gaspar raymundo-velasquez, a205-854-679 (bia dec. 10, 2015)

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  • 8/20/2019 Gaspar Raymundo-Velasquez, A205-854-679 (BIA Dec. 10, 2015)


    Ramos, Edward Fo unato

    U.S Departmen of Jus ic

    Execut ve O ce r Imigra on Rev ew

    Board of Immigation AppealsO ce of he Cle k

    5107 leesburg Pike, Su te 000Fa Church. Vrg n a 22041

    Kurzban Ku ban Weinger Te eli & Pratt,P.A.

    DHS/ICE Office of Chief Counsel - MIA333 South Miami Ave , Suite 200Miami, FL 33130

    2650 SW 27th AveSecond FloorMiami, FL 33133

    Name : RAYMUNDO-VELASQUEZ, GAS .. A 205 854 679

    Date of this notice: 12/10/20 15

    Enc osed s copy of the Bo rd's dec s o nd order n e abo e-referenced case.

    Enc osure

    Panel Members:Ho , D vid B.

    Si cerely,

    DO c tDon a C r

    C ef erk

    Use team: Dock

    For more unpublished BIA decisions,

    Cite as: Gaspar Raymundo-Velasquez, A205-854-679 (BIA Dec. 10, 2015)

  • 8/20/2019 Gaspar Raymundo-Velasquez, A205-854-679 (BIA Dec. 10, 2015)


    Depa: ment of JusticeE"ecutive O ce r l m at on Review

    Decis o of t e Board o I at o Appea

    Fa s Churc , Virgini 22041

    F e A205 85 679 M m FL D e:



    A PEAL



    dw rd R mos Esqu re

    J ne l Le G rcAss s n Ch ef Counsel

    APP ICATION S p ress on of ev dence

    DEC f O2015

    he res onden h s p e ed om e Imm gr on Judge's dec s on d ed Aug s 19, 201nd ng he res onden remov ble nd order ng h m removed o G em . T e ep r en o

    Home nd ec r y h s ed mo on r su m r nce, w ch s den ed T e record w llbe emanded o he Imm gr on Judge r r er proceed ng s d scussed below

    We rev ew he nd ngs of c m de by he Imm gr on Judge, nclud ng t e ues ons ocred b y, under "cle rly erroneo s s nd rd 8 C. .R § 1003 (d)(3)( We revques ons of l w d scre on, nd judgmen under de novo s nd rd. 8 C R § 1003 (d)(3)

    T e responden rg es on ppe he Imm gr on Judge erred by deny ng eresponden 's mo on o ppress Form -213 nd o er ev dence.Th s m er conce thec rcum nces s rrou d ng e responden 's rres by Im gr on d C s oms n rcemen

    "ICE ) gen s on M y 1 20 3. The Im gr on udge sus ned e ch rges of remov bb sed on Form -213 d ed M y 1, 2013 nd o her doc en s The responden rgues h hImm gr on J dge den l of s mo on o sup res nd he dm ss on of hese docuv o ed sever l rov s ons of he regul on s we h s our h endmen r gh s.

    gener m er, ev dence ob ned o g n e eg ou v ol on of he ouendmen m be s ppressed n m on proceed ngs See, e.g. Orhorhaghe v INS 38

    .3d 88 9 h C r 99 In he mo on o su press ed be re he I gr on J dge, responden s bm ed n d v descr b ng he c rcu s nces surro d ng s es , n

    rg ed h he Fo I 213 d o her ev dence pre red or ob ned s resu of h s eshou d be s pressed d e o he egreg ous c rcu s ances su round ng s so rce nd rep r oThe mm on J dge den ed s mo on n an " n er m Order d ed J n r 27, 2014

    he re ponden 's d v w s unco obor ed, e Form -213 w n eren ly rend h he CE o cers d d no v ol e ny gency regu ons (I J In erim Order

    There er ear ng on A gus 19 2014, he Imm gr on J dge und he res ondenre ues o e fy n corrobor on of h s d v w n mely, s s ned he ch rremov b y b sed on e For -213, nd ordered he re ponden removed

