get your mlm working

G C P Why People Always Fail At MLMs By DG Fletcher The Angry MLM'er

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Why People Always Fail At MLMs

By DG FletcherThe Angry MLM'er

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Under the name on this thing, I have 'The Angry MLMer', and I am angry... not at MLMs, but mostly at the people I found in the blogs crying that they never made any sales and that MLMs are scams and boo hoo ninety percent of people who sign up never make one sale.

Oddly enough, this thing started out as a personal journal entry and then I figured I could tweak it a bit and stick it up on the internet and maybe get a point across.

Me And MLMs

My first MLM experience was one of the most frustrating. The woman that was trying to sell Amway to me couldn't sell to save her freaking life.

The really annoying thing was, every time she'd walk away and shut up about her MLM, I'd think about it, figure out what I was looking at, and think 'hey, MLM's are like, awesome'. Then she'd come back and keep yakking about it to the point where I finally told her to bug off.

Then there was Bookwise. Bookwise fell apart before it got really useful, and I had a really busy life at the time anyway.

Finally, there's Pre Paid Legal. Nice things about Pre Paid Legal: It's CHEAP! And I trust the guy running my up line. When I first met this guy, he was the annoying third grader and we were the 'cool fourth graders'. Now, he makes $2000 + per month on this, and he's just gotten started.

I've not been working with Pre Paid Legal the way they tell me to, either.

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While I'll ask questions (hey, where do I order more stuff, what's your websites like?), asking them how to market just doesn't work for me. I don't market the way they do.

I market like a door to door salesperson.

I often spend my summers as a door to door salesperson, so I know how to actually sell stuff! I use those types of techniques to sell my MLM.

Minus the door to door, although there are moments where I just want to go out and hit the neighborhood just to get it over with.

If you are a door to door salesperson, you know that your customers are not your friends.

If you are a door to door salesperson, you know that your friends are not your customers.

If you are a door to door salesperson, you know that you really need to pay attention to what you are saying, what you are doing, and hit door after door after door *until you succeed!* Not until you get told 'no'.

Classic MLM person: "Hey person I know personally, will you buy my crap, will you, will you, will you, will you, will you? I don't take no for an answer, day in, day out, as long as you know me until I get tired of working with my

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MLM and then call it a scam 'cause I'm too dumb to know how to truly sell stuff"

Classic door to door person: "Hi stranger, you need my crap, you need my crap, you need my crap, you gonna buy? Nope? 'k, let's talk to your neighbor, bye!" Until they either start selling or ditch the work force 'cause they're not a salesperson

Wile going door to door to sell your MLM may or may not work, attacking it like a door to door salesperson does is a much better option.

Door To Door Mentality Leads To Success In MLMs

Find a way to engage *strangers* not *friends* and get them to buy your crap, whether it is Amway, Pre Paid Legal, any of the dozen juice factory ones, or something else.

Find customers.

Find people who actually want what you've got, MLM or no MLM. Be professional about it.

For Amway... actually, screw Amway, I don't know enough about them anymore.

For Juice people, find people who actually *want* your juice. See if you can stick ads up in blogs about health stuff. Stick your ads up in places where people are trying to lose weight. Stick them up at places that people go to shop for health food.

For Pre Paid Legal, find people who actually need legal assistance and go

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with them. That will get you customers. It won't get you associates, but it will get you customers.

For associates, my team is me and a bunch of guys with quotas.

When you're a door to door person, you turn in the number of doors you've knocked *daily*. When you're a classic MLMer, you cry after your mom said she's not interested, then you hide under your bed and call it a scam.

The question of whether or not you should quota sales or quota marketing attempts is still up in the air at this point. You can't make any sales if you're not marketing, but not all marketing turns into sales every single time.

Knocking fifteen doors to sell door paint won't necessarily get you any customers, but at least you knocked fifteen doors instead of zero doors and then left calling the paint company a scam.

My Schtick

This started out as a journal entry, but since it's up here, I might as well stick my stuff up.

Here's a link to my MLM page. Use me as an upline and get ready for a lot of quotas. Not sales quotas (especially at first!) but marketing quotas! If you don't do marketing, you don't make sales.

The best way to make money is to sell things. You'll have no ceiling... as long as you can learn to sell!!

I don't like the ninety percent of people who make zero sales and have zero effort. I like the ten percent that makes ten or more sales. Got that?

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More Schtick

Here's a couple other sites of mine, some of them aren't finished yet. For how to break up with your girlfriend. For fixing why you're not only a crappy salesperson, but you're obese as well. :) At the time this thing's published, it's not done yet, but it should be up soon.