granulomatosis de wegener. involucro meningeo

The authors have declared no conicts of interest. S. EL MAHOU, B. JAMARD, A. CONSTANTIN, A. CANTAGREL, B. MAZIERES, M. LAROCHE CHU RANGUEIL, Service de Rhumatologie Professeur Mazieres, 1 avenue Jean Poulhes, Toulouse 31059, France. Accepted 6 July 2004 Correspondence to: S. El Mahou. E-mail: [email protected] Rheumatology 2004;43:1459–1460 doi:10.1093/rheumatology/keh361 Two cases of meningeal involvement in Wegener’s granulomatosis SIR, Meningeal involvement in Wegener’s granulomatosis (WG) has rarely been described [1]. In a sys tematic Engl ish literature rev iew us ing ele ctr oni c bib lio gra phi c datab ases (EMBAS E, MEDLINE, CI NAHL) we fou nd onl y 43 cases pr evi ous ly reported. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) with gadoliniu m contrast is the most useful technique for detecting meningeal disease. Two distinct patterns of thickening distribution in WG were recognized by Mur phy  et al  . in 1999 [2]: dif fus ely abnor mal men ing es unrelated to sinus or orbital disease and focal dural enhancing thickening adjacent to sinus or orbital disease. We have observed two cases of this rare condition: Case 1 (GP, male): at the age of 49 this patient experienced his rst occur renc e of chro nic crus ty-b lood y rhin itis and sinu siti s, unresponsive to conventional topical therapies. One year later, in 2000, he visited an ophthalmologist for the abrupt onset of double vi si on and part ial vi su al loss in the ri ght eye. Opht halmic evaluation revealed a swollen disc and horizontal diplopia. MRI of the brain was normal. Diagnosis of primary retrobulbar optic neuropat hy was made and trea tment with topical injecti on of corticosteroids (CS) led to resolution. In the following months the patient experienced worsening of sinonasa l symptoms and multiple recurrences of optic neuropathy during tapering of CS therapy. In 2001 the patient came to our attention for severe exacerbation of ocular abno rma liti es duri ng low- dose therapy. Right eye pai n, blurred vi sio n and dif fus e hea dache we re pre sen t. Fun dus examination revealed severe optic disc oedema and high-dose CS tre at men t had to be restored. A paranasal si nus computed tomo gra phy (CT) scan disc lose d thickeni ng of max illa ry sinu s and nasal mucosa and otolaryngologist evaluation described septal perforation and diffuse crusty rhinitis. MRI of the brain showed a diffuse enhancing leptomeningeal thickening over the convexity of the righ t hemi sphe re and bila tera lly over the inte rhemisph eric s su re an d the intr acra ni al su rf ace of sphe noidal gr eater wings (Fig. 1A). The right mass extended to the superior orbital ssure. Examination of cerebrospinal uid revealed only a mod- erate pleocytosis and a chest X-ray was normal. The erythrocyte sedimenta tion rate (ESR) was 87 mm/h, C-reactiv e protein (CRP) 27 mg/ dl and anti nucl ear anti bodi es were 1:3 20. Anti neut roph il cytoplasmic antibodies (ANCA) were absent. A paranasal mucosal biop sy show ed necr otiz ing gra nulo mas and areas of leuc ocyt o- clasti c small vessel vascu li tis. Also a me nin geal biopsy was performed and a T-lymphocytic inammatory picture was found. Diagnosis of WG was made according to 1990 ACR criteria [3] and tre at men t wi th ora l cyc lophos pha mid e 150 mg, predni son e 1 mg/kg bod y wei ght and cotri moxazol e was sta rte d. In few weeks the patient’s symptoms completely resolved and inamma- tory indices returne d to normal. Afte r 15 months immunos up- pres siv e ther apy was shifted to oral methotr exat e, 20 mg/w eek. Following imaging revealed no residual meningeal disease. FIG. 1.  T 1 -wei ghte d, contras t-enh ance d MRI scan of the head . (A) Case 1: diffu se lept omen inge al thick enin g over the conv exit y of the right hemisphere and bilaterally over the interhemispheric ssure. (B) Case 2: thickening of left-sided leptomeninges and dura of the skull base. Letters to the Editor  1459 Rheumatology Vol. 43 No. 11    British Society for Rheumatology 2004; all rights reserved

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The authors have declared no conflicts of interest.


