freeland tribune. (freeland, pa.) 1901-08-30 [p...

FREELAND TRIBUNE. VOL. XIV. NO. 27. FREELAND, PA., FRIDAY, AUGUST 30, 1901. TBI-WEEKLY Don't Miss the Big Sale Of School Suits and Shoes Now (ioitig On. * Our School Shoes Will Outwear Any Shoe in the Market. Refowich's Wear Well Clothing and Shoe House, Refowich Building, Freeland. Don't Fail to Get a Pair of Our "Wear Well" School Knee Pants; lined all through, 50c. OSWALD, doa'er in Dry Goods, Notions, Groceries and Provisions. FRESH ROLL AND Creamery Batter Always in Stock, Minnesota's Best Patent Flour A Specialty. EVERY ARTICLE GUARANTEED. JV. W. (Jor. Centre and Front fits., Freeland. BARGAINS IN Clothing, Gents' Furnishings, Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes. AT THE New York Clothing Store, lIARItY GBTZ, PKOl*. nivalin Block, South Centre Street. __________ Groceries, Provisions, Green Truck, Dry Goods and Notions are among the finest sold in Freeland. Send a sam- ple order and try them. E. J. Curry, South Centre Street. Wm. Wehrman, "Watclnnalcer. Repairing a Specialty. No Trust or Credit. Next to the Central Hotel. Geo. H. Hartman, Meats and Green Trnck. Fretth Lard a Specially. Centre Street, near Central Hotel. Condy 0. Boyle, duAler in LIQUOR, WINE, BEER, PORTER, ETC. The ftneflt brawls of Domestic and Imported Whiskey oil sale. Fresh Rochester and Shen- andoah Hear and Younglimr's Porter on tap. WW Hanire street. Right TO THE f Point We always go straight to the point; no false modesty about us. We have the finest stock of Shoes in the town?we know it, and we want you to know it. We have bought them especially for you. We have every style in the market, and warrant all our goods. We have just the goods for sum- mer wear?Undcrpriced for the sake of introduction. STAR SHOE STORE, IIUOII MALLOY, I'ltor., Centre and Walnut Streets. GRAND OPERA HOUSE. Freeland Opera House Co., Leasees. Monday Evening, Sept. 2. OPEN ING ATT 11ACT1C>N. Aiden Benedict's SCENIC TRIUMPH "QUO VADIS" ns druiiiutiml by CHAS. W. CHASE. (Positively the Original Production). Excellent Cast of Characters Beautiful Stage Settings Special Scenery for Every Act Correct Wardrobe and Properties. Pronounced Everywhere "The Event of the Season" Prices: 50c, 35c, 25c, Heats on sale nt McMcnnmin's store. i Low Fare Excursion* Via the Lehigli Valley ltuilroad. I Buffalo: Labor Day, Pan-American | Exposition. Tickets ou sale August ill and September 1. Syracuse: Now York State Fair. Tickets sold September 7-1 4. Ithaca: Tompkins County Fair. Tickets sold September 17-20. i Newark Valley: Northern Tioga Ag-j | rlcultiiral Society Fair. Tickets sold | September 10, 11 and PL I Naples: Account of fair. Tickets i | sold September 17. 18 and Hi. ! Canandaigua: Account of fair. Tick- j ! ets sold Septemper 17, 18 and 10. Dryden: Account of fair. Tickets ' sold September 17, 18, 151 and "0. Tunkhannock: Account of fair. Tickets sold September 18. 10 and 20. Indianapolis, Ind.: I. (). (). F. meet- ing. Tickets sold September 12-13. For particulars concerning these low 1 fare excursions consult Lehigh Valley | ticket agents. ' (). O. Buck, Beirne. Ark., says: I wa : troubled with constipation until I ; bought De Witt's Little Early Risers, i Since then I have been entirely cured of !my old complaint. I recomuieud them. Grover's City drug store. Pan-Aiuerlciin Kxptmitinii. Low fares via the Lehigh Valley Rail- road to the Pan-American Exposition. Five-day tickets, good only in day coaches, will be sold on Tuesdays and Saturdays, May 1 to October 31, from ; Freeland at the rate of $7 for the round trip. Ten-day tickets will bo. sold from Free- land every day, May 1 to October 31, good on any train, except the Black Diamond express, at the rate of 310 for tiie round trip. A. Oswald lias the agency for the cele- brated Elysian's extracts and perfumery. The finest goods made. Try them. Soda water?ail ilavors?at Helper's. Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. It. artificiallydigests the food and aids Nature iu strengthening and recon- structing the exhausted digestive or gans. lt'lsthe latest discovereddigest- aut and tonic. No other preparation can approach It in efllciency. It in- stantly relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, Sick Headache, Gastralgia.Crampsaud al 1 other results of imperfect digestion. Price 50c. and 11. Lnrge stiecontains 2% times small sice. Book all about dyspepsia mailed free Prepared by E. C. DeWITT 0. CO' Cb'caflo. Drovpr'R Oifcv Prnpf Rt.oro. | MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS. BX)R BALE.?Single six-room dwelling house on West Walnut street, property of Thus, j E. Da vies Estate: lot is 70x1.