gold hill daily news. (gold hill, nev.). 1868-04-27 [p ]. · f he evening news. ihnkr 1». isek...

f HE EVENING NEWS. ihnkr 1». ISek SkCCMTy loiliut FiuiT—Every valu- able piece of property, inch *a stores, good*, hon»e, mill, holiting-works, etc., <lionld tie covered by an insurance pol- icy ia tome reliable insurance company —and oec; to·, tbnt does not equivocate fur fit month* or after losses are sustained. The Pacific Insurance Com- p.»»y, of whrtb W. H. Bluuvelt, is Agent, at lb»- Bank of California, in li&M Hill, is the right kind to insure in. The cash assets of this Company on the first ilayof January, 1868, were $1,28!),· SIS 01». The management of the Com- pany U in good and trustworthy hands, consisting of permanent resident» of California mid Nevada, and whose wealth and integrity is i^bove question. A man or woman whose property is worth insuring against loss by tire, and wI.ii has no policy, i* certainly behind tl.e times. The dry summer season is now coming on, and a little protection against loss by lire cannot but be de- sirable ta any one. Piritiis' Hons*.—Another grand gala night at the Opera House Inst eve- ning. Everything was gaily. The Webb sister* having concluded their engagement on. Saturday evening, the " legitimate" was laid aside, and the old style melodeou was indulged in freely and easily. Music, song, mirtli and jollity were the order of the evening, and the pretty waiter giris all did a thriviug busiutus in the lager aud cigar line. Tony Ward, a new acquisition from the Hay, who is as full of queer snugs as an egg is full of meat, and who knows how to sing them, made his first appearance, and wns very much ap- plauded. The great sensational rail- road scene, from " Under the Gaslight,' was given as the afterpiece, aud created a greater sensation than ever before. Ask any oue who was present aud he will tell you so. Murk Twain's lecture this evening. " MakkTwXix" To-XIomt.·—AlPtper» Opera Hou»» this evening, the genial humorist, 14 Murk Twain," alias Sftiu Clemens, holds tortU on the subject of " Pilgrim Life," being descriptive of liis famous trip on the slmmfr Quaker City to the Holy Land, and abounding in valuable information and droll illus- trations o»' «bat he saw in th· storied realms of the barbaric East, where men wear big shawls tied around their heads in hot weather, and call white men ·' dogs," and the women only show one eye at a time. In order to give nil an equal show iti reserving seats for this and to-morrow evenings, tlic diagram of seats was not exposed for selection at the ticket office until after clock this morning. No scats were allowed to bo engaged before that time. The Opera House to-night if sure to lie crowded. Poors open at 7. Tho nn- burtheniug of Mark's tribulations will commence at S o'clock precisely. Orr Foi» Carson.—Tho Opera Homo theatrical Company left this morning- fur Carson, in order to favor the theater goers of that wide-spread rectangular burg with the best performance they ever saw there, by a long odds. This they could easily do at any time, but on this occasion they are doubly sure of so doing, as Mrs Sue Robinson Gettler, thft best theatrical actress who has been ou this side of the mountains for months, will perform in conjunction with them as the star of the company. They open this evening with the " Irish Diamond, besides which they give any amount of excellent entertainment. To-morrow evening fully as good a performance will be given, after which they will return to Virginia. We recommcnd Manager Woodard and his talented company to the kind " hostilities " of IheOnreonitM. Ma* Xjoiit Uaul.—Crois, the crosses! of all Crosses, and the jolliest of all landlords, officially announces in our advertising columns to-day that on the evening of May 1st he expects everybody to bring their wives, daughters, sweet- hearts and lady friendi, down to the grand May night ball which transpires at his Nationnl Hotel, at Dayton. Everybody who ever went to a ball in Daytou had a glorious time, were glad they went, nod afe sure to again. The balls at the "National are always es- pecially attractive, juid Cross aud his estimable family know how to treat their friends when they cull. We hope to be "th»r"and see the fun ou that jolly occasion. ; , Odd Fkllows' To day. —The Odd Fellows' of Virginie, Gold Hill and vicinity are oelebratiug the forty-ninth Anniversary of the introdiic- tiou of their order iuto the United States. The celebration takes place in Virginia, and embraces!» grand procession through the priucipal streets, to Pipers' Opera House, where exercises will be held, in- cluding an Oration by Oharles R. De Long, Poctn by Jos. T. Goodman, Odes, etc., aud the whole will wind up with ball this evening, or rather pair of them, for both Athletic and Armory Halls are engaged in order to accommo- date the immense uamber of those who will participate. It is a very fine day for'fli<r celebration. Soarrmsa Nkw M Vieowr.—A fire- man's new style hat is on exhibition at the hall of Knickerbocker Engine Com- pany, »«nt .up from San Francisco by Hose Company No. 4, as a present. It is the latest style, very light and airy. The inVentor most" have had sometbtug to do in discovering' the latest style of ladies bonnet., or hats. Tbii-areman s hat it worth going to see by onr Cold Hill lire laddies. IT.fio.t Clu», -^-Thc Union Club of 111 First Ward, Hill, will have » v«ry l;ve 1/ and pleaiant rtunion at Theatre Hall, ttiis eveninglad will l<e addressed by Hon. W. W. Bishop, District. Attorney ' of Storey.. county. Member* 6t Union Club·/a* well hi Democrat» wbo wish to bear the trutb, requested to lie preaent: To rua Ladiji*.—Mr. Frankeaheimer, of tbo Gold llill Fashion Emporium, bits ju*t retnrued'fronr San Francisco with· most beautiful stock of Spring; and Summer good* for tlie ladien. Liikhty Uoss.—A spécial mectiug of the member* of tbil Compaay «rill be beld ou Tuesday . evening. Captain f'utiiam, the Foreman, desire* a full .at- tendance. Bullion.—There was shipped fropi Welli, FaVgo 4'C<f.'» Uofl nill'dltfte, this morning 15 bar* of bullion, weighing , 1.143 .pound*, nod of .tlie annyeil value of $3i,Ha_' 10. Bullion.—Hold Hill Bmech Assay 11 Hi ce of H. Rabling k Uo., received this morning for melting and assay, 17,0.13 ounces cru>lc bullMo. , , , Stocks TTf.—"filings look healthy'in the stock lino to-day, »wiug I He said, to encouraging indication» fou ml in the rmperial-Kmpire workings. Bdlliok.—C. Wiegaud &Co.,of Uold Hill, received this morning, for melting acd utsay, 0,973 ounces crude bullion. AVMral·. DT LAU.UOI,'»^ J Thompson, J Stevens, W ft Gray, Tim Griffin, Jas Griffin, MeFarland, Joieph \V Clary, Ole Aslc'son, Mo Bray, John Kin- sola, F W Schmidt, Mr Conldock, Mi·* Coul- dock, Pat Carroll, Thos Manning, Jas Huff, Huff, A Fcek, D Roach, John Forbes, Jq* Roberts, D Downey, Driscoll, Richard Taylor, John Peasler, Sol King, J Dick- son, W Wheatou, W II Potter, Geo Mur- ray, Jaa McDonald, Hayes, W S Savage and lady, Miaa Sullivan, G A Williams, Jno Raulctt, S Clayton, J H Clav, Mr Daggett, Win Ferguson, G \V Elliott, J U Lathrop, Henry Hagan, Jas White, John Ward, Mart Sullivan, J G Hollow»)·, W J Cross, G Howe and two boys, Jas McDcad, Mrs Dc- laney, Jacob Hcmmcrich and wife, M C Phillips, V Lcmery, C H Knox, J J Hen- nery, M Falkenhen, Mr Haycock, Miss An- derson, Mott, J Kyan, M Sweeny, J C Dick, Collins, Misa Felcm, C Broadham, Miss Gillerd. BY OTKKLAND BOl'TE : John Harris, S Wcnbaa, J Haines, A L Parker, C W J Johnson, A F Sullivan. Departs res* BY DOMHKH LAKH ROl'TB : Thos Nelson, Mr Martin, Chas Gilman, W H Lovell. G Crandall, John Sime, W Bourne, ' M Luther, J Do La Montagnir, D S Jones, W Hussey, Mr Boyington, J A Curtis, Mr» F W Cole, R J Peters, S Wen- bau, J S Sanford, J G Fair, A Sullivan, F W Byé, Gordou, C W J Johnson, Miss Kiuma Webb, Miss Ada Webb, John Skae. BY OYXKI.AXU uodtk: *C A Werlinc, Jas Marcttse, J Minge*. J Kran, M Swaney, Collins, Dennis Daly, Thos Manne. Couldn't Our ir.—A certain physi- c in , lust Friday night, went oui to the embolic cemetery, nortti of Virginia, for tlio purpose of 'I·1' body of John Millenin, but found an armed party guarding tbe grave, therefore bud to come back without it. Why disturb the body in its last appropriate resting place? With that, we have nothing more to do, but his living deeds, acts and words are public property which all are fully entitled to cousider upon and freely discuss in all their moral or individual bearings as counected with the living. Let the body rest. Indus Dicviutiuks.— By a gen- tleman arrived from the Truckee last evening, we learn that news arrived there just before he left, that tbe Honey Lake stage, bound for Virgiuia, was at- tacked near Long Valley night before last by Indians, and the driver and all tbe passengers massacred. The tawny faced devils took tbe stage horses along with them. Our informant met a com- pany of cavalry, from Fort Churchill, in Steamboat Valley, on their way toward the scene of the Indian difficulties, lie learned no further particulars. Literatvuk fkoii Lillik's.—Lillie Co., the well-known and popular book- sellers, stationers, and general news- deal· rs, seul us, this morning, the fol- lowing acceptable reading matter : Har- pers' Bazar, Frank Leslie's Illustrated, Latest Sensation, New York Clipper, Chimney Corner, Illustrated News, Comic Monthly, Police Gazette, The Broadway and Godev's Lady s Book for May, and other good arrangements in the literary line, such as they always keep on hand and lor sale at lowest cash rates. Latkst Rasters Litkhati'kk.—Boe- gle, tbe prince of newsmen, whose liter- ary castle is the Post Office News depot, Virgiuia, has just received a linge lot Eastern newspapers, periodicals, etc., per latest mail from America. He sends us the following specimens : Harper's and Leslie's illustrated newspapers, New York Clipper, Illustrated News, Comic Monthly, Harper's Bazar, Police Gazette, Godey's Lady book nnd the Broadway, for May Plenty more of the same sort, at Boegle'». Thk Championship Kjcht.