geography update a qca perspective on 3 – 19 geography david gardner qca 19 th april 2006

Geography Update A QCA perspective on 3 – 19 geography David Gardner QCA 19 th April 2006

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Page 1: Geography Update A QCA perspective on 3 – 19 geography David Gardner QCA 19 th April 2006

Geography Update A QCA perspective on 3 – 19 geography

David Gardner


19th April 2006

Page 2: Geography Update A QCA perspective on 3 – 19 geography David Gardner QCA 19 th April 2006

KRA 1: CurriculumKRA 1: Curriculum

‘‘Develop a modern, world-class Develop a modern, world-class curriculum that will inspire and curriculum that will inspire and

challenge all learners and prepare challenge all learners and prepare them for the future’them for the future’

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•KS3 Review

•GCSE coursework

•GCSE Pilot

•A Level subject criteria

•Teacher assessment publication

•Innovating with .. Website

•India/Chembakolli visit

Current work

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• Continued focus on the core subjects English, Maths and Science, with

more time freed up to allow for catch up.

• Tests to continue in the core subjects, with an additional online test in ICT.

• Moderated teacher assessment in foundation subjects, and a bank of

standardised optional tests will be provided.

Implications for QCA:QCA is undertaking a full review of KS3, to:o Reduce the overall level of prescriptiono Place greater emphasis on English, Maths and ICT;o Give more scope for schools to stretch young people;o Give more support for those who fall behind expected standards;o Ensure the curriculum for all subjects is as coherent as possible.

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• Changes in society, social structures and the nature of work.

• The impact of technology on subjects and schooling.• New understandings about the nature of learning. • Increased global dimension to life, learning and work.• The public policy agenda (DfES strategy/white papers,

ECM) promoting innovation and personalisation.

Forces for change

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– focus on aims and outcomes – rather than coverage or delivery.– have a stronger emphasis on skills and personal development

(ECM)– use teaching approaches (active, enquiry based) that relate

directly to developing skills and attributes– value knowledge – linked to creativity and knowledge creation, – be flexible enough to be organised in different ways and have room

to innovate– be relevant and connected to life outside school – the big issues,

work, community– use technology to extend (when, where, how) learning takes place– have a strong international dimension – and promote citizenship

A curriculum - fit for the future should…

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Schools and communities Learners

GovernmentBroad description of outcomes based on the well being of:• individuals• society • economybased on values that underpin a plural liberal democracy

• What interests me• What my talents are• In a way that works for me

• Building on local strengths and ethos• Local needs • Local resources such as community and business expertise



Whose curriculum is it anyway?

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Our pledges to Young People

We want the curriculum to enable all young people to become:

• successful learners who enjoy learning, make progress and achieve

• confident individuals who are able to live a safe, healthy and fulfilling life

• responsible citizens who make a positive contribution to society.

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• enjoy learning and are motivated to learn

• are determined to achieve the best they can

• have the essential learning skills of literacy, numeracy and information and communication technology

• communicate well through a range of media

• think for themselves, have enquiring minds and are open to new ideas

• are able to process information, reason, question and evaluate

• are creative, enterprising and able to solve problems

• understand how they learn and learn from their mistakes

• are able to learn independently and with others

• are able to transfer knowledge and skills to new situations

• appreciate the benefits and fulfilment that learning can bring.

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• have a sense of self-worth and believe in themselves• recognise their talents and have ambitions• are willing to try new things and make the most of opportunities• are able to take the initiative and organise themselves• relate well to others and form good relationships• are self-aware and deal well with their emotions• have secure values and beliefs• make healthy lifestyle choices • are physically competent and confident• take managed risks and stay safe• resist negative pressures and make informed choices• become increasingly independent• gain enjoyment and inspiration from the natural world and human


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• make a positive contribution to the communities in which they live, learn and work

• feel that they can change things for the better• act with integrity and live according to secure values and beliefs• understand different cultures and traditions and have a strong

sense of their own place in the world• respect others• live peaceably and work productively with others• challenge injustice and are committed to human rights• maintain and improve the environment, locally and globally• are enterprising and able to contribute to the economic well-being of society• feel they can make a difference for the better

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The framework comprises six groups of skills that, together with the functional skills of English, mathematics and ICT, are essential to success in learning, life and work. The skills are generic and are applicable across all learning throughout the 11-19 age range. They are equally important to all learners, irrespective of the setting, and support young people's employability.