% feet, contains | large stable, shanty, outbuildings. Hue well, etc. Apply for terms to W. E. I)avies, 525 ltidgc street, Coxo addition, Freeland. \\ 7"ANTKD. First-class experienced flre- \Y man for night work. Apply immedia- tely at this olßee. LABOR DAY IN FREELAND Workingmen WillOwn the Town Next Monday. Demonstration Under the Auspices of the Central Labor Union Will Be a Crand Affair. Monday next, Labor Day, will be ob- served the country over by organized workmen, but nowhere will there be a more fitting tribute paid to the holiday dedicated to labor than in Freeland. The energetic committees appointed by tho Central Labor Union to prepare and arrange a suitable program for tin; day have worked unceasingly In per- forming their duty, and a success far beyoud their early hopes is now assured. The exercises for the day Include a parade at 10 a. m., followed l>y addresses at the Public park. The afternoon and evening will be given up to sport and pleasure at tho picnic to be held under the auspices of the Central Labor Union. ORDER OF I'AKADK. Grand Marshall?Peter G. Gallagher. Aids?A. J. Carlis, Jr., Edward Doggett. Speakers in Carriages. Chief Biirgess. Freeland Police Force. First Division. Liberty Band, Hazleton. Local Union 1508, U. M. W., Hazleton. Local Union 1532, U. M. W., Ha/.10 Mines. Local Union 1547, U. M. \V., Cranberry. Shamrock Drum Corps. Local Union 1507, U. M. YV., Eckley. Local Union 1500, U. M. YV., Hazle Brook. Local Union 1053, U. M. W., Sandy Run. Second Division. St. Ann's Parish Band. Local Union 1400, U. M. YV., Freeland. Jeddo Drum Corps. Local Union 1518, U. M. YV., Jeddo. Drifton Drum Corps. Local Union 1519, U. M. YV., Drifton. Upper Lehigh Drum Corps. Local Union 1521, U. M. YV., Upper Lehigh. Local Union 1627, U. M. YV., South Hoborton. Third Division. Highland Drum Corps. Local Union 1652, U. M. YV., Highland. Local L'iiion 1067, U. M. \V., Ebervale. Local Union 1571, U. M. YV., Tarn aqua. Federal Labor Union 8750, A. F. L., Freeland. Union 484, Clerks Protective Association, Freeland. Combined Locals of tho South Side. Organizations which have accepted the invitation to parade and failed to notify the committee will report to the grand marshall upon their arrival In town. JtOITTB OK PARADE. Parade will form on South Ridge, street and all organizations must bo roady to move at 10 o'clock sharp over the following route: North on Ridge to Chestnut, To YVashington, To Carbon, To Centro, To North, Countermarch on Centre to Front, To Public park. AI>I)KK.SHKB AND PICNIC. At the Public park addresses will be delivered by Organizers YV. 11. Schlosser, of Duryea, and YV. 11. Detrey upon matters of interest to organized labor. The speeches will he followed by the picnic of the Central Labor Union. During the afternoon sports and con- tests of various kinds will be the fea- tures. Parochial School to Opeu. St. Ann's parochial school will open the first week In September. In this well known Institution, besides the reg- ular academic course pursued in tho school, there Is a well equipped business department, whore instructions are given in stenography, typewriting and book-keeping. # The music department will furnish instruction on all stringed instruments, piano and vocal music. The Sisters are also prepared to give lessons In painting in oil, china, water colors and pastel; drawing, elocution and fancy work. Ice cream soda at Helper's. PERSONAL. Miss Maggie O'Donnell, of McAdoo, is recuperating in town, preparatory to commencing her duties as a teacher in the schools of that hustling South Side town. Thomas A. Bncklay and neice, Miss B. V. McTighe, and I). J. McCarthy, Esq., are speeding homeward across the Atlantic on the City of Home. They will arrive home on Monday. Emerson May berry, of North Wash- ington street, one of the Tribune's carriers, is spending a week with Potts- vllle relatives. Bernard C. Gallagher, of Victor. Colorado, is spending a few week with Freeland relatives. Miss Annie McCole, of South Ridge street, Is at Atlantic City. Miss Claro McDonald, of South Centre street, returned yesterday to St. Cecilia's academy, Scranton, to resume her stu- dies. Patrick J. O'Donnell is visiting his parents on North Ridge street. Miss Laura Koons returned yesterday to West Chester, after spending the summer at her home here. Miss Mary Conahan is spending the week at Atlantic City. Death of Thomas Pettit. Thomas Pettit, a well known and res- pected resident of town, died at 12.50 o'clock this morning at his home, corner of Walnut and Washington streets, lie was taken sick on Sunday last and sank rapidly. The deceased was aged 76 years and was a resident of lower Luzerne for over twenty years, having lived at Highland, Stockton and Jeddo before coming to Freeland. Mr. Pettit is survived by his wife