government of puducherry public works department · 7.8 pile work: mechanical equipments such as...


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    2013 - 2014(Revised)






    2013 - 14(Revised)



    1. Puducherry Schedule of Rates 2013-14 are updated edition of the PSR 2011-12.

    2. The Puducherry Schedule of Rates 2013-14 incorporates all the items included in the

    PSR 2011-12 and correction slip issued from time to time besides new items. The

    specifications of the items have been upgraded to the CPWD specification 2007. The

    Schedule of Rates is based on the current market rates for materials and labour. The basic

    rates have been obtained from Department of Economics & Statistics, all the Circles,

    Divisions, Builders Association of India and from the leading manufacturers for branded

    products, local market and DGS&D rates and the same have been finalized in the PSR

    meeting. The finished rates were arrived by using CPWD analysis of rates 2007 and finalized

    by convening the PSR Standing Committee meeting on 22/12/2013 as per O.M.No.4090/

    669/06-PW (B1) dt: 12/01/2007.

    3. The Standing Committee of Schedule of Rate, under the Chairmanship of Thiru

    S. MANOHAR, Chief Engineer of Public Works Department, Puducherry constituted , with the

    following members.


    S. Manohar Chief Engineer, PWD Chairperson

    S. Manohar Superintending Engineer - Circle-I, PWD Member

    N. Manthaiyan Superintending Engineer - Circle-II, PWD Member

    P. Swaminathan Superintending Engineer – Circle-III, PWD


    S. Vaittianadane Director of Economics & Statistics Member

    N.Sumathi Joint Secretary (Works)


    C.Rajan Executive Engineer (Planning) - Central office Member

    J. Jayakumar Executive Engineer - Public Health, PWD Member


    Executive Engineer – Irrigation, PWD Member

    V.Arul Mozhi Planning Officer Represented on behalf of Senior Accounts Officer


    A.Nagaraju Executive Engineer – Designs , PWD Member Secretary

  • 4. The PSR Standing Committee meeting was convened on 22/12/2013 for Puducherry

    Region and finalized the basic rates of materials and labourers In the presence of all the

    Executive Engineers, contractors, members of Builders Association of India and PWD

    Registered Contractors Association, Puducherry.

    5. The Delhi Schedule of Rates 2012 has been taken as a reference for inclusion of new

    materials in respect of building works. Finished rates for building works have been adopted

    as per the CPWD analysis of rates 2007. The specifications and analysis for the items under

    bridge works are based on the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways (MORTH & MOST).

    Labour rates and material rates have been finalized for the regions namely Puducherry,

    Karaikal and Mahe and exclusive Schedule of Rates has been brought out separately for

    each region.

    6. The rates and specifications incorporated in the PSR 2013-14 will become effective

    from 01/10/2013.

    7. For works which are in riverbed (for river over 20 metre widths only) add 10% extra on

    labour, earthwork and conveyance of materials within the riverbed. This extra percentage

    should not be allowed for the cost of materials.

    8. Within the Central Jail Compound 10% extra and Sub-Jail compound 5% extra is

    allowed over the rates of labour, rates of works involving labour and rates for conveyance of

    materials for the portion inside the jail campus (i.e. for the distance within the Jail


    9. The current rate contracts running contracts in existence have been adopted for

    materials which are having rate contracts and running contracts.

    10. Hire charges for plants, rates for materials, labourers and technical staff indicated in

    this PSR are only to prepare the analysis of rates.

    11. The works which are to be executed during night times due to heavy traffic during

    day times and for various technical and administrative reasons and for major building works

    which involves works during night times for continuity, will involve extra expenditure by way of

    making arrangements of lighting and special transportation for working parties to odd hours.

    In the light of the above nature, the Executive Engineers at their discretion may exercise their

    judgment and cater for the additional cost to the maximum extent of 5%, keeping in view,

    the severities and factors mentioned above. Support details for the extra cost based on

    actual site conditions in specific cases will have to be provided with proper justification.

    12. Suggestions from all sectors are invited for the improvement and refinement of this

    schedule of rate.


    1.0 This Puducherry Schedule of Rates 2013-14 is the revised edition of Puducherry Schedule

    of Rates 2011-12. But this PSR is totally based on the CPWD analysis of rates 2007.

    2.0 This PSR 2013-14 incorporates items of PSR 2011-12 with all correction slips. The

    nomenclature of many items has been improved by making it more generic and


    3.0 Efforts have been made to introduce items pertaining to execution of different works by

    using various electrical and mechanical equipments i.e. excavators, tower cranes,

    mobile cranes, mechanical platforms, batch mix plant, transit mixers and pumps, piling

    rigs, pneumatic cutters, chisels, chippers, hammers etc. Built-in provision has been

    taken in the analysis of rates for new construction technology/mechanisation.

    4.0 The new items introduced in this PSR will have new code nos. as indicated in the list of

    basic materials.

    5.0 Generally, the basic rates of materials, incorporated in the schedule, are pertaining to

    materials conforming to BIS standards/CPWD specifications/materials of best quality

    available in the market.

    6.0 Lump sum provision of labour / T&P is replaced with mechanisation inputs. Prominent

    items incorporating mechanization are earthwork in excavation, RMC/ BMC, brick work

    in superstructure above floor-V level, road work, dismantling of RCC work, dismantling of

    CC and flexible pavements, pile work etc.

    7.0 In this PSR 2013-14 few new items are added and deleted in the following Sub head wise

    7.1 Earth work: Due to non availability of good earth the code no’s 2.27A , 2.27C

    2.27D items are deleted . In this chapter gravel Items are added vide code

    no.2.27A.1 , 2.27C.1 , 2.27D.1.

    7.2 Reinforced Cement Concrete: In this chapter Degreasing and cleaning the

    metal surface and corrosion proof Zinga coating to reinforcement items are

    deleted vide code no 5.22.10 , 5.22.11.

    7.3 Wood Work: In addition to the existing 65mm Godrej Navtal lock 6 levers , 7

    levers lock also added vide code no.9.134.2. item deleted.

    7.4 Flooring: In this chapter Precast terrazzo tiles and chequred terrazzo tiles using

    items’s 11.16.1, 11.16.2, 11.16.3, 11.16.4, 11.18.1, 11.18.2, 11.18.3, 11.18.4 ,

    11.19.1, 11.19.2, 11.19.3, and 11.19.4 are deleted.

    7.5 Roofing: In this chapter code no.12.18 mud phaska item deleted.

    7.6 Repairs to Buildings: In this chapter Mud mortar code no 14.24 item is deleted.

  • 7.7 Drainage: In this chapter using of stoneware pipes item’s are deleted vide code

    no 19.1.1, 19.1.2, 19.1.3, 19.1.4, 19.1.5, 19.1.6, 19.32.1, 19.32.1K, 19.33 .Using of

    UPVC soil waste pipes 110 mm dia and 75 mm dia 6kg/ (type –B) items are

    included vide code no’s 19.32.1A, 19.32.1C, 19.33A, 19.33.1, 19.33.1A, 19.33.1B,

    19.33.1C, 19.33.1D, 19.33.1E, 19.33.2, 19.33.2A, 19.33.2B, 19.33.2C, 19.33.2E,


    7.8 Pile Work: Mechanical equipments such as hydraulic piling rig, crane, bentonite

    pump, vibrating pile driving hammer etc., have been introduced in place of lump

    sum provisions. The labour coefficients have been reduced due to the provisions

    made for mechanical equipments. Piles up to 1500mm dia have been


    7.9 Horticulture & Landscaping: In this Chapter code no 23.2 Supplying and stacking

    of good earth item is deleted.

    7.10 Irrigation : In this chapter code no 30.3 Collection of earth and banking the earth

    ……,item is deleted and 30.3A Collection of gravel and banking the gravel …..,

    item is included

    7.11 Water supply (Public health)- In this chapter new items Supply and installation of

    DI D/F gate valves – 150mm dia , 200mm dia, 300mm dia, 400mm dia, 150mm –

    D/F gate valve (VAG, AVK, Fouress) and Electromagnetic Bulk Flow meter –

    100mm dia, 200mm dia, 300mm dia and 400mm dia are included vide code no’s

    31.300.1A, 31.300.1B, 31.300.1C, 31.300.1D,31.300.1E, 31.300.2A, 31.300.2B,

    31.300.2C and 31.300.2D respectively.

    8.0 In Road Work (Morth) : Traffic Signs , Markings & other road appurtenances – In this

    chapter in using of M.S. angle , Tee , Channel , flat material the weights are corrected as

    per actuals in the following code numbers: – 8.4A, 8.4B, 8.4C, 8.4D, 8.4E, 8.4F, 8.4G, 8.5,

    8.6, 8.7A, and 8.7B. Fabrication , supply and fixing of informatory board new items are

    included vide code no. 8.31 and 8.32.

    9.0 In bridge work (Morth) ; Substructure: In this chapter Providing weep holes using of PVC

    pipe 110mm dia 6kg/ item is included as code no.13.9

    10.0 Additional features included in the PSR 2013-14 (Revised):

    10.1 The finished rates for road works items in MOST and MORTH specifications are

    reworked, as done earlier in the case of addendum for PSR 2011-12

    10.2 The existing code numbers are suffixed with “MO” for all items in “MOST”

    specifications and with “MR” for the items in Chapter 12 only in “MORTH”


  • 10.3 The item in Code No. 12.64 (Aluminium Composite Panel) is deleted and

    modified specification with new rates is incorporated considering the present

    ground reality as item code no:12.64A

    10.4 The items in Code No. 5.8A and 5.8B using Bitumen grade 80/100 have been

    deleted and new items using Bitumen grade 60/70 are incorporated with Code

    Nos. 5.8A.1 and 5.8B.1, based on the recommendations of MORTH specifications

    for Roads and Bridges (4th Revision).

    11.0 Due care has been taken to bring out the Schedule of Rates as correctly as possible. It

    is, however, possible that some errors might have crept in. In case any error or omission

    is noticed, it may be brought to the notice of the Executive Engineer, Computer Design

    Centre, PWD, Puducherry.

    12.0 Suggestions for improvement are welcome.


    The Schedule of Rates 2013-14 was finalized by the Standing Committee of Puducherry

    Schedule of Rates under the Chairmanship of Thiru S.Manohar, Chief Engineer, PWD,

    Puducherry and is gratefully acknowledged. Without the guidance and encouragement of

    whom, this work would have not become a success.

    The sincere efforts taken by the PSR Standing Committee of Puducherry comprising of

    Thiru S.Manohar, Chief Engineer, Thiru N.Manthaiyan, Superintending Engineer (Circle-II),

    Thiru P.Swaminathan, Superintending Engineer (Circle-III), officials from the Directorate of

    Economics and Statistics, Joint Secretary (Works), Thiru A.Nagaraju, Executive Engineer

    (Designs), Thiru C.Rajan , Executive Engineer (Planning) all other Committee Members and

    other staff of the Computer Design Centre, who have put up sincere effort in bringing out this

    Schedule of Rates 2013-14 is acknowledged.

    In this juncture the sincere efforts put forth by the committee members in bringing out

    this Schedule of Rates are most acknowledgeable. Similarly the sincere efforts and strenuous

    work done in compiling the new PSR 2013-14 through the computer software and based on

    the CPWD analysis 2007 by the officials and staff of Computer Design Centre viz.

    Thiru P.Dhanasegaran , Assistant Engineer, Thiru S.SURESH, Assistant Engineer, Tmt. M. Sarassou,

    Junior Engineer, Thiru T. Sivakoumar, Work Assistant, Thiru R.Batmanabane, Work Assistant,

    Thiru K.Venkatachalapathy, Thiru S.Saravanakumar, Tmt. V.Veerasundari Rathna, Draughtsman

    and Ms. A.A.J.Jacintha, Draughtsman are to be congratulated.

    The encouragement, enthusiasm and involvement of all the Superintending Engineers,

    Executive Engineers, Architect and all those who have directly and indirectly participated in

    bringing out this Schedule of Rates are also acknowledged.

  • Sl. No Name of Sub-Head Page No.


