gospelnow magazine's latest issue

ALSO INSIDE: Family Affair Oct. 16 th Mary Mary Live Rev. Jessie Jackson Visits Central Florida 10 Back To School Health Tips Unity Builds Strength

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GospelNow Magazine's Latest Issue featuring Mary Mary performing live at the Central Florida Fairgrounds October 16th.


Page 1: GospelNow Magazine's Latest Issue

ALSO INSIDE:Family Aff air

Oct. 16th

Mary Mary Live

Rev. Jessie JacksonVisits

Central Florida

10 Back To School

Health Tips

Unity Builds


Page 2: GospelNow Magazine's Latest Issue
Page 3: GospelNow Magazine's Latest Issue
Page 4: GospelNow Magazine's Latest Issue

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IMG's Top 10. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3Following Your Dream! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4Make It Count by Farris Long . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8Howard Tate 'Flute' Gentry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10The X-Change . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1110 Back To School Health Tips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14Hebni - What's On The Menu? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18Fashion - with Lady T . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20Cover StoryBelhaven University Orlando. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

Promo Pic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30Marital Confl icts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31Unity Builds Strength . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32Teaching Poem - By Kahlil Gibran . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33GospelNOWChef

Grilled Chicken . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37GHATES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .39Classifi eds. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .42On Location With Martha Munizzi . . . . . . . . . . . . .43Church Directory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44-45

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GospelNOW Magazineabout the Christian community and to further express our praise and love for God. Our readers can pick up the magazine and see all of the events, shows, speakers, artists, musicians and congregations that central Florida has to offer. We captivate our readers with informative and entertaining articles and interviews.




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As the school year vastly approaches again, we can no longer rely on other people to motivate our kids to follow their dreams. It is our

obligation to make sure that our child(ren) become everything that they can be; not only naturally, but spiritually as well. So many children are falling through the cracks of society, and no one is there to help them back up.

As a teenager coming up in the mid '90’s, I experienced problems at home, in school, as well as in church. I was kicked out of school at the age of 13 and charged with a felony. My discipline record was over a mile long; but how many of you know that God always has the fi nal say about our lives? My mother never gave up on me, regardless of what I did, she was always right there.

I just want to encourage some parent, not to give up so easily on your children. It may seem hard; it’s been 5 years and they still haven't gotten any better. Well, the Bible suggests that our ways are not His ways, our thoughts are not His thoughts, and our timing is not His timing.

I encourage you to endure to the end, and watch God begin to complete the work that He has started in your children. This is exactly the case in the life of 11-year old, Eric Jasper, Jr. He is wise beyond his years and not-at-all shy when it comes to the camera. This handsome little man was invited at the age of four, for a photo shoot. In the Spring of 2011, Eric’s appeal warranted him another invitation; this time to participate in a Celebrity Actor’s Camp which hosted auditions for Nickelodeon Studios. With almost 1300 children auditioning, the top 50 were selected. Eric shined again, landing him a spot amongst 50 fi nalists who would undergo several weeks of extensive training. Eric’s weekends were fi lled with coaching and training with Phill Lewis (Mr.

Mosely from Sweet Life on Zack and Cody), Jonathan Goldstein (Drake and Josh), Chester See (Disney 365), and Woody (Matt Timmons from Sweet Life on Deck). Eric’s talent and appeal placed him before cameras in at least two major photo shoots; and in April, 2011, Urban Model and Talent signed him. Eric Jasper, Jr. is a rising star whose feet will land somewhere at the top, as evidenced by the consistent calls and invitations from agencies like Orlando’s BMG. Between photo shoots at Tampa’s Botanical Gardens and consideration for an upcoming fi lm with Ryan Reynolds (Green Lantern, The Proposal), Eric makes time for worshipping the Lord and hanging out with his family. Central Florida and Gospel Now congratulate Eric Jasper, Jr. for a job well-done.

Mosely from Sweet Life

(Matt Timmons from Sweet Life on Deck). Eric’s talent and appeal placed him before cameras in

My mother never gave up on me, regardless of what I did, she was always right there.

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MAKE IT COUNTWith Farris Long


Me being something of a public fi gure, I get to hear a lot of comments by parents who speak negatively about the quality of education

in the Florida public school systems. Although I strongly believe that the quality of public education is an issue, I also believe it is incumbent upon the parents and the community to bridge the gap where the educational systems fail. I can't help but ask those “concerned parents” if they are really doing THEIR part as contributors to their child's education. How much time do they actually spend studying with their child? I fi nd it amusing when I hear parents say, “I don't get this “new math” stuff.” Yet, they never take the time to call the teacher or even go on the web to look it up and try to understand it.

But for today's Make It Count article, I want to address an educational issue that is far more serious than that of our public schools. Many of you know that my column rarely takes a “preachy” tone. But today, I feel a sense of urgency to share what God has placed on my heart. Our kids are going back to school and they lack the true education they need to survive in this world. Simply put, most of our kids don't really know Jesus as anything more than a historical fi gure.

Sadly, in most cases, there is very little in them to counteract the onslaught of the morally defunct messages of the media. Respect for authority has gone by the wayside. Society is teaching our children that boundaries are a bad thing. They have diluted the message of salvation by telling our kids to simply believe in a “higher power” and to be “spiritual,” as opposed to having a real relationship with Jesus. They are being introduced to every “lifestyle” imaginable (and I am not only referring to sexual lifestyles). I dare say that

parental involvement in this type of education has, for the most part taken a similar road as their involvement in their secular education...but on a much larger scale.

Admittedly, many churches, in an effort to meet the demands of our fast-paced society, don't have Sunday School any more. And for those that have children's church, that has often been reduced to nothing more than an in-church baby sitter.” (I am not implying that this is the case in all churches. But it is happening). The truth is, Sunday School was only an extension of my spiritual education. I was introduced to the God of the Bible by my mother and father. I heard stories like “Jack and the bean stalk” at school in my kindergarten class. But, my bedtime stories as a child were about “Jonah and

the whale,” “The healing of the man with the withered hand.” etc... My mother took her responsibility to train me in the fear and admonition of the Lord seriously. As parents, it's hard for our kids to know God when we do not set an example. They do not see us in relationship with Jesus... spending time in PRIVATE PRAYER AND WORSHIP... so they do not know the power or the value of it. They don't see us reading the Word consistently, so they are led to believe it is some antiquated book, full of allegories and interesting stories.

There are more demonic infl uences vying for the attention of our children than ever. Their one goal is to rob them of the spiritual foundations that not only grant them eternal life, but a victorious life on this side of heaven. I believe we need to invest in our children's eternal future as much as, or more than we invest in their secular education. Our schools need God back in them... But more importantly they need our kids to take HIM there.


Simply put, most of our kids don't really know Jesus as anything more than a historical fi gure. Sadly, in most cases, there is very little in them to counteract the onslaught of the morally defunct messages of the media.


