fundraising consultant guide

VIV FUNDRAISING CONSULTANT GUIDE V1.0 1 AutoPilot Viv Fundraising Partner Program Beta VersionFUNDRAISING CONSULTANT GUIDE “Together, ordinary people can achieve extraordinary results.”

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Post on 27-Mar-2022




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Dear Fundraising Consultant:
Congratulations on making the commitment to help non-profit
organizations raise money while saving money for their supporters. It is
activities like this that are at the heart of Viv’s effort to make Life. Better.
The Viv Fundraising program is a great way for you to grow your Viv
business using the power of leverage. Just a few groups can make a
significant difference in your business.
The key to success of this program is to encourage the supporters of your
fundraising groups to promote the program to their friends, family, and
social media contacts using the emails provided in the guide. Make sure
to educate the leaders of your groups to promote that activity.
We look forward to supporting you in the effort to enroll fundraising
groups and to help them meet their financial goals.
Tom Schmidt Chief Executive Officer
We are so excited to have you participate in our “beta” program focused on helping
nonprofit organizations reach their fundraising goals simply by having their supporters
upload their bills! We are calling it the Viv AutoPilot Fundraising Partner Program.
We’ve put this guide together to help explain how the program works and to give you the
tools that you can use to pique interest, enroll fundraising organizations (Fundraising
Partners) in the program and to help them succeed in their fundraising goals. Within this
guide you will find:
Overview of how Fundraising Partners will get paid
Overview on how you will get paid
Marketing tools that are available for you
Sample emails you can use to pique the interest of nonprofit organizations
FAQs about the Viv Fundraising Program
Viv Fundraising Consultants –
The AutoPilot Fundraising Partner Program is being launched in a beta mode and is
available only to an exclusive group of Viv Consultants, spearheaded by Viv Pro
Consultant Steve Beden who brings over 28 years of leadership in the field of fundraising
evaluation and implementation. During the beta period, Fundraising Consultants will be
required to participate in weekly training sessions and will be required to submit periodic
review and assessment surveys to help evaluate and enhance the progress of the
It is important to remember that non-profit and special interest groups use fundraising as
a lifeline for growth and continued success. It’s equally important to understand that
these organizations have choices. It’s estimated that there are over 2,400 different
fundraising solutions available to individuals and organizations seeking to raise funds.¹
The AutoPilot Fundraising Partner Program is designed to stand up to the best of the
fundraising programs on the market. You can be proud of the fact that we have put in
the time, the focus, and hard work to create a fundraising program that will successfully
work for individuals, groups and organizations of all sizes and fundraising needs.
You should be proud of the fact that you have been invited to take part in this program.
It’s vitally important that we work together to insure that Viv’s AutoPilot Fundraising
Partner Program is successful. Not just for you and not just for Viv, but for the countless
organizations who this program will benefit.
We must work together to insure that the AutoPilot Fundraising Program is seen as a
trusted, respected and sought after method for fundraising groups and organizations to
raise money. The fundraising industry is riddled with unscrupulous programs, that cause
challenges for upstart fundraising programs, including Viv.
1. Association of Fund-Raising Distributors & Suppliers
We have created a rock solid fundraising program that works. It is designed to provide
ease of entry for all levels of fundraising groups. It requires no out-of-pocket expenses or
purchases. It doesn’t require inventorying or selling products, and it rewards both the
fundraising group and the supporter. It is backed by a company built on strong ethical
and moral character.
The fun and rewarding work is now before you. Follow the guidelines and steps
provided. Provide support to your Fundraising Partners and together we will establish a
respected name in the fundraising industry. One that will be sought after by
organizations both large and small, from coast to coast.
Why the Fundraising Industry Needs AutoPilot -
If you want a reason to get excited, let us share some statistics to validate the need for
Viv’s AutoPilot Fundraising Program. Charitable donations are rising, but only at an
average of 5% per year over the next two years. 2
• There are in excess of 1.5 million charitable organizations in the United States, of
which, it is estimated that over 90% fundraise. 3
• There are over 315,000 congregations in the United States, of which, it is estimated
that over 95% seek donations, contributions and tithing.