    1. Hire Charges of Plants 1

    2. Labour 2

    3. Materials For Building Work & Services 5

    4. Hire Charges, Labour & Materials For Road Work 68

    5. Hire Charges, Labour & Materials For Bridge Work 75

    6. Basic rates for Public Health Chapter – 31, 32, 33 79

    7. Carriage 123 BUILDING WORK

    2. Earth Work 125

    4. Concrete Work 138

    5. Reinforced Concrete Work 146

    6. Brick Work 159

    7. Stone Work 166

    8. Marble Work 180

    9. Wood Work 184

    10. Steel Work 231

    11. Flooring 238

    12. Roofing 259

    13. Finishing 280

    14. Repairs to Buildings 292

    15. Dismantling & Demolishing 305

    16. Miscellaneous Building Works 315


    17. Sanitary Installations 322

    18. Water Supply 347

    19. Drainage 399

    20. Pile Work 421

    21. Aluminum Work 439

    22. Water Proofing 447

    23. Horticulture and Landscaping 456

    30. Irrigation 462

    31. Water Supply (Public Health) 471

    C O N T E N T S

  • Sl. No Name of Sub-Head Page No.

    32. Sewerage (Public Health) 649

    33. Miscellaneous (Public Health) 680

    34. OHT Works 695

    35. Subsoil Exploration 697


    4. Granular Sub-Base 701

    6. Bituminous Construction 702

    7. Culverts 704 ROAD WORK (MORTH)

    2. Site Clearance and Dismantling 709

    3. Earth Work 718

    4. Granular Sub-Base 725

    5. Base and Bituminous Construction 741

    6. Cement Concrete Pavement 748

    8. Traffic Signs, Marking & Other Road Appurtenances 750

    9. Pipe Culverts 761

    10. Maintenance of Roads 762

    11. Horticulture 764

    12. RBI Grade 81 768


    12. Foundation 770

    13. Sub Structure 788

    14. Super Structure 795

    15. River Training & Protection Works 813

    16. Repairs & Rehabilitation 815


    1. Building Work 817

    2. Road work (MOST) 945

    3. Road work (MORTH) 948

    4. Bridge Work 960


    1. Road Work 995




    Sl.No. Code No. Description Unit Rate in Rs.


    1 0002 Hire charges of Concrete Mixer 0.14 cubic metre Day 1600.00

    2 0003 Hire charges of Diesel Road Roller - 8 to 10 tonne Day 3250.00

    3 0004 Production cost of concrete by batch mix plant cum 290.00

    4 0006 Hire charge of Spraying machine including electric charges Day 250.00

    5 0009 Pumping charges of concrete including h/c of pump,pipingwork&accessories etc.

    cum 110.00

    6 0010 H/C of derrick monkey rope day 675.00

    7 0011 H/C of Pump set of capacity 4000 litres/ hour day 800.00

    8 0012 Vibrator (Needle type 40mm) day 650.00

    9 0013 Machine for rubbing of floors day 300.00

    10 0017 Hire and running charges of tipper day 3500.00

    11 0018 Hire and running charges of loader day 5600.00

    12 0019 Hand grinder for mirror polish day 100.00

    13 0020 Hydraulic excavator(3D)with driver and fuel day 7000.00

    14 0020A Crane hire charges including all operation upto 8T perMT 40.00

    15 0020B Crane hire charges including all operation upto 8T per hour 800.00

    16 0024 Hire&runningchargesofhydraulicpiling rig with power unit etc.including complete

    day 30000.00

    17 0025 Hire&running charges of light crane day 3500.00

    18 0026 Hire&running charges of bentonite pump day 4000.00

    19 0027 H/R charges of vibrating pile driving hammer complete powerunit & accessories

    day 28000.00

    20 0028 H/R charges of crane above 8 tonne to 20 tonne capacity per hour 1000.00

    21 0029 H/C for transit mixer cum 420.00

    Page 1Puducherry

  • Sl.No. Code No. Description Unit Rate in Rs.

    22 0029A H/C for transit mixer (beyond 10km lead) cum 42.00

    23 0037 Mobile crane day 3500.00

    24 0038 Tractor with ripper attachment day 3000.00

    25 0039 Tractor with trolley day 2800.00

    26 0040 Air compressor 250 cfm with two leads for pneumaticcutters/hammers

    day 2600.00

    27 0041 Joint cutting machine with 2-3 blades day 850.00

    28 1399 Hire charge for pipe cutting machine day 250.00

    29 1400AA Hire charge for pipe grinding machine day 230.00

    Hire charges for machinery for irrigation work


    30 60 Hr. 850.00

    31 100 Hr. 1300.00

    32 120 Hr. 1550.00

    33 200 Hr. 2400.00

    Note:Above hire charges includes cost of services of operatingstaff and supply of lubricating oil and fuel charges.


    34 0100 Bandhani day 300.00

    35 0101 Bhisti day 280.00

    36 0102 Blacksmith 1st class day 375.00

    37 0103 Blacksmith 2nd class day 350.00

    38 0111 Carpenter 1st class day 500.00

    39 0112 Carpenter 2nd class day 450.00

    40 0113 Chowkidar day 300.00

    41 0114 Beldar (Mazdoor-1) day 320.00

    Page 2Puducherry

  • Sl.No. Code No. Description Unit Rate in Rs.

    42 0114A Survey Assistant each 300.00

    43 0114B Wooder I class each 350.00

    44 0115 Coolie day 300.00

    45 0116 Fitter (grade 1) day 500.00

    46 0117 Assistant fitter or 2nd class fitter day 450.00

    47 0119 Glazier day 450.00

    48 0122 Mason (for plaster of paris work) 1st class day 550.00

    49 0123 Mason (brick layer) 1st class day 550.00

    50 0124 Mason (brick layer) 2nd class day 480.00

    51 0125 Mason (for plain stone work) 2nd class) day 450.00

    52 0126 Mason ( for ornamental stone work) 1 st class day 600.00

    53 0127 Driver ( for Road roller, Concrete mixer , Truck etc.,) day 450.00

    54 0128 Mate day 330.00

    55 0130 Mistry day 330.00

    56 0131 Painter class I day 450.00

    57 0132 Rock Excavator day 350.00

    58 0133 Rock Breaker day 350.00

    59 0134 Rock driller day 350.00

    60 0135 Stone Chiseller day 350.00

    61 0139 Skilled Beldar ( for floor rubbing etc.,) day 330.00

    62 0141 White washer day 350.00

    63 0155 Mason (average) day 515.00

    64 0156 Carpenter (average) day 475.00

    65 0157 Operator (Pile / Special machine) day 420.00

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  • Sl.No. Code No. Description Unit Rate in Rs.

    66 0159 Skilled torch operator for laying tack day 420.00

    67 0160 Electrician helper day 420.00

    68 0163 Mehanic helper each 420.00

    69 0193 Electrician class I(ITI passed with wireman licence fromcompetent authority)

    day 450.00

    70 0191 Mazdoor category III day 290.00

    71 0192 Painter class II day 400.00

    72 0158 Mechanic (Pile) day 400.00

    73 0159 Electrician Class II (ITI passed with licence from Elec.dept) day 420.00

    74 0161 Mechanic Grade -I day 450.00

    75 0162 Mechanic Grade -II day 400.00

    76 0164 Pump driver Grade -I (ITI Passed) day 450.00

    77 0165 Sewer Cleaner day 400.00

    78 0166 Sweeper day 300.00

    79 0167 Thatcher day 300.00

    80 0168 Welder Class -I (ITI Passed) day 450.00

    81 0169 Welder Class -II day 400.00

    82 0170 Well Sinker Class -I day 500.00

    83 0171 Well Sinker Class -II day 450.00

    84 0172 Technical Assitant Grade -I (B.E.Passed) day 720.00

    85 0173 Technical Assitant Grade -II (Diploma passed or B.E.failled) day 650.00

    86 0174 Technical Assitant Grade -III (ITI passed or Diploma failled) day 600.00

    87 0175 Technical Assitant Grade -IV (ITI failed or having certificateissued by govt.of Puducherry)

    day 500.00

    88 Data Entry operator Gr-I (Degree with computer / PGDCA orequivalent)

    day 650.00

    89 0176 Laboratory Assistant Grade -I (PG in science) day 600.00

    Page 4Puducherry

  • Sl.No. Code No. Description Unit Rate in Rs.

    90 0177 Laboratory Assistant Grade -II (UG in science) day 550.00

    91 0178 Laboratory Assistant Grade -III (Degree other than Engg./Science to work as work inspector , Graduate Junior clerk andwork clerk)

    day 500.00

    92 0179 Raker day 300.00

    93 0180 Driver - Light vehicle day 400.00

    94 0181 Driver - Heavy vehicle (Lorry , Roller, Tractor) day 500.00

    95 0194 Driver - Earth moving equipments day 500.00

    96 0182 Cleaner (Heavy vehicles / Roller) day 300.00

    97 0183 Watchman Grade-I (Kurkha) day 350.00

    98 0184 Watchman Grade-II (Others) day 300.00

    99 0185 Drum mixer (Rotary for hot process) day 275.00

    100 0186 Helper for Rig day 275.00

    101 0200A Driller Grade-I (Pile) day 500.00

    102 0200B Driller Grade-II (Pile) day 450.00

    103 0200C Mazdoor (Heavy for Pile work) day 450.00

    104 0200D Genset Operator day 300.00

    105 0200E Site supervisor for pile operation day 575.00


    Note: These rates are at site of work and are exclusive ofcontractors profit , but includes octroi , royalty , sales tax extra

    106 0222 Seam bolts and nuts 6mm dia and 25mm long 10nos 33.00

    107 0223 Non - asbestos fibre cement corrugated sheet 6mm thick sqm 225.00

    108 0224 Non - asbestos fibre cement close fitting adjustable ridge metre 220.00

    109 0225 Non - asbestos fibre cement corrugate serrated adjustableridge

    metre 185.00

    110 0226 Non - asbestos fibre cement plain wing adjustable ridge metre 200.00

    111 0227 Non - asbestos fibre cement unserrated adjustable ridge forhips

    metre 210.00

    Page 5Puducherry

  • Sl.No. Code No. Description Unit Rate in Rs.

    112 0228 Non - asbestos fibre cement corrugated apron piece metre 135.00

    113 0229 Non - asbestos fibre cement eaves filler piece each 100.00

    114 0230 Non - asbestos fibre cement north light curves meter 215.00

    115 0231 Non - asbestos fibre cement ventilator curves each 285.00

    116 0232 Non - asbestos fibre cement barge boards metre 250.00

    117 0233 Non - asbestos fibre cement ridge finial pair 90.00

    118 0234 Non - asbestos fibre cement special north light curves each 295.00

    119 0235 Non - asbestos fibre cement S type louvers each 175.00

    120 0236 Non - asbestos multi purpose fibre cement board 6mm thick sqm 195.00

    121 0237 Non - asbestos multi purpose fibre cement board 8mm thick sqm 260.00

    122 0285 Brick aggregate (Single size) : 63 mm nominal size cum 400.00

    123 0286 Brick aggregate (Single size) : 50 mm nominal size cum 425.00

    124 0287 Brick aggregate (Single size) : 40 mm nominal size cum 450.00

    125 0289 Brick aggregate (Single size) : 25 mm nominal size cum 500.00

    126 0288 Brick aggregate (Single size) : 20 mm nominal size cum 500.00

    127 0291 Stone aggregate (Single size) : 63 mm nominal size cum 650.00

    128 0292 Stone aggregate (Single size) : 50 mm nominal size cum 700.00

    129 0293 Stone aggregate (Single size) : 40 mm nominal size cum 800.00

    130 0294 Stone aggregate (Single size) : 25 mm nominal size cum 1050.00

    131 0295 Stone aggregate (Single size) : 20 mm nominal size cum 1050.00

    132 0296 Stone aggregate (Single size) : 12.5 mm nominal size cum 900.00

    133 0297 Stone aggregate (Single size) : 10 mm nominal size cum 900.00

    134 0298 Stone aggregate (Single size) : 6 mm nominal size cum 650.00

    135 0300A Casurina posts 80mm dia metre 40.00

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  • Sl.No. Code No. Description Unit Rate in Rs.