—The match between Joe Coburn, of New \ ork, and Mike McCoole, of St. Lours, Ibr $10,000 and the championship of America, was finally consummated Monday, tbe third and last deposit of $2.5ou a side having been placed in the appointed stakehold- er's hands. The whole of the uioeey is now staked, and both parties are under- going a regular, systematic course ^ol training jffeparatiou. Coburn s train- ing quarters are at his own hosterie, the Harlem Hotel, in 125tli street, between Third and Fourth avenues ; Frank Mc- Intyre (who trained him for hi* previous fight with McCoole) and Hen McDcrmot aro his atteudauts and companions in his pedestrian exercises. McCoole is also paying strict attention to getting into the best physical condition·; his training quarters are in the suburbs of St. Louis, and his attendants are Mike Trainor and Bill Blake. Coburu was present in porson yesterday wbeu bis money was staked, but McCooleU was received by express few day before. The former looks iu splendjd condition already, and has got rid of nearly all superfluous flesh, owing to the strong, Steadv work, and regular exercise be has taken. The fight takes place on May 27th, at some place within fifty miles of Cincinnati.—Yrw fort Sun, April Uh. Willis, when in Germany, bought a pair of garters at a fair, with a wreath of flowers paiuted oa them, inside tira delicate fabric was consecrated with some verses, which the poet thns trans- lated : When night with morning lingers. Awake and stirring be, And with jour pretty fingers CIup this about your'knee. * Wt*» day with eve; repose,. · j. And star· begin to see, Uoeiup this kati of row*, > And, dearest, think of me . s·.'.. . BULLION TAX. * ' "> " ' 'patsral- loJ.po«W»»l TTNTR, PUUTHim NUNC . OU*/FART U Freight rate· fforn Sen Kraneieco will b* Klffht Cento pot* Pound Wli.l·*, l>«kiiO jt CO. , A»rll«,10«, 8PBCI.IL · rfoTCS. ' V- al jSTAR OF THEUN.IONj CELEBRATÉD S ;8T0llCHJHTCR8!j TRY HIM ? thmi- m YOUR SELF! 1 THE»! [ 1 w,'W hut It M R MCtora, *l· ftom the )nirr*t ex I )mttl ·# vfttaeM» *omi Urti -ftoé tort·, ti· »t % alnklf ·*·*·* (« lb· cm of All affect lone oT tH. ) f SWwkTWB. Uwm»4 t»o««|«, »iKb m *y ; Mpti*. Fwr. PUrrbcv*, Lam· of *·>, rte. «« ( wrywb·?·. A. *RHK\v#KM. # KOI* VA«ifr»tT0Rr9,V SsiwmeMl J»rW«i. » ·<· »... § TYPE METAL qUintltlOtOiUll mwKH/ANgQTO APyfiBTIBKMBtife. __ : * > * · Hardware! . · . GAS PIPE FITTINGS Cutlery, Iron ami Steel ! EJcrENE BITTNER & CO,, . ·»« ·· i"m Tl ll\ STKKET,«OLD HILL, . ... ... .Zi% : , '\·-· } Noruda. DKAIjRKHIN ! · . . . » S. -J* HARDWARE, ••t I ·., , steel, s rovus, Tinware, Crockery, Glass, . L OIL L A M S I Doors and Windows, KTO., KTC. -AI.SO— BRA.SS GOODS ! Belting, I S ! «» . \: \^ "!, Tin., Copper ^AND·— SHEET IRON WARE. . · KANUPAOTORKlla Of Ifcr l.ntral Impror.ri BATTERY SCREENS ! 411 Slice* on llaiul or PUNCHED TO ORDER ! ' itfl i-tr. e. w.Ikeyes, CITY SEXTON -AD- t . General Undertaker. NO. MOUTH V MTRRKT, SKXTON OK' mount Vii;asa'ixt —AXn— Catholic Cemeteries. Full Auortmeiit of CASKETS, Metallic Burial Cases, KINK MAHOGANY COHFINM, Tltlll. WI.NiJi. AND KVRKVTIIINfJ la the Huilcrttikliia l.lnr. P. 3.—A>'1.NK IIF.ARS «ad UARIUAOF.S nlway· in Toadim·** to Attend FUNERALS In tbtiiMi4('a4jotBta£ coantlei Funeral* attended tola old HUI, Silffr C My an4 Dayton, will» proapUetf.a* . iNiA phick«.^i ; r- A |.)Wal Discount inailo lo the Poor. 140··}' «eltn«*.Purnlihhif£ro9il4 BfcMliijC. Wallpaper, Ovpt'U, Blauktt·, Sh^lMc; Or.n-k •rv. \Vj^<Vo toil Willow Ware,"Ktc., Etc, IluvlWrnd Wot* lo.p:iy, I am-pr^pired'lo aril Uhi-aprrtbao t1»«Cfc*np*«t. , 7* K-Iiwmbir tho (>1<1 HtTn.l. No. 100 South < fslrret, non til of NVi-lli. VRrgo At Co.!*. f»S9-lm \ -. W. KIYEVAg«-iil. WIRE ROPK! · Qalvaiiiei Rlid Va|alraaiif4, r kvKKY nucitirTioM, for ' lloUting from Shaft* and Incilut·*. Winding Ropes, Fiat and Koand. Gay ttopei, fur Derrick*. Fall Rope*, of Step), for J*NrrLcks. Power Rope*, for conveying Power to DUtonce. Ferry Hope·, for Awing and Flying Ferriai. and for varions otliur purr poeea. being STttONOKR. LIGHTER. MORB DIJ RABLE and CHEAPER than any other kiml of Rope. .. li * Wire Rojie I* not nffeetod by ntmo*pherlc ehangcii; l> Mpllced in tntne manner a* Hemp Rope, and Tnannfactnrod in any length of any «lie. 8 iiMable Bloc Ira and flbeetet for Fairy and Derrtek-Fall ttnpet vuftplied. Steel Rope trtvet mmttrinliy ta freight, btihff only one third the wlfXtof Kemp ropr of equal Mtrenytk. Price· and seifleor ntrungth, WVight and Dise,, on applications tunnnfartnrom, A.M. , < 4 19 Front atrcet, Bnn Franciaco.Cal. \* > a » '3 ryWoiir Mote Agent* for It. 8. NBWALL Jfc CO., the woll-known Wlre-Uope Mnkor#, of Owt«ihee«1-on-Tyni·, and have fnll nmnrtmrnt Of IhHrfopraoo fiaktid. ocltf-flmi* Q IT ip KSI LVrSTil ONTM· VOKTHIR NOTICK "i ...... · .«> · t .... t » ! CHICK OF · I n II i «) s I li M WILL II 70 Cents Per Pound' AGENCY: BANK OF CALIFORNIA, "iriimifiiA Agnggjiji IHI.I-, iwi-ic HKMOVKD! BUKfl' nopFITT, Paper Warehouse, UKXOVED TO a I* HACIUUKNTO ) 519 Cum n«rclftl *tr««*t*f betwpon .Siinnouie nnd M >uiffotu«*ry, Pmuciftco. «· ,. Importer* mill Jobber* of Book*, N«*»n, Writ- Img Md Wrmtoi'nff Pitper, Paptr Ka*«, Htrawm.I Wninr·' Bourde, HInek and Colored Ink*. [nprlO lin Sp.| Pacifié Mriice Cmpa'y . , · :. « ' , '·. · '.. C . ·!·'' . tf · « · * « · * · : •·—Ar «··« »f ··»*· «'" . · · •f Califoraia, ( _ ' ! " OOLD HIM» NliVADA, :,BLAU<'éi.r.k»n«. ow.Hm. Areilg. iga.. . »p«tr, NEW8 AM PERIODICAL DEPOTS. H. C. LIU4E & CO;, No. 44 South 8t, four door· south of the Affoncy of the Bank California. STATION Kit FANCY UOODS, , BOOKS, T.MF ROOKN, »"».OKANDU1l, I. AW BOOKS, SCHOOL BOOKS, PAPKK BAUS, MUSICAL· INSTBUJIKNTS, MUSIC', TOYS, CDTJ.KKY, BI'llLIN tVOO!.; . SAXONY WOOL·,' I.RTTKlt ANI» NOTK PAPKK, ANI» STRAW PAPKK, Puree*. Comb*, Hrutftiv* Cigar Ca»e*,Ink*tand*, Writing Dunk*,'.Writing fluid, Notary Seule, I^cgal Blank*. Doralnot·*. Map·. Slate·, Playlog (and Vlwltiiig Curd», Steel Pen*. Mucilage, Chfi· Mini Checker Men, Children * Carriage·;. Willow Wnro. J PIANOS FOR SALE, And nlMU Afirat» for MASON & HAMLIN'S ORGANS, , tin CKNT8. Knilrm Hnprr· nad Prritdlnlt, FOlt -J3 CKWTS. TUB LATEST PUBLICATIONS re .cWvuil l>y rvi-ry Stoniui r. ap2S I m 7~ :». bokl," DBALKK IN BLANK BOOKS STATIONERY, , Cutlery and Fancy Goods. iVIIOI.KNll.K AND . W S I) V L It. I n. in rrrcl|»l of nil Ibr Cwrrral Literature frum ull pnrtNwf the Worhl. ., AU Order* l«ft with mi· will receive 'Prompt Attention. Send your Order* to the POeTOFFM'l? HOOK STORE, ) VI IH.INIA, VA DA. ilfiitothr |?uch 11U <1 s fi t il it ) $ - $ a il (11 u tt y . , , foil .(Offre, Virginia, jrcrt. go«&le. » fy8tf. I " HOOKS! IIOOKS! ALI. NVIIOM IT MAY CM)N- i «*vrii.ko*wlt r Mill, Mining au<l / other Coiupimlu*. I'rofeimionuhind^g^^^y HuNiuvMM iiicii, Publie Oftlruri, PrlvnteCitUeDN.AiwI allot her bnyeraof R , , ml Klndrrd Article··. yon wlehrmuonablt aniliiulformprlcea,falv dtMtUuK.uudfeuiuuegoudH.iallut the PIOIV8RK ROOKMTOKRi ^onthoiiMi rornerol (! iiuil Union xlirfl, VI110 INI A , NEVADA, When you will alwtty» find overy kind of Blnnk. .Schooiaiid Minrellnnroaa Hook m, Memo· random*, Oluriea. I*hhm Booka.Song Book*, Nov* •In. -u.l U««miIhV MOhv. UmmiumI In«tnt. menu. Map*. Lfgnlcap. Billeap, PooIncap, Bath Pout, Not·*, and other writing paper; Gold and other Pen*. Envelope*. Drawing Pnpor and In· girnnieuta.Copylng.lndellbU-aud Writ iU|r Fluid·; Mucilage. Legal Blank*. I'orket Cutlery .Puree·, I'iahlng Tackle, otc. , Allthe luteal California nu.l Mlauth Paper·, PlctortaU.Wafailne*.Review nnd Periodical·, and a line 4'irrMlnllnii l.ibrnr) ! N<-vrn|.,k)n:r»f On»· liV incb, Magazine*. Two Bitn-ach. 'taLirtfaclk·» ^'laranteeilto .MiMtoniera. apIO If WILL II. BlfKHALL AnstmmvsT . T. Cl 11. J. J. IIATKA. . . CKANK. / GILE, HAYES & CO., . »' IMIOItrRlUI A*f> WHOI.P.IAI.K UKAI.VR8 IN Vinr %ViHe* anil Liquor*, 612 Front Street, San Francisco. .Sole Agmt« for tlm (Meljnitafl kkntwoky'o. v. wiithkv. I5BUNTY, .II VIIKJINIA , OaiUKNTAI.* W ltHKKY, AM» MU.I.Kit WIIIHKV. ' , . . . . i . · · ' I JAIanidUt»· Pinul IWudl of old' HK A DIES. r»(lNA« (.Ilnrrcit * OTA II D B1J. PHY, MINIKIN IMMlK, JIILIRN KOIIIN, PRI.KVOISKN, OI.» TOM nnd II. «IN. * ,, IIATKS CO. Sun Krmlfliro, A prit,· 1M8. *pfltf PKOCKKDINH* 0 THE JUKI ON KXKCDTIVK tTOKKV At ft meeting of Hip Committee, held la«t evening, the followIiij; projHMltloti wa* submitted : The undersigned, member» of Union parly of Storey count)', for Uid.uuriKMc of prcvcutliiK any detraction of «* party by Internal couteau, baaed upon Individual prefercncei fera UnlUvl Mat·· Heft· atort U> remove all anprehtiiHloita of unfalriteiwlo lit; primaries by which |ho auccea* the parly ciitlanxcrcU ; to cuablc'each member of the party to exprotf liH choli-o for Senator by direct vole, ant! to prevent the SenatorUd*qne»flon from practically c<mtrolltiir. an heretofore, tho -mHYcUoiI ' of candidate!! for 8Ut« and county office·,.do mu· tauJly the til lowing mode of aaccrUhilitg the preference of tlu» Union men of thle eyivnty for Maid office, and of dcUitmlnlug the vote thereon the mcfffbéwof theXeifUlAtlife to be elected ill naUl cbnrtty nt the ensuing election : •Ural—Wo will vote fbr no *»* for Delegate to tin* County Convention who hu* not atgned tht* aureoimint.· and'wln> hU.UI not pledge hluntelf to ! carry out utrktly If·* provision* In reapect to Maid office. ·»» ' Second—The Delegate* choacn to tho County Co ft. ventlon Hinili,'before luaKiik any Legislative notnl· . nation*. adopt me folk»**·? rerfolutlotli:' " I. Kmofcvkn. That thrLefllidaUv· Nominees of 1 till* Convention awMHtroctiit, and are required to I pledge IheniHClvoa that t^v will, If elected, nup|>ort l»y their voteapr othefirMvfbr tin· office of bolted State* Hriiator. no lorn» a» he Khali tw a candidat»», ti*.·,person jJeahuutcu ,ua the choice o( the I'jiloti votera «.( <tl»ia«omity.Mu UK» niuunér her«tnan«e pro- scribed, to-wlt: wtffUS uirfti.