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Orlando Gospel Music Workshop of America

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Howard Tate 'Flute' Gentry

Howard Tate “Flute’ Gentry has more than 32 years

worked with the Orlando’s youth through the Young Blacks in Action, Inc.

In 1979, Flute addresses his concern for the lack of constructive afterschool activities for young children and teens. He invited children from the predominately African American communities of Washington Shores, Lake Mann Homes, Murchison Terrace, Richmond Heights, Carver Shores and Malibu to meet in the parking lot of the Washington Shores Shopping Center after school to practice routine marching, perform rhythmic steps with precision, play drums, and step to the music. The group began to meet every afternoon after school to drill, practice, and genuinely have fun learning marching and rhythmic skills. The group came to be known as the Young Blacks in Action (YBA). The YBA Community Band and Dancettes have performed with excellence in numerous parades and churches all over Central Florida. He believed this was his calling for true volunteerism.

An Orlando native, Flute attended Orange County Public Schools. He started playing the trombone in seventh grade. Later, he participated in the Jones High School Tiger Band where he was fi rst exposed to band marching in precision

formation. He graduated from Jones High School in 1973. Upon graduation, he attended Bethune-Cookman College, now known as Bethune Cookman University, in Daytona Beach, Florida. There, he participated in the Marching Men of Cookman Band, which would lead to his desire to volunteer his time and talent in training students perform in marching drill precision. He then returned to Orlando where he has worked to instill strong work

ethics in youth and teach the value of hard work.

Flute has been honored by Tom Joyner’s Morning Show as one of the Real Fathers, Real Men, won the City of Orlando’s Community Service Volunteer of the Year Award, the Jones high School Alumni Historical Society Community Service Award, The City of Orlando Police Department Citizenship Award, and the 2011 Arthur “Pappy” Kennedy Lifetime Achievement Award recipient. Under the leadership of Flute, YBA has won numerous awards including the Best Performance Award in the 2008, 2009, and 2010 Martin Luther King Day Parade. In March 2011, YBA performed during the halftime show of the NBA Orlando Magic.

He is the proud father of Danielle, Howard Tate III, Antwaun, Daniel, Justis, and Destani. He recently married Attorney Rosalyn Dunlap and has three stepsons Rasheed, Montarro and Amari.


of Washington Shores, Lake Mann Homes,

formation. He graduated from Jones High School in 1973. Upon graduation, he attended Bethune-Cookman College, now known as Bethune Cookman University, in Daytona Beach, Florida. There, he participated in the Marching Men of Cookman Band, which would lead to his desire to volunteer his time and talent in training students perform in marching drill precision. He then returned to Orlando where he has worked to instill strong work


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Before you go shopping for new clothes, have each child try on the clothes they haven’t worn since last year. As you fi nd items that no longer fi t, set them aside to bring to a consignment shop or donate them to charity. If you fi nd that you do need to purchase a few items, pay attention to the back-to-school sales and use coupons to help you save money.

If you need to have forms signed by your child’s pediatrician, send them to your doctor’s offi ce as soon as possible. Also, if your child has a food allergy, contact your child’s teacher before the school year begins to discuss any necessary precautions. You can print a food allergy action plan from The Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Network.

You can get a list of the specifi c school supplies your child will need from the school secretary or teacher. Items you’ll need to pick up may include backpacks, binders, and planners/organizers, in addition to the regular assortment of pencils, crayons, glue, and scissors.

Double-check that your babysitter knows what day school starts; and understands when you’ll need him or her to be available. In addition, take the time to confi rm his or her pay rate and your planned payment schedule.

If your kids are extremely reluctant to get up in the morning, consider using an alarm clock with gradually increasing sound, or use a timer to make their bedside lamp turn on just before you want them to wake up.

First, you'll need to decide whether you need to purchase new lunchboxes. If you do, make sure you look for one that says lead-free on the label. Some vinyl lunchboxes

give off a lead residue, which you don't want near your kids' food! Also, begin to plan what you'll include in your kid's lunches, and stock up on extra lunchbox staples, like fruit cups and granola bars, when you see them on sale.

This can help to get everyone out the door a little faster in the morning. If you’ve gotten behind in doing the laundry, or you have a lot of ironing to do, take some time to complete this task before school begins. Also, consider purchasing a wrinkle-release spray for the kids’ clothes, which may not really need to be ironed on a regular basis.

Your calendar is a great tool for staying organized and managing the kids’ busy schedules. Take the time to add school-related items to your calendar, like half-days and holidays. Also, fi ll in your kids’ regular activities, like soccer practice, ballet, or karate. Get into the habit of looking at your calendar each evening to be sure you know what is coming up the next day.

On the fi rst day of school, your kids will probably come home with 5-10 papers for you to sign. You’ll want to have a space in your home where your kids can regularly leave the paperwork that requires your signature. You’ll also want to have one spot where you can keep information on hand that you’ll need frequently, like the school lunch menu and calendar.

You'll want to be sure your kids are getting plenty of sleep when school starts. If your kids have been staying up extra late this summer, you want to gradually move their bedtimes up by about fi fteen minutes each night. This will make bedtimes easier on you when school begins, and it will help relieve the back-to-school jitters and insomnia.

By: Antonio D. Gibson

The date is circled in “Red,” Blackberries, PDA’s and I-Pads are synchronized. The summer is fi nally over, and as the grocery bill decreases, the spike in anxiety and stress of the fi rst day of school for students and parents alike

comes to a head. The traditional chaos and adrenaline rush arrives the week or weekend before, as millions of mom’s and dad’s hit the streets in search of the best deals in school supplies and sales on the newest, “Freshest” gear to have your child the best dressed at least for the fi rst week of school.

Here are 10 steps to help parents and students navigate through what some parents may consider the week from…!!! These tips should help bring back normalcy from the hiatus of schedules, homework and bedtimes!


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1. Check with your doctor to confi rm that your child has received the recommended vaccinations.

To get a schedule of recommended childhood vaccines please visit www.cdc.gov/vaccines

2. Get a complete eye exam before your child starts school.

According to Mark Borchert, MD, a pediatric ophthalmologist and the director of The Vision Center at Children’s Hospital, Los Angeles; 80 percent of the learning a child does, occurs through his eyes. Approximately one in four school-age children have some type of vision impairment. School eye exams, while valuable, are necessarily brief and may miss many treatable problems. “Every child should have a complete eye exam by age three,” said Dr. Borchert. “Some serious eye diseases such as Amblyopia (lazy eye) or strabismus (crossed eyes) are correctable with eye patches or surgery, if caught early. Once a child is seven or eight years old, the opportunity to correct the problem may be lost, resulting in permanent vision problems.”

3. Be sure your child wears a properly fi tted bicycle helmet.

Last year, 93 bicyclists under age 15 were killed, and 12,500 sent to emergency rooms, according to the National Highway Traffi c Safety Administration. Head injuries accounted for 63 percent of all bicycle fatalities.

