graded homework

Graded Homework P. 163, #29 P. 170, #35, 37

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Post on 08-Feb-2016




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Graded Homework. P. 163, #29 P. 170, #35, 37. Graded Homework, cont. P. 163, #29 U. Of Pennsylvania 1,033 admitted early (E) 854 rejected outright (R) 964 deferred (D) Typically 18% of deferred early admission are admitted in the regular admission process (173.5) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Graded Homework

P. 163, #29P. 170, #35, 37

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Graded Homework, cont.

P. 163, #29U. Of Pennsylvania•1,033 admitted early (E)•854 rejected outright (R)•964 deferred (D)•Typically 18% of deferred early admission are admitted in the regular admission process (173.5)•Total number of students admitted = 2,375

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Graded Homework, cont.

a. P(E) = 1033/2851 = 0.362P(R) = 854/2851 = 0.300P(D) = 964/2851 = 0.338

b. Yes, a student cannot be both admitted and deferred, so P(E∩D)=0

c. 1033/2375 = 0.435d. 1033/2851 + (964/2851)(.18) = 0.423

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Graded Homework, cont.P. 170, 35Occupation Male Female TotalManagerial/Professional 19079 19021 38100Tech./Sales/ Administrative 11079 19315 30394Service 4977 7947 12924Precision Production 11682 1138 12820Operators/Fabricators/Labor 10576 3482 14058Farming/Forestry/Fishing 1838 514 2352Total 59231 51417 110648

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Graded Homework, cont.P. 170, 35Occupation Male Female TotalManagerial/Professional 0.17 0.17 0.34Tech./Sales/ Administrative 0.10 0.17 0.27Service 0.04 0.07 0.12Precision Production 0.11 0.01 0.12Operators/Fabricators/Labor 0.10 0.03 0.13Farming/Forestry/Fishing 0.02 0.00 0.02Total 0.54 0.46 1.00

b. P(Manager|Female) = 0.17/0.46 = 0.37c. P(Precision production|Male) = 0.11/0.54 = 0.20d. No, P(Manager|Female) = 0.37, P(Manager) = 0.34

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Graded Homework, cont.P. 170, 37P(PC) = .37 P(Y) = .14P(Y|PC) = .19 P(O|PC) = .81

a. P(PC|Y) = P(Y ∩ PC)/P(Y) = [P(PC)P(Y|PC)]/P(Y) = [(.37)(.19)]/(.14) = 0.5

b. P(PC|O) = P(O ∩ PC)/P(O) = [P(PC)P(O|PC)]/P(O) = [(.37)(.81)]/(.86) = 0.35

c. People under 24 years old are more likely to use credit cards.

d. Yes, otherwise they can’t establish a credit history and the companies want customers who will make heavy use of the cards. They could put strict limits on the maximum balance for the card.

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Multiplication Law

P(A ∩ B) = P(B)P(A|B)orP(A ∩ B) = P(A)P(B|A)

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Multiplication Rule, cont.

If events A and B are independent then P(A|B) = P(A)P(B). In this special case the multiplication rule reduces from:

P(A ∩ B) = P(B)P(A|B)to:

P(A ∩ B) = P(B)P(A)

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Tree Diagram

Red, 2/4Red, 2/4

Black, 2/4

Black, 2/4Red, 2/4

Black, 2/4

Assume we take the four aces out of a deck of cards and we draw twice with replacement:

Are A and B statistically independent in this case?

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Sampling and Statistical Independence

If we sample without replacement the outcomes will not be statistically independent.

However, if we are drawing from a large population the change in probability will be so small we can treat the draws as being statistically independent.

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Bayes’ Theorem

A technique used to modify a probability given additional information.

Prior probab


New information

Application of

Bayes’ Theorem

Posterior Probabili






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Bayes’ Theorem, cont.

Assume that 10% of the population has a disease. Assume there is a test to see if someone has the disease but it is not very accurate.

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Bayes’ Theorem, cont.

Has disease, .1

Test: Has disease, .8

Test: No disease, .2

No disease, .9

Test: Has disease, .3

Test: No disease, .7

Assume we want to calculate the probability that someone has the disease if the test says they have the disease.