• There are over 130,000 K-12 Public Schools in the United States, of which, it is
estimated that over 87% conduct fundraising campaigns via the students and
faculty each school year.
• It is estimated that there are more than 20,000 PTA’s in the United States, who all
conduct fundraising activities yearly.
• It is estimated that there are more than 50,000 PTO’s in the United States, who all
conduct fundraising activities yearly.
• It is estimated that there are more than 400,000 Booster Clubs in the United
States, who all conduct fundraising activities yearly.
2. Chronicle of Philanthropy, 3. IRS, 4. Gallup poll 2020, 5. National Education Association, 6. National PTA, 7. National PTO, 8.
National Booster Club Training Council
Viv Fundraising Consultants
Success starts with you!
During the beta period we require that all Viv Fundraising Consultants:
1. Use their personal webalias (the unique name you established when you registered
as a Viv Consultant) for sending out all fundraising materials, communications and
invitations. This will insure that the fundraising organizations you prospect are
automatically tied to you when they register or seek additional information.
Example: (send these to prospective Fundraising Partners)
Fundraising Marketing page:
2. Personally work with and educate the Fundraising Partner on how to promote
AutoPilot to their supporters, what types of bills are acceptable and what qualifies
a bill for payment to the Fundraising Partner.
3. The #1 key to a successful AutoPilot fundraising campaign centers around the
Fundraising Partners supporters submitting their monthly bills. It is vitally
important that you spend the time to educate the Fundraising Partner on the
process for submitting a qualified bill. See “what qualifies a bill below” for step-by-
step details.
Marketing Tip: Share the ready-made testimonials and videos Viv has that talk
about, and illustrate how simple and rewarding it is to upload a bill.
Viv Resources: 1.
Marketing Tip: Encourage your Fundraising Partner to designate a person in
their group who supporters can reach out to for help and questions when
uploading bills.
Marketing Tip: Encourage your Fundraising Partner to establish a set
day/time/location where supporters can come and gain assistance in uploading
their bills.
4. As the beta program progresses, we will do our best to continue developing and
enhancing the marketing and support materials that you can use to build a very
rewarding and successful business. We welcome your creative talents to this goal
and ask that all marketing materials that you create – print, direct mail, email, text
and online are submitted for pre-approval prior to distribution.
Fundraising Partners
It’s simple. Fundraising Partners will earn money every time a qualified bill is uploaded to
Viv by their supporters. And the best part is that, while their supporters are helping the
organization earn money, our expert negotiators will work hard to help their supporters
save money on their monthly bills! Now that’s what we call a win-win!
AutoPilot is a simple and very rewarding fundraising program that only requires the
Fundraising Partner to focus on three simple steps:
- Step 1: Refer the prospective Fundraising Partner to the Fundraising Marketing
page with your personal webalias. The Fundraising Partner will then fill out the
registration form and register as a Fundraising Partner for free.
- Step 2: The Fundraising Partner will need to upload the organization’s logo, mascot
or name to be displayed on their personalized fundraising page, and
- Step 3: The Fundraising Partner will then promote the AutoPilot fundraiser to their
supporters, members, staff, congregation, and constituents. Each Fundraising
Partner is emailed a confirmation upon enrollment along with a Getting Started
Fundraising Guide, which contains steps for launching their fundraiser, sample
emails, text messages and marketing flyer that they can promote to their
supporters so they can find out about the AutoPilot fundraiser and how to upload
their bills.
It’s that simple! Fundraising Partners simply register for free, send out the customized
fundraising materials, drive their supporters to their personal fundraising landing page
and are paid every time a supporter upload their bills. Viv handles everything else.
What qualifies a bill for the Fundraising Partner to receive
For a bill to be qualified for payment, it must be in a category we service, and we must
have the following:
1. all required customer information; 2. customer payment information; 3. acceptance of our terms of service; and 4. a clear, complete and current copy of the bill.
How much can we raise?
Viv’s fundraising payment plan is one of the most generous and simple plans available.
