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Full text of "The Saint Paul Daily Press"

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St. Paul dally PRESS Title:

217- 5-1979

2:1 - 2:103

Inclusive j^^ ^ ^ 30

Dat s: *^

1862 1862

Originals held by: MHS _^ Other


Date: May 21. 1979


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"el army out of the State and left Missouri freer from the relK-l horde than it has been any time since his removal.

Thus have events and the uiti mate adoj)- tion of his plans vindicated the military sagacity and capacity of Fremont. It is the silliest and shallowest falsehood to talk of evidence of his "'imbecility."

But, we shall he told all this does not re- lieve him from the charge of "corruption;" and the Pioneer has charged us with unfair- ness for not publishing the interminable mass of testimony heaven save the mark that the investigating committee have got by in vitiug disappointed contractor^ to prove that their fortunate rivals, got contracts by fraud. The truth is, that their exparte state- ments have been largely proved to he laise or mistaken, and it we had undertaken to give the mass of evidence on both sides, i our paper would have contained little else for the last two months.

We differ from the Pioneer, in that we have abstained from giving otic side, when we would have found it impossible to devote the space necessary to giving 60//1 sides. It however seems quite content, and it suits its sympathies exactly to publish the evi- dence against the accused, but to keep si- lent in regard to what has been adduced in bis defence. The Missouri Democ rot hag teemed with evidence of the falsity and error that abounds in the report of the in- vestigating committee.

We have no doubt that frauds were per- petrated 00 the Government at St. Lktb our feet,

And Fr({j.U,r toUl, i

(A heavi. r carg... ..j \.,r sichtrr treJKhl, Thu, WH., ftVr uu.l. riiif*n iu "Wall st.wl" ..r

Gave forth r.mi her bi^^.u! lb* punlan fl.ick, '

Aii i set them sale .towr ou that ii.j ablt rout Which still, iu ar|,;tt ol all wor.h luutaliOD, Is R"li(rion'gft anchor, au.i Kre*. ..mn .luaJatlou.

U0...I irwuds. pr*> all,,* iuen irnii Yaukr* blade, < An 'ur " wliittled,'" or ' |{ui,hl,'- or cffre1 in I

"Tradi.," 4 iijoiuut V) 8(Hak ID luy (rre rhyuiiog war,

Of the glorious filgrtiub we hoaor "o dar t

Imprimis the.v held aa the cbea{>N' ..f thiugs, rh)o humau iuvenlion called oobleij '' na

' kings ! Aud it-okoueJ H deawju iheiuoel' e hai appointed \ Much gre.'itei thiui nue the Pope ha-i anuoiated, '

' Whose ?

' Capt. ,' naming the captain of a company of Home Guards that had been raised in that county.

" Ah, that's what you are at, is it ?" cried the younger brother, and, drawing a Colt'.s navy, he continued, ' I've got something for you," and fired.

The ball lodged in the breast of the elder brother, who staggered and fell with the violence, or suddenness of the shock. Recovering himself immediately he got on his knees and^seizing his rifle pointed it at his murderous brother, who turned and fled, but a rifle ball iu his spine arrested the course of the rebel forever.

The family of the Union man gathered a few of their effects hurriedly and fled with him in a wagon. They are now in Kansas, and he. though severely wounded, js slowly recovering.

1 will mention one more case, not so dis- tressing, but quite significant. I was trav- eling a few weeks ago and met a family on the road with inree or four horses and about a dozen hea

mgqvom* JJTB CMVJimm

We ieril* tpeeial atttation to or Uig* mA mm plU itoe^ of UCLCORB AND CIOABJI, *U af wUeh w will mU va&mt fuaraaty a* le ^aUt^, ! t irtoM that are paid far lalirier fO



^ 1

^ I >

1 ! -


i> rui



One Siiutre.

$ 76

I 36

1 75

'I if I

1 00

6 50

6 76

10 00

16 OO

fcAOh add. fNiiMrv.

1 s:

2 00

i 'i>

6 UO

7 &U

Una unit)

Tlir.. . Ouv wfek . . T' w!t>kKly will btt charged the full daily rat ur rsob

two ia four " HUbHequoat in.tertiun,

and tor each

i>i/Mrt;oii. or ench additional miuare

1 (10 I i 00 ;

Wlii I

*^ .i ll.kBMuN, Bk.i., at Minneitpolin, aui'. Wet WDi'i t> DIUK.V, E.'*4., at St. Antbony, will act at>.\i;ent.t tk. circaUktiuv; the IiAiLf i'suft^ in their (wpective


*^ L'iscre'lited IHin.n.^ aul Wisoonwui oujieucy ' wt lo UH hereafter will be receivv-1 only at the raleii ai which we can depoait it, and credit will be ^iven ; a>:jordU2g>y.

Hs>t Ofner, AC. Paul, .^llniieaula.


itrncB Btii aa. Chi week day from 7 o'clock .^ m. co ; o'cilouii c x liu .SaaiiMy4,fn>m 12 o'clock M. lo 1 n'olockr. m.


dt. t'aol tu I.a Crasde. carrviut; the eattero and CHiUiem mall.

t/enves daily, except Krid^t , at 6 a. m.

ArriTMei daily, except Tuesday, at v* p. a.

I. Paul lo Kalb' ot St. Croix, Wiacon.sin, i Still- waU)r, leaves daily, except ^junday, at 7 A. Jt. Arrive-, .iaily , except Sanday, at \'l M .

si Piiul M Crow VVinj$, (Upper Mir8ippi river,) aave* daily, except Sunday, for St. Anthony and Miu- aeKbCllH, at s A. M. ami '2. P x.

l*c. Paul to St. Cloud and Crow Wing, Monday, Wednesday and Kriday.at 6 a. .M.

Arrive* daily, except Sunday, from >t. Anthony aud Minneapolis V. ', p m.

ArriTen Irom St. Clou't I'ueitdn'. , Thurwtay aud tiaturday, at T p. m.

UailD tor Fort Abercroiubie, Breckinridge, &o , ou 3d Kiver, are diapatehM on Monday and iiViday, at 6 a.m.

di. Paul t>i4ou river, leaven diU-

S',ezaepl Saudayx, at S a. m Arrive* daily, exivpx _anday, at & f .m.

^*t. Paul lo Northfleld, oarrving mail for KaribAuU, tiwaiunna &c. , leaves Monday, Wednenday and Friday. at 6 A. J. ArriveM, Tuem'.ay, Thursday and Saturday, at 7 f. a.

'A. i'aul to lleoorab, Iowa, via Canuuu Kallrt, Roch; ater, 5ic., Utaves Monday and Thursday, at 7a.m. Arrie.s at St. Haul, Wednesday aud saturday , at 7

P *!.

St. faul to Sapertor, Wisconxin, leaved .Monday aud la Sunriiie city only, Tburisday, at 6 am. Arrive.M hMeday.anJ from Sunri.se city only, Saturiay at () * ]t.

."H. PattitoSparta,Wl.s., via Hudson, eavee Taexday, t'haTfd^y and Saturday, at S a. .m.

Arrives MontUy, Wednesday and Friday, at 5 > M.

ai. ru! to Cottage itrove, via Newport, &c., leaven itTrday, at 1 P. ! Arrives Saturday, at 12 M

t*t Paul to Reicig Pine Bend aud jflningr, leaves Wedne*1ay at n a m. ArriveTuHif iUy at d r. M.

tuxtern mail closer at 7 i' M.

Mai c< leaving before 7 o'clock a m. , clone at 7 p m.

All otherit close halt' n hour before the time of bkrtiu,^

'fhe postage upon all traaiiient printed matter, tur- ign and doineatiu, and upon all lettem, toreign aud loeoeaUc, U now re>ottle. J.I WJ\'JE^S HXFKi'TOHJJS'T jjy n

.11.TJiHJTH^JBtV,e per bottle.

,ntiJ\'T, 15e, :'~')c and tiijc per bottle. Ji'Ji/l' CUMHtBi" rECTOHJL,

>0c per b*.ttle UUUtiL.t.y'G oil,, 20c, 40c and 70 per boU Af.'*r/.*V* oil., the be-l remedy f.jrRheu-

mai-ui in the worlii ftOc per bottle. H I' fK I^Jljym* ^ cuagh cure (xnre and imme-

.Uat) 4tlc per bottle. UlSLKW^Af SjlUSJlJlHi,i,J, ,5

jjer bottle. FHII. O TOHIiJ\% the beel thing in the world

fur ieuiale-, 75c per bcttle. UffH.HIT't/ BVCaV, the be-,i thini? lor

the urinary or2iin8,7.">c per bottle.

RJ n If vf ! * Hji.im^ uKLtttr, 20.:

per bottle.

tt.invrji'ffi XMtjn ' rksot..

I'Ji.y'T, 75c ,,.'r buttle.

tii.oaj>na oi.\rMKJ\'T, mc per b-.x,

lar3;e siie. WlSTJR^fl wril.n CHKHH - ti...' per

bottle. tiHKJS.\^ia OXV*iliJ\-JTIin HMT-

TtiRfi, Hoc pet bonle.

aooj'Cjjyrn^S) uittxhs, 40c per bot,

MOVfmTOjynn BllP8iJ\^ a grand thing UT dy.spepnla, 6oc per buttle. A.'l mno. of goA f .

Davidson's Line of Steamers, Miunemita ttiver, Northern Transportation Company from ihe skst . Kxcel.'iior 'ifoung America" Cosn Cobb Mill, WiKHiWard's dsiutterand Separator, Kerosene Oil Company of New York, Contracts for Trac"portation between St. Paul, B0 ton, NewEngland, Mintreal, New York and all polnt Bast, made npon the lowest and mot &Torable term* by the Northern Tr.u portation Company Maik packages.



January 1 1801 dly


-* beauty , comfort and cleanliness , , oaturpa.'^se'l.

OaU and mta specimens mI the offlcn of


oe''i4 ly IngersoU's Block, Bridge SEA.BOD^

V,Tioli(*le Dealer in Imported and Domestic

Wines, Liquors and Cigars.

ttOlo} atr-et. Betweeu Jaekson au 1 Robert tfe-ts t. Paul, MinneiHita.







And ituy iithiv infonaation contaiued in the


WUl be fnnilsh.kl at Mf)DKRATE PRICI-JS on applica lion to the County Anditor, at the vault (onoertend second dUM of the seventh article of the Winnebago Trea- ty, eoncluded 27th February, A. I). 1856, to present Mfore me at this office within sixty days from the date tM(of, the evidence npon which tbey rely in -upport vK tbeir respective claims.


Supt. Ind. Affalrs'fof U'^vitdlwAwlm. y prthera Snperintendency.




the immediate supervision of the proprietor, CBAB. KIEDERHOFreR, is the largeet and bt *r- raai(d Ralooo of the kind in the city.

O Y 8 T E R a

In erer? style are Mrved up, on the shortest m^tice ai aU hours of the day and ulgbt.

The bar is supplied with the choicest Liquors, and ao exertion will be spared to make the National a pleasant, quiet resort novl >



3d ., DMu- Robert, Saint Paul, Minn.

eTanl^j ta gold and iUver aeatly dune to -^r. ?-\ *J***S ortoint of watches and oiooks alwava AM4C Bapfctrtoc eUy doM and C^iT^ij;




Navigation having closeil aud terminated our bosi- Less by river, we are prepared to attend to the home trade, and w can now supply all that nay come with

P^LJUBB^a rVBB kMJ\-BeJH, at the St. Paul Vinegar Works, Sibley street, Lower Levee, St. Paul.


