grading system

Types of Grading Systems

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Post on 10-Aug-2015




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Page 1: Grading System

Types of Grading Systems

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a. Traditional letter-grade system

In the traditional letter grading system, students performances are summarized by means of letters. A stands for excellent, C stands for average, D for needing improvement, and F as a failure.

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a. Traditional letter-grade system

The traditional letter-grade system is easy to understand but it is of limited value when used as the solo report because they end up being a combination of achievement, effort, work, habits, behavior. As such, they do not indicate patterns of strengths and weaknesses.

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b. Pass-fail

The pass or fail system utilizes a dichotomous grading system. Either a student has complied and reached certain standards, in which case he passes or he failed to do so he gets failing mark. This is popular in some courses in college

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c. Checklist of objectives

In this system, the objectives of the course are enumerated. After each objective, the students level of achievement is indicated: Outstanding, Very Good, Good, Fair or Poor.

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d. Letters to parent/guardians

Letter to parents and guardian are very useful supplement to grades. However, they have a limited value as sole report because they are very time consuming to prepare, the accounts of weaknesses are very often misinterpreted by guardians and parents, and they are characterized neither as systematic nor cumulative.

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e. Portfolios

As already explained a portfolio is a set of purposefully selected words, with commentary by students and teacher. Portfolios are useful for showing students strength and weaknesses, illustrating range of students work showing progress over time or stages of a project , teaching student about objectives/standards they are to meet

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f. Parent-teacher conferences

Parent-teacher conferences are mainly used in elementary schools. This requires that parents of pupils come to conference with the teacher to discuss the pupil progress. Such conferences are for a two-way flow of information and getting more information and cooperation of parents. They are, however, of limited value as a report because most of parents do not come for such conferences