getting to know sql. © jim hope 2004 all rights reserved data manipulation select statement insert...

Getting to Know SQL

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Page 1: Getting to Know SQL. © Jim Hope 2004 All Rights Reserved Data Manipulation SELECT statement INSERT INTO statement UPDATE statement DELETE statement UNION

Getting to Know SQL

Page 2: Getting to Know SQL. © Jim Hope 2004 All Rights Reserved Data Manipulation SELECT statement INSERT INTO statement UPDATE statement DELETE statement UNION

© Jim Hope 2004 All Rights Reserved

Data Manipulation• SELECT statement • INSERT INTO statement • UPDATE statement • DELETE statement • UNION operation

Page 3: Getting to Know SQL. © Jim Hope 2004 All Rights Reserved Data Manipulation SELECT statement INSERT INTO statement UPDATE statement DELETE statement UNION

© Jim Hope 2004 All Rights Reserved

Data Definition• CREATE TABLE statement • CREATE INDEX statement • ALTER TABLE statement • CONSTRAINT clause • DROP statement • SELECT... INTO statement

Page 4: Getting to Know SQL. © Jim Hope 2004 All Rights Reserved Data Manipulation SELECT statement INSERT INTO statement UPDATE statement DELETE statement UNION

© Jim Hope 2004 All Rights Reserved

1 SELECT• SELECT * • FROM People ;

Means: Select all the fields (*) for all rows from the table called People

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© Jim Hope 2004 All Rights Reserved

2 Specify Fields• SELECT LastName, FirstName• FROM People ;

Means: Select the fields (LastName and FirstName) for all rows from the table called People

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© Jim Hope 2004 All Rights Reserved

3a Setting the Scope• SELECT LastName, FirstName, Score• FROM People• WHERE Score >=250

Means: Select the fields (LastName, FirstName, Score) for only rows where the Score is greater than or equal to 250

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© Jim Hope 2004 All Rights Reserved

3b Setting the Scope• SELECT LastName, FirstName, Score• FROM People• WHERE Score >=250 OR Score

<=100Means: Select the fields (LastName and

FirstName, Score) for only rows where the Score is greater than or equal to 250 or the Score is less than or equal to 100

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© Jim Hope 2004 All Rights Reserved

4a Setting the Order• SELECT LastName, FirstName• FROM People• ORDER BY LastName ;

Means: Select the fields (LastName and FirstName) for all rows from the table called People, in alphabetical (ascending) order by the values in the LastName field.

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© Jim Hope 2004 All Rights Reserved

4b Setting the Order• SELECT LastName, FirstName• FROM People• ORDER BY LastName, FirstName ;

Means: Select the fields (LastName and FirstName) for all rows from the table called People, in alphabetical (ascending) order by the values in the LastName field. If there are duplicates – use the FirstName (ascending)

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© Jim Hope 2004 All Rights Reserved

4c Setting the Order• SELECT LastName, FirstName, Score• FROM People• ORDER BY Score DESC, LastName,

FirstName;Means: Select the fields (LastName and

FirstName) for all rows from the table called People, in (descending) order by the values in the Score field.

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© Jim Hope 2004 All Rights Reserved

4d Setting the Order – you try• SELECT LastName, FirstName, Score• FROM People• ORDER BY Score DESC

What would you do if you wanted to see rows with duplicate Scores presented alphabetically by player

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© Jim Hope 2004 All Rights Reserved

5a Putting things together• SELECT LastName, FirstName, Score• FROM People• WHERE Score >=290 or Score <=100• ORDER BY Score DESC

What is this doing?

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© Jim Hope 2004 All Rights Reserved

5b Putting more things together• SELECT LastName, FirstName, Score,

City• FROM People• WHERE (Score >=290 or Score <=100)

and City <> "Surrey"• ORDER BY Score DESCWhat is this doing

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© Jim Hope 2004 All Rights Reserved

5c Putting more things together• SELECT LastName, FirstName, Score, City• FROM People• WHERE

(Score >=290 or Score <=100) and City <> "Surrey"

• and City <> "Burnaby"• ORDER BY Score DESCWhat is this doing, and what else would you add?