    136 0300B Casurina posts 100mm dia metre 47.00

    137 0300C Casurina posts 125mm dia metre 53.00

    138 0302 Safeda ballies 125 mm diameter metre 50.00

    139 0302A Casurina posts 100 to 130mm dia metre 50.00

    140 0302B Casurina posts 150 mm dia metre 84.00

    141 0304 Bajri cum 400.00

    142 0305 Bamboo 25mm dia 2.5 metre long score 200.00

    143 0308 Bhusa quintal 200.00

    144 0309 Paving bitumen S-90 of approved quality tonne 48335.86

    145 0310 Bitumen emulsion tonne 45301.44

    146 0313 Blown type petroleum bitumen of penetration 85/25 ofapproved quality

    tonne 48335.86

    147 0314 Bitumen hot sealing compound : grade A Kg 48.33

    148 0316 Bitumen solution primer of approved quality litre 45.30

    149 0318 Bitumen felt fibre (Vegetable or animal) : type 2 grade 1 sqm 48.00

    150 0322 Biutmen felt : type 3 grade 1 sqm 48.00

    151 0324 Coal tar litre 45.30

    152 0325 Blasting Powder kg 30.00

    153 0326 Blasting fuse (fuse wire) each 12.00

    154 0328 White face insulating board :12 mm thick sqm 240.00

    155 0332 Natural colour insulating board : 12mm thick sqm 180.00

    156 0336 Flame retardent face insulating sqm 210.00

    157 0339 Flame retardant face insulating,impregnated fibre board 12 mmthick

    sqm 320.00

    158 0341 Flat pressed 3 layer particle board (medium density) grade1:12 mm thick

    sqm 300.00

    159 0346 Extra veneerede particle board :Teak veneeringononeside &commercialon other

    sqm 280.00

    Page 7Puducherry

  • Sl.No. Code No. Description Unit Rate in Rs.

    160 0347 Extra for veneered particle board with : Commercial veneeringon both sides

    sqm 110.00

    161 0348 Extra for veneered particle board with: Teak veneering on bothsides

    sqm 475.00

    162 0362 Brick bats cum 450.00

    163 0367 Portland cement tonne 6800.00

    164 0367A Cement (SRPC) tonne 7300.00

    165 0368 White cement tonne 18000.00

    166 0370 Coal (steam) quintal 950.00

    167 0373 Cramp Gun metal 25x 6x300 mm each 55.00

    168 0378 Brass butt hinges (light / ordinarytrype)125x70x4mm 10nos 1250.00

    169 0379 Brass butt hinges (light / ordinarytype) 100x70x4mm 10nos 810.00

    170 0380 Brass butt hinges (light / ordinarytype) 75x40x2.5mm 10nos 405.00

    171 0381 Brass butt hinges (light / ordinarytype)50x40x2.5mm 10nos 240.00

    172 0382 Brass butt hinges (heavy type) 125x85x5.5mm (.70kg) 10nos 1950.00

    173 0383 Brass butt hinges (heavy type) 100x85x5.5mm (.56kg) 10nos 1765.00

    174 0384 Brass butt hinges (heavy type)75x65x4.0mm (.20kg) 10nos 890.00

    175 0385 Brass parliamentary hinges 150x125x27x5mm 10nos 2750.00

    176 0386 Brass parliamentary hinges 125x125x27x5mm 10nos 2650.00

    177 0387 Brass parliamentary hinges 100x125x27x5mm 10nos 2450.00

    178 0388 Brass parliamentary hinges 75X100X20X3.2mm 10nos 1950.00

    179 0389 Brass single acting spring hinges 150 mm each 280.00

    180 0390 Brass single acting spring hinges 125 mm each 245.00

    181 0391 Brass single acting spring hinges 100 mm each 180.00

    182 0392 Brass double acting spring hinges 150 mm each 455.00

    183 0393 Brass double acting spring hinges 125 mm each 295.00

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  • Sl.No. Code No. Description Unit Rate in Rs.

    184 0394 Brass double acting spring hinges 100 mm each 245.00

    185 0400 Brass tower bolt (barrel type) 250x10 mm each 290.00

    186 0401 Brass tower bolt (barrel type) 200x10 mm each 255.00

    187 0402 Brass tower bolt (barrel type) 150x10 mm each 195.00

    188 0403 Brass tower bolt (barrel type) 100x10 mm each 145.00

    189 0404 Brass flush bolt 250 mm each 170.00

    190 0405 Brass flush bolt 150 mm each 130.00

    191 0406 Brass flush bolt 100 mm each 90.00

    192 0408 Brass handles 125 mm with plate 175x32 mm each 175.00

    193 0409 Brass handles 100 mm with plate 150x32 mm each 145.00

    194 0410 Brass handles 75 mm with plate 125x32 mm each 100.00

    195 0411 Brass door latch 300x16x5 mm (0.380 kg) each 225.00

    196 0412 Brass door latch 250x16x5 mm (0.350 kg) each 200.00

    197 0413 Brass mortice latch and lock100x65-6leverspair of brassleverhandles

    each 850.00

    198 0414 Brass mortice latch and lock100x65mmpairof brass leverhandles

    each 730.00

    199 0415 65mm Godrej Navtal locks - 6 levers each 360.00

    200 0416 65mm Godrej Navtal locks - 7 levers with 3keys each 525.00

    201 0417 Brass 150 mm floor door stopper (0.357kg) each 205.00

    202 0418 Brass hard drawn hooks and eyes 300 mm 10 Nos 645.00

    203 0419 Brass hard drawn hooks and eyes 250 mm 10 Nos 620.00

    204 0420 Brass hard drawn hooks and eyes 200 mm 10 Nos 560.00

    205 0421 Brass hard drawn hooks and eyes 150 mm 10 Nos 485.00

    206 0422 Brass hard drawn hooks and eyes 100 mm 10 Nos 400.00

    207 0423 Brass casement window fastener each 55.00

    Page 9Puducherry

  • Sl.No. Code No. Description Unit Rate in Rs.

    208 0424 Brass casement stays (straight peg type)300mm weighing notless than 0.33kg

    each 120.00

    209 0425 Brass casement stays (straight peg type)250mm weighing notless than 0.28kg

    each 105.00

    210 0426 Brass casement stays (straight peg type)200mm weighing notless than 0.24kg

    each 85.00

    211 0427 Brass quadrant stays 300 mm each 105.00

    212 0428 Brass fanlight catch 10 nos 370.00

    213 0429 Brass fan light pivot 10 nos 495.00

    214 0430 Brass chain with hook for fan light catch each 38.00

    215 0431 Brass hasps and staples (safety type) 300mm 10 Nos 800.00

    216 0432 Brass hasps and staples (safety type) 115mm 10 Nos 620.00

    217 0433 Brass hasps and staples (safety type) 90 mm 10 Nos 475.00

    218 0438 Brass night latch each 800.00

    219 0442 Brass helical spring 150 mm each 250.00

    220 0444 Brass curtain rod 20mm dia 1.25 mm thick metre 150.00

    221 0445 Brass curtain rod 25mm dia 1.25 mm thick metre 200.00

    222 0446 Brass brackets (curtain rods ) 20 mm each 48.00

    223 0447 Brass cupboard knob or ward robe knob 50 mm each 40.00

    224 0449 Brass screws 50 mm 100 Nos 360.00

    225 0450 Brass screws 40 mm 100 Nos 275.00

    226 0451 Brass screws 30 mm 100 Nos 210.00

    227 0452 Brass screws 25 mm 100 Nos 150.00

    228 0453 Brass screws 20 mm 100 Nos 105.00

    229 0524 Chromium plated brass butt hinges (heavy) type 75x65x4mm(200gms)

    10 Nos 900.00

    230 0525 Chromium plated brass butt hinges (light / ordinary) type125x70x4mm

    10 Nos 950.00

    231 0526 Chromium plated brass butt hinges (light / ordinary) type100x70x4mm

    10 Nos 825.00

    Page 10Puducherry

  • Sl.No. Code No. Description Unit Rate in Rs.

    232 0527 Chromium plated brass butt hinges (light / ordinary) type75x40x2.5mm

    10 Nos 400.00

    233 0528 Chromium plated brass butt hinges (light / ordinary) type50x40x2.5mm

    10 Nos 325.00

    234 0555 Chromium plated brass handles 125mm with plate 175 x 32mm

    each 230.00

    235 0556 Chromium plated brass handles 100mm with plate 150 x 32mm

    each 210.00

    236 0557 Chromium plated brass handles 75 mm with plate 125x32 mm each 155.00

    237 0558 Chromiumplatedbrassmorticelatch&lock100x65mmwith6levers&apair brasslever handle

    each 760.00

    238 0568 Chromiumplatedbrass casement window fastener each 95.00

    239 0569 Chromiumplatedbrasscasementstays(straightpegtype)300mmweighingnotlessthan0.33kg

    each 150.00

    240 0570 Chromiumplatedbrasscasementstays(straightpegtype)250mmweighingnotlessthan0.28kg

    each 135.00

    241 0571 Chromiumplatedbrasscasementstays(straightpegtype)200mmweighingnotlessthan0.24kg

    each 115.00

    242 0583 Chromium plated Brass night latch each 660.00

    243 0584 Chromium plated Brass Wardrobe knob 50mm each 45.00

    244 0585 Chromium plated Brass screws 50mm 100nos 310.00

    245 0586 Chromium plated Brass screws 40mm 100nos 360.00

    246 0587 Chromium plated Brass screws 30mm 100nos 205.00

    247 0588 Chromium plated Brass screws 25mm 100nos 150.00

    248 0589 Chromium plated Brass screws 20mm 100nos 110.00

    249 0590 Chromium plated brass curtain rod 12mm dia 1.25mm thick metre 175.00

    250 0591 Chromium plated brass curtain rod 20mm dia 1.25mm thick metre 250.00

    251 0592 Chromium plated brass curtain rod 25mm dia 1.25mm thick metre 310.00

    252 0594 Bright finished or black enameled ms butt hinges125x65x2.12mm

    10nos 150.00

    253 0595 Bright finished or black enameled ms butt hinges100x58x1.90mm

    10nos 120.00

    254 0596 Bright finished or black enameled ms butt hinges75x47x1.70mmm

    10nos 80.00

    255 0597 Bright finished or black enameled ms butt hinges50x37x1.50mmm

    10nos 63.00

    Page 11Puducherry

  • Sl.No. Code No. Description Unit Rate in Rs.

    256 0608 Nickel plated ms piano hinges 1mm tk35mm wide metre 30.00

    257 0635 Bright finished or black enameled ms screws 50mm 100 Nos 70.00

    258 0637 Bright finished or black enameled ms screws 40mm 100Nos 50.00

    259 0638 Bright finished or black enameled ms screws 30mm 100 nos 40.00

    260 0639 Bright finished or black enameled ms screws 25mm 100 nos 30.00

    261 0640 Bright finished or black enameled ms screws 20mm 100 nos 25.00

    262 0641 Bright finished or black enameled ms bolts&nuts 50x6mm each 6.60

    263 0641R Bright finished orblack enamaled powder coating bolts andnuts 50x6mm

    each 8.50

    264 0642 Oxidised ms butt hinges 125x65x2.12mm 10nos 235.00

    265 0642R powder coating butt hinges125x65x2.12mm 10nos 325.00

    266 0643 butt hinges 100x58x1.90mm 10nos 165.00

    267 0643R Powder coating butt hinges100x58x1.9mm 10nos 205.00

    268 0644 Oxidesed ms butt hinges 75x47x1.70mm 10nos 125.00

    269 0645 Oxidesed ms butt hinges 50x37x1.50mm 10nos 90.00

    270 0645R powder coating butt hinges 50x37x1.50mm 10nos 100.00

    271 0646 Oxidesed ms parliamentary hinges150x125x27x2.8mm 10nos 520.00

    272 0646R powder coating parliamentary hinges 150x125x27x2.8mm 10nos 1575.00

    273 0647 Oxidesed ms parliamentary hinges125x125x27x2.8mm 10nos 400.00

    274 0647R powder coating parliamentary hinges 125x125x27x2.8mm 10nos 1300.00

    275 0648 Oxidesed ms parliamentary hinges100x125x27x2.8mm 10nos 385.00

    276 0648R powder coating parliamentary hinges 100x125x27x2.8mm 10nos 1050.00

    277 0649 Oxidesed ms parliamentary hinges75x100x20x2.24mm 10nos 325.00

    278 0649R powder coating parliamentary hinges 75x100x20x2.24mm 10nos 785.00

    279 0650 Oxidesed ms single acting spring hinges 150 mm each 95.00

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  • Sl.No. Code No. Description Unit Rate in Rs.