We are aifenls for the sale of pork barrels manfif tured by George M. Sevmour, of Stillwater. ""'^ 0. 0. LHWia & CO,

J^ O T I C B ,

The Sportsman's Museum has removed tip on TTjird Street, opposite Irvine's HaU, De*r the Win

w!J , v.**i *''"* ' "'" ^ prepared lo stuff all Kinds of buds, animals, flsb and reptiles at the short- est notioe

nai'r.r !lJ'''*"*4'*^""' ''* """O*"**! hirds. inglaiM caser on view , and for aale bv angWdly.


OottTto of thU state and la the Unite.1 Sut** Dlstr^t

Offlee in McClond's Phaems Block, corner of TLlnl and Wabashaw i treete . 1 1 . Paul , Mtoneseto iiii'2!SL*^ wti. . .ui rivenromjK aad twlal aMotta. gil 4*wl7

BUREA^K^^^STAGES. 1861 .TnTTk 1862

A JiUANGl^KMKNT ! Miiiiiesota Stag^e (.'oiii|>aii> ,



.VNtl TnS


. -^ - .. - PRJPKlYTOKfi,


The ri>adK are well stocked with Kirst Class Horses Uoucord Cuachex, with carelol auvi experienced l>r\- vef.x, all under the control oi cuiupeteul .'Agents.



YoT Haxunvith thf La Crosi-r' and Milwaukee Kailnmd) >'laily, at 6 o'clock a. m

Kor >'.. .\nlhou>' aud MinucHijfdi twice daily, al 3 o'cl'ic i A . M. , aof! "J r .

Kor Maudiuin, Auoku, MuutiiiuUu, aud St. Cload Mondays, WedneH4, at 4 o'lock a. m.

For Georgetown, Pembina, Fort Garry, and the Red River Settlement Every Friday at 1 o'clock a. m.

For furthei- particulars enquire at the General Office ou Third street, oeai the ' American, "[oral the t>Bife o! the North Western Espres" Company.

St Paul , Nov. '.^4, 1861. _ uov24dly


Merchants aud others desiring goodH brooitht up from LaCrossb can make npeoial contracts at


ou application to an.

Special and LuW rates will ai.so be given troin New York and Boston, by Express r by "Merchant's Dispatch '"

Com ft Batf Uietn on MUK8 GOODS,

Of every variety of quality, will tie sold at piiies \*>


Mottled Morella Chiths, fium iO lo 26c per Jan. ,

Flaid Poil De OhetTe,- Kinbroideretl Poil De Cbevere.s,

Every variety of Ciidlifva, Eiubroidered aud Grey Grisaille?,

Blue, Green aud Pitik Barrege Lexatiua

Knglish, French and Aiuericau .Monsliii-? de

Laines; Printetl Lawns in jjreal


k splendid f>tock of Giughaiiis ;




Meu aud Boys' Summer Wear ; Broadcloths ; black and luncj Cassiraereel Satiuetts, and Suinmer (.-lotlw.



EMBROIDERIES; p^Hjaoi.a, avjv v^hbrkli.^h, ve.

ALSO A large stock of


By the piece or package, for the

O O U N T R Y J' R A D K .


Can purchase tlieir Goods vi us, aud


We also invite the attention ol the Ladies lo our new STYLES OP CLOAKS AND MANTILLAS.


Will be sold for



Th*- Public are invited lu vi.vtour New Store.



St. PhuI, Minnesotn

New Fall and Winter Goods.

J on nut" u o o It s . j>riu Y A N K K K NOTIONS

tin TO

"The Cheap Cash Store,"

NEXT OOOR TO THE N. W. ELXPRKSS OFflCE, THIRD STREET, ST. PAUL, MIN'N. We mean to keep up ..or reputation for sellintj


Call and 'nfv for yourselves Rememl/T onr motto


aov2dly H. KNOX TAYliOlt.

