glastonbury festival coach timetable 2013 · glastonbury festival coach timetable 2013 at 2010...

Glastonbury festival coach timetable 2013 Fares frozen at 2010 prices Book your coach ticket today at

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Glastonbury festival coach timetable 2013

Fares frozen

at 2010 prices

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Adult ChildCity/town Coach no. Return Single Return Single

Basildon ...................... G21 £62 £50 £41.30 £33.30

Birkenhead .................. G29 £55 £40 £36.70 £26.70

Birmingham .................. G2 £44 £35 £29.30 £23.30

Blackburn .................... G26 £57 £45 £38.00 £30.00

Blackpool .................... G27 £58 £46 £38.70 £30.70

Bolton .......................... G26 £55 £40 £36.70 £26.70

Bournemouth ................ G6 £36 £30 £24.00 £20.00

Bradford ...................... G12 £56 £40 £37.30 £26.70

Brighton ........................ G7 £45 £35 £30.00 £23.30

Bristol .......................... G18 £20 £15 £13.30 £10.00

Burnley ........................ G26 £59 £47 £39.30 £31.30

Cambridge .................. G16 £60 £45 £40.00 £30.00

Cardiff ............................ G8 £32 £25 £21.30 £16.70

Chelmsford ................. G19 £59 £45 £39.30 £30.00

Cheltenham .................. G9 £35 £25 £23.30 £16.70

Chester........................ G29 £55 £40 £36.70 £26.70

Colchester ................... G19 £59 £45 £39.30 £30.00

Coventry ..................... G14 £43 £30 £28.70 £20.00

Darlington ................... G13 £74 £55 £49.30 £36.70

Derby ........................... G11 £52 £40 £34.70 £26.70

Dewsbury .................... G25 £55 £40 £36.70 £26.70

Doncaster .................... G20 £60 £45 £40.00 £30.00


Adult ChildCity/town Coach no. Return Single Return Single

Durham ........................ G13 £74 £55 £49.30 £36.70

Edinburgh ....................... G3 £97 £75 £64.70 £50.00

Exeter ............................. G5 £35 £25 £23.30 £16.70

Glasgow ......................... G3 £97 £75 £64.70 £50.00

Gloucester ..................... G9 £35 £25 £23.30 £16.70

Grantham ..................... G28 £52 £37 £34.70 £24.70

Halifax .......................... G25 £57 £42 £38.00 £28.00

Hartlepool .................... G31 £74 £55 £49.30 £36.70

Heathrow Airport ......... G24 £44 £35 £29.30 £23.30

Huddersfield ................ G25 £57 £42 £38.00 £28.00

Hull ............................... G20 £60 £45 £40.00 £30.00

Ipswich ......................... G19 £59 £45 £39.30 £30.00

Leeds ........................... G12 £56 £40 £37.30 £26.70

Leicester ...................... G14 £45 £35 £30.00 £23.30

Lincoln .......................... G28 £56 £41 £37.30 £27.30

Liverpool ...................... G10 £55 £40 £36.70 £26.70

London (Victoria) ............... G1 £44 £35 £29.30 £23.30

Luton ............................ G17 £43 £33 £28.70 £22.00

Manchester .................... G4 £55 £40 £36.70 £26.70

Middlesbrough ............. G31 £74 £55 £49.30 £36.70

Milton Keynes .............. G17 £43 £33 £28.70 £22.00

Newark ......................... G28 £54 £38 £36.00 £25.30


Click to select your departure point

Adult ChildCity/town Coach no. Return Single Return Single

Newbury ....................... G22 £39 £30 £26.00 £20.00

Newcastle .................... G13 £74 £55 £49.30 £36.70

Northampton ............... G17 £43 £33 £28.70 £22.00