When your supporters upload their bills, you get paid! And, the more qualified bills
uploaded, the more you earn at each of the following tiers:
- 1-25 bills = $1.00 per bill
- 26-75 bills = $2.50 per bill
- 76-150 bills = $5.00 per bill
- 151-300 bills = $7.50 per bill
- 301-999 bills = $10.00 per bill
- 1,000 more bills = $15.00 per bill
So if, for example, the more bills that your supporters, the higher their value:
- the first 25 will pay out a total of $25 (25 x $1.00), - the next 50 will pay out $125 (50 x $2.50), - the next 75 will pay out $375 (75 x $5.00), - the next 150 will pay out $1,125 (150 x $7.50), - the next 699 will pay out $6,990 (699 x $10.00), - and all bills submitted from the 1,000’th bill and on, will all pay out at $15 each.
Fundraising Earning Example:
75 bills submitted = $150
150 bills submitted = $525
300 bills submitted = $1,650
500 bills submitted = $3,650
1,500 bills submitted = $16,140
2,500 bills submitted = $31,140
5,000 bills submitted = $68,640
The best part is the organization does not have to do anything other than refer its
supporters to Viv’s cost-reduction services. The bill tiers will automatically reset on their
annual anniversary date, or an earlier date if they choose.
When does our fundraising group get paid?
The organization will receive earnings each week after qualified bills have been
submitted. Our commission periods run from Monday through Sunday and are paid on
the next Friday via direct deposit or pay card — whichever method it selects in its Viv
What qualifies a bill for us to receive payment?
For a bill to be qualified for payment, it must be in a category we service, and we must
have the following:
1. all required customer information; 2. customer payment information; 3. acceptance of our terms of service; and 4. a clear, complete and current copy of the bill.
How does Viv make money on bill negotiation?
When a customer saves on a bill, Viv splits the savings with the customer. When Viv is
successful they split the savings and the customer pays just 50% of what they’ve saved
each month as they save. Or they can choose to pay upfront for Viv’s fees and save even
more! That means Viv won’t make money unless the customer does, plus there is no risk
to the customer to try the service!
Does Viv change the service or provider for the customer?
No. Viv only negotiates additional savings and discounts with your customer’s current
provider. Viv will not change the provider, nor will Viv change the service term or
program type.
What kind of bills can be negotiated?
All kinds of personal and commercial bills! The most common bills include cable, phone,
internet, satellite (television and radio), pest control and home security/alarm services,
but Viv can lower almost any recurring monthly charge by negotiating a better rate. And
your supporters won’t pay a penny if Viv doesn’t find savings, so there’s no harm in
trying! Even if they’re not sure, it doesn’t hurt to upload it and we will let them know if it
is a bill we can’t negotiate.
The types of bills we cannot negotiate are regulated bills such as city water, sewer or
electricity in regulated markets; nor can we negotiate bills that have long-term contracts
and leases such as mortgages, car payments, student loans and the like.
How does electricity auto-switching work?
In many states, consumers don’t have to buy electricity from a local utility company,
thanks to energy deregulation. Deregulation means consumers have a choice of where
they can purchase their electricity (unlike regulated states where consumers must
purchase their electricity from the utility). For those consumers, there are options out
there that can save them money, but making a choice isn’t always simple. Viv’s software
tracks the markets daily and knows where the savings are. It considers customers’ home,
usage, renewal time frame and other details and pairs each consumer with the right plan.
We currently offer this service in Connecticut, Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, New
York, New Jersey, New Hampshire, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, and Texas.
Who can I speak to if I have more questions about the Viv
Fundraising Program?
If you have additional questions about how the Viv Fundraising Program works, get back
to the person who referred you to this program. Or, you can contact our customer
support team via chat Monday through Friday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. ET by clicking the
chat icon in the lower right corner of this page. Our support team can also be reached
any time at [email protected].
We have designed this fundraising program to successfully work for all fundraising needs,
in all 50 states, from school PTAs, church youth groups, booster clubs, civic organizations,
sports teams, alumni groups, individual causes, associations, special interest groups and
any nonprofit organization. If you need to raise money to support a specific cause or
organization, this fundraising program will help you raise money while you are helping
your supporters actually save money. It’s a win-win!