CHU RANGUEIL, Service de Rhumatologie Professeur Mazieres,1 avenue Jean Poulhes, Toulouse 31059, France.

Accepted 6 July 2004

Correspondence to: S. El Mahou.E-mail: [email protected]

Rheumatology 2004;43:1459–1460doi:10.1093/rheumatology/keh361

Two cases of meningeal involvement inWegener’s granulomatosis

SIR, Meningeal involvement in Wegener’s granulomatosis (WG)has rarely been described [1]. In a systematic English literaturereview using electronic bibliographic databases (EMBASE,

MEDLINE, CINAHL) we found only 43 cases previouslyreported.

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) with gadolinium contrast isthe most useful technique for detecting meningeal disease. Twodistinct patterns of thickening distribution in WG were recognizedby Murphy   et al . in 1999 [2]: diffusely abnormal meningesunrelated to sinus or orbital disease and focal dural enhancingthickening adjacent to sinus or orbital disease. We have observedtwo cases of this rare condition:

Case 1 (GP, male): at the age of 49 this patient experienced hisfirst occurrence of chronic crusty-bloody rhinitis and sinusitis,unresponsive to conventional topical therapies. One year later, in

2000, he visited an ophthalmologist for the abrupt onset of doublevision and partial visual loss in the right eye. Ophthalmicevaluation revealed a swollen disc and horizontal diplopia. MRIof the brain was normal. Diagnosis of primary retrobulbar opticneuropathy was made and treatment with topical injection of corticosteroids (CS) led to resolution. In the following months thepatient experienced worsening of sinonasal symptoms and multiplerecurrences of optic neuropathy during tapering of CS therapy. In

2001 the patient came to our attention for severe exacerbation of ocular abnormalities during low-dose therapy. Right eye pain,blurred vision and diffuse headache were present. Fundusexamination revealed severe optic disc oedema and high-dose CStreatment had to be restored. A paranasal sinus computedtomography (CT) scan disclosed thickening of maxillary sinusand nasal mucosa and otolaryngologist evaluation described septalperforation and diffuse crusty rhinitis. MRI of the brain showed adiffuse enhancing leptomeningeal thickening over the convexity of the right hemisphere and bilaterally over the interhemisphericfissure and the intracranial surface of sphenoidal greaterwings (Fig. 1A). The right mass extended to the superior orbitalfissure. Examination of cerebrospinal fluid revealed only a mod-erate pleocytosis and a chest X-ray was normal. The erythrocytesedimentation rate (ESR) was 87 mm/h, C-reactive protein (CRP)

27 mg/dl and antinuclear antibodies were 1:320. Antineutrophilcytoplasmic antibodies (ANCA) were absent. A paranasal mucosalbiopsy showed necrotizing granulomas and areas of leucocyto-clastic small vessel vasculitis. Also a meningeal biopsy wasperformed and a T-lymphocytic inflammatory picture was found.Diagnosis of WG was made according to 1990 ACR criteria [3] andtreatment with oral cyclophosphamide 150 mg, prednisone1 mg/kg body weight and cotrimoxazole was started. In fewweeks the patient’s symptoms completely resolved and inflamma-tory indices returned to normal. After 15 months immunosup-pressive therapy was shifted to oral methotrexate, 20 mg/week.Following imaging revealed no residual meningeal disease.

FIG. 1.   T 1-weighted, contrast-enhanced MRI scan of the head. (A) Case 1: diffuse leptomeningeal thickening over the convexityof the right hemisphere and bilaterally over the interhemispheric fissure. (B) Case 2: thickening of left-sided leptomeninges and dura of the skull base.