Creative thinkers

Independent enquirers

Reflective learners

Team workers

Effective participators

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building a whole curriculum

nationalcurricu lum

a im s


o lida tion and extens io n

persona l needs/interests

loca l needs/interests


subjectdem ands

curricu lumdeve lopm ent


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Opportunities for Geography

• Futures thinking - subject fit for 21st century

• Clarify what the subject is about and its importance in the whole curriculum

• Make a clear link to the new aims and PLT’s

• Update to take into account developments since 2000 review

• Address issues with PoS and Level descriptions

• Coordinate progression in the subject 14-19 linked to new A level criteria

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KS3 geography issues – QCA monitoring 2005

The problems of inadequate curriculum planning and poor quality teaching and learning at KS3. A combination of relatively low status in many secondary schools and a high proportion of non-specialist teachers is resulting in poorly planned curricula and missed opportunities to inspire and challenge pupils.

Declining opportunities for high quality fieldwork to be experienced by pupils”Fieldwork and outdoor education are not just add-on; it is absolutely core for geography and for young people’s learning in general” RGS-IBG evidence to Select Committee 2005 2004-05 shows unequivocally that concerns about health and safety, curriculum time, staff time and expertise, and budget constraints are combining to reduce the amount and effectiveness of fieldwork offered in schools.

Assessment remains a major issue in KS3 geography with pupils being over-assessed to meet schools’ requirements for frequent reporting of levels. This focus on summative assessment has been detrimental to high quality assessment for learning.

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QCA monitoring questionnaire 308 schools

Which year group none specialist teachers ?




14.4 13.8











Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Year 11

Year group


id p




Issues for KS 3 review ?

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QCA monitoring questionnaire 308 schools

Which areas of PoS do you find difficult

71.5 69.8



11.4 10.77.5











Fieldw ork ICT demands Overseas studies Enquiry w ork Topical issues Local geography Physicalgeography topics

Other areas






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David Bell Education for Democratic Citizenship

Nov 2005

First, we have a problem with geography in many schools. In many primary schools it is the worst taught subject and in secondary schools its popularity as a GCSE subject has been diminishing. The teaching is sometimes dull and fails to maintain current relevance, not drawing sufficiently on the issues most likely to capture the imagination and interest of young people such as globalisation and sustainable development. My view is that a partnership between geography and citizenship, where appropriate, will energise the former and give substance to the latter.

The best resources for lessons on global issues will often be this morning’s news rather than a textbook. Enquiry and research into global issues should deal with principles but be informed by issues of the moment and real examples.

I suggest to you that citizenship can be a breath of fresh air, making geography relevant, exciting and, most important of all, empowering pupils so that they know how they can make a difference.

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KS3 Review timeline

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• Consultation with stakeholders and partners (re: how curriculum might be developed) through conferences, seminars and meetings

• A series of meetings with partners and stakeholders on draft framework of personal, learning and thinking skills

• Evaluation of existing curriculum (PoS and frameworks) with practitioners and stakeholders.

• Detailed proposals for development process for assessment & costings.

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OCTOBER - DECEMBER 2005 Geog report

In summary, the action required is:

1. Redraft the statement on the importance of geography.

2. Reform the PoS so as to provide more flexibility in choice of content and up-date the curriculum in the light of new thinking in the subject, making it fit for purpose in the 21st century.

3. Focus on those features that should drive the curriculum, i.e. consideration of key concepts, values, skills and techniques and scale/context of study.

