loyed in teaching supervisory or other child-care related sett ings such as soc ial work with fami lies and children Re ported part -lime and temporary em pl oy ment pos ishytions include work as supply teachers child care supervisors special education leac hers and as lecturers in uni ve rsity settings

It is imporl an t to note that this emshyploy ment survey reports the caree r paths chose n by onl y one graduating cl ass Dat a is collccl~d on a yearl y bas is from gradu ates in Family and Consumer Studies In order to observe the broad scope of employment opportunities avail able a four-year tabulashytion wo uld pl~ c nt a more complete picture of the profess ional activities of graduates

In summary FACS programs offer students a sound educational background to meet the need s of i nduslry educational institut io ns governme nt and bus in c The future for FACS graduates is indeed bright as the College co ntinues to gro w and develop programs to meet the challenges of the 80s 0



BASc Gradsmiddot Class of 80 Further Education Pursued

Major Total

Graduates Number of

Respondents R PDt BEd MEd MSc MD MA

Applied Hum an Nu trition 65 45 23 3 I

Family Studies 64 44 19

Consumer Studies 48 33 2

C hild Studies 34 31 II I I I

TOTAL 21 1 ( 1007c)

153 (73 oc )

23 32 I 4 I I

FACS Has New

Dr Richurd Burhunl

Dean Professor Richard M Barham was apshypointed dean of the College of Family and Consumer Studies for a fi ve-year term effective July I 1983 He succeeds Dr Janet M Wardlaw who has served as dean since 1969

Professor Barham has been chairman of the Department of Family Studies since

1976 and served as acting dea n in [980 while Dean Wardlaw was on administrative leave

A graduate of the University of Otago Dunedin e Zealand Richard Barham received a Ph D degree from the University of Alben a dmonton in Ed ucational Psychology

He has served on the faculty of the Department of Educational Psychology at the University of Alberta and as professor and acting chairman of the Department of Education University of Otago

While in New Zealand he was an executive member of the council of The Ne w Zealand Psychological Society and served as its president

At Guelph he has taught both undershygraduate and graduate courses in the Deshypartment of Family Studies and has supershyvised graduate students

He has been active on many University committees during the past seven years He is a past chairman of the Board of Graduate Studies and has been a member of the

Committee on Academic Priorities the Committee on University Planning the Liaison Committee and several others

He has also been a consulting educa shytional psycholog ist with the Wellington County Separate School Board since 1979

Prolessor Barham and his wife Joan have a family offour Joan recently returned to the University of Guelph for further study Daughter Vick y 19 is a student in Economics at Queens University Lisa 17 and Christopher 14 attend Ce ntennial CVJ while Tania 12 is completing her studies at College Avenue School

Music is very important part of the Barham familys life with active invoheshyment in the Suzuki String School and the Guelph Youth Orchestra Gardening is a hobby enjoyed by both Richard and Joan

Members of the Mac- FACS Alumni Association extend a sincere welcome to Professor Barham We look forward to meeting and working with him in the future as he fills the challenging position as dean of FACS 0

FACS Prof First

Dr M urlin MUllhclIs

Director P ro fessor Anne Martin Matthews De shypart me nt of Family St udi es has been ap shypointed the first director of the Gnontology Research Centre The establi shment of the Centre was announced last February A research grant of $237000 from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada will fund the Centre for the first three years

Professor Martin Matthews has been conducting research related to the needs and interests of older segments of the populashytion as well as teaching courses in such areas as social gerontology and marital and family dynamics in Family Studies She has been a faculty member with the Department of Family Studies since 1978

She also has been active beyond the campus in programs related to aging She is chair-elect of the social sciences division Canadian Council on Gerontology and will begin a two-year term in the chair of that organization this year

She is also first vice-president of the

Ontario Gerontology Association and a member of the scientific advisory commitshytee of the Gerontology Research Council of Ontario She is a graduate of Memorial University of Newfoundland and McMaster University

With a steadily increasing percentage of the popUlation in the retirement age bracket it is important to understand more fully the ir needs and cuncerns sa ys Proshyfessor Martin Matthews The en tre will deal with the ag ing family and environshymental contexts In the latter sense we will be examinin g such things as the difference bet wee n aging in an urban and a rural society as well as issues like housing and the aging

The new Gerontology Research Centre will provide facilities to assist faculty members and graduate students doing reshysearch on aging The Centre will facilitate integrate and co-ordinate studies on aging within the University the director says

Research on aging is now being carried out at the Universi ty in such Departments as Family Studies Geography Psychology Nutrition Human Biology and SocioluFY and the Centre will be able to provide a medium for cross-fertilization of ideas among the many researchers in the field

Professor Marlin Matthews says that the Centre will be working co-operatively with other similar research centres in Onshytario such as the one at the University of Toronto in promoting research on aging The Centre will also sponsor conferences and workshops that relate to the special needs of older citizens in their communities

Guelph has demonstrated an interest in gerontology since 1970 when research projshyects began and courses dealing with aging were offered in the Departments of Family Studies and Psychology Since 1981 the Un i versity has offered gero ntology as part of the Famil y Studies major in the Bachelur of Applied Science program 0

A Thank You Dear A luml7i

1-Iwl 10 Ihonk oil Ihe uumni inloll(d wilh

Ihc cr special send-oj gien to me ill

recognition of Ihc complelion ofmv Icrm as


So man of ou -Ierc invocd shy

whelhcr or nOI ou -Iere able 10 (fIend Ihe

recognition receplion in Toronlo on May

29 I oppreciacd Ihe man good llishes

which come from ocross CClrado ond from

such dislOlIl places as Indio and Chara

Your generous gifls u Imc Irolld of

pcarls und a bonk aCCOlll11 vhich came lVilh

Ihe slrong suglcslion Ihal [should IIc 10

Vnv Iculand lverc Irul overllhelll1ing

The Air lCll Zcalundjlighl bag jJacked wilh

1111 SOriS of nccessiliel added 10 Ihe jim

middotre had 01 Ihe rcceplion

Many Ihanksfor your SUppOri over Ihe years and for your good wishes as I begin

my car ofadmin is Ira live leave

Yours sincerelv

Jonel M Wardlaw 0


Dr Louise

( Bailltlj

Heslop 67

Off - To


Dr Louise (Bazi net) Heslop 67 has JO ined the School of Business at Carlton Unive rsit y O ttaw a Over the next two years through an arran geme nt with Ca rlton Unive rsity she will be cco nded on a

part-time basis by Stati sti cs Canada where she will join the Research and Analysi s

D ivision Loui se completed her MSc at Guelph

in 1969 and continued as lecturer in the

ne wly-es tablished Department o f Co nshysumer Studies In 1977 she compktcd a Ph D in Business Administration (Marketshying) at the University of Western Ontari o

and rejo ined the Department of Consumer Studies ri si ng to the rank of ass oc iate professor

Louise was e lected to the board of

di rectors of the Mac-FA CS Alumni Assoc ishyati on in 1977 se rvin g as secretary-treasurer until May 1981

We ex tend our best wishe middot to Loui se

her husband Lome O A 70 and their dau ghters Jose tte 5 and C la ire 2 Lorne is employed by Agriculture Canada in

Ottawa and is currently completing an M Sc in Engineering at the University of

G uelph Coun try li ving is a high priority with

the Heslops They are deli ghted with the purchase of a farm near Almonte a nd look

forward to the best of both worl d s - profess ion a lism in the city and lei sure in the countryside 0

Grad News Helen (Clifford ) Beswick 48D is se lf empl oyed as a studio potter in her home in Dundas

Margaret (Kennedy) jarvis 54D is a realestate age nt in Kingston

Pat (Hall) McDowell 65 is with the

United Missionary Soc iet y Jlorin Kwora State ~igeria

Joanne Patterson 66 is a se ni or project o ffmiddoticer w ith Indi an and Northern Affa irs Ottawa

Leslie (Mowat) Hemming 68 is teaC hin g in Woods tock

Mary (Jany) Toms 68 is employed with Health and We lfare Canada Ottawa

Sarah (Spencer) Coomhs 70 is an assistant director wi th the Co nsumer Inforshymation Centre of the Ontario Government


Meredith Fi lshie 70 is an ana lyst w ith the Ministry of State for Economic and Re g ional Development O ttawa

S heila (Fahner ) jarvie 70 is a nutrishytion ist w ith the K- W Hospital Kitchener

Donna j ohnstone 70 o perates Donn as Ha ndmade Clothin g for Men amp Wo men Gabiola Isla nd B C

Lorraine Holding 71 is manager of program development with the Rural Orshyga nizatio ns and Services Branlh Minis try of Agriculture and Food located at the Gue lph Agriculture Centre

Beve r ly Lee 72 is a chairperso n with the York Region Board o f Educ at io n

Laurie MacLeod 72 is a district manager with Beaver Foods Mlss issauga

Kathy Camelon 73 is a dietitian at the Toronto Genera l Hospita l

Tirnoth) Fleming HAFA 74 a ses ionaJ lec turer with H AFA teaching business law has been adm itted to the partne rshi p o f the law firm of Harper Haney and White of Waterl oo

Isabel (McBride) H o well 74 is an e lementary school teacher with the Watershyloo Co unt y Board of Educatio n Camshybridge

Mary Ruston 75 is a Famil y Studies teacher at Inge rso ll District High School

Kathryn Anderson 76 is a supervisor with Westmini ster Family Day a re London

Hester Cooper 76 is employed as a research officer with the New Zealand Dairy

Research Institute in Palmers ton North ew Zealand

Patr icia (G a rland ) Desaul niers 76 is with patient fo od se rvices Alberta Hospishyta l Edmo nton

Noella Li 76 is aclinical dietitian wi th the

ictori a Hospital London

M eredith (Evans) Hea rtwe ll 77 is

teac hing in Mississauga

Deb Wey 77 is patient food se rvices manager at SI John Regio nal Hospi tal SI J()hn NB

Susan (junes ) Wilcox 77 is food se rvices

superviso r with the Baye re st Ce ntre for Ge riatric Care 0

A ThankYou The c lass of Mac 380 wishes to extend a

sincere thank you to all alumni who have con tributed to the Mac 38 0 Class Geronshy

to logy Scholarship Fund The gradua te s tudent scholarship in

the recently de ve loped area ot Ge ronto lo gy at FACS is being established by the class of 38D in recog nition of their 45th annivershy

sary in 1983 All Univers it y of Guelph grads are

in vited to parti c ipate in this project funds for which will be so li c ited until December

1984 [f you wish to con tribute please make you r cheq ue pay ab le to the Univers ity o f Guelph Alma Mater Fund specify that it is to be applied to the Mac 38 D Class Gerontology Scho larship Fund and mail to

the Deve lo pment Office Room 273 John shysto n Hall Uni ve rsity o f Gue lph Guelph

Ontario N IG 2W J Th an ks again for yo ur suppo rt from

Elle n Downie Mary Singer Doris Durran t and Jean Carter- the Mac 38 D sch o larship committee 0

In Memoria m We regret to announce the death of the following al umnus

Margaret L (MacKenzie) Smallwood 401) December 1982 in Lakeland Fla




The College of Physical Scie nce Alumni Association

SCIMP Editor Bob Winkel

phy sics grant selection committee of thc atural Sciences and Engineering Research

Council for two years he was intimately involved in all the major re search de velopshyments in Canada in this field Hc feels that his e lec tio n to the Royal Society of Canada will help raise the prot1le of high-energy physics in this co untry and lend stren gth to Canadian experimenters

The citation prepared for his nominashytion to the Royal Society of Canada reads

Professor Karl is a high energy the ori st whose work is widely recognized interna tionally His deep physical insight and hi s kn ow led ge of mathemati ca l methods led to the quark model of baryon resonances based on quantum chromoshydynamics which has been enormousl) successful in describing experimental reshysuits H is re sea rch is characterized by striking originality and an ability to COIll shy

bine basic ideas from different field s as in the predictions of a new effect - neutron optical activity

Gabriel Karl is married and has one daughter W hen he is not probing the sec re ts of the universe he indulges himself in music theatre and the fine arts

He visited the Unive rsity of Briti sh Columbia in Vanco uver in May for the induction ceremony into the Royal Society of Canada on the occas ion of the Annual Meeting of the Society It marked he sa id the culmination of a long string of benefits that [ ha ve enjoyed throughout the 23 years 1 have lived in Ca nada [ have every rea son to be very grateful to th is country D

Erratum In the Sprin g issue o r SCiMP it was erroneously reported in the c utline accompanyin g a pict ure of Departshyme nt of Physics student scholarship winners that they were the recipients of 0 er $ 1500 We dropped a zero The fi gure should have read $ 15000 Sorry about tha t Ed

Elected to Royal Society

Dr Cooiel Korl

The election of Dr Gabriel Karl to a Fellowship of the Roy al Society of Canada represents what one of hi s colleagues Dr Peter Egelstaff desc ribe s as a rare honour which reflects great credit not only on Dr Karl but also on the Uni versi tys Departshyment of Physics

The Royal Society of Canada founded in 1882 to promote learning and research in the arts and sciences has numbered among its Fellows virtually all of Canadas most distinguished intellectual le ade rs of the last J00 yea rs Standards are jealously guarded and Fello wships are awarded only as a result of outstanding world-class ach ieve ment

The rarity of the honour is indicated by the fact that at the Un iversity of Guelph whose faculty includes so many academics of international distinction only five had previously achieved a Fellows hip in the Royal Society of Canada These are Dr Howard Clark vice- pres ident academic Dr Bruce Sells dean College of Biologishycal Science Dr Peter Egclstaff Depart shyment of Physics Dr Do nald Masters Prof ssor Emeri tu s De part mcnt of History and Dr He rb Armstrong retired dean of Graduate Studies

As the sixth Dr Ga briel Karl will have the added di st inction of bei ng the first whose career has been sp ot excl us ively at the Un ivers ity of Guelph which agai n to

quote Dr Egelstaff marks a coming of age for the University

Gabriel Karl was born in Transylvania a province of Romania He obtained his B Sc in Chemistry at Romani as Univershysity of ClUJ worked for two years in industry and came to Canada in 1960 He attended graduate school at th e University of Toronto where he was awarded a Ph D in 1966 for a thesis on infrared luminesshycence following molecular colli sion Hi s Ph D supervisor was the distinguished physical chemist Dr John Polanyi

A two-year post-doctora l fellowship with the University of Torontos Depart shyment of Physics followed His mentors there were Drs J Van Kranendonk and Duk Poll who is now a professor with the Universi ty of Guelph s Depa rtment of Ph ys ics

In 1966 Dr Karl studied at the Uni versity of Oxford for two years under an NRC scho larship to study hadron spec troshyscopy and in 1969 he Joi ned the Univers itys Department of Phy sics achieving a full professorship only five years later

Dr Karls work has focussed on high energy physics - the physics of fundamen shytal particles This is an esoteric field involvshying research into the nature of matter The relatively few world leaders in thi s field tend to cluster around the half-dozen accelerators such as the $100 million four kilumete rshylon g hi gh-e nergy tunnel for accelerating electrons at Stanford University that have been built only in the US and Europe

There is no accelerator of this energy level in Canad a and fe w Canadian scie nshyti ~ts are working in this field Dr Ka rl s statu re in the international commu nity of particle physic ists is marked by his many visi ts to the world s major research ce ntres as guest speaker and to consult with his peers Referring to the time spent on thcse missions Dr Karl describes the Depart shym nt of Phys ics and his colleag ues as generouslyaccommodati ng shy

As cha irman of the h igh energy


Trapping The Suns Energy Excerpted from a Chemtrends article by Mary Cocivera

One predi ctabl e fac t about ind ustri ali z d

soc iety is that it will take more e nergy to

keep the whee ls ru nn ing smoothl y parti c ushy

larly because the world population is exshy

pected to dou ble to about n ine bill ion by the

year 2050

[n th search to augme nt tradi tio na l

sources o f e lectri ci ty two Departme nt of

Chemistry pro fessors ha ve tu rned their

atten ti on to the convers ion of solar energy to

electricity by photovultaie cel ls and photoshy

elec troc he mical systems T he developme nt

work at Guelph is a imed at improving the efficiency and stability of th se sy~tems and

reduc i ng the ir cos t

Si licon photovoltaic cells serve as a

reference for solar energy convers iun beshy

cause they were the fi rst such cells and to

date arc the most effic ient co nvert ing so lar

ne rgy into elec tr ic ity a t abo ut 15 per cem

effi c iency Arrays of crys tal li n sil icon ce lls present ly cos t in the nei ghborhood or

S$400 per sq uare metre to manufac ture

produc ing about 40 watts Photovo lta ic

thin- fi lm syste ms us ing semico nductors

o ther than single crysta l sil ic on are be ing

investigated in man y re~earc h ce ntre s

around the world

A pro mis ing approach is a cadmiui1l

sulfi dec uprous sul fide combi nat ion in

which the two sem ico nduc tors are laye red

on molybdenum the n covered w ith a transshyparent gold fil m T his thin-fi lm cons trucshy

tio n i ideal for solar devices explai ns

Profess ur Ro n Fawcett because large

surface areas are needed for maximum

exposu re to the sun

T he fabrication process devel oped by

Ro n and patented in 1980 in vo lve electroshy

depos iting cadmium sulfide o nto molybshy

denum then layering cuprous sulfide over the cadm ium sulfide by an ion exchange

process Finally the gold 11 1m is added by

vacuum de pos ition Ron es timates that

thi n-film de ices could be manufac tu red in

this way for about S$25 per squ are metre

E lectro pla ting of se m ic ondu ct ors

would enabl e photo voltai c dev ices to be

manu factured in a continuous process

rathe r than indi vidua lly as i required w ith

s ingle crysta l s ilic on Such ce lls ha ve

ach ieved conversio n of solar to electrica l

energy at an e ffi cienc y o f I per cent to date T he researchers are co nfide nt they can

achieve fi to 8 per cent cffi ieney compared

to the calcul ated max imum e ffi c iency of II

per cent Pro fessor Michae l oc ivera is ork ing

on photoe lec troc hem ical systems in which a

sem icond uctor electrode im mersed in an

elec tro lyte solution converts inci dent li g ht

into a n electric a l cu rren t Such se mishy

conductor lilju id junction cells offe r p racti shy

cal ad van tages because uf the sponta neom format ion o f a junc tio n I mproved effishy

ciency fo r po lycrysta lli ne sem iconductors

has been a hi eved in ce lb of th is type in part becau~e the liqu id estab li shes unshy

iformly good COntac t wi th the e l etrode

The li gh t -~ens it i ve electrode in photoshy

e lec trochem ical ce lls is a sem ic o nductor

e it her a thin-fi lm or s ingle c rysta l a tt ached

to a metal back ing the other e lec trode is an

inert me ta l T he e l ectrode~ are immersed in

~ n elect rol yte solutio n o f a mater ial that carl do nate and accep t elect rons The b igges t

prob lem with many li lj ui d junct io n ce lls

~ays Mike is photocorros iol1 of the su rshy

face of the se miconductor To overcome

thi s problem he is developing materi a ls and

techniques to coat the e lectrodes with proshy

tec tive materiab

The first liquid junction cells with a

sili con anode opera ted for only a matter of

seconds befo re the e lec trode was des troyed

by corrosion Researche rs at the Solar Energy Research Insti tu te in C o lorado

U SA have developed a silicon anode

w ith a polypyrro le protect ive coating which

can o perate for hund reds o f hours but that is

still not long eno ugh for a viable commershy

cia l syste m

M ike and his colleague are making a

syste matic study of compounds tha t wi ll

both protect the electrode from corrosion

and catal yze the elect rode rca tion They

arc now worki ng with organo me tall ic comshy

pounds co mpris ing a metal atom sulfur

and an aromatic co m pone nt containing a func tiona l group li ke hyd roxy l sul phonate

ammoni um and nitroso

hese compounds are effect ive beshy

ca use they prov ide a mechanism to transfer

a ch arge bet ween the se mi co nd uctor and the e lectro n donor in solut io n The coating mus t

also be transpilrent e nough to a llow the light

to s trike the photocleetrode

To date they ha ve suneeded in deshy

veloping fi ve coat ings su itab le fo r a variet y

or se miconduc tors incl uding the polyshy

crysta ll ine cadm ium su lfide e lectrodes fabshy

riltated by Ron Fawce tt s method If polyshy

crystalli ne elec trodes can be fab ri (a ted and

coated wi th a protec tive materia l electroshy

chemically they wi ll be relati ve ly inexpe nshy

ive to manufac ture If the tech niques and processe s be ing

inve ~l igated by Ron Fawce tt and Mike Coc ivera de ve lop to tht ir full poten tial the

su n cou ld beco me a more import ant supplier

o f e lectri city in Ca nada Long-range proshy

jectio ns suggest that about 10 per cent of No rth A m rican e lectr ic it y could be proshy

duced from solar convers ion

Elec tric ity fro m the sun is no longer a

pipe-dream-it is a reachable goa l n

Grad News Louise (Sandall) Platt BA 69 is living

in Islington and teaching for the Etobico ke

Board of Educati on

Alexander Barton BSc 70 MSc 74 is work ing on a Ph D deg ree in the

Departme nt of Fishe ries and W ildlife at

Orego n Sta te uni vers ity

Gerry Kupferschmidt BSc 70 MSc

71 is living at R R I Osgoodc and is

tmployed as a sc ientific ad ise r to the


Murray Ross Gingrich BSc 71 Ii ves in

Brampto n and is work ing as a probation

officer for the Ministry o f Correc tio nal


Robert Cross BSc 72 M D is workshy

ing in the emergency department o f the

So uth Muskoka Hospital in Bracebridge

Edda Duva (Home) Kerr BA 74 lives

in G ue lph and is working as a program

co-ordinator for Casatta Ltd in Kitchener

Deanne Ch)y BSc 78 Ii ves in Etob ishy

coke and is working as a public health

inspector for the Ham ilton Wentwo rth Reshy

gio nal Health Unit

Alex McDonald BSc 79 PhD 83 and his wife Rosanne ( DeNobriga) BSc

79 are living in Austi n Texas whil e Alex

is do ing post-doctoral work at the Unishy

vers ity o f Texas

Ste~en Oliver BSc 79 o f Hamilton is a

medica l sa les repre sentati ve with Cyanamid

Canada Inc

Gordon Knox BSc 79 is a con~ ul ta nt

with Inform ation Systems Serv ices in Vicshy

toria BC

George Gillson BSc 80 is taki ng a

Ph D in Anal ytica l C hemis try at the Uni shyve rsity of Alberta 0


The College o f Arts Alumni Associat ion

DELPHA Editor Debbie (Nash) Chambers 77

has no w acquired the Shaw Festival ArshyThe Deans Roundup chives on permanent deposit T his is an

Last fall I had the privilege of speakshy

ing to the direc tors of the University of G uelph Alumn i Assoc iation to bring them

up to date on some of the excit ing things connected with the College of Arts I am gratefu l to the editor of DELPHA for this

opportu nity to let alumni readers know what we are do ing

I am pleased to be able to report a subs tant ial increase in enrolment both in the

B A program and in the College o f Arts this past yea r What is especially nice is that this has coincided with a dec is ion to tighte n our

standards at the admissions level and in the regulations for continuatio n of study