4. Snacks: plan them, don’t ban them.

By shopping carefully, parents can get their children started in healthy eating habits. Snacking itself is not necessarily bad; young children actually need snacks. Their stomachs are small,

so they often can’t get all the nutrients they need in a day through regular meals alone. Avoid soda drinks and salty, high-calorie pre-packaged snack foods; provide milk or juice and servings of fruit or vegetables instead. Each 12-ounce soft drink can contain approximately 10 teaspoons of sugar. Drinking just one can of soda a day increases a child's risk of obesity by 60 percent, according to the AAP.

5. Get started early with a school bedtime schedule.

During the summer, many children fall into a vacation rhythm, staying up late and sleeping in. Sleep specialists recommend that parents start gradually imposing an earlier bedtime several weeks before school begins. Recent studies indicate children ages 6 through 9 should get 10-11 hours of sleep a night. If your child is not getting enough sleep, he may fall asleep in the car or seem grouchy and tired during the day. Some children will need help establishing bedtime rituals that make them comfortable and drowsy. Parents need to set a regular bedtime and keep it to build consistency in the child’s daily routine.

6. Watch out for back pain caused by backpacks.

Parents need to keep an eye out to be sure children are not having back pain as a result of carrying a backpack to school. “While there is no clear evidence that heavy backpacks lead to permanent damage, they are associated with back pain in children,” said David L. Skaggs, MD, chief of the Division of Orthopaedic Surgery at Children’s Hospital, Los Angeles. “Poor conditioning may contribute to back pain, so parents are encouraged to get their children to do core strengthening exercises to build muscle strength.” In addition, parents should look for


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2. Get a complete eye exam before your child starts 2. Get a complete eye exam before your child starts 2. Get a complete eye exam before your child starts 2. Get a complete eye exam before your child starts 2. Get a complete eye exam before your child starts 2. Get a complete eye exam before your child starts 2. Get a complete eye exam before your child starts 2. Get a complete eye exam before your child starts 2. Get a complete eye exam before your child starts 2. Get a complete eye exam before your child starts 2. Get a complete eye exam before your child starts 2. Get a complete eye exam before your child starts 2. Get a complete eye exam before your child starts 2. Get a complete eye exam before your child starts 2. Get a complete eye exam before your child starts 2. Get a complete eye exam before your child starts 2. Get a complete eye exam before your child starts 2. Get a complete eye exam before your child starts 2. Get a complete eye exam before your child starts 2. Get a complete eye exam before your child starts 2. Get a complete eye exam before your child starts 2. Get a complete eye exam before your child starts 2. Get a complete eye exam before your child starts 2. Get a complete eye exam before your child starts 2. Get a complete eye exam before your child starts school.

According to Mark Borchert, MD, a pediatric According to Mark Borchert, MD, a pediatric

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Drinking just one can of soda a day increases a child's risk of obesity by 60 percent, increases a child's risk of obesity by 60 percent, increases a child's risk of obesity by 60 percent, increases a child's risk of obesity by 60 percent, increases a child's risk of obesity by 60 percent, increases a child's risk of obesity by 60 percent, increases a child's risk of obesity by 60 percent, increases a child's risk of obesity by 60 percent, increases a child's risk of obesity by 60 percent, increases a child's risk of obesity by 60 percent, increases a child's risk of obesity by 60 percent, increases a child's risk of obesity by 60 percent, increases a child's risk of obesity by 60 percent, increases a child's risk of obesity by 60 percent, increases a child's risk of obesity by 60 percent, increases a child's risk of obesity by 60 percent, increases a child's risk of obesity by 60 percent, increases a child's risk of obesity by 60 percent, increases a child's risk of obesity by 60 percent, increases a child's risk of obesity by 60 percent, increases a child's risk of obesity by 60 percent, increases a child's risk of obesity by 60 percent, increases a child's risk of obesity by 60 percent, increases a child's risk of obesity by 60 percent, increases a child's risk of obesity by 60 percent, increases a child's risk of obesity by 60 percent, increases a child's risk of obesity by 60 percent, increases a child's risk of obesity by 60 percent, increases a child's risk of obesity by 60 percent, increases a child's risk of obesity by 60 percent, increases a child's risk of obesity by 60 percent, increases a child's risk of obesity by 60 percent, increases a child's risk of obesity by 60 percent, increases a child's risk of obesity by 60 percent, increases a child's risk of obesity by 60 percent, increases a child's risk of obesity by 60 percent, increases a child's risk of obesity by 60 percent, increases a child's risk of obesity by 60 percent, increases a child's risk of obesity by 60 percent, increases a child's risk of obesity by 60 percent, increases a child's risk of obesity by 60 percent, increases a child's risk of obesity by 60 percent, increases a child's risk of obesity by 60 percent, increases a child's risk of obesity by 60 percent, increases a child's risk of obesity by 60 percent, increases a child's risk of obesity by 60 percent, increases a child's risk of obesity by 60 percent, increases a child's risk of obesity by 60 percent, increases a child's risk of obesity by 60 percent, increases a child's risk of obesity by 60 percent, increases a child's risk of obesity by 60 percent, increases a child's risk of obesity by 60 percent, increases a child's risk of obesity by 60 percent, increases a child's risk of obesity by 60 percent, increases a child's risk of obesity by 60 percent, increases a child's risk of obesity by 60 percent, increases a child's risk of obesity by 60 percent, increases a child's risk of obesity by 60 percent, increases a child's risk of obesity by 60 percent, increases a child's risk of obesity by 60 percent, increases a child's risk of obesity by 60 percent, increases a child's risk of obesity by 60 percent, increases a child's risk of obesity by 60 percent, according to the AAP. according to the AAP. according to the AAP. according to the AAP. according to the AAP. according to the AAP. according to the AAP. according to the AAP. according to the AAP.