· f hi* elioleo for wild portion}: anff 'the peraofi wb<v«e name ahairthua be pladw wpon the larReat nlnnl»er of ticket* ahall tie conalrt* entl tile r ho Ice of Hie VuIon party of tfeé· county for aald ,^ «ball wcehu the.aupport of the UjuUla t I y « delfgaJJoua* Afcove ata to\L ; . , . ,vw ;:3, A ticket amin be coiMltlorpd a Unloh ticket whlui voutaftir tn«· Union l*re*Montlal KlecTOrt and for not fe*rthtitf eleven (11) of the LeglfllaUre ndml· neeaofthla Convention." - *-· *··· *>.».· Tlilnl—Mo |Mf4orf tall be nominate.} Aythe Leg!*- latnro by tho Convention until »hail fcave pledg*i hjniaotf y>>bW* by tfcr feregohig resolution and .ta ol»ey IU iU!*LrnctloniL ...... , Vout-th—The aftld Convention ahtl prescribe the ihode of counting AaM*Votea for the office oCHcuator alM of declaring officially the result thereof. April an**' " ap2*4f « , . ·· : > » '.. ;. J w. ;··.; · /'; ; Névad a Brewer^ Dept (ppoaitaHall'a OIBce,)' rK very best fc«j|(3ICtt In the State ; iMat qnalltlea of BrftiPJIca, WlilskVii, WlneÉ, Cl· ±i l " ProprUtor». Oold Blri, April 53,i8«i. »p5a«i ' MMCfcl/LiltEOl'8· J-i 1 :')*1 » f ; * y »> / A LI» : R TU· world people of a#ose and judgment tuve learned to uae » · »''·_· PLANTATION BITTERS. DyiMpvUi, with lu symptme. Headsobe, Heart· burn. VovrrlabUpitJBad.llreath, Sallow Complexes. Ac,, uulN cured by ualfig rtA/rrATiuji Uittbjuj. This Is the most sucesefUl tonic or trio age. Voung, middle-aged and oM, are delighted with Its Cfl'CCtA. The tint trtal alwayshaa imarked good affect. No clianKQ of diet la oteaaaary. lui all' you wlah, of the bmt and luqat nutritious food It ia the groateal cure .ever known for au over· loaded and iltsLrcssedstom^cb, which It rlléves'lna few mouicnu. We know that we hare the licet and mort popular medicine In the wurtd. Wo are i»ot afraid to afmw what It is composed o(. 1 / . l *1!* AM OOTBLLgD· TO EJLCOMHKXD IT.' Causa ya Babk haa been colebraud/or. over two huudred y care, and was sold during the reign of Lonle XVI., King of France, for the chmions price ef Its own weight In rttrer. It ts remarkable for DwpeptlA, Keren, Wesknesa, Co » Una!Ion. Ac. C'asoasilla Bibb.—For Diarrhea. Oollc, Aad dlr cant* oi the atoinacb and bowel*. « Damdkuom.—Ifor Inflammation of the Loins and Dropsical Attelions. , , Camokilk FLOWBHj.^yoriMifeeblctl digestion. L.vvjt.NDM *u>wuu».—Aromatic, atlmtilant and tonic—highly luvlgorattng'ln nervons debility/ W time so as**.—ForHcrolhla. KheuiBaUiai, Ac. Animk.—Anaromaticcarminative; creating Utah. uiORcle and milk: much used by mother* uuralnr, * Also, dov<rbu<U, orange, faraway, eurUuJer. snake-root. Ac. , SX-J860-X . ,!·»>.·. I»! Another wonderful lit*reOletit, of SpanWIi origin, h.marllnit t-'aUy t" iho comnlo'diin *nd brilliancy to the nilnil. In yet unkuown II»· commerce of tlio w.uM. «tuf we wUhhoM It· ·|| Uie urraeBL · u'H this recipe before tho community, and 6\· cm» or .* «un.l· ttOtnIM npou thMcUl rull». Almoat "'«·> ft""»" **»· ca«e which the Plaktation Birrui will alleviate ami euro. atC »"V ··>"·—»·' -w , U»«n Plantation Bitter* In bulkorby*<-««llonlsa swindler ajni lm- iKigior Itli |>ut up only lu our log cabin boule, beware of bottles reilliod with imiuuaa deleterious tuff for whkb several persons are ^rcady in prlaon. Soe lUat evo'ry bottle Dm our UmtM SUtoirtlJiip over t»ir cori unmutllated. and onr signature on *1 frriS^rM^tble «leal·™ UironRhoultlie Uabl ta- ble glob·· * P. H. DHAKK OO., New V«rh, ·· Frtprktm. KKIHHNCJTON Sc O·., Hum Vrnmsinc·* RNTH FOK C'A M Wilt NI A * VA DA XKXVI'AN MUMTANM MNI.flENT. The merit# of tliU Liniment are well kuowu. It· effect· are Instantaneous, soothing, and wonderful. Cut·, bruises, apralna and «welling· are ko common, and certain to occur e*erjr fhtnlly, that a bottle of thll Mnltnent U the best Investment that oAn l»e made. It UmowcerWIn than the due tor—It have· lime In MMidliiR for the doctor—It Is chcaper than the doctor, and mIioiiM never be dispensed with. 1> TliU VOIdiOinNO. "I tiike pleasure In recommending Uio Mexican MiiMtaiiK Liniment its a valuable and Indispensable article fur Spralna, Sorea, Scratches, or Calls ou Horse·. Our nien have used it for Burns, Bruises, Sore*, Rheumatism, Ac., And ad say It acts like mafic." J. W, IIÉWITT. Foreman for Amer'n, Well·, Fargo'· and ilarndvn's llftWI. - v "Tue sprain of my daughter'· aul!s,occAalone<I while skating last Winter, waa entirely cured In one week, afler she commenced tiling your celebrated Mustauc Liniment." ' KD. SKKLY, · f»lonce»4er, M·**., August I, itfC Quick and *11» It cerUlnly· Is. Ill genuine In wrapped Id stecl-plato engraving*. bearing the sl«na· Iuri'uf (J, \V. Wfktbfook, Chemist, and,the privt* J. 3. stamp of Dmia« Rarnkh A Co. over the top. AU effort has been made to* counterfeit it with a cheap stoou plate label. Look ctoady/ BoM by all Druggtftts, and Htores, at ami SO el·.. an4 ft. .···.' I !... FI.EA POWDKR. Tt Is w%!t known that Lyon1· gentrtne HAgneilc Powder will perfectly dvatroy everything ' in the shape of tiens, ticks, bedbug», roaches, Ac.; that It la periect poison to tho Insect M4>e, but enilrely harm- less to the human specie· aud domestic unlniabi. Bedbugs, Anta, Eoactu*, etc., are In every bouse. This Powder their natural dcAtli. It should be In every cupboard. · Jon* L. Rome. Kaq., Superintendent of'tlie New York City IloapUal, say· : · ·· · " It Is Uie only •areartlcle we have e*er need.'*· New Yoax Uotal Paopaiitow sa y; " WahAve uecii LYUN'S MAGNETIC VOWWCB' F^r I'XtemlDaUDr InkrcU tml verniln, wltll entire «ithfictlon. CoiWa* k Sines, Alter Hou»e. H; T. OaBIO·. Atnorlcu Hotel. Acku A Tuadw kl· ,8t. Icholu HoU-l. 8. Liland A Co., MetropoHUn HoM." ,e^^e1v^Mt,^B^ft,Sn, genuine jiaa the slgifltture of K^Lyon. and the private stamp ofDcmaa 11 a an» '. Anythlim elfte of this Klud Is an Imitation or counterfeit. Any druggist will procure the genuine If you limlst yot! wlll-havu soother. * ) « Sold by all druggist^ and general storekeeper· In every (own nid mining caiup ou the Pacific Coast, no25 I y 2ortp ··.'·! . « · I . 1 . '.··.·» ·" 73Ti · « » .A^UKTID Y'S RESTAURANT! NVxt.lJoor.tO llie JRoelofflc»·. " CM.D illMi NKVAUA. Meat· paitb* S<w»r*»o4«t aU,H<7uri aSi M A,R k.KT AK tfO R l>* ... e, i.—' Cooked in tfte Best· Style. " VIX SUPPEfffi! . OOTTKN CP AT ANY PEIC'K RBUCH8TBD. Board by the Ma*}, Day or Week I TIM l*rlm-Jpiil , l</«rkat Ton/Ext ta Chou. . - · ·.. ' · - . ..'i ie ITT Try in· in. ·«<) le· lf : l dqn'i Mil) 4a muohOooil K.llufto» rond > u uj> litnn lutU»8t»t<\ » .- I WRLTHi Fn>«hUr. \J. J ONE*, Jr., :u/ il j f >y j u.;. . . · Dr&fst' W. 'Afamtty, » » fill · - . j -HIfc ,IJ (SUCCK^ipif TOJl.A.QAMBtt.)^ ' i ' *f.!: ni f·· ··*.>.· ·!«;·%. Jl.-Jfi.ii t : it »· ··/. .·;«: »» )97 ·· 4ai«r t».*··»«, , MVVNAKIVSHI.OOK, . ' J · . / · · - < . ·, .·,· < ! itJ· · ·/»"? .J*?ii»lCl saint» KVfinrl flOI.I» Hllitii NRf AIM. 'ApriiUM»· . -. npltr; et.u4'0<»i»eaie**l<>W. iwt S#«ird*/7o»Mb month.' All ftrathr#u In'f odfl «t»m]lii|(rv»«or. auMjrifltlUd B, «">· VnJW Oold lllll. · l. IMi. fjrltf " MT8CELU!*fi0l'8. ui THE CHLIFOIIIVIA MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPAN?, §A1 FRANCISCO. —K»n«iWr 1·, 1867. ^ ABILITY! Capital»-la U. *. «eSTate ·0,»· (Jaamalcc Pand, I'.K. li.U « «In tiUiMM U.K. McLANE 8. f. BUTT KR WORTH VK« Prutdnl DlrMtvra. J. KURA MOeS, O.V.. PRATT, U ROBINSON, L. 8ACII8, ·. 1). 8 WW. NY, . IIAYW AKD, c" j". bhkshaii. il $. wiffi;* i,-.«NAu,· · J. P. M1LLKR, &VAMKRLY, ' WH. 8IIAKCN, W. 8. LAIN». J. II. UOOUMAN, I. HMKDLANDKK, 8. P. BITTKKWUttTH. ?.'* suouEMCb*· -x·""1 **·»'»·«. '8 cojipany iswjkm am, thB X uiorfi dinirublo and populur kiudtf of Pollciea, atttorlng any t»uin ou unlnglo life, from $500 10 $•20,000. The Com pun y freely grant every ad- vantage to policy Loldef# «peer tain In g w the buiineiN,and offer trrma un liberal an thoneof nuy tint claw Company. « lu the «veut of di-ath, clulum will be promptly Mottled. The wieo provUiou of tho lawa uuder which thin Company lit organised, whiln requiring a paid up Caeb Capital of 100,000, aud thtm in· urlug a Hoard or Dlroctora vr.llh it pecuniary Interest lu Ita nucce»n, Yortldn the payment to the Stockholder*of «ay PertUa ·€ ihr Pref- lip · the Bmlac··, beyond the iutureat earned by the capital contributed by them, thai making it a purely mutual Compauy. All Policies ere Non-Forfeitable and Participate in the Profite.' DIVIDENDS DECLARED ANNUALLY. PKOVITN BIVIDKO FOI.ICV no|>DKRH. teiuoai for Io«irlu win me tniuornm Mutual let. Tho lint of Director* nnd Ofllcrm em· bAc*»»*!!!*.··well and favorably known through· out the f<tatee of the Pacific Count a> men of bioad and liberal view·, of tried J tr grit/, *nguc· UyundbueluciiN experience, In whoee handethe affair* of the Company arc eaf* beyond question iid. It'le the IntercNt of every our, whose bu*i nom and property ie upon tliU Coast, to retain here tho vaut euuie of money which, lu the ab nonce of m succeeefai Home Company, will be annually drained hence by Foreign Coinpanlee. N. H.