
Natural and Effective Ways to Get Rid of Rats The gnawing habit of rats can cause considerable damage to the structure of your residence including drainage system and wooden fittings. Furthermore, rat infestation can even compromise home safety if these rodents end up chewing electric cables, which in turn poses the risk of short circuit and resultant fire. In addition to that, rats can also pass on fleas to your pet and apart from the irritation that it will cause to your pet; you will have to spend a considerable amount of money to pay the veterinarian's fee. If you have rat infestation in your home and are looking for a chemical - free way to get rid of rats, you have come to just the right place. You can find a wide range of DIY rat control products in the market that are a safer and more humane alternative to rat poison baits and traps that are designed to kill the rodent. You can opt for glue boards and live rat traps and place these at suspected entry points or along the routes that these rodents use to travel in your home. You can also use peppermint oil to deter rats from entering your home. The distinct smell of this oil will keep rats at bay and your home rodent free. The smell of cat urine and dried snake poo also repels rats. You can place small bowls or jars filled with these near the entrances that rats use or along the route that they use to get around your home. Once you have dealt with the problem of rat infestation in your property, you can use ultrasonic rat repellants to prevent this problem from recurring. However, if you are unable to contain this problem on your own, you should hire the services of a professional exterminator to make sure that your home or office is rat free.

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Post on 12-Mar-2016




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Natural and Effective Ways to Get Rid of Rats

The gnawing habit of rats can cause considerable damage to the structure of your residence including drainage system and wooden fittings. Furthermore, rat infestation can even compromise home safety if these rodents end up chewing electric cables, which in turn poses the risk of short circuit and resultant fire. In addition to that, rats can also pass on fleas to your pet and apart from the irritation that it will cause to your pet; you will have to spend a considerable amount of money to pay the veterinarian's fee. If you have rat infestation in your home and are looking for a chemical-free way to get rid of rats, you have come to just the right place. You can find a wide range of DIY rat control products in the market that are a safer and more humane alternative to rat poison baits and traps that are designed to kill the rodent. You can opt for glue boards and live rat traps and place these at suspected entry points or along the routes that these rodents use to travel in your home. You can also use peppermint oil to deter rats from entering your home. The distinct smell of this oil will keep rats at bay and your home rodent free. The smell of cat urine and dried snake poo also repels rats. You can place small bowls or jars filled with these near the entrances that rats use or along the route that they use to get around your home. Once you have dealt with the problem of rat infestation in your property, you can use ultrasonic rat repellants to prevent this problem from recurring. However, if you are unable to contain this problem on your own, you should hire the services of a professional exterminator to make sure that your home or office is rat free.