1. Check with your doctor to confi rm that your 1. Check with your doctor to confi rm that your 1. Check with your doctor to confi rm that your 1. Check with your doctor to confi rm that your 1. Check with your doctor to confi rm that your 1. Check with your doctor to confi rm that your 1. Check with your doctor to confi rm that your 1. Check with your doctor to confi rm that your 1. Check with your doctor to confi rm that your 1. Check with your doctor to confi rm that your 1. Check with your doctor to confi rm that your 1. Check with your doctor to confi rm that your 1. Check with your doctor to confi rm that your 1. Check with your doctor to confi rm that your 1. Check with your doctor to confi rm that your 1. Check with your doctor to confi rm that your 1. Check with your doctor to confi rm that your 1. Check with your doctor to confi rm that your 1. Check with your doctor to confi rm that your 1. Check with your doctor to confi rm that your 1. Check with your doctor to confi rm that your 1. Check with your doctor to confi rm that your 1. Check with your doctor to confi rm that your 1. Check with your doctor to confi rm that your 1. Check with your doctor to confi rm that your 1. Check with your doctor to confi rm that your 1. Check with your doctor to confi rm that your 1. Check with your doctor to confi rm that your 1. Check with your doctor to confi rm that your 1. Check with your doctor to confi rm that your 1. Check with your doctor to confi rm that your 1. Check with your doctor to confi rm that your 1. Check with your doctor to confi rm that your 1. Check with your doctor to confi rm that your 1. Check with your doctor to confi rm that your 1. Check with your doctor to confi rm that your 1. Check with your doctor to confi rm that your so they often can’t get all the nutrients they need so they often can’t get all the nutrients they need so they often can’t get all the nutrients they need so they often can’t get all the nutrients they need so they often can’t get all the nutrients they need so they often can’t get all the nutrients they need so they often can’t get all the nutrients they need so they often can’t get all the nutrients they need so they often can’t get all the nutrients they need so they often can’t get all the nutrients they need so they often can’t get all the nutrients they need so they often can’t get all the nutrients they need so they often can’t get all the nutrients they need so they often can’t get all the nutrients they need so they often can’t get all the nutrients they need so they often can’t get all the nutrients they need so they often can’t get all the nutrients they need so they often can’t get all the nutrients they need so they often can’t get all the nutrients they need so they often can’t get all the nutrients they need

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Page 19: GospelNow Magazine's Latest Issue

packs with individual compartments and put heaviest items closest to the body. Sharp objects like pencils should be in smaller pockets on the outside. School backpacks should have two shoulder straps and your child should use both.

7. Car safety remains a top priority.

August / September brings an increase in car trips to school, lessons and sports practices. Despite airbags, motor vehicle accidents remain a leading cause of death for children. “Many of the patients we see in our Emergency Department who were injured in traffi c accidents were not wearing seat belts,” said Alan L. Nager, MD, director of the Division of Emergency and Transport Medicine at Children’s Hospital, Los Angeles. “All passengers should wear a seat belt or an age-appropriate car safety seat or booster seat.” Safety experts recommend that all children under age 13 should ride in the rear seat. If you must drive more children than can fi t in the rear seat (e.g. a carpool), move the front passenger seat back as far as possible and have the child ride in a booster seat if the seat belts don’t fi t properly without it.

8. Have a family plan for sick days.

“Never send your child to school with a fever,” said pediatrician Yvonne Gutierrez, MD, of Children’s Hospital, Los Angeles. “Even if your child says he feels OK, running a fever is an indicator that their immune system is trying to fi ght off something. When a child is running a fever, he is at his most contagious, and this puts children and adults around him at risk. If at all possible, make arrangements for your child to stay home with a caregiver.” Dr. Gutierrez recommends keeping your child home until the fever has been gone for 24 hours without medication. Colds can be contagious for at least 48 hours. If you're unsure about the best way to treat your child's cold or fl u, ask your doctor, school nurse or other healthcare provider.

9. Fight germs with hand washing and home cleanliness.

“Regular hand washing is one of the single best ways to fi ght infection,” said infectious disease specialist Lawrence Ross, MD, who serves as Infection Control Offi cer at Children’s Hospital, Los Angeles. “Younger children should be instructed in the importance of proper hand washing before eating and after using the restroom. For situations

where hand washing is not possible, consider supplying your child with packets of hand sanitizing gel.” Germs and viruses can hitch a ride back home from school, so regular cleaning of kitchen and bathroom counters is a good idea, said Dr. Ross. Basic washing of frequently used hard surfaces with cleanser or soap will go a long way towards lowering the germ count.

10. Talk with your child to understand their emotions.

A parent’s responsibility goes beyond supplying food, clothing and entertainment. Parents are also responsible for their child’s emotional and social growth. According to child and adolescent psychiatrist Julienne Jacobson, MD, of Children’s Hospital, Los Angeles, it is important for parents to consistently talk to their children, to know their personalities and be alert to any changes in behavior. "To maintain a strong connection, engage with your kids consistently,” said Dr. Jacobson. “Make a point to spend time with them daily and talk about their activities and interests. Listen to what they say. Let them know you are interested in what they think and how they feel. Let them know they can always feel comfortable talking to you." It’s important to be aware of what is appropriate behavior for your child’s age group. Good sources for this information are teachers and other parents. Remember, you can ask teachers or school counselors for help or input if you have questions or are concerned about changes in your child's behavior

Source: Children’s Hospital Los Angeles

Bakari F. Burns, MPH, MBA


232 North Orange Blossom Trail • Orlando, FL, 32805(407) 428-5751 (o� ce) (407) 428-6204 (facsimile)


packs with individual compartments and put heaviest items closest to the body. Sharp objects like pencils should be in smaller pockets on the outside. School backpacks should have two shoulder straps and your child should use both. shoulder straps and your child should use both.

7. Car safety remains a top priority.7. Car safety remains a top priority.

August / September brings an increase in August / September brings an increase in August / September brings an increase in car trips to school, lessons and sports practices. car trips to school, lessons and sports practices. car trips to school, lessons and sports practices. Despite airbags, motor vehicle accidents remain Despite airbags, motor vehicle accidents remain Despite airbags, motor vehicle accidents remain a leading cause of death for children. “Many of a leading cause of death for children. “Many of a leading cause of death for children. “Many of the patients we see in our Emergency Department the patients we see in our Emergency Department the patients we see in our Emergency Department the patients we see in our Emergency Department the patients we see in our Emergency Department who were injured in traffi c accidents were who were injured in traffi c accidents were who were injured in traffi c accidents were who were injured in traffi c accidents were who were injured in traffi c accidents were who were injured in traffi c accidents were who were injured in traffi c accidents were who were injured in traffi c accidents were who were injured in traffi c accidents were not wearing seat belts,” said Alan L. 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10. Talk with your child to understand their 10. Talk with your child to understand their 10. Talk with your child to understand their 10. Talk with your child to understand their 10. Talk with your child to understand their 10. Talk with your child to understand their 10. Talk with your child to understand their 10. Talk with your child to understand their 10. Talk with your child to understand their 10. Talk with your child to understand their 10. Talk with your child to understand their 10. Talk with your child to understand their 10. Talk with your child to understand their 10. Talk with your child to understand their 10. Talk with your child to understand their 10. Talk with your child to understand their 10. Talk with your child to understand their 10. Talk with your child to understand their 10. Talk with your child to understand their

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BREAK THE FASTBy the time children wake up to go to school, most

have gone for 8 to 12 hours without anything to eat. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Here are some benefi ts to consider in breaking the fast. People who eat breakfast have healthier body weights, breakfast gives kids more of the nutrients they need, and skipping breakfast may affect success in school. Getting ready in the morning is a busy time, but you should make time for your kids to have a healthy breakfast. Make having a balanced breakfast a habit in your home.