and the following sons and daughters: John, Oakdale; Samuel and Elmer, Hazlcton; Mrs. Isaac Smith, Nesquehoning; Mrs. William McCarron, Freeland; George, Catasauqua; Mrs. Jerry Frltzinger, Free- land, and Thomas, Beaver Meadow. The funeral will take place at 2.30 o'clock Sunday afternoon from his late residence. Services will bo conducted at the Park M. E. church, followed by | interment at Freeland cemetery. Joint Conference Demanded. The convention of the United Mine Workers, which has been in session for throe days at Hazleton, willadjourn to- day. The resolutions adopted are very firm and unless agreements are livud up to aud a joint conference held in Jan- uary, lUO2, there is every reason to be- lieve that a strike will be inaugurated. The convention decided that October 29, the date on which tho great strike ended so favorably hi 1000 for the miners, should be called "Mitchell Day." and be sot aside each year throughout the anthracite region as a miners' holi- day. The question of rcstrirtfng tho coal output so as to prevent the companies from anticipating a strike was discussed, but it was considered inexpedient to take action on the subject at this time. Rival Clubs to Meet. Base ball enthusiasts who havo wit- nessed the games already played this season by McAdoo and Drifton clubs know that rare sport may be looked for when these rivals for honors meet at the Tigers park on Sunday afternoon. Although the representatives of the South Side have been defeated twice by Drifton, the margins by which they lost the games were o small that they are still unconvinced that Drifton has the bettor team, and in the corning contest they will put forth extraordinary efforts to win back their lost laurels. The game will be called promptly at 3 o'clock, and the usual admission will be charged. Saturday Night Picnics. At Fairchild's grovo tomorrow even- ing tho first annual picnic of Local Union No. 1053, U. M. W. of A., of Sandy Run, will be held. Tho grove Is an ideal spot for a picnic and the alTair will bo largely attended. Dance music will be furnished by DePierro's or- chestra. On the same evening the mombors and friends of Drifton base ball club will gather at Ebervale grove for the purpose of enjoying a few hours of dancing and other amusements. St. Ann's band will supply the music. Death at Drifton. Mrs. Unit)' Kennedy, an aged woman of Drifton, died Wednosday evening. Old ago and goneral debility caused lic.r demise. She Is survived by one daugh- ter. Mrs. John (iallaghcr, from whose residenco tho funeral took place at S o'clock this afternoon. The Inlurmont was made at St. Ann's cemetery. Mrs. Kounody was a sister to Patrick Brogan, qj Upper Lehigh, aud Hugh Brogun, of Sugar Notch. LOCAL NOTES WRITTEN UP Short Items of Interest to All Readers. Happenings of the Past Two Days in and Around Freeland Recorded With- out Waste of Words. The contest between William J. Noll, of Myerstown, and Dr. D. E. Keiss, of Ilughesville, for the state presidency of the Patriotic Order Sons of America, resulted in Noll's election by a vote of 472 to 2f2. William G. Thomas, Camp 252, was elected state vice president; Samuel M. Beidler, Camp 570, master of forms; Irwin S. Smith, Camp 89, state treasurer, and William Weand, Camp 77, state secretary. Supervising Principal John E. Wil- liams, of the borough schools, arrived here from South Gibson, Susquehanna county, on Wednesday evening. lie will meet the teachers on Saturday, September 7, at 2 p. m., at Washington street school, instead of tomorrow, as previously stated. Tho finest ice cream in town, all flavors, wholesale and retail, at Merkt's. "Quo Vadis," one of last season's great successes, will be tho opening at- traction at tho Grand opera house on Monday evening. The magnificent scenery carried and the fine acting in the play make it deserving of a large house. The Bell Company has placed four new telephones in Freeland. They are in tho business places of Olero Payne, H. M. Breslin, Mrs. Mary Krause and YV. F. Boyle. Mrs. S. 11. Aliport, Johnstown, Pa., says; "Our little girl almost strangled to death with croup. Tho doctors said she couldn't live but was instantly relieved by One Minute Cough Cure. Grover's City drug store. A marriage license was granted yesterday at YY'iikesbarre to Harry A. Mills, of Shoatown, and Isabella Keers, of Upper Lehigh. A birthday party was tendered Miss Mary Gillespie, of Drifton, on YVednes- day evening. Alarge number of young people woro presout and had an enjoy- able evening. Neil McMoniglo, of Jeddo, accompani- ed by his daughter. Kate, and his nice, .Rose, will leave New York tomorrow for Ireland. James White, Bryantsville, lud., says DeYVitt's Witch Hazel Salve healed run nlng sores on both