    280 0650R powder coating single spring hinges 150mm each 270.50

    281 0651 Oxidesed ms single acting spring hinges 125 mm each 90.00

    282 0651R Powder coating ms single spring hinges 125mm each 228.00

    283 0652 Oxidesed ms single acting spring hinges 100 mm each 60.00

    284 0652R powder coating single acting spring hinges 100mm each 170.00

    285 0653 Oxidesed ms double acting spring hinges 150 mm each 100.00

    286 0653R powder coating double acting spring hinges 150mm each 260.00

    287 0654 Oxidesed ms double acting spring hinges 125 mm each 90.00

    288 0654R powder coating double acting spring hinges 125mm each 225.00

    289 0655 Oxidesed ms double acting spring hinges 100 mm each 58.00

    290 0655R powder coating double acting spring hinges 100mm each 165.00

    291 0656 Nickel plated ms piano hinges 1mm tk35mmwide metre 50.00

    292 0660 Oxidesed ms sliding door bolt 300x16mm each 78.00

    293 0660R powder coating sliding door bolt 300x16 mm each 180.00

    294 0661 Oxidesed ms sliding door bolt 250x16mm each 58.00

    295 0661R powder coating sliding door bolt 250x16 mm each 155.00

    296 0662 Oxidesed ms door latch 300x20x6mm each 42.00

    297 0662R powder coating door latch 300x20x6mm each 125.00

    298 0663 Oxidesed ms door latch 250x20x6mm each 40.00

    299 0663R powder coating latch 250x20x6mm each 110.00

    300 0664 Oxidesed mild steel tower bolt (barrel type) 250X10mm each 55.00

    301 0664R powder coating tower bolt(barrel type) 250x10 mm each 65.00

    302 0665 Oxidesed mild steel tower bolt (barrel type) 200X10mm each 40.00

    303 0665R powder coating tower bolt (barrel type) 200x10mm each 52.00

    Page 13Puducherry

  • Sl.No. Code No. Description Unit Rate in Rs.

    304 0666 Oxidesed mild steel tower bolt (barrel type) 150X10mm each 30.00

    305 0666R powder coating tower bolt (barrel type)150x10mm each 42.00

    306 0667 Oxidesed mild steel tower bolt (barrel type) 100X10mm each 25.00

    307 0667R powder coating tower bolt (barrel type) 100x10mm each 40.00

    308 0668 Oxidesed mild steel handles 125 mm each 32.00

    309 0668R powder coating handles 125mm each 95.00

    310 0669 Oxidesed mild steel handles 100 mm each 24.00

    311 0669R powder coating handles100mm each 70.00

    312 0670 Oxidesed mild steel handles 75 mm each 16.00

    313 0670R powder coating handles 75mm each 50.00

    314 0679 Oxidesed ms hasps and staples (safety type) 150 mm 10 nos 230.00

    315 0679R powder coating hasps and staples (safety type) 150mm 10nos 65.00

    316 0680 Oxidesed ms hasps and staples (safety type) 115 mm 10 nos 195.00

    317 0680R powder coating hasps and staples (safety type)115mm 10nos 55.00

    318 0681 Oxidesed ms hasps and staples (safety type) 90 mm 10 nos 170.00

    319 0681R powder coating hasps and staples (safety type)90mm 10nos 50.00

    320 0682 Oxidesed ms screws 50mm 100nos 80.00

    321 0682R powder coating screws 50mm 100nos 155.00

    322 0683 screws 40mm 100nos 60.00

    323 0683R powder coating screws 40mm 100nos 130.00

    324 0684 Oxidesed ms screws 30mm 100nos 45.00

    325 0684R powder coating screws 30mm 100nos 90.00

    326 0685 Oxidesed ms screws 25mm 100nos 40.00

    327 0685R powder coating screws 25mm 100nos 75.00

    Page 14Puducherry

  • Sl.No. Code No. Description Unit Rate in Rs.

    328 0686 Oxidesed ms screws 20mm 100nos 30.00

    329 0686R powder coating screws 20mm 100nos 60.00

    330 0687 Anodised aluminium butt hinges 125x75x4mm 10nos 800.00

    331 0688 Anodised aluminium butt hinges 125x63x4mm 10nos 725.00

    332 0689 Anodised aluminium butt hinges 100x75x4mm 10nos 675.00

    333 0690 Anodised aluminium butt hinges 100x63x3.2mm 10nos 575.00

    334 0691 Anodised aluminium butt hinges 100x63x4mm 10nos 675.00

    335 0692 Anodised aluminium butt hinges 75x63x4mm 10nos 445.00

    336 0693 Anodised aluminium butt hinges 75x63x3.2mm 10nos 375.00

    337 0694 Anodised aluminium butt hinges 75x45x3.2mm 10nos 300.00

    338 0696 Anodised aluminium sliding door bolt 300x16mm each 250.00

    339 0697 Anodised aluminium sliding door bolt 250x16mm each 220.00

    340 0698 Anodised aluminium tower bolt (barrel type)300x10mm 10nos 1050.00

    341 0699 Anodised aluminium tower bolt (barrel type) 250x10mm 10nos 975.00

    342 0700 Anodised aluminium tower bolt (barrel type) 200x10mm 10nos 850.00

    343 0701 Anodised aluminium tower bolt (barrel type) 150x10mm 10nos 660.00

    344 0702 Anodised aluminium tower bolt (barrel type) 100x10mm 10nos 425.00

    345 0703 Anodised aluminium handles125mm with plate 175 x 32mm 10nos 500.00

    346 0704 Anodised aluminium handles100mm with plate 150 x 32mm 10nos 425.00

    347 0705 Anodised aluminium handles 75mm with plate 125 x 32mm 10nos 375.00

    348 0706 Anodised aluminium handles 50 cm long 100x3.15mm each 150.00

    349 0713 Block board construction flush door with teak wood plyon bothfaces 35mm tk

    sqm 1850.00

    350 0714 Block board construction flush door with teak wood plyon bothfaces 30mm tk

    sqm 1625.00

    351 0715 Block board construction flush door with teak wood plyon bothfaces 30mm tk

    sqm 1575.00

    Page 15Puducherry

  • Sl.No. Code No. Description Unit Rate in Rs.

    352 0717 Block board construction flush door with commercial plyon bothfaces 35mm tk

    sqm 1425.00

    353 0718 Block board construction flush door with commercial plyon bothfaces 30mm tk

    sqm 1360.00

    354 0719 Block board construction flush door with commercial plyon bothfaces 25mm tk

    sqm 1250.00

    355 0723E P/F 20mm thick PVC shutter for doors, windows , cup boardetc

    sqm 2100.00

    356 0723F P/F PVC false roofing with Sintex PVC Section sqm 800.00

    357 0724 S/F Precast RCC door and window frames sqm 870.00

    358 0752 Block board construction flush door lipping sqm of doorarea


    359 0753 Square vision panel in block board construction flush door sqm of doorarea


    360 0754 Circular vision panel in block board construction flush door sqm of doorarea


    361 0755 Decorative type louvers in block board construction flush door sqm of doorarea


    362 0757 Rebate cutting in block board construction flush door sqm of doorarea


    363 0759 Decorative plywood 4 mm sqm 550.00

    364 0761 Fuel wood quintal 250.00

    365 0763 Glue kg 90.00

    366 0768 Cement concrete Jali 50mm tk sqm 415.00

    367 0769 Cement concrete Jali 40mm tk sqm 350.00

    368 0770 Cement concrete jali 25mm tk sqm 300.00

    369 0771 Kerosene oil litre 25.00

    370 0773 Unslaked lime quintal 350.00

    371 0775 white lime quintal 425.00

    372 0776 lime quintal 275.00

    373 0777 Dry hydrated lime (factory made) quintal 1050.00

    374 0784 Marble dust / powder cum 1800.00

    375 0785 Marble chips up to 4mm and downsize white&black quintal 125.00

    Page 16Puducherry

  • Sl.No. Code No. Description Unit Rate in Rs.

    376 0788 Marble chips large size above 4mm white&black quital 130.00

    377 0810 Moorum cum 450.00

    378 0810A Gravel cum 450.00

    379 0815 Dry distemper kg 60.00

    380 0816 Oil bound washable distemper / Acrylic distemper kg 70.00

    381 0818 Linseed oil (double boiled) litre 200.00

    382 0820 Cement primer litre 120.00

    383 0821 Distemper primer litre 120.00

    384 0823 Pink primer (for wood) litre 135.00

    385 0826 Aluminium paint litre 250.00

    386 0827 Acid proof paint (chocolate or black) litre 300.00

    387 0828 Anticorrosive bituminous paint (black) litre 160.00

    388 0828A Black board paint litre 180.00

    389 0829 Black japan paint litre 105.00

    390 0830 Enamel paint litre 190.00

    391 0831 Floor enamel paint in all shades except green litre 190.00

    392 0833 Synthetic enamel paint in black or chocolate shade litre 190.00

    393 0834 Synthetic enamel paint in all shades except black or chocolateshade

    litre 190.00

    394 0835 Plastic emulsion paint litre 220.00

    395 0835A plastic emulsion paint (royal) litre 375.00

    396 0835B plastic emulsion paint (premium) litre 270.00

    397 0835C plastic emulsion paint (commercial) litre 220.00

    398 0840 Paints -Ready mixed for steel work in white litre 190.00

    399 0842 Paints -Ready mixed for wood work litre 190.00

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  • Sl.No. Code No. Description Unit Rate in Rs.

    400 0845 Roofing paint for iron sheets in red colour litre 190.00

    401 0846 Set release of Don & Rebol emulsion Fosroc - mixed with5litres of water

    litre 250.00

    402 0850 White lead kg 75.00

    403 0851 Water proofing cement paint kg 50.00

    404 0855 Wax polish (ready made) kg 350.00

    405 0856 Ordinary varnish litre 220.00

    406 0857 Superior copal varnish litre 230.00

    407 0858 Superior spar varnish litre 250.00

    408 0859 Oil type wood preservative litre 120.00

    409 0863 Putty for wood work kg 50.00

    410 0865 Pig lead kg 275.00

    411 0868 Premixed super white gypsum plaster kg 15.00

    412 0869 Plaster of paris kg 20.00

    413 0869A Ready made wall putty (JK / BIRLA ) kg 28.00

    414 0870 plug each 12.00

    415 0873 Copper pins 6mm dia 7.5cm long each 12.00

    416 0874 Black colour dark shade pigment kg 75.00

    417 0875 Red,chocolate,orange,buff or yellow (red oxide of iron) lightshade pigment

    kg 120.00

    418 0876 Green or blue medium shade pigment kg 100.00

    419 0886 Standard holder bat clamps for sand cast iron or cast ironpipes 150 mm dia

    each 35.00

    420 0966 Sand cast iron plain shoe 150mm dia each 200.00

    421 0967 Copper plate kg 200.00

    422 0969 Pulley 25 mm dia each 20.00

    423 0973 Rolling shutter made of 80x1.25mm machine rolled laths sqm 2300.00

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  • Sl.No. Code No. Description Unit Rate in Rs.