In o rder to grad uate B A students

who entered the Spring 19~3 Semester will need to obtai n a C average in 60 per cent of the courses they take

Most of o ur students are doing thi s now and we do not antici pate this will pose any

problem for the students whom we are ad mitting Next year students en tering the

B A program will be required to have Grade 13 English and we are strongly encouraging them to offer a Mathematics credit o r o ne in French or ano ther language

Applications from students wish ing to enter the B A program in the Fall 1983 Semester

are up subs tantia lly over last yea r I also want to share with you some

ha ppenings which have brought special delight to me

The U ni ve rsi ty of Guelph Choir

under director Ge rald e ufeld won second prize in the 1982 CSC nation al chora l competition

In the Harbourfront a rt show last

sum mer three o f o ur students had works se lected by the jury and each won a prize shya better show ing than any of the other O nshy

tario universities or colleges which entend T he C anadian- American Urban Hisshy

tory Co nference held at G uelph in A ugust

1982 was a tremendous success bringing sc holars from many parts of the United States and Canada to discuss new trends in urban studies

Dean David Murray

In the space of just a few months I have seen seven books published by faculty in the Co llege The subjects include Rudyard

Kipl ing Greek Philosophy Urban History Evolution and Darwinism Reli gion and Tolerance the dramatist Gra nville Barker

and a nove l written in French Last summer also saw the completion

of a very successful facu lty exchange beshy

tween o ur Department of Eng lish and the

Uni vers ity of Reading in Britain Dr Leslie Monkman went to Reading for the year and Dr Coral Howell s visited Guelph This

opportunity enab led Dr Howells to study modern C anadian writers and she is now

working o n a book to be published in Britain o n Canadian women wri ters Dr

Mo nkman lectured on Canadian literature at various places in Britain and in France as well as in Reading

T hro ugh the e fforts of the Department of Drama and its chairman Dr Leonard

Conolly and C ollections Librarian Jo hn Moldenhauer 68 the Uni versi ty Library

ex tremely valuab le re sou rce for theatre

scholars a nd the Univers ity is ve ry pleased to have a closer connection with the Shaw Festi val The Drama Department also has

Professor Dan Laurence the world s leadshying Shaw scholar as a distinguished Visitshy

ing Professor lor the ra il Semester Two large conferences were organized

during the Spring and Summer by faculty

and students in the Co llege Professor Ted Cowan of the History Department was in charge of the Scottish Heritage Festival held in uelph in May The Fes tival was a

ce lebrati on of the S co t~ 1d their contribushytion~ to Canada

In Au gust the Uni vers ity will host a major conference o n Common wealth lite rashy

ture bringing writers and schol ars to Guelph from allover the Com monweal th Professor Doug K illam chairman of the Department of English and a number o f col leagues are

now busily preparing to welcome guests from around the world

Through our liaison programs we have pioneered special day - long seminars at the

niversity for gifted children in Wellington County T he se programs are part of o ur commitment to assist secondary schools in meeting the challe nges of special education

J know many o f you will also be interes ted in knowing that last sLi mmer the

College awarded three new scholarships two of the m honouring the cont ribution made by former faculty members J Percy

Sm ith and W Stanford Reid The other marked the first presentation of the Edward Johnson Music Foundation scholarships for students in the music program

We are al l ac ute ly co nscious of the

financial pressure affecting the UnivLr ~ ity

of Guelph and othe r Canadian unive rsities

But we mus t no t le t these pressures detract from the vision of academic excellence to

which we are committed J think you will agree from the exaln ~Jk middot ha ve cited that this vision continues to glow brightly in spite of our financial plight We hope we can

co ntinue to co unt on your advice and your suppurt 0


It Was a Very Good Year T he Direc tor or the College of Arts Alumni Assoc iation have had a bus y year In January we launched o ur hrst Caree rs i lglll for in -coure stude nlgt Thanks to the exce lle nce and enthusiasm of our pane l l1len1bcr the evening was a success

Careers Night is to become an annual event and we would appreciate you r particishypation Any Art s grads wh o wo uld like to

vo lunteer their expertise for the e vening please do not hesita te to contact us

The Directors were also busy a rshyranling the second an nu al art show shyDI MENSIO NS middotS3 Due to the treme nd ous response to DI M ENSIOtS 82 the art show co mmittee organized DIM ENSIO NS 83 as aJu ricd show We are hoping that nex t yea r we will be able to mount a photography show as well a an art sho w

As you are probably aware in 1970 Wellington College was reo rganized into the Colleges of Arts Physic al Sc ience and Socia l Science This year our Assoc iation was asked to se lect a new College logo Thankgt to Dean Dav id Murray and the Deans Counc il we were given permission to use the graphics on the College of Art s Gold Medal It can be see n in the masthead of thi s issue The logo was designed by Erich Barth art dire ctor Department of [nshyformation and enco mpasses the di verse di s shycipiJnes fou nd within the College of Arts

Grad News Catharine (Gilnerlson ) Scott 70 is a wage and salary anal ys t tnivers it y of Waterl oo

Linda la) Bell 72 i the assistant conshysultant for thlto gifted We llington County Boa rd of Education GueJph

Lynn Barbeau 74 is the curator Educa shytion and xtension Macdo nald Stewart Art

entre Guelph

Wltlynr WellJauler 75 is corpora te mar shyke ting manager Gore Mutua l In surance Company Cambridgc

Renate Fisc her 76 is a consultant with the Woods Gordon Divisio n of Cl arkson Go rdon Chartered Acco untants Kitchener

jane Morley O AC MSc 81 is a career co nsultant Counse llin g and Student Reshysource Centre Un iversity of Guelph

Through the generos ity of the Alma Mater Fund our Assoc iation has been able to e stablish nv e sc holars hip s Thre e DELPHA awards for Gue lph alumni to continue their slUdi es at the gradu ate level at the University and two awa rds for part-time mature students These awards are greatly appreciated by the students who have reshyce ived th e m

Congratulatio ns are th e order of the day for Juli e (Russe ll ) Thur 78 Associashytion past pre sident and Linda Mackenz ie shyCordi ck 8 1 Assocration secre tary treas shyurer on the birth of their daug hters in March We wi sh them joy in their yo ung-

David Dell 76 is the in fo rmation o ffic er Reg ion of Pee l Brmiddotampton

jeff Miller 82 is a s tage manager for Profes sional Theatres Toronto

The above eight alumni were panel )11ember-s at our first annual Careers sJ ig ht held ea rlier th i yea r On ce again we offer our sincere thanks for their pani ci pation

lhugarel Reare 68 is senior research o f hee l Minis try of th e Soli citor General Ottawd

William Thiels 73 is a sys te ms analyst with Eas tman Kodak CO Roche ster t Y US A

Shardie D SteHnson 77 is assistant marketing manager Marsh and 1cLennan Ltd Winnipeg Man

Donald Syme 77 is with marketing pe rsonne l IC F Sydne y Australia

sters and look forward to the ir continued help in the Assoc ia tion in the future

C Nould lik e to re mind our fell ow alu mni to jo in or renew their membership in our Association De hbie ( Nash) Cham bers 77 editor of DF LPH A wo uld lik e any Ideas lor future artick that vould catch your interes t Our Assoc iati o n would also apprec ia te heari ng from you re gardin g eve nts that you wou ld be interested in attending Pl ease drop us a line in order that we may serve you better thus ~ eeping the line of co mmunic ation oren bet ween you and yo ur Alma v1ater

In closing I would like to acknowlmiddot edge With great a pprec iati o n the a istance that has been o ffclTU our Board of Direc tors over the pasl year

As al ways Dea n David Murray has bee n a va lued ad visor I wo uld li ke to thank Professor Ted Cowa n Department o f History for his Sprin g 19K3 OEPHA article on the Scottish Heritage Festival and Judy (Ma in) Ca rson 75 for he r help in preparalron of feature articles Spec ial thank s arc also ex tended to Rosemary Clark Mac 59 Asis tant Director Proshyg rams Dep artment of Alumni Affairs and Deve lopment and our Board of Directo rs who have wo rk ed so hard to mak e thi s a successful year

The term of 19X2-B3 has been a very grati fying one for all mem bers of the Associations Boa rd o t Directors We loo k for ward to 19K3-K4 anJ hope to hear from you Q

J ane Francis 78 is With Ilublic relations Vancouver Stock EXchange Vancou ver B C

Jonie Bunce 79 is a teacher 01 Art English and Thcatre Arts at 1 A Turn er Secondary School BrdrllptOl

Deborah Salmon 79 is married to Richard Light BS( 80 and li ves in Japanec Shc worb for the Empl o) mc nt and Im migrati on Commi ssion dnd Ri chlrJ works for a darrv in Kin gs to n

Shelagh Stevens 79 it station U)lllrshytwlle r Department o f -J atiunal [dc nce in f ova Slmiddototia

lidwtl Glanb 81 is a supervisor mar shyke ting comrlluni~ations Pitney-Bowe s oj

Canada Ltd Don Mill s

john (llanllllUnd ) Zelasko 81 rs ~ I

courtr(lOrn artist WKBW Buffalo New Ymk US I C



Alumnus of

Honollr 1983

Helen Christine AbeD Mac 38D

Amo ng the forerunners in the fie ld of rural soc iol ogy not only in Canada

but throughout the world and with a long career as a professor in numerous un iversities ac ross Canada Dr Helen C Abell has und oubted ly do ne much to promote a world -w ide reputation for her Alma Mater

Dr Abell has been most active in a numbe r of United Nat io ns programs designed to foster development of th ose in the Third World countrie s Although os ten sibl y retired she still co nt inues her wo rk as a cons ult ant in Socio-Economic De ve lopme nt assisti ng in develop ing sho rt -term project s as the occasion ari ses

As well as a Macdona ld Ins titu te Diploshyma Dr Abell obtained a BHSc (H ome Economics) from the Universi ty of Toro nto in 1941 and an MS (Human Nutrition) and a Ph D (major Rural Sociology and Agri cul shytural Economics) from Cornell University in 1947 and 1951 re specti vel y 0

Page 28: Guelph Alumnus Magazine, Summer 1983

Macdonald Institute College of Family and Consumer

Studies Alumni Associat ion

ALUMNI NEWS Editor Joan (Anderson) Jenkinson 66


BASc Grads-Class o f 80

EntploYDlent Survey T he University s Counselling and Reshysource Centre recentl y completed an inshyucpth survey covering the empl oyment activities of the 211 graduates who in 19RO earned Bachelor of Applied Sc ience Degrees

The survey indicates th at gradu ates are e nj oy ing a variety of interes ting and chalshylenging careers

A gratifying 73 per cent of th e graduates re sponded to the survey with 51 per cent of the respondents indi catin g that they have completed or are completing graduate degrees or programs on a full- or part-time bas is Of the 153 respondents 78 per ce nt including one who is self emshyployee have full-time employment The remainder are employed part-time or are pursuing further studie s

Li sted below are the indicated ca reers chosen in the four major areas of study

Applied Human Nutritio n

ut ritiond ietetics Food service administration More than 50 per cent of the responshy

dents obtained reg istered profe ss ional dietishytian certificates The Admini strati ve Emshyphasis course is no longer offered in the

Applied Human utrition program It is available through the Bachelor of Comshymerce program

Family Studies

A number of grad uate s found posit io ns in teac h ing or social services such as

Adult protecti ve service workers Infant de ve lopment specialists Geront ology consultants Supervisors and field workers with social service agencies Other Family Studies graduate s are

working in government srv iees and in the private ec toras home economists financial co un se llors librarians hostel managers Family Studies graduates tend to sl ck caree rs in the helping profess ion s

Consumer Studies

There are four emphasis areas 01 study within this maj or The survey indicates that

Food gradu ates are employed in areas of produci development marketing and food technology with majo r food companies Hou si ng emphasis graduates are wo rkshying with government agencies and in teac hing

Consumer Beha vio ur e mph asis graduates are in industry business and res earc h Tex tile and Clothin g e mph asis grads are employed in research merchandi sshying and banking Often after working for a year or

more Consumer Studies graduates will return to gradu ate study o r profess ional programs on a full- or part-time bas is

Child Studies

Many Child Studies graduates are emp loyed in teaching supervisory or other child-care related sett ings such as soc ial work with fami lies and children Re ported part -lime and temporary em pl oy ment pos ishytions include work as supply teachers child care supervisors special education leac hers and as lecturers in uni ve rsity settings

It is imporl an t to note that this emshyploy ment survey reports the caree r paths chose n by onl y one graduating cl ass Dat a is collccl~d on a yearl y bas is from gradu ates in Family and Consumer Studies In order to observe the broad scope of employment opportunities avail able a four-year tabulashytion wo uld pl~ c nt a more complete picture of the profess ional activities of graduates

In summary FACS programs offer students a sound educational background to meet the need s of i nduslry educational institut io ns governme nt and bus in c The future for FACS graduates is indeed bright as the College co ntinues to gro w and develop programs to meet the challenges of the 80s 0



BASc Gradsmiddot Class of 80 Further Education Pursued

Major Total

Graduates Number of

Respondents R PDt BEd MEd MSc MD MA

Applied Hum an Nu trition 65 45 23 3 I

Family Studies 64 44 19

Consumer Studies 48 33 2

C hild Studies 34 31 II I I I

TOTAL 21 1 ( 1007c)

153 (73 oc )

23 32 I 4 I I

FACS Has New

Dr Richurd Burhunl

Dean Professor Richard M Barham was apshypointed dean of the College of Family and Consumer Studies for a fi ve-year term effective July I 1983 He succeeds Dr Janet M Wardlaw who has served as dean since 1969

Professor Barham has been chairman of the Department of Family Studies since

1976 and served as acting dea n in [980 while Dean Wardlaw was on administrative leave

A graduate of the University of Otago Dunedin e Zealand Richard Barham received a Ph D degree from the University of Alben a dmonton in Ed ucational Psychology

He has served on the faculty of the Department of Educational Psychology at the University of Alberta and as professor and acting chairman of the Department of Education University of Otago

While in New Zealand he was an executive member of the council of The Ne w Zealand Psychological Society and served as its president

At Guelph he has taught both undershygraduate and graduate courses in the Deshypartment of Family Studies and has supershyvised graduate students

He has been active on many University committees during the past seven years He is a past chairman of the Board of Graduate Studies and has been a member of the

Committee on Academic Priorities the Committee on University Planning the Liaison Committee and several others

He has also been a consulting educa shytional psycholog ist with the Wellington County Separate School Board since 1979

Prolessor Barham and his wife Joan have a family offour Joan recently returned to the University of Guelph for further study Daughter Vick y 19 is a student in Economics at Queens University Lisa 17 and Christopher 14 attend Ce ntennial CVJ while Tania 12 is completing her studies at College Avenue School

Music is very important part of the Barham familys life with active invoheshyment in the Suzuki String School and the Guelph Youth Orchestra Gardening is a hobby enjoyed by both Richard and Joan

Members of the Mac- FACS Alumni Association extend a sincere welcome to Professor Barham We look forward to meeting and working with him in the future as he fills the challenging position as dean of FACS 0

FACS Prof First

Dr M urlin MUllhclIs

Director P ro fessor Anne Martin Matthews De shypart me nt of Family St udi es has been ap shypointed the first director of the Gnontology Research Centre The establi shment of the Centre was announced last February A research grant of $237000 from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada will fund the Centre for the first three years

Professor Martin Matthews has been conducting research related to the needs and interests of older segments of the populashytion as well as teaching courses in such areas as social gerontology and marital and family dynamics in Family Studies She has been a faculty member with the Department of Family Studies since 1978

She also has been active beyond the campus in programs related to aging She is chair-elect of the social sciences division Canadian Council on Gerontology and will begin a two-year term in the chair of that organization this year

She is also first vice-president of the

Ontario Gerontology Association and a member of the scientific advisory commitshytee of the Gerontology Research Council of Ontario She is a graduate of Memorial University of Newfoundland and McMaster University

With a steadily increasing percentage of the popUlation in the retirement age bracket it is important to understand more fully the ir needs and cuncerns sa ys Proshyfessor Martin Matthews The en tre will deal with the ag ing family and environshymental contexts In the latter sense we will be examinin g such things as the difference bet wee n aging in an urban and a rural society as well as issues like housing and the aging

The new Gerontology Research Centre will provide facilities to assist faculty members and graduate students doing reshysearch on aging The Centre will facilitate integrate and co-ordinate studies on aging within the University the director says

Research on aging is now being carried out at the Universi ty in such Departments as Family Studies Geography Psychology Nutrition Human Biology and SocioluFY and the Centre will be able to provide a medium for cross-fertilization of ideas among the many researchers in the field

Professor Marlin Matthews says that the Centre will be working co-operatively with other similar research centres in Onshytario such as the one at the University of Toronto in promoting research on aging The Centre will also sponsor conferences and workshops that relate to the special needs of older citizens in their communities

Guelph has demonstrated an interest in gerontology since 1970 when research projshyects began and courses dealing with aging were offered in the Departments of Family Studies and Psychology Since 1981 the Un i versity has offered gero ntology as part of the Famil y Studies major in the Bachelur of Applied Science program 0

A Thank You Dear A luml7i

1-Iwl 10 Ihonk oil Ihe uumni inloll(d wilh

Ihc cr special send-oj gien to me ill

recognition of Ihc complelion ofmv Icrm as


So man of ou -Ierc invocd shy

whelhcr or nOI ou -Iere able 10 (fIend Ihe

recognition receplion in Toronlo on May

29 I oppreciacd Ihe man good llishes

which come from ocross CClrado ond from

such dislOlIl places as Indio and Chara

Your generous gifls u Imc Irolld of

pcarls und a bonk aCCOlll11 vhich came lVilh

Ihe slrong suglcslion Ihal [should IIc 10

Vnv Iculand lverc Irul overllhelll1ing

The Air lCll Zcalundjlighl bag jJacked wilh

1111 SOriS of nccessiliel added 10 Ihe jim

middotre had 01 Ihe rcceplion

Many Ihanksfor your SUppOri over Ihe years and for your good wishes as I begin

my car ofadmin is Ira live leave

Yours sincerelv

Jonel M Wardlaw 0


Dr Louise

( Bailltlj

Heslop 67

Off - To


Dr Louise (Bazi net) Heslop 67 has JO ined the School of Business at Carlton Unive rsit y O ttaw a Over the next two years through an arran geme nt with Ca rlton Unive rsity she will be cco nded on a

part-time basis by Stati sti cs Canada where she will join the Research and Analysi s

D ivision Loui se completed her MSc at Guelph

in 1969 and continued as lecturer in the

ne wly-es tablished Department o f Co nshysumer Studies In 1977 she compktcd a Ph D in Business Administration (Marketshying) at the University of Western Ontari o

and rejo ined the Department of Consumer Studies ri si ng to the rank of ass oc iate professor

Louise was e lected to the board of

di rectors of the Mac-FA CS Alumni Assoc ishyati on in 1977 se rvin g as secretary-treasurer until May 1981

We ex tend our best wishe middot to Loui se

her husband Lome O A 70 and their dau ghters Jose tte 5 and C la ire 2 Lorne is employed by Agriculture Canada in

Ottawa and is currently completing an M Sc in Engineering at the University of

G uelph Coun try li ving is a high priority with

the Heslops They are deli ghted with the purchase of a farm near Almonte a nd look

forward to the best of both worl d s - profess ion a lism in the city and lei sure in the countryside 0

Grad News Helen (Clifford ) Beswick 48D is se lf empl oyed as a studio potter in her home in Dundas

Margaret (Kennedy) jarvis 54D is a realestate age nt in Kingston

Pat (Hall) McDowell 65 is with the

United Missionary Soc iet y Jlorin Kwora State ~igeria

Joanne Patterson 66 is a se ni or project o ffmiddoticer w ith Indi an and Northern Affa irs Ottawa

Leslie (Mowat) Hemming 68 is teaC hin g in Woods tock

Mary (Jany) Toms 68 is employed with Health and We lfare Canada Ottawa

Sarah (Spencer) Coomhs 70 is an assistant director wi th the Co nsumer Inforshymation Centre of the Ontario Government


Meredith Fi lshie 70 is an ana lyst w ith the Ministry of State for Economic and Re g ional Development O ttawa

S heila (Fahner ) jarvie 70 is a nutrishytion ist w ith the K- W Hospital Kitchener

Donna j ohnstone 70 o perates Donn as Ha ndmade Clothin g for Men amp Wo men Gabiola Isla nd B C

Lorraine Holding 71 is manager of program development with the Rural Orshyga nizatio ns and Services Branlh Minis try of Agriculture and Food located at the Gue lph Agriculture Centre

Beve r ly Lee 72 is a chairperso n with the York Region Board o f Educ at io n

Laurie MacLeod 72 is a district manager with Beaver Foods Mlss issauga

Kathy Camelon 73 is a dietitian at the Toronto Genera l Hospita l

Tirnoth) Fleming HAFA 74 a ses ionaJ lec turer with H AFA teaching business law has been adm itted to the partne rshi p o f the law firm of Harper Haney and White of Waterl oo

Isabel (McBride) H o well 74 is an e lementary school teacher with the Watershyloo Co unt y Board of Educatio n Camshybridge

Mary Ruston 75 is a Famil y Studies teacher at Inge rso ll District High School

Kathryn Anderson 76 is a supervisor with Westmini ster Family Day a re London

Hester Cooper 76 is employed as a research officer with the New Zealand Dairy

Research Institute in Palmers ton North ew Zealand

Patr icia (G a rland ) Desaul niers 76 is with patient fo od se rvices Alberta Hospishyta l Edmo nton

Noella Li 76 is aclinical dietitian wi th the

ictori a Hospital London

M eredith (Evans) Hea rtwe ll 77 is

teac hing in Mississauga

Deb Wey 77 is patient food se rvices manager at SI John Regio nal Hospi tal SI J()hn NB

Susan (junes ) Wilcox 77 is food se rvices

superviso r with the Baye re st Ce ntre for Ge riatric Care 0

A ThankYou The c lass of Mac 380 wishes to extend a

sincere thank you to all alumni who have con tributed to the Mac 38 0 Class Geronshy

to logy Scholarship Fund The gradua te s tudent scholarship in

the recently de ve loped area ot Ge ronto lo gy at FACS is being established by the class of 38D in recog nition of their 45th annivershy

sary in 1983 All Univers it y of Guelph grads are

in vited to parti c ipate in this project funds for which will be so li c ited until December

1984 [f you wish to con tribute please make you r cheq ue pay ab le to the Univers ity o f Guelph Alma Mater Fund specify that it is to be applied to the Mac 38 D Class Gerontology Scho larship Fund and mail to

the Deve lo pment Office Room 273 John shysto n Hall Uni ve rsity o f Gue lph Guelph

Ontario N IG 2W J Th an ks again for yo ur suppo rt from

Elle n Downie Mary Singer Doris Durran t and Jean Carter- the Mac 38 D sch o larship committee 0

In Memoria m We regret to announce the death of the following al umnus

Margaret L (MacKenzie) Smallwood 401) December 1982 in Lakeland Fla




The College of Physical Scie nce Alumni Association

SCIMP Editor Bob Winkel

phy sics grant selection committee of thc atural Sciences and Engineering Research