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© Jim Hope 2004 All Rights Reserved

5d Putting more things together• SELECT LastName, FirstName, Score, City• FROM People• WHERE

(Score >=290 and City <> "Surrey") or (Score <=100 and City <> "New York")

• ORDER BY Score DESCWhat is this doing

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© Jim Hope 2004 All Rights Reserved

5e Scope with IN• SELECT LastName, FirstName, Score• FROM People• WHERE LastName

IN ("Bundy", "Simpson", "Petrie");

(much better than… • WHERE LastName = “Bundy” OR

LastName = “Simpson” ORLastName = “Petrie”

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© Jim Hope 2004 All Rights Reserved

5f Whatnot• SELECT LastName, FirstName, Score• FROM People• WHERE LastName

NOT IN ("Bundy", "Simpson", "Petrie");• Try this one

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© Jim Hope 2004 All Rights Reserved

6a Counting• SELECT count(*)• FROM People

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© Jim Hope 2004 All Rights Reserved

6b Counting• SELECT count(*)• FROM People• WHERE Score <100

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© Jim Hope 2004 All Rights Reserved

6b Counting• SELECT count(*)• FROM People• WHERE Score <100

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© Jim Hope 2004 All Rights Reserved

7 Wildcards• SELECT LastName, FirstName• FROM People• WHERE LastName like 'b*'

or• MS Access

(WHERE LastName like 'b*')

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© Jim Hope 2004 All Rights Reserved

8a You can do math?• SELECT LastName, FirstName,

Score, Score +10 as BigScore• FROM People• ORDER BY Score DESC

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© Jim Hope 2004 All Rights Reserved

9a Create an Alias with CONCAT• SELECT

CONCAT(LastName,", ",FirstName) AS FullName

• FROM PEOPLE• ORDER BY LastName, FirstNameQuestion: who is [Null]?• --- alternate form (MS Access)• SELECT LastName +", " + FirstName as FullName• FROM People

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© Jim Hope 2004 All Rights Reserved

9b Who was NULL?

• SELECT LastName, FirstName, CONCAT(LastName,", ",FirstName)

AS FullName• FROM PEOPLE• ORDER BY LastName, FirstName• This answers the question – who is [NULL] in the previous example

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10a Max & Min• SELECT MAX (Score)• FROM People

• SELECT MIN (Score)• FROM People

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© Jim Hope 2004 All Rights Reserved

10b Simple Stats and Aliases• SELECT • MIN(Score) as `Lowest Score`,• ROUND(AVG(Score),2) as Average, • MAX(Score) as `Highest Score`,• ROUND(STD(Score),2)

as `Standard Deviation`• FROM People

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10c Limiting Rows Returned• SELECT LastName, FirstName, Score• FROM People• ORDER BY Score DESC• LIMIT 1

Who are we missing here?

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10c Max again• SELECT LastName, FirstName, Score• FROM People• WHERE Score =

(SELECT MAX(Score) FROM People);

This is a Subquery Version 4.1 Alpha

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11 Keeping things DISTINCTTry This…• SELECT City• FROM PeopleThen Try• SELECT DISTINCT City• FROM People

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12a More than one tableTry • SELECT `Team Name` FROM TeamThen Try• SELECT `Team Name` ,

LastName, FirstNameFROM Team, People

This creates a Cartesian Product!

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12b More than one table• SELECT `Team Name` , LastName,

FirstName • FROM Team, People• WHERE

Team.Team=People.Team• ORDER BY `Team Name` ,

LastName, FirstName

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© Jim Hope 2004 All Rights Reserved

12c Using Join• SELECT `Team Name` , LastName,

FirstName • FROM

Team INNER JOIN People ON Team.Team=People.Team

• ORDER BY `Team Name` , LastName, FirstName

Last two lines no longer required• FROM People, Team• WHERE People.Team=Team.Team

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© Jim Hope 2004 All Rights Reserved

12c Using Join• SELECT LastName,

FirstName, Score, `Show Name`

• FROM People INNER JOIN `Show` ON People.Show = Show.Show ;

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12d Using Left Join• SELECT LastName,

FirstName, Score, `Show Name`

• FROM People Left JOIN `Show` ON People.Show = Show.Show ;

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12e Using Right Join• SELECT LastName,

FirstName, Score, `Show Name`

• FROM People Right JOIN `Show` ON People.Show = Show.Show ;

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13a Group By – putting it together• SELECT `Team Name`,

ROUND(AVG(Score),2) AS `Average`

• FROM People,Team WHERE People.Team=Team.Team

• GROUP BY Team.`Team Name`

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13b Inner Join and Group By• SELECT `Team Name`,

ROUND(AVG(Score),2) AS `Average`

• FROM Team INNER JOIN People ON People.Team=Team.Team

• GROUP BY Team.`Team Name

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14 SELECT INTO (new table)• SELECT Team.`Team Name`,

AVG(Score) AS `Average`• INTO TeamSummary• FROM People INNER JOIN Team ON

People.Team = Team.Team• GROUP BY Team.`Team Name`Sorry – you don’t have permissions to

do this on the netpub instance of MySQL

Jim Hope
SELECT `Team Name`, avg(Score) as AvgScoreFROM People INNER JOIN team ON People.Team = team.Teamgroup by `Team Name`
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16 SELECT with IF• SELECT LastName, • IF(FirstName IS NULL, Description,

FirstName) as Salutation, Score • FROM People, Titles• WHERE People.t = Titles.Titles

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That’s enough of that