    424 0974 Top cover for rolling shutters metre 550.00

    425 0975 27.5cm long wire spring grade no 2 for rolling shutters each 500.00

    426 0976 Ball bearing for rolling shutters each 260.00

    427 0977 Extra for chain & cranked rolling shutters-exceeding10sqmupto16.80sqmareaofdoor

    sqm 325.00

    428 0978 Extra for chain & cranked rolling shutters-exceeding16.80sqmarea of door

    sqm 375.00

    429 0979A Quary dust /rubbish cum 500.00

    430 0979B Earth for filling (Red earth) cum 400.00

    431 0980 cost of sludge cum 30.00

    432 0982 Coarse sand (Zone III) cum 1260.00

    433 0983 Fine sand (Zone IV) cum 1515.00

    434 0992 Galvanised steel plain sheets quintal 5000.00

    435 0992A P/F colour coated galvalume sheet of 550 M.P.A sqm 420.00

    436 0993C P/S/F of netlon mesh using 25mm sqm 275.00

    437 0994 Standard quality hard board sheet 3mm tk sqm 150.00

    438 0996 Standard quality hard board sheet 4.5 mm tk sqm 175.00

    439 0999 Shellac litre 215.00

    440 1000 Spirit litre 30.00

    441 1001 Spun yarn kg 42.00

    442 1002 MS round bar 12mm dia and below quintal 4500.00

    443 1003 MS round bar above 12mm dia quintal 4500.00

    444 1004 Av.rate of MS round bar for reinforcements quintal 4500.00

    445 1005 Twisted steel / deformed bars quintal 4500.00

    446 1005A Steel-TMT (TISCON / VIZAG / IISCO /SAIL / JSW) quintal 5000.00

    447 1005B Steel-TMT (ISI BRAND OF APPROVED MAKE) quintal 4300.00

    Page 19Puducherry

  • Sl.No. Code No. Description Unit Rate in Rs.

    448 1005C Anticorrosive coating for 20mm to 32mm dia bar tonne 10419.00

    449 1005D Anticorrosive coating for 10mm to 16mm dia bar tonne 13896.00

    450 1006 Mild steel square bars quintal 4500.00

    451 1007 Structural steel such as tees,angles channels and R.S.joists quintal 4300.00

    452 1008 Flats upto 10mm in thickness quintal 4500.00

    453 1009 Flats exceeding 10mm in thickness quintal 4600.00

    454 1010 Mild steel plates quintal 5000.00

    455 1013 Mild steel sheets for tanks quintal 4300.00

    456 1015 Mild steel expanded metal 20x60 mm strands sqm 275.00

    457 1019 Mild steel hooks each 5.75

    458 1020 Mild steel rivets quital 4750.00

    459 1021 Hard drawn steel wire fabric sqm 350.00

    460 1022 GS bolts&nuts6mmdia&25mmlong round head with slots 10nos 11.00

    461 1023 GS J or L hooks 8mm dia 10nos 52.00

    462 1024 GS bolts&nuts6mmdia&125mmlong round head with slots each 12.00

    463 1025 MS bolts 6mm dia and 25mm long with hexagonal head 10nos 15.00

    464 1028 Straining bolts each 42.00

    465 1029 GS barbed wire quintal 6650.00

    466 1030 GS turn buckles each 10.00

    467 1031 GS bolts & nuts 10mm dia and 27cm long both sides threadedwith 4GS nuts

    each 13.00

    468 1032 GS bolts 10mm dia & 7cmlongwith nuts each 9.00

    469 1034 Bolts and nuts upto 300 mm in length quintal 6050.00

    470 1035 Bolts and nuts above 300 mm in length quintal 5350.00

    471 1036 Iron pintels including welded pin each 32.00

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  • Sl.No. Code No. Description Unit Rate in Rs.

    472 1037S AISI 316G 50mm S.S.pipe 10mtr or 32.5 or 25kgx400 LS 11000.00

    473 1038S 25mm SS pipe 4 cross line 40mtr or 130' or 50kg x400 LS 21500.00

    474 1039S Vertical 40mm x10mmx1mtr height 17no.or 55kg x400 LS 23500.00

    475 1040S S.S Slant holes over vertical post, each 4 holes , total holes68nox50.00

    LS 3650.00

    476 1041S S.S.Base plate of 100mmx100x9mm of each 1 kg,17 pipes or17kgx300

    LS 5500.00

    477 1042S S.S.M9 holes over base plate, total 17 plates , 68 holes x40.00 LS 2720.00

    478 1043S S.S. M8 Anchor fastener bolt & 60no x50.00 LS 3400.00

    479 1044L For10mtr,charges cutting ,TIG welding, mirror polishinginclu.transportationet

    LS 26650.00

    480 1143 Steel beading metre 42.00

    481 1145 Aluminium plain strip edging 38x12x3mm metre 85.00

    482 1149 Glass strip 4mm thick 40mm deep metre 6.50

    483 1154 Through and bond stone 100nos 900.00

    484 1157 Stone for masonry work cum 800.00

    485 1157A Jetty stone / Armour stone / core stone MT 370.00

    486 1158 Stone for pitching 15cm x22.5cm cum 1000.00

    487 1159 Stone dust cum 500.00

    488 1159A Spalls (5 to 50 kg) cum 300.00

    489 1159B Charcoal powder kg 27.50

    490 1160 Red sand stone block cum 4750.00

    491 1161 White sand stone block cum 5350.00

    492 1163 White sand stone slab 75mm tk (un-dressed) sqm 345.00

    493 1164 Red sand stone slab 40mm thick (un-dressed) sqm 175.00

    494 1165 White sand stone slab 40mm thick (un-dressed) sqm 280.00

    495 1166 Red sand stone slab 45mm and 50 mm thick (un-dressed) sqm 150.00

    Page 21Puducherry

  • Sl.No. Code No. Description Unit Rate in Rs.

    496 1168 Kota stone slab 20mm to 25mm thick(semi-polished) sqm 450.00

    497 1169 Kota stone slab 25mm thick (rough chiseled) sqm 510.00

    498 1174 Red sand stone slab 45mm and 50mm thick(un-dressed) sqm 225.00

    499 1175 White sand stone slab 45mm and 50mm thick(un-dressed) sqm 255.00

    500 1177 Stone grit 6mm and down size or pea sized gravel cum 700.00

    501 1179 Crushed stone 2.36mm to 12.5mm size cum 685.00

    502 1189B Teak wood in scantling (Burma) cum 159050.00

    503 1190B Teak wood in planks (Burma) cum 190860.00

    504 1197P Country wood in scantling (Padak) cum 84820.00

    505 1197V Country wood in scantling (Vengai) cum 77760.00

    506 1198P Country wood in planks (Padak) cum 106000.00

    507 1198V country wood in planks(Vengai) cum 106000.00

    508 1203A Cement concrete flooring tiles 22mm tk -(Endura/Ultra/Dazzle/Technic)

    sqm 430.00

    509 1207 G.I.limpet washer 100nos 32.00

    510 1208 Bitumen washer 100nos 25.00

    511 1209 G.I.plain washer thick 100nos 38.00

    512 1210 G.I.plain washer thin 100nos 33.00

    513 1211 G.I.plain washer for seam bolts 100nos 23.00

    514 1213 Water proofing materials kg 33.00

    515 1214 Welding by gas plant cm 0.88

    516 1215 Welding by electric plant cm 0.68

    517 1216 Whiting quintal 680.00

    518 1219 Wire nails kg 44.00

    519 1220 Wire mesh (rabbit) sqm 70.00

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  • Sl.No. Code No. Description Unit Rate in Rs.

    520 1221 20mm dia holding down bolts quintal 4400.00

    521 1222 Mild steel sheets with bolts and nuts to rest on pintels each 210.00

    522 1224 Hard drawn steel wire quintal 4750.00

    523 1225 Mild steel flat strap fitting quintal 4680.00

    524 1234 Aluminium plain strip edging 57x12x3mm metre 132.00

    525 1235 Diesel oil litre 54.28

    526 1237 Cutting marble or sand stone slab upto 50mm tk by mechanicaldevice

    metre 5.50

    527 1241 Commercial LPG in cylinder kg 61.00

    528 1257C Thermocole plain sheet - 19mm thick sqm 45.00

    529 1301 Bleaching powder quintal 3450.00

    530 1304 Surface box for stop cock each 82.00

    531 1305 Surface box for sluice valve each 165.00

    532 1307 Surface box for water meter each 284.00

    533 1309 C.I.bracket for washbasin and sinks pair 80.00

    534 1314 C.P.brass chain with 32mm dia rubber plug each 210.00

    535 1315 C.P.brass chain with 40mm dia rubber plug each 240.00

    536 1330 Clamps and M.S.stays including bolts and nuts for 100mm pipe each 27.00

    537 1331 M.S.holder bat clamp of approved design for 100mm S.C.I.pipe each 26.00

    538 1332 M.S.holder bat clamp of approved design for 75mm S.C.I.pipe each 12.00

    539 1334 Clamps and M.S.stays including bolts and nuts for 50mm pipe each 27.00

    540 1335 Clamps and M.S.stays including bolts and nuts for 75mm pipe each 27.00

    541 1336 Clearing eye with chain and lid 100mm dia each 46.00

    542 1337 Clearing eye with chain and lid 150mm dia each 53.00

    543 1339 Brass bib -cock 15mm dia each 250.00

    Page 23Puducherry

  • Sl.No. Code No. Description Unit Rate in Rs.

    544 1340 Brass bib-cock 20mm dia each 300.00

    545 1342 Brass stop-cock 15mm dia each 280.00

    546 1343 Brass stop-cock 20mm dia each 340.00

    547 1350 Mosquito proof coupling of approved design each 44.00

    548 1352 C.I.cover and frame 300x300 mm inside each 350.00

    549 1353 C.I.cover without frame 300x300mm inside i/c cover of 4.50kg each 360.00

    550 1354 Rectangular cover 455x610mm with frame (low duty) each 1180.00

    551 1355 Rectangular cover 455x610mm without frame (low duty) each 510.00

    552 1356 500mm dia cover with frame (medium duty) each 1600.00

    553 1357 500mm dia cover without frame (medium duty) each 1200.00

    554 1358 DI manhole cover- 560mm dia circular hinged cover withsquare frame.( Not less

    each 7400.00

    555 1358A DI manhole cover- 560mm dia circular hinged cover withsquare frame.( Not less

    each 8300.00

    556 1359 DI Rectangular IC Cover 450x600mm Rectangular Hingedcover with frame.(Not less

    each 6500.00

    557 1360 C.I.mouth,brass ferrule 15 mm dia each 170.00

    558 1361 C.I.mouth,brass ferrule 20 mm dia each 250.00

    559 1361A Precast concrete manhole cover- 600mm dia circular coverwith frame.( Not less

    each 2900.00

    560 1362 C.I.mouth,brass ferrule 25 mm dia each 250.00

    561 1362A Precast concrete manhole cover- 560mm dia circular coverwith frame.( Not less

    each 2150.00

    562 1363 Vitreous china foot rests 250x130x30 mm pair 110.00

    563 1363A Precast concrete rectangular cover 450x600mm Rectangularcover with frame.(Not

    each 2850.00

    564 1364 C.I grating 100x100 mm each 18.00

    565 1364A Precast concrete rectangular cover 450x600mm Rectangularcover with frame.(Not

    each 1550.00

    566 1365 C.I.grating 150x100mm each 22.00

    567 1366 C.I grating 150x150 mm each 29.00

    Page 24Puducherry

  • Sl.No. Code No. Description Unit Rate in Rs.

    568 1367 C.I.grating 180x180mm each 32.00

    569 1369 S.C.I.gully or nahani grating 100mm dia each 16.00

    570 1371 Hydrant (FIRE) 2 Kg each 1690.00

    571 1371A Hydrant (FIRE) 4.5 Kg each 2460.00

    572 1373 Rubber insertions for 80mm dia pipe joints each 22.00

    573 1374 Rubber insertions for 100mm dia pipe joints each 22.00

    574 1375 Rubber insertions for 125mm dia pipe joints each 23.00

    575 1376 Rubber insertions for 150mm dia pipe joints each 25.00

    576 1377 Rubber insertions for 200mm dia pipe joints each 44.00

    577 1378 Rubber insertions for 250mm dia pipe joints each 56.00

    578 1379 Rubber insertions for 300mm dia pipe joints each 89.00

    579 1380 Rubber insertions for 350mm dia pipe joints each 96.00

    580 1381 Rubber insertions for 400mm dia pipe joints each 105.00

    581 1382 Rubber insertions for 450mm dia pipe joints each 124.00

    582 1383 Rubber insertions for 500mm dia pipe joints each 160.00

    583 1384 Rubber insertions for 600mm dia pipe joints each 190.00

    584 1392 Mirror of superior make glass 60x45cm each 490.00

    585 1395 Juteyarn kg 59.00

    586 1396 Vitreous china pedestal for wash basin each 1040.00

    587 1397 Pig lead kg 275.00

    588 1398 "L" Clamp 30 cm long (12mm Dia) no 66.00

    589 1399 Hire charge for pipe cutting machine day 250.00

    590 1401 G.I Waste Not Tap -15mm(ALTO/GIFVAL) each 98.00

    591 1401A G.I Waste Not Tap -20mm(ALTO/GIFVAL) each 160.00

    Page 25Puducherry

  • Sl.No. Code No. Description Unit Rate in Rs.