4. Ensure in all this that content serves rather than drives the curriculum.

5. Reconsider the role and character of the level descriptions and once decisions have been made redraft them.


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FROM JANUARY - May 2006 Geography Jan - March

Online consultation about draft of importance statement on GA & RGS website


Circulate papers to residential delegates

1st – 2nd March

Residential – to write new importance statement, PoS models, level descriptions

15th March

Teacher’s meeting to consult on PoS models 15 teachers

18th-20th April

Geographical Association conference QCA update presentation by DG Wednesday 19 th April


Draft importance statement , PoS, level descriptions

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New Importance statement plan• A ‘HOOK’ LINE TO GRAB INTEREST and firmly establish the excitement and

relevance of geography in the widest possible sense. Either of the two draft versions (or even the old version) are useful starting points

• WHAT IS TAUGHT: a sentence or two that outlines what you get in this subject e.g. from draft version two “through studying geography, people of all ages begin to appreciate how places and landscapes are formed, how people and environments interact, what consequences arise from our everyday decisions, and what a diverse range of cultures and societies exist and interconnect”. Essentially, this communicates the big ideas.

• HOW IT IS TAUGHT. A sentence or two outlining the APPROACHES in the subject that are distinctive. E.g. fieldwork, GIS, enquiring approach, experiential learning, active participation.

• A ‘CONCLUSION’ that reaffirms that value of geography, especially to the future well being and career of a pupil.

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New Draft Importance statement – hook line

We live together in a beautiful, yet complex world, which is, continuously changing and challenging. The study of geography helps us to make sense of this dynamic world and prepares us for a role

as global citizens in the 21st century.

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New Draft Importance statement – what is taught

Geography is the subject which stimulates an interest in and a sense of wonder about places. Through Geography we begin to question how places and landscapes are formed, how people and environment interact, what consequences arise from our everyday decisions and how a diverse range of cultures and societies interact and are interconnected. Geography builds on our own experiences to investigate at all scales from the personal to the global.

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New Draft Importance statement – how it is taught

Geography is studied through enquiry, which encourages us to question, investigate and think critically about issues affecting our lives for the present and future. Fieldwork is essential. In Geography we use maps, visual images and new technologies including Geographical Information Systems to obtain and present information.

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New Draft Importance statement - conclusion

Geography inspires us to think about our own place in the world, our values and rights. It helps us consider our responsibilities to other people and to the environment in helping to ensure the sustainability of our planet. These transferable geographical skills help to equip us for lifelong learning as responsible global citizens.

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importance statement

Fundamental ideas and concepts



aims etc


Curriculum development


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Ways forwardPhase 1

• Participation in the ‘curriculum futures’ debate

• Capturing and sharing innovation

Phase 2

• Establish a network of co-developers

• A curriculum “specification” or blueprint

• Development tools and case studies

• Quality assurance mechanisms – a kitemark? quality/impact not coverage/delivery

• Pilots and field trials – promoting innovation and building the evidence base

High quality, world class curriculum design

•Clear design principles• A broad definition of ‘curriculum’• Aims:outcomes driven• National, local and personalised aspects• Dimensions or areas of learning – personal, skills, ethical, cultural…• Approaches to learning – enquiry, experiential, practical• Evaluated against a balanced scorecard• Sustaining and self-renewing

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Our curriculum conversation

Three key questions1. What are we trying to achieve through the curriculum?

2. How do we best organise learning to achieve these aims?

3. How effectively are we evaluating the impact of the curriculum and continuously improving it?

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New A Level subject criteria

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Purpose of the subject criteria review• The main aspects under consideration in the current review are:o A reduction in the burden of assessment by reducing the number of

units. For the majority of subjects, this will entail a reduction to 4 units. Fewer assessment units will enable each unit to be more holistic, less mechanistic and more supportive of extended writing.

o A review of the necessity for coursework as an element of the assessment. It will be included in A levels only where it is the soundest method of assessment and provided that it makes clear how reliability and fairness are secured.

o The introduction of AEA-style assessments to all A levels. AEA-style material will encourage teaching that challenges students and promotes independent thought and learning.

o A clarification of synoptic assessment. We are reviewing what synoptic assessment entails in each subject and are ensuring that it will encourage the development of a holistic understanding of the subject. Clearer understanding of synoptic assessment will also support learning and understanding.