How can I be assured I receive credit for fundraising groups I
Any time a prospective fundraising group clicks on a link that contains your webalias, the
system will automatically tie them to you from that point forward. You only need to
remember to insert your webalias on all marketing flyers, emails, texts and
communications, and the system will ensure they are correctly tied to you.
How can I protect a potential fundraising group as one of my
Once a prospective fundraising group has registered using a link that contains your
webalias, they will become a protected prospect.
Has Viv actually been able to save people money?
YES! In fact we have helped individuals, families and businesses in all 50 states save in
excess of $10 million and counting. Check out this link of people who have received
savings and hear from them how easy it was:
Our compensation plan for Fundraising Partners is built solely around uploaded bills. The
more qualified bills their supporters upload, the more valuable they become. Here is how
the value tiers break down:
Let’s break it down…
If the organization has a goal of reaching $10,000, then they would need to have their
supporters upload a total of 1,090 qualified bills. Here’s how the math works:
- First 25 bills = $25 (25 x $1.00/bill)
- Next 50 bills = $125 (50 x $2.50/bill)
- Next 75 bills = $375 (75 x $5.00/bill)
- Next 150 bills = $1,125 (150 x $7.50/bill)
- Next 699 bills = $6,990 (699 x $10.00/bill)
- Final 91 bills = $1,365 (91 x $15.00/bill)
In total this adds up to: $25 + $125 + $375 + $1,125 + $6,990 + $1,365 = $10,005
The clock resets every year on the anniversary date of their enrollment. So, they would
benefit the most by hitting the 6th tier as soon as possible, because every qualified bill
submitted after that within their one-year clock will be worth $15!
Fundraising Organizations are Paid Weekly!
Fundraising Partner organizations will receive their commission payments every week on
Friday for any bills uploaded the prior period (commission periods go from Monday
through Sunday).
It’s important that you prompt your fundraising groups to set up their Viv Wallet so they
won’t experience delays in receiving fundraising commissions.
We have created a few customizable tools that you can use to pique the interest of
organizations seeking to raise funds. They offer an overview about this program and how
they can reach their fundraising goals with AutoPilot.
Digital Marketing Tools
We have created a marketing landing page that you can send to organizations to help
them become Viv Fundraising Partners.
When you use your personal webalias with this page, any actions these organizations
make on the page will be immediately credited to you.
The Energy Auto-switching service is only available in the following markets: Connecticut,
Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, New York, New Jersey, New Hampshire, Ohio,
Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, and Texas. Likewise, Natural Gas Autopilot service is only
available in DC, CT (commercial only), ME (commercial only), MA, PA, OH, IL, NY, RI, FL,
MI, CA, GA, IN, KY, NE, WY, MT, OR, MA, SD, VI, and NJ. Community Solar projects are
only available in CO, IL, MA, MD, ME, NY, RI, NY, ME MD, MN, NJ, OR, NM, VA, DC, VT,
and HI.
Marketing page:
What is a Webalias? The webalias is the unique, personal url you set up at the time you
registered to become a Viv Consultant.
Customizable Flyers
This is a PDF flyer that can be used instead of the web page if you wish. There is an
editable field on the flyer that will allow you to enter your personal webalias in front of
the marketing landing page so that prospective Fundraising Partners will go directly there
to enroll in the program.
Once you have inserted your personal webalias, you can print off or download the
customized flyer to your computer, tablet or phone for distribution. Here are links to
access these flyers:
Flyer #5:
When you talk to prospects about the Viv Fundraising Partner program, let them know
how this program was designed to be a win-win. Win #1 is they earn money, and Win #2
is their supporters will save money. They will earn money every time a qualified bill is
uploaded by their supporters.
What’s a “qualified” bill?
When your supporters upload their bills, be sure it will qualify. A qualified bill is a bill that
has everything we need to negotiate:
All the customer contact information is filled out completely
The bill copy has been provided and it is clear, complete and current
The bill is for a category and provider that we are able to service
We have payment information on file from the customer so we can bill for
our portion of the savings when we’re successful
We have accepted terms of service for the customer
That’s it! The more qualified bills your supporters upload, the more your organization will
RESIDENTIAL: Cell Phone, Internet, Cable TV, Satellite TV, Internet Bundle, Phone,
Satellite Radio, Storage Units, Newspaper Subscription, Magazine
Subscriptions, Bottle Water Delivery, Trash Pick Up, Lawn Care, Propane
Delivery, Pest Control, Home Security, Electricity (CT, IL, MA, MD, NJ, NY,
What types of bills qualify - Commercial?
