globalization and its impact

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  • 7/25/2019 Globalization and Its Impact


    Globalization and its impact on organization

    Challenges and opportunities

    A quick look at few dramatic changes now taking place in organization1 . O l d e m p l o y e e

    g e t t i n g o l d 2 . C o r p o r a t e D o w n s i z i n g 3 . e mp or ar y w or ki ng

    e m pl o ye e s ! . " l o # a l c o m p e t i t i o n $ . % a r o n t e r r o r &n short there are lot of

    challenges and opportunities today for managers to O' concepts.1 . G l o b a l i z a t i o n t o R e s p o n d

    Organizations are no longer constrained #y national #orders( world #ecome glo#al



    &ncreased foreign assignment

    ransferred to your employer+s operating di)ision in another country( Once there( you+ ll ha )e to

    manage wor kfo rce ( aspirati on from employees( and attitudes from those you are used to #ack



    %orking with different people

    %orking with #osses( peers and other employees who were #orn and raised in different culture( to

    work effecti)ely with them you+)e to understand how their culture( geographic and religion ha)e

    shaped them.


    Coping with Anti,capitalism #acklash

    -oak the rich/ means fine should #e charged with respect of income you earn.

    0anagers at glo#al companies ha)e come to realize that economic )alues are not

    uni)ersally transfera#le(

    e e d t o mo d i f y # y ma n a g e r s t o reflect economic )alues in those countries they+re working.


    O)erseeing 0o)ement of o#s to countries with low cost la#our

    &n a glo#al economy( o#s tend to fl ow to places where lower cost pro)ide #usiness firmswith a comparati)e ad)antages


    0anaging people during the war on terror

    An understanding of O' topics such as emotions( moti)ation( communication a n d l e a d e r s h i p

    c a n h e l p m a n a g e r s t o d e a l m o r e e f f e c t i ) e l y w i t h t h e i r employees+ fear

    a#out terrorism

    2 . M a n a g i n g w o r k f o r c e d i v e r s i t y

    he people in organization are #ecoming heterogeneous demographically( %orkforce d i ) e r s i t y

    w h e r e a s gl o # a l i z at i o n f o c us e s o n d i ff e r e n c es # e t w e e n pe o p l e f r om d i f f e r e n t

    c o u n t r i e s ( m i 4 o f p e o p l e i n t e r m s o f g e n d e r ( a g e ( r a c e ( a n d s e 4 u a l

    orientation. 5m#racing di)ersity Changing 6 demographics Changing management philosophy

    7ecognizing and responding to difference3. Improving Qality and prodctivity

    %orld added capacity in response to increase demand. 54cess capacity translate in

    increase competition( is forcing managers to reduce costs and( at the same time8 impro)e

    the organization quality and producti)ity.

    ! . I m p r o v i n g " s t o m e r s e r v i c e

    O' can contri#ute to impro)ing an organization+ performance #y showing that how

    employees+ attitude and #eha)iour are associated with customer satisfaction.

    # . I m p r o v i n g p e o p l e s k i l l s

    Designing moti)ating o#s( how creating effecti)e teams( techniques for impro)ing

    interpersonal skills

    $. %timlating innovation and c&ange

  • 7/25/2019 Globalization and Its Impact


    9ictory will go the organization the maintain their fle4i#ility( continually impro)e their quality and

    #eat their competition in market place. An organization+s employees can #e maor #lock in change( the

    challenge to the manager to stimulate their creati)ity and tolerance for change.

    ' . " o p i n g w i t & ( e mp o r a r i n e s s

    ur)i)al for the organization( is need to mo)e fast and fle4i#le and inno)ati)e in their produc ts (

    o#s are rede signed( tas k are don e #y fl e4i #i li ty( tra ined ol d employees w i t h n e w

    tech no logy ( #e t t e r unde r s t and i ng o f chang e ( o )e rco me r e s i s t ance to change(

    create organizational culture

    ) . * o r k i n g i n n e t w o r k o r g a n i z a t i o n

    "lo#al working through one link i.e. &575( technology changes the people to

    work together and communicate at thousand miles( people can work from their home and non,office


    +. ,elping employees -alance worklife conflicts

    :le4i#le %orking hours( reporting time( creating opportunities for employees( o#

    security( design workplace and o#s

    1/. "reating positive *ork 0nvironment

    ;uman strength( )itality( right person appointed at right place( effort on what good for organization.

    11. Improving 0t&ical -e&avior0anager shouldn+t place an order on which su#ordinate don+t agree Define clearly the right and

    wrong conduct :air policy and appropriate system &ncrease confidence and trust o)er organization