Council for two years he was intimately involved in all the major re search de velopshyments in Canada in this field Hc feels that his e lec tio n to the Royal Society of Canada will help raise the prot1le of high-energy physics in this co untry and lend stren gth to Canadian experimenters

The citation prepared for his nominashytion to the Royal Society of Canada reads

Professor Karl is a high energy the ori st whose work is widely recognized interna tionally His deep physical insight and hi s kn ow led ge of mathemati ca l methods led to the quark model of baryon resonances based on quantum chromoshydynamics which has been enormousl) successful in describing experimental reshysuits H is re sea rch is characterized by striking originality and an ability to COIll shy

bine basic ideas from different field s as in the predictions of a new effect - neutron optical activity

Gabriel Karl is married and has one daughter W hen he is not probing the sec re ts of the universe he indulges himself in music theatre and the fine arts

He visited the Unive rsity of Briti sh Columbia in Vanco uver in May for the induction ceremony into the Royal Society of Canada on the occas ion of the Annual Meeting of the Society It marked he sa id the culmination of a long string of benefits that [ ha ve enjoyed throughout the 23 years 1 have lived in Ca nada [ have every rea son to be very grateful to th is country D

Erratum In the Sprin g issue o r SCiMP it was erroneously reported in the c utline accompanyin g a pict ure of Departshyme nt of Physics student scholarship winners that they were the recipients of 0 er $ 1500 We dropped a zero The fi gure should have read $ 15000 Sorry about tha t Ed

Elected to Royal Society

Dr Cooiel Korl

The election of Dr Gabriel Karl to a Fellowship of the Roy al Society of Canada represents what one of hi s colleagues Dr Peter Egelstaff desc ribe s as a rare honour which reflects great credit not only on Dr Karl but also on the Uni versi tys Departshyment of Physics

The Royal Society of Canada founded in 1882 to promote learning and research in the arts and sciences has numbered among its Fellows virtually all of Canadas most distinguished intellectual le ade rs of the last J00 yea rs Standards are jealously guarded and Fello wships are awarded only as a result of outstanding world-class ach ieve ment

The rarity of the honour is indicated by the fact that at the Un iversity of Guelph whose faculty includes so many academics of international distinction only five had previously achieved a Fellows hip in the Royal Society of Canada These are Dr Howard Clark vice- pres ident academic Dr Bruce Sells dean College of Biologishycal Science Dr Peter Egclstaff Depart shyment of Physics Dr Do nald Masters Prof ssor Emeri tu s De part mcnt of History and Dr He rb Armstrong retired dean of Graduate Studies

As the sixth Dr Ga briel Karl will have the added di st inction of bei ng the first whose career has been sp ot excl us ively at the Un ivers ity of Guelph which agai n to

quote Dr Egelstaff marks a coming of age for the University

Gabriel Karl was born in Transylvania a province of Romania He obtained his B Sc in Chemistry at Romani as Univershysity of ClUJ worked for two years in industry and came to Canada in 1960 He attended graduate school at th e University of Toronto where he was awarded a Ph D in 1966 for a thesis on infrared luminesshycence following molecular colli sion Hi s Ph D supervisor was the distinguished physical chemist Dr John Polanyi

A two-year post-doctora l fellowship with the University of Torontos Depart shyment of Physics followed His mentors there were Drs J Van Kranendonk and Duk Poll who is now a professor with the Universi ty of Guelph s Depa rtment of Ph ys ics

In 1966 Dr Karl studied at the Uni versity of Oxford for two years under an NRC scho larship to study hadron spec troshyscopy and in 1969 he Joi ned the Univers itys Department of Phy sics achieving a full professorship only five years later

Dr Karls work has focussed on high energy physics - the physics of fundamen shytal particles This is an esoteric field involvshying research into the nature of matter The relatively few world leaders in thi s field tend to cluster around the half-dozen accelerators such as the $100 million four kilumete rshylon g hi gh-e nergy tunnel for accelerating electrons at Stanford University that have been built only in the US and Europe

There is no accelerator of this energy level in Canad a and fe w Canadian scie nshyti ~ts are working in this field Dr Ka rl s statu re in the international commu nity of particle physic ists is marked by his many visi ts to the world s major research ce ntres as guest speaker and to consult with his peers Referring to the time spent on thcse missions Dr Karl describes the Depart shym nt of Phys ics and his colleag ues as generouslyaccommodati ng shy

As cha irman of the h igh energy


Trapping The Suns Energy Excerpted from a Chemtrends article by Mary Cocivera

One predi ctabl e fac t about ind ustri ali z d

soc iety is that it will take more e nergy to

keep the whee ls ru nn ing smoothl y parti c ushy

larly because the world population is exshy

pected to dou ble to about n ine bill ion by the

year 2050

[n th search to augme nt tradi tio na l

sources o f e lectri ci ty two Departme nt of

Chemistry pro fessors ha ve tu rned their

atten ti on to the convers ion of solar energy to

electricity by photovultaie cel ls and photoshy

elec troc he mical systems T he developme nt

work at Guelph is a imed at improving the efficiency and stability of th se sy~tems and

reduc i ng the ir cos t

Si licon photovoltaic cells serve as a

reference for solar energy convers iun beshy

cause they were the fi rst such cells and to

date arc the most effic ient co nvert ing so lar

ne rgy into elec tr ic ity a t abo ut 15 per cem

effi c iency Arrays of crys tal li n sil icon ce lls present ly cos t in the nei ghborhood or

S$400 per sq uare metre to manufac ture

produc ing about 40 watts Photovo lta ic

thin- fi lm syste ms us ing semico nductors

o ther than single crysta l sil ic on are be ing

investigated in man y re~earc h ce ntre s

around the world

A pro mis ing approach is a cadmiui1l

sulfi dec uprous sul fide combi nat ion in

which the two sem ico nduc tors are laye red

on molybdenum the n covered w ith a transshyparent gold fil m T his thin-fi lm cons trucshy

tio n i ideal for solar devices explai ns

Profess ur Ro n Fawcett because large

surface areas are needed for maximum

exposu re to the sun

T he fabrication process devel oped by

Ro n and patented in 1980 in vo lve electroshy

depos iting cadmium sulfide o nto molybshy

denum then layering cuprous sulfide over the cadm ium sulfide by an ion exchange

process Finally the gold 11 1m is added by

vacuum de pos ition Ron es timates that

thi n-film de ices could be manufac tu red in

this way for about S$25 per squ are metre

E lectro pla ting of se m ic ondu ct ors

would enabl e photo voltai c dev ices to be

manu factured in a continuous process

rathe r than indi vidua lly as i required w ith

s ingle crysta l s ilic on Such ce lls ha ve

ach ieved conversio n of solar to electrica l

energy at an e ffi cienc y o f I per cent to date T he researchers are co nfide nt they can

achieve fi to 8 per cent cffi ieney compared

to the calcul ated max imum e ffi c iency of II

per cent Pro fessor Michae l oc ivera is ork ing

on photoe lec troc hem ical systems in which a

sem icond uctor electrode im mersed in an

elec tro lyte solution converts inci dent li g ht

into a n electric a l cu rren t Such se mishy

conductor lilju id junction cells offe r p racti shy

cal ad van tages because uf the sponta neom format ion o f a junc tio n I mproved effishy

ciency fo r po lycrysta lli ne sem iconductors

has been a hi eved in ce lb of th is type in part becau~e the liqu id estab li shes unshy

iformly good COntac t wi th the e l etrode

The li gh t -~ens it i ve electrode in photoshy

e lec trochem ical ce lls is a sem ic o nductor

e it her a thin-fi lm or s ingle c rysta l a tt ached

to a metal back ing the other e lec trode is an

inert me ta l T he e l ectrode~ are immersed in

~ n elect rol yte solutio n o f a mater ial that carl do nate and accep t elect rons The b igges t

prob lem with many li lj ui d junct io n ce lls

~ays Mike is photocorros iol1 of the su rshy

face of the se miconductor To overcome

thi s problem he is developing materi a ls and

techniques to coat the e lectrodes with proshy

tec tive materiab

The first liquid junction cells with a

sili con anode opera ted for only a matter of

seconds befo re the e lec trode was des troyed

by corrosion Researche rs at the Solar Energy Research Insti tu te in C o lorado

U SA have developed a silicon anode

w ith a polypyrro le protect ive coating which

can o perate for hund reds o f hours but that is

still not long eno ugh for a viable commershy

cia l syste m

M ike and his colleague are making a

syste matic study of compounds tha t wi ll

both protect the electrode from corrosion

and catal yze the elect rode rca tion They

arc now worki ng with organo me tall ic comshy

pounds co mpris ing a metal atom sulfur

and an aromatic co m pone nt containing a func tiona l group li ke hyd roxy l sul phonate

ammoni um and nitroso

hese compounds are effect ive beshy

ca use they prov ide a mechanism to transfer

a ch arge bet ween the se mi co nd uctor and the e lectro n donor in solut io n The coating mus t

also be transpilrent e nough to a llow the light

to s trike the photocleetrode

To date they ha ve suneeded in deshy

veloping fi ve coat ings su itab le fo r a variet y

or se miconduc tors incl uding the polyshy

crysta ll ine cadm ium su lfide e lectrodes fabshy

riltated by Ron Fawce tt s method If polyshy

crystalli ne elec trodes can be fab ri (a ted and

coated wi th a protec tive materia l electroshy

chemically they wi ll be relati ve ly inexpe nshy

ive to manufac ture If the tech niques and processe s be ing

inve ~l igated by Ron Fawce tt and Mike Coc ivera de ve lop to tht ir full poten tial the

su n cou ld beco me a more import ant supplier

o f e lectri city in Ca nada Long-range proshy

jectio ns suggest that about 10 per cent of No rth A m rican e lectr ic it y could be proshy

duced from solar convers ion

Elec tric ity fro m the sun is no longer a

pipe-dream-it is a reachable goa l n

Grad News Louise (Sandall) Platt BA 69 is living

in Islington and teaching for the Etobico ke

Board of Educati on

Alexander Barton BSc 70 MSc 74 is work ing on a Ph D deg ree in the

Departme nt of Fishe ries and W ildlife at

Orego n Sta te uni vers ity

Gerry Kupferschmidt BSc 70 MSc

71 is living at R R I Osgoodc and is

tmployed as a sc ientific ad ise r to the


Murray Ross Gingrich BSc 71 Ii ves in

Brampto n and is work ing as a probation

officer for the Ministry o f Correc tio nal


Robert Cross BSc 72 M D is workshy

ing in the emergency department o f the

So uth Muskoka Hospital in Bracebridge

Edda Duva (Home) Kerr BA 74 lives

in G ue lph and is working as a program

co-ordinator for Casatta Ltd in Kitchener

Deanne Ch)y BSc 78 Ii ves in Etob ishy

coke and is working as a public health

inspector for the Ham ilton Wentwo rth Reshy

gio nal Health Unit

Alex McDonald BSc 79 PhD 83 and his wife Rosanne ( DeNobriga) BSc

79 are living in Austi n Texas whil e Alex

is do ing post-doctoral work at the Unishy

vers ity o f Texas

Ste~en Oliver BSc 79 o f Hamilton is a

medica l sa les repre sentati ve with Cyanamid

Canada Inc

Gordon Knox BSc 79 is a con~ ul ta nt

with Inform ation Systems Serv ices in Vicshy

toria BC

George Gillson BSc 80 is taki ng a

Ph D in Anal ytica l C hemis try at the Uni shyve rsity of Alberta 0


The College o f Arts Alumni Associat ion

DELPHA Editor Debbie (Nash) Chambers 77

has no w acquired the Shaw Festival ArshyThe Deans Roundup chives on permanent deposit T his is an

Last fall I had the privilege of speakshy

ing to the direc tors of the University of G uelph Alumn i Assoc iation to bring them

up to date on some of the excit ing things connected with the College of Arts I am gratefu l to the editor of DELPHA for this

opportu nity to let alumni readers know what we are do ing

I am pleased to be able to report a subs tant ial increase in enrolment both in the

B A program and in the College o f Arts this past yea r What is especially nice is that this has coincided with a dec is ion to tighte n our

standards at the admissions level and in the regulations for continuatio n of study

In o rder to grad uate B A students

who entered the Spring 19~3 Semester will need to obtai n a C average in 60 per cent of the courses they take

Most of o ur students are doing thi s now and we do not antici pate this will pose any

problem for the students whom we are ad mitting Next year students en tering the

B A program will be required to have Grade 13 English and we are strongly encouraging them to offer a Mathematics credit o r o ne in French or ano ther language

Applications from students wish ing to enter the B A program in the Fall 1983 Semester

are up subs tantia lly over last yea r I also want to share with you some

ha ppenings which have brought special delight to me

The U ni ve rsi ty of Guelph Choir

under director Ge rald e ufeld won second prize in the 1982 CSC nation al chora l competition

In the Harbourfront a rt show last

sum mer three o f o ur students had works se lected by the jury and each won a prize shya better show ing than any of the other O nshy

tario universities or colleges which entend T he C anadian- American Urban Hisshy

tory Co nference held at G uelph in A ugust

1982 was a tremendous success bringing sc holars from many parts of the United States and Canada to discuss new trends in urban studies

Dean David Murray

In the space of just a few months I have seen seven books published by faculty in the Co llege The subjects include Rudyard

Kipl ing Greek Philosophy Urban History Evolution and Darwinism Reli gion and Tolerance the dramatist Gra nville Barker

and a nove l written in French Last summer also saw the completion

of a very successful facu lty exchange beshy

tween o ur Department of Eng lish and the

Uni vers ity of Reading in Britain Dr Leslie Monkman went to Reading for the year and Dr Coral Howell s visited Guelph This

opportunity enab led Dr Howells to study modern C anadian writers and she is now

working o n a book to be published in Britain o n Canadian women wri ters Dr

Mo nkman lectured on Canadian literature at various places in Britain and in France as well as in Reading

T hro ugh the e fforts of the Department of Drama and its chairman Dr Leonard

Conolly and C ollections Librarian Jo hn Moldenhauer 68 the Uni versi ty Library

ex tremely valuab le re sou rce for theatre

scholars a nd the Univers ity is ve ry pleased to have a closer connection with the Shaw Festi val The Drama Department also has

Professor Dan Laurence the world s leadshying Shaw scholar as a distinguished Visitshy

ing Professor lor the ra il Semester Two large conferences were organized

during the Spring and Summer by faculty

and students in the Co llege Professor Ted Cowan of the History Department was in charge of the Scottish Heritage Festival held in uelph in May The Fes tival was a

ce lebrati on of the S co t~ 1d their contribushytion~ to Canada

In Au gust the Uni vers ity will host a major conference o n Common wealth lite rashy

ture bringing writers and schol ars to Guelph from allover the Com monweal th Professor Doug K illam chairman of the Department of English and a number o f col leagues are

now busily preparing to welcome guests from around the world

Through our liaison programs we have pioneered special day - long seminars at the

niversity for gifted children in Wellington County T he se programs are part of o ur commitment to assist secondary schools in meeting the challe nges of special education

J know many o f you will also be interes ted in knowing that last sLi mmer the

College awarded three new scholarships two of the m honouring the cont ribution made by former faculty members J Percy

Sm ith and W Stanford Reid The other marked the first presentation of the Edward Johnson Music Foundation scholarships for students in the music program

We are al l ac ute ly co nscious of the

financial pressure affecting the UnivLr ~ ity

of Guelph and othe r Canadian unive rsities

But we mus t no t le t these pressures detract from the vision of academic excellence to

which we are committed J think you will agree from the exaln ~Jk middot ha ve cited that this vision continues to glow brightly in spite of our financial plight We hope we can

co ntinue to co unt on your advice and your suppurt 0


It Was a Very Good Year T he Direc tor or the College of Arts Alumni Assoc iation have had a bus y year In January we launched o ur hrst Caree rs i lglll for in -coure stude nlgt Thanks to the exce lle nce and enthusiasm of our pane l l1len1bcr the evening was a success

Careers Night is to become an annual event and we would appreciate you r particishypation Any Art s grads wh o wo uld like to

vo lunteer their expertise for the e vening please do not hesita te to contact us

The Directors were also busy a rshyranling the second an nu al art show shyDI MENSIO NS middotS3 Due to the treme nd ous response to DI M ENSIOtS 82 the art show co mmittee organized DIM ENSIO NS 83 as aJu ricd show We are hoping that nex t yea r we will be able to mount a photography show as well a an art sho w

As you are probably aware in 1970 Wellington College was reo rganized into the Colleges of Arts Physic al Sc ience and Socia l Science This year our Assoc iation was asked to se lect a new College logo Thankgt to Dean Dav id Murray and the Deans Counc il we were given permission to use the graphics on the College of Art s Gold Medal It can be see n in the masthead of thi s issue The logo was designed by Erich Barth art dire ctor Department of [nshyformation and enco mpasses the di verse di s shycipiJnes fou nd within the College of Arts

Grad News Catharine (Gilnerlson ) Scott 70 is a wage and salary anal ys t tnivers it y of Waterl oo

Linda la) Bell 72 i the assistant conshysultant for thlto gifted We llington County Boa rd of Education GueJph

Lynn Barbeau 74 is the curator Educa shytion and xtension Macdo nald Stewart Art

entre Guelph

Wltlynr WellJauler 75 is corpora te mar shyke ting manager Gore Mutua l In surance Company Cambridgc

Renate Fisc her 76 is a consultant with the Woods Gordon Divisio n of Cl arkson Go rdon Chartered Acco untants Kitchener

jane Morley O AC MSc 81 is a career co nsultant Counse llin g and Student Reshysource Centre Un iversity of Guelph

Through the generos ity of the Alma Mater Fund our Assoc iation has been able to e stablish nv e sc holars hip s Thre e DELPHA awards for Gue lph alumni to continue their slUdi es at the gradu ate level at the University and two awa rds for part-time mature students These awards are greatly appreciated by the students who have reshyce ived th e m

Congratulatio ns are th e order of the day for Juli e (Russe ll ) Thur 78 Associashytion past pre sident and Linda Mackenz ie shyCordi ck 8 1 Assocration secre tary treas shyurer on the birth of their daug hters in March We wi sh them joy in their yo ung-

David Dell 76 is the in fo rmation o ffic er Reg ion of Pee l Brmiddotampton

jeff Miller 82 is a s tage manager for Profes sional Theatres Toronto

The above eight alumni were panel )11ember-s at our first annual Careers sJ ig ht held ea rlier th i yea r On ce again we offer our sincere thanks for their pani ci pation

lhugarel Reare 68 is senior research o f hee l Minis try of th e Soli citor General Ottawd

William Thiels 73 is a sys te ms analyst with Eas tman Kodak CO Roche ster t Y US A

Shardie D SteHnson 77 is assistant marketing manager Marsh and 1cLennan Ltd Winnipeg Man

Donald Syme 77 is with marketing pe rsonne l IC F Sydne y Australia

sters and look forward to the ir continued help in the Assoc ia tion in the future

C Nould lik e to re mind our fell ow alu mni to jo in or renew their membership in our Association De hbie ( Nash) Cham bers 77 editor of DF LPH A wo uld lik e any Ideas lor future artick that vould catch your interes t Our Assoc iati o n would also apprec ia te heari ng from you re gardin g eve nts that you wou ld be interested in attending Pl ease drop us a line in order that we may serve you better thus ~ eeping the line of co mmunic ation oren bet ween you and yo ur Alma v1ater

In closing I would like to acknowlmiddot edge With great a pprec iati o n the a istance that has been o ffclTU our Board of Direc tors over the pasl year

As al ways Dea n David Murray has bee n a va lued ad visor I wo uld li ke to thank Professor Ted Cowa n Department o f History for his Sprin g 19K3 OEPHA article on the Scottish Heritage Festival and Judy (Ma in) Ca rson 75 for he r help in preparalron of feature articles Spec ial thank s arc also ex tended to Rosemary Clark Mac 59 Asis tant Director Proshyg rams Dep artment of Alumni Affairs and Deve lopment and our Board of Directo rs who have wo rk ed so hard to mak e thi s a successful year

The term of 19X2-B3 has been a very grati fying one for all mem bers of the Associations Boa rd o t Directors We loo k for ward to 19K3-K4 anJ hope to hear from you Q

J ane Francis 78 is With Ilublic relations Vancouver Stock EXchange Vancou ver B C

Jonie Bunce 79 is a teacher 01 Art English and Thcatre Arts at 1 A Turn er Secondary School BrdrllptOl

Deborah Salmon 79 is married to Richard Light BS( 80 and li ves in Japanec Shc worb for the Empl o) mc nt and Im migrati on Commi ssion dnd Ri chlrJ works for a darrv in Kin gs to n

Shelagh Stevens 79 it station U)lllrshytwlle r Department o f -J atiunal [dc nce in f ova Slmiddototia

lidwtl Glanb 81 is a supervisor mar shyke ting comrlluni~ations Pitney-Bowe s oj

Canada Ltd Don Mill s

john (llanllllUnd ) Zelasko 81 rs ~ I

courtr(lOrn artist WKBW Buffalo New Ymk US I C



Alumnus of

Honollr 1983

Helen Christine AbeD Mac 38D

Amo ng the forerunners in the fie ld of rural soc iol ogy not only in Canada

but throughout the world and with a long career as a professor in numerous un iversities ac ross Canada Dr Helen C Abell has und oubted ly do ne much to promote a world -w ide reputation for her Alma Mater

Dr Abell has been most active in a numbe r of United Nat io ns programs designed to foster development of th ose in the Third World countrie s Although os ten sibl y retired she still co nt inues her wo rk as a cons ult ant in Socio-Economic De ve lopme nt assisti ng in develop ing sho rt -term project s as the occasion ari ses

As well as a Macdona ld Ins titu te Diploshyma Dr Abell obtained a BHSc (H ome Economics) from the Universi ty of Toro nto in 1941 and an MS (Human Nutrition) and a Ph D (major Rural Sociology and Agri cul shytural Economics) from Cornell University in 1947 and 1951 re specti vel y 0

Page 29: Guelph Alumnus Magazine, Summer 1983

FACS Has New

Dr Richurd Burhunl

Dean Professor Richard M Barham was apshypointed dean of the College of Family and Consumer Studies for a fi ve-year term effective July I 1983 He succeeds Dr Janet M Wardlaw who has served as dean since 1969

Professor Barham has been chairman of the Department of Family Studies since

1976 and served as acting dea n in [980 while Dean Wardlaw was on administrative leave

A graduate of the University of Otago Dunedin e Zealand Richard Barham received a Ph D degree from the University of Alben a dmonton in Ed ucational Psychology

He has served on the faculty of the Department of Educational Psychology at the University of Alberta and as professor and acting chairman of the Department of Education University of Otago

While in New Zealand he was an executive member of the council of The Ne w Zealand Psychological Society and served as its president

At Guelph he has taught both undershygraduate and graduate courses in the Deshypartment of Family Studies and has supershyvised graduate students

He has been active on many University committees during the past seven years He is a past chairman of the Board of Graduate Studies and has been a member of the

Committee on Academic Priorities the Committee on University Planning the Liaison Committee and several others

He has also been a consulting educa shytional psycholog ist with the Wellington County Separate School Board since 1979