COMMERCIAL: Telecom (Internet, Cellular, Phone, Cable – single service or bundled),
Cable TV, Satellite Radio / TV, Storage Units, Newspaper / Magazine
Subscription, Bottle Water Delivery, Waste Management / Trash Pick Up,
Lawn / Property Care, Propane Delivery, Pest Control, Credit Card
Processing, Payroll – (ADP/Paychex, etc.), Grease Trap Cleaning, Hood
Cleaning, Uniform Rental, Office Equipment Leases, Security System, Web
Hosting, Shipping – UPS/DHL/FedEx, Advertising / Marketing, Electricity
(CT, IL, MA, MD, NJ, NY, NH, OH, PA, RI, TX)
What types of bills WILL NOT qualify?
We always encourage our customers to submit every bill, even if they are in doubt. There
is no risk! If it doesn’t qualify or if we can’t negotiate the bill, the customer will not be
charged a penny for using our service.
Generally speaking, we cannot negotiate regulated bills such as city water, sewer,
electricity in regulated markets, etc., and we cannot work on bills that have long-term
contracts and leases such as mortgages, car payments, etc.
Who is negotiating for your supporters?
We have a team of highly trained experts who are negotiating for the customer as the
customer on their behalf. We do this, every day for thousands of customers so our
experts know what the deals are, who to talk to and how to get the best discount
Because we are negotiating as the customer and acting on behalf of your customer, it is
ULTRA important that your supporters do not contact their provider while we are in the
negotiating process, or answer any phone calls, emails or text messages from their
provider. Doing so could jeopardize the negotiation process. Our advocates will notify
your customer via email if we need additional information to help with the negotiation
Does Viv change the service or provider for the customer?
No. Viv only negotiates additional savings and discounts with your customer’s current
provider. Viv will not change the provider, nor will Viv change the service term or
program type.
What will supporters of the organization have to pay?
The beautiful thing about our service is it’s risk-free! That means if we can’t find any
savings on a bill, they won’t pay us a penny. If we do find savings, we’ll split the savings
with them and they will pay 50% of their savings over time or upfront in one lump sum
for a discounted rate; this will all be detailed in an email from us when we complete our
negotiations. They’ll pay our portion of the savings directly to us using the card they
provided at checkout and they will see 100% of the savings in future reduced charges
from their supplier.
Your prospective organizations have fundraising goals they want to hit fast! There are
many ways to communicate with them to help them see how this program can help them
achieve their goals. Below we have compiled a few email samples that you can use to
promote the Viv fundraiser to these organizations. You can customize them to fit your
#1 Initial email pushing them to your webalias landing page
Subject: Help your supporters save money on their bills and fundraise at the same time
The Viv Fundraising Partner Program is the easiest way to raise funds – period!
No selling, no collecting money, no taking inventory or distribution of products. With Viv’s AutoPilot bill
negotiating service, you simply help your supporters save money on their monthly bills!
Yes, save money on their current cell phone bill, cable bill, internet bill, trash pickup bill, pest control bill,
home security bill, magazine subscription and the list goes on. All without the need to change their
current carrier or provider!
Interested in hearing more? Click the link below to find out how fundraising groups across the country
are raising funds by simply helping their supporters save money.
Include this link to your landing page:
Did I mention: Viv has an A+ Rating with the Better Business Bureau!
#2 Initial email pushing them to your webalias landing page
Subject: Raise Money for Your Group & Save Your Supporters Money on Everyday Bills!
Fundraising can now be FUN and REWARDING for your group – and your supporters!
With AutoPilot, you simply help your supporters save money on their monthly bills! And
when your supporters submit bills, you earn money bill after bill.
Interested in hearing more? Click the link below to find out how fundraising groups
across the country are raising funds by simply helping their supporters save money.
Include this link to your landing page:
Did I mention: Viv has an A+ Rating with the Better Business Bureau!