IP OB au^wj^a, nB c^jjy'iia,

-" Prints, Sheetings, Bleache fork, E. i\ KF.AOH, ....Agent. iil 0. I C. J. a'JO Slate Street. Botton, KIMBALL, ....Ageut JUUCS MOVIUS, Gen'l Agt, Buflalo. BKYIXJE;!. Managing Director, Hamilton. A. W.iLLINGFORD, Chicago and Western Agent. ^^Bjjyru Hjtt^Bjyr bovtb. This is 9ti miles the shortest as well as the cheapest and most comfortable route to all Points in the East- em States or Canada-, It is an all rail route except the distance of 86 miles from MilvJaxikee to Grand Haven, which is performed on cne ot the splendid Ocean Steamships of the line in fix hours. This change from the ht and duMty Railroad Cars to the airy and splendid cabins of the steaiu.ships, where you are furnished with stateroom* fret of cluxrij'', relieves much the tedium of a journey Stfjxinships leav MiUcauJcr morning and evening on the arrival of train-s from the West, connecting at Grand Haven wiih Express tr.iins of the Detroit and Milicanicr: Railroad for all points East. By this route the/are is as low, time quicker, Conneciioni an tureoi by any line, and you avoid the uncertainty and delay of chauging; cars, and nearly two miles Omnibus li-a\el to -.vhich Pa'^sengers via'Chica.T^o are subject. Tickets via I'rairiu du Chien oi Ia Oros.sc to bi- hiid at principal tickt't olhues. J. H. WnrrMsjf, Genl West'n Agent, Milwaukee. W. K. MriR, Sup't, Detroit. jeri w M i^B B p ooi. ,ajvn rojsnojv FIKE AND LIFE INSlBAXtF CO. Capital and Iteacrved Fund ov;r |>ti,OUU,0O0 liOSSES PAID PROMPTLY AT .SIGHT, Without sixty days' notice. ILIFL: INSURANOK Eflected on liberal terms Policies assigns ble by eu dorsemenl without permission of the Oompany. ^Shareholders personally responsible for engagements of the Company. liirators and St'tckhuUlrn,. Reference in Nevo York city. DuucAu, Sherman A: Co., Alex. T. Stewart a: Oo. , Grinnell, Minturn & Co., B. L. & A. Stewart, C. W. & J.T. Moore A: Co.. D. Appletiin ii Co . New York. James Brown, E^g . . Francis Cottenet, E.^^., Henry Grinnell, Esq., Alfred I'ell, F.Hq., Alex. Hamilton, .Jr., Esi^. E. M. Archibald, Esq., And othern. ^ep'J VH )MPSO S BROTH ER< , -igealH for .*.. PkuI an.i vincinify. Michigan Central Railroad 18Gi. 1861. GREAT CENTRAL ROUTfc To New Vurk, New England and the Canadas. On and after SUNDAY, Nov 3d, Ibtil, traiui leave the Great Ct'ntial Union Itepot.foot ot lAke street, as follows : fl.OO . . Daily Expre.^s (e.\ceptSunday) arrives at i'etroit ti P. .M., SuHpension Bridge al4.05 A. M., Albany 4:1.^ a. m , New 9:50 P. M., Boston Vi:'M A. M 6.30 p, m. Night Express (e.xcept Saturday), ar- rive at Detroit at 6:05 a. m.. Suspen- sion Bridge 5:25. Albany 6:16 A m., New York 12 m., Boston 4:30 P. m Cincinnati trains, via M. C. Railroad, leave Chicago at 6 A. Jl. mill train ; 8:30 v. M. Fast Expre-s ; arrive In Chicago al 7:00 a. m. Fast Express, and 11 p ii. Night Mail Train. The 8:30 ?. M. train leaving Chicago runs through lo Cincinnati without change of car or baggage. SALISBURY'S PATENT DL'STJBRS Are Run on Day Express Trains. Patent Sleeping Cars on Night I'rain.^. 49'BaesaKe Chocked Tliroagb.-fB ^ _ Through tickets fur sale in all Principal Rail)4 Offices in the West, at the General OfHce, corner Uike and Dearborn streets, (under the Tremont Hotu^,) Chicago, and al the Dwpot. R. N, RIOE, General Supt-riutendent. J. W. SMITH, Western Passenger Agent. myl8 LEATHER. r BJTBBtt KKaaCBH K aiBBL IMPOKTEKS. TANNKHH AND O U K R 1 E R 6 ! Are now reoetvlug and wlU keep coimUuitly on the largest and best stock of I>ethr and Fiadiags the Stats iM>n-'mg ol^ Spamah SolaLaaUier. sune and 8a.tdle Sklrttac Oak * Belt and Ur Leathw, Upper Leather, French Calf Skins, Harness Leather, French Kip (^kini. Bridle I>ther, Oountry " Tamp'oo and Madraaa Moroeou, and cpiiu. AlMi a general aeaoruueitl .if all kinds .T finding* car PUnw.* oaUatkd exjimioe ek, as w* will not be odderiiolt* by &ajr hotuie lo the 8lat.> Pa/tieulax atteotioo paid U< orders Cam pftid for Hide*, Furs and Deer Ukiiu K8SLEK ft KlEHi^ iuim-lx IbairaWa't Book, Tbird itzMt B.i^JS JKItlRS, At the ttfdoe formerly ..ucupied by DANA A; WHITE, IHIKI) ^IhKK'l, S'l. PAUL, Will buy au.l sell Kxdiange, I.aad Warrants, Butv, Coinily ai.d City Scrip, &c. MONEY UlANEIi ON GOOD COLLATEKAI.- aCKBK K< lICKM].>U.IOM TO Metn.piilitan Bank, .New York ; Cayuga C.iuuty iliiuk, Auburn, N. Y.; Ilessrn. Evanr. & Co., Bankers, Cmcinnali, 0.; Hon. W U. Seward, Washington, D. C ; B. F Carver & Co., Baukerh, Cliicago.Ill. ; Messrs. Thompson Bros, St. Paul ; Bank of St. P SWEEPSTAKES THRhSHERS WOODWARD'S SMUT )OLLS, SEY.MOUR'S GRAIN DF:ILLS, in stoie, Preee, C. t*eth $75,9 teeth, $90, SHARE'S COULTER HviJtRuW.-,iu Btor^, price 16, SHARE'S tULTIVATOF A HIUJNG iUCHUsE, price $12, ALBANY SEED I'LANIEB, price $16, CLINTON C0RN-SnEU.ERJ,price$8. FANNING MIIJLS, pricf $15 to $25. cil:tiax & skag:k, Pioneer Foundry, Comer of Fifth and Pine-sts.; or Warehouse cirnei Levee and Robert-st. my'21-d&wly LEGAL NOTICES, J%*OTMCB Ol' JBOBTO^UB BOBB- CLO.-URE AND .SALE. Naii.es of Ms( /)ffii*ij? &^?ciAep oof- ies will be sent gra is to auy part of the country. 'W#sJ*-o* aij't jC*niin^ulJS(Jribers ^>i;'pltaf-.rv''i5if}^e9^jk (j'v* fp1i\'g\V^tni^iii ysar> flubBcripl.< n to pre-pav postage. mUSiN^A: CO., Publishers, declO *". S7 Park row New York. LAFA Y ETT B, MINNESOTA. FREE HO.MES TO SETTLEKS. rm^BB PBOI'MtlBTOBa ot JBB Bl town of LAFAYEITE, on tKe Red River ot tU North, will make libera dcuations of lots to ^il per- on* who will eettle npon and improve the same. Thisiown is sitoated 40 ailes below Ft. Aber.;rombie, and 180 miles above Penbina and directly off otite Ou mouth of thi Cheyenne itiver ; i the centre ot one ot the richest villeyn and b*st agricaltnral regiocs in the world, is abundantly s ipplied with woo. 3801, !iud filed in the Recorder's office of taid county, as the property of Stephen C. Langworthy one of the above namei feot by 283 >i feet. Al-n' l.iis fourteen' (14) fifteen, (16) sixteen, (16) seventeen, (17) eigh- teen, (IS) twenty one, (21) twenty two, (22) twenty three, (23) twenty four, (24) twenty eight, (28) twenty nine, (29) thirty, (30) liiirty one. (31) thirty two, (32) thirty three, (33) thirty four. (34) thirti five, (35) thirty six, (36) thirty seven, (37) thirty eight, (38) thirty nine, (35>) forty, (40) lortv one (41) furly two, (42) forty thiee, (43) forty four (44) and forty five, (45) in block twelve, (12) in Stmson Brown & Ramsey's addition to St, Paul. Rsmsey courty, in the Suie of MinnesoU, together with all appu.-tenance," and hereditaments pertaining thereto. Now therefore, notice is hereby given, that I will sell the above described real propertv anJ the inter est said defendant Langworlhy had therein on the 14th day of June, A. D. 1861, or at any lime since, to the bih est bidder for cai>h,al public auction, at the front door of the Court House, in the city of St. Paul, in said county of Ramsey, on Wednesday , the eighteenth day of December, a. d. 1801, at 10 o'clock in the fore noon of said day, to satisfy said execution and the in terest and costs. St. I'acl, November 6. a. d. Ihfil. AARON W. TULLI8, SheriH of Kamsey County By ROSS WU.iiN80N, Deputy. BKkv t Watkbmaji, Attorneys for plaintiffs. nov0-4w The above sale is adjourned until Saturday. recm ber 28th, 1861, at same hour and place, t^aint Paul, December 18th, 1861. AARON W. 1U(,US, Sherifi of Ramsey eounty. By GtoRGK T. B40o>, Deputy. The above sale is adjourned until Sattuday, Janua- ry 4lh, 1862. at ssmehoar and place. St. Paul December 28, 1861. AAR >N W. TULIJS, Sheriff of Rimsey county. ByGEOKGKT. Ba co.v, Deputy. .V PBOaaTB COVBT'~-COVJVTW - of Ramsey State of .Minnesota, Al a special term of tlie Probate Court , held in and for the Countv of Ramsey, at St. Paul, en TJieaslay. the 14th day of November, a. i. , 1861. . In:the'p:v**'r of the esute of William C. Gray de ceased - * 'Upon reading and filing the petition of L. B. Greig snd W. F. heeler, administrators of said estaU praying for re- sons therein set forth that they may be licensed to sell the real esUte of said deceased It is ordered that Thursda.', the 26tL day of Decern ber, A. D. 1861, at Un o'clock in the forenoon at ihe oO Bee of the Judge of Probste, in toe city ol St. Paul, be assigned for the hearing ot said petition , and thai the heirs at law of the said deceased and all other persons interested in said estate, to appear at a session ol the Probate Court, then and there to be holden, and show cause, if any there be, why the prayer of the said petiiioners should not be graAt- ed ; And il is farther ordered that the said petitioner* give notice to all persons Interested in the said eetateot the petidency of the said petition, and the beariac thereof, by causing a copy of this order to be publish- ed in the St. Paul Press a newspaper puhb*bed&t 81 Paul, ia said county of Ramsey, for four suoceegiv* weeks previous to said day of bekrioff. ! . r, HOYT. nov23 4w Judge of Probete, TJTB OF JUlJTjyrBaOTJ, covjriw of Ramsey.' "" To the Sheriff or any Consuble of said County In the name of the Sute of MinnesoU, yon at* here- by commanded to summon 8. S Smoot and Dt14 Wellman, if they shall be found In your county, to be and appesj before the under*irned, one of the Jntt ces of the Peace ia and f r said county, on the lOtb day of January, 1862,tliie o'clock In the fcrenooo, at my office m the TVMirsd,8t. Paul, in saideoua- y , to answer to OaoMrCtofll ia a rivii action : aad have you then and UMnthkwrit. Given under my hand this 18th day of December, a. !>-, IMl. M. W. SULUVAN, jieclQBw^ Jua tiee of the Ptaae. Jk^TiCB^..WMBBBJB JKIT Wifm Henrietu S. Horn bM, wltboat eeuM. left air bed aud board, I hereby forbid all peisooe whctaetma (ron> troating her on my aocooat. as I shall aay m debta of bar eoatraMiar tnm aad after thk Ma. Dated St. Paul Dec 38Ui IMl. dMaNSw. J. B. t I- / \ M THE SAINT PAUL PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY h 1862. SUt ^mt iaul f it^^- LOCAL NKWS. 8..uth fmin Bowiiiii? (^reon. iimW d^t*- of I (H )M M E RCI AL- Di-'Oriubfr 9tli: : The Couoordiu cavahv. ( Lt-ai^ini.i. ar. CURRENCY IXD EXCHANGE QI'OTATIO rivtd here y } .urnwertoibe aaid conipUin! uix-u ii,r .ui4n her. .1 hi. oaoa la aakl city .Tf m. P.u! 