LUNCH WISEWhat parent hasn’t had a lunch box returned only

to fi nd their child barely touched their lunch? It’s a common complaint. So what’s a parent to do? Getting your kids involved in planning their own lunch is one of the best ways to ensure they’ll actually eat it. Even young children can choose from healthy options. Make sure you consider their favorite foods. It is important that you guide your child in choosing healthy lunch options.

SNACK SMARTChildren need healthy snacks to keep them going

between meals. Sometimes, unhealthy choices are foods that are higher in calories, fat and sugar. Try to plan snacks that include foods from the food guide pyramid. Children have small stomachs and need refueling. Plan snacks around your child’s school day. Healthy snacks can help keep your child satisfi ed between meals and provide energy and important nutrients.

As the school year begins, let’s plan to have a healthy year for our children. Remember, good health begins with good nutrition.

This message is sponsored by Hebni Nutrition Consultants, Inc. and the State of Florida,

Department of Health – Closing the Gap Program


As you prepare to send your children back to school, ask yourself, “what’s on the menu to fuel their active minds and bodies?” Eating a nutritious breakfast, lunch and snacks each day helps

to keep your child healthy and ready to learn. Here are some nutrition basics to keep in mind to help your kids do their best this year.

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Page 24: GospelNow Magazine's Latest Issue

From the Runway to the Hallway Back To scHooL TiPs and TRends 2011:

Denim is always an important piece in any ones wardrobe and a huge fashion “do” for this coming fall season. Cut-off denim vest are very popular and a great way to bring an edge to almost any outfi t. Skinny jeans are still a hot fashion trend. Whether you wear them with a screen tee or a nice polo style top they are a most have for this school year. If skinny jeans aren’t for you straight leg or slim fi t are an awesome alternative.

What’s your style? Do you conceder your self to be a prep with a clean look. Maybe you have a more edgy look with a rock star style. Or maybe you’re like me and it just depends on the day. Whatever your style may be you have to own it. The best part of any outfi t is confi dence! Some hot and trendy colors and patterns for this fall season are: fl oral print, lace, nude pink and tribal print.

If you want to dress above the rest and become the fashionista of the school you must accessorize. Putting together a hot shoe with the right bag can change your outfi t from plain to “I bet you remember my name”. Ladies, have fun with your jewelry. Feather earrings are becoming a popular trend. Even guys can transform a plain V-neck t-shirt and jeans with a fresh pair of kicks, color watch and some shades. A hot bowtie and cardigan can bring out your inner prep. Accessories make the difference. If you are a student that wears a uniform to school, here is your chance to express yourself. Turn your uniform into a fashion statement by simply adding a cute headband and an oversized bag.

Whether you’re a preppy boy or a rocker chick you will turn heads in the hallway this school year! Whatever your style may be don’t forget to have fun! Your outfi t can express how you feel that day without you even saying a word. Remember Be You, Be New, Stand Out!

Follow me on twitter @LadyT_AndJames@GenesisbyDW

Let’s face it, when it comes to “back to school fashion” the fi rst day of school is a big fashion show. Whether you’re rocking a uniform or jeans and a screen-tee, from elementary to the college campus, you want to own the catwalk. Here are a few tips and trends to make sure you still the show.

prep with a clean look. Maybe you have a more edgy look with a rock star style. Or maybe you’re like me and it just depends on the day. Whatever your style may be you have to own it. The best part of any outfi t is confi dence! Some hot and trendy colors and patterns for this fall season are: fl oral print, lace, nude pink and tribal print.

the fashionista of the school you must accessorize. Putting together a hot shoe with the right bag can change your outfi t from plain to “I bet you remember my name”. Ladies, have fun with your jewelry. Feather earrings are becoming

wardrobe and a huge fashion “do” for this coming fall season. Cut-off denim vest are very popular and a great way to bring an edge to almost any outfi t. Skinny jeans are still a hot fashion trend. Whether you wear them with a screen tee or a nice polo style top they are a most have for this school year. If skinny jeans aren’t for you straight for this school year. If skinny jeans aren’t for you straight leg or slim fi t are an awesome alternative. leg or slim fi t are an awesome alternative.


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If you are a busy, working adult with a dream of completing an undergraduate degree or pursuing a

graduate degree, we have good news. Belhaven Orlando offers an accelerated degree completion program that gives you the chance to achieve that dream.

Even the busiest professional can enroll at Belhaven, since classes meet just once a week. Because we know you have a life outside the classroom, classes are tailored for working professionals, by professors who are fi eld experts. Classes are small and personal (15-20 students) and the curriculum is taught from a Christian worldview with practical application to your chosen career path.

For Central Florida area residents with the desire to complete a degree from a Christian College, check out the Belhaven College, now Belhaven University, Adult Studies programs, tailored just for you.

Established in 1883, Belhaven University is a nationally recognized university. Belhaven University, formerly Belhaven College, is accredited by the Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools to award associate, baccalaureate, and masters degrees. Contact the Commission on Colleges at 1866 Southern Lane, Decatur, Georgia 30033-4097 or call 404-679-4500 for questions about the accreditation of Belhaven University. Among other distinctions, Belhaven University has repeatedly been named among America's Best College Buys, and is listed as one of America's Best Colleges by U.S. News and World Report.

Belhaven University is a Christian liberal arts college dedicated to helping people grapple with the complex

issues of life and to preparing them for positions of leadership in a rapidly changing society. A community of professors and students working together in a Christian environment, Belhaven emphasizes the importance of the individual. In addition to a strong traditional liberal arts program, Belhaven provides an atmosphere in which students can fi nd purpose and meaning in life. Academic preparation and Christian experience go hand in hand at Belhaven.

Here’s what our recent graduates have to say about their experience at Belhaven.

Marianne SilvaBachelor of Business Administration, May 2011

I chose Belhaven University because I was searching for a place where I would be free to keep God at the center of my studies. The knowledge and understanding I gained from my business studies, which were rooted in biblical principle, greatly prepared me to use my talents in the business world. While working toward a Bachelor of Business Administration, I was blessed with genuine friendships, inspiring professors who continue to offer encouragement and support, and a clearer vision of who God is as well as who I am in Him. By my experience, the Belhaven faculty and staff are dedicated to equipping God's warriors, their Christian students, with the power of knowledge and wisdom rooted in God's truth. Belhaven has helped me understand the importance of being the infl uencer and power-player all Christians are called to be as we obediently bring God's Kingdom everywhere He takes us.


Page 29: GospelNow Magazine's Latest Issue

Your Purpose.

Michelle MaclinBachelor of Science in Management, December 2010

When I began my search for a school to further my education, it was important that I was in an environment that would not force me to compromise my beliefs. Belhaven provided that for me. The faculty and staff not only provided support but encouragement, compassion, and love. Belhaven is not just an institution that claimed Christian principles but truly embraced them and implemented them in the coursework and assignments. Belhaven also afforded me an opportunity to make diverse and lasting friendships and relationships through project teams while broadening my views and improving my confi dence.