Norwich ........................ G16 £60 £45 £40.00 £30.00

Nottingham .................. G11 £52 £40 £34.70 £26.70

Oxford .......................... G15 £40 £30 £26.70 £20.00

Peterborough ............... G28 £51 £36 £34.00 £24.00

Plymouth ........................ G5 £35 £25 £23.30 £16.70

Poole .............................. G6 £36 £30 £24.00 £20.00

Portsmouth .................. G30 £45 £35 £30.00 £23.30

Preston ......................... G27 £57 £45 £38.00 £30.00

Reading ........................ G22 £40 £30 £26.70 £20.00

Scunthorpe .................. G20 £60 £45 £40.00 £30.00

Sheffield ....................... G25 £55 £40 £36.70 £26.70

Southampton ............... G30 £45 £35 £30.00 £23.30

Southend on Sea ......... G21 £62 £45 £41.30 £30.00

Sunderland .................. G31 £74 £55 £49.30 £36.70

Swansea ........................ G8 £32 £25 £21.30 £16.70

Swindon ....................... G15 £40 £30 £26.70 £20.00

Taunton .......................... G5 £35 £25 £23.30 £16.70

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Sunday 30 June 2013Glastonbury 1600 1700 1800

London 1940 2040 2140

Monday 1 July 2013Glastonbury 0200 0230 0330 0430 0530 0630

London 0525 0555 0710 0825 0925 1025

Glastonbury 0700 0730 0800 0830 0900 0930

London 1055 1125 1155 1225 1255 1325

Glastonbury 1000 1030 1100 1130 1200 1230

London 1355 1425 1455 1525 1555 1625

Glastonbury 1300 1330 1400 1430 1500

London 1655 1725 1755 1825 1855

G1 return to London Victoria

G1 from London VictoriaWednesday 26 June 2013London 0430 0600 0630 0700 0730 0800 0830 0900 0930 1000 1030 1100 1130

Glastonbury 0800 0930 1000 1030 1100 1130 1200 1230 1300 1330 1400 1430 1500

London 1200 1230 1300 1330 1400 1430 1500 1530 1600 1630 1700 1800 1900

Glastonbury 1530 1600 1630 1700 1730 1800 1830 1900 1930 2000 2030 2130 2230

Thursday 27 June 2013London 0600 0630 0700 0730 0800 0830 0900 0930 1000 1030 1100 1130 1200

Glastonbury 0930 1000 1030 1100 1130 1200 1230 1300 1330 1400 1430 1500 1530

London 1230 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900

Glastonbury 1600 1630 1730 1830 1930 2030 2130 2230

Friday 28 June 2013London 0800 0900 1000 1100 1300 1530

Glastonbury 1130 1230 1130 1430 1630 1900

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Sunday 30 June 2013Glastonbury 1800

Birmingham 2100

Monday 1 July 2013Glastonbury 0200 0300 0400 0500 0630 0830 1030 1230 1430

Birmingham 0520 0620 0735 0850 1020 1220 1420 1620 1820

G2 return to Birmingham

G2 from BirminghamWednesday 26 June 2013Birmingham 0515 0730 0930 1130 1330 1530

Glastonbury 0830 1045 1245 1445 1645 1845

Thursday 27 June 2013Birmingham 0930 1130 1900

Glastonbury 1245 1445 2215

Friday 28 June 2013Birmingham 1130

Glastonbury 1445

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This coach stops en route for refreshment breaks

G3 return to Edinburgh

G3 from Edinburgh

Tuesday 25 June 2013Edinburgh 2130

Glasgow 2300

Glastonbury 0800 (arrives Wednesday)

Monday 1 July 2013Glastonbury 0800

Glasgow 1815

Edinburgh 1930

G4 from Manchester

Wednesday 26 June 2013Manchester 0330 0530 0630 0730 0930 1030

Glastonbury 0900 1100 1200 1300 1500 1600

Thursday 27 June 2013Manchester 0930

Glastonbury 1500

G4 return to ManchesterMonday 1 July 2013Glastonbury 0200 0300 0400 0500 0700 0900 1100 1300

