gender roles and violence (1)


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Post on 02-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Gender roles and violence (1)

An important social alarm exists in recent times around violence suffered by women. Our society should think about these facts and ways to fight against this violence and try to avoid it. The origin of this problem seems to be an excessive and rigid differentiation between traditional gender roles as well as the inferiority position of women with respect to man.

Fight against-luchar contraAvoid-evitarGender roles-los roles de generoInferiority-inferioridad

Page 2: Gender roles and violence (1)

The integration of women at work has represented an advance for equal opportunities policies,but they still find difficulties to combine their work and the family obligations.Men have traditionally been the ones who take care of the survival fighting in our competitive world.

Equal opportunities-la igualdad de oportunidades

Play this role-desempeñar este papel

Page 3: Gender roles and violence (1)

The necessary changes to avoid and punish these violent behaviours must be introduced. More resources should be assigned to solve needs arisen from this problem

Punish-castigarViolent behaviors-conducta violentaResources-recursos

Page 4: Gender roles and violence (1)

The victims show not only physical injuries but also psychic symptons like depression,anxiety and cognitive disorders.They should get assistance from mental health services

Physical injuries-lesiones fisicaPsychic symptoms-síntomas psíquicosAnxiety-ansiedadDisorders-trastornos