‘global institution dominate media production, these institutions sell their products and services...

Charlotte Joyce Global institution dominate media production, these institutions sell their products and services to national audiences.’ to what extent do you agree? Large film industry institutions include the six main production companies, Warner Brothers, Walt Disney, Universal, 20 th Century Fox, Paramount and Columbia. These companies produce the majority of the big name films and are the most well known, with their frequent blockbusters and big star actors. They include films directed by famous actors, on a large budget and with modern technology and software. These large production companies could be said to dominate the market as they create movies on a scale that is difficult for smaller companies to compete with. Such as with Warner Brothers Film ‘Inception’ with a budget of $160,000,000 and huge names like Leonardo DiCaprio and Joseph Gordon-Levitt. Their films are always going to seem far superior as they have the means to create very dynamic and impressive movies, such as with the use of special effects and 3-D, costly extras that a low budget movie just wouldn’t have. Global institutions have the means and support to create their ideas for films and people have trust in their work, so they could say have a spot on T4’s movie behind scenes, or on a magazine. Film industry global institutions dominate the market through the fact that they are global and so share their movies to a much bigger audience then small businesses, making them far better known then and so having a larger fan base and reputation then independent companies. This in turn detracts the attention away from small producers and film makers as they are left to resort to showing their work in limited independent cinemas (e.g. the phoenix in Leicester) and online (Vimeo). Merely because global institutions are bigger doesn’t make them better such as with Disney’s huge mistake with the film ‘John carter,’ which was very unpopular even with their $100,000,000 marketing budget respected company and impressive scale. However one mistake doesn’t destroy their entire business unlike a small company. The ways in which these companies market their products are vast and allow them to spread their goods to a very large market. This is achieved through the use of TV ads and trailers, TV spots, press

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Post on 29-Jul-2015




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Page 1: ‘Global Institution dominate media production, these institutions sell their products and services to national audiences.’ To what extent do you agree?

Charlotte Joyce

‘Global institution dominate media production, these institutions sell their products and services to national audiences.’ to what extent do you agree?

Large film industry institutions include the six main production companies, Warner Brothers, Walt Disney, Universal, 20th Century Fox, Paramount and Columbia. These companies produce the

majority of the big name films and are the most well known, with their frequent blockbusters and big star actors. They include films directed by famous actors, on a large budget and with modern

technology and software.

These large production companies could be said to dominate the market as they create movies on a scale that is difficult for smaller companies to compete with. Such as with Warner Brothers Film ‘Inception’ with a budget of $160,000,000 and huge names like Leonardo DiCaprio and Joseph

Gordon-Levitt. Their films are always going to seem far superior as they have the means to create very dynamic and impressive movies, such as with the use of special effects and 3-D, costly extras

that a low budget movie just wouldn’t have. Global institutions have the means and support to create their ideas for films and people have trust in their work, so they could say have a spot on T4’s

movie behind scenes, or on a magazine. Film industry global institutions dominate the market through the fact that they are global and so share their movies to a much bigger audience then small businesses, making them far better known then and so having a larger fan base and reputation then

independent companies. This in turn detracts the attention away from small producers and film makers as they are left to resort to showing their work in limited independent cinemas (e.g. the

phoenix in Leicester) and online (Vimeo). Merely because global institutions are bigger doesn’t make them better such as with Disney’s huge mistake with the film ‘John carter,’ which was very

unpopular even with their $100,000,000 marketing budget respected company and impressive scale. However one mistake doesn’t destroy their entire business unlike a small company.

The ways in which these companies market their products are vast and allow them to spread their goods to a very large market. This is achieved through the use of TV ads and trailers, TV spots, press

junkets online blogs/websites and social networking sites (e.g twitter and facebook.) Such as with the film ‘Inception’ who had their own website to leak teaser trailers and advertisements on Facebook. Through the growing use of the internet more and more people access and share

information online, and the information is then available to millions. Meaning with a simple link to a films website, the news of a film can then be spread to thousands of people all over the world, a

national audience. An example of this would be when the actor Simon Pegg advertised the release of his new film ‘Paul’ (produced by Working title,) through twitter. From doing this all Pegg’s thousands

of followers were made aware of the movie and in a very direct manner, appealing to an audience specific to his fan base and ideal for the film. These followers were then able to share their

excitement to friends and then friends of friends and gradually spreading the knowledge of the film through very little effort of the company, simply via word-of-mouth.

The products from a film are also sold in many formats and to multiple places. Such as through the use of exhibition at a cinema, then the film’s release to DVD, possible re-issuing of the film in book form and then for many films, especially cartoons, toys, figurines and multiple items are designed and sold around the characters and themes from the film. An example is with the ‘Twilight saga’ where posters, mugs, bedding, calendars etc. have all been commissioned to advertise the film

Page 2: ‘Global Institution dominate media production, these institutions sell their products and services to national audiences.’ To what extent do you agree?

Charlotte Joyce

further and entice audiences. Then with the popularity of chain stores such as ‘the Disney Store,’ and the circulation of popular culture between countries, it’s not just within a small area any one film is contained. But can simply be dubbed or subtitled and exported to the world, or through the use of

internet in a digital online download.

Independent and small businesses do have a more substantial advantage nowadays with the rise of technology and the possibilities for them to make themselves known through the uses of websites

like Vimeo and YouTube, in a way that is free and still global. Although the familiar and large production companies will always be bigger, there is an increase in the production of short and

amateur productions, as cheaper still professional equipment and methods are more accessible. Such as the short film ‘DiD’ by Jake Wynne, filmed and edited with minimal technology and entered

into the film festival.

Overall I do believe that global institution dominates the film industry. With the rise of concentration media ownership e.g companies such as Columbia being acquired by Sony Pictures, the ownership of

these production businesses are gradually reducing to form enormous international franchises. These companies like Disney for example are recognised truly all over the world and their audiences

expand and extend into most countries. With the rise of digital and internet the time it takes for their films to be distributed is dramatically reduced. People are so familiarised with these well known names they often don’t even considered watching or backing the smaller understated

productions and so they’re gradually being lost. This is all a result of the increased sharing of work across and between countries and continents. Years ago there were far more independent picture houses, one-off directors and independent producers, however now since the increase of internet etc. most films and brands are becoming circulated and recognised. And so gradually, as particular

companies do better and better and become increasingly successful, they also become far more powerful and deplete the smaller institutions. Leaving them unable to compete.