Prolessor Barham and his wife Joan have a family offour Joan recently returned to the University of Guelph for further study Daughter Vick y 19 is a student in Economics at Queens University Lisa 17 and Christopher 14 attend Ce ntennial CVJ while Tania 12 is completing her studies at College Avenue School

Music is very important part of the Barham familys life with active invoheshyment in the Suzuki String School and the Guelph Youth Orchestra Gardening is a hobby enjoyed by both Richard and Joan

Members of the Mac- FACS Alumni Association extend a sincere welcome to Professor Barham We look forward to meeting and working with him in the future as he fills the challenging position as dean of FACS 0

FACS Prof First

Dr M urlin MUllhclIs

Director P ro fessor Anne Martin Matthews De shypart me nt of Family St udi es has been ap shypointed the first director of the Gnontology Research Centre The establi shment of the Centre was announced last February A research grant of $237000 from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada will fund the Centre for the first three years

Professor Martin Matthews has been conducting research related to the needs and interests of older segments of the populashytion as well as teaching courses in such areas as social gerontology and marital and family dynamics in Family Studies She has been a faculty member with the Department of Family Studies since 1978

She also has been active beyond the campus in programs related to aging She is chair-elect of the social sciences division Canadian Council on Gerontology and will begin a two-year term in the chair of that organization this year

She is also first vice-president of the

Ontario Gerontology Association and a member of the scientific advisory commitshytee of the Gerontology Research Council of Ontario She is a graduate of Memorial University of Newfoundland and McMaster University

With a steadily increasing percentage of the popUlation in the retirement age bracket it is important to understand more fully the ir needs and cuncerns sa ys Proshyfessor Martin Matthews The en tre will deal with the ag ing family and environshymental contexts In the latter sense we will be examinin g such things as the difference bet wee n aging in an urban and a rural society as well as issues like housing and the aging

The new Gerontology Research Centre will provide facilities to assist faculty members and graduate students doing reshysearch on aging The Centre will facilitate integrate and co-ordinate studies on aging within the University the director says

Research on aging is now being carried out at the Universi ty in such Departments as Family Studies Geography Psychology Nutrition Human Biology and SocioluFY and the Centre will be able to provide a medium for cross-fertilization of ideas among the many researchers in the field

Professor Marlin Matthews says that the Centre will be working co-operatively with other similar research centres in Onshytario such as the one at the University of Toronto in promoting research on aging The Centre will also sponsor conferences and workshops that relate to the special needs of older citizens in their communities

Guelph has demonstrated an interest in gerontology since 1970 when research projshyects began and courses dealing with aging were offered in the Departments of Family Studies and Psychology Since 1981 the Un i versity has offered gero ntology as part of the Famil y Studies major in the Bachelur of Applied Science program 0

A Thank You Dear A luml7i

1-Iwl 10 Ihonk oil Ihe uumni inloll(d wilh

Ihc cr special send-oj gien to me ill

recognition of Ihc complelion ofmv Icrm as


So man of ou -Ierc invocd shy

whelhcr or nOI ou -Iere able 10 (fIend Ihe

recognition receplion in Toronlo on May

29 I oppreciacd Ihe man good llishes

which come from ocross CClrado ond from

such dislOlIl places as Indio and Chara

Your generous gifls u Imc Irolld of

pcarls und a bonk aCCOlll11 vhich came lVilh

Ihe slrong suglcslion Ihal [should IIc 10

Vnv Iculand lverc Irul overllhelll1ing

The Air lCll Zcalundjlighl bag jJacked wilh

1111 SOriS of nccessiliel added 10 Ihe jim

middotre had 01 Ihe rcceplion

Many Ihanksfor your SUppOri over Ihe years and for your good wishes as I begin

my car ofadmin is Ira live leave

Yours sincerelv

Jonel M Wardlaw 0


Dr Louise

( Bailltlj

Heslop 67

Off - To


Dr Louise (Bazi net) Heslop 67 has JO ined the School of Business at Carlton Unive rsit y O ttaw a Over the next two years through an arran geme nt with Ca rlton Unive rsity she will be cco nded on a

part-time basis by Stati sti cs Canada where she will join the Research and Analysi s

D ivision Loui se completed her MSc at Guelph

in 1969 and continued as lecturer in the

ne wly-es tablished Department o f Co nshysumer Studies In 1977 she compktcd a Ph D in Business Administration (Marketshying) at the University of Western Ontari o

and rejo ined the Department of Consumer Studies ri si ng to the rank of ass oc iate professor

Louise was e lected to the board of

di rectors of the Mac-FA CS Alumni Assoc ishyati on in 1977 se rvin g as secretary-treasurer until May 1981

We ex tend our best wishe middot to Loui se

her husband Lome O A 70 and their dau ghters Jose tte 5 and C la ire 2 Lorne is employed by Agriculture Canada in

Ottawa and is currently completing an M Sc in Engineering at the University of

G uelph Coun try li ving is a high priority with

the Heslops They are deli ghted with the purchase of a farm near Almonte a nd look

forward to the best of both worl d s - profess ion a lism in the city and lei sure in the countryside 0

Grad News Helen (Clifford ) Beswick 48D is se lf empl oyed as a studio potter in her home in Dundas

Margaret (Kennedy) jarvis 54D is a realestate age nt in Kingston

Pat (Hall) McDowell 65 is with the

United Missionary Soc iet y Jlorin Kwora State ~igeria

Joanne Patterson 66 is a se ni or project o ffmiddoticer w ith Indi an and Northern Affa irs Ottawa

Leslie (Mowat) Hemming 68 is teaC hin g in Woods tock

Mary (Jany) Toms 68 is employed with Health and We lfare Canada Ottawa

Sarah (Spencer) Coomhs 70 is an assistant director wi th the Co nsumer Inforshymation Centre of the Ontario Government


Meredith Fi lshie 70 is an ana lyst w ith the Ministry of State for Economic and Re g ional Development O ttawa

S heila (Fahner ) jarvie 70 is a nutrishytion ist w ith the K- W Hospital Kitchener

Donna j ohnstone 70 o perates Donn as Ha ndmade Clothin g for Men amp Wo men Gabiola Isla nd B C

Lorraine Holding 71 is manager of program development with the Rural Orshyga nizatio ns and Services Branlh Minis try of Agriculture and Food located at the Gue lph Agriculture Centre

Beve r ly Lee 72 is a chairperso n with the York Region Board o f Educ at io n

Laurie MacLeod 72 is a district manager with Beaver Foods Mlss issauga

Kathy Camelon 73 is a dietitian at the Toronto Genera l Hospita l

Tirnoth) Fleming HAFA 74 a ses ionaJ lec turer with H AFA teaching business law has been adm itted to the partne rshi p o f the law firm of Harper Haney and White of Waterl oo

Isabel (McBride) H o well 74 is an e lementary school teacher with the Watershyloo Co unt y Board of Educatio n Camshybridge

Mary Ruston 75 is a Famil y Studies teacher at Inge rso ll District High School

Kathryn Anderson 76 is a supervisor with Westmini ster Family Day a re London

Hester Cooper 76 is employed as a research officer with the New Zealand Dairy

Research Institute in Palmers ton North ew Zealand

Patr icia (G a rland ) Desaul niers 76 is with patient fo od se rvices Alberta Hospishyta l Edmo nton

Noella Li 76 is aclinical dietitian wi th the

ictori a Hospital London

M eredith (Evans) Hea rtwe ll 77 is

teac hing in Mississauga

Deb Wey 77 is patient food se rvices manager at SI John Regio nal Hospi tal SI J()hn NB

Susan (junes ) Wilcox 77 is food se rvices

superviso r with the Baye re st Ce ntre for Ge riatric Care 0

A ThankYou The c lass of Mac 380 wishes to extend a

sincere thank you to all alumni who have con tributed to the Mac 38 0 Class Geronshy

to logy Scholarship Fund The gradua te s tudent scholarship in

the recently de ve loped area ot Ge ronto lo gy at FACS is being established by the class of 38D in recog nition of their 45th annivershy

sary in 1983 All Univers it y of Guelph grads are

in vited to parti c ipate in this project funds for which will be so li c ited until December

1984 [f you wish to con tribute please make you r cheq ue pay ab le to the Univers ity o f Guelph Alma Mater Fund specify that it is to be applied to the Mac 38 D Class Gerontology Scho larship Fund and mail to

the Deve lo pment Office Room 273 John shysto n Hall Uni ve rsity o f Gue lph Guelph

Ontario N IG 2W J Th an ks again for yo ur suppo rt from

Elle n Downie Mary Singer Doris Durran t and Jean Carter- the Mac 38 D sch o larship committee 0

In Memoria m We regret to announce the death of the following al umnus

Margaret L (MacKenzie) Smallwood 401) December 1982 in Lakeland Fla




The College of Physical Scie nce Alumni Association

SCIMP Editor Bob Winkel

phy sics grant selection committee of thc atural Sciences and Engineering Research

Council for two years he was intimately involved in all the major re search de velopshyments in Canada in this field Hc feels that his e lec tio n to the Royal Society of Canada will help raise the prot1le of high-energy physics in this co untry and lend stren gth to Canadian experimenters

The citation prepared for his nominashytion to the Royal Society of Canada reads

Professor Karl is a high energy the ori st whose work is widely recognized interna tionally His deep physical insight and hi s kn ow led ge of mathemati ca l methods led to the quark model of baryon resonances based on quantum chromoshydynamics which has been enormousl) successful in describing experimental reshysuits H is re sea rch is characterized by striking originality and an ability to COIll shy

bine basic ideas from different field s as in the predictions of a new effect - neutron optical activity

Gabriel Karl is married and has one daughter W hen he is not probing the sec re ts of the universe he indulges himself in music theatre and the fine arts

He visited the Unive rsity of Briti sh Columbia in Vanco uver in May for the induction ceremony into the Royal Society of Canada on the occas ion of the Annual Meeting of the Society It marked he sa id the culmination of a long string of benefits that [ ha ve enjoyed throughout the 23 years 1 have lived in Ca nada [ have every rea son to be very grateful to th is country D

Erratum In the Sprin g issue o r SCiMP it was erroneously reported in the c utline accompanyin g a pict ure of Departshyme nt of Physics student scholarship winners that they were the recipients of 0 er $ 1500 We dropped a zero The fi gure should have read $ 15000 Sorry about tha t Ed

Elected to Royal Society

Dr Cooiel Korl

The election of Dr Gabriel Karl to a Fellowship of the Roy al Society of Canada represents what one of hi s colleagues Dr Peter Egelstaff desc ribe s as a rare honour which reflects great credit not only on Dr Karl but also on the Uni versi tys Departshyment of Physics

The Royal Society of Canada founded in 1882 to promote learning and research in the arts and sciences has numbered among its Fellows virtually all of Canadas most distinguished intellectual le ade rs of the last J00 yea rs Standards are jealously guarded and Fello wships are awarded only as a result of outstanding world-class ach ieve ment

The rarity of the honour is indicated by the fact that at the Un iversity of Guelph whose faculty includes so many academics of international distinction only five had previously achieved a Fellows hip in the Royal Society of Canada These are Dr Howard Clark vice- pres ident academic Dr Bruce Sells dean College of Biologishycal Science Dr Peter Egclstaff Depart shyment of Physics Dr Do nald Masters Prof ssor Emeri tu s De part mcnt of History and Dr He rb Armstrong retired dean of Graduate Studies

As the sixth Dr Ga briel Karl will have the added di st inction of bei ng the first whose career has been sp ot excl us ively at the Un ivers ity of Guelph which agai n to

quote Dr Egelstaff marks a coming of age for the University

Gabriel Karl was born in Transylvania a province of Romania He obtained his B Sc in Chemistry at Romani as Univershysity of ClUJ worked for two years in industry and came to Canada in 1960 He attended graduate school at th e University of Toronto where he was awarded a Ph D in 1966 for a thesis on infrared luminesshycence following molecular colli sion Hi s Ph D supervisor was the distinguished physical chemist Dr John Polanyi

A two-year post-doctora l fellowship with the University of Torontos Depart shyment of Physics followed His mentors there were Drs J Van Kranendonk and Duk Poll who is now a professor with the Universi ty of Guelph s Depa rtment of Ph ys ics

In 1966 Dr Karl studied at the Uni versity of Oxford for two years under an NRC scho larship to study hadron spec troshyscopy and in 1969 he Joi ned the Univers itys Department of Phy sics achieving a full professorship only five years later

Dr Karls work has focussed on high energy physics - the physics of fundamen shytal particles This is an esoteric field involvshying research into the nature of matter The relatively few world leaders in thi s field tend to cluster around the half-dozen accelerators such as the $100 million four kilumete rshylon g hi gh-e nergy tunnel for accelerating electrons at Stanford University that have been built only in the US and Europe

There is no accelerator of this energy level in Canad a and fe w Canadian scie nshyti ~ts are working in this field Dr Ka rl s statu re in the international commu nity of particle physic ists is marked by his many visi ts to the world s major research ce ntres as guest speaker and to consult with his peers Referring to the time spent on thcse missions Dr Karl describes the Depart shym nt of Phys ics and his colleag ues as generouslyaccommodati ng shy

As cha irman of the h igh energy


Trapping The Suns Energy Excerpted from a Chemtrends article by Mary Cocivera

One predi ctabl e fac t about ind ustri ali z d

soc iety is that it will take more e nergy to

keep the whee ls ru nn ing smoothl y parti c ushy

larly because the world population is exshy

pected to dou ble to about n ine bill ion by the

year 2050

[n th search to augme nt tradi tio na l

sources o f e lectri ci ty two Departme nt of

Chemistry pro fessors ha ve tu rned their

atten ti on to the convers ion of solar energy to

electricity by photovultaie cel ls and photoshy

elec troc he mical systems T he developme nt

work at Guelph is a imed at improving the efficiency and stability of th se sy~tems and

reduc i ng the ir cos t

Si licon photovoltaic cells serve as a

reference for solar energy convers iun beshy

cause they were the fi rst such cells and to

date arc the most effic ient co nvert ing so lar

ne rgy into elec tr ic ity a t abo ut 15 per cem

effi c iency Arrays of crys tal li n sil icon ce lls present ly cos t in the nei ghborhood or

S$400 per sq uare metre to manufac ture

produc ing about 40 watts Photovo lta ic

thin- fi lm syste ms us ing semico nductors

o ther than single crysta l sil ic on are be ing

investigated in man y re~earc h ce ntre s

around the world

A pro mis ing approach is a cadmiui1l

sulfi dec uprous sul fide combi nat ion in

which the two sem ico nduc tors are laye red

on molybdenum the n covered w ith a transshyparent gold fil m T his thin-fi lm cons trucshy

tio n i ideal for solar devices explai ns

Profess ur Ro n Fawcett because large

surface areas are needed for maximum

exposu re to the sun

T he fabrication process devel oped by

Ro n and patented in 1980 in vo lve electroshy

depos iting cadmium sulfide o nto molybshy

denum then layering cuprous sulfide over the cadm ium sulfide by an ion exchange

process Finally the gold 11 1m is added by

vacuum de pos ition Ron es timates that

thi n-film de ices could be manufac tu red in

this way for about S$25 per squ are metre

E lectro pla ting of se m ic ondu ct ors

would enabl e photo voltai c dev ices to be

manu factured in a continuous process

rathe r than indi vidua lly as i required w ith

s ingle crysta l s ilic on Such ce lls ha ve

ach ieved conversio n of solar to electrica l

energy at an e ffi cienc y o f I per cent to date T he researchers are co nfide nt they can

achieve fi to 8 per cent cffi ieney compared

to the calcul ated max imum e ffi c iency of II

per cent Pro fessor Michae l oc ivera is ork ing

on photoe lec troc hem ical systems in which a

sem icond uctor electrode im mersed in an

elec tro lyte solution converts inci dent li g ht

into a n electric a l cu rren t Such se mishy

conductor lilju id junction cells offe r p racti shy

cal ad van tages because uf the sponta neom format ion o f a junc tio n I mproved effishy

ciency fo r po lycrysta lli ne sem iconductors

has been a hi eved in ce lb of th is type in part becau~e the liqu id estab li shes unshy

iformly good COntac t wi th the e l etrode

The li gh t -~ens it i ve electrode in photoshy

e lec trochem ical ce lls is a sem ic o nductor

e it her a thin-fi lm or s ingle c rysta l a tt ached

to a metal back ing the other e lec trode is an

inert me ta l T he e l ectrode~ are immersed in

~ n elect rol yte solutio n o f a mater ial that carl do nate and accep t elect rons The b igges t

prob lem with many li lj ui d junct io n ce lls

~ays Mike is photocorros iol1 of the su rshy

face of the se miconductor To overcome

thi s problem he is developing materi a ls and

techniques to coat the e lectrodes with proshy

tec tive materiab

The first liquid junction cells with a

sili con anode opera ted for only a matter of

seconds befo re the e lec trode was des troyed

by corrosion Researche rs at the Solar Energy Research Insti tu te in C o lorado

U SA have developed a silicon anode

w ith a polypyrro le protect ive coating which

can o perate for hund reds o f hours but that is

still not long eno ugh for a viable commershy

cia l syste m

M ike and his colleague are making a

syste matic study of compounds tha t wi ll

both protect the electrode from corrosion

and catal yze the elect rode rca tion They

arc now worki ng with organo me tall ic comshy

pounds co mpris ing a metal atom sulfur

and an aromatic co m pone nt containing a func tiona l group li ke hyd roxy l sul phonate

ammoni um and nitroso

hese compounds are effect ive beshy

ca use they prov ide a mechanism to transfer

a ch arge bet ween the se mi co nd uctor and the e lectro n donor in solut io n The coating mus t

also be transpilrent e nough to a llow the light

to s trike the photocleetrode

To date they ha ve suneeded in deshy

veloping fi ve coat ings su itab le fo r a variet y

or se miconduc tors incl uding the polyshy

crysta ll ine cadm ium su lfide e lectrodes fabshy

riltated by Ron Fawce tt s method If polyshy

crystalli ne elec trodes can be fab ri (a ted and

coated wi th a protec tive materia l electroshy

chemically they wi ll be relati ve ly inexpe nshy

ive to manufac ture If the tech niques and processe s be ing

inve ~l igated by Ron Fawce tt and Mike Coc ivera de ve lop to tht ir full poten tial the

su n cou ld beco me a more import ant supplier

o f e lectri city in Ca nada Long-range proshy

jectio ns suggest that about 10 per cent of No rth A m rican e lectr ic it y could be proshy

duced from solar convers ion

Elec tric ity fro m the sun is no longer a

pipe-dream-it is a reachable goa l n

Grad News Louise (Sandall) Platt BA 69 is living

in Islington and teaching for the Etobico ke

Board of Educati on

Alexander Barton BSc 70 MSc 74 is work ing on a Ph D deg ree in the

Departme nt of Fishe ries and W ildlife at

Orego n Sta te uni vers ity

Gerry Kupferschmidt BSc 70 MSc

71 is living at R R I Osgoodc and is

tmployed as a sc ientific ad ise r to the


Murray Ross Gingrich BSc 71 Ii ves in

Brampto n and is work ing as a probation

officer for the Ministry o f Correc tio nal


Robert Cross BSc 72 M D is workshy

ing in the emergency department o f the

So uth Muskoka Hospital in Bracebridge

Edda Duva (Home) Kerr BA 74 lives

in G ue lph and is working as a program

co-ordinator for Casatta Ltd in Kitchener

Deanne Ch)y BSc 78 Ii ves in Etob ishy

coke and is working as a public health

inspector for the Ham ilton Wentwo rth Reshy

gio nal Health Unit

Alex McDonald BSc 79 PhD 83 and his wife Rosanne ( DeNobriga) BSc

79 are living in Austi n Texas whil e Alex

is do ing post-doctoral work at the Unishy

vers ity o f Texas

Ste~en Oliver BSc 79 o f Hamilton is a

medica l sa les repre sentati ve with Cyanamid

Canada Inc

Gordon Knox BSc 79 is a con~ ul ta nt

with Inform ation Systems Serv ices in Vicshy

toria BC

George Gillson BSc 80 is taki ng a

Ph D in Anal ytica l C hemis try at the Uni shyve rsity of Alberta 0


The College o f Arts Alumni Associat ion

DELPHA Editor Debbie (Nash) Chambers 77

has no w acquired the Shaw Festival ArshyThe Deans Roundup chives on permanent deposit T his is an

Last fall I had the privilege of speakshy

ing to the direc tors of the University of G uelph Alumn i Assoc iation to bring them

up to date on some of the excit ing things connected with the College of Arts I am gratefu l to the editor of DELPHA for this

opportu nity to let alumni readers know what we are do ing

I am pleased to be able to report a subs tant ial increase in enrolment both in the

B A program and in the College o f Arts this past yea r What is especially nice is that this has coincided with a dec is ion to tighte n our

standards at the admissions level and in the regulations for continuatio n of study

In o rder to grad uate B A students

who entered the Spring 19~3 Semester will need to obtai n a C average in 60 per cent of the courses they take

Most of o ur students are doing thi s now and we do not antici pate this will pose any

problem for the students whom we are ad mitting Next year students en tering the

B A program will be required to have Grade 13 English and we are strongly encouraging them to offer a Mathematics credit o r o ne in French or ano ther language

Applications from students wish ing to enter the B A program in the Fall 1983 Semester

are up subs tantia lly over last yea r I also want to share with you some

ha ppenings which have brought special delight to me

The U ni ve rsi ty of Guelph Choir

under director Ge rald e ufeld won second prize in the 1982 CSC nation al chora l competition

In the Harbourfront a rt show last

sum mer three o f o ur students had works se lected by the jury and each won a prize shya better show ing than any of the other O nshy

tario universities or colleges which entend T he C anadian- American Urban Hisshy

tory Co nference held at G uelph in A ugust

1982 was a tremendous success bringing sc holars from many parts of the United States and Canada to discuss new trends in urban studies

Dean David Murray

In the space of just a few months I have seen seven books published by faculty in the Co llege The subjects include Rudyard

Kipl ing Greek Philosophy Urban History Evolution and Darwinism Reli gion and Tolerance the dramatist Gra nville Barker

and a nove l written in French Last summer also saw the completion

of a very successful facu lty exchange beshy

tween o ur Department of Eng lish and the

Uni vers ity of Reading in Britain Dr Leslie Monkman went to Reading for the year and Dr Coral Howell s visited Guelph This

opportunity enab led Dr Howells to study modern C anadian writers and she is now

working o n a book to be published in Britain o n Canadian women wri ters Dr

Mo nkman lectured on Canadian literature at various places in Britain and in France as well as in Reading

T hro ugh the e fforts of the Department of Drama and its chairman Dr Leonard

Conolly and C ollections Librarian Jo hn Moldenhauer 68 the Uni versi ty Library

ex tremely valuab le re sou rce for theatre

scholars a nd the Univers ity is ve ry pleased to have a closer connection with the Shaw Festi val The Drama Department also has