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What’s wrong with existing geography criteria…

• Pretty impenetrable text…. wordy not helpful• Reads as a list of prescribed content rather than

a framework for interpretation• Repetitive/distinctiveness of AS and A level not

clear• Sounds inhibiting rather than enlightening• No promotion of newer aspects of geography

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Subject Criteria as framework

from which Awarding Bodies design and develop specs. So subject criteria need:• to clarify that this framework should be used for design

purposes• provide clear direction about kind of geography

appropriate to 21st century• be clear about nature or progression required from

GCSE etc• need give strong steer to include new geography

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Draft Geography A Level Criteria

Online consultation

10th April – 89 responses

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GCSE Pilot

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Geography Pilot: purposes

• to provide lively and innovative geography courses for 14-16 year olds that reflect the needs of students and current thinking in the subject

• to offer a hybrid model for the geography-related area of qualifications which allows students to follow academic (general) and/or vocational/applied pathways within the qualifications

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Geography pilot: the remit for the core

• Half a GCSE - GCSE Short Course;• ‘Geography for citizens’• Emphasis on links between geographical learning and

pupils’ own lives• Reflecting changes in the subject• Focus on organising concepts of uneven development,

interdependence, futures, sustainability, globalisation • Encouraging different learning styles – less content• Innovative forms of assessment

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The geography pilot: assessment

• Short course – 67% external (one paper with pre-release material and a decision-making/problem solving flavour); 33% internal (portfolio of three short items – one on each theme)

• Full course – 33% external; 67% internal – ie optional units all internally assessed by the most appropriate means

Find out more at

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Evaluation questionnaire

Why offer the pilot GCSE in Geography?











To offer students a more relev ant and motiv ating


To better meet student needs

To meet student demand

To offer more staged assessment to students

To reflect the centre priorities

To broaden the curriculum

To prov ide cleared content focus to students

To replace prev iously offered GCSE

To utilise staff ex pertise


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Evaluation questionnaire

We asked respondents to tell us about the teacher assessment options they offered.

1.) Coastal Management (72.7% of respondents offered it) reasons for offering this included the relevance to the area and it’s incorporation into fieldwork trips

2.) Geography in the news (54.5%) offered because of its relevance, flexibility and pupil interest;

3.) Travel and Tourism destinations (also 54.5%) offered primarily due to pupil interest and access to resources

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Evaluation questionnaire

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GCSE coursework

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• Following publication of the 14-19 White Paper, QCA received a remit to review coursework in terms of consistency of approach, fairness and cumulative burden.

• During 2004, QCA conducted a review of the reliability of GCE and GCSE coursework. The review focused on current specifications but its conclusions are relevant to future developments

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Teacher Assessment Activities in Foundation subjects

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What is the product about ? QCA has developed new materials to help teachers identify,

track and enhance pupil progress in the foundation subjects. Teacher assessment activities are initially available for art and

design, design and technology and history at key stages 1 to 3, and for ICT at key stages 1 and 2, with geography in key stage 1-3 to follow.

This new initiative from QCA illustrates assessment as an integral part of teaching and learning across the key stages.

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Why is it required ?My department needs more training about assessment















Agree strongly Tend to agree Tend to disagree Disagree strongly No opinion



. of




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Pulling together advice & guidance

Pulling together


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Innovating with Geography website

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•to help schools plan and teach geography courses from the national curriculum programmes of study that will engage and motivate pupils aged from 5-14

•a ‘gateway’ to other sites offering support for geography teaching and learning

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A case study of flexible curriculum development in KS3

with a Global Dimension/Enterprise Education focus

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Who are the Adivasi ?

The Adivasi are the aboriginal people of India.