Because Belhaven University strives to make a Christian education possible for any student, we work with you and your family in a fi nancial partnership. Every Belhaven student benefi ts from our commitment to offering high quality, affordable education - an endeavor that begins with costs well below the national average for four-year private colleges. For twelve years, Belhaven University has been named in The Student Guide to America’s 100 Best College Buys, demonstrating our commitment to keeping your college education affordable. Approximately 90 percent of the students attending Belhaven University receive some form of fi nancial assistance, including federal grants and loans, as well as a variety of institutional scholarships. Belhaven staff work closely with students to make applying for fi nancial aid easy and uncomplicated.

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Its A Family Affair

Sunday, Oct. 16th

2011 GospelNOW FEST@ Central Florida Fairgrounds

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Today, many couples fi nd themselves in an atmosphere of constant stress and pressure. When the chaos escalates, not much hope is offered, and as a result husbands and wives begin to take matters into their own hands. Before long, they are doing what is best for the individual instead of the family. Discouragement sets in, and doors are opened for separation and divorce to take residence; resulting in another broken home and marriage. What couples must realize, is that pressures and problems will come to every relationship; how you handle it makes all the difference. What you are facing, have faced, or will face, numerous couples have also experienced and conquered. You too can be victorious over the challenges that come when two people combine their lives to make it one. The last thing you want to do is give up and walk away from your vow of commitment, which often leads to more heartache, stress, and discouragement. Like Alice, we are in wonderland and deep fantasy when we fail to realize that the battle we face is not as much physical, as it is spiritual. Spiritual battles can only be won with spiritual tools and resources. If the couple has a belief system, this is the greatest starting point. Understanding that

there is someone who is aware of your every challenge, and knows both you and your spouse to the littlest detail, is your foundation. Now all you have to do is accept, walk in, and embrace the God that cannot fail. God has placed his servants in various positions to assist and inspire others who may fi nd themselves in situations where life becomes complicated and challenging. Take full advantage of this support system. In this world, ye shall have tribulations, but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world, John 16:33. Jesus spoke these words that we might have peace. An understanding of His word and His will for the marriage and family will stabilize both individuals and give each an unbiased platform from which to fi ght for the marriage and win!

A young couple was having tremendous problems in their marriage. It seemed every day, there was another argument. The husband complained that his wife

would blow up over the simplest situations with total disrespect. The wife claimed her husband was not only insensitive, but mean-spirited and controlling. The confl ict continued until the couple came for counseling. It was then that they were both given an opportunity to honestly assess their situation, and the culprit was uncovered. After a series of open, but biblically sound sessions, things began to improve. Eventually, the marriage was saved, and the family is reportedly doing well.


there is someone who is aware of your every


Page 36: GospelNow Magazine's Latest Issue

Haitians have the greatest experience of unity. Had Haiti been the fi rst free and independent Black nation in the world, this prowess would have been due to the unity of the slaves and Affranchis, commonly called mulatoes (sons of a slave mother and a white father). However it did

not take too long for that unity to be dismantled.

When a nation or a community is united, big surprises occur. People remember the Centers for Disease Control issuing the ruling forbidding Haitians to donate their blood to blood banks, because they carried AIDS. Haitian children in U.S. schools were subjected to unmerciful teasing about being “dangerous and infected.”

On April 20, 1990, thousands upon thousands of Haitians from all over the United States met in New York and tied up traffi c on the Brooklyn Bridge. They were UNITED as one Man, to reject the Government‘s AIDS policy concerning Haitians. In a few months, the CDC lifted the ban on Haitians being classifi ed as AIDS carriers. Again, the unity won. Immediately after, just like in the experience for the fi ght for their freedom, the unity had been taken apart. Leaders in the community could not retain that unity for the good of the community.

Too often, our leaders have been complaining about the bystander status of our citizens, and they do not understand that they are the ones who should solve the problems. The Haitian community, preoccupied with making a living, fi tting in, and solving their daily problems, do not organize themselves as a community to take on big political issues. However, our leaders in the community are the problems, not the solutions. Like Lakshmi Mittal said, “When people can see which direction the leaders are going in, it becomes easier to motivate them.” Our leaders do not live by example. Too many divisions exist, too many groups are formed, and each group is fi ghting against each other; thus, the

community does not know what to do. Then, the best thing is to stay home.

The Haitian community exaggerates the role of individualism. Each Haitian citizen tends to isolate himself/herself from the mass of his fellows and withdraws into the circle of family and friends. The Haitian community is less connected and becomes a critical spectator of the public scene. Haitians are less likely to turn out for collective deliberation, whether in the voting booth or the meeting hall; less generous with their time, and less likely to give strangers the benefi t of a doubt.

As Jesse Jackson said, “Leadership has a harder job to do than just choose sides. It must bring sides together.” Our community is not bad. We, the leaders have confused them, because we create too many divisions.

CLHAV invites all of the leaders to a “Voter’s Awareness Banquet,” on August 27, 2011, in an attempt to cease the division among the organizations. This will be the fi rst step towards creating the unity we are seeking. We must demystify the role of individualism in our community, and embrace the importance of collective effort, which will translate into civic engagement and political participation. August 27th will be a test to our challenge. All of the affl uent politicians will be there to assess our community. Also, our citizens will be observing us from a distance. We have 250 seats. Let’s fi ll up those seats. The success of that night will be signifi cant in the eyes of the politicians, as well as Haitian citizens. Funds raised from the event will buy a shuttle van to transport our seniors. Let’s support the event. The supervisor of elections will attend for voter registration of party affi liation.

Contact us:Wikindson Philippe, President

Civic League of Haitian-American Voters (CLHAV)5401 S. Kirkman Rd, Suite 310

Orlando, FL 32819 (Region Bank Building)407.692.7440

[email protected]

UNITY BUILDS STRENGTH T he Legend of the Haitian Flag, “Unity builds Strength” can

be real in the heart and mind of our citizens.

By Wikindson Philippe


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"Speak to us of Teaching."And he said:

No man can reveal to you aught but that which already lies half asleep in the

dawning of our knowledge.The teacher who walks in the shadow of

the temple, among his followers, gives not of his wisdom but rather of his faith and his lovingness.

If he is indeed wise he does not bid you enter the house of wisdom, but rather leads

you to the threshold of your own mind.The astronomer may speak to you of his

understanding of space, but he cannot give

you his understanding.The musician may sing to you of the rhythm

which is in all space, but he cannot give you the ear which arrests the rhythm nor the

voice that echoes it.And he who is versed in the science of

numbers can tell of the regions of weight and measure, but he cannot conduct you

thither.For the vision of one man lends not its

wings to another man.And even as each one of you stands alone in God's knowledge, so must each one of

you be alone in his knowledge of God and in his understanding of the earth.