Professor Dan Laurence the world s leadshying Shaw scholar as a distinguished Visitshy

ing Professor lor the ra il Semester Two large conferences were organized

during the Spring and Summer by faculty

and students in the Co llege Professor Ted Cowan of the History Department was in charge of the Scottish Heritage Festival held in uelph in May The Fes tival was a

ce lebrati on of the S co t~ 1d their contribushytion~ to Canada

In Au gust the Uni vers ity will host a major conference o n Common wealth lite rashy

ture bringing writers and schol ars to Guelph from allover the Com monweal th Professor Doug K illam chairman of the Department of English and a number o f col leagues are

now busily preparing to welcome guests from around the world

Through our liaison programs we have pioneered special day - long seminars at the

niversity for gifted children in Wellington County T he se programs are part of o ur commitment to assist secondary schools in meeting the challe nges of special education

J know many o f you will also be interes ted in knowing that last sLi mmer the

College awarded three new scholarships two of the m honouring the cont ribution made by former faculty members J Percy

Sm ith and W Stanford Reid The other marked the first presentation of the Edward Johnson Music Foundation scholarships for students in the music program

We are al l ac ute ly co nscious of the

financial pressure affecting the UnivLr ~ ity

of Guelph and othe r Canadian unive rsities

But we mus t no t le t these pressures detract from the vision of academic excellence to

which we are committed J think you will agree from the exaln ~Jk middot ha ve cited that this vision continues to glow brightly in spite of our financial plight We hope we can

co ntinue to co unt on your advice and your suppurt 0


It Was a Very Good Year T he Direc tor or the College of Arts Alumni Assoc iation have had a bus y year In January we launched o ur hrst Caree rs i lglll for in -coure stude nlgt Thanks to the exce lle nce and enthusiasm of our pane l l1len1bcr the evening was a success

Careers Night is to become an annual event and we would appreciate you r particishypation Any Art s grads wh o wo uld like to

vo lunteer their expertise for the e vening please do not hesita te to contact us

The Directors were also busy a rshyranling the second an nu al art show shyDI MENSIO NS middotS3 Due to the treme nd ous response to DI M ENSIOtS 82 the art show co mmittee organized DIM ENSIO NS 83 as aJu ricd show We are hoping that nex t yea r we will be able to mount a photography show as well a an art sho w

As you are probably aware in 1970 Wellington College was reo rganized into the Colleges of Arts Physic al Sc ience and Socia l Science This year our Assoc iation was asked to se lect a new College logo Thankgt to Dean Dav id Murray and the Deans Counc il we were given permission to use the graphics on the College of Art s Gold Medal It can be see n in the masthead of thi s issue The logo was designed by Erich Barth art dire ctor Department of [nshyformation and enco mpasses the di verse di s shycipiJnes fou nd within the College of Arts

Grad News Catharine (Gilnerlson ) Scott 70 is a wage and salary anal ys t tnivers it y of Waterl oo

Linda la) Bell 72 i the assistant conshysultant for thlto gifted We llington County Boa rd of Education GueJph

Lynn Barbeau 74 is the curator Educa shytion and xtension Macdo nald Stewart Art

entre Guelph

Wltlynr WellJauler 75 is corpora te mar shyke ting manager Gore Mutua l In surance Company Cambridgc

Renate Fisc her 76 is a consultant with the Woods Gordon Divisio n of Cl arkson Go rdon Chartered Acco untants Kitchener

jane Morley O AC MSc 81 is a career co nsultant Counse llin g and Student Reshysource Centre Un iversity of Guelph

Through the generos ity of the Alma Mater Fund our Assoc iation has been able to e stablish nv e sc holars hip s Thre e DELPHA awards for Gue lph alumni to continue their slUdi es at the gradu ate level at the University and two awa rds for part-time mature students These awards are greatly appreciated by the students who have reshyce ived th e m

Congratulatio ns are th e order of the day for Juli e (Russe ll ) Thur 78 Associashytion past pre sident and Linda Mackenz ie shyCordi ck 8 1 Assocration secre tary treas shyurer on the birth of their daug hters in March We wi sh them joy in their yo ung-

David Dell 76 is the in fo rmation o ffic er Reg ion of Pee l Brmiddotampton

jeff Miller 82 is a s tage manager for Profes sional Theatres Toronto

The above eight alumni were panel )11ember-s at our first annual Careers sJ ig ht held ea rlier th i yea r On ce again we offer our sincere thanks for their pani ci pation

lhugarel Reare 68 is senior research o f hee l Minis try of th e Soli citor General Ottawd

William Thiels 73 is a sys te ms analyst with Eas tman Kodak CO Roche ster t Y US A

Shardie D SteHnson 77 is assistant marketing manager Marsh and 1cLennan Ltd Winnipeg Man

Donald Syme 77 is with marketing pe rsonne l IC F Sydne y Australia

sters and look forward to the ir continued help in the Assoc ia tion in the future

C Nould lik e to re mind our fell ow alu mni to jo in or renew their membership in our Association De hbie ( Nash) Cham bers 77 editor of DF LPH A wo uld lik e any Ideas lor future artick that vould catch your interes t Our Assoc iati o n would also apprec ia te heari ng from you re gardin g eve nts that you wou ld be interested in attending Pl ease drop us a line in order that we may serve you better thus ~ eeping the line of co mmunic ation oren bet ween you and yo ur Alma v1ater

In closing I would like to acknowlmiddot edge With great a pprec iati o n the a istance that has been o ffclTU our Board of Direc tors over the pasl year

As al ways Dea n David Murray has bee n a va lued ad visor I wo uld li ke to thank Professor Ted Cowa n Department o f History for his Sprin g 19K3 OEPHA article on the Scottish Heritage Festival and Judy (Ma in) Ca rson 75 for he r help in preparalron of feature articles Spec ial thank s arc also ex tended to Rosemary Clark Mac 59 Asis tant Director Proshyg rams Dep artment of Alumni Affairs and Deve lopment and our Board of Directo rs who have wo rk ed so hard to mak e thi s a successful year

The term of 19X2-B3 has been a very grati fying one for all mem bers of the Associations Boa rd o t Directors We loo k for ward to 19K3-K4 anJ hope to hear from you Q

J ane Francis 78 is With Ilublic relations Vancouver Stock EXchange Vancou ver B C

Jonie Bunce 79 is a teacher 01 Art English and Thcatre Arts at 1 A Turn er Secondary School BrdrllptOl

Deborah Salmon 79 is married to Richard Light BS( 80 and li ves in Japanec Shc worb for the Empl o) mc nt and Im migrati on Commi ssion dnd Ri chlrJ works for a darrv in Kin gs to n

Shelagh Stevens 79 it station U)lllrshytwlle r Department o f -J atiunal [dc nce in f ova Slmiddototia

lidwtl Glanb 81 is a supervisor mar shyke ting comrlluni~ations Pitney-Bowe s oj

Canada Ltd Don Mill s

john (llanllllUnd ) Zelasko 81 rs ~ I

courtr(lOrn artist WKBW Buffalo New Ymk US I C



Alumnus of

Honollr 1983

Helen Christine AbeD Mac 38D

Amo ng the forerunners in the fie ld of rural soc iol ogy not only in Canada

but throughout the world and with a long career as a professor in numerous un iversities ac ross Canada Dr Helen C Abell has und oubted ly do ne much to promote a world -w ide reputation for her Alma Mater

Dr Abell has been most active in a numbe r of United Nat io ns programs designed to foster development of th ose in the Third World countrie s Although os ten sibl y retired she still co nt inues her wo rk as a cons ult ant in Socio-Economic De ve lopme nt assisti ng in develop ing sho rt -term project s as the occasion ari ses

As well as a Macdona ld Ins titu te Diploshyma Dr Abell obtained a BHSc (H ome Economics) from the Universi ty of Toro nto in 1941 and an MS (Human Nutrition) and a Ph D (major Rural Sociology and Agri cul shytural Economics) from Cornell University in 1947 and 1951 re specti vel y 0

Page 30: Guelph Alumnus Magazine, Summer 1983

Dr Louise

( Bailltlj

Heslop 67

Off - To


Dr Louise (Bazi net) Heslop 67 has JO ined the School of Business at Carlton Unive rsit y O ttaw a Over the next two years through an arran geme nt with Ca rlton Unive rsity she will be cco nded on a

part-time basis by Stati sti cs Canada where she will join the Research and Analysi s

D ivision Loui se completed her MSc at Guelph

in 1969 and continued as lecturer in the

ne wly-es tablished Department o f Co nshysumer Studies In 1977 she compktcd a Ph D in Business Administration (Marketshying) at the University of Western Ontari o

and rejo ined the Department of Consumer Studies ri si ng to the rank of ass oc iate professor

Louise was e lected to the board of

di rectors of the Mac-FA CS Alumni Assoc ishyati on in 1977 se rvin g as secretary-treasurer until May 1981

We ex tend our best wishe middot to Loui se

her husband Lome O A 70 and their dau ghters Jose tte 5 and C la ire 2 Lorne is employed by Agriculture Canada in

Ottawa and is currently completing an M Sc in Engineering at the University of

G uelph Coun try li ving is a high priority with

the Heslops They are deli ghted with the purchase of a farm near Almonte a nd look

forward to the best of both worl d s - profess ion a lism in the city and lei sure in the countryside 0

Grad News Helen (Clifford ) Beswick 48D is se lf empl oyed as a studio potter in her home in Dundas

Margaret (Kennedy) jarvis 54D is a realestate age nt in Kingston

Pat (Hall) McDowell 65 is with the

United Missionary Soc iet y Jlorin Kwora State ~igeria

Joanne Patterson 66 is a se ni or project o ffmiddoticer w ith Indi an and Northern Affa irs Ottawa

Leslie (Mowat) Hemming 68 is teaC hin g in Woods tock

Mary (Jany) Toms 68 is employed with Health and We lfare Canada Ottawa

Sarah (Spencer) Coomhs 70 is an assistant director wi th the Co nsumer Inforshymation Centre of the Ontario Government


Meredith Fi lshie 70 is an ana lyst w ith the Ministry of State for Economic and Re g ional Development O ttawa

S heila (Fahner ) jarvie 70 is a nutrishytion ist w ith the K- W Hospital Kitchener

Donna j ohnstone 70 o perates Donn as Ha ndmade Clothin g for Men amp Wo men Gabiola Isla nd B C

Lorraine Holding 71 is manager of program development with the Rural Orshyga nizatio ns and Services Branlh Minis try of Agriculture and Food located at the Gue lph Agriculture Centre

Beve r ly Lee 72 is a chairperso n with the York Region Board o f Educ at io n

Laurie MacLeod 72 is a district manager with Beaver Foods Mlss issauga

Kathy Camelon 73 is a dietitian at the Toronto Genera l Hospita l

Tirnoth) Fleming HAFA 74 a ses ionaJ lec turer with H AFA teaching business law has been adm itted to the partne rshi p o f the law firm of Harper Haney and White of Waterl oo

Isabel (McBride) H o well 74 is an e lementary school teacher with the Watershyloo Co unt y Board of Educatio n Camshybridge

Mary Ruston 75 is a Famil y Studies teacher at Inge rso ll District High School

Kathryn Anderson 76 is a supervisor with Westmini ster Family Day a re London

Hester Cooper 76 is employed as a research officer with the New Zealand Dairy

Research Institute in Palmers ton North ew Zealand

Patr icia (G a rland ) Desaul niers 76 is with patient fo od se rvices Alberta Hospishyta l Edmo nton

Noella Li 76 is aclinical dietitian wi th the

ictori a Hospital London

M eredith (Evans) Hea rtwe ll 77 is

teac hing in Mississauga

Deb Wey 77 is patient food se rvices manager at SI John Regio nal Hospi tal SI J()hn NB

Susan (junes ) Wilcox 77 is food se rvices

superviso r with the Baye re st Ce ntre for Ge riatric Care 0

A ThankYou The c lass of Mac 380 wishes to extend a

sincere thank you to all alumni who have con tributed to the Mac 38 0 Class Geronshy

to logy Scholarship Fund The gradua te s tudent scholarship in

the recently de ve loped area ot Ge ronto lo gy at FACS is being established by the class of 38D in recog nition of their 45th annivershy

sary in 1983 All Univers it y of Guelph grads are

in vited to parti c ipate in this project funds for which will be so li c ited until December

1984 [f you wish to con tribute please make you r cheq ue pay ab le to the Univers ity o f Guelph Alma Mater Fund specify that it is to be applied to the Mac 38 D Class Gerontology Scho larship Fund and mail to

the Deve lo pment Office Room 273 John shysto n Hall Uni ve rsity o f Gue lph Guelph

Ontario N IG 2W J Th an ks again for yo ur suppo rt from

Elle n Downie Mary Singer Doris Durran t and Jean Carter- the Mac 38 D sch o larship committee 0

In Memoria m We regret to announce the death of the following al umnus

Margaret L (MacKenzie) Smallwood 401) December 1982 in Lakeland Fla




The College of Physical Scie nce Alumni Association

SCIMP Editor Bob Winkel

phy sics grant selection committee of thc atural Sciences and Engineering Research

Council for two years he was intimately involved in all the major re search de velopshyments in Canada in this field Hc feels that his e lec tio n to the Royal Society of Canada will help raise the prot1le of high-energy physics in this co untry and lend stren gth to Canadian experimenters

The citation prepared for his nominashytion to the Royal Society of Canada reads

Professor Karl is a high energy the ori st whose work is widely recognized interna tionally His deep physical insight and hi s kn ow led ge of mathemati ca l methods led to the quark model of baryon resonances based on quantum chromoshydynamics which has been enormousl) successful in describing experimental reshysuits H is re sea rch is characterized by striking originality and an ability to COIll shy

bine basic ideas from different field s as in the predictions of a new effect - neutron optical activity

Gabriel Karl is married and has one daughter W hen he is not probing the sec re ts of the universe he indulges himself in music theatre and the fine arts

He visited the Unive rsity of Briti sh Columbia in Vanco uver in May for the induction ceremony into the Royal Society of Canada on the occas ion of the Annual Meeting of the Society It marked he sa id the culmination of a long string of benefits that [ ha ve enjoyed throughout the 23 years 1 have lived in Ca nada [ have every rea son to be very grateful to th is country D

Erratum In the Sprin g issue o r SCiMP it was erroneously reported in the c utline accompanyin g a pict ure of Departshyme nt of Physics student scholarship winners that they were the recipients of 0 er $ 1500 We dropped a zero The fi gure should have read $ 15000 Sorry about tha t Ed

Elected to Royal Society

Dr Cooiel Korl

The election of Dr Gabriel Karl to a Fellowship of the Roy al Society of Canada represents what one of hi s colleagues Dr Peter Egelstaff desc ribe s as a rare honour which reflects great credit not only on Dr Karl but also on the Uni versi tys Departshyment of Physics

The Royal Society of Canada founded in 1882 to promote learning and research in the arts and sciences has numbered among its Fellows virtually all of Canadas most distinguished intellectual le ade rs of the last J00 yea rs Standards are jealously guarded and Fello wships are awarded only as a result of outstanding world-class ach ieve ment

The rarity of the honour is indicated by the fact that at the Un iversity of Guelph whose faculty includes so many academics of international distinction only five had previously achieved a Fellows hip in the Royal Society of Canada These are Dr Howard Clark vice- pres ident academic Dr Bruce Sells dean College of Biologishycal Science Dr Peter Egclstaff Depart shyment of Physics Dr Do nald Masters Prof ssor Emeri tu s De part mcnt of History and Dr He rb Armstrong retired dean of Graduate Studies

As the sixth Dr Ga briel Karl will have the added di st inction of bei ng the first whose career has been sp ot excl us ively at the Un ivers ity of Guelph which agai n to

quote Dr Egelstaff marks a coming of age for the University

Gabriel Karl was born in Transylvania a province of Romania He obtained his B Sc in Chemistry at Romani as Univershysity of ClUJ worked for two years in industry and came to Canada in 1960 He attended graduate school at th e University of Toronto where he was awarded a Ph D in 1966 for a thesis on infrared luminesshycence following molecular colli sion Hi s Ph D supervisor was the distinguished physical chemist Dr John Polanyi

A two-year post-doctora l fellowship with the University of Torontos Depart shyment of Physics followed His mentors there were Drs J Van Kranendonk and Duk Poll who is now a professor with the Universi ty of Guelph s Depa rtment of Ph ys ics

In 1966 Dr Karl studied at the Uni versity of Oxford for two years under an NRC scho larship to study hadron spec troshyscopy and in 1969 he Joi ned the Univers itys Department of Phy sics achieving a full professorship only five years later

Dr Karls work has focussed on high energy physics - the physics of fundamen shytal particles This is an esoteric field involvshying research into the nature of matter The relatively few world leaders in thi s field tend to cluster around the half-dozen accelerators such as the $100 million four kilumete rshylon g hi gh-e nergy tunnel for accelerating electrons at Stanford University that have been built only in the US and Europe

There is no accelerator of this energy level in Canad a and fe w Canadian scie nshyti ~ts are working in this field Dr Ka rl s statu re in the international commu nity of particle physic ists is marked by his many visi ts to the world s major research ce ntres as guest speaker and to consult with his peers Referring to the time spent on thcse missions Dr Karl describes the Depart shym nt of Phys ics and his colleag ues as generouslyaccommodati ng shy

As cha irman of the h igh energy


Trapping The Suns Energy Excerpted from a Chemtrends article by Mary Cocivera

One predi ctabl e fac t about ind ustri ali z d

soc iety is that it will take more e nergy to

keep the whee ls ru nn ing smoothl y parti c ushy

larly because the world population is exshy

pected to dou ble to about n ine bill ion by the

year 2050

[n th search to augme nt tradi tio na l

sources o f e lectri ci ty two Departme nt of

Chemistry pro fessors ha ve tu rned their

atten ti on to the convers ion of solar energy to

electricity by photovultaie cel ls and photoshy

elec troc he mical systems T he developme nt

work at Guelph is a imed at improving the efficiency and stability of th se sy~tems and

reduc i ng the ir cos t

Si licon photovoltaic cells serve as a

reference for solar energy convers iun beshy

cause they were the fi rst such cells and to

date arc the most effic ient co nvert ing so lar

ne rgy into elec tr ic ity a t abo ut 15 per cem

effi c iency Arrays of crys tal li n sil icon ce lls present ly cos t in the nei ghborhood or

S$400 per sq uare metre to manufac ture

produc ing about 40 watts Photovo lta ic

thin- fi lm syste ms us ing semico nductors

o ther than single crysta l sil ic on are be ing

investigated in man y re~earc h ce ntre s

around the world

A pro mis ing approach is a cadmiui1l

sulfi dec uprous sul fide combi nat ion in

which the two sem ico nduc tors are laye red

on molybdenum the n covered w ith a transshyparent gold fil m T his thin-fi lm cons trucshy

tio n i ideal for solar devices explai ns

Profess ur Ro n Fawcett because large

surface areas are needed for maximum

exposu re to the sun

T he fabrication process devel oped by

Ro n and patented in 1980 in vo lve electroshy

depos iting cadmium sulfide o nto molybshy

denum then layering cuprous sulfide over the cadm ium sulfide by an ion exchange

process Finally the gold 11 1m is added by

vacuum de pos ition Ron es timates that

thi n-film de ices could be manufac tu red in

this way for about S$25 per squ are metre

E lectro pla ting of se m ic ondu ct ors

would enabl e photo voltai c dev ices to be

manu factured in a continuous process

rathe r than indi vidua lly as i required w ith

s ingle crysta l s ilic on Such ce lls ha ve

ach ieved conversio n of solar to electrica l

energy at an e ffi cienc y o f I per cent to date T he researchers are co nfide nt they can

achieve fi to 8 per cent cffi ieney compared

to the calcul ated max imum e ffi c iency of II

per cent Pro fessor Michae l oc ivera is ork ing

on photoe lec troc hem ical systems in which a

sem icond uctor electrode im mersed in an

elec tro lyte solution converts inci dent li g ht

into a n electric a l cu rren t Such se mishy

conductor lilju id junction cells offe r p racti shy

cal ad van tages because uf the sponta neom format ion o f a junc tio n I mproved effishy

ciency fo r po lycrysta lli ne sem iconductors

has been a hi eved in ce lb of th is type in part becau~e the liqu id estab li shes unshy

iformly good COntac t wi th the e l etrode

The li gh t -~ens it i ve electrode in photoshy

e lec trochem ical ce lls is a sem ic o nductor

e it her a thin-fi lm or s ingle c rysta l a tt ached

to a metal back ing the other e lec trode is an

inert me ta l T he e l ectrode~ are immersed in

~ n elect rol yte solutio n o f a mater ial that carl do nate and accep t elect rons The b igges t

prob lem with many li lj ui d junct io n ce lls

~ays Mike is photocorros iol1 of the su rshy

face of the se miconductor To overcome

thi s problem he is developing materi a ls and

techniques to coat the e lectrodes with proshy

tec tive materiab

The first liquid junction cells with a

sili con anode opera ted for only a matter of

seconds befo re the e lec trode was des troyed

by corrosion Researche rs at the Solar Energy Research Insti tu te in C o lorado

U SA have developed a silicon anode

w ith a polypyrro le protect ive coating which

can o perate for hund reds o f hours but that is

still not long eno ugh for a viable commershy

cia l syste m

M ike and his colleague are making a

syste matic study of compounds tha t wi ll

both protect the electrode from corrosion

and catal yze the elect rode rca tion They

arc now worki ng with organo me tall ic comshy

pounds co mpris ing a metal atom sulfur

and an aromatic co m pone nt containing a func tiona l group li ke hyd roxy l sul phonate

ammoni um and nitroso

hese compounds are effect ive beshy

ca use they prov ide a mechanism to transfer

a ch arge bet ween the se mi co nd uctor and the e lectro n donor in solut io n The coating mus t

also be transpilrent e nough to a llow the light

to s trike the photocleetrode

To date they ha ve suneeded in deshy

veloping fi ve coat ings su itab le fo r a variet y

or se miconduc tors incl uding the polyshy

crysta ll ine cadm ium su lfide e lectrodes fabshy

riltated by Ron Fawce tt s method If polyshy

crystalli ne elec trodes can be fab ri (a ted and

coated wi th a protec tive materia l electroshy

chemically they wi ll be relati ve ly inexpe nshy

ive to manufac ture If the tech niques and processe s be ing

inve ~l igated by Ron Fawce tt and Mike Coc ivera de ve lop to tht ir full poten tial the

su n cou ld beco me a more import ant supplier

o f e lectri city in Ca nada Long-range proshy

jectio ns suggest that about 10 per cent of No rth A m rican e lectr ic it y could be proshy

duced from solar convers ion

Elec tric ity fro m the sun is no longer a

pipe-dream-it is a reachable goa l n

Grad News Louise (Sandall) Platt BA 69 is living

in Islington and teaching for the Etobico ke

Board of Educati on

Alexander Barton BSc 70 MSc 74 is work ing on a Ph D deg ree in the

Departme nt of Fishe ries and W ildlife at

Orego n Sta te uni vers ity

Gerry Kupferschmidt BSc 70 MSc

71 is living at R R I Osgoodc and is

tmployed as a sc ientific ad ise r to the


Murray Ross Gingrich BSc 71 Ii ves in

Brampto n and is work ing as a probation

officer for the Ministry o f Correc tio nal


Robert Cross BSc 72 M D is workshy

ing in the emergency department o f the

So uth Muskoka Hospital in Bracebridge

Edda Duva (Home) Kerr BA 74 lives

in G ue lph and is working as a program

co-ordinator for Casatta Ltd in Kitchener

Deanne Ch)y BSc 78 Ii ves in Etob ishy

coke and is working as a public health

inspector for the Ham ilton Wentwo rth Reshy

gio nal Health Unit

Alex McDonald BSc 79 PhD 83 and his wife Rosanne ( DeNobriga) BSc

79 are living in Austi n Texas whil e Alex

is do ing post-doctoral work at the Unishy

vers ity o f Texas

Ste~en Oliver BSc 79 o f Hamilton is a

medica l sa les repre sentati ve with Cyanamid

Canada Inc

Gordon Knox BSc 79 is a con~ ul ta nt

with Inform ation Systems Serv ices in Vicshy

toria BC

George Gillson BSc 80 is taki ng a

Ph D in Anal ytica l C hemis try at the Uni shyve rsity of Alberta 0


The College o f Arts Alumni Associat ion

DELPHA Editor Debbie (Nash) Chambers 77

has no w acquired the Shaw Festival ArshyThe Deans Roundup chives on permanent deposit T his is an