legs. He had suffer ed 6 years. Doctors failed to help hiiu. Get DeYVitt's. Accept no imitations, Grover's City drug store. The Tigers and McAdoo club will play ball at the Tigers park on Monday after- noon. A line game is promised. On account of Labor Day, the Tribune will bo issuod on Monday several hours earlier than usual. Twin sons have been born to Mr. and Mrs. John McMenamin, of Jeddo. Tho body of YVillio J. Morgan, the last one of the four persons drowned In Mauch Chunk on Saturday, was found in the Lehigh river at Bowmanstown, nine miles below. If the action of your bowels Is not easy and regular serious complications must be the final result. DeYVitt's Lit- tle Early Risers will remove this danger. Safe, pleasant and effective. Grover's City drug store. The Oxbow curve, on the line of the Lehigh Valley and the Central Railroad of Now Jersey, was the scone of another wreck, the fourth within six weeks. This time it was the Lehigh Valley which suffered, a loFoinotive going over tho bank and killing Enginoor Carl Burroughs and Fireman Charles Bossart, both of Easton. Eruptions, cuts, burns, Scalds and sores of nil kinds quickly healed by DeYVitt's YVitch Hazel Salve. Certain cure for pllus. Beware of counterfeits. Be sure you get tho original?DeYVitt's. Grover's City drug store. CABTOHIA. Bears the _ /} The Kind You Have Always Bought PLEASURE August 31. ?Picnic of Local Union No. 1053, of Sandy Run, at Fairchild park. August 31.?Picnic of Drifton Base Ball Club at Ebervale; grove. September 1. ?Base ball, Drifton vs McAdoo, at Tigers park. Admission 15 cents. September 2.?Labor Day picnic and games of the Central Labor Union of Freeland and Vicinity at Public park. September 21.?Hop of Columbian Base Ball Club at K roll's opera house. Adniis sion, 25 couts. I Great Is the Saving Here But greater is the satis- faction you get from wear- ing our good clothes. Every suit we sell is thoroughly reliable?made in the heigh- th of fashion for our exclu- sive selling, and holds its shape as well as its color. All JVos. 16, 16i and 17 Shirts in the house are reduced to TTITc. Phila. One-Price Clothing House. S. SENIE, PROP. Birkbeck Brick, Freeland, Pa. £MIAS. ORION STROM, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW and NOTARY PUBLIC. Office: RoomslundS, Birkbeck Brick, Freeland JOHN M. CARIi, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Alllegal business promptly attended. Postoffice Building, ... Freeland. MCLAUGHLIN, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Legal Business of Any Description. Bronnan's Building, So. Centre St. Freeland. O J. O DONNELL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Campbell Building, - - . Freeland. White Haven Office, Kane Building, Opposite Postoffice; Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays. JOHN J. McBREARTY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Legal Business of every description, Fire Insurance, und Conveyancing given prompt attention. McMenamin Building, South Centre Street. J~JR. N. MALEY, DENTIST. OVER BIIiKBECK'S STORE, Second Floor, Birkbeck Brick jyA'RS. S. E. HAYES, FIRE INSURANCE AGENT. Washington Stroet. None but reliable companies represented. Also agent for the celebrated high-grade Pianos ui Ilazelton Bros., New fork city. J~JR. S. S. HESS, DENTIST. 37 South Centre Street. Second Floor Front, - Refowich Building. 'J'HIOS. A. BUCKLEY, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. AU business given prompt attention. Tribune Building, - . Main Streot T CAMPBELL dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes. Also PURE WINES | LIQUORS FOR FAMILY AND MEDICINALPURPOSES. Centre and Mainstreets, Freeland. DePIERRO - BROS. C-^CIFIEL Corner of Centre and Front Street*. Gibson, Dougherty, Kaufcr Club, Kosenbluth's Velvet, of which we h lve EXCLUSIVE SALE IN TOWN. Mumm's Extra Dry Champagne, Houuessy Brandy, Blackberry, Gins, Wines, Claret*, Cordials, Eto. Ham and /Schweitzer Cheese /Sandwiches, Sardines, Etc. MEALS - AT - ALL - HOUR&. LAUBACH'S VIENNA BAKERY! B. C. ItAUBACH, Prop. Choice Bread of All Kinds. Cakes, and Pas- try, Daily. Fancy and Novelty Cakes Baked to Order. \u25a0EffIHRY ? IK BUI supplied to balls, parties or picnics, with all necessary adjuncts, at shortest notice and fairest prices. Delivery a nd supply wagons to all parte of town and surroundings every day. THIS GUN METAL FINISHED FOUNTAIN PEN rtE , FOR ONE HOUR S WORK- ~" Boys mid Girls, weill Trust \ou. No Monrv in mlvuiire, I" I 111I'll,l I Ills... w KoiintMl.; r. .1, is, ? I yon 20 exit n (in. Jeweled Top i-.-i.IV t pen i m rni'li. When ?hi. you - nil u the money au.l Wi will tend you the hoUlilalll |Vll pi .'pal 1. MIGRII SUPPLY CO., 179 Broadway, New York. g E ^SE .f.A'IS. " T