—Peraon till· Cooipauy will not bava to WAIT TWO MONTHS for nppli cation to be accepted and Policy returned from New York. " ' OFFIOK OP COMPANY, No. 13 Merchants' Exchange W.1I. U. \VIIKATON~,..General A«iaf. Will. SUA HON .....nnldHl Director: WJI. . IIALK/ Agent fer tho Stale of Nevud*. Oflcj «I Weill, Fargo Si. Go'i, Virginia. JOS. . T. MARTIN, ap3-tf Local Solicitor, «old Hill. WHY HOW WHTP^* READ AND SEE. Oar expenses are Very Light. -enbarka 'rlre·, Ue "Kfv:;ikU!t&aUTt And lb ax la " why " w. eta afford and «Nil! con tlnn. to «all FRESH, PURE and GENUINE DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINES Of all kind., and .very artlclta krpt lu r. FIRST CLASS DRUG STORE CHEAPER Ikaii In imy oilier home In Virginia. Pkfilclaii^PrrKrirll··· and C a - IJ Krrelple Warraalnl ac- rarnlrly prepared al all·. Day aa4 Nl«fcl, Anil MONK HAUr TBI USUAL CHARGES, at nr. pay no perc.ntago for thea. fuvora, but da· peudliig ou a genorom pub ic, yon ahull live and all will dourlali. The PLACE, unr branebboua. (be MINKKM· AMD TKA.H.STKKH' DHl.'tt STOHK. (Rlgnef tb. big OOLDKN Mohtar), No. 3 South C it ret, opposite the Ohaplo llonar, Virginia, Nevada. Al tliia atore 'he office of DR. GATK8, Who w'M at nil tlmee doctorthi-elek and afflicted, and effect cure* by the nuturul.JndJcloue, liberal' and eucceeiftil treatment which for the laet 45 yearecbaractorluetho practice of Medicine and Surgery of hie excellent Father nnd the late Dr. Valentine Mott. 8r , of New York. I GTOFPIOK CONSULTATIONS PKEE. I ' C9T Proper Medicine· furulslied and Speedy Ourea al moderate chargea. Applicant! Vaccin- ated and Toelh Kxtractcd very Afternoon from fl to 5 o'clock, HACKAMRNTO DRUM COMPANY, No. 137 South «treet, elgn of tbe big (Jolden Mortar, Virginia, Nevada. ap&J ltn-la. THE PUREST DKIIGM AND HATKNT MKD1CINBH. ,N HAND THE LARGEST STOCK OF Drag· In Nevada I FRESH OARDKN 8KKDS. All at price» aa low and lower than any oilier Wou»e in tbo State. Call and mi·. MKOUUK I». 3 1,1*. No IC Honth C atreet, Virginia Nevada. MitrcliI, IWe-tf. mrt-Sp ~»?3 ~~ TO MILL MEN- NOTICE! . . « ; -—*f ... >. From and after the first o«i) day of April, 18*8, we will taffllabonrSnptilor Punched Battery Screen»» AT '* « 75 Cents per 8quare Foot, USTIL VURTHKtt MOTIOB ur I KUOKNK D1TTNKK dc o>. . Gold mil, March », 161*. n.K»Jm I Katarprlaa pltaja copy. J W. T. EAVES, VftTGHMAIEir AND JEWELER, <·. MCSt., 0»r«er I'aWaVlrflala. OPPKRH POR «. HIM ^(1«·,··* Inpurlof · ·JHjt oM»ionr»M. ... · . Solid Se Plated Silver1 Ware |. Atao.atarftanil fln<>4olectton it ' .'loflWa, (Tmlerri Rrnmlll·· PefeMca >14 nacr Ui«li< Aml*lirf««»»orlrafiii.ifSI'fyTrACLH> I loanllalleendltlfmtflfthray*. · » Jewelry Mid* to Orderand Repaired. WatckeeOarefallylUpalrrd >ad War- rente*. apMf '·. * · ' £ ] —.r.. ·, · ' boiler ast factor i JOS.1 TAYLOR * CO.r boilkh makeup » '....AND.... RHBKT IB·!* W9BKKR, HBVADA BOILBB WOBKA. HILTBR C1TY,NRTAPA.' ^ VUW B0IIRR8 MARffVACTURRD il the «hortelt nolle·. Water tad Pump Plt>o of mil kind», Ail kind· of BOILBR WORK don. wUlull.patih, and AM. Wp^RK WAR. ' nr KRoticKD (. «•rwttn IH in <wa»-w4—f»a forBoUerMaklacfromRl!) tot per day, Ordenmay baleriat tkeoftaeaf tin JMar^da Foundry, No. M Somk.C «treat. tu . B —PirtUalar Attaatlo· paid tonapalrlef lg-lf JOaRPH TAYLOR. MEDICAL. mt! F.mrxGR, Homoeopathic Physician t . SURGEON. I ' TO Medical and Opera!ve Surgery, A*©— Midwifery ! OFFICE— MOUTH HTUKRT, .p. ixlfe Wellm, Far—de Co. HOMPATHY 18 ONLY TRUK SYSTEM OP MF.D Icloc, ba««sl upon llw law· of nature. Seven- ly.Br*y«a(aof Mparlcuw bar* proved ihat on·- half of Jhoaadylnf at m narly agecan be luved. Homoeopathy enrm >11 cnrbleillJejiei r r m Bestir, wbkhhave reaUled the iklll of the beat practttlonerao/ any Of tho old medical «yateio, for yean. Homoeopathy alia· loeradkaUdUaaaeientirely; toearoaara awl aaay, without bleeding, lillatrr- Inir.cauUrlilDf or dragging, to prolong nr.. ant) lywnttwaainWof rick dny». m u it ok it v. Itiinaa of tb· greafeat triumph· of Homo·· opMhy todlapenaa with the operatlou of Ampu- tation and Exclatoo,1n more lean two-third· of the caaaa, by (ba radical cars of tbo dlxaard part·, which AllopiUhy would havoenualguod In ibaknifr· · Fraclnrra an J Mrlou· wound· are healed lu lea· time, and wltb lot· pain, (ban uuder uuy other modo of trcntmout. llonaotxtkyi Mftlllag e'mfaalou whaie end the overthrow of all other mode· of cure, and tbeeatabllabneal of Itlown complete and per ruanentrulc. Homoeopathy a*d Lire Auvkakck.—The DlrocUrr·6f «London Life Assurance Ofllre— the "General Provident"- et Jtancent meeting hare placed od record tMr opinion "that per- son· trented by the IiomcoopHtliy system enjoy more robust health, are I·»· frequently attacked by disease, and when attacked recover more rapidly than tho·· treated by any othvmyilein; that with rclpcct to the more/tal classes of die· eat* the mortality tindor Homeopathy- li small In comparison with that of Allopathy; that there are diseuses not curable at·all under tlx* lutter, system, whlcb are perfectly enrable uuder tho former; fluall , that tho medicine* prescribed by FforaoeophathUi· do not Injur* tho constitution, whereasthosoemployed by"Allopath» uot na· frequentl/entail tbo most serious, and In many Instauccj, fatal consequence·," The Director· further propose te sammon a meeting of the shareholder'slo lay· before them tho facts th«y bare colieoted, and the (leclsloq at which they hate arrived, paniely:, "Tponm a special sec· tIon for persons treated by Homoeopathic nys· teiu, at lower inte of premium than that charged on other UvuLondon (Rug.) Ob- acrvtr. thf. Atlantic Mutual Life Iksukanck of Albany. New York, says: Rfc· AHDINO Ml'JDlOAL TREATMENT as af· fecflng rates. ll*ni tho aysteias of medical prar- tico aa affectluf the deration of life, are well worthy of oomlderaHon by Life Insurance Com· paale·, appear· to u· evident ; calculations upou data In our possession show decreased rate of mortality under £bo ·· Homoeopathic S y stain of Medicine." Wo have therefore concluded to make a deduction of 10 per cont. from the table rftes upou each payment of premium by those habitually using thla mode of treatment. In caso of medical practice l»elnf changed, the fall rates will be again charged. To those who em· ploy the Homooopatblc system when III, this Company w^l mako «*"· 10 percent, froid tie usual rates of premium, feeling satis- fied that the mortality irow dU««se Is vastly less under tbls mode of treatment. From large mass of statistic·, gathered fropi all parts of tho civilized world, and aupplled- largely by Alio· patble authorities, embracing tbo records of the treatment of over 300,000 case· of discaae, la drawn the following1: ' CKNBUAL NUMMARY. NAMF.SOF DfAEASFJ. Uenorul Olseasts.. Cbolcrn Typns Fever Yellow Fever Pneumonia * I2 «Sts e : 8 : c "! I ' ! &B : > ! \ 3 * * S 9 S a · · - li '? I 4.17 IG KJ 8.58 33 5.34 Average.. II 8.05 34.30 | 76.73 I 4.02 13.53 40.57 3305 43.68 . ! one W.05 77 87.É8 09.90 3.04 294 3 95 8.50 5.84 It will thua be aeon that of one hitndted pa· tient» treated by IfomiOpnthfc physicians, eight will die, whOe If the same number prv treated by Allopaihl physlclaus, thirty lour wUI dio ; aud of I hp myriad* who die under old school treat- iuei|L the world over, Honxvopathlc treatment would save *evontr-»ix of every hundred. Virginia, March. Q. 1608 mrtti DR. HUF.A NO'S CEI.KBRATED Swim Stomach Bitters I Pdrilif oflh« Blooill A Pleaaunt Tunic! TW Agrepebl. Orlnk I ttnaarpUMd for acting «urely bal (.atlyon th. Mcr.ilone of lb. kid- Myi, bowele, utomftcb and liver I Kor ,»le 'at. ill wholeaal. «'nd reUH liquor,driig .nd grooery .tore.· TRV1 IT! TRY IT! .NOBODY fjKOUI.O HK WITHOUT IT J. O. Piiiicii, Proprietor. , TAYLOR & QENDAIi,Sole Agent,. y3l-lr 41313"y Ht.-. Ru Krmueleco. Relief for Horsee & Cattle 1 '|·< UNDKK8IQNKD KK3PKCT· I ft *.uk HK UNDKK8I0NKD ItKSPKCT- A hU|ilgf«ig>ib,p,bllrlt,lbi>lium»r Slnble and Veterinary Offlce, Aa above, whére be propaced to bestow tuudlcal attention to aonsss, CATTLB, SHEBP ft DOO8, Wtilcti rony beentrnated le bin. Ho nlao offera Pr«Cou,nll.tlun .t .bla Office from 10 to IS o'clock . M. daily, having bad an nxteualv. ex- lb. bnalaeaa la Knrup. mad I be United State.,and lately of 8.n Franclaco. lie!,en- abled lo apply lb. ao.1 .fflcleol and aneeenfnl r.n«!l.a«raln.ldleeitae. of all kind, ;and>nllflla th.pnbllc patronage. Chargea moderate. IUfer· .V.I of ftnQtt.atiouabt. veracity,fr*»iu mes of ! knownruapeclabllliy. , ,·. /. McK. HUNRO VMerlnaryHnrgaon. Divide. April I. npl-tf Stir Up the Animals! WE LIKG~TH£ WIN ! OOMB-OP Tltfi OK THIS I? StWeeMBfiiUFrtnui «ASWi. «ni «rn'iu.ll lug nronml fnrloanly. We think they tri( their high prlco· for Cu4*C> aHdjiS>ri· particularly tbelr otUrugeoaahlgk »w<'< for llnliblng nnd re- palrlnf, m·') ( Bitch longer. We think the operation! of lb· Yalthn-Qtiartx Mill Kh< Die Company; composed of lh· Iroa Wort· Company, anil J. 1». Mead, of Una Hraarlaco, <*111, If -well patronlaod, remedy the *VU* to which no have heretofore bets anbjeeted, aa Ihry are offer lag to taniM. free on ahlpboard M Rao Kranrl·· co, Sheet anil Dlea goad u aver wa* made «11 tkla Coaat. and more «bUmb la «very way («la : white, and all Iha aaiae fbr bardm·· and mugh 11 r··. If ordered white;, It oeilered trrny, to be equally anUbror,)'lban baa evrr bee· mail· In or lap or Ml to thla Stair, for bar and one feu rib eenta perpotuidi aim, In farnlvk Han Bottom·, on thlp* o> above, foe tear and one· h all era ta per poaad at Han Praaelaeof alao, tofnrnlab all beavv aatlnlahad Caatlagi, (aa abowe, froe oti «bip» nt San Vraselvoi) auek ua Mortara, Cuil, Tnpeta, Boaat·, - keavy Hanfrl.i Qe«rla(, ete., for Sve «rata par poasd Ha ohange for patrena-aaleia agreed eye*. AJU woek warranted to be of aa- pert·* aualll*. Tkey farther propoar 10 Mart Foundry and Marhlan «hop, aOBe place between Virginia and Hold Hill,«ad 'olao to rerr ainterl ally Mdaee lh* priera trf InlllilogamWepiilrln*. They alio agree totaeall Ike old cut Iron, •at bar·!. accralngal mill»,fornlihrd wlthab»· a and dktpbpnhati ferftnr.Mlayar· t*xnM fdeliv «red at tbelrabop, between Virginia and Silver City) during tke IUM tkaa'furatahed, or run traded to bafarnlahad.flvlng ailll· Twenty Dnl- Ian per to· Mm advent·#* over preieni priera for aid Iroa. Tke above payaient· I· te ma,lr In ILS. gold calx .Mll iae·, raar·* yonrtelve··. . < I - ~ BT A MILL It Alt. ty I agree la the above Term·. j r. . flolé Hill, April SO, 1 Mi. apt»-1 m BHcil ftoi* to Rent! ; THE riHK jlt'ttK-ROOM 081 THB ,1 Ueloa MllCahd adjoining*· groo.ry.alor* Of K.0.C«9k,U/or rent, faldroj«J»M by SO tie (and weU aeltej. foe any kind of btulnea*. kad will bo loi for,· year 14 a. food tenant oa "lpply'odUwpryml*».or to John Haab with TaylorA Co., M «treetVlrglnlo. , Gold till). "art)i S3, ISM. inbST-lm \ ci#·». cré-i-ie·' ··· A of Sulhnrlo, Muriatic nudKltrlc Add·. In atore and for late at reduced price· by 11. 0. KIRK fc CO.