'ti -wJZ ty Jy aftM toa aarriea ol Uiis Kun.wun. oo Z r . eiuaiee vl the it.y of i,uc)i ^errice : au 1 if , ou u aaawer the sai.i cou-pU.ul aiibin ihe ..me ai.,^;d tba plaiDiitf will takr.ii.,tgn.ent .(ra.nM yoa lor lU I, tl.001.o.; witb iiilfre.t fci ihe rale ..iM-TaB per cent per annum upon ftaOO thereof irom ibe iaij, rfy ot llctober. A. I. !bi. ,u i ii the rau o: tw.lri pel cent, per aunuu. ujH.u 1 Wi tbireot lom 'ht -on,i ayolUarch A , IW^. upon $lfl..6 iberaof. I""l "*" At!. iue> oeata, wmtum I T jn^ p herein girt.i, the; ;, ol Urine '^ ,1111 iou ,u,j' A RARE CHANCE! f: w. e n d y OENEHAL tiKOOER, . > lev afc.. 1 1E I n I REDUCED PRICI8 Mmn AaoaoiBt a* DRE&6 GOODS, SUBROIDSSIIS. aOSIfiRT. ULOVBB, ZEPHYR GOOD:i aUfTS WKAR. i' a lu I 1 ) VERY BEST P r o V I s I f wBr. St. PAn. II iaiiiBMiiafiaBaatirHy Ma ^yrapa, ilMah %l ii. ia tia t, K- V- BiOT h a>. S04r. ^y **??* * ^I'T^ " ^*aaaJ %^. aa eMBar artlcMB aaaaliy t.ef. ' & flr.i r 'aa* etMW Ml all k H C BTBBtXXkOa 40 50 " xe* jammmrmm rmt Bf a-T CJBT H A. IB, E T S J B SLIGHTER, ;SS; .at ai im.T 50 . /."..#.> .%- :*co.i Bxjr *. ,< C A fl BTKBLA^i^* HALL, m^m m m m m m .\ F a 111 I I > G r o r p r f e s >Mr BwBbBiiBnai ! tfee ha? - e^r- 4th ay t Ortobar, * liM, c ' -ted and delitrred t.y twmuel '^th aad baAi:y t.Oftaee#. t >Mtr bail* aad ae..iia, Ike faUaviac kaeeribed rii eute, eitoata ia Barniry ity Miaaaaoia, lo ait Bepaaii^ a: tka aortb alBi Aatkoay Uteet in tbi aad B'ao thra^ btt tbree. |S) inbiockaaaaataaa, (IT) to Maia a t ia a t , aa* huadnd nad alaety titbt! (IM) fret ; tkaari wakt aith U,t lia. of aak) atiaat' twaalyetckl aad half (Xjilfaitt, thaaoain a aoaih ara diractiaa aad paiaUai with the liaa firtt uaation adta 81. Aatkaay attaat, oaa Uaadrtd aad ninety aMt ftai . t bea ei aaat vitb aaio etrrct. twmv %bt aad half (MM) hat lo piaee of bag ooinc _ aad alfo tb* oee bal' o'^ tbe wil of the brick buildinj "^l * tba aaid lot. n. w .eiip*4 by J it M Daily." * Alaa lou aa*. (1) aad twa, (^ la Leeb>. .uh^i ewioa f anrlfc wm cutrtar .f block fcmr, (4) la UMk'aaMitMaaroBTloUto ti.e city of tJt. Paul afffwaaMe to a plat recorded ia tlia oAoe of ih. Regj. terolOaedeinr aaMeyowMiy. - aoaditiaaed tr. be , _ . t l twtatr T* baadrad dollars beeordiaf to oaaprcaiiMory BotebiMrioii aaa 4ate with Mid nMrtfaga, abidi wa> lied kir rec nHia th*aeaaf ikeBevtro'Oaad< tnrM.i IWa, to aiUafy co.\a:R.N _.\otic' MmuTh-Jiuit I.yiuai. Ilay too ac'i ban* Ii -^ . bi^ Wife, ol the ciij ul .-^t I .ul, county r *> - ' and ^Ule of UinnaMjtit on the ird day o' Kauis*^: eit^uted and delnered to Haer* K B^ >*.. 1601, ta iv>unty, in jsii ^ute, a oeruia i' .U, o- Ueko fge ol that date, which wa re.^ ^denture o! mort the Re^iRter i>'. Deed* ot tbe ue' ^^''^ '" "'*" ""^' Ram. AU laleui MiuDeeou, lit d W. WaOMaa. trtkeyakaOhal 'VitabaaadapaaarhaiBra tha ti>*Jutie*a of tha f^waa la bM tat tha M b day of Jaaaaty iSBt. at Btea a'cfer . ferawMa, at My aBa* ia tba ThM Vw, at. . ._. ^ aid coaaty, ta B aiwt (a iaha ItiaaM ia a cmi ae-iBB : aad baaa raa thaa aad tkna tha writ. uireo aader mr iaad thia IBth dav of * flMl. II W SCiUWaX. d*clB.Sv. JaalM* aT tka ft I a. thai It, It :vB. ba latthat I at th* r4t u CbpCL r BOMAK Laal A.K. TCCLF Krrm I' rmm mrm^cmi- Vt>i,l NI ti^US VabaMa* .Tr aSyOoo ritijmm cmjmpmisi.-vm . .^T fjxuot aa. tkso; ;t oaad oa< T o t ha BEtJ"' L Ut -.1 :.-,.. ^be IkBMa, at ^UfTTT h .- ate.. l iba towa ( citr) o| - la^l !?yl****J">^'^^'^''' "^*i, aad alliitoaied >a aBBMcycaaaty. M uux j. . ^""Jit fi'aiau B to b aa* aa awn aMWteaa* at lb* nlfc TT't!!? ^^' ^r aa W lot dallare daairAed Mrtfa*. by th* a^iect < the ^ u: f*tor to pay tb* aaai of aaty tbarebt^ ,*. i 'u ""^ . 'T^SlS*' ^!?**** iaititulac 'acj fliMalM*, ao^ie* ie barab]' Kie;> t'hat b, r>r ta. ^ the par afial* ia wid aMfigaB* o.nti;nrd ad by n,ia*tbj|,ak4 aT the Miuffe. ih7 -I ! rP "!. b- iBaiad by a .0* o( ^aid preml^e. a. Pbbe "aiua, u. tbe hicheat Mdl^r.at tb* Ir. u do.- cj tbe Ooafi Hou n ibecjl.f of .- V^i ,n .a.. ^',r'7 "^f*^- '' '" ' "'''' n ^* ^ "" -D "' the ^tb day of Jaaoart . K^j-^. ^^ ^n^., jj,, ^u>ouu\ tbea due ca t lal.. Bjort^rarf,, icmaOiif ,, h tbe espao. - kiiawad by la !>>">k Bef .ibiieac. ' a". Asoka. tn tbe oot^cty ot a.-4* -. ^ , r*>crtkM^* -..tioo nuniUr two, (Ii) h.nn^ U-rc .ein!,. ..,i ir.i. a addiuon 01 ot WU to ibe .-,iy 1 .St !,,, od i^'*^??***'"^"f"'''tTl.,*. .,r ueyloo i. ^"" Praepaet Addition to tba city of Iji Fa (eioeptuig on.y from the luragoiac daecription, :o- nuii.l*r.^.eolT.i:f)) ^eeaatyoae, (71) .ighty . . Wkrien a > ri,p;t A.iiliiion to the city o- .S' J'io) 1 lo^-thrr *.XU ii kn,i Mujtular \\w t.erediUa,^r.- an'-i apfunetancei thereunto in .o|wi!.f appe. .Amine '. ->!^n.lse^ ; r.^!.1. kr.d their sourte nnie.,uj eTery part kuu paicel Iherwi.aecordW' ta the .latute in luct. cju- ii,k.5e aod froeided XuA whre. \Uftr 1^ n... n tb.- i"\i io-i4uer Q doubt ca!liO!; for relief iroin Uie iioni. Her diary coataioed pricca ia ffmhawnl, and a memoraodan of harinr ktaaed Jed. DaTi> haneoial term of the I'rubate Ooart, heir In and for ibe County of Ramsey, at .^t I'aai, a Tbnrsday.the 14tb day of .November, 4. D , IMl. In thri' matter of the estate ot Wiilmm C liray ie- censetl ; I'pon reai^ling and Bhng the petition of L. B. Grnig 'iDd W. i . neeiei. atimioistrators ot said estate, pr.'Viug for le aons tiMreia set forth that tbey may be iirnnaed to sell the real etAt ot si '. 'le>\e wfeks pnvioua to said dar of heanoc J. F. HOVT, uov23 4 w Jadge of Prokate. y%or/rjv 0F MTiJJ4JK romm- LD^ilRE AMi-^AI K .Nau.es Ul MonipgoT-. John R lr'':nt' aoQ Vsney Irvine, bisife. Name of Mortgagee A. Ueister, of Harriabarg h. Pa. Mnrtga^ dated and acknowledged Deoamber lat, a nisea Mortgage recorded 'December 6th, a p IMO, at I o'flock PM, in the office o( ibe Register of Deet!., in the county f Ramsey snd Stau of M-nn^iMita, ia hook ''R" of Mortgages, on pages 20& and XUW. Uescriptii.n of mortgaged premises ' 1. d* Vo ooe, (ll and hiur. (4) in block .N'o sixty eight, (66) in Day- ton and Irvnj's Additun to ttie town (now city) of i^aiat Paul, as designated in tbe plai or plsn tliersof on record io the office of the Register of Daatts (or sa^d cmiDty . s.tuate in the county of Ramsey snl State of UiDoesota. Sail morfjiii^e was gie^n to -ei-ur* a n >tema>le De cember lit, IMO, by J B Irrin*, payable on* year af- ter date, to the order 01 A O Ho>ler, tor lour imnlred sn 1 Ave dollars, w,th interejtt at tweivs per cmt, par uoDum from ''.ate until pai t . Amount claimed to be due on said mortgage at tbe date ol this notice, and now actually dne vberenn, ia tbe :iutn orf466. Tbe said mortgsgors did. for value rece i ved, by an instrument in writing by them duU eieouted, under dale of December 4th, an, 1M60, and < n tbe 6ttidav ni Iieceisber. IS 0, duly recorded In tbe office ot tbeR>g- ister of Deeds in said county of Roni-ey. duly waive and surrender to said mcrtgagre.by virtne of and pursuant 10 ' An act t" regulate the !-reclaeare of real estate," approre , fd- JaCildwell, Allien Oaldnel I. Joel iv Wl.ilne> , 1 boii. mT. li.e, CLarieh Iluut ano Moriih Lamprey To ihe above uanie'l I'oiendouH and each ol vea In tb* name of the Sute o( Mina80!ayou are here by summoned aou rrquireJ iv aubner tiie complain, in Ibis actioL.whu i!, a marri'ri wonmn.Mid huei. tbi,. action by Mo-es Ulierburne ol said county o( 'wii soTa, cocjy-. -DisUicl Court, 2nd Judicial I>i- ERNlilST ALBKIOHT. sariacYrua ajn> '^-t-i . PV h S OF A LL Ki A O S . Tbd Hueoi lArsa Aw4a betaw ty Jawka Ot^ lam, ai. naaL ^^^ sliT aaad IK BVOtT BTTLK. V> are; R*i| Olaeaa. OoUara, earytbiaia^ U at tbe Wweai pf4ee I pnea paid for ran. aavMdM ' uaraiwOi wiU UeiottadataUtteaslariaaad easpleu, ascbraeuig eb-Aoe ksmads eaataed xehMfralT to oar BaaMjSM lu wtucb we eaikaeailj isviis tne alien tJaBtfUtenei t*att>l, aaa letaaio, awaiib^ aa in- I aar saaafc and prion. Vary raspecUaUy, iCKkLEV, TOU EK * v'O. Hiaai, .Suv. 21,1MI. ao-rSldly. A RARE CHANCE! .:tince, CO. HMffMi ^ -^pice . !) .Vataage O^-^, , ^ Creaai Tartar fhbb.tt*'. -^aWatas. Ac. Ac. at " rOOLKT TOWKR * c;.*s Aaliai eellat R F. m a lew w I wiU I> U C I D PRICES ^ b, K P* O 1 . The attention of all wOo are daairuus if prucuriat GOOD FA.M1LY SEWING MiiCHINE. Capable ol performinjf llie m.Jtt difflcu:t wor. upon tbe thinnest gau:e or ttie heaviest cloth and leather Ui find it io tueir . ivHothk,*. f call sn' einmine' Oi.r Dtock ix>asiii:c2 0; BARTUOLFS CELEBRATED MACHINES, Which wo are pleanngo 10 New York city was $66. A Msnufac'urugaHftO N Y price* S nio.. agu $76 R " 76. " ' . 90 C ' ' 8. .. .1 126 *1.>I TBI WISItT ILVOWSf MOOKK A- FERKIN'SMAt'HlNK. Which IK iiuitabie tor Ureae and ClF TMF CEIXBKATkli FI.'ifR HCNOaS MIIJ. iMincu laal aatt apriaga, pnurtat, lowaabipe c tbetr prop er p la c es aad Tbis ii tha trat aaiy tbe hul eataat af tba yiMStiM :tk A.VD JACKSOJf STKKKn. 'Vpnait* lalemauoaal Hoia). r baaBa a< aeary ana baeiaa aa MM ms < }|- fcM . oa rattara aad a Aaala b^B"* at tbe Bm af looura MajrsBKii FKua, . Frsafa'a A. F Blaek. rkiHsnree I It yuMXt WILL give satisfaction HK KXnSDKD. s>enBBJrr*m BJTB^T MMJVjrSJrB viii.sfor .ale at maadbclarer a prieaa, at J i .* H C BCRBa.VBACj, ^ # JT r m m WiLJ*.l>SOA ZOIAVE.S FOR TUE FIFTH REGI^EM MINNKSOT.\ V a qaar> 1 aatf rataa* Ibat wsU ba la prTiaB ta tba tt tey ar laaaarr Miead at aeit. Tt apeirior _ St .-oce Clothiag wai ba iwaad ta rearaita as tbey a c maa tared ia. aad pay will aaaiaaMas at tbat tisM. RecruiU gaa report tbeaasaleaa at tbe TWl to Otpt L r HTBBABC, decMdtw Ur Ueat A. M. nXLT. VOLUNTKBRh W AN IhU i A anil wilt ha bel baaraefSaadda'a Apiiy at [Wm B osa latwaaa tba I P. a. CMiHas are iavited ta sfiitarv drill 1 to \ataa eers at tb* ra4a a(M iarMMSMtbf4r r B ^ I jfr t A g-^li adi fl N* Cattar, eastiM $im, FIFTY DOLLA Addnaa Brt 1 14$ St. i>aal f^t uOee ^^t. !ire Icl nt rrisb C*a and Preeervr-! FruiU o| THTKR Ai*.' a BjiBa emjmBBiMJ>rB tte ebowe an,1 fa rente biaads lot li.; 0: pure Turkish Smuaing, and doe est Cbewlag T tkau is the WRT in the city for *ale at pneaa to sail tba tiaae*, ai -UCHT^K > Oppaaite the InlaraatioBal Hotel . MB v*or aBB #. ^ aaapjraf Vbaiuy i>rv>cerie> Btb MW JaakSBC 'treei. wti^n .