    592 1402 Brass Bib cock-20mm each 124.00

    593 1464 S&S.C.I.standard specials upto 300mm dia (heavy class) quintal 4950.00

    594 1466 S&S.C.I.standard specials over 300mm dia (heavy class) quintal 5200.00

    595 1468 Flanged C.I.standard specials upto 300mm dia (heavy class) quintal 5400.00

    596 1470 Flanged C.I.standard specials over 300mm dia (heavy class) quintal 5500.00

    597 1472 Casing pipe 100 mm dia metre 490.00

    598 1532 Flush pipe with union spreaders and clamps all in C.P.brass forsingle stall

    each 290.00

    599 1533 Flush pipe with union spreaders and clamps all in C.P.brass fordouble stall

    each 475.00

    600 1534 Flush pipe with union spreaders and clamps all in C.P.brassforrangof threestall

    each 515.00

    601 1535 Flush pipe with union spreaders and clamps all in C.P.brassforrangof fourstall

    each 620.00

    602 1540 Flush pipe and spreaders G.I.for single set of one squattingplate urinal

    each 320.00

    603 1541 Flush pipe and spreaders G.I.for single set of two squattingplate urinal

    each 290.00

    604 1542 Flush pipe and spreaders G.I.for single set of three squattingplate urinal

    each 390.00

    605 1543 Flush pipe and spreaders G.I.for single set of four squattingplate urinal

    each 415.00

    606 1545 G.I.pipes 15mm dia metre 138.00

    607 1546 G.I.pipes 20mm dia metre 180.00

    608 1547 G.I.pipes 25mm dia metre 239.00

    609 1548 G.I.pipes 32mm dia metre 256.00

    610 1549 G.I.pipes 40mm dia metre 292.00

    611 1550 G.I.pipes 50mm dia metre 475.00

    612 1551 G.I.pipes 65mm dia metre 730.00

    613 1552 G.I.pipes 80mm dia metre 1080.00

    614 1555 G.I.back (jam)nuts 25mm dia each 25.00

    615 1559 G.I.back (jam)nuts 65mm dia each 45.00

    Page 26Puducherry

  • Sl.No. Code No. Description Unit Rate in Rs.

    616 1608 G.I.tees (equal) 25mm each 55.00

    617 1612 G.I.tees (equal) 65mm each 220.00

    618 1614 G.I.inlet connection each 58.00

    619 1616 S.C.I soil,waste&vent single socketed pipe 1.80 metreslong:75mm dia

    each 435.00

    620 1617 S.C.I soil,waste&vent single socketed pipe 1.80 metreslong:100mm dia

    each 475.00

    621 1617A PVC pipe -110mm dia (4kg / sqm) metre 170.00

    622 1618 S.C.I soil,waste&vent single socketed pipe 1.80 metreslong:150mm dia

    each 780.00

    623 1620 S.C.I.plain bend 75mm dia each 85.00

    624 1621 S.C.I.plain bend 100mm dia each 115.00

    625 1622 S.C.I.plain bend 150mm dia each 300.00

    626 1624 S.C.I.bend with access door 75mm dia each 130.00

    627 1625 S.C.I.bend with access door 100mm dia each 150.00

    628 1625A PVC 110mm plain bend with access door each 92.00

    629 1626B Stoneware 150x150mm "Y" joint IS-651 no 285.00

    630 1626C Stoneware 200x150mm "Y" joint IS-651 no 350.00

    631 1626D Stoneware 250x150mm "Y" joint IS-651 no 400.00

    632 1626E Stoneware 300x150mm "Y" joint IS-651 no 620.00

    633 1626F Stoneware 375x150mm "Y" joint IS-651 no 1000.00

    634 1627 S.C.I.plain single equal junctions 75x75x75 mm dia each 122.00

    635 1628 S.C.I.plain single equal junctions 100x100x100 mm dia each 195.00

    636 1630 S.C.I.single equal junctions 75x75x75 mm dia with access door each 165.00

    637 1631 S.C.I.single equal junctions100x100x100 mm dia with accessdoor

    each 210.00

    638 1633 S.C.I.plain double equal junctions 75x75x75 x75 mm dia each 195.00

    639 1634 S.C.I.plain double equal junctions 100x100x100x100 mm dia each 270.00

    Page 27Puducherry

  • Sl.No. Code No. Description Unit Rate in Rs.

    640 1636 S.C.I.plain double equal junctions 75x75x75x75 mm dia withaccess door

    each 225.00

    641 1637 S.C.I.plain double equal junctions 100x100x100x100 mm diawith access door

    each 300.00

    642 1639 Slotted cowl (terminal guard)75mm dia each 90.00

    643 1640 Slotted cowl (terminal guard) 100mm dia each 120.00

    644 1641 G.I. Union 15mm nominal bore each 65.00

    645 1642 G.I. Union 20mm nominal bore each 78.00

    646 1643 G.I. Union 25mm nominal bore each 90.00

    647 1644 G.I. Union 32mm nominal bore each 126.00

    648 1645 G.I. Union 40mm nominal bore each 160.00

    649 1646 G.I. Union 50mm nominal bore each 208.00

    650 1647 G.I. Union 65mm nominal bore each 276.00

    651 1648 G.I. Union 80mm nominal bore each 320.00

    652 1649 Polythylene water storage tank with cover and suitable lockingarrangement

    per litre 6.20

    653 1653 Sand cast iron S&S plain single unequaljunctions:100x100x75mm dia

    each 180.00

    654 1656 Sand cast iron S&S single unequal junctions:100x100x75mmdiawith access door

    each 215.00

    655 1659 Sand cast iron S&Splaindouble unequaljunctions:100x100x75x75mm dia

    each 177.00

    656 1662 Sand cast iron S&S double unequaljunctions:100x100x75x75mm dia with access door

    each 250.00

    657 1666 Sand cast iron heel rest bend 75mm dia each 115.00

    658 1666A PVC 75mm heel rest bend each 36.80

    659 1667 Sand cast iron heel rest bend 100mm dia each 140.00

    660 1667A PVC 110mm heel rest bend each 59.80

    661 1669 S.C.I.single equal invert branch of required degree75x75x75mm dia

    each 155.00

    662 1670 S.C.I.single equal invert branch of required degree100x100x100mm dia

    each 215.00

    663 1672 S.C.I.double equal invert branch of required degree75x75x75x75mm dia

    each 200.00

    Page 28Puducherry

  • Sl.No. Code No. Description Unit Rate in Rs.

    664 1673 S.C.I.double equal invert branch of required degree100x100x100x100mm dia

    each 245.00

    665 1674 S.C.I. single unequal invert branch of required degree100x100x75mm dia

    each 185.00

    666 1677 S.C.I. double unequal invert branch of required degree100x100x75x75 mm dia

    each 270.00

    667 1682 S.C.I.door pieces 75mm dia each 125.00

    668 1683 S.C.I.door pieces 100mm dia each 170.00

    669 1685 S.C.I.collar 75mm dia each 60.00

    670 1686 S.C.I.collar 100mm dia each 68.00

    671 1687 U.P.V.C connection pipe with brass union 30cm long 15mmbore

    each 75.00

    672 1688 U.P.V.C connection pipe with brass union 30cm long 20mmbore

    each 90.00

    673 1689 U.P.V.C connection pipe with brass union 45cm long 15mmbore

    each 95.00

    674 1690 U.P.V.C connection pipe with brass union 45cm long 20mmbore

    each 105.00

    675 1693 S.C.I.hand pump each 1350.00

    676 1700 R.C.C.pipes NP2 class 100mm dia metre 165.00

    677 1701 R.C.C.pipes NP2 class 150mm dia metre 185.00

    678 1702 R.C.C.pipes NP2 class 250mm dia metre 205.00

    679 1703 R.C.C.pipes NP2 class 300mm dia metre 630.00

    680 1704 R.C.C.pipes NP2 class 450mm dia metre 880.00

    681 1705 R.C.C.pipes NP2 class 500mm dia metre 970.00

    682 1706 R.C.C.pipes NP2 class 600mm dia metre 1110.00

    683 1707 R.C.C.pipes NP2 class 700mm dia metre 1240.00

    684 1709 R.C.C.pipes NP2 class 800mm dia metre 1700.00

    685 1710 R.C.C.pipes NP2 class 900mm dia metre 2040.00

    686 1711 R.C.C.pipes NP2 class 1000mm dia metre 2690.00

    687 1712 R.C.C.pipes NP2 class 1100mm dia metre 3150.00

    Page 29Puducherry

  • Sl.No. Code No. Description Unit Rate in Rs.

    688 1713 R.C.C.pipes NP2 class 1200mm dia metre 3740.00

    689 1714 R.C.C.collars NP2 class 100mm dia each 60.00

    690 1715 R.C.C.collars NP2 class 150mm dia each 120.00

    691 1716 R.C.C.collars NP2 class 250mm dia each 160.00

    692 1717 R.C.C.collars NP2 class 300mm dia each 240.00

    693 1718 R.C.C.collars NP2 class 450mm dia each 300.00

    694 1719 R.C.C.collars NP2 class 500mm dia each 330.00

    695 1720 R.C.C.collars NP2 class 600mm dia each 390.00

    696 1721 R.C.C.collars NP2 class 700mm dia each 440.00

    697 1723 R.C.C.collars NP2 class 800mm dia each 480.00

    698 1724 R.C.C.collars NP2 class 900mm dia each 515.00

    699 1725 R.C.C.collars NP2 class 1000mm dia each 590.00

    700 1726 R.C.C.collars NP2 class 1100mm dia each 690.00

    701 1727 R.C.C.collars NP2 class 1200mm dia each 740.00

    702 1863 Fire clay kitchen sink:600x450x250mm each 1600.00

    703 1871 White vitreous china laboratory sink 450x300x150mm each 1250.00

    704 1872 White vitreous china laboratory sink 600x450x200mm each 1900.00

    705 1875 White plastic seat (solid) with lid C.P.brass hinges and rubberbuffers

    each 360.00

    706 1876 Black plastic seat (solid) with lid C.P.brass hinges and rubberbuffers

    each 350.00

    707 1878 Shower rose C.P.brass for 15 to 20 mm inlet 100 mm dia each 700.00

    708 1879 Shower rose C.P.brass for 15 to 20 mm inlet 150 mm dia each 1050.00

    709 1881 Spun yarn kg 42.00

    710 1882 Stainer brass 40mm dia 1.5metre long each 550.00

    711 1885 15mm C.P.brass tap each 400.00

    Page 30Puducherry

  • Sl.No. Code No. Description Unit Rate in Rs.

    712 1889 C.P.brass toilet paper holder of standard size each 110.00

    713 1891 C.I.trapfor standard urinal withventarmwith operating&othercouplinginCP50mmdia

    each 180.00

    714 1893 C.I.trapfor standard urinal withventarmwith operating&othercouplinginCP80mmdia

    each 250.00

    715 1895 C.P.brass trap 40mm dia each 210.00

    716 1896 100mm S.C.I.trap with vent heel each 180.00

    717 1897 100mm S.C.I.trapwith100mminletand 100mm outlet each 200.00

    718 1898 100mm S.C.I.trapwith100mminletand 75mm outlet each 200.00

    719 1900 S.W.gullytrap P type 100x100mm each 65.00

    720 1901 S.W.Gully trap-p type 125 x 100mm each 75.00

    721 1902 S.W.gullytrap P type 150x100mm each 85.00

    722 1903 S.W.Gully trap-p type 180 x 100mm no 100.00

    723 1904 S.W.gullytrap P type 180x100mm each 125.00

    724 1913 Vitreous china lipped front urinal each 550.00

    725 1915 Vitreous china squatting plate urinal each 1100.00

    726 1922 H.P.or L.P.ball valve with polythene floats:15mm dia each 180.00

    727 1923 H.P.or L.P.ball valve with polythene floats:20mm dia each 320.00

    728 1924 H.P.or L.P.ball valve with polythene floats:25mm dia each 340.00

    729 1925 Brass full way valve C.I wheel 15mm dia each 170.00

    730 1926 Brass full way valve C.I wheel 20mm dia each 180.00

    731 1927 Brass full way valve with C.I.wheel(screwed end) 25mm dia each 320.00

    732 1928 Brass full way valve with C.I.wheel(screwed end) 32mm dia each 470.00

    733 1929 Brass full way valve with C.I.wheel(screwed end) 40mm dia each 660.00

    734 1930 Brass full way valve with C.I.wheel(screwed end) 50mm dia each 900.00

    735 1931 Brass full way valve with C.I.wheel(screwed end) 65mm dia each 1250.00

    Page 31Puducherry

  • Sl.No. Code No. Description Unit Rate in Rs.