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Page 1: Gold Hill daily news. (Gold Hill, Nev.). 1868-04-27 [p ]. · f HE EVENING NEWS. ihnkr 1». ISek SkCCMTy loiliut FiuiT—Every valu- able piece of property, inch *a stores, good*,

f HE EVENING NEWS. ihnkr 1». ISek

SkCCMTy loiliut FiuiT—Every valu- able piece of property, inch *a stores,

good*, hon»e, mill, holiting-works, etc., <lionld tie covered by an insurance pol-

icy ia tome reliable insurance company —and oec; to·, tbnt does not equivocate fur fit month* or after losses are sustained. The Pacific Insurance Com-

p.»»y, of whrtb W. H. Bluuvelt, is

Agent, at lb»- Bank of California, in

li&M Hill, is the right kind to insure in. The cash assets of this Company on the first ilayof January, 1868, were $1,28!),· SIS 01». The management of the Com-

pany U in good and trustworthy hands, consisting of permanent resident» of

California mid Nevada, and whose

wealth and integrity is i^bove question. A man or woman whose property is

worth insuring against loss by tire, and wI.ii has no policy, i* certainly behind tl.e times. The dry summer season is

now coming on, and a little protection against loss by lire cannot but be de-

sirable ta any one.

Piritiis' Hons*.—Another grand

gala night at the Opera House Inst eve-

ning. Everything was gaily. The

Webb sister* having concluded their

engagement on. Saturday evening, the " legitimate" was laid aside, and the

old style melodeou was indulged in

freely and easily. Music, song, mirtli

and jollity were the order of the evening, and the pretty waiter giris all did a

thriviug busiutus in the lager aud cigar line. Tony Ward, a new acquisition from the Hay, who is as full of queer snugs as an egg is full of meat, and who knows how to sing them, made his first

appearance, and wns very much ap-

plauded. The great sensational rail-

road scene, from " Under the Gaslight,' was given as the afterpiece, aud created a greater sensation than ever before.

Ask any oue who was present aud he will tell you so. Murk Twain's lecture

this evening. " MakkTwXix" To-XIomt.·—AlPtper»

Opera Hou»» this evening, the genial

humorist, 14 Murk Twain," alias Sftiu

Clemens, holds tortU on the subject of " Pilgrim Life," being descriptive of

liis famous trip on the slmmfr Quaker City to the Holy Land, and abounding in valuable information and droll illus- trations o»' «bat he saw in th· storied

realms of the barbaric East, where men wear big shawls tied around their heads in hot weather, and call white men ·' dogs," and the women only show one

eye at a time. In order to give nil an

equal show iti reserving seats for this

and to-morrow evenings, tlic diagram of seats was not exposed for selection at

the ticket office until after clock

this morning. No scats were allowed

to bo engaged before that time. The

Opera House to-night if sure to lie

crowded. Poors open at 7. Tho nn-

burtheniug of Mark's tribulations will

commence at S o'clock precisely.

Orr Foi» Carson.—Tho Opera Homo

theatrical Company left this morning- fur Carson, in order to favor the theater

goers of that wide-spread rectangular burg with the best performance they ever saw there, by a long odds. This

they could easily do at any time, but on this occasion they are doubly sure of so

doing, as Mrs Sue Robinson Gettler, thft best theatrical actress who has been ou

this side of the mountains for months, will perform in conjunction with them

as the star of the company. They open this evening with the

" Irish Diamond, besides which they give any amount of excellent entertainment. To-morrow

evening fully as good a performance will be given, after which they will return

to Virginia. We recommcnd Manager Woodard and his talented company to

the kind " hostilities " of IheOnreonitM.

Ma* Xjoiit Uaul.—Crois, the crosses!

of all Crosses, and the jolliest of all

landlords, officially announces in our

advertising columns to-day that on the

evening of May 1st he expects everybody to bring their wives, daughters, sweet- hearts and lady friendi, down to the

grand May night ball which transpires at his Nationnl Hotel, at Dayton. Everybody who ever went to a ball in

Daytou had a glorious time, were glad they went, nod afe sure to again. The balls at the "National are always es-

pecially attractive, juid Cross aud his

estimable family know how to treat

their friends when they cull. We hope to be "th»r"and see the fun ou that

jolly occasion. ; ,

Odd Fkllows' To day.

—The Odd Fellows' of Virginie, Gold

Hill and vicinity are oelebratiug the

forty-ninth Anniversary of the introdiic- tiou of their order iuto the United States.

The celebration takes place in Virginia, and embraces!» grand procession through the priucipal streets, to Pipers' Opera House, where exercises will be held, in-

cluding an Oration by Oharles R. De

Long, Poctn by Jos. T. Goodman, Odes, etc., aud the whole will wind up with

ball this evening, or rather pair of

them, for both Athletic and Armory Halls are engaged in order to accommo- date the immense uamber of those who

will participate. It is a very fine day for'fli<r celebration.

Soarrmsa Nkw M Vieowr.—A fire-

man's new style hat is on exhibition at

the hall of Knickerbocker Engine Com-

pany, »«nt .up from San Francisco by Hose Company No. 4, as a present.


is the latest style, very light and airy. The inVentor most" have had sometbtug

to do in discovering' the latest style of

ladies bonnet., or hats. Tbii-areman s

hat it worth going to see by onr Cold

Hill lire laddies.

IT.fio.t Clu», -^-Thc Union

Club of 111 First Ward, Hill, will

have » v«ry l;ve 1/ and pleaiant rtunion

at Theatre Hall, ttiis eveninglad will

l<e addressed by Hon. W. W. Bishop,

District. Attorney '

of Storey.. county. Member* 6t Union Club·/a* well hi

Democrat» wbo wish to bear the trutb, • r« requested to lie preaent:

To rua Ladiji*.—Mr. Frankeaheimer,

of tbo Gold llill Fashion Emporium, bits

ju*t retnrued'fronr San Francisco with·

most beautiful stock of Spring; and

Summer good* for tlie ladien.

Liikhty Uoss.—A spécial mectiug of

the member* of tbil Compaay «rill be

beld ou Tuesday . evening. Captain

f'utiiam, the Foreman, desire* a full .at-


Bullion.—There was shipped fropi

Welli, FaVgo 4'C<f.'» Uofl nill'dltfte, this morning 15 bar* of bullion,

weighing , 1.143 .pound*, nod of .tlie

annyeil value of $3i,Ha_' 10.

Bullion.—Hold Hill Bmech Assay

11 Hi ce of H. Rabling k Uo., received this

morning for melting and assay, 17,0.13 ounces cru>lc bullMo. , , ,

Stocks TTf.—"filings look healthy'in the stock lino to-day, »wiug I He said,

to encouraging indication» fou ml in the

rmperial-Kmpire workings. Bdlliok.—C. Wiegaud &Co.,of Uold

Hill, received this morning, for melting acd utsay, 0,973 ounces crude bullion.

AVMral·. DT LAU.UOI,'»^

J Thompson, J Stevens, W ft Gray, Tim Griffin, Jas Griffin, MeFarland, Joieph \V

Clary, Ole Aslc'son, Mo D· Bray, John Kin- sola, F W Schmidt, Mr Conldock, Mi·* Coul- dock, Pat Carroll, Thos Manning, Jas Huff,

Huff, A Fcek, D Roach, John Forbes, Jq* Roberts, D Downey, Driscoll, Richard Taylor, John Peasler, Sol King, J Dick-

son, W Wheatou, W II Potter, Geo Mur-

ray, Jaa McDonald, Hayes, W S Savage and lady, Miaa Sullivan, G A Williams, Jno Raulctt, S Clayton, J H Clav, Mr Daggett, Win Ferguson, G \V Elliott, J U Lathrop, Henry Hagan, Jas White, John Ward, Mart Sullivan, J G Hollow»)·, W J Cross, G

Howe and two boys, Jas McDcad, Mrs Dc-

laney, Jacob Hcmmcrich and wife, M C

Phillips, V Lcmery, C H Knox, J J Hen- nery, M Falkenhen, Mr Haycock, Miss An- derson, Mott, J Kyan, M Sweeny, J C Dick, Collins, Misa Felcm, C Broadham, Miss Gillerd.


John Harris, S Wcnbaa, J Haines, A L

Parker, C W J Johnson, A F Sullivan.

Departs res*


Thos Nelson, Mr Martin, Chas Gilman, W

H Lovell. G Crandall, John Sime, W

Bourne, ' M Luther, J Do La Montagnir, D S Jones, W Hussey, Mr Boyington, J A Curtis, Mr» F W Cole, R J Peters, S Wen-

bau, J S Sanford, J G Fair, A Sullivan, F W Byé, Gordou, C W J Johnson, Miss

Kiuma Webb, Miss Ada Webb, John Skae. BY OYXKI.AXU uodtk:

*C A Werlinc, Jas Marcttse, J Minge*. J

Kran, M Swaney, Collins, Dennis Daly, Thos Manne.

Couldn't Our ir.—A certain physi- c in , lust Friday night, went oui to the

embolic cemetery, nortti of Virginia, for tlio purpose of 'I·1' body of John Millenin, but found an armed

party guarding tbe grave, therefore bud to come back without it. Why disturb the body in its last appropriate resting place? With that, we have

nothing more to do, but his

living deeds, acts and words are public property which all are fully entitled


cousider upon and freely discuss in all

their moral or individual bearings as

counected with the living. Let the body rest.

Indus Dicviutiuks.— By a gen- tleman arrived from the Truckee last

evening, we learn that news arrived

there just before he left, that tbe Honey Lake stage, bound for Virgiuia, was at- tacked near Long Valley night before

last by Indians, and the driver and all tbe passengers massacred. The tawny faced devils took tbe stage horses along with them. Our informant met a com-

pany of cavalry, from Fort Churchill, in Steamboat Valley, on their way toward the scene of the Indian difficulties, lie

learned no further particulars. Literatvuk fkoii Lillik's.—Lillie

Co., the well-known and popular book-

sellers, stationers, and general news-

deal· rs, seul us, this morning, the fol-

lowing acceptable reading matter : Har-

pers' Bazar, Frank Leslie's Illustrated, Latest Sensation, New York Clipper, Chimney Corner, Illustrated News, Comic Monthly, Police Gazette, The

Broadway and Godev's Lady s Book

for May, and other good arrangements in the literary line, such as they always keep on hand and lor sale at lowest

cash rates.

Latkst Rasters Litkhati'kk.—Boe-

gle, tbe prince of newsmen, whose liter-

ary castle is the Post Office News depot,

Virgiuia, has just received a linge lot Eastern newspapers, periodicals, etc.,

per latest mail from America. He sends

us the following specimens : Harper's and Leslie's illustrated newspapers, New York Clipper, Illustrated News,

Comic Monthly, Harper's Bazar, Police

Gazette, Godey's Lady book nnd the

Broadway, for May Plenty more of the same sort, at Boegle'».

