george mcandrews ... wilk et al. v. ama

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  • 8/19/2019 George McAndrews ... Wilk Et Al. v. AMA


    “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil

    is for good men to do nothing.” 

    George McAndrews

    Edmund Burke

  • 8/19/2019 George McAndrews ... Wilk Et Al. v. AMA



    “Masters of Neuro-Musculoskeletal Medicine” 

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    1980 – John McMillan Mennell, M.D., prominent medical educator and author, 1980

    “Q: The musculoskeletal system comprises what portion of the body?

     A: As a system, about 60% of the body.

     A: I think my testimony was that if you ask a bunch of new residents who come into a

    hospital for the first time how long they spent in studying the problems of themusculoskeletal system, they would, for the most part reply, ‘Zero to about four hours.’

    I think that was my testimony.” 

    1987 – Susan Getzendanner, United States District Court Judge

    “Even the defendants’ [the AMA’s] economic witness, Mr. Lynk [a Ph.D.economist], assumed that chiropractors outperformed medical physicians in thetreatment of certain conditions and he believed that was a reasonable assumption.” 

    1998 – Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery, 1998

    “Nevertheless, seventy (82 percent) of eighty-five medical school graduates fromthirty-seven different schools failed to demonstrate such competency on a validatedexamination of fundamental concepts.” 

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    2012  – Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery:  “In the United States, musculoskeletal disordersrepresent the most common health complaints, accounting for more than 130 millionphysician visits and 10% to 28% of all primary care visits each year and costingapproximately $850 billion a year. These costs account for a substantial portion of thecountry’s  health care expenditures. …  Despite these facts, our own institution [the JohnsHopkins University Medical School] has had no required medical student musculoskeletalclerkship rotation or elective for several decades, and a landmark study in 2003 by DiCaprioet al. found that only 20% of allopathic medical schools in the United States had a dedicatedmusculoskeletal clerkship, making the quality of musculoskeletal training for medical schoolgraduates inadequate. Clawson et al. surveyed 5487 second-year residents in the UnitedStates and found that most reported being ill-prepared in the area of musculoskeletalmedicine, and another survey of pediatric residents identified orthopedics as the main area

    in which they believed that their medical school education had been deficient. …  Thisdiscrepancy appears to persist beyond the training years and into the realm of clinicalpractice. In a survey of family care physicians, 51% said that they had insufficient training toaddress musculoskeletal issues, which may be related to the fact that 56% of therespondents stated that medical school was their only source for formal musculoskeletalinstruction.” 

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    McAndrews – closing

    Now, I think I sensed something. At the end of Mr.Schuyler’s statement I heard what I heard from Mr. Cherneyand Mr. Carlson, that chiropractic has changed. And that’s amazing. They knew chiropractic had changed back in 1964when they began their investigation. But it’s even worse thanthat. I hear a hint that they were responsible for the change.

    Now, I met a German U-Boat commander one time andhe took credit for the American Olympic swim team being sogood because he said by sinking their ships, he taught themhow to swim. They did everything possible to destroychiropractic in their educational program. And now they aretrying to say, yes, it’s changed.

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    Wilk et al. v. AMA et al.

    Form of Injunction

    1. The AMA, its officers, agents and employees, and all persons who act in active concert with any of themand who receive actual notice of this order are hereby permanently enjoined from restricting, regulating or impeding,or aiding and abetting others from restricting regulating or impeding, the freedom of any AMA member or anyinstitution or hospital to make an individual decision as to whether or not that AMA member, institution, or hospitalshall professionally associate with chiropractors, chiropractic students, or chiropractic institutions.

    * * *

    3. The AMA is directed to send a copy of this order to each AMA member and employee, first class mail,postage prepaid, within thirty days of the entry of this order. In the alternative, the AMA shall provide the Clerk of theCourt with mailing labels so that the court may send this order to AMA members and employees.

    4. The AMA shall cause the publication of this order in JAMA and the indexing of the order under“Chiropractic” so that persons desiring to find the order in the future will be able to do so.  

    5. The AMA shall prepare a statement of the AMA’s present position on chiropractic for inclusion in the current

    reports and opinions of the Judicial Council with an appropriate heading that refers to professional association

    between medical physicians and chiropractors, and indexed in the same manner that other reports and opinions areindexed. The court imposes no restrictions on the AMA’s statement but only requires that it be consistent with the

     AMA’s statements of its present position to the court. 

    6. The AMA shall file a report with the court evidencing compliance with this order on or before January 10,1988.

    It is ordered.

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