Then said a teacher, Then said a teacher, Then said a teacher, Then said a teacher, Then said a teacher, Then said a teacher, Then said a teacher, Then said a teacher, Then said a teacher, Then said a teacher, Then said a teacher, Then said a teacher, Then said a teacher, Then said a teacher, Then said a teacher, Then said a teacher, Then said a teacher, Then said a teacher, Then said a teacher, Then said a teacher, Then said a teacher, Then said a teacher, "Speak to us of Teaching.""Speak to us of Teaching.""Speak to us of Teaching.""Speak to us of Teaching.""Speak to us of Teaching.""Speak to us of Teaching.""Speak to us of Teaching.""Speak to us of Teaching."

you his understanding.you his understanding.you his understanding.you his understanding.you his understanding.you his understanding.you his understanding.you his understanding.you his understanding.you his understanding.The musician may sing to you of the rhythm The musician may sing to you of the rhythm The musician may sing to you of the rhythm The musician may sing to you of the rhythm The musician may sing to you of the rhythm The musician may sing to you of the rhythm

TeacHingBy kaHLiL giBRan


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Page 40: GospelNow Magazine's Latest Issue

Easy Meals on a Busy Schedule


labor daY


youR neXT adveRTiseMenT

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FoR MoRe inFo

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Page 41: GospelNow Magazine's Latest Issue

GospelNOWChefRecipe of the Month

Easy Meals on a Busy Schedule




Directions1.Rinse chicken and pat dry. Place in a shallow glass bowl

and pour 1/2 bottle of salad dressing over it. Cover and refrigerate for at least 3 hours.

2.Lightly oil grill and preheat to medium high.

3.Remove chicken breasts from marinade. Season with lemon pepper and salt to taste. Grill over medium high heat for 10 to 15 minutes on each side, or until chicken is cooked through and juices run clear.


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Redistricting Meeting


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VarietyApril 2011_______________UPCOMINGEVENTS


Global Haitian Advancement Through Education & Sports Attn: Marc Arthur Jean-Louis P.O. Box 683545 Orlando, FL 32868 P: 321.217.9960 Email: [email protected]/ghates2010

GHATES PRESENTS “DANCE FOR A CAUSE”EVERY 1st SATURDAYSDATE: APRIL 2, 2011Venue: Legends Sports Bar & Grill – 1315 S.Orange Ave. Orlando, FL 32806Ladies Free before MidnightDoor Coverage: $10

GHATES PREMIER JEWELRY PARTYDATE: APRIL 16, 2011 @ 4:30 PMVenue: Kabbab House – 2423 S. HiawasseeRd. Orlando, FL 32835

Contact: [email protected] for moreinformation.Come out and support your local communitymaking an effort to help Haiti.




Ginel was rescued by a group of UCF Med students after the January 12, 2010 earthquake in Haiti. The students were in Haiti for a week to work at a tent hospital in Port-au-Prince as volunteers with Project Medishare, a nonprofit group from University of Miami. While there, Anika Mirick and her classmates came upon 20-year-old Ginel, who had just been diagnosed with advanced leukemia. His condition had deteriorated so badly that doctors in Haiti estimated Ginel had less than a month to live. His only hope was to get to a hospital in the United States where he could get the care he needed.

Ginel has been in GHATES care since July of 2010. The story of how Ginel and GHATES connected made front-page news in Orlando Sentinel in August of 2010. While doctors treated his leukemia, the Haitian community stepped in to support him emotionally. Milda Monplaisir-Elysee stayed with him at the hospital. Ginel’s condition took a major turn earlier this year when his doctors informed him that the leukemia has reached his spinal fluid and his brain. Ginel’s hope is to reunite with his family before his body completely deteriorates. MD Anderson CEO Dr. Brown steps in once more to grant Ginel’s wish by making traveling provisions and housing arrangements for Ginel’s parents if granted Visas to visit him in the United States.

GHATES invites all in the local community to connect with Ginel on facebook by googling his name and leaving a message of support. To learn more on how you can help Ginel, contact Milda Monplaisir-Elysee at 321-217-9960 or email [email protected].


At the age of 18, Ginel’s body was attacked by an unidentified illness which severely hindered his daily living activities; and went undiagnosed due to the limited resources of doctors in Haiti. The lack of answers and treatment forced Ginel and his family to accept the idea that he would not live to see another birthday. However, the power of God and the financial and emotional support from many restored a newfound hope in Ginel and his family.

A University of Central Florida medical student, Ms. Anika Mirika, discovered Ginel Thermosy during the recovery efforts in Haiti following the earthquake. She understood the magnitude of Ginel’s plea for help and quickly coordinated his sponsorship to the U.S. with the lead of MD Anderson Cancer Center. The specialist at MD Anderson diagnosed Ginel with Chronic Myeloid Leukemia (CML) and quickly began treating him accordingly. In July 2010, his cancer progressed and by September of that year, Ginel was diagnosed with advanced stages of the leukemia. Ginel and GHATES (sponsored Ginel’s housing and other personal needs) were informed that the hospital would not be able to perform a bone marrow transplant because Ginel is not a U.S. citizen. It was later decided that the best course of action would be to cease the Gleevec medicinal therapy and take a more aggressive approach with chemotherapy. By the grace of God, and with encouragements from medical staff, members of GHATES, and others, Ginel took garnered strength and faith to live through the challenges of his chemotherapy treatments.

Sadly, in February 2011, the leukemia was found in Ginel’s brain, and the outcome of a more aggressive medical approach was unsuccessful. Fortunately, his pain level had been stable and bearable; however, the doctors informed Ginel and GHATES that all treatment options have been exhausted. GHATES members were advised to enroll Ginel in Hospice of the Vistas, a home providing care for the sick, especially the terminally ill.

However, his prognosis has not curbed his zeal for life and faith in God; Ginel is determined to win this fight and has been diligent with taking his medications. At this present time, he is comfortably at home in stable condition and continues his visits to MD Anderson Cancer Center, as needed.

In light of his medical outlook and his inability to travel, Ginel’s circle of friends and support has expanded. GHATES collaborated with Project Medishare, All Hands Volunteer, Grass Roots United and many other extraordinary individuals to assist with bringing Ginel's parents to the United States to spend time with their son before the inevitable. With hard work and much support, Ginel’s parents received approval for a visitor’s visa to the U.S. on July 19, 2011. However, GHATES does not end here. If you would like to learn how you can assist with providing continuous care to Ginel and establish support for his family, please email Milda Elysee-Monplasir at [email protected].

Please understand that GHATES does not receive any kind of housing, food, or daily living assistance for Ginel from the U.S. Government or any other organization. The executive members of GHATES have been contributing to Ginel's daily living expenses and need your help now more than ever.

On behalf of Ginel and GHATES, thank you for taking the time to read about his miracle. We look forward to your generosity.