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Bayes’ Theorem, cont.

Has disease, .1

Test: Has disease, .8

Test: No disease, .2

No disease, .9

Test: Has disease, .3

Test: No disease, .7





A1 = Has the diseaseB = Test says the patient has the diseaseP(A1) = .1 P(A2) = .9P(B|A1) = .8 P(B|A2) = .3

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Bayes’ Theorem, cont.






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Bayes’ Theorem, cont.


Prior ProbabilitiesP(Ai)

Conditional ProbabilitiesP(B|Ai)

Joint ProbabilitiesP(Ai∩B)

Posterior ProbabilitiesP(Ai|B)

A1 .1 .8 .08 .229

A2 .9 .3 .27 .771

Total 1.00 .35 1.00

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Assume that 40% of a company’s parts are produced in Boston and 60% are produced in Chicago. Also assume that 20% of the parts produced in Boston are defective, and 10% of the parts produced in Chicago are bad.

A randomly chosen part is defective. Use Bayes Theorem to find the probability the part came from Boston.

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Bayes’ Theorem, cont.

Boston, .4Defective, .2

Ok, .8

Chicago, .6Defective, .1

Ok, .9

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Bayes’ Theorem, cont.

Boston, .4Defective, .2

Ok, .8

Chicago, .6Defective, .1

Ok, .9





A1 = BostonB = Part is defectiveP(A1) = .4 P(A2) = .6P(B|A1) = .2 P(B|A2) = .1

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Bayes’ Theorem, cont.






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Bayes’ Theorem, cont.


Prior ProbabilitiesP(Ai)

Conditional ProbabilitiesP(B|Ai)

Joint ProbabilitiesP(Ai∩B)

Posterior ProbabilitiesP(Ai|B)

A1 .4 .2 .08 .571

A2 .6 .1 .06 .429

Total 1.00 .14 1.00

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Counting Rules

• Number of possible outcomes• Combinations• Permutations

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Number of Possible Outcomes

Given k steps (or rounds) in an experiment and ni possible outcomes at step i, the total number of possible outcomes is:(n1) (n2)…(nk)

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Number of Possible Outcomes, cont.

Assume a diner can choose:• Either soup or salad• One of three main dishes (beef, chicken or vegetarian)• Either potatoes or beans

How many possible meals are there?(2)(3)(2) = 12

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Number of Possible Outcomes, cont.















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Number of Possible Outcomes, cont.

Assume car buyer can choose:• automatic or standard transmission• 6 different colors• 3 body styles• 4 different accessory packages

How many possible different outcomes are there?(2)(6)(3)(4) = 144

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N! = (N)(N-1)(N-2)…(2)(1)

5! = (5)(4)(3)(2)(1) = 120What is the value of 4! ?(4)(3)(2)(1) = 24

What is the value of 5!/3! ?[(5)(4)(3)(2)(1)]/[(3)(2)(1)] = (5)(4) = 20

By definition 0! = 1

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The number of permutations of N objects taken n at a time:

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Permutations, cont.

Assume a broker is going to pick 3 stocks from a pool of 10 stocks. Also assume he will invest 60% of his money in one stock, 30% in another, and 10% in another. How many portfolios can be constructed?







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C Nn

The number of combinations of N objects taken n at a time:

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Combinations, cont.

A bank is constructing a bond based on mortgages. It is going to base the bond from four mortgages, it has ten mortgages to choose from. How many ways can the bond be structured?






C Nn

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Practice1. Three employees will be chosen from an office of 8 workers

for a committee to evaluate a new production technique. How many possible committees could be formed?

2. Assume a club has 5 members and they are going to elect a president, treasurer, and secretary. How many ways can the offices be filled?

3. A magazine is going to recommend two of ten products to its readers. It will identify the rankings of the two products that are selected. How many potential rankings are there?

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Graded Homework

P. 151, 1, 3 + redo 3 assuming order is important (counting rules)P. 169, 31 (Multiplication rule)P. 177, 43 (Bayes’ theorem)