Thk Championship Kjcht.—The match

between Joe Coburn, of New \ ork, and

Mike McCoole, of St. Lours, Ibr $10,000 and the championship of America, was

finally consummated Monday, tbe third and last deposit of $2.5ou a side having been placed in the appointed stakehold- er's hands. The whole of the uioeey is

now staked, and both parties are under-

going a regular, systematic course ^ol training jffeparatiou. Coburn s train-

ing quarters are at his own hosterie, the

Harlem Hotel, in 125tli street, between

Third and Fourth avenues ; Frank Mc-

Intyre (who trained him for hi* previous fight with McCoole) and Hen McDcrmot aro his atteudauts and companions in his pedestrian exercises. McCoole is

also paying strict attention to getting into the best physical condition·; his

training quarters are in the suburbs of

St. Louis, and his attendants are Mike

Trainor and Bill Blake. Coburu was

present in porson yesterday wbeu bis

money was staked, but McCooleU was received by express few day before. The former looks iu splendjd condition

already, and has got rid of nearly all

superfluous flesh, owing to the strong, Steadv work, and regular exercise be has

taken. The fight takes place on May 27th, at some place within fifty miles of

Cincinnati.—Yrw fort Sun, April Uh.

Willis, when in Germany, bought a

pair of garters at a fair, with a wreath

of flowers paiuted oa them, inside tira

delicate fabric was consecrated with

some verses, which the poet thns trans-

lated :

When night with morning lingers. Awake and stirring be,

And with jour pretty fingers CIup this about your'knee.


Wt*» day with eve; repose,. ·

j. And star· begin to see,

Uoeiup this kati of row*, >

And, dearest, think of me

. s·.'.. .


"> " '



TTNTR, PUUTHim NUNC . OU*/FART U Freight rate· fforn Sen Kraneieco will b*

Klffht Cento pot* Pound

Wli.l·*, l>«kiiO jt CO. , A»rll«,10«,

8PBCI.IL · rfoTCS. ' V-

*» al



? thmi- m YOUR SELF!

1 THE»! [ 1 w,'W • hut It M R MCtora, *l· ftom the )nirr*t ex I

)mttl ·# vfttaeM» *omi Urti -ftoé tort·, ti· »t % alnklf ·*·*·* (« lb· cm of All affect lone oT tH. ) f SWwkTWB. Uwm»4 t»o««|«, »iKb m *y ; Mpti*. Fwr. PUrrbcv*, Lam· of *·>, rte. «« ( wrywb·?·. A. *RHK\v#KM. # KOI* VA«ifr»tT0Rr9,V

SsiwmeMl J»rW«i. -« » ·<· »... §

TYPE METAL qUintltlOtOiUll

mwKH/ANgQTO APyfiBTIBKMBtife. __

: * > * ·

Hardware! .

· .


Cutlery, Iron ami Steel !

EJcrENE BITTNER & CO,, . ·»«

·· i"m

Tl ll\ STKKET,«OLD HILL, . ...

... .Zi% : , '\·-· }

Noruda. — DKAIjRKHIN — ! ·

. . .



-J* HARDWARE, ••t I ·.,

, steel, s rovus,

Tinware, Crockery, Glass,


L A M F» S I

Doors and Windows,





I S !

«» . \:

\^ "!, Tin., Copper




Of Ifcr l.ntral Impror.ri


411 Slice* on llaiul or


• ' itfl i-tr.

e. w.Ikeyes, CITY SEXTON


t .

General Undertaker. NO. MOUTH V MTRRKT,


mount Vii;asa'ixt —AXn—

Catholic Cemeteries. Full Auortmeiit of


Metallic Burial Cases, KINK MAHOGANY COHFINM, Tltlll.


la the Huilcrttikliia l.lnr.

P. 3.—A>'1.NK IIF.ARS «ad UARIUAOF.S nlway· in Toadim·** to Attend FUNERALS


tbtiiMi4('a4jotBta£ coantlei Funeral* attended

tola old HUI, Silffr C My an4 Dayton, will»

proapUetf.a* .

iNiA phick«.^i ;


A |.)Wal Discount inailo lo the Poor. 140··}' «eltn«*.Purnlihhif£ro9il4 BfcMliijC.

Wallpaper, Ovpt'U, Blauktt·, Sh^lMc; Or.n-k •rv. \Vj^<Vo toil Willow Ware,"Ktc., Etc, IluvlWrnd Wot* lo.p:iy, I am-pr^pired'lo aril

Uhi-aprrtbao t1»«Cfc*np*«t. ,

7* K-Iiwmbir tho (>1<1 HtTn.l. No. 100 South

< fslrret, non til of NVi-lli. VRrgo At Co.!*.

f»S9-lm \ -. W. KIYEVAg«-iil.


Qalvaiiiei Rlid Va|alraaiif4,

r kvKKY nucitirTioM, for


lloUting from Shaft* and Incilut·*.

Winding Ropes, Fiat and Koand. Gay ttopei, fur Derrick*. Fall Rope*, of Step), for J*NrrLcks. Power Rope*, for conveying Power to

DUtonce. Ferry Hope·, for Awing and Flying

Ferriai. and for varions otliur purr poeea. being


RABLE and CHEAPER than any other kiml of Rope. ..

li * Wire Rojie I* not nffeetod by ntmo*pherlc

ehangcii; l> Mpllced in tntne manner a* Hemp Rope, and Tnannfactnrod in any length

of any

«lie. 8 iiMable Bloc Ira and flbeetet for Fairy and

Derrtek-Fall ttnpet vuftplied. Steel Rope trtvet

mmttrinliy ta freight, btihff only one third the

wlfXtof Kemp ropr of equal Mtrenytk. Price· and seifleor ntrungth, WVight and Dise,, on applications tunnnfartnrom, A.M. , <

4 19 Front atrcet, Bnn Franciaco.Cal.

\* > a



ryWoiir Mote Agent* for It. 8. NBWALL Jfc CO., the woll-known Wlre-Uope Mnkor#, of

Owt«ihee«1-on-Tyni·, and have fnll nmnrtmrnt

Of IhHrfopraoo fiaktid. ocltf-flmi*


"i ......

· .«> · t ....

• t » ! CHICK OF · I

n II i «) s I li V» M


70 Cents Per Pound'


BANK OF CALIFORNIA, "iriimifiiA Agnggjiji IHI.I-, iwi-ic


BUKfl' nopFITT, • Paper Warehouse,


519 Cum n«rclftl *tr««*t*f betwpon .Siinnouie nnd M >uiffotu«*ry, Pmuciftco. «· ,.

Importer* mill Jobber* of Book*, N«*»n, Writ- Img Md Wrmtoi'nff Pitper, Paptr Ka*«, Htrawm.I

Wninr·' Bourde, HInek and Colored Ink*.

[nprlO lin Sp.|

Pacifié Mriice Cmpa'y .· . ,

· :. « ' ,

'·. ·

'.. C . ·!·'' . tf · «

· * « · *

· :

•·—Ar «··« »f "» ··»*· «'" .

· ·

•f Califoraia, ( _


! "

OOLD HIM» NliVADA, :,BLAU<'éi.r.k»n«.

ow.Hm. Areilg. iga.. . »p«tr,


H. C. LIU4E & CO;, No. 44 South 8t, four door· south of the Affoncy of the Bank California.








Puree*. Comb*, Hrutftiv* Cigar Ca»e*,Ink*tand*, Writing Dunk*,'.Writing fluid, Notary Seule, I^cgal Blank*. Doralnot·*. Map·. Slate·, Playlog (and Vlwltiiig Curd», Steel Pen*. Mucilage, Chfi· Mini Checker Men, Children * Carriage·;. Willow Wnro. J

PIANOS FOR SALE, And nlMU Afirat» for


, tin CKNT8.

Knilrm Hnprr· nad Prritdlnlt,

:» FOlt -J3 CKWTS.


.cWvuil l>y rvi-ry Stoniui r. ap2S I m

7~ :». bokl," DBALKK IN



Cutlery and Fancy Goods.


W S I) V L It.

I n. in rrrcl|»l of nil Ibr Cwrrral

Literature frum ull pnrtNwf the Worhl. .,

AU Order* l«ft with mi· will receive

'Prompt Attention. Send your Order* to the



ilfiitothr |?uch 11U <1

s fi t il it ) $ - $ a il (11 u tt y . , ,

foil .(Offre, Virginia, jrcrt. go«&le.

» fy8tf. I —



ALI. NVIIOM IT MAY CM)N- i «*vrii.ko*wlt r Mill, Mining au<l / other Coiupimlu*. I'rofeimionuhind^g^^^y HuNiuvMM iiicii, Publie Oftlruri, PrlvnteCitUeDN.AiwI allot her bnyeraof

R , ,

ml Klndrrd Article··.

yon wlehrmuonablt aniliiulformprlcea,falv dtMtUuK.uudfeuiuuegoudH.iallut the


^onthoiiMi rornerol (! iiuil Union xlirfl, VI110 INI A , NEVADA,

When you will alwtty» find overy kind of Blnnk. .Schooiaiid Minrellnnroaa Hook m, Memo· random*, Oluriea. I*hhm Booka.Song Book*, Nov* •In. -u.l U««miIhV MOhv. UmmiumI In«tnt.

menu. Map*. Lfgnlcap. Billeap, PooIncap, Bath Pout, Not·*, and other writing paper; Gold


other Pen*. Envelope*. Drawing Pnpor and In·

girnnieuta.Copylng.lndellbU-aud Writ iU|r Fluid·; Mucilage. Legal Blank*. I'orket Cutlery .Puree·, I'iahlng Tackle, otc.

, Allthe luteal California nu.l Mlauth Paper·,

PlctortaU.Wafailne*.Review nnd Periodical·, and a line

4'irrMlnllnii l.ibrnr) !

N<-vrn|.,k)n:r»f On»· liV incb,

Magazine*. Two Bitn-ach. 'taLirtfaclk·» ̂ 'laranteeilto .MiMtoniera. apIO If WILL II. BlfKHALL


. T. Cl 11. J. J. IIATKA. . . CKANK. /

GILE, HAYES & CO., . »'


Vinr %ViHe* anil Liquor*,

612 Front Street, San Francisco.

.Sole Agmt« for tlm (Meljnitafl

kkntwoky'o. v. wiithkv.





, .

. . . i . · ·



JAIanidUt»· Pinul IWudl of old' HK A DIES.

r»(lNA« (.Ilnrrcit * (· OTA II D B1J.



TOM nnd II. «IN. *


Sun Krmlfliro, A prit,· 1M8. *pfltf


At ft meeting of Hip Committee, held la«t evening, the followIiij; projHMltloti wa* submitted :

The undersigned, member» of 1» Union parly of Storey count)', for Uid.uuriKMc of prcvcutliiK any detraction of «* party by Internal couteau, baaed upon Individual prefercncei fera UnlUvl Mat·· Heft· atort U> remove all anprehtiiHloita of unfalriteiwlo

lit; primaries by which |ho auccea* the parly ciitlanxcrcU ; to cuablc'each member of the

party to exprotf liH choli-o for Senator by direct vole, ant! to prevent the SenatorUd*qne»flon from practically c<mtrolltiir. an heretofore, tho -mHYcUoiI

' of candidate!! for 8Ut« and county office·,.do mu· tauJly the til lowing mode of aaccrUhilitg the preference of tlu» Union men of thle eyivnty for Maid office, and of dcUitmlnlug the vote thereon the mcfffbéwof theXeifUlAtlife to be elected ill naUl cbnrtty nt the ensuing election : •Ural—Wo will vote fbr no *»* for Delegate to

tin* County Convention who hu* not atgned tht*

aureoimint.· and'wln> hU.UI not pledge hluntelf to

! carry out utrktly If·* provision* In reapect to Maid office. ·»»


Second—The Delegate* choacn to tho County Co ft. ventlon Hinili,'before luaKiik any Legislative notnl·

. nation*. adopt me folk»**·? rerfolutlotli:' " I. Kmofcvkn. That thrLefllidaUv· Nominees of

1 till* Convention awMHtroctiit, and are required to

I pledge IheniHClvoa that t^v will, If elected, nup|>ort l»y their voteapr othefirMvfbr tin· office of bolted State* Hriiator. no lorn» a» he Khali tw a candidat»»,

ti*.·,person jJeahuutcu ,ua the choice o( the I'jiloti votera «.( <tl»ia«omity.Mu UK» niuunér her«tnan«e pro- scribed, to-wlt:

wtffUS uirfti.· f hi* elioleo for wild portion}: anff 'the peraofi wb<v«e name ahairthua be pladw wpon the larReat nlnnl»er of ticket* ahall tie conalrt*

entl tile r ho Ice of Hie VuIon party of tfeé· county

for aald ,^ «ball wcehu the.aupport of the UjuUla t I y « delfgaJJoua* Afcove ata to\L ; .