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Page 1: Freeland tribune. (Freeland, Pa.) 1901-08-30 [p ] · FREELAND TRIBUNE. VOL. XIV. NO. 27. FREELAND, PA., FRIDAY, AUGUST 30, 1901


Don't Miss the Big SaleOf

School Suits and ShoesNow (ioitig On.


Our School Shoes Will Outwear

Any Shoe in the Market.

Refowich's Wear WellClothing and Shoe House,

Refowich Building, Freeland.

Don't Fail to Get a Pair of Our "Wear Well" School

Knee Pants; lined all through, 50c.

OSWALD,doa'er in

Dry Goods, Notions,Groceries and Provisions.


Creamery Batter Always in Stock,

Minnesota's BestPatent Flour A Specialty.


JV. W. (Jor. Centre and Front fits., Freeland.


Clothing, Gents' Furnishings,Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes.


New York Clothing Store,lIARItYGBTZ, PKOl*.

nivalin Block, South Centre Street.__________

Groceries, Provisions,

Green Truck,

Dry Goods and Notionsare among the finest soldin Freeland. Send a sam-ple order and try them.

E. J. Curry, South Centre Street.Wm. Wehrman,

"Watclnnalcer.Repairing a Specialty.No Trust or Credit.Next to the Central Hotel.

Geo. H. Hartman,

Meats and Green Trnck.Fretth Lard a Specially.

Centre Street, near Central Hotel.

Condy 0. Boyle,duAler in

LIQUOR, WINE, BEER, PORTER, ETC.The ftneflt brawls of Domestic and Imported

Whiskey oil sale. Fresh Rochester and Shen-andoah Hear and Younglimr's Porter on tap.

WW Hanire street.


f PointWe always go straight to

the point; no false modestyabout us. We have thefinest stock of Shoes in thetown?we know it, and we

want you to know it. Wehave bought them especiallyfor you. We have everystyle in the market, andwarrant all our goods. Wehave just the goods for sum-

mer wear?Undcrpriced forthe sake of introduction.


Centre and Walnut Streets.

GRAND OPERA HOUSE.Freeland Opera House Co., Leasees.

Monday Evening, Sept. 2.OPEN ING ATT 11ACT1C>N.

Aiden Benedict'sSCENIC TRIUMPH

"QUO VADIS"ns druiiiutiml by

CHAS. W. CHASE.(Positively the Original Production).

Excellent Cast of CharactersBeautiful Stage Settings

Special Scenery for Every Act

Correct Wardrobe and Properties.

Pronounced Everywhere"The Event of the Season"

Prices: 50c, 35c, 25c,Heats on sale nt McMcnnmin's store.

iLow Fare Excursion* Via the

Lehigli Valley ltuilroad.

I Buffalo: Labor Day, Pan-American| Exposition. Tickets ou sale August ill

and September 1.Syracuse: Now York State Fair.

Tickets sold September 7-1 4.

Ithaca: Tompkins County Fair.Tickets sold September 17-20.

i Newark Valley: Northern Tioga Ag-j| rlcultiiral Society Fair. Tickets sold| September 10, 11 and PL

I Naples: Account of fair. Tickets i| sold September 17. 18 and Hi.! Canandaigua: Account of fair. Tick- j! ets sold Septemper 17, 18 and 10.

Dryden: Account of fair. Tickets 'sold September 17, 18, 151 and "0.

Tunkhannock: Account of fair.Tickets sold September 18. 10 and 20.

Indianapolis, Ind.: I. (). (). F. meet-ing. Tickets sold September 12-13.

For particulars concerning these low1 fare excursions consult Lehigh Valley

| ticket agents.

' (). O. Buck, Beirne. Ark., says: I wa: troubled with constipation until I; bought De Witt's Little Early Risers,

i Since then I have been entirely cured of!my old complaint. I recomuieud them.

Grover's City drug store.

Pan-Aiuerlciin Kxptmitinii.Low fares via the Lehigh Valley Rail-

road to the Pan-American Exposition.Five-day tickets, good only in daycoaches, will be sold on Tuesdays andSaturdays, May 1 to October 31, from

; Freeland at the rate of $7 for the roundtrip.

Ten-day tickets willbo. sold from Free-land every day, May 1 to October 31,good on any train, except the BlackDiamond express, at the rate of 310 fortiie round trip.

A. Oswald lias the agency for the cele-brated Elysian's extracts and perfumery.The finest goods made. Try them.

Soda water?ail ilavors?at Helper's.

Dyspepsia CureDigests what you eat.

It. artificiallydigests the food and aidsNature iu strengthening and recon-structing the exhausted digestive organs. lt'lsthe latest discovereddigest-aut and tonic. No other preparationcan approach It in efllciency. It in-stantly relieves and permanently curesDyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn,Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea,Sick Headache, Gastralgia.Crampsaudal 1other results of imperfect digestion.Price 50c. and 11. Lnrge stiecontains 2% timessmall sice. Book all about dyspepsia mailed freePrepared by E. C. DeWITT 0. CO' Cb'caflo.

