french celebrations

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  • 8/2/2019 French Celebrations



  • 8/2/2019 French Celebrations



    y What do you know about french culture?

    y Have you ever been in France?

    y Do you know any french habits?

    y Do you know or hear about any frenchcelebration?

    y Do you think french special dates are verydifferent from the ones you celebrate in your

    country or culture?y Do you know any tradition related to this


  • 8/2/2019 French Celebrations



  • 8/2/2019 French Celebrations


    The Catholic holiday ofThe Catholic holiday of CandlemasCandlemas, on, on

    2 February, is a feast to commemorate2 February, is a feast to commemoratethe purification of the Virgin Mary andthe purification of the Virgin Mary andthe presentation of baby Jesus in thethe presentation of baby Jesus in the


    In France, this holiday is called laIn France, this holiday is called laChandeleurChandeleur, Fte de la, Fte de la LumireLumire or jouror jour

    des crpes.des crpes.

  • 8/2/2019 French Celebrations


    The term "The term "CandlemasCandlemas" was" was

    derived from the Latin ritual ofderived from the Latin ritual oflighting candles at midnight tolighting candles at midnight to

    symbolize purification. Thesymbolize purification. The

    original event involved theoriginal event involved theobservance of the Holy Familyobservance of the Holy Family

  • 8/2/2019 French Celebrations


    The term "Fte de laThe term "Fte de la LumireLumire" refers" refersto the lighting of blessed candles as ato the lighting of blessed candles as aform of remembering Jesus Christform of remembering Jesus Christ

    who is the "Light of theWorld." Thiswho is the "Light of theWorld." This

    lighting of blessed candles at homeslighting of blessed candles at homesfor protection continues to thisfor protection continues to thisday in in France.

  • 8/2/2019 French Celebrations


    In relation to why LaIn relation to why La ChandeleurChandeleur is alsois alsocalled Jour des crpes, the French (usedcalled Jour des crpes, the French (used

    to)pray for good harvest and prosperity forto)pray for good harvest and prosperity forevery home and family. All excess flour wasevery home and family. All excess flour wasused to make crpes. These pancakes are aused to make crpes. These pancakes are a

    symbol of prosperity in France. Farmerssymbol of prosperity in France. Farmersbelieve(d) that wheat will grow better ifbelieve(d) that wheat will grow better ifmany crpes were made. Turning themany crpes were made. Turning the

    celebration into a sort of revelry, childrencelebration into a sort of revelry, childrenengage in crpeengage in crpe--throwing games duringthrowing games during

    this day.this day.

  • 8/2/2019 French Celebrations


    Not only do the French eat a lot ofNot only do the French eat a lot of

    crpes oncrpes on ChandeleurChandeleur, but they, but theyalso do a bit of fortune tellingalso do a bit of fortune tellingwhile making them. It iswhile making them. It is

    traditional to hold a coin in yourtraditional to hold a coin in yourwriting hand and a crpe pan inwriting hand and a crpe pan inthe other, and flip the crpe intothe other, and flip the crpe into

    the air. If you manage to catch thethe air. If you manage to catch the

    crpe in the pan, your family willcrpe in the pan, your family willbe prosperousbe prosperousfor the rest of the year.for the rest of the year.

  • 8/2/2019 French Celebrations


  • 8/2/2019 French Celebrations


    The way by which this is done isThe way by which this is done is

    similar to a procession, with thesimilar to a procession, with theparticipation of all members ofparticipation of all members ofthe family.the family.

    The following year, the coin isThe following year, the coin is

    given to the poor.given to the poor.

  • 8/2/2019 French Celebrations


    Crpes certainly are an important part ofCrpes certainly are an important part ofthe French celebration ofthe French celebration of CandlemasCandlemas..

    One reason for this is that crpes, to theOne reason for this is that crpes, to theFrench, symbolize the sun, which seems toFrench, symbolize the sun, which seems tobe absent in their lives during this time ofbe absent in their lives during this time ofthe year.the year.

    In addition, French proverbs pertaining toIn addition, French proverbs pertaining tothe occasion come out prominently duringthe occasion come out prominently duringthis day; here are just a few:this day; here are just a few:

  • 8/2/2019 French Celebrations


    la la ChandeleurChandeleur,, l'hiverl'hiver cessecesse ouou reprendreprend vigueurvigueur

    OnOn CandlemasCandlemas,, winterwinter endsends oror strengthensstrengthens

    la la ChandeleurChandeleur, le, le jourjour crotcrot dede deuxdeux heuresheures

    OnOn CandlemasCandlemas,, thethe dayday growsgrows byby twotwo hourshours

    ChandeleurChandeleur couvertecouverte,, quarantequarante joursjours dede perteperte

    CandlemasCandlemas coveredcovered (in(in snowsnow),), fortyforty daysdays lostlost

    RoseRose la la ChandeleurChandeleur,, hiverhiver sasa derniredernire heureheure

    DewDew onon CandlemasCandlemas,, winterwinter atat itsits finalfinal hohourur

  • 8/2/2019 French Celebrations


    II guessguess thatthat afterafter readingreading soso

    muchmuch about frenchabout french candlemascandlemasandcrpesandcrpes you you certainlycertainly wantwant

    toto knowknow thethe reciperecipe


  • 8/2/2019 French Celebrations


    Are youAre you capablecapable toto telltell toto

    youryour classmatesclassmates howhow toto makemakecrepes?crepes?

    Do youDo you wantwant toto dodo somesome andandtastetaste themthem afterwardsafterwards??

    What do you think about FrenchWhat do you think about French CandlemasCandlemastraditiontradition??Do youDo you likelike itit?? ExplainExplain whywhy

    Do you know anyDo you know any typicaltypical reciperecipe inin youryourcountrycountry connectedconnected toto oneone specificspecific holidayholiday??Can youCan you writewrite thethe reciperecipe??

  • 8/2/2019 French Celebrations