, . ,vw

;:3, A ticket amin be coiMltlorpd a Unloh ticket whlui voutaftir tn«· Union l*re*Montlal KlecTOrt and for not fe*rthtitf eleven (11) of the LeglfllaUre ndml· neeaofthla Convention." - *-· *··· *>.».·

Tlilnl—Mo |Mf4orf tall be nominate.} Aythe Leg!*- latnro by tho Convention until h« »hail fcave pledg*i hjniaotf y>>bW* by tfcr feregohig resolution and .ta ol»ey IU iU!*LrnctloniL .· ...... ,

Vout-th—The aftld Convention ahtl prescribe the ihode of counting AaM*Votea for the office oCHcuator alM of declaring officially the result thereof.

April an**' " ap2*4f

« , . ·· : > »

'.. ;. J w. ;··.; · /'; ;

Névad a Brewer^ Dept (ppoaitaHall'a OIBce,)'

rK very best fc«j|(3ICtt In the State ; iMat

qnalltlea of BrftiPJIca, WlilskVii, WlneÉ, Cl·

±i l

" ProprUtor». Oold Blri, April 53,i8«i. »p5a«i

' MMCfcl/LiltEOl'8· J-i 1

:')*1 » f

; * y »> /

A LI» : R

TU· world people of a#ose and judgment tuve learned to uae » · .· »''·_·

PLANTATION BITTERS. DyiMpvUi, with lu symptme. Headsobe, Heart·

burn. VovrrlabUpitJBad.llreath, Sallow Complexes. Ac,, uulN cured by ualfig rtA/rrATiuji Uittbjuj. This Is the most sucesefUl tonic or trio age.

Voung, middle-aged and oM, are delighted with Its Cfl'CCtA. The tint trtal alwayshaa imarked good affect. No clianKQ of diet la oteaaaary. lui all' you wlah,

of the bmt and luqat nutritious food It ia the groateal cure .ever known for au over·

loaded and iltsLrcssedstom^cb, which It rlléves'lna few mouicnu. We know that we hare the licet and mort popular

medicine In the wurtd. Wo are i»ot afraid to afmw what It is composed o(. 1 / . l


Causa ya Babk haa been colebraud/or. over two

huudred y care, and was sold during the reign of Lonle XVI., King of France, for the chmions price ef Its own weight In rttrer. It ts remarkable for

DwpeptlA, Keren, Wesknesa, Co » Una!Ion. Ac. • C'asoasilla Bibb.—For Diarrhea. Oollc, Aad dlr

cant* oi the atoinacb and bowel*. «

Damdkuom.—Ifor Inflammation of the Loins and

Dropsical Attelions. , ,

Camokilk FLOWBHj.^yoriMifeeblctl digestion. L.vvjt.NDM *u>wuu».—Aromatic, atlmtilant and

tonic—highly luvlgorattng'ln nervons debility/ W time so as**.—ForHcrolhla. KheuiBaUiai, Ac.

Animk.—Anaromaticcarminative; creating Utah. uiORcle and milk: much used by mother* uuralnr,


Also, dov<rbu<U, orange, faraway, eurUuJer. snake-root. Ac. ,


. ,!·»>.·. I»!

Another wonderful lit*reOletit, of SpanWIi origin, h.marllnit t-'aUy t" iho comnlo'diin *nd brilliancy to the nilnil. In yet unkuown II»· commerce of tlio

w.uM. «tuf we wUhhoM It· ·|| Uie urraeBL ·

u'H this recipe before tho community, and 6\·

cm» or .* «un.l· ttOtnIM npou thMcUl rull». Almoat "'«·> ft""»" **»· ca«e

which the Plaktation Birrui will alleviate

ami euro.

atC »"V ··>"·—»·' -w ,

U»«n Plantation

Bitter* In bulkorby*<-««llonlsa swindler ajni lm- iKigior Itli |>ut up only lu our log cabin boule,

beware of bottles reilliod with imiuuaa deleterious tuff for whkb several persons are ^rcady in prlaon. Soe lU at evo'ry bottle Dm our UmtM SUtoirtlJiip over t»ir cori unmutllated. and onr signature on *1 frriS^rM^tble «leal·™ UironRhoultlie Uabl ta- ble glob··


P. H. DHAKK OO., New V«rh, ··

Frtprktm. KKIHHNCJTON Sc O·., Hum Vrnmsinc·*


XKXVI'AN MUMTANM MNI.flENT. The merit# of tliU Liniment are well kuowu.


effect· are Instantaneous, soothing, and wonderful. Cut·, bruises, apralna and «welling· are ko common,

and certain to occur e*erjr fhtnlly, that a bottle of thll Mnltnent U the best Investment that oAn l»e

made. It UmowcerWIn than the due tor—It have· lime In

MMidliiR for the doctor—It Is chcaper than the doctor, and mIioiiM never be dispensed with.

1> TliU VOIdiOinNO.

"I tiike pleasure In recommending Uio Mexican

MiiMtaiiK Liniment its a valuable and Indispensable article fur Spralna, Sorea, Scratches, or Calls


Horse·. Our nien have used it for Burns, Bruises,

Sore*, Rheumatism, Ac., And ad say It acts like

mafic." J. W, IIÉWITT. Foreman for Amer'n, Well·, Fargo'· and ilarndvn's

llftWI. -


"Tue sprain of my daughter'· aul!s,occAalone<I while skating last Winter, waa entirely cured

In one

week, afler she commenced tiling your celebrated

Mustauc Liniment." ' KD. SKKLY, ·

f»lonce»4er, M·**., August I, itfC

Quick and *11» It cerUlnly· Is. Ill genuine In

wrapped Id stecl-plato engraving*. bearing the sl«na·

Iuri'uf (J, \V. Wfktbfook, Chemist, and,the privt*

J. 3. stamp of Dmia« Rarnkh A Co. over the top. AU effort has been made to* counterfeit it with


cheap stoou plate label. Look ctoady/ BoM by all Druggtftts, and Htores, at ami SO el·..

an4 ft.

.···.' I !...

FI.EA POWDKR. Tt Is w%!t known that Lyon1· gentrtne HAgneilc

Powder will perfectly dvatroy everything ' in the

shape of tiens, ticks, bedbug», roaches, Ac.; that It la

periect poison to tho Insect M4>e, but enilrely harm-

less to the human specie· aud domestic unlniabi. Bedbugs, Anta, Eoactu*, etc., are In every bouse.

This Powder 1· their natural dcAtli. It should be In

every cupboard. ·

Jon* L. Rome. Kaq., Superintendent of'tlie New York City IloapUal, say· :

· ·· · "

It Is Uie only

•areartlcle we have e*er need.'*· New Yoax Uotal Paopaiitow sa y;

" WahAve uecii

LYUN'S MAGNETIC VOWWCB' F^r I'XtemlDaUDr InkrcU tml verniln, wltll


«ithfictlon. CoiWa* k Sines, Alter Hou»e. H; T. OaBIO·. Atnorlcu Hotel.

Acku A Tuadw kl· ,8t. Icholu HoU-l. 8. Liland A Co., MetropoHUn HoM."

,e^^e1v^Mt,^B^ft,Sn, genuine jiaa the slgifltture of K^Lyon. and the private stamp of Dcmaa 11 a an» '. Anythlim elfte of this Klud Is an Imitation or counterfeit. Any druggist will procure the genuine If you limlst yot! wlll-havu soother.


) «

Sold by all druggist^ and general storekeeper· In every (own nid mining caiup ou the Pacific Coast,

no25 I y 2ortp

··.'·! . « · I

. 1 "· . '.··.·»

·" 73Ti · « »


RESTAURANT! NVxt.lJoor.tO llie JRoelofflc»·. "


Meat· paitb* S<w»r*»o4«t aU,H<7uri

aSi M A,R k.KT AK tfO R l>*

... e, i.—'

Cooked in tfte Best· Style. " VIX SUPPEfffi! .


Board by the Ma*}, Day or Week I

TIM l*rlm-Jpiil , l</«rkat Ton/Ext ta Chou. . -

· ·.. ' · -

. ..'i ie ITT Try in· in. ·«<) le· lf : l dqn'i Mil) 4a

muohOooil K.llufto» rond > u uj> litnn lutU»8t»t<\ » .- I

WRLTHi Fn>«hUr.

\J. J ONE*, Jr., :u/ il .· j f

>y j u.;. . . ·

Dr&fst' W. 'Afamtty, » » fill · - . j -HIfc ,IJ

(SUCCK^ipif TOJl.A.QAMBtt.)^ '

i ' *f.!: ni f·· ··*.>.· ·!«;·%. Jl.-Jfi.ii t : it »· ··/. .·;«: »» )97 ·· 4ai«r t».*··»«, ,


' J ·

. / · · - <

. ·, .·,· < ! it J· · ·/»"? .J*?ii»lCl saint» KVfinrl

flOI.I» Hllitii NRf AIM.

'ApriiUM»· . -. npltr;

et.u4'0<»i»eaie**l<>W. iwt S#«ird*/7o»Mb month.' All ftrathr#u In'f odfl «t»m]lii|(rv»«or. auMjrifltlUd B, «">· VnJW Oold lllll. · l. IMi. fjrltf

" MT8CELU!*fi0l'8. ui




—K»n«iWr 1·, 1867.

^ ABILITY! Capital»-la U. *. «eSTate ·0,»· (Jaamalcc Pand, I'.K. li.U « «In tiUiMM

U.K. McLANE 8. f. BUTT KR WORTH VK« Prutdnl

DlrMtvra. J. KURA MOeS, O.V.. PRATT, L· U ROBINSON, L. 8ACII8, ·. 1). 8 WW. NY, . IIAYW AKD,

c" j". bhkshaii. il $. wiffi;* i,-.«NAu,· ·




?.'* suouEMCb*· -x·""1 **·»'»·«.

'8 cojipany iswjkm am, thB X uiorfi dinirublo and populur kiudtf of Pollciea, atttorlng any t»uin ou unlnglo life, from $500 10

$•20,000. The Com pun y freely grant every ad-

vantage to policy Loldef# «peer tain In g w the buiineiN,and offer trrma un liberal an thoneof

nuy tint claw Company. «

lu the «veut of di-ath, clulum will be promptly Mottled. The wieo provUiou of tho lawa uuder which

thin Company lit organised, whiln requiring a

paid up Caeb Capital of 100,000, aud thtm in·

urlug a Hoard or Dlroctora vr.llh it pecuniary Interest lu Ita nucce»n, Yortldn the payment to the Stockholder*of «ay PertUa ·€ ihr Pref-

lip · the Bmlac··, beyond the iutureat earned by the capital contributed by them, thai

making it a purely mutual Compauy.

All Policies ere Non-Forfeitable and Participate in the Profite.'



teiuoai for Io«irlu win me tniuornm Mutual

let. Tho lint of Director* nnd Ofllcrm em·

bAc*»»*!!!*.··well and favorably known through· out the f<tatee of the Pacific Count a> men of bioad and liberal view·, of tried J tr grit/, *nguc·

UyundbueluciiN experience, In whoee handethe affair* of the Company arc eaf* beyond question

iid. It'le the IntercNt of every our, whose bu*i

nom and property ie upon tliU Coast, to retain

here tho vaut euuie of money which, lu the ab

nonce of m succeeefai Home Company, will be

annually drained hence by Foreign Coinpanlee. N. H.—Peraon till· Cooipauy will

not bava to WAIT TWO MONTHS for nppli cation to be accepted and Policy returned from New York.

" '


No. 13 Merchants' Exchange

W.1I. U. \VIIKATON~,..General A«iaf. Will. SUA HON .....nnldHl Director:


Agent fer tho Stale of Nevud*. Oflcj «I Weill,

Fargo Si. Go'i, Virginia. JOS. . T. MARTIN,

ap3-tf Local Solicitor, «old Hill.


Oar expenses are Very Light.

-enbarka 'rlre·, Ue "Kfv:;ikU!t&aUTt

And lb ax la " why " w. eta afford and «Nil! con

tlnn. to «all FRESH, PURE and GENUINE

DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINES Of all kind., and .very artlclta krpt lu r. FIRST CLASS

DRUG STORE CHEAPER Ikaii In imy oilier

home In Virginia.