Drovpr'R Oifcv Prnpf Rt.oro.


BX)R BALE.?Single six-room dwelling houseon West Walnut street, property ofThus,

j E. Da vies Estate: lot is 70x1.% feet, contains| large stable, shanty, outbuildings. Hue well,

etc. Apply for terms to W. E. I)avies, 525ltidgc street, Coxo addition, Freeland.

\ \ 7"ANTKD. First-class experienced flre-\Y man fornight work. Apply immedia-

tely at this olßee.


Workingmen WillOwn theTown Next Monday.

Demonstration Under theAuspices of the CentralLabor Union Will Be aCrand Affair.Monday next, Labor Day, will be ob-

served the country over by organizedworkmen, but nowhere will there be amore fitting tribute paid to the holidaydedicated to labor than in Freeland.

The energetic committees appointedby tho Central Labor Union to prepareand arrange a suitable program for tin;

day have worked unceasingly In per-forming their duty, and a success farbeyoud their early hopes is now assured.

The exercises for the day Include aparade at 10 a. m., followed l>y addressesat the Public park. The afternoon andevening will be given up to sport andpleasure at tho picnic to be held underthe auspices of the Central Labor Union.


Grand Marshall?Peter G. Gallagher.Aids?A. J. Carlis, Jr., Edward Doggett.

Speakers in Carriages.Chief Biirgess.

Freeland Police Force.

First Division.Liberty Band, Hazleton.

Local Union 1508, U. M. W.,Hazleton.

Local Union 1532, U. M. W.,Ha/.10 Mines.

Local Union 1547, U. M. \V.,Cranberry.

Shamrock Drum Corps.Local Union 1507, U. M. YV.,

Eckley.Local Union 1500, U. M. YV.,

Hazle Brook.Local Union 1053, U. M. W.,

Sandy Run.

Second Division.

St. Ann's Parish Band.Local Union 1400, U. M. YV.,

Freeland.Jeddo Drum Corps.

Local Union 1518, U. M. YV.,Jeddo.

Drifton Drum Corps.Local Union 1519, U. M. YV.,

Drifton.Upper Lehigh Drum Corps.Local Union 1521, U. M. YV.,

Upper Lehigh.Local Union 1627, U. M. YV.,

South Hoborton.

Third Division.Highland Drum Corps.

Local Union 1652, U. M. YV.,Highland.

Local L'iiion 1067, U. M. \V.,

Ebervale.Local Union 1571, U. M. YV.,

Tarn aqua.Federal Labor Union 8750, A. F. L.,

Freeland.Union 484, Clerks Protective Association,

Freeland.Combined Locals of tho South Side.Organizations which have accepted

the invitation to parade and failed to

notify the committee will report to thegrand marshall upon their arrival Intown.


Parade will form on South Ridge,street and all organizations must boroady to move at 10 o'clock sharp overthe following route:

North on Ridge to Chestnut,To YVashington,To Carbon,To Centro,To North,

Countermarch on Centre to Front,To Public park.


At the Public park addresses will bedelivered by Organizers YV. 11. Schlosser,of Duryea, and YV. 11. Detrey uponmatters of interest to organized labor.

The speeches will he followed by thepicnic of the Central Labor Union.During the afternoon sports and con-tests of various kinds will be the fea-tures.

Parochial School to Opeu.

St. Ann's parochial school will openthe first week In September. In thiswell known Institution, besides the reg-ular academic course pursued in thoschool, there Is a well equipped businessdepartment, whore instructions aregiven in stenography, typewriting andbook-keeping. #

The music department will furnishinstruction on all stringed instruments,piano and vocal music.

The Sisters are also prepared to givelessons In painting in oil, china, water

colors and pastel; drawing, elocutionand fancy work.

Ice cream soda at Helper's.


Miss Maggie O'Donnell, of McAdoo, isrecuperating in town, preparatory to

commencing her duties as a teacher inthe schools of that hustling South Sidetown.

Thomas A. Bncklay and neice, MissB. V. McTighe, and I). J. McCarthy,Esq., are speeding homeward across theAtlantic on the City of Home. Theywill arrive home on Monday.

Emerson May berry, of North Wash-ington street, one of the Tribune'scarriers, is spending a week with Potts-vllle relatives.

Bernard C. Gallagher, of Victor.Colorado, is spending a few week withFreeland relatives.

Miss Annie McCole, of South Ridgestreet, Is at Atlantic City.

Miss Claro McDonald, of South Centrestreet, returned yesterday to St. Cecilia'sacademy, Scranton, to resume her stu-


Patrick J. O'Donnell is visiting hisparents on North Ridge street.

Miss Laura Koons returned yesterdayto West Chester, after spending thesummer at her home here.

Miss Mary Conahan is spending theweek at Atlantic City.