Last fall I had the privilege of speakshy

ing to the direc tors of the University of G uelph Alumn i Assoc iation to bring them

up to date on some of the excit ing things connected with the College of Arts I am gratefu l to the editor of DELPHA for this

opportu nity to let alumni readers know what we are do ing

I am pleased to be able to report a subs tant ial increase in enrolment both in the

B A program and in the College o f Arts this past yea r What is especially nice is that this has coincided with a dec is ion to tighte n our

standards at the admissions level and in the regulations for continuatio n of study

In o rder to grad uate B A students

who entered the Spring 19~3 Semester will need to obtai n a C average in 60 per cent of the courses they take

Most of o ur students are doing thi s now and we do not antici pate this will pose any

problem for the students whom we are ad mitting Next year students en tering the

B A program will be required to have Grade 13 English and we are strongly encouraging them to offer a Mathematics credit o r o ne in French or ano ther language

Applications from students wish ing to enter the B A program in the Fall 1983 Semester

are up subs tantia lly over last yea r I also want to share with you some

ha ppenings which have brought special delight to me

The U ni ve rsi ty of Guelph Choir

under director Ge rald e ufeld won second prize in the 1982 CSC nation al chora l competition

In the Harbourfront a rt show last

sum mer three o f o ur students had works se lected by the jury and each won a prize shya better show ing than any of the other O nshy

tario universities or colleges which entend T he C anadian- American Urban Hisshy

tory Co nference held at G uelph in A ugust

1982 was a tremendous success bringing sc holars from many parts of the United States and Canada to discuss new trends in urban studies

Dean David Murray

In the space of just a few months I have seen seven books published by faculty in the Co llege The subjects include Rudyard

Kipl ing Greek Philosophy Urban History Evolution and Darwinism Reli gion and Tolerance the dramatist Gra nville Barker

and a nove l written in French Last summer also saw the completion

of a very successful facu lty exchange beshy

tween o ur Department of Eng lish and the

Uni vers ity of Reading in Britain Dr Leslie Monkman went to Reading for the year and Dr Coral Howell s visited Guelph This

opportunity enab led Dr Howells to study modern C anadian writers and she is now

working o n a book to be published in Britain o n Canadian women wri ters Dr

Mo nkman lectured on Canadian literature at various places in Britain and in France as well as in Reading

T hro ugh the e fforts of the Department of Drama and its chairman Dr Leonard

Conolly and C ollections Librarian Jo hn Moldenhauer 68 the Uni versi ty Library

ex tremely valuab le re sou rce for theatre

scholars a nd the Univers ity is ve ry pleased to have a closer connection with the Shaw Festi val The Drama Department also has

Professor Dan Laurence the world s leadshying Shaw scholar as a distinguished Visitshy

ing Professor lor the ra il Semester Two large conferences were organized

during the Spring and Summer by faculty

and students in the Co llege Professor Ted Cowan of the History Department was in charge of the Scottish Heritage Festival held in uelph in May The Fes tival was a

ce lebrati on of the S co t~ 1d their contribushytion~ to Canada

In Au gust the Uni vers ity will host a major conference o n Common wealth lite rashy

ture bringing writers and schol ars to Guelph from allover the Com monweal th Professor Doug K illam chairman of the Department of English and a number o f col leagues are

now busily preparing to welcome guests from around the world

Through our liaison programs we have pioneered special day - long seminars at the

niversity for gifted children in Wellington County T he se programs are part of o ur commitment to assist secondary schools in meeting the challe nges of special education

J know many o f you will also be interes ted in knowing that last sLi mmer the

College awarded three new scholarships two of the m honouring the cont ribution made by former faculty members J Percy

Sm ith and W Stanford Reid The other marked the first presentation of the Edward Johnson Music Foundation scholarships for students in the music program

We are al l ac ute ly co nscious of the

financial pressure affecting the UnivLr ~ ity

of Guelph and othe r Canadian unive rsities

But we mus t no t le t these pressures detract from the vision of academic excellence to

which we are committed J think you will agree from the exaln ~Jk middot ha ve cited that this vision continues to glow brightly in spite of our financial plight We hope we can

co ntinue to co unt on your advice and your suppurt 0


It Was a Very Good Year T he Direc tor or the College of Arts Alumni Assoc iation have had a bus y year In January we launched o ur hrst Caree rs i lglll for in -coure stude nlgt Thanks to the exce lle nce and enthusiasm of our pane l l1len1bcr the evening was a success

Careers Night is to become an annual event and we would appreciate you r particishypation Any Art s grads wh o wo uld like to

vo lunteer their expertise for the e vening please do not hesita te to contact us

The Directors were also busy a rshyranling the second an nu al art show shyDI MENSIO NS middotS3 Due to the treme nd ous response to DI M ENSIOtS 82 the art show co mmittee organized DIM ENSIO NS 83 as aJu ricd show We are hoping that nex t yea r we will be able to mount a photography show as well a an art sho w

As you are probably aware in 1970 Wellington College was reo rganized into the Colleges of Arts Physic al Sc ience and Socia l Science This year our Assoc iation was asked to se lect a new College logo Thankgt to Dean Dav id Murray and the Deans Counc il we were given permission to use the graphics on the College of Art s Gold Medal It can be see n in the masthead of thi s issue The logo was designed by Erich Barth art dire ctor Department of [nshyformation and enco mpasses the di verse di s shycipiJnes fou nd within the College of Arts

Grad News Catharine (Gilnerlson ) Scott 70 is a wage and salary anal ys t tnivers it y of Waterl oo

Linda la) Bell 72 i the assistant conshysultant for thlto gifted We llington County Boa rd of Education GueJph

Lynn Barbeau 74 is the curator Educa shytion and xtension Macdo nald Stewart Art

entre Guelph

Wltlynr WellJauler 75 is corpora te mar shyke ting manager Gore Mutua l In surance Company Cambridgc

Renate Fisc her 76 is a consultant with the Woods Gordon Divisio n of Cl arkson Go rdon Chartered Acco untants Kitchener

jane Morley O AC MSc 81 is a career co nsultant Counse llin g and Student Reshysource Centre Un iversity of Guelph

Through the generos ity of the Alma Mater Fund our Assoc iation has been able to e stablish nv e sc holars hip s Thre e DELPHA awards for Gue lph alumni to continue their slUdi es at the gradu ate level at the University and two awa rds for part-time mature students These awards are greatly appreciated by the students who have reshyce ived th e m

Congratulatio ns are th e order of the day for Juli e (Russe ll ) Thur 78 Associashytion past pre sident and Linda Mackenz ie shyCordi ck 8 1 Assocration secre tary treas shyurer on the birth of their daug hters in March We wi sh them joy in their yo ung-

David Dell 76 is the in fo rmation o ffic er Reg ion of Pee l Brmiddotampton

jeff Miller 82 is a s tage manager for Profes sional Theatres Toronto

The above eight alumni were panel )11ember-s at our first annual Careers sJ ig ht held ea rlier th i yea r On ce again we offer our sincere thanks for their pani ci pation

lhugarel Reare 68 is senior research o f hee l Minis try of th e Soli citor General Ottawd

William Thiels 73 is a sys te ms analyst with Eas tman Kodak CO Roche ster t Y US A

Shardie D SteHnson 77 is assistant marketing manager Marsh and 1cLennan Ltd Winnipeg Man

Donald Syme 77 is with marketing pe rsonne l IC F Sydne y Australia

sters and look forward to the ir continued help in the Assoc ia tion in the future

C Nould lik e to re mind our fell ow alu mni to jo in or renew their membership in our Association De hbie ( Nash) Cham bers 77 editor of DF LPH A wo uld lik e any Ideas lor future artick that vould catch your interes t Our Assoc iati o n would also apprec ia te heari ng from you re gardin g eve nts that you wou ld be interested in attending Pl ease drop us a line in order that we may serve you better thus ~ eeping the line of co mmunic ation oren bet ween you and yo ur Alma v1ater

In closing I would like to acknowlmiddot edge With great a pprec iati o n the a istance that has been o ffclTU our Board of Direc tors over the pasl year

As al ways Dea n David Murray has bee n a va lued ad visor I wo uld li ke to thank Professor Ted Cowa n Department o f History for his Sprin g 19K3 OEPHA article on the Scottish Heritage Festival and Judy (Ma in) Ca rson 75 for he r help in preparalron of feature articles Spec ial thank s arc also ex tended to Rosemary Clark Mac 59 Asis tant Director Proshyg rams Dep artment of Alumni Affairs and Deve lopment and our Board of Directo rs who have wo rk ed so hard to mak e thi s a successful year

The term of 19X2-B3 has been a very grati fying one for all mem bers of the Associations Boa rd o t Directors We loo k for ward to 19K3-K4 anJ hope to hear from you Q

J ane Francis 78 is With Ilublic relations Vancouver Stock EXchange Vancou ver B C

Jonie Bunce 79 is a teacher 01 Art English and Thcatre Arts at 1 A Turn er Secondary School BrdrllptOl

Deborah Salmon 79 is married to Richard Light BS( 80 and li ves in Japanec Shc worb for the Empl o) mc nt and Im migrati on Commi ssion dnd Ri chlrJ works for a darrv in Kin gs to n

Shelagh Stevens 79 it station U)lllrshytwlle r Department o f -J atiunal [dc nce in f ova Slmiddototia

lidwtl Glanb 81 is a supervisor mar shyke ting comrlluni~ations Pitney-Bowe s oj

Canada Ltd Don Mill s

john (llanllllUnd ) Zelasko 81 rs ~ I

courtr(lOrn artist WKBW Buffalo New Ymk US I C



Alumnus of

Honollr 1983

Helen Christine AbeD Mac 38D

Amo ng the forerunners in the fie ld of rural soc iol ogy not only in Canada

but throughout the world and with a long career as a professor in numerous un iversities ac ross Canada Dr Helen C Abell has und oubted ly do ne much to promote a world -w ide reputation for her Alma Mater

Dr Abell has been most active in a numbe r of United Nat io ns programs designed to foster development of th ose in the Third World countrie s Although os ten sibl y retired she still co nt inues her wo rk as a cons ult ant in Socio-Economic De ve lopme nt assisti ng in develop ing sho rt -term project s as the occasion ari ses

As well as a Macdona ld Ins titu te Diploshyma Dr Abell obtained a BHSc (H ome Economics) from the Universi ty of Toro nto in 1941 and an MS (Human Nutrition) and a Ph D (major Rural Sociology and Agri cul shytural Economics) from Cornell University in 1947 and 1951 re specti vel y 0

Page 31: Guelph Alumnus Magazine, Summer 1983

The College of Physical Scie nce Alumni Association

SCIMP Editor Bob Winkel

phy sics grant selection committee of thc atural Sciences and Engineering Research

Council for two years he was intimately involved in all the major re search de velopshyments in Canada in this field Hc feels that his e lec tio n to the Royal Society of Canada will help raise the prot1le of high-energy physics in this co untry and lend stren gth to Canadian experimenters

The citation prepared for his nominashytion to the Royal Society of Canada reads

Professor Karl is a high energy the ori st whose work is widely recognized interna tionally His deep physical insight and hi s kn ow led ge of mathemati ca l methods led to the quark model of baryon resonances based on quantum chromoshydynamics which has been enormousl) successful in describing experimental reshysuits H is re sea rch is characterized by striking originality and an ability to COIll shy

bine basic ideas from different field s as in the predictions of a new effect - neutron optical activity

Gabriel Karl is married and has one daughter W hen he is not probing the sec re ts of the universe he indulges himself in music theatre and the fine arts

He visited the Unive rsity of Briti sh Columbia in Vanco uver in May for the induction ceremony into the Royal Society of Canada on the occas ion of the Annual Meeting of the Society It marked he sa id the culmination of a long string of benefits that [ ha ve enjoyed throughout the 23 years 1 have lived in Ca nada [ have every rea son to be very grateful to th is country D

Erratum In the Sprin g issue o r SCiMP it was erroneously reported in the c utline accompanyin g a pict ure of Departshyme nt of Physics student scholarship winners that they were the recipients of 0 er $ 1500 We dropped a zero The fi gure should have read $ 15000 Sorry about tha t Ed

Elected to Royal Society

Dr Cooiel Korl

The election of Dr Gabriel Karl to a Fellowship of the Roy al Society of Canada represents what one of hi s colleagues Dr Peter Egelstaff desc ribe s as a rare honour which reflects great credit not only on Dr Karl but also on the Uni versi tys Departshyment of Physics

The Royal Society of Canada founded in 1882 to promote learning and research in the arts and sciences has numbered among its Fellows virtually all of Canadas most distinguished intellectual le ade rs of the last J00 yea rs Standards are jealously guarded and Fello wships are awarded only as a result of outstanding world-class ach ieve ment

The rarity of the honour is indicated by the fact that at the Un iversity of Guelph whose faculty includes so many academics of international distinction only five had previously achieved a Fellows hip in the Royal Society of Canada These are Dr Howard Clark vice- pres ident academic Dr Bruce Sells dean College of Biologishycal Science Dr Peter Egclstaff Depart shyment of Physics Dr Do nald Masters Prof ssor Emeri tu s De part mcnt of History and Dr He rb Armstrong retired dean of Graduate Studies

As the sixth Dr Ga briel Karl will have the added di st inction of bei ng the first whose career has been sp ot excl us ively at the Un ivers ity of Guelph which agai n to

quote Dr Egelstaff marks a coming of age for the University

Gabriel Karl was born in Transylvania a province of Romania He obtained his B Sc in Chemistry at Romani as Univershysity of ClUJ worked for two years in industry and came to Canada in 1960 He attended graduate school at th e University of Toronto where he was awarded a Ph D in 1966 for a thesis on infrared luminesshycence following molecular colli sion Hi s Ph D supervisor was the distinguished physical chemist Dr John Polanyi

A two-year post-doctora l fellowship with the University of Torontos Depart shyment of Physics followed His mentors there were Drs J Van Kranendonk and Duk Poll who is now a professor with the Universi ty of Guelph s Depa rtment of Ph ys ics

In 1966 Dr Karl studied at the Uni versity of Oxford for two years under an NRC scho larship to study hadron spec troshyscopy and in 1969 he Joi ned the Univers itys Department of Phy sics achieving a full professorship only five years later

Dr Karls work has focussed on high energy physics - the physics of fundamen shytal particles This is an esoteric field involvshying research into the nature of matter The relatively few world leaders in thi s field tend to cluster around the half-dozen accelerators such as the $100 million four kilumete rshylon g hi gh-e nergy tunnel for accelerating electrons at Stanford University that have been built only in the US and Europe

There is no accelerator of this energy level in Canad a and fe w Canadian scie nshyti ~ts are working in this field Dr Ka rl s statu re in the international commu nity of particle physic ists is marked by his many visi ts to the world s major research ce ntres as guest speaker and to consult with his peers Referring to the time spent on thcse missions Dr Karl describes the Depart shym nt of Phys ics and his colleag ues as generouslyaccommodati ng shy

As cha irman of the h igh energy


Trapping The Suns Energy Excerpted from a Chemtrends article by Mary Cocivera

One predi ctabl e fac t about ind ustri ali z d

soc iety is that it will take more e nergy to

keep the whee ls ru nn ing smoothl y parti c ushy

larly because the world population is exshy

pected to dou ble to about n ine bill ion by the

year 2050

[n th search to augme nt tradi tio na l

sources o f e lectri ci ty two Departme nt of

Chemistry pro fessors ha ve tu rned their

atten ti on to the convers ion of solar energy to

electricity by photovultaie cel ls and photoshy

elec troc he mical systems T he developme nt

work at Guelph is a imed at improving the efficiency and stability of th se sy~tems and

reduc i ng the ir cos t

Si licon photovoltaic cells serve as a

reference for solar energy convers iun beshy

cause they were the fi rst such cells and to

date arc the most effic ient co nvert ing so lar

ne rgy into elec tr ic ity a t abo ut 15 per cem

effi c iency Arrays of crys tal li n sil icon ce lls present ly cos t in the nei ghborhood or

S$400 per sq uare metre to manufac ture

produc ing about 40 watts Photovo lta ic

thin- fi lm syste ms us ing semico nductors

o ther than single crysta l sil ic on are be ing

investigated in man y re~earc h ce ntre s

around the world

A pro mis ing approach is a cadmiui1l

sulfi dec uprous sul fide combi nat ion in

which the two sem ico nduc tors are laye red

on molybdenum the n covered w ith a transshyparent gold fil m T his thin-fi lm cons trucshy

tio n i ideal for solar devices explai ns

Profess ur Ro n Fawcett because large

surface areas are needed for maximum

exposu re to the sun

T he fabrication process devel oped by

Ro n and patented in 1980 in vo lve electroshy

depos iting cadmium sulfide o nto molybshy

denum then layering cuprous sulfide over the cadm ium sulfide by an ion exchange

process Finally the gold 11 1m is added by

vacuum de pos ition Ron es timates that

thi n-film de ices could be manufac tu red in

this way for about S$25 per squ are metre

E lectro pla ting of se m ic ondu ct ors

would enabl e photo voltai c dev ices to be

manu factured in a continuous process

rathe r than indi vidua lly as i required w ith

s ingle crysta l s ilic on Such ce lls ha ve

ach ieved conversio n of solar to electrica l

energy at an e ffi cienc y o f I per cent to date T he researchers are co nfide nt they can

achieve fi to 8 per cent cffi ieney compared

to the calcul ated max imum e ffi c iency of II

per cent Pro fessor Michae l oc ivera is ork ing

on photoe lec troc hem ical systems in which a

sem icond uctor electrode im mersed in an

elec tro lyte solution converts inci dent li g ht

into a n electric a l cu rren t Such se mishy

conductor lilju id junction cells offe r p racti shy

cal ad van tages because uf the sponta neom format ion o f a junc tio n I mproved effishy

ciency fo r po lycrysta lli ne sem iconductors

has been a hi eved in ce lb of th is type in part becau~e the liqu id estab li shes unshy

iformly good COntac t wi th the e l etrode

The li gh t -~ens it i ve electrode in photoshy

e lec trochem ical ce lls is a sem ic o nductor

e it her a thin-fi lm or s ingle c rysta l a tt ached

to a metal back ing the other e lec trode is an

inert me ta l T he e l ectrode~ are immersed in

~ n elect rol yte solutio n o f a mater ial that carl do nate and accep t elect rons The b igges t

prob lem with many li lj ui d junct io n ce lls

~ays Mike is photocorros iol1 of the su rshy

face of the se miconductor To overcome

thi s problem he is developing materi a ls and

techniques to coat the e lectrodes with proshy

tec tive materiab

The first liquid junction cells with a

sili con anode opera ted for only a matter of

seconds befo re the e lec trode was des troyed

by corrosion Researche rs at the Solar Energy Research Insti tu te in C o lorado

U SA have developed a silicon anode

w ith a polypyrro le protect ive coating which

can o perate for hund reds o f hours but that is

still not long eno ugh for a viable commershy

cia l syste m

M ike and his colleague are making a

syste matic study of compounds tha t wi ll

both protect the electrode from corrosion

and catal yze the elect rode rca tion They

arc now worki ng with organo me tall ic comshy

pounds co mpris ing a metal atom sulfur

and an aromatic co m pone nt containing a func tiona l group li ke hyd roxy l sul phonate

ammoni um and nitroso

hese compounds are effect ive beshy

ca use they prov ide a mechanism to transfer

a ch arge bet ween the se mi co nd uctor and the e lectro n donor in solut io n The coating mus t

also be transpilrent e nough to a llow the light

to s trike the photocleetrode

To date they ha ve suneeded in deshy

veloping fi ve coat ings su itab le fo r a variet y

or se miconduc tors incl uding the polyshy

crysta ll ine cadm ium su lfide e lectrodes fabshy

riltated by Ron Fawce tt s method If polyshy

crystalli ne elec trodes can be fab ri (a ted and

coated wi th a protec tive materia l electroshy

chemically they wi ll be relati ve ly inexpe nshy

ive to manufac ture If the tech niques and processe s be ing

inve ~l igated by Ron Fawce tt and Mike Coc ivera de ve lop to tht ir full poten tial the

su n cou ld beco me a more import ant supplier

o f e lectri city in Ca nada Long-range proshy

jectio ns suggest that about 10 per cent of No rth A m rican e lectr ic it y could be proshy

duced from solar convers ion

Elec tric ity fro m the sun is no longer a

pipe-dream-it is a reachable goa l n

Grad News Louise (Sandall) Platt BA 69 is living

in Islington and teaching for the Etobico ke

Board of Educati on

Alexander Barton BSc 70 MSc 74 is work ing on a Ph D deg ree in the

Departme nt of Fishe ries and W ildlife at

Orego n Sta te uni vers ity

Gerry Kupferschmidt BSc 70 MSc

71 is living at R R I Osgoodc and is

tmployed as a sc ientific ad ise r to the


Murray Ross Gingrich BSc 71 Ii ves in

Brampto n and is work ing as a probation

officer for the Ministry o f Correc tio nal


Robert Cross BSc 72 M D is workshy

ing in the emergency department o f the

So uth Muskoka Hospital in Bracebridge

Edda Duva (Home) Kerr BA 74 lives

in G ue lph and is working as a program

co-ordinator for Casatta Ltd in Kitchener

Deanne Ch)y BSc 78 Ii ves in Etob ishy

coke and is working as a public health

inspector for the Ham ilton Wentwo rth Reshy

gio nal Health Unit

Alex McDonald BSc 79 PhD 83 and his wife Rosanne ( DeNobriga) BSc

79 are living in Austi n Texas whil e Alex

is do ing post-doctoral work at the Unishy

vers ity o f Texas

Ste~en Oliver BSc 79 o f Hamilton is a

medica l sa les repre sentati ve with Cyanamid

Canada Inc

Gordon Knox BSc 79 is a con~ ul ta nt

with Inform ation Systems Serv ices in Vicshy

toria BC

George Gillson BSc 80 is taki ng a

Ph D in Anal ytica l C hemis try at the Uni shyve rsity of Alberta 0


The College o f Arts Alumni Associat ion

DELPHA Editor Debbie (Nash) Chambers 77

has no w acquired the Shaw Festival ArshyThe Deans Roundup chives on permanent deposit T his is an