    736 1932 Brass full way valve with C.I.wheel(screwed end) 80mm dia each 1950.00

    737 1933 Gunmetal non-return valve -horizontal (screwed end) 25mmdia

    each 370.00

    738 1934 Gunmetal non-return valve -horizontal (screwed end) 32mmdia

    each 510.00

    739 1935 Gunmetal non-return valve -horizontal (screwed end) 40mmdia

    each 730.00

    740 1936 Gunmetal non-return valve -horizontal (screwed end) 50mmdia

    each 1070.00

    741 1937 Gunmetal non-return valve -horizontal (screwed end) 65mmdia

    each 1620.00

    742 1938 Gunmetal non-return valve -horizontal (screwed end) 80mmdia

    each 2530.00

    743 1940 C.I.slucie valve (with caps) class 1:100mm dia each 3200.00

    744 1941 C.I.slucie valve (with caps) class 1:125mm dia each 3850.00

    745 1942 C.I.slucie valve (with caps) class 1:150mm dia each 4620.00

    746 1943 C.I.slucie valve (with caps) class 1:200mm dia each 6600.00

    747 1944 C.I.slucie valve (with caps) class 1:250mm dia each 9130.00

    748 1945 C.I.slucie valve (with caps) class 1:300mm dia each 11220.00

    749 1947 Vitreous china flat back wash basin 630x450mm each 1680.00

    750 1949 Vitreous china flat back wash basin 600x480mm each 1700.00

    751 1950 Vitreous china flat back wash basin 400x400mm each 880.00

    752 1951 C.P.brass waste 32mm each 70.00

    753 1952 C.P.brass waste 40mm each 94.00

    754 1953 Vitreous china Indian type w.c.pan size 580 mm each 740.00

    755 1954 Vitreous china Orrisa type w.c.pan size 580 mm each 900.00

    756 1955 Vitreous china pedestal type water closet each 950.00

    757 1956 Bolts & nuts 16mm dia 60mm long each 44.00

    758 1957 Bolts & nuts 16mm dia 65mm long each 47.00

    759 1958 Bolts & nuts 20mm dia 65mm long each 80.00

    Page 32Puducherry

  • Sl.No. Code No. Description Unit Rate in Rs.

    760 1959 Bolts & nuts 20mm dia 70mm long each 83.00

    761 1960 Bolts & nuts 20mm dia 75mm long each 87.00

    762 1961 Bolts & nuts 20mm dia 80mm long each 89.00

    763 1962 Bolts & nuts 24mm dia 85mm long each 94.00

    764 1963 Bolts & nuts 24mm dia 90mm long each 150.00

    765 1964 Bolts & nuts 27mm dia 100mm long each 154.00

    766 1965 Whitevitreouschinadualpurposeclosetsuitableforsquattingpanoreuropeanwatercloset

    each 875.60

    767 1970 vitreouschinafootrests250x125x25mm pair 85.00

    768 1980 Flyash (from Neyveli - 70 km) cum 470.00

    769 1984 F.P.S.bricks tile class designation 35 1000 Nos 4000.00

    770 1986 Modular bricks class designation 35 1000 Nos 5000.00

    771 2391 Strips-Aluminium fluted 3.15mm thick and 150mm wide metre 275.00

    772 2392 Strips-Aluminium fluted 3.15mm thick and 200mm widemetre metre 330.00

    773 2403 Mango wood in scantling cum 16500.00

    774 2404 Mango wood in planks cum 20000.00

    775 2406 Flot glass sheet of nominal thickness 4mm (weight not lessthan 10kg/sqm)

    sqm 340.00

    776 2407 Flot glass sheet of nominal thickness 5.5mm (weight not lessthan 13.50kg/sqm)

    sqm 430.00

    777 2407A Float glass sheet of nominal thickness 6.0mm thick sqm 525.00

    778 2408 Float glass panes of 8.0mm thick sqm 575.00

    779 2412 Ply wood 5 ply with commercial ply on both faces 6mm thick sqm 260.00

    780 2447 Hollock ballies 125mm diameter metre 33.00

    781 2449 Oxidised mild steel pull bolt lock (locking bolt) of size 85 mm x42 mm

    each 40.00

    782 2449R powder coating pull bolt lock (locking bolt) of size 85mmx42mm each 53.00

    783 2451 Brass cupboard lock 6levers (best make of approved quality)40mm size

    each 70.00

    Page 33Puducherry

  • Sl.No. Code No. Description Unit Rate in Rs.

    784 2452 Brass cupboard lock 6levers (best make of approved quality)50mm size

    each 87.00

    785 2453 Brass cupboard lock 6levers (best make of approved quality)65mm size

    each 100.00

    786 2454 Brass cupboard lock 6levers (best make of approved quality)75mm size

    each 118.00

    787 2455 Brass hanging type door stopper 150 mm each 70.00

    788 2456 Hydraulic door closer bottle type M.S.body with necessaryaccessories and screws

    each 1217.00

    789 2459 Anodised aliminium hanging type door stopper each 46.00

    790 2464 Anodisedaluminiumpullboltlock(locking bolt) ofsize85mmx42mmwithscrews,bolts,nut

    each 53.00

    791 2465 Anodisedaluminiumcasementstay250mm each 68.00

    792 2467 Chromium plated brass pullboltlock(lockingbolt)of85mmx42mmscrews,bolts,nuts&was

    each 200.00

    793 2468 Nickeled chromium brass cupboard lock 40mm size each 66.00

    794 2469 Nickeled chromium brass cupboard lock 50mm size each 84.00

    795 2470 Nickeled chromium brass cupboard lock 65mm size each 99.00

    796 2471 Nickeled chromium brass cupboard lock 75mm size each 117.00

    797 2480 Ply wood 5 ply with teak ply on both faces 9mm thick sqm 762.00

    798 2481 Ply wood 5 ply with teak ply on one face & commercial ply onanother face 9mm tk

    sqm 605.00

    799 2483 Ply wood 7 ply with teak ply on one face & commercial ply onanother face 9mm tk

    sqm 643.50

    800 2504 Kiln seasoning of timber cum 593.00

    801 2602 F.P.S.bricks class designation 35 (Clay burnt bricks) 1000nos 4200.00

    802 2603 F.P.S.bricks class designation 50 1000nos 4200.00

    803 2604M Stabilised Mud blocks of size 24cm x 11.5cm x 9cm 1000nos 4000.00

    804 2704 Aluminium strip 40mm wide and 2mm thick kg 303.00

    805 2710 White marble makrana second quality plain veined stonepieces for crazy flooring

    quintal 110.00

    806 2711A PVC sheets poly chloride sheat 1.5mm thick sqm 374.00

    807 2712A PVC sheets poly chloride sheat 2.0 mm thick sqm 435.00

    Page 34Puducherry

  • Sl.No. Code No. Description Unit Rate in Rs.

    808 2717A PVC sheets poly chloride tiles 1.5mm thick sqm 327.00

    809 2718A PVC sheets poly chloride tiles 2.0mm thick sqm 350.00

    810 2723 Adhesive (rubber base) kg 190.00

    811 2736 Rubber sheet 3.2mm thick kg 55.00

    812 2736A Rubber sheet 3.2mm thick sqm 220.00

    813 2750 8mm tk granite stone tiles (mirror polished of all shades) sqm 600.00

    814 2751 8mm tk marble tiles (polished) Raj nagar sqm 370.00

    815 2911 Stone chippings / screenings 10/11.2mm nominal size cum 880.00

    816 3002 PVC sheet 400 micron tk sqm 99.00

    817 3004 Stoneware spouts 100mm dia 60cm long each 50.00

    818 3050 GS corrugated sheets quintal 4400.00

    819 3080 Gunmetal non-return valve - vertical (screwed end) 25mm dia each 225.00

    820 3084 Gunmetal non-return valve - vertical (screwed end) 32mm dia each 325.00

    821 3088 Gunmetal non-return valve - vertical (screwed end) 40mm dia each 375.00

    822 3092 Gunmetal non-return valve - vertical (screwed end) 50mm dia each 625.00

    823 3096 Gunmetal non-return valve - vertical (screwed end) 65mm dia each 825.00

    824 3213 Vitreous china surgeon type wash basin of size 660x460mm each 1100.00

    825 3228 600x120mmglassshelfanodisedaluminiumangleframe c.p.brassbracket&guardrailof.s.s

    each 92.00

    826 3229 Vitreouschina flatback wash basin 550x400mm each 700.00

    827 3300 Gunmetal non-return valve - vertical (screwed end) 80mm dia each 1225.00

    828 3311 C.I.sluice valve (with caps) class II : 100 mm dia each 3000.00

    829 3314 C.I.sluice valve (with caps) class II : 125 mm dia each 3600.00

    830 3317 C.I.sluice valve (with caps) class II : 150 mm dia each 4300.00

    831 3320 C.I.sluice valve (with caps) class II : 200 mm dia each 6100.00

    Page 35Puducherry

  • Sl.No. Code No. Description Unit Rate in Rs.

    832 3321 C.I.sluice valve (with caps) class II : 250 mm dia each 8400.00

    833 3326 C.I.sluice valve (with caps) class II : 300 mm dia each 10300.00

    834 3617 C.P.Brass union 40 mm dia each 92.00

    835 3620 C.C.I.(spun) socketed soil,waste & vent pipe 1.80 metreslong:100mm dia

    each 978.00

    836 3621 C.C.I.(spun) socketed soil,waste & vent pipe 1.80 metreslong:75mm dia

    each 846.00

    837 3624 S.C.I. S&S bends with access door 100mm dia each 225.00

    838 3625 S.C.I. S&S bends with access door 75mm dia each 179.00

    839 3628 S.C.I.S&S bend 100mm dia each 190.00

    840 3629 S.C.I.S&S bend 75mm dia each 143.00

    841 3634 S.C.I. S&S heel rest sanitary bend 100mm dia each 233.00

    842 3635 S.C.I. S&S heel rest sanitary bend 75mm dia each 204.00

    843 3640 S.C.I. S&S single equal junctions 100x100x100mm each 367.00

    844 3641 S.C.I. S&S single equal junctions 75x75x75mm each 276.00

    845 3644 S.C.I. S&S single equal junctions with access door100x100x100 mm

    each 396.00

    846 3645 S.C.I. S&S single equal junctions with access door75x75x75mm

    each 294.00

    847 3650 S.C.I. S&S double equal junctions 100x100x100x100mm each 467.00

    848 3651 S.C.I. S&S double equal junctions 75x75x75x75mm each 373.00

    849 3654 S.C.I. S&S double equal junctions with access door100x100x100 x100mm

    each 502.00

    850 3655 S.C.I. S&S double equal junctions with access door75x75x75x75mm

    each 400.00

    851 3660 S.C.I. S&S single unequal junctions 100x100x75 mm each 461.00

    852 3664 S.C.I. S&S single unequal junctions with access door100x100x75mm

    each 523.00

    853 3670 S.C.I. S&S double unequal plain junctions 100x100x75x75 mm each 639.00

    854 3674 S.C.I. S&S double unequal junctions with access door100x100x75x75 mm

    each 700.00

    855 3681 S.C.I. S&S single equal invert branch of required degree100x100x100 mmdia

    each 325.00

    Page 36Puducherry

  • Sl.No. Code No. Description Unit Rate in Rs.