Death of Thomas Pettit.Thomas Pettit, a well known and res-

pected resident of town, died at 12.50

o'clock this morning at his home, cornerof Walnut and Washington streets, liewas taken sick on Sunday last and sankrapidly. The deceased was aged 76years and was a resident of lowerLuzerne for over twenty years, havinglived at Highland, Stockton and Jeddobefore coming to Freeland.

Mr. Pettit is survived by his wife andthe following sons and daughters: John,Oakdale; Samuel and Elmer, Hazlcton;Mrs. Isaac Smith, Nesquehoning; Mrs.William McCarron, Freeland; George,Catasauqua; Mrs. Jerry Frltzinger, Free-land, and Thomas, Beaver Meadow.

The funeral will take place at 2.30

o'clock Sunday afternoon from his lateresidence. Services will bo conductedat the Park M. E. church, followed by|interment at Freeland cemetery.

Joint Conference Demanded.The convention of the United Mine

Workers, which has been in session forthroe days at Hazleton, willadjourn to-day. The resolutions adopted are veryfirm and unless agreements are livud upto aud a joint conference held in Jan-uary, lUO2, there is every reason to be-lieve that a strike will be inaugurated.

The convention decided that October29, the date on which tho great strikeended so favorably hi 1000 for theminers, should be called "Mitchell Day."and be sot aside each year throughoutthe anthracite region as a miners' holi-day.

The question of rcstrirtfng tho coaloutput so as to prevent the companiesfrom anticipating a strike was discussed,

but it was considered inexpedient to

take action on the subject at this time.

Rival Clubs to Meet.Base ball enthusiasts who havo wit-

nessed the games already played thisseason by McAdoo and Drifton clubsknow that rare sport may be looked forwhen these rivals for honors meet at

the Tigers park on Sunday afternoon.Although the representatives of theSouth Side have been defeated twice byDrifton, the margins by which they lostthe games were o small that they arestill unconvinced that Drifton has thebettor team, and in the corning contestthey willput forth extraordinary effortsto win back their lost laurels.

The game will be called promptly at

3 o'clock, and the usual admission willbe charged.

Saturday Night Picnics.At Fairchild's grovo tomorrow even-

ing tho first annual picnic of LocalUnion No. 1053, U. M. W. of A., ofSandy Run, will be held. Tho grove Isan ideal spot for a picnic and the alTairwill bo largely attended. Dance musicwill be furnished by DePierro's or-chestra.

On the same evening the momborsand friends of Drifton base ball clubwill gather at Ebervale grove for thepurpose of enjoying a few hours ofdancing and other amusements. St.Ann's band will supply the music.

Death at Drifton.Mrs. Unit)' Kennedy, an aged woman

of Drifton, died Wednosday evening.Old ago and goneral debility caused lic.rdemise. She Is survived by one daugh-ter. Mrs. John (iallaghcr, from whoseresidenco tho funeral took place at S

o'clock this afternoon. The Inlurmontwas made at St. Ann's cemetery.

Mrs. Kounody was a sister to PatrickBrogan, qj Upper Lehigh, aud HughBrogun, of Sugar Notch.


Short Items of Interest toAll Readers.

Happenings of the PastTwo Days in and AroundFreeland Recorded With-out Waste of Words.The contest between William J. Noll,

of Myerstown, and Dr. D. E. Keiss, ofIlughesville, for the state presidency ofthe Patriotic Order Sons of America,

resulted in Noll's election by a vote of472 to 2f2. William G. Thomas, Camp252, was elected state vice president;Samuel M. Beidler, Camp 570, master offorms; Irwin S. Smith, Camp 89, state

treasurer, and William Weand, Camp77, state secretary.

Supervising Principal John E. Wil-liams, of the borough schools, arrivedhere from South Gibson, Susquehannacounty, on Wednesday evening. liewill meet the teachers on Saturday,September 7, at 2 p. m., at Washingtonstreet school, instead of tomorrow, aspreviously stated.

Tho finest ice cream in town, allflavors, wholesale and retail, at Merkt's.

"Quo Vadis," one of last season'sgreat successes, will be tho opening at-

traction at tho Grand opera house onMonday evening. The magnificentscenery carried and the fine acting inthe play make it deserving of a largehouse.

The Bell Company has placed fournew telephones in Freeland. They arein tho business places of Olero Payne,H. M. Breslin, Mrs. Mary Krause andYV. F. Boyle.

Mrs. S. 11. Aliport, Johnstown, Pa.,says; "Our little girl almost strangled todeath with croup. Tho doctors said shecouldn't live but was instantly relieved byOne Minute Cough Cure. Grover's Citydrug store.

A marriage license was grantedyesterday at YY'iikesbarre to Harry A.Mills, of Shoatown, and Isabella Keers,of Upper Lehigh.

A birthday party was tendered MissMary Gillespie, of Drifton, on YVednes-day evening. Alarge number of youngpeople woro presout and had an enjoy-able evening.

Neil McMoniglo, of Jeddo, accompani-ed by his daughter. Kate, and his nice,.Rose, will leave New York tomorrow

for Ireland.