#3 Initial email pushing them to your webalias landing page
Subject: Help Your Supporters Save on their Bills – Raise Money for Your Organization!
With the Viv AutoPilot Fundraising Partner Program, your group raises funds every time
your supporters upload their monthly bills. It’s really that simple.
Interested in hearing more? Click the link below to find out how fundraising groups
across the country are raising funds by simply helping their supporters save money.
Include this link to your landing page:
Did I mention: Viv has an A+ Rating with the Better Business Bureau!
#4 email pushing them to your webalias landing page
Subject: Contactless fundraising that really works!
The Viv AutoPilot Fundraising Partner Program does not involve selling, collecting money,
taking inventory or distributing products. Door-to-door and face-to-face selling is a thing
of the past with AutoPilot.
You simply help your supporters save money on their monthly bills!
Interested in hearing more? Click the link below to find out how fundraising groups
across the country are raising funds by simply helping their supporters save money.
Include this link to your landing page:
Did I mention: Viv has an A+ Rating with the Better Business Bureau!
#5 email after they complete enrollment
NOTE: You will receive an email confirming when a new Fundraising Partner has joined
your organization. As soon as you receive this notification, send out the email below to
welcome them to Viv and give them the tools they will need to get started.
Subject: Thank you for your interest in the Viv AutoPilot Fundraising Partner Program!
I'm so excited to see that you’ve joined the Viv AutoPilot Fundraising Partner Program – an exciting way
to help you reach your fundraising goals and save your supporters money on monthly bills!
When it comes to raising money for fundraising groups, AutoPilot is the answer. The AutoPilot bill
negotiating service is contactless, which means it can be done without the need to solicit support door-
to-door or face-to-face.
There is absolutely zero cost to your group, not today or down the road – never!
Better yet, your supporters don’t need to reach into their pocket and pay a fee either. AutoPilot is 100%
no risk, and when it comes to helping save money on monthly bills, there's no better service out there
than AutoPilot!
We have prepared a starter pack for you, which will help you get a jump start on launching your
fundraiser. I have attached the guide to this email and you can also access it by clicking here. It contains
sample emails that you can send to your supporters, a sample flyer that you can print and post for
support, some commonly asked questions and some helpful tips and pointers on how to help your
organization reach its fundraising goals.
Remember that you only really need to do one thing to succeed: encourage your supporters to upload
their bills so they can save, and your organization can earn. It’s really that simple!
I am available to provide whatever support your group needs, so please feel free to contact me if I can
be of any help.
Have an amazing day!
Bills Negotiation Sheet
Lawn Care
Propane Delivery
Pest Control
Home Security
Electricity (CT, IL, MA, MD, NJ, NY, NH, OH, PA, RI, TX)
Additional Services planned
Keep your Current Provider – with a lower bill!
Cable TV
Lawn / Property Care
has saved customers
over $10 Million
FAQs about the Viv Fundraising Partner Program:
How does the Viv Fundraising Program work?
You only need to focus on three simple steps:
- Step 1: Complete the Fundraising Partner registration form and register as a
Fundraising Partner for free
- Step 2: Upload your organization’s logo or mascot to use as your profile picture
- Step 3: Send the custom fundraising materials to your supporters so they can find
out about your fundraiser and upload their bills
It’s that simple! Your supporters upload their bills and we handle everything else.
How much can we raise?
Viv’s fundraising payment plan is one of the most generous and simple plans available.
When your supporters upload their bills, you get paid! And, the more qualified bills
uploaded, the more you earn at each of the following tiers:
- 1-25 bills = $1.00 per bill
- 26-75 bills = $2.50 per bill
- 76-150 bills = $5.00 per bill
- 151-300 bills = $7.50 per bill
- 301-999 bills = $10.00 per bill
- 1,000 more bills = $15.00 per bill
So if, for example, the more bills that your supporters, the higher their value:
- the first 25 will pay out a total of $25 (25 x $1.00), - the next 50 will pay out $125 (50 x $2.50), - the next 75 will pay out $375 (75 x $5.00), - the next 150 will pay out $1,125 (150 x $7.50), - the next 699 will pay out $6,990 (699 x $10.00), - and all bills submitted from the 1,000’th bill and on, will all pay out at $15 each.