Letters to the Editor   1459

Rheumatology Vol. 43 No. 11    British Society for Rheumatology 2004; all rights reserved

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Case 2 (CE, female): at the age of 61 the patient began sufferingfrom chronic sinusitis, otitis media with bilateral hypoacusia andbloody rhinitis. She was first admitted to a neurology division forthe onset of bilateral VII cranial nerve palsy. Paranasal sinus CTscan showed a marked bilateral mucosal thickening of maxillary,sphenoidal and ethmoidal sinuses with mastoiditis. Brain MRI andchest X-ray were normal. ESR was 117 mm/h and CRP 30.2 mg/dl.The patient started treatment with oral CS (prednisone 25 mg) andpenicillin for 10 days without improvement. Prednisone was thenincreased to 1 mg/kg body weight, and azathioprine 100 mg and

cotrimoxazole were started. After 6 months the patient developedsevere temporal headache and was referred to our division. BrainMRI was repeated and disclosed enhancing thickening of left-sidedtemporal leptomeninges and dura of the skull base (Fig. 1B). Othersimilar meningeal abnormalities were present over the ethmoidalarea. Meningeal biopsy disclosed diffuse perivascular T-lympho-cyte and multinucleated giant cell infiltrations with areas of necrosis. Perinuclear ANCA (pANCA) were found and WG wasdiagnosed according to 1990 ACR criteria [3]. Treatment withazathioprine was stopped and oral cyclophosphamide 75 mg wasstarted. After 6 months’ treatment complete clinical remission wasachieved and laboratory findings were normal. Cyclophosphamide

was tapered and then changed with azathioprine. Follow-uprevealed complete disappearance of meningeal abnormalities atMRI.

Diffusion of granulomas to the meninges in WG is a rare event.It has been supposed that granulomas derive from remote orcontiguous regions of the upper airways [4].

Our two patients had a form of WG limited to the upper airwaysand diagnosis was achieved thanks to biopsy, as the typical ANCAcytoplasmic pattern and systemic involvement were absent. Whenmeningeal disease developed, the patients were being treated withCS alone and with CS plus azathioprine respectively. This mayhave favoured extension to the CNS. MRI revealed a diffusethickening pattern in patient 1 and focal enhancing adjacent tosinus in patient 2.

We found that most patients previously described in theliterature were diagnosed as having meningeal involvementwhile disease was limited to the respiratory tract. This impliesthat they were usually being treated with CS therapy alone or inassociation with weak immunosuppressive therapy. Recognizingmeningeal disease is necessary to promptly institute treatment withcyclophosphamide.

The authors have declared no conflicts of interest.


Divisione di Medicina Interna a Indirizzo Reumatologico;1Oftalmologia e Scienze della Visione, Hospital San Raffaele,Milan, ItalyAccepted 9 July 2004

Correspondence to: G. Di Comite, Divisione di MedicinaInterna, 1 piano settore A, via Olgettina 60–20132, IRCCSH. San Raffaele–Milano, Italy. E-mail: [email protected]

1. Reinhold-Keller E, deGroot K, Holl-Ulrich K   et al . Severe CNS

manifestations as the clinical hallmark in generalized Wegener’sgranulomatosis consistently negative for antineutrophil cytoplasmic

antibodies (ANCA). A report of 3 cases and a review of the

literature. Clin Exp Rheumatol 2001;19:541–9.

2. Murphy JM, Gomez-Anson B, Gillard JH   et al  . Wegener

granulomatosis: MR imaging findings in brain and meninges.

Radiology 1999;213:794–9.

3. Leavitt RY, Fauci AS, Bloch DA   et al . The American College of 

Rheumatology 1990 criteria for the classification of Wegener’s

granulomatosis. Arthritis Rheum 1990;33:1101–7.

4. Drachman DD. Neurological complications of Wegener’s granulo-

matosis. Arch Neurol 1963;8:145–55.

FIG. 1. Continued.

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Rheumatology Vol. 43 No. 11    British Society for Rheumatology 2004; all rights reserved