Manchester 0715 0830 0930 1030 1230 1430 1630 1830

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G5 return to Plymouth

G5 from Plymouth

Wednesday 26 June 2013Plymouth 1110

Exeter 1220

Taunton 1310

Glastonbury 1430

Monday 1 July 2013Glastonbury 0900

Taunton 1045

Exeter 1140

Plymouth 1245

G6 from BournemouthWednesday 26 June 2013Bournemouth 1245

Poole 1310

Glastonbury 1500

G6 return to BournemouthMonday 1 July 2013Glastonbury 1300

Poole 1525

Bournemouth 1545

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G7 return to Brighton

G7 from Brighton

Wednesday 26 June 2013Brighton 1000

Glastonbury 1345

G8 from Swansea

Wednesday 26 June 2013Swansea 1030

Cardiff 1130

Glastonbury 1355

G8 return to SwanseaMonday 1 July 2013Glastonbury 1230

Cardiff 1515

Swansea 1615

Monday 1 July 2013Glastonbury 1230

Brighton 1630

Thursday 27 June 2013Swansea 1030

Cardiff 1130

Glastonbury 1355

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G9 return to Cheltenham

G9 from Cheltenham

G10 from Liverpool

Wednesday 26 June 2013Cheltenham 1300

Gloucester 1330

Glastonbury 1530

Monday 1 July 2013Glastonbury 1000

Gloucester 1240

Cheltenham 1305

Monday 1 July 2013Glastonbury 0230 0330 0430 0530 0730 0930 1130

Liverpool 0800 0900 1000 1100 1300 1500 1700

Wednesday 26 June 2013Liverpool 0330 0630 0730 0830 1030

Glastonbury 0900 1200 1300 1400 1600

Thursday 27 June 2013Liverpool 0940

Glastonbury 1510

G10 return to Liverpool

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G10 from Liverpool

Monday 1 July 2013Glastonbury 0730 0930 1030

Leeds 1400 1600 1700

Bradford -- 1630 --

Thursday 27 June 2013Leeds 0945

Glastonbury 1600

G12 return to Leeds and Bradford

G11 from NottinghamWednesday 26 June 2013Nottingham 0830

Derby 0915

Glastonbury 1345

G11 return to NottinghamMonday 1 July 2013Glastonbury 0830

Derby 1300

Nottingham 1335

G12 from Bradford and Leeds

Wednesday 26 June 2013Bradford 0655 0855

Leeds 0730 0930

Glastonbury 1345 1545

This coach stops en route for refreshment breaks

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G13 return to Newcastle

G13 from Newcastle

Wednesday 26 June 2013Newcastle 0715

Durham 0745

Darlington 0820

Glastonbury 1550

Monday 1 July 2013Glastonbury 0800

Darlington 1555

Durham 1630

Newcastle 1700

G14 from Leicester

Wednesday 26 June 2013Leicester 0850 1050

Coventry 0940 1140

Glastonbury 1340 1540

G14 return to LeicesterMonday 1 July 2013Glastonbury 0830 1030

Coventry 1240 1440

Leicester 1325 1525

This coach stops en route for refreshment breaks

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G15 from Oxford

Wednesday 26 June 2013Oxford 1120

Swindon 1215

Glastonbury 1415

Monday 1 July 2013Glastonbury 1200

Swindon 1415

Oxford 1510

G15 return to Oxford

Thursday 27 June 2013Oxford 1120

Swindon 1215

Glastonbury 1415

This coach stops en route for refreshment breaks

G16 from Norwich

Wednesday 26 June 2013Norwich 0745

Cambridge 0925

Glastonbury 1515

G16 return to NorwichMonday 1 July 2013Glastonbury 0930

Cambridge 1540

Norwich 1710

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This coach stops en route for refreshment breaks

G17 return to Northampton

G17 from Northampton

Wednesday 26 June 2013Northampton 0920

Milton Keynes 1000

Luton 1040

Glastonbury 1500

Monday 1 July 2013Glastonbury 1130

Luton 1620

Milton Keynes 1700

Northampton 1735

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Sunday 30 June 2013Glastonbury 1700

Bristol 1815

Monday 1 July 2013Glastonbury 0200 0300 0400 0500 0600 0700 0800 0900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500

Bristol 0300 0400 0500 0600 0715 0815 0915 1015 1115 1215 1315 1415 1515 1615

G18 return to Bristol

G18 from Bristol Wednesday 26 June 2013Bristol 0630 0730 0830 0930 1030 1130 1230 1430 1630 1830 2030

Glastonbury 0745 0845 0945 1045 1145 1245 1345 1545 1745 1945 2145

Friday 28 June 2013Bristol 1030 1630

Glastonbury 1145 1745

Thursday 27 June 2013Bristol 0830 0930 1030 1130 1230 1400 1500 1630 1830

Glastonbury 0945 1045 1145 1245 1345 1515 1615 1745 1945

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This coach stops en route for refreshment breaks