#.vr # ^ call .1 the rmer ol b^re yoa wiii find tbe bsal M>Med itocfc >>f VaBi i( Grooeriaa in tJ>e city, aad aaats will be eappUvd t prieeo t.i .u;t nov-.-S-ly. Tobacco OIUAR.S. PIPES. .SNi: KF, Air.. K H iCOHt-H, Third .street, .al do.>r to Comb !. li.k Store, Wbolaaale and Retail Dealer in Tobaceo, Clears, r., :. ju.i reeeivii a bis lall and winter .i.,.-k. an' i prepared tii fiii ..rUii.- 1,0 Koy aa- teul, foi */.vjr t.nroBTBD ctejms, Miaeuar:, Virgiuia snd Kentu.kv .Smokiiig aud Obew iiigTobaaeo. Fiue Cut iJbewiag. .uperior to any in the citv. .-WkkTBRlAH KOUT I'lfK.^^. a large assortuteot The'e piftes are all the go now. y. W. TICH ?LT, Third street, next diH.r 1.11 C TB "' li;.!..ei.- straw iil< n . a! tOJCHrtE . PITTSBURGH P I" R E L I Q Logger Beer &, aoTi;dly. ALE, iU R S Liiiich. JT mMBBB.'^ Ti ap oa ae, ef a nwowaar orward, prw pv'^perty, paj away S A. Morra Viav, Ratitsey Oaaaty, Via. mCBMCBMrn a twa year oM lad TBOXPSON. om inn & C B .Y ^ B B A OOKNm JAObsiON AKDroCBTR .-T Tb* aaer%aad iaviie* bb aadlaw as >a raie>ag a eaaapaajr ' tbe nftb Baf la AU HM t)! ke aiaatan^ .a at eaw. aai ka aa Ae'>* at COOLKT TOWER 4k rO.'S. m^BBitB B-^ K1p^e, M'STBBa BBiBtf'BU BW 'aily Maltby's celt-t-rai*-; I'earl >v. ale bv tbe oaae o- ran . at the io6t rate*, Sl.klirKK'S. 30 ky aad K! in lwa>s be had at the well ntiWD Pituburgh Ale and lger Beer Aaioon of JOUN HAGGENMILIJSR, Robor . atraot, one door from Third. Iecl2d3m. E. W. EDDY OENERAL C> ROGER, an oa> rBVJ> B c. ^' agfa '. ^ -a Ike Kellorr'i Toy &. Fruit Store decll Tbird atTMt, eppoails tba Brtdge '.::ui batf prtc* Sly, parUf ubb e A.B ^ALLKB laad 4 $^ acre. ^>: red house Ac tai 1*P , Or PiaaaK Feaadiy (.ajnaei .MRS FLIZA FEKOUSON, AUi & VTabaaKaw Bia., Mr a few i a dg ai a i Mbai day boaraate rirB."^T ji jmBBTE.y'B mr tb Dkecu.r of the tbikata Uad Oompaav, beld ai tketr eflsw Bt i'aul, n*ebar 7lb, Ik-l aa ae- .. . -t. ..-.- ^-^^^ ^ ^ ^^^ .^^ twTtad oa tba Ckpttal BUok ol said Oampaay, e be paid aa ar ka- kre tbe TtCk ar ( JaaMry aaat. T. BOAHPHLL, y. Land Warrants Lacated fJpBB l^\'BBBlBJVBB,lMf^$^MjrB been extensively engaged In the RIAL K8TATI lusmeee tor me last ten years in tbis city and State aow oBers ins services, la oounaetioa tcierewHlb. to iociile L^od Harranta. There bavs reoeatlv been thrown ope 1 to market oi.ie dve niUinn ore of Ui* rhoioest lioiJa in Mu.- oesota. No lands will be located onleaa perstmal.y saniioed by iha uodersigawl. Teraui tor Uyatlng lAO aere baau Wiirrauta, $36 sack, incladlaif I an.i Offitw fees aad al expa.M. llO's, 0' and 40 > at pMportlouale ra:e^^ tiou whatever (with the exceplinu ot on.' >M.r'stimei 10 and to the premises afcreaaid, and their appurle nanoesaiiii evtry part and parcel !lier.l, according to the statute in sucb case made aud provided And wheri-aa, there ia now, at the date of this oc tioe, elaimed t be .m* Hud . du ,.n .,i promiKsore nole and morlgage, the sum of $4,tJ6V,8e, and no suU or prc>r ves.'^is were to anchor in the slrfuinyfs KTday. THE LeOISL.iTL'RE. Ttie iwo Orauehe:) ut the Minnesota Lc-g- iatre will assemble in their respective eiiambers at the Capiid to day at twelve o'clock u. Last evcnina; all the monibt closed, stood by the Goveriiment, and againi't treason, when the Pioneer wa.- lending all the aid and com' fort it could to the traitors. The Pi)neer would like to convey the im* pression that the Pkess is under a ban at Wa-jhiogton, and that th-i Pioneer is in high favor with the powers that be. Sow we do not believe a word of this ; but if it were the ca'e wc should esteem the fact of the Federal patronage being withheld from the Press as the highest compliment that could be paid us. If our independence in speaking of the slavery question or the Fremont removal has cost us the Federal patronage, we are more thin willing to Buffer the loss. Many times the value of the Federal printing would not purchase a sacnflce of our independence and man- hood. THE EAULK TURNED SAI.N'T. " Wha > the devil wns sick, the dtiTil a mook would We uuderstaud that Earle S. Goodrieh was engaged nearly all dayjyesterdar at the Auditor's ofiBco in overhauling the bills (or Htate Printing done at this office during the past year, with the highly laudable and dis interested view, as he explained, of trying to make it appear, if possible, that the charges were excessive atid exorbitant'; and that the whole business would be much more honestly, tcrupulously, f.nd economically managed if entrusted to Earle S. Goodrich The Iruits of this virtuous labor will, we are told, ap- pear this morning in the columns of the Pioneer for the purpose, if possible, of influ ercing or at least of stavmg off the election of State Printer. It will be time enough to reply to aecusa - lions of Mr. Goodrich when tliey appear in priut. We anticipate them now only so far ,a to gay that whatever they may be their origin and their motive are prima facie evi- ifvirlence of their falsehood. The speeifica tions whatever they may be are selected simply to give a specious color to a foregone ^nd predetcrmiiif-d libel. Without any reputation to lose for honesty or fairdealing it will be the .same to our ca^ lainniator whether the intended fal.=ehood be expjseJ tomorrow or next week. His purpose will be achieved if it iball have oi:e day's run unanswered, and raise a question in any honest mind prejudicial to our ofiBeial integrity. We shall not now go into the question whether our accuser has clean hands, nor attempt to describe the enormous impudence of the man who in a single year took out of the State Treasury over Eighty-Eight Thousand Dollars, on a pretence of paying for public printing, and who cow affects t(l find evidences of extravagance and dis- honesty in accounts covering lliree times the legitimate printing done by him in 1858 and flmoanting in all to one seventh of the sum which he exacted for work as inferior to ours iu Its style as it.s quality. Gen. McCiellan'h health it appears from last accounts is improving. A dispatch fom Washington under date of the 3d says : *'0D. McClellan slept ten hours Iwt night afavorabl* fuel ia a tvphoid case. To-day !> Mt up soma tune atte'adiDg to bosiacu." THE F|0\K(:R*U Ttie Pinnrtr itt it-i \n>x iskU't tne- : > n*- lirve itM'lf from the damaging tffii-t >f what \ we quoted Irom it- danwiiti^> ii'*n.s.ble for what appeantl m it- i'oliinni>. and that the paptT ought [)ui 10 be held rep0'itle ft* ila own oft npt war, which pri>viK Nmi/: tb* Ant time this matter has been made pnblir THE NEW. The committee reprw-enimg the Naw \ork tianks, will .-oofer with Sir. Chaaeoa a bill already outurad, aulborixiof a far- ther taae of IVeaaury notes tor the rary reliei ol the Treasury, and also another pnwiding in* reased dutiv< on iroo, .spia"* and salr and an eicis*- duty on ***" ***'* ^* ^^ foiwft gf tie t^liels is I thirty ttoou t Mid. Dariag the two maotbs , of his iaipris.iomeot. 2 500 rebd mMttn Varbk- he rrturnr^ fivm N Aein *k I'lh-y Miv that i the grml ireat MMb^tth), wbieb Mvn tBadred Ibowaod doUark of proparty. en the 22d oil.. C Q. ' pork boii:(:, ioruirfiy 4 this city, ooatnba i ed mmUmiaiiy it* litv prtifreM of tbs laflteB, and that Mur d shells etpio- *h baw prrNMiad to pay ltr the ouau as it *aa eagagad bringing ibtvi madaoaij under permit froai Secretary Cbaae A Ijtntttuaai of an loJtuna ng m eM vb ha5 hevo prisooer at Bowtiog Uw e a bat baeu rekaMnl. iod arrivtd at Lwri wll e. LOCAL AKhAIKS. J\\^] III WAKHAHiTh, Half breed hikI tie -all aoM- prioea. iy ruuMPSON BROh .Scnp >.,.. the North will nev-r i^rinit it; and we tirmlv believe if the attempt Uu made, which liod torbid, the airug^le >4ill not be canttaed to suuthern soil." The PrfM has produced this am.- extract be tore, and for similar purpose.' '\a to be secure by such change. While the question was in doubt whelhfr the rebels would succeed in preventin? Lin- coln's inauguration while the fate of the Government trembled in the balanc*' its manifest and repeatedly espre->duced intoCoegraM. The Staunton (Vt.) Spttttvc.r leaias from a Xofthcrn Catholic priest thai Areh Bishop Hughes has gone abroad, dapated by a council of the Fathers, to use hw influ- ence to aecfire the- intercanaiou of torvign powars m behalf ol peaee aad a recocnitioa i>fthe Southern Oonffederacy A dispatch from Knox villa aonuuuoet that the Rail Teaues!ee and Georgia iUil road will cumroeuce running on New Year's day. The schoouer Pnne ot' Wak>, loaded with salt, wnile attempting to ran the blockade at Georgetowo, South (Jarolioa, was cha.sed by a" Yanke cruiser," baaebad and burnt. - Two new baOooiM Ibr the lcMrici)oa of alarefy. Waeaerer he decluvd Ibis to be "the oaeaolepaqtoaaof ihebghl," ' was vdMMMaUjp aap ha Jsi l ; as be waa alao a be oiledthe dadwatraaor Aadjr Jobasoa mat "rsb ali had no rigfai to own anjibiag," 4 prwMWBced it to be the enunciation ot a patriot aad ibe wiadoai af a atatesman "The sympatbr of tha aiiiiiaeu showed that as far south aa Waabiafftoa, the intpuUr opin- MM was in harmony wiita the opiuiooa ol the lecturer." eSlh. LANK. The Laaveawor' . i 'itrvativt of the 201 h ult., ia apea.. ..^ tieo. Line, sayi< . It probable that tien. Lane will re- sign his aeai in the Cuiied Sutes Senate bktweeo tite 15ib ai^ 25th ot Janatirw Gen. f*. will le here withiu ei-tii days, lie will hare comunand o< the toJlowint: tr.xf>s 12.000 cavalry. 6 000 infantry. 