Last fall I had the privilege of speakshy

ing to the direc tors of the University of G uelph Alumn i Assoc iation to bring them

up to date on some of the excit ing things connected with the College of Arts I am gratefu l to the editor of DELPHA for this

opportu nity to let alumni readers know what we are do ing

I am pleased to be able to report a subs tant ial increase in enrolment both in the

B A program and in the College o f Arts this past yea r What is especially nice is that this has coincided with a dec is ion to tighte n our

standards at the admissions level and in the regulations for continuatio n of study

In o rder to grad uate B A students

who entered the Spring 19~3 Semester will need to obtai n a C average in 60 per cent of the courses they take

Most of o ur students are doing thi s now and we do not antici pate this will pose any

problem for the students whom we are ad mitting Next year students en tering the

B A program will be required to have Grade 13 English and we are strongly encouraging them to offer a Mathematics credit o r o ne in French or ano ther language

Applications from students wish ing to enter the B A program in the Fall 1983 Semester

are up subs tantia lly over last yea r I also want to share with you some

ha ppenings which have brought special delight to me

The U ni ve rsi ty of Guelph Choir

under director Ge rald e ufeld won second prize in the 1982 CSC nation al chora l competition

In the Harbourfront a rt show last

sum mer three o f o ur students had works se lected by the jury and each won a prize shya better show ing than any of the other O nshy

tario universities or colleges which entend T he C anadian- American Urban Hisshy

tory Co nference held at G uelph in A ugust

1982 was a tremendous success bringing sc holars from many parts of the United States and Canada to discuss new trends in urban studies

Dean David Murray

In the space of just a few months I have seen seven books published by faculty in the Co llege The subjects include Rudyard

Kipl ing Greek Philosophy Urban History Evolution and Darwinism Reli gion and Tolerance the dramatist Gra nville Barker

and a nove l written in French Last summer also saw the completion

of a very successful facu lty exchange beshy

tween o ur Department of Eng lish and the

Uni vers ity of Reading in Britain Dr Leslie Monkman went to Reading for the year and Dr Coral Howell s visited Guelph This

opportunity enab led Dr Howells to study modern C anadian writers and she is now

working o n a book to be published in Britain o n Canadian women wri ters Dr

Mo nkman lectured on Canadian literature at various places in Britain and in France as well as in Reading

T hro ugh the e fforts of the Department of Drama and its chairman Dr Leonard

Conolly and C ollections Librarian Jo hn Moldenhauer 68 the Uni versi ty Library

ex tremely valuab le re sou rce for theatre

scholars a nd the Univers ity is ve ry pleased to have a closer connection with the Shaw Festi val The Drama Department also has

Professor Dan Laurence the world s leadshying Shaw scholar as a distinguished Visitshy

ing Professor lor the ra il Semester Two large conferences were organized

during the Spring and Summer by faculty

and students in the Co llege Professor Ted Cowan of the History Department was in charge of the Scottish Heritage Festival held in uelph in May The Fes tival was a

ce lebrati on of the S co t~ 1d their contribushytion~ to Canada

In Au gust the Uni vers ity will host a major conference o n Common wealth lite rashy

ture bringing writers and schol ars to Guelph from allover the Com monweal th Professor Doug K illam chairman of the Department of English and a number o f col leagues are

now busily preparing to welcome guests from around the world

Through our liaison programs we have pioneered special day - long seminars at the

niversity for gifted children in Wellington County T he se programs are part of o ur commitment to assist secondary schools in meeting the challe nges of special education

J know many o f you will also be interes ted in knowing that last sLi mmer the

College awarded three new scholarships two of the m honouring the cont ribution made by former faculty members J Percy

Sm ith and W Stanford Reid The other marked the first presentation of the Edward Johnson Music Foundation scholarships for students in the music program

We are al l ac ute ly co nscious of the

financial pressure affecting the UnivLr ~ ity

of Guelph and othe r Canadian unive rsities

But we mus t no t le t these pressures detract from the vision of academic excellence to

which we are committed J think you will agree from the exaln ~Jk middot ha ve cited that this vision continues to glow brightly in spite of our financial plight We hope we can

co ntinue to co unt on your advice and your suppurt 0


It Was a Very Good Year T he Direc tor or the College of Arts Alumni Assoc iation have had a bus y year In January we launched o ur hrst Caree rs i lglll for in -coure stude nlgt Thanks to the exce lle nce and enthusiasm of our pane l l1len1bcr the evening was a success

Careers Night is to become an annual event and we would appreciate you r particishypation Any Art s grads wh o wo uld like to

vo lunteer their expertise for the e vening please do not hesita te to contact us

The Directors were also busy a rshyranling the second an nu al art show shyDI MENSIO NS middotS3 Due to the treme nd ous response to DI M ENSIOtS 82 the art show co mmittee organized DIM ENSIO NS 83 as aJu ricd show We are hoping that nex t yea r we will be able to mount a photography show as well a an art sho w

As you are probably aware in 1970 Wellington College was reo rganized into the Colleges of Arts Physic al Sc ience and Socia l Science This year our Assoc iation was asked to se lect a new College logo Thankgt to Dean Dav id Murray and the Deans Counc il we were given permission to use the graphics on the College of Art s Gold Medal It can be see n in the masthead of thi s issue The logo was designed by Erich Barth art dire ctor Department of [nshyformation and enco mpasses the di verse di s shycipiJnes fou nd within the College of Arts

Grad News Catharine (Gilnerlson ) Scott 70 is a wage and salary anal ys t tnivers it y of Waterl oo

Linda la) Bell 72 i the assistant conshysultant for thlto gifted We llington County Boa rd of Education GueJph

Lynn Barbeau 74 is the curator Educa shytion and xtension Macdo nald Stewart Art

entre Guelph

Wltlynr WellJauler 75 is corpora te mar shyke ting manager Gore Mutua l In surance Company Cambridgc

Renate Fisc her 76 is a consultant with the Woods Gordon Divisio n of Cl arkson Go rdon Chartered Acco untants Kitchener

jane Morley O AC MSc 81 is a career co nsultant Counse llin g and Student Reshysource Centre Un iversity of Guelph

Through the generos ity of the Alma Mater Fund our Assoc iation has been able to e stablish nv e sc holars hip s Thre e DELPHA awards for Gue lph alumni to continue their slUdi es at the gradu ate level at the University and two awa rds for part-time mature students These awards are greatly appreciated by the students who have reshyce ived th e m

Congratulatio ns are th e order of the day for Juli e (Russe ll ) Thur 78 Associashytion past pre sident and Linda Mackenz ie shyCordi ck 8 1 Assocration secre tary treas shyurer on the birth of their daug hters in March We wi sh them joy in their yo ung-

David Dell 76 is the in fo rmation o ffic er Reg ion of Pee l Brmiddotampton

jeff Miller 82 is a s tage manager for Profes sional Theatres Toronto

The above eight alumni were panel )11ember-s at our first annual Careers sJ ig ht held ea rlier th i yea r On ce again we offer our sincere thanks for their pani ci pation

lhugarel Reare 68 is senior research o f hee l Minis try of th e Soli citor General Ottawd

William Thiels 73 is a sys te ms analyst with Eas tman Kodak CO Roche ster t Y US A

Shardie D SteHnson 77 is assistant marketing manager Marsh and 1cLennan Ltd Winnipeg Man

Donald Syme 77 is with marketing pe rsonne l IC F Sydne y Australia

sters and look forward to the ir continued help in the Assoc ia tion in the future

C Nould lik e to re mind our fell ow alu mni to jo in or renew their membership in our Association De hbie ( Nash) Cham bers 77 editor of DF LPH A wo uld lik e any Ideas lor future artick that vould catch your interes t Our Assoc iati o n would also apprec ia te heari ng from you re gardin g eve nts that you wou ld be interested in attending Pl ease drop us a line in order that we may serve you better thus ~ eeping the line of co mmunic ation oren bet ween you and yo ur Alma v1ater

In closing I would like to acknowlmiddot edge With great a pprec iati o n the a istance that has been o ffclTU our Board of Direc tors over the pasl year

As al ways Dea n David Murray has bee n a va lued ad visor I wo uld li ke to thank Professor Ted Cowa n Department o f History for his Sprin g 19K3 OEPHA article on the Scottish Heritage Festival and Judy (Ma in) Ca rson 75 for he r help in preparalron of feature articles Spec ial thank s arc also ex tended to Rosemary Clark Mac 59 Asis tant Director Proshyg rams Dep artment of Alumni Affairs and Deve lopment and our Board of Directo rs who have wo rk ed so hard to mak e thi s a successful year

The term of 19X2-B3 has been a very grati fying one for all mem bers of the Associations Boa rd o t Directors We loo k for ward to 19K3-K4 anJ hope to hear from you Q

J ane Francis 78 is With Ilublic relations Vancouver Stock EXchange Vancou ver B C

Jonie Bunce 79 is a teacher 01 Art English and Thcatre Arts at 1 A Turn er Secondary School BrdrllptOl

Deborah Salmon 79 is married to Richard Light BS( 80 and li ves in Japanec Shc worb for the Empl o) mc nt and Im migrati on Commi ssion dnd Ri chlrJ works for a darrv in Kin gs to n

Shelagh Stevens 79 it station U)lllrshytwlle r Department o f -J atiunal [dc nce in f ova Slmiddototia

lidwtl Glanb 81 is a supervisor mar shyke ting comrlluni~ations Pitney-Bowe s oj

Canada Ltd Don Mill s

john (llanllllUnd ) Zelasko 81 rs ~ I

courtr(lOrn artist WKBW Buffalo New Ymk US I C



Alumnus of

Honollr 1983

Helen Christine AbeD Mac 38D

Amo ng the forerunners in the fie ld of rural soc iol ogy not only in Canada

but throughout the world and with a long career as a professor in numerous un iversities ac ross Canada Dr Helen C Abell has und oubted ly do ne much to promote a world -w ide reputation for her Alma Mater

Dr Abell has been most active in a numbe r of United Nat io ns programs designed to foster development of th ose in the Third World countrie s Although os ten sibl y retired she still co nt inues her wo rk as a cons ult ant in Socio-Economic De ve lopme nt assisti ng in develop ing sho rt -term project s as the occasion ari ses

As well as a Macdona ld Ins titu te Diploshyma Dr Abell obtained a BHSc (H ome Economics) from the Universi ty of Toro nto in 1941 and an MS (Human Nutrition) and a Ph D (major Rural Sociology and Agri cul shytural Economics) from Cornell University in 1947 and 1951 re specti vel y 0

Page 32: Guelph Alumnus Magazine, Summer 1983

Trapping The Suns Energy Excerpted from a Chemtrends article by Mary Cocivera

One predi ctabl e fac t about ind ustri ali z d

soc iety is that it will take more e nergy to

keep the whee ls ru nn ing smoothl y parti c ushy

larly because the world population is exshy

pected to dou ble to about n ine bill ion by the

year 2050

[n th search to augme nt tradi tio na l

sources o f e lectri ci ty two Departme nt of

Chemistry pro fessors ha ve tu rned their

atten ti on to the convers ion of solar energy to

electricity by photovultaie cel ls and photoshy

elec troc he mical systems T he developme nt

work at Guelph is a imed at improving the efficiency and stability of th se sy~tems and

reduc i ng the ir cos t

Si licon photovoltaic cells serve as a

reference for solar energy convers iun beshy

cause they were the fi rst such cells and to

date arc the most effic ient co nvert ing so lar

ne rgy into elec tr ic ity a t abo ut 15 per cem

effi c iency Arrays of crys tal li n sil icon ce lls present ly cos t in the nei ghborhood or

S$400 per sq uare metre to manufac ture

produc ing about 40 watts Photovo lta ic

thin- fi lm syste ms us ing semico nductors

o ther than single crysta l sil ic on are be ing

investigated in man y re~earc h ce ntre s

around the world

A pro mis ing approach is a cadmiui1l

sulfi dec uprous sul fide combi nat ion in

which the two sem ico nduc tors are laye red

on molybdenum the n covered w ith a transshyparent gold fil m T his thin-fi lm cons trucshy

tio n i ideal for solar devices explai ns

Profess ur Ro n Fawcett because large

surface areas are needed for maximum

exposu re to the sun

T he fabrication process devel oped by

Ro n and patented in 1980 in vo lve electroshy

depos iting cadmium sulfide o nto molybshy

denum then layering cuprous sulfide over the cadm ium sulfide by an ion exchange

process Finally the gold 11 1m is added by

vacuum de pos ition Ron es timates that

thi n-film de ices could be manufac tu red in

this way for about S$25 per squ are metre

E lectro pla ting of se m ic ondu ct ors

would enabl e photo voltai c dev ices to be

manu factured in a continuous process

rathe r than indi vidua lly as i required w ith

s ingle crysta l s ilic on Such ce lls ha ve

ach ieved conversio n of solar to electrica l

energy at an e ffi cienc y o f I per cent to date T he researchers are co nfide nt they can

achieve fi to 8 per cent cffi ieney compared

to the calcul ated max imum e ffi c iency of II

per cent Pro fessor Michae l oc ivera is ork ing

on photoe lec troc hem ical systems in which a

sem icond uctor electrode im mersed in an

elec tro lyte solution converts inci dent li g ht

into a n electric a l cu rren t Such se mishy

conductor lilju id junction cells offe r p racti shy

cal ad van tages because uf the sponta neom format ion o f a junc tio n I mproved effishy

ciency fo r po lycrysta lli ne sem iconductors

has been a hi eved in ce lb of th is type in part becau~e the liqu id estab li shes unshy

iformly good COntac t wi th the e l etrode

The li gh t -~ens it i ve electrode in photoshy

e lec trochem ical ce lls is a sem ic o nductor

e it her a thin-fi lm or s ingle c rysta l a tt ached

to a metal back ing the other e lec trode is an

inert me ta l T he e l ectrode~ are immersed in

~ n elect rol yte solutio n o f a mater ial that carl do nate and accep t elect rons The b igges t

prob lem with many li lj ui d junct io n ce lls

~ays Mike is photocorros iol1 of the su rshy

face of the se miconductor To overcome

thi s problem he is developing materi a ls and

techniques to coat the e lectrodes with proshy

tec tive materiab

The first liquid junction cells with a

sili con anode opera ted for only a matter of

seconds befo re the e lec trode was des troyed

by corrosion Researche rs at the Solar Energy Research Insti tu te in C o lorado

U SA have developed a silicon anode

w ith a polypyrro le protect ive coating which

can o perate for hund reds o f hours but that is

still not long eno ugh for a viable commershy

cia l syste m

M ike and his colleague are making a

syste matic study of compounds tha t wi ll

both protect the electrode from corrosion

and catal yze the elect rode rca tion They

arc now worki ng with organo me tall ic comshy

pounds co mpris ing a metal atom sulfur

and an aromatic co m pone nt containing a func tiona l group li ke hyd roxy l sul phonate

ammoni um and nitroso

hese compounds are effect ive beshy

ca use they prov ide a mechanism to transfer

a ch arge bet ween the se mi co nd uctor and the e lectro n donor in solut io n The coating mus t

also be transpilrent e nough to a llow the light

to s trike the photocleetrode

To date they ha ve suneeded in deshy

veloping fi ve coat ings su itab le fo r a variet y

or se miconduc tors incl uding the polyshy

crysta ll ine cadm ium su lfide e lectrodes fabshy

riltated by Ron Fawce tt s method If polyshy

crystalli ne elec trodes can be fab ri (a ted and

coated wi th a protec tive materia l electroshy

chemically they wi ll be relati ve ly inexpe nshy

ive to manufac ture If the tech niques and processe s be ing

inve ~l igated by Ron Fawce tt and Mike Coc ivera de ve lop to tht ir full poten tial the

su n cou ld beco me a more import ant supplier

o f e lectri city in Ca nada Long-range proshy

jectio ns suggest that about 10 per cent of No rth A m rican e lectr ic it y could be proshy

duced from solar convers ion

Elec tric ity fro m the sun is no longer a

pipe-dream-it is a reachable goa l n

Grad News Louise (Sandall) Platt BA 69 is living

in Islington and teaching for the Etobico ke

Board of Educati on

Alexander Barton BSc 70 MSc 74 is work ing on a Ph D deg ree in the

Departme nt of Fishe ries and W ildlife at

Orego n Sta te uni vers ity

Gerry Kupferschmidt BSc 70 MSc

71 is living at R R I Osgoodc and is

tmployed as a sc ientific ad ise r to the


Murray Ross Gingrich BSc 71 Ii ves in

Brampto n and is work ing as a probation

officer for the Ministry o f Correc tio nal


Robert Cross BSc 72 M D is workshy

ing in the emergency department o f the

So uth Muskoka Hospital in Bracebridge

Edda Duva (Home) Kerr BA 74 lives

in G ue lph and is working as a program

co-ordinator for Casatta Ltd in Kitchener

Deanne Ch)y BSc 78 Ii ves in Etob ishy

coke and is working as a public health

inspector for the Ham ilton Wentwo rth Reshy

gio nal Health Unit

Alex McDonald BSc 79 PhD 83 and his wife Rosanne ( DeNobriga) BSc

79 are living in Austi n Texas whil e Alex

is do ing post-doctoral work at the Unishy

vers ity o f Texas

Ste~en Oliver BSc 79 o f Hamilton is a

medica l sa les repre sentati ve with Cyanamid

Canada Inc

Gordon Knox BSc 79 is a con~ ul ta nt

with Inform ation Systems Serv ices in Vicshy

toria BC

George Gillson BSc 80 is taki ng a

Ph D in Anal ytica l C hemis try at the Uni shyve rsity of Alberta 0


The College o f Arts Alumni Associat ion

DELPHA Editor Debbie (Nash) Chambers 77

has no w acquired the Shaw Festival ArshyThe Deans Roundup chives on permanent deposit T his is an

Last fall I had the privilege of speakshy

ing to the direc tors of the University of G uelph Alumn i Assoc iation to bring them

up to date on some of the excit ing things connected with the College of Arts I am gratefu l to the editor of DELPHA for this

opportu nity to let alumni readers know what we are do ing

I am pleased to be able to report a subs tant ial increase in enrolment both in the

B A program and in the College o f Arts this past yea r What is especially nice is that this has coincided with a dec is ion to tighte n our

standards at the admissions level and in the regulations for continuatio n of study

In o rder to grad uate B A students

who entered the Spring 19~3 Semester will need to obtai n a C average in 60 per cent of the courses they take

Most of o ur students are doing thi s now and we do not antici pate this will pose any

problem for the students whom we are ad mitting Next year students en tering the

B A program will be required to have Grade 13 English and we are strongly encouraging them to offer a Mathematics credit o r o ne in French or ano ther language

Applications from students wish ing to enter the B A program in the Fall 1983 Semester

are up subs tantia lly over last yea r I also want to share with you some

ha ppenings which have brought special delight to me

The U ni ve rsi ty of Guelph Choir

under director Ge rald e ufeld won second prize in the 1982 CSC nation al chora l competition

In the Harbourfront a rt show last

sum mer three o f o ur students had works se lected by the jury and each won a prize shya better show ing than any of the other O nshy

tario universities or colleges which entend T he C anadian- American Urban Hisshy

tory Co nference held at G uelph in A ugust

1982 was a tremendous success bringing sc holars from many parts of the United States and Canada to discuss new trends in urban studies

Dean David Murray

In the space of just a few months I have seen seven books published by faculty in the Co llege The subjects include Rudyard

Kipl ing Greek Philosophy Urban History Evolution and Darwinism Reli gion and Tolerance the dramatist Gra nville Barker

and a nove l written in French Last summer also saw the completion

of a very successful facu lty exchange beshy

tween o ur Department of Eng lish and the

Uni vers ity of Reading in Britain Dr Leslie Monkman went to Reading for the year and Dr Coral Howell s visited Guelph This

opportunity enab led Dr Howells to study modern C anadian writers and she is now

working o n a book to be published in Britain o n Canadian women wri ters Dr

Mo nkman lectured on Canadian literature at various places in Britain and in France as well as in Reading

T hro ugh the e fforts of the Department of Drama and its chairman Dr Leonard

Conolly and C ollections Librarian Jo hn Moldenhauer 68 the Uni versi ty Library

ex tremely valuab le re sou rce for theatre

scholars a nd the Univers ity is ve ry pleased to have a closer connection with the Shaw Festi val The Drama Department also has

Professor Dan Laurence the world s leadshying Shaw scholar as a distinguished Visitshy

ing Professor lor the ra il Semester Two large conferences were organized

during the Spring and Summer by faculty

and students in the Co llege Professor Ted Cowan of the History Department was in charge of the Scottish Heritage Festival held in uelph in May The Fes tival was a

ce lebrati on of the S co t~ 1d their contribushytion~ to Canada

In Au gust the Uni vers ity will host a major conference o n Common wealth lite rashy

ture bringing writers and schol ars to Guelph from allover the Com monweal th Professor Doug K illam chairman of the Department of English and a number o f col leagues are

now busily preparing to welcome guests from around the world

Through our liaison programs we have pioneered special day - long seminars at the

niversity for gifted children in Wellington County T he se programs are part of o ur commitment to assist secondary schools in meeting the challe nges of special education

J know many o f you will also be interes ted in knowing that last sLi mmer the

College awarded three new scholarships two of the m honouring the cont ribution made by former faculty members J Percy

Sm ith and W Stanford Reid The other marked the first presentation of the Edward Johnson Music Foundation scholarships for students in the music program

We are al l ac ute ly co nscious of the

financial pressure affecting the UnivLr ~ ity

of Guelph and othe r Canadian unive rsities

But we mus t no t le t these pressures detract from the vision of academic excellence to

which we are committed J think you will agree from the exaln ~Jk middot ha ve cited that this vision continues to glow brightly in spite of our financial plight We hope we can

co ntinue to co unt on your advice and your suppurt 0


It Was a Very Good Year T he Direc tor or the College of Arts Alumni Assoc iation have had a bus y year In January we launched o ur hrst Caree rs i lglll for in -coure stude nlgt Thanks to the exce lle nce and enthusiasm of our pane l l1len1bcr the evening was a success

Careers Night is to become an annual event and we would appreciate you r particishypation Any Art s grads wh o wo uld like to

vo lunteer their expertise for the e vening please do not hesita te to contact us

The Directors were also busy a rshyranling the second an nu al art show shyDI MENSIO NS middotS3 Due to the treme nd ous response to DI M ENSIOtS 82 the art show co mmittee organized DIM ENSIO NS 83 as aJu ricd show We are hoping that nex t yea r we will be able to mount a photography show as well a an art sho w

As you are probably aware in 1970 Wellington College was reo rganized into the Colleges of Arts Physic al Sc ience and Socia l Science This year our Assoc iation was asked to se lect a new College logo Thankgt to Dean Dav id Murray and the Deans Counc il we were given permission to use the graphics on the College of Art s Gold Medal It can be see n in the masthead of thi s issue The logo was designed by Erich Barth art dire ctor Department of [nshyformation and enco mpasses the di verse di s shycipiJnes fou nd within the College of Arts