Pkfilclaii^PrrKrirll··· and C a - IJ Krrelple Warraalnl ac-

rarnlrly prepared al all·. Day aa4


at nr. pay no perc.ntago for thea. fuvora, but da·

peudliig ou a genorom pub ic, yon ahull live and

all will dourlali. The PLACE, unr branebboua. (be


(Rlgnef tb. big OOLDKN Mohtar),

No. 3 South C it ret, opposite the Ohaplo llonar, Virginia, Nevada. Al tliia atore I» 'he

office of


Who w'M at nil tlmee doctorthi-elek and afflicted, and effect cure* by the nuturul.JndJcloue, liberal' and eucceeiftil treatment which for the laet 45

yearecbaractorluetho practice of Medicine and

Surgery of hie excellent Father nnd the late Dr.

Valentine Mott. 8r , of New York.


I ' C9T Proper Medicine· furulslied and Speedy

Ourea al moderate chargea. Applicant! Vaccin- ated and Toelh Kxtractcd very Afternoon

from fl to 5 o'clock, HACKAMRNTO DRUM COMPANY,

No. 137 South «treet, elgn of tbe big (Jolden

Mortar, Virginia, Nevada. ap&J ltn-la.





Drag· In Nevada I


All at price» aa low and lower than any oilier

Wou»e in tbo State. Call and mi·.

MKOUUK I». 3 1,1*.

No IC Honth C atreet, Virginia Nevada.

MitrcliI, IWe-tf. mrt-Sp

~»?3 ~~




« ; -—*f ... >.

From and after the first o«i) day

of April, 18*8, we will taffllabonrSnptilor

Punched Battery Screen»»

AT '*


75 Cents per 8quare Foot,



. Gold mil, March », 161*. n.K»Jm

I Katarprlaa pltaja copy. J



<·. MCSt., 0»r«er I'aWaVlrflala.


^(1«·,··* Inpurlof

· ·JHjt oM»ionr»M.




Solid Se Plated Silver1 Ware |. Atao.atarftanil fln<>4olectton it

' .'loflWa, (Tmlerri Rrnmlll·· PefeMca >14 nacr Ui«li<

Aml*lirf««»»orlrafiii.ifSI'fyTrACLH> I loanllalleendltlfmtflfthray*.

· »

Jewelry Mid* to Order and Repaired. WatckeeOarefallylUpalrrd >ad War-

rente*. apMf '·. * ·

' £ ] —.r.. ·, ·


boiler ast factor i

JOS.1 TAYLOR * CO.r boilkh makeup

» '....AND....



VUW B0IIRR8 MARffVACTURRD il the «hortelt nolle·. Water tad Pump Plt>o of mil kind», Ail kind· of BOILBR WORK don. wUlull.patih, and AM. Wp^RK WAR.

' nr KRoticKD (.

«•rwttn IH in <wa»-w4—f»a forBoUerMaklacfromRl!) tot I· per day, Ordenmay baleriat tkeoftaeaf tin JMar^da

Foundry, No. M Somk.C «treat. tu

. B —PirtUalar Attaatlo· paid tonapalrlef lg-lf JOaRPH TAYLOR.


• mt! F.mrxGR,

Homoeopathic Physician t


I ' — TO —

Medical and Opera!ve Surgery, — A*©—

Midwifery ! OFFICE— MOUTH HTUKRT, .p.

ixlfe Wellm, Far—de Co.



Icloc, ba««sl upon llw law· of nature. Seven-

ly.Br*y«a(aof Mparlcuw bar* proved ihat on·- half of Jhoaadylnf at m narly agecan be luved. Homoeopathy enrm >11 cnrbleillJejiei r r m

Bestir, wbkhhave reaUled the iklll of the beat

practttlonerao/ any Of tho old medical «yateio, for yean. Homoeopathy alia· loeradkaUdUaaaeientirely;

toearoaara awl aaay, without bleeding, lillatrr- Inir.cauUrlilDf or dragging, to prolong nr.. ant) lywnttwaainWof rick dny».

m u it ok it v.

Itiinaa of tb· greafeat triumph· of Homo·· opMhy todlapenaa with the operatlou of Ampu- tation and Exclatoo,1n more lean two-third· of the caaaa, by (ba radical cars of tbo dlxaard part·, which AllopiUhy would havoenualguod In ibaknifr· ·

Fraclnrra an J Mrlou· wound· are healed lu lea· time, and wltb lot· pain, (ban uuder uuy other modo of trcntmout.

llonaotxtkyi • Mftlllag e'mfaalou whaie end I· the overthrow of all other mode· of cure, and

tbeeatabllabneal of Itlown complete and per ruanentrulc.

Homoeopathy a*d Lire Auvkakck.—The DlrocUrr·6f «London Life Assurance Ofllre— the "General Provident"- et Jtancent meeting hare placed od record tMr opinion "that per- son· trented by the IiomcoopHtliy system enjoy more robust health, are I·»· frequently attacked by disease, and when attacked recover more

rapidly than tho·· treated by any othvmyilein; that with rclpcct to the more/tal classes of die· eat* the mortality tindor Homeopathy- li small In

comparison with that of Allopathy; that there

are diseuses not curable at·all under tlx* lutter, system, whlcb are perfectly enrable uuder tho former; fluall , that tho medicine* prescribed by FforaoeophathUi· do not Injur* tho constitution, whereasthosoemployed by"Allopath» uot na· frequentl/entail tbo most serious, and In many Instauccj, fatal consequence·," The Director· further propose te sammon a meeting of the shareholder'slo lay· before them tho facts th«y bare colieoted, and the (leclsloq at which they hate arrived, paniely:, "Tponm a special sec· tIon for persons treated by Homoeopathic nys· teiu, at lower inte of premium than that

charged on other UvuLondon (Rug.) Ob- acrvtr.

thf. Atlantic Mutual Life Iksukanck

of Albany. New York, says: Rfc· AHDINO Ml'JDlOAL TREATMENT as af· fecflng rates. ll*ni tho aysteias of medical prar- tico aa affectluf the deration of life, are well

worthy of oomlderaHon by Life Insurance Com· paale·, appear· to u· evident ; calculations upou data In our possession show decreased rate of mortality under £bo

·· Homoeopathic S y stain of Medicine." Wo have therefore concluded to

make a deduction of 10 per cont. from the table

rftes upou each payment of premium by those habitually using thla mode of treatment. In

caso of medical practice l»elnf changed, the fall rates will be again charged. To those who em·

ploy the Homooopatblc system when III, this

Company w^l mako «*"· 10 percent, froid tie usual rates of premium, feeling satis- fied that the mortality irow dU««se Is vastly less under tbls mode of treatment. From large mass of statistic·, gathered fropi all parts of tho civilized world, and aupplled- largely by Alio· patble authorities, embracing tbo records of the treatment of over 300,000 case· of discaae, la

drawn the following1: '



Uenorul Olseasts.. Cbolcrn Typns Fever Yellow Fever



!» I2 «Sts • e : 8 : • c

• "!


' !


: > !




* S 9 S a ·



li '?


4.17 IG KJ 8.58 33


Average.. II 8.05 34.30 | 76.73 I 4.02

13.53 40.57 3305 43.68 .

! one W.05 77 87.É8 09.90

3.04 294 3 95 8.50 5.84

It will thua be aeon that of one hitndted pa· tient» treated by IfomiOpnthfc physicians, eight will die, whOe If the same number prv treated by Allopaihl physlclaus, thirty lour wUI dio ; aud of I hp myriad* who die under old school treat-

iuei|L the world over, Honxvopathlc treatment would save *evontr-»ix of every hundred.

Virginia, March. Q. 1608 mrtti


Swim Stomach Bitters I Pdrilif oflh« Blooill

A Pleaaunt Tunic!

TW Agrepebl. Orlnk I ttnaarpUMd for acting «urely bal (.atlyon th. Mcr.ilone of lb. kid- Myi, bowele, utomftcb and liver I

Kor ,»le 'at. ill wholeaal. «'nd reUH liquor,driig .nd grooery .tore.·



.NOBODY fjKOUI.O HK WITHOUT IT J. O. Piiiicii, Proprietor. , TAYLOR & QENDAIi,Sole Agent,. y3l-lr 41313"y Ht.-. Ru Krmueleco.

Relief for Horsee & Cattle 1

'|·< UNDKK8IQNKD KK3PKCT· I ft *.uk


hU|ilgf«ig>ib,p,bllrlt,lbi>lium»r Slnble and Veterinary Offlce, Aa above, whére be I· propaced to bestow

tuudlcal attention to

aonsss, CATTLB, SHEBP ft DOO8, Wtilcti rony beentrnated le bin. Ho nlao offera • Pr«Cou,nll.tlun .t .bla Office from 10 to IS o'clock . M. daily, having bad an nxteualv. ex- lb. bnalaeaa la Knrup. mad I be United State.,and lately of 8.n Franclaco. lie!,en- abled lo apply lb. ao.1 .fflcleol and aneeenfnl r.n«!l.a«raln.ldleeitae. of all kind, ;and>nllflla th.pnbllc patronage. Chargea moderate. IUfer·

.V.I of ftnQtt.atiouabt. veracity,fr*»iu mes of ! knownruapeclabllliy.

, ,·. /. McK. HUNRO VMerlnaryHnrgaon.

Divide. April I. npl-tf

Stir Up the Animals!


I? StWeeMBfiiUFrtnui «ASWi. «ni «rn'iu.ll lug nronml fnrloanly. We think they tri( their high prlco· for Cu4*C> aHdjiS>ri· particularly tbelr otUrugeoaahlgk »w<'< for llnliblng nnd re- palrlnf, m·') ( Bitch longer. We think the

operation! of lb· Yalthn-Qtiartx Mill Kh< A· Die

Company; composed of lh· Iroa Wort· Company, anil J. 1». Mead, of Una Hraarlaco, <*111, If -well patronlaod, remedy the *VU* to which no have heretofore bets anbjeeted, aa Ihry are offer lag to taniM. free on ahlpboard M Rao Kranrl·· co, Sheet anil Dlea a» goad u aver wa* made «11 tkla Coaat. and more «bUmb la «very way («la : white, and all Iha aaiae fbr bardm·· and mugh 11 r··. If ordered white;, It oeilered trrny, to be

equally anUbror,)'lban baa evrr bee· mail· In or lap or Ml to thla Stair, for bar and one feu rib eenta perpotuidi aim, In farnlvk Han Bottom·, on thlp* o> above, foe tear and one· h all era ta per poaad at Han Praaelaeof alao, tofnrnlab all beavv aatlnlahad Caatlagi, (aa abowe, froe oti «bip» nt San Vraselvoi) auek ua Mortara, Cuil, Tnpeta, Boaat·, - keavy Hanfrl.i Qe«rla(, ete., for Sve

«rata par poasd Ha ohange for patrena-aaleia agreed eye*. AJU woek warranted to be of aa-

pert·* aualll*. Tkey farther propoar 10 Mart Foundry and Marhlan «hop, aOBe place between Virginia and Hold Hill,«ad 'olao to rerr ainterl ally Mdaee lh* priera trf InlllilogamWepiilrln*. They alio agree totaeall Ike old cut Iron,

•at bar·!. accralngal mill»,fornlihrd wlthab»· a and dktpbpnhati ferftnr.Mlayar· t*xnM fdeliv «red at tbelrabop, between Virginia and Silver City) during tke IUM tkaa'furatahed, or run traded to bafarnlahad.flvlng ailll· Twenty Dnl- Ian per to· Mm advent·#* over preieni priera for aid Iroa. Tke above payaient· I· te ma,lr In ILS. gold calx .Mll iae·, raar·* yonrtelve··. . < I - ~ BT A MILL It Alt. ty I agree la the above Term·.

j r. . flolé Hill, April SO, 1 Mi. apt»-1 m

BHcil ftoi* to Rent! ;

THE riHK jlt'ttK-ROOM 081 THB ,1 Ueloa MllCahd adjoining*· groo.ry.alor* Of K.0.C«9k,U/or rent, faldroj«J»M by SO tie (and weU aeltej. foe any kind of btulnea*. kad will bo loi for,· year 14 a. food tenant oa

"lpply'odUwpryml*».or to John Haab with TaylorA Co., M «treetVlrglnlo. ,

Gold till). "art)i S3, ISM. inbST-lm

\ ci#·». cré-i-ie·' ··· A of Sulhnrlo, Muriatic nudKltrlc Add·. In atore and for late at reduced price· by

11. 0. KIRK fc CO.