4,0tO Iiidi- and thirty' pieces of artillery. This i> a II estimate of Geo Lane's i*omaia(Hi Gen. Lane wdl. io efleci, be a Major Gen- eral, aod his slafl will bold currespoihiii^ rank. The- staff will be appointed by 'Jen. McClellan aod transfem^l to Ger, l\aiyi. Geo. Laoe will be a candidate before the Legtshilure for the U. 8. Senat*- Chief Clerk-DAVIU B1.AK.ELY, of Olm- sicd couDtf. Asstatani Cterk-J. JAY EN OX, of Ramsey couotj. Eni?ro*!,iug Clerk-D. R JOHNSON, Jr., ot Mower cuunty. Enrolling Clerk E. McMLRTRiE, of Fill- more countr. Sergenl-at Arms-LEVI NUTriNO, of Rice coaoty. Fireman Woj REED, of Blue Earth coun- ty Chaplain J. C. WIIITNEV, of Uennepin coucij. lundenul Printer Wa. R. MARisUALL, ol Ihe Si. Paul Pacss. Kl.KtTly> BY TIIK FlaKMENS ASoClATlO.S At a meeting h.U by Uie Firemen's As sociatioo last uight, the loUowing officer- were ekcteu fer the ensuinj; year : President H. F. Masior^'Oii. Vice-Preaidnt W. T Honaldson. Tiutees-B Rodicit, T. L. Welch. J Mend elst>tui. Ireaaurer- C. W. ReihI. Set Tet^y aad Collector-J. II .MattLewa Tlii'' organization us now coiuplctid anti we believe gives entire s.itisluctioo to ah ooBorcted with the Fire Department of thi city; BiiARDixG We call attention lo tht card of Mrs. Ferguson. Membv-Ts ol tht Legislaturt^, who prefer a private boarding botise, will find Mrs. Ferguson s a plea.? hung to morrow, br murder. This is t it first case ol hanging ia Ibis war. t:NI0S TEKl-INU IN RJCHMO.VU. Mr Gilleit. one of the released prisoners, sf>eaks ot the Cnion entime:it io Richmond with the greatt |-o*itivpne!^9 a=i large, and 'vould be ettective ii tin- whole of Virginia was r.jt nndtr the bet I nf 150,000 ruflSans st>nt from I .e cotti.n States. 'I'ne Siate is held d'lwn by lerrori'^m, and a savage dis- cipline maintains t le rctw 1 army in its po- sition, through piivation and discontent enough to try the licst troops. Washivoton, Jan. 6. ALLOPATOT VS. UOMCEOPATUV. It is .said the inirodiiction of the homce- opathic ptactice 'it inodicine has raised somewhat ol a conaiiotion among many of lue regular surgeons (f tLe army. CONFERRING VITH TttE INDIANS. Commissioner Dale will soon leave for the West on bi:Rines.s of importance con nccted with the Ii.dian tribes. KXCUANfilNC pniSONEES. It seems that u delinilivo but informal mode lor an exchange of prisoners has been inaugurated. The prompt recipro- caiion in regard to ibis mailer by the Southern autUont es will soon be followed by the Government m lorwarding another largv, party for a ccrrcsponding return. Washi.\oion, Jan. 6. lONTRADirrFD. OF COCRSE.' The painful rum .rs in regard to the arrest of a prominent mil tary ofTirer of ilie Gov ernment for treason, is without foundation Some matters ol iciportance in tht sbape ot correspondence have l>een discovtred, but in connection with parties enlircly d:fferent trom the cffi cr iiamtd in the rumor now current. All the pirtics implicated are now under arrest. This citv is full of southern icapL via Mexico. Havana, etc.. Ibe New York Sunda,, Time, altempt^ | ^fa^ public ar.^ a.rvady lamiliar. arr.Ted at to explain the rea=or of a vi.it which Thur- \ h old home in Cincinnati, laM Thursday evening, and was -pkmdidly welo^med bj hia l^iend^ who thronged tbe Opera Hoosa Tbe bopea I f our coiiotfy. ootwithsiandinff "nd small poiiiun> ol the cabins ul a .ship It. per.U. wvre greater now than ev,r t- *'*iow House, bs ncary prepart^ a large box of cloth iog. of aljout 50 pairs of shirts, fee-tins;s. sheets, pillow-slip*. clippers A'. Th' box will be iorwardetl Itelore many days. State Sew*. Cou.vrr CoMwtssiovERS Ou Tuesdav last the old B'.ardof County Coraiuis-ioners iiiet and cioseil up the busin ss ol ihevear preparatory to the comiag m ot the "new Board. Some S2 000 of orders wen can- celed and bills to the amount ot about $500 were authorizeil by the Board. Tbe total esjieoscs ot the County for the past year were aiK>ut ^9000. A htalement ot the expndiiures auu receipt- ot tbe oountv will be publiehed soon. The new Board will be the same as the la^t wub the ex- ception of H. S Plnmmer. E-q., from the I.MPORTANT r .VA.SCIAL SCnEME. [Special to '/(fftej]- The Committee on Ways and .Means will report and ask an immediate passage nf a bin aiithoiizing the Ksuenf 811)0,000,000 in denianage is congratulatory o:i the prospect of a favorable lermination of the present war and on thegeneral pros- perity of the State for the pat year. Ho recites briefly the history ol the .State since 1802, when the Constitution was adopted showing its immense increase of wealth and population. Afur devoting some space to afiairs of local interest he refers to the re- port of Secretary Chase and dissents irom his plan of National currency as liahle to many objections as a measure of relief to tbe Government. Likewise objects to the in- cone tax imposed by Congress as making an unwise discrimination between people who are willing lo contribute la support Government in proportion to their the A large SL>outing nartv under command .>,&. ., i j- -- - = - ^ ' "'""^ means, and also discriminating between United States and State securities. Refer- prove th.-ee long wmrry evenit^-s. by giving tt^.'lT h7i8bt^''n'oc.npred'b7rrXr^^^^^^ I ""["^/^ "".'.'''r'l affairs ho states that on L, ,n uixv^s to these Volumes. The librarv Breastworks were found n^Jrt. i,ir 1 :?: I ^^^ ^irbt call of the President 02.000 volun- Parents, .-ultiv.te a taste 'or us, ful read- of Gen 'VVebl>er v.-terday penetrated to tC;^' v-i'Jail "'"^ ri AR\ 7, 18C2. cTlir ^aint paul |!rcs.s* ForTr tlokt thut Ntiioditra nhe-t ! Wliere br^i'hei the toe but laUs bflDrf u, vVi;h Fre tom'-t !>i>il t'^Di-ath "ur feft. And Freedom's b.tiiuer tli>atii|{0>r u^* I SI SPKNSiONOFSI'KC IKI%% MKN TS Thf stisp'iisiiit) III sjin'H- (Ntyii:' )i's i-j till' BiHitis. followed a- i! P' .-vsN-irily ua- by thf Treasury lioputment iil tlu' (Jovtrn- loent, is ouvniiii; the ejes ut Ooii^rt-sH an1 Uiti peopU' ti) the Jiini;tT8 ot un irrwlMHiM- ble im\)v\ "Uiitiioy tliiit will iiievitubly le- prciate aiui prtxliuv ^'O'ut los> aini tiuati- cial ikrauf^t'iueut. The irui- niiitdy i* heavy aini iinmwUuie titxution, -uflii-ieitt to Mistain iIk- crtdil ut liie Govfrmuiiii W- make the follt^winjc iibtral oxtract-' from IcuJin^ paf^ters. iodieatiui; the views ol tixM:' best qualitifd to discii'ts the question : th.in thf trmhtH'HuH Cm-. .V 1 n;.il,l, /*-. 30(4. niK St'SI'ENSION OK TUK B\NK8. The suspensiuii ol speck* payments by the banks is a matter which produces profound uu. with all the iiidcstrial aetiv itii-3 of the North in full oj)era!iou, notwiih standiog tat; war, it is felt to be a serious discredit to the country that the banks have b u of the war. Conirrcss has tailed to devise the vvay.s and iiieaiis to conduct the finudcial u{>erations ot the (.iovuruuient nucce**fully. T'h- a lady wan sren on il^ ttunk gesticu latino wildly, and ^houtimr to thute oo board the hiwi ' to ke. p back, keep b*ek don't land, the secesh will shoot you .' But before she could be distinct y uivieretood tlie brmt had approaebei|.winif Ihi-ir 1862. The MkHrio* cold, a. the boat wa. cluing round the r. ....-: pu s Mi.teii lor a prom s- ben.l on her Lrst approach, that h- wou d ,. , .j,^ ., . ^ / *^ soon make a tire ttiat would warm ibem """ >^^ "^ i" '^"rt-'"HU a.ul prar^ all He had made preparations and iotaaOod I ^ '*^ ^ucwwive daja; Kariy on Saiuiduj ujorumg i of Col. Jacks.ii;'B rt-t;imei two fquad- rt-^imeut, under the command of Major Murray, left t!ic camp bear Calboun, on a scii a.s i atai tii< evuy toriu urope il.c East; lb'* uverlhruw of anticbri suan error the con - threatened to 8ht her. sle defied them todoi' .Vfier '!;e beat had backed out in accordance with ber timely warning. ' ^*'^'"" ^ 'he IIt>us.- i! |?rael; the prevaU-ooe Brigadier General Jeff, approached her. V^^* am*Mi} all nations c?>per:a!lv iti menacingly, tiliea with rage, iioD siie > Amer.ca, and a yei niof^ abtiodaat biHHing cmilly inlurmed bis excellency that oe waa tipoo >'ur britbreo and iitiTS s^Sjliil in a dirty cat tbroai, and his men were a ''' '*rkar auaSkoaa, Otiristiao educatioi. band 01 thiev. s and murdere;*, and tliat if . atd lllw in ^nmt^ luds. they would come one al a time she would THcaaoAT. 9th. Tb Cburfh ol Uod affairs, and men, wiib- ^ ht-roic valor aad determmaiu.n, in n hand-to-hand 1 *"' |ool buUdioK The Alton arrived savely in this city at a late hour last night Capuin Barnes should uke waruing by this incident, and be prepared in future for any simiUr dem- onstration. spent in idle discussions on irrelevant top- take a contrncl to whip every mothcTs s.wi ' '"'^ **>*? Christian roinisirj The iocrea^ ics, been devoted to the raainring of biil.s j of them. You know," said she, that P"itoaHty of the Church, lookin * ' ' -..-- woMld The C now acknowledged, i^ unfortunate in its composition. .Mr. Thaddeus Stevens, its cljairniun. is an iffcctive speaker, and Is an excelVni fiiend of the do*B-trolden Afiican Me i.s posse.Ksed of some very decided con- victions regarding the "tate of the tM-gro, and is tolerably well infcrmod iu the tariff disfussions of twenty five years since. But it is not pretended by any ol his fri-ndsthat he understands evin the alphabet of finan- cial science. It is unlortunatc. at this time, that Messrs. Chase and Stevens are not. per sonally, on good term*. Messrn. Chase, Fessf nden and Morrill, have been in repeat- .d cou'^ultalious on financial measures. It is certain also, that the present (.'on- trress has not developed as yet. any remark able, if it has any ordinary, financial g''nius. It may be that now the .'xicnt of the mis- cliicl bcinu' understood, the chaam yawning bi fore us. Congre-^s may be able to devote s ime lime to this most important matter. A vigorous system (.f taxation, looking to the raising of 5200 000,000 yearly, wd^ give a new lease of lile to the nation, and nothing but that will enable us to carry on til is war with credit to the country. An 'xciusively puper currency has already all but destroyed the Southern Sutes. It will have the same cflect upon the North if per- sisted in, s. to a heavy luxation this evil day | you are a'l cowards, and if thai b,>at c >ineii postponed indetinitely. bock with .i half a dozen muskets, you and ; ** syoipalhy and union ol labor among Jommittec ot Ways and .Means, it i.s your cowardly dogs will nil uke to your ' ^'' L'wJ'* Jx'opK: abigher suodaidol pity neeis." Another lady, a M'-s. Hawkins. , *J P>*f amoi^ Christian Kinistefs and gallantly gci>ndeay that iL- divjoe insJitutiOD may ! rtcoguizetl, and it$ desecration at hosH and abroad may Sisdav, I2ib.