The word Adavasi means “original or first inhabitants”.

India has the largest population of aboriginal in the world, 8% of the 1 billion people who live in India.

They were the first people to live in the Nilgiri Hills.

Since 1986 they have worked together, fighting for land rights.

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Who are ACCORD ?

Stan and Mari Thekaekara founded ACCORD in 1986 to work with the Adivasi communities of the Nilgiri Hills. Through ACCORD they helped found the Adivasi Munnetra Sangam (AMS), a membership based tribal organisation with 3000 families as members. A Tribal Land Rights Campaign was launched and ACCORD helped the Adivasi to plant tea on their reclaimed land. ACCORD sets up projects discussed by Adivasi, placing people to run each project sustainably.

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Just Change

Just Change is an initiative with an objective of establishing an alternative trading mechanism that will benefit the poor communities. This will be achieved by directly linking poor communities and encouraging them to trade among themselves.

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Much more to learn and understand with the potential for

much broader and richer curriculum development

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Adivasi AMS

Tea - ATLMGrown on a plantation and in the villages. A rich man’s crop, long growing crop providing regular income and evidence of land rights

School- VidyodayaInitially developed for the children of ACCORD workers, now developed for local tribal and non tribal children, including Chembakolli.

Hospital – AshwiniDeveloped for the Adivasi to cater for their needs.

Madhuvana plantations: The adivasi own a plantation where they have successfully grown crops such as tea, coffee, pepper while preserving a lot of the forest area, acting as stewards of the forest. .

ACCORDThe catalyst to set up each project and put people in place to run them in a sustainable manner.

Action AidOrganise teacher visits. Publish resources about Chembakolli

Adivasi Mutual FundA Community Fund initiated by staff of ACCORD now being extended to the villages. To grow into a community bank that will meet the credit and investment needs of the community  

Just Change Establishing links with consumers of tea in UK and Germany

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Links to the Global Dimension

Adivasi and the Global Dimension

Global CitizenshipLearn about the role of the NGO –ACCORD in setting up project to empower the local community of the Adivasi

Conflict resolutionInvestigate the approaches developed by ACCORD to resolve conflict.

Social JusticeAppreciate the work of ACCORD to overcome the injustice and discrimination of the Adivisi

Human RightsUnderstand the rights of the Adivasi and how they had to fight for land rights

Values and perceptionsShare the ideas of the Adivasi with regard to how they live and the potential to trade on a global scale.

Sustainable developmentInvestigate the sustainable approaches utilised in all ACCORD projects.

InterdependenceUnderstand the potential of the concept of Just Change and the potential to link producer and consumers across the globe.

DiversityAppreciate the similarities and differences of the Adivasi , learning form their ideas and culture.

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Adivasi curriculum


GeographyInvestigate development, sustainable development project, interdependence, with poor communities in India and UKworking together

CitizenshipThe work of an NGO, human rights of Adivasi, and the global economy

Business education Globalisation and the potential to set up a company to market adivasi tea.

Enterprise EducationHow ACCORD developing tea plantations is an eg of enterprise. Also setting up a project in schools to market Adivasi tea.

ICTUse of the internet to link producers of tea with consumers in Germany and UK. Use of ICT to promote tea campaign

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Curriculum partnerships

Adivasi projectPotential curriculum



Specialist Schools & Academies Trust

Development Education Association

Subject Associations

Education & Business

Partnerships Trust

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KRA 1: CurriculumKRA 1: Curriculum

‘‘Develop a modern, world-class Develop a modern, world-class curriculum that will inspire and curriculum that will inspire and

challenge all learners and prepare challenge all learners and prepare them for the future’them for the future’

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Visit the QCA stand

Talk with us

Get a copies of :

•the QCA Geography Update

•Hardcopy of this presentation

•QCA publication about Curriculum

Complete the A Level subject criteria consultation questionnaire online

Have a guided tour of the Innovating with geography website

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David Gardner QCA Geography Adviser

020 7509 [email protected]