James White, Bryantsville, lud., saysDeYVitt's Witch Hazel Salve healed runnlng sores on both legs. He had suffered 6 years. Doctors failed to help hiiu.Get DeYVitt's. Accept no imitations,Grover's City drug store.

The Tigers and McAdoo club will playball at the Tigers park on Monday after-noon. A line game is promised.

On account of Labor Day, the Tribunewill bo issuod on Monday several hoursearlier than usual.

Twin sons have been born to Mr. andMrs. John McMenamin, of Jeddo.

Tho body of YVillio J. Morgan, thelast one of the four persons drowned InMauch Chunk on Saturday, was foundin the Lehigh river at Bowmanstown,nine miles below.

If the action of your bowels Is noteasy and regular serious complicationsmust be the final result. DeYVitt's Lit-tle Early Risers will remove this danger.Safe, pleasant and effective. Grover'sCity drug store.

The Oxbow curve, on the line of theLehigh Valley and the Central Railroadof Now Jersey, was the scone of anotherwreck, the fourth within six weeks.This time it was the Lehigh Valleywhich suffered, a loFoinotive going overtho bank and killing Enginoor CarlBurroughs and Fireman Charles Bossart,both of Easton.

Eruptions, cuts, burns, Scalds andsores of nil kinds quickly healed byDeYVitt's YVitch Hazel Salve. Certaincure for pllus. Beware of counterfeits.Be sure you get tho original?DeYVitt's.Grover's City drug store.

CABTOHIA.Bears the _ /}The Kind You Have Always Bought

PLEASUREAugust 31. ?Picnic of Local Union

No. 1053, of Sandy Run, at Fairchildpark.

August 31.?Picnic of Drifton BaseBall Club at Ebervale; grove.

September 1. ?Base ball, Drifton vsMcAdoo, at Tigers park. Admission15 cents.

September 2.?Labor Day picnic andgames of the Central Labor Union ofFreeland and Vicinity at Public park.

September 21.?Hop of Columbian BaseBall Club at K roll's opera house. Adniission, 25 couts.

I Great Is theSaving Here

But greater is the satis-faction you get from wear-ingour good clothes. Everysuit we sell is thoroughlyreliable?made in the heigh-th of fashion for our exclu-sive selling, and holds itsshape as well as its color.

All JVos. 16, 16i and 17Shirts in the house are

reduced to TTITc.

Phila. One-Price Clothing House.S. SENIE, PROP.

Birkbeck Brick, Freeland, Pa.



NOTARY PUBLIC.Office: RoomslundS, Birkbeck Brick, Freeland


ATTORNEY-AT-LAW.Alllegal business promptly attended.

Postoffice Building, ... Freeland.


ATTORNEY-AT-LAW.Legal Business of Any Description.

Bronnan's Building, So. Centre St. Freeland.


ATTORNEY-AT-LAW.Campbell Building, - - . Freeland.

White Haven Office, Kane Building,OppositePostoffice; Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays.


ATTORNEY-AT-LAW.Legal Business of every description, FireInsurance, und Conveyancing given prompt

attention.McMenamin Building, South Centre Street.



Second Floor, Birkbeck Brick

jyA'RS. S. E. HAYES,


None but reliable companies represented.Also agent for the celebrated high-grade

Pianos ui Ilazelton Bros., New fork city.


DENTIST.37 South Centre Street.

Second Floor Front, - Refowich Building.


JUSTICE OF THE PEACE.AU business given prompt attention.

Tribune Building, - . Main Streot

T CAMPBELLdealer in

Dry Goods, Groceries,Boots and Shoes.Also


AND MEDICINALPURPOSES.Centre and Mainstreets, Freeland.


Corner of Centre and Front Street*.Gibson, Dougherty, Kaufcr Club,

Kosenbluth's Velvet, of which we h lveEXCLUSIVE SALE IN TOWN.

Mumm's Extra Dry Champagne,Houuessy Brandy, Blackberry,

Gins, Wines, Claret*, Cordials, Eto.Ham and /Schweitzer Cheese /Sandwiches,

Sardines, Etc.



Choice Bread of AllKinds. Cakes, and Pas-try, Daily. Fancy and Novelty Cakes Bakedto Order.

\u25a0EffIHRY ? IK BUIsupplied to balls, parties or picnics, withall necessary adjuncts, at shortestnotice and fairest prices.

Delivery and supply wagons to all parte oftown and surroundings every day.


Boys mid Girls, weill Trust \ou. No Monrv in mlvuiire,I" I 111I'll,l I Ills... w KoiintMl.; r. .1, is, ? I

yon 20 exit n (in. Jeweled Top i-.-i.IV tpen im rni'li. When ?hi. you- nilu the money au.l Wi willtendyou the hoUlilalll |Vll pi .'pal 1.

MIGRII SUPPLY CO., 179 Broadway, New York.

g E ^SE .f.A'IS."