Grad News Catharine (Gilnerlson ) Scott 70 is a wage and salary anal ys t tnivers it y of Waterl oo

Linda la) Bell 72 i the assistant conshysultant for thlto gifted We llington County Boa rd of Education GueJph

Lynn Barbeau 74 is the curator Educa shytion and xtension Macdo nald Stewart Art

entre Guelph

Wltlynr WellJauler 75 is corpora te mar shyke ting manager Gore Mutua l In surance Company Cambridgc

Renate Fisc her 76 is a consultant with the Woods Gordon Divisio n of Cl arkson Go rdon Chartered Acco untants Kitchener

jane Morley O AC MSc 81 is a career co nsultant Counse llin g and Student Reshysource Centre Un iversity of Guelph

Through the generos ity of the Alma Mater Fund our Assoc iation has been able to e stablish nv e sc holars hip s Thre e DELPHA awards for Gue lph alumni to continue their slUdi es at the gradu ate level at the University and two awa rds for part-time mature students These awards are greatly appreciated by the students who have reshyce ived th e m

Congratulatio ns are th e order of the day for Juli e (Russe ll ) Thur 78 Associashytion past pre sident and Linda Mackenz ie shyCordi ck 8 1 Assocration secre tary treas shyurer on the birth of their daug hters in March We wi sh them joy in their yo ung-

David Dell 76 is the in fo rmation o ffic er Reg ion of Pee l Brmiddotampton

jeff Miller 82 is a s tage manager for Profes sional Theatres Toronto

The above eight alumni were panel )11ember-s at our first annual Careers sJ ig ht held ea rlier th i yea r On ce again we offer our sincere thanks for their pani ci pation

lhugarel Reare 68 is senior research o f hee l Minis try of th e Soli citor General Ottawd

William Thiels 73 is a sys te ms analyst with Eas tman Kodak CO Roche ster t Y US A

Shardie D SteHnson 77 is assistant marketing manager Marsh and 1cLennan Ltd Winnipeg Man

Donald Syme 77 is with marketing pe rsonne l IC F Sydne y Australia

sters and look forward to the ir continued help in the Assoc ia tion in the future

C Nould lik e to re mind our fell ow alu mni to jo in or renew their membership in our Association De hbie ( Nash) Cham bers 77 editor of DF LPH A wo uld lik e any Ideas lor future artick that vould catch your interes t Our Assoc iati o n would also apprec ia te heari ng from you re gardin g eve nts that you wou ld be interested in attending Pl ease drop us a line in order that we may serve you better thus ~ eeping the line of co mmunic ation oren bet ween you and yo ur Alma v1ater

In closing I would like to acknowlmiddot edge With great a pprec iati o n the a istance that has been o ffclTU our Board of Direc tors over the pasl year

As al ways Dea n David Murray has bee n a va lued ad visor I wo uld li ke to thank Professor Ted Cowa n Department o f History for his Sprin g 19K3 OEPHA article on the Scottish Heritage Festival and Judy (Ma in) Ca rson 75 for he r help in preparalron of feature articles Spec ial thank s arc also ex tended to Rosemary Clark Mac 59 Asis tant Director Proshyg rams Dep artment of Alumni Affairs and Deve lopment and our Board of Directo rs who have wo rk ed so hard to mak e thi s a successful year

The term of 19X2-B3 has been a very grati fying one for all mem bers of the Associations Boa rd o t Directors We loo k for ward to 19K3-K4 anJ hope to hear from you Q

J ane Francis 78 is With Ilublic relations Vancouver Stock EXchange Vancou ver B C

Jonie Bunce 79 is a teacher 01 Art English and Thcatre Arts at 1 A Turn er Secondary School BrdrllptOl

Deborah Salmon 79 is married to Richard Light BS( 80 and li ves in Japanec Shc worb for the Empl o) mc nt and Im migrati on Commi ssion dnd Ri chlrJ works for a darrv in Kin gs to n

Shelagh Stevens 79 it station U)lllrshytwlle r Department o f -J atiunal [dc nce in f ova Slmiddototia

lidwtl Glanb 81 is a supervisor mar shyke ting comrlluni~ations Pitney-Bowe s oj

Canada Ltd Don Mill s

john (llanllllUnd ) Zelasko 81 rs ~ I

courtr(lOrn artist WKBW Buffalo New Ymk US I C



Alumnus of

Honollr 1983

Helen Christine AbeD Mac 38D

Amo ng the forerunners in the fie ld of rural soc iol ogy not only in Canada

but throughout the world and with a long career as a professor in numerous un iversities ac ross Canada Dr Helen C Abell has und oubted ly do ne much to promote a world -w ide reputation for her Alma Mater

Dr Abell has been most active in a numbe r of United Nat io ns programs designed to foster development of th ose in the Third World countrie s Although os ten sibl y retired she still co nt inues her wo rk as a cons ult ant in Socio-Economic De ve lopme nt assisti ng in develop ing sho rt -term project s as the occasion ari ses

As well as a Macdona ld Ins titu te Diploshyma Dr Abell obtained a BHSc (H ome Economics) from the Universi ty of Toro nto in 1941 and an MS (Human Nutrition) and a Ph D (major Rural Sociology and Agri cul shytural Economics) from Cornell University in 1947 and 1951 re specti vel y 0

Page 33: Guelph Alumnus Magazine, Summer 1983

The College o f Arts Alumni Associat ion

DELPHA Editor Debbie (Nash) Chambers 77

has no w acquired the Shaw Festival ArshyThe Deans Roundup chives on permanent deposit T his is an

Last fall I had the privilege of speakshy

ing to the direc tors of the University of G uelph Alumn i Assoc iation to bring them

up to date on some of the excit ing things connected with the College of Arts I am gratefu l to the editor of DELPHA for this

opportu nity to let alumni readers know what we are do ing

I am pleased to be able to report a subs tant ial increase in enrolment both in the

B A program and in the College o f Arts this past yea r What is especially nice is that this has coincided with a dec is ion to tighte n our

standards at the admissions level and in the regulations for continuatio n of study

In o rder to grad uate B A students

who entered the Spring 19~3 Semester will need to obtai n a C average in 60 per cent of the courses they take

Most of o ur students are doing thi s now and we do not antici pate this will pose any

problem for the students whom we are ad mitting Next year students en tering the

B A program will be required to have Grade 13 English and we are strongly encouraging them to offer a Mathematics credit o r o ne in French or ano ther language

Applications from students wish ing to enter the B A program in the Fall 1983 Semester

are up subs tantia lly over last yea r I also want to share with you some

ha ppenings which have brought special delight to me

The U ni ve rsi ty of Guelph Choir

under director Ge rald e ufeld won second prize in the 1982 CSC nation al chora l competition

In the Harbourfront a rt show last

sum mer three o f o ur students had works se lected by the jury and each won a prize shya better show ing than any of the other O nshy

tario universities or colleges which entend T he C anadian- American Urban Hisshy

tory Co nference held at G uelph in A ugust

1982 was a tremendous success bringing sc holars from many parts of the United States and Canada to discuss new trends in urban studies

Dean David Murray

In the space of just a few months I have seen seven books published by faculty in the Co llege The subjects include Rudyard

Kipl ing Greek Philosophy Urban History Evolution and Darwinism Reli gion and Tolerance the dramatist Gra nville Barker

and a nove l written in French Last summer also saw the completion

of a very successful facu lty exchange beshy

tween o ur Department of Eng lish and the

Uni vers ity of Reading in Britain Dr Leslie Monkman went to Reading for the year and Dr Coral Howell s visited Guelph This

opportunity enab led Dr Howells to study modern C anadian writers and she is now

working o n a book to be published in Britain o n Canadian women wri ters Dr

Mo nkman lectured on Canadian literature at various places in Britain and in France as well as in Reading

T hro ugh the e fforts of the Department of Drama and its chairman Dr Leonard

Conolly and C ollections Librarian Jo hn Moldenhauer 68 the Uni versi ty Library

ex tremely valuab le re sou rce for theatre

scholars a nd the Univers ity is ve ry pleased to have a closer connection with the Shaw Festi val The Drama Department also has

Professor Dan Laurence the world s leadshying Shaw scholar as a distinguished Visitshy

ing Professor lor the ra il Semester Two large conferences were organized

during the Spring and Summer by faculty

and students in the Co llege Professor Ted Cowan of the History Department was in charge of the Scottish Heritage Festival held in uelph in May The Fes tival was a

ce lebrati on of the S co t~ 1d their contribushytion~ to Canada

In Au gust the Uni vers ity will host a major conference o n Common wealth lite rashy

ture bringing writers and schol ars to Guelph from allover the Com monweal th Professor Doug K illam chairman of the Department of English and a number o f col leagues are

now busily preparing to welcome guests from around the world

Through our liaison programs we have pioneered special day - long seminars at the

niversity for gifted children in Wellington County T he se programs are part of o ur commitment to assist secondary schools in meeting the challe nges of special education

J know many o f you will also be interes ted in knowing that last sLi mmer the

College awarded three new scholarships two of the m honouring the cont ribution made by former faculty members J Percy

Sm ith and W Stanford Reid The other marked the first presentation of the Edward Johnson Music Foundation scholarships for students in the music program

We are al l ac ute ly co nscious of the

financial pressure affecting the UnivLr ~ ity

of Guelph and othe r Canadian unive rsities

But we mus t no t le t these pressures detract from the vision of academic excellence to

which we are committed J think you will agree from the exaln ~Jk middot ha ve cited that this vision continues to glow brightly in spite of our financial plight We hope we can

co ntinue to co unt on your advice and your suppurt 0


It Was a Very Good Year T he Direc tor or the College of Arts Alumni Assoc iation have had a bus y year In January we launched o ur hrst Caree rs i lglll for in -coure stude nlgt Thanks to the exce lle nce and enthusiasm of our pane l l1len1bcr the evening was a success

Careers Night is to become an annual event and we would appreciate you r particishypation Any Art s grads wh o wo uld like to

vo lunteer their expertise for the e vening please do not hesita te to contact us

The Directors were also busy a rshyranling the second an nu al art show shyDI MENSIO NS middotS3 Due to the treme nd ous response to DI M ENSIOtS 82 the art show co mmittee organized DIM ENSIO NS 83 as aJu ricd show We are hoping that nex t yea r we will be able to mount a photography show as well a an art sho w

As you are probably aware in 1970 Wellington College was reo rganized into the Colleges of Arts Physic al Sc ience and Socia l Science This year our Assoc iation was asked to se lect a new College logo Thankgt to Dean Dav id Murray and the Deans Counc il we were given permission to use the graphics on the College of Art s Gold Medal It can be see n in the masthead of thi s issue The logo was designed by Erich Barth art dire ctor Department of [nshyformation and enco mpasses the di verse di s shycipiJnes fou nd within the College of Arts

Grad News Catharine (Gilnerlson ) Scott 70 is a wage and salary anal ys t tnivers it y of Waterl oo

Linda la) Bell 72 i the assistant conshysultant for thlto gifted We llington County Boa rd of Education GueJph

Lynn Barbeau 74 is the curator Educa shytion and xtension Macdo nald Stewart Art

entre Guelph

Wltlynr WellJauler 75 is corpora te mar shyke ting manager Gore Mutua l In surance Company Cambridgc

Renate Fisc her 76 is a consultant with the Woods Gordon Divisio n of Cl arkson Go rdon Chartered Acco untants Kitchener

jane Morley O AC MSc 81 is a career co nsultant Counse llin g and Student Reshysource Centre Un iversity of Guelph

Through the generos ity of the Alma Mater Fund our Assoc iation has been able to e stablish nv e sc holars hip s Thre e DELPHA awards for Gue lph alumni to continue their slUdi es at the gradu ate level at the University and two awa rds for part-time mature students These awards are greatly appreciated by the students who have reshyce ived th e m

Congratulatio ns are th e order of the day for Juli e (Russe ll ) Thur 78 Associashytion past pre sident and Linda Mackenz ie shyCordi ck 8 1 Assocration secre tary treas shyurer on the birth of their daug hters in March We wi sh them joy in their yo ung-

David Dell 76 is the in fo rmation o ffic er Reg ion of Pee l Brmiddotampton

jeff Miller 82 is a s tage manager for Profes sional Theatres Toronto

The above eight alumni were panel )11ember-s at our first annual Careers sJ ig ht held ea rlier th i yea r On ce again we offer our sincere thanks for their pani ci pation

lhugarel Reare 68 is senior research o f hee l Minis try of th e Soli citor General Ottawd

William Thiels 73 is a sys te ms analyst with Eas tman Kodak CO Roche ster t Y US A

Shardie D SteHnson 77 is assistant marketing manager Marsh and 1cLennan Ltd Winnipeg Man

Donald Syme 77 is with marketing pe rsonne l IC F Sydne y Australia

sters and look forward to the ir continued help in the Assoc ia tion in the future

C Nould lik e to re mind our fell ow alu mni to jo in or renew their membership in our Association De hbie ( Nash) Cham bers 77 editor of DF LPH A wo uld lik e any Ideas lor future artick that vould catch your interes t Our Assoc iati o n would also apprec ia te heari ng from you re gardin g eve nts that you wou ld be interested in attending Pl ease drop us a line in order that we may serve you better thus ~ eeping the line of co mmunic ation oren bet ween you and yo ur Alma v1ater

In closing I would like to acknowlmiddot edge With great a pprec iati o n the a istance that has been o ffclTU our Board of Direc tors over the pasl year

As al ways Dea n David Murray has bee n a va lued ad visor I wo uld li ke to thank Professor Ted Cowa n Department o f History for his Sprin g 19K3 OEPHA article on the Scottish Heritage Festival and Judy (Ma in) Ca rson 75 for he r help in preparalron of feature articles Spec ial thank s arc also ex tended to Rosemary Clark Mac 59 Asis tant Director Proshyg rams Dep artment of Alumni Affairs and Deve lopment and our Board of Directo rs who have wo rk ed so hard to mak e thi s a successful year

The term of 19X2-B3 has been a very grati fying one for all mem bers of the Associations Boa rd o t Directors We loo k for ward to 19K3-K4 anJ hope to hear from you Q

J ane Francis 78 is With Ilublic relations Vancouver Stock EXchange Vancou ver B C

Jonie Bunce 79 is a teacher 01 Art English and Thcatre Arts at 1 A Turn er Secondary School BrdrllptOl

Deborah Salmon 79 is married to Richard Light BS( 80 and li ves in Japanec Shc worb for the Empl o) mc nt and Im migrati on Commi ssion dnd Ri chlrJ works for a darrv in Kin gs to n

Shelagh Stevens 79 it station U)lllrshytwlle r Department o f -J atiunal [dc nce in f ova Slmiddototia

lidwtl Glanb 81 is a supervisor mar shyke ting comrlluni~ations Pitney-Bowe s oj

Canada Ltd Don Mill s

john (llanllllUnd ) Zelasko 81 rs ~ I

courtr(lOrn artist WKBW Buffalo New Ymk US I C



Alumnus of

Honollr 1983

Helen Christine AbeD Mac 38D

Amo ng the forerunners in the fie ld of rural soc iol ogy not only in Canada

but throughout the world and with a long career as a professor in numerous un iversities ac ross Canada Dr Helen C Abell has und oubted ly do ne much to promote a world -w ide reputation for her Alma Mater

Dr Abell has been most active in a numbe r of United Nat io ns programs designed to foster development of th ose in the Third World countrie s Although os ten sibl y retired she still co nt inues her wo rk as a cons ult ant in Socio-Economic De ve lopme nt assisti ng in develop ing sho rt -term project s as the occasion ari ses

As well as a Macdona ld Ins titu te Diploshyma Dr Abell obtained a BHSc (H ome Economics) from the Universi ty of Toro nto in 1941 and an MS (Human Nutrition) and a Ph D (major Rural Sociology and Agri cul shytural Economics) from Cornell University in 1947 and 1951 re specti vel y 0

Page 34: Guelph Alumnus Magazine, Summer 1983

It Was a Very Good Year T he Direc tor or the College of Arts Alumni Assoc iation have had a bus y year In January we launched o ur hrst Caree rs i lglll for in -coure stude nlgt Thanks to the exce lle nce and enthusiasm of our pane l l1len1bcr the evening was a success

Careers Night is to become an annual event and we would appreciate you r particishypation Any Art s grads wh o wo uld like to

vo lunteer their expertise for the e vening please do not hesita te to contact us

The Directors were also busy a rshyranling the second an nu al art show shyDI MENSIO NS middotS3 Due to the treme nd ous response to DI M ENSIOtS 82 the art show co mmittee organized DIM ENSIO NS 83 as aJu ricd show We are hoping that nex t yea r we will be able to mount a photography show as well a an art sho w

As you are probably aware in 1970 Wellington College was reo rganized into the Colleges of Arts Physic al Sc ience and Socia l Science This year our Assoc iation was asked to se lect a new College logo Thankgt to Dean Dav id Murray and the Deans Counc il we were given permission to use the graphics on the College of Art s Gold Medal It can be see n in the masthead of thi s issue The logo was designed by Erich Barth art dire ctor Department of [nshyformation and enco mpasses the di verse di s shycipiJnes fou nd within the College of Arts

Grad News Catharine (Gilnerlson ) Scott 70 is a wage and salary anal ys t tnivers it y of Waterl oo

Linda la) Bell 72 i the assistant conshysultant for thlto gifted We llington County Boa rd of Education GueJph

Lynn Barbeau 74 is the curator Educa shytion and xtension Macdo nald Stewart Art

entre Guelph

Wltlynr WellJauler 75 is corpora te mar shyke ting manager Gore Mutua l In surance Company Cambridgc

Renate Fisc her 76 is a consultant with the Woods Gordon Divisio n of Cl arkson Go rdon Chartered Acco untants Kitchener

jane Morley O AC MSc 81 is a career co nsultant Counse llin g and Student Reshysource Centre Un iversity of Guelph

Through the generos ity of the Alma Mater Fund our Assoc iation has been able to e stablish nv e sc holars hip s Thre e DELPHA awards for Gue lph alumni to continue their slUdi es at the gradu ate level at the University and two awa rds for part-time mature students These awards are greatly appreciated by the students who have reshyce ived th e m

Congratulatio ns are th e order of the day for Juli e (Russe ll ) Thur 78 Associashytion past pre sident and Linda Mackenz ie shyCordi ck 8 1 Assocration secre tary treas shyurer on the birth of their daug hters in March We wi sh them joy in their yo ung-

David Dell 76 is the in fo rmation o ffic er Reg ion of Pee l Brmiddotampton

jeff Miller 82 is a s tage manager for Profes sional Theatres Toronto

The above eight alumni were panel )11ember-s at our first annual Careers sJ ig ht held ea rlier th i yea r On ce again we offer our sincere thanks for their pani ci pation

lhugarel Reare 68 is senior research o f hee l Minis try of th e Soli citor General Ottawd

William Thiels 73 is a sys te ms analyst with Eas tman Kodak CO Roche ster t Y US A

Shardie D SteHnson 77 is assistant marketing manager Marsh and 1cLennan Ltd Winnipeg Man

Donald Syme 77 is with marketing pe rsonne l IC F Sydne y Australia

sters and look forward to the ir continued help in the Assoc ia tion in the future

C Nould lik e to re mind our fell ow alu mni to jo in or renew their membership in our Association De hbie ( Nash) Cham bers 77 editor of DF LPH A wo uld lik e any Ideas lor future artick that vould catch your interes t Our Assoc iati o n would also apprec ia te heari ng from you re gardin g eve nts that you wou ld be interested in attending Pl ease drop us a line in order that we may serve you better thus ~ eeping the line of co mmunic ation oren bet ween you and yo ur Alma v1ater

In closing I would like to acknowlmiddot edge With great a pprec iati o n the a istance that has been o ffclTU our Board of Direc tors over the pasl year

As al ways Dea n David Murray has bee n a va lued ad visor I wo uld li ke to thank Professor Ted Cowa n Department o f History for his Sprin g 19K3 OEPHA article on the Scottish Heritage Festival and Judy (Ma in) Ca rson 75 for he r help in preparalron of feature articles Spec ial thank s arc also ex tended to Rosemary Clark Mac 59 Asis tant Director Proshyg rams Dep artment of Alumni Affairs and Deve lopment and our Board of Directo rs who have wo rk ed so hard to mak e thi s a successful year

The term of 19X2-B3 has been a very grati fying one for all mem bers of the Associations Boa rd o t Directors We loo k for ward to 19K3-K4 anJ hope to hear from you Q

J ane Francis 78 is With Ilublic relations Vancouver Stock EXchange Vancou ver B C

Jonie Bunce 79 is a teacher 01 Art English and Thcatre Arts at 1 A Turn er Secondary School BrdrllptOl

Deborah Salmon 79 is married to Richard Light BS( 80 and li ves in Japanec Shc worb for the Empl o) mc nt and Im migrati on Commi ssion dnd Ri chlrJ works for a darrv in Kin gs to n

Shelagh Stevens 79 it station U)lllrshytwlle r Department o f -J atiunal [dc nce in f ova Slmiddototia

lidwtl Glanb 81 is a supervisor mar shyke ting comrlluni~ations Pitney-Bowe s oj

Canada Ltd Don Mill s

john (llanllllUnd ) Zelasko 81 rs ~ I

courtr(lOrn artist WKBW Buffalo New Ymk US I C



Alumnus of

Honollr 1983

Helen Christine AbeD Mac 38D

Amo ng the forerunners in the fie ld of rural soc iol ogy not only in Canada

but throughout the world and with a long career as a professor in numerous un iversities ac ross Canada Dr Helen C Abell has und oubted ly do ne much to promote a world -w ide reputation for her Alma Mater

Dr Abell has been most active in a numbe r of United Nat io ns programs designed to foster development of th ose in the Third World countrie s Although os ten sibl y retired she still co nt inues her wo rk as a cons ult ant in Socio-Economic De ve lopme nt assisti ng in develop ing sho rt -term project s as the occasion ari ses

As well as a Macdona ld Ins titu te Diploshyma Dr Abell obtained a BHSc (H ome Economics) from the Universi ty of Toro nto in 1941 and an MS (Human Nutrition) and a Ph D (major Rural Sociology and Agri cul shytural Economics) from Cornell University in 1947 and 1951 re specti vel y 0

Page 35: Guelph Alumnus Magazine, Summer 1983

Alumnus of

Honollr 1983

Helen Christine AbeD Mac 38D

Amo ng the forerunners in the fie ld of rural soc iol ogy not only in Canada

but throughout the world and with a long career as a professor in numerous un iversities ac ross Canada Dr Helen C Abell has und oubted ly do ne much to promote a world -w ide reputation for her Alma Mater

Dr Abell has been most active in a numbe r of United Nat io ns programs designed to foster development of th ose in the Third World countrie s Although os ten sibl y retired she still co nt inues her wo rk as a cons ult ant in Socio-Economic De ve lopme nt assisti ng in develop ing sho rt -term project s as the occasion ari ses

As well as a Macdona ld Ins titu te Diploshyma Dr Abell obtained a BHSc (H ome Economics) from the Universi ty of Toro nto in 1941 and an MS (Human Nutrition) and a Ph D (major Rural Sociology and Agri cul shytural Economics) from Cornell University in 1947 and 1951 re specti vel y 0