    On pe l, he re ponden m kes s m l rgumen s o ose he m de n h s mo on s p ress. He rg es rs , h ICE's dec s on o rge m w ou ny reason ble b

    Cite as: Gaspar Raymundo-Velasquez, A205-854-679 (BIA Dec. 10, 2015)

  • 8/20/2019 Gaspar Raymundo-Velasquez, A205-854-679 (BIA Dec. 10, 2015)


    AQ05 854 679

    believe that he was a alien, coup ed with a warr t ess r d of is ome wit out his conse t,constitutes the ype of egregious violation warranting suppression of the Form I- 13 See INS vLopez Mendoza, 468 U S 032 (1984) The respo dent also gues t at CE o cia s vio ated anumber of regu ations, including 8 C F R. §§ 287. (a)( ), 87 8(b) (invo vi g w a tlessquestioning); 8 C F.R § 87 3(a) (involving warrantless arrests and ex inatio of aliensarrested without w rants) and 8 C.F R § 287 8( (2 (involving warrants and consent).

    We nd that r er proceedings are wa anted based on t e respondent's guments. As init al ma er, e Board he d i a ter of Barcenas 19 I&N Dec. 609 (BIA 1988 , at, where ap y wis es to cha enge the admissibility of a docu ent, the mere o er g of an a davit is notsu cient to sustain is bu de . However, if t e a avit is suc that t e cts a leged, if t ue,cou d support a basis r excluding the evidence in questio , the the c aims must also besupported by testimony. The Immigration Judge, whi e nding that t e respondent's a davitwas "uncorroborated, did not dete ine whet er the cts alleged, if ue, would suppo t esuppression of he Form -213. As such, we w ll remand the record r a deter i atioregardi g whether the respondent's al egat ons, if t ue, would be egregious under v. Lopez

    Mendoza supra The respondent should be a rded oppo tu ity to testi regarding ecircumstances of is arrest, in suppo of the stateme ts made i is a davit. a ter ofBarcenas supra.

    In addition, we d t at her proceedings are necessary to al ow e HS to explain ecircumstances surrou ding he various regu atory violations al eged by t e respo de t, d r a

    her dete ination reg ding the reliabili of t e For I- 13 in this case We note at theBoard emp oys a wo prong test, rst enunciated by t e n ted States Co of Appeals r the

    Ninth Circuit in United S ates v Calderon Medina 591 F d 529 (9th Cir 1979), to determinew et er a regulatory v olation shou d resu t i e exclusion of evidence or the invalidation ofthe proceedings Mat er of Garcia-Flores 1 I&N Dec. 3 5 {BI 1980) First, t e regulatio atissue must bestow a procedu a or substantive bene t on he alien. Second, the violation of theregulation must have prejudiced the a ien's interests at were protected by t e regul oF her, "where complia ce with the regulation is mandated by the Constitution, prejudice maybe presumed. .at 329

    To summarize, we d that her ct nding is necess y to dete ine whet er the Fo-213 shou d be suppressed, given he respondent s constitutiona and regu ato y challenges.

    Accordingly, the owing orders will be entered

    O ER e mm gration Judge's January 27, 2014, nterim Order is vacated.

    F RTHER OR ER: T e mmigration Judge's August 19, 2014, decision is vacated.

    F R HER ORDER T e record is remanded to the Immigration Cou r heroceed n s consisten wi h s order, and r e en y of a new dec sion.



    Cite as: Gaspar Raymundo-Velasquez, A205-854-679 (BIA Dec. 10, 2015)

  • 8/20/2019 Gaspar Raymundo-Velasquez, A205-854-679 (BIA Dec. 10, 2015)





    ile: A205-854 679

    In the Matter of

    August19 2014




    CHARGES Section 2 2(a) 6 (A (i) the Im igration & ationa i y Act present in the United Stat s w thout be ng admitted or paroled andSection 212 a (7)(A i)(I of the I migratio & Natio ali y Act no

    valid m igrant isa.