    856 3682 S.C.I. S&S single equal invert branch of required degree75x75x75 mmdia

    each 247.00

    857 3685 S.C.I.S&S double equal invert branch of required degree100x100x100x100 mm dia

    each 414.00

    858 3686 S.C.I.S&S double equal invert branch of required degree75x75x75x75 mm dia

    each 334.00

    859 3690 S.C.I.S&S single unequal invert branch of required degree100x100x75 mm dia

    each 422.00

    860 3695 S.C.I.S&S double unequal invert branch of required degree100x100x75x75mm dia

    each 574.00

    861 3699 S.C.I. S&S,75 mm offset for 75 mm dia pipe each 179.00

    862 3707 S.C.I. S&S,150 mm offset for 75 mm dia pipe each 223.00

    863 3708 S.C.I. S&S,150 mm offset for 100 mm dia pipe each 306.00

    864 3712 S.C.I. S&S,114 mm offset for 75 mm dia pipe each 220.00

    865 3713 S.C.I. S&S,114 mm offset for 100 mm dia pipe each 289.00

    866 3716 S.C.I. S&S,152 mm offset for 75mm dia pipe each 275.00

    867 3717 S.C.I. S&S,152 mm offset for100mm dia pipe each 361.00

    868 3728 S.C.I.S&S door pieces 100 mm dia each 230.00

    869 3729 S.C.I.S&S door pieces 75mm dia each 176.00

    870 3733 S.C.I. S&S,Slotted Cowl (Terminal Guard) 100mm each 154.00

    871 3734 S.C.I. S&S,Slotted Cowl (Terminal Guard) 75mm each 142.00

    872 3738 S.C.I. S&S,collars 100 mm each 161.00

    873 3739 S.C.I. S&S,collars 75 mm each 115.00

    874 3746 S.C.I. S&S. 76mm offset for 75mm dia pipe each 126.00

    875 3747 S.C.I. S&S. 76mm offset for 100 mm dia pipe each 220.00

    876 3749 Vitreous china toilet paper holder of standard size each 149.00

    877 3803P Stone ware pipe -375mm dia each 750.00

    878 3860 560 mm dia cover with frame (Heavy duty) each 3100.00

    879 3861 560 mm dia cover without frame (Heavy duty) each 1730.00

    Page 37Puducherry

  • Sl.No. Code No. Description Unit Rate in Rs.

    880 4006 Pressesd steel door frames (MS sheet 1.25mm) profile" B" metre 204.00

    881 4007 Pressesd steel door frames (MS sheet 1.25mm) profile" C" metre 220.00

    882 4008 Pressesd steel door frames (MS sheet 1.25mm) profile" E" metre 255.00

    883 4009 MS tubes hot finished welded type kg 66.00

    884 4010 MS tubes hot finished seamless type kg 72.00

    885 4011 MS tubes electric resistant or induction butt welded kg 77.00

    886 4012 Circular C.I.Box for ceiling fan each 55.00

    887 4013 Pulley 40 mm dia each 22.00

    888 4014 Readymadesteeldoornecessaryhinges,lugs,glazingclipsexcludingotherfittings&fixin

    sqm 1870.00

    889 4201 Aluminium primer litre 250.00

    890 4202 Red oxide zinc chromate primer litre 175.00

    891 4203 Copper acetate kg 220.00

    892 4204 Hydrochloric acid kg 39.00

    893 4204A Concentrated hydrochloric acid litre 110.00

    894 4205 Copper chloride kg 215.00

    895 4206 Copper nitrate kg 203.00

    896 4207 Ammonium chloride kg 12.00

    897 6001 White marble slab Makrana second quality plain venied 18mmtk

    sqm 1430.00

    898 6007 Pink marble slab plain 18mm thick sqm 880.00

    899 6010 Udaypur green marble slab plain 18mm tk sqm 638.00

    900 6019 Black zebra marble slab plain 18mm tk sqm 456.00

    901 647R Powder coating parliamentary hinges 125x125x27x2.8mm 10nos 280.00

    902 6501 Sand zone V cum 1260.00

    903 7001 Brass 100mm brass locks with 6levers without pair of handles each 660.00

    Page 38Puducherry

  • Sl.No. Code No. Description Unit Rate in Rs.

    904 7001A PVC switch lock of 100mm length no 55.00

    905 7001B Aluminium handle with lock of 75mm dia no 95.00

    906 7003 Pair of anodised aluminium lever handles for 100mm morticelatch & lock

    each 245.00

    907 7004 Vitreous china flat back washbasin 450x300mm each 715.00

    908 7005 Vitreous china 10litres low level cistern without fittings each 5060.00

    909 7006 Vitreous china 10litres low level cistern with fittings each 7370.00

    910 7008 F.P.S. clay fly ash bricks class designation 1000 Nos 3300.00

    911 7009 Gypsum board sqm 187.00

    912 7010 Ceiling sections metre 42.00

    913 7011 Perimeter channel metre 28.00

    914 7012 Intermediate channel metre 44.00

    915 7013 Ceiling angle metre 46.00

    916 7013A Both side polished cuddapha slab -25mm thick sqm 330.00

    917 7014 Connecting clips each 5.50

    918 7015 Soffit cleat each 7.70

    919 7016 Joint filler kg 24.00

    920 7017 Joint finisher (M.S.Grill work) kg 63.00

    921 7018 Joint tape roll roll 137.00

    922 7019 Dash fastener / Chemical fastener each 13.00

    923 7020 All drive screws (for gypsum board) 100nos 57.00

    924 7021 Primer (for gypsum board) litre 132.00

    925 7022 Chlorpyriphos 20% E.C. / Lindane 20% E.C. litre 275.00

    926 7023 Chromium plated brackets (curtain rods) each 10.00

    927 7024 Acid proof cement tonne 11000.00

    Page 39Puducherry

  • Sl.No. Code No. Description Unit Rate in Rs.

    928 7025 Recron 3S - Secondary Reinforcement fibre kg 220.00

    929 7027 M.S.Butt hinges 125x90x4mm 10nos 18.00

    930 7029 Galvanised wire mesh of av.width of aperture 1.4mm&nominaldia of wire 0.63mm

    sqm 192.00

    931 7032 Frosted glass sheet of nominal tk 4mm (weighing not less than10kg /sqm)

    sqm 385.00

    932 7034 Nickel plated M.S.pipe 20mm dia metre 77.00

    933 7035 Nickel plated M.S.brackets for curtain rod 20mm each 4.40

    934 7036 Nickel plated M.S.brackets for curtain rod 25mm each 5.50

    935 7040 Oxidised mild steel screws 35mm 100nos 59.00

    936 7040R powder coating screws 35 mm 100 nos 79.00

    937 7042 MS conduit pipe (heavy type) ISI marked -20mm dia metre 66.00

    938 7043 MS conduit pipe (heavy type) ISI marked -25mm dia metre 72.00

    939 7044 Rolling shutters of 80x0.90 mm laths sqm 1980.00

    940 7045 Rolling shutters of 80x1.2mm laths sqm 2090.00

    941 7046 Top cover of Rolling shutters 0.90mm tk metre 450.00

    942 7047 Top cover of Rolling shutters 1.20mm tk metre 480.00

    943 7048 Rawl plug 50mm (designation 10 no) each 13.00

    944 7049 Teak wood lipping of size 25x3mm in pelmets metre 16.00

    945 7055 Flat pressed 3layer & graded particle board (mediumdensity)gr.118mmtk -IS -3087

    sqm 335.00

    946 7056 Aluminium tee channel (heavyduty)withrollers&stopend metre 50.00

    947 7059 Aluminium hanging floor door stopper with twin rubber &stopper

    each 76.00

    948 7060 Hydraulic door closer tubular type aluminium section body each 850.00

    949 7063 Oxidised M.S.casement stay (straight peg type) 300 mm notless than 0.33kg

    each 22.00

    950 7063R powder coating casement stay (straight peg type) 300mm notless than 0.33kg

    each 26.00

    951 7064 Oxidised M.S.casement stay (straight peg type) 250 mm notless than 0.28kg

    each 17.00

    Page 40Puducherry

  • Sl.No. Code No. Description Unit Rate in Rs.

    952 7064R powder coating casement stay (straight peg type)250mm notless than 0.28kg

    each 33.00

    953 7065 Oxidised M.S.casement stay (straight peg type) 200 mm notless than 0.24kg

    each 14.00

    954 7065R powder coating casement stay (straight peg type) 200mm notless than 0.24kg

    each 46.00

    955 7068 Extra for providing grilled rolling shutters with 8mm dia M.S.rod sqm 192.00

    956 7070 Chequered PCC tiles 22mm tk using marble chip of size 6mm-lightshade,whitecement

    sqm 456.00

    957 7071 White marble Raj Nagar Plain 20mm tk(slabarea0.10sqmto0.20sqm)

    sqm 495.00

    958 7077 Acid&alkaliresistant tiles 300x300mm size,10mm tk 10nos 555.00

    959 7087 S.C.I.Tee 150 mm each 500.00

    960 7090 Expanded polystyrenbe type N-Normal sqm 99.00

    961 7091 Expanded polystyrenbe type-SE sqm 144.00

    962 7095 Stainless steel kitchen sink- with drain board bowl depth250mm

    each 4840.00

    963 7096 Stainless steel kitchen sink- with drain board 510x1040mmbowl depth 225mm

    each 4500.00

    964 7097 Stainless steel kitchen sink- with drain board 510x1040mmbowl depth 200mm

    each 3950.00

    965 7098 Stainless steel kitchen sink- with drain board 510x1040mmbowl depth 178mm

    each 2300.00

    966 7101 Stainless steel kitchen sink- without drain board 610x510mmbowl depth 200mm

    each 1480.00

    967 7102 Stainless steel kitchen sink- without drain board 610x460mmbowl depth 200mm

    each 1345.00

    968 7103 Stainless steel kitchen sink- without drain board 470x420mmbowl depth 178mm

    each 1235.00

    969 7104 Coloured Orissa pattern W.C.pan 580x440mm each 1375.00

    970 7105 Coloured Pedestal type W.C.pan 580x440mm(European type) each 1430.00

    971 7106 Coloured vitreous china 10lit.low level cistern each 7000.00

    972 7107 Coloured (other than black) solid in EuropeanW.C.pan

    each 495.00

    973 7112 Circular shape 450mm dia mirror with plastic moulded frame each 385.00

    974 7113 Rectangular shape 453x357mm mirror with plastic mouldedframe

    each 410.00

    975 7114 Oval shape450x350mm(outerdimensions)mirrorwithplasticmouldedframe

    each 465.00

    Page 41Puducherry

  • Sl.No. Code No. Description Unit Rate in Rs.

    976 7115 Rectangular shape 1500x450mm mirror with plastic mouldedframe

    each 990.00

    977 7116 Hard board 6mm tk sqm 187.00

    978 7117 Semi rigid PVC waste pipe for sink&washbasin 32mm dialengthnotlessthan 700mm

    each 16.00

    979 7118 Semi rigid PVC waste pipe for sink&washbasin 40mm dialengthnotlessthan 700mm

    each 22.00

    980 7119 Flexiple(coil shaped)PVCwastepipeforsink&washbasin32mmdia&700mmlength

    each 22.00

    981 7120 Flexiple(coil shaped)PVCwastepipeforsink&washbasin40mmdia&700mmlength

    each 22.00

    982 7123 Coloured highdensitypolyethylene/polypropylene10lit(fullflash)controlled low

    each 1155.00

    983 7126 White vittreous china 10lit(full flush)capacity controlled lowlevel flusing cis

    each 5610.00

    984 7127 Coloured vitrepus china 10 lit.(full flush) capacity controlled lowlevel flushi

    each 7920.00

    985 7128 S.W.intercepting trap 100mm dia each 165.00

    986 7129 S.W.intercepting trap 150mm dia each 231.00

    987 7130 Rectangular shape 600x450mm precast RCC manhole coverwith frame -L.D.25

    each 850.00

    988 7131 Square shape 350x350 mm precast RCC manhole cover withframe LD-25

    each 740.00

    989 7132 Circular shape 450mm dia precast RCC manhole cover withframe LD-25

    each 690.00

    990 7133 Rectangular shape 500x500 mm precast RCC manho