FOR MORE INFO CONTACT US AT:Global Haitian Advancement Through Education

& SportsAttn: Marc Arthur Jean-Louis

P.O. Box 683545Orlando, FL 32868

P: 321.217.9960Email: [email protected]


While the Haiti Earthquake shook the world with its vast devastation, it helped bring to light many untreated health and medical emergencies that have been dormant in a country with limited medical and economical resources. This month’s article will highlight the story of Ginel Thermosy, a young man who overcame an immediate death sentence with the help of many. His story echoes the Haitian creed “Man anpil, chay pa lou” (with many hands, the burden is lighter), and the unsolicited benevolence of others that has been the catalyst of a miracle in his life.


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Martha Munizzi is “making it loud” and clear with the recent recording of her concept

video for the title cut from her latest CD, “Make it Loud!” Orlando’s hometown gospel sensation is making bold declarations about her faith, and she’s partnering with the industry’s crème de la crème to make it happen. She calls it “edgy” and “explosive.” We call it excellent! “We are working with Domino Effect Productions, and they are known for great videos. Also, Young Beast Society, incredible dancers who were fi nalists on last year’s America’s Got Talent, will be in the video. Pablo Villatoro of Group 1 Crew, who is featured on the title track ‘Make It Loud,’ will also be contributing his creative talents,” shares Martha. Considering it to be one of the most phenomenal things she has ever done, Martha says her aim is “to capture radical believers celebrating that we love Jesus and we’re not afraid to be loud about it!” Anticipating the video to parallel the track, fans can expect innovation, creativity, and ingenious interpretations of an

“outside-of-the-box” praise!

Along with the video release, the Munizzi team is launching a contest giving their fans an opportunity to “Make it Loud!” Look for details and more information by logging on to:




Martha Munizzi "Make It Loud!"

Video Shoot-Shot #1Martha Munizzi "Make It Loud!"

Martha Munizzi Records

Video Shoot-Shot #1

(L-R) Executive Producer Dan

Munizzi, Martha Munizzi, Pablo

Villatoro from Group 1 Crew

Martha Munizzi Records Martha Munizzi Records

(L-R) Executive Producer Dan

Munizzi, Martha Munizzi, Pablo (L-R) Executive Producer Dan

Munizzi, Martha Munizzi, Pablo (L-R) Executive Producer Dan Martha Munizzi on set of "Make It Loud!" Video Shoot


Page 48: GospelNow Magazine's Latest Issue

New Inspiration Missionary Baptist Church617 S Lakeview Ave Winter Garden, FL

First Baptist Church of Orlando 3000 S John Young PkwyOrlando, FL 32805

Malone Memorial Church of God in Christ 401 S Ivey LnOrlando, FL 32811

New Hope Ministries of Orlando 1416 30th StOrlando, FL 32805

Northland, A Church Distributed 530 Dog Track RdLongwood, FL 32750

Celebration Of Praise3700 S Highway 27Clermont, FL 34711

Church In The Sun4484 N John Young ParkwayOrlando Florida, 32804

Majestic Life Ministries6782 N. Orange Blossom Trail Orlando, Florida 32810

The Kingdom Church6250 Edgewater Dr #1000Orlando, FL 32810

Experience Christian Center1224 26th StreetOrlando, FL 32805

The Gathering Place1224 26th Street Orlando, FL 32805

New Destiny Christian Center505 E. McCormick Rd.Apopka FL, 32703

World Life Line Ministries5504 Alhambra Dr Orlando, FL 32808

St Raphael Ministries3736 Gatlin Woods Dr Orlando, FL 32812

Agape Assembly Baptist Church2425 N Hiawassee Rd Orlando, FL 32818

Ambassadors For Christ Praise2750 W Washington St Orlando, FL 32805

Christian Life Ctr5700 N Dean Rd Orlando, FL 32817

Faith Christian Center of Orlando336 North Pine Hills Road Orlando, FL 32808

Faith In The Word Ministries6857 W Colonial Dr Orlando, FL 32818

God's House Of Orlando14437 Huntcliff Pkwy Orlando, FL 32824

House Of Prayer1401 25th St Orlando, FL 32805

Landmark Baptist Church1226 Grayson Dr Orlando, FL 32825

New Jerusalem Church Of God748 Carter St Orlando, FL 32805

For a complete list of central Florida churches, visit



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No Limit Ministries2200 Silver Star Rd Orlando, FL 32804

Power Praise & Deliverance701 W South St Orlando, FL 32805

Praise & Worship Intl1210 W Robinson St Orlando, FL 32805

S Orlando Church Of ChristPO Box 720482 Orlando, FL 32872

Seed Of Faith Christian Church8025 Oak Park Rd Orlando, FL 32819

Shabach Deliverance Church306 S Parramore Ave Orlando, FL 32805

Tangelo Baptist Church7001 Ravenna Ave Orlando, FL 32819

Trinity Foursquare Church1180 Woodsmere Ave Orlando, FL 32839

Way Of Grace Ministries8550 Clarcona Ocoee Rd Orlando, FL 32818

West Oaks Community Church8624 A D Mims Rd Orlando, FL 32818

Winter Park Friends 2108 Wolf Rd Orlando, FL 32808

New Life Bible Church342 N Volusia Ave.Orange City, FL 32763

First Baptist Church45 W. Broadway St.Oviedo, Fl 32765

River Run Christian ChurchPO. Box 621966Oviedo FL 32762

Grant Chapel AME387 E. Franklin St.Oviedo, Fl 32765

Trinity Assembly of GodPO Box 660188Chuluota, FL 32766

New Salem Missionary Baptist9600 S US Highway 17/92Maitland, FL 32751

Bethel Assembly Of GodPO Box 1017Mt Dora FL 32756

Central Christian Church3720 N Highway 19aMt Dora, FL 32757

St. Luke Baptist Church4230 N Orange Blssm TrlMt. Dora, FL 32757

Westwood Hills Church1520 NW 34th StGainesville Fl 32605

Gold MeMber $50 Silver MeMber $35 bronze MeMber $20

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Page 50: GospelNow Magazine's Latest Issue

Football Is back

orlando's own chrIs JohnsonReady To Run again

LockouT is oveR!!

Thanks has been extended from the National Football League to fans for support and patience during the league’s lock-out, as Sunday afternoon and Monday nights just got brighter. Fans, owners, and players are gearing up for the season that almost wasn’t. With payroll issues to iron out, training schedules to catch up on, and free agents hanging like a dangling participle, there is much work to be done, and little time to pull it together. Four-and-a-half months characterized what has become known as the longest work interruption in the NFL since 1987. With a brand new collective bargaining agreement in place; owners, players, the NFL Players Association, and a global fan base can relax a little, at least for the next ten years.

Patrons and establishments alike are celebrating the lock-out climax, as an already struggling economy has been particularly difficult to weather this summer. The good news has brought a sigh of relief and renewed anticipation for everyone. NFL football is back! Check your local listings and www.nfl.com for game schedules.

How do you spell relief? N-F-L-F-O-O-T-B-A-L-L!


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Page 52: GospelNow Magazine's Latest Issue