-- Sermons on the Mgus. dangers, and duties ol the present times: nolivi'S to jterwwal holioefss and Christian activity. TUB SeOK.ME KOK A NATIONAL rmRKNCy. I'l-om l\i Sem York timet 31 . The Hub Committee of Ways and .Means are still considering the scheme of a Na- tional currency, and have adopted and agried to report the lolluwing additif nal section, which is important in view ol tbe suspension of the banks, in tbe Northern citi'S. Skctio.v 79. That for temporary purpo SIS. and until the circulating notes' author- iz d by this act shall be is,ued and put info circulation by corporations and associati'm* to the aggregate amount ot one hundreii millior.s of dollars, the Secrelary of the Treasury be, and is hereby, anthrape. Lean- der buffjiiiig the Ilellespont was not so he- roicfor this act was a woman's. A gen- tleman whiise name, if we were to mention it. would be familiar to the readers of The Independent, report* from Beaufort that he -4iw tht- scars ol M.n-era! ttegroes, belotging \.l ritled his poeket-^. Thr mojt remarkable instance ol power of prayer happened in the oasc ul Gov. Tod as related by hiinw-if in an address he mwie lately to the Briar Hill miners, on the oeta^siou ol leaving Bnur Hill, to prepare lor auming the t'bair ol State. .Mr. Iod said: In the spring ol 1847, when about to leave htme in the service of our National Giivtrnmeut, you met me on this spot and gare me yimr pravers ai.d good wishe> h.r lb.! safe return ot myself and lamily ; and I hn?. f-it h:t to tlii-s.' prayers aud goud wHh.N. in part, am I indebted for that safe return , tor not only did .Mis. Tod, nivself, and all the children we took away with us (fi^'e in number) return aalely to you. but uod lesson ol meaning well toward the slavi Tne sud- den slow ol patriotism which sot all true hearts i.n fire last Ap.-il. has kindled a more genuine love ol liberty The bon^lman's de- liverence cannot b^ lar in the distance rbroogb what struggle it may come, we know not , oor can any man loreaee. but it is to come, aud is imir .MINNESOTA WINTEBS. .\ correspondent ol ti.e New York Ide- pendent thu.- speuKs of our winters : 'Our Minnesota friends liave entere m u*t eoutlt.weU adaptwl for shep aol -Uiuk, low lot p*ti. or ft>rirno,1 UM>ueoail.rv|irr, B .ora Twine. &c *c ai COOLER TOll ER dc CO.'S ' UAISINS. rJTRONr (t RAPES cNr HONEY. Toys of all Kinds. AI n K. KEI.LOGG'K. ,CHne,4Lc V .-r..p. a cKoic arucla, tor table uh.. at .^^o a ^,-.'. a-,.ortment of .Mil.ury Clolbn and M tons, that be offer- for nale by the pattern, or manu factured into garment*, in the b.t en \ raont appro* t'clRHZm. ' . -* H t Bt.RBANKIiC.,at J- 0. H.C. BIKUANK Aj(V. > flC|| t1tXtt.%' ni'BOIB BKUT rjittT ^^ v,,,|^, Ai.oau.ic.J. RelKivri Ax^. AI- ower ( b,^ bouorabi, iisetiood ana peruaai?o apeacti; j y,^ o! 3e who talks id such a tone, ' Sto.i ba> pronarfKl tho wti.-b. ,, s(i. EFnS 8lltJrs, ipell kaevn xr tbe ciineo of t. faui, who cievoie* her waole time to the Millinery r>epartakeot, i*t Paul, Nov le no16dly B^t.tTWmmm pimm M.\mvBjj^cm OLtMPA.VV, OF HARTFORD. UMliCkpitai . .000,00000 Se'plu- 400.000 00 iNooRPoiumi imo. Hi. roptkiattou of the -011) axBTTUlU) ' kaa \ by aa eipenene* of Fifty HOLIDAY BOOKS, For Children, at AllCBRILL'S. \mA^jrVBMt.~^ W r Bona, tor Oaeb Alaoagooil Team, Wagon, ,^iathit Ebi7Il7 ADVKKl'IaKUKM'ii, ' fFBU^HIO OXCB 1 WBKK, CITUHR IM CillY UK WKKKI T Kirl ln!>-,r uu Jeliv- ory of iu&>,U?U. Publnhurx uul accouuubl* for lU ftccuracy of l((ai adrertUemrtut* beyom' ih mmount eh&Tftht for their pubUcatioD. .VilvenlMiueuls publi.sheL'. in butb tUr llMilj kuii WM'itly will be charncl the full ilaih ri4i- with .m* haif iii wM>kly mUt.i atided. Bus'.aean Xoticn, pubUaheil in ibo tlUiU-rial ct O'BaiBi', iLtq , at si. Aoibony, wili aut an Agvntrt ta ciToululm^ lii# D*iir l*RKfi< lu thir renpeeUve to-Tc ((^ Ducr>.lit*a lilinoi." and Wiiioou.'>ia currency eaac !o UK ber>Aftr wui be received only at the rates at which wi can depoxit it, aud credit wiil be (riren aeaordui|{ly. t>oiil umce, St. Paul, MliiiiKautu. ofKics antio j Ja wees daji fn)ia7 I'clock a M. t 7 o'clock r j jn SondAyK.frum 1"^ o'clock *. to 1 o'cloctl". X I IKlCBll O* AJLtUVAL .>>U bKPiCklirillt i. Croix, Wijoonmn , via ."iiilt- ater, leaves dai'y ; t?.ic)pt dauday, at 7 a h . Arrtvea ^aily, dxcept Sunday, at 12 M. St Paul ) Crow Wiuy, (Dpper Misiiti.ippl river,; le*Yf dally, n.\eept Sunday, fur dl. Anthony and Uin- Beapali'', at S a. m. and t r. . St. t'oul to dl. ClO'j'i au.i Crow Wiog, Monday, Weduesday anl Friday, at 6 a. M. Arrivos daily, except Sunday , from dt. .\nthony aud UlooospoiiN at P M. Arriven from 3t. Oijifarl>' oppoitltf l>nv I'C Jriifc>. hAlf d.ii. ! .1../ *:.-j* Sni.c. Inif iMi #; :.!. .1..^. $7 KXTBJi'TtI ^ Piue^ppM, l>"-, "'ra* ^>'->. Kn-'pheri I . .V . IN- |'t >->t'le miHMTO.'%'*M too 1.1%'KH II., I'ure, oOi" \vft hotllr ifVXBi'tt con Litrmt jki.j.it, 'be pt-r bottle . va; k nya.n^ hu #;.# * r # f.it p , *1 .Soeac'.. fll.l.a c per botiV ri'TT'.jttl. HVI-'Kl.J.\'D'S ci>agh oar,- (.ureant ^odoi*-- J.OJ.\~'ai OI.XTMK.y'T, 30. per !.., irire nite U'lfiTJU^.t Wll.lt (iVA-M\ two ir (HiUle UUXIt.\'* oX^'t^iK.^-J rail BIT" THUS, *:^c. per boi!,- UOOM^J.,t.yU'.1 UMTTKUS, 40c per bot. HOVUUTO.yit I'MCrst.y, a^raodthint lor dynpep i, 50c per t>ottie. A'l crab, Iowa, via Oanujn Kalli, Roch: Mter, Ac . leavee Uouday and Thursday, at 7 A. M. Arri'HM At .St. Paul, Wediie.sday and Snlurilay, at 7 r M. :Jt. Paal to Superior, Wi.^constn, leaven Monday and tts 3unriie city only, rhurilay, at 5 \ %. Arrives raeda^,aod from Sunribe city only, Saturday at e M. lit. Paui toSp*rta,Wiii.,viaHud, PoKtma^ter Jt. Hsiil. I^. 4. 1! U S JE IT! LLADUEATER'S UEXOVVXED LlQl II) STOVK P4M.I.SM, Is the best article in ure. It Mwdii no mixing, it hai no smell. It polishes rust. It is eeooomical. It produced no dirt in polliihin,^. 't stands the gretMt degree of beat It preserves from rust. Sold by WATSON * EASTMAN. Robert, near Fifth street Aiso by VAWTER b Ri 8E. 8l. Anthony and Minoeapnlia. A. C. ElKtxKAXP, Agent. 4ar.\genta wanted in STery town in the State] dec3!3m. CXAS B. r. MAOCAfLXT A: WILSCJN'S .njiruiJ\'iii>i, Hest !n u-m, aiWLY improcfd, i Nw York prices. From Uh to tUlO freight added.. lasxruetious gir- -n, tuaobroes pat iH i>rder, and all Mirer* (if lieM^lMt, a. T. HULTKKH(>F> , Eifhtb street, r Kio 'hose who biay ecxl i 11 Tram* ou the Ijike "^hore Rilrl.i, UuCAKu, Milwaukee Si. i'aiil. St l/>uis, ftc.. and run -.Urougb lo New York wit houl chanwv Tlieouly r-iuta , i>uQiug Car^i ihrnugh Iroiu Uit- Ijike> l New York Cily Splendid rentiUkle.', Sleeping r.4i run on Nijhl Trsins Baggage eu>ked lliroiigh I'^aj-e always a* low ai by any other route li Fre in .New York. B'- iMirlicular and uall r.irrKi CulleetluQs ma>le through thik Statt Inlerest al- lowed on Time I'eponitn- Ijind Warrants bought aud -lold State, Oiuoty and City orders, and Bonds btiught and solil. il\, AC. AND A O g y J S f V H J // A ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAU fXyNSFL VA i\lA HA ILHOA D, IMviJbon's Line of Stnametn, Minnesota River, Northern Transportation (omiMiiiy from the &uit Excelsior ' Vouog Amenca" Coiai Cobb Mill, Woodward's Hmut'er and Separator, Kerosene Oil Company of Vew York, Contracts for Traii-|M>rtAtion between St. I'aul, Bon ton, NtwEugland, Mnntreai, .New York and all (M>in's i Kast, made upon the lowest and moet beorahle tsrnui ' by the Norlbern Trin portation Oompany Usrk package., ' WuoLLEY ft OU. *? Pai-l. For January 1 1861 dly 50 BARRELS C^RKO>: OIL! Aim A grAXTrrr or CHICAGO CREAM ALE, For sal by i. 0. ft H. BCRBANK ft Co. der&. SOMETHING NEW AUK> A large atoek af DOMESTIC AND FURFIGN GOOOS By the piece ui package, for the t) O U N T K Y I U A L> K. CUUS TR y MERCHA V / .s Csui purehate their Roods ot as, and SAVE TIME AXI> .MONEY. We alio mvita the attaotiua l the La.tt* to out aew | STTIMS OP CLOAKS ASD MASTILLAS \ DUK ENTIKE S J' C K Wai ha aoM for C A. S H , AT PRICES TO DEFY COMPETITION. The PubUc ire invited to visit uor .^ew .-iore. D. W INGERSOLL k Co.. al9-dlyh St. Paul. MixxaanU l^rwe KApn-M Pasaen.er Trains lsa\e Chicago and [lelroit daily for Baifalo New York, Boston and Mon- treal, Quebec, Portland, ftc, ftc , with .Sleeping Cars on all night trains. S^ rickets C.\L.I. \yO MKE IT GIESMAN & SAITER, HADDLES, MASrKAI.-rCIUWM 0>' HARNESS, BRIDLES, COLLARS, BLANKETS. TRUNTiS. WHIPS. Ac. Ac, |Nezt door to TbompsoQ Bros. Rank, 3l^' V .\ N K E E N O ri i> N M >; . TO The Cheap ('a?ih store," MBCT IK)>R -W THi X W. EXPRESS OtTWX., THIRD sTRISr. T. PAIL, MhVN. ttt lueao lo keep up r ir,iutalioa for selling DRY GOODS CHEAP. CkU aad far y a a r a elves Retiw>mir S AND SKJURATOHS, 1,2 and 3 horse insad pt)w>r, aud 2. 4, 6 aud b horse I lever (loweri- co islautly ou hand I ACiKNTS FOR I ERICSSONS CALORIC EIJGIXE, Q. WBJTINGHOU.se ft CO.'d SCHEN'KCTaDY A RIOULTCRAL WOLKS, C. itL PEACE'S KXCELSlOf.AGRICCLTURAL WORKS ALBANY. PATKNT cast IRON FC CK I'0-. \d A-i?I!>)X OR CANTON SWKEP3TAKICS THRESHERS WCMJPWaRDS 9.ML'T MI.L9, SEYMOCR'S GRAIN DRILLS, in etote, Prece, 6 teetb $7;), 9 leeth. %W. SHARE'.s COn,Tfe.R HAKROU'-. in slore, price 16, SH.\RES CLLTIVATOR \ Hli-UNG MACHINE, price til, ALBANY SEED PI ANTK^. price $1.\, CLLVlOV CORN SHELLEdJ, price $8, FANNING MIlJLi;, price Jl^ to '26. GILjnAN &. SCAGB, Pioneer Foundry, 'i^met ot Kittn and Pirn iU.; or Warehouse curnei inr?l-l*w1 V iet'i4 ly Inger-toU's Block. Bridije ?q'iare Or. F. FE^BOJD^ Wholesale Dealer 'n Imported and liomeetic Winesj Liquors and Cigars. Third Stret, fletwet^n JaekHon and Robert .*trer R -W -n- FBKRMjjy, JTT OMjy'B wa * Coiv-EI.U.K .tT Law. Practice, ;u all tha Oonrts ot this . 17*4 l.mtn Str*rl, Chiraico, Sold 10 Saint Paul, b* J C \ H C 91KBA.SK Fr, >) f Viretart and Stockk'-l'irri yew Fork Jame Brown, Kaq., FraacK Oatenei. Fjh^., Henry Griooeil, Keq.. Allred Pell, t,"..,^ , Alex. liAmiiioa, Jr., Eeq. K. M. Archibald, Ri , And others citg. Duneao, ^henuau ft Co., Ilex. T. Steoart ft Co.. lirinnell, .Miniuiu ft lo , 1. L .V .\ .^tuwart, ;. W ft .1 T. Moa STQU. nxiti BtfMt. W KJTHKIt. HBSSt.KIt V BJBBL iMf'OK'lFKS, TANNFRS .VN'n C U K R I E K S I Are BOW receiving wod Will keep eouftantly on tlMlariaataiidhaMaMab of lAiather and Fiudioga the nate fm > tug ! All Who Wish To Buy Books or Stationery, Havinr added largely to my atock by PURCH.\SES FOR CASH. I offer superior inlueeuunta to CASH Purohaaar*. Spaaaah Kile l/oatltM Oak Cpp Uather. Harxaae LeatLi-i Bridle liMther (tMMt aud ite>idte Airtirg Belt anr* \ai- I>>^thar, Krcnch CaIi -'iins French kiip 9kio Countrv " declaim. C. H. MIX. Tanpico sn,l Uaru, Paasi te., kA. OOOLftT, TUWU ft Oli ft^ nMH> nail an.1 examine u^ tbuok, as we ni.1 be axAar.-. .1 by any hone* in the Stata CartiealAr kiteotiju paid to uriers Caxi paid for Hides fun and r(.r Skiiu UeSfiLCK ft RIUlL, iMim-ly MaAahte'a Bock, XkM wtU M. I>OUNlDEN. na lust receivtal s Mileodid stock ol tba abova, Alaa^^'er. wi|ch h wUl warrant caperior to any in the city, aud wAU s,^ll -heap for cash, by theharral, half barrel, bo'tia or gla' Also a Una iti |pk o' Lnoora and Oigari at whola- iftlxaadiviftU. aoTS8:dly. j^fMr.M/^'A-'A ef.lJ.B.-B%'' WlliTVB *^ -.1 n execution issued out of and under the seal ol ihe liiK'.iict Court ot cUe>'>ecoud .Judicu.1 Disliicl, m and lor the county of Ramsey and Ktate of Minoe- sola, upon a judjfmeot lendepe-i and docketed in Nsia Court ou the lOli. isy of October, a. u lS6i, in an ac- tion in said Cuurt pending, wherein .S l>. Ja'.kaon is pUintifT, and Kikanart BangH, Jr., is defendant, In fa- vor ol Mtio plaiatitl and sgaioet the said defeodan:. for the sum ol throe hundred aud eevaaty three T&-100 dollars with m'ereht irom rendition. I hsve ou the ISih da^ of November, A. D. ]8ttl, levied upon tha following de.",cribefl real properly, lying and btuig in the county ot October, a. d. ^Wb.a* to.lows. to wit : The BDdivided halt of twr, anc < ce ha f (J>ij a res beginning on the line runuiCij east aud west, dividing' the nurlh from the routU half of section nuoiber tweuty five, ('2b) town twenty nine (iflj rsngn twen- ty ihroe ('a) West, at the di^ucce ot seven and one hsK r- dn truia the norti- east c^irner ol tho suutheaat quarter of said sec ion ; 'hence on said line west ev en aud one hall rods : thence nor h twenty fix and thrtt quarlcrsrodi' lo place ot beginuingcoDlaimugS^ acreij Wore or less. Alsoiheuu- i-.i'.ed half ofitjeeh*t half of lot ten, (10) block ten, (10; in Roberts ft Kan- dall'a addition to i be city K.iiil. Paul: also the undivided hai; of lot iwo, (/) 10 block nine, ('^) in Gueno Ba- zille's Ed'*itiin to the city of .-t. Psui , al^o the lindl- vided half of the south one fourth of lot three, (3) in block four, (4) i.i Patter-.on'n afidiiioo to the cly of St. Paul, being fitly feet wide on aiol Paul slreel. by one hundrnd leet deep ; nUo the undivided half of it.. north tweciy tiveieel of the s-iuth tw.> thirls of lot* one. (1) an.l two (i) in bi ck eventeeo, (ITj in Ssant Paul Proper, acconliug lo th- recorded plaie thereof in the office ol the Register ' I Deeds of said count> ot Ramsej , lo,c''lier uh sppurieuanc^s perlamiog thereto .Now, therefore, notice is hereby given, thai I tr-Sl Sell the abotf de:-cribcl real property to the Igheat bidd r for cash, at public auction, at the fr nt door of the Ojuri House in the city of Saint Paui.in sid coan- ly of Ramsey, on ::'atur.;ay,thfc 28th day of Oacember, A i>. I8GI, at 10 o'clock m the foreaoon of iaidda; , to satisly saidexecut on sud the inlerebt iod costs Sa.nt Piiul,.\oT 14tb, 1861. AARON W. TUi LIS, Sherilt ol Hsnisey county. Ry VifJii WILKJN.SU.V, Deputy FttA.VCTS BlVSVIDOS, I'lain lO's Altorney. covlSwd. Thp I. hove sale is a''journed until Saturday the 11th dsy of .lanuary. A. D 1>jd2, st the same LojJ- tAd place. Si. Paul, December 2S, 1(C1. AAKON W. TCLLISI, Sheriff ot Kami-ey conntv. By KoH^WiuuxeoN Deputy. t^BKItlH-^^ tt\tLB.-B K f^lttTvA *-^ ol au execuuon issued out of and unutr the ieal of the Di'trici Couit o- th- Tuiid Judici-.! Di.t.ici, ia the county of Fillmore and S-tate of Minnest ta. upnn a j .dgmeni rendered ineaid ciurtjand aockel d in tha county ul FiUui.-reon thelSiuday olUctober a. 1S61, in an action in said c-Dun pending, wherein Uiiver 3 Tweedy, Dexter rufaoy and Charles tweedy are plain- iifls, and Ignatius . U'Kerrall and Su-phen C l..a.Dg- worthy are defendants, in fsvor o! i>*id plaiB'affo amJ against the said dtfcndanls. tor the mm ot five ih-ju saud one huuilred and nmely six 74 lOj d'-.lhir.s, wiik lctere^t Iroru itrndilion, v,uich said juagmecl wa* rtocketel in the county of Kmu.-iey un lue lU riy 6rt day ofaciober, A. D. 18(il, I did on the ibiriy first day of Uclober, A. D 1&6'., levy upon tiie foli'uwi g Oescritv-d real property, lyin.; ani be-.ug in the toua- ty of Kamsey aud Slate oF Slinnesjta, which war at- tached by the ^beria of Rams- y cmaty by virtu* of a warrant itt; of Miunes ta, At a special term of the Probate Court. heU iu and for ihe O'unty of Kamsey, al 8t Paul, ex Thursday, the 14lh day of November, t. D , 1S61 In the matter o! the estate ot Wi.iitm C. Gray ila- eeased : Upon reading and fi'.ing the petition ol L. B Greif and W. F. heeler, admiaistralois ot said e^tata, praying forre s< ns therein sft f rih that they may be licensed to sell the real estate ot niii deceased ; It IS ordered that Thursda;- , the 26ih day of iiecenj- bar, >. p 1861. St ten o'clock io the forenoon at liic ofj fice of the Judge of Probste, in the city ot it Pau-, ba asslgued for the hear.ng ot said petitiua, and that the heim st law of liie said deoeaM"! and a^l other p*r*ons interested in said estate, to apfiear at a se.-tKion of the Probate Court, then sm! tbera to be holden, and show cause, if any there be, hy the prayer uf the said petitioners should not be grant- ed ; And it is farther ordered that the said petitionera give n 'lice to all porsuo.s interested in the taid Oi-tate o( the pendency of the said petition, and lh bearing lbere iDf itcO. jtnTlUt. CHRRITREE A FARWEIJ.. Foreign News. Haup^, Jan. 6. The steamer Bohemian from Liverpool 26th, via Londonderry 27ih, has arrived. Business generally in Liverpool and London had been suspended, owing to the holidays. Jfo provision nor breadstuff market. Hon. An^on Burlingame, -Minister to China, had arrive 1 at Canton and was well received. Placards were posted in the street* of Hong Kong threatening the extermination cf all Europeans, There was great excitement at Lisbon and the body of the King waa to be dJBiaterred. JU u J R if I .y tJ B O V H K . MRS KLIZA FfciHOUSON, Corner 4(h & Waboalmw Sl., Hii.^ ocommo.lUonB lui a ! V March IS March 16 Au^ 'H March %i March 13 So if) April 9 April 10 April 1 > May 29 Oct 24 May I May 1 Mar 31 May 31 March 18 March IH Oct 24 Oct 24 Oct 24 March 28 March Zi JOQH 8 Oct 26 April 1 April 1 April 15 Jq!j 15 Aug 13 A|.rti 9 Blue Earth County. I'aiJ by TreiMurer oo acc'l of ux, 1^59, Its -ii Paid by Trcaiiurer on acc't of tax, 1859, 9 M Paid by Xreaiurer on f acc't ft tax, 18S0, 700 06 Paid by Treartuier on acc't ul tex, 1360, l,0d3 04 I.Wl U Broun County. Paid by Treasurer on acc't ot tar, 1859, Paid by TroiHurer on acc't of tax, 1860, Paid by Treigurer on aoc't "t tax, 1860, 470 00 1,963 M Can-^r Cuunty. I'aid by Treaiiare'' < a aco't of Ux, I860, '.'aid by Treit.iurcr on aoc'' of tax. I'Sa, Pai by Tri-anur^r on iicc'i o' Ux, 1S6T on o( Ux, ISW, Treaaurer on .f tax, 1860. Trea^uier on of lax, 1890, 497 Oe .68u 43 ,863 l ,196 64 503 CO 610 00 .098 45 xj n 700 C ,700 00 616 88 60 00 630 IB 6,1jO 19 14.463 73 aO 00 i,ao6 01 100 00 646 16 2.0 U 07 1,470 73 1,470 78 6S7 83 94 66 30o 8; 101 00 1.030 63 St LouU O Paid br T.vaurer oa aoc't Of tax, 1860, Scot' County. Paid by Treaaurer on cc'i of V X. 18t0, Paid by T'Murer oo ace t ot tax, 1859. Pa d by Tr aiorar on sect ot ux, 18(0, fUelt Count). Paid by T.'eaann r on ice't of tax, H60, Sherburne Cvunty . Paid b} Tr am r.-r on sect Ol tax, I860. 871 87 Paid by Treasur r aoc't ot ux, laOO, 169 Ol salt County. Fa d by T.'easurer on ace't i! tax, 1859, Paid by Treasurer on sect of Ux, 18(0 Paid by T easurer n tec'.' ut Ux, 1800, fUom$ Qmnly Paid by T.aasurar oi. ace t ot tax, 1800, 1. ICO CO 1,100 00 WaiteaQmiUy. Paid by T aasnn r on ticc't OI ui, 16 0, 322 60 Paid by Treasurer on sect . f lax, 18i0, _4S7 67 Pai4 by T eaaurar on cc'i ut tax. 1859 '32 60 ? by Trea--.r-r oo rcc t of ux, 1860 53 00 846 OT M'o^iaiAavi County Mar 16 1*4 id by T aaars r w Coart, J4g*Sitr ma Ciurt K***** tfcruaud C. H. Sehurmeitri (>r6ou K tola (^pitul keeper aod portar , BeHUrs of Oapilul, , Alfrad Miller, I^kuU t'uuDty cuotes ad ^ee;kia, fe'xpreas cbar|{iM> oa hlsak bank notaa W W. Bavw F. Shultj Co {(tate PriKuu . . liafl-aaU'e fund, (180.) UoidaBUl irotiac, (1801) Aadrew Nta-el, J. P Kidder. Warden Stato PriMto, (IMO) Ito .'ental r&peosea orprUMW, Auditor, clerk, (1888) Wiltiain r Wheel, r. M nnaanU Poateo , Cl oiniissiooer !SUtUe atten tioa o'' th' ii.tarested, and remain, awaiilnic an lu- apar.iion ol -tar -lock anc pneei-. Very reor3ni ^i^ro ja jr n c m^a bb We iavite special attention to our large aod eo^ plete stock of LK^t'URS A\D CiGAas, all ol which we w-.ll sell under gnarauty an to quality, aad at prices that are paid for Infarior goods. OOOr.KF. TOWKR ft oO. UIVIOJX HALL, V ta^B o B t B a M jy B , Who has removed his well known eaUblUhlDent from the baaament to the 9rst floor. His Halli* fitted up in a-flrat class style and tna bar is ttoclad with tha Snest Imported Liquors and Wines Lill's XXX Stock Ala. and Pittebnrgh Ale and Porter. HU Ko \ Oystere are sarred up in a good atyle tor the low price of oulySOoaoU per duien. Rmember tba UNION HALL, below Davenport'. ?W.1< ?tore. Third straat. f27-dly wpM aazBjyawrv rvaziaa- * EO MAPS OF MIV.VSSf)rA, accurauly laid down from tbe Government surveys. and diatrioU and offices, coanty boundaries aod towns, roads, post offices, railroads, Indian re/