global hr forum2008-donna pendergast-creating a culture of wellbeing family-friendly workplace

Creating a culture of wellbeing Family-friendly workplaces A/Prof Donna Pendergast,PhD Design: Joy Reynolds © 2008 Pendergast

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  • 1. Creating a culture ofwellbeing Family-friendly workplacesA/Prof Donna Pendergast,PhD Design: Joy Reynolds 2008 Pendergast

2. Overview of the presentation1. Contemporary society 2. Exploring the concept of wellbeing society, family, individual 3. Developing a culture of wellbeing 4. Enhancing wellbeing in family friendlyworkplaces sharing some positive examples 2008 Pendergast 3. 1. Contemporary society 2008 Pendergast 4. Common Threads 1. Globalisation 2. Individualisation and pluralisation 3. Demographic changes 2008 Pendergast 5. 2006 Pendergast 6. 2006 Pendergast 7. 2008 Pendergast 8. The effect is a challenge to the ability to fulfil basic functions of production, reproduction, socialization as well as needs of family members regarding health, nutrition, shelter, physical and emotional care and personal development. 2008 Pendergast 9. 2. Exploring the concept of wellbeing society, family, individual 2008 Pendergast 10. Well-being good or satisfactory condition ofexistence 2008 Pendergast 11. Factors impacting individual and family well-being childcommunity& cultural family RISK/ PROTECTlifeeventsschool 2008 Pendergast 12. LIFE EVENTS Divorce and family break-upDeath of a family memberCHILDFAMILY Low self-esteem Poor social skills Poor problem-solving Family violence Difficult temperamentPoor supervision Lack of empathyHarsh or inconsistent discipline Lack of warmth or affection Homelessness Early school leavingRISK Abuse and neglectCOMMUNITY SCHOOL CONTEXT & CULTURAL Neighbourhood violence & School failure crime Bullying Lack of support services Peer rejection Social or cultural Poor attachment to schooldiscrimination Deviant peer group Community norms concerning violence 13. LIFE EVENTS Meeting significant person Moving to new area Opportunities at critical turning points or major life FAMILYCHILDtransitionsSupportive caring Social competence parents Attachment to familyFamily harmony Empathy Secure and stable Problem solving family OptimismSupportive relationship School achievementwith other adultStrong family norms Easy temperament Good coping style PROTECTIVE and morality COMMUNITY SCHOOL CONTEXT & CULTURALPositive school climateSupport servicesPro-social peer groupCommunity networkingSense of belonging Attachment to communityOpportunities for some Participation in communitysuccess at school and Community/cultural normsrecognition of achievementagainst violenceSchool norms re violence Strong culturalidentity/ethnic pride 2008 Pendergast 14. Family well-being can be conceptualised globally, but cannot be tied down in strict hierarchies, definitions or categories because wellbeing is not the same for any person or family .. flexibility is the keyWork clearly impacts on the risk & protective facets of wellbeing 2008 Pendergast 15. 3. Developing a culture ofwellbeing 2008 Pendergast 16. PromoteDevelop resilience protectivefactorsDevelop capacity for well-Strategiesbeing Develop lifelonglearning Reduce attributes riskfactors 2008 Pendergast 17. Resilience Resilience is the ability to cope with and bounce back from lifes challenging and difficult events. Resilience is a mix of key skills and characteristics of a person and the social supports and environment in which they live. 2008 Pendergast 18. Key characteristics of resilient individuals Being socially competent Having effective problem solving skills Being autonomous Having a sense of purpose and future 2008 Pendergast 19. Ways of developing resilience Caring and support High expectations Encouraging participation 2008 Pendergast 20. Lifelong learning learning to do learning to be learning to know learning to live together Expert novice 2008 Pendergast 21. 4. Enhancing wellbeing in familyfriendly workplaces Sharingsome positive examples 2008 Pendergast 22. Competitive Edge Improved Improvedability to productivityretain skilledFamily staffFriendlyPolicy Reducedstress levels, Reducedimproved absenteeismmorale && staff turnovercommitment 2008 Pendergast 23. Developing family friendly policy 1. Demographic analysis 2. Needs assessment 3. Communication 4. Developing work and family strategies 2008 Pendergast 24. 100908070605040302010 02002 2006 Employees over 45 Increased staff satisfaction 25. Age Range 807060 Staff with disability 5040YoungestOldest 3020100Youngest Oldest Our workplace does not discriminate in race, religion or ability. Everyone is encouraged to work in a happy healthy and productive environment, much like a close-knit family unit. Everyone is encouraged to improve their abilities. 26. Work/Life Balance Work from home By thinking and working flexibly we can all aim to strike the right balance so we are fresh enough to give our best at work and at home. 27. Breastfeeding Childcare Staff Development 28. PromoteDevelop resilience protectivefactorsDevelop capacityDeveloping a for well-Strategies workplacebeing culture ofDevelop wellbeing lifelonglearning Reduce attributes riskfactors 2008 Pendergast 29. RecognitionRewardsUnpaid leaveHealth StrategiesStudy programLeave Work / Life Breastfeeding StaffBalance facilitiesDevelopmentGreen Accommodating Part-Telecommutingstaff with time facilitiesdisabilitiesworkParent/Grandparent Communication Flexible work Leavewith employeeshoursChild Support Job sharing Volunteer Leave care 30. Home Economics is a field of study and a profession that draws from a range of disciplines to achieve optimal and sustainable living for individuals, families and communities. Home economists are concerned with the wellbeing of individuals, families and communities, and of facilitating the development of lifelong learning attributes, for both paid, unpaid and voluntary work and living situations. Home economics professionals are advocates for individuals and families (IFHE Position Paper, 2006). 2008 Pendergast 31. 2008 Pendergast