    APP ICATIO S Suppression and termination t e proceedings and vol nta ydepa ure


    O B HALF OF DHS A NE L LEAL GARCIA Assistant Chie Cou sel


    espondent is a male native and citizen of G ate ala wh was issued a Notice

    t Appear by the Depa me t Home and ecur ty S w ic charged him with

    re vabilit und r Sectio 212 a) 6)(A)(i and 212(a)(7 (A}(i)(I) f the I igration &

    Nationality ct the ct) xhibit1

    The respondent denied all the actual allegations in the otice to ppear and

    iled a mot n to s press e idence and term nate pr ceedi gs asse i g t at he was


  • 8/20/2019 Gaspar Raymundo-Velasquez, A205-854-679 (BIA Dec. 10, 2015)


    the victim of egregious vio ations nder the Fo h A end ent on the pa o the OHS

    agents who arrested him.

    The DHS s bmi ed its opposition to esponde t's ot o to supp ess

    In an inte im o de dated January 27, 2014 this Co concl ded that t e

    espondent did not eet his b den to estab sh a p ma ac e case that the

    Gove nment s evidence was nla lly obtained.

    S bseq ent y at a Maste Calendar hearing t e Co re y ng on t e - 13

    s bmi ed y the DHS (Exhib t 2) sustained the o c a ges o emovabil ty which had

    been odged against the respondent.

    The respo dent has appl ed or post concl s o vol ntary depa in th s case

    A e l stening to the test ony the Co rt is satis ied that the responde t has

    sat s ied al o the statuto y prerequis tes to be granted vo ntary depart re In additio

    the Cour inds that the espondent sho d be g anted t is relie in the exercise o

    disc etion

    na ly the Co wi l adopt and nco po ate by e erence herein its interim orde

    dated Janua y 2 2 14 deny ng the respondent s motion to suppress and terminate

    proceed gs


    IT S HEREBY RDER D that the responde t s app ication o post-conc usion

    vo untary depa t e is g anted.

    T S FURTHER RDERED that the espo dent be pe mi ed to volunta i y

    depa the ited States at h s own expense wit n 6 days of th s orde n lie o

    emo a .

    T S F RTHER RDERED that the esponde t shall be equ red to post a

    vo unta y depa t re bond n the amo nt o $5 payab e to the DHS w thin ve b siness

    A205 854 6 9 2 A g st 9 2 4

  • 8/20/2019 Gaspar Raymundo-Velasquez, A205-854-679 (BIA Dec. 10, 2015)


    days of eceipt of this o de and that in the event that the espondent fails to post the

    bond, as equi ed b the Act, the volunta y depa e o de shall vacate automatically

    and the espondent shall be emoved to Guate ala as set fo h in the otice to Appea .

    Notice: f the espondent fails volunta ily to depa within the time pe iod

    specified, he shall be subject to a civil penalt of not less tha $ ,000 and not o e than

    $5000 and be ineligible fo a pe iod of ten yea s fo any fu the elief including volunta

    depa tu e, cancellation of emoval ad ustment of status and change of status

    F he notice In t e event that the espondent f les an appeal he s equi ed to

    submit p oof to the Boa d of mmig ation Appeals of having posted the equi ed

    volunta departu e bond within 30 days of f ling his appeal f the espondent does not

    p ovide timely p oof to the Boa d of Immig ation Appeals t at the equi ed bond has

    been posted t e Boa d of mmig ation Appeals will not einstate the pe iod of volunta y

    depa u e in its fina o de .

    Wa ning f the espondent files a motion to eopen o econside p io to the

    expi ation of the volunta depa u e pe iod set fo h above, the g ant of volunta y

    depa u e is auto aticall te minated; the pe od allowed fo volunta y depa t e is not

    stayed hold o extended f the g ant of volunta y departu e is automatically te minated

    upon the l ng of a motion, the penalties f failu e to depa shall not apply

    Dated this 9th day of August 2014

    Please see the next page for e ect oni

    si nature

    A205-854-679 3 August 9 2014

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    . ·.

    205-854 679

    SCOT G. ALEXANDERImmigrat on Judge

    4 Aug st 19, 20 4

  • 8/20/2019 Gaspar Raymundo-Velasquez, A205-854-679 (BIA Dec. 10, 2015)



    I igrat on Jud e SCOTT G. ALEXAND R

    alex nds on Decemer 1, 2014 3:30 PM M

    A205-854 679 5 August 9, 2014