G19 return to Ipswich

G19 from IpswichWednesday 26 June 2013Ipswich 0945

Colchester 1020

Chelmsford 1105

Glastonbury 1520

Monday 1 July 2013Glastonbury 0700

Chelmsford 1120

Colchester 1200

Ipswich 1220

G20 from Hull

G20 return to Hull

Wednesday 26 June 2013Hull 0800

Scunthorpe 0845

Doncaster 0930

Glastonbury 1500

Monday 1 July 2013Glastonbury 0630

Doncaster 1225

Scunthorpe 1305

Hull 1350

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G21 from Southend on SeaWednesday 26 June 2013Southend on Sea 0820

Basildon 0900

Glastonbury 1320

Monday 1 July 2013Glastonbury 0730

Basildon 1200

Southend on Sea 1235

G21 return to Southend on Sea

G22 from ReadingWednesday 26 June 2013Reading 0900

Newbury 0940

Glastonbury 1215

G22 return to ReadingMonday 1 July 2013Glastonbury 1330

Newbury 1600

Reading 1630

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G24 from Heathrow Airport

Wednesday 26 June 2013Heathrow Airport 0800 1000 1200

Glastonbury 1130 1330 1530

Sunday 30 June 2013Glastonbury 1730

Heathrow Airport 2100

G24 return to Heathrow Airport

Thursday 27 June 2013Heathrow Airport 0930

Glastonbury 1230

Monday 1 July 2013Glastonbury 1000 1200

Heathrow Airport 1400 1600

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This coach stops en route for refreshment breaks

G25 return to Halifax

G25 from Halifax

Wednesday 26 June 2013Halifax 0600

Huddersfi eld 0620

Dewsbury 0645

Sheffi eld 0730

Glastonbury 1250

G26 from Burnley

G26 return to Burnley

Wednesday 26 June 2013Burnley 0720

Blackburn 0740

Bolton 0815

Glastonbury 1330

Monday 1 July 2013Glastonbury 0930

Bolton 1515

Blackburn 1550

Burnley 1610

Monday 1 July 2013Glastonbury 1100

Sheffi eld 1650

Dewsbury 1735

Huddersfi eld 1755

Halifax 1810

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G27 from Blackpool Wednesday 26 June 2013Blackpool 0745

Preston 0820

Glastonbury 1350

Monday 1 July 2013Glastonbury 0930

Preston 1530

Blackpool 1600

G27 return to Blackpool

This coach stops en route for refreshment breaks

G28 from Lincoln

G28 return to Lincoln

Wednesday 26 June 2013Lincoln 0545

Newark 0615

Grantham 0640

Peterborough 0730

Glastonbury 1245

Monday 1 July 2013Glastonbury 1130

Peterborough 1710

Grantham 1755

Newark 1820

Lincoln 1845

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G29 from Birkenhead

Wednesday 26 June 2013Birkenhead 0900

Chester 0940

Glastonbury 1500

Monday 1 July 2013Glastonbury 0730

Chester 1320

Birkenhead 1355

G29 return to Birkenhead

This coach stops en route for refreshment breaks

G30 from Portsmouth

Wednesday 26 June 2013Portsmouth 1115

Southampton 1200

Glastonbury 1430

Monday 1 July 2013Glastonbury 1330

Southampton 1620

Portsmouth 1700

G30 return to Portsmouth

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G31 from Sunderland

G31 return to Sunderland

Wednesday 26 June 2013Sunderland 0800

Hartlepool 0840

Middlesbrough 0915

Glastonbury 1635

Monday 1 July 2013Glastonbury 0700

Middlesbrough 1455

Hartlepool 1515

Sunderland 1555

This coach stops en route for refreshment breaks

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Call 08717 81 81 81 - open 24/7 (You can get your ticket sent straight to your mobile)

Visit any National Express ticket outletPlease note: booking fees vary depending on booking method.


Calls cost 10p per minute plus network extras.

Information is correct at time of going to print (1 October 2012) but could be subject to change. National Express Limited cannot be held responsible for any inconvenience caused by subsequent changes. Event services may be subject to traffi c delays caused by the event.

All tickets and carriage is subject to National Express’ General Conditions of Carriage which can be found at or any of our outlets.

Please be at your departure point 10 minutes before your scheduled departure time.

If you miss your coach you will be required to purchase a new ticket for travel.

Issued by National Express, Birmingham Coach Station, Mill Lane, Digbeth, Birmingham B5 6DD