Fundraising Earning Example:
75 bills submitted = $150
150 bills submitted = $525
300 bills submitted = $1,650
500 bills submitted = $3,650
1,500 bills submitted = $16,140
2,500 bills submitted = $31,140
5,000 bills submitted = $68,640
The best part is you don’t have to do anything other than refer your supporters to Viv’s
cost-reduction services. The bill tiers will automatically reset on your annual anniversary
date, or an earlier date if you choose.
When does our fundraising group get paid?
Your organization will receive earnings each week after qualified bills have been
submitted. Our commission periods run from Monday through Sunday and are paid on
the next Friday via direct deposit or pay card — whichever method you select in your Viv
What qualifies a bill for us to receive payment?
For a bill to be qualified for payment, it must be in a category we service, and we must
have the following:
1. all required customer information; 2. customer payment information; 3. acceptance of our terms of service; and 4. a clear, complete and current copy of the bill.
How does Viv make money on bill negotiation?
When a customer saves on a bill, Viv splits the savings with the customer. When Viv is
successful they split the savings and the customer pays just 50% of what they’ve saved
each month as they save. Or they can choose to pay upfront for Viv’s fees and save even
more! That means Viv won’t make money unless the customer does, plus there is no risk
to the customer to try the service!
Does Viv change the service or provider for the customer?
No. Viv only negotiates additional savings and discounts with your customer’s current
provider. Viv will not change the provider, nor will Viv change the service term or
program type.
What kind of bills can be negotiated?
All kinds of personal and commercial bills! The most common bills include cable, phone,
internet, satellite (television and radio), pest control and home security/alarm services,
but Viv can lower almost any recurring monthly charge by negotiating a better rate. And
your supporters won’t pay a penny if Viv doesn’t find savings, so there’s no harm in
trying! Even if they’re not sure, it doesn’t hurt to upload it and we will let them know if it
is a bill we can’t negotiate.
The types of bills we cannot negotiate are regulated bills such as city water, sewer or
electricity in regulated markets; nor can we negotiate bills that have long-term contracts
and leases such as mortgages, car payments, student loans and the like.
How does electricity auto-switching work?
In many states, consumers don’t have to buy electricity from a local utility company,
thanks to energy deregulation. Deregulation means consumers have a choice of where
they can purchase their electricity (unlike regulated states where consumers must
purchase their electricity from the utility). For those consumers, there are options out
there that can save them money, but making a choice isn’t always simple. Viv’s software
tracks the markets daily and knows where the savings are. It considers customers’ home,
usage, renewal time frame and other details and pairs each consumer with the right plan.
We currently offer this service in Connecticut, Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, New
York, New Jersey, New Hampshire, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, and Texas.
Who can I speak to if I have more questions about the Viv
Fundraising Program?
If you have additional questions about how the Viv Fundraising Program works, get back
to the person who referred you to this program. Or, you can contact our customer
support team via chat Monday through Friday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. ET by clicking the
chat icon in the lower right corner of this page. Our support team can also be reached
any time at [email protected].
What kind of fundraising groups can use this program?
We have designed this fundraising program to successfully work for all fundraising needs,
in all 50 states, from school PTAs, church youth groups, booster clubs, civic organizations,
sports teams, alumni groups, individual causes, associations, special interest groups and
any nonprofit organization. If you need to raise money to support a specific cause or
organization, this fundraising program will help you raise money while you are helping
your supporters actually save money. It’s a win-win!
How can I be assured I receive credit for fundraising groups I
Any time a prospective fundraising group clicks on a link that contains your webalias, the
system will automatically tie them to you from that point forward. You only need to
remember to insert your webalias on all marketing flyers, emails, texts and
communications, and the system will ensure they are correctly tied to you.
How can I protect a potential fundraising group as one of my
Once a prospective fundraising group has registered using a link that contains your
webalias, they will become a protected prospect.
Has Viv actually been able to save people money?
YES! In fact we have helped individuals, families and businesses in all 50 states save in
excess of $10 million and counting. Check out this link of people who have received
savings and hear from them how easy it was: