from republicanism to democracy the age of jackson “government reflected the belief in the...

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  • From Republicanism to Democracy The Age of Jackson Government reflected the belief in the Equality of Man. Degler Forces of Change
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  • Essential Question: Essential Question: Champion of the Common Man? King Andrew? OR
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  • "Andrew Jackson, I am given to understand, was a patriot and a traitor. He was one of the greatest of generals, and wholly ignorant of the art of war. A writer brilliant, elegant, eloquent, and without being able to compose a correct sentence, or spell words of four syllables. The first of statesmen, he never devised, he never framed a measure. He was the most candid of men, and was capable of the profoundest dissimulation. A most law-defying, law-obeying citizen. A stickler for discipline, he never hesitated to disobey his superior. A democratic aristocrat. An urbane savage. An atrocious saint. James Parton, Father of the American Biography, 1830s
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  • Voting Requirements in the Early 19c
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  • Voter Turnout: 1820 - 1860
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  • Campaigning on the Stump
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  • Changes of Andrew Jacksons Presidency President is viewed as a representative of the people. He is seen as an expression of the democratic spirit of them as well Shown by Jacksons incredible use of the veto: doing the will of the people End to only the rich having a stake- in-society
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  • Belief that the common man was capable of uncommon achievements. new belief that all classes can participate fully
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  • Why increased Democratization? White male suffrage given to all. Spoils system/Rotation in Office Rise of Third Parties Two-party system returned in the 1832 election: Dem-Reps Natl. Reps.(1828) Whigs (1832) Republicans (1854) Democrats (1828)
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  • Popular campaigning (parades, rallies, floats, etc.)
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  • Caucus Caucus ---small group of individuals who would choose a candidate Convention Convention ---members from the political parties nominate a candidate. Eliminated, King Caucus Direct Primary Direct Primary ---allow registered voters to participate in choosing a candidate 1790 to 1828 1828 to 1900 Current System Used Party nominating committees. Voters chose their states slate of Presidential electors.
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  • Which changes of Jacksonian Democracy would you consider to be positive? Which would be negative? Which changes are still with us today?
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  • Jackson as Satan Dangles the Spoils of Victory over his Supporters
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  • The Reign of King Mob
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  • Tariff Battles Tariff of 1816 on imports of cheap textiles. Tariff of 1824 on iron goods and more expensive woolen and cotton imports. Tariff of 1828 higher tariffs on imported raw materials [like wool & hemp]. Supported by Jacksonians to gain votes from farmers in NY, OH, KY. The South alone was adamantly against it. As producers of the worlds cheapest cotton, it did not need a protective tariff. They were negatively impacted American textiles and iron goods [or the taxed English goods] were more expensive!
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  • The Webster-Hayne Debate Sen. Daniel Webster [MA] Sen. Robert Hayne [SC] Federal government versus States right debate continues! Hayne mentions nullification.
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  • Votes in the House for the Tariff of AbominationTariff of 1828
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  • The Nullification Crisis Jackson favored states rightsbut not if it would lead to disunion Tariff of 1832 was passed which further upset the South South Carolina chose to follow VP John C. Calhouns (SC) nullification theory 1832-SC held a special convention to nullify the Tariff of Abominations and the new tariff passed in 1832 States that both Tariffs are unconstitutional SC passed a resolution forbidding the collection of Tariffs
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  • Jacksons response Response Told Secretary of War to prepare for military action Persuaded congress to pass a Force Bill giving the president authority to take military action in SC Issued a proclamation to the people of SC stating that nullification and disunion were treason RESULTS: Jackson opened the door for compromise by suggesting to congress that they lower the tariff Did not send in federal troops SC postponed nullification and later formally rescinded it
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  • CherokeesCherokees Soon after the creation of the USA, many Cherokee felt that the only way to save their land, was by following Jeffersons advice They created an alphabet and learned how to read and write They farmed and set up towns with meetings and elected mayors
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  • The Cherokee Constitution We, the people of the Cherokee Nation, in National Convention assembled, in order to establish justice, insure tranquility, promote the common welfare, and secure to ourselves and our posterity the blessings of freedom acknowledging, with humility and gratitude, the goodness of the Sovereign Ruler of the Universe in permitting us so to do, and imploring His aid and guidance in its accomplishment--do ordain and establish this Constitution for the government of the Cherokee Nation.
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  • Indian Removal What was Jacksons Goal for the land? 1830 Indian Removal Act Cherokee Nation v. GA (1831) Worcester v. GA (1832) Jackson: John Marshall has made his decision, now let him enforce it!
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  • Indian Removal Act of 1830
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  • Trail of Tears
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  • Should Jackson be criticized for pushing the Indians off their land? Or is he forgiven since this was a commonly held opinion of the Native American people at that time?
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  • An 1832 Cartoon: King Andrew? Why was Jackson referred to as King? Is this accurate? Why, Why not? An 1832 Cartoon: King Andrew? Why was Jackson referred to as King? Is this accurate? Why, Why not?
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  • Jacksons fight over the Second Bank of the United States
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  • The Second Bank of the U.S. Name is misleadingit was a private bank that was granted a charter by the government It was a storehouse for government/public funds and provided stability for the ups and downs of the economy President was Nicholas Biddle who ran the bank well; however many felt that he served the interests of the wealthy Jackson felt this went against his idea of democracyhe also felt that some of the branches supported Adams in 1828
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  • The Bank and the Election of 1832 Biddle was pushing for a bill to renew the Banks Charter Jackson viewed this as an attempt to block his re-election! Biddle & his associates preferred Clay. Clay was Jacksons chief political rival Remember the Election of 1824? The Veto of the Maysville Road Project? Jackson vetoes the bill on the grounds that the bank was unconstitutional (?) Nicholas Biddle Nicholas Biddle [an arrogant aristocrat from Philadelphia]
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  • Jackson is supported by many in the country who saw the bank as favoring the wealthy Clays power play failed, and Jackson wins re-election in a landslide Jackson feels this is his mandate to quickly destroy the Bank 1832 Election Results
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  • The Monster Is Destroyed ! Jackson withdraws federal funds from the BUS and puts them in pet banks (state banks that he favored) He fired two Treasury Secretarys and is censured by the Congress 1836 the charter expired. 1841 the bank went bankrupt!
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  • The Downfall of Mother Bank
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  • The Specie Circular (1836) Due to Jacksons pet banks, and speculation in western lands, rampant inflation affected the country Jackson decides to issue the SC Required future purchases of federal lands be made only in gold or silver Jacksons goal is to curb land speculation and slow inflation
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  • Results of the Specie Circular $Banknotes lose their value. $Land sales plummeted. $Banks stop lending money. $Businesses began to fail. $Unemployment rose. The Panic of 1837 The Panic of 1837
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  • The Panic of 1837 Hits Everyone! IT IS ANDREW JACKSONS FAULT!!!!!!
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  • Would you consider Jackson to be one of the Top 10 Presidents of all time? Why or Why not?
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  • Reduction in credit started in England and spread to America Led to a number of bank failures
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  • 1837 After 8 years as President I have only two regrets: That I have not shot Henry Clay, or hanged John C. Calhoun.